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V ; *• c* .1 r 'v ‘1 ••' •'.* *f’ *V >" t r ' • 1 -'V. • „ tt 44 , 4- 0' ' 4 4 ' ' " THE CITY POST. THURSDAY MORNING: Court of Quarter Sessions.—Before Hon. Wo. B. M’Clure, President Jadge; Uon. Ga briel Adams and Hon: William Boggs, Associate Judges. Commonwealth vs. Gall; indictment, assault and battery, on oath of Thomas Dawaoo. Ver dict of guilty and defendant to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Dawson; indict ment, surety of the peace, on oath of Francis Gall. Defendant sentenced to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. Martha Bell; indlotment, keeping a tippling house. The defendant plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $2O and costs. Commonwealth vs. Henry Tallin ; indictment, passing a counterfeit $5 note. Verdict of not guilty. William Hannon, James Dyer, Peter Grundy, Miohael Portzer, Nicholas Myers and Daniel Barnard severally plead guilty to keeping tip pling houses, and were each fined $2O and costs. Commonwealth vs. Robert Stewart; indict ment, laroeny of clothing from Charles M’Clure Hays. Verdict of guilty, and defendant sen tenced to two months in jail. Commonwealth vs. Frederick Fenkenty; in dictment, larceny of about $8 worth of goods. The defendant plead guilty, sod was sentenced to be imprisoned in the county jail for two months. Commonwealth vs. Jason Ewing, William Bai ley, Robert Moore and Henry Kennedy; indict ment, assault and battery, on oath of Gotieib Sohober, Frederick Sarbcr and Charles Sohriber. On trial. Tub Fobqbry Case.—We mentioned the ar rest, a few days ago, of a Mr. J. D. Wilson, on a oharge of forgery. Yesterday, the accused was brought into the Court of Quarter Sessions and arraigned on two indiotments for forging the names of Graff, Reisinger & Graff, to a check for $6 60,®a the Merchants' and Manu facturers* Bank, of this city, and ono on the Citizens* Deposit Bank for $2O. After a jury was sworn, prosecutingattorncy Roberts said that the defendant was an old man t who had al ways borne an irreproachable character previous to this transaction, and as confidential clerk in the house of Graff, Reisinger & Graff be had been in the habit of giviDg ouch chocks. A short time ago he was discharged from their em ploy on account of his use of intoxicating liquor, and it was supposed that in a fit of aberration of mind, induced by this indulgence, he had forged the names of bis former employers. The firm deolined prosecuting, and of course the Common wealth could not make out a case. After these remarks, Judge M’Clure charged the jury very favorably for the defendant, and without leaving tho box a verdict of not guilty was rendered. DumiiEßT Destroyed by Firh.—The Recti fying Distillery of Robert Stinson, on Diamond alley, between Wood street and the Diamond, waa almost entirely destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon, between fonr and five o’clook. A eouplc of workmen were engaged in hoi. ting a barrel of whisky to one of the upper stories, when, through carelessness on their part, the iron cams wuich supported the barrel came off; the barrel fell to the floor below, bursted, and the flaid splashing into a stove, 0c whole room was Dimoat instantly in a l>l«ze. The flames quickly spread upward, and although the firemen were on the ground early, the interior of tbo building was completely destroyed. Tho loss is estimated at übuut $4OOO, ou which there is an insurance of $lOOO in the Delaware Mutual, and $lOOO iu the Citizen's Two other houses ad joining the Distillery—one occupied ns a Lager Beer tlall, the other the shoe store of Mr. T. Rose—Were considerably damaged by water. Mr. Rose will lose $3OO or $4OO. No insurance. Larceny or Bag. —A gentleman named Thomas M’Cardle made information yes terday, before Mayor Adams, against a back driver, named Bernard M’Cbeeney, for the lar ceny of a carpet bag. The gentleman stated that he arrived in tho oity on Tuesday evening from the E-»at, on his way to Chicago, and en gaged M’Cbeeney to take his baggage over to the O. &P. Railroad depot. When he arrived there, a carpet bag containing a quantity of clothing was missiug. M’Chesuey was arretted, and on examination before the Mayor, denied that he had received a carpet bag from Mr. M’- Cardie; but the proof was conclusive against him, and ho finally offered to give it up if the gentleman would withdraw bis suit. Thiß. how ever, was refused, and he was held in s2po bail to answer the charge. District Court. —Before Hon. H. W. Wil ii&ms. In the caeo of M’Kee vs John Taggart, the jury returned a verdict for dtfeudant. John M’Clowry vs. C. B. Scully, administrator of William Croghan, deceased. Duulevy and Stanton for plaintiff; Hamilton and Hays for defendant. Action for non-performance of a contract. Damages claimed in $l,OOO. No ver dict. Wm. Larimer, jr. vs. Joseph Major aad David Qreer, owners of steamboat Savannah. * Action on a promissary note of $3OO. The note was given by the Captain of the boat, Dennison, for money advanced by plaintiff, to pay charges on the boat. The defendants allege that the Cap. tain had no right to give such noto. On trial. Most people aro aware of the immense popu larity attained by the far famed “ Banner Hat Store.” Wo were led, in our rambles, to inquire into the reason of Alf.'s success, aud found, as follows: he attends to bis business.; has all bis bats made under his own supervision ; buys and sells for cash; keeps bis store clean and tasty ; advertises literally to let people know where to find him; and, above all, pays the printer. If these reasons don’t deseive success, what does? We advise citizens and strangers not to forget the “ Banner Hat Store”—sign of the American flag, 147 Wood street —straight across from the church, if they want a good bat. * Man Drowned. —Yesterday moaning, about fonr o’clock, as the steamer Clara Fisher was passing under the Freeport Aqueduct, a deck hand named Samnel Hunter, who was standing on tbo forward guard, was seen to fall overboard The boat was etopped, and every effort made to rescue the unfortunate man, but as be was not seen afterwards, it is supposed be was imme diately drowned. lie leaves a wife and large family, wbo reside in Tarentum. Confirmation. —The Rt Rev. Bishop Potter, has recently administered the right of confirma tion to one hundred and twenty five persons in this city and vicinity, as follows:—In 8t James’ church, 18; church of the Epiphany.,';l7; St. Paul’s church, 6 ; Calvary church. East Liberty, 2; St. Andrew’s church, 10; St. Luke’s church. Charters Creek, 4; Grace church, Coal Hill, 9; Christ’s church, Allegheny, 13; St. Peter’s church, 17 ; Trinity eburoh, 29. The Wind on the river yesterday was so vio lent that me ferry boat Patrick Henry, on Jones’ Ferry, was unable to reach her QBuai landing, and was compelled to land her passengers a con* sidcrable distance further up the river. The Steamboats along the wharf were blown about as if a veritable hurricane was raging, and for a short time fears were entertained that serious damage would be done. A Barbee. oris Transaction. —Two German barbers, umm-u George Myers and Geinkie Go ble, living in the Fifth Ward, were fined four dollars, yesterday, by Alderman Donaldson,.for shaving their customers on Sunday. Steamer Clara Fisher yesterday brougbi down, from Ciartou, Venango and Armstrong counties, over three hundred passengers—mostly families. Tbe mnjority of them were emigrants for Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, &c. Wb would invito attention to the salo of Real Estate and Stocks ibis eveuiug, at the Merchants' Exchange, by P. M. Davjb, Auctioneer. Theatre. —Mr Couldock appears to-night in bis unapproachable character of Richard 111. SAFE AND INTERESTING BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. W© have just received a ne assortment of Juvenile Books for Family and Sabbath School Reading. Call and examine at 05 Market street, near Fourth. gpg J. $. DA » I SON. U'»USE AND LOT FUR 3*50-For salo, a am Frame Dwelling Horn*©, wicu good Lot, pal id fence, fruit trees. Ac., situated on Ml. Washington, witblD twentv minutes walk of the city. A bargain cat. be bad In tbo above, aad -as > terms of payment. np6 S. CUTHBKRT A SON, 140 Third fit. INK DRESS GOODS. —A. A. MASON A CO. have jiiFt received another splendid lot of Dre c s Goods, compri sing rich Plaid. Striped and Figured Borages, Tissues, Ot irandles. Ac.. Ac., with some elegant styl. b of Flounced En rage Robes. [a|6] 25 FIFTH ST. duZ. BAJOO’o SUPERIOR KID GLOVES, black aD«t J U dark colors. Also, another lot of that genuine French Working Cotton received by Express, this morning, at ft ps b VAN QOKDMfS, 83 Market Pt. SPRING TRIMMINGS of all kinds, colors and varieties, at (ap6| YAN GORDER : S. OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS.—I have on hand tw setts of Obstetrical Instrument*, which have been left with me by a 'hysician retiring from practice. Tbey sre of the fine t quality, and as good as new. I will tell these Instruments very cheap. Any person wishing io purchase Instruments of this kind, will p ease call and ex amine these before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. FLEMING, ap6 ' Corner Diamond and Market ft. ARNICA BLAST Ha.—l have received a large lot < f these celebrated Plasters for pains or weakness in lit? ride, back or limbs. Also, a supply of Needles* Compound Hemlock Plasters, and a variety of other kinds, ThAs.» having to use plasters, can always procure the beat In tbo city at JOS. FLEMING, aps goxnsr Diamond and Market at -7 r i: ;~'V ■' x -’■'•■ 1 **'*v,f j-kV. »•; •'•'•».*■ • • S , r ‘. J r "'- ;}-K; '.V, v, .. *.- r r- • . ?. ** ■•• • • * ■ '. f -• . - COMMERCIAL POST. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE AND MERCHANTS'EXCHANGE. • ~ _ OFFICER • JVertdenf—JOHN BHIPTON. ■First Via Fntidcnt—'Wx. H. Smith. Second « “ w«. R. Bbowh. &crefary—Wk. 8. Hater. JVeanrrer—John d. Scuelt. Superintendent—#. T. Nobtoabt, Jr. Gmmittee cf Arbitration for April. —William H. Pjuth, V.J*; W. Rxxxßi&r, B. F. Jones, Benjamin Baxewell, J. S. Dmwonm APRIL 12. DAILY REVIEW OF PITTSBURGH MARKET. Office of the Daily Morning Post, > Thursday, April 12.1855. / A Air amount of badness was transacted yesterday. We note the following sale*: BACON—Sales 16,000 Ibt shoulders, sides and hams in lots at 7, 8 and cash; 6000 do do 8 and &-J£c, do; WOO ft* shoulders 7c, cash ; 22 casks hams 9O dnys ; & do sides CO day*; &do shoulder* 7J^c; 2do shoulders and hems 7% and 9%c, cash; 1500 lb* plain sugar cured h»ma 10c, do. EGflji—6so doss»n at 15c dotrn. FLOUR—Sales 498 bbls superfine and extra in lots at $10,50 for the former and $10,75 for the latter. There was an exception ia a lot of less than 100 bbls superfine from whaTf at $10.12)4'. 28 bbls superfine, Pearl mill, $10,20. CORN-MEAL—2O bbls from store at $4; 40 do do $4 GRATN—Corn...9OO bushels shelled from depot at 95c; 300 do do 95c; 750 dodo$l; 14 do do wharf 95c. Oats... 1030 bushels to arrive, at depot, 60c; 200 do wharf 04c; 180 do do G6o. LARD —20 kegs No. 1 9c, cash ; 6 tcs. primAOWc, do. HAY—IO tons baled from wharf at s.’4 bales at $26 $ ton; 200 do do in lots at $2B; 190 do do S2S; 84 do do $3O. MOLABSE3—SO bbls old oak, in two lots, at 84c, 4 mos.; 18 do do new at 35c, do. SUGAR—IO hhds fair to prime at 6)£c,cssh par. The weekly Bank averages present a large loss of coin, as anticipated, reducing the sum total a little below fifteen millions. The movement 1s increased la every other de partment, including aa enlargement of circulation to the extent of neerly half a million of dollars. The changes, compared with tho previous week, are: Increase in Loans-. $865,358 j Gain In clrcutatlon..s433 900 Loss la Specie 1,029,606 | Inc. of De,oalt* 1.714 231 Including the Sub-treasury statement on Saturday after noon, the following is the general OvUPA&ATIVa RECAPITULATION bee. 30. March 31. April 7 .—.......581,653,f57 $93,634,021 $94,499,409 12076,147 16 997,687 14 967.932 Circulation.— 7.075 88) 7,337.031 7.771.531 Depo-its.™ 76.699 656 77.313.857 In Snb-iressmy 3,382,000 3,707,803 3,415 641 The general features of this statement being ranored ak the Second Board of Brokers, the Stock market was uafe vorably affected by it—Erie and Reading, the active apecu latlvea in the forenoon, leaving off weaker, and Cumberland Coal, wh'ch opened in the morning at 319-4. sold down to 30J4- The Bond list moved pretty stesdiiy through the day. with large Bales of Kries and Illinois Cen trals. In their Circular for the Boston packet thi3week, Messrs. De Ooppet A Co. notice private sales of Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Incomes at 90. Money was lu more active request to-day among the Brokers, and the lenders, at call, are disposed to advance their rates to 7 cent. The steamer Union, for Havre, took oat $294,000 to specie. The Sub Treasury disbursed $239,280, against $77,804 re ceived. reducing the balance to SA2S4,CG4 There w.ll b» a further export of specie via Boston, on Wednesday. Tbe principal transactions in Exchange on London, to dry. were at 109>y@ll0; someofthe regulnr Bankers asking 110 N. 7. Times, Tuesday. 3 TELEGRAPH MARKETS. Nxw Tors, April 11.—Cotton firm with upward tendency; sales to-day of 4000 bales. Flour unchanged; sales 4300 bbls good Ohio; Soulherffvflrm. Wheat a trifle higher Corn firm; sales 20,000 bos. Western mixed at $1 06 Pork stiffer but notquotsbly higher; sales 1300 bbla old Mess a' $15,37@15,50. Beef firm. Lard unchanged with a moder ate business. Whisky lower ; sales Ohio at Cof fee firto ; sales 8000 bags Rio at 1 < >5! hv’d at 8214. Stocks better. Money plenty : Reading Railroad Cumberland Erie 62%: N. Y. Central IG',*. PniLi.Dn.PRU. April 11.—Floor quiet, price" upward ten* deucy; Fairs IUOO bbls mixed brands mo«tlv Baltimore city mills ai $10.25 per bbl. Kye-flour he d firm ats6 7-i. Corn meal in demand, and 600 bbls Penn y vnnU sola ut $4 60 Tbo market is poorly supplied with Wheat; sales 1500 Ini’. Penna. red lo arrive at $2.61; small lots from store at $2 63 and some white to arrive at $2.04. Rye wanted at . but little or none offering Corn continue* active and pi ce* have again advanced: sales of OOO bushels Southern and Penn* jellcw at $l,Ol afloat, an i $! in More Bacon and Lard have an upward tendency. W Lbk) scarce; email Bales iu bbls at 36, and in hhds o’ 35 Cincinnati, April 11.— Tbe river has risen eighteen inches; weather pleasant Flour firm at $9@*9.90. Pro visions firm; vales 250 hhds Bacon at for fhouMers nod 6idea. Sales 800 bbls Mess Pork at st 4 7f.(£s 15. 9nJ**s 320 bhla prime Lard at 9% Linseed Oil WhLky 29c. No change in G-roc-rW AUCTION SALES, Auctlon«*De.!ly Sales. AT the Commercial Sales Room*, comer of WoM nnd Fifth streets,at 10 o’clock, A. M., a g-nt-rs! assortment of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, boot* and Shoes, Hats, Cape, Ac., AT 2 O’CLOCK. T. M., Groceries.Queearware, Glassware, Table Cutlery. Looking- Glasses, New and Second Hand Household and Kitchen Far nlture, Ac., Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles. Musical Instruments, Hardware and Cutlery, Ciothiug, Variety Goods, Gold and Silver watches. Ac. P. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. f)*3lrtf P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer, Dwelling iiousf. and lot in Birmingham at AUCTION.—On TiICRSDAY evening. April ltlh, at 7>-£ o’clock, m tbe Merchants’ Exchange. Fourth *tr> et, » ill be .«old that valuable Lot of Ground, situate on Water st,. near the rolling-mill ol M'Koight & Brother, having a front on Water street of twenty f;ur f»c*t fire Inches, and extending back ninety-five feet, on * hi h 1« erec'*-d a con venient well flubbed Two Story Brick Dwelling House, or cupltsi by Jan#’* Steen, who will show the propertj to any desirous of purchasing. TeeMS—One-third cash; reriloe in one and tw-> yearp, with interest. P. M. DAVIS. Auctirne-r N" ASrBttrOAN~MrNING CoTtinJCK AT“a'OC. TION.—On TJIURBDAY evening. April 12th, ot tb- MvrchanU’ Exchange. Fourth street, will be sold, l»y orlvr of W. Palmer. Esq . Treasu*cr, About 10 Shares North American Mining Co. Stock, forfeited (or non-payment of aFSps«meata. oplO P. M DAVIS, Auctioneer. \J aTUaBLE STOCKS AT AUCTION T URSDIY evening, April 12tb, at TJ-j o’clock, a: the Merchants’ Exchange, Fourth street, will t-e sr-M— -15 shares Citizens’ Deposit Bank Stock; 10 do Western Ins ranee Company Stock ; 15 do Monongahela Navigation do do 30 do N. American Mining do do -aiilO P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALK OF DRY GOODS at the St re of jV.ho Thompson, No. 106 Market street, near Fifth, will N» sold, (as he i* declining business.) hi* entire Unr- stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY OOuD?, Which has been carefully selected for customer trade. The assortment Is quite extensive, embraciog the richest and latest styles Dress Goods, of every variety ; fpleudld Em broideries and White Gocds; Crape. Silk and Thibet Shawls; French Applique Mantillas and YLsettes: Linen Goods; Hosiery and Gloves; Parasols. Umbrella; Bon net*; and a full assortment of desirable Goods usually kept In an extensive retal store. Sale will commence on Monday morning, April 9, at 10 o’clock, an-t continue until all are closed. The attention of the Ladies t< particularly requested. P. M. DAVIS, ap9:3t Auctioneer. National mining ou. stock at a*"ctu»n‘—ou THURSDAY evening, April 12tb, o’ dock, at the Merchants’ Exchange, Fourth street; will be sold, by order of James M. Cooper, Secretary and Treasurer, Shares National Mining Company Stock, which hrs been forfeited for non-payment of assessment No. 7, unless the same ehall be previously redeemed. 8)0 P. M. Auctioneer. rpKUSTEK’S BALK OF FIFTEEN BUILDI'U LOTS IN I THE SIXTH WARD.—On FRIDAY, Apr 1 27th, at 3 o’clock, on the premises, will be sold by order of »Le Or phan’s Court of Allegheny County, grun'ed March 31st, 1855, to John Herron, Trustee of Robe-t Porter, Esq , fifteen valuable building tots, as laid oat by by the late Hoq. Wm. Porter, in hi* first plan of lots ia tbe Sixth and Seventh Wards of Pittsburgh, seven of which lota, to wit, Nos. 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45, have each a front of 20 feet on Oentre Avenue, and extend back southwardly atout 96 feet to Clark street, ao l the remaining eight lota, to wit. Nos. 48, 49, 50, 61, 52, 63, 54 and 65, have each a front of 2-J feet on Clark street, and extend back southwardly tbe whole distance to Rope street, 60 feet wide. The above offers great Inducements to those desirous of purchasing property near the i usinoss part of th« ally. 1 IHHEK TiIHEE-STORY lIoUcKB toll BALK—Situated on Franklin and tlm streets. Tbs corner house con tains five rooms, a good cellar and a store room—water fix urea through the bouse. The other houses contain eight rooms each ; bath room, cellar, and hot and cold water through the whole house. For price and terms call at the Real Estate Offlcs < f 8. CUTHBKRT A SON. AOAZINES. —Harper, for January. jj_L Putnam, for January. Godey, for January; third supply. Graham, for January; second supply. PetersoD, fur January ; 17 cents. Brllow, for January, 10 cents. Blackwood, for January. Subscription to,four British Reviews end Blackwood, $lO. Those who would aaTe 20 per cent in subscribing by the year, or buying single copies o f the above, should call at SAMUEL B. LArFFER'S, Jan 3 No. 87 Wi*.ii ptr»>*»t. ONLY $1,400 for a piece of GROUND containing about Eight Acres, In a pleasant and very healthy location, only ten minutes* walk from the U. R. Depot at fast Liberty. Terms of payment will bo made easy. Th's property is in a goo I neighborhood',’and is offered at tbo above low price, as tbe own l r Is gMng West. Persons in want of such a place, will call at the Re*d Kst- to Office of xnh22 8. CUTHBEBT A S«W. 140 Third st PLEASANT KKbIDKNCE *uR MALE. — A Dwelling House of six rooms, neatly papered, and lo first rate o«der; with a good Lotof 76 feet frout by 110 deep; portico in front of the house; a Urge porch in the rear, under which Is a well of excellent water; chicken boose; coal house; and a cave lined with charcoal. A choice selection of fruit trees, shrubbery, Ac. Situated within three minutes’ walk of the R. R. Station, at Beaver bridge. Price $lOOO. Terms: $4OO In band; balance in 1 and 2 years ap o 8. CUTHBERT A SON. 140 Third *t NtW MUBlO. liomewood Polka Mazurka; a new piece—composed by J. T. Price 25c. Hare you seen Bam?—a comic song. Yilkine and his Dinah—song, by John Parry. Hard Times come again no more. 8 C. Foster. “ Few Days”—or the world is coming to an end! I Had I the wings o' a Fairy gay. Glover. I’ve a heart to exchange. Baker. La Belle Brunette Polka. Tbe above, together with a large selection of all the pop ular music of tbe day, is just received and for sale by mh23 JOHN H MELLOR, 81 Wood sm-et STEAMBOAT FURNITURE—Strict attention given to the manufacture of eleambo»t cabin furniture aqd TEA POY T a BLEB—With and without marble tops, fin ished and for sale by |mar24] T. B. YOUNG A CO. SECRETARIES AND BOOK CASES—A variety of pat terns, walnut and mahogany ; for sale by mart 4 T. B YOUNG A CO. TEAS— 160 half chests Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Im perial and Black Teas. For sale by mh26 MILLER A RICKETBON. POTATOES— 28 bblfl teceived and for sale by ap3 jab. McLaughlin. GREEN APPLEB—7S bbls Green Apples for Sale by ap2 JAfi MCLAUGHLIN. OATS— 600 bushels for sale by ap2 jas. McLaughlin SHELL CORN—6OO bushels for sale by ap2 JAS. McLAPQHI-IK I,'AB OOBN—2Oa bu*heu for Bale by Pj jaB. McLaughlin Q. LYCEBEXE CREASI.-An Ch “ PP ' : ‘ l , Aprt MwUm£ \X hunfli, 40. A fresh lot just pLEMINQ. Ito which they layit« the attention of the Cttdiea. ap9 apo j v-** : -, *..... k **■•.•' t •< . -> *.• . * *iy ' ’ f ‘ ' - ** V{'.. '■ , • - r Monetary Affairs* AT 7 O’CLOCK, p. M., JOHN HERRON. Trusteo, P. M. DA Via. Aurt’r. T. B. "YOUNG A CO., S 8 Smithfield street. - . *■ '' * ri ' & i V 3 JS»» sr FOR RIVER. «UEJ\. Th* Brvta.—a little oyer 8 feet water la the ehanne.l at dusk lest evening, and rising. Business is now brisk on the wharf; and the weather cool, but pleasant. Th* “Forest City” is the regular packet for Wheeling this morning; die leaves at 10'o’clock, A. 3f. The fine s'.eamer “ U. 8. Mali,” Capt. Ford, leaves today for 81.'Louis and the Upper Mississippi river—her desUna* tinn is Galena. Ta* steamer “ Altoona," Capt R. 0. Gray, is loaded, and will leave to day for St. Lonis and all intermediate ports, with the intention of going ap the Mississippi river. Th* steamer " Minerva," Copt Shouse, Is loading for the Illinois river—she will leave on Friday, Tub fine side-wheel steamer 41 Washington City," was de. tained yesterday; she will certainly leave to-day for the Mis souri Tiver, direct. Tug new Bteamer “ Empire,*’ Capt. Doyle, being detained yesterday, will poslilvely leave to-day f, r Nashville; ehe is well freighted, and thero is no doubt that she will haven profitable trip. The fine steamer “Philadelphia” hi the regular Cincin nati packet this morula;. Capt. R. C. Grace is the com. mander of this superb boat, and the clerk is that aecommo. dating and polite gentleman, Mr. M'Bride. The passenger who has the good fortune to make a trip on this steamer will always recollect it. as a pleasant era in his life. POET OF PITTSBURGH. 8 fSET 0 IXODES WATER tff TOE OrUWNEL. ARRIVED. Steamer JefTorEon, Parkinson,Brownsville. “ Luzerne, Bennett, Brownsville. 14 • Gen. Bayard, Peebles,Elizabeth. “ Michigan No. 2, , Wellsville. “ Forest City, Moore, Wh-eling. “ Pittsburgh, Cook, Cincinnati. “ Fairy Queen, Rono, Cincinnati. “ Win Usird, Campbell. Cincinnati. “ Twin City, Dean, Louisville. 44 Wm. Knox.Gurd, Watnsh. * 4 James Guthrie. ■ l onlsville. DEPARTED. Steamer Jefferson. Parkinson, Brownsville. “ Luzerne,Bennett.BrownsvlUo. 44 Gen. Bryard, Peebles, Elizabeth. “ Michigan No. 2. —, Wellsville. “ Diurnal, Shepherd, Wheeling. “ Cincinnati, Curtis, Cincinnati. Rosalie. Rhoads Illinois rivor. “ W II Denny, L> on, St. Ix)uis. “ Quaker City, Shank, St. L^uis. “ Brazil, Hutchison. St. Louli. 44 Louisville, Dean. Louisville STEAMBOATS. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, AND SAIA'T LOUIS Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line* FOR THE CONVEYANCE OP passengers and freight BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, And Saint Louis. tywifa Tuis Lrte la composed of seven . I class powerful Steamers, one-1 K£tt2a£££3'junlled for speed, splendor, rnfrt j.*TTViwwlrni and comfort, auJ is the onlt tubougu daily une op Steam Packet* on the Ohio river. It connect* with the U. 8. Mall Line of Steamers from docianati to Louisville and Saint Louis, by which pauiotigere aud freight are ticketed and rt~ ctij’t'tl through daily. Two new Steamers have been udded to the Line, w!;v !i now consi»'j< of the following boats: Days of Departure JioaLs. Captains. /mm Pittsburgh. KUCKKW: STATE M. W. UrLTznocvta....Sunday. K KVS n>N H bTATE. ’scon Hazlep Monday. ALLEGHENY 'lu M’Lai.n Tuesday. fINt.T \ \ ATI ~K IIfhTSK Wednesday. PH 1 LAlnlLl'H IA H. J. duct Thursday. PirreuUßGH 1. N Coos Friday. PENNSYLVANIA Jvo. KUMTEtTUi .Saturday. Leave daily nt 10 oVo'-k, A. M., precisv'y. No treight r»c«iTvl uf:er cine o’clock on tho morning of departure. For particulars, apply on teia.nl, or to Pittsburgh. IS.'ift. Pittabargb, Steubeuvtlle and Wheeling Packer. f The DIUKN a L. Captain A..S. SHEPHERD, and FOR*.ST CITY, Captain (ICOfUit. l). Moo RE, « til ruu as regular DAILY PACKITTS, Pittsburgh* afubeuTiLc and V\ herliu.:, stopping at ail intermediate porta. The DIURNAL will lenv- 1 Put-burgh on Mondays, Wed iies.in.ia an.. Fridays, at lo uVfock, A. M —Returning she leave whirling on TuejxJaya,Thursdays and Saturdays, a 1 i o t'Lcatk, A it. The FOREST CITY will leave Pittsburgh cn Tuesdays,. Thun*!*)-* uud Setunim s. at 10 u’rkHrk, A. M. — Reluming, ehe will leave Wheeling ou Mooda) s, W rdnesdayri and Fri days. at 7U o’dtn-k, A M. Fur freight or pntL-uige apply on hoard or to J. D COLLINGW'-CP, Agent, nov2# No lf,i Front street. For Louisville. The MCi.m-r FalhY QUKKN, Capt. John C KINMiDT Clerk, will leave for the above OwrißflaßMMniHl all iaiermeuiate |K.-rts on bATUIIDAY, 14 h h>u at 10 A M Fur fi right or pa.-LS*g“ apply on board, or to •pi- J 'H\ Fl-ACK. Agent. For st. Limit. Tt.r u, w und e|,ien>iM sleumer WM. BAIRD, ( lUgu I'-.ui-miL C S. Fkihkf.e Clerk, iSN woi leave tor tbe»K»v« and intermediate porta on SAT LIID \Y, 14th iusd , at lo A M Fur freight l r phS/wig-* apply un board, or to spU Fi.ACK & LIVI,’v(J.-TON. Agrnts. For tat, Louis and liJitiola River. The >t ..UJi’r Mi.Wißi a, Capt. jobs Ruocst. L A BHaMS Clerk, *-lil l»avefo<- the nhove aoßßaSaaMßaiid i u*ru.vduite j-ort** cn FRIDAY, April 14tn, hi lo \ M For freight or pusuN A, Captain R. C. Coat, I'ORTIK Llerk. will leave for the above and 12th, i.t 1• > A M. For freight or pasro’e !:pply on hoarxl, nr to npll FI ACK and LIVINGSTON, Agent*. For Clnciunatl and LoutavllJe •; I;.- Un,inrr AMA I. ,N. Vapt V. li. IlAZi.rrr, I [I-. *j j‘< ii 'ZBtTT Clerk will leave ft-r the above and y.rts on THUSuAY, the 12th ins:., at 10 A. M For freight or pas-a,-.* applv on Liard, or to nplo FLACK LU'IMiSTi*N A UAKNKS, Agentft. For St Louis. !!■ The -ceainer iV a>ll I>G r> CITY, Captain j Kuulut, Wilkins b'lerk, /ill leaio for the HdanifiUalKae end inUTimdiute i*ortfi on TUURSDAY, 12tb lost ,at 10 A. M., For freight or pas.-age aoply on l>on'd. or to aj.O / FLA' K aml WILKINS. Agenb*^ for at. Louis, Gftleim and Dubuque. TLu ivtinur UhaZIL, plain B F. HUTCH* I Ciuu Israel Ch-rls, will leave for the SMaaNßlabove and all iutcimc-dUte porLj on WRD.NES- DaY. 11 th UisLiDt. For height or passuge apply on boar I, nr to a;.y Jdll' FLACK, Agent For tit Louts, Hannibal, Qnlncy, War* • aw, Keokuk. Burlington, Hock Island, Galena nml Dubuque Ihe tine .-teaiuei U 8. MAIL, Captain Fohd, , D. Br.icKEL Clerk, will leave for th.» olmve and Inteimodiatc ports on THURSDAY, 12th inst. For treiglU or pasauge upply on bORpJ, rr Li ap9 FLACK and LIVINGSTON, Ag’ts. For at, Paul am* Minnesota itiver*- «, The Fteamer JKaNNETTE, Capt. RontxsoN, j l. ave for the above ports on THURSDAY, fflßWfffftApril 12th. ut 13 A. M. N. U. '1 he Jeu.iL.tiiu will teach at all tho intermediate landings between this and thu abort- ports. For freight and paMuge apply on board, or to ajG _ FLACK or BARNKS. Agents. For Nashville. |pi. The ftetitiiHr KM PIKE, Captain 0. Dotlr, un Do\lk Clerk, will fur the above and CrrH'jT l ; iihtf»iutcTmt-Umtf jmru mi A pril I2lh, .t 10 A. M. For iruitfht or payMigv ajply on board, or to _a_p6_ C. 11AHNKS, Asent- Uegalar Wheeling Packet. iiw w Thu steamer VENTURE, Opt Jouv Oo&don, bblS»Es»3atuki)av, ui3pTm: For freight or passage apply on board, or to jun 3 JAMES COLLINS A CO-, Agents. •• ” CANADA WEST. , r*s?> Port Stanley . is Utgltag and Port Burwell. LggS&QaT iS£uSi» BaKEBoaO TIIE FINE low pressure steamer TELEGRAPH, Captain R. Bareow, will make two trips a week between Cleveland; Port Stanley, and Port Burwell, us follows: Lear eh Cleveland fur Port Stanley, eTery MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENING, at o’clock. leaves Port liurWeil for Port Stanley at 1 o’clock. Leaves port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY »nd SATURDAY EVENING, at ~\4, o’clock. • r The Telegraph conn< cU'KI Clevefund, with the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh, the Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland Railroads. Also connects at Purl Stanley with the London Line of Stages, which connects with the Great Western Railroad. For freight and passage apply on board, or to BCOVILL & LAUDERDALE, Cleveland; S. ¥. Hi)l.COiIll, Tort Stanley, or A. M’UKIDE. Port Uurw»»ll. mur27:tnov A A. MASON & CO. are now opening 200 Caseß and . Pucka es ot C*lioo p, Muslins, Uinghama, Checks, Summer Stuffs, Lawns, Muslin do Laines, Ac., Ac , which have been purchased at the large Peremptory Sales at murh le9< tblin cost of manufacture. tt p6 OUGARS—- Lovering’a” jCrushed, Pulverized and Pow dered Augurs, ftr sale by mh27 MILLER A RICKETSON. OILS —sperm, Vi hale, Tanner*’and Lard Oil, f<o obis Plantation Molasses; 150 bf bbls do do 25 bbls “ St. James” S 11. Molasses. For sale by [mh26] MILLER A RICKETSON. SEED?, SEhuS —10 bblfl Clover; 20 bus. Timothy; 25 “ Orchard Grass. In store and for sale by mh3o JAME 3 WAROROP, Fifth si. ILU. BONNETS.—A. A.MASON & CO. will open on the 26th lost., twonty down Silk Bonnets, fjr the country » M .i u mh2o B . K . CARGO, DUEfS JJAKKIt and MU.LINEK, No. 70 Fourth street,’ Apollo Buildings. epO 1--M a N Y~W KaTUIKH.— CAKQO’3 Mammoth North and Poath Lights enable him to produce Adults in the darkest VeathtT. _ a P- KI'.NOK BHIhLIANTKS—A. A. M AMf.N & CO. will open, on the KBlh inat-, some fine new etjlesof trench Brillicntes. - mh2G SKhI) 1)111 hh, tor drawing ilrillß of veriom wiiiihs, from 9to 27 inches—the most complete Isbor saving drill in use. For gale by mh 17 JAMES WARDROP. \ v <; .-i\ ' • . .. ■*. f• , i r -< ' ‘ ‘ + •' ; - i **•.. '■ , ■ ■ V* fc- -**•»*'; • •*: - e\wis?£#fsy ‘ k r . »•> ,=* \ * *■'■ T‘ < ••*•' ' * ~ ■ ‘ - -y■' *• ■ ‘ J s- \ * Jr'* £* ' *_ v. < h\ •*•- ' ' . = ;‘,v » . *o v< Y-:x«V-...- “1855." JOHN li. LIVI.NOSTON,) , JOHN FLACK, / A P ente > Monungihiicla Hour* RnlMinge. I dot2B] - - f>' .-+* •*<•• ', -.«*•* ri* * ’ •-■ •*’ ■> U ** n ■ ' : . ‘ v V ' ./• ,\.SV MISCELLANEOUS* British and Continental Exchan: SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BT DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO. ON THE UNIOH BANK, LONDON, In Sous op £1 aSd Urwiars. THESE DRAFTS ore available at all the principal Towns of ENGLAND, 80OTLAND and IRELAND, and the CONTINENT. We also draw Sight Buls od M. A* Grunebaum & Ballin, FRANKFORT A MAIN, Which serve as a Remittance to all parts of GEE3I ANY, SWITZERLAND and HOLLAND. Persons intending fo travel abroad may procure, through us, Letters of Ore «it, on which Money can he obtained, as needed, in any part of Europe. Colliction i of Bills, Notes, a-d oiher securities in Eu rope, will reo-ive prompt attention WM. H. WILLIAMS A CO., Wood, corner TM-<1 ‘tree*. k, Pittsburgh. k’fcJN that, pursuant to the ncorpora ting aid Bank, ap »d the act approved the lGth ‘‘An Act Tleguldtinj; Banks,” inn to the Capital Stock of sal wilt be o ened at L'’-»urth afreet. Pittsburgh, on OF APRIL, 1855, at 10 o'clock, juridical Jaya, from 10 o’clock, )f each day. t R. 11. Hartley, j William M. Hirsh, 1 W.O. Leslie, 11. L. Ringwalt, Wm B. Holmes Jap. B. Jnmes A. Uutchineon, William J. Anderson, James Park, Jr., David Campbell, Truae M. Penoock, William F. Johnston, Oeo. C F anclscua, A. Kirk Lewis, G-o. W Caps, Ro ly Patterson, Andrew Burke, Mechanics’ Ban; NOTIOB 18 HEREBY GIV provisions of the Act io proved March 30th, 1855, ane sub scriber, and completely TrnrTfitrrl | iiigJEp | ■ He Is at all hours prepared to furnish every luxury that can be found Ip the best regelated restaurants in the Stales. Tils spncloas Bar will always be supplied with the Tery be3t Liquors. Game of evofy de scription, in Its season, can always be found at Wilkins Hall. [ap7j W. 0 OAILAGfIBR. Alexander Hays, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penna.—ban per* jnanently located, and will punctually attend to all business entrusted to his charge. w BXFERESCES: lion. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley R. R. W. Milnor Roberts, Chief Engineer •• M 44 Geo R. Elchbaum, Associate Enc. ‘ .< • u David Mitchell, Chief Enjineer PittsVh end Steub. R. R. James Thompson. Superintendent City Gas Works. Jamw K Day, Civil Engineer. A'leghepy fitv. fap7:2w* Trinity School. APAROGHTAL SCHOOL 10R BOYS, under the aus pices of the Rector and Vestry of Triulty Church, RICHARD S. SMITH, Principal. Thta School will be opened on MONDAY. April Iflth, in the Sunday School Room of Trinity Church. Sixth street, and Is deslgoed to afford th highest advantages for thor ough training in the English firanc.es, and in the Rudi ments of the Classics. Applications for ndmis-lon, or frr further informHti'ir, may bo made to the Rector cf Trinity Church, No. 303 Peon street. Dissolution of Partnership, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that v e Pariner«hfp h.*ivin OP, J. C. MYERS. avs:lwti-» Pittsburgh, April 4,1805. Removal* SPRINGER HAIVBAUGH A CO. have removed to No. 295 Liberty street. spfusnm n area con OI’RINGEU UARBACGH A CO., (3uccppsors to 8. Ear- O bnugb.) Commission and Forwa ding Merchant* ; Deal er* tn W col and Produce generally, No. 295 Liberty 6tm*t, P.Usbargb, Pa. nps ROBERT H. PATTERSON’S LIVERY AND SALE Corner Diamond street and Cherry alley, aprl4-tf PITTSBURGH. PA Hats and Caps. We would Invite the attention of our friends and /B the public to a splendid assortment of UATd and whlrb we ore now opening f or the Bumrat-r trade, which. fcT beauty cf style, exceeds anything ever offered in the dtv, or west of ihe Mountains. Call and ex* amine for yourselves. J- WILSON A SON, ap7 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Removed TO THE PUBLIC.—JOHN C. PaKRY, successor to Parry, Scott 4 Co., has removed bla Warehouse next the Foundry on BKCOND street, adjoining Can Works, where I am now prepared to Fell everything in the Cauinc lino at greatly prices. (ap2:lml C. PARRA. A Partner Wanted. A PERSON baring a Capital of Thre** or Four Thousand Dollars to Invest tn n Uannfariur*oc husin*‘sp, can b-ar of an opportunity where he can docblb Hi' uomy in n short time. The best referents given. For pnrtiru. Isr* apply nt THIS OFFICE- {Dib27:tf MUSIC furnished by FRA N K CARGO, for Parties. Pa rade*, Ac., oo the shortest notice and at low rates, lie may bo depended on. He mny be found ai R. M. Cer j»o’» Dugaerrenn Rooms. 7»» Fourth Mre**L mhl9 TLT KW AND GOOD BOOKS JU*T RECEIVED AT DA VI 1\ RON’S. Ob Marks street, near F nrth : Plain Words to Young Communicantr, by Pr. J. W. Alexander 3S c nia. WiUtaoo’s Young Oommaoieant’s Catechism. 6 cent*. The Rich Kinsman, or the Illet-ry of Ruth, the Moabi tes*; by Dr T»ng. Lilly Gordon, the Young Housekeeper Prime’s Tmfclß in Europe and the East—the best bock of travels yet! The Foresters: by Prof. Wilson. Ministering Children. The Laws of Figurative Language; by Lord. The Minister*# Family. Mornings with Jesua. Jay’s lapt. The School of Christ, or Christianity in Up b*»iiin?aspert a . The Fountain of Living Waters, illustrated by Fact.-*. 4th edit on Th« Words of Jesus. The Mind rf Jesus. Kltto'a Worts. Footsteps of St. Paul. Life and Epistles of St. Paul—plain, ami In one half calf for presentation. The Hiding Place; by McFarlanc. The Night Lamp, “ “ Now opening almost daile, new and valuable bi ological Works, for family and ministerial rending, both American and English. IS DAVIbUN, apO TTS Market street THK GREAT POSTUUMOUB work !—tuk slave OF THE LAMP; Dy Wiluam North, author of “Anti- Coningsby,” Ac., 4 c. “Who will exchange old lamp? for nciv ” —Arabian Nights Entcrtainmaxtr. CONTENTS: Chap. Chap. I—Underground. 11— I«ove and Death. 2—Lucifer. 18—The Gamblers. B—Above Ground. 19—Old Latitude and Long’s. 4 Pei egri n e Cape. 20—0 old. 5 Fitzgam’n O’Bouucer. 21—The Beggar nnd the Poet. 6—The Plot. n ' 22—Peter Quartz. 7 —The Row. JP—The Ship of Mood el. B—A Curious GlrL 24—The Farewell Present. 0 In Lore. 25—Me’rDud. Mendel's Youth. 10—Cow to make Money. 26—His Fortune. 11—Strange Talk. 27—Voyage to Golden Island. 12—More Lore. 28—Mudoy. 13—Green-eyed Nemefif. 29—Berkley Married. 14—The Sick Man. 30—Foir Slaw of the Lamp. 1 fr—Chaos 31 —Reconciliation. IG—The Bridal Kiss. 32—Conclusion. I-or sale by B. T. C. MORGAN, R p2 19* tVccd st. Leathery Hides and Oil* MDE LANGE, (of the late firm of Bard A Di Lanoe.) 9 having t*Xen the stand lately occupied by J. G. Mowry, No. 333 LIBERTY Btr»*ot. opposite the head of Wood, and having purchased hiR Stock, which he is now re plenishing from the Fast, invites the attention of buyers to hU assortment, which he is determined to sell ot the low est rates for cash, or approved short credit. E. H. DAY hereby Informs his customers that be will ha found at the old stand, 233 Libert? street, where he shall bo pleased to moot them, and supply their wants, ns hereto fore. tnh27.2w KEB SOLE LEATHER —300 Sides jest received and for Bale by fmh2?:2wj M J) K_ LA NOE. ST LOUIS UIDE&—SbU just receive ! nod for sale bv mh2T:2w M. DR LANG R. I7ULANK LESLIE’S LADIK&’ GAZETTE ot Paris, Lon ' don and New York Fashions for April. Frank Leslie's New York Journal, for April. Putnam’s Monthly, do Knickerbocker, do Godey’s Lady’s Book, do Graham’s Magazine, do Peterson’s Magazine, do Ballon’s Monthly, do Household Words, do Blackwood’s Magazine, for March. Harter's Magazine, for April. Price 15 cents. Together with all the new Bocks— f w sale by H MINER A CO., ap No. 32 Btnlthflcld stren Magazines for april all received— Frank Leslie s Ladle--’ Gazette of Fnshion, for April. Harper’s Magazine, for April. Putnam’i do do Graham’s do do Peterson’s do do Household Words, do New York Journal, do Blackwood’s Mogazinedo All the Magazines for April received and for sale at the Cheap Book Store of W. A. GILDENFENNEY A CO., „p 3 Fifth at., opposite the Theatre. MOVING DAY IS UVKRI and many families have changed their residences. Some have left places that are dear to them, where they bsve attended some “ loved one” through a long illness, ending in death I Many find their nev borne Is not as convenient ns the old one : while others are pleased with the change. In moving, the hands are exposed to the cold air, and become sore, and rough. This can be cored, and they can be made soft and white by the use of the HERPETIC SOAP—price cts. per cake. Sold by [ap4l 8. L. CPTHBERT. 140 Third st T\o YOU WANT A SMALL FARM 7—Fur sale, a Farm I I of Twenty-four Acres, eight of which aro In cultiva tion, and all cleared except eight acres, which are in choice timber; an Orchard of about eighty trees of dlff* rent kinds; about five acres contain Coal; situated at three miles from the city, and three qunrters of a mile from the Ohio river. Price $l7OO. Terms: $BOO in hand; remain der in one and two years. S. COTHBKKT A SON, ap4 ___ No. 140 Thbd st. FEE BILLS for Aide men, Justices of the Peacwaod Constables, as lately amended by the Legislature. W. 8. HAVEN, Corner of Market and Second sts. For sale by ap4 BOUNTY LAND APPLICATIONS.—Forma for applica tion for Bounty Land for sale by ap4 W. 8. HAVEN, Printer and Stationer, Market st., corner 2J. EMBROIDERIES- —A. A. MASON A CO. bare ju-t re celved per express 5 cartons of Embroideries, compri sing new and elegant styles Collars, CuJTs, Collarettep, 11 eiul Dresses, Rosettes, Tabs, Sleeves, Chemlzettee, Hdfcfi., Ac., which will be offered at extremely low prices. jan23 BANK OP PITTSBURGH STOCK.—2O Shares wanted at No. 71, Fourth street. WILKINS A CO., aps Commission Stock Brokers and Bankers. Mortgages for s.'-lk.—we have a few a no. Mortgages for sale at a fair rate of discount. apS WILKINS A CO. UdINESS PAPER NEGOTIATED by (apS) WILKINS A CO. POTASH— 2 tons of prime quality received this day by ap2 HENRY H. COLLINS. * -J <' ■> *1 •*- v . ■ ~V K > V2*t . V 1 - % . f V -’-x»- f. • \ • Hair Restorer.— This preparation ; goemv to bo efficacious for the restoration of the hair upon j bald heads. We bavaseen the testimony of persons well - known to us, who have used the compound successfully ; thereby corroborating the opinion of its restorative oner ; gy.' We know of nothin? more desirable |o thewayof p«K sonnl comeliness and comfort than a'gool head of hair,and j any process by which this crowning ornament of the outer t man can be preserved, or recovered when lost, without, in l the latter cape, a resort to Wigs, Toupes and Scratches, de- , serves to be hailed and embraced with gratitude by oil of j either sex. who are unlucky enough to need its benefit. We took occasion the other day to notice thlavaloablo 1 compound in the above terms, and now republish what was ; then sold, to show g-iia our favorable ojnnion of it. The foregoing is taken from the Petersburg (Virginia) Intelligencer, and refers to an article which has for a lima been advertised in our columns. We must confess that we have been somewhat sceptics' as to the remarkable effects attributed to this famous “ITair Restorer.” But our in credulity has been greatly shaken within a day or two by seeing a co-.iple of certificates of well-known and perfectly credible citizens of the neighboring town of Preston—one of them the Cap‘ain of a New Londin whaliug ship—to the effect that, in each of these cases, a two or three months’ uso of tbo “ Restore:” had actually brought o-. t a new and vigorous growth of hair upon the heud whare it was before bald —the baldness being, in one ense, of more than twenty years standing. do not suppose it is by anyineanscer tain that, because the application has been thus successful in one case, or two, or a doz»n, it is therefore certain to prove equally successful in* 11. But with such head-strong evidence an th« foregoing, very few bald heads, wo suspect, would willingly forego a fair trial of tbo u Restorer.*’ All such ‘-old beads’’ are informed tb&i tbo iirtii.-bi can he bud at Messrs. Lee k Osgood’s —yorici h Evening Courier. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. KETSER’S, 140 Wood afreet, sign of the Golden Mortar. mh2o Proclamation— Whereas, tho extraordinary and unprecedented demand for that invaluable preparation, WRIGHT’S PREMIUM KATHAiUON, bus induced envious persons to palm off other articles similar in name and ap pearance, but absolutely worthless, which baa a tendency to injure the roputation of the genuine article, purchasers should be particular to ask for WrvjhCs Premium Eatba rioD, and they may rely on receiving an article unequalled for its virtues for restoring a decayed head of hair, for a cool, refreshing and delightful application during tho hot weather, removing all disagreeable sensations of dizziness and headache, and for the toilet it has never hod au equal for its pleasant and delightful fragTance. Us thousands of testimonials are a sufficient guarantee for its completely restoring a decayed head of hair; for re moving all dandruff; for 3>re-n>nting its falUDg off, whether from sickness or disease; and for entirely dispensing with tin- necessity of using hair dyes, as it excites the secretions, prolucing a supply of its natural pigment or coloring mat ter, giving tho hair a dark, glossy appearanco, with a luxu riant growth. For sale by every druggist in the city, and by druggists and merchants throughout the United States. Commissioners. A liberal discount tn wholesale dealers. Price 25 cents a bottle PETER T. WRIGUT A CO, 241 Market at., Philadelphia. For pale by GEO H. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, and R. K. SELLER.'. Pittsburgh. janl":d*w3m is Important to Persons afflicted wttli Her* i*la, or Rupture of the Dowels, and the danger of Strangulation by neglect- The right cour.-e for any one to pursue who may be af flicted with Rupture, is to procure a good Truss well adapted to the rupiur<*l oa ts, in order to retain the protruding portion of the bowels. This is of.trn neglected, and the bowel becomes strangulated, leaving the patient not only in a sufforiug but dangerous condition. 1 have always on band, and daily adapt, the mo-t improved Trusses; among which is MARSH’S RADICAL CURE TRU.JS, which will really produce n radical cure io a short time. Of course there are enpes when no Truss will cure, but in a vast ma jority of rcducnble Hernia, or Rupture, Ibid Truss will cure. I Lave every variety of Trusses, from 50 cents to $2O; also a large a-portment of CHILDUEN’d TRUSaES, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, for varicose broken or enlarged veins; PILE PROPS, for the re!i°f and cure of Pile*; SHOULDER BRACES, for men women and children; SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, and every variety of mechanical appliance used in the cure of disease. Call and examine them at my Drag Store, No 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin aliey ; sign of the Golden Mortar. [febliilftw] DR. GE-J. 11. KEYSKR. ALIXAKDCn FORSYTH Harrell's Indian Liniment, Breast, Throat, Spine, Mu-clef, Worms in ih’i Skin, Scalp DL?ee_- i e a , Milk Crust, Dry Tetter, Erysipelas, Headache, Chafes, - Neuralgia, Crackp, Sun Fain, Scald*, Burns, Ulcers, Sore Legs, Sore Throat, Rheumatism. Pries 25 cents per boltfo. S Id whole-ale and retail at Dr. KEYSER’3, 140 Wood street: JOEL MOHLER’S, Lib erty street, and at J. P. FLEMING’S, Allegheny city. jiu2o:d*w ai* Balm ofThouHand Floorers* for beaut!. tying thf Completion, und eradicating stl T-iy, I*tsipL£S and Freceles from the lacn. Sold ht Hr. KhVSKIt’S. 110 Wood Jan.TO NKW COUiKUE HALL. IKON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ruraur Woml Mid Fourth ptropts. MILLAR ti IiRO., In tlu-ir m*Uuov.-li‘l£ineult; tn th** pub L’. have the hODor to anunuuff that i"«*y Luv-- flt>ed up jo the irr-Pt elegant on-l > i»t!v .-t) h\ uo.'Urpapt-eii in tbia untr , tbe new CuLLEO E U ALL. w hieh covers »n area of nearly I'jnr thousand square tcet,making it at out*. 1 tbe mns.t m*ijjuifioent establlfhtneufof ‘he kind In the Western country The Hall ip richly furtiished, and con talcs a rapacious Library, containing avi-ry accessible work on Ac.tmot*, Commercial Law, Ac., to which the Students har* free access. Thi<* commodious Institutirn is now In the full tide of Forces.*, tiering on y been established about four months, notwi.bstHridtxig (and to show its vr.pul.iity with tne com munity.) it has had u wards cf two bundled Students, which exhibits n prosperity, considering the short time op-noJ, perhaps unequalled by any other Commercial College. In onnection Is nn apartment, n rently flnLlied, for the exclusive instruction of Ladles, and which is entirely dis connected from the other department. The principal design of this College is to qualify youog men for the Counting-llou-e. orio fact for any hind of mer cantile business, in a superior and expeditious manner. Lectures Daily on Domestic Bu-lness, Discounting and Renewing Uhls, Importing and Exporting Banking, the purchase and sale of Bills of Exchange, Commission and Company Accounts, domestic and foreigu. Also, Commer rial Calculations Steamboat Book-Keeping, and all such accounts a usually occur in active business. Mercantile (Xrrr^pondenct. —St udeuts in this branch will bo mode familiar with *ll the fur ms of bills, Ac., ufctul in the routine of business. Business, Epistolary, and every description of Plain and Ornamental Penmanship isugbt on entirely new and origi nal principles, by .Millar A Uro., whose g'eat reputation as successful Teachers and artuul Writers is well known throughout the United States. Lectures on Political Economy Regular Lectureson Cbm merctal Uno tfc. In a word, ibis In.-aitatlon is a complete Counting House on a'» extensive scale. The public are assured that noiiujent shall receive a diploma from the Iron City College unless he is in every way worthy of it. Faculty.—MlLLAß A BRO., Principals and Professor* of Plain and Ornamental Penmanship. J. J. HITCHCOCK, (author of Hitchcock’s System of Bookkeeping.) Principal at' the Bookkeeping Department, and Lecturer on all important business transactions. JOHN FLEMING, (author of Fleming’s ucw aud improved system of Book-keeping,) will deliver weekly Lectures on thn Science of Accounts. JAMES H. HOPKINS, member of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lecturer on Commercial Law. The College open from BA. M. till 10 P. M. The public arc ref-pe -tfully invited to call. mb3l Pittsburgh filnthematlcal nd and thorough know ledge of the following brandies of education: Writing, Book-Keepiog and all its collateral sciences. Algebra, Geome try, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Navigation, the use of Globes, Geography, Arithmetic, Ac, Ac. The Principal needs not to be recommended, as his name and capability, are well kunwn to this community, being a Teacher in'this city for several years, end for the last three months has suc cessfully taught in the Iron City Commercial College, but has left it on his own accord, with the intention of estab lishing an loßtkutluu in which the youth of Pittsburgh can acquire a knowledge of things more profitable than making unintelligible hieroglyphics, though by no chance will Writing be neglected. The Principal’s capabilities can lo tested by any person who doubts his qualifications, as they w*ro by the gentle men wbete names are attached to the following testi monials: I take great pleasure in certifying to Mr Barry’s qualifi cations as a thorough Book-Kerpur, aDd fully competent to instruct young gentlemen in the science ot nco-unta—be sides being a good mathematician and ripe scholar iuother respects. JOHN FLEMI2ra, Late Professor In Pittsburgh Comme*cial College. Pittsoupgu, November 21. Mr. Barry Is eminently qualified for Imparting instruction in the fcience of Arithmetic ami Double Entry Book-Keep ing I found him even critically acquainted with those branches of knowledge. J \6. M. PRYOR, Principal Third Ward Public Schools I etato it as my opinion, that as u Mathematician and Book Keeper. Mr. John Barry has few equals, and no supe riors. I think all the Teachers of this County Association will concur with mu in this statement. The Writing department will be attended to by a gentle man of superior qualifications, who will devote all bis at tention to tho immediate improvemedt of the pupils. Hours of instruction from U A. M. to 10 P. M. terms: Book-Kepping and Writing $-20 per ccuno. Arithmetic 10 per quarter. Writing 3 for 20 lessons. Antln£UH Buildings, Liberty street, ne ir Wood. mhl9 J. BABRY, Principal. Founded in mo.—incorporated by the legis lature. On reference to any of our city merchants, it will he found that this is tbo only establishment of thu kind ever established i . this city iu wnich they have any confidence— the only ono in whhh . ouble Entry Book-Keeping has been thoroughly taught;—the only one in which Account ants can get reliable advice in ca.-o of difficulty vrjth their books; —tho only one iu which the doctrines of Partnership settlements are thoroughly elucidatedthe only oue iu which Lectures upon Commercial Law have been regularly and systematically delivered for nearly eight years;—the only one in which a good Handwriting can be obtained ; the only one in which Teachers of Penmanship can be in struct'd in the ornamental branches of the art;—the only one whose Professor of Penmanship will let visitors have u specimen oi his Writing. Call and get a Circular, and a specimen of Mr. Williams’ splendid writing. mhlO Miv WAMELINK would respectfully inform his pupils an friends that he will continue his protession as instructor cn the PIANO FORTH and VOICE. Orders lett t Mr. KLKUKR'S Music Store, or at his resi dence, No. 187 SECOND Street, will be promptly attended to. &o£ CURES PMSB IS TIIE TRY IT ONC?. EDUCATIONAL Alleodejty, November 21, 1854. JOTIX KELLY, Principal First Ward Schools, Allegheny. DulT’a mercantile College, Instructions In Music. TO LET, FOR SALE, &c. Sites for Country Homes* T for sale, on easy term?, FIFTY X LOTS,laid off and restricted for rural re-'Meiu-ea. Also, an ENTIKE SQUARE, on the bank of the iikb “> ,hS 7G4 feet long by 2JO feet deep; having fronts on Mary and Julia- Ann Avenu.es, and HemivttE and Herr *\rw* 3 This square contains many FruiiTrees of the ehoW.t kind and commands a fine view of tbe picturesque an i romantic see* ncry around, lam desirous of preserving th<« sanara en. tire, r.* It would afford one of the most c-hanm,-.;-and nificunt sites for a gentleman’s summer resid.-no. n, u,' s Immediate vicinity ofihe two cities. Also, aboot THHtE ACRES OIMJaODND, a ; ih e head of the Island, advantageously situated for manufacturing pur poses. The above property Js situated In Duquesne borough, on tbe high and main bank of Ilerr’fl Island, and is reached by a very substantial Bridge of one span. . For particulars ap ply at my residence, in Duquesne borough, on the mam bonk, fronting the head of Herria Island, or of JOHN DUN* LAP & CO., corner of Second and Market sta., Pittsburgh. nprl7:tf WM. C. MILLER. Valuable Property for Sale, TWO LOTS OF GROUND, upon which are erected four Brick and two Frame Buildings, which rent annually fur $5OO. Bald property i 3 situated in the Ninth Ward of the cby of Pittsburgh, on Penn street,,between ■■ and streets. Also, the Factory and Ground known as the-“-Empire Works,” situated on th« corner of Penn and Morris streets. Abo, 23 acres of unimproved land, situated on tbe Alle gheny river, one mile from East Liberty. On a portion of this land there is the best Saw Mill location in the county. Also, a number of le*3 containing from 1 to 6 acres of choice land, situated one mile north-west of East Liberty, and one mile east of LawrenceviUe. The_«bore named pieces of property are veTy desirable, anti will be disposed of on advantageous terms to early pur* chasers. For terms of eale and further information apply to Wm. P. Baum, No. ■ ■ Wood street, Pittsburgh. Coal Works For Sale. SIXTY THREE ACRES OF LAND, with 250 acres of Coal attached, and all the Improvements thereon in success* ful operation, .-aid Farm is situated on the Monongahela river, 34 miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplied with a Farm House, Barn, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad,and an excellent harbor. The vein of Coal Isflrefeot thick, and cannot basurpaflsed In quality. For further particulars apply to NICHOLSON A PAYNE, No. 23S Liberty street. .Residence at Evergreen! THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale bis property in tbe Evergreen Colony, Rosa Township, five miles from Pittsburgh. The house is 68 by 34, arranged with Four Rooms, a Kitohon, and a large Hall on the first floor, end Is provided with a Water Closet and Bath Room —the latter* with suitable hot and cold water pipes. Attached to th»‘ bouse are Two Acres of Ground, held in fee, on which there is a Weil of unfailing soft water, a Stable and a Chicken House. The Colony is provided with a Bchool of the high* est onler, and is under the’ management of a gentleman from Virginia, a member, well qualified to teach even the higher branches of study. This admirably conducted School is of incalculable advantage to the man of family, as the ideas here have an opportunity of shooting without the contaminating influence of outside pressure, too often found around schools in the city and Immediate vicinity. The ITouse and tbe Two Acres will bo sold with or with* out tbe interest in the farm property, and tbo avails will be taken in adjusted balances and certificates of deposit against feb2l WILLIAM A. HILL, 64 Wood street. BASEMENT TO I-ET. A GOOD AND WELL FINISHED BASEMENT, 21 feet wide by 32 deep, one half above ground, well lighted, airy and pleasant, with a Coal Tanlt and Hydrant attach* ed to it; on FOURTH street, above trzaitbfield; wilt bo rented from tbe let of April. It is a good stand, and rorm for a Uonseand Sign Pointer, or any business of a similar kind. Enquire of mb 30 Goal Land for Sale. SEVENTY- FIVE TO EIGHTY ACRES best quality of COAL, which can bo brought, to the centre of East Bir mingham or the rirer by Railroad. This olf/rs the beat op portunity tJ manufacturers and dealers which can ever be obtained to secure a valuable Coal tract so near the city. The surface 1-? beautifully located foe Country Seats, and will be sold whole, or in one to five acre lots. Apply to WM. PHILLIPS, corner First and Ross (treats, or L. C. HEPBURN, No. 09 Fourth street near Wood. Land for Sale 1 On A ACRES uF LAND IN FOREST COUNTY, nest IOUU the Clarion river. This land iaheavily timbered, has an excellent soil,and issaid to contain an abundance of iron ore, and a thick vein of bituminous coal. The Venan* go railroad, which will undoubtedly be built, will run very near to it, if not directly across it. The Millstown creek run." through it. AL£O,sou acres in Elk county, well timbered and watered, and tying near the route of the Snnbury and Erie railroad. No better investment could be made than In these lands. The completion of the Sunbury and Erie, the Allegheny Valley, and the Venango railroads through that region will reoder the cool, lumber, Iron ore anti eoiLof great value. Enquire of C. B. M. SMITH, Attorney at Law, No. 147 Fourth street. feb22:w*in:tf Hotel for Lease. ‘IVILEY'S IIOTEu, (formerly known as the Lahartisb XV House,) is offered for lease on favorable terms. Being situated on me corner of Fourth street and Grant, near to the Court House, am) about midway teen the Wharf and the Pennsylvania, Depot, it is one of the most pleasant, convenient and desirable locations in the city. Tile Hotel will be furnished, if desired, and leased for a term of years, commencing from the first of April next. For further information apply to JOSEPH S. & A. P. MORRISON, Att’ya, jan2fl:d»wtf Office No. 143 Foarth sh, Pittsburgh. r |'o LET—From the-Ist of April next, the commodious X BRICK BUILDINGS situate in the Second Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, between Breckinridge street and the Monongahela rHer, lately occupied by Messrs. Bake- Wt-11, IYuis A Co as a Glasamaimfictoryand warehouse. This property 13 eligibly situated, adjacent to the Monon* gabeU wh-irf, for any business conuected with steamboating or river trade, or for manufacturing purposes. Several small Buildings and a capacious yard are attach ed. Apply to OLIVER W. BARNES, President Pitt, and Conn. R. R. Co., mhlfrtf • Neville Hall, Fourth and Liberty streets. A FARM CONTAINING 53 ACRES OF LAND, under a state nf caltiva'.ion, with a large and convenient DYt'ELLING H )USE, recentl y built and of modern style; rood Burn, Stabling. Ac., situated on the south bank of the Mouougaltela river, ti miles above Pittsburgh, being one cf ih-i most beautiful nnd pleasant localities unywhew to be found. l’p>Re>':-ion given on or before the Ist of April next. Enquire of U. CHILDS & CO., mhS.tf 133 Wood street IAM authorised to sell lo*r Rome TalunWe T/iw Books. JU tols. L’a; Import?, by Barr; BviiviriV Institute*; (jrK'-nliff’fl Erldonce; Wharton's Digest, last ed.; And other Imports, Klememary Workn, Ac. Qilo. F. OILLMORE, at thu oOlca of Morning Po>t- A BAROUCIIE AND SKT OP lURNES3.—They were f\ made to by our beat mechanics, and have only b. eo used a f-w months. They will be s >ld at a bargain,, as. in consequence of a change that has taken place In the subscriber's family, he h b no further use lor them. A. HALLOU, aps No. 146 Water street. uiui.m.V U LUI FUU SAI.E. A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIE street, and extending buck 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot is in a desirable location for a residence: and will bo sold low, and on favorable terms. Title good, and clear from incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMOKE, iy!3 At Office of Morning Post, A FARM CONTAINING ABOUT 140 ACRES, on the Steubenville Turnpike, six miles from Pittsburgh, late homestead of William M’Cormlck. Possession given immediately. Terms $250 per annum. Enquire ot ~ James c. richey, mh7:dawtf Near the premises. * l*ot for Sale* A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet.front on Carson street by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE, T jv!3 at office of the Moinimr Post. Another shall eakji in viuuinla putt dale on easy terms. For particulars, call at the Real Es tate Office of 8. CUIHBERT ft SON, ap‘2 140 Third street. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying soon at the office of the MORNING POST. jyl&tf g.'OK SALE—An excellent Frame House and Lot, on X 1 Re lemons— -260 boyga Messina Oranges, " 100 do Sicily do - 21) do Lemons; receiving and for sale by ap2 BBYMBR & ANDKBSON, 39 Wood si • -‘"V*-. ; V ‘-••Jr* v-v; -' s'*}' i.-. K. D. THOMPSON, Arelgnee for Jas. 8. Negley. GKO V. GILLMOBE, At the office of the Morning Poet. For Aeot, Law Books. For sale Cor Rent) PHILIP ESTHER. JOSHUA RHODES. [»P2] MEDICAL DR, HOOFIIAND’B OELKBEATED GERMAN BITTERS, PRKPA2ED BT f DB. C. M. JACKSON, PWladolphia. Pa- Wilt, EmWUAUT OTiiS LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such . . ftfl CODStlpft* tloDjlDWoraPflej!, Fulce*s,or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, NauaeaUleartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking, or Flattering at the Pit Swimming of the Held, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flattering at the Heart, Cheat' I °s?mS^*i ,I . BSe ?? ll ® n ' ,ht ’ n *“ lying Posture, Dim nets of lXn o p.’i?i ti .S f "<** UroM the Sight, Ferer slid B tS™ ” !* Deficiency or Pertplretion, or tt,,. Ekin eml Kyss, PtUu in tlie Side, Kart, Chest, Ltahj, 4c., Sodden Flashes of. Uett Bnrnins in the Flesh,, Constant Imagin lags of Evil, ami great .Depression of Spirit*. The proprietor, in colling the attention of the public to this preparation, does so with a foxing of the utmost confi dence In ita virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it is recommended. It is no net? and untried article, but one that has stood the test of a ten jours’ trial before. the American people, and its repuialion and sale is unrivalled by anv similar pre parations extant.' She testimony.in its favor given by the most prominent and well known Physicians and individu als, in all parts of the country Is immonso. Referring any who may donbt»to my “Memorabilia,”or Practical Receipt Book, for Farmers and Families, to be had gratis, of all the Agents lor the German Bitters. Principal Office and Manufactory, 120 Arch street, Phila delphia, Pa. As*Sold by Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, 140 Wood street; B. A. f A Co., No. 6 Wood street; Fleming BTo’her*, RHODES' FEVER and ague cure, HATUEE’S INFALLIBLE SPECIFIC, TT'ORthe Prevention and Cure of and Ils- A- mittent Fevers, Fever and Agoe, Chills and Fxvia, Dumb Ague, General Dep.tlixy, Niout Sweats, all other f»rms of diseaeo which have a common origin In-Malaria or Miasma. Tbi3 subtle atmospheric poison which at certain seasons is unavoidably inhaled at every breath, is the seme in character wherever it exists—North, South, East or West—and will every where yield to this newly-discovered antidote, which Is claimed to be the greatest discovery in medicine ever made. This specific is so harmless that it may be taken by per sons of every age, sex or condition, end it will not substi tute for one disease others still worse, os is too often the re sult In the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other poisonous tions promptly attended to. Address or applj to D. LEECH A CO., Penn street and Canal, Pittsburgh. * HARRIS * LEECH, Receiving Depot No. 13 South Third utrcet. Delivering Depot, Dock st., Philadelphia A. SMITH, Agent, No. 75 North strett, Baltimore. . JNO. McDONALD, Agent, No. 7 Batterv Placo, New York. api:3m ia To Wholeiaie tirocerii Liquor Dealers anti filanufaottirers* THE SUBSCRIBER is now importing a superior quality of OIL OF COGNAC, of which % of an ounce with GO gallons pore Spirit wilt produce a fine Cognac Brandy. His ESSENCES OF ROCUELLE and OrAKIftJ BRANDY; of JAMAICA and ST. CROIX RUM* ABAC. CIBEU and PBAOH BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS and SCOTTISH WHISKY, are acknowledged by'theNew York manufacturers by the great demand after them. Di rections for use will invariably bo given by DB, LEWIS FEUCIITWANOER, HI Malden Lane, Now Ymk. P. S.—lmporter cf Daguerreotype Chemicals, Platini, Bismuth, Manganese: Thorn's Ext. Oopaiva, Sulphate Am* monin. arc. . d>*2H*tf 1 Boarding Sctiool, OR SUMMER BOARDING HOUBfi.-Tbo GLEN HOTEL and Grounds are offered for RENT for either the above purposes: The Sire and arrangement of the home, the beauty, extent and variety of the grounds, and the singular advantage of the position, secluded from every* thing objectionable, render this a most desirable location for either a Male or Female Seminary. For terms, apply to n>bS4-tf J. W. BUTL ER, 97 Front street. Sottco* THE Partnership of JOHN M’DEVITT A BEO. was dis solved on the first Inst, John Jl’Davitt will continue the business at tbo old stand, and attend to the settlement of *be business of the late fi rrn. _ Pittsburgh, January 3d, 185 ACHIUEjIRmP? OcrIvTROSEWOOD PIANO, in perfect order, baa been left with SlwlaS 1110 or edle > at a Tel 7 price. Tha ■ * " • I®owner is about leating the city, and is willing to sell, for Cash, at a sacrifice. The subscriber will warrant this Piano to tbo purchaser, to be perfect In every particular. It has been in use three years. For sale by JOHN H. MF.LLOB. . No. 81 Wood Bluet, ap2 Between TVomond alley and Fourth st. QKKD OATS—2O bus. skoich fotaio Oats, fine, for *»ia bf O nh23:«U« ' JAMES WAUDROP. DRY APPLES—IOO biebola tec'd and for sale by »p 3 UKNRY H. OQWJHS, JOHN M’DEYITT. WILLIAM MUKVITT. s—{jaii4