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M*r*n.xnw7 wksmo? wood ASD nrrfl nmn. 53** 7 *f.S —•fits Dollars b year, payable strictly In *" <** be required if not paid o%f*' ' :o«t'erwf*''zNr-i— fbr«jUe at the counter In tbs .i. v c\«\» Row. m eATITBDAY SIOBNIRG POST rwirii; «r i ru-n tlis office,’on a large blanket size hv‘ «t >‘>LLARS a 7ear. in advance. Single copies nra-eirm . Vo ;>»o-r will be discontinued anlessat thedlficre* cb the Pp'*t*rl*tara.) oatll ell arrearages are paid. **-Nn trill be paid .to any. order onieea accom* paa«»t br »-n* notify, or satisfactory reierence id tms.city. Q-&* Ptrrw/Ued uriih the EstablUhnent itf the Morning Pott ton of l\t largest Job Printing Oflictsiti Che dig, .where oft k +d*.of. wrfe ii done rm«rly occupied by Alderman Lewis,; where ah bu sloeis pertain ng to ihts office of Alderman and J ustice of the Peace will b*- protnptl> attended to. febl;3m tucUmaster* Aldsrtaaa. /iEFICE, between Fmmbeti and Diamond "’f «Uuy. Coti'.-evanciug of all kinds done with the great e t -are ar.it Hrcumcy Titles to Real Estate ex am.red, &c ja3:s hi. s. VeaL Vldermau* N.O. 91 TQi.vu .«.»tw“cn Wood and MarSetstreeta, Pittahur,i‘» •loU«r.tioiayromi>tlymode. Bonds, Mort gages, and otaer drawn with neatness and occq • ' je3l lv - T ,_ ... . ti. AHJL, sUiiOHuN Dfcl.NTlST,(snc .*•«*» to H W Biddle,) WO. 144 SJdITU- * ' ' *Jr Tio.r floras From ulna A* M. to five M. dec2o-7 \ liUrfiifiSSti UAKDS. neasnss ....... umx ncuaitnr J U \V. K & CO.. i COHJilSdliiS i\ii ?t)rtt¥ ÜBIXG lIESDIUHTS, ( AtfP Dealers tfeaerally iu Produce, Pittsburgh, Cin •' ciaaati aad jcaer kanufacttres, &c. I. Jf0.93 fmru xlrc'tf, Lxirr~n Markrt and Ferry ttrcetl, : riivauc.vjH, pa. *#• Lio-ino cash -v.lt uicvb ma-le on consignments. Par tlcuLirati-.'rjtrju t >au m forwarding VVest{*rn merchandise. -vdarß X I‘ixaK, Wm. Garaley A Co., Wo. H ? - Cully £ Gv., V .-vnem-A Go., liny* V Kramer 4 ‘.-i Rahm, U“ur> anul, vf m. S. ft. Johnston, f-j Ctiouitc U iKii«faU. Esq. ueor-jp Levltse, E*' il. Collins, * O-Jil-’iljaiON »n. .'•> ia OftCc.M. 11 utter, Scads, Pish, ao-> W<> u> 61., Pittsburgh. [mart Jt* Wa<. Produce 4- Vy STfclA'! :•• A!ug 4 Sloorticadf \\T Uoutc.v... iiRoO£RS AND PUUDUCI3 DEALER* V? . No. rt ->d etreet, Pittsburgh. , mylf BUUEbLLnKik AND STATIONER—Us* niway»s on n*j. % general nw. j ortnit*ritof School,Aiiscallaoeoiuasd Blan- Bco&h, Pnucmg, Poland Cap Paper, Ac., Wholesale end LU taii, No. Id* W*x*d street, below fifth, East side, Pittsburg; . Wauled, ityn and lancsra* acrapa. *pln:i* . I. W. Chadwick, Dt&filihi K inrlAlJS AND PAPER, No lid Wood Strv Pittsbttr *b Tin* highest vne*» id ca»b paid for rap* I3VI \ T Wiluam i’liita —.ttsi.aicsrrs.iN, Pittsburg’ Sliller 6 lUchetioai WHOLESALE JJL.JCKIM, IMPORTERS of BRANDIES Wines and Segars —Nos. 1711 and 17 4, eorner of Irwi and Liberty direst*, Pittsburgh Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarn fes- constantly on hand. jj‘2B lVtliift< key No. 3-D Couuaorclfll ilow, Liberty street, Pittsburg: P«. js6:y rj'llls sQbMrir*ers bar* this Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken id r cbaugefor Uerchandiie. F. U. D. has prucarcda iuii asj-.nrtmeni of Uandreu WarrautedOarden Seeds, and incite? the -tteniioo •fail lereated in rural affairs. janL) w u. a.fuuHii & atcciA.a j*os. COMMISSION AND PORWAftUINJ MKUOIi ANTS, a Wholesale Dealers in Fhb, da»:uu »Dd oil, ami Produ gwn.Tally. Warehouse formerly oompied by Borbrloge lugbratn, No. 110 Water and 100 First ctreet, Pittsbarg Punna. . . fa 3 OORUnIIStOQ (10019; r|MIB subscribers bare o,.nuM a bouee for che aoove pu Jl pnse,at No. 17 .-mithfleld streut, four doors above u Bioonngahela Uoase. We will purchase, or receive, »■ eoma»b>'don,tor Able, consisrinxeatsof Flour, {team. CAec* Om. Oils, EZirl'y, Phis ited Grass Ssed, Oilcd llay, tfr upon which we will nuke advances, or purchase at ti best market iten tor caib bov6 __ ALGEO A CO. De&lKßtN<4-i r JURIES, «'»t* mU -E, BA J" tc., So. 10, corner etoitbflel 1 uo l First atreeta, Pi bur.'t). Pa. novfr JOliS -i. i >usc 111 PORTED CIGIIIS, m y2:ly. N'O. S 3 Uir.KCT STBKT. PHTSBnnoB POWER S RIKRUON, ARCriITEOTUR VL AND ORNAMRNTAt_ OARYERc. Orua tiental PattßTbß'lbr 'Casting, In every sty). Modeling. DcsizulQg, Ac. Composition .-Ornamenta for t decoratiin of Steamboats, CuUdings, &C 4 90 SMITUFIEI Street, oe-ir the P Vst 051fce/ . - ErWIUTBHiroSBi ; FANOT SILK AND ffOOLEW DIfER AND CLEANS No 7 ISABELLA St., no&r fbe.Bmmet Hotel, 8. fin+nnrn* L. CUTHBI s. cvTEcassaT & son, KBAL ESTATE AND- GENERAL AUESTB, 2VK.6 Smilhfitld tlrvl. .. . HOT". L. E. Hayward, PEALED la BOOTS, SHOES) TRUNKS sndLEOHO) end BRAID HATS, corner of Market and Liberty rt 174 Pittsburgh. Pa. Jel4:> _ ” ■Jolts JIITCHELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST . - „ So- 135 Wood Street, j03.-y?| N«t dnnr to fi Uonse, Pittsburg! «lth JOS. ABEL, tli V *bfl * on^.tS? oor " la ' t « l andertb«style . fourth st™™.’ ltttle 011 of SiitMeg * Ja»rt William Thorn, Urni»»i«+ HAS REMOVED to th. m(l rofiffA Streets, where he will. M Jttend his numerous friends. All article* In hUjlltm pure, and pat op with the utmost r ar « I MPORTER OF BRA.KDTBR, <3IN, WTNRS t» Id fine dd Also, Rectifrtiuj opruep of Bmithfleid2S ctneets, Pittsburgh. : V ,?• ■. , ! * .-? ; « ;-;;..».4 r ! :* ■ ’. v«' *, v.. 'Jr V; •">- : *>- . •*• •• v '\ : *w/V v ’*■'>' ' • ' ’ ■ .. i . 1 ’ ' „, ' , J ■' i*. £ f - ' V' ■'l' V ’ *»«1 'nVt' I, ;■■ • 1 __ t i - . . ' 1 ' ' 1 ~ ' i.'. '?*«! & burdock, rijltWAKDlSti MKiIOOaNB. A.N » uiCNTi—No. 7 Water-*tre»t,Cinciiinai U. T. C. Morgan, Go*Paritierifaitp> J4i. d' .aagiilln, c. o. wood* R, ASICL AHL J »0N UROHTT' INEMEINII PUBLISHED DAILI, BY GILLMORE & \lt»N IGOMERY AT THE “HOST tiCILDLNUS.' CORNER OF FIFTH t'ND >i- •• mse.j. vT *<..om PER ANNUM, ill i;o.00 ,VUSK PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE VOLUME XrLII. BUSINESS CARDS. ENTKRPatSK WORKS. 80. 