The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 17, 1855, Image 3

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Disorderly Conduct.—A man named Georgo
Conadj.waa arrested, on Wiley street, on Thurs
day night, in an intoxicated condition, and bo*
having in a very disorderly manner. He was
•Ybrought to tho Mayor's offico, where, upon scar
ching him, $76 in gold was discovered on his
person. Suspicion being excited that tho money
:: ;T 1,89 ttot honestly procured, ho was retained in
°. Qflt ° a y unlil yesterday, when, upon examioa*
" on before Mayor Volz, tho amount was satis
factorily accounted for, and ho was discharged,
Sl''; :• *-- ii L upon payment of $25 and costa, for disorderly
i f-L*i r-i "* ■'* •. i -;/='*?'• ■' 7 /*r- < 5i conduct.
. T -:i=> -^: : T ; A y° uo P Rawed John Armstrong, who
interfered to prevent the arrest of Conady, was
fi ? ct * for disturbing tho police in tho
discharge of their duty.
. An:Editoe Swindled.—An extra of the Mon
.';'T-'“ v c \? (^ a(l -j ilfttcager, use jeeterday received ty
ie’:- 1 -!.'-;;!'-H: ; ’ r 'H;H ; ' v^'. ■'' ' : '. : l “’S* l CoDßtablo Kichardsoa, aifering a reward of
$6O for the arrest of a fellow named John 15.
ij Pott* oK«* Btnmpte, whom tho editor, Mr. David
i a, * ou > aocnees of having palmed himself off as
■’’/ '■ -J,\ ®“* Of the proprietors of that paper, and in that
' - ] “POO'fy swindled a number of the tradesmen of
’’" i r - Nation also says ho looses $4OO by
• i';’- ’ I *. he 600UDdr<!l . Ue is described as being rather
ls*lv, tt >'ght .built, five feet seven inches high, and a
a « rmi “ by birth. Where in the world the edi
tor of “ country paper ever got $4OO, to bo
A;; p'?:V ''•? BWiodled ont of, is n mystery to ns.
(b , '.j ;, - v '' t'* ' Theater.—-We understand that Monday night
-I;*- wiil conclude the engagement of Mr. T. B. John*
A' 1 !!;"5-''^^--7/*' Bton - This we know will be heard with regret,
aa duri °g tbe time he has performed here,
M h ' 8 rc P r °6entationa have afforded pleasure to a
’..i *xh number of our citizens. Though some*
v;fVTv what of a novice ns a “star,” the ability, with
his delineations are given, leave no room
t 0 doubt that be will bo a great favorite in his
r^'•;^ii?’ t-fi'{[*^£kn r-1 position. Without tho vulgarity of so many
-'• he J €l possesses an inimitable drol
,l- J'l K fcry, exceedingly laughable and pleasing. His
"-perßonations are almost always rendered with
taste. -
Sale or Stocks.—The following sale of stocks
v look placo on Thnrsdny evening, at tho Mer
jbftntfi ’ Exchange, P. M. Davis, auctioneer :
V?-r» f; 4 j P fhares Ohio and Penna UttUrond Co., stock $39 ;j
■cr-]'^r-’~c‘Tz--^.r L X‘ : - ;M‘ > ; ? vl ; >.?ts.'tt V *'i. , 'i e 1 '■ «- C“ %• “ WerchaoUi’and Mhuu. IJAnk “ fr 3 t.O
■rtZj ,J.; V V 'h-'■‘■•Pi ;!,X.r.vC l '' t"; *-’ 4 “ Pittsburgh TrnftOn “ 54 02
Ultnun,’ Dtposlte Bank “ 50 25
,*••>: I'■•',:• .^ : ..'■ -^L.£;■ r“• £■ ~ 1-’'* 3 », r - 1 ' _ '•-^’ t *.V * s r “ Darliagtoo Cannel Coal H. It. “ 400
'■ . M;';: f - \'"t. X; -L+f-rifyd ilroi't?- Also in the afternoon (on hoard) by tbo same:
: '.. L b:/.’:’;s,‘‘:. V'. r-.ryvlt% lc sleunboat Thomas Shrivcr 55.500
i 5. r Ci.T.'''t 'i:*-',-.V'•• .'uor.>^Hb. i 4Vv.i4’\i?.vvs s :r«i «N«vioow tantet I>u
(, ■ '.'. .' (,; .’ ■ t-r* ( «~,.v .'... ,; Tho Shriver waßbonght by a gentleman named
tils 11 • " ''V 4 -;‘ £ H'H,’J organ, to rnn between Parkersburg and Pome
--■ ■ -* ; ■■.'..’'‘'•■■'(a-.-’- L,.:,v! l ;','V'*|'.'.. .. !■:: ,'2'
.<-.,’1.- -',r-- r n •V 1 ..-» ; J fN ;.~7;'.‘', j;vl Seemon to Yodnq Men.—A.sermon will bo
'•.';’ , ss t ?,Vv4V.;j la aVti •'.“■■:• bvered to-morrow night, in the Fourth Pres-
',e4''- : .”?'•■ f • r s' ‘ ;•? jtenan church, on Penn street, by Rev. Mr.
Tr~ ’Ji-t J rp on the subject: ‘‘The Young Man—the
; ':;* i: 'T*-V *y defect in his Spiritual Portrait.” The
:^'1 UD 6 Of this city are invited to attend.
-v'Jw^V-:.*?i middle block of pews will be reserved for
< r J r*,, ~. / ')•’ •',-, . w. ,”I’'’ ♦/ ►» ,r
-■%■’ ASSIN ° Counter/Eit Monet.—George Top
s’ '^ v ‘"-* n waa brought before Mayor Adams yester
}r * charged with passing two counterfeit five
n t "> • ( ‘‘‘n f* hills on Frederick Cowboof. On giving
;,;Jrr:/ : >vL- ! 1 for his appearauce, at the next Court of
'a ' -j- 1 f'. -■ a ■’ t - : 'f t |"j l/\ : 'T-'.V- irter Sessious, he was discharged.
-yv U r *}' +\ c *-****'[: ~ T t -< :iQ A ßS. —Dovers of the weed, and their name
egion, will find choice Cigars at Keyser’s,
' c -' , v i* '^ ood has just received a prime
f'-j; ' + -"• ’ . »■* »'l-7_ 1 y ’’■ ’ r> • i'V which he will.dispose of cheap. We have
*' • * 7‘* ,r «3i ‘ • *!T* ’ »*' s t- J d a few and can warrant them.
' t f>* p e »'* V' VX xTV. I 'l ' ‘ r T/* Patrick’s Dat.—A lecture will be deliv*
h <r'? rv f * J l*i* f b * B even l°g' in_St. Paul’s Cathedral, by
s (\ - V * *_ : '* T * *"/*v *\ i'pop O’Connor, for the benefit of the Orphans.
■>•.*’• • r -" rV -J. ; ?•• for tho sake of the fatherless the audi-
«• Z v ' T,< « *' ?? T*\ r7»* large.
/■"'' ■ > I‘' ■' ■H i; r'.'S? ’V' *'_C 7?!tent to Kill.—AmannamedMichaelCon
.p^iß^Sf-|ifr i,Y tY , ’ i‘'_,..^ l '<’,’y, , ;n.",‘Y:'&,ascolnni‘tledtojn>lyEBterdoy,byAlder
!. ,j ; • '/'»*' tS- •«. *- A ;‘~ iA’-l ‘,-'Y lr l M’Maßtcrs, for threatening to kill William
• r./V7
A u ’i.'t'iU 1 - -L l . -p- 'tyj*}' " ~
; r t *,•>*)r;tr-|, 5 ... «■•. >
■*•• '•• *;. Y * ' i ,. ;lj -•.• • 0.1 v^?.- f -4 ~,•'* . G
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■: r p r ' c '**• .P 4 c ‘i *-. 1 £p\* • r i •» »KD PUYSIOLOQICAL INSTRUCTOR, for the special
'»* -X r £” 1' n r.' t » i \* - the married or those about to marry. DyDr.F. Hoi*
*■ • '* ■‘t £**•» * t . *'•«*>» v' e celebrated author and lecturer. Ninety-eighth
'• - , ,;.;vvr :pSi.'S ’»**»»:'.■ -v',.*'.:.’ »-‘V/.;- i-\ >f* ; MO pages, and colored plates. This book 1» decid
‘-1 {•'•.'i/ ■>•:: n-j. /'f . !’•,• *‘,v> r , •'• .Mr-*A'if-if »best book of Uio kind ever published, and has at*
"’ 3 unequalled reputadon and circulation; in feet,
' •‘Y- v* r 'S^V X ' C K*f V<tV none other like it iu the English language. Itccn
l>.K- r>'“»hv ; li Information upon every topic interesting to mar*
• • sons, but is strictiy moral, scientific, practically use*
-• ■ ' *" r • popular. Price cue dollar. For sale by 11. MINER
, - 32 Smithfiftid etreet. Pittsburgh; we will send it
... v c +•’-£■'(-:-< «--*-* -F e i f re « by pest, on receiving one dollar and the ad
. v ,• f i M mar!2
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:~V*-i .<;■. *’ &RY—A. A.• 51A80N k CO. will rectire, on the 15th
;'V.vU .^^-^Vv;r^“JfvV\ i fr 4 -plarch t 2000 dozeu of Cotton llodery. of exerv
’.' :.'-VH Y-3 'H; { STKEET. °L!T‘ ry
' ■ **:.V'l
—— tmpoktant to manufaotubbks.—
'ii-p-?- tl’Sf/i Srr-'-pVfljftfW<&>,** t-23 kegs-lor ssto hjr ' 1 1 Drop Stamp, weighs 2,800 1b34 Drop weighs 200 lbs.
■ ~ , . ■ HENRY 11. COLLTNg. 1 Power Pxen, with gear, Blightlydsmsged.
4 1 1 ' -‘NKY TOPfn—ZOO Gothic Chimney Tops, of .uric,us 1 Engine Lathe, 10 feet shear, weighs 1,800 fils.
■ 1 'ie for sola by fmhlk) HENRY H. OOLUNB. 3 small Lathes, for Gunsmiths or Bllwrsmiths.
l “ B “ '“JtA * 1 centre,
, •-' ’• •:" fr,*f .. -•• • -."• •^■■■- ; •*-^ r *- . All neatly new;been In use four months—will be Said
-c C‘ 'wDiS BKIN&—A fine lot on hand and for sale by ; low tor cash, or exchanged for 0.4P.R. Btock at par.
i : *;r l:* FLKMINO BROS. | mh»:lw WM. HENRY, Jr, Wooster, Ohio,
.•" ••'•? : ;; ; 5. h; 5 <^s
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Back Numbebs Wasted.—TheTollowing back
numbers from our files of the Morning Post, for
1854, ore missing:
’ : April 80th ; September 13th and 27th ; Ooto
! ter 7th, 9th and 24th.
■Any of oar subscribers who may. have all or
' Any one of the above numbers in their posses
sion will obnfer A particular favor by forwarding
them to ear ooantiDg room. Ten cents will be
paid for each.
• Obthaqk on tbb St. Glaie Steeet Bridge.
10 a Thursday night, a gentleman crossing the
St. Clair street bridge, in company with a lady,
was attacked by a orowd of half a dozen row
dies,; and beaten in an outrageous manner.
After tenting the gentleman.until he could offer
no more resistance, the ruffians Beized the lady,
and oarried her off to the other end of the bridge.’
Here her screams brought out the toll-keeper,
who .fell upon the scoundrels with a big club,
and with a few well directed blows made them
leave go their frightened prisoner, and take to
their heels.
The lady was considerably bruised in her
strugglo' with tho cowardly scoundrels, and no
doubt would have been worse used, if it had not
been for the courageous interference of the toll
keeper. The gentleman who was so roughly
kindled, we believe resides in the upper part of
Allegheny. The force of watohmeu on the
bridge is hardly sufficient to rendor efficient
nsßiafance to any ono attacked while crossing,
and as the corporation is wealthy onough, wo
think it wouldn’t be out of place for them to
provide a oouple of additional men.
District Cobbt.—Before Hon. H. W. Wil
liams. .
In the caso of Michael M’Cellough vs. the
Farmers’ and Meohanics Turnpike Company, a
verdict of $1,445 95 was rendered for plaintiff.
Daniel Holden vs. City of Allegheny. No. 8,
April term, 1853, G. P. Hamilton for plaintiff;
8. Geyer for defendants. Action to reoover
damages for injuries received by plaintiff’s wife,
In falling into an excavation on Gay alloy, Alle
gheny/made in grading the alloy, which had
been left uncovered.
Mary M’Clnro. vs. Wm. M’Clare. No. 89,
April term, 1852. T. J. Bighatn for plaintiff;
C. Hasbronk for defendant. The prosecutor
and defendant are Bißter and brother. Oa the
death of their pnrents, a certain pieco of pro
perty was dovised to them, to bo divided eqnally.
Defendant retained possession of tho whole for
a considerable time, and action is now brought
to recover rent for tho plaintiff’s share, for tho
time be used it. On trial.
Tub Begad Deficiency in Allegheny City.
—The Bsmo complaints having been nude in Al
legheny as on thißßido, relative of the deficiency
in the size of the loavcB, but no ordinance being
in force in that oity, to meet the case, at a meet
ing of Councils, held ou Friday night, a bread
law was .passed. It provides that, hereafter, nil
loaveß of bread Bold in that city, shall weigh
not Icbb than ouu pound; aod any baker vend
ing bread of lota than the established weight,
shall bo liable tc a fine of fivu dollars. Mayor
Adams has expressed his determination to prose
cute every baiter found guilty of violating the
ordinance, and those who know themselves to be
guilty, had better take warning. The amount
of money poor people have been swindled out of
in the light loaves of bread, is almost incalcula
ble, and we arc glad to know that seme of those
engaged in tho nefarious business will bo pun
ished. •
AIE—“ 1 wr.uUt I were a boy again.
I’ll go sura to that store again,
Ou Tbinl street, kept by 8. L. <?.,
A nd some Herpetic soap I fain
Would buy, for it alwayasulta me,
Herpetic heap always suits me.
That Soap removes redness and ton
And cures all chaps and soreness too;
Brightens complexions pule and uon—
I’m Tory sure It will please you:
Ob yes, I know it will please you.
valuable temedy tor sore rough hands has proved of
enetH to hundreds. Pi ice only cenfp per cake.
; 140 Third street.
i Bounty Lands*
undersigned continues to ootain Bounty Land
rrants. Tho present bill gives to all who have
1 any war since 1790,160 acres. Terms moderate.
DURE COOKaIiOOT, 37 Diamond alley.
f between Wood »t and Diamond.
.Z BRILLIANTS—Ju?t lecelved, a flue asiortinent
ol’d CHINTZ BRILLIANTS—#eIIing at reduced
[mh!2j . .A. A. MASON, 'lb Fifth street.
iUTTKU—2O kegs this day roo’d, and foTsale bv
-Ftoiidenf'—JOHN BIUPTON
Ffrit FI« Pntidait—Wu. H. Shits.
Stand “ “ Wh. B. Baoiva
Secretary—:Wu. 8. Hatch.
TVeasurer—Johh D. Scout.
Superintendent— S. T. Nomham, Jb.
jtfircA.—W. R. Browh, Fna.
Seuebs, Joshua Rhodes, Johh M'DsYiir, Johh Scott.
iMARCH 17.
Omcr or Tar Daily Moeninq Post, >
Saturday, March 17, 1856. }
There was again the same animation In bnsiness circles
that has bsen noticed for severaldayß past. Tho river is at
an excellent stage and our merchants appear determined to
make hay while the sun shines. The rein, too, which com
menced falling at dnsk last night, and which was very
copious, indicates plenty of water for navigaUon purposes
for some Umo to cctne. The followiog are lha sales reported
on change:
BACON —Sales 24,000 lha Shoulders, In lots, ut 6 3 i sixty
oSJ 8 j 6 ’°°° do f ,d S?r d V‘ ~' A ’ doi 10 ’ 00 ° d ° Harn'ido, at
9*4, do, 9,500 do hhouldera, bid»s and Hams at 614 7i«*
an d ca-*h ;J 10 tco sugar cured llama at 11U, sixty dnYF*
BULK MhAT—lioQ!) Shoulders, Sides and Rams,country,
at 6, G and*7, cash. '
BLOOMS—SO tons Junlata at $BO, six months; 10 do on
private tetms; 18 do Lumps, do.
FLOUR—SoIes 30 bbla extra, from store, at iS, B7 ; 60 di
k* io su rerfiae, from store, fS 75.
5 7 ™ 1 ! 1 'helled Corn, depot, at 8% 200 do do,
store, at Bo; 000 do Oats, wharf, nt 62.
SUGAR—IS hhds prime new, at 6U, cash.
i5 S r 25 b^ ls ’ 0Bk ’ new » at 28 » months.
sS>£r« lie T ces Drie<J Beof llMe. 60 days.
*^ le J 2000 P ackei at lOOO do do do
at I2}£c; 830 do do at 13)£c; 3 barrels prime roll at 200- 0
do do do at 20c. ’
FRUIT—SO bu« Dried Apples at £1,60.
SALTPETRE—SO tacks at 714 c, time.
BALT—I4O bbls No. lat sl,6**4, cash.
PIG METAL—2OO tons Sharon at $2O, 6 mo?.
Receipts of the Baltimore and OXUo Rt R.
The revenue for February has been as follows:
« Main stem. Wash. Br. Totals
For passengera....«s 30,076 33 $22,498 54 « m 5jV
165:366 24 *ls2 92 $ 16
$185,441 57 $31,40146 $216,903 03
As compared with the corresponding month of 1864, wo
hayti the following result:
February, 1864.
February, 1865.
DccrßasB $1,113 87 $93,30.1 43
Washington Branch.
pi raM£»Dgers. Freight.
February, 1566 *52,498 54 $8,932 02
February, ISSI 19,084 26 6,227 67
Increase $ 3,414 28 $ 2,735 35
This Fbows a decrease in receipts cn tho main stem of
$94,416 30 and an Increase of $6,149 63 on the Washington
branch, matting the total decrease on the receipts of the
entire road $56.265 5,, for the past month as compared with
the corresponding month ef last year. During the same
month tho decrease on the Pennsylvania Central has boon
$llO, 764 00, although the gross receipts wire larger (ban
on the Baltimore and Ohio road. The receipts on the Ohio
and Pennsylvania road, for February, have cot been pub
lished nor have we yot seen announced tho earnings for
the same time, of tho great New York through routes; but
we look for a falling off In their rovenae.
New Yobk. March 16.—Cotton has advanced : siVs
500 bales—N.O. middling 9]/.; Upland middling y * KI-mit
dull; sales 4000 bblfl good Ohio at $9.37(4!’76 • Southern
firm at {9.39.T5, with sales 2760 bbls. wheat: Nothing
dtiDg. Corn a trifle lower; sa cs Weffern mixed at 96.
I ork firm, with upward tendency; sales 000 bbW nt *l4 •'£.
and $14.31. Bfef firm ; sales 560 bbls. Lard unchanged •
n moderate baslnm*. Bales Hams at Wfcl-kv •
Sugars advancedsalesOrleans
«n ?) 1 firm at 8 -H- Galena Lead at
F-i/ Money unchanged-Virginia rixes,
J'/'S’. N ‘ o\ w C ° ' 04 /* : and Toledo, T9W;
1 aiding, Erie, 4G%. ' *’
CjSfcnfXAn, March 10 —The river has risen two feet.
S uSiY L f ’ U <3 8 2000 bus Corn at
Si KM* 1 "V a i “ 4 ® 24 ki 5 dull. Provisions quiet; sales of
-00 bbls extra heavy m-as pork at *l3 20; b*con shoulders
he, packed. Unwed Oil advanced to SC. Molas>es In good
demand at 25<§>2o. Sucar firm and unchanged New Or-
SK. aUl '- PltL - bor * 1 ‘ »<»“■ fißrc, Ai ..hlpcatt.
Cattle Market.
_ BvLnuoEE, March 10.—Tho offerings of TWf Cattle ve-v
.oO head ; 2ao were driven eastward, und 330 sold nt nri< e-.
ranging from $4,80 to $-3,76; market heavy, with ilt.wnvurd
tendency. Hogs dull, and prices declined ; sales ai 46 60ui»
100 log.
A_ AacUon-Dally Salca.
T Commercial gales Rooms, corner of Wood and
iiltb streets,at 10 o’clock, A. M., a general assortment
or aeasonabla, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and bhoop, Hats,Caps, Ar.,
AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M ,
Qrowrlva Qn«, Tablo Cutlery, Looking
Sburt’'iT *° 8e “ ““ J “‘‘“S'boldand KkchenFar-
Book., Stationery, Fancy ArticLs Mimical Injttrom.nU,
Bjafiravd Cutlery, Clothing, Vtu-lety Goods, Ooltl
SEtrer wslchpA. Ac. K VLDAVIP,_AnctIon«-n f j,3btf
P. H. DAVIS, Auctioneer. ~
Aj THIS.—On MONDAY morDmj, Jl.rvh luth, at tu
?. r °' rfe ; aI ‘ ll * 'Thole.-ale Wiu. and Ltf(Uor Btore, corner of
Market and front .treat., wilt he guld tboenttre Pteck and
Fixture, amons vb!ch wilt be frond Foreign Win« «nd
Brandies of the choicest vlotȣei, part of whiih are of di
rect ioportotiou, ntd have been in .tore a number of
ye.r. co,„i.«inß In flirt of BRANDIES: Vieox Cn K n.c,
180.., 1, lSxd; Leper F.eres, 182 fl; La Fayette ISZO
- Caslillon A Co , 1»42; Otard. Dupny A Co - Msclorr
Cngnsc; Old Pale Nectar; Pale Champapne; o’ld Apple
o d Poach old Blackberry. WIJIES-lllackburn’. Koscne
Mndelr. ; llowanl il.rnb AC. do; Sicily and Star do;
Old Dnbuy A o. P. do; Newton. Gordon A .M. do- Bt,r
-tdrampapne; old Oporto Port; old Port Juice; Winn—ar
and Moselle Muacale); Alt. Morton's old Santerne; choir.
Amontillado flurry; superior Cordials. Irish and Scotch
Whiskey., Schiedam and Holland Oins, Antigua and Ja
maica Rums, very old Rye Whiskey, Playing Cards, Clean
Demijohns and Decanters, Stand Casks and Hecks or beet
description. Hydrometers, lleasures. Rook Case, Sheirint:
(.ounlvrn, Office Furoiture, Btovcp, Ac., Ar.
The particuUr attention cf dealer* and oth«ra wantlnir
fine Liquors is earnestly requested. Terms ot m 1«
. mhl7 P- M. DAVIS. Aurtianver.
morning, March 17th, &t 11 the Comm.-rriid
.'“aies Room, Corner of Wood and Fifth street* will bu sold
om* substantial PwJler’s Wagon, with for om» or
two horses. (mhl7j __ _ P. M. DaVIB, Aucfr.
DAY morning, March l&ib. at 10 o’clock, at dwelling
housa No. 179 Third etrvet, will Ut fi olJ, without reserve a
quunUty of Household and Kllcben Furnituro, among
which are marble-top centre tables, mahogany*.** mn
boguuy. cbdc seat and Windsor chairs, dreraiog bureaus
mahoguny and common wash stantis. mahogany and wAl
nut dmlng tables, small fancy mahogany tables, hair spring
bottom lounge, mattresses, high and low post bedsteads
rocking chairs, floor mau, feeders, fira tong«, quewosware
kitchen utensil?, fancy stove, Ac. *
P. M. DAVIS, Aurtioneer.
ADMINItTItAITIR’S SALK—On Saturday, March 17th,
at 2 o clock, P. M., will be sold, by order of Mr* Elisa
beth Wbl'fmlii, administratrix, at tho late roaidanci. of
George IVhitfleld, on RQm street and th« bank of tho Mon-
PDgabaU river:—G draught horses; 3 double 3 horse sand
carts; G sett* harness; 1 raddle ard bridle: 2 sand flats;
frbovels, poles, Ac M Ac. Besides sundry other articles.
Terms: on all sums under $lOO, cash; over $lOO
provod-endorsed paper at 4 month*.
P. M DA VIS, Auctioneer.
I SALE—That valuable Three Story Brick Dwelling
House aud Store, No 25 Diamond alley, at previmt occupied
by Mrs. Keibey. Lot has a front of 15 feet, and extends
bark 75 feel. Apply to p. jj. DaVIS,
X '1 huniday evening, March 22d, at 7»s o’clock, nt the
Merchant*’ Exchange, will be Bold, without rrverve, by or
der of Tbos. Mellon, Ffq., Trustee, that very desirable I,ot
orOroand rituato beiweao Hand end Wayne streets, hav.
iug a front nn Penu street of 30 feet, and extending back
100 feet to Fayette ctreet—on which is erected that mperb
modern stylo well finished Brick Dwelling House (on the
back, buildings—Coach House, Btahlc, Ac.) lately occupied
by lieu. YVm. Latimer,. J. Terms at sale.
m k° P. M. DA VIP, Auctioneer
X SIXTH WARD—Qp TUESDAY afternoon, March 20,
ai 3 o’clock, on the premises, will be sold, by order of John
Herron, Esq , ttusteoof Robert Porter, Epq , fiftoou valua
ble Building Lota, as laid out by the late William Porter,
>hq., in his flrpt plan of Lota in tbe Sixth and Seventh
Wards, Pittsburgh, seven of which lots, to wit: No.«. 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44 aud 45, have each a front of 30 feot on Centre
avenue aud extending back southwardly about 96 feot to
Clark street, and the remaining eight of which lot*, 10 wit:
Nos. 4S, 49, 60, 61, 52, 63, 64 und 65, baTe each 0 front of 20
feat on Clark street, and extend southwardly by tbo whole
distance, to Rosa street, 60 feet wide. Tbe abov e offer great
inducements to those desirous of purchasing property rear
the business part of the city. Terms at sale.
mji3 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
49" Balm of Thousand Flowers, for beautl.
lying ihe Complexion, and eradicating ail Tam, Pimples and
Frecslzs from tbo face. Sold at Dr. KEYBKR’B, 140 Wood
I 83ft n c| «Ttl»n d , Pori Stanley, flSfrfc
MUSH » nd I ort Harwell. MSSSm
THE FINE low pressure steamer TELEGRAPH, Captain
It. Harrow, will make two trips a week between Cleveland;
Port Stanley, and Port Harwell, as follows:
Leaves Cleveland for Port Stanley, every MONDAY
Leaves Port Harwell for Port Stanley at 1 o’clock.
Leaves Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY
and SATURDAY EVENING, at 7% o’clock. ••
The Telegraph connects at Cleveland, with the Cleveland,
Columbus and Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
the Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland
Railroads. Also connects at Port Btualey with the London
Line of Stages, which connects with the Great Western
Railroad. •
For freight and passage apply on-board, or to SCOTILL A
LAUDERDALE, Cleveland; R. F. UOLCOMB, Port Stanlev
or A- M’BRIDE. Port Bnrweil. ’ mar27-tW '
receive!, a fine lot of Ginghams
mbs , A. A. MASON A CO., 25 Fifth streeet
SKKD— *KK) bushels Penn a. CloTer Seed ;
60 do Timothy Seed; for Rale by
C'IIiKOMK YELLOW—6OO fl>s in store and for sale by
j feb2fl FLEMING BROS.
rpILB IN VALID—CARGO is prepared, on short notice, io
J. take PICTURES at residences. He can be found (day
or evening) at his residence and Gallery,
1/ Daguerreotypes, Ao., on short notice.
rnbs No. 76 FOURTH STREET.
Main Stem.
pßßSangerP. Freight.
—531,190 20 s2is,ce6e7
... 30,076 33 155,365 24
“1855 ”
■. ‘ J **
The lUtee- There wore lo feet 6 Inches water la. the
channel list eveniog at dusk, and rising—the rise is piind*
pally from tho Allegheny
'* Bncfep ye State’' Is the regular packet for Cinclonal
this morning; tho leaves punctually at 10 o’clock, A. M.
The “Forest City” Is the regular morning packet for
Wheeling; she leaves at.lo o’clock.
(( Fca St. Louis asd the Illinois Eivm.—Tho fine steamer
“Americue,” Capt. Batchelor, wi 1 leava for the above pieces
this day. We fuel satisfied that the Captain, and Mr. A, Mo.
Bride, clerk, will leaTe nothing undone that will add to the
comfort of tho traveler.
The steamer “Qaaker City ” leaves to-day for Louisville.
Capt John Shank Ur master. She isagoodboat, ondislikely
to havo a full cargo, as the character‘of tho boat and her
officer deserve.
PaB3enoees will please take notice tbAt Cap’. Boyd, of the
excellent Kcumer “ Ben Bolt,” leaves this morning for St.
Louis, lona, Wi-o.cnsin and Minnesota. Emigraiitsand oth
ers on their way to the fur West would do well to go by tke
“ Ben Bolt," where they will Cud low fare and good accom
modation. Dnti’i neglect the opportunity.
The steamer “Jsmes Park;” Capt. R. Miller, leaves to-day
for St. Louis. Emigrants and others will find it to their
Interest Lo giTe the “Park” a call.
The tioo steamer “ Delegate,” Capt. Rogers, intends mak
ing a trip to the Wabash river. All those traveling that way
will fmd her a good bout to travel on. She has superior ac
commodations fur emigrant passengers.
Farianr Hates at Cikci.vsatl—Tho following ore tho
freight (inotutionn current at Cincinnati on Thursday;
To Pittsburgh— Whisky, liov Pork, 50; Flour, 40; Found
Freight. 20c. u* cwt.
7\> Wheeling —Whisky, 60c.; Pork, 45; Flour, 35; Pound
Freight, 17Vic. ft cwt.
St. Louis— Dry Goods, 40c. cwt.; Xleavy Freight. 80w)
40; Whisky, Si. b ' W
JVazArtfie—Whisky, $1: Found Freight, 40c. cwt.; Olo
voreeed. 7f> bbl.; Ale, 7n
A’eir Orlwns —Whisky, 00c.; Pork, 70; Flour, 00; Found
Freight, 39<r535c. cwt.
Wabash hitcr— -Poand Freights, 30c. w cwt. Whisky and
Oil, $l. J
Steamer Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Lucerne, Bennett, Brownsville.
“ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
“ Convoy, Wolf, WetlsviUe.
“ Eclipse, Moore, Steubenville.
Ventnro, Gordon, Wheeling.
“ Forest City, Mooro, Wheeling.
“ Pennsylvania, Klinefelter, Cincinnati.
“ Buckeye SLate, BcltzhooTer, Cincinnati.
Fairfield, Coach, Nashville.
Steamer Venture, Gordon, Wheeling.
“ Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Luzerne,Bennett,Brownsville.
“ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
“ Convoy, Wolf, WellsviHo.
“ Diurnal, Shepherd, Wheeling.
“ Brazil, Omce Louisville.
“ Empire, Doyle, Steubenville.
“ Pittsburgh, C*K>k. Cincinnati.
“ AHoona, Qmy, Wabash river.
“ Equinox, Rowley, St. Louis.
“ U. S. Mail. Ford, Bt. Louis.
Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Lino,
And Saint Ijoulb.
. w This Lins i-t competed of wjvon mr
±«SS**jr ,n,t eias? powerful Steamers, uno-1
for speed, 6plendor,eaf(Hy
and comfort, and is the only Tnsouon daily u!t* of Steam
Packet* on che Ohio riTor. It connects with the U. 8, Mail
Uno of Steamers from Cincinnati to Louieriile and Ealnt
Loul?, by which passenger* and freight are ticketed and re
csirt-ci through daily. Two now Steamers hare been added
to the Liut!, which now eensiata of the following boater
„ . _ Days of Departure
KVCKWvi' IT *VF Ao™ PiU&vTgh.
BUCKEYE .“TAT t .!. V.. t:LcTZHOOTEH....gnndar
KEYSTONE STATE Hr,.„ nmff_ -.Monday
ALLEGHENY >ri,n 1t,,,.-day.
CT.VL’IvNAII It lI.ATU. Wednoiav
Pnn.AhEt.WtlA K. 4. ..KAC« Thursday
PITMBVKOH- 1. .V Cook Frid!^
PE NNSA I.VASI A i.v., Kusimrii Saturday
Lenv** dully nf \. M.. prv-cifvly.
No Ireiirl,! “f •ciT.-d r,.*:.- r titue iiYLiv.k on the marniog of
For f nru ,- uiorr, Apply on board, cr to
JUHN H.UK. } Agent*,
Mun.-ugahuU Houtw Buildlnga.
Pittsburgh, 185r,_ |uoy23]
PllwburßU, situOmylllt ana‘ Wiinellnc
raw. Paufcero. ..
I Ytr LIUUNAL. Canuht A.IS. Sttzruxitn, ,nd
jgaßffftfo- POKES r CITY, it, tain Groan. D. Mio«,
-mu tunas rygutar I'AILY PACKETS, tytwyyn Piltaburgh
feb-ultcnTlEtt an.] Hbr.-imy, stopping at all inU'nnndiato
Tba ML’RNAL trill Pittsburgh on Monday., Wrd
ni'SJ.y. ant Fridays, at !> «'<*«*, A. M —KaunUf alw
ail! IriiTti o bseling on Tus -day *, Thursday, and Saturdays,
at , oVltv-R, A M. J
The FtJ£U->T CITY will leave I’it:»bun:h on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and SilCriu} h, at Ui A. M.— Returning,
j *-* wi.i ivnVf vv bfriit.j; on Monday-, IV v-lneslayn ond Fri
days. tt . >,t, «o-.*k, A. M.
lor or v on board cr to
J- l> GOLLIN«iWiR»n, Agrnt.
No- !&•’> Front &tre**L
For Cincinnati nml Unlirllie.
, rr*m, •d*A!inT Qi-AjiKH iNTY, Gaj-t. Sntss,
I-ave f-r lb*- abovoanl uU lutt-rsm* il»te
atjfrfßrirS r«rt< ua jutieimy, i;th i«-t.
vt paj-Rj;- on U-i\ru. vt L»
BAR.NW or COLMNiIWooD. Amenta.
For St. Louts.
««*-, Tbr- *:«-ainer LMl'iH-KUTY.Capt. Mpstted,
*l ,‘ Iran- fir the aU>ve and iDtenur-diatf
j^gga »" MONDAY, 19th iuj-tr, at Joo’clKli, A. il.
For or pawHyjo bn-ly on board, or to
_ iUUNKfi Agentr.
For st Louis, lone, Wlkooumlu nntl fltln
ncsola Terrltorv •- Uulncy, Wartaw,
Keokuk, Fort MklUoii, DurllitKtoM.
91tikeatlne, Hoe k lalanil, l)a vcnport«
Galciia, Dubui|ue**Dl rent.
I tea* a., 1 ■’* u "' v , ' u ' l DAY CITY.
LiKgQUgr "I ‘ K - 11 Miller, u ill lfav« for the aUire and
■■waSßiutpruisiitak- on MONDAY, mb tosUul,
at In oVUn'k, A. A!. ’
For or ptv/‘.tß;re uppiy on l/>*r<l c.r in
“LIT . J. 11. UVINO.-TON, Ai{vz.t.
For St. Louis.
run ilrau-ht [<a°H>ni;*r *toam«r,
AI>KIATiC, Sth.xe, >!a.<!»*r, will lrar«
c%3gg3SS» >,ir ,lj * i-ort, an.l all ißU*rtDi-iliM«» UijJ
iue*, on £ATU KOA V , ll»*» 17 th ln*t , ut 10 u'cJocfc, A. SI.
l‘of or cn N>nnl m 1.16
Kor St. Louis, liaiofia and l)ub«que»
nr- Tbv aleamer KnuKAYOU, CapL Jobs May,
& w I H leun- lor lh«* nbovoaud iDteiuinJiuto porta
Monday, i‘.nh ion, at 10 A. m.
Fur freight and pims&ge apply ou board, or to
“Vi. FLACK cr IMRNK3, Ag*t»U.
Por at, Louis.
I (Hf fe Tbe steamer UKKAT >N KST, Captain M’Cit-
1 iu. will fur the »h :Te an«l intermfuil
port-Oh MTIUDAY, 17il., nt 10 A. M.
& For or passHfe apply on h > u r<!. ra!.K>
ForBt. Louli, lowb, NV Ucoimlu wul Mln
nesota Territory --Uulncy, Warsaw,
Keokuk,, Fort Madison, Uu r I in xrton.
Muscatine, Hock Inland, Davenport,
Paul U °* Uubl,, l ue * St. I’clera and St
, f£39” fc, BEN HOLT. Cupt. Jk>yd, will
JJWCgOTffor thu iiliovn nud lute? mr.Jiat* port? on
*WtSy?IrfISATUKI) AV. ITIU lost.. at 10 A. JJ.
For freight or pn.sMigu apply on board, or to
J. U. I.lVlmistoN, Atfont.
For St.-Louts, lows, WUcoiuiu fiQd
nesota Territory-*- Qulney, Warsatv,
Keokuk, Fort Madison, JJarllnglou,
Muscatine, Knelt Island, Davenport,
Galena, Dubuque, St. Peters and St.
Anthony's Kalis.
i fC??* Mi * ri,e VIHNSA, CapUln C. Hat, will
and Intermediate ports on
wWgnaATURDAY, .Vnrrtt 24, at 10 oVlocit A.SL
For freight or jja.«>ape apply on board, or to
wh!3 . FLACK or WILKINS, Agents.
For St. *I«oula and UlluoUlUver.
t JET rf O te The *t»amer aMHUIUUS. Captain U. Batch*
L/£fflHß,>a ELoß i " "i m'uto for the abort- and intermediate
«-•« SATURDAY, lTtl» Inst., at 30 A. SL
ror freight or parage ap;,lv on im»rd, or to
_™ hI .. -I H. LIVI.NWTOJJ. Airents.
* For St Louit.
i fOr* •> struui«*r JAMILS PaUK, Cajit. Hocekt
Will leave for Ibr ni>nv* and iutermedl
”aattfflittlt! poita ou S.VIIJRDAY, ITtb iust., at 10 A. M-
For freight or pus.-uwe npplv im hoard, or to
robin FLACK a U\, Agents.
For WaliaxU River.
fIFS* k Tlj, ‘ I’fcLKUATK, Captain Thoz
LgUgfegg?HouUts, will Icjvm for tb.- above aud interne*
tgnifftfthwnrtJiHta porh; on SATURDAY, 17th in.-t., 10 A. M.
Fur freight or pas>Hge upply on board. mblA
For Wabnslt lllver.
Tbt* slwAHiHr ALTOONA, Capt. It. C. QttAT,
fjKgi-ilwUl leave far llu* above and Intermediate porta
JglSraagjinn FRIDAY, tho lOlb instant, at 10 o’clock,
A. H.
For freight or passago opply on board.
For Nashville.
The stoumor 11. T. A KaTMAN, Captain A.
[, will leave for thu above and nil Inter-
nnrts nn SA TV ftDAY, lli« I7th IDSt,
at 12 o'clock M.
For freight or pnsfnge apply on board.
Regular Wheeling Packet.
rwmgf The steamer VENTURE, Cnpt.Joax Gordon,
L=«g£ifrffleaTes every TUESDAY. THURSDAY, and
ai 3 1». M.
For freight or paSHage apply on board, or to
jun 3 JAMES COLLINS A CO., Agents.
FISH— 2uQ pkgs. White Fish ;
140 “ Trout;
60 “ Salmon;
60 bbls. No. J Large Mackerel;
This day rer'd by R. R., aud f.-r sale by
CUE —luuo bcxca prime W. It. cutting Chee.'e this
nay rectived and for sale by
FEATHERS— 3000 lba Kentucky Feathers ju»t »ec’d and
for sale by [tnl.ti] HENRY H. COLLIN?.
LINSEED OlL—Ju*t received and for sale by
BROOMS— 145 doaen large size Corn Brooms just received
ond for spin by (mb9) henry n. COLLINS.
1 CHAMPAGNE WINE—BO baskets “ HeidsickV’ 178,174,
Champagne Wine, for sale by
•,' -* , -*» *- ♦> *l-* V* v -± «. ,r. % : • s
-., V w ■ - • *, t, Hr ’7 v . *V-" •' -•<•.
■?>. h * . » t , > % * «••••>/-»<;* i» Hr* „ v
. ~ > - • • • , y u • v . v •«. v- v x J .
: »• L> *' * <
".■;■* t* * * *>
• ’ . • - - i
, *T. f\' i '
• ►* m T ' * *-
"\v T ** V*»'
Prof. Wood’* Flair Restorative.
: fo article of a similar kind, now before the public,
enjoys a better reputation as a restorative and: invigora
ting hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical qualities have a
beneficial effect upon the growth and character of the hair,
giving a silky and glossy texture to thatwhich was former
ly of a coarse and dry nature. It has also a tendency to
preserve the youthful color and appearance of tie hair,
end destroying or counteracting the effects of ago. With
each recommendations in its favor, we hardly perceive Low
-any lady or gentleman should he without so valuable «n
adjunct to the toilet Persons who have used ittrem tho
oge of sixty-four down, declareit to be the most perfect ar
<2clo to secure tho otjeet intended ever yet produced. Gray
hair, whether produced by the slow progress of time, or by
any of the causes which whiten tho locks prematurely, ia
restored to a healthy, lively appearance, and all tho dies,
greeable effects of dryness, the accumulation of dandruff
orlike Impurities, are removed.
From the Editor of the Real Estate Advertiser, 27 Schoolet
JiOSTOS, March 20, 1854.
Pbop. Wood: "Dear Sir—Haylfig become prematurely
quite gray, I was induced semeT|x weeks since, to make
trial of your Hair Restorative, ifcavo used leas than two
bottles, but tho gray hairs bavejlll disappeared; and al
though my hair has not fully a Sained its original color,
yet the process ol change is gradually going. on, and I have
great hopes that, in a my hairAfltftw as dark
ae formerly. I have also been much gfaUftsid htthe-ijenlthy
moisture and vigor of the hair, which before was harsh and
dry, and it has ceased to come out as formerly.'
Respectfully Tours, D. C M. Rupp.
Pflpy. Wood: Dear Sir—My hair commenced falling off
some three or four years since, and continued to do so until
I became quite bald. I tried oil the popular remedies of the
day, but to no effect; at lost I was induced to use your cel
ebrated Hair Restorative, and am very happy to soy it is
doing wonders. I have now a fine growth of young hair,
and chcerfolly recommend its use to all similarly afflicted.
A. C. Williamson,, 133 Second street.
Bt. Louis, March 7th, 1854.
Carlyle, 111., June £7th, 1853.
I have used Prof. O. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, and hare
admirod its wonderful effect. My hair Was becoming, ns L
thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of his Restora
tive, It has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt,
permanently so. Sydnxv Beexse,
Ex-Senator, United Staton.
Yincxsxes, Indiana, June 15th, 1853.
Paor. O. J. Wood: Dear Sir—As you are at out to manu
facture extensively and vend your recently discovered Heir
Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it may concern,
thßt I have used it, and known others uso it; that I have
for several years been in the habit of using otb«T Hair Re
storatives, and that I find yours vastly superior to any other
I know; It entirely cleanses tho head of dandruff, and
with one month’s proper use will restore any person’s hair
to the original yoathful color and texture, giving it n
healthy, roft, and glossy appearance, and all this without
•discoloring tbo hands that apply it, or tho-dress rn which
it drops. I would, therefore, recommend Its use to every
one desirous of having a fine color and texture to hair.
Respectfully yours, Wilson Kino.
For salo by 0. J. WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 095 Broad
way, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo.
Price, $1 and $2 per bottle.
8o)d at Dr. O. H. KEYSER’S Drug Store, 140 Wood street;
sign of the Golden Mortar. foblfcdsw
Whereas, the extraordinary
and unprecedented demand for that Invaluable preparation,
WRIGHT’S PREMIUM KATHARION, has induced envious
persons to palm off other articles similar in name and ap
pearance, but absolutely.worthless, which has a tendency
to injure the reputation of the genuine article, purchasers
should be particular to ask for Wrights Premium Katha
rion, and they may rely on receiving an article unequalled
for its virtues for restoring a decayed head of hair, for a
cool, refreshing and delightful application during the hot
weather, removing all disagreeable sensations of dizziness
and headache, and for the toilet It has never had an equal
for its pleasant and delightful fragrance.
Its tboasandsof testimonials ore a sufficient guarantee
for Its completely restoring a decayed Lead or heir ; for re
moving all dandruff; for preventing its railing off, whutlmr
from sickness or disease; and for entirely dlsponsio* with
the necessity of using hair dyes, as it eicites the secretions,
producing a supply of Its natural pigment or coloring mat
ter, giving the hair a dark, glossy appearance, with a lnau
tlant growth.
For rfftio by every druggist in the city, and by druggist*
and merchants throughout th« United states,
A liberal discount io wholesalo dealers.
Price 25 cents a bottle.
241 Market st, Philadelphia.
• For fale by GEO. H. KEYSER, No. 140 Wrod street,
and R. K. SELLERS, Pittsburgh. janl7:diw3m Is
Important to Persons afflicted He
rnia, or Rupture of the Bowels, and the
danger of Strangulation by neglect-
Tbo right course fsr any one to pursue who may be af
dieted with Rupture, is to procure a good Truss well adapted
to the raptured parte, in order to retain the prolrading
portion of the bowels. Tfiis -is tflen neglected, and the
bowel becomes Gtrangulatod;' Waring tho patient not only
in a suffering but dangerous condition. I bare always on
hand, and daily adapt, the most improved Trusses; among
which U MARSH’S RADICAL CURE TRUSS, which will
really produce a radical cure in a sborVtiae. Of course
there arc cose* when D(j.Truss wUtcars£trat in a rnsLjDvt
jorfty of redacahU Hernia, or ftuptund,-this Truss trill
cure. 1 hare every variety of Trasses, from 50 cents to
$7O; also a large assortment of CHILDREN’S TRUSSES,
varicose broken or enlarged Veins; PILE PROPS, for the
relief and acre of Pilaa; SHOULDER BRACES, for men
women and children; SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, and
every variety of mechanical appliance used in the cure of
Jherao. Call and examine them at my Drug Store, No
140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley ; sign of the Golden
Mortar. [fvhltLdaw] DR. GKO. H. KEYSKU.
Barren's Indian Llulment,
Back, Limb-,
Bide, Ifond,
Breast, Throat,
Spine, Murder,
Worm* in llie Skin, Scalp Disease.*,
Milk Cruat, (Dry »Tetier,
Erysipelas, Headache,
Chafes, Neuralgia,
Cracks, gun Pain,
Scalds, Burns,
Blcers, Sore Legs,
Sore Throat, Uhtumathm.
Proposals for Mall Bags.
January Id. 1*65. j
PROPOSALS will be revived at tbhd'>partme.nt
O until 9 o’clock, A. M.,of the 23,i day or April uext, for
furnishing for four years from the first day of J uly n.-xt, lu
such quantities and at such time* as may' be ri-quircd and
ordered fur the mtul service, mail bags of the following de
berlptloo, io wit:
Chnvai Mail Bu-jt.
Size No. 1, (43 inches m length nod 62 inches in ciretim
ferencej to be made of cotton caovun, weighing at leru-t 16
ounces to the yard of 22 inebej width; ibe yarn of the
fabric to be doubled and twisted, and flTa-foM.
She No. 2, (41 inches In length and 48 inches in dream*
frrence,) to b« made of cotton canvas, weighing 15 ounces
to the yard of 27 inches width, and tbo doth to be woven hi
every respect like that of the first aizoof bags.
Biza No. 3. (32 Inches in length and 53 in-hes lu circum
ference.) to bwtnado of cotton canvas, weigbiu.f 10 ounce*
io the yard of 2a inches width, and tbo cloth io be woven
as above described.
Tb* canvas bags of sizes Nos. 1 and 2 sre to be made with
a sufficient number of eyelet holes, and provided with
strong cord to socaro their months. AH arc to be well ond
distinctly marked “17. S. Mail” and to be numbered accord
ing to tho sizes above specified.
LcaOitr and Cbncaj PoucAm.
Bias No 1, 49 Inches in length and 60 Inches in clrcum
flit® No. 2, 41 Inches in length and 49 inches in clrcum
Size No. 4, 36 inches in length ami 42 inches in circum
Site No. 4, 30 inches in length and 36 Inches in circum
Hlzc No. 6, 26 inches in length and 2S Inches in circum
The body of tho leather pouches Is to be made of good
and substantial bag-leather, well tanned, weighing for Nos.
1 and 2 not lee* thau 8 ounces, and for the smaller size* not
less then 7 ounces, to the square foot; the bottom end lisp
to be of good darting leather, well tanned, and the sfura#
to be well and strongly secured With the beat iron rivets,
well tinned.
The cauvas pouches are to be mado of densely woven can*
▼as, bo ax to resist water; or at least equal to that of which
the podches now in the service aro made.
Leather and CUnva* lljtu mail Bags . (in Baddle-bags form )
BUo No. 1. Body 43 Inchfes long, and 42 Inches in circum
ference at the widest parts; ends or bottoms of same, 14 by
20 Inches.
Size No. 2. Body 44 inches long, and 36 inches in circuit:*
faience at the widest parts; ends or bottoms of tame, 12 by
24 Inches.
BUo No. 3. Body 42 inches long, and 32 inches iu circum
ference at the widest putts; ends or bottoms of same, 10 by
20 inches.
The leather horse-mail bags are to be made of good and
substantial bag leather, well tanned, weighing not less than
7 ounces to tho square fool, and the seams to bo well and
strongly sewed; or If riveted, to bo so done as not to chafe
horse or rider.
Thu caava* horse-mail bags are to be mado of the same
quality of fabric as the pouches abeve described.
Chneaj and Leather Drop-letter Timches, (with side pockeL)
Size No. 4, 30 inches in length and 8G in circumference.
Size No. 3, do ao 28
CUnva# Newspaper Mail Bags.
BUo NO. 1, (48 Inches in length und 62 inches in circum
fereacc,) to be made of cotton canvas, weighing at least 10
ounces to tho yard of 22 inches width; the yarn of the
fabric to be doubled and twisted, and live-fold, and the beg
to bo so constructed as to he locked, and to have a handle
at each end.
Size No. 2, (41 inches long and 48 iochc-s in circumference,)
to be of tho same material and manner of construction with
size No. 1.
Proposals for fnprorements in the construction of any of
the above described mail bags, or In tho materials thereof,
nro invited, and the relative value and adaptation to the
sorvico, as well as price of such improvement, will be con
sidered In determining the lowest and best bidder.
Na proposal will bo considered if not accompanied with
samples of each article bid for, showing tbe construct! m,
qaalliy of tnatrrials, ond workmanship proposed, and Also
with evidence of the competency and ability of the bidder i
to execute tbe work according to contract.
Tho specimens must be delivered at the department on or
befbro the 23d day of April next, and will, in connexion
with the proposals, form the basis of the contracts. Speci
mens deposited by bidders which may with safety and con
venience be used in the mail service, will be paid lor at the
rates proposed by them.
A decision on the bids will be made on or before tho first
day of May next, and tha bidder or bidden chosen will be
required thenter Into contract on or before the 15th day of
jane next, with bond and enffleient sureties for a faithful
performance of the obligations entered into.
AU the articles contracted for ere to be delivered at tho
contractor’s expense, at Boston, Mass.; New York and Bnf
falo, N. Y; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pu; Baltimore,
Md.; Washington, D. O.; Charleston, & C.; Augusta, Qa.; |
Montgomery, Ala.; New Orleans, LO-1 Nashville, Toon; j
Louisville, Ky.; Cincinnati, Ohio; and St. Louis, MO4 in 1
such quantities and at such times as tho department may !
require; Bnd they are to be rigidly inspected before delive- ’
| ry,and none are to be received which shall be inferior to i
I the specimens or standard bags, . {
| To enable bidders to estimate the number of the different I
kinds of mail bags which will probably bo required, they |
are informed that there were furnished for the use of iho !
department daring the year which ended 30th June last, ■
2,l3sleather pouches; 8,978 canvas pouches; 450 leather
horse-mall hags; 006 canvas horse-man bags; and 17,110
canvas mail bags.
The proposals should he endorsed for Mail
BagtJ* and be addressed to the “Faitmaxter General n
JaolWawlSw Postmaster General.
«*•'. +*y, £ ’
lir ■*» -i' ,
• ■ - v v ‘ ,r*
»• ■» *
.• .«> **«*■
TO LET, FOR SALE, &c. f /
Residence at Evergreent
THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale his property In the
Evergreen Colony, -Robs Township, five miles from
Pittsburgh. The house ia 58 by 34, arranged with Four
Rooms, a Kitahen, and a large Hall on the llret floor, end
is provided with a Water Closet and Bath Room—the latter
with suitable hot and cold water-pipes. Attached to th*
bouse ere Two Acres of Ground, held in fee, on which there
v* a ” ell of unfailing soft water, a Stable and a Chicken
House. Tha Colony is provided with a School of the high
est order, and is under the management of a aentlrumn
from Virginia, a member, well qualified to teach even the
higher; branches cf study. This admirably - conducted
ocboonsof incalculoble advantage to the man'of family,
as tho ideas hero have on opportunity of shooting without
the contaminating influence of outside pressure t too often
found around schools in the city and immediate vicinity.
The House and the Two Acres will be sold with or with
out the interest io tbo farm property, and the avails will be
taken in adjusted balances and certificates of deposit against
f°b2t WILLIA&I A. HILL, 64 Wood, street.
„ Farm for Sale.
rpHE SUBSCRIBER offers for *ale a valuable TRACT OF
X LAND, situated in New Sewickly township, Beaver
I br6 ° tn^es fro® Rochester and New Brighton, on
the Brighton and Pittsburgh road; containing 86 acres, 65
oi which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, tho
balance ■well timbered. The improvements consist of a
good COTTAGE HOUSE, with four rooms, kitchen andcpJar,
a good frame Bank Barn, 80 by 40 feet, with Stabling under
the whole of it for h'rees, cows and sheep; a new Smoke
House, Wood House and Spring House. There ia one of
, Hprioga of soft water in the county-handy to the house,
also several other good Springs on the premise*. Orchards
of chowe fruit, conflating of Apple, Pear. Peach, Plum,
and Cdierry trees. This Funu ia all under good fence; part
In grain. Tha place ia noil watered.
1 his is a rare chance to aeccnre a good home. Apply
Foon. For further information enquire of Long, IfuiT A flo.
Pilbburgh; G R. Spirers, Rceherter; Samuel Stile?,
ItochMter; or thu aubaenbar, on the promisee,
febl6:lm* mh!o:w4t JKSSE DEAN.
Tirarm for Sale. '
. ~f, a ,J’ =criber oir,!rß for B " ,e a anmll FARM OF FIFTY
AGREa—forty acrea of which ia cleared, and under a
good s-ate of cnltwauon. Thero ie al-o a good Apple and
rf rd ’ tw ? filing Uonsea, with other out
rTVaU.?™' Slable - 11,0 Farm is situated
in Baldtnn township, Alleghenycounty—*is miles from thia
For farther particulars,
•pply to th© subscriber, on tho premises.
mlil;dlih» PETER WEIaBNER.
For Rent, :
A M . C . ON ? AININa 53 ’ACRES OF LAND, under a
DWFI i K i h v?l*iiniTaS ltiva,io “» ft la »‘Be *** convenient
DU LLLING HOUSE, recently built and of modern style;
bood Barn, Stabling, Ac., situated.on the south bank of the
Monopgahela river, 6 miles above Pittsburgh, being cue rf
the most beautiful and pleaaant localities anywhere to be
found. Pottession given on or before the Ist of April next
Lnqulre of U. GUILDS A 00./
_“ h . 8 d l C 133 Wood street.
Fine Family Carriage, Harness & Hones
For 8ale«
two norfe*. with Cue double Harness, and pair or
youDg, well broko, perfectly eafo and gentle Horses. For
sale cheap, for wunt of Address Box No. GO, Pitts
burgh Post Office. mh9 Iw
For Kent,
Steubenville Turnpike, six miles from Pittsburgh,
i:ite homestead of William M’Cormick. Possession given
immediately. Terms $250 per annum. Enquire of
, WJ „ James c. kichby,
mb7:diwj£ Near the premises.
mu LEI—A two story Brick Dwelling House, oh Centre
-I-. Avenue. Apply to IT. MINER A CO.,
r - M2 No. 32 SmUhfiell street
A„ bot for Sale*
GO«DD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street
by 100 fo«t in depth, lu Birmingham, will be sold
cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE,
at office of tbe Morning Post.
100. A good bargain can be had by applying eooa at
the ofiice of the MORNING PO3T. jylSrtf
SALE—An excellent Frame House and J.ot, on
Keeaca street, Allegheny city, at a very low rate En*
qutMp* THOMAS woods,
75 Fourth street.
Land for Sale
AOUI ’ tho Clarion river. This land is heavily timbered,
baa an excellent soil, and is said to contain an abundance of:
iron ore, »nd a thick vein of bituminous coal. Tbo Venan
go railroad. which will undoubtedly be buiJt, will run very
near to it, if uot directly across it. The Miiistown creek
runs through it.
acres in Elk coumy, well timbered and watered,
and lying near the route of the Snnbury aDd Erie railroad.
No better investment could bo mode than In these lands.
The completion of the Sunbury and Erie, the Allegheny
Valley, and tho Venango railroads through that region
trill render the coal, lumber, iron ore and Boil, of’great
value. Enquire of C. B. M. SMITH,
, . , Attorney at Law,
leb2'-.exm:tf No. 147 Fourth.stjv**,
A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIE street, and extending
back 109 feet to Wide alloy. On the hack part of the
Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Jx4
U in a desirable location for a residence; and will be *Hd
low, and ou favorable terms. Title good, and clear fn. m
incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F, GII.LMORE,
iv!3 At Officy of Moruing PtwL,
TplIE Uuderslgr.ed, county Superintendent, having cou
X soiled n number of Tc&cbors and Directors upon'tli’*
propriety of estab.iahing a Teachers’ Institute, and baring
received their hearty approval—.sod believing also that he
cannot, in any other way, more tlfeclually aid in carrying
on; the provisions of the new School Law-bas detcraiiu~l
to eftabUfcb u NORMAL SCHOOL—for which he has secured
the F.*rvb-es of U. LURRY, A. M., a i Principal.
The oh;--’t of the Institution will bo to afford Teachers,
a»d nil tbo l - wLhiog to beoomo Teaclieis, »uch facilities ay
will euabl© them to obtain a liberal, thorough and practical
I'irrt Scs-ddi will open on TUESDAY, Apeil 3J,
Ift.'a It is that ail person? wMiing to cator
Fhaulil t>* at thi* c.f.<*nin£ cf the Fe^ion.
For itiforuiaUon as to Tena.% Ac., Sue Circulars, rr sd
. . U KERB,
County Superintendent
l>uiT’» Mercantile College,
On rif-m-mv to any of our city merchant*, it will be
found that this j.i the only establishment of the kind urer
esnablUhed i:-. thlsrity In which tbev hate any confidence—
tbe only one in wbhb 1 onble Entry Bunk-Keeping has
Uen thoroughly taught;—the only one la which Arcouut
nn:« mu get reliable adrlce in caw of difficulty with their
bocks;—tbe only one in which the doctrines of Partnership
M*t:U*m«.ct£ are thoroughly elucidatedthe ouly one in
which Lectures upon Commercial Law hare been regularly
and ?)iifltnntiealiy dolirervd for nearly eight years; the
only one in which a good Handwriting can be obtained;—
the only coe in whxb Teachers of Penmanship can bo in
structed in the oriiamintal branches of the artth-» only
bn» whos<? Professor of Feanihntdiip will let visitors have a
specimen of his Wrkiog. Call and get a Circalar, nod k
specimen of Mr. WiUtamF splendid writing. mhlo
*uXcelKior—lron City Commercial college.
\\roo D ST K EKT—t'ennaaenUy v.-tubllshed, wlni o
f T ft-'Uo J ns Orm as tbo o»ui« it Iwttr*.
lln'VvM iuiJ iiucuis offered to j oang uu-u r*l tLi« lo
flj:uU..Q nri- su.-h u< am rarely tael with iu oilier Collesres.
Such « n array > I inl**m him never bcf >r»* l>e»n employed In
any iv.muicrci-tl U'.ifeg* i n Pittsburgh; ibis is an efrtnb
li.'li'J hb-i uudmiiiblij fact. Tbo Faculty ot this College 1.4
coupon*! «f when * names and tare qualifications
an- a« familiar u> the public as “household words ”
fAiCiTV.—MILLAR & 11110., Principals' and Professor*!
of Plato and Ornamental Penmanship.
I. J. 111TCUCOCK., of Hitchcock's System of
Bookkeeping..) Principal of tbe bookkeeping Department,
and Lecturer on oil important business transactions.
JOHN l'LEMlNU.fauthorof Fleming's new and improved
system of Booß-&*»©ping,) will examine and deliver weekly
Lectures on tbti Science of Accounts.
JASIKS li. HOPKINS, member of the Pittsburgh Bar,
Lecturer on Commercial Law.'
Young men who are desirous of becoming ©Xpert aecoun*
taou, accomplished book-keepers, uod rapid business pen
weu, may ra)y on baring crory path faction guaranteed t©
them. Those who feel interested wl I call, and wit
ness tbe troudetfui progress maJo in the -various deport
ment* by the students of the College.
WThe Faculty of this Institution danot claim to bo
the “ bert in the United States,” nor do they mean to gull
the public, by Baying tbut it is “the only place where
Book keeping is properly taught,” but they wish to say
that the iron City College, in all Us departments, i 3 equal
to any Commercial College in the western country.
Terms reasonable. College open from 8 A. M. till 10 P. M.
No extra charge for Arithmetic. Civility gratis. mb2
Instructions luMusic*
MU WAM KLIN K would respectfully inform his pupils
an iriends that he will continue his profession as
instructor » t. the PIANO FORTE and VOICE.
Order* leit i Mr. 1C LEBER’S Music Store, or at bis resi
dence, No. 157 rECON’D Street, wUI b© promptly attended
Pearl Steam Mill;
will bn supplied withourrarious grades of
By leaving their orders at tbe Mill or In onr boxes at
Logan, Wilson 4 Co., Wood street,or Braun k Reiter,cor
ner Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh.
FI. P. Schwartz, or J. T. Sample, Druggists, Allegheny.
Flour will bedell vered to families tu either of the twocltlefl
Tsoms: CASH on delivery.
-affiSßft. NO. 182 WOOD STREET, ono door ijj
fr° m cornt:r of Liberty, is now open. j§§a
tflrTlff'qggßjfr Tbo proprietor Is himuelf a
llutter, haTing had fifteen years experience
at tile bus! Dorx, t-sn years as a practical workman; having
worked in the principal establishments in New York, Phil
aaelphU, Cincinnati, and tho New "'England States; facia
confident that, from hU practical experieuco as a natter,
bo can furolshnot only as good but a beitse and cheapsb
article than uuythlog heretofore offered to the Pittsburgh
public —all qf his men manufacture, declortf
HAMILTON STEWART, Manufacturer of Shirting,
Checks, Tweeds, etc., Rebecca street, Allegheny, has
opened a second ttOßx Post Buildings, eortier
Fifth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
Merchants who aie not aware that these CbeckAcim be
made as good and sold as low here ns in any uther city iu
the United Stales, are invited to call and examine for them-
Kelfes. « mh!2:lm
rpo the Honorable tho Judges of the Court of Genera*
1 Quarter Sosions of the Peace, in and for the county uf
Tho petition of LEVI MAMAU.Y, of Ross town
ship, in tho county aforesaid, humbly shewethi—That
your petitioner hath provided himself with materials fur
accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwolling
house in the township aforesaid, and prays that your Hon
ors will be pleased U» grant him a licenso to keep a public
house of entertainment, and your petitioner, as In duty
bound, will pray. LKVI MAM auv
Wo, the subscribers, citizens of the towusbip aforesaid, do
certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for hon
esty und temperance, and is well provided with house room
and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging 01
strangers and travelers, and that said tavern Is necessary.
John Buck, B. Powers, A. Baumgariel, B. Genlaser, Ueo.
Gazlaser, James Boyd, F. Miller, John Nock, DanL Burns,
Jas. A. Gray, Thos. Powers. D. Henck.
cember Term, 1854. In tho matter of tbe voluntary as
signment of M. Hodkinson to Tho 3. It. Sill.
. ~ And now, to wit, Febraury 19,1555, on motion
•j l. e. of V. Reed, In open Court, it is ordered that notice
<• > ba given to all persons interested, by publication
la two newspapers published in tbo city or Pittsburgh, at
least once a week for three consecutive weeks, that an ap
plication will be made to the C-onrt of Common Pleas on
Saturday, the 10th day of March, 1855, for an order on said
assignee to re-transfer and re-convey said, assigned property,
and for the discharge of eaid assignee and his sureties, Ac.
By tho Court. From tbe record.
feb2o ED. CAMPBELL, Jit., Prothonotary.
DRES3 GOODS—Fancy and black Silks, French Chintzes,
Brlllantes, De Lalnes, Lawns, Bareges and Tissue*,
just received by
mho HAGAN A AHL, 91 Market street.
W';. \W
THE (TREAT CENTRAL' ROUTE, ccoueMtn* the At.
Jsudc citi<s3 uith Western, Northwest”! u tuid South
we.-tFrn Stott *, b? ti continue,- h«iUny 'iljla ro a j
abo l'iltsborglr wiijt dtitiv lint- . I *:e*w*rs to
all jiiii'td on mo rt>3tern «u) ..t n.-vr-inu:i \wi ??at,.
du3k.r with .-t-Minar.* to h!l }. u /n «m tf*-; N> rth w
I.akoH.; matius-’ tti*i ino*t vUntfiii and ■ - Ha:-!- rr,ute
hy which FKlifGiii' can he for .tcuieJ, t.. ft u-j ta iu iho
Great JPesf.
FIRST CLASS.—Boot*, Shoe?, Dry Goods,) QA _„ r ,_ IAAfK
(in toios,) Furs Fcnthore, Ac...... Z?. i 93 °- P® looa,i
,SECOND CLASS.—Bcoks and Stationery,!
Dry Goods, (In bales,) Hardware, Lea* >7Sc. per IOOIba.
tbeh Wool, Ac ...L J
THIRD CLASS—Anriia, Begging, Bacon I
rnn^tf l Jn bulk *> Hemp, Ic. / Csa P ar 100&s *
FOURTH CLASS —Coffee, Fish, Bacon and )*- lAflf x a
Pork, (packed,) Lard and Lard OU / 56c * 10oa>a
r.>,^v In 82, *p f>i . D K Goods from any point East ol Phlladel
maTk P“isge - via Pennsylvania
£ PMKrt’ .-A 1 of this Road
° r Wltsbnr S h > will be forwarded withoaf
v * B Ao t HTS ~n° s cs Potter, Boston; J. L Elliott, N.
P h. • . Eneeder, Philadelphia; Hagrnw £ Koona. lij, 11i
roore; Guo.C.Fnindscm, Pittsburgh; Sbrinrman ABrown
Cincinnati, Ohio; J. B.'Moorhead, Louisville Kv ■ R C
Metdram, Meatson, Indr Hntclilf 4 Co., St Loul/lln : J
S. Mitchell * Son, Evansville, Indiana. ’ ’
General Freight Agent. Philadelphia.
Snperintendant, Altoona. Pa.
phia and Pittsburgh. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN
leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7)4, A. M., and Pitts
burgh for Philadelphia at 7, A. M. THE FAST LINE
leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 1 P. M.. and Pitts
burgh for Philadelphiaatl, P. M. THE NIGHT EXPRESS
TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 11, P. and
Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 10, P. M.
The abovo tines connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads
to and from St. Louis, Mo.; Alton, Galena and Chicago, lllu
Frankfort, Lexington and Louisville, Kyc Terra Haute,
Madison, Lafayette and Indianapolis, Indg dncinnatl, Day
ton, Springfield, Bellcfontainc, Sandusky, Toledo, Cleve*
land, Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio:
also, with the Steam Packet Boats from and to Nxw Oulxans.
fcr. lyOina, Louisville aud Cikctxitatl
Through Tickets can be had to orfrom either of the above
For further particulars, see handbills at the different
starting points. ra«seogers from the West will find this the
shortest and moat expeditious route to Philadelphia, Baltl
more, New lprk, or Boston. TIIOB. MOORE,
Agent, Passenger Linos. Philadelphia.
. ~ . J. MESIOMEn,
Jau-j0 Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh.
01,10 and Pennaylvanla Railroad,
' Ishortest, quickest and most reliable route to Toledo.
Cleveland 11 ’” M * ai ’ QaicDa > lnd st- Louis, is via
This route is one bundled miles shorter and about eight
•DIANAPOLIS <0 C! ' lcago ’ than tbe Clrcu ‘ tou ® one VIA IN-
Three Dally Trains between Pittsburgh and Cleveland.
Three Daily Trains between Cleveland and Chicago.
Time to Cleveland ate hours, Chicago twenty-tw7houra,
and St. Louis tldrty-seTen hours.
Trains for Cleveland leave Alliance at 7.30, A. M., 12 00
M., and C 40 P. M , connecting at Hudson -with Trains for
SfS b A' S M Fft o l 4?*J?m , J toon » an<l in Cleveland at
10-0,, A. M., 2.20, P. M., and 3.20, P. M.
The Trains of the Ohio and Penna. Railroad, leave Pitts
burgh ut 3.00, A. M., 8.00, A. M., and 3.00, P? Mu eJI coo
n»e<iA?> £ i at . trains which arrive in Cleveland
at 10 04, A. M., 2.20, p. M., and 8.45, V. M.
Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis, Rock Island,
uolena, and the North-west, who wish to go through with
-2«n d A Ct M t,on, i Wm . V Aa to* ***** leaving Pittsburgh at
8 00 A. 51., and arriving in Cleveland at 220 p. M., as that
Is the only train by which close connections are made
i ,r ?» U m,r tQ tbe * £*£ ye p3iots ‘ Fassengers by this train
night ' LAeO 0t 4 * oeXt niernlDg and St. Louis at mid-
Time gained by going via Cleveland, eight hours.
The lratns from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago leave os
fol.awe: heave Cleveland at 7.3oand 2.30 A.M.. 745 PM
ornve at Chicago ot 11.00 P. M., 7.00 A. 31. and 12.00 M ’
T leave for Rock Island and St. Louisas follows:
Leave Chicegoat 9.15 A. 51., 10.05 and 11.00 P. M
Passengers for St Lords go over Rock Inland Kaiiroad to
Jol ei.anu thence over the Chicago and JlMeaippl Railroad
to Alton, and thence by Bteambout (23 miles) to St. Louis.
Passengers by the 9.23, A. IL, Train arrive in St. Louis at
1 t.KI same evening, and by the 10.05, P. M. Train at noon
nest day.
Baggage checked through to Cleveland, and there re
checked.for Chicago and Bt. Louis.
io Alliance.. 4- 30 To Chicago 50 9 60
Cleveland. 4 00 LaSalle 14 60 12 50
,J o 0 Rock Island- 16 60 13 50
Detroit. 0 00 St. Louitt 19 59 15 50‘
Passengers are requested to preenre their tickets ot the
Odlne of the Company, in Monongahela Hontte, third door
below tue corner. . J. DURAND, Sap't Cleveland.
, , J. A. CACQUEY, Agent,
- de ': 4 _ Pittsburgh.
PimiujiM, st.. lows "and mw dri.rivs.
An Air Line Eoute from Chicago to St. Louis.
fjIRAINS Ll-.AV K CUICAGO DAILY (Sundays excepted)
1 on arrival of Express Train of Michigan Southern anil
Central Railroads—
Ist. ST. LOUIS DAY MAIL 0:16, A. 51
Trains nm through to St. Louis in fourteen hours, v;a
E.ooialngton, SpringOeid and Alton, ttrffAout c/tunpe o/co r 8
or iwppape, connecting at Alton with unity Line of »acket 8
for Hannibal, Quincy and Keokuk, and at SL Louis with
and intermediate-points on the Mississippi, and with regular
IIQ(*3 of steamers for Kansas and Council BluHs
Baggage- checked through to St. Louis, on Michigan Cen
tral and Southern Trains, and at the depot in Chicago
K. P. HOLLISTER, Chicago?
General Passenger Agent.
RICHARD P. MORGAN, Jb, Superintendent.
through Ticfceca to St. Louis, by this route.can be
obtained In I‘sttsbargh, ot Offices of Cleveland and Pitts*
burgh and Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroads. fsep27:6m
T Carpet* Less than Cost.
UL ÜBd.‘rKiio«a baTiog reduced the prices of their en
tire stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rug?, Mats, Matting
&n. r from 20 to 25 per cent, call the attention of persons in
want/f any articles In their line to Sfte following.
Their stock is ono of the Urgcit and Ust idtvicd in the
city, sn l consists in part of
Vi-lrel and Brusrels;
Tajwatry lirossels;
Aubusson BroaseJs;
] ciperial and Extra three ply Carpeta •
Tapestry Ingrain do; '
Superfinennd fine j O .
Twilled and plain Venetian do;
11*11 and Stair do;
Wool, Dutch and Hemp do;
Wool and Cotton Ingrain do;
(Ilf IM "l", 110 ,?, Sh al J M . » >*rga assortnunt of
Oil Cloth, from. 2to 24 feet in width. Teems cash 0?a.7
C. a HISADLY « CO.,*
No. 82 Third street.
I _Anthorlzed Capital, $300,000.
NSURh BUn.DINGS ami other property ognlnst tons or
damogß by lire, and the .perils of the Sea and Inland
Navigation and Transportation.
VFm. F. Jobncton, Body Patterson,
W. JPClmloiA, Kennedy T. friend,
D. M Long, y. Q r l er Sprout,
4. J. Jones, George R. White,
Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier,
i.mea 8. Negl.y, w. 8. llatcn,
NY ado Hampton, D, E.Park,
11. R. Coggshall.
non. WSI. if. JOHNSTON, President
KODY PATTERSON, Vice President
A. A- C.v&Rim, Secretary and Treasurer.
S. £. CAimreu, Assistant Secretary.
Bazin’s pr*» •
fiazln’s Premium Perfumery.'
A PRIZE MEDAL ut the Great Loudon Exhibition of
tbe Industry of all Nations, in 1851, and Seven High
est Premiums, awarded the subscriber in this country, hare
proved his preparations of a superior quality, and placed
Um among the best perfamors and soap makers of Europe
and America. His celebrated Shaving. Creams and Lns
traloM, Lb tine Pomades, Toilet Waters, and Perfumos tor
the Haudberchiel, (of t>o tanodes,) are unsurpassed by any
m the world. J J
All articles purchased at this establishment are warrant
ed of the finest quality. ,
With an addition of many new articles to his list, and
greatly increased lacilities formanufacturing,heisenabled
to furnish them to dealers In any quantity desired, and at
very liberal pace#.
Country Dealers, r-Kjuesttng it, can have a Price List
mailed to their address, free of postage.
(Successor to B. Roussel.)
No. 1H Chestnut street, below Fourth.
feb22:dawlra la Philadelphia.
To WholeiAle Grocers, Liquor Dealers
and Slaunfaottirerii
THE SUBSCRIBER la uow importing a superior quality
of Oi 1. 01 COGNAC, of which •?£ of an ounce with 60
gallons pure Spirit will produce afineOojrnae Brandy. His
and SCOTTISH WHISKY, aro acknowledged by the New
York manufacturers by the great demand after them. Di
rections fur utus will invariably bo given by
HI Malden Lane, New York.
I. s.—importer of Daguerreotype Chemicals, Platina,
Bismuth, Manganese; Thorn’s -Ext.Copaiva, Sulphate Am*
inOTiia f A«s. dec2Hstf
Kifectual itemedy for Worms.
THE bESkONa of experience arc tbo most reliable, and
U not too costly are Fought Biter by the practical. The
following is the voluntary of a worthy and welt
known physician, relative to his experience of the efficacy
during a practice of twenty-live years:
Grenada, Mias., May Sad, 1853.
Jttssrs. U. A. f'hhnvtocJi if Cb.
GoTtrsiEX:—l nm one of those individuals backward in
giving certificates, but in the preseut instance consider it
dun to humanity to ray that A have bean engaged la the
practice of medicine for twenty-five years, and have never
met with any remedy bo effectual for worms as your Ver
mifuge. In adults, even iu cases of Fever, I sometimes
;jfrrU to carry off calomel taken the previous night, and
often find bilious evacuations and worms lo follow I use
no other Vermifuge in my practice, and desire no better
Respectfully, W. M. HANKINS. M. D
Prepared and sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO- corner
First and Wopd streets. mhB*daw
OJJlct, 92 Fourth $L f above Wood 9
NOTE B, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans bn colla
tor alfl,. negotiated. 'Stocks bought and sold on com
mission. Land Warrants bought and sold.
. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sole of
Copper Stocks.
All communications attented to promptly. ian!9
Celebrated Epicnrnfftr Isanuf> t
STANDS PREEMINENT for flavoring fioups, Gravies.
Fisb, Meat» Game, Ac. We advise all g;o J housewiTcß
U> try it. Price 25 cents per bottle, at all Grocery and Fruit
Stores iu the Baited States and Canadas
For sole by M’OLURG andG. H- KEYSER, Pittsburgh.
jenlihdawly is 241 Market street, Philadelphia..
of those comfortable chairs on hand. Persons defiling
a seat that can be occupied for days without causing la*
Ugue, should call and see them. a
I. B. YOONQ i 00.
* 4 .v „ ' 'i *
r* . •*• •
Fever and ague cure
TJORrhe PreTention aud (Jura of IsmiKirrENr aud Rx-
JL •. MiTTfc'iT Firym.Fmfi fin-1 Ague, Cm in aud Fxvaa
r™* A . u V, r ' Ut:i£ ' riAL DJicrurr, Siam Sweats, andun otk3r
which hays a commou urigiu in Malaria cx
“Übtle atmorpheric poison which at certain
111 lobbied at every breath, la thasaibo
West-andwllT I *', 101 ®, 1 ' »*«*“ North, SonthpEast or
antidotl Which iI eP,-'' ‘ e l o yl w d V this
b®.. b »lio mate* discovery in
by tar
tote for on^disease others suit^n* * wIU not *»«**:
suit In tho hJ'OuinTn.“a’i Mls "toonratbeg^
other PoiMnousyrSlatiri™,,, “^, Mer ? o '7i Arseni*, and,
•amlttjd Irno this pmp’Saa™* P4rU<:lB M
The phjprietor dlslinctly claims Ihtpa PTfA»rv*n
max/rS; thB:usu ot “‘ “A Saii'S
It will entirely protect any resident or traveler even in
‘ b ?. tlckl 7 « swampy locality, f com *“
It mil instantly check the Agne In parsons who have ear.
feral for any length of time, from one day to twenty veaS
so thatthey need never have anoUirTchm, by contlnulnalli
usa according to directions. . * ‘t'
It will immediately.relieve; till tha diatrcsflug resulU of
Bilious.or Ague dtfieoaeij'such* *s’general debility, claht
sweat?, eto. The patiem at ouca begins toxecorer apprTito'
and strength, aud coutlnues uutil a permafßnit and radical'
cure is effected.
Finally, its banish Fever and igoe from families,
and all claase?. T'anaerg and oil laboring men, bv adopt*
,l p r ovenliro ‘ wHI be ***** from Agua or Bilious it*
s”ck!v?,n,1 t ii ai i on “ rtb “i« a r which,.while It is the most::
sickly, w the most valuable ono to them'.
rnav'remiillfe? olo63^ 11 * ansyr '’ rfor c-Tdlcsry csees: rose
Sid Sneni,h „™ -H 1 '® 11 ™* printed iD Gormnn. Prench
Übemt ? a a °L T . !iel ' tattlß ' Price One Dollars,
Aorars—Now York: C, V*. **• f«-
DYOTT 4 SONS—and for Solehy J*#* ?^S 7 : ’
dr, henderson;
c « ni w Q » ®trsTznjita, dh ins use op calomel. *
Hours from A. M. to 4P. M.-
LH)S, InfiammatioD, Acute or
Chronic Bhudnew with .Films, Iritis, Amaurosis aud -
cataract fccrofoiouß, Weeping or Watery Eyoi«, are amona: -
tbe diseases of the. oye which, are treated by Dr. H. vruh
perfect satisfaction. ... . . v
f'J'f"™ of f* 10 Lar treated upon Eclentillo principle!.
Artlbcial Eyes lnjerted without an operation. '
All lettora post-paid will reenro prompt attention.
«■ !' f Kt tJle ?• ! ?I mg rofcri! '>w« from among the thou-
WhlCh h ° ra b<!ca «>roe£Sfelly treated by Dr.
J* fryer, 826-8 Broadway, Albany. N Y
•Alfred Southwick, Printer, «* 7 ** *
|J. Goodfipeed, Glena Falls, N. Y.
*Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich.
•Mrs. A. M. L.. Wilson, New York City. N*. Y.
tUiss Maiy BeUows, N. E, Station, Duchess co- N. Y.
•Edward G. Solger, BristoV Conn;
•John Seamen, Engineer, N. T.
DavidLittle,Bugineer,N.Y. -
Wm. F. B-Gilea, oflee Courier and Eno.. I?. Y.
f James W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L. I. 1
Jarvii Rodgers, « «
A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Et Nicholas Hotel
R. M. temss, Organ Bulluer, Houston Bt.
R. B. Doolittle, M. Hudson, N. Y -
Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y.
Te “her Penmanship, Troy. N. Y.
R. L. Boss, Albany, N\ Y. ** •••
A. Dlllenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. .
Capt. B. IL Havilaiid, Athens, N. Y.
John W. Hackett, Blnghamptcn, N. Y;
*lle;e patients were blind, and had to baled to the office,
at pleuum tIFO tbey couli go atom the city
•these cases of Amanrosiswere restored to sight after
up ae incurable by the facnlty, end can be
referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facts In
these cases, by writing to them, d Jfns
DB. C. JI. JAOKSOH, Philadelphia, Pa,,
CAronfc or Ac rvous DebilUy, Diseases. qf the Kidneys, and
ali diseases arising from d disordered, Liter or Stomach ■
as Constipa
tion, Inward Piles, • .
Fuluess,or Blood to the
Head, Acidity of the S tom ach,
or..weight izr the-Stomach, Sow - ‘
r,r^ ac^* lons t S: £ Un2,or * lutt<^n S 8t •
■' or the Head,Hurried
and Difficult Lrec thing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choafc.
ingorSaffocatK-igSaaMUoa-Klißn in Ijing Posture, Dimnres
! n .iTXiP? "“t £ r tT 1 ? tight/FeVer and
w 1 Uoad, Deficiency of Perspiration,
yellowness of the akin and Eyes, Pain in the
Side, Baca, Cheat, Limbs, 4 c., Sudden
Hashes of Heatßarning la the
Hesh, Constant Imagln- J -
logs ofEvil, and great
Bcpresgion of ' -- —: —' -
The proprietor, in calling the attention of the public fo
thle preparation, does ro with a feeling of the utmost conk
dance in Us virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which
it is recommended. T “
, »•«* 111111 “Wed article, tot one that has stood
the test ° r a ton years’ trial before the American people,
end is reputation and sale Uunriyalled by any simiiarpre!
paratlona extant. The testimony in its favor given bydhe
most prominent and nell known Physicians and indiiidn
ais, in all parts of the country Is immense.' Referring any
tvho may doubt,to my ’• Memorabilia,"or Practical Receipt
Rook, for farmers and Families, to be had gratis, of all the
Agents for ihe German Ritters.
defphia,'lb! oißc<l onll Manuf “ t;r 7.120 Arch street, Phila-
b /n Dr - < l !0 - ?■ Kcjsar, 140 Wood street; B. A.
m re ft ’^ oc ‘’ i . Co ;’ T ‘ 10 ' 0 Wood street; Fleming Brothers,
dllMsulyis “ DiJ - P ' Flomingf Allegheny;
rheviatic Pins«-
Ibr the Soft, Ompleto and Speedy Care of Inflammatory,
Chronic, Hereditary and Mercurial Eheumatism, She u.
malic Gout, Lianhago, Sciatica, and other Discaea affecting
the Muscular System.
Rimminc Piias bare cilled Ibrth from all classes, was
ncTer voluntarily offered In favor of any other Modldne.
The cases of cure comprehend ,
Whether accompanied by. that.terrible sensibility of the
parts affected, common in the inflammatory phase—by the
muscular contractions which so often render the victim of
Chrome llheumatum a helpless cripple, or. by the-ever*
changing symptoms whichoro sometimes the characteristics
or this Protean complaint.
Unttice the “ Sacgrado” practice of bleeding and purjrina.
which some sapient medicos consider the Ifcritimatimo&a of
treating Rheumatism, these Pills sustain and cherish the
animal forces, invigorate the constitution, and thus act as
the allies of Nature in her efforts tocaat off the disease.
I heir medical action Is direct and specific. Itreacheatha
matencs moxibx or radix of the disorder* through all the
complications of nerves and fibres in which it Is entrenched,
and expels from the blood the febrile principle “which feeds!
cud spreads, aud intensifies, whilo it spreads the fatal ten
dencies of the malady.
Catulon—Bcware of Counterfeits 1 1
Be particular, and enquire for Rev; SAMUEL COVEI/9
BUEUMATIO PILLS, and see that the boxes have, on the
oTvo o rt Wrapp f r ' Ws signature, countersigned by, 0, D,
RING, General Agent, 192 Broadway, New Yorh, without
which none are o»ytn3g.
Sold by Dr. GKO. 11. KETBEIL Pittaburch: J P
FLKMIKG, Allegheny City. rtS&frffm
B Proclamation*
*™ rtue of a P rec «Pt under'tbo hands of William B.
aTClore, President of the Court of Common Pleas." in
and for the Filth Judicial District of Pennoylyaniarand
J ustice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and general jail
delircry, in and for said district, and William Bosga Lid
Gabriel Adams, Lsqs., Associate Judges of the same county -
in and for the county of Allegheny, dated the twenty-third
day of ieoruary, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-five, and to me directed, for ho d*
ing a Court of Oyer and Terminer and general Jail delivery
at the Court Uoure in the city of Pittsburgh, oh the fdtlrtii
Monday of March, at tea o’clocfe, \A.JI. Public notice la
hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner, and Con
stables of the county of Allegheny, that they be, then and
there, in their proper persons, with their rolls, records. In
quisitions, examinations and other remembrancer to do
those things which to their respective offices, in their be
hair, appears to be done—and also those that will prosecute
the prisoners that now are, or may the ja&cf said'
county of Allegheny, to be then and there to. prosecute •
aguiost them as shall be just. •
Qivon under my band, in Pittsburgh, this first day of
March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight bun
dred and fifty-five and of the Commonwealth- the aefratv
nintb. [mbsj WILLIAM MAQILL, Sheriff.
Hotel for Leaflet
RILEYS HOTEL, (formerly known as the Lmuttura
House)) Is offered for lease oa favorable terms. Heinz
situated on the corner of Fourth street and Grant, near to.
the Court llouse, and about midway been the JUononoahcla
Wharf and the Pennsylvania Dcpst, it is one of the most
pleasant, convenient und desirable locations in'tbe dty.
The Hotel will be fumUhed, if desired, and leased for a
term of years, commencing from the first of April next.
For further information apply to .
Office No, 143 Foorth BtL. Pittsburgh.
ft otice* ■ "■ '
All PERSONS having lioofc, sr Curtiilcates of Deposit
against tlio undmigued, ate requested to prosentths
same at our ottlce, for settlement; 1 w XM9
Pittsburgh, January Sith, 1855—HangS * SAEQi3i:: '-
ye A Card. 1
OWING “To a steady drain upon our funds and an anco.
mnlation of outside-pressure, together with'the «i
Ulty or
compelled to suspend our business * »
M oy *7?that bur ontir.ludaW-
J U f ,, y P. lld i 3B wa haya unquestionably a larga
K ““*» 4
I«?Tf«^ I JJIi^ s %L iierßtolore existing undertreaty le
Jr f f WORK * YOUNG,” Philadelphia; la
this day dissolved; Samuel Work, George Young and Wn.
«y^ c “* P ure hasing.the interest of Kramer A Bahrain
forao m i iSSonSa?” wiu be “ ntina ' “ WOBK *
January 23,1855.
£3"“ Depoaitqrs in our office, will please call anl receive
their bills and notes left with us for colie ’lion.
my2Q:y] E. RILEY, Proprietor.
A . A . Jl AS 0 N & C 0
i AN a in pbiqes.
I BpJLaiuLoiiMf the mostprofitable retail caih
10 Pittsburgh, A person with acash capital
ffiSfeSri®? 1 r , fia^zo 33 per cent, and no riak, in an old eg
tabllshed business, the sales of which, notwithstanding
*v* *jjmes, is increasing rapidly. To a business man with
the above capital or more, this is a chance seldom offered.
Address Box 322, Pittsburgh Post Office, with real name
and address. jan2l
BUT IKK—IO bbls prime roil received and for gate by
3*19 HENRY 2. CQLUN&
Ta.t. *
• •<