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'.t ;.- • . r 3. * {-■•* 4 -A* ■»'- f £•»*•?; -T ►- .*“ ? * -, 1 r --; ’ft-. ._- ■ J (K^i , ? i ”’;n:'- ~ : ' •"-, > > •'•• ; ; v ,'.r : ; ’i*• • •' *y V?.'-vS:V^S; ' t ' -• "V ' ' •‘ ■ . •' r f ■ r; t i ; ‘V. ’ O;.. ' C ‘ ' ‘ n7l -v' •;••••• \ v.-.i' ' • ,*•” /’ . <' *- • V \ .‘..".l ; ; . _ t . .> * 7‘ ’>' v 7: '. .7 7- 7 7'\‘ ■• »..• ' f iJ, (f'uji i>AHi¥ MOftNlfepOS’E printed owl P*hUjhtA s»*iy ilornin~g t (Sunday excepted JffV OIUWuiIK OL. MOJWPeQfIIEHV. NCKSE'VKT /umrilß OF' wool). AND flTto’. BTBXITJ. BBf~ 7 ER i/S.— Five Dollars ft y-iar, payable strictly In advance. Six Dollars 'Will invariably be repaired if not paid withm the yet* "..... .. flGf Single cop?©«TWO cint< —*->r •»*!« at lie counter In the 021 c?, and by the *%t?R Boys- THE SATURDAY MOHHIHO POST P.-oHUbM from the man offlco, on a largo blanket sue b lot. at TWO DOLLARS a t«ar, In alvanca. Single copies mrctßTs. • • ' : . . ' No paper will b« di3contioa«l outfits ftt thediicre on 01 the Proprietor*,) until all are paid, . No attention will be paid to any.order unless %eoom* nanl«4 bv the rannev. or Ratiafaqlory reference in this city. ¥ jgg- Connected with the Eridblithvuntcrf the Mpnting Ppxt riv of ike largest Jab Printing Office. 3 in Vittitg,'where hZZ k vds of wort is done on the shortezt notice, 'and most reason* aW*. t*rms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Uobt» C. G« Sprout* - Attorney and counsellor at law—office, No. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. decVLly James A* I«owrie, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, bt-tween BinithG»ld atreet arid Chi-rry alley. fdeclDly JOSEPH WKAVKIL* a ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ofilcei No. 14F Fourth street, ja3:ly£] .. , PiTTeotuign, ra. JOHN BARTON, , • . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Fifth and Grant sts., ja3.lyE. comssiiis m FuuwAttmxG mercuasts. A.XD Dealers Generally in Produce, Pittsburgh, Cin cinnati and other IdanufactarB3, &c jYc. 9.1 from streets, Unseen Market and Ferry street*, PITTattURUU, l'A. it£- Liberal ewh adTtinc-s od cons-igniawnt*. Par ticulnr niteaUoa to furwur-lio,; Werteru inerclmudis*. Jie fei'Kttcrs. —Clark A Thuw, Wai. Llrt'uley A Co., Wm. M’* Cuuj .r Co., t'. Sellers A Cu., liays A Dlack, K.ramer.4 Knhui, llrury Ur»rt, fcU-.j., Wm. Kichbauoi, S. ft. Johnston, BakewcU, its?!-, George LoiUo, Solomon SMuar, h.' j. WM- UISGiIA?! CO., f JilW KiUJIVJ AND OOil.UiaSlCN' .ULIiCUANTS, Liberty zopposite i'rnr.-i. Uaxlroad Depot, H ., r 7 prrTicuu/JU, Pa- tieury ii. Colilut, TlOilWArtulNM \SI) C'j.MMiialON MERCHANT, ans _J »V:t Dealer m Cheoe, hatter, dee-is, Fish, an i X*r>lufl.* z~i\ •rnir.-. Js... U’«_>JD St., [garb i»aul & .Murdock, (t0MM1.:..-! ‘N A\J r.jriW UtDING Mf. liC UAN S, AND j dCLAAIDDAi’ -Gi-N 1 a—A J. 7 WaU-r street, oim-iuuM'.. oiiu. tilug il Moorhead, S T IiOLKSA LK U iI7 No. -7 i t side, Pittsburgh. Ivh< ; acJ Tanners' ScthJ/S. n7*l;*:ty 2. VV. Chadtvlcki LiXALtiii IN llAGri AND I‘Ai'Gti, No. UU Wood Street, * The highest # Co., ( tY». oAb.il late *.! tu.* iik lii at' J P.MlbtU A C-O.) ''"StTIiOLIL-ALK lijittCiCita and lv«ier«iu l'ur.d A -Q Wint* \ y V and Bran-iics, Ul i rioaonirnholii anil KnrUtuM Wbiv sfe“V, No. bJ'J Commercial Low, Liberty atrvjt, i’a. jh*»:y C o-Pari tie r«Ulj». fpUK subscriber? hafe tii; - lay partnership for I. the purpose ot carrying uu (Som.-AUii-m and Fanoard ■t-ny, ia connection with the Fi*h, flacvn and Oil , and Fru d'JKf liusia«.<' generally, undertbe style of E.xuuau A Rica a asm a; warehouse No. lib Water hu! K>o Front atre*ta; occupied i*y * inr-uram. Pittsburgh, February Ist, lSs4:feb3 "3.1 R. Dit A VO, Diamond, I’iKjfbtiryh, Pa., dealer 1j * . Country l*roduce, otfera for pat? a choice Wnolesalo Dealers in Fish, Baeon.anduil,and Product’ feneruily. Warehouse formerly occupied by Burbriugo A ngbram, No. 116 Water and 100 Fir.st street, Pittsburgh, Penna. . h*3 Communion Hou«e< rilHßsubscribers hare opened a house for the above pur _L pose, at So. 17 rmithdeld street, foar doors abora the Sdoaongabela House, We wiil purchas*, or receive, on commission, for sale, consignments of Ftoar, Batson, Cheese, Corn, Cits, Barley, Flax -Sect Grass S:r,d, Baird Hay, cfc., upon which we will mike advances, cr purchase at the best market rates for cash. novG A LORO * CO. Jai. fll'Lauyhlln, DEALER INGiU/CBRIBS, PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, Ac., No. 10, corner SmithSekl and First streets, Piits i burgh, L*n. nnrfl ,TUO«. U. YOU*'! T. (1. Young Co ( .V » vi>, SmiOiftcld sired, opposite CUy fTntrl, .JOtlX « UNO MASU A XURKRtJ OF CABINET FURNITURE AND 0 * AlKs,ol pvery description. ‘ Materials and wexk tnansui. and sold at reduced prices. Care token lu pi’Knii for Ihnd and water earrijure. nnSI C< D. W ooUj IM.M CiT.K AND WHOLESALE Db U.LR IN WINr..- \.iu LltiUuES, No. 147 Norm trecoiui striier, fifth tinoi a;rav ; R.»ce, east side, rhila-lelpbia, has on Jiaod the best <;.ial ti*-• c<»J old Brandies, Wines. Irish Whisky, Mononga nela iV>it«ky, UoJUad Gin, Cordials, Ac., on terms worth’ the it'.nntion'oi ptirchiiAefs arid dealers. fa»29y- Henry il'Cnilough & Co., WHOLESALE Merchant# ~--no> -r Pain [riel-, i»° l* Wm. Dili by, Jr., CLOTHING AND.FUItNISIIiNG rri'oßE, Masonic llah Fifth street, FUUbury't.-— Clothing made to order, ii £o.vj Ktid -*t mrl-rnf- rat*- qu'Jtf 11. & A. C. Duncan, GROCERS, anJ Dealers iu Produce, For fV eiga Wiuesnod Llquora, Old Vlonongahelaand Itneti :Ce.] Whisky, No. 291 Liberty sh, Pituourgh.-Po. f iv'J'Ay r- i\ A. Timlle, POOR HXLOW VmQIH ALLXT. bo trjf -xtjJCjßjL.s-r.- . , >. and manniacturers ol and dental ; INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES,,Ac. We fgia • keepageneral asaortmehlotthe above articles constantly oa hand; together with a general rariety of Fancy Hardware. : Also, Gone, Pis tols and Revolvers, Flaaka, Homs, Shot Delta, Caps, Powder, Lead and Ballets; Bowie, Dirk; Hunting and Pocket Knives; Tailors and Hair Dressers* Shears; Pocket Scissors, Ac.— Also. Trusses and Supporters. Jobbing and repairing neatly executed. RIPLES I—We are. making. Rifles of every description, to order, of. the best moterial, and workmanship warranted. — Orders received for them at Wholesale or Retail, will be fill ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prices- • . my!6 ChaDdeiUrs and Qai Fiitnrei THE subscribers are now opening at their new Wareroom- NO. 109 FIRST STREET, between Wood and Smith-’ field, the largest - ■assortment of CHANDELIERS, BRACK ETS, PENDANTS, and all articles connected wit Gas Fitting, .erer offered in' thiT market Having arrangements made by which they will be constantly in receipt of now patterns and varieties, they confidently Invite the attention of pur chasers to their, selection. We are determined to sell as lew as any house In the. West, and behjg pructlcal'Gas Fit ters, can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles We continue as heretofore to fit op buildings of every de scription for gas. water and steam. ~ Brass Castings of all kinds made to order promptly. LONG, MILLER A CO., No. 109 First street. GEORGE ULETCIIEIt, FROM NEW TORE., »&IANOFACTU HER of tbe celebrated Gossamer Ventilating Wig, Elastic Band Toupees, and every description of Ornamental Hair, fur Ladies and Gentlemen, 79 FOURTH BTRKET, between Wood and Market, Pitts ,. Blxjcnrß’s system enables Ladle? and Gentlemen to measure their heads with accuracy. FOR WIGS. No. 1. i’bc round of tbe Head. No. 2. From the forehead over tho head to neck, No. 2. No. 3. Fr»m ear to ear, over the top. No. 4. From ear to ear, round the forehead. For Toupees, to cover the top of the head only—a paper pattern, the exafct jhapa of the bald pun. imy4 Raw Coaoli and Carriage Factory I JOHHSTON, BHOTHEBB & CO., .Comer of Rebecca abd Belmont itreets, Allegheny City, „ m WOULD respectfully inform their friends the public generally, that they have commenced the manufacture of Carriages. tUFibißlw Barouches, ftnck&wajs,Buggies,Blelghs and Chariots, in all their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish. Repairs will also bo attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, aud Wheel stuff, they fe**l confi dent that all who favor them with th«lr patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before porsha •j'.mr elsewhere. oct8:ly J r. JOUOSTON 11. T. JoUNsTOS.- *. Mi OKI ElcelkTor Carriage Factory. J\. IiNSTo.N, BROTHER a Cu„ PRACTICAL CXJACn MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Alie gtieny >ty, Pa., have on band nnd are manufacturing an eitcQstve assortment oi Carriages, Roi-kawuy*. Busgies. Ujiggage Cars, Ac., made In all tbelr various style», with strict regard to durability an 1 beauty of finish, using in ail their work the best Juutala iron and eastern hickory. Re pair? attended to on the must reasonable terms. They feel coutident that all who may favor them with their patron age, will be per.ectly Ratified uo trial A their wor* The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pars evc*T7 fif teen minutes during tbe day. 00t251y PITTSBURGH COACH FAC TOU If . M. DIOU.OW ..MARTIN 1. STEVCTtS. fiSOUGE ALCIRT Bigelow rk warranted novli JOSEPH FLEmiNG, IbCCCEHSoa To i. WIUCOX t CO. j /'CORNER MARKET PTRKRT AND DIAMOND, keep' constantly on baud u lull ac»f>rtui» , nt of Dru**, -iuer, MeJiciDe.Cheet.H, i’erlumer) , iil-1 ail articles j>ertaiu > r !?. Ap. t 141 Wood street, llm-c doors below Virgin alley, KjirhmAely PITNiiURG 11. R. L . ALLEN, WIKLEiALK IN Foreign Wines, Br&adioa, Cigars, Old Monoaga heia Bye Whisky, Ac., AI.SO, UECTIFYLVG OISTILLEH, no. a Wood street, iTrx&iiiiiuiu, i*a. yiriNEa, Urns, ODnliaK, Jaioair* Spirit?, St. ? V Croix auu Now Lutflaci l;um, Claret*, Champagnes, ■L-.olch Ale, London. Brown rvtout, Irudi. So.teL, LWurUm, JIJ Moaongahela Rye anJ liyetiDr-J »VLi.*ky, Ajqdr, praeb, Wild Cherry and Blackberry 11xjuiJ1«3; imported Uavauo, Regalia, aud Principe Cigars; Iluil-dpaulrL and Com to on Cigars, all at ouch low p joe* an to , compe ltiou. Fancy Bar Kegs and Label Ru Bottle* of every style, and Demijohns of all sizes. 1 rthpecu'niiy invite an examina tion of my stock, at No. S IVCCD iiireet, Pittsburgh, *Vuna. _ apr&ly Hen oval Wholoi&Io and Hetail Clothing Merchants. NO. 8 S WOOD STllEEl’. TB£ subscriber- respectfully inform their old customers and the public in general, that they hare this day as sociated themeelvrr in the above bu*iuw»a, under the firm ot JOHN Ai’CLObKLY ACO They respectfully solicit a .nan* ot public jiatronage. The previous business of each will be settled by them* ■e»v«s rwnectivcij fwb9 (late of the firm of Cooley A Lxiki>,) having # opened STORE NO. 0) (two door* above the old rftADii,) for the purpose of carrying on the CLOTHING oUSINRSS, hopes by strict attention to business to merit a tnare ol tho patronage of ih» late firm. N. u.—Clotliing made to order in the movt f»s«hion*hle «tvles, and on the shortest notice— inferior to none in the city. JanSfry^ Jamei Halllncrer, MONONGAHELA PLANING respectfully inform hLi friends and the paolia, that his new estab lishment la now in full operation, ana that be in prepared to famish Boat Cabins, and till all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates.' 3 Board and Plank, planed on one or Doth cidea, constantly on hand. Bash, Doors, and Mouldings, of every description, made to order.. ' “Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage to give hjm a call, as ha can now turmsh them with planed •tuff suitable for every description or work. 2ft—Vl* .........wum.j W HEBRON & CRISWELL, BELL AND BRABR FOUNDERS, * TANUFACTUREUB of all kinds of BRASS WORK, LO AX COMOTIVK, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, 4c. Al .to, Cotton JlnttingilanutantnniTß.: Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny City. Office and Store, No. 12 Mnrkotatrmit, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER token in exchange for work, •r cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be -romptly attended to. febO-.ly JOSEPH f. LOWUY, “ No. 411 Corner of Fifth and Wood Slrefix, Office up stairs. Entrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, • |3 EBPECTFULLY'announce to the public that be has commented the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, in connec tion with Intelligence and Uenerai Collecting- He will ilso attend to renting. Persons in want of servants, in any •apahity, or those In want of places, will be supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to bis care promptly at ended to. Rtfercncrs— T. J. Bighorn, Esq., Richard Cowan, Esq., W. }. Leslie, Dr. Alex. Black, James Mackerel, A. A. Mason, slaffft 4 Old. JanlB HI. QUAFF 4s, CO., Western Foundry, No. 124 Wood Btreet, PITTHr.CRQH, PA., i MANUFACTURER.- OP COOKING STOVES, Coal and VL Wood Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and FanctyUrates,Plain and Fancy Fentlers, Sad uod Dog Irons, Kettles, Tea Kettles, Wagon Boxes, &c._ { ja3:lyg Austin Loomis, OEAL ESTATE AGENT. -Merchandise, Stock, and Bill Q, Broker, Ofllee, No. 92 Fourth Street, (above Wood.) The labscriber having opened an offlee-at tbo above pliu<*, for tbe surpbtw of negotiating Loans, Bills, Bonds, Mortgages, and ill other Instruments for the security of Money, and for the jurchase and sale of Stocks. Will also give prompt and .articular attention to buying, selling, renting of and lens- Off Real Estate - AUSTIN LOOMIS. Schnehmau 4. Haaulein^ LITHOGRAPHERS— -Third street, opposite the Post-office, Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Bill Heads,.Show Bills, uabels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and y triting Cards, etc., Engraved .hr Drawn on j3tone, Printed a Colors, Gold,Bronze,of Black,in the most approved style, md at the most reasonable prices. octl6:ly ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SEMINARY. w. t. McDonald, m. a., pbctcipai. XtHE next session of the InstitdtiOD will commence on MONDAY, the 6th of September next, at the room cor ier of Perry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the depsts. Veeder. llrfertncts-^ Hon. A. W. Loomis, C. Knap, Jr., 8. F. Yon oboret, Ft. Sliller. Jr.f ... . aug2s JACOB M’COIiLISTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR MANUFACTURER ANt> DKALKB IV ALL KINDS 07 Tobacco, Sntitr, and Clfifara, No. 25 Fiflh stPittsburgh. , Pa. Keeps constantly on band a large supply of all the various brands of Imparted Cigars. ja3:j> WalUt X*. HI TAhaU» IMPORTER and Dealer in French «nd American Paper ‘Vftr'fflp,*# *^ lf * BARR * MOSER, _ A RoHlTECTB:—Offices: Philo Hall, No. 76 Third street, V Pittsburgh; end east side of the Diamond, Allegheny VvEbfitn ’ ARGE WALNUT BOOK OASES—Finished andiaware < mom: - ■ fdeom. . %B, YOPNO * 00-- * I , •< V ' m'* 1 14 uL TK •4 ‘ ▼*- -< vr ' V ,-MB ■' ' i. ‘■-Sr- |> *- Real estate and contracting agent, No. 2. IRWIN Street, Pittsburgh, has for sale, as follows: ISO acres ofland iu Ceder county.lowa, 16 miles from Man catlne, on the main road to Marion, and 8 miles from Tip ton, 6 miles from two Railroad depots: 90 acres launder cultivation. a good Frame House, Frame Barn and Grana ries, a good bearing Apple Orchard. The farm Is well watered, high, dry, good land, In a very healthy county. Avery great bargain can be had or this farm for prompt pay. Enquire as above, or of Mr. John Munn, on the pro mises. Also, S acres of land, with a large Steam Saw Mill, now in successful operation; 3 Frame Dwellings, Barn, Black* smith Shop and Tools, Boat Scaffold, Work Shop, 4c., situ aie on the bank of the Allegheny river,at Miller’s Eddy. Armstrong county, Pa Enquire as above, or of Mr. L Muon, on the premises. 1 also want to purchase 8 to 800,000 feet, B. M., of good White Oak Plank, 3 inches thick, 8 or 16 leet long, 7 to 16 inches wide, part to be delivered in October nest and part iu April, 1855. Enquire as above. Also, for sale, all the Beds, Furniture, and every thing ot the fitting out of a large Hotel, in the city of Pittsburgh, now doing a Tery 1 -rge business. five years of th* lease of the house can also be hod, and immediate possession if required Enquire as above. jes WM. A. M’CLUItG, DEALER IN Fine Teas, Choice Family Groceries and Willow CORNER OF WOODLAND SIXTU STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. I Snow receiving ft large ansortment of FUEBU GOODS, in addition to hia already extensive stock, purchased from first bands in the Kaaterfi markets, which, will be sold at the lowest market prices. Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. . 49* Goods delivered in the city tree of charge. «ep2l PITTSBURGH RIDING SCHOOL, EGBERT H. PATTERSON, Proprietor, CORNER i)F DIAMO.'D STREET AND CHErrY ALLEY i'll E subscriber respectfully announces to the Ladies ana Gentlemen nf Pittsburgh, that he has recently erected a RIDING SCHOOL, which, io pofbt of nine, commodlou.v nepg and adaptation. undeniably exrels any similar estab lishment in the United StaUy lis location la accessible from nit parts ot tho city, while its high and airy »Unation renders it especially suited to the promotion of health, bj this most ngreenbi- t*x«-rcise. Tbe liorsea are docile and well tmined', and the proprietor pledges himself that m palne or expense will be spared to mske this establishment the first In the confidence of the public. oct23:tf Copartner a Uip, subscribers hereoy inform their friends and tbe X public that they tuiv associated themselves together, under the firm of WM. YOUNGSON & CO., for tho purpose of carrying on the PAINTING BUSINESS,in all it* branch pj»; and hop-, by strict ntlnntUiu to bn-InoRP, to merit a share iness, as Wll< >LK3 AI.K 11 HOCIIdS. wilt In* continued by the remain iug partner-* under th** firm c.f BAGALKY. COSGUAVI-; ft CO., No? 18 and Wrwl *tr-et. Pittsburgh. BAGALKY. WOODWARD 4 CO., No. 2*l Market street Philadelphia WM. BAGALKY A CO. Pittsburgh. December I'Mb, !Sf4—’d.;c22 I HAVE sold myintvrwt in th- business of Long, Miller A Ou_ to 8. A. Ling, who, with John Phillips, will con liuuu at the old stand. F-i lu‘.i Fr-mt street. 1 cnrdially-- re*T the patrunuce of nr friends, *. Pitlaburgh, July 2!*, IM4. V. LI. MILLER. 9. A. LOKO. BE! 1. AND liilA.'i* FOUNDERS, AND GAS FITTERS in> He atteuur.il to their slock of Chandeliers, Brackets, FN-odnMe. and uilmw future--* \l * til up houses with Gas and Mt ntn.ouki: BrafvS Casing* of all kind* to order, fur nir fnniitn- m mnDufjcturlng my own work, «c are now bi.-lbhe nt toast 10 per cent, lower than the eastern citi-'s, or e'..*-where All work i? warrant***!. Ni.'i-r—VV hlpo EJ&HUfnrture Spoon* of the BrPi. b *-*erll; qsvii'y • Witte*:- and *rch repairin'; continued. With every fa cjlily and r*.*n> w ---1 1- (>-i u: iuu tLm to give eutire eatisftetjon to oietomera, 1«>:1j as u> pru-e and th- nuperinj-qnaiiu ol tbe work. tt .. W. WTLS* »N\ Watchmaker and Jeweller, —JU-.rU c..rncr <>f Merk-t ntid Fourth streets. "***'— Kurnitare anti OiAlri. e* i-onr-tfijitiT manufactn HSai'n’blrT K , A M “-°; 1T IHUIMTURK AND L U Al R>, *-f eTery Jer-rtpUon, vis: ' 1 1 Kiteo-i'.u Dining Tables, Do B-i r do; Ladior Cabin Chairs, cf rfericcs style*; Gen is. d<> do do; Slate Ko-'m do do • D- T.IM 80-re-; T-U- a Telpa ; je^-,**«,,. l>lVA»f: Ocr.'.n- Tables' D u-b Nurmis; j o; Wtiirr Jo; Trur«, Ac.. 4c. Material and workmanship warr*nt~d, and prices satis* fc'trry. T. n Y-»PSO A CO n _JTyO 28 smi‘l,field ** ? ., n?.jK«jje CU;. lintel. ft « » T I C K DALY'S STOCKING M a.N [’FACTORY, A’.- f>) }\fth ><>•-* 1. ftrU ■■*ri'.rr .i-V-v .VarLrl f'rett, P-TiclSi''.*; !‘A J H E»'. K i.l. N- (. u-.iJ th<; in - i*i - \ nod l-*st »i>sorted IT **ls* r k r-t ii 'f CARPETS of every dc-t-npuon. from tbo Ib-ysl Velrc? and nru»*4*ls, it* the com tuon i IL-tup and Hag. Fii-ir '.*il (both, from one to cuht yar 1- W:.le. uew t » ft t,J Canton MftUk.g. Kugs.Ma*?, :-t.-«ir R.-vJs Window Ft*,dri,Ac. Pcrsoo? in wint an-inrited to call and exam ine their stock. .‘■•ir.-imbont*. lintel*, and Kesijencvs furn* -Uhrd uu the mr>«t rens»*naMe t* rfn«. ffi** ?ro*Ji pnifli* and quick fl ales.”