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S' ' G < If I • :■' V !vV ['■ «&kug .'io<»rli.cail, 'I *IXrtfOLK3ALE URoC-CILiAND PRODUCE DEALERS— J i W ,>'o. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh, j 11. T. C. tflorfjan, ;‘ r BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER—has always on ban a general assortment of School, Miscellaneous and Blanfc 1 1 Boote, Printing, Poland Cap Paper, Ac, Wholesale and Re* r | %*SL No. 104 Wood street, below Hftb, East side, Pittsburgh, r Wauted, Rag* uud Tanners’ Scraps. aplfcly ttaaaell i: Qro t BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, DEALERS IN BTAN DAKD AND LIGHT LITERATURE, and Publishers ol . tb<* X. 0. 1 >- b\ No. 15 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ■sv marlGGy : :pJ 1... .... : 'A*;’?,-. . v.: s ;-T'^c 'nv.'vTXi ?. 'r „ , f.r *■ -.- •> v; . • 4 5',.- " : i •"-■ : LiLJ-" ♦', -• -(<«.; •- *-• t " -vScS J. I).*, ?_■• f «? * ' - *■ r-® T'-; - i '-■ 4 r r.Vi-'i'/r. ‘rn.''* • -•-- V,;^ •;.* 4 •'" '- ?? *-- ■ -, u * > ••• . ‘-' k , »7>?i i » i> "i. <» *t' ■'" •'£ V: DAILY MORNINO POST. Printed ttul 'pid>Jish*d mrp Miming f (Sunday tzciplrt TBI OST«bMBMi. •_- ]\ Xi&LiaJsrtsi [ w»aig-.or ;ajo. rms stjoats. ;jE9*»2i?.KJf s.—Five' Dollars a ys &r, payable strictly Id advance.,' Blx Do liars will ii>*wiKMy be required if not paid. Within the’yea? -'V „•:• . ! ; 43h Single eopifa two CBfTJk-Aj*' «*ia at the counter in ta# Offlw,Bnaby*the''bwrßoys.' \ ‘ THE SATURDAY KOKNIH3 POST PpohlUhed from thesama odea, on‘B" large, blaaket slip h«t,atTWO DOLLARS a ysayin advance. Single copier miotttt,-- ; ' 49? No paper will be discontinued unless at xhattisciw. .on o* tbe Proprietors.) until all arrearages .are paid. " - *9- No attention will be paid to any order unless accom* paniedbt the luoney.-or-satlsfactory reference in,thls dfcy. jf&* Connected*>rtth the EstabUshrndtlvf tke Morning Pott sm>-ofitke largest Job Printing Ofllai*ntheeitg t ishere a U fcrtidr of vfork it dont on the shortest notice; and most reason* ableUrmt. r: PROFESSIONAL CARDS. : KobitVC* Oi. Spratil* Attorney and counsellor at. law—Office,No. fourth Ptrrrft. Pittsburgh, Ptu ■ deoll:ly ■ '■ dames A. Lowrle« ... A TYORNEY AT i'oarth street, PlttsbnrgbT XV bftween Smithfk-ld btreetandChcrry alley. fdecllriy ~ i JOSEPH WEAVEIti ATTORNEY AND .COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ~1 P^- ce * ®o« 1W Eourth itreetf ja3:iyg] rmaonaoK. pa. /.- •■'••• JOHN BARTON, ATTOBNEY : AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Fifth and Grant iti,, . js3.ly?{ , prrmotm'n. ril, A. BidiUe Roberts, ATTORNEY at LAW—Office, No. IS2 Smithfield street, bytwwn Fifth and Sixth. . Collections carefully attend* ed attention given to Conveyancing, [deeply Thomas Moans, •A. TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY jPL Office, next door totbo Post Offlce. Steu'benWlle, Ohio , my 4 ;, ',.... r 6> P. Ron, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, fourth door below -Sir. Rody Patterson’s Livers Stable.:- • • ' ;e2S' C. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—OSce, Fourth street, above Wood : iy-Ly ~. • ••: .:_. Thomas Al, Marshall, TTORUEY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie’s Buildings, Fourth , afcreet. . .- jan7:ly ••• -. .. R. B. Carnanan, A TTORNRY AT "LAW—OSlce on Fourth street, between JA..Cherry alley and Grant street jefcy J.N.lPClowry, 'A HORNBY -AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office in jCVL BakywelPs Bnfldlngs, on Grant street je2 D. H. Hazen, A TTORNBY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, abore and j\. near Smithfield.'. ‘ mar27:y Patrick Al’Eenna, ALDEEM OF. THIRD WARD. j’’’\FFlOfi CORNER OF GRANT AND FIFTH STREETS VJ (formerly occupied by Alderman Lewis,> where all bu siness pertaining to theoflleeof Alderman and Justice c! the Peace will be promptly attended to. ~ febl:3m k. Uudanaiter, Alderman. OFFICE, Grant between Fourth rt. and Diamond alloy. Conveyancing of all hinds done with the great ftt -care and ligal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate ex amined, Ac. ja&3 £}• s« Neal, Aldermani NO. 91 THIRD Street, between Wood and Market streets, Pittsburgh. CoUactlonspromptlymade; Bonds, Mort - 'gages, and other writings drawn with neatness and aceu wary. jegMv - u. A.HL, SURGEON DENTIST, (sue jgsL&ggS?* eessor to G. W. Biddle,) XO. 144 SMITH QTfSffIES%FIELD STREET. AaFvOffice hoars, from S to 1 o’clock, and TOm'Sto t o'clock fat>ls:lv a?- J.SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, fire doors west of Market. Orncj Housa From nine A. M. to fire ff. IL. fdcdHhy BUSINESS CARDS. W. neisrerx.— „ .......uun. mcanaCK. D W, HEUWTINE & CO.. COMISSION AND FOSWAIIBINQ mCIUUTS, Dealers Generally in Produce, Pittsburgh, Cin* cinnati aud other Blaimfactares, &c. J&.93 iVbftf f.rectr, bel&eai KarlccL and Ferry sircdS, FITTSBCIiO E, i'A. • KjF Liberal ehsh edrubci’S made on consignments. Par UcuUr attention paid to forwarding. West-ru merchandise. • JZtfncac' a.—Clark St Thaw, Win. Bagulny A Co., Wru. M’» Cully-A CovF. Sellers A Co., Hays A Uluok. Kramer A R&hm, llenry Graff, Wn. Rlehbaura, 8. it. Johnston, Thomas Bukawell, l£/»q.. George Leillie, K,q., Solomon Stoner ,tlsq. • j*G;s KJA} tIAWOKTJI,. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Dcaiei *5/ aniltuporLir of. lild Country Ulavk Teas, French Br&n -• dtes, Wisest, fie-, corner Of Diamond alley and the Diamond, Fa. fcb23:y - - witi. a. si’ci^uao, -*3-lEA DEALER ANO FAMILY GROCER,*®* _t ... . coa.S£ii or wood asd sixrn srstrrs, .Ja2s:f ' . Pittsburgh. - Henry -)D fiu. Pittabnrgh. [marfi Paul h IttnrdocU, f~tOM&R*3ION AND FORWARDING MBKCHANS, AND lj STEAMBOAT A.QENTS—N-* 1 .7 W&toT street, Cincinnati. Ohio. Qpldf I. VV. Chadwrtck, BSALuK IN RAGS AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. The highest price in cash paid for| rags, taylly SKLLtKS. 15-64 FRA’S SELLERS £ CO., s Forwarder! and Conttnisalon Slerohantl DXALCRS 15 PROVISIONS, GROCERIES AND OILB, .No. 309 Libt.rty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. f jaVlm£] *yrtVUY MlLixa, Phila.; ........wm. uiuKiTflON, Pittsburgh. Miller A Rlcketaon, ■\jrrHG&JEBAL£ GROCERS, IMPORTKU3 OF BRANDIES, T V'-' Wlp*s aud Segara—Nos. 17 J and 174, corner of Irwin •and Liberty jtfrtwts, Pittsburgh. . Iron, Nalls, Cotton Yarns, fckc., constantly th hand. ' jy23 WiUlam Carr A Co., . ( Wk. Care.hit,? af the firm of J. Paosse & Co.) ''nKXT’QOLSSALE GROCERS and .Dealer* in Foreign Wines ,YY - and Brandies, Old Monougahelaand Rectified Whis- Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, fg»u ii .. ■• . . ■• ja6:y *U3UjaL M’CMJaKAX.....JOaS F. flt&RuN .Atri. EIRCFATEICX. M«CIaURKACV v HERRON A CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Pruluco Dealers and Commit* eioa Merchants, No. 243 Liberty street. Eprfit PITTSBURGRi PA. ■ • Co^P&rlnerihijh THE ffu s « ribera bare this.day formed a partnership for ,«-■ _ J"_ ' of carrying on Coatmisdon and Fbrward- JS2tegsS , 3£ u. " rMU; formerly occupied by Burbrldge « . *> ENGLISH, WSI. i,. -OUARDSON, JAMES it- *w!TT y,»w . t • . JAS. J. BENNa. Fobraary Ist, 18S4tfeb3 F ; R. :DRAYO, Diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa., dealer li • .Country Produce, offers Tor sale a choice stock o Groceries, selectedfor family use. Bpiees or every variety and the purest quality, ground at his B&am Mills. Also. Dried Fruits, foreign and Domestic. Produce taken in ex! change for Merchandize. ' F. R. D. has procured a fall assortment of Landreth’s Warranted Gordon Seeds, and invites the attenUon'of all in* temted In rural affairs. j.itjll •' Copsrtnerthip. THE UNDERSIGNED hare this day entered into 00-part* u^ er the . name and style of J. A. HUTCHI- Dua A CO., for the.purpose of tranactiag a Commission and Grocery business,. . JAS. A. HUTCHISON, • «... . ev ' A. M. WALLINGFORD. Pittsburgh, February 1, 1854 f P ho w n. xsoLtaa. j. j <' fievNm ENGLISH & RICHARDSOX. C 05 M15310N AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ato ; Wnolesale Dealers in Fish. Bacon and oil, and Produce generally. Warehouse formerly occopied by Burbridire A laghram, No. 11Q Water and 150 first street, Pittsburgh, f *»li2.t' ac 4 ,tns » ,omf BIEBI OWE.fa. Pittsburgh. _ .. Msrjlsua. Pittsburgh. Seller*, Nicola * Co., QKNErtA[ ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Üb t r ‘y 'tr~t, Pittsburgh, Pa. opsna. hlnseei .nil tan! Oils- jyjg r.,tr K .„^v oo, ? m ‘«'o , » Hoot*. 1 Mre ‘ hou,e for 010 lboro P“ r - MeuJSgshela Qolm doorB sl f ro 1118 IffiVSatMSS: “ d ™-> 'o^’p-t^^fhe ■ Dot6 ALOKO % CO. Jm» H’taaneuTiuT ' TkEALER IN GROCERIES, PRiDUtIE, FLOUR.. nApmu ilfc.**- car Dur Smtthfleld and DUffD, 1 a. - uot6 sou:, U. , rousa A'i. Zo RmWtfieldstreet, apposite a/y TToid MANU A lUUHRS OF CABINET FURNITURE AND 0-*.AIHS,o! every-description. Mitteriala nud work man*lp vrarranled^nds/jldatreducedprices. Car*-taken In peckPi z lor land Hini w»tflr rarriase. I„ ■C. U. WoodT .WHOLRSALB DEALER IN WINES AND LlQl'oltS. No. 147 North Second street, fifU i door «>ot j.Race, east side, Philadelphia, h:is oa hand the best S U , al 5S® 01 Wines. Irish Whhfty, Mofonjra *l*k Holland Gio, Cordials, he on terms w orthv the utentiop of purchßuors and d»‘at»»r* f«r 29v ■rr*™A„ H ® rtr y i'l’CUtloncll CO., GROCERS aod ante. -1* ***‘•'9l of P»nn nn-H Irtpi a’o. ,\ m a-f* - •. r- Wm. Olcrbr* Jr., * KU!tN-I s SToilE. italic Ball, WSSSf'?*S’» Produce, F vaule'F£ , '"'|“dli:, iiaenes^, loo wood a iTfthn ii. ihj.ii i r N MUfiIOAI, Etationery.j4o. 122 Wood street, 8c “ Books arid a~~t irimm , aa * • HAGAH A iHr" Dul,liJ!l »«t \\f iiOLEBALE and Retail Dt »tb in 'SWct. a .i ;> *pr4 ‘ • , v . r,**r • *»’ -7'i.T V •' tA' , ‘’ - J- "V , PUBLISHED .DAILY, BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY. AT THE “ POST BOlLUiUub/ -HO UN BP. OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANHUM, OR $5,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, VOLUME XXII. BUSINESS CARDS. S t. JonrrSTOR..-. Kloelalor Carriage Factory* fCIINSTON, BROTHER & CO M PRACTICAL COACn t} comuT of Rebecca end BelmontstreeU, Alie- :ity, hand aud are manufacturing on ix.ten.sivo assortment Of Carriages, Rodkawnys, baggies, luggage Cars, &o. t made la all their various styles, with strict regard to durability, and beauty of finish, using in all their work the best J unlata iron And eastern hickory. Re* pairs attended to on themust reasonable terms. They feel xonfident that all who may favor them with their patron 4ge,will be perrectly satisfied on trial A their wort. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every Gf< teen mlnutesduring tbe day. . oct2p:ly PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. tf. BIGELOW... ..MAkTIJt t. STEVLH3-. GEOEQE ALBIP.T, BlgelowA Co., OUCOESSORS TO E. M. BIGELOW, No. 4® O Diamond alley,.near Wood street. Burgh—COACHES, CARRIAGES, PHEA-{SSScKgjp 4 fONd, DUG.GIES,And every description of fancy, vehicles built to order, and finished in a manner un ‘urpAraed tir beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials. gg** AH work warranted novfi JOSEPH FLEMING, ' fBUCCXSBOJt TO l. WILCOX k 00.1 CORNER MARKET STREET AND DUHOND, keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of Drags, Medi ants, Medicine Cheats, Perfumery, and all articles pertain iagto bis business. £3- Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at iU hours. ;a:9y XOOA XUaaNO. FLEMING BROTHERS, (Successors to J. Kidd A Go.) WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, A*o. CO fTbod Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver PUls, Ac. jalO JOHN HAFT, JR., (Successor to Jas. M’Gafiey,) Wholesale and Retail Druggist, AND Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, Ac., 11l Wood street, three doora below Virgin alley, aprlrmAely PITTSBURGH. R. L. ALLEN, WUOXXSILS DXXLSn IN ' Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Old Hononga hela Bye Whislnr, &c.,* ALSO. RECTIFYING DISTILLER, NO. 6 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. \iriNES, Brandies, Gins, Oordlals, Jamaica Spirits, Bt. TV Croix and New England Rum, Clarets, Champagnes, Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Bcotch, Bourbon, Old Monougahela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; Imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, all at such low pi ices as to challeng i compo.ition Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and Demijohns of all nix as. I respectfully invite an examina tion of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD Street, Pittsburgh. Penna. *'-r7-iv rH PORTER OF BRANDIES, GIN, WINKS, &c—Dealer in fine Old Monongahala WTii-ky, Peach Brand>. Ac Also, Rectifying Distiller, corner of SmithllolcJ and From .treete, Pitteborirh. norl3 «-JNO. E. DOWNING, CLOTBIEB,-Sa | TAS removed to 294 LIBERTY street, opposite Garrison Cl ailey, and No, 3 SEVENTH, near Fuiithfieid, where the attention ofhie friends and the public is invited to the •itock of READY-MADE GOODS always on hand. Also, Clothe, CaKsuneres and Vestings for ordered wor&. A full 4£Bortmrm of Furnishing Goods for gentlemen, lncludinp iiatx of oil qualities, 'Trucks, Umbrellas. Ac., Ac. j»6f iOES m'ciojxxt - coanamcs u'etoavet. Wholesale end Eetail Clothing Merchants, NO. SB WOOD STREET. THEsubscribere respectfully inform their old customer? and thejjublic in general, that they have this day as eoclated themselTvsin the above buriuesn, uud«r the firm »! JOHN &I’CLOSK.EY A CO. They respectfully solicit a •nareol public patronage. Theproviou* businesoof each will be settled by them LAIRD, (Utp uf tne firm of Oootct A Laikd, i htru.. lb, opened STORE NO. 9, (two doore above the t.l’t tand,) for ton purpose of carrying on the CLGTIIINii ■ USINESS, hopes by strict attention to Luaincss to merit e mam oi the patronage of the late firm. - N. B.—Clothing made to order in the most fashionable •tries, and on the shortest notice—inferior to none in tb«- auv. jan2o:y . Jamei Ai«lltng«r* \«oNONGAUBLA PLANING MlLL—Would respectfull) tvA-loform his frieuds and the publla, that bis uew v«tab tishment is now in fall operation, ana that he is prepared to furnish B6at'Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptOoiAand at the lowest rates. Board wnd Plank, planed on one or Doth sides, constantly on hand. flash, Doors, and Mouldings, of every description, made to order. . Balltiera and Carpenters would find it to their advantage to give him a call, os he can now rarnish them with planed •tuff suitable for every description ot work. bit a. oxoioa... .jama cumiL HESRON & CRISWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, \T ANUFACTUREH3 of ell kind* or BRASS WORK, LO JJL COMOTIVE, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ac. Al so, Cotton Batting Manufacturer*. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegbeny City. Office and Store, No. 12 Murket street, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange for work, orcashpali. Orders left at the Foundry or Offlco, will be promptly attended to. feb9:ly JOSEPH T. LOWRY, 2*o. 43 Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, Office up stairs. Entrance from Fifth etreet. Pittsburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce to tne public that ho bos cocunenovi the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, In connrt'. lion with Intelligence aud General Collecting. Ha will also attend to renting. Persons m want of cerrant*, In any capacity, or those in want of placus, will be supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. Refercncri—T. J. Bighorn, Esq, Richard Cotfan, Esq., W. 0. Leslie, Dr. Alex. Black, James Mackerel, A. A. Manors. Maffit A Old. JaulB_ n. qaarr. j>. ceieiKOKii HI. GRAFF A CO., Western Foundry, No. 124 Weod street, PiTTSßoaan, Vf ANUFACTURERs OF COOKING STOVES, Cool and ~*A Wood Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Hollow Ware, Pluiu oDd Fancy Grates, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Bad and Dog Irons, Sagar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Wagon Boxes, Ac. (Jufidy? REAL ESTATE AGENT. Merchandise, Stock, and Bill Broker,Office, No. 92 Fourth Street, (above Wood.) The cutocriber having opened ah office at tho above place, for the purpose oi negotiating Loans, Bills, Bonds, Mortgages, and all other Instruments for the security of Money, and for the purenase khd sale of Stoeks. Will also give prompt and particular attention to baying, selling, renting of and leas ■Mi Real Eatoto. . (jy7j AUSTIN LOOMIS. Schuchman A HaunUln, LHHOGRAPHERS— -Third street, opposite the Post-office, Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Bill Heads, Show Bills. Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and Visiting Cards, etc., Engraved or Drawn on Stone, Printed m Colors,Gold, Bronxo, or Black,ln the most approved style, end at the most reasonable prices. octluily JT'OUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND li. Dealer in Paints—No. 44 St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. Hm constantly on hand all kinds ot Paints, either dry or mixed, Japan and Copal Varnish, Linseed Oil, Boiled Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass ot all sites, Putty, Paint Brushes. &C 4 ail of the best quality, and for sole at reason** ble prices. eepll I&NGUBH AND CLASSICAL SE3IISAUV. W. T. iIcDONALD, M. A., Pejkcipal. session of the Inetlttition will commence on V, the sth of September next, at the room cor * Liberty streets, lately occupied by the - Lcioinl«*O. Knap, Jr., 6. F. Von MUr'JF. The . mond< l uer of Ferry an- Meflfrn. Veeder. Referenctt —Hon. A. X* oaboret, K. Miller. Jr. JACOB lll'COLi. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 010 All AKD DIALER I* Alt rfSDS 0> Tobacco) Snuff« and Ctga. No. 25 Fifth tt. r £\Uiiur k 63* Keeps constantly on -hand a large supply of &•. Various brands of Imported Cigars. j a 3 : £ JOSEPH CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED CIGARS, my2:ly No. 63 Market street. Pittsbumh, POWER A iIIKRDONi ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL OARVERB. Ornamental Patterns for Casting, in every style; Moiling, Designing, Ac. Composition Ornaments for the decoration of Steamboats, Buildings, Ac.; 00 SMITH PI ELD Street, near the Post Office. yl:3m FISHER, ANDERSON a CO., hare just started their pa* per mill at the above place, where they will be happy to receive orders for printing and wrapping paper of all sizes.' , frhZ7:tf E.WHITBHOUSE, ' Fancy silk and woolen dyer and cleaner No. 7 ISABELLA Bt., near the Emmet Hotel, marl Azazghent. - ThomAß M. Little. ’ TXT ATCH AJfD CLOCK MAKER—Fifth street, betwe* n T T Wood and Merfcet 6treeM, opposite Iron City Hot* L. All fclnds of Jewelry made and repaired. fap&ly 6* cprnstftT...... s. j,. coiucrn t. S. CCTHBERT 4c> SON. Real estate and general agents, No. 5 o Smithjtad itrttl. * no vl card. HLEB, (Boooissos to Mokput & Lxa,) WOOL DEAL • SR AND COMMISSION MEBOUANT, for the sale oi American Woolen Goods, No. 139 Liberty street, [my4 _ l* K. Hayward, SnoES ’ TRUNKS and LEGHORN U i74p,tX° "i.?' CoTnAtn Pip . r ■ - ■ tai* 9 JOHN MITCHELL. " : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, No. 135 Wood Street * ja&yfl door to H. Child’a Shoe lHttaborgh. J ' —....... —.—.... J. nEMIHO ros. FLEMING having associated with JOS. ABEL the business will hereafter be conducted under th« stvleo' 3. ABEL ft CO., at the old stand, corner of SmithfiwM and Fourth streets. j a i :y ' William Thorn) DrnffgHtt HAS REMOVED lb the corner, of HAND and PENN Streets, where he trill, as usual, attend promptly tc his numerous friends. All artieleein his line are warranted pure, and put up with the utmost care. maTl4:6m Mew Jersey Water Alelons and Peaches. ; TIMIR 6ubf«Jiber Is in dally receipt, by Railroad, of the ' 1 finest quality of PEACHES and WATER MELONS, i] OaQ at his Depot, No. 128 Wood street, abore Fifth. a?fctr BAMOKL STHNBUCK. >i •‘. .v ■ ■ : , vN^ r # y r W .D. T. J0HH9T0N....... OOCHRAB FLCXIBO. JoHM WROUTT, Hen. oval, Austin Loomis, 6. fiDKlniey, NEW PAPER MILL. CANTON, 0310. Notice* • • . ■ W. PiTTBBUKGIi. IHOESHAY. MARCH 8, 1855. BUSINESS CARDS. ESTERPRISI3 WORKS ho. 13G wccd sTturt. v ar- noog nsiotr maci'&usT. BO WN a TETLEY,- ' *.' . ' IvnORTKItS e-ad mAU’ofecturera-of '^'CTH'J-KRY.SCIIOTOALAND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES, 4c. We keep a-general assortment of the above articles constantly oa hand; together with a general variety of Fancy Hardware. Also, Qans. Pla tola and Ruvolwrs, Flasks, Homs. Shot Belts, Cupp, Powder, Leadaai Buiiets; Bowje,.l)irk; Hunting and Pocket Knives Tailors and Hair"Drewers 1 Shears; Pocket Scissors. 4c.— Also. Trusses and Supporters, Jobbing and repairing neatly executed. RIFLES!—We ure making Rifles of every description, ta order, of tlie bent mcterinl, and workmanship warranted.- Orders revived for them r.t Wholesale or Retail, will be fill, ed wiUi despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Whblesale T ric< *- ; toylS CUanilelltfra and tian Flsttirei, TIIE finhscribarfi areimw opening at tbeir new Wareroom* NO. 100 FIRST STREET, and Smith field, the large.-rt assortment of CHANDELIERS, BRACK' ET3. PENDANTS, and all artlri hs connected wit Gas Pitting ever Offered in this market. Haring arrangements made by which they wii) be couatantly in receipt of new patterns and varieties, they contblentiv iuvite the attention of pur* chasers to their selection. Wu are determined to sell cb low osauy bouse in the Weat, ami being practical Gas Fit ters, can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles In this line. We continue as hornto&re to Bt up buildings of every de scription forgns. water and steam. Brass Castings of all kinds made to order promptly. GEORGEbLETCHER, FROM NEW YORK, a MANUFACTURER of the celebrated Gossamer Ventilating Wig, Elastic Band Toupees, and every description of Ornamental Ilair, for Ladies and Gentlemen. 79 FOURTH STREET, between Wood and Market, Pitts- Buhche&'s system enables LadlaS and Gentlemen to measure their heads with accuracy. FOR WIGS. No. 1. The round of the Head. No. 2 From the forehead over the bead to neck, No. 2. No. S. From ear to ear, over the top. No. 4. From car to ear, round the forehead. For Toupee?, to cover the top of the head only—a paper pattern, the exact shap* of the babl part. fray! Row Couch and Carriage Factory t JOEHSTOtf. BEOTHEBS & CO., Cbmcr of Rcbccca and Belmont streets, AUephs.ny City, is? WOULD respectful!? Inform their friends tho public generally, that they have commcnci*} th.» Tnanurnetnre of Carriages, Baro Rockaways. Buggies,Sleighs and Chariots, in at* thwlr various styles of dnisn and proportion. All orders will b.«oxr>out{xi with strict regard to durability and beauty of fin Uh. Repr.fr* will h!-»o b« attended to on the most reasonably t-rns. Using in alt their work the bsst Eastern Shafts. and Wl-vd riuff, they frel onnfl dent that all who faror them with tbrir patronage, will be perfectly -utb-fled on trial of th-fr work. Pur.. Wood *ttvet.o? Braun 4 Reiter,eor* nor Liberty end St. Clair street;:. Pittsburgh. 11. P. Schwarts, or J. T. ftamote, l>rui?ffist«. Allegheny. Floor will boileliver*-! toTHmtliefttn either ofthetwotf ties Ter.sta: CASH on delivery. _Jr*» BRYAN. KENNEDY A CO. Silver Manufactory. OFriONR. FuPK'-i. v;v i.I.UV,-'. ir—Rldocti \ ty Fiucsy. k ~ —-nwips *upt*ri -r In rnymujlieturi-.z Tm (..ip w*»rk, '*«• are n*w -11i.,-. ■<.*«♦ lb p-r rent. Wcr'lLet* - u ... i-rv: i-’ii-'?, or **•>~i* hern AW *:-(-rk j: warranted. S:--rh*~ Svi'sr —tt- 3 ).., nnnufjrt-ro rp.ooo rf tho Dr*f':-h s,erlJnz onnMfy WhVhes :intj W-iteh retiring continued, wRh f»- e>liiy *nd renew**-} d-termirvtti >n to entire sallsf-etion tn pmsi'ji-r.-, leitb t-s to price and the superior quality of the work. TV. YT. WILSGN, tTi.tchm«il:<*r and l-’weller, _no?l4 Pti-nerof Market and Fourth streets. Steamboat Furoltnre and C»Valr«7 U'K b-jve on bund and nrp ennstantiv tnanufaetTi- UA hi HAM BOAT C4KIN FURNITURE AND Kn CH.VI KS, of every h Btand.i; fv.r<} do; Water do; Tray •. Ac., Ac. Mnierlhi and trorfcrnnnsMp and prices satis* T. n. VoUNO A 00^ _jy2J rri Grntthftet l opv'osUeCitv flotel. N » T i C“K DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY, A*’ -0 Fifth r'j o/i, flr-t : -.yrner clm/v* Market street, PITfSRUI’.G I. PA WHERE WILL le- f- nu J *b“ tnn?<**t and l*est assorted stock C.f UiKIEUY ev«r f.. r sale in this city. will tiud It V> L!i«-r ndvniitHce to rail #t thl* es* tnbH u bm»T.t and examiue for therofrir.*?; it is all I need to Insure th-lr custom. 