< ..T,' z, I* * '■Wriyty-cls*''.' 7 '- i:» •r-’jv.t' *' , T l v T. «• » >* 11- i/- * \ *- s 'A . ■ '>• i* 4 ' *1 -? i .> "• v ~ *v*M - “•'* A- -* ; • '** ■ r -v- 1 •- v- ..‘i ■ , • . • -i ,•■ . • i * - d .It ,»i r-Ji * r *.''’fl-i T V- , ' t »x ■ »‘ , * • »fl >* • ; :4 v:A C" j.'-~ ~ -■ M a. wt* *»£.!*< wR... vl* f-hi'w. •* ■;• « •- >, '• i v »- < *■ V, •'4 i* . *f H - iuTv-'V. . •*«- *•♦.P’/r'K'O * -,•■ e- ■>• ■[ :v• v*■;,■*• rr:;«.;• ws.' v-i e,‘ -"‘T:.' y-: r .‘T :? '' k'%l* f,r C ■!'*V*if 'if,' ft* ‘‘.‘ » , 1 ;. W't *V',*; k v' •■* , •*., Vj^ 1 7*: „! # ; -V -"•• ,:V; > . frV:,•?.:<> ;,v ' ,, h;:’ - ■'" :; : : ’■ ■fi‘L" '■ t\r[\ V ■« v. 1 1 :R* vTSAVir *‘b*'*i y V? !■ * |< { , • J ••*■•.,-> I*t ST.jfc -r? ~ £'<■* ■• •''■'l in* tty's ty‘< ! .:-.S f {''Mr' -vies' *cJ r is . t-- J i?xx n rtslrf*V'a£f t.y ,s* r -CV-C.V 4 uvXr-,1 ■MMp !, trt l , --v?^La/?W !tpi ’ t ' ( ‘*>t 1 .V-'a-* i o ' s 7 1 - Ivf r- Lb a* uvih|V . J • ‘)t ItyKMtytytytyy xiw f s * i«» Vsi V'.;£'«!/' -■ r *n;i ••'*- S.VjA to-4 fiT ? £Adfrtyl&pt fa il Pcnnosa fob DivoßOß—Margaret Mmigan, :V.>.-!: V AfAfty-ty- '> Saturday, applied to the Coon of Common ■•;*•- a*>. ty}ty7>yty-n ' : »-, t%7 pieaa to be divorced from her hußband, J&mae ;, ■Vi tytyAt' Milligan. DeserUon ifl the oauee alleged. :b- ‘"v f'Ftys’ •',' ty WluLm Kay also desired the interference of mime Court to separate him from his mfe, ‘v.;, 1 ; ; ‘s:>;?&fnT4 : ‘ t W^£T~-'- f "'\' CtMaFJ Ann Ray, for a similar reason. * V fl A Row ooonrred on Friday night, at the boose Mrs. Schwlmbly, in the Fifth Ward. Several !&**♦ the peraons engaged were ooneiderfthly 10- r{'@@ *t «vS4fct,»& ai *iored, and the windows in the house nearly all ty?Mk!?®z [ s'XtX!-i>l r ken - No aneBtßwere made - ■ {fUfesZe?* 5 ' !■■ aaM of the entire stock of fine clothing C-'Sr"- Mr. H. Morrison will be resumed tUs ino.a -'. r^^;vx t ‘y''- %,,:; - f l'- 7 -'^.>V^^’;'*XV*<" , -:. i ie r^vV i ‘Vng, at 10 o’olook, at his store, No. 196 Liberty Th » bodi of 1116 littlo b °y. Patrick Devlin,. wm drowned on Thursday, was reoorered •*£&• o- Z '■^; I ‘VrV^&M* v r' ,:r^:’, [ ' l ’'\' >’■> itn Saturday, and an Inquest held by Coroner ■■'* : 1 -S.-l '/MaC"." . ty“ ■;s > - .-''l l- 4 '-}';•i'7- 1 -i vi Tbs TuaiTEß on Saturday night wae filled from *%**P££ •• .»»«VMt to dome. To-night agood bill is offered. J'&ffti'* Vy 7i« sV "“ ! X -T-:: Vc « "'Cytytyty-ity y’-a* v*-*-.xx-~.r ’ ■ , ■.• -•> * .-\ > ’ : ■ ,-x:; -■'a. • > ’ ; • - , r ' 7 - -; , ..7 ' >f.J* i e*>«a- , H',('. , .:.'sy.'li-.tni'tW^'4f.';s.'i ; f’’iS'.'.H'‘ ■. , >--r*>' iifcit' Jt-. -” .1 l.J'Jf'!’ .rw.^U,?,.:-,,,;.'i .„ ~ ...r.-.a , ..' '•* 1 tytyty-*--' r 0( '' - " '"■ •'■’Vr, .' ‘ : k?Mmm:mmmi „- 1 ~ . fcL^-v ~ -';t'-W~trt : s£*&sfr-*#-* < l i x•* *• .'' A ■ ■•»•••■ *' l „ >■'' '*+■&'**,£ I l --. - ‘ - >? ‘s U*< «• • .• • ~,; i '■ ' .'V. ' • '■ ' "■ THB CJTT POST. MONDAY MORNING: ''" Laeoebt. —A lew weeks ago, a ' tottn girl. from the oountry, applied to mm. , Foil, the landlady ol the UnitedStatoa j Penn street, lor employment, stating i Was Isx. entirely destitute circumstances, . i ( MM 16 hating^'«• f " her ; ' JSonttoW wTpaid“Tn Stow hours, another girl in the house, Elizabeth Steen going up to her room, discovered the Ger man girl at hor trunk, from Whloh, on examina tion $7 00 in gold and silver were found to have been token Before she oonld be arrested, the German girl left the house, but on Satnrday mor ning she was taken into custody, and brought before Alderman Wilson. She stoutly denied the robbery at first, but afterwards acknowledg ed to the cTimo, and agreed to refund the money, wbieb she did. and was discharged. On search ing hor trunk, over $2OO in gold was found, whloh proved oonolusivelyAhat her story of de stitution was false. She left in the oars on Sat urday. for the East. Dhdicatioh or a CathoLio Chubch in Wash ibotob —On Sunday, the 26th nit., the new Catholic Chnroh, in the Borough of Washington was dedicated under the title of tbs “ Immacu late Conception.” The oooasion was a novel one in Washington, being, the Catholic eajß, the first time a Catholic Bishop officiated iu his saorod oharactor in that plaoe. The dedloatory sorvioo was performed by the lit. Rev. Dr. Whelan, Bishop of Wheeling, assisted by the Rev. J. Treacy of Pittsburgh, the Rev. 0. U. Sheehan, of Temperanoeville, and the Rev. J. C. Farran, Pastor Mr. Malone, of Wheetiog, officiated as master of tbe oeremonies, assisted By Mr. Josoph Farran, of Brighton. The ohuroh is a small, but neat and substan tial- briok struoturo, 55 feet in length by 36 in breadth, capable of Beating two hundred and fifty persons, and erected at the ooet of twenty four hundred dollars. StAOKWATHB ON THE ALLEGHENY RlVKll. — The MoKean oounty Citiren.etatss that a slack crater navigation ia to be ooaatruoted from Bmlthport. Pa. to Olean, N. Y., by way of the Allegheny river. The oondition of the river between the two points named is euoh that the ooet will probably not exoeed $20,000, and that amount oan easily be raised by the sale of stock to those who live on the line of the work. It is intended to famish an outlet for the coal and lumber of that region. Workable veins of oan nel and bituminous ooal are found in MoKean oounty b"t a Bhort dißtanoe from the proposed navigation Iron mines are also found within eaey reach- though at present not worked. Should this slaokwater navigation be oonstruc tod the effeot of it will be to throw the ooal, lumber and iron trade of that region upon the New York and Erie Railroad, at Olean. At& meeting of the Young Mens’ Sodality of Pittsburgh, held Sunday, August '26th, Reverend Itfreotor presiding, the following preambles and resolutions were presented and unanimously adopted : \¥hbebab It has pleased God, in the insoru tabid ways of His Divine Providence, to take from UB our much esteemed Prefect, Johu J. Crowley, therefore bo it R'tolv'd That we Binoerely sympathise with the family and friends Of the deceased i a lamen ting their irreparable lobs. R*tol»'d That we will wear the usual badges of mourning, in honor of the deceased, for thir* ty days. Raol»'d That a committee bo appointed to wait on the family of the deoeaaed, and preseul them with copy of these resolutions. J. Holland, Srcretary. Coon? Refusing to set a Rowdy at Lib erty —Application was made to Judge M’Clure, on Saturday, to release on bail Alex. Forsythe, committed about a woek ago for riotous conduct in the Seventh Ward. The counsel of the de fondant- in making the application, stated that the magistrate who had committed him, Alder man had refused to take bail, and had advised to do the same. The Court sent for Major, who oamo and f pronounced the in every partiou ar He said he had nevt* spoken to any magistrate about the matter, and refused to take the security offered, because it was only ttrav? ba*l His Honor deolined to aooede to the ap plication and said Forsythe must remain in jail until hecould procure good and responsible baiL A Hobbjd Crjwb.