The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 11, 1855, Image 1

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    1 •' .T' s - • <V?
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.Y'v'fY s'-* {jY : L^Vf’irs
*C>tt ?:•••.«•,? ir a*j,**: sr*A v.v::|
“g®" SfoSSBSSa.'.AT law
t'- W << YV*'/l *•>■■-y >'-f» <J V,V*> 1 - v ‘‘ tf A TTORTncv .M<aaa.
f L‘ % ‘'- 1 *"v !r ' , ’ , 0' f -‘‘''*' v 4 my 4 door to the Poet Offlco, Steubenville, QMn.
f v ;-\3 - — . .. * • , ,
s£s{&{•£*ssY iVij A&!^A o KU^ Ha , tosll>
■;•-'■ v~ ' A fitableY* door-Below Mr. Rod/ Patterson’s Livery
f ''- ;.'^vS*'>:' , :/’'. ? • ___ C. Orlando Loomlfli : -
AT WW "^ wvPoarthfiilMt » abo «^«>^
W'A A LDE R a ”Wr’d ward
.'• '*! b" promptly attend«l J f™ aa a “ d Ju,iUm of U>.P«m will
&hi^ 8 f ,bet 7'f.w Fourthßt ' »“i Olimoml
Ste*‘" dl ‘ B*, 8 * , “ c «“«?toߣS , 2St^^s:
■M&iXf-fpt’U -hs: : -‘lb <J ; l| W*rt. AU buKineFd .ppArUlalS
be^^^^™ anorJostlc,,of -3
>' liy'^ -Av■■■^•^r.Vf’:'-J’ , . , 0 : i‘-. , i h. ahi,, sdkubon dentist, omc
qgjjßfcSa °: w -"*■ *«
u. s „-o,o Cg^ mMho “ ta - r »“«*»i
:.P.j’-A ■ •v.*; < '.v-^*%-sa?- , u ! “" i v -•■,-•'• -■ •'•r '•••''-I■"!-< tv-*'* vl -• *-. ~^r r 'u rllnß » AobtrUon CL Co M
A-_v r _L..Y* ?^*:: it?3?r'J co^2” of Front screut, Plttabnmh. -■ V 00 ®»<«•«.
**<*, Ko .^
r <: :.'.*7r; '■■' '*•!-*■■'• *-'72“-^**-i-a Keep*constantly on hand a large enpplr o! all the
t l ':v. brands of Imperial Oigarß- j-5-’
?•>: '<'• “ r ,^, t -..j Jolxn raoorliead, '
\ |‘. it‘*w, k u;..f'-i-*r CHANT, for the sale of Kg Metal and Blooms, and
»i'. J ?;*» l 'k‘ .\ v :'’-'.' i l! .-Vi,-'-',- ‘. . «Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. {ar24
_ Keym«r A Anderson.
(Soceesfiow to Joshua Rhodes A Co.)
vi dealers In foreign Fruits, Nuts, Spices,
vV ; *'Ss-X:.-v ! c i&'- yt :I JW Confectionary, Sugars,Ac., No. 30 Wood street, oddo!
fa* tin at. Charles Hotel, Pitteborgh, Pa.
p ,0 w74 RD l IN ® f K O^H)HMI3s{oN n MEnCHANT, and
•■:' )r^~:£'\' r <-'~y'U v•' f «*«>i«»le Dealer In Cheese, Bolter, Seeds, Fteh, and
Produce generally, N 0.25 Wood street, Pittsburgh. fmarS
•'••.'‘•a U'~-'i- ..• ,-.>.'".'.v i '-*.t4 f>-/.i. t-'-;i B. T. O. HI organ, •———
•. ;< AND STATIONKU-his always on hand
:: t J ;(+U£* S«newl assortment School, MkcelWius and Blank
' li ' : l r, '-- u ' : P /i?i^ ls \ Post aDd Cap Paper, &C-, wholesale and re
Wm. c.rr dt co.,
?.•(".•• JO>V? VS-vl— ( r ut<!.at thdflrmof J. Parker A Co)
.tjLe^Av}Ki.sY^''X<sd , r<).W‘> | - , H;;;.nb^ ! 'r<?w!f«\ UOtMALSOIWOEES, and Dealers in Poreijpri Wines
}&?{■!'% t v a °,^ aßaiea > ?“ and EeoUUed Wfcb-
F. 11. urarro, " -
■WV ; i f ; L:d' -. ,. v ; (s£< Diamond, Fmamrgh. Do.
CODSTBT PBODOCB, offers r Jt eale a
choice stock of Groceries, coleete 1 for famllj use. Spires
iv'. ir .-- , - ,! ?dr <T " r t..T? rie ? y , and l&0 Purest quality, K iuDtl at his
c V»y^ r ,qj)';-;i‘!-. c;-; tS.s.fejf l AJm. Dried fruits, Porelgu and ItamesUe.
;^‘s:{4^i-^^Vo‘ r <den.-V^!*li !!^i i J2 s *- R ' : " ,, '*'‘fPS 4 S ce Ilk ' n ia -** c baugefor merchaudire.
;;ic:l.v, !*-: P ''.‘■‘A R B- D. tmi-proeurej a Tull assortment or LaTidretti’a
.d if" 1 ? 11 .'? 1 t ' ar ™n Seeds, and iuriies the attention oi aU lu-
K&.f&.-'c •'/<’•!■{;>■:--;! *.•;.-? £.wV- -Air ■: ln roral ■‘ lfair< ’- -v. j«.u
V V f T S ’ £IfOLISH _; •••-2. lUciuansoN j. j. su.mii.
i -Ai' F| o J?J“ B^p®4NßiFoßti§RSwrSSo&*iiiB;^od
-r'v. Cf V-te'ttW'Stem.a«M.andou.MuiProdnc.
b)r BliibrUn A*
l6O '*”* ***"■• PteSh
‘’(ifl A «omm«..»oi» House. ~ : ~
ff t&l-. !*.“’• .'d C j' UE ™bßcHbrrj bars o|iensd a house for the shore pnr
l-., ftt^r-'C^* s -;”;'r^: i ,^ , V 1 , “ft 17 P»““»w •«•>». four door, a bore the
■ 4^^*‘j c i,'.^' < '.‘lC r '*-^*'' i^e^j j . -'-e^,::-r,ir,^ r .'Ve^v'k? D ? affa b ela House. We will purchase, or receive, on oom
■> v for eaie, consignments of Flour, Bacon. Cheese.
'nfO V : ? r ( «i^?'C,Vs im ' O** 8 ! Barley, Flax deed, Orasa Seed, Baled ilac, te!J
l. A ~urtV‘ > l-l?i f4jria#<g«^ 1 iS felSs-tp ® hlc , h w “ wi ‘l make adrances, or purchase at the best
r 4. r V.^uej<sg&e;s i ,^.^ >> .-j... < ff»flwt «t«a for cash |nor6| ALOBO * CO.
" James itl’Lauclilln,
fetß.C'iS'^'-'^.VV' t :i , INOROOEBIIM, PBOnUOK, FLOUR, BACON,
i^af.S{,s?ssi,';£ : rdV''V<-’" V ACS..JS.*••.■»>, ‘.-i.'-l *«a No - W» corner Smithfldd and First street.. Pitted
;-y v.'• ••>:•■: ,r. .y r «b. p». .-. ; . - . . .
“• ,1 “- T -’“V' toraa. raAKci. L.roDAu.
„ ,-f .V T ' B- ' oun K * Co.
- < >i,'» ;* .TrftuV (- i'. , *l 23 B‘<ifidi tmt, (Sly IlaUl.
'•S-'S }”••' ,ch -t 4r J r',i : i A C a TL, } IEIUi ?, K oab *Skt FUIINITUitE AND
"“■iEriry ' '*, : , yAca.IRS, oferery description. Material, and work.
,y> < :•!,', 1 .5, H A *-;» ,“ r .R"di f “ a! iP sold at reduced pricta. Carataken
P.vAn.' l >?-y:: v-; --n g.L' J packing for Undand water carriage. amrtl
■tSrc.-W,’ : ‘’F ; , , 'e?y4,-;.-i!ir.s i v wm uigbr, j r ., —“
mwnskiSd stoAb, Mmoulc n.w,
r -: r-IT-.l* ’A -wr; r-y. r t 'i'.; 1 - > V , li . ft ? Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order. In
yf i\j ...'i ’r' 1 •’, :; : .- V -i ■ -i ;‘y iVf° y • * nd at r»>o3. angfttf
t;- lL .y <-.-?.*,.*,•■! H* 4L A. C. Dnacau,
-Vi>b sj7 *'’' s’iJ e f £i\/^ u OLK3ALE QEOCBRd, And Dealers in Produce, For
Whisky, No, J9l Liberty st^Pittsburgh, Pa. fjy27.y
,-.w*V . : - - . < iu ]bx s- J J-H.Mellor,
rlv.“. .'■ ;.ii C i -FF .* HOLESALEand Betail Dealer In Mnsical Instmmonte,
- , i t {J“° s ’ ? laB^>.??ho< ! 1 . ltoo ! ! ?.. , ‘ n<l ® U!ion9r f.KO' 122
•u ■■ -.■'■• ■ .--•: V n:, “ .
wi^Kjr'rSjo-•’■•!tiA':'ir*i. T 'rr.‘„A;v 1 ;,
vl;.' ••■' r-'ful.C-.'
,S' .; .*, . " 'V’ ■ • 1 . > .) Kurerprtee Works.
. 'U<: AAy ,- y: ‘P <:•■•, I WntdeorWow ropinncey.
■'■ « t v w “ , A woll!<1 “ n the ntienDtm of bportlng
-'• - • f .' : i-^,” e p,?,? clr i a T “»° rtm = n ‘;Of Onns, Bifles and Be.
■ i;<i .-'•e>ofr;_r- J r i \' ", . ' 1 Ring Pistols, the largast «Bd best <teleeted ; stock erer-
T " ' ,'ri? ed . ° h A. m ! ‘ rtet J. t, «« th ‘ rwi£ha s en '“l““f‘mem
'-■ looli . naFlrblngfacklq,allor-whlcb
-;T '".r AC v ; , ; -.joffor at thß lowest possible ptfcH to cash purchasers, or
'J’Abf.TSu.'iT’V- ■ '' .' ..'.rV V ''-. (.'. j’-Jgood approved paper. m « r l«
V i 'gi ! sJW'‘ r C"'i-'-i?- ''.-'•"j"' .V;L, CopartnoratAlp Notice. :
iq I 'rri’;j|isdl.^;.^ , sA,..-r r., ~1* .i.i-ir '-"f ’ ; ’ -' 1 Im^ 7 * (April litb) associated, with, me
;.V* v r r :~1~~ , '-t-Vl - a';. , ,l',;' F, jMeasr., P. STEEL TUBIIETT end 3AIIL. C. CL-ANKi'
,yr r : ' ■. ' . • ■' ' ’ '• : S i, . of ' t , hom bafobfen for many year* ln mj eslabllih
- ■, ■• ;: v , *i anti are already extensively and favorably known to
-‘ : .; . V’ 1 .1 cu.Uoniers aud tao public generally as superior work
- i.e-iCuf'.;' y - . ,>;-• T-! f'““ d °f “rrrrt business habits. We hope by thlaunlou
r'lf'r—l'R lb.;. ;.-Vf ’.Ajxpenenoe and arUsHs'eMll-especlatly In the watch de-
£. 3A£rt-» ~L y ,‘I N i ’ yy ,-\ Jr- -''-■• .•.■l t . me “ t: by keeping a large and well selected Block of
'5--»/’,*''r<~A.'> -4". 1 ' . - ’ . ''.r,*-- , 'Vi v r s: by selling at moderate prices, end by close attention
>;'■ J'-'yy V ~LT-,X. to merit a liberal ehare of patronage." IV> my
.if t.'. c .. ._ I ...y.. .i ffrlenda and tbo public In general, who have fbr many
. ■' b.‘.--. ‘. ', .: , ; 1 berally patronised my buelneea, I return my
,; - *;< ►/. l rPoVr jEoUdtforthan ' wfi ™ aco ? v Un^°| o^“‘
-•} iV ; ‘ ffebmgh, April 11,1665. W ' WILBOS
"'- : (^^ w .saa«uaaßjar*
W&sssr&.‘ •-.•:r-;^y>CKb3® l *S»'S*asu
i *'■ ■’P ’~Ct J generally, that the? havu
-ftifit "'X c '/r't; ,r :'j '. ;V'uj i^^3ai>rßH*ouehe* r EookawavB,Buggl e
- ‘
-•' - : •‘■-• •c ---- orders will be executed with strict regard to'-aonUlh
V ’f ' rqnd beauty, of finish. Repairs attended U*
'r ,V ■ ;• * Hrimr la all their workth^
o\ ■> A \J *.. ' /». *,-y *, 3 Eastern Shaftß, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel «,Ii <
'“V \ ,;, {; r t e .' A!i'v\.;^^“^«>req“est^to^yeu3aqiU,beCjropn«ha
•• %Vv’ v-c- joaifSTon Id. t. JOnicsTos e. juqsx.
Elceldotr Carriage 'Factory.
i ' ‘vt,-: v . <-J brother a co., practical ooach
* t ' Va ’s-v-. '.’ Y - v r - *'f^lAKEßS,cornec.ofllobea3&andßelmontatreetB,AUc-
Yc --r 5 •-';' •• ‘ ..'• Y Y’jY .> v l£7 clt 7» Pttv, hare on 'hand and ;ari mtinuhe taring fin
; i» ‘ ' , t • c . Jpslve eßSdttment .of. Cnrrtagea, Rockaways, Bugglfp,
. ’X%•■ ;• j-'Y^ageCara^.vAo t tdflde In ell their yaripas- styles, with
'!,‘cA:Y ht 3 ‘l-. ' :\V ,v:*j*i regard to durability and besot?offiniehV'tuting In ell
J“. ,v:X o ,, f ,*.'c- < •*_. •») work the best Juniata Iron end eastern hickory. • Rv-
Y'YOtY.--f ir’ S attended to on the most reaaonabls tarins. They D>l
■-*■»' l r :\;v~~,\ ■■ *.t ,'v _.t , r .,., ■' S J-^-^'“ e .?, t v t bat all who may faror them with their patrou
*aV • s -':.- -,.: 'y.l -. r ••..•:.-:),;;;; ; v.~„'fl wl “he perfectly aatlafled on trial of their work.
’ • ■;.* s . . •'??*;»* Pittsburgh aodManchestor Omnibnscapass every flf
4 minutes during the day. . octSMly
il * c •"' /'• ...
O *" i " .-f <t'': _
‘- ■ <
c vv.\. v:.
. --i' -
~- - »rf •.*?:•::%.../ -: ■ ■■■.
T '- "*• J<-‘* t y; v*^r- r - : -i ‘V.\'; V •;•’•' ~ v>y *- .•*.< ' * '■'■•’• r .’.'
-L-; ,1 **V«;r £*S~~* .AneSWi r<’* * = V.t .- V, - ; ' •-*-!--• ' ■ i* ,*•.•■»• •
r. '«-<£, i •< **' ~.<v„ ‘■‘Vl*,;. I?,: ! ,v1 .VA.A’.STOJvr';' *''
- •• * "• —’•■' "•- ' *1- *, .• ■ .<->*•! -. ' £J; *'* *n :»■” *• <"
r .' -/-A' :V Af-
Printed and j7TtV^fLrt;i^ry^ffT;ig g c*ttpttd£
the il'osHiHd.'FoBi ’c i"'
Published from tbs same office, on n large blanket elite'
rrre ottc W ° DOLtABS * Te “' ln adT »»«.fl Single copies
«*" No fe dlsamtfnnkd \inlo=a at the dlecre.
on of the Proprietor*,) until all armf&gea ate tfaliL****
..■'K k °il ttmtion P»4IS4 anp-'oKleO naWses-.l
<1 ontoftht larcal Job Printing cSvi'SKiwSl
a U^iZr 7 don>mlM •»*<**«&, onlS^K
A Fourth street. PUtabur^,
. IU IT. Garuaban. ~~
J. -
Bake well's S Al;
street, Hr. drew
Offict Uucm From nine A* M. to fly*
r — ■•• ' : - • decflfcy
.'BAUM WtIAEB, Pfetla...... lUCESTBOS, Pittsburgh
Miller &. Rideetaon.
GROCEU'I, Importers of Brandies, Wines
l u 5 nJ I*4, corner of Irwin and
I ««ef^f B i treot, -? iCl ? • IroD > Walls,Cotton Yams, Ac.,
ipnstantly ogtand... ... JyS
John \V. Batler Co.,
Dealers tn Ml kiadi or Pittsburgh'mafio&rturw, Lead
>e and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. «p2S
Wilson, Tarbett A Clanev,
6. Market a reet, comer Fourth. m? 5
m I ™ TSB ■ 1,801, c O* c H FACTORY.
now “.•t&toxu usxtriss..~ „.ecofiai albiht.
.1 ■ • 0 "*K«Iow & Co.,
nt-Si ?380116 TO K. M. BIGELOW, No. *3
nft « v ’ ood street, pki*-
i r tl ? & ~‘|^ oac^ e9. Carriages, Pheatons, Bug
fj 4to in3'n?hhMY„‘ 1 f 0 ' lpUon ot wbW«
of deafen, •ImmS?2, , JJS P“»« unsurpassed for
VSSSI?* ,**!>*> «MUof wotioanibip,
work warrantej.' „
! *V..r no? 9
jrjsyiv' AND SALE 4_
sis Dumond
pittsbcMh. pa *
V; > 9 - aaS ~d 0 In store and fbr sale by
» -» Wood rt, oppoirtt. the Bt. Obarlef Hofei
r b:.CX^
• • C.
. r
* ■*
y:. .
'~t /" 1 ‘ **
A. Tlndle,
WHOLESALE and Retail Siddls. Harness
■v U wvr w ft anJ Bag ‘ manufacturer,
No. 10G Wood bU Pittsburgh, Pa. jr29:y
- r A * '-V ,lrJ “• ■’' "
V'.**.-. U.:' l’
VOLTOifE yitt"
ffroaissM *o I, ~ 10
oueMUj; iwiaotrfM .t
joint ruMt50........ fuucifljj,
: S'lemtttg ]ir**h«r« f ,; ™ •
■ - , - jobß BMI, Jri, . i ~
- I IffWJCCSflb*.' i’iwniT.l •
dXJL »5 B^®& »*c
•Soon belo* Virgin alUft i 1
VUm< *’ N ° «Wooa»t r5 .t,
DMn&wS^r^? 1 5 BalOra-bf
«=HK*=4of «UeUm; I reapocrfullyiiiflts ioMoiir,.
° f “7 ,tDok > “ No. 8 WOOD «tr««, Mttihurgh, I
1 ■ ■-. >pr3:ly
. Iff his Mends nod the pnhlhvthst hi*
Übllahitfbt lB now * n lull cpersUon. end the! he la tins
ttiiedto hjntah orden tor pfi&sd
Lnmher, theloirai -ieles: "
on^Sd 1 ? 1
of 8«h, Doors, end MoaldlngsW-eTerj’daaiptfohj'medeio
AND; BRASS ■nriV > «Tvnf > >. TTTr fl' rfl 0 j
lSumhl£?iJ o/ A ? ri^^ 8£m l to4lQß,
Jotroirj on Btiȣ ADegciray cltr, :
Offloe aod fltor* No. 1U Matkftßtroet, Vm*lmrgb.
*«*«#• r& work,
u. gbj*p : 1 Vi 1 1 * J
„ ~ _ KiScticrcmu or ' ' r
•-. sss&k- - •
*' K ;...-i.'Liiuaiia.
; J!l«lr ftllanien
_ I (tat* Rrrfofr & gtaeUir )
W^l^^m£ < s£^¥ t S I > CO B ANB OOMMIB
in sll tind s of
aaftu:t » r “' »* SeooSiSimHnt moot,
~~— * 1— •- -» ... ■ •'...’_ febtt
N” SorUi-w*»icrn Police Atnsiao*. _
0. 80 WASHINGTON BTBMT. eon« *f Sfitborii
Atua pnyitTQy... r ....._
> Pinkerton & cnj"
pitoti tain irruiTias to *m numuonos ci » oimn
r ° r luln °“> WtaME * iD . Mfcbigu.Krt Indian..
Botioe.- ' 1 ■
T™ * <wiaa,-b»Tto* ben dtaotv
_ed by ths death of John?.Qahrs.oathe 27thlost the
“s“* of aaldarmbo raUledby theundeTFlr ned' at
their offloa, eoroer of Ross end First street*. 8 '
r ,,. . ISAAC JONRS, Surviving Partner
Pittsburgh, September CO, ISM—Jocliy 8
AT A (^. l k ?^7m^ I£ S °5, e P rl “e Bitow Steel, Plough
yloa « h KTnge; Conch nwl EJipUc
P**«ot, Screw, Util tail
lane iosa
- D« Btßogsn Ace..
Yf '^*? A ° T, SS a ofKJQKSB' toprored Steel
■*•ooutly™” Torttl ‘ °® M 'crner Boa nod Pirtt etnwt.
i PATTCUtboN, Proprietor, corner
I SWI » od °Beny elleyJrhoeubecribsr
1 ' ra *il wgectfaUy nnnooncM to thelidiea nnd Qenile-
KtlHnm Pl Eii fc B . h ’^i U . h “e ll “ r * c * a,1 f ««ctel t RIDIKO
I point or>iz. ccmmodjoußofes eoj eizr*
£s}‘S ftS« W 'r£*.lf!i? “? ’“ l * t «taHUho.nt in the
FtiiuJ. i..?' , Ic l loontloo |e eeceeeible ftmu nil perta of
Ve hgh *lry rftaaUon trajm It erpe
t 10 ff* Sf omoU “ of 6«tith,hj tble meat agTM-
uwdee. The Uorsea ere docile and well trained, eul
Sf. propdator pledgee blmeelf that no paitrt or «penm
aatebUahment the flrtt lore,
oonddence of the poblle. oetaitf
M. Hlsharfl c. Uoekiae. " ”
. In “ t “ 1 Ornemented, No. 21 St clnlr
■treet ill Unde of ComptKUlon Omecirnu, for Strom,
out Sfmidi,? 1 ] cf a *“tag end RegUaiog, to order.
“ i nn ?.? I .' lor / r »“« 1 wholeaela and retail. Yirnleh
lor OU PalnOnge, Engretlnge and lithograph* for eale.
° r OH Pointing. Stored In the
ic oii *?? MoolJlnge manuftetored In thie estab
MAment may be cleaned without Injury, tilth eoep and
Cell aoj eeo. No.g St.aolrtjueittebttrch.. ftaham
y OL ~i, WUITk.
“AHWAOTinuav Hu racovatal
lIS health aoaa threat,m. hts bid bdalneja, «nj baa
h p^m D “ANCMgKHt*.**»«■ SiKftlltrv.t!
near lae Eost office, between Woodland n h«ra
h 8 hu M.jMßprtcie'rtßf BI4HPB, trtomad with plain and
ariVortS^fhf 1 ?? elJ H t li»mln*t, and la prepared to All
any Older In hlaline, on (h« moat reasonable tarma. Ills
«*r PleMa Si*o blma call, aa bo can’t ta beat in work.
mil Mil| P j myM»
• • • BTotloe* ~ ! . ~ : "
lUATB aold my Interest In tbs boslnna os Long, Miller
1 Co, to B. A. last;, who, with John PhilUparwlll con.
“ nu "* t^H* old eland, fio. 108 Frontatreat. Jcordiallyre
commend ane new firm to tbe nafronatre of taw friAcria
lltt»bnrgh,JulySa,lB4i. P.u* MLUUL
f a. uxroi.
B- . 6* A* toaff ft,Oo*»
InTit* ftsteullon to tlwJr «t**fc-6f:Cta4i*li«r*, Brack-
IV’; ptiw fixtan*. -W» at cp bousa with
nK^^;i n D^ , kind, to orte,
ftuopt.«oa ImfPUdogs, «mJ keep Anti-
Attrition Metal ccgaUntlj oiibtod • j y *jj
- - Jfo. 20 PtfUi tttt&M lt amr iitaix stmt,
W^ I ttuTaige** acd best assorted
; f f , stock of HOBfABY erer oJTsrM fo? ole to this eUr.
-fizul-itco-tbeir advantage to call at tbit
establishment and examine tor themselves; it Is all I need
to insure their custom. . 0. BABY.
• ' N. B.—-Hemambw the Chbaf ftvocgnta rcamm*
_ fcbl; r ,;.... • a ■!>.,.
COBSOme tha Bnifth*. ; • ■ ' ; " ”
r paß Botwribra h»ttnrth« «diulTi fight tk m.nnf.^
ooatrtot tor tailing hull4iji**; i!S?}liJiSJt
ParaKj no* Inn*.. ' ur »tt»n(WcMlv» InlSSto !«
fitldtad. Any Information can ba hadof "'A. KoVBtEV
Noe. 2 and 4 tfood rtr»rt,M ot ,J. BARMn>%~> n-’
dacabtf | Iron City gtoyaWlfa Wpa; XfoTl3tWwdat.
b. Ltauff rT „ M „
« Glani
ivi m F*noy OotonrtaUSaWAKß, wd 4'eUen |V «ji
kind*of Wlsd6vOlu&PUft»,,VUU juWlotlleS.ViTrdti
b 01 *?"*“ «>4«;«ter rtweto, Httibaißh.'
Cl niMSBN, Mwor«Btarw or«Twr >nJfltT of Ti*la.
Jm Bottle* *ai mMawQtua l J m a
Clirei Bottles; J>emlJohlili«ia'Cwboy)i; AlAoyVllfit Gfau
b -° j ' -u 33
-~ih,^S. PAPEB ’ No ' 144 Wooi '<*«*» b<i i°w;
n./a8 T 1“ b ‘* h< “ prfc "> ln cash, paid for
- apgfojyfr
>ras«Wui. «w,ij_
‘ tl ”‘’ b * lwteti w *»« r “iwntiSSrffi
— 5 ‘ ' »plB
b* settled op by JCTsinarßllwrac vnt W« i* 1 ? wUI
celpt for all debts due said firm. "JOSHUAimnnP? **
Mtrcb 27th, ISfiA, _ SSfi
ntyUndgnudlUTctf,!. day- farm*} »
»Wp. undorthe name. flnnairiatyteof
DIRSO.N, for the rn
Confectionary bnflnett, Nfc Woid stmt ‘ 484
Pittsburgh, March STlh, 1853.' —*?’ J - ABDEEaON '
thbOcaibctlQnaijJbudnMii, i ohwr
foil/ rocotamendMeisrvßoymbr* Andersontony frichda
and coaiomera . JOSHUA Btfifflga
Plttaburgh,Ma«hSTth,JS3s. .... . *g£
2 PRIHOBB fiABHSfOII A COr hare wmovsd to No.
O 29J Liberty Btre6fc'. : : „
siautom Eoairtn.
V Coalers In Tool aadProdOSa fsnarally', N 0.295 Liberty
atmt, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap6
If s T>'V.--'« * -
•D. a. ECMias.
jjo. pmuiPA
Auer dMOTiblng the particular style two of which he
wanto for hie own nee—one Grand and one Square—he
**?£* °7’ of thelr “«>•«« qualities: 1
=SSS?S : ~-"“:
“ I remain, yours, respectfully,
B 8 they bare but lately been Introduced here ) Jnrt'othli
Xf&^Ts$ hl ‘ e, ‘ a °‘’ "*£S
Notice to Whom U JH»y Concrro
mHK PUBLIC SPRING BALKS of ileal £ tK 'e “t'
, cheater are now closed, and the Js«adlr.g »aem
rslrlycommenced. Every ciUaen or Rochester la busl.y em
plojoda Even SO or 40 new fiunWee who hero become c l“
Mna the preaent SprlDg. Cndconetantemployment; aud in
Afew days a hundred families more Mil bo reouired tocar
. rj on ihe work of the present Beacon.
,T he XtttMiihmtiit Is now near completion,
“P w ‘ ]i ” fu » operation in June. Several Care will (4
ready lor detiTory, by contruot, tbo Ist or July 1555
tJzfW tl .‘ rc “ Churches, In Rochester. will be con.
, tnaitd.ror Immediately, nnd numerous other Improvements
e requiring a great amount or mechanical
and other labor Independent of the Car Establishment
which will proaably employ from one to two hundred '
A prominent brlckmaker trom Pittsburgh hes just our
obaml nine large iota, and contracted to make unou them
forthwith 600,000 bricks Two gang, of hSndaTmmcnc.
wprk the present week, besides the olher yards heretofore
established In the neighborhood.
«ur aoM Cuamss ere already alive with workmen, aud
the road leading to them lined with teams “
P V « 7 y f atB - M. t. 0. GOULD.
anniitr?„. ,", ° U U hMi «» SOO to $lOO each; if
bfSr? f be . fore the 20 h May. These lots are twice t a
d,ylot! ' TIZ: «"*« »y 125, en“ the price
ei L^.eli 30 s root fron ‘- Th « Present reee ri
fn ° nd na ? n l (l ™nt profit of Ovid I‘lnhey c-ere.
Sl t M«^ a ‘ >f b 'S, borou sVrßooheeten also”
bought through »h n ®f»°2v IRr, * t ** c * rtDO » can Lr
&reaStf^lS^ BU^Bcri K r,kt K" at bßr * alns * and then.
irarThlrt.™ A S”“''J 0m» to No. 6:t MARKET ST,
B° g2
THOMAS WOODS, "5 Fourth itjmt.
. .. '• *• '«& i i.’t ,1
’S S, J a* »•
' ; 1
J. £i« Marihall,
(Successor to H. Lee.)
• If !No.QS9 Übtrty street, rutnburgh. Pa. * 1
/ftferencs—W. Mtlllntrctc-A Kramer A Uahm*
Brown a Klfhhatrldkr 'hlurpby, Tle>nan i & Co. ; ’
Plttflbqrgbe May 24, . ' •
i jtfMA, attci* C'Api, ■
-SJWfltlte Jfee attemlou .of our friends and
JJM the public .to.A BplendJd assortment cfUATS and
«^&°Awh»ch vo Are now epeolrg r or the Smnmer
trade, which for beauty, of stylo, excocdfl anjthlcc ever of
fered in the city, or west of the nionntaltifl.
" Aq>*-Call ana examine Ibr
fc • J. WILSON & SON,
H 9 91 Weed street, Pittsburgh
J- of “»m-mouaH novswv wobks, was
duglied by the death of Hr, Joes J, noents, on the llta
or Ma*ch last;’
The bn.toes, of the Not'ELTV irOIUISn 11l becontinned
JtJ all Its brAnem-s by the aoprjvlng partners, urder the
name and atvle or LITINQSTON, OQPELANI) A CO, vho
yfU! Also eettie up the alWnof the late flr«.
faiiv v « J - K MOORHEAD,
May 4,18&6. ] \V. D. COPKLAND.
40HS M CUa«T..-e OOBREUC3 ii’CLoaXXY,
: John lil’Cloiksy At Co..
If CHANTS, No. S 3 Wco.i street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Theeubecrlberareepeotfully inroimihelr old cuatomers
and i he public In general, that they hare th?a day cesocia
\^ U '^ n64JTo, *° ab<*e« busloeas, umlt-r th« firm cr
JOHN M'QrUBRAY A CO. They reaptctrully eolioit a share
of public patronage.
The prerlou* bublcen* of tach will be cetlled by them
eel tea respectively. • f e^j)
. • Boots ana Shoea.
•T M*I*AUGHLI N, No. 95 Fourto streat, nearly copoaite
V*t , ot,so ® M » iflmftnufMturl "B first
coots, Low Shoes, ties and bottomd; Coogreea and Button>
« Gaiters; Ladten*Bootr. Half Boots, Jenny Linda, Slip*
pore, and French-Lathing Dalle re. cf every color and abate
“WeS. 1 * aoi Palin °* iler «» of the b€<si materials MLsea
sod Cblldreo’a do., of every variety.
N. B.—All kinds made to order, on sl-ort notice. loulU
froldlcrs* Boaniy Lauda ana Claims
lUff,I Uff , *gam»t (government.
V-ILL procure Bounty Land Warrantt Tor cioUiere, their
Wldowi and Minor Children, and attend to business In
rececUy establish**! by Ccn<res3.
No. H 8 ThirJ ftreet, one doer aooye SmlthSeld st
March 10 185 A— (mhSO) CHAKLKB NAYLOR
Haw See*
JAMW WABDnOP often lo*gale CANARY QUIDS cf
tbe tndfit Improved treed, twing very hardy, &ml fine
Bird Seed*—Canary, Hemp, Millet, Hope ami mix
wlSead. will t efurnished composed of the ftu-at
FLOWERS, vu; Comeiiaa, Rose Bud?, IWiotrome, Ac
E?er<nwM (io pot?) for Christmas Ttw, from tm- Seed and
Horticultural Store, No. 49 Fifth at, nnxr W«M.
Boonty jbivntl i.
fT'HK undersfgned cootioims to obtain Bounty land Wnr-
JL rant?. The preaent bill gfroa to ail who have rerred la
any war elate 1790, ICO acre*. Terra* moderate.
LUKE COCKBIIOOT, S 7 Diamond alley,
between Wood st. and Diamond.
CoM 'Work* for gale*
SIXTY TIIBEU AOEKBOP LlN'D.vlth 2&0 acres of Coal
attached) and ail the improvements thereon in success
fttl operation. Bali Farm ta altuatrd on the M noogaheli
river, 64 miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplied with a
I arm House, Barn, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Baihoad, oxd
an excellent harbor.
• The rein of Coal U five feet thlch, anJ cannot be surpass
ed tn quality. For farther particulars apply to
kxiudiTioN iiooai
And Agency for tlio Purchase and Salo of Patent
Rights and Patemod Articles
A’o 60 Fourt'i ,: • ,-/i, /*, u -/,
rft l,nre R^'i lifting with r
Mu3bB F. EATON, and have co h.*liatl-.T. ia rrerjm
mending him, to All who may wish to rmpiov hu services,
«f aiidoubted lou-^rifj- aodiajtf&McaW lt»-
ao*trj, in whose eiertiont ct.-i rw reliance m»r t-« . .' uri? <
Nerllie D. Crtig. k. KchSn-*m *.r r
W. a. I>snnj, J.hi. Grshr.ia.
J&mee Wood, H. C hild* A Co
P. B Friend, N. Holmes & £„d«
Knap A Wed«», Kramer Allabm,
Wm. Pldllljw, i. k. Uringeton.
Wilson MCanilcs*. \r,., F. J^hn«kn.
A W. liootnl*, Andrew Fult-'n
Piltaburgh, NoTetnbcrCTth, l&Zi
TWrlU** CIa»MS-DulTi Cullcrt.
118 Oentlianen and laHm’ D*y and Writing
irlil coatiaije opon Juriaji the cunuvrr under
, i , lilolu ‘ s w * ,tf " wlous eljlM of Ou'ntiwnan acd
L«dln« Writing an> to uniTersaUr admired. No
o» Penoantihlporr* exhibited at the door but those routed
bj the Teacher in the InKtituUon. The » v iin .*» P ai claim* no
** monopoly “ nor “ pat- 1 t "/ar hi- L«wiD*M, nor did ha set
hli InstitUtiuD chodt.-rM I t*ll oul, a* lim U-.», r.*T«>surdlr
done la thlacity. * - .1 n p«»*<Miy
Gentlemen and rerfi*>' Visiting Cards vrV>a in Mr
WUUamV uncalled «ylo. Ail k'.sd- of Ornamental Pm
manthlp giMutad to order. mrililau
1 Near InuiTigeucr OtHcr. " .
»obflcrloer h*s j ant*-d an INTPLLf.IL\rv
at liberty strict, in ibe wt?il knii;*n !
J °s n and** hr ba< l«rt> i
txplAring Age&tfor the ileo'c liSMerccMrof Kit*- :
bnrgh for nearly two year*, he i>attrr» his i
knowledge of th. city and iu rlUtea. *tre s him *rrat rue.'.; ;
ti»# In furnishing housekeepers i»n ax.: tJ«c m on ’
log place* fer boye,girls and all o:h«?r* Minins nini-'vmm'r I
The patronage of the public- i, *o!l< Ur-d Trriu, t Jy, ,uj
etery effort used to glre general e*tl»f-.:iir,n.
AVE ON II AND. at th*tr extensW- CITITNFT at.!
CHAIR MANUFACTORY, Jin M.• ,t '" ! »t J
large assortment of Faery and PUm Farm' a r..'whi-t
th»y rill tell 13 per cent. below cuivm r.,:,-. ’
Tertaa—caah opiy. * d., 2“ \j
fft Wm. Br'Steveneon - continueVminur.-
CABINET WABE or «*my l\ h*.,
MWold eun-l, corarr of Liberty and breath street*
Clxarlea Barnett^
mn< and commodious UrDk shop r. t , Ch.*rrr M ’;„*
betweeQ Third anil Fourth streets, \ih<r« he U -L,.'.'
g v ? >U worn In 1,1. Un. „Hh ,h.
lon * Mperieure l D the t>u<tn*a,., he re«pS.»tfol»T
BOllclta the o« hi* old cummers and J,
generally. ■
Made by
THE PUBLIC of Pittsburgh aoJ Allegheny UrcsLec*.
fUllj Inrlte-3 to cal} at tb** Mosjc Store V***—
Of tho subeditors, Wo. CS FJIfTII ST, Bnd6g£n7gSg]fl
examine a superb CFcSSaSyKcf
Pall Grand Plano, prtoc slooo.™ • a! (7 V
Prom Ou Factory or NUNnti * OisaK, N«tr Vortr. Tht.
elegant lnttramcnt is made in the ■■ i.LIZAItitTH ra •:
UrTLE," the ornamente, rront plecea and leg. um s elabo
rateif carved oat oftSOUD ROSEWOOD It la fall eeatn
ootJVW, of the largest dime onion., end, lo point oi volume
potter, and liquid ewetlnoee of tone, te pronounced alct.'
gather unsurpassable.
.. T . h V. ub " nlMr ' ! ' m b ° h *ppy to receive the tblte of
‘I" 1 P ublic to general, and M.o.rth-m
through their elegant Daw establishment.
filgn i f the Otldeo Harp
No. f>3 Fifth
fiprlDg'btock af Hamburg f*lax>osl
m w »*
II filfl Tbe . lUmb , Dr « ifinoa are undoubtedly
And outers, trbn bavo tile a cotmamly In their own nee,
T,ie m °™°s h •»
'• •
';jv. 4 y.
2«£rv .■ -
kVU' v
■* »
‘ s V\ v YS' , V f v
No. wili Liberty street.
Cnplul. 5300.000
Amount nucuroly Inrented .... 9300,000
, I' l | l l l^vl oC, n P *? V ' ff ' CU lim Insßrnnco rn Buildings,
1 Uood. . Fnrnt urn, Ac. Msrino ln«u.»n« on V«m»£
C«r 8 o snj Freight. Inltnd InEurtnM on Uoodt, by Rlyertu
LnktJ, C»n«ti, lUllresds, .nj LraJ Carrl.g. wnsm'l?
>rm',. IC,Ut ‘ C “ opon Ll, “' Dpon “>» f»»orabl«
r*'V27. l*f
th * Compiny la cf Ui» Ora! oi«n,
«TuS &£££* OBtt * o * l " rlrtl M. ;
° f f l ,” T ,* t “ 1 S, * D<lln * »■» ■MOCIoItJ In lu
mana,-rm«ut, nnj Intarwtad u HtooUwldon.
THOMAS J. IXU.NTJsa, A rant,
Bt. Chirlej Handing. No. 103 Third sL
! OMssji'sjEs^srjiis &%■.
"It* Countr, 5-.- miles from PlttaburirU. 7 ' 7
<- a aoj after the of AuirtLEt, tbs Trains nf »x„ pit*,
burjli ebJl CoanelltTlll. Railroad will 1» run bat.aan lb«
."j lollowi?'* ' W ' 7 ' l “ IC ” Pt e " OJj J , '>»i until further notice,
A'll” J'!' Elation at half past 0
.Rh M i’b } WMt N ' wton “ • 35 : conn««ln g
msburah a. h noo"‘ ' U,,m ' r ™-*
52 °' i,ock ' °~ n; - ri7 -
<r ion *• 8 °' d “* a -
£»*«»»„,*» .t 0.« r. M., and
Cc"i^„."^d“cX t to B i , n h th “ T » to * “ l *»
Th« .L-amer CLARA HSUER will lanro Pittsburgh «r
--O' .renin*, ( Bnndapa) at half-past 1 „S? e Z.
clr-dp, lo connect ssltb tbe Trains as abor. ’ prfr
t IUHQHT will be tranaport&l each war dallt Far r
"St W«t N.w t »° ALD r^ Es a; AMbtie fcpfriSt?n"
eat.WMt Newton, or to W. TaOMPSOJf, Prabrhl Awnt.
ou boarU the steamer CUr* ftdbw, at her whas?abo„ t h* Bridge OIIvP.S
17 1 President and Bup.rlntend.nt-
Bargain* m Watcbaa, Clock! * Jew«i7*
s2*. m llD ® '£ tlr lu 8» «nd Mrelully Btln-
etoc k of Fin# Watch?., Clocks, ahdriai Gold
t£ t ns“tSiV E “ t * r “ “* Daf ‘ otorta to* f« »~k£rot
Watch»ii cir*£} Pll f h T Btrc f f ’ “**t door to Wood.
mSTerVrS'S^Sil" - *»*•**
— jyany
Oorntr of SmlthlUld and Third .treete.
JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor,
“■ ° f •S-S3ES
Tjy anted— 0
. 160 ACRE WARRANTS, by.
)»)8 0*»l«r In W>rr»ntA flto<ik«, *o., 0? Pnnrth •
W Co-Partnership. —
ALTSB P. MARSHALL uaocl.tod with him, on th«
2d day of Jnly .JOB. B. ITOOHEB, In. tha W.U
rup<r badness, uflder the name of * u
A wnuuifa LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet h*
A 100. A good bargain can be bulby applying eoon at
tb« offl™ of the MORNING POBT. P ll
Loc for Sale.
A GOOD BUILDING LOT,'24 feet front on Careon m***
by 100 feet In depth, in iilrmlni»hnm. be aolj
ene.p Lmjulra of QiSO.TTG iLLiiORK.
jTls >t office of the Morning p ofl t.
„ . PAID UP.
y-J«Ujr 1, 1855,.-5833,330 03.
I wWIiNUB to make Insurance on all ceaoripUona of
property at equitable rates. Thh Company have
maintained a position for boonrablo dealing for 30 years,
and is unsurpassed for responsibility azxd punctuality by
any other similar Institution In the United Btafca Bernf.
annual statement of the condition of this Company on Qle
lu this office, tbr the examination of the public.
M U. B..TKSi.ByCK, Agent,
twice, Northwest corner Fifth and Wood streets. Pitta.
Jyg4 ■
___ M. Lemoa ft Co,'s yVay JLinc,
cwjTfl . rRE undersigned haying purchased
port of l) Leech AOo.’s Canal fitoofe,
j£«&*£afikl)|3Us9 are prepared to do a WAY SBEIOQT
BUSINKBfi het#een this place and Colombia, All business
entrusted'to ourcare wQI bo promptly attended to by us,
at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech 4 Co .
Canal Basin. LLOYD 4 LESION,
n The Magaxlnes for August:
roLerson's Magaiine for August;
iiailoa’B do
York Jonrywtl do
l>iekk»Da’ Household Words for August;
ilio Ileirewr of IJaughton, or the Mother's Secret •
?> ry "£ ni lon, or Revelations of a life:
* Woffington.
chf»n°n^!L t ? e new Hot'ks Of Magaelnee, edl'or earnl to the
clieap^Book.for. of w. A. 01 LDKNMWt? ET * «>"
—— Firth lit., opposite the Theatre
!, h ; foot m »»»-
jy*-o 1
' •*- w. BCTLBB k CO.
S ]«2O N_l U, “ Ba P'rt“r
1 HKNRI 11. 00LUN8.
ADWrt^ oBoo ! Wttmnw, ob taa cs* Of calovxl
__ Honrs from. UA. M. to'4 P. M.
GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acuta or
AV Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and
Borofuloua, Weeping ot Watery lives, are .amona
the dlseasea of tho eye which are treated by Dr. H. with
perfect eatls&ctlon.
1 *?^ 8 ! 8 ot tile E®* treated upon acienUflo principles,
Darted witbont an operation,
iui letters post-paid wifi sec ora prompt attention.
We select the following references from among the thou
n^mLren* 8 * 3 6Te auccwdfuUy treated by Dr.
Wm. J. Fryer, B2C-S Broadway, Albany, N. V.
•Allred South wick, Printer, *• "
tJ- Goodspeed, Qlen* Falls, ti. Y.
•Wm. W. Smith, Detroit. Mich.
•Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson. New York City, N. Y.
IMias Maty Bellows. N. B.HtaUon, Duchess co., N. Y.
•Edward U. Bolgtr, Bristol, Conn.
•John Seamsn. Engineer, N. Y.
David Little, Engineer, N. Y.
• B. QUea, office Courier and Bna., N. Y.
1 James W. Kirby, Brooklyn U I.
Jarvis Dodgers. ** *♦
A* IV Telegraph Operator, St. Nicholas notel.
It. M. Ferries, Organ Baliusr, Houston St,
ft. B. Doolittle, M. D, Hudson, N. Y.
Mrs. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. I.
M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Trov N Y
R. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. r *
A. Dlllenbach, Schenectady, N. Y.
Ospt. B. IL Havlland, Athens, N. Y;
John W. Hackett, Binghamptcn, N. Y.
w ,°™ Ulna, aolhtd to be I*l to th.offl».
t pi^i£ur» lratlon Di tWO w ™“ tt«y could go .bool th« city
• •Xhaee caaes of Acuuroals were restored to sight after
tbej were given op u Incurable by the faoalty. and can be
referred to by any person who wlahe* to learn the facta In
these cast*, by writing to them. JanJ
Pittsburgh Dollar Saving* Institution,
A’a 68 JlwH i tras, ’
T 8 NOW OPEN dally from 9to 2o’clock! also, on Wed
i nejday and Saturday oreninga, from 7 to 8 o’clock
Deposits recalred of oil toms not less than One Dollar
and a dJrMand (rfthenroßta daolafed twice a year. In Jane
I h ' ru6t fe3,for the purpoeeof furthering
the bdneTolent ohjects of tbojnatltutlon, Un entered Imf
d. RUI < ‘ bo “’ thoreb J BWlug additional eecurlty to
Clurter >By-Uwe,Balesand Itego
lat-ons, o«ce-
IZopewell Llepbnro,
George li. White,
WHIUm P. Jobnatoo,
James \V. Hilip«n )
Alexander DradJer,
William Phillip?,
John 1L Bboeaberger,
Charles Knapp,
N. Grattan Mnrphy,
Theobald Umbataetrer,
Isaao M. Psnnock,
William J. Anderson.
_ . „ racsnra:
Da ? 1I0, “ n ' J»me« tlerjman,
' John M. Kirkpatrick
A'b«rt Colbertoon, John D. M'CorJ,
Robert Chralar Ho Pert Morrow,
J.aardlper Coffin, Walter P. Mar-hall,
Alodio A. Carrier, a. M. Pollock,
sssr&esf 1^
George K QUlmore, Jomea Shidlr, ’
J«mMS. Hooo, George 8. Balden,
William 8. iiaeam Aloiander Tlndle.
&mlary and Trrasnrer — CHAßLE3 A. CLLTO.N
Insurance Company,
Uod. Thomas D. Floronca, Jam* K. Ne»U
TW. V. Middleton, k. r. HelaboW,
M “W,* ***»■ a
Tbonia* Uan<lerfl«ld t Lewh
nr. TUOM * B “• FUJRHNCE, Prr»W«nt.
Kiwaro R. nttireoLr, Secretory.
Ilf'S. T. M. Howrt,
!t'*a. I*. C. ShiinDPD,
Uoa. J. R. M'ClinUv'k,
Col. 8. W. Black,
jL ulKrle ’ ’ A. D Ji’Calmont. E*q,
’ J Kp ?. nan ’ b Hi WUuon M*CV»«<Um 5| &, ,
K U U “ J
1COJ1;<li ' t '. L ' s vtll^
[From the Angaat number of Putnam’s sleg»zlne.J
my lost youth.
ol il n I lhll>!; ° r the beautiful town
That is seated by'the eea;
Often In thought go up and down
The pleasant streets of that dear old town.
And my youth comes 1 ack to me
And a Terse of a Upland eon*
Is haunting my memory still •
A A** 3 */ 0 wind’s, WUI,
And the thoughts of youths erelong, loo? thoughts.”
1 ran see the ehadnny linoa of Its treee
And catch, in sudden gleams, ’
Tha sheen or the far surrounding asas
! U» Uesperldes ’
Of all my boyish dreams:
And the burden of the! oM eon*.
It murmurs and whispers still:
“ A boy’s will- is the wind’s will
And the thoughts of youth are loag.lang thoughts."
I blMk whaWend the Mips,
And them tides tossingft««: - f ’
And Bp«nlsh Pallors with bearded llpi
And the beauty-and mystery ol thaahipe.
And the ma le of theses. **
A nd the voice of. that wayward bom
I» singing *ud saying atfll;
. ‘‘•^ l bo > ,g W *U Js the wind’d will,
And tha thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.”
1 r T a !f£ l *S th ® baJ wartoi by the shore,
And the fort upon the hill;
The sun-rise gun, with its hollow roar.
The drum beat repeated o’er and o’er.
And the bugle wild and shrill
And th» music of that old rod*
Throbs in my memory still •
. ‘', A . 1 b °y’“ »“• i* the wind', will.
And tho thoughts or youth ere loig, long ihooghts"
I remember the sea-fight fkr away.
IJow It thundered the tide!
And the dead ceptaJna, as they Uy *
“J;V e,r o»«rleofcing the tranaull h*r
Where they la batiledled. ' ’
And the eouut o« that mournful song
Goes through me with a thrill - b
** A boy’s will Is the wind’s will,
And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts ”
IBc . e l . h * breezy dome of a rotes.
* Sf veering’s Woods?
And the friendships old and early loves
, ° uo ' l - “ of
And the Torso of thet sweet old Bong
It cutters and murmurs still • "*
“A boy's will bs the wlnd'o will'.
And the thoughts of yonth in long, long thoughts.”
I remember the gleams and glooms that dart
A cro aa the schoolboy's brain;
The song andsllence In the heart.
That in part are prepheelee; and In part
Are lontlngs wild and vain.
And thi voice of that fitftil song
81ngs on, and Is never still:
“ A boy** will U the wind’s will,
And the thoughts of youth sre long, long thoughts'*
Tber® are thing* of which 1 may not sneak •
There are dreams that cannot dl»; *
Tbewars thoughts that make the strong heart weak.
And brings a pallor Into the cheek. *
And a mist before the eye.
And the words of that fatal song
Oome Cretan like a c&Ql; v
. “A boy ‘* W l 1 U lb ® wind** trill, .
And the thooghu of youth are longing thoughts.”
stianito to ms CO* ora th« forms I me»t
Wood I Tiult that dear old tows j
Bat th« nails® air is pare and «we*t,
AD «' , . t ,h* ‘IT,’ lh,t °och ,o|| known otr«t!
As th®y balance up and down,
Ar® tlD|(io.<* thu beautiful *oa*
Ar® elghlntf and wbisrtrlug B UU •
“ A bor'e win is the wind's will.
And the thoughts of youth are long, long thought*."
And Docrlng'e Wood* are fresh and u(r,
And with Joy that h almost pain
My heart goes bark to wander there,
And among the dreams ©f days that were,
I find my lost youth again.
And the etrange and beautiful son-’
The grores are repeating still: ° ’
“ A boy's will Is the wind’s will
And tbs tbonghts of Tonlh ore loig, long thoughU."
(froa tb< Uule f l!r Aiisjhl’
Early in me spring, when vegetation
began to cover the earth with its verdure,
but before a single leaf was on the tree or
the primroses were in flower, a poor girl
went out with a basket on her arm to rath
er nettles. The caltaus and the enrdam
mes were still sleeping on their soft win
ter covering underground, and had not yet
ventured out in their vellow and black
summer clothing, and Karin—for such was
the lute girl’s name—passed the places
where they grew, and went out in
search of nettles.
Not far from the stone wall of the
church-yard shone n largo green spot. It
was a bed of nettles. Karin, well pleased,
began eagerly to gather, and the strongest
of them stung her fingers. It was jus°t as
if they said, Will you let us alone?” and
the girl had no other way of replying than
by thrusting them, willing or unwilling,
into her basket. 6
Karin blew upon her smarting fingers
and the wind blew also. The sun shone!,
and the lark began to sing. While she
stood listening to the song of the lark, and
warming herself in the sunshine, she saw
a beautiful butterfly.
“ Why that’s the very first!” exclaimed
tvarm; what sort of summer shall I have
this year? Let me see—black and gold
en red.—sometimes sad and sometimes
merry—first one, and then the other. Yes.
very likely. Sometimes 1 shall go to bed'
without any supper,perhaps; but still gath
er flowers and ride in the hay-field; as 1
did last year, no doubt.”
She laughed ns she remembered all that
pleasure, and jumped for joy.
The butterfly stretched out his shim
mering wings, fluttered up and down in
the sunshine, and then alighted bn a nettlei
There was something on the nettle already
like a shrivelled,away leaf; the sun shone
upon it, and it began to move, two little
eaves shot out, and the leaves changed in-
l P f, n ' Vln & 8! Behold—it was anoth
er butterfly just crept out of the chrysalis,
and benumbed with cold of the nightf Now
it had received life, and what joy t The
two butterflies must have been old friends now met again. They danced round
and round each other; played at hide and
seek; swung round in circles, waltzed in
the sunshine and were very merry.
One, two, three 1 and one of the butter
flies flew aloft and over a budding hedge
mto a garden; the other alighted to rest,
on a netLle. On that, Karin crept softly
up to it, and took possession both of the
butterfly and the nettle at the same moment,
and then spreading her red-checked hand
kerchief over the basket into which she
had put them, went home, full of joy.
The nettles were bought by the old
Countess, who lived in the town, and who
was very fond of nettle-porridge. Karin
received a silver sixpence for them; and
with this in her hand, the butterfly in her
basket, and two large ginger bread cakes
which the good Countess gave her, she has
tened to the .little dwelling where her moth
er and her little brother were awaiting hpr.
There waa great rejoicing over the silver
sixpence, the two cakes of gingerbread,
and the butterfly.
But the butterfly did not seem to be as
much pleased with the children as they
were with it. Neither could it eat any of
the gingerbread, nor yet 'anything else
which the children offered if, but kept flut
tering restlessly against the window panes,
and when, now. and then, it rested itself,
moved in and out its long beak or tongue,
as if seeking for something, but never
seeming to find anything which it liked,
and then again it flutteredabout and struck
- 1819.
nr ri. w. uirtGFsuow.
'~ t * r ;v -*>.■• , *
i‘4 wings so violently against the window
- panes'and ceiling, that Karin was quite dis
tressed. The butterfly could not he con
__ “.It certainly wants to go out,” thought
Karin; “ it certainly must have a home and
food somewhere, which it does not find here.
And so thinking, she opened the window.
Ah,'how joyfully the butterfly then (lew
out into the free, fresh spring air ! how'
happy it seemed to be! Karin rushed out of
the house to see which way it went. It
wentoverthe wall, in the direction of the
church-yard,jwhich was not very distant,
from Karin’s home.
The little yellow, star-like flowers, which
led jin'! Sweden spring-garlic, or
morning stars, were now come into bios
3ome, and into the small cups of these
flowers.tiie.butterfly dipped its longprobos
cis, and sucked out their Honeyed juice; for
almost all flowers, have, in the depth of
their cup, a drop of sweet, delicious juice,
which God has provided, and of which in
sects, bees, bumble bees, and butterflies,
with many others, are fed. After having
thus refreshed itself, the butterfly flew to
the nettle bed on the bank, and among the
great coarse nettles which had stung Kar
in’s fingers, there were now, she observed,’
other nettles which had just put forth three
beautiful littie white flowers, in little
whirls of garlands round their stalks, some
of which were now fully blown. The but
terfly stuck its long tongue iuto these
white dead nettle flowers—for these are
called (dead nettles,) because they do not;
sting—and caressed it with its fluttering
wings, as a happy child caresses a kind
“ Now the little butterfly has got home,
and to those whom it loves !” thought the
good little Karin, and she was glad that she
hnd given it its liberty.
Summer came. 'The children played
under the lime trees, by the church yard,
and under the large willow tree, which
scattered dow upon them the loveliest yel-.
low catkins, which they called goslings,
and played at tending, and from the stems
of which they cut whistles. The pine and
spruce-fir trees blossomed, and gave them
“ sheep and calves” to play withv : They
drank to one another from the dew drops
which filled the leaves of the wild mignon
ette, and which are called “dew cups,” or
“The Virgin Mark’s Hand,” as well as
out o( the small purple rimmed cups of the
cup moss which grew upon the dark, crag
gy ro-k’fo
Karin now g.i! iicreil flowers for sale.
Mettles wcii' quite over, but still the net
tle butterfly fluttered gaily nround them.
One day, Karin saw one setting upon a leaf,
as ifquite aged and tired, and when it flew
away, she saw that a small, greenish egg,
lay upon the leaf, just where the butterfly
had alighted. She carefully marked
both the nettle and the leaf.
For a time, Karin forgot the nettles, and
it seemed an if the butterfly had forgotten
them also, for it wa3 seen no more. Other
larger and still more beautiful butterflies
now fluttered proudly abovelhem. There
was the magnificent Apollo butterfly, with
large white win-3, marked with scarlet
eyes; there was the Antiope, with its beau
ttlul blue hand of beads on the edge of its
dark velvet wings; and, still more lovely
than all the little blue, shining Zephyrine,
and many others. Karin gathered flowers’
and rode on the hay wagon in the hay field;
nevertheless, it frequently happened that
both she and her little brother were oblig
ed to go supperless to bed. But in that
case, their father played to them on his
violin, and then they forgot that they were
hungry, and slept sweetly, fed, as it were,
with music.
One day, when Kurin passed by the net
tles, she stood and looked at them. They
had begun somewhat to droop, and she per
ceived small, green caterpillars, like what
are called cabbage caterpillars, eating the.
nettle leaves as eagerly as the old Count
ess had taken her nettle porridge in the
Spring. She saw them busy upon the 1
very nettle which she hod carefully mark- 1
ed, and the leaves of which were almost
wholy devoured by thegreen catterpillars, '
and Karin thought to herseirthat these 1
must be the butterfly’s children. And so !
they were in truth; they were hatched
from its eggs.
“Ah,” thought Karin, “if my little •
brother and myself, who nearly eat up all
that our father and mother caih get, could
only be butterflies and feed ourselves, how '
nice that would be !”
Karin broke off the nettle on which her
butterfly had laid its eggs, and wrapping
it m her little red checked handkerchief,
took it home with her. By the time she
had reached home, however, all the little
creatures had crept away, excepting, one,
which sat quite still, and seemed inclined
to make itself easy and very much at home.
Karin placed the nettle in a bottle of wa
ter, and gathered every day fresh nettle
leaves for the caterpillar, which grew lar
ger and larger, and seemed to thrive ex
tremoly well. And the children, Karin
and her brother, had great pleasure in this,
creature, and wondered how large it really
would grow, and when its wings would
make their appearance.
One day, however, it seemed to be un
easy, and as if it were sleepy. It would
not eat any more, and seemed to become
weak, and as if it were ill.
‘‘ Oil,’’ said the children, “ it will certain
[y die; w ‘ li »0 butterfly, after all:
How li resume ! v
That was in the evening. In the morn
ijlg, they found, to their astonishment, that
the caterpillar had spun around itself a
sort oi web, within wuieh it lay, but no
longer a green, moving worm, but a stiffi
brownish chrysalis. The children softly
removed the web; it was contained in a
sort of busk.
It is dead,” they said, “and now lies
in its little coffin.’,
“But I will keep it,” said little Karin,
because it has been so long with us I
feel as if 1 loved
Karin laid it upon the soil of a little pot
in which a balsam was growing, and which
stood in the window. That was now to be
its grave.
Jhebng winter came, mid with it a
great deal of snow. The children leaped
about barefoot, even in. the snow. I'he
little boy took cold ; it grew worse and
worse, and became a very bad cough. Noth
ing did him any good; he became paler
alld paler, and at length quite lost his ap
petite. Ife could not eat anything, but
lay, wearied and weak, very much as the
bntterfly-caterpillar had lain before it be
came a chrysalis.
L Theanow melted; thesunof Aprilahone,
but the little boy ployed no more in its
+ v >- t^ J - .• '•-2K- 9
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" " *»?* months ls 0®
" Oil months _... : ' ; '
*; ° a ®7esj. * * -fa oft
a • ndl oßOft^d > fi i ii p4 r 10 00,
One sqnnre, per annum, (mlasiT. 01 jj w
pleasant beams. His sister went
as she had done the former Spring, to lath!
er nettles and wild flowers, but no longer
with a merry heart. ' °.
When she came home she brought flbw-
I ers to please the sick boy, as he laid in bed.
But, one evening, ,when she returned, he'
lay.cold and stiff', with closed eyes.
He was dead. He wad laid in a smalt
black coffin, and carried to the church yard,
where he was lowered into a grave, and the
good clergyman read the burial service
over him, and earth was cast upon his cof
fin. Karin was so dejected, and broken
hearted that she could not-listen to the
sweet words of' consolation, and the resur.
rection from death which, were read,, , ~ ....
Karin knew only that her brother was.
dead ; that lie never again could play with:
her; never more..would be with lier for her
to love, or. for him to love heir. She wept
whenever she thought how.pretty and how
good he was, She went weeping to the
great- willow tree, and gathered itsgoldeii,
fringed catkins, and took them, with otheiy
flowers and young -leaves, and scattered
them upon his grave. She sat upon his
grave for hours.
One day she took the pot with the bals
am from the window, and thought to her
self, “ I will plant it on his grave, mid the
butterfly—chrysalis shall be laid in the
grave with him.”
She wept bitterly andsaid, “Mother tells
me that my little brother -lives still, and is
happy with God. Hut l saw them sink
tbe.coffin which held him into the grave.
How, then, can he have come out from it ?
No,, no —lie is dead, even as the buU
terfly chrysalis is dead, I shall never see ,
either of them more-!”
Poor Karin sobbed bitterly, and wiped
away her tears with one band, while upon -
the other lay thechrysalis. The sun shone
upon it. It lay thus upon, her hand for a
long time, while, she sat upon the grave,
the warmth of tho sun’s rays penetrated
the shell of thechrysalis: there-wasa strong
movement within behold? ii living
insect crept hastily forth, which cast offits
shell as a hbman being would cast off a
garment, add it remained' free ahd flutter
ring on her Hand. In a • few - moments,
wings began to grow' upon its shoulders.
The child -gazed at it with a throbbing ...
heart. She saw the wings become larger,
and take color and brilliancy from the rays
of the Spring euri; she saw the new born
butterfly move itself heavily, and attempt
to fly upon its infnnt wings. She recog- ■
nized the nettle butterfly.
At length it raised .itself upon its wings
for flight, and fluttered round Karin’s hes,
and then flew forth over the flowers of the
meadow. An unspeakable sentiment of
joy filled the soul of Karin, and she said :
“ The shell of the crysalis is broken, and
the worm within has received wings; even
so. then, my little brother also has become
freed from his covering of clav, and is now
anjmgel with God!”
That night she dreamed that she saw her
brother and herself, with joy-beaming eves,
borne aloft on the fluttering wings of but
terflies, far, far away from their wretched
little dwelling, out among millions of bril
liant stars, and the stars become fragrant
flowers, tbcTich, honeyed juices of Which
supplied them with food, and above them
un unspeakable glory, and sweet and glo
rious music pealed around them. She
heard again the very music which she had
heard on earth, in her poor home, when
they had been hungry, and her father
had played on his violin to her and her lit
tle brother—but now it was much more
beautiful; it was so overpoweringly beauti
ful, indeed, that; Karin awoke.
A rosy light filled the chamber; the crim
en of morning filled the East, and.the
sun arose like a large, bright, divine eye,
looking down in love on the earth, calling
forth all things by hjs power. °
Karin wept no more. She hnd receiv
ed a vast and wonderful joy into her bosom.
And w lien she again passed the nettles,
and saw the little caterpillars crawling
upon the leaves, she said softly to them
- “You will one day have wings, you little
crawling creatures. You knownot how
glorious : a futureis before you !” ;
«T KENNEDY, of Bortury, las discovered m one
of our common pattxre imtdi a remedy that cares
From the worst Boroftula down to e common plmp',e.
He ban tried it In over-1100 casee, and never Med eieept
In two cases, (both thunder humor). He has now in hts
possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, aU
within twenty miles of Boston.'
Two bottlesare warranted to cure a nursing sore raomb.
One to three bottles will enre the worst kind of Pimples
on the face.
Two to threo bottles will dear the system of Bllea. ■
Two bottles era warranted to cure the worst Canter In
the Mouth end Btomoch.
Three to Are bottLeu are w»rraßted to cur* tbs worst tow
of Erysipelas.
Ono to tiro bottles ore warranted to care »11 Humor la
the Kyea.
Two' bottles ate warranted to euro Running of tbo Eva
afid Blotches among the Heir.
Four to ali 'bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt iqd
Running Ulcers.
One bottle will core Scaly Eruption of the Bkio.
Two to three bottles are warranted to core the wont cue
of Ringworm...
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the moat dee
perate case of Rheumatism.
Three to tout bottles are warranted to cure the Salt
frlve to elght.bottles will cure Jho.worst,case otSerofa!* -
A benefit fa always experienced ftuta the first bottle ami “
a perfect cure ia warrant*! Whan the above nnlnlife £ i .
taken. ..... H Ul " 11
Reeder, I peddled over a ihounnd bottles hf'thlatnf ill
vicinity of Boston. I know the efiem oMri* *** .
Bo icn u water will eitlngulsh Bre, no mre wlluSZ
humor. I never sold a bottle of it iiut that sold ■
.Iter a trial, It alwoya speaks for ltaell Th„„ ' h 11
thluwahout this herb that appear to me
that It grows in our pastures, in some DlaoMvmTinriwt;
till, sod yet Its Talus has never been ' '
E£“ ,u that it shouw^^k^ef
$ ,? T 0 or sadden rise and past
th « discovery, I,will state that In April, 1853,
18s?'r Si I' and Eo!<l ( . about s‘i bottles per day—ln April,
Ul .° u, ' md bott! “ ferdsyof In .
tsome o, the wholesale druggl«ts,.uha have been In busi
ness twenty ajulthlrty years, say that nothing Inlh. annsU
of patent medicines was ever like It. Thtre is a anirerwd
praise of It from all quarters. •:
In my own practice I always kept It strictly for humors,
but since lb) Introduction'as a general family medicine, -
great and ,won<lerfnl virtues have been found in It that i.
never aaspected;
Several caseaof epileptic flto—adlsee*© whJofrwaa always
oonridered Incurable—have cured by aiew bottles. O '
what a mercy if It wiH proTe effectnal in all casea of tfcat
awful malady; there *r# but few who have eeen rnoreoi
ll than I have. -'v
• I know of several ca«es of Dropsy, ail of them aired
pie, rured by It. For tlierttrlonsdlaeaseacftho Uvct ffS : ' •
ioadnebe, Dyspepsia, Af-tLma, Fever and Ague. Pain iL *>£
Hide. Diseases of the Hplue, and particularly In Dlaealiavf ‘
the kidneys, Ac.,the <iis*mryfiaa.donnmoiw gond^° f -t
any medicine ever known. gooa ifc* a .
Mo change of diet ever necessary. the Wo»
and enough of IV - ~ 5 youget,
IKrcctiont fa Cfe.— Addlta, one table g&irfnr
hlanufactared by ..
A’b.l2oTOirr<n*t.»ftrli«r y ,'2f im; ’
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