The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 27, 1855, Image 1
'?.*y .‘v-; s '.'- v , t • - 'h*'-' ■’ !'o 7 «•' 'S '-'' • .*« " . , ; *?V\v ..v V» •*■' l s - V.!* :i ;-S • ■■'•Vi v, *. i>'- :..V • ~ v ’'’!*.'•■ ■> •’ - • . ; :v v. .*;-*= ", j ' _ _ V L*\tVi* • ' L ’V ' * .'??*’.?'*■/*■' w !' jn- iß&MS.— Fire Dolkttf'W y«aiv'p«y»blestrictly In ' *'*•“. 4 '/* ’• * ’" v > r—»ir»nc«. 81xDollar8WttlliiY»rUbJybrrequired4f not.pald • *,t v / ‘ -*• « 1 *• •,;*’••* • ! \-\! *V" >'* within the y«*S ' "‘ w - . . ~ h _ v.h L.* k t- c “ £9" SinglecoplMfWOOlSTO—for«•!*nttht counterm in ' ?. T V YV V’ 4 * i K ’ "•* *b® Neve Boys. • • THE BASBiUBA.'TW>BBn?B .POST *; 1 J'.T -T-.S-. v'-S:-~rVi Pabliibrd from the Bams office, on » •***• «“*”!£ :.,y .• *;- , .>h-et,»t two doiaabs.!««.<» «>»“«• 8t0g, *“ ,, “ •: ‘.■'V •!-' >■; tv’ f4srNop»perwUl *>' i1800^ 054 •ta | y»«?.gM a»»» >V < ■«•■ r-> ; ; •V- &SSS3SatM^&^|* a^ * 1 • ► ,:■ •, : .- •>weierm«. 7,; K**,™ f - l ~' ■ • '-V:cU' •;.> •' •. .V.' i-xpj C-?i V-a'V* ’'• v ? v i .. : Ve-: ••• •'*• vX },\\" .'v’ not>t. c. a. gpraui, . V/- ; .■■ iM i.'" V ”v M * rroRNET-AWD 008K8EUL0R AT liAW—Office, »0. '"''•h.; '-• • t-' HA FourthGtreet,- PHtebargh, Pe. 4eeU:»y_ [i : 1 '- i,•' :. /' ■> i ' “,"7 J eiiiee A, LonrU, t.> J V v V; A * J]|'. •■'"‘•t A TTOftNEf AT fitreet, Pittsburgh, «.’ ?v t 'T.t i »>•» r .•! f *7’'* . A v*’ *■ ♦> bft»«®nBmithfife!d street aodCherry ariny. fdecll:ly <\i ■'•*■*■”.. i v .»V*,.‘-'. t i jobs barton, : ;S V'’«‘'" i iATTowiEr and cotoseliwh- at law, rf-rjj-I ] Office, corner Fifth tnd Grant etn«, i>.‘ 1, r,\ r f **_■?; prmmjßQu» pa» Y • ‘■‘ k 'V r .^T r '. !■ “Y V•>-;'* Thomu fifeane, , • C - - V A AT LAW AND BOUOITCnUN CEANOBBI. c? ‘■'ifnSi 1 «' «. r I y*‘, ' ! •'r”l«fX OQce, next door to tfc« PostOface, SteubenTill®, Ohio. <: *Y l my 4 V- ’ %- »• p * ttoii, v «,.r.s’i,^Y>f',-‘ r '-,*■>lj. *v- .) A TTORNEY ATIIAW—^NO. 109Fotitthetreot, Pittsburgh, yt -. ** *- l •* y »»,'* *5 ’ v 4 ' - ’ >; x\. Pa., fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson’s Livery f - 1 !®- kl '*•“•*# C. brkondo hoornlt, -r >*: ■*;;/, f- ♦: .#•• •> A TTORNKY AT LAW—Offlo®, Fourth street, ebOT« Wood. V , k>Cci%y.N'.y'?:t!; i% ' ! '^*■"s• ‘tj » r , f •_ j :•>_■■;•. - V\ V‘ r ' • ;: fV ‘ a! * •-;' : ' i -.4-, : .y': _ -; •.•• f -.;y\. ft' i ••■•,••. •.. yiy :ii t-<•.•,; ••• (h.f te-I*, rl--•, • ALKHID D' CUCUWO MOUQAi< UCU£HI&O^. Z\ '<'•2 ri>WAUi> mTmm>ot - ue»hy l. risgwalt. -^>ll,^:^/.• - l "-'Jt Curllucff Alotoertnon 4L Co., os cur, piiksseb and pi.ain • ' ■ f--"';"- C;K <£'?s ft:,?..fajyiv jxL FLINT aLASSWABE, warchooco No. 11 Wool rilrol, corner of Front street, Pitteburgh. ,';' m , ta-a v. n»- All other binli of Qlarawara and Hiodow illaa.-s at ry/frXt-i lowmarket prices. ._ , Jacob Al'Coitialer, •!: Y* pfj; u:j:tx -\XriIOLKS VLE and retail Cigar manufacturer, aoddeal ... -Cw/6, ?»•!•:••.t-.H-v-Ui { ;«t i, • Z** QK’Vt l C W erin all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Clgara, No. w 1 L*‘i4, O ,Fifuistrict, Pittsburgh, Pa. , , ~ ? s 4 y* ;ij KeepacousLantiy on hand al*ftfe*or-ply c-f uli ihe rarlnu* brand* _ . J '-' j K '■''--1' y•”; f'l ■'‘Y ■■"■ ‘•"tii•< ■* ■ 4 ” John ffioorbead, 4'r^:: l : 4.1 -ixrnoLKSAiR oroceu, and commission mku ... ~ J W CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Bloom?, and 4 PrJdace^Don l Uy,No.^WoMstT !r t,riU,.bur.b _ HH'-i o •'■J -it <* i i ?-!. ,**”• '•. k’-. r - "■ ''■ t,•' > i>iiilll> J. ASPS-UreN. j" 4-',•y ".Y ' * Ueymer dt Anderson, o - '-4‘l to Joshua Rhode* A Co.) 'i i v4 y' !i i * v j>- : 4''H‘' ; v l t i *‘‘ v<-ivi-;V( i ,'l -ttt"UOLRSALE d'>uler9 In for el :n FroHs, NutF, Spice-, 4r v^'! v -- f> .N W O.>af-cu©oary. Sugars,ACn No. C9Wood street, o V y«. .CK *•" *- • y'*4' S ,f s Bite the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. B l“ It'.l C-L- :-*'' { 3 ilcnry U< Coilms, T?OBWAUDINU AND COMMISSION MKRCHANT, and —-‘•v''.;f .;t '•'•■" r Wholesale lh-oler in Che-s.\ Butter, Seeds Flr«h and Produce generally. No. 115 Wood Rtreet. Wusborch ■' ' \ - - ' 'u. t'. C. Morgaii, 7vv^>^:wl, ! ‘i K aN4o44 - -tv.l-.KSELLKR and STATIONsu-haa always on hunl - and Blank >r *h. ; 4 H>h*fe ! >->V-7. a f ;^'s '^:''. r ? Booki! Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ae., wholesale and re cr.i -' •.!:*>' \«r OftOCBUS, rmportinl W >o*~ 1 W aolSc-an.— nl. .-oroor of Irwin .0,1 ■ i ' Liberty nlreol, PltUbttnjh. Iron, N»Ua, Lntton A m».l», ‘ ooDßtentlyoa hand. — J* ~ ■*if< rXir ... v--, - <:. ""•• Win. Carr A .Co., ';■£•>' •• ■ (Wm-C»iT,lot«r.r thafirtnor J. Talker i.Co.) i.- : ' : 'i"IXrHOLI3ALEaiIOCBU3 T nod Dealers In I Wtor k, S. SS* Comowtrial How, Übarty street, utuba.alt. ii* ! “ *’• > l Urmr ?’ B t ;e.-e-,S'' • -. , . .r. -Z.h'% ' • ry'* T ,- DiamaaJ, Ptiuburgh, Pi. TX~Uy^iC p j!?±; & ,*■■ ■■;!-~i T\EAI.KIt IN COUNTRY PRODUCT, ollera I’t sale a T) ctoieLtoeS of Uroeerier, Feleete 1 for family use n*nw jlKwy variety and the portal quality. «“■ •> “: ■ Steam Mills. Also, Dried Protte, Voralso anti If®- 1 -!'- >^ift-^hr.svBa':^^:‘.^3a^;< s ;';w’'' , l' , ;aS.Vb;» ) { ’43.-. : l Prodoe. Irina too*«l» *?. merchandnte. ?V*’ «2i t.'ri'V;'’! > . A; r '-:- Jr r* tl ' • f « D hat procurul a roll oieortmeut t-r Lanaratli t w^SaoiL^ ton*. >*>- »ttoota,o.^.uu- V- J - *• ■>'***"■ • f; n e»S'XX.; L» vnKdeMie»eai«»»n *».u««n»»* V - ’?***? 1 ? I ; y 37717 , f '’-' ''. , r^^-'-'' : ;u3 ,*t ** 7 m.nsrallr.' Wurenohse formerly occupied by A Pehnaf 1 * “ Y.- B ; rpilß m,,***™ bar. opened a botwe tor the tHmre pur i t», »l Nn. n Smithtield .treeL four door* »W. the ; ; r 1 Uononsihelu House. We trill purchase, or receive, or,c m ' ‘ '' * mtaioa, lor sole, «m*»mnt.«r Hour U-e ? ’ ‘ ■-* Coru,oit». Barley, Plai Seed, liraas Seed, Baled * l «>-■ -, ' . upon whlcL we will make advances or Purchase aUh-b-si '! 3vj -=. -t wL V ’• .;..1 market rates for cash luorul AUltu ATO s*V A j.ssrwL«s«*u». >MWt r^STe;s-V* .'• •:«>!' i -pvEALEH IS qipjceiueb, phohEck. jlour, baton. i^S?nsfe^^&|^S.sP^^4iSl,t: f Lr Se„ Ho. 10, corner tSmithfleld and First <• i \- \‘.' r uJ •'ir iY ri<i3 r ; ’ i *' -•. * i burgß. Pr- _ _ . i*• rff'-Z K Joiwtt. wysa”. x<i\i»o.„-.~.rMSV* l i*-.v 'Cv * j'.l‘ {•'■f*’ M T, B. Youaff 4Co -: ~ * i -ft rANUfACTURERS OP CABINET FUIINITUUh ANU ttVul. Y'L M CHAIKS, of rvery description. Material* and work_ CiMteto* i^bli h '!y;i^'' , Wm. Dlgby, Jr,, .. (fl /-iIOTUINO ASP FORHISHIHQ STORE, Uamotc Ilall, (miubwt, Ktttburgh. Ctotbing made to order. It. f,.< etyla, and at moderate rates.. g? gtf,w — 1 ‘ a. A- A. V. Buncau* ■> « ?<«i«'• -nraOLESALK QROOKItS, and Kwdeia In Produce, Tor \V eign Wines and Liquor*, Old MooooimheU and Rm ul Ufi'l WWaky, No. Ml Liberty aurUtabunth. Pa. [ff-0 i > ’.• . -V., i U*.vV • sa"• \. • 'j: T, C! .'. u"," i, *»N ,•■ fi K f V Vi. •. • -r{ ’’ g~~ .'M r- ff l^ ■•• T ' r J' i !.' v o-'.Ut"sr3-#-,'V r \vK;^; cVt:a:->r> -. ::j- j '';.\ V ; )•,. V*-' - '• 4 *,*.'•'* *5 Sf . #1 i g •„.V.WV -h.' «n‘•••*■• p.i:v>*l - .v.;Sv- ':*;,V; ( *iJ «C» 'ftH-'v *', r --I' ‘ ; *c V - .. . • ■ • J*'!/.-, I }r<“‘HV» , ' i - : : 'V ■' s< ; , -V'. .-v‘ : ;.' V T l t.'*l. r ':V’—"tv '\' ■'•’ J ’* couartaeriltip Nolle©. j -■ A-'>: J my containers andlike |>ubU<^“ra^ o “ U P“ this unl „„ tl-i-bfSSißXkZ^ry ?iU oM Meodt aud the public lu goneral, who have for many ; .:' years past so liberally patroniaed my hualooM, I i ™t I r AU~I hr the new firm a eooUnuanceof*u‘ n A?.'StJ^n!pir^;'%-- 1 *.5-t:-'---: ;••»•,vm-f-, t ►»A>.VSt"KI.«,V I larfiaunt. „„ " '' b,:.-. i • ... V>j ■■y'>-l- ■■•}-?■.f;;;W , : .4 Pittsburgh, April 11, '■' r : •' '*.-• ■ “Wtlaon, Turhatt At Platte>', . ilfcc :’■.■? -aurATOU MARKUS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITH -. :.V V'r W 07 Martetifreef, corner Fourth. utyl. 'IcB f r : 'P f r.:■ r;^t, : t.•: 4. -i- v“■ •* *« \ * . Y, ' Vi^'**'**T‘' r ' v vY.Y-V 3^ ; v 3 v .; - u ■' rv : t • v ; -r’ Y’'' : ?;•' •’- , k 1 - r Y *' * 3 : : . r ; .*j .rjfev-r:--■■-’• ■ >7 , j' w I ■;- - ; v‘-' ! V; ; :r-y.;-S •• - , ..3 ‘ • -Y; 7,'; ; :- r, Va£ yi yv ; .-V'-ij ' 7 : '<r .7 r. • -’, . r - • T-e ry * HJ ■Oa-Rtt} Va'-' ‘ ■ !-!- r *1 .vj Y C ~. a 7 ( Yv' .• .-.. t, a. b' -' sr." ‘'"f 1?: v «- ■< ■ * *1 ■,t*. •• '••■ - i 'Krf* Vs *• » :>■ '■'?■■ J:. , vS.T7^X's?fxr’iS : ! ! i4^ : Ai '.r 'ti i 1- '.-■. JfbiOv 'T »*:»?• V , '''J' ; '-'.‘‘:.'i! V '.--. i '.;/ ’‘'YY'i v- ! i#cY:-’YY*Y .-Y ‘YYYI r-d'-V .' ... * .-, ,-'.*i V. •».?^-.'SV‘ r -' «*--••’ f" * v - -- ? - " vr"< ; <VV', :; ; tt'V C* !>■•■■ .'■ I -r.' v -~ ,t -' •.■»' '*• “ 1 i r'r-'-i ; r v V» Tr.&r^ /'•'■'-:-"' “* 1,,- ■ e < • - ••'3 - +~ `v w ~..~",. fc 4 r— *'» ’ v V-’.V? V: •?. j tv" ,t* t -f- A - r V ?s * <‘V* r 4* -*, * *•*, C#.i** * a* **>** ,*»*• r> f «K * - -- '.. • <*S*V : ‘ " , fe£vt ~**•' *. * '.. :- -:- \*v V i - r ■ ,• =•» -*» * ■ C * l *v , •, v ... «* tf 5 ; f *' r " • r*V* .*■.. -, { r^ DAILY MOKNISG. POST . iLiliA « * f • ; and pMUhed <9Bpdiy (3imdays rxtpttd,) *- i; 1 by , A oso^rdoiiKßYr OS Tax NOBTe-WBBT OOBSitB OF WOOD AND Finn STEMS. ' j. N. M’Ctowry, Attorney .and counsellor at law—oac* in Bafeewell’fl on Grant street, Patrick AloKeana, A L DERMA If OF THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth street?, (formerly occu pied by where all business pertain ing to the office of Alderman and Juslloe ol the Peace will be promptly attended to. febl:3m N. Buckmaater, Alderman. OFFICE, Grant street, between Fourth at and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examiu „l,Ar.. _ > 3 ; _ William Wllaon, Alderman. , 0FF10EN0.447 PENN street, between the caUiitand O’Uara street, Fifth Ward. AU business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will' be promptly atteoded to. Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with i noatness nnd desnatch. - • febl&tf ' ' H. AHb, SURGEON DENTIST, (sue figaaeay rcasor to a. W. BUdle,) No. 144 flmkhfleld j hours, from 8 to 1 o’clock, anil rom ‘2 to 5 o’clock. febl6:ly j SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth Ftrcet, tiT<idou jSgtf&iMg treat of Market. f 4JJ I "vtV Office Hours —From nine A. M. t n u P. M. deciOiy .f 7 :,. -tev- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 8.. B. Oarnfthan, TTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between . Cherry alley and Grant street. j«*2:y ; U. H. Hazen, TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 1*27 Fourth street, above and . near Hmlthfleld. ; ■. -; • BUSINESS CARDS - a 7 A. TlndUi WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle, Ilatne>* YoJiee and Carpet manufacturer, , "jf " L No.lOd Wood at., PiUabnrgh, Pa. Y ? J. H. Mellor, WIIOLKSALEand ReUilDealer in Musical Instrument*. Pianos, Music, School BooLb and Stationery, Nor wood eUTOt- ~- . aSu co>iai3siorJ~MnnotrANTS «.» Kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures, U»J Pipe and Stoat Lead, 6< Front street. | r. p '\ - Worki. Vo 13G Wood Ural, third doar-Mow Virgin . TkOWN 4 TKTLBV would cell the attention of Sporting 8 ' :: ' ue lowVßt ptorlble prices to cash r far good appeared paper. Mew Coach and Carriage Factory I JOHHBTOH, BROTHERB St CO., Aimer fifteen “«2 Sdmml ttruU, Jtkjhtny piy • . WOULD respeetfally inform their ■■ and the public generally, that they have QjKHK commenced the manufacture of Carriage ~ Buggies,Sleighs an 1 Chariots in all their various styles ol llniah and proportion, .“fa orders drill be osocuted rrith strict regard to durable tv and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended M on the most reasonabh' terms. Usiucln all tlielr wort til " m!et Eastern Shafts, Polos, end Wheel stuff, they ''•el ooui- P ~ V PC p“b K ™ are requested to give us a call, befors purcl... ring elsewhere. I- JOEKSTOR NVWL " » , r’^ulK"% S .%R^ r A 5 L COACH gheny city, Pa., buTe Cirrlagefl, Itockaways, Buggi-*, «xtenri?o. aaeortmcnt oi lttlc varlouo Btyles> wiMi Barg a ß u Cars,- *f a ' beauty or dniah, using in .11 etriot regard to durability 60 dcasternhichory. h • their work the best terms. They 1- >1 pairs attended with their pativ a oonfident that all who may “TO wor j 4> age. will be perfectly satisfled on l^ b ptltig ere ry ! .r- The Pittsburgh andManchesterUm worn e y oc i2s:ly teen minutes during the day • / ... PITTSBURGH COACH ; e T u. UIQELCrn MAJITIR L. fiTSVCKS TO E. M. ElJF 'f' N l ” u '“ pies, and uvery d'v»c'iption of fancy ve built to order, and finished In a manner unsurpassed k beauty of design, elegaoce of finish, shill of tror&m&uanii 1 , and durabUlty of materials. gg- 411 wort warranted. ‘ ROBERT u/PaTTKttSON»B . .GTEH.' LIVEaY AND BALE iL-^t W&&T STABLE, c „ ? „ piajooud .trect »*>* ghggrg^y 7m DOZ. LKMON SYBDP ; IHI 20 “ iMuoitod do in more and for tale by 89 Wood rti oppo«IM tb* Bt. ChwrlM Hotel * E --^r?r- r p; - -' s —-—. . : „ WOOD STREETS AT *6 00 I'P.B ANNUM, OR $5,00 WfIKN PAID BTRIOTIA IN ADVANCE POBLIBHEDDAILY, BYGILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AX THE "PUNT BUILDINGS,” COBNER OF FI FTH AND WOOD STREETS, A , VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. Joseph Fleming, ftjtiCOKaSOB TO L. WILCOX i CO J CORNER MARKET bTREET AND DIAMOND, keeps KJr constantly on.hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain lug to his business. As* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. Fleming Brothers* ISUCCSBBOaa *0 3. KIDD 4 CO.] WHOLESALE DOGGIBT&, No. CO Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lano’e Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. John Haft, Jr., I SUCCSSSOB TO J&UtS M’OGFFIY.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DROOaiST, uni dealer In Paints, Oils, Dye Stuflh, Ac , HI Wood street, three Joorti below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. aprhmAeiy XI. L. Allen, 'IiniOLEdALK DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES,BRAN- W DIB*, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAHKLA AND RYE WHISKY, 4c., also. Rectifying Distiller, No 8 Wooi street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wlttns Brandies. Qlnp, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Croisaod New England Rum,Clarets, Champaignes,Scotch Ale, Loudon Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old MonohgaheU Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Ptincipe Cigars; UaU-Spanißh and Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Pahci liar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every stylo, and B-imllohns of all fines, I respectfully invite an-examlra tion Df tnv stock, ac No. 8 WOOD street, FUtanorgn, IVnun. ‘ ‘P r3:l r James Dlallinger, . MONONGAHKLA. PLANING MlLL.—Would respectiul ly Inform his friends aud the public, that his new *»• tablifihm -nt is now in lull operation, and that he is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fid all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and »t the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly on ßaSf Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to an l Carpenters would find it to their advantage to git« him u call, as be can no * furnish them with pinned stuff suitable for orery dafictiptiou of work. i-ri: «« wftL Ilerrou * Crlawell, HELL AND BRASS FOUNDS, and Msnufaeiurers of >ll kinds of Uraw Work. LrvoniotlTe Steam IfiDgioo, Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotton Batting Manufacturer*. Foundry cm Rebecca street. Alleghany city. Office aud Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. Aft-Old Brass and Copper tek*n lo exchange for work, or cash pall. Orderi left at the Foundry or Offlo*, will be promptly attended to. ___ f»» St. oiifF l>. lUiamatß —J OrafT, ilelitnger *• Uraff, WESTERN*. FOUNDRY, No. 124 "Woo* etrwrt, litts burgh, Ta. MAJU.-JACTUSRB3 OV Cjoking Stoves Plain and Fancy Grates, Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stoves, S«*d and IV>g Irons, 1101 - w Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettle*, Tea Kettles Store Kettles Wagon Bcx«, l wrJT smithT. ' " - j.r. hubtie. W. W. MAlft Smith* Stair Jt Hunter, (L*l« Smith A Sloclair ) WHOLESALE UKOCKKS, PRODUOK AND OOUMIS* SION MERCHANTS, idJ D*ait-rt» In all »tn.w of Vittaburuh Maimfsciurea, 122 Second and l&l Flwt Pittsburgh, Pa. W. t>. Have**. rpHE OLD I'UINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (lale John f ston & Stockton,} anil blank and Stationery Wcrr-hou''**. b prepare to execute ev*ry style CocoSiieiolal, Canal and Bteamborni Job [*rinUn.’ and book anil furulrb *»n*ry article In ibr Blank Uor-t, Baper uudSlatiooery line, at the bhcrtest uollc* aud on ILa n»v«t rvHifmable terms. ~n , blank Book aud Staticuery Warehouse. I nnlintf OOlce »u l Book Bindery,_errnerof Mark*t and Second eld t°° ylt> North-\V«tlcru police Agency,. *Ti‘ M WABUIN2TON STREET, «.rot-r*of Ivarbcrn, ILLINOS. ALLAN iiSKtaTON. Pinkerton 4t Co. Tuna jttwtivs to tii* tKASsacnos of a xwinai DETECTIVE DOUCE BUSINESS In the Stat.** of MUnt-U, Wipt-nnrio, Michigan anl ludlana. inMSMtt Notice. riIHK lato Brel nf JONK9 A tfUIQO, baring been dlsnolj- I >*d by the de«th of .biba F on the <£7 thinat, the lu«inr»« of raid tirta will or sell led by lbe und-rrlfued, at ih.-D oflL-o, corner of ILjm and First alreeli*. ISAAC JON Kg, Burrliing Partner. Ultubargb, brptnaber .'if*, Wol—{n-tiry la&cc .land, MANUFACTURER of Spring odJ Illistar Slerl. Plcutfb Slab steel, *:«?•! Pleuzh Win**; 0«ai& and Kllptic fteriuriu Ura*« Nut Ta|<*r, bolt Bcr»w. Mail aod l(amm«*riii Iri-o Axl*f, c! Rors ouJ *tr«t «trc*Ut, l'Dr h 'li, Pa *‘ULAy ,*Alt' Josfc> I). U. ilogori A Co., MANL'FACTUUEIIS Of iWGItltS* improved »t»ei Cultivator Terth. uiU-** corner llc.*e and First PtlteburgU LUtIIDU »cliouk. rx. It.iBKItT 11. PATTKUbi'N, I'roprl.lor, .w.i tTJjj-X litaniouJ rlr.*l»nJCb-rrj »lb-y Ilir luK"ll*f rfri r >ro>ri fully ■••»«"> i" i';" L - h :»r i "' l r""; 1 1 „l'arch, lli.l h« h.» really ««t«l » HIBIMI SCHOOL, «tH in l« tul <'!fl7-.o.mmo.llouniinui.nil.J<r 5£17..4r.1.U, .1-1,; M E .l.r .-U.blUhn.«l l«: I nit«l SIMM It* Iw-tint. i» •on-«»‘W» 'r ool » n f* rl ' c,( 11,.- city, wiiity it. Lull nu.l “iry Mlo»llon rcnderi 1! rinllv nulli-i to th« promotion uf tbL DWt .jfrr*~ ,l,lr',x.Tcir.- Tbe Uotrrr «ro i.n-Uo »nd «-ll trnllml, uuJ thr nronrtolor i.l«l s -i" liimurif tbit no J>«in. or U .li ! ~.»rc,l In rn.k. till- wUl.ltlmnnt ItW <!"<. 1° * t( r, „n.l7n, - ~Mt,r ~ul.Uo ufeboril Uockiugi yt ■ AVI FiCTUIISH or IIILT, rflLVttK, JtUA&t*. M llltO.N'/.fci, LoOiUNfl-OLASS, iHIHTKAJT ANi) VIV TIU FUAMKS, l’lain and Ornamented. No. -1 Bl_ Uair urewt All kind* ot Competition OroameDU. fur btvatn I. al „, Ac. All kinds of UUdlng m»d IU rfldm#, to u .It MoultUa a (or Frames, wholesale and retail \eriu-Ti !,.r Oil I‘aiotinrfi, Kngr&*io*fl and LUbc-Knapl*. for **U iih' Impaired or drived Oil Patnttugs restored lutU livt manner. , . ... , *ti’ Frau».*f and M..olJ.ll** tnamitwftorea In this eeUb H-t.m«*nt uiny U leaned without Injury, with soap aod W C-U aii-l **-o. No 11 Ft CUlr PltUbureh- ;'»hWU J. W It IT hit N-KNKTIAN BLIND MANUFACtUBBR, has recovered til a health do as to re«HW* lib old *'*" ci-oed hli BLIND MAN Ut'ACTvHY, at No. Ui r»thßti*«t, near ibe Post offlc«, between Wood and SmitbOflld, » h*r* he ha- an aAsortmeut of BUND*, trimmed with plain *";) tau-T worsted and silk trimmings and is prepared to nil ai.A order lu hb lino, on the tnot reasonable terms. ii«* work I? warrant!*! t" cive saLislactioo or mom y ralnndod. Old Htiods repaired. - please givs him u call, as be con’l lebeat In work ru unship ... . 1 — Notice. 11 LAVE told my Interest In the ba*in®f*o# Loo*. Miller ACo toll A ton*, who, with John Phillips, will roo- Uime at the old eland, No. Uld Front Ftreet. 1 cordfedlyro commend the new firm It* the patronage of my trbmjb -1 UL'hurLtb, July 2‘J, UM. 1 • H MILLKIi. S. A. Lour * Co., ' i ihLLANU HUABS FOUNDERS, AND OAB FITTERS, 1 I) Invite KttenUoD U> their nU>ck of CiiMuielW*, RrnCk -1 h., Pedants, and other fixture*. W«i fit up l™*. » k : u■!i: and Strum, mute lirara Caetlng" of ell kiuda u, order ' fureleh Bailroal Pumps and Tank Hums*, and keep Anil ! Attrition Metal conatanttjr on hand. ‘L".- SOTICK. UALY'H tJTOCKINQ MANUFACTORY.. Vo fifth sired,first t-mr abme Merkel street. ' pirrsiiUKUH, i'A„ WHERE *lll be toonl tho lament and beat MBOrtrJ slock of HOSIERY over oßarel for aal« to tblj Porohaecrs will Onil It to their rdvantac» to call at till" ...tablbhmnnt oml examine lor thcmmlvw. It l« ' h' ll—lU-niembcr the UhXAi' STOCE.ISU CoKNia ftbl.7 —- Conuuine lUe Smolii* 1 1 UIK Rubseritxir having the •right I turn »n,l Mil KWBHNKY'H HOT AIH AND fcMQKK I_vINSDMINU FO KNACK, Is prepared to receive orders, »nd contract for heating buildings with the mort Monomlcal In nee. he attention inters -tcjls solicited. Any information can A ,j jwVJ, ’ vi . o a-,t * Wpwml Btref>L.OTOf J< ( |K*c24:tr| Iron Pity Stow Waruhow, No. 134 Wood Rt. J \MIS S. USPUI *n, m Lcdlte & Ulan** (Successors to MtUfany 4 t*** lll *) « tMi n » MANUPAOTUUKH3 of Out, Moulded und TWo, Hint ..j f .dcv Colored ULAHBWAIU3, bd<l dealers la all klnds o? Wtado y ,Uia»a, Plask-jJiH lwuse corner of Market and V, ater struts, Pittsburgh Rimovll. , ... ~ / 1 IHMSKN, Manufacturer of ercr, yariety of > ( j. Vs- ttlM and Window Qlosft, Black "Ine and Clarel BottleB; Domljobna and Carboys; alao, Flint Gt“» vur | oty. wirehouae, Nob. 101 Second, and 1M WrVt Btreet , Pittsburgh, Pa. - I, w. Chadwick, I \BALER IN KENTUCKY LEAP f°BACKC I AOB I_J AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street,below Sixth, Pitt* b °C®^ , Th« highest murUei price, In cA 8 11 *,??}?!.^ ot IUOA. „ __ ions ATWtt-L k.j. Atwell* Lee » L-O.* WHOLKBALK OU4>OKK9. L'roUuev aoJ, Commlßslon Merchants, and n-mlero In Vltt«bur»h Manufactures, No b Wood ptract, between Water and Kr°ot atroeta, Pitt* bursh. Dissolution of Co-Partnerati|p» mine CO berntaJoro exiittng b*tw*eo I JoeUUA RHODES and PBttIP RKYMBK, In the •Wholesale Fmit and Oonffctlocerv Rnfllneas, la this day dissolved by mutual coownl. fhe bueloeai of the Ann will hn settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who la aulhor'ied to re rriot for all debts duo said flam. JOSHUA RHODES, Marcht*7tb, 1566. I'HTUP REYMER. underslffned have this day formed a Partner ship, under the nmor, Grm aud mylei of REYMER * AN nelutON for the tranaaotion of the Wholesale lrult and ponpotionarV button*, No. S 4 Wood f treat Couucuonary out* iIIIUPRKYMEiI. pitl>burgh, March 27th, I^s. a«- Id retirlDg from the Oonlectlonary buslnem, 1 oh«r -foST'Ccodmdpdil >.»»r, Ilftypier * Aj.djg» to- Jgtod. : !? 2 Removal. '''PRINQKB UABBADQH A CO. have removal to No. 295 Liberty street. AUXANDKB KORSYTfI. - ,8,K0 “ ilarb»«gfe A Co., ’UOUANTS ; CaSSSSWoSSI Proto. g.a. ra uy,lNo. S 9» Uteri? rtriet, Pittsburgh. P». ■vpZ#3j • * ***.'«/' ; *-T Vh' : - - 1 : “'stfe “» >* ; 'V.^T^ ■ - **& ■ . .v«N v - - ■’■ , S T* •* •* i»**M I, Li UariliAli, ,ci eKHvr to U. Lr ) WOOL r.KJi,t.R ANL COMMISSION MERCHANT, v n ..... I.ib.'rty -trf.t. l'lU-d,ui.,b. Pa Jttftrtnct— W- M - Cllntbrk A liroe; Kramer A ltahm; BrownS Klrtn'ntrlc-k; Murphy, Ti-ruan A On. Pittsburgh. May m, lbuu—(m> _“ m J .. ■ lima m*<l Ca|>n. awK wonid invite the attention of our friend* and the public a aplcndl.l aerortmnnt r.f HATS anil GAM *h>ch- we ire now openUg ,„r the Summer W..S fur &uuy b. aty.c, anyth.n,; ever *■ in the city, or west of the nioont.lua. **- «*«». f " OMr " k WILSON A SON, ‘H Wood street. Httabunrh. .COCHHAB FLEMIHQ. milß l tT*M ,l o“ t Ln“ NaSTtIN/ROailßN “co .Vroprie. T PITTS WR«U NOVELTY WORK*, wm dlwopredby the death o,’ Mr. JuuS J. RoC.iCS, on the I -n “'mrtbualuoaeortbaNOA KLTY fVORRSwiII beeontinugl will alar, settle Up the all.iil ->*>< lire 1 *'*,_(\ “'.J.jSTON, CALVIN AI'AAIS, J. K. MOORHEAD, l'iUs'burt’b, Pa , May 4, I**. | >V »• OOPKLAN U- - - • . ; ' mYi/vihey. JUUH si rLO.*Klt * ~ John M'Cloahey MLU WHOLESALE ANl' ltbH'A I L IM UUAUTS, No. S 3 WOoa street, Pi ~ ‘“fcf'cUomew The subscriber* respectfully tntniin theK Q.^soci# and the puhtlo in general, that th«-y bar* th, ■ firm (f trd tbetu>elv«H in the nbov- buslnea*. uu'iov KhR „ JOUN M’OLOPKKY ACO Th- v n-pcrtfully n\ ‘- lt Q hnRTB ot pubUc paUonngf- . »\* th*m 'iTie previous VuOmvp of <n‘i. be rattled 1 «dv*>F respectively. „ Boots itii<t Show. . JM’LAtdll I.I N, No 96 Fourth etre-t. nearly upptY lr . the MayorV office, te raunulVturL'g UeitUeciei.’t. Ufv Boots Low Show, tier and button-d; CoogTrOT andDuUnu edOuim.-; l-adies'Boots, Hal! Boots, Jarnry Unda, Sup pers, and Trench Lashing Ualleriu of every v dor arid shale, fancy bid snJ Putin OnlU-rw, of the b«st«. aOd CMlireri’d do., ot every variety >4 ]j All ki>»d« tri«d<* >o order, on nhort (sol. *’ boidlers' Bounty Lsn3s #»«• Claim# ag«in«t Govejntneni, IWILL procure bounty Laud Warrant* tor roldier-, their Widows util Minor and attend b* butuueßu to the “* Court c T Claims,’* recently established by n«u,.p No. Ha Hurd etreet, »au dojr above 3mtl.liC.idd *t. March l l ' I.vj6—fHAKLES NAlW'l heed Store. J\MKd WARLKOI* 011-t* in-«nl- CAN AU\ UIKDSoI *tbe in out itupn'viii br«** j <l, t*»-iiiic v»Ty hardy, nud hoe MBtfers bird beedF-C#nary, Uemp, Millet, Hop* and iat-v ttlßefJ. Wouiiucte anut FLoWEItI?. Ti« : Camillas, 11-*- but-, U-huvr..p.-s, flt . Kvt-rgivenH (in pow lor Ohri-t uuw IVr. *n.tu tin- l Horileultumi Store, N“- 4J FtPb .»' ur \\>«.-t Bounty«t». fIMIE utubrsUnM cootmu-s l- •>Waiu Un i >*» I ranLv au? war 6inct* llvo, l'X» Tvrm* moib-rutc*. 7 LUktK tWCivSUOOT.W alley. N-l*erU Wicl ft bU l ti 1 ,j*o pnu.Lrfa. .JOSEPH •>• ULAM. .CrtAS. ATWfcI.L. pautnkbsitip NOTICE. IIOBT. J. ANDKRBON PITTSBU IiGH, MON DAY, AUGUST 27, 1855, BUSINESS CARDS Coal Work* tor Male. SIXTY rnilßß ACUKSOK l..\SD,»lth tiUu-'tir-l, *n-l hU tb«- mif-roT. tu.mlr lLt-r.-I'M In tol op-r.u>.» v«m >« *«,»»<-> 7 ,h “ M “ river! 31 rallrr above Pltt-tnnvli, t.u-1 l" “'i !; 1 "* 1 Knrtn Upu?-k, Haru, TVaunt H , o 4 i. , “ n Th-%'dn of’cn.l'l' *v- M lhkk,uil ' ur, '“" e J m„ U .nty r-.r.««h.-r,«J ir ..|.r..y-l>^^ ;ifci M. I.ilwtv KXiuurriuN iiooni Full INVENTIONS AM' I'\TI.N 1. . Anil Agency fji the Purchase ami Salo o! Paler jnghti and Paien'.cj Aitick» Sk>?B.- » HAIO ft 'll K .u!