130 WOOD STBOt. t RD DOOR DUO? TIROmAU3;. Be tfjy TETLEY. S ■ IMPORTERS and manufacturers of AND DENTAL IggrVA/ -- INSTRUMENTS, KIFLKS, Ac. We wgf .: x fceepa general assortment of the above ' articlesconstantly on band; together with a general variety of Fancy Hardware. Also, G ans, Pir. tolfi and Revolvers, Flasks, Horns, Shot Belts, Cape, Powder, Lead abd Bullets; Bowie, Dirk; Uunting and Pocket Knives; Tailors and Hair Dressers’ Shears; Pocket Scissors, Ao.— Also. Trusses and Supporters. Jobbing and repairing neatly executed. are making Rifles of every description, to order, of the best moterial, and workmanship warranted.— Orders received for them at Wholesale or Retail, will be-fill ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prfc 6 *- mylb Chandelleri and Gao Fixtures eubecribersMS now opening at their new Wareraom -1 NO. 100 FIRST STREET, between Wood and Smith field* the largest assortment of CILAKDELIEU9, BRACK ETS, PENDANTS, and all articles connected wit Gas Fitting, 6T«t offered in this market. Having arrangements njade by. which thoy will bs Constantly in receipt of new patterns and varieties, they confidently invite the attention of pur chasers to their selection. We are determined to sell as low asany house in the West, and beiog practical Gas Fit ters, can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles In this lino. W* continue a* Heretofore to fit up buildlngaof every de scription for gas. water and steam. Brass Castings of all kinds mads to order promptly. LONG, MILLER A CO-, No. lo& (first street. GEOBOE LETCHEU fitOM BEW TORE., »UAN (Ji'ACTLi tiBR of the celebrated Qocsamer Ventilating Wig, Elastic BanS Toupees, and every description of Ornamental tlair, far Lidias and Gentlemen, 79 FOURTH BTUKET, between Wood and Market, Fitta /..'Bi.ktchib*b System enables Ladi«- iUd'tieuUeaien U> measure their beads with accuracy. n ius. Hu. 1. itie roaodoftho Head. No. 2 From tha forehead over tbe brad to neck, No. 2. No. 3. From ear to ear, over the top No. 4. Krumeartoaar, roum the forehead. For Toupees, to cover the top of the ucad only—o paper pattern, tha exact ahap« of the naltl part- flaw Coacb and Carriage Factory I JOHHSTON, BBOTHEB3 6 CO., Cbrner cf fiefrecco and Bdra/rot rtreeft, <3-»y, #<* WOULD respectfully inform thrir friends •y&3 the public generally, that they bare ■SsftpSgJia commenced the. manufacture 04 ‘'arriagee. Rockewayn, Baggies,Sleigh* umf Chariotej in all their various stvlerof finish and proportion. All aruera will he executed with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to os the most reasonable terms. Using In all their work the beat Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel er>nfi dent that all who furor them with their patronage, will he perfectly satisfied on trial of th*«lr work. Purchasers are requested to give ns a call, before pur-ba ring elsewhere- ost&ily 3 t. JOIIJWiTOS. T. JodttSTO* Elcelslor Carriage Factory. BUOfUKU « OU.. PUAOHCAL COACH MAKitRc-, corner of Rebecca and lleluK*ut «trwt», Al:* gheny ity, bare on hand and are manufacturing an extent* assortment of Carriage*, hoelsawayß, Uuxgu-*, Baggage Cara, ac., made In all their ranmu styles with Strict regard to durability and beauty of finish. using Id all their worn the best Januta iron and eastern hickory. lie fair* attended to on the most reasonable terms They feel confident that ail who may fator them with their patron age, will be perfectly sail'tied on trial A their wort The Pittsburgh and Manchester Otnuibu«eH parsererr f:f U«en minuUtsdoriDg the day. n- ttii^> ’ PITTSBURGH COATfI VaC lUtlt . a. atoctow maxthi v *t£vsv< qlokoz tr Bigelow A ( o.« SUCCESSORS TO K. M Jililhlym-, 5... 4* m Diamond alley, near Wrod sttr«el. Pit:* burgh—oo ACllbd, O.vHiilAGh<, PUK\ TONS, BUOUI.ES, and ete.-y d-script:' i. <-r ,- V fcT fancy vehicle* built to ord*r, «n.l r-m O.-i iurpa«sod tor boauty cl dedga. rlwgau;-. workmanship, and durability of material* Ali work warrantevl KbKJUSiW jaocce.»noa to t. wut.ij » CiORNtiK MARKET STREET AND L3> iNT», kr*»- / constantly »u hand a full astorllaetjt > 1 t*rug». V*~J*. .nea, M«lt‘-ine Ohvst*. Perfumery, and ail artirie* pvTialu :g tn his huaiue£j>. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compuuhded a; ii hour*. " Jn:Vy U'Ciiass ruusj. oas manna FLKSXIKO BROTHERS, lducras»ors to J. Kidd* Co.) WHOLESALE DHUQUISTS, Ho. 60 Wood S'rtes. FiitstfuryL. F a Proprietorsof Dr-id'Laue'e Cuit-firaied Wmtf.i»:v M'it Ac. jalu JOHN BAFT. JR.,”’ t<. J&* Sl’UuCr;../ Wholu&ie and Retail Drogcltt t VND l*fr to p AIM'S*, ul i D \'i, a'iLtt?. *c., !<1 Wood Itrett, thrre tiror* Lelcw Virgin rJiry, aprtnaAi-ly mT'ltirviiU. R. L . ALLEN, WHOLESALE filAitE. 13 foreign Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Old hlononga hela Eyo Whisky, 4tc., ALSO, RKCTIFYI&O DtSTILLBR, No. 8 Wood STREET, I’iTiciiL'lU) ft, I*A. llTlNts, Brandies, Uin-», Gor-llal-, Jamaica St. Vf Croix »D*i »w England Rum, Claret*, Champagnes, TOtcb Ale, London Lrowu an>ui. Irixh dr.itch, IP-urhon, >! eabscriber* reepeccfuH) inform their old customer* i and the public iu general, ihat they hare this day ae ■cxauM them*elv«» to the above basiue.it>, under lb** firuj JOHN ii’CLOSIUi* ACU They respectfully solicit a are ul public Che previous basin**** of wir will "be settled by them* vr» respectively febf* LMITD, Jate ol the firm of Ooolst A Lajßl*,/ having , opened STORK NO. V, \t»o doors above the old and,i for the purpojse of carrying on the CLOTUING jdINfcBS. hopcsb) -met attention to nuriacre to merit t sSm oi the patronage of ihe late firm. 'L IL—-Clothing made to order In the most lashlr nable .Ties, and on the »bortest notice—inferior to none in the C j, janSAy Jamea N«Ulng«r, dONONUAiIELA PLANING MILL— Would rwipactTully Inform bU friends and tb© puoils, that hi© ue» eatab *hment Is now In full operation, ana that b© Is prepared L> .mjah Boat Cabins, and till ail orders for IManod Lumber, nth promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, placed on one or ooth sides, oonstantly land. imh, Doors, and- Mouldings, oj ©very deecrlption, mode to ler. Guilders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage giye him a call, es he can now turtush them with planed iff-suitable for every description ot work. _ M k. OXBOOS. gBIBWIfiU HEBKON ft CRIBWELL, : BELL AND BRASS FOUNDEKB, /TANOFAOTUIIiiHHof all Kinds of BRASB WORK, I«0- U, OOBiOTIYB, BTRAM PLUMBERB, 4c. M . Cotton Batting Manufacturers. (foundry on Rebecca street, AUeffb* o ? City, ifflce and Store, No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. >LD BRASS and COPPER taken m exchange for work, cash paid. Orders loft ut the Koundry or Office, wlf.l be .unptly attendeq to. feb9: ly JOSEPH T. LOWRY, ; Ko. 43 Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. ifflcb op stairs. Entrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, CESPEOTFULLY announce to the public that he bos commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, In comm on with Intelligence and Uenerai Collecting, lie will -*o attendto renting. Persons in want of Borvants, in any Apacity» or those tn want of places, will be supplied at ihort »tice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at ided to. Htfcrmca-T. J.Bigham, Esq., Richard Cowan, Esq., W. Leslie Dr. Alex- Black, James Mackeml, A. A. Mo*on, 1A Old. i anl8 ._ qn>FV .....P. P RKlslMaSfi M. CRAFF A CO., Western Foundry, Ho. 124 Wood street, pmsiionoii, pa., £ANUFACTOREU> OP COOKING BTOVBS, Coal mid Wood Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Hollow Ware. Plain und acy Grates. Plain and'Fancy Feaderfl,fla«J and Dog irons, Kettles, Tea Kettles, Wagon Boxes, 4c. Jju3sly(> _ Auitlu Loomiii ©£AL ESTATE AGENT, llerchauilize, Stock, and Bill V Broker,Office, No. 92 Fourth Street, (above Wood.) The voscriber having opened an office Rt tho above ploeo, for the irpOß© ot negotiating .Lpans, Bills, Bonds, Mortgages, and other Instruments for the security of Money, and for the ircnsie and.sale of Stocks. Will also give prompt and rticular attention to buying, selling, renting of and Itaß v Real Estate. [)7m AUSTIN LOOMIS. Schuehman A Uaunleln, XTHOGILAPHERS~ThIrd street, opposite th<* Post-office, j Pittsburgh. Maps,' Landscapes, Rill Heads, Show Bills, hclß, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and ngCards-efaL, Engraved or Drawn on Stone, Printed Jolors, Gold,Bronre, or Black,in tlie most approved'style, t at the most reasonable prices. odtl6:ly SGUSH AAiDOLASSIOAb BEMINARY. w. t..McDonald, m. a., pehtcipai.. i IHE oext seMion of the Institution will commence on V MONDAY, fcfcß.fcth of September next, at the room cor »r of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the >rbtB. Vceder. Hon. A. W. toomis, C. Knap, Jr., 8. F. Von aorst, B- Miller, jr. aug/A JACOB M’COLLISTER, HOLEOALE AND RETAIL CIGAR MANUFACTURER ash DEALSB II? au Kinns OP Tobacco, gnnffi and Cigar*, ' Ko. 25 Fifth IL, IMlsburgh, Pa.. Keens coflßtanOy on bend « large supply of all the s?™ hrauda of lmp.ram-Clgara. ja3 : § .j. nxin^ - ; Walter P. fllaranall, ” ~ ttPORTEIt rad-Doiler 1» Preps* and American Paper vt*mytp*»B. - - : . • ■ • BABB. dUIOBKKi Philo Hall. No. HThM street, \ Plttabarteb: and east stile of the Diamond. AUeghen . - - ■ ■ • - • . W ™.oll A 0S r .° .. ./ r ’■ *• ~-• ~• • * - /'■■'••* 1 '■ ' r*\>i* '■ ‘/ * •„' \‘ > .- •** 1 l l *'’/"' **£«• ,* • -*•*>■ ' •-*> •- *\ •-•-• :T '*?■■ '>> £%%<&?##&. -'. =: ' * • T S .>•«»> > i ••■ i ; ’ * .■+*■ ■ » ; » . *'.• VMv ’■V, MIME •' t•i '> ■ . * .... j • .i’.V r" 1 ■ < •. s . • ■ f Li.l. L, a.u- ~ f t' . . ■T-jV-Crf - ■ t-f "*5. J - ** vf*.'-;- -n -• BUSINESS CARDS. David illunn, Real estate and contracting agent, No. 2, 1R WIN Street. Pittsburgh, has for sale, as- follows; 180 acres oflaud In CedeT county,lowa, 10 miles from Mur eatlne, on the main road to Marion, ohd 8 miles from Tli»- ten, 6 miles from two Railroad depots; 00 acres launder cultivation, a good Frame House, Frame Barn end Grana ries, s good bearing Apple-Orchard!’ Theftra is well watered, high, dry, good land, In a very healthy county. A very great bargain can be had of this firm for prompt pay. Enquire os above, or of Mr. John Munn, on the pre> mistfs. Also, 3 acres of land, wills a large Steam Baw Mill, now In auccesKful operation; 8 Frame Dwellings, Barn. Black smith Shop and Tools. Boat Bcaffold, Work Shop, 4c., situ* ale on the bank of the Allegheny river, at Miller’s Eddy, Armstrong county. Pa Enquire as above, or of Mr. L Murfu, on the premises. I also want to purchase 6 to 800,000 feet, B. of good White Oak Plank, 3 inches thick, 8 or 16 feet long, 7 to 10 inches wide, part to be delivered In October next and part In April, iSuo Enquire as above. Also, forsale, all tli© Rede, Furniture, and every thing of the fitting out of a largo Hotel, in the city of Plttsburgb, now doing a vnry l rgo buniuvss Two to five year* *of thq lva«e *gpev!fully nodouuchs to the Ladlo«aDd 1 Pitteburgb, that nu hastwcrtitly erected a UlhlNG BCIIOOI*. which, lo polot of rite, ermtuodioue w-»* hd i alaptMtlfin an'Jcniabij ©arele any eimilar ©stab ti-)i:nent Id the Uolted States Iu localiun Is acceseible iejui ull part.- or tb*- ciiy while its high and airy situation readerp it eopeclady suiiwj to the promotion of hralth, by this ino«t ftgrueiihle fxi-fm** The Horses ar« ilocllo and well trained, and «he proprietor pledges himself that no pain* or ©xiHJDse will be spared to meke thbreAtabibbae.nl the firvt Id the eonftdi-nr* of the public. ocftCitf Copartnership, 'I'HE hereby inform tt.eir friends and the 1 public that tb.-y hav aMOfliated theawclvcg logether, under tb** firm of \VM. YiiUNOSON 4 CO-. for the purpose ol carrying on the TAINTING BUSlNESS.ioalliuurancb and .hop-, by #:r:c.; attention to merit a t-bare or publlcr patra age. Lettering and Graining done for the trade > agreement. Our busioeea, as WHOLESALE GKOCBHB. will be continued by the remaiD l g jiarluera uud-.-r iho firm of UAL ALEV. COSGKAVE 4 co„ Nos 15 and &) VWkI street Tittaburgh. RAG ALKY. Wg- -f my friend*. PUtaLurgh, Jul) lki4 i*. U. MILLER. . - ~jso. pniiiipj 5. A. LONG A. CO., lir.'l. AVI) IlKA.ts FGLM)bKft, AND 048 FITTERS II miAt;*-u::ufi to tbiir uuck of ChacdeUt-rv.nravkete, (''iiUsMa »t-J •C?t.»r«?> VV« fit up hi>o*M *llh Ga* ■ o-i ■'W-.. I c-iiv c f ah kinds to order, fur * i-h i'.ai! «-il an-; FlUioga. and keep AniJ .vtr I'-.ti M'-- 1 •••ij-'An’. > a:> ‘u.u-l. jyBl silver Manufsctory. ha?, F'oiu-.. h-i iu.km.% 40. itxurcrnx iv Paicts. - - ••«•;?< 1* *..i|-*>rior fu raan«sf4r;urtoff my erwn “-'ft, «■ ir* u'liitiU at leukt 10 j>rr rent, lower lha» fie ej «tero irUi-s. or rlfi-vtwf* Ali work Is warrautrd. F'et .’«r.v Silr^-T —\\ v al>o cianufacturw Fpoems cf the U-'ris.h •• er it - " au i W nob Tepuirlnj conGnuM. with rv*ry N, WaU-hmakcr and Jawriler, ooett comer id Market ax>-l Fourth Steamboat Fnrnltare wad Chairs. Hi; Ur-rm hsal no.l *r« eorjeuntir tnaDftfiw'tu _ nn;: P T K A H H- ‘ A V CAR! N FLU-MTURK AND Ai . v.-ry , Tit: * * » Extension Diuio:; l>.. U«r itn <"T;airA, r*i!o3* *tyle*; tier. 1 a. do -m do, Hui- :*i .Jo dr , D- • 1 :;.!rt Rn l»f , Tete a Tew. ft. D«rst;. C-i.lf- TnMra; V. M-fa ; Canl do; Ma. t .e r Rlrantaje to call at this fiv tabiHhment ao. 1' ti. (lewdly A Co-, J iJIKAI* CA‘;i*KT WARKtIGUSK, .V« Si Thir-1 iirett, \_/ n*ir Ntrk'i woul-I r*n»p.n-jf l ,ily Inform ib*>ir frteuJ* nn-l th»> public g»‘n«rr.»M>. thut lke } bare now In «tor« tiu-lr fiiDflete Fai-L *n. from the Hovai Velvet no■! Cloth, from op* t>. i-i.-ht yards » d«\ new •ud Terr rich Comm and f'autmi k !»iuci!. Rugs, '!bU», lUvls Window Sb le* &<• Trrsoo* in T*nt nre ifivUtn) to call and «xam itir 'h«nr stixt Steamboat*. IL te'.n, ou-1 Ke-slJencc* furtJ- U'hed uD the OiO*t :'i-aji<>nable term*. - ctnall profit), and quick eale*.”*%ta TERMS ASH ONLY'. ». Haven. r |MIK .'Lb ritISTINU ESTAR-.I HMENT, (lat« Joho | sten a Ptockfim J «nd UUnk R.«lt aod Statioaerv arehouH*. is :-nrparnJ to exrtute ©very st'le of Legal, O-oiiunrriul, CirmJ nnd Steamb'-at Job ITin'ing and Book Riodicg and furuipb every article In tb* Blank Book, Paper aud Slntione.ry line, at ihe cborte?t notice and on tbe most jva»f»nable term*. Blank Book and BtaHonery War»thon*e. Printing Offlca an No. 13? Liberty Btreet. IlliPa Mmanac* for 1853. JOHN II MKLIOII, 81 Wo«>«l street, Pittsburgh, will publish on the *6th August, 1854, the well known series of Almanac* (for 1855) calculated by Sanford C. Uill,. Esq., and for many yeart published hv Mr Luke Loomla, of : this city, uudu.r the name of ‘‘Loomb’ Almanaca." The Burira will consist of— HILL'S PITTSBURGH ALMANAC, HILL’S MAGAZINE ALMANAC. HILL’S AMERICAN FARMERS’ ALMANAC, It la only ucco»sary to any, that the religious, moral and useful character of Mr. Iliil’s Almanaca will be maintained in the above series, for 1855. Printvre and others are hereby cautioned againat : infringing on the copyright of tho above Almanacs. Tb-y will he for sale at all the Bookstores, by.the gross or lozkd, and by H 4 JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood Street. A New Arrival of Pianos* DLUMk, No. 11s Wood stree , is Just ra celving tbe following new Piano Fortes, with and with* out tbe iKolian attachment: One elegant carved Louis XIV style Grand Action 7 oe tavn Piano. Onv extra carved Serpentine, pearl keys, 7 octave Piano. Two full curved, m*ml grand, 7 (MJtave Pianos, Two plain Uowiwood 6% “ ** One do do “ ** Three do do 6 “ « Twc double rmiod corner Rosewood 6% octave Pianos. ■" , One round corurr finished bad; and frout7 octave Piano. A further urrivtil 1* expected in about two weeks. (au29 fOHN A. O’BRIEN, 07 SMITIIFIELD STREET, batween f| Fourth and Diamond alley. Money loaned on Gold and. Silver Plate. Diamonds, Gold and Sliver Watches, Jewels, Musical Instruments. Guns and Pistol*, Feather Beds, Fur niture, and all kinds of articles—for any length,of time' agreed on. Charges for atorage considerably lower than heretofore Private entrance through the hall door. AU business trnnsnrtionS strictly confidential Forfeited pledges sold Immediately afterbelngout of uuleHs redeemed. Bargains of Gold and Sliver Watch es, Jewelry, ' c. f always on hand. aprHhfim NE\V SEED STOREi JAM Ei WAUDHOP, OFFERS for sale CAN ABY BIRDS of the wostlmproved breed .Tieing very hardy, and Quo ringers, Bird Seeds —Canary. Uetap, Millet, Uodo and mixed Seed. Bouquets will be furnished composed, of the finest FLOWERS, vi*: Canaeliftfl.ltose Buds, Uellotropefl, 4c. Evergreens (In pots) forChrietmu* Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 40 Fifth st n near Wood. dec2o ‘ tioninme (h« Smoke. rjvUE eubacriiwr bnvine the exclusive right to mannfic* I ture and sell SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, ia prepared to receive orders,and contract for heating buildings with the most economical Furnace now in use. The attention of those Interested is solicited. Adi imormßtlon can be bad of A. BRADLEY, Vos 2 and 4 Wood street.'or of J. BARNDOLLAIt* dec24:tf l Iron Clti Stove Warehouse. No. 184 Wood fit. ©lt Is Tme I THAT PICTURE? f superior excellence may bo obtained at CARGO'S iNew Daguerrean Galle ry, 70 Fourth street, at prices varying from One to Twenty Dollars. All work warranted to pleaee. Children taken in a few seconds. Call and examine specimens of the various styles. Rooms open day and eve* uing. feblfl w. a. smith...- n. wo.vica .w. W. M4XR Bmttft, Blair Hunter, (Late Smith ft Sinclair) WHOLESALE G »fO CERB, PBODOCE *ND COMMISSION MEBf BANTS, And DEALERS In all stml, of PitotrafgK-SToau&c UM«, mJ SKonl and 151 First street, Pltubu gh,; r'enna. .. . . fefcfl ' • V ■■,• • . -iV-- * «<-■:; v - -V* v » > ■ * 0 . n r k ‘ .ywfv'v 1 PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, APRIL 2, i 855 TUB lit© Arm of JONEB A QCWG. haring been dissolved by the-d*ath of Joun F. on Che 27 th. last., the. business of enid firm will bosottteVby the ufiiehjlgno-i, at their office, corner of Boss and First streets. - ISAAC JON S 3, Burririzig Partner. • Pittsburgh, September 80,1554 —(oct&>" laa6e v JoAes, Ti /TAmjPACnmEU ol spring and Blister Steel, Plough 'wA ‘ Slab' steal, steel Plough Wings,' Coach and Eliptlo Springs, Brass-Not Taper, half patent, Snrew, Mail and lummered Iron Ailes,—corner ofitoss and -First stream, Pittsburgh, Pa. .ocCtly 13AAQ D. B. Rogers &• Co.» MANtTPACTURBHS of ttOtfWjJatcnt.impfovedSu-d Cultivator teeth. Office corner'Ross and tfim streets. • oct2ly -• ■; ~t •• v Spectacle** IN TOE MOST valuable triumphs pf science and art the Invention of ttoectafcle- riot-, *£th thn highest Tr.e experi-Dcod. Opticus overcomes ihtf advariof nature, and coaiora upon iawiaabls mlnn* tage of retaining the noblest of hii swims.: Yet great injury Is constantly resulting *q thouftapdg from lgqoreuce on the part of venders, or of those who Ventdre to choose forthem? selves. , : y "-'£, ' - ; Tuere are many requisites attending the selection of Glasses, The purity of finish of theg a».»; Improper cm* realty; the best form and adjustment of tboftam-, er as ti preserve the parallelism ffitfr the 'eye for distant vlafdn. or tor near vision, to throw the pl-me of each glass at rUbt angles to the axis of vision for *>aeh eye; to brlcg the ex* •ct centre of each glow precisely .opposite' the 'pupil; to have the position of tho glasses perfect, both horizontally: and vartlcaLy, A«.,Ac. from long experience in fitting-glasses, united with a "perfect, knowledge of the.-structure «f the eye,- we can promise .acltiot’.flc-accuracy, and thus aid mu bin the pru eervation ofthe.eye.; j. 1:; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectadea.parefuUy selected of the b»st qualities, for RfUe. AUo, glares Acted, Ac. W. W. W!4)>v, Practical Optician. f»!»9 C 7 Market street, corner at V<> >rth. towASD a. mu,, Hill A Holliday* PRODUCE, FORWARDING AND OutfMISSION MKR. CHANTS, EsdnxrUU, /a attention paid to ail coDstguciout* for Bole of Hoar, Prodaco. Ac. Ordure fur the oardiaa* of. Product! eoUciUu and promptly attended to. Goods for re-ahlpaent forwarded with despatch. iQct9.6a j. R. JONES & BUCHER. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PtnntylvQfri* JBaHroad, foot qf Third it-, tfarruburff, Pa. HAYlNGlncreajedoar Machinery, which In do* cJ the moat improved nrder, and having added msny fadll- Uee for dispatching wtrrk, wears now manufacturing First Glass Blowing Cylinders, Boilers* Furnace, tolling, batv and arusx mill machinery a castings, Oa and Water Plpes,TlydranU l lUtnrts,Lamp Poets, Hitch ing Pests, Columns, Girder*, BhafUng, Hangers, Brackets, OeJlsrGratcs, Bathing Tuba, Spout*, Railing , Verandah* chd Ohiamcntal Casting*. We nay particular attention to the manufacture and con struction of Cant Iron Having anestensiTea/aoitmeni of beautiful Carved Pat' terns of the most approved architectural order, our grf-iit facilities for manufacturing and shipping enable ua to com pete with our riUea. Partis* eroding Furnaces cr Roiling Mills, Mill Owner# and MiU-Wrighta, will find 0 much to their advantage to call and examine our extensive stock or Patterns bnfcre building. IROX AXD UR AS3 CA3TIXGS. Of every description; Smith Work, fVD-ra Making. Fur pace and Forge Tuyere?, furnlab*! to trrder. (my liy China 11*11* Market strekt, dktwken third and fourth. —lOO crates of (iUEENSWAtiE, cf hU tall unporu non, nowTweirihit, to which we Invite the attention of tbr cxHiti*ry aml city trade, llariogisomo dozen different pat tarns of Tea Ware, wo feel confident of suiting all taste*; 'among which may be found whit* Iron none, gold band. goldrcroU, Mite, plnh, plum purtie,brown and green. Al !*o. a hsndsomogreen sprig and wnlte imitation stout', which Wo tojutfd much b*Jow Vise real #taoe ware. COMMON WARE.—Our stock of Common Teaj, Plate#, ;Dlsb>». Ilaherv, Nappies, Bowls, Pitchers, and ev»-ry article ‘in lb* Une, is huge, and (fleeted fi>r tb« city and country trade. GLA»9 WARE— Having a large and well resectril stock of Gits* on haod, we will evil atfketory pri.*e«, the merchant th« trouble of coating a separate bill. All *- nsk is a call, and Mr fi?cl confident of 4OHN J. O’LR.IRY. Boon and dhucs, iVitoltside and lieuii. JAMES liUiiG, S3 Market, and 6 Union street, third from tbs? 1.1 Market U n?a, would call the attention of hi# ami the putdlc geoerallv, to tha hr tn» Dow on haallh* largfut sud bent Selected sti*:k of KijulS AND FLIURa, l*) all their varis-Wcs, fcflJfv*an;i£*nt!rm«D tr Phil tlpbie. New York and liosl&n, a d whlrb.be trusts, cantK- i&il to please uiL th* pile** arc very ranch rodeoed. nod be veils Ladles* G»H»n« at from st,lsf tns2Wh Getuhmeu'* Boots frvm boo c.tcciJrnt Urulleuufn’s-tiaticrs, SirJ Youths and Children’ll wear, at extraordinary tow pri» and low priced Wail "Papers. Border*, Ceiling*, Figures, Window Shade*. A large and complete aworUaeut of tbo above, sc'cv'trj fur lha season, will be soli at th* usual low priok-. oct3 : waltkk p. marshall. IIMSSTEIv.N FuU.NUIv ~. No, i2l Wood atre*»t. — Manu ff fac:or«M of Cookitig'rftoTc*»Ct>AJ sod W «>J Psrtur Siot**, Hullo* VVur«, Ptalo sod Fancy Omtw, L'laio sad Fauej g*d and Dog Iron.s Portable tiagsr Kt'Ulcs, Tra. KrtUea, Slot* Keitlej, VVagoD box a a 14 \Vm . 11. TaJooti Ctx f 18CCCt-V»Cita TO T. JB., A Cn~>\ Manuk aotu kk tu* oruilta> l» m a uuua k y 100 h LNO ULAJWKS, Portrait end Picture frames <*«• , an.l draper- in Imported and Dvme-itic Fancy Good*, Na C 2. wi ntr of Wool aod Fourtfi idreots, Pittsburgh. octlitlw A Cft.d, H A VINO wid my Interest id the Arm of T. KENNEDY, JJI., ft CO., to William u. TaJcoit, who, with A. u. llvury, will continue the Looking Glow and Variety Bum- Oes* at the old stand, comer ol Wood and Fourth sheet?-, unde: the style of «n. U. Xalcott a Co.. I c ntiauntly rr* commend them to my tortnex - sustomcrp, as every way qualified to .rive entire satisfaction £.ll persons having demands against mo, end all.indebted to the, will please make as early settlement. ftctl2 T. KENNEDY, Jit. rp B. YuUr<• <* * 1 V g» 4> C « *- : . »' . • rv’ r *% -• . *\** . ./*• »•. i?‘ ' V •- • - . ?.-t• - _. • , . , F ; t ! • BUSINESS CARDS. wotifce. .MABELS R. iiOLUD*Y STEAM ESGIJVK6, FOB FURNACES AND BOLLING MILLS, Pronti for nouici aml Stores* .D. UCJ3ISG£it,. UralT, Reiatnger ft. (jratl, Cabluet Furnitaro \Vnreh.oa*e, W, D. SCAit-K, PHILADELPHIA QJEOUGE J. lIENIvEXi'B CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE, Jfo. 173 CB ESTNUT STREET, (OITOSITA I NDii'ETTDttfCE UaU.) Philadelphia. FTOsircrß2, IK EVERY STYLE! Comprising Louis XIV. Louis XT, Klizabeihan »n>d Antique with Sculpture Carving and modern style; In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany,tiatlnwowl und Maple; All of auporior construcuoTi, and >r, -L best style, equal to, if not exo-liinr ; i -;rti ity, the Goods of any Esi;« ; >n-b* moot in the Uub»-d <« FJMPLOYIKG nonp but p^;-ri»nc*’! * !i tices being ro3ltlVPly in; ( Tr; terials, tho work esnuot J.ul t-. -• . . . chasers. Amongst the m«i,y J-m chasers, is th*» facility cf rwn.tr-r'r,--' p 1 gout or plain style, complet'd) f.-imwi which means pdl thy «rtWe--’ m r « . c , stylo audquality, and the in;r: -;,r. . •; being SO various in dorigr.. , or.bb"- ■ /'pr their tn.'t.u 4n a selection, ‘without }!;«■ •“t:;- enured in ordvring Purnitui To pit* an idea of the Baiihv.i * uruuuie on hano. 1 need ©nlyinform you that my Rooms are ITh tcet long, by 27 f: et wide, lour noors in Dumber; with Shop? KimwiiouK, suffi cient to employ 2UO hands, which is a guarantee that the work is All done uuder ray onn immediate inspection. <®-The fucking ia all done in the store. ami Purnltur* warranted to carry «afoly any distance. Viriier* to Phil:, delphin are respectfully invited, aa purcnwwr? or otberwi-ns, to rail unit t-iHrnlne.thp Goode au2o:l * .V. D. BOGIES. JOSEF U 'dOGIUDOE, COMMISSION AM FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 38 Cosun cial, anow I’m* Btrsi?, St Louts, Slo., CONBIGNBIENTB an will meat with prompt arid personal attention, and libc.al adranc'*a will be given when required, on Consignments or Bill* of Lading, tr» ftaoa. Orilerelor the purchase of Lead, Grain. Hemp ana other 2*rodtice, will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. ' the Receiving-and Forwarding of Merchandize «nd Pro dtteo will meet with especial care anil dispatch; the lowest rates of Freight will always be procured, and thoexpenr.c of Storage und Drayageas much as possible avoided. air«ax.*jcib Page 4 Bacon, St. Loals; tills A Morton, Cincinnati, Charlees, blow 4 Co., do; Strader A (iorraan, do; Chouteau a Valle, do; Ilosea A Fraser, do; Doan, Ring A Co., do; Springer & Whiteman, do; J.W.ButterA Dro.,Plttsbb*. K.O. yooodrap.n A Co.. do; D. Leech & Co., do; E. AC. Yarnali A Co., rhilada; Wo. Holmes A Co., do; Morgan, J. SL Rack A Morgan: blow A March, New York B. B.Comegyp, do; Frost 4 Forrest, do; Shields A Miller, do; Charles A. Meigs, do; Josloh Lee A Co., Baltimore A. G.FarwcllA Co., Boston ; Abraham J. Cole, do; Howard,Bon A Co., do ; W. U. Reynolds, Louisville; o. enema. U. D. Newcomb 4 Bro., do; T-C.Twlchell 4 Co.,OommieFl<*n Merchants. New Orleans SS»I hare tn open Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to rat address, when advised by letter per mail,or when endorsed on billtcf lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH" MOOWDGfc, augs Bt. t/mia. Mwouri WATEII CCUE INSTITUTE, HAND STivEET, (SOUTH SIDE.) BET »MS.\N STREET AND THE RIVER, PirXSBUKGH. PA. " DOCTOR B.AHLZ. Graduate and Practitioner in the Old Bchwjts of MfilHm*, Allopathic end Homoepalhio.snd f.-r'lhe past ten years a successful Hydropathic;.. has opened a WATER CUKE. id the above location. The perfectly safe, direct and immediate effect this sys tem has on all F**Terß, and all dl.-'ea.ieH and chronii'— while it is mild, grateful and invigorating to tic a-enk and debilitated, renders it peculiarly dtfiraLlu in iiimiheF, who will be treated at home*. Allopathic and iloQfrputiii-' treatment will b» admini.*- tered where desired. hat, After long and thorough cape* Hence, Doctor Bad* give* a deoded prelerencu to Ilydn-- pathy, which has, throughout th« old and new world, prov-n so eminently Piic(N*s>fu! In every form of dir«sa»", icviodiug Incipient Consumptii-.n, Bronchitis, DjKpm-..-la. Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumr.tDin, Asthino, Cuts n«m.% N>mu« and Urer M-rasr- Testimonial- <>i cur»« from highly rej.utubU. ritts-r-.*- of nearly every State in the Union, can be examine.} at Doctor R-eU'y office. The Rev. Clergy ar*: lnvU«>l lo consult him gratis. Warm water being Uti-d ta tht , ci?mm,*ncein-'»nt I and often throughout iLu trn»tm*-ol,lt 1-. n Iciury ibt>u-ad of unpleas not, as those unacquainted might suppose. Axrznt.vcxii.—-Messrs. Char it-j Brewer, Waterman Daimur, TV. W. Wit«m, W u. William::, 11..-.mp~<-u Beil. J. R. Wei d;m, D. T. .Morgan. TTm. Li. lLdiutv, rL iL English, U M Kerr. Tin; Qad»ir?sjrnpJ, having visited lector Haelr’s lawitu tiou and witnessed pis lre*!tnent. cheerfully re commend him es n thoroughly fjarrtU-d and tfciilful l'l.y Ndfiii: Oniric* T. Ru*“ei!. Joa. M'Conm-lL 0 ., David Hunt, John C. Curtis, Uobt, Dairies, .>c>hn B. luving-ton, John Wrlghi, W. W". I‘attlrk, Moses F. Eaton. 0 Urm/by lrrt-gg. [ jac.o B.anaaa, aebrashn & ILnowYathlngfsin LAND TWUSTV I’EU CtINT Cnr.APSE THAN CAN tit* iKJiwm in Tiir; \(!uvI; rs;;j;iToUiK.< ileal K«tatc Farm f>»r 'I'HK i.- i,. r.-.; IV. > uI'NDUKD ‘1 AND EKJUTY-rOUR Auih? «»y u. Vetfatilrr lrwu.-luj>, uy cv-o.iitv, l’«ar.-\ ivr.tiiu,{%tr.»; tue* of .tl’Krojuirt, ii> U.«- Urtii.-.-Hk Mi'Ll of the jjrc.fHjßf.i nation cjn ihc . wm, r LuipioreaurnCA &?• a *j«nr«< l.tXi ij(.‘l’m., .v.> ■;.< tftvifl'tiu *;ori** Liiih, nsii .-•jui.n.’ u>j uak.%, kk- i ■% fftct, (both now Ar»:| lu orJ".-, ■ t•- r> ‘u-.'.K •,••1.0.' i i AilltN. );n«fu-i fruit . n.«j -iij m- i.i ■-! : Is au.rif U da» hatdrt-t afro .ourr-d • of CUlUvftiiOU. uml thv I'H i.-. )• timber of Ui*> first order Ho- i i , a *Ukj3 Fftrta, ‘cms very mM. .- . • Ipiaiuv JuT gm*p"g:-t»«vinp -i;:'.. b irj.- V IWeiVr or fourb'on OfVt-r • : ~ . rill- Und bus fru-J!i:i.'« n ~..