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Lrlrvil./ 'z.C'jt’-.-i—.b, : v.,-'L;/. , if , '-i | !', ’' •’' V; ‘ >*• L’ « *tV. v - •1 v w{ ..-.v'/.'/rg-.'-'T'i' • ’ f v A '*-Pr } A ;• -m '♦ ■'*' /‘ii) 5^ A 'r7 r ' , • ' r. r••>'- ? :' •; '" ’ t?’J: C*'»p •'* *j. (3 i •; :-r« Cy .v !l-.7r-.:.j . , f?i.;i ■, ,-ti v-i , _‘V •- /: l .-.• , 111 ' : - •. • ; ;„vr.- - k: "■y ?"V'v: . < ’ . C c ' I .; .'s- *•<*. H ... -, V *’ Hc : l "*’- F r< r-. • v X* r, -..^v. •.:• .-• •• -. .„.,• r ’v _. l r j.!-- tv . -t' ;fr/V-' *, ; .-, t’.- -| * *_v; v' » '•> v i ‘""f v * - ■ I : l ; C « v > :c"£f'h: i.- V ■* ‘ ' 7^-; 1 . i: i-'■ ■'-sS-.i,"'-] • . :• v .J -v, r t:„ •' hv: : ■ - ••• V;v.. -v-,. vV,^V2£w% ; ‘^*«*^W^«*&f&T* *•''• ,'- , t 3 v..- i ; -»" -> J ; -• -• r-S- *•.--«•* J'-« * < ? r* V»£>v WE 1 - -*-' •' ' - ~ .■*.•; ;;.< ■ ■ -•- V- - ,„ >„ r~jSj * 4s-:* «**{!£/> -! i- * • V> ’ ' • ■■•■.-. -•- -.'•*ty e *■> I*-„“ e.Stti**3ls »♦««*»...*•;•£-'••. «•* . •"'i ■•-■:■.;■;■ rV ” •... - -> •• •..;’ -. /~'y, ‘ mmm§My T V „ \ v/ * 1 ■■ r/ ; V;,’ ; - | :- ' W-H’V. W* ,n . . t HK D. FrinteA and psMish*A /wry Morning, (Sunday txctpled. BT OILLBIuiIS a MONTGOMERY. [fcOßtß-WIST uottrttß ay wood'awd Turn SIMMS. 2JSS J/s."“Fi7fl 801 l are a year, payable strictly in advance. Six Dollars will invarinMj be required if cot paid within the yea.' 49* Single coptm two CEXit—frr «»!• at the counter in the Office, and by the Yem Bora. THE BATTODAY MOSNIHO POST Pportiebedfrom the waa office, on a large blanket else at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Single copies VTO CKITTS. Jt&~ No paper will be discontinued unless at the discus on of tbe Proprietors.) until a!) arrearage are paid. O* No attention -will be paid to any order unle/in accom panied by tbe money, or satisfactory reference in this city. 49- Connected with the- Establishment of the Morning Post t tens of tht largest Job Printing Offices in Uie city , where o!Z k (nit of work is done on the shortest notice, and most reason aAttems. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Roht* C. G* sproul. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Off J\ —, Fourth street, Pntsbnnth. Pa. detff • „„ James A* Lonrrle. A YTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfleld atreet and Cherry alloy fdecll:ly ROBERT E. PUILUI’S, attorney at law, ST. LOUIS, Mo. ’ JOSEPH WEAVES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office. No. 144 Fourth street, piTTsnctuitr. pa. JOHN BAiITON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Filth and Grant sts«* Ja&ly3] rrmsußon, pa. K« Biddle Roberts, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, No. 112 Smlthfleld street, between Fifth and Sixth. Collections carefully attend ed to—special attention-given to Conveyancing. fdec3p.y Thomas Bleans, ; Attorney at law and solicitor tn chancery. , Office, next door to the- Port Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 Si P« Kosb, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth r.treet, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth door below Hr. Rody Patterson's Livery Stable. __ je2B Ji S, Morrison, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, re- XjL moved to No. 11 Grant street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. aprlQ:y C* Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW**~olSce, Fourth street, above Wood. lyfcy v Thomas M» Hlarshalh ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie’s Buildings, Fourth street. jau7:ly R. B> Carnahan, ATTORNRY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. je&y J. N* M’Clowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office in BakewetPa Buildings, on Ornnt streeL jt>2 I>. H. flaxen, TTORNET AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, aboveand > near Smithflrfd. uiftr27:y Alderman Watson, OSlet on Third street, opporiit the old P's! Ojlce, WEIKRB all bualnesn pertaining to the office of Aider man and Justice of the ?mpc win he promptly at* tended to. Acknowledgments of Deed* and Mortgage.*, and Other Instruments of writing, taken at his oCu**, or at tho residenco of the parries. The Docket* of D. 9. SCULLY, Ute ay Alderman of the City of Pittsburgh, are placed In wy possession. Persons having Judgments on said Docket* m*.y hare the necessary process issued thereon by Alderman U’u:wm. ftayitf S. Unckmaster, Al gages, and other writings drawn with neatness and area g*ry. _jc2lr 1 v _ ; 13. AUl4*-BUfW»BON DENT IST.\fuc cewr to G. W. Diddle,) *O. 144 SMITH* 43- OClce hoars, from 8 to 1 o’clock, and TOO 2 tO f O’clock fehls.lT J.SCOTT. DENTIST, Fourth street, m> doow of Market. Ornci Hours—From nine A. M. lo flro P. M. dcc2Chy BUSINESS CAROS. #. XIX&STIXI... m lIX.N. niCHBACU. D. W. HF.RSTINIC A CO.. COMMISSION AND FOitWAKOIXG MBItCUANTS, AMO Dealers Generally in Produce, Pittsburgh, Cin- oinnati and other Manufactures, &c. So .98 Front streets, bet tee en Market and Ferry streets, piTTsnmon, i*a. 4&3f“ Liberal cash advances made on ennrigntaeotß. Par tlcularatteation paid to forwarding We-teru ut*r>-.l.a:jdi»e. H^fcrtncts. —Clark A Thaw, Win. Ba-jaW A Co., Wm. M’* Cully & F. Sellers A Co., liny# .t Bln LIQUORS, N 0.147 North Second street, fifth door ■mDav? Race, east idde, Philadelphia, has on hand the best SESi&Siw wSi* 0 ??!* *Ef nes - Irish Whishy, Mononga hnla Whisky, Holland Qln, CordiaU, Ac., on terms worthy thq Attention of purchasers and dealers. fanßPr W, Iltnrjr jircniiotich &, co < ** nf >» r Of P»nn wnj . nrg h i {<«per^n «li‘hTnrl‘. 78id ° DS ’ Prescri P Uon > carefully compounded a, JOHJf fLEMCIQ. FLEMING BROTHEur WHOI&nWISTS, PiuTio' 10 ” ° f Dr ' M ' l "' no ’ s L^v'cr ' ' jalO JOHN HAFT, JR., (Successor to Jas. M’GufTey,) AxrJv ,1 ? leßa,c aua Retail Druceiit. ND Dealer In PAINTS, OILS, DVB STUPF3, A c U , Wood street, three doors below Virgin alley '* aprtaaiely _• PirTSBUIIGH. Jt OU!l °* MO'HGAN, AK’tT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST AND DEALXB IN 1 No P ?\ nt *> 0Ua < Vamishea, & c ., No. 93,4 Wood street, (one door south of Diamond alley ft ■ L . ALLEN. . WHOLESALE DEAL LB in * Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Old Hononsra hela Bye Whisky, So., also, rectifying distiller. NO. S ttOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH I'A * TTTINES, Uravdies, Glim, Cordials, JamaicL Spirits, Bt. y . New England Knot, Claret., ChaS,pagnas, ““'P? Al,> Bro '’ ,n Stout 'Dish, Scotch, Boarbon, t>ld Monongahela Rye and Rectified Whlatcy A Dole. Pparh Wild Ch.rrv and Blackberry Brandies; Regalia, and Pnncipe Cigars; Half-Spanlsh und Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to chalieng . compe itlon Fancy liar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style and Demijohns of all sites. I respectfully Invite an ekailna- Uon of my stock, at ho. 8 WOOD Street, Pittsburgh fe . nn »- aprSrly JOHN OftOOTTi “ rMPORTRR OF BIUNDTKS, GIN, WINES, 4c.-De.ler 1 In floe Old Monongahela Whl.ky, Peach Brandy. 4c. A i o ’. R< K tl K n? f l£tUlor i ° r Smltbtleld and Front ptrwta, Pittsburgh. aprlS WIIOLKSAiE AND DETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANT 1&5 Liberty ctrcei, aml 31 Dlumotitl alley. feblOiy *3" JNO. E. DOWNING, CLOTHIER “E 8 HAS wmored to SMI LIBERTY strert, opposite Qurrism •Hey, ond.No .3 SEVENTH, near Smlthfleid, where me attention ot hi« friends and the public is Ineited to the stock of READY-MADE UOODS alwaee on hand Alt. Llothfi, Cassimeres and A eatings for ordered work A full assortment of Furnishing Goods for gentlemen, Including Uatfi_of All qualities. Trunks, Umbrellas, Ac ,Ac jnftj ,0a T» i J.' Ci i O3S *i T coming us y’ctoMii, Wholesale and Retail Clothin* Merchants. NO. 8 8 WOOD STREET. TDK subscriber*regretfully inform their old customers and the public in gvnarel, that th.iy hove this day as- SoelatedtheinsolvvMn the above busiuees, under the firm otJOUN M’ULOSKKY & CO. They respectfully solicit a *hare ot public patronage. The previous business of each will be settled by them, pelves respectively. RUVUUI, (late of the firm of CwLtr A Lanu>,) bating • opened STOKE NO. 0, (two doors above the old SS-5* t Lbe P«rp«M of carrying on the CLOTHING UUbIaNESS, hopes by strict attention to business to mJK a ■haro or the patronage of the late firm. ■&' N. B.—Clothing made to order in tho most fashionable styles, and on the shortest notice—inferior to noDe j n C *L jan2&y Jsiuei C. Wall, J V —No. 45 Fifth street, opposite the opr ; James liSclilttKir. VfOXOXGAQELA PLANING respectfully LIX inform his friends and the pubilo, that his new estab lishment Is now In full operation, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and 841 all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or Doth sides, constantly on hand. J order* 1 * Docw ‘ Mouldings, of every description, made to Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage to give him a call, cs he can now furnish them with planed enitable for every description oj work. wn. a. uxokon HEBRON & CRISWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of BRASS WORK LO COMOTIVE, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ac.’ A 1 so, Cotton Batting Manatacturpre Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny City. Office and Store, N0.'12 Market street, Pituburuh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken m exchange for work or cash paid. Orders left at the foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. fidrQly JOSEPH T. LOWIIV, Ho. 43 Comer of Fifth and Wood Srtfis, Fifth street. Pittsburgh, K3ILCTFULL* announce to tne public that he bah commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, In Conner non with Intelligence and Uenerai Collecting. lie will also attend to renting. Arsons in want of servants, in any capacity, or tbocoin want of places, will be supplied at nbort to basiQeM enfc-wied to his care promptly at n e^ene^ ®t?ham, Esq, Richard Cows a, Esq., W ?t mfHfV., I !*' Al#x ' Blac& « Jam«B Mackeral, A. A. Mason, Old. j anls a. GRAFF ht iw, N ,, ER HI. GRAFF & CO., western Foundry, No. 124 Wood street, PITTSBCRfJiI, f>4., VT‘\£ D^. CTUTtER? 0F CASING STOVES, Coal and c*A Wood Stores, Parlor Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain end Fancy Orate*, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Sad and Do? Irons sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Wagon Boies. Ac. [juS.lyJ * Austin Loomti, " R l5 «f L ». KS T-,« TE * QENT - Merchandize, Stock, and Bill Broker,Office, No. t>2 Fourth Street, (shore Wo->i ) The eahsertber having opened an office at the above ptew for the purpose or negotiating Loans, Rills, Bonds, Mortgage* Bn d another InstrumeDtaforthcsecurlty of Moner, And for the purenase and sale of Stocks. Will also give’ prompt and particular attention to buying, soiling, renting of end I«rf. ng Mil Estate. [jy7] AUSTIN LOOMIS. L Schuclunan Is, Uaunlelu, ITHOQRAPIIEItS—Third street, opposite tb« Post-office, Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Bill Heads, Show Bills l^!! N Architectural and Machine Dr&winge, Business and visiting Cards, etc., EngTavcd or Drawn on Stone, Printed m Colura, Gold,Dronae, or Black,in tho most asprorod style. at tlie most reasonable prices. octls*ly HS. fil’Ktnley. °USK, BIG'S, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND !n Paints—No. 44 fit. Clair street, Pittsburgh. jLtafl constantly cn hand aU kind* ot Paioto, either dry or mixed, Japan and Copal Varnish, Linseed Oil, Boiled Oil. optrits TurpcnMne, Window Olass oi ail sizes, Putty, Paint Brushes, Ac 4 all of the best quality, and for sale at reasons t)ie prices. . sepll ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SEMINARY - . T. w. t. McDonald, m. a., principal. l A e r ? otltutlOD commence on MONDAY, the 6tb of September next, at the room cor ner of Ferry and Liberty street*, lately oecnpled by the Messrs. Feeder. J Reference*— Hon. A. W. Loomis, 0. Knap, Jr., 8. F Von ophorst. K. Miliar.* Jr. aQif26 JACOB M'COLLISTEU. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR MANUFACTURER ASD DKLLEB IN ALL KINDS OP Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, A r o. '2ft Fifth st., Pittsburgh, Pu. Keeps constantly on hand a largo supply of all the •ttrioua brands of Imported Cigars. JOSEPH CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED CIGARS, my3:ly No. S 3 Market strect. Pittbbobon. POWER dt RIKRDUN, “ Architectural and ornamental carters.— Ornamental Patterns for Casting, In every style; Modeling, Designing, Ac. Composition Ornaments for the decoration of Steamboat*, Buildings, Ac.; 06 SMITHFIELD Street, near the Post Office. yl*3m APER WILL. ” CANTON, OHIO. FISHER, ANDERSON & CO., have just started their pa* per mill at the above place, where they will be happy to receive orders for printing and wrapping paper of all sizes. _ feb27:tf A. Tindle, flaßk WHOLESALE and K«tall SADDLE, H ARNEBB, Bg&SSgjTRUNK, VALISE and CARPET BAG m&nnfac “ £ ■ turer, No. 108 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jygfcy* John H« Rlellor, TT7TIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL T ? INSTRUMENTS, Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street. fjanl 1. J. lIAGA.T HAGAN * AHL, r UOLESALE and Retail Dt tre in Sttki, Fhney and ▼ V StapU DRY GOODS, Nos 91 Slorkat and 8 Union street, Pittsburgh. apr 4 E.WHI TIC HOUSED Fancy bilk and woolen dyer and cleaner, No. 7 ISABELLA Bt., near the Emmet Hotel, mnr4 Allegheny. Thomas M. Little, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER—Fifth street, between Wood and Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. All kinds of Jewelry made and repaired. faps:ly RXCSE OWEI?8. Pittsburgh. 9. CUTMhEM b. t. OUTHBXKt. S. CDTIIBERT ft- SON, Real estate and general agents, No. 50 SmithfUld street. norl (lard/ HLEE, (successor to Moupitt a Las.) WOOL DEAL • BR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, for the sale of American Woolen Goods. No. IS9 Liberty street (my 4 DL- fit Hayward^ BALER !n BOOTB, SHOES.TRUNKS and LEOnORT? *J? HATS,corner of Market and Liberty ata., «o« H 4 Pittsburgh, Pa. ’-** - PEKIN TEA STORE, ~ , BY A, JAVNES, l?ood and south tide. » Sold Wholesale and Retail. ja&y? XV alter p. Marohall ' De ’ lW V»«ta» Pap,r - mar 8 .PRASCI3 L. TOUSO JOHN Mitchell WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST No. 135 Wood Street 1 N«t door to H. Child-. Shoe Hon w ’ Pi^hn^h j. a pgr, Notice. X OS. FLEMING havtaff associated with JOS. ABEL the b t° confirm under the style of Fourth lih ° ld 6Und ’ eorfier of Smlthfleld and jalty William Thoriii Drnmit. TTAS REMOVED to the earner of HAND and PE>TN I I. Streets, where .he Lilias usual, attend promptly tr cue numfirong friends. All articles in his line are warranted pure, and put up with the utmost care. marl4:6m B. A. Fahnestock 4 Co.* 'TTTHOIiSSAIiE DEBQ WAREHOUSE—Corner Knt and f f Wood streets, and eorner Wood and Sixth. [febl business cards. ileiaoval, NEW P .DANIIL AHL, JB. -J. PL£iURO. ,-Vc:/ -.-'s' -'V * r . j , » «. •* :* l _ ' BUSINESS CARDS, „ „ J! 4 ?• ASD ERSON. W n J«' « Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa.. LK De a ler in S”** 11 Frufa, Nut* Spices, Confectionery, Sugars, Cigars, Ac, Ac. Raisins FiV prunes, Oranges, lemons, Lime* Datps fttrnna 1 ’ Filberts, Walnuts, Oreain Nuts. Pen NutsfcSSL’Nu 1 ™ Pine Apple Cheese, Sardines, Pickles, Sauces, Rock C«nf^v , tn» mlcclH, Maccaronl; 01IT6 Oil. Ac., tcT* apriMj- ENTERPRISE WORKS. .o-iaawMDOTpy ro; wo*BKOT vmam m,,. IMPORTERS am] manufacturers of SURGICAL AND DENTAL Hf’ 0 -' pfSXRUMaNTS, RIFLES, Ac! Wa xgy Keep a general assortment of the above ... , t articles constantly on hand; together nltb a general Tarioty of Fancy Hardware. Also. Guns Pis tola and Revolvers, Flasks, Horns, Shot Belts, Caps, Powder Lead and Bulkte; Bowie, Dirk: Hunting ami Pocket Knives; Tailors and Hair Dressers’ Shears; Pocket Scissors. Ac,— Al«o, Trusses and Supporters. Jobbing and repairing neatly executed. RIFLES!—Wo are making Rifios of every description, to ordur, <>f tlie best meteriol, and workmanship warranted.— Unler* reem-ed for them at Wholesale or Retail, wfll be fill ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale P ria,a - oyl6 Chandeliers and Qas Fixtures. T now °P®aing at their new Warercom « i «**?*? FIHST STUKKT, between Wood and Smith* P.-i* L he Inn?ept ftwortment of CHANDELIERS, BRACK* LTB, PENDANTS, and all articles connected wit Gas Fitting, erer offered in this market Having arrangement made by which they will be constantly in receipt of n«w pattern* and Tanetipß, they confidently invito tho attention of pur chasers to their selection. We are determined to sell ae low os any house in tbo West, and Wing practical Gap Fit in r tbfs & UnT’ r pocuUar to those dealring articles We continue ib heretofore to tit up buildings of erorr do acriptlon for gas. water and steam. 3 Brass Castings of all kinds made to order promptly LONG, MILLER & 00^ No. 109 First street. tifiOil) BL&TCIIER; — “ FIIOM HEW YORK, MANUFACTURER of the celebrated Gofnaraer Ventilating Wig, Elastic Rand Toupee*, and every description -*sfc of Ornamental Ilair. for Ladles and =jGentlemen, 79 FOURTH STREET, ■■between Wood and Market, Pitt*, burgh. f Blctcheh’s system enables Ladles and Oentlnmen to measure their heads with accuracy. FOR WIGS. No. 1. The round of tie Head. No. 2. From the forehen-! orer tba head to neck, No. 2. No. 8. Fram ear to ear, oTer th* top. No. 4. From ear to ear, round the forehead. For Toupe-jt, tn cover the top of the jurad. only—a paper pattern, th-exad shape oftho baft part. r tnyt s^ ,*2s^sJ?_ °- n *L j nrrl i Factory V JOHNSTON, BROTHERS 6 CO., Offlrr of Robecca nnd tl-rffts. AUrghrny City WOULD reepootfnlly Inform th-ir friend* the public generally, that they hare enmmenrej_tbo manufacture of Carriages rwt„„ iJT Roeitairaya. ltn e pe«,S!ei ß l,» and O ; a 4,H; rfr or r,nil " tuff - ,h »y fret ronfl aent that all who fnror them with their patronage, will be fJitipfitx.l pn trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to giro os a call, before pur.ha- SiOC e!«vsrhere. ’ „ ,o 1 - -• Oet6:lv Pearl Weani Mill ; CANAL BASIN, ALLEGHENY CITY, (HKAR TH* RAILROAD OTATIO*.) ’ FAMILIES will be «pp r .lt«d withnurrarious crudes of FRESH GROUND FWUR, * Uy lea Ting orders et the Mill or in our box** at ,” n - ” ll#cn * Co., Wool atrort.or Braun A Reite* cor ner Liberty nod St. Clair brents. Vittabureb ’ H. P. Srhwartz, or J. T. Sample, Druzclrt;:. Allegheny ffl ‘ l . u c e . < i t:llVfe l r Kl to tainliies tn oitheroftbe two cities icniis. CASH on delivery. Jl 29 PUT AN, KENNEDY A CO H A K D w Alt E" ~ . for Saddlers and Carriage Itlalrers. R. T. TsFKOTT, .TR., So. 1 .1 1 Wood atreet. PITTSBURGH. Also, Cloths, Damaaks, Lacos, Mon, Bont Stuff, Springs, &o. _ ’■’’"■"llort An.riri.nl rs. fa . v fc o vL , ” 1 0 " ,nd “ n ‘ ! "t” ronst.nflT mMinflwtn- KS»?Sattil r ,' T . CAT,,V AND lyi 1 IM in?, or every tleamr-tion, rix • * I 1 Extension Dining Tables; Do R*r do; Ladies Cabin Chnirß, of various style*- Cents. do do do- Slate Room do do do- Dn Toilet Boxes; TeteaTetes; Sofa*' \v rf *u V. . Centre Tables', Wash Stand*; o«rd do: Water do; Trnvs, Ao Ar Ms'eriaJ Bnd workmanship warranted, and prWi ;*°' u „ 3 T. B. YOUNG A CO^ 3* Pmjthfield at., opposite City IIo*e! >s r u p it v - s NEW EAGLE HAT MANUFACTORY NO. IS2 WOOD STREET, one door’ re, the corner of I.lherty. i« now open. vSS g?is£xSfljr T! 1 - proprietor is himself a practical ***& , . Hatter, hnvioc liad fifteen venrs experience att.i- .nPineM. t-n years as a prnetbnl workman: bavlnc yV\ ln ’• T» Tißri r»nl establishments In tfaw York Phil aaelphn rinrinnaM.and tho New England State*: f™\ a confidant ih.it. from his pmrtiral experience as n Hatter irfi? n n “ 1 D *? t f,nlv a * bnf a ncTTpa and Cimrri Duilie^f7Vf"/ T - W ” e her '‘ , '2 , ' r * l» 'he Pitfhnrsjb P fl,f n:,:7 ' mnn?/ fartur*. ,j“cls-1 f THE OI.D PniNTINO 'eSTABqViVveNT (late John . FTCKKTSEN. . No. 137 Liberty etreet. A Nuun’e A. Clark’. Planm ' PRESH errlval ot NUNNS A CLARK’S . ;ia lb ™ bw 'R“f. They have been madeySP'WpfifW and carefntiy selected eaprea.lr for tills mo-' ™ PH" of too. “ n « l ' l »''ed upequalled tor eweetne.e and power imaratf Vu *!?***” ! h( * nf,w improvement of two T. h ',"T, stnn!t " ™t>Bln(t over and above and To .ine 1 Tn n Jr 1 J r <« »t«nd anr eilmata Sole Agent for Nnnne A Clork’e Pianos. , . No. lot Thiol street, -22 Sign of the Oaldennarp. »im«liici for irks: OUN 11. MKLI.OR. 81 Wood ptroot, Fittsbnrirh win publish on th» 10th Auenst. 1854. the well known boHob of Almanacs (for 18551 calculated by Sanford C Hill (M ■’ ?, nJ for ““"V F««« published hr Mr. Hake Loomis. of .. |» C Mi Un ' ,l ‘r i l *; nsme ° r “ toomls’ Almanacs.” The series will consist of— HILh’S PTTTSmiRfin AI.MANAC, UIIJ.’S MAGAZINE AI.MANAC. t. i . Hn.VS AMERICAN FARMERS’ ALMANAC. It Is only necessorv to sav. that the reunions, moral and rthea&i.";.”;-iTo"'; A! ~ win "■ .o^, Prißtor ’" nd oth ' r " Br « hereby cautioned aminst nnl>lthr'’l > 1 th r'’ “PVTlwht of the shore Almanac. ' or lo7enT ind by ' “* llll the hy the gross ?li £S.HS n. MEI.LOR, 81 Wood street. A New A oV» thl j£' la„ P' °DO F ° rle ’' WUh anil with ' taT o n ptaJo° nt CarT °‘ l LOU ' B XIT 6tj,e orand Actl<)n '“■ Serpentina, pearl kov«, 7 octoTo Piano. Two fnll carved, aeml p-and, 7 octave Pianos. Two ptlain Rosewood u ~ Ono do do c l / “ •* Three do do a' J « <« Two double round corner Rosewood 0% octave Pianos One round corner finished back and front 7 octave Piano. A furtner ln about two weeks. fau29 Lonn Office. .T°£V„- °7 V, EN ' *1 S ,\ IITnIrT ELD STREET, bntwenn an “to D s “, OD i a J ,e F- Mnni-y loaned on Gold nnd Silver Plata, Diamonds. Gold and Silver Watches. Jowdlrv Musical Instruments, Gnns nnd Pistols, Feather Bods Fur niture, nnd nil kinds of artlclns—for any length of time agreed on. Charges for storage considerably lower thn» heretofore. Private entrance through the hall door. All business transactions strictly confidential. «- Forfeited pledges sold Immediately after being out of date, unless redeemed. Bargalneof Gold and Sliver Watch eg. Jewelry, , always on hand. aprlo:6ra NEW SEED STORE* JAMES WAUDROP, OFFER!? for sale CANARY BIRDS of lmproved breed, being very hardy, and fine sincere. Bird Seed? —Canary, Hemp, Millet, Rooe and mixed Beed. Bouquet* will be furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS, vii: Camelfas, Rose Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. Evergreens (in pots) for Christmas Trees, from the Beed and Horticultural Btore, NO. 49 Fifth st, near Wood. dec2o Voninme the Smoke* THE subscriber bovine the exclusive right to manufac ture and sell SWEENEY’S,HOT AIR AND SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, is prepared to receive orders, and contract for heating buildings with the most economical Furnace now in use. Tho attention of those interested If solicited. Any intormption can be had of A. BRADLFY. Noa. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAU, dec24:tf I Iron Cttr Stove Warehouse, No. 134 Wood st BARR * MOSER, ARCHITECTS: —Officop: Philo Hall. No. 75 Third street. Pittsburgh: and east aide of the Diamond, Allegheny irVi-fim New Jers«y Water Melons and Peaches. THE sobeciiber is in dallv receipt, by Railroad, of the finest quality of PEACHES and WATER MELONS, wui at hia Depot, No. 128 Wood street, above Fifth. IWU SAMUEL STERJBUUK, y&i ' ~vr “f *•. , '. * t i t-v f ** vi ** r- - *. * -it- «* r-. ’ v--, r ■ * v.> .. > < 1 s *■» S V'M ' PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1855. T Cablnea B'urulture Warebonis “ B. VIiUNQ I CO. chhinei fufntturc and Chair Jfan. . HThctarer, Nos. 8v aod 40 SmlthUeid street, opposite w.L/ Hotel, would respectfully remind tneir old friends and customers, and those ohout to purchaee anything in tlieir line of business, that they are constantly manufacturing every descripUun t fashionable Parlor aid CbE nlture. warranted in material and workmanship/eml sold on reasonable terms. Can. taken ln packing for land or water carrirtge s a OT Steamboat Cabin Furniture and Chairs on hand and mad* to ordf-r. as nrual. mie Tbco in furnishing boats will fl n( j j t to thsir Rdrantapn to k -hy u» a call, as we gim WVT y attention V, the manufurtur*. nf work bf>*t adapted to their »ve fßu'll BOOTS AMO SHOiti!,, V WHOLESALE AJVD RETAIL. JAUEB HOUB has fitted up la sploudid style w, store »J‘2i! , . a,lr j l 'u‘ , f eot,a, ’' lf ' 0 6 Ucion street, betwu ruUi street and the Diamond, and has now completed his Spring stock or BOOTS, SHOBS, SLIPPEIIS.QAITKBSr-,? and Palm Lear, Pedal, Dustin and Braid HATS, to which h’J sale or retail ttent *° U ° f P Ulob,uier »- whether atwbol£ This stock is one of the largest erer opened in this cite and embraces everything worn by ibeladies or Philadd ohfti and New York, snd ho trusts cannot tail in nloanu all Great care haa been given in selecting tho choicest goods all of which he warrants. boons, lie also continues to manufacture, as heretofore all de. scriptlons of Boots and Shoes, and from this long experieni. of over twenty years in business in this city, lit, he trust? a sufficient guarantee that those wlto faror him with tli.-te custom, will be fairly desit with. apriS-tf Seminary for Boys. South-west cur. of Fifth and Grant its., opposite Court Jinnee T““M of this School will comtn«nee*rm Mov 1 DAY, September 4th, ami the duties oflustructton will t>« rMnmftd by Messrs. GRIGQS and M’DONAXD. °* 1 Tuition b $12,50 per quarter. The number of pupils is limited, and boys are admitted In the order of applications which may be made aft,.r Auguft 30ih, at 6-i Liberty street, or at School, or bv letter dropped in Post Office- auOow* W» B» SCAIFE FniST STREET, BETWEEN WOOD AND MAItICFT STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA., bnllda Ifrand/patent Metallic Life Galvanized Iron ; also, manufactures eopper and Sheet Iron Work, Cooking Stovea for Steam Sets and ITolels, Portable Forges, Forged Iron Work Larue Delta for Bridges, ic.; Cork Life Preservers, the best and cheapest kind. Steamboat work attended to. [my2fly WH are receiving from New York and PhlladolDhls 3SO HALF CHESTS TEA, “““““'Pbla, comprising Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong Souchong, and English Breakfast, all of which have been carefully selected, and will be sold a* usual. ' A. JAYNES, lVkin Tea Store! 3S Fifth street. J BOOTS AND SHOES.—Those who wish to* cat a neat and well fitting " * BOOT, SHOE or GAITER, will call at M'LAUGHLIX*B, 96 Fourth street. “GRAFF, KEISmOER ft orTbli VfI’ANOFACTUKEHS OF COAL AND WOOD COOKING LT± STOVKB, Parlor and Fleaiing Stoves, Orato Fronts renders, Wagon Boxes Ao, Ac. Warehouse No 121 WOOD Street, above Fifth, Pittsburgh, Pa. jy^4 STO C KING FACTORY, NO. 24 FIFTH STIIEBT. Sign of THE OLD BTAHD WHAIAM DALY has returned from the' Mannfactur lni; flowery Dintncts of Europe, where ho has rur ■hajod, for cosh, a very utMUuyo owl well assorted stock of the best descriptions only of Stockings, Socks, Undershirt* Druwcrs, Qlores; also, new style of Children’* and Stockings, together with hifj domestic stock of Pitts burgh Manufactured Hosiery. He will sellby wholesaluor retail at New York Importers’ prices. •, • _ v WILLIAM-DALT * CO. Remember the place—No. 2-1, Sign of THE OLD STAND my£3 L &&V-' : r *■ - ' » * **• » ' >.» • ««.«- -.,", !; / -, *„••. ,• .*.*> ■&££*■■ ' J <> a •» Js 1 + l * ■*, : 5jW BUSINESS CARDS. JSotlcc. T H k B «, U JONES 4 QUlGG,havingljeendissolved X by tho death o* Joi nF. Quicg, on thu 27th lost the S:J r “ 'l m by the nnaerdsned. it tb*lr office, corner of Rosa and First streets. b ’ nt,, v , ~ , ISAAC JONES, SurvirlHg Purtner. Pittsburgh, September 30, ISs4—[oot2:y 6 li«cc Jotus, A sT^. FA . CI ; tmE! \ <> L S| ’ rinK l ' n ' l Steel, Plough Slab fteel, steel-Plongb Wings, Coach and Eliptln cpringe. hrnsa hut laper, half patent, Sere®, Mall End PitSburgh pE.° Aiks ' -corn,!r 01 “Oj Steel streeta, ISAAC JONBS D. O. iiogeri & Co., ANUe ACTUUEHS of ROGERS’ pateut iroprnTrd StPf] txlfty tir “ tor tMth " offlca comer Ross and Firat streets. CG. B. Ilendly &, Co.. “ HEAP OA!U>JJT WAREHOUSE, A'o. 82 Third z’r«i> near htartot. weald wepectfiiUy iuform lh*L{=/nen.S ouu the public geDomlly, that the/ here now in tbuir complete FALL STOCK, consisting of tiARPRIStif er er y «° D S fr °“ tho Royal Velvet ana Brussels; to'tha com- S em P ““d Ron- Floor Oil Cloth, Irma ore antm a'l? wlde ' m ” r dMi K n! »°tl y«ry rich; Cocoa and Matting, Druggeta, Ruga, Mata, Stair Rods, Window " c ; 1 atrona 1n want are invited to call attd axatn ihedM th steamboats, Hotels, and Reddenfia ram unea on the moit reasonable tenmu t TERM3 a^:™ m ONL !^ Cta “ a q ° !rk 1 ' KDWABD E. wttr : H-HaL.-.j™.™ HAKCW E. HOLlin.T P R CI?*St« r ° lUVA “WNa ANt^cJtfMieSlQS'lilF.R. „ A "• E«wmllt, Ai —Strict attention [it] to nil cousTgnuoeath lor aa) Q 0 f Flour, Produce, 4c. Orders for tbajpurchaseof Produce solicitrd and promptly attended to. Goods fur ro-BhlpmEnt fomardad ffith despatch, loctfrCm Tun „. I C '^ IIIr^V UJKS POll SALE. ‘ HE nnderslftaed has insireceived »thia ' S OARBiAGE WAKKHODSK, BitnmjL .gij?Sg: . ‘to Two Milo Ran, be tween Pittabureh WSSSsSsiy a aplendid °I2i HIICL^B, , of ma J Oenenpuon, ODd wiH CTntinAo' t-n SI in patting down *l] competition. ’ be ktosetf to call 1. - 1 &. Jcwea...' . -*• C. BUCUSE. JONES & BUCHER. IKON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Pn-Wlvania Soared, foci of Third IT A V IN 0 our Muchb.-ry, u-bkh Is sow ol or t° T ’ and havinK many faclli- Clii rrck, wearo uow manufacturing: First STEAM KSGISKS. HOLLIKG MTLI.3, “T, ?!? Boilara, Furnace, Eolline BAW AND GRIST MILL iLACMINKKY ± CABTIVr;i; OaS j*“? p o n^ r {??«» grants,lUtort*, Lamp VosdUllzch ins I osds, Columns, Girders, Shading, IlnnjnU Bracket., Collar Grates, Bathing Tubß,BponE’’’ JiaUwff, Verandahs and Ornamental Cantina, »trm^„ P /Sla"n a “ entioa t 0 “« «d cL Front, for Homes and Store,. Haring an estensire assortment of beautiful Carrerl r.t ton, of the most approved arohlteeturaf oS„. our Jea t ' prtn «lth ou?“h.“ tUring ,Dd £Wl>I ’ lcS u,laUeaa «° . I X r r,74. r ”, c “ Dg or Rollimr Mills, MHI Owner. wlll fln• ““Ch to their advantage to bJij”ng. e lne °" r « Itsnsi ” -»tock of Pattern, before Hi ON AND BRASS CASTINGS. .1 Mt ' ri E ;lon : Sola Wort, Pattern jhklai;, For- Da ; a,i - to onl.'r- [myliy China. Hall. \f AK , K r.if T STRKFr . fiUTWEHN THIRD AND FOURTH -100 cratea of QUIiENSWARE, of This Fall tlon. now receiving, to which we Invite the attention Trthe country and city trade Haring tame dozen dlderent pat °r T''V V " r -. 7™ f " el COUflfent of Bulling ElPtiftS- Sate ini m ”- v , f ° unil Iron atone, cold band Sold scroll, Woe, pink, plum purple, brown end green All 80, e handsome gn-cu Boris and while Imitation atone which 10 ’' 010 rplJ -ton. ware. COMMON WARE—Our ptoek of Common Teas. Platea Nar ' pi “ a ' B °"*' «Mw*. and everj article Walla ta lar? '’ “ d selcct ' d for the City and country H LASS W’ARE—Having n large and well selected ptook of Ulasa on hand, we will poll at factory prlcea. Paving the merchant the trouble of making a separate bill. AM we ask in a call, and we feel confident of pleasing . - ep f _ ,lOriN .I? O'LEARY. Boota and ahoe., W lioi e.iToATHSdLUtniT ! • James iioBC. .■.>*, tJ N < at S ve M ."ll“' f ’ ° lo ° ftreet ' th'fJdaor frtfa the M Market 11 use, would call the attention of hfa friends ban 1n C ~r ' f 1 to the fact, that ta has now on’ canon J P ,o'pl. N ,i: 1C “ d * iU!Uln - »«'•» tros tP, Uts price. are very mnch reduced, end be sells Ladies’ O.Uere.t.ren *1,12 to*2.Sft Gentlemen's Boon to *O . and excellent Gentlemen's Gain-re, and Youths Md CbHdreu t. wear, at eitraordiuary low prices. tie also continues to manufacture, as heretofore all d*. sutt'r;:,^r s r vi> ais nl th w 't duality and the latest style r|| of which he warrants Nor should be overboiled hi, Tory large„ ■eminent of Gum Sandals, Overshoe? and B ots, for Judies ,° nJ Chl!dr *“- Ere, T iwraon who favors hinj with Ibeir patronage trill be fairly Ilea It will,. ;','p New Paper Hangings. F r p E wP C V Nn AMEl l ) ic\n"i'ahlds“a‘Sits■ *■ E ',“' Decorations, In gold, oak and marble ■ 3 ’ Halt Papers, of rortous styles; - ■ Fist’d and Plain Papers, for dining rooms and chambers • - Cheap and low priced Wall Taper!- namoers, Borders, Ceilings, Figures, Window Shades A large and complete assortment or the above, selected for lha season, will be sold at the usual low price. ' ea WALTER P. MARSHALL. it. oaxrr .i>. ntrsTNßtn IT , r , OralT, Rcialnger da Groji WESTERN Fi.UNDRV, ,21 7 Jeturera of P 1"! Stores, Coal and Wood Stoves fil'pee lo ’?' Plato and Fancy Grates. Plain and Fancy Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons, Portable-Force Kl ' flleB ’ T,, a- Kettles, Stove Kettles, Wagon Boxes,’ - : — : BUI4 * Wm. li. Talcott *t Co, ~ MA«Jr 3 r, cc £^-' , . OR3 T 0 T - StNSEDT, JU M k Qn_] OF GILT ANb MAHOGANY LOOK ING G LASSKS, Portr.lt and Wetur* *“2^ utmierk in Itoporti-U aod Domestic Fancy Goods, No. 62 cor. car of Wood and Fourth streets Pittsburgh. octßi-tw A Caid, • U AYJNfI soul my iuterest In the firm of T. KENN KDY fl Jll 7 * CO., to William H. Talcott, who, with A. (L “»«»»• tb » !«*«« Oto and Variety liuet “'f h * o,:,l2 T. KENNEDY, JR. Th«re are ten successive months in the Academio yenr. ARGE WALNUT BOOK CASEtt-KnijhetJ r room. [declSJ T. B. YOUNG * CO. ' • jfSbib 4':\ FOR SALE- AND TO LET. | rrm* „,v „ S’*‘*P=rty ror Sale. Ttf.SSS 1 ’" o£rers for ‘ aJe > OH rery reasonable termp, / IS.' 31 logins property, vlr: bewreSnJi"?’ “l* 1 * Dtrellfcg Honse, No.llo Penn street, ?“? pi*K»U«r> and. tot 25 feet front, beat i eet t 0 an ThaHousoia one of the SStafate^ 4 . ta One or tho “°#S Peasant neighbor onf hn^ST1 m , b! ? 0i,1 5 c ? r ? ora of front and Perry streets; vJLtJ?' five feet fronton Ferry and fiixty feet on cot£lv itS^ th V 0 thrpo rtwy-Wek Building on the Inga, as,S; S 1 and tWO “** BnUa dtCP’OT b7 A 9o L< f™l^^J^^7r?' n^ralentF^ttl,l ' Dwelling; Lot 20 feet Dy so, fronting on Congress and lilm sta. .-is H<£ue°' I 'H.e 1,1,!"!’ ° U ,?P )te 6treet > Dwlr thB Court “ abew! “ r ”° gWl and ,a gOoJ order < ?“» bek.°? S!aitili aW atrect, ncaraiyentli ®“ ! -* «• =» «» 80 ble end pleasant loeatloh ffSdL vrrydesira -60 ftot *v* tß l th? t !?°f? e ' eoaI * *\ Dd fabun,jßneB of limestone, convenient to thts landing; and two coal pita ooen. iw^vwuenr Ninety Lots in the town of Columbia, CO fegt fcy 150 each, near.y lerel, find Weil locatiaL The tenant of each hot Sn?«??’fhw le,! * tf tl ? ln ff whKtert >' *«w « front of 140 rods on the Mcmo&gftb*lft nrer; an escollrat landing; good grads and f ° r roilroad—with ora ugh lerel ground at *n* poini for houses and gardens, or locations for manufactorie* hem% 8 d le“ntrf “ 7 ““«»«*•» «SS I «idV^f I fSS /In my absence, my agent, Jasons Blakely, Ben, will rfy, an necessary iniorrosfea ( ss4 la S3»crtad to gWe trarSn” tea droda for any property giSS. JAMESMAY p l 2s - . Wo. 110 Pens- ’ tar ■D. H. TiOOERS. 5 Per Cent boner 4Sinn any lenrm in the Conatar* AVAUOABH3 FABJI FOR BAMi-Ihe robSMlbsr la authorised to Bell tho/oduwlng dcfleribol TRACT OF U l in Nonh Fayette town ehlp Allegheny county. Pa 14 rutin-, from tho City of Pitat i' l " IIK |l ‘ tt-oSttutienvliio Railroad, with Coal unit 1-llas Stono unr>l Ste n«]e piece, nod e-j 1 of acceie-improvemeutoMt-l-iivu: a very comfortatle ln-m House, „0 by u) feet, 2 r.lrriej hljli- Wash Home, Sprina Fr ‘ una Bens darn* M by A, feel, finished in th» beet possible manner, with Stablius under the whole building; luti bearing Ar.Lle CherrV h Tr‘S\ f IM ; » ’“*»dnamity of peach and Cherry beatlnr order: about 85 acres cleared a “ “ hl o h »t»ta of cultivation, with water in nil the tlelds. This land is very comfortably situated in one of the beet neighborhoods in the county, being cruTeulent to ma-it, - m« C rter be Vu aDj n!isftnk ItoaJ, tf mike iron* the citv,?i?eh - of them 0»«S »o mto diride into 10acre lot*,having'* good s ?£ « DS tk * acll ‘», lE 18 ‘ a fl P len,iitl opportunity for a specula tion. Those who w.mt a good home, or wl«h to ma>« ’ S 10 ?!?’ ;°^ ld do well to I°** it, wu will sell to thi • first that offers us oar low price, in (ots or nit to^ethe onfv t° Uat 7n Hc f tR ’ 1 aih froa only 3 miles Iron Allegheny cuy, by wayo; iho New • 7 -■<= *“« tfU-.hj- locations, and of. Hav'i o ,’ f C “S'| n . n^ r3 i Ee “.? ° n the obl ° < ' Ba P™>sy!vanla ‘ “?" b “ a , ty ' TatJ * ut h" "“Id wptirale ’ ?TJW h « a #r MMeiMiog. It is a lotol j l ocation, ana cheap, of coarse. Aim one Lot of two acres, nud two smaller nieces of ground, opposite Harlmau’a at Woods' run, oil,--rail at a ?S , “T, prit ' fUr ,f fmr “Property. Aa L.aoSm.nt of kTt r Lill r e u a ? <1 I^ t, > on hand, and described In my r, gister. Before buying you would do well to cell and jl" THOM Ah WOOL’S, la Fourth street. for or JAh. C. RICHEY, ’ ltcal list ate Agent, at this office. ( y UA Th’ l ’“?h i!:il^ k ' * w ll iAL '' At A BBLAIUAhSAiN. of Coll h a„L ?ea n V Mll tbo “P" b “ ,r of Ml) acres 01 Coal, and Its ncrca of surfsce, situated at Fri-men's Lanulug, on the Ohio river, in Hancock county V, Thit property has faciut,,’, randy met with; the vein beta* 7 feet thick, of the very best quality of Bit tt ninou« Coal °fud at i |i, ml on tho rlvor whei e th- water is about 13 f.Lt M MO lom'S,; f'“\° Ud “ 7°' ‘“ rK ° p ° o1 ' suDi =*"nt to harbor M 0 coal boats. A,so a charter for the purpose o! establkh “>■>'«*» al the same point. Thire l erected on the aborts a first rate overshot haw Mill tosrti a , b ? V t’ ,il ' bB 7 ld hnlf ’ lhn »fl' l "lefs,or tho whole, fo S h 'J Term, easy nml price modente. For further particulara enquire of ItOIIKRT KEEN IN on tbs premies, or of j amiss C. BlbilEY, aeu> - - - - Real LstfttQ this otßee. METHO- U MSI GRAVE VAIIP, N'IIAK GANAL hoLl'^'t'” d ' f iral ; lo P |ec ° of property in this neighbor hood not ulretidy bought up by tho Pennsylvania ttallroad Company, fronting on Liberty 50 feet on Elm street 100 VlMfe”™ " a “ thoJl!t Gr -"» Vurd $O% feet, roLlbor e„'L hlB „ P > opCrty ! S m s st desirable 03 a Hotel. The building now on it, a good substantial three story brick, uuh a 1 the LTtTI « b t ul , l ' 1 1 i ”S«. for a longtime been acci ied as the Union Hotel, doing a good business. Capitalists and _apri&.tf I S^S L „? r O - , t?“ I, !nf t !T„"i ( s n^ Ma ? e * rs )« , » Filth U ard—4o ft fronUM rvi? d b| ' l ' ,r, = ahtj.m the bach 100.ft.on Spring ally, onlu./'i'*? 1 " 3 stori.,o Brick House, 4U It.squurc, with nSaine tr. J „ > r - Ur CO It. on Spring alley, well calculated to carry « oranch of umuufaclurlnglmsincsa. Bring engaged la raifr ufnctunnir In the country, I offer the aborc tor Bale. In tjuirt- at .No. 4-5 Liberty street. Con.i Works Kur Sale. QlXr\ TIIKEK ACi;K.' OF LAND, with 250 acres of Coal yj attached, and all the improvements thereon in success fut operation, raid Farm is situated ou the Mononeahela Bbo T.? and Is supplied wilh a , e, h“T’ renaut nouaea, Orchard, Aallroad.Md an excellent harbor. * The vein of Coal is Use feet thick, and cannot be surpassed In quality, ior further particulars apply 10 P NICHOLSON & PAYNE, No. iitf?) Liberty street. WTliree HoiueVanrt l«ota for sale* i vr Rt i ,rl7aUs ■»!«» TiuiKK noaah'3 and Lors. u m Brick House, situated cm Ferry, between bftck lh BD,i L berty streets; Lot feet front by 79 feet -"S 0 * Houses, on Logan street, Sixth Wahl. One House fronting on Logan street, and the other on Lot *2-i l'eet by 100. Also, the stand I now occupy, on the corner of Ferry and ater etreep, tho lease running oneyear from Ist of April, lb A wuh the Furniture, Bedding, £c. The House at pres en-,w doing a good business, uud is pleasantly 'ocatetL For terms and further particulars enquire of ALtIX.. CUPPLBS, corner of Ferry and Water streets. TIIK PROPERTY situated coruerof Webster and Fulton sim-ts, from an.i after thu let of April next. This is nu eligible situation for a large Hoarding House or a Tavern Stand. It contains cne large Brick House, fruntiug ou Ful ton street; two small Frame Houses, fronting on Crawford street; and Stable, fronting on Webster street. At a very tmiall exi euse the back buildings can be converted into sta bling capable of stalling tweive horses. For lenns annlv tO . AUSTIN LOOMIS. 92 Fourth stroet. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE Foil BALE, Adjoining the Borough of Manchester—•TililtTY BUILDING LOTS Cftch 24 fret front by 100 feet deep, and fronting oa Market street 00 feet in width, are offered for sale quite low, nad ou reusoOuble term* of payment. This properly id part of the oKtate of the late Jnmes Adams, Esq., and the title la per fect and beyond dispute. Apply to norB f | 'ILMIAFKU I’hj OU a ilia—Which you cau use either a JL afl uprigbtcr reclining Chair; inToluabie lor Invalids ana luxurious for loungers. Call and see them. T. B. YOUNG & CO., . 33 SmitbfMd street. J Valuable Properly For bale. UANI>3GMK BUILDING LOTS,situate on Centre Atbuub, near Fulton street, and within ton ainutes’ walk of the Poet Office. For teems, inquire of HOON A SARGENT, corner of Wood and Fifth nts. To Let. A GOOD DItY CELLAR, under the Nrptune Engine . Uou?e, on Sevoutb street, suitable foratcring molasses or produce. Inquire or JOHN 11. STEWAKT, 207 Liberty street. For Sale or Ueul. A WELL FINISHED TWO bl’OitV Ii KICK DWELLING, ti- on Third street, between bmlthfleld and Grant streets A PPIy to J. W. BUTLER, . 97 Front street. Basement To I*et. ABASEMENT ROOM, 21 feetwid* by32deep, two-thlrda above ground, well finished and well lighted, will be rented cheap until the Ist April. Enquire *at the office of the HORNING POST. dec2B S** i. - ' - • EDWARD FARttR. EDWARD FABER. To Let. JAMES BLAKELY. . y^****'' • 159 PHILADELPHIA. Cl TV G^ J i tGEJ -UENKEI,'B ' - „ 1 * WA R E HO V S B , ** o ' CHESTNUT STREET?. 9 , (OProsiis Ikmpjdo)*ncb Hail,) . . PhUftdeiiifailai ■ Itf EVERT STYTPi■ Comprising LouisSav.jUmis XV , 7 •With Scul DtnrJ CariliT/n Bn J Antique, In- , ■ 811 fit cnp e ri o r-conatrucU?”r».iitl finl^w C * : iasta yle.^ualto,lf noto*c e iita„ j™'? tlle fy ' “‘“F, 00 ?, 8 ?, f ?”y faiS 1 } E, rPT mc “‘in tho United Staten. IIPLOiIJiQ non©* hot uximri©ncp^v?«? pren ' terinls, the work cannot foil to Kirs aatSf^iR 6 <*»«« .Amongst the many “ I*l chiuera, t? (helacihty of Furnishing o ltbußefcither ln gant or plam style, completely from ona estahUchmn*.?' B *^’' ° us "? d “'Sn,' enables purchasers to nS tbeii test* , n a selection, without the dolar nM«J«7ni caused in ordering Furniture necessari v warranted to car 4 safaly any vrSSSIfS^JS” | !'»%g ST, LOUIS. TOH^i"Si o ?E R siiri“ r - S=iSS^K' fn Acne?™ requiwa » on Consignments 6t Bills of Lading* Wisfe n - „ SSPyttfiXCKß' S£a°,?° d ’ Ctodn ”»«; Ohontean s Valle ’ T„- tt^“A oorln ‘ m > - H»S S?Sr% K «SXiS; HttSSf ■ 'S{ D. Leech i ft.f rO - >P)ttS d b 0 h f-2^'i?o a 3“? * W; Wm. Holmes A Co. St I 4 °°L' t>hll ‘ da : ik&iT i ao°aSf|- BM £ ZD- w ‘> qo , W. B. Reynolds, Louisville: T. G. Twichol] A (h)., * ew°' I« arransiamanta wlti onoof the l.maS h “?> beb « 3 made to keep up IILI supplv n«vln/!?»>^ Ur ?’ rioa *“ lho Ewt, formation of Lawns, Approaches. Practically frighedt ctyicstif the art! Gardening, and haring spentyearsTn^rTtiEjL *»andßcape Englacd.and on tho beautiful hanks of ?««’ Ua ” n ‘ p “ dt7 10 D «*‘ wishej oTi&rt^ at i Mohan, 22 Wood street fIhOUSQ °* * tlßsers ' Negley i nar7:y MoffiKrsssif ssss™ ;■=, Dw,l,i„p, sUes. » ad !■ Imitation of various kinds of wood. Also Cm-idSi n* ots, nod Patent Ventilating Centre Pieces p’nP Ck ‘ Mouldings, Consuls, Tresßrefßnttlement Ac’ mn,n°“n ” gs ’ and handsomer than Plaster and h° “P 6l deal mnro durable. u V/MTlng, end & great -ssss-saa - - 67 Market st. ]Yf ATTHEW GRa7f £nd trad! ill herotoforo as M. GIUFP 4 CJ Stn™ n lng warn Manufacturers, No. \'U Wooa street associated with them TUOMAS J ilPAPp’n. 170 their business. The name, style and GQe’of from this dato, be QUAFF, RAISING KR & GRAF respectfully solicit a continuation of the natron * i/^ erally bestowed upou the firm of 5L Draff A Co g ” S ° U ’ > ' _ Pitt-sborgh, July Ist, 1854. vo * „ „ New.Trlmmluir Store - JVo. 83 C bmer of Maitet street and u,* Vv , Frank van goiu>kh rJ D e?uUv «« °w,ncnrf publicof tht??° a ®n 8 U Trimmtoa Store on Monday, April 17th b n '* • opt ? hls up tile acute* .tore room K,„‘ h ,’ „f, la '! n S eholre selection of the latest styles of Trlf mi 6,1 11 ? llh a cj hoods, he flatters himself tbit he im fS-T “"j r ‘i ll ' duceuoats and eodearorto elve Tull ZtLr *., su P eri °r in may favor him with their pMro n £ e U n *° *» *»» Now, don t forest the plopq ,Vn c*i \t • ** ° f 1,16 [aprl*] Fltlh^ P A fro L a S L tnERARY DEPOT i;fc «• ssls: tern,™ of th. Jay * ,arch “ i »8 any of tho cUp Li- 7_ —— apr»:lT WHOWE Vo M Fl U rr~?Jr' Vttt ® r Olzntaln ' U | , Street, oe«t door to Miionle J,.™’?', * le r ln Htmi RndCGM-'EOrXON’rUtY. Eon“ Eerred op durfogtho , e *. o ' ™* l * r ora and Cream. rS dnrit” X° wlth Strawberries and other most —nail. tors. OijT /■.UA^-WUS 1 Monthly. Heal Otj it there are described for sale 61 good Parmt, no umi£„ tind Lot>> 43 Country Seat*, and ’fnth which purchasers ought to be acquainted * lac. Call and get a Register gratis. before buy- ™?r WOObff,7s-Fda^^ Jams A. A. MA2OS t CO. ; V V' - Now, then, for Mr. Robinson’s family dibber, thought I. Ahem 1 ... Bat really, after all, it was a good extempore sort of dinner; and if Mrs. Robinson had only taken it easy, and spiced it with good temper, it would have been on enjoyable one. It was evi uently a hurried make.up; a dish of oliccS of cold shoulder of mutton—the cold shoulder.; a dish of veal cutlets, which, no doubt,, were hanging in the butcher’s shop an hour previous ly, but now nicely cooked ;—a dish of mashed potatoes, beautifully browned; a fruit tin, probably from the nearest pastry cook’B shop • but no harm, in that,' I should hope; a new crusty loaf, and a good Cheshire cheese; a bot tle of ale, from tho tavern round the .orner, perhaps ; and a bottle of wine from Sir. Robin son’s oellar. : . .. But what availed it that I pat on a cheerful conn tenance, and determinedly set about tho busi ness of the table, with a good appetite, asking no questions for conscience sake, and exerfod my powers of conversation to charm away the frigid politeness of . Mrs. .Robinson; and the dark, gloomy, foggy, silence of her lord and master? It was plain, even then, that I had offended the lady beyond hope of remedy. I never knew the mystery otthat family"Hinncr-exactly ; hue I had reason to suspeot that on my arrival the lady had already dined— at any rate, she'took ca , t no part of our family dinner r hot sat like a dummy the while it was detoured by the husband and his friend. Probably sho wan in tho middle of hbuSe cleaning, or an ironing, or an exchange of servants; or she had fixed on that day for a shopping excursion, or a visit tag excursion, and did not like to bo put off from if. She might have expected her husband to dine at an eating house, aa I should have been too happy to have dined. In short, it was evident enough that my intrusion wsseminently inconvenient; and that I was looked upon oa an incumbrance and as a spy upon the “nakedness of too land» , B i’ , alt . o . r exhausting all powers of. pleasing, ineffectually, I succumbed to the force of cir cumstances,.subaided.iuto snllen silence, and so thodinner concluded; and tho lady, with much which might have been _ The atmoapherT~cn?____ tii . Tho wine and bisouit 3 were tn?? 7? lines on Mr. Robinson’s face relaxed and eoft he waa by no.means por fectly nt ease. He had oommitted an act of gross impropriety, and bo had not beard tho last of, it yet However, he faintly hoped fbe said so, the hypocrite!; that I would takecoffee w th Mrs. Robinson before I left ; and looked amazingly relieved when I pleaded business as a roason for leaving his table abruptly It was nearly five o’clock, nnd,l had lost tho door P “ lt 0f day ’ whoa X turned from bis kennkp? 4 co I did not see Mrs. Bobinscn before I left once °r tw* e e -, oBe then I have inet her; bai BDeake of °“ me ’. aa(l 1 she nk- ln reserved terms. L Zii >DB ° D 07C 7 ,ta a Igo to London, which • lco a / ea f > -I 5111 *>e has.never asked me '“ l# ‘ famity dinner. He may do It safely, bnt perhaps he is not aware of this. I ,y kut/* said I, 41 1 don't sec——*’ “ Don’t yon ?" interposed my friend, raising his eyebrows; “ then I’ll enlighten yon. Vou are is.young fellow,” said he, “and I shall bo an old one aoon, if I live long enoogh; and take this bit of advice—never mind the philosophy of it, but take it; never accept a gentleman's invitation to a family dinner, ifyon can help it ■ and seoondly, being a married man yourself never invito your friend to a.family dinner with’ opt your wife’s knowledge end consent.’ And there s good morality for home' for ypn. lake, It, and make, what yon .Uka.of it » i ' tt a * Peterson's Magazine': .do Household Words, do’ ‘ Graham’iMaiailne, do! Ballous Magazine, hISXS?’ °" m ° r Qle “ Anaerty william {£?} w»ir : by Fanny Fern. ba«: by Qre * 3B/ ' HUtor of theiij^^Jri. J§* W w T - T - Mrniia,' vfntteiT&y blnisoif Sl * gMiaB » <«irJanaaiy; pnee ts can. 7 11. ia.NEU S CO,; eff”" Ko.aJSmUhaeldvtwt, hates op advertisi.vg jams vro.r jjr ruis P]TTSetßoa rniM tST? US*# tfOS>A»:mV'oR l«s*} . sach ftJiUlioßtJJosßtik'u.*..,,*, "; " , “ “ SO “ - fliroe sreeka., ............. 4 w 41 Cne month., too ‘ 11 two month#-....... .....i...... three m0nth5....... CO 1 /cur montha...lo 0® U ‘ l2 00 lB CO “ ad * ne ® SJd > s i*UneJot2efitr, per annum- 10 CQ DAILY MORNiWfi LOST* TPEBDAY MORNIHGin^giBS^F^ A FAMILY DINNErT ' MY FRIEND’S STORY. ’ [COSCtCDED.] “ Thinks I to myself, <• Here’s apratty mess! If I could but moke my exit unseen, I would " And I blushed to my fingers' ends, till they fair ly tingled. - •• Hang: all family dinners, and the mon-who Invito.thoir friends; to them IV I un consciously ejaculated, as I reseated myself in a mood of desperate resignation. Friend Robinson’s house was not a very large one, and it was not long before T heard dis tinctly enough, tne opening and. shutting of ■SnSr i ßot Oyer j“ nilaho, ° S ent| y- Iho stroet door was opened .too and shut, and opened and shut again; but no Mr. Robinson. Shod after?: wards, ftom the region bolow, I fancied I heard ; the eonnct of fisting and frying, or some thing akin.to if. _ Themn the ; dining room adjoining •the parlor m whioh I sat—not a couch of roBM by ady means—l heard the 'creaking Of an ud liftcd table flap, the rattling of plates, the clat tering of knives, forks and spoons, and the jingling of glasses. “Come,” thought I; <■ it will bo all right at last. But that Robinson—whero can the man have got to V' . “ Thanks bo praisod! the door bell rang st last —a loud, eharp ring, which none but the master of the bouse Is privileged to ' give—and' enter Mr. Robinson. .*! Ila. you have been hero boforeme.l see ” said he, trying, as it stmok me* too look uncon cerned ; “ I have been, detuned, but, better late (ban never;'’ and ho applied his-hand to the bell. - .• “ Toll yoor mistress I am'oome in, Sarah.” ! said he, when the girl entered, fiery, red in the face. “ Dinner is ready,! suppose ?” . “Mistress says lam to tell you that it will be ready in a qnatter of an hour, sir,*’ said the damsel. , . ““I??*?* 1 ? 0 . es Joar mistress know what time it is i eiolaimcd Mr. Bobirison, looking at his watch, whlob, as well as the dial; pointed ;o a quartor of three. - ■ " Mistress wants to see you sir, for a minoto, l,L y “ a , P eaSe ’ C .° atinned thß 6W. evading tier master a question, as altogether besido tha Mr. llobinson was obedient to the summons and disappeared, , It is no use—if people will talk loud, it is ab surd in them to expect: other people will pot their fingers to itfaeir ears. I told- you just now that friend Eobineou’s houso was not a large one. And it was a very aonorour one. Norr, these ciroumstances put together, will exonerate me from the charge of listening—' "earing- 11 n °*'- The faCt 1 00nId not holp First, a gentle murmuring in a female voice, from Bomo place below Blairs—sounding very much like a romonstrance, but the import of whieh 1 could not, and did not particularly wish to make out ; though I might possibly guess at it. . . r ° 3 To this succeeded an impatient “Pshaw' Noneeuser in the gruff, though subdued-toncs of friend Rob nson-“ An old friend, too; how was l to heiD it?’* ' • Then, again, camo the murmuring, in some what louder, and moro emphatic accents, in which I could distinguish the words—ft Nothing provoking 0 ! 0 ' ehouWer - W ? ‘boughtless and Presently Mr. Robinson returned, pretending to look mighty unoonoerned; but plainly enough ruffled and R 1 at ease—the sinner; and desperate a ?i- ha^' b . eoo ® e ' l Mtli-not but be amused at hia blank and , woful countenance. Happily, the longest lane has a turning; and just aa'the hands of the dial pointed to a quarter past three, the lady once more made her appearance,.with'" the welcome intelligence that dinnerwas on the table. • - [c after that.