The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 19, 1855, Image 2

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lailq Bonnng Iflat
jy Readme Mat«er vrIU *>» fotind on
each Page of tUU Paper-
„ PETTINQILL a CO., Km-.papa- Aimiiiir.g
* * »««hr the Pittsburgh Daily and Weekly
j4ycr.fs.are the Agen oive adyeethehen'ts and
and reared at this
receipts aro raided a, parents. Tbalr
ornee. ine Nsw Yobk, 122 Nassau street,
offlees aro a bostos, 10 Brin bteeet.
MORNING post job office.
Wo would call the attention o{ MERCHANTS A. D
BUSINESS MEN to tie fact that we have jnst received
from Philadelphia a nnmber or fonts of new Job Type, and
are now prepared to fill orders for Cards, Circulars, Bill
Reads, Paper Boohs, Posters, and Programmes for eshibi
tlons. All orders will be promptly filled.
nif-The Democratic Committee of Cor
r.lpoSidenee far
UOTI1 ' CO'n.
Tbe following gentlemen compose the OMMjUtM.
\Vm. Wllaon, Tho 3. J. Keenan,
JU B. Patterson, t winlman.
Thoß. B. Hamilton, j*mos A. Irain,
Henry Ingram, 0 F oulmore,
Thos. fsfloy. John Mallon,
S o a °Tf ’ Uhu. Barnett,
Dr. A. H. Gross, . Felix
E a. Collier, Francis keiix,
Jacob M'ColH-.tar.
corbbsposdenck of the post.
No paper, probably, published west of the
A'legheny monntaios has contained more in
teresting original letters than have been found
in the Pittsburgh Pott within the last twenty
months. It has been under our oare and contro l
during that length of time, and wo have sought,
at no small expense, to fill its columns with all
sorts of reading matter that could interest,
amuse and satisfy our readers, and keep them
posted up as to the current of evont in all parts
of the world. To do this we have, among other
things, secured the services of correspondents
at the most important points far and near.
During the time named above, wo have published
neatly forty letters from Washington, written,
not by penny- a-lin era shut by men of capaoity
and intelligence. In the same time we have
published about fifty letters from Harrisburg,
giving full reports of the proceedings of two
legislatures, and other important news in regard
to the affairs of our State. This paper has also
contained numerous letters from Philadelphia,
New York, Ohio, lowa, Illinois, Minnesota,
Lake Superior, and various other points and
States of the Union in which our readers feel
an interest. Then, we have a regular cor
respondent iu California ; and have no doubt his
letters ore read with pleasure.
Our foreign correspondence has also been
liberal, and would fill a small volume, within the
last twenty months. Wo have been frequently
congratulated for having found so valuable and
-able a letter writer from Paris, who gives ns ex
-collect viewß of European affairß. From
Liverpool, London and Valparaiso in Chili, let
tars have also appeared. Wo are now endeavor
ing to seoure a correspondent at Constantinople
during the present war ; and shall endeavor by
that and all other means to render the Post un
surpassed in the west as a journal of late nows,
and reliable commercial, political and general
The Post does not boast quite so much of its
enterprise as some eastern journals; but it chal
lenges comparison with-any western paper, and
most of the eastern, for full and reliable intelli
gence, late news, and interesting reading matter.
We aro glad to be able to say that the condi
tion and extent of onr subscription lists furnish
pretty good indications that our efforts to make
a good paper are appreciated by the publio. Our
efforts will be continued and increased, and we
hope onr fricndß will take an interest in extend
ing the circulation of the paper. If every Bub
sorlber would make a little effort to find another
subscriber its oiroulalion oould Boon be doubled.
Will our readers oblige us by a movement of
this kind. Spring has come ; and with it the
prospect of good orops, and a revival of prospe
rity and oonfidenoe. Every man can afford to
pay tho small price obarged either for our daily
or weekly, and so large an amount of good
reading cannot be obtained so oheaply in ony
■ other form.
Clubs of ten aro supplied with the Weekly a
year for ten dollars; and clubs of twenty one
for twenty dollars. A little oxertion may en
large all our present clubs, and get np many
new ones. Pennsylvanians are found Bottled
throughout the West. Many of them take our
paper now ; and many more would do so if in
vited by their neighbors to subscribe. In our
own county and State its oiroulation could easi
ly be doubled, if our readers would each spend
ten minutes in our behalf. We will repay them
by inoreased efforts to make such a papor as
they want.
We hope Boon to have evidence that all our
friends have resolved to do us this favor.
Seo our new advertisements to-day, ns ovi
denoe of what the “ home public ” think of
our paper ns on advertising medium. A “fat
take" from Undo Sam, making something over
a oolumn, we are oompelled to leave out until
to-morrow, for want of room.
Alexander, the eldest eon of Nioholas, ie pro
bably now Emperor of Russia. lie ia 87 years
of age, is said to have received an exoelleot edu
cation, and shown great capacity for business,
and a disposition for active life. His experience
in publio affairs, and acquaintance with his fath
er's plans and projects will enable him to admin
ister the affairs of his coIosb&I empire with safe
ty. But he is ip favor of peaoe; and has all
along sided with Nesselrode daring the negotia
tioos preceding the war. His character is mild
and plaoable. Peaco may speedily result from
too death of Nioholas. Alexander has threo
brothers, who bear tho rank of grand dnkes:
Constantine, Nicholas and Michael. He has
three sisters, one of whom is now a widow.
Another is a young lady who recently left Eng
land, where she received a part of her educa
The grand‘duke Constantine has shown decid
ed ability and talent, and holds a high command
in the naval department. He visited Constanti
nople some years ago, and his fine person, ac
complished manners, his liberality and splendid
equipage soon made him the most popular man
in the Turkish oapitol. The Sultan was alarm
ed, and he vras induced to leave. It is well
known that the Czar desired the possession of
Constantinople, and to make this eon its rnlor.
Tho New York Journal of Commerce , of Satur
day, has tho following:
“A telegraphic despatch from onr Washington correa
pon lent, dated last evening, Bays: The Russian Legation
discredited the account et the Czar’s death. They say the
event could not have been known in London on the morn
in c of tho third, If it occurred at one o’clock on the second;
and that their prior advices were, that the Czar was in
good health. The French and English Ministers believe
the eicount trup, and that the event will promote peace.’ ”
It may be proper to add that the Washington
National Intelligencer— usually a yery correct
authority for diplomatic news—treats the report
as entirely authentic and does not even suggest
to its readers the propriety of suspending their
opinions on the subj**e».
“ Fivb Thoubasd Know Nothings Lett tbs
Lodges !”—This is what the New Hampshire
Patriot reported about a week ago. It was very
true—but from the doings in tho
Granite State on Tuesday last, we fear the Cay
ennes only left the Lodges to go to the Polls l
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Tho BIU repealing Tavern licenses passed tb9 ]
House of Reprcaentativea in the Pennsylvania
Legislature on Friday, by a vote of 47 to 30.
The police force of New York constate of 22
captains, 44 lieutenants, 88 sergeants and 937
___ policemen. . Total 1,091. In Philadelphia, the
10-1 entire force is 812 men.
ts the Csar Dead l
•-*’ » v- r £’
At sn election in Rending, Pa., on Friday, W
M. Baird (Know Nothing) was elected Mayor
over S. I. Young (Fusion) by 704 majority.
There wero 2 384 votes polled.
The Btenmship Canada Bailed from Boßton a!
10 o’clock on Saturday morning, with seventy
passengers for Liverpool and sixteen for Hali-
fax. She took out $1,207,000 in Bpecie.
The-friendiy Sons of St, Patrick, iu New York
and Philadelphia, colebrated the natal day of
Ireland’s tutelar Saint, by civic and military pa-
rades, bnt the turn-out was Dot so large as nsnal.
The rain and snow that fell made it extremely
disagreeable to b'o in the street Everything
passed iff without any of the disturbances some
predicted would take place.
At last there is peaco at Harbor Creek. The
Erie Constitution, of Wednesday last, says it is
“ authorized to state” that the principal difficul
ies in Harbor Creek have been amicably ar-
ranged, and that tho change in the railroad of
that township will be completed within the time
specified in the deoree of the Supreme Court,
without further molestation.
The Cleveland Leader loams that on Friday,
the 9th instant, New Philadelphia was visited
by a terrific thunder storm. A hurrioane Bwept
over the town, which unroofed houses,blew down
chimneys, tore nff signs and whirled them through
the air, and teased every thing conveniently
mover.ble in wild oonfusion. The gust was ac
companied with very heavy thunder, and most
vivid lightning, and a tremendous volley of bai’.
A heavy shower of rain closed the performance
of the elements. Very considerable damage was
dono to property. Several persons were dan
gerously hurt.
Baker, the murder of Bill Poole, it was ru
mored was arrested in Philadelphia on Saturday.
This is a mistake, bnt a man exactly answerirg
the dosoription of Baker, stayed at Shrcrdcr’a
tavern, in Richmond, (Nineteenth Ward,) tn
Thursday ijight. He left early on Friday morn
ing, and, it is supposed, went to Pottaville,
whither a party followed him. la addition to
this, the Now York papers of Saturday say the
famous bark Crape Shot was to depart that
afternoon, to overtake the brig in whioh Baker
is Baid to have sailed. Five thousand dollars
reward is offered for his arrest.
There is a great diversity of opinion as to
what will bo the policy of the (supposed) new
Emperor of Prussia, Alexander the Becond. The
New York Tribune thinks the chanoes of peaco
are not improved a bit; while the IJeraU, cn
tho contrary, presumes the very reverse. The
National Intelligencer says: “It is very difficult to
forotell what will be the effect upon the unhap
py state of affairs in Europe of this unexpected
death,” nnd goes on to arguo ably both sides of
the question, without coming to any oonolusion.
Other papers are about equally divided on the
Rosetta Armislead, the slave girl, whoso case
at Columbus we made mention of, on Saturday,
his been declared free, nor former owner, tho
R:v. Mr. Dennison, who is a son-in-law of Et-
Prcsident Tyler's came on from Louisville atd
told tho girl that he had come for the purpose
of taking her home with him if she wished to
return , but, as she was ia a free State, she h»d
tho liberty of going or remaining, at her optioc.
Tho girl, after deliberating about a minute, said
she believed she would prefer remaining in a
free State, rather than return to slavery Mr.
Dennison bade her good bye—shook hands with
her and parted, evidently much grieved at the
loss of a favorite servant.
To Itanaos and scbraiUa Immigrants
Perseus going westward, and particularly
those going to Kansas or Nebraska Territories,
would do well to glance at the advertisement of
the Chicago, But lington and Qainoy Railroad,
to be found in our paper this mo ning. The
hu dreds who think of taking a trip to that re
gion might save much timo and somo money by
selecting the best rente. Wo are informed tbs
is one of the best routes, end as it Is but recently
opened, the traveling public should poet them
selves up on its advantages by reading their
A Rare Ctiance for tiie Spirits —As the
death of the Czar Nicholas is disputed by many,
and as it will be a week before the next steamer
arrives either to confirm or oontradict the re
port, it is suggested tho present is a golden op
portunity to test tho truth of Spiritualism. Tha
Russian Ambassador denies tho report; the
English and French Ambassadors say it ia true.
Here ia a difference among doctors which can be
only decided by tho mediums. Cannot Judge
Edmonds get a communication from the spirit
of Nicholas ?
Proposed Amendment to tiie Declaration.
—We understand tho Grand Council of the Know
Nothings have under consideration the propriety
of altering one clause in tho Declaration of In
dependence, so as to read thus :
All Americans are created freo and equal, with
certain iualienablc rights; among whioh are
Life, Liberty, and tho pursuit of Irishmen!
The Death of the Cxar—The Lttoet.
London, Friday uight, March 2d —This even
ing, in the House of Peers, Lord Clareodou rose
and said:—l think it my duty to commanioate
to your Lordships the contents of a telegraphio
despatoh that I reoeived, half an hour since,
from Her Majesty's Minister at the Hague, that
tho Emperor Nicholas died this morning at one
o’clook, of pulmonic apoplexy, after an attaok
of iofluenza. I have also received a despatch
from Her Majesty’s Minister, at Berlin that
the Emperor of Russia died at 12 o’clook this
An hour before this despatch arrived, I had
received accounts from Lord John Russell, at
Berlin, stating that tho Emperor was at the
point of death, and bad taken leave of his fam
ily. Although this event occurred so short a
time ago, as between 12 to 1 o’clock this morn
ing, there can bo no doobt, under tho circum
stances, of its authenticity.
In the House of Commons, Lord Palmerston
made a similar announcement. It ia surmised
that the Emperor died by the hand of an assos
sin, but tho cause assigned above ia generally
credited. Tho effects of this startling an
nouncement ou political and monetary matters
are not developed, and it is impossible to say
what may be its results. The greatest excite
ment has been created.
[From thn Cincinnati Commercial of Saturday
Another Habeas Corpai Case.
An application was made to Judge Carter,
yesterday, for tho discharge of a mulatto girl
about thirteen years of age, named Agnes Clark,
from the custody of her maßter, a gentleman
named Johnson, from Natchez. The question
was whether the bringing of a child into a free
State by its master did not work its emancipa
tion. Judge Carter said that as a general rule,
ho should uphold that principle; but where the
slave itself wished to remain under the control
of the mas’er, (as appeared to bo the faot iu
this oase,) the Court would permit it& wishes to
be o&rried out The child said the master was
kind to her, and that she wished to go back to
her parents- She was remanded to the oustody
of her master.
Mormonism Revised.— On Tuesday morning
last, Henrietta Podafew, a very little woman,
w&s brought up beforo Judge Spooner, in Gin
oinnati, ohargod with having attempted to force
herself into a “permanent residence,” at the
houses of four different married gentlemen. It
appears that Bhe haß been the extra wife of eaoh
of tho four gentlemen for some time t and has
two children belonging to the quartette, and
thinking it her right, she songht to establish her
homo in the house of either one of them. The
four wives made a common oauee of it, and uni
ted in a oomplaint against. Henrietta, who was
sent to the county residence provided by law for
Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning Post,
Tbe Africa at Boston—Rumored Decla
ration of Independence In Australia—
Loss of tbe FrencU Frigate Semilanle
and TOO Lives.
Bostos, March 17.—The Cunarl Dock being
still ocoupied by the steamship Canada, the Afr> ;
ca on her arrival had to come to anchor in tbe |
stream, and hence the delay in getting off her I
mads. There is little news of interest in addi
tion to that already published from Halifax.
The London Morning Herald, of the 18th nit.,
has tbe following from Trieste .-
Despatches from Ceylon to the Ist of Febr tary
annoonoo that tbe people of Australia bad risen,
and declared their independence of the Horn-.
Government. Troops had been sent to put down
the insurreotion, and sanguinary engagements
had enßued. Melbourne iB in a state of Bioge.
This news was received by the overland mail,
and no doubt refers to disturbances at the dig
gings. The Australian dates are not given. Tbe
despatch was evidently cooked for continental
The Conatilutionnel says: u Wo have reoeived
confirmation of the ead news these two days ru
mored about Paris. The frigate loßt in the
Straits of Boniface is tho Semilante, which re
cently left Toulon with four hundred soldiers <n
board, whioh with the crew and passengers, in
all seven hundred, all perished, with a v&6t
quantity of cannon, mortars, shells, gunpowder,
and shot. Nothing was saved. The Semilante
was going east"
The barque Wn. T. Sayward, from San Fran
cisco for Shanghai, with 1000 bble. flour and
$164,000 in specie, sprung a leak, December
Ist, off Ladrone Islands, and was abandoned
Dcoember 21st, near Napakiang. The U S.
ship Vincennes endeavored to save the specie,
but w&9 uneuccessfal.
Louisville, March 17,—A tremend. ug hail
storm occurred last night The hail stones wen
two inches in circumference, and fell with great
force, demolishing skylights Rnd breaking in
roofs, besides doing other damages.
It is reported that some dissatisfaction exists
with regard to the nominee’s of the State Oou
Tlio Death of the Czar Pronounced a
Humbug by the Russian Minister.
Baltimore, March 10.—The Washington cor
respondent of the Sun newspaper of this city,
telegraphs that the Russian Minister at Wash
iogton pronounces the “Death of tho Czar an
unmitigated humbug !
Spiritualism. —A San Francisco editor, F, C[
Ewer, recently prepared a fictitious sketch de
BcriDing the sensations of a dying man. He, aa
the best mode of overcoming all difficulties in
volved in snch revelations, made his hero de
scribe bis death from the spiritual world. Tbc
author was recently surprised to find that Judge
Edmonds had used his fictitious narrativo ne the
production of a veritable spirit, and the Judge
wrote., to the author to acquaiot him with the
faot that he had several spiritual interviews with
this defunct “ hero,” who never had any exist
ence except in Mr. Ewer’s brain. Mr. Ewer’*
letter is rathor an amusing proof of the exceed
ing credulity of the Judge, and the loiiicroot*
obsurdilies in which the professed Spiritualist
involve themaelvos, by takiog leave of common
senso, and ignoring the well established moral
and physical laws of the universe.
0-No. 53 FIFTH STB. E fcl T .
HKLRBER rcapectfu'-ly Informs the public, that <
. tho day oi April next, h* wilt oxsuvs mi Me:
a>d Piaso Waeirocms to
No. 63 Fifth street, next door to Masonic Ha’
And a /i»t- d-JOrt froi* l\nt QjKct.
The New E«tablUhment will b* Awed up in the rr.'«t *-
pant manner, and the Plano* kept on tho eec-rnd 11 "r,
a richly furnished and ipociouf saloon
GRAND PIANOS —Feu. Gbato> at© Pexi Gaivn,
on the way, and the public are politely invited to
jd examine tbe promises, stock of Good*, etc
mhH-Iml No. lul Third si , siirn of th«»<» M-1. -n tTarp
The Great Revolution in Medicine 1
II is accomplished! Th^ 1 want of cHuturle* supplied
medicine that d-atroys disease, without we«kenlDX ih
sys:em ; that exhilarated the fpltit-*. without entailing *ul
sequent depressloa; that cure Indigestion in ail its form
and consequences, that restores the »hattcicd nerves to fu
rig->r, that regulates the bowels at:d tha liver, that causes
the constitution Itself to recuperate—and that In fa-t at*
ewers the purpose all stimulant , all nervine preparations,
«il cathartics and all aleratives, without producing any of
the unpleasant af:er effects which flow from the use of ordi
nary medicines. The Arabian herb which forms its basis
seems to be the very thing for which herbalists and phvsl
olaus, chemists and pharmaceutists, Have rearebad in all
ages, and, until now, searched la vain. l*t tht sick rejoice :
The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bat
tles Price, three dollars per bottle ; two for fire <lo!Urs ;
six for twelTo dollars. G. 11. RING, Proprietor,
192 Broadwflv, New Tork.
Sold bjr Druggists throughout the United State*. Canada*
and West Indies.
<3. W. KEYBKR, )
SELLERS k CO., > Pittsburgh.
On and »fler MONDAY, March 12th, 1855, th« PASSES'
GER TRAINS will run as follow*, until further notice:
Fast Train will leave at 3 A. M.
Mail Train “ “ at BA. M.
El tress Train “ at 3r. M.
These Trains all run through to Crestline, and connect
there with the Columbus and Cincinnati. Ohio nnd Indiana,
and Belle&nUdoe and Indiana Rail roads. At Mansfield,
connections are made for Newark, Zanesville, Monroeville,
Sandusky, Toledo, Chlcigo, Acl; and at Alliance for Cl«ve*
land, Ac. No trains run on Sunday
Through Ticket* sold to Cincinnati, Louisville St. Louis,
Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland*
and the principal Towns and Cities In the West.
leave Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 6 P. M., and New Brighton
at 7 A. M. and 1 P. M.
For Tickets and further Information, apply to
At the corner office, under the Monongnhela House.
Or. at the Federal Street Station, to
GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent.
Pittaburgh, March 10th, 1855 (mhlO)
Piles* neglected, often prove fatal, lead to con*
sumption; anoint the parts throe times a day with DAL
LKY’B TAIN EXTRACTOR. If secretion form in the rec
tum, tho insert lha “ Pile syringe,” filled with Extractor,
and gradually discharge It a* tho eyring., is withdrawn. It
Dover fails to cure cases of any age or », nor to
give entire ease instantly 10 all, frequently cunng by one
Piles arc known by tho heat, Itching, and oaln of the
anus. Bleeding piles are caused, sometimes by the fulling
of the whole bowels, which then press the iotostinal cabal
tljbt against tho back bones, and keeps the blood from re
turning up tbe vessols. similar to the bl'wl being kept at
the top of your finger when a string Is tied tight uround it;
such is frequent, and for scrofulous humors and ulrcrs to
form therein, then procure a perfect abdominal supporter,
and wear a compress to the rectum, and continue to use
tbe salve bb above; also, rub It well over tho loins and ab
domen f'T sometime, and the natuml belts that support
tbe bowels will be contracted and mode strong, and your
life will be saved. If proporly applied every case will be
! cured. It never foils
For Bale by Dr. 0. H. KEYSER, UO WooJ etrent, m nd by
all Druggists end Dealers In Modldnea throughout the Uni
ted Staten. niti3 dt-2w
Tbe Pleasure and Comfort or King wxu
vittsd In a SUIT OF CLOTHES, Is greatly enhanced by
hating them good, and BUTT axle to the season. GRIBBLE
has got all that Is necessary to effect that great consumma
tion. both as regards fit and quality of goods. Persons
wishing to experience all this, and bo only moderately
charged, can do no by calling at 240 Liberty street, head of.
P. B.—Pantaloons, In particular, Is one of his greatest
farta. He c..nnot be beat In the style and fit of this gar
ment. Numerous references could be given, if necessary, to
corroborate this statement- fdecO' E. ORTBRI P.
formidable disease, which
seems to baffle the skill of physicians, yields like magic to
Carter’s Spanish Mixture.
Mr. F. Boyden, formerly of the Astor Uous?, New York,
and late proprietor of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, Va.,
la one of the hundreds who have been cured of severe
Neuralgia by Carter’s Spanish Mixture.
Since bla cure, he has recommended it to numbers of
others, who were suffering with nearly every form of dis
ease, with the moat wonderful success. He Bays It is the
most extraordinary medicine he has ever seen used, and the
best blood purifier known.
*•* See advertisement in another colurrn. [mh!s:lm
rv-=» Western Pennsylvania Hospital.—
Drg. l. ScHxsox, Second, between Wood and Market
streets, and J. Reed, North-east corner of Diamond. Alle
gheny city, are the attending Physiclansto the above Insti
tution, for the first quarter of 1854.
Applications for admission may be made to them at all
hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock. P. M.
Recent cases of accidental injury are recelvedat all heurs.
Without foisu JalQtg*
'■"’-' v - r * - .*•" ‘•'..; .V.*""' '• •>■'
" ,f ■ • • -'•-. ;>*s£•;
1 ■’’
~ V> '*
€\ *•
' . 4 H \*■
,r t y ~. * , '
~*\ <: T,•> w*
•\x. v V’., •'t'-.-T" ,
, ; ./ * 3 r>
>•► • V- -rf-.-i
C~t < i , * •
' -V * v •
*• < w* •*
Hail Storm.
Proprietors, New York.
• V- -
.• • *. V *
Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Company;
Jas. D. M’Gill, Secretary.
This Company makes every Insurance appertaining toot
connected with LIFE RISKS.
Also, agaiust Uull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis
sissippi rivers aud tributaries, and Marino Risks generally.
And against Lose anil Damage by Fire, and against the
Perils of the Sea and Inlaud Navigation and Transportation.
Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety
to nil parties.
Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley,
Janie-; 3. Hoon, John Fullerton, .
John M’Aipin, Samuel M’Clurkan,
VVillium Phillips, Jar.ie3\V. Hallman,
John Scott, Chas. Arbuthnot,
Joseph P. Gust.-uu, M. D., David Richey,
James Marnba 1, John M’GiD,
Horatio N. Lee, Klttnuutng.
Howard A.Baoclatioii««SotJP KITCHEN
the Society will be glad to receive uouations of Cat-b, Bread,
Meat, or Groceries. Tho wants of the deserving Poor must
be our excuse for asking material old promptly.
President, Gov. WM. F. JOHNSTON,
f lion. WM. B. M’CLURE,
8. W. BLACK,
Treasurer, IX WILMARTH.
We cannot promise to publish the names of the donors,
but will bo glud to receive their gifts
mahuvactuseus op
Chilson Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, and
Fitting Generally,
JOS' A. A W. will contract for warming and ventilating,
by steam or hot water pipes, or Chilson’s Furnace; Church
es, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Green Houses, Court
House*, J*ila» Hotels or Dwellings. No. 26 Market street,
Pittsburgh. J*p2s
quarter perpetual.
Authorized. Capital, $300,000.
Assist ns liable for the losses of the com-
In Stoca Notes, (negotiable form,) secured by Mort
gapes and Judgments $lOO,OOO
In Rills Receivable, Mortgages and Judgments,
Bonds, Ac 106,000
In Cash, Cush Assets and C UE h Items 47,000
Total - s263,euu
11. CADWhU President. 0. U. IRISH, Secretary,
ft*" Fire, M.-.rlnc and Inland Transportation risks,token
: current rates.
Krainor A Rabra, Curling, Robertson A Co.,
N. Holmes & Sons, Wm Bngaley A 00.,
J. A. Hutchison a u'. D. Leecn A Co.,
Murphy, Tiernan & Co.
Walnriglit, Huntington
A rloyu,
C. 11. A Uon Abbott,
Heaton A Denckle, Caleb Cope A Co.,
Chius. A Co., Dreiel A Co., Bankers,
lon. Win. D. Keley, Scott, Baker A Co.,
larris, llale A Co., Deal, Milligan A Co.
J. BANKS KNoX, Agent.
No. US Water street, Pittsburg!
CITIZENS’ Insurance Company ol
iKy Pit to burgh. —WM UAGALF.Y. President;
L. AIAUbHELL, Secretary.
Office: 94 TCafcr Slrert,bttiotiin Market and Wocdttreclt.
Insures HULL a ad CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis*
sipl«t RlvereauiUrihularirs.
Insuresagainst Loss or Damage by Plre.
ALSO—Agaiort the Periled thobea,ond Inland ffarlga*
tion and Transportation.
William Bagaiey mo hard Floyd,
James M. cooper, Samuel 51. Kicr,
Samuil Ken, William Bingham,
Kobnrt Duolap.jr., John S. Dilworth,
l.'uac M. i’enuock, Friine»i. sellers,
S. Uarbaugh, J. Sehooamaffer,
Welter Bryant, William li. Haya.
John dbipton. dee.2l
HOWARD Health Association of
S’ 1 Pittsburgh, Pa.—OFFICE, No. 10S THIRD
v/.tT, opposite ihf i'negrapb Ulßctt.
This Association is orjrium'd for Che purpose of affording
ami uaJ afibisian -e to each omer, in case of sickness or ac*
•vlrni R) paying a small yearly payment, the
y[ the A>*r->-iAUt»n a v*-i»fcly in-nebt during sickness,
•vi»s»nit trom to +lO par week. In this Association
1 are equally interested in the mauaxement and
S. U. SPRENZIE, President.
T J fftjyrjtn, Secretary.
Fiitar.- * iVuumiiu-i?—JnbiAU Kiso, James Reamer, 0. N.
Consular.* Pby^cian— V Irish. M. D
\\ Franklin Saving Fund and Loan
Association, OkF.Ch, Nn. yr jfuUNT STREET
Our —Ah i.* L‘A I’. Ni-iw. n fir red on SATURDAY
if '.be *-• creiary, hi the ptnr»* of Joou 11. Mcllor, No 81
R <t*i \» •’• !;;>• Due.? received ac the same time uoo
»uij J. WIIITTIKU, Sccr.tary.
, _-v» To 1.c1. rilK MVH Y t)> i iiK~NliT'-
J-jCv’’’ Id m ; K'n 1 \ K liOl'rlr !,*. Mali suitable for public
: loci'. / " ill i’-'. f>’r three <.■: (bur nights ku the waek.
t i* i I (i’IUKUL* I'UNsTON',
<i rj-.ui «’ S M No 90 Wood afreet.
ni»tltf.--!i,r J'.Mj UXEY M LOUS BO
ij-cty i'iU*: ur*h hu 1 Allegheny, meets on the
u>; iY i; L>.'. i_'i 'A Y <A ■. •. ««ry month, at SCUUCHLEITKR’S,
i. the 'Ui. L)
i-' \ i«EO W SEESE. Secretary
<J. •>* K.— t'm, j: WaKliinglou Hail,
W--sS f'ln-.i, brtw.n n .<iret:t and Virgin alley.
k:.:i 1 ■••■: • -.t~. .t>— Mtft> < 7 try Tuesday fTyning
Ni,. S7—MtfeU first and third
SlthUi m.i
FtM»! I-' -Si t;
jiA rf h>TU.>N ! £. L. <l. Vcu nrv hereby notified to
LKc/ nit?.-c-.l your Armory, un MONDAYS, WKDNES
ivAVn ati-l k'lii I>aY.“, Jot drill, and to transact such busi-
D;:i* uihj cotiift tirfure the Company. P. KANE,
inur2V:Ctnd Secretary pro lem.
At M- r.-Pi l*nc®, ?i«i. 60 IVnn etreet, on the 17th iuatant,
rAMUEL UU.-KBUuG, t?q., aged 50 joars.
The friends rf the family are requesb-J to attend his
bine-ui,, n M> .vn\T. the i9*.h iust, at 2 o’clock, P. M. •
£%r Worm*—As this Is the season of the year when
worms sr** most formidable among children, the proprietor*
of M'i an*>'s V« rmlfuge beg leave to rail the attention of pa
ren’s to its virtues for the expelling of these annoying, ar.d
often fatal enemies of children. It was invented by a phy»
siciun of great experience in Virginia, who, mf er having
osed it for t-evend years In hit own practice, and found ita
success so universal, was indued at last to offer it to tha
p-ibllc as a cheap, but certain and excellent medicine. It
has since Wome justly popular throughout the I’niitd
States, as the mast efficient Vermifuge ever known, and the
demand has been ftoddlly on the iuere&f* since Us first in
troduction lo the public.
Purchasers will he careful to ask for, and take none but
Or. M* Lanes Vermifuge. All others, In comparison, ars
worth less.
p B.—Th? above valuable remedy, also Dr. SPLane’a cel.
abrntd TJver Fills, can now bo hud at all respectable Drug
Stores in ihe United States and Canada.
Also, saU- by the sole proprietors,
Spcctoolea and Free Lecture.—Any
person of becomtiw acquainted with a pro
cess h" which GLARbES MAY UK LAID ASIDE, or who,
having Disused Kyesof any kind wi<h to have them eared,
should by ull means attend the freo Lecture on the Eye, by
Dr C. A. GREEN K of Phllade'phia, on TUESDAY and
HALL! Frco consultation, any hour of the day, at the
City Hotel. mhl9:tl4i*
Ih£/ FORD'S OPERA TROUPE will snum to the Au
Mating of Wairhea, Breast Plus, Ear Rings, Brooches, Ac.—
and a splendid Bill ( f Entertainment.
Doors open «t 7 : commences 7)/ r
Admittance 535 Cents.
See the articles, In Richardson’s jewelry store, Market
street. mb!9:U
North-Western Police Agency.
NO. 80 WAalilNUroN STREET, comer of Dearborn,
Pinkerton & Co.
In tbo states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana,
THE Pri tnersliiji hemto-orv flirting under the style of
JoIIN PAHKKII Jt CO is tills dny disrolred John
Parkrr d|sj osing of liis interest to James II Parker, who
*lll oontlnu* the Wholesale Grocvry and Liquor bnalness
at the gM stand, ntui is duly authorized to svttlo all ac
counts of the Into Grm. JOHN PARKEII,
Pittsburgh, February IGih, ISSS -(mM9:lw)
Citizen*' Deposit Bank. >
PiTTABURGn March 17,1855. |
* N ELECTION f-*r p'ix Direotnrp and onu President', to
\ pnrT« fir iho ensuing your, will ba • eld *t tho Banking
House on MONDAY, 21 April, between tbo hour? 10 A. M.
nnd3P.M. [marly 1 E D JONES, Cashier.
H)ack»ratlli Wanted.
* GOOD SIIoEK AND dMi'i'll is w-nteu to go to a ral
f\ rood Ht>eut lfi miles frr-m the city. Good wages wi
be given, and sO alv employment. Inquire at
No. 80 Smithfleld street.
'\Ji U?IO f.xrtilf-bt'd bv I'KA.NK CAIIOO, for Parties, Pa
!\j rad<M, Ac. on lb** shortest notion oDd at low rates
H,i may be depended (>n He may be found at R. M. Oar
go’s Dnguertom Rooms, T* 1 Fourth street. mh!9
* GHiCULTIMiAL B<>6KB.-Tli« Elements of Agrlcul.
/\ tun*; by F. G. bktnner
The Kitchen and Fruit Gardener— a folect manual of
klt ’hen cardenin? and culture of fruit.
Fomo'ilc Fowl nnd Ornamental Poultry; by □. D.
Richard boo.
An on Manures; by Samuel L. Dana.
Th** ll'ney-Uce; by U. D Richardson.
Stephens’ Book of the Farm
The Narmer’s Cyclopaedia ; by John L. Blake.
I<*erune ou Agricultural Chemistry; by James P. W.
Snxtou’rt Rural Hand Books
The American Muck Bonk; by D. J. Browne.
For sale by W. A. GILDENFENNRY A CO,
rohlO No. 45 Fifth street.
rtIKIMMINOS —A. A. MASON A CO. hare just received
X I‘.'o ciutoos uew TrlmmlDg*—
Black and cohued “ Moire Antique” Trimmings
block and colored Qaloon Trimmings;
Black and colored Crape Trimmings;
Black and colored Gauze Ribbon Trimmings;
Lace Fringes; drimped Ribbons;
Bilk Buttons; Ribbon Fringes;
Broohe Frioaea; Paris Fringes.
Eifß KOI DERIES. —60 cartons splendid Embroideries just
Cut worked Jaconet Collars, Infants Waists,
French worked Swiss do, French breakfast Caps,
Frilled and flawing Bleeres, Ktlglngs and inserting!,
Cambric Swiss do, Embroidered Hdkfa,
Cambric and Book Flounclngs, Do Chemizettes,
Mall and Swiss B-inds, Do Infants' Robes.
mbl9 A. A. MASON, 25 Fifth street.
WHITE O' K)DS—IOO cartons now opening: plaid and
plain Jaconets, plain Cambrics, Bwiss Molls, tmpg»
cheek Jaconets, plain Nainsooks, chocked Nainsooks, hair*
cori Checks, plain and Ginned Molls.
mhl9 A. A. MASON A CO., 25 Fifth street
1 EMBROIDERED SKIRTS.—Just received something new
(i and splendid in ladies’ embroidered skirts, offered at
low prices. [mhl9] A. a. MASON A 00., 25 Fifth ft
Vorfihtra Illinois to the Mississippi Biver,
All Railroad to the Mississippi*
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy
Fosuerlt ths Chicago and Aurora A Miutart
Tract B. R. is row completed,
And Trains run the entire distance f:om CHICAGO TO
BURLINGTON, lowa, without chaDge of Cars.
The Only Direct Route to BURLINGTON, QUINCY.
JACKSONVILLE, NAPLE3, and Intermediate Stations on
the Illinois Central, Great Western, and Ohio und Miesla
, sippi Railroads.
| Trains on the above Lino leave Chicago on the arrival of
I Trains from the East—avoiding all laying over at any of
the points.
Stages leave Burlington daily for Southern and Central
lowa and Northern Missouri—making the quickest and
I most reliable route to reach all the important points west
I of the Mississippi as far as Council Bluff, with from forty to
I fifty miles less staging than by any other rou'e. The Road,
I for a large portion of tho way, is laid with the CORTISCOCS
I Rail, the smoothest riding and best Railroad in the West»—
I Lo:omotiT«sandelegant
I now Can.
XST" By this rente passengers are sure of making connec
tions, and arriving at St. Louis on advertised time, avoiding
the vexatious delay of fogs and ice, and dangers of naviga
tion, as on the route by Alton.
Baggage checked direct through from Chicago, and no
charge for handling at any point.
THROUGH TICKETS by this route can be purchased at
all tho Railroad Offers in the East; at the Office of the
Company, corner of ClArk and Lake streets, in tho Granite
Bnllding; at the Depot of the Galena H. K., and at the
Mich. Cent. R. It. Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn sts.,
opposite Tremont House, Chicago.
FREIGHT consigned by this route will receive immedl
j ate despatch. C. G. HAMMOND, Sup’t.
I Gen’l Ticket Ag*t, Chicago.
ftS* TICKETS can be procured at the principal Railroad
Offices of lb* country. mh!9
5L L. Liollowell A Co.,
David 8. brown A Co.,
Wood A Oliver,
Successors to J. Kidd A Co.,
00 Wood street.
.XDWaAD A. EUC£ia.
hsw A§7£af»sMssse.
plusuargh Alatiiematicul & Commercial
IS now opened for the reception of Lady and Gontlemen
Pnpils who a ish to eceive a sound and thorough know
ledge of the following'brandies of education: Writing,
Book-Kcepiog aodall its collateral sciences, Algebra, Geome
try, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Navigation, the use of
Globes, Geography, Arithmetic, Ac, Ac. Tho Principal
needs not to be recommended, as his name and capability
are well known to this community, being a Teacher in this
city for revoral years, and for the last three months has suc
cessfully t&aght In the Iron City Commercial College, but
has left It on bis own accord, with the intention of estab
lishing an Institution In which the youth of Pittsburgh
con acquire a knowledge of things more profitable thin
making unintelligible hieroglyphics, though by no chance
j will Writing be neglected.
I The Principal’s capabilities can bo tested by any person
who doubts his qualifications, a* they w*re by the gentle-
I meo whose names are attached to the following testi-
I monials:
Allxoheht, November 24,1854.
I take great pleasure in certifying to Mr Barry’s qualifi
cations os a thorough Book-Keeper, and Tally competent to
iustruet young gentlemen in the science of accounts —be
rides being a good mathematician and ripe scholar in other
respects. JOHN FLEMING,
Late Professor In Pittsburgh Commu-cial College.
Pittsbubqb, November 24.
Mr. Barry is eminently qualified for imparting instruction
Id the science of Arithmetic and Double Entry Book-Keep
ing I found him even critically acquainted with those
branches of knowledge. JAS. M. PRYOR,
Principal Third Ward Public Schools
I state It as my opinion, that as a Mathematician and
Book-Keeper, Mr. John Barry has few equals, and no supe
riors. I think all the Teachers of this County Association
wilt concar with me in this statement.
Principal First Ward Schools, Allegheny.
The Writing department will bo attended to by a gentle
man of superior qualifications who will divote all his at
teatlon to the Immediate lmproveme-it of the pupils.
Hours of instruction from 9 A M. to 10 P. M.
Book-Keeping and Writing $2O per cour^o
Arithmetic 10 per qaarter.
Writing 3 for 20 lessons.
ATfISMiUM BCiu>!s<H, Liberty street, near Wood.
mh!9 J BA BUY, Principal.
spring stock of Hamburg pianos,
nn . CHARLOTTE BLOME. No. 118 Wood
Pittsburgh, ecle Agent
The Hamburg Pianos are undoubtedly su-
J ** ■? U " perior to all others, bjtb in e/mbsily of
touch and superiority of tone.
They have not oniy received the highest marks of appro
bation irom the best European Pianists, such as
And Mhers, ® ho haTe thim constantly in th«ir own uce.
but ol»o from our resident Professors. The following it an
exi ract from a letter of
After describing tho particular style, two of which be
wants for bU own use—one Grand and one Square—be
speaks an follow* rf their excellent qualities:
“My 1 ittlodaughter, who plnys very well, must, tv i .h civ
self. hnTo a good Instrument, uaj tours ere the on.y om-3
which can stlDfy me.
“ Instrument s are offered me on the most accommodating
terms. I. however, do not like them; they have uot the
elastic touch and the tone of ynu~s
41 1 remain vonrs, re 4 ;»*rM'ully,
“Hzxp.t Rohlocx* Pittsburgh, Pa.”
For tala by CHARLOTTE BLU.UE, ut tho ‘’Old E-stab
lishcd Plano Depot,” 118 W*-ci srroet, 21 door above Fifth-
Also, sole Agint for Pittsburgh and W eriern Pennsylvania
for Bullet, Davis t£ Cb.’a BoSl>n Fiasios. (which in ihu East
ern cJtlae are ccnsldirod superior to either or
Nwnns A Clark's, but whi-tU fact is not extensively kuowa,
as they hnvo but lately been Intrulured ben*;) and other
New York and Philadelphia Pianos, of the best makers, at
prices from $225 to feSOO. ** tnhl9
riiO the Honorable the Judges of the Court uf Uenrral
Quarter Seadon? of the Peace, in and for tho county of
The petition of James Reamer, of the Focond Ward.
Pittsburgh, county afore-'ald. humbly sheweth. That your pe
titioner has provided himself with materials for the accom
modation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house In
the ward aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will bo
pleased to grant Idm a license to keep a public boneo of en
tertainment, and your petitioner, as in dutv bound will
We, tho subscribers, citiiens of the ward afirosald, do
certify, that tho aboTe petitioner is cf good repute for hon
esty and temperance, and is well provided with house room
and convenieuctts for the accommodation and lodging of
■trangure and travelers, and that said tavern Is necessary
Edmond Greer, James McLaughlin, A. B. Berger, George
Wilson, IL Overington. Jnu Kirby, U. H. Patterson. James
H. Dickson, 0. Reed, John Groutt, Wm C. Conn, Thomas B
Hamilton, J. Algeo. mhl9:3t
(Union copy and charge Po*t.)
On Thursday morning, March 22d, ai 10 o’clock, at the
residence of James A. M’knlght, Esq., No. 3i)2 Penn street,
will be told, his entire stock of Household and Kitchen
Furniture, which is of very superior quality, and most of it
nearly now—among which are: 1 pair large French plate
mantel mirrors; 1 pair walnut lounges, haircloth spring
seats; carved black walnut sofa,chairs and rockers; walnut
escri'oire; mahogany side-board; superior parlor curtains,
mahogany extension table, umbrella stand, new oral pic
tare frames, gas chandeliers, girandoles, floe mahogany and
cherry bedsteads, toilet bureaus, sharing stand, walnut
crib, walnut enclosed wash stands, balr mattresses, bods
and bedding, elegant set of China chamber waro. superior
parlor, chamber and ball carpets; fire irons and stands,
fenders, rugs stair carpets and rods, faoey sewing chairs,
brass coal boxes, cherry wardrobe, work and toilet stands,
fancy and common chairs, fine set of China table ware, ta
ble cutlery, glass and queensware, with a general assort
ment of kitchen furniture, cooking utensils, Ac Terms at
sale. (mjtlO) P. M. DAVIS. *uc:'r.
X Sixth Waed—On TUESDAY afternoon, March 20th,
at 3 o'clock, on the premises, will be sold, by order of John
Herron, Esq-, Trustee of Robert Porter, Ksq., Fifteen valua
ble BUILDING \ OTS, as laid out by the late Uon. William
Porter. In his first plan of Lots in the Sixth end Seventh
Wards of Pittsburgh, seven of trhlsh Lot*, to wit: Nod. 39
40, 41, 42, 43,44 and 45, have each a front of 20 feet on Cen
tre Avonoe, and extend back southwardly about 96 feet to
Clark street, and the remaining eight of which Lota, to wit:
Nos. 48, 49, 50, 61, 52, 53, 64 and 65 have each a front of 20
feet on Clark street, and extend southwardly the whole dis
tance to Rose street. 60 feet wide.
The abofi offer great inducements to tinge desirous of
purchasing property near the business part of the city.
Terms at sale. (mh!9) P. M. DAVIS, Anct'r.
WEDNESDAY morning, Maroh 31st, at 10 o’clock, at
the residence of Mrs. E. Douthi’t, No. 131 Fourth street,
above Smithfleld, will be sold the fine Housrdold and
Kitchen Furniture, comprising mahogany hair seat chairs
and eofs, mahogany centre table and sideboard, mirrors,
cane seat, fancy and common chairs and rockers; settees,
hat rack, wardrobe, dressing bureaus, walnut enclosed
wash stands, work end toilet stands, high and low post bed
steads, hair and cotton mattresses, feather beds, bedding,
chamber ware, linen blinds, parlor, chamber and stair car
pets; stair rods, glass and qu enswore, knives nod forks,
dining tables, and a general assortment of kitchen furni
ture, cooking utensils, Ac. P. M. DAVIB,
mhl9 Anctloneer.
KA RDWARD STORE at Auction.—On Thur-day morn-
Ing. March 20th, at 10 o'clock, at the store of Benia
min Danington. «g*t, No. 77 Fourth street, will bo sold, as he
is declining business, tho entire stock of Hardware and Cut
lery, comprising superior Ivory handled knives and forks,
and carvers; buck and bong do do; shears and scissors; Ger
man sliver and Britannia table and tea spoons; brass and
iron candlesticks and annffers ; knob locks, knob latches,
butt hinges, screws, finishing nails, socket and firmer
els, gouges, mill saws, tenant and hand saws, bench and
moulding planes, with a goueral assortment of finecutlery,
cablaet hardware, carpenters tools, Ac., all of which have
been carefully selected for customer trade.
mar!9 P. M DAVIS, Auctioneer.
O PIRIIUAIi SOAP —Tbe " Clean Journal ’’"sava that the
Bplrits who Chautauqoe connty, N Y., revealed
to the initiated of that reg’on, arecipo for concocting
itual Soap!” This receipt was shortly after sold to a Con
necticut gentlomau for several thousands of dollars There
I* no doubt that som® persona will be wav'd by this opera
tion, but Jl will not interfere with tho sale of the old estab
liahed and excellent article, 'he HERPETIC SOAP, which
removes tan, br Uownees, and redness of the skin: cares
sore and rough hands. Ac It is still for sale st cents
per cake, at No. 140 Third street Mow Smithfleld. [marl9
OF THOSE for whom wc fond emotions cheslsb, “
Secure the shadow o’er the substance perish!
The beet U tho ch npest. Nowhere in the city can you ob
tain first class PICTURES at lower rnte9 than at CARGO'S
Double Skylight Gallery, No 76 Fourth etrest, opposite Wil
kins’ Banking House. mh’9
TO the Honorable tbe Judges of the Court of General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of
The petition of Alexander Turner, of Indiana township,
In the conn’y aforesaid, humbly sheweth,—That your pe
titioner hath provided himself with materials for the accom
modation ol travelers and others, at his dwelling bouse in
the township aforesaid, and prays that yoor Honors will be
pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of en
tertainment, and your petitioner, as in duty bound will
We, the subscribers, citizens of the township aforesaid, do
certify that tho above petitioner is of good repute for honesty
and temperance, and Is well provided with house room and
conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and tra
velers, and that said tavern is necessary.
Z Patterson. John McAnulty, Peter Hutchison, Henry
Fraker, O. McAnulty, Bernard Fehror, Joseph Caldwell
Nathan Preston, W. W. Hickey, Joseph Hunter, John
Barkley, Alex. Oampbell. mh!7:3t
GA.BDEN SEED DRILL, frr drawing drills of various
widths, from 9to 2? inches—the moat complete labor
saving drill In use. Tor sale by
.IVIDEND 80HIP OP 0 * PA. B. It. STOCK boagnt at
' 77e. on a Dollar. frahlT] WILKINS A OQ.
\\T ANTE&—Forty Shares of Stock of Merchants and
f V Manufacturers’ Bank?to complete an order. Ai«w>
10 shares 0. A P. R. R. Stock. WILKINS & CO,
Bankers and Commission Stock Brokers.
71 Foorth street.
BW MANTILLA a—A. A. MASON A CO. will maia
their tint eihibitian of Sommer UentUles, in hleek
gwnedlne, crepe end nlli,cn Mondey, the ljth tort. [m£l«
J. C. FOhTER, Ijcsfle© and Manager
Boxes and Parqnette...«6oc. I Private Boxes,large--- $8 00
Second Tier —2sc. | Private Boxes, small $5 00
Boxes for colored persons 25 cents.
&gr Persons securing seats will be charged eta. extra
fbr the certificate.
pint night of the great Flay of David Copp’rfidd.~%i&. 1
BENEFIT of Mr. T. B. JOHNSTON, who will appear In I
three great characters. |
MONDAY EVENING, March 10th, 1855, the perform 1
anca will commence with I
Peter Follett - - T -Jolmilon.
filer, Markham BrelsforcL
Medley Dance Mrs Qlatsford. - , !
To be followed with the great Drama of
Driah Heep, T. B. Johnston. I WUkins Mlcswber, Bailey.
Darid Copperfleld, Wallis. Stelnforth, Kent
Mrs Sllcawber. Sirsßrolafcrd | Mrs Grnmrldge, Jlra Dyke.
Paa Soul ....' Miw Mary Partinglon-
FoTorite Seng ...Heuly.
To conclude with tha
Cousin Joe, T. B. Johnston. | Margary, . Mre Proctor.
£3* Speedily will be repeated, by general dealre,_the
grew Comply of OLD HEaD3 AND YODNO nEABTi
«R*Uoors open at 7 o’clock; performance commences
T. b JOHNSTON begs leave most respectfully to
announce to the public that his BENEFIT -will take plw
on MONDAY EVENING next. March 19th, when he will
have the honor of producing the celebrated Play of
Cast with the entire strength of the present talented Com*
pany—with other Entertainmedts, which will fee duly an
nounced in the Ullaof the day. Box Booknowopen. (ml 7
op |
Every evening until further notice.
Monday Evening* March. 19th,
Will be given to the andience. Bee the G Ifta In the window
of Richardson’s. Market street. Tickets can be had at the
same place—2s cents.
Boors open at 7 ; commences at mhl7:2t
YaLUABLK works for architects, mecuan
The Model Architect; 2 volumes; by Sloan.
The Carpenter’* New Guide; do.
Appleton’s Dictionary of Mechanics.
Do. Mechanics’ Magazine,
Practical Mechanic’s Journal.
Downing’s Rural Essays.
Do. Country Hou6a?.
Btuart’s Architecture.
Allen's Rural Architecture.
Field’s City do.
Rudiments of do. and Building.
Rudimentary do. by Jotui Bullock,
The Modem Geometrical Stair Builder's Guide.
The Builders’ Guile.
The Engineer’s and Machinist’s Afl r islant; 2 VOls.
Do. do. Mechanic’s do.
Weiabach’s Mechanics and Engineers; 2 vols.
Mahan’s Civil Engineering.
Knapp’s Chemical Technology.
Norris’ Hand Book for Locomotive Engineers and Mach’s.
Colburn on Locomotive Engines.
Haupton Bridges.
Templeton’s Mechanic’s Companion.
Scribners do. do.
Ilaswell’s do. do.
Houck’s Field Book.
Byrne’s Pocket Companion.
Simms on Leveling; revised by J. 11. Alexander.
Do. Mathematical Instruments.
Borden’s Formula for Construction cf R. Roads.
Trautwlne on Railroad Carres,
fibunk do. do.
Mifflin do. do.
And numerous other practical work*.
For sale by B. T. C. MORGAN,
mbl7 No. 104 Wood Ft.
r|>o the Honorable the Judges ot the Court of General
I Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of
The petition of William Stumor, of the Fourth Word,
city of Pittsburgh, ia the county aforesaid, humbly sheweth,
That your petitioner hath provided himsali with materials
for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwel
ling house In the ward aforesaid, and prays that yoor
Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a
public boose of entertainment, and your petitioner os in
duty bound will pray. WILLIAM SKANOII.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the ward aforesaid, do cer
tify, that the above petitioner Is of good repute for honesty
and temperance, and iswell provided with house room and
conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and trav
elers, ana that said tavern is necessary.
Henry Kane. Huey Durningh, Ithamar Maxell, A. Jack
mau, Jacob Wingard, Thompson Jeffery, U. S. Dimaldsnn,
J. M. Cornwell, N. B. Caldwell, Wm. Liowe, J. 51. Elliott,
Thomas Stone. ■ mh!7:3t
New yokk papers for th« wklk-
TUe New York iU-rald;
“ “ Tribune;
*•' »• *• Ucmo Journal;
•* “ “ Police Gazette;
“ “ 4 * nipper;
Halloa’* Pictorial;
Th«j Philadelphia SaturdayPo.itt
•• “ •• Courier.
A'.l received nod for wUo at tbo Cheap Book, Slagatioe
and Hewd.iaper Store r<f
Fifth Pt, opposite the TTeatre.
PKA fliUrt>— 650 packs Tennessee PvaJSots rec’d pei
steamer "Quaker City," and fur pale by
mblT J. W. BUTLER i CO.
SiiKKT LEAD—o boxes, 4 fts to squarefont, just rectived
am) fir sale by (mhlT) J. W. BUILEE kCO
BAR LEAD— 500 bandies, in store and for sale by
mhl" J, W. BUTLER A CO.
W r lNl)OW GLASS—SOO boxes, aseortai sixes, in stoi
ami for pale by jmblTj ,1. W. BUTLER A CO.
GREEN PFLES—iW bbls fur sale hv
1‘ A.RD—IS kegs No. 1 Lanl for sale by
C'VjDpISU— 2UW I tii Codfish tor sate by
MACKEREL —No. 3 large ana medium tor salt by
BKcOSIS —100 dozen Corn Brooms lor sale by
C'ILOVEKAKED —23 bbls, prime, for sale by
TIMOTHY SEED—6O bushels for sale by
DU.Y PEACHES—2OO bushels, for sale by
■agfe PIANOS.
JOHN n. MELLOR, No. SI Wood street,
U * x u ■ between Fourth street and Diamond alley,
bas just received from the manufactory of CHICKERING
A SvNS, BOSTON, a new and fall supply of their FIRST*
late and valuable improvements—also, of their plainer and
lower priced styles, suitable for those who require a cheap
but good Instrument All the Piano Forties from this man
ufactory are warranted, and will be sold INVARIABLY AT
OLD PlANOS.—Several second-hand Pianos, in good
ordor. for sale at $2O, $5O, $75, $ll5, $lBO, Ac., Ac.
MELODEONS—A full supply of Melodeons of entirely
new and beautiful styles, and from the best manufactories
in tbo country, at $45, $6O, $75, $lOO, $135, $l5O.
Agent for the sale of CmcßtEisa A Sosq^Pusos,
For Pittsburgh and Western Penna.
£3" No. SI Wood street, between Diamond alley and
Fourth street mhl6
MY WIFE ELIZABETH having left my bed and board
withont just cause, this Is to caution the public
against harboring or trusting her, as I will pay no debts
contracted by her after this date.
rivo LET—From the Ist of April nest, the commodious
i. BRICK BUILDIKG3 situate in the Second Ward of
the City of Pittsburgh, between Brechenridge street and
the Monongahela river, lately occupied by Messrs. Bake
well, Pears A Co. as a Glass manufactory and warehouse,
. This property is eligibly situated, adjacent to the Monon
gahela wharf, for any badness connected with steamboating
or river trade, or for manufacturing purposes.
Several small Buildings and a capacious yard are attach
el. Apply to OLIVER W. BARNES,
President Pitt, and Conn. B.R Co., «,
mhl&tf i Neville Hall, Fourth and Liberty streetr.'
NKYV liOO&tt AT DAVISON’S, to M&fi&ET sTarrr, near
Christ a Friend; and the Friends of Christ; by Nehe*
mlth Adorns, D. D.—in two separate volumes.
Life Scenes of the Messiah; by Rev. Rufua W. Clark.
The Mothers of the Bible; by Mrs 3. O. Ashton.
Th=» Evenldg of Life, or Life and Comfort the sha
dows of declioiog years; by Jeremiah Chaplin.
Cummings' Works.
Scripture Readings on Genesis, Exodus, St.Matihow and
St. Mark.
Benedictions, or the Blessed Life.
Voices of the Day. Voices ot the Night.
Voices of the Dead.
Lectures oo the Miracles and Parables.
Lectures on the Boren Churches.
Minor Works, Ist and 2d series, dc
The Footsteps of St. Paul; by author of Words of Jesus.
W’ords or Jeru9; by author of Morning and Night
Mind of Jesus; by same author.
PKKaUri'iSiaAN IIYAIN BOOKS Kec’d by Express
to-day, a large assortment of Psalms and Hymns, of
all sizes aud styles ol binding, at
05 Market street, near F^orth.
JSW BuoKrt JUST hKObIVKD- logenne, or the First
Days of Blood- By Alexander Dumas.
The Mysteries and Miseries i f San Francisco.
The Banking House (from Blackwood’s Magatine) Bv
Samnel Phillips. 3
poems by John G. Saxe. Fifth edition—enlarged and
The Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern.
Love In Idleness.
Heiress of Bollefont. By Emerson Bennett.
Harper's Story Book—No. 4.
ConcHn’s New River Guido.
The Western Pilot—contalnlng < harts ef the Ohio and
Mississippi rivers. By Bamuel Collins.
Maison’s Exposition of the Awful and Terrifying Ceremo*
nles of the Odd Fellows.
■"hie No. 45 Fifth street.
j open on Monday, the 19th inst—
Kioh PIbM Mike;
Colored sg*d Silks;
Plain changeable Silks;
Eig’d Challl Berages;
French Chintz Brllliantes;
Bplpodld English Calicos,
TO SeT M^7LlX nal<l DeW
mhl6 . _ A - A - MASON A ca, 25 Fifth rt.
J 3 of the obore; iomo of extra quality, cno yard wide.
Llov .| !l J BBkd—loo bushelß Clover for rale by '
T IM0 ™T SKEU-76 hashels for rale by
■ °>hl63tw« JAMES WABDROP.
BEDFORD MINERAL WATER—3O half bids jostieCd
and for sale by- (mh!6) KING A MOORHEAD.
T Bounty Claims*
HE undersigned has made arrangements rrfth Thomas
Lumpkin, of Washington City, to procure WARRANTS.
Ac., for Soldiers, their Widows or Children, for BOUNTY
LANDS, or any other claims otf the Government.
Rewdence, No 9 Rofg street. PUtahorgb.
CiKKna ytm hot.bkdh.~My stock of Beads tor car
O sewing of the approved and valuable varieties, la ready
for distribution at tie Seed and
street. • {JauSJ . ' JAMBS VA1U)B0P« : .
it 'T-
sstx Cents Howard.
ending Morel, mu,, 1955. *
AeSETi. , WM. C. SIIIAER, Darren.
Prom David Crow, for t*x..„ | 455 00
Wm.OaUey, Board Mcaiarer,...,,... j 1100
8. Jftcksoo, do. 42 64
M. O'Neill, Wharf Master 150 34
Tax from Commissioners’ sales SOW
jimmints due from tundry person*:
Doe acd uncollected on Duplicate of 1854.
tt. N. Avery, late Town Clerk..
B. P. H. Morrison A C 0...........
Wm.ftflkley..«...~. ».
Wm. Dilwortb, Wharfage......
Wm. Oilesple, do.
Wm. Gamble, do.
Kuhn St Mitchell, do.
T. H.titewan, do.
Sundry persons, do.
On Anderson's Bond
Prom Commissioners’ sales.
Ales. D&lzeil
Amounts paid out in Warrants
Interest on $4,785 00 Bonds, paid from
Wnarf revenue -i;.. ..........,..12?7 10
Maintenance of Boor .....~ M .132 00
streets. Bridges, Constab]e,Attorney, Print* .
lug and other expenditures., .-.....,89400
la favor cf lie 80r0ugh..../ . 63123
M. o’NkllA, Sec'if- - Committee'of CaunciL
Daquesne Borough, March 10,1655--tinhHJ —-
Wagon Masters and Teamsters’ Bounty land
AGENCY, 93 Fourth street*
OFFICERS, Soldier*, Musicians, Wagon Masters, Team*
stars. Ac.; who were regularly mustered Into the Bef ;
vice cf the United State*, and every Officer, Seaman, ordi
nary Seaman, Marine, Clerk and Landsman in the Navy;
also, Militia or Volunteers, or State Troops of any
Tenltory. are entitled, by the lateAct-ofCongress, to a
i Warrant for 160 Acres of Land.
Those who bave received 40 or 80 Acres, are entitled to a
Warrant for such quantity of Land as will make, in the
whole, IGO Acres. „
Verrons entrusting their claims to me can rely upon hav
ing them-attended to promptly.
All information free of charge. Letters promptly an*
swered. Address AUSTIN LOOMIS,^
mh!4 Bounty Land Agent, 92 Fourth st.
f S 3 RALLY OP THE TWO CltlXS A5J> VlCßflTT.—''
«&lUvlog opened a HAT and CAP STORE,
Sext home to the First Presbyterian Church—one door from
iSixth street, ■ ‘
And hating purchased cur Goods'for CASHt we ■will tell <8
t»ood an article on as reasonable tennß as any, other home
in the city. The public would do Well to give cs a coll and
examine our stock fiefare purchasing eicewbere. -
MORGAN ft CO., .
No. 154 Wood at. r£L43gzb...~.
Graff* Relslnger & Graff,
WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood street, Pitts*
burgb,Pa. ;
Cooking Stoves, Plain and Fancy Grates, : .
Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Penders,
Parlor Stoves, Bad and Dog Irons,
Hollow Ware,
Sugar Kettles,
Store Kettles,
WE are now receiving our stock of Paris made MAN
TILLAS, to which we would call the attention of the
ladle*. HAGAN &• AHLj'
mblo ' 91 Market strret.
PLAII) SILKS—Just received, some new Plaid Bilks, at
u'iusually cheap prices. A* A. MABON A CO.,
mb!s 25 Fifth street.
Black moiue antique—a. a. mason a go. win
exhibit for sale, on the 14th Inst, come Black Moire
Antique, with a splendid lot of Plaid Silks mhlfi .
SILK BONN BTtJ—A. A. MAtfi-N A CO. will exhibit, on
Wednesday, the 14th In it., 100 dozen new style Silk
Bonnets. _= mhls
r'V KEEN APPLES—£>Q bbls Bomanites lor sale by
BEANS— tO bbls Small White Beans for sale by
Agency for Soldiers' Claims.
Location of lands.—purchabk and sale of
I AND WARRANTS.—The undersigned has made ar
rdugtmente with .competent and responsible gentleman to
obtain Certificates or Warrants for Soldiers, their widowsor
minor children, who are entitled to Bounty Lands; also for
the Location of Lands, and the Purchase and Sale of LaUd
Warrants. JOHN D. DAVIS,
mb!4:tf Corner of Wood and Fifth streets.
R BIDDLE ROBERTS, attorszt at Law, (District At
• torney for Allegheny County,} has removed to No.
tub Fourth street* between -Southfield and Wood—the
Offices lately occupied by Banal. W Black, Esq. frahl4;2w*
'|UiE BRITISH CABINET.—The sum total of the change#
X in the British Cabinet appears to be, that Lord Noodle
goes out, ar.d Lord Doodle comes in. The question now Sat
•• Will Dvxdte do? ” Whether he will or not, one thing is
certain, that the Herpetic Soap it rill do the following:
Uenl nil chans, chafes, Ac., cure sore rough hands,'and ren
der them soft, emooth and white.
mb 14 8. L. CUTHBERT, 140 Third lU
of six rooms, and a good cellar, a paved
yard, hydrant, Ac. The property lain gcoo order—situated
on Pm-t 9»reet, abov* Bmithfield. Terms easy.
$2OOO—A largo Dwelling House, No. 22 Third street, for
the above low price. -- S. CCTHBERTA SON,
mhl4 140 Third street
(Statement of the Assets
January 1, 1805*
Property—Office of (he Company..—... 455*200 W
“ Value of Home Office, Furnitnro and
United States Loan, va1ue.—.—......12,000 00
Pennsylvania Five per cent. 10an.... . 1,975 00
Philadelphia tix percent, loan 9,225 00
Loaned at New Oilcans Branch Office, at 8 per
cent, legal interest 8,427 40.
Temporary loans on Philadelphia City and Penn*
eylvanla State securities;...-..;......... 115,309 00
Bonds and Bonds and Mortgages—.. 224,500 00,
Premiums deferred 10,661 83;
Premiums due from Agents .. 11,167 Q 5»
Present ralue of aU.tbe Annual Premiums xe»
ct-ivable by the Company, as ascertained
January 1,1854.. 703,632 4C*
Cash on hand and in 8ank......... 24,242 1&
MOSES F. EATON. No. 19 Sixth street, agent fbr selling
and buying PATENT RIGHTS, is now authorized to
sell tbe following lately patented articles:
Sands. & Cummings*-Patent Brick Machine;
Hopper’s Patent Veneer Plane;
Trott’s patent Oil Globes, for Steam Engines;
Doan's Rock Drilling Machines; •
Coe’s patent Drill,for Drilling Iron;
Copeland's Stationary and Portable Saw. Mills;
Crawford's Steam and Water Guagea; and,
Griffith’s Wrought Iron Railroad Chair Machines.
These articles haro been examined by practical mechanics
and machinists, and pronounced'superior to any in use.
He is also authorized to sell Rights to ihhkeand Tend these
articles in any part of the country.
He has also f r sale hot-preased Nutts and Washsrs, and
finished Brass Work.
He is also prepared to take Agencies, fbr the sale of other
patented Bights and new Intentions, and giro to the bust*
ness faithful and constant attention.
He refers to the following - - -
The subscribers hare long teen acquainted with Ur.
Moses F. Eaton, and have no hesitation in recommending
him, to &U who may wish to employ his Benders, aa a gen*
tleman of undoubted integrity and indefatigable industry,
in whose exertions every reliance may be placed."
Neville B. Crair, W. Robinson, Jr,
Wm. Larimer, Jr., John Graham,
W. H. Denny, Jl.ChUdaACo^.—.
James Wood, N. Holmes & Boas,
P. It Friend, Kramer A Rabn^
F. Lorens, L. It. Livingston,
Knap & Wade, William F. Johnston*.
William Phillip?, AndrewTulkin,
Wilson SFCandless, AW. Loomis.
Pmsnußan, November 2701.1854,
Doan’s Patent Bools Drilling X&aehfcmeift
WEIGHING ABOUT 800 POUNDS; can bowoikedaud
tDored by two men, and do tbe work of £?& or
' the ordinary way. 8. S. Fowler & Co., Manufacturers. •
, Tbe subscriber baa appofnted sole agehtTa the 'Uiii-'
;ted Stales, for the Bale of rights to use these Machines. '
: MOSES F. EATON, 19 Sixth street ,
l BIFKB 70
Hon. Wm. P. Johnston, President A. Y. E. R 4
W. minor Roberts, Eaq , Chief Eos. A. V. R.R.;
Gon. Wm Larimer, Jr , President P. 4 O. R. H;
• 0. WV Barnes, Ksq., Chief Eng.-P. taR; R 4 ;
‘ Messrs. Manfall & Nicholson, Contractors for tbaP* A S
;R. It deelft
liCdlle d& tJlnm,
; (Successors to Mnlvany A Ledlle.)
M ANUTA' TURRRS of Oat, Moulded and Plain, Flint
andJfancy .Colored. GLASSWARE, and -dealers In all
kinds of Window Glees, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware
house corner of Market Water streets, Pittsburgh, .
: mbJfcdly '
Hats and Capa.
a WE would call the attention of our fiieada, u><L*
the public generally, to our beautiful stock ot
DATS, at $3 00 and $4 00. which cannot he surpassed*
for neatness and beauty of style. Also, our Celestial uni*
Shanghai UAPSr-ithich are the most splendid of the season '
Plu?h Caps at cost,
i mbS
.T. WILSON A SON, 91 Wood street.-
j! To Farmers, Hardeners and
thousand buehela pure BONEDUST, fine ground?
J. 1000 • urhels pure coarxe ground;
...lQOQbamlspatentAmerican.EEßXJXlZEß' -
: A. 4 C. HOEVELER oiler fop sale, on accommodating
terms, the above valuable fertilisers, which they maauiae
tare at their new. extensive establishment, situated In East
liberty, n*ar Pittsburgh, Pa. Eonedust, a* a manure has
beon.usedfQr_many,years -in Europe with the greatest suc
res*; next to guano, it Is superior to any other In use. Ten
Or fifteen bufhelspure Boned up t per acre will so nourish the
land that Ita good effects will bo realised from the flrstyear
to ten or fifteen years after, whereas tbe good effects of'
guano are exhausted in on • year. Those who have used
Bonedust apeak in the highest terms.of the benefits de«
tived ffbm'lf. "Il ls suited to etary variety of soil, and all
cropa are benefltied by it—vines and trees more particular*
ly. The patent American Fertiliser possesses essential pro*
perties necessary to stimulate tbe growth of plants and
green vegetables, and'-d«rtrOTS‘insrets.''Afl a' manure, for'
hardening, it cannot be excelled. Directions farnished.
, Orders must be addressed to A. HOEVELEB,
• mb&dawlm 449 Penn street. Pittsburgh.
• Joseph While’s Carriage Bcpoiltory*
TO3KPU WHLTE, now carrying oo bust- F»gam*, m
•I ness lu bis spacious premises. (nowM§M|UL>
Utely enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh a?d«j«sSK'
Qreensburg turnpike, near the Two wW'
Run, between Pittsburgh and Xawrenceville, respectlully
invites the public to inspect his stock of CARRIAGES.
BUGGIES, Ac. And he particularly informs gentlemen
purchaser*, that one price only is made. Fourteen voara*
experience in thehuslness, ecable3 him to placo before hla~
patrons the same choice collection of Carriages which, eo
many years past it has been his particular department to
sriect from the various and most talented Eastern manu
facturers The success of his new system Is complete—the
ecenomy of his arrangements wIU supply :ha best and most
fashionable manufactures at moderate pricer. - -
• Unencumbered by those heavy expenses, which the.
tnanu* for decorating houses of business has bespedupwi,
tbe price of gooda, (owing to large rents.) dOSKPB WHITE
wiII sell, on ready money only, at mubh less than the usual
Profits, ./. ; fmhfedaw}—-.
Carriage* repaired in fhehret mauppr.wlth despatch,.
/?ltl£At* BUILDIAU LuXtf—only twelve Tor »aIe,«VSSQ&
Vy each. S, CvXHJKBRT * 802*, c
ijahli - ~ o >
* u
'« ‘
..... 60 JlO
..... soco
,70 CO
.... ...~49 00
—.7 60
264 sft’
55 00
........ 600
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Portable Forges,
Tea Kettles,
“Wagon Boies, Ac. [mb! 6
$1,243,629 0 5,
.josrpn j. cu».