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T.>:_ ’r s- -*«- V -r- Vi>sV’s‘ , y-’ J ?->v* v'b\i‘i . - r'rt’f'J r‘ y s ‘ ,’b- ; •'! • bfrCt&t' v a a ’, t- , y >l4.o| y4y,; f . • •C%.- , VJV6« y V 7;^, , .7 y -sf y , ’.. 7a: ’ | li %b~.‘ \ f > : ' a aib'J bb*-* S ' , •' R g [L^i e k r J <* Jrf| X yyl /■ -:-3 , ,\.\f y-yfe,(£ryy- -yj , t 1 4S \_fi v - , • ' i, „J 1 7 ‘ ‘ ii* r y| jT-i/jJCio’Ta t v -,i f ■• . *-. •-'« ;-i v| ;j s iv v e 7 ? ■ r .y‘*<-'.‘‘ . *■*.’• ~- r ys l # v.i'V: ,3* *; ■; -•_; v• vl /.«*• . V'f'-t- .i' t*.'■■. i•»• *■ » '. •'*-; rr . tr % «. * c L - # *-* if'i 1 ‘ . 1 > 4 - v 3 t ; '’y>i 1 ■*', J ■ -- 4 V ' ; -’ v C. '*> " I,^ :r fj 'i. •» T*. <*.- i * V ■- •. ‘ ' ■<* *Vf yS' I,‘ ~'<*•, ‘,"4" *?*■?* -s j" f'v:« V-’- .;■» ■' i '•*•*' /.■*.. i- f ; ■ - - 'i .■'^,” r , t -. ■' ‘’; ,• .’ M '»s*V4.-^,'^ | ,sS^>V-‘‘ \i ' •-: -,v w i ir* ;,;‘ ■~?v; »','**■-to «i? r /.‘.'tv.■■■«.■,. » '.:; s ' -'i' '■ \ • *- --‘ *■-. '*• 0.., ♦< -y- -\ £ .„.••• «/'•'• «.*•* '• • <.- *■-.a 4 .„'• »{. ~. \ m*L* S ‘ 1 , V• ■*, .. ' - V *V* f ‘. *. , r' -: i v ~;p ' rls-l C' •> v ■v..- f-.-i.-K,:. ■ ■ l •• *i **V c '- *••" »*• • i~»i«uTnr~W~ OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CJTY. PITTSBURGH: FRIDAY MORNING: Blatter-will bo found on cacti Page of this Paper. 43*8. M. PKTITNGIDL A CO., Ktvispapcr Advertising Agents, are tbo Agents for the Pittsburgh Daily and Weakly Pert, and are authorised to receive A DTKETisrMrsT; and Subscriptions for us at the same rates as required at this office. Their receipts are regarded as payments. Their offices ore at Nrtr York, 122 Nassau siEßrr, BoSTott, 10 SraTE street. ■There was a snowstorm in New] Orleans on the 27th nit. A large fire oconrred In Yioksbnrgh on the 27th nit. Loss, $BO,OOO. ~ Mr. Knox says the difference between a Know Nothing and an Abolitionist is, that one is a “Sam,” and the other a ‘‘Sambo.” Wonderful- ! .“TA tho Maine House of Representatives, on the 28d Inst., Eli Jones a member of the peace* : loving Society of Friends, was elected Major - Qeneral of the seoond division of the militia of ■Maine. . A numerously attended Democratic meeting was held at Manchester, N. H., on Tuesday, at whioh the principles of the Know Nothings were denonhoed in' unmeasured terms as ungenerous and unconstitutional. j»5 The Know. Nothings of Washington, on Toes -' their ‘candidates for Mayor and ; Councilmeh by largo majorities. At Frederick, Aid., also, the’Know Nothings elected their ms . niclpal officers by u vote of three to one. •' The population of St. Louis, according to a * ' , cenßnß just taken, is 97,648, Inoluding 2,966 . colored personß, which is an inerease of about ■ 12,000 sinoe the oensns of 1862-3. The popu lation of tbe oity and subnrbs will reach nearly 120,000. A terrible casualty oconrred on the Mississip pi river on Monday.' The steam tng, Thomns McDaniel, while towing two vessels, oxploded her six boilers, killing seven persons, and se verely wounding several others. The vessels in tow were bat slightly damaged. Tho tng was completely demolished by the explosion. In the Pennsylvania Legislature, on Wednes day, the Committee on Vice and Immorality re ‘ ' ported back the four bills referred to them, with . a long report upon the subject. The report recommends a stringent lioeuee law, and that the wholesale traffic be restricted, bo that not less than five gallons can be sold. Four thou sand oopies of tho report were ordered to bo printed. If it were possible to estimate tbe number of miles of fenoing on all the farms of the United States, and their cost, and the labor and ex pense of the annual repairs, it would no doubt bo found that " the fences of the country oost more than its houses.” The stone fences of New England, where stone is more plenty than good soil, costs on an average a dollar a rod. The wood fences of all kinds in the other States, cost about the same price. Then, every year they require repairs. The firat oost of fencing a farm properly, is about as much as the cost of the necessary buildings; and the repairs of fehoes from year to year cost far more than the repairs of the buildings. This is a serious mat ter for the farmers, and particularly so in the western and south-western States, where there is very little stone for fencing purposes, and timber is scarce. On the prairies of Illinois, lowa and other western States, timber must • often be hauled several miles to make fences. In the olden States timber Is beooming scarce and valuable. Under suoh circumstances, it be comes, a matter of great importance to find a substitute for the stone and wood fences in gen ral use. Suoh a substitute is found, ana could be adopted with great advantage and profit by the great farming community of this country. That substitute is “livefences,” or hedges, that are not too expensive at first for general use ; that will last for a, century without renewal, and that require very little labor each year to keep them In perfect order. They are not only the most profitable kind of fences,Tout they beautify and adorn a farm j and diversify the landscape in a manner most pleasing to the eye of taste, as well as satisfactory to the " eyo to busineaS and economy.” An extensive business is now carried on in aome of tho western States, in planting and training these hedges for a stipulated price per rod or mile. One firm in Ohio carries on exten sively'this branch of business. They have un der contract eighty-five miles of this kind of fenoing in Kentucky, and nearly two hundred and fifty miles in Illinois, the largest portion of which is along the line of the Illinois railroad. The Lonisville Journal says: “ The prices paid for furnishing and setting “ the plants, and training the hedge to maturity, " are from 76 oents to $1,25 per rod, aooording “ to terms of payment, or from 80 to 40 cents " per rod for furnishing and setting tho plants, “ the owner completing the cultivation and “training. This is much cheaper than the “ wooden fencing. Tho live fence is permanent “ and beautiful—the wood fenoe is unsightly and “ soon decays.” . The Osage orange is the favorite shrub used in these fences, and it iB likely to supersede all other modes of livo fenoing. The same paper ‘Bays: ’ “ It takes about four years in the West for an Osage orange hedge to grow large and strong t‘enough to turn stook. After that it becomes “better every year, and nothi g oan pass • ‘.through it. A hedge on the farm of Mr. Jas. “ M’Grew, of Montgomery oounty, Ohio, has “been set about four years, and is so oompact “ and broad at the ground that neither fowls nor “ pigs oan pass it, and so high that, the most “ unruly animal would not attempt to jump it.” That our farmers of western Pennsylvania should use this kind of fence, requires an an swer to but one question. That question is, is it the cheapest kind of fenoe ? And there oan be no doubt that it is such. To prove this we quote the following from an article written by Professor Turner, of Illinois, on tho subject of live, or hedge fences. He says: “ On this place, of one hundred and fifty acres, requiring, as I have stated, four miles of fenoe to put it in perfeot order, I calculate that I am saving, in cash, at leaßt $2OO per an num, in all coming lime, by using hedges rather than rails, aside entirely from the additional comfort, seourity and beauty of the hedge. As regards comfort, l can only say that I now write with my eye resting upon a hedge about four years old, between my garden and fruit lot and the most populous street in this oounty, through which thousands of mules and wild Missouri steers, hogs, Bheep, &c., are driven every year, and all the stock of the village, of all sorts, run at large. (And Pharaoh of old knew what a starved cow was.) In thiß hedge is a small wicker gate, opening into the street, with an OBage crab over it to prevent olimbing. When neoessßry, this gate is kept looked. In this lot, which is within the corporation limits, and contains some four aores, wo have had through the season the greatest abundanoe of strawberries, gooseberries, ourrants, peaoheß, pears of the fineßt varieties, grapes, raspber ries, plums, cherrieß, blackberries, melons, &0., and if any person has been inside of the lot without leave, it is certain they did not get over the hedge; or if any boy has taken a plum or a berry we do not know it.” As timber becomes every year more scarce farmer* should turn their attention to this sub- vert of “live fencesand it requires only a lit tlejattentlon and inquiry to satisfy any one that it j*,by far the cheapest and most profitable kind of fencing that can be used in this or any other part of the country. i; . ; .*. JV* ’ MARCH 2. K«wi of tbe Day. LIVE FENCES. iefsisasittos luaßiißCßd The Senator Question—The different lallctinge— Excitmg Sccnet—Postponement of the Question M(iJ, the fret Tuesday of October—Boss that -mote it construed. Habbisbubo, February 27, 1864. Dear Poet :—I havejastreturned from witness ing the great performance, which, ns all the Commonwealth knew, was to come off to-day at the eapitol. Aotors and andienoe, prompters and managers, were all in their proper plaoes. At 12 o’clock, the Speaker’s hammer fell, the onrtain rose and the performance began. Amidst breathless silence the roll was called and each man’s voice fell like a merry peal or a doleful knell upon the ears of the anxious expeotants. When the list was gone through, the President of the Convention (the Speaker of the Sonate,) announced the result to be as follows : THIRD B ABBOT. C. R. Buokalew 28 J. Pringle Jones Bimon Cameron 66 J. 8. Blaok Thos. Williams 6 D. Wilmot Jas. Veeah 6 Brady 1 J. W. Maynard 6 W. H. Irwin 4 James Todd 1 Thnd. Stevens 2 R. C. Conrad 4 E. J. Morris 2 Jno. M. Howe 2 H. M. Fuller 1 Whole number 180 Heoessary for choioe 66 Then come another ballot with the following result: FOURTH BABBOT. C. K. Buckalew 28 J. S. Black 1 S. Cameron 64 Thos. Williams ._ 4 Jos. Buffington 9 J. S. Brady 1 John W. Maynard... 6 Wm. H. Irwin 4 Thaddens Stevens... 4 Whole number. Necessary to a oholoe 66 Upon this result being announced, a motion waa made to adjourn until to-morrow at 12 M., but it was voted down by a large majority. Then followed another to adjourn until the third Tues day in October next, which met with a like fate, it being only ablo to command 65 yeas to 66 nays. All this ocourred amid the greatest ex oitemement—of motions to 11 proceed to another ballot,” the "previous question,” &o , &c. Another ballot was then agreed upon by yeas 66 to 65 nays ! Tbe excitement and Interest had now reached the highest degree of intensity. The result was as follows: FIFTH BALLOT. C. R. Buokalew 23 |D. Wllmot 4 Simon Cameron 65 |R. T. Conrad 6 Thos. Williams 3 I Litttell 6 Jos. Buffington 8 | Wm. Larimer, Jr.... 1 J. Brady 1 Jaa. Veeoh 3 J. W. Maynard..:.... 7 j John W. Howe 1 W. H. Irwin 4 I J. J. Pearson 1 Thad. Stevens 4 [ John C. Knnkle 1 E. Joy Morris I Pearson 1 J. P. Jones 5 I J. 8. Black 1 Whole number. Necessary for choioe A motion was then oarried, after an oxciting discussion, to postpone until the first Tuesday in October. This is looked upon as virtually leaving the question until the meeting of the next legislature, as, after an adjournment with out day, this legislature cannot re-assemble un less the Governor should issue a proclamation to that effeot, which, of oourse, is not likely to happen. So ends this strange, eventful history; and so, I will venture to predict, ends the political ca reer of Simon Cameron. The charm is broken ; the prestige of success is gone ; his canso now comes before tho tribunal of the people; and they will bo about as likely to render a verdiot in his favor as would the Winnebago Indians. It is an impressive circumstance, Mr. Editor, that this audacious political adventurer has al most won a viotory against the oombined efforts of hostile parties, and tho remontranocs of an indignant press and people. And let it never be forgotten, that foremost among his supporters, throughout, were the House delegation from Al legheny. For those members of tho American organization who supported him only because he waa tho nominee of the party, some allowance must in fairness be mado; but our members, be it remembered, supported him in oaucus as well as in convention. Their vote, as the represen tatives of the leading western county, aontrollcd that of many other counties, and they are in fact responsible for his being tbe most promi nent oandidate before the convention. Well, the piratical bark, which oarried Simon Cameron and his political fortunes has founder ed. What if those who voluntarily enlisted un der his flag, and ohoso to risk their fate with his, have gone down with him. How many teare would be shed over such a oatastrophe. Terrible Battle In Harrisburg. Two lawyers of our oity, and one of them a member of tbe legislature, we are informed, had a desperate fight In Harrisburg. Result, a orushed hat, and a blinked peeper. C. struck too high, and only made the fur (hat) fly. John had fetter lack for once. At that point the orowd rushed in, of oourae, and prevented a bloody oatastropho. The battle of Blonheim would havo been nothing to it but for tho unau thorised interference of the crowd. Blackwood’s Maqazihe. Tho February number is received; and we are always glad to recoivo it. Each number generally contains two or three articles worth reading all over the world. This number is a good one, and Miner & Co., Smithfield street, and Gildenfenney & Co., Fifth Btrect, have it for sale. Tho Kinney expedition, whioh proposes to settle a large oolony of Amerioans in Central Amerioa, has oecupled publio attention a good deal of late ; and to give our readers some idea of its objects and merits we publish in another column an article and a letter on the subject J@f“ We publish the letter of “ Looker On,” from Harrisburg; but wo do not approve its tone. We wanted a Western man for Senator ; but we no not propose to use abusive language towards other eandidates unneoessarily. [From tha Boston Journal, February 20 J Serious Accident Prevented. Monday evening, as tbe pessenger train from Albany, was coming rapidly down the sharp grade of the summit, about three miles this sido of Washington, tho engineer discovered a signal displayed on the road, aDd stopped his train jußt in time to avoid running off tbo traok, in a daDgerous spot, where a rail and a half had been broken off by a freight train whioh had passed over previously. The damage to the track had been discovered by an Irish laborer who walked three miles to procure a lantern and flag to warn the approaching train of the dan ger. The passengers made up a handsome purse for the faithful fellow whose exertions had saved them from an awful death. The Capital or Nebraska.— Omaha City, the present capital of the newly organized ter ritory of Nebraska, is described as oontainiog from sixty to eighty housos, located on a rising ground on the banks of Missouri river. The government house, occupied by the Governor and Council, is a two story briok, and the prin cipal hotel is also two-stories, with a wing, the reßt of tho horses being of all sorts and Bizes. In August last there was but one small hut in this place, but now it contains taverns, stores, shops, dwellings, and a government fully or ganized in all its departments. Sii'aoßAE Scioidb. —Mr. Fenn, a Prussian by birth, who was Civil Engineer on the Terre Haute and Alton Railroad, committed sulolde at Terre Haute, (lud.) on the 20th. He was at a masquerade, and coolly remarked to a couple of ladles that ho would retire and shoot him self. One of the ladies jocularly replied that he should do so. A pistol report waa soon heard, and in an adjoining room Fenn waa found weltering in his gore. No cause assigned for the oo t. Nsw Yoek, Moroh I.—The steamer St. Louis arrived here. Sho reached the dock about 8 o'olook this morning. She left Cowes at 2 o’olook A. M., on the 16th. The Paris correspondent of tho Daily News says that Mr. Sonlo considers the scheme for the pnrohase of Cuba as completely knooked on the head. Parliament is to ro-assemblo on the 16th Lord John Russell was to leave England in a few days for Vienna. Mr. Hammond, Under Seorotary of State for Foreign Affairs, will no company him. The Poke of Genoa is dead. Despatohes from Lord Raglan, dated the 27th report the weather as fine; bat there were se vere frosts during the night. The tents are being got np with much difficulty. The first detaohment of British troops from India arrived at Suei. Jos. Buffington 6 Jno. C. Kunkle 1 LitteU 2 Mr. Boule is amongst the passengers of the Hermann. There is nothing Important from the Crimea. Lord John Rnßseli proceeds to Vienna to act as British Plenipotentiary at tho Conference. The India mail has been telegraphed. A de spatch, dated Bombay, January 16th, says that an insurrection has broken out at CabooL 12,. 000 Persians are besieging Benda Celosi, A murderous oonflict had taken place; but the besieged continued their resistance. A French company has offered to raise in France from 10 to 25,000 men for the servlco of the English government, half the number to be ready in 16 days. It is stated that the Eng lish government is dlßpoßed to entertain the proposition. A telegraphlo despatch from Vienna states that the C*ar has issued a manifesto under date of St. Petersburg, 12th of February, in which he oalls tho entire male population under arms. Au additional foroe of 800,000 men will be dispatch ed to the Crimea. E. Joy Morris 1 J. Pringle Jones 6 D. Wilmot 5 John C. Konkle 1 R. T. Conrad 7 John W. Howe 2 James Yeeoh 2 John J. Pearson 1 The latest dates from Sebaßtopol are to tho 81st January. The weather is growing milder. Thirty thousand Ottoman troops have landed at Eupatoria ; others are on the marohfor Varna and would embark ob soon as arrived. The French government has ad vices from Var na to the 6th, which state that Omer Pasha had left for Bourges; the cavalry and Magargeues on his return would embark definitely for Eu patoria. . The Russians were onoamped partly in the villages of Alma and Belbeo, and partly at Sim pheropol and environs. Gen. Ulrioh with hie guards Bet off for the Crimea on the 30th January. Egyptian reinforcements hare arrived. The artillery at Sebastopol kept op an inces sant fire daring the night, and tho allies replied daring the day by tirail enrs. The Journal do St. Petersburg, ef February 3d, contains the address of tbe Csar to the het men of Don Cosß&cks, expressing confidence that they will fight courageously for the ohurch, throne aad country. The reported mutiny among tho Zouaves has oreated a painful sensation at Paris. It is thought to be greatly exaggerated. A London firm, in the Provision trade, propo ses through the Times to feed the army in tho Crimea, at tbo rato of 3s. 3. an i Commcn Councils ussomblod That itTu retinae for tbs yar 1855, arising from Tales. Luma, and all ctbor Bonrcea, together trlth all Moneys in theTreaaurr. and n- t otherwise appropriated, be, and the tome is hereby appropriated for the purposes : - 3 'No. 1. Interest KniX, taxon city *9 ana.,. 2. .Salaries fbr city officers; •. Rildiy.... ....... *7OO qq Olerfc to JUjor 300 00 Treasurer** 5a1ary.................... 700 00 Monongahela Wharf Master CSQ CO Allegheny Wharf Master- r&Q 00 City Solicitor 600 00 btr»et Commissioner, First Disk. suu 00 StrectCommUiJoner,Second Lis. £.OO 00 High Constable 4£o 00 City Constables...... ...2700 00 Clerks of Councils 500 00 Messengers to Council* 350 oq Clerk to Committees 2uo 00 Messongcr to Committees. 00 Recording Itegulator 400 00 SuperLatend"r.t of W.tor Works.looo 00 AxsuteorofWaterßcuu- 700 00 a soo 0»-8U,200 00 8. Public Printing 9 j OO 4. Kngimi and Uur-e Companies 6*ooo 00 ♦. Cleaning btroeta, First District 2.2C0 00 8. Cleaning Streets, Seocnd District 2,000 00 9. labile Lamps and Lighting 5treet5......... 9 000 00 10. Cleaning Second and Fifth Ward Markets. ISO 00 11. Mocoogakvla Wharf. 500 on 13. Beard of Health . . 1 5nX nn 14. OonUnrent Fund.-..- .'""Z;!'. 4,000 00 Ift. Outstanding Warrants. Temporary Loan.. $189,350 00 StC. 2. That a tax of two mills on tha dollar bo assessod and collectedl this year, ns other city taxes are assessed and collected, and that the same be and Is hereby epprepriated to the Improvement Fond, according to law made and nro vldcd therefor. r Ordained, and enacted into o law, in Councils, tho twenty sixth day of February, A. D. 1856. J SAMUEL A. LONG, _ , President of the Common Council. Attest: M, W. Lewis, Clerk of the Common Council. JAMES McAULKY, .... , « President of the Seleot Council. Attest: Jons T. Wiiittix, Clerk of the Select OounclL mhz.-dFt IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB UNITED STATES for the Western District of Pennsylvania— Hopkins, John LnniDg «t Co. ”1 , ... VJ . I lu admiralty Switzer, Steamboat Monongohela ) claim $9O 12^. To all persons interested—Take notico that, by virtue of a writ of attachment Issued out of the above named Court on the tint day of Febrnary, 1856, returnable to the ICth day of March next, at which time the cause will be heard to a plea civil et maritime, I attached the gtoamboat nongahela, lying at . the portot Pittsburgh, together with her tackle, apparel and furniture, mhfcdtieth WESTLKY FROST, U. 8. Marshal. Lebanon Nursery, BAOKSTAOK A AMMON invite the attention of the public to their largo stock of Fruit and Ornamental THLIiS nod SHRUBS. All orders left at F. U. Dravo’s store, No. 2, In tho Diamond, Pittsburgh; or, addressed to Green Tree Post Office, will be promptlp attended to mh2.wGt [Oasette copy and charge Post.] Bounty Lands—Soidlera’ Claim*. JL .Lumpkin, of Washington City, to prooure WARRANTS. Ao., lor Soldiers, their Widows or Children, for BOUNTY LANDS, or any other claims oo the Government. .. ~ SAMUEL FAHNKbToCK, _mh2 tf I Residence, No. 9 Pops street, Pittsburgh. TO the Uonorablo the Judges of the Court of Genoral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of Allegheny: J The petition of Francis Morrison, of M’ suite's town ship aod county aforesaid, humbly aheweth, That your pe titioner hath providodhimeelf with materials for the accom modation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in tho towushlp aforesaid, hnd proye that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keop a public houso of en tertainment, and your petitioner, os in duty bound will P™?- . v , F&ANCIB MOKHISON. >Ve, the subscribers, citizens of the township aforosaid, do certify, that tho above petitioner Is of good repute for hon esty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travelers, ind that said tavern is necessary. M. VV. Wallace, It. l'oarce, William I>eur, George Bedona. J. N. Millar, N. King, N.Mott, John C. Leer, L. Mott, Wm. Peebles, John Snndall, D. Ko.u-ntell. mh&wSt* r PO tho llonorable the Judges of tho Court of General X Quartar Sessions of tho Peace, In and for the countv of Allegheny: J The petition of Hugh Tracey, of tho Second Ward, city of Pittsburgh, in ihe county aforesaid, humbly showeth,— That jour petitioner hath provided himself with materials lor the accommodation of travolera and others, at his dwel ls house la the word aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment, and your petitioner as in duty bound will pray. HUGH TRACK*. * v «* the subscribers, citirsna of the ward albreaald, do cer tify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well providod with house room and convenioncesfor the accommodation of stronger and tray elers, and that said tavern la necessary. Thomas fianders, W. C. Anderson, James Richards, A.B. Anshutz, James Neill, W. O.'Mackey, Benjamin Minnia F* Ko*v», Owen Brans,Thomas Willikms, P.H.Martin, Thos! Burtc : ______ mhi-d3t LINRN ANO HOUSEKEEPING GOODS—A. A. MASON A CO., No. 26 Fifth street, hare Just received a com plete assortment of the above Goods, cvmprising— Shirting Llnena: Bleached and brown Table Linens* Linen bhectings; 104 bleached Cotton Sheetings; Bieachvd and brown Table Cloths; Crash and Diapers: Napkins and Towels ; „ Bird-Eye Diaper, Ao. Ao. BONNETS—Some new styles, Jost received. mh2 A. A. MASON A CQ„ 25 Fifth street. NINK AOBEtI or CHOICE I. AND i'Oil SALE—AII veil _ fonetu; uliEagood Dwelling liouss of four rooms porQoo in front. A a table, coal hoase and other out-bulld logs. Two grope arbors; oalso, apples, peaches, pears, quinces, Ac.—all healthy trees* and of good quality. Good water, and convenient. Tbeabove property Is situated in & plemnt and healthy neighborhood, three miles ffuia las city. & OCTHBERT A SON. Bih3 Bui Estate Agents, 140 Third street I e«pSa@UU».a.ifco Mly n»-4»«W | fifltadtathapnhlio tbit ha# carer feiiad tocuis, whsm directions are followed, la M'LANK’fI LIVER PILL. It has been several yean before the public, and has been intro duced in all sections of the Union, .Where it.has been nsed, it has had the most triumphant success, and has ac tually driven out of use all other medicines* It has been tried under all the different phases of Hepatis, and has been found equally efficacious in all. Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lane’s Cele brated Liver Pills, and take hone else. Thors aro other Pills, purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M'Lantfa Liver Pills, also his Celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Drag Stores in the United States and Canada. Also for sale by the sole proprietors, feb24;d*w 43"TI*e Pleasnrs and Comfort of being will. FITTED in a SUIT OF CLOTHES, is greatly enhanced by having them aoob, and suitable to tub stASOif. CRIBBLE has got all that is necessary to effect that great consumma tion, both os regards fit and qnallty of goods. Persons wishing to experience all this, and be only moderately charged, can do so by calling at 240 Libisty stbist, head of Wood. P. B.—*Pantaloons, in particular, is one of his grtoiiit for Us. He c..nnot be beat in the style and fit of this gar ment, IfwMrous reference* could bo given. If necessary, to corroborate this stateme t. (dec9) E. CRIBBLE* •OS'*Opinions of the Press.— The following is from Gen. George P. Morris, in the Home Journal, of No vember 7,1846. All editors profess to be the guardians of the rights of the poople, and to keep them advised, through their columns, of whatever shall arise for their benefit. We will live up to this letter, and inform them that the most wonderful and valuable medicine for their general use ever invented is “ DALLEY’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR.” Its vir tues are go rare, mighty and eccentric, that often thoy ap pear to work more like miracles than by science, so effective, electric; and astounding are its powers on tbo human body, that, though now it is daily fried by thousands of people net one of this great mass but is delighted beyond compar ison, and candidly confess they, on no consideration, will ever again be without it. The inventor, Mr. XL Dailey, has wisely kept the secret to himself. Counterfeits are busy about it, but without suc cess. Its overwhelming merits defy all competition, and its peculiarities analysis. We confidently commend all parents to seek its acquaintance, forsurely such a friend, who laughs at death and suffering, restores the blind, lame, halt, and scarred to perfection, and all from pain, is a friend in deed.” We wish the discoverer of this mighty blessing, who is a real benefactor to mankind, God speed. C. V. OLICKENER A CO, _ , . Proprietors, New York. For sale by Dr. G. H. KEY3ER, 140 Wood street, anil by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the Uni t«l States. lebl7:daw2w W" Balm of Thaaiaad Flomn, for beauti fying ibo Complexion, and eradicating all Tan, Pimples and Freckles from the face. Sold at Dr. KEYSER’S, HO Wood etKet - jsnSO - ?^ e . lB *? r "" lron CJt y Commercial Collece. \\[ D . 8 J R E J*T—Permanently established, witu a T T foundation as firm aa the name it hears. .i«T b f.* w * t ind H cemenlB offered to young men at tbii In stitution are such ait are rarely met with in other Colleces. auchnn array of talent has never befi.re been employed in any commercial College in Pittsburgh; this is an wtab liahed and undeniable fact. The Pacnlty ot this Collees Is oomposed of gentlemen whoa-j names and rare qualifications ore hjb familiar to the public os ** household words ” of l pi C^ LTT 'TfJ ILLAR * 4 »? It0 '* Princl and Professors of Plain and Ornamental Penmanship JOHN BAHItY, Principal or tho Book-keeping Depart- JoTiN PI FAIINO ?,“?,! ‘“fS*". 4 bMlns»s trnSaaetlona. JOHN jrLBJiUiG, (anthor of Fleming’s new and improred system of Book-keeping,) will examine and deHrer wrokly Lecture* on tha Science of accounts. 1 JAMES H. HOPKINS, member of tho Pittsburgh Bar, Lecturer on Commercial Law. 6 ' Young men who are desirous of becoming expert accoun tants, accomplished book-keepers, and rapid business pen men, may rely on having every satisfaction guaranteed to therm Those who feel laterestod wil please call, and wit ness the wonderful progress made in the. various depart ments by tha students of the College * ‘J'S? Institution do not claim to be Ue best In the United States,” nor do they tneim to gull Uie public, by saying that it Is ‘-the only plooo where Boob-keeping is properly taught," bnt they wish to say that tho Iron Uty College, in all its departments, is equal tO any Commercial College In the western country Terms reasonable. College open from 8 A. M. till 10 P. M. ho extra chsrge for Arithmetic. Civility gratis. mh2 MAOAHSE, FOK M AltCll—Price 15 cents Frank Leslie s Qasette of Fashions, for March • w Jcumal far Msich; Qrahsm's Maganine ; Peterson’s Magazine; Oodey’a Lady’s Book • Magazine; Household Words* ’ - liatiou’s Magazine—all for March. illschwood's Magazine and Chambers’ Journal, for Feb rnary; with aU the new Boots, for sale by 11,118 11. MINER A CO, 32 Smlthfleld street. OS* '* raa e and Muchonts* Ex- regular monthly meeting ot the Association, uni bo held at their rooms, on I'lllhav o'lSSd ’ at "Hf' M ' A fuU ,I:d i' acictua l attendance Is re 0f to,cmt »□ brought before the mhl:2t democratic Printing office tor Hftlei — ALKADI.NU and lon 3 cetabllsbeil DhMOCIIATIO PA i Wt ivl ocfllotl n one of t u ' Prettiest clt!e3 in Ohio U lor sale. There tg, connected with the Paper, a new end by far the best, JOB OFFICE in the city, and do« . iarga and rapidly increasing amount of Job -printing. The p“ d) “o Wr Un “' Pot f “« ter tnhl:rt3t*ws«* T__ . *’«»!» tor Sale. n^f,a^. r lo i 0il “ “ ’ ,m " ll farm of fifty ACRES—forty acres of which Is cleared, end under a B'»d state of cultivation, Hiere is also a good Apple and Peach Orchard; two Dwelling Houeee, with oth« odt. houses; a Barn, and a good Slabio. The Farm Is situaud In Baldwin township, Alleghenycounty—sir milcafrom this city—near the Brownsville road. For further particulars apply to tbo eubecriber, on the premise*. V mlildlm* Pc TER WET'BNKR. -168,000 00 -.-Othcttonoratuc the Judges ot the court ut Oeuerai SessionJ of 1110 l> eaco, in and fortho county of flt ' t i U ° n of ' r,l > in Morgan, of the Fifth Ward, city or Pi.tsburgh county aforesaid, humbly shetreth,—That your petitioner hath provided himself with materials for tho ac commodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling OU0 “ 1 “ tho aforesaid, and prays that your Horn ore will bo pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment, and your petitioner, as In duty hound, will pray. IV AUK IN ktIKBAN. ■ "o. tho subscribers, citizens of the ward aforesaid dooertify, that the above petitioner is of good repute tor ' f nl ?. r * . John Johns, Adam Wood, C. H. Mariedice. m-? 1 ?? r9kJ I *‘ John Reis, J. n. Riddle, P. E. KrS mer, 1. Belbert, M. l.oahy, E. Klein. mhlai3t* ARKUPK TO CUKE BORIS, UOUUU HANDS—This **? d 0D ®» Mld tiie «Wn rendered Boft, smooth PhnnT n?V bj iDB UKRPETIO SOAP. It carts all Chaps, Chafes, Ac., and removes SaliOTrness, Tan and Rod nesß of y^!n ,* For tho cure cf Sore, Rough Hands, it is an rivalled. Only cents a cake. Sold by * mhl 8. L. CDTHBERT, 140 Third street QTOCKa WANTED i!£> share* Pennsylvania and uhio O Railroad; 20 sham Mechanics’ Street Bridge, by ’ AUSTIN LOOMIS, . mhl Stock Broker, 62 Foarth street $137,660 00 . 41,800 00 . 10,000 00 of^'3oo ' ot > earj 2 Mortgages of $4OO each, at one year, by a NfcW GOODS—A. A. MASON SCO h .ye received and ore now opening upwards of eighty cases ond pack ?' D “‘ r oonslsting of the best makes of bleached l?e i lujli ? s ’ °, a CDe '’ G'bgkemt Checks, Tweeds, Linen and Housekeeping Goods; with a splendid escort’ °erylowpricis ° f D ' W Whlch WiU »• fg-« gmbr ° Mered Q ‘ mpj > ““jgj I*- 1 *- HoUaiia Full BALK—Situated t7t - ? and klm street*. The corner house con tains Are rooms, a good cellar and a store room—water fir tures through the house. “ water ax- r „,T h “ ”S e l? t ooae i ««“■ eight rooms each-, bath room cellar, and hot and cold water through the whole hone* For price and term* call at the Real Estate Office of fcbM COTUIMSRT & SON, No. 140 Third street. f | TEACHER—Comprising a thorough couree ibilTi B7^1100 Vocal Music, with a choice collection °f Songs, arranged for throe rolces, designed for the nee of public Bchools, Academies, Seminaries, fiiogimz Classes, etc: by Daniel Shryock. «nging *»-. «• B 1 I Sl , gt “ tbo oolden HcP. No.lol TMrthrtreet. BlD£le copies 87 cents. Reduction made for School.. .1. Nonet.—The “Music Teacher" has been MreiSta ned by tbo first Mns cal Professors of this city, an J S’ !“?"'/ ?“««> ono o f tbo best books of the kind °«r published. Mr. Shryock has the most flatterlniflestW nials to that effect In his possession. Ilia Woik if bly adapted to teaching purposes, and contains monfrt™’ tng and instwclire tunc, than are found in anv .imfu. MiUAkdflßH tOB MA,tOU.^Jf 3I lUOliv'i? ~ Putnam’a Magazine Ibr March. Godey’a Latly’a Book, do Peteraon’a Alagaaln*-, do BaUou’s do do 10 cents. NEW BOOKS—Ufo and Beauties of Fanny Fern ldfe orTor^S e^ n " e f6b27 J, 8. BAVISON. es Morkelat. T b .7 mm ' sl „** J s.° bltilon^ 8 at —— Co Market street, near Fourth ti ° most »»~ZZ22£2. The petition of James Sterling, Fourth Ward In the coun'y aforosald, humbly nheweth"—Tbft lltloner hath provided himself With materials fh? modation ot travelers and othcra, at ht the ward aforesaid, and praya that your Jlnnn™=7ii v pleased to grant him a license to keep a pubUo tertainment, and your peUtloner, as to duty boZwu oerO?’S° t ',S l ®? ber^clUzoI “ of certify that the above petitionerla of good repute for hones tv and temperanco, and Is well provided with house room S conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and iSh velere, and that said tavern la necessary. 8 “ tra " John Hanna, A. Jackman, H S. Donaldson, Jamea tam, Henry Daltmeyer, Samuel Lindsay, J. BlSSellw Elilcott, James Mackey, B. J. Thomaa, wl siackeowu H, Hi IJnaaay. Jr„ John Devine, John ConUn, Thoa. 1 John B. White, J. M. Elliott. Thee, FegrtoT^ iviwap BCBU-, of the Ohio ana tennwlMni* Sn rort OMBJWS7, boo*ht*tm. office o f ,tT ““ »o» AOwSt LOOMIH, W loanh e , FLEMING BROS., Successors to J. Kidd 4 Co., No. 60 Wood street. S. HAVEN. Secretary. ptttbrttrqh post AUSTIN LOOifIB. Stock Broker. 92 Fourth street. Ana „.. u Steamboat Owners particularly inyited to call sad examine our etoek oz .BtOTM,. comprising every variety required for Dieamboat use, which we offer at prices that cannottail io give satisfaction. H Removal. ~~- r intending to move on the Ist of April to the corner of Tunnel and Wylie streets, is now selling off til his customer made BOOTS and SHOES, low for cash. - feb22 SUED— 200 bnahnla Punat.(flnyir Ptfdl ' - • '» ■■■• " ' ‘ 60 do Itaotby 8m<1; tar mb by Jw>23 MILLKB * BICKETgON. r,,. _. fITTSBOttOH - e ’ Ininrane* Company; „a s „S££ 55 MFTU STREET, msoluo HALL, PITTSBUnOH, PA. . Jas. D. imu, Becr.S?^ 1 “WMtat \ Ei e S. insurallc< ' to or tho lowest r&teo comdatent withsafety. CIEXOTOBS; Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley James S. Hood, John Fullerton, ' John H\Alpin, Samuel M’Clurkan, William Phillips, James W. John Scott. . Chas. Arbuthnot, Joseph P. G&nam, M. D., Pavld Richey, James Marshall, * John M’Gill, • HoratioN. Lea, Klttannlng. ' fileotlozkt—An Election ror Officers tor ** tho uh£r Company for erecting a Bridge over the Allegheny river opposite Pittsbutgh, in the county or Allegheny,* will be hoiden in the office of tho Company, at the north end of the Bridge, on HON DAT, the 6th day of March next, commencing at 1 o'clock, P. M. febSOm JOHN HARPER, Treasurer. Howard Association—SOUP kitchen ISnr BRANCH, SEVENTH STREET.—-The Managers of the Society will be glad to receive donations of Gath, Bread, Meat; or Groceries. The wants of the deserving Poor mußt. be our excuse for ashing material aid promptly; President, Got. WM. F. JOHNSTON. ( lion. WM. B. M’CLURE, 8. W. BLACK, Managers,*} L. WJLMARTII, B. CHESTER, 1. WILLIAM NOBLE. Treasurer, C. WXLMARTH. We cannot promise to publish the names of the donors*. bnt win be glad to receive their gifta. feblQ AttBIOLB dt WILLIAMs) . MAOTPicrcHUss or ’ Chilson Jomacos, Wrought Iron Tubing, and --- fitting- Generally, - for WARMING AND VENTILATION OF BUILDINGS. A; A W. will contract fijr warming and ventilating, »I steam or hot. water.pipes,.dr I Chilson*s.Furnace; Churrh ra, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Urcen -Houses, Court Houses, Jails, Hotels or Dwellings. No. 25 Jiartet street, Pittsburgh. . _ . 1. jan2s~ NU&XH WJSBXi3jtH XMBUJtAMUJSt.'OMI'AMY, omofi, KO. 76, }WLNJ3T_&III.KisT v >Hn ; ,ADi;LPIIIA. CHARIER I‘ERI‘ETVAM. Authorized Capital. 8300,000. A .E3LTXS UABLB FOK Mils LObaISS OF TIIH COM xa. paj*y« in titock Notes, (negotiable iorm,) secured by Mcrt gages and Judgments.......... .... .$lOO,OOO In Bills Receivable, Mortgages and Judgments, r 100,000 In Cash, Cash Assets and Cash 1tem5..—.......,,.... 47,000' To ti 11........... Tiiftiiiiiiiim„,j, 000 , £54P W ?f' I>re3ld ‘> nt - o.'u!"ij’ll3ii','ssi:tiury. lire, Marine and Inland Transportation risks, taken at;c arrant rates. , REFERENCES. kttsbuequ. Kramp k fishm, Carling, Robertson k Co„ N. Holmes k Sons, Wm. Bugaley k Co., J. A. Hutchison 4 Co- D. Leech k Co.', Morphy, Tieman & Co. Wainright, Huntington il. B- HoUowell 4 Co,, „ i’jS® l ... .. Davids. llrotvn'ACo., C.H. 4 Ueo. Abbott, Wood 4 Oliver, Heaton 4 Denckla, Caleb Cope 4 Co, “a 3 -Megerßee 4 Co., Drexet 4 Co. Bankers, Hon. Wm. D. Keley, Scott, Baker 4 Co, Harne, Hale 4 Co, Deal, Milligan 4 (Jo. 3. BANKS KNOX, Agent, No. 116 Water street, Pittsburgh, JTS» CITIZENS- Insurance Company oi IKy Pittsburgh.— WM UaqaLEY. President; s*» tlpp^eSL^ a ri D l,o?. A rl“ 0 ° E oh, «? a I&sareaagalnfit Lose or Itemage by Fire tlo^^U U tloi erilB ° f _ SZ2XOTOBK|i wllHam Bagaley, Menard Floyd, James M. Cooper, Samuel M. Kier. Samuel Bea, William Bingham, Du u nla H r -> John a. Dll north, M. PBnuock, yraDLiaSellttrs. J. Schoonmaser, Walter Bryant, WllUamU. Hays. John Shlptoa. extern t'ennuyivanla ilospital,— ScaiSCK, Second, between Wood and Market streets, and J. Rzsd, North-east comer of Diamond, Alle gheny city, are the attendingPhysiciansto the above Insti. tution, for the first quarter of lfo*T^ Applications for admission may he made to them at aU hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock- P. M Kectjnt cases of accidentaliojury axo received at all hours, without form. jelO:? He aim Association of Po—OFFICU, No. 108 tutrb b^- t opposite toe Telegraph Office. This Association Is organises for the purpose of affording mutual assistance to each other, in case of sickness or ac ngaBma 1 y earl *’ Payment, too member* or the Association svcures a weekly benefit during sickness, areraglug from $2,26 to $lO por week. In this Association all members are equally interested in the management and rr o B. il’&KNZIti, President. T. J. IXuNtca, Secretary. 7 Olai^tle *“"'* oslAn Kura, JA3itS Q, jy_ Consulting Physician-.?. Irisit. M. D. Of\ t ' ra . n *‘* , « saving Jh'uua ana I,o»n iv 3 '. 01f WC*ij No. S>< I'itOXT STItKKT. UimjUDt Day—AlONDAf. Notes offered on BAlUltDAl' to tho Secretary, at the store of John 11. Alellor, No. 81 Wood street. Weekly Does received at the sometime and' place. [declaim f J. WIIITTIhg. Secretary jP '■* O LdCJK•—i'iix. dtVUM* SIUtU Uf ft fiK. liXQpiJj HOU3K (a Hail suitable for public meetings*) will be let ior three or four nigbts in the wetk*. inquire tf UEOKG£ KUNSTON: dec4:3m at 8. M’CI urban's, No. 96 Wood street. -JOUIiNKYAUiX TAILUitS BO Alle gkeny, meets on the fcil) AY of every month, at BCUOCUJLEITEE'S* in tho Diamond. By order. i **»• i* lg y GEO. W. 9BEBK, Secretary. ItS?™ y*' y* * •—i'iact oi meeting, Waahiugtonliaii, Wood street, between Pifth streeiand Virgin alley. Binsnuiiaa DoiKi£,No.33tt—hieetaereryToesdayerenlnK Miaeiam* JSxcAMPjumt, No. 87—Meets first and third Friday oteach month. _ frotrtSifT FP^y 6 B. h. U.—You aru hereby noUbett to A*® o ?** On MONDAYS, WBDNBS* DAiS und ittIDAYS, for drill, and to transact such bud* ness asniay come before tha Company. P. KANE, Secretary pro tem. _ AGENCY. 2 OSES F. EATON, No. 19 Sixth street, agent for selling and buying PATENT IUOHTS, is now aothCrrlSdto *reu the following lately patented articles: Sands * Cummings' Patent Prick Machine; t Uopper's Patent Veneer Plane; Trott's patent Oil Globes, for Steam En zincs: Doan s ltock OrilUng-Machlnes: Coe's patent Drill, for Drilling Iron: Copeland's Stationary and Portable Saw Mills; Crawford's Steam and Water OUiagea: and, Griffith’s Wrought Iron Ballroad Chair Machines. - „r“ e have examined by practical mechanics machinists, and pronounced superior to an, in on. auUl n w a le if- Livingston, w?nF™^n, o ,' ■ WUlttmF.Johniton, William Phillips, Andrew Pulton, ’ Wilson M’Candiess, A. W. Loomis. ftmniraon. November 2?th.lBM. norSTaitf Jm.fT'tt haJ , bc ““ appointed solo agent tathe Uni tod Btates, for the Bala of nghi* to use these Machines, . MOSEtS F. JJAION, 19 Sixth street _ „ „ . axrxa *o Hon. Wm. F. Johnston, Prealdent A. V. R. K: W. MUnor Roberts, Esq., Chief Eng. A, V. B. R 4 Gen. Wm. Larimer, Jr.. President P. A a R. £IT 0. W. Barnes, Ksq., Chief Eng. P. A 0. R. R 4 lleazTs, Manfull A Nicholson, Contractors tor the P. 4 8 . ded9 NOT ICE. : ' " DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. A T o. 20 Fifth itrttl, fint comer above Market tlrett PmSBURGU, FA. ' HCRE WILL, be found the largest and bat assorted stock of HOSIERY over tothto ruxcnasers will find It to their advantage to call at this ea» tablishmentand examine for themselves; it is all Inert to to sore their custom. q A N. B.—Eemember the Cheap Stocma Oobsee. leDliy Groceries at Com IIE w!sbin S to decline busle™ offers hi 3 entire stock of Goods. comprisin' '?“> er»l assortment of FAMILY QHOCJ3KIE3: a e ‘, a ' cash or approred rates..' And Trill posltlroje ' Co3r ’, £° r stock prior to the Ist of April, tafia 'l?® 8 °° t hl3 that dote. - aie will expire at The attention of the Trade, and . , , goods at low patois, is sclicitod* cilc ‘ co 5. D. ‘williams, US- The Arturos Y„ , 2 5 i Street, consisting of arh n * n Sis former stand, 122 Wood street, will bo eold »-* 9? ses ° r Powers and Shelving, similar hj-in™ u^n^'fr a J° o .neraneA*nia Mr. Thomas tolUns The style and® title ™&e firm “m hereafter te M’QILVBAY A COLLINS, who aroT,re™S>T,„ furnish Coal at the mopth of Saw-Miff Hun, to either of the dues, as well as tranaiont teams it euLer of our platforms, upon reasonable terms ,““ Wli h »« engagediha targets ofBn§Hj%o' U3 -,TaS Ulinted ' , “ ll thß bullnejil*™™ w. a. SIAM, •w. \r. jun...;..;.' . t u gILL< . IL __ . • . a, uuKtia. Smith, Malr 4 Hunter. (Late With & Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCERS PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS And dealers ia an kina* or ,, N , S ’ 122 Secoal and 151 jn*%£S$J$SSS& febS .fHittJIBXI.VAMTA ttAU BOAD .1 WWlBtom bmdqe REBUILT. A ®s?«*lng on the new az&in on mSvt>ay commence ranting , D A* NBXT,rF«bnury JCth. JeaTin* Pitts. f^wS 7 ’ atltfdockßM. ■-■■-■ J.MEBKIMBS. A. U«ftgcnerfiJarsor(inent ■ - „ At 2 O'fclOOK, P. M.. fic.y AT 7 O'CLOCK, P, M- - ' Boo^/ StaUoncr7 ; ImrtniEeafc,, Hardware and Cntlary, Clothing, Variety Qood3.GoldtoB,TTh«itoD, “«*» PonroaiV. Wata Kn t wiS®S‘ t ’ W “'“* Bcrgarat & Em? to. Coma, Jolm dui«tsE^n2?,,o‘o,iCrolKh’ Tj ' ,i:r ! “mlothers; Mim ; ,ErPtPM=o W.I Prlua; atnrifo oa Elm -4 Bloren'» rJi. BUtdaptomj Smith cedents of TOiiia* Graydoc’s Forms; Pro* on Atetoent* 1 l 8 “«*«/ PcrnenM; 80/ K £mt ‘^ I sg3^as? , assKSssisgg^^^^ Workfl; Emerson Etas,,; Earl, &T.IS& SsSSjta/ Catalogues can ho had attli* aaies room - mM . .. J*-tl-OATIB. Anctlm>or. ONE-HUHSE FA&ULYCABhIAfIi? AT AUCTION fPn TUESDAY morning, March Srh.-nt ll o’clccfcatlS Commorctal gales Booms, comer of Wood and Fifth etraots, will be Bold— ; substantial one-horso Family Carriage, vllh standihi top. [mhlj *■' P. U. DAVIg/AnrtfS 2 YALDABLJS UULLDIh'G LOTS NBAII TttKBfcYENTH WAED, at Aoctio^—Oa FridayeTeniDg, March 9*±, at T oeiock, at the Morehanta* Bxcbango, Fourth street, will bo sold Forty Lots of groundf situate near the Toll aittf, adjoining"thO Seventh Ward, Saving'a front on Cen tre Avenue and adjacent streets, and being very advantage* onalj located for persons who desire a cheap residence near the business part of the city. Plans of which can be had at tbo Apction Rooms. Title indisputable. Trans: ono third cash, balance In one bad two years, with interest. -. t-, M. DA VIS r Auctioneer, - JJRIMSTONE-20D& &s Jn stoieaud forsaleby * jj Ut2Q ; ' FLEJIUKQJDRQ3, '*tooiJ>*ia story and for sale by; •.-feMft j. --. yirEsnyaßaoe.' SEINU—A flue lot on hand-and far sale by ftfb2 ° i IXKMING BROS. CIURO3US T.&LLQW—6UO fba la stor and for sale by ■IJ*WZ ■ ... . FLEMING BRO& GREAM TARTAR—I4-JO Ibs on hand end fur sale by "fab23~—.; ';•/ TtEMINGBROB. RACK XEAD CRUCIBLES—au nsAortment on hand andfor raleby ffcb2o) ■- VLV.MTHQ BRO 9. Dko1 j BLAUR—2au o>s on hand and lor sale by ; : ■••••'. FLEMING 8803, t'IOPFBtST-bo bags strictly.prime for ealeby. J feb26, . . • fiSllTUt SfAIR A HUNTER. /'tHKESK—2OO boxes for gale by - Vy/feteO BMITIT, fIfAYR & HUNTER. B Alt LUA-D—Boo His for Bale by \ .•• •; . - . SMITH, HAIR, & HUNTER. / IUASIfAUNK WlMK—aj baskets “lici from onyAgna or £»&" ani lDjury fmn “ Eat “ tly to - instBnU ychrek the Ague lupersoiu who bavo saf of time, from one day to twenty year*, 60 that they need neyar have amOur chm, by continuing itZ uso according to directions. • immediately relieve all the distressing results of Ihhoas or Ague diseases, such as general debility, night sweat*, etc. Ihe patient at onfie begins to reccrverappetite cure ie^Mcfeh 14 “ ntinn “ luitil 8 permanent aud radical —.a'liii .J’ lta usewlll banish Fever anil Ague from femlllea andoll classes.. Farmers and.all laboring men. bredont lng lt a s o ppvenU T «, w m be free from Agtuor bdionaat “?* thatseason of theyear which, while it Is tie most sickly, is ibe mostvaluabla one to them bottles will answer for ordinary coses: somo may regniro mere . Directions printed In German, French ! end Spanish, accompany each bottle. ' Price One Dollar. U .ii l discounts made to the trade. Trado cirenlars for i'f“ r 5 < ?»° n »PPU»«?.n, and the article will to censiSeioa liberal terms to responsible parties in every seetioxtof the country. JA& A. liIIOMS. Proprietor, ,/, a K^~ New ™ k: C - T. 01 lOEENFdti co”’ mi'o H. BING. Boston: WEEKS 4 POTTEIt. PMedalnblo- PVOTT 4 SONS—and fOTH'lBbydealets%nSSy d °i?obCT f>UTWAa , S AlAwAZiiiw, lor iUrcta, ami all tSTnsir Hooka published, can be seen or obtained aCH. tarar & Co.'a, No. iti Smltblleld street. Lifa and Beauties of fanny Fern; Tbe Banting House; & tale from Blackwood's Majnuina; - Jftide and Prtfadlce,by Miss Austin; 8 The Heiress of BeUefjnt, by Emerson Bensott: GoJey's Lady.'a Book lor March; Petorsan's Magazine •« -Frank Leslie’s Journal . No. 3 Harper's Story Book “ WollVrt’a Boost ana otter papers, byWnttlnrtonlrTtaz: Toe Initials: o st-.ryof Sioiler.. l/ll> • . My .CoartsHp, and its Ooneajneacea. by .. MINEE 4 00, feMB K 0.32 Smittfleld atrwrt. B&zWi Prciniiiis Pefftnuenri A at the -Gr*t iSto gJlftHton Of •Athe Industry of all Nations, in 1851, and Serea High ost Premiama, awarded the subscriber In this country, have" of a superior quality, and place! £*** perfumers and soap makers of Europe celebrated Sharing Creams and Lua* &alej,hU fine Pomades, Toilet Wat*r*rand Perfumes lor iu^ho*wor * of 60 ; TarI ® tles ») we unsurpassed by any. articles purchased at this establishment ara warrant ed of the finest quality. -jyithmr addition t>f many hew article* to hialisi, and greatly^increased lsciiities for manufacturing, hels enabled v^ r ] 1 pt“ ej o dsal ' rs in “ y auawlty tatad, and at “> «“• -l«" trPrlraLht mailed to thel>* address, firee or postage. X. BAZIN, , T ,«, (Successor to B. BousSehV * < **°* ll4 c AfStnut street, below fourth, feb22:d.»lpil. Hill.aelphU. vmußS*7soaS3rittjru37^ — J:But man acd satme scorn a shockSc Hit: -:.r , WlLfeWf & 60S, Ko. 91 Wood street, arc prepared to • furnish every description of Bats and C&wv at tie our% uu?&s Haw PofUcular altcnliofal * Svited to . feb24 NJSW irolt-BALB AT NO. 104 WOOD STBJSI LUe ud Beauties of Fanny Fern.- AQth QftiL Ida May. * : ? ■. Stanhope Burleigh, or Jesuits In oar Homos: T>y Helen KnowNothlog Almanac, for 1855. For solo by B. T. O. MORGAN. cnu) in cases cl Coislo, lofluenra, Wtooplng CcU2li, Croup. Ac.: price, ron^-“ 6otUs If yoa Blah to preserve.- V? d *?“ money. Compounded and for "“'Ao . hOC3,Ia ao JOUN HAFT. Jn., fel>2 * - So. 141 Wood at. ; Da. rowys OAUIfOKNIA LOZENGES-Wiil effectual- I 7 remove Acidity of Stomach, care Heartbnrn. T,t»W ness or of the Ilesd, Ac., aadeahnot be toohig>Y«r recommpded to those afflicted «lth Dyspepsia. J whMea^ 3 or retail, by JUHH HAFT, SS/R^!/ 411 -' N™wTtor JU6t ro ” lTed b;? fallowing SfiS by Harriet W . Tie Sons ofThe Slree: a Hialorr-',. it. i Destiny of tte American J?^ of *£? . P J? greM “ 4 Kelly bracken: by Annle Cism'^ p „” r S' ’ by Penny y«r. 0 . £f«Kf Horace Greeley. -tsife and Beauties of Fy.nny Fern. Srae’sPoems.intwoi'.tylesofbinaing. v . , - Godey, for March , 20 cents.' * Petenotya Magiaiao, for March: IT canbi • v MwchjlO cents. Yankee Notions,fotMorch. .. Torn Crosbie: by Lover. Frank Leslie’s Journal, for hfazch. 1 Call at tho new ana cheap Book Storoof '' •:"r SAMUEL B. IAUTPEH, ‘ ' 87 Wood street : S& mU ” Mrth - M ion Sit. ’ venuvSit “1 lD , g 118,Wu B»«th snd fair, and pre givo nSS p l?F> lf * ou tavo con-, rough hands,, fehio - ‘ onl y WMcem.aesko. SMdonljby 18610 B- nnTHRKBT ISA TM.3-.1.-, ■' - r ~~ *UUMfU W W IJUJS PEOPLIS BAY THE 3ZS'£±l& primk oalleuy. nw«o Ur, Jl« nt ? xtr “ fica Pictures, ward a. yilklnaJiaU y ao2gounb-ntreet few • sftin nnn bonds? . “ tU>IV/*VvHJ 60 shares Ohla'aod Pa. fiailroad Bloch-' wanted by -AUSTIN £,003113, StockProfcer, ’ • few / No. 02 Fourth street. TceinluaJo; a-atory-ot fllotihra-i.ffg, Qna ox the best booia ever written. for sale by ' ' ' • „ H. MINSK A qa, - No. 82 SmUhfleld street. : r-A..A. SIASjN a 00. will owi 0.100 down mote of the Poitsmonth Hosiery, at SO Mr rent-discoam; also.ltOdoMniof Woolen Hoods, Comforts Cioaks. »pdBe»rf«, at fmlfpriap. fabts 1 / twm and BATiA'cuMiiti.—a.a. mason 4 cd V>- hare a few more Satin anti Cloth Cloaks, which they are clodogowt at le&atZifln half price. ■ feblfi vV£2iW&," . It 1« Tine X '— —-r , THAT.nojClUEs;(l'ffljp®rioi6iM3lflne»in«» WEsM »«D^SSufiK wHS* *7* No. 76 roaitfi strict, At prices ▼nrrlrvr Oae to Twenty DoUa M .? An ; SS^!2? 5 .S°? please.. OuldretUaSen in afew tebonlaT CahudSfmlw Xf™ ofltaTU,OMrtJlra -: (r. cl A lit Ho t Mrntrcf Pom and SL CliiTttnfSa. PatlbLL* p. rpHE underrigned,formerly of •Srein , *HoS?»’«£lrtn." I saien (his largo and commndiaua HOTKr° alii v ns rafittad It in magnificent style.' h . a,l ?S Ms Mends and the traveling public “’S'® anrod»srith.th. omTaUnS&Z faw f* fab2f /. • WH-O, CONSELT.V . ' w .-.•?. vf *v e fc'-'M- ~yir \•. , V •- - ’ ■...,/* .'• '-m , store and far sale by— ' PUSaUNQ BHO3* l Baec<««ors to J. Kidd & Co„ f Ko. 60 Wood street J. •WIKBOSr & BON; >