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C: s •«.*.* ?-•>'! ‘kk-^k^kkkfsi.v.c-n'k*•. k v; .♦•‘' 4 ••' •' '• .")'"v‘.' k ri r - j- : .•■ •":Vy>V.»i t. .-, >2- *;k’; v V> , : 'i -h V ’ y r . {£.' .2. f..V Ms -y> “•'- (’•* Mi ... ;vy ; ;.-;r k' .Ck 'Habsas COBPD3.—Wo understand that Har v;.r:'-!,M •M^-”^tfk'’M',k'£’ : £* f r.;'VyiBon Agy, the young man committed to jail for ’£ 5 outrage on the bridge, will be brought atrritof habeas corpus, this morning. ;-j the purpose of haring him discharged on • : r•' :••••' i\ •', 'M; r.; ; ' i '_' y£ r; 1 Meetiho us Council. —The Select and Com- Ooopolts Will hold their regular monthly , » '.* . rv- faceting this, orening. Tax collectors for the v' { ' ’ C -*■ 4ity will be elected,: eiST we understand an or \ iv.-- *'■■iinanca, regulation the sale of milk, ■will be iu- o,;-' . a -Vodaoed. 111 l 'X !■;-..-. • v * *■/•’• ’• <; t-‘" ■•-fciU-vViv . -a t* -» s ' •;.....,\ .-v.v,' - ".- *r~* ■• . - ;, i x v-V.* ,»'• v. >,*, .r *>■■ ,v-. f ‘ *.«.«.-• • 4 -: t t *■». O<* ■*►-* rs ' ' iK- ' * »*'*,’’- •'**\a**•* a i :'i\- •- •. - • :■ t -3-1 - -■'■•-■ - , ■:... * --r- •'•■ •.-•'tv-* ~ '. n - . • •■ -V*’- " • '•'•’' i " f ‘-.T- C • ’-t- « 1 ' ■•• i 1? sr 9 : z>. ' *a‘ f _ '„<■ ' . i ,•> . >k\: ; ; „_• .. '•-• eE£££ the am POST. MQRNXNG::^: Dac* Numbers Wanted.—The following back lumbers from our files of the Saturday 'Mpmtng Posl f &YQ missing: •• : JulyBoth, 1853 ;. Jannary 14th, 1854; Feb ruary Aih and 25th, 1854; March llth, 1854; April 2dihv *64 ; July 22d, ’54; August _l9th, l6th and 30th, *54; and October 14th; *64, Any of-our subscribers who may have all or any one of the above numbers in their posses sion; Will confer a particular favor by forwarding them to our counting room. Ten cents will be paid for each. . Thb DutUJBSB Boboogh Eleotion.— Oo Sat. urday, in the Court of Qiarter Sessions, J. H. Miller, Esq., presented a petition, signed by a number of voters of the district, requesting that a day might bo named forbearing the grounds Uponwhich they based their desire to hare the eleotion in Duquesne borough declared Illegal, and set aside. Jasper E. Brady, Esq., on be half of John Buhoup and tbo other successful candidates, mado a motion to quash the petition, alleging that it was not sufficient in law, and asked leave to file at length the objections witb in-four days, which was granted. The petition sets forth, that on the third Fri day of . March, 1854, Aodrew Fleming was eieoied judge of the election district, within said borough, and that Andrew Jackson and Wilson Stewart wero elected inspectors ; at the general election held in October, 1854, An drew King presided over and conducted the eleotion, and that Jesse M. Luttcn and Michael O'Neil were substituted, according to law, in .(he place of Andrew Jackson and Wilson Stow ntt, both of whom were absent; that Andrew Fleming, at the recent election held in the bor ough, went to the place appointed for holding the eleotion, for the purpose of attending to his duties as judge, when Wilson Stewart, who was not assessed, nor a resident of the said borough, forcibly took his scat, although Mr. O’Neil, who had been appointed to fill a vacancy, and en titled to act for the whole year, was present, ready to perform tho duties imposed upon him by law; that David Crowe, the assess or eleoted in March, 1864, informed Andrew Fleming “that Wilson Stewart was not as- Beased, and was not on tho list of taxable in habitants for 1855, and that he was not a resi dent of said borough ; that Andrew Fleming re quired Stewart to be qualified as to bis residence and assessment, which be did not comply with ; but Andrew Jackson and John Boboup took him (Stewart) away from the stand and at such a distance as to be out of th > hearing of Fleming, and after some, time they returned and stated that Stewart had been sworn ; that Fleming ex pressed himself much dissatisfied with this pro ceeding, but was overruled by force, and Stewart accordingly took his seat as an inspector. The petition further represented that Jackson was a candidate for two offices voted for at the said election: borough council and school direc tor; that abusive language was used towards David Crowe, the aesereor, with the intention of driving him from bis post at the election ; that persons were brought by Stewart and his con federates from the ciLies of Pittsburgh anl Alle gheny to awe the citizens of the borough nud to support Stewart in his unlawful acts; that a sufficient number of votes were illegally polled, whioh, together with those that were rejected unlawfully by tho inspectors, would have chang ed the result; that Andrew Fleming refused to Bign thfi return which is required by law to be made to the court. Tho petition was signed by twenty citizens of the borough. A Sisgular Occurrence — The following BIO* gnlar circumstanoe wae related to ue, on Satur- day, by a gentleman who received it from a near relative, wboTceides in the immediate neighbor bond where it purports to have occurred, and who vouches for its being entirely true : On the night of Monday the 12th instant, a Mrs. Fowler, an old lady living near Freeport in Westmoreland county, was aroused from her sleep by the noise prodaced by a man entering her house through a window. In great alarm, she got up and called to a large dog who was somewhere in tho house; but the dog, more , Auction-Daily Sale., watchful than his mistress, had already seized I 4 t tb« Commercial Sale* lioom*, cornsr of WncJ ttri the intruder by the throat aod was engaged in a 1 _A. Fifth ntrovts,*t 10 o’clock, a. m., a t?rn#rk! »«.* desperate struggle with him. Tbe mao made all >'f BUpie and fancy Dry Good., nothin*. mm. , , l • 1 , and Sht.cfl, liatu.Caps, Ac., the effort poesiblo to get loose from the animal, ats o’clock, p. sf , and attempted several times to kill him With a GroceriefiyQownirwiire, Qlufipware, Table Cutlery, Looking large knife, but the brute, as if perfectly aware Glasses,Now and Second Hand Household and It,t, hen For of the Yillam s purpose—to roh, perhaps mur* att o’clock, p. m., der—did not relinguish bis hold, until the man Btvtb*. Stationery, Fancy Arlldea, Musical In*trurn*nU, was dead! The old lady nearly frightened to death, then approached the burglar where he - M yI Auctioneer. was lying on tbe floor, and discovered that bis * * facO- waa thickly covered with a coat of black deremptory pale i«f pknn street property. paint put od so that he could not bo rccogniied. A On Thursday ••Tuning, Marrh 2i»ih. m ovio**k, ' On washing this off she discovered, to her horror JJJ* o M ,'Vto\ n and amazement, the features of her own ion-in- lot oI Ground, situate between iuo-i au.j Wiyu* nr^u, law, i baTine a front of 3u feel on Peon street, and vstwndln,: im. A tiKrt*o \* ihn ntnrv nft it wna told tn ns i h ick ICO *evt to Pnyett.- street. on which I- ih* m i lie above is tno story, as a was tow to ns, b moAlfrn gtyl „ f whll t ioi>hed Brick Dwelling Houm., , aDd although not pretending to believe alto- ; wUh bui . diDgs hou«*, stable, Ac.—i*My oet-u -gather in its truth, think it has some foundation. pied by a*n'i Larimer. p. M davis. How it should have been kept so long from com- ! mh - u „ _ _ iflg to"the public ear is not ,ho leas, remarkable ! A ~o«»» - wi* part of the occurrence. Wo shall probably hear o’drcfc, at Iho Wholesale Store, corner of >lnrk»-t ni.ti more of it in a day or two. i Front streets — when will b« lomhl oat, to the bitjUf-t bid der, the remslolug Stock nnd Firture*. t-mbrnnug pmh- rf ' Scddsh Death—On Satardsy, a man named John. Wright died suddenly ftt the tavern of Geo. „nd Doe brau.ls of fancy Wlur-s. in glass package*: Cognac M. Sellers, on Ohio street, Allegheny. Ho was Brandy, Blackberry Ft. Cmu ami Amiga* Ruo , iri»h . , . . . • , Wblflkv S fancy Cordial*, Wine Bittern, Ac , 4c. Also, I’l* - eating his dinner, apparently in the enjoyment n ', r f111ur ,.,, .w 0.. k», i»..t Hot of hla usual good -health, when he was observed u e * t eC npty Cask* and Bottle.-. Letter Presn, Mup*. Picture*, by Mr. Boilers to become very pale, and com- .Ac, The particular attention of all wanting tine Liquors i* menced vomiting very'violently. That gentleman r.ao«ted to toy doing t ai«. ? M BAVISt Allrl , Dn „ r _ insisted on bis going away from the table, and A toO^'WTK^SEU.7bo caught him by the arm to assist him into the |, o n Thursday morning, March noth, »t lo •/cio.-k. at next room, tut before Teaching thcro ho became Dwelling House No. 197 Second street, oppo-it* th« s-.-t.trh so weak as to be unable to walk and was carried by Mr. oollers into the bar, where ho suddenly cn De g«at and Wind.