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S'A ;•' '3 = v' rV?-V V " • z.'. 1. :'-'' ,*• . ERNE .-V • T .,f‘, l ■’ ' . ' *"* J ~ f' ’*? 4> v '*■ ; c ‘‘l *’<>; }3-A ': ; ■•■’;:•? ~'^t,‘'<-•>*>-*,, •■z**\p Z*t r" r».vs ? ;\* C c v -<\ •=v- >; ’ - ° r r.. ‘ f- i: ...t’ y •' .. cl<* *r «r. v'*?> v; *•*■•• r - f fv.J*- ■ V •■.'i ■v‘-r.;- .• «~w '•’ _ * ; V" 1 * r s r '-..Wr - '-' morning post BAIL: Printed okd pilbtti'hid aery morning {Sundays excepted,) BY GUjXjBIORK A MONTGOMER>, oi&TH*i»oßTa-WE» ooBSx&or wood and Pirrn streets. i ssr jSSMS.— SIPB;I!oUsr» > y«ar, W» bl '“ t ?S I LS alvuucr., Kx DcllK.'will tBVUTI.bIy be reqoiml If not pun within the year. , . .„, nthl Single copl«« tw* cow-fcr a »l* th * 500131 OQ.ce, afid by the ¥#&p Boye. THE BATOBDAY MOBNIKG POST , PBhIJtUW troja thrums offle*, cn 8 '?! s copies ‘4> v,". st TWO DOLLARS o year. 1” lldT ' inc '- Slnsl ” “ P ' M * l b.diaooßtimiM unlecs rt the diem- psd is Job Printing Offices in the city, where all knds cf wort is done on the shortest notice , and me ft reason able terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, ftobt, C. G. Bprooli Attorney and counsellor at law—office. No. Fourth Etroet* Pittsburgh, Pa. ileclLly James A* Lowrle, ATTORNEY AT. LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Bmlthfield street and Cherry alley. fdaollily JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OfSce, corner Fifth and Grant «t»*» ja3:ly2| PITTSDUROK, FA. _ Thomas Menus, Attorney at law and solicitor in chancery. nest door to the Po«d Office, Steulxanrille, Ohio. my* 6. P. Roe*, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson'e Urery htahl*. j*3B C. Orlando LooraU, ATTORNEY AT LAW —Oflloo, Fourth street, tbov« Wood. Jyfcy . K. B. Carnahan ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth elreet, between Cherry alley r.nd Grant atreet. V J. N. JU'Ulowry, Attorney and counsellor at law -office in BukeweU’g Buildings on Grant street, j«2 B. li< llaten, ATTORNEY at LAW—No. \T< Fourth street, above and near Smithlield. mar-7:y Patrick DloKenna, ALDERMAN OF lUIKD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth street •*, (ft-rmcrly occu pied by Alderman Lewi?,) wh n n» rII buxines? pprtuiQ trig to the office of Alderman and Justice of the be promptly attended tr>. frbl.um K. ttuettmaater, Alderman. OFFICE, Grant street, between Fourth st. and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all hinds done wjtli the irreju ent care and legal accuracy. Titles tc Real Estate examin ed,*.:. . . William Wilson, Alderman. OFFICE No. 417 PKSN -street, between the canal and O'Hara street, FiLh Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, wi.l be promptly attended to Ronds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness nod despatch. . ~H. A HI-, f*U KG'eOn DENTIST, pui ccssiir to 0 W. Riddle,) No. 144 Southfield U Ptreet. T. \Jr Office hours, from 8 to 1 o'clock, and torn 2 to 5 o’clock. feM&lj J SOOn 1 , DK.NTCstlVoartU rtmst, B»»aow west of Market. Orncs Uovas From nine A. M to G' I\ M. docSOry BUSINESS CARDS i-Jlill, [f CCKUNm .’ ROHrtTW* JJ>W\RP PITUMT'CS UESIfcV t. USCViLT. Curling' Hobirtion &• Co-, MAW' FAC’I UOF CL' I’, I'RKSaK;* AND PLAIN FLINT GLASoWAUF.. warelmur.* No H W ooj s;re-t, corner of Fronl- B tr»'ot, PULrbar^b. Alt nth-r kinds of dburswaro and WioJow '..af--, at iov market price*. ' .liicolj iU’CollliUr, WHOLE? \LK an 1 retail Ciirar manafacturer. anl-doi' or in ell kind- rt Tobao---', Snail, and NV dl Fifth street. Pittsburgh. Pa- , , ~ . Ke. pd mnstaatly on hand a iarj;- cuppiy of nil ,u< Txn.-us brands of Imperial Crjars r Joitn jioorhtad, ■W7UOUHAI.B UUoCEa, ANU eoMMIBSIuS M W Cil.\NT i rf.‘'r (be «u’.p r.f Pi.; >i ' -• • w •• M t u:»i* ‘J?- Ju.irr. In » '• - f ’ - 1 IV. 11. •I’UK l»tp Oral of J ONI* * UCIOO. ». .rln* W«- di-w-l. j 1- r. IrwoJ. I-J by lhod«tb of Job. t o. «b. r. U>ln- , vb. j « .£»• m of Mid firm wilt ho Mttiwl I’T ib« oe.tpnt*««l, .1 v, a I-M..-I*. >l. cdcp, Wtn»f Cf K»r. »sl »'ir»t «>»•«». «;!«.z>*. H'l'iV-r.'h Sc; lumber 30. IMi! —j , FKtabii'vh. ■•««*»* r-M**- . • - y% r 111 n£ t liaac Jon**» * ri'ii k w*ji -u i iJ * T ’‘ J ' l " M MA.NCF ACTUfl£K «.f *prt»« *»d UUtf*t I CUxJ ,-+ mil, *w*» ••»!!* - ‘ Sl*.b Plough Lojc.i end Klij-Ur Mf j t , »*rs-’?- drr & U«m **;-nn«C*, IW* N«: /.per. b«lf ' ***»• - , '.h* Gr'u *M J PurV liainnicre-l Iron AiD-v- cur Der c. U.j. * fci>J N t cf fvott»«.fc.-*Ai»T' m* iV 'OKRj I . tin 1 DvHiwrsln I t'.;»barph, l‘e c * “ . br t_L. T*■*.-!>■»•» •••■s '•»••• 1 jW.Old and IW ~.,*.** ' - laonoj**!? ” m ; ” cr.ni"' ini K->#. Lu*r.y firo-l, • . ,-x.x •.juris - J hi* iu?t«tu-.u r. ■ • »i --cu‘** - D. U. Uoßer* * Co., 5 ..»» to thl* r»s» • • *£',”?• PJ > m«2£2!- ' -- pur«t ««»«. P-.0U..1 -■ | A HOBKRT 11. PATTEII»v/.S. Iloprlplor. «-.«•» 1 • v »o ' >•»•'•* 1 s SJAs-"-' Ori*t WuiEi. V..PPXO »P.l m&L WMDOi>4««»rt«>4Cb.rTT.i»». Tk»«»M-rlwt j £ of n:.i. *•• •■ if ■■■■■■■ BtOMD h „V, j MMCIfBIIT .OBOBDOM t» tt- U"»»P. , ,4., j..„ n • Pr S J S Ce „“f “ 7 : u:i H-Poftm-ol l-f I.ao lrpll. i L,. „( nit.lu r s h, Ihmt h. b*» i A«-«! In ■ w.,m; P..-1 lb> u««.U0» of .11 . pOIIOOL,*hW. 101-lntoTMi:. «o=iall..Mo« ,J {h )“»> I •..!>■=. and-Bl.Uj .ml- »OJ 'toll*! •“LblKt-owoti"' l to -»KSJ« H r a, . a - - ■■, , K «-,T rt Lal-rt St.l« u. K k-p.i!U« Iwm oil F«rt- -I iq fi!u „u w - \X. s. tsouiu 2- ;•••*••• |.» e .i{ V W biu Ub biiit &o.i airy #ltOßiV.-B «oU*r# U *, . al* ‘ !•* Kngll*! l Itlchl%r * s , VT , _ i i»uiuJ t*> th« promotion t>( b«aith, ty thl* kko’ »zt«v r i; ,.- .• /COMMISSION' AM' MK . a ,i'. Tti" llow .re Jrv-lie aoJ ««U Uaiori. asu , urv - : r t Wbol«.lo 1>»»W t» tVb. B«nn V- i? ~ 4 •! . p.o r p-t fi r |Wr ' h.mWlf lb*l P.IM « ««*»*• ~>ll r gonsnlly - «v«.boo - f«-M- rp.mi io m.i. tbi. P,ub'.bbmpo«tb.Bnt . n,mup„ * . ... inshrim, .NV 110 V. »t.-r s..ul 1.0 Firs. w.M., ‘ ' „• ,b. robtt , - , iA\r: ll vM' -> > “ :is » Peon a. - - ' • u| *i c.. Hoc kmgf 11 r;j i\iK M A » A ■ ,'T' ■ > i’. \ , *"• •' ' i ’v.on»(aHi>loi» Home. _ iM'FACTUHIIi Ot '*:.■ »i - »■< ; : rfUS -uU.«'?rih*-r~ bur.- h h-.Mifi? for to«- ,1 " T '' P'£ , \I *uaO.NZR UK)KINO-iiLASrt. PoUTRAIT AND HC , MHI ?m . I N... IT S»UMWa .tr~l four .lour- - , iU ftOMg Ho 21 W CUIr MoooatCßii-i** Ltr-u.-. M.-wiH purc-brb-.soirr i , - '• Ail kind# o( O'mpodttoo fot•- v% m. K. t>i«% en*«i» • t i—. r £ V't" *.« OMb lk " Co ' ; tbuViTbK.NO ™. -..m.. .. in'’" 1 "' FUjUR. »ACON. - aD d Mn o l.t;u,M in ** lah ; “ '"**Vil • w II&.No 10 corner SmKhfieM ao-1 V.r-: .-trrelc. I’U>- ; u h t m , v - *Uh*.ut IojUTJ, with icon? ami | |(iju-L hii‘*KU AM' U-Av til.l. •■w_ ** * uotC- ' 11 new arvl r .aso>il i.rv r. .•> , ".i .• - > "■ ,;..tuo; .«w ‘ lot:. !.,;. n .|.PP. No ii?..Cl»lrrt_.Mtb.b»»eb ; . ’o-bssif • b .