> uUrf t*#\- U‘*M U--n a • 1 MO? 13 F fcAIMJI. *«>.! «»••»*• id,.n Uni; «'•**« l " ''/* •untfptitl-m-.n < t at. 1 tlu-try, m wh---** twu o- liw'i-bu* W i •> ' I W. K'.Nt»--n -»r . W 11 linin’ .>••!«« »1 r*L»ui. j*» n .. w<m.‘ , a . }*. H Frlrnt. : '* A • Kn->' * W *s- Hr tcritr A U^lici, Wm* ThitUfi',* *? * »• K - " *'•■ F. A W At.lrv*- Fu’t-)i N**l U.. l-M 1 -‘ ,v -' '' Writing n «i> 1 Lvli - Lay ‘" l -. J.v-’ii-u; n,- ■•*• wiM r »;»iru«- i- !. !uiinc tv *ki:» X'j • r uti Sir .I. U. \Vtai*iw». wl»- »*!»•.■*ih -i Idlin' Wrl uiii' > liiicr’.T»• t ' *r-^ttn^ ui .-Ualsl-i lU >1 -r ; U,..-<r r hr thcT-.rhcr m lb-3 lu-.ltufl'-n 1 h*l Uh---I " *• tnouop'ly ‘ iri-t *'l'J- I '' l' ** r li- ' r a *• lu- iu>Utull• D -.•hart.-ti-l > -• >i - ul. ■-■ - 1 ■ ” p ,lun- lu lM« l i’.y tu»u-M;» ctr-uu-i r.tri fi OIIW - ** riMii; Hubss-ri:*: h*»> ;;•••*. »«* IN 1 *-Ll I *I. .v I oH‘ICK. ul N«- »!■' lit «-rl > a. it. tbf -*r:i lor>--*u .’llv.-*- <»1 .1 hti i* u, *■•?'!»' A ~"lit . K,J 1 , “ 1 "■* n Ac*;.l l * U>* i I'btM tUi-)- r-- .■•? • ! I'*’*' lurch t..r i "»r if I*o >«•»*-. **- ,l *”* r * h»TH ■!! '-b m i-5 nnUt,v»U-.-..i '* '* il.ii m t-'U'- V-'-i-r* mil* u. !•. -‘i ■ ,u - • lOjf pUc*« f».r N)y*.»Tirtr «t» 1 h'T’ . > w* Tt)« p»trou»tfr "! tbv I'uMi.' t- **»l‘ l " ( f-iii-• - Kirrv vtt-irt U*. i to Ji t- ..•-li'-rnl f.'U u >Miif A • MtlltUen 3* < «• HAVK ON UAM*. *•. t!. H Dr».- A i'l I■' KT CUAttt KAMTAOraaV, No *»l \ - Urc* «.worltßPtil of k& I ‘** ll *-* *'> '-• th-y m 111 mII U pur-'-n*. U*lo« •-<t-b-b. *» i tw T^rtos —i’w'i i-niT _ WIU. K. SUftmnw -..utiu.i-* i., i»».,u tQ JurffUAlUNKr WABE of ever. d<«>u, at y^B| (4 f’sitn i, < 'tut-r .'I'-r;y »o-i .'•"■•'CL -tn- - 111 UN.bfcItTAU.LNG 10, m «J» it!- brat. ni j n Cltwrlca Unriieu, HuUBE alloKll ANb BIACK4MITH, l.v. erect-1 » end l>d,k 41.-p eu, »>l'l. M»-e» Third Mol FVurlh rl.'rele.«l..-ie h- I* 1,. >ll worl lo l.i< lii>- t 1... iju»" ■ |- I " , -l l - tod lUr.w: h*J louc riperler.,.. m lb. hurl... . T ' M'c'.t. .hr hi* " 1J cu«t.Md-r- .»l H- puWe gnn«*rnUy. ... ' (UtAM) PIANO. ! M.M'K 11V NUNN3 .A CLAUK, NEW \OKK. rIMIK PUIIUC of and Ar-pbony H re ■~ ■: I fully lovll-d lo call o: ll>«M“‘h; *'■' "'-gfiPgJj.'.lja t.t the eubscrihere, No. b 3 1 1 PT If Ai , rullUriiiiil IMauo, price SlOOil,* ® Trcm the FKtory of NUN«S * °h t uh. elertnt Instrument 111 m«do In Ibr. , h , LU ' 1 OIVLK" the ciruuinenle, front ptecM Mid l«u» h. iu, . I»l« I BtelY carved out of SOUD UOSEAVI.ItIH It le 101 l a-r-u •cuvee.of the l«r«e,.liHmmulei.r, i. 0.1, lo [.■.nlol volume, power, »ud liquid erreelnee. ol lone, te pronoun,--d -Ho nether anearp.iH.ebtr ... The rubrmber.. *i» he h«ppy to re -l»- rl-.l* ol their friends end th- public it. r-nerel. >n 1 eh'"' tl -c Ibtouch thvir chv'Mit imw «-«ublKbniftil. K II KI.KHKK A HUD , ? th<« O ld»*n lliirii, oylS Nn Slirluu Stock of lUinluirß Pluttoa, ‘ CIIAIILOTTK HU'Mh, S.' 1H "" £££~£fcai»FtTcet, IMttaburgh. !-• Ai'-nt lyfi Tbf Hamburg IMnrn '»r<* ui;<HuM'-d!v | | B I % f to nil il!if , Hili In » -f / ot /iA and mpmcTrily tone Tbny hsvn not only received lh*» hifrhimt mirks < -f »»rI• v■ Imiion from tb« best European thaui-iy, nu.-h ha LIST, TIIALISKUO, And others, who have th-iu ronnumtly m their t.wu u-*-, but alpo from our n*>Ucnt rri'fwMOTa- Tin- foil -«m« »•■ extract fn m a latter el I‘KOFKSHOU IiIINKY KoH U‘A h Alter ilic purtb ulur Htyb* lw*» > l A*h». h '>• wanb* f'»r o w, ‘ “ne— one Grand an 1 «■«>'* “ Hinr** h- 1 hpeakfi hH follow.* of thMr nu -lWnt <|Malifich ‘•My Utllo diiughtijr, wbv plays wy well, uui*t, with myneir, ii good luPlruuimt, and )--or»i m- 'h- oue« which c&ij aaUsfjr tnt* »* luntruineula are olb'rod nie«m Ih* umal «<•- > r.uiH.'liiGij.' terine. 1, however, do unt Uk« limy harr ii’-l th'’ elantio tou<:h uud th»> lone of your«- “ 1 remain, yourA, n*ap<’cL(ully, “ IIINUV IliUllim W, I'll L'dillf;'li, l‘i» For rule by CUAKUiTIT-; III.UMK, M 11..' "oi l lUih«d I'lano Depot,'' 11. S Wood ntroft, -l do--r uh*>vo HUh AlW.M*!*' Aftojltfor Httnournh and Wenb-rn IVnn-ylwtnm tor ljali’l : r7 U(nis it Cti.'i JJnJun tmncJ, (whh-.h in Ito Kud «rn citi«H iWo cou«htonAd t»up**nnr to . iili-r Cbn U* i ln ( '> Nunnw i ClarkV, out which fnul b» not vXt*n»ivi.|y lihhmii. lufl they have but lately hem luLioducnd h«'r«‘.) mid n i New Yort and PhllbihdbLU Dlanoa, ol lln- b- i l luaki rn. h*. prices from to {•'•bO. mh]'.' Notice to Whom H Way Cont ent. fIUIB yUbIJ(J hPRINO hAI.Kd m U-,,1 m It- I chester ure now olojmiJ, olid the luuhtir.-j ,Sm --i hn< twirly c-ounurna'd. Every citizen i i-> l-ur-ily ’•“> ployed. Kten 30 or 40 new tnmUi- .- » In. »*.n« b-Mnr -ut zntif th« pretest tfprl me. ttu.UotteUiiteti»|-l«-jui.-t»l; un i In a few dayn h huudred imullic- nn>r<‘ v. ill j r.jnirr.l ti - -<i rv OD lhoWi»Tkof the present-lemon. Tb* Chr liudditff] kt!atM»vtrnt t ‘ n-.w u>.u ct;i.ip,».i i..n, and Willie in lullnperatlcm in dun-. IW wdU ready for d.dlveiy, l.y couUi.ef, U>.- l-I -''.ly. » h -; • Two or Ihicti new chui-hop, im llnc-h- ;t. r, will b.< «•>•!> ' tracied lor Iniuied'mt.-ly, aud iuimtou.-ether impi.-vein-nte vrill be commenced,requiiiiig » gicnl nm.'uul <1 un-iinuil. id i and other Ul-r Independent <-i Ih'i t.u i.t. | which will prounldy t'mjdny fiomnm' u, two bundled A prouilueul nriekmaht r trrin l itt-hm. hh« ju-t put rba-M ninn-lartfe nnd eM.lrMet.-dh- muke up-u them forthwith 5U0,00d brick- T".- - I hand- .•eiuiumn work the present week, h»>id ,,f< do- Mien \»rd • l .Teli-hTf established in tin* ueichl>M lue d Our Ston*- ijKtrri-s uro already «ti'< "ill. w.ukin.-u, »n.l the rotid lending to them lined with t-mn- Lumbrr ie becoming ahunUitit mid i.n-1 Urn nn-n • will awn spring up to n-lirve Kome et <mt l»-u *hv\t mow b»vi* f> raniilitfp, 4 fiumln-f, •» tmuih- , nnd d. ..-n. m them 2 families each Any who d d not buy eb.-up K.-> ui lb.’ i.-ur j-uMk lupt Htawm, or the four public .inlet- the present nprin g, c.»n Hiill secure good bargain? nt irtval? suit by < «U»n?r on ilw subscriber In Ucchrster. T.-rin. -' , J»»“. "-T £ ,ir and »•., in two yuan. M A -V, Uu * '; L P. b!—A few lots can yet be had at *'>u t" *lon .-m h , i applied for before the 20 »h May. Tfn*<>v ar« twice .»» Urne aa ufeiialclty vU:-Id by mu\ flu- p*'* only from |1,50 to $2,50 per foot front. Ihe vreaoutre.ser> e.l homestead and magnificent profit i>l Uvnl l iunt:y 1 4ai.i* In the centre of the boroogb ol Hochenler; 'den, the beaut i ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac, of h. H*m», run b bought through the subscribe at jtn*nt bargain?, and Hot are not fu»o tucA bargains within a hundred mile*. O my<» , _ SCUTUBERT & SON have-rumow-l their Real EsU*t« • and General Ageucy Oolca to No. M MARKET r*T near Third. bu^- FOB BARE— Two Lot* of f>o feet by 140 euch, in Ei Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices. Inquire ol' &U«rt THOMAS WuODs, 76 fourth Btraet. t -v«r ■ >' JjKffr -*v * - ** * * yVfc. r„V i V- ' DR. HENDERSON, LIST AND AUR I ST. » uu *ll «u» o, ».*...«»«« £"™ B * LUCHINO, DU3IBRINO, Oil Til* 08*1>»<;■1U»J omCE 468 BROADWAY, OOH. IRAND RT, NEW YORK. lloura from bA.M.to4 P. M. . . Rough, granulated lids, “v£i» and Chronic Blindness with Film*, , Ir j" B A *“am“* Cataract Bcrofnlnua, Woeping or Watery Eye», ar. among the diseases of the rye which are treats by Dr. IL with P “ah dUeMMOfThe Ear treated npon edentiao principles. Artificial Eyte inserted without an operation. All letters poet-paid will eecure prompt nttantwn. Wo oolect the following reference* sand* of caeoe which hate boon successfully treated by Dr. Henderson: A ,. ». r» Win. J. Fryer, 328-8 Broadway, Albany, Bu 1 • • Alfred Southwick, Printer, fJ. Glena Falls, N.Y. •Win. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. • Mra. A. M.L. Wilson. New York CUy, N.Y. •tMlsa Mary Bellows, N. K. Station, Duchess co., N.Y. •Edward O. Bolger, Bristol, Conn. •John-Beamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N.Y. Wm. F.B. Giles, office Courier and Iraq., N. *• iJumrs W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L. 1. Telegraph Operator, St. Nicholas Hotel R M. FerrißS, Orcao builder, iloimtnn St. It! H. Doolittle, 81. D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.Y. M P. ColUns, Tencber reainanflblp, Troy, n. r. R.‘l.Ko9p, Albany, N. Y. A. Dlllenbach, Bchenectudy, N.Y. Capt. D. IL Uaviland, Athens, N. Y. John W. Haskett, Blnghampton, N. Y. ocu •There patients were blind, and had W led ty the Al the expiration of two w-etts the? «ouU go üboui lb** clijr *>! AmaaiOijla were rwlor-d W *\*Ll aiUr they were given up ae iasurubln by the tacutty, andlean be Et/nJS to by any person who wUhea to teum the f.*tt In tbfvu* cases, by writing to them. _ ...... _ Plttabtirglfi Dollar Savings Inemullon, SLIT DOUB TO TUB I'ITTSUUBUII BANK, {,. ,\y OI'KN luily from Uto - o'clock; ii!w, on MtJ * a !' »I„1 eYenlu** 1 , from Ito 0 o dock. ot .ill Pamfl not Icm than One bodiu, ' ol the profits declared twict* a year, in June ,lh l n xrußtceH, for tho purpofeot furthering aud IM. ember. - D f ibetnsUtuUon, hoTe entered Into Klvlo,, uiiUtionul purity U. depositors. "harUT, Hy Laws, Kale? and RpiiU books U™'r £ th „ luUodb, furnlah«J^-r«lls“'^J’P iE AU) , Ib ; K . vice shoeul-eiyer. Char*** Knapp, N ilurphy, Theobald OmbsUetter, Isaac M. iV.mock, William J. Av'Jr^o T&IiiTMS • i/sv>n n ti*rki'f«n Jam**s Holman, ' R° u J, '»*v"i.Vit r *' A1..010 A. Carri.r. A «■ >''!'»*'*• . Jel.n t>. IVw.r.. 1- KlukmU. Olmrl.i A. Collon, PLU Klrioju..,, ’ er.ccU F.lii, J* mM ““S*"' ZZZZ™™- o“%-. "'"^‘^"'r^-^-OUAirL^A-CuLTON. llopovdl U«*pburu, lliorgß R. Whita, William F. John»too, Jtmn W. UaUtuaa, Al«xauJ«*r BnulWyi William Phillips i>l«.i lly • KAIiSIKKS 1 A»l» MKCIIASItii LIKE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance <'ompai , >, B3oWiooo 000 rlMtld CoMI*ANV .fl-rt. K>r* loKur.o™ '• n I Unoi*. Kami urr. ... M.„»: f. IUT-r-' ,i. aol Fr.ljjM Inland 1i..-onnf v ‘’n^f 0 - I** 1 ** ’ [jikup. e»o»l.-, Huilrca!.-, »n-l Uni A LrmliW Alao, loruntirc LUra, ujim \ * torcia DIBECTOBB. HoD.ThnmuU Ftoruc**, Jan*-- k~ N^U, Uteri;* H Ario.«tri>n<, Chari L'nitf*"-. K.I IVMlddlrton. K-U. Ilrlabol: . rnorsn llalmbold. . IrM. C- MWI«, Thi>ma« Mao-Wbeld. l*a» ri Lertm. w . , , I- FIA>H>*NCK, K; R. llcLM^WT^rrUry rfTTMwnnn a 11... U T mi..., 11-. ii TC. Shannon, Col. %V. Dlick, ' i iitithriH A U SrOatmont, Rv-j-, The m... J Ke-nen'. Re t . WUem. M'Oendleee, . 1M } He on Foet-r, ilea. .I h Mor-h-«A U M. IUMI**, , . . . Thfl rh»r»'tfr t»f lh< »U’Tf Conr**ti> \fi of tho da » mnd rembin** tbr inro anJ unu«i»l of rift*, *U tin** anil Ul** Inr-urnnci*. .... U'tU-iu-n <>t sinners/ nr" fu-xvtiaUM tn ua tnan**‘-Cl*Ot. an-i »» Stockhol-lor*. 13 " ’ TlluM.V? -I nUNTEU. A**nt, v|i - jst I’baflr.a ItuHilntf. No 10b TbJrd ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans g||| SI for I'rtitrvmg Frrth Frmu, |||j||| l| arr) ,, ' , n in M j 1»\ 11 LRM ETU'A L SRALINu uAI-KM-.l n Utl! CAN:?, which are pealed by th- il<-nrr-Kr-j •'» • 1 I without the aid i-f a tinner, anil opened wia.^ul i ~ ! lCjury u. U..» cau, are rapidly coming luto m>* *-U j Full lire lion* for l otting up fruit iieeompany the cane, | amlllw»«'rl[ i* so easily performed, that by their Um» urrry ' Uuuly may hat* fro-h Fruit amt Tomato ou their table ail winter, at summer price*. ~ .. i PRlCK*—Piut C»op. ejaart, Sd,oO , * il'J?* <Xiw ; Thrro wuarU, Ualloo. P> V«* 4oteu. Ttl< * ! 'ixn«r«nt *ii*« ueat, In order to k-rcurv economy in tmnr nortatiou. ... ... .a ARTHUR’* CAN.ahkh is closed with a lid entering the a hoi.- tor MO that when open It may he ck-anaed vlllpr hart Wu fully approve by ttw Farmrra 0 ub 1.1 tlju American Institute, New U took a ftratelaja' diploma ail ether wlf-wallo* can* at the law Fair In Cin-innali. and *»« awarded a medal al tto Me haule? Fair held thl* spiing at the Hmlthsonlan Institute, Wa<ta lu.’inn City, U C. It Is claimed to lx* the b**il Can in the ” Allonl.r. by tb. c«.h „ill be pmuptly fur * For Ml- wholc-ilo Mil rrk.ll, at the China aI.J H'K-eu." „ are “n,; of HKNRV I>MUY, MIJ , 12, Wood atreel, l>Vttj*urih llarfialni In Walobn. block, * Jewelry. ROBEItTS & BROTHF.U ->> AUK now selling their Urge and careindly **d**j tod stock of Fift* Clocks, andrich (JnU Krk Jewelry at greatly reduc'd prices, to make riwm (EfcsSfor an entire new stock, which wiU be reertvod di rect from the KaMern matiufaclorien in u lew w.*dw, lor the Fall Itnde. ... , „ Purchawm desiring to buy good goo-ld at low ptlcvn, should ciilt immediately aud examine our stock, a* we aro determined to dose ll out without regard to cost or Jotmer prW*. Don't T.Tget the place. 0 * HOUfiltTd & IIItOTII BU, 41 Fifth street, neat door to Wood. 44~ Whl. li«s, decks and Jewelry repaired In>T, wild wnrrnnte-1. _lJ_ Removal ' ’v'V- f? ' ‘ ■ •; • » •* r *v • \i \J /* _ v - - » » i •* % ■•*■ ' * « • • *4 - t 1 «#*•*■*• ». _ j»‘ *• . v#:- MISCELLANEOUS, yo. liS t\>urth strv-i, CITY HOTEL. ( L&TI uuown’ts) ( otan of Smlthfl«ld ftud Tilled iIrMH JOHH P. OLABB, Proprietor. 2‘JTTSJIUK UUy 2*A r I >lllB Urge and commodious Llouse having undergone 1 thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, \» now open for Uto roception of the travelfing | uhlh- On Ami as MODSIIATE. _ _ I.AN» VVAUItANTS #O, HO, too AOllB WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN LOOMIN, lu.Ut In Warrant*. Hlook«, A* . 03'Ynnrih • i:o-l*»tt*»erntil|». WAiTMI P MARSHALL wUb him, on tlu? i n| ,ttty v.f .July, .10a R. UUUIIKS, In Iho Watt. 7/; ' U ' lJ “ r U ‘" “‘ MARMIALL A 00. FOlt SALE VKUYCHE.U*. AUUII.UINO LOT IN ALLKUUKNY CITY, U fret by 100 a rfniHl bargain can bn had by applying noon »l Um t»nir. th« MORNINU I’OHT. _ Lot for Hal#. Aihl'ilJ lIUILDINU LuT, 24 feet front oro Carson street i v uni f.»ot In depth, in Birmingham, will be sold ,1,,.., K,.,julrt'i.r UKU. V. UILLUOKB, * „t ,iUfc« r.r th„ Mortilua VosL hkmi annual mviDKNti, i i-isuoknt., _ julv /VTNA INBLUANLK LOMI-ANV, or lIAUTFOIiIi. CONN. CHA li Tl 5 BE l > - * r * * ' 1819. PAID Ul*. nail A oats, .July * » 1 Hsft, $H.1,»,530 2J. ViNTINUI! lo lUftfco luuuranco urt nil inscription* of ) ..rniftty Ht equitable rates This Uompuiiy have position for lionornblo Jrallint for 28 yearn. 0,1 i-. unnuroasHf’d for resj>ooi'ibUlty and punctuality by nv ..Ui.'i similar Institution In U»u United States. Heiuf ?,L,i!Vui'in«»t nf the romlitioi. of this Company on file ~ it.l, oiilt.« for U>e examination cd the public. “ lid., omr,., lor u u y TKN . I:YCItt Afc , cl|l Util .• North corner Filth and Word streets, Pitte .urpl, ' ..... __ -it- 1 .. it M. MOD A llo.’t Way Line, BETWEEN I'ITTSUUROII AND COLUMBIA TUB ui}J*‘rottrtind having purchased *c»ap-__fsaSs>fcimrt Of D A Uo.’n Canal Stock, Lrn pupunvl to do a WAV PUKIQUT *'ihrum!^^oDrc t ino^wtU , 'bo «*»“■» aIKMON 0 " Caual ll»udn , i:.-r WHAT YOU ALL .WANT T'US WALLS! WKA ,I TLI Ell—Ttw MnßUln™ : lur A " ! ’ uit lVUTimn'o Mngailne lor Augurt , LlollouV d° , J , ’ Word, for Aurum, Tho 11-inw of Houghton, or tb» Mnthir't. H.rttrt , Mory Lyndon, or llmlalton- of u Lire; ''SI jitteinr Boofefl or Magazine oall nI e „ n j to th. c° , claT— Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Monou i rroHMft river, for" Bale by 11 ? 5 J. W.JUTLER A CO i ii MON— No. I 'LiU® Buyerioj Salmon for ante by HENRY H. OOLU^iB- * t ' *' * *vVf - ’ • -* -■ ,N -k ■ * .**■*»•* •'^Skfr . MlbCr-nLiii NEOUS. ...JAUfiS CUldWiLi- : wh. a S'CEisWBI.L, BELL AND BEAB3 EOUNDEEB, Manufacturers or ail kimu or “k* BB woREi \ COhIOTIVE, STEAii ENGINE, I’LUMUEHd, *c. A no, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. foundry on Robecea ctifot, Allegheny City- OSice and 3tor»>, No. 12 Market utreet, L'ittaburgu- . OLD lilt ASB an-J COPPER tattnn m oxchangß foi »ori, or cash paul. Orderß If ft at the Foundry or Ofßca, rrin DO prompt!- ' e ly attended to. JOSKPH T. LOWRV, Xio. 43 Comer of Fifth and Wood Office up italra. Entrance from Fifth street P»ttßourgfl» KkspbCT FULLY announce to the public that he nea commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, In epniwej tion with Intetibxence and General Collecting- He wm also attend to renting. Persons in want of flerranta, * n capacity, or those in want of places, will be supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at* X ‘ t ß^nMO— X. J.Blgbaia, Esq., Richard Cowan. *>«■**'■ 0 Leslie, Dr. Alex. Black, James Maokeral, A. A. Uaaon, Mefflt & OliL ; _ ,****-- Behachmaa 4b Uannleln, I mIOUBAPBEUS-Third street, i a Pittsburgh. Maps, Bill Beads, Show Bills, Iqbals, Architectural and Machmstoaiemgs.llaMnesj c.cJ visiting Cards, etc., Engraved or Drawn on btone, Ih-tanJ ■U colors, Gold, Btouib,or Black, lu the r-ioct cvi'O'Vol'ty' ■ an t *»t the most reasonable prices. c>ctlu y - BELVIDI£IIE UESTAUHANTi WOOD HTUEHT, BET. WATER AND FIRST BTHKETiJ. riUIK Undersigned tas juirt provide a cjj l lc ® ‘*Kf5iAH 1 ElQUOUS.andtfl ready at all times looarve hin with the best of the season, in the way of edible*, liw W W.u y :{’r Ch " ra ° T b ” b “' J - *>-N < BAV'luE°PropM»toi. Alexander IIaF«» ... i iVib LNOINKKK AND bUit VEYOII.dIUb op- Kj w,?iLe the Court House, Pittsburgh. per niancntty locntsJ, nn<l will punctually attend to all buelnet-e ratcu.’tej to hi<* charge. usyeuftNd-'i: „ .. 11. u \Y. t . Johnston, Presldoot Allegheny ViHey h. Vi. Miluor Robert*, Chief Engiueer “ »Jfo 1L Kkhbauirf, Associate Ko*. ‘ " " David Mltcbcii, Chief Engineer Pitbtl’h and bteub. It. it. Jamcd Thompson, tlupermteudeot City Qaa Works. j 4 me.J E. Day, Civil Engineer, Alleghany City, Notice* rIiUK l'»rtn«r.Uip or JOHN H'DBVITT A bill), was dl«- I a-lroaontboliMUaßt. John M’De.ltt-ill .'onUmw lh- l.u.imV'' »t tin. oIJ BtanJ, and attend to tho acttlament 'bo bualnoM ol the lata U>I)E WILLIAM M’DKVITT. PltL-burah. January M, (janl H«\v Trimming Store, yo. 83 Comer of Marksi ttreei and the Diamond. i.IiIANK VAN UOftDER reapecfolly announces to the JH public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that be will open htfl new Trimming Flore on Monday, April 17th. Haying up the neatest store room in the city, and filled It with.a choice selection of tho latest styles of Trimmings and Fan cy Goode, ho Hatters hlmeelf that be will; offer superior In ducements and endeavor to give full Gatiftfaetlon to all who may favor him with their patronage. Now. don’t forgetthe place—No. 83 Maihet fl treet, corner ~i the Diamond. FRANK VAN QORDKR. aNDfihASSICAh BKial9AllV. W T MCDONALD, M. A., PafUOrai riUlK uoxt'wwion of the Institution will caaomta™ I MONDAY, the SUi of September next, at the room cor ot'r of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the A. W. UomL.o. B.n.p,Jr., ». ». Von auhorpt, R. Miller, Jr. ?°*r_ '• Agency for soldier** *£*•*,**?•;.. a n 9 Location of lands. PDKCiiAdE jlnd balei of land WARRANTS.—The undersigned h*B mad**T r*m»meott with competent and responruble genUetaen to obtain Cerilßeatefl or Werrante for SoldUiß, their widows or minor children, a ho «re entitle.! to Bounty Unds; nl«> for I •«“ aJ 'lffi.tar 1 Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. New Paper Hanging*. NO. 85 WOOD STREET. Funk fukncu and amkiucan taRLOH papkrß; 1 panel Decorations, lu gold, oaS and marble. Hail Papers, of various styles; Flg'd and Plaiu topers, for dining rooms and chamuert-, Cheap and low priced Wotl P»P«”| _ Uordlr« t Crllio?s, Flares, Window Shades. A lar-v end complete assortment of the above, selected *» *. -ill b. »ia .t th. -ga "Si.ALL. - - D&81U. AflL, JB. a. J. UAU43 —"•" •-I-*”*-*; . waal “’ *» HAGAN * AHL, WHOLESALE and Retail D, in in &&•> &a*i* DRY HOODS, Nos. W M*rkatand 8 Union street, Pitttbdrgb. Bpt -t - - fc. WiiITKIIOUSK, IJANCY SILK AND WOOLEN DYKII AND CLEANER, I' No 7 ISABELLA Ft., near the bmmet Uotel, ra*r4 AtLSUHtitT. _ ' | " liny wgf IvKALEU in HOOT!*, SUOBd, TRUNKS uni LEGHORN ) and BKAfI) HATS, comer of Marker and Liberty ate., No 174, I'ltteburph, Ra. _ i' l y JOHN BITOUKLL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DROQQIST, No. 135 Wood Street, xi door to 11. OhlUrf 1 3ho-» Uouee, Plt-eburgh WM, A. MOLURG, KSALKU IN r . Q[l Teaii, Choice Family Qrocortei and Willow Waro. Of WOOD AMD SIXTH LUltn vn WTTSIIUUOII. PA. _ K ivlu,: * assortment ot PRKSU GOOltft, T B |n“.lhLi.'u to lu" already elt.nftvr stock, P“ r ' h “?) in tin, Eastern markets, w bleb, wtUbo sold j '«■*««. ha * >ni vi _ | fornleh, on the most r«soMbl. uym*, ««7 t Q»Mn Purnlture and Cl>«ir. of U* '^^^‘^o.. i m * l ”' h,r Corner Iklrd .ni S.nithfl.ld .tosti opposite -lnov-n’s UotP'. Jyl*. , iQiunctlon* « ■ K WAUEUNK would respectfully Imorm hln pup M.» ho <r U l »ntiau« f > , „ lh» PIANO FORTH nnJ VOICt. ' JrtJro In. Olr. KLKI.KIPB Music Store, or »« No. l-,7 .-SOUND Street, will bo promptly * Urcat liedu'otion N CU JiOK SUMMED aOODB.ot U.VOAM * AHL’3, 91 MARKET STUKKT. «, v ill mirk down on Monday, Juno dth, oar entire .lock of seasonable Dr; Ooods, «t » IMS« > l '’S°| U Tliuo“ former intoM Wo mm, in yarl, DermfM and Tissue . GronidiiU Cr.po da Bipwino, Bamraer blk.,tam otaU kinds, Kintiroldorioo, Hosiery, alovos and Mitts, Laos Jinn Borages, Madonna Cloths, i £~w lth “ r^' 3 R “ a cuniylete assortment of llonsokcefing Poods. 7 Kor Kent* , Ay arm CONTAINING W AOUKfI OF L \ N £‘JJ hitrh state of cultivation, with a larj?d convenient KLIsINQ UollßK, nvx*otly built ona ol ®°J er ® eood Unto, BtabUng, Ac., situated on tbe eoutii bank of tbe flonontfahelatWcr, t> nillci above HttaV’Urgtu being on ■ “a mMttaiuUfnl’and pleasant U»W«. h,nnd Min *«■> on or ™J* i^a” Enquireof jjJ3 \Vno<l street whSitf , , OMU18!il ON C°BtSaMBOAT AQENTS-W0.7 W*tflti'.trce.t,C»nctonaU, Ohio IAKALKK IN No! 149 Wood Street, Thft hi G hMt * Tla * iu casb pald f ° r *** myU;j • , r“S t wi l l'onUnco“op'u furtagU B a U^«uDll“| Mr. J D. WlUUima, whoro tmlouh °j gss , J r.»aZ S UdW vwamj o»to «Jtt« * “j William*’ uuoquftll«a Rtyt*. AU kinds of O rna manphlp wxwnuv) to orJpf- , y i ' "" nOUUNINO goods* 17IKANK VAN CIUBDKK baa just r»colr e<l a l>T K« al, |* s t-jaatuul uiuorllnont of Mourning Collars, Blecves and belts in Crape, Tarloton ond flwioa, black lace and gauze Veils, black Hosiery and QlovoS, in wool, cotton, and silk; lUbbonn, Holla, and Crapes, lu all qualities. Alexander A llajou'i. beet Kid dotes can always be luund at No. 1)3 MAUKEX BTIIKKT, corner bf the Dla | monvl HEW DHY CIOODB BTOBE. Iron Front-No. »1 Mnrkot .tr**!. olt " " uch,n sn aul 1 !' lu "'oprHf™ Nob. 91 Market and 8 Union street i VA'.fKH' lux)KdT! BOOKd! I 1 U *; Ur I* 4 perB. by Henry W. Beecher; ° S; tf $W25. story Lyndon : an Autobiography, $l. DtVstldut’ Book; $1- . . A 7inH to tho Oawji b«Uiro Bel esuipol . J>l. Mru. UnlPa N«w Cook Book; $l. The £U’»r«pfi of Iluugbton; J 7 i enb*. liarnay o'K»«rdon, by Bomuel Lovor i cent*. Kl and Triumph, hy T. B. Arthur . 26 cent*, panorama for July ; 25 conta. t , and for solo at .. ju-t rvc*m ™ >y A Q j LDE sp«NNKY A OO.’d, Fifth fit., opposite iho _* U . i N jjj I'I.ANKB, lmportant to P Oiblnot Makuw, Carpeutors, and Workers in Hard : wooa, I T ory nna Q j, K tt . d DSWVAUJUI , „ VENKKH, UMIDWOOD AND IV Oil* •rue above Planes Mctanliato^iprat-1 S-£SLsr& 2£* #* *asg^vr^2*«£ ?«,. neb*«. '• l *’ ' FOR RALK-A plan of may be seen at our office. Thes.o lota »ill t» Sd of uLTaudbu? very Uttb «*b mui.l ,n baud, P"VOTT Sn «&» M«tot at. NUMBER 4 2i)0 IN,.I.SLLIAL.LN iUJ jamkS W> WOUDWICLi>i (JABIM&T FUUNITUItE J/ A N Ut'ACTUHE tL Ward-room. 97 and 99 Third •}«•*. j. w. W. respectfully informs^* hlfl friends au«l customers that ha« now completed his spring stock #^s tbe largest and best erer otf-red f»r cal* In this City, which will be sold at prices *s low as any lathe United Btatea, Bast or‘Wot. . As he Is determined to uphold ibe naailly with weU sea soned materials, beat workmanship, and newest dealgntr, and from tbs extant ofliia orders and lajUity in muratooturlng. h» la enablftl to produce warrants furniture, at tbs lowest adopted the principle of Identifying Ula sustomars’ i„t«t.«fwiUi hie own, in quality and price, anil keeps ml waToitSd variety of every description of Mor Mb, d««t he anrpoaeod I In -ny of the Eastern cities; Lonls XXV tete-o-totnSofaa, 60 &o fan. In plash and hair clwin, 60 dos. Mahogany Chairs; 29 dm. Walnut 60 Mahogany Hocking “ 110 Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Diratui; •40 Walnut “ 60 Marble Top Centre i’abica: 5Q •* “ • Dressing Burr-aua yo M " Wwhstands;.a 10 enclosed “ iOOCommcD ** StO Plain pressuig Uuceauu, 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: SO Walnut “ 60 Cottage . . “ too Cherry and Poplar Bedstead* 30 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry % * 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Bluing &hd Breakbeat Tobies ia Secretary and Bookcases; SO dote Cane Seat Chairs; H 4 Cane Beat Hocking Chairs; U 2 Ladies 1 Writing Desks; Bat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Btlgoirts; Paper Mache Tabica: Conversation Ohaira; Pembroke “ Elizabethan M Hall and Tier Reception M Ladles'.Work *• Pearl Inlaid Extension Dining Tables Arm “ Ottomans; Gothic and Uall Chairs; k large assortment of COMMON PUBNITURIfi and WINDBOK CUAIHB. Oamsk Mausa supplied with all ar ticles In their line. . . STEAMBOATS and MOTELS, furnished it the shortest notice. , All orders promptly attended to. , »P* a New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. AT NO- 89 N. W. SIDE 0? WOOD STREET. DOEEGQ A CO-, Importers and Jobbers In British, . French and German DRY GOODS. Having receiv ed our Urge and extensive stock of spring and summer goods, purchased fr6m Importers, manufacturers, rod-part through our own Importation, we feel safe in assuring oux old customers, country merchants and city dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer such inducements to buyers as are rarely met with In the trade. w . Among our dry goods stock will ba found cashmeres, de laines, Portsmouth'lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas,plaln black and fancy figured silks, eipghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy Testings, casalmeres, satinets, tweeds and flttmmer panta* looning; brown and black muslins, table diapers- We have also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braldrod Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery,gloves ond ribbons; with lace goods,fancy nettings, jaeonetts,mall and figured Swiss muslins and black silk volls, Ac. Our variety stock embraces »n part combs, buttons, per cussion caps, threads, port monaies, patent medicines, per fumery, and almost every article usually kept In the va riety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver watoncs, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of SO hour and 8 day clocks, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or eatlstnctory reference. m early call from buyers Is respeetfolly solicited, tsbkb D. QREQ-Q A CO. VAN GUHOftSR’S TRIMMING STORK, No 85 UAvb.iT Bt., Cobiiib of Diamond. - JUST RECEIVING, a large and well eelected stock of all the new styles of LADLES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: fringes, Buttons, Galloons, Gtapst, Braids, Velvets, Laces, Cords, Ribbons. A handsome assortment of Freueh, Scotch and Austrian KMBROIDERIEg, In Swiss, Jaconet and Lace. Oollara, Edgings, Handkerchiefs, Sleoves, Inaertinfß, Infants’ Ilobes, Cheniliettos, Bands, Caps A Waists. A full supply of MOURNING GOODS: Crapa satis, Coliata, Love and Gauze VcUh, Plain Linen cetts, Blcjyc?, Gauze and Dotted Falls, Pbdo Swlsa do. Chemiznttes, Itallau and KngTi Crape. MATERIALS FOR EHBUOIDKRINO—Stamped Collars, lianda Infiertings: French Working Cotton, Hoops, Linen and Cotion Floas, Oil Cloth, Embroidering £iik, Stilletos and Eclasorn. Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. A ‘urge ORSortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS—Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Pins, Needles, Buttons, Tape-, and everyihiog lu email wares generally. B.*_jol's uzst It in Gloves, la white, blac* and color-. Sizes from No. 0 to No. 10, Rlwavs on hand. Also—A good etock of HOSIERY and GLOVES—very cheap. ’ nih23 Hale of Public Property. IN accordant with instructions fruiu th<* War Depart pariment, the BN Ati BOATS BELL, SKYIKK and TBit* HOB, (No. 8, No. 4, an.l No. G.) together with their equip* menta, tackle, Ae., will be eold to the highest bidder, at the points and dates following, to wit: At Napoleon, Arkansas, ou Saturday, the vOth day of Juuc. tetweeu the hours of 10 A; M> end *2 P. theamatl twiu Snog Boat TERROR, together with her equipments, Ac., in lota or parcels, to be designated In printed hand-bills prepared for the occasion. „ At fit. Louh>, near the Marine Railway, on Eatutday, the 7th day of July next, between tho hours of 10 A. M-, and » si., the two large twin 3nai» Boats, BKLL and SEVIEIt, together with their equipments, Ac., In lota or parcels fur uuch boat, to be designated as before in haod-bllla. The Items to be sold will be classed under the following general head for each of the boats, viz : l*t—Hulls, cabins and upper works. 2d— Double engines and boilers, complete. lncluding largo purchase ©bains, an chors, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, tools, Ac. ith— Cooking apparatus and other furniture. The boats are scarcely two years old, sound ond eubstan tlally built, and well adapted for use asCotton Boats, Diving Bell Boats, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, Ac, &c. Their engines are constructed lu tho most efficient man ner, and are In good condition. .... The Bell ond Bovler are large twin baag Boats, übout lot) t -♦ lon’, 22 feet beam fot each hull, excluslvo of their n’, -ooms and wheel houses, and 12 feet between the bulls. Tho Terror is about 133 feet long, 18 feet beam fot each bull and 10 foot beUoen the bulls. 4 „ TERMS OP BALE—The Bell anil Term wiU be sold for cash, navahle on tho days of their sale; The terms of sale for the fierier will be made known on tho day of sale. In ail cases the privilege of dismantling the boats of oil I articles sold to different Individuals will be reserved for a reasonable time In favor of the purchasers of said articles. Individuals ond Companies wishing to purchase axo de bited to examine the premises and judge of thdr va>ue. I Xt g tt. LONG, L't. GoL T. 8., Bup’t W. B. Imp’ts. St Louis. Juno 7th, 1855. jellStawts JOSKPtI lIUUUIDUK, riOMMIBBION AND FORWARDING MEfcOKANT, NO 88 OOHHSBCIAL, UIIOW 1 PIRI STRUT, 1 8t» tonlii £&o«9 C SSSKSS'M given w&aumulwJ, on Oonßignm.nto or Blltaof Ledlng, L^sJ,Grain, Jlcmp anj other jJSr'j, ,111 bo promptly flUetl at ttolowoat market prleoa. “lS MdSonnrdlDgor MerchendUe and Pro jnco Vm m«t Vlth onpoclal ere and dtop.tch; -the lowe.t ratoeot Freight will always be procured, end theMpenie of Storage anti Drayage posalble avoided. PeaeA Bacon. fit-Louta; EUls* Morton, Ctndnnatl Chat ieaa, Bio wA Co., do; Strader A Gorman, * do? (Thnnteau A Valle. do; HoMiAFiSMi* do. Dean King A Co- do; Springer AWhileman, do; J ’KbutiwT*Br?.,Pittabh; K.OaGogodiaan ACo., do; t> tMdt A Co.» do; B. A a Yarnall AOo..PbUada; Wm. Holmes A Co., do; Morgan, J. M.Buck A Morgan: Blow A March, Now York. B. B.Comegyß, do; VrA&t <fc Forrest, do; Shields A Muler, do; do; Joriahiee A Co., Baltimore. A Q.FarwellA Co.,Boston; Abraham J. Golf, do Howard,Bon A 00., do; W.B. Reynolds, LonlsvtUe uow»ru,cwu w, ,u.D. Newcomb A Broj. do; T.O.TwichellACo.,OomiulMlon Merchants,New Orleans, 1 i,»y e «Dopen Policy or Insurance, which wlllcoter «ll ehiptnentuto my address, when advised by latter per mall,oYwhen endorsed on 'fjif, B MfSrtlDaK h .hlpment. J^url. William A* UIU A 00., bankers, No. 64 Wood street, VitUburah. HOLD ou sale the following BONDS AND STOCKS 40 chares Exchange Bank; 17 do Monongahela Navigation Company; ■2O do Citixene’lnsurance Company; 42 000 Monongahela Navigation Company uonds; gs£ art r y»«ni. '• “ witkiis » co IJ AVE HKMOVEDTIIKIIi MHCB to No. 75 FOUHVU MISSION STOCK UttOKEii BUSINIfiSa in »U ‘ta bram-hea, &H vVA I J«u-Tweiity-flve Bharea Mechanic* 1 Ban* Bloch. WAN .T, y WILKINS A CO. jyi-J u. wn-u«u. WUklm Co., fSuccewora to A. Wilkins A Co.) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS ffo. 71 Fvurth strcd, Pittsburgh. LN TUB numerous suspensions of Banka and Banker! throughout the country during the last six months, we are satisfied that In almost every instance their troubles have grown oat of a departure from their legitimate busi ness; and we« therefore, take occasion to assure the public In advance, that no speculations in “fancy stocks,” or other “outside operations,” shall tempt us from the strict and le gitimate line of our bnslhcs&— believing that In avoiding 111 such Investments wo shall not only be better able to serve onr customers and ensure their safely, but that In adopting such a course we shall promote our own ultimate benefit. [febSJ V- * c0 — Jkff AGAZINKS, LOOK*, 4c.- JjX kwHes* Gazetto of Fashion, lot August; Harpers Magazine, do Putnam's do k do Graham’s do du Uodey’e Lady’s Book, *jo PeUreon’s Ladles* Jiagaain** do . .. IIOOKB-A Vlalt to the 1 Star Paperß, by Henry Ward iMwcner. Jost received »ndfotml»‘g JajsBNNBY 4 J y3l fifth et., oppoelte the Theatre. y •* f H * - - ' * ' .' . ••••:/.. . . A’* UA'f'EH «*fc’ AI>VIUH'I‘MMIVO iniiiVu 'tiros t.r raw riTT.itiuvuti->'**<>*' tuf LUrU BOBfAMLLtOaLAM: ju« aqaare, on* insertion •* 6Mb additional Insertion. uue Week IWtj WftrtkjJ tLroci weeks. uue UiOUth--- Iwi; uiutilU-’t. Ibr.v uuiulln. ton: uK-btltfl six iuv-utlu- dUu>ilii< o*td, kli lined or lf-«a 4 per.fcnuum. giiAMALtm ay i’laamOßß: use 3quM«, p«r annum, (exolunlve 0! the paper)-. "MISCELLANEOUS RHODES* Jb'EVER AND AGUE CUKE, g MjII the Prevention an 1 oar«oi HfTcuuYista »»l IU Sd mittcm u KVS r td, fcfifui and Auue, UiulUi and fc'kVift, iJL„ a.jue, uistu-M Utuiuir, Nio;u swim, nnd nil ..that h t ’5 u whl-Ji lia-, <• I, amiiuun origin in MdlarU r.t n ANTlD'rrt, which will entirely ST™ frlu\Uui»«ly l-huling H.I.H. or M i'iT.U Instantly check the Ague In persona who htvrmlf (Jil unv*lencth ot time, from one dny to twenty y«ra, never hove antha MU, hy continuing IU übo ocotSm to dheVtionH. The ot once begins to recover nppodte »n.l strength, and continued until a perms neat »ud radical « urn in elected. On 3 or two boltlo* will anawer lor ordinary cawa A “““ m*y require more Directions printed m Uerman, tfrenen and Spanish, accompany eiwta bottle. ‘Prise Ono Dollar. ldbtTii made to the trade. JAMES A: ItUODKS, l'rovidence, li.-L EVIDENCE OF BAFtTY. Nsw Tube, Juua U, ldoa. ••1 btvve mad- u chemical uxamlu&tiouof'* Rhodes’ F-uTsr »iiti Aroc Cure," or “ Aniklote to Malaria/’ and hare tested it for Arseulc, Mercury, Quinine and Strychnine, bat bare not Jouud a partiile or either In It, nor have I found any flQbetance in its corapoddon that would prove iojurioua to iiu< constitution JAiIUS R. OHILTON, M. D., Ohewiat.” EVIDENCE Off MERIT. RBirisuoEU, Union County, Pa, May a, 1340. .. ~, J .1 Rheda— Dear Sir: The bos of medicine you rent me was duly received on the Ilth ot April, I have aolJ about one-half of It, and bo far the people who hare used itura Bollslied that It baa cur ed them “ iv- siooncd tho Afruo in yvery one who has u ; od It, aod bis !S “ were of long Standing. My - bad it iur fife or -*»U years backhand coaid never get H etoppod, except by Quinine, and that only ati long aa fha «2ddtake it' la now, I think, you^rem. CAUTION 'TO AUUE aUffHEUEItS. ’ r.Ue no more Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, Strychnine, or Aoti-FiiricKllc3, or medlcice3 of any tic<l »thB virtue ot which la owing to such poison run drugs The moat they can do is to break the chilto“ for a abort time, while they are anre 10 cause constitutional maladies that ceaSß only with life. Remember that the only FeVer and Ague remt tlv that is harmless as well assure, i 3. , y Rhodes 1 Fev«r and Ague Care. SiP For sale by JOHN MITCIH&L, ttnd l>n«si*ta geo* er JuV. PI'X’TtfBUU H AND RAILROAD r OL*llN FROM WEST NKWION, Westmoreland County, to BItOAD FORD, Fayette County, 64 miles from and after the *ARh of August, the Trains of the Pitts burgh and ConneUsville lhtUrcad will b* run as foUows r First Train wlil leave Broad iord Station at fl 1,0 A. W » and stopping at all the way stations, will reach West New ton at 7 A. M.; conneciiog there with the fast steamer “Clura Fisher,” and reaching Pittsburgh at noon. Second Train will leave Broad Ford at 13 O’clock, noon, und stopping at all tbo way stations, arrive at West New ton at 1.00 l*. U. ... . First Train wIU leave Wont Newton at &.30 A. M., stop- - ping at all the way stations, and arriving at Broad Ford at Second "Train Will leave West Nowtop at 0.16 P.JI, stop ping at all the way stations, am? reaching BrotuTFord at STACBB fur Conuellevißt) and Uulontown will connect with all the Triina nt Broad Ford. * The steamer CLARA tldUßll will leave Pittsburgh ev ery evening, (except Sundays,) at hulf past 4 o’clock, pre cisely, to counect with tbo Tralue us above. TUB TilROUriU TUAINri bolweeu West Newton and Connoilsvllle will run regularly on and after September 12 FRRIGliT will lw transported each way dally. For rateo arnlv to D W. CALDWELL, Heq .Assistant Superintend ent West Newton, or to W. THOMPSON, Freight Agent, on board the steamer Clara Flchor, at her wharf, above the Mouongahela Bridge. nUFF’S OIKKCANTIUk COLLBOk, ■ PITTSBURGH, PA. INCORPORATED BY TUB LEUiSLATURK of IVnnßjl* vanla, with Perpetual Charter. FACULTY. 1* DUFF. ProlJout, (author t>f the “North American Accountant,”) Profeasor of Book-Keeping and Commercial Sciences. ANDREW T. 110WDKN, Asristant Professor of Book* DUFF, ilc.-iiaUnt Profetsor of Book-Keeping and Penmanship. ...... , .. J. D. WILLIAMS, (the heat od hand Penman In the 4 United States,) Professor of Commercial and Ornamental' penmanship. N. B. IIATOII, the Pittsburgh Bar, Professor of Mercantile Law and Political Economy. P. UAY DLN, Priori; at of the Mathematical Department, Profeaor of MethemaUct*, Ac. F. L. APEL, Professor of l lie French and Gorman Lon* The Commurclnl department of thin institution baa had the unremitting attention of the Principal for the last fl?- te*n years. Upwards of &OOU students have been prepated by him fcr business. His “young men” assistants have Icdl been trained tor business by himself, and are experi enced Teachers and practical Accountants; being frequent ly employed by business men In adjusting deranged hooka. There are no leaders In this Institution who were in this city diwulficed from their hUuationa as book-keepers; none who inode twenty blunder** ou n riuglu page ot a bill-book. Our writing t-aebvr (Mr Williams) has had romeihlng more than u lew lesson* trum a Philadelphia teacher to prepare him tor his business. No ranner* are employed by this Institution. When our citizens are importuned by thoso of another, they should refrr to someof our city Bank offlars or merchants—persons whose opinion can be relied npon—aud uol be decoyed into one of those concerns which are being sold out every t'«w won the, end Ihfcir pupils left tn inwtroctWi where they cap find it. aQ K*° 1 fcO iuu WiiiU aJilis AMUdINU. livJOftri to take with I w you to the country or if about to remain In tba city, do you wish au entertaining Hook to enliven your dull Lours tLis Lot weather, rail at Ut w A OILDKNFENNKY A CO- S Cheap Bokstore, No. 45 Fifth street, opposite the Theatre, when; you will find the following New Books. TiJ r Star Tapers, by Henry W. Beecher ; Tbe Escaped Nun; A Visit to the Camp Before BabasUpol; Wolfcna, or Advenlcre.; ou the Murqnito bbore , Memoir* of James (Jordon lieuuett and Lis Titm-s; Doeftloks’ new book; My Confession ; Mary Lyndon r an HUtobio-.'rspLy ; L*e Quin«y’a NttcJJociL ohaojinglbih Opium Eater The Tinker Spy ; Barney O’ltierdon | Arrow of Oold rfUIK MKMUIHS OF J AMKfToOIttMjN UKNNKTT, an I bl 3 Times ; by n celebrated Journalist. • Letters to tho IVoplo on Health and Uapplnesfl; by Catb arliio E. Beecher. . . .. Tho raotit complete and varied assortment of books in tne city can be found ob oar shelves. Fersons leaving for tho country will find H to their advantago to call on us, as we always make o deduction when selling a number at a time I Hook, containing dll bta letters. Com plete In one Ttflnme, ttlustxated-sl. fourth supply. The Old Farm lions©by Mra. Uarolino U. Butler Lalsg The Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs; by the anther uf Wild Western Scenes. Bister Hose; by Charles Dickons—l2)4 cents. _ Mother and Step-Mother; by Charles Dickens —lift ct*. Cali in and look over our counters and shelves, and rand f .r whatever you want in the book Vo. 32 street. IVf£»v uuuao—vt iiAvjsund jjook and Stationery Store, d 5 Market, near Fourth street. Ilorper lor August. Mornings with Jesus—Jay ; s!,&>• . De Qalncey’s Note hook; 75 Thu Escaped Nun; Si- Theism—the Prise Essay; $l. Dr. Spencer'a Sermons; .$2,60. liase’s Chnreh-Hlstdry ; $3. ’ Long Look Ahead—Boe • The Parish' 8lde; 76 cents. Mrs. Jamieson’s Commonplace Book; $l. Library edition of Rollln; 4 vola, large type, pycroft’a Course of English Heading; 76 cents. The moat bcautlftil edition of the Bible for private use in Uu»w Utw. and with nwwr Oxford l? 3 * ■ Mail— jM übla Limw-toupociur sSamiOn ; 60ballbbl8 do do 70 Jo White Fish; Cl Jo Trout; . . 40 Jo -Plckerot; 30 bbl» No. a l»rgu Mackerel, ucVf; 60 half Jo do Jo Jo 15 bbli Baltimore Herring, Jo For wteby Ijylß I IIbNHY U ■ COLLINS. rTuJB HAIR COLORING FLUIU does not color or slain I the sSIn In tho lewt, but In ercry case It will restore the uetural color of the heir, wbera age or elctnee* hra turned It Bray- A trial etU satisfy those using It of amort curio;sandsinoidar phenomenon, that la, gray hair restored to its natural color, with all the strength and healthy erowth of youth. Trice only GO cents tier bottle. Sold in KKurgh\y S. L CyTHBEK'T aug7 63 Market street. _ a ccTin>*aT s . t cuiuvciT a, CUTiIUUUT A SON, G 1 L'NKUAI. COMMISSION A(JKNT3. for th* Sale aDi| f Purchase of Real Katate, Collection of Renta, Borron- Lok and Loaning Moneys on bonds &ud Mortgages; »lix>» for making Sates of PcmJuco, Manufactured Articles, Ac., for Fanners, Mechanics and others. Ofliee, No. 65 Market ;rect. .jojiru lui ■j'LLto’ FLU lb KXTUAOr OK lUJUtilb— <3 duz 1/1 tiiid ri excellent medians received by JOS. FLEMING. • ; > ASi'ISEIIRY UH4NDV-0 ,1m llaiptwuy i»““ J y, L\ a very oapurlor hoiu« mrt*io article. Kor rale uy JNU. LinCLE, Jr., Agent, ■ No 201 Llb»rty^»tro"t._ Hlii<3:*Uw . fjvjiriwUKi, JIAUiMNEi', or NKW VAfBUa, c«ll or r SI-M lo Uio cb “‘ , .v 4 CO.. FHtb ht.. tha Th»ftlr.» JO3. LUDIWIO, until - _ . Li EBPkriu *mf “ V--i «•<>*<•«» OK•*» «H«* ‘^ u JS X iu«.«> m Fife* P"*-*-'. r - r ••«u*W|ta* IL* com ploxlon. ‘’y L CUTHUHRT, 6a M.rknt »t augi) _ _ .. - i TijiLAbOLiUM—A certuiu cure lor files, vti cents per f~|_ i, o j. gold at 63 augl) * UtiT UKUtilVilU—■-Uhl) IIEDSTU.NK, cheap cUHlou at only 76 cents. OM Uedstone, or Libtorlcalbkelr.lip.-oi Western Pn*fby- Urianbin, Ita early ruiaifilett 3 , iU penlous tixutu, »d 3 U: first records; by Joseph Fmlui, L). U. It Li th* »-heape?i book we ever handled, and in now within iho reach ot all. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J. 8. DAVISON, C& Market.Btreat, near Fourth. Foil iIKNT—A uoally flUed uv Oaiie In »ei-vu« story, from, of Warehouse No. Ml ?irst eUeet. Uet luf, l»ug2o| J. \V. BUTLKU A Co t |*>CvlNuMY ClUfcU—some j*ure Crib, in box**, Tci ri choice,” just received and for sale by tt u S iO mUSU « BIQKEKON 0 uo 7 bfc y y 0 10 oU 111 u u 18 o# lii hu