% ft rati*- V>f llir Y-tUi'ltlu•• > ftOU I>D th~ IttJ" t't ‘ : to Cf/iitalr nil !tie‘: ill TLj* Laud e-outa not bo i •• t . la.uN ut to r«raove u> th- I'.: pri.-r mft.tisrs.te For further j.. . ..... UKiNuLUS, at Lorrzn'n .ii-s-- \\>- , r i r..' ■■ ■ na»:j K"nt Ktcuw- Att-t-.r, * Valuable Properly for Sul« TWO LCta ‘lt l UiioUiNii. upuu wnn-fi nrr rrorUxl four X Brick luu cwu rrum** BulKliug*. nnu-?i r**m Ktiuu:-.!i; r-r fj'.o • Said property i* ?dtuair, the Factor; nod Urouod known the *• Empirr Works,” mtuatod • n th*- corner of Penn and Morris mrerts. Also, 23 acrv* of uaiQproTnJ land, dUuu«A on the Alio* ghvnj liver, ooe mile from East Liberty. On a portion of tin* loud there Li the best Saw Mill location in the county. Also, » number of lots containing from l to 6 «cre.=» of choice land, situated ouo mile north-west of East Liberty, mile east of LawrenoevU'e. The above named pieces of properly are re.y desirable, and will be disposed of on advuuiageoua terms to early pur enasers. For tercia of sale nftd further information apply to Wm. P. Baiun, No.— Wood street, Pittsburgh. U. D. TUuMPSOX, aulditf Assignee for da*, 6. .Segk-y. Bay Wood Nursery and Uardeui. JAMBn KEEN EDV, Manager of the well-kuown Sy rac:utM)EusVrles,New York,/ begs lease to inform the public?that he has now established ait EXTENSIVE NUR SERY, on the Farm of Ur. James S. Negley, near host Lib :«Tiy,where n* fchail be prepared, after thesth instiuit, to re . calve ami till orderalbr every variety of Fruit tnrißfrruamcn* tal Trees,’llardy anil Green House Shrubs and I'lr.nt*. In addition to a choleeand superior stock on hand, he has made arrangements with one of the largest Nurseries In the East, to aeep. up his supply. Having n thorough and long expe rience in the business, ho can araurehb cuatomerh perfect *atis faction. Mr. Kennedy would also respectfully offer his cervices In designing,laylngout, and managing Rural Cemeteries, Pub lic Purhs; or thu grounds of Country Rcaldwoces; and will alsofumlah plans for the formation of Lawn*, Approaches, Picturesqut-Seenery, 4c., in the highest styles of the art. tactically acquainted with every brunch of Landscape Gardening,and having spent yetrsin the Sylvian Parki of England, and ou the bonutiiul bunko of tiio Hudson, he hopes he haa the capacity to meet Urn wishes of those wlio favor him. 4S9* Commnnicationa can be address d through the C-'ty PostOffle»,or loft nt ilia Warehouse of Mesaro. Neeley A Mohan, 22 Wood street. Boston Papier illnche Company, MODERN AND ANTIQUE ORNAMENTS. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. U 7 .MARKET STREET.*—The attention of Builders, Steamboat Contractors and Cab* Inet Makers, is requested to this new ,oud great improve-- mentin the manufacture of embelllihuibuts for Buildings and Steamboats, outside and inside; Cabins, Halls. Church* ea, Dwellings, Stores, and Parlor Furniture, in gilt, or in Imitation of various kinds of wood. Also, Cornices, Brack ets, aud Patent Ventilating Cofttro Pieces for Ceilings, Mouldings*,Ounsuls, Trasses, Battlement, Ac; much cheaper and handsomer than Plaster and Wood Curving, and a great deal more durable. BLACK LETTERS FOR SIGNS, very cheap and warrant ed to last for 20 years exposed to the weather. Above Goods for sale at the manufacturer's prices—-cost of freight added. \V. W, WILSON, jefcS _ C 7 Market at. Mew Purl uerslilpi MATTHEW GRAFF AND DAVL. KKi.-HNGER,trading heretofore as M. GRAFF & CO., Siuve uud Hollow- Ware Manufacturer!*, No. 12-1 Wu-ou street, have this tiuy associated with them TUoMaS J. GRAFF, ns a partner in their business. The namo.'f.fyle aud'Anie of the tirui will, from this date, bo GRAFF, REI3INUEUA GRAFF. They respectfully solicit a continuation of the patronaga bo lib erally bestowed upon the lirm of .U. Grail A Co. Pittsburgh, July Ist, 1554. Sew Trimming Store, A’o. 83 Oc>mrr of bUukcl stre-'l and tkt Diamond. FRANK VAN-UORDER reapeefuily anuouaces to the public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he trill open L*is new Trimming Store ou MunduyvAprii 17th. lUviug htted up the neatest store rocmin t)ia city, and died it’with a’ choice selection of the laie*t styles of Trimmings and Fan cy Good 3, he Uattere himself that he will offer Pupunorin duceiienls and endeavor to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. place—No.“B3 MaTtfpt.Ptrcet. corner Of the Diamond. £aprl2| FRANK VAN gokdKU. . Home League Factory. HEAVY SUIUTINU «-ULa.K* and TWEEDY Intended to .uit the retail-trade of Pittsburgh and a:,, .rh : j,, made of bard twisted yarn, dura puiturne and iui-.gi. t>; A..- The geueral admission that Stewart’s Checks uitd I'wncds are not inferior ih quality to any others umnuraoiurctl iu the United titiitcs, with au incvcasiiiji ucu*;-n'i Mr encoarages the subscriber lo ihk a View to keep up a good rfSoortmeui uuol* *•. g* -.is-v ally retail from to cents per yard. c-«uu.n rrit, besent to merchants who camn't i • -nv ,;y .d. at his Waruroom. Rebeccastre.-a, n-«r tin- 1 '*-erbont. ©C'7:3m* • II • j.f v v;l',i WILL fitid It t" Gluir J». aULJg*- aii waniili-; v/yr stock of STOVES. 'before a ; t.-rr wu variety, bo bas to style I tintßO aim utiiitv, is t> priy ln this m»rkuw W»- havr-;a Loundr* FuToahe Cctnmittee, Mr Craft, has made tho dis- That tbe ohargo of guarantco 'commission, was-"-' cevery in the course 0 f his investigations that .not raado at the moment is to bo attributed to ■he disordered remainder of the Company’s as-- !the circumstanoo' that the undersigned did not..; Si te yet afforded the promise of a remunerating at the moment discover-oithor thOTo'sjjidhsihility " -tioat.on for himself, and before the report of or the rights ,of ;his: position asda’gharatiibr. '* ins investigations bad been made m-, a c h a q ac . Rut that adventitious success of .the Bale: is not •• certed the office of PmA-icnt ot ri-- Pittsburgh what the undersigned relics on. If he oannotu: and Steubenvilie Rad.- Company , and when, show that tho charge is usual in tho. rates, and’ his criminating mpn- : u-t.