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X r S.O v, J- , r . , kV r ..X,- . ,X | Jti i '* . * ’■>_ >■ ~ ' ■ -/■ .*■ r * tli t ’■■>., ‘ >'. t ■'■■'■-■ ■•-=.’- ; '•':h; ••v.’ Xfl ; V& ‘-V ? - * r ' f: •*■ I H - n.v> %'•’ »".•'? R-< f ‘n. ss -**v*i r , t I m ,’r* ;. S' l • -^R.'*r-P XRV,*\iX«* Vv ,. ; ;rK :/■>;: 4Vv ! i) .p-'v "• Rhj , '»' ,v,v'*., 1 ; *,•.<* -..,, *A.v V i.' ■•.»,'i'.-: ;,\: ..» . <■>.-*_• *; ■'-•—• V;..,J- V *. ■‘•i- - '•' ii'f x.i 'v-'^.'' 4 •;: x.a-r; «:*? c .:,,*•. --.cj. : ..-. ; _,r;-, '.‘t« "~ >« s ”-Oi,'.'> k 5! 1, •f'Z * t>>v-'t.-tff *• -4. -■.' p .; ‘- t '' ." , .v^T?;';v j/'.? .-_» *- v rvJ •■'■• : 4. | x * *.. :.** ». ■ <_, - v '...*. ' ■ '~'V: ; R,V'. r ■.'A pR-f'': R>'.R.A 4 '; i 4 ' »-• i”'rC / -'* '-z.'*Y. R-'"’’ v : J . », -• ■ ?■■/<■' 1 VX P-X' ./ • : ~..~ .' * • .*• . ~ ■ >• V *T " ''' *•> r -• ~ ’.:t,-.>.7, Vv * -£■ ■"• ■ ■ -- Lr;;- C<^y: 2 . '* •-» t\i \ i. >•- • IN ':":.t ..:',::':?-•,--:- -',-, ' i" \'i f !■} ' " 4'*-.*Wv 4f z- s. t* ;:-.t r ■.'>*■ - £>' r ’-3 -T’ < •- ■ ISTPAILY MORNING FOgSft frijiitd tpd Pv&Wud rotry Horning,. (Sunday tzctpi »V OllibHOKd’* MOSXaOMJBaV. uoxnMn at ocrsnn or wood aito ram siaura. WlJfElfS.—firs Dollars a ytar, p.-iyablsstrictlyln tirun. Bte Dollars will Invariably b» required ir not pain TWO c*m—for .alealtbertonter In th* Office, and fcytho y«r*k Boy?* THE BATBRDAY HOHHJH3 PpnbUsoed from the same o®o«, on a . copies hset, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In adyance. mngie oupi be dlsamtinned unless at thedlsore. JSSffiSSSUI-tn aU arrearage are pda. °24: n».»«S«onTrtU be paid to any order unless accom 5J® satisfactory reforonoa In tils city. ObtSeeirf «$» aioWttAmenl 0/ Ms Ifortanp Port .mJol’«l«£v«< ■*>& • Prini,n s O.ficer tn tie crty, wberenß O/ mrkUdonem the thariut note, and mort reaton aht* *«mf. ■ > PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt* C* -G.-Sprout, 1 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Afl? LAW—Office, No. Fourth street. Pittsburgh. Pa. ' declLly James A. liowrle, i ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, . between Bmithfield streetjapdCherry alley, fdecllily JOSEPUWEAVEtIf ! ATTORNEY AUD COUNSELLOR A? LAW, * Office, No, 144 Fourth street* • js3tly?] pmsuoson, rA. < • JOHN BARTON, i. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, • • Office, corner Fifth and. Grant sts«, jaSAyf} PTTTRDOROn. PA. j Tbomoa Hlen.no, , j . iiri _ T ArrORNKY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CItANOERY. Office, next door to the Port Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 . I —- B. P. Ron, , • ATTORNEY AT LAW—No- 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa, fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson e Livery BUblo. ! c. Orlando toomli, , TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, üboTe Wood. -. jy*y —; . Tliomo.* rs. MnrflUwll, j TTORNKY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie’s Building?, Poartn . street 1 ‘ * fr n,J ?- K. B. Cemahen, ! TEORNRY AT LAW —Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley end Grant street : Jefcy_ J. N. M’Clowry, i TTOKNEY AND OOUNShLIALt AT LAW—OfHoe In - Behewell’e BaildlDgn, on Grant street ; jee " “ D. H. Mszeni . i . TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 13! Fourth street, ebtrre end L near Smiths eld. _ | mrß7 - *" Patrick ltPKenna, i ALDERMAN OF IHIKD Tit Ar d . ArFICE CORKBH O? GRANT AND FIFTH STREETS, O < formerly occupied by Aldermen Lbwib,) vOiere nil bu to the office of Aldermen onf Just.® ol be promptly attended to. > feblita m, ifucltmasiert AitlermaA. , '/irPTfn n™nt street, bstwefen Fourihßt.Bnd Diamond •mined, Ac. E. S. Keal, Aldermmu.> -»-0 91 THIRD Street, between Wood end Miirketstreet*, IS Pittsburgh. Collections promptly mule. J,ondß,Mert psesfand otter writings drawn witb neatneSß acoa ... enr,. SURGKON DENTIST, (»jm- ! «gJS~SS?k ceior to Q. W. Biddle,) kO.:H4 SMITH ftWSBSiBaFIKLD STREET. _ ’,, .. ... OHice hours, from 8 to 1 o do.'X, end rom 2 to t o’clock. . —;—s:—l—■ - ~ j. SCOTT, DENTIST, I'onrth street, fire doors fffcs»£aj&w«at oi Market. I omcl Hoots —From nine As M. to fire ■ ‘ decgbr BUSINESS CARDS. * . ' mis. ncmu.'DM. *' ulka t>. W. iIKIkSTINK * CO.. COMISSION AND FORWARDING ffIERMIANTS, ASD V /»- Dealers Generally in Produce* Pittsburgh* via oinuati and other Manufactures, «c. TO,. 93 Front sired*, bdvjten Market end Ferry street*, riTTSuaBQn, pa. n . *»- Liberal cash adTancea made on consignments. par ticular attention paid to Western . JWirenctt.—Clark A Thaw, Wo. Bagaley A Co. Wo. M ThUv A Co.. P Sellera A Co., Hays k lllaoh, Kramer « Esq , Thomas Bakowell, George Ledlic, K-1-* fitoner^Esq <3to. msoaitf Liberty street, opposite Pcnna. apr7 |Xj>n»y [I. Col I llllf TIOR WARDING AND COMM l&slON MCBCHAST, ani Etesssssssessrss - pn U ) Munlock, • (PtOMMISSIOS ANT) PORWAHMSUJIi.i?CUAN81 AM) STEAMBOAT AGENTS—ho. i \Vuter ftr t, (.Ml, Ohio. kide A Oloorlicnrt, . -ITTHOLKSALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE DiALEM VY Nq. a -fool stropt. Pittsburgh. IPgjL- ' a. i’. C. ttursaoi , . _ BOOEfiELLER and STATIONER —has always on non » general assortment of School. MtesUoneoao and Won. Booi Prfntin*, Post and Gap Paper. tail, No. 104 Wood street, Wlow FitUi, hast Me, I l ;;' , " ar P D - Wanted, Eag» nnd Tanners’ Scraps. apio-iy^ 17 W. ClmclwlclL, TYIH.Trtt IN RAQ3 AND FAPEIt, No. 119 XJ Pittsburgh. Tie b ; ;h«t price Id cub paid for raje. my!l:7 waum cub, >'Wi» .„ sr .TO.«aa!n»>s, Pittebursb. Miller & Rlclietaon, TTrHOLEaAiK GROCERS, IMPORTERS OP BRAOTIE3, W Winomnd S«ar»—Noo. 172 and 1,4, corner of Irwin MdUberty street*, Pittsbar»h. Iron, Nail.", Cotton ten, L constantly on hand. ' William Carr Jfc Co., (Wk- Cam lot* «f the firm of J. Pam*? WHOLESALE QIIOCERS and Dealer? In Wines and Uraudle9,old and Rrcafied WhU key(lfo.329 Commercial Uow, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ’oo^l*artuer»kti>. TUB subscribers bare this day formed a partnorsbipJot the purpose of carrying owCommission and Forward in connection with the Fish, iJacon and Od* su« ander the style of English 4 lUcd £Si?" *Sh»»« No. Hfl Water and IM> Front street*; formerly occnpled.by Burbrldgo * JAMES IUCIIARDSON' JAS. J. BENNETT. *blHjbnrgh._Tebraary In*-, 18b4:f«b3 BRAVO. Diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa., dealer li F. offer, for eel. a choice stock o QhSito, Minted for family a... Bpi<*> of v.ri ly Andthanurwt Quality, ground at blfiBteata Mllla. Also. Dried Pntfts, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken In ex, °Tf'. f D. hS"«i. fall assortment of Landreth-. Warranted Garden Seed., and invites the attention “fall in terosled w rural again. - » o jxoLisu- ‘ j. wcnABDSos. __ w _- fc Jt I ‘ Dts>,Slf W B ”^ OLlgn [UCHARDSON. COMMISSION AND ‘FOKWAItDINff MERCHANTS, abd Wholesale Dealereln Fish, Bacon and 0 11 . aod l rodneo generally. Warehonse formerly occupied by Borbridge * KihSti, No. 116 Water and 150 First street, Pittsburgh, Penna. . „ ■ Commission House* TUB subscribers have opened a house for the shore pur* nose at No. 17 Smtthfield street, four doors abore iho Monongabela House. We will or receire, on eommlCTion,for pale, consimmentsof Ftouf. ZJicon. Otrrn, Oats , BsrUy, Flax Seed, Grasx Sud, Baled Bay, <&., upon which we will make advances, or purchaso at the best market cates for cosh, norfl ■ JM, ni’Laaghlln, DBiLER IN GROCERIES, PRODUCE. BLODB, BACON, 4c No 10, corner Smltbfteld nnil First streets, ED.!." harsh,JV no '" s ........tao*. B. TOOSQ T 0. Yoang A Co,, iV).3S ftmithfiddstrerty opposite C% flojpi, MANOt'A nmEaB OP oauinm: porniture am> OaA.IRB,oI erer/description. Materials and wor*. mnubir warranted, andsold otrodaced prices. Oare taXen In paetlnn-for land and water carnage. nn3l join* a. rotma. c, D» Wood* IMPORTFR AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN WIM.S AND LIQUORS, No. 1« North Bocond street, fifth 4k r nhoyjßace.easl aide, Philadelphia, hu on hand tha belt analltwa of old Brandies, WlnM. Irish Whisky, Mononea fiela wWy. Hollaud Gin, Cordials, 40, on terms worthy thaattentlon of purchasers and dealers. Fau29y ' ~ : Henry (tt’Cullouali * Co., Wnni,K3il.B GIKWBUS and Commission V erchanta of Panp and Irwin ti»- IMl«t’nT»h i nth t Wm. Dlßby, Jr., /-TT/lTHT’ia AND FURNISFUHQ STORE, Matmic Hull, I l Fifth \>rid, PiUiburgh.