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" v «. » *.’ c \ w" 1 ' ** No.loo Wood at., Plttflburjch, Pa. j?2P:v ■;^. f-'U: ••!•-- : A'• ■ V -v- ’'■»' A", A T a:,'- >’ v-.i ''A. .vVI, v. \- ‘T ■'< ■ «, -5/-.' r -AA •ja . -•xr n;{. l*.“ ,f 4 'A A, /'CA, .’ A i '• ( A .A. A'A .A. j' 1 a'a_ a i-r, ‘X- ,- .AA' X-; ■* >'V. r;! .c: , ,--7 .' •' -'.. 'tV ; c.-' . V >}<l v. J ~.a. c> A\.p\ tS ' r -*? :v r > , > r» ft^j , , , ...",V' ■■ j■• J f - !••. • ■:. v••\* v '.• -f7 ,j,-.,.r 'Af^rSxP ; A'' ; A‘.A' — ’<. -’ c £»£* *«'.■■'; 'A A - : A aa !.ij:-.-Aaa "'a • • ”< - i ’ ’, v A' :l‘-v,*' •' ,^; \'. •-\r; v T‘7 »«r'- -«-•;, T. *... s jg?* t, : '■'i.VA’v-'-"*.’•’ 'V s * - ■ -C -; J I* " f ; ,. .‘A,-A' • A AIA 7 ':- t-;>A - v »*' ■’ * y y '. »- * v • .. -r , -v .r - > > - ri-'v.\r.r ' -.''A' A *,-'ii(V *7V v:z \x ';>>>.;■? 4/.. u ; ; y iilW :/,r;. • ' ' v"' ~*, •-’•• •••”; . » ,a 't:. - .x - p t. _ ■ L -'' >:••,. - t 7; ' “*1; -*■ 1 ’ ‘ . ’ • •• •.-• - . . . ••■. .- •■*, * ‘; * <*«•*.' .* . .> ?' •*•- . » -* - ;. -■ o ;,'v- - . v ' . v , ' j ■.- * - «*« *% fc t,» * •-* .... tiv *». *.5 . ' *;•; .*: /.;'•» .• ‘ - x r ~ r ••_<■ 1; r -, j; f.* '>\.~ r* *v *1; jj. .-■ '• }• ». ' V.-- »5- *\~r .' c" 1 •• e. '• -, i,Y-•' - 4 - -■* 1 ‘ - '"•V -v - s v*** & -,T & */' 1* ’• >.:'; : :-r.-' A'K’wA •’ ! 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Y,\v,v.> Bigelow A Co.» " v -;••*•- '••' Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pitls «B||®SSScBr.bWßli--OoaehMl Carriages, Pheatons, Bu"- ‘ -7 --VY*-’ glflft and every description of fancy vehicles order, and finished in a manner unsurpassed .for •- ' -Y». rn * of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship. ' *‘>ad durability of. materials. ••" i‘v- £*l ?<Y* r.Y.Y*[ O* All work warranted. - - r noTO ; :v:^.yf r § cl hobrrt H. PATTERSOS'S f UVEB7 AND SALE <ft . '■&&	§3E. stabie . “ Dltnond a tract and Cherry allev ‘ PITTgBURGH t PA. '>l. ' ■ 1 f HI IK^0N BYatTF; '. >■'* S’:’-,' • - Jz,V ® "iMSottod do in stow and for ula by « 10 . s& Wood rt., oppoiito'tho fit Ohprle# Hotol. ■ .■ .• f \' ■ a- :■• v < ‘ _ „ tv, ■ - 1 ‘ ■ 1 r l, r > DAILY MORNING POST iYLi&d and pukltUhed csxcptedj BY QlLLlttOßk fcMON'TCOMERV, ca thi Koaia*w*sr ooaim of wood and fifth struts. _ .s®V? jDoliarfl a'y«*r,pay»b!e strictly Id ba required if fcdt paid n^ -81 ?^ 6 C °P* M *W*OOTS—for"il« »t thi counter In the Office, »ndhy the yevßSoye. ; . THE jBAXJJBDAY HOEHIHQ FOBT Published from the came oEJc*, on a largo blanket else flh'et, at TWO DOLLARS a rear, in adrance. Single copies FiTioxata. 49* No paper will be discontinued unless at the dlscre* on until all-arrearages ore paid. 49r* No attention mil be paid to any order unless aecom* pauled by the money, orsatisfactory reference in.this dty. S3* Connected t ova the EitabUshmcnt of the Morning Post is one of Ihi largest Job Printing Qfku {nthe city t xohcre aU kinds of work U done on the shortest notice, and most reason • 3Me ferns. . . t ■ PROFESSIONAL CARDS” Robti.Ot.Gt Spronii ACTOBSET ASD OOBHBELKja AT LAW-Offlee, No. —, Fourth etregt, PliMmrgh. Pa. decii-iy ■. ~ Jftt&ci.Ai Lowfl6« BtreBt » Pittsburgh, between Smlthflfla street anfl Cherry alley. fd^n-iy ATTORNEY AND 'cOTOSELLOR AT LAW, . ?® c# » comer Fifthand Grant ets* f - -.PHrasrogn. pa. Thomti JtUamsi TTORNEY ATLAWAND SOLICITOR IN CHANGHRY. n6xt door tcrtha Post Office, Bteubeoville, Ohio. A-,,. B« P« Roai, TTORNBY AT LAW—No.lOfr Fourth street, Pittsburgh, ,"•» fourth door below Mr.-Body Patterson’e Livery fc table, . . je29 O. Orlando Loomlo, AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood, Ri B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Offloe on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. j e 2:y J. N.M^Ctowrjr, AraOBNCT AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW-Offlce In Bakewelrs Buildings, on grant street, je2 - DtHkHazen. • ATTORNEY AT LAW—No, 127 Fourth street, above and near Smlthfield. mar27:y . Patrick MoKoima, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OFHCE comer Grant and Fifth Btraeta, (formerly occo plod by Alderinan where oil foulness pertain ing to the offloe of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. febl*3m __ *• Bnckmaiter, Alderman. i aFFiuis, Grant street, between Fourth at. and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est care arm legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examin- ja3:g OT.0 T . yj^* >m Wllaon, Alderman* *FK® No. 447 PENN street between the canal and O’Hara street, Fifth Word. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. febl&tf jcrygawgv H, AHL, BURGEON DENTIST, (euc cgsor to G. W. Biddle,) No. 144 Smlihfield -7*TT r J v ** -fti^OOlcehours, fromB to 1 o’clock, and &om 2 to 6 o’cloca. f ß bls:ly J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, five doors gSESggil west of ilarket. HjjTjYfw nvr?m> Houns From nine A. M. to five P- &L dec2o:y BUSINESS CARDS. ALPaiD D CtJRLXSO .MORGAN EOBEBTKON. EDWARD DXTURIDOB DUVBT L. RJSOWALT. Curling) AobarUoti & Co.. MANUFACTURERS OP CUT, PRESSED AND PLAIN FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wood street, corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. 45* All other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, at low market prices. aplltdly Jacob M’Coilistor, \ AT HOLES ALE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal* f f er in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 25 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. -63" Keeps co&atantly on hand a large supply of all the various brands of Imperial Cigars John Moorhead, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal end Blooms, und Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh [ap2i frump EXTMER JIODIRr J. ASPIRSOSI. Reymtr & Anderson, (Successors to Joshua Rhodes A Co.) WHOLESALE dealers in foreign Fruits, Nuts, Spice?, Confectionary, Sugars, Ac., No. 39 Wood street, oppo- Site the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. sp2 Henry H* Collins, Forwarding and commission merchant, and Wholesale Doalor io Cheese, Rutter, Seeds, Fish, and Produce generally, N 0.25 Wood street. Pittsburgh, (mart B. T C. Alorgan, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER—has always on band a general assortment School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac., wholesale and re tail, No.lOlWood street, below Fifth, East side, Pittsburgh. Wanted, Rags and Tanners' Scraps. aplfcly wtuiAK uiu.£a,Phtla.... M -wai. nicistsos, Pittsburgh. Miller & KlcLetsoo, WHOLESALE GROCERS. Importers of Brandies, Wines and Segars—Nos. 172 ani 174, corner of lrulo and Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Naib, Colton Varna, Ac., constantly on hand. jy2o Wm. Carr A Co., (Wn. Carr, lato of the firm of J Parker A Co.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers In Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monocgahola and Rectified Whis ky, No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty etrt-et, Pittsburgh, Pa. jaC:y F. It. Uravo, Diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dealer in country produce, onvrs r-r sale a choice stock of Groceries, pelociel lor family okp. Spices of every variety' and the pur-st quality, ground at bis Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce udten in exchange for merchandize. P. R. D. bai procured a full assortment of Laodreth'S warranted Garden Seeds, aird inrites the attention of all in terested in rural affairs. Jacll W. ft. X. RICQABIMOtf J. 1. BEMiIT * Engiiih 4l Ktchardion^ AND FORWABDING MKKCHANTS, and •Wfcolesal* Dealerslo Fish, Bacon and Oil, and Trod ocp 4 generally. - VVarefioosQ formerly occuniod by DurbrJdgo A .4 Jnghraih, fio.'llfi Water and 150 First etreoi, Fittsburgh, ;i Penna. feb3 tommlißlon iioaae* ,*5 subscribers haTe opened a house for tbe aboTe pnr- _L pose, at No. IT Hmlthfleld street, four doors above thn Jj Monongadiela House. We will purchase, or receive, on com* 1| mission, for sale, consignments of Flour, Bacon, Cheese, S Com, Oats, Barley, Flax Seed. Grass Seed, Baled Hay, 4c., ! *j upon which we will make advances, or purchase at ihe b*st ;•* market rates for cash I novCJ ALGEO A CO. •Tames ltTLaaghllni TVEALEB IN GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, 1 I Ac., No. 10, comer Smithfleld and Firet streets, Pltte -5 burgh, Pa. dotB JOttITH. TOCJfQ_. YOO3G .