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Vs«':»:.^-*i;.^ v v ; «*? »’ *•> ’ '::\vi , -l v^wsi Jt.PifeW-’lVii i: ■..:;.■;i^KS; ?ipi x o% ;S/iK i^i -+. 1 --T-rCi't.•C.v - *.' ri''.!:« l s>;‘ ; *iAjK'i''''! : Ss‘- PSSliSili^^^ kv 3- g,ff ? - ' l ~ 1 i''-,' • ;. : .".V : > "'-"]c-- frs r'.^ tie?-; 1 j; vr’.-*^V*^l^Jt4 U 1 Tv•'•*' { li.' t ; ..V'.^'t. 1 '- *‘ £ '- i( Jr; ;K '-' •' •. -A ; -1;J. !M‘'-'''r , s ■ N'V.-* 5V’ •*..• ••.* : ■?> -■ ? .. \ '' v • *». •» : J'»' .:. '> r..*’ JcJ-^: : nrS; ov/:0- • ’ "*i*?*.»' , ivV,.' -•'.•• . £ : • t*. *- / .•'•■.••-.■; ■ j*> r - • i i- •’. »**. ' .••’• i; { r •■' - ■' ■ v' V ,; •; sn l iwip.M-''vt-> • * 5J4 ’.-V'•4:-- , --' i .' --f- -,’■ . 1 ■,-,,-. f p;'*, '-*-' - .r- .- I*■ ■■'*- . , 1 ;.•> .» - - • '.i.. t'ei-.'Z. s .' :-r-r«."» 54, v-/,f •-'-: O ‘ - I ', <*- '. • .«-■*: . ;-_si r-.-n ’,' k >•*'-. f .. f -•,-.* 4,r «■ *<4 «y ‘\iO"--' V>Xk ? t"o •' ■f;« V, t. V ESE iI- - ; r ; ■ _ \i. _ ’ 't . - < .. » * .'- N.»~....7v. ”V\ : - "«V V 1 - 1; >rl ■r; -vi- '-Cy . ' * a '~i\A V-■v r . * •• ■ , _ *■.: c-r y- ;'u" -• t •• i .'V- £• :^:r.h - - • ,'T.S.;.^ v ; * *' =ME '-A l /; Cr-i ? ->Y . I * ; I-■ «.-.V/ r *v.V>V C-- V V £ ' ' y ''..'y '■ ’ * ■;N.rHa^* : :vV£i.'-'.Pi;:^’-'' a *r ';•: r -• V .: ; -.S “• ' v ' r/vrL, ■ : •„- .fi , •'. «C“-* *' ' '■ - 'S r *3' '*'• y . f’ .'„'■ - * .' v < r- UiM OiTY POST. MONDAY MORNING.-! ' Immense American Demonstration !—BOO K. N.’s in Cotraon. 11—Ex-Governor Johnston on the Stand 111—A " grand rally ” of the Ameri can party took place on Saturday nigbt In the rear of the American Hotel* mainly for tho pur pose, we presume] of allowing Go?- Johnston to explain his course on the slavery question, in the Philadelphia and Reading Councils, bnt also to bead Deaoon White and his darling "Republi can ” prrjeot. When we arrived on the ground, at 8 P M., there were nearly four hundred per sons present, including one hundred boys, three colored ladies, and one colored gentleman. The first speaker was Thomas Howard, Esq.: his spcch was on Kansas and Nebraska, giving tho "Great American question” the go-by altoge ther. Next oume Gov. Johnston. One half his remarks were devoted to Sambo, and when he had concluded them theoolored ladies, aooompa- Died by tho. oolored gentleman, retired in dis gnst 1 He then tonched on Sam. Tho senti ment: " Fellow oittaens, I joined the American party from principle, and not from any selfish personal motive,” was cheered Immenely by the boys. . At this juncture the orowd had dwindled down to about 160. After Gov Johnßton had done, Mr. John Hampton waa loudly called for. He went into an estimate, from which wo learn this county has paid $164,000,000 for slave, bnt not -one cent-for freo territory; as this was " news ns is newc, ” It oroated an Immense sensation 1 Mr. Hampton also gave Gov. Reeder a certificate of character. When be bad concluded, some thing over one hundred " Amerioaus,” boys and men, remained. B. T. C. Morgan then took tho stand. Re spoke until some peraon moved an adjournment; but it was discovered not more than a score of persons were present, and oonse qaently the formality of taking the question waa dispensed with. We regret we haVa neither time nor room for a fallcr report of this great affair. Firm oh Satubday.—Twb fires occurred la our city on Saturday. The first alarm was giv en at 11 A. M., and was caused by the burning of a carpenter shop, owned by Jackson Daaoau, 1 and situated on a vacant tot immediately in the rear of Ross street. The workmen were enga ged boiling coal tar, with which to ooat orosa pleOGS for telegraph posts, and to which the fire underneath the kettle communioated. The loss Win amount to aboot $l5O, on whlob we ore sor ry to hear there is no insurance. Toe second broke out about 1 P. M., in a stable owned by J. B. Wardon & Son, and situ ated on First street near its junction with Short. The englneo arrived, promtly on the ground. That part of the structure in whioh the fiam<»s first appearod being of wood, it was quickly wrapped in a shoot of flame, whioh heated tho adjacent foundry building (belonging to the same firm) so that it took fire, which was not extin guished until the buildiog was seriously dama ged. H*igh, Bartupee & Co.’s engine shop, im mediately adjoining and west of the stable, es caped, no damage being done exoept by water. Four two 6tory brick houses, eituated on Second street, and owned by Mr Haigh, narrowly es caped destruction. The fire is supposed to hate boeu caused by sparks escaping from a floe in Haigh, Hartupee & Co.’s engine shop, which camo in oontact with the hay stored in the Ctsblp. The loss is variously estimated at from $2,000 to $B,OOO, on which there inearance of $6OO. A ridiculous estimate appeared in tin JSuUsiin, of Saturday ; afternoon, putting dowa the loaa at from to $lOO,OOO. This ia at least twenty times too large. Second Half© Dealers is Trouble Again.- By oo ordinance passed Jn Councils some time since, permission was refused seoond hand deal ers to., occupy stands on the;(hat floor of tLe Market House. They were aUowed only to dis pose of their wares and produce In the second Btory, tbo first floor being reserved for fanner* and original producers. This was looked upon as just and proper by citizens generally, as all are inclined to give the preference to tho original producers of tho coil, over persons who merely speculate in it after being brought to town; bnt against this, the “ Recood band men” rebellei. Wo reported o*few days ago, a o&ae of one of this bit ter class, who sued the market, official for mtiliaioaa mischief in removing bis stand tr ibe place assigned him by ordmauoo. Saturday one of tbo eatno kind come up before Alderman Boyd. John Tieruan and Timothy Kearn, “sec ond band mpo,” weroebirgod by Messrs. Tag gert and MoCoombs, Clerk and Market Coneta ble, with occupying stands on tbe first floor con trary to law. They were fined $2 00 each and costs; but the former ha« taken a rescript cf the docket aod declares bis intention of carrying it to Court. Bettor not, John. The “law’s de lay” cod attorney's fees you may find harder .to bscr even than a regulation of Councils. Malicious Misohizf Cases —While Mr. John Alkiu’d one horee buggy was standing in front ci the Pv.st office, on Saturday afternoon, it wa? run into by a loaded wagon, driven by a German, and one of lhe wheels broken off. The Utter was taken b-?tVs Mayor Vo**, on a charge of Malicious Mischief, and efter a good deal cf high dutch and low English bad been exchanged, tbe party charged was admitted to bail to appear and aDßwor this morning. Aikln was exceed ingly Indignant, not so much at the locs of hi.* wheel, ns that It should have been broken off by a Datchman ; this tho offending party repelled. Insinuating that a naturalized citizen was ju fc t as good aa any other. Tbe merits o' tho caso will appoar to-day, or there is no virtue in the law. Another case oame beforo Alderman Msj'-r. H. W„ Hewitt, upon oath, charged J. ConxHl with malicious mischief and assault and battery. Tbo prosecutor alleges that on Saturday, wbi e be wiJ driving a vehicle on Federal sire?', Allegheny, tho defendant, who was also driving, maliciously and wilfully caused tho vehicles to come in oontao* with each other, to the injury of the one owned by tho prosecutor. He farther more stated that Connell threw several booldcrs pt him, one of whioh struck him on the bod/. /'-fessive Fch —Two draymen, named E 1 ■ ™ Hopald and Thoa. Lindsay, bent on bav ward lit. after their week’s work was dona, lng some fun ,jj e oontrary notwithstan !