— Olothlng m* to onlor, In. gaol rtrlr. »nl «t modcmto mtw. R & A- C. DUQCaDf. WHOLESALE Q ROGERS, and Dealers InProduM, For din WlnMand Liquors, OU Mononsahalaand ReotL Bal vrw«tT.No.29l Liberty at., Plttaburgh. Pa. 1 IT2*y _ A a* TindlCi UA WHOLES ALE and Retail SADDLE, HARNESS, HMSff-TRUNK, VALIBE and CARPET BAG manufae- No. 106 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Po. lyg*y ■" " John H. Ittellor, "dniOTiESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL VV INSTRUMENTS, Pianos, Music, School Books ana Stationery, No. 122 Wood strtat. JL.J. OAOiS HAGAN sr» in SOJa, Jdiucy and W Staple DRY QOOD3, Nob SI Uxrtst and 8 Union itroet»Pittabnrfih. apt 4, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL" DEALER IN • IMPORTEn CISAHIs, mylfcly No. 68 MAnscr strict. PmsßUßon. POWBtt A> IUEItDON, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS.— Ornamental Patterns for Casting, in every- style; Mcvieilnff Designing, te. Composition-Ornamentn for the SSSofXamW., DuUdings, 9O BMITHFIELD Street, peat the Post Office. yl-3m E. WHrrEHOUSH* AHOY SILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND(CLEANER, ji No T ISABELLA BL, oear the Emmet Hotel, * ww i Aaraggyr. ... . ■ a. L. CGTHDSRT, *• CDIS “ K, "s. OUTnBKBT SOIf, RRAIi ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENTS, No. 50 SniQifUd strut. novl L. E. Hayward, B BALER In BOOTB, SHOES, TRUNKS and LEGHORN and BRAIL HATS, corner of Market and Liberty its, Ho, 174 Pittsburgh, P*. JOHN MITCHELIi, WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, So. 135 Wood Street, Ngxt door to H. qhild’« Shoo noose. Plttsbnrgh, J. Notice. J OB. VLEMINQ having associated vrith JO3. ABEL, the. basiaeSß'wiU hereafter ho conducted under the style of J. ABEL k CO., at the old stand, comer of Smlthfield and Fourth streets. , ~ • - ja\:y William Thorn, Dra^fflitf HAS REMOVED to the corner of HAND and PENN Streets, where he will, as usual, attend promptly tc -RlßhumfirouS Mends. AH ankles in hiallne are warranted pure* * n i t*ut op with the utmost rare. marli'.Cm JOHN GROUTT.' -rwPORTfiB. OP BBANDtKSJ, GIN, WXNBS, Ac,—Dealer -* ■• I*^*3r~% J ‘! 1 v ,; ■ ’-•>' - 1 .■ " • •-n , >, •..... i- *- *j <«. •. :;a_t t v r,; V ALGEO * CO. .F&ASCX3 L. 50CS0 .DAZOXL ABL, JB# JOSEPH CHAPMAN, H .J.rLUUKQ, ,) 4, • 4 A h-4 Igo PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMORE £ MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BDILDINQ3,” COBNEB OP P.PTH AND WO ,D STALET, AT «. PH. ANNUM, OB • » WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE VOLTTME XIII BUSINESS CARDS. KNTBH.PB.ISB WORKS. HO 130 WOOD BTEXST. T IW> DOOB BItOW VQMIB AILET, BO WIT* TETLEY. IMPORTERS uudirmnuibcturera ci i^M^ Saa^“CUXLERY3IJRQIO ALAND DENTAL ■o£f\S&- INSTRUMENTS,;RIPLES, Ac. We E&jjj keep o generalaeSortment of the abot& w articles constantly ba fraud; together with a general variety of Fancy Hardware. Ahoj Gune, Pis* tola ana RevoKfirs, Flasks, Horns, Shot limits, Caps, powder, 'Lead and Bullets; Bowie, Dirk; Hunting and-Pocket Knives? Tailors and Hair Dressers’ Shears; Pocket Scissor*, - Also, TtusaoS r.nd Supporters. * ■' J Jobbing and repairing neatly executed. RlFLK3!—Wears making Rifles of every description,to order, of the best material, and workmanship warranted.-- Orders received for them at Wholesale or Retail, will be nil* ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prices. °r l6 - 1 ChamleUer* aud Qas Fixture*. THE Gutacribersareno-w openiugattbelrnewWaTeTOPin- N - 109 FltttiT STREET, batween Wood and Smith field the largest, assortment of CHANDELIERS* BRACK ETS, PBVDANTB, and all articles connected wit Gas Fitting, ever Offered in this martrt Haring arrangements made bv tthich they will-ba constantly, in receipt of new patterns and varieties, they confidently Inrite the attention of pur chasers to their fielection. We are determined to sell as loir as any house In the West, and being practical Gas Fit ters. can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles We continue as heretofore to fit up bull dings of every de scription for gas. water and steam. Braad Castings of alltbidß m»d«u> o^™“^ *Nb.lOd First street.^ G£UltOK UtliTCßßa, ; jbom hew toes, MANUFACTURER of the celebrated \ Gossamer Ventilating Wig, Elastic l Band every description ) of Ornamental Hair, for Ladies and Gentlemen, T 9 FOURTH STREET, between Wood and Market, Pitts grgVr^jbPTgb- BiCTCDtR's system enables Ladles and Gentlemen to measure tbeir heads with accuracy. f FOU WIGS. No. 1. The round of the Head. ' fl No. 1 from the forehead over the head to heefc, N 0.... No 3. From car to ear, orer the top. ■ No. 4. From ear to ear, round the forehead. For Toupees, to corer the top of the head only—a paper the exact thape of the bald part. j fmy4_ tf-VT Coach and carriaff* Factory! JOHHSTOH, BEOTHKBB ft CO., Oymer of Rebecca end Belmont itruts, Cily t ____ __ WOULD respectfully iafona’thelr friends the public generally, that they hare commenced the manufacture of Carriages, gST > ***ltag_n tt^r.»^PiL| Ttecfcawaye, Buggies,Sleighs and Chariots, In all their Various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will bo executed with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish. Eepairs will also bq attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using in all thrir work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel conQ dont that all who faror thorn with their patrdntge, wiu be perfectly satisfied on trial of thtdr work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before pur«ha dag elsewhere. ... oct6-ly_ j t. JouasTon...—— f. t. jonssTo^ Eleelator Carriage Factory- JOHNSTON, UIIOTIIF.It A Co n PRACTICAL COACIT MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and street*, Alio ebony city. Pa-* Imre on hand ©nd are manufacturing ao citenrive assortment of Carriages, Rockaways, Buggies, Baggagw Cara, Ac., made in all tlieir rations styles, with atrict regard to durability and beauty of finish, usiug in all their work the beat J uaiata iron and -n*t 11 ¥,r ' fimry vehicle# built to order, and finished in a manner un surpassed for beauty of de?ign, of Unish, skill o. workmanship, and darability of materials. 83* Ail work, warranted. “ JOSEPH FLEMING, ' fsrccissoa to i. witcos a oo.) CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps constantly cm hand a full assortment Of Drugs, Medi cines, Mcdkiol-Chestß, Perfumery, and all article* pertain Ing to his business. 83* Physicians’ descriptions carefully compounded a: all hours. _ joils ruias.j. n^uxa. FLE2IISG BROTHEU3, (Succftssom to J. KlJil A Co.) WHOLESALE DRUGGI STS, jYo. 60 H'ood Sirfct, HU}!?urgK Pa. Proprietors of Dr.M’Lane's Cole&ret**d VrrcrtTUg*. Liver Vilb.Ac. • JOHN HAFT, JB., (Su comp* ItSon. Vancv liar Kegs and Labelled Dottle* of every style. end Demijohns of all rlzka. I respectfully invite an examina tion of my stock, at No. * WOOD Street, Pittsburgh, Penna. ~ New School for the Violin. BY U.C- hill.—the practical VIOLIN school— A new and complete synopsis of Violin playing, In an easy, progressive and practical lojuj, orul designed expressly for the American student, to which U added valuable les* sons and exercises and beautU'ularrangcmonTA.as Solosand of the most popular mwlodirs of tho day. Selected, arranged and composed by U.C HILL, pupil ofSpobr, lato President of tho New York PhHharm''nic Society. The above just received. ifljvAvrtnce pf the trade, by HUNKY K.LEUER, lOt Third street. RECOMMENDATION. Wo have carefully examined the aboTe work of U. C. Hill's, and consider it ono of tho most complete and prac* cal Violin Schools we have ever seen. U. ANTUN, li. VOGEL, f Teocbcrs of Music. Ken»oval« , JB3-JNO- E. DOWNING, CLOTHIER,*®a HAS removed to 294 LIBERTY street, opposite Garrison alley, and No. 3 SEVENTH, near Bruitiifleld, where the attention of his friends and the public is Invited to the «tock of READY-MADE GOODS always on hand. Also, Cloths, Cassimercß and Vestings for Ordered work. A full assortment of Furnishing Goads for gentlemen, including Uita of all qualities. Trank*. Umbrellas, Ac„ Ac. J*H_ joan m’oloswt. Wholoßale and Retail Clothing tterchaats, NO. 8 8 WOOD STREET. THE subscribers respectfully inform thgir old customers and the public in general, tlfat they hare this day as sociated themselves In the above business, undur thsfirm ot JOHN M’OLOSKEY A CO. They respectfully solicit » =»Oare ot public patronage. _ . . . . The previous business of each wIU b® settled by tbeni* salves respectively. * et> I k LAIILD, (late of the firm Of Coolsv A Laibd,) haring H. opened STOKE NO. 0, (two doora ebovo the old stand,) for the purpose of carrying on the CLOTHING BUSINESS, hopes by strict attention to business to merit a share ot the patronage of the late firm. ■ N- B.—Clothing made to order in the most fashionable styles, and on tho ehortestgiotlc*—inferior to none ' n U >® CUT- jrogfcy. James Blolllngart MONONGAHELA PLANINO MlLL—Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that his new estab lishment is now in full operation, and that be la-prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and All all orders fot Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. . 13 Board »pd Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly on hand. ‘ • Bash, Doors, and Mouldings, of «vwy description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would flntj It to tholr advantage to give him a call, os ho can- now turnisb them with planed stuff suitable for every description ot work. . WM A- nrER/iy.. ........J AMI 3 CBISWXU. HEEUON & CRISWELL, BELL AND BBASS FpCNDERS, MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of BRASS WORK. LO COMOTIVE, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ac. Al so, CottoU Batting Manufacturers. • Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny City. Office and Btore, No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASB and COPPER token in exchange for work, -or cmR paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. febfcly JOSEPH T. LOWRY, \ No, 43 Cbrncr of Pifih and Wood SLYt/Xly Offloe up stairs. Entranc? from Fifth street.' Pittsburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce to the • public that he has commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, ih edhnec tlon with Intelligence atid’ Ueneral Collecting.' He will also attend to renting; Perrons in .want of servants; in any capacity, or. those la want of places,wilLb© supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at-' tended to. . . . , ‘ iZ«/ero.» . - AND .COMMISSION MbROHANTS— Pipe tod s L - pep» ' Notice* mHE late firm of JOSE 3 A QUIGO. having been dissolved I bv the d«ath of John F. Quigg. on ..the 27th inst., the busings of *nid firm will bo settled by the undersigned, at their office, corner of Ross and First streets. . ; - ISAAQ JONES, Surviving Partner. z fiepteaj)o3r.3()|, 18WH? o *? s / Isaac Jones, MANUFACTURER ol Spring and Blister Steel, Plough slab Steel, steel Plough Wings, Coach and Eliptic Springs* Brass Nut Taper,, naif patent, Screw, Mall and notorntrml Iron A.xlos,—corner Of Koss' and. First streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. oct2:1 f ISAAC JOKES “ D ' D ’ Boaztts *' D. «. Rogers As Co., Manufacturers of kogkrs* patent improved steel Cultivator teeth. Office corner Ross and Firstetreets. ocP2ly ■ _____ JACOB M’COLLISTBB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR MANUFACTURER ASD DEALEn IN ALL KINDS or Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 25 Fifth it., Pittsburgh, Pa. 43- Keeps constantly On band a largo supply of all the various brands of Imparted Cigars. J ft3; ? CHINA tlAbbf~ MARKET STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOCBTH STREETS. _ Strangers visiting the city should call in to teo the beftotlful assortment of CHINA, GLaSo and QUEENSWAkR, now open at the above establish ment. Onr goods being entirely new, we are enabled to offer Inducements In all the latest styles of Dinner, Tea and Toilet “Ware, white Jroo-stonp, we hftvo ft great variety of shapes; also,- gold band and. fancy.colored stoneware Tea and Toilet sets* ,Our stock of .white Cpri-red Dishes, ‘Soup Tuireen*; Vegetable Dish** without-covers, Jatoi Dishes. audevery article appertaining to a Dinner Set is large and well selected. Britannia Ware, Table Cntlery, Spoons, Castors, Waiters, and House Furnishing Ooods, wo have a large assortment. COMMON WARE—Oar stock of CntnmOo Teas, Plates, Di*h«*B, F Kera, Nappies, Bewls, Titchers, and every article In the line is large, and wo ore prepared to peck them with or without fine goods, as the purchaser mav wish. Also, a largo assortment of all kinds of GLASS WARE, which wi? ore selling at manufacturers' prices, all of which are offered at wholesale or retail, by T oct-20 - - ' ■ : JOHN J. O'LEARY. WM. A. M’CLUKO, DEALER IN Fin&Tea», Choice Family Grocorie* and Willow CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. TSnow receiving a largo assortment of FRESH GOODS, 1 In addition to Ws already extensive stock, purchased from first hands in the Eastern markets, which, will be sold at the lowest market prices. 45- Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. 45- Goods delivered In the city tree of charge. eepU "PITTSBURGH RIDING SCHOOL, .t. j. anil*. .it. -MISINOER. ttiinjTACTtfWßS OT Plain and Fancy Grates, Plain and Fancy Fender?, Sad and Dog Irons, Portable Forges, Tea Kettles, IVagon f lsoses, 4c. fmh!6 -- -v*r:- r*.*• r^-Tv^.-,. - ■ ... ;*,* --. \ -', t s■-> *% T -s « V^N^-TV II PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL 18, 1855. BUSINESS CARDS. BOBEBT H. PATTEBSOH, Proprietor, CORNER OF DIAMO.'D STREET AND CHERRY ALLEY, fit HE subscriber respectfully announces to the Ladies and I Gentlemen nf IhtUbnrgh, that he hnfl recently erected a RIDING SCHOOL, which, in point of die, eotnrabdlou**- oesv and adaptation, undeniably excels ony similar estab liidiment in the United States. Its location ift oeceMlbla from all parts of the city, while Its high and ulry sit nation renders it especially suited to the promotion of health, by this most agreeable exercise. The Horses «ro docile and well trained, and the proprietor pledges himself that no pains or expense wi!l be spared to mske this establishment the flretin the confident** of the public. Notice. TUR Interact of Mr. JOIIS ATWELL in our business ceases from ihD.daD* by agreement. Our business, as WHOLESALE OROCEItS, will be continued by the remain ii ff partners under the firm of “ BAGALhY, COSORAYK A 00. Nos. 15 sol 20 VV t e«J street, Pittsburgh. BAGALKY. WOODWARD A CO. No 221 Market street, Philadelphia WM BAG ILKY A CO. Pittsburgh, December IPth, 1554—'d»*c22 1 "Notice. • I HAVE said myiniarest iu On; businei* of T-ong, Miller k Co., U> 8. A. Lou*. who, with John Phillips. "Ulrou- Uuu? at the old «UnJ, Fo. 109 Front street. I cordially reonnitnroJ tho d*A firm to the patraoage of my friends. Pittsburgh, Jolv 29, ISA 4. P- U. MILLER. 8. A. LOSO - S. A. LONG A. CO., B I*ll7. AND UKA.-H KOUNDKIIS, AND HAS YTTTEKS, invfo*atl»*nin>u to their slo-ik of Chii>’. und other tiiture*. We fit u? hcii-'M with Gat &ud j'lr-Kin., m*Ue lira** of all niu‘l* to order, fur nish Kaflxnui i’noip* and Te.nk CHIU'C*, Bud keep An^j Attrition ?.le*al constantly on h*ml_ _ it 3 ' _ ” Sliver jjlanufjiclory. Spoons, forks, emblems.'ic.—Rtncai'N t* micta —OwlD” luPUpt-rbrlaotUittS'lD manufactorlngay owo work wu o.ro non m-‘lu£ at 10 per eetit. lower thas th** ra«*erQ cities cr All work it warranted. Stirling Silver —We alto manuTn'-Uire Spoons of the RxULli sterling ‘jnaiily. , , ... , Watches nud Watch r**ps!:lrg continued, w»*h <>r * > J'7 * li ‘ rtliiv and ruuawed iMerrhin GUin to cive entire ratisfactioo u. ru.stcoet«, IV.li ua to j.rko au4 the «tij*ri'>r quality of the work. W W. WIhSON, W-.itchmt.Uer B?hl Jeweller, »30T 14 o rts*r of Mfefrfctt an 1 Fourth street?. ""Steoinhoat Furniture ami Ctialra. WE have on hand uud aro enn-Vin?:* raanufaetu- Vl..Tlng STEAMBOAT CABIN FURKTTPUE AND I Wp»CHAIR3,nf every d- V.) m do do do; I?„ ToU» t ; TVte * iv.tCAl Divan-i; Centre Tablesj Wash ?tatid.«: Card do: Water do; Yrny?, Sr., *«\ Material nud workmanship warranted, arul pri'M sati* , fc-tory. T. H YOUNG A GO., ' jyjo ss tfffiUoPeld rt.(-pi>nTICB. DALY'S STOCKING MANUFACTORY, Jfo 20 bXfth itrcst, Crst corner ak.tt Market Street, nTrauciittH, ta WHERE WILE be ionnd lb© largest nnd best iißPorlet! stock of HOAIEKY «*vor offered f«r rale in Ibis city. Purcb«p»m« will find it to their adranUge tn call at thl« es tablishment at.d examine for themselves; H l* nil I Insure th*-ir custom. C. DALY. N. B Remember the Cueip Stocking Corneb. M>ty „ P v- C. U. (Lendly & Co., CHEAP CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 83 Third strect, near Marks!, would respectfully inform their frietula and the public generally, that they have now in *tora their compete FALL STOCK. cooking of CARPETS of every description, from the Royal Velvet anil Bru*soK to the com mon Ingrain, Hemp anil Jtng. Floor OU Cloth, front on ® to eight yards wide, new designs and Tery rich. Cocoa and Canton Matting. Druggets, Ruga,Mat?, Btair Rods Window Shades, Ac. Persooa In want are Invited to call and exam luo their Mock. Steamboat?, Hotels, and Residences turn* Ished on thn most reasonable terms. Small profits and quick sales." - ®! TERMS OAFU ONLY. && W. b. Haven TIIE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John ston A Stockton.)-And Blank Book ami Stationery WariibottW, I" pit-pared to execute every style of Commercial, Canal and Stenmboat Job Printing and Boot Binding, aml-furnish every article In the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery Huo, at the shortest notice aud on the most reasonable terms. Blank Book anil Stationery Warehouse. Printing Dolce ami Book'BlbJory, corner of Market and Fucood ate fnovlfl \t. R. 811ITQ J. 11. IiUXTKR Smith, Hair &- Hunter, (Late Smith 4 Slnolalr,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DITALEUS in all kinds or Pittsburgh MnauDM ture-V 122 Second end 151 First street, rittsbu-gb, i’ eons. ■ • Depot of ijongwortli & Zimmermim s Ca , V tsutu Wines mil Brandy. rnilE underslsned bus received and offers for'Wj®; C "T ‘ X • ctsinati prices, n thrge quantity of Logworlh * Zlmmer man’s choice and vrortl-tunpnned. “^.3“ dies’ Enact Catawba Wines. Such as may desire to procure ah excellent article of Native Wine, (the pure Juice pfthe crape A nill find nu establishment the place for the PT?*'!L ialho of their desires. The Catawba Draady, dUUlled from the genuine drape.is declared by many excellent judges, equal in flavor to the host imported Chj^j^gEu, . ,„ . No, 131 Liberty street. — : 1 Ho an Otttcc. ' | TOHN a. O’BRIEN,« BSirrimELD STREET, het»e«D J ' Fairth and Diamond alley.. -Moneylo®n p il on Q6ld and Silver Plate, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Y* atches, Jewel y» Mifllcaflnstromentfl, Guns and Pistols, Feather Beds, Fur niture, and all blnds’of artictcs-for any length of ime agreed on; Charges for storage eonslderahly lower than heretofore. Private entrance through the hall door. All business transactions strictly confidential. t 0 < Forfeited pledges sold Immediately, aftorbeingoutot ditT^S-redeemed. .BarpUn.otQold ud » • ea, Jewelry.^c-, alw»y«on hand. apyu.om NJCWSKK D KTOIIKI JAMES WARDItOP, OmreßS for aale CANARY BIRDS of the most Improved being very hardy, and One singers. Bird Seeds kanfe Millet,Rone and mlxed;Seed. Bouquets composed of the finest FLOWERS,tU: Budir’lwllotropes, &o. Evergreens (in pots) SSSftESESV>£■ Seed and florttou.tural Store, No. *0 Fifth fit- near Wood- . Q consume tlie Smofee* Trxvt hßvini the exclnalvo to matmiac* tfre and SWEENEY’S .HOT AIK AND SMOKE oo r , fS\^®. ,^S, th.rsSt?S£S3 Furnace no.“ Th. attention of tiose-intereßted^B l- lic '2^alwood°S't. 0 o r ?f n JltuiNioiiAK ' ] ITOO city Stove Warehoueo, No. 134 Wood Bt.. ■ ' s\am- ■■ ■ it ta True! „ THAT PIOTTJHKS of snporlor excellence may bo obtained at CAItGO’S New Dagaeman Qftlle. Bi« -v No 70 Fonrth street, at prlce.i varying frott One to Twenty Dollars. All-work_ warranted to olease Children taken in a few seconds. Call and examine So various styles, lW open toy and■««• Ping. 1 - T)RODTICE, rdSfAltSsa'AND eOMMISSION MERj “ r vPaper Hanging"- »tw r r N 0 85 WOOD STREET. „,,. T[l ASI) AMKRICAN I'AiILOH PAPERS; *U. oak and marMo; lufdSdStfa r>apert!fo^rfngroon«imdcliainbetß; A large and complete assortment of the aooT®» selected ibrt£ eesaon, wiUboeoldat , .V V- ) 's* -* ’’ r , *M V - v-sr-V-' . *•* '• '.v V - - business ‘cards, R E M_(> V A L. C. IHMSES, JIAHOFACTUSEB OF EY£EY VA-lU.KTY OF vials, bottles, AND WINDOW -GLASS, Black. Porter, Wine and Claret Boltlet, DE MIJ 0 H NS A N.P' CAEBOVS; * AL'O — FLINT GLASS IN EVERT VARIETY. Warehouse), Hos. 104 Second, & 133,135 First st., L>l rtaHUKOH, PA. [tnli2B hakd waka-; FOR Saddlers and Carriage Mailers. B. T. LEECH, JR., No* 127 Wind street, PITTSBURGH. Also, Cloths, Damasks, Daces, Hoss, Beat Stuff, Springs, &c-, &c. Boots and Shoes, Wholesale And Rctati. JAMES -KOBB, NO. SO Market,-and 6 Union street, third door from the Market Hons®, would caJUbo aUcmioti of bU frkndM, and the public generally, to thu fact, that he baa now .on baud the largest and best selected stock of 150.0 TS ANL* BLIOEB, in all their varieties, worn by ladies and gentlemen of Phil -elpiiia, New York aud Boston, aud which,ho ties:?, canno'. tali to please all. . . • * Ills prices are very much reduced, and ho sells Leases Gaiters at from $1,12 to $2.50; Boot*. from to $6; and excellent Gentlemen's Gaiters, aid Youths and Children’a wear, at extraordinary low.prli^. 1 ' He also continues to manufacture, as heretofore, all de scriptions of LADIES AND GENTLEsIEN’E 3JOOTB AND SHOES, of thabest quality and the latest stjld. ali of which he warrants. Nor should be overlooked bis bejy.largoe*- sorUnentof Gum Sandals, Overshoes ufid Bras, for Gentlemen and Children. Evenr person who favorvhlm with their patronage will, he faiclj dealt wlih. • - ?ati9 WATER CURE ISHTITC^E, HAND STREET, (SOUTH SIDE,) BET. PENN STREET AND THE PITTSBURGH, PA, DOCTOR BAELZ t Graduate and Practitioner in thn Old Schools of Medicine, Allopathic add lloma)patiuc,anr»m:v— - while it is mild, grateful and invigoratilbi to the weak nr.U debilitated, r«mdrr.vit peculiarly in lvdliee, who will be treated at their homes. Allopathic aud Ilomtrpathle treatment will b* odminte terpd whero desired; but, after lung and thorough expo* rience, Doctor Baels gives a decided prHereßce to Hydro pathy, which has. throughout the old and c«w world, proven so eminently successful in every torca of disoase, Including. Incipient Consumption, Broochi!:*. Uyepopdn. Inflammatory and Chronic ltbeumatt.'m, Asthma. Cuts neons, Nervous and Liver DUeases. Testimonial* of cures from highly reputable citterns of nearly everyf’Stattt in the Union, can be examined at Doctor Baels’s office. The Kev. Clergy are Invited to consult him gratis. , Warm water being used in thecommfneement/aoa throughout the treatment,Jt tsoluxurylostcadof-unpleas ant, as"those Unacqnalnted'mlgbt auppofe. •£ /.XTttXSCM.—MessM. Charles Brewer, Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wilson, W. H. Williams, Thompson Bell, J. H. Wel f den, D. T. Morgan, Wm. B. Holmes, English, B M. Kerr. _ The undersigned, having visited Doctor Raelva Infillu tion and witnessed bis suecefsTul treatment, cheerfully re commend him as a thoroughly educated undskiilliil Phy sician : ' • Charles T. RuaselL Jo*. M’Connells, David Hunt,.John C. Curtis, llobL Patrick, John B. Llving*tnu, Jclm Wright; W. W. Patrick, Moses F. Eaton, O Qrinsby Gregg. { Jand _ KiCUAttiTVi UUCJteINO, aiASi’FMTvara or Gilt, 6!lver, Brass, Bronze, Looking-Glass, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTED—No. 21 tT CCAi^sriiSiX. All kinds of Composition Ornaments, lor tumnbonts, Ac. Ail kind* of Gild u? and Jte gilding, to or-fer. Gilt Mouldings f>T Frames, wholes o nt:d iKsll Yarn th. la: Uil Pacing*. Engravings end Lithograph", for fide. Impaired or defaced Oil Panting* restored in the bfesi manner. - j*o. rniLLtPS AH Franit* and MculUiogfl n-nufactnrii) in ihv i-siab- Kfibmeni may be cleaned without Injury,srittr fo»p and wat-r. §. Call and wo. No. 2! S.t. Clair st, PlttebUj^b^ Kewr Trlnitnlug Stor«j No. 83 Cbracr of MatLti ttrrzi an FRANK van OOIIDEU fr.-pnifally ar.iicumetfS to the publir.of Pittsburgh and Trinity, tbot he will op«o lbs now Trimming Stow c-u Monday, April 17 th. li»• iutt ! >i? *:d up the neatest Aow room in the city, end filled it with a choice selection of the Ut»*t style; *r Trimming nod 1-Yu cy Goods, he iUttrra himself that lie will t iler superior in ducements and endeavor U> give full RAthtueliuU to »wl who m«y favor hua with their patronage. Novr, don't forget the plact— No. S 3 Mirk-’C «-tiru»r of the Diamond. faprlJ) iiIA.N'K VAN Cor. of Plf'Ji and (rTdIJ gU , trppntilf CoUi’L i&qjf. ri \IIE Fall Session of this School wi;J cuajiu«-t.c» on Mi>N- I DAY, tiepternbcr 4th. anil the duilr* cf msi.n;.-uio:i will b* bv Messrs. tIKIUGS an'} M’DON ALD. Th-*rv uro ten K'lccwiTe months m tb« Academic year. Tuition Is sl-,60 quar^r. The cumber of pujdlr. ia limite.!, aud 1 oys are in the onlor of applications which mny bo mini- alter Augnel 3-Jth, at &* Liberty ttretet, or at School, or by letter dropped in Post Oflule. ausi pw* JAiIM t. LEI>U£ •' oct * - J * licdlte & (Jiain, (3uecsrSfOW to Alulf any <2 Li'vi'U ) A ANCF.V TUKKItS uf Cal, Momjcd nua ruun, l u.-.i. ...X anvu.-? .. house corner of Market and Watoi street*, cpbStdly “ Wm. H. Tolcott & Co., iBI'CCLSaOPS to T. KENNEPT, ja., & C0.,1 MANUFACTURERS OF GILT ANDMAHOGAN V:UW"- ING GLASSES, Portrait aud lecture FramvH, ir , ;»od dealer* in rwpotled and Domestic Fancy Good*, N ... ml - pt . r of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh- octiilw HAVING sold my interest in the firm of T. KENNEDY, JIL, A CO., to William U. Tulcott, who, with A-0- Uunry, will continue the Looking Glass and Variety I’.osi neas at the old Bland, corner of Wood and Fonrth Ptrut*:?, under the style or Wm. U. Talcott A Co. FcwafidohCy re commend them to toy former eustoners, as every wi.y Qualified to rlto entire satisfaction. All persona having demands against me, aud all iodeU**d to^ m uy °" 11 ~iaa »pi, jb.: Henry Rlohardion, Jcweiior, HAVING re-fitted his store In a handsome maimer, and but recently returned from the eastern cities with a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call thS attention of his friends and custom ers to the fact that anfong'ms Watches will be found the ; most desirable styles, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of BroocheFrEreast Pina, Fob and Vest Chain?, Finger Kings, Ear Rings,“Miniature Lockets, cm., etc. FANCY GOODS—Such as Papier Macho, Work Tables and Botes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mats, Oolt'sPistols. Porte Monpaiea In.great variety ;Chin» Fruit andCake Dlsnes; with tin endless variety ol useful and or namental articles. which have only to bo seen to be appre- Jated. [noyl] NO. 81 MARKET_STRELT._ - “ ENTfiRPUIS jbi WORKS. JVb. 130 Wood itrtrt. Third door btltno Virgin AUey. BOWN ft TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their Large assortment of Guns, and Re volving Pistols, the larg«3t and beet selected Hwk ever opened in this markeU-together with a general of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools und Fishing Tackle, all uf which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purtdiUFcrs, or for Rood approved-paper. mwrlh J MCLAUGHLIN, No. 05 Fourth street, -nearly opposite + the Mayor’s Officers manufacturing Gentlemen’s first Boots, Low fihoesj'ties and battened; Congress and Button,, ed (laitere; LadleS* Boots, UalPßoots, Jenny Linds, Blip -pera,and. French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and shadef Uncy Kid end Batin Gaiters, of the best material; Misses and Children’s do, of every variety. N. U.—All kind* made tonrdttr.oo.flhort octlce. [aulO THE Partnership between Wm. Youngsou >md Daulel YoonßSon, under the name of Wm. Yoongson ft Co., is .Di-smAm WM. YOUNGSON will carry on the PAINTING bufiness in all Us branches at the Bhop of the late firm, No. •23 9KVENTH street, opposite tho Neptune Euglne House. mh27:lw WM. YuUNGSON. House, sign .and ornamental painter—no. *23 SxvtNTH street, opposite the Neptune Engine House. mhfi7;Cm —ft orth-'WeßternTPollce Agency, 'ri 89 WASHINGTON STREET, corner of Dejrbnru. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ALLAN MSEXMOH - - EDWAED A. IIUCSEIV Pinkerton ft. Go. nrtroTX THZTB ATTENTION TO TUE TUAXSACIION oP A GENERAL DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In the states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. mhlOsdtf soldiers' Bounty Lauds, And claims against governmcint'.—i wm pro cre Bounty Land Warrants for Soldier*, th*-ir Widows and Minor Children, and wilt prosecute Claim- against Government, and atteud to business in the "Court of Claims.” recently established by Congro* <. Nn 148 Third street, ono door above Smithfield st, THE undersigned has wade arruugemeuts wiu» Thomas Lumpkin, of Washington City, to procure WARRANTS, for Soldiers, their Widows or Children, for BOUNTV Ta Vnva nr anv otbdr claims on IheiOoTernmcaL LAND-,or auy .SAMUEL FAUNUsT->CH, mh2:tfl Residence, No. & Rosa.street, PitUburgh. Tm? Ttnd.*rfiltrued conuuaea to outain Bounty Land ffamnts Xte present MU &es to all who.*have in any War since 179 i). 100 acres. Terms moderate. »errea in any » COUKSHOOT, S 7 Diamond alley. between Wood st and Diamond. Acmcy Tor Soldiers* Claims. LO OVTk0VTk;N*OP LANDS- —l 1 U UC H A Si? A N 1) SALT! 0? f AND WAllliANTd.—The undersigned ha* made ar* r-nirements with competent and responsible gontl-niMi t ’ obufin Certificates or Warrants for Soldiers, their wido* s or ininnr children,who are entitled to Bounty Lands; also for SaXSaon of Land,, and th. Purely 4 Sol. of Load U'Aomntd * JUUN 1). DAI A 3, Corner of Wood and Fifth struts. HOME league factory. aAMII/TOtf tJTfiWAKT, Manufacturer of Shirting, Checks, Tweeds, etc., Eebeeca ott-oeL, Allegheny* has n.oued aWarerooai sicoxd story tost J3cildikq3, corner Eiftlißiid WO 4 streets, Pittsburgh. .. t -e - • Merchants who ate not aware that these Checks can he dado as good and sold as low here os In any other city In the United States, are inrited to call and examine for them* Mira. -Bihiaim-. SeiuluaT} 7 for Uoy»< A Caul. Hoots aud Slioeo. Dissolution of Partnership. Wm. Youngaon, Bounty Lands. railroads CLEVEI.AHD AJJD FIITSBUEGH RAILROAD. CONNECTING WITH * ■ ' STEAMERS FOREST CITT AND DIURNAL, riA W.ELLSVILLE, . and Ohio ana P«Hi»ylvnnia R^Uroftq, VIA ALLIANCE. _ ■ rSVKJi'flhorUst, quickest and most reliable route to TolaJO, X Chicago, Bock Island, Galena, and St. Eopis, is VIA mute is Hundred miles shorter and about nine hours uuicfccr than the circuitoufi one via.lndianapolis. Three Daily Trains from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. . - Three Daily Trains from Clevelandto Chicago. Tin;.- to Cleveland sis ‘hours, Chicago twenty-three hours, and £t. Louis thirty-seven hqur3. ' VIA ALLIANCE. . * 1 The Trains of the Ohio and Peuna. Railroad leaving Pitts burgh at o.UO, A H., 8.00, A. M., and a.OO, -P.IL, connect at Alliance .at 6.30 A. M* X 1.45 and 6 3QT. H.,as fnrCleveland leave Alliance at? i3O, A. M., And 12-00 M . and 0 35 P. M , cfano.cling at Hudson with Trains for Cuvehojra Palls and Akron, and arriving In Cleveland ot 10.01 A. M., 220 P.M., and 9,00 P.M. , - ‘ I'nssengers for Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis, Rock Island, Galena, and the North-west, who wish to go through with out detention, will take the J n leaving Kttsburgh at BkK> A BU and arriving 10 Cleveland at 2.20 P. M., as that is the only train by width close connections are made i through’ to th Fur '’lkly Tire Chicago x&r • £ Gzsi. Miutasy . .♦* - TaA-Jt: a..«: -KOW coamUD,. -•• •• Ami Trains run Urn entire- ilhiancc torn CHICAGO IO BL'RIIh'GTON. fov. a, \:Khout ch-inge of Cars. ' ’ I T?i*' OuTv Dirt-cr-'ftbrttn * to' 1 ' BCmSOW, | ‘KJSOKUUcMCSCATINK, CQUAWKA, WAPULIA FORT DSTS C‘JtiNCIL A«r, and tbe,OSW ALli KA i I.UGaT) Ku.e. The Road, f,rr u lnrgo < f the way, is inid with the eotmsL'bua K..UL, the smoothest riding pud best Railroad in the \ TI \] s.*fv>kel vrhh the mustmod-mi T/o-omt; tires and elegant ni4w Cure. , By this root® passengers axe sure of making connec*, uml hrrivieg at St. L-.'ul? oc advertteed’tlme avoiding* wtßffnn; ( M*y nf fngy and ic*,und dan-jocs of narigas tion. ns on the ruuto by Altana togra;* checked direct tbiough from Cldcago, and no churi’.u for h.tmfiing s;i any point. THROUGH ’TICKETS by this route can ho purchased, at r.ll tin- ; UnilrDSil {WW In- the East; at the Office ol the i Comp-oy, c'irnp~of Clark and Lake street?,'ln lb© 6 ran He Buildii.g; ai tlie Depot of the Guleua.R. 11., and at, the Mi.-b. Ceut. R. H. Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn stA, opi-0.-ito Treraont House., Chicago. : ,• » _ FR) IGUT con icm’d bv this routo will rceeiTe immeal ate-’-patch. ' C.G. HAMMOND, " C. K. FOLLLTT, GeuVTiekct : Ag’t, Chicago. K&- TICKETS can fce.procured at the principal. Railroad On.-v; of ihVmuntrv." mbl9 T 855; ~ AIH iliiE KOTJXE 1855. CITIC?A*GO TOST. LOUIS Via CUlCvr.), ALTON AND &T. LOUIS RAIL jj*ROAD. ■ Formerly tire Chicago and Mississippi. Carrying (hi Great Ar.itrican Expressand C. S. Mails. IMlB’oalv nirtvt nml Koute to the Southend •'smirtr-VFWt—twenty Miles Shorter than any. other lu>uU\ ’' • two tsnoran express trails daily, suxdat3‘ excepted. Leives Arrittsai St Lout* Pay Express..-.. St. U-ui* NL'bt ha press Trains run direcily through without change of cars or SrimCAiMffo *o St • 151 I'D KTANT'CON MOTION 6—At Joliet, with the Itdck Island Railroad frr Ottawa, In.S&lle,Kocfc Island and Cen tCAtli:U?oihiugtQh,'with TlllnoU CehTrid Railroad for Clin ton, Wavuesviile nml Decatur, and with Stages for Peoria. At t p*ingQe!d» with .Great Western.:llailroad for Jaekson- Tillu uud Illinois lUvur. ‘ • r .: •, At Alton, with Daily Lino nf Packets for Hannibal, Qufrry-rrofl“K«*nfcuk: -tire-mbit expeditious and reliable route to all portions okNa?th?}usterU Missouri. • At St. Louis, vt:h Daily Pim class Steamers for New Orleans aud intermediate points on tho Lower .Mississippi, •an-1 with Regular Lined of Packets Tor Kansas, Si. Joseph, I ami all poiuts on tho Missouri,Tennessee,OombemndnhQ* I Arltaurus ltirers. . „ ■ ; it. P. MORGAN, Sup t, Bloomington, Hi. tfG, Afiout, Cbica o, 111. [*P 7 1 ~ THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. rmnK GREAT CKNTIvAL'IUYnTE, connecting the At* X Ininii* cities with Western, North-western anil- Boalh* ve.-ttru StHt*.’?, br aoootinuous Railway Utreot.. This road, ulfo connects at Pittsburgh with daily line oi steamers to. all parts bu the Wcsturn KlTorJ, and at Cleveland and Sah dusky with -steamers to ; all-ports on.the North-western 1 Lakes; making th* most direct, cheapest and reliable route by which FREIQITE cim ba forwarded: to and from the {/rcdfifVff. ” ** . ; •itAtKs & FIRST CLASSi—Beots, Shoe*, Dry Goods,} BOc . P er IOOIbi (in boxes.) Furs,-Feathers, Ac f - . .. ..--I SECOND CLASS.— .Books and Stationery,] 1 ' ' '' ' Dry Goods, (in bales,) Hardware, Lea- >7sct perlOOtts. ther, Wool, Ac ....... THIRD CLASS.—rAnvila, Bagging, Baqon i -g lOOtba.- ond Pork, (In bulk,) Hemp, Ac 03 v FOURTH-CLASS —Coliee, Flsli, Bacon and f « nerlOO&fl Pork, (packed,) Lord and Lard Oil f wc * per AUUWO * gsy* In. snipping Goods from any point East ot Philadel phia, bo particular »o wirfc package “ via Pennsylvania JlailriKid?’ Ait Uccis consigned to the Agent* of this Road at ph.Uudvibhki or Pilfcßurgh, will be forwarded without detention. PaxioiiT Agents—Moses Potter, Boston; J. L. EUiott,N. V.; E. .)» Sneeder, Philadelphia; Migraw & liopns, Balti more; Geo.C. Fnmcisous, Pittsburgh; Shringinaa A Brown, Cincinnati. Chic,; J. S. Moorhead, Ky.; R. C. Meldrum, Miidism.'lnd; uatcliil & Co., St.>Louis, S. Mitchell A Son, Evansville, Indiana. ■ U.. H.nocs^fON, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. H. J. LOMBAEBT, SupcrintendnntjAltoopa, l*£u PENNSYLVANIA IS.AILIt.OADi THREfi DAILY'THUvWGU TRAINS, betweeu-Phlladel- ; p'uiii and Piiisbuiyh. Til K MORNING- TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for FilLburgh at 7*.3, A. M., and Pitts burgh tor I’hjb'.tMphior nt 7, A. ,51. THE FAST LINE b\;T»'fi I'M tale! pbiu for Pittsburgh at 1 P. M.,-and Pitts burgh f.-r Philadelphiaat I,l’. M. THE NIGHT EXPRESS T ii AIN leaves Philadelphia fur Pittsburgh ul? 11, P. £l., and Pittsburgh lor Philadelphia at 10, P. M. 'li.f above lines connect nt Pittsburgh with the Railroads to an-t from St. Louis, Mo.; Alton, Galena and Chicago, liU Fr.iukfurr, Lexington' aud-Louisville, Ky 4 Tferr# Haute, ,lisdit.oD, Lafayette und iudianayulls, ludg-CitfcinnatirlMy ton, Springfield, liellefonUiiue, Sandusky, Toledo, CleVfi* laud, Columbus, Zanesville; Masshlotr'and Wooster, OhU"»; also, with the Steam PacketlJoats from and toNkW OHLtIAN.?, tj. louw, Louiavilu: and CixciKNiTi. Through Tickets can be had to or from cither of thooboye For further particulars, peo handbills ot the different starting, points, .A’ufcPeogersirom the West will find this the shortest and most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Haiti* iHwrCj Ne\v York, of bo'ston. TIiOS. Asr'»nt, Passenzor Liues, I‘UiraaelpMa. J. HE3KIMEN, Agent, ’Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh, TfiREK-STORV IIijCSES i'OR SALE I —Situated 1; on bTankiiu-and tlm streets. Tbo corner house con* tains five rooms, a g >od cellar and'a fitore'jttoai—'ffalisE.flx ,ur*-? through ibe h uise. * ;; Tbo other houses contain-eight toons ea«t j hatn room, cellar, and hot and.ccjhi.wiuar through th* I «hhle. house, i'o*MM» Mul yruucaU* to HoU , . \V alter P. Marilialli t « TMTORT'ERsud Dosler in Frencb aml Anerlcsir Paper 1 iur,«v» * a Duv pmnt-n^s—lQo bushels reoM and Ibrfialo’hy * : - ap3 . SEMaYa.43Us, Ac, Ac... ' ' The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, liLTiew. of tbo awful destruction of human life and health, caused, by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which arepraotisea upon the unfortunate victims of such .disease® by Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon, ns a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all persons thus afflicted, (male or female.) who ooply by letter, (post paid,) with a deecription of their con* dltioh. (age, occupation, habits of life, Atu,) and in cases or ext't-me poverty and Buffering, to FURNISH.MEDICINES TREE OF CHARGE. T ; ie Howard Association is a'beoevolont.inßtitutlon, es tablished by special endowment, for the relief of the side and' distressed, Afflicted with “Virulent*,and Epldemio diseases,” and its funds can be used for no other purpose It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It U needless to add that the association commands the highest Medical skill or Address (post-paid) Dr. GEO.' R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, Philadelphia, P&i By order of the Directors, ’ „ . f EZRA D. President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, decretory. l*P 2 l' __ GEOEGE J. HENKEL'S - CITY CA BI fi E T W ABE HOU 6 E j tfo. 173 ..GBBSTWJT STHJ2ST, i 0"" IP hi« OTESITUBE, IF EYEEY STYLE! Comprising LouisXlV, Louis XV, Elizabethan and Antique, with Sculpture Carving and modern style; \ : In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany, Batlnwood and Maple; all of superior construction, and finished in the best sty ife, equal to, if not excelling in qual ity, the Goods of any Establish mentlntheUnitedBtatea. EMPLOYING none but experienced workmen, (appren tices being positively excluded,)and using the best ma terials, the work cannot fail to give satisfaction to pur chasers. Amongst.the many advantages offered to pur chasers, Is the facility of Famishing a Honse, either int ele gant or plain style, completely from one establishment ; by which means all the articles In each room correspond in style Bnd quality, and the immense stock always e* mma, being so various in design, enables purchasers to please' their taste in a selection,-without the delay necessarily* : caused in ordering Furniture. - - :: ; ? To give an idea of the finished Furniture on band, I need only inform you that my Rooms-ore 176 loot long, by 27 feet wide, four noors in number; with Shops, contiguous, suffi cient to‘employ 200 hands, which la a that tho work is all done under my own immediate inspection.. - . A»-The Packing laall done in tho. Store. o warrantedto- carry safely any distance. VSslterato Pblla dolphia are respectfully invited, as purchasers or otherwise, to call and examine the Goods; " ,t' au2s:ly : - . * JOSEPaHIOGBIDOE, ' COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, n 3B cbiunactu, below Prai Stan,,’. St. DoalJl, Elo., . CONSIGNMENTS andCommlsslonswiHmeetWHn prompt ] i and pvtßonalatiSEtion, arid- Übcial adtcmo-j i wM be glTea when ronnirs d, on Consjgmnratß.ot BM« of Baaing, in hunts • ■ a. * Grderalor the purchase of Lead, Groin, Hemp ana other • ProduceVwiU b 6 promptly filled at thelowcst market prices^; The Receiving and Forwarding of Merehafcdixe and Pro duce will meet with especial care and dlspatchrrthelowest rates of Freight wilTalwaysbe procured, and tha expense of Storage and Drayagena much'as poealble avoided; .;? - : -mumnom: * % .. ■ Page 4 Bacon. St, Louis; EUis 4 Morton, Cincinnati; OharW,'Blow4U6;, do; Strader 4 'Gorman,' : do; Chouteau* Valla, do;. Dosea* Prater.. ... ..'do; Doan, King 4 CoV do; Springer & Whitanaa, do, J. W.-Butler4 Bro.,Pittabh; H.O.Gooodman * Co.,de; D. Leech 4 Co., do; D.4C.Yarnall4Co.,PhlJeda; Wfa/Holmes * Co., i do; Morgan,J.BLßucfc*Morgans Blow 4 March, New York* do; FrOst 4 Forrest, do; Shields 4 Miller, do, Charles A. Meigs, ' . So;* JoSi&b Leo 4C0.» Baltimore. A.G.Farwell* Co.,Boston; Abraham.J,.Cole, . Howard,'SonSCo., 'do; f.'B.Reynolds, Louisville; . _■- H.D. Newcomb & Bro., - do; Tio.Twichell* Co.,Commission Merchants,"New Orlean* . wgjT b&vo an open Policy of Insurance, wiftch wfU cover all eWprafeurs to my address, when advised by letter per mail,orwhen 16p40»0d. l 6p4o»od. on tills of ttie time of shipment. * JOSEPH" MOGRIDGE, augO ; “ St.Louis,Missouri. . ' Mechanics* BanU ■\yaricK ■ is likuebv giyj Jjl provisions of the Act in< proved "March 30th, 1555, and dav of April, 1800, entitled-“J BOOKS lo receiv- subscription? ♦•MKOHANICS*BANK OF PI3 at the. Merchants’ h'xciHKaE, F pie DAV 01 ' ArM‘,,'"to re?»lm opsn forsisju A. M. until 3 o'clock, P. 11., cf j. K .‘Moorhead, ' | S. Jones, J. W. Butler, : B. Miller, Jr., _ W. 11. Smith, • Wo.K. SimidS, A 11. Gross, J.'Schooomaker, «•' i . T. I*. Holmes, Geo. W. Jackson, H. Hepburn, • SprtngerHirrbtxugh, ‘ Alnxnnder King, Rohtrl Galway 1 , ' Samuel McCmrkan,„ • . Robt, Dalzell, AJW. Loomi, • ' - . J*B.l>ilworth,,. aps:3_w SPBIHB STOCK 03? HAHBUBGJIfiSOS,.. I " CHARLOTTE BLUME. No. lIS 'Wood | ursZlSSfasMliitTMt.l'ittstnieh. wle Acept, •. Vl Hamburg Pianos are undoubtedly bu- [ • »* g \J Uperior'to all others, both in elaslicfly . touch, and superiority o/tone. _ , ■ - 'I ’ They haTexot onty received the highest tnarrarof. appx> bationlromthe best European PianUts, such as ; f LIST, THALBERG, | Andbiherfcwho havo them constantly in : own use* j bft also from our resident Professors. .The following is an extract from a letter of : * I PROFESSOR HENRY ROHBOCK. . .. J After descdbing- the.partlcalar style, two of which ho j wants for bis own ure—one Grand and one Square—he speaks aft follows of their excellent qualities: ; I ** My little daughter, w ho plays very wel», must, with my self, have o goed instrument, and yours are the only ones 1 . which can satisfy me. . • j'- ' .. ’ 1 “ Instruments are offered me on the most accommodating. j tehnft. I, however, do 1 not like-'them; they have not tho elastio touch end the tone of yours. : “I remain yours,respectfully, . . • .... - v \• •-- > •-V<‘HKm*RpnnocK, Pittsburgh, Pa. •! For sale -by OHXRLOITE. BLTJIIK, al the ‘lOl4 Estab. Ihhed Piano Depot," 118 Weed street, 2d door above Fifth Also. sole-Agent for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania for Eallel, Barisd Co.'s Boston Fianos* (which in the East ern C jtieB aro considered, superior to either Chickermg’s or Kuhns 4 ClaTk*B; but which fact is not extensively.known,; as they have-' but lately'been introduced here;} and other New York and-PhUodclphia Pianos, of the "best‘makers, ot prices from to SBOQ. ; - : SL Lovis. .12G0-A-. M. . 3.45 P. M. Chicogo, . 9.15 a:ML...„. ,10.00 P. M< NUMBER 178. PHILADELPHIA; ST. LOUIS. ; of Pltfsbnrgh. ’EN-that,-pursuant to tho. tcorporation > aid Bank, ap* 1 the net iipproved the 16th An Act- Regulating Bank?. ;p to tho Cupital Stock of fai * LTTSBBRGH” will be O ened Fourth Pittsburgh, cn »F APRIFiiTBSS. at 10 o’clock, f each" day. ;* • I r; H: Hartley, HilUaruM. Hirsh, ’ W. 0. Leslie, - . . H. L. KlagwaU, ‘ Wm B/Holoresr Ja». B. Eyons James .V Anderson, Jaoea Bark, Jr., David Campbell,. Iraac-M. Pennock, . . ■William F. John3ton, ' • Geo. G. F andscus, A. Kirk Lewis, Geo. W. Cass, . Roly Patterson, • Andrew Burke, . . .. Cpnwjiuricm/r*. CARD. ■■• k FEY? days- since,' I- published an advertisement of my j A- liAupc&a Pianos,-in.which an extract from a-lelter j from ProC ■ mhlO MOVING’ DAY IS OVKKI and many families Intro changed their residences.- Some have left places that aredear to them, where they hart*attended some/ 4 loved one” through a long illness, endingln death! Many find their new home is not as convenient oa theold one; while Others are pleased with the change. . In moving, the hands 'are exposed to the cold’alr, and became sore, and rough. - 'Thlscanhe cured, and they ban be made aoft and white by the use of tha.iI£RP£TIDBQAP— pricn 12% eta. tifer cake; ; .Sold by fap*l -r ;-8- ODTHBERT. l4Q : Third at, DO YOU WAS T*: BMALL: FARM f—Foe gale, a Farm nf IwentyHfoh l Act«3»*»&ht,<3f which arc In cultiva* : tion, ana on-cleared except eight aero, which ore in choice I timber: ah Orchard I 'of about eighty trees of diffrrent ukihda; about-fire acres contain ,Coil;'situated at'three , snUes from the city, and of a milefrom the “'Ohio river. : .Pricesl7oo.. Terms: $BOO Id hand; remain* derinhne and two years'. ' 8, CUTHBfiRT A-BON, ' \ ' *p4 -■ r - " ' • - ' No.Uo3hiid6t. * X«3iis.'o 9isi -•< ,v- BATES ©FADVEBTiSISO * srriisis «oi'?&zuoi>,«a urns- hao flirtations in5erti0n.;......../... 60 ‘■t* a 26 « <( Pag t< « two 80® « a three weeks;;.....*— *t *t ono month....*. 80® '*« '<< i: two months..;.*.*—'*.«**—....*.***•;«-.•••*«*• « three monthfl...**—«•—••••••--•*~ , “***'‘*‘******* ® • “ l * four monthSw.. *.*«-•»..♦«» 10 00 " « *- , ****«* , * , *** M * “ ** cue Year.................. 18 00 Standing Card, six lines or less," peranmiSL.******-”—* 10 00 CBAHQUBLS A* PinSOnE? ■ i . -Due cquarv, per annum, (exclusive of t,h» papex)-. DAILY MORNING POST* WEDNESDAY MORNING: Negotiations, at Vienna—The Third Point**China cea of Peace. [From Ibo London limes, March 30. ] Although wo have atadionaly abstained from any remarks which might throw rfiaoredlt oa the negotiations now going on or in dicate ourdiatrust of their result, wehnve never lost sight of the difficulties by which thia con ference of the belligerent Powers is' inovitably beset, and, though willing to accopt;on honor able peace, we. hare, not diagniaed our opin ion that tho highest interests of . this nation and of Enrope may : require n vigorous proaeoution of the war.. The interruption which is now un derstood to have taken place in tho'deliberatioos of the conference on the third point, ; end the re ference sold to havo been made, by.tbo Plenipo tentiaries to their .respective Courts, confirm tho suspicion which haatmifqrtnly been entertained in this country by those,who are moot acquaint ed with tho real oourao of pnblio affaire. Tho diBCUBSion of the third point in the ertioles sub mitted to the oonferenco r ,and interpreted by tho Westcrh Powers, ..has’, checked the progross of negotiation, and has given rise to strong doubts of its;ultimate success. The' Ensaiah Plenipo- tenti&ties appear not to* have boon aathorizad to accede to the termson which Lord John Russoll and M. do Bonrqueney wore, prepared to insist to the abatement of the preponderance of Rus sia in tho Black Sea; and it now reßts with the Cabinet of St. Petersburg to,determine whether the Conference is to persevere in its specific ■labors, or to. abandon, for the present tha at tempt. • J Undoubtedly, it liaft been argued that the at tempt to terminate this Contest was premature, that thefottune of war had not sufficiently solved the difficulties of these questions, and thatj in reality, neither party was prepared to recede from the demands which had indb'ced it to resort to arms. Nevertheless, It woo thought by the Cabinets of Loudon and Paris that no oppor tunity should be] neglected which held ont any prospect of the hdnorabld termination of a strug gle eo injurious to the best interests of Europe, and that it was due to the Poweranlrcady asso ciated by treaty with cur just demands to cx- Lhnust alrtho means which held out any hope of the restoration of peach; With this view and for this purpose the tone of the Western Powers in these Conferences has been extremely tempe rate; and they have been disposed to carry con cessions to. thetr furthest limits; This motive alone can have induced them to orßit the reduc tion of tbo fortress of Sebastopol from the con ditions they required, ami to; oontemplate the I possibility of am evacuation of thoßnssian ter ritory, proyidcddheylobtaihed effectual seourity for the iimitatioh ibf that nival force which has threatened for several the; existence and independence: of the Ottoman Empire. It is not for ns to determinnwhother. any such effectual security could bo .obtained, ns long as Sebastopol remains stronger than ever from its prolonged defehce; and armed at all-points against the power of Turkey. Eut, in. consenting to nego tiate at nil .upon a -basiß whioh did not include the redootion of Sebastopol; the Western Powers have unquestionably .given tho, strongest imagi nable proof of-their sineero desire.for the resto ration cf peace.: Daring tho earlier stages of this negotiation t?o have not raised our voice against even this concession, because we felt that the previQns success Ot.Onr'arms did not warrant us insisting op which the fortune of war Had not yet placed in onr hands. But, should tho ; Conferences be suspended and ultimately broken : off by ho fault of the allied Governments,, then woi feelrmoreilhan evor that the Buoccsa of our operations in. the Crimea is the test of. our power, and the.prgnmentß. by Which, we originally nrged the expedition against fiehastapol recur with’ tenfold' ifeece, and compel . ■unto-strain every nervo for itß.demolition. Wo knew that weVere.playing for great Stake;' wo know that the existence of the, great fortified works of Sebastopol is the basis J of the prepon derance of Russia, hot only in:the L'laok Sea, bnt over; the East; and, .until : tbat obstacle is conquered and retnoved, weeannot hopo to have destroyed tho ‘causes of this oohteet. The failure of the negotiation would therefore materially in crease the importance attached-torour operations in the Crimes,.-and their rosult ; wonld become the real criterion of sucoess or defeat. .To those considerations are added others of Boaroely inferior moment, with referenoe to the position and future conduct:of the German Powets. It is true that ih order, to obtain tho support of. Austria., and ,ta execute wtth puno tillouß fidelity, the engagementsyhich bind ns and her fb tho objects of tho treaty of the 2nd of December, the western States-have conoeded much of their jnst demands. 6 sr the rejection by.Russiapf the,term.pow.undep discussion puts an end to the labors of the Comerenoe, on the ground that she refuses to subtnß to that dimi nution'of herpower: in tho.tßUok-Sea whioh tho other Powers have proclaimed to be essential to the peace of Europe, jt can sbaroely be con tended that' Austria itf not bohn'd to support to tffeir dullest extent the propositions sho had pre viously approved.--1f,.0n tha.contrary, the ne gotiations for peaco-were interrupted by exces sivepretensions on the side, of Ihe Allies, Ans ‘tria mightavaltlierself of shbfi'Wßtate of things to prolongher'neutTaUtyior tnoiippose their de mands. : It: bocomosj therefore; n matter of great, .nicety, and moment to dccide whether the responsibility, of.this determination is justly to rest on the sldis of our adversary or of onr own Ministers. Russia'loss heretofore been the sols originator of this war, and QB.cb.flnccessive step in, onr proceedings havebeen .regulated by her own. We apprehend that if th§ Vienna Confer ences dome to an unsuccessful termination ittcrili. bo seen thatitis hot' on our side that sincerity, and a disposition to; make sacrifices for peace have been wanting- There is, however, yot_ another element indi rectly engaged in these transabtlons, which can not be entirely lost sight of.’ It’is by the seces sion of Prhsßia from the policy of the allies that tho: confederacy of tho great European Powers has lost that unity of purpose it would otherwise have possessed. Prussia has exerted herself with unscrupulous activity to divide' rind paralyse the resources of Germany; Prussia, oxeluded by her own-fault-from the Conferences, has. assumed wlthiU.the list few weeks In her communications, both with Austria und with France, an asperity of language which,betrays at onco tho keenness 1 of her disappointment, and the malice of her te venge. Thesesonritnents have rather increased since the'death or Nicholas re moved frotn the soene a man whom the King of Prussia regarded with more f?ar than affection, and. placed his own ndphdw on the Imperial throne! The dissolution of the Vienna Confer ences, if that event is to be anticipated, will dis sipate into thin air ths scheme of pacification based upon the Four Points, and will put an end to that obscure and indeterminate condition in whioh the German Powers have continued to fluctuate. They'might'hope td presorve their neutrality through one or two campaigns, to be terminated at . no distant day by n compromise ; but, if the war assumes a more dooided and ex- I tended character, their own interests will compel 1 thorn to take more positive measures. We have ! the assurances of Austria that; anxious ns sho is for peaco, that peace is not to bs obtained for her by the arms.of other Powers. F a hate the posi tive engagement by treaty of Austria that sho will be prepared, on the failure of tho negotia tions, in whioh She has taken" part with the Al lies, to Unite her efforts to theirs. The more Prussia Jeans to.the Russian .alliance tho more Austria is led towards ;the Western States, for the action and oounteraotion'of those two Pow ers nnbappily constitute the naohaoism of Ger man politics - Thus,: if tho war continues, it can hardly he anticipated that tho union of Germany willbe preserved. There is, however, ons fur ther. ohance of negotiation,., though a faint one, it is not altogether impossible that the answer expected from : St. Petetebnrgh may bo in the form of some counter-projection whioh discus sion may bo renewed. .Wo,.however, do notox pect that any proposal lively to bo put forward by the Russian tjoverumeht 'at this time can be regarded ns practicable or sincere, and we be lieve it will fail when it iS braiight to tho test ot themeasnres whiah can alone-secure thoperma _ ! nehoe of that peace which jre.desiro to obtain, ra- I 'ill imiii ' ' " ; ARNICA PLABTHRS. — X bate i“ r ®’ t'f'.hj •theso mlebratedPlnJtexs ftr.wj“®“ ?£?&?mwoi!d Playback or limbs. AIM, « W«dl« Hemlock Piastres, Atd a vAriats: .«* oth«rSlnos. »> bartog tO.OSOplasters,o*o*{"*«> U and Mark. tat. APRIL 18. .Mrs:? c?ids:;c!