The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 03, 1855, Image 3

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" Coubt op Qdarteb Sebsiohs— Before Hon.
Wm. B. M’Clnro, President Judge; Hon. Ga
briel Adams and Hon. William Boggs, Associate
Commonwealth t>«. James Stilly; indictment,
larceny, on oath of. Henry Capps. The defend
ant was arraigned for stealing a hatohet. He
plead guilty, hat stated that he was intoxioated
at the dine, and did not hnow what he was
doing. Tho Court sentenoed him to undergo an
imprisonment in the county jail for three calen
dar months.
Commonwealth nj. George N. Fisher; indict
ment, assault and battery, on oath of Thomas
W. Moore. The prosecutor was oonstable of
Eaßt Birmingham. He had returned a man
named Bender for keeping atippling house, who
made his escape boforo haring been brought to
justioe. Fi her was bail for Bender’s rent, and
Moore served a summons on him, on tho 26th of
January, to tho effect that ho was required to
pay the amount of tho rent. A arose
between tho two concerning the returning of
Bender, Fißher saying he had been thrown into
tho paying of $5O in consequence. The defend
ant took up a two pound weight, and catching
him by the ooat collar, threatened to, or did,
Btriko him The jnry returned a verdict of
guilty. Tho Court sentenced him to pay a fine
of ten dollars and oosts of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. Mary Gannon ; indiotment,
assault and battery, on oath of Bridget Jordan.
The parties are huoku f ers in the Diamond mar
ket. On tho 26th of January they became in
volved in a quarrel about the right of possession
of tho Btall oooupied by the prosecutrix, during
which tho defendant, as alleged, ent the prose
cutrix on tho hand with a knife. Mrs.
Gannon also threatened that she would "atiok”
her adversary tho next timo they got imo a diffi
culty. Verdict, guilty, and defendant sen
tenced to pay $5 and costs.
Commonweal!h vs. John Nichols ; indiotment,
keeping a tippling house, on complaint of Eliza
beth Barker. Verdiot of not guilty—but de
fendant to pay costs. .
Commonwealth vs. James Stotley; indict
ment, "larceny of a gold watch from Wm. Allen.
The defendant proved an alibi, and a verdict of
not guilty was consequently rendered.
Commonwealth vs. T. Frouuelle; indiotment,
surety of the peace, on complaint of Antony
Frounelle. Dofondant Bontenced to pay costs.
John Lytbe plead gnilty to keeping a tippling
houso, and was fined $2O and coEte.
Commonwealth vs. John Long; indictment,
• assault and battery, on oath of a German named
Hultman. Tho defendant plead gnilty, and was
fined $lO and oosts.
Commonwealth ts. Alexander Forsyth and
John M’Lain ; indiotment, assault and battery,
on oath of John Stroeble. The defendants
plead guilty.
Four boatmen, named Jerome Ewing, William
Bailey, Robert Moore and Henry Kennedy, be
longing to Allegheny, having more money on
Saturday uight tban they were usually Messed
With, conoludcd to go on a “grand bust.” They
wero not long in imbibing enough of the “ar
dent” to make them feel “careless of coneequen-
CCS,” anil in the most approved manner they
proceeded to kick up a row in tho streets. Be
fore proceeding a great distance. they met a
female, who they insnlted and assaulted io tho
most brutal manner, knocking her down and
otherwise ill-using her. Passing on, they came
in contact on Ohio Etreet with several peaceable
citizens, upon whom they also commenced a
violont attaok with elong shots, cluba, &o . fel
ling a conple of them to the ground ond inOiot
ing serious injuries upon all Tho party, be
ooming more notouß and boisterous as they pro
ceeded,‘at last went in the taveru of Mr. Oerst,
in the Fourth Ward, whero several Germans,
named Gotlcib Schrober, Shriler and Fredeiick
Somers were sntaciog themselves with 11 ein
glass Lager ” Upon these inoffensive Teutons
a combined assault was likowieo made by the
rowdies, but tho sons of tho *' Faderland” not
being gifted with that pblegmotio spirit, usually
attributed to them, could not bear the attack with
patienoe, and made a resistance which resulted
in the total discomfiture of the boatmed* The
fight raged terribly for about half an hour; brer
glnsses, pistole, slung-shots, chairs and every
thing that ooal l be laid hold of, were used as
weapons or missiles. Word being sent to the
Mayor’s office of tho dis'orbance, a posse of
polios came to the assistance of the Germans,
and tho disorderly gang was taken to the tombs
One Of the Germans was dangerously wounded,
- and is now lying at his residence in a critical
On Monday tho boatmen were brought beforo
Mayor Adams, who committed them all to jail,
on tho information of the four persons abovo
named, for assault and battery with intent to
kill. We understand that other commitments
will also be lodged against them to-day.
Steamboat Captain Stabbed —We lonrn from
the officers of tbo aleumer Ad lift that Csptaiv
Jacob liazlcp, commander of the Keyßtone State,
waß dangerously stabbed at Warrenton, Ohio, on
Sunday, by a coalboatman named Stephen King,
Tfho belonge, we believe, to that place He was
a passenger on board the Keyetone State. On
the arrival of the boat at Warrenton, she wes
unable to land, owing to the lowneS9 of the
water; King insisted on being pot on Bhore, not
Withstanding, and commenced a quarrel with
the clerk, in consequence. Daring the quarrel
Captain liazlcp interfered, when King turned
suddenly upon him and inflicted several Bevert
stabs on different partß of his person. At the
last blow tbo knife broke off in the wound. We
did not learn whether King was arrested or not
Onr informants represented to ns that the ioju
Ties were very serious ; and when they left the
physicians wero endeavoring to eitraot the bro
ion blade.
llistiuct Coubt.— Before Hon. M. Hampton.
Musgrave, Wertz & Co. vs. G. H. Tour & Or.
>G P. Hamilton for plaintiff. Action of debt ou
two promissory notes. No defence. 1 crdic
•for $826,64.
James Gray, 4th street, tu. John Owens el al
Shaler and McConnel for plnintiff. This is an
action of treßßpass against defendant, who Wat
'S tree t Commissioner of the city of Pittsburgh
for entering upon plaintiffs property in the 6tb
Ward, and constructing a sewer for tho removal
’of stagnant water. Mr. McCalmoat appeared
for defendant. On trial.
The Complaint Book. —This book -has beet
so little used lately, that its existence Beorns t,
bo fadiog from the memory of our citizens
The following is tho only complaint that bar
been entered upon it for several dayß ■
The atteotion of the police is called to a nui
aanoo, oo Third street, causod by tbs tar üboii
on the Baptist church on tho corner of Grant,
spreading over tho pavement, to the destruction
of the clothes of passers by.
The Weatheb. —Yesterday, notwithstanding
it was the Becoud of April, and ‘Amoving day.
at that, was cold and disagreeable. In lb.
morning the wind blew quite st ffly, and tb‘
thousands who wero engaged in removing then
“household goods,” were not a little annoyed b;
the clouds of sand and dust flying in the air. 1
was n very cold day for eo Into iu tho spring.
“ Fes, NOW AND -THEN, is Reeiseed n t THE
Guavest Men.” —On Saturday night two grave
and reserved “sigDiors,”—one a distinguishes
merchant, and the other a oity offioial—amnseo
themselves by trundeling hoops along the street
for a wager. The race is said to have been ex
ccodingly funny, and objoyeil hugely by the
Jailoe Craw toed returns the following ni
the number of persons committed to jail foi
trial during iastwoek: Assault and battery,
with intent to kill, 16; laroeny, 3 ; arson, 3 ;
aednotion, 1; surety of the peace, 1 ; riot, 2;
asßanlt and battery, 4 ; keeping tippling house
1; threatß to poison, 1.
Saws or Pews in Cueist’s (M. E.) Council ai
Auction. The pewß in Christ’s Church, remain
lie unsold at the previous sale, will be dißposee
of at Dublin auction this evening, at half past',
n’elook We understand that no pews will b.
rented.' Those desiring pleasantly situated seats,
should he on hand eßrly.
■ Amiests in Ailmhbnt.— The following num
arrests were made by the Major e pohce
of Allegheny, during the month of Maroh .
Americans “ ] lB “ *7*.* i
Germans * 33 j <
Scotch.... 4 | Colored
Wn would call the attention of onr readers to
the card of 8 B‘einrock, No. 128 Wood street
who has just received fine fresh Eastern an
Lake Fish. Any thing from this esiabhshmon
can be relied upon as sound and good*
A Lauge assortment of splendid dress Bilks,
embroideries, shawls, visettes, &0., will be so
thlß morning, at 10 o’clock, at the store of Mr.
Thompson, 106 Market street, by P. M. Davis
W£ aw now receiving our stock of Paris made MAN ■
TILLAS, to which we wohll call the attention of the
ladies. . ' " HAOAS. * AUL, _ :
mbit - - 91 Market street.
-ci-i»en : nATß—ow bus, ecoich' Potato new lor sale hT -
Q rimhSO ’ HAMES WAKDBOP, Filth st
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Th* Ervflß.—iliera were 4 feet water in the chaoael, at.
dusk, last evening, and stationary. A good deal of freight
_ , „ was shipped yesterday. Al&rge amount of goods aro arxlv*
-- ri T, • 1 nr w lag from the East, and every thing aenotM an actire trade
. NBW9BI.EANB March 31-The Darnel Web- fJtEOffl6timetoraia(i _
eter arrived, with California dates to the 9th.
The Bank excitement has mostly subsided. The floe steamer “Advance,” Capt. Doyle, leaves for
The suspended Banks have not resumed, and Louisville to-dny, Capt. i). and his polite assU'ant, Mr.
probably none will but Page & Bacon. Cbsppio, Myers, Will pay every attention to*hosa having huslnessor
Sawyer & Co. and 8. B. Convery have failed. j traveling with them.
The Supreme Court has decided that persons
enclosing land in the mining region cannot hold
against miners.
In Oregon a conventional arrangement has
been entered into for the extinguishment of In*
dian titles in Wilhamelte Valley, Nicaragua
The Webster was brought to on the outward
passage by a Bhot from a Bpanish sloop-of-war,
and her papers wero examined.
The Btar of the West ltfi on the 24th, with
Reported Expressly for the Daily Horning Post.
Monday, April 2.
Fugitive Slave Case—Municipal Election.
Cincinnati, April 2.—The U. 8. Marshal was
committed to jail to-day, for oontempt of Court,
in haring refused to produce the slave Rosetta
before Judge Parker. It waß then found that
Rosetta had been taken from jail and secreted.
A report reached here this evening that n large
number of armed men are oomiug down to-night
from Maysville, to take her by force to Kentuc
ky, but the report is not generally believed. The
absenoe of the girl from jail is oausing much ex
At the municipal eleotion to-day a very largo
vote was polled; the result is doubtful, and will
not be asoertained until morning. There is much
excitement In several Wards, and considerable
fighting has been done*
"Ibdependenoe (Mo.), April 1 —Returns from
Kansas Bhow the election of the pro-slavery tioket
in Bull Creek, Lawrence, Douglass, Doniphan,
Teoumseh, Shawnee Mission, Leavenworth and
Hookey Point, by majorities ranging from 200
to 800. The election was conducted with tole
rable quietude. The editor of the Kansas Free
man was ducked in the Raw river by a mob, in
consequence of a speech. Probably no anti
slavery men have been elected to the Legislature.
A large procession paraded here to celebrate the
Boston, April |2. —Hayti dates to March 14th
are received. Coffee is roponed Bhort, and is
selling at $ll5 per hundred lbs., Haytian cur-
’ [* “"’nr '*■
Kansas Election
From Hayti and M. Domingo.
It is thought that the treaty between the Uni
ted States and Bt. Domingo in the present form
will never bo sanctioned by the Dominican gov
Tbe Poole Affair.
New Yoke, April 2.—ln the Court of Oyer
and Terminer, this morning, a motion was mado
to quash the indictment against Morrissey, Hy
ler, Irving and Linn, lmplioated in the Poole
murder. If the motion be not granted, a motion
to admit them to bail will bo mad*. There is
Borne talk of increasing the bail erf Irving, who
is still at large, to $25,000.
Montreal, April 2 —lt has been Bnowing
bard hero for tbe last fifteen hours. The heavy
drifts aro likely to impede tho trains.
Ogdensbubg, April 2. —There is a severe
snow storm, with a heavy north west wind
Tho thermomoter is at ten degrees abovo zero.
Deatla ot a Lady.
Washington Citt, April 2 —The Intelligencer
has received news of the death of Mrs. bchroo
dcr, wife of the Minister at Stockholm, and
daughter of Col. Seaton of tho National Intclli
gencer. She was a lady of remarkable intelli
gence, and a friend of Frederika Bremer.
Know Nothing! ftt New Orleans.
Philadelphia, April 2.—Now Orleans papers
of Tuesday are received. The Know Nothing
victory iB completo; bat two Democrats have
been cleetod. Good order has becu preserved.
Municipal Election
Nashville, Tenn., April 2.—600 or iOO ma
jority for the Sag Nicht ticko.t, but the vote can
oot do .v be counted. There is much exoitcmeni
throughout the city.
Case of Judge 1-orlng.
In tho case of Judge Lormg the removal re
solveß have been postponed, and another hear
ing in committee has been granted.
Brig Wrecked.
Poetland, April 2.-1 he trig of
Norfolk, was totally wrecked last eight eff Cape
Elizabeth. Her crew wers saved.
Dentil of Mr*. Levis Cass, Jr
New Yoiik, April 2 Mm. Cass, wifo of the
U. S. Minister at Uomo, died suddenly in that
oity on the 3d March.
Orncc or Tnc Duet MoKNisa Post, 1
Tuesday, April 0. 1855. i
There was a fair amouot rf bu-locsa rraosactcd yester.
day, hot no aIU-rallon io a’jolotlonr, except in Flour. This
article has beeo advancing for romed.yr. and 1! !.■ now ril y
one dollar pi bbl. above the price e-k.d Hue day a week.
The small ameunt in market, caon-d from the uoc-rwvlpl •
by river for wvernrilsyf, I* probably tho reuse In a great
Condensed Clasalflcatlon of Freight (raT
rled over the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad to 1854-.
Barrels F.uur rt**f '
Do. Pall 1- M0
Do. Fruit 8 07S i- ‘u'lx*
t » j fonotrv Pr-«dar<«.~l 5.068 813 2.. W. *£■> 1 ‘ • I,r> ; u r ,
Do. Bulk Fork JJ : *si^W
Boehels Whi at V-3y02 1TB4»1
tto! Blhedia. brain sll.tttt */* «|3
&&= »* --
Shinnies j2oV«O 120,000
Do. Car wheels v ,
DO. Coke n£g
Do. Pig Metal -> 5 “ ’ ]ff
Tons Sand ]lt
Paseeogor Cars....•••••••• ‘ 14s, qs)
Total Ho. tons freight... w * ,i * '
telegraph markets
New Yobk, April 2 -Flour a trill. higher.
mod Ohioet t9,02@*10; I
S7railO 1214. Cotton *tiflnr, hoi »>"l »juo«fcb | 7 hlrfh«r,
Lie. N*« Or(?.n> middling ut *%. Wh.attl.m, Buu.bern
rrhlte t 2 40. Corn 1. • trill. biKb.r, .«•! nMolnel; ml.rd
*l@*lol. Fork o lIUIo higher; .•!.» WO bbl. »l
417 Urol firm: «»!•. <"0 «>*••-- Ur ' l >• '»■•'b*"g»d.
Hum* bitter; .ale. «t ViW- Whleky i Old,, JUfthHl ‘A n..
aro-erle. firm. hlnseed Oil 70. ««ek»r i Money
unchanged! Indiana Area 61F4. Virginia elae. .7.,, (dim
berland 31-'i, New York Central 01%, and It,la
do 00? d, Brie tiO%, Heading B4>„.
PnlLinlunia, April 3.-Flour: The euppllea eontinu. 10
, E »nwlw • marhct firm at tho Ihlb a J v»n< «• , tuiun lH’
s°u“Vfor anlpmanti aalea COO bbl. etandard brand, at *ln.
live Flour and Corn Meal held timly-thc C-rni.r at *11.1,0,
end the teller ut *1.25. Market nearly bar. of Wheal, at a
farther 250 hu. prim,, Prnneylvenla white
Ineo 60 which le the hlgheat point reached this year , red
S.*d it sido! bit a lot of 200 hna aold at *2,36. ft,a want
ed at SI 25. Corn continue. In demand, and price, again
advanced ; .air. 5000 to 6000 bun 800 .hern yellow at U6i,a.
SIJ. mAmlv at the latter. Oata aleo higher; .ale. 600
Finna. atVsc ¥ hna. lo gocd demand,
and 200 to 800 bblfl fl Id ftt 33; in bhiU worth J 2.
■ 0 Tlonr * S&lp* 1000 bhlrt Howard
price reached for many yeara.
PractNUATI. April 2—Merket. quiet Flour $8 ,6 e -S,SO.
Whlfdty 20. Provialons quiet and unchanged. fcug.r a
vanced'/J. Molaaae. held at 31. wlthealesatdQ__^__
p.H.DAVIS, Auctioneer.
WEDNESDAY, April 3d and 4th, at 10 o clock, A. M-,
=7™ J?rMr lohn Thompson, No. 100 Market street,
“ Twfth will bo resumed. the s Ala of his entire stock o
nEar F,ri -And,ln which were pnrchased with a special
desirable Dry 0 i t!)( , sm ,l must now 1.0 disposed
view to a select customer wane, bu>jneM T ho assort
0f ansivia and com prises Ihe richest and
ment is very eaten, o, bombasines, french merloos,
latest BtilesofdrcFS . e p renc b lawns, ging
tide- linen goods, hosiery and gloves, bonnets, parasols,
o „da general variety of st.ple AnrtioDeer
H at AUCTION*—On THURSDAY fTenlne. Aprll Sth a
rd o’clock, at tha Merchants’ Bichange, Fourth street,, »U 1
be eold that valuable Lot of Ground, situate on Water at,
near the rolling-mill of M’lCnlgbt 4 Brother, having a
front on Water street of twenty-four Let five Inches, end
extending back ninety-five feet, on which i« erected a con
venient well finished Two Story Brick Dwelling noose, oo
copied by James Stren, who will show the property to any
residue in one and two years,
„uh lSwest. [apfi] P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
K THURSDAY evening, April sib. at ~,]4 o’clock, at the
Merchants’ Exchange, wll be sold, by order of Giorge S.
gwarts, Blnfl Mtaing Company of Michigan Stock,
h a 9 been forfeited for non-payment of ae-
eessmentfl. Aoctlon:er.
a P 3 --r —— "IQ.
tM1 _ i/uhsaN MININU CO. BrO3K AT AUC
«w ni °Bi 1 A I Jf u A l *? ftt **•
i; rC SscUge.Tooia, street, mil be sold, b, erler
° , W :aSfeSS Mining Co. Btoc*. forced
[or non-p»yni« nt of *^y^|J lAyjg)jUUjUonEer. 1 A yjg ) j UU jUonEer.
- - - 1 -
The steamer u Yi rhtown,” Capt. Jacob Poe, leaves fbr
Louisville to-day. She needs no recommendation from na
iler officers are gentleman and worthy cf patronage from
all ihoso having business In that direction.
Tee rplendid steamer “Wm. Baird,” Capt Campbell,
will leave this morning, at 10 o’clock, for Cincinnati—taking
the place of the regular Cincinnati packet “Allegheny.”
Capt. C. and Ills gentlemanly clerk, Capt Frlsbea, will be
found attentive and accommodating to all those having
business or traveling with them.
Tub e toamar “ Castle Garden,” Capt. Devlnney, willleave
to-day for Memphis, direct. Those having business or
traveling iu that direction would do well avail themselves
of the present opportunity. Capt. I>. and his clerk, Mr.
Dorhmau, will be found polite and attentive to all who
place themselves under their care.
Preights to Pittsburgh— Whisky, Pork, 50; Flour, 40;
Pound Freight, 20c. cwt.
St Louis—Dry Goods, 40c. cwt.; Heavy Freight, 30@
40; Whihky, $l.
NaxhvWt —Whisky, $1: Pound Freight, 40e. Olo*
verered, 75 bbh; Ale, 75.
tfew Orlcant— Whisky, 60c; Pork, 70; Flour, 60; Pound
Freight, SO@3sc cwt.
Wabash iftwr— Whlskyand
Oil, $1 bbl.— Cin Commercial, 3Lsf,
The steamer “ Tropic” left St. Louis for the Missouri river,
having secured Pilots, and will continue in the trade dur
ing the season. Other outsiders wilL doubtless follow suit.
STKAHEa Bat City Injured.— Yesterday morning, at four j
o’clock, the Bey City, on her way hence with a ctowd of pas
sengers, encountered a regular sea serpent of a snag, about
twenty miles below this city. The snag refer redto earn*
over the starboard bow. and in an Inttant endrely.aemoHah
ei the starboard half of the boiler deck, the promenade oat
sldo of the cabin, for about half the length or the boat, tore
away a large portion or tho hurricane deck, and injured
two horses on the lower d«ck to severely, that they Will be j
of no further use. A large quantity of moveaMe«,gla«a,
glassware, and other merchandize was precipitated into tee
river, and lost. This mishap occurring when the Pro
ffers wero asleep, caused great consternation and confusion
un board; upwards of a hundred person* of both so vis,
springing from the belaud rufhincto and fro, ana expect*
ioc every moment to sink helplessly to the depths of the
river. The Bay City Is now a sorry ohjeetto look at, but as
n number cf men will be at work upon her this morning,
her oflirers expect to have her all right, end ready to prose
cute her trip to Dubuque In two or three days.—&u Low
Democrat, Z\st- _
4 feet 6 inohcp water in tub channel.
Bte.nier Jefferson, Parkinson,Browns-tllo.
*• Luzerne, Bennett, Brownsville.
«< Gen. Bayanl, Peebles, Elizabeth.
“ Eclipse, Moore, bteubenville.
« Michigan No. 2, , WelUville.
“ Forest City, Moore, Wheeling.
“ Adelis, Graham, Zanesville.
♦* Caledonia, Calhoon r St. Louis.
git-amer Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville,
•* Luserno, Bennett, Brownsville.
“ Gen. Bayard, Peebles,Elizabeth.
“ Ecliose, Moore, Steubenville.
“ Michigan No. 2, , WellsvUle.
“ Empire, Doyla, Wheeling.
“ Dlurnul, Shepherd, Wheeling.
« Ella, Poe, Wabash. ____
Pittsburgh, cikcihhati, louisville,
Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line,
And Saint Loula.
Tins hist Is composed of seren njae
I first class powerful btramera, une- LtJjjßWUif
fiSaSSSSLiualled for, splendor, ulßj.fiwM®
and comfort, anil is the rnaojou mill UM O» B«UI
Paceetb on tlis Ohio riser. II connects with the u -®- ”K
Idne of Steamers Irom uinciuncli to LoularUla and Saint
LouK bv which parsenprs ond freight are ticketed ami re
a,-I<J lAiWi doily. To o new Steamers hay- been added
to th-» Line, which now cpusiflls of the following boats:
Day? of Departure
SocUI. Ojpioirj. from Pittsburgh.
rnpRFVFSTATi: M. tv. Heeteqooveb —Sunday.
At LBtiIIENY Urn. M'hsra Tuesday.
CINuInATI h. Inman Wednesday.
PIIILADBI.PiIIA K. J. tlaaCE. Thursday.
PITTBBUBOU- >• N. taut
rUN X SYLVAN IA Jao. ilum tirts Saturday.
Loire dallv at 10 o’cloeh, A. SL, precisely.
No freight reodred after nine o’cloci on the morning 01
dt»i>Rrtuiv. .
tor s;>F»ly on board, or to
Moncmguhela House Buildings.
IHttpbarpb, 18 SB.
PllUlrargh, gtenbenTllU and Wheeling
, * TheDUJKNAL, Captain A*B. BntPßrap, and
UtßjEHa.rhe ponraT CITY, C«).uun Oiobii d. Moou,
UulruoTTr.gular DAILY PACSCTS, between Pittsburgh,
Slrnbentilie «nd Winding, shipping »t all Intermediate
IU’.T.N M. will lnn-re Pittsburgh on Mondays, Wed
nes.iavn au.l' Fridoyr, at 10 o’clock.-A. 51 Kaimiing she
will leave trhtwllujr oh AOet-lajibybiirsdaja SAlUrdayt*
at 7*-i o'cl'X'k. A. , _ .
Tb* t OH tST CITY will U*vs Pittsburgh on Tuesdayi,
TbumUy» anil Saturday*, ut lOo'ctorh, A.
Bbt* will j-iito Wheeling ou ilondays, Wednesdaya aod Fri
day*. at 7 o’clock, A. XI.
For freight or pawage apply on board or to
No. Isi Front street.
For St. Look, Ui.rUngton, VainUU,
ltovk Lionel. GalfOO, Ultbnqur, Stlll
vroter. oiul ot Pool, Mlnoeooio.
strum.r BI2LI.L, T. Hint-
I JE'C-ScF.a.TuNi;, Captain; Kostssos.Clcrk; will Ie»TC
Uv» aljorv and iotercaodiat® ports og TUE&*
Da V, A j r*l ;»i, a! Id A.M
>'or i,-right or posMiae apply or lo . .
nr>2 C. UK RN F. 9, Agent
jy o| . i jOU | t vlUe.
Tb.» sumaitf ADVA.N'CK,Captain Wm DaTlt,
[ JC2lJkMA£E!»Cl«rk,w>il 1,-avc f.r the ebovo aDdipter-
Js*£fssSt%m,-dl»t«M.orts on TCKBDAY, April 3d, 10 A.M.
r nr i: t jtjiit or pa.*-*age apply on board, or lo
a;, 2 J. ll LIUNQSTOS, AgentJ._
For Cincinnati.
. Tb<- Pt.-nm«-r CHALLENGE, C&pUin \OCSQ,
I JStSHjbxr ANP6RSON I left. W 1:1 L-o™ for the ftbo»*
£^gjg,gg£2. in .l intermediate ports on W KDNEBDAY, 4tb
April, lit l'» u'clocK, A. M.
i K„r freight or parage opply OG boiir-l, or to
j on .» JOHN rLACa
For St. loili- „ , _ .
Tbo nut: .turner KKVaTONE» Captain J. J.
! JisS»-*&lloni3sos, will lea?ef>r ibe and Interne*
JsßßsSdiute cn WEDNESDAY,- April 4tb at 10
* B.Tm.Nol-'TON, Agent.
. Tbo uplendid eteamcr YORKTOWN,Captain
! A. tsTVWAivr Oit-rk, wib leaf® for the atora
ii2is2j& a ßcl Intermediate porta on TU£EPAI« April
3d, »i 41\ M« t . ,
or P a, S . S . ‘‘yj.ACS, Agent
''"i'or st. Louli and lilluoU lUver.
... I Th** R'.faiuer I‘RAIKIE Cl l\ , Capt. R. H.
[JEgaaiKXTEH, 11. M»«HI Clerk, aIU f £nlv®
nnd intermodiatu porta on TLteUAi,
April 3-1, ot 10 A. M. , , . ,
For Cincinnati.
The new and splendid sti-amer \YM.BAH*U>
- JCSljil'npialu Ilouu LaurattL, 0. S. VUMII I Clerk,
leave lor (1.0 above and intermediate portH
on IUKSIIAV, April 01,..1 10 A. SI.
V<ir irelrttit or poeßugu tipple on tonal, or lo
m |,liil J. jl. MVISQBTON, Agaoi.
For Hickman and lilempliu,
'Hip liicniner CABTI.K tIAiIDKN, Captain
I JK&atf 11. llisiaatv. 11. A. UonaMaa Clerk, am lea
ffUSSlior the iilwv., nnd Inlermedlateporte, on TUEA
IIAa, April 31, at 10 A. M , . .
r.* l £« 111 ur I ' ,)r 0n c.IiARNI-.8, Agent.
iicirular WUceiinß Packet.
... , “|,o tieniuer VIINTUnH, Capt. Jons OoMon.
iJBA'--* ''" TUUBDAV,’ TIiUItSDAY, Will
WtAaeuHufIHATUUIIAV, ni 0 I'. M.
or CO.. a««*_
1855 ”
UsM ““•» Port u-rw.n.
TilK FINK low prowuro steamer TELEGRAPH, Oftptttln I
it Haurov., will tanka two Irlpo a weak between Cleveland;
Port Htuuloy.eiid Fort iJurwoll. ub follow*: .
Lanvi* Clevulund for Port Stanley. every MONDAY and |
Leay.-B Port Burwell for Port Stanley at 1 o clock. q
hearott Port Btnnloy for Cleveland ev«ry WLDNIuSDAi
aod SATURDAY EVENING, nt 7U o’clock.
Th« Telegraph connects at Cleveland, with tho Clovoland,
Columbian und Cinclnnatl.tbe Clovelnml nnd Pittsburgh,
the Lake Shore, uud tho Toledo, Norwalk and OlOToland
Kiillrondfl. Also connects at Port Stanley with the London
Line of Btagcs, whioh counecta with the Great Western
and pns?ftge apply on hoard, or to BCOVILL A
I AUDERDALE, Cleveland; 8. F. UOLCOMB,Port Stanley,
or A. M’DIUDK Port Burwell. mar27:toov
Citizens* Deposit Bank l
PmufiUßofi, Match 17 f 1865. f
AN ELECTION for Ms Director* and ©o© President, to
Mr te for the enenhig year, will baheld at the Bonking
Houra Oil MONDAY, 2J April, botxi'on the hours 10 A. M.
»nJ 3 P M |mtri9| E. D. JONEB, Cashier.
tjtovca 1 stove* II Stoves I 11
THE public will find it lo their adrautaßO to examine
nur atocn of STOVES, before purchasing elaewtaere.
our atocn o QRAI . p ' nKISI fc QH ;n A GRAPE,
121 Wood street.
John W. Butler &. Co.,
r Dwilors In all kinds or PUtaburgh Manofiictureß, Bead
~ ' Sheet Lfad. 67 Front strwt- t«°nM
3j dozen Tow and Cotton Bogs,
30 boxes White Pipes;'
VO do Pipe Il?ad-s;
20 do Pearl Starch;
100 do 8x10,10x12 Window Class;
20 gross dt and pt. Flasks;
2000 lbs Bar Lead;
15 boxes Extract Coffee;
25 do No. 1 Scaled Herring;
8 coses Sardines;
100 doxen Corn Brooms;
30 do Cincinnati Washboards;
«0 boxes Baker & Oaks’ No. 1 Chocolate;
Iron,mils. Cotton TamSj.CarpetCh^n;
EftUlug Wrapping, Twine, Bed Conte, Broom Twine;
Wrapping, Writing andXetter Papers;
Whlteand Red Lead, Dje-Btnff^BUckirg,Ink;
Tabs, Buckets, Dairy Salt,(ln hags,) *a,to,4c*
f sa
• •• i* *. '
-r t-;-*
•' • .=• ;'
• , :•■ *
—V ' S-- VV'
- W-> >,
I ,_j. '
• - : ; <*
_ • + * <
x-y+j •
bVre seen thr testimony of arsons well
khownto tunwho bare tised the compound successfully
thereby corroborating the opinion of its restorative ener
zr We know of notbluginore desirable' \ti the way of per
eonai comeliness audcomtortthan a*gool head of hair,and
anv orbcesa by which thUcrowniug ornament of the outer
■mm can be preserved, or,revered when lost- without, In
the letter caw, Meson. to Wlge. Toapeß and Scratches, d<r
eerves to be balled and embraced with Rratttnde by all of
1 either ses,who are unlnqky enough to coed Its benefit.
We took occasion the other day to notice this valuable
comnonnd In the above forms, and now republish what was
I tbensall, to show again bur favorable opinion of It.
The foregoing la token from the Petersburg (Virginia)
IniiKgentxr, and refers to an article which haH for a tlma
been advertised in our columns. Wo must confess that we
have been somewhat sceptical as to the remarkable effects
attributed to this famous “Hair Restorer.'’ But oor in
credulity has been groatly.shaken within a day or two by
seeing a couple of certificates of well-known and perfectly
credible dtiions of the neighboring town of Preston—one
of them the Captain of a Hew London whaling ship—to the
effect that, in each of these cases, a two or three months’
nssof the “Restorer" holaomally brought out a new end
vigorous growth of hate njkrn the head where it was before
i bald—the baldness being,in one case, of more than twenty
years standing. We do not suppose It Is by any means cer
tain that, because the application has been thna successful
In one case, or two, or a dozen, It is therefore certain to
prove equally snceesslhl inall. Bntwith such headstrong
evidence as the fbregolngtVery few bald heads, wo suspect,
would willingly forego a fair trial of the “ Restorer.” AU
such “old heads” are Informed that tho article can be had
at Messrs. Lee * Osgood’s -ZNorwieh Evening Courier.
1 Bold wholesale and retail at Dr. KKYSER’S,I4O Wood
street, sign of the Bolden Mortar. *°h29
Important to persona afflicted with Her
nia, or Rapture of the Bowels, and the
danger of Strangulation toy neglect-
ing It.
The right coarse fer any one to pursue .who may be af
flicted with Rapture, is to procure a good Trass well adapted
to the ruptured parts, in order to retain the protruding
portion of the bowels. This is often neglected, and the
bowel becomes strangulated, leaving the patient not only
in a suffering hut dangerous condition. 1 have always on
hand, and dally adapt, the most improved Trusses; among
which la MARSH’S RADICAL CURB TRUSS, which will
really produce a radical cure lu a Bhort time. Of course
there are cases when no Trues will cure, but in a vast mi
[ Jority of reducable Hernia, or Rupture, this Truss will
cure. I have every variety of Ttumos, from C-0 cents to
$3O; also a largo assortment of CHILORRN’S TRUSSES,
varicose broken or enlarged veins; PILE PROPS, for the
relief and euro of Piles; SHOULDER BRAOES, for men
women and children; SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, and
every varioty of mechanical appliance used In the cure of
disease. Call and examine them at my Drug Btore, No
140 Wood street, comer of Virgin alley; sign of the Golden
Mortar. [feblldaw] DR. GEO. IL KEYSER.
43- Proclamation.—Whereas, the extraordinary
and unprecedented demand for that lnvalnahie preparatloo,
WRIGHT’S PREMIUM HATH ABION, has induced envioos
persons to palm off other articles similar in name and ap
pearance, hnt absolutely worthless, which has a tendency
to injure tho reputation of the genuine article, purchasers
should ba particular to ask for Vnighl't Premium Katha
rion, and they may rely on receiving an article unequalled
tor its virtnoß ibr restoring a decayed heal of hair, for a
[ cool, refreshing and delightful application daring the hot
weather, removing all dieagreeabie sensations of dlzzinese
and headache, and for the toilet it bee never had an equal
for Its pleasant and delightful fragrance.
Its thousands of testimonials are a sufficient guarantee
I for its completely restoring a decayed bead of hair; fer re
moving all dandrnff; for preventing Its falling off, who' her
I from sickness or disease; and for entirely dispensing with
the necessity of using hair dyes, as It excites the secretions,
I producing a supply of its nstural pigment or coloring mat
ter, giving the hate a dark, glossy appearance, with a luxu-
I riant growths
1 For sale by every droggfct ba tho city, an* by drugglsto
I •□<* merchants throngbout tho United Slates.
I A liberal dlsoonnt to wholesale dealers.
I Price 25 cent* a bottle.
241 Market st., Philadelphia.
Sc i sale by GEO. H. KKYSEB, No. 140 Wood »tmt,
ind R.E. BKJ.LKK3, Pittsburgh- jan!7:daw3ro la
Barrell 1 * Indian Liniment,
Back, Wmta,
Side, llo3li >
Breast, Throat,
Spine, Mutcles,
Worms In the Skin, Scalp Diseases,
MUk Crust, Dry Tetter,
Erysipelas, Headache,
Chafes, Neuralgia,
Crarks, Son Pain,
Scalds, Borns,
Dicers, Soro L< 'S S '
Sore Threat, Rheumatism.
Pries 25 cents per bottle. St 11 wholesale and retail at
Dr KEYSEK’S, 140 Wood street; dOEL MOHLF-R’S, Llb
srty street, and at J. P. FLEMING’S, Allegheny city.
0. palm Of Thousand Flowerii for beauti*
fying lie Complexion, and emOcalioS-eU Tas, Pmrtss and
litcnß from the face- Sold at Df.'JIETSEIPS, 140 Wood
atreet. ~
THE undersigned Is prepared to supply CARPENTER,
CABINETMAKER, and Workers In Wood generally,
with his Patented and yaluabla PLANES.
All who hare tried It, prtnoome d a most raloaWe in
r-ntion, that must soon come Into g neraluw- The fol
lowing letters from practical workmen are but two among
manylettera the Patentee has recited recommending this
Flood ohOTe all others la use-:
Pmsnraaa Stxam Cabinet Factobt,)
February 22,1665. I
We hereby certify, that during the lasttwelre months
we hare used Hopper’s Pat- nt Plane, and do not heeltate
to recommend It to Cabinet-Maker. and C.rp-nter. a« su
perior 'o any other Plane In ns*. We consider It f"' c3l * 3r,T f
idapted to planing oak, chcTry. walnut, and aU sort* .or
hardwood, and for s far raiie-lnr to
the old mod- of scraping, besides being a great saving or
ttae One man, by ueloa this Plane, will plane more
veneers than Bre men can do by any j^ 04 -
To Mosrs P. Eaton, Esq.: . . „ .
Dear Sir I hare examined Hoppers Patent Bench
Plane, and bellere it to be a most excellent article for the
ns* tbr which It It intended,as a combination of plane and
“"’"particularly adapted to planlugr, nevrsend It does
not require one-fonrth the time or labor ofthe old method,
and I hare no doobt, when its properUea become generally
known, but that It will entirely upercede the former te
dloaflxntl ÜborlooßCuetnm. • _ r-
I most cheerfully reesmmeud itto all persons *ng»ged m
the Cabinet business, as from my;k»ovltdg* of
nothing as well Sited to give a smooth and beautiful finish
to yeneera as the Hopper Patent Bench Plane
James W. Wood writ,
Furniture Warereomt. 07,99 Third st, Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh, librua<y 27,1655.
MOSES P. EATON, of this city, 1» my sole Agent for the
sale of Planes, or of rights to and^jedWbem
Pittsburgh, March 21,1855-—(mh2i:tf) _
MOSES F. EATON. No. 19 Sixth street, azent for selling
and haying PATENT RIGHTS, Is now authorised to
sail the following lately patented article*:
Sandf A Oommlnzs’ Pateot Brick Machlno;
HoPP*rt Patent Veneer Plano;
Trott’s patent Oil Globes, for Steam Engines ;
pian’a Roc* Drilling Machines;
Coe’s patent Drill, for Drilling Iron;
Copeland’s Stationary and Portable Saw Mills;
Crawford’s Steam and Water Guages; and*
OrifllUi'a Wrought Iron Railroad Chair Machine*.
Thepe article# havo been examined by practical mechanics
and machinists, and pronounced superior to any in o#e.
n® t# also authorised to sell Klghta to make and Tend these
articles In any part of the country.
He has also for sale hot-pressed Notts and Washers, end
finished Brass Work. „ ~ , , ..
lie is also prepared to take Agencies for the sale of other
patented Rights and new InTentions, and give to the busi
ness foithfol and constant attention.
Ho refers to tho fbllowing^^
| (The subscribers hare long Veen^acquaintediwjth Mr.
Moses F. Eaton, and hare no hesitation in recommending
him to all who may wish to employ his scrrlcea, as a gen*
tleman or undoubted Integrity and lndustry,
In whoso exertion, every reliant mey be placrt.
Neville B. Oral., W• Koblnson, Jr ->
Wm. Larimer, Jr.,
war rr Tunnw. U. Child# 4 CO.,
Yimtt Wood’ B- Holmes A Sons,
p n wriend, Kremer A Bnhra,
S'umi L. R. Llvlnßston,
Knap* Wad., William F. Johnston,
William Phillips,. Ao<Lw Fulton,
Wilson M’Candless, A. W. Loomis.
Pirtsncaan, Notembor FTth, 18M.
Ddikn’i patent Hock Drilling Maehlnea,
■TTf r KIOHING ABOUT 800 POUNDS; can be worked and
W moved by two men, and do the work of Are or six In
the ordinary way. 8.8. Fowler A On., Mnonfactnrers.
Thoeabscribor hasbeen appointed eole epent In the Uni
t«d stales. for the 6ale of right) to nao these Machines,
tad Stales, MOSES F. EATON, 19 Sixth street.
Hon. Wn. F. Johnston, President A. V. B. R.;
W. Mllnor Roberts, Esq., Chief hnq. A. Y.R. Rq
Gon. Wm. Lorimer, Jr., President P. A C. R. R-,
S W Barnes. Esq, Chief Eng. P. AO. R.Rj
Messrs. Msnfull 1 Nicholson, Contractors for tboP. A S
B. R. 80
''Bounty l.anil*—Soldier*’ Claim*.
Tnu nnilun*i trued has made arrauHenrenta with Thomee
?,,mokln cfWashinuton City, to procure WARRANTS*
foT&em.thclStfido™ Sr Children, for BODOTV
or »ny other clatme oo the Qorernment.
ReelJeuoe, No. 9 Rora street, Plttebureh.
Bounty Lands.
Tnn onderstened continues to obtain Bounty Land
The present hill gives to all who have
—2? uTlnvwar since 1790.160 acres. Terms moderate,
served in any COGKSIIOOT, 37 Diamond alley.
between Wood fit and Diamond.
Asanoy for Sowien' Clolro*.
°LAND WAEEANT3.— The undersigned hasmodeiir
rimsnts With competent and responsible Rentlem.n to
or Warrants foj Boldlets, thair widows or
W SlStf‘ Corner of Wood and Fifth streets.
home league factory.
Hi wit TON BTEWABT, Manufacturer of BhirUng,
etc., Babeeca street, Allegheny, hne
*” B 0” " rn ' r
Fifth and Wood gtrecta, . cbecka can bo
Merchants»ho »« not onarc lhit WWW , n
.'-.{v'V i -r'--
W' vN VV , •
i, s ’ *>• *• • .'
.* Vv^Jigs.-
Jr) V .. V \ f* ‘ '
■ . - . !t •*' i
jf-iipi**-" Jf '
=^' = ? = Be.iaea«e--t,-Bv^re«»T _ ; j CLE7EI.AHD AHD PITTSBVB-OB RHODES’
Ih?Lo S ’4a, ISE ' - 08, HAXBBE’B. IDPAlllfitE fIPECIPIff,
ItoomajuKitohen, and alargellaH on tbefir-ti . . - TTIOR the Prevention ami Car© or IjmitfcnTrrr end Es-
with a Water CloseUalfcth. loom—«j . - coNNFOTIitti \mn ; - - • JP MiTfEHT Pctcbs, Fim and Ao'o2,Cmitt and Vzux,
•with suitable hot and cold water pipea. n^Sl5 M* there Wivpa farfA PfIVA vn nmntt*T .Dffli® Ao«,-ax»m*DOTim t Nwbt Swtt«,tnd all other '
boose are Two Acresof Ground, holdin fee, ST-EAMEU3. FOtvhi>T Oil \ AND DTURNAIv, .forms of disease which -have a common orlgla In Malaria ot
Lsa Well of anfailiog soft water, a Staolo amav-iw . _ VIA IV EJ.LS VTLT* E, • MiasfniX. ThU subtle attno?pheric polwrowhlch at certain
House. The Colony in proTidcd.wlth a School ot u»en?!.n . . . . : ’ ’ : '‘eeasonsM unavoidably inhaled at every Irestb.ig ihownno
cat order,and li under the management of n gcque->nn onio itad Paniiay IvstJUn. UaUro# ( !,. . . In character - .wherever IC exists—North, South, Hast or
from Virginia, a member, well qualified to tench or in tt . VIA Ai.Uc\NUl5. . . West—find «iH ererjwhcreyleld to this newty*dfscoTcted
higher branches of study. This. admirably . r «jjr; shortest, qalckt-stand most reliable rouh! to Toledo,' antidote. which Is claimed to be.the greatest discovery in
School Is of incalculable advantege to the men o*, j | Cbrca g oi n o tt Island, Galena, ana St. louis, is -VIA : r&edtdns ever mode.
as the Ideas here have an rCLEYELAND. „ -1., This specific is fio hartnlPFS that it tony ho taken by per
the contaminating influence of outside pressure, too tuoi route is One Handled miles shorthand about nine ronsef every fice. lcx or condition,.and It will not substi*
found around schools In the city and immoiiate vicinity. hQurfl QO j^ er than the.circuitous one -ria Indianapolis. tutelar otio disease others fitUlworse, as Is too often the m-
The House and the Two Acres wIU be. sold with or wU2t ihreeDoUy Trains from Pittsburgh to Cleveland.: ..... saltlln the trvatment by Quinine, Mercury, Auesle, end
ootthe interest In tho farm proporiy, and tho avails will bo Three Daily Trains from Cleveland to Chicago. otior pi.iionoaa rr deleterious drnmr, not b parlldo of any
tuken In adjusted balances *»ml certijiczles of deposit apid* Time to Cleveland six houra, Chicago-iwen ty-three boon,! of which is admittedin’o this preparation. *
feb2t WILLIAM A. IIILL, 6t Wood ftfiet. aDl ist. Loals thirly-seren hours. • | The proprietor disflnctly claim*.these estraordiaary re
" " VIA ALLIANCE. suits from the-use 6f ; this-NATURAL ANTIDOTE TO
• Tho Trains of the Ohio and Penna. Railroad leorlng Pitts* JIAULBIA. ... .
burgh at-3.00,-A.- M* 8.00, A; **., ft »d ’3.00, lll * c^ t is, c ' y frotectany reddent or traveler eren in •
at Alliance at 0.30 A. M,» 11 do A. M., anu P. BL, cs the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague or
follows- ~n«A Blltonadwease whatever,'or any injury from constantly In*
Train? for Cleveland leave Allianceat7.Bo,A.M.,aud 12.0 ft -.haling Malaria or Miasma-
M ami G 35 P. M, conmcting at Hudson with. Trains for . It will instantly check the Ague In persona who baTe suf-
Cuvshoea Falls and Akron, and arriving In Cleveland at fered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years,
loliA M 220P.M.and900P.81.- : so that they need never bare anaihirchm, by continuing its
for Toledo. Chicago, St. Louis, Hock Island, use according to direction#.- - * ; ■;
Galeni, and the North-west, who wish to go through with-. It will.immediately tho distressing rosnlts of
oat detention, will take the train leaving Pittsburgh at Bilious or Ague disease, snfch a a general clebiUly, night
800 AM- and arriving In Cleveland at P. M., as that sweats, e©. 'The patient at once begins to recover appeiito
ij‘the only train by which close connections are made and etrength,and continues until a permanent and radical
through to the.-above point Passengers'by this'.train cure Is effected., ; . ' -• „Y
reach Chicago at 7.30 next morning, and St Louis at mid- Finally, its use Will banish Beyer-and.Ague from ftmUies
niffht - ' and all clasEoA karmers and all laboring toen, bv adopt
® ' VIA. WELLSVILLE. ing St as ft preventive', Vill be free front Ague or Bilious at
— tacks in that season of the year which, .while it is tho moat
sickly, is the most valuable one to them.
Oneortwo bottleawill answer for ordinary cases; some
may require more - ‘ Directlons.printed in German, French
and Spanish,-accompany .each bottle Price One Dollar.
Liberal discounts made .to the trade. Trade circulars for-
the article will be consigned on
liberal terms to responsible parties iu every eection-of the
country.- • - « '• ’ JAB. A. RHODES, Proprietor,
• . Providence, It. I.
AGrwrs—New" York: C. V. CTICEEIIET*
H. KING. Boston: WEEKS A-POTTEK. Philadelphia:
& SONS—and for sale by dealers gcnetaUy. [frbiT
Goal Land for Sale.
COAL, which con be brought to tho-ceutre of East Bir
mingham or the riyor by Railroad. This oif-nt the best op
portunity to manufacturer? and dealers which csu ever be
obt&ioed to secure a valuable Coal tract »o near the city.
Tbs surface Is beautifully located for Country beats, and
trill bo Bold whole, or in one to fire nerc lots.
Apply to WM. PHILLIPS,
corner First and Hobs streets, or
No. 99 Fourth .street near Wood.
Land for Sale.
, OUU tho Clarion river. Thia lnncUs heavily clmbpral,
baa an excellent poll, anti Is said to contain an
Iron ot6, and a thick rein of bituminous coal. The venan?
co railroad, which will undoubtedly he built, will run very
near to it, if not directly across it. The Millstown creek
runs through it. . . , . . ,
ALSO,OOO acres in Elk county, well timberedanduatered,
and lying near the route of the Sunbury mid hrle railroad.
No better investment could be made than In tbe-pc
The completion of the Banbury and Erie, the Allegheny
Valley, and the Venango railroads through that region
will render the coal,lumber, iron ore aud poll of great
value. Enquireof >l. SMITH,
Attorney nt Law,
No. 147 Fourth street.
Farm for Sale.
THE subscriber offers tor pule n small FARM OF FIFTY
ACRES—forty acres of which is cleared, and under a
good state of cultivation. Thera is aim a good. Apple and
Peach Orchard; two Dwelling Uou>«r, with otocr out'
bouse*; a Barn, and a good Stable. The Farm is situat'd
in Baldwin township, Allegheny county—six miles from this
city—near the Brownsville road. For farther particulars,
apply to the subt-crlbor, on the premises.
mhlallm* • PKTEP. WEI ;SNLK. _
ilotel for Lease*
T>IT ETS lIOTKL, (formerly knowu ns the LaaMUTiiri
ii Hoost) is offered for lease on favorable terms. Being
situated ou tno corner of Fourth street and Grant, near to
the Court House, an J about midway teen the Mon/mgahela
Wharf and the Pennsylvania Depot, it is ono of the most
nleasant, convenient and desirable locations In the city.
The Hotel will bo furnished, if desired, and leased for a
term of years, commencing from tlio first of April next.
For further information apply to
iac29:dtwtf Office No. 143 Fourth st., Pittsburgh.
r*>o LET—From, the Ist of April next, the commodious
1 BRICK BUILDINGS situate in the Second ward of
the City of Pittsburgh, between street and
tho Monongahola rirer, lately occupied by .Messrs. Bake
well, Pears 4 Co. as n Giossmanuf icb>ry and warehouse.
This property is eligibly situated, adjacent to the Monon
guheia wharf, for any business connected with stearabootiug
or rirer trade, or for manufacturing purposes.
Several small Buildings and a capacious yard are attach
oi. Apply to OLIVER W. BAIINE-,
President Pitl. and Conn. B. R. Co.,
mhlWf I Neville liaM, fourth and Libert? ctrcetn.
For Rent)
high state of cultivation, with a large aDd convenient
DWELLING IT USE, recently built and of modern style;
good Barn, Stabling. Ac., situated on the south bank of tho
Monongahela rirer, d miles above Pittsburgh, being one rf
the moat beautiful and pleasant localities anywhere to bo
found. Poasa'slon given on or be.'oru the Ist of April next.
Enquire or D
mnB:tf L'A ttood Street.
A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIE street, and extending
back 109 feet to Wide alley. On tho back part of the
Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Ileuses. This Lot
is In a desirable location tor & residence; and will be sold
tow. and on faYorable terms. Title good, and clear from
incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. QILLMORE,
jyl3 At Office of Morning P^t.
For Rent;
Afabm ABOUT no ACRES, on tile
Steubenville Tnmpito, fix mites from llttsburgh,
late homos tend of William ITConniofc. I’osseesion given
immediately. Terms $250 rer innom. of
j,Var the premiwf.
Lot for !»ale>
A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 'll feet frfint on Carson street
b» 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, vr\\\ be sold
cheap. Enquire of GEO. >\ GILLMORK,
j T fs at office of the Morning Port.
100. A good burguin can bu bad by applying won at
the office of the MORNING POST. jy!2:tf
/~VNLY $1,400 for a piece rf GROUND containing about
1 / Eteht Acres, In a pleasant and Tory healthy location,
only ten minute*’ walk from the 11. It. Depot at > ast
U&erty. Terms of payment will bo made easy, Inis
property la in a goo) neighborhood, nnd is offered at the
abore low Tirlce, es the owt Is going Wen. Persons in
want of fuph a place, will call at the Ihial Est»t« Office of
mhS 8. CUTHBISKT «fc PON, 14Q Third U
I toll SALE— Aq escv-Jlent Frame House and Lot, on
* Kesaca street, Allegheny city, at a rery low rate. F.c
quire of TUOMA9 WOODS, . _ ± Fourth sir, et.
riH) LET—A two story Urtck L>*tiling liourt*, on Centre
] Avenue. Apply to I*l * t
fehl2 No. 22 tmilhlieH street
'hew coliege hall.
Fourth BtrooW, Pittsburgh.
MILLAII It 8110-, in pre-;«nUDg th. ir sctCDc'Tncit'.insnts
to tbe put* ir, tare the honor to announce turn f oy hove
OUcd op in the most elegant and costly style, nuaurpoated
to this orjuntr , tbe non* COLLEGE lIALL, which covers on
orco of nearly fonr thousand square feet, tanking it at oten
tie most laagoiQcent est*«bl!shl=oot of 'he bind In the
Western country The Ball is richly fjimlshed. nnd con
tains a Capacious Llbrory, contalnln.- ererrnrpeml-IrnrotS
on Accounts, Commercial Law, Ac., lo wi.tch the Studtiits
have froe access. ’ ‘ , r
This commodious Institution \n now m the full tn> of
eoccesn, having OD ? y been establish***! about fonr months,
notwithstanding (and to t-bow its yepukrity with !'-•«* com
tnbnlfj,) it has huff" Of wards rf tiro hundred Stadvnis,
which exhibits a prosperity, eon.-Uering Uis short ti>oo
cpancJ, perhaps unequalled by any other C.immuPtial
in an apartment. recently biiL-hr-d, for the
exclusive Instruction of Ladies, and which it cntirily dix*
connected from theotLcr department.
Tbe principal design of this College 1*» to«iuflllly young
men for tbe Counting-House, or in fact for any kind of mer
cantile business, In a superior and eii«riUlnu» manner.
Lectures Doily on Domestic Ru-lnesa. Discnantins nnu
Renewing Bill'S Importing and Exporting Banking, tbe
purchase and wile ol li»Unof Exchange, Commlreton nnd
Company Acc-iunta, domestic and foreign. Alm.Commer
cUI Calculation*, Rteamlxat Book-Keeping, and all such
accounts a- usually occur In active burinesa.
Jl/crcanfitc C rrespondmee. —Students In this branch ■will
be made familiar with compering all the forms of bills,*o,
useful In the routine of business.
Business, Epistolary, and every description of Plain and
Ornamental Penmanship taught on entirely new and origl
nal principles, by Millar A Bro., whose greatreputntion os
successful Teachers and actual Writers U well known
throughout tho Doited States.
Ltclurts cn Political Economy Regular Liciunson Com
mercial Law , tfc. In a word, this-Institution is o complete.
Counting Ilonse on m extensive scale.
The publlo are assured that no Student shall receive a
diploma from the Iron City College unless be is in eyery
wav worthy of It. _ .
Faculty. —MlLLAß. 4 BRO., Principals and Professor?
of Plain and Ornamental Penmanship.
J J HITCHCOCK, (author of Hitchcock’s System of
Bookkeeping,) Principal of the Bookkeeping Department,
and Lecturer on all Important business transactions.
JOHN FLEMING, (author of Fleming** new and improved
system of Book-keeping,) will deliver weokly Lectures on
theScienceof Accounts.
JAMES H. nOPKINS, member of the Pitteburjn Bar,
Lecturer on Commercial Law. '
The College open from 8 A.M. till 10 P. M. The public ere
reypectfollyinvlted to call.
i pfusbureH Mathematical & Commercial
IS now opened for the reception of Lady and Gentlemen ,
Pupils who wish to eeelrea ?o md and thorough kuow
ledjre of tho following branches of wlucation: Writing,
Book-Keeping and all its collateral sciences, 4.)<ebrVieome
try. Trigonometry, Mensuration, Navigation, the use or
Globes, Geography, Arithmetic, ic, Ac. Tho Principal
needs not to be recommended, as his name and capability
are well known to this community, being a Teacher in this
city for soveral years, and for the last three months- has suc
cessfully taught in the Iron City Commercial College, but
has left It on his own accord, with tbo Intention of
llshing an Institution in which tbo youth of I'ittsburgb
can acqniro a knowledge of things more profitable than
making unintelligible hieroglyphic*, though by no chance
will Writing be neglected.
The Principal’s capabilities can he tested by any person
who doubts his qualifications, as they w*ru by the gentle
men whose names ore attached to the following testi
AiiEQUEKI» November 24, 4954.
I take great pleasure In certifying to Mr Barry’s. quaJlO
cations bb a thorough Book-Keeper, and fully competent to
instruct young geutlemen iu the science of accounts—ba
Bides being a good mathematician and ripe scholar in other
respects. JOHN. iLE^I-NG,, .
Late Professor in Pittsburgh Commercial College.
Pittsburgh, November 24.
Mr, Barry ia eminently qualiGed for tmpartingtnstxuction
In the science of Arithmetic and. Double Entry Book-Keep
ing I found him even critically acquainted with those
branches of knowledge. JAS. M. PItYOR,
Principal Third Ward Public Schools
I state it aa my opinion, that as a Mathematician and
Book Keeper, Mr. John Barry has feT? equals, and no supe*
riors. I mink all the Teacher* of this County Association;
will concur with me in this statement
Principal First Ward Schools, Allegheny.
The Writing department will be attended to by a gentle
man of superior qualifications, who wi.l devote all his at
teniion to thu immediate improveraedt of the pupils.
Hours of instruction from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M.
Book-Keeping and Writing.-.- $2O per course.
— 10 per quarter.
Writing - 3 for VO lessons.
Athen-El’ii Buudisqs, Liberty street, neir Wood.
mhlO J. BABRY, Principal.
Unit's Mercantile College,
Founded in imo.—incorporated by THE LEGIS
On reference to any of our city merchants, it will be
found that this is the only establishment of tbe kind ever
established lu this city in which they have any confidence—
Hie only one in which J ouble Entry Book-Keeping baß
been thoroughly taught;—the only one iu which Account
ants can get reliable advice in,case of difficulty with their
books;—the only one in which thq.doctrines of Partnership
settlements are. thoroughly elucidatedtbe only one in'
which Lecture upon Commercial Law'have been regularly
and systematically delivered for nearly eight years;—tho
only one in which a good Handwriting can bn obtained; —
the only one In which Teachers of Penmanship can be in
structed in the ornamental branches of the art; —tbe only
one whose Professor of Penmanship will lot visitors have a
specimen of his Writing. Call and get a Circular, and a
specimen of Mr. Williams* splendid writing. mhlO
Dutroctlona InMußic.-
MR. WAMELLNK would respectfully inform his pupils
an J friends that be will continue his profession af
instructor cn the PIANO FORTE and VOICE.
OrderBlelt-t Mr. KLEBER’S Music Store, or at his resi
dence, No. 187 SECOND Street, will be promptly attended
to. auo
nc fk TOZ. BROOMS, a superior article, tecslveu on ccn*
alxmaept^andTor sale low, by
mb 23 F. R. DBA vO, No, 1 Diamond, - :
The St?amers Forest City and Diurnal will leave the Mo
uongahela wharf every morpiog, (Sundays'excepted.) ftt
10 o’clock, for WelUvlllo, cenioecting with the train leaving
WellsviHeat 4:80 P. M-, and arriving at Cleveland at 9.00
P. M. •
An Accommodation Train will leave Wcllsville dally,.
(Sundays excepted.) at <U> P. M., connecting at Bayard
with Express Traiu arriving i a Cleveland at 2.20 P. M.
Trains from WellsvlUe and Cleveland couoect at Bayard
for Carrollton, Waynesburg, Dover, and New Philadelphia.
£3*Tickets for Cleveland, Chicago and the North-west,
via Wellsville, ore sold at a less rate than via Alliance.
The Trains from and Chicago, run as
follows; Leavo Cleveland at 7.oo'and 2.30 A. M-, and C. 25 P.
M.? arrive at Cbi6ago - at'll.oo P. SI., 7.00 A. M., and 10.00
A- Traiu3 leave Chicago for Bock Island and St. Louisas
follows: For Hock Island at 9 00'A.M., and 11.00 P. M.
