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S|rSiliiii3Ki£' > *T»■ r * *_, ,x r ,k f * *' -orssjfev l ®Si«iiWSi»;X:“:W®stea ©sisXfflXissisas^slttsl \zmS&£ ?4£&&fiigA !ft&S tKls^s-N i vsteso.jJs*p2l V.< I ” Lv 1 efi k . '■■J-.'-.^J+'c'l'l"','' 1 ' •'T V ; -i •'» , fL f*f- • ’ •' r v': i a’•'A.;'-'--^'Sft>tr’.;r‘'X' fcXV-.';-■ •-'• spV.-.;:;x V '-' •'; !■'S^TfJ.'Sv gi|lSi®Ka£Ss&X»ia| ipipiipi^isfaspsiifisi bBB*s^wm Si?iS^ei£si!X?«f“SSi •.-; k J? r^'r? (£>’. J»v• X.• (X, j]*;..- . . .'. ..»;.,. •'- ..' —,; C.‘»^"S, Ce7 A' 1 !. 'x3 r?tvVf-.' 4 vr-v>:A T .- N v;* *,;fJ : ; \:A.X.trr-Vx v --• ■ \VV * V; - 1 «>n S.'vk‘.>v' , V ' ?«.'• r l? “* -I .T V- V < l l t . *•- 4 : ‘ - .<.• M t . i ' , r ■/ 1 T '~ w . ‘ • -f . 'S'. i ~';4 • ' V '. % '] / •.**” -m? p.-:'' ! "' : ' '•• 'V;-J&v v *■-;.•>■: "/'**•• <*■*■'S> ■*•■' - ;f • : -K+ i•• * *' J J* *St,V.-> ?!i ft, - } ‘'2 ».’ ,’ •? •■*’* •* ,t- -4 S -v>fL, V 1- *- i ~ ’■ ■» ■i,*\ I ■■'” - '*' *'~ -** Xt. -- f •*. . w!*v *’’’•& 4 *;*•. ’f -x -’• 1 r* 1. •- w . iV* vA; s v ' ; ‘, t- ’ » r » :■ ■vV V s. .. .t." , - « v., • fcV ' J 'v;\f:fc’v 'f.i r. v'&tS ;i;±' ,J JV * r~' Vi Lv •• •* «**’•**• 3- r 1 S'-f*'.' v »-*w ■•, ,- • -W>' 'V- ■. "•_• f?.. .... :-. •■-'.* * t v#w f : S j* J * I v,w : , LtJ- V - l.. v 1 * * •-:• •.. * i- -■'*■ ;**•*." : •«** ; . , ..*••»•■•'* ~* v v ••■»*-:•. j* •■ e ».*-■. ■■ , c ■. •n . '» ■ ' i * 1 . ’ < » . ‘v *■ . »■ „» tu' « ha « 1 . • MISCELLANEOUS. Increafee 'of Cash Capital TO HALF A MILLION .DOLLARS! OTSA ISSIIRAdCIi COMP»» v > HARTFORD, CONN.—CHARrEREU 1819. PAID UP* . §3oo*ooo. ANNUAL BTAT^ iL'M uf J " nuucJ ’ IB “’ coder oath. .... t IG.CT2 05 rent" pay. OOOD iNiTItVT abte J Mml-«unuAllJ mnruaef”'' iT=* rf~'ORNKP. .»F UtIKIUY aNO GKANT aTRKKTS, neir rassgggg i»-i KsSsK.ta , iss='i= “SS cITV ,H OTEI.. *fc»» 00 Corner or «« !¥T GLASB ft CAEB, Proprietors. TOTIN i' 01 ASH I>AN D. CARR. (Lsf li' l«.WCT>«*'l lt»» *>■ Ct - lU ’ * ‘Nnj $.773,27b U 5 Tha amount of U&UUtlesdae or not due to Bankaorother cr* dltorn,—ootbiuc* I**!** adjusted and due,—tone. Losses u Justed and not due, $148,618 22. Lo., waiting for further rvroof, $61,267 60 , , All other claims against the Company are small, sucn only as printing ac. Airenm instructed to take no risk oyer $lO,OOO. Tli** amount lusured in aoy city, to* nor village, dcpnnus , noon u.c character, malarial .nil construction cl bulidlnirs, j t£r width otftreutA, the aupplv of wab-r and condition ot thafire'dtrtmrtmeut. and other tircumauncc*. | lha amount insured In blocks ot bulluiDgs Tories; the deelirn Is to limit the loss by any one fit e to *lO,OOO, or le** uc *‘ gn “■ o , fHO A - ALKXANDKU, Secretary. StiM or OositroiicOT. f J on. ls 4 “So. pJ“'Ssw“?p2»l Wans A. Alexander, Pecretaty of tha i£lna Iniuninc. Company,...dmaJeosth that tha f ta- Sing .tnt.mcnt b, him aubscilocil, b true, cccordlng to hr. Mt Losses pall by th a company for the year 18M er<>ed 4700 000. while the premiums received for the same tlmo tar exceed any other year, tinea tha organization of the °°£l££; corering nearly all descriptions of property. Is sued at this agency, at remunerative rates. m- OSlce, So. 87 Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa jHll IL B. ThK EYCK, Agent. 1 Stove. t stove. 11 Mores XIX OODKltili AND tIEAIINO STOVES. TXIE public win find It to their adtantage to examine our Grots of a XU V E S, OeOro purchasing ebewheie. GHAFP. RbIISISGISS * iJRAtt, pcpSO • 1H tVopl ’lr-..|. Ouhn IV. ttULXcr A 00., U'OKWAKDU.O ANU COMMISSION MbltOllAMS— r Healer, in eU kinds of PUlalmrgb Manufactures, UaJ P mv* Sheet [ee lC" Fro. t ore-et . r : Jits'-iv : •. ;) Z' *fi- .-i:M r-J V-^v » V-... v;..,.; "Tkr. •' c ;*‘ « n**.'; y' .1 nOUUMING GOODS. I SHANK VAN GOHDBR has ju.t recelred a largo and r beautiful aasortnieut of Mourning Collar., Sleeves and 8 tts in Crape, Tarleli.n a- d Swiss, black lace an,, rausa Veils, black Hosi- ry anu Gloves, In wool, cotton, oil silk; Itibbone, Belts, and Crapes, In ail gnalltlra. vlaz.odsr a Bujou’s boat Kid Gloves can always t and at No. 83 MAtaUit tTKEhr, comer ef tho In „n,l. "S'” W anted, 1 VY a sober, industrious young man. who will devote hit |l entire time to hit business, o sITINvrtO.N A. -.ilIP PING OLtillK Id a iVnolesale or Itelall tvsrehoo e, or A. alstsut Hook Keeper, or a pb.ee In a Grocery or wy Gowi Store; and will make himself generally usrlul ti ms en. n over A note ad iressed through the P .st OSlce d> ‘A. t. 6 " or le t at the oihee of the ** Post, will recce prompt attention. " FIHBX AllttlVAL Of 6PRTHO KND SUMMER DBY GOODS. ?euc sOßSCltlilt’HS have Just re elvod, abd a.o now 00*0-07 tao most d-sir*b!e assortment of DUX /.jUSeVeroffcrtsl In this market. We call particular at leution to a lew vary choice articles. Kitra klchfa cy Cul’d Silks,cnUroly new design; do do Black do do; do do Twisted do; Satin Plaid and piain Tissues and Benges; Printed do do; do Ifarag* Delaines do Challie Vr. a BRO. formerly Young, stcreosou » b yo faew -cbool lor ttxe Violin. BY UC. tllU-—nu. FKaLTiCaIv yiui.l.v SOHOx'L— A Cun and complete *ynopal* uf Vlviiu play ind, lu uu easy pregressive and practical ttuD. and dealgneduipr.-sSiy for me American student, to *hich b added ralu-bte .vs aons and eiert'lsws aud be»ntifaUrracgwnen.s as Soiosaiid Dut.sot the most popular melodic of tbo day. Selected, arranged und euapoatKl b\ U 0. HILL, pupil of Spobr, late pre-lieo of the .New York Fttliharm-nlc Sodcty. Tha above Just received, in aovance of the irsde, by U£MiY ItbtbtH, aui Third street. RfcCOiIiIKNDATIOS. _ W# hare carefully rxamiocU the above work of vJ. 0. HU'.-, and consider it oao ©f lbe most compile and proc cal Yw*lii dclioois wa hate *f«r seen. O f.hß Teachers ot nu«ic. VoVf lj'EUl! UK3T TIAI Is TO ÜbY W Alcii*.©.- I j> recently rec jTed a Urge assortment o- very -u oeiior Wa«ch«-a, mm.ttfaiHurcd in Eump« expre.Miy to my orser (sent over hwt tpriog.) CUltens and etraogers MU no» fiml in my establishment s stock of Watches a* exten sive and as fine aa any lo the eaitern cities. and »n con-ld eration »i the time-, at lower prices than ever before: offered U this market. Tboee having money to invest in tbi* *«y witl find it to their Interest to do bo now, os times win shortly e baiter ami prlren Mil advance. Watches and Jewelry repaired m the manner. W • n . ?> IliMJ.ii < an 27 67 Market street comer of fr-urth BOOK&- Jut-t received by Jixpreta. too following CmH*eU,H.D.: by Harriet W Warner. iusi published. „ , . Tct» Sons of the Siren; a History of tbs Frogress sad Pestlay of the Am«*le»o Party. Just published. Neliy Hrftcken: by Annie Chambers Bradford. Utsiorv uf llason A Dixon's Lins; by J. il. U. Latroo©. Bopui Osutpailoa. Ida >lay. tVoliort’s ivoust; nt*w work by W. Irving. Alone: by Marion llax>and. Kuth Hail- by Fanny Fern. U'« «y. fur March 20 er ou'fl Mxgaiine, for March; 17 osntk- Ita.iuu’s ila-.aiioe, fcr Match ; 10 cent*. Yankee No.ious. for March. Torn Oroeoio: by Lover. Frank Leslie’s Journal, for II »rch. Ca 1 at the new aud cheap k Store of u btMUJSL B. LAUFPEft, 87 Aood street. J‘ .jUN 11 Wo<>aßVcec,h»3'bhtrrCßi ruOii* iuit wiog TftlmiOle w TrentLHe uu tiarmuoy: oy baric* o. Catel, d iooiaot ib*ioug» deboot. XV«o-r*a TroeU e oa jluuml iXKajHuaMOO- Masi *1 V «i« tleturn * N. s. A*rvaL o k e yb taming I>r lULI'U'B rttAOTICAL PKIVaTIk HibAl rib. Tb« nitar-, 0- progr»fJ and ot every boroffesi ObeMH, m-dJyend distinctly described; inctu* dinij d(»w*« resembling venereab-to be Sound in no other. <»o Uasturuatitm, aiuen new and invaluable information la niveu. «uu the «m»y true treatment-and cure. Stnciure, iu penect aud radical cure. Abo, all tbe r«m dies, tbo proper duses, m >Ue cf preparing. *a, are fcilthrully given, So £ to bfpra-tl»llj ueetul to every one, In evepr place, uni itb the only truly Practical Work published for gene ral use. Fourteenth edition, 3W P JnSmlpuT 41108 t, °mh'a‘° r ' CoK ‘ bs ' 1 14DTh.fi rV'UB U.V Milti WANT MU.NEt, au l bare directed ua to I Bell Twelve Uulidlns Lou, «soh 21 fool lroot ou aUJ ft auuet, by 180 deep lo a2l ft alley—altuato bear tbo outer In*pot Alleijhouy City. IMce lor e.ch L t 'nly Trio lisle Dni»UoUi”s, easel Tills la a very low price, and dou,u. s but taa want of money luducea to,-to to offer the Lota al tale price ' Call coon If >ou want to P I I '4 coots pe rake. cold by mb B d L CIITHBKBT. 140 Third street jIHKoIbbWJB DltAPWi*—44o plvcs. i-ObroiilrreiJ Uco uud MutliD Drapery juft received. A a. UAbU?i k UU< -c . UOL Dr. BAlNiSi—Just re-riveU, u c.m,.lew »«0.-t. W meat or all coin.» ot Wool De L,lot«. m ,,j a. a. MA-O.N a CO, 24 FIMI »t. OllbtlTlNtl iIUtjLLNS-A. A. UASOA * CO. O oriv.d u l»rg« variety or abcotlog aod Pillo-t-case '1 us. tin , m,,W LI*ACOAa-~100 pieces Bla.k Alp»eca,ju ß i eceivwl I—4o bus «uit»Dlo tor yuru*, p<«»u»* j arc itroaadi, A makiugacloieemootb turlace, equal t a urft. [mb7j J\*lCd WAt^KOf. DKaLNLAU Xll.U—suitable for unde.-gruund uratnn, for yards, cUterxu, rinks, Ac., the cheapest cod beat w tlcle M..»a rmb7] JAMKS WAMtUOP i\ York Trucks, improved make, for sale low. JAMKS tVAHDR I P. TaTO 22 THiIU) arUrKf.—For sate, a torlek U»«ii J\ |oa Sousa, containing a hall, dining room, kitchen, two nariors. four chumps and finished *Wo. coal vault, to well built and or bet materials Price only $ ,000- t.m.ciav *tan- No. 20. game slz* aa above let ini easy* Aifiu,A,vw , b. CUTUBBHT * SON, ■ Real Fatale and General Agent*. ri.tfbXTY-*liVJfiN foil lr.'Ut un rteoslor Bltrat uy 140 1 f«t d«p to on Wiry, for srie ± 140 Third Btreet. LA.SD3 —The undersigned procu k Vi ar UtN , f« iili n* haTloe claims for Bounty Lands un rent* for pewwM Baring c»u*~ LouMIS, d-;r the late IlCt Of WDgrCSS. Poufth street mb7 AXT A.NXJSD—ft) shares llooong&neia Bridge Stock» \V 10 eo MechanicsSt Bridge Stoc*, by AUSTIN LOOMIS, Stock Broker, m h7 92 goanh street. T 4 KKRKI—3O bbla No. 3 large, recri.ed by KWiruid l|. ami for ala by fmb?l HENRY H COLLINS* C^«jU r iatt—SuOo Jba this day received and for sale by t mh7 hk.nkY H. COLLINS Llilt —100 barrels Louisville Lime rac'd and for sale by -m 1,7 HENRY a. X)LLiNB ff'WO iiUNDntD liltfLEd.—The mod romiileie assort- I m«nt of Rifles lu the West can be found at the Enter* unsw Sun Works. Every quality, style of finish, aui vary tozia prlcofrutn ton dollars to fifty. Every Qun warranted m irtve Satisfaction, or no sale. * ,'QWN k TKTI.BT. 186 Wood m. i v VJjLtU'=> INDIA UUIUAHJ .uk—A ooror luaug cm l J wly for the cure of PeTer anil Aguo ami otter bUluua dw.sea; Sdottu recd Tod by lw “’ fcr '& MAIB * htoxbh. -J-t.' . . .■ * ... •'•S', H: y. ; * ; ,a . HOTELS. - MANSION HOUSF-. GEORGE AURENTZ, Rbopbibtor, NO. :i44 L lu;nT \ Si HhKT, just beMdethe Passenger l>»ptit of tbv P*-nn vlts l« Uailrord, which makes it the most convent nth.use In ihe city fur passengers arri* ilriit by th«t r ad. Tht* Pruprle or having, at cnnplderable expenw. op, In e ceilrm style, the 11ANPION UOUSK, would respect ful'y solicit a slier, of puMic p truth Klihth street, between V? • Chestnut nod Wwinot, Philadelphia [au29:y ■" THK CftlON, J NO U 1 A.rcb etreet Philadelphia. T. 8 WEBB (late of the Eagle,) Proprietor. ‘ ' QAeKILL HOUSE, COttKEK OF 4M//V A>D a viU aT&. WARREN, O’ r |'llK Proprietor take* pleasure tn announcing to tbe 1 public that thi* new and «legan? Hotel bas been opened as a house of entertainment Helm commodious and roomy, 4ad adjoining tbe office of theOhlo Sta&r Company.it oUers Inducements unsurpassed in Warren tor tbe aocommoda tlonof the trailing community. . A share of public patronage la respectfully solicited M UAsKtLL, FItANtU.IS HOUSK CHESTMUT STREET, AE*iVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. PARKER & LAlllD, Proprietor*? Iyl9-3m) TERMS ,1.30 PER PA* UItJIILLA.' HOIIJE, JOtUfuTOtn/, tSIfUA. THE obderslßr.eJ bavin* teten ebarse of lb** above oum.-d 11, .uw, tiud rvOtud It ai a larße alpaoaa, to a mmlortablv » wdl as stylo. l« one propanol b> fa rm* RUrSU. ...1 *!«. ampl* «‘n Z\nT’ pu fOOi» tilf UlMisw. fauK:tri J A uKo DH\NhY._ H AK fS HOTEL, Late Farmers Esebauge,l No 133 LINK«TV HThBKT, font of Fifth street, PUte* harih dAUOKL 11 vKrt, Proprietor. Ti is U.-t*l ii-eutirel) new haring just been completed an oy«ne»l f'-r the !uw>uiui<*d-*.bm of tlw public. |sep!3 1 11 1C UI.KR UOTiCL. | * NAV Kf.AUV F"K SUMJIKH VISITKHB. The I jroun.lt' ii""- Iteeu iiupr-.rttd end the UuuMt rendered more jlintctivt.. juuttniUy. The proprietor -111 be beppjf 10 »«»• hi.* irtau'i* , es - Art ltnt.Au, of the Kxcehtlor Un. U now rohnlnp fr-n. thm -taiiou, ou fifth strwL, to the OLKN U«/TI:L. Leu ye* the sUiUou &i 8 t’ciiAck, A. M.» *nd 6 P* M-; return ing at 9 -l M , aud P. & je la.-tna FIUKKLIA MOI’SKS* CievelMd, Ohio. C”! PATRICK « SUN. Pkopuhtom.— Thlr Uoass qm ai»» j # dorffnot' thorough and axUjaflv* repair*, elt*mtiOßfi| and large addldoDs of uew furniture, etc-, and the proprie tors pledge Ihnuvlin ttnl nothing shell be wanting on their pert to render th. Pltuitun o plwe where »U the com* . Urm dee. hotel e» be foand- p AT^ICK t g 0,,. "" FLtOli'l&ACtfi HUTUiL, No 40u UKOADWaT, NEW YORK. (COXDCCt CD ON TliK iCIU)P£iJ* f'tiS-) REUBEN LOVEJOT, PROPRIETOR. ; U'uaatiu, JR., a-J’t n *”~” I ) k'i< \< Y UOTKL. erf Uaucock streel&nd Duquesa* r YVnr. Pittsburgh, Pa _ , . tnart.j Mc'lA.-i’ER* S MARBLE, ProprUtore. KE_TAI>KAnT3. BANK E3CUANOE, TIIIUD w “ u '* NU MARKET, t Lib eub-crr.tr.. «» c !mi, t> Ut*m tholr friends, m d | r - .0 rli/full'', h-l l«' huf« lb« »bo?« »v,l wu»'-h b*« jum i«a thoroughly r- CO. lit-J. irjuilu. «L..i rr uu4 U«» Op«U. Tti«J ■rio-Mur* QiTr ejinrrul n ■ cjpouv- to make ihe HaoK hx ’•Ju« a c*’u»:-riai- - ■— l. - " .. f ;• lb * a» t »• t u It,-*. iuun lb. Urivr «jn «t >ll din-n bs «Uh •ho a«uc-.< W.i lb- **»• b UU.I i-rr-.j u[, uoi r the aurpl c.-* uf *rl«rcc. a lb-y B.SI for ii« ol . SCUANI)t ;LMKUER, r, i. K-.i' 1 '!- >1 A U TS N "S KESTACKaM -'MJ EAI'LMi SALOON, / v \ tllK tArl'r.UN fLA.N. 'U miry, Uiwttfi. V_/ »r«xi ana Marl/U tlfrStf -An K Mr* evrv«^ up to Ui« Ur.«l « yie. <*OJ UU Uiß eh«»r-.e?t fn-tlOe. Uou*- ol*-u fro to 6.l’clveK to ibe corcing uudUslo oloc* at Di.tit. g»o«-H« * ) ■ t>ct --0_ BBL.VIUfa.Kfc. HE*M AtUA.%T, WOOU 3i übfcl, lit. I'. *> AtfcU AN UNO aTr.JSETd r Put UuJ r-»gu« i Ump jnyC yro?KitfU a CQ< K* Btocfc Cf 1 LiQUwtva. a&ah ret •> at ml lime* toscrTe bit irUod* .linitw to the *»»> of-otb ei. Irbll Whi«tt» Faults** uib> be bai ul tbe ..StTimitl. tsatltlf J .UN HP’ wK- ‘—rtetnr. 93*0 Y 8 T E K A>U COY Y t E UUUBB • D. BARNA.BD. So 40, fi/’Ji SirtzL tulwar-. W*oJ and JtUrkti. JanU/:l>| piTtauoaou CRYSTAL PALACE, Mu. 18 Siarkcf street* C. C. 6EELY, i-. ---V RtvSi'ECiUJLLY informs tilafrleodsaadtbe \Jalk p*rtacu-d to u uuiuuo that cannot t>- exc*t«A i'. tr -m the „ . - Cliolcc.l aciu. PoMTI», Pl«b, *.0., »Ol ilii> tint «>f Kur«* <*ooool b»- ioj he would rwopect fully Invite tfcw attention of tfae yut.lic to it- 3 CUAKLKB BTILL, KIH Woc-d -trret ja^Oimaetf Si. C 1.1." Lager U..t Urciv.ry. I 'lit .-eapwtfuily luliwms the puhur that be Is cow full' yruuared to nerve private families and the puhllt rltTr let? al his Ofliee, NU. 39 DIAMOND M-LKY i near Wood street,) will punctually att«nd«?d to; and the Beer delivered to any part of the city "• «■ DOtie*«Uli. Uciiill' Lager Beer Ilall. jVo. lutf SmifA/ultf arrfL opp-tU* ths Custom Bouts. 11 UK *ubncrn*er fins junt opened on* of the largest anJ beet 801-b-d Lair-r deer Halls to the city Ul» Beerl* *c&nowled*r.n to »«* a superior article. and a»ery otberar couirnt about hie bous* ounnot be excelled. tQf.JJm A. tiKNITZ. \tr D. SNiJLItJII, »4« OvtUar ui SMITH’S celebrated \\ # lieno-tt ai«hou brown Mout. Abo. Common Alt *uu Porter. iu quart hdJ plot bottles. Tbe mtentiou of families. and tuo trade, b respectfully Solicited. » ul t; y_ ItlTneral Water a nut Sarsaparilla U' M U r.NUi.I U. Pitt street, betuw Penn, b now aittQUtuO' uring and bottlelug the above beverages on an ext«urlve uis artioieraro of tba bcatquantT.eud nurtured from the materials. oPtu'ly tjUainboat Purnlturc atid Cbalrit WB &re constantly engaged In the menu eclure of STEAMBOAT CABIN qiialKA and FUttNITUUK, of every o®#**'""" ,r © dcftcripitotf.and pay particular attention to ihw mcuufnctu.e oi the best styles, suitable for the use uf steamboats. Our experience In this brunch of the busi ness enables ub to warrant satisfaction, os well with the promptltudu In which orders are tilled, as in the quality oi the work *nJ personal attention gi v en to the fittiug out. TUoso Interested in furnishing Boats, will find il to theli to gl» a. a «U. B TOpOT k riiHti EdPBOIAL ATTENTION OF LADIES Ls luvitod to 1 ib« HeK-PaTIO duAP, prepared by iheaobscriberfrora ibe reeipu of a London Otivmin, nod used for rendering the a&io fuiootb, sof..ao-i delic vt.-.iy w bite, removing tJaUowneas, tfcipl«-s, f»n,sUuirtij**uiia Eruption*, aud r«*lue?a of the flfcio. All c ups, obalea no., ”11 the bund*, are hauled by It. It bna been used with gre»t success In ouse* of scald Ucad. For tbe cure ol tore, rough hand'*, it is unrivalled. Prlco UU cents a c.ilte; or in oosea, for family use. containing one duiyn CAkra. Jl.ii pur box. Sold wholesale and ratal 3. L. (JUTUUEnT, No '4O Third St. G<~Blughtim & Go.** I rauipouatlcn L.tn« \.\u tivu.U f ill LADfcL.r'iilA, UALilMviviS AND NEW VOUK. — uDil Ageuti Oj Buid Line jjtiVe been tor lb* past !bu;t«mu jearß connected with tbi *• old ©nUiuliihea OiugDuta’u Line.” They will give their usuul prompt atteutiuo to the forwarding of Produce, Her* cbitnaitc, Ai;., Iu tne ihoricst urne and on ats favorable term* a* any other Liue. Paly one trau-uipivsct between Pittsburgh, Phil* deiphla and Baltimore. r Gtlu. UINGUAM & CO-, C&uai Bjwdu, Liberty «*t., Pittsburgh- BINGIIA.M, DAVI& A 00., _ . . 270 Market nnx-t. Philadelphia, proprietors.- JaMß* WILSON, Agent, 121 North sl. balcimor®. SL L. OoTttANuKlt, Agent, SO Ww«t 3t., New York. wmKtT *TR*£T, BfiTWfctN TUlfcl- AM> tOiraTß 3THIET3, OHUANUERS VISITING THE GUY SHOULD CALL IN O to see ih<* beautiful assortment of C2TLV4, QLABB and QU££ySWAtiE, dob open at the above establish ment Our good# being entirely new, wo are enabled to offer Inducements In atl the latest styles of Dinner, Tea and Toilet War®, while Iron-stone, we have a great variety of shapes; also, gold hand and fancy colored stone ware Tea and Toilet acts. Our stock of white Covered Dishea, Soup Tureens, Vegetable Lisboa without covers, Salad DUhes, and every article appertaining to a Dinner Set Ifl large and well selected. Untannin Ware, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Castors, Walters, and House Furnishing Goods, we buve.a large ussurunent. COUM.ON l\AK&—Our stock of common Teas, Plates, Dishes, t *«r», Nappies, U-ffU, Pitchera, and every article in the Ho** is large, aud we are prepared to pack them with or without hue goods as the purchaser may wish. Also, a large assortment of all hinds of GLA. - 8 WARE, which we are selling at manufacturers' prices, all of which are offered at wholesale or retail, by oetJM JOHN J. O’LEARY. Jfo 186 Wood street, Third door >0 Forcing Glasses. in withdrawiLg from tue Martel Garden. t will fl 11 without reserve, on Thursday, February lst.at Qo’chck, A* 3L» the entire Stock of Sash, and dAiwures suitable for the forcing of early cropfc janS9 JaddJfiß vg*ap«AP f Mmcharter. JAR. FT.FMTVQ !•.> ■'* s. „ &r« u JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. J. 0. MARTIN, Agent COli a l COPIA 'K«uuelt Alci CHINA HALL, LNTERPitIsE W URKS \ : ** s r. M V* yru. it. mtuiams JAS b e’vat. V?m. U. WilliamsTo » banker And exchange brokers, 2T. E Comer- T food and Third streets gym AU transactions medt- on IRenil terms. O Rations of bills. Notes, nJ B “*“" I Among our dry goods stock *lll be found cssbmeres,de- | X tb-oughnut the country during the let sir mouths, we , er Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, ete satisfied that In a-most every Insunce th.lr troublre mnhuil | UBt rcs, cl,,acas, plain black .nd fancy figured silks, have crown . u t or a departure Irom fair legitimate bu I- lEgh „ mßand fln L prints, latest stylos; broadcloths, fancy ue-s; ond we, tbe-efrre, take occasion to ossuh. the pa lio casshneTM, satinets, tweeds and summer psnta- In advauce, th .t no apeculotlous In -fanny s ocks, or o her , 0 0 U i n o , i-.fown uu.l !ilr.ck muslin., tabic diapers. •Smtslde operations, shall tompt u. from the strlot and le ,1- - . oDe ned a very large assortment of bonnets, gitlmat. ,ln. of our all auoh lnraatm-nts we shall not only be better able to „ [aua i va .arfaty of hosiery, gloves and ribbonsi serve Our customers and ensure tb.lr safmy, but that In fancy netting., jaconctts.muU andflgured adopting such a course we shad prumut. oar own animate mi £ ula , nd s! ik Tri | 3t Ac. benefit. I eb Sj w * Our ranoty stock embraces In part combs, buttons, per- ARTHURS, RODGERS & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS. CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITH FIELD STREETS. au&fim Pltiabargh, Ptn c. u. aiLXia*. Heraoral. j rnu-juu cay*’ tbroadc, port oonaies. patent medicines, per* PA.TBICKB & FBIEKD, i turnery, auu almost wery nrti*le usually kent Id tne BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Wety uu«. whether with a large stock of *uW Bhvt Hemmed their Office to the Omer qf Fifth and Wbadett. niam.»mii Pittsburgh, pi. b«»wi poiuiru*. ami a variety or so nerar 1 ">ATRICKB A FRIEND. Bookers and Exchange Brokers, eioca*. n> u( which will ho Hold at the lowest prices ror casa J and Dealera to Notes. Draft*. Acceptance. Gold Silver or „.ueiucu>r, rel-ren<™. solicited end Bank Note,. Erchanpsa on the Eastern and tfeetern N. h-»« ear., call from ouyere la Oitlea ocmatantly for sole. ' Collections made to aU the dtlea throughout the Enlted fitatea. Deposits toeeired to par funds or current paper, at 1 the corner of Fifth and Weed Streets. N HOLKEB & SONS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. fffn fteunccn T3XXB BABKISQ iff® C2CUASOI OFFICT TO KO. 67 KABSn STRUT, fOTJA 600 ES CELO» OLt> STAS®. N HOLMES ft SONS, Bankers and Exchange Broker*. # and Dealers Is Note#, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and RttTlV NotoA Exchange on the Eastern and Wester® Cities constantly for sale. - Odloetlon# mwda fa all th# cities throughout the united States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper. No 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth cte. [jaSQ-.ly ’TIKRSAtw a CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BRmKEKS. JTo. 95 Wood Street. comer of Diamond Afley, rirrsßVßwa, p OUT AND SELL Bank Notes and Coin; Discount ' FIFTH STRItTS SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for Bale. Time Bills ot Exchange and Notes di«countecL— Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, bought and sold made In all the principal dries of the United States. De porits repaired of Par and Carrant Funds. [narglly «""■ “““ BANKERS AND EXOUANQK BROKERS, BUT AND SELL Gold, SQver, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loans on Real Estate or Stock Securities: purebwv PromiMary Notes and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and sell Stocks on Commission. _ . , Collection* made on all points In the Union. [nyl G. B. ARNOLD A CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. DEALERS In Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and Time Drafts, ftc. Collection* carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Cnlua. Stoeks bought and cold on commission . . ta»No. 74 Fourth et, next door tc Bank of PlttaVg. (?*J 3 Domestic and Tlrrtipn Exchange. Rani Nun. Gold Biuoht. StLd and EschangnL at iA» EXOHANG6 AND BANKING HOUSE OF WILLIAM A. HILL A CO., 64 WOOD STASXT PTTTSSrr,on. Interest allowed on tlmo deposit*. f janl2 TCOXFsO* A-CACOafT THOHPSOH BELL & CO , DANKKRS iS» B 0 5. F, R S i - Comer of Third and ITtxi ij'tit rMiihin-oh, Fa. ,HUHM WOOUS, WCOMMERCIiL BROKER. asd otit»n rr« Note*. Bond., Stocli., H.nl E.tiste. «;V- No 75 fourth sr . f*iU«' .ir/i )‘i ! '■>: William A mil it Co., BANKER’. Nn. €4 IKw i ttrert. Hold on sal* the following BOND? AND tit 40 shares Exchange B*ok ; 17 do Mnaoogihel* Navigation Compcßj i 20 do C3Useo* > ln*amnce ; s2 MoDongmbel* Navlretl-'n Company BoDd*; t ..000 Cltv of Pittsburgh B-ods; la.OOOC untvof Mtrgl.em Hood" fcaps-GW>wtr_ *“ Clmmlotcl'i Loan Office* No ioo sautuheld street. near fifth Money toaoed op Gold and Sliver Watobe-, Silver- we am] oth-r *altia v '«* trM'fM . ~>U" '* lMOli t\A.NOP> (A)M f fi.M Pb. DELAW A It E MUTUAL SAFETY ISBUBASCE COMPANY OFFICBin the North Room of the Exchange, on Ihiro MILADELrUIA. MARINE insurances. Oa Visaxu, 1 Pmflf,, VTo all part* of tbe World. FttionTß, i „„„ INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river*. csuolb, I*lm and land carriage*, to allrartaof the Union. w r ?lR¥ l!fBUBAN0KB On merchandlae generally On utorus, dwelling bouiee. 4c. ASSETS OK THE COMPANY, November ~1853. Bondi and Mortgages ••••—♦• £M« 3OO 0u Stated Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city, epnnp Oardan, Southwark, and other loan*, IBI.OOH 4. Stock* in banks, railroads ami insurances com- UiKs receivable Cash on band •; Balances in tbe handf of Agents and premiums on Marine Policies recenUy issued - 121 707 W Subscription Note* - ...............<-» 87UK7TOUCI Wm. Martin, j Dr. B - H - Huston, Joseph U. Seal, Hugh Craig, Edmund A doader, i Spacer M Drain, John C. Davis, ; Charles Kelly, Robert Burton, Samuel K Stokes, John R. Penrose, Uenry Sloan, George G Lelper, ! James Traquair, Edward Darlington, ; Wo. Eyre, Jr., H Jones Brooke, Joshua L Price, J. G. Johnson, JemesTennent. James C. Hand, John B Semple, Theopllus Paulding, Charles Schaffer, James B. iTFarland, J.T Logan. Piushurgh, W. 0. Ludwig, B T 0. Morgan, do. WM. MARTTIt, I’residaDt THOB.O. HAND, Vice President. Josxth W. Cow&a. Bec'y. P. A. UADBEIA, Agent, m&r l<3 Wo. 96 Water street, Pittsburgh the united states LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST OUMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTERED APRIL 26TH, 1860. OHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. Office, 8 B Comer of Third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. O&cers of tM Same Board at Philadelphia i DDUCTOM. Stephen R. Crawford, Paul D. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawreneo Johnson, Benjamin W. Tlngley, Geo. M’Henry, Jacob L. Florence, James Devereu^L, William M. Godwin, William ATKee. Prerid«nf«-Btepben R. Crawfbrd. Vice President —Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Examiner, Pittsburgh— James 9. Willson, M. D. Allegheny CUy—R. B. Mowry, M. D. r, GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, mer!7:y No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. The Franklin Fire Insarance Company, Of Philadelphia, Pmarylvania. DLBEOTORS— Charles W. Baacker, Thomas Hart, Tobltu Wagner, Bamnal Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Rich ards Mordecal D. Lewis, Adolphl fi. Boris, David 8. Browne. Morris Patterson. uhas. N. DAUosrn, President oha3. G- BaJtcaaa, Secretory. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on «Tor> description of property, In town and country, at rates as low aa are consistent with security. The Company have resorted a large Contingent Puna which, with tboli capital and premiums, miXuly invested, al fbrd ample protection to the assured. The Aasete of the Company 1 on January let, 1361, ns pub Uihed agreeably to an Act or Assembly, were as follows, vb Temporary Loans.———— - - 83,966 17 5t0ck5....... . - 61,833 00 Cash, Ac 31 Total -SL2IX;GS 44 "fIBAB their Incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, n«y have paid upward of One Million Pour Hundred Thou amd Dollars, losses by fixe, thereby affording evidence of th» a Wantages of Insurance, as well aa the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, §p24 Qfflcoi north-cast cor. Wood and Thud st§> PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock, Annual Premium ana Weitrm Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1826. Policies of Insurance Issued at tfil times on the most favora ble terms, against LOSS OB DAMAGE BY FIRE, oe rsi PERILS OF N A VIGATIOH $ BY GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent TOR PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY COUNTY. marlß.'y ’Western Insurance Company, Pittsburgh. R. MTM.gR, Jr., President. I F. M. GORDON, Secretary CAPITAL, 9300,000* 'TTriLLlnsure against all kinds of risks. FIRE and Ma YV BINE. All losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by Dmiaro&s who are well known in the community,and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character whicl they nave assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. Director*.—R. Miller, Jr.,o. W. Rloketson.J W. Bntlm N. Holmes, Jr.. W. B. Smith, 0. Bunsen, George W. Jackeot. Wn.M. Lyon, James Uppencott,George Dante, James Me Auley, Alexander Nlmick, Thomas Soott. Office, No. 92 Water street, (Warehouse of Spang & On,, up rtatcsj Pittsburgh* uorfiiay 'H } V** S T Price* t«» luh all.—l>ry Good«» AM’TSGlifc. curut-r ol Ur-.nr and Fifth street?, ha* just , rt*ccJTe-i :»!nt i* now i.pi-uin* hit* Orel Fell fltocKs for this tb- HtinnuuD oj kata la respectfully directed to ih«- f 'll'-wim: tn>>*: ' Uni' Kif.«rh Urrh, fe*ui7&,-; 6-4 Wide Paraoeta* 26c: * L>t* CVz»»tl*s fu?teoloi«ri Print* couple-U.'up; >»ril *7 ld« Sheeting GV$; aU wool L)v LkHij* hi iSo. KcDuicfc) june?, tweeds ana satu mM-jfrocn IS k o;>, c-h.- ic-, tiokke*- mu.-Hnfl, linens,crash, tablec; Olh.r iwiirtr u-üblly kept in * l>ry Good? Store, all of which p. ill be sold f«r cash at prices to sutt pep* eotoer Grant and Fifth streets. ,JO3. LUDBWIQ. U&£al bAsiGAINe 5 INDKYGOODS AT A. tTTIGHE’S HRW STORE; COKNKh Ob' OKA ST A&D STREETS. I 1 aVINU THIS HAY OPBNBD my NEW STORE, I 1 8 br* lenvo to call toe ftt'ention of the Udl«8 to the larg* aodi*pl**D«lld tmAortmeOl of SPRING AND SUMMER GOuDs> Jum revived. Among tho otocfc may be round Autn** of the very finest goods now Imported- It comprises, 200 pieces black anti fancy Dress Silks, 60ct*.to $2 per yd do iloof.dtf L&)nos, Hercgcde Lain*a,and Mousse* tin** dr B*-gu; . 200 do uirautiful u:\reges and tissues, In great variety, 200 do Nt*« Style Urrf-s Gln/bams*; I 2tnX) do American, French nnd English Printer j 600 do French»nu KutfH-b Lawns; French Collars, from cents to $3.00; 2lki Mantillas, of the latest vtyles, among which are tout ol the muu: beautiful «tn ported Into '.bis country. Also, Muslim, Tickings, Check*, Llnona, Crash, Diapers, Table Chub*. Gentlemen’s Wear, Ac. TRIMMINGS.—In this department will be found a com* plan* aAKirimi’Dt oi Drvi and Mantilla Trimmings, Maltese *od ilmilton Lace, fine Kngiiab and Thread Lace; all of wbicn will be sold uausiiaUj low. Ten bales yard wide Muslin at e!i cents p«T yard. m y 3 A. M*TIQHR* SEW DBI GOODS BTOBE. Iron Front—So. 01 market street* OUH house bciUR now open tor the transaction of a gener al Dry G-odc badness. we would respectfully solicit the patronage of th« puttie, feeling confident that, from oar ex* tensiTf and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY A.ND BTAPLK GtX>L>3 we can offer such inducements as will in* sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN & AHL, apr4:tf Nos. 91 Market apd 3 Union street. KoX7 Votr't Preieou for liadlca. UAVi.SO *..ld oat mjr emir* *tock of old CulUrs, (the re-u'i of «i combination of the Ladles,) I here received this mcrniog 200 fine 3wl«s, French and Jaconet Collars, which ure out f-r one week only, on commission, conf*» qurnth they mu*! and will be sold at prices w low as 10 enable every boay to buy ih-dr.frlendssome for New Years. Thv lot Of iVvHnrt* ft'e onlwml 10 bo sold at not what they are worth, but whatever they will bring. As this is the u»t hn**> i-ernon* intending to purchase anything in this line will lind It u« ib*-»r interest to call eoon at Van Gorder's Trimming Sioro, *n j cisbo their Kcleeiion?. FRANK VAN OOKDER, » rtirner of th»* Diamond. 'l***27 Sn. *3 VnrV»t STORE! JOHN M’Cml-KEY & CO.. Fc 'ii'-i i;KLV fbi■ r *vs -' r 01->ibina Depot on Liberty w».!• b nxi- -• • » : popularity under rv iHKLi - Hi Ui>OK<*. bare, for the pur j'uj-4- for 'aeir tmmenM business, ,i.lins :) ih«*corner of D WOOD 3TRKI3T, hts moot •Ofv "f «•••j'jirii!--' Tr"“' Sa{.T*nl ”‘u.- DIA Yi '"'V' V < f SrtESl'ir- STUCK -.p clothst REA l) V M\i) E CLOTHING, Tl>*? '.*• “ r T-l >.-cn oflorwl to tbc public. Hi'.!* p*£aoTul,l3 togiv«th«m Th-tr ■arrt* v\ MO L. r .-5 A l, !i TRADE. TbeT ar»* ; 'oil at llie LV) i !' ES T EASTERS PRICES! And thv-y »*T.I warrant ibc.m iu be as Rood as any menu' fastureJ iu fbw iriii« t; Cl-8T U 51 WORK, TUB liEjT iTTVB, ASP CTON TTIE BJJOBTXBT ffOYlOl. Th«y baTe oo h*nJ n full and beautiful assortment of LOTH? Hud COATINGS, for FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BUBI- Our Interest* are identical with tbos® of our customers, and we a^sor*‘.be public that our fidelity will not fell In filling *U orders we easy be favored with. 03- DOSTT FOItOKT THE PLACE— ft*. Bs. W«iod street, (CAST SXDC,) COBNEB OP DIAMOND ALLEY. N. B.—W* d»*f>lr*-our patron? to understand that we have no longer any connection with the Clothing Business on Llbr.rtv *trtwt Our attention ii devoted exclusively to the House above designated. mar 23 JOHN M’CLOSKKY A CO. Kali and Winter Goods t EDMOND W ATTS» W ERCHANT TAIL »R. N«>. 185 LIBERTY STREET.— 31 I h&Te now on haod » large stock of Fall and Winter G tods Ove (*o*Mn*r.»,nf-utlrriv new dodyos; PI *h Vest ing. ■ f th- ca 'Kt patterns. French and EnglL'b Casslmer**s, of ovnry *ryit« and shad- In the market, all of wbtcb I trill make to ordrr on th» raoit reasonable terms, nod warrant'd *o suit. TUST aTJ >IIN MrOLOSKET A CO’S Whole tf xat-Clcthinj: War-hou-e. No 88 Wood and corner •if Plain t?d th*- Inr/ret and most varied stock of chut this c**l«br»tf*d house has over hnd the pleasure loriilnir ?h- • P-dUod-f the pobllcto. Tbesegoodßhave •veen pur-h; from first hands, ftod, consequently, no •©rood profit on them, which leaves us able to aay that we -no end do sell nt as small profits as any house Id the east* »ni ntiee. Therefore, we respwtfullj lovlte the attention nf jrbniosai*- tellers and country merchants. In general, to 'at»nt Lu»«r Watches, f'om $l2 ro $220 ; a large asp' • i -od common or low priced W-.tchvs, l*'tb In gold ar.i . -cr c-icns. Also, Railroad Atailon U {ulatori., •tfllcu Cij. !.-, Church Clock*, Ac. Watch upauuno —We J u w„rcb Repairing In a man* n**r uot aiculliid. If equalled, b> »uy establishment in the Stve W W. WILSON, a,.p18 a-.rn-T of Mi-k-t aud Fourth afreets. CLOCKS■ CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! Pfelfle & 'deyran, DEALER.-* IN " ATCflh>. oL‘>CKif, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE Ac, V* 12 FIFTH Street, near Wood. Mf-p-Mt*- ?h*> Morning Pcwt, formerly occu pi.«i hv L. IMoeman «Co We have now hand a vpfemJi J aaMtrtuient of 8 day ruJ 24 hour Clootta.which wo offer to thp puHlr nt great bargains, such as: Iron caKS, p«arl Inlaid nnd «!l other pattorna ol Mantel Clocks. Also, urb-b of fine tfold and silver patent lever, ev Under, «m! tiiic>mr pseAptnent Watehoe, and an ole* g»nt~trh-k *f lovf.dry and Silvtrwere, which we Intend to sell aheap fsr cash N. B w«t-*h rupsltiug done in the best manner and at low prices, mid warranted mar 26 {Second door abort the NorVi'wtst comer of tA* Diamond.) JOHN ST B VENSON, (of tho late firm of John B. M’Fadden & Cm.) respectfully announces to the public that he has opened, at the above stand, a One assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE, LAMPS, Gl* RANDOLES, Pocketand TabU CuOtry, Brilaiinia Tea and Communion Sett., and the usual variety of goods in hi* line of business. Special oar* and attention given to the REPAIR Of FINB WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. He trusts, that from hla long experience in business, he will be able to give aatis&ction to those who may favor him **iih their patronage. Pittsburgh. May 16th, 1863. Henry Richardson, Jeweller* HAVING refitted bis store is a handsome manner, and but recently returned from the eastern cities with a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of hit Mends and custom* -rs to the fact that among his Watches will be found the most desirable styles, patterns and makors. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Fins, Fob and Vest Chains, Finger Kings, liar Kings, Miniature Lockets, etc., etc. FANCY GOODS—Such as Papier Machs, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mats, Colt’s Pistols, Purte Honnales In great variety; China Fruit and Case Dish*e; with an endlees variety of useful and or* a»m**Qtal articles, which have only to be seen to be appro* lated. fanvil NO. 81 MARKET STREET. rViNE WATCHKn AND RiUU GOLD JEWELRY AT f* BARGAIN?.—We wl?b to iufonn tbe public that wo «rt* qow offuring uur preßvoi stock oi fino Watehoeand Jew* • Iry, at prlr«« that oanoot be beau Therefore, we say to •ue and all. you that ui.-n (, t > t>uy Soe Watches and Jewel* glv;> OO a md nuve from 26 to 60 per cent In your nrubaseh; wbuu you cuo certainly do by calling at 6? >Uraet *ir»*e;. N. u.—Wateb repairing attended to in all Its branches, ic o superior manner. Gold Jowtlry repaired or mtuafac* cured to order at short notice, at Je7 ttJOD'S Mart** St. '-I''--**!*’* ' -.-T, - '*'■ TT ’"““"TT" ’~S"~ OLOiiilNG. NESS COATB NF.W IPRISO GOODS. EWELRY, Ac. YV mch Trade. NEW JEWELRY STORE, Ho. 8 7 Knrfcet Street, JAMES W* WOODWEWo CABINET FURNUTIBE MANUFACTUBBB WftreToema fil l And 99 Third «4r«et. n!iMi;ni J. W: W. respectfully Informs^ his friends and customers that he vUL IaiBHaMMBgSSSIa hasnow completed his spring stock 0 f furniture, wbith Is decidedly ' j . the largest and best ever offered for rale to this City, which will be Bold at prices as low as any to the United States, East or West. As be Is determined to uphold the quality with well flea* : soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of Ids orders and facility In manufacturing, he Is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest ** He has adopted the principle of identifying his customers* Interest with Ids own. In quality and price, and keeps al ways on band the greatest variety of every description or furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The following articles consist, to part of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed to «ny of the Hob tern cities: Louis XTV tete-a-tete Sofas, 60 gofas, in plash and hair cloth; 60 do*. Mahogany Chairs; 20 dot. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Hocking “ 20 Walnut “ « 60'Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut “ 60 Marble Top Centre Tables i 60 M ** Dressing Bureaus 60 11 “ Washstandsjj 40 Enclosed “ 100 Common »« 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut M 60 Cottage “ 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahoganv Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry « 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 doz. Cane Seat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladies* Writing Desks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Btlgulres; Paper Machs Table*: Conversation Choirs; Pembroke “ Elliabeth&n u Hell and Tier Beoeption “ Ladles* Work “ Pearl TnUM »* Extension Dining Tables; Ann u Ottomans; Gothic and Hall Chairs; _ k large assortment of COMMON PURNATUBB and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabcckx Masks a supplied with all ar ticles to their line. . STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest notice- _ All orders promptly attended to. apro Stcsunbottif Ahoy t . Tin subscribers tender their acknow-g% jjsfefiS&a&ledgmenis for the favors bestowed uponWL_ oSsSaSdSKaithem by their Steamboat friends, and rjri would respectfully remind them and others interest- 1 l 1 ed In building boats, that they are at all times prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work manship. T. B. TOUNO t CO. Corner Third and Smlthfield streets, Jyl2,*S3 opposite “ Brown’s Hotel.” Jamas Lowry, Jr., 1 /"fTTATR AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURES—No. 294 \j Fetterman’s Bow, Liberty street, nas on hand a Urge stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, made of the best materials, which he will sell lower than articles of j the same quality can be sold in the city. He would call par ticular attention to his large stock of Mahogany and Walnut Chairs and Bedsteads, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Also, Turning o! every description executed In the neatest manner. Orders left at the Ware Rooms, or at the Mill, corner of Adams and liberty streets, will be promptly ttended to. mara A. niLLIKGN A CO., HAVE ON HAND at their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. M Bmithfleld street, a large assortment of fancy and plain furniture, which they will sell 15 per cent, below customary rates. Terms—cash only. dec2T;ly Great Inducements to Oath Purchaaeri, WE wIU sell our large stock of COMMON AND FANCY CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fail to please cash purchasers. All our work fa warranted. Our terms are CASH. JAMES LOWRY, JJL, nxar2s oor. Seventh and liberty eta. *s\ WM. B. STEVENSON continues to manufacture CABTNET-W ARK of every description, at hlsold stand, corner of Liberty Seventh streets. UNDERTAK * % *INO attended to, In all its branches. myll HAMBURG PIANOS, ANOTIIKR LOT of those so justly celebrated U AMBUKG PIANOS, used by List*, Tbalfcenr, and other great per formers, has just been received by CHARLOTTK BLOMB, No. 119 Wood street, to which the attention of Teachers, Principals of Seminaries, and the public geuerally, Is re spectfully invited. Ko. 4901, 7 octave Rosewood, Louis XIV, full carved back and front, grand action, with patent iron frame and sliding muslo desk, $3OO No. 6025,7 octave Rosewood, carved back and front, pat ent iron frame and sliding desk, $050., No. 5029. 7 octave Rosewood, fall carved iron frame,s6oo 5315,7 44 “ carved, peatl keys, 600 £093,7 14 « carted, 450 4912,6%“ “ carved, 400 8070,7 44 “ Louis XTV, 600 8176,6 k” «• carved, 400 6048 69? “ u fall round corners, CTS 6047, t.% “ ■* “ “ 850 4150.0)2 *• “ “ Eliding desk, 300 4151.0 U “ “ 44 “ 300 2324,6 44 “ Iren frame, “ 275 2325.6 ” “ “ “ 275 2330.0 “ “ “ 51 275 &n.5,G%“ 44 14 ' 2SQ 8080, 0% “ 44 « 200 4925, 6 44 44 44 sliding desk, 250 4027.0 44 rf Iron frame, V5O W3O, 6 4 4 44 230 4931. 0 44 44 225 4153,0-%“ “ Boudoir, 375 Also, sole agent for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylva nia, for H&llet,Davis A Boston; Haloes, Bros. A Co., N. Y ; and F. C. Reichenbach, Philadelphia CHARLOTTE BLDMK, No. 118 Wood street. g£|2|g&3 For tbe Holiday B * gnry Ts pianos. rf¥Tll rpQE SUBSCRIBER ha* just received a new lot of PIANO 1 FORTES, Crum the ceiebratt*! manufactory of CUIOREKING A SONS, which completed his sU-ck intended especially 70S TUI UoLIDATA Those who are desirous of presenting their families with an c tenant, Sinful and essential piece of PARLOR FURNITURE, have now an opportunity of selecting from the largest and choicest stock or Fiano Forte.* ever offered f >r sale in tins city. They comprise all styles considered to bo in GOOD TASTE, &om a plain but elegant exterior to the most elaborately carved. A large lot of PIANO FORTES, from Woobwabd Beowh, Boeton; Bbowtt a alls*. Boston; StuDart,New York; Em- IBSoh, Boston, Ac. Ac.; from the plainest to the most ar* travagosuly carved, gilt, and with pan l ket/S. AT YURY REDUCED PRICES. ALSO, A lot of second band Pianos, some of them nearly new, from $2O to $l6O each. Also, a fine lot of Mnrmmag. QUIT ASS, PIANO STOOLS AND CoVEBS. JOHN H. UKLLOR, Agent tor the sale of Cblckering A Sons’ Piano Fortes, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, No. 81 Wood etreet, between Diamond alley and Fourth stteeL declb Melodeoos. CAEHART’d GfcNUiNO MAKE. HS LEBER has Just completed his ,<■», v stock of superior MELuDENS, from r the factory of the oaxoifiAL uvxstobs, vlf nf 1 GARUAHT A NEEDHAM, New York, I 6 V g |« comprising: 6 octave Melodeon, Piano style, round corners and carved gothic tablet, double Sett of reeds. b.CM.t swell, etc. 6 octavo Melode jd, elegant scroll legs, docbix swell. 4U« «* •• “ All the above have Carharft new improvement of the “ doodls swill,” possessed by no other maker, and which makes them superior, in that respect, to any other. 11. KLKBER, Sole agent for the genuine Melodeon made by Cahaaht, New York. declO ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1855, em Elln-OffiAN aSeSgY. Tbe Oldest Established Office in Pittsburgh, for Remitting Slonoy to the Old Country. JAMBS bI.aKc.LY begs leave to eay to those persons having frieods ia the Old Country, and desirous of either sending them money or paying tneir passage, that his arrangement for doing either is now complete, and on so firm a basis that mistakes cannot occur, nor losses accrue to any party During the last ten years In which he has been in this business, he has remitted over a half million of dollars without the loss o! a dollar, and the house for which he is agent, in Liverpool, has shipped not less than 46,000 persons during the lost year to this country, without a compUint of neglect oi duty on tbo;r part, Ue can issue passenger rickets fur London, Dublin, Liver* poo), Glasgow, Cork, - Belfast, vrbgheda, Limerick, Port Rush, Newry, Galway, Luudonuerry, and Dundalk, to New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and New Orleans, and from thence to Pittsburgh; and will attend strictly to forwarding passengers from thence to any part of the coun try. He ulso has sight drafts for sale, payable at the fol lowing places, via: Edwards, Sanford A Co. .. -....L0nd0n. Wm. Tappscott A Co - —.............Liverp001. (Available in the principal cities and towns throughout England and Wales.) ON IRELAND. Provincial Bank, Ireland - .Dublin. Armagh, Cavan, Dungannon, Mallow, Tralee, Parsons town, Drogheda, Londonderry, Sligo, BalUna, Baityabaonon, Kilkenny, Nowry, Coleraine, EuoJskUlen, Dungannon, Bandon, Carlow, Banbridge, Limerick, Knniacorthy, Waterford, Downpatrick, Galway, Ennis, Atulone, Clonmeii, Cootchhl, Monaghan, Youghaii, Belfast, Dundalk, KUruah, Btrabane, Bal> mena, Cork, Fermoy, Omagh, Wexford. ON SCOTLAND. National Bank of Scotland, Edinburg, and its branches in fifty towns ia Scotland. ON FRANCE. Messrs. Edward Blunt A Co., Bankers—.—. (Available In any city in Pranced ON GERMANY. Messrs. Vogel, Rock A Co, Bankers, Ftankfort-on-the-Maln. (Available In any city in Germany ) JAMES bLAK-ELY, eomor of Seventh and Suithfield streets, decO Pittsburgh, Pa. 185$. First Importation of Fine Watches. 1855 JUST RECEIVED JruUb. BOXES OF WATCHES, direct from Europe, manufactured to my especial order, and which l can fully recomxnead and warrant as good time keepers and at Lowxa raioiaj than are retailed at In eastern cities. We have aim ttwiimarf Watches and Clocks. Regulators for Railroad Stations, $6O to ST6. Silver Watches from $lO to s*o. Gold Watches tnaa $26 to $220 Watoa Kfcgaiaino.—Oar ueat attention, aided by superior workmen, is constantly devoted to the repairing ana clean* leg of tine Watches. 07 Market street, corner of Fourth. W. W. WILSON, Practical Watch Maker. XoBB boom 10 LET, aUoated on Third atnet. Alto. O a Dwallmg Home, on Oarpencar’a ailej; and onaoa Uraan stnat. Imnudlata joewolob ct Uw abon can b« „ . B- OTUUiBiH. * SON, iUal Zatata lid Third ini ■VR-;;.-*--. NEW OFFICE. ! .Beal Bstato and Contractiaxg Agent. THE eabscrlWer ha* been Induced to open an office for ; the purpose of baying And selling, on Commission, and ; having the Agency of large. Steam Baw*Milli 'and Boat* j Yards on . the Allegheny river, together with many other j facilities from other water arid steam eaw-mltle. tie Clatters himself that he can furnish'any bill* of lumber and timber, of any kind, great or small, long or ehort, and deliver them at any point on the Allegheny, Mouonzcheln, Ohio,-or Mississippi rivers; contract to build large Barges, Store Boats, Coal flats, Boat Gunnels, Dridge Timber, Bail* road Timbers—Freight Iron, Coal; Ac., to any given point, and trill attend to the Sale and Reutof Real Estate. From hia tong experience in lumbering, freighting and boat building, be thinks be can givo general satisfaction. All persons are requested to make their contract* coon; espe cially those wanting boats or large billsoflumbex and Um ber, should contract for them In the fall for the spring and summer use. He will also attend to the purchaso and sale of any commodity that may be desired. Letters addressed to David MtmN, Real Estate and Con trading Agent, Pittsburgh, Box No. 120, post paid, will be punctually attended to. Ills office Is on o ' 5, Allegheny House* _ DAVID MUNN, Also roa Siii, ON ENGLAND. gy mrtrw ■ ' . -j *! ••• • ' 1 axrcnixcra. Col. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh* Mr. John Morrison, Esq., " Mr. Bobu 8. Brown, Esq,, 14 Allegheny River Mr. Wm. Armstrong, ** Clarion Mr. George B.Swecey, ■ C. AJ. Hahn A Co., .. « “ u des2l:lyd*w ... .... - EDMUND WILKINS, Eagle Marble and Freeport Stone Works, NO; 245 HEAD OF WOOD STREET, PITTSBCRGH, . And near the Ckautery GaUl ‘ftTOKUMENTS, BURIAL VAULTS, TOMB STONES, Ac JX Freeport Stone Walls and Fences, Mantle Pieces, C«u tre and Pier Tops, always on band and made to order. N. B,—Having introduced a new style of Fence for Cea* etery Lots, of DURABLE STONE, cut through in panel or railing form* and at very little cost over Iron fencing. 1 refer to specimens of that and other work I have already done in the Allegheny Cemetery. I have on hand a choice selection of drawings for every description of Work la my Line. /. Etmxscxs: Col. HENRY McCULLOUGH, Pittsburgh. ' WM. BAGALEY, Esq., do KRAMER A RAHM, do Mrs. HARMAR DENNY, do Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, Homo Wood. Hon. TUOB. IRWIN Allegheny. Mrs. TIKUNAN, Br n do JOHN McDonald CROBaAN, . Esqr./Honongahela Hou»u». aprlO^aw HOOK FOR RAILROAD ENGINEER.'.—Contain l 4 Ing formulas for laying out curves, determlnlhe frog an* gle«, levelling, calculating earth-work, etc., etc., together with tables of radii, ordinates, deflections, long chords, magnetic variation, logdrathims and natural signs tan gents, etc. etc., by John B. Henck, Civil Engineer. Pocket book form. $1,75. **,The object of the present work is to supply a want very generally felt by Assistant Engineers on Railroads. Book* of convenient form for use in the field, containing the ordinary lograritbm&tlo tables are common cuoughjbut a book combining with these tables othe'B peculiar to the Railroad work, and especially the necessary formulas ffir laying out curves, turn-outs, crossings, Ac.,is a desideratum which this work is designed to supply. U. S. Mxutaxt Acamarr, West Point, April 18, Geniltnun: I have looked over “ Henck’s Field Book for Railroad Engineers,", andthink it well adapted to the ob ject Ua author proposes, and have no question but it will be found a very useful and practical volume both for offleoand fieldwork. ___ D. H. Mahas. I am much pleased with Mr. Henck’s little manual, the “Field Book of Railroad Engineers.” With the presenta tion of some of the most practical and useful of recognised processes among railway engineers, be has given others which, new at least in their present form, appear to posses* a mint of higher value than that of mere novelty—that of being in general susceptible of available, not to say desira ble, practical use. In conclusion, while I think the design of Mr. Henc-Va book is such as to adapt it excellently well to professional needs, I have pleasure In expressing my cordial satisfaction with its execution, alike with the per spicuity of arrangement effected by the author, and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by his publishers. B. FIUUSUN OftEfc-VE, 0. E. and Director ofßensselaer Polytechnic Institute. For sale-by WILLIAM 8. HAVEN, Dealer In Engineers’ Stationery, ao S Market street, comer of Second. Notice. THE Partnership of JuRN iI’DEVITT A BRO. wae dis solved on the first Inst. John M’Devitt wi,H continue the business at tho old stand, and attend to the settlement of f he business of the late firm. JOHN M’DKYirT, WILLIAM M'DEYITT. Pittsburgh, January Bd, 18>5—{jan4 UOBKfl'i' H. PATTEUSOS'S ■g} LIVERY AND SALE Comer Diamond street and Cherry alley, aprU tf ■ PITTSHrHGU. PA. Boots and Shoes. JfiTLAUGIILIN. No. 96 Fourth street, nearly ophite • the Mayor’s Office, Is iinimilkiituringCieuilemec’s first Boots, Lott Shoes, ties and buttoned p Congress and Button ed Gaiters; Ladies’Boots, Hail Boots, Jenny Linds, Slip- French Lashing Gaiters, of every color andsbade; fancy Kid and Satin Gaiters, of the best material; Misses and Children’s ao, of every Tariety. N. B.—All hinds made to order, on short ortlc*. f»u!9 Treasurer's uiQce of tbe vhartleri Valley Railroad Company. SUBSCRIBERS to tbeybovn Koau are hereby notified that the Board of Directors baTe called for a second lot-tall* mont of lire Dollars per share, payable 10 tbe Treasurer on the Ist Monday ot JUNE, amt also Five Dollars pet share on the first Monday of each ensuing month, until the whole amount is paid. mv3o:tf ALVAN WILKINS. Treasurer. The Greatest Invention ot the Age. TO AVvJii) tnosa uupleas&nt feelinge that usually / 3 accompany the wearing of a new Hat, the CuNFoK- lately imported from Paris, forms the But to t&e exact shape aau size of the head. A neat fit, and & good Bat may he had at 77 Wood’street, eprb IMPORTANT aNDINTKRKS ING.—a Practical Private Treads- on tho DUeases of tho Genital Organs, with Illustrative plates, adapted to the use of every indivldu 1: by Dr. Joseph Ralph. Piles one dtilar; mailed to any addrens on receipt of one dollar, po*t paid. Sul i by febl7 S L. CDTUB&KT, UOli irdft. dhir\ Ai \|\ ALLEGHENY COUNTY BONDS; tlb 50 shares Ohio aod Pa. Railroad Stock; watt ted by AUSTIN IA>OMIS, Stock Urtfcer, f*W Nu. 9'i fourth street. BtUHaTONK— 2jou U>9 in store and for sale by FUSUINI* BKOd., Bucca?sora cu J Kidd £ f*u,6o Woo- 1 atieot iaTU BKIOKS—6OO fbs in stoic and for sale'by > fe 26 ,FD&Mr:>Q PROS. M CAYENNE—fIoO ft> 3 iu store aod for sale by feb2o • KLKMt>O BROS. r ■ iiifi uajUFaTIG SOaP Is lha best article wit have ever JL used C>r rendering Che skiu smooth sou fiiir, and pre venting it from chopping. If you have sore, rough bands, give It a tilal. Only 12& corns a caae. gold ooly by feblO o Lu.aVT ’OK*! HQ Third >tn?»t NtW GUviDp—A. A. SiAMJ-s UO ut« rcceiteu and are now opening upw tjb o; eighty cases end pack ages 01 new goons. Consisting .f the best m-tkes ol bleached and brown muslins, calicoes, Ginghams. Checks. Tweeds, blue& and. Housekeeping Goodsi with a splen.id assort ment of a i kinds of Dreso Goods, which will bo offered at Tory low.prices. • • ■ • teb?B . .UN 'iiT3—A. A: MASON &Cu bate juet received five 1 1 cases of new aPBING U NNETa—comprising colored Belgrade, lancy Brillames, tmb.oidered G.mps, Npapoli tan, English Straw, &o *. .f«b2B ] \\L EOilß’S GAMtOONIA. LQZUNUBS— frill afteciuat | / ly remoT* Acidity of S omach, cure Ueartburo, Ligat- ness or Dullness of the Head, a vaud cannot be toohignly recommended to those afflicted with Dyspepsia.. For sate, wholesale or retail, by JollN IIAIT, Je m Polo Agent, fc*b2i . Iso street- Ohio and fennpylvania bailhoad stock win be taken at par in exchange for a good Farm of 100 acres, 2>£ miles north of New Brighton, if called for soon. Enquire of THOMAS WOUD6, janflhtf ’ 75 Fonrth street. INixIALSI— Tbe Initials; a Story of Modem Lite. One of iho beet books «r»r written, for sale by IL MJLNEK & CO. Nj. 82 Smithfieiti street. IUUS WIOPLIS SAY TIIK £tiXJStUUllti£ GALLBtiY . taros out extra tine tfietures. bod &t very moderate prices. Coll and see for yourself. Prices 60 cents and up wards. Wilkins liall» 102 fourth Street. . feb7 SiHAiUttal cAt'a—Jua re.eived aud for sale low; utfM Wood street. t fwbl7J J. WILdOH & SON. BBANb— 100 bus to arrive by Hail road and for sale by ,fabl& UKMW U. COL* INS. oITUATION WAM'ELf.—-V\e wish u> procure a t-niutioa O a Yuang Man, la a Wuolesale or detail Dry ’-oods btore. He haa had five ytara experienco in th 9 basinwj and can give the bedt of reierouOtfS. t. OUTHBERT & SON- General Agents, 140 Third Street. PlAflO FORTH FOR $175 —A good Rosewood, rase octavo Piano Forts, wcrtß when new $225, will be svk tor $176, cash. Also,« Plano for rest, at tbe old established Plano De pot of CUA&LOTTg blume, feblO 118 Wood ptrr*t. KXC£**-1U tierces received aod for sate ity . AIU»LtSR & KlCKfcloQN, mhB • 221, 223 Liberty street. COFFER— 460 begs Bio Coffee; IQO mats Java Coffee, landing and for sale by mhS MILLfaU a BICKETSON. CILUVfiK BEiIU, UK* FtiAOuEd, rtUilii BEAM ; 120 bos Peuso. Clover Seed; 20 bags Dry Peaches; luo Iras small White for sale by mb9 IuIbLRH A'KIQ^ETaOV bbla No. 8 tQcdituo AlttCtexvl;. co largo Slacker*!, lor sale by " * HILL KB —lnij» can ea*il * be done, and the skin rendered eoxt, and white, by usiug the iItKPhTiC BOAP. It cureaal CnaM, *c, and remove* eahowoe**, Tan and Kea nes* of the fchln. For the erne of Sore, Bough liaad*, it is unrivalled. only l2>< cents a cake.. , Thi LaKflißliUthUiNGAUTjon nwtnut it.eet,Aliv^be a :«*■»&**»*»«nbcSSai&i * M 3, ; m ,7- wau «of*v. PILLS* rOE ALL TUE PURPOSES OP A FAMILY THERE haa.lcttg'exlsUtia.pobtio tL .«- demand furaaeffeetivepurgatiTeplti which could be relied on os sort and J Vgg-jpSyjT perfectly *afe la its operation. This f .. '.; Las been prepared; to meet that do* lUii maud. and. an extensive trial of its f virtues has conclusively shown with •>4 pjpftgh ■ vrhat succecs Itaccomplishesthe pur* pose designed.- It la easy to make a but not easy to make ti" Soi uli irtiij—ono which fihonld hate none ofthe ob jections, but ad the advantages, or everyother, lids has been attempted hete, and with what aucccss we wonldTC specifully submit to the public decision. ■ It baa been on fortunate for the patient nltherto that almost every purga* tlve medicine is acrimonious and Irritating to the bowels* This is not. Many of them produce eo much griping pain and rovnloionin the system as to moro than counterbalance th** good to be derived from them. These fitU produce no Irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruction or derangement in the bowels. Being purely Tegetnbiw, no harm can arise from their use in anyqaonti* ty; but It is better that any medicine should ho taken Judi ciously. Minute directions for their uso in the sovernl diseases to which they are applicable are given ou the box* Amrng the complaints which have been speedily cured, by them, vremay mention liver Complaint,lnttavarious forms of Jaundice, Indigestion,'Languor, end Loss of Appetite, listlefpness, Irritability, Bilious Headache/ Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in tho Biaoaod Loins; for, in truth, all these are but the consequetteo of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Costireness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery. Humors,-Bcrofula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness ofthe body, doers and !m* purity of the Wood; in short, any and every coso where a PU Thyy have aBo produced some singularly successful cures in Rheumatism, Gout? Dropsy, Gravel, .Erysipelas, Palpita tion ot the Heart, Pains in the Beck, Stomach and hide. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the Wood and prepare the system-for the ehange or 6-asons An occasional dose stimulates the stomach ana bowels into healthy, action, and restores. the appetite and vigor They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant ao* tlon oh the circulatory system, renovate the strengtbof the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advanta geous, eten though no serious derangement exists; but un i necessary dosing should netet be carried too far, as every | purgative medicine redaces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot bo enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of eTery body; and It-Is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When tbeir vir tues are ones known* the public wllhno longer doubt what remedy to employ when la need of a cathartic medicine.- Prepared by JAMES C. ATEB, Aasayer and Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Five boxes forsl. Sold by B. A* FAHNESTOCK & CO., Pittsburgh, and by all Druggists* • * jyftSmdaw. ■ Carter’s Spanish Mixture. THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD I Hot a Particle of Horeury In it, , LET THE AFFLICTED READ; AND PONDER!—An Infallible Bamedy for Scrofhlaj King's Evil, Ebcutaa- Uam, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, IHmples or Pustules on the face, Blotches, Boils, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Ejes, Ring Worn or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pa n of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all-Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury,lmprudence la U&, or Impurity of the Blood.’ • fff»Thia greaNalteratlve medicine and Purifier of Blood is now used by . usands ol grateful patients fromall part of the United Stages, who testify dolly.to the remarkabl turf* performed by the greatest of all medicines, “ CAR* TEE’S SPANISH MIXTURE.'* Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Eruptions on the Shin, Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcere, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys, Dieeasesof the Throat. Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joints, are speedily pat to flight by using this great and Inestimable remedy. For ail diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet bees found to compare with lu It cleanses the system of all Impure ties, acts gently and efficiently on tho Liver arid strengthens the Digestion, Rites tone to the Stomach, make- the shin clear and healthy/and restorer th'j.QonsUr tutlon, enfeebled by disease or broken down by ttwoxcssMA of youth, to its prisons rigor and strength. For the Ladies, it Is invariably better thou. &U the cos* metics ever used. A few doses of Carter’s Spanish Hixturo will remote all ealbwneM of complexion, 6rlng the rosea mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and im prove the general health la a remarkabledegree beyo&d alb the medicines of. The large number of certificates which we have received from persons from all parts of the United States, Is the beat evidence that there is no humbug about it. The pres*, hotel keepers, magi?trutea, physicians, and public men, well known to the community, all add their testimony to. the wonderful effects of this CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER* Call on tbe Ag«nt end get a Circular and Almanac, and read the wouderful cures this truly greatest of all Medicines has performed None genuine unless signed by BENNETT A BEERS, Proprietors, No. 3 Pearl street, Richmond, V&4 to whom' all orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed. And for sale by B. A FAHNESTOCK, JOSEPU FIRM* ISO, FLEMING BROS., and by Druggists generally. IT' Tflor. April 2«. 1864. DR. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Da- •/% votes hihiatire attention to an officePrictlce. f§|g9 Vrg His business ib mostly confined to Private XM. Vcncrsai DucdaMjandsuchpalnfaleffectlona, «£& brought on by unpradcnce, youthfuliudulgenceandexcesa Syphith,Syphilitic Eruption?,Qonorrhca,Gleet.Stricture Urethral Dischargee. Impurity ofjthe Blood,with all Dleea* B«3 of the Venereal Organ." Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Erup* tiona, Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases, Seminal Weak* ness, Im potency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pains in the Back and Loins, lrrl tattanof tho Bladder and Kidneys,successfully treatsdw— C ure guaranteed Twenty years’ practice (ten in this cityl enables Dr. Brown to offer assurances of a speedy cure to all who may come nuj der biscare Offlce and Private Consultation Booms, ftl,Diamond alley Charges moderate. novfcdAwly RHJSUMAHBM.— Dr. Brown’s newly discovered ready for RbfUmatißxo la a speedy and certain Remedy that painful trouble. It never falls. iibceuuU V , rivatro'j do Peaches; 60 do Pared Peaches; 1000 fos prime Feathers,ln store and for sole by jftpSO ESGLIBH A RICHARDSON. C'l KAIN—■OOvO Uuhlielfl shelled Corn, Id store;--' X 2000 do ; Oats, in store and to arrive; iOO do Ear Corn, in stow acd for sale by 'ENGLISH. A RIOHA&DSON. B.*A&IILY .t’JLOUII, 4c.- J? ICO barrel* Extra WUte Wheat Family Flour: 600 bushels Coro Meal; 100 do Clover Seed; 60 do Timothy Seed.' in store and fer sals by jap£o ENQLISiI A KICHARDBOS. - LIAIIS— S O barrels ijoubville Lime; ~ " 200 'do Union Cement;. 160 do' N. 0. Molasses; 200 du N. C. Tar, 5a store and for bv j«p26 - KSULtBH A RICHABDSOfcL 'i'oijacuu—So ooattoft’o WO. Tobacco; - 1 r " -”" X 10 tons prim® Pearl Ash; Ocask* Pot Auli; 76 bugs Saltpetre;. 1000 boxes prime Cream Cheese, la store and for Sale by (J*i.StfT EN'GLiatl A RICHARDSON. ou»s £\v, 8 mtdium «Uacfl.ereJ ; JC 20 do large do;. 10 bbla tfo.lpto&led Herring; 10 hf bbla do. do; ti«*rcesCoilflab; : SO toa seeled Herring; recd Tad and tor sal© by JIiLLKK & KIC&JBTSQN, '2Bl and 223 Liberty st. y AI A*W WAiM/UO— ft £k) boi« “CLuclaiiati” No.l Family Soap; 10 do - do - Bie*riueCa&dlea;-&r talefa janSfl MILLKK * MOKETSOM. 80 u»gß A»r> Apple#, r 10 ao Peach w; • 60bxs M. B. Eaislas; 15 bt do do; lor sale by Jang MILLKR A-EICgETSOK, . LuTcnugV, Ifcicaer's, aod M'Heuile’i Loaf, ft Crushed uod '■Jao-3 tolLLfcK & ttICKJSTSON. G' ttAPB pairs" of tbo tieixusu pruotrs r the beat pruidnj instrument la use, for sale by fttilP JA&IK3 WABDftOP. BLttuUAhIiJSTS— SiTO Mrtt fol nio ty M '• febl» • JAMK3 WAIiPBOP. 001 aQaun— Woods l Monthly Heal Ksui* iwgui«r. • Unit there are dascrlbad roresle SI good farm*. Si Uuuaw and Lob. 43 fas Century Seats, and IM City lots. With which purehaitra aught tare aejnatattd haJore b«jr WASH* y~ V' .V ' PHYSIC. Private Dlecues* «-15 tibia Roll uutter; 60 k«f» Packed Batter; 100 bbU Prims No» l Lard; 19 bob Ureas* Lard, in ttore and for *ale by KX(>LIiU ft BIOIIABPSOy. QMD]&l£3—luo deceit Cora Urcoms; 20 do -Ziao Wash Boards; 20 do . Tow and Cotton Bogs; 25 do Country fioefcs; . . fipircei Country FJannals; . £OOO fes Bar Lead; tat sale By - ttILLEK & RICKETBOS’. Bißl/CAUiii— H'QiajproTttt p*tc«uH. YMioiu re4&c*t prices, for rale by ftbl* • JAMES TTAIIDROi*. * s ■ v