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S'iS' v '-’4- !:»~ ':. - ‘4-x’-,’ •; '.i -•••r Ti --t. -C ,W ,*:Ac f -; -i’’- :V«; f. .'••■*. *Wi«; ...,\. « ' -,.r- •• *,\ h V- G. V tV t- i,V ' 'l'-:- ,•• • ■■ .\ f; ' V'. i-:» v-r - '-‘0 '. ■ * daily morning post Printed and published airy morning excepted,) BY GIIiLfIORK *. MONTGOMKHY, OH THE KOaTH-WESt COEHEB 07 WOOD iHD FIFTH STBKKTs. *ar 3ff5^3.-Flva Dollars a ysar, payablestrictly la ,9 IT9MO.iI Sis Dcßirs wULlnvarlably be repaired if not paid •trHMA* uUyea* • 9&" Bingle eoptaa two oihts—for “ate at tb* ln >.h» OSes, ftud by the Vewe Boys. the Saturday morning post Puttißhed from the same office, on a Urge blanket Bile a* *«t* at TWO DOLLARS a year, In advanpe. Single coplea 'n'TBOEBTS. 43 s No paper will be discontinued unless at the discre on of the Proprietors*) until all arrearages are paid. 29- Nq attention will bs paid to any order unless accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in this city. v *5- Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Port is one of the largest Job Printing Offices tn the city, where all k nds of work it done bn the ihortat notice* and niosl reason j We terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Bobt* C. G« Bproui, Attorney and counsellor at law—ornce, No. —. Fourth etreot, Pittsburgh, Pa. declLly James A* Lowrle, ATTORNEY ATX AW —Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, betweenßmithfield street and Cherry alley, fdeolliiy JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Fifth and Grant its,, ja3:ly3| Pirrsniman, pa. Thomas Means, Attorney at law and solicitor in oeianoery. Office, next door to the Tost Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 8. P. Ko#», ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourlh door below Mr. Body Patterson’s Livery Stable. j*2B C. Orlaiaclo Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. J/4:y K. U. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Chorryalley and Grant street. je&y j. N. Al’Clowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—oaic« in BakewelPfl BolUlura, on Grant street, Je2 O. li« liazen, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. lin Fourth utreet, üboveaud - neat flmlthflold. mar27:y Patrick fllokenna, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth strolls, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertain ing to the office of Aldennan and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. fcbl:3m N. liuckmaater, Alderman. OFFICE, Grant street, between Fourth st. and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est care and legal accuracy. Titles to llenl Estate examin ed, &c. ' ja3:£ OFFICE No. 447 PENN fltrvot, between the canal and O’Hara street, Fifth Ward. All business nppertaininc to the Cfltee of oo Alderman or Justice ot the Peace, will be promptly attended to. ifs“ Bonds, Mortjraftej:, and other documents, draff □ with n«eitaesi and despatch. febU tf ... ll • AII Li, SUItU EON DENTIST, (*-uo- cesaot- to G. \V. Biddle,) No. 144 Sniithlh'ld * T-Tr fi3-»oihce hours, trum bto 1 o’clock, and febl&.ly rom 2 to 5 o’clock. J SCOTT, DENTIST, fourth rtrert, live door.- fOrfSaSL Wi*h t of Market. **<Li t'pfy Oitice liyCits From nine A. M. to tire P. M. deeCO:y ALKHID li. COBURG tmv.uu* Dinitmvtc. Curling, Holier tson &, tin., Manufacturers of cur, pressed and plain FLINT ULASSWAUK. warehouse No. U Woo. 1 ura-t, corner of Front street, Pltt-bur^h. AM oth*r kinds of Ulaisware and Window Ulues, at low market qrlre*. npU:.lly WHOLESALE and retail Cijar manufacturer, and dei erln Btl kinds of Tobacco, Suuff, aud Cigars, Nr fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. iiJ}- Keeps constantly on Land ft large supply oi all tl various brands of Imperial Ciitnr* y 'J>; Joint UtoorUeadj WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION 11KIt CHANT, for the sale of Pic Metal nud ltlooms, nud Produce generally, Jin. 27 Wood slrfid, jap'dl WHOLESALE dealers in forelrn Fruits, Nnls,Sple<?i Confectionary, Sugars, Ac.. No. Wood street, op}* F.ito the St Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pu «{»'- Henry H, CoiiiUH, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, llud Wholesale Dealer in Cliwv, Putter. Seeds, Fiah, ouJ Produce itonmuHy, No.2h Wc-Cd Pittsburch. |m»*ro Bookseller and stationer—has alwayson hun.i ft assortment School, Miscellaneous uni Blank Booke, printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac., wholesale and re tail, No.TfU Wool street. below Filth. Ka-d -dde, Pittsburith /Jjj-* WaoteJ, U:u»s smJ Taan«*rti' Scraps WILLIAM MiLLCU, I'tuls BlOKKrSu.t, IhUj-bur Blitter & Ulcketson, WilOuKS ALK u Ib.VJCIId, Importer* of Brnu'lif-. VViqi-? and Se^urs — Nos. 17d and 174, iMrn>‘r of Irwiu tuiJ Liberty 6trwt, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nulls, Cotton Y arns, Ac , constantly on hand. jt'Ju Wnii Carr <3fc Co i (Wm. Carr, lute of the firm of J Parker A ) 'US.7' HOLES ALE U U.JCI2RS, uud Dealers lu Foreign Win. *• y| uud Brandies, 01. l MnnoTuvihelu un i IU-otltiM Whis ky, No. Si* Commercial Row, Liberty »;tre-t, I’ittrburoh, DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, otb.*ra I r saW a choice stuck of Groceriiu, selectol for family use Of every variety aud the pur-st ijuallty, ground at his Steam Milts. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken In exchunire fr-r inorcbandice. F. R. D. ha* pro*ureJ u fidl assortment of Laudreth'a warranted Gardrn Se**ds, and invibw the attention of u!l fn terustod in rural afl-urs. ;aull \V- s.'jcNOfciiJr ...l. aiCQAßmton.% .... * r. utNjstrr. Eugllih <fc lllchanteon, $ AND FOUWAUDING iIKUGUAN Td, ncu! aj Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon nud Oil.’iu J I'roiuc** • Reuerally. War.-Lou.-e formerly by Burbri-lije A Imjhram, No. 110 Water timi 15U First slt.-ei, I’iltalnuv.b, Teona. r|d£|l£ c-übicribew hate opened a boost? for th** above pur X po*e, ai No. 17•Suiithiield street, four doors above the Mononffahcla House. VYe will purchase, or revet r*>, on com mission, for rale, consignments of Flour, Bacon, Che.->j>*, Com, Oats, Barley, Flax Seed, Grafs Se.-d. Baled Uav, Ac., upon which we will make advances, or purchase at the best market rate* for cash [novG| ALGtXJ A CO. .lames Qi’Laugliliu, DRA.LKH IN OKOCKUiBS, PROMJ'JK, FUtUll, UACO.N, Ac., No. 10, corner bmitblield anil First ttrevt?, PitU burtfb, Pa. _ novo JOUS U. WMISU Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and CUAIUS, of every description. Material* »tid work manship warranted, and sold at re luc.-l prior?. Car* taken in p&ckiu£ for land and tvaturoKnimje. un^.'il CILOTUINU AND FURNISHING STOICB, Masonic Hall. / Fifth street, Clothing made to order, in good style, aud at raodnrato rate*. _ augfrtf R. A A. V. Uuncaiif "\TriIOLESALE UROCKKS, and Dealer* in Produce, For VY Wine:; and Liquors, Old Moaniuruhela nod Ker lifted Whi«k.y, No. 201 rt.: Fittsburuh. I**. Ijy27.y XILA* A. Tlmlle, ggHj&gk \Vll II.KSALK aud Retail Saddle, Uame f - PSy&ySg Trunk. Valise and Carpet Ba t ; manufacturer, <a No. 10ft f=t-. l’lUePuruh. I'a iv*‘* v WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer In M u.*ieul l nst rinu-Mi t -I'iano.e, Music, School Ilr-oks and Slati'-nery, N<-. 1- "VVood fltreet. _i**nl I FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS— * nil kinds of I’ittuburch nmnufaetum-i, le*ad Pipe and Sheet Lea-l, 137 Front street. __ _ »ep2i Enurprlse Works. Xo. 130 WVjod striuU, third door bchito Virgin all’ y. BOWN A TETLEY would c.all Urn attention of Spur tin.: men to theirJarßrf assortment of Guns, Rill#** nnd In volving Pietob), the largest and hast ?eleoted stock ever opeuod in this market, t->k*-#ther with n genural ol Hardware, Cudery,T.»ol* and Fishing Tackle, all ot which We offer at tlie lowest poadbltf prices Co cash purchasers <■' tor good approved paper. tnarlh IliAYli THIS DAY (April 11th) n?fwl«t~d with zn- Me-nars. F. STEEL TUUUKTT and SAML. 0. OLANEY both of whom have been for many yearn in my establish ment, nnd nre already extensively and favorably known to iny customers and the public generally as superior work uiuq, and of corrert business habits. Wu hope by thin uuLm of experience and arti«li~ skill—especially in the watch d. partmeut; by keeping a largo and well sahmied stock *•; goods; by selling at moderate pi ices, and by clot-** at ten tin n to liusinesH, to merit a liberal share id puUonaf;o To ruv old friends and tho public in (funeral, who have for ui«t»\ years post ffo liberally patronize 1 my business, l return uiv tbanka, und solicit for tha uew ftrm « continuance of rdnn larfavors. W. \V. WtLhii.Y Fitlsburgh, April 11, li&i>. Wtlsou, Tarbett & Clancy, WATCH MAKERS, JEWELERS aud SILVHRHMiTU. G 7 Market u'reet, corner Fourth. ni\f> New Cbacli &ml Carriage Factory 1 JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., Lbmer Jtr.OcccJ. aud Ikhnanl streets . Allegheny City. c-yatJgy CT WOULD respectfully inform their friend« and the public generally, that they lm\e HESMgjSgp* commenced the manufacture of Carriage/. *?ir ■ iti - Uorouchcß,Uockaways,Baggios,Sleighs hh 1 Chariots inall their various styles of tinish aud proportion. All order* will bo executed with