The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 19, 1855, Image 3

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Borough and Towsakn* Elections.— We have
•reoeived the following returns from the borough
and township elections, bqjd on Friday last:
' "Borough of Sewickley.— Justice of the Peace—
George 11. Starr 62, David Anderson G4—both
elected. - - ,,r
Borough of Duquesne. —Burgess—Wm, Miller
6G, John Ruhoup Bi> Council—W 11. Stewart
”88, SatnucVMnrphy 95, David Acbeson 98, An
draw Jackson 95, Thomas Bartley 67, Stephen
Fisher 65, James Dom GO, Ernest Eggers 57.
Ajaeesor—Stephen Jackson 88. DAvid Crow 07.
Assistant Assessors—Thomas Bartley 67, Henry
Sntlie 67, A, M. T. Johnson 87, Jno. Bnboup 87.
Judge of Election —James Bell 87, Matthias
Voegtley 66. Sohool Directors —Thomas Nes
mith 92, Andrew Jackson 93, David Acheson 92,
Wm. C. Miller 61, Bonis Fieidfcaohe 61, Andrew
Eastlcj 57. Inspector of Elections—William
Thompson 47, Wm. Oakley 43, Robert M’Con
nell 86, George Morell 25. Justice of the Peace
—A. M. T. Johnston 90. Constable—Jonas
Moon 87, Alexander Dalzell 62.
of M'geesport.— Justice of the Peace
—Joseph Wampler, 76 ; J. W. Blackburn, 73.
Assessor—Hugh Howland, 96; Morriß Robortß,
71. Constable—Wm. South 9; J. Edmondson,
22; A. McHenry, 46 ;J. Dougherty, 3 ; Jaa. F.
.Cook, SR . School' Directors—Thomas Penny,
John M’Henrjr, 70; Lewis Soles, 63; Wm.
MoucV.' Si ; Georgo Muller, 84 ; J. W Black
burn, 76. Assistant Assessors —H. B Sinclair,
64; M. L. Curry, 67; John M’lntosh, 83 ; Hugh
Brady,.B3. Judge of Electious—Alexander
Miller, 69; Joseph W. Barrett, 89 Inapcotor—
W. H. Hill, 38; David Hendrickson, 31. The
Know -Nothings having two names on each
tioket for Inepeotor, they were oil thrown oat.
TFtf£i/?s Township. —Justice—James M’Cleary,
111 ; W N. Fleming, 2. Assessor—H. W. HOl
- 78; John Pcrobment, 50, Assistant As
sessors—v John W. House, 78; John Perchment,
73; Henry Chalfont, 54; John Johnston, 54.
Inspector—J. A. Ram-ey, 67 ; Cbarle? Dull, 44;
John W. House, 8. Judge—Geo. M'Kineey, 53;
David Little 73. School. Directors—Duncan
Hamilton, 125; David Duff, 49; H. Z Mitchell,
82. Auditor—James Kelly, jr, 112. Supervi
sors—John Hannah, 47 ; John Snyder, 73 ; Eli
jah M’WilHams, 72; Michael Xinburt, 48. Cou
stable—John Mitchell, 119. Township Clerk—
Jacob Eicber, 74; Duncan Hamilton, 45.
Baldwin Township —Justice of Pence—Jnme?
Waldoo, 85; Thomas Yerner, 105; both elected.
In the above districts, nearly all tbo candi
dates were elected in opposition to a fusion
ticket. “Sum ” appears to have been busy all
over the county, and from what we can learn
has carried a majority of the disiriol?.
Bold Robbery —A daring robbery was per
petrated on Prospect street, on Friday night, by
a oouple of men, who as yet nro unknown. A
young man from Harrisburg, named John
Kearn, was standing on the platform of the pas
senger depot of tho Pennsylvania Railroad,
about ten o’clock, when he was accosted by a
well dressed and respectable looking personage,
who asked him if he would like to spend the
with eomu ladies. John bemg of rather
tm amorous disposition, and withal rather ver
dant, consented to accompany the man, although
A total stranger to him, and tho two went off in
the direction cf Prospect street together.
When they arrived at the head of the stairs
on Washington street, the man gave hia umbrel
la to a girl who was standing in the door of a
house, and spoke something to her which his
Companion could not hear. They then pro
ceeded a short distance furthergnp the street,
when the stranger, suddenly stepping behind
young Kearh, gave him a tremendous blow on
the back cf tbo bead, wbiob knocked him down
Another person, at .this,., jumped from a small
alley, and; throwing himself upon the unfortu
nate youth, held him lightly, wbilo the other
proceeded to riflo his persou of a pocket book
containing two ten dollar notes, and & five dol
lar gold piece: After accomplishing tho robbe
ry the rascals took to their heels, leaving the pcor
fellow to make the best of his way back to his
Another Extessite Rodbeet oh a Steam
boat.—Oa Friday night, the state rooms of aev
cral passengers on board the steamer Americus.
lying at the wharf, were entered by a bold and
skillful burglar, and about $520 io gold and
notes taken. Oae gentleman, aMr David Mar
tin, who was moving to Illinois, lost $450 of the
amount; the rest was taken io suits of $lO and
$l5 from various other travelers. Mr. Martin’s
money was in gold and Pittsburgh notes. On
going to bed, he locked the door of his state
room, but left the key in the lock ; by moans of
an “outsider,” the thief very cleverly opened
the door, and without disturbing the sleeper,
walked off with his pantaloons, containing the
money. Several persona were subsequently ar
rested, on suspicion of being conoerned in the
transaction, but after an examination at the
Mayor’s office, there being no evidence against
them, were discharged.
These repeated robberies show that our city
is infested with a gang of daring and dexterous
scoundrels, and the impunity with which they
carry on their operations, reflects but litilr
credit on the efficiency of our police.
The Costs is the Keating Laucesy Case
A motion was made ou Saturday before M’Ciure.
«y lion.. P. C. Shannon, to have a rule of Court
granted tocompel the County Commissioners t
pay the witnesses from Washington county tbeir
fees for attending upon the trial of Mie»
Emetine Keating forlarceuy. The Commission
ers resist payment on the ground that the
witnesses have charged mileage f-T tbr<*ejour
neys to Pittsburgh, which the witnesses nllrgo
they bad a perfect right to do, as they were
summoned three different timos. Tho amount
in dispute is considerable. A decision will pro
bably be given in a short time.
School Education —An interesting exhibi
tion was givau by the scholars of tbo Second
Ward Pablfo Schools, Allegheny, on Friday
night. Tbo school house was crowded to ovet
flowing, and all appeared to be Batifrficd with the
oxerciseß, which showed satisfactorily that the
scholars had received every attention from tho
hands of tbeir principal, Mr. D. Denison. Quite
a panic was produced in tho crowded asaetr
blage, by a report that the school bouse wps
falling, and a combined rush was made for the
doors. Fortunately there was no truth in tbs
report, and quiet was soon restored.
Inquest in Jail —Alderman Major, on Sat
urday, in the nbseoce of Coroner Lowry, held i n
ioqueßt, on tho body cf an did man named Law
rence Tusb, who died suddenly in jail, tho nigh i
•jpreyioue. Jt.wae shown in cvidcnco that the
deceased bad been uowell for sevoral dajß from
inflammation of tbo bowels, and the jury i.ccord
iDgly returned a verdict that no came to hi*
death from that disease. Tush was committed
toJkil-about three months ago, for the larceny
of & coat, and was quite an old man. His death
was probably induced by close confinement.
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Back Numbers Wanted.—The following baok
.-numbers from onr files of the Morning Post, for
1854, are missing:
April 30th; September 13th and 27tb; Octo
ber 7th, 9ih and 24th.
' Also the following dates of onr woeklj, the
Saturday Morning Post:
'■ July 30th, 1868; Jamary 14th, 1854? Feb
ruary 4th and 25tb, 1854 ; March 11th. 1854;
April 29tb, ’64‘; July 22d, ’54; August 19th,
*54; September JCth and SOth, *54; and October
l4th, ’54.
Any of onr subscribers who may have all or
any one of tho above numbers in their posses
sion will confer a particular favor by forwarding
them to our counting room, Tgn cents will be
paid for each.
On Saturday, be made.ihformation of the out
rage to Aldcnaau Parkinson, and a man.answer
ing in pome respects to the description of the per
son who accosted Kearn at the Railroad Depot,
was arrce*od, bat proving an alibi by a number
of respectable witnesses, he was dischurgetf.
Phizes fob Somebodv I —By reference to 11. e
advertisement of Sanford’s Opera Tronpc, in the
amusement column, it trill be seen that the man
ager offers twenty valuable gifts, to be distribu
ted amongst his audience to-night. The addi
tion of this attraction to tho unapproachable
entertainments given trill certainly crowd City
Hall.- Let every one tvho desires to get a mag
nificent gold watch, breast pen, or some other
rich prizo, attend.
District Court.—Before lion. 11. W. Wil
liams ;
In the ease of David Ilolden vs. City of Alle
gheny, a verdict for $250 waß rendered fer
Mary M’Clure tj. William M'Clure; verdict
for plaintiff, for $lB9 76.
C. O. Loomlß ad>. John G. Bellanger: verdiot
for plaintiff, for $705 41.
The entire Btock of foreign wines and liquors
of the-wholesale store, corner of Market and
Front streets, will be sold to-day, commencing
at 10 o’clock, A. M., by P. M. Davis, auctioneer,
Those wanting very ohoice articles of the kind
should attend . . . ... -
Admitted . td Bail.— Thomas and James
Kennedy, tho twb lade arrested a few days ago,
for larceny, were admitted to bail,Von Saturday,
byJadge M’Ctare. - • -----
. ' 'Vj 'f. v;
Ahd Still AiiOfifEa —in addition to tho two
robberies notioed in another part of this colhmn,
as haring occurred on Friday night, a third one
was perpetrated yesterday. One hundred dol
tars, in gold and bank notes, were stolen from
the eating house of Mr. Greenwood, ia the Dia
mond, sometime between tie hours of ten A. M.
and four in tho afternoon. Tho money was con
* ‘m? * ra *ke baok of which was broken
pn. Three boarders in the house were arres
.. an suspioionbut two of them wore afterwards
mscharged. The third was retained in custody,
in the Tombs, and will have a farther examina
tion this morning.
; MARCH 19.
. Disinter Count—Thial List. —Tho following
18 , e Trial List, in the District Court, before
Judge Williams, for the week commencing to-
Tin'r. , C Jr! " s Vo. Parlus.
010 Crawford tj. Neal, et al. 4SI Allen for n»e vs. Simp.
!,7o £ raT^ ,r 'I vs- Neol t*t al. , son, Young & Co.-
418 Snyder et al vs. Bobio- 452 Holden et ux vs. City of
w>n, jr. Allegheny.
444 M’Cullougb. jr. vs. F. A 485 M’Clure vs. M’Clorc er.
M. Turnpike Co. j 242 Roman vs. Mittler.
1349 Ballanger vs. Loom
Death or Samxtel Roseburq. — ld our obituary
column this morning will be found the death of
Mr. Sampel Roseburg, who expired oo Saturday
night about eleven o'clock, after an illness of
only a few hours. Mr. R. was Postmaster of
this city under the Taylor and Fillmore adrais
istration, and was a man very generally esteem
ed for his many excellent qualities His death
will be a source of dcop regret to all who know
Application fob a Chapter —James H.
iiopkinß, Esq., on Saturday, made application
in the Court of Common Pleas, for a charter for
Prof. Millar & Bro.’e Iron City Commercial Col
lege. Judge M’Clure took the petition under
consideration, and will give his decision in a few
Handsome Saloon. —We observe Messrs.
Glass & Carr, of the City-Hotol, have been fitting
up the saloon attached to their establishment in
a very neat and elegant manner. It ie now one
of the handsomest in town, and with so obligiog
and gentlemanly a fellow as Frank, bebiod the
bar, its patrons cannot help but be satisfied.
Passing Counteefeit Monet. —A warrant
wns issued on Saturday, by Alderman Parkin
eon for the arreet of a young woman, ohargod
with passing a counterfeit five dollar bill on
Mark Rogers, a storekeeper in tho Fifth Ward.
Appointed to a Captaincy— We understand
that Mr. Alexander Hay, of tbis city, has bepn
presented by President Piorce with a Captain’s
commission in one of tho new regiments autho
nzed to bo raised by a lato act of Congress.
TnunE week eleven commitments to the jail,
on Saturday, for drunkenness and vagrancy. A
Work House is the only remedy to euro this
great and increasing evil.
Tiie Lwhtsiso Train of the Pennsylvania
Railroad was detained several hours, on Satur
day, by a heavy laud elide near Stewart’s Sta
John Aldoo was fined five dollars, on Satur
day, by Mayor Volz, for allowing a dead colt to
remain on nis premises in Diamrnd alley.
Auction—Dally Sales.
AT the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner cf Word and
10 ° 3 ,c , l .° ck ’ A * a general assortment
ui oeasoaabb, Staple and Fancy Dry Goode, Clothing, Boot*
ana Shoes, Eats,Caps, Ac.,
AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M.,
arccerles.Qneensware Q i ftSSWttret TaMe Cutler
Glasses, New and Second Uand llouKeholdand Kitchen Far
nilure, Ac.,
„ w , at: O’CLOCK, P. 51.,
gooXs, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Musical Instramenta,
Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods, Odd atd
Silver watches, Ac- i-M- DAVIS, Auctioneer, (
K X Tifiv 3 IT> E LTyCOR sr O“E at au:
XJi TION.—Ou MONDAV mormnz, March l«uh. «t to
o clock, at the Wbulerale Wine and Liquor Store eoru.-r of
Market and Front street*, will be eold tire entire Stock and
Jtxtnres among which will be f.unj Foreign wlum and
Brandies cf the choicest vintage*, part of »hirh are oi di
rect Importation, a L d havo been iu a number oi
jearp, couMSUng In part o*’ BRANDIES Yfcnx CVanim
ISf'O-, < ogti&c, 1833; Lt-ger Fieri**, l«3C; La Fayette l'v’c-
Ploet, CiL-tiUon A Vo , 18*2; Otard. Dupuy A Co ; Maghiry
VU Pale Nectar; Pale Chsmpague; c»M Arnfe
M r -,1 I " fi = k . , f rr y- WINES-mirkliuni-. OseU;
'Vf'.tV i Wt i rQ U Mapth * Oo’< ■io: Kiclty .nd Purdf. Rabuy Ad 1 . do, Iwwi&n, UorJru A M do- -ir, r
Champagne: old t)porto Port; oid Port Jake- Winireenr
and Muscatel; Alf. Morton'a old teuton..; rhoire
Amonttilado Sherry; superior Cordial*. Iriah and Scotch
Whiskey*. Schiedam am Holland, Antigua and Ja
maica Hume, very old Rye WhUlrey, PUying Lards, Cigars,
D-mliobns and Decanters, Stand Ca>ks and MtkscfWt
description, Uydrumetrrs. s!e*>rurvs, Book Case, Shelvin'*
Counters, Office Furniture, Stoves, Ac *’
Tfce particular nitration t f deale., aud olt.era .nutlDa
lme Liquor* 1» eaxpe.tlj re-iue-terl. Term, at rale
V. M. DAVjS. AucU.n.e-
RAY morning. March 10th at lOo’clcch, at daelßptr
house No. 1.9 Third ftreet, trill be soli, without r.i.rr. a
quantity cf Household and Kitchen Furniture, nmonc
which are marb:e-top centre table*, msbng-, 0 y u .
bogAuy.cane seat nnd Windsor chairs, dre.siog bureaus
mahogany and common w»ih turn's. mahogany an-i wal
nut d-mus tables,small fancy tabled halt am.,
twttom lounge,*, Ugh on-1 In. net
ruesitM chairs Rear mats, fe .dcrfl, fire tongs, queen.scare!
kLcben utensils, fancy jtore, Ac,
nbU P. M, DAY lU, Auction, er-
SALK—That valuable Tbree Story Dries Dwellioc
House and Store, No *5 Dlumond alley, at present occui led
by Mis. Keibey. Let has a front of 15 feet, and e»tend*
buck, j feet. Apply to p. 51. DtVIS.
JL "hara-Jay evening, March 22d, at TU o’c'ock at the
Merchant** Eicbange, will b« *uld, without by or
d»-r of Tbo*. M«dlon. Ktq , Trustee, that very ile>-lr»>-!»* Lot
of around rituate between lUnd and ftreet*. h.i •
In.? a front n D Penu ftreet of SO fret, and" esteoJlng back
160 fret to Fayette rtreel—on which i« errctel that ruterb
taiHiern f-tyle well fiuished Brkk Dwelling Houee fnn the
back, building*—Coach Iloua-, Stable, Ac.) lately occupied
b.» Gen. Wm. Laiimcr,. J. Term* at talc
mtl9 P. M. DAVIP, Auclicneer.
SIXTH WARD—On TUESDAY afternoon. March' 20,
at 3 o’clock, on the premises, will U* eohl. by of John
Herron, Esq , tiuatiwof Itotwrt Porter, fcq , hfteoM valoa
bl- D..Udiag Late, as laid out by tbe late William Porter,
lb*l. in hi* brat plan of Lota in the Slzth and S ( .T.nth
M ard.x, PitUburgh, iwven of which lots, to wit: No*. 59,40,
•U, 42, *3, 44 and 45, have each a front of 30 feet on Centre
avenue and ezirnding back southwardly about yC fret to
Clark street, and the remaining eight of which lots, to wit:
No 3 it, 49, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65, have each a front of 20
fi«*t on Clark *troet, and extend southwardly by the w bole
d.stHDce, to Hose street, CO fat wide. Thu above offer great
inducement* to those desirous of purchasing proj*erty near
the business part of tbe city. Terms at sale.
P. M. DAVIB, Auctioneer.
Allegheny county,
• > Whereat, at an Orphan*’ C-»url hel.i at Pitts*
\ L. e. V burgh on the Cth day of March, 1666. the INtuicn
' of RICHARD HOPE, eldest son of Tuouir llcpk,
lulu of the Township of Mifflin. and County
deceased, was presented to the Court, showtug that il„>
eaii Thotnaa Hope died intestate, alwul loitr y<**r* j
leaving issue five children und a widow, who lived hhJ* !
remained a wlJow of the flhld Thomas Hope i_who died j
in the year 1616,) until the time of her death, 1» |
the jear 1825, viz : The petitioner above nntusd, iJumr ■
Allison, wife of William Allison, who has sleet died, l«*er. I
Ing *li children, viz: Elizabeth Lnpsley, wife or William j
Lnpsloy, who died ab«iut the year IS3J, lowing issue two j
children, one of whom has since di**d, leaving the eldest, I
viz: Thomas Lapsley, still living) William Allison, now re- i
siding in some part of the Bute of Ohio, or was at the time
intelligence was had of his wber- about?. Thomas Allison,
who died apout the year ISSQ, leaving a widow and issuu
two children, viz; ilaonab Allison, who now resides with
James Payne, in Jefferson township, and county aforesaid,
and Andrew Allison, who now resides with James Mr Hob
orte, In Mifflin township, and county aforesaid. RU-hard
Allison, who bavlog enlisted lo the army of the United
Btatesin 1640; and to authentic io format ion has cut teen
had of him since. Robert Alii-on, now n lunatic re*ident in
the City Poor House, Jam*s Payne beiug his Committee.
Jane Aliisou, since intermarried with Joseph Cochran, with
whom *>bo now resides, in Jefferson township. Robert Hope,
who died in the yoar 1856 without issue. Margaret Hope, who
died about 1640, without issue, and Klit&beth MrOowan wife
of John McGow;.d, who died about the year 1829, leaving is
sue three children, and her husband John McGowan. Jane
McGowan, piece intermorried with E D. Curry; Elizabeth
McGowan and'Themas McGowan, all of whom are twenty
one years of age, and reside in Mifflin Township; and that
the said intestate died seized in his demesne as of f« «, of
and in the following described Real Estate, viz: Twn ad
joining Lots situate in the Townuhlp of Mifflin And Ounty
aforesaid, beginning at theeust end of Samuel Cowan’s line,
where it joins David Redick’s land, at a white-oak ; thence
north 22degrees, west 19% perches, to a post; thence by
land of David Bedlck N. 5%, E 81% perches, to a post;
thenco by land of William Walker, 8. 65, E. 66% porches,
to n post; thence south 101 perches, to a post; thence by
land of Samuel Cowan, N. 60%, west BGJ/£ -perches, ti the
place of beginning—containing fifty-one acres and thirteen
perches, neat The other Lot beginning nt a post r-t the
crrncr.of William Walker and mid Thomas Hope; thence
by land of said Thomss Hope south 40 porches to a poet;
thence by land of said Walker west 12% perches to a white*
oak; thenco by said land north 45% perches to a black oak;
thence by land of Samuel cowan south-east 64 degrees 14
perches, to the place of beginning—containing three acres
and thirty perches, with allowance of thirty perches for
road, with the appurtenance. No partition or valuation of
the said Estate having been had, the petitioner prays the
Court toorder an inquest to make part lion of the premises
nfbrosaid. to and among the children and representatives of
the said intestate, in snch manner and in such proportioesas
by the laws of this Commonwealth is directed, if euch par*
tition can be mado without prejudice to or spoiling the
whole. Rot if such partition cannot ba made thereof as
aforesaid, then to value and appraise the s&tn°i aud to
make report of their proceedings herein, according to law;
and he will pray.&c. RICHARD HOPE
Now, therefore wo command you, that, taking with yon
twelve free and lawful men of your Bailiwick, you go to
and upon the premises a'oresald, on the 24th day cf March,
1866, and then, by their oaths or affirmations, that you
make partition to and among the children and represents
lives of the eaid intestate, in such manner and In such pro
portion es by the laws of this commonwealth is directed if
such partition can be made withont prejudice to or spoiling
the whole. But if such partition cannot be made thereof
as aforesaid, that then you value and appraise the eamo ac
cording to law.
And further—That you cause said inquest to loqulre and
ascertain .whether the said Real Estate, with the appurte
nances, will conveniently accomodate more than one of the
children or representatives of said intestate, and if so, how
many it will accommodate; that due notice of the time of
making such partition or valuation be piven to all parties
interested; and that you make r eturn of your proceedings
herelni to the next general Orphans’ Court.
Witness the Hon. -William B. M’Clure, Esq-, President
• Judge, on the 6th day of . Maribj 1*65.
ritHK I.N VALID—OAKtit) Is prepared, on short notice, to
X. take PICTURES at residences. He can be found (day
or evening) at hiß residence and Gallery,
m 1,5 . . .. Mo: TO FQDBTH BTEEET.
Dagoerreotypes, A even short notice. ■ - .
jnhs - - Ho, 70 FOURTH BTREBTr
' ...
~ .•* •<*='
-;• “ > *■ >
A,-- ' ■ hv'Y.
P. H. DAVIS, Auctioneer,
First Vice Jb-aident—VTij. H. fianin.
% con f‘ ** T _ 14 Wm. R. B&own.
SccrtLary—lYu. 8. Havcw.
IVcarurer—Jous D. Scullt.
Superintendent— 3. T. No&tqam, Ja.
Committee-of Mirch.— VT. IL Baovnf, FR3.
Bellehs, JosncA Kbodes, Joarr M'Dkviit, Jods Scott.
Orncc or ths Dart Uobhxso Post, )
Monday, March 19,1855. /
Thore was a fair bualness done on Saturday. We find tbe
followiog salea roport t >d on the books of the Merchants’
Exchango :
FLOUR—Sales rf surerfin-' lot*, mill. ot#S,CO: ennerfine
and extra, stor*, at y
GRAI \—looo bus Oats-to arrive, to be delivered at wharf
at 50: 1000 do ,11 do at 60 cts. 200 bus Eir Corn, wharf, at
Sic. 100 bjk shelled Corn v ha* f. at 80c.
SIKAL—2O bbls Corn M-al, FJore, at cash.
MOLAHshS—4O bblH i*ypre«s old and new,
BACON—44OO bhoulders, FUea and Hams at Q l /.,7U and
9}rtj cents.
OIL—2O bbls No, l Lard Oil at 73c, cash.
bbl '" packl " l at * bbl, prime
EGGi—l> bbls at 15c dozen.
Railroad Receipts.
The follow ing nro the rwtlpt* of ihe Ohio nad Pcaosyl rn
nin road for th** month of February :
Earnings in Fetrcnry, 1855 *C4 182 49
burning* in February, ISo 1 So'los SO
Icc $ 5,070 00
The earnings last month wore diminhhvd by tbo burning
of tbe Lewistown bridge on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and
tbe obstruction of many of tbe W’estern lines by snow.
BueiXEsa of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co ,
for the quarter ending 28th February, 1855 and 1854:
, 1855. 1«54.
Received fmm Coal $617.7-5 19 $405,001 77
“ “ Merchandize 05,712 55 6!,380 »>4
“ ” Travel 02,41-1 41 60,623 70
_ $646,912 15 $513,005 17
Transportation; roaJway, dumj*-
ago, renewal fund, and ail
churgea $359 910 73 $317,570 GI
Nett profit for three month* $206 001 42 $105,428 63
It will be pcen that h« gross reveuue has increased 28
per rent, and thn nett revunnu 46 percent Seould tbe bu
siness uf Uim roud muiotnin tbe sumo rates of kncreaFß f-r
the cosulug nine monihs it would giTe a gross revenue for
the year cf about $4,760 000, and a nett revenue or about
$2,935,000. The groa* revt-nue last year was $3,781,639 91,
and the nett revenue $2,010,433 21.
CisctsxAT!, Marrh 17—The rlv««r has ri-en fouf feet;
weather r'-ol ami cloudy. Flour lower ; ful«-f 500 barrel* at
f 8.1 ;»(a 5.26. Whßky 2hTv?4 I’mvl ions firm; Mess
Pork advanced to $l3 25: wtln* 700 bbl* Lard at
Bugar firm at Molasses hi. Linseed Oil firm
at K 5. Nothing new in Monev inattera.
Prof. Wood’s Xlalr Restorative
No article of a similar bind, now beforo the publi *,
enjoys a letter reputation as a restorative und invigora
ting hair tonic. Us peculiar chemical qualities have a
beneficial efT.“<*t ujoa tbe growth und i-barncter of the hair,
giving a silky and glossy texture to that uhh-h was former
ly of a coarse and dry nature. It has also a tendency to
preserve th»» youthful color and appearance of the hair,
and d.-fitrej log or counteracting the t fleets cf age. With
ouch recommendations In It- f.ivor, we hardly perceivehow
any lady or gentl-m»n should be without fo valuable an
adjunct to the toilet. Person* who hnre u«e.l it Irom tba
age of down, declare It to ho tho moR perfect ar
ticle to s.*cure the object jnt-uded ever yet produced. Gray
hair, whether produced by the alow progress ol time, or by
any of the cause* whion whiten tbo locks prematurely, is
restored to a healthy, lively appearance, and oil the dfea.
greeaUe effects of dry nine, the accumulation of dandruff
or like impuritie?, are removej.
From the Editor of ths Real Estate Advertiser,?? school Ft
Pr*>»' Woon: Dear Pir—Uavlng become prematurely
quite crav, 1 v*s indue*! *»tn« *li week* «ince, to make
triplofyoar ITalr Rc?tor»tlvr. I have used lefi*thantwo
bottles, hut the pray hsiT* have alt disappeared; and al
though my hair ha*: net fully attained its orlgloal color,
yet iimprocs«3 ol rhnnee is gew-iusllr colng on. and I bate
gr* «t hop»*« that, in s Kfcrrt time, rav hair will bo as d*’k
a* formerly. I have rlk-u-.-i, el tIM-healti,v
moisture 00J vicr-r of the fair, whUih vu harsh and
dry, and it baUce**.-,! as f rm^rlv
Resi«crtu;:v v, u-a. d.C M Rcrr
Pacr. Wcon- I>«-ar 9-ir—My hair ecmm-n-'c-l f«lHng tit
pome three or tour yen re end continued tn do *0 until
1 bf.’iUf quite hfdd I tru-d *ll tlu* ynpuUr remedies of the
-Lay. but 'n no effect ; at laFt 1 wa- 1 tuduce-1 to um* your «'1«
ehraird Hair Uesb-'-Mtiie. nod nm very hapj-v to say It Is
doing wonbra. I hare new a fine gn-wth of younc hair,
and cbw.rfuiiv re-omci- ud i-- *«■-.- b> »]i dmltsrly afDietM.
A r \V ULUKSOV, l;'Vi Cerend etn-et.
Ft. LouU, March Tlh. 1854.
ru . June27'h, n:
I haTe Prof. O J. Hnlr Re:trrnM\»,nnd have
a tt> wi.ndrrful effei-t. My h»if was becoming, as I
thought, prfimmure'y rri»Y. hut by tbe u«e of h!a Riwtrri
live, it l:u* resumed it*r-rifitiui eolor. uud, 1 have nndcubt,
permanently r.\. BBEzse.
Ki-.Senntt>r, Unit'll ?Lxtes.
VtxrrvSi:-. IfMlnna. June 16:h. 185.:.
Prop O. J. \¥i>;a : Di-.-ir j :r—As von ar-- o’ out to cn-nu
fociur*. et?»-n.-iTely ft».d v- ti.l vr-ur r- >i*-i:i>• dlsc-oveml Ilnlr
Resloratlve, I will state, f>r * l •.ni*<v-vr-r it may concerc,
that I have ufi v ! It, end>. otter* ura ftY that I hate
for sever*! »ar* U-en in the hvl;: if u- log Hair Re.
fttr»rat:v«-s. bo<l tlin* I t*nd voursva«tlv ‘u ;*-r jnr t,-> any other
I know. It ent-r-lv cie*r.---. the {•„-»,* cf .landruff and
With on>- mr.uth‘* j-r- i-er i> w'll r--.'- -<* an v pprsen’* hair
to the criminal muthful • 1.-r s*.« 1 1 evt.utx-, g|vtug it n
heal’hv. *f,.| ~cy ■>rnr-'» -.rd 11M this»i;>-out
dU-nln.lrw tfe haujs tii<T ap;> v :t '-rth.-d-e-. nwl.jeh
it <sr r i « J wi.itnl, r-r.r-ro tji-i.d i:.-. to rr;
ens de-iroe. < f n 6r.»- 0.->lDr nr:J t.-nfe-* :<n hair
It—|.e.'tfully yrurs, Ifiw K:''-..
Fct sale by O. J. WOn& A C Propria'cr*. tk'«6 Hrcwd
wav New York, nti-l J U Market‘tier-'. 8: J-ovds, .Mo
Pri-e fl Kt.,l ~.-r bwtle
R'ltla? Dr. G II KEVALK . v; Drug rl >re, ’. |i tV(v u } strert;
aiffn of 11 o Golds]] Mortar f-bltbd*w
Ajf* Proclamation— th* extraordinary
and unprecedented demaud fur that juraluabfe preptratlon,
WRIGHT’S I'KKMIUM K ATH A HluN, has in J m-ed eovioua
persons to j-alui c-IT other arU-iea similar lu uamo and ap
pemrau-•«>. but ab»olutely worthless, whl-h has a tendency
to injure the r-putatim of the gvnuStis arll-le, purchaser*
should be particular to ask iur Wnykit Premium Rath*-
rlon, and they ciay rely on T'celrJornn article un.-ijuallvd
for its virtues for r> storing a decayed heal of hair, for a
cool, refreshing and Jeligbtlul oppl.ratioo during the hot
weather, r€tno\ lug all disagreeable w-nsatloo* of dixslnAf*
and headache, and lor the tuUvi it ha« never had an equal
for it* pl?a.‘jint and delightful fragrant,..
It* thousaLd* of tcetinioD ills arcs sullldeut guaranlca
for Its completely restoring a decayed h-ad of hair; for r®*
ruorlug all dandruff, fur preventing lu fallic” off, who*her
frt>nj ►i.-knea- nr disease; and for t-nlirely cHspvtjsing with
the Denv>eity cf uring hair dye«, a* It eveti*-.- Ihe i-e.-rrUcmS,
producing a supply 0/ It* natural pi*me«t c-r coloring mat
ter, glviug if.p hair u dark, gl»««y Epp-jirance, with a luxu
riant growth.
Fur w»ie t»y every druggist in tb<* city, and by druggists
soil merchant* llmnighout th» Mates.
A lli»-ral <R<<’outJt «<> wttolesalo dealer-
Price 26 i i-iiLfi a hottJo.
211 Market Ft , PMUdeRhU.
For f»V by OK.) 11. KKYSRIt. No. 140 W .--cl M tr .-et,
and R K SULLEIt-. Pittsburgli. i<*
Imporlaut to Pmom slOkled wtlli ller*
xrl«, or Rupture of the Dowels, and the
danger of Strangulation By neglect-
The right course f.r one t-< pursue who may b* af
mc:«-d With Hup ure, is 1-pro-nr- 1 rrodTru** «.-ti ujupted
to the rupture-i let Is, In .-rder to r-taiu Hut protruding
IKjrtioD of Die bow-la. This i« often neglected, und the
bowel becomes strangulated, leaving the patient not only
in a suffering hut dnugeroui cnudiliou. 1 have always on
hnrid, and daily adard, tie nio>t im; roved Trusses; among
which i* MAKHH’a RADICAL CURE TitUtfS, which will
really pr>-lu'e a radical cure in a short time. Of coursa
there are caves when no Trus* will cun», but in a vast ma
jority of retluoabld Hernia, or Rupture, this Tru/* will
cure. I have every variety of Trusses, from 50 cents to
$3O; also a Urge assortment of CIIILDREX’d TRUSSES,
varlcope broken or enlarged veins; PTLE PROPS, for tho
relief and cure of Pile:,; SHOULDER BRACES, for men
women and children; SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, add
every variety of mechanical upplbtoct) U'vd In Ihe cure of
disease. Call and examine them at my Drug SUms No
HO Wood fttrt-et, corner of Virgin alley ; sign of the Golden
Mortar. [Uhl'idiw] DU. GEO. 11. KEYSER.
Barrel! *8 Indian Liniment,
coai3 r.*.ivs in tub
Spine, Mir cl e*.,
Worm* in the Pkin, Scalp Diaea.-'e.’,
Milk Graft, jl'iy i Tetter,
ErysipeU = , Headache,
Chaf* 3, Neuralgia,
Orsck.a, Fun Pain,
Sc&ldß, Burns,
Ulcere, Sore Legs,
fora Throat, Rheumatism.
Price 26 cents per bottle. Si Id üboUs&U and retail at
Dr. KEYSISR’S, 140 Wood slm-t; JOEL MOtILKR’S, Lib
erty street, and at J; I*. FLEMING’S, Allegheny city.
49* Balm of Tbonsand Flowers, for beauti.
fying iho Complexion, autl eradicating all Tan, Pimpljs and
Fbecklis from the face. Sold at Dr. KEYSER’S, 140 Wood
street. JanSO
•* jgss ”
, fHgf? tuCleveland, Port Stanley .
mskk «ud Port BurweU. jjgjyi
THE FINE low pressure steamer TELEGIIAPH, Captain
R. Barrow* will make two trips a week between Cleveland’/
Port Stanley, and Port lturwull, as follows:
Leaves Cleveland for Port Stanley, every MONDAY and
THURSDAY EVENING. at7J4 o’clock.
Leaves Port Durwell for Port Stanley at 1 o’clock.
Leaves Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY
and SATURDAY EVENING* at iy o’clock.
The Telegraph connects at Ciovefand, with the Cleveland
Columbus and Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh,
the Lake Shore, and the Toledo. Norwalk and Cleveland
Railroads. Also connects ut Port Stanley with the London
Line of Stages, which connects with the Great Western
_ and passage apply on board r or to BCOVILL h
Cleveland; S.F. HOLCOMB. Port Stanley,
or A. M BRISK. Port llurwdl. ...... murtTrtnov
CBBOMK YmiLU,y— ooo a , n hiore uul for sale iti
feb2B • -'VffißlNa BBOS:
•; - *'
* t. >-•
\ • . - _
i v //7
4 ' t
*» •. ■
.. 3 S+- ** *-
--7 Vi , t
. .. • ~ -
,V ti- t'K.-.-j ' -.
.:--jt' •- • ..-f ->
J-/ , -a
. . ■*. _ * a \ ' *
’ ■*'' '.’ ~‘‘.y ■' V- « ' -’
2 v
•njBWS FOII ItltEß
Tll* Rjver—Dxsthuctios or Pbop*utt.—At dusk last
evening, there were 17 feet 6 iiwhe.i water io tho channel
h fall of 4 inches since noon. The high wind of Saturday
compelled the steamers “Pennsylvania” and ‘•Brasil," bound
down the river, to lay by at Wellsvflle. We also learn that
two large coal boats belonging to Messrs. iI’GHI and Clark,
which left on Saturday morning, were sunk by the storm
at tbe foot of Braver Sboaß So rapidly did they go down
that it was with difficulty the eighteen “hands on board
swam ashore. Besides the elnklDg of the cool, valued a*
$2,400, Mr. M’Gill lost his pocket book with $6OO in iL
Tnz new, large and roomy steamer “ Adriatic " Is loadin;
for St. Louis; she will be ready to start this evening.
Thb steamer “ Diurnal " ie the regular packet for Wheel
ing this morning; sbo leaves at 10 o’clock, A. M.
. Tn* steamer “ Keystone Stato” is the regular packet for
Cincinnati this morning; 6heleaves at 10 o’clock, A, M.
The side-wheel F(eamer“Bon Bolt,”—Capt. Boyd,informed
us that ho would positively leave to day, and go direct
through to Galena and Dubuque.
Tub steamer “ James Park " leaves to-day for St. Louia.
She is a good boat, and, in erwmaudof Capt Robert Miller,
will no doubt give satisfaction to passengers and shippers.
The steamer “Crescent City” arrived on Saturday even
ing, and had on board 3,800 Ibis, of Flour. She will leave
on Tuesday for Memphis; tbe limit to shippers is fifty tons
of freight to that port
The steamer “ Eudcavor ” leaves for St. Louis,Galenaond
Dubuque direct; and we can say that Cupt May will do ell
In his power to make all comfortable who put themselves
under his care.
At St Louis much dissatisfaction is expressed atthKprc
blbition of underwriters, which prevents steamers, engaged
in tho New Orleans trad*, from tho privilege of towing
bargo3 during low water.
OnsrarciiMi the Navigation.—We learn that a despatch
was received iu this city, on Saturday, ordering new «hlm
uies for the steamer “Pittsburgh ” (which left hero tho day
previous) she having knocked her'soverboard by comingin
•ontnet with tho Wheeling wire bridge: Will the city main*
laining the nuisance pay for the damage done ? That'e the
At Bt. L< uifl, on tbe 13th Inst., freights weroquolcdasfol-
To Now Orloans, flour 75c; pork $1; oil and whisky $l,lO
per bbl; corn 50c per suck; oats and hale rope 400 psr 100
lb*: bran 45c; bacon, lard and lead 35c; liemp6sc; cattle
$10; mules $9; hogs $2 ; sheep $1,26.
Tba New Orleans Picayune, of tho Stb, says :
IL'iita are asking to Cincinnati, 35 and 40 cents $ 100 lbs;
to St. Ixmia, 40 nud 46c do. Wo understand, however, that
boatmen Intend advancing rates to day, as ihe upper rivers
ore full of ice and low, rendering it necessary fur them to
totr barges down to Cairo.
“ 1855.”
Boston, March 20, 1 k.> 4
Pittibnrgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line,
And Saint Louli,
. #v«v - Tnn List l« roujf»osed of seven mul
class powerful Steamers uti>--
wNSmtt.qualled for gT.len.i.,r
and c.imfort, and is the oslt thbucuh &*ur imt or Stiam
Picarraon the Ohio river. It coDns.-fi wizh the L’. H. Mall
Line of Steamers from Cincinnati to leoiil-.-rille and Saint
I>'U!S. bv wbi.-h pasv ngers and freight &rv riU/.W and re-
Lnravgh daily. Two new yt.-xmer» bare two nOtl—i
to the Hoc, which uow corner* ol th«.- following boats:
Days ef Departure
pe*J*i . Gipsji»i. from
BUCKEYE ?TATP_.W. Uxtmioorzn....Fncdav.
KKYfTONK STATE ....Jureo lUslei' Mrindnv
ALLEGHENY Oto M’Uta. Tuesday.
PHILADELPHIA K. -I. Oaaca Tburedoy
PF..*4Nhi'LVANIA, Jao. .SatuiNbry.
Leave dally at IDuckv-k, A.M m *'
No freight rwrwire-d after cin« c’ch-ck on tbe morning of
departure. 0
jfor partirulara, apply on board, or tn
JOHN FLACK, J Afcsnt*,
Mc-nougaheia Ilonse BniMinea.
Pitt«bnrgh. l.uot23]
PUlibnrgli, Meubenwiile "anil WtVeelincr
■ Packets.
I pMaSrJSf The DII.R.N AU Captain A.;?. Sjixpnxsn, and
Cl Tl, Crt|i!3it! Gcof-ns D Mooes
will run regular DULY PAOKETS, tmtwren Pitteburgb!
bt*-üben«>ii<9 and Wh-etiur, «.br.]>ptog at itil iutenaediat©
The DIURNAL will l«*nvp Pittsburgh on Mondays, Wod
n*«iV - * n .’ r; ' 1: 0 *. b 1 I ’ t-'-li-rk A.M —lirhtrtung the
-i on Tut*«iaj a, Thursday a and Saturday*,
Th-* FOREjTr CITY., will leave Pittsburgh on Tuesdava,
Tbnrelays aod SaturUay?, at 10 o'clock, A. 51.— lirturmn-y,
nh- Will leave Wheeling <*u M.sndata, Wrdnvadava and Fib
dny-. at 7’-. A M.
For fr-igiit or ;>a.-.-ag»- apply ca boar-d or to
No 155 Front alri-et,
For filemplila*
n~s* T)i- fine Ktcaiurr CUK>CENT CITY. Capt.
IsAteSWuyCocHaa.v. % ill leave for »h-> above and Interni--
“■SHHttdiate pot t < ou TIE3iMT.2-Jtb, ul 10 A.M.
for freight or pvoag*: api'lj on feiant. or i«
*»Klw W. B. WiIKELKR, Agent.
For St. I.ouli sud Ulinola Klv*r." “
Tli- drainer EMPIRE CITY, Capt. Mcm rd,
I leave for tbe abov* and into:mediate p-orla
' ,n MuNDAY, 19tii inrt., nt tU o'clock, A. M.
For freight or ptvwage apply on hoard, or 10
mb 17 BARNES A FLACK. Agent*.
For Si Louis, lowa, WRcoualu and Dlln
ueiofs Territory' -- Q,utnoy, Warsaw,
Keokuk, Fort MtdUon, Ourltnf;tou,
Rock Island, Davenport,
Galena, Dubuque—Dlrect.
mwu . The- ucw nn-1 splendid et<?amer BAY ClTi',
JjaAgfSgr+SCiipt A. D. Maura, will k-avn for the above Rnd
«sasE£Sa«fi3aintt*rme-4iaU' porte on MONDAY, H»tb instant,
»i lu o .-k-ck, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on bonnl, or tn
mb 17 j. 1; LIVINGSTON, Agent.
For St. Louia.'
The new, light draught passenger steamer,
( ADRIATIC, Charles bio.vE, Master, will leave
tire above port, and all intermediate land
ing-, ou MONDAY, tire 19fh lost , at 10 o’elrx-k, A. M.
For ficlgb: or passage apply on Umrd. mhlG
For St, Louis, tialena aud Dubitqu c— ~
The steamer ENDEAVOR, Copt Jons Mat,
[_IWtC-Awill leave for the above und Inturumllate ports
SB£§32SL°o MONDAY, 1 tilh Inst ,atlOA. M.
For freight and passaga apply on board, or to
mhlfi FLACK cr BARNES, Agents.
For St. Louia. - -
Th« ateamer URKAT WEST, Captain M’Cul-
Lg®CTag?bnb'Uu, will iea*o for tho above and intnrmedl
wfaHMatti porta on MONDAY, 19th lust., at 10 A. M.
_ For freight or passage apply on mh!s
For St. Louia, lowa, Wisconsin and Alln
neaota Territory ■•Quincy, Warsaw,
Keokuk, Fort filadlaon, Unrllngton,
ffliisoatlue, Rook Island, Davenport,
Galena, Dubuque, St. Peters aud St.
ak ,je ptoarnor BEN BOI.T, Capt. Boyd, will
for tho above aud intermediate porta on
raragaSaftMONDAV. HUh Inst., at 10 A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
mb 15 J. B. LIVIMiaTON, Agent.
For St. Louis, lowa, Wisconsin and BHn«
netoia Territory-- tiulney, Warsaw,
Keokuk, Fort Madison, Darlington,
Muscatine, ltoek Island, Davenport,
Galenn, Dubuque, St. Peters and. St*
Anthony’s Fairs.
m, Tho surAUiur VIENNA, Captain C Hat, will
I aiiwJCw-t&lpavo for tbe above and intermediate ports on
iBfIiafTiIWiaATUKDAV, March 24, at 10 o'clock A.M.
For freight or pasaago apply on board, or to
mh!3 FLACK or WILKINS, Agenta.
For St. Louis.
The steamer JAMES I’ARK, Capt. Rodebt
LnwfctlJgMiLtEfl, will leave for tho above and intermedi
tßSufifisSSasate ports on MONDAY, 19tb inst.,at 10 A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
mhl3 FLACK & LIVINGSTON, Agents.
im*, Tbe steamer DELEGATE, Captain Tnoz.
ljJ*riftirsgßoOETt3. will leave for the aboTo and interme
ports ou TUESDAY, 20th Inet., 10 A. M.
For freight or passage apply on bowrd. . mbls
Ul _, The steamer H. T. Y BATMAN, Captain A.
I a]ISL_&MILLER, will leave for the above and all inter'
■eftgcißfiijfeKmedliitß ports on SATURDAY, the 17th inst,
at 1* o’clock SI.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The steamer CHEVIOT, Captain Slclirrogil,
I JlgS? l«ave lor the nbove and intermediate ports
£lSllB£on TUESDAY, 20th lush,at 10 A.M.
Fur irelgnt or passage appiy oq board, rr to
Ucgular Wheeling Packet.
m-, Tho Bteamer VENTURE, Capt. Jolirc Gordo*,
at 3 P. M.
For freight or passago apply on board, or to
Jan 3 JAMES COLLINS A CO., Agents.
THE undersigned continues to ootain Bounty Land
Warrants. The present bill gives to all who have
served in any war since 1700.1G0 acres. Terms moderate.
MIKE COUKSUOOT, 37 Diamond alley.
mhl2:y between Wood st. and Diamond.
SKkn—-am hu>hels Penna. Clover Seedl
60 do Timothy Seed; for sale by
-n* ** *,
*V •**■* ’ 1
17_rKrr c x.vcnrs watch tarns cifAwwttT
Bteamer Jefferson, Porkiuaon, Brownsvillt.
“ Luserne, Bennett, Brownsville.
“ Cb-n. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
“ Convoy, Wolf, WoUsville.
“ Eclipse, Moore, Sb-übenville.
“ Venture, Oordon, Wheeling.
“ Diurnal, Shepherd, Wheeling.
“ Empire, Doyle, SteuiwnvHle.
'* Keystone State, Hnzlftp, Cincinnati.
“ Flag, Sblrles. CincinoatL
“ Shluglss. M’Eelvy, SL Igiuia.
“ Wisconsin, tow-boat, Madison
Steamer Venture, Gordon, Wheeling.
’• J«fler3on. Parkinson, Brownirvllla.
“ Luzerne, Bennett, Brownsville.
“ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
u Convoy, Wolf, Wellsville.
*’ Eclinw, Mt'iore, Steubenville.
“ Foreat City, Moore, Wlieelln.j.
“ Buckeye State, UcltzhooTer, Ciin'innuti.
“ Pennsylvania, Klinefelter, Cincinnati.
“ Quaker City, fihunk, Nashville.
“ Aroeriens, Batchelor, St. LouU.
roR mu or
For Wabastt Klver.
For Nashville,
For ZanesylHe
Bounty Lands.
Retidence at Evergreen.
THE UNDERSIGNED offers for rale his property in the
Fvergreen Colony, Ross Township, five milts from
Pittsburgh The house Is 6S by 34, arranged with Four
Rooms, a Kituhen, and a large Hall on the tlrft floor, and
is provided with a Water Closet and Bath Room—the latter
with suitable hot aud cold water pipes. Attached to th
houee are Two Acres of Ground, hefdlu fee, on which there
is a Well of unfailing soft water, a Stable and a Chicken
House. The Colony Is prodded with a School of the hlsh
est order, and is under the management of a gc-nth-aian
from Virginia, a member, well qualified to teach tveu the
higher branches of study. This admirably conducted
School is of incalculable advantage to the man of family
the ideas here hare an opportunity of shooting without
tho contaminating influence of outside pressure , too i.fiea
® rounti schools in the city and immediate vicinity.
Tho House and tho Two Acres will be sold with or with
out the interest in tbo farm property, and the avails will be
la “ e “ * a adjusted balances snd certificiies of deposit against
IVILLIAM A. HILL, 64 Wood street.
Farm for Sale.
r i SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a valuable TRACT OF
LAND, situated in New Sewickly township, Beaver
county, three miles from Rochester and New Brighton, on
the Brighton and Pittsburgh road; containing 80 acres, Go
ol which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the
Dalanca woll timbered. The improvements consist of a
good COTTAGE HOUSE, with four rooms, kitchen and celar,
ftP 0 ! , m J?, Bank Barn,Bo by 40 feet, with Stabling under
the whole of it for bvscs, cows and sheep: anew Bmoke
House, Wood House and Spring House. There is-one of
best Springs of soft water in the coun tv handy to the house,
also several other gpod Springs on the premises. Orchards
ot choice fruit, consisting of Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum,
and Cherry trees. This Farm is ail under good fence; part
in grain. The place is well watered.
Thl, is a rare chance to seecnre a good home. Apply
!?° n -. 1 rurlhor information enquire of Lone, Duff A (Jo.,
Pittsburgh; O R. Spire rs, Rocheßtcr; Samuel Stiles,
Rochester; or the subscriber, on the premises.
_fi;blG:lm* mhlftwlt JESSE DEAN.
T„„ . Farm tor Sale.
lto ofr ” rs Sac Bale 0 «n»*U FARM op fiftt
ACRES—forty acres of which is cleared, and under a
Rood state of cultivation. There Is also a good Apple and
Peach Orchard; two Dwelling Ileuses, with other out
house.; a Barn, and a good Stable. The Farm is ritoaUd
in Baldwin township, Allegheny county—sij miles from this
city—near tbe-Brewnsville road. For further particulars,
apply to the subscriber, on tho premises.
For Rent.
A ut' I l M . C ? N T AI /!. 1N ' 0 , 03 ACK£S 0P LAND . under a
mv wi'm r UT “' 0 ?' 'J ltb “ larga anJ convenient
DWELLING ID CAIi, recently built end cf modern style;
good Darn, Stabling, ic.,Bituated on the south bank of the
Monongohelo river, 0 miles above Pittsburgh, being one or
the most beautiful ond pleasant localities anywhere to be
fouud. Possession given on or bofore the Ist of April next
Enquire of n . CHILDS & CO., *
phS:tf 133 Wood ntnvt.
Fin© Family Carriage, Harness A Horae*
For Sale.
two horses, with fine double Harness, and pair of
young, well broke, perfectly f&fe and gentle Horses. For
sale chesp, for want of ua\ Address Box No. GO Pitts
burgh Pof-t Office, mhO-lw
For Rent*
Steubenville Turnpike, nix miles from Pittsburgh
lute homestead of William M'Connlck. Possession given
Immediately. Terms $260 per annum. Enquire of
mh7:d*wtf Near the premises.
rpo LET—A two story Brick Dwelling House, on Centre
X Avenue. Apply to IJ. MINER A CO ,
No. 32 Hmilhfield street.
Lot for Sale,
A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street
by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will be sold
cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE,
Jtl3 at office of the Morning Poet.
100. A good bargain can bo had by applying soon at
the office of the MORNING POST. jyl2:tf
BALE—An excellent Frame House and Lot, on
A. Resaca street, Allegheny city, at a very low rate. En
quire ot THOMAS WOODS,
j>n22:tf 75 Foorth street.
Land for Sale
1 OUv the Clarion river. This land U heavily timbered,
has au excellent fU3il,and is said to contain an abundance of
iron oro, and a thick vein of bituminous coal. The Venan
go railroad, which will undoubtedly be built, will run very
near to it, if not directly acroaa it. The MliiatowrS creek
runs through it.
ALSO, 500 acres in Elk county, well timbered and watered,
and lying near the route uf the Banbury and Erie railroad.
No better investment could be made than in these lands.
The completion of the Sunbury and Erie, the Allegheny
Valley, and the Venango railroads through that region
will render the coal, lumber, Iron ore and foil of great
value. Enquire of C. B. M. SMITH,
Attorney at Law,
f*b22»am:tf No. 147 Fourth rireet.
A LOT Hi front on WYLIE street, and extending
back 100 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of ihu
Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This* l.i t
Is lu a desirable location for a residence; and will be sold
low, end on favorable term*. Title good, aud clear from
Incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE,
ifl-T At Office of Morning post.
.UAysrjsLD, yEAR pirrsnrsGu.
r I , UE UDder»lgiieJ, County Buperiutendent, having .mo
J_ »ult»l a number ot Teachers and Directors upon the
propriety ot estab.ishing a TeAchfrs’ institute, and haviu
recettod their tuatty approval—and believing also that b«-
cannot, iu any other way, more •.if-dually aid in carrying
out the urovirioni of the new School Law—has determiaej
to ftstsbiMi a NORM AL SCHOOL— for which be bassecured
the et-rtfo* of R. tl RUY, A. 81., a* Principal
The object of the institution will lie to afford Teachers,
and oil tbo&a wishing to become Teachers, such facilities as
will enable them to obtain a liberal, thorough nml practical
education. ' _
4S3F* The first Session will taaa on TUESDAY, AraihSi,
1555 It Is deiirable that all perrons wishing to cuter
should be present at the opening of the session.
For Information as to Terms, Ac., fee Circulars, rr ad
***** B. M. KEKH,
County Superintendent.
ouil'a Dlercautlle College,
Un reference to any of our city merchants, it will W
found Umithuia tho only establishment or iho hind ever
establb-beJ iu tbLsctiy in wftich they have any confidence—
the only one in which i ouble Entry Book-Keeping has
Wn thurr-ughly taught;—the only one ia which Account
ants can get reliable advice in case of difficulty with thvir
boukfthe only one in which the doctrines of Partnership
scl-.iuujcnts are thoroughly elucidatedthe only one iu
which Lecture* upon Commercial I.nw hare been regularly
*i;d systematically dolltered lor Dearly eight years; the
only *ne in which a good Handwriting can be obtained
the only one in which Teacher* of Penmanship can be in
structed in the ormuniDtal branches of the art; —the only
one wbo*e ProfeAttir of Penmanship will let visitors have a
specimen 01 bin Writing. Call and get a Circular, and a
M>ecim»o of Mr. Williams' splendid wilting. mhlO
Exceiiior->lroxi (hlyCommerclai (Joliece,
STREET—permanently established, wit ft a
f y foundation as firm a* the name it tx-arn.
The great mdu.-euienu offered to voung men til thi< In
slPution aro such as are rarely nut with in other Coile;ru.s.
au array of talent has never bef >re been employed in
aoy Commercial College in Pittsburgh: this is an cstab-
Updml and undeniable fact. Tbe Faculty of this College i
cvmiposed of gentlemen who*” names and rare qualification.-
arc af fnmillar 10 the public as “ household words ’’
Faculti.—MlLLAß A BUG., and Professor*
of Plalu and Ornamental Penmanship.
I. I. HITCHCOCK, (author of Hitchcock’s Svstem of
Bookkeeping.) Principal of the Bookkeeping Department,
and Lecturer on ail important business transactions.
JOHN FLEMlNG,(*nthor v of Fleming’* new and improved
syatem of Book-keeping,) will examloonnd deliver weekly
Lecture* on the Science of Accounts.
JAMES H. HOPKINS, member of the Pittsburgh Bar,
Lecturer on Commercial Law.
Young men who are desirous of becoming expert aecoun
tacts, accomplished book-keeper*, and rapid business pen
men, may rely 00 having every satisfaction guarantied t»
them. Those who Teel L.terosted w! 1 please call, and wit
ness tho wonderful progress made in the carious depart
ments by the students of tbd College.
The Faculty of this .Institution do not claim to be
tka ” best la the United States,” tor Jo they mean to gull
the public, by saying that it is “the only place wfc«re
Book keeping is properly taught,” but they wish to sny
that tho Iron City College, in all its departments, U equal
to any Commercial College in tho western couutrj.
Terms reasonable. OoUege open from 8A- M. till 101‘. M.
No extra charge for Arithmetic. Civility gratis. ralrd
In.trucMon. InOlualo
MR WAMELINK would respectfully inform hl« pupils
an friends that he will continue his profession a*
iußtructor 1 u the PIANO FORTE and VOICE.
Orders left 1 Mr. KLKBEU’S Music Store, or at his resi
dence, No. 137 SECOND Street, will be promptly attended
to. aus
Pearl Steam Mill;
(tfiia tub railroad station.)
Families win b« supplied withoxjrv*rioui« gradv# of
By leaving their order® at tho Mill or In our bote* at
Logan, Wilson A Co., Wood street,or Braun A Reiter,cox
ner Liberty nml St. Ololr street*, Pittsburgh.
11. P. Schwarts, or .1. T. Sample, Druggists, Allegheny
Flour will bedellTered totnmille* in either ol the twoeUloß
TfaMß: CASII on delivery.
NO. IS2 WOOD STREET, ono door fflrj
from the corner of Liberty, is now open.
33a5«9» The proprietor b himself a
Hatter, having had fifteen years e.xperleoco
nt the business, U«u years un a practical workman; having
worked in Ihe principal establishment* in N«*w York, Phil
auelpbia, Cincinnati, and tho Now England States; feels
confident that, from his practical experience os a Uatter,
be can furnish not only an good hot a nmen and cukai-eii
article than anything horetofore offered to tho Pittsburgh
puhllc—tiff of his own manufacture. deel.Vtf
HAMILTON BTKWAKT, Manufacturer of Shirting,
Check®, Tweeds, etc., Rebecca street, Allegheny, Ims
opened a Wareroom second f.Tonr Post Bnu»moa, corner
Fifth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
Merchants who are not awaro that these Checks can bo
made'us good and sold os low here an iu any other city in
thn United States, aro Invited to coll and examine fortbem
selves. . mhl‘2:lm
TO tho Honorable thej Judges of the Court of Genera!
Quarter Sessions of tno Peace, in anti for the’county of
The petition of Magdalena Wilhelm,*of the Filth Ward
of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid, huinbly aheweth,—
That your petitioner bath provided herself with materials
for the accommodation of travelers and Others, at her dwel
ling house in the Ward aforesaid, and prays that your
Honors will bo pleased to grant her a license to keep a pub
lic house of emertalnmcut, and your petitioner as in duty
bonnd, will pray. MAGDALENA WIIIJELM.
We, the subscribers, citizens of tho Ward aforesaid, do
certify that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty
and tomperanco, and is well provided with bouse room and
conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and tra
velers, and that said tavern is necessary.
F E. Rremer, P. Unla, Wm. Boiberts, Jos. Snider, Adam
Metxgar, H. JUnsldy, Francis Felix. B. Boerkle, N. Neel,
Tfaos. Landefeltyer, Jno, Bloon, It. Whiteside. [mb!6:3t*
cember Tonn, 1854. In the matter of the voluntary as
signment of M. Hodkinson to Thos. B. Sill.
And now, to wit, Fobruury 19, 1855, on motion
a i- s. [ of D. Reed, In open Court, it la ordered, that notice
be given to all persons interested, by publication
in two newspapers published in the city of Pittsburgh, at
least once a week for three consecutive weeks, that an ap
plication w;ll he made to the Coart of Common Pleas on
Saturday, the 10th day of March, 1855, for an order on said
assigneo to re-transfer and re-convey said assigned property
and for the discharge of said assignee and his sureties, Ac
By the Court. From the record.
feb2o ED. CAMPBELL, JR., prothonotnry.
IUS33 GOODS—Fancy and black Silks, French Chinues,
BrilUntes, De Lolats, Lawns, Bareges and TtEsaoi,
received by . . . -
mhB HAGAN A AHL, 91 Market street.
*-v- T . ,-K
rpUE ORKAT CENTRAL LOUTE cont-1i... n. ..
1 lunch- rill,- «|.l, tVeatern, Soul, n*'
wiT.tfrn State=. 1..- a .-.nitnnoii- Kailua- ,li,„ -iV- “ h |
u>. I’ilt-hurgh v- ; .h li,.- i r , .
all on :ho Wut. rn JOs.-j M . I«t < t*- lu
dinky is ith to Mi j i.» * - itj ti.c i u '. i
Lukes;.making th-s rncfit din-:’., at,: , 'h/.'-V ',7.''!
by which FREIGHT can Lc forwarded lo uiU from u k «
Greet Wat. ■ ;.
FfRST CLASS.—Boots, Shoe?, Dry Goods, > ... . *
(In boxes,) Furs, Feathers, Ac / ®*' c ’ P or lOOd*.
SECOND CLASS.—Books and Stationery, j
Dry Goods, (In bales,) Hardware. Lea- >7sc. per lOOlba.
ther, Wool, Ac )
THIRD CLABB—Anvitg, Bogging, Bacon { r . n „ Inf .»
and Pork, (in bulk,) Hemp, Ac. \ **' per 100rb3 ‘
FOURTH CLASS—Coffee,Fish,Baconand 1 e.. Inrt v
Pork, (packed,) Lard and Lanl Oil J Soc * per 100Ib3 ‘
"hipping Goods from any point East ot PhUidel
j>b.a, be pariicular to mark package -*vw Pennsylvania
\ G00,,g consigned to the Agents of this Road
at i nuadwlpnia or Pittsburgh; will be forwarded without
Fbuout Agents —Moses Potter, Boston; J. L Elliott, N.
i .d. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magratv A Roods, Haiti
more; Gen. 0 Franctsous, Pittsburgh; Sbrifignftd A Brown,
Cinc-ionatj; Ohio; J. S. Moorhead, Louisville, lt. C.
Ka t«Hff St. Louis, Mo; J.
S. Mitchell & Son, Evansville, Indiana.
DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, between Philcdel
leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7J-£, 4. M:, and Pitts
burgh J or Philudelphia at 7, A. M. THE FAST LINE
leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 1 P. M.. and Pitts-
Tn r ffvT "t 1* P- M. THE NIGHT EXPRESS
TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 11, P. M.,and
Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 10, P M ’
m HZ a , b ° Te JiT connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads
to and from St. Louis, Mo.; Alton, Galena and Chicago, 111-
Frankfcrt, Lexington and Louisville, Terre Haute
Madison, Lafayette and Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Dav
ton, Springfield, Bellefontaine, Sandusky, Toledo. Cleve
land, Columbus, Zanosvillo, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio *
also with the Steam Packetßoatsfromand to NtwObleajcs*
St. Louis, Louisville and Cincinnati, ’
places° USh TickßtS Cfln 1:8 hfld to or from cither of the above
e f V**} I ™'*™* see handbills at the different
starting points. Passengers from the West will find this the
ediorliv-t and most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Balti
more, New \ ork, or Boston. THOS. MOORE,
Agent, Passimger Lines. Philadelphia.
ja ° oU Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh.
O.i!o and Peuu.ylvanlß Railroad,
r..., Bll ° rte o ’ tn| l ““St reliable routs to Toledo,
CLFVELA ,llaßd ’ Qa ' 81la ’ ani St ' Louia > k VIA
This route Is ono hundred miles shorter and about eight
DIANAFOLIS tbaa tbe circuitous one VIA IN-
Three Daily Trains between Pittsburgh and Cleveland.
Three Daily i'rains between Cleveland and Chicago.
a Jv® e 5° Cleveland nix hours, Chicago twenty-two boara,
and St. Louis thirty-seven hours.
Train* for Cleveland leave Alliance at 7.30, A. 51., 12 00
Pnr«?!L 6 „ 4 r u M ’ Hudson with Trains’ for
Atron, and arriving in Cleveland at
10.04, A. SL, 2.20, P. M., and 8.20, P. M.
The Trains of the Ohio and Ponna. Railroad, leave Pitta
burgh at 3.00 A. SL, 8.00, A. M., and 3.00, P. Mu all con
arintS “ t . A « la ? C r,‘;“i tl ;.' rain * “ hich arrive in Cleveland
at 10 04, A. ill, 2.20 P. M., and 8.45, P. M.
Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, St. Louie, Rock Inland
Galena, and the North-west, who wish to go through vrlth
out detention, will-take the train leaving Pittaburgh at
? °., A - Hn,i vmving in Cleveland at 220 P. 51., na that
la tile only train by which clone connections are made
Ibrough to the above points. Passengers by this train
Tht Chic:st> at nolt “®™ing and SL Louia at mid-
Time gulneil by going via Cleveland, eight boors
The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago leave as
follow,,: Leave Cleveland at 7410 and 2410 A. M., 7 45 P ip
arrive at Chicago atll.oo P. M., 7.00 A. M. and 1200 M. ’’
Trains leave for Rock lalanil and St. Louis an follows:
Leare Uncago at 0 lu A. M., 10.C5 and 11.00 P. 51.
for SL 5? oTer Rock r ’l»nd Railroad to
Joliet and thence over the Chicago aod Misaiasipp! Railroad
io Alion, and thence by Steamboat (23 miles) to St. Louis
■sjccniter* by the 9.23, A. SL, Train arrive in St. Louis at
11.20 same evening, and by the 10.05, P. 51. Train at noon
next day.
Bag} rape through to Cleveland, and there r*-
ehecked for Chia.v:o nnu St. LoaK
.... j Ist OUBR. 2lfl) CLASS.
To Alienee.. .ai jTo Ohica*ro .411 fiO 9&0
r^ T^ SOd i 5)0 I hn SslJl * 14 50 12 50
c u 0 Keck Uluna„ Hi 50 1?, 50
GoO j St. la>ul-' 10 50 15 50
I requeaU-l io jm«-ur.- tiMr tickets at tbe
Mi'UuujjaLeiu iiouce, third door
UiOVthd ffo.-mr. J. DURAND, Suj/t'Cf* ; TfcUnJ.
J. A. OAUQUEY, A?«ut,
st.'Lutiis — asiFwbW - ORLEiSS".
An Air Lino Boute from Chicago to St Louis
cfn l ?,V l L ri «r^ Pr '-' M TrSi ° of MteU *“ So '“ lh «" "*
if “ " NIUIIT EXPRESS 10:05,' P. M."
m™?'"-!' 1 ' 1 i br ?"S l ' to St. Loulb In fjurtwn hours, vt»
Bloomington, SprlngfieM and Alton, tpithout ofca r 8
” '’VfWf; at Alton with o„.iy Lin. of picket B
r r | I i a t, Q U1I1C ? “ nd Keokuk, anti at St. Louis with
and intermediate points on the Mississippi, and with reitular
,or K " nf “" and Council Bluffs.
Baggogo checkei through to St. Louis, on Michigan Ceu
tral and Southern Trains, and at the depot in Chicago
E. P. HOLLISTER, Chicago,
Tickets to fit. Look, by this route, can be
obtained n Pittsburgh, at Oflrea of Cleveland and Pitts
burgh Bnd Ohio end Pennsylvania Railroads. fßep‘27:6xa
, Car P et * Leas Chau Coat.
1 n . h iindend-nr-d haring rcduc-d the prices of tholr en-
A are strife of Carpets, OU Cloths, Rug*. Mats, Matting
4c *» from A» to ij per cent, call the attention of persons in
want «*f any articles iu their lice to tLe following
Their *tock is one of the fa?y«f and Usl vUct*d\n Lhe
city, and consists in pan of
Velvet aud Brussels ;
Tapestry iims.cb;
Aufiusson BruasuU;
Imperial and Extra three ply Carpets*
i*at-m Tapestry Ingrain do;
Superfine ami fine do*
Twilled Rod plain Venetian do*
Hall and Stair j o .’
Wool, Dutch and Hemp do;
Wool andCotUsn Ingrain do;
W ,* D / 0 * £ Latl, ‘ s » and a large assortment of
Oil Cloth, from -to hi foat in width. Terms case osw
. „ C. B. lIKADLY • CO./
_ N«. 82 Third street.
Authorized Capital, $300,000.
T NSUKE BUi-LDINGS and other property against loss or
JL damage by Fire, and the perils of the Sea and Inland
Navigation and Transportation.
w m. F. Johnston, Itody Patterson,
• M’Ohntocb, Kennedy T. Friend,
L. M lx>ng, 1. Grier Sproul,
*• V° D , M I George R. White,
Jacob Painter, a. A. Carrier,
1 «mes S. Negley, \y, g. u a veu,
Wade Hampton, D. E,Park,
Q. It. Coggshall.
Hon. \VM, F. JOHNSTON, President.
ItODY PATTERSON, Vice President.
A. A. Caimues, Secretary and Treasurer.
B. S. Cahrier, A&dataot Sun etary. dec2:6m
Bazin's Premium Perfumery.
APUIZtI MEDAL at the Great London Exhibition of
the Industry of all Nations, In 1851, and Seven High
est Premiums, awarded the subscriber in this country, have
proved ins preparations of a superior quality, and placed
him aumog the best perfumers and soap makers of Europe
n«tl America. His releoreted Shaving Creams and Lus
t rale*, bL pnelVmade? % Toilet Waters, and Perfumes tor
lhe itßtidXere.uof, u> varieties,) aro unsurpassed by any
in the world.
All atUeh's purehasrvl at IhU rstaWlGiment are warrant
ed e.l the finest quality.
With an addition el Many tier artielea to hi* list. and
sr»«tly UoUities tor manufacturing, he is enabled
u> furnish tin m to dealers In any quantity desired, and at
rcty lit eral pi toe*. *
Country Dealer*, guesting U, cun have a Priw List
mallei to Hick address, free of posing*.
tSttcvewr o E. Uousset.)
No, 111 Chestnut jdreot, below Fourth,
feli2,:d»wlmu Philadelphia.
To Wholcanie Grocers, Llqnor Deaiera
and manufacturers*
T'HK SUBSCRIBER 1* now importing a superior Quality
J. °f OIL 01 COGNAC, of which of an ounce with Cu
gallons pure Spirit will produco n fineCmrase Brand?. Ilia
nod SCOTTISH WHISKY arn acknowledged by tho New
York manufacturers by the great demand after them. Di
rections for Use will invariably be given by
m Malden Lane, New York.
I. S.—lmporter <'f Daguerreotype Chemicals, platina.
Bnmmui, M*ngum\*«; Thorn’s Kxt.Copuiva, Sulphate Am
*c; _ dcc2Hstf_
J£fTectual ILeuiedy for Worms*
frHIL uUSeONS of expurietxci) are the moet reliable, and
A if not too costly are songtitufter by the practical, The tlm voluntary 'estimony of a worthy and well
known phycirlan, relative to his experience cf tho eQWcv
during a practice of twenty-tiro years:
~ Grenada, Miss., May S3J, IS.V>.
Messrs. I>. A. FnhnesLtick t£ Co.
GiSTLEiiE.V:— I am one or those Individuals backward In
giving certificates, but in the present instance consider it
due to humanity to fay that 1 have been engaged in the
practice of medicine for twenty-five years, and have never
aiet with any remedy so effectual for worms as your Yer-
Bifap In adult,, even In canes of Fever, I sometimes
nee it to carry off calomel taken tho preTlons nieht, and
often find tdlious evacuations and worms to follow I use
no other lermifußß In my practice, and desire no better
Respecttully, W. M. HASKINS, M. I).
Prepared and sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. corner
F>rat and IN otxi streets. mhß*d*w
Office y No. 02 ibwrfA cf., above Wood.
NOTES, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on colla
terals, negotiated. Stocks bought and soM on com
mission. Land Warrants bought and sold.
Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of
Copper Stocks.
All cogunnaicationß ntiented to promptly. janlP
Palmer's Celebrated Epicurean Sauce*
STANDS PREEMINENT fjr flavoring Soups, Grarijs,
Fish, Meat. Game, Ac. Wo advise all good housewives
to try it. 2S cent* per battle, at &U Grocery and Fruit
Stores In tho United States and Camillas
For 6ale by M’CLURG and G. H. KEYSER» Pittsburgh.
j®nl9:d*wly Is 241 Market street. Philadelphia
Therapeutic, ok recliningcuairr—Afew more
of those comfortable chairs on hand. Persons de* [ring
aseatthatcan ha occupied for daya'wUbont causing f£
tlguo* should call and eew them. • v,"
deol2 T. B. YOUNG A CO;
V v ' t
•i l
_ ,„ ~ H- h. Houston,
Oeneral freight Agent. Philadelphia.
Snperintendant. Altoona. Pa.
► l
. it* a* > .*
>r ’ ~ ■
Xa'OU the prevention auJ Cura of I.meilmittext anJ-Rr
JT xnttHt Ktvins, Fivui and Aoui, Cuius and Ftvra*
P™ B Anus. Ua.Nmu J)£nrurir,KifliiT Sweats,and ail otW
h'rms of dto-rtso which have a romuiou origin in Malaria or
Miasma. ThD rubtlo atmospheric poir-ou which at rertalii
'iM 33O^ 1515 u inhaled ut every breath. h the sums
uLf, Rc !* r .. w}j, ‘ rcT,?r 5t «*JshT—North, South, Fast or
£*l! c ; re 7 w,!ere >' lek l to this newiy-tiiscoTfir«l
7)t/i^n C e v- c!alraet * t 0 be the greatest dticovery in
i isl fio barmiors (hat it may be taken by per
! tut* for omniiX 0 ’ ee V r londi!i t»ni ond It wJH not substb
I salt In the B ° l * he , rß PliU fforso ’ ** U lco cnca tbe re
! Xr p t Sm 1 56n3 r?SS t^« Qain . Ine ’ Mweury. J»Meote,6»d
!of which 1, admitted fcbh,SS' , ' ttrU ' l “ 0f
“,V'»ta”h‘’««traord iD re-
forrf for ony lm|th h o7time e^m
“ T ,lu „lmmrdiateljr reiiere Ml the dicrcjsin* rajuUii of
Bllioas or Ague disease*, Both 1 os general debility, {jabt
Bweafp, etc. The patient at oned begins ttrfdcoYer anneffis
and etrcngtn,and continues until a permanent and radical
cure is effected.
Finally, Its Use will.banish Fever
and all clas'e?. Farmers and all laboring men* bv adopts
log it as a preventive, will be free, fro m"Agii9 or Bilibpa at*’
tacks in that season of tho year which, while il 1 i tha most
sickly, is the mpstralcable one to them.
One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases: rome
may require more Directions printed in Gecffiin,'French
and Spanish, accompany, each bottle Price One Dollar.
Liberal discountsimadc to the trade. Trade circulars for
warded on application, and the article consigned'on.
lluerai terms to responsible parties in every section of UnT
3 AS. A. ItHODBS, Proprietor,
York: °* v - C»ICEENEiTa CO** and C\
DVOTr i Knv^ n „ : nH V f I!KK ?'l; 5 y i 7 ,ilß ' «>H*delpW..: ’
Ull/ir A BOAS—and for sale bnlcalyi ramrall.. [fr).V7
LfiEcmjca, BUsrrßiNa, or tna use or calomel.
Hourefrom 9 A. M.to4 P.fil.
T>OnGU, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Aent*i*r
li Chronic Dimduess with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis bud
Cataract Scrofulous, Weepls# or Watery
the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. 11. will*
perfect satisfaction; - • • -
All diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principles.
Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation.
All letters post-paid will seedre prompt attention.
,® 6 ® loct the following references from among the thou*
Ilendentt 9 * 8 avo been successfully treated by Dr.
J 1“ J ; f«y».S4B-8 Breadmiy, AJbiny, K. r.
*AltmlSouthwick, Printer, i. «.
|J. Goodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. i
♦Wm.W. Smith,Detroit, Mich-* “ rC"
I a?! 13 * w' New York City, N. Y.
|p I s 3 B«U°ws, N. E. Station, Duche3B co, N Y i
*Edward <i. bolger, Bristol, Coon. *
*John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y.; -
David Little, Engineer, N.YI ' ' *
Wra. F. B. Giles, office Courier and Enq, Sx‘
tJamcs W. Kirby, Drcaklyn, L.I .'
JarvirßodgerS, « - it'
A. R ReeTes. ToWiph Operator, St. KJc&Sba Hotel
l L H-JJuUder, Houston's!.' '
R. B. Doolittle, Si. D., Utfdfion, N. Y. '
Mra Knickerbocker, YonbersJ' N.Y. *'
SLP.UoUius, Teacher Penmanship,.Troy, N. Y.
R. L. Ross, Albany, S. Y. * *
A. Diilcubach, Schenectady, N. Y.
Capt. B. H. Haviland, Atbona.H. Y.'
John W. Hackctt, Binghampton, N. Y
~ \
‘These patients were blind, and had to te led to thdofiufc,
at neeka they could go about the clip.
•rii« B coses of Amanrosls were restored to fight After
they were gWoa up na incurable by the faculty, and can bo
referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facta In
the.-e co-cep, by wilting to them. jaia
CELEBRATED i . . • . . „
prepared BY "
DR. C. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa.;
Diseases of the Kidneys,and
an atsuua arum? from a disord-xtd Lizxr cr Stomach.
* Such
as Constipa
tion,lnward idles,
Fulness,or Blood to tha
Hoad, Acidity of theStomuch,
N T ausea;lleart burn, Disgust for Food,'
Fulness or weight in the Stomach, Boor -4
Eructations, Sinking, or Fluttering at tha Pit
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried
and Duficul. Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Ghoais---
tng or when in ijfngPoUture, Dimness
of n n , « , *4 v f , Wcbs lwfor ® the Sight, Fever and
Dull lain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. '
I ollqwness of the Skin and Eye*, Pain in the
Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden •
Flushes of Hent Burning in tho
Flesh, Constant Imagin* * •- =
iags of Evil, and great
Depression of * *
_ . Spirits. • , -•*. ■.
Tha proprietor, In calling the* attention of tha public to
this preparation, dow so with a feeling of the nlmost eonfl.
U is «e“mm?ni« S *» “>•**•»« tor which
_ U4s aoi.BW artMejbpt one Utathas atißi' 1
the test of a ten years* trial before the American people. *
and us repaiation and sale la unrivalled by anv eimllarDre
psratioog extaut Tho.tesUmony in its favor given by the
most prominent and well known I’liyeicians and indilidtt
als, in all parts of the country Is immense. Beferring any
who may doubt, to my “Memorabilia,"or Practical Reteipt-
Book, for farmers and Families, to bo had gratis, of all tha
Agents for the German Bitters..
Principal Offlce and Manufact ry, 120 Arch street, Phlla
uelpuift, Fa. 7
4p?Sold by Dr. Geo. IL Keyscr, 140 Wood street; B. A/
Fehnestcck & Co., No. 0 Wood street; Fleming Bnvhers.
VSdl'wly L i '‘ E "‘‘' t2sndJ - i '- .Allegheny.
VurUit Safe, Ormptete and Speed;/ Cure of Injlammatu-y,
Chronic, Hereditary and Hercuriai Wtenmaiim , Rhrir.
incite Goat, lumbago, Sciatica, and other Diseases affecting
the Muscular SytUm.
Rheumatic Pills have called forth from all classes, was
neTt-r voluntarily offered in faTor of any other Medicine,
The cases of cure comprehend
WbeOi.T accompanied by that terrible sensibility of the
parts afffteted, common in the inflammatory phase—by the
muscular contractions which so often render the victim ox
Chronic Rheumatism a helpless cripple, or by the ever*
symptoms which are sometimes the characteristics
of this Protean complaint.
Uni ike tho “ Snngrado” practice of bleeding and purring.
Which pome sapient medicos consider the Ugitimatlm ode of
irratiug Rheumatism, these Pills sustain and cherish the
auimal forces, invigorate the constitution, and thus act as
the allies of Nature in her efforts to cast off tho disease
Their medical nction-ls direct and specific. It reaches the
materia moxib i or radix of tho disorder, through all'the
complications of nerves and fibres in which His entrenched. ;
aud expels from the blood tho febrile principle which feeds
and spriads, and intensifies, while It spreads the fatal ten*
dencies of the malady.
Cauilon—Bcivaro of Counterfeits It
Bo particular, and enquire tor Ret. SAMUEL COVEL’S
RHEUMATIC PILLS, and see that the boxes have, on tha
outside wrapper, his fdgoaturo,. countersigned by 0. H,
RINQ, General Agent, 192 Broadway, New York, without
which none are opkcixf..
„.*3l- Sold by Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER, Pittsburgh: J. P.
F City. - , . . .
BY virtuo of a precept under the hands of William B.
M Clure, President of the Court of Common Pleas, in
and for the Filth Judicial District of Penfmyivqbla. vud
J ustice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and general Jail
delivery, in and for said district, and William Boggs and .
■Gabriel Adams, Esqs., Associate Judges of the same county,
in and for the county of Allegheny, dated the twenty uKi
day ot February, in. the year of our Lord ono thousand
eight hundred and fifty-five, and to me directed, for ho;d* v
Ing a Court of Oyer and Terminer and general jail delivery,
at the Court lljaie in the city of Pittsbargln on the fourth' ‘
Monday of March, at ten o'clock, A. M. Public notice ia '
hereby givon to ail Justices of tho Peace, Coroner, and Con*
stables of the county of Allegheny, that they be, then and -
there, ia their proper persons, with their rolls, records, in
quiiitions, examinations and other remembrances, to do
those things which to their respective offices, in their be*
half, appears to be done—and also those that will prosecute
the prisoners that now are, or may be in tho Jail cf arid
county of Allegheny, to be than and there to prosecute
against them as shall bejwst.
Ulvea unJvr my bir.l, in rftrsUsssiVthis first day of
March, in the jar cf onr Uvi vs,* t'K-saJusl tight &ub-
Jr«l amt B:t>-rnv amlw '.h.-O.Mvs.-n.'troJ'.h U» asvtntv
ntmh. imhii WStUXH XVUU. 6h«Ut
nvTKi, ***** w t*» Lmvnn
• Uoroo Is n&rwl uvr I**.*? \Ay t\vvtf*hfa terms, lidos
Msxxntfvl on tr.o -v-rtwr tM' bonrth .<irvct aod Grant. near to -
Overt Uou«*e,and *',vu; mUt*»y been the X.nongahtia ~
ir* Trf ami the It is one of the most
plo:vMut, conronSrlit and deniable locations in the city.
The Hold \ri:l he if dosired, and loosed for %
frr» eommeadaß from the firat-of April next,
rot ftvrther iofonaation npplv to
JOStm 8. A A. P. MORRISON, AlPys,
OBlce Xo. 143 Fourth at.. Pittsburgh.
• Notice* "
ALL PERSONS bnTin- Books- 1 Certificates of Deposit
against the undersigned, are requested' 16 present the
same at our ofllcu, for settlement.
ibtssbargh, January 24th; 1355—{ jgn2s -
A, Card.
OWING to a steady drain upon our fundi- and an area- - ,
unTsfdu-pmreuro, together witlr the M
ireme difficulty-of realiTing our securities, we hare boon ■
compollea-to suspend our business.
Our creditors mayriejat conlident that our entire indebt
euntf»3 will be fully pahl, as we have unquestionably ft large
surplus over our liabilities. -kkamku A-jfami.
_Januory 120, 1856—[ jan23
X'UE PARTNEKgriltMicretPforn existingiitul»rthßJty'l<
of “KRAMER, WORK * YO.UNQ,” Milladelpbtt, is
clay diisoWed; Samuel Work, Young and Wm.
M’Concii, of Kramer & Bahrain
said firm. The baseless will ba continued by “WORK,
January 22,1855.
£2“ Depositors In our office, will please call 'ahl tecelre
■their hills and notes left, with us for colls 'lion.
jan23_ • KRAMBB k BAII&I.
myafcyj E. RILEY, Proprietor. ■ -
a. a. mason & co 7. -
iM T AmN F *ra lIE m EED F CTlo!l ' ra PMCES.”
A * ra contm »o their Bale through
p\., themcrath of February. Thelrimmoose stock wUI
ta p?te 3 mMked dOWn nnd at still greater redacting
w : Partiter Wanted^
1 N THE BEST and one of the most profitable retail cash
A person with a cash capital
? »$i roaliza S 3 per cent, and no riakrin an oil **•
Übliahed busineafl, tha sales of which, notwithstanding
dull times, la increasing rapidly. To a business man with
the a bore capital or- more, this is a chance seldom offered.
Addresißox Pcst.Oiace, threat name
and address
TyUTrEH—IO bbls prime roll rccaiTcd and &«• saw by
JD fbb!9 HEN'BY H, 001X1*3.