—Tho Beaver Star states that on Monday morning a murdered ohild -was found-oa the pnblio road, near the residenoo or $ John Davidson, In Big Hcavor township. It was 1 entirely naked, and seemed to be but a few days i old it had marks on Its throat that indicated .i that it had been ohoked. Besides this, there 2 had been a knife Thrust into ita left side, which j extended into its bowels. Boveral marks of vio ’ lence were also seen on its head, and a cut an inch and a half across tho shoulder. Of what inhuman stuff must the heart of a mother be composed, who oould thus oaase the death of her child. Efforts are being made to find out who committed this dreadful act, but as yet the ex amination has been uasuooessful. Rdlb or CoiraT. —The following Rule of Court was adopted on Saturday: “ Tho Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county will entertain applications for lioenses, and hoar all persons making objections to the name- on the first day of October nett.” This rule is made in oonformity with tho fifth seotion of the aet of Assembly of April 14, 1866, which is as follows : “Seotion V. The said Courts, by their rules, shall fix a time at whioh for liceoseß gi-all be heard, at which timo all persons mating objections shall be heard.” Fal b b Peetbbces. —A woman named Marga ret itahm made information on Saturday, before Alderman Parkinson, against a pedlar, who rep resented himself to be a Hungarian, for obtain ing $4B from her by false and frandnlent repre sentations. The pedlar, it appears, bad a I quantity of linen, towels, &0., for sale, which he | offered to sell her for $4B, alleging they were | worth three or four times ns much. The woman purobaeed, in anticipation of getting a great j bargain bnt on subsequent examination Bhe disoOtered the artioles were worth little or no thing A warrant was issued for the srrest of the pedlar. i.m Drowsed.—A yonng Irish lad, named Nioholas Barry, was drownod in the Mononga hela river, near the Point, on Saturday after noon. His body was subsequently recovered, and on inlo * M Uanernschfl do 2 boxes. J. W. Baker do j box. Mr*. K. Bretiugar do 1-box. J. Bee<*b to \°° X GW. Uaskln Mercer, Pa —1 box. J. 0. Bacfcofeu Pittsburgh 1 pkge- W A Boy®. Butler- 1 pkge. It. Bond. - East Liberty 1 pkge. Mien E. Baras Mercer 1 pkge. C. F Buckingham Wartenton, Pa...l pkgo. G. 11. Baret Pittsburgh 1 pkge. D. Sl.Curry - do l box. W. 11. Chapman do l pkgf. J. A. Oafferiay do l pkgo* A. Combs do l pkg* John C0y1e.... do } P k «*' ft. Campbell Allegheny 1 box. 0 C Cooley -Manchester 1 pkge. j' litetrirli - Ptttiburgh 1 pAg"' W. V. Bjr. J ° }•**•• H. 9rf» 110 J I’M*- IF. B. F**rgasoxr. do } Pfß® A P Fisher...— - .OonneautTllle.-1 pkgo. II Foster -Mercer, Pa 1 pkge. Chu. FUUter PltUborgh 1 rtp. J.i. F»Xr 4» ; f*P>- JUrl-r Qrelb *> } J®*- > a. em, I 0. Urtcoll to __ * b ?‘ k ' l J. Hut, »«*•«. *J» } P k «*- J. Huffman- Birmingham 1 pkge. A. 0 Johnson..—.. Allegheny 1 Pkge. J.Riowr Pittsburgh. ......lbox, M. Kohhne do 1 phea. p. Kane do 1 pkge. D Klnaer do 1 pkg«- W.O. Llpseomb do * box. C- Llnderman —«• do 1 pkge. V. T. Lane —Franklin. Pa 1 pkge. J. C. Mosher - Pittsburgh 1 box. D B. Morris do 1 backet. W. U. Mlddaogh— do Inbox. Dr. Mathews, care H.O.Uray~ do J box. 0.8. McFoddm do 1 pkge. J. S. McDonald - do 1 pkge. M>**s M. Nelson Birmingham... I pkge. V. Nicholson _ Pittsburgh 1 box. K. Pollock do } chest. J 8 Perry, caw P. Morris do 1 pkge. Mils J. Pascal! do » PJ«*- Hhodrfl A Nelson do * Pkg®- 0. K*Uer - to 3 boxes. j Balm do 1 pkge. J. Rdtr to life; '“■'.V- 1 ' ft iIK. M U frmklln. P»- -J »»• '^“ r 4.r«e.r Pittsburgh | P»gr. J. * Pembridge. . - do 11 o*rp. bag; A. H. Register - do I trank General Tom Thumb do l pk*^- M. Watson-.- Castle, P*-J Pjge. Watson A Stanton do 1 Page. i w.tr. Latrobe -i box. J Watta W. B. BABROLL, Agent of the Adams Express Co. ttsburxb, August 3U 1865. __ . ' v-- *, >* 4' > ,r;j. -r- .* ... -, ; „ ; •\ f *, .t , l i *•;$• • - :.\t.~ - 1?? S-tY.y t •.?>?' •'- 1 Ar* • ,- ‘i '1‘~: ‘ 4 " From Port so Prince. Sailing of the Bortb Star. GREAT DISCOVERY! k MPLE TESTS, both by able Practitioners and Cbeml* A cal Analysis, bate demonstrated the great »•£•« PRO*. DB QRATH'B beautiful combination, eaUsd ELKO TRIO OIL.” for the relief and core of Palo. But the peopte themselves are rendering their , {J dlet .£ • JJSS'LSj u nmlstakeable and satisihctory. More than 20,000 bottle* hare been eold In a eery abort time—a great to LOOM who heard others recommend It. wbo had mant That ii l» a splendid discovery Is everywhere acknowledged, *nd nothing like It was ever tefore prepared. Why, for Corns alone, It Is worth $lOO,OOO a year to the people, as It Liw-ys cares these palufal tormentors in twenty-four hours Bat wbat Is It not worth to tha people If It curaa Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcere, Bores of all kinds, (fro jaently taking away all the pain In twenty-ftmr hours,) Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis. Piles. Womb Complaints, Orampe, Sprains, Sore or Swelled Breast, Felons, Wounds of all kinds, Ac. f Would $600,000 express Its value to the peeple I JVo Because a man will give freely for relief from pain- Will this Oil relieve faint Certainly if wOL Buch men as we have often named, hon orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and others have so said, after from ten to fifty trial*. They say th« Electric Oil Is the finest medical combination ever pre pared, neither offensive nor injurious, hat effectual In all the above and many other cases. Some honorable and heavy business firms have, it is true, sold some of the old I (turpentine, bituminous, or coal tar, Ac. Ao.) external ap- I plications, until their customers returned bottle after bot tle, with the remark that “ the remedy was worse than the patnyet such men have never recommended nor siren countenance to them. But see some of our bast merchants ] ordering more every ten days, and always giving additional testimony to the value of this wonderful discovery. That . a great many ladles are using It as a medicinal toilet article for themselves and their children, Is well known. It cures alt pimples, blotches and eruptions on the (ace and neck in so short a time, you would seal rely credit it. It frequently reduces a paii\fid swelling in two hours; baa done it In ha f an hour; cured many effectually in six boon. If ladles knew the toothing, strengthening and heating virtues In this Oil they would never be Induced to ose anything else for womb complaints or pains of any kind. We now Insert a letter Just received from Henry Wiley, Ebo wbo went to England six weeks since, (to die.) ***■’ Loirooa, July 12,1866. P*OY- Dx Ueath, Phil a.—Dear Sir: When X left home for mv health, (Bcrofulons eruptions, Ao.J I never expected to return again, believing that my complaint would soon carry me off. When you gave me three bottle# of vonr Electric Oil to take with me, as merely a palliative, 1 did *ot think I would so very soon be called opon to thank you, -a i now do, for my complete restoration. I can only s»y, before the departure of the steamer, that that have nans*** _ be untrue, nor a decep- SgS-Sar ,hnt any physician can answer, will be I to. on, a® I h»™ W° BB OBATBL N0.29 Sooth Eighth street, PUla. hour » thrM week., M I ykh *g “?£! SLu „ [.0i30 *r- for by PB. Wood a. COMMERCIAL POST. PITTBBORGU BOARD OP THADtt AHD nKR€HAHTB* SICHAROK. OPPIC&B8. BHTPTON. firtt Vice f*rexidcni —Wm. H. Smith. Second “ u Wm. U. Browr Secretary— Wm. 8. Havih. Treasurer —Jous D. Scuut # Superintendent— B. T. Northam, Jr. Committee of Arbitration for August— W. R. Brown, V. P.; 0. W. KiCRttBON, B. Barxwkll, Jobs 8. Duworth, Isaac M. Puisccs. DAILY REVIEW OF PITTBBURQH MARKBIB Omci of (Hi DAtti Moamffa Post, 1 Monday, September S, 1856. f FLOOR—Sales 89 bbls supetfine from wharf at $8; 16 bbls superfine from wagon at $0; 86 bble Superfine from wharf »ts 6 12. 4 . .... GRAIN—Sales 260 bushels rye from depot at 62><,e; Is. bushels oata from wharf at 37 WHISKY Sa-es 97 bbls rectified Id lots at 36f manufactures. Tbo general receipts of wa- Mnablo productions are moderate, but In most cases quite adequate to the wants of buyers, though a few of the choicest articles are not as plenty os is requisite to promptly satisfy what orders for such factors »re daily obtaining from their customers. Brown Bbeetings and Shirtings are more in demand, but at infirm rates Bleached goods are plentier and a shade easier, but are not very actively Inquired for. Cotton Flannels of desirablea-yles are salable aDd firm. Denims are obtainable at a trifle below oar last quotations, yet th.y rale quiet. There is not much doing in Brills or Duck, which are somewhat decreased, and lean In favor of pur chasers. Ginghams are In rather light supply, and are eteadj, though but moderately deal t in. Lawna * nd Nan kins appear as previously reported We DOtlce a slowly In creasing demand for Osnaburgs, which are unchanged In orioe Printing-Cloths, though not over-abundant, are In active and languid. Prints are more freely offerel at weaker rate*, yst without affecting the Inquiry for mieb. Stripes and Ticks are plenty and heavy, being in slack are not very brisk, though they still display considerable steadiness. Blanko'-ar* in demand at former rates. Cnsalmerea are in ample stock and fiir request at old quotations Cloths and Doeekina are pretty freely token wi hoot change in valu«. Pmnoela are salable and firm ’jeans and Linseye exhibit no Important variation. Mouslin Delaines are moderately active, and bring pretty lull prices Satinets appear raiher qni-t. though firm. Shawls have not varied much. Tweeds are dull and dr SSnSifa productions *re activelv Inquirod for. and are generally very firm Tbs supply of dwrirnb’e ankle* is quit® moderate, sud in some instances a scarcity is expe rienced- while there prevails an improving inquiry, par ticularly from country dealers »bo ace desirous to have thrir orders promptly Ml*!, and who willingly pay lor what roods they select full prices. Cottons do not fare off u well as Silks and Woolens, the latter being the least abundant, and the most actively competed for. The cur rent Imports are by no means vwy ex tensive, but are pretty well assorted, and, for the most part, enter directly into consumption. The aucJlon business is lovtvlog.and hla likely to be an interesting feature of the general traffic for some lime benco.— X- F. Times TAurstiav. N*w Yo3 l. September 1 —Cotton firm; sales 1200 bales— N 0 fair 11U: Bplaods middling 12. Flour a tri”** tower, sales 7000 barrets a* lor good Ohio, and 62fSt9 for fcouthsro Wheat a trifle lo»er, with sales 600 baa Corn firm: sales 32.0 W) bus. Whisky steady, wtth sates 2*6 bbls. Tobacco firm. Pork stlffrr. but not aootablv higher, sales 1400 bbU, the market denlog firm, with an upward tendency. Lard firm, w ,Lh sales 200 bar rets The market U barv of B»r< n Batter and Cheese are Arm Groceries firm; sales 4SCO bar* Hto Coffee at Tull drices sales &00 bbds Susrar and 600 bbls Mnlawes Iron te firm better, ‘ales 1500 tons Galena at C -.- Tallow steady; sales 10,000 Ibe at 12S- Stocks In fair demand, sod prices uocbaogvd. CI.ciMJH, September 1.~ Fleur in mrderete Jom.nJ . m»obet hf»TT but prir-M nut lower; role. iW bfcl« *1 »« u>'. Whr«t...sales 1301) bus »t J 1.20 Rye 8.l . I'JO bo. .10.) the offering* and demand '"dag limited. Whisky steady : sate? 276 bbl« at - M . BAlTtuoa*. September \ Wheat dull today, an-i price* liregulsr ; sales white at *1.00651,78, and red at I/.! Corn selling at 83 lor white, and Hi for y*»tewF our duiL and without sates; Ili»*arJ street UelJ at i. .*7 -a*' . City AUlls,f:,76ttsa. Auction—Sai«« I3a»ly. AT the CcxomereUl e*l« lloc-d*, coru*f of Wood *oje3l ti l S3lGJii3fc*fl SAI-K OP PARTNRHHHIP INTEREST \ IS A GRIfiAT MANUKACTI’IONO KSTABUSU MRNT The uodersign«*d. of Ilugh T>. »M exp»a to aaie at Public Auction, at the Merchants’ Kx change. Fourth et, to the ritj of Pittsburgh, on THI/HS DAY, the C-h day of September, lHi6. at TU o'clock P >1 , ail the right, title, Interest and claim of said llogh D. King, as id euoal co-partner, of, to and to the Una aod real mod personal estate, prop«firr»' - “t"' l ,rf ,K * nrTn uancrTatap or ti tl. Ryan « tx*- . _ _, The manufacturing establishment of this tlrm U one of the greatest and mwt complete “f k‘od u> the W«t comorislng Immense manufacturing building and ma«tl oerr, with steam po«rT to u*-* and to rent, warehouse*, materia La, large stock manufactured furniture, tools, im plement*, Ac. Ac. The raloo of tbla interest can !*■ approximated I-t an m spectioo of the proper! , books, Ac . t<>r which erery facility vl! | be a Curded. ALSO. 23 *bam North America Copper SUvii . 6 Jo Chartier* Valley K. 11. Co. til-* - *, $l-6 pa»d m . teo do liluU Mining Copper Bu*»k, m«u Juc . lu do Allegheny Valley It. KCo «lo:k, paid or : 116 do Pacific Gold tguarti Mining Jo. $lOOO Bond Candalguu and Niagara Kalb Railroad u>, nupoua attached, payable in Ne* lorli $lOO Bond Erie . 'P*nu* ' and Certiftoate*, pay kble at Erie. Terms at ftal« Aiwliju***' of H D Kind Plttuburjb, Auf \\ IHii. I’ M- UA WB. ' 7 .1 -o LKT—Tbrr* aur, P.ricS Mur*-. No; brnltl bald 1 ~r TO, p. SI DAUB. *»rtu.D™.r. k OgI4 rurtirr rt nod ar»d riAh «*•■*• HAKPKtt— 500 Harper's J*>r September, m il only 20 cents per ropy—tb* bev: number *»er Uuue* Putnam for September, 20 rents , OtKley'B Lady's Book f'*r Brptetnb-r, recon J supplr.; .tk KranK Leslie's Ladles' Gasctte, 20 rant* Leslie's N*w York Journal, {third supply,. 