The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 30, 1855, Image 1
"• - hivV; , i;. , -r ; -r- 1^ \i >•'•;> S 4 .*a’ 1 '". V»*'','' ;t \. ," v~. ■ ‘\i *' ' - 1 . C ' : .‘ V<» vf-A C’' s - i L ’T- T -■; v^ k > T *,• <•:>■ * ■*'•-. ... ’■+* '►* *' »' '• *'% * • 1 1 .* _~ria.-v:-- ?’?*'■ ’S > f * 4 ' >'!• ' l‘'v*‘ ,-1.,' , %'■ • ■• i* r*- •■ V' l ' V' • v ....••• r. : 1 ’• i . / » v .;,\;.-ft,-? » s *.'*tf'-'‘ l ,; .* *.. • * '-v . u k .V-v L-. •’ ; . ■ •►•.'.,?• V..«.:■ i; «. ...• < r - t •i ; <’• r ‘V‘.'V''ft'*-*•-■#£ ■*•£.. f ,* S l Z <i* +'* , ' J i *** ■* k T*-;- A.!■?,/♦ ;V? '*'■ Panted and published every ao7iiinff (sm&qyt tscepted) >' '7VV-: j V r * BY OILI-fIiOIUC * aosTooaKßv, »' ’ '; *-V' *' , Vk ' '‘},v\^y A 08 TB * "otie ti*V or wood aki> n?ta stßirra. Vi'b l '\!A.A *•" lS £ J ‘J~ ,i '"‘ “° U »« • mr. payableetrlotiy In .: . > .■’ *-* . * r. t H.'*'. *y *i *. " . ■:■ alienee. Hlx Ilollnrswll] inrariably borequirrxl If not paid > i .-'C>' V .>L'x I 't -. » v • ■-, «-S)ngi«coi]WW»<niiiM-l.fcr.;i.»t tilloonntorloth. * ’ ■, ?^‘i 03 “’ * Dd b 7 a “ ■“•*• Boy*- THB BAruai) AY HORNING TOST '■f'-H’ v*.'4x '.’• Y* I i Pobllsheitem th« Ml data, on • largo blanket alio » ■•%.’••■. «+“’» >-4 ?•,-.' v \ \ *•' .••■Si 1 1»* *’ *;i ali*et. At TWO DOLLAKB • year,in adranoe,' Single copies '•»V);,'*'.A‘ v *‘< - *n- V •^ V •A <I '* , ? »■*> v.t* rv ’"'7l , , i;l FIT! OIHTB. w 4'» r* T ** S 4ff“No peper will be dieooxUlnaed anises»t tbsUlsor^ V ; li a;; Y ‘ t ’ u <«.<**, i*‘ 1 , ? * on of the Proprietors,)until sii arreAragro ere pelcL "n v ?T- T' ' No attention wul bepild to any order onleesAocon wS:'i''V.l, ’*kP i V -i* 1 ' •..•’■ pinlad by the money, or BAtirfectprj re£eren»in.tlils city. '’-*iu v?* ‘-iN • * “ *' Oonwded touh Vie of the Morning Post •• *J* « <rn/ of OuiorfftsiJob Printing Office* «i Vu city, where ofl ;j 'lufU'**' «5-V,'C . r'\ v'- «v »u‘i •' • ’ k nds of wrk U done on the shcriai and moxl re«or»- !,S“o, r -YVv v 1*; A\ - IVv:.,. ;• :- ? * o'v-i sr Tn ‘ \ < ■ .T * ’ • ; ..I ;; n'/ •f ’i 1 i , . , 'i5" #*■ ‘ u JiC** «* ! *'*- *» *. \ J’t v ■’_ •:•■ • --v: v *, •:.Vt Vi s’*** t V *» V tx • i.-'i* * v** '• * r,<: v s®?.* r ' r ’ <: -v" *’ 1 \•; I ft. "V-'*, .. { v:VfeV^'olf?? ■;, <-: ?«j' -;r V- -.*J- •. - - k*Ww//’ i’jf v> t as6ssmtso^m Mip» Ifp™ *s-'>?%s& V-S ‘v. - -A' l •. «r>??p^.t'--, ) ’*'i i-j n * .'jtj J ■j;.'irrvySEi i i.\-.', ; >.s'-:.j ' * rt * VUfpi-X ,r r .*s£'*'■' a.ft! x-’*« T .'-'£?< , i.f . -TV* -’ ~ v;....-;*■ • : ; ,--.• . - r-••*-•;' J ■ ,'•,... - -.-- * , V* * a. F • I >. H I- , u *. .■»!•,., ,| . /J, l - ■H ■ . - - , ' *< #** «%#s*7»v* f . /. * .4"-• • I ■ ! 't.>^,‘.-!..■-. v :.: ■s• ■- *•.. . ■s? /> , y-.x- ;■ -.> > '■. •.., i v..x xvfjfo «,2,vv f V’ l'.'» t .' l >"!Vft!' '.' . : [.'‘♦^, l % «•- *‘. f U i, ' ■ I *lJ»* «-• —■ %Mf* V. *. * 1 tC v ' • ;i ■•' li;./■ INV.' t, £ f} ‘‘jj V I l ' ?; r ;^ V, *a ‘j .''. •. > __. DAiL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' Robt« C* G* Sprooi. Attorney and ooTOaEtuSt at no _ —, Foocth street, Pilteburgh, P»» daoU-ly Jam«» A* Lowrle, A Fonitl ‘ etlixt, Pittsburgh, bgtgiMnßmithfleld street and Oh«TT alley. [ileclhly JOHN BARTON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, cor “» Fifth and Grant <t , J>d.ly3] PtTTSDDBqn, PA. , Thomti filquii. A SOLICITOR IN OHANOHBY. my? aCe> DeXt d ° or 10 * OSt Steubenville, Ohio. B< JP« Ho>i| ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, puidl« ’ f ° Urtll door Woff Mr. LUxly Patterson's Liver? A C. Orlando Loomli, TTORNSY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. )y4:y tU B. Carnahan, ATTORNBY AT LAW-Offlee on Fcurtb street, between _ Cherry alley and Grant street. j«2;y J. N.'Jl’t'iowry. A AWO OOmiMLLOE AT &AW—CKRce in /V Bakowflll a B gildings, on Grant street. j„2 D* U. Hazen, " A™rH^h 6 r el d. AW ~ N °- lg g ° anh Etre<a \^.t Pj " ~ Patrick McKoanft",~ ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD 0 F „ F |S K hfl?? rQrant , aDdFifUl (formerly oeca m U ’ U ’> whBre »“ business pertain ,Al,dBrm“n nu<l Jasliee of the Peace will be promptly attended to. f«*bV3in B “« kn >Mter, Alderm&u. ~ K ' HP 1111 Btreot i between Fourth sc. end Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all Linda done with the great eec care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Rstole exam in fiA' . Ja3j OppinsK^^ Rni Wilson, Aldermans ® *■*" PK NN street, twUreeD the canal snJ i? 1 * 0 Hfih Ward. All buslneß* appertaining w the office of au Alderman or Justice of tbe Peace, will be promptly attended to. Bomls, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatHeaw and despatch. feblB.-tf £S S’SSWa. Ml. AHb, SURGEON DKNTIdT, (buc to w BiJ<lle, ' ) N0 ' 144 Bm,lhflol J ****°fflce hoars, from 8 to 1 o’,dock, and rom_2 to 5 o’elOCK. f „bls;ly • 4 f SQOTTt DRNTIBT, Fourth etrwt, eve duurd /■KgSggg <rwst of Market. OrncE Hourjj —Prom nine A. AI. to tire P - dec3o:y BUSINESS CARDS r AUaiD D CURUSQ ..... MOBUAS ROIIKIITSO.N. edwajld oirtißroat kmuit i. rutowut M Curling, Robertion & Co., ANUFACTURBrtS OP CUT, PKE3BBD AND PLAIN h LINT 0 LABdWARK, warehouse No. H Wood street corner ef Front BCrsety Pittsburgh. AU other kinds of Glojsware and Window Gla«L at low market prices. aplluily Jacob m>Oolltiter, ■\ITHOLRS\LK and retail Cigar maantacturer, and dreU TY erin all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars. No 25 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. $3“ Ke-’pa constantly on hand a large supply of all the various brand* of Imperial Cigars John Uloorhcad, ” WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MKR CHANT, for tbe sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, auJ Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. (ap24 PHILIP RXYMER EOHJCRT J. ARDtKnOS. H«ymer & Anderson, (Successors to Joshua Rhodes A Co.) WHOLESALE dealers In foreign Fruits, Nuts, Bpices, Confectiooary, Sugars, Ac., No. 39 Wood street, oppo site the 8t- Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap2 Henry H. Coiline, Forwarding and oommusion mlkciiant, and Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butter, Seeds. Fish, and Produce generally, N 0.26 Wood atreet, Pittsburgh. |mnr6 B. T. C. Morgan, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONBK—has always on hand a general assortment! School, Mi»celiauetus and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac., wholesale and re tail, No. 104 Wood street, below Fifth, Hast side, Pittsburgh. <W* Wanted, Rags and Tanners* Scraps. apls:ly willum aau.eßs Phila.— wu. mcarrsoK, Pittsburgh’.’ Mill Her 6 Rlckotaon, WQOLRSALE GROCERS, Importers of Brandies, Wines ond Segars— Nos. 172 aqd 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty street, Pittsburgh, iron, Nails, Colton Varna, Ac , constantly on hand. j v 2t> Wm. Carr A Go., WfWm. Carr, late of the firm of J Parker A Co.) IIOLBSALB GROCERS, and Dealers In Foreign Wines and Brandies,Old Mooongahela and Rectitied Whis ky, No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, ju«y F. R. Uravo, LHamojid, Pittsburgh. Px. DEALER in COUNTRY PRODUCE, off-rs f-r sale a choice Stock of Groceries, selected for family uwi. Spicer of erery Tsrlety and the parent quality, ground ht hit Bteam Mills. Also, Dried FrnlU, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken in exchange for morchandite. I*. R. D. hat procured a full assortment of Landreth’s warranted Garden Seeds, and iuviiw theatteatiou of all ia tereated fa rural affair*. jmll w. a. bicuasd*.* *. tiSKirr. J SC UtclrardEoiii COMMISSION AND KORWAKDINU MKKCii ANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in FUb, Ba.-on and Oil, ami Produce generally. Warnhouw formerly ocrur>ied by Burbridge A laghram, No. 116 Water and lbu first street, Pi'isburgh wj Commission House TEE subscribers hare opened a house for the abort* pur po>«, at No. 17 HmlttifteM street, fonr door# above the Monongahela House. We will purchase, or rucei ve, on com mission, for sale, consignments of Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Corn, Oats, Barley. Flax Seed, Grass Seed, Baled Bay, &*., upon which we will make advances, or purchase at ih« b*.nt market rates for oash Inov6) ALOEO A CO. Janies JU'Laughlin, ' DKALEB IN GBoCEBIES, PttOi>Uotf, FLOUR, BACON, Ac- No. 10, comer SmlthOeld and First streets, Pitts burgh. Pa, _ nor 6 .rtuwois L. TUUKO. joux a. TOTOU-. -..T805. 0. TOUKO..«. T. U, Young & Co. Afo, S 8 Smith field ttreeL, cypojile, City B M MANUFACTURERS OF CABINET FURNITURE AND OfIAIRS, of every deocriptiou. Materials and work manship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care in packiog for land and water carries*. au^l Wm Olgby, Jr., CUOTHHtt) AND FURNISHING STORK, Masonic Hall, j Fiflh/stfeft, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order. Id good style, anil af moderate rotes. A* A A. C. Duncan, WHOLESALE OROOURS, and Dealers in Produce, For eign Wln<s and Liquors, Old Monongaheiu and Re©. tlfled Whisky, Ko. 291 Liberty el.: Pi ttsbmvh, Pa. |jy27:y /*■— djn, A. TlnOU, ' WHOLKSA LK and Retail Saddle, ilarnifTs Trunk, \ allse &od O&rpet Hag manufacturer, ** N 0.106 Wood st„ IMttwbn,rgb. Pa jv?ihy J: 11, Meilbr', *'SXTHOLESALEand Retail Dealer id Musical Instrument*. yf Pianos, Music, School Boots and Stationery, No. \A. Wood street. • jaol Joka W. Butler tk, Co., Forwarding and commission merchants— Dealers la all kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead pipe sod Sheet Lead, 67 Front slr<*et. *ep29 EnterprUs Works. A'o..l3fi, Wi>od tlrreL, third door below Ft ryinailey. BOWN A TETLEY would call the arientioo of Sporting men to their Large assortment of Guns, Hides and It* ▼olriog Pistols, the largist -and best soloctod stock ever opened in this market, together with a geuer*' a<-*ortin*nt of ilardware t Catlery,TooisandFishiugTackle,all it which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purcb sera, pr for good approved paper. marlfl Copartnership Notice. I HAVE THIS DAY (April lltb) associated wiLh me Messrs. P. STEEL TURBETT and SAML. 0. OLANKY. both of whom have been for many years in my establish meat, and are already extensively and favorably known to my customers and the public generally as superior work men, and of correct basmesfi.habUs. We hope by this union of experience and artistic skill—especially Ln the watch de partment; by keeping a large and well selected stock ol goods; by seflingat moderate prices,-and by-eldse stun Lion to business, to merit a liberal share of pattonage. To my old friends and tne public in general, tyho have for many years past aq liberally patronised my business, I Tetummj thanks, and solicit fur the new firm a continuance of slmi lar favors. W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April U, ISSS. Wilton, Tor belt 4 CUney< -I jrrATCIT MAKERS, JBWELERB and SILVERSMITHS, YY 67 Market street, corner Fourth. my 6 Mow-Coach and Oarrlaga Factory 1 XOHHSTON, BEOTHEBB & CO., Oomcr Rebecca aud Belmont ttrteU, Allegheny Cdy. azMzk'S} WOULD respectfully inform tbelrfriond* and the public generally, that they have iSBr dotbmeneed the manufacture of Carriages. W ■■Jfffcwßarpuchcs, Roolwwmya.Busgie?, Sleighe and Cbariota InaD thrir vartous styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durablli ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended t<> on the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work tb*- bast Eastern ShaflSj-Pplea, and Wheel stuff, they feel confl dent that ail who favor them with their patronage, will b perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give ua a call, before purchc sing elsewhere.' ■ • f>nt6:iv t. JOUXBTON |j. T. JOHBSTOff. J Eledilor Carriage Factory OUNSTdN,'BROTHER A CO, PRACTICAL COACH MAKERS^corner ofilabecca and Belmont streets, Alh- Ighenyclty, Pa., have on baudan<i,arn manufacturing au I extensive assortment of Carriages, Rockaways, Buggies, Baggage Cars, ln all their various styles, with [strict regard to durability and beauty of finish, using iu Mi their work fche best Jonlata Iron and eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They fn-i confident that all whomaj favor them with their patron [age. will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. | The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every b: i teen minutes daring the day. oci2s:ly ] PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. iu. urGKLQW.,.i*» r -..iUknif l. sixvxxs aroau* albsbt j 1 Bigelow 4 Co., ] ■- SUCCESSORS TO K. M. BIGELOW, No 46 ] Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pittr- I nßlf^^ t7tl Tgß’7-Ccraches, Carriages, PheaCon* gfes, and every description of fancy vehicles bailtto order, and finished iu a manner unsurpassed for I beaut/ of design 7 , elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials ny All work warranted.. • < °o* e a PATTERSON’fI ag. LTVER7 AND SALE 4 r %mr r , stable, &sk iiarnir DUaosd street end cherry alley a ->rl»:tf PXTTBBPROH, PA. l7w DOZ - W“10 N SYRUP ; [llO “ , assorted do in store and for sale by jylv ' 3® Wood ft., opposite th« Bt. Charles Hotel. POST PPBLIBHED DAILY, BY QILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD HTHPrth „ 1 m> ~ • • ' - • . - ’ tK ANNDM, OR $5,00 WHEN PAil) STRICTLY IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS, Joseph Flaming, Cfsooctssoa to Im woods a co ] GBNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keep* coofliantlr on hand a fall assortment of Drags. Medi* cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and ail articles pertain ing to his business. .a®* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. ■ r j^y JoHf< ruoiisQ..w, buvß&u rußuiu. Fleming Brothers, (30CC18 8088 10 J. Kipp k CO 1 WHOLESALE DDQQISTS, Ho. 60 Wood rtreot, Pitts burgh, Pa. Proprietor, of Dr. IT Lane's Celebrated vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. JalO Jo tin Haft, Jr., Wlsuooissoa to Jams M’ooFrn. ] lIOLKSAUS AHD RETAIL DRCQUIBT, and dealer lo Paints,Olle, Dye Btutti, Ac., HI Wood B-reet, three doors below Virgin alley, Pltteborgh. apM.-miely WR. L.. Allen, ‘ lIOLESALE DEALER IN POBKIaN WINES, BRAN DIES OIQAES, OLB MONONGAHKLA AND RYE " " * Bl <' ■ 4t -> ofso, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood Bfcreet. PitLsbu|gh, Pa. Wines Brendics. Qln«, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St Croix and New England Itnm, Clarets Champalgnee,Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon. Old Mouongabela Rye add ReoUOed WhUky, Apple, Peaoh, Wild Cherry and Blaokberry Brandies; Imported Hama, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigare. aOjatsaoh low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and Demijohns of all eiaes, I respectfully Invite an eiamlDa- Oon of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD street Pltteborgh, eprfltly J&meu Mailing*!-, MOSTONQ AtIEL4 rLANINQ SirLL.—Would respectful ly Inform his friends and the public, that his new es tablishment is now In full operation, and that he Is pro per*! to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly on bond. Saah, Doom, and Mouldings of every description, mnd» to order. Builders and Carpenters would find It to their advantage to give-hio a call, iu< be can now furnish tfr»tq with planed stuff HolUbU for every description of work. WM A - James ckibwxu* Herron A> Criswell, BELL AND BRABB FOGN DaRB, and Manufacturers of •II kinds of BrauWork, Locomotive Bteam Engine. P*umbers, Ac. Also, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. utßce and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. •CdfOld BraKS and Copper taken In exchange for work, or rti.-b paii. Orders left at the Foundry or Offloe, will be promptly attended to. ly M - UhafF .1). AilMHQia. t. J GIUPF W Graff. Kelslnger 4 Graff. R3TBRN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood street, Pitt* burgh, Pa. MASt K4CTUmass OF G joking Stoves: Plaiu and Fancy Gt^tes, Goniand Wood StoTee, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stove*, Had and Dog Irone, Uollrw Ware, Portable Forges, Hugar Kettle*, Tea Kettles, ritove Kettles, Wagon Boxes, |mbl6 w> u - w. w. majr j. etrtpriE. Smith, filalr ft Hunter, W(Lace Smith A Sinclair.) HOLESALB GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, and Dealers In all linds of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 Bbcond and 161 First street, 1 lUaburgh, Pa. f*to» W. S. Haven r |' UE OL . D PRINTINQ ESTABLISHMENT, (We John 1 »tnn A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, Is prepared to axecuto every style of Legal, Cotnntetclal, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book blndiod, and furnish a,ery article in the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest notice and on the most tcavr.aable terms. BiHOk Kook and Stationery Warehouse. Printing Office Mui Book Blodery, corner of Market and Second sm (oovia Nortb-Wtsteru Police Ageuey, ]U"O. 39 WASniNQTON STREET, corner of Dearborn, CUIOAQO, ILUNOB. ALL AX MKEEXTOS. I'ETi TE Tana ITTUrriOS TO *H* TRAHSACTION or A UMUUL DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In the States ct Illinoi*, Wlaconsin, Michigan and lodiaoa mbl9dif fifotlca. r l l UK late firm of JONES A QUIGQ, baring been dlssolv -1 «d by the death of John F.Qulgg, on the 27th lost, the baa of said firm will be settled by the undersigned, nt 4ieir office, corner of Ross and First street*. ISAAC JONKB, Surviving Partner. Pittsburgh, September 30, 1861—[octfty Isaac Jonei, MANUFACTURER of Spriug and Blister Steel, Plough Slab steel, steel Plough Wings; Coach and Eliptle Springs, Braes Nut Taper, hair patent, Screw, Mali and • laiumnred Iron Axles,—comer ot Row and First streets, I'ilisburgb, Pa. oct2:ly jow£3 ........n. a. aooraA l>. B. Rogers A Co.. Manufacturers of rugerb’ patejt improved steel Cultivator Teeth. Olllcecorner Ross and First street. fetXly PUliburgh Rl<ltug~Schooh PYzJfc . H. PATTERBuN, Proprietor, corner 'VfcflNL Diamond street and Cherry alley. Theaubscrlber i \ j 1 respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentle mft. of Pittsburgh, that he has r»«eently erected a BIDING SOtiOOL, a in point ol sirs, commodiousness and adap tation, undeniably t xceis my similar establiahment in the Lulled Statra Iu location ia accessible from all parts of tbo city, while its high and airy situation renders It eipe ai;'j suited to the promotion of health, by this most agree- H -L exercise. The Ilorees are docile and well trained, and ti’«> proprietor pledges himself that no paint or expanse ; Lr * P arrd to nfaiw thin establishment the first in the ■ • ti'id.