«or Cbaint and Rnckers; r - fMI over upon the floor, and died almost instant- reaus; earlosed and plain Wash Stands; high post and 1- Thp (ip/iOORPri waq fthnnt fiflv rears of affO French Bedsteads; Mattreases: Bods; Bedding; Parlor, ly. lfce deceased was aoout nicy years or ago, CbaC)ber BDtl KUJr Carpetfl; n ear th n UjSB; smir Rnj* ; ana we belipvo resided about twelve mileB ID the Matting; Venetian Blinds; splendid Mantel Clock ; Dining Country, wnero be leaves a wife and several surt Breakfast Tables; Table Cloths; Cblnu, Ulo«8 and chUdren. In of coroner Lowry Al- E** ! UMU ” i ‘ derman Hartje, of the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, mh .j G p. m. davis. Auctioneer held an inquest on the body, when a verdict, j . uUaKHoLDKU kniti'ick"at auction, —mi fhi “ died from apoplexy” waa rendered. XL day morning, March so, commencing at 10 o’clock • wii] be sold, at the dwelllog of Re?. C. Cook. No. 10 lifted SUICIDE near Freeport.—We are informed street, below Penn, a general rarloty of well kept Hoti.c by a gentleman who came down from Freeport, boi.i Fornhure, .mbradog Cane s»t .od Winder Ch»ir» *" o , . ,j » .j. * . Rocking Chaira, Drcs.-lng Burcan, French and High Post on Saturday, that au old farmer residing near Be-isitjad*, Kn'doprd wa. patt6rn . ani beard. On repairing to the place - , the D( J Yerona Serge, Red Padding, Linen Canra«, Funcy found him entirely destitute of life—bis bead . Dining*, Silk and other Coat and A r <‘st Buttons; with a being blown completely to pieces. stock of Tailors' cboteTrlßg^ TESTIMONY OP RESrEOT TO THE LATE JuDQE Riddle.— ln the Court of Common Pleae, on Saturday, R. Biddle Robertß, Esq., announced the death of Hon. James Riddle, a former Aaso dale Judge of that Court, and in a few remarks, paid a very appropriate and happy tribute to the memory of the deceased. In conclusion, ho moved that the Court should adjourn, ae a tes timony of respect. This motion was seconded by Mr. William M’Candless, who also spoke briefly of the virtues of Judgo Riddle. After speeohes from other members of the bar, the Court adjourned until Monday. Da. Greene on the Eye. —By referenoe to an advertisement it will be seen this oelebratcd oocnlißt delivers a free leoture, at Masonic Hall, to-morrow evening. The Dr. claims to have dis covered a new remedy; and from a very brief explanation, wo are inolined to believe there is much in it. At any rate, allwho are afflicted with near Bightedness, cr impnired vision of any kind, should go and hear him. Ho is a gentle man ol scientific attainments, and has undoubt edly performed some extraordinary euros. Theatre.— Miss Charlotte Craropton, a tragic actress of considerable merit, commences no engagement to-night, at the Theatre, in the character of Lady Macbeth. It is some time sinoe we have had'a taste of the legitimate, and no doubt tho lady will be greeted with a good house. Mr. T. B. Johnston will also ap pear, sustaining the character of the First I Witch, in Macbeth, and Dolph, in the laughable farce of Family Jars. Selling Liquor to a Minor. —Peter Wynne, the proprietor of a whiskey shop on Diamond alley, was held to bail, on Saturday, by Aider man Wilson, for selling liquor to a minor, on a oompluint preferred by Mr. George Kemp. Wynne was also arrested for keeping a tippling I* house. N*w Mubio.—W.e have just received from John H. Mellor, No. 81 Wood street, the Home wood Polka Mazurka, composed for the piano, by Prof. J\ A. Wameiink, and dedicated to Mies Maria L. Chambers, of this oity. Mr. Wameiink is quite a successful and brilliant oomposer, and this last production of his is beautiful and enli vening, and would alone entitle him to rank among the most finished pianists of the conntry. Pittsburgh is fairly, with ability and oredit, rep resented in the composing and musical school, and can truly boast of more original, home, popular airs, than any other city in the Union. Mr. W. is a teacher of the piano and vocal mu sio, in which capacity be gives universal satis faction. -MARCH* 26, Dedication Cubist's M. E. Choch. —At the dedication of this elegant ohnrch, yesterday, hundreds were unable to gain admittance into the building. Dr. Durbin preached in the tnorn iog and was followed in the afternoon by Rev. Alfred Cookman, the pastor, in an eloquent dis course, that satisfied the congregation the flat tering reports which had preoeded him did nothing more than simple jostice. Prof. Kings ley, of Meodville College, was the speaker in the evening. We believe there is no Mcthodißt eburoh in tho United States equal—certainly none euperior—to the edifico on Penn street be longing to this denomination. By reference to another column, it will be seen the sale of pews commences at 10 o’clock this morning. A capias was issued on Saturday, in the Dis trict Court, for the arrest of Frederick Beeson, to answer to a suit for slander, instituted by Lewis Hack. Bail is required in the sum of $5OO. COMMERCIAL POST. PITTSBURGH BOARD OJP TRADE AND MERCHANTS* EXCHANGE. OFFICER JVerfdcnf—JOHN BHIPTON. iSrst Flee President —Wf. 11. gmro. Second “ “ Wm. R. Bbowji. " Secrttcay —Wm. 3. Haver. Treasurer —John D. Scully. Superintendent— B. T. Nortuav, Jr. Committee of Arbitration for Mirth — W. IL Bbown, Fes. Sellers, Josdoa Rhodes, Jour M'DEViTf, John Scott. DAILY BE VIEW OF PITTSBURGH MARKET. OrncE or the Daily Post, \ Monday, March 26, ISSi. j The weather was too disagreeable on S.iturduy for out door operations. This, in connection with the tact of its being the last day of the weefc, (when there is generally little business done,) will a-connt for the small number of sales reported. On Friday the business was brbh IMCON—Sales 12.000 lbs Shoulders, Sides and Uams, In lots, 6*4, and &*-(., cash; 3.500 do Sides 7*4 do. FLOUR—I* bbls superfine, from store. sS.7i> GRAlN—Cirn—3oo bus shelled, wharf, h 3; 200 do do store 85; 3)0 do Oite—2oo bush, depot. 55; 500 do do, wharf. 56. FRUIT—7S bush Dried Peaches s'-,33, cash. ll’ PS—2O bales at 23c MALT—IOO bos., $1,50@51,60. MOLABSEJ—6S bbls New Orleann, cash. PORK —10 bbls Mess, $l3 73, cash. SUGAR—IO hhds good fair, time. Xiw York, March 24.—Cofton unchanged. Floor firm, wjlb an upward teoduucy; nad'S CCOO bbls good Ohio; Soti 1 h ern firm, with ssles 2001 bbls at $9,72/iijO,Sl. Sales •*7l too bus Western mixed Corn at $l. Pork a trill** higher, “hi*-!* 600 hbls at $14,31(3*14,57 for old mess, and new at $lO ami $16,25. Beef firm, sales 500 bbls country nu*«? ut sl‘.‘2o'a $11,50. L«td unchanged. Wbi.sky: Ohio unsettled: '■*» at 3l(jp3l*-£ Groceries unchßiiged. Stock* heavy; Money unchanged; Indiana fives, Pennsylvania Coal Co, lt)s}.£; New York Central. 03; Krie. 4s l Cleveland, Colum bus and Cincinnati 107; Heading 8. 30, 8314. PBiLADELnitix, March 24. Flour dn nvre Inqoiry. nnJ holders bav« again put op price* 12)4'“ y 1 hbi; safofi 1203 to 16t 0 bble at jy.so for good brands,and *K.'(a,UVi3 or eitrn: (be latter fur a choice lot. Ry» Flour stendy, and further {■ales of 200 to JWo bbls at *O. Corn Mw>*l ndranct-J 12Y/*; gales GOd bbls Pennsylvania ftt $4.25. The market con tinues bure «.f Wheat; =*!**» . f 2&J’J bus at $2,V5 for pritm* red, Rod $2 33@-,55 for fair and prime wbPe, ioclu ProTi«ions hnoyaot, and adranclng. •‘/vlei 2u)o hhlt Mess Pork at $13.50, and holders n-king $13.75. Bulk HJi-h «*. Shoolders 5 Lard quiet at 5 T S for prime bbl’d. Butter l< Tpry po.rce at 25 Orreries imchungetl. Good business stand in diamond alley fob SALE.—Thai valuable Three Story Brick Dwelling lloubo and Store, No. 25 Diamond alley, at present occupied by Mrs. Kerbey. Lot "has a front of 16 feet, and extends back 76 feot. Apply to P. M. DAVIS. m hl2 Auctioneer. ONLY $1,400 for a piece of GKOUND containing nbont Eight Acres, In a pleasant ami very healthy location, only ten minutes’ walk from the R. K. Depot at East Liberty. Terms of payment will bo made easy. This property is in a goo l neighborhood, and is offered at tho above low price, as the owner is going West. Persons iu want of such a place, will call at the Real Est»t« Office of mb22 8. CUTHBKIIT A SON, 140 Third f-t_ C” CONCENTRATED LYE—A new and wonderful article j for making soft and hard Soap. It Is a substitute far potash, and much cheaper than potash, as one pound h snudem for one barrel of soft soap. A larg* supply re ceived by JOS. FLEMING, m |j22 Corner Diamond and Market st. W' ISTaB’S COUGH LOZKNGE3, prepared by Ur. Wis* tar’s original receipt. Tbeso Lozeogps are a safe, certain and speedy remedy far coughs, colds, hoarseness, sore throat. Ac. A full supply jus; m nufactured by • Jos. fi.eming, Corner Market street and Diamond. C'VJUGH REMEDIES —Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, w Star's j Balsam Wild Cherry, Jayne's Expectorant, Duncan’* do. A larce supply of the aboYeralurble remedies rec’d by mh22 JOS. FLEMING. WIJ LOW CHARCOAL—An excellent article, expreraly for medicinal purposes. 6 dor.en rac’d by JOS. FLkMINQ, Corn«r Diamond and Market at. PKKSUYTJSIUAN HYMN BOOKd KecM by Kxi»rvs* to-day, a largo assortment of Psalms and Ilymus, of nil sizes and styles of binding, at DAVIBOJTB BOOK STOUH, C>s Market street, near Fourth. GARDEN SEED DRILL, for drawing drills of various widths, from 0 to 27 Inches—the most complete labor ssTlng drill in use. For sale by mh!7 /■^LOVEUBKED —23 bble, prime, lor enle by mh!7 HENRY 11, COLLINS, CHAMOIS SKINS —A fine lot on hand and for sale by feb2G FLKMING?BROB. MAGAZINES. —Harper, for January. Putnam, for January. Godoy, for January, tblrd supply. Graham, for January; second supply. PetersoD, far January; 17 cents. Ballow, for January; 10 cents. Blackwood, for January. Subscription to four British Reviews and Blackwood, $lO. Those who would save 20 per cent, in subscribing by tbe year, or buying single | an 3 No. 87 Wood street. R BIDDLE ROBERTS, Attoexet At Law, (District At . tomey for Allegheny County,) has remoTed to No. 105 Fourth street, between Smithfleld and Wood—the Offices lately occupied by Sami. W Black, Esq. fmbl4dw* *\TrANT.EI>— Forty Shares of Stock of Merchants and W Manufacturers’ Bank, to complete an order. ALo. .10 shares O. AP. K. Stock. WILKINS A CO.. Bankers and Commission Btook Brokers, 71 Fourth street. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. AUCTION SALES. JAMES WARDROP. Removal* S FOR RFt/ER JTIEft. Tn« River.—-Last evening, at dost, they wcre-6 feet 0 Inches water in the channe', and failing, Thera was quite a large quantity of Ice running in the Allegheny, on Satur day and Sunduy. There are indications of rain before long* Boats Departing.—'The Empire leavrs to-day in place of tberegular pocket Diurnal, for Wheeling. The Keystone State is the Cincinnati packet this morning. The J. C' Fremont leaves this day for St. Lonis. She offers a fine op’ portunity to those traveling West. The W. n. Penny left St. Louis forthe Illinois river, for a load of Pork. for this market. The steamers Challenge and Frairie Eoso left SL Louis, on the 22d, for Pittsburgh ; and Granite State would leave on tbo 24tb. The river at 8t- Louis was falling, and was backed up from Cairo, 12 miles' Tiie River Falling. —The river commenced falling yes* terdav, and tip to last evening had fallen 5 or 0 Inches, with still fully 15 Tout water on tho falls, making free navi gation for cur largest packets fully laden. The weather yesterday wa* eoM end blustering, and, though clear, ex tremely di-agre— able.— Louiscillc Courier, 23d. Steamboat T xmu«s.-' The Mobile Advertiser, of March Ifuh. sn\ ? u telegraphic despatch received in that city on Wednesday night, und dated Lower Peach Tree, brings the snd Intellicvnce of the explosion of the steamer JJeroine , which burst ber boilers on Tuesday last, while near Beck ley’s lending, on the Higbce river, on her downward trip. By this uiif u tunnti* accident three-negro men were killed outright, anil the pilot. Mr. Roberta, severely injured. Sev eral passenger? ure also mining. Ah to the cause of the dis aster, or the extent of damage done the boat, we are not advised. We in*y mention that thnro ore some grounds for the Impe that the report may be false. FORT OF PITTSBURGH. *> FEET (j INCHES WATER IN THE CHANNEL. ARRIVED. Steamer Michigan. Wellsville. 44 Kmplro, I>cy)o, Wheeling. “ Buckeye State, Belt/hoover, Cincinnati. 4 ‘ Amazon, Hnzlclt, Louisville. “ JR Pringle. Stoops, New Orleans. “ Reyttcne Stare, iluzlep, Cincinnati. “ Gozel, Shuman, Louisville. “ Alina, Cochriiu. St. Louio “ Fniry Queen, Kenn, Nat-brille. 44 Pennsylvania, KUneftiUer, Cincinnati. “ lUickuyc State, Bcltikoover, Cincinnati. “ St. Cluir, Dutilnp, New Orleans. 14 Phul Junes, Pales, N«w Orleans. ,4 Couewagti. Marshall, St. Louis. STEAMBOATS, PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, AND SAINT LOUIS Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line, POR THE CONVEYANCE OF PASSKNUGRS AND FREIGHT BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, Anil Saint Louis. m Tiuh Lins is composed of seven ![■> i claes powerfnl Steamers, une* eESfifi#iS&r|uaU<‘d for speed, splendor, safely^BSSSßß an.l iv.infnrt, and i.» the only turoit.h pally US* or Stkam Packets on the Ohio river. It connects with the U. 8. Mail Liu* of Steamers from Cincinnati to Louisville and Saint Louis, by wi»ii'h 1 no-.l freight an? Ud.elal and rr* Cfift'd (Unitiph >/i n'v- Two n-uv btf-nmcrs hare been added to tin* Liu*-, Vb>oh now conv’Biy of tb* folic, wingbouts: p.n/io/ Di>paT(ttrt B'h.t’t. from. I^ttwurgh. BUCKLYK ST\.TK M. \Y. Heltihogvek....Sunday. KM’STOXK STATK HaileP- Monday. ALLV.CIIKNY Ueo. M'Lajn Tuesday. CINCINNATI 11 11 l'Stlk Wednesday. PHiLALKI-PM! V N. .1 'luace Thursday. PITTS Bl 1 lit!H I N.Cook Friday. AM A Jvu ':u.irrr.lTFH. Ltmv tlf.:! v nt Rt «.v».icfc., A. M., prt*rwiy No tilit.r nine oYl'-'k ou th*> morning 01 d^purlure. For j.ftrtji-ular*. aj p!r on brani. or to Join I‘. \ l NORTON,) , JOHN FLACK. } **'*'*< PitL'buri'h, 1 Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wheeling I’arkelt* ! Jpr?Tj .-fr The I-irKN.vL. Curtain k. t ?. nail jg2ggßS th, ‘ I'OKKJU' CITY, Captain Genact [> Mooxc, will ran ns regular bAII.Y I’AGKKTA, between Pill>hurnh, un-i \Yhe«lm::, itinppicg at ail intermt-Hiiate port®. Th*- DII'IINAL will lear» Pittsburgh on Monday*, ATM r.r.a liijd nu.i Fridays, at 10 o'clock. A.M — lir'uming d,* will lir.rc wbrolinc on Tuesdays, Thursday# and Saturdays a! T 1 .. o’clock. A M. 1I.« FOREST u!TY will nv* Pittsburgh on Topslrtp. Tbur-jlayr utul l-'iMr l:n \hi 10 fl’ch**, A. M.— /£'tUTP*n‘j, hli- sill ifivr- \Y ti*-* iin_* '>u .Moo-lay», \Yeslu*‘-Mayf» ttml \ rt 4hj at T ' cVto< ‘t. \ M Vnr fn ig::! or > « -u T;i- .•!t fr .1 S. I'K l\ i • I.K, Cap?»' n JAVm. I I ti.r t,V :»!«•»*• (U) 1 interun •r; “ -i. \VU N ‘-.- !• AV, n,-t F' >r ir. »«h; or f'U> » p;'u 1 oard, or to i;>)• l bs.-h/p npp! \ "n l>«>!»rd. t .'li i>, 'V. J. Mab* I * >. • :. !«r, t r t l.- ft f-•» «• and iu! rrtnoiiu te on '!• NL) AV. ‘m-U iit.-t . ht ll> A. M. For t r«r'^: or j• t\—t*.• u !•; «ti !-'urt, - r.til i.iti>rtn«-Jint«f ports ou fcss*svs&e? 'll K.- h \ V. T. a-, in-1 . >:! 1. M. Fir f ri'ljj I, t i-.f pn-tt/f l.pi S ..11 1-r.r 1. or tn luftr'j4 \\ \ I. > K> A C\N< > MTiM.iP. V’- (-•■•i.r’i. r *AN N \ fKIIN. C*l-L Itnßf. LwlSt Ji?'' '• * li! '"r hlkjth roJ lnU*rm#- 1 1 >1 ! ■ pit- (>n M< *S L> AV, Jrkti io*t.. at 10 A M Kur tri-übt or pi.?*.-.;;- npj-!y on cr to u;hr: The-r HKI.Li; i,> on K-orL or u> _ ciI.JJ UUi.NKS A FLACK, Agent*. For St. Louis, Onion* and Dubuque Thr fttMin- r J"H N *’ FREMONT, Criptalo ki-alk will U-4T* (>r ih* nhi*rt> and Inter -agraSSfcgg;| rtir i-, MO.NDA V. Wuh Jurt , at 10 a m. F r er pn.-, *.!,*>• «pplv on l- nrd tnhli For St. Louis, loita, W Uroiolit and Nino no*otn Territory - (£uluey, Wsnaw, Keokuk, Fort .ilndlson, M mcnlliie, Koek hland, Duvennort, Galena, Dubuque, St, Peters and Bt, Anthony’* Falls. a—. TIx’VIENNA, Captain C Hat, will i f'»r th«-above an*] Intermediate porta on ■KaffiSaTCKSDAY, Var-:i .:,h. *: 10 r.V10.-k A M. FiT»* un i intermediate port* -fcflßßgSwß!. .ji TUESDAY, '-'O' h in>t.,ot 10 A.M. For iretght cr pa.-.-;if;»- npp.v cm board, cr to mhUi IiAKNKS A COLLI NOWOOD, Agcot*. , Regular VVheell;tg Packet. n,.< fiMLii-r YKNTI’kK, Capt. Jou?t Ooanos, ,-ivrr TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and gSaSuffla.; ATU It t>A V. at li I*. M. For [might or pai-iuge uppH on hoard, or to jit nd JA.MKS COLLINS 4 CO., Agont*. “ I8j.) " CANADA WEST. i R3r‘ feCle vcland, Port Stanley . a JUMggS Port Harwell. TH K Y IN K low pressur*- f'l'rirat-r TEI.KGRAPH. Cantain R. Uaiu.ow, will iiink-- two trip? a w»*«rk hi-t»t?en Cleveland; Port Stanley, and lV*^ ; Lt -•' . J *k- *•?js£3*r ' * S**- DEPARTED. “1555.” Mou’.'Ugnhels House: Building*. I noTiSF) n ho-.rd or to .! 1> . uLI.S Vi Wi'OD, Ag.'Dt, No INo Front ii'nvt. For St. Louis. For Wabash Ulvrr. Fo r /.nn r% \ 11 le. Fur st. Louis .1 “HN FLACK. Agent. For Aaah vlile ti M H\UTON, Agent. I'or St. Louli /•'or Zanesville joscrn j. in. am. Bounty Lauds Law Books* , -u-'Vi a'V Prof* Wood’s Hair Restorative* No article of a similar kind, now before tho public, enjoys a better reputation as a restorative and invigora ting hair tonlo. Its peculiar chemical qualities have a beneficial effect upon the growth and character of the hair, giving a silky and glossy texture to that which was former ly of a coareo and dry nature. has also a tendency to preserve the yonthfnl color and appearance of the hair, and destroying or counteracting the effects of age. With such recommendations in Us favor, we hardly perceive how any lady or gentleman should he without eo valuable an adjunct to the toilet Persons who have used it irom the age of sixty-four down, declare it to be the most perfect ar ticle to secure tho object intended ever yet produced. Gray hair, whether produced by the slow progress of time, or by any of the causes which whiten tho locks prematurely, is restored to ft healthy, lively appearance, and all the digs, greeable effects of dryness, the accumulation of dandruff or like impurities, are removed. Prom the Editor of the Real Estate Advertiser, 27 School st Boston, March 20,1854. Pbop. Wood: Bear Blr —Having become prematurely quite gray, I was induced seme six weeks since, to make trisl of your Hair Restorative. I have used lees than two bottles, but the gray hairs have all disappeared; ami al though my hair has not fully attaised its original eolor, 7et the process of change is gradually going on, and I have great hopes that, in a riiort time, my hair will be as dork as formerly. I have also boen much gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which before was harsh and dry, and it has ceased to come out as formerly. Respectfully Yours, B. C M. Ropp. Pbof. Wood : Bear Sir —My hair commenced falling off fome three* or four j-eara since, and continued to do so until I became quite bald. I tried all the popular remedies of the day, bnt to no effect; at last I was induced to use your cel ebrated Hair Restorative, and am very happy to say it is doing wonders. I have now a fine growth of young hair, and cheerfully recommend its use to all similarly afflicted. A. 0. Williamson, 133 Second 6treet. St Louis, March 7th, 1854. Carlyle, 111., June 271 h, 1853. I have used Prof. 0. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, and hare admired its wonderful effect. My hair was becoming, os I thought prematurely gray, but by the use of bis Restora tive, it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently so. Stdney Brexsc, Ex*Senator, United States. Yincknnes, Indiana, June 16th, 1853. Prof. 0. J. Wood: Bear Sir—As you am alout to manu facture extensively and veDd your recently discovered Buir Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it may concern, that I have used It, and known others use it; that I have for several years been in the habit of using other Hair Re storatives, and that I find yours vastly superior to any other I know: It entirely clCanscs tho head of dandruff, and with one month’s proper use will restore any person’s hair to the original youthful-color and texture, 'giving it a healthy, soft, and glossy appearance, and all this without discoloring the hands that apply It, or tho dress -n which it drops. I would, therefore, recommend its use lo every one desirous of having a fine color and texture to heir. Respectfully yours, Wilson Kino. For sale by 0. J. WOOB & OX, Proprietors, 096 llrond way. New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. Price, $1 and $2 ppr bottle. Sold at Br.G. 11. KEYSER'B Drug Store,l4o Wood street; sign of the Golden Mortar. fehlfitdaw Proclamation-** Whereas, the extraordinary and unprecedented demand for that invaluable preparation, WR3GETFB PREMIUM KATUARION, has induced envious person* to palm off other articles similar in name and np pearaDce, but absolutely worthless, which boa a tendency to injure the reputation of the genuine article, purchasers sboQld be particular to a*k for WiighCt Premium Kutbn rlon, and they may rely on receiving an article unequalled for its virtue* for restoring a decayed head of hair, for a cool, refreshing and delightful application duriug the hot weather, removing all diiagreeable sensations of dizziness and headache, and for the toilet it has never had an equal for Its pleasant and delightful fragrance. Its thousands of testimonials are a sufficient guarantee for its completely restoring a decayed head of hair; for re moving all dandruff; for preventing Its falling off, wbo’her from rick ness or disease; and for entirely dlypenainz with the necessity of using hair dye*, as It excite* the Feerriions, producing a supply of Its natural pigment or colorlug mat ter, giving the hair a dark, glossy appearance, with a luxu riant growth. For sale by every druggist In the city, and by druggi.-ts and merchants throughout the United State 0 - A liberal dLscount to wholesale dealer*. Price 26 cents a bottle. PETER T. WRJOUT A CO, 241 Market st, Philadelphia. For sale by GEO. H. KEYBER, No. 140 Wood nireet, and it. K. SELLERS, Pittehorgh. janl7:£UwSm_is__ Important to Perions afflicted'with Her nia, or Rapture of the Bowels, and the danger of Strangulation by neglect ing It. The right coarse fur any one to pursue who may W af flicted with Rapture, is to procure n good Truss well adapted to the ruptured paite, In order to retain the protruding portion of the bowels. This is often oeglectoj, and the Iwvrei heroines strangulated, leaving the patient not only in a suffering hut dangerous condition. 1 have always on hand, and daily adapt, the most improved Trusses; among which U MARSH’S RADICAL CURE TRUSS, which wilt really produce a radical cure In a short time. Of course there are cases when no Truss will cure, but in a Tast ma jority of redocahle Hernia, or Rupture, this Truss will cure I have every variety of Ttufsm, from 60 cents to jj o; also a largo a.«ortment of CHILDREN'S TRUSSES, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, tor varicose broken or enlarged veins; PILE PROPS, for the rv!W and care of Piles; SHOULDER BRACES, for men women and children; BUSPKN6ORY BANDAGES, and every variety of mechanical appliance u*ed In the care of disease. Cail and examine them at my Drug Store, No 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alloy ; sign of the Golden Mortar. [febliiUw] DR.GEO. 11. KKYBKR. Barreii’i~lndian Liniment, cuius paens i?f rnx Back, Umbs, Side, Head, Breast, Throat, Spine, Musclps, Worms in the Skin, Scalp Diseases, Milk Crust, DTy Tetter, Erysipelas, Headache, Chafes, Neoralgia, Cracks. Sun Pain, Scalds, Burn-, Ulcers, Sore Legs, Sore Throat, Rheumatism. TRY ITJOSCB.; Price 26 cants per bottle. Bold wholesale and retail at Dr. KKYSER’S, HO Wood rtreet; JOEL MOULKR’S, Lib erty street, and at J. T. FLEMING’S, Allegheny city. Janfthdaw _ Balm of Thousand Flowers, for beaoll. Tying the Complexion, and eradicating all Ta.J», Pikflzs and FuECKLt* from the (ace. Sold at Dr. KEYSER’S, 140 Wood street. JanSO AUSTIN LOOMIS. STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Qjflct, Ifo. 92 Fourth tl., abort Wood. NOTES, Ihrxfts, Bonde, Mortgagee, and Loans on colla terals, negotiated. Block* bought and cold on com mission. Land Warrants bought and sold. Particular attention paid to the purchase and rale of Copper Stock*. All communication* attented to promptly ri'O LKT From tho Ist of April next, the commodious X BRICK BUILDINGS situate in the Second Ward of th« City of Pittsburgh, between Brecfe-»nrld?o street and ibe Monongabtda river, latoly occupied by Messrs. Dnkt *ell, Pears 4 Co. as a Glass manufactory and warehouse. This property is eligibly situated, adjacent to the Mooon gabrla wh»rf, for any business coonocted with steam boating or river trade, or for manufacturing purpose#. Several small Buildings and a rapacious yard are attach cl. Apply to OLIVER W. BABNKS, President Pitt, and Conn. It. R Co., mhlOrtf I Neville Hall, Fourth and Libert) streets. t Valuable"works kok arouitkcts, hilcuan- V ICS AND ENGINEERS— The Model Architect; 2 Tolumes; by Sloan. Thn Carpenter’s New Guide; do. Appleton's Dictionary of Mechanics. Do. Mechanics’ Magazine. Practical Mechanic’s Journal. Downing’s Rural Essays. Do Country House?. Stuart’s Architecture. Alien’s Rural Architecture. Field’s City do. Rudiments of do. and Building. Rudimentary do. by John Ballot k. The Modern Geometrical Stair Builder’s Guido. The Builders’ Guile. The Engineer’s and Machinist’s As«isinnt; 2 vole. Do. do. Mechanic’s do. Welsb&ch’s Mechanics and Engineers; 2 vols. Mahan’s Civil Engineering. Knapp's Chemical Technology. Norris’ Hand Booh for Locomotive Engineers and Mach's. Colburn on Locomotive Engines. Hnupt on Bridges. Templeton's Mechanic’s Companion. Scribner's do. do. Harwell's do. do. Henck’s Field Book. Byrne's Pocket Companion. Simms on Leveling; revised by J. 11. Alexander. Do. Blathematical Instruments. Borden’s Formula for Construction of B. Roads. Trautwine on Railroad Curves. Shuok do. do. Mifflin do. do. And numerous other practical works. For sale by R- T. C. MORGAN, m hl7 No. 104 Wood st. NEW BOOKS AT DAVISON’S, 65 Market street, near Fonrth—• I Christ a Friend; and the Friends of Christ; by Nebe* ! miah Adams, B. B.—in two separate volumes. Life Scenes of the Messiah; by R■ HOME LEAGUE FACTORY. HAMILTON STEWART, Manufacturer of Shirting, Checks, Tweeds, Rebecca street, Allegheny, has opened s Warercom SECOND STOBT POST Buildings, corner Fifth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. . Merchants who are not aware that theße Cheeks can oo made as good and sold os low here as in any other city in the United States, are Invited U> call and examine for them* selves. mhlfclm MUSIC furnished by FRANK CARGO, for Parties, Pa rades, 4c., on the shortest notice and at low rates. He may be depended on. He may be found at R. M. Car go’s Daguerreau Rooms, 76 Fourth street. mbiv TO LET, FOR SALE, &c Residence at Evergreen* THE UNBERSIGNKB offers for sale hlfl-property in the Evergreen Colony, Rosa Township, five miles from Pittsburgh. The house ta 58 by 34, arranged with Four Rooms, a Kitohen, and a large Hall on the tir t floor, and Is provided with a Water Closet and Bath Room—the latter [ with suitable hot and cold water pipes. Attached to th® ' honse are Two Acres of Ground, held in fee, on which there 1 is a Well of unfailing soft water, a Stable und a ChtaUeu ' House. The Colony is provided with a School or tho high est order, and is under the management of a gentleman ( from Virginia, a tn-*raber, well qualified to teach even thi higher branches of study. This admirably School is of incalculable advantage to tho man of family, ■ as the ideas here have an opportunity of shooting without the contaminating influence of outside pressure, too < Pen found around schools in tho city and immelinie vicinity. , The House and the Two Acres will be sold with or with out the interest in the farm property, and tho avail* will be taken in adjusted balances snd certificates of deposit against feb2l WILLIAM A. HILL, 04 Wood street. Land for Sale IQAA ACRES OP LAND IN FOREST COUNTY, near iOUU the Clarion river. This land is heavily timbered, has an excellent soil,and is said tocontoin an abandonee of Iron ore, and a thick vein of bituminous coal. The Venan* go railroad, whiuh will undoubtedly be built, will run very near to it, if not directly across it. The MUlstown creek runs through it. ALSO,SOO acres in Elk county, well timbered and watered, and lying near the route of the Snnbury and Erie railroad. No betterinvestment could be made than in these lands. The completion of the Sunbury and Erie, the Allegheny Talley, and the Venango railroads through that region will render the coal, lumber, iron ore and soil, of great value. Enquire of C. B. M. SIIJTII, Attorney at Law, No. 147 Fourth street. frb22:eim:tf Hotel for Lease, T> I‘LEY’3 HOTEL, (formerly known us the LakirtiM XV House,) is offered for lease on favorable terms. Being situated on the corner of Fourth street and Grant, near to the Court House, and about r raidway bean the Munongahcla Wharf and the J\nnry7ixznta Depot, it is one of the most pleasant, convenient and desirable locations in the city. The Hotel will be furnuhed , if desired, and leased for a term (f years, commencing from the first of April next. For further information apply to JOSEPH S. & A. P. MORRISON, Att’ya, Office No. 143 Fourth Bt„ Pittsburgh. jan29:d»wtf Farm for Bale. Tnrc subscriber offers for sale a small FARM OF FIFTY ACRES—forty acres of which is cleared, nud under a pwd mate of cultivation. There is also a good Apple and p«u-h Orchard; two Dwelling Houses, with other out house*; a Barn, and a good Stable. The Farm is situated in Baldwin township, Allegheny county—six miles from this city—near the Brownsville road. For further particulars, apply to the subscriber, on the premises, mblullm* PETER WEI 'BNER. For Rent, A FARM CONTAINING 53 ACRES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, with a large and convenient DWELLING HOUSE, receotly built and cf modern style; good Barn, Stabling, Ac., situated on the south bank of the Mc.nongahela river, 0 miles above Pittsburgh, being one cf tbe most beautiful und pleueant localities anywhere to be found. Po.-sesslon given on or before the Ist of April next. Enquire of mbS:tf BUILDING LOT FOIL SALEi' A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIE street, and extending back 100 feet to Wide alley. On tbe back part of tbe Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Uouses. This Lot is in a desirable location for a residence; and will bo cold low, and on favorable terms. Title good, and clear from incumbrance. Enquire of GKO. F. GLLLMORK, Jyl3 At Office of Morning Post. For Rantf A FARM CONTAINING ABOUT HO ACRES, on the Steubenville Turnpike, fix miles from Tilteburgb, late homestead of William JTCormick. Possession given Immediately. T»:rms $250 per annum. Enquire of JAilfcS C. KICnEV, Near lh»» premises. mb”:d»wtf Lot for Sale. A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 fcet front on Carron street by 100 feet in depth, In Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. P. OILLMORE, jrl3 at office of the Morning Post. FOlt SALE V KItY CHEAP. AHBILDTNB LOT IN ALLKQEENY CITY, 24 lei!t by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying soon at the office of the MORNING POST. jy!2:tf "■vyß SALK —An excellent Frame iiuuse and Lot, on JC Reeaca street, Allegheny city, at a very low rate. En quire oi THOMAS WOODS, jan2£tf 7. r > Fourth street. rivg LKT—A two story Brick Dwelling House, on Centre X Avenue. Apply to H. MINER A CO, ft-bli No. 32 Emllhfieli street. EDUCATIONAL Pittsburgh Mathematical & Commercial COLLEGE 1? now opened for the reception of Ladr and Gentlemen pupils who wish to »c«eeive a sound and thorough know ing* of the following brandies cf education: Wruing, Book Keeping aDd all its collateral arirnres. Algehr.t,Geome try, Trigonometry, Mensuration, N&tk&lion, the ufh of Globes. Geography, Arithmetic, Ac , Ac. The Principal needs not to b».- recommended, as his name and capability are well known to this community, t-oing n Teacher in this city for several year?, and for the lost three months bus sue t essfulty taught in the Iron City Commercial Collet;-, but ba* l-l'i it on his own accord, with the iuteotion of es'ab li.<> leg on Institution in whbh the youth of Httsb-rgh can acquire a knowledge of things more profitable tbr«n milking unintelligible hieroglyphics, though by no chance will Writing be neglected. The Principal's rupabilitu’fl can la; tested by any person who doubts hla qualification?. iu» they wrro by the gentle men whose names are attached to the fallowing testi monials AU-raircsr, November 21,1554. I take great pleasure In certifying to Mr Barry’s quallO •ntions ns a thorough Book-Keeper, and fully competent to instroet young gentlemen in tno w-ionr* of accounts—be •ide? being a good mathematician aDd ripe scholar in other rtsperts. JOHN FLEMING, Lato Professor In Pittsburgh Commercial College. i’ITTsBUBOH, November 24. Mr. Barry Is eminently qualified for impartlog Instruction in the wdeoce of Arithmetic and Double Entry Book-Keep ing I fonn i him even critically acquainted with those branches cd knowledge. JAS. M. PRYOR, Principal Third Ward Public Schools 1 state it as my opiobn, that as a Mathematician and Book KeejN-r. Mr John Barry hn> f»-w equal?, and no supe riors. 1 think nil the Teachers of this County Association will concur with me in this etatement. Principal First Wnrd School?, Allegheny. The Wrltloz department will l>o attended to by a gentle man of superior qualifications, who will devote all hia at tentlon to the Immediate improvt-medt of the pupils. Hours of loflUacUoa from *.» A M. to 10 P. M. terms: Book-Kecring and Writing $2O per ccurrp. Arithmetic 10 r-er quarter. Writing •* for 20 I«*-*onp. ATnrvfXM Liberty street, do »r Wood. inhl'.t J BARRY. Principal^ CUy Commercial College, \\; r Ot>D ST R K KT—Permanently established, with a Y\ fuuudalion ns firm ns the name it bears. The great inducements offered to joung men nt this In stPuthm are such as are rarely met with In other Colleges. Such an nrrfty of tnh-ut has never bef >rr been employed in any Ck tntnereial Collego in Pittsburgh; tLLs is un estat* lisb*d and undculable fact. The Faculty ot this College 19 composed of geotlemcu who#-- nunc? and rare qualifications are aF familiar to thn public as “ household words ” FaCULTT.—MILLAR A BKO., Principals and Professors of Plain r.nd Ornamental IVnmau.-hip. I. l. U ITCH DOCK, (author cd Hitchcock’s Fystem of Bookkeeping.) Principal of the Bookkeepnc Department, and Lecturer on all important business transactions. JOHN FLEMlNG,(anthor.of Fleming’s now and improved system of Book-keeping,) will examine und deliver weekly Lectures on the Scieoce of Accounts. JAMES 12. HOPKINS. member of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lecturer on Commercial Law. Young men who are desirous of becoming expert accoun tant?, accomplished booh-keeper?, and rapid business pen m**o, may rvly on having every satisfaction guaranteed to them. Those who feel interested wi 1 please call, and wit ness the wonderful progrv*-- made In the rarlous depart cn-uts by the nludeote of tb« College. Faculty of this Institution do not claim to be the *• U-st In the United States,” nor do they mean to gull the public, by saying that it is “the only place where IWxik keeping is properly taught,” hut they wish to say that the iron City College, In ail Its department?, u tqual tO any Commercial College In the western country. Terms reasonable. College open from 8 A. M. till 10 P. M. No extra charge fur_ArUhinetic. Civility gratis. mh'2 _ DufPs Mercantile College, I ROUNDED IN 1840—INCORPORATED BY THE LEOTS • LATUKK. On reference to any of our city merchants, it will he found that this i# the establishment of the kind ever established this city in which they havo uny confidence— the nulv ono in whhh i ouble Entry Book-Keeping has been thoroughly taught;—the odlj one in whioh Account ant? cun get reliable advice iu ca*o of difilculty with their hooka; —tho only one io which the doctrines of Partnership settlements are thoroughly elucidatedthe only one in which Ltn-turefl upon Commercial Ijiw have been regularly and systematically delivered for nearly eight years;—tho only e-na In which a good Haudwritlng can bo obtained the only one in which Teachers of Feoraanshlp can bo In structed In tho ornarnsnlal branches of the art; —the only one whoso Professor of Penmanship will let visitors have a specimeu of his Writing. Call and get a Circular, and a specimen of Nr. Williams* splendid writing. mhlO Instructions inlHuatc* MR WAMELINK would respectfully inform his pupils an - friends that he will contimio his proiession as instructor in the PIANO FORTH and VOICE. Orders lelt a Mr. Iv LEBER'S Music Store, or at hia retl* Ounce, No. 187 fcECONX) Street, be promptly attended NEW STOCK OF CniCKERINO $ SONS' PIANOS. .10HN 11. MKLLOR, No. 81 Wood sthest, « ® St U "between Fourth street aud Diamond alley, has just received from the manufactory of OUICKERTNG 4 SoNS, BOSTON, a new and full supply of tbeir FIRST CLASS SEVEN OCTAVE PIANO FoItTES, with all the late and valuable improvements—algo, of their plainer and lower pried styles, suitable for those who require a cheap but good instrument. All the Piano Fortes from this man ufactory are warranted, and will be sold INVARIABLY AT BOSTON FACTORY PRICES. OLD PlANOS.—Several second-hand Pianos, in good order, for sale at $3O, $5O, $75, $ll6. $180,4c., 4c. MKLODEONS— A full supply of Mt-lwleons of entirely new and beautiful stylos. and from the best manufactories In the country, nt J 45, $OO, $76, Agent for the wile of CniCKEftreo 4 Sosa' Pianos, For Pittsburgh and Western Penna. o*No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. . ATTENTION! Waeon Masters and Teamsters’ Bounty Land AGENCY, 93 Fourth street. OFFICERS, Soldiers, Musicians, Wagou Musters, Team 6‘ers 4c . who were regularly mustered Into the sar vice rf the United States, and every Officer, Seaman, ordi nary Seaman, Marine, Clerk and Landsman in the Navy ; ,ilso Militia or Volunteers, or State Troops of any State or Territory, are entitled, by the late Act of Congress, to a Warrant for 100 Acres of Land. Those who have received 40 or 80 Acres, are entitled to a Warrant for such quantity of Land as will make, In the whole, ICO Acros. Persons entrusting their claims to me can rely upon hav ing them attended to promptly. All information free of charge. Letters promptly an swered. Address AUSTIN LOOMIS, m hl4 Bounty Land Agent, 92 Fourth at. SlantillaKi WE are now receiving our-stocfc of Paris made MAN TILLAS, to which we wouli call the attention of the UAOAN A AHL, 91 Market street.. laid SILKS—Just received, Borne new Plaid Bilks, at unusually cheap prices. A. A. MASON A CO., m bls 25 Fifth street. TVLACK MOIRE ANTfQUB—A. A. MASON & CO. will Yj exhibit for sale, on the 14lh lust. wmo Slack Moire Antique, with a splendid lot of Plaid Silks tahlS (EDFOHD MINEiIAL WATER—SO half bbls justrec’d ►an l for sale by (mh!6) KINO A MOORHEAD. S' BEDS, FOR IiOT-iiKDS.—My stock of Seeds lor ear sewing of the approved and valuable varieties, is ready for distribution at the Seed and Implement Warehouse, fifth street. [janBj JAMES WAItDBOP. NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE OPEN! THEorcn northern Illinois to tha Ki3iiesif.fi Eivar, lOWA, MISSOUItI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. All Railroad (o the Hlfa^lljh>l Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RAIL, Hi ROAD Formerly tbb Chicago and Aurora & Cr*t. Militart Tract R. R. is now completed, And Trains run the entire distance from CHICAGO TO BURLINGTON, lowa, without change of Cnrs. Tbo Only Direct Route to BURLINGTON, QUINCY, KEOKUK, MUSCATINE, CQUAWKA, WAPELLO, FORT DES MOTNEB, COUNCIL BLUFF, do., and the only ALL RAILROAD Route from cniCAGu TO ST. LOUIS, 81/OOM INGTON CLINTON, DECATUR, CAIRO, SPRINGFIELD, .JACKSONVILLE, NAPLES, and intermediate Stations on tbe Illinois Central. Great Western, and Ohio and Misais* sippi Railroads. v Trains f n the above Line leavo Chicago on the arrival of Trains from the East—avoiding all laying over at any of thepoints. S’nges leave Burlington dally for Southern and Central lowa and Northern Missouri—making tho quickest and most reliable route to reach all the Important points west of the Mississippi as far as Council Bluff, with from forty to fifty miles less staging than by any oilier rou-e. The Road, for a lurge portion of the way, is laid with the contifcous Rail, the smoothest riding and best Railroad in the West well stocked with tfaemost modern Zjocomotireaand elegant new Cars. 4©“ By this mute passengers are sure of making connec tions, ami arriving at Bt. Louie on advertised time, avoiding the reiattouß delay of-fogs and ice, and dangers of naviga tion, as on the route by Alton. Baggage checked direct through from Chicago, and no chargo for handling at any point. THROUGH TICKETS by this route can be purchased at all the Railroad Offices in tbo East; at the Office oJ the Compnny, corner of Claik and Lake streets, in the Granite Building; at tbo Depot of the Galena R. R,,and at the Mlcb. Cent. R. R. Office, corner of Lake and Doarborn sts., opposite Tremont House, Chicago. FRKIGIIT consigned by this route will receivo immedi ate despatch. C. G. HAMMOND, Sop’L C. E. FOLLETT, Gen’l Ticket Ag*t, Chicago. TICKETS can be procured at the principal Railroad Offices of the country. mhl9 THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting tho At lantic cities with Western, North-western and South western Btates, by a continuous Railway direct. This road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily lino of steamers to all parts on the Western Rivera, and at Cleveland and San dusky with steamers to all ports on tbe North-western Lakes; making the most direct, cheapest and reliable route by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the Great West 11. CHILDS 4 00., 133 Wood street. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA A PITTSBURGH. FIRST CLASS.—Boots, BBoej, Dry Hoods,) „„ 100 B ), (in bozos,) Kars, Fenthora, Ac f por imaa ' SECOND CLASS.—Books and Stationery,) Dry Goods, (in bales,) Hardware, Lea- >76c; per lOOlbs. tber, Wool, Ac ) THIRD CLASS.—Anvils, Bagging, Baron I looßta and Port, (in bulk,) n-mp, Ac } Cs °' P Br 100813 - FOURTH CLASS—Coffee, Fish,Bacon and ) r -„ _ Port, (packed,) Urd and Lird Oil f P er 1002>3 - In ebippiDg Goods from aDy point East nt Philadel phia, he particular to mark package •• eta Pennrjlvattia Railroad.” All Goods consigned to the Ageots of this Road at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. pßrianT AaEtfTß—Moses PotteT, Boston; J. L. EUiott, N. Y.; E. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Mngraw A Koons, Balti more ; Geo. 0. Francisctfs, Pittsburgh; Shringman A Brown, Cincinnati, Ohio; J. 8. Moorhead, Louisville, Ky.; K. C. Meldrura, Madison, lad.; KatclifT A 03., St. Louis, Mo ; J. 8. Mitchell A Son, Evansville, Indiana. THREE DATLY THROUGH TRAINB, between Phil&del pbia and Pittsburgh. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7*4, A. M., and Pitts burgh for Philadelphia at 7, A. M. THE FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 1 P. M.. end Pitts burgh for Philadelphia at 1, P. M. THE NIGHT EXFRESS TK AIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 11, P. M.,and Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 10, P. M. The above hues connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads U> and from St. Louis, Mo.; Alton, Galena and Chicago, III.; Frankf-rt, Lexington and Louisville, K>4 Terro Haute, Madison, Lafayette and Indianapolis, lad.; Cincinnati, Day ton, Springfield, Bellefontaine, Sandusky, Toledo, Cleve land, Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio; also, with the Strain Packet Boats from and to N’xw Osleahs, £t. Loins. Louisville and Clvcixsati. Through Tickets can be had to or from eitherof tboabove places. For further particulars, seo handbills at the different starting points. PH>reujj:er3 from the West will find this tbo shortest und most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Balti more, New York, or ilostna. THOS. MOOHE, Ag ’nt, Passenger Lines. Philadelphia. J. MKSKIMILV, Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH fpHE shortest, Qetekzst and most reliable route to Toledo, _L Chicago, Rcth Iritrd, Galena, and St. Louis, is TLA CLEVELAND. This route is one feondi ed miles shorter and about eight hours quicker to Chicago, than the circuitous one VIA IN* DIANAPOLIS. Tbiw Daily Trains between Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Three Daily Trains between Cleveland and Chicago. Time to Cleveland six hours, Chicago ;wenty-two hours, and SL Louis thirty -Miren hours. Trains for Cleveland leave Alliance at 7.30, A. M., 12.00, M., and 0 40 P. M , conn.cling at Hudson with Trains for Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, and arriving in Cleveland at 10.04, A. M., 2.20, P. 31., and 8.20, P. M. The Trains of the Ohio and Peana. Ilallroad, leave Pitta* burgh at 3.00, A. 3L, 8.00, A. M., and 3.00, P. H.; all con necting at Alliance with trains which arrive'in Cleveland at 10 04, A. M., 2.20, P. M., and 8.45, P. M. Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis, Rock Island, < Galena, and the North-west, who wish to go throngh with out detention, will take the train leaving Pittsburgh at 8 00 A. M., and arriving in Cleveland at 2.20 P. M., as that is the only train by which close connections arc mode through to the above point?. Passengers by this train reach Chicago at 7.30 next morning and St. Louis at mid night. JOHN KELLY, Timo gained by going via Cleveland, eight hours. The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo ami Chicago leave as follows: Leave Cleveland at 7.3 U and 2.30 A. M., 7 45 P.M.; arrive at Chicago at 11.00 P. M., 7.00 A. M. and 12.00 5L Trains leave for Rock Island and Bt. Louisas follows: Leave Chicago at 9 15 A. M., 10.05 and 11.00 P. M. Passengers for St. Louis go over Rock Island Railroad to Joliet, and thence over the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad to Alton, and thence by Steamboat (23 miles) to St. Loulh. Passengers by the 9223, A. M., Train arrive in St. Louis at 11.20 same uvening, and by the 10.05, P. M. Train at coon next day. Baggage checked throngh to Cleveland, end there re checked for Chicago ana St. Louis. FARE VIA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND. Isx class, j Ist clasp. 2xn class. To Alliance 42 30 | To Chicago $ll 50 9 60 Cleveland.. 4 00 La Salle 14 50 12 50 Toledo...- 000 I Rock Island.: 16 50 13 50 Detroit- 800 } St. Louis 19 50 15 50 Passengers ore requested to procure their tickets at the office of the Company, in Monongahela House, third door below the corner. J. DURAND, Sup’t Cleveland. J. A. CAUGHEY, Agent, deed Pittsburgh. PITTSBURGH, ST. LOUIS ASH SEW ORLEANS. RAILROAD TO CHICAGO TIIENCE BT CHICAGO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD An Air Line Route from Chicago to St. lonia.. riMtAINS LEAVE CHICAGO DAILY (Sundays excepted) X on arrival of Express Train of Michigan Southern and Central Railroads— Trains run through to St, Louis in fourteen hours, vm Bloomington, Springfield and Alton, without change of ca r 8 or connecting at Alton with aaiiy Line of Packet 8 for llannibal, Quincy and Keokuk, and at SL Louis with FIRST CLASS STRAMEKS FOR NEW ORLEANS, and intermediate points on the Mississippi, and with regular lines of steamers for Kansas and Council Bluffs. TIME FROM PITTSBURGU TO BT. LOUI3 S 3 HOURS Baggage checked throngh to St. Louis, on Michigan Cen tral and Southern Trains, and at tho depot in Chicago. E. P. HOLLISTER*, Chicago, General Passenger Agent. RICHARD P. MORGAN, Ja, Superintendent. 4®*Through Tickets to St. Louis, by this route, can be obtained in Pittsburgh, at Offices of Cleveland and Pitts* bargh and Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroads. fsep27:Gin__ PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH , CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. Authorized Capital, 9300,000* INSURE BUILDINGS anil other property against loss or damage by Fire, and the perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DinccTons. Wm. F. Johnston, Body Patterson, \V. M’Cllntoofe, Kennedy T. Friend, D. M. Long, I. Grier Sproul, K. J. Jones, George R. White, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, lames S.Negley, W.B. Ila Ten, Wade Hampton, D. E.Park, . 11. R. Coggahall. Hon. WM. F. JOUNSTON, President RODY PATTERSON, Yico President A. A. Carrier, Seoretary and Treasurer 8. 8. Carrier, Assistant Secmtnry. RAILROADS CENTRAL ROUTE U. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. H. J. LOMBAERT. Superintendant, Altoona. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. RAILROAD. IN CONNECTION WITH TIIE Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, VIA ALLIANCE. VIA ALLIANCE. MOST DIRECT AND ONLY RELIABLE ROUTE. Ist. ST. LOUIS DAY MAIL ; 9:15, A. M. 2d. “ “ NIGHT EXPRESS 10:06, P. M. To Wholesale Grocers* Liquor 1/ealers and AlftJiafaoturere. THE SUBSCRIBER is DOW importing a superior quality of OIL Ob' COGNAC, of which % of an ounce with 00 gallons pure Spirit will produce a lineCognao Brandy. Ilis ESSENCES OF ROCHELLE and OTARD’S BRANDY; or JAMAICA and ST. CROIX RUM,. ABAC. CIDER end PEACH BRANDY. HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS and SCOTTISH WHISKY, are acknowledged by the New York manufacture™ by the great demand after them. Di rections for use will invariably be given by DR. LEWIS FEUCUTWANGBR, 141 Maiden Lane, New York. T. S.—lmporter of Daguerreotype Chemicals, Platina, Bismuth, Manganese; Thorn's ExLCopalva,Sulphate Am* monla, Ac. dec2ldstf Pearl Steam Mill; CANAL BASIN, ALLEGHENY CITY, (RIA& TEI BAIIBOAD BTATIOS.) 4T-J> FAMILIES ■Will be frapplled withburvaricu.'j grades of FRESH GROUND FLOUR, By leaving: their orders at the Mill or.in our boxes at Ixjgan, Wilson & Co., Wood street,or Braun A Reiter, cor ner Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh. H. P. Schwartz, or J. T. Sample, Druggists, Allegheny. Flour will bedelivered to lamilles in either of the twocities Trans: CASII on delivery. jy29 BRYAN, KENNEDY A CO. MURPHY’S NEW EAGLE HAT MANUFACTORY, NO. 182 WOOD STREET, one door _wiflißgV from the corner of Liberty, is now open, ggf* *TPirJh 'ft The proprietor is himself a practical 'SSfIaBWK Hatter, having had fifteen years experience at the business, ten years as a practical workman; having worked In the principal establishments in New York, Phil adelphia, Cincinnati, and the New England States; feels confident that, from his practical experience as a Hatter, ihe can furnish not only as good bat a better and cheaper article than anything heretofore offered to the Pittsburgh public— all of hit own manufacture, decls.tr MEDICAL. RHODES’ FEYER AND AGUE CURE, 08, HAIOBE’S INFAtIIBtE SPECIBTC;' IjOßtbe Prevention and Care of lytEßtf iniiit ‘ ftM B*- . mittkxt Fevers, Fever and AaoEiCnnxa aadnriii Dumb Ague, Gincial Dedility, Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease which have a common Origin in Malariaor Miarma. This subtlo atmospheric poison whlrfrafrcertain seasons Id unavoidably inhaled at every breath, la tbe Same in charocUv wherever it. exists—North, Bouth*l£eit or West—and will every where yield to this jjewly-discovpred antidote, which Is claimed to be the greaUti discottry in medicine ever mad*. This specific is eo harmless that it may betakfcnby par* sons cf every »ge, sex cr condition, and it will not substi tute for one disease others still worse,as Is tod often,t|w> re sult in the treatment by Quinine, Mereury, Arsentonnd other poisonous cr deleterious,drugs, riot a .particle or any of which is admitted into this preparation. The proprietor distinctly claims these extraordinary re sults from the use of this NATURAL ANTIDOTE-TO MALARIA. It will entirely protect apy. regident.nr, tiaveler.even In the most sickly or swampy localities, .from Any Ague or Bilious difletMJ whatever, or anylcjury fromconstantly in haling Malaria or.Miosma. 3-%. It will instantly check the Ague in persons who hava snf* fared for any length of time, from one day to twenty yean, so that they need never have anothcr chill, by continuing ItA use according to directions. It will immediately relieve all the distressing results of Bilious or Agne diseases, such, as general debility, night sweats, otc; Tbe patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a permanent and radical cure is effected.' " Finally, its use will banish Fever and Ague from families and all clasre*. Farmers and oil laboring-men, by adopt ing it os a preventive, will be free from Ague or Bilious at tacks in that season of the year which, while it Is the most sickly,is tho most valuable one to them. Ono or two bottles will answer for ordinary eases; some may require more Directions printed in German* French and Spanish, accompany each bottle Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. Trade circulars for warded on application, and the article will be consign edon liberal terms to responsible parties in every section Of the country. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor, v _ . Providence, R. I. Agents— New York: 0. V. CIIOKENEU A CO., and C. H. RING. Boston: WEEKS & POTTER. Philadelphia: DYQTT A SONS—and for sale by dealers generally, (febfff DR. HENDERSON, ; OCULIST AND AURIST. TREATS ALL DISEASES OT THE SEE AMD EAIV WITHOUT CDTtISO, IXECHISO, BLISTERING, OR THE USE 07 CALOUEL. OFFICE 458 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST.,TIEW YORK, Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. 51.. ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amknroshi.a&d Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyds, are among tbe diseases of tho eye which are treatM by Dr. H. with perfect satisfaction. . . - . • .r; c^,} All diseases of the Far treated upon scientific principles. Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. : All letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the ,thou* sauds of cases which have been successfully treated-by Dr.- Henderson: . . Wm J. Fryer, B2G-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Southwick, Printer, 4 * w fj. Goodspeed, Glen* Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. 51. L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y. f Miss Mary Bellows, N. K. Station, Duchess co., N. Y. •Edward G.Bolger, Bristol, Conn. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, office Courier and Enq., N. Y. ■(■James W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L. I. . Jarvis Rodgers, 44 44 . A. R. KeeTes, Telegraph Operator, SL Nicholas Hotel. .' R. M. Ferriss, Organ Builder;-Houston Bt. R. B. Doolittle, 51. D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.Y. 5L P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y. R, K Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. Diilenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Cupt. B. IL Haviland, Athena, N. Y. John W. Hackett, Binghampton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and had to be led to the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the eiiy ai pleasure. •These cases of Amanrosis were restored to eight after they were given up es Incurable by the faculty, and can be reierred to by any person who wishes to learn the facts la -th**Hi* cases, by willing to them. jans DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BT DR. C. H. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa., WILL EFFECTUAJ.LT CUKE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, Such r asConstlpa* ti , , tion, Inward Piles, ' Fulness,or Blood to the Hcad,Acidjtyof theStomaeh, ~ NauseajHcarf burn!, Disgust for Food,* Fulness or weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried- Vi and Difficult Breathlcg, Fluttering at the Heart, Choafc- -V in? or Suffocating Sensation when in lying Posture, Dimness - of Vision, Dots of Webs before the -Sight, - Fever' an3~~ ■ Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and- Eyes, Pain' In the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sadden ; Flashes of Heat Burning in the.. - : Flesh, Constant Imlgin* c . ' r inga of Evil, and great v Depression of ' 1 ' V Spirits. •- The proprietor, In calling the attention of the public 4o this preparation, does so with a feeling of the utmost confl- * dence in Us virt nes and adaptation to the diseases for which * it is recommended. 3 It is no new and untried article,hut. one that has stood •- the test of a ten years’ trial before the American people, and Its repmatiou and sale isuqtivalled by any similar pro parations extant. The testimony in Its favor given by the /; most prominent and well known Physicians andindivldu-'-; ais, in all parts of the country is immense. Referring any who may doubt,to my “ Memorabilia,” or Practical Receipt . Book, for Farmers and Families, to be had gratis, ofall the Agents for the German Bitters. •; Principal Office and Manufactory, 120 Arch street, PhOtr:" delphla, Pa. -CSt*Sold by Dr. Geo. n. Keyeer, 140 Wood street; B. A. Fahnestock A Co., No. 6 Wood street; Fleming Bribers, 60 Wcodsucot; 11. P. Swartz and J. P. Fleming, Allegheny: ' ..... ;. ; REV. DR. COVEL’S- RHEUffIATIC PULS. Fbr the Safe , Cbmplcle and Speedy Care of Inflammatory, Chronic , Hereditary and Mercurial Rheumatism, -JZhcu malic Gout , Lumbago, Sciatica, and other Diseases affecting the Muscular System. SUCH AN ARRAY OF TESTIMONY as Dr. Cowl’s Rheumatic Pols have called forth from all classes, was never voluntarily offered In favor of any other Medicine. The cases of cure comprehend EVERY STAGE OF RHEUMATISM, Whether accompanied by that terrible sensibility of the parts effected, common In the inflammatory phase—by the muscular contractions which so often render sthe victim of Chronic Rheumatism a helpless cripple, or by the ever changing symptoms which are sometimes the characteristics of this Protean complaint. Unlike the “ Sangrado” practice of bleeding and purging, 1 which some sapient medicos consider the frjr&jAOfemode 01 ; .. ireatiug Rheumatism, these Pills sustain and cherish the animal forces, invigorate the constitution, and thus act as the allies of Nature in her efforts , to cast off the disease.: ■ Their medical action is direct and specific. It reaches the , : maleries imm'ii or radix of the disorder, through all the.. complications of nerves and fibres in which it Is entrenched, ' and expels from the blood the febrilo'prluclple which feeds, and spreads, and Intensifies, while it spreads the fatal ten dencies of the malady. ’ •: Cautlon«>Beware of Counterfeit*lS . .. \ Be particular, and enquire tor Rtv. SAMUEL COY£L’B RHEUMATIC PILLS, and see that the boxes have,oath* outside wrapper, his signature, countersigned by C. H. - RING, General Agent, 192 Broadway, New .York, without which none are genuine. . . - PRICE. FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. . by Dr. GEO. 11. KKYSEB, Pittsburgh; J. FLEMING, Allegheny City. dec23^m Bazin’s Premium Perfumery* A PRIZE MEDAL at the Great London Exhibition of thelndustry of all Nations, in 1851, and Seven High- ' est Premiums, awarded the subscriber iu this country, bate'; - proved his preparations of a superior quali ty,ani placed ■ him among the best perfumers and soap makers of Europe and America. His celebrated Shaving Creams and Lua--., traloSf bis fine Pomades, ToiletrWaterJ, and. Perfumes for the Handkerchief, (of 60 varieties,) aro unsurpassed by .any •. in the world. All articles purchased at this establishment are warrant* . ed of the finest quality. With an addition of many new articles, to his list, and... greatly increased facilities for m anuiacturing, ha is enabled to furnish them to dealers in any quantity desired, and at wry liberal priccp. .... , ’ Country Dealers, requesting it,'can have a price List, mailed to tbei* address, free of postage. X. BAZIN, (Successor io K. Roussel,) No. 114 Chestnut street, below Fourth,; feb22aJ*wlmia Philadelphia*; v P&lmer’i Celebrated. .Epicurean Sauce* STANDS PREEMINENT for flavoring Soups, Gravies, Fish, Meat, Game, Ac. We advise all good house wires to try it. Price 25 cents per bottle, ut ail Grocery and Fruit Stores in the United States and Canadas. For sale by JI’CLUKG and a. 11. KKYBEU, Pittsburgh P. T WEIGHT A CO., 241 Market street* Philadelphia. j«nl9:d»wly Is To Warmers , Gardeners and JVurserymeH • FIVE ihourand bushels pure BONEDUSTi fin© ground ; 1000 » ushela pure BU X BDUBT,coarse ground; ' 1000 barrels patent American FERTTLIZEIL. A. & C. 110KVELER offer for sale, on accommodating, terms, thfchbove valuable Fertilizers, •which they manufac-V ture at tSrfcew, exieneivo establishment, situated ItrKafltT Liberty, near Pittsburgh, Pa. llonedust, os a manure haA' n . been used for many years In Europe with the greatest suc cess; next to gunno; it 13 superior to any other in use. Ten - or fifteen bushels pure Iloneduat per acrejs’iUfituiaarlshJttt '.. 1 and that its good effects will be realized from the first yeah ; ' to tea or flfteeu years after, whereas tne good effects of. 1 guano am exhausted in on-) yenr. - Those,who bove-used llonedust speak in the highest terms of the benefits' do* - rived from it. It Is suited to every variety of soil, and all ■ crops are benefited by it—vines and trees more particular ly. The patent- American Fertilizer possesses essential pro perties necessary to stimulate the growth of plants-and green vegetables, and destroys insects. As a manure, for gardening, It cannot be excelled. ' Directions famished. ” Orders must be addressed to A. IIOEYEDISR, ' mhStdtwlm ■ 449 Penn street, Pittsbargh. - . Joseph White's Carriage ileposltory.* JOSEPH WHITE, now carrying oii busi nessjn bis spacious, premises* lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh Oreensburg turnpike, near the Two-Mile infill ■i«« w —. Bun, between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, respectlully : Invites the public to inspect his stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac. And be particularly ioJoroa gentlemen purcTuucrr, that one price only is made. Fourteen year#' experience in the business, enables him to place before his - patrons the same choice collection of Carriages which, so many years post it bos been- bis particular department to select from the various and most talented Eastern menu-, facturers. The success of his new system is coraplete-rtb* economy of his arroogements’wiU supply ha best and most fashionable manofiictures at moderate prices. Unencumbered by those - heavy expenses, which manta for decorating houses of business has neaped'wpon - the price of goodn, (owing to large rents.) JOSEPH WDITB. will sell, on ready money only, at mubh less Huh the usual profits. fmh&daw] . -v Carriages repaired In thebest manner, with dpfpa'oh u. Guirr i.n. atiiiNaaK;. .........r. J. t ivsfn Graff, Relslneer it Graff, WESTERN FOUADBY; No._l24_Wopd>treet J.Pitta burgh, Pa. . MANDI'ACTTItERJ .0 * I'ltiiQ and Fancy Grates* Plain and. Fancy Ftoders. Bad and Dog Irem, Portable Forger, T-a Kettles, Wagon Bores, &c. fmhia Cooking Stove?, Coal and Wood Stores, Parlor Stove*, Hollow Ware, Sugar Kettles, Stove Kettles, KY PEAUiLKS—2UO busueif, lur sal* by mbia HENRY H. COLLIS3. Y • * * * *■* V ~v