0. DALY. N. B--Remember tho Cnr*.p Ptoceixo Ccc , rtp*ion. troni the U-ivai Velvet nn«l Rru<*-eic, tothoeom men I n"niin, Hemp »nd R:*it. Floor o ! Cioth, from ore to ct-zbi Tftr-J? w'.}.., n«=-w deri.rn* » n-1 rerv rich. Cocoa and Canton MaLting. Drucgut*. Rog-.Mat*. Fuir Ro-ls Window Sh'de<. Ao. Fem>na in want nrc invlu*J to cal] and exam ine Ibeir ehvdL yttejmhmttn. H-deN, fta fi isbed on th«- most reß*'*unble t*-rtE«. rmsll profits aud quick ?'iles.’**ua TERMS <:a.3H ONLY. \V. S, Haven. THE OLD PRINTING KB?ABI .I■»HMENT, dote John ston .1 Slooktnn ) and Blank Bc-ok and Stationery Wareboanc. Ir prepared to execute urerv style of Iml Commarcial, Canal ami Steamboat -Tob Printing and B-xtk BlDding, an 1 furnish every article in the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest nolle* and cn the most reasonable terras Blank Book and FtationpTy Warehouse, Printing Ofllee Bindery, corner of Market nnd-Secr.nd afs fnovl6 Depot ot bongworl h 4 Zlmmermau'i Ca tawba Wines and Brandy. THE under?isned ha* received and offers for sale, at Cin cinnati vrxees, a large quantity ofLogworth 4 Zimmer* man’s cnolce and world-renowned Sparkling, Dry and La dies’ Sweet Catawba Wines, Such a? may desire to procure an excellent article of Native Wine, (the pure juice Of the grape.) will find mv establlßhraent the place for the gratifi cation of their Retires. The Catawba Brandy, distilled from the genuine Grano. is declared hv many excellent Judges, equal In aavor to the best Imported Cognac. TVnnn’u &. ftiark’i Plnnio AFRF.3TI arri%ftl of NUNNS * CLARK’S jePß«pt-» celphrstvd PI A NOS has just been by tho Kabscriber Tboy have been madeFPw lL W'S^ft and carefolly selected expressly for this mar- ■* » y V ket. nod oreconsiderH unequHlled for sweetness and power of tone. They all possess the new Improvement of two separate bridge, the bass strings running over and above the trcblo. They are fullv icaminkd to stand any climate and to excel in capacity for standing In tone. Pricesrange from s2oo to $3OO. Also.n fine lot of ihanos from the mnnu factories of DUNHAM 4 00.. and also LIfIHTK. NEWTON 4 BRADBURY, N. Y. All the above will positively bo sold at Factory Driew, without additional charge for freight, riak, etc., etc. HENRY KLKHRR, Bole Agent far Nanu* k Clark’s Pianos. No. 101 Third street, JeS plan of the Golden flsrp. Hiti’s Alraauabo for IHS 5 'N fl. MELLOR. 31 Word siraet, Fltt»hurgh, will •j. on th« > sth August. IBS4. tho w«?I! known ' % sc,9.ni»cs (for 1355) oilcu!ut»*d by Hanford G. lljll, eerics of o -v«?v years published bv Mr Lake Loumlß, of Esq., and for *. *** °f “ Lwmls* Almunacs.” The this city, under * series will consist of— KILL’? PTTTFBUROi. uMAn^’ HILL’S MAGAZINE ALMANAC. HILL** AMERICAN religious, orft l Tt is only nvccsßarv io R-»y, that the be malD» !l^De^ useful character of Mr. Hill’s Almanacs v in the above «eries. Tor IR?>6. a( r a i ns t 1 4S“PriHt«rs and others arc hereby cantinu “ infringioc on the cop> right of the above Almanacs. -rc?g i Th a y will W f->r sale ul u! 1 tb-* Co* ksloro*. by the ►, or loten, and by 1 aU JOHN 11. MKT.T.GTI. 31 Woo-: streot. i A Sew Arrival of Pianos, rill ARI/OTTK HLUME, No. 113 Wood ntreo . ia just re / reiving the following new Plano Forte.*,with and with out the jK'dlan uUarhm**nt; One elegant carved Louio XIV style Grand Action 7 oo tave Pir.no: One extra rorvod Serpentine, pearl keys, 7 octavo Piano. Two full c*rved> semi grand. 7 octave Pianos. Two plain Rosewood “ ** One do do f-V£ “ “ Three do do 6 “ “ Two double rnnnd oomer Rosewood octavo Pianos. One round corner finished back and front 7 octave Plano. A further arrival Is expected in about two weekj. fao29 Lio&n Office. JOHN A. O’BRIEN, G 7 SUITIIFIELD STREET, betweon Fourth and Diamond alley. Money loaned on Gold and Silver Plate, Diamonds. Gold and Silver Watches. Jewelry, Musical Instruments. Qunsand TietoK Feather Beds, Fitr nitare, and all kinds of articles—for nay length of tier* agreed on. Charges for storage considerably lower thaw* heretofore. Private entrance through the hall door. All business transactions strictly coitftetitial 45J* Forfeited pledges sold immeolatrly after belne out of dsf>. unless redeemed. Bargains of Gold and Silver Watch* -eg, Jewelry, Ac , always on hand. apr!o:6m NEW SEED STOREi JAMES WARDROP, 'or sale CANARY BIRDS of the most improved 'breed. ba.wg very hardy, and fine singers. Bird Seedp —Cftnaty.Hemp, Millet.Rone and mixed Seed. Bouquets will he ’furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS, viz: Csra«tiBH,ltofie Bade. Heliotropes. Ac. Evprgreensfin 'pots) forChristmaßTrees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 40‘Fifth rt- near Wood. doc2o consume the Smoke THE-et-bscrSbcr having the exclusive right to manufoc* lure and sell SWEENEY’S HOT AIK AND SMOKE CONSUMING TURN ACE. Is prepared to receive orders, and contract for heating buildings with the most economical F.-arunre now m use. The attention of those interested ie aofirited. Anv Inyormntion can be hod of A. BRADLEY, Nos. ‘2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, de-s&Ltfl Iron C Itv Stove Warehouse. No. 134 Wood fit. BAvRIt A. MOSER, A lICHITECTB:—Office?: Philo flail. No. 75 Third fitreet, Mttaburgh; ana', east side of the Diamond, Allegheny. jvlSiflm LARGE walnut book OABKS—Finished andln ware zoom. [d« 12) T. B. YOUNG A CO. a V;“ :•. »• :r*i ’• t ■.; 1 .-.V ■ —-.V . 5- •* ! N'-. ■■■ aSiiffiti rfiHE late firm of JONES 4 QUIGG-, having been dissolved X by the tion of the glasses perfect, both horieontailv and vertlcaLy, 4a, 4c, From long experience in fitting glasses, united with a perfect knowledge of the structure cf tha eye, we can promise sdentlfic acouracy, and thus ala much In the pre servation of the eye. J * Gold, Silver and Steel SpccUelts, carefully selected erf the b*it dualities, fbr Bale. Alio, glares fitted, 4c, .. W. W. WILSON, Practical Optician, feb9 fly Market street, corner of Fourth. LONG, MILLER 4 CO., No. 100 First atreet. xDwaan b. hill.. a. bollzdav PHIU A Holllduy, RODUCB, FORWARDING AND OJMMIBSION MER. CHANTS, EvansvUU, /a—Strict attention paid to all conatgnmeat*. for sale of Flour, ProduTpe, Ac. Orders for tho purchase of Produce solicited and promptly attended to* Ooodg.for re-shipment ferwardoawJtb despatch, toctfcea J. R* ypiwa^.— JO\EB & BUCHEIi- IKON FOUNOEBB AND MACHINIBXB, v a, Bkrrithag, Fa. T¥ A VINO increased our Machinery, which Is now the iXjnMt Improved order, and having added many fodll tieMbr dlspatchlßg work, we are now manufacturing First STBAB EBTGISES, FOR FURNACES AND ROLLING MILLS, Blowing Cylinder*, Boiler*. Furnace, RoUini?* SAW AND GRIST MILL MACHINERY A OASTISGSr Gas and Wotcr Pipes,Hydrants, Retorts,Lamppost*, Iliteh. tag Posts, Columns, Uirders, Sbafting, Hangers, DracketSjCeilarGrates, Bathing Tubs,Bpout*. Rautnp t Verandah* and Ornamental Castings. we pay particular attention to Ike manufacture and con utractk-n of Cast Iron Fronts for Honses and Stores. Having an extensive a**o! tment of bsaatifnl Carved Pat torn.vpf the moat approved arehUeetural order, our irreat f&cltitle.* for manuCicturing and sblppiog enable ns to com pete with oar cities. r S™** o»»HUb* JBils, Mill 0-rn.r. and MllUWngbta, will find 1- ranch to Ui.ir adTantaao to call and eiamlno our aitcnsl.. .lock of Patt-rn. before building. 7SO.V AUD BRASS CASTINGS, Of erery dwcrip .lpni Smith Work, Pattern Maiina, Put nare «n»l Pnryt- ptAervs, furni>b«el to order. [mvl2:y China Hour Vf A,t J kßr STREET, BBT\Yt,K*B TIURD AND FOURTH. i.» i. 100 crates of QUEESBWARE, of '.hi* Fall Impufta* ncw receiv-ng, to wtlnb weiovlta the attention of the oiniufry and city trade. liaTiog some doxea different pat tf*r n>* nf Tea ftare, wu fiwl eonfliloat ofrßaltine all au..vng which m.ty hrt found whi:* iron stone, gold bacd, * nui blue, pink, plum putf-lui brown nbd green. Al so, a *priß«ud whiteitaitationeioas. wbiiij ca-. J-- K'U much iielow the re*l stone ware. COMMON t\ AKIL—Our etock of Common Teas, Plates, Bakers, Nappies, Bowls, Pitcher*, and every article in tiji- Hue, Ls large, anil selected for the city and country ln»-le. * GL.\ .at! to please all. Hi.- price# are very much reduced, and he sells Ladies’ G-ilens at from to fl 60: G'-ntlemen’s Dooi?, from U> $0; anu excellent Gentleiueu'i Gaiter*, and Yoaths and Cbilaren's wear, at extraordinary low prices. Ho cnutmutls to m*nu:H--ture, os heretofore, all de scriptione cf LADIES Avjj OENTI RMEN’S BOOTS ANI) BUOKH, of tbo b-st quality and the latest style, all of which nv warrants Nor should bu overlcoked big very large as euxtment of Gum Sundals, Overshoes and B otf, for Ladies, Oeoti*men and Children. E«ery person who fovorshlm with their patronage mil bo fairly d*alt with. janV New Paper Hangings. F t NO. ba SVtiDU STREET. I.«E FRENCH AND AMERICAN PARLOR PAPERS: Panol Decorationjv in gold, oak and marble; H»U Papers, of various styles; Fig’d «nd Plain Papers, for diningrooms and chambers* Cheap and low priced Wall Paper*. Borders, u-tiinge, Figures, Window Shades. A larg« and coutdoU assortment of tho abora, selected for th- bcaetin, will boaold at th« usual low prices, 0013 WALTER l>. MAHSiIALfw at. axarr... ..... d. j. , Graff, Iteliingcr A Graff. IIfESTERN FoUN'DRi, N w . i 24 Wood street.—ilanu- T T facturura of Choking Btoves, Coal and VYuod Stoves Parlor Stover, U-liow W’ore, Plain and Fancy Grates, Plain and Fancy Fenders, god and Dog Irons, Portable Forge*. Sugar settles, Tna Kettles, Stove Kettias, Wagon Boxes *^ c _ - auU ’ Wm. U. Toloott A Co., Isuocxu-suaa vo t. xoajcd?, a cn.,l MAN UPACTUnEiiSOr GILT and MAHOGANY LOOK ING GLASSES, I'ortnit and Pldtore Frames, 4c., and dealer*- in Imported aud Do me.--lie Fancy Goods, No. B 2 oor uer of Wood and Fourth strwro, Pittsburgh. octl&iw HAVING eotd my interest in the firm of T. KBNNKDY. JIL, 4 CO., to WUUam ii. Talcort, who. with A.G. ÜBnry, wIU continue the Looking Glass and Variety Busi ness at thu old stand, oomer of Wood and Fourth street f under the stylo of Wm. H. Talcott 4 Co. 1 confidently re commend thorn to my former eustomers, os every wav qualified to give entire satisfaction. 3 AU pfwons having demands against me, and all indebted to me, will please make an early settlement. 00112 T. KENNKDY. JR. Cabinet Furniture Waretaoaia TO. YvjUNO A CO., Oslrinu Fitrmture and Chair Man • ufitclvrtn, Nos. 38 and 40 Hmithflsld street, opposite City Hotel, would respectfully remind their old friends and customers, and chose about to purchase anything in their line of business, that they are constantly monuffteturinsr every description .1 fashionable Parlorand Chamber Fu£ allure, warranted la material ond workmanship, and sold on reasonable -tanas. Care taken in packing for land or water carriage D FICKETBEN, No. 137 Liberty street. Steamboat Cabin Fumltnro ond Cbalra on hand ond made to order, as usual. Those interested in furnishing boats will find H to their advantage to give ua a call, as we give every attention to the manufacture of work best adapted to thrir u «e fmiS! BOOTS AMD bHOES, WHOJLESAL.K Ax\D KETAIL. JAMbji RWU bis Qtud up in splendid style his store. No. 89 Market strest. and No ti Union itreei, between rirth street and the Diamond, and has now cooniated his Spring mock of BUOTS, diiOES, SLIPPERS,GAITiiHB kf aud Palm Leaf, Pedal, Dustin and Braid HATS, to which he in viteß the attention of ail purchasers, whether at whole sale or retail. This stock Is one of the largest aver opened in this city, and embraces everything worn by the ladies of PhUadei phia and New lork, and he trasts cannot fail to please all. Great care has been given In selecting the choicest and PhiUulciphU. 380 ild-JoF CHESTS TEA, comprising Young ByaOb, fjnperlal, Gunpowder, Oolong, Souchong, and English UreaJtlMt, all ef which have been earefuliy solocted, and will ha aula as usual. A. JAYNES, i'ctln Tea Store, jy2l No. 38 Fifth street JBOOT3 AND bUOES.-*Tfiw* who wish to get o neat and well fitting BOOT, SHOE or GAITER, will call at AI’LAUUULIITB, JylB 95 Fourth mrcct. GHA.PF, RKISISGKU A CiRA^F, \ f AISUKaCTUKEKS uf coal and wood cooking ]j 1 STOVES, Parlor and Healing Stores, Grate Front*, FetK’ere, Wagon Boxes Ac., Ac. Wurwhoune No. 124 WOOD Strer t, ftboTc- Fifth, PiUel>urgh, Pa. jy‘z4 vlTt ooki»o fa cto r y . yo 24 FIFTH STREET, Sign of THE OLD STAOT. -TTfll-XIAil DALY ha* returned from-the Manufactar* YY ing Lloriery.DLstrlots of Europe, where ho hoe pur chased, for cash, a very extensivo aud well assorted stock of the best description* only of Stockings, Socks, Undershirts, Drawers, Glares; alr-o, new style of Children’s and Missws’ Fancy Stocking, togr-ther'With his domestic stock of Pitts burgh Manufactured Hosiery, tie will cell brwholesale or retail at N«w York Importers’ prices. n WILLIAM DALY A 00. Remember the plaAa—So. 24, Sign of THE OLD STAND. py2S - Spring style Bata. 4 WE WOO i> VlTfc -or Irlood. and the public ynnmlly to wU «nd examine our flew and be&utlfol syrtu of Corrupted Hats, wbioh we are selling low for caaa. Also, onr Oslestial Cap. which is to btf the tit*4*9l and l>a.t Cap of the season. febl7 WILSON * SON, M Woed at. - .«.■ ■* r* ** •* v'^vv ■V " ' ,r - ' K ‘ ft- MWJ / ftis rm /# sir BUSINESS -CARDS. Notice. A Cn.d. PHILADELPHIA. OEOBGE J. HENKEL’S CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE. Si. 173 CUESTSUT STREET, (Octoshj Ikotpbtoxsce Hm.l ■ PUHadelpttla. FUMITUBE, 117 EVEBY BTYLE! Comprising LouhXIV, Louis XV, Elisabcthan and Antique, with Sculpture Carving end modern style; In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany, Satlnwoodand Maple; all of superior construction, and. finished'in-tbe' beat style, equal tojff not excelling In qual- the Goods 'or any Establish ment in the United Btatesv TT'MPLOYING, noncT but experienced workmen, (appren ' Cl ticel being positively excluded,)ond using the best ns* \teri*ls, the work eatmot fail to gif& satisfaction to pur Amongst the many advantages offered to pur la the facility of Furnishing a House, either in el©- 'can tor plain style, completely from one establishment; by Which means : all the articles in each room correspond io s tyldand quality, and ibe immense stock, always c’i hand, so various In design, enables purchasers to please tt nlf taste in a selection, without the delay necessarily ca tosed fn ordering Furniture. i to give an idea of the finished Furniture on hand, I need oni y inform you that my Rooms uro 176ieetlong, by 27 ; fset arid e.foorttooratn cumber; with Shops comigaotis,BuCi* clan to employ 200 hands, which U a guarantee that the work f* *ll done under my own Immediate inspection. Packing is all done in the Store, and Furniture warraittad to carry safely any distance.' Visiters to Pbila delpbla arv * respectfully invited, as purenasers orotheTwlse, to call ,%na > examine tho Goods. au2s:ly JOBI p n IHOORIDGB, OOMMIfiSIQN FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 38 OoMm. ' tAL * Piai Bra**?, fr . g|. °®* < » Mo#i CONSIGNMENTS aalCon. ,J alMl°u**inmeetwittiprompt and personal attaaflonA Ill *:al advances will be given when required, on Con eh. ' ntt * nts or Bills of Lading, in hana. Ovfierx tnr the purchase of Lead.. ' srm ? n : ffen, P »»4 oth ' r Produee.wlfl bo promptly filled .tik slotroatmerketprlces; Tho Receiving and Forwarding or V ‘fitofdlie and Fro doe.wlßmeot withospovial cera Midi. '"poteh; tholowe.t a l^vo t i b d “s ip ' nt ' Of Storage and Drayage as auoh»as poaaibV I *’Wd«3- P»geA Bacon, at. MbnoD* Cincinnati; *n» Hceca 4 Fraim S 4°; 9*^J|ing* Co, do; Springer 4 Wbi iaaan, ??» J.W.BuworAßrp.,Pitt*bh; ; ACo., do; D.L*ecb4 00., do; 8.4 C. Yamail iAOo.,Pfchsa.V Wm.HolmoiAte., do; Morgan.J.M.Bm fcAHortta: Blow 4March, New York. B. B.Ccmegys, do; do; Shields 4 Hiller, do; ChMIM A.Meigs, do; Jutiah Lee * 00., Baltimore. A.G.Fu well 4 Co.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do; Howard,Hon4Co., do; W.B.Reynolds. IctUeville; _ - _ H. J). Newcomb 4 8v0.,* do; T.o.Twiehellc Co.,Commission ilerutxants. New. O.tlean*- ■J. C. IBOSXB. have an open Policy of Insorono*. which will cover all shipment# to my address, when advlaswi by letter per mail, or when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRIDGE, *ng° BLHouSa.Hissouri. WATER CPRB ISSTITUTfE. HAND SWEET MODTU S10E? BW PEM AND THE RIVER, PITTSBURGH Pa. S 3l atl u Practitioner In tho Old XJ Schoolsi of Medicine, ASlopathlo and Hooapathic, a. ad t™ t '.S's£ CC n J » eire ' dlr< *,* and immediate effect this ay fr f?w?iM F “ T< JV, nd a ~ d lK*K ** e ' «“*» chrunli- T l hVmVV^ ld, grateful and invigorating to the weak nod d “ irablo iD *»*»*> vb ° EiS In JT I> . IU ‘J? treatment -trill bcadmlnle ',bor" d«d«d; bnt, after long and thorough exoe £ J al!la .K BtT “£ <1 “ Ued »"*»«» te Hydro pathy, which has, throughout the old and new world, proven so eminently successful in overy form of dlsea-e JucipientConsumption, BronchitU, Dyspep?ia,* Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Asthma, CoU *2S**Sr tt * B ? d v. 1 Li !f! DIs «"«8* TestimonlaW of enre# frnm highly reputable cUisens of nearly every State in the Union, can be examined at Doctor Baela’s office. The Rev Clergy are invited to consult him gratis "f 1 ? b ' lns DK Tory leTel, and tho soil of an excellent quality for grass-growing, and being welt watered with •rh e ii T La°n . market, only that the owner , , J° r ? mOTB ,o ‘ h “ “»» West” Terms easy, and For torther particulars, inquire of W. J ltE\ NOLBS, at Lorena’s Glass Works, or of and „ , „ ,AUES MCUEY, a’ l " Real Estato Agent, at thi. nthm. _ Valuable Pro;ierty for Nate, H 0 HM'S OF QROUNB, upon which ure erected four huildingfl, which rent annuelj; 'Y‘ tf 10 " told property ie eituated In tha Ninth Word ot tu« city of Pittsburgh, on P«nn elregt, between nnu ■ atroeti. ... Also, the Factory and Ground known Be the “Empire Works, eituated on the corner of Penn and Morrisetreete Also, JS acres of unimproved land, eitnattd on the Alle {ft rl , T , < ?' toot Überty. On a portion ot this land there la tha heat Saw Mill location in the county .VM to ', a n „ Ul ?,^ r of , lota containing liom lto 6 .ore ß ii choice north-weatof East Libortr. and one milt test or Lewnncevil’e. .. T | h .m b ?l°,f lamsd . F}" 1 ™ of P ro PC“y are very desirable, chasera disposed of on adrantageone terms to early pap For terms of sala and further Infbrmatlon apply to Wm. p. Baum, No Wood street, Pittsburgh. . R. D. THOMPSON, anlodf . Assignee for Jos. 8. Negley. Bay Wood. £1 artery and Gardena. TAMER KENNEDY,[Iate Manager of tho well-known Sy w,?°. U w , . ! l al ; ri ' S ' “ ,w toge leave to Inform the public, that he has now established on EXTENSIVE NBA MERY, on the Farm of Mr. James S. Negley, noor East Lit, erty.wherehs shall be prepared, after tho 6th instant, to re ceive and fill ordsrefor every variety of Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Bardy and Green Bouee shrubs and Plants. In addition to a cbolceandeupefioretockon hand, hehaa made arrtngemenu with one of the largest Nurseries in tho Eaet, to keep up hleeupply. Having a thorongh and long expo, rlenoe in the basiness,ha can aseorehie cnitomereuetfMt BatiafiKtlon. v Hr. Kennedy would also respectfully offer his aervioee in deßlgnlng, Uyingout, and managing Rural Cemeteries, Pub- Bo Parke, or the grounds of Oountty Residences; and wBJ also furnish plans for the formation of Lawns, Approaches. Wcturosqueßceaery.Ac., in the highest styles of the art Practically acquainted with every branch of Landscape Gardening, and having apent years in the Sylvian Parks of KngUnd.and on the beaatifnl banka of the Hudson, ho hopes ho hue the capacity to moot the wishoe of those who favor hixa. ..., «- Oommnnications can be addressed through the CBtv Mobau War,hoo “ W ; KENNEDY A 00 Boaton Poplar Msohe Company. MODERN AND ANTIQUE OENAMENT9 PITTSBURGH AGENCY, 67 MARKET STREET.—The attention of Bnlldere, Steamboat Contractoio and Cab inet Makera, is requested to this new anigreit improve ment in tht manufacture of enjbcUUhmenta fbr OniliUDsa and Steamboats, outside and inside; Cabins, Halls, Church* ea, Dwallings, Stores, and Parlor Fomiture, in gilt, or in imitation of various kinds of wood. Also, Cornices, Brack ets, and Patent Ventilating Centre Pieces for Ceilings, Mouldings, Consuls, Trusses, Battlement, 4c; much cheaper and handsomer than Plaster and Wood Carving, and* great deal more durable. BLOCH LETTERS FOR BIGNS, very cheap and warrant* ed tn last for 20 years exposed to the weather. Above Goode for sale at the manufacturer’s prices—cost of freight added. W.-W. WILSON, . 67 Market bu Mew Partnership! —— MATTHEW GRAFF AND DAWL. RRISINGEB, trading heretofore as U: GRAFF 4 CO., 8tov» and Hollow ware Maoafacniwflj No. 124 Wood street, have thu day associated with them THOMAS J. GRAFF, as a partner in their business. The name, style and title of the firm wUL from this dato, be (jIRAFF, RKIBINQER 4 GRAFF. They respectfully solicit a con,tlnuation of the patronage so lib erally bestowed upon the firm of hL Graff 4 Co. Plttaborgh, July 1rt.1854. Hew Trimming Store* yo. 88 Cbrnvr of Market tircet and the Diamond. FRANK VAN GORDER resptcfullj announces to ths publicof Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he will open his new Trimming Store on Monday, April 17 th. Haring fitted up the neatest store room in the city, and filled it with a cboloe BttUotiPn of the latest styles of Trimmings and Fan- Goods, he flatters bi&felf that be will offer superior in duce oefits and endeavor to give full eatlufaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Now, don’t forget the place—No. 83 Market street, corner of the Diamond. [apr!2] FRANK VAN GORDER, PAUL KLEINER has remoyedhla LITERACY DEPOT from No, 73 Third street, to Fifth street, opposite the Theatre, where he will be happy to see his former patrons, and all others desirous of puveiuuiss any of the cheap Li terature of th« day. epf7:ly ' Head and mineral Water Fountain, WHOWE, No. 61 FIFTH Street,- next door to Masonic • Hall, dealer in FBUIT aad CONFECTIONARY. Ice Cream, of the beet quality, served op daring the sea son. Also, Strawberries and Cream. . Families can be supplied with Strawberries: and other Fruits, daring the season, on the most reasonable terms Orders ere rggpertfuliv ■ojiritod. t l*2-»f f"VUT AGAlN—Woods’ Monthly Real Estate W On it there are described for sale 51 good Farms, 82 Houses and Lots, 48 fine Country- Seats, and 600 City Lot*, with which purchasers ought to be acquainted before buy ing. Call and get a Register gratis. jan2&tf THO 3. WOODS, 76 Fourth street of those splendid Cloaaa ilt sist usually J. at^lurtopmaabj JmlS £. A. MABON A 00 ' »tC« ' ST. LOUIS. Heifloyoi. NUMBER 143. DAILY MORNING POST*! THURSDAY: MORNINQ:::::; George Law’s bid for the Presidency. The following letter from George Law, in re ply to one 'addressed to him by a number of members of the Pennsylvania Legislature, ap peara in the N. Y. Hrrald: New Yoek, February 22, 1855. UtntUmen; I have received the letter which you did me the honor to address mo on the. 2d inst . From my parly manhood I have been prin cipally engagodin the enterprises and avocations of private life, theso enterprises, however, in the opinion of many, havings very important bear ing upon the interests and progress of this great country. Daring that period of time I have paid no more attention to, nor taken no further interest in, the affairs of the repnblie than whtt a: good citizen or a lover of his coun try takes by putting , quietly his vote into, the ballot box.; I was therefore Btartled in a considerable de gree from my qnlet mode of life by the recap, tion.of a Tory important letter dated at Harris burg, sighed by;the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the State of Pennsylvania, sovetal Senators; and other members of the Leg islature, propounding inquiries of a leading pu litioal oharaoter : in Reference to tho present state of political affairs, and the future action of the American people. The honor and the compliment oombined of having received- a let ur from such it high quarter, asking for my humble opinion in the present crisis of our land, are quite sufficient to satisfy my ambi tion if it terminated with the solitary act of making this reply. With these Impressions on my mind X almost hesitate to venture npon the pablio path'to which your letter invites me with so much good feeiing. ' We have arrived at a very important crißis in the history of this Republic. Porties, princi ples and men—statesmen and politicians, all seem to bo in a rapid state of decomposition transition and reconstruction. ludeed, the same aspect of confusion and discord in the poblio affairs' and public parties which sffiiet this coun try, seems to be o common disorder, or epidemic, over me wii de earth iiorono m laboring' in tho ahioo condition. What is it? it ia theelOße of ooe great cycle of revolution’mu# ibe be ginning of another in the world's cmimati,yg. Eve's Asia, that mysterious country, with which ; steam is linking ns, j a filled with confusion, I war, disc'” 161 snd revolutions. Happily, how ever, wo ar.' possessed of too much religion; in teiligenoe ami 'common sense.to cat each other’s throats, in order t 0 uettladifferencM in religious I questions or politic '** oar Btesidea ive form on opinion of tvhat is necessary to bo done, Set tle npon common princ, into par tie,’, and go quietly to tho 3^ot bos, and thero detfli’mine, like practical me*'' civilized be ings, every knotty question of . , ~*•?