„Thmi *»•' ‘"J" 1 * TB. Young & Co. J. WHITU. i '" * , \ . ..... : . A'p.SS stmU V. . .. t/) r-um- ho oil tiuilnpua. »cl b* . - r BUSB MAKWFAOTURV,.I bo.btretb-m.l. ' U'U—"- ,h°p.»mnU.i,»S S old«r*i»«lpriMi>. C«.ta«-n offlCT , Mwwn Wood »ud Snlibll.U. •b -ta7i«ng for Uodio-1 wA.pro.rriu.-c, . i “,. u of BLINDS. trlmowJ -lib l-U « «»1 ,nP - - K wm lilßbrTJr.. , i f.oof vor.ml .ol rt!k trlooinK.. .hi » pn-puwliu> t" v « r ib. , K -.- r i = 2;"s,»:r ■'J? - N„. li»; Vl-~>.l rf.. IMttrhu rah. Pi., 111 .tur S D, Jul) .. . ' *" J 11. I.eilor, 3 ,i WHOLE- VI-Kuml 11-twl I>-»1 -r In Mu.imllnA.riim'-ih‘.”. s. X. hong * Co., j , rr bco*.j bl n\.Tln^ Ji” Enterprise Worbi- fIOTICK. Xo 136 Woodttrefl, ti.ird door Moio 1 irgmaJs!/. ■ STOCKING MANUFACTORY. volriPlf Pistols, tll ".^ r J, , ;'^',‘ ll »™orlm-f -iirHEIIB will b. four! th« largutsod hrKW " , P ’ Cc,^. D ‘ lY f«*M:y Henry lit Collin*. 1-lOinVUUHNU ANL> COMSIISSIOS MK!ICUAN.. »nJ ■* 1. -,.>r in BDH.T. S-oK W. »■*> Pro-Jar* 1W 0,.»!1v.N».» WoM Flu ebon* ?«<• li'T. C. ffiorguM, BOOIicKLUUt ANO STATION on hwii B j-.C-nl h.M!sl‘rt »jrf «#»••* Cooke l’iiti'.in j. roo: ro. t CO7. Pi-.v-t. k.-.. whoUsulo «oJ r toll. No-104 Woo I -wwt, I’-, )-! Fifth. Ka-i ‘C-, i iU-buri.-fc Waot.'l. Itoin imi T-ncir.- “i' I '-*? mU.Liism.bU-l'>*!!* F :l lo"Ur,- !i Sillier & llltkeuon. AT.r. GUiVKrt* 1 . I-ii>-:<—*■ <'l aad IT i. rxn-t ot Inna »0.l Liberty p?r»v*r, PUUyj:;-'* Irjn, .♦.-. u-, 0. -*on * riJ V* i'onstAr.*Jy - _ r - - VVm. Carr Cc».» (kVa CAtr. Ut* i< '.h* J PirV-riT.) W* UOLKSALL via-'OBRf 1 . «nl l>hl«rsln Foryi.-r. and Brnnds»,oU Itanunh* and lu-c.io-J WM - -rrCßma.ir.W Ha*. l.u«t.J >lro-l. .. loil.N U. 1 Jt. V) Copartnership Police. I 's££ ?“«™Stt.KTr!£l sas?c. clannT. h«±z s»kbssm ■ moderate prion, » nJ by close »tt».itS... : ; lar favors. . Pittsburgh, Apr:! 11, l9Cr«>. ! Wilson. Tnrbett &> CUUfj’f WATCH MAKERS JEWEbKRS and SItVKKSMIiIIa 1‘” Market m n;et, corner Fourth. m ' ’ New Coach and Carriage Factory! JOHNSTON, BBOTHEBS & CO., Corner R*t«'cai and fclmont strati, AUsgU/ny City. WOULD n*vp<'ctfuUy inform tVlr trieD' -j^t^sJvOsLe'nnd tho puh-ic generally, that theyba'e commenced thn manufacture of Carrlng'-\ _ Kocfcavrays. lluggi***. Sleighs nu i Chariots In all their various style* of finish ami proportion. All orders will l>n execute 1 with strict. regard to durnht - tv and beauty of finish. K"pair:< will also be attended J.> on the most reasonable term*. U«lm in all their work tl • beet Kastern Shaft*, Foies, end Wheel stuff, they feel w t.; • dentthat all who favor them with their patronage, will i perfectly satisfiod on trial of Iheir work. v Purcbascra aro ro onthe ™ M * {h witli their patruu confident that all who may favor them wim F age. will bo perfectly aatipfled on .. , Dapfl OVO rv The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibure- v teen minutes during tlni day. _ “ PITTSBhItOH COACH FAC ™*'’ [[ . 11. UIGELOW MARTIN L. bTBT*N3 GEORGE . Bleeiow & Co., Brag SUCCESSORS TO E.M. 810 BLOW, No MPW& Diamond alley, near Wood street, U - burirh—Coaches, Carriages, Pheatonfl, I'-jv gies, and every dcscMptlon'Of fancy vehic »*• built to order, and finished In a manner unsurpassed I- r beauty of design, elegacce of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials. lyg* All work warranted. new* ROBERT H PaTTEIWON'B LIVERT AND SALE STABLE, Corner Diamond street end Cherry alley SpTl-ktf PITTSBUUQn, PA IAAPOZ.UMON 3VKUPi ‘ 1 vL* 20 u {assorted do ia store and for sale hy jylp 39 Wood opposite the Si. UtwlM Hotei. /*£«:-• S' + I'f t»v*., -,''«• ♦«* **- \ ;*, S*:* *■' I, *‘.t ,-»• V• .' *- ,\.-< S•*» h *> L**? , • * ’ *—, 1 ♦'*.*’ w , '"V-' :•- j^***^*r^£r« Is'- "■'■ -'• v> *'■’'''• PUBLISHED BV «HIS„, E PHS « U 1 oFW«» ““” “”“ “ “™ 0 VOLUME XIII. business cards Joseph Fleming, UUCCIB3OR TO L. WILCOX ft CO j • CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps I (j oonfllantl* on hand a fall assortment of Drugs. Medl dues, Medldne Chests, Perfumer j, and all articles pertain -1 !J hit- Phys!d a ns’ Prescriptions catefulls compoubded at all hours. . J? - 5 - - issrjsnfm.:.:...:.:. Fleming Brothers, [BOCCI 8 BO B 6 10 J. SIDD ft 00.) WHOLESALE DDQOIBTB, No. 00 litl sburgh, l*a. Proprietors of Dr. M Lam / Bskrmt -d Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. J _ John Haft) Jr*i | soecsssoa to jamss m'ocitfiyJ WIiOLBBALB AND RKTAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In l’atntn, Ollfl. Dye Studs, Ae ,111 Wool idreat, three doors below Vlrsln alloy, IMUnburph. aprlnnAely H, jl.. Allen, WHOLESALE DEALER IS FOREIGN WINES,DEAN DIES, OIQARS, OLD MONONUAHELA AND HI E WUISKY. 4c., also, Rectifying Distiller, No 6 Wool street, Olns, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Croix and New England Hum, Clareta Ala, London Brown Stout, lifcli, Scotch, Bourbon. old Monongaheln Kye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Reach, Wilii Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported uarana, Iteealia, and Principe Clears: Ualf-Spanlsh and Common Cuara, all at such low prices as to oh&Hoag* «n3p«tlt!tm. Fancv BariWsand habeUrd Battles of erery stylo, and DvmOohn? of all alif*, I respsctfully loTrte an tlnn of my stack, at No. S WOOD street, Mtt*bur«h, P?noa. * p - y - James M«ilinger t MONOSOAHELA I'I.ANINU MILL-W’ouMnt.iawtfoL ly Inform hl» friends and the public, that his new es tablishment Is now in lull operation, and that he Ispre parrel to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders Tor Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest ™'" s - . u Board and Plank, planed on one or boJi ridw,eonstanu\ and Moulding! of every description, made to Bailor? and C&rpt*n?»ra would find it to their advantage to fWe him a call, a- be can now rornlsh them with planed stuff puiUble for «**ery description of work- _ llctrou *. Crliwtll, Bell and beam foobduis, .cdMaoalketutm oi „ll kind- of Bnu WotL LoeomotlYe feleam Engine, Plumtera, Ar. Alre, Cntlon lUttioit Manufacturer! Foundry on Rrbecea ..t.reel, Allegheny city LrtUro and Slurs No. 12 Market street, rHtiburgn. a»- Old UruM and Copper taken In eich»nite loit * <’>«, or cash pail. Order* left at the loundry or 013**. «U 1 be promptly attended to. ** 11 7 - k. naarF-.... :.:....A unraou i »«”• OrafT, Bellinger * Oral, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No 124 "ood atwt, FLU* burgh, Pa. MAScrAcrxisara? or CooUoc l'laio a».l FaDry Crat**. Coal and Wood Stoves Plain *od fcac.-y » ecJers, Parlor Stove*, and D“g Irtus, Uoil » Wart*, Portable For**, Fuftar KettUa, T«i Kettle*, Store Kettle, _ WagenJJcs**. « w. »Aia Smith* flair A Hauler, i Late Smith A feioeialr.) iIMITa SALE" GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMIT MERCHANTS* au«l Dealer* Id all °* *!anufa-*:ure«, 122 £«*oDd aad 1M Ftrrt \t. u. fcxmi t'lON I*ittebarsh M Pittsburgh, 1 W . U*t«o , t ipHB OLD PIUNTINtf KBT.VBLIBIIM.KST, (lal« > 1 Kton 4 Stfrrfctcn,) and Black Book, and Stationary Warebonv', i» pr»r»r«l to ex*eul* *yrry *:jl« Cosaiarciai. Canal aod tUeacbna; Job and iHadiuc. and furnl?b •***»■) *r\ ;<*> In lb* Blank B tbi nujr*Acn:=>J« '• * DKTKCTI Vr. POLICE PUSINCfcs in U.