*4a TERMB t.AFU UNLV. o^o \V. s. ilnvesi. aim: riLD PRINTING UTABi.I%IIMENT, (l»to John -1 St..u a Stockton ) and Blank Book Mid Ftntionvry \t arehnase. i< preparr-J to execute ererr »t- le of Legal, Conmnmiiul, Cann) and St«*aiui*»ut Job Prinrini* and Book Binding nnd furnish everyVtick* .inthn Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest notice and nn the most fvajviDnhU' Prrac. Blank Book nod PtnUonery Warehouse, Printing Office and Book Hin-Jery, eorncrnf Market and Second iu fno?Hi Depot or Longwortii 4l 7A Tnm'erinan 7 * Ca- tMvbn Wines maul Urmxwly. underntiineti Ha.* received and forsftle, at CYft -1 nnnim vna-t, n targ»* quantitv or * Zimmer nutn’r moire uuj world renowned Sparkling, Dry an-1 La die* Sweet i atovbii U incf. Su.-h as tnnv desire to procure an excellent article of NhUtr Wine, (tb/pure juice of tho grape,} will und tnv estahliahmeut the j»lace for the grntUl entiou of their desires. The Catawba Brandy, distilled from the genuine UraO'-. Is declftred by many excellent Judge?, equal in namr to the best imported Cognac. . D FiCKF.ISEN, 1 N0.J37 Liberty street. Ilitj’a Aiinanacs Tor lks 6. JOUN 11. UELIoR, hi Wiwxl etrwnt, Pittsburgh, will pabiifth on the ibtb August, 1854, the well fcnotfn eerie? of Almanac* (far lSf»6i cnlculnted by Sanford 0. Hill, Esq., and for many years published nv Mr. Luke !/v>mls.of thi.l city, under tUc name of ‘•Loomis’ Almanacs." The series wtU rotnlst of— ••jAMXd gnaw all. HILL’S PITTSBURGH ALMA.NAC, lIILL'F MAGAZINE ALMANAC. HILL’S AMERICAN KARMJ'US’ ALMANAC. It la only to s»y, that tho religious, moral and useful cliHraider of Mr. Hlll’a Almanacti will bo muiotainod In tbe ftliote series, fur 1555. £&* PriisUrs and others are hereby cftolloned against ittliinglug no the copyright of the above Almanacs. rh-y will be for snle ut all the Bookstores, bv tho gross or and by ___*)* JOHN n._MKLLOIt. B 1 Wood Street. A Aew Arrival of I»lanoir”~ ’ CII A Ut/tI L Hi,U 'I I , No. 11a Wuod stree .)• Jost r« celving the following net? Piano FortHS. with and with out the attachment: Une el«-uut carved Liuis XIV style Grund Action 7 oc tave Piano. Onv eitm carved SerpenGne, pearl keys, 7 octave Piano, Two full carved, semi grand, 7 octave Pianos. Ttvo plain Row-wood *» i. One do do c-4 “ *» Three do do c “ “ Two double round corner Rosewood 6V o.*tavo Pianos One round corner finished back and front 7 octave Plano. -ttvrivuJ is expected in about two weeks. jau2V ,JJ. RESINA EK JOHN A. O’BRIEN, 67 BMITHKUSLD STREET, between Fourth and Diamond alley. Money louned on Gold and Silver Plato. Diamonds, Gold and Silver Watches. Jewelry Musical Instruments, Uona and Pistols, Feather Beds, Fur niture, and all kinds of articles—for any lsngth of time agrwHi on. Charges for storage considerably lower than heretofore. Private entrance through the hall door. All business transactions sirietl? confidential. 9sr Forfeited pledges sold Immediately after being out of date, unless redeemed. Bnrgftin«of Gold and Silver Watch es, Jewelry, * c., always on hand. oprlo:Gm ME W" BEBD STORKi ~ JAMES WARDIiOP, OFFERS for sale CANARY BIRDS of the most improved breed, being verv hardy, and flnetsingerß, BirdSoeds —Canary.Hemp, Millet,Kooe and mixed Seed. Bouquets will he furnished composed of the finest FLOWKRB, vb: Oamelias, Rose Buds, Heliotropea, 4c. EvergTeen9{in pots) for Christmas Trues, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 49 Fifth st.. near Wood. dec2o THE subscriber having the oxclusive right to mooufae ture and sell SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, Is prepared to receive orders,and contract for heating buildings with the most economical Fnrnace now in use. The attention of those interested is 6olicited....Anjdatonnßtion can br;had. of A. BRADLEY, Nos 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J.'BARNDOLLAR, dec24rtf | Iron City Stove Warehouse, No. 134 Wood st. ,y ll 18 True I THAT PICTURES f unporlor excellence may 30k b® obtained at CARGO’S New Daguerrpan Gftllo ry, No 70 Fourth street, nt prices Tnrying from One to Twenty Dollars. All work warranted to please. Children taken io a few see- n is. Call and examine specimens of the various styles. Rooms open day and eve oiog. feb!9 W. O. SMITH W. W. SLUR... J. tt. HOXIXH Smith) Stair & Hunter, (Late Smith 4 Sinclair,) WHOLESAtE GiEOCERS, PRODUCE iND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS In all kinds of Pittsburgh Maaufac turea, 122 Second and 161 First etreet, Pittsburgh, loanna. ~ . ~,, Mb': 4 I , -w t>p*r»T**~>. /. r * • ■» *•».* * • * PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1855 BUSINESS CARDS. David munn, WM YOUNG HON, DANIKI- YoUNGjsnV, S. A. LONG Sl t ()., Loftii Office ueninme the Smoke* *!>fr. '. : , ■„ . ••. •-'■ >•• . I ■, X ■"* » •**. ** *!!■’* .».* * A ii. * *\ r * * ~ - ~ ’>. '* *4 V?'t'} t^Rd.*!**-**'^!*-* - > • ■+. • . ’•'» '• ••' . :’T ~ V v n * * v W <*! t|> -.H) y»r t(l K *i -*• « -V ' • ' '- '• ". *.. * ’ *''• 1 '•.* '+%?*> '• ’ v - * *i* .*■ / t f , v , ‘ 'v^'V k vV'. l VJV *> ,■* -P - .-‘-T* >1 . *■ * r *>■ * BUSINESS CARDS. THE late firm of JONES A QtJIGG, having been dissolved by the da'ath of Joi.n F. Quigg, on the 27tb inet., thti barinev® of said firm will bo settled by the undersigned, at their office, corner of Ross and First streets. ISAAC JONES, Surviving Partner. Pittsburgh, September 30,I85i—[ootiry MANUFACTURER q! Spring and Ulister Steel, Plough Blab steel; steel Plough Wings, Coach and EHpiic Springs, Brass Nut Tapot, naif patent, Screw, Mail and Hammered Iron AaJes,—corner of Rosa and First streets, Pittsburgh, P&, ■* oct&ly QA&O JONES D. B. Rogers A Co., VTANUFACTUREKS of KOGERB’ patent Improved Steel JX. Cultivator teeth. Office corner Rose and First streets oct2ly Spectacles* IN TIIE MOST valuable. triumph* of science and art, the invention of spectacle* r.iufc. with the highest. The experienced Optician overcomes the advances of nature, and .confers upon the ag-*d*Bighted the inestimable advan tage of retaining the noblest of his senses. Yet great injury is constantly resulting fo thousands from iguora. ce on the part of venders, or of those who venture to choose for them selves. Tnere are many requisites .attending the selection of Glauses. The purity of fiaish of the g ass; it* proper con vexity; the best form and adjustment of the fraui*, rt oh to preserve the parallelism With- the eye for distant vision or tor near via.on, to.throw the plyne of eacb.gta** at rUht angles to the ax Li »f vlsiofi -for “ach eye; to bring the ex act centre of each gloss precisely opposite the pupil; to bare the pps-tionof the glasses perfect, both horizontally and vertical y, Ato., Ac. From long experience m fitting glasses, united with a perfect knowledge of the structure ef the eye, we can promise scientific accuracy, and thus aid much In the pre* serration of the eye. Gold, Silver and steel Bpectaclea, carefully selected of the b»st qualities, for sale. Also, glares fitted, Ac. ' W. W. WILSON, Practical Optician, feb9 G 7 Market rtreet, corner r.f Fourth. kdwa&d a. oat. Hill rder, and having added many faclli ties.for dispatching we an now manufacturing First Class STEAM ENGINES, FOR FURNACES AND ROLLING MILLS, Blowing Cylinders, Boilers, Furnace, Roiling, SAW AND GRIST MILL MACHINERY A CASTINGS, Gaa and Water Pipes, Hydrants, Retorts, Lamp Foret.-, Hitch ing Posts, Columns, Girders, Shafting, Hangers, Brackets, Cellar Grates, Bathing Tubs, Spouts, Railing, Verandahs and (Trnanenial Coolings. Wo pay particular attention to the manufacture atiinj **p« JOHN J. o’LKARY., Boot* and SUoci, Wholoalo aml Itcfall, JAMEd ROBB, 0. Market, and 6 Union street, third doer frera the IN Market li uee, would rail the attention of hl» friend-,- ■ u>i the public geuerallv, to th« fart, that he hm- now on hand the largest and fcest v 6*i«?elej etfcfc of JloOls AND SHOES, in all their varieties, Worn by ladi**s and gentlemen of Phil .eiphia, New York*ndllo*ton,a;.dwbicb,b« trusta, cann«. .ail to picafie all.-.. A. Hu* prices am V.-rv miaS. ..vLi, ■ . u- i O.Hers at rtojo $1,12 tos2.r.Q; G-ntlemai’s from to and esceUentGenUejnciF* Guitefs, and You.Li and Children’s wear, at extraordinary low prices. lie nLsn continues to maiiulu'-lure, ■•* heretofore, all dc #cripth.n* of LADIES A*D OENTI E>fHN‘? IK)D r.- AM) dlloEt*, o{ the b**t quality anu the tat-str.tyta, rLi of wbl. h be « arrant* Nor should be overß-okcd hi.-, veiv Urge «* eortmem of Gum Sanduls, Overshoes and U ots, :,»r l.udio, Geotiemen ond Cbi.dien. p:t Hr .v person who favors him witli 1h4.-tr patronage wiU bo fairly dealt with. j n u‘i Aew Paper Hangings. ND. 86 lV»« price* oeU WALTKtt l'. MaiuUULU H QRAfr *■ ~ *“ GrafT, ReUlnger A Graft. KsTfcH.N tVUNLirti, Xu. k 2i iv.khj rtr-rt.—Manu- T}( factim-rn of OooKlog bu>T«.\ Coal *d, I‘urtablr Sugar KrtUtra, Ti*t» KfCtief, K«:tUvi>, H »ujr, jiu, * c*»..l MANUF.tCTL'KKRif OFGJLT AND MAHOGANY LO»'K I Ml tiLA.dyKb, Portrait end Pleior* Fromes, &r , nn cj dea.cr ID Imported and huQe&ilc Fancy Goods, No. 0: .or* ner of Ww» and Fourth *trei-tt, Pittsburgh. octl^lw A Ca.iT HAVING send my Interval in the firm of T. KKNNKD\ JIL» A CO., to William U. Taicott, who, with A. o' Henry, will continue ths Liking Glass and Vari-lv liu*;! lies* at tha old st*od, corner 01 Wood and Fourth sheet* under the style of Wm. .11. ToieoU j* Co. ic nfiduntiy commend them to my former • mourners, u.« c-Tery mo qnalitttd to give entire satisfaction Ail perw.n# hating dorSamb against me, nod ail lodrbiod to iae, will {.laase unfc© an early settlement, T. KK.VNKDY, JR. Cabinet Kurnltnre Warehouie. r P h V•»U.> ti A Cy., Vulnna. f'urnilurr and we glre every bliriuiou Uj the manufacture of work best adapted U> their u-e Uuol UUOTS AM) SUOlns, WIiOhESAbK Ai\i> KKTAII., JAM ha UuhU has uttod up in epieuaid style uu rum- No. b 9 Market street, and No b L'uioa street, U-i\s*n’, Filth street aud the Diamoudj and has i,ow completed his bpring mock ui tiLlPPfciid.GAlTNJts Ac and Palm Leaf, Pedal, Duetiuaud Uraui llAl'b, to «•hit-h n< iuvit. fi the attention of all purchasers, whether at » hole sale or retail. This stock is one of the largest ercropened in thiecnv and embraces everything worn by theimtiesol Phllmk*!,hn! aud New York, and he trust* cannot fail to pj V unu 1 ii Great care has been given in selecting the choicest gouds all of which he warrant*. lie also continues to manufacture, as heretofore, all de scriptions of hoots and Shoes, and from this long azpon»ui.e 01 over twenty years in buaiuew in this etiy, is, he trust* a sutilcientguanmujo that those wuoiuror hnn with their custom, will be fairly dealt with. a t ,rly:U Seminary for Uoyi. Suulh-wat u>r. 0/ f\fUt and Grata rb., oppvsilc Court Uouf f I 'UN Fall Session of this School will commence ou MUN- X DAY, tteptemherdth, and the duties of tuHcruotluu will be resumed by Messrs.UHlGQb and M'DONALD. Tbufu arts itn smxeaajvu mouths in tie Acosmic year Tuition la $12,G0 per tjqarter. The number of pupils U limited, and boys ure admitted in rh« onlor of applications which may be made alter Annual 3oth, at 54 Liberty street, or at i-choo!, or by letter dropped iu I’ost Ofl«ce. nu9:tiw* W. D. SCAIFfi, FIRST STREET, BETWEEN WOUD AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBUKUU, PA., builds Francis’ patent Metallic Life Boats,of Galvanized Ir&n, also, manufactures Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Cooking Stores for Steam boa is and Hotels, Portable Forges, Forged Iron Work, Large Bolts for Bridges. scd Cock Life Preservers, the best and cheapest kind. Steamboat work attends! to. j *ny>.y WE are receiving from New York and Philadelphia 3SO HALF CHESTS i'EA, ’ comprising Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong Souchong, and English Breakfast, ail of whieh have boon carefully selected, and will bo sold as usual. A. JAYNES, Pekin Tea Store, Jj2l No. 3S Fifth street. J BOOTS AND SHOES.-—Those who wish to neat and well fitting * BOOT, SHOE or GAITER, will call at ITLAUGHLIN’S, M *** ka Fourth street. ORAFK, RKIisLVUEU A GRAFF“ MANUFACTURERS OF COAL AND WOOD COOKING BTOYEB»,KarIor and Heating Stoves, Grate Fronts FonderSj-JVagon Boxes Ac~ Ac. Warehouse No. 124 Wood Street, above Fifth, Pittsburgh, Pa. ST O C KING FA C To K NO. 24 FIFTH STREET , Sign of THE OLD STAND. WILLIAM DALY has returned from the Manufactur-' log Hosiery Districts of Europe, where he has pur chased, for cash, a very extensive and well assorted atoek of the best descriptions only of Stockings, Socks, Undershirts, Drawers,Gloves; ulso, new style of Children’s and Ilians’ Fancy Stockings, together with his domestic stock of Pitts burgh Manufactured Hosiery. He will sell by wholesale or retail atNew York Importers* prices. WILLIAM DALY A CO- Remember the place—No. 24, Sign of THE OLD STAND. my 23 Spring Style Uata. Jjjn WE WOUuD INVITE «ur frieuds and the public generally -tocnLi and examine oar new ami beautiful of Corrugated Hats, which we are eolliug low for cash. Also, our Celestial Cap, which is acknowledged to be the neatest and ba-t Cap of the season. .. : feb!7 4, WILSON « SON, 91 Wood Bfc U * * ‘ *•• ** • Notice* Isaac Jones, D. B. hOOIR3. .MARCUS It. JIOLUPA 7 -t>. RKlslNOth,. ■ T.J ÜBAff PHILADELPHIA, GEORGE J. HENKEL’S CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE, No. 173 CHESTNUT STREET, (OPPOSITI iRDSPXJfDXRCX HALL,) Philadelphia. FTOHITraE, IN EVERY STYLE! Comprising LouisXlV, Louis XV, Elizabethan and Antique, with Sculpture Carving and modern style; In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany, Satinwood and Maple; all of superior construction, and finished In the best style, equal to, If not excelling in qual ity, the Goods of any Establish ment iu the United States. F EMPLOYING none but experienced workmen, (appren- J tiees being positively excluded,;and using the best ma terials, the work cannot fail to give satisfaction to pur chasers. Amongst the many advantages offered to pur chasers, Is the facility of Furnishing a blouse, either in ele gant or plain style, completely from one establishment; by which means all the articles in each room correspond in style and quality, and the immense stock always ex hand, being so various in design, enables purchasers to plenxu their taste m a selection, without the delay necessarily caused In ordering Furniture. To give an idea of the Gnishod Furniture on band, I need only inform you that my Rooms are I7i> teetlong, by 27 feet wide, four noorain number; with Shops contiguous, suffi cient to employ 200 hands, which Is a guarantee that the work is all done under my own immediate inspection. Packing Is all done in the Store, and Furniture warranted to carry safely any distance. Visiters to Phila delphia are respectfully invited, as purcuasers or otherwise, to call ana examine the Goods. «u26:ly ST. LoUlfcL JOSEF il OiOGRIDGE, OOMiIISSIUN ANJ FORWARDING MERCHANT, * - OOMaUICIAL, BXtOW PISII STUBS*, St, Louis, Flo., /"IONBIGNMENTS usd Commissions will meet with prompt and personal attention, and. liberal aefoanou will be given wbeurequired,on Consignments or Bilisof Lading, in hana. Order*tor thepurchaseof Lead,Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandize and Pro duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest rates of Freight will always be procured, and the expense of Storage and Drayuge as much-aa possible avoided. _ BZfXBZNCXS. Page A Bacon, St. Louis; Eli!? A Morton, ' ClncltihStf; Char lew, DloV A Co., do; Btrader A Gorman, • u‘6* Chouteau A VaUe, do; Ilnsea A Frazer, do; Doan. King A Co, do; Springer A Whiteman, do; J.W. Butler A Bro.,Pittabb; E.O.Gooodman A Co., do; D. Leech & Co., do; E. AC. Yarnull 4 Co., PhfUda; Wra. Holmes A Co., do; Morgan, J.M. Buck A Morgan?., Blow A March, New York. B. B.Comegys, do; Froat A Format, do; Shields A Miller, do; Cbarlr-.* A. Meigs, do; Jodiah Lee A Co., Baltimore. A. 0. Farwell A Co.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do; Howard, Son A Co,, do; W. B. lleyßolds. Louisville; H. D. Newcomb A Bro., do; T.C. Twichell A Co.,Commission Merchants. New Orleans have an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover, all shipments to thy'address, when advised hy'letter per mail, or when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRIDGR, Ht. Loul*. Missouri. WATER CURE INSTITUTE, HAND STREET, (Mit.’TH SIDE.) BET PENN STREET AND THE RIVER, PI ITSBUKGU, PA. DOCTOR BA ELZ, Graduate and Practitioner in the Old acbools ot Medicine, Allopathic and llnmocpatbtc, and for the past too years u Hydropathic, has opened a V, aTEK CUKE in the above location. Ihu perfectly safe, direct and immediate effect this sys tem has on all F-V(*r», and all diseases acute and chronic— wbhe it is mild, gmtelul and invigorating to the weak and debilitated, render* It peculiarly desirable in families, who w>l! be treated at their boin**s. Allopathic and Ilomccpatf.h treatment will be adninb tered where desired; bat, utter long und thorough expe rience, Doctor B&clz give* n decided preference tu Hydro pathy. Which has, throughout the old n, nan hr examined ut Doctor ftmdz’B office. The Rev. Clergy are Invited to eooj-ult hlto gmtii. nrtn water being unit in iheiremmeucem-nt. and often throughout the ireutm**nt, it is iwnxury jueteadof unpleas ant, a« those uuucquniutt**! might suppose. ucrzaaaCES, —Mivsr* Char !es Bmwer, Palmer, W. M . \\ ii>T)n, \\. il. Willi»nic, Thompson Beil j. R. Wei dt*n. I). T. Morgan, Wo, R. Holmes, E ii. Fughsh, B H Herr. Tho underaigne-J, having visited Doctor Boelx’a Institu •*t»<>n and witnessed bis tre.-tinient, ciiecrlully re commend him as a Uioruughly educated and skillful Phy slrinn: Charles T. Unwell, Jos M’ConncMs, David Hunt, Johu C Curtis. Root. Patrice, John U. Ltviugatou, John Wright W . W. Patrick, Mosi-s F. Eaton, 0 Orm.aby Gregg. [ jauO ' KaDBA!) t At Knoiv-NotblngUm . J.AHU IWS.NXX WSH OBSX. CIlEAPeii- • THAN CAN BE BuUGIIT IN THE ABOVE FEURITORIKB. Rc&l Estate Farm for Sale. r |'liE -ul-.-cri! .-r i> nuLburiziM v> se.l TWO HUNDRED 1 AND Hit.Un-FoUK ACRES uf LAND, sitoated in Versatile trwu-lup, AJiegheuy county, Peur.svlvauja,lying td M Kee*jK>rt. knuwn a* the White-enl: Finis, and iD sight of the propuhvd Ht.tiuu un the couneiisvil.e itAilruau. ImpruvciiiruC- a.** follows: a square LOG HOUSE, 30 by feel, iwu stones high, and nquurv LOG BARN, Cu by SO feet (both m-a and in goi-i order;) two ffue young ORCH ARDS, (best grafted fruit./just commenced to U-nr. Then* in ninety tw one bundri-ii am?* cleared and in b high -tate of ruitnalif.ii, and the balance la well set with whlto-oak timber c.f the first order This Land la writ calculated tur a .-.'<>ek harm, -aiug very level, ana the v.il of uu excellent qua lit \ u*r icrash-g toning, and bring well watered with Cw..)r” or J.-urleen never tailing .-pangs of ..-Xcelieut Water. U:i> Uud hiiN tunltue- rarely met with, being withiu hall a mu.- «.f the Youghtught-uy and one mile of Mouongahela, ai.u aiun.-a't ou the line of the Counellsville Railroad, and is supposed to enntain un iuexhauvtible bed ol IRON ORE Tht* Land would uut hr* ia the market, only that the owner m about to remove to the “ Far We«." Terms easy.nnti pn--.* unnlenite. For Tiirther particular*, inquire of \V J KtJNoLDa, at Loreni's Works, or of JAMES LVRICIIEr, J K**!il E laDd then? is the best Saw Mill location in the county. Also, u number of iota containing from 1 to 6 acre* of choice land, situated one mile noaii-svcst of East Liberty und one mile east of LavrrenceviPe. The uhoye named pkvej of property are veiy desirable, and wiu be uiHjroA-d ol on advantageous term a to earlr pur cliavers. J r For term* t*f sale and further information apply to Win, I’. Baum, .No. —— Wood street, Pittsburgh. U. 1). THOMPSON, for Jjul S. Neeley. Bny Wood ftfnraery ami liartieua. JAME;* 11EN N hl>Y, ( late Manager of the well-known a v nycu.** N usuries, New York,; begs Ip&yo to inform the public, that he Dtu» now established an EXTENSIVE NUH SKKY, eu the Farm of Mr. James S. Negluy, near East Lib erty, where lie ahull be prepared, after the sth Instant, to re ceive an a til orders for every variety of Fruit arid Ornamen tal Frees, Hardy and Ureen tEbuse Shrubs and Plants. In addition to a cboicoand superior stoek on hand, be has made arrangement* with one of tho largest Nurseries in the East to Seep up bis supply. Having a tltorough and long expu rlenee in the business,ho can assure his customors perfect .Ur. Kennedy would also respectfully offer his services In aesi'cniug, Uyingout, and managing Kural Cemeteries, Pub la? Parke, or thu grounds ol Country R**sidoncvß; and will also furnish plans fcr the formation of Lawns, Approach**, l tcturesque ijcoDcry, 4c., In the highest styles of the art! I raotk-ully acquainted with every branch of Landscape Gardening, and haring spent years In the Sylvian Parks of England, and on the beautiful banks of the Hudson be hopes he hRa the capacity to meet the wishes of those who favor bun. Gominnnicatlons can be addressed through the City I'MlOmr. «t art al ihs Wanliouse of Messrs..Seglev & Mohan, 22 Wood street. ® J . .. . * CO Uoctoii Papier Macho Comimny. MODERN AND ANTIQUE ORNAMENTS. I_)ITTaUUUG U AGENCY, b 7 MARKET STREET,—The . at tention of Builders, oteumboat Contractors and Cab inet Mahers, is requested to this uew liud groat improve ment iu the tnanutaoture of embellishments for Buildings huJ Steamboats, outside rind iuside. Cabins, Ualls, Chure-h -es, Dwellings, chores, and P*rh>r furniture, in gilt, or in imitation of various kinds of wood. Also, Cornices, Brack ets, and Patent Ventilating Centre Pieces for Celliugs Mouldings, Consuls, Trusties, Battlement, &c; much cheaper and handsomer »h«» Plaster and Wood Carving, anil a ureat deal more durable*. * BLOCK LKTTKKB FOB SIGNS, very cheap and warrant ed to lor-t for liO years exposed to the weather. Above Goods lor Bale nt the manufacturer’s prices cost of freight aided. \y. \y. WILSON, _ 07 Market st. ‘>' CIOBK3, HUSTIUM, Turns, 4o„ on the mom SI Ka.JetOTaa. ApelloßalMUp.No.’ 7Bkourtbau^blT NUMBER 16S, FOR SALE AND TO LET. 3-5 P* r Cent Lower them any Fomin the County, A VA H IA , BI *, E * A , nM SALE.—TIie subscriber is th auth ° rl f dto *? w the fcOowlog describe TRACT OF °a sll \^**** 5n North Fflvettotown f y 14 the City of Pltts burgh, and near die liar cfcagi^benvilla Rallroau.wlth Cool and Lime atone Ta*e, Spring House and other oat tmiV.Hjg* anew Frame Bank Barn, 64 by 35 feet, finished in the Inst possible manner, •witli Stabling under the whole building; 100 bearing Annie. Trees, best grafted qualities; s large quantity of Beach and Cherry Trees, all in bearing order; about 85 acres cleared and in a high 6tat«of r ultivation, with water in all the fields This land is very comfortably situated in one of the best neighborhoods in the county, being convenient to maiket, to churches, schools and mills, aud would not be in the market, only that the owner io about to remove to the far west. Terms eas* and price moderate. Fur further parti culars see the owner, WM. ROBB, on premises, or the sub scriber. ' JASIFS C. RICHEY, au2l:daw Beal Estate Agent. SALE—Two splendid Farms; one of 100acres,and the other 76 acres; beautifully located on the Upper St. Clair Township Plank Road, 6 miles from the city,each of them lying so os to divide into lOacre lots, havinga.good -spring on each. It Is a splendid opportunity for a specula tion. Those who want a good home, or wish to-make money, would do well to look at It, as we will sell io the first that offers us our low price, in lots or all together. Also, five Country Seats, l mile from Woods* run, and only 3 miles from Allegheny city, by way of theNew.Bri'gh ton Plank RoaJL They are fine healthy locations, and of fered very low. , Also, ten Country Seats on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Kaitrosd.7 miles below the city. They will be sold separate or together to a colony or bultdlng association. It is a lovely location, and cheap, of course. Also, one Lot of two acres, and two smaller pieces of ground, opposite Harlman’s at Woods’ run, offered at a very low price for so fine a property. An assortment of Lands, Houses and. Lots, always on Land, and described ia •my register. Befbre buying you would do well to call and enquire of THOMAS WOODS, J ei " 75 Fourth street. T Beautiful Sites for Country Homes. % offers for sale, on easy terms, FIFTY ® nd restricted for rural residences. Also, an ENTIRE SQUARE, on the bank of the Allegheny rivet T&4 feet long by 2uo feet deep; having fronts on Alary and Julm Ann Avenues, and Henrietta aad H«t su-ee's. This .squarircontalns mAny Fruit Tfcespf the Choicest kind', and' fpmmandsn One view of the'picturesque ana romanticsee- - nery around; lam desirous of preserving this square W tire, aa it would affofd one of the most charming ami mag nificent sites tor a gentleman’s summer residence, in the Immediate vicinity of the two cities. Alfo, about TMU E ACRES OF GROUND, at the headof poses adTanta S«>usly eitumed for manufacturing par- av T V® aboTe property is situated in Duquesne borough, on the high and main ban# of Herr’s Island, and ia reached by a very substantial Bridge of one span. For particulars op. ply at my residence, in Duquesne borough, on the main fronting the head of.Uerr’s Island, or of JOHN DUN LAP ft CO., corner of Second and Market sts., Pittsburgh. _ a P rli:lf WM. C. MILLER. r | MEN.—For rale, an excellent Businese A SUnd, with Dwelling House, War-house, Ac— situatfd on Lisbon street, Weilsriiie, Ohio. The House Is well sr runm-d. containing eigr.t rooms an l kitchen, with. wide plm street,. The corner bouse con- Inins live rooms, n goc-d cellar and a store room—water fir. urvs through the house. The other houses contain eight rooms each; hath room cellar, end hot and cold water through the whole houS’ For price end terms coll ot the Real Estate Otßca cf i feb , s S CU ™UKRT A SON, ~ No. -140 Third atroet. Notice. MSftT attcnd t 0 JOHN M'DEYITT, tumov v * WILLIAM M’DRYITT. Pittsburgh, January 3d. 1835—f j an 4 ROBERT H. PATTERSON'S a LIVERY AND SALE mg. -LL7V BTABLE, Corner Diamond street mid Cherry alley, _ap/14 tf PITTSBURGH. PA. JiiiEi E. LEDLIE JOSEPH J. ULA.M. Ledlle «fc UJam, (Successors to Mulrnny A Ledlie.) VI ANUFA TUBERS of Cut, Moulded a&d Plain,-Flint ivl ami Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in'atl kinds of Winlow G-as-s FlaskivVials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.. xnb3:dly .. v .. „.. ..... WII LuW CHARCOAL—An excellent, iicticte, pietuod expressly for medicinal jpnrpos-s 0 dozen rec'd by _ • ‘ JOS- FLEMING: • mh22- r ConiK Diamond and Market st. - j • 1 - - .»a , ‘ .=1 . . A,"-. • J . y - - ; , .1* i* i (,'■ • -, SATEa or AnvEftfiiise , jkjbzhd upojx nr tbs pirrsßvuaa pßiijS mb tuna vaxtinm, orntmi ‘far a inure, 0nein5erti0D.,... M »,.......w.. ; t( <( . each EddlUonallttstt^Uoa^..'. 11 ' 0ne'Teae^*..’....1*..,.,,. ** ts two, ** “ thraoweeia.. “ “ f the pape*)'...,..,. 25 0® DAILY MORNUNG POST* FRIDAY MORNING! SOME IDEA OF A BKUUS SEWS. PAPER. Wo find in a letter'from Berlin, i to tbo Phila delphia North American a description of a news paper of that city. It is very novel end very curious: Let me attempt to give your readers seme ideit of a Berlin newspaper. We will toko'as our ex ample the journal which, everjthingfcpnsidered ’ —ite good summary of news and its high litorar ry character—stands at the head of the Berlin J da ly preea: I mean the BerlinUehe Ifachrichten; or. the Berlin .‘"News of State and Learned Wat-, ~ tore.” It is a e-mail sheet, about twelve by eigh teen laches' in size, and bears a pretty vignette ' 1 above ite title, representing tho Prussian eagle, 1 with outstretched wings and crowned head, ns- • nsnal, while below lies a sceptre, mhaical instru ments, ond branches of laurel. Under the eagle is the inscription, “ With royal privilege.’*' The ' journal perhaps.never, appears without ono or .- more Supplementary Sheets; called 'Beilagen.yiv the whole' amount of paper is generally l>ea than that of ono of the penny " dailies” in onr American cities..-, At the head of thefiratcolumn. ono always finds a set of announcements’ begin- ’ ning “ His Majesty the King have moat nil gra ciously deigned ” td appoint oertain persons ; named to certain offices, to confer certain titles or decorations, or .to give his consent to some, of-z his subjects to receive and wear orders conferred upon them fcy the Sovereigns of other stares.' ' : - Hefe, too, we are informed of all the movements' ’ and journeys of the royal family or of their au gUßtvißitora. Then eomo other official announce- : mente,,nns bodies of a similar character. Tho reports are bare sketches, and one never seea. afuU report of a speech, as in America, England; and some times Piedmont nod Belgium.' J - - • : Tho leading-editorials are followed by various - . items .of local news, of Berlin first, and then of, - other oities and states in Germany, , The comes, news from the other countries of Europe; in tegu lar order, the items selected being Snob'os’ urb ' 1 found Htf good newspapers all over the world.- i The latestrtelegraphic despatches,of pnblioln- : 1 tereat peenpy tho next; place, and to them or.o subjoined financial news, .the state of the virions.'' 5 stock markets, and' the general conrso of trS le' ’* ia the virions capitals 1 and marts. £ Then come- 1 ' the ndvortisr jnents. among which thm American., ; will be struck by tho gregt number of announce ments of public amusements, particularly of " concerts of all kinds, "and then plays, operas, ’' balls, exhibitions of pictures, and the like, in the “ Beilagen”-.we have further .summaries of foroign news, and a variety of: local city items, notices of new books, criticisms of works of art, .concerts and theatrical entertainments, foreign eSrrCspdndenoefSor Tnitead of tfie : connected' ; ‘ lists of marriages and deaths which we find in , American journals, the German paporß. publish such and similar announcements, separately, m" the form of advertisements, and paid for accord-’ ' ingly. I give a few specimens of the .various kinds of suoh advertisements: . .. “ Betrothal Notice. .1 . The Betrothal, which took place on tho 12th of , this month, of our eldest daughter Anna,, with tho Machine-factory owner, Mr. Hermann rauckscb,' we have the honor hereby to announce very je- V speotfolly to all friends and relatives, in place of ' -’ any more particular notice. 1 , , The Preacher and School-Inspector, Schroeter, ■ with his wife: . . . . --a In placo of anymore particular notice; rccojn 1 - ' mend themselves as betrothed. J •= " ,■ A Anna Schrotter, ;:: . Hermann Eanoisph.’’- “ Confinement Notice. , ~, last night was my dear wile, born von Llebc- ‘ “err, easily and happily delivered of d healthy 1 ’ " daughter. I have the honor horeby to announce- •' this respeotfolly to my talatives and friends, in •place of farther notice. Carl von Brpndift, Captain of the Ist Guard Beg. of Foob” ' “ Noticea of Deaths: ' - "- : Yesterday evening softly fell asleep my warm' ly loved Grandmother, Henrietta Chevallier, , . born.Krack, in the arms of her. true sister,' the' ®" othe » M’V.wi.fidro Krack. She had': - left the 81st year of her life behind her: ' For' silent sympathy for her loss, beg ; " - Albert Labdo, , Dorothea- Meyer.”, “ This noon, at. half past 1 o’clock, fall softly■ t asleep our dear little Paul.' We thank God, who. vouchsafed to us for two jears the •'ossession of : this dear little child, and beg of our relatives and ! - ; friends their silent sympathy.” :.' : Among the expressions for decease in these potioes, wo see often, “slept softly away to' a ' better• life s”-“ slept"over to that'side;" “de-’" ;: parted thithtr," and the like. The 'notlCe^Sro^ l ' ■often.cpuched in very significant, and. tonohiog , terms, though sometimes less happy. Incases of weddings, the married pair <• recommend themselves” in the newspapers in terms similar to tho annouheoment of betrothal; ' " *“ 4 I have Been ,in tho.Nafurichteh ssyetal adver tisements for a wife on thd part of Somedisoont Bol&te old bachelors; mtn “of good peTBonant} :; thriving-buaineßß," demanding-the.usnal mix- t ture of amiable .temper, good health and: good 7 breeding. There was one .curious advertise- ' ment, also, for •* femalosooiety,” ok the part of’ : a man who represented himself as very'mu»h' :i;: depressed by reverses of fortune,: and In need: . V of something to revive andoheer hie spirits. - ; The Berlin press is by no mesne free fhom gov- "1 ernmental trammels. The papers hereWocca- Biooally ‘'warned,” or a certain edition'sun preseed and. confiscated, for. the utterance of po- i littcal opinions whieb aro ooneidered dangerous Yet the Btriinefs are always ready to assert the privileges of ;■ fee speech,” and the I press is ' 0 muoh freer m Prussia than in Austria; The- ; Berlin police has muoh more occasion to trouble • ; ‘ ;fote>en .newspapers. ; The London; ,-, : ? ,n L es 'i 16 “Punch,” areboth ireqnynt y for the!r Personal attacks . npon the King, and their critioiams of Prussia s ! pohttcs in generel. . The STorwßo qj_tbe El DonjtDO.—We hh?e • - seen reliable letters from--Havana bearing on tais subject, dated March ."23d ultimo;•wherein ■ it »8 stated that when Capt. oray reported.:the , facts of the affair in which lie was first, stopped (inthe El Dorado) off 'Capb Antonio, 4 the Cap-' tain General promised to order ‘an investigation into the matter;; The El. Dorado again . reached.'; < Havana on the 22d ultimo from , Aspiowall.- - > Captain Gray, oh reaobing there, reported that he saw the same steam frigate, the " Cape San Antonia, and that she again fifed'' blank cartridge, and then a shot* aheadmf bias!-.-. veaßeh Capt. Gray . tben stood towards