strict regard to durabili* ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also ho atteuded t.i on tho most reasonable terms. Using in all their work U>» best Eastern Shafts, roles, and Wheel stuff, they feel eeuti dent that all who favor them with their palrounge, will be perfectly aatisfied on trial of their work. purchasers are requested to give os a call, before purcha sing elsewhere. rw-t'clv J. T. JOHSBTON. Elcelctor Carriage Factory. JOHNSTON, BROTHER A CO., PRACTICAL COACH MAKERS, corner of Rebecca aud Belmont streets, All gbeny city, Pa., have on hand and are manufacturing nu extensive assortment of Carriages, llockuways, Bugab's Baggage Cars, Ac., mude in all their various styles, with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish, using in * 11 their Work the best Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They l. .1 confident that all who may favor them with their patron age. will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses puss every in teen minutes during the day. 0c125:1v PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. U-UiaELOW MARTIS L. BT2VSNS UEORUB ALliElvV « SUCCESSORS TO E. M. BIGELOW, N<> 40 Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pills-- burgh—Coaches, Oarjbiges, Pheatons, Bug gies, and every description of fancy vehicle* s*s* e *» finished in a manner uaeurpaese-.l i -.r Deanty or design, elegance of finish, skill of workmau.-di.p, and durability of materials All work warranted. fi dov/ <yfK|j£SU LIVERY and SALE <fj STABLE, Corner Diamond, street »ml Oberry alley. aprl4:tf PITTSBURGH. PA WA OOZ. LKHON SYUUI'; ■i* *'-* *•s) ,l 'assorts! Jr. ui store anti lor «kl»i by ;yU» jy Woo*A-et-, cppcsitt tbc ttv Charles Hotei _ - . •***>■• ti-':^ ?■* -. . ?>, i. ’ ' Wlltion, Alderman 'William BUSINESS CARDS. .HCNRi L. MS..\fALT- datob (n’C'olilhter, Reyiner A Anderson, (Su#ves*ocs to Joehaa Rhode? A On.) It, T. C. filorgau. F. R. Dravo* Dimu'ind, Fdtjd>urp>t, iU. CoiumlßHlon House „..THOS. U. VytNu FRASOH L. iOLS'. T. U, Young A Co. JVo. 28 Smilh/uld street, lypositt City I Intel. VVin. l>lgby, Jr., J. 11. IRellur, >1 oiln W. Ituller A Co., Copartners 111 p Notice .I'. T. JOIISSTON Bigelow A Co., ROBERT U. PATTERSON’S PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GLLLMORE ft MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $O,OO PER ANNUM, OB $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. jQa«plU i, ietting l [SUCCtSaOE TO l. WIICCS ft CO.] CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, beeps 1 j conatantlv on hand & fall assortment of-Drugs, Medt cities, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to his business. £3* Physicians* Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. j«6y JOUM FLIMING. Fleming Brothers* fSUCCiSBOBB TO J. KIDD ft CO.] WHOLESALE DUGGIST&, No. 00 Wood street. Pitts burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M'Lane’s Celobrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. JalO John Haft, Jr., i sucoissott to Jama m’quffst.] WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer in Paints, Oils. Dye Stuffs, Ac.,141 Wood street- three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr-LmAoly R. L,. Allen* 'll 7" HOLES ALE DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN- W DIES, CIGARS, OLD MONONQAHELA AND RYE WHISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies. Ginn, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Croix and New England Rum,Clarets, Champaignea,Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongahela llye and Rectified Whisky, 'Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; Imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, aud Demijohns of oil sizes, I respectfully invito an examina tion of my etock, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penna. *pr3:ly JkineH jnelllnger, MONoNG AHKLA TLANING MILL —Would respectful ly Inform bis friends and the public,;tbat his new vs tablipbra-nt is now in lull operation, and that he is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both aides, constantly on hand. Bash, Doors, aud Mouldings of every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would Bnd It totbeir advantage :o give him a call, ns bo can now furnish them with planed duff snitabln for every description of work. _ M . A. UUIIiOX. Herron At Crlawell, | tljiiL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, and Mauatariurow M | > *ll kinds of llra*« Work, Locomotive Btv«m Engine, PlumberH, Ac. Aleo, Cotion UatUug Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 4L£*Oid Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work, or cash paU. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly &tti*Dded to. febUly D. RIbUROIB. Draff, Ketfttnger A Graff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 121 Word atreet, Pitts burgh, Pa. siar iixctukrxxs of Choking Stoves; Plain and Fanry Gratis. Coal aud Wt»od Stoves, Plain and Fancy FenJ«-r>, Parlor Stoves, Sad and Dog irons, Portable Forges, Tea Kettles, W&gou Ucxm. Hollow Ware, Sugar tvetths, Stove Kettles W. W. MMU }. H. lttSTtli Smith, filalr *- Klanter, (L*teSmith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE UUOOKUB, I’UODUCK ANL» OoMiils SION MEKCUANTS, tml Dealers in alt «lo<i* o: PilL-burch Manufacture#, 122 Second and 1M Kir»t street I’lttnburich, l>*. W. u. fillTU. W . t*. tUvea. fI'WKOLD PRINTING BSTAULI6HMKNT, (late John _| uton & Stockton,) and lilauk Rook and Stationery W&rftUoufce, In prepared to execute every Rtylo uf Legal, Commercial, Canal aud Steamboat Job Printing and Kook Uiniiou, and furnish «*iery urtkdu lu the Klank Rock, Paper nnd Stationery liue, at the ehortetd notice aud ou the most remouable teruie. Illank Kook and Stationery-Warehouse, Printing OUlc> Mid Uook Uioiiery, corimr of Market and Second els (norli Nortii-Wtßtern Police Ageaoy t jhTo. Si WASUINGTUN STREET, corner of Dearborn i> OUICAU-J, LLLINOS Plukerton A Co, <EViTfc Tim'd ATTtRTIOJt To lilt TSAKeiCTIOS »•! & DKTKCTIVK POIJCE BUSINEBd lit M,r* stated ot llUnoia, WUnonelu, Michigan and ludii-ui mbit) «Uf '|MIE late linn Ot JONES A GUIOG, bavins Wen X "d by the death of Jobo P yuigg, on the -7 lb Inut, th ’•u* nef.-i cl (JHld firm will te settled by the undereicue J, n their tdllce, corner of Roe? and FI ret streets. ISAAC Jc>NKS, surviving Partner Pittsburgh, September 110, 1 r»i»l—j not'd y Isaac Jones, MANUFACTURER of Sprlug and Illleter Steal, Plough Slab nteel, t-te*) Plough VNingfi, Conch hD«I KlipUc Spriuge, lira** Nut Taper, half patent. Screw, Mall and llarjuiftcd Iron Axles,—corner ot Kora and Frrul elre-te, t Pa. uctS.ly D, U. Uogere 4k Co.* MANUFACTURERS M IWGEKti’ patent Improved Steel Cultivator Teeth. cfilce corner Rosa and Find street, oeubly FltisLurgh Killing get tool. ROBERT U. PATTEKijuN: Proprietor, corner frtXT Diamond street and Cherry ailer. The subscriber rX 1 1 announces to the LiuhtM) and Gentle men of Pittsburgh, that hti baa recently erected a UIDITfU r'GUOOL, which in pednt otr.lZi» I commodlouFnivuj afcdadup -I'iLixii, undeniably excels any similar establishment in uio Uuited Himes Its location is accessible from all parts of the city, while its bich and airy •dluuli r >n renders It espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this meat ill'll exercl-o. The tlorses are docile end well trained, anj the proprietor pledges himself that no pain* or expeus aill be t-pared to malle this establishment the first in tt-. confidence uf the public Of»'d2 If M Lileliard o. Uocking. ANUFACTUUBR OF QILT, BILVER. DRABS, URON7.K, LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PIC- Tilt FRAMES, Plain and Oniara»nt*d, No. til Bt Uluir i.lr*>.t*L All kind* of Oompo-ition Ornaments, far SWum- U-'ntx, Ac. All kind* of Gilding aoJ Itft>gildtng, to dill WouldlDifl fur Frame* l , wholesale Aid retail. Vurnitdi I', r Oil Palatines Engraving* and Lithograph*. for sale Ci" Impaired or defaced Oil Paloting* restored in it*. L»-*t manner. All Frames and Moulding monufa-tared In thu &lub li-hinent may be cleaned without Injury, with soap and W..UT On!’. and see. NV 21 Ft, Clnir st, Pllt-burirh- fmh2- J.’ WIIITK, \T K.NETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, had recovered bis health 00 a“ to reramn his old buslnes*, nuj lias Cj-voed hi* BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No. t>s Fifth st*.et, n.-nr ibo Post ofllca, between Wood and Smllhii->IJ, «here b» has uq assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and f*r,oy worsted and tilfe trimmings, and in prepared to All uny order in bis line, on I hi- most reasonable turn.;. Uhi w--rk i- warranted to give Hatiafaction or refunded. 4i*jr Did Blind* repaired. Ojr Pirnso glvo him a call, aa bo can't be beat in work manr-hip , my‘ ly 11 1A V W sold my interest In the on Loog.Mliler A ('•>., to B A. Long, who, with John Phllllpa, will ecu tn.u- at the old at and, No. lit* Front street. I cordially re r-«-imiiPtid the new Arm to the pulronag* of my friends. Pittsburgh, July 2*J, 1}54. I*. U. MILLKII. S. A. Long 4k Co., 1) hi.LAND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND UAH FITTERS, > invito attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Bra-k- I’endnnta. and other fixture*. We tit up houwn with < Ihh and Ste&m, make Brass CaHtiug* of all kinds to order, tarnish ltnilrond Pumps and Tank Fitting*, and keep Ami AUritiou Metal constantly on baud. jydl NOTICE. DALY’S STOCKINO MANUfc'ACTUU.Y. y t t. ‘do fifth strc't, first corrar obotv. Markrt Ur « t -£, * PITTSBURGH, PA., WHERE will be found the largent and bent assorted etock of HOSIKUY ever offered for sale in thin city. I'u r. bttßrra will find It to their edvantago to call at this o»luMinhuieut and oxnmiDo tor themselves; It in all I need I.