For St. tools at 9.15 A. M., and 10.05 P. M. />
Passengers for St Lonis go over Rock Island Railroad to
Joliet,and thencoover the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad.
to Alton, and thence by Steamboat (23 miles) to Bt. Loula.
Passengers by the 9.15, A. M.,Traln : arrive in SL Louis at
1t.20 pame evening, and by the 10.05, P. M.,'Train, at noon
Baggage checked through to Cleveland, and there re
checked for Chicago'ana Bt:Loals.
\stdass.2dcCt. Ist dais. 2d cTs.
To Alliance $2 SO To la Salle... $l6 fO $l3 60
“ Cleveland ... 400 “ Kf>ck Isl’d, 18 00 14 25
“ Toledo 660 <f Galena 1815.-.’1400
Chicago .13 00 $lO 50 “ Springfield 18 70 10 20
« Bloomingt.-lO 90 14 40 Burlington 21 00
“ St. Louia 21 00 10 CO
Passengers are requested tc
office of Llie Company, in- Mi
comer. J. DC
mh-8 J.-A.
OSIiTRAIi route.
Kortiiern Illinois to the Mississippi Biver,
All RalUona to the MlwU.ippl.
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy
Tract B. R. is kow cosot-eteh,
And Trains run the entire distance fiOm CIiICAGO .TO
BURLINGTON, lowa, without change of Cars. •
The Only Direct. Hoots to BURLINGTON, _
DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUfF, demand, the 020. T. ALL :
JACKSONVILLE, NAPLES, and intermediate Stations on.
the Illinois Central, Great Western, and Ohio and Missis
sippi Railroads- *. • -
Trains ou the above Line leave Chicago on the arrival of
Trains from the East—avoiding ali laying crrer at .any .of.
the points. - . . • :, i
Beiges leave Burlington dally for Southorn and;C®&roL
lowa and Northern Misuari—making the quickest and
most tellable route to teach all the important points west
of the Mississippi asfar as Council B 1 off, with from forty to.
fifty tpiles lessstaging than by any other row?- The Road,
for a large portion of the way, is laid with the -COJTISUOU3
lUrt, the smoothest riding and best Railroad in tha Wfet—
well slocked wlih the most modern Lo:omotiTeaand elegant
new Cars.
Bv this Toulp passengers are sure of making connec
tions, and arriving at St. Ixs cis on advertised lime, avoiding
the vexatious delay of fogs and ice, and dangers of naviga
tion, as cu the route byAHon. •
Baggio checked direct through from Chicago, and no
charge for handling at any point.
THROUGH TICKETS by this route can bo purchased at
all the Railroad Offices in tho East; at the Office of tha ,
Company, corner of Clark and Lake streets, in the Granite
Building; at the Depot of tha Galena R. K-, andattbe.
Mirb. Cent. It. 1L Office, cornet of Lake and Dearborn fits.,
opporite Tremont House, Chicago. • •-
FREIGHT consigned by this route will receive immedi
ate despatch. C- G. HAMMOND, SojfL • •
GcnT Ticket Ag’t, Chicago.
415* TICKETS can be procured at the prindpaL Railroad
Offices of the country.* ro hl9
rpltß GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At-
J[ lan .iccUfcs with Western, North-western and Sooth
wp.-tem by a continuous This road
concocts at Rittshurgh -with daily line ot fiteamcrato
aU-prtnxcm tbo Western Kirer^'and'afCleve'and'&nilßfftf 1 *
dusky with steamers to all ports on the .North-western
Lake*; matins most direct* cXtapcsl and rtiiattc route
by which FREIGHT -can be forwarded to and from the
Great IFmL
: FIRST CLASS.—Boot?, Shoe?, Dry Goode, ) g!)CiMr jooftis.
(in boxes,) Furs Feathers, Ac f •
SECOND CLASS.—Book* and Stationery,) . - i-- ;
Dry Goods, (in bales,) Hardware, L*-a- >7sc. perlOQlns.
ther, Wool, Ac - )
THIRD CLASS^ Anvils,'Bogging, 1 6 5c.-pef XOOtts.
aud Pork, (i“ bnlfe.) Uemp, &c J r '
FOURTH CLASS —Gortee,Fi?h, Caoon and Vjv ' e
l*ork, (packed,) Lard and Lard 0i1.. f P
tn shipping Quo-la from any point East of Philadel
phia, bo particular to mar* .-package- ■/•via Pennsylvania.
llailtmidJ* All'Hooto cos-i-fo- 4to the Agenta of this Road
sc PUlliiilelpliiß Or PUbbnrgu. will be forwarded •without
Freight Agents—Moses Potter, Boston; J. L Elliott, N.
Y.; K. J. Soever, Pfillodelphlu; Mcgraw A Koons, Bald*
more; Gro. C. Franelseus, Pittsburgh; Shringman A Brown,
Cincinnati. Ohio; J. S. Moorhead, Louisville, Ky 4 B. C.
Meldrutu, Madison, Ind 4 Ratcliff & Co., St. Xoais, MO4 J.
8. Mitchell A Son, Kvansvllle, Indiana; - - • - •
n, u. nonsTON,
General Freight Agent, Philadelphia.-
.. ; IL *r. LOMBAERT,-
Soperlntendant, Altoona Ja. 1 -
ruNssy lvasu: h&ilboad.
phia ana Pittsburgh. TUK MOBNINQ MAIL TRAIN
leaTos Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7U, Jy. M*» and
burgh for Philadelphia, at i7, A.- Bl£ THE FAST LINE
leaves Philadelphia, tor Pittsburgh a; l aau Titts*
TUAIN leaves.L'hllndulphiafar Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 10,P.M. '• -• • '
The above lines connect tt Pittsburgh wflhtbe Railroadfl
to and from St. UmtopMa; Alton,-Ualena'end Chicago, HU
Frankfurt; Lexington and LouisviLle, Terra HflUte, j
MadPon, Lafayette and Indianapolis lud*J CinanuatMJay
ton, Springfield. BollefonUine, Sandusky. Toledo, Cteve*
laud, Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and WoosteryOhiO;!
also, with the Steam Packet Boats from and to N*W Ofttiasa,
St. Loois, Louisvilie and Cixcissati.; - • •
Through Tickets ein be had to or from eitheref the above
For further parOculars,"peo handbills at tha. distent
starting points. Passengers from the West will find this the
shortest and most expeditious route to PhUadelpma, i»al«*
more, New York, or Boston* TUQS. MOORE* :.
Agent, Passenger
Agent, Passenger Llneg, Pittsburgh*
THENCE BY' • ■'■ ■
An Air lino Route from Chicago to 8t; lonia,
1 on arrival of Express Train,of : Mlehigan Bonthcra and
CeutrallUiUo'adfi— . .. . ~ ? ___ .
•• Ist. ST. LOUIS'DAY MAIL ...W6,A.M.,,
m. “ “ Slant EXPRKES....IO.-05, P.JL*
Trains run through to St. latuis In fourteen honrs,, ViOj,
Bloomington, Springfleld zviMtcm, without change of car
or baggage, connecting at Alton with oaity Xdna o» -octet.,
for Hannibal Quincy and Keokuk. and at 8L Louisvffith
and intermediate points on.tho Mississippi, and with regular
lines of steamers for Kansas and Council Bluffs. •_ *1 a .
Baggage checked through to St. Louis, on Michigan Cen
tral uad Southern Trains, and at-the depot in Chicago. .
JS. P. HOLLISTER, Chicago,
, ' General Passenger Agent.
RICHARD P. MORGAN, Ja, Superintendent-- ■ - - -
CS-Throngh Tlcttets to St. Louis, by this route, oaube
detained In littshorghvat Offices of Clerelaad and. Pitta
burgh and Ohio and PonnsylTanla Railroads. [eepaTtem •
Henry Klclin.rd«on, Jeweller*
HAVING ro-fittea his storelilßh&ndsoms Bjrnoim
but recentlyreturned'from*'tbeeastern doeswnu»:
flue assortment of WAJCIIKB,
GOODS, would call tho attentionof his
era to thefact that among his Watches will bc fcmnd the
most desirable styles, patterns and makers.-Of Jewelry.the
latest styles of brooches, Breast Tins, Fob and Vest Chain*, ■
Fineerßinsra, EerlUngs,Miniature
FANCY QOOD3—Such os Papier Macbe,-WorlrtobleBßnd
Boses, Desks, Fancy VasM.PaflumoßottlMyTable Mate.
Colt’s Pistolß,Poita Monaaler, in groatTarioty;Chin» Fruit
and Cabo Dmiss; with an endless variety of useful and or-_
■Yo 130 TTood sired,.Third door. Ukra-Virgin Auey. -
BOWN & TETLEY would call the attention or Sporting
mcn-to their large assortment of Guns,':RiHes and Jlfi*:.
reiving Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ctct
opened in this market; together rdth ft gene^a^rtment
ofllardware, Cutlery, Tools and fishing Tackle, 531 diwlilui
vre Offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers,t>r
for good approved paper! . . . . ■ marls
dloota aud tUtoes.: , : :^ui
JM’LADQHLIN, No. 95 Fourth BtrMt, n»arly oppes™
. tho Mayor’s Offlco.U manufastoringaenUemenetOTi
Boots, low Shoea, ties and buttoned! Congressand BUlira
ed Gaiters; Ladies’Boots, Half Boots, Jenny
purs,and French. Lashing Gaiters, of evepe , Mieses
fhney Kid and Balia Goiters,-of tho. beet material,
and Children’s do, of every -variety. , mrt „u M /feul9
N. B.—All inorder.on short nc I.
taw Lair Books.
T AM anthorirsa to wn low some
X lu rols. I’a. Imports, by U»rr*
Bouvier’B Institutes; .
at tlie office of McnalPg Post-
: v -; Sot toe. :""'"rri
Moao f,ro!.bea
v r rz, 4c., on the shorto-.t uonca-andjji-lott.iateav
.llo may be tamest B.
Booms, T«Bourtli street. • •-- «B»--
u-i. •>
•.'4*.' ■ *,•» j.: ..v i-'
’• ; v ;.i> -’ -,! " 1 y
' i. 4
•-'S* v
.. .*> - ■«• - -
■ S-
Hours from O' A. M. to 4 P. M.
ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or
Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and
Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Kyoa, are among
the diseases ottho .eye which are treated by Dr. 11. wit*
perfect satisfaction.. - _
All diseases of the Ear treated upon sdentifio principles.
Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation.
All Jettew post-paid will secure prompt attention.
We select the foliowing : refoxouces from among the thou
sands of case* which hare been successfully. treated by Dr;
Wm J. Fryer, 320rS Broadway, Albany, h. \.
♦Alfred Southwick, Printer,* • u u
fJ. Goodspeedj.Qicna Falls, N.Y. ■
•Wm. W* Smith, Detroit, Ulcb. -
♦Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y.
fSilsa Mary Bellows, N. E. Station,Duchess co., N. Y.
♦Edward U. Solgor, Bristol, Conn.
♦John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y.
David LitUvEngiaeer,N.Y.".
■ Wm: F. B. GileS, office Courier and Enq., N. Y.
. fJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L. I.- T" '
- ’ JarvWßodgere.__ f! ' VM ' i '- u ■ -
. A;,lt; Beeyed, Telegraph Operator, StTNicbolaa Hotel.
\ B. M.;Verri6s, Orged-Bullder, Houston Bt.
' ‘ 8.8. Doolittle; tf. D, Hudson,' N. Y.
' Firs'Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. ,
JL P. Collins, - Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y.
B. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. ..
A. Dillenbacb; Schenectady," N. Y.
Copt.B H. Harilnnd, Athens, N.Y^
John W. Binghampton,N. Y.
o procufo their tickets at the
lonongahela House, below the
BRAND, Sup’t, Clereland.
. OAUOHEY. Ag% Pittsburgh.
♦These patients were bUn3, and had to he led to the offlee.
At theexpiratlonof two weeks they could go about the city
atpleasure. '
•These cases "of Amaurbsiawetti restored to sight after
they were given up sa Incurable by the faculty, andean be
referred to by any poreou who wishes to learn the facts lu
tbcao them.,: jani
DB. C; hT. JACKSOB, PWlAOelphia, Pa.,
■wiu. zrixcruAirr cuas -
Chronic or Nervous Dibihty, Disease* of the Kidneys l and
4 'aXVdxiiate* ansing'from a disordered Liver or Stomach.
"" - Buch
V . ' - aaConatlpa* ./
thra, Inward Piles* -
Fuhiessibr Blood toiße
r Head, Acidity of Iheßtbmacb,
Nausea;lleartburn, Diegnotfor Food,*
Fulpess or weight In the Btcncaach, Sour .
' Eructatiohs,\Sinklhg,-or¥luttßring at tho Pit
of thbBtom6hh,‘Bwimniing of the-Head, nurried
• and Difficnltßrea thing, Fluttering atths Heart, Choak
. ingcr Suffocating Sensation when in lyicgPoetare,Dimness
of Vision,' Dots of Webs before the Sight, Fever and '
DalLPain in theUead, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellowness of the Shin and Eyes, Pain in the
. Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sodden
. Flashes of Heat Burning inthe
'■ ‘ Flesh;'Constant Imagin
'V ingsbfEvll.andgrcat
' Depression of
•; : - Spirits.-- n
The p^prletor,in'calling the attention of tho public to
this'preparation, does' so with a feeling of the almost confl*
dence in its virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which..
it is recommended, .
.'ltia oo now and untried ortlcle, but one that has stood
the test of a ten years* trial : before the American people,
aud its reputation end salo isunri vailed by any simifar.pre
parations extant' The testimony in its favor given by tbe
most prominent and well-known' Physicians and Individu
als; luallparts cf the country Is immanse. Referring any
who may doubt,i:o my ** Memorabilia,”cr Practical Receipt
Book, for Farmers andFamllies,to be had grails, of all the
-Agents for the Geimnu Bitters.' - -
Principal Ogee and Manufactory, ISfr-Atch streetyPhlla*
* detphia;Pa.
• ' Sold by DrvGeo. 11. Keyser.ltO Wood street? B. A.
Fahnestock A Co., No. 0 Wood street; Fleming Brothers,
GO .Woods&esi; H. P.Swartz and J. V. Fleming, Allegheny;
declifcdawly Is - ■ ■ ■ -.*
fbr the Safe, Complete, and- Speedy Cure of Inflammatory,
■ 'Chronic, Hereditary usul Afaruriil Bhcumatism, Uheu*
' matU GotU, lAimhayo, SciaticOf and ot/ter Diseases affecting
KarffHAtiC PniahAvo called forth from all classes, was
never voluntarily, offered in. favor of any other Medicine.
Thexmses of cure
■Whether accompanied: by that .terrible sensibility of the
parts-affectod,;common in the inflammatory phase—by the
muscular often render the victim of
Chronic Bheumotiim a helpless cripple, or. by the ever*
changing symptoms which are sometimes the characteristics
of this Proceaucomplaint. V j';
- .."Unlike the “Sangrado” practice of bleeding and purging,
; which som'eriipiene medicos consider the legitimate mode o f
1 treating IthoumatlSm, these Pills sustain and cherish the
j aidmal forces, Invigorate the consUtation, and thus act as
the allies of Nature la her efforts to cast off the disease.
Their medical action is dlreot and specific. It reaches the
materia irioxibi or Vodis of the disorder, through all the
complications ofnetvea and fibtes in which it is entrenched,
and expels from the blood the febrile.principle which feeds,
andspreadSj andlutousllieSrWhllo It spreads the fatal ten*
henries of the malady.
Cautlou— Bevrare of Counterfeits! 1
'•Be particular, and eriiuire tor Bsv/SAMUEL COYEL’B
RHEUMATIC PILLS, and eeo that the 1 bores hare, on the
oUtside'- wrappor, hla signature,-countersigned by 0. H*
RING, General Agent,l9i Broadway,-New York, without
Which none are osannns. 1 ♦
by Dr. QEO. H. KEYBEIL Pittsburgh; J. P.
“ "iMING, Allegheny City. - - - dec2&3m
Bazin’s Pxemlum Perfumery.
1 <L PPT7-R.MKPAJL At the Great-London Exhibition of
iV the Industry of All Nations,-ln_lB3l, and Seren High
est Premiums, awarded-the subscriber In ibis country, hare
proyedhls preparations-or a superior'quality, and vla<*d
him among thebest perfumers and soap makers of Europe
and 'America. Hia eolebTateJ Shaving Creams and Lus*
- trales, bis* fihe-Bomados, Toilet Waters, and Perfames tor
the Handkerchief (bf6oTarieties>>ar&aiisarpas&e4 by any
in the world. .
All-articles purchauedjtt this establishment are warrant*
eti of iba-flnest qnaKty; "... • . .
• With an addition of-many new prtlcles to his list, ana
greatly .increased iaciiitiee for manufacturing, be is enabled
to furnish them to dealers in .any quantity desired, and at
T«ry liberal prices,?.
Country Dealers, requesting-. it, can haro a Price last
ynniiwt to their address, free of postage..
.. .. . . .. .. x. BAZIN,
■ ' "* (Successor u> E. lloussel,)
•• ' No. 114 Chestnut'street, below Fourth,
•lefrFMWlmla ; ' - Philadelphia.
Palmer’* Celebrated* Kplcurean sauce »
QTAND3 TftTSKMISBNX.for-'ffarodng Scraps, Grarlea,
& Fish, Meat, Game, 4c. We ndriso all good houstvirea
to try it/ 'Ptlce 23'cents per botilMt all Grocery and Frolt
Stores In tbe'Uolted- States and Canadas
For sale by JI’CLUBG and G. H, KBY3ER, Fittsbnrgb.
. ; - -KT WKIQHT 4 CO.,
241 Market street, Philadelphia
-, To”Wkol*aate Grooers, lilqnor Dealer*
and Manhfaotnrerii
TUB SUBSCRIBER, Is now Importing a superior quality
of 011*0? COGNAC, of which'Sd of an ounce with 00
callous pure Spirit will product) a fiheCognao Brandy, Hi*
And SCOTriSITYrniSKY, ore acknowledged by the New
• York inanu focturera by the great demand after them. IH*
! rectlona for.usewM iurariably be gtten by
[, r f\ -i -*- • =, -* BR. LEWIS PETJCuTVTANGER* '
; • 141 Malden Lane, New York. ,
; P. B.—lmporter, of Daguerreotype Chemical*, Platini,
Bismuth, Slanganere; Thom’s ExLCopalea, Sulphate Am*
mcnla. Ac. . - ; .j cDc2H9tf
i m'ASLM WA M. E
Saddlers and Carriage BSakerfl.
11. T. LURCH, JR.,
Ko. U4J Wood otreot.
Also, Cloths* Damasks, Lrfcos, Mom, Bout Btua,
- gpringa. &c„ &c. ■■?
m uruugi 'S i
NO. IS2 WOOD smK£T,oue door fin
tiic corner of now cpen.^gl
•■ proprietor ,la. himself a practical'-^®
■ bad fifteen years experience
.♦ tWbiiMness, ten year* os a practical workman; bating
tVtbepriDcfpal establishments in New York, Phil*
«oeiiJhi3»Cincinnati, and tho New England States; feels
rnnfldent that, from bis practical experience E 3 a Hatter,
ba can furnish not'only as good bat a bettjcv and cnxirra
article than anything' heretofore offered to the Pittsburgh
pnbllo—a# of his omit mamjfaclure. decls:tf
ji. cairr--—— nnsisoca, ........t. j. ojuf/.
Graff, llelBln&er & Graff,
WESTfcUN. FOUADKY, No. 124 Wood street, PUt*
- burgh, Pa.
Plato and Fancy Qratt-e,
plain and Fancy Ftndeis,
Sad and Dos Iron*,
Portable Forges,
Wagon &o. fmbls
Cooking Stores,
Coal and Wood Stores,
Parlor Stove?,
Hollow .Wore,
Sugar Kettles,
Stove Kettles, •■•■..*’
The Grentest lnvcnUon of the Age*
, AVOID these unpleasant feelings that nsnalW
accompany the wearing of anew Uat, the CONFOE*
635&MATOE, lately lmported.frbmTariP, forma the Hat to
tho exact shape and size of the head. A neat fit, and a good
. __
e - epr9 T’l:'.-.: Xfat XKJUQWUJ,
V :
\ ■