• , From the first gun of the revo. n ti oQ “, a ? n to tho preaen,' day, the people of the l lcIt ?. States have passed through three terms of p Ex istence, all allied to each other in gene’'® °™ v acter, but differing in practical reoulm.'' great revolutionary period ended with the “v. tabliahment of tho Union, the formation of u. * Constitution in 1787, and the dignified retire ment of Washington wrth nil tae honor that the Amerioan people could confer upon him—their gratitude and affection. The second period of our political history, beginning with the eatab liehment of the repobiican party, under the mantles of Jefferson and Maa'isoa, also great and leading statesmen of their age, ended with ■the olose of Mr. j&lonroe'a administration. During that era, great questions of foreign and domestic policy were settled. The third pe nod began with the election of General Jackson, and olosed with the settlement of many impor tant political issues during his administration. The contests of tho Dsmocratio and Whig par ties, now closing in tho degeneracy and confu sion of all parties, creates the necessity for somo new party! growing ont of the state of the times, in order to reaovato and refresh the oonntry and age. The distinguished men of each of theso three periods have passed away but the recollections of their services to the country stilt exist. Tho merf of oar great statesmen—Calhoun, Clay, and Webster, with some of their cotemporaries—have left us rich legacies m principles, from which new depart ures may be taken by those who have intelii geuce enough to drink at the proper fountain But although nearly all the isouos of former party contests have been settled or died away, yet every ago has its new issues and fresh diffi culties for parties and statesmen to discuss en counter and arrange. During the last few years the original virtue and purity of the two great political parlies which have contended for the mastery, have nearly departed; both have degenerated and disgraced tho nation in many important particulars. This corrupt state of things had been predicted by some of our most eminent statesmen. The period has now ar rived when, from the exigency of the times, and guided by. the lights of the constitution, the people or this country are preparing for a change and a re-orgamaation of the present ele ments of republican government. This wish and determination ou the. part of the American people haa disclosed itself in the recent elec tions in different portions of the country in a maober u°t to be misunderstood, at North South. East and West. These resnltß are the beginning of the developments of a maaly na tional spirit, crude end anomalous at first bnt destined, under tho guidance of common sense to raisq-the oountry from those mires of oorrup tiou into which it has fallen by tho mismanage ment of politioal leuders. One or the most dangerous evils which has grown out of the degeneracy of the old parties is that of sectional ugitation. Seotional agita tion is the great danger that menaces the Ameri can Ropohlio It is the weak point of the Union. The sacred tie of marriage cannot sub sUt in private life without confidence in the vir tue ui the parties united; neither can this Union exist under the dishonorable and nmli> . nant sectional agitations which have been forced npon us in these latter days by small sections of politicians, who sink into insignificance before the great historical names of oar country. Sec tional agitation is not only our weakest point at home, but it invites the interference of oar enemies abroad. Tbo negtigenoe and InefficieDoy with which the public affair, of ibia oouatry, both foreign and domestio, have been oonduoted by thoae ia power whether Democrat or Whig, for the last few yeare, hare attracted the attention of all sensible men, aDd created in the minde of the people the necessity of a radical re'orm. Onr system of indirect taxation, commonly called a tariff on imports, has been established and framed for the purpose simply of supplying the annual wants of the government, and for giving indirect proteotioD to oar maonfuctaree. This Bystem of taxation has proved to bo of such a nature in practice as to create dangerous surplasses of millions of gold and silver in the Treasury, there by degrading the currency, throwing exchangee into confusion, and bringing bankruptcy and ruin upon every branch of business. The poli tiotaoe and statesmen (if they may deserve the name) of the two old parties have been too busily engaged in eohemea of personal aggrandisement to arrange thia important financial qui stion on such principles as would simply answer the wants of the Government and the interests of the country. It ie time, therefore, to tarn a short corner on these points of policy and to contrive suitable legislation, not for the purpose of spoils for themselves or dependents, but for the benefit and advantage of the whole country This system requires immediate reconstruc tion upon the highest principles of patriotism and common sense, in order to secure iho coun try from the frequent convulaiona and periods of bankruptcy which have occurred during the last three or four' administrations. Our treasury and financial system- requires examination nod amendment in all ,itß details,, and in the special working of its machinery. Our land system has also been equally in er roy, and thrown Into a atate of confusion by pri vate and personal schemes to get possession of the finest portion of that noble inheritance left ns by our anceetors. Hot only docs the internal policy of the gene ral government require the magic hand of states men adequate to the age, but onr foreign policy (if it can be eaid that we have any, Jdemanda in. an eminent degree tho attention of the highest Intellect, in order to recover it from th? state of • i,c'J 1 *V* r • J -* • - "- RATES OF-ASVEISTiSISQ ' vpox,. Ht tiiz pitt aac nan -VEian. Oaf i «Haftre i &no;.Uusrliorj... v , v '* '** fach a'Mltfonii faserU^r. “ '“ „ baa i 75 u 41 " two 3 (,0 ** three weeks.,. 4 00 - (i ; C.wp mppfta.., ' 7 C 3 “ three n0nUm..,......*, r„.. 9 (ft “ “ four 10 0$ “ " 12 CO 44 {< 19 00 dtnadiaßOard,sis linesor lO CO ; wuaajuais a* nostra*: One eqnar*,' per annum, {cxtldeireofths paper)-..-.,.. ‘25 degradation into-which it baa fallep. The troth is, the framework of oor parties and our govern* mentj has felt the deleterious ibjjacud-;* of tho limes, has falleniuto'disorder and waots topair, renotafioa dr revolution. - '. iMARCH 8; This country naa originally founded by emi gration from tho 0)4 World. The revolutions and consequent persecution of tho sixteenth century drove the first cottiers from their homes in the Old World to 'seek civil and religious free dom in the' wilds of-tho New. Tho Puritans who landed at Ply month- Root—tho Lutherans who settled on Manhattan Island—tho Catholics-who sought an asylum o.n tho shores of the Chesa peake bay—the Cavaliers who landed ht James river, Virginia,- and the Huguenots at Charles ton, South Carolina —wore alt pilgrims! forced by . the same persecutions and revolutions, from the Old World to the New, for the exercise and enjoyment of political rights and froedom regu lated by tho morality and religion. In leaving the Old World su'd' their old homes,' they left the prejudices of that land, and brought-witla them to this now climo.only tho. ideas and principles to which tbatgreat revolutionary ago gave birth, From their firßt landing a non society and" a new civilization took deep rootin the land; and gen erated the revolution of the last century, ending in the establishment of our present republic. We then became a country and a polity of anew growth,- which may ho fitly called: American in every Bcnaeof tbq,term. - : . In constructing' the present constitution tho framers of that great instrument, remembering the origin of their ancestors, left-a memorial of their sympathy for all the oppressed in., the Otd World, by authorizing Congress, to pass na turalization laws of a.liberal and generous ten dency. But while-.inserting ; Buoh a generous provision in the constitutions as would admit] -on brief periods of probation, the oppressed: of oth er countries to, the :privilegcs of this lapij, it was expected and believed, that’ all emigrants thereafter admitted would follow tho example of tfcefirst pilgrims by-abandoning the prejudi ces and pasßlons of the Old-World,/and become emerged .in the grent body of the new American civilization. ~ great' principle, with anch an 'Under jading, has been carried out for two centuries, Satid it ia only of recent date. that uorrupt:raen and mere demagogues have endeavored to. bgnd together citizens of foreign birth, according to their national or religions creeds, thus prevent ing them from following tho noble example of the first pilgrima. by mixing with American cit izens and blending themSßlves with the manners ar t customs of the.now dinpeneatiGu. Ail ro ligioiisird ail sects of Christians arc alike pro tected under egis of tho .American Catfsti tntion. Bat -wires the highest clergy ,6f nny sect attempts either, 'in the.politlcal power of thoir flocks, or the pecuniary nieaps of their congregations, It is tima’ifaf t«e poopio of this country to take warning by tho ferrifela example such clerical, nsUrpation3 have produ ced in other lands and in other timea.. ,In this important point of reform," there have been strong manifestations of late in different parts of the country, 'fen years ago efforts hc i gats to be,made tocorreot the er ora ond putify the corruptions of. the two old parties, and ..to give a high -tone, American and national feeling , to the action cf a new and energetic-drganija tion of the popular masses.' Tho effbrti oiigi i natiog in Now YcrlLnnd Pennsylvania, and-rn diatibg to 'various' States withii fho’ cirble'of heir influence and example, was, after o briCf l - ''ggle, overwhelmed by the cotrnpt.pplUioiods alru he coneentrated exertions p£ the t,wo i(2- an d t,. Arties. posing p. evils of that'time and the necessity But the , Ave grown Kith onr p'otjthrunsi of reform h_. -ff onr strength,.until the Amerf strengthened wi. Sto longer in silence nnd sep can heart can Stan, 'nized pnd disgracedijyruK tbeircounfry disorga.''; Gfipoififkiiemf W corrupt and dcmornlir, • > 0 j or " .ni^if.-' Daring iorced by & degenerate tw *-.»« u ** the laat year tie™ioan . 060 78 waking from a deep sleep. Th-' r nre bdraA. * on all hands, 'and in every qua. >*-“?*» thonianif cies with, which ncble intellects m.’d u °.e minds were bonnd, and no. doubt aoema. to exist, from the progress with which the new revolution has advanced, that'itwill end in' as glorion.’ a-'tri umph-as that set in motion by the Declaration of Independence, itself. This great movement has dona, my heart good, and it will spread the same sentiment throughout the country, to see the noble old State of Penn sylvania taking one of the first great steps to waids a- consummation of that rcvolntion to whioh American sentiment and American patriot ism points so clearly. In _tho old Revolution, your noble' State marched' under the command of the immortal Washington, rallied'Under the motto of “Virtue,: Libertyiand'lndependence " The same aantim.ent, I have no doubt, will ani mats year; present straggle, until victory is pro claimed from tbc eources to the shores of the Atlantic and Pacific. I am, geDtlemeu, ; . Yonr obedient servant, _ „ GEOII3E LAW. To-Henry E. Strong, William A. Crabb, John Ferguson, John W. Killioger, John Hendricks, Alexander M’Coonell, John J. Maso, George S. King, C. 8. Eyeter, B, G* Waterhouae.S/J. Kreppg.und others. . • FOR SALE AND TO LET. 35 Per o«ttt lsovror tbaa aav Fertii lu tbo Cdaatsr. v ATALTJABL&- FAUiI ITOR. SALE.—The rabscribef'fi authorised to soli th* fnUcrßrUx? described TRACT OF iiAivD, containing 4 tniiod in Notthtovette town ship, Allegheny county, Po, 14 eUVm from: the City of fitt* burgh, and neaxrtw hsaof thn 3£»benTillo R&UrOid. with Coal and Urns Stono na&n thvxTftolo places Bnd’€ii?f : « access— A Tery comfortable Jam Uouse,SOby 26 feet, 2 irtfliieS high; Wash ot^ Rr debw Frame• Battk-ifcnu cJJmi 35 I 3 possible manner; ..with * Stabling under the TThots. tmiaicg;. 100 bearing Apple Trees, best grafted qualities; a large quantity of teach and Cherry Trees, all in bearing order; about 85 acres eltarad » D js* a a Wghstateof cultivation, with waterin aU thefleldSa Thi3 lftpd Is very comfortably situated Jn one of the best • neighborhoods in, the county, being conTunionr to markets to churches, schools and mills, and would not be In tha market, only that the owner is about to remove to tbe'fatf wesh Terms cz3 : and prica moderate. For further carii culars see the owner, W.M. ROBB, oh premises, or tb- sub scribSt‘. : 'JAiIKS.a RECHBT, ' : : au2l:d*w Retd.Ritote Agent. } FOR SALE.—Two sptendld Farms; one of lOOacics, and tho other 1 5 acres; beautitnlly located oh tlm Uooer St. Clair Township Wank Road, 0 miles from tho cllv. tich ofthem lying eo as to aivids Into Macro lots, having snood spring on each. It is a splendid opportunity for a specula tion. Thoss who want a good home, or wish ‘to make money, would do welt to look at it, as we will soil to the first that offers us onr low price, in lota or all together. . Also, fire Conntry Seats, j mile from Wood/ ran, and only a mlles.from Allegheny city, by wayof the New Bright ton Plank Itoal. They are tine healthy locations, and of. fered very low. '■ ■ ■ ■ . v *i Also, ten Country Seats on tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad,7 miles below thecity. They will be cold separata or together to a colony or building association; It is a lovely location, and cheap, of course. Also, one Lot of two acres, and two smaller-pieces of ground, opposite H aria on’s at .Woods* run, offered at-a very low price for eo‘fine n property. An assortment of ; Lanas, Houses and Lota, alwayaon band, and described In i my register. Before buying you would do well to call and enquire of THOMAS WOODS, ' _JfI : : 7fi y-„rth rtrect. * Beautiful Sites for Country Hvinei* T l t?vr U Q I1 ?'7f Ig ff* commands a fineriew of the picturesque and romantic sce nery around.- lam desirous of preserving this square m*. ’■ tiro, S 3 it would afford one of tho most charming and mag nificent sites for a gentltstnan’s summer residence, in the immediate vicinity of tho twocities. v* .. -.i, Also, about TUKs ■£ ACRES OP GROUND, at the faeadof the island, advantageous! v situated ffrr manufacturing pur-' t posse. • ' • Tbe-above propsrty Is situated In Duguerae borough, 'on ’ the high and mala bank of Herris island, and Is reaebed.bjr. I a very substantial Bridge of one span. For particulars ap ply at my residence, in Daquesce borough,'on the main { bank, fronting the head of Herr’s Island, or of JOHN DUN LAP A CO- corner of Second and Market fits., Pittsburgh* ' apr!7:tf . . . WM. C. MILLER.; -* Fifth Ward Property, for aale at a Good Uarg&lu; THKEB VALUABLE lihiCK HOPSEB AND LOT&— ’ These Lote embrace a front on Penn street, of Gti feel $ inches, to *3 feet alley ; on which tfcere fa erected i ble block of Brick Houses, tvrp stories higb>.*ritli kitchen r and cellar In basement, 41 fcetlroiit ou Penp 6treet.'an(l 30 ' feet deep on Locost street.;; This, fa a very desirable situs* * Uon for either a Store or a Tavern; Penn street helm: tha great throughfare of the city: ant i this property belngcon- ; venient to the uailroad Depot. • ' ® Ibis property would not to In tbo.martcet oulytb.t tfce owner is living in n a*hingt/-n county iind finds it extreme ly inconvenient to attend to it. v. Terms easy and price moderate; for further particulars enquire of ' BOOEKT I