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"• Y i7r.L-=.‘ % ' * v *.’ r«- *-V l ‘' v !vv.“;»? ?i >« S'^iScg '-'V 1 ' aY' 1 -,:- • ; !•- -ia-- 1 <-»7* 5 ,.-;** 7"'- v ' fi* : ;; 'Y-- ’ 9 V- V, 1 <:•: -f: • y >yS >1: :*4 ,— 1 ’ *i t '-'' *C“ i< t'Y’" f I '” l "■.'V-'C;'''>- ‘ <•?= -.is v-v i-,*- '•»:. . ‘ ‘Y • r : a ’v v:;- f >“i?HiV;.ay , :’:.;.-r'-;' f ‘r'TY ' : -‘- r '-: Y-' •y'i?;vV.V.rS •: vr-. ; : s ;. ; ;^ ■i • t- >%' -.s -•* jrv* H r >: -: ,■< .*vi ! «.y- * U'S: i 3*aa*? 1 Tf-'r.vV,'"”,. \>- >: j >1 <*•,>:• -:>r £ru&'*■<* •• "-- f- ;•; -; t- r ■tju v /'^' r ;,vv<><' ; ''-.«'sr'\,* r t '’'s.'C<' - * w 4 •*' ‘. v, :^ r 4 v rn F '., V »V,“>?!•;<;' •'v C“ - •: jT,-. >' ; -'■ • j r t 1 -i- ,-*.- - /icfer- -v • • - ' f:'r' i'.f^jr',? v>vX.^ '-j, /■:• n> - . 'V»v; V. ’•' -T 1 ' V- t* •vi ■*< , r -:- I -:.. ~'. .; : v r. •>. *V* : V •7 r ' i/r[ fS:W- K? % 5 * f- V s»' % v . \ s< •' >V»«u • v'>s •i' . - •> !■ n, •r ;•. >■ e; ►' • ."-V * : 'i•l' *7 . - ■* ‘ r J-' , , *'i rt.V, ' ..-•>- i ft «s J -fV; ». • r -■ ::v-J^.^i»ia a ss*i^rfrv,-.'tf- *ju***~ . . ‘T' - »>;**• .< 'f'i 1 ; -t V'*'' ov I- , v v •- daily homing post. SATURDAY MORNING: A, liciCßJUS's Logic.-—ln trawling In tho -cwff“froßi Cleveland to Cincinnati, some time; aince, we got into an interesting °°° vcr ®*' 1 °“ with a young gentleman who cbanced to occupy a sea*directly in front of us A. be was under the neceeßity of turning his hoad to talk with us, wo suggested tbit when the oars stopped again, be should turn the back of his seat and sit facing ns. There was occupying the seat with him, a pretty good looking, but raw Dutch man. Acting upon onr suggestion, when we had arrived at tbo next Btation, the gentleman Btep rei out into tho walk of the car, and politely requested him to do tho same, while he •• turned the seat.” The Dutchman looked at the seat very critically, and inquiringly said—“Turnbiml yawl" “ Yes,” answered the gentleman. “ Just step put, and I will show you how it is dono.” The Dutchman did as ho was desired; when the gentleman tamed the back of tho seat, aDd requested the Dutchman to tako his position again, but, of course, with his face toward the other end .of the car. . <» Kix, nix,” (no, no,) exclaimed the Dutch man, in evident alarm ; “I’ve paid for Cincinna ti, and must go to Cincinnati. Dem so, carry merighf baok to Cleveland!” . . No explanation would' satisfy him, and he would not bo oohtont till tho gentleman occupy ing the seat with u 3 changed places, and per mitted him to ride with his face towards Cmom nSTho passengers were oonvulaed with laughtor at the strange logio of tho Dutchman. Increase of Caßh Capital TO HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! jbtma insurance company, HARTFORD, CONN.—CHARTERED 1819. Cush Capital, 9500,000. j mHE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT of the I Areetsof the 2ETN A INSURANCE CaMPANY, of Hart ford, a? furnishedagency on the Ist of January, 1855, under oath. . . a _ 0 nr Real Estate, unincumbered -S UJ Seventy-two Mortgage Bonds, 0 and 7 cent, pay able semi-annually —— Debts due tho Company, secured by mortgage... *• Bitls Receivable, well secured, payable at Bank... 1-AJJ7 Ja Railroad Stocks in Connecticut.—— .JvJJJ ™ Bank Stocks In the city of Hartford litfM 00 Bank Stocks In New York city *8,050 00 Cash on hand, in Bank, and in hands of Agents and others- £UfQt> oo $773,278 C 3 The amount of liabilities due or not due to Bants or other aredttors,— nothing. Loseeß adjusted end due,—none. Losses adjusted and not due, $148,618 22. _ Losses unadjuated in suspense, waiting for further proof, $01,237 60. . y All other claims against the Company ere small, such only as printing, Ac. Agents instructed to take no risk over $lO,OOO. The amount insured iu any city, town or TUUse. npon the character, material and construction of buildings, the width of streets, the supply of water and condition of the fire department, and other circumstances. The amount insured In blocks of buildings design is to limit the loss by any one Ore to $lO,OOO, or less. aes 8 TIIO. A. AI.KXA.SDKU, Secretary. Stat* o? Ctscntcncur, > Hartford, Jan. Ist, 18S5. Hartford-county. > .. , . „ Pern nail J appeared Thomas A. Alexander, Secretary f the .Etna Insurance Company, and madeoath that the fore going statement by him subscribed, is true, according to his best knowledge and belief _ UKJJRY FOWLER, Justice of the Peace. Losses paid by this Company for the year ' 1834;«*««* $760,000, while the premiums received for the same time far exceed any other year, since the organiiatlon of tho C coyering nearly all descriptions of property, is sued at ibis agency, at remunerative rates. *2“ Office, Ho. 87 Water street, Pittsburgh. Pa. jaull 1L B. TEN KYCK, Agent. Stovcsi stoves II Stovetlll COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. TUE public Trill and It lo their advantage to eioinlno out stool of STOVES, before purchaslngebewbere. GRAFF, REISINOER * URAtE, enit *f, 124 Wood fltTrvt._ joUu W. Uuller it Co., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS— Dmlovs in all kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactures, Loud Pipe ami sheet Lead. 61 front atreeL MOUK.BIISO GOODS. FDANK VAN GORDEP. has just received a large RUd beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Sleeves and Setts in Crape, Tarletcn and Swiss, black lace and gaure Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, in wool, cotton, and silk; Ribbons, Bella, and Crapes, in all qualities. Alexander t Boon's best Rid Gloves can always be fbund at No. 83 MARKET STREET, comer of the Dia mond. Dorl7 Wanted) By a sober. Industrious young man, who will devote hit entire time to hit business, a SITUATION A 8 fcHIP PING CLP.IIK in a Wholesale or Retail Warehouse, or As sistant Book-Keeper, or a place in a Grocery or Diy Good, Store - and will make himself generally nselnl tr his onv Dlovrr A note addressed through the Post Office to “A. B. b " or lelt at the office of the “ Post," will r,scene prompt attention. ect3ldf_ first ARRIVAi. OF SPRING ANN SUMMER DRY GOODS. muK SUBSCRIBERS have just re-elved, and aic now I opening, the most desirable assortment ot DRY (SoODSever offered in this market. Wo call particular at tention to a few Tery choice articles. Extra Cich Fa. cy CoVd Silks, entirely new design ; do do Black do do; do do Twisted do; Batin Plaid and plain Tissue* and Berages ; Printed do do; do Dotage Delaines; Jo Challie do: Very handsome French Lawns; jo do Brillianteens; A cool assortment of French work, Collars, Under Sleeves and Chemizettes, very cheap; Embroidered Hem stitch and plain Unen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Liuen Tab-e Cloths and Table Linens; French and English Fur niture, Chintzes, white and colored Furniture; Dlmatry. A full assortment of Gloves, Hosiery, Mitts, Ac.; Irina Linens, Sluollns, together with a complete assortment of every article, either Fancy, Maple, Foreign or Domestic. Wejolicit an examination of our Stock tefore purchasing as we flatter ourselves (rince wo hare cstab llshf-d t c eaah Byet.m) that we can supply our pair ns on more 1 beral terms than any house west of the Mountains. TFe return our thanks to our friends for their many es* teem«d fcivcrs to our firm, under its former title, and hope they may Still continue them to the establishment, under its new title. YOUNG. LOVE A BRO., formerly Young, SteveDSoa A L ve. ‘ Mew Scliool for the Violin. BY U C HILL. —THE PRACTICAL VIOLIN SCHOOL— A new and complete synopsis of Violin playing, in an easy progressive and practical form, and designed expressly for the American student, to which is added valuable les sons and exercises and beautiful arrangements, as &J osand Duos of the most popular melodies of the day. Selected, arranged and composed by U.C. HILL, nupil of Spobr, lato pres idem of the New York Philharmonic Society. The above just received, in advance of the trade, by HENRY K. LEBER, 101 Third street. DECOiIiIENDATION. have carefully examined the above work of U. C. imiv, and consider It one of the most complete and prac oal Violin ScUooli we have ereT seen. G. ANTON, f.Kfl Teachers of Music. TWTutV la TUB UKST TIME TO BOY W'ATOIiES.— I N have recently received a large assortment of very su perior Watches, manufactured in Europe expressly to my order, (sent over last Spring.) Citizens and strangers will now find In my establishment a stock of Watches as exten* give and as fine as any in the eastern cities; and in consid eration of the times, at lower prices than ever before offered In this market. Those having money to invest in this way ■will find It to their interest to do bo now, os times will shortly be better and prices will advance. Watches and Jewelry repaired in manner.^ C 7 Market street, corner of Fourth. TW] KW BOOKS.—Jost recolTed by Express, the following Autiblography of Cboa Caldwell, M. D.: by Harriet W. Warner. Just published. „ _ . Tbe Bona of tbe Sires; a History of the Progress and Destiny of tbe American Party. Just published. Nelft Bracked by Annie Chambers Bradfonl. History of Mason A Dixon's Line: by J. H. B. Latrobe. Popal Dsarpailoo. Ida May. Woliort’e Boost; new work by W. Irving. Alone: by/Marlon Harland. Hath Hall : by-Fanny Fern. Life of Horace Greeley. Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern. Base’s Poems, In two styles of binding. Godey, for March, 20 cents. Poterfoo’s Magazine, for March; 17 cents. Ballou's Magazine, for March; 10 cents. Yankee Notions, for March. Tom Crosble: by Lover. Frank Leslie’s Journal, for March. Call at the new and cheap Book Store of SAMULL B. LAUFFLR, 87 Wood street. YOILN il. MEILOA, 81 Wood street, has lust received the • I foll"wiuir valuable works on the Theory of Music. Universal Music Teacher: by Dr. A- B. Marx, Professor of Music at the University of Berlin. Treatise on Counterpoint and Fuge: by L. Chemblni. Treatise on Harmony: by Charles ti. Catel. Mozart’s Succinct Thorough Bass School. Weberns Treatise on Musical Composition. Musical Vade Meenm: N. S. Saronl. Calcott’e Musical Grammar. Johnston’s Treatise on Harmony. lUrrowo’s Thorough Bass Primer. For sale by JOHN II- MKLLOR, 81 Wood street. 1 MPORTANT MEDICAL WuKß—Every one afflicted with I certain diseases would consult Ms own interest by ob- | ttnlnK Dr. RALPH’S PRACTICAL PRIVATE TREAT'SK. The nature, symptoms, progress and consequences of every Nerereal Disease, mainly and distinctly described; inolu ding difdeses resembling veuereal-to be fouud inno >tber. On Masturbation, much new and invaluable Information latriven, with the only true treatment and euro. Stricture, its nerfect and radical cure. Also, all the remedies, the nro£ doses, mode of preparing, Ac., are faithfully given, he iwactlcaUy ÜBefnl to every one, in every place, 80 S*,?, .hemlv ttUly Practical Work published for gene ,nd nis the tMlyPraot *J uh pla tes. Price rsl use. b-owteenm eoiuou, g CUTHBERT, on*; dollar. Bow ny M 140 Third street mbC mUB O.VNKIIS WANT MUNtV, »nJ 1 a.ll Twelve Building Lota,each 24 feet. Outer .met, by 130 deep to a'24 ft. alley-ffltuate Bear the Outer Liei-.t, Allegheny City. Price tor each Lot only TsoU. MID Donate, Cabd 1 Thla Is a very low price, but tus want of money induces them to off**' , this price. Call soon. If jou want to procure bargains._ mb9 8. CUtUBBaT * BQM# 140 Third st. SO AlM—Uerpetlc Soap is the best thing you can find to cure soretwsa ot roughness or the pkio. It heals all ehftpft and chafes of the hands, and renders them smooth} 00ft and white. cents per cake. Sold by uili9 B- L. CUTnUKRT, 140 Third street EMBKOIUBKED DRAPEKY.—SOO pieces Embroidered Lace and Muslin Drapery just recemd. Ul t}9 ; A. A. MASON k CO. -S"I oUL DE LAINJSU —Jurt rcceWed, a complete assort- YV meut of nil colors of Wool De Laines. m»-9 A. A. MA-ON A CO-, 25 Fifth at. XfOUCE TO aArtUBNBUSi-PubUcAuctlonofSeO Hob .N bed Sash, ond 400 Forcing G^ sse ?!. in from the Market Garden. I Will e'U, WJ G ““ t Uns. . Thursday, February let, at fl o’clock, A. M-, the - nieces Black Alpacca,Just received by :of Bash, and fixtures suitable tor the Arcing of eariyoropfl. A 4 C 0725 Fifth etreet- Jan 29 JAMBS WABDIWP, Manchester. F. iIKKTI.su MUSLINS—4. A. MASON * 00. h«»« re- » la^ oY " xlet y of ShMtlng.ndPilloiK.MMu* ■ ... ** . T f..--,. - ' ■'.' ■'• -•’-V; '-•: '$ V'Y' 1 C ****.-/'• - sgfjft*. V\V V-. v"'* f • * .X?- : ' v -'' ,%. '/ ,■ ’’ *”"“ V* *-' •. ■-, _ ; . ••; V;• •: - , •.. ‘ \ « ' ''’; : -’. , *‘. ? -'. r '.^«©^ h'*\* v**• v~■ >j* <****v‘‘ /i *•*.v>JU v * •. / "':- ; .^»v f ‘ r 4 ’ '•■-*• •~ i a? v**• - m s>xr,W Y^v^v^Vr-'',,co,vY- y-,.:,;-., - '% t*. •. «•'»#-.' v «'• . \«/'*•« > W-S Vj-VV v * .. *i j '... 1 ; tr I-» •; * ■•- - 1 *: ♦ V.. ~t*. Y . ft ■ .* ■.if a**! 4 > «f <*v .'«?■>*• V*j . >v r ■ '<.'•*» " '■ MARCH 17. PAID DP sef» ■ . . ■ V- V , > ' :•' «*«£•. ■ .' ■ ■ _ -:.;.iJ, • ' * , * . ’ - 1 ■* ;•• - - . HOTELS. MANSION HOUSE* GEORGE AURENTZ^ReppjusiOS,-: NO. -SjliaßEKtg STnEglVlgst' teaUe the Passenger Depot of tho Pennsylvania jtaiirord, ■which mahesii the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri ving by that road. . - __ The I'ropxio‘or having, at considerable expense, nttea up, la excellent ctjle, thetIAXBTON HOUSE, would respect fully solicit & ehureof public patronage. There Isatwnea a splendid STABLE and extensive vr AGON lng ample accommodation to travelers and roaoster*- Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the mar*** can afford. GOOD IBTKSX HOUSE, /CORNER 1U» sv'ciuU, i rm^uj THIS largo and commodious House haring undergone thorough repair end tarnished with new equipments throughout, is now open for the reception of the hireling put, lie. Cuauges unncnixl. epr2s:flm ST. C L A 1 R HO TEL, (FORM KRLY THE EXCHANGE,) PITTSBURGH, Corner Penn end St. Clfvlr streets, C. W. BENNETT Proprietor. £3-This Is a first cU?a house, between the Railroad t>e pot.'T the roomß are large and newly furnished, and charges moderate. _ aprl4;lyd*w_ OWSTON’S. WAYERLEY HOUSE, 60 South Eighth street, between Chestnut ond Walnut, Philadelphia. [BUgfcy THE UNION, 'O. 11l Arch street, Philadelphia. T. S. WEBB (late of the Ragle,) Proprietor. __ > an.a>7 _ OASKILL HOUSE, CORKER OF MAIN AXD SOUIH BTS. t WARRE&,O - Proprietor takes pleasure in to the I public that this new and elegant Hotel has been °P«n«l Ma house of entertainment. Being commodious and adjoining the office of the Ohio StageCompany,it offers inducements unsurpassed In Warren for th« accommoda* tion of the traveling community. . n , f , A Rhare of public patronage la respectfully aul" ‘ . ‘— franklin HOUSE. CIIESTNTjT STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. P4BKBE H LAIRD, Proprietor*. jylSUrn] TRRMS_SI,&9_PEK_pAY. BlcailL.UAN HOXJBK, jouysro itty, pKyxA. THE undersigned having taken charge of 'he above named House, and refitted it at a large expense, In a comfortable as well aa elegant style, Is now prepared to cuivc guests, and glee ample eansfactlon to may pa ronlse the House. I au6:tf) JAMES IMtt HARE’S HOTEL, Late Farmer’s Kxchango,] TVTO 123 LIBERTY STREET, foot of Fifth street, Pltts- J\ burgh. SAMUEL HARE, Proprietor. This Hotel Is entirely new, having Jo*t been end opened for the accommodation of the pobHc._[«pl3_ the glen hotel ts NOW READY FOR SUMMER VISITERS. The I grounds hare boon Improved, and the Rouse ™nderod more attractive, generally. The proprietor will be happy 10 S- h in Omnibus of lbs Ercelslor Une Is now running from the station, on Fifth street, to tbe QLEN HOThL, la-ares the station ai 8 o'clock, A. 11-, and 6 P. IL, return- M " *" d P ' “• 3. Q. MARTIN, Agent FIIANKLi'S HOUSE, Clesrelanjl, Ohio. /T PATRICK & SON, Paopauttoas.—This Uotie«Jh&B u«* U. denroue thorough and extensire repair*, alterations, aSd largo additions of new furniture, «“•. “d tors pl&lge themselves that nothing shaU be wanting mn their part to render tha FEihkUS a place where all the com forts of a tot class hotel can be P ATRICK * BOS. fLoiiknck uotbl, No. 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (CONDUCTED OS THE EOROTEA.N HAS.) rettbeh lovejoy, proprietor. T^EHRY^UOTKL,corner of Hancock street and Duquesne mar4?y’ Pltt A MARKLE, Proprietors.^ RESTAURANTS. 11AN It EXCHANGE, third struct, between wood and market. rfllil Subscriber, boo 1-sVe to lnlorm their friend* aDd I t„e public fccerallv, iliat 11,cy have leased the above rvll known Restaurant, which has just been thoroughly renovated, repaired and re hi proprietors have spared no oipeose to w»ku the Dank hi dian.or o comfortable resort, as well for the epicure as the hu-iMM man. The larder will at all times be stocked with the delicacies of the season, and served up under the uuml- M, of oipericnccl co-ks. They respectfully Uk for the patronage Of a generous gcUANDEt-MEEER, Jaullkly _ "• B. JHIANfnS. RESTAURANT and EATINU SALOON, ON Tllii EUfft.KS I'LA.N, lhamcnd alley, bcticrxn ' tr.*4 a-i irartrt 4 ir«u.-AH klu,l s of -Übl.J MTT«I up Id u» Wt *>i«. »»1 »» R* jhortwmotl^. llddm - opni from 0 oVlock lu the mornlne until 1- ot ni*M. HkLVIDBRK KESTACEAST, WOOD STREET, BoT WATER AN!) HtlSl STREETS. rpiiK EiiJ-.rsiduei Em just provided a cboico stock of I U'jL-)RS. and is ready at all limes toastie bis ttl™Ji «ilh the MSI of UK season, in lbs nay of edlb.es. Irish WEi.-kv poaches may be bad at tt.e I'.LLViDLI'-E, isniuiy JtlllN 3A V All E. Prour.ctor, COILS tJCOPIA ' «s*ovster ancoffee HOUSED D. BAENAED. Fifth b+iivcm Wood and Market. jjl-j.'l-vj’ nTTSßcean. , CRYSTAL PALACE, W Mo. 1* Market street. C. C. SEELY, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the / «J)uuWic iu that ho has just started his XknMrttr N«w York and Philadelphia modern stvle oi VJK*£/ COCKING OYSTERS and every thing else In the eatJn- linn. Oysters in the Shell or Stewed, for 12W cents , a dosi-n. lie will also turuish the Ust of ereryttdnK that the market will afford. House always open until 3o clock in the morning. marl3 ; tf - OYSTIiIL SAJLOON ANU RESTADRAJiTI 108 W OOL> STREET. THE subscriber hoe onw his OYSTER SALOON AND EATING HOUSE perfected In a manner that cannot be excelKl bv any similar estahUshment in the city. MEALS WILL BE SERVED UP AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY, from the Choicest Meats, Fowls, Fisli, *C., * C| His Bill of Fare cannot be surpassed, uud he would respect fully iuvito th. ultuntlon of U.B gTILU ' Ja2onn*etf 108 Wooli >treet - St. Clair eager Beer Ur ” v,e r?f\,, .. . THE undersigned respectfully informs the publlc.that he Is now fullv prepared to nerve private families and the public generally, with his celebrated BELIMn bottles. Ail orders left at hi? Office, NO. 39 DIAMOND ALLEY, (near Wood street,) will be punctually attended to, and the Beer delivered to any part of the BenUz’ Lager Beer Hall, tfo. 106 Smtlhfuld street, opposite the Custom House. TIIE subscriber has just opeoed one of the largest and best finished Lager Beer Halls in the city. Ilia Hearts acknowledged to be a superior article, and every Other ac commolation about hlfl bouse cannot be excelled. me-*9:3m BENUA. Keunett Ale. WD. ENGLISH, Sole Bottler of SMITH S celebrated . Kennett Ale and Brown Stout, Also,Common Ale and Porter, in manufacture of STEAMBOAT CABIN CHAIRS and FURNITURE, of every n to the manufacture of the best styles, writable for the we of Steamboats. Our experience in this branch of the busi ness enables us to warrant satisfaction, as well with the promptitude in which orders arc filled, as In the quality ox the work and personal attention given, the fitting out. Those interested in furnishing Boats, will find it to thelf advantage to give ua nodi. T ,- B . YOPNO * 00. THE ESPECIAL ATTENTION OP LADIES is invited to the UEUPATIC SOAP, prepared by the subscriber from the recipe of u London Chemist, end used for rendering the shin smooth, soft end delicately white, removing Hollowness, Plmplus, Tan, Cutaneous Eruptions, and redness of the akin. All ccaps, chafes, Ac,, on the hands, axe healed by It It has been used with great success In cases of Scald Head. For tbe cure of sore, rough hand*, it la unrivalled, Price 12*4 cents a cake; or In boies, for family use. containing onV'doxen cutes, $1,25 per box. Sold. wholeM-Wdreteil No. 140 Third st. G. Bingham Co.'b Transportation Lina SH3|j|SS To AND fc'KOM PHILADELPHIA, UALTIMOKE AND NKW YORK. —The Owner* and Agents ol eald Line have. G***»n for the past fourteeu years connected with the “ old established Bingham's Line.” They will give H* e ‘ r usual prompt attention u> the forwarding of Produce,Mer* chatidue, Lc., In the shortest time and on as favorable terms as any other Line. jfST Only one transhipment between Pittsburgh, Phila delphia and Baltimore. __ .. „ v ( GEO. BINGHAM A CO., Oanal Basin, Liberty at., Pittsburgh. BINGIIAM, DAVIS A CO., 276 Market sreet, Philadelphia. Proprietors. JAMKB WILSON, Agont, 121 North st., Baltimore. M. L. OSTIIANDEE, Agent, acr7:lv i 86 West at., New York. CHINA HALL, MARKET STREET, t»EI U’KEN THIRD AND TOURTH STEZETS* STRANGERS VISITING THK CITY SHOULD CALL IN to see the beautiful assortment of CHINA, GLASS and QUSENSWaRE, now open at the above establish ment. Our goods being entirely Dew, we ore enabled to otter inducements in all the latest styles of Dinner, Tea and Tollut Ware, whit** iron-stone, we have a great variety of Bhapes; also, gold baud and fancy colored stoneware Tea and Toilet sets. Our stock of white Covered Dishes, Soup Tureens, Vegetable Diftbes without covew, Salad DUnes, and every article appertaining to a Dinner Set Is large and well selected. Britannia Ware, Table Cutlery, Bpoons, Castors, Waiters, aDd House Furnishing Goods, we have a large assortment. COMMON WARE—Our stock of common Teas, Plates, Dishes, U -.ter*, Nappies, Bawls, Pitchers, and every article In tho line is large, acid we are prepared to pack them with or without fine goods, an the purchaser may wish. Also, a large assortment of all kinds of ULAB9 WARE, which we urn selling at manufacturers* prices, all of which are offered at wholesale or retail, by oet26 JOHN J. O’LEARY. HDiTEUPUIaII No 136 TVbod strret, Third door below Virgin AUey. BOWN & TKTLKY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Re- Tnlvinc Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ever nnonpd in this market; together with a general assortment ofcSlery, Toota »nd Filing T.chle, Ml of.Uch w “offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers or for good approved paper. ml>rl>> »»» , ■V* r .4 V I.;', • _ „ _ - JAS. B. M’VAT. I " U Win.‘jl. Wllll«tu *«o,, -- TtANKESB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, M a Conor lfcxd imd TMrd. strati. All transaction!! madeon liberal terms. Collections Of' Kills. Notes. *c-, promptly Ettendeilto; >n26:lw l('IJ051!8Ll.a WJLMOK, BANKERS, And Dealers In Exchange, Bank TTotea, Gold and Silver Coin. Current and Par "Funds received on deposit Blocks bought and sold on ommlsEion. Collections made at any point In the United States. South East corner of Market and Fifth streets, my il PITTSBURGH. PA. ARTHURS, RODGERS & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITHFLELD STREETS, au2rfm Plttalmrgh, Pn* 0. n. TVILKISB. Wilkins & Co., (Successors to A. Wilkins A Co.) BANKEBS AND EXCHANGE BROKEBB, iVo. 71 Iburlh street , Pittsburgh. N THE numerous Buspenelots of Banks and Bankers . throughout the country during tbo last six months, we are satisfied that in almost erery instant* their troubles have grown out of a departure from their legitimate busi ness* and we, tberofore, take occasion to assure the public Id advance, that no speculations in “fancy stocks,” or other “outside operations,'’ shall tempt ua from the strict and le gitimate line of our business-believing that in avoiding tUI such investments we shall not only be better able to serve our customers and ensure their safety, but that in adopting such a course we shall promoto our own ultimate benefit. I f ebs] W, & CCh Removal* PATBICKS & FBIEHD, I BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Bnt Bmottd thtir Office tathi armor of Fifth and TToodiU. pmssußoa, pa. PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers In Notes, Draft®, Acceptances, Gold. Silver and Note*. Exchanges on the Eastern and western Cities constantly for sale. . _ ... „ Collections made in all the cities thronghont the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Strata. l feb3 H. HOLMEB & SOUS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROREBB, EA7I BXHOVXD Tiltlß BAHECia AHD SXOHA3QI OFfICJ tO HO. €7 kUJLSET BTBXST. FOUB DOOBS BELOW OLD STASD. NHOLilfiS & SONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, . and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Su rer and Wtmte Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities cf"- .185 constantly for sale. . _ ... Collections mode to all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received to par funds or current paper. No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. [loathly ' TIERNAA » BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, tfo. 95 Wood Street, comer of Diamond Alley, PITTSBUBOB, PA., , „ BUT AND SELL Bank Notes and Coin ; Discount time exchange, and promissory notes; mate collect*rc6 in all the principal dues of the Union. Receive deposits on call and on Interest, and give their prompt attention to all other matters appertaining to a Broker’s business. Eastern Exchange constantly on hand. _ SPi/L JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER, deai.es m Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. 1 TOOK bought and sold on commission. Collections S carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. gy No. Fourth street, nearly opposite the ank. HILL & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, 00&5XB 07 WOOD AWD rijnU BTBIItB. SIOnT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly ror Time Bills ol Exchange and Notes dlsajunted.— Gold, Sllxer and Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections made In all the principal cities of thß Cnltad BUtoc De posits received of Par and Corrent Funds. ____[mar27ly_ nil* ISSMXI, kDWakD kanu, noaracx xkahi*. vtt Ain Ek & RAKM, bankers and exchange brokers, BOY ASD BELL Oold, surer, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loans on Beal Estate or Stock Securities;purchase Promissory Notes and Time Bills, on East and West, buy and sell Stocks on Commission. • Collections mftde on points la the union. O. E. iBHOLD & CO., bankers and exchange bbokebs, D CALEBS In Exchange, Coin, Bank Note*, Sight »n(J Time Drafts, Ac. Collection.' carefnilj attended to, and proceed* remitted to any part ofthe Union. of~*Vß boosht anil sold on commission- . 74 Foorth et-, next door to Bank of PittaVg. [ael3 Demotic and ftn-npn Ehchanpe, Banl Foia, Gold and Sflwr Bought, ml Exchang'd, ai tit* exchange and bankino iiodse or WTT.T.TAM A. HILL & CO.. 54 WOOD STKXXT, PITTBDDnon. *n_lnterest allowed on time deposit*. (JaoH THOMPSON BELL & CO., BANBBBB AND BROKEBS, Cbnur «f Third md mod Urutt. JVUlmth, An _ _ THOMAS WOODS, aj-COMMERCIAL BEOKER,*» A.JTD DtILIB W . Hotel) Bondi) Btocfco, Real Kotate, **•) ’ Fourth it., Pittsburgh. Fa. ( jftSg AVilllam A* Hill A Co., bankers, Fo. 01 Wood strut, TiUibvryh. _ HOLD on Gala the following BONDS AND Sl'X-’KS,—* 40 aharea Kxchango Bank; 17 do Monongabcla NansaUoo Company; 20 do CitlieUH’ InauranceCompany; $2,000 Monongabela Navigation Company Bonds, s*,ooo City of Pittsburgh Bonds; , $5,000 Ounty of A»»gb«ny Bonds. fsfps.dlfftw.tf cirnmlottl'* Loan OOlce, XTO 100 SMITHFLKLD STRKKT. NKAR FTVT,I- N Money tanned on Odd and Silyer WaUhce, and other ealunble artlolee. DKIiAWUIB MUTUAL SAFETY INBUSAKCB COMPACT OFFICE In thi'North Room of the Exchange, on Ihiru street, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCES. 0 o lwlT*' }t° « u p“ l » ot thoWorld ' FnnaHTß, ) £ INLAND INSURANCES On goods by rivers, canals, lakes and land carriages, to ,11 parts of the Unloo^ On merchandlie generally. On stores, dwelling bouses, fte. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 7, ISM. Bonds and Mortgages....- ;•••••-•; OO Btateof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city, Spring Garden, Southwark, and other loans, 181,bod -U Stocks in banks, railroads and Insurances com : panles Bills receivable— Cash on hand - y Balaneesln the hands of Agents and premiums w on Mario. PoScles recently Issued »■ BubscriptlonNotefl ,100,000 00 IRS AND BROKERb. NAN & CO. INSURANCE COMPANIES, Dnicrcoas: Dr. B.M.Hußton, Hugh Craig, Spencer M’llrain, Charles Kelly, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James Traqualr, Wm. Eyre, Jr-, Joshua L. Price, JameaTenneot, John B. Bcmple, Charles Schaffer, ; J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, 1 B. T. 0. Morgan, do. WM. MARTIN, President. THOB.O. HAND, YicePremdent. J0 “P“ W ' COWiS - B ° C ' 7 ' P. A. MADEEIA, Ag-nt, No. 65 Water street, Pittsburgh. Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A Souder, John 0. Davis, Robert Burton, John R. Penrose, George Q. Edward Darlington, H Jones Brooke, J. G. Johnson, James C. Hand, TbeopUus Paulding, James 8.-STFarland, W.C. Ludwig, THE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, annuity AND TRUST COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTERED APRIL 26TH, 1850. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. Office, S. E. Comer of Third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Officers of the Home Board at Philadelphia: DIAIQTOKS> Btaphen R. Crawford, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrense Johnson, Benjamin W. Tlngley, Oeo. M’llenry, Jacob L. Florence, Jamea Be?ereux, William M. Godwin, William SyKee. President— Biephenß. Crawford. > Vice President— Ambrose W. Thompson. Examiner, Pittsburgh— James H. Willson, M.D. Allegheny (Sfy—R. B. Mowry, M. D. GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, marl7:y No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Tli* Franltlln Fire Insurance Company, Of Ph&addphia t Pennsylvania. DIRECTORS —Charles W. Bancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Warner, Samuel Grant, Jacob a. Smith, Geo. W. Rich ard*, Moniecai D. Lewis, Adolphi K, Boris, David S. Browne, Morris Patterson. Oaaa. N. Bakcxxb, President. Chas. G. Bakcxib, Secretary. Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company* on January Ist, 1861, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, Tla: Temporary gs 2 00 .. Total $1,212,708 44 "Since their Incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, Eey have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou sand Dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities.^ J. GARDINER OOFFIN, Agent, •p 24 Office, notth-east cor. Wood and Third Bta. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock, Annual Premiums ana Western Fund 81,000,000. INCORPORATED 1826. Policies of Insurance issued at sfll times on the most favora ble terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Tin PERILS OF NAVIGATION* BY GEO. E. ABNOLD, Agent FOR PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY COUNTY. mar!6:y Western Insurance Company, Pittsburgh. R. HILLER. Jr., .President. | F. M. GORDON, Secretary cIPITAL, 9300,000, '\T7TLL insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE and MA YY RINB. All losses vrill be liberally adjusted and P ” n managed by Dirzotors who are well known in the oonununity, and who ore determined, bv promptness andlibefaltft, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those who derire to be insured. Directors.—R.Miller, Jr.,C.W. Ricketson, J.W. Butler, N.Holmes, Jr., W. Hi Smith, O.lhmsen, George W. Jackson, Wo.lL Lyon, James Lippenoott,George Daraje, James Me- Auley. Alexander Scoit Office, No. 99 Water street, (Warehouse of Spang A Ocs up stairs,) Pittsburgh. norafcly DRY GOODS. Price, to. .alt «U.-—Dry_ Goodf*,.^ A' TiTIGBDS, corner of . received end i»now otfenll^Ws S* 64 'JSJ.iJfSSf.SS this season. The attention of ladies la respectfully directed t0 HnQ f Fr l TOchfi?OTtooesat7sc; 5-4-wide large assortment of Do Care at 12c; fast colored Prints 6J£ 500 pieces Flannels at 15c up; yard wide Sheeting ojd, wool De Lains at 28c. Kentucky janes, meeds andsatti* nets from 18& up, checks, tickings, muslins, linens, crash, tablecloths, all wool plaids, blankets, shawls, ribbons and every other article usually kept In a Dry Goods .J oro * *“»£ cents to $5,00; 200 Mantillas, of the latest styles, among which ar* son* of the most beautiful Imported Into ihis country. Also, Munllna, Tickings, Checkß, Linens, Orash, Diapers, Table Cloths, Gentlemen’s Wear, 40. TRIMMINGS. —In this department will be found ft com pete assortment oi Dress and Mantilla Trimmings, Maltese and Honiton Lace, fine English and Thread Lace; all of which will be sold unusually low. Ten bales yard wide Muslin at six cents psryjtrd. my 3 A. M*PQHB. NEW DRY GOODS STORE. Iron Front—No, 91 Market atroet. OUR bouse being now open for the transaction of agenev al Dry Goodsbusiness, wewould respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, feeling confident that, from our ex tensive and well selected stock of 81LKB, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we can offer such Inducements as will In sure entire satisfaction. lIAGAN k AUL, apri:tf Nos. 91 Market and 8 Union street. New Year*** Preaents for Ladles. HAVING sold out my entire etock of old Collars, (the rusult of a combination of the Ladles,) I have received thig morning 200 fine Swiss, French and Jaconet Collars, which are oat for one week only, on commission, conse* (loentlf they mud and will be said at prices so low aS to enable every body to buy their friends some for New \ears- Tbo lot of Collars are ordered to be sold at not what they are worth, but whatever they will bring. As this la the last week, thoso persona intending to purchase anything in tbl? line will find it to their Interest to call soon at Van Gonier’s Trimming Store, and make their elections. FRANK VAN OORDEIt, No. B 3 Market street, coroerof the Diamond. CLOTHING STORE! JOHN M'CLOSKEY & CO.. FORM ERLY of the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty Rtrppt, •which has won an unbounded popularity under bn cenxo of the THREE BIG DOORS, haTC, for the pur pose of acquiring more epor© for their Immense buelneßß, remoT- '1 to the spacious building on thecorner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they have not? tbemoat SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS 1 READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever been offered to the public. Their principal object for thlfl remora!, la to giro them more facilities forth# WHOLESALE TRADE. ThfT are prepared to sell Goods at the 10 WEST EASTERN PRICES And they will warr&ut them to be a a good ao any manu factured in the Union. crsTora work, 13 T7ll BEST BTTU, R3D PTOS TUI BHQETXST KOttC*. Tboy have oo hand a full and beautiful assortment ol LOTUS pnd COATINGS,Ior FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BDSI- Otfr Interests are Identical with those of our customem, and we assure thi# public that our fidelity will not fail in filling all ordert* vtp may Ihj fnTOred with. DON’T FORG KT THE PLACE— Wo. 88 Wood Street, (EAST AIDE,) CORNER 07 DIAMOND ALLEY. jj, patrons to understand that we have no*long«wnny connection with the Clothing Business on L«hrrt\ «twl. Our attention le devoted exclusively to the House above designated. . «« miir 2a JOHN M’OLO9KEY A 00. i\X I hare now on hand a large stock of Fall nod W inter Goods Overcoatings, of entirely new de-dgns; Plash Vest- Ifjtjs. of th« mn;it beautiful patterns: French end English Oa.-*. fc iin»!rv.s, of evt-ry style and shade la the market, oil of which I will make to order on the most reasonable terms, and warranted to suit. 00^ ' NEW SPRING GOODS* JOBT RECEIVED AT JOHN McCLOSKEY A CO’S Whole sale Clothing Warehouse, No.RS Wood street, and corner of Diamoud alley, the largest and most Taried stock of goods that this celebrated house has ever had the pleasure of inviting the attention of the public to. These goods have been purchased from first hands, and, consequently, no second profit on them, which leaves us able to say that we can and do sell at as small profits as any house in the east ern cities- Therefore, we respectfully Invite the attention of wholesale dealers and country merchants, in general, to give ns a call, and examine our extensive assortment of HEADY MADE OLCIHINO. It Is almost Impossible to enumerate the quant ; yof immense piles of garments that is to be seen at thlsD i <• establishment; it is sufficient to sav that it has never t «*n equalled by the house Itself. marl6:tf JOHN McCLOSItKY * 00. . 24,012 20 ,11.9,825 94 . 10,071 CO $627,470 W SAMUEL GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 47 ST. CLAIR HOTEL BUILDINGS , st. cuun sTinitT, piTTßSiman. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING made exclusively to order, and warranted to suit-. Has constantly on hand a •hoice assortment of CLOTHS, CABSIMEKKB, VESTINGB, and OVERCOATING, of the lateetstyles, selected expressly for the custom trade. Gentlemen leaving their orders, will have their wishes consulted and compiled with, as all work Is done under his own supervision. novl2 ; Clothingl ClotUlngt THE undersigned respectfully Informs'hisfriendsandthe public that ho is now receiving at his store, N 0.177 Lib erty street, a choice assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, of the latest and most desirable styles, which he is prepared to make to order tn the most fashionable man ner, at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. We havealso on hand a large and well manufactured stock of ready made Clothing, to which we Invite the attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Persons who purchase goods for cash, will find it to their i dvantac* to call at 177 Liberty street, before making their purchases. [mar9] 0- CONNER- New Clothing Store, NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. rpIIE subscriber has just opened this new establishment, X where he has always on band a large and choice assort ment of all articles of CLOTHING, which be warrants equal to any in tho city, and will soil at the most reasonable pri ces. The public are requested to giTe him a call. marOtly' B. OPPKNHKIMBB. WATCHES, EWELRY, &c. WE Invito the attention of citizens and strangers toour largo and carefully selected stock of Watches and Clocks; Railroad Time keepers. In gold and silver coses; real Chronometers for the pocket, warranted not to vary a minute in six months; Patent Lever Watches, $l2 to $220 ; a large assortment of good common or low priced Watches, both lu gold and silver cases. Also, Railroad Station Regulators, Office Clocks, Church Clocks, Ac. Watch Rkpajhiho. —We do Watch Repairing in a man* ner not excelted, if equalled, by any establishment in the State W. W. WILSON, eepl3 corner of Market and Fourth streets. CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! Pfelfle A Meyran, xco DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS,JEWELRY, Ok. SILVERWARE, Ac-, No. 42 FIFTH Street, near Wood, opposite tho Morning Post, formerly occu eSalSopU-d by L. Reineman A Co. We have now hand a splendid assortment of 8 dny and 24 hour Clocks, which we offer to the public at great bargains, such as: Iron cases, pearl inlaid and all other patterns of Mantel Clocks. Also, a rich assortment of fine gold and silver patent lever, cylinder, and anchor escapment Watches,and an ele gant stock of Jewelry and Silverware, which we Intend to cell cheap fsr cash. N. 11. Watch repairing done In the best manner and at low prices, and warranted. HEW JEWELBY STOBE7 Ho* 8 7 market Street, (Second door above the Iforth-west corner of the Diamond.) JOHN STEVENSON, (of the late firm of John B. M’Fadden & C 0.,) respectfully announces to the public, that he has opened, at the above stand, ailno assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY.SILVER AND PLATED WARE,LAMPS, QI RANDOLEB, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Britannia Tea and Communion Sets, and the usual variety of goods In his line of business. Special care and attention given to the REPAIR of FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. , He trusts, that from his long experience In business, he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Pittsburgh, May 15th, 1858, Henry Rlcliardaon, Jeweller* HAVING re-fitted his store In a handsome maimer, and bat recently returned from the eastern cities with a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, oad FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of his friends and custom* era to the fact that among his Watches will be found the most desirable styles, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Pins, Fob and Vest Chains, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Miniature Lockets, etc., etc. 'FANCY GOODS—Such as Papier Mache, Work Tables and Boxcb, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mate, Colt’s Pistolß, Porte Monnaies in great variety; China Fruit i and Cake Dishes; with an endless variety of useful and or namental articles, which have only to be seen to be appro* Utod. fnovl] NO. 81 MARKET STREET. 171 NE WATCHES AND RICH GOLD JEWELRY AT J BARGAINS.—We wish to Inform the public lhat we are now offering our present stock of fine Watches and Jew elry, at prices that cannot bo beat. Therefore, we say to ono and all, you that wish to bny fine Watches and Jewel ry, give us a call, and save from 25 to 50 per cent in your purchases; whieb you ran certainly do by calling at 67 Market street. „ _ N. B.—Watch repairing attended to In all its branches, in a superior manner. Gold Jewelry repaired or manufac tured to order at short notice, at „ _ .__ jtf ’ EOOD'B Market et, i **-.'l v ■*+■ • -if tm ('im ‘ CLOTHING. NESS COATS. Fall and Winter Goods ! Watch Trade. FURNITURE. his friends and custom ers that he\J^ MWM» hftflnrrtrrxmPietedhißßPrfcgßtoCk FH Of Furniture, whkh :1b decidedly 'l* the largest and host ever ofieral for rdfe In this City, wrucn will be eold at prices as low as any In the United States, As he Is determined to uphold the quality with well sea? eoned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; ana from the extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, he is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest Pr nohM adopted the principle of Identifying his customers’ Interest with his own, in quality and price, “ u \^ e ® p ® ways on hand the greatest variety of every description or furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the nioet ele gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may oe furnished from his stock, or manufactured der. The following articles oonfdrt. In part, of his stoca, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed In »ny of the Eastern cities: Lcrols XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Sofas, in plush and hair doth; 60 dos. Mahogany Chairs; 20 dot. Walnut u 60 Mahogany Rocking “ 20 Walnut “ 44 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut u 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 “ 44 Dressing Bureaus 80 44 44 Washstands;j 40 Enclosed 41 100 Common 44 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut 44 60 Cottage 44 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut 44 10 Cherry 44 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 dot. Cane Seat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs; t 2 Ladies'Writing Desks; Bat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Etlguires; Paper Maohe Tables: Conversation Chairs; Pembroke 44 Elizabethan 44 Ball *nd Tier 44 Reception u Ladles’ Work 44 Pearl Tnintd » “ Extension Dining Tables; Arm 44 Ottomans; BoChlc and Hall Chairs; ■h large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Casotet Magxaß supplied with all ar ticles in their line. . . . STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest notice. . All ordera promptly attended to. Steamboats* Aboy I ffmm u . Tin subscribers tender their acknow-Ssa | for the favors bestowed upon ffL. iffgfSffigßthem by their Steamboat friends, and RM wonld respectfully remind them and others interest* * i * ed In buildine boats, that they are at all times prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work manship. T. B. YOUNG A CO- Corner Third and Smithfleld streets, opposite u ßrown’s Hotel” Jtmci Lowry* Jr. f A(>J AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER—No. 294 Fetterman’fl Row, Liberty street, has on band a large Stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, made of the best materials, which he will sell lower than articles of the same quality can be sold in the city. He would call par tlcniar attention to his large stock of Mahogany and Woinut Chairs and Bedsteads, which he wUI sell at greatly reduced prices. Also,'Turning ot every description executed in the neatest manner. Orders left at the Ware Rooms, or at the Mill, corner of Adamß and liberty streets, will be promptly ttended to. . mart! A. WILLIKEN £l CO., HAVE OK HAND at their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. 64 Bmlthfield street, a large assortment of fancy and plain furniture, which they wBl sell 15 per cent, below customary rates. Terms—cash only. Great Inducement* to Cuh Purchasers. WE will sell our large stock of 00SIMON AND FANCY CHAIBB AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fail to please cash purchasers. All our work is warranted. Our terms are QAwH. JAMES LOWRY, Jit, taar2S cor. Seventh Sand Liberty eta. a WM. K. STEVENSON continues to manufsetnre Ui CABINET-WARE of every description, athis old stand, mfl comer of liberty and Seventh streets. UNDERTAK* • Tj IINQ attended to, in all its branches. myll HAMBURG PIANOS ANOTHER LOT of those so justly celebrated HAMBURG PIANOS, used by Lists, Thalberg, and other great per formers, has just been received by CHARLOTTE BLUMR, No. 118 Wood street, to whieh the attention of Teachers, Principals of Seminaries, and the public generally, is re spectfully invited. Fo. 4901, 7 octave Rosewood, Louis XIV, full carved hack and front, grand action, with patent iron frame and sliding music desk, SSOO. No. 6025,7 octave Rrviewood, carved back and front, pat ent iron frame and sliding desk, $650. No. 6029, 7 octavo Rosewood, full carved Iron frame, $6OO 8315,7 “ *' carved, pearl keys, 600 SO&S, 7 “ “ carved, 460 4912, 6% “ “ carved, 400 3070,7 « « Louts XIV, 600 3175,6 W “ “ carved, 400 5048 6% “ “ full round corners, 375 6047, 6% “ “ “ “ 350 4160, 6V4 «• “ “ sliding desk, 300 4151,6$ “ “ “ “ SW> 2324,6 u “ iron frame, w 275 2326,6 “ “ M 215 2320,0 “ 276 3995, 6W “ 280 SOSO, 6% « 260 4925,6 “ 4927, 6 “ 4930,6 « 4931,6 “ 4153,6%“ “ Boudoir, 375 Also, sole agent for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylva nia, for Hallet, Davis A Co., Boston; Haines, Bros. & Co., N. Y.; and F. C. Reichenhach, Philadelphia. CHARLOTTE BLUiIE, No. 118 Wood street. ti&S&til&m For tUe Holidays, gggffl&gg oTfiuU pianos. TtTrV THE SUBSCRIBER has just received a new lotof PIANO FORTES, from the celebrated manufactory of CHICKJCRTNG & SONS, which completed hia stock intended especially FOB THE aOUDATO. Those who are desirous of presenting their families with an eieaanL useful and essential piece of PARLOR FURNITURE, have now an opportunity of selecting from the largest and choicest etock of Plano Fortes ever offered for Bale in this city. They comprise all styles considered to be in GOOD TASTE, from a plain hut elegant exterior to the most elaborately carted. A large lot of PIANO FORTES, from Woodward Bbown, Boston; Brows k Allin, Boston; Stodart, New York; Em* rasos, Boston, Ac. Ac.; from the plainest to the most «- (rattxoaniiy carved. aUt, and with pearl keys. AT VERT REDUCED PRICES. A lot of second hand Pianos, some of them nearly new, from (20 to (160 each. Also, a fine lot of Mtlodeoss, Guitars, Piano Stools and Covers. JOHN H. MELLOR, Agent lor the sale of Chickering A Sons’ Plano Fortes, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. dec!s ' CABHAET’B GENUING MAKE. HE LEBER has just completed his f-ym* .. • stock of superior MKLODEN 8, from &S|jSgBSS the factory of the original investors, Inr M jPV CARHART & NEEDHAM, New York, 11 * V M comprising: b octave Melodeon,Piano style, round corners and carved gothic tablet, doable sett of reeds, double swell, etc. • ■ 6 octave Melodeon, elegant scroll legs, doubliawell. 4U « “ “ “ All the above have Qsrharf s new improvement of the « double swell,” possessed by no other maker, and which makes them superior, In that respect, to any other. 11. RLRBEB,’' Sole agent for the genuine Melodeon made by Caboart, New York. dec!6 ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1858. <£ti> jj&t 7 4§& EllttuTfiAN AGJSNUT. The Oldest Established Office in Pittsburgh, for Bemitting Money to the Old Country. JAMBS BLAK.BLY begs leave to say to those persons having frionds in the Old Country, and desirous of . either sending them money or paying their passage, that his arrangement for doing either is now complete, and on so firm a basis that mistakes cannot occur, nor losses accrue to any party Boring the last ten yean In which he has beenin this business, he has remitted over a half million of dollars without the loss of a dollar, and the house for which be is agent, in Liverpool, has shipped not less than 46,000 persons during the last year to this country, without a complaint of neglect ol duty on their part. He can issue passengor tickets for London, Dublin, liver pool. Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Drogheda, Limerick, Port Kush, Newry, Galway, Londonderry, and Dundalk, to New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and New Orleans, and from thence to Pittsburgh; aud will attend strictly to forwarding passengers from thence to any part of the coun try. lie also has sight drafts for sale, payable at the fol lowing places, vis Edwards, Sanford A Co. .. .London. Wm. Tappscott A Co Liverpool. (Available in the principal cities and towns throughout England and Wales.) Provincial Bank, Ireland. BBAKCHEB. Armagh, Cavan, Dungannon, Mallow, Tralee, Pareonstown, Drogheda, Londonderry, Sligo, Balllna, Ballyahannon, Kilkenny, Nowry, Coleraine, Enniskillen, Dungannon, Bandon, Carlow, Banbridge, Limerick, Enniscorthy, Waterford, Downpatrick, Galway, Ennis, Atnlone, Clonmell, Cootchiil, Monaghan, Yougb&U, Ballast, Dundalk, Kilruah, Btrabane, llaljmena, Cork, Fermoy, Omagh, Wexford. ON SCOTLAND. National Bank of Scotland, Edinburg, and its branches in fifty towns in Scotland. • ON FRANCE. Messrs. Edward Blnnt A Co., Bankers (Available in any city Id TranceJ ON GERMANY. Messrs. Vogel, Kock & Co., Bankers, Fiankfbrt-oihtlie-Maln. (Available in any city in Germany.) JAMBS BLAKELY, comer of Seventh and Smithfield streets, deed Pittsburgh, Pa. 1855. First Importation of Fine Watches. 1855. JUST KKUKIVED KuUK BOXES OF WATCHES, direct ftom Europe, manufactured to my especial order, and which £ can fully recommend and warrant as good time keepers and at lowze prices than are retailed at fn eastern oities. We have also Railroad Watches and Clocks; Regulators for Railroad Stations, $5O to $75. Silver. Watches from $lO to $6O. Geld Watches irom $25 to $220. Watch Rspauunq. —Our best attention, aided by superior workmen, is constantly devoted to the repairing and clean ing of fine Watches. 67 Market street, corner of Fourth. W. W. WILSON. Practical Watch Maker. BOOM TO LET, situated on Third street Also, O * Dwelling House, on Carpenter's alley; and one on Logan street Immediate possession of the above can be had. & CUTBBBBZ * SON. Oeott Beal Estate Agents, 140 Third sueet gaff SKW OFFICJE,’ : Beal Eitate and Contracting Agent. Tins subscriber has been induced to open an ©fflcofor the purpose of buying and selling, onComniisßion, and haring the Agency of large Steam. Baw-MUIi and Boot* Yards on the Allegheny river, together with many other facilities from other water and eteam saw-mills. He flatters himself that he can furnish any bins of lumber and timber of any kind, great or small, long or short, and deliver them ot any point on the Allegheny, Monongahela, Ohio, or Mississippi rivers; contract to build large Barges, Store Boats, Coal Flats, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Timber, Hail road Timbers—Freight Iron, Coal, 4c., to any given point, and will attend to the Sale and Hentof Heal Estate. . From his long- experience in lumbering, freighting and boat bailding, he thinks ho can give general satisfaction. AU persons are requested, to make their contracts soon; espe cially those wanting boats or large bills oflnmber and tim ber, should contract for them in the fell for the spring and summer use. He will also attend to the purchase and sale of any commodity that may be desired. Letters addressed to David Monk, Real Estate and Con tracting Agent,Pittsburgh, Box No. 120; post paid, will l*- punctually attended to. . His office Is on Irwin street. No 2, Allegheny House. DAVID MUNN. EDMUND WILKINS, sliding desk, 250 260 230 iron frame, also roa sals, Melodeons. ON ENGLAND. ON IRELAND. 1 ' nil i'l WO l *?'.' !■' ■ ?'!“." i* l . MISCELLANEOUS.. BXFE&xncrs. Col. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Morrison, Esq., “ “ Mr. Hobt. 8. Brown, Esq., “ Allegheny Bivox. Mr. ffm. Armstrong, “ Clarion “ Mr. George B. Sweney, • •*' “ 0. iJ.llahniCo, “ “ deo2l:lydaw pit- Eagle'Marble and Freeport Stone Works, SO. £4 5-HEADt>F WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, And near Vie Ctmetery Uatt,Zam-e7uxmUc. _ Monuments, burial vaults, tombstones,*c Freeport Stone Walls and Fences, Mantle Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tops, always on hand and mode to order. N B«—Having introduced a new style of Fence for Cem etery lots, of DURABLE STONE, cut through in panel or railing form; and at very little coat oTer Iron fencing. I refer to specimens of that and other worh I bare already done in the Allegheny Cemetery. I haTe on hand a choice selection of drawings for every description of wort in my line. RxmxffOxs: Col. HENRY McCullough, Pittsburgh. WM. BAGALEY, Esq., do KRAMER A RAHM, do Mrs. HARMAR DENNY, do Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, Home Wood. Hon. THOS. IRWIN, Allegheny. Mrs. TTBRNAN, Br., do JOHN MCDONALD OROSSAN, Esqr., rMonongahela [onw. aprlD.daw Ftki.ti BOOK: Foil RAILROAD ENGINEERS.'I—Contain* 1 —Contain* Jng formulas for laying oat carves* determining frog an gles, levelling, calculating earth-work, etc., etc., together with tables of radii, ordinates, deflections, long chords, magnetic variation, log&rathims and natural signs tan gents, etc. etc., by John B. Heuck, Civil Engineer. Pocket book form. $1,75. »**The object Of the present work is to supply a want very generally felt by Assistant Engineers on Railroads. Books of convenient form for ÜBe in the field, containing the ordinary lograrithmatic tables are common enough;but a book combining with these tables others peculiar to the Railroad work, and especially the necessary formulae for laying out carves, turnouts, crossings, & desideratum which this work is designed to supply. U. 8. Mit.itabt Acauevt, West Point, April 18, 1854. GaUUmen: I have looked over “Henck’s Field Book for Railroad Engineers;” and think it well adapted to the ob ject ita author proposes, and have no question but it will be found a very useful and practical volume both for office and field work. D. H. Manas*. “““ Trot, April 21.1854. I am much pleased with Mr. Henck’s little manual, the “Field Book of Railroad Engineers.” With the presenta tion of somq of the most practical and useful of recognised processes among .railway engineers, he has given others which, new at least in their present form, appear to possess a mint of higher value than that of mere novelty—that of being in general susceptible of available, not to say desira ble, practical use. In conclusion, while I think the design of Mr. Henck’a book is such as to adapt it excellently well to professional needs, T have pleasure in expressing my cordial satisfaction with its execution, alike with the per spicuity of arrangement effected by the author, and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by his publishers. B. Fractlib Gbexne, C. E. and Director of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. For sale by WILLIAM 8. HAVEN, Dealer in Engineers’ Stationery, rtj 3 Market street, corner of Second. rpnE Partnership of JOHN M’DEVTFT k BRO. was dis solved on the first inst. John M’Deyitt will continue the business at tbs old stand, and attend to the settlement of 'be business of the late firm. JOHN MTSEVITT, WILLIAM JTDKYTTT. ;h, January 3d, 18.1J*—[ jwn4 HUBERT 11. PATTERSON’S % LIVERY AND BALE dry? I STABLE, Corner Diamond street aiid Cherry alley, aprlitf PITTSBURGH. PA. Boots and Slzoes. JM’LAUGHLIN, No. 95 Fourth street, nearly opporite • tho Mayor’s Office,ls mtmufasturieg Gentlemen’? first Boots, Low Shoes, ties and bnttoned; Congress and Batten ed Gaiters; Julies’Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Linds, Slip* p3TB,and french Lashing Gaiters, of every color audshade; fancy Kid and Satin Gaiters, of the best material; Misses and Children’s do, of every variety. N. B.— All kinds made to order,on short attlca. [aol& Treasurer’s office of the Cliartlers Valley Railroad Company, SUBSCRIBERS to the above Road arehcreby notified that the Board of Directors have called for a second install* ment of Five Dollars per share, payable to the Treasurer on the Ist Monday of JUKE, and also Fivo Dollars per share on the first Monday of each ensuing month, until the whole amount is paid. mv3o:tf ALVAN WILKINS. Treasurer. TUe Greatest Invention or the Age. TO AVOID those unpleasant feelings that usually siaccompany the wearing of s now Hat, theCONFOR e^UATOR,IateIy importedfrom Paris,forma the Hat to the exact shape and size of the head. A neat fit, and a good Uat may be bftd at 77 Wood street. aprS IMPORTANT AND INTERE9 INO.—a Practical Prirate Treatise on the Diseases of the Genital Organa, •with illustrative plates, adapted to tho use of every individual: by Dr. Joseph Ralph. Price one dollar; mailed to any address on receipt of one dollar, po3t paid. Sold by fublT a U CUTfIBERT, 14Q Third et. dhl n Ann ALLEGHENY COUNTY BONDS; tjplU # L/L»v 60 shares Ohio and Pa- Railroad Stock; wanted by AUSTIN LOOMIS, Stock Broker, f„b7 • No. 92 Fourth street, BRIMSTONE— 2000 Tbs in nore and for sale by Fleming bros.. Successors to J. Kidd & Co., No. 00 Wood street. Bat II BRICKS—SOO fl)3 in store and for sale by feb2o FLEMING BRO 3, M CAYENNE—6OO Ibaiu store and for pale by f„b26 FLEMING BROS, f«\UK UKHPKTIC SOAP is the best article we have ever 1 used for rendering the skin smooth and fair, and pre venting it from chapping. If you have sore, rough hands, give it a trinL Only cents a cake. Sold only by feblO S. L. CUTHBERT, 140 Third street.. NaW GOODS—A. A. MAHON &CO hve received and are now opening upwards of eighty cases and pack ages of new gooas, consisting of the best makes of bleached and brown Muslins,'Calicoes, Ginghams, Checks, Tweeds, Linen and Housekeeping Goods; with a splendid assort ment of a'l kinds of Dress Goods, which will bo offered at very low prices. ’ feb2B BQNNETS-A. Ai MASON A CO have just received five cases of new SPRING B NNETS—-comprising colored Belgrade, fancy Brillautes, embroidered Gimps, Neapoli tan, English Btraw, Ac. feb2B DH. FORD'S CALIFORNIA LOZENGES—WiU effectual ly remove Acidity of Stomach, cure Heartburn, Light ness or Dizziness of the Head, &c.v end cannot be too highly recommended to those afflicted with Dyspepsia. For. sale, wholesale or retail, by JOHN 11AFT, JB o Sole Agent, feb2l No. 141 Wood street.. OIHO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILHOAD BTOCK will be taken at par in exchange for a good Farm of 100 acres. 2V, miles north of New Brighton, if called for soon. Enquire of THOMAS WOODS, jan22:tf 76 Fourth street. INITIALS I—-The Initials; a Story of Modern Life. One of the best books ever written. For sale by H. MINEIi & CO.. No. 82 SmitHflfeld street. Tilt) PEOPLE SAT THE ENTERPRISE GALLERY taros oat extra fine Pictures, and at very moderate prices. Call and 6ee for yourself. Prices 50 cents and up* •wards. Wilkins Hall,lo2Fourth street, • . feb« SHANGHAI CAPS—dust rosened and for sale low, at 91 _ Wood street. jfeblTJ J. WIXBON & SON. BEANS — 100 bus to arrive by Baiiroad'*and for sale by -feb!9 HENRY IL COLLINS. SITUATION WANTED.—We wish to proQure a situation for a Young Man, in a Wholesale or detail Dry Hoods Store. He has had fire years experience in the business, and can give the best of references. 8. CUTHBERT & SON, General Agents, 140 Third street. . - PIANO FORTE FOR $175 —A good Rosewood case 6*4 octave Piano Forts, worth when new 5225, will be sold lor $175, cash. Also, a Piano for rent, at the old established Piano De* pot of CHARLOTTE BLUME, - feblO • ; 118 Wood street. 2E—lO Uercea received and for sale by MILLER A RICKETSON, 3 , 221, 223 Liberty street COFFEE —160 bags Rio Coffee; •. 100 mats Java Coffee, landing and'forSale-by mh3 MILLER A BICKETSQN. CLOVER BEEP, DR* PEACHES, WHITE BEANS— -120 bus renna. Clover Seed; 20 bags Dry Peaches; 100 bos small White Beans, for sale by znbB MILLER A BIOtfJBTBOH. MACKEREL— 25 bbls No. 3 medium Mackerel; 25 do large Mackerel,-for sale by mbS MILLER A RICKETSON. (Union, Journal and Chronicle copy.) ’ , FINE FRENCH GINGHAMS.—A. a. MASON A CO. have just received some very good colors' InFrench Ging hams. - ~ ' ~ \ mh7 BEBEGES.— Just received at A. A. MAboN A CO.’S, CO pieces cotton and wool Debege, Belling at less than gap al prices. m t 7 EW SPRING GOODS —A. A. MAcON ACXL will open on 12th Inst.. 20 cases of new styles of French and English Prints and Lawns. mh7 DOMESTIC ginghams—soo pieces good colors and styles just received by A. A. MAeiON 4 CO-, mb7 No. 25 Fifth street. . FOR KANSAS.—Parties moving west can pro U cure fresh Osage Orange, Oregon Pea, Vegetable, Field, and Flower Seeds, of the most re>iable sorts; Implements, 800 is, Ac , at the Seed Warehouse. Filth street. mh7 JAMES WABDROP. A RECIPE TO CUKE SORE, ROUGH HANDS—This can easily be done, and the skin rendered soft, smooth and white,by using the HERPETIC SOAP. It cures all Chaps, Chafes. &c~* and removes Sallowness, Tan and Bed ness of the Skin. For the cure of Bore, Rough Hands, it is anriTalled. Only l~ l A cents a cake, Bold by. m l,l 1 8. L. CPTtiBKBT, 1-iO l’hml street. ' . LAliOfi BUILWNB LOT, on Uiratnut'street, Alleghe- A 3,5,7 • HOttiid MTO*. v? - *. PlliliSs - FOB ALL SHE PURPOSES OP A • . FAMILY PHYSIC. jlv THERE hw long existed-a pubHo v yaftf' ; demand for an effectivopurgatfte pill Cl VtgCgsl/©% which could bo relied «caiCJ,andBuchpaliifalaffectionß, 11. MINER A CO, 32 q mUhfleld street. 17 OUR HOUSES SOB SALE—IO2 leet of ground on Bed v ford street, by 130 deep on Cassett, with a row of four two story- Brick Houses, well arranged for 4 or 5 families. Tbiß property will be sold on favorable terms. v v 3 8 CUTHBEBT A SON, f d t2B • 140 Third street-- ORGAN’S COUGH SYRUP—A certain cure in eases of Colds, Influenza, Whooping. Cough, Croup, Ac* price only 26 cents. Procure a bottle if you wish to preserve jour health and save your money. Compounded and for sale, wholesale and retail, by JOHN BAFT, Jb., fe b24 *_ No. 141 Wood rt. WM. DOUGLAS: ALL OH A-■B,‘Soreness or Roughness of the Hands, are healed by the use of the Herpetic Soap. It also re moves Uu, 6allownesB and redness <~f the skin, and renders the Bkin smooth, soft and white. Only 12}$ cents a cake, or twelve cake 3 for $1,25. Bold only by frbl7 3. L: CUTHBERT, 140 Third at. LEACHED DAMASK TABLE LINENS—-A. A- MASON i A CO. have just received a large assortment of the above, suitable for family use,-hotels, steamboats, Ac, Ac. For Rent. DRUG store and fixtures, St Corner of Pona and Hand streets. For terms, Ac., apply to f„b22 AUSTIN LOOMIB, 92 Fourth, st ' ' Removal, HINTON, intending to move on the Ist of April to tha corner of Tunoel and Wy le streets, is now selling off all hLs customer made BOOTS aod SHOES, low for cash. feb22 . THE MUSIC TEACUERr-Comprislng a thorough course of elementary Instruction in vocal Music, with a choice collection of Songs, arranged for three voices, designed for, the uso of public Schools, Academies, Seminaries, Singing Glasses, stc: by Daniel Bhryock. The above valuable work, j oat issued from the press,': Is received andfor sale, wholesale and retail, by , ■ - HENRY KLEBEB, Sign of tbe Golden Harp, No. 101 Third street. Single copies 37 cents. Reduction made frr Echcxds, cto. Nonce.—The ’• Music Teacher” has been carefully exam ined by the first Mua cal Professors of this city, and unan imously pronounced one of tho best books of tbe kind ever published. Mr. Shryock has the most flattering testimo nials to that effect in bis possession. Hfe work U admira bly adapted to teaching purposes, and contains more pleas* isz add instructive tunes than axe found in any similar publication. - ■ [fobffl]' ' ,~H. KLEBER. tjDNDRIES O 25 dozen Corn Brooms; 5000 ScamteTs’t«o bushel Bags; 100 bushels Dried Apples; y 600 do ; Peaches; . 60 do Pared Caches; 1000 lbs prime Feathe*v j n BtoPe and for sale by. jan26 ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. Cl KAIN—6OOO btt'Jflaja gbeiiod Corn, in atora; ) UT 2000 do Oats, in store and to arrive} 400 do Ear Corn, in store and for side by ENGLISH * BICHABPfIOy. TOAUILY FLOUtt, do.— . JC 100 barrels Extra White Wheat Family Flour: 600 bushels Corn Meal; 100 do ClorerSeeds 60 do Timothy Seed, in stow and tor tele-by ENGLISH & RICHARD BOH. BUTmt— 15 bbla 801 l Batter; 50 kegs Packed Batter; lOOLbla Prime No. 1 Lord; -10 bbleGreoae Lard, in store and for galobT jangQ 2NGLI3U A BICHARPBON, Lime — barrels Louisville Umo; 200 do Union Cement; 160 do N. 0. Molasses f . ... 2K) do N. C. Tar, in store and for sale by ENGLISH ft BICHABD3ON’. f | 'OSACCO—2O boxes B’s Vi. 0. Tobacco; X 10 tons prime Pearl Ash; •... 6cask*PotAah; ... 75 bags Saltpetre; 1000 boxes prime Cream Cheese, In store and [jan2ff| ENGLISH h BICHARDSON. ifoggale by Frtwata DLsautSi Tj'UdH—2o bbis No. & medinm Mackerel; JC ; 20 do large do; 10 bbla No. 1 pickled Herring; IQhfbbls do - do; 5 tiercea Oodflsh;' 80 bis scaled Herring: received and lor sale bj MILLER* BICHKT3ON, 221 and 223 Liberty st STJJiDIUJiS— 100 dotes Corn Broome; . 2Q do Zino Wash Boards; 20 do Tow and Cotton. Begs; 25 do Country Bocks; . .. 5 pieces Country Flannels;. 2000 fra Bar Bead; lor sale by MILLEI4 &■ HICKETSON. A£il> UANULIiJS O 60 boxes “Cincinnati” No. literally Soapy 10 do do, Stearin© Candles; for eaio by jan33 MILLKft A BIOH-ETBON. l^iiUlT— 80 bags i)tj Appier; P 10 do ' Peaches; 60 bzs M. K. Babins; ' ' ‘ ? 15 hf do do; for sale by MILLER, & RIOKETSOy, Belcher’s, and iVKenrieY Loaf, © Crushed and Pulreriied Sugars,on hand and for sale by jan23 MILLER k RICKISTBQM. . / i JiAi'JS PKUNKRd—6O psiru of the German Bruners Or the best pruning instrument In use, Ibr gale by - ftbl9 JAMES WARDHOP. HIKD CAGES—IOO improved, patterns, rarioua sixes, at reduced prices, for sale by feb!9 * BIRD BAbKiiTri—iAXi Rest Baskets, for sale by f«b!9 JAME 3 TEARDROP. OUT AO AlN—Woods' Monthly Baal ISstota Register. On it theta are described for sale M good Farm*, S3' Uousesnnd Lota. 43 fine Country Scats, and WO Oly Lota,, with-whlch pnrchassn ousthtlo baaeaoainted beta* bnj ing. XWI and gat * Register gratia. jan2Sttf IHO3. WOODS, IS PotuUiatmt— JAMES TEARDROP.