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S -U'VpV •*/'' y' <•■. *• •• '-.v-M '""’l flVst'-r - »i; ■ ’ ■ ' '- CsJ I*' *.» »f\ **■ ■« * • * v .4 , 3 ,-■- \'<, ;x- :A^ : i 'V’T^t 4 "<■ r t : £-' v -.= I '■fva-'r^V- ' ■ " - -XX' Xy - - > v v V4*' *'* ■» r r -V.( '4 s, w ~ ' - ’ „ ’ F V " ,,- '££.{*•" .Iri^-U'O;■• ; v ' F* *V'i •• ■ • ’V- ; •• - .'•> •'• rK-r.%•.•>• \.•.;#-\• ‘ -: ...■ r" fj I 'o JV c ; - ‘■ I i "C. "V-. ?> .. .. s, . ’ • iV,fe ' v • ■ i ' 1 raS** 51 *"*- w -*,*■*" ! >. -* ' v’V* r;: *’-; 1 - V- ;'V: —vt ~g. 7*j*r . . *■ \v ~ : Vr ■{-' ■ ,; ■ ( •... r r ’k - «4- i s 'h.‘V ; f' i Built; Blomtug 'paper of the city. smTt tf s b c R ®J“® : -WKT)NBSDAY'>iOR^ TI^0; '' !:::::::::MARCn Sl v- 1.6 cr will Ho found on oncb P»go of llili Psper- iy.9. M. PKTTINGILL * CO., Xeicspajmr Advertizing Agents, aro tbo Agents for the Pittsburgh Daily and Weekly Pest and axe authorised to receive A d vehtisestent i and r j- : ; V goß3caiPTiOS3 Dr us at the same rates os required at this * office. Their receipts are regarded as payments. Their ‘ offices are at New York, 122 Nassau street, Boston, 10 State street. BIOHJiISG POST JOB OFFICE. ,We would call the uttentinn of MERCHANTS AN BUSINESS MEN to the fa:t that we have just receive from Philadelphia a number of route of new Job Type, «« now prepared to fill orders for Cards, Circulars B,U Heads, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes or t-i . tlons. All orders will be promptly filled- /e=-xno Democretlc Committee, of Cor-, „l° r Jtlleeboay Count, ar» Tequestod to re.pondeneo tor * on WED SI»BAY, the 2S'h l u. 11. GVYHRIE.'Ch’n. ‘“be fcllowifig gnomon compose th* : L B'pftitarson. Thoa. J Keenan, . I'bos. a Hamilton, J- Uerdman, llaurv lncram, Jamas A. Irwin, BsTnesFord, . 'I F. GUlmore, Wm M. Pcrier. JohnM.lrwiu, Sbos.Fi.rloy. "“-M.?*. Ddxaund. Snowden, John Me*lcu»v Dr. A. H. Gross, Cl's*- Barnett, F H. Collier, Francis Mil. . Jaso!) M’OolU?t»r. mhl ~ ysp» Subscribers who intend to remote on the first of April should letre nolice at the counting room of this office, early ; that their papers may be left regularly. the news a fire occurred at Wnverley, N. V., on the 18th which destroyed fourteen buildings. The New York Herald ia quite confident that the rerort of the death of the Czar is correct. His complaint was disease of the heart. Martin Van Boren is in Paris, and was sent for by Louis Napoleon, and had a long conversa tion on American and Russian affairs. Tho municipal election in the city Oi Car >on dale, Pa., came off on the 10th; aod the R. • 0 wore floored flat: majority against them, -00. Governor Pollock has appointed John Penn Jones Esq., to bo Associate Judge of Blair coun ty, in room of Hon. Lovi Slingluff, resigned. ’Santa Anna is B aid to have gained a decisive victory over tho revolutionists at Piedro Gordo. According to the reports Santa Anna will “ crush out” the rebels. It is rumored that the EmperorNapolcon does not intend visiting tho Crimea, but Berlin rather. His object, it is said, is to permit the allies to inarch through Prussia into Poland. Tho storm of theOfttb instant proved very destructive to ships at sea. A large number of wrecks havo been ceen in tho vicinity of the • West India Islands and off the coast of the United States. The senatorial convention of California has adjourned, without Reeling a United States -Senator, bo that the choice must devolve on a new legislature, and tho seat is vacant until ano ther year. The fact that the Northern Light brought only $92,000 in specie, is accounted for by the heavy runs made on those houses which usually ship ped to the Atlantic States. Very little gold can I bo expected from California for some weeks to | come. Snch an event could not have happened ■ at a better time than tho present, ns the vaults of the New York Banka are plethoric with Bpecie. Tho Philadelphia Annual Conference of tho Methodist Episoopal Church will ho held in the Firat M. E. Church, in Lancaster oity, comtnrno ing on Wednesday, the 28lh instant. Bishop Waugh, of Maryland, will preside, aesisted by Bishop Janes, of New kork, and Scott, of Dela ware. This conference numbers over 200 min isters. The Baltimoro Conference adjourned yesterday, after a session of over a week. By a card in the New York paper!, we learn that tho California Adams & Co. which has failed, is no longer connected with tho firm of that name in New York oily. There was for. roerly a connection between the two, which was dissolved last spring, by the eale on the parts of the Now Y'ork company of their entire Califor nia interests to Messrs, Ogden,; Adams and H. Haskell, of Boston, who are now the proprietors of tho businesa there. A chapter of fatal aoeidents occurred at St. Louis on Thursday evening last, by which three citizens of that place suddenly terminated their lives. The first was that of an old resident, Justice Peter Crenss, who fell down a stairway and striking his head upon the pavement, was lifeless when picked np a few minutes subse quently. AlmoEt immediately after the happen ing of the above, an unknown man fell off an omnibus, iu another part of the city, which caused his death. An English Mormon, named John Stead, was also killed an hour or two pre vious by tumbling from a furniture oar and hav ing a largo bureau fall upon his head. We have lately been Ehown an invention, al ready patented, that must certainly prove of great value to cabinet makers, and the manufac turers of all kinds of fine wood work. It ta m Hopper's Patent Bench Plane," for planing ve neers, &c. Wo saw it in nee in Rynn’B building, in this city, and it waß clearly demonstrated that with this plane one man can do more work in planing veneers in a single day than by the old method of scraping and smoothing veneers in five days; and it makes better work besidos. The old method of scraping veneers is very hard npon the hands and muscles of the workman; while with this plane that kind of work can bo done as enßy as auy other in the manufacture of furniture. If four days out of five can be saved by this invention its valuo as a labor-saving ma chine can bo readily estimated. Tho price of the plane would be saved in two or three days. Cabinet-makers who use this piano on veneers und other fine work will bo nblo to turn out work much oheapcr than those who adhere to tho old method This fact is sufficient to intro duce ‘‘Hopper’s Plaue” into geueral use; and that it is a fact none will doubt who examine the plane, and give it a trial. One peculiarity of this invention Becures it against being superseded by any improvement. It is bo simple in form and cheap in construc tion as to defy improvement; and so obviously and greatly labor saving and economical as to Insure its universal use when eeen and tried. We consider it a valuable invention; and would recommend to all engaged in 6uoh business as requires its use to examine it, and they will be satisfied that we have not over estimated its valne. It i s not designed for use on veneers alone, but npon all kinds of fino wood work, where n smooth surface and high polish are de sired; so that carpenters, and all workers in wood are interested to examino it. See Mr. Hopper's advertisement, in anfcther column. Death or Mb. Bonham. — It will be Been by the following telegraphic deepatcb that J. Ellis Bonham is dead. 110 was chairman of the Diimocratio Slate Central Committee, and the au thor of the addresses published during the elec tion campaign last year. He was formerly a member of the legislature, and was appointed one of the Commissioners to rerise our st&tuto laws. Mr. Bonbam was a native of New Jersey, - -w&B under 40 years of age, was for aoveral yews an able and distinguished lawyer at the Carlisle bar, and laßt year was tfco Domocratic -candidate for Congress in his distriot: .. CASU3LE,MtJcH2O,IBSS To Editors of Pittsburgh Poll J. Elllfl Bonham, of ihb place, died last evening at seven o’clock. * ■* ’ * > • ■ A Valuable Invention. A.E Sharps. bsias g^B, passed bttwesa tho f Washington correspondents and re» 'poriera for the distant press, and the late Speaker of tho House-of Representatives. Mr. Boyd,‘during two Congresses, was Speaker of the House, and his firmness and impartiality, hie off ability and politeness, and his perfeot ac quaintance with parliamentary rules won him the respect and esteem of all. It will be seen by the following that tho reporters and writers for the press pay him o handsome and well mer ited compliment for his kind and courteous con duct towards them : Wasdisotos, March 3, 1855. Beau Sik : Wo, the undersigned, corre upondents and reporters for the distant press, cannot allow the present Congress to expire without tendering to you our reßpeotful ao knowlcdgments for the liberal, impartial, and uniformly polite manner in which your offioial | and priyato intercourse with the presß hae been signalized during the terms of your Speakership. While we wish you happiness and success in all your private undertakings, we Binoerely cherish the hope (without partisanship or po litical bias) that you may continue in publio life, where the sterling qnalitien of your charac ter have secured you such universal respeot and approbation. . . We have tho honor to remain, very reßpect 'ally, yours, „ „ E Kingman, N. Y. Journal of Commerce. Edward Harte, N. Y. Conrior and Enquirer. James W. Bimonton, N. Y. Daily Times. Ethan Allen, N. Y. Herald. William S. Thayer, N. Y. Evening Post. James W. Mcßea, N- Y. Tribuno. Alexander H. Evanß, N. Y. Herald. L A. Qobright, for tho Associated Prose. Pranois J. Grand, Phil. Ledger and Balt. San, W H. Topping, Phil. National Argus. Thomas C. Connolly, Pennsylvania Inquirer. Chnrlc3 Carrigan, Pennsylvanian. E. H. Thompson, Michigan. E. Harriman, Baltimore. W. B. Sbaw. Montrose Democrat. Hon. Lrxs Botd, Speaker of tho House of Representatives. House of P.efresentati-ves, March 4,1865. I Qestlemks : I seize tho earliest memeat at I my disposal to thank yon for your polite favor of | yesterday. 1 To afford you every proper faointy for dia I seminatiDft useful intelligence among the people was my duty aa an officer; to be frank and courteous in my private intercourse with otherß was my duty as a man. That in these relations I should be so fortu- | nato as Jo have become the recipient of so flat tering a manifestation of respeot and kindness from tho representatives of bo large a portion of Ibo leading journals of the country, differing so widely in their political complexion, is no small compliment. That your success in life may commensu rate with your well-known abilities in your pro* fession is the sincero wish of your friend and obedient servant. LINN BOY D. E. Eingman, and others. The following vote on the Tariff Amend ment which passed tho House of Representa tives of the last Congress will show where Penn sylvania members were found. It exhibits some singular facts besides. Members representing districts that were lately clamorous tor a high tariff are found voting with tho ultra free trade men of the South The result of the *ote was tho dofoat of tho proposed redaction of the tariff: Yeas— Messrs. James C. Alien, Willis Alleni Bali Belcher, Bsnson, Bugg, Campbell, Carpen ter, Chandler, Crocker, Cullom, CurtU, Thomas' Davia, Davraon, Daobar, Etheridge, Everhart. Farley, Flagler, Floronce, Franklin, Gamble. Qlddings. Goodwin, Aaron Harlam, Wiley P narris, ilarrison, Haven, Hendricks, Hiester, Hill, Howe, Hughes, Hunt, Johnson, Kerr, Knox. Knr'u, Lilly, Lyon, M'Culloch, Macdonald, Mc- Dougall, McNair, Matteson, Manrico, Meacham. Middleswarth, Morgan, Norton, Andrew Oliver. Mordeoai Oliver, Paoker, Parker, Pennington, Preston, Pringle, Paryear, Biddle, David Bitohie. Robbins, Rowe, Russell, Sabin, Sage, Bapp, Seward, Simmons, Skelton, Stratton, Straub, John J. Taylor, Teller, Thurston, Trout, Tweed, Vaosant, Wade, Walker, Elibu B, Washbarne, Israel -Vashbume, Tappan Wentworth, Wheeler, Witte, and Hendrick B. Wright. Navs—Messrs. Aiken, Appleton, David J. Bailey, Banks, Barksdale, Bocock, Boyce, Breck inridge, Bridges, Brooks, Caskie, Chamberlain, Clark, Clingman, Cobb, Craige, Catling, John G. Davis, De Wit:, Dickiuson, Dnnbam, Eastman, Eddy, F.dgerton, F.dmands, Elmundson, Thomas D E.liot, English, Fuller, Goode, Goodrich, Green, Greenewood, Hamilton, Andrew J. Harlan, Sampson, W. Harris. Hasting, Henn, Hibbard, Houston, Dioiel T. Jonos, Geo. W. Joncß, Keitt, Lamb, Letcher, Lewis, Lindsiey, McQueen,Macy, Maxwell, May, Miller, Millson, Murray, Nichola, Noble, Olds, Orr, Peck, Bishop Perkins, John Perkins, Phelps. Philips, Powell, Thos. Ritcbey, Rogers, Ruffin, Shower, Wm. R. Smith, Fred. P. Stanton, Riobard H. Stanton, Hestor L. Stevens, Andrew Stuart, Smith, Upham, Walbridge, Wal ley, Walab, Wells, John Wentworth and West brook—Bo. By this vote tho amendment was stricken out of the oivil and diplomatic bill.— Wash. Qlobt. More About the Baby Cn.or.—Mrs. Arthur Long, jr., of New Castle, Liwronoe ooanty, on the loth insfant presented her husband with three fine daughters. New Castle is a wonderful place, as we haTO tho authority of brother Keus ter, of tho Journal, (and he is sound on thst question,) for staling it to be the second oaße of triplets occurring there in less than three years. Mtb. Arthur Long, jr., deserves throo prizes at tho next baby convention. Tnc Journal.— The editor of tho Journal would do well to take down some work on his tory, and read attentively the Russian page. If he finds that Nicholas was the son of Alexander, as he stated yestorday, shall be muoh sur prised. The late Emperor's name was Nioholai Panlowitoh, which means, Nicholas, son of Paul, of tho family of Romanoff. The Emperor Aloxander left no legitimate ohildrcn. Not Riant.—The Cleveland Plain Dtaltr “hooked’' oar article ou “ The Baby Crop," and leaded it right up as oh editorial. A Plain Dealer would have given credit for it; bat we presume the editor was dull that day, and couldn’t cudgel anything original out of his head. He is postmaster at Cleveland, and most be excused for an occasional resort to labor saving processes. St. Fatbiok’s Day.—We, in common with nearly all our contemporaries, fell into error, of supposing Saturday was the natal day of St. Patrick. It is the day of his death our Irish friends celebrate annually, and not his birth day. The error, doubtless arose, in the case of others, as in our own, from supposing the 17th of March to be to Ireland what the 22d of Feb ruary is to the United States. jgy* We would call attention to the advertis®* ment of Wm. II- Williams & Co., bankers. It will bo seen that they aro prepared to sell bills not only on London, but on most parts of Europe, iu Bums large or email; and also to make col lections in most of the countries of Europe. It is a safe firm, and will doubtless secure a liberal bosiness. Sore Eyes Cured. —One of onr subscribers, Mr. Shannon, who resides near Lasalle, in this State, called at our offioe, on his way to his homo from Now York city, after a sojourn there of several months to have bis eyes onred. When he got to Now York he suffered very much from inflammation in his eyes; so much so that he could neither sleep nor rest night or day. He went to the Eye Infirmary bnt the treat ment he received deprived him of his sight. Fearing lest he should never recover the nse of his eyes, he was led to Dr. Henderson, 458 Broadway, who at onco commenced a different mode of treatment, and in a month or so hia sight was restored, and his eyes perfectly clear er? of inflammation. His objeot la oalling at our offioe was to give us an opportunity of informing those who aro similarly afflicted of an experi enced and reliable Ooulist. Dr. H. has advertised in our paper for the post year, and we are very happy indeed to be able to show our readers that he is what be pro fesses to be.— Western Tablet. - m2l:lt Gov. Wright, of Indiana, has appointed Hon. John V. Pettit, lato United States Senator, to a Circuit Judgeship. V tv r. .r , -Vf : **«■£-.»'•■,.-1>..4'. ?..»^.C IS «4'iiPsiXi(i M Tremendous Financial Excitement. ' HfpOrtcd EXprCSsfy <6? tile Baity ilOflling Po»t. —; •■{• Mexican Nevf** r Eighteen Days Later from Australia. :' N *w okiEaxs, March is—The Omaha «*• ■' ' rived, vrith Mexico dates to the 3d. Santa An* THK MINING DISTRICTS IN A STATE na left the Capitol on the 26th, Itith all hie ol REVOLUTION. troops, with but 1500 men, and much baggage. ■ The paper 8 say he went to the Uattes. ine la test reports are that he had reached the depart ment of Guinea, having defeated the insurgents I andcr Moreno, and a deserter who was taken prisoner was shot. He had also forced the main army of Alrarez to retire, after a desperate struggle, near CUilpanciago, and had returned to the Capitol. ' Rio Qrando dates to the itb state that two Mexican war steamers were taking on board troops. It is said that ail on tho frontier will soon march for Vera Cruz and Tampico. Lai ingo returns to tho Capitol. A Pitched Battle Fought. [ From the Alta CMifornia, February 20 ] The great feature of the newß Binco the Bail ing of the last steamer ia the failure of.the sev eral banking houses. When tho news firßt camo of the failure of Page & Bacon, of St. Lonis, a run eommonoed at onoe on Page, Bacon & Co., whioh was kept op a'l that day, and over $400,- 000 was withdrawn from the bank. The next day the run ceased, and matters ap parently were moving on as usual, till tho morn ing of the 22d, when their bank was not opened at the usual hour, and shortly after handbills were sent all over town, announcing that they mast suspend. It sccmß that quite a deep run had been going on all day, till their Bpccto was reduced to less than $lOO,OOO, and they feared to keep open any longer. Owing to the tact that it was a holiday, hut little business was done that day ; yet it seems that over $200,000 was drawn out during the day from Adams & Co.’s. That evonihg the steamer arrivod with the news that Page, Baoon & Co,’a drafts had all been paid, and it was then supposed that tho cxcito ment and trouble was over. But the next morning Adams & Co. announces that they too must suspend, and shortly after Wells, Fargo & Co. followed suit. Two &mall i affairs called Savings Banks did tho same, and | then came a general ran on all that remained open. The greatest run was upon Drex-1, Sa liter & Church, B. Davidson and Luoas, Turner & Co. Tallant & Wilde and Sanders & 3renbam suffered little from the panto, and paid off their depositors. Palmer, Cook & Co. were not af fected by the run in tbe least, but paid every claim as presented. This house, which has been most fiercely assailed daring the past year for partisan purposes, end overy means both fair and unfair taken to impair its croJit, when the hour of trial camo it was found stronger than any house in the city, and able to lend o helping hand to Its neighbors. On Saturday the ran continued, though roost of tho small depositors had withdrawn their de posites on the day before. Various rumors have been in osculation relative to tho affiirs or tnc different houses, bat we can assure people of nothing more than haß transpired. Page, Bacon & Co. will resume, it is Baid, on the — Bl b, tin :r oreditors having given them an extension on a largo amount of their indebtedness. Wells, Fargo & Co. give strong promise of an early re sumption, nud Adams & Co., in our paper of this morning, make a statement in regard lu their affairs, which represents them to be able to go on again, if sufficient lenieooy is shown them by their creditors. The telegraphic despatch in tho IjOndon pa pers of March 2d, purporting to bav<#%omc from Ceylon, by way of Trieste, and declaring that the Australians were in a utnte of insurrection, probably originated in the disturbance.*! which •ure known tq have taken place at the Ballarat Gold Diggings. Humors of disturbances had reaohed Melbourne aB early as tho 27ih of No vember. and before any aotual overt act; and it would appear that the government had taken precautionary measures by moving down small parties of tbe 12th and 40th regiments, under tbe command of Captains Atkinson and Wise. On the 80th November, howevor, the diggers still persisted in refusing to pay their license, cu Mr. Commissioner Kede attempting to celled them, supported by a body of foot and mounted polioe, and the Bmall party of military before mentioned. Ultimately a collision took place, but without loss of life. Some of tho diggers were made prisoners ; and it was feared that an attempt would be made at a forcible rescue their companions. Tho Melbourne Argun, vf the 2d December, says : The government is thoroughly aroused, and la concentrating the whole military and police foroe of the colony of Ballarat. All tin availa ble men of the 40'h and 12ih regiments have left town for that locality. A body* of three hundred rank and file of the former regimeut, with thoir band, were marched out yesterday af ternoon, under tho command i f Liouien.-.nt- Colonel Vallinnt and the whole of the officers of the regiment. They took with them fonr field pieces, and two six and two twelve pounders. All the officers and men of tho 12th regiment, with the exoeption of Captain Vcrekcr and tbe neoossnry guard, have left for tho same place. They number about three hundred. Twenty four men-of wars men and about twenty marines from her Majesty's ship F.lectra have also horn sent off. Fifty horse and about tho same mini ber of foot police were to be despatched yester day afternoon. A largo number of baggage and ammunition wagous wore scut with the military. Wo also hear that Sir Hubert N,ckle, commander-in-chief of the forces, and Colonel M’Cortney, adjutant general, intended to start for Ballarat at threo o'olook this morning The amount of tho foroe, military and poke , to bo assembled at theso diggings, win bo little Bhort of 1,000 men. Ia the California FUicer Tim/a, received this morning by tho Northern Light, we have cigh teen days later nows than w.s brought by the Afrioa. It appears that the affair was tending toward revolution. Important New* from Australia By the arrival of tho schooner ileloise, ; Dyer, in fifty-three days from Newcastle, New j South Wales, Sydney papers are received to the j 20th December. A serious outbreak had recur ; red at Ballarat, of which wo have only room to i give the leading particulars: j Commissioners llede and Johnson have boon j imprudent enough to approach the miners and demand their licenses with drawn swords and .fixed bayonets, backed by a largo force of police. Thiß aroused tho vengeance of the latter, who mastered in great numbers on the 20th of No ▼ember, when a skirmish eueued; and again ou tho 4th of December, when an irregular battle was fought. Seven hundred soldiers and one hundred and fifty mounted troopers proceedtd to the Eureka camp, and fired on the Insurgents; about twelve were killed and several wounded. Tho oxaot namber could not bo ascertained. Two soldiers were killed on the spot, several wounded, four or five of whom subsequently died. It was also rumored that fifteen mounted troop ers had been shot from the bush. A reward of £6OO is offered for tho body of one of the ring leaders, dead or alive. The miners have resolv ed to pay no more licenses, and everything leads to tho supposition that the mining districts are in aQ absolute state of revolution. Product of tlic California and Australia The following io a recapitulation of tho pro duct of the Australia and California mines, during the ten months of 1854, ending Novem ber 4 : Prom Melbourne, ten month*. Prom Sidney, ten months Total from Ans'ralU Total from California, same time. Excess in faror of California. To make a comparison between tbo produc tion of gold by the rival gold fields, during the entire year, if wo estimate tho yield of the Aus stralian mines for the months of November and Dcoember, from which wo have as yet received no returns, at tho average of the preceding ten months, we shall have— Product of Australia mines, ten months $37,770193 ■'.68&.23S Product for November und December. Total for the ye»r 1854 Shipments from California In 1854. Excess in favor of California. A New York letter writer says: "Mention has been made to the discourse of Rov. Dr. Mo riarty, of Philadelphia, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Satarday morning. An incident, in that con nexion is related, which will not spoil by repe tition. In the midst of his discourse the Rev. Speaker abruptly stopped, making a long and apparently angry "point.” The house was still as death for about a minute, when the words of the priest were again heard, nod all eyes direct ed towardß the object of them, a young lady sit ting in one of the pews. He said: “ 4 Take down that eye-glass, ma'ra, take down that eye* glass you can see me well enough without it; I’m »uf firiently big enough to be eoen without an eye*gla.«a. And, don’t he making sigos at that other girl and making her laugh.’ «< Qaite a sensation ensued, the unluoky lady with the quizzing-glass seemed overwhelmed in the presenoo of the indignant congregation. The Rev. gentleman’s manner throughout his dis course, was warm and gestionlatory. Franciß Otto, a soldier of the Amerioan Revo" lotion, died in Huron, Erie oounty, Ohio, Sun* day, March 4th, at the advanced age of ninety* nine years. Mr. Otto was a German by birth, came to this country war of the Revo lution, embarked in the cause and fought through the terrible contest under the/command -of George Waßhiiigtotf. The bid man httd a’distinct recollection of his Commander*ln Chief, and nev er mentioned his name but to Bhed tears over the memory of the great man. ■ x v v * • - ' , .r-/ * ~ ,■ *A, ; -v _ Mines* C'lH . 4,033,68 a .$67,770.11)2 . 44 899,125 $7,124,983 .$45,331,4.00 . 61.600,132 $0,161 702 Clerical Rebuke* - + * •*! *■ r.’ , , «•»»• *. 4 -'*••> f# ■> v - : . * ’, h ' •* y • San FranoUco Failures— N. Y. Brokers. New Tonic, March 20—Tbe California bank ers’ failures have produced no effect here; stocks have generally advanced one to two per cent. Private advices lod to the belief that all the houees will resume payment in o few weeks. A Bteamer communicated with the shore last night at 12 o’clook, A few speculators got hold of tho news and operated on stooks extensively, calculating upon a largo decline. When the Board met, all stocks advanced, Speculators who operated for n doolino loßt $30,000. The uows did not generally transpire until nearly eleven o’clock tliia forenoon. Kxpioaion—Terrible Loeb of Life. Richmond, Va., March 20. -A-terrifio explo sion occurred at tho Midlothian ooal pits, Ches* terfield, last evening. Sixteen persons were taken out living, and eight dead bodies. It is probable all of those taken out alive will die. It is eappoeed that 50 were in the pit at the time, most of whom uro doubtless dead. The explo sion v?u3 caused by a blast. Jadge Loring’a Removal. Bof-TCN, March 20.—The committee of the legislature on the removal of Jadge Loriog are divide !in opioioD. The majority report in favor of his removal ia signed by four members of the committee ; tho minority report against the re moval ia signed by two. The other member of the ccmmitteo has not signed the minority re port, but is against the removal. Tnies on linllroad Freight. Nr.w York, March 20. —1 t is understood that the Governor will send a message to the legiala lure to-day recommending the imposition of Taxes oo railroad freight, for the benefit of the canal. The Case of Mrs. Gaines. Nett Orleans, Maroh 15 —Both the applica tions by Mrs. Gaines, for the probate of the last will of Daniel Clark, were refused on the ground of insufficient evidence. Another hearing has been granted. S«M Know Nothing Victory, FuII'ERICKSBtjeg, Va., March 20.—At the charter election yesterday tho Know Nothings elected their candidate for Mayor and the whole of the city officers. From Harrisburg. Haheisdcbo, March 20.—lhe Mechanic’s Bank, of Pittsburgh, passed finally by a voto sf to 24, tho largest vote given to any bank bill. Yellow Fever* Norfolk, Va , March 20.—The frigate Colum bia arrived on Sunday with 60 cose9 yellow fevei on board. __ Worms-As this Ls the tivxson of the year when worm* ar- nv->««t f >rmilsWe among children, the proprietira c-f M’l.yw's Vircufugobtg Lave t~> rail the attention of pa- I Tent.-* L- ' iriiio? f:*r tbcexpeliing of tbcsoannoying.acd I ofl**o fAtal cu-mi-s of cbildreu- It was luveoted by ntfbj*- f.idan if grvnt exjetiuiice in Yirgiula, who, afier used it for Kever&l year- »u bis o*n practice, and evicr©us s.s universal, was induced r.t lu<3t to offer it to tie public ai h cheap, but «:erta!u and excellent medicine. It hii einco become Ju«tiy popular throughout tho Uuhfd States, as die most efficient Vermifuge tier known, and the di-tn’ind his been steadily on the incroaae since its first In troduction public pur< will bo careful to for, and take uoue but Dr. M’La.ne‘3 Vtnaifuge. All others, in cotapari.snn, ar« wortb!**f-s. c.—'uu: al-iva valuable remedy, also Dr M’Laiit?’? ebrr.tei Liter bill*, can now be bad at all respectable Drug Stor-* in the United Stated and Canada. f«»r sale by ifi© sol© proprietor®, FLEMING BllOct., 3 to J. Kidd 4 Co., Wood street. mbl£ diw The Great Revolution In Medicine l Ii ;> accomplished: Thu want of csuturies Is supplied! Is Motu-r'a Invigorative Exjxra oa CaantAi we hare a moil it.o that disease, without weakening ibe BTs;wtxi; that e-shilhrates the spirits, without entailing sub te juent denre.nMoo; that cures Indigestion in all its forms an i ;.orw queuevs, that re«torex the »-bfttteied nerves to full rig r, that regulates the bowuls aod the liver, that cause* the consiliulinu itaelt to recuperate—-and that in fait at* fiw-T* the purpose ail stimulant , all nervine preparations, ; alt '•!;i.hHrtif',s and all alerstWeF, without producing any of th= unpleasant effects which flow from the use of orci* nar, m-di-lee*. The Arabian herb which forms its basis a .«iu- to be the rery thing for which herbalists and phjei* ei- ih, and .pharmaceutists, have searched in all ago.*, auil, until now, searched in vain. Z.*/£Ae sick Tyoice ! Th- Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint hr t* I t;-- Price, three dollar* per bottle; two for fivedolhra; six f r twelve dollar*. C. IT. IHNO, Proprietor, I 192 Broadway, NowToik. i 9 >'d hv rrugK'i'ts throughout t.he United and West 1 r.db-.i. • A ICST": a. \V. KKYSKR, ) SKI.I.KK9 A CO., >- Pittsburgh KU.MfNU BROS. J OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THE ONLY RAILROAD RUXKING WEST FROM PITTSBURGH, On and. niter MONDAY, March 12th, 1855, the PASSES OKU TRAINS will run as follows, until furthor notice : Fart Train wiu lrave at 3 A. M. Mail Train “ “ at BA. M. Kxpiita-- Train “ at 3P. M. These Trains all run through to Crestline, and connect there with the Columbus and Cincinnati. Ohio ami Indiana, au4 Bflltifontainc nod Indiana Railroads. At Mansfield, connections aro made for Nework, Zanesville, Monroeville, Piindufifey, Toledo, Chicago, Ac.; and at Alliance for Cleve land, Ac. No trains run on Sunday. Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Louisville St. Lou’s, ludiiiunpvUe, Chicago, Rock Inland, Fort Wayne, and the principal Towns and Cities in the West. Tbs NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN wIU leave Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 6 P. M., and New Brighton atT A. M.nndl P. M. For Tickets and further Information, apply to J. O. CDRRY, At the corner office, under the Monongahela Home. Or. at the Federal Street Blation, to QEORQE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh. March 10th. 1865 (mhlO) REMOVAL! REMOVAL! FROM THE Ist OF NEXT APRIL, TO *« WNa. S 3 FIFTH STREET, -£& HK LEBER respectfully iuforms the public, that on . the 1m day oi April next, ha will amove ms Mcsio AND PtANO WAatttOOMS to No. 58 Fifth Btrsot, next door to Masonic Hall, Ami a ft u* door* from the Post Office.; The New Establishment will bo fitted up in the most ele gant mitnuer, and the Pianos kept on tho second floor, in a richly furnished aud tpacioue saloon. A er£NDU> NEW STOCK OF URAND PIANOS—Fctx Grand and Semi-Oranp, FULL SERPENTINE PIANOS, SERPENTINE PIANOS, ROUTS XIV. STYLE PIANOS; —AND of— ALL OTHER PLAIN STYLES OF PIANO 3; MBLODEONS, SERAPUINES, etc., etc., Ii on tbo way, and the public are politely invited to cal and examine the prestos* Block of Goods, etc. 11. KLEBER, nihlLlm] No. 101 Third at, sign of tbeGolden Harp. Neuralgia. This formidable disease, which reems to baffle Xho chill of physicians, yields like magic to Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Mr. F. Boyden, formerly of tbo Artor Hous*, New York, ao«i late proprietor of tho Exchange Hotel, Richmond, Va., is one of the hundreds" "who have been cured of severe Nruraigia by Cartels Spanish Mixture. Sinco his cure, be has recommended It to numbers of others, who were Fuffering Jith nearly every form of dis eaee, with the most wondeiTul success. He says it is the most extraordinary medicine be has ever seen used, and the best blood purifier known. •»* See advertisement In another column, (mblftdm Tbe Pleasure and Comfort of being wxu Firm) in a SDIT OF CLOTHES, Is greatly enhanced by having them good, and £CiiARLt io .xas season. GRIBBLE bos got all that \t necessary to effect that great consumma tion, both as regards fit au SPECIAL NOTICES. Bpeotaolea and Pffpe Lflcturei?vMy person desirous of becoming acquainted with a pro cess by which GLASSES MAY BE LAID ASIDE, or who, having Diseased Eyes of any kJ nd wish to have themeured, should by all means attend the frea Lecture cm the £yt, by Dr. G. A. GREENE, or Philadelphia, on TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, (March 20 and 22.) at M ASONIO HALL. Free consultation, anv hour of the day, at me City Hotel. ' tab lo - 1141 PITTSBURGH Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Company; OFFICE 65 FIFTH STREET, HASONIC HALL, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. J.vg. D. M’Gru, Secretary. This Company makes every Insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. . ... Also, against Hull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis sissippi rivers and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally. And against Lose and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies Issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety • to all parties. mrxotors: Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley, James 8. Boon, John Fullerton, John M’Alpln, Samuel M’Clurkan, William Phillips, James W. Hallman, John Scott, Cha». Arbuthnot, Joseph P. Gazz&m, M. D., David Richey, James Marshall, John M’Gill, Horatio N.Lee, Klttannlng. Howard. Association— SuUP tUTOiiEW BRANCH. SEVENTH STkEET —The Managers of the Society will be glad to receive donations of Cash, Bread, Meat, or Groceries. The wants of the deserving Poor must be our excuse for asking-material aid promptly. President, Gov. WM. P. JOHNSTON. I lion. WM. B. M’CLURE, 8. W. BLACK, Managers, •( L. WILMARTH, | R. CHESTER, (WILLIAM NOBLE. Treasurer, O. WILMARTH. We cannot promise to publish the names of the donors, mt will be gled to receive their gifts. l»blQ NORTH WESTERN INSURANCE COHLPANY, OFFICE, NO. 76 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CHARIER PERPETUAL. Authorized Capital, 9300,000* ABBETTS LIABLE FOR THE LOSSES OF TUB -COM PANY. In Stock Notes, (negotiable form,) secured by Mort gages and Judgments $lOO,OOO In Bills Receivable, Mortgages and Judgments, Bonds, Ac In Cash, Cash Assets and Cash Items 47,000 /Total $252,000 H. CADWEL, President. O. H. IRISH, Secretary. Kftt Fire, Marine and Inland Transportation risks, taken at current rates. REFERENCES , pirrsßouaa. Kramer A Rahm, Curling, Robertson A Co., N. Holmes ft Sous, Wm. Bagaiey 4 Co., J. A. Hutchison 4 Co- D. Leeca ft Co., Murphy, Tiernan ft Co. PUILADEXPUXA. Wblnright, Huntington M. L. liullowell 4 Co., 4 Hoyd, I>avicl S. llrowu & Uo., C. H. 4 Ueo. Abbott, Wood 4 Oliver, Heaton 4 Denckla, Caleb Cope & Co., Cbaj. Meg&rgee & Co., Drexel & Go., Backers, Hon. Wm. D. Kwley, Scott, Baker & Co., Hatris, Utile 4 Co., Deul, Milligan 4 Co. J. BANKS KNOX, Agent. No. 115 vvater Btreot, Pltt.-lmrg=> HOWARD Health Association of Pittsburgh, Pa,— OFFICE, No. 108 THIRD ST IEET, opposite the Telegraph Office. This Association Is organisod for the purpose of affording mutual assistance to each other, in case of sickness or ac cident. By-paying a small yearly payment, tho members of the Association secures a weekly benefit during sickness averaging from $2,25 to $lO per week. In this Association all members aro equally interested iu the management and profits. & B- M'KENZIE, President. T. J. IIONTEt, Secretary. Fiuance Committee— Joslah Kino, James Rxaaieb, G. N. HoFraroT. Consulting Pbyaiciun—F. laisn, M. D. nov3:u YVettern Pennsylvania Hospital.— Drs. L. Scuesck, Second, between Wood and Market streets, and J. Ueko, North-east corner of Diamond, Alle gheny city, are the attending Physicians to the above Insti tution, for tho first quarter of 1851. Applications for admission may be made to thorn at all hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o'clock, P. M. Recent cases of accidental injury are received at all heurfl, without form. ialUtg* Franklin Saving Fund aud Loan Association* OFFICE, No. ‘J7 FRONT STREET. Discount Day—MONDAY. Notes offered on SATURDAY to the Secretary, at the store of Jonn 11. Mellor, No. 81 Wood street. Weekly Dues received at the same time ana placo. fdecl:3ml J- WHITTIER, Secretary. ~ r —'|'o I‘HE SECOND bToiU or Atir. RtP TUNE ENGINE HOUSE (a Hail suitable for public meetiuza.) will be let for three or four nights in the week. Enquire of GEORGE FUNSTON, drd:3m at 8. M'Clurhftn's, No. 00 Wood street. ep—r, Notice.-- The JOURNEYMEN TAILORS SO ILS? CIETY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meets on the first WEDNESDAY of every month, at SOIIOCILLEITEIt’S, In the Diamond. By order. IfcliT-' GKO. W PEE-R. Secretary * - ***** “ '"ti!, Wttahi* ’» flail* ol meeting, WibhiDgwu *- i (w^W’ota'BtWet,-between Fifth street and Virgin alley. I liOMlJt. No.3o6—MeetseTery Tuesdayeyening « supply CARPENTERS. X CABINET-MAKERS, afcd Worker* in \\ ood generally, wuh hh Patented and valuable PLAN tS. A.l who hate tried it, pronounce l a moat valuable in vention, that must soon coma Into g Dural u*e. The fol lowing letter from practical workmen is bu; one uruong many letter* the Patentee has received rucommend ng th * Plane above all others in use : PrrrsßCßia Stsam Cabinet Factoet.) - February 22,13&5. j We hereby certify, tl at daring the last twelve months we bare used Hopper’s Pat ut Plane, and do not hesitate to recommend It to Cabinet-Maker** and Carpenter? a® su perior to anv other Plane in us**. We consider it peculiarly adapted to’plMriug oak, cherry, walnut, and all sorts ol hard wood, and fvt planing tcdc r*, it s far superior to the old mode besides being a great saving o time. One man, by using this Plane, will plane m»ie veneers than &Te men can do by any other piano or method jjj use. 11. H. Utah a Co. MOBKS F. KATON, of tkii c‘>ty, is my sole Agent for th* «lo cf Planes, or of rights to manufacture and sell thorn tfM. C. HOPPER. M»*ch 21.1SSR— ( rob2 l M f) British and Continental Exchange, SIGHT nil.La UI.AWS BY DUNCAN, SHERMAN A CO. ON THE UNION DANK, LONDON, In Sum? or £1 and Cpwabts. THESE CRAFTS are available at nil the principal Towns of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND and IRELAND, and the CONTINENT. We also draw gioirt Bun on 01, A* Grnnebaum «fc Balltu, FRANKFORT A MAIN, Which serve a? a Remittance to nil part? of GERMANY, SWITZERLAND aud HOLLAND. Jiersoas intending fo travel abroa 1 can obtain, through usTEfetters of Oro »it, on which Money can be obtained, as needed, in any part of Europe. Culliction i of Bills, Notes, a-d other securities in Eu rope, will rco Ito prompt atteutlon WM. 11. WILLIAMS A CO., Wood. >*orn#*r Tid'd ‘tve**. iuih!s:lm r|UIK HISTORY OF TtiK UK* FbYtat Bspoaug all I the buu-buga pract ced in 0 o SHANGHAI! COCHIN CHINAS: And all otbor breeds of liens »nd Cblckens; b> George P. Burnham, the King*of Chicken of Boston, Full of beaattful illustrations. It is an authentic rod lively volume of humor, bj the “ Youncc ’Un,” an' a very largo sale of the book is cer tain. —Boiion Eve. Gazette. The lovers of genuine fun will all read th ; s brok. We adviso everybody to gut a copy; the solomn that they may laugh, and tbo laughers that they may laugh tbo mote.