• .* '• v V« -V-V ’* • ‘ V- V>. **,* V*" ■'TfW’ 4 *** 'v "■••*■ - • :/ 1 j.s ft •*: \ ''-* . T tf-i* %"'* t - ' f' \V. f ir,.. • >;/A •• v ‘ - 11 - u' ’ ••-• Vi* V' *- 1 =S,. Vi -« ‘ i ~ ' , .*■ *i} **. , l v.-«*fe? *• 'V.\ . •r,r; ‘-...'T. • y*-- yyiy ■* *. ■' ■• y ■ t • '• ;.--3 ,•yi ; -; -aX,* yi '. vi v» r* jtv i/ 4 •i, v t>r*-v ■ i * r •.■ *.i •<:*.■ - -.>V?V•:»!*• • • . <",T f '■ ••■- : -> , « ■«C •, * .{»••- >t h »'.« **- *. >. i ( tfvV* *• T: A HYN ;YY: Pr y - -p .-><* •= Y. *!p ■•ff-'HV *- j. ■*'■ •*r '.?& &•!* 'M r; y 1 * ■ v . V- V rv^‘ ct':^>Y , : ! - ir'iY £ ivi*{> si Y' •• £► “7 Wes’ St.:. *<*,- i•; !;rV“ 'j.%Y C<£'- .. , v r.<~ ;,, J:-. v.- .r -' "■■?:'■» “•! Y«’ M*' 1- r c !; c .' : •' o s ' ■ r \'", --v' v Ki' \ ’ ifif-’.t. v Y' L ; !■'v'^ 1 c ;.•„ V*Y V>- V*"',-! • r^is '‘l; ■*' k. VJ\£ f. ', t. j i , r tY ‘ v v -‘r V^- >^ ; ; ? X* J ’ -'il = ■ Y-' - --'• ti.f-.l *■■-'. mkOM -•:■ Y-3;:c:.;v -rY-. V.'rh y'- ; 'y ■•:::;•■ -yy- ; : .'y y ; y ,p;>:;P YY-‘f-:Yp^2r sw- v : ; ■ •:« y-;y?:yyv>yl ; YvSi. '■s«! P^YSPyH ', ;-' a .v . v ~ft Y::; ; .YxP^:l ■ ■ Tsz-Fz* .V.^'-nty-• : \';P ,'. *■ •■'•■•••' i.'^J liiiiiiliill Y-r: : c;'Y ; -.£ •: l'YY^-:r':n :', •- ? Y‘'Y;v:’.--; i YY '.;.,‘^T*- i <.Yf "5pc yr ■ ■ ' :;. ir - I .' - ‘^■■ :l K-4*. •:■■ •■ ■tif&j&i " ■ • - •■- i •-■• q/r 'i’ «*-.\7 'ppu'-rr \ x .t f:! - u-- »-. -%''‘ •• v-Yffy+c .«".*■ . yv:v/:"v^P:^ -T 1 *-'"’* + • f ’.C» ts/r-J ’". '*vC~ • r,vi cf-r • *. : * r •; V-*>.•{; '•; k^v.Vxrv ' '■"'-'.■if'r v^ < 'r-p- -, w * *.-V .V - - - • • «. V ' ■' . '• j „ rjr ■ •...'-•<• .<’■'«• *l' :V -v > :' 5 / K ' r. )tr. r ,; , 9 - . ,'*"< *~ ’;'- e *« f. ? v *.,* T 1 r? -J jV X’•* ~ *"•/ P- ..'. -’V-V. .▼• -p ** r*- i.J • *_ *• £*C'*-» ► «i- r j.' S: -< »f" ► . . -i-£ V y . ' <.*•> 'f;#< ■*- i - * >'*'*'4 r * u * * ***Vs w*' *.** > TUESDAY MORNINU DsiiSOATßfl TO the Democratic County Con vbhtion.—Tho. following is tho result of the eleotidns.oa Saturday, for delegates to tho Dem ocratic County Convention: _ . rirrsnuaan. . EiiYt Ward—John U. Bailey, Alexander Guppies. Bec6nd Ward—R. n. Patterson, Charles Barncti Third Ward—J. EL Herdman, T.-B. Strain. " Fourth Ward l —Charles Shaler* James Kerr. Fifth Ward—Wm. Wilson,-John Ueldman. Sixth Ward—Archibald Bryant, Brown Irwin. Seventh Ward—B. F. Latshaw, James A. Irwin Eighth Ward—A. W. Alexander. .B. Flanegln. Ninth Ward—Joseph Weeks, Thomas 8. Rowley. ALLEOHZST. “First Ward—-Samuel W. Black, John Otterson ‘ Second Ward—Thomas Mofflt, John It. Large Third Ward—‘Thomas Farley, John Grelblng. Fourth Ward—l'aTid Neely, W. B. llnslett BOROUGHS. Manchester—J- Dubois, 8. McCuuo Tarontum—Tillotson Neol, James B. Fult -u. Duquesne—Dr. R. Williams, Geo. Burrou-ihs. Sharpsburg—Jacob Fogel, Lawrence WineheU McKeesport—Hiram B. Siifclair, Wm. n. Biel. LawrenqoyFne—Andrew Scott. townsuu*.-: Lower St. Clair—Charles King, John BcLu> U. Pitt—Samuel Barton, Wm. M. Torter. East Deer— I Thomas Donnelly, Jamep R. U< a_, Shßler—J. Upper 81. Clair—Barnes Ford, Jsmee O’Commr MitfUn—Hiram Neill, Archibald McAlees. Baldwin—lsuao Bailsman, Finley Curry Robinson—Robert Guthrie. J. if. I‘biilV Versailles—Col. Wm. S. Miller. Wilklne—Andrew Thompson. Ross—Jno. Morrow. Peebles—Dr. A. H. Gro*s. Pine—James Qibsc-n. ■ ‘ f.* 1 1.' % Penhsylvahia Railroad Tonnage. — The Pennsylvania Railroad ie doing nn immense busi ness during tho present month, as the following list of tho tonnage of tho first seventeen days of tho month will show. Tho amount exhibits a great inorcaso over tho wholo month of July : Through. Local. August 1 405,610 25,014 “ - 496,220 12:5830 “ 3 605,CHn SI. 105 “ 4 641,57'' SO &H' “ o 680,07-1 lot; SO'.* “ 7 457,788 54,227 “ $ 405.62 G 4<)!asf* “ 5> 610,011 40,528 9,455,G10 1,024,12;, Id 185-1, the whole amount of wool an! wool len yam received in Philadelphia, by Railroad, from Pittsburgh, wne 3,975,409 pounds. Quan tity received from January let to August Bth, this year, shows an aggregate of 11,758,047, or an inoreaso of 6,793,178 or 11,587 tone. The re ocipts were as follows : 1..—.40,057 pound.- I lu Julv.. “ 2..—.95,011 “ I Juno “ ** j May 4 45,01 d *• | April w G 47,1 SO *■ | March “ 7....-93.C52 •* I Ffhruarr “ S 56,15 G " J jßnunry Discontinued.—The suit against Mr. Alleu Cordell, Superintendent of ibo’Markct Houeee, brought by Mr. Taggart, clerk of too Markets, which was to have been tried on Saturday, be fore Alderman Wilson, was discontinued by the City Solicitor, Mr. M’Caltnont, by tho direction of tho committee. on Markets. This committee, at their mooting on Saturday morning, passed tho following preamble and resolutions: Whereas, Mr. John Tagcart clerk t.f the Dia mond Market, olaims the right to rent stalls in tho first or lower story of tho Diamond Market Houses, and has commenced suit in ihe name of the city of Pittsburgh against Allen Cordell, for routing tho same; and whereas, tho renting of all the Bialls in the lower story of said Mar ket Houses has been put cxclaj'ivciy under the control of Allen Cordell, ns Superintendent of tbo Market: Therefore, be it Resolved, That tho City Solicitor bo directed to discontinue the said suit or suits. Resolved, That tho clerk of the Markets be directed in future to abstain from interfering with tho Superintendent thereof, in regard to tho stalls in the lower stories of the Market Houses. Resolved, That tho Superintendent c-f the Market be, and he is hereby directed to rent no stall on tho lower liners of the Market Houses, to second hand dealers, from and after this date. A Row About a Wedding Henry Glover and Bennett were arrested on Saturday night, for raising a disturbance at the hoaso of Richard M’Gintry, on Pennsylvania Avenue. T-he affair grew ont of a wedding. A Catholic lady, who lived at McGintry’s was married a few evenings since to a Protestant. This aroused the ire of Glover and. Bennett, who it appears, had brought the girl over to this country. Tho only thiog against the young man was his religion, an d they blamed McGintry with making tho match, and went to hia house and threatened to do L him all sorts of bodily injury. Yesterday they were severally held to bail in tho sum of ;p2QO, by Mayer Voh to kcop the pe*ce. * The Ul*D'Ff.i.lo\y3' Prock jn —Tho commit tees having in chargo tho contemplated preces sion of tho 1. O. of 0. F., uu the 1-lth of Septem ber, arc making the most complete arrangements to insure its succor. The City lh-.1l has been engaged for the different L.-Jgee to rendezvous in ; aud after the .procession, un oration will bo delivered there by a distinguished Bpcnker. In tho ovening, a bail will bo given at Lafayette Hall. Wo understand that in addition to the city Lc-dgos, qaito a camber from the neighbor ing counties have signified their intention of being preeont, so that there is no doubt but the tarn-out will bo extremely large, und creditable to the Order. Tun Breach or Promise Suit VViihduawn. - Wo mentioned iQ Monday’s Post, the arrest and committal to jail, of a young Irishman named Bernard MoAnees, at the instigation of Mrs. Raobcl Amberson, for breach of promise. Yes terday, tho lady withdrew the suit, on condition that McAnces would give her back tho titles to tho property ho had rcocivod from her. This he agreed to do, and marry her into tho bargain; and tho last wo saw of the pair, they were walk ing away from the jail, arm in arm, as contented as if nothing had occurred to interrupt tbo conrso of their lovo. From the Utter Region.—The propeller “ Gen. Taylor,” Capt. Ryder, arrived on Thurs day night at Cleveland, from Lake Superior, with a full cargo of copper and iron, which nhe dlsohatfod at the dock of Hussey n. Sinclair. Sho brought 20G tons mosses, oro aud stamp from tho Cliff mine, 00,077 pounds copper from the North-west mine, at Eaglo Harbor, '!'•)_ 72b ponnds from Advcnturo mine, at Ooionngon, 27,143 pounds from tho North wostom, at Eagle Harbor, and 50 tons iron oro from tho Cleveland Iron Mining Company at Marquette. Watch Stolen.—Mr. James Graham, a pas senger on the steamer J. S. Pringle, had a volu able watch stolen from him, on Saturday, while coming up in the boat from Wheeling. Yester day, a young fellow wasarrestod by the Mayor’s police, with tho watch on his person, but as he proved ho had purchased it from another person, was subsequently discharged. Committed to Jail tor Larceny.—A woman named Ann Matthews, who is accused of beieg connooted with tho robbery of William Laugh lin, at the houso of Ellen Campbell, was arrest ed at the honso of John M’Lain, on Prospect street, yesterday, by offioer Reed. After an ex amination before Aid. Major, she was committed to jail for trial. Man Drowned —A passenger on the steamer Endoavor fell off tho boat while on its upward trip, on Saturday, near Wheeling, and was drowned- His name or place of rosidcnce coul.l not be ascertained. When the boat left, fcla body had not been recovered. Disorderly House.—Mary Ann Kr>»'3o and Mrs. McChesncy yesterday made information beforo Alderman Parkinson, against Barbara Millbach, for keeping a disorderly houso iu Layng’s Row, in tho Fifth Ward. A warrant was issued for tho arrcßt of Barbara. t ; *• r- - Importation or Wheat and Flour.—Seven thousand six hundred bushels of wheat nnd one thousand seven hundred and eighty barrels rf flour were landed at the wharf yesterday. The greater part of this W£B subsequently shippe I cast.by tho Pennsylvania Railroad. Prohibitory Meeting.—The friends of U.c Prohibitory Liquor Law will meet this evening, at Rev. Dr. Aiken’s ohnrch, cn Sixth street, io adopt measures to enforco the law,‘■after it govs into operation in October next. A young lad named Calhonn was committed to jail, yesterday, by Mayor Adams, for stealing from a drover in tho Penn cattle yard, Alle gheny. J Stomach Bitters arc J l*y all who have tried t£em to be the best.family medicin'.* of the age, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Comlvooess. and n di- • 'ii ordered state of ihu Xircr and Stomach. They have no ,J rival. The proptiotoM do uot pretend to #sotion people \ from using other preparations that nre pslnml upen >ii*j 4 public upder the name of Stomach hitlers, for ibey buto i found that only one trial wua needed to render cauliou ' unnecessary. For sale, wliultsile, by Cuum i cWk. No !C! Murkot generally Kns “’ l4O WooJ ««■*; “ nJ Druggists "2 MOSQUITO HAKX—a a. MASON *OO bite juft ~ opened hnotlip.r U ryp eupplv :>l Nvtun,; . j »U colors, and .it T?iy lew pin.-*, iu^l.. ’ iV/*" i i-iJ£ L/ill. PObl. .4G7.327 142,4.70 <307.217 44, yw ..752,(KU u; 445 .G20,5J6 so^f.o .044 42:: 34^10 .049,18 ft ,’,4 «k< .034,930 73,514 Frtitd I**We call attention to Lhe feet of nume roufl unprincipled efforts that aro daily making In our city by renders of a bitter mixture, using ment (in order to effect sales) to dealers in Uostettert Bit ters, to purchase from them and sell it in Hostettefsbottles. Wo hope th*t such impostors will be held up to public con tempt by afl respectable persons who seU or use the genu ine article. - • ” Not only hove we the Individual evidence of the country, but almost every paper In «to Union le commenting upon e m?K r i° r T,l. nc ?i f - “ 10 “ benefits derlVed from the use of this celebrated tonie; besides various dlblo fJ, a .“.i?.T.“ rJ "?’r?i m 5 ng '' hioh 18 °ue from the Ohio Mechanics 1 Ihilti 'f' S ? (^ w kere the committee—composed chiellyor physicians of the city-awarded Hostittxb, Smitu , Lo. a diploma for the superior virtue of their Bitters as a tonic and etrengthenor of the human system. We therefore caution ail against impositions, and to purchase of none but resectable dealers, whom they know would not deceive them; or of the proprietors, iVo. 2C7 Penn si., Pittsburgh. AUGUST 21 NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning I’osi Forfeiture of the Recognizances of Col Kinney. Baii-UIEU'OiA, August 20.—The U. 8. District Court, Judge Kane, commenced its August term this morning’ The case of Col. Kinney was called up, when an affidavit was read from hb bail, Geojgo a Prosburg, In relation to the uon-appeanmce of Col. Kinney at this term of the Court The document sets forth that the doponont confi dently believes that the sold Henry L. Kinney will return to Lhe United States and bo prepared for trial on this Indict ment before the close of the noxt session of this Ooort; thnt it Is not in tho power of this deponent or of any one else to prepare the defence of the said Uonry L. Kinney ; and that ids shipwreck at Turk’s Island, combined with harrowing impediments which delayed his departure, hue no doubt rendered It impossible for the said Henry L. Kinney to ful tli his purpose of being in attendance at this session of this honorablo Court. Tho affidavit was received, tho recogni sances declared. forfeited, and Mr. Presburp was granted time until the first day of February next to produce tho de fendant, or to pay tho amount of ball. Noitiiainptou County Democratic ten- Kxstun, Pa., August 20—The Democratic 'Convention of Northampton County was held to-day, and was largely ul» tended. After organization the Convention was addressed at considerable length by Richard Urodhend, touching se verely upon all the political questions ol the dny. A se ries cl strong resolutions were then submitted and adopted. They declare tho attachment ol Northampton to the Consti tution and the Union, and that thoyknow no North, no Fouth, no East, no West. They strongly denounce Know Nothlnglsm, and In reference to Got. Keeder declare that lie has discharged his duty in Kansas nobly and manfully, and that their confidence In him Is undlmlnlsed. The reso lutions say nothing of tbo national administration. The proceedings were marked with considerable enthusiasm, und Mr. Brodbead’s address was heartily applauded. Destructive Fires* Ncm Vui»a, August ID. —Tlkj store No. 6uu Broadwtj, oc cupled by several dealers In dry goods, was on fire this af lernnon, but the firemen succeeded in conGnlng the fiami-s to the building In which they originated. The damage Is estimated at about $B,OOO, mostly insured. Dti.- a, N. Y„ August 20.—The Kirkland Colton Mills, near this -ity, were destroyed by tire yesterday. Tho loss Is stated at about $30,000. Th*y were owned by K.S.Broy tou, and were insured for $20,000. FoiiTLAED, Me , August 2u. —A fire {-ceurred tills moru iag at Lewistown, Me., which destroyed the whole business portion of tbo towo, including the Auburn Unnk building, with nil the books and documents. Scarcely any meTCban disc was saved. The loss Is upwards of SUH),ooO, and io partly covered by Insurance. ■ 037 i*«S .1,*83,041 *• . 051.070 •< . i>23,576 “ *■<1,754 -• 257 \V.> “ 71 '• no*J “ Relief for the SofTarere. WASDisaroM Citt, August 20 About $lOOO lu»\v been already raise! here for tho relief of the Pxffuren* by lover in Virginia. This morning five Sisters of Charity started for Norfolk to act In the capacity cf nurses. Paltinorc, August 20.—Intelligence via Petersburg, from Norfolk and Portsmouth, on Sunday, represent no decrease in the fever; 20 new cases were reported in Portsmouth on Saturday. The collections in this city, for tbo benefit of the sufferers io tho infected places, amount to over £9OOO. PuuADELraiA, August 20.—Th* Relief Committee of this ciiy have forwarded $l,OOO to-dey to Norfolk and Ports mouth. The amount transmitted by the Committee thus far i- $-'l,OOO. Washington City Items. \\ asui.vjton City, Auipst 20 —Tbo Attorney General ha* d-x-lured that every applicant for a pattent has Bright to withdraw his application and demand a rrstcration of two thirds of ihe duty money at any time anterior to making out a new one, and proceeding upon the ulterior stage- of it.quirv. after an adverse report by tho Commissioner. Tl.e whole number of applications for lounty laml war rant'-, received at the ofllre up till to-day, is 200,- 100: the number examined Jl.fcoO; warrants issued 20,28(». All r.f the heads of the Executive Departments are now It i- said tb3l over f 1000 has l**>n subscribed at tin* Navy Vr.rk In this city for the relief of the sufferer* from f< v*r in Yinrinla. The Death off Abbott Lawrence* August 2u.—There was a meeting of merchant* nl I'.kneuil Hall this morning, to taka appropriate notic«- of the death of tlie Hon. Abl«oit Lawrence. William Star Hjvj., presided, uml speeches were made by Robert C NS izUhrop, Edward Everett, S. Thomas Stephenson, and other*. It was voted to closo all the stores c n the day of the funeral. Democratic Meettug at Mllw&uMc. Milvacmk, August 2i) —A large Democratic meeting to -ympnlhise with the sutlcrers by the LoulsTllte riot, wa* neb I hi-re on Saturday oveninu. The Ilou. A J. Upborn lldJreSMrl the meeting, Mid re*olutil>DS were p«U»H;-d which are very r-v.-re on lb* Know Nothings Good or,l*r pre mil.-.1 Keniacby Klectlon. Ciro i*»\a7i, August 20— Ofiicial returns i l ' un lies of Kentucky give Morehrrui (American) a inai 'titypf I , the live remaining counties gaTe Pierce 'tOo itw»jc r ity; it lr row reported tbut they givs Clark (Dvmprrat) -Ouo majority, which is contidereJ very doubtful. Firemen's Ulot—Three nan Shot. Paitimoiit, August L>.—A reriour affray occurred lust Tik-ht between the New Market and Mount Vernon Fire O-mpurles. Fire arm" were freely used, nnd during the riot three mm wore «hot, two of whom nro not exp*—(.-i to re-- -vt-r. The Republican Movcment A Failure. Cm, August Ij —Owing In the slim «u,-n : i:*ce ut a meeting held last night, to form n Keputdi.-uri A*;ocirttion, no cfHci-rs were Wicto-1. Th- names of the nu-inberp bate not yet been made public. Magazines for September —For *»!,• by h. ah- NhR A CO, No ”2 Hmlthtteld street: I.ushi-’s New York Journal for September; j!> J. .t HOi«. WANTK Ij— * Ohio fiutl i’enuft, it. |i. Dividend fccrlpi by AUSTIN lU.»MIS, ?io ; »l 02 Fourlii Ktiect. / \!L STRUCK—TC lbs fl>r eule by ' / 11. A- FAHNESTOCK A CO., _ corner First anJ Wcod ste. / ’ HOUND GLNTIaN—I26 lbs lor mile by ‘ * uuitl'. D. A. KAUNEBTOCK A U(\ j yoTArll— [iu casks tirst tor ♦•ale by j B«gJS _ IJ. A. FAUNKSTOCK A 10. / MDKR MlLLt*—lilokok’s Uid«r Mill and Wine I‘rers; " J SinclairV do . fftled for hand or power. F\«r pale at 47 Fifth eirt-et, by nuglb JAMES iVAUDKOL’. BASKETS! BASKETS!—6QO Peach aud Vegetable Bhs ketB, of rarlouß ftlzea, in store and for salo at 47 Fifth ■*’roet, by _(au«l»| JAMKS WARDKOP. 4 t RAPES! UUAPJiSl —Choice Uot-bouAe Fruit supplied v T to order, daily, at 47 Fifth street. •••uul' JAMES WARDROP. oTRAWEfeiitKY PLANTS—Young thrifty \ines,suitable k ) for planting, of the vurhMifl testol varletiea, at 47 Fifth **■'<*«- lauglS| JAMES WARDROP. G G M. ARNOLD * SONS, “go WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN I' 1 ASH lON ABLE CLOTHING And Gontlomon’s Furnishing Goods, NO fU MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. Keep constantly ou hand, a large atock ui Ciothp, CasHiincrea aud VeKtlngL OarujentH made to order on the fihortent notice, und In tbo latest ftjles. All orders promptly attended to. |nugl7;2m W‘ 'KiGirrs"PKKMTUM“'KATjIAiUON'Btops the HUr from falling out, and produci*B a luxuriant growlb-c WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATIIARICN U moves all dandruff nnd db-'caso dojKJsit?^ For Rale, wholesale, by KK. SELLERS A CO. lauglfi To Female-Teachcrsc ritUE CENTRAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, of Pittaburgb, L will receive written opplicatlona (until Monday, the third day of September next,) from Ladlea desirous of Dlliug the situation of Assistant Teacher in the High School. The -juallflcatlons must bo equal to those of the best Femalo Teachers In Academics. Address • 1L E. McGOWIN, uugl7:d2a(chti) Pres't Contrul Board of Education. WIUUUT’S PKKfviIUM^KATIIAKIUN b. tho"grea!uat DeautiGer of tho ago. WRIGHT’S PREMIUM KATHARION Keudrrs the Hair poft and glossy. For sale by KEYSKR, HAFT, SOOTT and SELLERS, at ■26 cents. auglG Irving's Great Work, r r.IIE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON.—The first vol -1 ume cf the above Yvork iff now ready for delivery—the MToud volume will be ready shortly. It is nertly gotten up—printed on fine paper, with three or more portraitn and plane. Price $2,00 per volume. This edition ifl published exclutively by subscription, and payable on the delivery of each volume T. J. KISNER & CO. are sole Agents for the übove work. Office, No. 26 Fifth street, opposite Mason’s, io Dr. G. E. Shaw’s Optician Storo. W All orders addressed to T. J. K. A Co. will be strictly attended to. Gjr Canvassers wanted. aug2 d*wlm YVALTfiB I*. MARSHALL JOBEPU E. HUGHES. W. P. fifarsliali 4 Co., IMPORTERS nnd Dealers In French and American PA PER HANGINGS, B 7 Wood atrw*t, Pittsburgh. Sole Agents for the celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Deiteouri & Co., Paris. nug7 JU'NIATA BLOUM&— " 60 tons E. H. Lytle’s Juniata Lumiis ; 60 ton.* Junlutu Blooms; for sab; by J. W. BUTLKIt A CO. Pekin Tea Ntore, NO 3B FI t TII SI'UEET, on. door east ortboEichaDKf Bunk [.oTiTinß-j Ueßnpd ond CloriOfd BUOAKS f or . . («oglol S. JAYNKS. OBIhKY-OOu dozei LadltsV Uunta' and “ohlldJeVs Summer Uoeicry, ot erery dosoripUon, just rrodvej “ u: ; 13 .... MASON A 00. 1 \KY APPLES —Id bueheli'received by ’ •#-/ ,ID .P 7 . *_ HENRY U. COLLINS. |_| UPS—'! Hacks received and Igr sate by LX aug.7 HENRY a. COLLINS /in ROME YELIDW"—W)U lbs just rw»iand'SrSSebv W* flkminu bros SLAVERY BY A SLAVE!—My Bondage and my Free dem ;by Frederick Douglnsa. One vol. 12mo, nD illustrated. I’rice $1,26. Now ready and lbr Pale by ’ H. MINER A CO |>OSEMaRV, FOB TUK HAIR—The best thing talhi XV world for cleaning, restoring, and giving rlchnras and brilliancy to the hair. It curls the bait elegantly, removes dandruff, and forces the beard and whlskera to grow. Oniv 25 cents per bottle. Sold by' nu;l7 S. L. CUTHRERT, 03 Market at. r JU) DKSTHOff HATS AND llOAOUKa—Usea box oflho 1 Excelsior Uxtennlnntor. It never falta. 25 cents per bos. Fold by a. L. CUTHIIKRT, 63 Market streei. f\ UM MiHLLAO —II casrs tor sale by Ur j> >o h. a. FAaNjsaxooii * ventlon- r ' Vita'S*’.', -** •• *: -. i* *> *v ' I COMMERCIAL POST Pli’ I SUURGII UOAILD OF TKAUh! ANU ffIUKMIANTS’ KXUIAM.fc,, OFFICERS. /Vritdenf—JOliN SHrpTON. firtl Vice President—Wts. H. Smjtu Second “ “ Ww. r . bbowe Secretary— H«. 8. Uavin Trcasurrr —Joun D. Scour SupcnnlsTidenl— S. T. Northam, Jr of Arbitration /or Anyust ~\\\ K. BUOWN, V. P.; C. W Hickstpos, B. Bakewell, John h Diiwobtii, IfiAA.' .M . IVwck. DAILY REVIEW OY PITTSBURGH MARKETS O/riCH of Tm Dail? Morning Post, > Tuesday, August 21. 1566, f If. OUR—Sales ISO bbls extra family from store at sb* 2“ bblfl extra from wharf at $7,56 ; 140 bbla extra from wharf at $7,023,4; 130 bbls extra from store at S7,G2U; 100 bbla extra from wharf In Inti at $7,75; 75 bbls extra trom wharf at $7,76. WniBRY--Siilo9 35 M»la ruclltiej at 3J.\ BACON—PaIp? 11,000 Ibi Shoulders at {)>..„•, r.-uh fiuOu Ibd canrusKPt Hnwm »t cash; 2,000 Hh Harm- at love cash; 1,000 lbs Shoulders at cash. HAk—Soles 20 loads at scales ui $ll6l-14 :.i i-,» METAL—PaIes 1&2 tows Cheat Hirer at s2b 0 m - Allefibeuy Cattle Market Monday, jo UArTLli—Prices have J-rlhirJ Irr.m '!(,/•'/, cent. To-day i^ r 0 owA^. b :" d , om,n ' J ’ " l * *>!<■>' «T!> head Mr sold at from 2V.@3@-I for Inferior, lair nnd prime. The balanro were left over. IT< ' ,V C6U ho "' 1 : nr which 11 10 wsrc sold at -@2‘ /H (g)3c lb. The quality of the Sheep is rather better tb» n Inst week. The nboye Inures Indicate a lodic, of \ id, rrrosi. . TELEGRAPH MARKETS New York. August 20 Stock* .lull ; Cumbejland 2m. , Oaleno und Chicneo 111-^; Cleveland and Toledo 90: Michi gan Southern 1037*. Cotton unchanged; wilca DUO bales. Flour In moderate demand at previous rates: pales 10.000 bblfl. Wheat unchanged ; sales 6AQG bus. Corn In active lemivtij at previous rates; sales 50,030 buolwds. Pork un changed; snJes 1400 bbls. Beef firm; Rales3oo bbls. Lard firm at previous rutes; sales 350 bbls. Bacon scarce. But ter Pearce: Ohio sells at 18. Whisky steady; ral*s 200 bbls ilrnrei les firm; wiles 1500 bags Coffee; Bioat 11. Sales 350 hhdfi Muscovado Sugar at 7. baloslOO hhds N. u Molasses at utt. Iron firm; sales 100 tons Scotch pig at previous rates. Tallow firm; sales 23,000 IWatVJ I Lannvbnrs hold at $l6. 7 PiHLADELraiA, August 2J Flvur dull; -mail Mlr.> Da home consumption at so,«ih*.2s for common and good brands, and 40,60@510 for extra. Wheat dull: receipts having run terially Increased, prices receded p bu ; sales prime Southern red at st,Bs(d)l,’“>7, closing at the former rales; auJ a small lot of white at sl,U6(.j)s2, adout In Hyo no pules reported Corn sraree, prices rather letter; mles yellow »t 98«i9J, und white at $l, n float. Outs In demand at .10. ClOTer Seed dull; Timothy rnn/wa nt trom $3.73 tn $4.25; Flaxseed scarco and wanted at sl,»U«‘i. 1,1)3. '(Iro ceriej and t*rovi>loDs uncdiaDgod, tthi«ky: demand limit ed: sales in bbls at 4b-<. 12-. lu hhd.-at 40r, und In drudges at 39c. Baltimore, August -ju.— Wheat dull; receipt* ~u,ouu hu*.* and the market closed at $1,00(.01.'M for to prime white and ShcsHuil.Sa fur red. Flour heavy; ml as cf Howard street at $1,76 CINCINNATI, August —T Lliver lia- lullell 12 laches within the last 24 hour.-, and is now feet AUCTION KALES Auction—Sales Dally, AT the Commercial Kales Uoom.i, corner rd Wood ani Fifth ptrovtfl.nt 10 o’clock, A. Ma general of Soaßouablp, Staple and Fancy Dry Qc-cir, Clothing, Boot* and Shoes, *<*. AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M„ Groceries,queeneware, Ulasawure, Tubl* Cutlery, Looting (Hasses, New and Second Hand Household an 1 Ritrh*n Fur niture, Ac., AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Boohc, Stationery, Fancy Articles K indent Inrtramente, Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Uoods, OoM and Bilver wot.-h***, Ar. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. P. M. DAVIB, Auctioneer. VALUABLE BTuOKS AT AUCTION.—Ou I'hurf-lay evening, 23d insi., ol ts o'clock, at the Merchantt:* Ex cbaug», Fourth street, viil be sold— 20 nharr.i Merchants and Manufacturer;-' Batik M.* k 20 d' Exchange Bank Stoek ; 10 do Mechanic.- U/ do Ohio and I’cnua Hullrm lC «uc2o P. M. DAVIS, Auil».*u. -r IptRK STEEL MIMNu C-j. STOCK AT AUCTION —on Thursday evening, Aug. Cl, at S o’clock, at the M*r chant*’ Exchange, Fourth t-tnvt, will be sold, hv order ot Ik J. IJanns, Treasurer— — Shares Fire Steel Mining Co bt.vk, I.Tedi.-d t r d*:*o f ayiDent cf n.vosflmenle. *tugl7 1‘ M P.Wls, Auctioneer. AFAIiiNKKH FALK OF PARTNERSHIP INTEREST IN A Ult MAT MAN L' FACTUM NU ESTABLISH MENT.—Tit*- umlur.rh. on THUItS DAT. the i):h .lay ol Sept.-mber, at ~,y., o’. !;.ok p. >t t all the right, title, iuten-naod .-lalni of mid Hugh D King, a* an equal eo pariM-r, of. In *.t> 1 to the firm and real un-1 personal »*>tate, property, * U.-.-u and s-.el.- of lh-' firm and partnership of 11. II Uyun A t>* The raamifxcturlng erfhMiO.ri. rt of tl.i- firm oioueoj th- irr.-ate-'t and uuwt .-t.Btph-tr ..f it-kind iu the West— corrpri-ing iinm.-n-- manuti.-turni.! building Mid mao.hi n«T>.wlth jwv.er to us- an 1 I.i n*nt . wnrehou— ruai.-'la!-, Urg- manutV: nr<*d furolture, im plement k~, Ae rhe value ol thie interest run approximated t*r-4\al!>*y 11. It (» St'.-fc ,* 1, :• , ai.t m l" 1 Mhuf Minin f ss*»*t4 ( in^ .In AJWin-ny VhH.-v R KC .«{->-S*. ~„i.i ay . llfj .!r< I'uHfir ()f>U - Minin.: !. ylyc.) UotM Cmiilai/iia mui Niacin Jni!-- |(-iiln nJ 0" ■ >u r , * t4 ' M'tj.rhcd, |>.’ ;,N- IT! Xrw ’i.-rlv J>oti 1 Krl<- Onnsl (Vi . < l'*’Ti n/i ) tuv.l (< r. i.ov -Mi- nt Krir 1 > T«tp.*« nt sal< HtM ur.;h, Ai; k ' 1 ■ i v I'U iiKf—’fhr»*«i -t. r> hn* k So. 1'..: Mmuti-U lilrtvt. 1* M. DA V it 1 . Aur(i.vni-r, '‘orntr tVoo.l hiiJ Fifth rt\ KIEH’S TIIAMiI'OKIAMO* LIME. Aft ITI P ATi NO ih»* want M l:i< ibUr* lVr 1r - Vrvtehi* lour-l Jr.»m Ih«> \ i.i IVuohvi vntilH (.ftaal an.! luilrtci l-. h:n >• in- mf -i mi,- . tc» I; r.i K- }l tS Ac, on «mdv, I* l it iVUItUK. I-MLY UNf; wLi-.li o <-npic:iy (.1 oy-r lf. t -r it I* KtKU * MIPCMFU,. Ibtinl lUhiu, Pittf-J-tir :< I - .. Valuable **arm for Sale, SITUATK IN AI»AMH TUWN.MUif. UUTLKK L-diN. i r-ntimnnp: HI aero . 11', u**re:. ;.f wl.j-b are ui.fri ,- u | tirnUon. The ;r[.n-t'T. about b> d-cllno farann.-, aiil dispore of nil LI.- hie.- k, Gran ar..l Hay mi lian-J ifirr I Enquired JAMi:.- IILAK UI.Y, „ n . * r• l v-uih uqJ Sru ulibel i, t li'GK kij n. r»H ,'..<>.l l.nn-.1, adjcinlii.- 'lYtnier . ancrvUle; It- well, imd is luiUble for u \ ir,ev«r l it wilt be fold in Five Acre Lot.*, cr nltr-ceiljor. at i vnr\ 1 w {irieo. Enquire of TliOMAb VWnjD.', ", Fourth -tr- rt. I ADIKh’ HIDING *1 L< i\ Eb—Jutt rereiwd lv upre-;- 1J noil for rale at No. 01 Wco-l r-tr—t. ’ J \VI LSi IN ft SON J MPuUTANT.—AI this huow.u ult: m jmr, ivhn, Jt.-.-n-i --L of the wtomnrh and bowels are ta. frequent. tiud il oe gkrted, are ho apt to degenerate into cholera nimbus, or eren Asiatic cholera, uo family should U> without a buttle of tb« Oonreutrntcd Kssencuof aud a bottle of- Wickoy’f? celebrated Warrhcea Medicine, which if used according to accompanying directlona, w|ll prove u xp.vdv pafe and efficacious remedy. They ran bo had ouly at the Drug Store or JOHN UAFT, Jh, l«a Wood Htrc-L rjjf tOBACCO— -1 20 bx* Runnel 1 A llobinson'c b» end t>3 Lump Ti-bfu-iv , lii do Wm. 11. Grant's d«, j., 1C do Grant A Williams' be d«. j ( , Jo It. Robinson A Co.'* bs and •!„ lu - cases “dwarf bn**.., - C-it'iiniw'V hail j.i.uud lump LoTundich Tobm*w-. 1 care “ Yankee " •!,. J.. , J Cafe? •• Tbonme* ” P-rf.-amu i’-. Ul ; 1 u,, i. t \ in store and fur «nb» by ' ’ “H?} 6 M l bI.KH A ItICKKTrUN. POTASH— lU cash* I‘uUish ill eiure uud fur sab- by MIUKiI & UJUItETboN. CANDLE? —100 whole and hail boxes Cincinnati O Star Candles, -Is, L-ts and Os, in store and lor mUo by »usV> _ MILLKU A UICKETeON. RATai HAT'S I UAT&!—The Excel* or Kufaud huouh Exterminator will soon clear yrur premises of the.se troublesome peet*. Try it. tk Id, wholesale and retail, by ougll _ S. L CimiRKRT, 63 Market *t. flilLE NASTY FLIES I —Get rid of them, by using tho X India Fly Paper, which causes their destruction by thousand*. Five cents a FhcoV For smle at »”gU 63 MAIUtKT ST. BOKKUAVK'S KLECTIWCIiKHIUAI. Ail6.MA,‘or Hol land Bitter* —ll sure remedy for Dyspepsia, Lops of Appetite, Ilendacbe, Debility, Ac. Sold by ROgll H L. CUTHIIRIIT, Ml Market H. POWiIKIUO) KLM UAKK—6 bills lor sale by buglO B. A. KAUNF.STIKIK & Co. BKNZOIC AClD—lbu ounces for sale by » U K IU B. A. FAHNESTOCK A GO. Have vod tkikd WRIGHTS [■ItKMIU.M KATHAItIONI if not, try it, and you will never be without it lie aure to ask for WMflllT’S PREMIUM KATUARIuN Or you may pot n worthless urtide. *9~For pule by all Dropping. •£. a-nts r,-r little Wholesale Western Depot, Dr. R k skllkhh & CO., and JOUN IIAIT. ' fl upi(! PURE BRANDY—I have on Dana » very excellent urTi clo of Brandy, lor medicinal purposes. Those wanting a pood article can alwayu procure it ut jy*P JOH. FLKMINU’d. JUST RECEIVED, by Exprtuw, a beautiful article uf La died’ Colored Gaiters, latest styles. j)23 W. E. KOIiMKST/,, No 107 Market st. RYIS FLOUR—4O bbln junt r«*cM by the “ Fairy Oueen,” and for sale by ’ Bupl4 SPRINGKR IlAltllAUUli A CO. C'LolJK—9o bble just received by fteumboat *• EHa," uud JL for sale by augH SI’UINUKR UAKHAUGiI A CO. lO boxes No. 1 Nortolk Chocolate in pf ro j and for fhli* by MILLEK A HICKKTSON, anpl4 Nn« 221 and 228 Liberty street. SALKUATU!*— 30 Lox»h “McFarland's” tfnl«>ra7us" - in store nnJ for sale by nu?M MII.LKR A HIOKKTSON. DAIRY SALT—G bbln Sack Dairy rsnlt just rec’«l and (nr _ sale by |aug)4| MILLER 4 RICKKTSON. BUAZ.IL SUGAR— iib boxes iVhito Brazil Sugar In pure and for enle by rojfM MILLER 4 RIOKETSON. CIAIUJ. OF SODA—IO kegp Carb. of Soda in store and for J Pale by tuugl4] MILLER A RICKETSON. BURGUNDY I’ITCH—ICUO ibp for sale by U. A. FAHNESTOCK 4 CU , augH corner First and Woo,} Ft- BORAX UKFLNKI>—IM>y ihelor’f'ali'by BUgU B. A. FAHNESTOCK 4 CO ALEX'.’FKNKA— aSU lbs for wile by angll B. A. FAHNESTOCK A Uo i?IA)UU SULPHUR— ti.OUU lh« for sale by . augT U. A. FAHNESTOCK 4Uu K. BCUMHKTZ, at No. 107’Market” street, is • now dosing out bis entire Summer stock of Boot*, Shot* and Gaiters nt reduced prices. Lu liep, y; u should by all meuDs call arid procure u pair ot thope beau tiful Gaiters, Foiling bo low. mi»r4 riUIK HANDSOMEST aßßortment ol ihiUcrij anil Fancy J. Sbt**e can b,» bought ot No I<>? Market street, cbeup jot oaab. l'‘Ug4j W E SOHMEKTZ ‘ . VVuTaTI *« l “‘'J , i*?’*S ••'**■. ? **' 4 1- ■'■i-fc.’.-V- ■**•■■ *;? ■»■ * _ *» *" 4i£*»\ sr ’y t *v **<"' * >']’V* Vr;. 1 -i: - ‘ •, *• ; •- * '- V . -» » ‘i. **«T%*»,*Y> - ' • - - - r , \ .. . - *♦ **- i* r *. , AEWS FOR Milt Eli JtWJ% Tos Bivxb.—The stage of water at dusk last- evening was 0 feet 2 Inches, by the pier marks, and rising. Weather clear and cool. QTue steamer ♦•Eclipse ” is the regular Wheeling packet to-day. She leavoa at 10 o’clock, A. M. The steamer “ Castle Harden,”Capt. U.Cue\inney r wm leave fur Louisville to-day. To those traveling that way our word fur it, they will find all they could desire on board tho “ Castle Garden.” ___ “ Wcnona,” leaves to-day at 10 o’clock for the Queen City. She is a good boat with good officers, and ull who travel on her must he well pleased. TriE Pennsylvania Rullroad brought iu over out) t»-n.- o goods yesterday, from tbo East, destined for Cincinnati Louisville and St. Louis. Our Western frlendu need fenr c< delay, as boats are plenty, and our facklth's are such we cat rig out a new one ns soon ao goods coma to hand. Fob St. Louis —Tho fine passenger packet North elur, 1 Capt. Wm. Haslett, will leave for tho above port this day at 10 o'clock. All who wish to avail themselves of the plea. Rare of a trip ( The new and “plenJia steamer CONVOY, Wolf, Jr., Master, E. Dadbauu, Clerk, leave for the above and intermediate pot ta every Tuesday, at 4 o dock, V. M., pnsitlvcty. F.'r freight, cr paarnge, apply on board to i)23 U. M. IIARTON, or C- BAHNEA, Ajmt- For Cincinnati* . The steamer SAINT LOUIS, Captain Clerk, I). Woontusn; will leave for lhove and lotcrmedlate porta on WEDNES DAY, August 1% ut U) A. M. Fur freight or pairage apply on board, or to ao?2l FLACK A 13ARNES, Ag-nti. i The stejimur ENDEAVOR, Captain J. W. Clerk, Maprcll; will leave for the and intermediate porO ro WEDNES DAY, August 22. at lu A. M. For ireigbl or |>arHage apply on board, or to _ aag‘it _ JOHN FLACK, Agent. For Cincinnati. I fPfr la Tb<> K steamer WENuNi, Oapt. J. N. ; Clerk wilt lenve for the and intermediate purts, on TUESDAY, 'Jlhtlnstant, at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to autr'A) _ RAKNES A COLLIN. Aiin'r i R!s> Thn Ptcnmer NORTH STAR, Captain Wu. ; Clerk, A .). Llaslett ; will leave for above and iuterm»*diato portr-on TUESDAY An.TU-'t 21st, at 10 A M. lor freight or pnppagn apply on Icard, or tu FLACK A BARNES, AgenU For St. Loula. n'"L*» The Kteanier ARGONAUT, ylaptnlu Hi. C Ltjjci&fcgAicßAtN; Clerk. LoDWK’h ; will leuru ibr the and intermediate port- WEDNErL'YY August 22d, at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply un board, or to nn ' 1 " 'FLACK A BAUM.r*, A.. -i.i -.1. K. Barbour, IEYEK CldißK, Ft. Locra, Mo., (at . N N. uetl's J oflice.) J. K. ItAKBOUR having long expenoD'o In Receiving uoJ Discharging Freight lor Weurabcat>«, offer:: ‘Hiperior in lncemonts to Steamboats dor.irlng a DISCLIARO iN’Q CLERK. mjl CHARLOTTE ULINE, NO. 118 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, is ju.-d re ceivlng a stock of PIANOS, of the inti-el '•tyles, from the Factories of DAUMOARDTGN A HEINS, Uamimrgh HAoLET, DAVIS A CO., Bnstou; HAINES, DROS. A CUMMINGS, Now Yuik; A. il. REICIIENDACU, Philadelphia: Together w ith those of other maker*, at price* from to $1,000; including every variety nnd style, from the plain but BuhsumtUl iron framo Piano, to the most elegantly carved Louis XIV. *tyh% Square anti Grand Piano*. Arrangement* have boon made with tho manufacturer**, by which their instruments are sold lower by their exclu sive agents here than in the East, and without the addi tional cost and risk of transportation. Every Piano sold by the eubscriber is warranted perfect in every respect, and » written guarantee will bo given it required. CHARLOTTE DLUME, »uglb No. 118 Wood Rtreet. riMfE undersigned, proprietors of the PLYMOUTU AD jL VKUTIBEU, wishing to embark in another enterprise, uilttr the entire establishment for sale. The paper i* in Us second volume, and Is now doing a good, profitable busings. The jobbing aod advertising the present year will reach sl,oo°. The subscription list la largo, and lnorea*ing rap idly. With a Utile exertion it can be doubled. The m&ti^ rial is nearly new. Payments made easy. For n good practical printer, this in an opportunity rarely presented Possession will be given at the close of this volume. All communications relative to tho above can bo ad dressed to tho subscriber*, at Plymouth, Richland enuuty, Ohio. (augil:dawtf j ROBINBON & LOCKE WKIGUT’S PREMIUM KATHARION couJh tho‘ head, end removes all symptoms of heaJucbo. Persons using WRIGHTS KATHARIoN Are never liable to Sun-stroke. WRIGIII’B PREMIUM KATHAIUON Is the most valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining tbe Ilnir in any required form. For sale by Ur. GEO. H. KEYSER and It. E. SELLERS A CO., at 25 cents per bottle. auglG WANTED TO FILL AN ORDER— Stock of the Bank of Pittsburgh; do do Merchants and Manufacturers’ Batik ; do do Mechanics’ Bank. Every hind of Stock bought and sold on eommtesion. WILKINS A CO., Commission Stock Brokers, augl 75 Fourth street. DIVIDEND SCRIP of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail road Company bought and sold augl WILKINS A CO., 7f* Fourth st. INDIAN A Ml Ktf Tl ANK ~ and” other broken ~Uuuk Notes bought at highest rates. augl WILKINS A CO , 75 Fourth st. OIL ORIGANUM—3OO lbs for Bale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., augl Corner First and Wood sts. SQUILLS— duo ibs lor sale by augl __ FAHNESTOCK A CO. J“ INSEKD OIL—3OOO gallons for sale by i augl J 5. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. HARPER'S MAGAZINE— Putnam's, Godey’a,Graham's, Peterson’s, Ballou’s, Household Words, Knickerbocker, Leslie’s Journal, Leallo’s Gazette, and all the Magazines for August have been received at MINER A CO.’S, jy3l No. 32 Bmlthfl«ld street. / tALABUIA LIQUOIUUE —Prime quality; just rec’d and V 7 for sale by [ lj3BJ FLEMINQ BROS. SYRINGES— A fail assortment just rec’d and for sale by jy2B FLEMING BROS. bble just received and for sale by Jy2B _ FLEMING BROS. lAUD OIL—A prime article; just rec’d aiuf for salo by J jy2S _ FLEMING BROS. SCUENOK’S SEAWEED TONIC—I 2 doa of this'celebra ted Tonic, also 12 doz of Schenck’e Pnlmonlo Byrup, received by I JyJlO I JOS. FLEMING. tTokllll AYE’S HOLLAND BiTTEHS—I4 dozen of these > excellent Bitters reo’d by JOS. FLEMING, jy!9 Corner of Diamond and Market ft CiAHii. MAGNESIA—I cases for sale by j B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., j j oo corner Wood and First ot«. ALUM —40 bbls for sale by nug7 B. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. I > ASIvETS! BASKETS 1—76 dozen Peach and Vegetable |~i Baskets received and for sale by aug7 _ JAMES WARDROP. SEMI-ANNUAL SALE.—A. A. MASON A CO. will open, on Monday, July 10th, 10 moro cases of Calicoes, at 4, 6 and per yanl. jy 10 WE. SOUMERTZ, at No. 107 Market street, sells • Boots and Shoes very low for cash. Giro him a call, and see. f JyBBj W. E- SCHMERTZ. A BRICK HOUSE FOU $3OO I—For particulars cull at 63 Market street. Also, one oi four rooms and largo haU for $560. cash nugll - n • +*2 + ' « . • •’ ** v ;* •. r *• For Cincinnati Capt. Shunfe’e new slern-wheel «teamer FORT OF PITTSBURGH ti FKKT 2 INCHED WATtO IN TUB CHANNEL AttUIVKD. Fieanier Jefferson, Woodward, Brownsville. “ Lucerne, Bennett, Brownsville Uen. Bayard, Peebles,Klizabetti. " Clara Fisher, IlondorickflOn, West Newtuu. “ Venture, Gordon, Steubenville. Michigan No. 2, Uuret, Wullsville. “ Eclipse, Bloore, Wheeling. DEPARTED. cteamui Jefferson, Woodward, Brownsville. Lucerne, Bennett, Brownsville. “ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Kiicaboth. “ Clara Fisher, Henderlckaon, West New Um. “ Venture, Gordon, Steubenville. “ Michigan No. 3, llorst, Wellsville. “ Rosalie, Shepherd, Wheeling. “ Gipsy, Klinefelter, Cincinnati. STEAMBOATS. For LoulSTlile For Loulavillc. To Printers * *'*v ■ * -«J •- * V „• . r - - . fP- * AMUSEMENTS. MADAME EDWARDS. Tai JUSTLY oxlsbeatkd' { CLAIRVOYANT, Can bb consulted at her moms, cor ner of WOOD and FIFTH streets. Pittsburgh. Rooms open Day and EvenTne. Consultations private and confiden tial. \ Terms. Gentlemen, $l.; IjKiise jouly&Gc. Je2l:lm' r ' JOHN W. MCCARTHY, Hill Foster and,,, Distributor , £3“ Will attend to the Posting and Distributing of all kinds of BILLS FOB CONCERTS. LECTURES, EiUIBITIONS, Ac. All rommuuicatione—either by canlt, telegraph,or other wise-directed to the office of tho Morning Post, will re ceive prompt attention. Q p7 SUMMER RESORTS. PKIiRY COUNTY WARM BPKINOS IUIE abovo celebrated WATERING PLACE will he open for visitors on and after tho FIFTH OF JUNE NEXT. They are delightfully located on Sherman’d Creek, fourteen miles north west of Duncanuon, (this place being fifteen inlleawest of Harrisburg, on the Contra! Railroad,) at the base of Pisgah Mountain, which reaches an elevation of more than five hundred teot. Sherman’s Creek affords a splendid opportunity for those fond of bathing, fishing or polling; the surrounding forests offer great attractions to tbo sportsman; and tour smooth and shady roods through a country unsurpassed for bold and magnificent scenery, will diversify tho amusements of the place. HOUSES, SADDLES and CARRIAGES can be had at all times. Horses taken to Livery on reasonable terms. Of the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of tho SPRINGS too much can hardly be sold. Their waters have been analyzed by the bust Chemists iu the Union, and are pronounced an: surpassed for curing cutaneous diseases find affections of t‘ o kidneys. There are some five Springs in all, every one of which is of different temperature—the largest being G 3 degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing out 03 gallons every seven minutes. Ladles’ and Gentlemen's BATHS have been constructed, with all the modern Improvements, to gether with PLUNGE BATHS, Ac., Ac. Each day a Coach IcaTea Dunc&nnon for ths Springs, after the arrival of the cars. Bowling Alleys, Billiard Rooms, and various other facili ties for amusement, in abundance. Tho accommodations will be the best, and the charges low. Tebmh.—Eight dollars per week, or one dollar aud fifty cents per day.! Families wishing to ungAg* rooms, should address the proprietor early: Every attention will be paid to visitors, the proprietor having engaged the best of servants. Mueiu always In at tendance. All communications intended to reach the Furry County Warm Springs should be addressed to Dunrannon P. O. They will be immediately forwarded. U. H. ETTKR, my3l:tf Proprietor Worm Bpringa SfifllMKß RETKEATr KKYfiTUNE HOTEL, Huntingdon Co., one hun drol and thirty-iecai miles East of Pittsburgh, and only six hours’ ride. This delightful residence and place of public resort is located on the banks of the “ Blue Juniata,” At tbo confluence of Spruce Creek. Its clear spring, trout sustaining waters, here discharges itself, and mingles its murmurs in concert, as they rush down the gorges of the Mountains. Tho very central position of ibis Hotel makes it a desira ble place or sojourn for a few weeks or days, for men of bufinefs and thtdr families—jadUK Partnership heretofore existing between the under -1 signed, a* BIQKLOW A CO, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, M. Bigelow retiring from the firm. The business of the late firm will be settled by the continu ing partners, at their old stand, No. 40 Diamond Alley. M. BIGELOW, M. L. STBPIIENS, GEO. ALBERT. Pittsburgh, July 20, 1566. faugl3:(Jt oiOUul. ALUiai —~.M. L. 3TIPHIN3. BIGELOW A CO., (SUCCESSORS TO H. M. BIGELOW.) A r o. 46 Diamond Alley, near }Y.ii}J at prices that cannot Uii to b* acceptable. nug4:ly New UoUllDg EiUbiuhment. BOYD a MORTON have entered into co-partnership to transact the business of BOTTLING, in all its branch* ph, at OH Liberty iitreet, Neville Hall They have constantly on hand a superior article 'of INDIA ALE, put up in pint bottleß. Dealer* and families will find it to their advantage to give ub a call, and exam ine for themselves. Wo aleo bcttli: a Hurerlor article of POUTER, BAKSAPAKILLA and MINERAL WATER. Term? u* favorable as any other house in the city. All t r ler« put up At short notice BOYD A MORiON, J Ol -- 4111 No 08 Liberty et., Nevillo Uall. I 'UK CilUKCil PuKUli—The lust uew Bong by F. Nich ole* Crouch. O'er the Summer Sea—llarcollo. Bum; by cuuoi Mario, a Opera Rigoletto. America—3 Cavatiua, by Thoa. Baker. Aud other now Music, just received i-y OUARLQTTB BLUME, 118 WooJ B t HOUSEKEEPINU GOODS —A. A. MASON A co'. Vw ofloring their large assortment of Sheeting*, Diapers, Dttmjisks, Table Cloths, Napkins, Toweling?, and other iloufiekeeping Good*, at a redaction of 25 and 30 per cent. iv2n r G 8 OOD PiCTUKKS and cheap at 60 ceuts. Uo to the F Eot *?rprt*e, No 74 Fourth wtreet. aug-t fpHE BEST—CAauo’d Pictures rank amoug the best in 1 tho Western country. Rooms, 76 Fourth *t. fang 4 fpHAB —50 chests nsftor.ed Young liyson and Black Teas, X of the finest brands, now Belling at moderate prices, at the |«ng3j CHINA TEA STORE, No. 1, Diamond. BLACKBERRY BRANDY—IO doz Blackberry Brandy, of home manufacture ; warranted pure. For sale by JNO. LITTLE, Jr., Agent, > _ No. 201 Liberty street. Plti METAL— 100 tonl Kock Um,(JuniataT) 60 do Monroe, do 200 do Nos. 1 and 2 Anthracite ; 100 do Ulacklick, (Charcoal;) [_aug3| JOHN MOORHEAD. O ULPIiUHIO ACID TUM.—(Wordhaosen OU Vitriol,) k? just received and for sale by _ au jJ FLEMING BRO 3. IpOit PR ES ER VIN G—Lovering'a Pulverized Sugar; coarse, pulverized, crushed and clarified, at _A u _*A F. IL DKAYO’S, No. 1, Diamond. CTUEESE— 2uu boxes prime W. R. Cream Cheese ju*t J iveeived by [aug3| _ F. R. DRAVO. MAUA7.INES, Ac. Ac.—Putnam tor August; ” Harper for August; Knickerbocker for August; Ranking’ri Half-Yearly Abstract, Jusi receivt“U ami tor Pale at W. A. GILDENFfiNNEY 4 CO.’S Bookfitore, . Fifth Bt., opposite the Theatre. OUNDltlt.B—loo boxes Rosin troap ; O 60 do Mould nud Dip Cun.lies; 20 Jo Star Candles; 26 doz Buckets : 10 do Tubs; 20 do Bed Cords; 60 do Corn Brooms ; 20 boxoa Starch; 100 reams Wrapping Paper; For »»li. by [ang3] JOHN MOORHEAD. BLOOMS— 60 tons Juniata; ~ ‘ 60 do Lake Champlain, (to arrive;) For Palo by faug3] JOHN MOORH BAD. i .OFFER— IOO bugs Rio and Java Coffee for sale by JOHN MOORHEAD. fl^EAfr—76 half chests Green uud Block Teas for Pale by JL aug3 JOUN MOORHEAD. riIOBACCG—75 bears favorite brands Tobacco for sale by 1 aug3 JOHN MOORHEAD. SUGAR— 30 hhds lair to pi \jor sale by _«iug3_ y *-?HN MOORHEAD. jy AILS—2OO kegs for sale bj ‘ v augS 5 EGGS, by the barrel, li aug3 C HANDLES—40 boxes St J aug3 CJ UGAK—Su hbdu Sugar _jy - O BUg3 SMITH, MXgt A HONTKR. M CLASSICS— 60 bbla S. 11. Molasses forllile by __ augn smith, mair \_hunter. CIOKFKK— 100 bags IUo Coffee for sale by J aug3 _ SMITH, MALK A IIcNTKR. SOAP— you boxes Soap for sale by r 7~ aug3 SMITH, MAIR A f; CIllUSIIKI) SUUAIi—2S bbla Crushed 8 J bur 3 SMITH, MAIR A^fONTEH I^LaX— 3 sack's Flax lor sale by . aup3 SMITH, MAIR A HUNTER. CUiliuML YIiLLuW-—6 cafes on band antTfor sale"by - J aug3 _ FLEMING BROS. S'COTCU SNUFF—Garrett's best; 3 casks just rac’d and for sale by fsug3) FLEMING BROS. MASON'S BLACKING—4OO doz on band and forsale bv ang3 FLEMING BROS. CIITRIC ACID—6O lbs just received and for pale by J a«g_3 _ __ FLEMING BROS. BLUE MASS.—SO lbs just received and for’aaie by aug3 FLEMING BROS. BATH BRICK— 2OOO English for tale by jy3o B. A. FAHNESTOCK A Co WANTED— Ohio and Penna. Railroad Scrip; Monongabela Navigation do by jy3o AUSTIN LOOMIS. rpAMARINDS —A supply of tine fresh Tamarinds reo'd by 1 jyM JOS. FLEMING. BLUE LICK WATER—bbls ot this celebrated Mineral Water rec'd by l jy!9j JOS. FLEMING. ORANGES —10b boxes *• Messina ” Oranges just received and for Bale by RHYMER A ANDERSON Jy3l _ No 39 Wood street. rfuCNNESttkIS BLOOMS—Oo tons Napier Blooms for sale 1 by J. W. BUTLER A CO. riUN—lou pigs Banca Tin jnat received, in store and tor 1 salti by | jyaij j. w. BUTLER A CO. MEDICAL. The Graefenberg Dysentery SyruT*, as und infallible remedy ia Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Th UJ A F | U *4’ oler *-Morbus, Cholera Infantum,'and - tho AbW o Cbole™, If taken with th. ant symp toms vis i.Tomltlng and.dlarrhcei. U navsr t« Is to cur. the worst poasihla cases „r bowel complaints, generally l u „ r ,„ hours, Seklom beybod a day. h : V s Purely vegetable, and taken iu almost any quantity is perfectly harm! ess. Price 60 centa. The Graaffinberg Green Mountain Ointment, Invaluable for Barns, Wounds, Sprains, Chilblains. Corr« Sores, Swellings of all kinds, Rheumatism, Err- ’ alpelos, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pains in the Side or Back immediately relieved, Inflammations of the Bowels, and for all. cases where there lo Inflamma tion. Price Twenty-five cants. Marshall's Utorine Catholicon, A certain unto for Prolapsus Uteri, and for moat oi tin uiatrussing complaints Incident to Females. Pre pared by Dr. Then. Pomeroy* of Utica, solely for the Graefenborg Com pany. Price $3,00. The other Graefenberg Medicines &ie Eye Lotion. Ueatth Differs. tDnrumjpfioeUainj, Children’s Panacea iv&rr and Ague Pais. Libby’s POe Ointment. Sarsaparilla Cbmpound. The Graefenberg Manual of Health, A complete hand-book of medicine for families—price £>u cts. Office, 914 Broadway, Bew Yorli. CAUTION. The public is requested to bear in mind that everything prepared by theGraofenberg Company hn9 their seal upon it. Spurious articles have boon issued closely resembling the genuine in every particular except the seal, and the utmost care should be observed before purchasing. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. KEYSET’S, 140 Wood street. __ _ Jyl7:dew la <9* A Fact worthy or accord and Atten tion —WRIGHT’S TONIC MIXTURE, a guaranteed and certain cure for FEVER AND AGUE. This preparation for tho treatment of the above disease, and perfect eradica tion of the cause, is one of the most important Chemical Discoveries of the 19th century. Its neutralizing effects on the poisonous gases are instantaneous, and acts like a charm upon the whole Nervoib and Muscular System, re storing the tone*of tbo Btomach, and invigorating the Con stitution. Unlike the general comedies resorted to for its treatment, such as Quinine, Arsenic, Ac., which leave the system worse than they found it, It improves the general health, purifies the blood, and stimulates tho different organs to a regular and healthy action. Being prepared under tbo immediate supervision of an eminent Chemist, uniformity of strength may alwayß be relied on. Its unprecedented, demand, and the thousands of testimonials from eminent Physicians, and others who have been thoroughly cared, are a sufficient guarantee of its superiority over all other preparations. We can only add, in conclusion, if you are suffering from Fever and Ague, try it and be\cured J. PETER T. WRIGHT A GO., 241 Market et., Philadelphia. And all respectable Druggists throughout the United States and Canadas. For sale by GEO. U. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, and R. E. SELLERS, Pittsburgh. op27:dawBm Is 49* Bald Heads and Ilurd’a Hair Reito rer—PoqtriTAttßocK, Or., Feb. 9, 1856: This is to certify that I have used •* HURD’S HAIR RE STORER’’ three months, and where my head was bald i [ is now covered with a long growth of new hair. Capt. Gbo. U. BmJAffia, of Whale-Ship Montezuma, New London, Ct. Chemical Manufacturing CD.—Gents; Previous to using your Hair Restorer I was greatly troubled with my hair coming out. After using three bottles the remaining Is strong and firm, and presents a rich, glossy and healthy appearance. Yours, truly, H. R. WoobWoaTo. Poquctahkock, Ct., Feb. 15, 1566. This is to certify that I have been using “ Hoaxes lIAm Rrsrofltn” about three months; and, now, where my head was bald. It is covered with a new growth of hair, almost three Inches long. I have beep bald over twenty years. Auoa Adams. Sold, wholesale and retail at Da. GEO. H. KEYSEii’S, Jei9 No. 140 Wood street: 49‘Slck Headache and Neuralgia or Eiqut Yeaes Standura Cubed bt OAKKLY’S DEPUBATIVE SYRUP.—Mr. William Trimble, M’Kelvy’s Row, Bayards town, Fifth Ward, says he was cured of Sick Headache of eight years etandlug, by three bottles of Oakeley’s Depura tive Byrup. lie had tried various physicians without n cure. He is now entirely well. Oakeley's Duparativels for Rheumatism, Scrofula. Tetter,andalleruptivedlseases. For sale wholesale and retail, DR. KEY’SER’B, .No. 140 Wood street, Sign of the Golden Mortar. Price 76 cents per bottle. ap2s To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers and manufacturers* ITUE SUBSCRIBER is now importing a suparior quality .of OIL OF COGNAC, of whloh of an ounce with 60 gallons pure Bpirit Will produce a flneOognao Brandy. Ills ESSENCES OF ROCHELLE and OTARD’S BRANDY; of JAMAICA and ST. CROIX RUM, ABAC. CIDER and PBACU BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS and SCOTTISH WIIISKY, are acknowledged by the N*w York manufacturers by the great demand after them. Di rections for use will invariably be given by DR. LEWIS FKUCUTWANGER, 141 Malden Lana, New York. P. S.—lmporter ot Daguerreotype Chemicals, Platina, Bismuth, Manganese; Thorn’s Ext.Copalva,Sulphate Am monia, Ao. dec2lriatf CAUPETINGS. Delaware county carpet manufacturing ASSOCIATION, on the Chester Plank Road, two miles below the city lino, offer to boyers this season, AXMINIS TEK, TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, 3-PI.Y INGRAIN, DAMASK and VENETIAN CAR PETIN G, at very reduced prices for cash or city acceptance, (Interest added-) Tho stock, comprising also IMPORTED FABRICS of eTery variety, can be examined at the Factory Warehouses, Darby, or at the Stores, No*. 18 and 20 N. SECOND st, PHILADELPHIA. Wool bought, Spun, Dyed or exchanged for Carpets. loUfltmis j. SIDNEY JONKS. Palmar’s Celebrated Uplourean tfauoe* QTANDS PREEMINENT for flavoring Soap?, Gravies, O Fi*b, Meat, Game, Ac. We advise all good housewives to try it. Price 26 cents per bottle,at ail Grocery and Fruit Stores in the United States and Canadas. For sale by M’CLURG and O. 11. KEYBER, Pittsburgh. P. T WRIGHT A CO., ]«Dl9:d*wly 1* 241 Marketstreat. Philadelphia. LOCUST tiliOVE SEMINAKY, LA WELEXCEYILLE. THE NEXT SESSION will epen on WEDNESDAY, Fep tember 10. The iteoior desires an early application on the part of such as desire to avail themselves of its advantages. For circulars or admission, apply to REV. WM. H. CLARKE, jiuglQ:tf -. Pittsburgh, Pa- Boarding School, OR SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE.—The GLEN HOTEL and Grounds are offered for RENT for either the above purposes. The Bite and arrangement of the bouse, the beauty, extent and variety of the grounds, and tho singular advantage of the position, secluded from every* thing objectionable, render this a most desirable location for either a Male or Female Seminary. For terms, apply to mh24:tf 3; W. CUTLER, 97 Front street. Dissolution or Partnership* 11HE Partnership formed by tho undersigned and James . O’Nsai, In carrying on the Camden Coal Work*,” under the name and stylo of JONES, O’NEAL A MILLER, is now dissolved. ISAAC JONES, July 7th, 1866. JOUN D. MILLER. JULY MAGAZINES— Harper’s, for July 1...20 cents. Patnam, M 20 M Graham, “ 20 “ Godey, 8d sup., “ ..20 “ Knickerboker, “ 20 “ Leslie's Goz’te,“ 20 “ Peterson’s, •* 17 “ Leslie’s Jour’l, “ 18 “ Blackwood, for Jane. All who want NEW BOOKS, aod as soon as issued, lower -1 than can be had elsewhere, ehonld call at LAUFFER’S BOOK STORE, 87 Wood street. BUILDING LOT FOB SALE, A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIE street, and extending back 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot Is In a desirable location for a residence; and will be sold low, and on favorable terms. Title good, and clear from incumbrance. Enquire of QKO. F. OILLMORE, At Office of Morning Post. Notice. LARIMER’S TRUSTEE is prepared to pay a dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT., in “ Stocks” of various kinds, at cash prices. THOMAS MELLON. jy26:lwd*3iw Wanted. T AEOREItS are wanted on the Cleveland and Mahoning JLi Railroad, between Warren and Youngstown, Ohio jy'J&dlw* JUST REOETVKb, at No. 107 Market street, a large as sortment of Boys’and Youths' Calf and Tatent Leather (Jongress Gaiters. Prices low. ■i* lB W. E. SOHHERTZ. Magazines and weekly papers— Ladles' Gazette of Fashion for August; Graham’s Magazine do Putnam’s do do Peterson’s do do Uodey’s Lady’s Book do Ballou’s Monthly do The Panorama of Life and Literature; London Illustrated News, last arrival; All the Eastern Weeklies for this week. For any new Book or Magazine, call or send to W. A. GILDENFKNNKY A CO.’S, jy2B Fifth sL, opposite the Theatre. JADIKS' FASHIONS— J Leslie’s Ladles Gazette for August, 20 cents; Putnam’s Magazine do 20 do Graham's do do 20 do Uodoy*s Lady’s Book, (second supply,) 20 cents; New York Journal for August, 18 do Peterson's Magazine, do 17 do Ballon's do (second supply,) 10 do Female Lite among the Mormons, $1; atar Papers. Harper’s Magazine and Knickerbocker for August confi dently expected this day or Monday, and will be sold at the old price, 20 cents per copy, at jy23 LAUFFER’S BOOKSTORE, 30 Tilth st. JEANETTE!— She is dressed in dike and satins, And her stepls full of grace; She is lovely in appearance— But what s sallow facel LAnda are small, but OI how rough; She surely does not know That HERPETIC SOAP is just the thing, And then the price Is low. The Herpetic Soap ha« been used with great success for the past five years, for removing Tan, Sallowness, and Red ness,of the Skin, healing all Chaps and Chafes. Only 12>£ cents per cakiM* Used as a Nursery Soap for children, it is unrivalled. Tfald by ®- Jy2B 140 Third at HEMP Bfi£l>—lo bags received on consignment and for sale by (sugTJ JAMES WARDBOP, It V x'iORATINQ CORDIAL, pKENOMEKOIf jjs MRnipfffg itGfitored and- Llfa . L,,« R ib. tt , d MORSE’S TirVIGOIfATIKQ ELIXIR T T'will ' replug WaalniAU Witb'fctWflgtb, incapacity wit *■ efficiency, Irregularity with nnirunirflnd natural ac tivity, and tiiiti not cniy wilhoutihasanl of reaction, but witiia happy effect oo the general orgttUir&tbn, Bear in ralud ihotall maiadbn wfaprar«T they ; b»*£lD, finish with Uu* nervous system, ri, J i hat tbo parafltatlon of the nary* '•t motion anJ conpatioa la physical death. Bear In mind» also, that for every Mud of nervous dlaaß3e, the Elixir Oor» lal la the only reliable preparative known. UUItD Off NKKVOLa DISBAfIES. No language can convey an adequate idea of the bams 'Z'Z “I'"?! ralrMuL '" J “ which it occlonaln I d by lint l M VT h«ur„, or impair ed ££££ rt,r!, r r, “v^rTr n, “ ~,m - “ eympion, of ». rTOI a ““^'r drr its Influence Nor h> the effect tampon^; for the Z. JI-.I properties of the medUue roach th. constitution Itself and restore It tn Its normal eenditlun. * Lo!i3 OF MEMORY, Oonfusion, giddiness, rush of blood lo the hood, raolan-' choly, debility; hysteria, wretchedness, ihoughto of self destruction—four of insanity, dyspepsia, general prostra. Uon, irritablUty, nervoaaness, lnnhility to olcop, disease. Inoldent to males, decay of the propagating functions, hya tcria, monomania, rogue terrors, palpitation of the heart impotency, constipation, etc-, from whatoyor causes arming ,t is, if .there be any reliance to be placed on human test!, mony, absolutely Infallible. A GREAT .MEDICINE EOR EEMALE3. cnmni,ie 1 !?S I , ell^. e ? e=tn . of S Mat restorative In ail of mat ha new era In the annals thouSndl*nf Thonsands of stimnienhihaTa been invented— scStoth porporling to be 4deiieate&| 3^“S»^‘-*>,ch Who cullers KaK^” g^’nerrousn.e SSSSSS^’^'SSsZ^SX^S^ invigorating Cordial a .trial. . BSW to th « MARRIED PEHBONd, . Or others, will fiadthls Cordial after they Rave u«,i » tlo or two, 0 thorough regenerator of the system J inwall directionßara to bo found the happy parent® of healthy off spring, who would not hare been so but for this extraordi nary preparation. Andit ia equally potent for the many die. eaaee lor which it la recommended. Thousands of youua men have been restored by using it, aud not in a stasis I?., fitance has it failed tc benefit thwn? 8 PKHfONS OP PAL£! COMPLEXION, or consumptive habits, are restored, lay thauae of a botUe w two to bloom Rud vigor, changing the shin from a p*u ret low, cickly color, to a beautiful Horlii complexion Hesa aresome ol thocadand melancholy effects produ ced by early habit/? of youth, -via: wcakneca of the back and limbs, pains in tho head, Oimnefla-of flight, loss of mus cular power, palpitation of the hoarl, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, general debility, symptoms of conaumptiOßs r ©tc, • Mentally, the fearful effects on the mind are much u> b* dreaded. I/W.i of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, oslf-dletrust lovo of solitude, timidity, etc., are some of the evils prodi * eed. All thus afflicted UEFOUE CONTEMPLATING 24AUUIAQJB should reflect .that a sound mind and body are tbo most ne eeasaiy requisites to promote connubial happiness; indeed, without these, the journey- throughlife becomes a weary pilgrimage—-the. prospect hourly darkens the view; the mmd becomas shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness- of another b«. comes blighted with your own. CAUTION. Ur. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by Rome unprincipled persons. . , . In future, all the genuine Cordial wiu have tbo propria, tor’s fac-simiie pasted over the cork of each bottle, and the following words Mown In the glues: Dr. Qlorso’g Invlgoratlag Cordial, C. H. KINO, Proprietor, N. Yj The Oordial is put up, highly concentrated, In pint ties—prico three dollars per bottle, two lor five dollars, for twelve dollars. 0. 11. BING, Proprietor. .. _ 192 Broadway, N. Y. S°ld byDnifiglflts throughout the United Btaies, Canad and the West indies. Roawicn, Feb 8,1855, Pltteburgh DruQEO. H. KBYSJSB, No. 140 Wood si do. - flkming, bbos., no! co wood st. Do. -’•••<.&. E. SELLEBS; Wood street. Allegheny C!ty...BECKHAAI ft M’KBNNAN; Do JAMES T. SAMPLE ftOO* Do J. P. FLEMING. Agent for 0hi0...J. D. PAItK, Cindmuti. J [«pU-d*wl7 GRRMMBITTERS , DS. C. IS. JACKEOH, Philadelphia, Pa., will EmrcTUAtLY cum LIVER COMPLAINT, DVBPEP9IA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervous Debitity, Diseases of ihi Kidneys, ar.d atf diseases arising from a disordered liver or Stomach. Bn oh aa Constipa tion, Inward Tiles, Pulnees, or Blood to th« Ileml, Acidity of theStomacb, Naasea;lfeartbnr&?Dfr?rQ&tfi>rPerJ,‘ Fulness or . weight In tfco Btotnarb, Hour Eructations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Btomach, Swimming, of, the Hoad, Hurried and DifllcuJt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choak ing or SnfTocstingSensation when in lying Posture, Dimness of Vinton, Dots of Wet* Imfore the Sight, Fever aod Dull Pain in the Head, PaGcinncy of Perspiration Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Cheat, Umbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imagin- Ingsof Evil,and groat Depression of Spiritfl. The proprietor, In calling the attantion of the pubiU to this preparation, does co wit n feeling of the utmost confi dence in its virtues and adaj ation to the diseases for which it is recommended. It In no new and untriM article, but oco that hag stood the test of a t*n yvars’ trial before the American people, and its reputation end sale* is unrivalled by an 7 similar pi. - parations estant, The testimony lu it 3 lavor given by the most prominent and well known PhysManaaud individu al. in all parts cf the country ia immense. Referring any who may dnubt,tn my «• Memorabilia,”or Practical Receipt Roolt, for Farmer* and F*uttiiif*s, to bn hud gratis, of all Lh Agents for the German Bitters. Principal Office and Manniactrry,X2oArch street, Phil* delphia, Pa. 4®- gold by Dr. Qeo. n. Kemr, 140 Wood street; B. A Fahnestock A Co., No. 6 Wood street; Fleming Brothers 60 Woodstxeet; 11. F. Swartz and J. P. Fleming. Alleehonr doclO-Jawlyis. , t -DR. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond* Alley, de- m votes his entire attention to an office practice. £3r? His busin»‘S9 in mostly conilned to y’rirate Mig Venereal Diseases, und ouch painful %E» brought on by Jmprudenco,-youthful indulgence and excess. Syphilis,Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonorrhea,Gleof, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, Impurity of the Blood, with all sea of the \rnnresl Organ. Stein Dlsensss, Scorbutic Erup tions, Tett»r, Riogworm, Meicurlal Diseases, Seminal W«ftkuara, Impotency, Pib-s, UhentnaUsiu,‘Female Weak ness, Monthly Suppressions, Disea.-es of the Joints, Fistula iu Ano, Nervous Affections, Puins In the Back and Loins, Irritation of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated. Cure guaranteed. Twenty years’ practice (ten In this city) enables Dr. Brown to offer assurances of a ep*»dy cure to all who mar come under bis care. Office and Private Consultation Rooms,-H Diamond alley. tfcE- Charges moderate. novfrdawly KHEUMATISM.— Dr Brown’snewly discovered remedy for Rheumatism Is a speedy and certain remedy for that painfui trouble. It never fails. Office and Private Consul UUon : Rooms, No. U Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Fa. The Doctor is always at home. novSidtwly t lUOM CITY COfiUIKRGIAh COLLEGE. CHAR TERHD, APRIL, 1856. TWO HUNDRED STUDENTS and upwards have ma triculated. Chartured with a full Board of Trustees. Principal—F. W. JFNKINS. FACULTY. I. I. HITCHCOCK, Professor of tb« Science of Account*, and ot the Art of Book-Keeping. JOHN FLEMING, A£si>clats. PrQ&sscr lu the same de partment. GEORGE F. HITCHCOCK, A. M., Professor of Mathe matics and Teacher of Penmanship. F. W. JENKINS, ABsoeiafoTibfcSßor In’the several de partments. JAMES H. HOPKINS, Esq-, of tha Pittsburgh Bar, Lec turer on Commercial Law. • : every. amTcvonlng, by author of Book-Keeping, and by Professore that Are now practical Book-Keepers. Every teacher In this College baa had years of experience in teaching in first class schools in the East. Students iu this institution are not taught by young men that are not experienced teachers, ox have not been practi cal book-keepers. Ladles and Qentlemen are uiught Writing and Book-Keeping daring the day and evenfog. For terms, Ac., call at College Rooms, corner of Wood and Fourth streets. • angle THREE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, between Philadel phia and Pittsburgh. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN leuYdß. Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7VC. A. M., «dJ Pitta burgh for Philadelphia at 7, JL M. THE PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 1 P.M., and Pitta* burgh for Philadelphia ot i3O, P: M. THE NIGHT EX PRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 11, P. M., and Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at M. Ulairsville Accommodatiou Train leaver Pittsburgh daily, except BHnday, at 4:30 o’clock, P. M. Brlntou’s Accommo dation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily at IT o’clock A. M., 0:30 o’clock P. H., and &20 P. M. The above liues connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads: to and from SL Louis, Mo.j Alton, Galenaand Chicago, 111 • Frankfort, Lexington and LpuJsviUe, Ky.; .Terra llaute, Madison, Lafayette and IndianapuJiß, Ind.;.CiQcinnat!, Day ton, Springfield, Bellefontaitie, Sandnsky, Toledo, Cleve land, Columbus, Zanesville, MaitiUou ami Wooster Ohio ■ also, with the Steam Packet Boats from and tj>Naw OaucAtra’ St. Loin a, Locismur and CorciwtATi. . " ' Through Ticketo can.be had to. or frozuoUher of the above places. For further particulars, see handbills'at the different starting points. _ Passengers from IhaWcstvrfU find this the shortest and most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Balti more, New York, or Boston. . THOS. MOORE, Agent, Passenger Bines, Philadelphia. - - —MESKIMEN, Jy2l Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh. 171 VEiIQ KEEN COLONY—A very desirable'country reai -J dence is offered for sale,situated in the above Colony, Koas Township, 5 miles from Pittsburgh! "The bouse is 68 by 34 feet, arranged with four rooms, a kitchen and laige hall on the first lloor, and is-provided with-a water closet, bath room, Ac. There are 2 acres of land attached to the house, held in fee, and an undivided one-sixth of 25 acres more. The Dwelling House, with the two acre lot, (on which there, are 100 fruit trees of choice <{aaliti«B, besides grape and strawberry vines, stable, ohiclcen house, Ac. ) will be sold separate, or with an interest in the Colooy. * The arrangements for the educatlon-of children make this a desirable property for a man of family; S-CUTUBERT & SON No. 63 Markat-st, near Third. CONTINUATION OF Till; G RKAT SKHI-ANNUai SALR-A. A MASON 4 CO. *Ht conUnieVh." Mto through the month of Auguet. They >l!l «• v ' +