.s' \ ► , . w vs «.\ f **■. *.•- ' i i:• i. -• ’,•*•** '<4 -»■ * \’ v i *. -* « ■ ■> •; » -■ “ . f«-i* r* s J .t. « V»’ s > i ‘ uVJ" >. - • A ,' ' >.t •• r ‘ v s -, * '■ » • . I- V Vi.-'.' *v=; -V 1 sj. . • . U-’-a rt"-i - \-..'* ** *‘ /** ;*' T’,.'* iC ; Yi; -’t *»': .•;: Y ; ;YUWvfy ; 7i •: • &ni nt •i'-i'"' *r . ,' ,*./*•■•*. '''o‘‘> <: V’ : j,: f‘ '4,* '-'V' »V **' r 'A .*v*Y;Y. ►• >• * 'yw \'\ t Y * *t. V* VI i= .v-vY* *1 *«.? .VU**S *£• '•■' ■+**/*’ ->1 T :.>Xt'C , T/-';V V ? r ;YV^?-*1 * c t.r.M* 'V ,«S- :? f. r- * ■t*'l,i ,r '?■!* - % /:/••»• \V‘,‘ '‘*w;' J . •'v, -• /!■-■ t '’- --, y .i* ‘h ',*■ *’■■'' 1 \ ' ■» *i • •’ .r ■ , i **. f% s 4 £. *• f\» aT* & ;• v • >V'"« -V. V A,-,V ?•. \ v.O •»• \ <. 9 ' ‘i r „I<< 3) • tu"-* '<■>• <*■’>?* ~yl 5\ • -f y a *, . ; It' V :t; '| -'''OS.' • r ‘,' c* f, s c’ §.)i;; v'’^(•.;V^^©;| : i , r v':,," ; f; "i V-'y y.\t VA 11 i?c? ..‘yryc'^.^yyl y r'q; v? 1 V.v 'k »'" N - * '*j" /' 3 r ~ r Htf* 1 1 •i.,v v v rT« - s ' : - -N ■•'£.:•: r. v ~- & c> l ‘%t':'-‘.'s j- 1 1 ;/,»s ?i ,>: i n* - l t*-j <■ ■ <~j V->Vs; v, > ,i‘ t •:- f ;'ji'; I* 5 ;- Cv -T-.V* \- i • -. ' l; 'VVVtel i ’ ■"*. iVfi “‘'V.'-'Y-v-; '>'"-V‘'.; ? -: , ." ! •■''-J. <''-•' - Ylsl't .5- _ :y „,■ yi'Jrli .■£■' ; ••.. ~ r ..’...■ •.■ ' ~ 'f pfc y-- ri -' '• c “ 11 ' :v..".,‘y^ A-i})- 1 ,t‘V,' ! : ■’<;■&."Y. h'. ? - r *■>'S' : V, hr"; ■t t pn*cC u-w V-i v ’ /* f i c V^ ic V u -o A*. 4 v ♦’‘•cNiVcs-C/L**” •.••^ v SsV-v'-wJ« r ;U K.Y'V: V V , L V; v^yriv , v\ / ' f-> ‘'t'.-y.’jt'Yr • £-'V’£i. T - anii ltien lct 08 “ a ” 80 “P t 0 • ,ernsllenl and be ■Used;” or down to Philadelphia rather. -V; w , ■‘U 'SI ' ’"V;’- '■ s*£< t b .>•.** *d ,J . We have not mach objection to taxing the . w> ••-'> <• j*: v | r2-:.'>'"l'r»V.y' y4'h' ' ohurohes. It will bo equally felt by all denom inations. Neither are we rery Btrcuuons about 0 < I>!) ! ;-. - the tonnage tax. Bat the removal of the seat ./& V*:-v;;V^ I - ... ~ , ... , j of government is simply rascally, ana will lead to more corruption, bribery, and fraud in legis- M lation, than all othor caueee'at present existing. v- ,r v A,*' *’ * «■.’'“*• • 1 One thine more : The legislature ehonlu meet *v i r i*4 m „ W-J^ y r a again, to the form of a convention, on the first -?>-“•Taeeday of October, to electa U. S. Senator. 'i' Ae m ■ It would only coot eome $30,000. Bat it would v"• --b?;'rs4^vs* r '* : * not do to delay the matter longer. One week “!•’» t&'trf later then that date the Senator question would be in the bands of a new legislature. That ! ■ V -V h''-'-V' v " 'v i"' ''’Z * pnt ns in wonderfal hamor this moroing. The •' v> '-legislature has passed some good acta this sea ;;.s~v,'_j '■ '. sion; and some that are only “from fair tomid ■ Idling ;” end some that are bad enough ; but wo •'v'vl. ’ - ‘“ ' ,■‘'F'Frij. •’. tremble for the winding up. Bills go through I'f?J ~ c-« "<■• -Xy7s awful fast in the closing days of a session. ;Ll7y-; ; ’’I*, y... There are now statute laws enough iu this State to govern all the nations of the world, “and the ' rest of mankind” besides; and wo don’t bo liOTff there are ton lawyers in tho Stnto that j.■’l*"*', ‘‘ ’ V ' r ,'%■■•, ‘have read half of them. That’s not libelous. f ■'.'■'-'.'4; ' • ■ r How many of these laws are repealed by impli ;.“- Jv -'“r - cation or otherwise, and how many aro still in s. .* “> ..-y •i-'t! force, nobody knows, or over will know. We - 't -v. V are a thoroughly governed people, and pay band- J?Fi<|e^^oi!s..jv..r. n, ' -“.“I somely for tho blessing. Yot the conservative vf, 1 spirit, intelligence, good sense and general in "> - dnstry of the people do a thousand-fold more . r £ ' *-',S , for the] good order and general prosperity of r , ff ;S 'ioC“'-.s4s'v|“ ! ''Li/ ?-■** the State than all tho laws. V “ 1 f , 4 '< , T Vf!’ V* . T . , , -..;. K;nr- ,- ae; ,v .. , - - ;. {.. ■■, ~ t Addenda In onr enumeration of tho won - I C-*>(X^T T ,{V xVT*-*’ "»1 . * e f 1 ' - ' % 1 J* 't r 'i.*• 1 " : 1 / derful things that the legislature may do yet we ’/cy' *'' ‘ '*■t'Z,*'* forgot to mention the Chain Gang bill. As an ’’ :i:V 'r> u / argument for its speedy pnssage wo present the -a • f --y -F, ',,’ ' following opinion of the Cincinnati Police Court. ' 4 - A young man named James Doyles had been ar \- • . - ~ rested for stealing ten dollars from a coifeo /nV-' I ' ' .*Vj' housekeeper. Ho admitted the offence, bnt r^£,^c'xSjcs *4 \ 1 ; fi? ; plead for mercy, as he had no work, and was ■’.'F- :- f i-l __ out of money. Tho Cincinnati Commercial says: - ■ “The Court remarked that be disliked very ■??!*£; '-v.'AV-r-*%: muoh to send so young a man to the Chain ' \*V‘ ‘■ t -.' Gang, and, that, too, for a first offence ;ly so V- doing t he would have to associate with rogues and l.'j * + ,,: ii >■•' y '-7. thieves of' the lowest and vilest character, and s ,V ,- 7 v,ould be utUrl y al>d lolall y U,L -Ue had no doubt V ; ; '-i d but that tho Chain Gang had been instituted for i f 4 x~ss J r x r r 'rV“i i -';V r 4.-- i „ , O'-, the Court, it had an opposite effect; that to send ■ ’ Vrft/j ’j’ l ! V't'C?him there would be to confine him toaliving tomb •' • 0~“ y~*.. ‘ . ~. 1 ,with associates of the blackest character. He " 1 ~>V’,vjf{' should, therefore, discharge him on payment of $ V v ’ ” T- V’ y.-rxf’ 009(8 of prosecution.” -, 1 v ( v With that practical and unanswerable argn : >r 1 *’ r , ;V- ment before tho members wo presumo the bill .--““ ■V.-. rci: tf.'\ will pass at once. • a^Bat the removal of the scat of government is the great question. Philadelphia» a pleasanter • > ’ fl it winter residence than Harrisburg. Mr. Joseph ; Hiss would prefer it; and it is said the liquor is better. Perhaps after all it is only intended to »• '; •• ;'f ■■ .'.i'« ! «»: soare the Harrisburg hotel keepers, and make •rs»; : ::t.^Vr.' s ?-FvWi«i':*c4rV them feed better, and liquor free. .; ;. • -y 1 > p .V’- c. ,„„ US' Htt New York Herald thinks the'Ecow ; >y - • : y •.; ''.’yf' '•/.••.• V-X' .'/• ;F ; “v Kothings north and tho Know Nothings south -l- if not act together in the Presidential eleotion yyi-F': 4^1858. • _■ i-“.l y i* i Law’s Delay.—On Wednesday, a curious iJ’.'•« u happened in the Supremo. Court, in •rip ton. Judge Shaw was on tho bench, and at r ' '■ commencement of tho deoket, number one *' the first called, bnt it apponred that it was 's■- Z&git ready for trial. Upon this the judge arose . stated that ho himself, as counsel, had en j. that suit long before ho became a judge. .. •>ic«rsSsSv§le has been on the beooh more than twenty years. ■;'! k C{T\V.r' ■* v’\! •, .; . ' . ■ ■ ..iy y^.-* ' -~ 5 ■• ■:' ■■■':' : ■ - ■* ‘ .’ •: * ■‘••^fl;^ ! Y^^^v; ! v-.'55:-;:-•'■ .;* ' . ? t,*,Y>*Hf- y• - ; r tx r ■ fc - li if -l. •' \ % . » . • r:- ? ** i-- *" ‘4 Cr * V--.. ' ''V ' . <* /ty-i •' r , -j -\,V* L '* OV; 'i ■' , •v r -“‘ Iflihj sWng }M. ICIAL PAPER OF THE OITT- pittsbubch- FRIDAY MORNING: Reading MaU« will be found on each Page of till* Pnper. «3-S M. rETTINOILI, A CO., Newspaper Aica-tising , ac%ll are tbo Agents for the Pittsburgh Daily and Weekly i4t and aie authorised to re.-eiyo AnvEEIISEjresTJ and euasoaimons for ns at the same rates as required at this oQce Their receipts are regarded as payments. Their oScea are at N«f Yobk, 122 Nassau stezst, Boston, 10 State street. hoi MORNING POST JOB OFFICE. ' Wp would call the attention of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the fact that we have juat received rom Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job Type, »nd are now prepared to fill orders for Cards, Circulars, Bill H iadfl, Paper Boohs, Posters, and Programmes for exhihl tima. All orders will be promptly filled- the news, Postmaster Kendall, of New Orleans, has been arrested on the ohargo of purloining from n let ter the eom of six hundred dollars. The Hon. Sidney Broose, long one of the Judges of tho Circuit and Supreme Courts of Illinois, and subsequently Senator in Congress, is n candidate for Judge of the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit of that State. The State Department, in reply to tho Rus sian Minister, has decided that American ves sels sold to aliens, and then repurchased by American citizens, oannot rcceivo register as vessels of the United States. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company haß just put in operation anew time table, by which the trip is made from the Monumental City to Cincinnati in twenty-six hours. This is one hour sooner than tho lima between Phila delphia and Cincinnati by the Pennsylvania Cen tral and Ohio and Pennsylvania. Tho Great Provincial Council of the Roman Catholic Church will commence in Baltimore on the Cth of May and continue until the 13th. Tho Archbishop of Baltimore will preside. Thero will be an attendance of bishops from Pittsburgh, Richmond, Wheeling, Erie and Philadelphia— the Sees of Savannah and Charleston being va cant by death. This is the first Provincial Coun cil since the division* of tho United States into several archbishoprics. EXPLOITS AT HARRISBURG, By the telegraph news published yesterday It wjib seen that the House had passed a bill by quite a la?ge majority providing for the removal of the State capital to Philadelphia. It will probably cost the State three million dollars to boild tho necessary publio buildings there. Then it is proposed to provide for the appoint* ment or an losf ector of guano at Philadelphia, and allow him one dollar j>cr ton as fee for in’ spcctioo. A 9 there are are about 20,000 tons imported yearly Jibe inspector’s Salary will amount to $20,000 ; which will bo a direct tax on the farmers who have a disposition to improve their farmß by the use of this imported ma- nure. It is next proposed to raise the salaries of all the judges. Wo have no’particular objection to that. The Slate is rich. Who cares for debt ? Know Nothing rule in Philadelphia, the Ltd • j gir says, has increased the indebtedness of that city a million and a half of dollars within a year. How much will the same rule increase the debt of the State ? When thall we have a re form party T The repeal of the tonnage tax on the Centra road will roqnire an immediate reduction of cat a* tolls to an equal amount, and the revenues of the State will thus be reduced fully two hundred thousand dollars a year. Who cares? We are all rich, and all Americans, and wo love to be taxed. Repeal the tax; raise the salaries; give the guano inspector $20,000 a year; remove the capital aud commence the new baildings ; give-away the publio works ; tax the churches; liok the Irish and Dutch, and burn the catholics ; - ;*;.•. .^r:., 5 ; ?i j.y* \ '• ■fi f t. ■? • >»> . H. Mrs. Billy Patterson. Strange aa it may appear, it is nevertheless true that Mrs, Matilda Patterson—Mr. Joseph Hiss’ friend— is :the wife of Win. Patterson. In reference to a suggestion of the Providence Jour nal that there is no such person, the Boston Tran • tcript says: : ,Gur Rhode Island friend may be assnrod that Mrs. Patterson is well'fcnown in Boston, and this fac* has added not a littlo to the excitement about the Nunnery Committee. The Navy Agent at this port received a letter by the last Califor- | nia mail from her husband, who is a musician in the naval service of the United States, and is now attached to the U. 8. ship Susquehanna. We have seen this letter. Mr. Patterson states therein that he made an allotment of five dollars a month to bis wife, but aB she has not written him for tho past ten months, he supposes Bbe has not drawn the money, and requosts that it be remitted. But tho money has been drawn. Strange as it may appear, the man’s name is “ William Pattorßon.” He was at one time a member of the orchestra in one of the theatres hero. APRIL 27. This question being settled the next one tb&t arises is, is ‘Mrs. P. the person who “struck Billy Patterson ? ,T The decided manner in which she “ struck” Joseph flisß would lead us to sup pose sho was the individual. If the investigations of the Nunnery Committee should lead to the detection of the person who oommitted that ag gravated breach of the peaoo, their labors will not have been altogether fruitless. Allotment of Work on ll*e Counellsvllle Tho following is the allotment of work on the Firßt Division of the “ Pittsburgh and Connells ville Railroad” between Turtle Creek and West Newton, whlob was made lo9t evening: Section 11—Reserved for the present. «• li—Alfred nnd Moses Corny, u 13 —A. and JBm a s C. Corey. “ 14—Patrick Feolon. “ 15—Bernard and Michael Rufferiy. “ 10—Lonergan A Co. “ 17—Patrick F. Ilowley. « 18—M’Cnbe A Toner. “ 19—Do Do. “ 20—William P. Sterrvti. u 21—TrRvera, Nlgbtwine A Co. “ 22—dob. Q. Paller&on. Espy A 00. “ 23—John M’Fadden A Son. “ 21—Patrick Fen'on. 25—M’Grann A Fitzpatrick. «« 26 —John M'Fadden A S. n. *« v7—Patrick Maker. « 28—A. A. Johnston. M’ParlanJ A Paioter. “ 29 Do Do Do. “ —M’Union A Fitzpatrick. “ 31—ChmUan Snyder. “ 32—Do. More than he Babo.used fob. —They bate a Police Investigation Committee in New York— that is, a committee of Councils who are trying to find out the nationalities of the policemen. A good many irrelevant questions ore asked, which are occasionally returned with interest. On Tuesday, Wm Mackellar, clerk in the chief’s office, w&8 put upon the stand, when Alderman Jobu H. Briggs proceeded to oatechise him : Alderman Briggs—What is your native coun try ? Witness—The United States, Sir. Alderman Briggs—Where was you born ? Witness—l was born in Cliff street, in the city of New York, between John and Fulton streots, or between Fulton and Beckman streets. I am not sure which ; it was on tbo right hand side, at least so my mother told me. Alderman Bnggs—Bid you ever get the infor mation from your father ? Witness —I do not recollect. Father was not very communicative about such matters, but mother was. Alderman Briggs (submissively)—Was you over confined in any prison ? Witness (emphatically) —Ao, Sir t nor was I ever arrested Alderman Briggs—Then you have been very fortunate. Witness —1 never committed a crime in my life. I never seduced a girl, uor broke up a familv, nor injured a woman. Alderman Bnggs—On, you are an uncommon young man. Witness—Yes. Sir, and I am ready to meet you on that any time. Alderman Briggs—Why, you appear to be a Know Nothing. l>o you belong to that society? Witness—No, Bir. AlJerman Briggs—Well, we’ll call you again some other day. The witness then withdrew. The Kxploslou of the Propeller Oregou It appears, was caused by the lowness of Ibe trader iu the boilers, and not from defective flues, as stated in our despatches. Geo. Eice, the se cond mate, (according to the Cleveland Herald) Bays the immediate oauso of the explosion teas the foaming of tbo water, which deceived the engineer as to the quantity. Tho mate of the Flying Cloud, who wss Btanding by Chapman, the engineer, a few momenta before the accident, said to him : “ Tho water is low, and you will blow us op." Chapman replied, “ Oh, no ; you oan’t blow her up.” Tho mate replied: ‘‘l would give all my old clothes if I was ashoro," and immediately loft tho engineer for tho upper deck, and when about half way forward the ex plosion took place, and Chapman was instantly killed. The statement of Chapman, that the boat could not be blown up, is understood not to have been a piece of recklessness, but to have been founded on his knowledge of the thorough manner in which the boilers had been tested and examined by himself and the boiler inspector. Tho last order of the captain to the engineer was to have everything right about tho boilers, regardless of expense. Chapman was a first class engineer, commanded tho highest wages, and was engaged with the express view of hav ing the boat iu competent hands. The surviving offioers are sure that it was the foaming of the water that caused the accident. The number of liveß lost was ten. Putnam’s Mosthlt, for May, oontains one of tho severest articles against the K. N.’s we have yet read. It reviews their policy and de clared principles with a good deal of ability, and denounces them in unsparing terms. That journal takes the liberty of teing on both sides of Borne questions, and it is but a short time since it contained an article somewhat in favor of the new party ; but it has taken a deoided stand now against it, and speaks as though it had " enlisted for the war.” It is urgent for politi cal reform, but thinks that the K. N.'s give no promise of useful reforms in political affairs. For 8010 by Gildenfonney & Co., Fifth etreeli opposite tho Theatro, and by H. Miner & Co., 32 Bmithfie!d street. Tub Spectatob.—lt will be seen by an adver tisement in another column that n newspaper is to be started in Washington eity, by A. F. Har vey & Co., on or about the Ist of Juno. Mr. Harvey is an experienced and ablo writer, and will be assisted by others who aro well qualified to make an interesting and valuable newspaper. It is to be independent in polities ; and a weekly papor in quarto form. Toe Missotini Manifesto.—-Wo publish this morning a telegraphio despatch from St. Louis, giving an account of a high-handed act of the pipe-laying Missourians. They have, it seems, published a manifesto declaring Gov. Roeder un fit for his office, because ho refuses to sanction their illegal proceedings; and they have even determined on tho selection of his successor 1 President Pieros oan find no better occupation for the new regiments than employing them in enforcing tho law in Kansas against these turbu lent ruffians. That ho will sustain Gov. Reeder wo have as little doubt as that tho latter gentle man has acted justly and in perfeot good faith to both parties. Boston, April 26—The Africa mado the run from Halifax in 31 hours. Tho papers contain but little additional news. A despatch from Dover, dated the 13th, etates that the Neptune, 120 guns, rear admiral Cooh ran, with twelve Bail of fleet, was moored at Do ver Bay, awaiting the arrival of the imperial visitors from France. |Cp» There are few things which afford os greater pleasure than sitting down to write a notice of the celebrated Hoofland German Bit ters, because we are Tally conscious we are con ferring a publio benefit, and our heart tells us that by our notices many have been induoed to take those Bitters, and been rescued from death by dyspepsia, liver complaint, &c , for the oure of vhicb it is certain. It is prepared and sold only by C. M. Jackson, at tbe German Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. See advertisement, it 1 J-' **." •' Railroad. on Labe Erie Further Foreign News. . ’ •** j r ' V~.* : i"-- ~ifr «-> r* t"~. ’ *l, - * V v i f ' r ''■» i n 1 *.‘ «;':.■■» V : .■ • Cr-y; y • --JOT CALIFORNIA. CORRESPONDENCE San Francisco, March 31, 1855'. | The creditors ’of Adams & Co. ore.-holding ' meetings, electing assignees and passing resolu tions, &c , all of whioh amounts to nothing. The household furniture'and personal property of tho “resident partner/’ X C. Woods, was sold at auction on tho 29th, and some two weeks ainco the signs, counters, &0., of the concern were sold. Tho furniture brought good prices, all it was worth! The signs, which cost $2,000, sold for $25. Mahogany counters that coat *US per foot sold for $2 per foot. The gold scales that cost $l,OOO sold for $3OO. Page, Bacon & Co., resumed on the 29;h. There was no run on them, and their deposits exceeded the amount paid out. There never was a business firm in California or eUewhere that could boast of as many strong friends a*s Page, Bicon & Co. The other banks that suspended have not yet re sutned payment and never will. Robinson & Co. do not bint at paying anybody. Wright bfiß made some sort of an arrangement with bis creditors, which they fondly hope will enable them to get something— but it is a very “ mixed oase.” Meigga, tho great absquatulated, has “turned up.” Letters have been received from him, da ted at Talcahuano, in which he denies that be has been guilty of all tho charges laid at bis door; he hints that he can make revelations that will prove he is more sinned against than sio niog. It is surmised that Mriggs has been made “ scapegoat” for the deeds of others, nod it is boldly asserted that there is ten times the amount of forged warrants in existence that there was at the time Meiggs left. The threat- ened expose has created quito a “sensation,” and it is anticipated that there will bo more sudden departures in consequence. Tho arrivals during the past week count up 35 vessels of all classses, among which are the clippers Spitfire and Don Quixote, from Boston, (the latter in 108 days;) LeoDore, from Ilong Kong ; shipe Emma Packer nud Toranto, from Tahiti, with fruit; schooner 11. Allen, from Honolulu, and bark NI. Ritterchnft, from Ham burg. The Spitfire is discharging. The Don Quixote hauled in yesterday morning, but the rain has prevented her discharging thus far. Tho weather during the past fortnight has been delightful. On Thursday it commenced raining, and has poured down most industrious ly uotil this morning, and now looks like clear ing up. Tho country looks beautifully; tho grass and crops are fairly jumping out of the ground—and the whole couutry, for fifty miles or further, is ono bed of flowers. The atmosphere is warm and delightful; fires not thought of, and over coats not to be mentioned. We pity you Gothamites, who aro now enjoying the bleak March winds and dust of Broadway. We would not care to trade climates with you. In the way of Theatricals wc have had sever al novelties, among them Miss Daveoport, who is now playing at the Metropolitan. During her engagement the usual rnngo of pieces have beon played, “ Huuchback,” “ Lovr,” “Lady of Lyons,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “ Adrienue the Actress,” “ Lady of Lyons,” '* Maid of Marien dorpt,” “Parthcnio,” “Charlotte Corday,” and her great show play “Camille.” If Miss Da venport expected to create a “furore” in San Francisco, sho has been disappointed. She has played (with two exceptions) to thin houses, and on no one occasion has there been a crowd. The people hero hove bad a surfeit of talent, and from running ertzy about a second or third rate actress, have become 100 apatbotio and indiffer ent, and are going to tho other extreme and be coming extremely fastidious. Mies D.wenport is very much liked and thoroughly appreciated, but sbe does not fill the bouse. She has arrived at rather an unfortunate time, and will not make a fortune, ns Kate Hayes has in Australia. Miss Laura Keene arrived a few days since from Aus tralia, and is now playing at Sacramento. Sbe will play an engagement here soon, at tho Amer ican, it’s said—which theatre, by the way. is closed. The Italian Opera company advertised to perform a series of operas, and formed a partnership joint stock company, comprising also the Montplaisirs, Mute. Thierry, S'enor* Bi-ruadilU and Espinosa They brought out “ Foscari,” played it two nights, then triod “Kr nani,” and then “dried up” It was no u«-e. The times wero too hard music had no charm?, and so we aro to lose them not the times or the charms, but the opera company and the ballet company They areall going toSouth America; and, thank Heaven! Madame Anna Bishop and “Squaro” Bochsa arc going to Anstralii—nod have been going for the lust six months. They give ono more “last farewell” to the public—tin oratorio, or something of that sort. Tho colored opera, Bsccus Minstrels, arc ma king their fortunes ; house crowed every night ; people want to go where thoy c n laugh und get rid of the blues, and at lUccub they “cau do that." The Kero River excitement has subeiJed in the mines—proved a taccbu" and not "Vrortb working. While the fever vras on the coast, steamers made money carrying passengers to them, and now mafeiog money bringing them back ftgaia. “It’s an ill wind that blowo nobody good." At Mh residence, in South Pittsburgh. PATRICK WOOD, aged tn yearn. Ilifi fuoe»a! will take place tiu* 'u.it - l o'clock. !*. M. The friends of the family are rr>.{»«’ctfu!!y im iiol to i.itcu i without further notice. Yesterday niornln?. at o uYlook, after a linger in* 11; Mrs. ROBKRT MACKKY. aged bi U«r funeral will take place from On r> o' her husband. No 1 IT Fourth *trv«*t, on Feimr. »: -1 oYi> . k. P. M. The friends of the family »ru rr-j t-etful ly inilled to attend. £#> Stocking Factory.— C. DAI.Y’S Stocking Factory, where everything In math* in th** HOST F-R Y LIN K, is at tho corner of St. Clair and Penn stref-ts Hf I- ion tinuoily turning out every variety of Hosiery, well mode and soluble to the eensou, whinh inny b • always obtained Wholesale and Retail at bin Store, corner of Market alley and Fifth streeL Don’t forget the came—C. DALY and No. 20. 43-The Pleasure and Comfort of being mi FITTm In a SUIT OF CLOTHES, l* urvaMy euhonevd by haring them ooon, and suitable to the getsn*. ORIBULE has got alt that D necessary to elleet that great consumma tion, both a* regards fit and quality of gni*l«. Persona wishing to ejperieneo all this, ami ho only moderately charged, can do *o by railing at 240 Libeett ijtkxet, head of Wood. P. B.—Pantahxmß, io particular, is one of his forltt. lie cannot be beat lit the style r.nJ til of this gar ment. A’umerouj references could be given, If noorrs'iry, to oorrolorate this » t. Olecm K OIIIRIU.K. OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE ONLY RAILROAD RUNNING WEST PROM PITTSBURGH. Os and after MONDAY, March 12th, 1855, the PASSEN GER TRAINS will run a s follow*, until further notice : Fast Train vriu have at 3 A. M. Mail. Trajn “ “ at BA. M. Expßxss Train “ at 3P. M.} These Trains all run through to CrestHne, anil connect there with the Columbus and Cincinnati. Ohio atid Indiana, and llellefontaine and Indiana Railroads. At Mansfield, connections are made for Newark, Zanesville, Monroeville, Bandusky, Toledo, Chicago, Ac.; and at Alliuuce for Clove land, Ac. No trains run on Buudny. Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, LouimH’.* Rt. bouia, Indlauivjioltfl, Chicago, Hock Island, Fort Wayno, Cleveland, and the principal Towns and Cities in the West. The NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will iearo Pittsburgh at 10 A.M. and & P. M. lt aud New Brighton at 7 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Tickets and further information, apply to J. :G. CURRY, At the corner office, undor the Monongnhela nouse Or. at the Federal Street Station, to GEORGK PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, March IOLh, 1865. (mblO) Headache and Pf euralgla ov Kkiut Yiaus SriSWHQ Cubed dt OAKEIA’S DRPURATOR BYIIUP—Mr. William Trimble, M’Kclvy's Row, Bayards town Fifth Ward, says ho wo* cured of Sick Headache of oight’years itandlng, by three bottle* of Oakeley’s Depura tlve Syrup. lie had tiiud various physicians without a cure. Ho is now entirely well. Oakeley's Deporativti id for Rheumatism, Scrofula, Tetter, andalleruvtlvedisca.es For sale wholesale and retail, DB. KIASERS, No. 140 Wood street, Sign of the Golden Mortar. Price 75 cent* per bottle. a >'^ Opinions of the Free. The following is from Gen. Geo. P. Morris, in the Home Journal of Nov. 7,1846: All editors profess to be the guardians of the right* of the people and to keep them advised, through their alumna* of whatevor .hall arise for tlulr benefit W« will live tip to this loiter, and Inform them that the most wonderful and Talnable medicine for their genera use ever invented, is “ Dauit'b lUoicil Pais Kmtucior." Its vlr toes are so rare, mighty and eccentric, that often they ap near to vork more like miracles than by science, so eff.ct ive electric and astounding are Its pow«rs on tlm human Sly, that, though row It is daily tried by thousands of pSe, not one of this great mass but Is delighted beyond comtarißon, and candidly confess they, on no consideration, aMley, has -wisely kept the secret to himself. Counterfeits are bosy about it, but without suc cess. Its overwhelming merits defy all competition, and Us peculiarities analysis. We confidently commend all pa rentato seek Ha acquaintance, for sutely such a friend, who laughs at death and suffering, restores the blind, lame, halt and Bcarred to perfection, aul all from pain, is a ‘•trlpnd the discoverer of this mighty blefßing, who is a real benefactor to mankind, God speed. None genuine without a steel-plate engraved label, with signatures DALL.EY, Manufacturer, 0. V. CLIOKBNKB * CO, Proprietors. ‘ gold at 26 cents per box by Hr. G. H. KETBER, 140 Wood street, and by nearly every dealer In medicines fhronffhout the United Btatea. All orders or letters for in- SonoraU*, to be address*! to C. VCUCKkNER t po., Hew Yoyji. apllm.wzw NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Reported Expressly lor the Paily Morning Post. T h© steamers*: % Nkw York, April 26 —The steamer St. Louis arrived thio moraiDg with-75 passieogerß, among them Madame de Lagrange aud:other members or Niblo’s Opera troupe. Oa th* 10th of April tho St. Louis.passed.the store" for" Sale.--EETAIL DUUO Bteamer Union, bonud east, ana luo North fctar. STORE, favorably located, Rt the comer ct Chestnut The Hermann arrived at Southampton on the and Liberty B.ivetg, Allegheny City, wit ib'e *old 00 reason c **. -*u aide terms. For particular?, oequru of evomng of the /tn. Fleming 8R03., Boston April 26.—Tho Africa arrived at a whot.mio and Retail Urucght., quarter pistoight. Her mails leave on the af- No- » ternoon train. I ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, Prom Boston Boston, April 26. —James Johnston, of the firm of Johnston, Lewall & Co , died this morn ing. Handbills arc thickly posted ifl this city offer ing indocomenta to join the foreign service, pur porting to oome from the financial Secretary. The Halifax and Nova Scotia papers warmly defend the Lieutenant Governor for his at tempts to raise a foreign legion in the United States. Baltimore, April 20 —New Orleans papers of Friday are received. The friends of Soule have called a meeting to make preparations to give him a public reception on his arrival at New Orleans. An extensive fire has again broken out in the woods of Georgia. Destructive Fire New York, April 2G.—A fire occurred this afternoon in the Wholesale Drug Store of Ward, Moutague & Co., No 83 Warden Lane. The up per part of tbo building wa3 destroyed, and the stock badly damaged by water. Loss heavy. Boston, April 26. —A robbery was committed on board tbo steamer Africa which amounted to £5OO in gold, and also Bank of England notes and jewelry, making in all about £1,500. It be longed to E. Collingwood, a passenger, aud has not yot been recovered. The New Orleans Post Office Robbery Nkw Orleans, April 24 —Postmaster Kendall was arrested by Mr Blair, tbo special agent of the Post Office Department, on a charge of theft. It is said that ho purloined a letter belonging to Wills, Rawlins & Co . containing SGQO. Ken dall gave security in $lO 000. From Ilarrlabnrg Hakiumu'uo, April 20.—The repeal of the coal and lumber tux passe! to a third rending by u vote ol 4G to 41. St Lulis, April 25.—Tbe people of Kansas have issued n proclamation declaring Gov. Reed er incompetent for his position, and that his ap pointment was made without the cooaeut of tho governod ; and tho exorcise of bis power has been arbitrary. Delegates are jvcommcnded to mpf-t nt Leavenworth, on the 28'h, to select a suitable person for territorial Governor whose name will be forwarded to the President for up pointment. [Tho above despatch should have appeared yesterday. It was left out accidentally.] tZtf- A Fact worth y of Record and Allen tloJV WRIGHT'S TO VIC Ml\Tl’Kr.,« rrrunn - for FEVER AND AOIK. Thi« preparation fur tin l tr*-HUni‘Qt i f Mu* nbr-v** diiva**. :ui 1 p-rfe-t »*m*li:ro. tion of tb<->-r.us>, D oiii'uf the most important Ch»-mu*a] Din'OTt-rif* of ihi* lC»ih iN'oturv. Its neutralizing etTvclJ on the pr.lfli-noue gn.-i-s ur* iui-tanUnt-ons ami aet> like a charm upon the sh:tc Nervous and Mu-cular System, !«•' stonni* tin* tone t f the ST »mru h, cnJ iui ig,.rating tbe C» n Nlitu'ion. L’uuke the r.-niyti«\* t‘d to for Ih* lmtw surh t*fl ‘p)inin«, Ar-rL.ir, Ar., ri lii rlt the PV: w:,r.*r' 1!,.i0 ttu-y f.iL.ii-1 ir. It improves the general health, rit> ! th.-- l. :u»J f?»ni utnto.< the (Htl.’renl organs to a n*oiiar ul»u artson. j-r<»i>nr*"l rtnUy > f ►t:r-n{;U» may 1m rt*’l' -1 o:.'. Tl* unj f<“-irit-D’.ivl iKtum-J, nt:ii ttn> of !••• l;in<.ti:a'- frr*R» **?.»!*:«*•. t l'h) .»:» iftliS, hn-l I’tLrrs *• bar' tli .rt-i!t*li'iy ru:*.J t Mr- h sufilm-nt (>{ it- *u|’frwrlty iT-r ->II "tL»*r |Tvparali< n-\ Wi' -a :i .. ‘y h-M, in c<>n If yon art- »i. !!»ring (mm Fer. r anU try i! au-l oimJ ' t'KTKR T. WRIGHT A CO., 241 \iarkrt rt f Philadelphia. An! i.!l r.il-l- Lruggifti* throughout the United and Can-ula*. Ft »al« hv UK« !!. KKY.'EK, No. HO Wu-l iruj '{ I*. SELLER*. lMt!e».urgh a|.27:d* w?.in I* J!tr M‘L.ui»e’a Worm Speelflr.—The folloaing. f oui a ru-ti'in-r, -hfWi' the lftiuu i witich tht treat medi cine has <. ird wherever it h.>» bern ibir&dursd: 0.-ntii-mcn —ln ecOJ-qucnrv *! i/«r crcai cmsunn of “ Worm Specific” in th .« place and vicinity, \»» have entirely exhausted onr flock. We rh&uld frtd obliged by your ferwar ling, via Cuming, N. Y., twenty d< s-‘U, with your til', «.n the reception of which we will icmit you the money. Flora the tvc-nderful •'•fTt'/ts fT mid *• Specific’’ in thU u«'i ,'i» -< *l, thfjc r.»uS\l b«i si.ld annually a large quan tity. i! to be had, (;rh-.)ir?al9 ned retail) l.om POBJ<* local a?cni. I; v >u would cotnpeQ'ule n person for trouble and •xj>"n *» n! n-oJins, l thiuk. I coalil muho U to your udvan- Your*, ropectfully, Wtl. M. MALLORY, P S.—The nbore valuable remedy, also Dr. M’Lantt’a cel* ebratri ! irer Pill*, can now be had at all respuctable Drug Stores in thU city. to *J.< K>. |*ur'*hs«**r*! will be careful to a. ; .lt for, anj take »uuo bUj Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge. All others, in comparison, »re wurthlefis. Also, (or sale by tho sole proprietor*, FLKMING UROS., Bucotssoru to J. Kidd 4 Go., Cu Wood street. A WEEKLY JOURNAL I'URLKSURD AT WASHING TON CilY The UDdtT»i|Cn**i.| propose to commerce about the fir-t of June nest, la the city of Washltiglpn, tb«* publication of m weekly newspaper, to K* c.illcJ ihe SI’ECTA I Dlt. designed f»r general circulation Htnoog the people of the United States Its columns will con Oil a u full ill ge.it ui ihe u-wauf the day, foreign and domestic; a weekly renew of finance and the markets; n synopsis of tin? pro. ci-edingn of tongri!?* during its session: tables of cloetiun return-; the important political ad ion of S’ate legislator**, nrul of party convention- ; Inter, sting lubc-dlnne-jus and scU-ntlti- matter; articles on Agriculture; toßdher with article upon the leading t*-p <■ oflh-Mlny. Much valuable lnf-»UBRtiott relative to the operation!* of the Kx i cuiro Departments of tho Government, together with n weekly list of ne* patent?, will be found in its columns. A lurg** portion of Iti} spaco will be devoted to light litera ture, original and selected. Its location at the political centre of the Uuiun. will afford ouportunltieg always to procure the latest and rocwt reliable tolormatjou on public affairs. it is the intention of tin* undeTrlgno l to make the SPECTATOR hii acceptable visiter to every house In the Union, aud St will, therefore, not a-Bume on any occasion the of u partjivn paper, nor will It owe any all** giaum to men; but entertaining fixel and decided views on quef-lions of political economy, and upon our >ystem of government, it will disseminate udJ promulgate them as ocofu-ion may rei]iilr»}-i*nlways keeping carefully In view the iuter«*#te of tho oouutry, growlug out of foreign as well as domestic nlfHlrß. The SPECTATOR will be printed in quarto form,on good paper and new typo; each number containing eight pages of matter, making one volume annually of 410 pages*. Khi’li volume w II bo ricc'mpnnied by o full and complete mdex to Itn content®, thus making it a most valuable paper for J.refonrnti n and ffftf-roneo It will be publisho-l every Saturday morning, at $2 por annum, payable always) in advance. No paper wt'il bo continued beyond the time for which It la piil-J. All subscript lona and communications on business should be ad Irtssid to the undersigned at Washington, D. C AUG. F. UARVKY 4 CO. Washington Oltr, Aprillff, 1865 rHr26:3nUltw WATER DURE INSTITUTE, HAND BTKKET, (SOOTH HIDE.) RET. PENN STREET AND THE IIrVKU, PITTSBURGU, PA. DOCTOR BAKLZ, Graduate and Practitioner Iu the Old Schr-ols of Medicine, Allopathic and Homm f*2,2S t»> Jlrt p«r Wwk. In thin Association ell members are equally interested in the management aud protiU. S. B. M’KKNZIK, President. T. J. lICNTta, Secretary. Finance Committee— Joitau Ki>q, Jalics llzaxjeti, G. N. Uopr.sroT. ConaulUnc Physician—F. Irish, M. D. nov3;tf Krunklln Saving Puud and Loan li>£/ Aaaot latiou, OFFICE, No. 97 FRONT STREET. Discount Liny MONDAY. Notes c.fTereJ on SATURDAY' to tin- ‘t.-ereUry, at the store of John 11. Mcllor, No. 81 Wood street. Weekly Dues recdrtl'fci the same time and pla.re, (declaim J YVTITTTIKU, Secretary. To*LetTllL SECU.n D rixjiit OF TIIKNHP* TUNK ENGINE UOLSI-' (a lUU suitable for public meetings,) will be let fur three or four night* in the week. Enquire of GEORGE FUNSTON, dre4:3m at S. M’Clnrkan’«, No OG Wood street. N 011 ce I—-ThiT JUURN EY , ’ CIKTY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meet* oo t’:e first WKDN Kc DAY of every month, at isCIIOOIILEITER'S, lu tho Diamond. lly order. j#l:y GKO W FF.KSK. Seer*t»rr O. O. K.—l’lace of meeting, Washington Tlall, IKy Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley. Pirrsiifß'-ia Lci» io pUi* Ai-iUE To BOX oHEAF SHOES—Goto No. 107. Market street, whereyou will find the neatest and best selected lot of Fancy Shoes in the city. >P 27 W. E SOHMEBTZ _ JOBT KKCE'vED BY KXPREiS— -200 pr Ladies 7 Fancy Gaiters, all cchrs, at $1,25@1,75 250 “ ' '• t ‘, Black u “ 150 Frenfib Morocco and KU Boots u 1,00@1,37 600 “ Children’s Fancy Shoes, new styles. Q p27 W. E. BOHMERIZ. POTNAW’o MONTHLY FOB MAY; Lamartine’s History of Turkey; The o’Dfberty Papers, by ihc late William Maaio,L. L:. D.; annotated by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie, author Ambrosiane,” Ac. Godey’s Lady’s Book for May; Blackwocd’s Magazine for April; Mammon; or the Hardships of an Heiress, by Mrs. Gore M*H of Character, by Dongles Jerrold; Ellen Norbury; or tbe Adventures of an Orphan; The Wonderful Adventures cf Capt. Priest; Claude’s Last Bullet; or the Price of Threo Lives. ALL NEW BOOKS for sale at MINER A CO;’S as soon as published. a P*~ UTNASI’S MONTHLY FOB MAY, 25 CENTS;-. Godey’s Lady’s Book “ u .25 “ Peterson’s Magazine “ t( . 3-*?4 “ New York Journal 4< M l lB# “ Bailors Macnziue u u 10 u BDekwool for April ' 25 , ** Just received and for sale by ; W. A. GILDENFENNEY & CO., a p27 Fifth st., opposite tbe Theatre. I ytiA NUTS—SOOO bushels Tennessee Pea Nuts in Store [_ and for sale by [ap2fj J. W. BUTLER St C.O WINDOW GLASS.—I 49 hoses SxlO; tO do 10zl2; ao do 10x14; 25 do 9t12; ' 20 do 12x10; Anil other sizes—P. AJ. Swearer’s hand. For sale by nprlT SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER. SYRUP— 10 barrels; 10 half barrels—best Baltimore Syrup; to barrels Belcher’s. For sale by apr27 SMITIL M AIR A UUNTER. REFINED SUGARS —25 bblsD R. crushed; 20 do S. K. do; 20 do small loaves; 20 do Coffee Sugar. For sale by npr27 SMITH, Mtlß AUUNTER. Si' A P—2oo boxes No. I—fer sale by aptgr aMlTlt, MAIR & HUNTER, OAKLAND OMIMBUS LINE at Auction.— un Wednes day afternoon, May 2d, at 2 o’clock, at ike Reisville Station, Pennsylvania avenue, will be sold (heentire stork of that concern, consisting of 3 Omnilm-es; 8 sets of Har ness 11 Horses; 1 spring Wagon, Ac. Terms at^aje. opr27 P M.DAVB.Aurt’r. Tjlne HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT AUCTION— Od X. TUESDAY morning. May Ist, at lU o’clock, at the residence of D O‘C. O’Neill, No,S4 Grant street, netr Third, will tu sold a superior lot of Household and Kitchen Fur niture, emhrucing mahogany chair?, sola and rocking chsir; centre, card and dining tables; fancy what not; Taney and eommon chairs; marble top dressing bureaus; high.and low post bedsteads; parlor, chamber and stair carpets; table covers; hearth rugs; window blinds; bedding, cook* log 9 ove, que-*nsware, kitchen Ac. All the ui ticles are la good condition, haviug been but a short time in use. Public Sale of Culled States Property at * lie Navy-Yard, Memphis, Tennessee, by Order of ttie Bureau of Yards and Bocks. the l«t day of Jane, 1855, the following artkhs will sold to tb-t highest bidder, at public auction, at the lafy-yard, Memphis, Tennessee: Buildilirj Malarial, d:s. .3,900 bard brick: 153,a1l f**vt various timber and lumber 1 'J-U feet stone coping; GO5 feet stone bel t course; 47 feet dimension stone; 89 feet stone curbing (uu -25 pcrcbes rubble s'nnc; 8 900 Hh cut noils. (assorted) 1,15*21b* Iron spikes; 250 lb* wrought nails 3 tiCl W« lch ri Uu ; OSS f et i idge tilt s 164 tiles, (30 fe-t alonr:) 115 window rills, stone 1,000 b .shels sand; 1,075 lb* sheet lead 70 bbls cement; lot of lime 11 ) bushels rhiirenal: C b.ix«-s tiu 3L bnxt*3 rtiodow gUss; 67 flJs pa»b cord I,CBO lb-* sasb weights; 1 10 Mr.pejihoe iron ; 12 bbls rcrap Iron Itt lbs horseshoe nail*; 10 lb.? solder 338 lb- blister steel: 18.000 lbj ca-t iron bell-line bangers 10 lbs em ry; 44 window frames-. 5 door frames; 27 shutters 30 pairs sa«h, (glared;) 3 pair? scab 200 piece; white oak timber; 3 lbs Russia bit glass 3 th« Russia glue; 150 lb * tallow 250 U>s bard soap; 1 lot of cld c.isfnga 1 lot of tree nails; 1 lot of band either 1 lot of ioeeleatber:. 1 lot of otl cans; 1 lot of jugs’ barrel's h'c'iory logs, assorted wire, steel, nails, stationery, 4c., md 4 lbs India rubber packing, Machinery, Tools, r.f lunous Dtscriptiant. 5 Tams; 3 hoisting cranes; 2 derricks 4 setting fids; 100 cart felloes, 2 cart shafts, 10 cart bubs, and 214 spokes 8 old railroad cars. 15 axletreea 16 assorted blocks- 4 spring belts l scrubbing brush; 45 firebucke?B 163 ft>* chain 3 sla’ing knives 39 lacks (assorted ;) 5 tin lanterns 1 set wine measures; 12 sash pulleys 30 mason’* beds; 65 sliovrls 4 axes, (Collin's;) 2 cylin 'ers and caps 3 white wash brushes; 2 dozen dust brushes 20 augers, (a-sorted ;) 3 framed saws 2 foot adzes; 1 whip saw; 2 scythes 2 hand barrows; 2 timber hooks 30 mortar boards; 40 wheelbarrows 2 moTtar bods; 20 tross^b 6 pair platform scales; 2 pair sizing scales; 1 french horfe 1 wiring machine; 1 large thick edge I gnoring tool; 1 hatch stake 1 p.ak Iron; 1 largo burnt g machine 1 eet norib tools; l pair soldering irons 1 pair hand shears; 1 large cast iron stake 1 soldering furnace; 11 work benches 16 wafer bucket*: 1 sand screen 2 lime sifters; 9 mortar hoes 2 pair plonghplane*, with bits; 5 tongue and groove planes, (assorted) 3 sn«h planes; 3 finrihiog do; 4 do. (assorted) 1 gried stone 1 pair 36 inch bellows; 2 do 40 inches 4 anvils; 4 vices; 3 sledge-hammers 4 cross-cut saws; 1 slaving block 4 sets tongs; 15 punches 20 hammers, rarioua sizes and kinds 20 bolt tools; 14 screw wrenches 1 set shoeing tools; 1 set blacksmith’s tools In rope* walk forge shop 15 crow bars; 7 picks, 4 stare buggies 12 wedges; 1 paint stone £1 painter’s knife 3 sets chisels; 0 globo lanterns o handsaws; 8 squares; 1 set turner’s gouges 2 broad axes; 2 hatches; 1 sawset 6 callipers; 5 rcrew drivers 2 drawing knives; 6 nippers 20 dozen files; 6 gimlets Pittsburgh Coal. WM. McOANDLESS, Secretary Board of Tru c tee*. 8. JAYNES. P. M. DAYI3, Anctioneer. 119 tons best qualify Material from RopewaUc. 4,645 lb? bomp tow yarns; IT do old tarred do 8.500 £bi tow; 52 bbls best quality Wilmington tar Card, Wajaiij Gearing, etc. 1 wagon; 10 carts; 2 pair timber wheel) 1 straw-cutter; 1 pitchfork 2 drays, together with a large lotof harness Household and Office Furniture. 6 bureaus; 11 bedsteads; 10 waabstands 1 wardrobe; 4 pitchers; 6,tumblers 2 water jars; 3 sofas; 20 mahogany chairs 8 11*12 dozen office and house choirs 1 mahogany table; 1 centre table 2 *cts dining tables; 2 ironing tables 15 office tables; 8 sets shovels, tongs and pokers 533 Vi vards carpeting ; 17 yatda stair do 4 hearthrugs; 97 yards oilcloth 1 hall lamp; 1 hat rack; 2 sideboards 2 parlor mirrors; 1 looking glare for toilet 1 secretary; 4 cabinets; 1 iron safe 3 office stools; 1 drawing board, with movable frame 2 cbests of drawers; 1 book * ave 11 writing desks; 1 copper boTler for kitchen 1 pair fire-irons; 6 store?; 1 eight day dock Saluting Battery , cons stl 'e of 15 32-ponnder car ron&d’s, with their equipments complete Small kedge, weighing titty pounds. The torms of sale will be cash, in specie, to be pail before the articles arc removed from the yard, which must be within fire days from and.utter the day of sale. Ifthe terms of sale are not complied with,'the property will be resold, on one week’s publio notice, at the risk and cost of the delinquent purchaser. ap27:law4w - Gould’s Eighth Public Sale ofi’owa Lots AT ROCHESTER. fi'IIIS SALE will take place-upon the premises, on X BATURDAY, ApriI 28;h,atlGo*clockprccisel.. Terjna as ho T « ofore. . The building ee&'onjs now fairly commencing, and from £0 to 100 buildings will be erected.the present season, and among them three churches. Of course, a vast amount of labor will be required. Let those who want to buy good bargains look to this opportunity. More than 200 .Lots have been sold already, and new citizens are flocking.in.: from, every point of the compass. For paril'mlara see printed hills and maps, or inquire of lIENUY BOYLE, Auctioneer, Allegheny City, or come to Rochester and judge for yourselves, the day before the sale. [ap2l] - M. T. C. GOULD.' PEKIN TEA STORE!, ~ yd 38 Fifth tired, one door east of the Exchange -Bank. NOW RECEIVING, n full assortment of GREEN and BLACK TEAS, comprising all the grades now in use, purchased direct from tho Importers, forcas-. Warranted of superior flavor, and will be sold, WLolesale and Retail, at the lowest prices. ,[av2l] . Si JAYNES. (Biapateh and Gazette copy.) CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, MATT ING. THE subscriber is now receiving large additions to Ills. stock, which,,when completed, will be one of the largest in the city, consisting of Velvet and Brussels Car* pets;Tapesty Brussels, Impetial and Eitra Three-Ply;- Tapestry, Ingrain, Superfine and Fine do.; Ta'entry, twilled and plain Yenltiac; Cotton, Hemp, Rag and List Carpets; Woolen and Cotton Drugget; Door Mats; Window Shades; Stair Rods; Ac. Also. a large assortment of Oil Cloths, from 2to 18 feet wide. W.D. BTOALLUAI, - . 6p2thlm 82 Fourth street, below Wo*d. May magazines rkqkived— ... Yankee for May. Wee C€n )®*. Ballon’s Magazine, lbr May. Peteison's Mag*?sn*i for May. P*jss Frank Le>lfc’BJournal,f« May. F'ice IBK cents■ Call, or send for whataror yoa Itna tn XL MINEB * CU*' - No. 32 SmithfieM street* SEED POTATOES —25 b&la for H&ln_bv JAMES MLAUQHLIN, #p Vj “V' ooroer of First »o 4 BmitMeU streets. PITTSBURGH _THKATRK-Viftn tram- JOSEPU C.FO3TEK, Less** and Manager* Boxes and Parquette.. -50 c, j Private Baxes,lirge....^sB.oQ Second Tier...*. .~25?. | Private Boxes, *m41L..~.5500 Boxes for coined persons ; .25cents. 4®- Certificate securing seats, 12% cent* extra. GALAXY OP TALE&Tf BENEFIT OF T£TB BRIGHT WESTERN STAB) Miss MARGARET MITCHELL, who will appear in two celebrated characterß. - FRIDAY EVENING, April 27, be acted Miss Margaret -Mitchell: Phocion, Dahols; Adrastus, Mcßride; Clemanthe, Miss Cramer. To conclude with'the new piece Of . A Lidy’t Stmtegem—Margaret Wilton, Greet: . Bo y»Cwith Lance,)toyHToser,(withlrliihJig.)Ceptato Cbarfrmargo, (a French OfQcar,) Glxzelle, (with Hjgln> ...... l * nd I?‘ing,)-Misa Morgarot MitchelL -•- Tomorrow, Saturday,Mias MARGARETMIICHBLLwiII qpp»or in two characters. - • , - - CHEMICAL DIORAMAS, &c, Aptn T '26?“27™il’ 2 3*^^ r talnment will commence with a eerlea or CETStaitimc VIEWS, CHBOMATEOPBS ana MKTAMOBPHOSEB Witt ttTzzl° l^!^ c,o> MILAN '°"““4 una Tickets TwxsttFiv* Cists, Oiat} Children, Fimo Cxkts. Exhibition to commence at 8 o'clock. A day exhibition on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock; Children 10 c*d t*. N. B.—This is the original exhibition which was here three years ago. . r- . - • a 25:td JAMBS TaFLOB'S PENNSYLVANIA CIRCUS JAME 3 TAYLOR J. F. WOLFE. WILL PERFORM IN THIS CITY, MAY 1. 3, a/*, in front of the American Hotel, Penn street. - CKIYIR3M. SITIB7ACIIOS QDABA^ttXD. The Manager does cot deem it necessary to search the vocabularies or Ancient Greece and Rome to obtain * high sounding name for lib establishment, batleaves it with a discriminating public to judge between real merit sod th e display or a dictionary knowledge of the dead languages The Great Pennsylvania Circus Is the most complete that erer appeared In this conn try. The Musical Department will eclipra aoycrjmnlaatloii of the kind In the Union,being CORELLI'S FAMOUS JuSm. lOA-N CORNETAND QUADRILLE SAUvt 4®“ Admission twenty*fiTB cents. • . - - 1 %* Afternoon performance commences at 3 o’clock—even ing performance at 7 o'clock ap!7:td LOCATION CHANGED AND TIME postponed; SPALDING & ROGERS’ TWO eiEGUSESi- ,j-|r| « • • COJCBOHI>ATI2fJ TOEia CCLtBSATSD .jiff FLOATING / PALACE CIRCUS, .? rom Ulelr PalalW Aqo»tio tophi ***(r wal 9 f theatre on (he Ohio and Mississippi riverivand their HOBXH AHEEIiJAH CXBCUO, §o popular In New JEnglamlandNew York, into mimm OSE Moi,sTs:tt conckrn, With ib» TWO COMPAKTES, compll ;H sing tbo most distinguished. Performers .VYX ’from the North eml the South, In the tT tx same ring. In friendly strife, In the H presence of thoflodcaca.' Both. Companies under One Taut, ©Sfl TWO BBTB 0F FERFQRMERSI • ' TWO SETS OP CLOWNSI /jf /m TWO SETS QP BING HORSES t f PANTOMIME EVERY AFTERNOONI SPECTACLE ETKHY NIGHTI - 69k7H_Mpl% NKT>. KENDALL, TDK BUULXRt - * KENDALL’S BRASS BAND! CHOATE’S STRING BAND! n. MAGTLTON, j Young CLARENCE, SMs BILL LAKE, |O. J. ROGERS. . ;r W The, Motley Brotkera. i 1 GEO. DUNBAR, f Mens. LA TUORNE, V 'DONALDSON | T. GRAVEN. . Pegasus, Tartar, 4t Wil«ifire; S. D. BALDWIN, I CLEAR LBS BROWNS , —ROBT. W UIIB, j.CUAS. CROSBY. Ginty’s.PantoinlmeTroßpe. p. DEARTH, I GEO WILLIAMSON. GEO. WOOD, ' j ItOBT. DKBING. . The War Mors* Bucephalus* 8. LITTERALL, | GEO. MACKEY,, p, WILLIAMS, |F. BANKER, ■ ■■■/_ ■ Will he exhibUci at -PxrMBOBOti SIX i»AYS, commencing MONO AY, Mkytthi '■"'jg. ON PENN STREET ' In Front of American Hotel* trear ATTrasobif .* v Also, at BRIDGEWATER. May *£ ALLE3DE.NY,. Ala 7 31 and 4th, Bw < iDNGUAM, May &lhr•, j* Admission;ASl.T’ Tw^arrFiv*. - ’ - Cents to both Companies .• ap23 JOHN W. M’CARTHY, : ■ Bill Poster and Distributor; 1 il attend to the Postiog and Distributing of all' kinds of i .. BILLS FOB CONCERTS, LECTCBESi EXHIBITIONS,*^ All communications—either bYmalVtelegTapb^oroUitt wlbo—directed to the office of its JJtohtog. «IU celre prompt attention. r- ; '"" '' ' WILLIAM HUNTER, FLOUR SM GRAIN. Ho. 299 Liberty street, -PittEbnrgh, Ua. J3&- Co??aTASTLT the BEST BRANDS or ;j PENNSYLVANIA,. V' .*•••; •'■-'• -l OHIO, INDIANA, and * MISSOURI, SUPERFINE end . EXTRA PLQPR r ; Which Trill always be sold at the Lowest Cash prices, {apll • MAKOFACTTOttS OF/''- M’KEE’S PENNSYLVANIA GLASS Extra,. Doable Strength. Imitation Crown and Baby ViaU, Flask?, Pickle and Preserve Jaw? - Wine, Porter and Mineral Bottles -Z Telegraphic & Lightning-Rod Insnlators; SECOND, 7 BETWEEN WOOD A MARKET STS, : v 1 -* rmsfitnum; £*ssa. - - But a short'distance from the Steamboat landing, ahd._ from Monongaheia Honse, Bt.Chatlfo,nndCUy Hotel. [*p2l: J. H. J0NE9..................;.. .........B.: D. DBRNtC.. JONES & BENNY, Forwarding and Commission Merefianfs, oplOJ Cl WATER STREET, PITrSBURGU. THE ADAMS EXPEESS COMPACT. A JOINT STOCK ASSOCIATION. Organised July 1, 1854, under Vie lam of Kcta TorJe. ‘ Capital In 13,000 B)iftT«iS 9STBTOCKBOIDERS INDIYIDUAZtY LUBIST& PTtsidcnt—Q EORG E W. CASS, of Pittsburgh. KAHAOEBB: Oca. W. Cass, Pittsburgh. 8. M. Shoemaker,’ Baltimore. E. 8. Sanford, Philadelphia. Johnson Liringrton, K. Yorfc;- W. B. Bensmoro, New York. C. Spooner, Bridgeport, Conn* A. Adams, Boston. R. B.fiinsley, Fail Hirer, B. I. J. M. Thompson, Springfield; Masa. '' yyniytoi, No: 01 Fousth szEEcr; Dealer in Kentucky Leaf Tobacco, RAGS AND PAPER, No; 149 Wood strut, shot Bnra,. Pmsoraon, Pa, Wit) highest market price, in CASH,.paid foe It AG 3 . - ■■ ■' , apa'Orl>* . COTTAGE HIL.L, ACADEMY. ; A Claaaical and Collegiate Boarding' Sohooli 1 \ J : 1 FOR -YOUNG GENTLEMEN. : ... The elev£kth s£s3iqs of tdis institution • wiU commence on TCESDAy, Ist of May. V; ,Thla School is Iccated in ibe pleisbßVbealthfol fto4 *Ov mantle Tillage of Turtle Creek, distant toelie pUes irum Pittsburgh, and is of easy access, several times ft day# by ' Biilroad. • ; . :• The Academic Edifice (eitepsirely known aa-BrowA: ExchahgV.ris a Urge, »]ry, and commodious building, three stories nbore the basement, numbering tortt Roosts, and is most admirably, and conrenlently arranged lor * - Boarding School. „ , , - The Grounds atta-bed to the School aCord ample spaca . for the healthyexepase of the pupils. - The Dion of the Acad. my la wmprehendreendlborouglv r embracing o liberal oouree or Instruction In Classic antk..-- SeientlfU lamrael-the Modern Ungoeges—end the to rlou> branehea of an elementary English Education. - Each brash has Itaeppropriate Instructor—the uutahet ■; of Teachers being in the proportion of one far flUesn' • icbo’ars- and none hot the most competent, faithful.am* experienced Teachers sire employed In the ESTeral depart.. ""Those who hato children to educate, are Incited to call and examine the arrangements made (or the accommodation • of scholars. U CATON, Principal. RxFEsxacrs may he made to the following' gentlemen— present and former patrons of thrßchools Ron. tvm. Wilkins t .■■ , J. W. Duncan, Esag ' Hon. A. W.Boomlsj A. Bradley,Esq.; Jlon. J-lt McCllntoct; ■ Henry Lambert, Esq.: Hon J.B.Qathrio; _ MajorU.Bay, U.S.A4 Br. J. Ecottf , . .... George Arthurs, Esoa T. OUter, Esij.; 7 ,' Ml A. Smith, Esq.; B.T. C. Morgan.Esqg James Schoonmaker.Esqt f J. White, Esqq . R. Wlghtman, Esqt. ~ . Alex.:Holsfein,Esq; J. G 1 Caldwell, Etqi . i B. Stoner.Rsqg W.C.Barr.Esq.; , B.W. Miller, EBq; —. ‘ : H. Watson, Esq; , ~. • r , -- Jacob Miller, Esq -- V.. - . XurßeCruk, JlUghtxy Cb, lb, April l