- —a city ordmant. Saturday evening ia a lng,-got to racing . t £ eir fnQ wfts most furious manner d a End Its height, b couple of policon. . YYing ; v 0 brought u to aa untimely end, bj Honor two Jehus, wkowcra taken before h.. * ; J Mayor Vela, and fined $2O eaoh. In defau L . payment they were committed to jail for thirty days. Robert A Caldwell, their next best friend, interfered with the officers while the arrest was I being made, and for.this generous, but unwiso j act of friendship, the Mayor demanded SIG to , vindicate the oacrednesa of the law. Robert ; forked over and was allowed to depart in pe^co. Gbaztd Pio Nic —A select Pic Nic will o'-mc off ou Friday next at Rural Grove, about three miles up the Mooongahela river. The mana gers have chartered a steamboat, which will leave tho foot of Grant street at 7 o’olook in the morning, and return with the party in tho cvtji niog From the names of the managers and the arrangements made, is no doubt but this will be one of the best parties of the seaeon. The place selected is a beautiful spot. Tickets may bo procurod at the hall of the Duquoano Engine Houso any evening daring this week. ¥ Dibtrict Court—Before Judge Williams.— This Court wee In Beealoa on Saturday, to con sider tbo case of Blaokford vs. Stoops, wherein % the plaintiff at tho last term obtained n verdict J for $2,260. Il was then decided in that manner subject to this point: Whether a married wo man oan assign her own mortgage as collateral security for tbe payment of notes drawn by her husband. Tho Court on Saturday read an opinion ruling the negative. Mayor's Levee —Hia Honor's levee on Sat urday morning was attended by five pere ns, severally charged with drunkenneßS, drunl. en oesa and disorderly conduct, end drunkenness 6&d vagranoy. Three paid their fines, and went their vray rejoicing; but tbe other two, b av- J* ' neither cash or obaraoter, were sent to the »!m *&© <4 vagrom n ohap for thirty days, and a “ bender M for twenty-four hours. the one U ''STSD * OR A Fair OF SpEOTAOLC'i m OWHBB ”*• CQ 0Q Saturday arreßted a Oer- The Mayors p*. 6 treet, where be wap en man lad on omiu , a p a j P 0 f gold ppeotßeles dsavoriog to dlepoa*. va i QO . The spectacles at not one-eighth o stolen, and are in tho are supposed to havo bceu hands of tbe police. « o w tf call attention Balb of Btoeed Good*.—"* & Dennv to the advertisement of Messrs. , .J* giving notice of a sale of goods whiOu stored with them. The sale will take olaoe to morrow, at 11 o’clook, at their warehouse,- a 61 Wa r er etreet. Another “ Second Hard ” Rbbsl.—Jonn Fitzsimmons was fiaed $2 00 and costs by Aid. Boyd, Saturday morning, for occupying a stand on Market street, oontrary to orders given by >j Mr. Taggart, the clerk of tbs market. *' Capias —Prothoootary Campbell issued a ca w plaa oa Saturday, upou the oath of Robert i,■ Btnitb, for tho arrest of Alex. Thompson and - ohamed with defamation of oharacter. SaU rtae paired la *WOQ. /v r •■*•-. „4J t-w f . . ’ ♦ • , \ • • ..• ~ -.T v .:‘ - ‘ ’ ' ' •••---' ' - '^-'-y.s-e&F^lr: ... >V".:-.-‘'''- • -.. • - < ,-v, =»-.• k- ,* . ; .» p - - ,r~ ,t *• f»‘4. r *k» * •. , >/-•*.• •• •;■,••' *' '" ' "' < ' i " ' /T K~>'r T * ■’ , '- -T , ' «• - f ,f ! » i' 1 -. *.'- .’>;•:; -T- ** - :: "•■ y* L--‘ SrJ* -c-w'-.t, •*. l ,-r ca^v :'•£?"’ v; ' •' - ; ' 1 i; *%■>f;<:?«• />« r . S 'V' v i ?. •: ‘ ' sr: -*' it; >f . 1-.!, l* **l V ~*' f *** ~-*" T ~ , "-' r " > '.',' T , n 7a* Sww-Abh*** Mm-wo BUi* fiubm Agsoolatloa commenoos on Taeidiy, at tbo Third Ward Sohcol Home. The less!one nill oontinae for several days. Gabsiok Hssnr. Pittsburgh, Pa., there Is a letter for yon to the Cincinnati Post-office, de tained, became the postage has not been pre paid. :AUGUST 6. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Reported Expressly for tbe Doily Horning Post. [From the Cincinnati Commarcisl, or Saturday.] TBSNttSSEH ELBGTIOV T Joluuon Democratic Candidate Elected. The tallowing Important prlvatadespatches were received by friends of the American party at midnight last night Gentry's gel a in twentv-oeven counties—nineteen hundred. Wwt Tennessee against him. hesalt donbtful. West Tennessee giving us hell l—result doubtful—think Johnson's chances bast. LATEST. Johnson undoubtedly ele .ted lil North Carolina ££lc«ttom Ricas'tn), August 3 —ln the Ist Congressional District. Hnlif-ix County gives H. M. Shaw, Democrat, a majority of six over B T Paine, K. N., for Congress. In the Second Congressional District, Edgcomb and Wayne counties giro Themes Boffin, Dem. 2,000 a j over J T. Latham, K- N. Whig. T> ird District, »e far as heard from,Given Winslow, Dam. baa a large majority over David Reid. K N. Fourth OistrloLGranvlUe county gives G5O, Franklin S6O, Warren 700, and Wake 460 m&J for L L. B Branch. Dem. Tbe impression is that the Democrats have elected a ma jority of Congressmen. Tbe returns show Democratic gains everywhere. Burrsfoas, Augurt 4 —ln the Fourth District, Branch. Dem ban 2,000 maj. In the Second, Ruffin's election Is clalmod by a heavy majority. In the Third district reports art In taror of Winston, And K. N. Democrat over Ms op* poDt-Dt, Held, K. N. Goiltard county gives a majority of UOQ for Reid, K. N. over Kerr, And K. N. Whig. Ral usa, August 4.—ln tha first district, Northampton ■ county gives Shaw, Demd&rat, a majority of 213. Hartford gives Paine, K. N, an Increased majority. Elisabeth City and one precinct in Paiquotack gives Paine a majority of, 107. Two other precincts to be heard fromwfll probably increase the majority to about 100. One precinct in Cam den gives Paine an Increased majority. The count, will not fall much short of the usual majority. The Americans are sanguine of Paine's election. Baluqs, August 4.—ln the first Congressional district) Robert J. Paine, E. N., Is reported to bo elected by 300 ma jority. Naw You, August 4 —The Rav John N. McLeod, D. D„ of this city, the Bit. T. W. J. Wylie, and George U. Stew art, Esq., of Philadelphia, are delegates of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in the UnlUd States to the World'a Protestant Convention, to be held on the 23d lnat They Railed per tbe steamship Canada, from Boston. Col. Fremont and family, from Washington, Signor Torres Terry and family, from Cuba, and Dion Bouroicsult and lady are at the Clarendon. It Is reported that an affray took place last night among several emigrant runners, and that ea attack was made on the Emigrant Dapot at Cattle Garden. Sever*! runners, It is eald, were severely wounded by stabs from knives. At a trial of a case In Brooklyn under the Liquor Law, It was stated that lager beer contain* from one to three per cent, of alcohol. The case was decided against the defend ant, who appealed to the Supreme Court. Ravages of the Yellow Fever. Kobfolx, Ya., August 4.—Thera has been no abatement of yellow fever at Grsport or Portsmouth. Tbe Sanitary Committee report for the last 21 boors ending yesterday, ten new cases and eight deaths. The panic at Portsmouth U truly fearful. Several groce ries and dry goods stores are closed. One-third of tbe town have fled to distant parts. Many have cone to Baltimore. The disease In Norfolk has much subsided, there being but oue case to-day, and all are confined to Barrts Row. Tbe boarders at tbe Macon House hare all left. Tbe rains and the hot sun continue. LocisviUA, August 4. blrty-two eouatlwglrs Gentry a net £%la of ISTO. Tbe election it cicse. Hlvcrs, the American candidate for in the firtt district, It elactM hy 700 majority. ZollikofTer, tbe American candidate in the Hermitage district. Is elected by an overwhelming majority Supposed Murder by Pirates. Niw Yets, Aortibl 4 —The Danish brig Jeannette drifted e.aliore on the 14th Jaly, with all her crew on board dead, ir b supposed they wore murdered by pirates, as a tchooour was seen alongside of Ler a day ot two previously. N T *w Tonx, August 1 —Charles Wheeler, of the C- njcierclal Esprees Company, u bogus concern, wej arns-t -king Glaases, Mew and Second Hand Household and Kitchen Fur niture, Ac., AT T O’CLOCK, T. *<., £k>oXf, St&tionery, Fancy Articles, iltUical laftruoant-s liurdtraraand Cutlery, Cloth In*, vantty Gnods, Gold snd silver watches. A® r. M. D.wIS. Anetion»*«-r i»3l p I’. M. DAVTB, Auctioneer SPLENDID COUNTRY SEAT ON TROY lITLL AUC TION—“a Tha-sday evening, August Btb, at 8 c-vi»»ek. ai the Merchants' Exchange Fourth street, will t* t«>Jd. t v -'rd-r «*autifal and highly cultlvau-U cf Ground tJtuatr ou Troy UIU, b-lng 2OO fret square, on which is trrct-U % very rup rlcr two story Brick Dwelling floure, with attic uD3 Rcisbed * riate roof, and ail tho modern rvti- Th»* proun-i* bavieg a Cne view of tb» Ail chray river aod mrrocndlng scenery; abound* with i>uk fru-?-:, grepe viuw,%brubt»ry, Ac. Gn the promises are bI«o an --sccilert stable, caniag* hoota, and other cut building* Toe property cam be extoluel any time prev \- cuh ;c aaie Tt*rms at sale. « aug4 P. M. DWI 4, Addi''ti«*^r J V>lil 1 AT AUCTION- -Atn Baturday evening. August 4, I I coihmecclng at 8 o’clock, will b« eold. at tbe Commer cial Sal-l R'cms, rerner of Woo 1 and Fifth streets, a nets it-r cf valuable work* from a Private Library; In addition ic a very large stock of popular publleatioca, being the bal arc« of a Heno-i'-cal Store closing out. Also, 2 Cne Trench Engraving*, fratnei; and 1 Oil Pals! lng. with magnificent gilt frame. Gold Pecs, Stationery, auc3 p. DAVIS, Auctioneer. / tOLMING iIuOSE SAFK AT AUCTION—On Satanl.j V> momiii;7. August 4t‘>, at 11 o’clock, at the Ct'tomt-rcial Bale* Krtoma, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be rc>M —One largo Iron Safe, in good order. aug2 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. BLACKBERRY BRA>’l>Y—lo do« Blackberry Brandy,of home cxaauXsotore ; warranted pure. For date by JXO. LITTLE, Jr. Agent, No 201 Liberty atrrvt. &azs:dtrr 'Virts caUUCH BOKCU—The last o*w-Bong l j }'. Nlr> I ola* Crouch. O'er the hummer Sea—Barcelle. Sung.by Signor Mazio t Id Opera Rigointa. America—a Cavatioa, ly The*. Baiter And other n»w Maaie. jail received by augS CUAELOTTK BLPME, 118 Woed at. SUi-fl>fcUJ£&— 100 bo l Bos Id eo»p; £>o do Mould and Dtp C*c£**; 20 do Btar o*ndl«j 26 do* Ducket* 10 do Tuba; 21 do Bed Cerda; to do Cora Brooms; CO boxes BUreh; 100 prams Wrapping Paper; >ogSl JOUN MOORHEAD For B\lo by ?IG METAL—IOO tons Rock Hill, (JcntMn;; to do Monroe, do 000 do Noa. 1 and 0 Anthracite ; 100 do Blacbllcl, (Charcoal j >ugfl] JOHN MOOBHK A.D For Hu.- — : 7rrrr u tons Juniata; uOOatS— s Champlain, (to arrlTi ;) For fbU by “ ,0 " W , OF f KB—loo bugs Wo •an - " 'mOORH KiD V/ aan3 * - —rp ritEAS—76 boil cheats-Urocn and Black 1 ®' € r ®tJ 7 X buu3 JOHN MOOK^^P^. fI^OBACCO—76 boxes faTcrite brands Tobacco tor eats D> ] ~u g3 JOHN MOOUHBAP. SUU AR- 30 hhdj I.lr to prims for s»lo bj .. _ ang3 JOBS MOOBHBAP. \ for bT JOHN MOORHEAD. by tha barrel, io itoru and fbr sale by ‘ aug3 SMITH, MAIB A HUNTER. C'tANDLEiy-dO boxes £tar Candles for sola by j augS SMITH, M AIR A HUNTER. UGAR—6O hhds feogar for sale by & aU g3 SMITH, MATE A HUNTER. OLABBKS—6O bbls ti. H Molass#s for sale by Bng 3 BMITB. MAIB A HUNTER. QFFEK—IQQ bags Bio Coffee for sale by _ BUg S SMITH, MAIB A HUNTER. SOAP— 200 boxes Soap for sale by . BUg a SMITH, MAIR A HUNTER. CRUSH KD SUuaA —26 bbls Crashed Sngar for sale by RU p3 SMITH, MAIR A HUNTER. TJLAX—B sacks Flax fur salt by J aU g3 8M TH, MAIB A HUNTER. ÜBOMK BELLOW—6 cases on bond and for saJa by at , g 3 Fleming brls. OOTCfi BNUFF—Girrett’e best ; a casks jurt rec’d and for Bale by fsogS] FLEMING PROS. MASON'S BLACKING—4OO dc* on hand end for sale by aU g3 FLEMING BROS. CITRIC Aoll> 60 lbs just received and for sale by aug 3 FLEMING BRO 3. HLUE MASS.—3O lbs just received and for sale by ft qg3 / FLEMING BBQ 3. oULPIIUIIIO ACID TUM.-(Wordhansen Oil Vitriol,) ft Just received and for sale by r >ug 3 FLEMING BEOS. IjtOß PRESERVING—Lovering’s Pulverised Bug*r; ' coarse, pulverised, crushed and clarified, at aag3 F. R. DBA VO'S, No 1, Diamond. C'IHEESK —200 boxes prime W. B Cream Cbewt just j rweWed by [augB] F. B DRAVO- AWKAlUtiit TAULB FOR 1850 aecompaniaa every cake of HERPBTIO SOAP. Price 12>* cent*. This Soap Is used for rendering tbe skin smooth, soft and white, rumoring sallownesa, tan. and redness of tbe shin. Ail chaps, chafes, Ao. on the hands, are healed by It. Sold at the REAL ESTATE OFFICE. 140 Third ft. J?2fl MAGAZINES, Ao Ao—Puvnam tor August: Harper for August; Knickerbocker for Augu-t; Banking’s Half-Yearly Abstract. Just received aod for sale at W. A. GILDBNFENNEY A CO b Ik-otsloTi*, aug2 Fifth Bt., opposite the Theatre. "jriiSH — 6o bbli Lakeduperlor balmon ; «C GO half bbli do do 70 do W^lUfiib; ol do Trout; 60 do Plekertl; £0 bbli No. 6 largo Heckere!, MW; £0 half do do do do 15 bbla Baltimore Herring. do go, gale by I JylOl flr-HEY H. OOtLINS. -ptlflH— SO bbla New No. 1 Banl^'l^d^apd^for^aaU^by *W“*‘WmlwH* * W . N«w York Items. Tennessee Kleetlons* Swindler Arrested* Sailing of tbe Ariel* Auction—SsLlea Daily. * •*- * 9 r '■ - - COMMERCIAL POST. PITISBIaon BOARD OF- TRADE AND JHEREHANTB’ KICIIAfiOE, , omoEßa. /Fesfdmt—JOHN BHIPTON. Flrri Ftce rteUtati—WtL H. SxtTS. Stesnd ~~ “ Wa. R. Bbow* HwrrfarF—WiL 8. Hatch. Trtasvrtr— Jokn D. BOTUT Superintendent— S. T. Nobthaw, Jx Oymmiilee of Arbitration for Avgust— W. It. E2OTS, V. P.; C. W. BtcstraoN, B. Baekwxll, John 8. Dji.woatH, Isaac il. Pxanocb. DAILY REVIEW OF PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Omoa of tot Daht Mprni*q Pott, \ Monday, August a. 1666. f FLOUR—2OO bbla superfine and extra, to anSve, at $8,76 ($9,00; SO bb!i extra, from store, at $9,26; 26 bbls super fine from store at $9 00. BACON—IOOO lbs Shoulder*, cash. &i 9c; dOOOdodo do at 9c; 2000 do do, 30 days, 0s ; 1000 &3 Hams, 80 days, U>£c; 1000 do do cash, at Ho; 18000 lbi Hams at 11 Vc. WHISKY—2b bble rectified at 35c. - LAKH—9 tierces No 1 leaf, cash, at lie. BUTTER—O bbls packed, ca«h, at 12>£c; IGOQBfe packed, cash, at Il^o. TELEGRAPH HAEEET3. Nxw Yoke, August 4.—Cotton firm, with sales of 1600 bales; the sales for the la*t thr“edayn were 7600 bale*. Flour firm . sales C5OO bbls Ohio and Btate and Southern &t fall rates. Wheat easier, but not quotnbly Bale* 14 600 bus Oorn a trifle lower; Bales 70 000 bus at &4U for mixed Pork: sates 600 bbls; unchangwi. Beef: tales 200 bbls; firm. Lard dull; aa es 260 bbls at lie Bacon quiet;" ealrs Hams at 10c; Shoulders, 7>s Butter firm at 180 for western. Cheese heavy. Groceri-s qnlet. Linseed CU firm at 91c. Iron firm; sales 100 to< a. Tobacco quiet, with eales at 10. Stocks steady. Money in fair demand; unchanged. Canton, 27%; Cumberland, ; Pemna. Coal 00., 100*4; Erie, 62%; Beading, »2; Cleveland and Toledo, 9154. Phiiiphjphia, August 4—Flour quiet, at $O, and for common and extra within the range of $3,76@10, Corn Meal In good demand, Pennsylvania told at $4 25. Tory little Wheat offering; demand active, and advanced 2b>B*; sile* prime Delaware and Pennsylvania Red at$LBJ@L9O; rxlps7,ooo to 8,000 bus Tennessee end Georgia Red, part at and part on private tanas; eeles 200 bos prime Whitest $2,06 afloat. Rye iu good demand; 1200@1600bas sold at old and SU2 for Dew. Com dull, Yellow 90 afloat, sales steady. WhUky unchanged: in bbis4lc@ 42a, and lohhds 40. BiLTIKOEI, August 4.—Wheat opened at yesterday's quo tations, but fell off 6 cents at the close, with the market dull. Flour steady ; sales Howard str-ot and City Mills at $8,60; sides 2000 bbls Howard street, delivered in all hep tomber,have been made at $B. Corn: 96@97 far white, a&l 95 for yellow Oats dull at 30@3*. live: sales nrw Morr land at $1@1.02. SUTICE The following goods have been stored *ith us by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company: Pat. Ford Pittsburgh, Penno. 1 iter* and 1 box. W. T. McOlurg A C 0... “ 1 plough citing. W. P. Cresaon— “ « Xcu>to. Jas W. iilllott.; E Birmingham •* 1 chest. Joo. A, Millar —.Pittsburgh, 4J 1 box. Dr. L. Ehrhart.— —Allegheny, '* 1 bos XL Ltmborne Pittsburgh, “ 10 boxes J. Dink •* ft 1 che/?t. Wm P. McGran._ “ " i che^L A. Thomas " “ 1 cbert. *£. B. Bwan " •• l barrel. 8. Su’herland u 41 1 barrel 0- BGll - “ “2 barrel*. T. Nell “ " liable, l beach, , and 1 bedstead. Kennedy A Negley f ‘ « S bore* plant*. B. R. fibanklaud........ •• •' l corn plantar. J. M. Barrett A Co “ “1 plough. R. K. OolTin.. .. “ “ 1 corn planter. H. A. Mellor ... *• u 1 clotst heller. No mark —. 1 clorer hml*r. No mark 12 basket. G. Murray - 2 boodle.- pick handle Isaac P- Kerr *• i p». Oenils A Ingle “ fi bajs c ! ay. James Moore •• 1 piece casting. &L Martin ” *1 brnrd biw&. C. Llghtcap “ • lwt R. Swain. *• *• l lv>x. No mark—— 1 ehaln pamp. Granger. Jasper A Co.. ** 1 boi. No mark 1 barrel. A. Reed— ■ l rb*Ft. Jas McMUUn ’ •* a pcs. bed ;= leads. Q:W. R.AM •« 1 hMk*t «:odncs Che?. Conwell •• l tale. Mary Berner..*— " “ 1 chest, M RlJbt. Jr .. - •* 3 bbl? dye ttfi*. Cbas.Cox .- ✓ “ ‘ 1 box U Swans . •• 1 ?\:r>F{. No mark .. l box. B. Bawtr.— •* barne**, rviler * r-I* “ i truuk •* i trunk? 1 h*g rsat-i “ 1 baU b<*p?. *• 1 b<, wot ub eoL» at Prot:c Kate. »■ ic ./clock, A- M , on thet day, »t oar tVarchcU-WK No. 61 Wni r st;r.«i t wwy thocJii 9** dne therein. Jo.s tt- a l> >. V nitfiburxh, Jul* 6;h, jvG:lrn : rot ?u» Rxiio cent '■>* coo Fr.y, coLv.i i *.- A'iioopixc . jlvh. cho: r ? m, ASD QQSXVXrTU* .. V below, and be*pc*k for ■ kuci ch*: can * 'yffiEv -A did consideration whLd: frenfcncas dr.-errai Ms ■ln Li-h aifcUonj. 4; c-r lung*; ;uJs-* t-..?, whether every family ought not to Lit* uI-t in«*m a safpguard the everywhere pr**sdllnn er.tto;.. **tvh ft eel* with fatal frequency upon Mimo»t d->. l. *:. l carries off a lamb frera many o b'-si 1 ' Jack«m,C. H-, Jsr.k.vn city, u., 2-3. h Not., *i. Da. J. C. Aril: Blr—The CutJiAf Pic-Poau 1-. mt:.b in outred after. Several of our bast Physician* bare u.wl it. tnreeofihecj In th«lr own re-1 s]»*t» with [h„ h t .. piast effects. The numerous patent tcMicinr* »!nv. t«j Core thim, lead to Ineraltelity lu rcgvrd to uv«ry m.*- rnciN dy; and It Is only after undoubted *v Lienee of Talus In any article, that scything like a general f-o:rM»riC= eta i-a- The ucrividlfKl eintuwace cl l£us com *1 natron or e.geoi*. (In tfu* Cbxsat Picrwu-t,) proved licyoud cstll hr rrpr*t»i trial under their own cbsiTvnUntt, baa cota{*-'le«i r. men to proclaim abroad lie nr-fulce.a. I* ;/. h*vvnd t'.\ doubt the best general remedy »•« hit* f th* •* v Affections of this climate, at the same Mm* ".juit# -nd axpedorant—a rare combination or prcpcrUea. Moatgomery, Ala , Octo?j»T 4, Ist.* Pa. J. C. ATIB: Sir—l bar** uwd your admirahi- im pound eAcJaelTidy In my practice, and Uud It to hy far. any otfcar remedy we ha?# tor curing dlwawa cp. u fcs longs. Voux obedient ear?ant, 1L B. JONES, M. 1) Whai yet rptasla* to ronrioc* the most inerodaLr many ypa) r has hsd It* full share of tbo public patronage; li !< rrn l y water and steam power, with a very superior engine ; thnre are two run of Burrs in operation, and mi seo, and NINETEEN ACRES OF LAND, most of which Is bottom and under cultivation. For farther partloulets, euaulre of Mr. 0. Y. Ooulter, cr he subscriber, near the oremisea. Terms made known at sale. my24:6t» 19 JOHN HICKMAN. Kieouior. UK GtttiAT LITKKAUY I’fcPU'l if PiitstmtKh l n »t H. MINER A CO.'S, No. B 'i Sttlthfitld street, where all the New Books aro for ealc. Oleve Hall; by Mr*. Sewell, author of “Amy Herbert,” « The Experience of Lite,” Ac. iwo ?oli., paper, $1; ooe doth, &1 26. A Visit to the Camp before BebaMopol; l vol., cloth, Jl. Trial and Triumph; or, Rrmoees In the Household. A new book by T. 8. Arthur. Price «5 cent,. Ooe Ikr.'. pa rente ought to plaoe In the hand, o! their children. The Heixe'S of Haughton ; or, The Mother't-gecret V y the author of “ BaTenucllffe," “ Castle Aron," Ac Psper, or, Adrcntures on the Mosjulto Shcre. 6'.) en- Amons h the’Mormous; hr the wife of a Mor mon Elder—glring’a full description cf their manner* end customs. 1 vol, cloth, $l. Cbarlea Dickens’ Works, complete; 12 vole., at 60 rests par Tolume . Proposals S BALED PROPOSALS for turnishtng-- 8,600 feet of 4 Inch Water Pipe, qc,o /act ot a Inch uo; Will be received at tba cfiloe of the Water Wwfca, until guperlotendsut. AUTBIVChIo and Peona. Ballroaa Kripi „. 9 Mo„ou^el.N.^.tloU ra do ■J * V ■ J i- -♦ ■ * ' :V* ". V - • v;- • - • <>?•• ■ . *“Sv ■»’*•.• . ■ >•* A.iSs Thb Bivea—The stage of water at darts last evening was 6 feet 8 tcchef, by the pter tcsrha, end falling. Oa S»t urfay evening thara was fl feet 10 inches. Weather warm aad sultry, with a showw ctf fain In the morning, Ts* steamer M Rosalie,” Oapt. hi Sheppard, tz the tegular Wheeling packet this morning; fihe leaves at 10 o’clock. Ta» One light draught steamer Lucie Hay ” will leave for Cincinnati to-day. Those wishing to moke a pleasant and quick passage to the Queen City should give her a call* Tns steamer u Rochester,” Cnp{. O. W. poai. tively leave to-day for Olnclnnatl. Shelaaflae light draught enromerboat, and those wishing to make a pletfp&nt trip to the Qaeou City ehoald give her a calL The Jovmtdt In Its notice of the new steamer “ Star of the West,” makes Mr. Reese the commandercf her. It ig cot so. Copt. Garrey has commac-l of that best, and Is well quallflaJ for his position. The “ J. B. Oabbox.”—Wears glad to notbothM Capt. D Z Brickie has called hie new and beautiful steam er by the above name. Mr. John B. Carson, of 6t. Loute f for whom che Li called, la one of the most honorable, up* right, and popular merchants of that city. The •• J. B. 0. ” is a light and beautiful whe a 3»r,and as a new Uea In cabin building, has the cabin flush forward, instead of the old style of open boiler deck, which presents a unique and handsome appearance, something after the style of the Cincinnati and Loulsvlllo packets, and is much admired. The hull was built by Welker, of Elizabeth, and lea splendid job; keel 155 feet; beam 33 fact, and hold 4}-$ foot SI 9 h&i 3 boilers, 36 inobes In diameter by 20 feet long, built bv Jas. Blair A Co. Two enyins*, cylinder* 16 leches In diameter with 4 feet stroke, built by Snowden * Sods, of Brownsville. Cabin by Gnliett & Applegate; palntlnghy Thornburg & Boyd; furniture by W. A A. Hun ter; upholstery by £. EdmondsonAO j.; carpets byITCHa* tock, and outfit, lamps, queens ware and silverware byHa n . cay A Caldwell. The building of this fine steamer was superintended by Capt. W.W. Martin, who deserves much creditor the de sign and anperior manner In which ebe bee been built. We commend the “ J. B Carson,” and hor popular commander to our Western friends, and the public geßsniiJy. Ska la adTesttsed to leave for fit. Louis to-day. Tac Louisville Charier, of the 34, eays Tho river wa* rlrtog slowly yesterday, with 7 feet 10 Inches water In tho canal by tbe mark, last evening. On the fol ■ tbrrs were upwards of five fact, ever the rooks— oteamboat water. During tboprev ou* £4 hours the river had risen four inches, and ha* attaiued a higher stage than has been known In August for many a year. The Cumberland and Tonneasoa rivers were rising olowlv 0* the tact date*. p POET OP PITT3BHEQH. 6 vest 3 menu wavan in rnc cnAwnn.. AH ill V til). Stearner Jsfforocn, Woodward, Brownsville. “ Luzerne, Benuctt, Brownsville. Gen.Bavard,Peebles, Elizabeth. Clara fisher, Hendenctson, West h> wton. 1 SHchlgan No. 2, Herat, We'lsviUe. “ T&ntnre, Gordon, Steuben villa. *' Rosalie, Shepherd, Wheeling, • “ Wenona. Shank, Cincinnati M Brasil, Hutchison, St louls. 44 Convoy, Wolf, Oalllopoli*. DRPABTED. Steamer Jefferson, Woodward, Browncviiia •* Lux«nio,Bennett,Browtip?lUe. “ Gen. Bajrard, Peebles, Klicabf'tb. “ Clara Fisher, Henderick«'n. West ifowwc, *' Michigan No. 2, Il*rst, WellfivHla. Venture, Gordon, Steubenville. ** Kclipaa, Moore, Wheeling. “ Fairy Q aeon, Reno, CioclunaU. Frid Young, Grey, Cloclorati. •* Quaker City, Cook, St. Louis. M star of the Wo-t Garvev, St. 1/ruR STEAMBOATS, PlUttrerffli) S(«aboarlll Gwsqi D. Mor.r.s, will run a- r«go;*r DAILY PACKETS, l'Uttburrb, StsutwarUifl ted irheeliO;;, etnpplng at all lc.tsrmMiaie porta. Tbo DIURNAL trill i*av* Pittsburgh oa Monday?', TTkI needay* and Friday*, at 10 o'clock, A. M.—sh« trilM.-rar* wheeling on Tuesdays, Tbnr*Ut';i and Saturdays, at 7V£ o’clock, A. M. The FOREST CITY will Pitf-Vurgb or Tucxiay, ThuredaTß and Saturday*, a: loo’eicci, A- M.— she will laara WheoUn* on Mondays, WwdaradftT* and Frl - r.t 7 W o'clock, A. ’jl. Vor InHjat or *>pr.»r on twari or to J. 1). COLLI>:CWOOD, Aisa*, nOT?<3 ..V, Fr.vi-i _ Por fiiTliOntii . U r Tbs n us?r CLiTTuN. Captain n.Y?. Ks tier; Clrrk, Srss n>» ftrrxjiS, rill :c*t® for ab-.Tp and latarordia!