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'TC ' V Jt T'^>’,r, v 7'f j’»?v- ■«•».'. «;•■. - ■ • .‘i- - ~ ' i~> v -.?'• ';• f v-> i..‘;wx‘t--;N ,:■••• ? ■"f W‘V; pi-J-.P ' -1 • .. ,i -. .4. , •■ - :’u- -.'•'■•v-Tv.V ** #t- r •]; ■•. w / y ~‘ «‘V'J ** «• , 4 * *' f V. * ' f'-i- 1 • /i i' f • , • v ' n vr>V‘. ■ !;*•"■*' : r ' Wv ’ ll' -, ’’i ■' ifgP. * "' VS" *•'*, nr *ri-n **• ♦•> . \. - >'" A- • - r * » • -■ ,-‘»«fVv''-T-'-iv' '.Vof**- f c »' * : ' ■ ■ •••■*** ■'■ iv vr .'»■•'**' * ' J ,/v r/j o rs-;-'*-. y ' -.•-. . »-*-«. • I • *.i *»« '!«»' fH - T *• •- ►£• ? J ,J rrr-*.' • r ft *■ *. - - *.-vj- * ri rr* '•',* r *£ »- *%£.' ■*» v: *y <4 ?A> ‘'.r* „,, ';?V jt, -A ' V 5-5-TV^^ :jsr ! s '.t« ", ,- ~.- - ~;, *j>i{WfeS.' r4 i feL.'fc'S.Xfrv„« :~. <:»»*•<. • *iV>*,V‘ V- -* .V.T ?Kr *> • t* f i\v r * ~;\ •' • *-W uo,^' , «. ,i ■*• •*-. - x ■*•*■ '& «*_,-*. * b.r t 5 * 2 .1' •- ; • - • a “t V- v ■uV ; V. '~r ~v ■ -It«: -V*. , OR DAJLY ’MORNING POST. minted Gfl* tuny. Mcrrfiinp,lB unday excepted. py G)iyiuuk S BIOMTGOMERY. " wants orwoop iWD.nrrn fitting. £a* 3f J?it Af Five Dollars a - par, payable strictly in advance. Blx Dollars will invariably be required if not paid within the : > „ •-- AB~ Tingle ci)p«*e two- oiava—6>t -nla At the counter In tbs Office, unihy the J’ewsßoya.. """ “.. . ..,. TaE' SATtrSi3&T HORNING POST v ' from the iaino'office; on a lerge blanket, sise biet, at TWO DOLLAR 3 a year, in advance., Single copies WTSCMT3.. ; . ;••' • •• #o* No paper uffllbe discontinued unless at, the on oi the until all arrearages are nuVEAV£Ri ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 4 ‘ . OiHce, Noi'H4 Fourih ttreet> jathlyg) . -pgtaucßoa.-PA. ~ .. .. • JOHN; BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Oliice, corner Fljftti and'Grant ate*,' ja3;lyi] • Pittsburgh, pa. ' •* ~ it. Biddle Roberts, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, No. 1»2 Smithfleld street,. between Fifth and Sixth. Collections carefully attend* el to—spori.il attention given to-CogTcyaoring. [deeply Thomas Means, ATTORNEY: AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 •_ A TTOr.N£Y,AT LAW— Ko. 109 Fuurthstrwt, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth’'door below Mr.-Body Patterson's liyery Stable. ~jg2B C* Oriando.Loointß, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. Jyfcy - Thomaa M. Marshall, ATTORNEY AT iAW—OfficajLowrilPslluildingE, Fourth street. - jao7:ly H. il.Oarnahan, ATTORNRY AT LAW—Office ou Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. ■ ■ jeffiy N< M'Ciowry, A TTORNNY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office In L~3l Dr.UtwelPa on Grant street, je2 U. H. Union, ATTORNEY aT LAW—No, 127 Fourth street, above and near SmlLhfleld. mariffry Patrlckid’Rennai A L D'B RMAN ~ O F XlilitD ; W A R D OFFICE CORNER OF GRANT AND FIFTH STEKET3, tiotmerly occupied by Aldcrznuo Lewis,/ where all ba einoss pertaining-to the office or aiderman and Justice of the Peace-will be promptly nyenOed to. febl:3m • 4i..iiuoluua>ter, AlUermair. (\FFICK, Grant street, between Fourth st/and Diamond F alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est .-are -and Ivgal -accuracy.- Titles to Beal Estate ex amined, ' . , - • . ja&g LI. ii. Neal, Alderman, 0; 91 THIRD Street, between Woodund Market streets, IS Pittsburgh. Collections promptlymade. Bonis, Mort* g«(ie.B, and other writing? drawn ;• with neatness and acca yaty, • • ' • '•• ■ r je2My . U.AHIo dUKGKON DENTIST, (flue; SS&ittfaßgy cesser to :Q.W. Biddle,) XO. 144 SMITH* FI BLD STREET. 4 »L.I i .Lj.v ' 45* Office boars,from 8 to 1 o’clock, and ica 2 ti: T oV-U-ek ,feblfi:ly . .I..SCOTT. DENTIST, Fourth street, five doors , ■• of Jlartet. . Omcs Hours From nine A. 81. to fire P. 51.‘ :ii • f dec2o:y BUSINESS CARDS. w. ui;ostj:< THIN subscribers hav® thifl day formed a partnership for the purpose of currying on Commiaion and Foriaxrxl iry, in conueclion with thu FUh, Cacon omi Oil, and Pro duce business generally, under the style of ExoidSU & Rica Airoaoa; warehouse No. llfi Water and 150 Front streets; l&rmerly occupied by Burbridge A Inghram. WM. B. ENGLISH, JAMES RICHARDSON, JAS. J. BENNETT. Pittsburgh. February Ist, 18»4:feb3 FR. DRAVO, Diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa., dealer D • Country Produce, offers for sale a choice stock o Groceries, selected for family use. Spices of every variety and the parent quality, ground at his Steam Mills. Also. Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken tn ex} change for -Merchandize. F. R. D. baa procured a full assortment of Landreth’s WarrantedGnrcNn Seeds, and invites His attention of all in* terer-ted ia rural affairs. ' jaull ..Oopartncrshipt,' • THE UNDERSIGNED hare this day entered Into co-part* r »rsbip. under tho name and style of J. A. HUTCHI SON A CO., for the purpose of irnnacting a Commission and Grocery badness. JAS. A. HUTCHISON, A. M. WALLINGFORD. Pittsburgh; Febraary 1,1354 ' febo w’fcMiiliwi. ’J. aiCHaUDSyM.' "7 i. UENiatl ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCU ANTS, axp Wnolesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and oil, and Produce generally. Warehouse formerly occupied by Burbridge A lagUram, No. 116 Water and 150 First street, Pittsburgh, Penan. fe3 JSAtfCIS HELLSKS, JOICi KIOOLS, - CXXHU OVfXNS, Pittsburgh. Maryland. Pittsburgh. Sellers, Nlcols A Co., PRODUCE ato GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N 0.339 Liberty ntr-ct, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sperm, Linseed and Lari Oils. jy2B Commission House* fiIHE subscribers have opened a house for the above pur* JL pose, at No. 17 rmithfield street, four doors abovo the Monongaheln Ilousa. Wo will purcliase, or reoelTe,'on commission, for sale, cousiidments of Flour, Bacon* Cheese, Corn, Oats,. Barley, Flax Sted. Grass Seed, BxUd upon which .we will make adVaneea, or purchase at tho best market rates for cash. noc6 ALGEO k. CO. • JaM.ni’Langlilln, '™ Dealer in groceries, pruduoe, flour, BAcoNj Ac., No. 10, corner Smithfleld and First .streets, Pitts* burgh. Pa. . dotO JOHN u. f'>trwa.....i...Tno-?. n. TObAO roosa - Young A& Co, ' ' Ni. 3a FmithMdslrcet, oppositedUj Hotel, MASU 'A rUUUKS OF CABIA-BT FUIINITDRK AND Qj. URS.nI every deacriptlon; Materials and work manship warranted,^and sold at reduced prices. Care taken In packing tor Inpd and water carriage. wn3l C. D. Wood, . IMPORTER JUJD WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES • AN*r‘L!vUuRS, No. 147 North Second street, fifth door &OOT3 Race, east side, Philadelphia, has on hand the best. qoaEtie® ol old Brandies, Wines. Irish Whisky, Mononga* heia Whisky, Holiond Gin, Cordials,. Ac', on- terms worthy tho attention of purchasers and dealers. T'", fauSOy... Honey H’CoUgugU A.Co«, , WHOLEdALR UROOERS and Commission MercbanU, •QttrpgT of P«*nn vnd rrwio y*.v»-p»tfoborgh- Jivlklr . . Win. Dlgby ( Jr.* AND FURNISHING STORE, Wasonio Hell, itrttl, Pittsburgh. —Clothing asde' to onler, in good style, and nt TOOd«rgr» su9:tf 11. &r A. C. DuacaU) WtJ ,E 3£ LI3 OIt OCKRS/and Dealers in Produce For aT-1 w nes liquors, Oil Monoagahelaand Recti fisa Whlsty. No. Ml liberty aL , t > ituburs S, p a . f j y2 9 7 ‘touiil SADDLE, HARNESS, VAUSE ini CARPET BAG mßuufiS J 2 3 turer - “»• M 6 TV ooa street, Pittsburgh, Fa. - Jonn H. Plellor —” 'TTTT3OLE3A.LB AND RETAIL DEaSer r>x wnurnAT W INSTRDMRNT3, Pianos, Stationery, No. 122 Wood street! KaMl ®“k» and jjanl A.J.OAQAIT.. .... p>VT»T »>t 1 HmU-A'AUIT TTrHOtESALB end Retail Dv jtb Id SOkt Fhn^u vy §&•*>**’ aIoDS: *«» apt4 VOLUME XIII. M, JOHX3TON. i Elcelilor Carriage Factory* JCUNBTON, BROTHER A Co„ PRACTICAL COACH MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmontstreets, Alle gheny 'city, Pa., hare on hand and are manufacturing an extensive .assortment of Carriages, Rock&ways, Buggies, baggage Cars, Ac., made in all their various styles, with strict regard to durability, and beauty of finish, using in all their work the best *Juhlata iron and eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable term*. They feel sonfiJf)nt that all Who may favor then* with their age, will be pertectly satisfied on trial of their wore. The .Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every fif* teen minutes during'the day. ' " ’ ' oct£s:ly ' ■ PiTTjjßpUGtt COACH FAC I’ORAV It. 81Q1L0W.... MARTIX L. ALIIIE- Tt Bigelow &. Co„ ' SUCCESSORS TO E.M; BIGELOW,* No. 48 r&mg&v* Diamond Wood street. Pitta./OraWa&jS*’- ourgh—COACHES, CARRIAGES, rON&BUGGIES, and every built-to order. ani.finished in a manner un surpassed for beauty of design,.elegance of finhih, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials. AH work warranted nov9 Joseph flehing; : C ; 18UCCK880B to I*» WILCOX * CO.?~ OHNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND keeps constantly onhand a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, MedicineChesls, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to bis business. Physicians’ Proscriptions carefully compounded at hours; jqd)y ious rmuse. cocheak rixauno. FLEMING BROTHERS, (Successors to J. Kidd A Co.) ‘WHOLESALE DEUGGIBTS, Ho. SO Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pky, peach Brandy, Ac. Also, Rectifying Distiller, corner of Smithfield and Front a tree La, Pittsburgh. epr!3 »JNO. E. DOWNING, CLOTHIER,“S» HAS removed to 294 LIBERTY street, opposite Garrison alley, and No. 3 SEVENTH, near Smithfield, where the his friends and the public Lh invited to the stotfk of READY-MADE GOODS always od band. Also, Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings for ordered work. A full assortment of Furnishing Goods for gentlemen, Including Hats of all qualities, Trunks, Umbrellas, Ac., Ac. jt>Sg ' roan arctosssT oonßsuua m cwskxt. Wholesale and Retail Clothing Merchants, NO. 88 WOOD STREET. THE subscribers respectfully Inform their old customers and the public in general, that they hare this day as- Bodarett themselves in the above buaut-ss, under the firm ot JOHN M'CLOSKEY A CO. They respectfully solicit a ■mare ot public patronage. The previous basmees of each will be settled by them selves respectively. few U LAIRD, (late of the firm of Cootki A Luxo,) harloK • opened STORE NO. 0, (two doors above the old stand,) for the purpose of carrying on the CLOTHING BUSINESS, hopes by strict attention to bnsiness to merit a •hare ot the patronage of the Uto firm. N. L.—Clothing made to order in the most fashionable *tTles» and on tho shortest notice—inferior to none in the mrv, ; jan26:y James Holllngcr, MONONGAHELA PLANING MlLL—Would respectfully inform his friends and the puoils, that his new estab lishment is now In full ana that he is preparwl to furnish Boat Cabinn, and till all n VV;ines anil Rrntidy, Tirn b**« and ofiV-rn for pale, at CYn annan nr>^, t H .jußntltT A Zimmer man'p ?runc»*-Mxt Dry and La dl^a’< u>.v* t<«, v, i J)r c. a« may desireto proeow an oicellon' *r;k-ir ■ ( Vn»lvt- Win*. fih* pure jul»e of tli® ___ , Frr.pe.i will ftn J t;n■ ih<* for the pratifl -8« fil’tiiDley, 1 rxtfr.n or th>M!-ei»>t>«Tv-p. T><»- Catawba Brands’.dMlll»»dfmta HOUSE, SION, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND ) * l v.j.yp.l hv raanv .-Xi'eUent judge*, _ ‘ Dealer In Faint#—No. 44 fct. Clair stnrrt, IMtebureb. ' n Zn't'rr lo t*. be.«t i ::!»'ort«*d Oenao. LITHOGRAPHERS— Third street, opposite th* Post-office, Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Bill iletuis, Show Pills, Lcibel.«, Architectural and Machin* Drawing!, Burines! and Yimting Card*, etc., Engraved or Drown on Stone, Printed m Colors, Gold, Bronze, or Block, in the most approved style, and. at fp* most rrasonabla prices. oct!s:ly PITTSBURGR, PA. Bos constantly on hand all kinds cl Points, cither dry cr piaed, Japan and Copal Vorniah. Linseed Oil, Boiled Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glcrs or all sizes, Putty, Paint Brushes, &ca all of the best quality, and for sale at reasona ble prices. wpii ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SEIUiaAIU W. T. MCDONALD, M. A., PaLicii*AL. THE next session of the Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 6th of September next, at the room cor ner of Forry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the Messrs. Veeder. References—U on. A- W. Loomis, 0. Knap, Jr., B. F. Von onhorst, K. Miller, jt. auiriA JACOB RDCOLLISTEIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DIUAH SI AN UFAOTURER ~ AND DIALER lit Alt KINDS OF Tobacco, Snnffi and Clears, No. 26 Fifth It., Pittsburgh, Fa, Jt&* Keeps constantly on band a large supply of ail the Various brands of Imparted Cigars. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED CIGARS, my2:ly No. 63 Market street, Pittbopboii. POWER & HIKHDOH, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS.— Ornamental Patterns for Casting, in every style; Modeling, Designing, Ac. Composition Ornaments for the decoration of Steamboats, Buildings, Ac.; 90 BMITHFIELD Street, near the Post Office. yl:3m NEW PAPER MILL,. CANTON, OSJO. FISHER, ANDERSON A CO., hare jnstetarted their pa* per mill at the above place, where they will be happy to receive orders for printing and wrapping paper of all Bi»ea- feb27:t 1 E. WIHTEHOUBE, Fancy bilk and woolen dyer and cleaner, No. 7 ISABELLA Bt., near the Emmet Hotel, marl' AmaiiirtT. Thomas M. Little, ATCH AND CIXKJK MAKER—Fifth street, between 'f¥ Wood and Market opposite Iron City Hotel. All Kinds of Jewelry made and repaired. [ap&:ly B. CUTU8K8Tv......... „ .b. L. QUtWIXET. S. CITHBERT A SON, EEAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENTS, No. 50 itreet. norl Card* HLEE, (euocisson *o Moarm a Lx*,) WOOL DEAL • ER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, for the sale of American Woolen Goods, No. 139 Liberty street. {my4 L. E. Hayward, • DEALER in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS and LEGHORN and BRAID HATS, corner of Market dnd Liberty sts., No. 174 Pittsburgh, Pia. 1 t ;el4:y PEKIN TEA STORE. * BY A. JAYNES, No: 88 Fif&i strut, between Wood and Market, south tide 83F Sold Wholesale and Retail. ja3:y? i ' Wiltm r. nmlMl]. ~ TMPOKTER *cd .Dealer in French and American Paper TTtntrlECT ra , Ta JOHN HIITCHELI., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. . No. 136 Wood 'Street. ]a3:vfl Welt door to H. Child’, Shoe Houae, Pittsburgh. J. ABXI_~.. Notice. JOS. FLEMING haring associated with JOS. ABEL, the. business will hereafter bo conducted nnder the style of J. ABEL A CO., at the old stand, comer of gmlthflsld and Fourth. streets. . jat:y : William Thorn, Draggle t, HAS REMOVED to the cornor of HAND and PENN Streets, where bewlll.es usual, attend promptly to his numerous friends. All ortidesln hiallne are warranted pure, and put np with the' ntmoat care, ‘ mar!4:6m New Jersey Water Melons sad Peaches. imHB eubseiiber D In dally: receipt tor Railroad, of the 11 .'finest quality of PEACHES and WATER ?|!ELONR, (MathisDepot,No.mWood" aJlp \ Igwrl I .* • » -fOw |f> I wksw&y HL/. ; .VfiKjjr ya£yp/ PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT *6,00 PER ANNUM, OR *6,00 WHEN. PAID STRICTLY IN. ADVANCE. BUSINESS CARDS. .D. T. JOHNHTOX. Ken oval. HEKSON & CRISWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, SchovbmtD A Uaunleiu, JOSEPH CHAPMAN, Vfc’-'C :e * ~ * - 1 : »> f * V ..J& Mf. ■’fc ' » 4* '-li BUSINESS CARDS. -- X. MAQEB enterprise; works. 80. 136 ffOCP STBttT, T -BO DOOB Dllow V2BOIH Aim. bo ivy a rsrzsrr. - - IMPORTERS and monafacturers ol SURGICAL AND.DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES, 4 Ac. We - * • keep a general assortment of the above articles constantly on hand; together with & general variety of Fancy Hardware. Also, Guns, Pis tols ana Revolvers, Flasks, Horn Shot Belts, Caps, Powder, Lead and Bullets; Bowie, Dirt; Hunting and rocket Knives; Tailors and Hair Dressers’ Shears; Pocket Scissors, Ac.— Also, Trusses and' Supporters. . Jobbing and repairing neatly executed. RIFLKSI—W«nre making Rifles of every description, to order, of the bent material, and workmanship warranted.— Orders received for tbem.at Whol.sale or Retail, will be fill ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prices. ; • myl r> Ctiaiacleltere and Gas Fixturei. THE flubpcriUysare now opening at their new Wareroom- NO. 100 FIRST STREET, between Wood and Smith field, the largest assortment of CHANDELIERS, BRACK ETS, PENDANTS, and all articles connected wit Q as Fitting, ever Offered in this market. Having arrangements made by which they will ba constantly in receipt of .new patterns and varieties, they confidently invite tlie attention of pur chasers to their' selection.'We iya determined to Sell es low ns any house iniheWept/ftmFbcing practical Gea Fit ters, can offer peculiar advantages to thoso desiring articles in thin line. We continue** heretofore to fit njrbuildlngfl of everyde* scription for gas. water aurl steam. Braes Castings of all kinds made to order promptly. • LONG, MILLER & CO., ciar22:y No. 109 First street GEORGE ULETCUER, FROM NEW YORE, 4 ✓"V —-v. M A N UF A CTUHER of the celebrated Aj a \ Gov-uicjiir Ventilating Wig, .Elastic | Rand Toupees, and every description. 1 of Oroamental Hnir, for Ladies and U Gentlemen, 79 -FOURTH STREET, y* humveo Wood aud Market, Pitts- BLrrcnxß's system otniblea Ladles f &n,i Gentlemen to measure Lbeirheads : Mf with accuracy. i=~»r FOR WIGS. N<». 1. The rouo 1 of th- He#d. No. 2 t ‘ri)in.tli*3 foreland htjt the head to neck, No. 2. No. ” t-rsm car tu «* Lop of th;* hun-l onl)’—a paper pattern, the exact nhejv bald part. fmy4 New Ooecli Hint CarrlngQ Factory T JOHNSTON, BROTHERS A CO., Corner of Rebecca and Tblmont streets, AUsgKaiy City, WOULD rcupoctfull) inform their friends aml the public'generally, that they have •gEjfeSC/Ep' eotiravuci-d the manufacture ofCarriages, Si/. —Barouches. Kockuwayn, Bugg}o«,Sleighs nn-s; Tctii a Tetof; Sofa* - Divac. t ; Ccutr- Tab!^', Wach SUitula; Ceiil do;' V“‘.er do; Traya, Ac., Ac. Material and wor!;;aat;r.Mp anil prl-ea £&ti*» r. B. TOUNU A CO, . p ?xn s, hr>U s‘ , opposite Clt? Hotel. -JAM** CKJ3WKLL. ILVLV'S STOCKING MANUFACTORY, Ao 20 Fifth s'rrtt, f.r.t ,v,r7ci-'M'C Market strut, PiTr.-nUßti'i, pa TSTIfUKE WTI.T, ft tni'l anl bn«t assorted T 7 Mocl; f .r UO-fTKI'.V ofT-cM f-r fn!i* f:i this city, v It! tin! I* • s ti,« r tn cilll at thl* f.*. tiihtishmcnt and rajuatsiu f.nM rr-- .-tAi!!v inform tbv\r fr^n'ls am! Ih-1.ut.!,,, Kn ,m-.'"v, IUI tt.c l>.n; i„ tbrlr * '<•*• fTK’\. <-■ a-l- ■i,-.- ,-f r iIII'KTS of even Ila-cr4.11,,,.. fri.tn V. 11.4..C.1 Hr,..-.-a!,;, m Ihe atm Don I t',:rln. Damp ar.-l K„ .• l :,c r'f! O'o-!,. „„ lo <*.«lit yur !a LD HUNTING IiSrABUiHHRNT. fUt- John | rtr.ii A yio. «r,a IW.ft and HUtfonerT V ar>*h h-«\ i- ! to «3t*:uf® f.**rv st-vlo ■ f Cnmni-iri*). H>,.j >-‘-:,uiV at .JoS Prin*ir? «nd B^k llin'linp. an 1 fu; ui-b Hr?lcl- tc '.h<- Bt»uk Book. Pap- r a:ul SJjitioß'-rr lva*.\ :.t !'m- i,Lt.cto.«t anJ on the most J-rrr.s BlsTik B'M \ and Stirionery Warehon-*. Printing Office r.nd IVx k Hin.ls-rv, rf Market and Srron.l n:a Kuim’i A ClArk'i Pianiio iirr-r h : N’JVNP * rLA It^g^SSSgJj—, by «itWn!)fi- Tit' v b;iv.. K~n mi boi, and r.r»* for -w*>KneM and power of tono. Tb* > > all poi-m-..* t.h- m»w improvement of two crparat* th- b:i.‘.*< N'riii/s ruriuini» ovur and above lb'* treUp. Tli**y urv fully xvarr.ir.irA to rtar.d ftnv climate and to excel in capacity for -landinK In tune. Prirrarange from $ll5O to *3OO. Alro.a fln«-lot of Pianos from the njanu f»u-torl«- of DUNH AM & Ca, ao-i alno LTOriTK. NEWTON’ & BRADBURY. N.Y. All tho nlw'vu will positively be told at Factory p/foea, without ndditfonul charge for freight, risk, eta., etc. HENRY KLKHER, Sole Agent for Nunns 4 Clark’* rianos, No. 101 Third street, jefl S!;rn of the Onlden Harp. Hill’s Almnu&cß for 1855 JOHN 11. MELLOR, 81 Wood Pittsburgh, will publish on the 16th A-uguri. IBM. the well known series of Almauac* (for IK<>M calculated by Sanford C. Hill. K«q., aud for many yuar* publfahwl hv Mr. Luke Loomis, of thin city, under the name of *• Loomis’ Almanac?.” The series will onnsist of— HILL’S PITTSBURGH ALMANAC, HILL’S MAGAZINE ALMANAC, HILL'S AMERICAN FARMERS’ ALMANAC. It is only necessary to say, that tho religious, moral and useful character of Mr. Uill’a Almutiaea will bo maintained in tho above fortes. for 1855. and others are hereby cautioned against Infringing on the copyright of the above Almanacs. Th*»y will h« for sale lit all the Bookstores, by the gross or dozen, aDd by iU JOHN n. MET.T.OU, 81 Word street. A New Arrival of Pianos. CHATl LOTTE PLUME, No. 118 Wood P treo\ is Juct re eelvini: the following new Piano Fortes, with and with* out the iEollan attachment: Oue elegant carved Louis XXT stylo Grand Action 7 oo* tave Piano. One extra carved Serpentine, pearl keys, 7 octave Flano. Two full carved, semi grand, 7 octavo Pianos. Two plain Rosewood 6% M “ One do do “ “ Three do do 8 41 u Two doable round corner Rosewood G% octave Pianos, ~ One round corner flntehed bonk and front 7 octave Plano. A further arrival la expected in about two weeks. fnu29 JOnN A. O’BRIEN, 67 SMITIIFEELD STREET,between Fourth and Diamond alley. Money loaned on Gold and Bilver Plate. Diamonds, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Guns and Pistols, Feather Beds. Fur niture, and all kinds of articles—for auy length oi time agreed on. Charges for storage considerably lower than heretofore. Private entrance through the hall door. All business transactions strictly confidential. AST* Forfeited pledges sold Immediately after being out of date, unless redeemed. Bargains of Gold and Silver Watch* es, Jewelry, Ac., always on tisnd. aprlOiGm OFFERS for sale CANARY BIRDS of the ncstimproved breed, being very hardy, and fine singers. Bird Seeds —Canary, Hemp, Millet,Rone and mixed Seed.' Bouquets will bn furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS, vis: Camel!os, Rose Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. Evergreens (in pots) for Chriutmas Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 49 Fifth pt n near Wood. dec2o .J.TUUJtKa, THE subscriber havimr the exclusive right to manufac ture and sell SWEENEY’S HOT A.TR AND SMOKE CONSUMTNQ FURNACE, is prepared to receive order®, and contract for heating buildings with the most economical Furnace now in use. The attention of those Interested is solicited. Anv intdrnißtion can be IlsJ of 'A. BRADLEY, Noo. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J.'IiARN DOLLAR, dec24:tf | Iron City Stove Warehouse. Noi 134 Wood st.~ BARR A MOSER, A RCHFTEOTft;—officaa: Philo HalUNo. 75 Third street, J\ Pittsburgh; and east side ortho Wamondj AHegheny,: jyl2rfra f AEQE wAlistft iiflog'DiSka-Finistca ofiSloVar.. JU joom. [decl2] • T. B. YOTOO & 00. V * «'>.*? - /.•-* *»*•.*. r" .o ■ Vy-V - • ' PITTSBURGH. THURSO AY. MARCH 15, 1855- NTI C E VV. •». Haven D KICrCETHE.V, No. 137 Liberty street. Lonu OfUcc. NEW SEED STOREt JAMES WARDROP, Consume tJxe Smoke, ,v; , ; , 1 ’ •*; *• «> j*» v*u V- <•♦«!'»'-i , '• .*♦ ** * * ; ' •• . * BUSINESS CARDS. THE late firm of JONES 4 QUItiG. having been dissolved by the dvath of Jo;.n F. Quigf, on the 27th last., the buslnfifa of Raid finn will be netlmd by the underelghed, at their office, corner of Koaa and Fir>t Ftreole. . ■ ISAAC JUfftiS, Surviving Partner. Tittsburgb r .Septeiaber 30, • liaao Joa'ei, - MANUFACTURER of Spring aad. ftough Blab eteel, steel Plough Wlngp, Coach and Ellptlc Springs, Brass Nut Taper, half.pattnt, Screw, Mall and Hammered lino Ailea,—corner briUus aniTlrat streets. Pittsburgh, Pa, * * 1 * 6Ct2:iy — •■ivi-**? 1 * ■ 13110 —......8. EOdER£. D. B. Uogers A Co., ' Manufacturers of ttoiiUjw'patent improved steel . Cultivator teeth. Ofitoa cotter Rosa and Ftrststrests, oct2ly *.«• hpectaclM* . IN THE MOST valuable trittmph.i of science and art,'the iaventlon of tipecturlcs rankF- vrith thr highest Tho oxpcrl-nced OpUufih overcomes dfaa'tur*, and coDiersiupon the lnosfimable advan tage of retaining the noblest of his" senses. Yefgraat Injury Is constantly rejuliing *o thousands from iguorai.ee on the part of venders, orof those who’venture to choose forthem selves. Tnere ere many requisites attending the selection : of GloKSes. : ’fhe purLy of fluUh'of theg a-Rs; It? proper con* - vexlty; the best form end adjustment of tho frame, en.ni to preserve thd paraUellsm eye for distant vision or foy near vls.pn, to throw the pwae ofcaeh glass at right angles to the axis of vision foreyo j to'btlrg the b£- net centre of each glass the pupil; to have the position of th» glasscs.perivet, both horizontally and yeriical.y, At., Ac. ' From long experience In fitting glasses, united with a perfijet knowledge of the structure of the eye, we;can: promise scientific accuracy, and thus: aid tau-h in tho pre* Eervation of the eye. ' Silver and Stool Spectacle?, carefully selected of the- qaaUcics, for sale. Also, giawces fitt«l, Ao. . : r. • • W. W. i’racticul Optician, ftpO « 67 Matket street, corner»f Fo«-rth; SBWlao a. Rub. jubccs b. uoujoat tllil & Holliday, PRODUCE, FOSW AttDiNG ANo OuMMISSION MER CHANTS,- JEoanmUs, la -rStrict attention paid to ail confngcmeutt. for a&ie of Flour,' Produce, Ac. Orders for the purchase of Produce noHcitedaud promptly attended to. Qoodsfor re-fhipment forwarded with despatch. . J. 5. J, c, BUCaD. JONES & BUCHER. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, IXnruylKtrita EaHroad,ftKt of Third sL, Harritlmrff. Fd. HAVING increased our Machinery, which Is now of tha most improved order, and haviog added many fadli* Uoafor dispatching work, we are new manufacturing Flthi Class STEAM KSGI.VES. ; FOR FURNACES AND ROLLING MILLS, ’ Blowing Cyllndero, Bailors, Furnace, EolUnw, SAW AND GRIST .MILL M ACHINERY A CASTINGS, Gaeand WatarHpes, Hydrant?,ltotorta. Lamp Poata, Hitch lug I’osts, Columns, Girdem, Shafting, Hangers, Brackets, Cellar Grate*, BathingTubfsSpoute, Railing, Verandahs and Ornamental Castings. We pay-particular attention to the manufacture and con struction nfOaFt Iron '* Front* for House* and Storeo. Having aaextoufiire oEHortmeotof beauiilul Curved.Pat tore* of the most approved architectural order, our great facilities for manufacturing andsklpping enable us to com pete with our dtlea. Parties erecting Fornaona or Rolling Mills, Mill Owners and Mlll-Wrigbtfl, will find It much to their advantage to call and examine onr extensive stock of Pattern* before ■building. ; moy AjVD BRA S 3 CASTINGS, Of every descripiloa; Smith Work, Pattern Making, Far nacq and Forge Tuyeres, furnlched to order. [myl2:y China liall, ' Market street, between third and fourth —ldo crates of QUEEN’SWAbK, of. his Fail importa tion, now receiving, to which wejnvito the attention of Hu* country and city trade. H.wlbg rome dozen different pat tern? of Tea Ware, we feel confident cf suiting oil taMe.-i; amen* which may bo found wklie iron swno, gold baud, gold acroll, blue, pick, plum purple, brown and green. Al so, a handsome greon eDrig and while Imitation stone, which can be aubl much helow the real atom, ware. COMMON WARE.—Our stock of Common Tew, Plate*. Dishes, Bakers, Nappies, Bawls, Pitchers, and every article m the line, la largo, and selected far tfcfe city and <*ouutrv trade. . ' 1 GLAih WAKE —H*Tlng a large and wall selected stock of OLa«s on band, wo win sell fet/actory prices, the merahan; the trouble of mfcklug a operate till. All we ask is a call, and wo feel confident »rf pteaging pg P° . ■ JOHN J. O’LEARY. . Boot* axut fihotti WUalcualo and ii-ctAii* 4AMEd .ILQBB, ~ 69 Market, anil 0 Uuiol* r trvat, third door from the i.l un, would call attention G f his ood th«pui>Uogeoondiv, ; thKt ho imf now on t ?r”A, ltl ’ 3 l4T *’’ 6t W* b*st..6ffacted stock ofJJOOTS AND FUOL*, In all their varieties, worn by J«Uh*ann£'|«}titiem-u cf Phil ..iphla, New York nud Bsnon, ». d which.ho tnutK cxnn«> .ail to plwise ail. v His price* are very .much reduced, oD'l he Dell* Undlca’ G«itcra at from u> j - ioO.U3- also continue* to msaufa'-ture, b.i h-rwtrfarp ail de wrlpUuns of LAM S 3 GUNTi EMEN’rf Board AND fcUoEB, or tho b»*at quality anu tho iatust style, all of which Le warraufa Nor should .be ovrrlooßed his very largo aa- Mjrimont ol Quia Bimdaia, OVerthoea and ii ota, for Ladie?. Gcntii-men and CLLdien,;. Every person who favor* him with thwlr patronasa gRI be fairly dealt with. jan9 New Paper ilwngiriga, J, no. t>s Wood btucet. JINE FRENCH AND AMKiUCAN PARLOR FABERS • . Panel Decoration*, in gold, oak and marble; Hail Paper*, of various ftylo-i; Hif'd and Plain Papers, for uiulngroctns and chambers; Cheap und low prioed Wall Papers, Borders, CeUing-, Figures, Window Shades. A large and complete aaaortmvnt of the abovo, ealected for lb* ffwtson, wUI ba «>l4 at Hui u.mal low-prices. 0013 W'ALTEit P. M A itSHALL. K. oiurr ...D. t j' u\js* Graff, Ueliiagsr A Oral?, FuU.Nuil., Nu. vVcou «-tr*eL—Slsnu- T T Ucturers of Cooking Btov-t*, Coal and Stovc.s PfcX*or SUfTeft. \\ wc, Pisia and Faucy Urates, Biota .ml F.doj lmj.il, s,a ifnd Dog Tron., Portibl. #orra. Sugar 1i.U1c.% Tru UcttlM, SIOTo Jirisios, UoiM “■ ■*'■ auU ’ vVut. ti. Talcotl 4 Co, iBCOCUsOKfI IO t. JU.IAXhf, JH., eoxl MANUFACrUKEItd OFGU.T AND MAHOGANY LOOK ING OLAsati*, Bortriit auJ Bbrlurn t r nines, «tr and dn*<«r- in Impvried aod DumeMlc Fancy Uot"dM. No. G9*cc'. per of and Fourth Pimburgh. octiilw' HAVING sold tay IntervStta the firm of T. KENN EDI’ JIL, a C‘J.. to WilUnm U. Talcon, who, with A G* Ueury, will continue the Lookin-i Glass and Variety Uess at the old stand, corner of Wood cud Fourth sueets. undnr tho Slyly of Wu U. TalcoU a Co. i c<-atla«ntly rci commend Uicm to my former eustomcra, u everv wav qualified to , KJtSISI.MGIdK A GKifW MANUFAOIUHISKB QP COAL AND WOOD COOKING STOVES, Perlor and" Heating. Storee, Orate front# Fendere, Wagou Doses So., Acs. Warehouse No. 12i wnnr! Street, ahoVe Firth, IMttaharith, Pa. ]’^ u STOCK IN U Fibluttv" NO. 24 FIFTH STREET, ’ Sign of THE OLD STAND. \.l/ ILLIAM DALY lias rcturae-J from the Manufnetur. ; V¥ lngUtmlery Districts of Europe, where he haTpHr ehased, for cash, a very intensive and well assorted stock of the beet descriptions only of Stockings, Socks Undershirts. Drawers, OloTes; also, outs style of Children's and Mlm3 fancy Stockings, togetberwitb his domestic stock of pitta. Iburgh .Manufacture. Hosiery. He will jell by wholesale or retell at New York Importers' priceiu 3 e=s!a or WILLIAM DALY A 00 Ecmember the ploce—No. U, Sign or THE OLD STAND thy 23 Spring Stylo flats. S 3 - WE WOU lit)I INVITE- cur ftlenda and the publlo .• generally, to call and ekamlna onr new and beautiful : °c®ecyle of Corrog«ted-Haia, wblch. we araaalUnd low .for Oija. ADo. ottr Celestial Can, which’ U aeknOwlfdoad to he thenaatcitand beet Cap of the «..»