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' ’■ ' iTc „ ••; * > ,-.'-4-• v; 4 *. f* «<. >V' : * -v i: i • -j ' i'. ■. .. . « »'■ «,> , .. t 1 .... j **• * '• . *..* .1. 1 ■*. • ~~~~- P-V'X.V-AXX:?!, V:-,V.-T. , ;.v • .-••1/ •;:•••, '• ’ '* ;*■ x. ;* •••-•■? ’’■VV r N l -**- K; y **> -N -- : i -••• •. v -~x w " PP-;:; c x 1 v‘.; ; '.:^*;. ; rsp,i • r‘ “as (*-.r;’(•'» • <•, •• ; \«•:* • ft.;".. <•.:•■ .ft i y Z -'■L ■ ■X'ftXvft’ x‘.r*;x- X'vV C*i ■t: .(;••■.,>■ »»-kc-xvs••• >X : Yp grxg ftv / Vftft- »..i,i.', : ;' .• ,vv:v wxttm® «r-^^^^.J-\.' c» i 4-‘ v ■l’K'r-i."" ; ;•<:>, £:j ; «i«Bia:iSB;sil ipilS«filpsSi«i 'yyi&.'.tir-'/:--'. v> , 'v / Y- >: : ««\'-'.v, : ‘•i- 1 -'x'’- jxlw-. x ••• v^ v- 'i * * vT: k V , ,*-*• .V-. *' **. ’ tr**.- 1 -•' I *■ - • 1;. • r»- *¥ p* 1 v-;>\'-cAt.-.-.^.\:.i.^ 1 :! , ; ;.:- C .:;iv tA; t.ir^-; c "; ir«■'- iSx^MSwifessasasx; ! ; -v ?>>;; ;■ •iA' 53 '"-'s-Vv;;,- ->' V*v{ -i.\-4: : l ! - *»A • IP' 1 P' xg h'-: rh:g .’V ■. *' r ; u: ’•■-'•/•'- >‘< ;r x. '• . , .-, T-* ’.t. JV i2i ’i- '■- - ' 8,- .' : 5 - X .*,. Au'J* - I t -. csS.,l-, 1 -: A'. v‘ ; >i ■ '.;•»},- f'’ 1 v ) 'fX j‘ “tvA-.^ a ; ! -Trj'^.Sv''V^.'i^'?-dv’‘ ; v--;'.' '•:, p. ••'•* *f* »- .... V . >■ -: “ i-•' -t. *. *. cj •-« ; • > \ r l : * •: & ••••.>? -..-c . • » 1.-rc* \ ... ...» ..... -.s''. 'l’-fiL if.: :£• *r •** * _ vr;.v?.\ 1 ir :>:<&■;/ •• ■■ ■.'■a ~ :> • -v,-/-. •••.: r A-; •’> /.-;.:.:<:; t* &v;:.-..:. >. - :-.■ >. ■>•; *•■ v "t, ...... . .. •'i > *■- ~ ’ T JM. -Gif*. ,r *'•*- -‘I - y - •■?'.: '.♦ *■ ■% ■ .. v ■ a : a4^ .' ■ ’’ " wNf‘.’ '':-s'-;V“'--*, r s‘■4s^)’ i", ' ■■ ‘ - S’ ' ,'• V_ ■ i-Wf- ■’:£*uri ‘' A:' .1. lt : i *V:*;-' *■ -' ‘' V‘- ~.VII v V-V.: < - r ~- • •;; DAILY' MOKMK6 POST. MONDAY MORN ING ’ Degeneracy ol Hrr H»y A correspondent of the New York Tn une, 1 writing from Port au. Princo, under date of March, 1855, gives a very discouraging picture of the condition of the Haytiens, which, consid ering the well known sentiments and eympathies of the Tribune, may bo taken ns reliable. The ■writer saye that the paper currency, which, un der the republican regime never exceeded in amount §17,000.000, has, during Soulouque’s reign, reached $60,000,000, and is mixed with great’ quantities of forged paper not easily de tected, eo that this currency has almost entirely lost its value. In consequence, prioes of every thing haio risen so high that living in Port au Prince is as expensive as in any luxuri ous capital of Europe. The oost of Sculouque’B government is also three times as muoh as that of the republic. He seizes one-sixth of the whole coffee crop for his civil list, and this, with the additional burthen inflioted upon tho coffee growers ot being obliged to sell their oof fee to certain privileged speculators, from whom alone merchants are permitted to buy. has re duced the coffee product to 40,000,000 pounds annually, whereas under Boyer it reached 60, 000 000 pounds, Uuder suoh a system the ne groes buy less and less foreign goods every year, from sheer inability, and dress more and more nearly in the fashion of their African an cestors. Soulouque’s army is stated nt 30,000 med, but really numbers but 10,000, with 200 generals. They are badly paid, aB are also his civil officers, who therefore are permitted all sorts of fraud, bribery and robbery, to gain a support. If Soulouque does not modify his sys tem, a relapse into-complete barbarism is feared. \ CHINA HALL, ■ KAEETT BTRVET, HETWEC VHIBZ> AND TOUETH SVBZZVB. SERANQEKB VISITING THB CITY SHOULD CALL IN to see the beautiful assortment of CHINA , GLASS and QVEENSWAKE, now open at the above establish ment. Our goods being entirely new, we are enabled to offer Inducements in all the latest styles of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Ware, white iron-stone, we have a great variety of shapes; also, gold hand and fancy colored stone ware Tea and Toilet sets. Our stock of white Covered Dishes, Soup Tureens, Vegetable Dishes without covers, Salad Dishes, and every article appertaining to a Dinner Set Is large and Well selected. Dntannia Ware, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Castors, Waiters, and Uofee Furnishing Goods, we have a large assortment. COMMON WARE—Our stock of common Teas, Plates, Dishes, K .aer», Nappies, Bewls, Pitchers, and every article in the line is large, and we are prepared to pack them with or without fine goods, as the purchaser may wish. Also, a large assortment of all kinds of GLAB3 WARD, which we are selling at manufacturers* prices, all of which are offered at wholesale or retail, by obi'll JOnX J. O’LEARY. A FEW days since, I published au advertisement or my tiAUßi:no Piavos, in which an extract from a letter from Prof. 11 Rohbcek, of this city, address 1 to Messrs. & Heins, r f Hamburg, the manufacturers, was inserted. This morniDg I observed in several of the daily papers a “ Notio signed by Pror. R, in which be state* that I was unauthorized to make use of it, and tbat it was incorrectly stated and oppl'ed. In reply—l presomnl that if he had written tho letter, he, of course* meant what was therein contained, and con sequently required no authority from him to make the Bame public. As regard the assertion os to its incorrect ness, I have the Jetfar in my possession, and it speaks for itsrlf, word for word as I have published. Messrs Baum garteo A’Heins are not dependant upon Mr. Rohbock far endoiFemeot—tbelr Pianos were known, app eclated and received the highest rommendations from the first artists, long before Prof. It saw fit to pass an opinion upon them. My reason for publishing the extract was in the fact tha be was well known in the city, and not be ause his recom mendation was necessary to establish the merit of the Pianos. In conclusion, I may add that they stand on ihoir own merit, and are endorsed by such men a- List, Thai berg, and others, solely on account of their merit. uihgJ CHAKI/'TT P PLUME. MURPHY’S NEW EAGLE HAT MANUFACTORY, NO. 182 WOOD STREET, one door from thecororrof Liberty,is now A«9np The proprietor i* himself a practical 4BiEßv* Hatter, b%riug ha.l fifteen rears experience at die l>a.-iness, ten years an a practical workman; having worked in the principal tn Nc« Voik, Phil oaelpbiH, Cincinoa i, and tha New England ?Ute«; feels conihlr'it that, from hi-' i-raetical ex.--: ; -ne* a> a Hatter, he ran furnish not only as go <1 l»it a uutteh end cutAPzn article loan anything hereto!"!e offered to the Pittsburgh public —all of hitaion m'iHufinUurt. declSrtt 11. GEAr/....... D. IlElslNlitiU T. ORAI'/. Graff, Reislnger 4b Graff, WE3TBUN fc'OU-N DllY, No. 124 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. iIiaUfACTDEBRS Of Cooking Stove?, Plain and Fancy Grates Coal and Wood Stoves, Pluio and Fancy Feoders, Parlor Stoves Safi und Dog Irons, Hollow Ware, Portable Forgw, Sugar Kettles T-a ivettle?, Stove Kettles, Wagon_Boxes 4tc. _ The Urefttea\"lnv«tition of tlie Age. po AVOID those aupleasant feeliuga that usoallj ' / Baccompany the wearing of a new Hat, the CONtOH* lately imported from Pari*,forms the Uat to the vxaet hhapesad size of the head. A neat fit, and a good Hat may oe had at 77 Wood street. “pST* WM. POPOLAS. Stove** '•love*!* stove**!* COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. THE public will find it to ihelr advantage to examine our stocß. of SIOYK before purchasing elsewhere. QIIA.FF, RKISINGER t QUAFF, BepSO V 24 Wood John \V. Under riW " Dr. D. Hunt, Dentist, HAS REMOVED UI9 OFFICE to one door below Market street, in FOURTH street, immediately In the re.r f yt. W. Wilson's dewelry Store: and has associated with him n the business Dr C. KINO. np *^ 3t I>BST KNOWN WUKN TRlED.—These gentlemen taKe Yj pleasure in testifying in regard to B. A. FAHNES TOCK’S VERMIFUGE, because two of the firm havo used it in their prirate practice as physicians for a number of tears and they have known it, by observation, to be good, years, an J New albast, Ind., July 4th, 1853. M isrs. BA. Fahntsiod: S- Cb.— .... ... , Gentlemen: Having sold your valunblo \enmruge for gome lime, and having seen it used for many years, we would recommend it to ail as a safe and efficient remedy for all cases of worms. In no Instance have we ever seen any evil results following its administration, but always has it answered the purposes 'or which it was tutended, and been entirety satisfactory. Believing that everything that has been set forth in regard to its virtues is strictly in arenrdanee with our observations, not only a« practitioners, but as men of business, tre would unhesitatingly Bay io all who read this, that ll Is the best Vermifuge now io uso, and that itsvirtoes are best known whan tried. RIELY, HOOVER A RIKLY. SUNDRIES— -3) doxen Tow ami Cotton Bags; 30 boxes White Pipes; VO do Pipe Head.?; 20 do Pearl Starch ; 100 do 8x10,10x12 Window Glass ; 20 proas qt. and pt_ Flasks ; 2000 the Bar Lead; 15 boxes Extract Coffee; 25 d • No. 1 Scaled Herring; 3 cases Sardines; 100 doxen Corn Brooms; :i0 do Cincinnati Washboards; 20 boxes Baker & Oaks’ No. 1 Chocolate ; Iroo, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chain ; Batiiog Wrapping, Twine, Bed Cords, Broom Twine; Wrapping, Writing and Letter Papers; White and Bed J-ead, Bye-Stoffs, Blackit-g, Ink; Tabs, Backets, Dairy Ball, (In baps,) Ac., Ac., Ac. In store and for sate by MILLER 41ttlCEETSON, m 1 127 220, 223 Liberty st. ': fgt>6 v . ' ■■■iiir" fabtf-JUgtTflC^ 4 HOOBH3SAI> - ■■ , T--,,.-- V .. ,V. r; . ’,| •“'^'• J rr ’ i r~' CARD, and sold by 1P B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. Corner of First and Wood at*. TOBACCO— 160 boxes “Russell A Robinson,” ‘'Grant’s,” “Anderson's.” 60 dwarf boxes “Blanoerbassett, « Perfection,” “Jewel of Opbir,” “ Diadem Twist,” “ Eame ra^';,T° baCCO> ‘ nCtoreimJ BIcgETBON /^flOAUfi —60 5L Havana and Principe Cigars, best brands, anl for sal. by nICKETSON , FISH— 60 bbls large No.'S Mackerel; 20 »♦ medium 3 “ 25 “ No. 1 Pickled Herring; 10 drams “Grand Bank” No. 1 Codfish. mbt/ ton “* “ l ° by MILLER * RICKETBON- SOAP AND CANDLES— $5 160 boxes No. 1 Palm Boap : 3-> « Hill A Co.” Variegate* Soap; 60 “ Cincinnati Star Candles—4’s, 5e,6 s ; For h.l'a°l.y“ ImFMI A BIOKETSON V.in THE S ALE of eandbethis seed.. FIE DHAVO, Fami y Grocer, Diamond. Pittsburgh, | Pa h a ar Murad »ith David Landrch. of Philadelphia. far'a constant supply of liu Warranto! Garden Seeds These Seeds have, for manv years, sto d nre-emlnent in this vWu“t», and t win !■■• an b.en «t»b V It. P to austain their re’putß.ion. .Xhm »m l' *U V ; ", >.„t Hose recesved direct from Jjandreth. VALUABLE WORKS FOR AROIHTECTS, MECHAN ICS AND ENGINEER*— The,Model Architect; 2 volumes; by SloaD. The Carpenter's New'Gultle; Jo- Appleton's Dictionary of Mechanics. .Do. Mechanic*’ Magazine. Practical Mechanic’s Journal. Downing’s Rural Essays. Do. Country Houses. Stuart’s Architecture. Allen*Bßural Architecture. Field’* City do. Rudiments of do. and Building. Rudimentary do. by Johj Bullock, tfhe Modern Geometrical Btalr Builder's Guide. The ThiUders’ Guile. Tbe’Ehgibeer’pand Machinist's As?lstant; 2 vols. do. Mechanic’s do. Wetobach’s Mechanics and Engineers; 2 vols. Kih»n r B Civil Engineering. Knapp’s Chemical Technalogy. Norris’ Hand-Book for Locomotive Engineers and Mach s • '-’Oolliiirn oh Locomotive Engines. HflUPt on Bridges. Templetoa’B Mechanic’s Companion. Scribner’s do. do. .. Harwell’s do. do. llenck’B Field Book. n.AUkhhder. tv, Mathematical Instrument#. Bort'on’s Formula for Construction of B. Boada. Trautwine on Railroad Carres, fthahk do. do. And numerous other practical 0. MORGAN, For sale by No. 104 Wwx j gt. mnl7 *VU viqun'sohool “ whS landdefTalMWe le^ ■P^^Sasssssssrorsa hr - ,ste Ib^V o jurt • '■ ;- • ; -. «iyn>fitiera of Mosio. - j HOTELS. MANSION HOUSE. GEOBGE AUIIBSTIJ, Proprietor, NO. 3.(4 LIBERTV STREET, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania 1 ItuUrcrd, irhicb routes U the most convenient house in ihe oily for passenger* arri* ▼ini? by that road. ... . „ The Proprietor hatinj?, at considerable expeure, r» in excellent style, the MANSION IIOU3K, would resvec * fully solicit a share of pnbllr patronage. There fl atU.bea a splendid STABLE and extensive w AGON AUB, aftonl ing ample accommodation to travelers and team.ta • Larder and Bat trill be furnished rrlth the best the market can afford. —— gT. CL A 1 U HO T K l* » Cbmrr of Penn and St. Clair streets, I*. rpllß undersigned, formerly of “Brown huring 1 taken ibU large and commodious HOTEL, and having refitted it In magnificent style, would respectfully invite bis friends and the traveling public to give him a call. As sured with the convenience of the house and hie long ex perieuce in tba business, he. can give enure satisfaction, and his charges moderate. ftfb2 2 WM. C. CONNELLY. I $773,27 863 —j', i £s"# Vl' i • ' The amount of liabiUtiesdue or not due to Bunks or other W nUI FjL. creditors, -nothing. CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT BTREETB, Losses adjusted and due,—none. PA I Losses adjusted and not due, $148,518 22. _ r» riTISBuRGH, PA. | unB ,|j Uß ted und in suspense, waiting for farther my2o:y] E. RILEY, Proprietor ' proof, $61,257 50 GOOD INTENT UOIJSE, All other claims against the Company are small, such pORNER OF LIBERTY AND GRANT STREETS, near "T take n 0 ri-k OTer $lO,OOO. V aiII M K m« Pmnri«(nr Th- amount iusured in any city, town or village, depends _ JAMES BHANNON, tbe character, maierlnland construction of buddings, Cl ra\ tt u nn it' * the width of streets, the supply of water and condition of 1 X jl tl UlEi li > the Are department, and other circumstances. _ * c .drown 8,) 4 The amount insured In blocks of buildings varies; the Corner of SmltUlleld and Third etreeta, d i bto Htt | t lhe i oM by any one fire to $lO,OOO, or less. PITTSBURGH, PA. TIIO. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. GLASS & CARR, Proprietors. | g-R E or Coxxucticct, ) „ Hartford, Jan. Ist, 1885. JOHN P. CLASS, DAN D. CARE.* ' Hanford countv. f flS ' (Lit* N»tT«u s r*rtiOa.*e.) (L*u auckirU* a Pmj penally appeared Thomas A. Alexander, Secretary of 7 77~ » i - nn ,i a «wm# the iEtna Insurance Company, and madooatb that the fore mine large and commodious House harlag l„i„ g st , ltomen t l.y him subscribed, is true, according to JL thorough repair and furnished with new equipments g ' t knowled™ and belief throughout, is now opeu for the reception of the iruvellng - • HENRY FOWLER, Justice of the Peace. apr-o.om_ Lo ßfiC spaidby Ora ompany for the year 1834 exceed k, JOHSdTOIVX, VEXXA. THE undersigned baring taken charge of the al*ove named House, and refitted it at a large expense, in a comfortable as well as elegant style. Is now prepared lo re ceive quests, and give ample satisfaction to ali who may pn moise tbo llous-. j _ __J A'lJ'lri . H Alt Hi ’SHOT E L, fLate Farmer’s Exchange,] XTO 133 LIBERTY STREET, foot of Fifth street, rilta ]\ burgh. SAMUEL UaRE, Proprietor. This Hotel is entirely new. haring just beeu completed an.l opened for the accommodadon of Jh« public- ■; fcpl3 _ TIIB GLEN HOTEL IS NOW READY FOR SUMMER VLSiTEIIS. The grounds hATe been improved, and the House rendered more attractive, generally. The proprietor will be happy to see hia friends. ... . flEd** An Omnibus of the ExeeLsior Line ia now running from the station, on Fifth street, to the OLKN HuTKL. Leaves the station ai 8 o’clock, A. AL-, and 3 P. return ing at 9A. AL, and C P. M. felLira J. G. MARTIN. AirvnL FRANKLIN HOUSE, Cleveland, Ohio. Cl PATRICK A SuN, pßorancTuus.—This House has üb y, dergoce thorough and extensive repairs alterations, and large additions of new furnitur*. and the prcipri*.- tors pUJge thcm~.dv.w. that oothiug shali b- wantlna on their part to render tbo FaANKUX a place where ali the com forW.Erltcl^bol^a,1 U,foa , Hl. [iATK i cii FLO ILK XCK HOTEL, No. 400 BROADWAY. SEW YORK (coxducted ox tux ti;Korc*N tlan.) BKUBEN LOVEJOY, PROPRIETOR. J. WKA3TIIUJ, JR- PBiUIY HOTEL, corner of lluncoci Way, l'a. mar4:y Mc.'lAyTKß?* A MARIvLE, Proprlntorfl- REaTAURA>T Ttlllll) STREET, HKTVtLKN W'u»l> »ND MARKET T 'UK Subscriber? b-.; ltm»« to Inform tlnur trim 1-«»■«! the public Generally, .hat l>»ey have leaded the ab.-?e well known Restaurant, which ha* ju.iuhly r**DOTat»*d, repaired «ud re furnished, and :.■•« open. Th« proprietors bur* spared no oxpeinu* u* make ihe liana Ex chance a comfortable u> well l»r ih-- ej b'ure a* tha bu«luess man. The Unler will at all tim-* be 1 wuh the dcllcacie* of the »orr«-J up uu.h r the i c«’F of etwrienred cooks. They respectfully il, “ fur t.:e patroo.se of . emt-rou. s C Il AM'KLM Kit KIl, O II HiANCH >1 A It T I N ’ S RESTAURANT AND EATI.NO SALOON, ON TtlK KASTKKN PLAN, 29 Dvimond aUry, Uiw Act of Longrei-s, to a Warrant Tor IGO Acres of band. Those who have receired 40 or 80 Acres, are entnUd to a Warrant for such quantity of Lanl n-. will make, in the whole, 100 Acres. . . Persons entrusting their claims to me can rely upon hav ing them attended to promptly. All information tree of charge. Loiters an * BWemi. Address AUSTIN l OOMI. , m hl4 Ilounty Land Agent, 03 Fourth st. rpllK ifldTOltY - OF THIS 11 fcitf FEVIiR Exposing all I the humbugs practiced in t.’ e SHANGHAI’ COCHIN CHINAS I Anil all other breeds of Hens and C dekens, bi George 1 • Burnham, ibo King of Chicken Breeders, of Boston, Full of beautiful illustrations. OVINIOK3 OP THE rtlESfl. I It 1b an authentic nJ lively Tolurne of humor, by the | “Yoon? ’Un, M an a very large sale of the booh is .er ISoiton Eve. Gazette. . * ur Tbe lovers of genuine fon will all read t.iin book. We advise everybody to get a copy; tbe solemn tha t **y may laugh, and tbe laughers that they may laugh the mo e.— Portland Daily Argut. This book by Burnham 1b a funny affair, and will‘ take with the public who have seen this big “ elephant muro or less In the last fl e years.— lke. Tne u History of the Uen F ver,” by G. B. Burnham. Esq., u brim full of r n anil rlchnepa. Every •• chicken man” will of course read this book; and if it ‘lO'-en t wring a good earty laugh outof 6im, why he may take my bat “.4corn,” in New York Spirit The name of tbe hen tanciera in this country is leqion ; and a very large edition of new book will be de> manded at the very outset.— Times For sale by mh2l RvIUS CILANCK TO UOY A FAIiM I—Boo Acres or first*rato Land; ihe soli Is good and deep, and timber ot the best quality—situate at about twenty miles from New Martinsville, Va., In the forks of Fishing Creek—only I mile from saw and grist mill. The above could be well divided into three good Farms. I’rlee $2,00 per. acrel Terms: $5OO in hand; the remainder In live equal annua, payments. Also—loo Acre? in the lower ond of Marshall county, at less i ban three miles from the 01*lo river; SO Acfta cleared, with a House, Stable, Fruit Trees, Ac. Price $1200; $3OO cash* balance la three vearly payments. C&BD, Dttiautem j 8 CUTHBBBT & SON, Heal Estate Agents, 140 Thlrd st. n\HB HJ3KYEHO BUAP r moves Tan; I The Her etio Soap remotes Bsllowness; The Herpetic Soap cures ioro and rough band*; TheHßrptlicBo«pcOEt«i.'teol with security. The Companv UaT« reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, safety investt-J, af ford ample protection to lh«‘ assured. The Assets of the Company on January Ist, 1851, as pub* liahr-J ajrveably to an Act of Assembly, were as follow*, vl*: MortpW V 118.128 63 Kjtßt. Temporary Lo»n/i ?I fitnrfcs 61,»89 00 Oasb. Ac - €4,316 81 Total ~$1»212,?0S 44 ■'’Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Fotlr Hundred Thou* bsd J Dollars. by fire, thereby affording .’Tldrocc of the advantage of insurance, as well as the ability and disposi tion to meet With promptness all linbiljtlva. J. GARDINER OuKKIN, Agent, ap24 Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third eta. LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY and tkust company, PUIL.4DeL.PUIA. CHABTEBED APBIL 2GTH, 1850. CiIAKTKK l-EKI-ETUAU CAPITAL §250,000. Office, 8 E Comer of Third and Chestnut Sfrttft, Philadelphia Ofixcrn of the Horn* Hiard ai I*hHaAslp\\j: niEtcroaa. Stephen n. Crawford. Paul H. Goddard, Amt>r«*»* W. Thompson, La wren** Jolinron, Benjamin W Tlugisj, G**o. M’llenry, L. Flon*nris Jam** Derereux, William 3J. Godwin, William M'Kee. Prtsidrnl’— Stvphen K Crawford. Yicf I*rfjidfT\! —Ambrr property lofs or damage by Fin*, and (hr* peril* of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation tYm. F. J. hnst'in, \V. M’Olintook, D. M Long, A.J.JoD^rt, Jacob Pointer, lames 8 NegUy, Wade Hampton. Hem. WM V JOHNSTON, PtwilcnL U'iDY PATTKIIhON, Yirc President. A. A. CABJiitn, Secretary aod Treasurer. 8. S. Carkibr, Assistant Soneury Western Insurance Company, °ittsbnrgb. r MILLER, Jr., President. | F. M. GORDON, Secretary CAPITAL, $300,000. WILL Insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE and MA RIN’E. All losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid- „, . „ A Uomelnstitution, managed by Dimotors who are well known In tbo community, and who are determined, bv promptness and liberality, to maintain tbo character which they hare assumed, as offering the best protection to thoao who desire to bo insured. A Directors. —R. Miller, Jr.,C.W. Ricketson, J.W. Butler, N. i!ol nies, Jr., W, U. Smith, 0. Ihmsen, George W. Jacksoß, Wm. M. Lyon, James Lippencott, George D&rsie, James Mc« Aaley, Alexander Nimlcfc, Thomas Scott. Offlre, No. 92 Water etreet, (Warehouse of Bpnng A Oo rr-‘i»lr*o TMttnhurch noT94:iT WATCHES. EWELRY, &c. NEW (IOODHII -W*riin, JswuLay, ’■‘iLVßa Wabc, Miutaby Goods, &e., Wuolesale and Retail —Coun try Merchants unu strangers »lsl ing our city are request t»--Htv'-’" I' Vrv PAID Dl» THE USITEU STATES I’Korisi-Tiorc bie terms, against LOSS OB DAMAGE BY FIRE, OR TGI PERILS OF NAVIGATION, DIRXCTOftS. i, K/rJv Pattemin, Kennedy T Friend, I. Orier Sprout, George K. While, A. A. Carrier, W. H. Haven, D. K-Park, 11. R Coggahall : < • * * ‘ -.*• .<•« : CvjfjfVtf'' . , t , - • <» * . - ’ ;• *> * * ■ BANKERS AND BROKERS AUBTISLOOMIB. STOCK AND BILL BEOIEE, OJJlct , No. 92 Fourth rt., above Wood.' XTOTE3. Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on eolla ll terals, negotiated. .Stocks bought and sold on com mission. Lan& Warrants bought and sold. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Copper Stocks. , „ ~ . All communications attented to promptly. iunlv wm. n. wiu.ums vv; ——n. m’vat, Win. 11. 'Williams & Co., BANKER?* AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. E. Comer Wood and Third streets. All transactions made on liberal terms. Collections oMJills, Notes, Ac-, promptly attended to. jan2o:lw ffI»COS NELLA WILLOCB, BANKERS, AND Dealers in Exchange, Bank-Notes, Gold and Silver Coin. Current and Par Funds received on deposit Stocks bought and sold on commission. Collections mada at any point in the United States. South East corner of Market and Fifth stroets, my H PITTSBURGH, PA. ARTHDRS, RODGERS & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, au2:Gm Pitlsburgh, Pa. C. 11. TULEI.N3. Wilkins «fc Co., fStrcesßore to A. Wilkins A Co.) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Jfo. 71 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. AT No _ gg u. W. SIDE OF WOOD STREET. IN TIIE numerous suspensions of books and Bankers to GREGG i CO, Importers and Jobberß in British, throughout the country during the last Bix months, we jj m French and German DRY GOODS. Having receiv arc satisfied that in almost every instance their trouble e( j onr large and extensive stock of spring and summer have grown oat of a departure from tbeir legitimate bird- goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and part nets; and we, tbeiefore, take occasion to assure the public througn our own lmporintioh, we feel safe in assuring our in advuuce, th*t no speculations in “fancy stocks, or other o i BTAJO. N HOLMES A BONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, * and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for eale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. [jaSfriy TIERNAN 4 CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Ho. 95 Rood Strut, earner of Diamond Alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. fc BUY AND SELL Bank Notes and Coin; Discount time exchange, and promissory notes; make collections In all the principal cities of the Union. Receive depots on call and on interest, and give their prompt attention to all other matter* oppertainingto a Broker's business. Eastern Exchange constantly on hand. marO *627,470 53 JOHN WOODS, CANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, DEALER IX Exchango, Commercial and Bank Note,. S TOGIt bought and pold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. Bank. de olB HILL ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, CORXER OP WOOD ASD PI7TB BTSSKT9. SIOIIT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for sale. Time Bills ot Exchange and Notes discounted.— Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections mode In all the principal cities of the Unite! States. De posits received of Bar and Current Funds. _ (maf27ly EDUARD RAW*. PLOREXCI K&AHP. •FTRAMTTR & RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUY AND BELL Gold, Silver, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loans on Real Estate or Stock Securities; purchase Prouiiesary Notea and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and sell Stocks on Commission. Collections made on all points In the Union. fmyl ‘ G. E. ABN' „ & CO., BANKERS AND EXCUANGK BROKERS, DEALERS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notea, Sight and Time Draft*, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to ony part of the Onion. Block* bought and sold on coomispion. No. 74 Fourth ct-, next door to Bank of Pittsb’g. [ael3 Zhjnatic and Ftreign Exchange, Bank Gold and Silver Bought, Sold and Exchang'd, at the EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOCSE Of WILLIAM A. HILL A CO., 64 WOOD 9TKXIT, pirssauaoQ. Interest allowed on time deptvdta. [ janl2 _ Toonrsos dixl...j a. caiouxt. THOMPSON BELL ft CO., BANKERS AND UHuKKiIS, Comer of Third and Iftxvi tiretit, Piltxhnrgh, Pa. THOMAS WOODS, *3-COMMERCIAL BROKER,"*# A!*D DtALr.n l* Sotca* Dondii Stocks* Ileal Estate* Ac. A'o 75 Fourth tt . Pittsburgh, Fa. [ ja&g William A. illli A Co., CANKERS, Xo, 01 Uooi strrei, Pittsburgh. HOLD on eal«* the following BONDd AND BTOCIiSJ -40 share? KsrbatiKO Dank': 17 do Monongahel* Navigation Company; i!0 do Citizens’ Insurance Company; N&rfeail'>n Company Bonds; i ,’<>» Citv of Pittsburgh Bonds; jj.ooo C.‘«otv of Allegheny l:ond»_ fsßps:d-lwawtf Clinmlotii’a Loan Office, VO. 100 SMITH HELD STREET. NEAR FI FT 3. tS Money InannJ on nold and Silver Watefcejt, SlWeraaro an DON’T FORGET THE PLACE— Wo. 88 Wood Street, (bast side,) corner of diamond alley. N. B. We desire our patrons to understand that we hare no longer any connection with the Clothing Business on Liberty street. Our attention la devoted exclusively to the House above designated. „„ mar£3 JOHN STCLOSKEY A 00. _ Fall and Winter Goods I edmonFwatts, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 185 LIBERTY STREET.— I have now on band a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods Ovetcoatioge, of entirely new designs; Plash Vest- the most beautiful patterns; French and English Casslmoms, of every style and shade In the market, all-of which 1 will make to order on tho most reasonable and warranted to suit. octl JUST RECEIVED AT JOHN McCLOSKEY A CO’S Whole sale Clothing Warehouse, No. 88 Wood street, and corner of Diamond alley, the largest and most varied stock of goods that this celebrated house has ever had the pleasure of inviting the attention of the public to. These goods have been purchased from first bands,- and, consequently, no second profit on them, which leaves us able tosaythitwe can and do sell at as small profits as any houso In the east ern cities. Therefore, we respectfully invite the attention of wholesale dealers and country merchants, In general, to give us a call, and examine our extensive assortment Of HEADY MADE GLOBING. It is almost impossible to enumerate the quanM y of immense piles of garments that is to be seen at thlß h i e establishment; It is sufficient to say that it has never teen equalled by the house itself. marl6:if JOHN McCLOSKEY A CO. SAMUEL GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 47 ST. CLAIR HOTEL BUILDUIGB, BT. OLAIB STRICT, PITTSBURGH. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHEIG made exclusively to order, and warranted to soil Uae constantly on hand a Choice assortment of CLOTB6, CABBIMKRKB, VESTINGS, and OVERCOATING,of the lateststyles, selected expressly for the oustom trade. Qentlemen leaving theirorders, will have iheir wishes consulted and compiled with, as all work Is done under hiß own-supervision. novlfi - Clothing I Clothing l THE undersigned respectfully informs bis friends and the public that he Is now receiving at his store, No. 177 Lib* orty street, a choice assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vostlngs, of the latest’and most desirable styles, which he is prepared to make to order in the most fashionable man ner, at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. We havealso on hand a large and well manufactured stock of ready made Clothing, to which we invite the attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Persons who purchase goods for cash, will find It to their idvontaee to call at 177 Liberty street,before makingthelr purchases. [mart] 0. CONNER. New Clothing Store, NO. 4, SIXTH BTBEET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. THE subscriber has jaat opened this new establishment, where be has always on hand a large and choice assort ment of all articles of CLOTHING, which he warrants equal to any in the city, and will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. The public aro requested to give him a oall. marikly B< OPPEN H El MBBr IMPORTANT MEDICAL WORK—Every one afflicted with certain diseases would consult bis own Interest by ol> taining Dr. RALPH’S PRACTICAL PRIVATE TREATISE. The nature, symptoms, progress and consequences of every Nerereal Disease, mainly and distinctly described; Inclu ding diatlases resembling venereal —to be found in no other. On Masturbation, much new and invaluable information is given, with the only true treatment and cure. Stricture, its perfect and radical euro. Also/all the remedies, the proper doses, mode of preparing, Ac., aro faithfully given, so as to bo practically useful to every one, in every place, and it is the only truly Practical Work published for gene ral use. Fourteenth edition, 342 pp., with plates. Price one dollar. Sold by . 8. L. CTTWIBERT, mh6 140 Third: street., riIHE ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF LADIES la invited to _L the-HERPATIC SOAP, prepared by the subscriber from the recipe of a London Chemist, and used for-rendering the skin smooth, soft and delicately white,removing Sallowness,- Fimples, Tan,Cutanebns-Eruptibns, and tednessof the skin. All chap?, chafes, on the hands,, are healed ,bv it. -/It has been used with .great sUccess-ln. cases of .Scald Head.: For the cure of sore, rough hands, it .is unrivalled. Price 12}£ cents a cake; or in boxes, for Jamil; use, containing one dozen cakes, $1,25 per box* Sold! wholesale and reta br *?., S.rCCTHBBRT, dec!3 No. 140 Third st. . v'ffi’Sli - -•ar.-.U, ' ■' ’■ 1 ' .JO3. LUDXWI3. & SOUS, CLOTHING. NESS COATS, NEW SPRING GOODS. - -v. »3L.r DRY GOODS. SECOND ARRIVAL ' • ' -OF’’ SPRTKG AHD BTJMMER DET GOODS, rpHK SUBSCRIBERS have just received, and aro bow I opening, the most desirable of DR* GOODS over offered In ibis market. We call particular at lontion to a few very choice articles. Extra Rich Fa cy CoFd Silks, entirely new design; do do Black do do; do do Twisted do; Satin Fluid and plain Tissues and Berages ; Printed do do; do BerBge Delaines; do Challie do; Very handsome French Lawns; do do BrilUanteens; • A good assortment of French work, Collars, unaer Sleeves and Chemizettes, very cheap; Embroidered Hem stitch and plain Linen Cambric Handkerchief; "inert TableC’othsand Table Linens: French and Engdsh Fur niture, Chintzes, white and colored Furniture; Dimatry. A full assortment of Gloves, Hosiery, Mitts, lrish Linens, Muslins, together with a complete assortment or every article, either Fancy. Staple, Foreign or Domestic. We solicit an examination of our Stock tefore purchasing elsewhere; as we flatter ourselves (-ince we have estab lished t; e cash systrin) that we can supply our patr ns on morel beral terms than any hou?e west of the Mountaios. We return our thanks to our friends for their many es teemed facers to our firm, under its fori: er title, and hope they may still continue them to the establishment, under its new nrLE. YOUNG, LOVE & 8110 , feb22 formerly Young, Stevenson * L ye. New Arrival of Spring and Sommer Dry Good*. VAS GORDKH’S TRIOIMIISG STORK, No 83 Ma ket St., Corweh of Diamosd. JUST RECEIVING, a large and veil celected .-lock of all the new styles of LADIES’ DitESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: Fringes, Burtons, Galloons, Gimp-*, Braias, Velvets, Laces, Cord?, Ribbons. A handsome ftSßTimrnt cf French, Scotch and Austrian FMBKOIDEUIEg, in Swiss, Jaconet and la:*». Collar?, Edging", Handkerchief*, Sleoves, losertin ;s, Infanta’ Robes, Chemisettes, Bands, Caps A Waists. A full supply of MOURNING GOODS: Crape setis, Collars, J ov*- and Gauze Veils, Plain Linen setts, 81e -ves, Gauze and Dotted Falls, Plain Swiss do. ChemlteCes, Italian andEng’h Crape. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING—Stamped Collars, Bands and lnst-riings: French Working Cotton, llcops, Linen and Cotion Floas, Oil Cloth, Embroidering Silk. Stilletos and bcls.-ots. Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. , A ’urge assortment of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GuQDS—Shirt*. Collars. Cravats, Ties, Han kerchief-*, Ac. Pins, Needle-*, Buttons, Tape*, and everything in small wares generally baJOO’a BEST Kid Gloves, in white, black and colors. Sizes from No. 0 to No 10, atwa* s on hand. Also—A good stock of HOSIERY aud GLOVES—very cheapo /■ tuh23 SPUING DRY GOODS. HAGAN A AHL, No. 01 Market st., ARE receiving daily additions to their large and we.l selected stock of Mantilla?, Shawls A Scarf*, Qoosekopp’g Goois, Alexander’s Kid Gloves, Ac . To which we would respectfully invite the atie* lion oi the Laales. mb2o MOUB.SING GOODS. FRANK VAN GORDER has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Sleeves and Sttts in Crape, TarletGn and Swiss, black lace and gauze Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, in wool, cotton, and silk; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapes, in all qoaliti-s. Alexander A Bayou’s best Kid Gloves can always b. jund at No. S 3 MARKET STREET, corner ef the Dit* IOmL novl" HEW DRY GOODS STORE. Iron Front—No. 91 market street. OUR house being nowopeu tor thetransaction of u gener al Dry Goods business, we would respectfully solicit the patronage of the pnbiic, feeling confident that, from oar ex tensive end well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS we can offer ruch Inducements as will in rure entire satisfaction. • lIAG AN A AIIL, »pr4:tf Nos. 91 Market and 8 Union street. L- U ir.iN H' (J Jh..a, JAMBS W. WOODVVKLJm <74 FUH ttITVB K MANUFACTURER WarcTOomi 97 and 99 Third street. J. W. W. respectfully hIK friend* anil customer* that fjgg*f§S3s£Q&H& ha* now complete his springstock rvpl CS *’al«sa. 0 f Furniture, whl*h Is decidedly '1 * the largest and best ever offered for cal* in this City, which will be cold at prices as low &3 any in the United States, | East nr West. As he is determined to uphold the quality with well sea* soned materials, be*t workmanship, and orwest designs; and from tbo extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, be is enabled to produce warranted farnJtur®, at the lowest prices. Ho ha 9 adopted the principle of Identifying bis customers’ interest with his own, In quality and price, and keeps al ways on her.d the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the mostelo gnnt and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may te furnished from his etock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The following articles consist, In part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot he surpassed in •ny of the Eastern dtirs: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofa*; 60 Sofas, in plash and hair cloth (Odea. Mahogany Chairs; 20 do*. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Rocking “ 20 Walnut “ “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut 41 60 Marble Top Centre Tables : 60 44 “ Dressing Bureaus SO 44 41 Washstands;j 40 Enclosed 44 100 Common “ 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus, 49 Mahogany Bedsteads; 20 Walnut 44 60 Cottage 44 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads, 80 Mahoganv Wardrobe.' 9 ; 10 Walnut 44 10 Cherry 44 60 Plain Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 30 do*. Cone Beat Chairs; B 4 Cane Seat'Hocking Chairs; 12 Ladles 4 Writing Desks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Etiguires; Paper Mache Tables t Conversation Chairs; Pembroke 44 Elizabethan 44 Hall and Tier 44 Reception 44 Ladies'Work « Pearl Inlaid 44 Extension Dining Tables Arm 44 Ottomans; SoChloand Hall Chairs; A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Ckßixn m *««tm supplied with all ar ticles In their line. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, famished at the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. _ aprE Steamboat!) Abojr I . subscribers tender their acknow-{7* ' 1 wUfiS&ffijylodginents for the favors bestowed upon BSSsasSHßthem by their Steamboat friends, and NH would respectfully remind them and others interest- * 1 1 ed In building boats, that they ore at all times prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work manship, T. B. YOUNG A CO.. Corner Third end Smithfield streets, opposite “ Brown’s Hotel.” Jamci LoTrryi Jr.» /~IHAXB AND BHD STEAD MANUFACTURES—No. 294 Fettarman's Row, Liberty street, bos on hand a large stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, made of the best materials, which he will sell lower tnan articles of the same quality can be sold In the city. He would call par ticular attention to his large stock of Mahogany and Walnut Chairs and Bedsteads, which he will sell at -greatly reduced prices. Also, Turning of every description executed in the neatest*manner. Orders left at the Wore Rooms, or at the Mill, comer of Adams and liberty streets, will be promptly ttended to. mar’ll A. MILLIKEN & CO M HAVE ON HAND at their extensive CABINET and OHAIH MANUFACTORY, No. G 4 Smithfield etreet, a large assortment of fancy and plain furniture, which they will sell 15 per cent, below customary rates. Terms—cash only. Gr«*t Inducement! to Onafa Purchasers* TJ£TB will sell stock of COMMON AND FANCY T f CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fail to please cash purchasers. All our work is warranted. Onr terns are CASH. JAMES LOWRY, JR., mar 26 . oor. SeTenthand Liberty sts. {9a WM. K. STEVENSON continue u> manulacture V\. OABINET-W ARE of every description, at hlsold'stand, Nn corner of Liberty and Seventh Btreets. UNDERTAK* * V *INQ attended to, In all Its branches. myll NEW BOOKS.—Just received by Express, the following New Books: Autibiography of Chas Caldwell, M.D.: by Harriet W. Warner. Just published. Tho Bons of the Sires; a History of the Progress and Destiny of the American Party. Just published. Nelly Bracken; by Annie Chambers Bradford. History of Mason & Dixon’s Lino: by J. H. B. Latrobe. Popai Usurpation. Ida May. Woliort’e lloost; new work by W. Irving. Alone: by Marion liar land. Buth Hatl: by Fanny Fern, life of Horace Greeley. Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern. Saxe’s Poamg,ln two styles of binding. Godey, for March 20 cents Peterroo’s Magazine, for March; 17 cents. Ballou’s Magazine, for Marob; 10 cents. Yankee Notions, for March. Tom Orosbie: by Lover. Frank Leslie’s Journal, for March. Call at the new and cheap Book Store of Samuel b. lauffer. £7 Wood street. Snterprlse Gan Work*. BOWN a TETLitt continue to sell RIFLES cheaper than they can be bad either East or West, and every gan.is warranted. -Call soon, if you want one. for they are going off like hot cakes. mhlS SOAP!— Ilerpetio soap is the best thing voncanfindW core sotrasss or ronghceas of the Shin, It heels all chaps amd chafes of the hands, and tenders them smooth, :softnnd white. 12)4 cents per cake. Sold by ■ mh» . ■ s. g. h. CUTHBEBT. HO Third attest.,, ABJ^—"23 kegß for ßale'by * --t —- 1011111 HENRY H. COLLINS. SBWOFFICE. Beal Bitate end Contracting Agent. .: THE subscriber hag been Induced to open an, office for , ibe purpoaeof buyingeud selling, on. Commission, and: j having the Agency of large Bteain Bavr-Milla.and Boat* ; Yards on the Allegheny rivet) together, wifchiiaany other | fbcflitiea from other water and saw-mills. , He flatters himself that he can'.furhish any ,bille of, lumber and timber of any 'kind, great or . smalt,long op short, and deliver theiaatabypomt on.the Allegheny, Monpngahela, Ohio, of Mississippi rivers;.contract to build large Barges, Store Boats, Coal Flats, Boat Gunnels,'Bridge Timber,;Rail road Timbers— Speight Iron, Ccul, Acvto any given point, and will attend to the-Sale and Rentof Real Estate. From his long experience in lumbering, freighting and-.boat building, he thinks he,can give general satisfaction; All nersons are requested to pwke. their contracts soon ; % espe* elally those wanting or lRTge billsoriumbcr and tim* ber. should contract fcrthem In the fall'for the spring and summer use. He will also attend to the, purchase and sale of any commodity that may be desired. . Letters addressed toDav® Mows, Real Estate and Con* tractlng Agent, Pittsburgh, Box No. 120, postpaid, will be punctually attended to. His office is OBjfrwiu strwt,No. 2, Allegheny House. * DAVID MUNN. .rwcuctois. ‘ ' Col.Jamesß.Morgan,Lumbendan, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Morrison, Esq., “ _ Mr. Robi. 8. Brown, Esq, « -Allegheny River Mr. Wm. Armstrong, • “ Clarion Mr. George B. Sweney, C-AJ-HabnACo., «; “ dea2l:lydfew EDM TOD WI LKIES, Bi‘ij 'srwroita^ Eagle Marble and Freeport Stone Works, NO. 215 UEAD OP. WOOD BTKEET, PITTSBDEQU, Jnd rw&Uie: Cemetery GaUj Ldsorrsi&ville- MONUMENTS, BURIAL VAULTB, TOJIRSTONES, Ac • Freeport Stone Walls and fences, Mantle Pieces, Ceu tie and Pier Tops, always on band and made to order. N; B.—-Haring introduced a new style of Fence for Cem* etery Lots,of DURABLE >TONE, cut through Urpanei or raUing torm, and at refry little cost orer Iron fencing I. refer to specimens of ; that and. other work 1-haTe already done in tire Allegheny Cemetery. I bare on hand a choice selection of drawings for every, description of work in my : line. . BEFHIIKCKS.: Col. HENRY McCULLOUGH, Pittsburgh. WM. BAGALKY, Esq., do KRAMER A RAIIM, do Mrs. HARMAR DENNY, do Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, nome Wood. Hon. THOS. IRWIN: Allegheny. Mrs. TIERNAN. Sr., do JOHN MCDONALD CBOBSAN, Bsqr., MoUcngahtla louse aprlOMaw - , BPBIHG STOCK OS HAMBGBG PIAHOS, CUAHLOTTE- BLUIIE. No. 118 Wood egKs|xgg|Btrp ast ern cities are considered superior to either CUckering's or Nunns & Clark’s, but whidi foct is not extensively known, oa they have but lately been introduced here;) and Other New York and Philadelphia Pianos, of the best makers, at i* from $225 to $BOO. nhl9 Dress Goods, Embroideries, IN an advertisement of Mra. Blame, In this paper, my *na eis made age of in connection with the Hamburg Pianos. Such use i- unauthorized by me, and, moreover, ths mat er is incorrectly stated and misapplied. .be fact* are theae; About a year ago I wrote to .Eaumgarwn 4 Ueins, Plano makers in Hamburg, (Germany.) for a Piano of u dcv and peculiar construction, and of which X furnish ed a mloote description. They replied that they did not j manufacture any each, and requested me to examine a I‘tano ot ih?ir mako seut 'x> Mrs. Blame, at the same time dieting to turn sh me with a simitar one, in case I itked iu I accordingly examined the instrument, but as it did not please me, 1 declined purchasing of them. I have sines bouuht and am now using it llano trom the fhetory or KUMta A CtAKK. N. Y. (mb2C) -HKNBY KQHBUCK. CJIICKERINQ £ SONS ’ . PIANOS. JOHN U. MKLLOR, No. 81 Wood street, U ® fi U •between Fourth street and Diamond alley, has’just rerciTPd from the manufactory of C li lCK BRING A SuSS, BOSTON, a new and fail supply of their UK ST* CLAS-S SEVEN OCTAVE PIANO FORTES, with all the late und valuable improve t enw—also, of their plainer and loner priced styles, tuituhlo for thore who requiru a cheap but good LnstrumenL All the Hnuo F >rtes fr,»m 'hi* man ure ory ore warranted, and will be sold INVARIABLY AT Boston factory prices. OLD PlANOS.—Several second-hand Pianos, in good order, fur .-ale at $5O, $5O, $75, $ll5. $lBO, Ac., Ac. MKLODKONS—A full supply of Melodeons of entirely n«w and beautiful styles, and trem the best manufactories in tLe country, at $45, SCO, STS, $lOO, $135, $l5O. JOHN R. MKLLOR, Agent for the sale of CnicKEansa A Soss* Piaxos, For Pittsburgh and Western Penna. 4^So, SI Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. ' ” ’ 136 WOOD STREET. RISE MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. NE tv OTOCK Oe HOOK FORRAILROAD KNGINiw Coutain < fcinnnim for laying out curves, determining frog an cles levelling, calculating earth-work, etc., etc., together with tables of radii, ordinates,. deflections, long chorda, magnetic variation, logarathims and natural signs tan gents, etc. etc., by John B. Henck, Civil Engineer. Pocket book form. $1,75. . , . -**Tbe object of the present work Is to supply ft want very generally felt by Assistant Engineers on. Railroads, books of convenient form for nse iu the field, containing the ordinary IpgrarUbmatio tables are common enough; but a book combining with these tables others peculiar to the Railroad work, and especially the necessary form u lee for laying out curves, tnrn-out*,crossings,Ac.,is a desideratum which this work is designed to supply. U. S, Miutart Academt, West Point, April 18, 1854. GtHflemen: I have looked over “ Henck’a Field Book for Railroad Engineers,” and think it well adapted to the ob ! ject its author proposes, and have no question but it will be | founda very useful and practical volume both for ofliceand field work. _ Trot, April 2* 1854. I lam ranch pleased with Mr. Ilencfc's little manual, the ' “Fieldßook or Railroad Engineers.” With the presenta -1 Uorfot’some of the most practical and useful of recognized i processes among railway engineers, he has giveD others i which, new at least in their present form, appear to possess I a mint of higher valne than that of mere novelty—that of being in general susceptible of available, not to say desira ble, practical use. In conclusion, while I think the design of Mr. Henck’s book-ls such as to adapt it excellently welt to professional needs, I have pleasure In expressing my cordial satisfaction with Its.execution, alike with the per spicuity of arrangement effected by . the author,' and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by his publishers. B. Fbakeui? . Gbsxxs, 0. E. and Director of Rensselaer Volytechhie'lnstitute. For sale by WILLIAM 8. HAVEN, Dealer in Engineers* Stationery, au 3 Market street, corner of Second To JFanners. dtii'denei's am Nurserymen- FIVE thousand bushels pjuc nOMafUST, fine ground 1000 uahels puraBONKDUBT, coarse ground; 1000 barreU'.Vatent AmericanJTEKOLIZEH. A. & C. HOEVELEE-offer for sale,' on accommodating terms, the above valuable Fertilizers, which they manufac ture at theicnew •exteptAVe:estabilsbmeniy-jdtuated In East Utwrty, near Pittsburgh,,Pa.:. Boneduat, as a manure has been used for many years in Europe with the greatest suo . cte?; ceztto guano,it is superior to any other in use. Ten. or fifteen bushels pure Bonedust per acre will so nourish the land that its good etfects will ho realized from the first year to ten or fifteen years after, whereas the good effects of guano are exhausted in on year. ~ Those who have used Bonedust speak in the highest terms of the benefits de rived from it. It is suited to ejery variety of soil, and all crops are benefitted by it—vines and trees more particular ly. The patent American Fertilizer possesses essen.ial pro perties necessary to stimulate the growth of plants and green vegetables, and destroys insects. As a manure, for gardening, It cannot be excelled. Directions furnished. Orders must be addressed, to . . A. HOEVKLKR, .mhfrdAwlm ' 449 Penn.street,. Pittsburgh. Joseph White’s Carriage UeiioaUory. JOSEPH WHiTE, how.cariyinguabasi* ness in bis spacious. premkea.-(nowi"ygreifei&r' lately enlarged,) on theldttsburgb and HI WB&S&*., Orcensburg turnpike, hear the Two-Mile wriii i m&ftm Itun, between Pittsburgh and iawrenceville, respectfully invites the public to inspect hid stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ac. And he particularly informs gentlemen yurc/iojera, that one price only Is made. Fourteen years' experience in the business, enables him to place before his patrons the same choice collection, of Carriages whhb, so many years past it has. been bis particular department to select from the various and most talented Eastern manu facturers. The success of bbt new system' Is complete—the economy of his arrangements will supply he best and most fashionable manufactures at moderateyrtcer: , Unencumbered by those f heayy"expenses, which the mania for decorating houses of business has heaped upon the price of goods, (owing to large rents.) JOSEPH WHITE will Kell, on ready money only, at tuubh less than the usual profits. ’ 1 [mh&daw] repaired In the beat manner, with despatch G. Bingham .COi’ft Transportation Line TO ANP EKOM PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE ANS NEW YORK.—The Owners and Agent* of said Line have been for the past fourteen years connected-with the •‘Old established Bingham’s Line." They will give their usual prompt attention to the forwarding of Produce. Men chandize, tc, in the shortest time and on as favorable terms as any other, Line. tar Only one transhipment between Pittsburgh, Phils delphia and Baltimore. ... IQEO- BINGHAM A CO., Canal Basin, Uheity Bh, Pittsburgh BINGHAM, :DAYIB A CO., 276 Market ereet,.Philadelphia . JAMES WILSON, Agent, : 121 North Bfc» Baltimore. M. L. OSXRANLEB, Agent, i 66 West at., New. York. Rockingham and Yellow Ware. ME It HAM'e aiwl.tho irwtesOTeraliy are Informed that sampled of the above Ware, from the Pottery xd Woodward. Blakely 4-Co., East Uverpooh>are>kßt.t at the office of the undersigned,., .Orders epUatedi-* t ~ . • '. ‘ ]}liAJt£Li| Corner or Setrnth and mlthfleM eta riSw wThutn Kits WANT MONJEE.-and -havedirects na t<. I sell Twelve BhlldiB&Lots; each 2* feet front on a6O ft KcS) toTiift. near the Out.. SE& -'Pricwfor eafeh' E Ho* shSdoojSs, clfla! Thifflff ttverytowpricei-nndnotbiOi. but tns want of money induces them t& offer, the Lota a thla nrlce. ‘ Call eodn, if*otf prbcurfc bargains. - ~ fcgQ.V, 140 Third at.. -* r aoebßEL—67 barrel* No.B large iUckerel; 4VI' 200' do"' 'do medium do B'c’duuUornlttyr [mfc2l} HfiNBZ H. COLLINS. - • MEDICAL. A-WK EH2. 9SSS CHE R R Y PECT O R A l>i . *oa tub ama ctrae ov COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS , WHOOPING-COUGH CROUP, ASTHJfJ i AND CONSUMPTION. -- • . . WE Invite-the attenUon-cf the •V 'fisKst' public to the certificates appended - 1 • below, sn-1 bespeak for ibetq that can* - r J| did consideration •which their honest 1 frankness deserves, r: ; Hie-' in Buch BiaHona aamany who -'•• • voluntarily bear witnesato.the cSc#- cy and Taluo of Cueejxt. Thtcronat, Uo not wantonly trifle with, or distort fjniifr-n •* facta, nor overstate their convictions. -Judge then, whether this is not the medicine to trust when - you must have relief for the throai or lungs; judge too, whether every family ought not to have it by them as a safeguard against the everywhere prevailing enemy, which steals with fatal frequency, upon almost otery flock, and carries off o lamb from many a home? Jackson, C. H., Jackson city, 0., 20th Nov., 1852. DB. Ji O. ATKn: Sir—TheCherry Pectoral Ismuchin quired after- Several of our beat Physicians havehsed it, , three of them in their own cases, and always with the hap piest effects The numerous patent medicines always be fore them,lead to incredulity In regard to every new reme dy; and it is only after undoubted evidence of value In any article, that anything like agenerai confidence can be ex . .The unrivalled excellence of this combination of agents, (in the Chebrt Pectoral,) proved beyond cavil by repeated trial under their own observation, has compelled medical men to proclaim abroad its usefulness. It is beyond all doubt the best general remedy we have for the Pulmonary Affections of thisclimale,at the same time sedative and .expectorant—a-rare combination of properties. 9 f„ the hope that it will prove Its own reward, I subscribe Il^ectiollyyour Let gtnatmtnfif Vx Lesa\ Ptofeition mark ttw com. v - 1 Williamsburg, L. 1., Bept. 3.1852. Db J 0. Area: Dear Sir—Over application for the past •three Wars in my.ddties as an ndvocate, brought on £orae oight' months ago a severe irritation of the bronchial tabes, which was a constant annoyance, to me, and. becoming a source of great apprehension.. Everyrcmedy. tried failed to even relieve-mp, ulll used your Citerbt Pectoral; This ba« not only reliovtkl me, but, as I trust, wholly Cored mo j, care nothing for the reputation of advocating Patent Me dicines, and this is at your service. .1 shall recommend it to members Of the bar. and others whom l may meet, la boring under similar indispositions. " ■ Yours truly, B.F. JONES. Montgomery, Ala., October 4,1849. Da. J. 0. Atib: Sir—l have used vour admirable com pound exclusively in my practice, and fin'd it to surpass,by far. any other, remedy we have lor curing.diseases upon the lungs. . Y'our obedient servant, : * ' K. B. JONES, M.D - What yet remains to convince the most incredulous that the Cherry Pectoral Snail that it purports to be, via; an un equalled'remedial itgetu for all diseases of the Throat and Danes. - The experience of years has proven it to be such, and wo submit it.to .the: people, believing that its virtues will fullymnintnin it-reputation. • Prepared by J. C. AYER. 'Taemist, Lowell, Mass. ; Beware of worthless ions,-attempted to he palmed off under a similarity of name, . Sold Id Pittsburgh by all Druggists, and by B. A. PAHN EiTOCK A CO, wholesale and retail. : jefcßmdaw Carter’s Spanish Mixture. THE GRE.VT PURIFIER; OF TUE BLOOD! Hot a Particle of Mercury in it. X lh* TTIK AF*LIOT£f> READ AM) PONDER!—An ij j Infallible 'Remedy for Scrofula. Kind's Evii,Rheuma* (Dm. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions. Pimplescr Pustules J; on the Fefncs?, he has rfcmitted over a half million of dollars without the loss of a dollar, and the house for v ’> which be is eg*n<, in Liverpool, has shipped not less than * 45,000 persons during the last year to this country, without ?. • a complaint of neglect o< duty on their part. ‘ lie chu issue passeuger tickets for London] Dublin, Liver* ] • pooh Glasgow, Cork,~heli'nBt, brogheda, Limerick, Port | . Kush, Newry, Galway, Londonderry, and Dundalk, to New i -v York, L'hiladelpni'a, Uostou, Baltimore, and .New Orleans, j . ; and from thence to Pittshu-Tcbr and will attend strictly to i.r forwarding passengers from thence to any part of the coon* - . try., lie also hn« eight traits for sale, payable at the fol lowing places, via: ) •-.* . ON ENGLAND. Edwards, Sanford & Co. .London. • ", Wm. Tapp9cott A Co ~ .Liverpool. ■ (Available in the principal cities and towns throughout ] '. England and Woles.) 'f. * ON IRELAND. \ .. Provincial Bank Ireland .Dublin. {; BEAK GUIS. r" Armagh, Cavan, Dungannon, Mallow, k Tralee, Parsonstown, Drogheda, Londonderry, ( Sligo, Ballina, Ballyshannon, Kilkenny, | Nowry, Coleraine, Bnniskiilen, Dungannon, * B&ndon, Carlow, B&nbridge, Limerick, I Enniscerthy, Waterford, Downpatrick, Galway, Ennis, Atiilone, Clonmell, Cootchitl, j Monaghan, Yougbotl, -Belfast* -- Dundalk, Kilrueb, Strabane, Balymena, Cork, J Fermoy, . Omagh, Wexford. ......... A ON SCOTLAND. T National Bank of Scotland, Edinburj, and its. branchta t In fifty towns in Scotland. ON FRANCE. Messrs. Edward Blunt t Co, Bankers....... (Available in any city In France.) ON GERMANY. Messrs. Vogel, Kock A Co,Baokers, Fiankfort-on*the-Main.i (Available in any city in Germany.) >■ JAMES bLA&ELY, -i corner of Seventh and S'mithf e!d streets, deefl Pittsburgh, l*a. ■} Steamboat Transportation Required"by ' tbe Indian Department* Offics op tdb Eupt Ihmah Aifaibs, ) !j -• .fit. Louis, February 20,1865. / ti SEiLF.D PROPOSALS will bo received at Ibis office until 1 ' 5 noon of the TK>Tli I*AY OF APRIL, 1850, for porting by Steamboat,.-tcih St. Louis to the TraJiog Postal on the Upper Missouri xivar, between Fort-Pierxe and Foret Union; say from 30 ,o 4u tons of Annuity Goods, Provis ions. Ammunition, - »e., to be delivered to the Indian Agents for the Upper .Missouri Agency, at such points on the river,.-; and In Bach quantities as he'may oirect; the boat to 6topv ' at any points of delivery for f-uchpumber of days, not ex-J 1 ce&liugfive, as said agentmay require to enable him to die*:; , i tribute >ald Goods, Ac., to tbe Indiana. The Same proposals ; ! to cover also tho transportation of say 100 tons of Goods, * [ Provisions,-Ac., m>re or less, from St. Louis to Fort Union.-’ Separate proposals will be received for transporting alec’ the last mentioned lot.of Goods, Provisions,' Ac., ftom Fortj by steamboat, feed-boat, or other safe water convey ance, to Fort Benton. • - Proposals for this latter transportation should state tht hind of boat proposed to be used, and also embrace a propo sition specirvicg the per diem' compensation to- be paid ic; case the undersigned should require the boat'to remain Port Demon a sufficient time >o enable him toexecute hii, duties as Commissioner, to negotiate with the Indian triber; to be assembled there. . The contractors will be expected te furnish, tree of charge, the transportation for the under* signed aod his assistants, whc will accompany the goods| .< and sub-istence for them whilst on board the Bteamboat £ i and In case the boat be'delained by his orders, at Fort Dsn; too, iUte subsistence and-trsna oruttionon their return. *. The steamboat will be required to be in readiness to r? I '. neive her freight at 6L Louis by thelOtb of May,1855. ft*. ' boat wilt be accepted, upon which insurance cannot b ; , readily obtained. The right will be reserved to tahe lim? to consider the bids, and tbe'right also to reject any boats! steam or keal, that are not considered by the undersigned sufficiently staunch, speedy > and adapted to. the propose* service, and to reject aoy and all bids. if deemed unsaid , .factory.' i Th» proposals will each, be endorsed— 11 Proposals fe ■ Transport!; g Indian Goods, Provisions, Ac., up the Missouri Blver,” and will state the rate per hundred pounds, fo l which the Udders will contract to perform the service, an " must be accompanied by a guaranty that the-bidders wit} enter into contract, and give sufficient security for. the per: formunco thereof, in. case their bids shall be accepted. -f ' feb24 • A CUMMINQ, Supt. Tad Atfy. fteW College Act. ■: attention of iho public id directed to the followin' . provision of the n*»w Postage Act: •* lat. From and after April Ist, 1855, all letterj between places in the United Stated, must beprtpaid. . ” 2»1. For any distance; in the L niieu Hiates, not exceedin' three thousand miles, Three cents, single rate; orer Urn thousand miles, Ten cents. f : 3d.. Letters to California or Owgon, fiiust he prepaid Te< .cents; . - 4th. The existing rates and regulations In regard to le ters to or from Canada and all other foreign countries, re main unchanged*- Postage. Stamps and Stamped Envelopes of the denote ; nat oo of Ten cents will be prepared and issued speedily. Z Absolute"pre*payment being required on all letters c places within the United States, great care should be use*.' as well In pre-paying the proper amount on letters •iheweightof half an ounce as on fi ogle letters..' % Letters unpaid dropped in the effloe will not be forward ed to ther places of destination, but will be returned ; the dead letter office, monthly. A list of these will Y‘ : oostedupdanyforinppec.ionatthe.ofßce. . . v KOBBUT ANDERSON, P. M.‘i Post Office, Pittsburgh. March 27,1855.~[mh30j ;; \ i LitPETIC SO At* EXCELSIURI £1 . An;— I “JtcouUi I. were a hoy again. ' Til go sure to that fitoraagam. On Third street, kept by 8. L. C., And some Ilerptdlc *oap. I fain - , . '.y Would buy, lor it always suits me, Y Herpetic Soap always suits me. • *j That Soap remoTes redness an l tan' & And cures all chaps and sorenewdbof; ? ; Brightens complexion* pale, and witn— t l’rv very sure it will please you: - ' ! Oh yes, 1 know i-. wilt please you.- , f This valuable 'emedy lor sore tough bands, has protect ?reut benefit to hundreds. • Price-only 12V5 cents per c* ; : dold by S. L. duTHBbKr, . mb!2 lio Third strwt; J EANNKl v rt l She is dxeased iu. eiifca and, satlnß, - o. Anii **er Bly i l k lull of gra^o; Shu la l6yely in nppearaaec— hut what a sallo* faoel : - . >- Her hand* arc email, but ohl how rough •ShegaTeiydoos hot koo* • , .That llrapKiio soXpfsiuat ihetbios— Ard themho^rtevUll^-'- ••• Tils HKEPETIO SOAfls tSK fKbUwrcAv, [ mh2l 4 No. 149 llllKD SIKKKV »>V ""S * ’S': V Y_.