-r.i-t* <if the public 00f22 tf Richard C. Bocklnc, MANUFACTUHBH UF GILT. UILVjtR. BRAbS, HRON7.It, LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PIS l*i j. PUAMES, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 St Clair All kinds of Composition Ornaments, for Steam- Ac. All kiudd of Gliding and Re-gilding, tn order. <■ •11 for Frames, wholesale and retail. Varnish iLr Oil Paiuilngs Eugrariugs and Lithographs, for sale. Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored In the o* -i manner. All Frames aod Mouldings manufactured in this e»tab ■ Lhment may be cleaned without injury, with soap aod wat-:r. Col: in i ««. No. 51 Bt_CUir_st.. PiU-bur*h- [mh2*tf J. WIHTic, ■\ r ENKTIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, has reooeereJ f b>fl health so a* to resume bis old business, and has dkl hl> BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No. 6& Fifth street, ru«r the past office, between Wood aud Smlthfisld, when* *»- “ n assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain aud faiii-r worsted aud silk trlmmlogo, aud is prepared to till nuy order In his line, on the moet reasonable terms. Hi* rtl k* warranted to gWe satisfaction or money refunded. Blinds repaired. a*T Pleas* glre him u call, as ho can't be beat in work _____ my? ’ly liJAVK foU my loterert In the business o* Long, Miller •* Co., to h. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will con- Mr-ut- at theold eland, No. 109 Front street. l cordially re i*ooj m**iul tbe oew firm to the patronage of my friends. I iitiburgh, July 29, lbM. p. u. MILLER. r \ Ly.Tv B. A* Long A Co., I ) BLL AND BEARS FUUNDeRR, AflD GAB FITTERS 1 ) invito attention to tbrir stock of Chandelier*. Brack -t*. Pendanta and other fixture*. We fit up bootee wiih Uat* and steam, make Erase Castings of all kinds to order, fjn.lab Railroad Pumps and Tank Fltdnga, and keep Anti- ACrition Metal constantly on band. Jv3l NOTICE. DALY'S dTOCKINQ MANUFACTORY. .Vo. '&> F\jLh corner atwe Market ttrecL, PITTSBURGH, PjL, WHERE will bo found the largest and boat aborted «took of UO&IERY ever offered for in this city, rarabauens will fled U to their advantage to call at this establishment and examine (or themselves; it la aIL I need to losure their custom. Q. DALY. ■V B Remember the Cbxap Stocusq Ooanxx. /“bl y o. D. Consume the Bmoks« f I'HB subscriber having the exchwive right to manufoc -1 tore and eejl SWEENEY'S HOT ATE AND SMOKE iaNBUMING FORK ACE, U prepared to receive orders, and on n tract for beating buildings with the most economical Fiiroae* now In ur«. he attention of those interested la jv-Hdtcd. Any Information can be bad of A. BRADLEY, N* ». 2and 4 Wood street, orof J. BARNDOLLkR, dec24:tf I Stove Warehouse, No. 184 Wood pL jAAitr i. Lxotia— ................ joBti*a j. ttLAM Lcdlte A blam, (Successors to Muhrany A Lediie.) MANUFACTURERS of Out, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers la all kiods of Window Gle**, Flaaks, Vlala and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets. Pittsburgh, mh&dly (1 IIIMfIEN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, J • Battles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and Ciaret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint flU«a jn every variety. Warehouse, Noa. KH Second, and 138 First street. Plttabargh, Pa. mb2B It W. Chadwick* Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobaooo, bags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pitts burgh. Pa. Aw“Tbe highest /a.arket price, in CASH, paid .for ■ apgfcly*? JvU» ATWXLL. Atwell, Lee A Co*, WIIOLKBALE GROCERS, Produce and Commission Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No 8 Wood street, between Water and Front streets. Pitta burgh. aplB Dissolution of Co-Partoerihfn. heretofore existing between 1 JOSHUA RHODEB ahd PHILIP jStmjSl in the Wholesale Fruit aod Confectionary Business, lathis day dissolved by mutual consent ThaburineafoT the Arm will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who Is authorised to re (-elpt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES March 27th, 1866. PHILIP REYM& PAKTNBRSHrp'NOTIGE. The undersigned haVe this day formed a Partner ship. under the name, firm and style of REYMHR A AN DBRBON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and* Confectionary business, No. 89 Wood street J HILIP RBYMBR. v t w ROUT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1866. . In retiring from the Confectionary business, 1 cheer fully recommend Messrs. Beytaer A Anderson to my friends and customera. JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27tb, 1866. >p 2 Removal. " PRINGER HARBADQii A CO. have removed to No O 295 Liberty street. BPKQSOXB HAEBAUOR-MM M rofimp. Springer Harb&ugh 4 Co^ . ./sUoee«£ra to 8. Harbaugh.)" CIOMMIBBION AND FORWARDING ; j Dealers In Wool and Pro4uoe generally, No. 296 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. , ap6 ** ' '%] ■i>. b. BODoiaa. Pinkerton 4 Co. pfliujps. Removal. •* ** BUSINESS CARDS 1. L. Marshall, ( r' cctiseor to H. Lee.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 130 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Jteference—W. M’Cllntocfc A Bros.; Kramer A lUhm Drown A Kirkpatrick; Murpliy, Tiernan A Uo. ’ Pittsburgh, May 24,185&~-(my24:3m* ) Hats and Caps. WK woold invite tbe attention of our friends and JJBlbe public to a splendid assortment cf 11ATS and wh*cb we are now upeoLg ror tbe Summer trade, which for beouty of style, exceeds anything ever of fered in the city, or west of tbe mountains. dSP* Cali and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A SON, _*p6 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Dissolution of Co-Partnership, riTUE Final OP LIVINGSTON, KOGOEN A 00.. Propria- X tors of tbe PITTSDCdaH NOVELTY WOHtfs, was dissolved by tbe death of Mr. Johk J. Sooush, on the llto of Bia’ch last. Tbe business of the NOVELTY WORKS will be continued in ail its branches by the surviving partners, u'der the name and style of LIVINGSTON, OOPKLAND A CO , wbo Will also settle up (be affairs of the late tir«u. L. It. LIVINGSTON, Calvin adams, J. K. MOOKUBAD, Pittaborgh, Pa., May 4, 18&o. | W. B. COPELAND. Jons m*cu)skiv ('oamuvs M’cLoaKfY. John STCloskey A Co., WHOLESALE AND DETAIL CLOTHING MKIl* CHANTS, No. S 3 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tbe subscribers respectfully inform tbelr eld customers and tbe public in general, that they bars tbi« day associa ted tbemHelves In tbe above business, under tb* firm < f JOHN A CO. They respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. _. The previous business of each will be settled By them selves respectively. fobl> Hoots and fehoesi JM’LALGHLIN, No. 9S Fourth street, nearly rppoaile , tbe Mayors office, Geutlemeu's Om Hoots, I»w Shoes, ties and buttorud; Coogrest* and Button ed Gal Lars; Ladles’Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Linds, Slip pers, add Krtnrh Lashlug Gniters, ..f «v«rv color and shade; fancy Kid and Satin Oditera, of tbe be-*; materials. Misses and Children's do., of every variety. « N. B —All ki rda made i«j oni«:r, on short not Ice. | eul 9 JAoldters’ UouniyXand, fCntTVlalmi agalnit Government. IW ILL procare Bounty Land Warrants for Soldiers,their Widows and Minor Cbl idren, an 1 attend to business in the •' Oourccf Claims,” recently established by Congress. Office, No. 143 Th’rd street, one door above Stnllhdeld st. March 19 (mh2o) CUAKLKB NAYLOR hew Seed store, JAME 3 WARDROP off-rs 10-sale CANARY BIRDS of the most improve! breed, being very hardy, and tine singers. Bird Seeds —Canary, Hemp, Millet, Hope aud mix *l Bead. Bouquets will te furnished compose! of tbe finest FLOWERS, tlx; Camelias, Rose Buds, He!iutroj>eH, Ac. Evergreens (In pots) for Christmas Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No 49 Piftb a* , near Wr*xl. d«v*2d bounty Landi, TUB continues to obtain Bounty Land War rants. Tbe pre.«*eut bill gives to all whobo vs served iu any war since 1790, 160 acres. Terms moderate. LUKE CGCKSIICOT, 07 DiamoDJ alley, mhl2:y between Wood «t.and Diamond. Coal Works for Sale. SIXT\ TIIKEK ACRES OF LAND, vi lb 260 acres of Coal attached, and all ibe improvements tbereon In suceexa ful operation. Said Farm Is situated tn the M noogahela river, 3d miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplied with a Farm liousa, Barn, Tenant Ilou**, Orchard, Radioed, and an excellent harbor Tbe vein of Coal is five feet thick, and cannot be surpass ed In quality. For further particulars apply to NIJUOLSON a Payne, jel2:tf No. Liberty street KIHIUITIOAI KOOfll FOR INVENTIONS AND I’ATENTS, And Agency for the Purchaso and Sale of Patent Eights and Patonied Articles MOSES f EA'IXiN bo 80 Fourth 1 Bl.tst'urj/.'s fpHK Bobscriberp have loo* U*-u acquainted »*ub Mr. X MGBK3 F. EATON,sod hurt* uo hotdtaU >ll hj reoum- UitfuJlDg him, to nil who mn> wish to employ hi* wr vices, asagentleman of undoubted integrity and indefatigable in dustry, in whose -v«rv reliance may bo placed NeTiile U. Craig, W. IU-biusou, Jr.. Vt. 11. benny, John Graham, Janie* Wood, U. Childs A Co , 1\ It Friend, N. Holme* A Soo*, Knap A Wade, Kramer A Rabin Wm. Phillips, l K. IJviogston. Wilton M’Oandless, Win. F. Johnson, A W. Loo mi*, Andrew Fuituu Pittsburgh, November 'gTth, ltvC*4 nuv”7,drr Writing C L>u fT’a College. ' Gentlemen an l Ludiws' Day uad Krrutug Writlog I. Classes will rooiinue open during the summer under Mr J. D. Williams, whom various style* of Uentlemeu and Ladle*’ Writing are so universally admired. No specimen* of Penmanship are exhibited at the door hut those executed by tbs Teacher in the institution. The Principal claim* n.> ••monopoly” nor •• paled ” for hL bu»Jue.u, U ur did he art his institution chartered to sell out, u h,, teen repeaiedlv done in thiecily. Gentlemen and Ladle.-' \ i-oting Curl* wri'ten i u Mr Williams’ unequalled style All bind* n t urnameeful IVu tnanshlp executed to or-ier. tnyvd.daw Sew Intelligence Ofllee. subscriber ha* just < |h*d«vl an I VIKLLI<»KNC«C X OFFICE, at No 41 > Liberty ptreet, in thu wall known othce of John i homrson, Ship Agentand w he has b**n Exploring for the \ oung Mrn'. Mbit* bociriy of Pitt* burgh for nearly two years, he tUlteri himself that his knowledge of thu rpy aod its ciuz-n» giv-* him great to. ill ti*F in furnishing housekeepers with help, and also in Ond iog places ‘or boys,girls and uil other* seeing emplovtueut The patronage (>i the public Is K>licti«nJ. Turin* (asy. and every tflort used to gire general aaUabcti in. ■*/ : UAIIKIKI, KAiIR. A. iHliilkeu A Co. Have on HAND, hi tn lr *xt**nsdTH CABINET and CtlAlK MAXLE AOT> . No 01 soiHfcti>*lJ Kir»'*jt a l»r<« isHortmuDl of Eacry and Plain Kuruitur**, wbl«h they will **U li> p«*r c«n. omioiadry Term*—cash only. ly Wm. ££. St«veiiiou couitouw to maoulf \iJL tUrt CABINET WARE of **vrry <lv««t-jptioo. at Ms raw old Btnnd, corner of Libony and S*r«oth stroll* * l UNDERTAKING aCUiDtird to, in all iu l>raDoh<*i». Charle* liarntti, HOEBK BUOER AND BLACKSMITH, Ims ereo-te,! » new ami commodious Brick Shop oo Chrrry alio* between Thlril enO Fourth b. la prepared to ro all work In but Un. with th. uloout promptitude U&rLng had long e In the buelueaa, b. resper.tiuUy eol'dta ihe putronag. of hie old curtomer3 ulel th- r,uk-tir g.Dera'ly. J, -r t I.’KAXD PIANO MADE BV NUNNS & CLARK., NKW YORK 'PIUS PUBLIC of Pittsburgh auJ Allegheny 1b rt*p*rt JL fully inritwi to call a! tho Mukk Mu>rv n-i of the subscribers, No. bC FIPTII **t , b examine a superu t^ullGrand Plano, price 9 I UOO,u ■ Sr \J U From tbe Factory of NUNaB A CLaaK, N«» Y v > f * TM elegant Iniilrament ie ua*de iu the - KtIZABLTUIAN 81YUS,’ the ornamenfr, front piw-j and leg. beta,' elalo ratelv tarred out of SOtlD KoMKW'tH.D U i fl f u || „ TPO octaves, of the largest dimensions, nod, Id polntct rolume, power, and liquid sweetness of U<ur, l» pronuuuceJ alto* geiber unMutpufiibl*- The subscribers will be happy to receive ibe of their frleodH aud lb« public Iu general, *dJ them thruQgb their elegant ueir eelabllshm*-nt. U. KLEUfII A UKU. H.go . I the U I Jeu Harp. N- f- FiM. au.-et myia Spring Stock or Hamburg i’lauoa CUAKLOTTI6 BUL'ME. Nu Im W.H.I @Sws&foBgBstreet. Pittsburgh, - JlfllM Tll ® Uamburg Plaun- ar. undoubtedly f I v | | 1 superior to ail other-, [ u rUstiatu ■■) fouc\ and of l.xte. They have uot on.y xt-ceived the blghi-et ojirk-i . : arpro b*tion from the best Kuropeau PUninta, nu- i) im LIST, Til ALUKKU, And others, who hate them confliamiy la their rwn ur*-, but also from our resident Profeenore. The following la »ii extract frtm a letter of PKOFKdaoU liiiNKY [IoUEOCK. After defcorlbiog tb* particular style fwn of which hr w&ota tor hli own use—one brand and one Square bo Hp**aks ae follows of their ,-xcellent nuallties : "My little daughter, who plaje very well, must, with myeelf, bare a jtood laatrumvut, and youro arc the only one* wbfeb cstfa&tbriy me *• loßtrumem* are otTered me on the accommodating lerme. I, however, do not lit* thorn ; they haTe not tbe elmtic tou-h and tbe tone of yours. “ I remain, yours, reapret fully, „ . ** Hiaai Rouuocr. PiUnburgb, P* " For rale by QUADIaITTK M.UMK. „t lh« "old E»tab llßhed Plano Depot,’’ lib Wood ntreer, ;!1 door etore KUtb Alan, to l . Merit for PliUourah end Western Penney Iranla fur ilaiUt, Dav urf a,, i Piurroi, (which In the Kent cities are coWeldercd superior u) either Cblckerilirt or Knnns * Clark c, not which fact Is not oiteoeirely known *e they hare but lately been Introduced here ) and other New Vott-and Pblladelpble Planor, of the beet rnokeri a’ prices from sT2i> to $BOO. in hit' NoU<;e te.Wlidm It Wny Coucern, BPKINA-bALl»'of K«l fettatu »t R<v J. Chester are now closed, and Ibe Building ,Season hu* fairly oommenced. Every citizen of Rochester h> busiiy em ployed. Even 30or 40 new Tamilian who buv» become citi zens the present Spring, find constant emplnyiui'ut; and in a few days a hundred families more will be required to car ry on the work of the present sea«on. The Cltr Building EtiabUihmmt is now uear completion and will be in full operation in June. Several Care will bis ' teady for dell Tory, by contract, the Ist of duly. 1855. Two or three new churches, in Rochester. will be con traded for immediately,and numerous other Improvements Vitl becommonced,r*quL-iuga greatamouot of mechanical ahd otbni iabof .dhdeptmdpnt of the Oar KstabUabnxonL which wilT-pt-ooftbly Vttrpl6y fromonu'to' two hundred. A prominent brickmaker from Pittsburgh has just pur chased large lota, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 600,000 bricks. Two gangs of hands commence work the present week, besides the other yards heretofore established in the neighborhood. Out Slone. Quarrus are already alive with workmen, and tba road leading to them lined with teams. Lumber is becoming abundant auU cheap, »u.l teneuirn's will soon soring up to relieve some of our houses, which bow have 6 families, 4 CaiaiUos, 3 families, and dozens of them 2 families each Any who d d not buy cheap lots at the four public sales last season, or the lour public nates the present spring, can still secure goodbargalosjtc private sale by calling on the subscriber in Rochester. Terms— % down, *4 In one year and Yi In two years. >l. T.’U. GOULU. P. A few iota can yet be had at $OO to $lOO each ; if applied for before the 20>h May. These lota are twice &> large as usual city lots, viz: 40 feet by 125, and the pße* only from $1,60 to $2,60 per foot front. Tbu present reserv e 1 homestead and magnificent profit of Orid Pioney, 4 aorea in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac , or F. Reno, can be bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are not ftoo tuchbargains within a hundred mile*. q tnyO _ , Removal. G Oui'JdhEßT A SON have removed their Heal Estate and General Agency Office to No. 63 MARKET bT oearTyrd.. aU g2 ’ POH Lota of 60 feet by T4O each, In East Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices. Inquire of THOiLld WOODb, 76 Fourth street. v’ • * l' 1 - » PITTSBUKGH, THURSDAY. AUGUST 30, 1855. MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. BIAT6 ALL DISKASCS Of TUI ZTI AND KAB WITHOUT CUPPING, liSanaa, bustbsinq, os tqi übi or oaioubl OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Hoars from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. THOUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or li Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. H. with perfect satisihotion. All diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principles. Artificial Eyes Inserted without an operation. All letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We eeleot the following references from among the thou sands of cases which baYe been successfully treated by Dr; Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer,32s-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. ° •Alfred Uoutbwick, Printer, ** “ M- Goodspeed, Glens Falla, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. RL L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y. tMiss Mary Bellows, N. H. BUtioo, Duchess co , N. Y. •Edward G. Bolger, Bristol, Conn. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y, Wm. F. B. Giles, offloe Courier and Enu., It . Y. tJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn; L. I. Jarvli Rodgew. A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Bt Nicholas Hotel. R. M. Pcrriss, Organ Builder, Houston St. U. B. Doolittle, if. D, Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkera, N.Y. M. P. Oolllns, Teacher Penmanship, Troy N Y ft. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. Dillenbaeh, Bcheneotady, N. Y. Oapt. B. H. Havtland, Athens, N. Y. John W. Usokett, Blngh&mpton, N. Y. *These patients were blind, and had to be led to the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the city at pleasure. 3 •These cases of Amaurosis were restored to sight after they were given up as Incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facte in these cases, by writing to them. j an 6 I’iltabiMvh Dollar Savings Institution, vsp No~ G 8 Fourth tXrtJtt, NBA? DOOR TO THE PITTSBURGH BANE, T 8 NOW OPEN daily from fl to 2 o’clock ; also, on Wed A needay and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 0 o’clock. Deposlta received of all sums not lead than One Do’lar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the Institution, have entered into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Reg a lations, furnished gratia, on application at the offloe. Prtsuleni —GEOßGE ALBREK. Hopewell Hepburn, George R. White, William P. Johnston, James W Hallman, Alexander Bradley, WUUam Phillips* John Q. Backofen, -James Uerdman, Hill Bargain, John &L Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. M’Cord, Robert Chester, Robert Morrow, J Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall. AJonto A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John 8. Coagrave. Henry L. Rlngwalt, Charles A. Oolton, Robert Robb, E. G. Edrlngton, George IL Riddle, Francis Felix, James RhoaJs, George F. Glllmoro, James Bhidle, James S. Uoon, George 8. Belden, WUUam 8- Haven, Alexander Tlndle. JWrfUry and Trtasvrn —CHAßLES A. GoLTON jj lk»:dly LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. * Capital _ '....9300,000 Amount securely Invested..- -9200,000 COMPANY effects Fire Insurance on BnUdlogs, Goods, Furnl.ure, Ac. Marine Insurance ou Vwnseia, Cargo aud Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods,by Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally. Also, Insurance upon Lives, upon the most favorable terms. DIR£ CTO BA. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James B. Neall, George U. Armstrong, Charles Diog.-«, - Ed. P. Middleton, K. R. Uelmbcid, George Helmbold, Fred. 0. Brewster, Thomas Manderfleld, Isaac Leech. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Preaidant. Edwibd R. U ilk bold, Secretary. PITTSBURGH REPBRBfIOEBr\^ Hon. T. M. Howe, Hon. J R. M’CUntoclr^ 1100. P. 0. Shannon, Col. 8. W. Black, lion. J. B. Guthrie, A. B M'Oaimont. £*>„ Thomas J. Keenan, E»q„ Wilson M’Cmadlma, Ecu., Cel. J. He on Foaior, Gen. J. K. MorehaatL R M. Riddle, ' The character or the above Company la of the’first class, and combines the rare and unusual privileges of Fire Ma rine aud Life Insurance. 1 Gentlemen of elevated standing are associated In Us management, and Interested as Stockholders. ARTHUR'S P ATENT Self-sealing Cans 1 J||i For Preserving Fresh Fruits, |f 9 Tomatoes, || |f UV UKRSISTICAL SRAUBO. _ j|j ||§ ri\HKt*K CANS, which are scaled by the EloQaekevper 1 without the aid of a tinner, and opened easily whboot injury to the can, are rapidly coming into general use. Full directions for putting op fruit accompany the cans; and the work la bo easily performed, that by their us* every family may have fresh Fruit and Tomatoes on their table a< l wiuter. at summer prices. PKICB&—Pint Oana, $2; Quart, $2.60; Ualf Gallon, s"*bO; Three Quarts, $4,26; Gallon, $6 per dozen. The different sizes neat, la order to secure economy In trans portation. AKTUUE’S CAN, which id closed with a Ikl covering the whole top, so that when open it may ha cleansed 11he any other TuMel, has been fully approved by the farmer*’ Club ol the American Institute, New York. It took & Urstclass diploma over all other seif-sealing cans at the late Fair in Cincinnati, and was awarded a medal at the Me haulca' Fair hfld this spring at the Smithsonian Institute, Wash ington City, i>. 0. It is claimed to be the best Can in the market. Ali orders accompanied by the cash will be promptly for warded. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the China and Qieeus war* Store of HENRY Hid BY, "“S'* ... 123 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Bargains lu Watobas, Clocks A Jewelry. ROBERTS A BROTHER. (*jc ARE now eelling their large and earvtully svl<*c stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, andrkb Cold tSTjft JeWelrsr ot redoerd prices, to make room taSfclfSfor an entire new stock, which will be received di rect from the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks fur the Fall trade. Purchasers deHiring to buy good goods at low prices, should call immediately and examine our stock, as we are determined to close ii out without regard to cost or former prion Don’t forget the plaoe. ROBERTS A BROTHER. 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. ■AiF" Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired In the best manner, and warranted. Jf2l:ly Corner of SmlthfUld and Third straeta, JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. PITTSBJJR au, PA. 'l'lilS large and commodious House haying undergone 1 thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, is now open for the reception of the traveling public Charges moderate. j v \ land warrants' AO. bO, 160 ACRE WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN LOOntS, |.|S tuater In Wsrrant*. Bt<vik«, *«., 92 Fourth t Co>Partnerihlp, WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on tbs 2d day of July,‘JOS. R. HOGUES, tn the Wall l'ap«r bofilnees, ufider the name of jy« W. P. MARSHALL A 00. FOR SALE VERY CHE AP. ABUILDINO LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by IPO. A good bargain eati be had by applying soon at lh« opine of tbe MORNING POST. jyltM A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 34 feet front on Oareon street by 100 foot io depth, lo Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GKO. F. GILLMOftE, j»18 at office of the Morning Post. BKMLANNUAL~DIVii)ICNI>iT‘FkH l, 1846. iifiTNA INBURANUB OORIPANY, OF BAJiTFORD, CONN. Chartered , PAID UP. Cash Assets, July 1, 1855, $830,030 *3. ( CONTINUE to make Insurance oo all descriptions of > property at oqoltable rates. This Company bare maintained a position for honorable dealing for 36 years, aDd is unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other similar Institution in tho united States. Semi annual statement of the condition of this Company on die in this office, tor the examination of the public. n. B. TBN-EYOK, Ageul. Office, North-west corner Fifth and Wood streets, Pitts tantk JtW It. 18, Lemon A Co.'s Way Lane, BETWEEN PITXSBDBGH AND COLUMBIA. > (THE undersigned baring purchased «&D2L_iflgSßjg part of D-Xeech A Co.'s Canal Stock, Ka r ga^fiftWi‘l, hiro T~r~' to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this place and Ooiumbia. Ail business eutrusied to out care will be promptly attended to by us, Ht the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech A 00., Canal Basin. LLOYD A LEMON. jy2&:dlm* JUST WHAT YOU ACL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Magazines for August: Peterson's Magazine tor August; Ballou's do do Hew York Journal do Dickens' Household Words tor August; The Heiress of Haughton, or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Ufa; Peggy Woffington. For all the new Books or Magazines, call or eend to the cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDENFKNNEY A CO., Fifth au, opposite the Theatre. C'IOAL FLAT—LyiDg at tbe foot of Liberty street. Moood- J gabela river, for sale by JjtfO _ J. W. BUTLER S, 00 SALMON—No 1 Lake Superior Salmoa fur B*J« by O J<rtO BMHUY E. QULLINfI ‘■VjV;.' * ( '• r ; t , vs »*'.*• *> * * « a _ J '* k•' * z “•' " '■■-•sjy*.' \-yy." J p. ** -f - VICI P&aiDKTTij : John IL Bboenberger. Charles Knapp, N. Qrattan Murpby, Theobald Dmbstartter, Isaac M. Pennoch, William J. Anderson. TICSYSCS . EAUfIJKItS’ ANU MECiIASiCH* THOMAS J. UUNTEIt. A**Dt, feulMog, No, 10$ Third *t. CITY HOTEL. ( LAV* DROWH’B,) I* ol for 8al«. " V> V V’-' '..«!>>> ' * r »* f- * . A, « t • > ** r - ». r l jsL*t? -- **3|* MIbCijL.Ln.NEOUS. WM. A. USSBOif »...JAl|*3 cuiswgu. HSEBOH ft CBISWKLL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, M A ™Y,™?F,?. KBRS 01 »u ktoiD of ÜBABB WORK, LO - B .TEAM pldmbem, L. aj bo, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. ' foundry on Rebecca street, Alleghany City. Apn B ?$ or *’. I l 0 ' u Market street, Pittsburgh. , OLD BRASa and COPPER taken in exchange for jwork, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, be promptly attended to. fobC^y v *i t J5i? PII T * L.OWRT, No ' 43 Cbmer of Fifth and Wood Strati. Fifth street. Pittsburgh, KfIPECTFDIXY announce to the public that he has commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, in ctmneo uon with intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting. Persons in want of aerrants, In any capacity, or those In want of places, will be supplied at short tended to baßlnesfl ® n * ns **l to his care promptly at- B&rencu-T. J. Wgham, Esq., Richard Oowan, Edq., W. m AUx * B “ok, Jwaea Mackeral, aTa.Mason, Mafflt s Old. janlS oohmaa A Haunliln, Vlulling Cards. Engraved or Drawn on Btona, Printed m Colors, Gold, Bronco, or Black, in the most approved style, “w at the moat reasonable prices. octl&ly ttKLVIDmB EEBTACilAfifr WOOD BTREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. r PHE Undersigned has Just provided a eh ole© stock of X LIQUORS, and is ready at all times to serve his friends with the best of the season, in the way of edibles. Irish Whiakr Punches may be had at the Bkivdsax. : . iaolkly JOHN SAVAGE, Proptittor. C F , rT . Alexander Uays, IVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op poeite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penna.—has per manently located, and will ponotually attend to all business entrusted to hU charge. aarisincsst * ¥ - Johnston, Protddent Allegheny Valley &. R. W. Mlluor Roberts, Chief Engineer “ ** “ Uec It. Richbaum, Associate Eng. ' u « lurid Mitchell, Chief Engineer Pitteb’h and Stenb. R. R. Jamed Thompson, Superintendent City Gas Works. JamesJ{. Day, Olril Kugjneer.jLilegheDy City. |ap7«2w* „ Notice. fl'llE Partnerihlp of JOIIN M’DEVITE A BQO.wks dls- JL eolred on the find InsL John M’Devitt will eontlnne 1 r ,i* u ? D ' ! , Bfl al otli Btan,l » aod attend to the settlement of fhe business ot the late firm. JOHN M3>BVrrT, . . _ WILLIAM M’DEVITT. Pittsburgh, January Sd, I&66—{ jan4 Hew Trimming Store, vvolwi 3 °f MetrS xtand tte Diamond. Ti GORDER v respecfully announce to the X public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he will opsn his now Trimming Storeon Monday, April 17tb. Havlntffltted np the neatest store room 61 the city, and filled Itwltb a choice selection of the latest styles of Trimmings and Fan cy Ooodn, he flatters himself that he will offer superior in ducements and endeavor to giro full satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. Now, don't fotget the B3 Market street, Corner oMha Diamond. Japrl?] FRANK VAN GQRDBR. ENULUUI ANUCLABBICAL SEMIfIARY. W. T. McDtfNALD, M. a., Padicipal. r next session of the Institution will commence on X MONDAY, the 6th of September nest, at the room eor» n«r of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the Menses. Veedor. Atfcrmeri—Hon. A. W. Loomis, 0. Knap, Jr., 8. F. Von onboret. R. Miller. Jr. angi Agency for' Soldiare^OlaTmaV lOCATloN OF LANDS.— PURCHASE AND BALE OF j LAND WARRANTS.—The undersigned has made ar rangements with competent and reeponslble gentlemen to obtain Certificates or Warrants for Soldiers, their widows or minor children, who are entitled to Bouoty Lands; also for the location of Irands, and the Pnrc baseband Baleof Land Warrants. JOHN D. DAVIE, mhl-fcif Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Nsw Paper KlangingV F. - NO. 86 WOOD STREET. INE FRENCH AND AMEIUOAN PARLOR PAPERS; Panel Decora Lions, in gold, oak and marble i Hall Papers, of various styles; Fig’d and Plaio Papere, for dining rooms and chambers; Cheap and low priced Wall Papers; Borders, Ceilings, Figures, Window Shades. A large and complete assortment of tho above, selected for ihe season, will be sold at the usual low prices. . . _ WALTER P. MARSHALL. k. ). UAUAfI J)ASIU A$L» JR, HAGAN * AUL. WHOLESALE and Retail Th ire in SHkt, timef and staple DRY GOODS, Nos W Market and 8 Union itreet, Pittsburgh. a p r j e. whitbuodsk; E Fancy silk and woolen dyer and cleaner, No. 7 ISABELLA BL, near the Emmet Hotel, : AUAoarrr. L* SC. Hkyward, \l^BA L Efi. In HOOTS, BUOJSS, TRUCKS ami LEGHORN ID HATS, corner of Market and Libertt bU., NaT4,l‘ittnburgh, Pa. JOHS UIITCHKL.L, wholesale and retail druooist, So. 135 -VVooa Street, a3) £ J Next door lo H. Chiles’ Shoe (louse* Pittsburgh. WM. A7I\rCLURG, DKALKH IH Pine Teai, Choice Family Groceries and Willow Waro. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS. t PITTSBURGH, PA. IB now receiving * large auortiaent of PUKBII GOODB, in addition to his already extensive stocky purchased from flrat hands ia the Eastern market*, which, will he sold at the lowest market prices. Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. 1 - Goode dtdiyered in the city free of charge Steamboats, Ahoy t . Tn subscribers tender their aeknow-A L^rrTrtrT lwdgmßnlß fai> th " bestowed uponlSl. ffiifirfiiffimßthtin byHheir Steamboat friends, andr@l would respectfully remind them and othere interest-' 1 * ed in building boats, that they are at all times prepared to furulah, on the most reasonable tanas, erery description o! Cabin furniture and Chairs of the bast material and work manship. _ _ T. B. YOUNG A 00.. Jr 12, ’m lnatrtaociot&a tnHaaie. MK. WAALBLINK would respectfully inform Ms pnplla kq . friends that he will continue hia prolesaion as instructor c ti the PIANO PORTE and VOICE. Orders lett -1 Mr. KLKBKB’fI Music Store, or at Hi* rest* denes, No. 187 eEOOND Street, will be promptly attended to _; _ aoi Great Ueduetlou " ’ IN CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, at HAGAN A AUL'g, 91 MARKET STREET. We will mark down on Monday, June 4th, our entire wtoefc of seasonable Dr/ Goods, at a large discount from former prices. We name, tn part, Borages and Tissues, Grenadines, Grape de Espagne, Summer Silks, Lawns of all kinds, Kmhrolderies, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Lace Man tillas, Chain Beragea, Madonna Cloths; &a—with a full and complete assortment of Housekeeping Goods. mySl A PAID! CONTAINING 63 ACtt&3 OP LAND, under a high statu of cultivation, jrftE a large anil convenient DWELLING lIOUhE, recently built and of modern style; good Darn, Stabling, Ac., situated on the south bank of the Mono against* river, 0 miles above Pittsburgh, being one cf the most beautiful and pleasant looaU/xus anywhere to be found. Possodeioo glren on or jeforetoe Ist of April n4xi. of U. CHILDS A CO n 133 Wood street. Paul 4 Murdoolt* CIOMMIBBION AND FORWARDING MBROUANB, AND / STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No. 7 Water street, Cincinnati, Ohio. - | ' V 1. W. Chadwick, Dealer in ragb and PAiutß.No. uo wood street, Pittsburgh. The highest arice In cash paid for rags. j Ojll:y Writing Oltaiei—Duff’i College. Gentlemen and Ladies’ Day and Evening Writing i. Classes will continue open during the summer under Mr. J. D. Williams, whoso rarloua styles of Gentlemen and Ladled Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exhibited at the door but those executed by the Teacher in the Institution. The Principal claims no ” monopoly” nor “ patent” f <r his business, nor did be get his institution chartered to sell out, as has been repeatedly done to UUs city. tieuiiemen ami Ladies' Visiting Cards written In Mr. Williams' unequalled style. All kinds of Ornamental Pen* manublp executed to onier. ray24:dew HOURKINQ GOODS. FRANK VAN GORDKR has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Sleeves and Betts in Crape, Tarleton and 8 wins, black lace and gauze Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, in wool, cotton, and sift; Ribbons, Delta, and Crapes, In all qualities. Alexander X Dajou’tt best Rid Gloves oan always be found at No. 83 MARKET BTREKT, corner ef Uie Dia mond. novl" NEW DBY GOODB BTOBE. Iron Front—No, 01 Market street. OUR house being now open for the transaction of a gener al Dry Goode business, we would respeclfttllyfiolicit the patronage of the public, feeling confident that, from ourex tensive and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we can offer such inducements as will In sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN A AHL, aprhtf Nos. 01 Market and 8 Union street. 1819. BOOKS! BOOKS!! _ <ll Star Papers. by Ueory W. Beecher; $1,26. CiuYt) llail, by Mloo Bewell; $1,26. Mary Lyndon : an Autobiography; si. Dcestfeke' Book ; $l. A Visit to the Camp before Sehastopol; $l. Mrs. Uall’a Mow Cook Book; (1. The Uutrws of Ilaughton ; 37 cents. Barney tVlUerdon, by Samuel Lover ; *26 cents. Trial and Triumph, by T. H. Arthur; 2b cento. Panorama for July; *25 rents. Jaat received and for e&le at W. A. GILDRNFKNNEY A OO.’S, Fifth Bt., opposite the Theatre P" "LANES, PLANKS, PLANKS.-nighty Important to Cabinet Makers, Carpenters, and Workers In Hard wood, Ivory and Veneer*— i W. C; HOPPER'S UNRIVALLED VENEER, IMRDWOOB AND IVORY PLANESi , The above Planes cannot be excelled In planing hard* wood and veneers. The attention of mechanics is respect fully solicited. For pale at BOWN A TETLEY’S, J*23 130 Wood street. Fine dress good&—a. a. mason a 00. have inst received another splendid lot of Dress Goods, ocmprl ■sing rich Plaid, Strined and Yigured Borages, Tissues, Or. g»odi?A 40-, with styles of Ylonnced Be r»V BnKw, • U PTVTW'fyp QF\ LOUS IN WELLSVIXtLE "foR SALE—A plan 'of Oi/ which may be seen at our office. Tho* Lois will be sold on time, and but taty repaired do' hun.i where ths purchaser takes a number of lots .*••***« » ttog-l b. CQTHBfiRT 4 bQN, 63 Markat st. * * *■- Corner Third and Smlthfleld streets. opposite “ Brown’e Hotel." Kor Heat/ tfa " ' ■SSjfc:* • % - V*'. , • • :•-•&£, %-%: v " '- X ■ ■■■ " -- •- . , : 0-1 • 4 1 * 1. i'ibMBEH ‘293, 100 LIl Cl iL IN An J 0 p. JAOtAOS W. WOOmVElib, °*rL SBI UAJfDFAOTUBBM. Ware-rooms OT and 0G Third (treat. . , J -. W. W. respectfully Informs ana ISraremlßiMg W Wends and customers that haul IggffilmMßHigjU haanow completed his spring stock the larcct Porniture, which is decidedly - 1 ' lriUtaroldTt l^?^ 6 !. 0 <n this City, SrtOT West. 1 Prt “ ‘o» as eny In the UnUed States, .Q^, h ° to ? ph ° ld the quality with welleea from thTertanTof hi. feSSrt hebenahlad to produce<rarrantodTuaSrnt flSlowafv’ Ha hasiirated the prindpla of Identifying hta customers- Intarrat with his own, in quality and price, and keeps al ways on hand lbs greatest variety ot every description of furnUnre, fhun the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or* der. The following articles consist. In part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be snrpused In *ny of the Eastern ernes: Irtuis XTV tete-a-tete Sofas; M Sofas, in plash and hair cloth; 60 doa. Uahogany Chairs; 2) dot. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Rocking M 20 Walnnt “ •« M Mahogany Dinas; 30 Walnut “ 60 Marble Top Centra Tables: M M Dressing Bureaus 80 “ «* Wishstands:i 40 Enclosed •• 100 Common ** 80 Plain Dressing Bunsens; 40 Mahogany Bedsteads; 20 Walnut “ 00 Cottage m 200 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry *• SO Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables -12 Secretary and Bookcases: 20 dot. Cane Seat Chairs: 24 Cane Seat Booking Chairs: 12 Ladles' Writing Desks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots* SS&oh-™, SgES***" n «• * ■SSuSaTtar «• Becmttop Ledina-Work “ P«»rl Inlaid Hitanslon Dining Tables; JoSlcand Hail Chairs; wiND^o??^fS Ml n of “““on rerarnnu ana °“™“Jk®““bppUed with .liar- no^S “ S POTHLB - furnished .t U» shortest All orders promptly attended to. Arrival or Bgrlng «na aumm.r Dry D gregg 0 * m W . BlD li > ' WOOD STREET. * JO- Im P°“™ * nd Jobber. In British, * f«nch and German DRY GOODS. Haring recely ,°?J” te, V lT ' atock of spring and (rammer ;ooda, nunmased from Importers, manufacturers, and part id r ° wn * m P°rlatlon, we feel safe in assuring P our old cuirtomKß, country merchants and city dealers general. wi^ t onir^rh > | U !i e “ facllUlM In purrfLahm, dllMmei ‘ ta to bo * m "*« ™*7 12 SMfigSS&S I Woharo also opened a very large aesortmentof bonnets. I t^. ba H\?^ l, * nii brald and Leghorn! IritbK»^d?S,U^*ir t " h ? lI ” 7 ' g,OTOS “ ni riSboS B W^‘^ttnTOfe«iL C °r‘ 8 - mUU Our variety stock embraces In part combs, button* ««»■. 1 ?H' tJ ? rea 5 S ’ **** raona f® 0 * patent medicines! pe£ "0, 1“ ““““Uy kept in the v»- *"S* t, “V»J t J 1 * lar S" “took of gold and stlrer watches, watch materials, glassea, gold and gilt iewelrr of I gwat of 30 CVan" &,y S’&S^^StSSr'“ ld “^ {ilS, 40 '“ rly “ n {rom buyers Is respectfully solicited. -j?7? D- GREGG A CO. I VAS N? < B» J ?n R ’ S o? ,1 i lI “ i!r ‘ fliG S’i'OHK, TUBT RVTPIVniil' 7 gT '' CuEl ' ni OF DUMOTO. J new rtylro o°f’ * l “' 8 “ VM MleCtod “*<* of .11 LADUffl’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS* jnngea, Buttons, Galloons ’ uSC Sf- . RMBBOIDkTi o f, * rench - B “tch and Austrian KMUKUIDERIEu, in Swiss, Jaconet and Lace. dollars. Edgings, Handkerchiefs, ln X.^^.i,ts A fall supply ofSoDENING GOODS- ° P * W^' SSr-srL ss.^sssna, : Bands and Ineerttaizs: French Working Cotton Hood? S U Ul^dtSrs ,lMS ' 011 Cl ° th ' £££&*%£> « Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons 1 GtWDsSh^^, 11 ' of ONNTLKMKtrS FURNISHING ! mT’ 9” v “ to ' m «. Handkerchiefs, Ac. ' S 3, N p “’"' d •"**** ‘. n Hnall i ■W-Bajoo's DOT Km Gtorts, la white, black and colors. ! Sixes from No. 6 to No. 10, slwars on bond Also—A good stock of HOSIERY and GLOYES-rery ‘ c e * p ' mh23 Sale of Public l?rop*rty, IN accordance with Instructions from the War Deoart dJirtfi® A ?' !o^ 3 UELL - BEv tM- and TBit aOH, (No. 8, No. i, and No. 6.) together with their equip menU, tackle, Ac., wul be sold to the highest bidder, at lb* points au4 dates following, to wit; At Napoleon, Arkansas, on Saturday, the 80th day of June, between the hours oflO A. M., and 2 P.M„ the small twin Snag Boat TEEROR, together with her equipments, &C*, lolota or parcels, to be designated In printedhand-bills prepared for the occasion. near Railway, on Saturday, the H the h °urs of 10 A. wf, and 2 P. Mq the two large twin Snag Boats, BELL and SEYIKIL <og ?JS ( *, iU L th .'j “lulpfusnts, 4c., In lots or parcels for each boat, to be designated ea before In handbills J b " t T‘s t ! l * V 'i*™! under the following general bead for each of the boats, viz; * Ist—Holla, cabins and upper works. 24—Double engines and boilers, complete ,0d Equipments, including large purchase chains, an chors, chain cables, cortege, tackle, yawls, tools, 4c 4tb—Ooobiug apparatus and other furniture. ,1 **s “W t E° r<™ old, sound and substan tially built, and well adapted for use asCotton Boats Divine Bell Boats, Floating MUm, Wharf aT ’ ' 8 Their engines si* constructed in the moat efficient man ner, and are in good condition. The Bell and Sevier are large twin Bnag Boils, about 160 reel long, 22 feet beam for each hull, exclusive of their " n “8 ™ ma “ 4 «'*>•* boumra, and 12 feet between the hulls. . f ?"* bn «' 18 beam for each hull, and 10 feet between the bulls. TKKMB OF SALE—The Bell and Terror will be sold for cash, payable on the days of their sale, The terms of sale fm the Sevier will be made known on the day of sale. In all cases the privilege of dismantling the boats of all articles sold to different individuals will be reserved for a reasonable time In tovor of the purchasers of sail articles. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase aro de oiled to examine the premises and Judge of their value 8. U. LONG, L’t OoL T. &, BupH W. RWtL 8t louts, June 7th, IS&6. jel I:3tawts JOBSFH fIOORIbOKi COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT No. 88 OonmmL, nxtow Pun Starar, * 81 liOnti, Ho,, 0 and personal attention, anil liberal required, on Consignments or Bills of hading. Orders lor the pnrehaso of lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly ailed at the lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro dnoe will meet with especial care and dispatch j the lowest retee of Freight will always bo procured, and the expanse Of Storage and Drayage aamuch. as possible avoided. uimixcxs: Pag)4 Bacon, St Louis; Bills4Morton, Cincinnati Char:esa,Blow 4 Co., do; Strata A Gorman, dot Ohnnteau 4 Vails, do; Hosea A Fraser, do* „ do; Bprlnger* Whiteman, do: J.W.Bntler4Bro.,Ptttsbh; K.O.Gooodman4 Oo« da* D.leech*Co., do; K.4o.Yornall4oo3hltada! Wm. Holmes 4Co , do; Morgan, 3. M.Buok4Morgan: Blow 4 March, Now Fork. D.B”oomcgys, die Frost 4 Forrest, do; Shields 4MB ter, da aharlos A.Mclgs, do; Jodoh Loo 4 Co, Baltimore! A.O.FarwollACo.,Boston; Abraham J. Cols, do Howard, Son 4 Oo„ do; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville . fl. D. Newcomb 4Bro~ 4o; T.O. TwlehallA Merchants, Now Oilmsa «A 4 hare an open Pollay of Insurance, whleh will coyer ell shipments to ay address, when advised by letter per mall, or when endorsed on bill* of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRTME, St. Louie, Missouri. wtuum a, mu a co„ BANKERS, A r o. 04 TfSod ttrteL Pittsburgh HOLD on sale the following ;BONDS AND STOCKS • 40 shares Exchange Bank ;.-. , 17 Monongahela Narlgetlon Company; W do pitßene l Insurance Company; $2,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bonds: $B,OOO City of Pittabaigt; Bbhda; ~ ’ $B.OOO County of Allegheny Bonda. feep6:dlw»utf a a. wuant3...„..,„(„...„ joaapa umawio. WILKISTS to CO. (SOOCESOM TO A. WOEIIIB A Co.) II AVH HKSIOVED TUKLH OFHCB to Ho. 78 KHJBTH atwot. two doom east of thalr old ataud, wbaro tb«y will continue the BANKING, and COM MISSION STOCK BROKKB BUSINESS In all Its branches as heretofore. ’ WaajKn—Twenty-fiTe Shares Mechanics’ Dank Stock _Jyl2 WILKTNB A 00/' o. a. wuaiMß \vUkTna it Col 9 ” I 0 lyMwia * (Successors to A. Wilkins A Co.) BANKEEB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS N °- $1 Abnrtiiafrtef, JTitUlnash. . ‘ ’ TN THE nnmeroua auspemrionßnfJßanlta and Bank.™ -1 W° “.““S' “l a ™B>B we are eat Med that ln almoat every Itffltane/thelr‘woS,l e a asßSaa^ArjsSKas .^S^SaresMsssiS gttlmate Knaof oar haalneea—believing that In avoiding alleuchlnvgstrawto weehall not onli be betterSm to W their eafety, but that In rtch a coarse we shall promote onr own niltmate benefit. ffebSt w. A OQ. XfI'AQAZINKa, BOOKS, 4a— ! " iU. Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion, for August; Harper’s Magazine* do Putnam’s do ' do Graham's, do ; do Godey’a Lady’aDook, do Peterson’s Ladies’ Magaain®, do BOOKS—A Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol; - Star Papers, by Heonr Ward Bsecher. Jo.t racked VuflfeNmiNEY * jyB| fifth et, opposite the Theatre, » , ~ ■ -, , L. ' ." •' ' v>. ''•> - ■-!■. Ji.'iifV-“'..•MV ."Sir BATES OF AOVEBTISUft ; . iQuann upon by tom piytbwSbu puma rci UItt9aOSFAJUn,OB-U3a: '.*n» square, one Insertion...... . ‘ M “ each additional IIM " »«t- , 7S tWO OD *’ " throe weak*..,..., .. 4 o<y u “ one month. .. 4 “ “ two months jO9 three months .. POO ** “ four m0nth5,..—..........,,...,.,. 10 00 M six .... 12 0® “ one 7«ar 18 0® At»ndiog Card, tlx Hum or loss, par armnm , jq qq OFuaaaauLA at pliasukx: One aqnar*, per innnm, (exclusive ot the paper)-...... $5 00 FEVER AND AGUE CURE* FOB the Frevention and Cure of iHtnHOTXSf end Tiy aunsNT Fxtkrs, Frrxß and Aaoi, Owns and Pxvxb, Dumb Aauz, Ginxral Dramr?, Night gwxArs, and all other forms of disease which hare a common origin in Jfohzriaof J/Jama. This is a NATURAL ANTLDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, even in the most dak] jor swampy localities, from any Ague or Billona disease what* ever, or any Injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. , It will instantly check the Ague in persona who have raf. fared for any length of time, from one day 1 to twenty years; so that they need uever have another chm t by continuing its use according to directions. The patient at onca begins to recover appedtc and strength, and wfnttrj nev nnfejl % parma* cent and radical care is effected. f‘ ' One or two bottle* will answer for ordinary eases; Isotns mo . re Directions printed in Clerznan. Trench “fompeny each bottls. Prise One Dpliar. Übenl discounts mule to the tads. " JAMES A. RHODES, ProrfdMco, Bill. “ I here cud. a chernies! and Ague Cure/' or ■' AntidotetoSllertv' £Z£ not cSSMK* ’tS^UtatlaV 0mP °‘ lt>oa WOaM V" „ _ “ LswiaßTOQ, Union County, Pa., May 2.1866. i/r. J. A. JZAodcr—Dear Sir: The box of medicineyoa sent me was daly received on the 11th of April. X have sold abont one-half of it, and so for the people who have J used lc are satisfied that It has cored them. It has certain ly stopped the Ague in every one who has used tVand six were of long standing. My afster, who. has had It for five •topped, except byXlulnlne, and that only as long aa aha would take it, 1* now, I think, entirely cored by jour rem ' 0. E. M&JHW” CAUTION TO AGUE a 5° f? ore Araenlc ’ Mercury, Quinine, Strychnine, or Antl-Periodlcs, or medicines of any kird, the-virtua of owing to such poisonous drugs The most they can do is to “ break the chills ” for & short time, while they are sure 10 cause constitutional maladies that only with life. Remember that the only Payer and Ague reme dy that is harmless as well as sure, is B Rhodes’ Fever end Ague Core. Por sale by JOHN MITCHELL, and Druggists gen nT- : angl44inr PITTSacaOH AND COHNEIa<BV. RAILROAD OPEN0 PEN NKWTON, Weutmonslaod County. nuabai-gb! POM> ’ F ”s etla Ooonty, M miles from On and after the 20th of August, the Trains o l the Pitta hur,<h end Connel 1-tIII r, Railroad will be run as follows: First Train will leave Bread Ford Station at 010 A. M, 'i"?d D ? a t al . 010 **? s<!,tion6 > vrlll reach Went New’ A-M-.eonnscUng therawith the Tsatsteamer “O'* reaching Pittsburgh at noon. Second Train will leave l Broad Ford at'is o'clock, noon tm at'S p 8 M- ° U ““ »»J B rTivaat WertNowi First Train will leave-West Newton at 830 A M. ninn. •8 016 Way 6tatlonB ' ‘O' l arriving at Broad Ford'at ' fUI WMt Newton at 6.16 p. U„ stcp- T afp'u th “ W “F stations, and reaching Broad Ford at »i?h A ufi *Sr < ' t ’ n nellsTille and Unlontown will connect with all the Trains at Broad Ford The steamer OLARA FISUEIt will leave Pittsburgh ev ery evening, (ercept goods.™,) -at half-past 4 o’clock ore ciaely, to connect with the Train* aaabove. ' P THE TQKOCOH TP.ArNS between Wrat Newton and 12th“ e iB65 IUB , ' al ru ” rcgularl F «od after September transported each way dally. For ralea apply to D. W. OALOW ELL, Esq , Aeelstnnt Jnperiotand ™ ra? ?’”■ or to W. THOMPSON. Freight Agent Mo^be^rX 018 " F “ hgt - “ vvv'b’s m n til k coileoe, PITTSBURGH, FA. NCOKPOBATED BY THE LEGISLATURE of Ponntvl. vonla, with Perpetual Chart or. FACULTY. P.'DUFF, PrwMeiit, (author of the “North Ametlora Hdeucea* * i>rofessol of Hook-Keeping and Commerdoi T ' nOWI)BN ' Proft«,r of Book. anTjwLSJ"’ iES '" t “ t rrof ® Cor ° f Bo ° k -K«P'ns ( lbe , l > eot Offhand Penman In the Pn,fesß>r ° f Oommareial and Ornamental Profefi “" f P»f^n™;.t r ,Slil ,h “ M “ t!l ' II1 * ti “ l gu*sM APEL ’ Profeasot ° f th 6 Pwnch and German lan- The Commercial department of thtß institution has had the unremitting attention of the Principal for theEtt flf teen jeare. Upwards of 8000 etudente hare beenprtSared boeinteee. Hie “young men” aaeiatanta hare 6 1 ior business by himself, end are exheri enced Teachers and practical Accountant*! being treummb ly employed by business men in adjusting deranged hooka There are no teachers in this institution who were hi this dty dismissed from their situations as book-keepers; none who made tweoty blunders on s single page of shill-hook m°r» W th tIDB t '“ h i'* r ( Wr - "‘UUame) has had romething mors than a few lessons from a Philadelphia teacher to CT, hla Imßineas. No runners are employed | b hoi er lMt .'i ltl ” n a W ?'“ our cltlMn « ore importuned bp thoee of another, they ahoufd refer to some of onr city Bank omeerri or merchants—perrons whose opinion can be rellul upon—ond not be decoyed into one of those coneerne which are being sold out e?ory few months, and pimfla !.« to in*truct>on wh**-* they can find it. P anglB DU I.JO wiou SuMn AMUSING BuOKU to tale with you to the country; or if about to remain in the dtv do you an entertaining Book to enliven your dull hours this hot weather, call at J W. A. GILDBNFENNEY k CO.'S Cheap B'okstore, No. 45 Fifth street, opposite the Theatre, where you will and the following New Books, viz ■ Star Papers, by Henry W. Beecher; The Eecaped Nan; A VisiUto (he Camp Before Sebastopol; JVaJhna, or Adveutwres on the MurquJto Shore; Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his Ernes * Doeeticks’ now booh ; ' My Confession ; 'Morv Lyndon: an autobiography ; •Be Quinrey’s Note Book of an English Opium Eater: The Tinker Spy ; * Barney O’RJenlon; Arrow nfOold, „ ns]4 TH.? op J amiss JoKiniK bunnistt , an~ X his Times ; by a celebraled Journalist. Letters to the People on Hea»tb and Happiness: by Cath arine B. Beecher. J The most complete and varied assortment of books in tbs city can he found on oor shelves. Persons leaving lor the country will find it to their advantage to call on ns, as we always make a deduction when selling a numberata tim'd to one person. Doesticta’ Orest Book, containing ail hla letters. Com ply OD<5 rotum*, Illustrated—sl. Fourth supply. TbeOid Farm House; by Mrs. Oarollne H.Butler Lalng Monomaniac; by the author Sister Hose; by Charles Dickens—l2J4 cents. J ten-Mnr *S? ft, « .‘s' - 1' A 61 do Ito'ul 40 do Pickerel; 30 bbla No. 3 large Mackerel, new ; 60 half do do do- do 15 bbla Baltimore Herring, do feraaloby r Jy)» | IftNRY H. OOLLINI MM/B it A lit OOLOIUNO FbUlbaoes hot~iiloror stain JL the eUn In the least, but in every case It will restore the natural color of the hair, where age or sickness baa turned It gray. A trial will satisfy thoao uaingit of Bmoat ctmo.s anJ singular phenomenon, that is, gray hair restored to Its natural color, with all the strength and w,w 0f h 7 a“ th ‘ Prlu “ t>nl )' 60 cento per bottle. Soldol Bitt-burgh by 3. 1,. CUTHBEBT. ' 53 Markets!rest. fi. i.MTHIIEHT 8. iiiJTiißKffF i so'N AUENTB for: tha Bale and S'-* lu r clia,e of Beal Eatate, Oolleetion of Bents. Borrow ing ami loaning Moneys on Bonds and Mortgages- also tor making Sales of Produce, Manufactured Arthdea. >r ’ stJeet™""' MecllM ‘ ksand olh ' rs - Office, Nm6S Mhrket ELUB'I'LU U> KXTBACV Ulf BUOiilD— B doa of tEts excellent medicine received by JOS. FLEMING. TJ ASPBEKKY BRANDY—6 aos pure Raspberry Brandy, av a very BUperlor home-made article. For«al*-by JNO. UfTLE, Jr., Agent, No 20! Liberty street. *qg3aHir I 'OH BOOKS, MAUA'ZINK*; or NSW FA call or send to the cheap hoots tore of tV. A. QtLDENFEtfNEY * CO., Vifth rL. opposite the Theatre. HKBPJSTIO 80 a f— lf or r-oioflug I'm, tiallownesa sQ <1 Undue* a of ibe Skin ; eeau per cake. Superior Lily. Wblta, or Peon Powder; and 12)$ eta. per box. Hose Blossom Flesh Powder, f-r beautifying the com plexion. Sold by aug9 6. li. CUTHBTSBT, 63 Market Rt HAMtAiIOLUM— A certain cure for tiles. xb cents boi. Sold at 68 MARBKI> BT. J **^±-ssrsssz^ , Bketohosof Western Praby tarlatom, Its early minhtott, to BoiUooa tim„. ami it, drst «oorto; byJojsph Smith, D.S. It u tha'chwpeS i £5“ U f“ 1 ’ 1 ” • Ilo ’ i, wIUJn the roach of all. I or sale, wholesale and retail, by * J. 8. DAVISON, 66 Market street, near Fourth. FQk KJfliT—a neatly fitted tip O in fltory, front, of Warehouse No. 97 Flr« street. Ret t foaggQ) J. W- ROTLKR * CO. CIDER—Some pure Crab', t& boxes, M T«sr j -1 choice,” just received and for ule by auglU MILLER k RIOKETBUN y I*l+ V* *JS <£ ' * .« - SjU 'Va.; v * .. ■r_'•) - ?>••',i.e £* K •• ••• f j V MISCELLANEOUS. RHODES' evidence op safety. JAMBS R- OHILTON, M. D., QhemUt." EVIDENCE OP MERIT. H-•, , ,.- - ,.;.'i. - 7 ,...e:0c:;‘-.1',-.- J ,,,. 1 •-• / ' ... I