-..raASCI3 L. VOCSd T. B. Young A Co. Xfo*Z B Saiithjidd Street, epposite City Hotel* Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and CHAIRS, of every description. Materials and work manship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care taken in paoking for land and water carriage. aug3l *3 Wm Dlgby.Jr., .3 riLOriUNa AND FURNISHING STOUR, Masonic Hall, ‘U \j Pifthetreot, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in ‘5 good style, and at moderate rates, ang9~.tf R. A A. C. Duncau, -tirnOLEBALE GROGBRB, and Dealers in Produce, For* a Vf eign Wines and Liquors, Old Monongabela QDd Rec tifiod Whisky, Ko. 281 Liberty vti Pittsburgh, Pa. fjyfff-7 J. 11. Dletlor, 'TYTHOLESALR and Retail Dealer In Maulcal Instruments. YY Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood Street. jaol John W. Butler Co., Forwarding and commission merchants— Dealers in. all kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. sep2B Enterprise Works. No. 180 Wood street, third door below Virginal!?*/. T>OWN A -TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting ft men to their large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Re volving Pistols, the largest and beat selected stock ever opened in this market) together with a general assortment of Hardware, Omlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of which wo offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for good approved paper.' * mariS Copartnership .Notice. I HAVE THIS DAY. (April 11th) associated with m« M&ars. F. STEEL TURBETTund BAML. 0. OLANEY, both of whom have been fbr many years in my establish ment, and are already extensively and favorably known to my customers and the public generally as superior work men, and of correct business habits. We hope by thlsunion of experience and artistic skill—especially In the watch de partment; by keeping a large and well selected stock of goods; by selling at moderate prices, and by close attention to business, to merit a liberal share of patronage. To tn v old friends and the public in general, who have for many year* past so liberally patronised my business, I return my thanks,-and solicit for the new-firm a continuance of simi lar favors. W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11,1865. Wlliou, Tarbett A Claney, ■YTTATOH MAKERS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, YY 67 Market street, comer Fourth. mv6 Now Ooaoh and Carriage Factory I ' J0HH8l(!m/ BEOTHEttB & CO., Ctmer Rebecca aud Belmont streets, Allegheny City. igcaßg** » WOULD respectfully inform their friend* public generally, that they has e mamiiTiMii tha manufacture of Carriage, VHtli Barouches, Rockawaya, Buggies,Sleighs an 1 Chariots in all their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended t-> on thdmost reasonable terms.. Using in all their work tl>c beet Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel conii .dent that all who favor them with their patronage; will 1.-j I perfectly satisfied on' trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before purely 1 • sing elsewhere. ©ctfl:iy .D. T. joicrsxos. J. T. JOHSBTOH. Btceislor Carriage Factory. TOHNBTON, BROTHER A CO, PRACTICAL COACH if MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, All - - gheny.city, Pa., have on band and are manufacturing go extehive.assortment of Carrlagoe. Rcckaways, Bngsi--., • Baggage Care, Ac., made in all their various styles, with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish, using In *-’,l their work the best Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. 1; «- pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They f -1 - confident that all who may favor them with their potr-u -age, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every f- f ; jtoen mlnntea during the day. 0ct25:l v j:r''• .£. MAGT JL ?s•*?#.-*.- PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QILLMORB & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOl) STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $5,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. Joseph Fleming) fauectssoa to l. wacoi'i co.l CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps consiantlv on hand a foil assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to his business. 4®* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. J«9y JOaif FLtMQTO ....COCHKAJI TtiMiao. Fleming Brother*) [BOOCISBOBS TO J. KIDD 4 CO.] *TTTHOLEBALE DUGGIBTB, No. 60 Wood street. Pitta- V f burgh. Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane’fl Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. jalo John Haft, Jr.) [SUCCXSSOS to JAiOS m’odpfit.] WHOLESALE AND R&TAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In Paints, Oils. Dye Stalls, Ac.,141 Wood street, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. ; apr4ungely R. JL. Allen. XTTHOLESALR DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN. Vf DIES, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAHELA AND RYE WIIISKY, So., also, Rectifying Distiller,NaSWood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines. Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Crpix and New England Bum, Olarots, Champaignes,Scotch Alb, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon«01d Mflnongahela Rye and Recalled Whisky, Apple, Peach, WOd Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Hayana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; HBlfßpknirh and Common Ogars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles ornery ityte, and Demijohns or all Blass, I respictfully Inf ite an examina tion or my stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Pehna. apr&ly James MolHnger, MONONOAHBLA PLANING sULL.—Would respectful ly Inform his friend* and the public,;that hlB oew es tablishment Is now In lulloperatlou, and that heis pre pared to furnish BoatC&blns, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or bothrtdes, constantly -on hand. Bash, Doers, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. . Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage to give him a call, as he con now furnish them with planed 6toff saleable for every description of work- WX.a. UZS&OS.M... ....JAMES CRUfWILL* Herron 4b Criswell, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, and Mr.nufacturera of •11 kinds of Bra«s Work, Locomotive Steam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 45F* Old Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work, orcashpaii. Orders left at the Foundry or Offlee, will be promptly attended to. ~ V- ; feb9.ly ax.'eEirr^,.„. Graff, Relalnser A Graff, \\T ESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood street Pitta* YY bnrgh, Po. HAH rPACTD «ms of Cooking Stoves Plain and Faney Grates, Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Sad and Dog Irons, Hollow Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettles, Teo Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes, [mhls n. f-irrra w. w. maie j. a. ncaxxa. Smith, Blair A Hunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, and Deolprs In all linds of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 1» Second and 161 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. feb9 rW. 8* Ha-wen. HE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John ston A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Warehouro, is prepared to execute every etyle of Legal, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book binding, and furnish e?ery artictrtn the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest notine and on the most reasonable terras. Blank Look and Stationery Warehouse, Printing Office and Book Bindery, corner of Market and Second eu {nuvl6 North-VP eatern Polite Agency, TkTO. K 9 WASHINGTON STREET, corner of Dearborn, 11 CHICAGO, ILLINOS. ALLAN PlSktatON .. D. U. EOI»<XLS. Pinkerton A Co, orroTa Tuna irrunos to trs Taaaaacnos or a ozni&al DETECTIVE'POLICE BUSINESS In tba States of niinols, Wisconsin, Michigan end Indiana. mblSrdtf Bf otlea. THE late Arm of JONES A QUIQG, having been dissolv ed bytbedeath of JohnP.Qafgg.ou the 27th Inst,the business of Bald firm will be settled by the undersigned, at tbrlr offles, eorner of Ross and First streets. ISAAC JONES, Surviving Partner. Pittsburgh, September CO, ISsl—{octiby liaae Jones, MANUFACTURER of Spring and Blister Steal, Plough Slab steeL steel Plough Wings; Coach and Ellptic .