* porta co TUJ23- DAY, Aa* ?tb, at 10 o’clock ’. M. For freight or spp.iy on loirJ, or to burC FLACK k BARNS®, Agents. Kor St. Louis, DirectX ’ nv* v Tbs dl*ao«r JOHN U CARSON, Captain Z. b&iczEU, will for tbs above «Bfi»E3S3a«D'l intcrssediatn ports cn MuND.tY, August 3lb, at 10 A M. F,»r frrijht or or. 1.-oarJ. r-r i-j ctigt MllS Fl.A*'u o: P.ARNLS. A j-nt. For ZaneivUla! —y* Tl)* fcifr&ro-:? t iiii (Juta*r« H'ti, 1 w«ii s * fn AbO*'* ani Ir.ttrd^i!- 'Tfi - r*wTfivr*~ Fi k't.r freight or r-uwsi ' MI For M Coala, j. TV vt-rirrcr QUAtit'j; CITY, OapUln I N\ •Cv-rr, win leivo tor in* *hpr>j &sJ Ic-ertneJStte £i2SWs£* porta cn P4TV-IDAY. Ao« 4 fc. at 10 A. H. Pvr or p»s*sro appW od non>3. or rn aOf 3 FhAOrt a Hi!*. NFS. h ,*in'f For ClncinnaU nrc . The •i»\s>fs Captilr. . . Ciwfc DSATo: will 1-379 Jm iht 6>07» latere:eiiata ports MONDAY, Au?oits. at 4 oMoek p. M. For icHgtit or ptiiOgt apply ca »o».ri cr *ags Fl.A r II L IMRNKS, Afaa!? For Clnolnnatf The «>*e»imer uiP-*., Cr.pt. Js3y nutrjti | jS^S-r&TTa, CUrt Mvyjpt?; *lil ter the Ehov* jgafjaJystaand lnt*m*dlat9 pert* on MONDAY, Au~ d. M ICI A U. For freight rr povng? spplj- in? Ih* aVr« r.cl «SsiHSS33siater£D«jlit* peris on MONDAY, Aug. ♦‘••-h, at 10 o'sUrV, A. M. Fcr fn'ljfht c r appj? on bo-ar.i, or to _ <04:5 B\RN£3 & OOLUNCiWocD. Atf-oU. Cincinnati * , TmrL _ Th« Kirtmer ft AM YuoNO* Cap'aln li. C. i tjrJloiS i~fl nr * T CUrfc, I'carxa; *IU Us»ef:r h# whore 1 fißSlijliiSGa'ind lutr: Qfiia'.e poruen :*ATuiJD AY, j.rjtist 1 4, v U> a M. i t'or freight or pjutngA apply on tv*ai\l. or to cu,r2 FLACIi ± BAUNK*, A£*>eL-. Mi&socHi itfvji'R packet. For St. Louis. {nkl . The «£«o«r BTAK OF THE) T. W. ! **§*i&«& Out ri , Muster, "ill ItaT* for tile &M £§aS?Q»lofccran'ffy111 leave for the above and intermediate ports every Tuesday, at 4 o clock, P M., positively. For freight, or passajv, apply on beard to Jyg* u M. nAKTQN, or Q. UAP.NK3, Ageot». J. K. Barbour, XKVEE CLERK, St, Loots, hlo., (at W. N, Natruß'e i office.) J. K. DA It HOUR having loos? experience in Ri*eclrtnft and OLwharsiog Freight for Btflamhoats. effore ?up*?rior Inducomwats to SteamboatsdealrlDga DISCHARC* L\o CLERK. ny4 VIVID PEN PIOTURES—-Every page glows with the scintillations or genius, ami each la the writer’s grepbio tower of description that the reader is taken away—-all but Ixxlly—end made to see, aa If present and risible, that which Is so Inimitably described in henry ward beeoher’s btar p-appr*, For Bale at MINER A CO.’d. jyll! No 32 Smlthfleld street. rbh& Grouli IMPORTER OF BRANDIES. Glv, WINEB, Ac—Dealer la due Old Monorgahsla Wnisky, Fetch Brandy, Ao. Also, Rectifying Distiller, of SmlthQeld and Prnct s reetß, Pittsbnrgh. aprEi SAVE YOUR DlMEdl—Just received, by express— liar* per for August, YO cant**. *Wo wUI furnish Harper aed Putnam tor *0 ccp'.s . Harper and Godey for 40 cent? ; do do Graham for 4*l cents; do do Knickerbocker for 40 cents; do do Leslies Lndlee’ Gasette for 40 CtßtA. do do Peterson for 27 cents j do do N Y. Journal for 88 cent*; do do Bsllon’a Magarlne for 80 cants; Or any of the Q 6 cent Massines, (with oaa exception, Blackwood.) always for sale at 20 c«ut?. Remember, the place to fiSTo 20 per cent, on Hooka, Magazines, Stalk-norv, Ac., is at LAUFFKK’fI BOOKSTORE, JySl No 20 Fi tb fctn*>t. tkt KW BOOEa—At liAVIBON’S Book and fitetiunery ll Store, 06 Market, near Fourth street. Harper for August. Mornings with Jesus—Jay ; $1,2?. Pa Quincey’a Note Book; 76 cents. Tbe Eecaped Nun; £l. Theism—the Prim Ewmy; $1 Dr. Spenoer'a Sermons ; Cbarch Ilistory; $l. Long Look Ahead—Boe; $1,26. Tbe Parish Side; 76 rents. Mrs. Jamieson's CommoDpl&r© Book; si. Librarv edition of Rollln •, 4 vole, large type. PycrofVs Coureo of English Heading; 76 cents. Tha most beautiful edition ot the Hible for private In larae type, and with mare; Oxford. j y g\ C‘ CURIOUS AND SINGULAR PHKNOMKNON !—Tint 1«, j Grey Hair restored to Us n«turul color, with ail tbe ■trength and healthy growth of youth, by uee of the TIAJR COLORING FLUID. The singular adaptation of ingredients In this compound effects the small vessels at the roots of the hair, auu thus Btlmulatee the natural secretion of oolorlng matter, giving tone and strength to \U growth. It also Impart? \o tho hair a glow and bcaaty unlike that given by any other proparatloD, and In every cafe It will restore the naturnl color of the hair, where age or sickness ban turned U —<*7 8 Id by I JySO} 8. L. CUTHBKRT. 140 Third st. LLIS’ FLUID" EXTRACT"UP BUOHID-d doa vf this excellent medicine received by _jylo JOB. FLEMING. Cl HROME YELLOW—6OO lbs lust rac’d and tor sate by ) Jy2S FLEMING BTHS. BliU) CXG&6—2 WOOD, an.l u ' Master SHfiR- ; ObD JOB PENTLJVSD. _ . , 8180 OF CLOWNS, 1 Witt! a host or other talent, comprise the Troupe <®“For particulars of Procession, Dragon Charier r,-n I Military Band, ami Performances general y, **> bills if tha 1 day. • j J33T Admi«lou, 5*3 cent*?. No half price. AFTERNOON PERFORMANCES EVERY DAY wo- ' menciog on TUESDAY. GS!* Will exhibit in ALLEGHENY CITY cn Satui ilay, ftqgqat 4th. jyjj MADAME EDWARDS. Tea JU3TII OiLEEiATID ffif'l&k CLAIRVOYANT, isSißb Can b* consulted at her rooms, ccr ner of WOOD and FIFTH etreeta sf Pittsburgh. t 'S2' Rooms open Day and Evening. Consultations prirata and conflden- Tzbsj3.—Gentlemen, $1; Ladles iS.l&ilni )nly 60c. jeflLim* JOHN W. MCCARTHY, Mill B 3 outer and IHstributor , 33* Wnt attend to the Posting and Distributing of ali kinds of bills for concerts, lectures, EXHIBITIONS. Ao. All comannieatioae—eJther by mall, telegraph,or other wlso—directed to the office of the Morning Post, will r*- crl f-» prompt attention. • H p 7 bUMMER RESORTd. * PEBBY COUNTY WARM SPRINGS. 'pHE above celebrated WATERING PLACE will he open X lor vUitors oa and after the FIFTH OF JUNd NEXT. They aro delightfully located on Shennea’aCfesk, fourteen miles north-wen of Ptmcannoa, (this piece being fifteen miles wen of Harrisburg, on the Central Railroad,) at the base of Plsgah Mountain, which trachea an elevation of moro than five hundred feat. Sherman's Creek effords a splendid opportunity f;r tboae fond of bathing, or riiUias; the mrroaudiog forvrtaoSfcr great attraotloafl to the eportaman; and ioor ixnooth an l ahady roads through e rnnutry unsurpassed for bold ond magnificent scenery, will dlrerrify the amusements of tha place. HORSES, SADDLES end CARRIAGES can bo had at all times Horses takeo to Livery on reasonable terms. Of tho MKDIOINAL QUALITIES of the SPRINGS too mash can hardly bo sell. Their waters bate been analysed by the best Chemists In the Union,and are pronounced an: nurpascod for caring cataneouo dUftases and affection* of t o kidneys. Ther*- aro some five Springs in all, every cne of which is of dhTorent temperature-—the largest being G 3 degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing out &3 gal ons BTory Botra minutes. Ladles’ «nd Gentlemou’s BATHS have been constructed, with oil tha modern improvements, to* gather with PLUNGE BATHS, Ac., Ac Each day a Coach leaves Punc&snoc for tha Borings, after the arrival of thu cars. Bowling Alleys, Billiard Rooms, and various other facul ties for amusement, in abandonee. The accommodations will -bo the best, eM the charges low. YcutH.-—Eight dollars per week, or one dollar end fifty oeot* per any .j Families wishing to engage rooms, should address the proprietor early. Every attention wili be paid to visitors, tho proprietor having engaged the best of servants.* Marie always in at tendance. Ail communlcatioas intended to reach the Perry Ooonty Worm Paring* should be addressed to Dunsaunon P. 0. Tht-y will br immediately forwarded. n H. UTTER, Proprietor Worm Springs BCM22failt RETREAT. Keystone hutel, Hmvn.vGtrc>:» co.. fc»xa-, one hun dred and thirty • ertn mde; Sast oj Piiltburgh. and unly six hv.irx' ruJt Tblfld&tlgbtfol resvdenco and place of public resort is located on the bank* of the ** Blue Jalliata, ,, at the conflunncy of Spruce Creek. Its clear spring, trout sustaining waters, hero di»'hargei Itself, and mingles Its mu-mara in concert, m they rush down the gorges of the Mountains. The v-;ry central position cf this Hotel makes it a desira ble plsre cf 3 , joarn for & few weeks or days, for a«n of business aud their fasaiUce—jaded and enervated with tho turmoil, bustle and heat cf the c\ty. I» is Mutated on the l mnsylvanift Central Railroad, where the great turnpike from the ousquehasoa and othvr reels concentrate — making easy egress and Ingres, asveral times a day, by the cars and stages, to Altoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and - ho Mountains. Th* Honrq is a new brl;tc coe, four ctoric3 high, ercclous soi rogiaj, newly paper*i, p.-.lDt*d and fornhcbscl from basement to attic, »ith ail th* modern Improvements and epplKnces of Cold Katbs, &c. I; is r.Lio finely ventilated.' There ars aujvrb viexr of cvnry fippp.riinert of the Mcun tain —ttc- ‘’giorious mountains," tho " eternal bills.'* Telegraph Ofil e in tho Hoase, always for werK—ami tho proprietor to re??i*r visitors at ruoda rate char>; Cttcpbvll, Bt. CUar’.»s* Hold. -v Great kbnti ! crv P(k"CLAft EMB D Y DR. JOHN BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. raedlctms. when ac*l acooniica to directions, tfftl A eur«, without £aU:— acrefold * cr Kliu-’eETjt, CdCcer?,Kraptioaj of the Skl*i, Erysipelas, ‘f timers, Chronic Sore Eyes, liingwom or Tetters, Scald Head, RheamaUrca, Paints in the Docks cr Joints,Old gores and Ulcers, Swelling of Disease* of the iLidQeys,DiseF-«ii arising lh?a tfcs nee cf Mercury, Lou of Appetim, Palo tn the 8)-»e and Shoulders,General ,Lumbagn,Ccraijha,Lc*ie, Drossy, JeuDdfc*,Oo-tiTece*i, Bronchitis, Weiices-e oi tfcj Cheat, Sere Throat. Polmonary Affections, and all other Disea?eM&ndicgtc trcaaceCcnsampti. n,ltT«rOcta ptainU, female I’Tegulariri-sa and ' Lew Spirits, Sick and Karroos Headache, Night Sw f'ar.s.Ksposarteor Imprudence lu Lift. Chronic Constitutional l>is tawo.aml B 3 a Spring >nd!»aq. mer Drink, e Oeneral Tonic itt the liystea, a OenU» find Pleasant Purga tiTu.itljjnperlor to Dice Lick ar.d Congreik Wa?*r, Balt's or Seldliu Powders. I: Is a rnmarkabie fact, that among tba hundred* of *n!* cent pbys-aions who haea examined tho reclpa by which Bull's SanraparUla U preporvd, not one ha« condemned It but all approved it, and commend It in tho highc*; terms’ Many physicians osprey thmselrea strongly In the belioi that it U decidedly the be-,! preparation of Sarsaparilla that has ever be*n plant'd before the public. Although there are many physicians who f**l a reluctance to having th*lr names appended to thu r*x.eimenJaUon of any particular remedy, notwithstanding they may opprore of it In tb« highest degree, then? are others who frankly ylolU their ■ uppertinfavorof a r«m*dy which they know la capable of doing M much good in an afflicted community. Aa as erMenca. rend the fallowing from old and rcspecUbla pbyal clans, of high standing in the community In which they live. TfiSTIMOJtY. JSSf Twtiisony Hie th* ryllotring renders supertoue all comments on the efficacy of Bull's Sarsaparilla. From Dr. L. r Yandnll, Professor of Ohemlatry in the LouisTUla Medical Colle;*; I ha*« looked or«r iho list of Bull'p Compound Extract of Barsaparilia, and hare t>o hes Itation In saying that tboy fern a «aft* compound, aad on that promises w#U la chronic dlaeatuu, to which It h appli cable. L. I*. YAK DELL, M. D. LouLttlUc, June 6,18-19. What Dr. Pylea, physician by appointment to the LoaU- Ttilo Marine lloepltal, coys of Bull's Sarsaparilla: LouiSTilte, March 20, 18-W. I liava examined ths preccilpilon fo? the preparation of John Bull's Sarsaparilla, and I bell*** t>e combination to b# an excellent one, and well calculated to produce an alto?* ative Impror-aion on tfcoj-ysteia. I haTe used It both In pub lic and private practice, and think it the beat article of par eaparilla now in use. M. PYLBB, "M. D., Itealdcnl Physician LoulsvllU Marine licaplrai. LouiavUle, May SO, 1 549. We havo used John Bull's Sarsaparilla, and ham Known it to be used, with entire satWactlon; and we bate no bes* Itation in stating our belief, that It is a safe and valuable medical compound, end calculated to produce much good and relieve much suffering; and therefore would cheerfully and most earnestly recommend it to the afflicted. (Signed) E. W. BEHON, K. STEVENSON. Wo earnestly Incite ill peroono Trbo aw suffering with p.ny of “ tho Ille that tlonh la hair to,'* to cal! oo Dr. John Bull'd ajfent, and get a copy cf Bairn Family Joarnal ariATis; and for the aahe of humanity, we hope that a single individual will not be found unwilling to give Bulla sarsa parilla & t&ial, after reading, and recollecting, at tho same time, that it la impossible for the Dootor topublish the tenth part of the number of certificates of astounding cures per* formed by bis Sarsaparilla. The amount of testimony vol untarily showered on Dr Bull's Sarsaparilla, from well fcnown and distinguished Individuals, both In public ami private life, haa boon perfectly overwhelming. ALSO, BULL’S KINO OF PAUL £&• Dr. John Bull’* Prinolpal 01800, tresi aldo Fifth gt fir*t door bolow Main, Louisrllla, Ky. Tha abort popular medlcintfi air sold In Pittsborsh ty O. n. ttKYSER, Drujrgist, 140 Wood etnx*. PM2MING BEOS., do . to.. itaud., Dr. H. corner Market_and Third streets Abo. Id Birmingham by JOHN G. SMITH, Birmingham mg Btore, near Oarooa street. In Allegheny city, by J. |> FLEMING, Federal street. [tnyMulalyig CHINA HALL, BiSSIT BVRBBt, BSTWnm SHIBD fSD FOCltn ST&RT9. Strangers visiting the city should gall in to po« the beautiful assortment of C&IXA, QL.JL33 and QU£B2fBWAHE, now open at the above eetabliah ment. Our goods being entirely new, wear© enabled to offer inducements in nu the latest styles of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Waro, white Iron-etone, wo havo a great variety of shapes; also, gold band and fancy colored rv oe war* Tea and Toilet pets. Our stock of white Covered Dishes, Soup Tureens, Vegetable DUhos without cover*, Salad Dishes, and every article appertaining to a Dinner Bet la large and well selected. Britannia Ware, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Cm tors, Waiters, and House Furnishing Goods, we have a large assortment. COMMON WARE—Our stock of common Teas, Plate*, Dishes. E uieru, Nappies, Uswls, Pilchers, and every arttole In the line Is largo, and wu are prepared to pack them with or without fine goods, as the purchaser may wish. Also, a largo assortment of alUVida o I*I*ABB WARE, which we are selling at 'tr* 1 p:-i pi,* of which are offered at wholesale or ret oct29 JURY. “ 18d&” CANADA WEST. , 5P2» le7siand,PortSianl«y . f?> s. and Port Harwell. TJEE FINE low pressure steamer TELEGRAPH, Captain C» Baboow, will make two trips a week between Cleveland; Port Stanlev, and Port Burwell, as follows: Leaves Cleveland for Port Stanley, ©very MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENING, at7}s o'clock. Leaves Port Burwell for Port Stanley at 1 o’clock. Leaves Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY and SATUP.DAT EVENING, at 7U o’clock. Tba Telegraph connects at Cleveland, with the Cleveland* Columbus and Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh, the Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Cbveiana Railroads. Also connects at Port Stanley with the London Line of Stag©*, whtoh connects with tie Great Western Railroad. For freight and passage apply on board, or to 800VHJ, A LAUDERDALE, Ctavolond; 8. P. HOLCOMB, Port Btanl*y, dr a. M’BRIDK. Port Borwell, matt£7:toCT Nottoo. NOTICE U hereby given that application will ha mad© to the next Legislature for a Charter Incorporating a Bank, 10 be called the OOMMRROIAL BANK, to he lo cated In the OUy of Pittsburgh, with a capital of 60Q.0Q0 doUara. je&Gaw *i * -. MEDICAL. The Graefenberg- Dyaentery flyrui*, A speedy and Infallible remedy la Diarrhaa, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fin turn, end the Asiatic Cholera, if takes with the first rysp toms, vie: vomiting and diarrh®a. It never fails to core the worst rciaiblo cases of bcrel complaints, generally In a f,w hours, seldom beyend a day. F: la purely vegetable, and tafcau in almost any quantity U perfectly harml e s a . Price to cents. Th# Grfflfenberg Greea fiCountain Oiatmoht, Invaluable for Burnr, Wounds, Sprains, Chilblains. Corns, Bora?, Swellings of oil kinds, Rheumatism, Ery sipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pains la the Side or Bask immediately relieved, lufiammations of the B»wels, usd for all cases where there Is lnfiamma tlcn. i’rtco Twenty livo osut* ttarakall’s Uterine CathoUooA. A certain cure for Prolupnos Uteri, and for most of the distressing complaints incident to Females. Pr> pared by Dr. Pomeroy of Utica, eoleiy for tho Graefonberg Com pany. Price $3,00. The other Gracfanhorg Medicine# are Eye Loliiyn, Zhadh BiUers. CzxsumptiMc Ba'rn. Children's Panacea, finer and Agk> Pals. Libby's PCi Ointment. EartapariUa tb mpovnd. !ba Grsefaaborg Maaual of Eealtk, A ocmplete hand book of medicine for families—price 60 ote. Office, Al 4 Broadway, Hevr York, CAUTION. The public la requested to bear in mind that 07orythlrg prepared by tha Grxefenberg Company has their ceal upon it Spurious articles hafe’bseo Issued closely resembling the genuine In every pert oular except the coal, end tha utmost once should be obserrad before purchasing. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. ££YBBB*3, 140 Weed atreat fylfalaw la 43" A Fact worthy of Reoord and Atten tion—WßlGHT'S TONIC MIXTURE, a and certain cure ft# FEVER AND AGUE. This preparation for the treatment of the above disease, and perfect eradica tion of tho cause, is one of the meet important Cheml&l Discoveries of the 19th oeutury. neutralising effects on the poisonous gases are instantaneous, and acts like a charm upon the whole Nervous and Muscular System, re storing tho tone of the Stomach, and invigorating tho Con stitution. Unlike the general remedies resorted to for Its treatment, such as Quinine, Arsenic, Ac., which leave the system worse than they found It, it improves the goneral health, purifies tho blood, and stimulates the different organs to a regular and healthy action. Being prepared under tho immediate supervision of ao eminent Chemist, uniformity of strength may always bo railed on- Its unprecedented demand, and the thousands of testimonials from eminent Physicians, and others who have bean thoroughly cored, ore a suacien? guarantee of Ito superiority over oil other preparations. We can only add, In conclusion, if you. are suffering from Fever and Ague, try it and be cured t PETER T. WRIGHT & CO, 211 Market at., Philadelphia. And all respectable Druggists throughout the United States and Canadas. For *ale by GEO. H. KEYSER, No. 140 Wopd street, end R. E. SELLERS, Pittsburgh. ap27:d>Tr3m Is 49*Bald lleada and Hard’s fiialr Uesto r«r—Pouvstasxocz, Cr., Feb. 9,1865: This Is to certify that I hate U3Sst Dissolution of Partnership. THE Partnership formeu by the undersigned and JiSf'a ON hat, In carrying on “the Camden Coal Worsta.'' under the name and style of JONES, i/NKAL a MILLER, Is now dissolved. ISAAC JONES, July 7th. 1855. JOHN D. MILLER. Notice. LARIMER’S TRUSTEE U prepared to pay a dividend of FIFTEEN PERCENT., la* Stocks" of various Kinds, tit cash p.loea- THOMAS MELLON. jy’iB:lwd*Slw Wanted* T ABORSRB are wanted on the Cleveland and Mahoning X J Railroad) between Warren end Youngstown, Ohio. JjgfcdU* U6T at No. 107 Market atreetTa large"ee eortment of Goya 1 and Youths’ Calf and Patent Leather Oooffrr93 Galtan. Prices low. jylg W. E FCHMTSRTZ. APPLE PARERS—29 des Pruit’f Patent Parer, whole* sole and retell, at ine Implement Warehouse, 4? Flfh street, by i.lySO] JAMES WARDftOP. / SItAXN LRlLLn«—lloore’rt Patent IcDpToved, tha most \JT simple and complete Drill for Farmers In use. Cell and examine- For cole, at menufaetures’a prices,- at the Implement Warehouse, 47 Fifth street. j)CQ:w3i* JAMES WATtI-ROP. PATENT OlDttit MlLLb—With lor hand or boree power ; warranted. For rale hy Jy3C:w3i« JAMES WARDROP. MAGAZINE© AND WEEKLY PAP&US— Ladies' Guentc of Fashion for August; Graham’s Megafilne do Putnam’s do do Peterson's do do Gcdey’a Lady’s Booh do Ballod'o Monthly do The Panorama of Life and Literature; London Illustrated News, last arrival. All the Eastern V eeklles for this w«eh. For any new Booh or Magatloe, call or rend to W. A. GILDBNPtfNNKY & C 0.% JyS3 Fifth st., oppoaite the Theatre. I ADlKb’ FASHIONS— ~~ “ j Leslie's Ladies G&aeite for August, SO cents; Putnam’s Magasine do 20 do Graham’s do do 30 do Godev’s Lady’s Booh, (second supply \ 20 cent* • l New York Journal fcr August, IS do * I Peterson’s Magaslne, do 17 .- ' - - ■ • ■•■ .-., , * w r*- . . s vitv '/JtV.*' *■ , **<• - . • DK.iVTQRSE’S n WJORATING CORDIAL. ** ewmMSxon Ho«m fUatorod and Vlt* Ibtngthuua MOUSE'S INTiaOKATIKQ BLIXTR *“*»«» With strength, Incapacity irfdi 'negularity with uniform end natural «. ‘y‘f’ l ai . IW ? EOi w*'7 without hazard cf motion, tut with a happy effect on tha general organization. n»*Boar In mind that all malsdlo wherever they begin, finish with tho nerrous system, aid that tho paraliratlon of tha tervs of motion and rensctlm Is physical death. Bear In Bind, alao, that for a: sry hind of nervous dlsasss, th» Ktirt.'rv,. dial la the only reliable preparative known. CCBB 0? NEEVOUS DUGASES. No massage can convoy an edsjeote idea cf tha fav< dice and slmoet miraculous change which ltccadoaain - , ''’T' 1 • debilitated and shattered otrveus system, Wbethe. broken down by excess; weaS by nature, or tapS, a. by unstrung ond relaxed crgaairaUraU n ence braced nmvreed and built op. The mental gaj physical symptoms of ntrvone dLeeaao TBnleh together n„ der its Influence. Nor U the effect temporary; for the Ow! dial properties of tho medicine reach the ocnatltntion tw.lv and rcstorn It to its normal condition. -. w Coufnalon, giiidluesf, rush of blood to the head, raolea* choly, debility; hysteria, wretchedness, thoughla cf self detraction—fear cf lnranlty, dyspepsia, genrral prostra- Bon, IrrltablUtv, nervousness, Inability to Bleep, (fiameei incident to males, decay,of tha propagating functions, hya- Urie, monomania, regno terrors, pslpitatloa of tha heart. Impotence, constipation, at?, fromwhatever cansee arising it Is, If there be any reliance to bs placed on human feoff mouy, absolutely Infallible. A GBEAI ' MEDICINE FOB FEMALES. . Tna ocporsllelcd effects of this great restorative In all S“ F 'f, r 5 tan T? Catt ”i‘'“? ,i - ™ t,M era In theanna's ofmciildnc. Ihoasaniiof ntloaiantshn-ra beau invented— thoa-iiEdsofliiviraranuieoiicootol-sU porportlng to b« spodEal In the various disases aadderangemontatSwtWi thsdolicateformationcfwoman rendsrherßahia. ETEBY WOJJAN OF 6SNBS, Who suSsra ftom weakness, nemmsnosc, tremors, paftia in the bask, or any other disorder, wbotlSj pesnlier to bra mi, or common to both ser.cs—tootni tS i Invigorating Cordiel.a trial. MAKBIED PPBSONS, Or others, trill find this Cordial aftorthey bar* usds bot tle or two, a thorough regenerator of tbs system. In e« dlreetloasars to bo lonnd tbs happy parents of healthy rl?. spring, who would not hays been so bnt (br tblo extnert}- nnry preparation. Audit Is equallypotent for the many dt» eases tor which It is recommended. Thousands of young man have boon restored by. using iti and not In a single stance haa it failed to benefit them. . PERSONS OF PALE COMPLEXION, cr consumptive habits, am restored by the use of a bottle e* two to blcom and vigor, changing the shin from a pile, yel low, sickly color, to a.bosntlfnl florid completion- Theso are some of the sad and melancholy effects proto, ced by early habit* of youth, 7is: rreaknesg of the beck and limbs, pain* la the head, dimness of sight, lots of za os cular power. palpitation ofthe heart, dyspepsia, nerrwit Irritability, derangement of the digwtJn functions, general debility, symptoms of consumptions, etc. Mentally, thn fearful effects oa the mind am much to be dreaded. Lcea of memory, confusion of Ideas, depression of splrltr, cril forebodings, aversion to society, telf-alstruMw lore of solitude, timidity, etc, an tomebt tno evils ntodn* ced. All thus afflicted BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ce* eeasary requisite* to promote oonnubUl happiness: without these, the journey through Ilfo noames pilgrimage—the prospect hourly darkens the view* the mind becomes ahadotrod with despair, and fi-M with the melancholy reflection that the happloMa of be comw blighted with your own. n A tI.WA^T Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial hu bees counterfeited by some unprincipled person*. In future, ell the genuine Cordial will have the propria* tor’s fac-aimllo pasted over the cork of each bottle, arm tfaa following words blown in the glass: Dr« Horse's Knrlgoratlag Cordlalg 0. 11. RING, Proprietor, K. 7J The Cordial b rtt up, highly concentrated, In plat tics—priw throe dollars per bottle, two fbr five dollar*, ftr twelve dellcrs. C. fi. BING, ProprietorT^ 1W Broadway, N. 7. &sld throughout the United Bt»*w, ftaet AGENTS; ■ • ' Pittsburgh M .. M .J>«.GEO. H. KEYSER, Ho. 140 Wood ft Do FLEMING, BEOS.. No. 60 Wood ST Do. R. 13 SELLERS, Wood strict. AllegbenyClty--J. P- FLEMING. Ar»nfforOhlr....j D. PARK, flinclwnatL [ttpll:da»ly Nosmca, Pcb 8,15 W, FEVER AND AGUE CURE. OK, KATUBE’3 HTTAItTBLE SPECIFIC, FOU the t'revention and Cure of lSTraanrsH? ara R»- brtmi Fivxan, Pivxu and Aous, Cbwa and Fim Dosb a aw, Goeul Debiutt, Night awti?®, and all ether form® ef dl»e«e which havo a common origin is Malaria, or Miasma. This subtle atmospheric poison which at certain reasons Is unavoidably inhaled at every breath, la tho mb* In diameter wherever It exists—North, South, hast or West—and will everv where yield to this ncwly-dlseovered antidote, which Is claimed to be the fraottif dUcnsn fe vutdicint seer ua dz. This speoifle Is go harmless Hut it may bo taken by per* sons ef every ego, eez or condition, and it will cot substi tute for one disease other® etUl worse, aa la too eften the re snlr in the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arwajo, and other ctlsonons rr deleterious drags, not a particle ef any of which is admitted into this preparation. Tbo proprietor distfcetiy claims these extraordinary re buUv from tho urc of this "NATURAL AlflSDOTfl TO Malaria. It will entirely protect any resident or traveler even a the most richly or swampy loeulltiee, from any Ague or Bilious di£€*fl« whatever, or any injury from constantly la • hellos Malaria or Miasma. It will Instantly check the Ague in p&rffotu who have eufr fared for any length of thus, from one day to twenty years, so that they coed never have by coatlnalngiU ore according to dtrecticna 0 It Trill immediately reilevo &U the distressing results of Bilioua or Ague diseases, each ss general debility, night BW-ate, etc. The patient at oaoe begin® to recover appeiit® and rtrength, and continues until a permanent and radical cure is effe-iltd. Finally, its use will banish Fever and Ague frost familfe* and all lag it ee a preventive, will bo fr«e from Ago© or Bilious at tacka iu that Beeson of tho year which, while it U tho modi sickly, Is the ocstraloaMe one ta them. Oaa or t»?o bottles vrtll custrar for ordinary cures i some may require mere Dirscttons printed in German, French and Spanish, accompany racii bottl* Pri«o One tallaj. Liberal dijcounts made to the trade. Trade circulars ft>p» warded on application, and the article will be consigned oq liberal terms Co responsible parties In every section of tbs oo an try. JaS. A. BHODES, Proprietor, itotidbtie*, B! I. Aafiraa—2fow Tcrfc: 0. V. CUOKRNEE & 00.. and Q. H. UtKG. Boston: WEEKS is POTXEK . Eiilsdalykia D7OTT & SONS. J MITCUtiLL, Wo. 2C5 Liberty otreo t Eflxt door t'* Hand. WOODaIDES 4 BBOTnKR, corner of Anderson and Lacocktt-., BECKuAM & M’KKNN AN mJJ. T. BVMPTE A 00.. C»fy. f*b27 j GEE MAH' BIT TEES, PttLPAr»T f DS. C. K. JACK3OK, Philadelphia, Pa., wn.l cryscruuLT ocas UVEK COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Ohrcnic or Hereout DtbOiiy, Diuatcr of th* Kidneys, aid discern arising frtvi a iwardjrcd ££e«r or Stomasb. Gucb MConstjpa tton,lnwsrdPHaj, ? aluef£>,or Blood, to the Head, Aridity ofthoStomach, Nauset;He&rtbo7n,Dlegugt&r Food/ Polasss or weight In the Btom&ch, Soar EraoUttonsi Sinking, or Fluttering &t the Pit cf the Stomach, Swimming of tbo Head, Harried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choak* tag orEuffOcatJngSsnsauon when in lying Feature, Dlmaeat of Vision, Dote of Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration VeHownew of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Bash, Chest, Limbs, &z. t Sudden Floehes of Heat Burning in the Tlesh, Constant Imagin' inga o f Eril, and great Depression of _ Spirits The proprietor, In calling tba attention of Uu public t* this preparation, does so wit a feollng of tha uiasootoonS dance in its virtues osdada. ation to tbo diseaatt for vhioh tt is recommended. • - - It Is co new and untried article, bat on« that baa stood £b» test of atea .years’ trial before the American peopla and Us reputation and sal* fa unrivalled by anv similar du • paratloDß aitaat. Tha testimony in its favor given by tht moat prominent and well known Physicians and lndl»id«. aid, in all porta of the country la immense. Beferrin* anv who may doubt, to my “Memorabilia,”or Practical Relink Peek, fotf Farmers and Famiiiee, xo be had cratis* of all th * Agents for the German Bittern. Principal Office and ilanufectcry, 120 Arch (treat. Fhlla de!phia,Pa. WBo’.d bj Dr. Goo. H. Kojerr, 110 Wood itrort- B A Pshmstooh * Co., No. 6 Wood streot; Plotulmr troth™, “JSS£Si B ' *■ 8 ™“ “ 4J - *• ««SS?^SSS£S I'oansiLVdnu lulbuoAD. rpnRKE DAILY TUKOUGU TRAINS, bowaii ehll.d.l. X phla and Pittsburgh. THE MORNING MAIL TRAM leases Fhilsdelphle for Pittsburgh at JJA A. M, ID j m~ burgh for PbiUdolphia nt T, A. M. LIBH leases Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 1 P-M ,sj mS burgh for Philadelphia at 120, p. M. Tub NIGHT PEhiaTRAIN leases PhiUddJhlo for Pittsburgh at ILP 11., and Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at #» p M “ ,r ‘ illitlrstiUo Aft'OtamodationTrain leisaa ritUburghdaO*. eaoept B„ndaj, at o'clcuh, i'.H. Brinioo’aAnimfSl taa » M u ***2B; S3S."bar.«SKU's?£i i S ton, Springfield, Bollefontaine, SaDdii?*.?, .Toledo rn»,ra! land, Columbus, ZaneifiUs, iias&lilon and Weoater Ohio; al», with the Steam Packet Boats from and to sS?Sso££l Si. Lotus. LomsTtti* and Cwciajuu * . UkUAB % pw“ l!hIfcl “ t,,raD ' bs t 0 or £r,J “ «tbor of the übosn P«ii=ulan:, see hnnlbillis at thn dUferamt Sl^^yisau'saaisss mere, Key Yota, or Boston. TIIO3. MOOHK, Agent, Passenger Lines* Philadelphia. ' d. MBSKIU&s Agent, •PegsflpgerLiDgg, PUtabcrgh. __Prirat« Oluuu> f DR. BROWN, No. 41 i lurnoud Alley, d* a Totes bis QttUre attention to an cilice prattles. £39 IU» trainees' Is mostly cooflneil to Privds Eg Vdtsrtal Diwuu, acd ouch painful affections, 9S» brought oa by imprudence. yooibful indulgence and asceia. Syphilis,SypbUUe Eruptions, Gonorriiea. Gleet, ttricturt, XJiettral Pischarpefl, Impurity rf the blood, with ail t4kt* s*s of the VenereKt urgen. S&ln Bgorbutio Erap* do-,0, Tetter, Xlnsworm, Mercurial Di#e*w-, Eeuatodl weakno a, Impoteocy, Piles, Rheumatism. Fertile VVeafe ness, Monthly Suppressions, Pic*-a>e3 or the Joints, Ffctul* to AcO| Nervous Affecttnnß, I’alu* is th* Back and Lo!s% Irritation of tbs Binuder and Kidneys, euo eicfolly Jure guaranteed. Twenty practice (tan Is this city) enable* Dp. Brown to offer asrurwccvs oi a speedy cum to all wbo Qty ccto-ur-der his care. " c ffice and Prirat- Consultation Rooms, 41 Diamond alles. moderate uotfcUaly^ I . HEUMATIoM.—Dr Brown’* ue«l) dH ovat«lMm*dt I V to? Kbeumatlsm is e, spew y aud certain Mtaed foe that paiofut trouble. It ne?er tail*. ** Ofiw and Private Cousulistbu Room*. N0.4l Dlaatl* Alley, Pl-teburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always at bomu. nrv»n!>tatrlv ■ t» lO tBo tscciholaW. m tfca Ebarpsburg Brldg? Company that 3. Q. MCBB* tl LX LLtboriisa to ra-ali* money at eoltator oFtoSo Q £ y»nj, »R«*tW» 4m*. By eti&t ttiho. Beard of MawaS ";i~ —■ ■■- v-r.v■. rv ; ; ' ■' medical LOSS 0? MEMORY, TO THE MISGUIDED. CAUTION. RHODES* DR. HOOFLAND r S CKLiEUBAi'ED •sets&Oiks^i^ * * “ ■*:, *