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A-t •»* „'i^ ’ T :t’p’ --v^'i '• '. ..r.. _; : r's i ;7‘;- ! .'V';-y'-'-.’ ’•; V .•• V. e 1? *^ •vVVA’ t y;-s■ .^c -• ••;r■ ■ -r,.' ,\. „* i ‘r u -y *.v ,y.*^: -t -ffiLr, ; v ■-•;r.’ , ‘ P; ; /i V^.%\ s ’f’v,' ■> o't-i MxoSPoSvoi?i r-'y: ■-• • •■■= r •;* i'r •; . :p;y-4 ; y 4 \--p>V-» I •V'*' v /<.»■; V'-: ’• ’ 1,-,. r . *». ■rK^g^i *.'v' ,-: c-. - -*:■■■ V-, . . ■ .’.' r* ••.■'■ i? c - if-* ,- •«• ;■• ,'';'.-;.:::;,..,;. •.‘,,-,•'..7,-r,::-.'.,i =ISM - I**■■*:■■■-rsi*?a--‘}.Zi*#^t tpac*-*- ■* *> *wV* .-*• vv' ">_-<'■ ■;£'• V 5 *< * £ f* 1 , „V' .S ' fc V -( •■ i; *V?’V' "**> v •‘ v: i f ‘ ’>' - ‘ - ” ‘ *" ~** - k '» v V <- v "_X 1 -a<*. o') ‘V*’* .. , ii .t 4.- r 'T I /'£‘ jj’ s '* - *“ - ■■■' ‘ Mi 1 ' "S H '• ■v t* < •• : w?.: - . lailtj Ifinramg OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. — j MONDAY MORNING: «-R«d.ng Matter W IH »<= *»nn* oa ol ••oil P«g« of tl»l» P»P' r - ma-B M PETHNOILL * CO., Newspaper Advertising AnZ, m the Agent, for the Pittsburgh Daily end Weekly PML and are authorised to receive Advertisements and SuDSOMPnONS for us at the same rates as required at this oOce. Their receipts are regarded as payments. Their oßees are at -New Tore, 122 Nassau street, Boston, 10 State sixes*. We would call the attention of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the fact that we have just received ftom Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job Type, and ate now prepared to fill orders for Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes for exhibl. tiona. All orders will be promptly filled. Gen. Wm. 0. Butler, who was nominated by tto Democracy of Tenth the Congressional Dis trict, Kentuoky, has declined. -George Laweß’ extensive brewery in Pottsville, Pa., was totally destroyed by tire on Friday iight. The lobb is s3o,ooo—insured for $lO,OOO. The death of the Hon. Morris Longstreth, of Montgomery county, in the fifty*fourth year of hiß age, is announced in the eastern papers of last week. He is not tho former oan&l commis sioner of this State. Got. Reeder, of Kansas, has arrived in New York, on his way to visit his family at Easton, Pa., his late residence. Ho will return with them in about two months to the theatre of his public duties. Tho executive head of affairs of the territory, in tho meantime, is Mr. Woodson, the Secretary. Gov. Reeder, before his depar ture, issued a proclamation for an election to be held on the 22d of May, to fill vacancies that ocour in Bix or eight districts. Ho also issued his proclamation to convene the legislature on the first Monday in July* Mr. H. E. Laffetra, a member of tho New Jersey legislature, and one of the signers of the card addressed to Commodore Vanderbilt on the snbjeot of tho Presidency, having come out Stating that he believed the whole thing a hoax, Mr. Daniel F. Tompkins, another legislator and also a signer, has written a letter declaring it was got up in good faith. Mr. Tompkins insists there is nothing very ludicrous in Vanderbilt’s claims fo the Presidency, notwithstanding the press ridicule it as a mere attempt to head off »< Live Hoax” George Law. The Baltimore Sun is out in a strong article denouncing the rascally conduct of the Mis sourians in invading Kansas, and controlling its elections by foroo. Wo predicted some days ago that the South as well as the North would denounce the outrage, and join heart and hand in applying a remedy, Tho Sun invokes tho power of the general government to put an end to suoh flagrant violations of law, and to main tain order, and let the people of Kansas decide upon their own local affairs. The Sun declares its indifference to the question whether Kansas shall be a free or a slave State ; bat it sees in the conduct of the Missourians the seeds of much evil to the country if not promptly checked aDd punished. The Sun is right. Tho lawless men of Platte county, Missouri, are doiDg more to spread and intensify the abolition sentiment of tho north than ony othor event of the last quarter of a cen tury. Wo are not abolitionists ; but when we see an audaoious and lawless attempt to extend slavery by force and fraud, we would have that attempt sternly punished ; and would never in the formation of another territory give a chance for the reoorrence of similar wrongs. Nor would we ever vote for the admission into tho Union as a State a territory where slavery had been established by such means as have so far been employed in Kansas. We believe the South generally will condemn Missourians, and desire no extension of slavery by such means. Tho people of Platto county not only forbid settlers from the free Btates from entering Kansas, but they destroy a printing press suspected of favoring freedom, and de nounce Methodist clergymen and that whole denomination. They will probably drive them all out of their county. Did they but know it, they are making abolitionists fast. The new building of the First Presbyterian Church, corner of Wood and Sixth streots, iB nearly completed, and was yesterday dodioated to the service of God. It is one of the most substantially built and Bplendid churches in the State. The interior and wood work waß done by David M'Clelland, Esq., an old and well known builder; and for style and good taste, and solidity and excellence of workmanship, it can hardly be surpassed. The churoh, we pre sume, will seat about 1,400 persons, and, while arranged and adapted to its use, it iB an orna ment to the city. The churches and sohool houses of our oity will now compare favorably with any other city weßt of the mountains for spaoionsness, stylo of architecture and finish, and for the wealth, liberality and publio spirit which they indicate. To-morrow evening, about ten minutes past nine, look out for an eolipse of the Moon. It will last till nearly one o’clock. The Earth gets between the Sun and Moon, and for about three hoars the Moon “can’t shine.” The whole of this eclipse will be visible in South America, and it can be seen in all the inhabited parts of North Amerioa, being only partial in California and Oregon. The laßt total eclipße of the Moon, visible in this country, occurred on the 6th of January, 1852. To-morrow night it begins on the eastern side of the Moon. At Albany, it begins at nineteen minutes past nine, is to tab at twenty-three minutes past ten, and ends at three minutes past one. At Philadel phia, it begins at fourteen minutes past nine, total sixteen minutes past ten, and ends throe minutes before one. Ths Annual Abolition Satoenatia is this year at Cincinnati. Very little intorest is manifested in its proceedings, and not half the prominent fanatics usually in attendance are present. We notice Antoinette L. Brown aud Geo. W. Julian as the two most distinguished delegates. To show that there is no suoh thing as degeneracy in the mutual admiration society, wo will give the speech of W. W. Brown> a mulatto, formerly a slave in St. Louis: The speaker said, that upon the passage of the fugitive slave bill, he was foroed to remove to England. While there a pecuniary oriels came upon him, and he was forced to look out for a means of sustenanoo. Looking over the papers one day be saw the announcement of the death of J. C. Calhoun, with a biographical sketch. He thought he could write a better life of Calhoun than 1 the one in the paper by a “blundering Englishman.” He did so, and re ceived a fair remuneration. In the coarse of time, the announcement of tho illness of Henry Clay oame to hand. He sits down and writes four articles on tho life and death of Henry Clay, (laughter,) leaving blank Mb age and the time of his death, because he was not yet dead. He watched the papers very closely, hoping daily to receive the intelligence of hie death : wifi r ‘) for h ' B money was nearly all gone. ““ * aß presented to him in the meantime. Sir, said he, I would have attended to this mat tor before this, but have been somewhat disap- .A 5 ” Bwa . ltin E a draft from America! Said he, “it was a draft upon the bank of Henrv Clay.” (Shouts of laughter and applause ) At last the nows came, Henry Clay was no more He sent his artioles to the papers. And, said he, the man who during life had never done to the amount of one cent for human liberty, I cold, when dead, for one hundred doUare l (Boars of an plAW-,) -.-s-rf'-C? ivt ■/*„ i, " \ft .* .. ... >'ii X* , J. PITTSBURGH: MORNING POST JOB OFFICE. the news, KANSAS AND THE MISSOURIANS FIRST PHBBBTTERIAN CHURCH Total Eclipse of the Sloon ' * “ •*.' V ♦: • • • Gov. Reeder and lilt Supporters Tho following is from tho Northampton (Masß.) Conner, and We are aßsured the IntelU genoe it communicates can be depended upon. General Pomeroy, we presume, is a son of Old lampshire. For anght we know he is a de. soendant of the.renowned hero, Coloner Pome, roy, of Bunker Hill. If so, he is a ohip bf the APRIL 30. ,d blook: The Lawrence Herald of Freedom, of April , th, Bays, it understands that the Governor has determined to submit the recent contested o'ec tion oases in this territory to tho Attorney Goa eral of the United States for his opinion. Tho same paper says: ■'Wo feel proud of the Governor of Kansas. He has shown himself to be a true steel during tho exciting times of last week. The Missourians waited on him in person, and threatened to hang him unless ho would give the pro-slavery oandi datos certificates of election. His reply was: “ Gentlemen, two or three of you can assassinate me, but a legion cannot compel me to do that which my conscience does not approve.” Bnch a man deserves well of tho country, and the people of Kansas will not bo slow to do him jus tice.” We have seen a private letter from Gen. Sam uel C. Pomeroy, dated Kansas, Missouri, April 7th, in which the above account of Gov. Reeder is corroborated. Gen. P. Bays: *« Governor Reeder has Btood up like a man. The members ©looted by Missouri votes held a meeting and voted to go to the Governor and de mand their certificates; if he refused, then to request him to resign his office, or they wou.d shoot him. 1 sent a liqc to tbo Governor to ask him if be wanted anything in the hour of his trial. He said ‘it would be grateful to bis feel ings to know he had Borne one to lean upon.’ I Bent my horse and buggy that same night with a line to Dr. Robinson. The next day, twelve good and true men, with revolvers, &c., stood up with the Governor. Wo remained two and a half days—determined to do or die- We had been insulted, nnd had all our rights trampled upon, daring tho election, and now determined to sub mit no longer. At last, the members left amidßt a storm of wrath and oaths poured out upon tho Governor and the Emigrants’ Aid Company. The Governor to-day starts for Washington.” Tho story about tbc ducking of the editor of the “Herald of Freedom,” sent on by telegraph by the filibusters, is incorrect. Tli© Outrage on the Press In Missouri-* Tho Newspaper Articles that Caused It. The Argus, of the 14th inst., published at Weston, Mo., gives the following extract from the Parkville Luminary, tho paper which wob subsequently mobbed and destroyed. This quo tation seems to have caused tho outrageous pro ceedings which are matter of history. THE ELECTION IN KANSAS: “We have occupied conservative and national ground, promptly opposing tho measures and men who have brought on this crisis. Will th ■ President meet it ? Surely he cannot longer fol low counsels from among Abolitionists and Nul lifiers? The country demands that sound, firm, energetic men havo tho direction of public af fajrB who will impress and enforce jastico and law. There is virtually no law iu Kansas, and no security for lifo and property, save in tbe sense of honor and justioe cherished by every Tauß pioneer. This mat save tbe country from bloodshed; but tho Government is held up to ridicule and contempt, and Us authority disre garded Judges of elections have been displaced, and others appointed; the polls have in somein stances been guarded with pistols and bowis kmves-and some of those elected are going to the Governor swearing that, if he does not give a certificate of election immediately, they will ‘cut his throat from ear to ear !’ Ib the flag of our country to bo no longer a protection ?—or are individuals or companies of men to declare We will ! and it must bo so, without regard to law ? Is this what tbe authors of tho Nebraaka-Kan eas bill meant by Squattrr Sovereignty ?” Wo aro unable to discover anything dreadful in the above. If tho editor told tho truth, his remarks are fair and correct. But the Argus oomments as follows: “Citizens of Platto and Missouri, is it true that you support sad patronize the abolition Dog Star ? Is it trao that you lot your negroes sub scribe for and read this lieing sheet ? They say, “wo have ocoupied conservative and national ground!” We would ask : What were you doing when you wrote tbo abolition letter to Brown, the editor of the Herald of Freedom ? Why have you been publishing lies and abolition senti ments, if you occupied neutral ground? Why have you opposed every measure tbe South has t&keu to defend herself, and defended every move of the North to abolitiooize Kntwas ? Why do’you support and uphold tbe Abolition Gover nor of Kansas? How dare you tell such a lie as to say “judges were displaced nud others ap pointed, and the polls guarded with pistols and bowie knives,” when it is kaown that a more or derly and quiet election dcvct was held in any territory in the Union. Verily, the truth is not in you. “As you are sick, we would advise you to move your office to somo other coantry, where the cli mate will be more congenial to your health. “If the people in theueighborhood of Parkvillo were not the most forbearing individuals in the world, the materials composing the Luminary printing office would go into the Missouri river, and the falsehoods that hod an outlet through its polluted columns would therefore cease.” It will be remembered that tho “materials composing the Luminary printing office ” were subsequently thrown into the river, as hinted. The office that most richly deserves a bath in the Missouri is that of the Argus. Lumber and Coal. —Tho Legislature at tho present session has repealed the tonnage tax on the Central road so far as relates to coal and lumber. This will enable the road to carry those two artioles eastward cheaper than heretofore, and may enoourago the sending of larger quan tities to the Beaboard markets. We believe this was Mr. Darsie’s bill, as be has been known to favor it for some years. It is right. On suoh heavy articles a tax of three mills per ton per mile makes a pretty large item, in a trip of about two hundred miles. But for tho protection that tax affords to the Main Line of thopublio works all would be in favor of its total repeal. It is a tax on oommeroe, and the burden falls mainly on our own citizens. Increased School Appropriation— Unneces sary Tinkering.— The Harrisburg correspond ent of the Philadelphia Ledger, writing nnder date of Wednesday last, says : The House Increased the appropriation for tho support of Common Sohools to $300,000, and by a large majority. The sum appropriated last year and fixed in this bill was $230,000. Previous to last year, but $200,000 was annually appropriated. This sum was given frem the very commencement of the Common School sys tem, and has remained without any material in crease, while the system has expanded and de veloped, and more than doubled its capacity for good—owing to tho financial embarrassments undor which the State has labored. An amend ment was engrafted upon tho seotion which would have a disastrous effect upon the county superintendenoy of Common Sohools if it should become a law It makeß it lawful for the School Directors in the several counties of the State to assemble in Convention on the first Monday of June next, to deoide whether they will oontinne to employ a County Superintendent; and in case they deoide not to employ each officer, then the amount of hie salary to go into the oonn ty sohool fund. This would cause a oonteet in most of the oounties in the State, would de stroy the uniformity of the sohool system, and would so mutilate it that the balance would hardly be worth preserving. There is no prob ability that this seotion will pasß the Senate. Gone a Coitoting. —By tho following, from the Colambus State Journal, itwill.be seen the newspapers are prying into tho bachelor Gover nor of Ohio’s private affairs: The Statesman says that “ Gov. Medill is ab sent from the State on important business of & personal nature.” Well, well, we do hope she will come to termß this time. She has led the old fellow a chase around Robin Hood's barn, until she haß set every hair in his wig about crazy. When she gets him tied to her apron striog, we hope he will come home, settle down, and behave himself, for he has been runnin ’ a long, long time. Why don’t he come home and oall that extra session, according to pro mise ? Gently as SnowFlaess. —On Sunday last, among the contributions at the Church of the Holy Communion to the funds of St. Lnke’s Hospital, was a roll of five one thousand dollar bills. They were dropped so quietly into the plate that not even the gentleman who received them knew from whenoe they oame.—AT. T. Timet. -n ’ -w- v I v - : •; -'«• • . . . - . V?'V k . .. *W' •***-¥* ' . . '■•■ • . r f “ v - ‘~V : T^y.V ■ ' ■: ; - V :‘v- i W . “■ v Prosecution of a 11 Lndy ” for Cross Cro ”’’ eltyi j ••• - ~ __ ! Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning PpS CM Gordon, a lady of property residing at Bang- [ ' •' From Havana. *v hurat, stated to be the daughter of a Scotch Bat- , CHiuLESTON .tS-i'C .April 28—Tho-Isabel ar onet, appeared to answer an information PJC- i . Havana and Key West. She left ferred at the instance of the Iloynl Society for ! „ “ or(h the Prevention of Cruelty M Animals, charging ; Th "V“ e of the Courier Bays that a her with having cruelly ill-treated and tortured , review P wa9 had on the 22d. Commodore a pony on the 23d of February, last. It appear- cCau , occ ied a Beal in Concha's carriage, ed that on the day m question, during a heavy , • Thrc / orcol( .‘g e - ntlelnen are in prison charged fall of snow, Mibb Gordon .left her home in a , wi , h bcat - fou b r g ish officera of rank. Scv pony phaeton for Ktogsclare, and on the return er ., ciyU (, arJs ar / rcporle d as having been as journey, inconsequence of some difficulty in got. , saßainate ] iu the etrBct3 . ting the animal along, Bho alighted, and with a u ifJ r ted that C om. McCauley, on the thick stick belabored it about the head and neck, 25 tfr^lc( j a BettlBme „t w j t h Concha, and that and subsequently forced the end o, the stick up I th(j ds wcro nU wilh drawn from the ship its nostrils and into its mouth witn great violence. .j Thomaa Church The Courier correspondent At another pointof the journey she tied the pony ( dotlbt9 tl , c tcrorted settlement, believing that up to a rail by the roadside, and left it standing Conoba hfl(J nQ anthority t 0 treßt . uncovered for two hours. On returning to her piae , 0 und Cadel embar ked on the 23d for carriage she was observed to take something g from her pocket, and strike the pony withtt sev- C onoha iuvited McCauley to a grand banquet, eral times, tho animal plunging violently as the Sugars and molasses advanciog ; freights ac blows fell upon it. On her arrival at Biugbnrst tiye " she called a lad named Mayliug, her stable boy, Tbo hri - ;Horatio wa9 pickcd u p on tho 22d off and desired him to hold tho pony s head while o wig found on his person, mostly in goM He is held in confinement until the occuMtig parties can arrive. His wife, who appear* *•> have been totally ignorant of her husband’s delinquencies, is in the greatest d'strcss at the situation of herself anil family thu3 penniless and exposed among strangers. It is indeed a hard case.— Chicago l'reas, 237. Settlement of Paoe iSi Bacon’s Afjuh* —A meeting of the creditors of the bouse <1 l’.ige & Bacon, was held iu St. Intiix, on tho I'.'th iilft. The proposition made by Mr. Picon, ou behalf of the house, was -rcepfed cheerfully by the creditors. That proposition id, the p-iyment to creditors of 20 per cent, cf the r cUip.h in cash, and the liquidation of the remainder, HO per cent., by full paid in stock of the Ohio ami Mississippi Riilroad Company, at tho rate of fifty per cent. ®*The Great Restorative-FEVER AND AGUE CUKEI) IIY PR. M'LANE'S I.IVKR PILLS —Mr. Jonoi han Iloughum, of West Ui>i >n, Bark C- .indy, 1 !i!nui.-'» writes lo the proprietor* tlmt h- hud *uilcr.*d greatly from a severe and protracted ntu.-k < f K.-v.-r an t Agu-, sir! wai completely ret-torrd to hnilili by the Uf«- uf the Liver rill? alone. Thes* HI is uri--e.i* great tunic pro pertios, and can ho taken with Hi .1 advantage f-»r many discus's requiring in t igen,tini; r»-ni*• 1 1 <•< : Lot 1 1>Liver Pills stand pre-eminent as a mean.* of restoring a nized Lifer lo healthy action; hence the great celebrity they have attained. The numerous »l>le dhi-Rees arising from a diseased Liver, which so Ion.: 1.-MU-d the bU.II o r the most eminent physicians of the United stales, ore now rendered easy of cure, thanks lo tin* study and perseverance of tho distinguished phyvirlan who *» name Ibis groat medicine hoars—n name which will to posterity os one deserving of gratitn !•■. Tills invaluable medicine should always be kept within r**H-'h; and on the appearance of the curliest sympt >ni.< of diseased Liver, It can bo safely and usefully admini.*ior*-d. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for, and take none but Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills. There nr.* oile r Pill*, pur* porting to be Liver Pi Is, now bef re th<* public. Dr. M’Lano’9 Liver Pills, also his celebrated Yr-rtnifupe, can now be had at all respectable Drug Flores in the United Stated and Canada. Alio, for sale by the sole proprietors, FLEMING BROS., Successors to J. Kidd A Co., np2M:d*w *lO Worn! strent. *O9“ Stocking Factory.- 0. DALY’S Stocking Fuciory, where everything is made in tin* HOSIERY LINK, is st the corner of Bt. Clair and Penn streets, lie is con tlnually turning out every variety of Hosiery, well made and suitable to the sea«OD, which may be always obtained Wholesale and Retail at Mb Store, corner of Market alley and Fifth street Don’t forget the name—C. DALY nod No. 20. npil OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, THE ONLY RAILROAD RUNNING WEST FROM PITTSBURGH Ox and after MONDAY, March 12th, 1855. the PASSEN OKU TRAINS will run ns follows, unlil further notice : Fast That* will leave at 3 A. M. Mm Train “ “ at BA. M. Express Train “ at 3 P.M.] These Trains all run through to Crestline, and connect there with the Columbus and Cincinnati. Ohio and Indiana, and Bellcfontaine and Indiana Railroads. At Mansfield, connections are made for Newark, Zanesville, Monroeville, Sandusky, Toledo, Chicago, Ac.; and at Allianco for Cleve land, Ac. No trains run on Sunday. Through Tickets sold io Cincinnati, Louisville St. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the principal Towns and Cities in the West. The NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., and New Brighton at 7 A. M, and 1 P. M. For Tickets and further information, apply to ,T. .G. CURRY, At the corner office, under the Mottongnhcln House Or. at the Federal Street Station, to GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, March 10th, 1865. (mhlO) Opinions or tUe Press. The following Is from Gen. Qeo. P. Morris, in the Home Journal of Nov. 7, 1846 ; All editors profess to bo the guardians c f the rights of the people, and to keep them advised, through their columns, of whatever shall arise for their benefit. W« will live up to this letter, and inform tharn that the most wonderful and valuable medicine for their general use ever invented, is “ Dallxt’h Magical Pain Extractor.” Its vir tues are so rare, mighty and eccentric, that eften they ap pear to work more like miracles than by science, so effect* ive, electric and astounding are its powers on the human body, that, though now it is daily tried by thousands cf people, not one of this great mass but is delighted beyond comparison, and candidly confess they, on no consideration, will ever again be without it. The Inventor, Mr. fl. Dailey, has wisely kept the secret io himself. Counterfeits are busy about it, but without suc cess. Its overwhelming merits defy all competition, and its peculiarities analysis. We confidently commend all pa rents to seek its acquaintance, for suiely such a friend, who laugh* at death and suffering, restores the blind, lame, halt and scarred to perfection, am all from pain, Ls a “friend indeed.” . We wish the discoverer of**this mighty blessing, who lan real benefactor to mankind, God speed. Nom genuine without & steel-plate engraved label, with signatures of HENRY DALLEY, Manufacturer, O. Y. OLICKENER & CO , Proprietors. Sold at 25 cents per box by Dr. G. H. KEYHER, 140 Wood street, and by nearly every dealor in medicines throughout the United States. All orders or letters for in formation or advice, to be addressed to 0. Y. CLICKF.NER A 00} New York. apU:d*w2w .'i's i: - - V';.' •• ;' •> b * ftlii -Vr NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. ! Important Orders from the President* Pin la Delphi a, April 25.—New Orleans papers of Sunday are received. The Washington Union of this morning has a long article on our affairs with Spain. It states that the President regards the recent bringing to ami examination of AmCricau vessels as a vio : latiou of international law; as indignities to our I flag, and aggressions uj on oar rights which will not be tolerated. Mr. M’Ctuly is not to argue with the Spanish cruisers as to their right of search or visiting, but to s. yto them: “\ou oan clajm no right of search, visiting or exami nation of any vessel rightfully bearing our flag upon the high seas, under any guise or pretext, in my presence or within niy reach ; if yon at tempt it. the act will bo done, at your peril.” The Union further says that the Spanish govern ment have the issue of war or peace in their own bauds—if they persist in aggressions, war is inevitable. - - - Kenning Machine Case——Col. Kinney. New York, April 28 —In the United States Circuit Court, Judge Nelson, the important oases of M’Cormick versus Wood, Marcellas and Jeromes were decided. These were three oases for infringement of the patent of plaintiff’s reap ing machine, by manufacturing and selling Manny’s Combined Reaping and Mowing Ma chine. Motions were made in each case. The defendants acknowledged the validity of plain tiff’s patent and the infringement by their ma chines. but that they had agreed to account with plaintiff, and took license under him. In junctions were ordered in the last two cases, and was waived io the first. Col. Kinnoy has been held to bail; Fabene, aiso charged in the indictment of a violation ol the neutrality laws, has not yet been arrested. PritAcnsß, April 28—The water will be let into the Frio caual to-tnorrow evening. It commenced snowing this afternoon, and still continues ; it melts as fast ns it fulls. P.iteai.o, April 28 —The burning of the bridge at P.iincovilk* dors not delay the running of the trains on the Buff do and Cleveland Railroad. HAitßi-ut:iiu, April 2n.—The repeal of the tonnage tax on coal and lumber parsed finally by a v.„te of d 7 to 3b. Tile Pleasure and Comfort of U-nu; wru nrrea In n £ll IT «>K GI/G'Ul-t.'*, i* 1 1 y onharu-fd by h.ituii* th.-jfl mid sTlTakle TO the nr.A.Si.?,\ OUTBULK l».t« iri'l utl that i' mw.-Miry to off,*.-! ih.il £T**at n.iimni tivn, U.Jt iL.- rcyarl-< tn and quality of roM*. Pm wiGiiiqi to .‘sprru'Dc-* nil thw, anj In; only mMi’rnlidy cU.i7t r > J, ran do ;o by at -10 l.ii-rr.r? «tueet, brad oi Pfir.tHWm-., in parti.-ular. i- c.j,* of hi’ (jria'tiX f-.rtrt, Tt*- iiin.C In* in tin? *l.'o- tit {.f U,i- Jtmurrous reflertnnn couiJ W riv**n. if nor«*-»vttry, to eorrol'orut** • !»»•* iMnffino t K OIUBIM.K A Rare Chance OiferrU for Going In Hu«|. lien* WANTED —A partner In the Flint Ola;.* bn-in**s. To a | I'f.-nn of uud'Hibted integrity «nd good character, {taring n ra-it ca;i a! cf fn-rrt s3.f DO t i s6.' <»)—with a prac ticable knowledge of tin* biwr»*“s* Irt it-various detniU, nr ruth *r one well potdc J to govern the fill; rod action t f the citpai'ify of tin* work* and th«* dispcirition of the v»!u>* pro d—and who would he willing to unit** hi* services and ■ api «l with the pp--s»*nt parties in th*- buHti-e', a rare <>p- U'rtunhy is offered of o p-vrtm-rj-hip, wi.h parties rv.-pou-i t-!.' - ti f i f correct burin*ss habit*—wh.Tc almost ev. rv fit • iii'y is cll.T'-.l um>s*Bmi' stuve-.-fu 1 progress And where n nine pot furnace, with |*ot>. innrhi-i rv, mmiMs. end n* • ivo#*y btnlJir.gs, are all comp! ••ted, at s u «-\ n-c of about {**n tliou-nui dollars, bur hud bv the parlies *>n a loan, for ■v term of year*. »lih p:iri>g>* topurchn.se on very LStorn id.• terms. The I'urnnee is jour hi»-.tinc up. nnd every nr- ; ,-enicut uinde to commence making gla-s iu al*cut Ihn-o w-. Further information, bv fic.-optuM** appli -ants, can !„• had nt Mr. JOHN VYOODd, isU Fourth ,-treet. or of r.pr.'T’Vw 7Four'h street. ■VTv>u i s *ua 11 ji r. Tu lilt UlKAl’ MiUKS—tloto So. 16? Market street, where you wit! find the neatest and best peh-ctod lot of Fancy Shoes in the city JUST KF.CK'vKD BY EXPRK*'. 4 200 pr Ladies' Fancy Gaitcis, nil color*, nt $1 26«< 1.75 a.-»J “ *‘ Blti-k “ 1 *• French Morocco and Kid Boot* “ l .iX'o’ 1.37 Wm M Children’s Fancy Sljck.-*, new >l\!e<. R p27 ' AY. K SIUIMFKT7. I>UTAA.U> MON riILY tUU MAY ; I amartineV Distory of Ttfriu-y; Tli« u'D lierty Tapera by the late William Mtigin, L. L. D.; Hunoiated by Dr. SLu'Unu Mackenzie, author of ••Nodes Ambrosinuiu," Ac. Go-jej-’p ljidyVßook for May; Blackwo -d’s Magazine for April; Mammon; or the Uurd.-hlp.s of an Heiress, by Mrs. Gore M« % of Clmucter, by Douglas Jerrold : Ellen Ncrlmry; ttr tho Adventures ofanOrphao; The Mouderful Adventures of Capt Priust; CJbuJc'm Last Bullet; or tho Price of Three LileH. ALL NEW BOOKS for sale at MINER & CO.’S as soon as published. ap27 IjUl’NAH’tf MO A Til Ll' iUK MAV, Uoh-y’a LfiJj’a Hook “ “ So “ l’rtorsoii's MHuaziuo “ “ “ JsV'v York Journal “ IS% “ Halloa's MaitaziDO “ “ 10 “ iUm kvrcxxl for April S 3 “ Just received an2f] J. W. PUTLKK .t C.O "\1 r INDOWOLAfiS.—I4O boxes SxlO; YY t 0 uo 10x12; 30 do 10x14; *25 do o EFINKU SUGARS—26bbUD R.crushed; 20 do S. U. do; 20 do small louTea; 20 do Coif.*o Sußnr. For Rale by SMITH. MAIR &UUNTKR. St.'Al* —200 boiea No. I—for sale by apr27 SM ITU, MAIR A lIUNTKR. $1,600. —We will Fell for $2,200, one-fourth <{r) O &\J\J in at 1, ‘2 and 3 years, a good ItltlClv IIOUSK, containing a hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, four chambers and finished attic, with cellar, pnntrv, pared ynrd, grape arbor, peach trees, «to.. The Lot it* 'M teot front on Pride street by 104 deep. Or. for $l,OOO, and on suine terraa of payment, wo will Fell a new two story I'ltlOK HOtljtK, arranged for two dwellings, of four roomb oncb; lot same kiz? uh above, with trees, shrub bery. 4c. £S. CUTIIHKKT & SON, rjIIIK undersigned having been appointed Administrator X of the Estate of JOUN J. lIOUUEN. late of Peebles toft'mhip, Ai)«*gheuy eounty, deo’d, hereby give notloe tn all persons indebted to Raid Kstntu to make payment, and all persons having claims against said Estate, to present them, properly BUtheniicnted, fdr settlement, to JOHN W. BUTLIiU, at bis Warehouse, No. 97 Front street. BA RAH T. RoGGBN, JOUN W. HDTI.KR. A d m imstralfirs. mo THE PUBLIC.—JOHN C. PARRY, puccrtpot to Parry, • 1. Scott A Co., has removed his Warehouse next the Foundry on SECOND street, adjoining One Works, where I am now prepared to sell everything in tiro Casting line at greatly reduced prices [ap2:lm] JOHN C. PA BUY. — openon~Mon dny, April 9th. some splendid new styles of Mantillas, to which they invite iho attention of the Ladies. apl) Hodklnson’s Fancy China Store CANNOT BE SURPASSED in its assortment of elegant and neeful CHINA, GLASS or OI’KENhWARE for Families, Hotels or Mtrcbnnts, at unusual LOW PRICES FOR CASIL ap23om T >OOKS to recoivo Subscription to the Capital Stock of tlio I > “ EUBKKA INSURANCE COMPANY ” will be opened at the Office of HILL BURGWIN, Esq . No. 142 FOURTH street. Pittsburgh, on the TWENTY-TlllßD DAY OF APRIL, 1855, and will be kept open d ily, (Sundays ex cepted ) between the hours oflO o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M , until One Thousand Shares are subscribed for. WM. F. JOHNSTON, ISAAC M. PKNNOCK, HILL BURGWIN, Commissioners. WHO 18 TO BLAME, if you don’t supply yount-1 with NEW-STYLED and FASHIONABLE , BOOTS, GAITERS and FRENCH SLII‘PERS? To be had lu abundant variety at SCHMERTZ’ STORE, aplO No. 107 Market st F AIOIS FOR SALE—Two of them on the Ohio river op posite Freedom; one 109 Acres,7o cleared, with pood improvement;—tbe other of 179 Acres, 50 of it cleared : good Brick House, and all necessary improvements. For sale lew, as the own*»r has caught tbe Western fever. ap2's TIIOMAS WOODS, 75 Fourth st. FOR SALE—27S ACRE 3 OF LAND on the Ohio River, five miles below Marietta, in Ohio. If you want a good home, just get this for yourself— it is all right. En quire of THOMAS WOODS, ap23 75 Fourth street. Hosiery and gloves.—a. a. mason * co. have received another large assortment of Summer Ho siery; Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves; Silk and Mohair Mittp, Ac., Ac. apl6 RKNC|I BUTTONED AND HIGH HEELED GAIT ERS, of a superior quality, just received, and now offered to the Ladies, at tho Cheap and Fashionable Store, No. 107 Market st. [apl9] W. E. SOHMEETZ. . ‘ « .. > Krle Canal—-Snow. Railroad Bridge From Harr ivlnirg W. H hCHMHUT/. SMITH, MAIR A HUNTER. No. lit) Third street. Hemoved pa HATS AND CAPS.— Now ia the/ggg^ . I g time that over 7 perron should wear a new or Cap, and MORGAN * CO., No. 164 1 "Wood street, next door to the now Prcsbj tarian Church, one doer from Sixth street, have a large stock of each, select* ed expressly for city retail trade, which they will sell as low for cadi as any other house In the city. They ask the attention of the public to tbeir $3, $3,50 and $4 Silk Hats, which will be found on inspection a neat and good article. Call .and see. Quick sales and small profits. Remember, No. IG4 Wood street. Drug Store for SaIe.—RETAIL DRUG .s STORE* iavorably located, at the corner of Chestnut and Liberty atreots, Allegheny City, wll k be sold on reason able terms. For particulars, eoqure of FLEMING BROS., Wholetalo and Retail Druggist*, No. 60 Wood street, Pittsbnrgb, Pa- iplß:lmd*w] ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, MASUPACTTJRXRB 07 Chilson Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING CENTRALLY, For Warming and Ventilation of Buildings. A. A W. will contract for Wanning and Ventilating by Steam or Ilot Water, Pipes or Chilron’a Fa'roace, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Green Houses, Court Houses, Jails, Hotels, or Dwellings. No. 25 MARKET street, Pittsburgh. ap!6 PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY. #5- FLOUR DELIVERED TO FAMILIES in either of the two Cities. Orders may be left at the Mill, or in boxes at the stores of LOGAN, WILBON A CO., 52 Wood street BRAUN A REITER, corner Liberty and St. Clair sts H. P. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. TERMS: CASH, OR DELIVERY. jy29 BRYAN, KENNEDY » CO. NORTH WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE, NO. 70 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CHARIER PERPETUAL. Authorized Capital, $300,000* i SSETTB LIABLE FOR THE LOSSES OF THE COM- A. PANY. In Stock Notes, (negotiable torm,)secured by Mort* gages and Judgments .. .$lOO,OOO In Bills Receivable, Mortgages and Judgments, Bonds, Ac 106,000 In Cash, Cosh Assets and Cash Items. 47,000 Total ..$253,00© H. CADWEL, President 0. H. IRISH, Secretary. iff" Fire, Marine and Inland Transportation risks, taken at current rates. REFERENCES. PITTSBURGH. Eramor A Rabm, Curling, Robertson A Co., N. flolraes A Sons, Wm. Bagaley A Co., J. A. Hutchison A Co., D. Leech A Co., Murphy, Tioraan A Co. PHILADELPHIA. Wainright, Huntington M. L. Hollowoll A Co., A Floyd, David 8. Brown A Co., C. H. A Geo. Abbott, Wood A Oliver, Heaton A Dcnckla, ' Caleb Cope A Co., Chas. Megargee A Co., Drexel A Co., Bankers, Hon. Wm. D. Keley, Scott, Baker A Co., Harris, Hale A Co., Deal, Milligan A Co. J. BANES KNOX, Agent, declfrly No. 116 Water Pittsburgh, PITTSBURGH Life, Firo and Marine Insurance Company; CORNER OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, FA. ROBERT GALWAY, President Jas. D. M’GrLL, Secretary. This Company makes every insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against Hull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis sissippi rivers and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally. And ajralust Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Peril* of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. ' Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. * DIRECTORS: Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley, James 8. Hoon, John Fullerton, John M’Alpin, Samuel H'Clarkan, William Phillips, James W. Hallman, John Scott, Chas. Arbuthnot, Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., David Richey, James Marshall, John M’Gill, Horatio N. Leo. Klttunnlng. febl7 CITIZENS* Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.— WM BAGALEY, President; SAMUEL L. MARSHELL, Secretary. Office: 04 WntrrSlretUbetwtenMarkttand WoodslrttU. Insured HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis sippi Rivers and tributaries. Insured against Loss or Damage by Fire. ALSO—Against the Perllsof the Sea, and Inland Navlga* tlon and Transportation. DIRECTORS William Bagaley, Richard Floyd, James M. Cooper, Samuel M. Kier, Samuel Rea, William Bingham, Robert Dunlap,Jr., John B. Dilworth, Isaac M. Pennock, Francis Sellers, B. Uarbaugh, J. Schoonmaser, Walterßryant, Williamß. Hays. John Shipton. HOWARD Health Association of Pittsburgh, Pa. ••OFFICE, No. 108 THIRD 8T tEET, opposite the Telegraph Office. Thifl Association is organised for the pnrpose of affording mutual assistance to each other, in case of sickness or ac cident. By paying a small yearly payment, tho member? of the Association secures a weekly benefitdaring sickness, averaging from $2,25 to $lO per week. In this Association all members are equally interested io the management and profits. 8. B. M’KENZIE, President. T. J. lluxtss, Secretary. Finance Committee— Josiah Knto, J Ail S 3 Beaker, G. N. Hoffhtot. Consulting Physician—F. Irish, M. D. nov&tf Franklin Saving Fuad and. Loan Association, OFFICE, No. 87 FRONT STREET. DUoouot Day—MONDAY. Notes offered ob SATURDAY to tho Secretary, at the store of John £L Mellor, No. SI Wood street. Weekly Dues received at the same time and ’piece. [decl:3raj J. WHITTIER, Secretary. Sr's*' To itukbeguniTstory"of-th"kn"kp lr*£r TUNE ENGINE HOUSE (a Hall suitable for public meetings.) will bo let for three or four nights in the week. Enguiro of GEORGE FUNSTON, HAGAN A AIIL, Xo. 91 MARKET STREET, lllive just received a complete stock of Black (Lapin’s) Berege; “ S-4 “ “ Camel’s Hair “ u Tissues and Grenadines; “ Crape d’Espagns; “ Organdies and Lawns; Crape Collars and Sleeves; Crape Collarettes, Ac., io which they would respectfully call the attention of the ladies. aji£o Books jost received at Davison's, 66 market STREET: Family Prayers and Commentary, Thornton; Steps to Alter; C&stte Builders; Ryles’ New Book; Rich and Poor, Ao; Memoirs of Oberlin ; Ashton Cottage ; Tb« Pastor’s Daughter; The Foresters; Minister's Family ; Churchman’s Manual; Mornings with Jesus; Death of LiltleChildren,by Prime; Fleetwood’s History of tho Bible; Watson's Body of Divinity; Works of Matthew Henry; All the various Commentaries, Ac., Ao. nr*2« J. 8. DAVISON. POTABU —14 casks prime Potash for sale by ap’23 HENRY H. COLLINS. WHITE FISH—I3O balfbbls. White Flail; 200 half-bbls Trout; 80 44 Salmon; for sale by HENRY H. COLLINB. BROOMS— 136 doz. Corn Brooms for sale by ap2S HENRY H. COLLINS. rS OTHIO CHIMNEY TOPB-300 or variona styles for \JCaaletw [ap2B] HENRY. H COLLINS. WASH BOARDS—26 doz. for sale by TT ep2B HENRY H. COLLINS. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry S. King and John Moorhead, under the firm of KING A MOORHEAD, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Joho Moorhead, having purchased the interest of John 8. King, is duly authorized to settle up all of tbo business of the late firm. HENRY 8. KING, JOUN MOORHEAD. l’itUhurgh, April Tilth, 1566. • AS* - The undersigned will continue the GROCERY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the stand formerly occupied by KiDg A Moorhead, No. 27 Wood street. _ ap!7 JOUN MOORHEAD. Partnership Notiee. InAVE this day associated with me, my nephew, WM. VREW, and CHAS. LOCKUART, under the firm Of JAMES McCULLI A CO., who will continue the Fiour, Grocery and general Produce businew, as heretofore. Pittsburgh, April 10,1865—[ap!6:2w*j ,TE LHESS GOODS.—A. A. MASON A CO. are . opening a very extensile assortment of WHITE GOODS, consisting of Plain, Embroidered and Dotted Swiss and Book Muslins; Bishop Lawns; Barred, Striped and Plain Joconelt Muslins; India Mulls, Nainsooks, Ac , Ac. Also, some new and very handsome styles of Plouncings, Rufliings, Insertlngs, Edgings, Ac. np'2s I AWNS AND BERAQK DE LAINE9.—A. A. MASON A j CO. are just opening another lot of new and 6plendld Ptyles of Lawns. Also, 10 more cases of Borage de Laines, entirely new styles. 25 Fifth street. ap2l WATER CURE INSTITUTE. HAND STREET, (80UTH SIDE,) BET. PENN BTREET _ AND THE RIVER, PITTSBURGH, PA. jvOCTOR BAELZ, Graduate and Practitioner In the Old ±J Schools of Medicine, AUopathio and Homoepathic, and for the part ten years a successful Hydropathlst, has opened a WATKII CURE in the above location. The perfectly safe, direct and immediate effect this sys* tem has on all Fevers, and all diseases acute and chronic while it Is mild, grateful and invigorating to the weak and debilitated, renders it peculiarly desirable in families, who will be treated at their homes. , Allopathic and Homeopathic treatment will be adminis tered where‘desired; bat, after long and thorough expo* riunce, Doctor Baelz' gives a decided preference to Hydro pathy, which has, throughout the old and new world, proven so eminently successful in every form of disease, including Incipient Consumption, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Inflammatory and Chronic Asthma, Cuta neons, Nervous and Liver Diseases. Testimonials of cures from highly reputable citizens of nearly every State in the Union, can be examined at Doctor Baelz’s office. The Rev. Clergy are invited to consult him gratis. Warm water being used In the commencement, and often throughout the treatment, it is a luxury instead of unpleas ant, as those unacquainted might suppose. i‘Arxfi£NCEB.— Messrs. Charles Brewer, Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wilson, W. H. Williams, Thompson Bell, J. R. Wei den, D. T. Morgan, Wm. B. Holmes, E. H. English. B M. Kerr. The undersigned, having visited Doctor Baelz’a Institu tion and witnessed his successful treatment, cheerfully re commend him as a thoroughly educated and skillful Phy sician : 3 Charles T. Russell, Jos. M’Connells, David Hunt, John C. Curtis, Robt. Patrick, John B. Livingston, John Wrifrhi W. W. Patrick, Moses F. Eaton, 0. Ormsby Gregg. [ janfl * IECANS—2O bbls. just deceived, and for sals bv REYMER A ANDERBQN No. 39 Wood gtreat. SEED POTATOES—26 bbls Seed (Neahannook) Potatoes for sale by JAMBS M’LAUGHuIN, apli corner of Hxat and Smithfleld s&W -!•- •!. V "W S' Western Universityv A MEETING of the Trustees of the Western. tTnirerrity ■will be held on TUESDAY, May Ist, at 312 o'clock, P. JL, In the Lectuhs Room of theTSilrd Presbyterian Church, to consider a communication from the Committee on the High School of the Central Board of Kdhcatibn. By order. fapSO] JOHN HARPER* Ba?y pro tem. r IRON CITY COMM: OP WESTERN P CHARTERED His Excellency, Got. James Pollock, Hon. Wm. Bigler, Ex-Got. |H- A. Pryor, Esq., Col. Wilson SrCandlesß, j B. L. Fahnestock, Esq., Col. William Hopkins, I Ed. Campbell, Esq., Capt D. Campbell,' I Al*»x. Bradley, Esq., N. P. Fetterman, Esq. | Penmanship, Calculations and Book-keeping are the busi ness man's essentials. A thorough knowledge of ■ ap3o ' MAY FASHIONS! MAY FASHIONS!! —Frank Leslie's Gazette of Paris, London and New York Fashions for May juii received and for sale at W. A. GILDENFENNEY & CO., Fifth Bt., opposite the Theatre. WW. WILSON, MARKET STREET, CORNER OF • FOURTH, haa jus; returned from a visit to Eastern manufacturers and importers of WATCHES AND JEW* ELRY, ond is now opening a stock of goods hitherto ÜBe qa&lled for superior qualities in material and workmanship, beauty of style and design, and at very low prices. From the depressed state of Eastern trade during the past winter, we have been able to buy goods much lower than at any former time, and lower than we can do hereafter. Custom* ers and s rangers will do well to make their investments now. £Sr* Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Military and Yariety Poods, Clocks, Ac., Ac. ap3o MORGAN’S CELEBRATED COUGH SYRUP—One of the best remedies of tbo day for Colds, Coughs, Whooping Coughs, Hoarseness, Inflaenza, Ac. Taste and try." 11 not satisfactory, your money will bo refunded. For sale wholesale and letail by JOHN HAFT, JR., apSO No. 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh. FORD’S CALIFORNIA LOZfiNGKa—The only certain remedy for Heartburn, or Acidity of the Stomach. For sale by [ap3o] JOHN HAPT, JR. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO; OF PHILADELPHIA* STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, on January 1,1855. Published In conformity with the provision of the sixth section of the Act of Assembly, of April sth, 1842. Being first mortgage on Beal Estate in') the cJiy and county of Philadelphia, I esctpt $30,950 in Montgomery, Backs, j Schuylkill and Allegheny counties, Pa. j a BEAL ESTATE. Purchased at sheriff's sales, under mort gage claims, viz: Eight housea and 10t,70 by 160 feet, on' the south-west comer of Chcsnut and Seventh streets. A house and lot, 27 by 71 feat, on the notth tide of Spruce street and west of Eleventh street. A house and lot, 21-7 by 100 feet, on the west Side of Penn Square, south of High street. Two houses and lots, each 18 by 80 feet, on the south side of Spruce street, near Sixteenth street. Five houses and lota, each 17-9 by 90 feet, Nos. 169, 161, 163, 105 and 166, DMwyn street. Three bouses and lot, 40 by 54 feet, on east side of Seventeenth street, south of Pine street. A lot of ground, 17 by 57 feet, on the north-east corner of Twenty second and Spruce streets. Ho;el and lot, 50 by 81 feat, on the south east corner rf Chcanut and Beach 3ts. Five houses and lot, 42 and 8b feet, cm the north side of Qeorge street, west of Ashton street. Seven houses and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on tbe ea t Bide of Beach street, south of Cbesnut street. A house and lot, 18 by 30 feet. No. 96 Fitawater street, east of Ninth street. A ground rent of $3O, issuing "• it of a Jot 080. W. BKE3R. BwreUrf * '• • • *V> ■> <,, * ’ IRCIAXi COLLEGE, SNNSYLVANI A. -APRIL, 1856 Hon. E. M. Biddle, Uon. B. Brady; MORTGAGES. „ out of A lot 13-4 by 40 feet, on the north side of Otter street, forty feet west of Leopard street. Temporary Loans, on Stocks ns Collateral Security .. STOCKS. Ten Thousand Dollars Almv House Loan, 5 per cent, (interest on.) 200 shares Bank of Kentucky. 17 abates Northern Bank of Kentucky. 100 shares Union Bank of Tennessee. 13 shares Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. 200 sbar's Southwark Railroad Company. 37 shares Commercial A Railroad Bank, Vicksbu’g. 300 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 01 shades Franklin Fire Insurance Co. 2 shares Mercantile Library Cjmpany. 24 shares I’nion Canal Company. 10 shares Schuylkill Railroad Company. Nr" « ** tLTTVXBBAL BUISPACUOH QUAUASTEED The Manager does not deem it necessary to ***«.*, *v a vocabularies of AncientQreeeo and Bomf«irt,Sta?hjgh Bonndlng name Ibr his estab Ishment, bat learea It ««T» discriminating pnbllc to judge between real mSt an?the display of a dictionary knowledge of tho dead languages Tlie Great Pennsylvania Circa* I b the most complete that ever appeared in thlacountry TheMasical Department will eclipee any organization of the kind in the Union, being CORELLI’S FAMOUS AMEiS lOAN CORNET AND QUADRILLE BAND] 4SF* Admtarion ttrenty*fiTe cents. • *** Afternoon performance commences at 3 o'clock—oven ingjparformance at 7 o’clock »pl7:ld T. P. TAYLOR, Agent LOCATION CHANGED AND TIME SPALDING & BOGEBS’ ' TWO CIRCUSES! ft THHB CElraßlTZD ill' Flo&Tl^£t PALACE CIBCirB, Uleir Palatial AquaOe Amphi theatre on -the Ohio and MtaMajippt ■pU . MB [ ' tints, and their HOBIH AMEBICAN MBCrDS So popnl.r In New England and New 1 Ss* York, into ONE Ihohsticr, cohcern, With tho TWO COMPANIES, compii* sing the most distinguished Performers from the North and tho Booth, In,tho same ring, in friendly strife, in tho presence of the audience. Both Companies under One Tent, TWO SETS OP PERFORMERS!. /rr22p\o TWO SETS OP CLOWNSJ r lf ' A TWO SETS OP RING HORSES! PANTOMIME EVERY AFTERNOON I SPECTACLE EVERY NIGHT! NED. KENDALL, THE BUGLER! * KENDALL’S BRASS BAND! CHOATE’S STRING BAND!. I And eTerjthing else upon the sartMela* I sj borate scale, with the following amongst rN'rWt the principal Eqnestrfann/Clowns, aeatrienDes >Qjiana£ts, Pantomimlsia -- M’lle AGNES, I Mad. ORMOND* Mrs. LAKE, J Mrs. GRAVEN. • Tlie Sian Monkey* n. MAGILTON, I Young CLARENOB, A rne„ BILL LAKE, |O. J. ROGERS. . |P The Motley Brother** « { LJ3>««k GEO. DUNBAR, j Mohs. LA THORNE* | P. DONALDSON, j T. GRAVEN. Pegasus, Tartar. 4 Wildfire. fITSSsi 8- D. BALDWIN, | CHARLES BROWN, BODT. WHITE, J CHAR CROSBY, duty's Pantomime Troupe, 4P. DEARTH, 1 GEO. WILLIAMSON. GEO. WOOD, | ROUT. DKMING. The War Horse Bucephalus* S. LmERALL,.| GEO. MACKEY, P. WILLIAMS, |P. BANKER, Ac., Ac, Ac. > Will be exhibited at Pimauaoß SIX DAYS, commencing MONDAY,May 7th, ON PENN STREET, ln Front of American Hotel, mar irrrasoox;Ajn> tvrarsa. Also, at BRIDGEWATER, May 2d, ALLEGHENY, May 3d end 4tb, BIR MINGHAM, May 6th. "ti "" om,T Twsrr Fits Ckwt3 to both Companies. ap23 $1,353,058 50 At coat, 82,830 30 JOHN W. MCCARTHY, Bill Poster and Distributor, Will attend to the Posting and PistribatiDgnf all kinds of ." : BILLS FOR CONCERTS, LECTURES, EXHIBITIONS, Ac. All communications—either by mail, telegraph, or other wise—directed to the office of the Morning Poet, uHI re ceive prompt attention.' ap7 WILLIAM HUNTER, 08,442 09 DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IS FLOUR AND GRAIN. So. 299 liberty street, Pittiburgb, Pa. At cost, 63,035 60 ASp-Cosmimr nzcnmo, the BEST BRANDS of PENNSYLVANIA, OHIO, INDIANA end MISSOURI, SUPERFINE and A EXTRA PIftOUH, Which will always be sold at the Lowest Cash prices, [apll 12.083 80 1,470 25 163 84 S. M’KEE & CO . mahotacttoirs or M’KEE’S PENNSYLVANIA GLASS 27,317 68 $1,633.452 62- WINDOW GLASS, ..4282,294 39 Extra, Doable Strength, Imitation Crorrn and Vials, Piaskß, Fickle and Preserve Jars r ' , Wlne,Portet and Mineral Bottles; Telegraphic & Lightning-Bod Insulators. SECOND, BETWEEN WOOD & MARKET BTS, pinsuuKGn, pcifSA. Bill a short distance from the Bteamboat landing, and from Monongabela House. Bt. Charles, and City Hotel. ftp2l J. H. JOBSS.i JONES & DENNY) Forwarding'aiid Commission Merchants, apl9] 01 WATER STREEP, PITTSBURGH. THE ADAMS EXPEESS COMPANY. A JOINT STOCK ASSOCIATION. Organized July 1, 1854, under fhe taws o/ 'lfeto York* Capital In 12,000 Shares l . UtDIYJDVALLY LIABLE.*®* President— GEOßGE W. CASS, of Pittsburgh. UASAQIRS: Geo. W. Casa, Pittsburgh. 8; M. Shoemaker, Baltimore. B.IL Sanford,Philadelphia.- Johnson Livingston, N. Pork. W. B. Densmore, Now York. C. Spooner, Bridgeport, Conn. A v Adams, Boston. R. B. Kinsley, Fall River, B, L. J.M. Thompson, Springfield, Maas. : 49»0raci, No. 61 Fouara bmxsi. . apl4dm 1. W. CHADWICK, s Dealer in Rentncky leaf Tobacco, RAGS AND PAPE R, No. 149 Wood strut, nnow Sixth, Pmssuion, Pa. . 49^The highest market price, in CABH, paid for BAGS. _• ap2o-ly» COTTAGE HIDE ACADEMY. A. Classical and Collegiate Boarding Bohool, FOR YOUSa QENTLEMW. The eleventh session of this institution will commence on Tuesday, Ist of May. ’ This School is located in the pleasant, fcoalUrfoi and ro mantic Tillage of Turtle Creek, distant, twelve miles from Pittsburgh, and is of easy access, times a day, by Btllroad. The Academic Edifice (extensively known as Brown’s Exchange.) is a large, airy, and commodious building, three stories above the basement, numbering to air Boons, and is most admirably and conveniently arranged for a Boarding School. The Grounds attached to the School afford ample space for the healthy exercise of the pnpUs. The plan of the Acadtmy Is comprehensive and thorough, embracing a liberal coarse of instruction in Classic and Scientific Learning—the Modern languages—and the va rious branches of an elementary English Education. Each branch has Us appropriate instructor—the number of Teachers being in the proportion of one for fifteen scholars; and none but the most competent, faithful experienced Teachers are employed in the several dim*-*, menta. \ - -«pa«- Those who have chUdrento educate, are incited to call tndexamlnatha arrangements 9 ccommodation Rxftheicss maybe made to the allying present and former patrons of the School: Hon. Wm. Wilkins; J. W. Duncan, Esq.; lion. A. W. Loomis; A. Bradley,Esq.; Hon. J.R. McClintock; Henry Lambert, Esq.; Hon. J. B. Guthrie; Major H. Day, D. S. A 4 Dr. J. Scott; George Arthurs. Esq.; T. Oliver, Esq.; Dill A. Smith, Kq; B. T. 0. Morgan, Esq.; James Bchoonmaker, Eau J. White, Esq.; K. Wightmsn, Esq 4 Alex. Holstein,E3q; J. G. Caldwell, Esq.; 8. Stoner. Efq; W. 0. Barr, Esq.; D. W. Miller, Esq; B. Watson, Esq; Jacob Miller, Esq Turtle Creek, Allegheny Co., Fa, April 10,1853. 45* Circulars can be had at J. H. Hellor’s, or B. T O* Morgan’s Bookstores, Pittsburgh; or apply to the Princi pal, at Turtle Creek. ap!62dptmyl* Allegheny cot IN THE HI John 2). Kilgore ▼s. . John Stewart, V No. 1, July term, 1855. John Stewart, and I J Alexander Bradley J . And now, Apri! 24th> 1856, JABPEB B. BRADY fa hereby appointed Receiver, as prayed for la the b»L to take pot session of the effects of the partnership of rtkwarta From the Becotd. KDW. QAM PWfT.T., J«., PrcthV. * fEßKj l ;*!?* W of th ® «®»ts of the firm of STEWART * KILGORE In their posaea&ioQ iro aired to JtUTorth* ® & ei® to me without delsj; *n<| those in any manner ln» aeotea to sate Ann, either by note* book awoant or other* wise, to make payment to me et toy Office* No. 89 fifth street, PittrbmK J. JS» BRADY, ap2&2w* Recetm* POSTPONED. •E. D, DEBUT* JNTY as. [STRICT COURT.