-•p rings, Brass Nut Taper, half patent. Screw. Mall and Hammered Iron Axles,—comer of Rora and First street*, I ittabnrgh, Pa. oct2:ly UAAb JONI 3 a. ICOEK3. Lf» B. * Co., Manufacturers of Rogers’ patent improved steel Cultivator Teeth. Office comer Roes and First street. oetlfcly Pittsburgh Hiding; School. /& ROBERT U. PATTRUfIuN, Proprietor, comer I7jB£. Diamond street and Cherry alley. Theiubscrlbor respectfully announces to the Ladles and Gentle man of Pittsburgh, that ho baa recently erected a BIDING SCHOOL, which in point oisire, commodlouaneas and adap tation, undeniably excels any similar establishment in the L’ulted Btaie* Ite location is accessible from all parts of tbo city, while its high and airy situation renders It espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this most agree htU exercise. The Horces are docile and well trained, and the proprietor pledges himself that no pains or expense will be spared to make this establishment the first lu the confidence of ibe public. oct22'tf uiehard t, Docking, Manufacturer of gilt, silver, braes, BRONZE, LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND i*IC- Tm FRAMES, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 8t Clair *.tr**L. All kinds of Composition Ornaments, fbr Steam bca:s, Ac. All kinds of Gliding and Re-glldlng, to CTdrr. Gilt Mouldln s for Frames, wholesale and ret&u. Varnish for Oil Paintings Engravings and Lithographs, for sale. Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored In the manner All Frame* and Moulding* manutaetured in this estab Ibhmaut may be rleaned without injury, with 60ap and Water. Call and see. No. 21 St. Clair sL, Pittsburgh* (mh23rtf J. WHITE, "t 7"ENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, has recovered V his health so as to resume his old business, and has opened hf» BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No. 05 Fifth street, mar the Post office, between Wood and Bmlthfisld, where he has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fancy worsted and silk trimmings, and U prepared to 611 any order in his line, on the most reasonable terms. His work is warranted to give satisfaction or monryrefunded. £3"*old Blinds repaired. Air Pleas* give him a call, as be can’t be beat In work munhhlp my7*ly I HAVE sold my Interest In tbo businesses Long, Miller A Co.. to B. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will con tinue at the old stand, No. 109 Front street. 1 cordially re commend the new firm to the patronaga of my friends. I ittaburgh, July 29,1864. P. U. MILLER. a/'A. LOJiO. 8. A. Long A C 6«, Bell and brass fuundrrs, and gas fitters, invite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Brack ets, Pendants, and other fixtures. We fit up bouses with Gas and Steam, make Brass Castings of all kinds to order, furulsh Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti- Attrition Metal constantly on hand. jvffl NOTICE. DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. Xo. 20 Fifth street first corner „ above,Market street. PITTSBURGH, PA., IT/’HERE will be found.the largest and best assorted YY stock of HOSIERY ever offered for sale In this city. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call at thU establishment and exaqino for theinselVei; It Is all I need to Insure their custom. 0. DALY. N. B.—Remember the Chup grocxiKa Coavzn. fsblry Q. D. Conmme the Smoke. subscriber harlug the exclusive right to manufa*- J. tare and sell SWEENEYS HQT AIR AND SMOKE FU RNACTEf is prepartdto receive orders, and contract for heating buildings with-th&rsiDSt eoonomioal Furuace nuw tn use. • he attuntlon of those lnterestod is hr.tkitpd. Any information can be bad of Al BRADLEY, tics. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, dec24:tf] Iron CityStovs Warehoxifl<No.)3l Wood at. ~ /IMI * I. I1HU1; Ledlle A Vlam. (Successors to Mulvany A Ledlle.) Manufacturers of cut, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers la all hinds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. 'Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mh3:dly Removal* CIHMBEN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials. • Bottles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wiae and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glass in every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Booond, and-IBJ First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . ~mh2BT If W« Chadwick* Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobacco, rags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood afreet, below Sixth, Pitts burgh, Pa. 49*Tho highest market price, in CASH, paid for RAQB. ap2o:ly? JOOtf ATWSLL. Atwell, Lee A Co., WHOLESALE GROOER9, Produce and Commission Merchants, end, Dealers inUlttsburgh Mannfactnres, No. 9 Wood street, between Water itreetsl'Pltts burgh. , ,r ap)B OUaoltitlon of Co-Partnershlo. THE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP KBYttS. In S 3 Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, le this day dissolved by mutual consent. The btulnea* of the firm will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who Uauthoriaed to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA - March 27th, 1955. PHILIP RBYmS PARTNJ2R6HIP NOTIQfi. «9*Tha undersigned har* this day formed a Partner ship, under the name, firm' and eiyleof ± A jj. PERSON, for the transaction of the . Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary business. No. S 3 Wood street • i'HILIP REYMER. _ . KOBT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27 th, 1855. 4S?-In retiring from the Confectionary business,-1 oheer* fully recommend MosSrs.Reymer A Anderson to my Mends end customers JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27 th, 1565. ■ api Removal. HARBAUGH A 00. bare remorsd to No. O 235 liberty street. _____ bphisosb hausauob.. ....... M . MM ..suzAnszs nrasrra. Springer Hwhaagh A Co., (S accessors. U RHarbaughJ . ' nOUUIgBION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS; KJ Dealers inWoolindProducegeherally, No. 295 Liberty •tract, Pittsburgh, Pa. tp6 "IirOOL DEALER AND COHMLS3ION MEhCILANT, YY No. IU9 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. A^/irrence—W. M’Clintock A Kramer A Ttahrn; Brown A Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tieruau A Cx-. Plttßburgh. : Mgy &4j~lB. r )r>---{tny2-t:3m ,!l ) : .. ' llata ana Capa, rpg, WE would Invite the attention of our friends and / rathe public to’ a Splendid assortment of HATS and which we are.'now openi .g lor the Summer beadty of etyle, exceeds anything ever of laredln the city, or west of the mountains. JBP Cal! and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A SON, ipC , 91 Wood street, Plttsbnrgh. Dlisolatlon of Co«P*rtnarstilp. THE FIRM OF LIVINGSTON, BOGOEN A 00.. Proprie tors bftfan PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was dlsaolved-by the death of Mr. John J. RoaaiN, on the lltn of March last. The business of the NOVELTY WORKS will he continued In all Its branches by rite surviving partners, under the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A CO., who will also settle up the affaire of the late fir a. L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, May 4,1855. ] W. B. COPELAND. joait u’clossit.. M m M . John fli’Closltajr A €6., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MER CHANTS, No. SS Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The subscribers respectfully infoxm their old customers end the pablio in general, that they have this day associa ted themselves in the above business, under the firm of JOHN M*CLOBK&Y A CO. They respectfully solicit a shore of pubUo patronage. The previous business of each will bo settled by them-: selves respectively. feb9 JM’LAUGHLIN, No. 95 Fourth street, nearly opposite • the Mayor's office, Is manufacturing Gentlemen’s first Bobts, Low Bhoes, ties and buttontd; Congress and Button ed Gaiters; Ladles’Boots, flalf Boots, Jenny Linds, Blip pets, and French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and shale; faficy Kid and Batin Gaiters, of the best materials; Miises anil Children's db n of every variety. N. B-—-All kinds made to order, on short notice. [sulO Soldiers' Bounty Lands and Claims against Government. I- WILL procure Bounty Land Warrant*, for Soldiers, their Widows and Minor Children, and attend to business in the m Court cf Claims,” recently established by Congress. Office, No. 148 Third street, one door above Smithfield st. March 19 1965—(mh20) CHARLES NAYLOR. JAMES WARDROP olfere for sale CANARY BIRDS of the most improved breed, being very hardy, and fine singers. Bird Seeds—-Canary, Ilemp, Millet, Rope and mix ed seed. Bouquets will be furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS, viz: Camolias, Rose Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. Evergreens (In pots) for Christmas Trees, from the Beedaud_ Horticultural Store, No. 49 Fifth st, near Wood. dec2o .m.»wH.. K T, OOAfT. Bounty Lands. TUB undersigned continues to obtain Bounty Land War rants. The present bill gives to all who have served io any war since 1790, ICO acres. Terms moderate. LUKE 37 Diamoud alley, mh!2:y between Wood st. and DUmnnd. SIXTY THREE ACRES OF LAND,with 250acreaoi Coal attached, and all the Improvemeutstbereou In euureas ful operation, fiaid Fannie situated tn thu M nongabeU river, 31 miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplied with a Farm House, Rabn, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad, aod »u excellent harbor. Tbo vein of Coal is five thick,and cannot be surpass ed In quality. For further particulars apjdy to NIUII OLSON A TaYNE, jel2:tf No. 235 Libertv fitre^L kflllßlTlUN UUOfil FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency for tho Purchase and Balo of Patent Rights and Patented Article*. MO3E3 F. KATON Agent* Xo. 60 fourth tlr-.'l, PuuluTgh. MOSES F. EATON, and Lave no bcOtation in rt-com mending hisi,to all v. bo may *ixh Uj employ hi» services, as a gentleman cf undoubted Integrity and indefatigable in dustry, In whose exmioD) every reliance may b« placed. Neville B. Craig, W. Robinson, Jr , W. U. Denny, Jehu Graham, James Wc-ki, 11. Chil.U AC-.. P. R FriuDd, N. UcsiinesA Knap I WaJr, K ramer A Rohm. Wm. Phlilipa. 1. K. Livingston. Wilson M'Canjltw, Win. F. Jobn.-t.'i.. A W. LoomD, Andrew FuU.-ti Pittsburgh, NoT«mber27th, IS6I n< v27:itf WrtUag UoilV|;«. Geutiemun and Ladies' Day and Evening Writing I Clasota will rontiQue open Jurist tb«- ’uuh:-t under Mr J. D. William*, wbcjt* various Btyirs of Gf-ctienieo and I*adi«#’ Writing aro so anlvexaally ai’imirel. Nu ep.-cicu os of Penmanship arocxhlbtUd at thadoct t-ut thc-re eiecutaj by thaTeacherlu the Icftltution. TboPrlnrl^jil.-Ulmano “mononoly “ nor “ pate'.t ” for Lin bu«tnc?i, n-f ihJ ha get his iMUlutlcii chartt-red to sell cut, uj l.:ii t- . n repeatedly •lone In this city Gentlemen and Lad'i.'j' Yi-ritlug Car-L- srllien In Mr. Williams’ etyie. Ail klndi .f Ornamantal Peo mnnship executed tn order. tovOl dasr aubacrioer bu just opened on INTELLIGENCE X OFFICE, at No 410 liberty Ktreat, In ibe well known office of John hom|«on, Ship Agent; aud as he has been Exploring Agent for the l oung M«n’a Bible Society of Pitts burgh for nearly two years, he flutter* him-ielf that his knowledge nf the city and Its citizen* glv*» btm great biclH tlvs In furnishing housekeepers »Uh and also tn find ing places for boya, girls and all o.hers seeking employment. The patronage of the public 1* eolicit*-;). Term« ra*y, and every effort need to give g«a-ral eatlsficti.in. jef I:tf G A URIEL BARR Have on hand, at th ir »iu»n«ov<? cabinet and CHAIR MANUFAOTOR\, No. ol B>nitLficld atsoct. a e«tortm«m of Fancy and Plain Furniture, which they will sell 15 per cem. below customary rates. Term*—cash only. iUc27.ly jja Wm. R, ritevenaou cootinuMto'aanufa:- WL ture CABINET WaRE of every dvseription, at hb )W old etand, corner of Liberty anti Seventh streets. * 1 " UNDERTAKING attended to, is all ite branches, myll Cliarle* HORSE SHOHR AND BLACKSMITH, has or€*cteJ a new end commodious Brick Shop on Cherry alley, between Third and Fourth streets, where he is prepared’ to ''o all work In hla line with the utmort promptitude. Having had long experience lu the business, he respectfully solicits the patronage of bis old customers and the public generally. J^-yj THE PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Is respect fully invited to call at the Music Stare ■■i-qi of thd Subscribers, No. $3 FIFTH- ST., examine A aoperti ffIFTHY l || Full Grand Plnno.prloe $1000»l/,» B U tf Prom the Factory of NUN«S A UL.vaK, NairYoA," Tbl* elegant-insfrument Is made in the »• LLIZABETniAN S YLK,” the ornaments, front pieces and legs being otabo ratelv carved out of SOLID ROSEWOOD. It Is fall seven octaves, of the largest dimensions, and, lu point of volume, power, and liquid sweetness of tone, la pronounced alto gether unaorpaetable. The subscribers will be happy to receive iba visits o( thMr friends and the public in genera), and show them through their elegant new establishment. H. KLEDER A BRO, Sign oi the Q> !d«n Uarp, my!B Nn rtrtb pmujps. Spring Stock of Hamburg Pianos, , CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. lib Woo: jsjffSaHnSßSQ street, Pittsburgh, solo Agent. Th? Hamburg Plauoa are undoubtedly 1 I ** S M superior to.allotherr, both la elasticity of of'tone. ■ - ■■ ' They have not omy received the highest marks of appro bation from tho best European Pianlkcu, such as LIST, TUALOEhG, And others, who have them constantly in their own use, but also from our resident following Is an extract from a letteT of ' PROVES BOR HENRY TIOHBOCK'.''.. After describing iLe particular style two of which he wants for his own ttso—ouo Grand and one Speaks ae follow? of their *axdll«nt qualities; “My little daughter, who plays very well, must, with myaelfi Lava a good Instrument, and yours are the only ones which can satisfy me. “ Instruments are offered roeon the most accommodating terms, 1, however, do not iik* them; they have not the elastic touch and the tone of yours. “1 remain, yours, respectfully, r- , v R oawcK, Pittsburgh, Pa.” For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME. at the “Old Estab lished Plano Depot,” US Wood street, 2.1 door above Fifth Also, sole agent for Piitsuurgh and Western Pennsylvania for Ballet, Davis d Ct».’s Boston Pianos, (which in the East ern citlOJ are considered superior to either Chlckerino’e or Nunns A Clork’e, nut which foot Is noL extensively known as they have but lately beon Introduced here ) and 01 her New Yon and Philadelphia Pfonoe, of the best makers a prices from $226 to SSOO. mhlli . JOSXPH 3. CLAM, Notice to Whom.lt May Concern. Taa : PUBLJO SPRING dALEB of Kca) Kauto at Ro chester are now closed, ami the Building Stazon ba3 fairly commenced; Every citizen of Rochester la busily t*m ployed. ; fiveoSO or 40 new families who have become oltl is«ofi the presenfßpflng, find constant omploymoot; and In a few days a hundred families more will be required to car -17 on the work of the present se worn The Cfar Building Is now uear completion, and will be in full operatlon'ln .1 une. Several Care will be ready for delivery, by contract, the Ist of July, 1856. Two or throe new churches, la Rochester, will bo con tracted foe immediately, and numerous other improvements Will becommenced, requiring a great amount of mechanical and other labor independent of the Car Establishment, which will procably employ from one to two hundred. A prominent brlekmakvr from Pittsburgh has just pur chased nine large lots, aud contracted to mafeo upon them forthwith 600,000 bricks Two gongs of hands commence work the present week, besides the yards heretofore: established in the neighborhood. Our Siotu Quarries ore already alive with workmen, and the roAd leading to them lined with teams. Lumber to becoming abundant and chtup, and tenements Will soon spring up to relieve some of our houeen, which now have 6 families, 4 families, 2 families, and dciensof them Sfamilies each. Any who tl-d not bay cheap lota at tho four publio sale? last season, or the four public eal.es the present spring, ean still secure'good atj»ritufe sofa by railing on tbe subscrlberln Rochester. Terraa—down, \' g in one year and l 4 In two years. M, T. G- GOULD. P b—A few lots can yet be had ftt t&> to $lOO each; if appiled for before the 20. h May.- Tbeso lots are twice as large ns usual city lota, viz;. 10 fast by 125, and the price only; i font front.- The present rwerv ol homestead and magnificent proflt of Ovid Plnney, 4 acres In the centre of tbe borough of Rochester; also, the beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., of F. Reno, can be bought through the subscriber at great bargains, aud there are not fu*o tuclibargains within a hundred miles, G. myd •COAS. a twill. Removal. SCUTQBERT A SON have-removed their Real Estate m and General Agoapy Office to Noi 1 B 3; MARKET ST, near Third* • • aog2 . FOU SALE—Two Lou of 50 feet by 140,6*ch, in East Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices. Inquire of •agl TBOMAs WOODS) T 5 Fourth street. PITTSBUKGH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1855. BUSINESS CARDS J. L. Marshall, (Successor to H. Lee. ‘ .f.COkVXUDS CLOSEST. Boots and Shoss* flew Seed Store* Coal Works for S*te< K«\v ImelHgetti'e Office'. IHUUkca A Co, GRAND PIANO, MADE BY NUNNS & CLARK, NEW YORK, ,/« . ** * H ■■ V *■ V tf.K* • MISCELLANEOUS DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST, ttltta AJLi DraiWM or THX 818 AND KAB WiTQOITt OUPPINO, usmnwQ. jusnaoiQ. ob srb in» or oalomsl. OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Hour* from O A* M»to dP.M. ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or -.Ohronio Blindness with-. Films, Iritis, Aaaureaia and Cataract EirofuloUß, Weepinc or Watery Eyes, are among tbedlseaseS'Of the eye which are treated by Dr. H. with perfect eatiriactlon. . - . All diseases of. the Ear treated upon scientific principles. Artificial Eyes' Inserted without an operatibn. All letters post-paid will Be-curepronipt attention. We selfict the fulbirihg references from among the thou« sands of cases whlch haTe been successfully treated by Dr; Henderson: wm. J. Fryer, 826-8 Broadway, Attriny, N. Y. •Alfred South wick, Printer, “ *’ fJ. Goodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. •Wm: W. SmitSjfetroU, Mich. •Mrs; Ai It iJwSton, Heir York City, N. Y. tMlss Mary Bellows, N. B. Station, Duchess co., N. Y. •Edward Q. Solger, Bristol, Conn. •John geamra/Englneer. N. Y. David Little,JEtagineer,N.Y. Wm.F. A-GUea, office;Oouchy and Ruq., N. Y. f James W.Klrby, RrnoklytflK I. Jarvis Rodgers; ' u tl A. R. Reores,Telegraph Operator, fit. NUhclas Hv4st. B. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston tit. R. B. Doolittle, M.-D, Hudson, N. Y. Ure Knlckerhocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Oollln^Teacher Troy, N. Y. R. L. Roes, Albany, W. Y. A. Billenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Oapt B. IL Hatnanfl, Athens, N. Y: John W. Hackatt, anghamptoo, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and had to U led to the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go abou 1 the city at pleasure. •These cases of Amaurosis were restored to eight after they were given up ae Incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facts in these cases, by writing to them. janS Ptttatmrgh Dollar Savings InstUatlou. Jtdk .68 Prurth. street, . NEXT DOOR TO THE PITTSBURGH BANK, 18 NOW OPEN dally from 9 to 2 O'clock; also, on Wed nesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o'clock. Deposits received of all turns not Ires than Onb Dollar, and a dividend of theproflte declared twice a year, In June and December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the institution, have entered into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. Books containing the Charter, fcy-Lawe, Rules and Regu lations, furnished grails, on application at the office. GEORGE ALBKEE. Hopewell Hepburn, John IL Shoenberger, George R. White, Charles Knapp, William F. Johnston, N. Grattan Morphy, James W. Hallman, Theobald Umbstavtter, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennook, William Phlilipa, William J. Anderson. racsTSss: John Q. Backoftn, James Uerdman, Hill Burgwln, John M. Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. ll'Oord, Kotxrt Chester, Robert Morrew, J. Gardiner Ooffin, Walter P. Marohall, Alonzo A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John 8. Cosgrave, Henry L. Ringwalt, Charles A. Ocltan, Robert Robb, K. G. liVlrlogton, Oeorge R.. Riddle, Francis Felix. James Rhaada, George F. Glllmore, James Shidle, James 8. Hood, George B. BetdSn, William & Haven, Alexander Ttndle. Secretary and TVranirer—CHAßLE3 A. COLTON. jylfodly FARMERS’ AND MECUANICS' LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Coinpanv, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital $300,000 Amount securely invested....... ........9200,000 THIS COMPANY effects Fire Insurance on llnildicjs, Goods, Furnl.ura, Ac. Marine. Insurance on Yissslp, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by lUvptp, Lakes, Canola, Railroads, aud Land Carriage generally. Also, Insurance upon Uvea, upon the mom lavoratts terms. lion. Thomas D. Florence, James K. N'otdl, Gvorzo H. Armitroof, ChorLui Dlogtf, Kd. P. Mlddtetoo, E. R. HelmboU, nelmbcld, Fred. C. Brewster, Thomas M&n.lerfiaU, Isaac L**rb. TUOilAti B. PrwUev.t. ErvißD R. Hfutsaih, Secretary. rmrsaußait eepeuunoeg. Hen. T. M. Howe, Hon. J K. M’CllutocV, Hon. P. C. Shannon, 001. 8. W.-Black, . llon.J. B.Outhzlf, A. U M'Calmont. Hq., Tnomas J. Keeuan, Es j f M'Caudteoi, Rs-'i , Col. J. Ito’-on Foster, Gen. J. K. ilvivhtaJ. It M. Riddle, The charaeitr of the oboy« fo cf tbe herd cixi3, and comblnrs the rare and unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rise and Ufa Insurance. Gentlemen of elevated standing era ln Its management, and intsreotod as Stockholders. PITTSBI'RGH AND CONNELLSYILLU RAILROAD OPF.N FROM WEST NEWTON, Westmoreland County, to DAWSON'S STATION, opposite Eaet Liberty, Fay ette County, 69 miles from Pittsburgh. On and after the Xatof August, tbe Trains of the Pitts burgh and ConneliirvlUe Railroad will be run betweeu tbe abov# points dally, (except Sundavs,) until further notice, u follows: First Train will leave Dawson's Station at half past 0 o’clock A. JL, and reach Weal Newton at 7.36; connecting there with the fast steamer “Clara F»sherand reach Pittsburgh at noon. Second Train lemvea Dawson's at 12 o’clock, noon; arriv ing at West Newton at 1-25 P. M. First Train will leave West Newton at 8 o'clock A. M ; arriving at Daewoo's at 986 A. M. Second Train will leave West Newton at 6.46 P. M., and reach Dawson's at 7.25 P. M. STAGES will connect with the Trains at Dawson's for Connellsvilla and Uniontown. Tbe steamer CLARA. FISHER will leave Pittsburgh ev ery evening, (except Sundays,) at half-past 4 o’clock, pre cisely, to 00unset with tbwTraina as above* < - . FREIGHT will be transported each way dally. For rates CALDWELL, Esq, Agsigtapt Superintend ent, Wwt Newton, or to W. THOMPSON, Freight Agent, on board the steamer Clan Fisher, at her wharf, above the Monongahola Bridge. OLIVER W. BARNES, J?3l President and Superintendent. Bargains In Watchei, Cloaks A Jewelry. ROBERTS & BROTHER. 4S& ARE now telling their large and carefully selrc- Wb ted stock, of. Fine Watchei, Clocks, andxlch Qold JJd^j« T elry at greatly reduced prices, to make room HaUsßfor an entire new stock, which will be received di rect from tho . Eastern manofoctories In a few weeks, for tb*FaU trada ' Purchasers desiring to bay good goods et low prices, should call Immediately and examine oor stock, as we are determined to close It ont without regard to cost or former prices. Don’t forget the ptaoe. ROBERTS A BROTHER, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. Wotchwi, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the beat manner, and warranted. jy2l-ly CITY HOTEL. (tin BROWN'S,) Corner of SmltkfUld fond Tkftrd streets, JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. PITTS BUB 08, PA, THIS large and commodious House having undergone thorough repair and.furnished with new equipments throughout, is now epenfor.thft of the traveling public. CIUBdIS KODIBATI, ' j e l y LAND WARRANTS j 'W antkd - *O. «o. let) ACRE WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN LOOMIS, I»1S Dealer In Warranto, fltooks. Ac., 99 Fourth » Co-Partbarshlp* n ” TXT ALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on the YY 2d day of July, JO3, R. HUGHES, in the Wall Paper buriußSS, Uflder the home of Jy9 W< P. MARSHALL A CO, - FOII SALE VERY CHE AE. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by. rk 100. A good bargain catrbe had by applying soon at tbo office of the MORNING jylftt Lot'for Bale, A GOOD BUILDINGLOT, 24,fo*tfroiR on Carson street by 100 feet in depth, in'Birmingham, will be eold aheap. Enquire of GEO. F7GILLMORE, JyiB atofflce'o'f tboMoreing Post. BEiu.Ai<(ftflf DjVlbiiNb, 0 Fkk‘oiiMV > , mri7T&s. JKTNA ISStJttiSTCK- COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Chartered - 1810. PAID DP. Cn.li A.a.ti, .Taly 1, 1850,-8833,830 -3. /'IONTINOK to mitt, lhiut«nco on oil [ascriptions or * j property at- equitablo rates* This Company have maintained a position.for honorabla dealing for CO years, ami in unsurpassed for. respopribility aud punctuality by any other sinnlarfnstittitlod In tho United States. Semi annual statement nf the rendition of this Company on fiie tn thiaofilce, for the examination of the public. H. B. TBN-EYOK, Agent.- Office, North-west corner Tlfth and WooAetretde, Pitta* burgh. . r - ; . jy24 B, fit. Ltman 4 06« , i) Way Line, BETWEEN riXISBERQS:COLOMBIA. ""| n - THE undersigned,haying purchased Of D Leech'A Col’s Canal Stock, prepared to. do a .WAT PRRIG HT BUfilNsgß bftween-tbla plsoe and Columbia.' All business entruaiad to oar eatrw wUli ha'; promptly-attemlad to by os, at tho Warehouse formerly occupied <by D. Leech A Co- Canal Basin. , LLOYD'A LEMON. jv2fcdlm* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Magazines for August ? Peterson’s Mogatlne for August; Ballou’s ao . do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August * The Ilelrefß.tf Haughtou, or the Mother’s Secret • Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of o Life: Peggy Woffington, i'QrftlHhenew Books or Magaalnaa, call or sand to the cheap Bookstore Of W. A. GILDENPENNEY A 00. Jy»>'‘ ' Fifth it., opposite thfrTheatre. J. W. BUTLER A CO. jj aSw-N’o. rEAkeiuperlor Bahnon for saleby HENRY H. 00LUN8. v - r *v •“ • ■ .-v.v. MRECTOB9. THOMAS J. HUNTER, Agent, Et- Cbaries ftulldjng. No lpjj Third tt. ' ‘ ..... ' r ; ~\'.K L •* •; .’■= \ V.' "’V MISCELLANEOUS. WU. A. UMBOS J/UU9 CEBWSU. HEEEOH ft CEISWKLIi, BELL AHD BRASS FOUNDERS, 'A/J ANOTAOTBnERS of all kinds of BRASS WORK, LO AM. COJIOTIVE, STKAU ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ao. Al so. Ootton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street. Allegheny City, oaea and Store, No. 12 Market street, Pitwburgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange tor work, or cash paid. Ofdora left at the Foundry or Office, will he promptly attended to. fobftly „ JOSEPH T. LOWKY, N0. 4:3 Comer of fifth and Wood SteetL Entrancefrom Fifth street. Pittatrargh, ESPECTFULLY announce to the public that he nas commenced the REAL KBTATR AGENQY,Ia connee? lion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting.- Persona in want of servants, In any capacity, or thoseln want of places, will be supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to hia care promptly at* tended to. r —r Befmnctx-T. 3. Bighorn, Eeq, Richard Oowam &q., W. ?; James Mackeral, aTa, Mason, Maflt A Old. * juHB Schachmaa A Uaaalela, limOGRAPHERS —Third street, oppoelu the Pabofflce, J Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Oil Heads, Show KUU, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings,Rmdnsas anu Engraved or Drxwsioa Btone, Printed la Colors, Gold, Bronze, or Black, to the most approved style, end at the most reasonable prtoea. octlfidy „ BELVIDICRK HESTAVRAHT, "" WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST ST&SSTS* THU Undersigned has lost -provided*, choice stock of LIQUORS, and is ready at, all times to serve hU Mends with the best of the season, in the. way of ddlblai. Irtitr Whisky Panchea may be had * tonlfcly JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Alexander Haws. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth stieat, op poiite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penn*.—hai par msneatly located, and will punotuallyattend to all battues* entrusted to liis charge. DVXXSXCSS: Hon. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley R. R. W. Milnor Roberts, Chief Engineer 44 n “ Geo. £L Kichbaum, Associate Knc. 4 14 44 David Mitchell, Chief Engineer littsVh and Btenb. B. R. James Thompson, Superintendent City Gas Works. Jamas B. Day, Civil Engineer, Allegheny City. fap7&w* notloe* THE Partnership of JOHN M’DRYITT A 880. was die mired on the first Inst. John hTDerltt will continue tigs business at the old stand, and attend to the settlement of the business of the late Arm. JOHN M’DEVITT, WILLIAM M’DBVITT. Pittsburgh, January Bd, 1806H.)aD4 Saw Trimming Store, No. 83 Cbmer of Market ftreet and the Diamond. TCRANK VAN GORDEB respectally announces to the A. Public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, thatha will open bis new Trimming Store on Monday, April 17tli. Having fitted up the neatest store room in thedty, end. filled it with • choice selection of the la lest styles of Trimmings and.Pan cy Goods, ho flatters himself that he will offer superior in* duce meats and endeavor to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. JNow, don't forget the place—No. 83 Market street, corner of the Diamond. laprVJj FRANK VAN QORPHB. EHUH 1811 AMD CLASSICAL SRIUfIAitY. w. t. McDonald, il a., Pmaarsi. liHB next session of the Institution will commence on . MONDAY,the6thofBeptemberoext,attheroomcor oer of Ferry and Liberty stresta, lately oocupied by the Messrs. Veeder. . .Reference* —Uon. A. W. Loomis, 0. Snap, Jr., B. P. Von ophorst. It. Miller, jr. angdb Agency for Soldtara* Claims* Location of lands.—pukohasb and bale or LAND WARRANTS.—The undersigned has made at* rangements with competent and responsible gentianm to obtain Certificates or Warrants for Soldiers, their widows or minor children, who are entitled to Bounty Lands; also for the Location of Lands, and thsfurchss&and Bale of Land Warraut*. JOHN D. DAVIS, mhU:tr Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Mew Paper Uaneknga. NO. 85 WOOD STREET. Fine french and American parlor papers ; Fan-l ln gold, oak and marble; IL»M Paper?, of various styles; Flg'dend Plain Papurß.for dining rooms andchaabers; Cbrap aod low priced Wall Papers; Borders, Ceilings, Figures, Window Shades. A !xrs» Mid -ioapleto assortment of the above, selected for tha e.’fi_:on, will be soli at the usual low prices. oct3 WALTER P. MARSHALL. *. J.»uoA3 .. nafliu.au, lIAOASr A A ILL, WHOLESALE end Retail Dt *rs In BQJct. Ancy end Simple DRY GOODSy Nos. 91 Market and 6 & nlon street, Pittsburgh. *pr4 k. wni'vanovsK, 17ANCT BILK AND WOOLEN DYEB AND OLBANBR, No. 7 IBA BELLA SL, near the Emsiet HoUl, rniri ALLinncrr. L. K. Haywarrt, Dealer in eoots, shoes, trunks and leghorn r.ad BRAID HATS, corner of Market and Liberty its., No. 174, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jollry JOHN niTCUKLL, WnOLESAIiE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, So, 135 Wood Streak, jaCj£j Next door to H. Chllda* Shoe House, Pittsburgh. WM. a. m clurg; DEALER IN Fine Tesi, Choice Family Oroceriei sad Willow Ware. CORNTR OF WOOD AKD SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. 18 now receiving a large assortment of FRESH GOODS, in addition-to his already extensive stock, purchased from first hands in the Eastern markets, which, will bo sold at the lowest market prices. <B3* Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity,supplied at wholesale cates. Goods .delivered In the city lrce of charge. sep2l Btsaaboati) Ahoy] owh . Ta* subscribers tender thelraeknow-fj* I fwjgfeeyglodgmePiß for the favors bestowed otmiwL mrafitsfiamtham by their Stoambooi friends, andrfPj would respectfully remind them and others interest-.* 1 ■ «i in building boats, that they are at all- times prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Choirs of the best material and work* msnship. T. B. YOUNG A CO., Corner Third and BmJthfleld' streets, jy!2, *63 opposite Hotel.*' Initraetloni InUuiei MIL an i friends that he will oontinde his protesiion ar instructor cn the PIANO FORTE and VOICE. Orders left «t Mr. RLBBE2VB Musie Store, or at hlaresi dence, No. 187 oRCOND Street, will he promptly attended to. ftQfi Great Kcduetlon ’ ' “ IN CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, at HAGAN A AflL’Sf 9A MA&fBT STREET. We will mark, down on Monday, June 4th,our entire stock of seasonable Dr; Goody, at a large'discount Horn former prices. We name, in parti Borages n&d Tiiiufls, Grenadines, Crape da Eapague, Summer Bilks. lawqq of all kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves And Mitts, X«oo Man tiUaa, Chain Berages, Madruma full a&d : complete-assortment of • > , ■ myBl il • For Koxxt, - A FARM CONTAINING la AOKR& O? MND,undBr a hlghstste of cultivation, with a large andcoureztieot DWELLING HOUBR, tncenily built aha of modern Style;' good Barn, Stabling, Ac., situated on the south bank «T the Monongahela river, fl miles above Plttak argh, belng-pne of the most beautiful and pleasant iocalViee anywhere to be' fbund. Possession given on of jeforetne lsrcf April next. Enquire of H. CHILDS Am, mhB:tf . 133 Wondatreet. Fatal A Hurdook, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MEROHANB. AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS-No. 1 Water street, ttnefamati. Ohio* ■ faptrtf - I* W« Claadwlottf Dealer in bags and paper* no. 149, wood street Pittsburgh. The highest trice In cosh paid tor rage. myllry - < - Writing Glaii«iMDnft , s Gollefiii. rTIHE Gentlemen and Ladles* Day and Evening Writing I Oiassea will conduce open daring the summer under Mr. J. D. Williams, whose various styles ofGentlemen and Indies’ Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exhlbitcdAt-ihednos but those executed by the Teacher in the Institution* The Principal claims no • “monopoly’* nor tt patent* tor hSa bua&eaff.hoTdid he get his institution chartered tp eell out, ax;has W&:repeatedly done In this city. r ' Gomlemeu and Ladles’ Visiting Garda written: In ; Mr*: WiUiame* unequalled style. All lunda of Ornamental Pen manship executed to order. myi^dirW UOURNISG GOODS. "CIRANK VAN GORDER has Just received a large and JO beautiful assortment of-Mtmraihg Collar*, and Betts in Crape, Tarleton and Swiss,: black lace and gaaao Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, in trool, cotton, and silk; Ribbons, Delta, and Crapes, ih oil qualities. Alexander A Bajou’s beat Kid Gloves can always be (bund at No. 83 MARKET STREET, comer ef tho Dia moml - DOTI 7 HEW'HKV Go6bs BtOiE - Iron S'ront-.50.5l Slarb.t *tr«at' OUR Lolls.being n °wopanforttuitlMlßMtloilofaelnw. al Dry Goods business, we would rospecttolly solAt tST p&trunnge of tli»pablict,»u D gconadfitthiLt.framoi e b I . tensive and well selected stock of SlLKsTfanov STAPLE GOODS, we can offor such Inducements as win in sure entire Mllstoctlon. HAGAN A Art m ’ apr4:tf Noa.Ol Market «ud:B Unlo^U Books i rooksi bookbi—miaks a <w»a. m Smithfleld street, h> tho place to‘purchase books foi aummer reading.; "■* Wi The most complete and varied assortment of fcfickx ih'the city con be found on our shelves. Persona leaving tor th* country will And U to tbelr to cation oAAsWei always makf a deductien when selling a number at a time to one person. •”« Doesticts* Great Book, containing all his Utters Com* plete in one volume, Illustrated—sl. Fourth supply The Old Farm House; by Mra. Caroline S.Butler Laing —f.1,25. The Winkles, or the Merry MoncunanlSes; by the author of Wild Western Scenes. f ' Sister Bofio; by Charles Dickent—l2U cents. Mother and Step-Mother; by Charles Dlekena—l2U ctA Call In and look over our counters and shelves. «nd send for whatever you want In the book line to - PLANES, PLAN RB. PLANKB.- ymrlprtapt 'M Cabinet Makers, and-wortefr In Hard wood, Ivory and Veneers— W. 0. fcOPPBR'S UWBIVUUO VENEER, H4RDWOOB-AND IVORY PLANES, Tbe abovo Planes cannot, be excelled In planing hard wood andTeneem Tbe attention of mechanic, la wapeiv fully BOlld ted. For rale at BOWN i- TETLEY’S, . e e iiwwcMiWwic; Fine dress goods.—i- A. iuaoit jwt reo«iT«l another aplahdld lot of Dim, Soria, epond elng noh Plaid, Striped and flgurwlßah&i gandlea. do, *e.y with' »m» elegant atrlM a|J»ttndri f .B» ta|. Room. ~ .. e •■ v. . * .. .... ' % •, Ip: CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER Warfl-roome 97 and 00 Third street* J. W. W. respectfully informs*?* friends and easterners that houjL IIIHBBgBISg-ft hae now completed hjg spring stock Rp| o l Furniture, which is decidedly 'i * -the Urgent and beat ever offered for eale in this City, which vrSlbesold at prioes as low as any inthe United States* Seat or West. As he is determined to uphold the quality with well sea ; eoced materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility In manufacturing, hai is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest priees. ( . .. _ Ee has adopted the principle of identifying his customers 1 Interest .with his own, in.quality and price, and keeps al» ways on 1 hand the greatest variety of every description of fhrnitore, from the cheapest and plainest, to the moatele* gut and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or* der. The following articles consist, in part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be ssrpunw in Any of the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sctfkj; 00 Softs, in plash and. hair doth; 69 Una. Mahogany Chair*; 90 do«. Walnut *• 60 Mahogany Boettog “ 89 Walnut « “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 80 Walnut “ 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60' <* “ Dressing Bureaus 80 u tl Washatandj;* ' (0 Enclosed / , <* 109 Common ** 89 Bain tire&slng Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 89 Walnut « 69 Cottage u 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads: 89 Mahogany Wardrobes] 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry “ 60 Plain Bureaus; TQ Dining and Breakfast Tables . 13 Secretary end BookoMes; 0) dos. Cane Seat Chairs; 84 Case Beat Booking Chairs: ISLadlee’Writing Desks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots* lftiguire«; (qwHKhililila; CouTemtion Ohslrs; Pimlmk. 11 BUutrtthui HtflMdUw « Becepuou “ Ladbe'Work u Pearl Inlaid 41 Extension Dining Tables: to “ Ottomans: Gothic and Hall Chairs; ’ ttaortment of COMMON FCENITUKH and WINDSOBCIIAIBB. OasUTK Maxxbs supplied with all ar ticles in their line. STEAMBOATS and poms, famished it the shortest DOOM. .40 orders promptly attended to. t prS JSew JLrrlTnl ef Bptieß and summer Dry Goode. DAT No. it N. W. SIDE OF 'WOOD BTRBET. °aEQQ A CO., Importer* end Jobbers In British, . French and German DRY GOODS. Hieing receiv ed our Large end extensive stock of spring end summer goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and pert through onr own Importation, we feel safe in assuring our old customers, country merchanto and city dealers general °wln* to trieio acquired facilities in purchasing, 3‘Mn .h. r .~S. indacemente to buysra as are rarely ml! lew I BU x*"in ha ftund cashmeres, da- Portsmouth lawns of tho most desirable designs, al i > “”> P>M n hlack and fancy figured silks? and Taney prints, 1 atest styled hro&efoths, fancy veerings, ossstaeres, satinets, and summer pantfo loouiug, brown and black muslins, table diapers. S c F««‘?jery large assortment of bonnets, t m e^. hat “' Jutland braid and Leghorn! SfhTSfSSfo’Jif Tanet F of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; omtings, jaoonetts.mall and figured Swiss muslins and black silk rails, Sc. “ Oar varisty stock lnpart «mbs,bnttons,par- 5 8,port m( luafeß, patent medicines! per? rumary, and almost urery article usuidly kect in th« v*. with a large tSltf 2dm°v£ materials, glasses, gold and gilt Jewelry of stTvS t fn tt f ra v’i“v 1 m gteat v »riety of SO hour and 8 day or ““ “ prices ca^ 2i,5r’ An '* rlycall ftoia buyers lo respectfully solicited. . t » t " D? GREGG tea. VAS UOKDKIs-s TlllajllNQ STORE,' TCSTRKokivtnb' KI ? Si '' Co . r ' KlT ' 01 Dunojm. T “OrayiNß, a large and well eelected stock of all V we new styles of LADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMTNQ8 * Fringes, Buttons, Galloons, ?' ra P"> Braids, Velvets, Laces, Cords, Ribbons. EMM«?S°pTrS^ rt ?‘'? t ° f , *’ reuch ’ ani Austrian BMjBEOIDEIITEg, in gwiss, Jaconet and Lace. Oollms, fidSings, Handkerchief^ fileo IS?» , M Inaertlnje, Infants' Robes, i a Banda, Cans & Waists A full supply of MOURNING OOOfcS: 1 SuEffS. 18 * g? UBrs ’ l ove and Gauze Veils, n SS! n a H ttflt SI? 8 *® 3 * oause Dotted Falls, £°* Chemisette?, Italian andEnir’h Crane. FOR EMBROIDERING—Stemped Collars, ,?°as and Inserting.: French Working Cotton, Hoope, iSlfilJS. 011 CIMII - K “ hrelteto s Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. of OENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS—Shirt*, Collars, Cravata, Tiea, Handkerchiefs, Ac. wmicSly”'* 0 ”’ T “ po '’ SEd ® Tar l‘hlng in small *a-B4Jou’B BBT Bid Glovis, ia white, black and colors. 81»a from No. 6 to No. 10, alwaTs on hand. cheap 1- >!00d StoCk ° r nOBI£ET Md 0 LOVES—very I Sal© or public Properly, X accordance with instructions from the War Denart. BOATSBKUvSEVmtVnd ssl N°. 5,) together with their equip. S U .'f e ’ W i ,1 ,, b ®,“ W 40 the highest bidder, at the points and dales following, to wit: At Napoleon, Arkansas, on Saturday, the 30 ih day of ?5« e ’c betWe n n iHSiSST* ° no M » and a the email t 1* Pnag Boat TKRROIt, together with her equipments, r .KSL°n b ' d “ i?D “ W !n t ’ rintod hana ' w,ls near the Marine Railway, on Eaturdav the 115I l 5 m 7 t°b , y , n ' I( > b ft»«n the hours of 10 A. M 7 and Iw f Bna * Bo ate, BELL and SEVIER, equipments, Ac., in lota or parceiTfS ’’V.e 1 ’ to be designated «e before in hand-billa. The items to be sold will be etaesAl under the f0110w;,,., general head for each of the boats, viz: f ° n o»<»E Ist—Hulls, cabius and upper works. 2d—Double engines and boilers, complete 3d—.Equipments, including large pnrebaso ehains an Jei’l*. torts, S ’ ttb—Cooking apparatus and other furniture ; The boats are scarcely two years old, sound and wu.. lially built, and well adapted for use as Cotton Itoatn'nvrirT, bell Boats, Floating JIUli, Whart Boate ’ DlTln * Their engines are constructed in the most efficient man- B«r, aodarelagoodcondlOon. “ aa The Bell and Berier are larga twin Snag Boata. 1 aa feet feet be«n snag rooms and wheal houses,and Id feet between n,7n. , The Terror is about 133 feet long, lB r e “ k bull, and 10 feet between the hulfi! * m for ' lth ; TBBMS OF 6AL£—Tbe Bell and Terrar will be sold fh* caah. payable on the daye of their sale, The tena/of for the Bevier will be made known on. the day of mieJ 18 • la all cafiea the privilege of diamahtUng the boats or ail MUcleOoldifo diffftrent-icdlviduala will bo reasonable Ume in favor of the purchasers of a aid arUcles fodlvilualß • end Companies w th -pfa'rrh'ngA are de.* judge of their value, 8. H. U)h(s, t’L Col. T. K., Bup’t W. B. Imp’ta Bt. Louis, June 7th, 1865. jell^ttawts JOBIOPB BOQttIOQB. COmSIfiSION AND. FOBWAEDXKO itERCHANT No. 88 QoßWgnmii, bilow Pun fiww ’ Bt*'Couli r ]tto<r : gtttwkan required, <m Oousignmsnuor BUlaofLading, Ordsrsfot tbepnrcKaseof tesd.Oraln’, Hemb aUd other i!£tf}w2?^?S l i>® 8 r <flal v“ l '' ia4aiaf ‘ t<fll ! thalnwsst always be procured, and theexosesa Ofßtbrtge anfßrayage as much, u pbsiibla'ayoided P Bt.Loula; KUlsAMorton, Cincinnati (toll teas, BloirAOo., dot Binder Adorn an, “oV io; Hoaea A Fr&ier, d o do; Springer 4 Whlfeman, do; 4.W.Bot;«VA Bro.,Pittabh; H.O.Gooodman ACo.. d» : D.fce*h«o6 do; HIACtTunSIA G^Vhllada; °£r*_ „ d “i Morgan, J. M.Buck A Mcrrtan: ‘ * Jo; gyeidoAlSfir, . Seward, Bon A 00., do; W.B. Reynolds, LooltrUJo _ _ ' „ , H.D.TfeweombA Bro., do: : ’ °P« n Polio? oflnaurance,which wniebrra uUiblpmentatomy addreaajWhen adrteed bylattor ora ■?»!>,« whenenlorsod on bills of lading before, or, at the time of ehipmont, ; JOSEPITMOGItfIiaK, . «°» a ~ - ' '. ' Bt.Loula. Missouri. : ' WUUftm Ai Hilt- A Coi,' BANKERS, HATra te vrocdtit*t } PUUburiiJi. OLD on Mid th« following BONDS AND STOCKS 40 abaiea Exchange Bank; ■ KaiS£! :omp “ yiio » j '' 15,000 Ooupty of Alleghany Bonda. TecpCrdlwautf 0. u. (Scccibsoes 10 A'.'Wmraj l c«.) - ,OAVB BiaoVIiDTHHR OFMCBtoNo. 76 FOBBTH fe^? 05 BROKBB BDSINM81 “ aUJto bran“£ I St * res gto^ D. a. warm* T ~ " “ • - ’JO - lDD **w. (Sucoeaeota to A. Wilkins A Co t BANKER AND EXCHANGE BfiOKERH TK'toi haTe grown out of & t fo,^,]efl^ ,]efl “outside WfWUoUB^SSIKI l l «l£e > ” brother glUmate,line of our huaiueae-^eiS.u?^ 1 ,“Ole. fit such irjvestbaenta Vo ar < ? i iliDB lerveourturtonrehend VnVor. 7 , 6 ‘. tt ' r » W 0 to our ova ultimate —2-^- . Potaam’e ; do do do do . aodey’e Lady’* Book, j 0 I , ' ; m SstSEi &gKfc?ws ’ ! i»si . . |W - «,?iT ENFB! ? NEY 4 co., • ! a<l ■ - - *»* K* oppoaite the Theatre.- u, iifijißß * co.. No. 82 Bmlthflftl(J stmt - s '***<* ' • *■• * i %'^y , • NUMBER *2BO. MISCELLANEOUS. JAJ9EB W» WOODWBLL, kc `..,1 1 a* •> f - . ' ; * - • BATES OF ADTEBTIgma tOBttD UPON BY TRa rrTTaBVKOB pnta3 MS UKI3 SO3PIUU, da U2J: J n««qoar® f one insertion........ “ “' each additional liuerttos,.., “ “ one week ...... /-.j 7* “ “ two week*... „ boo “ “ three weak* 4 o\> “ ** t>to m0nth,;..,....... Ito " 11 two'tadntto.., ............h TOf “ three month*. 0 00 “ 11 ; font month*..«... .. 10 o®* * *• WO® " “ on# year .. I« 0° Standing Oard >B | lff 00 ciuaajtmi pmamu: On« BqniT«, i«t mama, (nxalnilta o;m« p»pw)— ...■ U M DAILY MORNING YOST* WEDNESDAY MORNING: JFrom the Boston G*xetto} The Vermont Temperance Taster. The appoihtn*§jpl of temperance men as town agents iorfthe purchase of liquor un der the new law, has. been the cause of not a little amusement, for, dependent -upon their own judgment, they have in some cases purchased the veriest trash possible, at the highest rates. Some temperance, men of “ fourteen years standing ”, have been obliged to taste so often of late, that several ruby noses have appeared in the community, while others, it is feared by this reformatory law will be led back to evil ways. An agent for a Boston estab lishment was in Vermont a few weeks since, selling supplies of “the genuine”-to those appointed by the town to purchase. He reached a retired village one day, and having ascertained that Squire Snow was the dignitary who was to procure the sup ply, he called upon that gentleman, who was at work in his barn, where he reeeiv. ed the gentleman from. Boston, who car ried him a generous supply of samples in a convenient leather case. “ Yes,” said Squire Snow, seating him self on a wheelbarrow, while his friend took a seat on a barrel, “they wanted me to buy the rum, 'cause you see in old times I used to drink Some—l said some—and I s’pose they thought I was a judge—but 1 ain’t, for it’s twenty years sinceTtdsted of any. “ Do you propose to buy a general as sortment ?” “ Yes, we want a little of each kind, and we want the best,”, replied the Squire. “Supposing you just taste a little of this old Bourbon whisky ; it’s very nice,” said the seller, opening his sample box. “ Well, I don’t know,” was the reply, as if in doubt, “but I can’t buy without testing the quality, can I ?” ' The reply was of course confirmatory, and the old oaken bucket was filled with water and a couple of tumblers were soon in .requisi tion, and they pledged their mutual health in bumpers. “ I declare, that’s very nice,” said the Squire, looking at the bottom of his tum bler. “ Thatold'Bourbon won’t hurt any one. We must have about twenty gallons of that.” ’ “ How’s the crops ?” asked the seller, while he wrote down the order, to which a long reply was made by the farmer, who wound up by enquiring if he had a sample of old Holland. ‘•Here it is, sir.” The Squire took a snuff and exclaimed, “I declare, it smells just as it used to. - Old Holland is healthy, I believe!’—(he took another snuff,) “I used te drink old Hol lands before you was born.” He took an other snuff and then he poured out a smi ler, and the tumblers was again emptied, with a smack of the Squire’s lips which made Old Dobbin in the comer, start up with amazement, and his master exclaim ed : “ Twenty gallons of old Hollands.” The order was registered, when.the sel ler suggested that they might wuht some Otard, as Squire Edgehill, of Squash town, had taken a quarter cask of it. “ Don’t think I know this Otard,” said the Squire, “ but lets have him out here, my boy, for old Bourbon and Hollands have made me feel very huckleberry. Do you s’pose good liquor ever hurts anv one ?” 3 “ Not if drunk moderately,” was the re ply. Of course I mean moderately,’’ and the Squire filledupthe tumblerwith fourth proof brandy, and let just water enough run into it, by dipping it into,the pail, to frighten it. It went down red alley very quick, and a quarter cask was ordered. A few other orders were given and the mer chant left for an adjoining town, On his return that way in the afternoon he thought he would call and inquire abou l one or two minor, matters which ho. had forgotten, and hedroveup toSquireSnow’s door. . . “ It Vm’t no use for you to stop here,” shouted a voice from the window,the nasal twang of which denoted it? maternal ori gin, “you can’t and shan’t:see the Squire again. I don’t know what you did to him, but arter ydu quit the barn, the Squire act-’ ea tndecorouß enough to satisfy the 'father of stn.” Well, my good woman, I am sorry to ut ca ll another time.” “Next time you come you’d better bring a window setter to mend the glass he smashed, and perhaps you’d better send'as. ajittle Russia Salve to cure his cuts, fori-. rnnnH e nnf, g r *? a “ d then to lUH round mtd break things, till he finally fell . “■le e t P h"mty'!” odShed ’ andlhe ‘^emean upon ‘ i«-3l*rah>a U»aie&lCur« iMriy 07617 cate of rrfuwablo Herai., “ *“ cnr# «treet, sign of the Gold“ MorSr- I Jfi 0 ?’ 1W WooA p^^>; couptry by MniUD 8 sS£SgS%s»«a£tt trut. i - ’ BoM at Dr - fcEYSKR’fI. 140 Woo 4 Jk62tf ■&TBW AJ*u VALUABLE- BOOKS— 1 • : 'i - AT DAVISON’S BOOK 8T0&*, tore toian ! Atl*wfeft lii tM r n ,^l in ' VitnQSa ° r Bewon nd Ns* Eater: : laat ** TJlo Note Book of an EDgUsB Opto: f lO1 ®B*™ 8 *™ Nations Compared In iheirthJW ■ EouoSl, “f pLi, 0 and morality; bf Btt. rles and iScfeg 0 ComlEOll ’ Pll ‘ M Book of Tbonght?, Muao 15s s**%? fcynmry Waifl Beecher. ; v Which 2—The lilgbt or the Left ? . Footsteps of SfPoul. Ihe Head IniChrißfc; by Brown. Philip Colville ; by Kennedy. Thi> Words and Mind of Jeau* - ; > ; “ t Ai a co^ , “,Cl otl!lb,l “ lUUlitUr ‘- : The Young Housekeeper. ' o Tho Young Wife. The Young Mother. n'tHtuhwd—JfauSf .- narhaoglriWola.'bn Ftitursl/fa. ‘‘ •’- . ConmUDS?a ; Works.' : .. . ;■ .-.i ilaomJnSt T f lBi o' Ewt ' ,; ana lh » H°>y !"■>• rapping Papers, Blank Books andßutlMW ***** J V aT PfSPyjF*’ ftfc No * iOTJUarfcet fltrMt, 1 ="*>_ Leather Ooogms Galtw * £*&*“ uie-arUcletorthUßeEfion. Prkulox. ‘ “ ' Jy2B g. B. _ .Iwhn GrOQttt •' j,l ' • Importer op brandies,; gin, vmK3r .In fine Old Monoagilwl* Wnfaltr, i’M£bUrftßd7f Also, Reetifying Distiller, corner of *ad froBV •trecte, Pft&burgl. * aprtS -*• Cr !^' ; : ' AUGUST 15.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers