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F*y C r f r , Jx' T.*l f f V. fc * t «'■ “. 4 -»■ * * V >£; >x7Vj V- H*” m t-.*, x*.U•:r^,-*i yx vx‘ v **f f * "c — *?.’*** t ***. *; ‘V -'/- -■* \i i,-- V- V>l /Sab vA; ;-:• •: /•' ■ /•■t/ ?/y- •' i I >-* •' A':aSb''|. ’sryvtV'A?’7-,-;A-» '•? .*•> •*,• , ..,' ,vy*-- §■ : :'7.‘v.%‘?' -■;•■ a• b e<4?f4 i'SISSA~/f>''J;vS'; t - n «'.S .V v > -C s'-w-* r »jfj /‘A-, •■; M. ; ...-7’i v w.v^SvS-.Jlj r l^ S-C\.B : - ■*.. t -,;.. ■>: „•• -i; \. i,- .--V't.-A V* i ■ //■• -, 1 .-^TS -'• f ! ,; ''Arrfr(-'.i>Q:..^.-..■c.A.j'r,! -vr---'; ?=.-.■ ij Vi'^-iC^cT*. 7 ;/'7'^'V • .•“'*♦• »r .-• ";■ •: v ya, -a '. f .-.: ,v.' -■ c.c;'7,.,y,,'' J ";.. :f /., ■/'•/; :-'.V '&y\ ■K i *-‘ t <; r^l -r<.j v: ;; a'.v'" c ' f ! -■ r ; . ,■■ ; A •" -J ' v ; * k '.. * • i ■v- ' * ' • *’ *• *« ’ t-v'- •■'>**£»'.-V.-V -r V * s t \ r J v ' ’i-t i.-V ' ' • . •; : - <\ V\.> r. •. <*- r r.-• ■ \ "■«’ *•-• - ."'.j-j,' r v-*iv'V ••I*’,.- - > 1 ..lilt . . V. ~ - ‘; ’r:V,-VS v V v 1 ry~. W • ■«... -1 *., r •: :• | ' -'VV - .'H ;;Xr 'V 'r'.r V > •.' - -!■ v\M* L'/ r , ; = V •> 4 . -> .r- v '■...• -' ■■■*' ■ V * »**?s J.t ’ r ./ ' **ri..v«r •z.'iT:*': £■:*—«„•:: > : •■~ "• -\~ l ?'-’ 1 •**lit-*L? t - '• K t ‘ V* * la y ]'J' :£■*•* ' """■; " - ' ■ •■'■ .■ ■■■ . 'X, 'i*'* *• -i .1 I I I II ■ 11l 1 1111 in i iffTi miTTii ffIOTWHMHMIIMtiH-iiiiiß UT waVTa"! iSilbgrii Itofifitt'a; 2Z£r ofnatlonal honor;' That outrage inducement for her to yield to tho ohfcnm nro! is not only-.unatoned, but the Spanish f'ov- poeed to be made, ■ b® P , crnment has deliberately sanctioned the aets , H^; ro ia anothor point in regard to thocftsoof .. '.5?, subordinates, and assumed iho respons the B!aelt Warrior, alluded to iu your e.bi tty attaching to them. 2 10 S L 'i* f, %®if'?%tßbUii.'ll«je»ty , a'MiaBter"'of Nothing could more impressively teach us roreign Relations, on the 2‘Jib of August last, tho danger to which those peaceful relations “F&R w hiph-jthe(President directs mo to express it lias ever been tho policy of the United . » States to cherish with foreign nations are 1 , , ou l~ the government propose to constantly exposed than the circumstances settle thtr esse of the Blaok Warrior, he'would of that case—situated as Spain and tho D °j conDl ° l;r the removal of General Pezuela, United States are, the latter having for- ® other Spanish officers;who acted in.that borno to resort to extreme measures. pres.tiiung an insinoible obstacle in the But this course cannot, with due regard S * Bt r /' Whe \ ho . . j- .. * . , , AC b aiu reeled mo to conmiunicate with you on the nnh. l ! r Z IS A!r “ n:l - Jcot. in march last, he assumed that the Spanish tiOD. Cuntiouo. And our recommendations government would feel it to bo duo to tho United now submitted are dictated by the firm be- States, as well as to Spain, to manifest its dis hef that the cession of Cuba, to; the United pleasure towards its Cuban officials as Boon as it ptntos,with stipulations as beneficialto Spain should .become aware of their groBS misconduct as th.'as suggested, is the only effectual inode in ihst case. ot settling all paßt difforenoeß, and of aecur- This reasonable expootation was clearly cx. ingrtho two countries against future colliss pressed to you in tho despatch of the 17th o( ions. ' March lost, but ho did not indicate'in if We have already witnessed the happy re suits for both countries which followed a similar arrangement in regard to Florida. Yours, very respectfully. (Signed) James Been a.van: : John'Y. Mason. Pierbe Soule, . • Department or State. •> Washington, November 13, 1854. / . Era: The communication of tho 18th ultimo the views of yourself, Mr. Buohanan and Mr. Mason upon our ombarassing relations with Spain, has been received and submitted to the President. He has given to that document • the deliberate consideration due alike to the im- the Bubject therein disoussed and to the experience, wisdom and ability of those whose opinion and suggestions it contains. When he first entered upon the duties of his present station, he found our intercourse with •' • Spam much disturbed by the conduct of the Span . lsh authoritiea at Cuba. . ; It .has been his anxious desire and tho object : of bis-strenuous efforts to preserve peace and restore cordial good-will between that oonntry -and the United States. The sonroo of our past difficulties with Spaio, and of our apprehensions of future danger, is clearly disclosed in tho a ■ of yourself and associates. The moa- Sores therein presented—the purchase of Co . - ba—is probably the only one which would with certainty plaoB:tho relations of tbo two : g\ l “ ltric3 oo the safe basis of enduring friend . ;4 ■ *hBe the island of Caba remains a dependen cy, of Spain, and tho character of her rule over I; it is not changed, (and a change for tho better Can hardly be anticipated,}, annoyanocs to our fr“de and difficulties between our citizens and • the local authorities will bs of frequent occur rence: and it is soarcely reasonable to expect ■ -that a peace thus rendered precarious will re taain long unbroken. Conceiving that tho trans feror Cuba to the United States on tho honorable conditions you havo been inetructed' to offer would be as important to her aB to them, it was hoped that you would find her CathoUe Majes ty s government disposed to reoeivo and discuss a proposition for that purpose. The President desires you to keep this important object of your mission in viow, and to enter open negotia tions in relation to it whenever a favorable op portunity occurs. ' .. dl ‘ a n “ ‘“cgcr. I believe, a secret in Spain that the United States wish to obtain tho cession, f", t “‘L t I- J ,O “ ha ™ aQ thority to treat on tbo sub jeot The knowledge of these faots will bo like y> *° e “°£ opinions in regard to that measure, not only from tho ministers of her Catholic Ma -8? Te ““ 9n! - but from other influential ‘“ db » la ‘bo nation. Tho Cortes will soon assemble, and that snbjcot will undoubtedly be dißOiissed by the members of that body in their social circles, if it docs not become a uubjeot of publio deliberation. By a freo and fri- ndlyun terconrse among official and influential men von will be enabled to determine the proper course “, b .1 pnnraedmKgard 10 °P enin g a negotiation for tho acquisition of Cuba. Bhonld you find porsonß of position or iDfiu enca disposed to oonverse on tho subject the .. considerations in favor of a cession are so many and so strong, that.those who can bo brought to listen would very likely become converts to the measure. Bat should yon have reason to be . Ueve that the men in power are averse to enter taining sneh a proposition—that tho offer of a would ba offensive to the national pride of Spain and that it would find no favor in nny consider able class of the people—then it will fce but too evident that the time for opening or attempting to open saoh a negotiation has not arrived h appears to the President that nothing coal'd be gamed and something might bo lost by an at tempt to push on a negotiation against general resistance. Th„ view of the case is taken on - the supposition that you shall become convinced that a proposition for the cession of Caba would certainly bo rejected. language of some part of the report jnight, perhaps, bo so construed as to sustain the inference that yon and yonr associates in the conference were of tho opinion that the pro position should bo made, though there should ; u C ia a ? C ® 0f ltß bcin S entertuined, and that it should be accompanied with tho declaration wJ s ' 8 “ lfioa . nt suggestion that the United States u e if mm a d t 0 haVe tho island > Bnd w «uld ora In 11 b / 0 . her meana if their poosent ndvan- ZyLfT tßßeoaa t 0 Spain > be refused by bnt °' h . er P arla of the report repel thißin fw 'i, remark in that document that if fed Stat« n . d >, rcfueo * hes o Proposals of the Uni nnth/t* x , h . Cn lhß < l ueBlion will arise, What “ agbt to . be “>e course of the American govern ment under saoh circumstances V clearly show that it was not intended by yourself and ooi toaJnf?ntotr C T mend t 0 tho Pres ‘ de nt to offer to Spain the alteraanve tf cession or seizure ™" : '“S'on that the members of the oonfo- Smt. 1™ a , gamet r eaoh an ulternative proposi tion s also drawn from tho the following P p a 9 , “After WO shall hays offered Bpain a prieo v r ,? u , ba fa s beyond its present value, and P this shall have been refused, it will then be time to consider the question, Does Cuba, in the nn session ,of Spain seriously endanger our £ D”pn? P * aM “ th ° cx:Bten ° 6 of our cherished • he £ residont conours in this view of the sub jeot. But to conclude that on the rejection of a proposiuon to cede, seiiure should ensuo, would be to assume that se?f-preeeryation necessitates tha t a ß q “ ,B,t i! 0a ° f f Cnba by the DDitod States; that Spain has refused, and will persist in refu smg, our reclamations for injuries and wrones inflicted, and'that she will make no arranoo raon?/« oar -| fOt s r - Seonrity ®B a 'nst the recur. renoo of similarlnjurios and wrongs. -‘A 0 ,. £rSt oonB i d cration, I will only re -Btatofl wnnM e l , aCqDlßition of Guba by the United ftarif amt if bo pre-eminently advantageous in ite|ir, and of the highest importance as a pre cautionary measure of seourity. Howeyor much we might regret the want of success in our of ° bta A ‘be cession of it, that failure would not, without a material ohange in the oon dition.of tba island, inyolye imminent peril ?o b “ our goyeramenr But sh " u d thecontingenoy suggested in your report ever arise, there is no reason to doubt that P the caso will be jromptly met by the deliberate judgment and dec,s.ye action of the American people In relation to outrages and injuries, this sat TZIVr e ° oi *”**•.*> comp Lain oMhe course hitherto pursued by Spain, and should id res C oTtinl^ Pera ‘° ted in ' U wonld be justified in resorting to ooerciyo means to obtain redress but the aspect of this branch of the anbient l!«!’ howorer, lately somewhat changed cabinet of Spain has indicated a moro fayo able disposition in regard to demands „ lavoraDle and indemnity than that which preceded ifl re °° Dt ° f sion te ( settle all existing claims,snob asnTwAx' lsta between the United States and Great Brhnm because some of these claims are of .■ uch a chir’ aoter as self respect would not permit us to sub mil to’arbitrament in any form. 0 Sub Bat as to the most aggravated a B well as the mostTeeent case of outrage and injury thnt „r the Blaok Warrior, the door to adjustment can hardly be considered as closed. Although the late Spanish Minister of Foreign Relations re jected our demands in that case, the present minister has distinctly indicated a willingness to recede from the position of his predeoossor. He whSelf m f ° r our,iews iB writing upon the reply t ?’’?," 11 had made to car demands, that “toSSSS*. with an assurance frly with that request thi fl t!,» rar6faflal t 0 °. om ' be in a aituation to mamtafn tbft'sofif °“ ld - a ? t in denying ail satisfaction in tb« P pe -? 1B . ts Blaok Warrior. “ ln the “so of the President e opinion as to the expediency of’n^ 0 senting to the Spanish government hie ,?™' contained in my despatch to yon of the 22d June last, in answer to that reply remain„ Sle nr ti 068 “ 0t ‘O M- thatZ knowledge of thoße views can, in any wav in jurionsly affeouho negotiation for the cession of Cuba, buf, on that case will: show to Spain the difficulties she w{U be exposed toby continuing to tnaintaln the , present state W'fj.''rW-'i. ,-\v *: V-. iij P. - „,»• /r \ v ?• ;•*■>*■ » •I-', *, J ,i MB. MARCY’S REPLY. • <*. ■ :/Ki' :•' ■’ • -NV' ■ . N,<: P. artl ” ul t r mttnn ' r >“ which that displeasure should bo manifested. In your note to thn frn,;V liDi “!, er e° f ForeieQ RoI «ions present lng the demand of your government for eatiafao her ’r^hnho 6 M® d ? partioQlur in whioh her Catholic Majesty onght to exhibit her dis p'caBu*e ' Qwa , rda those offending officers-viz: their dismissal from office. As this would be a most emphatic manner of manifesting her dis pleasure at their oonduot, this government would have been well satished to have had it adoptod. But the President does not wish yon to assume the position tbn\ the case oannot now be adjust ed in a manner satisfactory to the United States if by a ohango of circumstances that precise modo cannot be literally adopted. There are other conceivable modes of punish ing the official persons who participated in that outrage besides removal from office, whioh the government of the Uoited Statee might honora bly accept, if a full satisfaction for the outrage and ample indemnity for injarieß and losses were made. The dismissal of the implicated officials at Havana wonld have been a very aD prcipriate manner of manifesting the displeasure of their government at their misconduct, and would fully meet the President's expectation in this respeot : bnt oircnmslnnces may have so changed that a strict compliance with the de mand for this particular punishment has now become impossible. In that ease, another man ner of treating theso wrong doers by the govern ment of Spam appropriately selected may be satisfactory to ihe United States 3 The Minister of Foreign Relations having, in apparent good faith, officially declared that Pe zuels the captain general, and Argulles, the from d !he!r°V b -°i CaBt °“ 8 ' wer ® not removed from their official positions at Havana for the purpose of evading or defeating any pari of oar demand for redress the fact of Uieir having been already removed, ought not. therefore, in the opinion of the President, to be regarded as presenting an insurmountable obstacle to the of * he « ls ® of the Black Warrior. Bhould there bo others still in offieo who par ticipated in the outrage in that case, it is ex peoted they will bo dismissed for that cause l a ,°ii- eat ? Cat ° ll ', bc bnt a sli e h ‘ punishment for their offence, and have a salutary influence it is hoped, upon their successors * The removal of General Pezneln and Argulles on tho assumption that it was not made with a view to embarrass ibe settlement of that ease docs not deprive the Spanish government of the ability to manifest its displeasure towards them for tho part they took in that aggravated wrong. Should the government of Spain recede from the grounds taken in Mr. Calderon's note to yoo “ f thc J‘ h of ® la 7.l»st, disapprove of tho con- T at Ha ' , ““ a iD “>» case of the Black Bernor, disavow their acts, show in an appropriate manner its displeasure towards them on that account, and offer full indemnity for the oases and injuries which onr citizens sustained in that affair, you will entertain theso propositions, and eignify the willingness of your government to adjust the case on such terms In that event you will be furnished with proper in structions lo bring it to a close. r r The claimants for compensation for damages for the arrest nod detention of the Blaok War nor, nre numerous, and somo of their demands are not properly maintained by proof. As Bpain has not coosemed lo indemnify them, they have not yet gone to the expense of preparing their respective claims for presentation. 8 It is expected that Spain will stop at the ad Jnstment of the case of the Black Warrior Our from “ liDy ° thcr cUi “ 8 ' orienting from tho condoct of her officials at Cuba which an justice and honor she is also bound lo adjust These must be pressed upon the attention of her government, and they will nlso be prepared for presentation ns soon ns they can be afier it is known that Spain is willmg to adjust them If the cession of the Island of Cuba has to bo hopelessly abandoned for ,ho present, another very important matter will come np for oonside ranou. The United States have asked and will most pertinaciously insist open somo security against the future misconduct of the Spanish authorities of Cuba. Looking to the past, the ledee i a i b C q een ° f th ‘ 9 dcmand must be acknow ledgedby Spain. A compliance with it is but an act of justice lo the United States, and of pro dent precaution to herself \ een°e^ n f Sp ? ia , crcdit hr the sincerity' of her repeated and solemn assurances of an intention in all times past to respect the rights of this government and the interests of onr citizens tho failure of all h-r efforts to effect this object mast convince her that there is some inherent' defeot in her present system of governing Cuba, and difficulties!" tID 1111,1 Ce Ki " “M»oid.bl/lead to new If Spain persists in maintaining her despotic administration over this dependency situated sc fna b CJ i, OOd h " ,mmpdia,e supervision, by vest ing in hor captain-genera! powers whioh have mnr B °- i° fl r tQ ab : ,6ed ' U “oumbent upon her lens of‘fl ar d , a ' lireCt appoal b >' > h ® injured citi zens of friendly powers to him for redress. Thero 13 no local pablio opinion to exorcise a restraining influence over him in eases where [ ™ g “ cra are concerned, and no freedom of the press to expose and animadvert upon his mis condact. Ia rfg „ d 6aoh forcig P erBi b ‘ 8 e ““ lmpo6to adequate respon- Qibiiity upon this officer, and juat oanses of comphint will continually arise, as they fam heretofore ansen, until somo ohango is made in the present syetem. If the feelings of Spain towards this this country are such as she pro” fesses-if she desires to perpetuate tho relatfona of peace with the United States-sho will yield to our just demands on this subject. 3 Direct diplomatic intercourse by an agent of Cuba for 168 BUh ,b ° oBptai[ >-gcneral of for „ ,h “ mer ° F°rpose of presentinggriov- The r I/ Do ‘ mee , t th ® czi g enc T of thecase. The cadtnin-general mnst be under an efficient responsibility to redross the wrongs to onr oiti h e r n9 ’ a C ,?T“ ed b * hia subordinates, when brought to his notice. ’ u I have indioted what onght to bo accomplished by such arrangement. Should there bo no hope of opening a negotiation for the acquisition of of Rn’nfn U .iT‘ ■ en prCBODt t 0 ,he government fnr B fnmv» h ° lm . por . lanoe of some arrangement for future security in regard to onr trado and intercourse with Cuba, and etato to her the ob jec sto be secured by it. If she possesses a willingness to make such an arrangement a plan in detail will be forwarded to you for the pose of being laid before her government F In resuming negotiations with Bpain, you will !h ( a m firm , b “\ reB ?’ eotfnl manc ® r impress upon the ministry that it is tho determination of tho President to have all.the matters in controversy lasted 0 *" rt° r aD f tbB tlnitCd Statos speedily ad J ,“ B , t . d - n ° l3 desirous to have it done by nego tiation, and would exceedingly regret that a failure to reach the end he has in view i n this peaceful way should devolve upon him the duty of recommending a resort to coercive measures to vindicate our national rights, and redress tho wrongs of our citizens. varies mo I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, \V. L. Manrv Pierhe Soule, Esq., &0., Ac., Madrid, ' Dyspepsia aki> Indigestion.— -These great scourges of our people cannot be too well under m th ° meaDß ° f adverting or curing them too highly appreciated. The person who discov era any means of cure oa alleviation, confers a benefit upon bis fellows, and is deserving of hon oni,- Th a S d “ Blrable consummation has been but ft'mav h n<>t ° D,y m / y d J®Pepsia be oared, i a. y b P rcvente d by the nee of •• Hoof’ land s German Bitters,” prepared by Dr. C J 1 Jackson, Philadelphia, which medicine is spoken of in terms of the highest commendation by I thousands who have tested its efficacy It ia perfectly innocuous in it. nature, and ' the valuable property of improving the health S 1 the robust, as restoring the health of the Sea advertisement. 8 ' Fuhther pbom Caxifoenia. —among the con signments-of specie per Star of the West » r . $285,000 for Page, Bacon, & Co.; $175,000 for Adams & Co The bill appropriating $l,OOO extra pay to each" member of the Legislature notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, has‘pass’ ed both houses. The only trouble now-ia, to raise the funds Only twenty men have been nanged by mob law since January 1 The Bar e°jne vs. the city of San Francisco, ofVssoVnn Cd ? favor of tbe oit 7’ The to the onnnr„ Waa “ Tolved . ail of which is saved j ■ -v- - . C'V-V . • ► •/fc-'.-ui. *'ri. ’ r < I'*- '*/•{_> . < t l■ £ , ; - <. ' •*• ' £**■«. * ' { f - -•• • * v >*. -, - •? **,V f , -4 V *" * 1: 1 *■ *S: '■“** *»-' .4 liriltj burning OFFICIAL PAPER, OF THE , CITY: PITTSBURGH:" SATURDAY MORNING::: Reading Hatter will be found on each Page of this Paper. **' B, MrPETnNOIIiL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Aje,Ui,ate the Agents for the Pittsburgh Daily ami Weekly Port, and aio anthorieed to reeelTe Advertisement. and- StntsCfilpnONß for U 8 at the fame rates as required at this omco. Their rocelpta are regarded as payments.. Thoir oSeas are at ._. . Ntw Yoeil, 122 JiASSitt sieect, ~ Boston, 10 State stjifet. Henry A. Wise addresses tho Democracy of Virginia at Wheeling to night. The Grand Jnry of Portage oonnty, Ohio found but one bill of indiotment at tho recent Common Pleas term. The Bemocrat sees in the light criminal business some of the good results of the liquor law. Hon. Maxwell McCaalin, of Fayette county, Pa., has been appointed and confirmed as ludion agent, for the Osage river agency, vice Ely Moore. Also, James Arnott, of Pa., has been appointed and confirmed as Consul to Dublin, vice R. L. Longhead, deceased. Is there a Republican party in Ohio t is tho question the leading Whig papers of that State are now discussing, a few are in favor of keeping up tho organisation; but a ma jority seem to be of a different opinion. The existence of Whiggory among tho Buokeyes is not discussed. There are not even any fossil remaiuq of that institution ; but It is liko “ the llttlo old woman who dried up and blew away.” Tho Bteamship Baltic Bailed for Liverpool on Wednesday with 85 passongers—among them Col. T. A. Thomas, late Solicitor of the United States before the London mixed Commission • Signor Sualnl of the Italian Opera; the Sardin ian Minister, tho Marquis do Talliacarao, and C. A. Raokielwitx, bearor of despatches to Rossia and Prussia. The amount of specie on board was SI, 187,868 03. A letter is published in ono of the Now Yoik papers from tho brother of Madame Rachel, fbe tragediopno,denying in indignant terms the report of a Paris feuilletonist that in enso of her death In the managers hands (not arms) while in tho Doited States, they would bavo tho right to ex hibit her embalmed corpse. Rachel’s departure for America will be about tho 16th of August, and her debut in New York about tho Ist of September. On Wednesday morning an extensive solo of American cotton and woollen dry goods took place at tho store of Messrs. David S. Brown & Co., south Front street, Philadelphia, which at tracted nearly all tho commission men and im porters engaged in tho trade in that city, as well as merchants from the south and east. The sale Wes made by Messrs. Myers, Ciagborn & Co., Auctioneers, and amounted to nearly $2OO 000. Oa Tuesday last an application for an attach ment against 010 Bull was mado by Madamo Ber tucca Marotsek and Francis Pelrarchl, claiming the sum of $BOO for their services. They stated that tho Sheriff could not find Mr. Oio Bud to servo a summons, be haviog disappeared to parts unknown. Tho attachment was granted. 019 Bull s attorney publishes a card denying that he had fled, saying that ho is at tho New York Ho tel, and appealing to his paßt life as a guaraoty for his integrity, &o. Tho Prcsidont has appointed Pereifer F. Bmith, a very meritorious effioor, Brigadier General’ Gen. Shields was recommended by Whigs and Democrats of the present Congress, but in tho present state of popnlsr excitement, the Presi dent declined giving that recommendation tho oonseqnenccs which wonld have followed it un der other circumstances. Tho President may also have applied tho rule that no member or Senator can be appointed to an office oreated by the Congress of whiob he was a member. The Philadelphia Pennsylvanian has received " infornla ‘ion from a source entitled to the high est degreo of credit, that tho < Mocassin Chief,' Who flatters himself that he is n modern ‘ Loohiel,’ was taken to sovcral lodges of tho Know Nothing Order, in Philadelphia, by his Sanoho Panza, tho pious Cummings. The ob jsot, wo understand, is to got semo sort of In structions through theso bodies to their Repre sentatives at Harrisburg, which may enure to tho advantage of Cameron.” It further Bays tho Order were greatly disappointed in their expeo tations on seeing 81mon. •' Many were heard to exolaim ‘ why, it is no wonder ho was defeated for United Btates Senator—ho ain't fit to bo a Counoilman—and any one will do foe that plaoe.' " Wars and rumors of wars aro coming to pass. It is not alone in the Crimea, Moxioo, and in New York operatic oircles that men Bhow a bel- igcrent disposition ; but it has now broken onl among Gov. Clark, of Now York, and his politi cal advisors. The Executive family is repre sented as being anything but a “happy family,” and, it is said, the fend is so bitter that nothing but an open rupture osn result. Amicable set tlements aro said to bo out.of the question, and Adjutant General Do Peyster haß already re signed. Ever sinoe the re-election of Soward to the Senate beoamo a fixed fact the broils among the Whigs of Now York generally have been very frequont; and it even resulted the other day in a »noso-pulling ” between the Governor’s private Beorotary and the Engineer in Chiof. His Exoellenoy interfered before muoh blood was spilled. Tnu BKISATOJttSHIP ONCE MORE, It appears by a deßpatoh ;reooivod, that tho Senate Committeo (to whicWlhe subject was re ferred, a few days ago,) hare reported in fator of another trial for United States Senator cn Tuesday, the 20th inet. Tho Senato have vet to pass a resolution to that effeot, but suoh an event is not improbable ; as it is undoubtedly a Cameron movement, and the bogus •• Loohiel" had at the last contest fourteen Senatorial votes with two or three Senators who were Camerc nian in every thing but supporting him openly. But will it pasß the House ? That is tho point. The question is a vexed one, aid evi dently ought to go to the people for a settle- It has been before settled in throe simi lar oases, and we think Bhould again be left to the popular voice, that there may be no mis re presentation, as is the oase with the five mem bers from Allegheny county. No ono dare dii pute that they are outraging their constituents in supporting an Eastorn man, and such an Eastern man. The great Winnebago’s cbanoes grow weak with age, and he knows it. His oaoso is despe rate ; he must make a coup d'etat, or he will miserably fail. However, we do not believe tbis last move will amount to mnoh. It is only the fiuttor of the dying dolphin. *©* The beautiful poetioal fragment in ano ther column, by “ the Hermit of St. Eirene,” we are confident, will be read with pleasure by our readers. We believe the author intends bring ing out a volume of poems shortly under the ausploes of a prominent Boston Publisher. Judging from what we have setn of them, we predict they will be a great success. Notable Fact.— Not one of the three persons appointed to the Board of Claims was ever men tioned by any Washington letter writer as likely to receive the office. The letter writers reported that Messrs! Sharkey, Waldo, Walworth, Dallaß, B. J. Walker, and others, were the favorite can didates. This faot fihows tow little that indus trious glass gbßsipperi are to. be depended on. ; 1 r '.' >• *•. ’ * . r ‘ ‘ .V ~ • * ■ '■ ’ . V ' . v- a ■*' S,. ' y, ■. :::::MA'RCH .10; THE NEWS. S - Tile flMiue and Comfort or being wui fimD Id a SUIT OP OLOTHE3, Is-greatly enhanced by having them aoon, and bditacie io the sbabon. QUIBBLE has got all that la necessary to effect that great consmmna tlon, both as regards fit and quality of goods. Persona wishing to experience all this, and be only moderately charged, can do so by calii ng at 240 Liman rower, head of Wood. ’ P. S. Pantaloons, in particular, Is one of his ffrcaittS fnrta. He cannot be boat In tho style and fit of tibia gar ment. I'fuma-ou: references could bo given, If necessary, to entrnhontta tbisstatApio t rdeeor jj GRTBBLE ,&g~ oaim or ltxouoand Flower., for beauU- Tying the Complexion, and eradicating all Tart, Pi»ua and i’nrcSLEs from the face. Bold St Dr. KJJTSEB’S, 110 Wood etreet ' jsoSO ♦ **• f ... *» * J-. 't « Ma ■' \i ifi. I.- " v-" : a*' * .» . ' • ► 4 a»-» iha i'lui&urgk Dally Merelug BECOLLECXIONS AND IMPEESSIOW-, OP A SWIS3 IN BECOMING AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. . . ' OERICT 6T ST. EIRETI. in ch|!dhowl, reared la flight of Alpine poaks,- ;My eyes behold roajesticmountaiiig,lakes, • • And streams and waterfalls... • ' Oh, Fatherland! Oh, proud Helvetia I glorious, thou, my own— My own. my native land! A lay of praise I will yet slog to theo. Thy name la dear .To all thy. sons—the sons efFreedom’shoino. The name of Tell, of Winkolried, de Fine, Tet fills my heart with pride toJ>e a child Of thine,—miy ownj-my boauteous Switzerland! My oyes yei shed a tear of Iqvo for thee. But, bark! Am I tbe firettp sing thy praise, .. In strains which I not learned within thy bounds' Oh, no! Thy beauties have Inspired yet more \ Than one of Albion’s proud and manly sons. Oh Byron, Ecottand HemausJ who ami To soar with you toward Parnassus’ peak, Tomount the steod of Helicon on high, And dare, like you the Delian tongue to speak, And raise to spheres In which immortals roam ? May plgmUs then with mighty giants race? May sparrows hope to roach the eagle’s home— To Foar with him In his exalted space— And dare tbo dazzling light of yonder son to face Oh, bow shall I my gratitude express- To yon—the sons r.f Albion’s valiant sires And Caledonia's worthy clans—address Helvetia’* grateful lay 1 The holy fires That burn within your poets’ lofty souls; Stir op but'feeble flames within my own. Your bards whoso fame hath reached the distant poles, Llko sans arise to toll tbe atari—begone! For wo will rule the j-ky, the firmament, alone. Ye noble bards who praised In Albion’s tongue, In lofiy strains, toy own, my native land; Who tuned your harps to tell, In thrilling song, Tbe legends old—the loro, and oil the grand And cheering talcs of my ancestors* strife* For Freedom’s bliss—have thanks 1 In tuneful lay Ye all haTe sang thobrave, that gave their lives To free their homes from wild oppression’s sway, And kept their mighty foes for centuries at bay. And still ttioy wero not Swiss—they could not feel Tho prldo, tbo love, which all Helvetian hearts, FromcMldhood’s tender years, yet feel for thee. Oh, Futht-rlanU 1 Thy own majestic Alps, I by magic scenes, thy lakes and torrent streams, Forever leave a stamp within the minds Of all '.by children. None do love as wa Tby lofty peak#, and all thy beauteous sights, Aud none do weep os we, wheb, far from homo, Wo hear an Alpine strain recall tby charm*. The u Bans de* Yaches” to none retound* so sweat, And none dt> fwl Its magic force that call* To tnem’ry all thy boautlos. Land! oh, land Of Freedom! yea, thy sons uplift their brows As frccmea. freedom smiles in maiden's look; ; And'Freed cm ! wMspcrstreaxas to banka and Jakes. - To •br.-resi—and, Freedom! ream the wind thro* woods And glens and valleys;—Freedom 1 thunders still The avalsetfbe that iaIU from mountain high. Jj>t Hellas boast of old Thennopyia*; . J/«t Heme exalt herUrutus, Gsciwr—all II«-r herciM. Ilsrk! my native land can boast Of Sfinpaob, Xaef.].% Moral, Gransoo, atfll Saint Jacob's Thermopylae—-of men B?reft of eidflsh aim and wish to rule Their fellow-freemen. Tell and Wlnkelried Anil Mekbthal, fi'Erlach,—hosts of heroes strove For nought bat Freedom's boon, Which God be3IOWS ■'n men alone that know themselresto rule. And thou, dc Floe, the hermit, man of Peace,' My country's Saviour—blest forever be Thy mem'ry * All the hearts of Swiss yet thrill HUh ht,*is emotion wnen their iip* pronounce Thy haihAred name; and tear* of Joy yet ehed My cyrs* aa t fl I rest! thy solemn words— TSm* frvndf't 10.-.pon taught to freemen's son*— Thy words that rated the land from dismal breach Fatherland, let still hit words Be graved on all thy children’s hearts —revere Hi* name,—remember, when discord U near, Hl* hallowed teachings Piill! Bat now a clond D-gtns to pa«c kefir© ray eyes, and f hades Of darine.-a throw themselrcs upon thy past And preset blst'ry. Ho, my country’s shama- The Fcna of Freedom cell their hlood for gold. Ob, shame on ell n-Iretiau youths that lent Their arm’ to fur foreign gain, to crush A mcnarch's people * Shame on rulers mean Thar-brought the ban*, disgraceful, vllo reproach. l>n warriors brave; ‘* that he who brings not gold Shall huvo no Swiss.'' Oh, Sow my trars, alas! The oo»:an's wares In Tain would try to wash Thl? stain away from thee, ray fatherland. I know ’tls true thy bread would ill suffice To nourish nil thy children. Thou art rich In beaotlrs. poor—ala*! lu food for all That dwell whhlu tby bounds. The stranger sti n. th cat tho morsel there—the children's bread. I win not gTW’vo. I lore my country, right wren*. 1 lore her still, tho’now no more I lire within her lofty ebelt’rlng walls. (.oiritnu 1 thou the glorious home of all That find no bread iu lunda of want, of need, C' lumUa, now the rich, receive my thanks l M"lth pride and joy I call myself thy own, Thy own adopt, d eon. Thy stars and stripes 1 loro. To king’s allegiance never swore My lips. I came, and felt at home—and free A.* one that's born within the hallowed homo Of Freedom. Hail to theo, asylum! hall To all thy noblo hearts that ever beat With love for hnmnn right*! Let tyrants hate • Tby grand success and proap’rou* march, lot Blare* Uewall Uiy vict’rie3, greatness, might! But we, Xlrlrctla’s sons, forever love the tongilo That spake to all the world with thund’ring roar The truth: that man it free—his king alone Is God 1 ■*3-X,eoturo—A LECTURE TO TOUNG MISS will T o\ r w ”] /mm 1 ;\ T n n VE ,' ,rN 1 Q ' >'T "i" Re* MELANC RUN CnUßoTrenn . t «’et n ‘ he r °'’ RTU PMSBTT£ - Suhjfgf —The Bible ah .Enctclopedia. Tlip mlddl* block of paw? rwsgrirod fnr yonpg roop. f mblO Omcr& WiiIfISYIiVANIA KAILEOAB. THE ONLY RAILROAD nSlis,siG WEST FROM PITTSBURGH. o* and after MONDAY, March 12th, 1855, the PASSEN* GEIt TRAINS will ran ee follows, until farther notice: Fast Train wiu ltave at 3 A. M. Mia Train « “ At BA. U. KiPßzsa Train « 3P. M. These Trains all run through to Crestline, and connect there with tho Columboa and Cincinnati. Ohio and Indiana, and llellefontalou and Indlann Railroads. At Mansfield, conncotions are mndo for Newark, Zanesville, Monroeville, Sandusky, Toledo, Chicago, do.; and at Alllanco fop Olovo land, &q. Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Louisville St. Louis Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Island, Port Wayne, Cleveland! and tho principal Towns and Cities In tho West. Tho NEW RltlailTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 5 P. M, and Now Brighton at 7 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Tickets and further information, apply to J. G. CURRY, At the corner omen, undor the Monongahela House. Or. at tho Federal Street Station, to v QEOROE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, March 10th, 1805 fmblol - \uiuiv/ OirlVo Family aliovfui'bo without them', W e speak of M’Lone's Liver Pill*, which bare become an indispensable Family Medicine. The rrightfnl symptoms which from a dir-eapcd Liver manifest thOmßelvo*, more or Ice-, In every family; dyspepsia, ,| c k headache, obstruction ortho menses, eguo and fever, pains In the aIJ B , with dry, hacking cough, ere nil the roiullaof hapulo derangement and for theeo Dr. M’lano'a Pllla aro a aov ertlgn romody. Liarmio.- p , lenae b » caroful to aak for, oud take none but Dr JI Lnne » XJrer Pills. Then) are otter Pills, pur portlo* to be User Piu a , now lleforo thB bUo Also, for sale by the Bole proprietors, P FLEMING BROS, Successors to J. Kidd A do, 60 Wood street. mhlOidiw -■ -<* v* ifi-':'' ■ >.—— .- •___•_ •. . : ' r >'.-■ tT Iw-fip •£?*' armshUis, ¥«>••■« oiiWssijfe LHB*)Ua& Cough, and the efTeota of imprudent usbrof’Mer i curjyno medicine has ever been discovered which haß _ 08 Carter’s Spanish Mixture, -4. •. PfTTSB^HGff Throatl)laj«sea produced by sanvatioDi.Hichlnr ' ;b\ llfej ~ Bronchial Affections, Liver Disease'S'etmOiia' acMJKhcn mttlsnt} pftTe all been relieved and cared In s wonderful mStan ** lll6 81661 purifiorof Mood,Carter's Spanish: _?J*2 ! Ramsey alone should satl*iy any who doubt. ~.Call on the Ageni and procure apamphlet which will astound you.- * »**’Bee advertisement. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALL&GIIEXY COUNTY, sg. ~“ TOE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Tn THE SHERIFF OF THE SAID COUNTY. Gc^vo: 330 . \ v Wftereas,ctan Orphans’Coart bold at Pitts -1 L - “■ y of S ? °, f , M * rch ' mb - *• KICUABD HOPE, eldest son of Tqouas Hope. late of the Township of Mifflin, and County aforesaid! .deceased, was presented to the Court, showing that the n ,°P O Intestate, about forty yoiM since, leaving issuo five children and a widow, who lived aud remained a widow of the sold Thomas Hope (who died in tbo year 1815,) until the time of her death In AlLnn a w]r.^’f V wiiit Th ° P. 6 . 0a ° ner above named, (Jane Allison, wifoof William Allison,-who has since died, iear fe*? X cb L dr f, n ’, vl ? : Elizabeth Xapaley, wife of William lApsloy, who died about the year 1835*leavlnz issue two children, one of whom has since died, leaving^ the eldest, viz: Thomas Lopaley, still living WiiUam Allfero uowr£ Hiding in some part of tbo State of Ohlo.or was Sthetimt was had of his wher.abouti AlllsS.' 'fe James P»™ a «* i.wannah Allison, who now resides with „!? *? *,ayne, in Jefferson township and conntr&firressid *‘as'&?s::;s!i;-£S“S SafcHS-ESSSSSSi McGowan’and Thcnu^Mdimran«n joining £re^T n fh^ land of Samuel Cowan, N. CSJd w«'t Y h< T°,£ y place of beginning— containing drSSd I’m!** 10 perchea, neat The other lot rT*aD r POrtl ? ,! " u tition can bo msde wiSont lit. re ■S..® 5 *® 1 ’ lr OTcb P»f and upon the premise. E °.J° or amrmallons, that yon make nartltreTre’ b, , !r °» l h* children and represenUUres of Ui” «« tat£iS??i E °? manner and In such proportion “ nch monwealth is directed, if such Dartltinr^^liJi: «>»- prejndlco to or spotting tho wholp n.^is'®^ 6 without cannot be mads thareoras aforesaid tha^i™? 1 P “ tlt J on and appraise the same accord?« lew. Uu ® y ° UT “ IM a«srmSrt“th.MhV«?d C *iea°*amf4wuVtho q^ort^ many it will iSrommodate; ttmt du. 1 nouS Jr ?’ how , making such parUtlon or raluaUon b. glim »° f interested; and that you mate T*tn*Z3 Jtn to parties herein, to the neat prccccdlnE, Witness the Hon. William B. BPClore p M ■*> .j Judge, on the 6th day of AJarth, A&. ' Prc » ,dent . JOHN HORNER, dertr. BOCHEBTEB IS BOUHD To qo AHEAD Another orkat public salp „ j/Igs.BlocU and Acre, at BOCUESTE^b™* Cbmebes. and Other purposes * A Slt’lf te ' !’ for there lots are already built upon ttj 11 , l iB ® r ' lll tions are an extensive Seam *“? g llta ate tensive establishment for thetur fihn!of d » c U I “ or “«»- Mtb a foundry, carpenTcr ,horn b £s?£*•*"’ Ear, end S of »*?«•*«« «• public landing, and 202 feet on -?Vonf, or now being graded, 100 fWot wide. #^? r * wb}cb In raJUcad track, through the hm r °SSf? ,, *-? rbaU,llD Bsac4 “ upr.r town, ih«reiSSaSSthi Vn* w centfo of ' h * f«r,.r,d will ti" Id Iht ’inS^ 80 ’ 11 . ,asl ss£"?s:s??uar^sr;A' rn'd;; g ru^^r f “ttrpr' room on the bottom. 5 10 come » M tb *» i* not TAe .Ftrjf Puthe ,Sjk of Zofji «< k>. , „ :sarfia:£? ripe the pcs o, , D d nctlw.T?L„ir,^. diSposed . of i ü bnlldlngs will bo erected at Rochester, RUSSS? W ” n,y ' ,lT * t,J7 n, « on^*^ e hniWlnge now In contemplation the most prominent ore, a magnificent Hotel, a lara«stiMi.H™ * (by .u Eastern comply,) for carriages. wagons, Ac.; an extensive Pottery andß™Brick »“ Academy with publlo or three Chorcbes.«nd a Female Seminary **■» l *° Tht*o tflUblishmenta, with the labor ♦* plete the CUvtland and Pittsburgh Railroad, from month of into BcchetUrfanH the •Utloo houses, do a which will tire ah«n«i««»depot, at this point, for hundreds of ifdostrlmJdaWrs men, teamsters, brickmakers, masons camentcr.’ iu.T’ era, Ac, throngtont the season, carpenterß, plaster* hots will be sold rsmsrkably low, say f rom m 0 - 50 t) and on met accommodating terms. TfcosawhnVl.b , i°’ come citizens, and to pay part, or all bySeLiA t °, bc " can bo arc’in moisted with eligiUe jJu •and^Ttb^rt^ 3 '’ tes: s ssvsxf-d” SP" •— -a » "sSS.-•£ Tbs undersigned Is authorised to contrset for lb. MUcccdion of tmenly tenement Aoaw f" ,h?. “’t “Tar pmßmmm «ll‘ h 0 rirtiCn,arB ’ «“ « «■** day Thoro who desire to be better Informed with recard to th. W^J&SffiMStoSSsS w^ra P^b4k“aVd”gs d 3'eV‘thVMl b w^tte°Ohlo gs^ssssli g^SSSSSSSfe M?|KuBS P sISt3EiS V all who P know fh- ’TitM££ who doubt, come and see. m f n imiri n .Maroh l,t t 3855—(mhlfcdts) M ‘ . 0n reference to any of our city merch&m« u *» In the w?rte?oZui dan d cl °or„v; dWel - Honors will bo ploased to jrrant him . i^ ja ttat yoUT i Public houaa of entertainment, and^your^HSJf to bGOp , 6 duty bound will pray. ?inm? r ?^ er Mia Wo, the subscribers clHepth nr tv GA.LLAGHKR. tify, that tho aboro petitioner is of eotwTr aforeaaid >do cer and temperance, and Is well pro7idod hn!f/° r honpaty conTenlenccafor the 2 housa and and that «M £££ ff£*£* ' tray - Joh'n Martin, Vatrick'McSt'ein iiug? K M«5 J H * rri> °n, Tuteur. a. HaUte,n, Felix MI “h».M _ pin lon copy and charg. Poet.l mhlo:3t * Allegheny: reace > 111 *nd for the county of 4r s“s? s u » jy tnwn : your petitioner hath r, rn V pl. 1 1: U 1 ? by shetYotl),—That accommodation of Tith “ tertal * f°r houao In the tOTrnshln.rn~J.ia 4 °i ho ”- al “s Celling on will be L^rS?,!?’'S' 1 rTayB tbat yaar Hon houie of nnd 10 keep » Po^e bound, will prov. > and your petitioner, as in duty We, the subscribers ellleana»e is , PHAH PETKIiS. certify, that the shore petitioner l?nf OW 2? II P aforesaid, io “W and temperan«Te!KSEn p^lSl'St'V* B for bon and conveniences for the wl & honse room -tranprs and lodglns of Henry Good, Robert Hardy, 0* £ • " mhlo:3i* A FARM CONTADmso iflchs OP T i im J * e “ ost p boMtl , fal “ tHI Pl««At locam&n^h”r g e o to°lCf R n a q n a^or eEBlOn 81,611 “ ° r '"*? “ hB:tf S4&t.-, now eee °»pt- J. Pbpcch on board/ EfS-.f 11 TiIPOKTAfcX xu HANDFACTCHUBif— i Engine Lathe, JO feet ah ear, velgha 1 800 ft* . gsnperior Emery Mandrels. with - ' ", •*. >*.- ’ "oMcMrsiMW^ST^MET^ 7 '’ MASONIC HAM,; PITTSBOR nS »i i Jab. d. U-Q ItI , . *Ss^SSSS^SffiaraS J^^! f.W wta >»>»g to ®* And against Loss and Damage by Sire SS^£S?? , 6 r V Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and to ss-* tth « s^.ssaasagsss- _ ,• . „ - Dißicroas; Bobert Galway, Alexander Bradley. . John Pnllerton, . EamueUll'Cluritan, VVUliam James 17. Hallman, johnßcott ’ - - Cbas. ArbnthDoL Joseph P.Gaiiam, M. Batld Kiohey, James Marshall,- - John IPGill, ; .. Horatio N.Lee, Klttanntng. nr^ B „,? , ?™? r ‘ l . A,soc i o e l on—sour kitchen ? rili; ET.-Tho Managers of .*®. reeal™ donations of Cash, Bread, Meat, or Groceries. The wants of the deterring Poor must ha our excuse for asking material aid promptly, ; - President, Gor. 17M. P. JOHNSTON. ' fHon.WM.B. M’CEDIIE, s. W. BtACK, ■ ' Managers,! L. WllllAETti, B. CHESTER, m WIUJASI NOBLE. Treasurer, C. WHMARTH. pnblieh the names ofthe donors, bnt will be glaa toTeceite their gins/, f.blO / ARNOLD 4b : WUjUilJa, „ MiOTFjoinuaa of ChUson Turnaces,; Wroagfct lron -Xubuig, and : - Fitting Generally, FOB WARSUNQ AND TJSNIIIAIION OF BDnilNOfi jaa2s bsS2S I 'Sa W JI B^ BH - COMtAHY. A bb||^^ 0 com _ lD^^A I ' , f t f 3 '> e6oUabl ° form,)Boonicaby!lort gages «naJndgmemj....„..i_;^,..„ «i« . JadgSratJ 41 ’ In Cash,’cash Asscta a^’ca^'ltoS;^""'""""; «Sm2S?ii£! 9t ?? Inlana Tianspottatte. risks, taW • BBFBBeNQES. tr . - . Pitiswmair. -v; * co. J. A. Hutchison A Co- ’ . Mutphy, Tieman 4 Co, . * ' PHttiBEIPHU. * ' WBtonght, HooUogtoa AKB.JlolloweiliCi> : .~ n Kl*?? 11 ’ v i David S. liimvn & Co’ 0. J. & Ueo. a&fcboit, ' - Wood & Oliver, Heaton 4 DenckJa- -• Caleb Qjoa * ri> i^?Kt Co ' , -^ le * : SiiJ V ?? - ?-i £ S leJr * Scott, Baker Harris, Hale ACo., Deal, Miillgan 4 cd. . • - „ j. BANKS KNOX, Agent, - No. 116 W'ater etreet, Pitlibaigli »i»iwSsSd“tat^. OBtakB,i>a tt ?■. o “ # “.a s** - _ . ZUUO7OSK ’ Hges: ss&mx asss® gsssr-. ssssC ■ tution- for tbe first quarter oflS*^'^ th? a!boT^lXLßa ' —=: — l :-~ "--' -’■•■'■■ - -■ ' ■ ■■■ laid:3* r kfy W™ " ™ “^^gKKSSSs T. J. Htoki, Secretary “' M KESZIIyr resident. Uo F mTor C3mmltl “- _JoS '“ Kco - ■*““3 KtUim.o.N Consulting Physician— P. laign. M, n. ;:;S- - ,otf - ‘-•S^SK* ai ’ CJ: ' ila ttt 8-M'Clorkßh'«l Ko. MwiaUtnet. DAiujaa so. -*fo - GEO. W. SBEgE. Secretary. Friday of each 1 *7-Hcetfi first and third loar^lclv; Biiii§»iP§§« Secretary pro teci. cAnas 4 Commiijgs’PmoQt Brick Machine* Uopper’a Patent Veneer Plane: • =.'..• Trotta patent Oil Globes, lor a team Enzinea* Doan’s Hock DrilUng MScblnesr * Co» 8 patent Drill, for Drilling Iron: pJJSi? I ?. B £ totion «y and Portable SowMflla: sSSSSS-ssaafi flJbtaltoS Wort 8 tot ‘f reBß ? d Nutta and Washers, and He refers to the following QABD. m' let. i'&,S / Kramer t Batof’ Knap & Wade, 27tb. 18M.’ AsswsrfSSSE^: M °a 9 EATON » I9 Sixth atrwt. S°M'y m *? 4jolinfltion > I,rcBi( JcntXV.R Rj' ■" ' ...... decl9 JiSUS *, LEDLIS, Holl , Fllat Zl°£™' of M “ ket “» PUtabSrg^" 6 - - - -Uati ftnd Cftpa 1 ‘ for neTtne^^aJS^jf^“ffif °™ '■’ 3"*W^*&«S£ -~— J. WILSON 4 SON. 91 Wood tIrML , rrSti? 0 "? 4 ? Soldiers’ Claim.. ‘ TtmnoWn'or “s< l , e; Mranganehts with Thomas f °s “i? “small FAB It OF FIFTY hoS.; Sa-^Satit^S^.-ts?' T* in Baldwin toviuhlpj Allegheny county—fix ctf Fes from thfc city—near the BrownsrUle roil. For further apply to the fiuhecxlber, oh thorttnSSirP? WUcolan* mhlrtlm* - PjjIEBWEKBWCT 1 N DISTRICT COUET OP.THE UNITED gTATRa for the Western District of Petmeylvania— BTATES liopkias, John Danina* Co. 1 . ri. L In admiralty Saltier, Steamboat MonODgabalaf—claim $9O 12^. a f. on the 21ft day of February, 1555 rcfcnreahiA^ 3s^. raMer^i^^siS 1 ,ahlMno “ WEBIDEY FROST. P E an.-vl, OibeeHei - at - rpHE UNDEHSIOtfJSD wishing lo d«llr,„ , JL offersbis entire BtocSorGobds, S. o“T P pS ■ The attention of the Trade an.i xw™ . goods at LOW PSICES, Is rwpretfuUy <,e£lWn 2 <* 0l “ J - D. WILLIAMS,- £3~ The fiitures la his forre»» Hi™* Street, consisting of a Counter. 188 Wood street, will be sold at a bargain. Tn„™ f Dr s w ? r ? BD|l Btelylng. Mgggtofamß „U offer nSEgflaSSy ,o f Ss£ ta . ’ , ; B - Smith, Blair dfe Hunter, . - (Ute Smith A Sinclair,) . non™ ° IEBiI,K OBOOEBS, 2*'®£ E a ND commission merchants, A “ u Una * ff "Pittsburgh ila.DfaBS.ljOL3;. IC ' *o* ■ & MAaSEB.-®* QMFOfiD’S OPJEOA TEODPE kj win bills of thed»y. - - oaf * A,u -“V* . nhmt coot-maiTi!. of Seasonable, Staple and B a ncrtiriri l j!ie g rßoWjatoWmßßt. tna Shoes, natejCotifc 40.f~° 7^ y ® ,lß >®otiiiig l Boots B»fa% StaUonaryf *^&maSbsB£mk P. Hi JJA'WByAixctiocoor,^ T E I D hSy Merchants*lJiMian g efwin”oßoW.w?n^H oc,ccit '^ t tha deref Thoa. MaUanfi^V lras 22* J&lf *s°™*' P? «• .or.Oround situate beiw2/n ing a front on Pena Btredtof J«S^ 0 V treet * rll,lT ' I6tf feet. to Fayfctte ftree^^TrhMiikS&Rftw*® bocfc modern style well flnlshed^BitetDwrfE'wftat superb MctbundlnKe-Wfas^^^S jsS?J%£s -tohs^-—• L?,I ? er *Vl.-;lenna atsill ? ~ ‘‘ : I>AVIg,; APOtle-neST 5?- tfdocli, t the dselilhifhooseJr a£?‘ 3 .Farhifcnre;.among which are *nl entUA^lh g Hcmtehoia mirrora, of largo size, and othermnwSi^ oflercd .at jmblic; •*nn?v^SLl a X tlc^a >wrely mcraing of thedayofMk “ fce : t3amiael ' (a* ha IS : «m„a^ M SlT».?f iU S ola '^ fll ! bB “ ol ' J > Which are— S w ;- UAnsa3 »> entire stock, amosj : r ' - • " •• - • 2 Baggage TVagona: •. . ... -r S^n dldHea^ e » with Borneo; • '.•■*• Baggies; hickory mdMU™w' t '“ rt ''' o,lt of three Spokes and Fell oca; 200 Bno "metnmo '‘NJiagoboHdere; assorted Bisea; Trimminira for Vo«Sf 0 aood Cofflnß '■amber; coach, Bedsteads, Looking Glasses hreS? 11 ?’ Tables, —ii—: P- jAT~X3 t AnctlOccpr. - 1 Bixin U»TSIN at 3 o’clock, on thopremL43 nmhJßos'^ 10( ’?i"^1^:,I2(,' II«rroD, Ksq , tinat« of Sobsrt “JttWJohn assists; C hos 48, 49, £O, SI, 52, S 3. 8? i! * wl) ich lots, to wit: feat on Clark street, anj exteoa f '2? t °t ; . 2 >l distance, to Hose«tift^M^sj5 U *JS?K' b *“ t s?*l‘°l» Inducements to those dealroM of nnrrW, ” olTcr great P“t or the city.. T«m»«“mii pr ° po?^3“r - ■ . I*. M. DAVIS. Aiietten^efj UMy onlargnd,) /’Sur|h ( nna Invites the publie to hi«^ n t" I 2 e > r<*»*» experience In thebns&ejs .„ r f u,t l on *“«> patrons the same cholc?ral“ cc tioa or niy ° CI, bD S r ? many years past it has hem his »Wcfc-«o edeet from the various amt department, to facturers. in£«nSi£tf : m ™5„ t ? , ! nte '* Astern main economy ofhis arrnneemenutrineSti 6lll^ 3 “mplete-tho rs^sHiUvSs repaired in theW^.. TJreStttScwSl i B *f(S’ “to pay op 'Bltßont delay. aDi Ow-taM#- Houm° p°iulb^ r gß, a3tee ca jUo streot > ooM.tha Craft A tadta ra S»Sff“ Gi! ' *««'W burgh Po.tOraco " “ • - 4Mra » Box No, CO. Piltti --— jahjttac S E WMf?w™k, r wI S l t^ aI r fo/“ PI ' ljIc:: lh ° Bttibaigh thß I*t day of April nex£*wm P »2 n ® y f ftr * nnUl Uio2othto U at thb Cfflee'oJ Uera, rewired and fcr a, Io ... : - MttLEB £ BICKETSONi • 221, street. norSTaJtf I Wo CoffwTj": - -: Java CofWlag dtag anrlYor ra !a by! MILLI&R & BICHETSON; " mte 1W f„ r Balo hy " .'. — —— MHXEH A:BlQgKTsmr'. ■' MAUKKKBL-ig MU No. 3 mcilum JUdwtrt; gnlon, Jonroaj and ChroaLie ccwO^^rj % lato homestead ©fWfllf n *^H* 3 rom .;?Jt!sburgjb,'’ tomcaiatelj. JAMKS c. kichby, -h Near the premises/ ~7 ' /;njlk7. Sll~SK£HSs{flr English Prints and ° Be ' T &H J’ f »«“M 1 Wl: * - - . IDI17 : .-': “ 7 : ~ yo. 85 Fifth sfiw •• mhj- 4a »-«tuie.fe«| W«nhMro,-Finff2^ (^ , -S 1 “!»iL ~ "~ jambs WAni)nm> , UKASS BisJiD—4o baa *nftn>iT n r„r y- . D'tZSSZ 4o . JAMEB WABBEOP. " N In* w7 v, , Ba ’, e ’ a ,ar K° BricK Dwell ”, , two parlors, Hr « , ? l P in & ro ™> Uttta, 1" le, Well hulit nnii attic. coal yanltj-i •. iK!’S t ? I *‘«M>. I Wcs only $?,000- 7 ‘ Alt0 > I'O- 20, samo Biio si nbovo , . . , a CDIHBEttT, * EOK, ■•-• » Ba&l Estate and Oeaornl Agents ~ -Ji A mt 1 S E A u i LUINU w®. on ihamutaleil, Allege ft ny,93feetfrontbyooarep,fcr«ilo b 7: • : r; „v, 8. CtJTHBESTi 80S. ~ “ h 7 no Third Strok -.- WJSNT¥*BISVJ£N fret front os Webstor street by jfio ? fe«t aeep to an low by - p . - EBT&SON, ' , .•■■■•• .- 340-ThirJ «trwt< BOUNTY LANDa—TLeundersJgcca •srili. procure.War»~’ rantf* fofpereohs haring claims for Bonaty Lands on. dflr the late oct cf Congress. , AUSTIN LOOMIS, mb7 • C 2 Fourth street.' \* r.AhT.EJ>—Hu sharesilonongahela Bridge Stock- ’ *' 'Y ■ •10 do Mechanics St -Bridge 'Stock*'!)* - , AUSTIN LOOMIS, Stock Biohte- 7 i\ } • m "« > • 92 Fourth street. *- MACKEREL'— 30 bbla Ho; 8 larger received br ’*' jnd for rale by fmh7) HENB.Y H COLLma** -. y day recefrpri nrij f or B3 >j; v^. ' mt>7 HKNRY n. jn T ,i,%a ■J. B. BTSTXE •'l'wu au.Nmutf) lui-usav-iue mon com n ?MA 1 meat of Rifles la the West can £ fon£d“? fl£ *22& - prise Qua .Works. Jfrtery quality. *t*i« ftr«„uk l “ 8 Enter* -: log Jn price from ten doUaw to fift^£JSr?S£^ d T 8? ? J t to give satisfaction, or no sale. warranted - mb - ; - ' BOWW b pr *’l ,ar «l. on BltOTtnrtiCiVto. . • No- 70 FQPRTn STREET. . , r No. 70 gmißTn STREET. p^ 8 - 100 * *• 4t MU0!) m Wi w Xlna ltTf*t, amusements:-; ■EH, Legate aa a danaj MEW CITY HA&I* AUCTION; SMiES. Auctioneer. JAME 3 SEIgOS, Sno't.