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V •■■>.•'■;■"■ * * ~ J, * ■ . . •r'’ * „j’ f- 1 ■■■'- ■■ • vv.!. ; : ;5 , ■ -*7 -v ... *!" * ... DAILY MORNING POST Prmioi imd-published every morning ( Sundays excepted,) , BY QILLDIORE BIONTGOBIERV, OW THI MOBTH-WKffr OOXSXH OP WOOD AND FIFTH STRKtTS. 2£B M S'.—Five Dollars a year, payable strictly lc • ivaoce. Dollars Hill Invariably be required If uot paid fl^flinglecopiMTWactirra—*r-r °xlo at the oonntaT In the OJflca, and by the yews boy*. IKE SATURDAY MOBHIKO POST Published from the came office, on a large blanket Bite ah et, atTWG DOLLARS a year, in advance. Single copies fTTICCRSt ‘.fm* No paper will be discontinued uni act at the dlscre ©n of the Proprietors,) until all arrearages are paid. No attention will be paid to any order unless accom oanfed-by the money, or satisfactory reference in this city. - Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Post u one of thi largest Job Printing Offices in the city, where all Lmdief work is done on (he shortest notice , and mart reason csbleierau. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt« C. Q« Sproulf ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, No. —, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. drcll:ly James A* Lovrrle, ATTORNEY AT law—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfleld street and Cherry alley, j dedLly JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Fifth and Grant ate., jaSjlyi] PITTSBURGH, PA. Thomas fileaue. Attorney at law and solicitor in chancery. , Office, next door to the Poet Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 6. P« Kobi, A TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, -CX Pa., fourth door below Mr. Rody Patterson's Livery Stable. j»2B C, Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. Jy*y R. B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. j«2:y j. N. M’Olowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office in BahewglPa Building*, on Qrant street, j»2 U. H. Haxen, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth Btreet, above and near Pmlthfield. mar27:y Patrick NoEenna, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Qrant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewie,) where all business pertain ing to the office of Alderman and Justice oi the Pena* will be promptly attended to. f.«bl:3ui N. Buckmailer, Aldenua^*’ OFFICE, Grant street, between Fourth Bisahd Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real But ato examin ed A r j ’William Wlliou, Alderman. OFFICE No. 447 PENN street, between the canal and O’Hara street, Fifth Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice id the Peace, Will be promptly attended to. A3F* Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawo with neatness and despatch. f*bl3:tr (1, A til., SUHGEUN “DENTIST, (*uc j&£ggj3|j9> cessor to G. W. BiJdlo.) No. U 4 Smithti-ld I ■LLP &S“office hours, t:om Bto 1 o’clock, »nd rqpi 2 to 6 o’clock. febloily >nP!JU|k J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, five doors west of Market. '4CEOJP Office HoOes —From nine A. il. to fire P. M. deo2o:y BUSINESS CARDS Curling, llobertson A Co., Af ANUFACTUUKitS OF CUT. PRESSED AXD PLAIN IYL FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wcol street, corner r.f Frout street, Pittsburgh. £y* All oth-r Rinds of Glassware and Window Gins*. &i low market prices*. ntdlsllv Jacob Hl’Collister, WHOLESALE and retail manufacturer, aud de*i erin all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 'll Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keeps coaatanUy on hand a larg* pupply of all tb* various brands of Imperial Cigars Julin Moorhead, WHOLESALE OttOCER, AND OOHMIBdiON MKIL CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metul and lilooim\ and Produce generally. No. Woo>l street. Pittsburgh 'ap24 Fuiur ECYXixa. l&eymar A Antlersou, (Successors to Joshua Rhodes & Co ) WHOLESALE dealers in foreign Fruiu, NuU, Spices, Confectionary, Sugars, At*., No. 2v» Wood street, *.-p?>o site th* St. Charles Hotel, Pa. »p- Hsnry H. Colilua, Forwarding and coMMiasioN merchant, bo.i Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butler, deeds. Fish, aud Prodace Rwnarally. No. 25 W»»c.l siret-t. I’lttsborch. B T. C.Morgan, T>OOKSELLER AND STATIONER—has always on hand a general aFßortmoot School, Mist-ellaueiu* aol Blank Books, Printing, Post aaJ Cap Paper, Ac., whole-tale and re tail. No. 101 Wool atreet, below KUlh. Ka-t side, lMttsbur/h. Sir Wsnte-i. Rags aud Tanners' ts>Tuos. apl&.ly WILUAiI iULLKR, Phllu -VTM. EtCKcrsoS, Pittsburgh. Miller 4k- ItlcketuoD, WHOLESALE GR’JCEItS, Importers of Uraodie.H, Wines and Segare—Nos. 17i and 174. corner ot Irwin and Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, At , constantly on bond. jVAi Win. Carr A Co , (Wd. Carr, late of the orm of J. Parker A €»• ) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealer? in Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Mi>tu>ugaho!H and Rectine-J Whis ky, No. 325? Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Fa. j-h.v F. 11. urtvo, DiaTn'>n,l, Pittsburgh, Pd. DKALF.R in COUNTRY PRODUCE, offurn l-r sale a cholcestock ofGr-'v-'erioa, i-oiectel for family U4e. Spire of eTery variety and ih<« purest quality, giouud at his Bt«axn Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, rind Domestic. Produce taken in exchange 1.. r merrbaodi:**. F. It. D. prucurcJ u fud assr«rtmeut of Lauireth’s warranted Garden Eocdr, and invites the attention of all in terested in rural affairs. j*n 1 1 ,t. trcuiXDKiN Vi, B. CXGUSU English dt litcliardioai COMMISSION ANT* FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers Jo Fish. Baron and Oil, an-J Produce generally. Wartshouse formerly occupied by Burbridge A loghram, No. lid Water and ISO First street, Pittsburgh, Penna. tebc Comuilsilon House. mu& eubscribeN have opened a bouse for tbc above pur -1 pose, at No. 17 Smltbfirbl street, tour above the Monongahela House. We will purchase, or rocei ve, >n ecru miSEiou, for aalo, conalgnments of Flour, Baron, Cheese, Corn, Oats, Barley, Flax Seed, Grass Seed, Baled Hay, Ac., upon which we will make advances, or purchase nt the best market rates for c«*h |«ov6! AUlfcM & CO. James M’Laughlin, TVRALER IN GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, L/ Ac., No. 10, corner Bmlthfleld and Ftr*t mreels, Pirts burgh. Pa. _ JOHN u. vousu 2Vo. 33 Smith field street, opposite City lf >Ut. Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and CHAIRS, of every description. Material* and work manship warrant*!, and sold at reducel prices. Cur-taken in packing for land and water carriage. aug2l \Vrn Dlgby, Jr., CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, Muonic Ilall, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in good style, and at moderate rates. augy.tf R. A A. <3. Duncan, WHOLESALE GROCHII3, and Dealers in Produce, For elgn Wines anti Ll.juora, Old Monongahela and Rec tified Whisky, No. thU Lilnrrty fit.: Tittaburuh, Pa r jy27 y A. Tlndle, WIIOLKSALK and Retail Saddle, Uarne*.- Nulisa and Carpet Bag manufacturer, 2S~ No.lW Wood i’itutburch. Pu. ; vj\< v J. 11. Illeilor, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in M usicul Instrument* Pianos, ilOhic, School Books anti Bta;ianery, N-* 1 - Wood street. .inn l John \V. flutter * Cu., Fouwardinq and commission merchants— Dealer* Id *ll kind* of Pittsburgh manuttK'turfs, Pipe and Sheet Lead, (57 Front Mtreet, F2nterprl*e Works. jVo. 130 Vtoyi street, third door L>-Utw Virjin alley. BOWN A TETLEY would call the attention of Spurting men to their large a.*«ortment of Gunn, Hiller and llr volviDg Pistols, the largest and befit selected stock ever opened in this market, together with a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery,Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of which we otTer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for good approved paper. iun.rlh Copartnership Notice I HAVE THIS DAY (April 11th) as*o<-lat-d with m- Messrs. F. STEEL TuRBETT and SAML. C. CLANEY, both of whom have been for many yeare in tuy establish ment, and are already extensively and favorably known lu my customers and the'public generally as superior wotk men, and of correct business habits. We hope by Lhis union of experience and artistic skill—especially in the watch de partment; by .keeping a large and well selected stock *•;' goods; by selling at moderate price?, and by close attention to business, to merit a liboral share of putionage. To mv old friends and the publia in general, who have for main years past so liberally patronize! my business, 1 ret am my thanks, and solirlrfor the new firm a continuance of simi lar favors. W. VY. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11,1355. 'Wilson, Tarbett A Clancy, WATOIi MAKERS, JKWKLUOS and 81LV KKBMITUB, ti" Market street, comer Fourth. ru*s JSew Coach and Carriage Factory I JbHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., Cbmer RrUcca aud Belmont street*, Allegheny Oily. WOULD respectfully inform their frleud* Bn d *be public generally, that they bat* commenced the manufacture of Carriage-. ~n Tf i Buggb*.Sleighs au.l Chariots in all their various styles of finish and oroportlor. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended »-j ,on tbexnoet reasonable terms. Using in all tbeir work tt-« best Eastern Shafts, Polos, and Wheel stud, they feel coi.: ; - dentthat all who favor them with their patronage, will bo perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. .Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before purcha sing elsewhere. ocftiqv J. T. JOBKBTON r>. T. JODSbTON * K. iIAiKS. i Klcclalor Carriage Factory JOHNSTON, BROTHER A CO., PRACTICAL COACH MAKERS, corner nf Rebecca aud Belmont Miretds, All - gheny city, Po., Imvo on baud and are mauuf.-ictUTlng an extensive assortment of Carriages, Rocfcaways, Uugsi.-**, Baggage Cars, Ac., mode in all their various stylos,\£Uh strict regard to durability and beauty of finish, using In Ht their work the best Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They 1- confident that all who may favor them with their pair* ti nge. will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pans every fif teen minutes during the day. octys!y PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. H.BTfIkLOW WABTIJt L. BTSVBNS UtORQS ALItEhT. Bigelow A Co., * mn« SUCCESSORS TO £.51. BIGELOW, No 40 Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pitb burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Pheatons, Dug* and every description of fancy vehicle.-* boiltto order, end finished in & manner unsurpassed f< r beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials. -*y All work-warranted. not'd hoberthTpattersoN’B ~jB3&SL- liveey and sale <1 . WsE STABLE, Corner Diamond street end Cherry alley ■prl-Utf ■ PITTSBURGH. PA inO hQ2 “ LKMON syuu e ; * i \ )\.f 20 •* {aflaorted du in store »od for tale by jyl9 39 Wood It, oppoglu th« St. OhArlsa Hotel. .JUIUfcHT .1 AMI'UUrn; 1. LCIMKTT. Young A Co. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT SG,OO PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIII. CARDS. Joseph Fleming, Crsuoox&soa to l. wacox * oo } CORNER MARKET BTREET AND DIAMOND, keeps j eonsiantlv ou hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain log to his business. S&* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. j<c9y JOHN FLIAUNG w, COCB&AN FLIMING. Fleming Brothers, [80CC*H(OB8 TO J. KIDD M CO.] WHOLESALE DUGGISTS, No. 00 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lans’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. JalO John Haft, Jr., WTsucciesoa to jamlb m'ootit.J lIOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In Paints, Oils. Dye Stuflk, Ac . 141 Wood street, three doom below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr4;m&ely R. L. Alleh, WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN DIES, CIGARS, OLBMONONQAHELA AND RYE WHISKY, lc., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. B Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wiues, Brandies, Gin?, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Croix and New England Rum, Clarets, Champalgues,Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongahela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry fend Blackberry Brandies; Imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cig&ifi; QalT-Sp&nlsh and Common Cigars, oil atfluoh low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and Demijohns of all sizes, I respectfully invite an examina tion of my stock, ac No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penua. aprStly Jam*!) Illelllngsr, MONONGAUKLA PLANING MlLL.—Would respectful ly inform his friends and the public,.that bis new es is now in full operation, and that ha Is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, end fill all orders for Plaued Lumber, with promptness, and et the lowest raise. Board and Plsuk, planed on one or both sides, constantly on buud. Saih, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage to give him u ckll.os he ran now furnish them with planed stuff suitable for every description of work. Herron 4b Criswell, RELL AND BRAdd FOUNDERS, and M»oufscturera of •11 kinds of Bra’* Work, Locomotive Steam Bngiue, Plumbers, lc. Also, Cot.un Battlog Manufacturer*. Foundry on llebecca street, Allegheny city. Office aud Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. £3-Old Brass and Copper taken in exchange tor work, orcusb pail. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. M. uKAir Graff, Uelilnger A Uraff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood streat, Pitta* burgh, Pa. UAMfFAcrucEns or Cooking Stored Plain and Fancy Grates. Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Ssov«-s, B;id and D'g Irons, lioli' wWare, Portable Forges, Bugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, BU'-vv Kettles, Wagon Bcx«, 'tnhli W. u . S.MITU bmltb, niair A, Hunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMIS SION SIERCU4NT*, and Dealers in all iluds of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 12'J Secoud and 151 First rtreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. W. S. Haven. rpWK OLD PRINTING KBT AI>LI6LLMENT. (late John -1 stem A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Wamboufe, is prnpared to execute every style ot Legal, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printiur and Book Binding, no! lurulsh every article in the Blank Pork, Paper mi! Stationery line, at the shortest notice and i n the most resKOimble terms. Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, Printing Office and Book Bindery, corner ot Market and mu jno*lb Nurth-Wattern Police Agency, VTO. 3J WAtiU l NGTuN BTRKET. comer of Dearborn 1> CHICAGO, 11. LI NOS. ALUS PINKWTOS Pinkerton 4k Co. I'ITITX TUJTIK iTTXKTH-N TO lUS TSAKHAiTfOS >-f A .tSiEAI DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS Iu the State* of Illinois, WWocriu, Michigan and Indiana, mbit) iltf PjMIE late firm of JONES A UUIGG, bating boon dissolv A. T>l by the death of John P. Quigg, on the ri tb Inst , ths '-us uces c ( mi! firm wjii to settled by the undrrrigued, at ihew otllce, eoruer i-f Rosa and Firnt streets. ISAAC JON ES, s.arviviag Partner. IMtfeburgh, Sejiieaber 30, Hsl—[octiy Isaac Jouci, MANUFACTCRKKi-i Spring and Biiater rleel, Plough Slab Meal, steel Flough Wing?; Ooa.-b and EtlpUc Springs, IJniea Nut Taper, ball patent, Screw, Mall nbd ilaiuoieied Iren Axle?,— rorni-r ul Ki-sa and First atrevta, rtUrbiirgh. Pa oct'j.ly U. B. Roger# A Co., Manufacturers of Rogers' patejt impr.-red steel Cultivator Teeth. Office corner Rosa aud First street, octltlv Plttiburgii llldtug hcliool. ROBERT U. PATTERboN, Proprbtor, corner ffu 3i Diamond f-treetaod Cherry alley. Th*»ub«crilwr re*q>ecttulty unn£mnrt*fl to the LaJlee and Gentle men ot Ptlt-tburgh, that b« bas recently erected a RIDINO SCHOOL, which in point or sue. oommcKlloueneAi and adtp utvui, acd-nlably dcela any similar e-tabliehmeot in thv l uit-’-l Staten IIH ba-alico !h aoa’»Bible float ail parte i t the cilT. while its bL’h and airy riluatioo renders it espe cially aaited I» the promotion of health, b> thie tifest agrm at-i- Tbe Uorren an? do,-Ua and well trained, and the proprietor pledges himaelf that no pain* or expeur-e «ul] Le sparrd U> muJtc thi? est&hlbhme&t the firtt In rr«? confidence t<f tLe public tf ttteiiarU v. flocking, Manufacturer of out. silver, brass, BKON7.E, l/iOKING-GJ.ASS, PORTRAIT AND I’IC- TtU FRAMES, i'iafu and Ornamented, No. m St Clair street. All kltida of Comporitinn Oroatnauta, for Steam (-<''ll?, Ac. All kinds ot Gilding aud Reglldiug, to order. GJ; Mouldin'.s lor Frames, whole-tale and retail. Varnish f..r IM Painting*, kn*nt»iug« aud Lilbograph.*, for sale Co“ Impaired or defaced Oil Painting! rustored m tfce L-e- 1 man tier 5 All i fbtnesand Mouldings manufactured in tbD estab Usbmeot may U< cleuued without injury, with snap aod M iter. (.’nil and r»«'. N’i- 21 M CUir t>l , Pitt»hurnh j ' \v 111 'l 1 K \rKNKT!AN BLfND MANUPACTURER, bu bis health so ufi to njpum* hie old bu9lo»vi», roU has c)«doU hi* BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No. U 6 Fifth fltrrK, D'«r.r ihe Post office, b@tw»**n Wood and Smithti*ld, "here he hap an übt'ortutrut of BLINDfi, trimmed with plain aod lm«7 woratod and silk trimmings, and is prepared to fill any order in bla lln«, on tb« most reasonable terms. Ilia »..rk Iti warranted t<) give oatbUctlou or mon*y refunded. /Ti“ Old Bllnda repaired. U&- Please give him a call, bp be can’t te beat io work* mnobhip mrTdv Notice. I HAVE sold my interest In the business o« Long, Miller i A Co., to is. A. Long. who. with John Phillips, will coo lu.»e ht tbeold stand, No. 109 Front street. I cordially re cinineud the uew firm to the patronag# of by friend*. Pittsburgh, J uly 19, 1554. 1\ li . MI LLEIL S. A. Long A Co., I >KLL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GAH FITTERS, 1 J luvite Mtenliou to their stock of GhantlelU-rn, Brack rti, Pendants. »od other fixtures. We tit op house# with (i«.h and Steam, make Brass Castings of all Mods to order, fun.lsh Raiiread Pumps and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti- AttritioD Metal constantly on baud. jy:tl NOTICE. DALY'S STOCKING MANDFACTORY. .Vo. IN) y%flh street, flrttt comer above ItfitrL'! street, PITTSBURGH, PA., WHERE will be found the largest and beat assorted stock of HOSIERY erer offered for sale In this city. Purohasera will find It to their advantage to call at thi* a*tabllshm«nt and examine for themselves; It lx all I need t» injure their custom. 0. DALY. N. R.—Remember the CniAr Stocking Cornek. feblry _ 0.1). Coßauiue the Smoke. 1 I HIE subscriber having the exclusive right toxnanufar- L tureand sell SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND SMOKE t ONBUMING FURNACE, La prepared to reoelve order#, and contract for heating buildings with the moat economical Knruace now in one. he attention of those interested is elicited. Any information can be had of A. BRADLEY, Nt-e. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLaR, d«*c‘24:tf| Inra GityStovu Warehouse, No. 184 Wood *t. -'4JJIS A. ULOUB. Lcdiie A (Jlaia, (Successors to Mulvany A Ledlia.) Manufacturers of Cut, Moulded and plain, pilot and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealer# la all kinds of Window Glaus, Flaaks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house oorner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh, inbldly Removal (1 HIMSKN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, J% Bottles and Window Qlass, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glate in every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Second, and 1"3 first street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2H I* W. Cti&dwlcky Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobacco, rags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pitts burgh, Pa. £Si#"The highest rnaThei price, io CASH, paid for ?*®®L _ _ np2o:ly* ’Oita ATWtU.. Atwell, Lee 4k Co.) WHOLESALE GROOERS, Product! and Commission Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 8 Wood street, between Water and Front streaU, Pitts burgh. Q p]H Dissolution or Co-Partuer«klp. r ITiiß CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between L JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP RHYMER, iu the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Bosiaesa, 1b this day dissolved by mutual conasot. Tbs business oT the flrmw.lll be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who is author'ced to re ceipt for ail debts due said firm. JOSHUA .RHODES, MarchYTth, ISS&. PHILIP REYMKIk - PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. GSjT The undersigned have this day foCmnl a Partner ship, uuder the name, firm and style of REAMER A AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary business, No. 119 Wood street UIILIP REYMKP. ItOBT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March -7th, 1855. Iu rotirlncfrom the Confectionary busineee, 1 cheer fully recommend Messrs. Reymar A Anderson to my friends and customers JOSHUA UIIODE9. Pittsburgh,March 27th, 1855. ap2 Removal. HARBAUGH A CO. have removed to No. O 295 Liberty utreet. SPBIXUEB UA&ftaUQB. Springer Harb&ugh & CO., ({Successors t* 8. Uarbaonh, - ) COMMISSION AND rOHWAEDINO MKKOUANTS; j Dealers la Woul and l>rodu£* generally, No, Liberty street, PUUbttrtfi, Pa. *VO .* - :.'.y - ~; \h ■ ■ .*-• fe ■ fc- v ■%. ' » *a < * t • v;' n n >\- "■* •''.h'lfii *1 ! „ ' ” v * - \ - \y BUSINESS CARDS J. L. martha.ll, (Suoceefior to U . Lee.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. ifr/ervnce —W. M’Clintocfc A Bros.; Kramer A Kahui, Kirbpatrlck; Murphy, Tiernan A o>, ’* Pittsburgh. May *24,1865—-(mytH^m*) Hate and Capa. WE would iDVita the attention of our fronds and public to a splendid assortment of HATS and wh<ch we are now opening tor the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, exceeds anything ever of fered in the city, or west of the mountains. and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A SON, spO 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Dissolution of Co«Partn«rahlp. rjlHB FIRM OF LIVINGSTON,’ROGGEN A Co.. Proprie- X tors of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was dissolved by the death of Mr. Jons J. Itocotx, on the l itn of Mm* oh last. The business of the NOVELTY WORKS will bacon Unued lu all its branches by the surviving partuers, ui-der the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A CO , who will also settle up the affairs of the late tirn. L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, Pa ,Mav 4,145 A. j W. B. COPELAND JOUS u’OAS&IY John Bl’Closksy JL Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MKR CHANTS, No. 68 Wood etrwt, Pittsburgh, Pa. The subscribers respectfully Inloirn their old cu»tomern and the public in general, that they have this Jay Rusoria led themselves in the above business. uuder the firm it JOHN M’CLOSKbV A CO. They respectfully eultcil a share ut public patronage. The previous business ot each will be settled by them selves respectively. f»B9 JM'LAUGHLIN, No. 95 Fourth street, nearly opposite • the Mayor’s office, is manufacturing Gentlemen’s first Boots. Low Shoes, ties and buttoned; Congress and Button ed Galtem; Ladies'Boots, Half Boots, Jeuuy Linds, Slip pers. and French Lashing Uniters. <•! every color and shade; laocy Kid an) Sethi Uniters, of th« hf.-u materiaiH. and OhiUrnc’s do., of every Variety. .V . U —All kl"d« mmle to ord«*r, on »)‘ort notice. |aul l J Boldtcri’ ft/onniy Laudi and Claim* agtlDU Uovernmeai. IW ILL procure Bouuly Lkdu for FolJiert, their WiJowa and Minor Children, and attend i«> bualuess in the *• Court of Claims,” recently ealablisbed by Congress. No. 148 Ihir J street, one door above .Smith'ield st. March 19Js55— _ CUAKLK3 NAVLOK._ ~ N#w Seed Store. JAMES WARDiICP ofTers !o» sale CANARY BIRDS ot the most Improved breed, twlng very hardy, aud tine singers. Bird Seeds —Canary, Hemp, Millet, Rope and mix ed fteoJ. Bounacts will befurnlahe<l compose-i of the Ittieel FLOWER.*., rutCamellM, Lose Bu-U, Heliotropes, Ac. Evergreen. 1 * (iu pot?) for Chri 'Unas Tree.-*, frtmi Uu> Seed and Horticultural Store. No. 4'J Fifth #t , near Wood. Jec‘2o riMIE und-»r«;l ( ;n*Hl cvuliuuoß to obtain llounty Land War- X runt*. TL>* prefleot bill to all wit-.* b«v« served iu uiiy war fiaco 17V0, li>U acres. Tonus luodtrutr. LUKE COUK'iliouT, ;j: Diamond alley, bt*tw«H»n Wood «t. Bp-1 Diamond. Coat Works for Hale SIXTY THRKK ACItKSOF U.NU, with tiM) u.-tr* r,f Coal uIUi Ihhl, nn.l all the injproTcm»*at« thereto id emw*-- ful fp-ralhm. faiil Kirin li* situalral to th** M ni«t)|;ab*l* rirer, 31 mile* abot<* an>i in ruppLeU with a Farm Burn. Trnant U ■'use.*, Orchard, KailiOiJ, anJ au excellent harbor Tht* rrin nf Coal i* Tire firK thiii.aci cannot Ui «urp&=: oJ In nualitv. further pnrUcuU.r« apply NICHOLSON * PAVNB, No. £'lo Liberty K.VtllUl'l ION HOO9I FOR. INVENTIONS AND PATENTS. And Agoncy foT tho Purchase and Bale of Patent Eight 3 and Patented Articles MO3K9 F EATOV fI'HK tulrtcriboru haw h>n*t l-'t-n acquaint*-1 *i(li Mr. 1 M<'3K3 F KATf'N. hii.l nu L.-hLaHoh in r.vcui lUtDJiog him, to all who ui«> wish t.« employ h»* an u {t-ntlcUMB of undoubted Intrjrit y uiri loleim liable in iu-lry, iu wltn.-$e ejfi'i|. in • *<-ry reliance may be placed Ni-vill«* B Cruifj, \V. Uobiu.-ou, .'r . W. U- P-tiny, Ji..hn Graham. Jarow Wm.-d, 11. Chillis A Co, 1' It Friend, N A Son-. Kan j• A WuJc, Kram«r A Knhm, Will. Phillip*. I l;. Litlo.-xh-ii. Wilson M'OaoJlrt', Win F John-tnii, A W. Loomis, Andrew Fulton I‘itini.iirnh, Nov«inl-ir th. ls.l r.ov"-7 hf WrlltoK Umitii»Uu(r , i Collet;*. I'll K lieiuleiueu and Ladies’ Cxy and Kt«milo< WnUD< vji,,;ri mUI cviUjuue i»j*eu during thr* •uunurr unJet Mr J 0. WlUhitns. i r!jrvi»» yarioud style* of Oi-ntletnoti and LadtiV Writing an- so uulY' rFjiH v i»dinlre l No of Penmanship *r«« eCiitntisl at th* door 1 • i>( th<*»e rxi'Cub J b? tbo Teacher in tbo In.-lituUin Ihr Principal cUUu- r».- “ monopoly " uor pale- l " :>•{ hi- hindu**.-., o- flil he bi* nmlitutiou chartered it. tv.il ;.ul, a.- ha- 1-vd rvp.»» e.|W .1-. tic 111 thls.lty Gentlemen Mil Ladle.’ Visiting wn'ien in Mr William*’ mylo. All kind* >1 uraatnunial I’ti; ujuut<hi[i eitcuied i" oru«r. my'd-i d« >* New iatelUgeuce office. ri'UlK sul>**eribrr lu< ;uct •pened ao INTELLIGENCE : X OFFICII. at No 4U» Liberty 9tr**M, In ihe well fcDo*n office of John ! hmnpsou, tiutp Ai.*>»ot . and ai ho bn Wh Exploring A*eut for the >lxlo c llible Society of Pitts bunsb l <r rearly two jeara. ho d-tiler- htm-rlt that til* knowledge of ctw d.y atri it* .-lii.'-O' sl%** rt him ffreal > tUo in furnb-htDC with help, auU aljo tu tu»J plao-.s ( rt boya.glil* aul nil other* ceekio.;cm ploy ui«*ut l'ho patronage ot the public Je toLrjlrd. T-rm* -acy, an I otory effort ureJ t.> £i?c sati.’.u.'tloii jsii tr tujtKlKi. iiAUi; A* mUllken Co. HAVK ON 11 AN L>, at Ui-ir axicjMiTe CABINET anJ CIIAIU MAN CFACTv'KY, No m street, a lar/e nsortmont of Fancy kqi! PUin Furutturc, v»bi. ti ib-y sill fcdl <'«ui. Ul.jm ■•ujtomary iftirf. Teram—cash only \Vut. t£. Stiveuania wuiiou-j in inuanla' Hi turo CABINET W'AKK >■( t-very .IcM-riptjuu, at hie mM| oi l »t«n-l, cornet of l.lWriy au.l 5pT-ntti 'treot* I I DNUBUTAIIINU a’.lrttije,! to, in a'l Ko branebefl UOHUE HUOKU AND BI.ACK.^MITU. baa orc.-tcl a iiaw ami cjuimoii'jUi brick Chop on tltiorry alley, b ? lwfen Tblnl fcQd Fourth wboro bo 10 prepared to i'u all work in hi.- ho* with the utuiud pruui|>lituJ<>. had loo«c «j in it»<* bu-iue«-. be r*-«pe,-tful!y aolh-it* ;h« patronage of his old cuntuuierj un i the pulln ally. 1 v-1 MAIIK 11V NUNNS Si CL.AUK., NUW YORK fl'liß PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Is respect X fully invited to call at the Music Store C > ‘ lj ffiH_J__ or the butacribers, No. od FIFTH ST , andfrafajfrJgiiahH| exaraloe o,*up««rb fin" jfilfTw ITull Grand PlnuOt prloe 91000.vl u « u « From the Factory of NUNNS A CLAtiK, N*a York. Thl* elegant Instrument I* mads In the “ bLIKAJJKTUIAN SI VLB,” the ornaments, front piece** and legs Wing elabo rately Carre*! out of SOLID ROSMVOOD. It is foil fceven octavefl, of the targeutdimncsione, aud, In point of volume, power, anil liquid sweetness of tone, is pronounced alto gether uusarpapsabl* l . The subscribers will he happy to m-eiro ihe »l-<ite of their friends and the* public in general, and übow them Vhtougb lhair elegant t*r.w establishment. CL IiLEUKII A URO . h.gu ■ t the G 1 1.-n liar]'. No. l>.* Filth sit ret. JKo. PUU-UP9. at) 18 Spring Stock of Hamburg Pianos CUAKI.OTTE BLL'MK, No. 113 Wool |£3m|^B3&&El»tr*wt, Pittsburgh, sole A^eut Tbe Ilnaibur* I‘Uuo* nr<- UDdoubt-nllv I I b V » * importer to nil oUj.t*, botli Id cladtaiy ■ ' (ouch soil superiority >\f Urns. They have net only receive*! the highest marka of appro bation from the best European PimirUK, such as UHT, TUALbKKO, Aud others, who have them constantly In ibeirown ass, but also from our resident F‘rofe?sors. The lulliw i« uu extract truin a latter of Alter describing tho particular style two of which he wants for his own use—one Oram* and one Sjuai-—he speaks as follows of their (txoellrut <4umllt “My little daughter, who plays-very well, must, with myself, have a good instrument, youra are iho only ones which cud satisfy me. “ Instruments ere otfered meon the most acrcxnmodatlQg terms. 1, however, do not like them; they have not the elastic touch and the tone of yours. “1 remain, yours, respectfully, “ Hin&y Rouoocii, Pittsburgh, Fa” .jugxru j. iuju For sale by CIIARLOTTE ULUME, «t the “Old Estab lished Plano Depot,” 118 Wood street, 2J door above Fifth. Also, sole Agent for PiUsnurgh and Western Pennsylvania for Hallrl, Davis tf Cu.’t Boston Pianos, (which In the East ern cities are considered superior to either Chicberiog’s or Nunns t Clark’s, oat which fact Is not eitatndveiy known, as they have bot lately been Introduced here .) and other New York and Phllßdelphta Pianos, of the host makers, at prices from $226 to J.suu. uihW Notice to Wltoiu It Olay Cohccru The pubmo bpriku balks oi Kr»i B*taie ui n<. chfiHtor aro now clooed, and the f7m7tijnj/ Sfasi>n how fairly commenced. Kvery citizen of Rochester is busily eiu ployed. Even 30 or 40 new families who have become citi zens the present Spring, Hod coustant employment; and lu a few days a hundred families more will be required toeur ry on the Work of the present season. Ttte;€br Building Jutabliilanml ia now uear completion, and Wifi be in full operation iu June. Several Care will be ready for delivery, by contract, the l-i of July. 18W. Two or three new churches, iu ltorhesier, will be con tracted for Immediately, and numerous other improvements will be commenced, requiring a great amount of mechauiral and Other labor Independent of the Oar Establishment, which will pro''Ably employ from one to two hundred A prominent brlrkmakvr from Pittsburgh ha.-* just pur chased nine large lots, and contracted to make upou them forthwith 600,U<)0 bricks. Two gangs of bunds comment's work the present week, besides the other yards heretofore established In the ueigbliorhood. t)ur Stone yuarnt* are already uUve with workmen, and the road leading to them lined with teams. Lumber is becoming abundant and cV.i/), nod tenements wUI soon spring pp. to relieve some of our Itouses, which now hare'B'ftunlUea, 4 famillo?, ” families, aud duretis of thqm U fatniUtJ? each Auy who d d not buy cheap tote at the lour public sales last season, or the four pnblic sates the present spring, can still secure good bargains at prlvai* sale by railing on the subscriber in Rochester. Terms— ';; down, 1 3 in., one yeur and K in two years. M. T. 0. GOULD. I*. B.—A few lots can yet be had at $Ut) to fcloo t . ac b •if applied for before the 20 h May. These lute are twice’ as large as osoal city lots, viz : 40 t«-t. by I”.\, and the price only from $1,60 to $2,60 p«r font front. The present ©.I homestead and magnitlcent profit of Ovid Wnney, 4 acres in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, Urn beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., of F. Reno, can be bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there ore not two suchbtirguitis within a hundred miles. 0 my<s • CUAS. ATWKLL. lleinoval. SCUTHDRRT * SON bare removed their Re*! . .nil General Ageucy Oflloi to No. 63 MARKET BT., near Third. ' " au#J .iLtiAßpaa FoaaifTE. FOK SALE—two Lota of 60 feet by 14b each, 1q Ka-t PUtaburtrh. at the lowest price-. I nquire or augl TBOMAB WOODS, To Fourth atrewt. t„ - • s ,v -»*, ■ s >’u- . ; , . ' ' > *%#► >•» 4; %* v ' ' , . ._ . • ' / i * v * *-.s - - r ,r-5 •#.;• '• j t ./H -• PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1855. .i’OXMSUOS N’CLObSK* Boole anti HUoeSi Bounty Laaili. AA M ynur'U f :rr-‘t. Charicb Uaruiti, CRAN'D PIANO.' PROFESSOR liKNRY ROUBOCK. -* - + - - MISCELLANEOUS DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST BOATS m DIBXA3I3 OF TSI ITI AND EAR WITQOOT CUPPIHO, LBIOUnta, SUSTZEINO, OR THB USI OP CALOMEL. OFFICE 453 BROADWAY, COIL GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis sad Cataract Scroftilous, Weeping or Watery Eyas, tire among the diseases of the 070 which are treated by Dr. 11. with perfect satisfaction. Ail diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principled. Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. All letters.post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou sands of cases which have been successfully treated by Dr. Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 826-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Bouthwick, Printer, “ “ fJ. Goodapoed, Glens Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y. tHlssMary Bellows. N. B. Station, Duchess co., N. Y. •Edward G. Solger, Bristol. Conn. •John Seamen, Engineer. N. Y. Darid Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. P. B; Giles, office Courier and Ena., N. Y. {James W.Klrby.BrooklynfL. I. Jarvis Rodgers. “ “ A. IL Reeves, Telegraph Operator, St. Nicholas U«tel. K. M. Ferriss, Organ Builder, Houston St. R. 11. Doolittle, M. D., Uudson, N. Y. Mrs. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, T.-ov, N. Y. It. L. Roes, Albany, N. Y. A. Dillenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Oapt. B. H. Uavilaud, Athens, N. Y. John W. Uackett, Biugbampton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and had to be led tif the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the city at pleasure. •These cases of Amaurosis were restored to sight after they were given op ae Incurable by the faculty, and can be rulerml to by any person who wishes to learn the facte in these canes, by writing to them. jan& Pittsburgh Dollar Saving* Institution, /To. G 3 Fourth etrerl, NEXT I>ooB TO TBB PITTBBDBQH BANK, IB NOW OPEN dally from 9 to 2 o'clock ; algo, on Wed nesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o’clock. Deposits received of all sums not less than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in Jane and December. The Trustees, for the purpose o( furthering the benevolent objects of the institution, nave elite re-1 into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security u> depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regu lations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. Pruuient—Q KOKOK ALBKEE. VICK FBX3IDMTB : llopeweH Hepburn, John IL Shcenbergcr, George U. White, Charles Knapp, William 8. Johnston, N. Grattan Murphy, James W. Hallman, Theobald Umbstaetter, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pen nock, William Phillips, WilUam J. Anderson, vacrrsxs; John G. Backofen, James Hardman, Hill Btirgwln, John M. Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, .lohu D. M’Cord, Robert Chester, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Afonso A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John 8. Ooearrare, llenry L. lUngwalt, Charles A. Colton, Robert Kobb, E. G. Kdrtogton, George R. Riddle, Francis Felix. James Rhoads, George F. OiUtnore, James Shldle, James 8. Uoun, George A SoUwn, William B. Haven, Alexander TloJle. Secretary and Trrarurcr —CHAßLES A. COLTON. ijH»:.ny FAttQIKUS’ AND OIECUANICfi’ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital 8300,000 Amount securely invested $400,000 rjMlta COMPANY effects Fire Insurant on Buildings, Goods, Furnl'Ure, Ac. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Good*, by Rivers, I«ak<*s, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally Also, Insurance upon IJvos, upon the mt-M favorable forms. • I>l RECTO R 5. V Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James K. Neal I, Geurgu IL Armstrong, Charles Ding*-e. Kd. I*. Middleton, K. R. Helxnbold, George Uelmbold, Fred. 0-Brewster, Thomas MaoJerfleld, Isaac Leech. TUOMAiI B. FLORENCE, Presided. Emv\xd R ll«.muc>U», Secretary. FITTsDLRGII QEFK&KNCkS. Hou. T M. Howe, Hon. J. R. M’CHntcvk Col W. W. Black, A. U M'CalmrmL , * Wilson M*Candl«.% »<i lion. |V O. Shannon, Hon. J. U. Guthrie, Thotaai J. Keenan, E^q., Col. J. Ile on Foster, K. M. Kiddle, The character of the above Company l* of the first class, and eombinaatlia rare and unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rine and Life Insurance. Gentlem-n of elevated standing are associated in its management, and interested as Stockholders. THOMAS J. HUNTER. Agent, jiVT St Charles Building, No. 10H Third *.t. ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans J|| [I I For Preserving Fresh Fruits, p£l l ||s Tomatoes, .Jr., f||jjj ||| BV UERMETICAL 3BAUSO. i^5llllllll.l!ll^l rpiILSE CANS, which are sealed by the Housekeeper J[ without the aid of a Unoer, and opened easily without Injury to the ran, are rapidly coming into general use. Full directions for putting up fruit accompany the cans; aud the work U so easily performed, that by thoir use every r.mily may hare fresh Fruit and Tomatoes on their table all winter, at summer prices. PRICES.—PIot Cans, $2; Quart, $2,60; Half Gallon, $3,60; Three Quarts, Gallon, $6 per dozen. The different aires nest, In order to secure economy in trail*- jrortatioo. ARTHUR’S OAN, which Is elovoJ with a lid covering the whole top, «o that when open it may be cleansed like any other vessel, has been fully approved by the Farmer*' Club of the American Institute, Ntfw York, it took a first-claaa diploma over all ether self-sealing cans at tho late Fair In Cincinnati, and was awarded a medal al the ile banics’ Fair held this spring at the Smithsonian Institute, Wash ington City, D. C. It is claimed to bu Lha best Can in the market. AH ordere accompanied by the csoh wlli t* promptly for warded. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Chin* auJ Queen*- ware Store of HENRY HIGUY, ■ ug4 122 Wood street, Pittsburgh. iiargatai In YValohas, Clocks A Jewelry. ROBERTS &. BROTHER. ARE now nailing their large and caremllv seleo ted stuck of Fine Watcher, Clocks, andrlch Gold jp*3ffiJgwclry at greatly reduced prices, to make room Cflußtor aa entire new stock, which will be received di rect from the Eastern manufactories in a few weeks, for the Fall trade. Purchasers dealring to buy good goods at low prices, should call Immediately and examine our stock, as we are determined to close it out without regard to cost or former prices. Don’t forget the place. ROBERTS A BROTHER, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the beet maimer, and warranted. jvlLlv CITY HOTEL. (LATI BBOWW’B,) Cornwr of Smlttiflald and Third alraets. JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. PITTSBUR Qtl, PA riHIIS large and commodious Uoose having undergone X thorough repair and furnished with new equipment* throughout, Is now open for the reception of the (raveling public. Ousauxa modihati. j„i LAx\H WARRANTS ' v«. SO. 100 AGUE WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN LOO ail 8, IMA- ... -Dealer in Warrants. Htook*. An.. 92 Fourth * Co»Par(nerahtp, WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on the 2d day or July, JOS. K. HUGHES, in the Wall Paper business, ufider the name of Jy9 W. P. MARSHALL A CO. FOR SALE VERY CHE AP. AHOir.UINQ LOT IN ALLKQHKNY CITY, 4 iA (wt Lj IUO. A good bargain can be bad by applying soon at lh« office of the MORNING POST. Jvl2:t Lot for Sals, A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Oarson street by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. P. GILLMOKK, JrlO _ of the Morning Pont SEMI ANNUAL DiVIDENDT8 _ PEirCEN'r7JULY^Y7tB&fo TNA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, COylf. Chartered 181 PAID UP Caeh Assets, July 1, 1 855, —sB 35,53 0 S 3. C CONTINUE to make Insurance bn all descriptions of j property at equitable rates. This Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for fib years, and Is unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other similar institution in the United Blades. Semi annual statement of the coudiliou of this Company on file in this office, for the examination of the publlo H. B. TBN-KYCK, Agent. Office, North-west corner Fifth aud Wood streets, Pitts burgh. jv24 R. M* Lemon A Co.’a Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. THE undersigned having purchased °T.D Leech A Co.’e Canal Stock. g2E£3s3Esß*r« prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this plaoe and Columbia. All burincee entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to tfy us, at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Le*oh A Co., Canal Basin. LLOYD A LEMON. jv26:dtm* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT TIII3 WARM WEA THER— I The Magaxines for August: Peterson’s Magazine for August; Ballou’s do do New York Journal do Dickens' Household Words for August; The Ueirees Of Hanghton. or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; Peggy Woffington. For all the new Books or Magazines, call or send to me cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDKNFKNNHY A CO-, jyiO Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. ("10AL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Monon j gahela river, for sale by , jy2o _ J. W. CO. o'aLMON—No. i Lake Superior Salmon for sale by O J»3O HENRY H COLLXNfi. W / ?■ * #v .•>. . ' - * .I--' TOJJ MANUPAOTURffIIS of oil kinjß of BRASS WOBK, LO COMOTIVE, STEAM KNOINK, PLOSIBKIIB, Ac. Al bo. Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny Olty. Omoa and Store, No. la Market street, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASS sol COPPER taken In eiohange lor work, or cash paid. Orders left at the foundry or Offlca, will be promptly attended to. febfrly JOBKPH T. LOWRY) Wo. 43 Vomerof Fi/lh and Wood SiruU, Office up st&lre. Entrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that he has commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, In connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting. Persons in wantof servants, in any oapaolty, or those in wantof places, will besupplled at short notice. All business entrusted to his core promptly at tended to. References —T. J. Bighorn, Esq., Richard Cowan, Esq., W. 0. Leslie, Dr. Alex. Black, James MackeraL A. A. Mason, Mafllt A Old. jen!B Sflhuehman 4 Uaunlsln, T TTHOGRAPILKRB—' Third street, opposite the PcsVoffioe, JU Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Bill Heads, Show Bills. Labels, Architectural and Machine Brewings, Business and Visiting Cards, Engraved or Drawn on Stone,-Printed In Colors, Gold, Bronze,or Block,(n the most approved style, and at the most reasonable-prices. • •" 1 oct!6:ly BELVIDERE REBTAVRANT, WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. rpUE Undersigned has just provided a choice stock of X LIQUORS, and is ready at all times W B ®rv« hU friends with the best of the eeuon, In the way of edibles. Irish Whisky Punches may be had at the Bslvidulo. jaallily JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Alexander liny** CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pwnnia —has per manently located, and will punctually attend to all business entrusted to Ids charge. Hon. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley R. R, W. MUnor Roberts, Chief Engineer *' “ *' Ueo. R. Kichbaum, Associate Eng. ‘ “ u Darid Mitchell, Chief Engineer Pitteb’hand Steub. R. R. James Tbompeou, Superintendent City Gas Works. James E. Day, Civil Engineer. Allegheny City. |ap7:2v* riUIK Partnership of JOHN M'DEVITT A BRO. was dls- X solved on the first Inst. John M’DeVltt will continue the business at tho old stand, and attend to the settlement of rfc* business of the late firm. JOHN M’DEVITT, WILLIAM M'DEVITT. Pittsburgh, January Bd, 1855—{jan4 Haw Trimming Store, Wo. 83 Cbmer of Market street and tht Diamond. fpitANK. VAN GORDER respecfully announcer to the . public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he will open his new Trimming Btoreon Monday, April 17th. Having fitted up the neatest store room ln the city, and filled it with a choice selection Of the latest styles of Trimmings and Fan cy Goode, he Hatters himself that he will offer superior in ducements and endeavor to give fall satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Now, don't forgot the place—No. 80 Market street, corner .pf the Diamond. (aprl'Jj FRANK VAN OORDER. CLA.BICAL BEiH!fIAB.Y. W. T. MCDONALD, M. a., Pwacirai.. mns next eesalou of the Institution will commence on X. MONDAY, the 6th of September next, at the room cor ner of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the Messrs. VecJer. Rffirtnut— Hon. A. W. Loomis, 0. Knsp, Jr., B. F. Von onboret. R. Miller. Jr. au*2s Agency For Soldiers* Claims, lOOATIuN OF LANDS PURCHASE AND SALE OF j LAND WARRANTS.—The undersigned has made ar rangements with competent and responsible gentleman to obtain Certificates or Warrants for Soldiers, their widows or minor children, who are to Bounty Lands; also for the Location of Land*, aud the Purchase and Sale of Land Warrants. JOUN D. DAVIS, s.mblAtf Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Mew Paper Hangings. - * NO. 65 WOOD STREET. i[ IiNE FRENCH AND AMERICAN PARLOR PAPERS; 1 Panel Decorations, la gold, marble; Hall Papers, of various styleo^^R Flg'il end Plain Papers,fordinl9BDta%and chambers; Cheap aud low priced Wall Pap^Sj*."' Borders, Ceilings, Figures, Window Shades. A large and complete assortment of the above, selected for the season, will be sold at the usual low price*. oot3 WALTER P. MARSHALL. a. j. usaati. UAtiAM A AJIL, WHOLESALE and Retail Di :ro in Silis, Yisncp and &apU DRY GOODS, Nos. 91 Market and 8 Union itreet, Pittsburgh. _ apr4 eIT Vviu T r ehoVse, _ I3&NOY BILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND CLEANER, ' No. 7 ISABELLA St., near the Emmet Hotel, 1 \EALEK m BiHJTB, BUOKS, TRUNKS and LEGHORN \_) ami BKAID UAT3, corner of Market aod Liberty eta., Gea. J R. Morehcad. No 174, Pittsburgh, Pa. ja3y.J] Next door to H. Childs* Shoe House, Pittsburgh, DEALER IN Fine Tea*, Choice Family Groceries and Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. IS now receiving a large assortment or FRKBH GOODS, In addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first hands In the Eastern markets, which, will be sold at the lowest market priced. Uoiuls, Steamboats, and families, buying by th* quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. 4F* Goods delivered in the city tree of charge. eepfll Till subscribers tender their ocknow-asa [ a4ga&agledgiaenu> for the favors beslowed uponyjL Ettfiaßßsßathem by their Steamboat friends, and Hpl would respectfully remind them and others interest- ■ “ ■ ed in building boats, that they ere at all times prepared to furnish, oo the most reasonable terms, every description ot Cabin Furniture uud Chairs of the beet material and work mauship. T. U. YOUNG A CO.. Instructions In filmic* MU. WAMELINK would respectfully inform his pupils an ) friends that he will continue his prolusion a* instructor cn the PIANO FORTE and VOICE. Orders lea <a Mr. KLEBER'B Music Btore, or at his resi dence, No. IS7 SECOND Street, will be promptly attended to. an 6 t N CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, at 1 UAGA3 4b A ILL’S, We will mark down on Monday, June 4lh,our entire stock of seasonable Dr/ Goods, at a large discount from former prices. We name. In pari. Borages and Tissues, Grenadines, Crape de Espagno, Bummer Bilks, Lawns of all kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Lace Man tillas, CbalU Borages, Madonna Cloths, Ac.—with a full and complete assortment ot Housekeeping Good*. mySl For Renta < A FARM CONTAINING 03 ACRES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, with a large and coavenlen t 1 DWELLING HOUSE, recently built andof modurn style; good Bara, Stabling, Ac., situated on the south bank of the Monougahela river, 0 miles above Pitts* urgh, beiog one of the moat beautiful and pleasant local Vies anywhere to be found. Possession given on or before tne Ist of April next. Enquire of tuh&tf Paul A filurtloolo, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERC HANS, AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS— No. 7 Waterstreet,Cincinnati, Ohio. IfpLtf 1. W. Chadwick, Dealer in rags and paper, no. w® wood street, Pittsburgh. The highest jrlce In ca*h paid for rags. myU:y _ Writing ClaascfDuff’a Collage* JIHR Gentlemen and Ladies’ Day and Evening Writing CtAsses will continue open during tho summer under : . J. D. William*, whoeo various styles of Gentlemen and Ladies’ Writing are so universally admired. No specimen* of Penmanship are exhibited fit thedoor but those executed by the Teacher In the Institution. The Principal claim* no “ monopoly” nor “ patent” f jr hi* business, nor did he get hU institution chartered to sell out, as ho* been repeatedly done in this city. , %t Gentlemen and Ladle*' Vialtlng Cards written In Mr. Williams’ unequalled style. All kinds of Ornamental Pen manship executed to order. __ toy‘J4:daw^ \. .. % MISCELLANEOUS. HKKBON ft CEISWELL, BELL AND BBASS FOUNDERS, aipcuncsa Notice* AUIUUL'IT. L,. IC. Uayvrardi "JOHN MITCIIKLL, * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Wood Street, So. 135 WM. A. M’CLUKG," Steamboats, Ahoy I Corner Third and Smlthfield streets, opposite “ Browo’B Hotel.” Great Ketluotlou 91 MARKET STREET. MOVBNING GOODS* FRANK VAN OORDER has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Bleevee and Betts in Crape, Tarleton and Bwlss, black lace and gauze Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, in wool, cotton, and silk; Ribbons, Belt*, and Crapes, la all qualities. Alexauder A Bajou’s boat Kid Gloves, can always be j found ut No. 63 MARKET STREET, corner ef the Dia j mond. nov!7 HEW DBY GOODS BTORE. Iron Front—No, 91 filarket atraet. OUR house being now open for the transaction of a gener* al Dry Goods business, we would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, feeling confident that, from ourex tensive and well selected stock of BILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we can offer such inducements as will in sure entire saiinfaction. HAGAN <fc AHL, apr4:tf Nob. 91 Market and 8 Union street. BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!’ Star Papers, by Uenry W. Beecher; $1,25. Cleve Hall, by Mlaa Bewell; $1,26. Mary Lyndon : an Autobiography; $l. Poestlcks’ Book; $l. A Visit to the Oamp before Sevastopol; $1 Mrs. UMl’aAiew Cook Book; $l. Tho Heiress of tlaugbton ; 37 cent*. Barney O’Rlerdon, by Samuel Lover ; '26 cents. Trial and Triumph, by T. 8. Arthur; 25 reuts. Panorama for July ; 25 cents. Juat received uo<l for sale at W. A. aiLDKNPKNNKY A CO.’S, Fifth et., opposite ib« Theatre. P LT .ANK3, FLANKS, PLANKS. Highly Important to _ Cabinet-Makers, Carpenters, and Workers In Hard wood, Ivory and Veneers— w. c. noppKira . UNniViu.sn VBNEKH, HARDWOOB AND IVOftY _ PLANKS* Trie above Planes cannot be excelled in planing liafd and venecra. The attention of meebamcs Is reapect fully solicited. For sale at DOWN 4 TIjTLEY’S, r ISO Wood street. F iIKK DRKSS GOODS.—aT. a_ £ QO. fears just _ recelred another splendid lot of Dress Goods, compri sing rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Bef&g*4 Tissues, Or gaudies, 4c., Ac., with some elegant styles of Flounoed Be- ft/*—. Iwpfll 16 FIFTH FP OR "'LOTS'I2J WJiLLfIYiLLK KOR BALE—A planTf vJc/ which may be seen at our office. These Lots will be sold on time, and but very little cash required in haud, where the purchaser takes a Dumber of lota. S. CUTIXbiLKT* SON, W Market et. JAfilKg W« WOODWKLL, CABINET rU&NITURX MANUFACTURER. Ware-roomi W 7 and Third str««t» .jiuu caiswfeu. mix J. W. W. respectfully Informs^ Kfißjfiwngfinw hla frlenda and customers that beujL gg&BKggfigyij&lii has now completed his spring stock "****** 0 f tfurnltura, which la decidedly * %* the largest and best ever offered for tale In this City, which will be sold at prices as low as any In the United States, Kart or West. As he la determined to uphold the quality with well sea* soiled materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, be is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. He has adopted the principle of Identifying his customers’ Interest with nls own, in qaality and price, and keeps at* ways on hand the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may he furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or* dor. The following articles consist* in part, of hla stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed In *ny of the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Bofoa; £0 Sofas, in plash and hair cloth; to dos. Mahogany Chairs; 30 dos. Walnut “ &0 Mahogany Hocking “ 80 Walnut “ “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut " 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: i 60 “ *• Dressing Bureaus 80 ** “ Waahstands;j 40 Enclosed “ 100 Oommon 11 ‘ 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 30 Walnut “ 60 Cottage “ 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut u 10 Cherry 41 to Plain Bureau^; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 doc. Oane Seat Chairs; 24 Cane Beat Booking Chairs; 12 Ladies'Writing D«sks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Ktlguirea ; Paper Macbe Xabl«: Conversation Ohalre; Pembroke ♦» filixatethau “ Hall and Her M deception “ Ladies* Work *• Pearl Inlaid “ Extension Dining Tables: Arm u Ottomans: Gothic and flail Chairs; k large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CiIAIHS. OaaiNif Maxim supplied with all ar ticles In their line. BTRAMBOATB an<? FOTEUi, furnished &t the shortest notice. AU orders promptly attended to. Arrival of Spring and huiumQr Urr Goods. AT NO. 09 N. W. SIDE OF WOOD STREET. D GREGG A CO., Importers end Jobbers in British, • French and German D!tY GOODS. Having receiv ed our large and extensive stock of spring and summer goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and patt through our own importation, we feel safe do assuring our old customers, country merchants and dty dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer such inducements to buyers as are rarely xnet with in the trade. ■ ' • Among our dry goods stock will be found cashmeres, do* ialnee, Portsmouth lawns of the moot desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas,plain black and fancy figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy vestings, casaimeree, satinets, tweeds aod summer pasta* loosing; brown and black muslins, table diapers. We hare also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, newest styles* palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with lacegoods, fancy neitinga, jaeonetta.muli and figured flwiaa muslins and black silk veils, Ac. Our variety stock embraces in part combs, buttons, per cussion caps, threads, port monalea, patent tnedidnea, per-: turnery, and almost every artiste usually kept In the va riety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver watenes, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and • great variety or oO hour and 8 day clocks, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices forcaab or satislnctoTy reference. N- B.—An early call from buyers is respectfully solicited. D. GREGG A 00. VAN GOUI)ER*B TIU&IAHNG STORE. No. 89 Macxxt Sr., Co user or Diamond. JUST RECEIVING, a large afld well selected stock or all the new styles of LADIES' DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS; Fringes, Rattans, Galloons, - Qhups, Braids, Velvets, Lsc**, Cords, * Ribbons. ' A handsome assortment of French, Scotch and Austrian EMBROIDER!Eg, (□ Swiss, Jaconet and Collars, Edgings, Handkerchief*, Sleoves, Imcrtlnre, Infants’ Robes, Chemisette, Band=i, Capa A Waists. A full supply of MOURNING GOODS: Crape setts. Collars, J-»>ve and Gauze Veils, Plain Linen setts, Sleeves, Gauze and Dotted Falls, Plain Swiss do. ChemlanUea, Italian and Emr’h Crane. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING—Stamped Collars, Bands and Inserting; French Working Cotton, Hoops, Linen and Cotton Floss, Oil Cloth, Embroidering bilk. Stilletoa and Scissors. Mantua, Satin and Bonnot Ribbons. A ’arge assortment of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS—Shlrtr, Collars, Cravats, Tiea, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Pins, Needles, Buttons, Tapes, and everything In small wares generally. 4ET* Bajuu's EiS7 Km Glovcs, Is white, black and colors. Sizes from No. f> to No. 10, always on hand. Also—A good stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES—very ehoap. tnbon uo, jsl. BaU of Public Proptrty. IN accordance with instructions from the War Depart pariment, the SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVIER and TER ROR, (No. d. No, 4, and No, S,) together with their equip ment*, tackle, Ae., will be sold to the highest bidder, at the points and dans following, to wit: At Napoleon, Arkausas, on Saturday, the 80th day of J uue, between the hours of 10 A! 11., and 2 P. the small twin Snag Boat TERROR, together with her equipments, Ac., in lotn or parcels, to be designated In printed band-bills prepared for the occasion. At St. Louis, near the Marino Railway, on Saturday, the 7th day of July next, between the hours of 10 A. M., and 2 P. Millie two largo twin Snag lloata, BELL and SEVIER, together with their equipments, Ac., lu lot* or parcels for each boat, to be designated as before in hand-bills. The items to be Hold will be classed under tho following general bead for each of the boats, viz: Ist Halls, cabins and upper works. 2d—Doable engines and boilers, complete. 3d—Equipments, including large purchase chains, an chors, chain cables*cordage, tackle,yawls, tools, Ac. 4th—Cooking apparatus and other furniture. The beats are scarcely two years old, sound and substan tially built, and well adapted for use asCotton Boats,Diving Bell Boats, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, Ac., Ac. Their engines are constructed in the most efficient man ner, and are in good condition. The Bell and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about 1&0 feet loog, feet beam for each hall, exclusive of their snag rooms and whoel houses, and 12 feet between the halls. The Terror is about 133 feet long, 18 feet beam for each hull, and 10 feet between the hulls. TERMS OF BALE—The Bell and Terror will bo sold for cash, payable on the days of their sale. The terms of sale for the Sevier will be made known on the day of tale. In all cases the privilege of dismantling the boats of all articles sold to different individuals will be referred for a reasonable time in favor Qf the purchasers of said articles. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase are de sired to examine the premises atul Judge of their value. 8. H. LONG, L’t. CoL T. Bujft W. R. Imp’ts. fit. La ula, June 7 thy ISSo. jell:3tawta .IOSICFU: nueiUDOB, COMMISSION AND FOKWABDINO MERCHANT, No. S 3 Ooiobclu, niLOW m« B?uir, St. l.<rali, Ho., H. CHILDS A CO., 103 Wood street CONSIGNMENTS andOommlzsionowillmeetwlthprompt and personal attention, and liberal advances will be given when required, os Consignments or Bills of Lading, in Hand. Orders for the parchsseof Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro* duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest rates of Freight will always be prooured, and th« expense of Storage and Drayageae much-as possible avoided. Page A Bacon, Bt.Louia; Ellis 4 Morton, Cincinnati Ohatlws,Blow&Qo., do; Strader A Gorman, do; Chouteau A Valle, do; Hoaea ft Fraser, do; Doan, King ft 00., do; Springer ft WhltemAn, do; E.O.Uooodmanft Co« do; D. Leech ft 00., do; B.ft 0. Yarnall 4 Co., Phlladsj Wm.Holmeß ACo., do; Morgan,J.M.BuckAHorgan: Blow A March, New York. B.B.Comogys, do; Frost ft Forrest, do; Shields 4 Miller, do; Charles A. Meigs, do; Josiah Lee ft Co,, Baltimore. A.Q.FarwellftCo.,Boston; AbrahamJ«Cole, do Howard,Son A Co., do; W.B. Reynolds, IrfnifTiUe 11. D. Newcomb A Bro- do; T. 0. Twichell A Co., Commission Merchants, New Orleans. hare an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover allehipmentsto iny address.when advised by letter per mall, or when endorsed on blllaof lading atthe time of shipment. JOSEPH MQGKIDGE, * ag fl Bt. Louis. Missouri. fio. 64 Bboil street, Pittibisroh. HOLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCKB.:- 40 shares Exchange Bank ; 17 do Monougahela Navigation Company; 20 do Oitlxens’ Insurance Company; $2,000 Monongabela Navigation Company Bonds; $6,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $6,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. fgepo:dlwawtf r~ n vtiwimu JOilPa LUDSWIQ. “• ,a wiLkiNs « co. (SoCOtSSORS TO A. WILSIH9 A 0o«) HAVB REMOVED THEIR OFFICE to Ho. 75 FOURTH two doors east of their old stand, where they continue the BANKING, EXCHANGE, and COrf MISSION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS in all Its branches, -Twenty-five Shares Mechanics’ Bank Stock. jyj2 WILKINS 4t CO. o. a. wujtwa Joa * i**nnwia. Wkiltlm 6 Co.» (Successors to A. ‘Wilkins ft Oo.) bankers and exchange brokers, JVo. 71 Ftocrth ilnti, Pittsburgh. IK THE numerous suspensions of Banks and Bankers throughout the country during the last six months, we are satisfied that in almost every Instance their troubles hare grown oat of a departure from their legitimate bind* ness; and we, therefore, take occasion to the public In advance, that no speculations in “fancy stocks,* or other “outside operations, 0 shall tempt os from the strict and le« gltixnate line of our business—bellsring that In avoiding all such investments w« shall not only be better able to serve our customers and ensure their safesy, but that in nSfmtlpg guch a course we shall promote our own ultimate [feb&j W. ft CO. TjfAQAZINKS, BOOKS, Ac.— Vyi Ladles* Gaiette of Fashion, for August; Harper’s Msgazine, do Putnam’s do do Graham's do do Godey’s Lady’s Book, do f petarson’e Ladles'ilagaslne, do BOOK&—A Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol; Star Papers, by Henry Ward Beecher. Just received and tor sale by JW. A. GILDENFENNEY A CO., jy3l Fifth st.j opposite the Theatre, NUMBER 255. MISCELLANEOUS. William A* Hill A Co., BANKERS, ' h RATES OF AOVEUTISIIVU AOBKsn won ny tax yif txnvnan raw rt* u**r» •.-/sriF-aa, o» tjs-w s- i uc.te > one lUtn*rlioi»,. , ‘ V each additional InsATtloji^. one w#ek~. two week*. i*‘ ' throe weeks*...* " oue m0nth....... 44 two months " three m0c1h4....~...^ “ *• four months. “ M six months..* “ l * ono year ...... .Rinding Card, vix lines or less, par annum. CHAfIdftAHU ATTIXAJtmS.' One square, per annum, (exclusive o! the paper)-. THE GREATEST medical discovery OP THE AGS. Da. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discovered in one of our common jxui,«7< uxedr a remedy that cum EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, from the worst Ecioflnla down to-a common pimple. He has tried It In over 1100 cases, and never foiled sxocpt In two cases, (both thunder humor), Qe lit* oqw In hla possession over two hundred certificate of Us virtue, aU within twentymUeaof.Boston..: Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing tore mouth. Cue to three buttles will cure tho worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will dearie system of Biles. Two bottles ate warranted to cure the worst Casket 1b the Mouth and Stomach. j Three, to five bottlea aro warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are Wirranted to rare all .Humor in the Eyes. • . .. v. I Two bottlea arp,wartasted;to cure Running of the Kars and Blotchja the.Hair. Pour to six bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt and Running Ulcers. ' ' : r One bottle will cure Scaly Eruption of the Bkln. Two to-three bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Ringworm, . Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate case of Rheumatism. :* Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the Salt Rheum. •" ‘ Five to eight bottlea will cure the worst case of Scrofula, A benefit is always’ experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranty when the above quantity Is taken. Reader, I peddled over a thou sand .bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know tho effect of It in every case So sure as water win extinguish fin, io sure will thfe cure humor. I never sold a bottle ef.it hut 1 that sold another; after a trial, it* always speaks for itself. There are two thingsabout tbUhetb tbahappear to me surprising: first, that it grows In our pastures,.in some places quite plenti ful, and yet its value has never been known until I discov ered it 1? 1845—second, that |L should c=ure all kinds of humor. In order to give sofoa Idea of tha sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery, I,wiU state that in April, 1863, I-peddled It and sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1864,1 sold over one thousand bottlea per day of It. Some of tho wholesale) didgglats. who have been in busi ness twenty and thirty years, smy that nothing In the annals. of patent medicines was ever iiae it. There is a universal praise of It from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept It strictly for humors, but since its introduction ao a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have teen found in it that 1 never suspected. u , Several coses of epileptic fits—a disease vmlch was always considered incurable—have been cured by* few bottle*. O, what a mercy If it will prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady;—there are but few who have seen more of It than I have. I know of several cases of Dropsy, all ef them aged peo ple, cured by it. . For the various diaeaseaof the Liver,Sick Headache,Dyspepsia,Asthma,Feverarid Ague, Pain in the Bide, Diseaeaj oLtfce Spine, and particularly in Disease# of the Kidneys, Ac., the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever -known; • .i No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you get, and enough of it. : > ■Directions for . Adults, one table spoonful per day. Children over ten years, dessert spoonful. Children from fivatofeigh: spoonful. -As no directions can be Splicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on b bowels twice a day. Mahofsctucedby j DONALD.KENNEDY, IVo. 120 JFarrerj st.. Koxbury, Mass. Price, $l,OO. DrfOEtt H. KEYSEK.No; 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., General Agent. Also, J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny Uuy. iny2&d*w 45*A Substitute for tUe New Liquor Law*— DK. URBAN'S ANTI-BACCHANALIAN KLfXIR, a safe and sure remedy for the cure of . , INTEMPERANCE.’ A concentrated' vegetable extract, and an a tonio is une qualled. For the following complain ta it is a moat valuable medicine: Bymepsia. Liver Complaint, Epilepsy,Neuralma, Pda', Fevers ofall kinds, Ddirium.Tremms. General Debuity, This medicine is intended to produce a change in the sys tem, and a distaste for alcoholic drinks. Several instances whore we haro sold It, wo have bed the most gratifying results; so, to persona who *re.xe:dly desirous of breaking off the indulgence ib intoxicating beverages, this elixir will be a great help. Sold at $1 per, bottle at the Drug Store of DR. GEO. H. KEYSKR, No. 140 Wood etreot, corner of Virgin alley, eign of the Golden Mortar. ap2s:daw Barrell’o Indian Liniment, Par Rheumatism, Bruises, Pains in the Back, Side—Sores Of all kinds. [A certificate ftrom Cumberland, Maryland-} CustaxELAND, March 19,1865.' Mr. H. G. 0. Caret, Zanesville— Dear Sir: May we a*k tho fttvor of yon to send ns twenty-four dozen BARBELL’S INDIAN LINIMENT? Flense send it without delay, as W 8 have not half a dozen bottles on hand, and it cannot be substituted in this country; therefore, do not disappoint us. *’*’*•♦ • Respectfully, yoors, Ac.. ; -Beall A Watts. For sale wholesale and retail at DP.. GEO*. H. KKYSKR’S Drug Store. No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley; a>ao by JOEL MQULER, Liberty street. £**-Cougtx Remedies.— lr. Keysar’a Pectoral Syrup will care you.' Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Byrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. Keyeer's Pectoral Syrup will cure Laryngitis. Dr. Keyeer's Pectoral Syrup will cure Influenza. Dr. Keyset Pectoral Syrup will cure a cold in the head. Dr. Keyeer's Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Con sumption. A recent letter from Mr. J. W. Veatcb, of Rokeby, Ohio, says: “I want you to send- me two lattice of your Pectoral Syrup by mail. There is a lady here who has a cough and the doctors can’t cure her. l rwas In the same way, and tried everything without benefit, until* 1 got a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup; I took it but twice, and it cured tu« soand and well” Ask for Dr. Krssxa’a PzcToiui Syrup and take no other. Price, 60 cents. Gold ot DR. > KEYSER’B, No. 140 Wood street, and at J. V. FLEMING'}*, Allegheny. ap2&d*w 45*Marsh’s Radical Cure Truss will cure nearly every cate of reducible Hernia. Trusses at various prices always on band. Children’* TrusSeaof differentforms and strength for sale. ... Elastic Stockings for varicose or enlarged veins. Abdomntal Supporter*— Adozen different kinds, Pile Props for the support and cure of Piles. Shoulder Bracer to relieves crooked and deformed condition of the Chen, and many diseases of the Cheat Suspension Blindages./ - All these articles may be had’"of applied at DR. KEY* SER’S Wholesale and Retail TRUSS DEPOT, 140 Wood street, sign of the Goldon Mortar ; or will be sent to any port of the country by sending the money and measure. *p2&d*w ‘ jqqjt Balm of Thousand Flowers, for beauti - Tying the Complexion, and eradicating nil Tan, Piuttsscs* Fasoxua from the face. Sold at Dr. KUYS&K’S, 140 Wood treeL janßO PEKIN TEA STORE. S. JAYNES. No. 38 Fifth st., one door east of Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh, Psi, Green and black tisas, selected with great care, anil purchased direct from the Importers, for Cash, Thu stock consists of ail the different flavors and grades of TRA brought tothe American market, and will be sold, wholesale and retail, at the LOWEST PRICES. RETAIL GROCERS are invited to call and get samples, and learn oar prices. PACKED TEAS, . Pat np in melaflic packages, expressly tor the trade: Young Byson No. 1, Imperial No. 1, “ “ No. 2, No. 2, 44 “ No. 3, Oolong No. 1, “ « No. 4, *• No. 2, Silver Leaf Young Hyson, Plantation Oolong, Gunpowder No. 1, Souchong, “ No. 2, Nlng Young Souchong, English Breakfast, Old Country Black. TEAS OF Ahli GRADES ST THE HALF OBJECT. —ALSO—.. COFFEE—Fine Java and Rio.' LOVERING'S SUGARS—Crushed; Ootrse Pulverized; Pulverized A; While Clarified C; Yellow Clarified and beat New Orleans. BASHES BAOHA, COCOA and CHOCOLATE, etc., etc. Long experience in the business is a sure guarantee that every article sold will be as represented. TAii old established store Aas no connection with any other house in the city. Customers are warned, not to place any confidence iu the representations of persons formerly employed iu this Es tablishment. Agad, by special appointment Jot the taU of DR. JATtfE'S CELEBRATED FAMTLTTMEDICINES; Also, lor tfce rale of ; . M 1 U JOHNSON’S TYPE. INK, Ao. NISW AND VALUAMUIi hUOttis— At DAVISON’S BOOS STORE, 05 Market :t f near Fourth tt. History of the Christian Church; by Dr.Haae. Price Essay—Theism—Th*i Witness of-Reason aud Na ture to an All-wise and Bonltloent Creator. Do Quincy’s last—The Note Book of an English Opium Eater. Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared in thtlr three fold relations to wealth, morals and morality; by Kev. Roussel, of Paris. Tho Adventures of Amljas Lee; by Rev. Cbas. Kingsley. Notes of A Theological Student. Mrs. Jamison's Coiumon-Plaoe Book of Thoughts, Memo, ries and Fancies. Star Papers; by Henry Ward Beeuher. Which I—Tho Right or the L»ft? Footsteps of St. Paul. The Dead in Christ; by Brown. Philip Colville ; by Kennedy. The Words and Mind of Jesu*. KJtto’s Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. Dr Aloott’e Works. Tho Young Housekeeper.. The Young Wife. The Young Mother.' ' The Young Husband—Health, Ac. Harbaugtrs vois. on Future Life. Cummlngfe Works. :• Bt.ph.na Tt.Yda In Earpt nud the Holy Und. Manilla Wrapping Pipers, Blnrik Book, nod Builoo.ry of.aUklnilj. Forrale»tUMtornpikwoby jyl 3 ' j. g. DAVtSOV. JUST RKUmVKD, at ho. 107 Jl.rSet screor, i caaa of GenU Fine Patent Leather Congress Gaiters, a desira ble article for this season. Prices low. jv2B W. IL ROfIMKRTZ. - John Groutt, MPORTER OP BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, Ac.—Dealer lu fine Old Monongabela Whisky, Peach Brandy, Ac. Also, Rectifying Distiller, comer of Smltbfleld and Frr>ot streets, Pittsburgh. ' m-rIS SEMI-ANNUAL SALE.—A. A. MASON A CO. have re ceived another large lot of Da Lalaea. Good Moue de l aines at 6%c. per yard; Gold Medal do. 12% cents, Pine Barege de L&lnes 10 and 12%o,—worth 20 and 26c. [ jyld 0 00 10 00 iao# iso# 10 oo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers