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V i; i P'TT'l M J,/ >-. «•.*. ■ "** *» •: ■. 4 1 t-. *•-; -'**'% <»«•*• v;:.««'n-l v^' ;•;•.«•■Ovj.frf J „ 5 ' r :’ s -^4 ' ■* I. y 7 *- , ■ t. * l •': ■»;. .^’v^4f» te 1 ■%*' *V-; '■ - « .t, 1 ;'. ! ; e v , »' Hi V v *»> * • -.• '• •’ '■'’Jk ,*.;% '-ISf v*,^•>%■*}&*•*>-■£■ ;■ ■ . ,1- /*■ fr-- 4 '•^■“‘■* f '* 't' l *;'-S '*■<■■■ ■- .-•- ; '-.; -:> ! '.-•.■-; : r»Zc Ttri r V iM "S -t>Vi-'P-M i/ : , •?, r t r \ 5 ■' ' v," - » ‘-3 ; -u vii m •> i' • ■' ' *■.. r.‘•• ■ V-- 'J. r,-;- : • • •. *• »*£* J '. *''t-5 ‘ -f’;* ‘ ' ■ i Vi" ■ •,■; ■ '- ' : . ] v JV; ’ '.' ... '\ , ‘ \ *■' a-'i.v .iV 4 *’** *V £a/MvJ-£: * fev.?,T u ‘- f *'.* ;** r. , r ■._ ...' 4• '■ ~ ’ - _•- * f . ‘. " 4. *. ‘ . ‘ ,fc 4’jS®* iV: , ( ! ;?“«:4,\^,’iv !, s' ;li ’. >• >;C t >' > t 'UVA»« I v* .. ! :,' r■■ ', ; v“, ,■ ' ' :, , 5 ■ • - a'V ' \ \. *t .V*r.V ?. -140/' i. \ . ~ ••-V- \ ~V 0 ': '•• . * , <. ■'»*.< i *•♦ * »V»?Vi'» - • • ■-J '.» N. ’• v.- . - \ ■ - ■*■,.- > j. i • ■'■■'■£ «*:•>}*' **VJ» ■ ■•. i>'-~ ■'■■ ' • \ -•- ’- : V- ~.-v^ i^^fTAi^rTz • >‘-£\ *.'•. • •••%,’'!->*; ’•' ' '' : • \ - ■ ,<.<• ■-•-: i ' V.' V l r. t.-■ .'•V" -• . - t - : . ■.,,•■ -A~ -. ..vX, tv >' • I.] **/*.; s• , « " •+\ , 1 >• ■ r.^.l RAILROADS. CENTRAL Oman AIL UO AD 3sesßki2m9£u£mu Bummer Arrangement—Change of Time. THREE DAILY TRAINS EACH WAY, (SUNDAYS EX- CEPTED.) , , And but on* Change of Car* between Columbus and Baltimore. ON and after Monday, Jane 18th, 1866, Trains will run ao r ° lloW,: OOINU EAST. Tjtai't Train. Train. Train. Columbus —.10:00 A. M. 3-50 P. M. 11:30 P. M. Newark 11:10 “ 4'15 " 12:&0 A. M. Zanesville l*. M. 6:uU “ 2:12 “ Ooncortl 12:68 6:44 “ 3:01 “ Cambridge 1:20 44 7:08 44 3:20 “ Barnes vllle 2:23 “ 8:26 “ 4:48 “ Belmont 2:44 «' 8.61 “ 6:14 “ Arrive Bellalr 3:30 44 arr.U;46 *• arr 6:15 “ GOING WEST. Erpresi Mail Xiyht Train. Tram. Train. 9:46 A.M. 6:16 A.M. 6.00 l\ M .10:31 “ 0.16 •• T.O-J “ .10:62 “ 6:43 “ 7.-10 " BarnesvUle. Cambridge 11:68 “ 8:04 “ «00 " Concord .. 12:17 P.M. 8:30 “ 9:26 • Zanesville 1:10 “ 0.30 “ 10:30 Newark .. 2:08 “ 10:37 " 11:60 “ Arrive Columbus... 3.20 12:16 P. M. 1:20 A. M. The Express Train*golng Ea*t will stop to take up or hfovo passengers, at Taylor’s, Newark, Zanesville, Concord, Cambridge. Campbell’s, Barnesrille, and Belmont only. Going Wist will stop only at the above named Stations. The Mall Train will stop at all the Stations where the Mall la to be received, or delivered, and at all other Stations on notice beiDg given. The Night Train will stop at all Sta tions on DiV/Der notice bolng given. GOING EAST. The 10:00 A. M. Express Train, connects at Columbus with the Express Train which leaves Cincinnati at 6 A. M. and with the Train from the West on the Columbus, Plqua and Indiana Railroad; at Newark with morning Trains to and from Sandusky, Mansfield and MU Vernon, and with Trains on the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad; at Wheeliug with Express Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and East ern Cities. The 3:30 P. M.Train will connect at Columbus with the second Train from Cincinnati; at Newark with Sandusky. Mansfield and Newark Railroad; and at Wheeling with Night Train on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Pattgengura 1 earing Louisville and points below Cincinnati, and t&kiDg the 9 A. M.Train on Little Miami Railroad, will connect with this Train at Columbus. Passengers. leaving Indiana pollsaud Richmond by morning Tralu on iuJiaua Central Railroad will also connect with this Train at Columbus, a nd reach Wheeling at 9:15 P. M , and leave by 10:3U P. M. Train on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, arriving iu Balti more at 5 P. M.,oext day. The 11:30 P. M. Train connects at Culumbus with the M all Train which leaves Cincinnati at 6:30 p. M~ and arrives at Bellalr at 6.-15 A. M~; connecting with the Accommoda tion Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Passen- gers leaving Chicago by the Eveniug Trains can, by loute, via Mlobtgan City, Lafayette, Indianapolis ami Day t on, reach Columbia iu treason to take this train: and at Wheeliug will take the Accommodation Train for Cumber land, sleep there., and resume by Expre:w Train to Balti more aud Eastern Cities. GOING WEST. The 5:16 A. M.Mall Train eonueota at Bellalr with NLiht / Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; at Newark with ‘ trains to and from Sandusky, Mansfield and Mt. Vernon, and Chicago ria Monroeville; at Columbus with the trains t or Cincinnati,and with trains for Xenia, Dayton, Indiana polis, and Chicago, via Dayton and via Urban a. The 9*45 A. M. Express Train connects with the Express Train from. Baltimore, and arrives In Columbus at 3:20 P. M., and connects with trains going South and West arriv ing in Cincinnati at 7 P. M. The &00 P. M. Train connects with the Accommodation Train from Cumberland, and at Columbus with Mall Train at 2:16 A.SL, direct for Cincinnati, Xenia, Day ton, Indiana polis, Lafayette, Terre Haute, Saint Louis and Chicago. ISAAC 11. SOUTUWICK, Supt. Zanesville, June 18,1855—{je21] THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. rVAHG GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At- X lactic cities with Western, North-western and South western States, by a continuous Railway direct. This road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of 6teamore to all parts on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and S&u dusky with steamers to all ports on the North western Lakes; making tho most direct, cheapest and reliable route by which FREIGHT can b« forwarded to and from the Ureal West, HATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA A PITTSBURGH. FIRST CLASS.—Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, ) (In b.i.3,) Furs, Fklh«4 ic ....™ f ‘ 6c ' >‘ cr 10ulI>4 ' SECOND CLASS. —Books and Stationery, j Dry Goods, (in bales,) Hardware, Lea- J-Goc. per luOlbs ther, Wool, Ac ) THIRD CLASS— Anvil*, Bagging, Bacon ] ll)oi .. and Pork, (In bulk,) Uamp, Ac ( prl FOURTH CLASS.—Coffee,Fish,Boconand I t , llim . Pork, (packed.) Lard and Lard Oil f 4U '" 1 lUoB *'' In shipping Quods from any point Hast ot Philadel phia, be particular to mark package “ cm /Vnjwylcaniu RaUroad," All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Parihirr Aaiirra.—Moaos Potter, Boston; J. L. Elliott, N. Yg K. J. Bneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw A Roods, Balti more; Geo.C. Franclscus, Ihttsburgh; Sbriugman A Brown, Cincinnati, Ohio; J. S. Moorhead, Louisville, Ky.; U. C. Ueldrum, Madison, ludg Ratcliff A Co., St. LouLa, Mo : J. 8. Mitchell A Sou, Evansville, Indiana. U. 11. nOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. J. LOMUAERT. my 9 Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. Stenbeniille aud Indiana Railroad. CHANGE OF TIME ON AND SINCE WEDNESDAY, .June 20. laiiS, tho Mail Train leaves Steubenville dally, (Sundays exc-pt.-d ) at 7 o’clock, A. M-,nnd arrive at Newark at l «»o i ’ -lock. I’ M., connecting with traius for Columbus, Sandusky, Indianapolis, Chicago, Cincinnati, L&s&lie, Mount Vernon, Kick Inland, Toledo, S-ilnt fo staging than by any other rou.o. The Road, for a large portion id the way, is laid with the eoWTinuous Rail, the smoothest riding and beat Railroad in the West— well stocked with the most modern Locomotives and elegant new Cara. jßQ§* By this route paßdengers ore pure of making connec tion*, and arriving at St. Louis on advenieed time, avoiding the vexatioua delay of fogs and ice, and dangers of naviga tion, aa on the route by Alton. Baggage checked direct through from Chicago, and no charge for handling at any point. TUROUUIi TICKETS by thla route can l»e purchased ut all the Railroad Uffice* in the Root. at the Office of the Company, corner of Clark and Lake streets, iu the Granite Building: at the Depot of the Galena R. R-, and ut the Mich. Cent. R. It Office, corner of Lake aud Dearboru *te , opposite Treuiout House, Chicago. FREIGHT concigoed lj thin route will receive liamedi alt. J.u,|»aUh C G. HAMMOND, gup’t. C K. FOLLKTT, Uen’l Ticket Ag't, Chicago, -d at the principal Railroad mhlii AIT* TlCiiKi'i can l- Ottltv.-* of the country. CLBVELABU AHD PITTSBURGH K A Hi ROAD. CONNECTING WITH Ohio auJ Pcabiylvanift Railroad, VIA ALLIANCE. f|lliK shortest, quickest and wonl rvli&Me route to Toledo, X Chicago, Keek L;Uikl. Gule’m, und St. Lruls, ir VIA CLEVELAND. Tbir route !:• One UuniioJ mihv> td»ort**r snd about mu? hours quicker than the circuitous »in: via ludianai'ohn. Two Daily TraliPJ fr.*uj Pittsburgh to Cleveland. Three Daily Trains from Cleveland to Chicago. Time to Cleveland six hours, Uhicago twenty throe hour*, and st. Louin thirty eu hours The Tralußof the Ohio and IYuua. Railroad leaving I’itu burgh at 2.00, A. SI. and y.OO, A. M., ix>nnect ut Alliance for Cleveland as follows : Trains for Clavebrnd leave A lliauce at o 60, A. fil., *ud 12.00 N., conu.-cling ut Hudson with Trains fur Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, and arriving in Cleveland at A. M. anJ 2.20 P. M, and bo:h oonuectiur with Trains for Toledo, Chicago uud St. l->uis ut 9.00 A M uud 2 4.'* P. M. The Roo p. M. Tralu fri iu makes uo connpr tion fur Cleveiand. Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, St. Loulis Kook Inland, Galena, and the North-west, who wl«h to go through with out detviniou, will take the train leaving Pittsburgh at S 00 A. M- and arriving In Cleveland :>.t 2.20 P. M., on that is the only train hr which Mope connections are inode at nr beyond Chicago. Ftuviungerp by this train reach Chicago at 8 00 next morning, and St. Louis at midnight. Baggage choeh'-J through to Cleveland and Chicago. FAKE VIA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND. l*fclau. 2J cl's. To Alliance %2 30 •* Cler-lund ... 4 00 “ Toledo d 5*J “ Dvlreit T W 11* “ Chicago... $12413 $104" “ Bh',)mingl ..16 1"J 14 4u *• Hi. Louis ....21 DO 1 (3 f»u Passengers are requested U> procure their tickets at the offlt-e of this Company, iu the Moitongahela ilouee, third door bolovr the ccroer. lou.auo t opies : >T EAM BOAT DISASTERS i.N , _ WESTERN WATERS, AND IjUgfimJ* dS&fIBsTEAMHCAT DIRFXTOUY —Th«aß9ffi9fe uudttrMgoi-d have now in r.-.-urse of preparation a new STEAMBOAT DIUKITFvdRY, which will i«e issued in October next, the booh will contain over two hundred pagw., illuw trated iu the W.-d idvle, and neatly bound lu n durable manner. IT WILL UK ONE OF TllK MOST INTKHBST ING BOOKS EVKK PUBLISHED. and w ill be « book that will l*> interesting to ?dl oU*-*.-. ~f The STKAM BOAT DIKKCI’ORY wul -i.i.lhin a ■- mpL-te list and de scription i*f all Uie Ssi-sUiboiil" now afloat nu the \Vextern and Southern wut»T* The bn'fh. model, upevd, power and tonnnee of ra-h boat, wh-ru and by whom built, the name of the bout, wnh the :r-.de «hr t*. in. Al-*o. the miinep ol Captains and nfiieere, her age, Ac., Ac. The Directory will cvntxln « hu-torv id Steiuu!. .»l- unJ Steam N.aiing nu : the YVVetern water* einre the application of steam 1 alr.o, a [ sketch of t l»e hr*l bout built f..r the Oh;*> River, w llh the 1 name «.f the builder, commander and •. hii*t The IUVKU PIKKCTuRY will contain a Ibd and d-—-np ti-.u of all the STEAMBOAT DIHAfTKIIS Hint h..ve a.v«r r-4 on life WESTERN and SOUTHERN W AT FILS, U*au;l tullv illustrate.], with a LIST oF Al.f THOSE M l|o lla\K i’KIUAHf.D IV TUKIK MfRNING, SINKING AND KXPL*>t)I Nu, in tti - and Southern Tin* Directory will contain Map;-- <1 tti>* Ohi--, Mi.vtOTppi Mlee«'uri, Illinois. Arkan*-*.-, Whin*, IW, oua-hllm, Yar---, and other lUvt*re, with tii** Tf w □« and Ci: i.m lnl.l d«-u u, » it u corTtvt diet anew, u)*n many other River and C>»ninjer<-l*l item? of interest to the lef-plj ut Urge Tt.r t«t>»'»k will .utaiu the card? of the various U S Mail Boat.*. ami the .rude they n r«* in. Ac , A- The D.rvl-.ry will ai*--> 'outaln h ouuipb-te lint of all the 1 e*q>one»blr SteamU at IjcentitM OUlci’rfl, th.-lr pUeen of tfMileu'i', Ac , Ac : the n«w Steam Law, It.i r<'iuirein.-ut>., with ounimem*, ahuwintf wherein it 6.-n. JUi the uiC.’mj-'U;il and injures the b t'J ••//uvr, Ac , Ai' . uu 1 nil tlie lm{->rtAul U Su preiu- t.V.urt Steamboat LWjeione up t<. d«t-. the and ImpniLint l- mmeroial i*rivlleg.-. Hiit> f l.tulmg. uu |M>rtuiit ol the vark'Ue U > C>>urt* ui regard tf Freight? Lc»t and Damag.xl, A<- , A, , with many ..th- r, things of interest. T*ie Dlnvh-ry will tr- Ulnott in ttm U»-1 ct > b *t>d priute.,l in the b--t manocr. The author ha» fi>: -.x i'»r tireu gtUhering li.golher nil the fact* anJ H- in regard to tho uumerouH rteainl»oai dlsni'.ter> <•:» the \W—trni and Southern wah’n, and new lub-nde them in book fertu The ptic.e of th~ work will be put at the lew euui id t_>t>a Dollar. Ten th->ua%nd eopie.i will l>e issued t'-r tdi». UntDirii; all I'tlnr-i Jedruu* id rute'crihing will hate to do «• at once, a? none w',ll tw* p«int»*d uulrwi order'*! In Hdbwuce. Th».: wprk 1-* d«wtin«*.l to have a circulation d over EIGHTY TUCIiSAND c.iple-, as the putdishnrn ore receiving larc- numher*' i f sobcLrtU re, j«-r mail, fo-m all parte <>i the country, tUttly Some ;if the dd-oh“d. Moneye lurentesi ou Mortgage or other security. Title? exatnine-l and title paper? Jrnwu (iflir*. on FOUIITH ctreet, a fvw diHini a'a)Vt> SmlthtielJ Pittsburgh, Mari-h 28, 18&&—j mh2B:d*w ] A, W. t>'oat«r t NCTARY PUBLIC, and CoinminaiooeT for the States ol Tonne?-?*?*, New Hampshire, Conne>?tkut, Wiaeonnlu N«w York, Michigan, Inva, Cnllforola and Virginia Din.-J? drawn, and acknowledgments aud privib* taken fur rwco-d or U?e iu any of the above nauie-1 Sbile.-, lilimiu-, Mksiwippi and Kt. .de Island. Pittsburgh, Mareh 18. r .fi—|mh2Sd*« 1 VbMCS .'V M.)So*i ,\HL*LA Na\Jo%TJ.jN , I Plttehurgh, duly 12, l*mf« j BY authority of a Supplement ti* the Charter • ! ihi Company, approv*-! the i.th ’«> of Juuuury, li.'V, r* ■ juiriu,? the Company to extend the improvement nUive BrowiiHville, and aulhuriuug the upplitoUoo ol Uie tolls of the Company to that object, and the distribution of new idor.k amongst the stoekhuldera to un amouul equal to ihe earnings of Lhc Company thu« expend« J—the Trea«ur»’r bai* been instructed to dirftribute amougHt the MtocLhoidern, in tiew stock, Four perceut. uprrn the amount held by them respectively, which will b*« plare-l to the credit of their slo* k account? (ui the hook? of the Oimpanv. r I I UK lnt»*r*—t f! J. Childs m our Sn;i . hi.' that will «ur<'. U-- will warrant a cure lu any «os-* of kind. Thie roim-ly writ- Uevar kuowu to fail •lien |-rop<-rl> «-r.-.| with ManyuuKiT the torturp-.-f thlHeompluiut f.>r un-ulhi-aud years, when a few month.- would pnKtiiv n .i-rUln, tmf,- and speedy remedy. Office and Private Guu.iulUng Rooms, No. A 1 DIAMOND alley. j«26 Dll. LtROWN cmiiinues l*. b*« cuu-mlled lor Lite cure ol SECRET DISEASES. His succobh In long sl-uiding caw» is unequalled. Thu afflicted are invited to cull with out delay. Persons ulllieted with Venereal DIaeiLNUH, Rheumatism, Plies, or Seminal Debility, should not delay to get hi* advice. Lettore containing a fee immediately answered. Office and Private Rooms, No 11 Diamond alley, Pitts burgh. je'ifi CHARTER'S NEW BOOKS at DAVISON’S, 05 Market d-- ' Emily Vernon ; or Fillul Piety Exemplified ; Philip Colville, a Covenanter's story, l-y Grace Kennedy; Family at Ileatherdal", f.r the lutluemee of Chris llan Principles, by Mrs Ma-kay ; William Wilberfnrre, nr th>- Christian Statesmen, by Collier, The Dead in Christ, their SLite, Present and Fu lure, by Dr. John llrowu, author of Kxponiunu of Ist Peter, Ac., Ac ; Prayers of the Apostle Paul; Stray ArroWH; Works of Philip Henry; Jacuby Notes, vt is t and L\ Memoirs of Oberiln ; Rich aud P«-or, by Ryle; Ashton Cottage ? Manual for the Young; Footsteps of HL Paul; jed R. B. MASON WANTED— Cooks and House Servants for private faui Hies and hotels. Ladies who need Nunies or any kind id f.-malu help, utid gentlemen who want Clerks or Salesmen oj buelucss habits, with good references, Garden era, Caning,. Drivers, or Men 1 or Boys to do any kind ol wo:k, can bo supplied at BARR'S INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 410 Liberty Btrest. Uai vest UtmJ.- wanted - high wages paid. jy'JO A A. MASON A CO. huve ju*t opened 40 pieces of Wool * .Jr ru ? L * d “ l lvllUl l'*f yard. Also, another lot ot tnose i'lne Lawn Dresses at 50 and chi. jy27 1 Of ) 01 ‘be Very newest et) lea, IUo nelllng at *1 and $1,30, at Jy27 A. A. MASON A CU.’S, *d6 Fifth st. EGGS— 0 bbifj, in fine order, rec’d on consignment aud for Bale by 1 jy27) ATWELL, LEE A CO. REFINED SUGARS—76 bblii Crushed. Powdered and Refined White Sugars, just rec’d and for tale by jy27 ATWELL, LEE A CO OR superior House and Lot, No. 141~ on Fourth, above Smithfield streeL It Is offered at a low price. Enquire soon of THOMAS WOODS, jy27 No. 75 Fourth si. f|'AR —100 bbiiTN. o/Tar7larg« bbls, tn bne ord * p > lu Br 1 rive r.»i couHwnment. aud for sale by /yV7 ATWELL, LEfi « 00. ’.A PU •*!>w ■ - - , -'V-V RAIIffOADS CENTRAL ROUTE* UfrJaw. 2d cTt. To L» Salle.oo $l3 6t) •* Bock lel'd, IK 00 14 UO •* Galena 18 l& 11 W *' Springfield 18 7b 10 2u •' Burlington l'.< 00 1f» T*o •• i'r* ria ... is o 0 II w J. DUBAN L«, Sup'l, tdevelanJ. J. A. GAUUUKY, AgH, Pittsburgh W. U. COPELAND, Tr‘-«Mur**r of Moti. N'hv. C Pk\kl Ftexm | All-vh-'iiv, July lit!), Is.'k* | - llauvky t’iuu-1 and A-a. i-v mutual trr BRYAN, K KN N ED V A 0" HOTELS MANSION HOUSE* OEORQE AUIiENTZ, Pbopbjetoh, NO- 344 LIBERTY STREET, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Rallrord, which makes it the most convenient house In the city for paseehgera arrU viog by that road. The Proprietor haring, at considerable expense, fitted up, in excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of- publlo patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive W AGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. HU Larder and Bar will bo furnished with the beet the market can afford. foblry 8T . CL AIK HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets , Pittsburgh, Pi, undersigned, formerly of ‘‘Brown’s Hotel," having J. taken this large and commodious HOTEL, and having refitted it In magnificent style, would respectfully Invito his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. As sured, with the convenience of the house and his long ex perience In th« business, he;can give entire satisfaction, and bin i barges moderate fe1.22 \VM. 0. CONNELLY. CiUUL) INTEMT UOUSIfi, (10UNKR i>Y LIBERTY AND GRANT STREETS, near J tbe Railroad Depot. janlS.ly JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. WA VEKLKY HOUSE, 60 South Eighth street, between ObeHtuut uud Walnut, Philadelphia. (au2o:y THE UNION, NO. 11l Arch street, Philadelphia. T. 8. WEBB (late of the Eagle,) Proprietor. fauVSfcy UASKILL HOUSE, CORNER OF MAIN AND SOUTH STS., WARREN, O rpuE Proprietor taken pleasure in announcing to the X public that tbipneiv and elegant Hotel has been opened an a house o! entertainment. Being rommodioue and roomy, and adjoinlug the office of the Ohio Stngo Company, it offers inducement.* unsurpassed in Warren for the accommoda tion of the traveling community. A nh&re of public patronage is rospcctfully solicited, an 17 M..GABKILL. FUANKLIN HOUSE. CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. PAIIKKII 4 LAIHU, Proprietors. jylv:;txul TERMS $1,50 PER DAY. McfitlLliAN IIOUSK, jounstown, penna. ri\llE undersigned having takeu charge of the above I named House, and refitted It at a large expense, in u comfortable as well as elegant style, is now prepared to re ceive gueata, and give ample satiKlttctloa to all who u»»y pa rnnise the House. [aaSrU j JAMES DuWNEY. HARE’S HOTEL, | Late Farmer’s Excbauge.j NO. U 3 LIBERTY STREET, loo* of Filth street, Pitts burgh. SAMUEL HARE, Proprietor. Thin Hotel b entirely new, having juut been completed an.! opened for the accommodation ol the public. |aepl3 FRANKLIN HOI'SK, Cleveland, Ohio. / 1 PATRICK A SON, Phovuimtoos. —This Hour* ha* uu Jergone thorough aud esteu.-dTy repairs, alterations, aud large additloufl of new furniture, etc., and the proprie tori’ pledge themeelvep that nothing shall be wauling <-a their part to render the Fiub&ub a place whore all the com forts- of « fir?t clubo hotel can be found. jvl tt 0. PATRICK A SON FLUitENCE HOTEL, NO 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK (’.'oBDIATKO ON Til* CUIfOI’EiN I’Utl } UEUBEH LOVEJOY, REfaTAURANT^ WILKINS HALL, W C. OALLAOHEB, Proprietor. y.-u.rL‘ i siren, O'ttixu-n HvoJ and Smilhfield riMliS t'-tubhf'hmt'ut ha.* b-t*n leased by th«‘ aub- J. ecriber, aud ev*inp!et«ly renovated U« is at all hoard prepared to ill 01p L iiKi^ every luxury that can be It.nni in the best regulated n-aUaraols lu tbeSUtee. IIL- spacious Bar will alwuys bn supplied *Uh the very best Liquor*. Gaum of every de scription, iu its season, cau always be found at Wilkin* Hall. {j»pT| W. C UANK KUHANUK, THIRD STREET, BKTWKBN WOOD AND MARKET. riHlB Subscribers beg leare to inlorm their friends and X Lue publij generally, lhat they have leased the nUne well Knowu Restaurant, which has just been thoroughly renovated, repaired and re farnl.died, and now open. The proprietors have spared uo expense to make the Bank Kx o comfortable report, as »«11 f«>r the epicure os the Lujiitiess man. The larder will at all times be stocked with ll»e J.dicaclei* of the eraJK’U, and served up under the uilKpi .-.,s ol t-xperiencM cooks. Thwy respectfully oak fur the patr.-uace cf a generous publir COHNICOPI A « stars in the Shell or Mewed, tor cents adr-x.'U. 41* will »!«. furnish the best >*| everything thai the mat Let « ill affoli LL Ude alwa) until 3 0 clock In the morning marl3-tf >VKTLU N A LUON ANU KK»TA V KANT 10 b Vi Uu L* 3TKK hi T riAM K «ut s,-rU.er ha* now Ida *»YNTlilt SALOON AND 1 LATINO IIUL'nE per-frcD-i iu a manner that cannot !*• I f any »itniUr e»>taldld»ment In the city. if AM/.A \VILI. UK yKUYKD l /' AT ALL ItOt L. v Of nti D. 4 r, lr>.m th* tHotccit Strati, Kowti, Pliti, Ac., Act Mil itii Inl Par - - anm l 9urpA-»ed, and he vt .uld t raped full' .t. \ it** tiir fct'.-5.t1..,, f the pubtl t- it- UiIAKLEs c-ULL, ;»2u ruaetf Id'S Win.*.] *tr»rt 81. Clair Cager Ucer Urcwcry. r| 'll K undersigned reapncllully inform* the public that t* X Is unw fully prepared to trnu pi ivalc tamilic* and the pul'd*' generally, with Li* celebraL'J LAMiIH BKKIL lu l*-Uh- All i*rdern leU at Lir> Oliire, NO DIAMOND ALLEY Murar Wood street.) will l«> punctually fttt«n*led to, and tt.-j L* D* S.e a iUjsrrL'f aru> le, nul et-ry ether ac •* mm*, iaiiou about hl« b“Ur-*' .'.*tui:d t>v ei*s’llid til#. a 6 3m A. !• E.N l T 7-. tieunvli Ala WD KNOUbII. Kole H"Uh*r * f I'M 1 rtl> c.-l«bralM • Rennetl Alaand br» «n AI«j,L\ mm', u Ah and l\ rt< r, tn joart hqJ piut la-lUci*. Tr.ettUeutlou.il taiuiiw, aud the ti a le, ta raepectfutiy hMi it.-l. aull y Rllaaral Water aotl kariaparllla WM. D ENULIMi, Pitt etreet, Letnw peun, le t. w mauulaclurlrjrf au.l l«.*Ul. the uh*V" U'Yi'raj’ef- v'f the quality,and iiuf»clutcd Innu the purect material* ecllT.ly HOI’I'KKS IVITKNT PLANE r |' 11E un.ietr.t JS 'Di-d is prrpurnl to ; upply CAR PENT KIL?, 1 CAIONKT MAKEuy, mu 1 W.-rkerd lu Wood e lib Ll? I'liteotri &n ! valuable PLANE. I *. AH who hate tried it, prnut'uuco a mt>st valuable In v«Qliou. lh«t uuud prw>n com* Into s ’ tjeral u/i«*. Th« f*. 1 t wiiii< letter" from piuotlcul w .rkmen are but two many bdler" Uie Patentee has received ILL- Plane fth.M p all olhvrs iu uee PirrjLtiidu t*Tx.in Cjujinit Fxistoui, I February 'LI, lfihi. J We hereby certify, thut during the la**t twelve months we have u-***l lloppot Plane, and do not h«wll»tr to re-ointn»'uJ it lu Cwbluet Makers and Carp’Utem as iu perior io apy other Plane in We eou/ddsr it peculiarly ajuptei th planing oak, cherry, wuluut, aud all ik>rLs of bani wocid, and f*r veue-rc, it u far t*~ the ill m de • f scraping, hrsldw* a tfreat raving ol time. One man, by usln* lids Plane, util plane mure vpueer.i than fits ui«u cun ic by Any other plane or uirthcd lu use. 11. 11 Utas A Co. To Moit'i Y Eatos, K>j. /".jr Ar —I htivi* esaiomel Hopper's Patent Ucu-'h' 1 Plaue, and beli-ve it to a most excellent article h*r th” ur« lor which it it luteuJ*d,a* a .eiublnaLiou o* plane nod isruper. 1 1 O pariioulai ly u laptcd to v *-«•■*t s, an I It Joe* not n«julre nue fourth the llm- or lat-ir of the old tneUiod; and l tiuve uo doubt, wbi'ii IU properties In.'onje generally kDnwn, bat that it will entirely uparsodo the former te- Jl>)ub iiud lalK*rious difib*m. I most cheerfully roctswmend it t- all persons in the Cabinet buslnoas, as from my knowledge ol It, then* U nothioij os well Dited to *ive a suns'lli and beautiful flulsb to voDwre us the Uopper Patent lieueh Plane. Jaml- W' Woouwul, Furniture Warerooms, v»7, \'.i Third st-, Pittsburgh. I'Ulsburyh, February *i7, i s;»6. MUSEH V. EATON, of thin city, in toy Role Agent for the naif (.l-Ptaaefl, or of rights to manufacture and Bell them WM.O. IIOPPEII. I'lU.shurrfh, March 21, ISW—(mh2l tf) DUKK’S AlttitCANTlL.ftd coj-1.e:6 Id,‘ UPEN DAY AND EVENING, throughout the Summer. DvIUBUJ ENTRY BvX)K KEEPING, Taught /ruin Duffs System ol U.h>li keeping, HHintlcU'-d by the Chamber uf Cuiumeic« nl Now York a.i the must per -t work upuu m-.-c.unlf) ihjm hr use i'lUUl-K ENTRY STEAMBOAT BOOKKEEPING, eight u ij e ol n Uutt - illu-traliug re Hhlpmmits ul It.dghl and poavetigeoH, o-vo-rH’ fettlemeiib', belure mid niter Mile ol U»e viw-.d ; trati-ifers of nwuors’ -hareH, and ftb.-r Important matters not attempted iu atiy ol tbe oue- Irip eynteuis of HLmmboat Book keeping in use PENMANBUIP Taught by Mr J. D. William-*, the only pruieadonal teacher uf peuuaanhip uow In the city. MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC, Embracing a new method of computing iuior«t,t, with all the most approved abbreviations iu tne.-cauUK' rouiputu tb-nS in use. MERCANTILE LAW. Although others advertise these lectures, this will be found the only lustitutlon in the city where they are reu'U larly delivered. -tt#*C»ll and get a Circular aud sample of Mr. Williams' Poumunsbip before engaging elsewhere. iMKLD BOOK FOR RAILROAD KNGlNKElLH.—Cunuin lng formula) tor laying out curves, determining frog an gles, levelling, calcalaliug earth-work, etc., etc., together with tablee of radii, ordinates, deflections, long chords, magnetic variation, logarathlms and natural signs .tan! gents, etc. etc., by John B. Ileuck, Civil Engineer. Pocket book form. $1,76. The object of the present work Is to supply 5 want very generally felt by Assistant Engineers on Railroads. Books of convenient form for ueo in the field, containing the ordinary lograrlthiuaLlc tables are common eoough; hut a book combining with these tables others peculiar to the Railroad work, and especially tho necessary formula) for laylug out curves, turn-outs, crossings, Ac., Is a desideratum which this work Is designed to supply. U. B. MiLiTAiu Acadsmy, West Point, April 18, 1554. Ikntlemtn: I have looked over “ Uenck’s Field Book for R&llroud Euglueere,” and tbiuk it well adapted lu tho ob ject Us author proposes, and have no question but it will be found a very useful and practical volume both for office aud field work. D. U. Maoah. Tuoy, April 31,1864. I am much pleased with Mr. Lleuck’a little manual, the “ Field Book ol Railroad Engineers. 0 With the presenta tion of some ol the most practical and useful of recognized among railway ongiueors, he has given others which, uewut least in thuir present form, appear to possess a mint of higher value than that ot mere uovclty—thut of being In general dusceptible of available, not to say desira ble, practical use. Iu conclusion, while l think thodesign of Mr. Henck's book is such as to adapt it excellently well to professional needs. I have pleasure in expressing my cordial satisfaction with its execution, alike with tbe per spiculty of arraugement effected by tbe author, and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by his publishers. B. Fhasklui Gbkknji, U. K. and Director of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. For Bale by WILLIAM 8. HAVEN, Dealer In Engineers’ Stationery, ftu3 Market street, corner of Second. VARIETIES! —A Cottage House in Allegheny for sale. Price $7OO. A Brick House and Lof for $750. A amall Frame House aud Lot on M. uut WaMilagtou fors46o. Binuli Furiufi in Ohio and Virginia for sale on easy l«nns, by Uyl4| 2. UUTHBERT i f*..\ I4q TlurJ et. * * vf- *3* '* INSURANCE COMPANIES. Increase of Cash Capital TO half A MILLION DOLLARS! ASTNA INSUKANCK COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.—CHARTERED 1819. Cash Capital, ------- 9500,000 lins TIUBTY-BIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT of the Asset. of the ASTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hart for-1, as furuißhed this agency ou the Ist of January, 1866, under oath. Real Estate, unincumbered $ 16,072 06 Hcrenty-two Mortgage Bonds, 6 and 7 cent, pay able semi-annually 72,000 00 Debis due the Company, secured by mortgage... 7,313 17 Bills Ueattvablo, well secured, payable at Bank... 126,327 33 Railroad Stocks In Connecticut 07,616 00 Bank Stocks In the city of Hartford 142,896 00 Bank Stocks in New York cliy 98,060 00 Cash on hand, In Bank, and In hands of Agents and others. $773,278 03 The Amount of liabilities due or not To all parte of th« World. FkanjuTfl, ) INLAND INSURANCES On goods by rivers, canals, lakes and land carriages, to allpartsof the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandize generally. On store*, dwelling houses, 4c. ASSETS OF TUB COMPANY, November 7,1555. Bonds and Mortgages $*24,300 00 State of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city, Spring Garden, Southwark, and other loans, 42 Stocks in banks, railroads and insurances corn paulea 24,012 20 BUJt* receivable 150,825 frl Cash unhand 16,071 30 Balances In the hands of Agents and premiums on Marino Policies recently Issued ....121,707 67 Subscription Note* 100,000 00 tUUCTOW: I Dr. B. M. Huston, Hugh Craig, Hoencer M’llyain, i Charles Kelly. Bainuel K. Stokea, Henry Sloan, James Traijoalf, Win. Eyre, Jr., Joshua L. Brice, JamrsTennent, John U. Semple, Charles bchailer, J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, t B. T. 0. Morgan, do. 1 WM. M AKTIN, President. TUOS.C. HAND, ViceProrldent. Joaaru W Cowan, Bac'jr. P. A. 51ADEKIA, Agent, marlfl No. 8S Water street, Pittsburgh. Tt>« Prankila Vlra iamranca Company, Of I‘hUaddvhia, Ptr.nxylxxmia. DIItEUTOUS —Cfcarisa W. Bancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wanner, Samuel Grant, Jaoob It. Bmlth, Geo. W. lUch ard«, Monlecal D. Levis, Adolphi K. Boris, Darid 3. Browns, Morn* Patterson. _ Cuaa. N. Baacaia, JVr/fcisr.r. Wm. Martin, J»#»»»pb Li. Beal, KJmuud A Souder, Juho 0, Darla, Robert burton, John IL i'enroee, George U. Lrlpor, Kiward Darlington, li Jones Brooke, J. U. Johnson, Jutues 0. Hand, Theopilus Paulding, James B. M'Farland, W 0. Ludwig, J. BUU AND ELM Lit Ett, U. B. FILANCH Guv* O Uascita, Secretary. J2ou:iUnuo to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every iesrrii-tiou of property, Id town and country, at rattv as low a.« are rwiiirdeut with wrurity. The Company Imre rwwrvrd a large Contingent Fund, whi.-h, with tbeir capital axi<4 premiums, eaM-y lot rated. af f.rd ample protection to the araured. Tin* Ai;.k*Uj s-f the IVaipeuy* on Ji&uuary L,t, an pub lij*?!' 1 1 ugretrebly to an Act of Axurmbly, were a/i follow-), vit: Mortgage OS Ural Estate *4,37? 73 Temporary Loans M.tfGti 17 Stocks 61.SSP oJ Oa.il, Ac 04,340 Si _ total .. $U212,:0H 44 — Since their locorj*oralicn, a period of twenty-one year#, they have paid upward of (Joe Million Pour Hundred Thou eaud Dollar*, by fire, thereby affording evidence of the windage* iA Insurance, as well as the ability and dtapoai- Don to meet with promptness ail UabUttiee. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Ageut. apW OQse, Dorth-eaat cor. Wood and Third *U TIIK UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY and trdst company, rniLADELPUIA. CHAHTKBKD APHID 26TH, 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. C’JRN KR OP FOURTH Authorised Capital, $300,000. INSURE DUILDINQS and other property agaiuet losu or damage by Fire, and the peril* of the J»*a un i lulnu.l Navigation and Transportation. CT : Wostarn Imurancc Company, PiUiburgh. U. MILLER, Jr.. President. I F. M. GORDON, Secretory CAPITAL, $300,000, W ILL inaura against all kinds of risks, PIKE and.MA UINB. All losses will he liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A llome Institution, managed by DiascToas wbo are well known In the community,aDd who are determined, by promptnessand liberality, to maintain the character which they hare assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. Dircciort.—R. Miller, Jr.,O.W. Mckatson, J. W. Butler, N. Uolmea, Jr., W. U. Smith, 0. Ihmfion, tleorgo W. Jackaon, Wm. M. Lyon, James Llppcocott,George Derate, James Me* Auley, Alexander Nlmlck, Thomas Scott. 03. Office, No. W Wetor street, (Werabouseof Spang A Oo , ups talra,) PitUburgh. n0?24:1y Ornamental Hair Work. The beet quality of material U furnished, and entire satisfaction guaranteed. myl&uUwly fpH• ” ' “ iAT LAND RKGISTKRbsaued by Thomas Woods, ami w*. away to all at 76 Fourth street) describes a great variety of Farms, Houses and Lots. Those wanting homes would do well to get a Uegiater. On It is described a fsw due Ooontry Beats. ijrtj THOMAS WOODS. .■*'« ' «P V PAID UP PAID UP CAPITAL 8250,000. Office, S. E. Comer of Third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Vfizrn of L\i Uome Hoard of Philadelphia: DIIIOTO «• Stephen R OrawforJ, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, Benjamin W. Tlngley, Geo. M'llenry. Jat'nb L. Florence, Jaiues Devereux, William M. Godwin, William M'Ke*. President —Stephen R. Crawford. Ptce t'reruicnl —Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Exsjninrr, Piilstnxrgh —Jam** U. Willson, M D. Allegheny CVp—II. U. llowry, M. D. QKO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, oarlT.y No, 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. PEN NBYLVAHIAT IN 8 URANCECO MPA NY ~ OF PITTSBURGH, AND SMITH FIELD STREETS. biuicroa*. Wm. V. Johnston, Body Pattereon, W M’Cllutock, Kennedy T. Frletid, U. M Long, I. Grier Spnmi, A. J. Jones, George It Whits, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, James M Neeley, W. 8. Haven, Wad*' llamptou, D. ILPark. 11 It. Ooggnball. lion. WM. V. JOHNSTON. President. UODV PATTERSON, Vice President. A A CAutita, Secretary and Treasurer. M 5. Caju.ua, Aaaistant Saniotary. deciLGin WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. NKW GOODS! I Watouis, Jswfimt, SiLvaa Waub, MIUTAHt UOODB, Ac., WIIOLBSALi AHD ItlTAlL.—Coun try Merchants and strangers visiting our city are request ed to call, aa wo can serve them ah well, and we think b> t t«*r, than they usually are sorted In Eastern cities, besides them a responsible guarantee—an Item difficult to obtain In many ebons. Silver Detached Lovers $lO to $16,00 Do Cylinders 7to 10,00 L' dies’ Gold Lever and Leplno Watches, $26, and upwards. Gentlemen’s do do do $36 to $2OO. Chains, Seals, Keys, Penoils, Spectacles, Pens, Lamps, lu excellent variety, and at lowest prices. Watch Ur pairing done promptly and In a superior manner. All work and all goods warranted. W. W. WILSON, 07 Market sereet, corner of Fourth. JOHN LIT'ILKi Jr., Agout, No. UOl Lunar* HTRtKT. LlAti JUST RECEIVED the lollowlug very choice ar XX tlolee:— BRANDIES. Genie Brandy, (very fine,) Otard Dupuy A Co. (ouper.) Marrett A 00. Soxerac. Jamaica, Santa Crux. GIN. WINES. Barela! Madeira, Uoward, March A 00., Mad'rt East India Madeira, Table do Amontillado Sherry, Manzanillo do Table d 0 Cooking d 0 Beeswing Port, Pure Juice do Ordinary do St. Julien Claret, Malaga Dry, Do Swei-t, Cbampugut'B, Anchor, Verzeney, Liuldeseck, Together ; with all other bueiness. Uoguet, London Cordial, Schnapps. BUNDUIES. ltntherford’s Scotch Ale, Barclay's London I’ortcr Wild Cherry Brandy, Absinthe, Anise the, Ouracoa, Sardines* . Mocha and Java, Young Uye. ond Black Teas English Bronson Cheese, ’ Imported Havana Clgare, of various brands, Old Monongabela Whisky of all grades. ’ articles connected with the my29;d*w WIG MANUFACTORY. MRS. RENTER, Hub doors from the Aqueduct, opposite (he (XiUector’s Oifict AUiGUBNY CITY, U * Iti PREPARED TO PILL ORDER* FOR WIO», ana all kind*] of BANKERS AND BROKERS. AUSTIN LOOMIS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Office, No. 62 Fourth it., above Wood. NOT.ES, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on colla terals, negotiated. Stooks bought-and sold on com mission. Land Warrants bought and sold. particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Copper Stocks. All communications atiented to promptly. WM. U. WILLIAMS JA3. 8. W'VAV. Will. H. William. * Co,, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, zV. E. Corner TFood and' Third itreets. All transactions mad© on liberal terms. Collection© of Bills, Notes, 4c., promptly attended to. jan2Q:lw n’CUNdKLLa Wllil/OCK, BANKERS, AND Dealers in Exchange, Dank Notes, Gold and Silver Coin. Currant and Far Funds received on deposit. Stock© bought and sold on commission. Collections made at any point in the United States. South East corner of Market and Fifth streets, myll PITTSBURGH. PA. 212,605 00 ARTHURS, RODGERS & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. CORNER OF FOURTH AND SHITHFIELD STREETS, au2:om Pittsburgh, Pa. II.IUOTKI. PATRICKS A FRIEND, BANKERS AMD EXCHANGE BBOKEBB, liarx Removed their Office to the Corner of Fifth and Wood ett. PITTED {RUSH, PA. 1) ATiUCKri ± FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers iu Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections.made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. ffob3 N. HOLMEB & SONS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BBOKEBB, UAVI OHIO VXD TOUR banking and xxosangi OF7IOI TO 80. 67 KARRI? STRUT, JOUR DOORS SHOW OLD STAND. N HOLMES 4 BQNB, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, • and Dealerß In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, 811* vsr and Bunk Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly fur Hale. Collections mode in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 07 Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. [ ja3o:ly TIKRNAN * CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. 96 Wood Strut, corner of Diamond Alley, PITTSBURGH, PA., BUY AND SELL Bank Notes and Ooin; Discount time exchange, sud promissory notes; make collections In ail the principal cities of the Udloq. Receive deposits on call and on interest, and give their prompt attention to all other mutter* appertaining to a Broker's business. Eastern Exchange constantly on hand. mart JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, duub in Exchange, Commercial and Bank Note*. oTOCK bought and sold on commission. Collection* O carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. 44T*No. Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. Bank declfi HILL L CO., BANKERS AND KXCUANQE BROKERS, CORRIB Of WOOD AlfD fIfTH STRUTS. OIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for O sale. Time Bills of Exchange and Notes discounted.— Gold, Silver and Bauk Notes, bought and sold. Collections made in all the principal cities of the United States. De posits received of Par and Current Funds. [mar27ly uxxs a&AKaa, idwahd baum, florehcs »uan. KRAMER & BAHU, RANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUY AND SELL Gold, Silver, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loans on Real Estate or Stock Securities; purchase Promiaaary Notes and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and sell Stocks on Commission. Collections made on all points In the Union. (my l 0. E. ARNOLD A CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and Tune Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. Stocks bought and sold on commission. No. 74 Fourth next door to Bank of PlttsVg. [selB Domestic and Foreign Exchange, Bank tfoUsUGold and Silver Bought, Sold and XschangetL at the EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE Of WILLIAM A. HILL A CO., 64 wood siaan, pmasußoa. lnterest allowed on time deposits. [ janlE Yuoaraon hill. „.... M jao. a. o&cauar. THOMPSON BELL A CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Comer of Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, Pa: THOMAS WOODS, COMMERCIAL BROKER, "C* AND DKALXB IK note*, Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, fte., No. 76 Fourth st., Pittsburgh, Pa. [ ja^ Clinmlotti's Loan Office, NO. 100 SMITHFIELD STREET, NEAR FIFTH.— Money loaned on Gold and Silver Watches, Silverware and other valuable articles. aullaily CLOTHING STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. ¥AUILMfcKL\ of the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty J street, which has won an unbounded popularity under hi* utci« of the THREE BIG DOORS, have, fur the pur per** f-f ac’iuiiing more F*pao« fur their Immense bualnese, removed lu the .■■pacious building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where the; have now the most SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTUSI AHD READY MADE CLOTHING, Thai bail ever been offered to the public. ' principal object for this removal, la to give them mote farlllties for the WHOLESALE TRADE. They are prepared to sell Qoode at the L O WEST EAST EKE Elt l C ESI And they will warrant them to be as good as any mano (acluied lu thw Union. CUSTOM WORK, IS TUB btlT s-TV'LS, AHD OPOS TUI SUOKTX3T SOTICI. They have ou Land a full aud beautiful aosortmeut ol LOTUS and COATINGS, for FROCKS, DRESS, WALKINQ AND BUSI- Unr lmeratits are Identical with ihoea of oar customers, and we axsute tho public that our fidelity will not fall in Oiling all order* we may be fevw«d with. A#* DON’T FORGET TUB PLACE— No. 88 Wood Street, (kast sum,) oo&hsu or dlahohd allot. N. 1] —»W« Jobiroour patrons to underatand that wah»Te oo looker any connection with the Clothing Business oq Liberty street. Our attention is daYOted excloslYel; to ,l ‘ u 9 Uouf« abc-Te designated. tnar23 john M’QLos&yy * co. Fall and \V Intar OCodal ' EDMOND WATTS. MERCHANT TAILOR, no. 186 LIBERTY STREET.— I hare d«w on hand a large stock of Fall and Winter Ooola. Overcoatings, of entirely new designs; Plush Vest ■F*S of the most beautiful patterns; French and English Ua«.lm»'rwi, of every style and shado In tho market, all of wblrh I will make to order on the moat reasonable terms, and warranted to («ult. * SPIIISO GOODS* - JUIiT UECEIVKI) AT JOIIN McOLOSKEV i CO’B Whole s.lo Gio thing Warthouso, NO.SB WootDtrrot,and corner or Plcmctid •Hey, the largest and most varied stock of gi'oOfi that this celebrated bouse has ever had the pleasure of Inviting the attention of the public to. These goods hare been purchased from first hands, end, consequently, no second profit on them, which leaves us able to say that we can and do **ll at as small profits as any house la the east ern cities. Therefore, w« respectfully invite tho attention of wholesale dealers and country merchants, In general, to {?lth us a call, and examine our extensive assortment of UEAP\ MADK OLCIIIIKQ. It is almost Impossible to enumerate the quant i > of Immense piles of garments that t* to be seen at this li i e establishment; It is sufficient to «ay thnt it has uover t.-».n equalled by the house itself- JOHN McOLOSKJSY & CO « loihiaffi f ¥ > U E undersigned respectfully lnformßfhlß friends »nj the X public that he b now receiving at hbfitoro.No. 177 Lib erty street, a choice assortment of Cloths, Caadmeres and \ eatings, of the latest and most desirable styles, which he b prepared to make to order In the mo6t fashionable man nor, at abort notice, and on tho mostreasonable terms. We havealeo on hand a large and well manulhcturcdstock of wady made Clothing, to which we Invite the attention of buyers, either wholeuale or retail. Persons who purchase goods for cash, will find It to their •draut&ge to call at 177 Liberty street, before making their purchaser [mart>J 0. CONNER. Miw Clothing Store, " NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY r I'ill£ subscriber has Just opened this new establishment, X whoro h# has always on hand a large and choice assort, mentof all articles of CLOTHING, which he warrantsoauai to auy ‘ Q tho cUy * * uJ Beil at the most reasonable ori ces. The public are requested to give him a call * B. OPPKNHKIMgfI. uackeepera. WK have now opened one of tha largest Blocks of CHINA. UhAtts and IjU KENSW AFtK, eu table for housekeepers lu lh» city, and Intend Bolling at y,rv low prices. Wo will soil a handßomo Bot of White Tea Ware, consisting of forty-eight pieces, for the low price of Four Hollars, and all other Uooda In proportion. Our Btock being largo owing to the dull season jnsl passed, we are detar mined to wort It off at low prices. We have just onened some beautmil shapes of White Stone Meat table do; Covered IHshna for atewedchicken,etc.,etc Also! ni>mo vory handsome now styles of Wuter Piters i n 6 euU tiro ttmS - * hW ' ha '° Put dOWn ln prlco 10 . PUKNOU CHINA. tvw Have Borne twenty difforent styles of French China 1 m ®f t8 i Q o'l some bcautful Gold Band Dinner sets*—all of which we are selling at toast twenty-five per cent, below former prices. HOUSE FURNISUING GOODS. Our Block of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Walters, Britan* n*® Ware, Girandoles, Solar Lamps, etc,, la large, and wo will sell them at very low prices. GLASS WARE. On hand and receiving, a Urge stock of Boston and Pitts burgh Glass Were, which we will tell at manufacturer's prices. Our stock of common Teas, Plates, Bowls, Dishes, Pitch ers, and every article suitable for country or city trade, la Urge, to which we invite the attention of city and country merchants, as we will sell them vory low for cash. liouuekee pars and others In want of COMA? China and Oueuuewaro' will do well by calling at the GIIINA HALL, No. ti'i Market, between 8d and 4th eta., Opposite (lev U White. HO.USEB, STOiUMIOOMd, WAREHOUSES. Ac., TO LET I— LatarauxviUe—A comfortable Dwelling House of hall, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, four bod rooms, Ac 4 garden and good water. Allegheny Oily —A Two Story Brick Uouse, newly painted and papered, on UoMneou street, near the canaL Bent $lO per month. Ml. Washington—A Dwelling House of three rooms, on liigh Btreot,with largo yard, Well, Ac. Bent, $7 per month. Pittsburgh— A large Three Story Brick, No. 20 Third rent $176 per year. Nos. 31 and 27 Duqueano street; each bouse is two stories, with basement, cellar, yard Ac. Two Warehouses on Water street. A large Store-room on Fourth street. Together with others. Apply to S. CUTUBERT A BON, je!6 140 Third street. JULY MAGAZINES — Godey'e Lady's Book, for July—2o cents; Ballou's Magaalne, “ “ 10 •« Yankee Notions, “ M 12 '* Frank Leslie’s N.Y. Journal, Id “ North British, for May. The above just received by Express. Also, a largo lot of BOHOOL. fiL>ppTfiAL and Misollaneous BOOKS and STA TIONERY for sale at COST, and no humbug: OaU at LAU PEER'S BOOK STORE, 87 Wood street, If yon want to gfat a Übeap Library. )e2l CLOTHING. NESS COATS, COMMON WARE. MISCELLANEOUS SUPERIOR. *“■ wwomib. Hi * litnftted ou tho Bay .of Superior end j- W«r aithe teod or take Superior, and possesses A BETTRU PITH, A BKTBK lIAHirOB AND GREATBRADVANTAaEaPOKACOMSmmALCIT^ thwr any other point in the Northwest: and is euualled in prospective Importance by Gtlcagobnly.' * The Proprietors have u clear, undisputed and unincum bered title to the land apoa which SUPERIOR la laid out, and all purchasers Of lots receive warrantee deeds for the same. Superior wa3 laid out during the poßtaoißon, and already contains several ba&dred Inhabitants, a Hotel, % number of Stores, a Commodious Her, with Warehouses, and la in all respects the MOST FLOURISHING NEW TOWN in the Wost The County Seat, the United States Land Ofllce and Post Office are located here.. The Mississippi and Luke Superior UNITED STATES MILITARY ROAD, now in course of construction, connecting with St. Paul, terminates at this place. It IS also the Lake termini of all the projected railroads to the bead of Lake Superior. The “ Boo n canal will bo opened in June; after which, four lines of Lake Steamers will run to Superior—one from Chi cago. two from Cleveland, and one from Buffalo; ail fine vessels, having been built expressly for this trade. One Steam Saw Mill is now In operation, and the machi nery for a second is now on the way to Superior, which will be set to work immediately on,its arrival. One-half of the lots have been appropriated by the pro prietors to be sold by the undersigned to actual settlers on easy terms, to provide a fond for extensive public improve-, meats. Liberal appropriations have been made for public purposes; parks, churches,railroads, Ac.’Ac. 49* In order lo correct the misapprehension arising from similarity of names, it Is proper to state that “Superior Oily,” about the title of which a legal controversy exists, is another and different place, and In a different township from Surxfiioß. 49* Maps of Supeaion are signed by Thos. Clark, sur veyor, and William IL Newton, agent and attorney for proprietors, and may be seen in the principal hotels of St. Paul, Galena, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, Buffalo, and other cities. All persons who wish to purchase lots, or obtain informa tion, are requested to apply to Was. Q. Nswroa, Superior, Douglas county, Wisconsin. WILUAM U. NEWTON, Agent and Attorney for Proprietors of Buporior. Board of Ileaiili Ziotlcw. INFORMATION has been made to the Board of Health that cases of cholera occurring outside of the city bare been brought within its limits for rellof. No doubt the frieuda of the sick are prompted by motives of humanity, jut it is proper they should be informed that they subject themselves to a eevere penalty by eo doing. The Legislature laws regulating this matter, In cases where the dißeasdila-malignant or contagious, In order that the densely populated oity may bo protected from ouy unnecessary scourge, which, when it has gained a footing, scarcely rests bo long as there remains a subject for its re morseless attack. The Board of Health are determined to enforce the law. If patients seized with cholera, or any malignant or conta gious disease, outside the city, must be removed to sny of the Hospitals, persons conveying them thither must haven permit from the Board of Health. The attention of all persons interested is called to the following sections of an act approved April 8,15:52: fixe. 0. That any master, commander, or other person having charge of any vessel or steamboat, violating any of the rules or regulations prescribed by the said Board of Health, under the provisions of this act, shall, upon convic tion thereof, by indictment or prosecution in any court having jurisdiction, pay o fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and paid into the treasury of sold Board of Health. Bsc. 7. That whenever the Board of Health shall receive Information that any malignant or contagions disease (measles excepted) prevails within any port or place withlo the United States, they shall make diligent Inquiry concern* ing the same; and IT It shall appear that the disease prevails as aforesaid, all communication with each Infected port or place shall be subject to such control and regulations es the Board of llealth may from time to time direct, and publish* in one or more newspapers published In the city of Pitts burgh ; and thereupon every person or persons, anil all goods, wares and merchandise, bedding and clothing from such Infected port or place, and having entered and been brought into the city of Pittsburgh contrary to such regu lations, shall be subject to the same penalties as la provided for In the preceding section. The penalties ef the whole act will be strictly enforced. By order. A. 0. MURDOCH, rhyslclan to the Board of Health. GEORGE FORTUNE, jy23 Health Office. DUki'F'B nKUBANTUiK COLLEaE, PjTTSBVSGEL PA. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE of Pennsyl vania, with Perpetnal Charter. P. DUFF, President, (author of the 44 North American Accountant,”) Professor of Book-Keeping and Commercial Sciences. ANDREW T. HOWDEN, Assistant Professor of Book- Keeping. JOHN D. WILLIAMS, the best off-hand Penman in the United States, Professor of Comtaercial and Ornamental Penmanship. N. B. HATCH, Esq., of the Plttabnrgh Bar, Professor of Mercantile law and Political Economy. P. HAYDEN, Principal of the Mathematical Department, Professor of Mathematics, Ac. F. L. APEL, Professor of the French and German Lan guages. This Is the only institution of the kind in the Western Btates conducted by a practical Merchant of many years experience in extensive business, and whose lectures upon all tho details and practice of business, as well as every de pertinent of Book-Keeping, are go deeply interesting to all young men of business, and which accounts for the supe rior attainments of bis students. His course of Steamboat Book-Keeping Is pronounced by an eminent accountant “ a perfect system for such books aoi accounts.” This is the on’y Institution In the city In which a Profes sor of Penmanship gives regular Instruction in that im portant science, and consequently the ouly one where a good hand writing can be oMalued. The course embraces upwards of 300 commercial calculations, many of Which are attempted by no other teacher. No specimens of Pen mnnsnip but those executed by Mr. Williams ore exhibited. Call for a Circular and specimen of his Penmanship. Duff's Book-Keeping, Harper's edition, $1,60. “ The most perfect in the language.” Duff's Steamboat Accountant, (1. “A perfect pro*' AS**Ail letters addressed to the Principal will bo tr dm ; answered. _ _ ’ ii? ptly PRACTICAL WORKS FOR MECHANICS > The American Miller, and Millwright’ , OTHERS. The Analytical Chemist’s Assistant; 0 Assistant; b J T^sf y anffi; Ch,!mL ‘ tIy ’ -»-• The Complete Practical Brow» dr . The Builder's Pocket Companion • The Practical Metal Wo: f irep.« . „ The Practical Model n b / Ryrne; Colburn on Locomotive Engines* P ’ cISSSs; UanJ ' bo ° ll Engineers and Ma The Complete Practical Distiller bv llvrna £? SJ“ “* JmK; Byrne ; by David Smyth; The D^ er Scourer; paaion* A63a * er, ®» Miner's and Engineer’s Com dew and Improved Table, by Pat Lyon; Perfumery: its Manufacture and Use, by Mortit; The Arts of Tanning and Currying, by Mortit; The Manual of Electro-Metallurgy, by Napier; The Palmer’s, Glider’s and Varnlsher’s Companies i The Paper Hanger’s Companion; The Practical Surveyor’s Guide, by Andrew Doffcau ■ Overman on Manufacture of Iron; Rural Chemistry, by Roily; Templeton on Steam and Bteam Engines; The Turner’s Companion; A Treatise on Box of Instruments and Slide Rule Walker on Electro typing; And numerous others, for sale by b. t. a Morgan; No. 104 Wood street, near FlftSb. PLEASANT BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING— I ife In California. Mountains and Molehills: bv Fr ank Maryatt. 1 A Visit to the Camp Before Sebastopol; by R. C. Me( or mkk, Jr. Which ? the Right or the Left; a religious novel. Lights and Bfadows of English Life; a novel, by tho -au thor of “ Belle of the Season. Note Book or an English Opium Eater; by Thomas De Oulncey. Clave Hall; by Miss Bewell, author of « Amy Herbert, ” 4 Tho Experience of Life,” etc.; 2 yols. paper, $1; lval. cloth, $1,25. Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; an autobiogri .- phy. Female Life amoog tho Mormons. DoosUcks* great book, containing all his letters. Star Papers; by Xlenry Ward Beecher. Now York Ceflauelo, or Fashionable Life. The Uelrees of Haughton, or the Mother’s Secret. Charles Dickons* Works, complete; 12 vols Trial and Triumph; by T. 8. Arthur. All the New Books published, for sale at the cheap Book Btoreof ,« u * miner A 00-, ___ aQ RL3 No. 32 Smithfleld street. npUE GREAT LITERARY DEPOT or' Pittsburgh Is at A H. MINER A 00.’S, No. 32 Bmlthfield street, where all the New Books are for sale. Clore Hall; by Mrs. Sewell, author of “Amy Herbert,” “ Tho Experience of Life,” Ac. Two vols., paper, SI: one vol., cloth, $1,25. . r * 9 A Visit to the Camp bdfore Sebastopol; 1 vol., cloth, $l. Trial and Triumph; or, Firmness In the Household. A new booh by T. 8. Arthur. Price 25 cents. One that pa rents ought to place in the hands of their children: Tho Heiress of Haughton ; or, Tho Mother’s Secret lly the author of “ Ravenscllffe,” “ Castle Avon,” Ac. Paper. 37 cents. Wulkna; or, Adventures on tho Mosquito Shore. 00 eu graving*; 1 voL, cloth, $1,25. Female Life Among tho Mormons; by the wife of u Mor mon Elder —giving a full description or their manuore and customs. 1 vol., cloth, $l. Chartes Lichens’ Works, complete; 12 vola., at 60 cents per volnme. an g3 Law Hoolca. I AM authorized to sell low some valuable Law hooks. 10 voU. Pa. Reports, by Barr; Courier's Institutes; Greenllers Evidence; Wharton's Digest, last ed.; And other Reports, Elementary Works, Ao. GEO. F. GILLMOKB, Bep2l at the oQloa of Morning PohL CIURIOUS AND SINGULAR PHENOMENON!—That Is, J Grey Hair restored to its natural color, with ail the strength and healthy growth of youth, by use of the PAIR COLORING FLUID. The singular adaptation of ingredients in this compound affects the small vessela at the roots of the hair, ana thus stimulates the natural secretion of coloring matter, giving tone and strength to Its growth. It also imparts to the hair a gloss and beauty unlike that given by any other preparation, and in every oase it will restore the natural color of the hair, where age or aioknese has turned it grey. Sold by [JyoO] S. L. CUTHBHRT, 140 Third st. |jIVKRYWUERE READ, EVERYWHERE admired, Xj and Everywhere Dolug Good.~The friends of a pore and wholesome literature will be gratified to learn that the readers of Henry Ward Beecher’s new book, STAR PAPERS, ere now numbered by Tens of Thousands, and still the demand for the work Is constant and unabated. Those who want a volume for Summer reading that is re- B rL ß ° 4 *L ftn ' l refreshing, should not neglect to get a cony of Star Papers. A more companionable book for the tour -Ist cannot bo found, while for family reading It la nnaur paased by anything before tho public. One beautifully executed 12mo. volume; price $1,25. 9 For sale by u. miner a CO , aug 7 No. 32 Smlthfleld street. A A. MAfluN A CO. have Just epened another large lot • of New Goods, comprising— -20 more cases of fast colored Calicoes; 10 do best makes Domestic Ginghams; 20 do different brands of Dleaohed Muslins * 40 hales do do Brown do; * With a large assortment of Checks, Tweeds. Ticking*. Summer Stolls, A&, Ac.; all of which will be offered at Semi-annual prices. aag 7 \ WEATHER TABLE FOR 1855 accompanies every A cake of HERPETIC SOAP. Price cents. This Soap is used for rendering the skin smooth, soft and white, removing sallowness, tan. and redness of the skin. Ail eh*.>a, chafes, Ac., on the hands, are healed by it. Sold at the fe&AL KSTATROFFIOB, 140 Third rt. jygp T7TVID PEN PICTURES—Every page glows with tho V scintillations of genius, and such la the writer’s graphic Sof description thatthereader Is taken away—all but —and made to see, as if present and visible, that is eo Inimitably described In HENRY WARD BEECHER’S STAR PAPERB, For sale at ' MINER A CG/8, jyli 4 No. 32 Smlthfleld street* -ft. ' ' .* ■ . A u*w and singularly rucoesiful . hlm.ijwii.' Remedy, for (her zatb ox 4il Jfllious K ahS& jQit t - -Diseases,. Costiveness', Indigestion, 7 JBngyrw' JaUQdlce, Dropsy; Rheumatism, Fe* f IflHflLA- vers, Gout, Humors; 1 Nervousness, ' I. IPggr- Irritability, Inflammation*. fUad* ache, Fains. In tha. Ureas., nidi,- fTHftj Rack and Limbs, FemaleGomptaUte, c Ac-* Ao. Indeed, very few are the in which a Purgative Medb is not more' or less required,and much 'sickness 'amLsjmering might be prevented, if a harmless but 'effectual*' Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel welfeyhllo a caustic habit of holy pre»' vails; berides, it soon.generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious nee of a good purgative. This Is true of "• Colds, Feverish symptoms, and' Bilious derangements. They ail tend to become or produce.the.deep-seated and formidable distempers which toad the hearses all over the laud. Hence a reliable family physic Is of the first Im portance to the public health, and this Pill has been per fected with consummate skill, to meet that An extensive trial of iti virtues by Physicians, Professors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing anything hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such ex alted positions and character as to forbid the suspicion of nntrutb. Among the eminent gentlemen who have testified in. favor of these Pills, we may mention— Doct. A. A. HAYEB, Analytical Chemist of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character Is endorsed by the Hon. EDWAR D EVERETT, Benator of the United States. ROBERT 0. WINTHROP, Ex Speaker of the House o! Representatives. ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plen. to England. fJOHN B. FITZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop of Boston also, Dr. J. R. OHILTON, Practical Chemist of New York Oily, endorsed by Hon. W. L. MARCY, Secretary of State; WM. B. ASTOU, the richest man In America; S. LKLAND A CO., Proprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certifi cates from all parts where the Fills have been nsed, but evi dence even moreconvincing than the experience of eminent public men. is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of tong investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of tbe medicinal virtues only of Vegetable Remedies extracted •by Chemical process in a state of purity, and comblnM to gather In such a manner as to Insure the best results. The system of composition for medldnea haa been found In Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than bad hitherto been obtained by any process. The reason la perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or lees of acrimonious and injurious qualities, by this indi vidual virtue only that is the curative effect ie present. All tbe inert and obnoxious qualities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self .evident that the effects should prove as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that many medicines should be taken under the counsel of on attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without know ing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formulae by which bo lb my Pectoral and Pills are made, to the whole body of Practitioners In the United States and British American Provinces. If, however, there should be anyone who has not received them, they will be forwarded by mail to his request Of all the Patent Medicines that are .offered, how few would be taken If their composition was knownl Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations Is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before Its effects were known. Many eminent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are willing to certify that tbeir anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregu lar action to health, and by correcting, wherever they ex ist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. Prepared by Dr. JAMES 0. AYER, Practical and Ana lytical Chemist, Lowell, Moss. Price 26 cents per box. Five boxesforsl. Sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., at wholesale and 1 stall, by every Druggist in Pittsburgh, and by all Dealers everywhere. je&4m.*d*w ASTHMA AND fONSOHPTION HEW AND VE U | WONDKRFII , BROUGHT DOME TO TL £ DOOR OF TUB MILLION A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recently been made by Dr. Onrtls, of ti ls city, in the treatment of Con sumption, Asthma, and all disease* of the Lungs. We r- * fer to “ Da. Curtis’s Htqcaiu, or Ihoauho lltoeab v -®* akd Cuskrv Sirup.” With this new method, Dr. r h ’ aPoß rtorvd many afflicted ones to health, as an evU*** he has Innumerable certificates. Bpeaki* ‘*s?£* , ment a physician remarks, “It Is evlji*' . •*£ . ,? e ,, : constantly breathing an agreeable, ► „ ut iunaliug—• dicinal properties must coma l'* vapor the whole ®rlafcßvities of the li>- • contact with the and varied changes prod’* Jge, andithus escape the many into the stomach, and * -«*J U P°“ wheQ , introduced Tho Ilvi»(»nr>n la tor bUbJect tO the ptOWSS Of digestion.” coanS -jftw - Bttle u all the Drugging throughout tho The Intel' , ' ark Dutchman of January 14. out the l' <>r Is worn on the breast, under the linen, wUb sufficJe* - ,ast inconvenience—the heat of the body being cur . .ut to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of cases of like the following, might be named: One package of tho Uygeana has cured me of the Asthma of six years standing. J. F. Kkesdury, P. M. of Duncannon, Pa. 1 am cured of the Asthma of ten years’ standing by Dr. Curtis’s Uygeana. MasaaoxT Rostov, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Paul, of No. 5 Hammond street, N- Y., was cared of a severe case of Bronchitis by the Uygeana. My sister has been cured of a distressing cough c f several years’ standing, and decided to be incurable by the physi cians. She was cured In one month, by tho Uygeana. J. H. Gaudsbt, Richmond, Me. The Rev. Dr. Cheover, of Now York, testifies of our medi cine in the following language: Niw Yore, Nov. 16,18&L Drarßir I think highly of Dr. Curtis’s Uygeana aa a remedy in diseases of the throat and lungs. Having had some opportunity to testify its efficacy, 1 am convinced that it Is a most excellent medicine, both the Syrup and Uir Inhaling application to the chest. N. U.—Dr: Curtis’s Uygeanu ia the OUIQINAL and ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE; all others are base imitations, or vile and INJURIOUS counterfeits. Shan them as you would POISON. 43** For sale by Dr. Geo. Q. Keyser, 140 Wood street; R. B. Sellers A Co.; Lee A. Beckham, Allegheny City ; John Sargent, New Brighton; C. L. Kalier, Rochester. | fmy!4:daw6ta Carter’s Spanish Mixture. THE QREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! Hot a Particle of Heronry ia it. LEI THE AFFLICTED BEAD AND PONDER!—An Iaf&lll t R«medy fbr Scrofula, King t Ktll, Rheuma tism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions. Pimples or Pustule* on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Ague anil Fever. Chronio Soto Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter,.Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudicious use or Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. 49" This great alterative medicine and Purifier of BlocU ; is now used by lx *.usands of grateful patientsftom all part ‘ of the United States, who testify dally to the remarkabl - *ures performed by the greatest of all medicines, “GAS- : TEE’S SPANISH MIXTURE.” Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Bores, Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the ; Throat,Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones ; and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and : Inestimable remedy. ; For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found ' to compare with It. It cleanses the system of all impuri ties, acta gently and efficiently ou the Liver end Kldneyß, : strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to Hie Stomach,; makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Const!- ■ tntlon, enfeebled by disease or broken down by theexcesses ' of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. ; For the Ladles, it is invariably better than all the cos- j. metics ever used. A few doses of Carter’s Spanish Mixture; will remove all eallowness of complexion, bring the roses ■ mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and 1m- * prove the general health in a remarkable degree beyond all' the medicines ever heard ot ' j The large number of certificates which we have reoeivsd j ' from persons from all parts of the United States, ia the best -• .evidence that there is no hnmbng about It. The press.* h otel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public .men, vein to aown to the community, all add their testimony to th** wi mderfol effects of this GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. tCall on the Agent and get a Circular and Almanac, and rea l tbs wonderful cures this truly greatest of all Medicine*' has performed. • Nt ne genuine unless signed by BENNETT A BSBBS.: Prop* deters, No. 3 Pearl street, Richmond, to whom all orden 1 for supplies and agencies must be addressed. And l for sale by U. A. FAHNESTOCK, JOSEPH FLKM< NO, .FLEMING BRoR,and by Druggists generally. octSV-alswly FROM CANADA JJ Quaere, February 7th, 1864. Mtisrx. JR A. FahnalocJc <0 Ob. —We had the pleasure of’ receiving, this morning, the within certificate of your Ver-' niifuge, which will be ver; gratifying to you, as it woa sent) { voluntarily. We are, Gentlemen, yours, very truly, _ J. MUBSON A CO. ‘ tfenflemen—My little daughter, four years old, and my 1 eon, older, were for a considerable time saffexingfromi •worms. I purchased two bottles of your Vermifuge, of , -which I gave them three doses, according to directions, (and strange to say. in less than three hours thr v passed nc 2ess than FIVE HUNDRED WORMS, some of extraor dinary length of from twelve to fifteen inches. Having experienced bo much of the beneficial effects of yrar Vermifuge, I feel it my duty to recommend It to tiu SLibUc, off, in my opinion, one of the most efficacious remo If v. against *r orma ever offered to the public. Gentlemen, believe me to be Your much obliged and humble aerv’fc, t ~ , NATHANIEL LRATERB. 1 Prepared eold by B. A. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO corner of First and Wood streets. mylfi S BY - VIRTUE o. f a precept under the hands of Wm. 1 McClure, President of the Court of Common Pleas, l and for the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, an : Justice of the Courv of Oyer and Terminer, and Gonen Jail Delivery, in cmd for said District, and William Boa - and Gabriel Adamw, iiSfiqß., Associate Judges of the san'i Courts, In and for of Allegheny, dated the -—- day of July, In the jmt of our Lord one thousand elgl. hundred and fifty-live, and to me directed, for holding • Court of Oyer and TVrmlner, and General Jail Delivery, i the Court House in ihe City of Pittsburgh, on the fir: Monday of October ne August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hu i dred and fifty-live, and of the Commonwealth, the 78th. *Q« lo;td WM. MAGILL. Sheriff.*- ATTENTION i : S' • Ihoeo who haye wcaiyed 40 or 60 Acres, era ontln.i r, iviSSKSgSftSX c Sr ,O ~ UMST' of oh “ go - W■ - '■ - % ."V< j v; . * ;/.-<* «• 4. t ? T; -i v '*■ ,< 4i ■* ■iW-fcnj; MEDICAL. A *W 3«3 ’C6K. 9 mm PILLS: IN HALATIO ron toi curb op Proclamation.