«* Puim of lt* rohlW-iltf .... ... Consume tbe Smolce* ’ I 'BE Fubfcribcr luring th. «cl ori»«ri?h t h>' n » " r ■ I tnr»»ml Mil BWKENKY'B IIOT AIH AND BMOKt [ ~ '•HOMING FURNACE, l* prepared to receive ord«r«, »oa utrKt for taratlng building. pl Dissolution of Co-Partnership. MMIE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between I JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP BBYMBB/ In the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, lfl this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will ha nettled up by Joshua Rhodes, who is author'sed to re ceipt for oil debts due said firm. JOBHUA RIIODEB, March 27th, 1855. PHIUP RBYMHR. FABTNERSIIIP NOTICE. oss-Tho undersigned have this day formed a Partner nhip under the sutne, firm and siyle of RRYMBR * AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary buGiaess, No. 39 Wood street U)niecuuu , I HILIP RHYMER ROUT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855. as- In retiringftom the Confectionary badness, l oheer fnlly recommend Messrs. Reymer 4 Anderoon to my Wends end customer*. JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh! Removal. ~ PRINGEB HARBAUGH A CO. romotal to No 205 Liberty street. i spsraore “^™|“7H»rb»ngb‘*|c'o“ ! B Iof“"^jM^ROHANT 8 i C ”to woouid prrtw. g-endly, No. 2»5 Liberty j street, Pittsburgh, P»* , * PITTSBURGH WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 32. 15 55 - business cards .1. L*. Marshall* I (Saoceaeor to 11. Leu.' 1 WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No LIS Liberty street, I'ltt-Lury-h. ]’a. Rtftmur— \Y. M'Olintocti A Brw.i K.raw-r A lUton. Brown A Klrhpatrlell; Murphy. Ti-rni.ii Al e. Pittsburgh. M»v 24.15. AA ■* Ilnta itnd CK|». FYF would lot ito the attention nl our friendr and rs the public to a Fph-udtl assortment of II ATS and «HLoAPS, which »< are now c.penirg tor the Summer Unde, which for bnuiLj of atyle, -nro.de anythin.- ever i.l tered lu the city, or west of the mountain*. «-«■» '" r A SON, yi W| . ,M|i| htlOUr T M'LAt GULIN, No 1* Fourth idr.-et. n-arly r P) ".Me • I the vlavo-'r ottlro. la ro.oufa-iuri-a Gentlemen ebnn and butu.ni d, Cui.pT.-e" and Hntujn rtlQator*. Wies* Half Jwl * n > L! pers, and ljubliw C*atl*n, - ( *i*n ftnlcr»ud.h*ir. fane? KU *n-l bullo ‘jaiUr*, <»f U*p\ ui-wrLu* • nnJ CbUJri'O’* m*. wri-ly , > U _AU kit'd* m«J-OT-Je--r. t'O fcr.f-: - rcl.c-, ' f*oltl»cr»’ Bounty Claim* | tgtltm Uovernmeni. | l J,L crfv'OT*' l»*'uu‘ y Lntj 1 W amut* S t i'd*.!!* r»,. >-y Wkdo« f :vn l Minor ChlM-c-n, ao 1 o it) Ibr *' Court i f Claim*,' \>»l M«\t Seed Hlorr. JAMES WARDBOP ' n -'« "■• •*>' CANAI.\ . <“•« *'o “ ,,J , ‘ D ' mr!!!,.-I, U,, >' " •J B~A. BouqufJ will««r»rubo»l fu» *<*<•-.> FLOWKUS, ru . Cftincii**, b"- fl Uf. *• -’l* . ■ '•• Rrertreen* (la fot>‘ t'f Ctrl -tn« Ttxv». »r ; »a Uorii-uUur.l Store. N*> 49 Fifth «* . «-*ar « -I Bounty ,„y ,« mb.* K '' c J C Ksiio.rr. :rr b.b»-i «m** • J. IL IIUSTO. loti Work. lor k«.l«. OIVTT T-ruFC »ChEM'>T r> «-i«»i'- fai . «*<■*. U mw- tW-tw.t«H '&.!>'««: ..-1 form llou.r. r.trn. lota:.. II .»■ J ~ »n biTlv^r Tb« *<7in cf »’ -f- v!,;! '• oJ to *■'* UOO 51 hull IMfcNri'iNs AN i > And Agency for U» PurchAs. and Solo of l’-*'--'- lU K hu and A MO: Ei f K> ■' ■ NUNNS A CLAKK, NKW V>>KK of tnttaburgh and examln*a f.Qpprs* . jy'lyf ICallOrand l'laiio,price 91000,x ■ “.. h« Factory of SUN-'* *C. *K. A.- dernl ll»trui»«.l I.* ■=-*'“> the H.I/»»ETIU*« SIVI.E," lh- i.rnameot*, front TO"™* »"■! >'«■ l 7"k - 1,1,0 or»»TM, Of Ihs “"*• lo T" 1 ' 1 1 “ ’ p„wrr. and IW U » 1 »««•<“'•■■* , ! “ f'' o '•-,..-1 a. .. e.,lher un-urpartalii*. ■ „f The sub-erlt-rs will U 1..,.pT r»--lto !,• » i'". of tli.tr IneuJ, amt tl.» l'» h “t lu K.u.r.l, >ul cat loom ttircr In hU other*, '*(!. lu rJ ■ ' foK/.AaDd ysf;*<'n.»rt/v'•/ lon ' __ 1 They have DOtoniy M'celvt-A the Wh*'*l n;arK< . r., j tattoo from the best European PlantM*, i»u**h m i LIST, TIiAI.UKK*!. | And others, who hare them eonnautl) In IhOl tin I but pleo Irom our tmddt-nt Profesmrti. Tint follotrln,! I.* an | frc-ifl a Ipttor of PHOKESBOR HUNKY ItOUIJUCK .... Aft<*r describing lh* particular ftyl« two of whtoh v# wantß for hi* own aw-on# Umnd nod one J^uan— n# speak* u« follow* of their '*c..ll#nt «(UHllU#* ■ “My uul« daughter, *hn piny* v.-ry «--U, tnu*t, with myself, have R Instrument, miJ }'’tirn nr* ID*' only oxie« which cun *etl*fy me •• lu>arum«)Dts *r* ollr.re.l ro*on U.« most .ceommortntin* terms- 1, however, do not lllt» th-m . they hnvo nt-t th<* elastic tvufh nud th- tone of yonrs. •' I remain, younu mepwtfuiU, “ HouuoCK.. rntahort'n, »a .jussi'u j. cum For sale bv CMAIUAITTK HhUMl'i. «Uth- ‘*'»U K-Uh- Hshed l‘iauo L’opot,*’ 115 Wood wtre*t, - 1 door übov*> l-ilth Aleo. 6nle Apetit tor ri'tsounth and Wealurn lVom-ylvama for UalUi, Davit if Ca.'t fianns. (which in the Kaet ern cities are rMuaidcrad nuperlor to tslthar Chlckenuy a or Nunns * Clark’s Put which faot 1* not *xt«n«lTo»y known, hb they have but lately btten Introduced here.) arid o her New Vr.rt and I’hUndelphlH Tianon, of th-: host tuAkwr*. &t price* from fttft to Notice lo Whom II Pl»y Concern. rIMIK I'Um.IO SPIUNU HAtKB cl Krai Krlalr at lie ' I cheater aro now closed, end tie* /.uiMiriy Nr-a.c-n has lairl? commenced. Kerry eltUen or Jlochsstar Is busliY cm tilnved Kern 110 or 40 new families who liner brnomo rlli „ nt , tbr present Spring, Ond ronrtant employment; and lo n fsee days a lmncjml families moro erlll be ro.tu.rrU lccar ry on the work of thr present season. CUr IhriUiiro EdaW'hmrnt Is now un.con. pie hen, and will ti* In full operation In June. Several Can, will be or drlleory, by contract, the let of July. IMS Two or three new churches, In Ibirheeler. will bo con trar.OU for immediately, and numerousother Improvement, will be commenced, rejoicing a great .ninoutof mechanical and other labor Independent or tl.a Car hatablubmont, which Will pro-ably employ from one to two hundred A prominent brVUmnker trom Pittsburgh has just pur chased nine large lots, and contracted to moke upon them forthwith 500,000 bricks. Two gang" or bands eminence work the present week, besides the ether yards 1 erelcf. rr established In the neighborhood. Oar Stonf Quarries nru al reedy aUv«‘ vtiwi a orkui'-n, and the road leading to them linml with team*. Lumber Is becoming abundant ami (W/Vhu 1 tem-meti't wilt soon sr-rtng up to relieve pome rd our honet-H, which BOW hare 5 families, 4 families, 11 famines, and d, was of wbo'd'd cheap lots al tho four public sales last Sharon or the fonr pnbllo sales tl.a present spring, ran sail secure good bargains at pn»«l« rale by calling on tbe “KfSw' TcnM ' /8 mVo"oSEII.'" &D p 'J can yet bo tia»l Kt $OO to $lOO each ; U applied for before the 2u;h May. These lota are twice as large da usual eJty lots, tlz : 40 feet by I~>, and tho price , n 7„ from «1, 50 to $2,60 per foot front. The present reaarv • “l bom “lead end magnificent proßt of Ovid Pmnsy, 4 acres > In the centre of tho borough ofßpcheeter: also, the heanU ful-20- acres,', building, orchard, *c, ofvF. Keno, enn be bought through the'BUhscriber at great bargains, and th. r. I are not teo judibarvaiicf within a hundred miles. G ’■ I . .CBA9. ATWJLU SCUTHBERT 4 BOlf’have removed their EsUt a and General Agency Office to No. 63 MAlllwlSl * near Third. OR BALE—Two Lots of 60 to HD, each, In Kut Pitteborstt, at the lowest prices. Inquire of augl - THOitAB WOODS, Tt Fourth street. , wnrotsn A] i' ) t; ’ ‘ M JMU--. -V v N-. 'r‘-- ' « i-.t-Un'-si n.Aia.k * t- . N II A Jv.n Rur>i A RaK'.- 1 H UstnjtUr. Mb'. V •• Arxire- I ci!: O =MEI -i, . A.r*t.'• 1 tc ~E>< «"!»’.A. .'f Vi , t( , :.i :... A b-ftosi ! ' ' . r’.-• I». ‘V *A'•* F. |tH I 1 :«■ i AiS-.in l.v i;iuM) I*l AM* \) \I-K hi MISCELLANEOUS DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. Jt.ra all DiBtASH 01 ru* b. u» **» wirooaT ourrttio, omot^fSiS^ UouiAftotn 0 A. M. to » F SI. ROUGH GRANULATED LIDS, InlUmmiUon. Acute or Chronic BtodnoM with Films, Iritis, Am.uroMi »nd ari t tkrofulJus, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among iye TThli are treated by Dr. 11. with Ear treated upon FclentiOc prlumples. i Artificial Eyes Inserted without An operation. ; AU letters post-paid will eecure P ro “ p ‘^“.mnntTh. thou ■ We eelect the following references from among the thou ! saudoof caeae which hate been successfully treated b> Dr. j U Wm. r j°°Fryer, 324-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y •Alfred Uouthwich, Printer, ' td Goodspeed, Glens Palls, N. t ■ •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. New Yorh City, N. I I Miss Mary BeHows-N. R. Station, Ducb.e. co , N V •Edward Q. Solger, Bristol, Oonn. •John Seaman, Engineer, N. Y. UmtidUtUe, Engineer, N.Y. Wm P. E. Gllea, office Oonrlor and En., , r* t |.lames W. Ktrby, Brooklyn", LI. Operator, Bt. Nicholas Tlul-I K M Korrl**, Ursan guilder, Houston bt. K h Doolittle, M . Hudson, N. \ Mm anlckrrlK>cker, Youkera, N.Y. M p. Oolllna, Teacher Peumanahlp, Troy, N r K.’L.Ro«S Albany, N.Y. A FHUrobach, Rcbenectady, N. i. Cupt. D- H. llarllanil, Athena, N. Y. John W. llackett, BlnghaxnptCD, N. Y. •The** patlente were blind, and bad to be led to the oJflr-e. At tbo expiration of two weeka they could go about the rlty rgf** of Amaurosis were restored to Right afteT they were given up a* Incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to by any person who wiaho* to the facts In U.ew* -»*«*, by wridng U) them. ) Pittsburgh i)oll«r Savings Inailtatlon, *Yo. OS Fourth nr rut, NEXT I>QOU TO THE PITTBIH ROU UASK, IS NOW OPEN dally from Bio 'er. The Trustee?, for th® purpot=f of furtberteg th* btinerolent oW«taof the InitHutioti.have enternd «a.o a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to th- Chsiter, Bj U*r», Itul-s ,u-.l R-go latinos, furnlfhed gratia, on application at th# i>Glc# /Vfmfs'ftf—OßOHUß ALUHEFi. ViCX r RdOCTT* : llop*w»U lispbura, John 1L Bhe«nb«rg#r. Ucures it. White. chsrlrs Knapp, Vt UUan 1 Johnston, N. Grsttan Murphy. Jsm-* W. Uallman, tbisobnld UmbsUtlter. Al-ianJ.r Ittedtey. M I‘sonork, William Phillips. tYlUlam J Anlsr-on Tfct-bTSC* : John G. Dacinf.n, Jsmns Usrdman, 11,11 Burgwtn. John M. Llrtpalikt Cnltwrtson, John D. M L/Jfd, Ctte*ter. Rnbrrt Morrow J u.rdlnw Coffin, I'- Aktulo A. Cint-t. A -d Foßo- t. John r OwgraTa. ll»nry U l.ln<«»-i o-h.rl-. A CVUoc. ltotwrt R"bb, r ,1 Ulnos-.on. Georg. K- Rld tte. PrareUF.tU, liarrjf# V. dutanra, J»»« rhi-li*, J.m« a. Uoon. G~t*. t>. S-IJ™. w i Uit*o, Alexander Tin frsrtlnry and rr-af'Arrr-—CM A KlXa A. CvfiON ;*i fc Hr .. . . FAHAEItr ASU JIECIIASIth' LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE Inoumici' < oini>nn>. or cuix.MiKi.rniA A (2'*uu* p'-’-rKpSy ri'{ll« CmMFANY *2rfl* Fir* Jn»«runr» v«s I a,-v»i«. Furct-u?*. Ir. Mmrta- «« j l* ir*-* *nl Fr*i*U. Ul*ad lafuru** *a G***Ja, by ! UK, C*umU. lUUTOfcim w»i Uni Camv» **tw*»r !a;ur*B'« upr>r» U***. ll a w- 4 ' : u, '‘ tv " < mnrctow- Tbc-ram* U FUr*&--*, JaO*-- K- U Arv»U*'Vt. VizMii** l^os-'' Kl !’ *- !L Heiia**- 4 *. Om* 9 w lUitnbcld, C ru.'a»lUi»i«WJ. l«»? »ff» , r. FUiUKNCK. I*r*«M*' I, » it - !i S**-reUry H..„ T M II- »e. fi'-'O J 51 M'Clln:-rk. II .. I- 0 «»»»«. >■"•' » W- l «*^ ll u J tl dathrw, A. II h. Ca-tu.-sil. >* ; . 7 Iw*,*. J (MU. Ka, . »MT2a»4l«~. fc* I in: J 11. ..o i«* t»rvs*f o< ibn C* Csp»cy t» ** '•**‘*' j • i>J .-s-triWaw* th» T%n *O-1 sou.-tf*l f f fcif?, *-* . ’XT,* mn-1 UJ" iMOMJW UmiJrei-ti cl stmodlc* *r« *«* v-yxiri in • • > c ..» -jfifct, ii»urr**£lu z*qtt*l uj* rwii fvr t-uttißS tt? fra!t ic« 1 it,, **rk * ik» «*rily ife»t N* th-tr u-* or b*T. FrttU mol Toomtt*- ko . ■ a! «uiam*T ... ... I‘ilicert—Hot Cooa $• Qmort. 1-.- ' ■ !i ' l: ' H'M Thtm UuutA. U*!!.”*. t J !»' . 11! ' .lit. U.-Jl, lo to »-ur. lt> Iron.- CAS.«hm « ’M> • ni "VSl"*'?! ... .. i,-p. »o th»t -btn n*o It t* d«»«l ' * ~* ? ..f. I. l.u Ins lolly •Pfro.ol t-y th» Vonooro Club , . tU. AB.«r»n Urtttoto, S« ' t.t(. It tool * Or.t-rl.» .1,...... .11 Ottirt- «.tf»otto A f*S« .1 the l.le f»lt In Ct'n-lnu.tl. ar,J «M ..ohlttl » meJ.I *' U ‘' l ' h .!'"'f l .it teiJ this sploa «l ll" hmUh.ont.n lotmute, « s- b ir.X'.tu Ci'.*. 1> C U U fiftitnM tt: \ ™.* 1 promptly attended to. - JOSEPH T. LOW. Ho. 4* Oimrr of HfOt and Wmi . a 3£tL„„t> oaco op stairs. Entiftnco from SIIUnBMt KtUL REUVEWTEOLLV .imounM to tno P“W*“ th * t “ commonwlth. I'.KAL ESTATE AQENCJV, to Mnnecj tion with Intelligence and (iener&l Collecting. **® & Iso attaint to ranting. Perrons tn want of setruitß. > capacity, or those in want of places, wlUt»«uppltod notice. All business entrusted to hlfl cute promptly a “ifcArSce.-T. J. Bighem, Eki, Klrtot Oow.D, Eaj-jW -0 1/ilie, I>r- Ales. Black, James Mackefal, A. A- M®^ n * Mafflt&Old. .. J * nl HohuehmaM ft H»anUlß» J ITUOQUAPUEIIS-Thlrd street, opposite th. PostoOM. I 1 Pittsburgh. Mepe, LenOiatpeo, Blit Heed* Blue, eu,l U*chm^ r Vh'UoeCftrds,etc., ox Drawn on Stona,PiwJ« tt. Color*, Gold, Bronse, or Black,ln tb« most epprorjd style, •nil at tlie most nmaonablc prices. with til 9 bent or tho MMOO, lotto b ' V^J..fr ChOS ""* *" JOH^BA"ptorrl. to r. Alexander U*y*» „ ti , v . . R t IVIL ESOISKKB AND SURVEYOR, FUIh «tr«t, c,p. C poeite the Court Houfle, Pittsburgh, P “ t * t “ r '" l ’“ l J" a monently located, ami siU punctually attend to all bualneas entrusUxl to his charge. Notice. rpUK Portnerehip of JOHN M'DEYIIT A BRO. WM d »• J. mired on the brut Imt- John M'Devltt will conUnua th** 1/uslDrtM at tha old etaad, ami attend to the settlement of -be bu-lnca, of the lot, Orm.^^ william M'ußvrrr. Pittsburgh, January Cd, l&s*>--{jißn4 9300,000 9iyo,oot» (L&TI SKOWK’O, ) J. w. BUTLEBp & CO. MISCELLANEOUS umiHcu: _ _ n Hon. W. P. Johnpton, President Allegheny Valley ILR- W. MUnor Robert*, Chief Engineer “ j 4 „ U-'O R. Ktehbaum, Associate Kng. ‘ L»arid Mitchell, Chief Engineer Pittsb h and Btonh. 11. it- J im-» ThoiDprton. Superintendent City Gas » rh,*-*-# j«raw» E. Day. Ctrl! Engineer. Allegheny City, |api.iw_ Slew Trimming Store, ' .Vo. 53 Cbmrr of bl&rkcl tire# and the Diamond. I MtASK VAN GOOD EH reepecfuUy announces to tha i jb public of Pittsburgh andriclaity, that he wiH hls u.» Triomln, Store on Monday, April nth Ha* □■j the ncaUvit store room in the city, and filled it wtth« Choice selection of the latest styles of Trimmings and Fac er Good*. he flatten himself that h* will offer superior in ducemeui* and ead«»TorL> gW© toll satisfaction to all who tuny faror him with their patronage. Soo don't t«>rti*, in gr.M, oak and marble i ! Hail pmp-ra, of rurtous «tyl*#J ricd and Plain Paper*, for dining r-Mtasand chamba.f, and low priced Wall Paper*; Border*, Oiling, Fifurea, Woden Shades, A 'a Tgp aad ts'iapU'te awortnmt of the abenrr, rejected r - .1,0 .-*eD artil b* rli at tha usual low prtoe*. V-JJ WALTER P MARSUALL. - .nasmrie iiAOAia A AHL, WUOLESALK anl tL-teOD, m* la Pincv cad «w, DRY GOODS, Noa « Markatand 8 Union .tree!, P.lSburgh V' 4 - it. tf'fiTOfiioßii.'." ...0V JlLlt AND V,-r.'l.r.N DYKR AND CLEANER. * “t„ C(*ar the Emmet Uoul, Clir j ‘ AlL*4U*»»j L. E. Uayward, _ 1 vRAI.FIL in HoOt*. BUOEB, TRUNKS and LEGHORN I ) Ani URViU UATr. i-jiroet ct Markrt and Liberty ats , *, If*. IV.t- burgh, !•«. Jt W 2. JOHN aiTOUKLL, UIU»LEi?AUE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, No l.!j Wood Street, i;»r Lot Li. ChLdj** fchtM* Uouse, Pitirburgh- WM. A. MCLOKG, HLAI.Ktt IN rin» Toai, Chiic# Fumil, Qrocurlei »nd Willow 1 Ware. 1 const-': of wood asp sixth sts., piTTSBUKan, BA. I 3 nn» . :.rs» «MTtn«l of I Id DjtP.tnn to l,l< »lr~».iy riwnm- , »"'t famUlM, Bayln* By 1 * i in the rtty of P" BUtfflboatir A.bOf t Tc* subscribers leader their oeknow-*?* I for th* favor* bl» torn., nTfry m.n.Dip Ciiro . r Thlr j , n a SmllhSoU rtrwU, jyli'iS opponUn " Brown 1 . Motel. Imiructlon* InMailc. Mil. W AMELIN li would respectfully Inform hie papUs «n 1 trteoila tluU he will continue his projection hr ,r,»uuru.r < b the I’IASO FOUTR and VOICR. urdaralafi - I Mr. KLKUKH’B Music Store, or at his resl deno?. No. is? SECOND Street, will be promptly attended to. _ __ _ • - • Great UcJacllou 1 N CIIOIOK BUUUKR IiIA)D3, i.t I lIA OAN *. AIII.'S, 81 MARKET STREET W, Bill mirt Jo»n on Mondnj, Juno 4Ui, cur entire of «.oiui>»l>l« Ur( Uoole, of » loose fTO “ I'.root nil---*. W» nemo, in pin. Borogee ond Tissue*, Unnwlinoo, Oropo U« Kepogno, Hummer MUrs, L»’ , u , °| *> l kln.lo, Kmbrokl.ries, Hneicrj, Qlctoo end 51 lilies, Cb&lli Bereges, Modmme Cloths, At-'r'ib “ • nAcorttnont of Uoueeßeeplnii Oood»- m T' u complete o» For Rent, _ , I AIAIIM CONTAINING 63 AQttKS OF LAND, under a likh state of eultii.llon, with n large and convenient DWELLING UOUSK, recently built and of modern etyle; pood Born, gubllnff. *r., eltuatrd on the eoath bank of the Monongalwla rlter, U miles above intuDnrgh, bring'one of lb" moot beautiful and pleasant localß ies anywhere to bo found. Pomomlou given on or JPo ™ t ,?.'' I } l Bt n ' > J *22&° f „ „Vwood«rit._ Pmul dk Anrdooky /"10MM1SSION AND FORWARDING MRROHANS, AND C StSaMUOAT AUKSW-SO.T Water street, Cincinnati, Ohio. __ _ _ —a J.. - - 1- -- I I. W. Ch»dwlok, .. ' DKALKII IN RAUa ANU I'AI'KR, No. W 9 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Tho highest Fries in ca»h paid for rags. rajll:y _ " Wrltlttfi Clmwi-Dttfl'i College* . GfOttomen and LadlaH’ Day and KTanin* 1 Classes will ™nllnce open during *h“ ““““ Mr. J. D. Williams, whose various etylea of LAdie9’ Writing arc bo universally admired. No speclmone ot Penmanship are exhibited at the door but 'bow*™KUted by Uro Toucher In tho Institution. Tha Principal claims no "monopoly" nor •• patent" (or his busineea, nor did bo got his institution chartered to eell out, as boa been repeatedly Ladles' Visiting Cardswritten In Mr. Williams' unequalled stylo. All Undo o! Ornamental Pen .secured to order. j mourning goods. ! TIRANK TAN GOIIDER haH just receive! a large and 1b beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Sleoeea and Betts la Crape, TartetOD and Salsa, black lace and „auro Vella, black Hosiery and OlCToa, In wool, cotton, and alter; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapea, In all tiuullUea. Aleiandor A Boon's best Kid Glorea can always be found at No. 93 MAItKKT STHKKT, corner af the Dla mond. . ni,TK HKW DBY GOODS BXOBE. Iron Front—No,Vl Mwkot ltr««t. OU H house now open for the trihrabtlon of a gener al Dry Goods business. we would respectfully solicit the patronage! Ihe Uinsive anil well ot SILKS, FANCY AND BTAPLI3 GOO 1)3, we can offer such inducements as wul In* enre entire Hatlsfaction. HAGAN A AHL, apr4:tf Nos. Market and 6 Union street. YjOOKtii BOOtiiM! BOOKS! 1 ! l> Btur Papers, by Ilonry W. Boocher; $l,-6. Olevo 11*11, by Mlflfl Sewell; *1,25. Mary l.yndon: an Autobiography; $l. DceHtirks’ Book; $!• A Visit to the Camp before Sal astopol; $l. Mrs. Hall’s New Cook Book: $l. The Heiress of Baughtnn ; 37 cents. B»ru*y O’Rlerdon, by Samuel Lorer; ‘lb cents. Trial and Triumph, by T. 8. Arthur ; 25 rants. Pauoroma for July; 25 cents. Just received and tor sale at W. A. GILDENFKNNET A CO/B, Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. auR9 tVI.ANKS, PLANKS, PLANKS.— HighIy lmport.nl to X Cabinet >Makers, Carpenters, and Workers in ilatd wood. Ivory and Veneers — W. 0. nOPPER’S onaiVALLSD VENEER, UAKDWOOB AND IVORY PLANEBi The above Planes cannot be excelled in placing hard «f**i anil veneers. The attention of mechanics Is respect (Sly solicited. For sale at BOWN * TETLEY’S, j 136 Wood street. T?INKD RRHH GOODS.— A. A. MASON: A Jttflt f received another splendid lot ol Dress Goods, comprl rinrf rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Berages, Tissues, Or* ffMdlM, Ac., Ac-, with Borne elegant etylw oMfiouneed B»- s» r «uoU*u ifpoi m.gipfrn KT. nc. LOTS IN WiaLLSViLLB FOB &ALK-A plan of Ot) which may be seen at our office. Thebe Lots will be eotd on time, mid but very little cash required lu hand, where the purchaser takes a number of lots. [ aug4 9- CCTHBERT A BON. 03 Market si. MISCELLANEOUS, Wuitiuui S 7 mil 0» ”**L j. v?. W. respectfully informas?| friends »nd customers that beUX hno now completed bis spring stock rw| €3^l"" ■ (| 4J of pnmltura, which la decidedly »*1 * the largest and best e?er offered for rule in this City, which will be sold at prices as low os any In the United Btatea, East or West. Ah he la determined to uphold the quality with well sea* Boned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, he is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest PI He S has adopted the principle of Identifying his customers' interest with hla own, In quality and price, and keeps ml wavs on the greatest variety of every description of foroitore, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele iant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be famished from’his stock, or Bung*™* £*Bhi/.££* der The following articles consist, in part, of hla stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed In *ny of the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Bofas, In plush and hair cloth; 60 do*, mahogany Chairs; 80 do*. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Rocking M 20 Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut u 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 *• »• Dressing Bureaus 80 “ •* Waahstandsjj 10 Enclosed “ lOOOommon “ 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus-, 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut “ 60 Cottage “ 600 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry “ 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 doe. Cane Seat Chairs; 24 Case Seat Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladies* Writing Desks; Bat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Btiguires; Paper Mache Tables: Conversation Chairs; Pembroke “ Elizabethan “ Hall end Tier “ Reception " Baffles’ Work ** pearl Inlaid “ Extension Dining Tables; Arm “ Ottomans; Gothic and Hall Chairs; ' h. large assortment of COMMON lUENITUBB and vyjNDSOR CHAIRS. OxfiOT* Munafl supplied with all ar ticles in their line. , . STEAMBOATS and FOTELB, furnished at the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. How Arrival of Burlng and Summer Dry Good*. AT No. W N. W. BIDE OP WOOD STREET. D GREGG A CO., Importer* and Jobbers in British, # French and German DRY GOQDB. Haring receiv ed our large and extensive stock of spring and summer goods, purchased from Importers, manufacturer*, and part throng a our own Importation, we feel safe in assuring our old customers, country merchants and dty dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities In purchasing, we can offer such inducements to buyers as are rarely met with In the trade. Among our dry good* stock will be found cashmeres, de laines, Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas, plain black and fancy figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths,fancy vestings, eassimcres, satinets, tweeds and summer panto locning; brown and black muslins, table diapers. We have also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, newest style*, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn, ami so ertecahre variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with lace goods, fancy nettings, jaconetta,muU and figured Bwm mnslrns and black Bilk Tells, Ac. Oar variety Block embraces ia part combs, buttons, per cussion capr, threads, port mouales,patent medicine*, per* turnery, and almost every article usually kept Id the va* ilety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver watches, vateh materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of 30 hour and 8 day cloeia, all of which will be sold at the lowest price* for cash or satlalnctory reference. N. B.—An early call from buyers is respectfully solicited. ttbUO D. GREGG A GO. 'VAN GOUDUU’S TiuanaiNG STORE, No SS Market St.. Corner of Diauosd. JDBT RECEIVING, a targ* and well selected stock of all the new styles of LADIES* DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: Fringes, Duttons, Galloons, Gimps, Braids, Velvet*, Laws, Cords, Ribbons. A handsome assortment of French, Scotch and Austrian EMBROIPKDIRg, ia Swbs, Jaconet and Lace. Collars, Edging?, Handkerchiefs, gleovcß, Inserting*, Infants’ llobea, Chenltettes, Bands, Caps A Waist*. A full supply of MOURNING GOODS: Crape setts. Collars, love and oaura Veils, Plain Linen Mtta, Sleeves, Game and Dotted Falla. Plain Swiss do. Chemiaottes, Italian and Eng’h Crepe. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING —Stamped Collar*, Bands and losertinga: French Working Cotton, lloop*. Linen and Cotton Floas, Oil Cloth, Embroiduring Silk, StiUetoa and Scissor*. Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. A ’arge asrortment of GENTLKMRN’S FURNISHING GOODS—Shirts, Collars, Cravat.*, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Pins, NwOlea, Buttons Tap**, and everylhSbg in small wore* generally. Bajou’s best Rid Gloves, ia white, black and colors. Site* from No. tJ to No. 10, always on tafut. Also—A good stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES —very cheap. hale of Public Property. IX uvordftnen with instructions from th«* War Depart* ‘ pinmfut, the SN AQ BOATS BELL, SEVIER and TER* HOIU (No. 3, No. 4, and No. 6.) toother with their equip ments. tackle, Ae., will be sold to the highest bidder, at th« point* and dales following, to wit: At Napoleon, Arkansas, on Saturday, the SOth day of J un*, between the hours of 10 A: M., and 2 P. M., the small twin inag Boat TERROR, together with her equipments. As., In lots or parcels, to be designated In printed hand-bills prepared for the occasion. At Bt. Louis, near the Marine Railway, on Saturday, the 7th day cf July next, between the hours of 10 A. M., and *J P. M-, the two large twin Snag Boats, BELL and SEVIER, together with their equipments, Ac-, in lots or parcels for each boat, to be designated as before In hand-bills. The Items to be sold will be classed under the following general head for each of the boats, Tit: Ist— Hulls, cabins and upper works, oj—Double engines and boilers, complotc. 34— Equipments, including large purchase eha'.ns, un chore, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, tools, Ac. 4lb—Cooking apparatus and other furniture. The boats are scarcely two years old, sound and substan tially built, ami well adapted for use as Cotton Boats, Diving Bell Boats, Floating Mills, Wharf BOots, Ac-, Ac. Their engines are constructed In the most efficient man ner, and are in good condition. The Bell and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about 150 feet long, 22 feet beam for each hull, exclusive of their snag rooms and wheel houses,and lifeet between the hulls. The Terror is about 133 feet long, 13 feet beam for each hulL and 10 feet between the hulls. _ TERMB OF SALE—The Bell and Terror will he sold for cash, parable on tho days of their sale. The terms ot Bale for the Borier will be made known on the day of wua.- In all cases the privilege of dismantling the boats or all articles sold to different Individuals will be reserved for a reasonable time in favor of the purchasers of said articles. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase are de* sired to examine the premises and judge of their value. 8 ILLONG, Vt CoL T. E., luft W, R. lapta. t it. Louis, J une 7 th, 1855. jell:3tawta JOSBFH giOaHIDBB, COMMISSION AND FOHWABDINQ MERCHANT, NO S 3 OOHHISCIAL, DILOW PlMl STUXT, St. Lonia, Mo., C°and personal attention, and liberal atfsmwa will 6« jWen when required, on Consignments or lllllaof Lading, ,n <)ideralor the purchase of Lewi, Grain, Hemp and other Product, Will bo promptly filled at thelowest market prices. The RecelTlng and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest rates of freight will always ho procured, and the expense ol Storage and Drnyage as much.as possible oeolded. ainßxrroxs: Pm * A Bacon, Bt. Louis; Ellis A Morton, Cincinnati Chat '.ess, Blow A Co., do; Btrador A Gorman, do; Chouteau A Valle, do; Hosea A Fraier. do; do; Springer A Whiteman, do, J.W.Wl*rAßro.,PlUsbh; K-OVGoOodman A do; D Leech A Co.. do; E.AO. Yaraall A Oo.,Philada, Wm,Holmes A 00., do; Morgan, J.M.Bnch A Morgan: Blow A March; New York. B. B.Comegys, do; \ BrostA Forrest, do; Shields A Miller, .do; Charles A. Meigs, do; Joaiah Lee A Co., Baltimore. A G.FarweUAOo.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do Howard,Bon AOo. do jW. B. Reynolds, Louisville H. D. Newcomb A BrOy do; T.O.TwlohellACo.,Commission Merchants,New Orleans wmJl have an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover *ll shipments to my address, when advised by letter per mall, or when endorsed on bluaof William A. RUI A Co., BANKERS, fio. 04 Wood strut, Pittsburgh. HOLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCKS 40 shares Exchange Bank: 17 do Monongahela Navigation Company * 20 do Citteenß* Insurance Company; £.OOO Monongahela Navigation Company Bonds ,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; ,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. a H. Wltpran « CO. (SUOOIBSOBB to A. WtLKina A Co.) Have removed their OFFICE to No. 75 FOURTH ntreet. two doors east of their old stand, where they continue the BANKING, EXCHANGE, nnd COrf (dISBION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS in all ita branches, !U ' r:>— Tw e n ty■ G ve Shares Mechanlca’ Bank Stock, IJI9 WILKINS ft CO. o. b.wileuu . _ Wilkins A Co. | /Successors to A. Wilkins & Oo.) bankers and exchange brokers, jYo. 71 ftrurth itrtd, Pittsburgh. IK THE numerous suspensions of Banka and Bankers throughout the country daring the last six months, we are satisfied that in almost every instance their troubles have grown out of a departure from their legitimate busi ness; and we, therefore, take occasion to assure the public In advance, that no speculations in “fancy stocks,” or other : “outside operations,” ehall tempt ns from the strict and le> Intimate line of our business-believing that in avoiding all such investments we shall not only be better able to serve our customers and ensure their safety, but that in adopting such a course we shall promote out own ultimate benefit- ■..... , .. [ftbsJ W. * CO. ; - '• NUMBER 286. It/TAQAZINKB, BOOKS, Ac.— Jit Ladled Gazette of fashion, for Auguut; Harper’s Magazine, do Potnam’a do "® Graham's do , Qodej’o Lady’s Book, BOOKS' YU& * JSSS Worfsebaatopo,; Just received & CQ., I 1 yiftb et., opposite the Theatre. e -~~=~-- RATES OF ADVERTISING iGasBD upon ni tax riTrsnusan rstas siji uaas njcn>Aant,Cß 100 s iur ou« Insertion..... * •• eftahai4UtouaHn?crtlon.-. one week, " two weeks... “ tbreeweeks. ■ « one month. *• two months... three months. “ four months.. ** six month). “ one year ng Card, e\i lines or less, per annum... CUAKQSA3LB AT fiXASUMt On® square, per annum, (px;lu‘..lto ot the paper)-* THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. OS' B». KKNNKDY, o£ Roxbury, haa dlccovetßd la obb of out anrmmpailim midi » remedy that cures EVERY RIND OF HUMOR, From the worst Ecroflula down to a common plmplß. He has tried it in over 1100 coses, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor). He has novrln hU possession over two hundred certifleatee of its virthe, all within twenty miles oi' Boston. Two bottles are warranted to ear® & naming BOr® month. One to three bottles will core the worst kind ol Pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will dear the system of Bllee. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst Canker u the Month and Stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to oure all .Humor in the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure Running of the Kir* and Blotches among the Hair. Four to elx bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt and Running Ulcers. One bottle will care Scaly Eruption of the Skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Ringworm. Two 10 three bottles are warranted to cure the most do* perate case of Rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the bait eight bottloa will euro the worst A benefit Is always experienced from the flnA tottjvand a perfect cure la warranted when the above quantity it 1 peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the efTeci of U In; ® TeI T c * ae So sure as water will extinguish fire, eo sore will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it but thataold another. after a trial, U always speaks for itself. There we two thlngß about this herb that appear to me surprising: tart, that it grows In our pastures, in some places quite plenti ful, and yet its value bag never been known until I discov ered It in 1846—second, that It should cure all kinds of to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery, I.wUl state that ha April,lB63, Ipeddled it and sold about six bottles per day—ln April, 1864.1 sold, over one thousand bottles per day or U. Bomo of the wholesale druggists. who have been to boal neea twenty anil thirty years, Bay that nothing to the annals SrSatoSmSctoea wu ever lie It. There la a universal ”s>. kept It for hmmorj but since Its Introduction as a general famUjr modidtoo, groat and wonderful virtues have been found to it that I ° e EsveSiSa' l cf epileptic fiuv-a di-iewe which wu atoaye considered incureble—have been cured by what a mercy if it will prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady; there are but few who have seeo.more of lt ?£ow of several cases of Dropsy, all ef them aged peo ple, cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Rick . Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague,fain in the Bide, Diseases cf the Spine, and particularly in Diseases of the Kidneys,' dm, the discovery hasdonennore good than 1 any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever cccetsary. Eat the beet you get, “.DfKc£»» Ar"CSs. —Adults, ono tablespoonftd peT day. Children over ten years, dessert spoonful. # Children.from five to eiffbt years, tea spoonful. As no directions can os applicable lo all constitutions, tako sufficient to operate on the bowels twice s day. • Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, y O . 120 Warren st.* Roxbury, Mau. prlcef Dr GEO H. KEYBEB, No. 14o'Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pu. Qencrml Agent. Also, J. P. SEEMING, Allegheny ei.y. myW-.ir* » Substitute for the Sew Liquor tta.\r* DR. URBAN’S ANTI-BAOCHANALIAN ELIXIR, s safe and sura remedy for the cure of INTEMPEIIANOB. A concentrated Te;eb>ble extract, and aa a tonla'lß nne oualled. For the following complaints it isamostyalnable medicine: Dyspepsia, Diver N^ Piles Fnxrs cfall kinds, Ddirivm Tremens . General Debility. This medicine is intended to prodoce a change in the sys tem, and a distaste for alcoholic drinks. Several instances where we hove sold it, we have had the most gntiiyjng results; so, to persons who are really desirous of breaking off the indulgence in intoximring beverages, this eitoir will be a great hrip. Sold at $1 per bottle at the Drag Store of DR. GEO. H.KEYSEII, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, sign of the Golden Mortar. apSs:o*w Barren’s Indian Liniment* For Rhmrr.aticr.i, Cruises, Fains in the Back, Side—Sores of all kinds, [ A certificate from Cumberland, Maryland.] CrraroEMAND, March 19, loon. Mil 11. G. o.Case?, Zanesville —Dear Sir: vm ask the favor of yon to sen-1 us twenty-four dozen BARBELL a INDIAN LINIMENT? Please send it without delay, as I we have not half a dozen bottles on baud, and It wnnot be substituted in this country; therefore, do not disappoint us. ******* Rpsnectfullv. TOUTS, Ac. BEALL & WiTt3» Per sale wholesale and retail at DR, GEO. H. KEYBER’S Drag Store. No. 140 Wood 6treot, corner of Virgin alley; n'no by JOBI. MQI-ILRR. Liberty .treat. jgf Cougb Beracillei.-Lr. Kcyecr’a Pectoral Syrup will cure you. Dr. Keyeer’fl Pectoral Syrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. KejßOrt Pectoral Syrup will cure Laryngitis. Dr. Keyeer's Pectoral Syrup will cure Influenra. Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup will cure o coll In tho head. Dr. Keyser’B Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Con ,UA ?lSnt letter from Mr. J. W. Vratch, of Rokeby, Ohio, “?’lw«nt yon to send me two bottleeof your Pectoral Syrup by mall.. There Is a lady here who has a cough and ihe doctors can't cure her. 1 was in ‘J 19 . 8a S B . w i y .’, l t n „f triod everything without benefit, until I got a bottle 01 your Pectoral Syrup ; I took It but twice, and It cured me sound and well.” , . . _ Ask for Dr. Ketrcl’s Pictoral Btrup and take no other . Price, 60 cunts. Sold at DR. KKYSKR’B, No. 140 Wood street, and at J. P. FLEMING'S, Allegheny. ap2fcd*w fi-SUrih’s Redical Cure Trail will cure nearly every case of reducible Uernia. Trniiei at varipui price* always on hand. Children's Trtifkei of different forms and strength for sale. Rloatlc stockings for varicose or enlarged veins. Abdomntal Supportsrs-Adoren different kinds. pile props for the support and cure or Piles. Shoulder Braces to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of the Chest, and mauj diseases of the Cheat. Suspension Bandages. • ' _„ v All these articles may be had or applied at DR. REY* BRR’S Wholesale and Retail TRUSS DEPOT, 140 Wood otreet, sign of the Golden Horiar; or wiU be sent to any partofthe country by sending the money and memeuro. ap2saUw __ o»Qalm or Thousand Flowers, for beauG ■ treet, ltcB ° PEKIN TEA STORE. S. JAYNES. No. 38 Fiftt* at., one door oast of Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa., Green and black tea*, selected with great care, and purchased direct from the importer*, for The stock consists of all the different flavor* and grades of TEA brought to the American market, Mid will K sold, wholesale and retail, at tbo LOWEST PRICES. RETAIL GROCERS are invited to call and get samples, and learn our prices. . „ PACKED TEAS, . _ a Put up In metallic packages expressly fyr tho trade: Youn* llyaon No. 1, Imperial No. 1, •« •. No. 2, “ No. 2, « « No. 8, Oolong No. 1, « « No. 4, “ No. 2, Silver Leaf Young Hyson, Plantation Oolong, Gunpowder No. 1, Souchong, «i No. 2, King Young Souohong, English Breakfast, Old Country Black. TEAS OF ALL GRADES BY THE HALF CHEST. —AIfIO— COFFEE—Fine Java and Rio. _ , , . LOVERING’S SUGARS —Crashed; Coarse Pulverised; Pulverised A; WhiteGlarifled 0; YoUow Clarified and best N BAKERS BROMA, COCOA and CHOCOLATE, etc., etQ. Long experience in the business la o sure guarantee that every article sold will be as represented. This old established store hat no connection with any other house in the city. Customers are warned not to place any confident* In the representations of persons formerly employed In this Re tabliflhment. Agent, by special appointment, for the sale of ■ ' DR. JAYNE'S CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICINES; (Also, tor tt« sale of j«4l L. JOHNSON'S TYPE, INK, &Q. NfilV ANl> VAijUAUbci utA>h.» — r- At DaVISON’3 BOOK STORE, G 5 Market rf,yz ear Ftnrrfctt* History of the Christian Church; by Dr. Ua*o. Prise Eesay-—Theism—The 'Witness of' Reason and Na ture to an All-wise and Uenificent Creator. , . Be Quincy's last—The Note Book of an English Opium Eater. ■ Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared In their tltfee fold relations to wealth, morals and morality; by Bar* Roussel, of Paris. - • The Adventures of Amijaa Lee; by Rev. Chas. King***/- Notes of a Theological student. , ... „ Mrs. Jamison’s Commou-Placj Book of Thoughts, me rles and Fancies. Star Papers; by Henry Ward Beecber. Which!—The Right or the Left.l FooUUps of St. Paul. The Bead In Christ; by Brown. Philip Colville ; by Kennedy. The Words and Mind of Jeaus. Kitto’B Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. I)r Alcott’s Works. The Young Housekeeper. , The Young Wire. The Young Mother. The Young Husband—Health, Ao. ;• Ilntbiiugh'd vols. on Future Life. ■ • \' (jamming’s Works. , Stephens’ Travels In Egypt and Iho Ilnly Land. Manilla Wrapping Papers, Blank Books and SUUou®ry of all kinds. For sale at Eastern prices, by ‘aep&idlwawtf .JOSJPU LUDIWIQ .JOS. lOOIWJCJ. JUST KKCKIVKU, .u Ko. lu7 tlartlet GeDtfl* Fine Pateut Leather Congreea Uaitefe, . for this pcwon. r John Groutti *.^T«Ww TMPORTER OP BRANDIES, GIN, 1 in fine Old Monongahela WMp^’ ?rrnt Also, Rectifying Distiller, corner of bmitnOei npr i3 streets, Pittabnrgh. —■ O EMI-ANNUAL BALI!.—A. A.MAWJN * Q^J Mcmde o ceived another large lot of Do Vine lainca et '■ $ 60 26 176 8 00 4 00 6 00 7 00 0 00