* insure their custom. C. DALY. N. B.—Remember the Dubai- Stopkino Coancu. febly ___ 0. 1> Consume tbe Smoke. f lUIE aubecriber having the prelusive right to macular 1 turn and pell SWEENEY'S lIUT AIK AND SMOKE t oNSUMING FURNACE, in prepared to receive orders, and r -utracl for heatlog buildings with the most economical 1 uruace now in use. he attention of those interest**! is solicited. Auy information enu be bad of A. BRADLEY, Ned. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARN DOLLAR, deo2l:tf| Iron City Stove Warehouse, No. Idl Wood «L i \Mt-i I. LSPUI. Ledlte Si. blam, (6ucressorfl U> Muivany 4 Ledlia.) Manufacturers of Cut, Moulded and plain, Hint and Fancy Colored ULASSWARK, and dealers lu pll kiudsof Window Glass, Flask*, Vials and Bottles. Ware* bouse corner of Markot aud Water streets, Pittsburgh. mli&Jly Removal. ('l 111M&EN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, _/« Bottles und Window Glass, Block Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Uls*h iu every variety. Warehouse, Nor. 104 Second, and IG3 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2B 1. \V, Chadwick, Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobacco, rags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pitts burgh, Pa. 4&~The highest market price, la OAHU, paid for RAGS. ftpaOilj* ijun arwsLL. Atwell* Lee 4 Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce aixl Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 8 Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitts burgh. apis Dissolution of Co-Partnership! f|UIE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between L JO?UUA RHODES ond PHILIP RKYMER, in the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, is this day dissolved by mutual eonßent. Tbe business of th© firni will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who is author'aftl'to re ceipt for all debts due told. firm. JOSUUA RHODES, March-27th, 1856. PHILIP RKYMER. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 4&j4“Tbe undersigned hove thla day formed a Partner ship, uudor tbe name, firm und stylo of ItEYMEK A AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary business, No. RJ Wood street l U 1 LIP REYMBH. ROUT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27 1 b, IS6&. 4JLo" Iu retiring from the Confectionary business, I sheer tully recommend Messrs. Ueynier A Anderson to my friends and customers JOSHUA RHODE?. Pittsburgh, March 27th, l»6&. ap2 Removal. SPRINGER UARBAUGU A CO. have removed to No. O 295 Liberty street. .--I'IUKUBA UARUAUUfI AUXANPffI POR3ITD..- Springer Harbaugta. A Co,, (Successors U S. llarbau£h,) / COMMISSION AMD FOUWABDINU MERCHANTS ; \j Dcalera In Wool and Produce generally, No WS Liberty fctruol, PUtfiburgb, Pa t -i ; £r£ BUSINESS CARDS J. i*. MarabaU, (Successor to U . Lee.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MEUGUANT, No. 13U Liberty street, Pitteburgb, Pa. Etfcrcnci— lV. M’Clinlock A Krumor & lUhui, Brown A Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tiernau A t'o. Pittsburgh. May 24, 1856—(my24:3ra*) WE would invite the attention of our friends and Jim the public to a splendid assortment of IIATS and wh'ch we ure now openiog lor the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, exceed* anything evor of fered in tbe city, or west of the mountains. 40-Call and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A SON, •pG '.'l Wood street, Pittsburgh. .cocoaAw PLXMina. Dissolution of Co-Partn«rsblp. finiß FIRM OF LIVINGSTON,ItOGGEN AGO, Proprie- X tors of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was dissolved by the death of Mr. John J. llocuttt, on the llto of Match last. The business of tbe NOVELTY WORKS will be continued in ail its branches by the surviving partners, under the name and style of LIMNOSTUN, COPELAND A CO , who will also settle up the allairs of the late fir fa. L. R. LIVINOSTON, OALV>N ADAMS, J. K MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh,Pa,May 4, lai.'i j W. B COPELAND. John Iff'Cloikcy A Co.* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MER CHANT?, No. Wood slret-t, Pitlaburgh, l'a. The subscribers respectfully inlnnu their old c-ustomors and Hie public in general, that they have this day associa ted theuiH«lveß in the above business, under tbe firm rf JOHN M’CLOSKhI A CO They respectfully n-li'll asbarw of public patronage. The previous business ot each will be settled by them selves respectively. feblt JM’LADGiaU, No. 96 Fourth street, Dearly opposite . the Mayorßoflice, Ifl manufacturing Gentlemeu’a Urst Boote, Low Hhoes, t ies and button* d; Congress anil Butlou edGaitars; Ladles’ Boots,/Half Bool*, Jenny Linds, Slip pers, and French Laahlng Uaitere, i f every color and shade; fancy Kid nn J ?utin Gnilera, of the best materials, Mi.soa and Children’* do., of every variety. N . B —All klodß made To order, on short notloe. Sohllert’ tlouuty Lauda ami Claim* agalntl Govarumeut. .jiMtb caibw ui. WILL procure Bounty Land Warrants for Sddn-rH, thoir Widows and Minor Children, and attend to husiueiu lit u*** Court i-f IBniron," rev-ently esUl»hsh«*d by Coujress. No. I fSThirJ street, one door above tit. March U» !«sf.—Oil ARLK9 NAYLOR WARDKOP oilers lor sale CANARY BIRDS of the most Improved br«t-*l, being very hardy, and tine Fingers. Bird Eeeds —Canary, Hemp, Millet, Rope and mix ed Re,vl. Bouquets will to furnished composed of the liueat FLOWERS, vi 2 r Camellaw, Row Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. Everfjivfnp (in pots) fc*r Christmas Trees, fromtbu Seed and Horllctiltural Store, No. I'.) Fifth flt , near W>»d. der'iu Uoiiuty Lands. IMIE unii . oulimiefi to obtain bounty LudJ War rant* Th« j.r>-r*Hnt btll iiTo-. tii nil who have .‘t-rvex! in itiy war Mnfo l »VO, loo.ncriw. Torui-i nuxl^rale. LUKE OOCKtiUtX>T, :;7 Uiamoial alley, between WooJ bt. an t DHmotiJ SIVTV TUUKK AOKKSOF l.ANl>,*ith iVI aon-i ut C*»*l uttnrhfJ, unJ all tli*' liuprn?em-*Dt* tliomm in ,cw*i ful < s |»i»ratlnn. KaiJ Kurin Lh < *iluuifU tu tin? M rlrur, u 4 rnilfv uU.v.- uml U *>ilh » Katin Houho, Uurn, Tenant Oroburi, auJ an harbor Th«* Tftn of Coal if- liv«- l.vt thie';, an 1 . niuiot u t ui i** nj in tutiliiy Fw lurOu-r particular.* apply to MCJIOL*<>H A I’-'VNK, No tlo'i Liberty FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency for the Purchase and Sale of Pulou Eights and Patented Article MO*Ka *’ KATUN f|'UK lLx.ro Uai-* lull;; Un.u willi >!i |_ MUSKA ¥. KATON. hdJ l.nvo uo h.sitntidti iu r.-roir taruJlorf hiuJ, l- 1 till wlm n*a> obli L» <uijiL»y lil-> •.r-nn-ft a . I uruJ. u1.U.1 mtiVTiiy auJ iu.MiiiU'tL'U- u Juotry, lu w f u-i .1 n.- <*»«-ry <i»»v bt; j>U» .!i L.BulKiCt: NoTllle » L*rnt fc '. VV. Ut.I.UIM.O W. il. U.-uui, J.-t.u Orabhiu, luiEO!. Wri.,l, n. Child# A Co l> 1; Frkud, N. lluliii** ft S»u iiUHp A Wad", IttfiCtir A Uhlan. Wei rialUivs L U. UvintCHluu. WilA’ii M'OhDJW-rt-, Wui. F. JohuMou A W. kxuui*, Andrew Fuitou Nov«uil«-r-TLh. l*v) Writing Cihiita—UulT'i UeuiU-mou »ii l Day *ud Kvruiu* Wntin X Cl*.* H will &mUouf c»n*-U duiUi s ; tb* auiuintr uadi Mr .1. T>. Willmws, *hiw Tariou# nt) U-s r*f ih-ntlemeii unJ La4i*V Writing am h- utih .irrally admired. No Kj-rian n.- ui (Vomanrhif) arv at the door bot thrxnootM by ibo Teacher in the* Institution. The I’rinripal claim* u-> *• monopoly ” nor " pallet ’’ f»»r his tiuhiu<*si, ni«r >hJ he <et liln tu-Ututlou chartered lo esdl out, u;> l.aa toon ro{>ea;Mly i.‘tw In lbl-'-ity Gt'utiftufii and Lad*-' Visiting Carl.- written m M WiliiAtUA* uq«'juhH»’J styhv All klu-,l> >-f Ornamental l\- miiurtilp riivuu\l t<> ordi-r. my»l 4iw f|HIK uube-Tit-or he- jut-t cjn'&t.'J an INTELLIGENCE X OFFICE, at Ni* 410 Liberty pLre*l, in ibo well known oUlp** of John i hnmj-rf-n, Ship Ag>«nt; sod *» lu* ha.« Exploring Aguot for tbe * ouug Bible Society of PlU* burgh lor trarly iwu jc-ar*. hi* lUllrr* that hi* knowledge of th«* ■ i .y an i it* 41*1** him gr.**l tu- Hi In furnishing bou*vUtv*r-*n- with help. nn.J nbn in t:u.l lug pUos for boya,girb« aud nil inhere employ munt The patronage of th* public l,< eulie»i<-l. T«*riu- rn-j, m l t-TKTy effort ueM to giTo .’urn-ral satLf*' U -n j*u.tr OAimiKi. lunu Have on HAM), at lh-lr • xieneive CAEIM.r uni CHAIR MANUFACTORY. No '•! dibit Li »tr.vt, a Ur/e cf Fancy and Plain ITirnllur.-, wbWi lh«*y will t>sll 16 i>-r on; L«-i, v. eintoiaary r.H*-r_ Term*—cash only a VVui. E. SU> etiioii <\'utiuu*n umuut-i-- VJ turf CABINET WAKE o! .-very Jpvrlptl.-u. B t hU MloU stand, corner of Lll*-ny and jw-Mh ctreel * 1 I UNDERTAKING atl.rn.li-u to, m nil K- branches. nOiGiK SHgKK AN D l.v* or.- tr 1 a new and . jtmnoJiou* Bn-'k rih.-p »n Cherry aih-v, brlwuen TtilrU anil Fourth hire-hi, wh>*r.< h“ U prepared tn all work in hi.- line with tin* uliiio-t ) r.-uipliluU<* llaviug had 1..0U. eXpofUin'o tn 110- bii-du***. he r.*«;•<*. Ifully SolliUtfl ihoj'ttlloUUgt* of 11 IS l>til 'UaJ-iDJi'r.-* uni the put-11. generally. <k-l riMIB PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny U re*;-,-! X fully invited to cull in Uki Musi< Su-re —; of the hUbscrlbf r-', No. Ml FIFTH ST , auJg^BjLjkajgßi price 9 I IiOU,U®BT* From the Pariery ef NUNN? & CL Adit, New Fork. ThU elegsnt Instrument if< made In the *• fcLl/’.ABETUI AN HI YLK,” t!ie ornaments, front i>k<vi»# tind leg* bring elabo rately carved ont of SOLID ItOKRWOOD. It m full seven octavos, of the largi-st dimensions, and, In point ot volume, power, and lijuid nweetu*f* of tone, hi pronounced alto gether uneorpsiFuabh* The subscriber* will be happy L< re-eire U.« inu ot their friends and the- public in general, sud ntiow tln-ru LtiioUtd* tboli i b'.;acil 111-\i iituMi.ihuu-nt. jxo ruh.upa. Spring Slock of Hamburg Planoi, .waw. CHARLOTTE BLUMK, No. ID I ri!illsiii33BCT kUe<K, Plttuburgh, .‘ole Agent ■V m B*“Vl u * Hamburg I'lmn- m•• undout.t.-.liv IV W f I ■ tmperinr to hll (.lli.-r*, ti tti lu • ■ I touch and sujicnortlf/ <J ten.. They have not ouiy tocelved the lii.;t>r>et marks ft uj pi, bution from the beM Koroju-an PUninte, eu>-h im LIST, TiIALUKUU, And olherk, Who have them onueUntly in their own u.ic, but uleo from our n*Bldent l*rof.*ssw.*rH. Ttu- toll wiu»> u> an extract from u letter of After deecrihiog the particular ntyle. two »-t wht. h he wante lor his own übo one Grand nud one ? J |Uare— tie 8 peak* ae follow a of tbelr rxoeUenl <|UHlUie ••My htlle daughter, who playo iery well, uiUi.t, rtb myself, have a good IxiFtiumcnt, and )uur* are the only onetf which can iiatUfy me. •• luiitrumoniu are i llered me on llie tuo-1 bivoimu.'diKiug 1,-riuK. J, however, do nol like them; they huv» not tho cdoatic touch and the tone nl y<>ur*. “I remain, yours, renpcctfully, -• iiiHur Uounocb, Pilt*bur(d», Pa ” jostru j. uLjsj For wale by CHARLOTTE ULUME. at llie“Old Eetat llithed Piano Depot,” LIS Wood street, ‘iddoor above Fifth. Also, Role Agent for Pitteourgh and Wealeru Pennsylvania for llaUet, Davis <X Co.’s Fm/u>j, (which In the East ern citlee are considered superior to either Chlckerlng’s 01 Nuuoh A Clark's, out which fact Ls not exlAtieively known, as they have but lately hueu hittudueed here,) aud other New York and Philadelphia Planus, ot the be.-t makers, ut prices from $-26 to SSOU. , rnhl'J Notice to Whom It Olay Conccru rilllE rUBLIU SPRING SALKS ol K.-ul Kelale at Ku J Chester are now cloned, aud tin- Buildin-j Stamm has fairly commenced. Every citizen ot Rochester iri bueily em ployed. Even 30 or 40 new familieH who have become citl zbdh the present SpriDg. tlnd couritautempluymeut; and iu a few days a hundred families more will be required to car ry on ibo work of-the preaeut pea»on. The thr Duildimj £Wa6/r'i/imf7jf is now near completion, and will be in full operation iu June. Several Cara » ill i> o ready for delivery, by contract, the Ist of July. 1*6.,. Two or three new churches, in Rochester, will be con tracted for immediatuly. and numerous other improvements will Ui commenced,requiring a great amount of mHchnuieal and other labor independent cf the Oar Establishment, which w ill pro-ally otnploy from one to two hundred. A prominent brickmaker from Pittsburgh ha- just pur chafled ulne large lots, and contracted to muke ui*ou them forthwith 600,000 bricks. Two gang* ol bauds commence work the present week, besides iho other yards heretofore established In the neighborhood. Our Stone Quarries are already alive w ith workmen, and the road lending to them lined with team.-i. Lumber L becoming abundant aud cheap, and tenements Will-eooh apririg up to-relieve Some of our houses, which now have 6 families, 4 families, 3 families, and do.-.eus uf them 2 families each Any who d-d not buy uhenp lota tn the tour public sales last season, or the four public sales the present spring, cau still securo good bargains at r™t>ah: sahr by colling on the subscriber iu Rochester- Terms—lj duwu, y s in one year and Mld two years. >l - T. 0. GOULD. t> h few lots can yet be had at *.60 to sluu ~A l- u ;Jt annhed for before the 20 h May. These lots are twice an hmzo as usual city lota, viz: 40 test by 12j, and the price onlv from to $2,60 per foot front. The present rewrv el homeatidand magnlticent protit of Ovid Pinney,4 acre* In the borough of Rochester; alw, the beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac , of F. Rauo, can be bought through thesubscribernt great bargains, and then are not two such bargains within a hundred miles. G. myG . ... _ •OUAS. ATWKLL. ..., "■ _ Ueinoviu. Suil'pii ut.'»T a goN have removed their Real Retat. « and General-Agency Office to No. 63 MARKET BT. nwar Third. . nuirt FOll SALK—Two Loti of 00 foot by U 0 oa.:h p la Kb. Pittsburgh. bI the lowest prices. Inquire of RUgl THOMAS WOOWi 76 Fourth atrs-t. ■ 4 . r .'»..* : , •;./■■.\ '■' V- 'cr. ''-’n-.'»cVv!ty^OV. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY. AUGUST 23, 1855. Hats oiitl Caps, I'OiHZUUH M Ct.OSKi.Y Hoots mid Bltoeii Slew Seed Store. Cowl Works for hale. KAUIIUTION lIUOOI »Yv k*J y-JUilh itr j\. New lufolilgence Ufllce. A« ntllllketi ax Co. Cltnrlet. Ltarn«t(, GRAM) IMAM) MAP K 15 V NUNNti Ik CLARK, NLW YORK II K LKIIFU A frUi) . Higu l It.r U 11. ri 1J..1 No. I-J Fifth nlre.-l PROFESSOR UKNKY UOH BOOR. -f-' MISCELLANEOUS, DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. UJAT3 ALL DISXA3I3 Of THE BYB AND tAk WtTQOCI CUpmO, i genmwn, uLraaBIKO, Ok WIB 08* Of OALOMKL OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, COIL GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Ilours from 0 A. M. to 4 P- il. X>OUGU, GRANULATED LIDS, inflanuaatlon, Acute or X%» Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. LI. with perfect satisfaction. All diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principle*. Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. All letters post-paid will socuro prompt attention. We select tne following references from among the thou sands of cases which have been successfully grated by Dr; Henderson: ..k., Wm. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Albany, NVY. •Alfred Boathwick, Printer, M “ fj. Goodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detrolf, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson. New York City, N. Y. tMisa Mara Bellowß, N. B. Station, Duchesa co , N. 1. •Edward G. Solger, Bristol. Conn. •John Seamen, Engineer. N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B; Giles, office Couider and Emu, N. Y. fJames W. Kirby, L. I. Jarvis Rodgers. M u A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, St. Nicholas Hotel. R. M. Ferrisa, Organ Builder, Houston St. R. B. Doolittle, M. Hudson, N. Y. , Mra. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, U. Y R. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. BUleab&ch, Schenectady, N. Y. Oapt. li. IL liaviland, Athens, N. Y: John W. Uackett, Blnghampton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and had to he led to the office. At the expiration of two weeks they coaid go about the city at pleasure. | •These cases of Amaurosis were restored t# sight after they were given np es Incurable by tbo faculty, and can bo referred to by any person who wishes to learn tbe facta in lht*f*e cases, by writing to them. Pittsburgh Hollar Savings institution, JYo. 68 FoxsrUi street, NEXT DOOR TO TUB PITTBBUBOQ BANK, J 8 NOW OPEN dally from 9to 2 o’clock; also,on Wed nesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o’clock. Depoelta received of all sums not less than Oue Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, iu June and December. The Trustees, for the purposed farthering the benevolent objectsof tbe institution, hare entered Into a guarantee boud, thereby givßig additional security to depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regu lations, furnished grails, on application at tbe office. iWsidrnt —GEURGE ALBREE. vies PBtaiDZNTa ; John 11. Bhoenborgot, Charles Knapp, S. Qrattao Murphy, Theobald Umbetaetter, Isaac M. I‘ennock, William J. AuJur^un.' laubTCiu: Hopewell Hepburn, Ueorge It. White, William F. Jobueton, James W. Hallman, Alexander Bradley, William Phillips, John U. Bachofen, James Uerdmau, Util Burgwin, John M. KlrbputrLi. Albert Culbertson, John D. M’Conl, Robert Cheater, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Ootfiu, Walter P- Marshall, Alouzo A. Carrier, A. M. Pollook, Johu H. Coegrave, Ilenry L. UlQgWolt, Charles A. Colton, Robert Robb, K. U. Edrlngtou, George R. Riddle, Francis Felix, James Rhoads, George F. Glllmoro, James Bhldle, James S. Uoon, Georgs H. Ecldeu, W illiam 8. Haven, Alexander Tludle. Secretary and Treasurer —OIIAItLKS A. CoLL’ON jylPidly FAUEEUB* AND MHCiIANftCE* LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Uoiiipaiiy, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital Amount pecurety Invested. rjUlld COMPANY effects Firo loaurance on Bnildiugp, £_ Gckhls, Furnl.ure, Ac. Marine Insurance on Vwsuds, Cargo and F'refght. Inland Insurance on Goods, by llivere. Lake*, Cauals, Railroads, and Land Carriage gsneralljf. Alsu, loiurance upon Lives, upon the mo*t favorable terms. DIBECTOBS. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James L. Ncall, George H. Armstrong, Charles Dlnge*>, Kd. Middleton, E. R. Utdmbokl, George Urliubold, Fred. O. Brewster, Thomas Mandsrfield, Isaac Leech. TUGMAti B. FLORENCE, President. EDW.ua) R. Hxutac-Lt), Secretary PITTSBUBOn R£fB&ENCES. Uou. T. fiL Howe, Hon. J. R. M’Cllntook, lion. I’. 0- Shannon, OoL 8. W. Black, Hon. J. 11. Guthrie, A. B. M’CalmonL Epq , Thomas J. Keenan, U?vj, Wlliton M’Cnndless, Eeq., OcL J. Heron Foster, Gen. J. K. MoreheaL IL M. RUJIe, The character of the above Company Is of the first claea, and comblnaa the rare and unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rine and Life Insurance. Gentlem**!) of elevated standing are associated In hi management, and Interested as Btockboldere. THOMAS J. HUNTER. Agent, Qbftrlea Bujldlm*, No. 10H Third st. ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans ||||R For Preserving Fresh Fruits, i j Tomatoes, £c., & I i i«r! : UY UEBMBTICAL SBAUNO. f|\llKBß CANB, which aro seaievl by the Uousekevper X without tbo aid of a tlooer, and opened eainy wunout lojary to tho can, are rapidly coming Into general use. Full directions for putting np fruit accompany tbe cans; and the work is ko easily performed, that by their use every family may have fresh Fruit and Tomatoes on their table utl winter, at summer prices. PlllCßK.—Pint Cams $2; Quart, $2,50; lUlf Qallon, $3,60; Three Quarts, $4,25; Gallon, $6 pur dozen. Th»« different nixes nest, lu order to secure economy in tranj |>ortation. ARTUUR'H CAN, which b) with a lid coveriog the febolt* top, bo that wheu open il may be cleansed like any L>thrr veKtel, has been fully approve.] by tbo Farmers’ Club ~( tbo Araerli'an Institute, New Y'urk. It look a first-ola«a diploma over all other pelf-oeallng cans nt tbe lute Fair in Cincinnati, and was awarded o medal at the Me-hamcs’ Fair held this spring at the fimlthsouian Institute, Wash- Itnrton City, D. C. It Is clalmi*d L> be the best Cau lu tbe market. All orderu accompanied by the cash will Ik* promptly tor ward t-d. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Chinn and Uiu-une wai-e Store of HENRY lIUILSY, Uargalns In Watohss, Clocks A Jewelry ItOBEIITS A BROTHEIt. ARE now selling tbelr large and carefully seleo- Qk ted stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, andrlch Gold Jfwjl Jewelry at greatly reduced prices, to make room GBuHfor an entire new stock, which will be received di rect from tho Eastern manufactories in a few weeks, for the Fall trade. Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prices, fdtould rail immediately and examine our stock, as wo aro determined to cloeo It out without regard to cost or former price*. Don’t forget the place. ROBERTA A BROTHER, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. Watches, Clocks and Jewoiry repaired iu tbo Uu;l Uitum-r, and warranted. iyTl ly CITY HOTEL. ( usti uaown’a,) Dot aar of fimlthfleld and Third atroeta. JOHN P. OLABB, Proprietor IIUIIB large and commodious Uouse having undergoue X thorough repair and furnished with new equipment* throughout, is now open for the reception of the traveling pubUo. CiiAuaxa hodbuati. }^i LANU WAIUUNTS lyY” ANTBD— 40, HO. 100 AUUB WAUKANTB, by AUSTIN LOOIU IH t t*|B in Warrants, Stonka. An,, P'J Fourth * 00-Partnershliu WALTER l*. MARBUALL oosoclatod with him, on tbo 2d day of July, JOS. It. UUUILES, In the Wall Pap*r business, uflder the name of _J>«_ W. J\ MARSHALL A CO. FOR SALE VERY CHE Al\ A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 (Oft l.y IUO. A good bargain can bu had by applying soon at th« office of the MORNING POST. ] v i2t Lot for Sale. A OOOO BUILDING LOT, 24 foot (front on Carson street by 100 feet In depth, in Birmingham, will be eold cheap. Enquire of GKO. If. GILLMOIIH, Jy 13 at office of the Morning Po«L SEMIANNUAL"bIVISKNi), 8 PER /LTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CON ft. CHARTERED - - - - - 1819. PAID UP. Call! Aiaeti, July 1, 1855, 9835,030 i»j. ('CONTINUE to make Insurance on all descriptions of ) property at equitable rates. This Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for 20 years, und Is unsurpassed for responsibility und punctuality by any other similar institution In the United States. Semi annual statement of the condition of this Company ou Hie lu this office, for the examination of the public. U. U. TEN EYCK, Agent. Cilice, North-west corner Fifth and Wood streets, Pitta burgh. jy24 B. 91« Lemon * Co.’m Way Llue f BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLOMBIA. —— a THE undersigned having purchased part of D Leech A Co.’s Canal Stock, 65358255e3L™ prepared to do a WAY FREIUIIT BUSINESS between this place and Columbia. All business entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to by us, at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech & Co., Canal Basin. LLOYD & LEMON. jy26:dlm* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Maguiines for August: Peterson’s Magatlne for August; Ballou’s do do New York Journal do Dickons’ Household Words for Augudt; The Heiress Of llaughton, or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Lifo; Peggy Woffington. For all tbo new Books or Magazines, call or send to Uu cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDENFKNNEY A 00-, jy2Q ___ Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. CtUAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty etreet, Monon j gahela river, for Bale by jy2U J. W. BUTLER A VG n ALSlOrl—tfo. I Lake Superior Salmon for saieTy ~ O JaW HENRY H UOLUNB. X * ' ** -^jsb Wfl aiua - HEKBON & CBIBWELL, BEBL AND BBASS FOUNDEBB, MANUFAOTUBEBB or all kinds of BRASS WORK, LO COMOTIVE, STEAM ENGINE, l-LBMBEBB, Ac. Al so, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny City. Office and Btore, No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. OLD BRAB3 and COPPER taken In exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at the foundry or Office, wiU he promptly attended to. fobftly JOaiQPU T. LUWRYi Ho. 43 Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, Office ap stairs. Entrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that be has commenced the RHAI. ESTATE AGENCY, In connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting. Persons in want of servants, In any capacity or those In want of places, will be supplied at short notice. Ail business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. - References—?. J. Bighorn, Esq., Richard Cowan, Esq., W. O. Leslie, Dr. Alex. Block, James Mackerel, A. A. Mason, HaSt A Old. jan!B SotKuotunam ft Uaanlaln* f ITUOQRAPHRKB—Third street, opposite the Postroffice, J. j Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Bill Heads. Show Bills, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and Visiting Cords, etc., Engraved or Drawn on Btoue, Printed In Colors, Qold, Bronze,or Black,ln the most approved style, an>l at the most reasonable prices. oct!6:ly BELVIDfiIIE IiUBTAbIIAHT, , WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. fixilK Undersigned has just provided a choice stock of X LIQUORS, and is ready at all times to serve his friends with the best of the season, in tho way of edibles. Irish Whisky Punches may be hod at the Bravnuns. ianlLly JOHN BAVAQB, Proprietor. CIVIL ENQINEKR AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penna.—baa per manently located, and will punctually attend to aU business entrusted to his charge. lion. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley U. R. VV. Mllnor Roberts, Chief Engineer •• *' “ Ceo. IL Eichbaum, Associate Eng. ' “ “ David Mitchell, Chief Engineer PUtsb’h and Bleub. R. U. James Thompson, Superintendent City Cas Works. 4 James E. Day, Civil Engineer, Allegheny City. lap7:2«§S fliUB Partnership of JOHN M’DEVITT ft BRO. waarfp X solved on the first Inst John M’Devltt will cqntmue the business at tbo old stand, and attend to the settlement of the business of the late firm. Hew Trimming Stor«, Ho. 83 Cbrner of Market street and the Diamond. fTULANK VAN QORDER respecfully announces to the X? publieof Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he will open his now Trimming Btoraon Monday, April X7th. Having fitted up Lhe neatest store room In the city, and Ailed It with a choice selection of the latest styles of Trimmings and Fan cy Goods, he hatters himself that bo will offer BUperior in ducements and endeavor to give full satlafaotlou to all who may favor him with their patronage. Now. doQ't forget the place—No. 83 Market street, oomer of the Diamond. |aprt2j FRANK VAN OORDKR. KBIULtISII AND CLABBIUAL BKMIHAHY. w. t. McDonald, m. a., pamcipai. fIHIE next session of the Institution will commence on X MONDAY, the Oth of September nest, at the room cor tmr of Ferry and Liberty etrCets, lately occupied by the Messrs. Weder. References—ilon. A. W. Loomis, 0. Knap, Jr., 8. F. Von unburst, H. Miller. Jr. augSb ' Agency Tor Soldier*’ ClaJuxa, Location of lands. —purchase and sale of LAND WARRANTS.—The undersigned has made ar rangements with competent and responsible gentlemen to obtuin Certificates or Warrants Tor Soldiers, their widows or minor children, who are entitled to Bounty Lands; also fur the Location of Lands, and the Purchase and Sale of Land Warrants. JOHN D. DAVIS, mbl4:t!' Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. * Haw l'apir Uanglngt. NO. 85 WOOD STREET. Fine french and American parlor papers; Panel Decorations, in gold, oak and marble; Halt Papers, of various ctylea; Fig’d and Plain Papers, for diningrooms and chambFre; Cheap and low priced Wall Pawn?; Borders, Ceilings, Figures, Willow Shades. A large and complete assortment of tho above, selected tor thojseason, will bo sold at the usual low prices. ocdD WALTER P. MARSHALL. SJUO,OOC> 3J00.000 k. J. IttOAH IIAGAM * AUL, WIIOL£dAL£ and Retail lit sra io SiLkt, FUncy and StapU DRY UOODS, Nos W Market and 8 Union Pittsburgh; aprd (AANOY SILK AMD WOOLEN DY BRAND CLEANER, jP No. 7 ISABELLA Bt., uear the Exnmot Hotel, L. K« Hayward, Dealer io boots, shoes, trunks and leghorn and BRAID HATS, comer of Market aud Libert; eta., No IT 4, Pittsburgh, Pa. jel4:y Nest door to H. Childs’ Shoe House, PlHeborgb. DEALER IN fine Toas, Choice Family Qroeorios and Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH ST3. t PITTSBURGH, PA. IB now receiving a large assortment of FIIR3U GOODS, in adiUtioo to his already extensive stock, purchased from hr at hands In the Eastern markets, which, will be sold at the lowest market prices. AS fr Uotelo, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. •04'Goods delivered In the city tree of charge ■ ee?2l _ 122 Wood ntwl, I’lttfctmrgU. FITTSUUKUII, t*A MISCELLANEOUS Alexander Uaya» BEFS&CHCCS JOHN M’DKVITT, WILLIAM M’DKVITT. Pittsburgh, January &I,lBss—yenj E. WiIITEHOUSE, Aluquerv. JOHN DUTUUELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, No. 135 Wood Street* WM. A. MCLURG, SUamboata, Ahoy I hm Till subscribers tender their acknow-ljh I for the favors bestowed UP°“ ML* cSaKsßaathem by their Steamboat friends, and W j would respectfully remind them and others Interest* * i * od In building boats, that they are at all times prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Oabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work* T. B. YOUNG A CO.. Corner Third and SmithflelJ streets. opposite “ Brown's Hotel.” clanship. JylV&d instructions InMuilc* MU WAMELINK would respectfully Inform his pupils an i friends that he will continue his profession as iuittructor ( u th# PIANO FORTE and VOICE. Orders left nt Mr. KLEOEH’B Muslo Store, or at his resi dence, No. IS7 t>KCOND Street, will bo promptly attended to. tu6 Great Redaction LN CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, at lIAGAN A AIIL»S, 01 MARKET STREET. We will mark down on Monday, June 4th,our entire stock of seasonable Dr; Goods, at a large discount from former prices. We name, in pari, Berages and Tissues, Grenadines, Crapo do Kapagne, Summer Silks, Lawns of all kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitta, Lace Man tillas, ChaUl Derages, Madonna OLoths, Ac.—with a full and complete assortment of Housekeeping Goods. mySl For Kent* | A FARM CONTAINING G 3 ACRES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, with a large and convenient DWELLING HOUSE, recently built and of modern style; good Daru, Stabling, Ac., situated on the south bank of the Monongahela river, 0 miles above Pittsburgh, being one of ibe uiorft beautiful aud pleasant localities anywhere to b* found. Possession given on or before the Ist of April next. Enquire of 11. CHILDS A CO., mhti:tf IS3 Wood street. Paul A Murdock, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MEROHANS, AND J STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No. 7 WfttesstroeLClndunatl, Ohio. [apl:lf 1. W. Chadwick, Dealer in raoh and paper, no. uo wood street, Pittsburgh. The hitfhcoi srire in cash paid for rags, myllty Wi ltiug ClaiMa**Dutri College* riWIK Gentlemen and Ladles’ Day and Kveulng Writing l Clares will continue open during the eummor under Mr. J. D. WlUiutns, whose various styles of Gentlemen and LadloV Writing are so universally admired. No specimens or IVnmnnshlp are exldblied at the door but those execute by tho Teacher In the Institution. The Principal claims no “ monopoly” nor ‘ 4 patent” 1 *r his bunlnoea, nor did he get his lunmuUim chartered to sell out, as has been repeatedly done in this city. Ueuitomeu and Ladies’ Visiting Cards written in Mr. Williams’ uuequalled atria. AH Uuds of Ornamental Pen manship executed to order. my34jd*w ttIOUItNINU GOODS. F RAN It VAN GGRDER has Just received a largeand beautiful asnoriment of Mourning Collars, Sleeves aud Setts In Crape, Tarleton aud Swiss, black locn and game Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, In wool, cotton, and Bilk; Ribbons, Belts, aud Orapos, lu all qualities. Alexander A Uajou’a bwt Kid Gloves can always be found at No. S 3 MARKET STREET, corner of tho Dia mond. novlT HKW DBT GOODS BTOBB. Iron Front—No, VI Market street* OUR houso being now open for the transaction of a gener* al Dry Goods busineus, we would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, feeling confident that, from ourex* tensive and well selected etock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, wo can olfer such inducements a* will in sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN A AHL, apr4:tf Nob. 01 Market and 8 Union street. Bookb i kooks m kooks m Star Papers, by Henry W. Beecher; fcl t 2s. Clare Hall, by Mlbs Sewell; $1,25. Mary Lyodon : on Autobiography; $l. Doerttlcks’ Book; $l. A Vlatt to the Camp before Set astopol; (1. Mts. Hall'u New Cook Book; 21. The Uelreea of liaaghton; 37 cants. Barney O'lUerdoq. by Samael Lover ; 26 cunts. Tr lal anti Triumph, by T. 8. Arthur; *5 cents. Panorama for July; 26 cento. Just received and for eale at \V. A. QILOKNVKNNKV A OO.’d, Fifth et., opposite lha Theatre, PLANKS, PLANKS, PLANKS. Highly Important to Cabinet Makers, Carpenters, and Workers In Hard wood, Ivory and Veneers— W. 0. HOPP KU'S URRIVAU.cn VBNBEU, UARDWOOB ANl> IVOUY PLANKBI The above Planes cannot be excelled in planing bard wood and veneers. Tbe attention of mechanics is respect fully solicited. For sale at BOWN ft TETLEY’S, je23 13Q Wood atrwt.: FINE DHKSS GOODS.—A. A. MASON A 00. have just received another splendid lot ol Dress Goods, compri sing rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Beragea, Tissues, Or* Ac., with some elegant Styles of Flounced Be* !%«• RnHu. (cefll ■ Cl FTFTIT AT 0/=v LOTS IN WELLSVILLB FOK SALK—A plan of 0«J which may bo seen at oar office. Thaw Lots will be t-old oo time, anti but very little cash required In hand, where tho purchaser takes a number of lota. aug-1 8. CUTEUSEAT * SON. M Market «t. MISCELLANEOUS. JAfiIES W. WOOD WELL, CABINET rUBNITURS MANUFACTURER. Ware-rooms 07 and 00 Third strait. ii bmo*. J. W. W. respectfully tils friends and customers that heUL 4§HEBHHB£Lh&B now completed hie springstock Haal , " r?“® of Furniture, which Is decidedly *7 ■ the largest and best erer offered for cale in this Olty, which will he sold at prlocs os low as any In the United States. East or West. ’ As he is determined to uphold the quality with well sea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility lu manufacturing he Is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. He has adopted the principle of Identifying his customers* Interest with nta own, In quality and price, and keeps al ways on hand the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The following articles consist. In part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed In wny of the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Sofas, In plnsb and hair cloth; 60 do*. Mahogany Choirs; 20 dot. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Hocking “ 20 Walnut W c 60 Mahogany BJTfcns; 20 Walnut » 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 ** “ Dressing bureaus 80 ** “ Washstaudsjj 40 Enclosed ** 100 Common “ 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut •• 60 Oottage “ 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry - ** 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 dox. Cane Beat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladies’ Writing Desks; Uat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Etiguires; Paper Blache Tables: Conversation Chairs; Pembroke “ Elizabethan “ Hall and Tier 44 Reception “ Ladles* Work '* Pearl Inlaid “ Extension Dining Tables; Arm “ Ottomans; Uothlo and Hall Chairs; k large assortment of OOMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Caortr MAxiaq supplied with all ar ticles in their line. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. aprs Arrival of Spring and Summer Dry Goods. AT NO. fl 9 N. W. BIDE OF WOOD STREET. DGREQG A 00., Importers and Jobbers In British, • French and German DRY GOODS. Haring receiv ed oar large and extensive stock of spring and sammer goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and part through our own importation, we feel safe in assuring our old customers, country merchants and city dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer such Inducements to buyers as are rarely met with in the trade. Among our dry goods stock will be found cashmeres, de laines, Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas, plain black and fancy figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy vestings, cassimeres, satinets, tweeds and summer pania -looning; brown and black muslins, table diapers. We have also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with lace goods, fancy nettings, jaeonetts,muU and figured Bwiss mushns and blackellk veils, Ac. Our variety stock embraces in part combs, buttons, per cussion caps, threads, port donates, patent medicines, per turnery, and almost every artiele usually kept in the va riety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver watches, watch materials, glasses, gold and gUt jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of 80 hour and 8 day clocks, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or satisfactory reference. N. B.—An early call from buyers Is respectfully solicited. «■ D. GREGG A CO. VAS OOUDER’S TUirarttlNG stoiTk7 No. 83 Market St., Cocker op Diamokd. JUST RECEIVING, a large and well selected stock of all the new styles of LADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: Fringes, Buttons, Galloons, Gimps, Braids, Velvets, Laces, Cords, Ribbons. A handsome assortment of French, Scotch and Austrian EMBROIDKItIEg, In Swiss, Jaconet and Lace. Collars, Edgings, Handkerchiefs, tileovea, Inaertlttes, Infants’ Robes, Cbemizettes, Bonds, Capa A Waists. A full supply of MOURNING GOODS: Crape setts, Collars, love and Gauze Veils, Plain Linen setts, Sleeves, Gauze and Dotted Falls, Plain Bwiss do. Chemisettes, Italian and EngTi Crape. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING—Stamped Collars, Bands and French Working Cotton, Hoops, Linen and Cotton Floas, OR Cloth, Embroidering SUh, Stilletosand Scissors. Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. A »arge assortment of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS—Shirt#, Collars, Cravats, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Pins, Needles, Duttons, Tapes, and everything In small wares generally. Ay Dajou’s SK3T Kid Oioves, la white, black and colors. Sizes from No. C to No. 10, alwava on hand. Also—A good stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES—very cheap. mhgi .OAKiU. A at, JK. Hale of Public Property. IN accordance with instructions from the War Depart partment, the SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVIER and TER ROR, (No. 3, No. 1, and No. 6,) together with their equip ments. tackle, Ao., will be sold to the highest bidder, at the points and dates following, to wit: At Napoleon, Arkansas, on Saturday, the 80th day of J aue, between the boars of 10 A; M., and 2 P. U., the email twin Snag Boat TERROR, together with her equipments, Ac., in lots or parcels, to be designated In printed hand-bills prepared for the occasion. At Bt. Louis, near the Marino Railway, on Saturday, the 7th day of July next, between the hours of 10 A. M. t and 2 P. Millie two large twin Snag Boats, BELL and SEVIER, together with their equipments, Ac., iu lots or parcels for each boat, to be designated as before in hand-bills. The items to be sold will be classed under the following general head for each of the boats, viz: Ist— Hulls, cabins and upper works. 2d— Double engines and boilers, complete. 2d— Equipments, Including large parcha.se chains, an chors, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, tools, Ac. 4th—Cooking apparatus and other furniture. The boats are scarcely two years old, sound and substan tially built, and well adapted for ueeasOotton Boats, Diving Bell Boats, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, Ac., Ac. Their engines are constructed In the most efficient man ner, and are In good condition. ‘ The Bell and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about 150 feet long, 22 feet beam for each hull, exclusive of their suag rooms and wheel houses,and 12 feet between the hulls. The Terror Is about 133 feet long, 18 feet beam for each hull, and 1U feet between the hulls. TERMS OF BALE—The Bell and Terror will be sold for cash, payable on the days of their sale, The terms of sale for the Bovler will be lnado known on the day of cole. In all coses the privilege of dismantling the boats of all articles sold to diilerent individuals will be reserved for a reasonable time in favor of the purchasers of said articles. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase are de sired to examine the premises and judge of their value. 8. U. LONG, L’t. Col. T. K., Sup’t W. R. Imp’ta. St Louis, June 7th, 1866. jeß:3tawta JOSEPH ttOGUIDGE, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 28 Oomvb&cmx, nuow Pint Bt&ibv, BC« Loula, Mo., /■'IONBIGNMBNTB and Co emissions willmfetwithprompt \j and personal atUailon, and liberal advances will be given when required, on Consignments or Dlllsof Lading, In Aand. Orderefor the purchaseof Lead,Qraln, Hemp and other Produce, will l>e promptly filled at thalowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandlxe and Pro* duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest rataaof Freight willalwayabo procured,and the expense ol Storage and Drayageas much.os posalble uvoided. atsiaiHoaa: Page A Bacon, St. Louis; £UU A Morton, Cincinnati Qharlew,Blow A Co., do; Btrader A dorman, do; Chouteau A Valle, do; Uosea A Fraser. do; Doan; Sing A Co., do; Bprlngor A Whiteman, do; J.\Y.BuU*tAßro.,PUtsbh; E.O. uooodman A 00., do; D. Leech A Co., do; B. AC. Yarnall 40o.,PhUails; Wm. Holmes A 00., do; Morgan, J.M.BuckAMorgan: Blow A March, New York. R.U.Oomegys, do; Frost A Forreßt, do; Shields A MUier, do; Charles A. Meigs, do; Joslah Lee A Co., Baltimore. A. Q.Farwell A Co.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do Howard,Bon A Co., do; W. U. Reynolds, Louisville U. D. Newcomb A Bro- do; T.O.Twlohell A Co.,Commission Merchants, New Orleans. haveanopeu Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to my address, when advised by letter per mall.’Ot when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOCBIDdK, augfi Bt. Louis. Missouri. No. 64 Wood street, PilUbvTQh. HOLD on sale tho following BONDS AND STOCKS 40 shares Exchange Bank ; 17 do Monongubda Navigation Company; 20 do Cullens’ Insurance Company; . #rj 000 UonoDg&hela Navigation Company Bonds; evQOO Oity of Pittsburgh Bonds; $6 000 County of Alleghany Bonds. feepfcdlwawtf “■ “• mtm wiLkins * CO. fSuoosasoßS to A. Wokihs A Co.) HAVE UNMOVED THEIIt OFFICE to No. 75 FOURTu BtFw>L two doors east of their old stand, where they will continue the BAN KINO, EXCHANGE, and COM MISSION STOCK BKOKEB BUSINESS In all Its branches, Shares Mechanics’ Bank Stock. jy!2 WILKINB A CQ. 0. U. WT »-*»** ...7...... —— ..JOS. LUDXWIG. o. U. WUAinn W |||ii nE * Co., (Soceeesors to A. Wilkins A Co.) bankers and exchange brokers, IN TUB numerous suspension a of Banka and Bankers throughout the country during iho last bU months, ire are satisfied that in almost every Instance their troubles have grown out of a departure from their legitimate busi ness; and w* therefore, take occasion to assure the public In advahce, that no speculations in “fancy stocks,” or other “outside operations,” shall tempt as from the strict and le dthnate line of our business—believing that In avoiding all such Investments we shall not only bo better able to serve our customers and ensure their safety, but that in adopting such a course we shall promote our own ultimate benefit. . C feM ) w * °°- AQAZINES, BOOKS, 40— ' " Ladles’ Qaxette of Faehiou, for Auguat; Hupei's Uagaslne, do Putnam’e- d°r Uniham’s do . Godeys Lady’s Boos, do Petoraoa’o Ladles’ Magailns, do IUVIKB— A Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol; Star Papers, by Henry Ward Beecher. Just received and for Bale by |W. A. QILDENPBNNEY A 00., j,3l yiTOi sL, opposite the Theatre, S .* *• NUMBER 287. WliUam A* 1111 l 4k Co., BANKERS, .josm-u looxwiq. Xfo. 71 Fourth strutt Pittsburgh. hates or advertisusc i'jutsD {iron nr tom eiTixfivuati rn*&* «stt UiIIJHOtrPAfcHIrfOUSJS: ciue inMl Lion •* each additional insertion. '* ■’ oiu week..-. 476 * " two freaks - ...... 300 **' ** three weeks 400 <*. line month 600 •' •' two months ... 70$ “ three mouths., 9 0® “ “ four month* .... 10 00 "* u six months .12 0® ** 14 one year...... IB 00 dundlog Card, elx linen or less, par annum 10 00 ciuNaiMiL* at maatrai: One square, per annum,(exalusWo of the paper) 26 09 THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AOK. «£» Da. KENNEDY, of lloxbury, has discovered in coa of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, From the worst Scroilula down to a common pimple. lie has tried It In over IluO cases, and never failedLexcept lu two cases, (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates.of its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the. worst kind of Pimples on the face. - Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the WOfat Canker la the Mouth and Btomach. Three to live bottles me warranted to cure the worst case uf Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all ,Humor lu the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure Running of the Ears and Blotches among the Hair. Pour to.six bottles are warranted to euro.Corrupt and Running Ulcers. One bottle will care Scaly the J3kin. Two to three bottles are warrantedigTcure the .worst case of Ringworm. Two to thre* bottles are warranted urcure tbs moat des perate case of Rheumatism. Three' to four bottles are warranted to cure the Salt Rheum. .. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst esse of Scrofcla. A benefit is always experienced-from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity Is taken. ' Reader, 1 peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. 1 know the effect of It in every case 80 sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure will 1 this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it -but that sobl another; alter a trial, It always speaks for Itself. There are two things about this herb that appear to me surprising: first, that it grows in our pastures, in some places quite plenti ful, and yet its value has never been known until I oisobv ered it In 1340—second, that it should cure ail kinds of humor. Iu order to give some idea of tha sudden rise aM great popularity of the discovery, slate that in April, 1 peddled h and sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1864,1 sold over one thousand bottles per day of it. Softo ol the wholesale dinggiats. who have been la basl-'. nees twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the >w»»i« of patent medicines was over use It. < There Isa universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practicealways kept It strictly for humors, but since its introduction as a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never respected. Beverafcases of epileptic fi ta—a disease whloh was always considered Incurable—have been cured by a tew bottles. 0, what a mercy if it will prove effectual In all cases of that awful malady; —there are bat few who have seeh more of it than I have. V- t I know of Several cases of Dropsy, all ef theftaged .peo ple, eared by it. For the various diseases of the liver, Rick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side, Diseases of the Spine, andpartJCulariy In Diseases of the Kidneys, Ac., the discovery has done more good than any medicine everknown. No change of dletever necessary. Eat the best you get, and enough of it.. Directions for Use. —Adults, on& table spoonful per day. Children over ten years, dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can |>e applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. ' Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren si., Boxlury, Hass. Price, sl,oo# Dr. GEO. H. KEY3EK, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Central Agent. Also, J. P. FLEMING* AUeghony City. • niySSkiUw £3“A Substitute for the New Liquor Law#—Dß. URBAN’S ANTI-BACCITANALIAN ELIXIR, a safe and sure remedy for ih» core of 1 N TEMPERANCE. A concentrated vegetable extract, and a a a tonic Is une qualled. For the following complaints it tea most valuable medicine: Dysi>epria, Licer Complaint, Fpftepxy, Neuralgia, Piles, Fevers of all Kinds, Dzlirium Tremens . GcneralDebuit)/. This medicine is Intended to produce a change In the sys tem, and a distaste for alcoholic drinks. Several Instances where we have sold it, we have had the most gratifying results; bo, to persons who,are really desirousorbreakJng otf the indulgence in intoxicating beverages, this elixir will be a great holp. Sold at $1 per bottle at the Drug Store of DR. GEO. IL KEVSER, No.-HO Wood street, corner of Ylrgin alley, sign of the Golden Mortar. ap2s:daw Barren's Indian Liniment, For Rhewnatism, Itruises, l inns in the Sack, Side—Sores of all kinds . [A certificate from Cumberland, Maryland.] Cumdshlahd, March 10,1855. Ma. H.G. 0. Caarr, Zanesville— Dear Sire May.we ask the tavor of you to send us twenty-four dozen DARRELL’S INDIAN LINIMENT? Please send it without delay, as we have not half a dozen bottles on band, and it cannot be substituted in this country; therefore, do not disappoint U 3. «****«•, Respectfully, yoars, Ac. Brail A Watts. For sale wholesale and retail atBILGRO. U. KKYBER’B Drag Store. No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley; also by JOEL MOHLER, Liberty afreet. Remedies. lr. Kejser'a Pectoral Syrup will cure you. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. Keyser’a Pectoral ifyrup will cure Laryngitis. Dr. Ueyser’s Pectoral Syrup will cure Influenza. Dr. Keyeer’e Pectoral Hyrup will cure & cold In the head. Dr. Keyeer'e Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Con sumption. A recent letter from Mr. J. W. Veatch, or Rofeeby, Ohio, says: " I want you to send mo two bottlaa of your Pectoral Byrup by mail. There is a lady here who has a cough and the doctors can’t cure her. I was iu the same way, and tried everything without benefit, until I gala bottle of your Pectoral Syrup; I took it but twice, and it cured me sound and well. 1 ’ Ask for Dr. Ktisza’a I’ectqual Sf&up and take no other. Trice, 60 cenU Sold at DR. KEYSUR’S, No. 140 Wood street, and at J. P. FLEMING'S, Allegheny. ap2s:d*w *3* March's Radical Care Trues will cure nearly every cate of rcducvabla Hernia. Trusses nt various prices always on hand. Olitldran’a Trusses of different formsand strength for sale. . . ifilastlc 8 toe hlnga for varicose or enlarged veins. Abfioiunlal Supporters— Adosendifferent kinds. Pile Props for the supportand cuts of Piles. Shoulder Braces to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of the Che?t, and many diseases of the Cheat. Suspension Bandages. All these articles may b* had or applied at DR. KEY BRR’S Wholesale and Retail TRUSS DEPOT; 140 Wood etreet, sign of tho Golden Mortar; or will bessntto any part of the country by sending the money and measure. ap2sulaw - •: Balm of Thousand Flowers, for beauti fying the Complexion, and eradicating all Taw, Piuplis and Faic&txa from the face. Bold at Dr. KEYBER'B, 140 Wood trftet. JanSO PEKIN TEA STORE. S. JAYNES. No. 38 Fifth at , one door oast of Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa. t Green arp black tea*, selected with great care, and purchased direct from the importers, for Gish. Th*» stock consists of .all'the different flavors and grades of TEA brought to the American market, and will be flofd. wholesale, and retail, nt the LOWEST PRICES. RETAIL GROCERS are invited io call and get samples, and learn our prices. PACKED TEAS, . Put up in'WfaiVtc packages, expressly for the trade: Young Hyson-No. I, Imperial No. 1, “ “ No. 2, “ No. 2, “ “ No. 3, Oolong No. 1, ‘1 “ No. 1, “ No. 2, Silver leaf Young Hyson, Plantation OoloDg, Gunpowder No, 1, Souchong, “ NoJZ, . Ning Young Souchong, £nglir>h Breakifet, Old Country Black. TEAS OF ALL GRADES BY THE HALF CRgflr. —ALSO— OOFPEE—Hot Java and Rib.- ' LOVEBINQ’S BUGARB— Crushed; Coarse Pulverized! Pulverized A; White Clarified C; Yellow Clarified and test New Orleans. BAKERS BKOSIA, COCOA and CHOCOLATE, etc. Long experience in the business is a sure guarantee that every article eold will be as represented. This old established store has no connection vhthany other house in the city. Customers aro warned not to place ahycanjidenct In the representations of persons formerly employed in this Es tablishment. . * Agent, by special appointment for the. taU of DR. JAYNE'S CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICINES; Also, for the sale of Ml L. JOHNSONS TYPE. INK, Ac. NEW AND VAHJAUI.fi bUU&&— At DAVISON’S BOOK STORE, „ t . 05 Market si, near Fuurth si. History of the Christian Church ; by Dr. Hose.' Prise Kesay—Theism—The Witness of Reason and Na ture to an All-wise und Reniticeul Creator. De Quincy's last—The Note Book of an English Opium Eater. Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared in iheir three fold relations to wealth, morals and morality; by her. Roussel, of Paris. The Adventures of Amij&s Lea; by Rev. Chaa. Kingsley. Notes of a Theological Student. Mrs. Jamison’s Common-Place Cook of Thoughts, Memo rles and Fancies. Star Tapers; by Henry Ward Beecher. Wldcbr—The Right or the Left? Footsteps of 81. Paul. The Dead In Christ; by drown. Philip ColFUle ; by Kennedy. The Words and Mind of Jesus. Kltto’s Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature- Dr AlcoU’a Works. The Young Housekeeper. The Young Wife. The Young Mother. V The Young Husband—Health, Ac. Uarbaugh’s vols. on Future Life. '• Cummins’s Works. f. t6|> St ns J rr “ T ? l ‘ >“ E *JPt »nd HiiTTol,’ Land. ' Manilla Wn.ppluj Pap« a , l)i an t Unok/and Stationer. >f_all kinds. For sale at Kastero prices, by - ** DAVJBON. JUST BKCKIYED, at No. 107 Morkct sirei,! »TL'JT~7> Hoe Pateat Leather Oongreßs Gaiters, a Ueslta uie article for thla season. Prices low., uwu * j* 23 W B- POnMWITZ. John Groutt. " " T S^°r™ T „ E n,,,° m BaA NWKS, GIN, WINKS, 4c._D ci i„ *i ‘ n P ne OJd M° oo ugahela Whisky, reach Brauilv Ac ftre°'tl <yrPOTr “>»*»« qkmi-annd SALK.—A. A. MASON A 00. L»vu re-' Liln?ilt i (a? othor largo lot of Di L “ ln “ 9 - 'looa Moue do •* *549- P« y»Ki; QoW Medal do. 12U cents, fine Barsga do Lalnea 10 and 12}$c.—worth 20 and 26c [ jyij . . • -•-VY 'V/ • • ‘■’V *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers