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Dl&tier will be foand ou each Page of this Paper. 7 " M. PETTINGILL A CO., Ketvspaptr Advertising ~'y Agents, are the Agents for the Pittsburgh Daily and Weck.lv Post, and aie authorised to receive Advertisement! nod Subscriptions for us at the fame rates as required at this office, Their receipts are regarded as payments. Thoir offices are at Ntv Yobr, 122 Nassau street, Bostok, 10 State street. HOKNISG POST JOB OFFICE. - TVs woulil call the attention of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the loot that we hate just received from Philadelphia a number of fonta of new Job Type,-and ;« .. . Are ,now prepared to flit orders, for Cards, Circulars, Bill -v vEtaids, Paper Books, Posters, and - Programmes for exhibl* „ 7 4 {All orders will be promptly filled. Ko Sesator.—lt will be seen by our tele graphio report that Simon Cameron is beaten. The election ota Senator is postponed to a period beyond the duration of the session of the is thrown over, iu fact, to next es-> winter. This will giTO Governor Pollock a ohance i i to appoint n successor to Mr. Cooper till the ' ,iext Legislature elects one. There is a Maine liquor law pending in the Oregon Legislature. The capital of the territo ry has been removed from Salem to Cornwallis. It in believed the Senate will agree with the House in its action for the reduction of the ■ tariff.' ' A fire occurred on Sunday, on Broadway, New " York, in a largo Btdro. The damage to the stock ; .. of goods is estimated at $60,000. Gen. Eoub ton’s lecturodid not suit tbo Boston -people. Wm. Lloyd Garrison is to deliver n lcoturo in reply to it on Thursday evening. On Monday the sword of General Jackson was presented to Gongrees. Gen. Cass made an ap propriate and eloquent - epeeoh bn the oocasion. ■ The deaths in New York, city for last week 1, were 621—29 less than the week beforo. There : , is a large inorease of diseases of the throat and tongs. ' , The cold woather appears to extend over the ; , whole country. The Philadelphia, Baltimore ■ and New York papers state that Saturday was a remarkably cold day. Severe snow storms are mentioned in some parts of the Stato of New York. ' -There is great exeitoment in tho island «f Cnba, arisiog from a report that a filibuster ex . ' . pedition ia about to sail from the United States. The whole island is being placed in n state of ■- defence. Tho militia are oallod out, and every preparation made for a vigorous defence. A letter writor from New Orleans sayß that an ex pedition ie preparing to eail soon for tho libera - 1 tion of Cnba. As .we stated some time ago, a bill is now ; pending in our legislature to vacate that por tion of tho canal in Pittsburgh, between Liberty and Beventh streets. Thoso who have made same objections to this measure are probably not aware of the. objects in view, or of the present state of things in that vioinity. The value of that portion of the canalis much less now than heretofore ; as tho warehouses on its eastern bank are to be torn down, and no longer used for storage and forwarding pur poses. ‘ The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has . purchased the ground at the corner of Liberty and Washington otroets formerly oecc pied by a church and a burial ground. The company has also bought all. the ground ex tending from Washington to Seventh streets, and from the canal to Fairmount street. The company thus owns all the ground adjacent to "♦ho east bank of that portion of the canal sought to bo vacated, and the old warehouses are to be removed. This ground has been bought at a large price, because absolutely needed for the accomodation of tbe road oa a freight depot, and for other purposes connected with dts business. The-outer depot' of tho road, in the Ninth Ward, ie too far distant from tho business por - tions of the city to be a suitable place for tho £. . reoeipt and delivery of freights by the road, r ®l®. drayago of freights for so great a distance wonld be a heavy expense, arid a groat incon venience to our-merchant* and citizens. And - besides, the ground at the enter depot is needed for sidings, car stations- and other purposes. More room is needed; and the Company has now secured ground suitable for its purposes and business, in the best place where it conld be ob tained.- It can be used for fre-ghting purposes, if is true, without filling up the canal, as thero are fronts on Washington, Fairmount and Seventh streets. Bat mnoh better aocommoda • tions could be afforded to the pnblio if that por- Upn of the oanal was filled up. By vacating - that portion of tho canal, its bed is not given to > the company. It reverts tho to original owners, , pr adjoining owners, midmost be bought by tho oompany if wanted for its nee. •; What, then, are the objections to filling up that portion of the canal? We have heard bat two objections named. First: that it wonld cut ! off the connection betweon the tunnel and tho . canal. Second: that it would interfere with the market boats that unload of sell their pro- ■ dace there. ; In regard to the first objection, everybody knows that the tunnel is utterly useless. No boat has passed through it wo presume for a years or moro, and probably such a foot . will never hereafter be attempted. It cost a large [4B oQllt< ?f money at first, end has remained uso t less over since. .. .Nor is there any projeot on foot ..to bring it into nse; or any expectation that it . Will ever be valuable as a part of tho canal. No ■ efforts are made to keep it Id repair; and it may .’he fallen in by this time. Tho filth it gathers, .and the. elHavia it engenders, render it a nui -sannee; and, os a Banitary measure, it has been 'frequently proposed to fill It up. It is of no nse, . then, -as a part of tho canal. ■ : Bnt this tunnel might be made of nse, and of great value, by selling it to the Pittsburgh and ‘Bteubenville Railroad Company, to (be need by them for conneoting their road directly with the Central, or Pennsylvania road. Those roads mast’ be connected, and that is tho purpose to Which the tunnel should be applied. In no other jsrey IS it likely ever to be of use, or repay to the State any portion of its ooet. The connco- tion Of the roads can be made in no other way, without running all their freight and passenger trains through some one or.other of the moat ac- tire.streets of the oily. 'All know the objections tV that; and it mo6t be obvious to every one tistilUbat inoonvenienco can bo avoided by usingthe tunnel In connecting the two roads; and thus finding a valuable nee for a oostly work at last. Such railroad tunnels under cities are not uncommon— - jOaerailroad running into' Liv erpool passes by a tunnel under ono of the most valuable parts of that city. To such auseshould the Pittsbnrgh tunnel be applied; it might be covered then, and built over, from Pennsylvania avenue almoßt to the Monongahela river Butrio nsothe tunnel for that purpose it would be nececessary to fill up the canal between Seventh street and Liberty Btreet. The train mast have an outlet at the northern end • and elevation must be gained to come on to the'cen traltstwiLOttiiberty. street. Ojii-city.cnr coun- ty, and one citizens have eubaoribed liberally to build onr,railroads. We look forward to tholr completion, and the large business it le believed they will do, as the means of increasing onr - r t I 'i « . * » * * - *-'■ ,-f .; *4*.; / . ' 'j*'" 9 '. *', ■- v,.„• ■■ »• ■; PJTT S EtU 15. CH: News of the Day* VIOATIOS OP THE OANAL ABOVE LIBERTY STREET. ■ • . - .y\y.: >V« prosperity. To Jo that business these roads most have facilities, room and accommodations. The city mast adapt itself to the absolute re. quiremeuta of theso groat thoroughfares of tra vel and trade, and then it 'can reap the advan tages they will bring. ■ Now, is the partial nae of thit portion of the canal between Seventh and Liberty atroets by the Market boats, a sufficient reason for keeping so much of the oanal open; rendering the tun nel useless ; and stopping great pnblio improve ments in which the whole country ia interested t The market boats come in bht twice a wook for a little more than hulf the year. There is no other use for that portion of the oanal. Be sides, it must be remembered that when tho Al legheny Valley railroad is completed the produce that now comes by tho canal market boats will generally oome by that road, and tho use of the market boats be in a great measure dispensed with. Ia there suoh sufficient present and pros pective uso of this small portion of oanal as to forbid its appropriation to purposes infinitely moro important and valuablo to the pnblio? We think not. Tho market boats can bo aooommo dated elsewhere so long as they ran. Thero nro three doaks or basins to tho oanal in this oity— ono extending to Spring Alley, in tho Fifth Ward; one, and a large one, to Wayne street j and another between Penn street and the Acque dnet. These basins, and the banks of the oanal botwoen Penn street and the river can accommo date the market boats; and if dookago is charg ed lot thoso interested pay it Accomodations oan bo found for the market boats elsewhere, and the oanal sonth of Liberty street, and the tunnel, can be converted to purposes of groat public utility. A oonneotion can thus be form ed between two great pnblio highways for all time to como, withoat the annoyance and dan ger, of using tho pnblio streets for trains and locomotives; and these great ohannols of trade be accommodated with gronnds necessary to tho speedy and convenient transaction of their busi ness. The pnblio has an interest in this matter; and, if fairly and fully examined, we have no doubt nine-tenths of oar people would vote cor dially for tho measnro proposed in the bill bofore the Legislature. We publish below a copy of the bill: An Act to authorizo tho vacation of that portion of the Pennsylvania Canal between Liberty street and the Monongahela river, in tho City of Pittsburgh. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houie of Representative! of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the owners of tho property on the lino of that por tion of the Pennsylvania Canal between Liberty street and the Monongahela river, in tho City of Pittsburgh, aro hereby authorized to tike pos session of, and fill up tho samo : Provided, That they shall permit the Pittsburgh and Steuben ville Railroad Company to lay thereon, without oharge, their Tail road with single or double tracks. Sec. 2. That tho Commonwealth does hereby release, relinquish, aesign and transfer unto the owner or owners of tbo land ocoupied by that part of said Canal, all the right, title, intorest and claim of tho Commonwealth, of, in and to the whole or any part of said land—subject to tho conditions contained in the Proviso to the first section of this Act. Tne New Turk Herald, of the 20th, in speakiog of tho Now York Banks and the money market, sayß:—“ The amount of specie on hand Is several millions larger than at any time during 1854, wbilo tbe deposits have Increased more rapidly than any other item, showing an inactiv ity of capiul, unusual at this season. The ple thora of money aod accumulation of specie toast lead to tho expansion of credits and exten sion of enterpriao. Individuals haviog idle oapital will look about for something to give it employment, and however timid they may be at first, it will gradually wear off, and we should* not bo surprised to find them, ere tho lapse of many months, involved in the wildest of specu lations. Tho money market cannot continue easy for any length of time without giving an impotas to speculation.” SQ?* Attention is invited to our California let ter. It gives all tho news ef interest from the Pacific coast. The writer is a Pittsburgh printer, and handles tho quill as well as tho stick. Oar California correspondent and our Paris correspondent aro six or seven thousand miles apart, but we hear from them frequently, and have no doubt their letters ore acceptable to our readers. 86?* We have received from tho Hon. James Cooper a copy of his speeoh ia the Senate, on tho railroad iron question. He stood up for Pennsylvania interests that time. Pctham*B Magazine.-— l This monthly, fit March, ia received, and a good number it is. It is improving. It is for sale by Miner & Co. and Qildeofenney & Co. Soketbiso New.— Fulton perfected tho steam boat ; somebody gave the world tho railroad and locomotive engine; Morse actualized the eleetrio tclograph. We have now to announce an inven tion moro important in its results, porhaps, than either of them. Professor MaoLaurin, an old and well known teaoher of penmanship in thie oity, has invented and brought to perfection a system by which every person, yonng or old, may, in a few hoars’ praotico, learn to write n free, bold, beautiful and rapid hand writing rapid beyond belief. Wo have seen n writing book of the largest size commonly used in schools, written through from beginning to end, in a perfectly uniform and beautiful hand, like copper-plate engraving, in two hours, by a little girl ten years old, after a brief oouree of instruc tion. It is a miraole of soieneo and art The system ia a method of training the mns olos, by a series of easy, progressive and very rapid gymnastic exercises to form the elements and combinations of writing. Thero ia a sot of his instruction books, with directions, by tho aid of whioh, any person may toaoh himself, and bo qualified to teach others; and the cost of tho whole system, for seif-instruction, with pens and writing books complete (sent by mail, post paid) is only one dollar. Wo have examined the syß tern and its results; we have conversed with tho Inventor, and seon tbo testimonials of the best teachers and most ominent educationists of this oity, and have no qaestio.n that this system will supersede every other, and make rapid and beautiful writers as plentiful as they now are rare. —Hew York Leader. Earthquake In Columbia Co. N. Y.-.Shak lug up of Houses and Croskory—Open ing of the Ground, [From the Kinderbook, N. Y., Rough Notes [ Two distant shooke of an earthquake, acoom by a hoavy rumbling noise, resembling distant thunder or heavy cannonading, were experien ced by the inhabitants in the southwestern por tion of this village and in the vicinity of Stny vesant Falls, aboat 12o’clock, on Tuesday night the 13th inst. The vibrations by the earth, we are informed by rcliablo persons, was sufficient ly severe to shake the houses, and produce con siderable consternation among the crockery ware. The next morning the ground was dis covered to have opened ia several places two or three inches in width. The Yankees In Kantae—Another City 9 Laid Oat. [From the Kansas Herald of Freedom, February 2.] Wo learn by a gentleman who haß reoontly re turned from a tour up into the territory as far aa Fort Riley, that a oity has been laid out on I the Kansas river, about eeventy-fivo miles above ; thiß point, nnd named Wanponaa, which we un derstand signifies “ dawn of day," in the lan guage of the Pottawatomies. The site was se lected by members of the fourth party of emi grants from New England. It is represented ns a very beautiful looation, even surpassing that of Lawrence, or Topeka. . Peettv Good Reasons. —Thomas Cleary, of New Orleans, applies for a divoroe from his wife Catharine, with whom he haß lived five years. The.reasons given in his petition are that his wife has repeatedly beaten and oat him by blows with a heavy key or keys; applied abusive lan guage and obscene epithets to him in public; got her brother to whip him, and threatened to j employ some one to kill him; neglects her j household dutieß, her ohild, So., to such a de- ! gree that it is Impossible for him to liTewith her I any longer. FBOH OUB CALIFOSRIA COKEESPOHDEET. Wagon Road from the Pacific to the Mississippi— Condition of the Miners—Prospects of the Min ers Improving—A Large Lump of Cold—The Markets—Steamboat Explosion— U. S. Senator. Stockton, Cai., Janoary 30, 1855; Editors Pott: — The project of opening a wagon road and mail ronte to the Atlantio States is exciting a great deal of interest in the pnblio mind at present. So much time haa been spent in talking about a railroad to the Paoifio, and nothing accomplished, that our people have determined to wait no longer, and have gone to work with a will, for the purposo of establishing an emigrant road from California to Missoni, or some other point. Meetings have been hold in nearly every city and town in the State, and committees appointed for the purpose of obtaining information in regard to the practicability of the various routes pro posed. A bill has also been Introduced in the Legielatnre for «• an act to provide' for the sur vey and eonstruotlon of a wagon road from the Sacramento valley to the eastern boundary of this State." There is every probability that this road will bo built by the State as soon ns poßsl ble, but if it should not,'then individual enter - prise and capital will take bold of the work and push It to a speedy completion. I There oan be ho doubt about the practicability of a stage route from the Paoifio to the valley of the Mississippi, and, ob a railroad seems to be out of the question at the present timo, Con i gress should make an appropriation in aid of . ‘ Wa important- movement. The citizens of San i “ a “ 0i ‘ 00 formed a “ Pacific Emigrant Road Association, appointed committees, and set to work with zoaland activity. A circular has ■ been addressed to the people of this State gen [ srally, with a view of eliciting information * and . surveying parties are to be despatched through . the various passes In the Sierra Nevadas, to as certain which would bo tbo most practicable for > a road. The people manifest a determination to , push the work ahead, and It is expected that the . Legislature will take prompt notion in the matter —in which event, it is thought, the spring immi gration will be greatly augmented. Affairs in the mineß are in a better condition i than they have been for some time past, caused by the late rains; but there is still a great com plaint of want of woter in many ports of the mines. Present appearances indicate that we will have more ram, and rain in the Southern mines is always aooompanied by gold—if a per son is lucky onongh to get It. There have been somo big strikes” lately, which, of oouree, are published to the world—nothing being said of tho unfortunate and unlucky “hombres” who “ can ’ 1 na 7 reJ ” A lump of gold ha’s been found on Scott s river, which weighs 141 onnees • n l ,” 6 i 9 m ono clttim •» Btookton HIU, Calaveras oounty, yielded, on tho 18th inst, tho sum of $6,400, being tho fourth big strike of the present season; the total yield of this olaim for tho season is $2B 000 There are other claims that haro paid equally well, but it is unnecessary to enumerate them It is confidently believed by tho miners that if wears favored with plenty of rain, thero will be more gold token out this winter than has been taken ont any season Binoe 1849. Inactivity prevails in all branches of business; the Flour market is particularly dull-domestic selling at $10,60 p) bbl. and Galiego ond Haxall at $16@16,60. Wheat is also dull • smutty milling sells at 2Jo. tp ft. ; good milling fit 230. t and choico milling at $2,00 100 Jba There issomelnqniry for Barley, but the scarcity of money prevents parties from paying the ad vance, except for lota required for immediate consumption; sales are reported at 2<3)2i0 <-1 lb. At present, there ore few transactions to report in merchandise, either from importers or jobbers. Wages are greatly on tho decline—so much so that it would bo difficult to give you a correct report of tho prices in the virions mo ohanical branohea: as in many places men are working for anything they can gel. Every per son is looking anxiously for tho coming of Spring, ond with it the revival of business A disastrous steamboat explosion oocurrod on the Bocramcnto river, on Saturday, tho 27th inst. The steamer Pearl, from Maysville, as eho was abont landing at her wharf at Sacra mento, burst her boilers, carrying death and do struction in every direction. The loss of life was dreadfal, but tho precise number is not known, and probably never will be ; np to last night, 68 bodies had been recovered, and it was thought a number| still remained in the river Tho boat was comparatively now, and owned by Uie Combination Line. It is asserted that the Pearl wasraclogwiththesteamer Eoterpriee,of the Citizen s Lino, and that bets had been made by the officers of tbo two boats as to which would reach Sacramento first. The authorities of Sacramento aro investigating the matter, and the true cause will doubtless be ascertained. Those who witnessed the oxplosion from the shorn describe tho sceno os tho most appalling and heart-rending sight they ever beheld Man? of the passengers were on their way down to San Francisco, to take the steamer for tho At lantio States, with the intentioa of visiting their friends and relations, after an absence of seve ral years—wbioh renders tho o cnrrcnco (if enoh a thing wero possible) still more lamenta ble. The election of a United States Senator, to take the place of William M. Gwln, is the kll absorbiug topio amongst politicians, and it would be no easy matter to guess bow it will ond. Tho Senate and Assembly met In joint conven tion on the 17th Inst., for the pnrposo of elect ing a Senator. Tho result of the first ballot was os follows: Gwln, 42; Edwards, 86; Mo- Corkle, 14; Broderick, 12; MoDongal.2; scat terlng, 4. Ail the candidates nro Democrats excepting Mr. Edwards, who is the Whig nomi nee and receives the full Whig vote. T% O bal loting has been continued from d«v to day over since, with bnt littlo variation; and a resolution was introduced in the convention to adjourn Jins dia, whioh was voted down. It is evidently tho intention of tho opponents of Mr. Gwln to postpouo tho election of a Senator until next session ; but whether they will succeed or not, it would be hard to say. The thirtieth ballot was had on the 26th, ns follows: Gwin 89 • Ed wards, 86; Broderick, 18; MoCorkio, 12;’ Mo- Dougal, 8; scattering, 6—wholo number of votes cast, 108; necessary to choioe, 66. Tho con vention-adjourned over until to-day. Itfo gene rally believed that, unless Gwin should bo sno oesaful, there will bo no Senator chosen this ses sion—as it is not very likely that the Whigs and the democrats who are opposed to Mr. Gwin will unite. The dull times have had their effeot upon the atrioal and other exhibitions. Tho two theatres in San Frauciaoo, tho Metropolitan and Ameri. oon, aro soarooly paying expenses, although tho attractions presented nro of the finest order. The Stookton theatre has been open for two weeks past, and doing a moderate business: on next Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams will appear, when tho house will be Mled every night, of course. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been delighting the citizens of the mining towns for tho paßt month, and had orowded houses everywhere. Tho Sacramento theatre opened laßt week. Tho Baokus and Christy Minstrels, ooinbined, ar© playing in San Franoisoo to orowded hoQsos. W. H. Heabtlesj Ceubiti— Two Polish families who had undertaken to walk from this oity to Pittsburgh were muoh affected by the oold on Saturday night, while on,the Lancaster turnpike They made application at several taverns on the road for shelter but they were not suffered to re main at either of them, although they offered to pay for their lodgings. Near Hestonville one of the females fell, completely overcome by the severity of the weather, and the ohildrcn had almost perished when they reached the station at that place, where the unfortunato party was taken.— Fhila. Bulletin. There is attaohed to the grade of Lieu tenant General, just conferred on Gen. Scott, a staff of six persons, four Lieutenant Colonels and two Secretaries, each with tho rank and pay of a Lieutenant Colonel. The section of the Act of Congress which established the grade of Lieutenant General was passed on the dBth cf May, 1798. The resolution of Congress just passed declares that when said grade of Lieu tenant General by brevet shall have once been filled, and have beoome vacant, this joint resolu tion shall thereafter expire, and be of ho effeot A Heavty Stock Teain.—A. train paßsed down on the New York Central road, a few days ago, whioh probably has never been surpassed for extent or number of tenants. It was com posed of thirty-five oars, of whioh thirty-two were laden with cattle, sheep and hogs, as fol lows:—Cattle 880; hogs 816; sheep 200': ma king 846 head of stock. Hahdsoms Peioes.—The sale of jacks and jennets, imported recently from Spain by the Kentnoky Importing Company, took plaee at Germantown, Kentnoky, a few days ago. The prices were remonerative,.ranging from $396 to $1,660 per head, with the exception of one I whioh sold for $826. ’ j *V' 1 :". ' ; > NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning Post. THIRTY-THIRD congress. SECOND SESSION. Washington City, February 27 —[ Ytiierday't Proceeding*.] —Yesterday, after the recees at quarter-pasc Y, there were bat twenty members of the House present. Mr. Mayall obtained permission to print his tariff spceoh. Mr. Washburn, of Maine, read his speoch commendatory of the veto of the Spoliatipn bill. Mr. M’Nair spoke in favor of the biH for the Relief of the Veterans of the War of 1812. Messrs. Florence and M’Nair advocated the Old Soldiers’ bill. Mr. Middleswarth also,spoke on the same subject. The House fioaliy ad journed; soon after 9 o’clock. Washington City, February 27.— Senate.-- A message was received* from the President, trans mitting a communication from the Navy De partment, with a copy of the orders to the sloop of-war Albany for the last cruise to Carthagena and Aspinwall. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Fessenden, from the committee on print ing, reported adversely to tho printing of Pro fessor Espy’s fourth meteorological report. Mr. Benjamin presented resolutions of the Legislature of Louisiana, for the establishment of & mail rout© between New Orleans and San Franoisoo, via the Isthmus of Tehuantepeo. Referred to the committee on post offices. Mr. Rusk called up the House bill to reduce and modify the rates of postage. One provision requires prepaymentof letters always by stamps, after the Ist of January, I 860; another pro vides for tho registration of valuable letters. Considered and passed. On motion of Mr. Stuart, the Senate consider ed the report of the committee on conference on *he disagreeing votes of tho two Houses on the bill for the rolief of purchasers of locations of swamp and ovetfiewed land. House —The House passed tho Navy and for tification appropriation bills, and, on motion of Mr. Latham, the bill establishing an XJ. 8. Cir cuit Court for the District of California, with one Judg% whoso annual salary is to be $4,600, was taken up. Mr. Middleswarth moved for the suspension of the rales, to take up the Senate’s old soldiers’ bill. Several gentlemen said that two hundred mil lions acres of land will bo required for this pur pose, according to the report of tho Commis moner of Pensions. Mr. Middleswarth's motion was agreed to -126 against 51. Senatorial Election. HAnmeßcna, February 27.—First Ballot Cameron 65 ; Bncltalow 23; Williams 6; Veeoh 6 ; Buffington 6 ; Wiimot 6 ; Irwin 6 ; Maywood 5 ; Jones 4 ; Conrad 4 ; J. S. Black 1. The scattering voloj in ail amount to 75. Second Ballot. —Cameron 64; Williams 4; Con ra^ti; Buckalew 9 ; Jones 6; Buffington 9, with other scattering rotes. 'l'iiird Ballot. —Buokalew 23 ; Cameron 66 ; Maynard 7 ; Buffington 8; Conrad 6; Little 6; Jones 6; Voech 3; Larimer 1, with some scat tering rotes. Air. Lott roted tor Larimer. After tho third ballot, a motion was made to adjourn until to-morrow at eleren. Loot by a rote of 63 to 66. A motion to adjourn until the first Tuesday of October .next was agreed to, yeas 66, nays 65. Tho joint conrention then adjourned, so that there will be no election by this Legislature, and the Gorornor will appoint until an election be had. Cold Weather—Stall Failure*. BcrraLo,' February 26.—Tho weather is in tensely cold. Despatches from Chicago and Milwaukie state that this is the coldest day of the season. The thermometer this morniDg Btood at 20° below zero. No Now York mails hare reached Buffalo since Saturday evening they havo beeu delayed by heavy snow drifts near Batavia. Four trains are overdue. Deitmcf ton of n Chnreh by Fire Toronto, February 26 —Tho Rev. Mr. Roofs Chnreh, together witu six aJjaiuiog dwellings were destroyed by tiro this morning. Loss not ascertained. married, Tu Yoajestoim Ohio, jftbnmy 27ih, by Per. Mr. Moor., Obtain A. It. LLRTIRQ *o !Ui.« MAH* JiICiIAKT, of loangsiotrn. ' h’EW ABVEHTIBEMEKTS^ NStt Hwl)3-. . A. MASOX A CQ h.ro lewleal and a_M now opening upWorJa of eighty cases ann syojs couaiMlng of makas of blon-huT f?„ 5 i' row ? Mm-toN fallco«, aicjghatavChaekn. TWftris. e ,u b « apian iU n.joi? f meat of all Unisrf Dresi Cools,which will ho otfuroj at 10 »off tbg pneoa _ : eOl iIOrfNETo A. A. 0*). hnvo jast received lire tmb "‘-- to 'J «•»!». Neapjii. Tot prlco anil term* ejtfl atlhc Heal iState Offlcs <>f s. cutbbkjit * bon, No. 140 Third ntr#»«»t. RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE OE KaTtJEE’Jf IHFALIIBLE SPECIFIC, ’ TjVmtbo iTorcotija nod .Corn of limahrrrrvt anJ n, r HOTIOT Farms, Siviii and ACCt. CmS ami Frv„ P l MJJ Otsisii.DiSHurr, -Ntonr roim, andmfmb?r f r - ot wlllc b karo q comraon orlrln in Malaria nr Mauma TM« eubtlc almos,!herlc reasons is nnavoldsbly Inhaled at every breath, Is thesame la terto rtew It f xists-Nonh, South, S l “ r T *-’ r > »i«r«WeM to this newtysUsreverdl K tB the ratal disiacry in is so hannle&' that it may bo token by ncr. ions ot mry age, sox or loadltion, andlt will no t anbftl Into for one disease olhera sgu worse, as Is too often sal: in tho m-ntment by (iiilnlne. a oilier l < r tk-leterlotfs drues. not of wbU Is admitted into on parUC "’ * n * The proprietor dlsUncUy ilalmslheee MA^r h ' m ° Cf protepUn J’ resident or traveler .ran In the most tlikly or swampy localities, from any Acne or sssriiss Sr’ *» —% *► n.idi’V 11 ill!t “ nt, Ff !l ock the Ague in persons who hare suf fered for any length of time, from one day to twenty rear* eo that they need never have or altar chill, by coatlnuKmi use according to utrecrione. t 1 uuuuingltt mf, 1 * 11 ! In f ,dUl 1 1 f , >' rellevtt all tho distressing result* of Bilious or Ague disea*as, such es genetal debility, nl>ht ewents, etc. lbe patreut atonoo begins to recover appeals C0 I “l D “B,i » ntU a Permanent and SSic2 Finally, Its use will banish sgtot nnd Avon from mciim-, and all classes. Farmers autf all l.“rialmSTbJSEi? Big It as a preventive, will bekreo from Ague or lhliouser tacts In that season of tho ydm which while hi, .V ’" 1 / sick ly, Is tho most valuable ol io them »'»the mosf One or two bottles will onsVer for ordinary cases- some may require more Blrectioni printed In GeliWF “u“h ““ SPMtfJb, accompany catjbotuo. FrlceOno Bolto wS Aotnre—New Tork: CtIOEENdSf* H. HI.NO, Boston: pSP-A^J , O; DVOTr t SoMB—and forfalohy dealers generally- jfebgf ' Classes, etc: by Daniel Sliryocß. flln wlug The ab°vciT*lnoblo work, Just Issued from thonroM i» receired and fjr sale, wholesaled retail, by P ’ " genky kleber Sign of tho Golden Harp, No. 101 Third Blugle copies-37 cents. Reduction made fbr School*. «tc. Nones.—The ‘Music Teacbef’ hoa been carefully /v«m toed by the first Mns cat ProftsSprsor this city, and S’ lmonsly pronounced ono or tbefbest books of ihAi ß ? Bin Mr. Shryock Cie flattcSL t^tW publication. C r “ “"ifel^r'" 8 fOU ” J n U K?.^gi| lßr Magazines for makcu-jcst moimn- Putuam a MogaainoJbr Marcb. Qodoy’o Lady's UooSj; Ho Paterson's Magaalnpi do DaUou’a do do 10 rants. NEW BOOKS—uro and Bcautiei of Fanny Fora. l4^n f e i r^&r'de < y° n!ei l£^ h “ Mcmolrs of Major Robert Stobo, of iha vir 8 feb27 fflment ' eil,ea by N -®' Crate-' Tor Balo by tr ,eD-' J- 8- DAVISON, 05 Mortal ,t fflaFnfSiSpSHSag* sifiTAl"- "•■VTrtivay * —!3H±£ . fo fearkpt street, near Poarth. '-"» For tale by i J. g. DATIBON, 66 Market street, agar Foorlh. 81 b “ mw rmoltaj th» TTniiHSf We ? orks »* tho Theory of Mode. rf *•““*’ *»*» £sS5 o" SSM ■sgsy & *s “““w* Calcott'flMasted n^";f-- SarDai - Johnston's Treatisa on Honnooy.; airowes t,ronBhE "’P«lo«r OtaSD-300 buab.l. t-snna.ClmtM; JOHN H. MIaXOB, C/ M do Xlmottiy Seed * fbr sale h* i 81 Woodstrest ; j»n2B MiW*McIot«W S ; 99* Liver domplatnt«w»The only remedy ever offered to the public that has never failed to cure, when directions are followod, is M’LANE’fI LITER PILL. It has .been several years before the, has been intro- • duced In* all sections of the Union. Where it has been used, it has had the most triumphant success, » h** ac* toally driven ont of use all other medicines. It has been' tried under all the different phases of HepatJs, and has been found equally efficacious in all. Purchasers Trill be careful to ask fbr Dr. M’Lane’s Cele brated Liver Pills, and take none else. There are other Pills, purporting to bo Liver Pills; now before the pnblle. Dr. M'Lane’s Liver Pills, also his Celebrated Vermifuge, i**" now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Canada. Also for sale by the sole proprietors, FLEMING BROS.* Successors to J. Kidd A Co No. 60 Wood Street. JOS* Tlie Pleaanre and Comfort of being vox FITTED in ft SUIT OF CLOTHES, is greatly enhanced by having them good, and surabu to the seasoh. QUIBBLE has got all that Is necessary to effect that great consumma tion, both as regards fit and quality of goods. Persons wishing to experience &Q this, and be only moderately charged, can do so by calling at 240 Lmtnrz stbesz, head of Wood. P. B.—Pantaloons, in particular, Is one of his grcatai forta. Ho cannot be beat In the style and fit of this gar ment* Ntsmcrcut reference* could be given, if necessary, to corroborate this stateme t (deed) B. QRIBBLB* Opinions at the Proas*— -The following Is from Qen. George P. Morris, in the Home Journal, of No vember 7,1846. All editors profess to bo the guardians of the rights of the people, and to keep them advised, through their columns, of whatever shall arise for their benefit. We will live op to tms letter, and inform them thaUthe'most wonderful and valnable medicine for their general use ever invented, is 41 1)ALLEY’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR.” Its vir tues are so rare, mighty and eccentric, that often they ap pear to work more like miracles than by science, so effective, electric, and astounding are Its powers on the human body, that, though now It is dally Iried by thousands of people! not one of this great mass bat Is delighted beyond compar ison, and candidly confess they, bn no consideration, will ever again bo without it. The inventor, Mr. H. Dailey, has wisely kept the seoretto himself Counterfeits are busy obout it, but without suc cess. Its overwhelming merits defy all competition, and its peculiarities analysis. We confidently commend all parents to seek Us acquaintance, for surely such a friend, who laughs at death and suffering, restores the blind, lame, halt, and scarred to perfection, and all from pain, Is “ a friend in deed.” We wbh tbe discoverer of this mighty blessing, who is a real benefactor to maukind, God speed. C. V. CLICKENEIt A CO, Proprietors; New York. For sale by Dr. G. H. KEYSER, 140 Wood street, and by oil Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout tbo Uni ted States. febl7:daw2w W" Balm at Thousand Flowers, for beauti fying tho Complexion, and eradicating all Tas, PmPLE3 and Fascstts from the face. Sold at Dr. KKYSEE’S, 140 Wood etrect - , Jan3o ALL CHAPS,‘Soreness or Roughness of the Hanfo are heeled by the nse cf the Herpetic Boap. It also re mores tan, eallowneaa and redness of the ***", and renders the efcin smooth, soft and white. Only 12U cents a cake or twelve cakes lor $1,26. Bold only by feW 8. L. CPTHBEKT, 140 Third St. IMPORTANT AND INTERKB. ING.-A Practical Private JL Troatiao on the Diseases of the Genital Organs, with lluatrative plates, adapted to the use of every Individual • b L Dr ‘ *^ OSB Pb Ralph. Price one dollar; mailed to any address on receipt of one dollar, post paid. Sold by ' * _ febl7 a. L. CUTHBKRT, 140 Third st PEA NUl'd—looo bus In store and for sale by feb27 J. W. BUTLER A CO. Pfewant Country Residence for Rent* A v £ t vL comfmabl ® lwo «tory DOUBLE'MaNBION lIOU3K, with good back building, Stable. Pittzas. Ac., on Baker street, City Dntiict, (Pitt township,) adjoin, ing late M. Atwood's property. Enquire at 146 ThirdsTreet. or street, of J. A. BLOOMER, or h feb2o:3t JAMES 8. CRAFT. PUTNAM* aiAUA2I«£ tor March, and all the nw Books published, can be seen or obtained at H Min*.* A Co.’s, No. 32 Smith field street * “® r Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern; The Banking Home; a talo from Blackwood's Maeaaine- Pndo aod Preyudice, by Miss Austin; “ ne * The Heiress or Bellefoat, by Emerson Bennett * . GoJey’s Lady’s Book for March; Peterson’s Magazine “ Frank Leslie’s Journal “ No. 3 Harper’s Story Book M Wotf-rt’s Roost and other papers, bv Wmhlnotv-t..- The Initials: a .tor, of jloim.?L’eT 8t nIrTlnE Uy Courtship, and Its Consequences Alt Nrw Books for sale by MINER 4 CO, . f S??° No. 32 Smlttigelrt street FOUR HOUSES rCIt SiLK-102 feet of gronnd on Bed ford I‘txert, by 130 deep on Caseett, with a row of foor two story Brick Houses, well arranged for 4 or 6 fumiilas. This property will bo Hold on faToraOle toran. ' IU ' S CUTHBEIIi t EON, HO Third street I A h Nu “ooaJs-KBkMao gooda-aTa-malun XJ 4 CO. hate Juac receded 100 pieces IrUh Linens, oi ‘▼ory grade, warranted all pnro Flax; also a large lot of fe“ 116 .^ ttble yi»P« r a, and oiber Housekeeping 1 *• wh _l ct> so>d at greatly redocwd prices. fab2o f- r u^u^ Jla — A- A. iiiAiOw * U). mil oi-ea in a few \X da/b a more cases of those List colored Lancaster Qln®. V? la /-!!r 1 *v rt * * u 6W at 10 cents par jard; also onoth or lot of those cheap Calicos. fsh23 HoTYoU KANSAS A si) JUK WEalWf joa are m ing there >ou will want a iilfleand Revolver. lha «*** OM ® « h « B P, at the Enterprise Qun " arrnnted to plea3c. fcOWN * TEUEY . — rc - l 'f 186 Wcod street BiilMsTo.N E— 2ooo in sior© and fi>r rale by ~ FUSMlfft* 11K03., Successors to J. Kidd * tir., No. AO Wood street. BATH imtCSfl-—5OO Iba in «toia~knfl for tale try fet2Q : FLBfflSq' BEo3. AM.CAIJSAf.IN.fIoo ia store sod lor sals bf r ‘ ?h - G Fleming bbo3, B * SJNB “ A fln ® Iw on hand and for eale by _. FLKUXNO BROS. ( 1 * «»r and ibt sale, bf feb2o BROS. f TAUT&K—I43O s>i oa hand and for sale by V'-±°r® FLEMING BttuS. LE f-^C I * cc IBLKS—.An assortßwnt on hand tad for p&lq by l>b26) • gLBMIKQ BROS. I .^ACK— ;&U on and &»r sole by ** reh “° FLKMIKG BROS. tWFFKE— 6D tag, strictly crime for sale by / smith, a air « bcntril / boxes lor sola by \JJ**!*3 SMITH, MAIIt & imKTRTL £»AK LKal>-Books f,r .ale by » f ' b2a Biinn, sum * hunter ( —SO baskets *• liwOatekV’ 133.17 Champagne Wine, for sale by MILLSR & RICKBTSON. Premium Perfumery. a h tho rt;al London KlUibiUon of , the industry of a!! h'aliona, la 1 So 1 , and Seren Illjrh awal*'tl the subscriber In this country, hire nrorod his hreparudons of a superior quality, and placed “? A^artr th ° S? 1 pe r f “ mera “ nJ soap makers of Europe “'obrated Sharing Creams anil Lus Bn ? Pomades, Toilet Waters, and Perfumes lor ’tof 60 '* ri< ’ ti ' J ' ) ar “ nosurpassed by any eatabU,hm ™‘ ■» «*»* “ addition of many ner articles to his list, and '“f 11111 ' 8 for njanufacturloß, heiseu&bloo d “‘" 3 fcired, an! at hlV ° “ Pr: “ "■* X. BAZIN, xt ~ (successor ;o K. lloumH,) «**«»■«. f '°- IUCl '“ tDUtSI rc a t,^u^ Virtue m»y nourish In a bad Cravat,] ““ rn » ahocklog Hat. & SON. No. 91 Wood street, are prepared to • «T«y description of Hats and CapZlttho “or SsS?»mSS; Pa,Uoul “ aUenti ° n I* Invited to felliH kW GOO&S* I\)R SALK AT NQ. 104 WOOD STRPRT “t« gwjtt or Fanny Fe n. SXK£KT * AatnHaU, Ida Hay. Bumiopa Bnrlolgb, or JosnUa In our HoSua: by Helm Kncnr Nothing Almonoc, for 1855. For ula by B. T. q MOHQAN. cyuuu BYjRUS-A certain cure Id case, or Wtaopteg OooXc^?, Tonr h^^;// octtrß * botUB trtsh tj i “ 4 “ to y°°f mon»y. Oarapoundodand for S 1?, liola * le “ a rst,il . by JOHN HA¥T, j£" * ■ - - tfa Ml Wood pt. DK. FORD'S CALIFORNIA IOZKfUHS— Will lyremoyo Acidity of Stomach, cure Hrartbum L »h . nm or DUilmsj of the lload, 4a, aud SdiioK'iS rwommendcd to Ihoie afflicted wits Dyspepsia! wholeaal.ortotaU,by JOHN HAFT, £lUe ' : . Wood street. JN ‘».Sr J “" r ' colTOl b y^stEnsissig W. Nolly lirackm: by Annie Chim WR^i'SS 1- of HaaonAWxonSo: by ß ™H Fopal Usurpation. Ida May. /•'•«. B, Latrobe. Wolfoit’s Boost; now work by W. Irvine Alone: by Marlon Harland, g ' } l “tB Hall; by Fanny Fern. - Life of Horace dreeley. Ufa and BeanUes of Fanny Fern - bimiEg ' Yankee Notions, for March. Tom Orosble: by Lover. Leslie's Journal, for March Call at the new and oheap Book Store of SAMUEL B. LAUFFER, 87 Wood street. I 1 W COUKT O* COMMON Pi vis —TT~«S ©sfeSSSiF?»2a»fia i^ss^iffsissiSisSS® s^ feb22 sa CAMPBELL. JB-- l^a. T OUNXiaUATiUfI Ulf TlfK GREAT BE fill-ANNUAL SALE OF a. a. mason & co F A AND STILL FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRTnua A- MASON 4 CO. will continue tbefc «a, . the month of Fobrnary. Their Immense stSfwlU InpSSL ° at *llll greater redacUan ■ - - febl PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD." THE LEWIS TOWN BRIDGE REBUILT. All Train* now Cronins on the new Bridge!—The Fast Train will commence rnnnlnw again on uSnUAF NEXT,February 16th. leayln?Htt£ bnreh dally, (except Sunday) at 1 o'clock p. ji. 8 feb2l:lw J. MBSKIMEN, Agent Penn'a Railroad. RILEY’S HOTEL: CONNER FOURTH AND GRANT STREETS, PIXTHMUSaB, PA. myaowl E. Riunr, Proprietor. ->• v .r;, ■’ - - K&’JSSW** *“ d OtenhenTlll* Hall. nUonraed meeting of »?laDAT?{,«^v r ‘“l* CompjoyKlll bo held on WED «mZ D rtl’ lift “ o’clock. A, M., at their ■i 1 whfc h the Bejjort ol the Aoill tors appointed by them to. investigate the accounts of the Company and Treasurer will be submitted. By order of Stated Meeting; fln ~« n»«rr^l oaaß Chairman. gmairr. Voir BowmoaOT, Secretary. ffabZfc3teod ~/m'TSBUItOU life, Fire and Marine Insurance Comnanvs OFFICE 65 FIFTH STREET* 7 MASONIC HALL, PITTSBURGH, PA. , „ 0 ROBERT dAWAyfftiSSt Jas. D. M'Qill, Secretary. •' ■• - . bSs: iEßnr “ c9 « Also, against Hull and Cargo Bisks on tha Ohio and Mis* sissippl rivers and tributaries, and Marine Bisks generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. . ■ , niaidKras: Bobert Galway, , Alexanderßridley, James 8. Hood, John Fullerton, Samuel M’Clurkan, William PhUllpa, James W. Hallman, John Eeott, Chaa. Arbuthnot, Joseph P. Gaaam, Mi 'David Blchey, James Marshall, John M’Gill, : • Horatio N. Lea. Klttannlng. JTSS®- ifileeUon*-»An Btection lor OOlcers lor - the Company for erecting a Bridge over the Alleghany *!*** opposite Pittsburgh, !!! the county of Allegheny," . will be bolden in the ofdce cf the ■ Company, at the end of the Bridge, oallOSDfT.tlu Gth dayoOlarch next, commencing at 1 o'clock, P. M. febs:ll ° JOHN HABPBB. Treaanrer. AMOClßtlon-SODP KITCHEN (hy BRANCH, SEVENTH STREET:—The Menagara of tne Society frill bo glad to rocolyo donetlona of Cash, Bread, Meat, or Groceries. . .The wants of the deserving Poor most oe our excuse for asking material aid promptly. President, Got. WSI. P. JOHNSTON. Hon. WM. B. MOWER, 8. W. BUCK, Managers,-{la WILUARTH, B. CHESTER, _ - l WILLIAMNOBLE. Treasurer, a WILUARTH. v7® 110 ! promise to publish the names of the donors, bnt will be glad to rocelro their gifts-. feblO AUIIOhD tt WUhIAMS. ! ' - MAKUVACnmSBS ov Chueon Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, and Fitting Generally, FOR WARMING AND VENTILATION OP BUILDINGS. A. A W. will contract for warming and TentUaling, by steam or hot water pipes, or Chllson’s Pnrnaco: Church- M, Schools, Hospitals, Pactbries, Omen Hooaea, Court Uonaes, Jails, Hotels or Dwellings. No. 25 Market streot. Pittsburgh. , ■ jan2s HOHTH WHBXEHH IHSHHAfIWS COMBaSyT OPPICE, NO. 76 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CHARIER. PERPETUAL. . .Authorized Capital, 9300,000, A BPANV 8 PANV UABU! ■ foa THE LOSSES OP THU COM- In Stock Notes, (negotiable form,) secured by Mort* gages and Judg0fini5..^,;....,..^..^.... 1 -eino 000 la Bills Keceivable, Mortgages and ’ • Bonds, ..... IGOOOO In Cash, Cash Assets and Cash Item* 47*000 >1 - loUl.i.no.iH ’ Pltttburgn.— AVM,JJAQAI,E?, President; w«: u^a^sssj^ssisissst-' liuareiegilnst Lose or Dameeobj Pile. *toSSiSSSSoS lUsof &oa * i “ 4 ““«M* Hoapuiii,» r3 * i i* Scmacs, Second, between Wood and Market SffJl B '£!L d J * North-east corner of Diamond, Alle f?S? J C f ty, *£ re « attemiin S Physicians to the above Insti tution, for the first quarter of 1854. Applications for admission may be made to them at all hours at their ofaces, or at the Hospital at 2 o'clock, P. iL wtttoa?fo a3e30 * aCCI ' iBnta * injury aro rece i7cdat alLheura, FjG?? 0 Health Assoelatlou of J^ l ( 5 tab .“ r Pa—OFFICE, Ho. 108 TUIItO mi opposite tnc telegraph. Office. Aic ° cl “- tiol113 organised for the purpose or affording maLuil assistance to each other, In case of sickness or£> S J rti'»S.F^ ,nBa ¥ aall y'ariy payment, the members of the AssMaUon suit res a weekly bmeStdarhigSne™ areraging torn $2,25 to $lO per w«k. la UltaSStlM aUmcmtersaro equally interested in ttemlSglSS T?J.‘ Hcnrsa, Secretary. *** R Horrsiv? Eaal tico—JosiAa Ki.va, Jaius Beuub, G. N, Conaulttog rS*. lOantl'n Saving Ij-uua SHsXiin " 8 rST 0 '-To SECOND Hi-ottK Of IDE N k 5. TONE ENGINE HOUSE (all.UpuJublSfornubUc lettott ra or Iror nights in thawed iSnqulro of . GEORGE iUS STM drc-USm at S, M’Clorfam’j, No. SC Worn! ■ I^%rs?i IC /^ Tb6 JouKNJsanaa XAjjunta~~au- 0 * v It ? lnirsll and Allegheny, meets on the. £ Y °i;S r monti - at SCnuOULMIER.fi, lat? ' (3Ea W.BBE3E. Secretary • WesMngton UoD, SS3K? E @B=» , ss!a ! s?s‘ mSHd before tta Compaoj. p. KAKB, - Secretarruro lem. No - 19 Sixth street, agent for cdllnit j,!SiW a », PA F* BT MQHTB, lsZoTauthorfaedt? “ fl,’^A^' ing .' a,e7 „P ateotKl *«cles: S^wjasa^'-- p^^ss^sr aEn * ln«»«0 Notts ana Washer,, ana He refers to the following CARD. faSSjy SfiSftSAS ww I l5 m< ‘ r, ' ir -> John Graham, £?“>?■ H. Childs 4 Co.. t^w&Eata”’ . .'I Eft • AcdrewjQltm,, J. wilson & eon. MOSha P. EATON, 19 Blxto ttoet. Hon.Wm.P.Jolmstoa.ProjliJoDtA.T.K.R; . W. Mtoor Bohorts, Esq., CMef Eng. ft. V. a7n ■ Qea. Wm. Larimer, Jr- President p. ft o rr r» .** 0.W.8«n», - , Messrs. Maafuil ft Mleiolaon, Contractor for tbe P. ft 8 -■ '. ' ,;:decl9. '. HO TI o ig.sai‘3g“a?«j & fssF ttmab " :t ** CggA * TocKLNaGnpwrT ’, Groceries at Cost! nnHE UNDERSIGNED, wfahlnr to decline hndnan -»• °^ erg stock of Goods, compriatarecen em anortment of FAMILY GBOoKlES,*t?3L?*£; caab or approved rate*. And wiU ooSSveft f? 1 th. let of April, ae _£?hjf wm°.xplrert Tha attention of the Trade, and Families deairine ch „,„ goods at tow Fsrcia, is respectfully solicited. cnoice i. ». WUUAHB, fixtures in his former stand, 122rWoodrt2kt confuting of a Counter. Cues of Drawer* *nV«& Tmmift BemovaL ’' IflflTOK, intending to more on the Ist of April to the ■a ■' *- - ti *’ . ' \ J *i ’ i~ ' * i . 1 If' . '* : ' • ;; ; SPECIAL NOTICES. BlftgMMtfjfl WQlitmßualey, Kicuard Ployd, Jimsa M. Coopor, Samuel M. Klcr, Bumjlßea, William Btoghan, EobertDonl»p ( jr. ( Jolm8.I)ll»orth, Imo M. PennocS, BraueiaaelZerß/* J. Sduxmmalffir, Wolterßiywit, WnUunß.H»yß. ■ Jolm Shlpton. ___Jec2l QRAPT, BEISINQEE A QEAIT,- 124-Wood ctreot. , v - is’ > .* ■*■£■ -r. ' '• ~ AUCTION SALES. AT T O’CLOCK p m Books, Stationery, fancy Articles 'moJwi t... Hardware and Cutlery.' Clothinc, Vartrtv^t^SJ^r??/ 1148 ; Blhrar watches, Ac. y k M. »aK ?• H. DAVIS, aaetloneor. TTALUABtE BTOOKB AT AUOnON—On THTOSBAY V erenlng, March 1, ot 7k o'clock, at the Mcrchantir* Exchange, lfourth atreo*, nlii bo raid for caah, (par lanMt lor account of whom It may concern: Rn!w!ff5 ar i 1 T I k l ? 2 c * nnel C°al Ballrood Compaar - WaharcaEccWahd Mining Company; P iOO .harcaTUnt Stool Mining Company; “ "Jaxaa North American Mining Company • l_. P. M, EATia. Anctlcnpc V? 1 £ U £i M is lri ° UJiU’-ANY STOCK AT AOCTioS— of Joshua bftnog. Trejuarpr pv-L. w t . oy ordsr f - : _.P.M.JDAVI3,Ac S i! Ko ? ms - litla Indisputable. Terks? one- balance in ona and two years, with interest. fcDZI ?, M. I>AVI3, Auctioneer. Strrjl)Bl£S— r ~~ 25 dozen Corn Brooms; - 5000 Seamtcrs* t*o onsbel BsCT' 100 briabehi Dried Apples; 503 do ' Peaches; • • ■ :50 . . do Pared Peaches* l# ™ tts P Fea there, in atore and for Mle.br gn29 BNQUBH. & JUCHABDSOJf. rj-BAlM—6ojjO buibeJj Bbelled Com, in atbre; a KS"2? Oats, ia store «md to arrlro; 40° do E »rCore, In store and for sals by ENQUSU A MOnAB.DSON. 3 EUULLY FLOOR, 4c,— 100 do CloTerSeedj'' «■ “• «• —•sasjg'te«&»,■. iiU'-Fi'KK—l& bbls itoltijutter: " ,$0 keg? Backed Batter: 100 bbls Prlmo No. Hard; 10 bbls GraisaLard in store and for sals by ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. barrels lAiubnUe Lima: 200 . do Union Cement; 160 do N. 0. Molasses; 800 d 0 N - J«V la etoro otsd for talo by , * D2a EN6HBH & MCHABnaKw r | HWACUu—2O boxes B’a W.-O. Tobacco; X - 10 tons prime Pearl Ash;' ' 6 casks Pot Ash; 76 bags Saltpetre; . , TOW boxes prime Cream Cheeso,ln store and f fopjPL I&GIJ3H & RICHAKPSON. pisH—gi bbiB 3 medium Mackerel: .Am ~3 ao large- • do }® 1 plc&led Herring; IQbfbbls do do; 5 tierces Codflflh; SO.bM scaled Herring; received and for sale by MiLLEH & RICRETBON. • ond 223 liberty et 3BNDKUSS—IOO dozen com Brooms; •’ JO do Zine Wash Boards, 20 do Tow and Cotton Bags; 2a do Country Bocks: n 2 3. J“ D23 .MILLKit & BTCKET. tMiAr. asd - * 52 boiM “Cincinnati ” Ko. J Family Soap; JanS d d 0 Kt ??£ ille Candlc3; for tale by - HILLbR & ItICgETSOM: k'isun—3o bags Dry A p fh:3 . 10 do -Praeios; Wliis M. K Kalsins; ian23 16 1,1 d 0 ’ *>.’ for sale by ' 1 MILLEfI 4 niCITETOnv I, JU'lNjsu tuuAji;— " 10 bhds Granulated Sugar: 20 •* Jjoaf Sugar: 20 -« Crashed Sugar; feM7 15 Coffee Sugar; for sale by 7 bmiih, MAia & nrom K a cSmt -804010 ” 00 * for - f " __bmith, MAIH tmmii. 1 taWU oWs P'ta-forsaiTby . ... -jjjAiiTn, mair a nuKTisTt BUT i'Kjl— 1 bhi packed Butter: . 20 kega do; for sale by SMITH, HAIR & HUNTER. |\l BUUAK-1U Hhaa for ro | o XV._JcW7_ SMIItI, MAHt A miKTEB, N LABSltai * lW ror ealc by _ __ BMlTff. HAln i £3L9 tOAi ’~ 1 ' ;0 t3a *»P“l«-lbr.Mle'i.y xtj ajimf. MAIB l HUNTER S r f^o oAlll>wa — 40 iza ror *»•» by ■ - HMIIg, MAIB A ITfTCTPP BDtf ■ saiiTH, MAin ahuctrh 7 S^tS “UiJUWiak-au 6bls primo «w ,al« br O tet» .•, „ * mimt, XL&i™ mm&ff -ijyiaanaAfiii tpbs— „ -." . 40 diwun Buckets; ■"*•■ 10 , do _ Tabs; for safe by IMUOW UU4S3_ 150 boxes 8x10; 75 do 10x12; 40 do loilC; 10 do 12x10; iftb9l - a ° lulll4 JJf£, cotmt, l r tamdj,ftrtxlo i- - SMITH, HAIR & HnNTEtt fMgo rapply or Ito Whig tormla »ttto Fe ™ - ” •SS'K'fS.M* .45^*S 3 KEr TOirtoS“ p ““ *® Wo keep a largo sicclt nr corona mlanf?,'? 0 n ? 0 ®>n hfttid. • .4JI <3uds warrantPrl QlsTaya on ■■-■■■ fah22 _UIWKY H. COLLINS. JAM£a TVAEDKOP, Baakots, for B ala by - JAM£3 WAUDROP. B fe! ,f _B' S r o bir 1000 “ to “ riTBt, y “ aUrcad uurorMisby ---11,1 HENitY XI. COLUNS; fj “ ftbis ~ IU ‘’ DlB prlmololl «“*«<« »nd rorfil. by 1 - - 19 — ■ wtiMara. coicpM, H i ‘feH8 8-5Udolea thl3d “ J «1 «e -* 0 BUares or iSicimnso Bank BtocK.bv janl3 « ’ ■ J ~ Stock Broker, 02 .Fourth mm«> mS eC111 ?- of OHIO and PennsylTiinla Bill rood Company, bought at the offlco of 3 19 AUSTINLOOMIfI,92 Fourth Etrset,-' A'ywMll WWWiSYi,VAMfA jan22:tf THOJIAS WOODS, - - • ; 75 Fourth etrwt. MtllifiPliiK fvhm only c ““ a Sola only by~^ fcMO .a. L. cimuiKßT, 140 Ihim Kicot aSS£g«5 $lO On(T COONTY BOND3'; shares Ohio and Pa. fifoeic • Tbr^ 7 ' AUSTIN Wilis, Btc^^Sr 16 * Mo.O > iroarthgtrmt- nov27dtf A /*l!>? , Tv n '>. loi,uls * a Btory or Modern iu 3 . Qi a or tha beat bookjj oror written. For ualo by . ■ „H. MWEII * ca, No. SS SmltifloM rtxeot: cirat nowoftte otafpS gq^S^^ h a a 1? ' ytMle ° ( T L w“ BA1 '“ w^ks.-a.TSaSqSTco iVcmL ™* “? re S £ Un “S' 1 cloUl Cloakfl, which th™ ate closing ont at less than half ptlca. . ; • - .fabis I W ASUINUTuti ifcVlJitt-a nkw BOOK—JU3I rralTri yy and for Bale by a.- Miner &CO - ■ 1 recß^rec * wStoTton^k^ 0th ° r t,npCr ''' BoW totrolltttrd: by Westminster RotiW, for January, Spiritualism; to!. 2: by Judge Edmonds. The Initial; a Stoiy or Modern Lifa. •H^sStejSSS^. Ab,tnu oftt9 Hcaicai fcM * ——- - N 0.32 emllhtlnM street. | Mew iiuon by WAauifJui'uM ihvimn —— !:JN Hcoet: by WiffilogUmlCTlna tNU ~' Volft! rt» I The Initials; a Story of Modern Lifo ■ Tom Crosbio and hie Friends: hy 8 imay The Sea Witch, or the African Kaa