— Portland Daily Argus. This hook by Burnham Is a funny affair, and will “ take with the public who hare aeon this big elephant" more or less In tb-* last fl- o years.—Her. Tee “ History of the lien F.ver,” by G. B. BQruham, Esq., la brim full of and richness. Kvery “chicken man” will of course road this book; aud if it doesn't wring a good * earty laugh out of him, why be may takomy hat!— “ Acorn”in New Fork Spirit. The name of the hen ianoiors In this country is lsgion ; and a very large edition of Burnham’s new book will be de manded at the very outset. —Times For sale by H. MINER 4 CO., m h2l No. 32 Smlthflald »troet. NKW GOODS’.! Watcuih, Jkwbl'&t, Filve* Ware, Militahy Goods, Ao., Wholesale and Retail. —Coon* try Merchants and strangers risking our city are request ed to call, as we can serr * them as well, and we think b -t* ter, than they usually are furred in Eastern cides, be-Idea glrlng them a responsible guarantee—an item difficult to obtain in many shops. Sllrer Detached Lerers SIQ to $15,00 Do Cylinders 7to 10,00 L dies' Gold Lever and Lepino Watches, $25, and upwards. Gentlemen's do do do $35 to $2OO. Chains, Seals, Keys, Pencils, Spectacles, Pens, Lamps, in excellent rarlety, and at lowest prices. 43* Watch R pairing done promptly and in a superior manner. All work and all goods warranted. W. W. WILSON, 67 Market nereet, corner of Fourth. SILKB, SILKS—A. A. MASON ACO have just receded a large and splendid assortment of— Dress Silks, Rich Ptald and Striped Silks, Heavy Black Brocade, Yard wide Black Sal in, barred ; Figured colored Silks, Black Q'O de Rhine.* _ BONNETS, BONNETS.—Just received, 60 cases Sprlnj and Summer Bonnets— Fancy Straw and Neapolitan, Split Straw, Plain Neapolitan, Pedal Braid, Satin Straw, Diamocd Satin, Loop end La?e Edge Bonnets, Neapolitan Buttons, Edgings and Ruches, Btraw Flowers; Straw Trimmings of every variety. mh2l A. A MASON A CO, 25 Fifth street. RLBBONS— Just received, 600 pieces of splendid Spring Ribbons A. A. MASON A CO > m h2l 26 Fifth street. JEANNETTE 1 She Is dressed in silks and satins, And bar step Is full of grace; Sbe is lovely In appearance— But wbat a sallow face! Her are small, but oht how rough: She surely doos not know That Hiarcric Soar is lust the thing— A c d then the price is low. The HERPETIC 80AP Is for rale, 1 ‘2% cents per cake,at mh2l No. 14Q THIRD STREET. rpUK HEKFKTIO SOAP r moves Tan; I The Uer-eUc Soap removes Ballowneas; - The Herpetic Soap cures sore and rough hands; The Herpetic Soap cost# 1n y 12 % cents per cake; And la sold at 140 THIRD St.,near gmßhfleH. (mh2l : &iflea> Owns and Rtvolveri, ’ r a rifles, a new sssortment of our own make, and yi_/ ioarranUd to be A No. 1. Also, a new supply of Colt’s, Allen's, and Ella’ celebrated Revolving Pistol#, lust receiyed from the makers, which we are selling tery low for cash, at the Eurmaiax Gtw Wobes. mb2l BOWN * TEFXEY. barrels No. 8 Urge Mackerel: 200 do • db- -m*dlum do R«c*d and for eale by [mh2ll HENRY n.COLIINB. 1 BARREL FRESH EQQS thta day rec’d, and for eale by 1 mb2l HENRY H. COLLINS BEESWAX— This day recelvedAnd for sale by p>h2l HENRY H. COLLINS. &FVVftikl fcftt'u ta 66^ pis thwa Uosas ft day with I)A£/» LEY'S PAIK EXTRACTOR. If secretion form in the rec tum, the insert the 11 Pile syringe," filled with Extractor, and gradually discharge it as the syringe is withdrawn. It never fails to cure , cases of any age or virulence, nor to give entire ease instantly'to all, frequently curing by one 1 application- ! Piles arc known by the heat, itching, anil pain of the : anus. Bleeding piles are caused, sometimes, by the falling of tba whole bowel?, wbicb tb*D press the Intestinal cakal : against the back bones, and keeps the blood from re* ! tuj ning up the vessels, similar to the bßod being kept at.! tne top of your finger when a string Is tied tight around It; 1 such ia frequent, and for Ecrofulous.humors and ulceis to | form therein, then procure a perfect abdominal supporter, and wear a c*mpres3 to the rectum, and continue to use the salve as tibovo; also, rub it well over the lolus and ab domen f*r some time, and tho natural belts that support the bowels will be contracted and made strong, and your life will be saved. If properly applied, every case will be cared. It never fails. omiosfl or the paisa. C. v. OUCKBNEU 4 CO., Proprietors, New York. For sals by Dr. Q. 11. KEYSER, HO Wood street, end by ell Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the Upl* ted States. mh3.-daw2w _ r*=?» CITIZENS 1 Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.#—WM. BAGALEY, President; BAMUEL L. MARSHELL, Secretory. Office: 04 Water Sired, between Market and Woo&itruii . Insures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis sippi Rivers and tributaries. Insureeagainst Lo3fl or Damage by Fire. ALSO—Againstthe Perils of the Sea, and InlandNaTlgl tlonandTransportation. smioxo&s William Bagaley, - Richard Floyd, James M. Cooper, Samuel M. Kier, Samuel Rea, William Bingham, Robert Dunlap, jr., John S. Dilworth, Isaac 51. Pennock, Francis Sellers, 8. haibaugh, J. Schoonmaaer, Walter Bryant, William B. Ifaya. John Sblpton. . * dec2l ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, uAKCPACtukins op Chilson Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, and Fitting Generally, FOR WARMING AND VENTILATION OP BUILDINGS. A. A W. will contract for wanning and ventilating, by steam ot hot water pipes, or ChUson’s Furnace; Church es, School*, Hospitals, Factories, Green Houses, Court Houses, Jails, Hotels or Dwellings. No. 25 Market street, Pittsburgh. jan2s BPRING DRY GOODS. HAGAN & AHti, No. 91 Market at., . ARE receiving dally additions to their large and well Selected stock of Mantillas, Shawls A Scarf*, Kuusukeep'g Goods, Alexander’s Kid G’oves, Ac..- To which wo would respectfjJly invite the ntte - tir>n of the Ladies. mb2o Soldiers' Bounty Lands, AND CLAIMS AGAINST GOVERNMENT.—I will pro* c ’re Bounty Land Warrants for Soldiers, their Widows and Minor Children, and will prosecute Claims against Government, and attend to business in the ‘‘Court of Claims,” recently established by Congress Office, No. 148 Third street, ono door above Smithfield st. March 10,1655—(mh'ZQl CHARLES NAYLOR. RaKH CH.vr.Cli TO I>UY A FAUJII—SOO Acres of first-rate Land; the soil is good and deep, arid Umber oi the bi-st quality—situate at about twenty miles I'rcxn New Martinsville, Va., in the forks of Fishing 1% mile from saw aud grist mill. The above could be well divided into three good Farms. Price $2,00 per ncrel Terms: $5OO in hand; the remainder in five equul annua payments. Also—lCO Actvp in the lower end of Marshall county, at less \tian three miles from the Ot.lo river; 30 Acres cleared, with a House, Stable, Fruit Trees, &c. Price $1200; SICO cash; balance In three yearly payments. 