1? *-ot- Ballou’s Mazarine, 1° 1,1 Jl ' Yankee Notions, (l.«urlh supply. > 1 1 cent* , Peteraoo’s Magazine, tb> 1< Tbe abote lust recelTed by Elpres* aod for sal* *t LAUFBKK'a lunjKsToHfc, a „ ft l No :tn pifth street. MAHAUSKa Foil dKPTh’MBKK- j Harper's Ma£»?.ine for t'Hpterubrr \ Putnam's do 't- Ballou's .- | Peterson's do i today's Lady's Hook du Leslie's GawUeol Fashion do LpalWfl Nov York Journal do Harper's Story Book, No. 10, lot it«i.teml»«*r All the New York and Philadelphia papers toe tl»i« week For Hooka. Magaiiue* or Papers. call or ernd to «*. A. CHLDKNFBNNKY A CO.'*, BB pl Firth st., opposite the Theatre. AHFhH S/VuTNaM’S, end ail the Monthly Magatloet tor September, now ready uad for sal*» by 11 MIN til A LO , se p\ No. 3*2 Hmith&tdil fltrrnt. I rf>tUMMCNOS A large ’aMoriment of fhfthiouable L»r«« l an d Mantilla Trimmings, in Moire Antique aovl other desirable styles, )um w»Jt«I by express, by W pl A. A. A CO., 26 Fifth sU a LPAOAS—A~ A. MAfcON A . hare just rece.red 60 A pieces of Black Alpa*as, all gTcUt*, of yery superior quality and lustra. ?^Ei DE LAISES—A. A. MASON AGO are Just opening some y«J choice and desirable colors.of ali wool and Persian Da talftea, . Be P l . aVTnU *OUNi> XJfINANTS for all the Dwelling Lioases put under our care, we ere now prepared to procure tenant* for others. Owners of recant booses will find It to thetr intorrst to gNe us a rail, as we lure doilr applications for bouses- Also. collection of rents, Insureu ~ .„d ..per. .twee to. Ctorj-JMdgk BoBi 63 Market street. Mpl - -.— _ moFTIWMV At AUCTION —Title morning, tnilaj, 1 Aoeuet SI, at 11 o'clock, »11l lie «old, at the Commer cial a* l "* Boome, oomar ot Wood and Plflh atraota One superior naw Top Boggy gug3l AYB'fl-SUPKHIOII WHITE (JHKaBK, for Oarrtaui-a, Wagons, Carts, Dr ys ami OmniboaseA recelyed and for salaby |sng3l] HKNKV H. COLLINB- Oa'l'Eb— U) mate ju*t received and for ealo by H KMYMKK A ANDERSON, &Ug3l No. SO Wood Bireet.__ vOOOA NUTS—iouO Coco Note ju»t rec’d and for eale by / aug3l _RKYMKII * ANDERSON. Hwm P lo bag* received oo couplgnmenl aud for aaloby |.u«T] .1 AMES WARDROP. ~ FULTON CAR WORKS. POURDIIY AMD HACUISK If II OP» SANDUSKY, OUIO. THE subscriber having moved Into his nsw Works, re cently erected, corner of Water, McDonough nod Shelby street*, is prepared to contract for and exeouui all ordew for PASSENGER, BAGGAGE, POBTOPHCb, DOUSE FREIGHT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, HAND, ani all other descriptions of OARB. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all sixes, GEARING, RAILROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and ull other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. I The Foremen of the different departments ere scientific anil practical men—mostly from Baetcm manulaotorliui »bo keep themselles Intorra-d anil adopt all taluable mod ern Improvements. W. W. WKIIIERKLL. >og3o:tlf __ . . . Notice to Contractor*. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Post Office In Blairsvllle, until the loth of September next, and it MarshalPß Hotel, in Saltsbare, on the 20th, for lb* Uredua- Snmttd Masonry of SECTIONS NO- 86 AND 87, North Western Railroad-situated at New Castle. Plan* and specification* can be seen at the Engineer s Office In BlalrsvilJe, on and after the 10th of September Ail nrooosals to be marked as such on the outside. aag29-lw MALOaNE^PAINTERAJIONpKIt. Wm. iL Wakeham , i Select School, allrohrny. Session commences on Monday, September sa, 1866. Students are requested to be punctual In attend ance • and an early application l* desirable on the part of new pupils, to facilitate the formation oi dosses. Mr. W. may be found at his residence, on North Common, between Federal end Saodarky stieets aug2Bbll» W“ ANTS —Cooke indWls to do housework era wanted lo city and country, who can give good reference,: none else need apply. Bltuaticna wanted fcr a 1 Carriage Driver, a Clerk or Salesman, MecbanlM of dltl.c entteanchea, a Porter, a Laborer, a boy to learna* boy to attend Btore. A middle-aged mam traveling South and West, wishes a situation astraveUng agelit or conductor of cars; can clre goal Appy ( t BARB’S Intelligence Office, 410 JJberty fit. a bbl * UU * 4 ' 7 ffl&Y H. COLLINS - ■&' <« v ' «- re-,.', , v ; « /At**'., • ■ 1 : r V.’ « ,! _ ■ v.r, "•- \ O j. . *1 <*-•; .-a 1 :: L. ■ X ,»■?.<«**? *VO.■!!■-»».-•• ,t;i -• TELEGRAPH HABKET9 AUCTION SALES. p. H. DAVIB, Aneuonnor WM, P DAUN« P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer n ® FOR RIVER MR*. Thi Rivtß. —On Sunday evening thaw »ere, by the pier marks, 1 feet water. On the earn, day of the week laat year, there were bat 18 Inches by the metal, and not more than eight Inche. In the channel, f csterd.y the weather was warm, and -e were rlelled with eereral shower, do ring the day. TR. “ Prairie Ross" and “ W.nona” arrived yesterday, with One loads of freight. Thk steamer Quaker Olty was cold on Saturday, to Capt. N'Danlela, forslo,ooo. TB. steamer Ohicago passed Evansville on the diet, on her way to Pittsburgh. Td. steamer “ Rosalie," Capt. A- Sheppard, 1. the regular Wheel,ug packet this morning; ch. leaves »t 10 oclock. Tbs following boat, will leave this pert the Em plr. City, Oapt. Vandegrlft, tor Bt. Lents ; Jacob Poe aud J. B Carson for Louisville. _ POUT OF PITTBBOBQH aubivkd. Bleamer Jeftereon, Woodwart, Brown" 111 *- Ctere F&ber! HenderleAeon, West Newton. Venture Qort nn , SteobenTHle- Mt?S^No™lWWemvn.e. Boaalle, Bhephenb Prairie fUxe, Martatt, Bt. Loola Lebanon, Rhoilea, 8L Louie. Wenona, Bbunk, Cincinnati. Own. Larimer, —. Cairo. Conroy, Woll, Ualliopotls. DKPARTKD. gTa'J.S&Sw^.N.wlon. Venture, Cordon, Btentonr lie Michigan No. 1, Beret, Wellarille. Eclipse, Moore, Wheellug- Clare Dean, Beed, St. Louif- Saint Louie, Dean St. Louia. Orapesbot, MoßrUe,Cincinnati. Qlpsy, Klinefelter, Cincinnati STEAMBOATS, PUMbvsrgb, St.ubenrjllo ul Wlicollng , JHgjh The BOSAUB, o'eptoin A. 8. BOkrnran, «nd iaWWlh. KCUPSK, Captain iBIOMh D. »UI DAILY PAofenTB, Steubenville and Wheeling, stopping at oil Inter mOdlaa ROSALIE will leave Pittsburgh on MondnJß, Wed nesdays anti Pridaya, at 10 o'clock, AM.—flatuxriiapßhe will leave wheeling on Ttieodays, Thursdays anil Saturdays, “'tlm KCLireß will also leav. Pltteburgb on TnelJaya, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock. A. she will leave Wheeling on Momieya, Wednesdays and YrP days, all H o'clock, A. M. Per freight or epjiy Ag „ Ett nov2B N°- lM fionl attest. lleeiilssr Tnalday Pwolawl for Wheeling, 01 arietta and Oalllopolta. ___ The new aod eplendll etenmer CXJNVOi f I JIrSL&Jobh Wolf, Jr , Maater, E. Clerk, leave for the above and intermediate porta e r*ry Tuesday, at 4 o oloei, P. positively, Agent.. For Cincinnati. _ The steamer YORKTOWN, Captain TnoMta I IPS* faPnr; Clerk. Pasts McCloeliT; wIU leavalhr above and lotermedlate porta on MON DAYTorptranber'S, at 10 o'clock A. M. . AWMIBL _Z° r “b. < C A iSSi* D. Z. I Uefl&a&Bnii kau, will leave for the akov. and Inter idßWWa—«... -eon, on MONDAY, September 31, at 10 A. M. .... PoHWghtor passage Agents. por Sl. Louia. Ttw steamer BRAZIL, Capt R. J. Oiac»: r fE3?L-feClerfc. C. la&A*L; wIU Wave lor tbo above and porta on MONDAY, tieputftber For Cincinnati. Tbe aolendU steamer W KNONA, Capt. J. N. I IP?* Saa.,n.. ; Clerk, KoaiNSua ; wBI leave for the and lotermedlate ports on MONDAY, •WptemwT 3, at 10 A. M. p„ freight or Agents. For Cincinnati and Ltoolawilic* The steamer JACOB POE, Capt. A. Btew -1 fCtf*. ■ fk A£Tl 0. W. lUuuu.v. OWrk ; will Irave for tbs and Uitcrnmilitv ports ©o MONDAY, d ptembetsT at 10 A. M. ,or freight or pa»ag. a*,^ For SI. Louis. Tha itrair KMPIBB CITY, CsnUln J. H. I JBtU&VA!n>Dw»in; Clert, S. Bus; «U 1 lo»»« fcr .lx;TB snJ IttUsTOrdisto port* on MOV I)AY, Bsptember 3, st 10 o'clock A. M. lor freight or psirasgn spplj on tosrd, or to .ukJO SLACK A BAHAIS, Ag«nt». j. lE. Bu-bonr, LKVKK CLERK, St. Loots, Mo„ (»t W. S. NmlFt üßce.) J K.BABBOUB hulng lon* eiwlisOM In Kdcrlnng »nJ UlKhMjlns Er*l»bl tot mperior InJiioMneD u to Strttotbcto Jollrloj • DISUUABU ISO OLEKK. _ m^_ tI'HE HIDDEN PATH —By Mat Tod H&rUcul, author cf I "ilonu." Light and Darkness, or the Shadow of Fate. a story of fanbionable life. .. „ „ • TU# fjan, or DUclodorea or Content Ufo , end the J©nfes2uot of a StstcT of Charity. I * u * -- Olere Hell; by Miss SewelL '% M»ry Lyndon: an autobiography The Jealous Wife; by Mb* Pardoe J»m«9 Gordon Bennett, bis Llfb end T^ioee. Maud, and other Poems; by Alfred Tenottoo. MAGAZINES FUR SEPTEMBER. Godey's Lady's Book. Household Wurds, Leslie's Journal, IWmio’s Magaalne, Ballou’s Megerine, Yankee Notions, BlankwoudV Magaaine, Leslie’* Gaietta. All the Sew Book* published in the country for rale at the .'heap Bookstore of U. SDNEB k OU No. 33 gxDtlhtald strr«i riAUK UIDDBN PaTu, by ih© author of ■•ak-l. ‘ 1 The Escaped Nun. Memoir© of the Ret. Sydney Smith, in 3 rola Clers Hall; by Mias S»w©lL Memoir* of Bennett and hU Timed' Frank Leslie’s Uatette of Fashion. I > net rrceieed and for sale at _ „ , ~ W. A. QILDEN PENNEY A OO.’fi, 1 au«ia Fifth at., opposite the Theatre. I I I ld by [sug29] fi- L. CUTUBKRT, 63 Market at. I^MUKOIDEBTES— We will opeu lhi» morning a splendid lot of new Embroideries, comprising— -1 Book and Cambric Collars; ! book and Cambric Flouncing*; i . Book Mandarin Sleeves ' i : -iAiso, Black BUk Lace ; t AgT Black Bilk Net. 'yiladies’ and Gents’ Unen Cambric lUndkcrchhiOi | A. A. MASON A Ou., 26 Fifth »t. GKOUNB Nuimegs, Cassia, All spice. Cloves, White Pepper, White Jamaica Ginger, African Pepper, White and Brown Mustard Seed. I , U(? 29 W. R. DRAVQ, Y'NQUSU BBEARVABT TEA—IO chastß of this superior H, it 60 oenle, lost received at China Tea 8?ore. aug*T DBA Diamond. _ Wanted. A SITUATION in a Mercantile or Manufacturing estab lishment, a* Clerk or Accountant, by a man of experi ence- or would accept for the present of any rituatfon Whore be could make himself useful and cam a living Any communications addressed “ 8. B. W ,” at thr omce of thi> Daily Post, wtU meet with prompt attention. aog£kdlw* _ 1> kitKY’B Nu. PEN—A fweh supply of Perry's Elas tic Pens, a very superior article, just received and lor Bile by W. a. HAVEN, ftU g23 Market street, corner of Beccnd,_ LANK - BOOKS—A superior stock of every deecrlptlou of Dutuk Books for sale by aujtf3 Ijtti VRLOPEB—A great variety ot elioa, etylM and qaall j ties for salo by I augV;?' W H HAVEN Vif IUOIfraTUKUIUhI EATIIARION coola tb. head, YY taJ remove* ell symptoms of headache. Persons using WEIGHTS KATUABION Are ooveT liable to Son-stroke. PIU6MIUM KATUABION U the moat valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the Hair in idt required form. . ... L For vale by Dr. OEO. B. RKYBKB end R. E. SELLERS A 00., at 26 cento per bottle. * U S IQ . «r hlquT'B PHKM.UI« KATIIAHION stop. th. Ilslr W from blllmr our. And product* ■ luiurl»ul groolh.j ” WRldrfrS PREMIUM KATIIAIUON 11-moTM .11 dudroff m wholesale, by & K. SBLLKIip 4 00. RIGHT'S PHBMIDM HA. W KATUAIUON H «d KLLHJB... S » yT.BK'B CUOLKRA &KMKDV —i'hlfl «rtlci» M s *■».. *» DR. COOK’S REMEDY TOR INTEMPERANCE Per sons who wlshro ref rein from th, u» of lotoiicMlng liquors csn now obtnln this rnlusblo remody. It Is sold St the low price of $1 por bottle. In some cases . „„„ mt. direction* in tinpli i 100 u dwitibii, Usnt. _ Sold only in th. dty b, B. . VI .mt HIIKS A A. MASON A 00.' have Ja«t rtc'J F iecM of pi,an B "“* w **’°zr -S-. lurtN and quality- : !set superior luytra A A —MAHON ACO continuing to cloW OUt tbe A. b*l“ th* •»* of L.wo, Bar.g«, ChaU* Ohlntaea, and other kind* of Dreflfl at still reduction In prices. *-C--- L»R AN DIED OH ESSE — A so prior »r tlcl *[“ r “ ot ' 1 ," O Bars, Baataoranta, Eating by [opgOT] UKUBY H. OOLLINB. btb snaQo^B5 na Q0^8. b? ( IUIMNKY TOPS—3OO flothto ,’SSS>° U " yy patterns, for sale by HENRY H. COLLINS. TO RAILROAD CONTRACTORS —SO bbla Pork Ugs. the best and cheapest substitute for Bacon that can be ob tained in market, for eele by enrf7 ' * BESET IL OOLLINB. ARTIST MATERIALS— CoIors airo Canvass—A fine as sortment just receiyed and for sale by _auj37 FLEMING BROS. ALD U—*l,ooo lbs on band aod fbr sale by _ aug27 FLEMING BROS. ALCOHOL— Just received and for sale by sugar FLEMING BROS. POWDERED JALAP —200 lbs Just rec'd and fbr Hale by aug27 FLEMING BROS. POWDERED BLOB—3OO lbs on hand and for sale by aug27 FLEMING BROS- ("tHROMB YELLOW—4OO lbs on band and fi>r sale by J augar FLEMING BROS. COFFEE —250 bags Rio Just received and for sale by tnggfi SMITH, MAIR A HUNTER SUGAR —100 hhds prime N. 0. for sale by aa£tt SMITH, MAIR A HUNTER. *" t\* 'if'*-;!' ' : 1 *‘‘ * * ‘ • • *% r S ' ” -' p *» v * ■ r *• \.V.‘ „ • * r •J*' "S v i - ' . „ *- , V J.' vJP'tit ■*" J*fa 7? 1 £ t K ,t 1 , V ,j v ; -.3, * - wf' W *&: -~y T £?yy> » *1. •* »i'. H ..fr *A*;/- «- - vf- -*■ -*■ gma m »fl» pHAgim- w. a. uaven. iTQAIUON la tbi - y' AMUSEMENTS. THEATRB--J. 0. FOSTER sole Lwsee «od Mana ger; Wc. H. Rirr>, Stage Manager; Ohablu Foarsa, Acting Manager. VOICES Of AMflfißO*: lions anti Parquette.. ~6oe. I Prints Bona, large %%M Second Tier 25*. | Private Boxes,amall $6 y Cath arine E. Beecher. . .. . . $. The most complete and varied assortment of book* in the city can be foond on our ahelves. Persons leaving for tha country will find It to their advantage to call on ua, a* we •lwayo make a deduction when sailing a number at a time to one person. w _ DoesUckß* Qreat Book, containing all hi* letters. Com plete Id one volume. Illustrated—sl- ,^ oar^ J The Old Farm Uouse; by Urt. Caroline H. Butler Lalng Sle Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniac*; by the author of WUd Western Beenes. Call In and look over our counters and shelve*, and send >r whatever you want In the book Une to H. MINER k CO., No, S*i SmlthOeld street. SUgIT ,77 NKW BOORb—At DAVISON'S Book and Stailonery Store, G 6 Market, near Fourth street Harper for August. Morwings with Jesus—Jay ; $1,26 D*> Qalocey’s Note Book ; T 6 cent.-* Tbe Escaped Nun ; ftl. Theism —the Prise Essay; $1 L)r. Spencer's Sermons; $2,60 Hase's Church History ; $3. Long Look Ahead—Boe; $1,26. The Parish Side; 76 cents. Mrs. Jamieson’s Commonplace Book ; $l. Library edition of Beilin; 4 rots, large type. Pycroft’s Course of English Beading; 76 cents. The most beautiful edition of the Bible for private Use m largo type, and with toaps; Oxford. [MSU—6O bbls Lake Superior Salmon ; r (SOhalfbblfl do do 70 do WoltoFisb; 61 do Trout; 40 do Pickerel; 30 bbls No. :i large Mackerel, new , bO half do do do do 16 bbls Baltimore Herring, do For sale by l jylftj UfNBY U. OJLLINS _ rpas llAili COLUMN® FLUID does not color or stain X the Skin In theieast, but in every case it will restore the natural color of the hair, where ago or elcknees has turned It gray. A trial will satisfy those using It of a most rurio .4 and singular pAenoincnoH, that Is, gray hair restored to its natural rolor, with all the strength and healthy growth of youth. Price ouiy 60 cents per bottle. Bold in Pittsburgh by ' 3. L- CUTH.BKHT, “ U g7 * _ 63 Marks t_strwet B. OUfUfeIET. S. CUTUBKHT ft SOS, General commission agents ror th« sale and Purchase of Real Itotate, Collection of Rant*, Borrow ing and Loaning Moneys on Bonds and Mortgages; also, for making Sale* of Produce, Manufactured Articles, dc., for Fanners, Mechanics aod others. Office, No. 63 Market street. l iLUla’ *LBU) KXTHACt uK Bl Pi oioeUant mtHilome r«coi»aJ '-7 Jj_> 9 JOS. FLEMING. BapETIO SOAP—-Por rumoTtcjS TVn, Saliownßas and HodnaM of ibo Skin ; 12% cantf per mho. Superior Lily Wtlta, or Pearl Powder; OVJ and 12,S eta. P 'BMe l ßloaaom Flesh Powder, for beautifying the eoui- Dluxlon. Sold by . 4 P aug g 8. i* OUTHBBET, 63 Market *t._ certain car® lor Piles. *6 cents per box. Sold at 63 MARKET JT. *| UST RUUkI V Kl>--OLl> ~ KBDBTON K, cheap ediucu— •l ouly T 6 cent*. Old Bedstone, or Utstorical Sketches of Western Prcsby terUnlsm, Us early ministers, Its perlloQß times, and Its first records; by Joseph Smith, D. D. It Is the cheapest boob «e ever handled, and b now within the reach of nil For sale, wholesale and retail, by J. 8. DAVISON, &U(t g 65 Market street, uear Fourth. OFPiOK FOB RKNT—A neatly fitted up Olhco in mamd glory, from, or Warehouse No. 97 Fin* street. lti-ut low. iaaglffl] J. W. BUTLER A CO. IXJONOM* OIIIKH —Some pur* Grab, In boxes, “very 'j choice,” Ju6t received ana tor sale by » ug lo &IILLBH A RICKETBQN _ Ai\ OLKVKLANU GRINDSTONES —A superior article, just received and for sale by oU g*i BOWN A TETLEY, ISA Wool rt. HKANDB. STAMPS AM) trffclNUlUi cut to order, at ahorl uotloe, by BOWN A TETLKY, 130 Wood Street. to fittest TMVE OK TEN MINUTE eolflcee for a sitting (to those r la haste)st OARGO’B. 70 Fourth street. The picture may then be called for. 6pen to visitors until P. M. IMG*— £ bbi9 rre»b ltegi *1 and for B*l aby [»’ CIuRN MKAL—6O baaheli Cora Mo*l, ponaii day, j by jftUgSl g. R. DRA\Q. ' * Robic«on’« 6s end as Lump Tobacco; 16 do Wm. H. Giant’s 6s do do 16 do Grant A Williams’ 6s do do ffl) do K. Bohlnson A Oo.'s 6s sod 8s do do ■i oases “dwarf boxes” Oabanlse’s hslf pound lump Oarandlsh Tobacco; 1 case “ Yankee Doodle “ do do ; 3 oases “ Thomas’ ” Perfection pound lump Tobacco In store and for sale by ftUglb bp - pcash STAR OANOLEB—IOO wbolo lad blif boles OtaclnnH CanJlß ' **■ 6 ‘ “* „ w and valuable BOOKS— Juat recd.ed»t DAVIBON'B, 06 Muket Blreet, neM J? “ nrth ,' Olaucua, or the Wondera of the Shore, byKlng»ley1 Memoir of Be?. Sydney Bmlthi 5I toU.; $2- Which t the Bight or the Left ,|l|26. My Bondage and Freedom, by Fred. ®oBgUta, *1.25- Waylaod’e Intelleetaal Philosophy; *156. Bridie on 118th Pealm i Do. on Ptorerbs, 6«- 6c. {todenbemert Great Worh trecondyidlUond on the Dtoo see of the Rectum, Auue, and Contiguous Totar«jgi«B their nature, ««& causes, symptoms, Moeemdon; especially edarreraa to the non-profesdonal reader; with plates end numerous cases; s*» .. Modern Mysteries Explained and Bxjxaed, by Me* k°old fledJrtone; cheap edition; 76 oents. Books forwarded by mail at a moderate expense. »ug24 W“ AWT fiITUATIONB—A Gardener, a P thl a Bar-keeper, (all A Bo? wantSto learn the Watchmaking business. • -.‘l;' foundries, Bolling Mills. Bail road Contractors, Ac* caa find their help at BABB’B Intelligence Office, 410 DOerty tmet. 1 » qgB *- HfpKKK GROWER!—Hnwnnarr la a perfect whisker grower. To force the beard and whiskers to grow, uao H dally, rubbing It well into the roots of the beard. It j eUu curl* and thickens the hair. Brice 25 cents per bottle, | with full directions. Bold at WO. 63 MARKET BT. * ‘ ’ r V f w, * lv yi- . , A epeej/ r andin fallible remedy in Diarrhoea, Dy?enterj> Bloody Flax, Cholera Morbas, Cholera Infantum,-and the Asiatic Cholera, If taken with the Bret symp toms, vli: vomit! ng’aniljiiarrbas*. It never fiflld to cure the Worst poeribla ckses of bowel complaints,generally in a few Uonra, seldom beyond a day. It is purely vegetable, and taken In almost any quantity Is perfectly h&rmle s s • Price GO cents. The'Qr&fesborg Greon Mountain Ointment, Invaluable for Barns, Wounds, Bpralna, Chtiuuioe, Corns, Sores, Swellings of all kinds, Rheumatism, Ery sipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, UL-ere, Patua In the Hide or Baek immediately relieved, Inflammations of the Bowels, and for all cases where there to inflamma tion. Price Twenty-five cents. Marshall's Uterine Cathollcon. A certain care for Prolapßua Uteri, for most of the distressing complaints incident to Females. Pre pared by f)r. Then. Pomeroy' of Utica, solely for the Grmefenberg Com pany. Prise $3,00. The other Graefenborg Medicine* arc Bye lotion, Etatth Bitter i. Cbrmsmptive Babn. ChOdm*t Panacea. Fever and Ague PQls. lAbtrfi Pill Ointment. Sanapcarma Compound. The Graefenberg Manual of Health, A complete hand book of medicine forfamilles-prtee to oL. Office, aid Broadway, Sew Vorlt. CAUTION. The pabllo Is requested to beer In mind that ever,thins prepared by the OraefenbergCompany hulhelreeal upon 1L Spurious articles bare bean Issued closely resembling the genuine In every particnlor except the seal, and the utmost care should be observed before purchasing. ' Bold wholesale and retail at Dr. KEYBUfI/fl, 140 Wood .treat , - lylfsurji. * from Pittsburgh. It is a beautiful location for country residences, and a part of it well calculated for Gardening purposes. Tbe Monongabela river is Its northern bound ary ; the State Read runs through it, also tbe P. A C. R. B, giving to the occupants a choice of conveyances to Pitts burgh, T IS RMS—One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with Interest; to be secured by bond and mortgage. AXBX. MILLAR, I Adm. de bon. non cum test, bqdiso, of the Estate of Dr. Goo. 11 oey, deceased. aug*9 jia recalred by Railroad tills day augT | T 1 CWKY IL CO LLIWB MILLER A RIOKETBUN The Graeteaberg Dysentery Byru?, PoQUiraHHOCE, Or., Feb. 16,1866. Bdi. wholes*, end retail* a MYffßß . g( j ol9 No. 140 Wood street IJUFKIUOk HOUSEHOLD FUHNiTUttK AT AUOTIO». —on Thursday morning, September Oth, at 10 o’clock, at the residence of Wm. A- illll, Baq .at Evergreen Ham* let, will be sold, las he la removing,; his entire Household and Kitchen Furniture, which la or superior quality, ana kept in the best order; among which will be found Piano Forte, Mirrors, H«ir and Plash Beat Solas, Dlvanß, Chairs and 1 lockers. Card and Centre Tables, Parlor, Chamber, Hall and Stair Carpets, Paintings and Engravings, Lamps, Mantle Clocks, Mahogany Secretary aDd Book Ca«B, Walnut ‘ and Mahogany Wardrobes, High and Low Pest and French I Bedsteads, Walnut and Mahogany Dressing Bureaus, Work | aod Wash Blands, Fancy and Common Obalrs, Lining and ! Breakfast Tables, China, Class and Queensw&TO, and a full assortment of Kitchen Furniture. Cooking Utensils, Ac. Also —One superior Barouche, lor one or two corses; one Buggy, with top; Double and Single Harness; Ac., Ac. Aff* Omnibusaea will leave the Hand street Bridge at & and 9 o'clock on morning of sale, to convey purchasers to the premise*. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. aog3o:dlw Heal Kfttate to r Male or Rent. riMIAT desirable property, the residence of WILLIAM A. 1 HILL, eito&tea at EVERGREEN HAMLET, is offered for sale or rent. Poweaelon gtren Immediately. Addly to either of the undersigned. vv 1 ALFRED B. CU RLINd. corner of Second end Wood eta. ROBERT ROBB, corner of fifth end WyHe aia. O.FOLLANSBfifi, 106 Liberty street. - WfUchea, Jewelry, Sllnr Weroi . vKfiY samuoil AShOETMKNT of Gold end Bllrer A Welches non in store, from tlO to S2T6. Wo ere iho exclusive Ageul tbr the sale of the celebrated a Prodshom , Imvroed Chrenomettr Timekerpert: also, P. B. AdemsA hon. Stoddart, Oooper, Taylor. Johnsoo an I oUiar epprored Watches kept tor Se at I«i than Bittern pieces—owing to lighter expanses, end e desire to retain our homo trade as m Special Is derated to the repairing of Watches * n ßllref Spoons Jnd’ottier goods manufactured tonryotm c. r£r re ' “ w°v*^of g2H earner Market and Fourth ats. Oiisoltttlon of Partnecsblp* " rpBR partnership formed by the undersigned 1 O’NiiL, in carrying on “the Camden tool Worta. under the name and style of JONES, O’NEAL AMILLEH» Is notr disseised. mfA'Vtttw ER ■lnly 7th. 11105. JOHN P. MILLER. UtIILIJINU IeOT KOH BAX.HI. A LOT 84 feet front on WYLIE street, end extending back 109 rest to Wide alloy. Un the hac&partcr the Lot Is e Cellar Wall, built Ibt tiro email Honsea.. Thla Lot Is In a desirable location for a residence; and will he eoia lon, and on favorable tonne mtUS O " 4 !"??,SSS ! fr “ a Incumbrance. Enquire ol QEO. F. i,lg ■? At once of Mernlng Poet. JULU UAQAZINKS Harp.r’a, tor July *0 co nti Putnam, ** Graham, “ •••• (iodey, ad enp-, ** —• Kalckerboker, ** •••• Leslie's Gai’te, “ .... Peterson's, M • Leslle’e Jour'U ** .... ptackwood. for June. AU who vast NSW BOOKS, and as soon as Issued, lower than can be bad elsewhere, should oaU at “ IIDFFSE'a BOOK BIOHB, w 2 87 Wood tireet. JBAN KTTJSI— la dressed in silks end satin?. And her step if full of grace; Bbe Is lowly in appearance— But what ft sallow faoal Her me small* but 01 bow rough; She surely does not know That wgftPgPin SOAP Is just the thtof, And then tbs price la low. - The Herpetio Soap haa been used with great success jor the past flreycars,fortemoTing Tan, BrtowMo»«M £££ £a/of the BHnT&alln* m Obapa and Chafea-Onlj 15>4 I tenia per «*>. W». Nur»r, Soap togßto “ " BoU by S. L COTHBan', TOOT BKUBIVKD, »* So. 107 ,1 iJtnwntof toy*’and YoutbrfCairand Patent Uathjr Knnssa Gaiters. Prices low. ijl ULPHUttIO ACID TUM.-(Wurdllimam ull Vtutol,) "“‘" 4 “ 4 to “ U tJ FUMING BEOS. J * ■<*> V>* f *i-' V*:,?': vjtj; 'i,-r- •?,.!. •• .. ~** J -, . ,s v r* - :<■ JJ* . ” * "V 1 -f if'#? ' DR- MORSE’S II V iGORATING i CORDIAL, A eSESOUSSOS 'IN; MEDIOIIfB. Healtl ftaatored eatWf», MORSE'S IN VIOOB'ATiif G BLIXIB. TT «m replies weakness with [strength, Iccspsclty wtt A efficiency, Irregularity with uniform end notural «• tlvlty, end this not only without hassrd of reactlolf. hut with > heppy effect on th. geucrel organisation. t&- Bom In mind that ell maledlaa. wherever they begin, finish with the norvons system, and thet the parallsatlon of the nerve of motion and sensation la physical death. Baer In mind* also, that for every kiod of nervous disease, the Elixir Oor* dial id the only reliable preparative known. CURB OP NERVOUS DISEASES. No language can convey an adequate Idee of the fmme. dlete and almost miraculous change which it occasions to Che diseased, debilitated aad ehattared nervous system, whether broken down by esceai, weak by nature,or Impair ed by flick nenu —the unstrung and relaaed organisation ll at once braced, revivified and built up. The mental an! physical symptoms of nervous disease vanish togathsr un der He Influence. Nor le the effect temporary; fin the Oct dial properties of the medicine reach the constitution Itself, and restore It to Its normal condition. LOSS OP MEMORY, Confusion, giddiness, rueb of blood to the hod, melan choly, debility; hysteria, wreichedness, thoughts of aaU destruction—fear of lusaoity, dyspepsia, general prostra. Uon, Irritability, nervousness, Inability to sleep, diseases incident to males, deoay of the propagating funotlonViyi terla, monomania, vague terrors, puipitatloliOf the hour I. impotency, copstlpatiou, etc-, from whatevercatusa. arising It is, if .there bo any reliance to ha placed OO human taltl mony, absolutely InihUible. A GREAT UEDIOINR FOR 7RMALR9. The unparalleled eftecte of this great restOttJtV* la *ll comp lain to incident to females, mark a new eta lathe an nato of medicine. ThouEMniß of Bticnulantß have been lnvented— thonaanda of invlgorantd concocted—all porporting to bv Xjfied in the varkm& dlßtsaees anddexangementa to wfcioh delicate formation of woman render her Sabin. BVERY WOMAN OF BKNBB, Whb-gnff«r 3 from weakness, dere-ngßiaent, nervousness, tremors, pains in the back, or any other disorder, Wbethaj flftqnHnr to her sex, or common to both saxes—to git* the fnYiiGZ&tlng Cordial a trial. . UIT1 * S JdARBIK© PEHSONB, OroUaWvWlU find this Cordial after they hare ttsad a.bot tle or trfo, a thorough regenerator of the ln all oarr preparation. Audit la cqg&llypotaai{Orthatpany aw* easifor whleh It is recommended. Thousands a JTOBg men have been restored by using it, and not in * dingle&• stance has It failed tc benefit them. . PERSONS OJT PALE COMPLEXIOJf. or eonsunptlw bablu, are restored by the TWOt a bottle or two to blown and vigor, changing the Bkiafimm a pale, fal low aioklj color, to a beautiful florid campuHoa. TO THB MIBatHIIKD. Kune aresome of the sad and melancholy eSecta produ cedbr early habits of youth, Tilt weakness«f tha back anil lunba, pains in tho bund, dinincsa of Eight, loss of xana r oolar powerTpalpitatlon of tha heart, dyspepsia, nertroue Irritability, derangement of the digestive futirtlrns, general dshillty,symptoms of consumptions, etc. ' Uentaliy; the fearful effects on tho mind are much to bo dreaded. Loss of memory, confoflon of Ideas, jtaaMMon of spirits, evil forebodingc, ayaiaipn to society, eelfdistrast. loye of solltodo, timidity, etc., are oomoo: tho oyfleprodc- CBd ‘ 1 mN - TK"IPLA'I!Ibi-3 MAWtIAfIB should reflect that a sound mind ami body arethonttet ne cessary requisites to promote connuhled happiness; indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary oUgrtmago—tke prospect. Sourly darkens the Thru; tho JnSboSmeeshadowed with despair,and tfl led with the melancholy reflection that tho happiness of another be • comes blighted with your Dr. Horne's luyigoratlng Cordial has bssn counterfeited bT some unprincipled persons. In future, all the genuine Cordial will here the prn»de> tor’a fac-simlle pasted over the cork of each bottle, mi we following words blown in the glass : Dr. Uone’a lorlgorstlag Cardial# 0. a. BDJB, Proprietor, IK*! The Cordial le put op, fclgbly eonceatrafed, ln plat ties—price three dollars per bottle, for twelve dollars. 0. H. f by DroMlsta throughout thfl.Ualted States, Cmad end the West IndicE. Pittsburgh .Da. QUO. HI KEYBKB, No. UO Wood el 1)0. - FLEm’G, 8805.,N0. 60 Wood st, Do, r, E. g£Lb£SB, Wood etreet. atlryheny Clty-.IiHCKIiAM A M’KENh’AN ; Do ...... J&ME3 T. SAMPLE A 00.; Do J. H. PLEHXNO. Agent cr Ohlo-.J. D. PAUK, Cincinnati. >fUsl*wly NoxWiCa, Feb 8, 186& PBBPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSOB, Thiladelpbia, Pa, IXVKB COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Ooronuor Hereout JkbiStyt Ditsun of the Eidaesb eaa aS iiusta eriring from a duonkred trteer or Stoaaea. Bach aaOonstlpi* > don, linf»rdril«. Fulness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of theStamach, Nauees;Heattburc, Disgust &r Food/ Palnesj or weight is the Btcmacb, Soar Eructations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Fit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head) Hurried aud Difficult Breathing, Flattering atthe Heart, Ghoa* in* or Suffocating Sensation when in lying Poetaro, Duma • of Vision, Dots of Webs before the Bight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Bide, Baok, Chest, Limbs, &a. Sadden flushes of Heat Burning In the Flesh, Constant Imagtn • " sad great Depression of Spirit*. Tbe proprietor, in calling the attention of the public ta thia preparation, does ao wit a feeling of the almost confl denw in its virtues and adaj ation to the diseases Ibr wmea it is recommended. a . . . It to no new and untried article, but one that has stood the test of o ten joara* trial before the Amerilan people, and Us reputation end safe to unrivalled by anvjrimD&r P£ • Derations extant. Tho testimony In Ita favor pt«atotM most prominent and well known ghymrfana and tattfldO* ato, in all parts of the country to Immense. Referring any who may doubt,to my “ Memorabilia,'’ot Practical B«ap» Book, foT Farmers and Families, to be had gratis, 01 all u Agents for the German Bitters, . , Prlo closed Office and Manufactory, ISO Arch street, nilia* Dr. Geo. R. Keyser, 140 Wood Streat.; B* A Fabnoitock * I to embark in another enterprise, otfer the entire establishment for sale. ■ The paperifl iu sS>nd volume, and Is now doing a good, profltabJeJJuelnßss. The jobbing and advertising the present JJSLJjH $1,600. The subscription list la idiy. With a little exertion it can be doubled. The match rial la nearly now. Payments made easy. Jfor a good practical printer, this is an opportunity rarely presented. Pwaeeaion will be given at the close of thle volume. All communications relative to the above can he-ad* dressed to (he (subscribers, ot Plymouth. Richland county, Ohio. laugllxlawtf j ROBINSON A LOCKS. To' Pbyilolautt or thos« wanting m Oomu try Kesldenee. TB£ SUBSCRIBER oflers lor sale his property, 7 pllaa from Pittsburgh, ion the Steubenville Turnpike. It contains TWO ACRES of good level land', veil fenced; on vhlob Is erected a fine new twaacd-a half story frame house, with eU rooms, and basement cfllreand cellar, built and finished in modern style. A good stable, and other necessary out-building*. A good well and cistern, with i pump There are about 100 choice fruit trees, of every va - rtety. just beginning to bear. In short, every thlngneees aary to make It a comfortable home. To a phytidxm wishing a good location, this offers anpe rior Inducements, os it is In a rich and populous -country, and the subscriber is now doing an extensive pnqttofc; A Stage runs daily to abi from Pittsburgh; Poshomce (w dally mails) within ten rods ot the house. \ For further particulars apply to the subscriber, premises, or address k note to me at Bemiogton, AUa cnontyTPa. W. M. GRAY, M. augl&dlOUwSt .20 44 .20 “ .20 44 .17 •* .18 44 W. B. BOHMERTZ. DR, HOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED lUeases* Private Notice* i Haying thifl day, July 13,1865, sold rn? stack In tfcs gaddlery to Alegars. J» ANDERSON A 00., X take pleasure In recommending them to my Mends and former customers, and to the public generally, and-would respectfully solicit for them a continuance of p* tin leellng confident that all work received of them will s?i gXarfl aatisfeelcm. J. t>. EMITU, ** J. ANDEESOK & GO m mfßGssk. jukupitmnuats or *jP®®*SADDLE3, HARNESS, TRUNKS, &a., Ho. 138 Wood PitUburgh t Pa. Orders from Country Dealers promptly attended to, and at prices that cannot fail to be acceptable. aug&ly New Bottling Eitabllihment* BOYD A MQETON have entered Into cthpartcarsbip to transact tba business of BOTTLING, in all its branch* es, at 0 8 liberty street, Neville Hall. They have constantly on hand a superior artioiefof INDIA. ALE, put-up in pint bottles. Dealers and families wUlflud it to their advantage vo give us a call, and exam ine (or themselves. Vfe also boUlo a superior arlicit of POKTBH, SARSAPARILLA and MINERAL WATER. Terms as favorable aa auy other bouse In the cl r. AU orders put up at ehort notice.* BOYD A MOHioN, J«l2:4m No 63 Liberty et. Neville HsU. loch auLfßra— o,ooo >t* fo, oi. b, IUgT B, A. »AHNESTOCK 4 00, , " t ‘ *■ ' * , As :v.AA,\£Av