£ ““OWiedgan feh!7 J. WILSON a SON, SI Wood at. ■ ■ ’• • - •• •*> f' • • ** ♦ * v T ; -r ■■,. • ~ - : <>%*' • a co.a. i ‘H ’ •• PHILADELPHIA, GEORGE J. HENKEL’B 01 T Y o Afl I N.E T WARE HO US E , Ao. 113 CHESTNUT STREET, (Opposiin IttDipxammcx Hall.) __ Philadelphia; _ FHEtUIUKE, IH EVERT STYLE! Comprising ImnisXlV, Louis XV, Eliiabelhsn and Antique, tT, Sculpture Curving ana modern stylo; ■ In Rosewood, Walnut,Mahogany,Satinwood and Haplo; an of superior construction, and finished in tho beat style, equal to,if notoxceUlnglnqual. . lty, the Goods of any "Establish* E’ en,ov,,.e meat in the United States. MPLOYIXG none bat experienced woykmen,:(appren ticaa being positively excluded,land using the bestma'- tenals, the work cannot fair to (five satisfaction to pur ehf 3 the many advantages Offered to pur chasers, is the facility of Furnishing a House, either in ele* gautor plain style, completely from one establishment; bv which means all the articles in each room correspond in stylejmd quality, and tho Immense atock always ca hand, being no Various In design, enables purchasers to please t^‘ r taste in a seleetujn,. without the delay necessarily caused fn ordering Furniture.' J J bu Idea of the flnishod Furniture on hand. I need onlyiDtorxujoathatmy ftooms are,l7sieeUoog, bys7le©t •wide, four noors in numbor; with Shops contiguous, aba* eiunt to employ .200 hands, whldh Is* guarantee that-the m F ©wulmmediato inspection. s3*The backing is ail done in the Store, and Furniture T¥\?, ««76afeiy any distance. VLdterb to Phila aelpbia are respectfullyinvited, as purchasers or otherwise, ,to call and examine the Goods. aa2s:iy’ ST. LOUIS. " • JOSEPU MOGHIDGE, AN® FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. S 3 puey B tnisr, prompt i v P€rSODJ 4 liberal aiwnwi will be fn^fcajSf 00 Consignments or* Bills or Lading, Orders of Lead, Grain, Hemp.ahd other Pr *rS promptly filled at thelowest market prices. Theiteceivfog and Forwarding of Merchandise and.Pro* auce wiU meet with eroecialcare and diapatfit; the lowest rates of Freight will olwayahe procarea, and tho expanse or Enrage and Drayage os much-aa posalble' avoided.* - __ ~ &xrnxsofii: P*SeAßa?on, Bt, Louis; Ellis ft Morton, • * Cincinnati; Oharless,Blow-A Go,>. do; Strader ft Gorman*, do: Chooteau ft Valle, do; Hosea ft Fraier, do; * Sf’’ Springer ft Whiteman, do; J.W.Bntierftßro.pFittsbh; 8.0. GooodmanftCo« ds; D.Le«hftOo, do; E.ft€.YarnallftCo.^Fhilada; Wm.HoUnepftCo., do; Morgan, J.M.Bdcfcft Morgan: 5 Io "t£ arch ’ New York. B. B.Comegye* ; *&&. Frost ft Forrest, do; Shields* Miller, do; Charles A. ildgs,. do; Josiah Leo 4 Co., Baltimore A. G.Farwellft Co,,Boston; Abraham JJ Cole, ' do; Howard, Bon ft Co., do-; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville; «n A m ,•,,««« H.D.Newcombftßro., do: T.O.Twiehellft Merchants. New Orleans ®3£J fcave an open Policy of Insurance, which will cotct all shipments to my address..when, advised by letter per mail,or when endorsed cn bulsof lading befbre.or atthe time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRIDGE, aa Z q - *. 8t» Louis. Missouri. _ JVTI WATER CUHE ISSTWB'PE. HAND Sj.KKET,(gQUTH SIDE.) BKT. PENN STREET ANOTHKRIVEB, PITTSBURGH, PJU ' OCTOII BAELZ. Graduate and Practittaicr in tire Old schools ol Medicine, Allopathic and Hoocepathie, and 1° wi?'i:?? t ™n 3 Ef? r ’.t a ‘ 1 'S wr ? 1 Hv 3SS iS Veraaiiiea tTWiißhlp, Alle s hroy county, Pennsylvania,lying biciof M known a*; the: Whitwwk Flats, iui £ sight of the proposed SUtlon on tha CoanailsrillQ itailroad. ImprovaruenUfts follovrs: a! square LOG HOUSE, ISO by 50 r /» WO v 6tc ' ries &ud square LOG BAItN, «k> by oi> n *' r i a Sood order;) two fine young OKCII- Alton, (beat grafted fruit,; just commenced to bear. TiuTC la ninety t» on« hundred acres cleared and in a hlch of culavatioa, and tho balance is well ret with Umber of tho first order. This Land is well calculated for a stock ir aria, i-«lni» Very level, and tho soil of an excellent quality for grass-growing .and bring well watered wi-h twelve or fourteen never-failing springs of excellent watw. ha* frailties rarely met with, being halt a mile o. the ioughlcsbenj and one mile of ilouooKahca. and almost on the lips of the CdnneUsrilie itailroudfand l a euppoitti to contain tm incxhausUble bed of IKON oRE. Tide Laud would not no in the market.only that tfieowcsr Li about to remove to the “Far West/* Terms easy, and V. rit ; , ?..“ l : d^ rato - or ’ particulars, inquire cf w. J ithi.tOLDb, at LorcnTa GUss Works, or of _ James c. EicnEr, — uu - Heal Estate Agfvm, at this office. T Valuable Property for Sale. ui GitUUNL, upon which are erected four BrJca Hud two Frame Buildings, which rent annually Ivr $OW>. bald property Is situated In the gNinth Ward of tue cl-y of Pittsburgh, on Penn street, between *o-j ntreats. Mw, the factory and Ground known as the **Empire W^ k8 ’.^ tuated 1,0 Penn and MorrUstroets Also, a acitw of unimproved land, situated on the Alie gbeuy river, one mil. from East Liberty. On a portion ot this laod there Is the best Saw Mill location In the county. Also, a number of lota containing from 1 to 6 acres of choice land, situated one mile nortn>w«t of East LIL-srtv. and one uiile east of Lawrencevil)#. 1 Tfaeabove named pieces of proparly are Vary derirable. and will be disposed of on advantageous terms to early pur* onagers. * Tor lernu cf oais ar-i further Information apply to Wm P. iiaom, ho. Wood street, Pittsburgh. R. C. THOMPSON, anl J.t* Assignee for Jaa. B. Nvgley. J Bny Wood Nuracry and Gardens. AAIKn KHNNHDYJIato Manager ef the well-known Sy raciuo Noserieß, Now York,) ntg S leave to inform the SSoo!• that he has now ostabUahcd an gXTKNSIVK SUK dhRY, on the Farm of Mr. James B. Negley, near Kaal Lfb, Bhanbeprepare!,after tie/th S eeiveeud All orjere for every variety of Fruit and Ornamen iVi U “ r i J, , auJ Q , r " n House Shrnbaand PUnte. In addition to a ohoiceand superior etockon hand, ho has mode arrengemente with one of tha largest Naraeriea in the Feat, te keep up hteaupply. Having a thorough and longexpe! Si”thrt-ac i fio^” b “ am " M ’ h “ OF LAND, with 250 acres of C-cal attached, and all tho improvements thereon in success* Tui operation. • raid Farm is situated on the Moncagahela nvor, W miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplied with & ; .b arm Bara, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad.and an excellent harbor. * • • The vein of Coal is five feet thick, and cannot bo surpassed In qucaity. For further particulars apply to . .„ 4 , NICHOLSON A PAYNE, No. Liberty street. ” Ti*re« Houses ana L.oia fur Sale. \\r ™ -’ :,i sale, TUBER HOUSES AND V f LOr&. Lug Brick House,Htuatcd Oh Ferry, between Fourth and Liberty streets; Lot: 20 leot front by 79 feet oacs. * on 9 0t Souse?,- cc Logan street, Sixth Ward. One Hcure fronting oa Logsu the other on Carpenter’s alley; LU 24 feet by 100. Also, thb j-und 1 now crimpy, on tho corner of Ferry and £ he le ire oaejcarfromlst of April, I&js. wUL the Furnltaro. Bedding. Ac. The House at pres cut is doing a good business, and i? pleasantly located, ior terxaj anu further particulars enquire of ‘ n , ALEX. CUPPLBS. au-Ltr corpor of Ferry and Water streets. 'i'O Let, r|Miu PROPERTY eituated curner of Webster and Fulton A Btreew, from aad alter the Ist of April next. This is an ehgibn? situation for a large Roar ling Uouse or a Tavern fetapiL It euniaius cqb arge Brick House,fronting on FuK ton street; two Frame House?, fronting on Crawford" streat. end Stable, frootiLg on Webster street. At a'rery staullex eune the back building? cuu be converted into sta bling capub.e of stalling twefre horstSi For terms apply to , AUSTIN LOOMIS, -J** 02 Fourth street. HOUCKS, OFriCES, TO LET.—A Dwell leg House cn_ Third street, oppesito the Gazette Bu idings rcut J 225; a Uou«e, corner of Wylie and lewseud street; N-... 131 Thud Bt.eet, a Dwelling House; aiidatore ivoom—rent, J. 251; a-laiga Three d:ory B ick, oa f.cs ctreet, at the head i f Fifth street—s3oo; OOffi es in Splaue’a Buildiog, Filth street; a large liaU on Fourth Bitvet; u ia ge hto.e Room ou • Pourtu itreet; a large Score Room, on Third street. n«*xt to the Dispatch cffico. Apply to 8- CUTHBERT, 140 Third st. yALUA RLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, Adjoining the Borough of Maochester—THlßTY BUILDING LOTS, e&ch »4 front by 100 feet deep, and fronting on Market Street 0j feet In width, are offered for sale quite low, and on reasonable term* of payment This property is part of the esure of the late J«mes Adams, Esq., and the title is per fect and beyond dipputo. Apply to co * 9 - JAMES BLAKPXT. 1 WILL SELL my unexplred lease (fourteen yearn) of a Lot, situate on O’Hara atreut and Spring alley, In the —* ofl laming on O’Hara streeuand runnina back 100 ft. on Spring alley, on which in erected a four Clouse, 40 it square, with a frame, two stories, CO ft. cn Spring alley, well calculated to carry on any branch of manuracturlngbusiaesa. Being encased in man nfKctarinaln the country, I offer the abore for ealo. In quire et No. .2» Liberty etreot. °° lB:tf ‘ EDWARD FABER. E«r„y. alual,le Property For Sale. 7 IVE HANDSOME BUILDING LOTS, situate on Centre iATenue, peirFulton street, and within ten minutes* woih of the Post Office, for terms, inquiro of HOON A SARGENT, m ? l7 • corner of Wood and Fifth *ta. For Sale or tteut, A WELL FINISHED TrtO STORY BHICE DWELLING , l\. on Third street, between tmithfield and Gram streets. A lw„ to J. W. BUTLER, 97 front street. To Lei. A GOOD DRY CELLAR, under the Neptune Engine House, on Seventh street, suitable for storing molasses or produce. Inquire 9f JOHN H. STEWART, 267 Liberty streets . Steamboat Transportation Required by the Imilnu Department* OJTIOB CS 5E* SOfI IffniAH Af7AI2S,V B:. Louia, Mo, February 20,1856. j SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until noon of tha TENTH DAY CF APRIL, 1865, for trans porunj, by Btvamboat, irem Rt. Louis to the Tracing Po«ts on rue Upper iiissouii riv«r, between Fort Plane and Fort Uoicn; say from SO & 4t> tons uf Annuity Goods, Proviso ioue. Ammunition, •*e.,to be delivered to the indlan'Agont for tho Upper Mbs. .uri Agenoy, at such-points on the river, and in sucti quamidee as ha may direct; the boat to stop at auy points of delivery for suub number of days, not ex ceeding five, OB said agent may require to enable him to dis tribute •■aid Good*, 4a, to the Indiane. The same proposals to cover also the transportation of say 100 tons of Goods, Provisions, so., m >re or loos, from 8t» Louis to Fort Union Separate proposals will bo received for transportine also the last mentioned lot of Goods, Provisions. AcT f.om Fort Union, by steamboat, S>el-boat, or other eafo water convev ance, to fort Benton. * Proposals forth, latter transportation shouldstata the Uau Of boat prt posed to be need, and also embrace a prop* Mtion spool,.nog the per diem Compensation to be prld lo m.e tee undersigned ebould requl e tee boat to remain at f; iSenwn a «umd.*t time .0 enable bio to oxeeute hh duties as Commission®-, to negotiate with the Indian tribes to te oatemblca tnete. The extractors wUI g '? r “j' h r '« of <*«*(>, the transportation for tho under signed a.-d bis nsasunts, wh- will acepmpany the goods .nasubistencefor teem whilst on board the steaofbSat aad in case the beat be detained by his orders, ut Fort Ben ton, Ute subsistence end trans onatiunon their return. ° The steamboat will be required to be la te.dinese te re- Sht Bt i'H i^'u * l ‘T 11181Qlh 0< May, 18a5. No boat wiU be accepted upon which insurance* cannot be readily obtained The.Ubt win t. re™??, ote £ to conelder the bids, and tee right also to r, jeet any b«u! not considered by the timers lgo«i suffl iently staun. h, spwny, and adapted to' the proposed fee lory 1 any and all I its, if deemed unaatl* '.Th-proposals will each bo endorsed—" Proposals for Transpprtl g Indian uoods, Provisions, Ac., up the ifiSoS l'i?K rt, an i J t lu l l *‘" ra: “ T”' hundred pounds, fl>» whbhthe bidders will amirant to perform tee Krrfcevend must beaccompanlod by a guaranty that tho blddmwßl enter Into contract, and giro- euffldent secutify forth, fenn.uoo thereof, la caw uieir bids shah be cOMMcd A- CDIIMCiO,SuphUtAg^, NUMBER 149 For Sale* » p '*■' rt . ' 11 ATES’-O FA D y EII Ti 91JT O ' issssD trpotr st tub Ptfrksvjßaa prise- ess urns aoupAmni, oa taji Oeb square, ona lmsrtion ....... M • , "• “ fadialJJUonallzrartlou.......jj " CDS ...r,. >. - 1 J _ “ “ tWO WCStS „„ gj,» : " tlKfifl .4 CO Hatwy Voung, Johnny Lyon, i Mr. M Laughliu.- A steamer, it io said, wilt be - ; forthwith despatched after the vessel ia which .- Baker hae sought to escape. .Later iu the day, we had a report that the murderer wob "at Penh" 1 Amboy, and that the Governor had been tele graphed for a: requisition upon the Governor of New Jersey. ; • The following comments of the Journal of Commerce upon the Poole excitement in- ffcw York appears to ub just and proper: “ Tho mortal remains of ■*. liill Poole,’ a victim - i to tho. lata, brntal affray at Stanwix Hall, were interred yesterday afternoon in Greenwood cent-i ~ etery; and tho evciit wat madQjhe occasion of a ' tremendous jphblio demonstration,- that could r -'i hardly have been viewed by good citizens with ; other, emotions than those of mortification; pain, and apprehension. To onr mind, tho epectaclef was darkly portehtolis, not only'as'foreahadbw ing tho subversion of Sabbath inßtitutione. but ! evils it wonid bo unwise to-predict. It formed . one of the series of rapidly occurring circum stances, serving to indioate the existence of deep " feelings of sectarian animosity among' large classes. The street-preaching excitement, tho Gavazziriots, the attacks on civic.and religions ■ processions, and existing reiigio-poUtioo organ!* :.' cations, aro manifestations of the same charac ter.” ' - - ■ -- ■- i Tho Commercial jlrfcfTtijer gays of Poole: : ; •* Ho was only known by big personal vices—, as a fighter, as a saloon keeper, as the eesoci&ta of men who frequented lawless coteries and gambling houses. Wo repeat that be had no other public character. How then could this ' display he a popular endoroemont Of anything -, but bis personal obaracter f At all events, con- , ceding for a moment that tbo-demon.etration was ‘ called forth by his exoiamnn on that he • died a trae'Ac e ioan, and> only regretted fhat be had- f been kilted by a set ct irialj,’ do his life and > death constitute a worthy example'ld set before , our children ? t Are wc to forget a whole life of : anti American rowdyism and lawlessness, in’the '■ petulent expression of dissatisfaction at the re sult of his career?. Do we wish to teach our ■ children that a true American may set the laws at dt fiance, be a hired fighter for political por- ’ ties, the paid corruptorof our primary meetings?- ’ the associate of drunkards, rowdies; gamblers ; and pugilists, sad finally die by the baud ofgna . of his associates, aud yet if ho but utter the * shiboleth of a popular sentiment on his death- 5 bed, he shall and ought more honbred : ln : s’ bis death than the virtuous American citizen ■> whose whole-life has-boety a 6teady contribution to the cause of private and public morality, and therefore, to the improvement of the Cdthihon- ' wealth? ' And yet snch in troth is'the doctrine'"' inculcated by the ovation yesterday.” - ~ A Faitiifcl Gip.l —-A'esse of woman’s devo- ' tioh has recently been brought to our knowledge which certainly etjnalsanything wet have ever t met with ;in .the, realms; of romance. The; cir cnmstancea occurred ir .tiirbity, and are per fectly well authenticated. While the small pox was raging here a few weeks ago. a young man employed in - a store on Lake street was seized with the disease.-. It. was, of: course, .improper - for him to remain there, and the people with ; whom he lived, who-were distant-relatives-of his* refused to permit him to stay in thelrh'oose. Tho result was, thathe:wah taken to; the pest - bouse. . . .. -■ c . It so happened that he was engaged lerhe mar ried to a most estimable and amiable young lady, , No sooner did sbehear of his condition than she determined at once that Bhe would nurse him. She underwent vaccination;-and then went , where they had taken hßr .fcrotrothed- to the . pest-house. Here she' fonnd :him, alone, siefc - wretohed, deserted by all- the world. And here she remained, like a ministering angel, ■ waiting besido his bed' of pain, soothing his distresses and attending tohis wants. He died. But how consoling mu6t -have ' been his last mo ments; - Though all the world had forsaken him, she; whom he loved better than Bli the world, remained" faithful to the last. Her hand, it was that smoothed his pillows; her eyes still beamed up on him with mournful but unabated affection:': into her;ear he.pourcd hia last-words’ of love, of sorrow, and of hopos that in this’world mlzht never be fulfilled. : • ' #u ‘ It recalled to our mind, when we heard it, the words that Bnlwer puts in the month tfoaeof his characters To he watched ,nnd teqdtd. bythe one we love, who would 'riot walk hlled and barefoot over the world.”—CAicayo Triiun*. March 6. : " '- 1 ; ‘ ; v": 1 Mail Steamebb.—By the- time the Collins; contract is up, they will hare received, inde> t pendent or the money advanced to buna me. chips, nearly eight millions of dollars. That’ amount of money, properly managed, would have built forty strong-war-steamers,' of sixteen- 1 hundred tons each, fully. eqninped,- any me of i whioh would bo more eervioeat.le than the-best of the Collins steamers; and the' whole amount' appropriated to steamers calculated to'carry of the Collins steamers; and the whole: amount appropriated: for steamers; calculated. to carry- | U onn«n2 l ? ba d strong steamer*, mounting in all seven hundred andfifty guns, ■ W n h a o », Wo “ d giT ® ; States the largest and strongest steam navy afloat. Instead 8 of that,, the government, alter paving out that arga amount, hate the privilegVat the end of' innnTfi °- B^'J h ? 6ln S »lot of rotten bulks, none of them fit for any thing but firewood.-' New can’t mt^Lifn 88 *° n 6 ‘ n ? £!£? a °? *?» twTdiag public to Ji* SrtMM S of-tHc *oS® »nS3&ofe *x • •ft** l •••'=• wot.acoyKELLY. ctoct ol »req® ior eor i jx MWiugi r the approved an.j TnJiuble ?arioties,ljre*dip fag alatxlbuUott nt the 'Secd.apd'lmpicmfcat WanbooMp f tao&j, . . .TAM»-».^r?npnp>7 lbT»iif»< b/ " J ‘ um &uxa, uaxb * buks ez. MARCH 15.