8. CHTHBEBT & SON, Veal Estate Agents, 140 Third st. NfiW UOOKei NEW BOOKS! Tne iilvtory ol the Hen Fever, a humorous record; by Geo. I*. Burnham Poems by John U. Saxo. Fourth supply. The Cottage Garden ot America—containing practical di' rectione for the culture of flowers, fruits and vegetables; by Welter Eld-r. Harper's fctory Book, No. 4. Bal lon’s Monthly, for i prii. Just received and for salo by W. A. GILDENFENNET t CO., JJo. 45 Fifth stxees# Itooklngham and Yellow Ware; MKiU'UANTa and the trade generally ore informed that samples of the above Ware, from the Pottery cf Woodward, Blakely A Co., East Liverpool, ore kept at the office of the undersigned. Orders respectfolly.solicited. JAUKS BLAKELY, Corner of Seventh and fmithfield sts. NfcW iiOUK! NKW BtkrK!— Travels in Europe and the Ea t*—& Year in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria; Italy, Oreece, Turkey, Sy.ia, Palestine and Egypt. By Samm ' Irens us Prime. Just published, For sale by mh2o North-Western Police Agcucy» NO. 89 WASHINGTON STREET, c.uner of CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. EPWASJ) a. t’rcEcn. Pinkerton dfc Co, ALLAN PINKEETOX. DAVOTK TflUin ATTINTIdN TJ THU T&AN3ACHON CF A Q£NSSAL DETECTIVE POLICE BU.'INEiS [q the states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Sllchlsun and lodiantu tnhl9:dtf Dlssolntion 'T'UE I'mlnerehip heretotoru existing under IheFtyleof X JOUN PARKER & CO Is tills day dissolved— Jthn Porker disposing ol his interest to James H Parker, who Kill continue the Wholesale Grocery and Liquor business at tba old stand, and is duly authorized to settle.all ac counts of the late firm. - JOHN PARKER, ittsborgb, February lo:h, ISAS i Citizens' Deposit Bank. | Pittsccego. March 17,1553./ AN ELECTION for elx Directors axd on* President, to serve for the enacting year, will b»i t eld at tbc Bantling House, on MONDAY, 2-1 April, between tho hours 10 A. M auJSF. M.. [marlOj E D. JONK-S, Cashier. blacksmith Wanted A GOOD FUOKLi AND SMITII is w-ntm to go to ft ra‘ road abont 10 miles fnni thw city. Good wages wl be given, aud steady employ meoL Jcqnlre nt GEO. EWART’S STABLE, No. SO SmithSeld street. %yl UFIO finished by FKAAK. CARGO, for Parties, Pa- LVI rade*, Ac,, od the shortest no’icu aud at low rates. He may be depended on. lie may be found ui R. M. Car go’s Dnguorresu Rooms, 75 Fourth street. mhl9 a ORICULTXUIAU BOOKS. —The Elements of Agricul ture: by F. Q. Skinner. * "*The Kitchen and Fruit Gardener—n select manual of kitchen gardening and culture of fruit. ; Domestic Fowl end Ornamontal Poultry; by 11. D. Richardson. Au Ks»ay on Manures; by Samuel L. Dana. The Uoney-Co?; by 11. D. Richardson. Stephens’ Book of the Farm. Tn« iNarnm’s Cyclopedia; by Ji'bo L. Blake, lectures ou Agricultural Chemistry; by James F. W. Johnston, Saxton's Rural Iland Books The American Mock Book; by D: J. Browne. For sale by W. A. GILDKNFENNKY A CO, mMO No. 45 Fifth street. - • | uti.uj*utiu&—a. a. alAttoa & ci>. Bare joal received X 1U) caitons now Trimtniog*— I Black and coloied “ Moire Antique” Trimmings; Black and colored G&loon Trimmings; Black anti colored Crape Trimmings; •Black and colored Gauze Ribbon Trimmings l.nce Fringes; Crimped Biltbons Fill; Buttons; Kibbon Fringes; nn n tiM Frinype: Par l * Frinee# EMtii\oi —ou caru>L» splendid imioroiaeriea just received. - Cut worked Jaconet Collars, Infanta Waists, French worked Swiss do, French breakfast Caps, Frilled and flowing Sleeves, Edgings and Insertions, Cambric Swiss do, EmbrcMered Rdkfa., Cambric and Bcok Flouncing?, Do Chemisettes, Mull and Swiss Band?, Do Infants’ Robes. mh!9 A. A. MASON, 25 Fifth Street. Willt'B U«X)Dd—lOO canons now opeuing: plaid and' plalu Jaconets, plain Cambrics, Swiss Mulls, tape* check Jaconets, plain Nainsooks, checked Nainsooks, hair corl Checks, plain and figured Mulls. A. A. MASON A CO.. 25 Fifth street,- |>M.BROU)£RED SKIRTS.—-Just received aomeihiug new Jji and splendid in ladifs’ embroidered skirts, offered at low prices. [mhlOJ A. A. MASON & CO., 25 Fifth sL SPRING STOCK OF HAMBURG PIANOS, CHARLOTTJS BLCME, No. m Wood f@SilgHpßastwet. Pittsburgh, sole' Agent - » Hamburg Pianos are undoubtedly 'go*” \I ■ & w • perior to all others, both in elasticity of touch and superiority of tone- * They have not only received the highest marks of appro* bation Jrom the best European Pianists, such as LIST, THALBERG, And others, übo have them constantiyin their o\fn use, but also from our resident Professors. The following Is an extract from a letter of ! PROFE3SOR HENRY ROHBOCK. ; After describing the particular style, two of which.he wants for his own use—one Grand and one Squire—he speaks as follows of their excellent qualities: ; « My little daughter, who plays very well, must, with my* self, have a goed instrument, and yours are the ohij ones which can satisfy me. . ♦» instruments are offered me on the most accommodating terms. I, however, do not like them; they have not the elastic touch and the tone of yours . “I remain yours, respectfully; “Hxxht HonuocE, Pittsburgh; Pa.” For sale by CHARLOTTE BLTTME, at the “Old Estab. Ushed Piano Depot,” 118 street, 2d door above Fifth Also, sole Ageut for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania for Uallet, Davis tf Co.'s Boston Pianos, (which In the Past ern cities are considered superior to either Cbickerlng’s or Nunua A Clark’s, but which fact is not extensively known, ns they have but lately been introduced here;) and other New York and Philadelphia Pianos, of the best makers, at prices from $225 to $BOO. mhl9 Orphans -Court hale* BY VIRTUE of an order of the Orphans' • Court, cf Allegheny county, the nnder&igned, guardian cf JOHN BPEKBKR, tninbr child' cf Henry Sperber, deceased, will expose to public sale, on the premise?, in Pine town* ship,on SATURDAY, March 31, lSss|at two o’clock in the afternoon, the following par cels cf GROUND, situate in the township cf Pine, in gheny coanty, bounded-.and described as follows, to, wit:— Beginning at & post, corner j sElil) UIUL.L, for drawing drills of farious from 9 to 27 ioehcs-thc mojt complete later gjvlnrdrtlHn n"?. -For sale by JAMES EARDROP. mhlT . Dividend EOIUB Of O. &i\. B. H. BTOCS boqgnt at TVw?m°bsi£. TmtlT] WILKINS $ 00. •^-tT-ANTkb—Torty Hh&rea rf'Stoeirof Merchants mu. JLmQ AP.E.S.Sttek. WIIKIS3 4 CO5 10 * naT Bankets and Commission Stock Brokets, 71 Fourth tlrat. rY PEACHES—2OO buahelß, for sale bjr mUS HENRY H. OOLLIKa. THEATRE. FIFTH STREET, DIBEOTLY ABOVE WOOD J. O. FODTEBi !•«>». uai Boies and Parquatto....6oi.'| Prlrat«Boxo»,l»rge *B.OO Second Tier | PrlratoßoxM,Milan.....4& 00 Boxes for colored persona.. rente. xs&- Persons securing seats will bo charged 12}$ cta.oxtra for the certificate. , • 03- FAREWELL BENEFIT of Miss MART PAETrao' TON on which o onion Mrs J. PROCTER has kln«T’»ol unteered her valuable services. Also, Miss JANS PART' INGTON will make her first appear mceupon any R3f“Two beautiful pieces—THE DRUNKARD, end the WANDERING BOYB. ' • ’ 'L.^ 49" a POSTER as Ebwaio Middleton. Mrs. PROCTOR os Maw Wtt'.cN. WEDNESDAY EVENING,March 2lit, 1865, the perform aneo will commence with the F.dw’d Middleton, 0. Foster. | Rcncelaw, Mr Bailey. -Mary, Mrs J. Proctor. I Agnea, Mrs J. P. SrelsL.nl. GRAND MUSICAL MELANGE.—Song: "Hittingon a Stile, Mary”—Nunan. Hlghla d Fling, (her first appear* ance,) Miss Jane PaTtlcgtoD.’ u Saucy Kate**—Misses S. and K. Partington. .Song—Healv. “ Poddy’e Wedding" —Dongberty. Olio Danes-—Mlaa Mary Partington. Tho whoio to conolad-*. with the thrilling Drama of the - , WANDERING BOYB. D&Jloors open at 7 o'clock; performance commences 7% £*-SANFOnJD'S OPERA TROUPEi'ffiJ Ij*VERY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER’ NOTICE. !i Monday Erentngi l9th, GRAND GOLDEN GIFTS 'Will bo gives to tie atitllonco. See the Gifts la the window or Richardson's, Market street. Tickets canto hod at the samoplace—2s cents. Doors open at 7; commence* at 7J4 NEW AND DIEECI ROUTE OPEN! ißßouan Northern Illinois to the Hississippi Elver, lOWA, MISSOURI, Dress Coeds, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, All Railroad to tlie Ulitisslppl. Embroideries, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RAIL Hilillii ROAD pOOHXBtI Tffß CmOA.aO. ASD. AUSOPA A CISC. UUITAAT TAACT R. R. 13 ROW COH7LRID, And Trains rnn the entire distanco f. ; om. CHIC AGO TO BURLINGTON, lowa, without change of Cars. The Only Direct Route to BURLINGTON*. QUINOF, JLEO&UK, 51USCATINE,.0QUAWKA, WAEELLO, SORT DES MOINES, COUNCIL BBC*?, 40., and the OW.T ALL RAILROAD Route from CHICAGO TO BT.LOUIS, BLOOM* INGTON. CLINTON, DECATUR, OAIRO, SPRINGFIELD, Jacksonville, Naples, and intermediate stations on the Illinois Central,jGreat Western, and Ohio and Missis sippi Railroads. Trains on the above Line leave Chicago on the arrival of Trains from the East—avoiding all laying over at any of ibepolnta. Binges leave Burlington dally for Southern and Central lowa and Northern Missouri—making the quickest and *" most reliable route to reach all the Important points vre&t of the Mississippi as far aa Connell Bluff, with from forty to fifty miles less staging than by any other rdtre. The Road, for.a largo portion of the way, la laid with. thecuNJisbocs ■ Kao, the smoothest riding and best Railroad in the West— : wen stocked with themostmodorn LojomoUroaand elegant new Cara. jQSp- By this route passengers are sure of making connec tions, ami striving at 8t Louis on advertised Ume,avolding the vexatious delay of fogs and ice, and dangers of naviga tion, as on the route by Alton. . Baggage checked direct through from Chicago, and no charce for handling at any point. THROUGH TICKETS by this mute can be purchased at all the Railroad Offices-in'the East; at the Office of the Company, corner of Clark and Lake streets, in the Granite Building; at the Depot of the Galena B. U., and at the Mich. Cunt. R.'R. Office,corner of Lake and Dearborn &U., ' opposite Tremont House. Chicago. FREIGHT consigned by this route will receive immedi ate despatch. C. G. HAMMOND, Sup’t. C.E.FOLLKTT, . Geu’l Ticket Ag’t, Chicago. 43-TICKETS can be procured at the principal Railroad Offices of the , mhl9 J. S. DAVISON, 05 Market st., near Fourth. 3 AMKS 11. FARKER. ;mbl9:l«r) AMDS PA>CE3 or ADXUSXOS—» DBTXNKABD. CITY HALL. CO If TIN UE D SVC CESS CGKTIUIi ROUTE. Pittsburgh DUtlitmalftCßl & Commercial COLLEGE IS now opened for the reception of Lady and Gentlemen Pupils who wish to receives sound and.thorough know* ledge of the following branches of educationtJWriilng, Book-Keeping, and all Its collateral sciences, Algebra,Geome try, Trigonometry, Mensuration, nee of Globes, Geography, Arithmetic, Ac, At. The Principal needs not to bo recommended, as his name and capability nre well known to this community, being a Teacher in this city for several yean, and for the last three months has sne ee?9fully taught in tbe Iron City Comma trial College, but bos left It on bis own accord, with the intention of estab lishing.aa Institution in which tbe youth of Pittsburgh can acquire a knowledge of things more profitable than making unintelligible hieroglyphics, though by no chance will Writing be neglected. Hie PrineipalV. capabilities can be tested by any person who doubts bis qualifications, as they were by the gentle men whose names are attached to the following testi monials: AIXEQUEiT, November 24,1854. - I take great pleasure In certifying to Mr Barry’s qaollfi- v - cations as a thorough Book-Keeper, &Dd fully competent to > instruct young gentlemen in the science of accounts—be- - j rides belnc a good mathematician and ripe scholar in other respects. JOHN FLEMING, < - Late Professcrin Pittsburgh Commercial College. ; r PiTTsoußaii,-November 24. Mr. Barry is eminenllyqaalified for imparting instruction i - ip tbo Frie&ce of-Arilbmedc and Double Entry Book-Keep- i ing I foun t him even critically acquainted with those j. branches of knowledge. J AS. fd. PRYOR, } • Principal Third Ward Public Schools i,J;- L state it as my opinion, that as a Mathematician and /-■ Book Keeper, Mr. John Barry has few equals, and no supe- f >' riors. I think all the Teachers of this County Association VV* will concur with me In this statement. JOHN KELLY, .• , Principal First Ward Schools, Allegany. The Writing department will be attanded to by a gentlo > m.\uwma »*, ■: \/ .1 *,l, ..UU£> nvMUS IUIV AiVW'UiXWI'Py &UCUUAH*‘ ' IC3 AND ENGINEKRS— . ; & The Model Architect; 2 volumes; by Sloan.' - ? Tha New Guide; do. > Apploton’B Dictionary of Mechanics. - ' ■ 1 Do. Mechanics’ Magazine. - 5 Practical M»cbanie*a Journal. ; Downing's Rural Essays, . ! Do. . Country Douses. - » 1 Stuart’s Architecture. i AUrn’a Rural Architecture. ■ . ■ . . ' j Field’s City do. r —Rudiments of dorr and Building. • j Rudimentary do. ' byJoba Bullock. i The Modem Geometrical Stair Builder’s Guide. - ■< The Builders* Guide. I The. Engineer's. and Machinist’s Assistant; 2 tola. » t)o. do. Mechanic's do. ■ ' Weisbach'a Mechanics and Engines; 2 volfl. * Mahan's Civil Engineering. i Knapp’s Chemical Technalogy. . Norris* Hand Booh for Locomotive Engineers and Mach’*. Colburn on Locomotive Engines. r Ilaupt on Bridges, u ;i Scribner’s do, do. $ llaaweU'a * do. do. :■ Henck’s Field Book. Byrne's Pocket Companion. Simms on Leveling; revised by J. H. Alexander, f- Do. Mathematical Instruments. - Borden’s Formula for Construction of B. Roads. Trautwine on Railroad Curves. * Shunk do. do. \ Mifflin. .... . do. ... - -do. . . And numerous other practical works* ? For sale by B. T. C. MORGAN* mbli No. 104 Wood at j NEW STOCK OP CEICKERINQ § SONS' ve&z&m PIANOS. I fnfWWlI JOHN H. MELLOB, No. 81 Wood stuit 1/ u Sc tf “between Fourth street and DUmotJd alleys has just'received from tie manufactory of CBICKEEXNG- A SvNS, BOSTON, a new and Bill supply of their TIBBT- OCTAVE t-lANO FUBTE3, with aU tbt : ’ late anuValnablo' improve menta— also, of their plainer anti lower priced styles, suitable for those who require * cheapo but good instrument. . All the Piano Fortes from this man ulaciory are warranted, and will be sold INVARIABLY AT ' BOSTON-FACTORY PRICES- -' OLD PlANOS,'—Severalsecond-hand Pianos, In good order, for sale at s3o,' $5O, $75, $ll5, $lBO, Ac. .■ MJSLODEONB—A full supply of Melodeocs of entirely' new and beautiful styles, and Irom the best manufactories Jn the country, at.s4s,.soQ, $75,1100, $135, SIM. ' JOHN li. MEbLOB, Agent for the rale of Csickkhixo A Sobs* Punos, . . Tar Pittsburgh and Western Penna. ; JCS-wNo. 81 Wood street, between Diamond alley am: -FeuTth.£treeL - »mhlB - To Wholesale Grocera* Xlquor Healer* and Manufacturer*. THE SUBSCRIBER la now Importing a superior qualß;, of OIL OP COGNAC, 0/ which % of an ounce with 0- . f „,UT I , rmre Snirit will prMace a fine Cngnao Brandy -Bb essm°es%,»o^^^^ W SCHIEDAM BCHNAPPS-': “d ECOTCn WUI3KY, are actaoWlrfsed_DT the N„ i, York morfiMiU bj-ihe demmil after them. Directions fi>- - um wIU inTariably B lT |J^ y j a PEUTCHWANGER, ?■ 141 Maiden lane, Newj Yori. v p _photo?raphlo and Daguerreotype Chemicals, Me talj and Patent Medicines, Bromine, lodine, Cyanide, Potai.! eJum, OxHe Silver, Distilled Mercury, Nitrate Stroute* Thorn’s Ext. Copaivo, Fumigating Pastiles, Platina, BU mutb, Nichel, Mangania, Codmium, Carmine Rouge, Ac Fig Blue, Indigo, Oils, Juniper, Canary, Praento. Bttte , .AUoosda. • - - - mhB:flteod - lIA KDWAEJ6 JOB ’ --• Saddlers and Carriage Makers* R. T. LEECH, JR;, ? No. Wood street. -r PITTSBURGH. Also, Cloths, Damaska, Laces, Hois, Bent Btut . Springs, &0.. &C. - ; ■ m. j.Qjur I Graff, ReUlngcr ft. Graff, \SrESTBRN FOtfNDEY, No. 11l Wood strcrt, Pitt' burgh, Pa. .... t. . junmcrtnotta or --X \ CooaingStoves, Plain an&Yaiicy OnttL Coal and Wood StoTes, Plain abd fane; Pendant Parlor Stove?, gad and Dog lions, Hollow War©, Portable Porges, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes, &c. |^' • i.-ir V v_i ... •■ ■• .