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A 1 t ■‘’fl >J ■ *,n *::■> .1 *• *'»*■: r \ rf *' »>♦.• l » -£ l i • ** v' v 1 b ’c -r* * l lyy-< i-yyy: •<?»: •*- V V ( ,;'1 H r ?5V>Xv ■,P '■-( i’<“ M U' , 1-if (, r " ft vl}( Vj. 1 i. *;- n. s"' ', 8 W A* v ’ J MM **:® <w r>.' r ji>K a- «§%v?aV2» 11pm wß^m B«sii!»*? flifii &SJ ‘v^f' VVitAv"AVtiJ* 1 ;” ’4 '-’ •'•J*3 pto^&^iy '** • »• i-h 1 - « v Jailij Ifinraing OFFICIAL PAPER OF''THE CITY. PITTSBURGH: THURSDAY MORNING * STATE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOB CANAL COMMIBBIONEB, ARNOLD PLUMER, OF rKXAFOO COUNTY. COUNTY DEMOCBATIC NOMINATIONS. WILLIAM WILKINB, [Veblt’S town.hlp. tBWtWBT T ; JAMES B. FULTON, Tarentum ; SAMUEL SMITH, Allegheny ; K. A. BAUSMAN, Boulh Pittsburgh 0. MAQ&B, Pittsburgh; L. B. PATTERSON, Mifflin. ROLF PATTERSON, City pbothomotaat : JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio towntblp YRZASI'IUft : THOMAS BLAOKMORE, Upper St Clair WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City COMUISStOXKb JACOB TOMER, rittflbargb. ACDITOIS : JOHN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh; A. W. PEN PLANT), Bewlckl«y. nnucToE o? T*ooa: WM. BKLTZHOOYKR, Lower 8L Clair. JB3-8. M. PETTINQILL Newspaper Advertising Agents,&re> the Agents for the Pittsburgh Daily and Weekly Post, and are authorised to receive AnvxaTisiaufTß and Bouacumorva fbr us at the same rates as required at this offloe. Their receipts are regarded as payments. Their oOoee are at New Yo&k, 122 Nabsac sraxrr, MORNING POST JOB OFFICE We would call the attention of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MKN to thq fact that we Uavo just received from Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job Type, and are now prepared to fill ordera for Cards, Circulars, Bill Hvada, Paper Books, Pouters, and Programmes for exblbi' tl,na. All ordera will be promptly filled J Persons leaving the city during the tunner, who de sire the daily or toeeJdg Post foncardxi to them, can have if done regularly for any specified ftww-, by leaving their or deri and address at the office, earner of fifth and Wood strerfj- The Canal Board were in session in Harris barg last week. The Indiana papers announce the illness of Bishop Soott. The official majority In Kentucky, for More bead for Governor Is 4,408. The North Branoh Canal is now ia good boat Log order froze Towanda to the State line. Judge Pettit, of lodiana, has decided, ia a o&se brought before him at Lafayette, that the prohibitory law of that State is constitutional. Capt. Folsom, who died reoeutly, in California, had ao income of $200,000 per annum from real estate alone, but continued, up to the time of his death, to discharge the duties of his post in the army. SAfCTA ANNA TRAVELING By this time it is probable Santa Anna has arrived at Havana. On the 17th of this month he embarked at Vera Crux for Caba. He had previously signed a letter of abdication, and had sent his family out of the oountry. Mexioo is again withoal a government, and a prey to fac tions, lawlessness and civil war. The departure of the Diotator gives no relief to the Mexican people. Bome other military chief will sot him self up as ruler, and plunder and oppress the people for a time, and then fly before some other eucoessfal rebel. Mexioo can never have peace uotil some other nation gives it a raler. Were Franco cod Eng* land free from their war with Russia, tbej would no doubt rood interfere and take posses sion of that country. It would bo an easy con quest, and a valuable one. It seems to have been the design to let Santa Anna depart safely aod quletiy. No attempt was made to stop him, aod he has doubtless provided well for his future support out of the publio treasury. His public Life has probably now closed, and a strange aad eventful career he has had. With all his servioes to his coun try he has won no gratitude. Ho has enjoyed unlimited power and abused it. Two years ago aQ almost unanimous vote of the Mexican nation confirmed his power and title as Dictator, and now be is a fugitive. He has thrioe fled from hi* rvmntrv anH a&aH limn r«s!nrnpil and h*An elevated 10 the highest offioes in the State, in the sirugglo ol Mexico for independence. aaoia Anna, then a young man. was ono or the most distinguished heroes or the war. exhibiting un uoubied oonrage. patriotism and military capa city : and there oan be no doubt that, in the war with this country, he aooompusheu more for the defence of Mexioo than any other Mexican ooutd have done. He raised largo armies ana equipped and supplied them, and fought several batues in whioh nothing was wanting bat suoocss to stamp him as a deservedly distinguished leader, if he had had Yankee oourage lo back him. he would have won renown in that war. Hat the Mexi cans are poor soldiers. They aro fit neither for peaoe nor war. They are incapable of self government, and with them republicanism mnst i prove a failure. If Santa Anna ooaiu not rule i them, no other man in the nation oan His flight win not restoro peaoe ana order. The most fonun&io event that oan bofaii Mexioo is to beoonquerod and taken possession of oiviiired foreign Btate. tr— r. ft a " f ** f , *»- « .5 f? «»3i» »"*$ *'irv *<3l .i 'v.-Nx*' ° ia S r j>, -of l ’ * g! ' St t ft IK*. Pj-f •• JSt'WK -V ..„ S • . •• Old Dr. Ricardo. —This oid medicai prac titioner seems always to "be in at the doath if an epidemic is on hand- Ho happened In here last year just as the cholera hod assumed a virulent form, and then wooded his way to Coiambus, Ohm, when, strangely enough, a malignant type of the uißoase suddoniy broke oat there. The last news from the o*d gentleman at that time was *o who shape or a nuiiena to the sick at CinoinnaL.. nowever. wo notico he is again about .BSUtDg fiom his obscurity to aid the stnoken people or Noiiuiit. The announcement is to the effect ihat, •• uootora Ricardo. Ivy and Clark, accompanied ty tennursee. have left New Orleans for Norfolk.- Success attend o l d D* Ricardo, wherever he may go That Ticket.— The Republican Convention got up a tioket yesterday that wm do wonder this fail- no doubt. George R. Riddle will poll the Abolition vote. Mr. Nevm is a now man in the poiitioai arena, and E. D. Gazzam is not. Mr. Peony, it Beems has got tired of the law. and has oonoiuded to go to Harrisburg. He is a good man. however, nod we shall entrust oar business at Harrisburg to his care. \f he gets there. Dauphin County. —The Democratic Conven tion of Daaphin county met in Hamsbarg on and nominated Henry Lauman and Joho Haldeman. for Assembly: Slate for Prothonotary: William *D. Boas, for Reoorder of Deeds ; and appointed u. Barrett and Samaei S Bigler delegates to the next State Convention, with instructions to snpport the Hon. George M. Dallas for the Presidency. •.V F* «*.*,_ **%* t/L,’> •, * *•' r i s#- f I , , • ■ i> ■' • V * I '-"V - , ' '* :?tV >■> *.•**- ' * /, : ‘- '-ciHr •. 1- «•"/ 1 ‘ •••' * -4 - •« 1 ’ . 4 r'tw •. •' .L V■ > •• . - -■ L • ‘i»- ' >3 ' T AUGUST 30. Boston, 10 Btat* STsert. TUB NEWS - \ ;^s% _ v,* * •** 1 1 1.2* Wh. A. Hill, Esq —We invite attention to advertisements in another columo offering for sale tho dwelling house and grounds, and the furniture of Wm. A. Hill, at Evergreen Hamlet, j Mr Hill, we are glad to learn, has taken n | position in the large and responsible banking houso of Drexel Co., Philadelphia, and he proposes to make that city his home. Hence the-sale. He has resided in this city twenty five years, and been extensively engaged in business, and duriog that time has sustained an exoellcnt character for integrity and business capacity. His publlo spirit led him into some enterprises that probably injured him. He was generally among the first to subscribe and lend a helping hand to any pablio improvements like ly to promote the interests of the oity. Among other things, he contributed liberally to the stook of the Market House and the City Hall; exoellcnt Improvements, thoogh not designed or expeoted to be investments for pecuniary profit to the stockholders. Mr. H. was well known here, and universally reepeoted and esteemed. His friends will re gret to part with him; but hie new position will give him ample eoope for the exoroise of his n&ncial abilities. Tho banking house of Drexel & Co., with Its branches in New York and San Francisco, is now one of the largest in the coun try, and one of the soundest in the estimation of business men. The deposits of that house in the incorporated banks amount, we are told, sometimes in a single day to half a million dol' lars. We saw it stated that the deposits in the California house, a branoh of the Philadelphia, amounted on the 14th of Jaly to $1,100,000 for that day alone, and the remittances from Cali fornia to the Philadelphia house by tho steamers frequently exceeds a quarter of a million. It is Into Buch a vast financial houso that Mr. Hill has entered, and wo have no doubt his services will be found valuable We wish him abundant A Growing Town.— The site of Lowell, in Massachusetts, in I*l9 was purohased for $lOO,OOO, and in 1820 had not more than two hundred inhabitants. Now it has forty-five thousand inhabitants and $16,000,000 invested ia manufactures alone. Thirteen thoasand per sons, two-thirds of them females, at the call of bell enter the mills In the morning, and ere nightfall earn upon an average two dollars each. These bosy hands convert eaob year more cotton into manufactures than is growa in the States of Arkaosas, Texas and North Carolina. One hun dred and ten million yards of cotton cloth, prints, drillings, &c., are annually manufactured in this industrial hive, besides a million yards of broadcloths and woollens. The Helen Jbwrtt Murder —Tho reoent death of Robinson, the supposed murderer of Helen Jewett, has brought oat another faot con oerning one of tho actresses in that awful trage dy. Rosina Townsend, the keeper of tho house 42 Thomas street, it seems, is still living at Cas tleton, New York. She has been a resident there for 16 years, and leading a life which is said to go far in atoning for her former infamy. Sbo married, some years siooe, a rospootablo farmer, and both are members of the church, in good standing. The Mount Vernon (Ohio) Banner no- Hoes the proceedings of oar late Democratio Convention; and, after naming the candidates put in nomination for our county, says • “ This is a strong ticket, and we strongly inoline to think it will bo elected. Tho course of the Poet, the old and faithful organ of the Democracy, was triumphantly sustained." Putnam, for September, is filled with good things. It oontains fifteen articles, including onotber ohaptcr from Mr. Sparrowgrass on his experience in " Living in the Country," and the conclusion of the pleasant story entitled "Twioe Married." Gildonfennoy, opposite the Theatre, and 11. Miner, 32 Smithfield street, ore the agents A LITTLE PAMPHLET, Q Copy 0(‘ Which should bo in the hands of every good housewife, is on oar table from Miuer & Co. and Gildeofenney & GoC' D is entitled " French Frails and Veg etables all the year, at Summer prices, and how to obtain them " Boy it ; it only oosts a shil ling. Best Route to tb« Label. The editor of the Chicago Press was in our cltv tho other dav. aod fives the following, first premising it wuh the fact that there is a ihirioen hour train between here aod Philadelphia: "it is but h single aay between Pittsburgh and Chicago. Leaving by bq early train on Saturday morning we amveu at home late on Saturday night. Tho roads from Pittsburgh to Cleveland aro tn excellent oruer. and every com fort is afforded tho traveler. The northern di vision of the Cleveland and Toicjo road is com pietea.-and wo baa the pleasure of a nuc through Sandusky. A new rouio is always interesting, for tho eye is never satisfied with seeing. The Mishtgan Southern road affords about ibo per fection of railroad traveling. Everything moves by clockwork, and under the kind oare of con dnotor Bears wo tnndo the stations •on time to the minute. We mast not forget that oar good friond Pierce was on hand at White Pigeon, 'with an tho atitcaciea aod the loxanes of tho season Pleasant oonduotors. good fare, with half on hour to enjov it. and an excellent rail road. aro what passengers wm be sore to find between Chicago and Pittsburgh. A Modern Pegasus —On Vo mi ay last a bai iood ascension took piaoe at Hi. Lome, a Mr ki lioi and a uve horse boiog ibe «mai voyagers. The Jnteuioencer says of Mr. Billot : He did not exaotiy go up on horaobaok. as his ... own position was somewhat above the animat. ; but he took up with him. suspended in air. with | outstretched legs, a roai livo horse. The horse a seemed to be considerably astonished as the j earth reoeded : be turned his head from side to jaeide. and seemed to ooolt his eye qnite knowing jjn at the crowd beneath : but fiodiog no use for Shis legs, be displayed his good •• horse sense ' (by holding them perfectly still, no doubt fully ooavmceu that he was •• learning the ropes. The I'ittbboroh Union is over moo in its dis tinctions. anu witbai a iivuo bypororiuoai. We are sorry to see anv Uemoorouc journal wilting to surrender auy principle, and wero never moro surprised than in seeing the Union fan into this trap. It by no means follows, as the Union in timates. that the Pennsylvanian having advoca ted "fusion. - therefore fusion is orthodox. The Demooraoy here, and in Aueghony—if the Union win allow us to say so—and throughout the State, havo a way of thinking for themsei vos. and aoung out their thoughts—a way. by the byo. a Utile more independent than it is old fashioned. but etui evtdenoiDg. as we aro loonned to believe, inoreased devotion to pnnoipioe and lose regard for matters of mere expediency. [Philadelphia At gut. Sidne; Smith says in a letter to the Countess Grey, dated Combe Florey. J&naary 10. iS4z. (Memories of S. 8.. page 448): “ i shall be very curious to know the impres sion America prodaocs on Lord Morpeth. He is acute- and his opinions aro aiways iust k is a fortunate thmg for the world that the sep arate American states ore making snob progress in dishonesty and are absolutely and plainly re fusing to pay their debts. They would soon have been too formidable if they had added ihe mo ral pox otr of goon janh to their physical strength. What would the Reverend Sidney say now to oar " moral power of good faith, oombinod with onr •• physical strength." an over flowing treasury, abundant orops and a war In Europe. Brautitul Biqn.—A new invention in the show-oard une, is the sign in Messrs. Stott & Co. s window for Professor De Grath's *• Eieo trio Oil, from Philadelphia It >s made of ground glass, and over a oopper plate galvan ised. set in a frame, has the bruuanoy almost of diamonds, is tasty, rioh, and expensive : bat the Professor seems to know how to gei up beautiful things- at whatever exponse, and he oan t help succeeding.— Wash. Star. Whhrh arb thb Bots An Uhlo paper, re cording an aooident to on individual, speaks of him as " a young man between seven and eight years of age-" Babyhood and boyhood, we sup pose. are obsolete terms in that, region. The Late President of Hungary. j I From the Washington Union.] There are many things to admire in the career ( and of Kossuth, the late President of ; the independent nationality of Hungary ; and I the proper meed of admiration to the distin- I guiahed exile, few will deny, has been freely and j fully rendered by the Amerioan people. Bnt M. I Kossuth oannot or will not realize his true situ* ; ation or the altered situation of Europe from the time when his brave, eloquent words caused i bo muoh hope and joy to the freedom : in every part of the civilized word. He still lin ; gers, naturally enough, in the past —still treats ; potentates and powers with a freedom and equality 1 becoming the executive of an independent nationality t —and still talks, and writes and predicts as if \ thousands and tens of thousands of armed men were ready to leap responsive to his wishes While indnlging in dreams of glory, greatness and independence for his beloved Hungary, he I has Bhown true nobility of character by reso j lately working at an honorable profession in or der to obtain the neoessary means for the sup port of himself and family. He might have se lected a less objectionable Amerioan journal as the medium for his paid contributions ; but pro 'bably in this matter there was no oboioe left for him ; for, rating his poiitioai productions at a higher standard oa this side of the Atiantio ; he took his goods to the most profitable, if not tho only market. We need not inform the reader that M. Kossuth is the regular, liberally-paid London correspon dent of the New York Times, a paper which is "everything by tarns, and nothing long, n and consistent only in its advooaoy of Abolitionism and its opposition to the Administration or Pres ident Pierce. That the eloquent Magyar should endeavor to adapt his poiitioai wares to the wishes, tastos and even prejudices of tb£ editors and readers of the Times, ia one of tboso se quences whioh frequently flow from the some what dependent relations of employer and em ployee. The Times is unhesitating in its nae of vituperative expressions when speaking of the principles, measures and polioy of the presoot Administration. M. Kossuth takes the hi&t, and he, too, most havo his fling at the President of the United States! As wo have not the space for the whole of Kossuth's oomplaining letter, we mako room for the following editorial com ments of the New York Commeroisl Advertiser, whioh briefly explains its true oharaoter: *' 1 1 aftetos that t year fego b gentleman, whose proceed logs Id this country aod eLsevher* have not bees calculate 1 to give b m any other reputation than that of a theorist and discontent**} intermoddler with the affaira of other na tion*. addressed a long memorial to President Pierce, 'd*nr i nff to t-fune.' ac*-ordln< to morning a paper, 4 k-Au* courn our f/.Nmwn/ would pursue i>% certain sportiest c<>ntin-jenc\n ' U W almost tieedie-M to say that no other Individual than M. K.o3*ulh would hr guilty of imcb an indiscretion; ao-J yet the p»per alluded to protases t > be surprised that no ’ ri-ply b&a been made by the President to »ueh apiece of tin pertioeoce i r The conclusions of Kossuth’s memorial lo Pre sident Pierce ia in the following words : “ I will, then, in oonrlindou, venture to a.-fk 1. Whether, in the event of a revolutionary roalet*t in Hungary and Italy, Am-rieao «hipa wilt bo permuted, un d*r ih* lava of the United State*, to clear for port* In the p.»!U**ni<>o of the Insurgents ’ And X Whether *uch ahlpa will bo exm-p: from w«n-b or keuun on the high aoaa t y Austrian nnraU of war -” Kossuth violated no prxnciple of national ft\ quette or private decorum in sending eueh a memo rial to (he President. The President is in tbs al most daily reoeipt of memorials where tho ex pectatione of the writers are not a wbit less unreasonable It was jast such a memorial as might have been penned by on ardent Pole, or a sanguine Irish Repealer, or a hopeful Red Re pubUoan of Franoe, or an Italian Patriot. But M K oBB nth and bis disciples cannot understand, or will not acknowledge its justice, that polioy of tho Uaited States whioh discriminates be tween existing governments and merely iaearrec tiooary movements —between acquired and ex pocted independence—between official and un official persons—between a Secretary of State and a newspaper correspondent. The Law of Auie-Nopllal Contracte. I'be Cheater Rapabli&tn gives a report of a decision by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, involving the law of onto nuptial contracts, no der which a Urge amount of property is held id thia State. John Talbot, son , previous to bis marriage with Mrs. Hannah Calvert, entered in to a marriage oontraot by which ebe, after her marriage, should have and enjoy her property, freed and discharged from the oootrol of her husband, aDd ehoald be at iiborty to make her last will and testament, thereby to give or dis poso of any part, or the whole of htr estate, either real or personal, to whom and in what manor she migblihink fit Hannah died iotes tale and withou Is&ne, tearing of the estate she hod at the time of her marriage the snm of $750 at interest, standing in the name of John Talbot, Jr , the defendant, as her trustee, which sum bad always been treatod as her own, up to the time of her death, aod which after her death was collected and rooovored into possession by her husband, be actiug as her administrator John Talbot, sen , died subsequently, having by his will disposed of the ne dae cf his estate) to the defendant, aod also appointed him as his ex ecutor. Two married sisters of Hannah daimed the money with interest, as next of kin The caso was argued before Jadgo Haines, on the lbth of January last, and judgment entered for tho plaintiffs A writ of error was taken out, and the case argued before the tiopremo Court of Philadelphia, when the decision of the oourt below was revised. la the opinion of tbo court, “ tbe husband might have oot himself off from tbe aso of his wife's goods, bat the agreement that it should go to whomsoever she plo&sed to designate as her legatee, iajnot a covenant that the hnsband will give it to her relatives if she make no wilt She bad the power to make tbo will, bot did not exercise it. The presumption is,that she was sat isfied with the disposition wbioh the law would make. The plaintiffs had oo title by the mar riage ortioles, for they are not so much as men tioued or alluded to; not by any gift of the wife during her life, for no sooh thing is pretended ; not by a will, for oo will was ever made ; nor by the entestate laws of the State, for they give it to tbo hnsband. They have no title at all, and yet they most show a good title before they can demand it Where an ante-nuptial agree ment limits the wife’s property to certain per sons other than her hnsband, tbo hnsband of oonrse oannot olaim It against tbe right of the parties upon whom it is settled. Where It indi cates in terms tolerably clear, that tbo bosband intended to relinquish all the rights whioh he had or ooold have in the wife’s property, not only during, bot after the onverture, then it do soends to her next of kin, and they take it uoder the intestate laws, just as If sho had never been married. If euoh intention had boen apparent here, it would have been equivalent to a settle ment of it on suoh persons as the wife might appoint by will, and ia default of suoh appoint ment, on her next of kin ; bat we do not see the least glimmer of suoh a meaning In this oon traot.” Exports and Imports of the United Btateei The union, of Friday las:, oontains a " table, exhibiting ibe value of merchandise importod into and exported from the United States, during ihn quarter ending June ouch. iH06.~ oompuou by direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Heretofore this report baa boen aunuai. um u is now the intention of tho department to make it miarteriy an intention which we hope to soo o&rned out. From itus tabie-tho following ro- SQita appear: Pi>eci» |«844al Free goods other than specie io.o9B.trtK) ForeUn—Specie - $304,231 Free goods eicern Obecie i. 602.080 Datiable 4.697 7fll Total roreign Domestic—gpeeis Merchandise Tutsi domestic... Foreign as abore. Total exports. Total imports KxcegH or exports over imports uurtng . thfioo&rter sC.6o4,fftt The~Telauve proportion of imports nuu ex ports from northern and southern ports is as follows : | Northern impArui $602263.684 Southern •• 6.144.0 W Rjcetu of Northern Import* $60,108,606 Northern Exports. Southern Exoeaa of Northern Export*. This comparison only applies to the months of April. May and June. Tho reiattve amount of exports and imports doubtless varies with the other months. New York alone exports and imports $32,297,481. more than half of the lotai exports and imports of the whole north. We give the exports find imports of some of the principal oities of ihe oountry: iHipOrio. Export*. New York 528,102,620 Boston and Obanestovn 10,636,066 0.427,068 Philadelphia 3,166,067 1.546.018 Baltimore 2,108,101 2,660.329 Ohariastoti, 8. 0. Bimoth 32,»i.85: New Orleans. San/ranciaco .. - 1,777,824 8,668,169 IJ- ‘ .{»*■ '*'i '•‘ i_ , * ' 4. . , • <•*>*> *- Reported Eiprenly for the‘Daily Morning Post SIX DATS LATER FROM EUROPE. Halifax, August 29.—The eteamer Canada reached here lata l&at night, with Liverpool dates to the ISth Queen Victoria was absent from England, on her visit to tb* Emperor Napoleon. The war news received is of importance, including the destruction of Sweaborg by the allies on the 11th inet, causing an immense destruction of property. L'prandl had attacked the lines of the Allies on Tcber nsya, but was repulsed with great loss. The loss of thj Allies was trifling. The bombardment of Sebastopol id fixed for the 17th insL At Sweaborg an Immense conflagration had prevailed for 49 hours, which destroyed the store-houses, magazines and arsenals; the powder magazines-and stores cf projectiles were alro blown up. The enemy’s loss is enormous. There is nothing said by either ihe English or French Admiral’s despatches about the Lussi&n ships at Sweaborg The Allies lost no lives, but two officers and thirty men c-f the English were wounded The news from the seat of war is highly important. The Rusrdan army und*r LlprandJ had attacked the lines of the Allies at Tohernaya on the morning c’f the 16th, and after a battle which lasted three hoars were repulsed by the French and Sardinians with a reported leas of 5000, and 400 prisoners. The Canada also brings intelligence of the bombardment of Sweahorg, continued from the t).h to the 11th by the Al lied fleets, with immense destruction of property, and but trifling lots to the Allies. After the bombardment, the fleets returned on the 13th to Nargen The Russian fleet at Bweaborg was not touched. Denmark Is reported to have seut a Commiwioner to ask advice of Prance with reference to the rtfasal of American vessels to pay Sound duties. Gen. Simpoou telegraphs that the bombardment of Babas topul woula re-open on the morning ol the 17 th. The battle of Tohernaya commenced on the 19th. The Russians to the number of 00 000 fought for three hours; the Sardinians also fought bravely. Tne Rosalaps tost 4000 or UMX) la killed, and 400 were taken prison* rs. The loss of tho allies is small. The Russians were in complete re treat when the French reserve came up. Omar Pacha had receivel orders to return to tho Crimea instead of Asia. \ A despatch from St cays that Gortechokoff has orders to sink the Russian fl««t if Sebastopol falls. The London Mornlog Post, a ministerial paper, says It has reason to expert ntirri g and hitherto unexpected news from tba-primea It is supposed to refer to some secret ex pedition/ LateSt.—Accounts from Asia Minor states that Kars is completely invested. The first parallel has been openad. All communication with Ereeromubos hod been stopped. Turkey is sending reinforcements to Kan. General Espinos takes command of General Canrobert’s division, General lainorlska Is aboot to organise a regiment of deserters and Poles. A ministerial erisio was threatened at Constantinople. The revolted bedouins lu Tripoli are still uosabdued. Negotiations are still going "n between London. Dari* and Vienna, respecting Austria's continued occupation of the Principalities. The hoodoo papers say that the nego tiations have arrived at a point for a triple treaty binding Francs, England and Austria not to conclude any arrange ment sep-raLely with Russia. Queen Victoria, escorted by nix shlps-of w »r. c maxed t be rbn one! to Boulogne on the 17th. Judies Walker A Go , manufacturers, of have Mb d There is nothing new from France Wedncsdsv being the fete of Napoleou was a holiday at the Bourse. It was i-elebratel at the theatres ao<l throughout Ports by rpeota -le» and illuminations, and the commutation of the «ru irnce* of '2OOO prisooert. IVcparatlun* are being made for the reception of Qaeeu Victoria Napoleon will meet tier on Tuesday at Boulogne Thu Empraas will not be present. Ei Praii-lent Fillmora bad been presented to the Emperor by sir. Mason, the American Minister. There I* nothing of the least importance from Bpaiu. Something is said of a Congress of Statesmen «t Vienna to settle the affairs of Italy, but it is not Iflkely to be with ntfe’t at precent. The statement relative to a concordat* between France and tho liuly Bee is contradicted. The Homan government Interpose* every obstacle to re cruiting for the British Italiao Legion. DENMARK. It is reported that the Danish admiral Nourier has gone to Paris to ask the advice and assistance of France touch ing their dlflerances with America concerning the round duties. D-nmark fears that the United Mates will com uimce LoitUitiei* by taking possession of the Danish Wort India Islands l! is reported that the Ccmzßisaent of Southern Russia has declared it iaposs.hla in provision more men than are now in the Crimea ; consequently no further reinforcements will be sent. The Overland mall has arrived, bringing dale* to the 4 -h Jq'v 1 1 u minor*d that Persia is still lot/ guing witb Rim;a, aoJ that the British force In India Will on -ec.l to (be Pvr ttan Gulf Affair* ia India are tran.juli Frightful Railroad Accident— Eighteen Persons Killed and Many Fatally In- i'uiLaoELruja, August *v —Th* ten o'clock train from thli cttjr t-r New Votk was thrown from the Ira- k aloul 11 o clock this moratog, when a mile above Burling ton. New Jersey, sod 18 prrooti* v*m killed and a much larger camber wounded, com? (>{ them fatally acJ in oy senonaly. The following uoCiad peraons were killed: I>. B. Haywood, George Rldgway, M. C. M. Barclay. Baron de fit. Andre, French Consol; Edward P. Bacon. Wl'aou Kent, Alexander Kelly, John M Connell, Charles Bottom and M J. H toogblor, o? Philadelphia; Jacob Howard, of Lebanon, Tetui ■ Mrs. Margaret Prwoott, wife of tne Rev Mr Pre» i-ott, of Balem, n J , and Major it -yea, ef the V 8 . Coant Survey, and wife. Among the wounded we fiod M r . I i*!i, of C«>t\oeciicut, la tail;, h 1, Boaneit, of Natchrx Ml". mjbily; Mr. snj Mrs John L Otlle«L>le, of Natcbri Mesarv.Toe erbacb aud Jobo Kelly, of Pituourgh, the lion Wiliiam C Moi lay, if New York, **ricu* y . Samuel Lamb, of Stark c-unty. vjhU); the Hon. William Wheelsc. Naval Bureau, \Va«hlngU>Q , Com. J M. Smith, U S. Navy fpet-rr kte Cor tin, of Oooat Survey The accident occurred while the train tt a backlog to a turn out to make way ur the down train f:nm New Y«»ife, which was behind time. Tb« rear c»r of the rain hacking was (brown from the track in c, of r:>mlng in ivjUivicn »Uii a carriage wbi>*h aU*mpte>i • eroa.n tho nnd , ths borvea were killed, but the Inmate* ovi-apeO uu hurt Tbrw *ara e»r« i-vmplptely ground U> atoms, ihe train panaing tuore> tbao it* length aflr-r thr rrar *ft be tract Niw Yoac. AogUflt £fl —Amon* the latent an Hal* to Lu»d Ip the Hod. Ulai Murray. mi Jtobe a maid of honor toll B M. the Queen ; tn dU that sbe is writing a book embodying her observation* and experience iu the United Btatea, whether a h TtcliOfip*, or native cannot uj A bvovy rotberv ni reported at lb* f\ lie* office this morning. A. M. Blew art Sprigg*. agent !of a file oianufa'- tory Id (Sheffield. England, while on hU wav fmm th*> later national Hotel, in Broadway, u> Wail utrwl, hod ln ban It bills abstracted from his coal pocket. Jurt aj be rwactwd Wail street his bat wu jostled. and wh* rrmofel his hand to replace It tbs postage was purloined. Tbe potato rvt is reported as doing much damage at the ea*t end oi Long Island, but tbe f peculators am naggerwl lug facte in order to raise the prices in the market The Mayor bos Issoel a proclamation extending tbe time quarantine to Teasels fn tu Norfolk and PorUmoa'.h (■< the that of November Later from Kanaas— filartne Disaster, Ac Cnjraoo, August 20.—Kansas dates to Monday evening are received. The bill tor the election of all the territorial officers by tbe present legislature passed, and tbe two houses were in jotnt session carrying oot the election*. The Mil t rovides for the election, by the present legisla ture, of all local officer*, Including Bberiffs, Con-tables and Assessors, for the next dx years Tbe schooner Knickerbocker, Cept. Richards.eapsised otf Bhevoygao on Sunday at coon, the vessel was turned bot Lorn up Capt. Richards and two of the crew were drown ed ; two others reached shore safely The Knickerbocker was owned in Mllwaukie, and was bound thither, with a cargo of bark She Is a total loss, but Is Insurr-l. Tbe census tor the Booth division of Chicago has bren completed; the population amounts to UO.O&t'. tbe name division in June, IBM, was 24,093. Bsuviboox, August 29.—Tbe number of deaths by fovsr at Portsmouth up to Tuesday noon bad boen 300, Including 107 at tbe Naval Hospital. Sixty two new c*«ce are report ed since Saturday The deaths for the week ending on Tuesday are UV I>r Maupla 1« recovering, Dr. fingiea is to a dangerous coodi icn. Pour phvstdauv and teu nurses have arrived from Charles too. Mayor fish i» sick, but not with fever Twelve deaths occurred during tbe last eight hours, and twelve yesterday. James Saunders, Secretary of the Howard Association, la down with the lever At Norfolk, Dr. Higgins Is still dangerously 111. All the papers in Nartolk have been suspended. Fifteen deaths occurred yesterday. Wiamifovox Cirr, August 29 —fn the Virginia American State Oouncil, in session is Richmond os Monday, au in formal resolution was offered by Jobu M. Botts. embracing the eentiment that both the secrecy and religious test the [•arty ought to be abolished, and the naturalisation laws to talis repealed. Tbe otjeut was merely to obtain the renee of the Council on the questloo, and it was unaulmousiy de cided In the affirmative WofliiinOTU* ClT i , August 29 —New Orleans paper* of Monday are received. A Utter from Brownivilla, Texas, states that 7.oc«Usroe would pronounce on the 10th. Ban Louis Potoal bad pr-. oounoed, and 1600 men were on their way (r< Vloau ri. who was to march on Uatamoras on the 20th. Q>-o Woli still commands Matomoras. Boston, August 29 Tbe officers and workmen at the Navy Yard at Portsmouth, N. U., have given a day's pay for the benefit of the sufferers by the fever at Norfolk and Portsmouth. 4rt.614.19-J $62.897.66b Great Restorative.•-/Vw and Apne Cwad by Dt- M'LanSi Ltvtr PQls.— Mr. Jonathan Hough am, of West Union, Park county, Illinois, writes to the proprietors that he hod suffered greatly from a severe and protraoted attack of Fever and Ague, and was completely restored to health by the use of the Liver Pills alone. These PUIa unquestionably possess great tonic properties, and can be taken with decided advantage for many diseases requiring Invigorating remedies; but the Liver Pills stand pro-eminent as a means of resioriog a disorganited Liver to healthy action; hence the great celebrity they hare attained. The numerous formidable diseases arising from a diseaeed Liver, which so long baffltd tbe skill of the most eminent physicians of the United States, are now rendered easy of oure, thanks to the study and perseverance of the distin guished physician whose name this great medicine bears— a u&me which will descend to posterity os one deserving of gratitude. This invaluable medicloe should always be kept within reach ; and on the appearance of the earliest symptoms of diseased Liver, it can be safely and usefully administered. . $7,868,672 $19,947,803 . 41.286.05 U ... $61^233.842 T.668.6T2 .$88,902.4 U . 82,897.063 $61,127,001 17.775.413 Purchasers will please be careful to ask fbr, and take none but Dr. Liver Pills. There are other Pills, pur porting to be Uver Pills, now before the public. Dr. ST Lane’s genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United Btatea and Oanoda. $33,351,688 Aloo, for sale by the sole proprietors, fleminq bros., Successors to J. Kidd A Oo:, angff7:daw No. GO Wood street, oorner of Fourth. 49* Stocking Factory.— 0. DALY'S Stocking Factory, where everything is made iu the HOSIERY LINE, is at the corner of Bt. Olalr and Penn streets. He Is con tinually turning out every variety of Hosiery, well made and suitable to the season, which may be always obtained Wholesale and Retail at bis Store, corner of Market alley and Fifth street. Don't forget tbe name—O- DALY and No. 20. »p24> 3W.480 4.717.944 9i»U4 2,M1 && 79,090 6.218,689 ’ •* ’ -V ,►«*_' t?- -a NEWS 6Y TELEGRAPH ARRIVAL or THE CANADA. {few York City Items Tbe Epidemic In Virginia. Virginia Know Nothings From tbe South Relief for the Sufferers \ \, jr (% \ Letter from H.»n John Minor flott*, of Virginia,) Ridbwoiris July 9th, 1836. jfeurx. Wm. 8. Been d Co.—Genti: Considerstiona of duty to the afflicted alone prompt me to'fwad yoa this voi untary testimonial to the great value of C»ri®x*a Spanish Mixture, for that almost iDCurabledUaaae, Scrofula. Without being disposed or deeming U neees-ary to go into the particulars of the ease, I can say that the astonish, that have been produced by the ose of that medicine on a member of my own family, and under my own observation find superintendence, after the skill of the best physicians bad been exhausted, and all the usual rem. edies had failed, fully justify me in recommending its use to all who may be suffering from that dreadful malady. I do not mean to say'taiat it is adapted to all constitu tions, or that it will afford the same relief in all cases; for, of course, I con know nothing about that—but from what 1 have seen of the effects, 1 would net hesitate to use it, In any and every case of Scrofula, with persons fbr whom I felt an interest, or over whom I could exercise influence or control. Respectfully yours, j v2d JNO. M. BOTTB. Lungit Longilt Persons suffering from diseases of ths throat or lungs are, to a great majority of cases, completely restored to health by a faithful trial of Dr. Curtis’ Hygeana or Inhaling Vapor. By the Doctor’s new method of treatment, the medical agent is brought In direct contact with the diseased parts, and cannot fall of having a beneficial effect. All druggists sell it See advertisement la this paper, Cbxttion— Da. Co>tvu’ UYG SANA U the original and only genuine arttela jel&Swdaw 49“ Just Received, a superior lot of Latong Poogee and Grass GOATS, wbWi are desirable, and will be -sold low roa cisu, at GRIBBLE’B, ;y4 No 243 Liberty street, head of Wood. OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA RAUEOAD THE ONLY RAILROAD RUSaiNG WEST FROh PITTSBURGH. Tux ¥ost Taxis leaves at 2 A. M- through to Cincinnati in 12 hours and 40 minutes. Mail Traih lsavq at 8 A. M. Eip&ssa Traih “ at BP. M. These Trains all make close oonneettons at Crestline, and the first two connect at Alliance. The direct route to gt. Louis is now open, via. Crestline aod Indianapolis, 100 miles shorter than via. Cleveland. Connections are made at Mansfield with the Newark and Sandusky City road, and at Crestline with the three roads concentrating there. For particulars see handbills. No trains run on Sanday. Through Ticket* sold to Gadnnati, Louisville Bt. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Island, Fort and the principal Towns and Cities in the West. The NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Pittsburgh at 10 A.M. and 6.16 P. and New Brigh. ton at 7 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Tickets an 4 further Information, apply to G. CURRY, A t the corner offlee, under the Monoogmhela House- Or, at the FederaVßtreet Station, to QEORGE tfARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, July 23, 1866. j (Jy24j OHIO AND INDIANA "RAILROAD, BSIBG THB Continuation of the Ohio qxu} PeijJia. B. B. TO FORT WAYNE, rtnLXt NUND&SD AND CQBTKXN «(« fXOM PITTaStTBaff. 0&- Trains connect at Crestline, wtlAovt detention, with all ihe TVouu on the Ohio and Ann a. Road, end also at Forest with Trains going North and South, on the Mad River aod Lake Erie Railroad. For Tickets, apply at the Railroad Office# of the Ohio •oil PennaylTanU Railroad Company la Plttsbargh, A lie* gbcDT City, or at any of the following point#: Fort Wayne, Bellefontalaa, Cincinnati, Urbana. Dayton, Bprineflald, Indianapolis, Richmond, Tiffin, Findlay. Persons desiring Tickets will be particular to ask for s Tickst by tbe Ohki and Indiana Railroad. jw<J J K. STRAPQHAK, Bap*t- mortification' the instant a plaster is applied, diu( cease, »nd rigor la girm by BALLET'S PATH KX TKACTOK'S galranlo effects, and except the parts are de com posed, they will soon be restored to their natural color; l>ot it to, the contagious Influence will be neutralized and arrw.ed, for mortification cannot proceed wherever the ailn- be laid on, aod new flesh Will certainly be generated. polsok rftoM tsaxcra, uptius ASD plabts Ano rt-ndeml quite harmless by robbing In instantly a quantity c-f DaLlbY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, and after it has swollen, and livid spots are viaihia. Bren than, like the voluir battery, U will directly attract, diaolve, and raetamorpbowe the poisoning influence. At the sting of been ao-1 tuo>quito-'», the instant it touches yoo the pain and/. The blUa of rabid animals also are as speedily neu tralised. Non- genuine wit ho at a steel-plate engraved label, with cignatuioa of . HENRY DALLEY, Manufacturer, 0. V OLiOKHNBR A 06, Proprietor*. Sold at «ft oenls per box by Dr. Q. B. K.EYBSR, 140 Wood street, and by nearly every dealer In medicines throughout the United Btales. All orders or letters for in formation or sdriee, to be addressed to 0. V. CLICBLBNKB ft Oi . N«» York jylfed*w?w ' -s We have Just recei ved, by ftixpreae, / a large lot of PuAxTRIUS, HUNGARIAN and othei ?uf f II ATS, oi latest style, which we will Mil aa low for a.* any bouse In the city. Call and ate MORGAN A CO, 104 Wood street, auif2L neit house to tbs new Presbyterian Church. We here just received from the East a large lot of Panama, Canton, Brail and CV»»d» HATH, which *# can sell itiach below the usual price. Straw Liatu from cents upward*. Panama Hats from $1.1.0 to $4,00 MORGAN ft CO, a,yW 104 Wood street. }] Nherlfffcay.—UEijßdY R-UIDDLK, of the City of Allegheny, will be a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Allegheny? Oouoty, at the ensuing elec* Uon _ _ jyfcdawte Pennsylvania Insurance Company 0 V PITTSBURG H, Corner .of Fourth and Btnithdeld street®. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $300,000. p Insuas Buildings and Other Property against Loss U'riX or Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Bea and Intend Navigation and Transportation. DlaBo T 0 B 8 : "'a ¥ Johnston, Kftlt Patterson, Jacob Painter, A.. A. Carrier, W. M’CUotock, Kennedy T. Friend, Jam** S. Neglcy, W. fl. Haven, D. K. Park, I Urter Sprout, Wade Hampton, D. M. Long, A.J Ji'U«s, J 11. Jones, H. R. CoggahaU, lion. ffM. P JOHNSTON. »Vv /VendffU RODV PATTERSON. .'i'c'yond TVeoaurfr.A. A. P.ARRT WR_ •• Assui*xU_SccreUay.&. 8. CARRIER. [ joS&ly CITIZICH»» Imuranoe Company of Pittsburgh.—WM RAGALEY, President; BAMUEL L. &IARSHELL, Secretary. QfUct: 94 Halter MtruLbdween Markttmd wotfitruU. Insures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio nod Missis* alp pi Rivera and tributaries. Insures against Lose or Damage by Fire. ALSO—Against the Perils of these*, and InlabdNavtgt* tlonaod Transportation. OttßOTCftfi Wiutam Bigalej, Rich ini Fiord, J&med il. Cooper, Samuel M. Klar, Samuel Rei, William Bingham, Robert Dunlap,Jr., John S. DQvorth, lusac 51. Peonook, FnnoiaSiUan, B. Harbaugh, J. Schoonmaaer, Walter Bryant, WilliamH, Hay. John Shlpton. dao2l Llfo, Fire and Marine Injamnce Company; WHXXR or WATER AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President Jas. D. W’Gill, Secretary. This Company makes every Insurance appertaining to or connoted with LIFE RISKS. Also, against Hall and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mia sisnippi rivers and tributaries, abd Marine RUk* generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies Issued el the lowest rates consistent with safety, to ail parties. •. bikWMfeS: Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley, James 8. Qoon, /f- John Fullerton, John M’Alpln. ( fiatnuel M’Clnrkan, William I'hllllps, W. Hallman, John Scott, Chas. Arbutbnot, Joseph P. Gauam, M. D., DaVid Richey, Jamee Marshall, John M’Gill, Horatio N. Loa, Kittanning. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN U. BHOENBERGKR, Pawmxirr. ROBKRT FINNEY, Bxoastabt. U. W BATCHELOR, GtnxjUL Aqcvt. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS MARINE AND* FIRE RISKS. directors: J H. Shoenberger, G. W. Oass, ' <J. W. Batchelor, W. K. Nimick, l«aao M. Pennook, T. B. Updike, W. W. Martin, R. D. Cochran, it. T. Leech, Jr., John A. Oaughey, George 8. Bolden, 8.8. Bryan, David McCandlese. 49* All Losses sustained by parties' Insured under poli cies issued by this Oompany wifi be liberally adjusted and promptly paid at its OSes, No. 99 WATER street, f jyll PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY. S3- FLOUR DELIVERED TO FAMILIEB .In either of the two Cities. URDiae may be left at the MiU, or in boxes at tho stores of LuGAN, WILSON A 00., 69 Wood street. BRAUN A REITER, oorner Liberty and St. Clair eta U P. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. TSRMB: OASa, DIIIVSAY. Jy29 BRYAN, KENNEDY * CO. Boot and Shoe Jllanufacloru. -d), JAMES O’DONHKLL & BRO., pijall Would respectfully inlbrm the f fO of Pittsburgh, thnt they have opened a manufactory MEN’S AND WOMEN’S BOOTS AND SHOES, At No. 79 Bmlthfleld itreetf In Wxriua’s Buildibqs, where they will be prepared to fill all orders of every description of Boots and Shoes at the shortest notice. In order to aooommodate all olassee of customers they will also keep on sale a good assortment of the best eastern work. Also, all descriptions of children’s wear. Termt itnctfy oath; poods at cash price*. A share of the public patronage Is solicited. imy&6m WILLIAMS & ALLEN, suoossosa TO ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, uAßuraonnciu or Chilson Furnaces, Wrought .Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, For Warming and Ventilation of Building*. 49~W. A A. will contract for Wanning and Ventilating by Bteam or Hot Water, Pipes or Ohilson’s Furnace. Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Green UfmjffgT Cour tHousea, Jails, Hotels, or Dwellings. No. 26 MARKET street, Pittsburgh. apjg SPORTING m ATfgßi AL. of all description., u„- by £augS7J BOWN A TETLEY. st- 'v-* V. *r w-* > ' , v ,-NV OFFICERS PITTSBURGH NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT DISCOVERY! AMPLE TESTS, both by able Practitioners sod Chemi cal Analysis, have demonstrated (he great value of PROP. DB G RATH’S beautiful combination, called MELEO TBIO OIL,” for the relief and core of Ptin. Bnt the people I themselves are rendering their verdict in a manner both uumistakeabl* and satisfactory. More than 2y,000 bottles bate been sold in a very short time—a great proportion to these who heard others recommend It, who had tried it. That it Is a splendid discovery Is everywhere acknowledged, and noiblog like It was ever if fore prepared. Why, for Cbrru alone, It is worth £lOO,OOO a year to the people, as II alw ys cures these painfoltormentors in tioentyfbur hours. Bat what Is It not worth to the, people' if it cores Bait Rheum, Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcers, Sores of all kinds, (fre quently taking away ail the pain in twenty-roar hours,) Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis, Piles, Womb Complaints, Cramps, Sprains, Sore or Swelled Breast, Felons, Wounds of all kinds, Ac. 7 Woo’d $500,000 express its value to the people 7 Because a man will give freely for relief from pain Will this Oil relieve pain t Certainly it will. Such men as we have often named, hon orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and others bare so said, after from ten to fifty trials. They say the Electric OH is the finest medical combination ever pre pared, neither offensive nor injurious, but effectual in all the above and many other cases- Some honorable, and heavy business firms have, it Is true, sold some of the old (turpentine, bituminous,'or«al tar, Ac. do.) external ap plications, until their customers returned bottle after bot tle, with the remark that “the remedy, was worse than the pain ;** yet such men have never recommended nor riven countenance to them. Bnt see some of our best merchants ordering more every ton days, and always giving additional testimony to the value of this wonderful discovery. That b great many&dies are using It as a medicinal toilet article for themself# and children, is well known. It cures off pimples, blotches and eruptions on the fsce and neck in so short a time,, yon would scarcely credit U. It frequently reduces a painful swelling in two hours; has done It in ha f an hoar; cured many effectually in six hours. If ladies knew the soothing , strengthening and healing virtues in this Oil, they would never be induced to use anything else for womb com plain is or pains of any kind. We now insert a letter Just received from Henry Wiley, Ksq., who went to England six weeks since, (to die.) Losdoh, July 12,1865. Peof. Ds Grata, Phlla.—Dear Sir: When I left home for my health, erQptions, A 0.,) I never expected to return again, believing that my complaint would soon carry me off. When you gave me three bottles of your Electric 00. to take with me, as merely a palliative, t did aot think X would so very soon be called upon to thank you, as I now do, for my complete-restoration. 1 can only say, before the departure of the steamer, th«t you have only to oomo here with your OIL to make a for tune in one year. There Is not another simUar medicine in England, If in the world. 1 will write by next steamer. Toors. most truly, Hmav Won. It cannot be their imaginations, who state that old sores, that have discharged from six months to five years, have been eared by this Oil. It cannot be untrue, oof a decep tion, where pain is relieved in one da*, often in half an hour. No! common eensa dictates no;—and 000 written letters say no! Gome and see them. A regular Doctor In attendance; end Ladles can consult a Lady, privately, by dropping a line to the efflee. Advice from a distance, mak log inquiries that any physician can answer, wtil be promptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as our ser vices are freely given, and we are drawn npon too often la this way All cases treated liberally, with or without the Oil, as I have two Physicians associated for this express purpose. Pro! a DE ORATH, No. 39 Sooth Eighth street, Philo. N. B.—The largest bottles ten times the cheapest. Please notify ms of any ease or failure to cure in from half an hoar to three weeks, as I wiah to core aIL augSO Allegheny County, a*. # COMMONWEALTH OP PENNSYLVANIA to Mrs. Nabct MoComsna, widow, and other heirs of Thomas McCoLuargß, dec*d, at theJnst&nee of Jutes Wileikbois, Jr, Executor of Jamxs Wnxnreoa, deceased, by his Attorney, 0- B. M. Smith : You are hereby cited to be and appear before me, J. H. ROBB, Register for the Probate of Wills, granting letters of administration, Ae_, in and for said County, on or before MONDAY, the 17th day of September next, at my offl-e, at Pittsburgh, then and there to take out letters of adminis tration on the estate of said THOMAS McCOLLISTKR, deceased, or show cause, if an*, why said letters should not Issue to said JAMES WILKINSON, Jr., Administrator, Ac or to some other fit person. ** Given under my hand and seal of office, at Pittsburgh, this 28th day of AQgust, A. D. 1855. augSoaUUw3t J. H. ROBB. Register. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT AUCTION —On Thursday morning, September 6tb, at 10 o’clock, at the residence of Wm. A. Hill, Esq , at Evergreen Ham let, will be sold, (as he is removing, > his entire Household tnd Kitchen Furniture, which Is of superior quality, and kept in the beat order; among which will be found Plano Forte, Mirrors, Hair and Plush Seat Bofaa, Divane, Chairs and Rockers, Card and Centre Tables, Parlor, Chamber, Hail and Stair Carpets, Paintings and Engravings, Lamps, Mantle Clocks, Mahogany Secretary and Book Cave, Walnut and Mahogany Wardrobes, High and Low Post and French Bedsteads, Walnut and Mahogany Dressing Bureaus, Work and Wash Stands, Fancy and Common Chairs, Pining and Breakfast Tables, China, Gflass and Queensware, and a full assortment of Kitchen Furniture, Oooklng Utensils, Ao * Iso—One superior Barouche, for one or two horses; one Boggy, with top; Double and Single Harness; Ac., Ac. 49* Omnibussas will leave thAHand street Bridge at 8 and 9 o’clock on mornirg of rale, to convey purchasers to the premises. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer eogS&dlw Heal Estate for Sale or Rent. That desirable property, the residence of WILLIAM A HILL, situs ted at EVERGREEN HAMLET, Is offered fur sale or rent. Po6F«*sjon given Immediately. Apply to either of the undersigned. ALFRED R CURLING, corner of Second and Wood &U ROBSRT ROBB, corner of tifth and Wylie sts G. FOLLANSBSJB, augStbllw 106 Liberty street. Wanted, BY a Qentleman and his Wife, a pleasant furnished apartment, with board. Terms must be moderate. Reference given and required. Address *• 0. 0.,” this office, slating terms, etc. sug3o-.lt* BUTTER— 5 bbb this uay received by sogSO HENRY H. COLLINS. Adjournid Orphaoi' Court Bale of R«al Estate. % BY virtue of; and in pursuance of an order of tbe Or phans’ Court of Allegheny Conn y, I will expose to sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, on lb® premia.a, in sod near the Borough of MqKEBSPORT, on MONDAY, tbe 3i day ot September next, at 11 O’clock A. M., following described BKAL KSTATK, lato of tlr. QEORQIS UUKV, de«md to wit’ U:t 87—On north side of Third street, west of Market. Lot 09—Oo the bank, of Monongehela river, we»i of Mar* fcet street. 167 —On the east aide ol Market street, and two story Frame Bouse thereon. Lot 168—On eart side of Market street, and one and a half story Frame House. Lots 232 and 283—0 n south side of Eighth street, east of Market. lx>ts 236,237 and 238—0 n north side of Ninth street AH the above Lots are CO by 140 feet. Also—33 Lots, of various dimensions— principally, how ever, 60 by 140 feel—being part of iwo ouMota, which were subdivided Into building lots, and are now within the Bor ough limits. B3L- The Pittsburgh and Oounellsviiie Railroad runj in the centre of these Lota, and they are convenient to the place selected for the Station House. They are veil located for manufacturing purposes, fronting oo the Monongabela river, convenient to coal, in a handsome and thriving town, and will have all the facilities of the Kaet and West Also—A Pam, containing about 125 acres, known as the “OROOKKD RUN FAKM,° on which are a Brick and a France House, and other improvements. This Farm ds about half a mile from McKeesport, and when the PAC. Railroad is completed, will be about twentt minutes’ Ribs from Pittsburgh. It is a beaotifa! location for country residences, and a part of it well c&lcoJsted for Gardening purposes. The Monongabela river is its northern bound ary ; the Slate Read runs through it, also the P. A’C. R. R-, burgh. 10 1118 occopaata 6 °^ olco of to Pltto TERMS—One-third cash, balance in one and ivo years, with interest; to be secared by bond and mortgaged ALEX. MILLAR, Adm. de bon. non cum test, annexo, of the Estate oKDr. Geo. Huey, deceased. augSJj"--- Bottoe to Contractor*. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Post Office in Blairs villa, until the 10th of September next, and at Marsha:]** Hotel, in Saltsburg, on the 20tb, for [he Gradua tion and Masonry of SECTIONS NO. 86 AND 87. North Western Railroad— situated at New Castle. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Engineer's Office, in Blatrsvllle, on and after the 10th of September. All proposals to be marked ss such on the .outside. aug29-.lv MALONK, PAINTER A GONDKR. Found) ON LIBERTY STREET, In front of the Atheneeum, at Cummings’ Fruit Stand, a sum of money, which the owner can have by calling at CUMMINGS’, and paying* charges. PIASOBI PUNOSI ~ Manufactured by CHiOKSRiNa a sons, Boston, and for sale by JOHN XL MKLLOR. /wS^r-> No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond aneyfS§sßfßߧ9 and Fourth street Just received from theHTSrffyß manufactory or Chickering A Sons, Boston,« u Hull and for sale invariably at Boston vri<x3— Two of their first cfart Beten Octave Pianos, Louis XIV. stole, with carved case#, legs, lyre, music desk, Ac. Ac.: fin ished hack and front alike. This is considered by persons of taste to be the insist beautifnl pattern now made. Price $5OO each. Two first class Beven Octave Pianos, with carvel case, lyre, new style of fluted legs, the lyre and ends of beautiful cair> d tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price $460 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners. Seven Octave Pianos, finished hack and front alike, and with Ghickering’s Patent Iren Frame. Price $4OO each Two carved Rosewood octave Pianos, with new style fluted legs, carvedcaße, mush desk, and the usual opeoinge filled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished hack and front alike. Prl^as42s each. Thiwi elegent Borawwd, plsln doable round comm. &A BOT<m Bora wood end Bl.ckW.lmit Six Octave Pianos, all made as weU and with tha sama care as their drat clue P|. auos, and with Chick-ring's Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. Oos of Ohiokering A Son/ Now Scale, IUB Seven Octar. Grand Pisnoe. of Immense power, brilliancy, and eweetnejw of tone, with their Now patent AoMon, which renders the touch >0 light and elastic that It can be played on be the most delicate hand. Brice $750 * THE NEW PABLOK GRAND PIANOB. Alep, one of their now Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely PrT SBS0 >UOn ’ ,DJ partioal * rl I »*»i t*d for Parlor use. PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of Piano Btools just rereived For hale by JOHN H. MKLLOK.BI Wood „ . 1 between Diamond alley and Fourth etreatc Sole Apnt for OHIOKEBINQ A SONS, fcr PBtoburgh and Weatarn Pennsylvania. .u^2s FULTON CAR WORKS, POCHDBT AND MACHISM SHOP „ „„ &ANDO3KT, OHIO. ’ fITHB subscriber having moved Into his now Works, re. JL cently erected, corner of Water, UcDonough and Shelbv ssssL^sr* aaAVSL> hand - “ Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all etna. OEaimm RAILROAD CASTINGB-of all descriptions, and all other •PPWtalnlng to a Foundry and MatStoe Shop. The rnremen of the different departments are eelentiQo and Practical men-moetly from Eastern who keep themselves Informed and adopt all valuable mod- W - *■ W*HEBa“ Wm ~ H ' S eh ««l. S B S N «S m ? KI,OBS 0N MONDAY, September 3d, are reqnested to be punctual In attend. a “f “ appllcaUon Is desirable on the part or new bupils, to factiltate the formation of classes. Mr W maybe fennd at hie resldenoe, on North Common, between Federal and Banduaky etieetn. aug2Btilv* ANTE—-Cooks and Girls to do housework are wanted indtyandcountrywho can give good references; none else need apply. Bltuattons wanted for a Gardener, a uarrtage Driver, a Clerk or Salesman, Mechanics of differ branch Ae,a Porter, a Üborer, a boy to team a trade, a Q°l to attend store. A w»n. experienced in traveling South and Wot, wishes a situation as traveling agent or conductor of cars; can give good reference. Apply at BARR’S Intelligence Office, 410 liberty gt. euggktf YLBR'B QHnr.BRA remitov—thu Taluable artiste, so well knows for It* many cures, can be obalnedfat augtt NO* W MARKET BtT •• iA r - .i'4-i'frr ’ ■<!. v. ,j- .••■•f:vXv ; # T - ''" -* ' "r : -' WOODWEEL'S piTß.Niftiiß'E:., AND , ■cHAi.sri., WH O L SAX, E AHi- iiETAIE KUBBAOINO sve&y bt_lbof trUUSITBUE, > ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AMD WUNDT SUITABLE FOR ' PARLORS, * CHAMBERS, \ , AMD, DlMlEd ROOMS. EQUAL TO AMS IN . NEW YORK OE PHILADELPHIA, AND AT LOWER PRICES, Hvery trtciA made by tadtfj sod vanturied* u ~ , ... Cablaet Haber* suppiiai with My quantity of FUBSTFUBB andOHAIBB, on reasonable forma. ' Hotels and Steamboats FURNISHED AT THE BHORTEST NOTICE. Wareroome, Hot. 77 and 78 Third (treat, -28* ; PlTtSßmaa, PA. a. a. OAaaaß^ZZ A. A. CABBIBik A EEO,, . Cbnwr FDurtt and SniShfidlAtntti, puttimK Ml. AQE N T 3 STATE . MUTUAL FIBB AHD HABJHX IHSUBAHCE CD OF HAABlaiEßfco. CAPITAL "•~~r-«-®380,0U0. QIKABb FIBB AHD HABIBS INSUBAHCA CuorAHY , INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY tfF YIBBIHIA, WIHOHBBTBB, VA, CAPITAL .... ..„„....1.._„.....0300,000, MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPARE ] ’ Oirj CAPITAL AND AASMO_-93, *04,480. HOBTH WESTERN tHBUBAHOE COHPAHY, OFFICE, MERCHANTS* EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. CHARIER PERPETUAL. . „ AathorlMi Capital, 9300.000. LIABLE; FOE & LOSSE3 oi THE COM- In S. 2r^»> In Cash, Cash Assets l^o H jVhBARrTb^S? 10 Intend Transportatlrc-Ukaitakeii at currant rates. &SrSRXJ7CS3. _ . Mromoa. JamaM^nUyAO o ., Grad; Bennett A (&, W. A D. Rinehart, Zug, Lindsay * Co! C UofovM A 00., . Charles a Wright. O-HA Geo, Abbott, Harris, Hbl« * 00, Brans A Watson* Hon. Wm. D. Ch^Mog.^oa, s. , , GEORGE BINGHAM, Agent. •*** 96 Water stmt, pitmtoigil. WBSTBBB FABMEBSIBBUBABCB COMPAHY MEW LIBBOM, 0810. ’ T J - hunter, Aosre, 8L Charles Building, Ho 108 . Third Street, Pittsburgh. *" omoaaa: F. A BLOCKBOM, President JAMES HUBDIOKf Vice President LBVI MARTIN, Secretary and Treasurer. ptneßosaa exvx&bzod' 'Junes W. Wooiwell, ; Joseph Plommor. Junes Wood, B M/RilSaT Jno. V. tiarbangh, Dr. JiußniL j 16] Wm. Simms, Birmingham, Dawson) Newmeysr AOb British and Continental Esebanee. BIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY ° DUSCAS, SHEfUHAS A CO. OM THE UMIOM BAMK, LOMDOM. In 8 mis or £1 abs Upwanna. * rr\HEBE DRAFTS are available at oil ths or in el Dal tA a)NTiNRNT OLiNI) ' BOOTLAND ,nd IBEIiND. Md We also draw Bi‘Jn? am on HI. A. Grunebarun * Ballln, FRANKFORT A MAIN, Which serve u a Remittaneo to ell parts of GERMANY ~ SWITZERLAND and HOLLAND. P ” ÜBJI MANT, Persona intending to travel abroad may procure, through ~ ° f Cro i t .°n which Moneycan bo rtuSStM DOtsded, In any part of Europe. mhuuw* w Cotuonoai of BUls, Notes, ard other securities In E* : rope, will receive prompt attention. WM. H. WILLIAMS * 00_ mfaa Wood, cornet Third street WILLIAM HUIfTES, FLOUR MO GEAR Ho. 899 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa •W-Oomnirai bkiiviho, Ou> 8881 BBABDB os 'ENNBYLVAHIA, OHIO IN (HAN A anJ PUBBOUBT, BGPERPIinj and kitha mini, always baaolitat the lAweatOaßh prioea. [apll WM. B. HAYS & CO., DEALERS IN BACON, HAMS, HUSHDIS laud, lard oil, ■ DRIED BEEF, SUGAR-CUBED and OANYABfIED B AU 9. A large stock el vaya on Ho. 207 Liberty otreet, ■te 6 ) • , Piwgaoßaa, Pm**. R. J. CDIOtCIS.,.J. c. TOURS...W. B. WOGSWASn** AMERICAN PAPIEB MACH -E;! MAHtJFACTiraiHG COMPANY, NO. 78 SECOND STREET, PITTSBURGH PJb V| ANUPACTURERSjJr PAPIER MACHR ORNAMENTS OJL Houses, Steamboats, Aw Mirror and Picture Frames* Window and Door Heeds, Brackett. Trusses*. Cornices, VentUatoxs end Centre Pleas fbr settes and Mouldings of every description, else andfdesign. caxjLfsaend warren tedmore durable than any 6tberfcruale> now in use. , executed on the shortest notice, N. B—Attention of Stesmbtat Builders is'especially di- to tola article, on account of its light weight. \ „ CUMMINS, TUNES £ OQ, 1 Second st, between Wood ami eta-. - Pittsburgh, SEMI-ANNUAL SALE, DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO. A'S? 0 °P cnln B M UMlt Oftat tiaafemuel .S*** ° f SfS •‘““"WBtock.r ErerrutM.ttamS-- out the wUblblmxTOt will bo muted down uii doeaj’ ™ ■ ‘ Jdi JOHN COCHRAN & BROS. MANOTAOTOHEaBOP - IRON RAILING, IRON. VAULTS, VACLT 00088, Window Shatters, Window Guards, to. Ho», 01 Second .treat and M <ntlrdit' ( (BstwaiH wooe ase n attar,) PITTSBURGH fU, - Havi on hand e variety of new patterns > ancy an. Plain, soitehle for all purposes, Particular pan to enclosing Grave Uits. Jobblngdoneat short cotloej [f«yi Bcasoraomx&a or M’KCE’G PENNSYLVANIA QLA93 WINDOW GJ^iASS, Extn, Double Strength, Imitation Crown and Bubr Vlale, Ftaaka, Pickle and Praam Jarv; Wine, Porter and Mineral Bottles; Telegrapiiic & lmralatoia. SKCOHD, BSIWBKN WOOD A Mangero era J. H. JOHKB. n. DBHai. ' JONES & DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Merchants;. apl»] ttl WATBB {STREET, KOTSBTOaa ; KBS. 135 j TO ABO VROSI TUB KABTERB CITIES TU. PSNNA. CANAL AND BAILEOAJO3. D. LEECH & CO/S LINE, Between Fittsbnrgb, Hew fork, Philadelphia end Baltimore. rimio BOUTS being now in good order, wear# prepared JL to despatch property either nj cn fimrtshXe tartan. Shipments consigned to either of the undersigned will bo forwarded without charge for commissions, and ell instruct done promptly attended to, ■ Address or applyto 1). LHK GHAC&, Penn street and GrnaL Pittsburgh; HABHISI TXBB&r Beceiring Depot No. IB South Third street. De,iTOio *£ , £y&* -{jjjww. No. 76 Nortij Bbwk Balilmoi. JNO. No. 7 Battery ap4:3m Is MERRICK HOUSE. W. A. BLOSSOM, Propbiktob, R>T>\A»>r ~ ' ' ' "'"A T J irmw!2, 4 °°- h**" remorod thsli oßooto No. SO M«oo’«, In Dx. 0. & abort ■ hani dtt «o* will and ito book* o«s h >ab«rfpaDM for XBVXliG'a UIB 0? WASHINt* wxi, ud ot too Uta publkattoai. ij&l ' ■ -~T' i V/Vi-fc - v - r - '#*«**' *' '' ' or PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL 9300,000. CONNECTICUT DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IN J? 01 s. M’REE & CO: ILL 8019 09 xkanbpoetation HBW BUIGUTOH, bbavbb aovnrr, pa.
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