-red hi acting ia ; cuslomary in similar, iqaßasT it-fiapnot be bus the two fold rapaejjy ' !’• - -ul.-nt i Auditor! tained. .Jhe Usbo' he'.vilillcave,'whewit must-*-:; T- s f Hit may not t-j'-tx* «). compensat.on for scrv.ces rendered;. Why did sident Or Beoretary'foh ishbh : purpos^s 'did not “f *' a ? m ; r ". of T » ,™ulate some makef the- did' ffial P di“regard" ’wuS ’ hiS ’ it bJt™!.!. V' ■ ' • . . it of. bills payable, of sums reimbursable,-which bi of tbn under i” °a ? on ® ,UB, T® •gMnst. the claim were derived from a temparary bypothecationof - aa Tre fa ? 9T Co “P e “ B ®Hpii forservioes bonds. Receipts for 1 thesebonus were " bL n k ’ ,“° ? WOB ”>*** »y kept* end all the undersigned Conld’dtfin BuSh' 1 n,rv fef i annual reports of January 1863, Jan- cases was to report such bonds by thei^n^ l ecsfed fa *1?%? f' ' htreB "e* bere - in i&BUCh hands. g 3 ed 18, tbat utiJerfligned never, made a matter of ccmplaint and ot-je .tion. by. the com- rt ha \ 7‘u‘fe S rom *o le *~ M«ee- -Could any, Treasurerfaavodono. ffionj'i hntf hiori 'n oo^ 1 half concealed, fhan wno dono in thesVcircumstancea. . posthumous still born, or still-born posthumous, -.at were aotnally sold.thoy worp r.e- But however and however DUt it i» Clt «d by their-nambers and the amounts re true. Tho claim of the undersigned for comnen. cei ? d f ° r «>eni Carefully-entered.-' 'lt was tho : ration is no new or sudden thing Ho has attain WbU /understood design do make oneentry of thV ' and again, and as often os the state of the com- - 1089 *soatTcd_ on Bales.offends. That pany*s affairs seemed to render it decent nr tbl ? waß nofc done R e * orQ old board went oat, ■defeasible, clamored for admission of his demand and ' b f fo ?* t tb ® tolinquished/ his.', , for compensation, and sought to have tho rate of 00n^ o \°^ :tbe bo ®"> waadaedn part to the con- " oalary determined. Had tho now President of f in^° -.which.- f affsirs-were 1 tho company desired light on the subiect this w ■ > sa6tcr, and in part,.to that whioh .overtook- < particular charge, he need not have gone beyond when tho election came to bo heldj . , the new Board of Directors for the moßt nmole wh ' ob tbe °ld board were superseded in office, information. v But the undereigued would be. glad to have the - ' Tbe respcc'able citizen who filled the nffioe of *b?e.e./instances, in. whicU President of tho Company last year Robert B ® ms money were received ffom ,ft .finan,--,. . Woods Esq., is a member of the present Board cicrio 8 Agent at n distance” or at heme either, ' of Directors.- Tho charge of tho undersigned where “ neither note, bill, draft of other oblifia- ‘ for services as Treasurer was not made without “ ti 9 D of the Com P ou J was given, and/Bnoh Saina 1 » full and free consultation with Mr. Woods and “ wf re by the Treasurer creditcdto Bills Payable.” the rate was not fixed without his acnroval Nsihing of the Uiqd was done. And tho only- 5 ’ Why did not the admirer cf Talleyrand and tho Rem rcßorablipg thmwas an /instance of. fuada . begetter of posthumous still-boras, addressbim- re “ lt, .“ oanlJ ! e , 5 “ 0 ' rc °dorcd a temporary per person to b 6 addressed in the oaao. But his crcdl , t B . payab l° i/tpcdient, .until the facts reply would havo been: “Mr Hill has repeat- o' )r du no good ground of. determined. It was introduced in his final oo- com i lbilnb . counts with my knowledge and approval, and In troth, it is difficult, exept offtho hypptho- , the yoarly rato of compensation was fixed with sis already Suggested, in the earlier part of this my advice ” That must have boop tho answer paper, ,tp understandwhy; tho attempt Is mado' of Mr Woods to the Committee!. And it.ia con- to disparage and fasten odium upon the late ad- ; - sidered a sufficient reply to tbq_invidioni.aud miiriatratinn of the nffairaaif. To insidious language which is applied to the charge ‘give eclat to the new by discrediting the old ib-"’- 1 for eerv/cos ns Tresanror. But the undorsigned tho obvious explanation.,A' . ’ : ui dispvaed to rcoapitulato, and go a stepfurther. -,- / ;ThS reason why thonndefaignedbaabeenanei. ' lh« Committeebavo deemed it a sufficient offset eially/singled out as the viotird'of tbe zeal ot tin to iho charge, that i* was not mado in any.sf.i.Eresideht in his probationary functions of Au Iho annual reports, but was first entered in the ditar and. Investigator, ia perhaps.to bo found hi ' dual account It should bo a conolusivo reply tbo temporary prostration 0 f tho „,, io this, that the charge was made at /ho earliest and hia moment the umleratgupd could have anything defend himself with effect It S i y - J Uao authority to fix the rate of salary., It was pulse ° r r oTthe ccnsoßvßdßl ~;..s, 0 e mne. r «? k drbV 3 ;.ls.^:b®rt l;^^^^ had t!l ß^u 'ambor-z™: ' B ° n T > • ~.T ba has fict been able to breast. , P , ltP ,. . u at jt a . '. .. , on bis.i thestorm of theTecentedminorcialfevulsion, and o ,b- m-w ■ ’/ '” y^eWoitAviSlenco;, 1 Ho Aosi however, ' to affirm tbai.*»-tiimsci 1 ‘ ' ''/'b.®, B®?® 8 ®?® «boon able tSsbow a clean record.to bisercditors,. without a Sft.ar/ i 'lfat - : tv,™™ to go through tbe deeply humiliating prp'gessVf.. • , .’ • t.ffTpi anspeosioo, of on exhibit of his affairs',’bis'lia i ..epee be hka dis- bilites, and oßsets, without subject ng himself a ded os altogether inadmissible tho charge, to reproaoh or sußpioion of whioh an honest DAILY MORNING DOST. MO*DAY MORNING; * ' * 4. t ==2IES= KATESOFAUVEUTISJ.VU ‘•oiit.'UD mmyH at t fin pitisbcuau rs» uaz3 sorrrAiiEo, oatr»g ; '?■ oiuar*,on« iTK-artlon., ' u - •rap.h-ft.UltCana] In.^^rtloa, u “ one j ,l M ..tw0week5*,,............3 00 “ “ three .weet0i..,.*,,.*..,,4 co “., “ one month.* too 11 „.tyo montlu... .................................. 700 « three Booths.-.......................,.™. 9 0® “ “ four 10 00 liX CDDEIjS.,I mi'Mnn>.il3 00 “ “ one y«t„. 18 00 Standing Card, flix lines or I«S3, pgr annnm- 10 00 Onsnguare,par'annma,^eislq^Ta o/ tha paper)!.....,. 26 00 :APRIL 2. 6O OnAHOIABLS at mAsrai: