The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 16, 1855, Image 2

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lailtj punting
49- Reading Metier will l»e fuund on
each Page or tUU Paper.
49-S. M. MIIKBUI * CO., AoflWf Ad^\ n ?
Agents,*™ the Agent, for the Pittsburgh Dally and Weekly
Pad, ini aiu authored to receive AhTtallsMcrri and
SOBSmiroora for us at the same rates as required at this
office. Their receipts are regarded as payments. Their
offices are at N™ Your, 122 Nassau sratrr,
Boston, 10 State steeet.
We would call,the attention of MERCHANTS AND
5. v UdOSINKSS MEN to*tho fast that wo have just received
v - V Philadelphia a number of fonts of new dob Type, and
v 0 . .are now prepared to fill orders, for Cards, Circulars, Bill
** ‘ Heads, Taper Boohs, Posters, and Programmes for eshibl.
c Ilona. All orders will be promptly filled,
••'jf*'... ;
We have one week's later news from Europe.
* Sebastopol is not taken; but the allies, who
were likely to be exterminated by famine and
- - disease, according to the previous steamer, are
getting along a little better. This is encoura
ging. We hope soon to hear of their being con
o. b TOiesoent.
Dally Deglslnilwe Report.
It is with much pleasure wo announce that we
ha*e made arrangements so as to bo able to give,
by means of tbe telegraph, n report of the Leg.
’ ialative proceedings each day ns they oeonr.
Tho report trill contain every thing of immedi
atVinterest to our own and adjoining conntieß,
as will as <lll that is important to the Stato at
Tho Pacific Telegraph bill has passed the
House of Representatives.
General Quitman la reported, at Havana, to
be off the north aide of Cuba, with a large in
eading force.
Oo the night of her booefit at St. Louis, Mrs.
Florence, the universal favorite, was presented
by the ateamboatmen of that port, with a hand
some diamond ring, worth from $126 to $l5O.
Washington correspondents of the newspa
pers give very conflicting rumors about the
President’s disposition towards the French Spo
jiation bill The correspondent of tho North
American says it has been Bigned. He may
know and he may not know. The delay in an
nouncing his determination looks unfavorable to
the claimants. The Cabinet is said to be in fa.
vor of a veto, 4 to 3.
A daring attempt to assassinate a young mar
ried lady named Mrs. Nathaniel C. Bishop, wbb
made in New York tho other day. Some un
known villain entered the hoase by means of
false keyß, and after extinguishing the gas in the
hall, proceeded to the parlor where she wasplay
ing on the piano, and fired a pistol which fortu.
nate]y missed her. He escaped without nby one
oatming more than a glimpse of him.
Mr. Levi S. Chatfield and Hiram Barney, Esq.,
while driving down Broadway, a few days ago,
were thrown ont of their buggy by tho horse
shying, and both seriously injured. At last ac
counts the latter gentleman was recovering, but
Mr. Chatfield, it is thought, will hardly recover.
Although the newspapers do not say so, wo ple
nums Mr. C. is the gentleman who is in Walker
& Co.’s Pacific Railroad scheme, and was for
merly Lieutenant Governor of New Y ork.
We publish this morning two very important
documents, with reference to tbo election of an
U. S. Senator, to fill the place of Floa. James
Cooper, whpse term of office expires on the
coming 4th of M&roh. One of these is a protest
against the nomination of Simon Cameron by
the American caucus, signed by twenty-eight
members of the American organization. The
other is the names of the members who partici
pated in the election, showing who vero tfce
candidates of their choice. The fact that our
five members of the House havo cast their
votes unanimously, from first to last, for an East
ern man, has excited no little surprise in al|
quarters. Why they should do so is utterly be
yond our ken, when they must know their con
stituents are almost to a man for a Western
It is the general opinion here in Pittsburgh,
(so far as we have the means of information,)
and we have the same report from Harrisburg,
that Cameron is “a dead cock in thepit.'* The ad
journment, it is asserted, has laid him out
Indeed, we had little expectation of his success
from the start. Not because Simon Cameron
woatd not bring to bear every possible foro c
to Becure his elevation; but wo had thought
there would be very few men in the Penn
sylvania Legislature who would dare to so
outrago the publio conscience by voting for a
man wbo has been repudiated by every political
organization, and whose venality is a house
hold word wherever he is known. If any doubts
were heretofore entertained in this respect, they
must have been dispelled by tbo events trans
piring at Harrisburg sineo tbo meeting of tbo
Will our members now push forward the
claims of the West? If they do not do this, and
nothing short of this, the people of the West
ern Bection of the State will not bo satisfied.
We on a former occasion dcolarcd, and wo still
insist, that western Pennsylvania is entitled to
the honor. The east has monopolized these of
fioee for the last twenty years, and will continne
to do bo to the eod of time, if our own repre
sentatives do not present her claims. Now is the
time for doing justice to wostorn Pennsylvania.
Will the Legislature do it ? Will our members
demand it, not as a boon, but as a right? We
will sen'.
Emotios or a State Senatob. —Henry C.
Pratt, American and Whig, was elected State
Senator in the Becond District over J. Murray
Rush, Democrat, to fill the vacancy occasioned
by the^ death of Levi Foulkrod. His majority
2,842 in a poll of 28,684 votes.
Amebioah Law Regjsteb. The February
number of this legal monthly is already out. It
contains several opinions and a number of arti
cles that are of interest to the profession. Pub
ished byß. D. Canfield & Co., Philadelphia.
IB the district of Ballymena, Ireland, by no means worse
than other neighborhoods, thirty-fire persons have, within
the Iftrt few weeks, gone down to a drunkard's grave.—
Boston Post.
Here is the melancholy influence of a bad ex
ample. A few years since, six millions of the
Irish people had taken the pledge ; but Father
Mathew having taken (himself) to Madeira, ob
serve the result.
Pub. Doc.—We are indebted Mr. David L.
Smith, member from this county, for a copy of
the Superintendent of Pablic Schools 1 21st An
nual Report.
God Makiko —Somo Yankee has gone to
Japan, and advertises to make gods on demand.
He says : “ I will manufacture to order, idols
from two feet high to the size of a marmosset
monhey, or the biggeßt and most hidooas mon*
Bter that can inspire the human mind with awe
and reverance for religion. If the idol is tho
size of an onrang outang, the prioe will be $700;
one of a sphinx size will bo turned out for
$400; one of the size of a bull dog. with horns
and bump, $650 ; a buffalo size, $800; a dog
size $200; and the size of an usb, in the attitude
of braying, $l,OOO.
Caution. —As this is the season for Coughs
and Colds, the greatest caution should be exer
oised in the use of remedies for these diseases,
as not unfrcquently the worst of consequences
follow the use of some medicines at that time
Prom long experience and careful observation,
■we are satisfied that KtyttPt Pectoral Syrup is
far superior to any other preparation now in
use. Be sure to call at Cary’s Drug Store and
get a bottle before it is all gone.— Hud. Herald.
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Foreign News.
News of tlie Day,
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wenty-cight Members of the American Caucus.
High convictions of duty impel the nnder-
Bigned to submit to their fellow-citizens tho fol
lowing statement :
At tho commencement of the present session
of the Legislature, the friends of ,the American
organization, in the House of Representatives,
resolved to act as an independent party. Aa
such they met in caucus, aud determined to ad
-talt none to thoir- deliberations but such as were
known to be true to the great prinoiples of that
organization. In vindication of those priori -
pies, they also determined to support no man
for any office in the gift of the Legislature, who
was not equally known to be true to them as
well aa to the Commonwealth. At the conven
tional caucus held to nominate a candidate for
State Treasurer, members of the American or
ganization were refused admittance, simply be
cause they had refused to oo operate with the
party from tho beginning, and to vote for itß
caucus nominees. Bat at the caucus held ou
the eveuiDg of the 9th iast, those who had been
refused admittance to the previous oaucus were
found in attendance; aud some who were only
known as bitter enemies of the American or
ganization were with us, directing and oontrol*
ing tho nominal.on of ono of the most intriguiog,
if not tho most corrupt, politician in the State.
A resolution was offered to exclude these oh
jeotionablo persons, and their own votes indefi
nitely postponed tho consideration of the reso
lution. A motion was then mado to proceed to
uominate a candidate for the U. S. Senate by a
viva voce vote. An amendment was offered, sub
stituting a vote by ballot. Tho amendment was
adopted and the resolution carried by a majori
ty of only two —thus showing that those who
had no right to be present held a controlling in
fluence, or tho balance of power.
Here let us refleot for a moment upon oar
own position. There were before that oaucus
the names of many of the best men In Pennsyl
vania, whose friends wero urging them as
proper candidates. There were in that caucus
less than twenty men who openly admitted they
would vote for Simon Cameron. Under those
circumstances it seemed scarcely possible that
he could be nominated. He was openly repu
diated by three*feurtbs of the members, and
certainly we bad no reason to fear, with this
open avowcl of hostility, for almost any other
of the names before us would havo been accept
able. It is true they had masked themselves by
the secret ballot; but to u* this was more evi
dence of cowardice than of perfidy. We coaid
not believe that all who had voted for the secret
ballot had douo so to hide themselves from their
constituents, or to betray us into tho support of
a man despised and disowned by every political
organization in Pennsylvania. It waß not anti!
wo began to ballot, that our betrayal became
manifest. It was then that we discovered the
treachery that was pretending to oppose Cam
eron, and yet hypocritically and secretly voting
for bis nomination.
Tho power that controlled that oaucus was
too palpable; corruption was behind tho thcone,
and no wonder that its victims skulked behind
a secret vote, and covered their deeds from the
eyes and knowledge of all beholders!
We were justified in leaving the caucus when
the evidence, to cur minds, bad become demon
strative? Could we, as the representatives of
an honest constituency, have served them with
fidelity by remaining? Could wo havo exhon
erated ourselves from tho odium of Bucb a nom
ination if we had delayed our departure and
aided to consummate such a result? Could we
have remained in that . aucud believing ourselves
bound by its action, and justified ourselves in
voting for a man whose whole history is but the
history of intrigue?—a man who has despised
all party obligations, aud treated all caucuses
with contempt.
The inquiry arises, who is Simon Cameron?
As a Statesman, fame has never associated his
name with tbe word. As a politician, he always
profressed to bo a Democrat, and yet that party
only remembered him because of his treachery,
and speaks of him ad a traitor? As a IVnig, it
is his boost that be never voted a Whig ticket in
his life—that party being saved from such a
disgrace. As an American an Ami Slavery
man, lot the record speak for itself. At a Coun
ty Convention held in tbc Court House, in the
borough of Harrisburg, on the second day of la it
September, Simon Cameron was a delegate and
an active member. Tho following resoUtioue
were offered in that Convention, and aro said to
have been in kh handwriting. Certainly, they
met with no opposition from him.
Rralrt-l, That *e ;hav* conQJtmfc in the & imlnlslr.-
tina tf t»-n. J'u-rce, becnwi hr ha* BfiMjfuliy ha tilt'd t r
thus** prioolpU**, and throws Its Influence Id fator of sus
taining the rights of mao to *<-’f g ■Torurnetit
Rr:oii-{j, Tbnt the abi.i, and d-m-rw-ratic admin
istration rf (Jot Dialer meet* < u: Warty Approbation, *ad
we cougmTuiate th» of the state upou the <-t-r
tainty of this clee-ticn.
Zte-Jvtd, Thit Judg* B ack, tbii able and lutrrpid Chief
Justice of the Supreme C- urt ba.* t><- r •nductM hcO.ielf as
to win the eS’i'PO and l»*ucu c.f th- p;mp;e.
R'i'-lrdi. That the manly repudUlion of Know Nothing
t,m l»v iit-nry t. M- it Wb won the of even hl« ene
m:o‘. and will add tnrgrdy to bis malority at the romieg
clectl n
Bti-Jrrti, That vu are in /arorof the
bill, because it embedi.** the vital prtacjpUa of gov
ernment, which never caa conflict with the interest* cf
Setrivsd, That we are oppos'd to the proecriptivi) and anti
republican order called Know Nothings, and shall deem It
our doty, as Dtnnvrut*, in f;r ofli?e all person#
known (o have any connection with !t.
When baa he changed hisopiuions upon these
questions ? When, or where, hag he diaowned
them ? And even if there be any recoat re
cantation got up for .tho present emergency,
there is not character enough in tho man to
impose opon credality itself.
But do not the peoplo of Pennsylvania expeot
something more of the present Legislature than
the election of “an old political hack ?” The
great political revolution that brought the Amer
ican party into power, baa no parallol in the
history of Pennsylvania. The old party organ
isations were dissolved by an unsc-en power, and
old politicians, with all their schemes, left
floundering and wrecked, with the elements that
supported them, absorbed by the mysterious
power of an orgrnization beyond their cootrol.
This great revolution is not without its lesson.
The old parties, with their loading politicians,
were corrupt; and it was their signal destruc
tion the people sought when they put their pow
er into the new organization. They determined
to rebuke corruption. They did rebuke corrup
tion, and the party in power stands as a monu
ment of that rebuke.
Shall the American party, then, In tho face of
all its professions and hetions, be now made the
dishonored instrument in olevating Simon Cam
eron to'the highest office in its gift? aDd thus
hold him up to the world as the exponent, em
bodiment, aDd personification of Americanism!
We trußt not. We consider blra a fit represent
ative of nothing good ; and a fit exponent of no
honorable principle. As Pennsylvanians, we re
member that our Stato motto, as adopted by oar
ancestors of seventy-six, is “Virtue, Liberty
axd Indepekdbnce.” We reverence this glo
rious old motto, and bear in mind that we but
recently swore, as representatives, to perform
our dutieß as such with fidelity; fidelity to our
constituents, fidelity to our native State, and
fidelity to the ennobling principles engraven on
our State escutcheon. Shall we, thon, or oan
we, consistently, with the oaths we have taken,
support a nomination so destitute of every ele
ment of virtue, which would disgrace the Amer
ioan organization and our native State; and
wbioh, we feel well assured, our constituents
will repudiate with Bcorn and rightoouß indigna
tion. We recognize no power in any caucus, to
require us thus to sacrifice our integrity, to
throw away our self respect, or to violate oar
oaths; and therefore it is, that in the independ
ence of freemen, we strike down king caucus at
the bidding of our country.
Above our venerated motto, and associated
with it in all the memories of tho paßt, and our
hopes of tho future, is the Amerloan eagle—our
national emblem, and our country's pride. It
over adorns our starry flag ; and it spreads its
“ wings of glory over ua” as a protecting angel.
When we go into the Hall of the Houso of Rep
resentatives, to execute tho most important trust
confided to us, we deeiro to meet something
there having some analogy, or.concordance with
these glorious recollections, and these sacred
emblems. Grant us this, or something approxi
mating to this, and all will l o well—and our
hearts and our bands will be with you,
both to do and to dare. But what we Bay
unto one we say unto all, invite us not in thero
to partake a buzzard’s feaat Ask us not to
BUpport a nomination brought about, as we be
lieve, by the concentrated and “ cohesive power
of public plunder,” and the superadded element
of Bhamelees and wholesale private bribery.
All countenance and participation in such
things as theßO, wo not only most earnestly and
peremptorily decline, bat have pledged ourselves
unitedly and determinedly to oppose.
Sooh is a brief and hasty outline of our past
action and our intended future course. We sub
mit it to oor constituents, confident of a trium
phant vindication, and wo cordially invite all our
honest fellow representatives, whether iu the
late cauous or no, to rally with us in this con
test, and to make common cause with us for the
honor and tho glory of our native State, assur*
.V. *
iog them that though it may have passed into
an adage that “Paris is France/' yet Harrisburg
is not Pennsylvania.
Nicholas Thorn, Jno. F. Lihderhan,
T. L. Baldwin, - Samuel B. Paqb,
E. Q. Harrison, R B M’Comb,
J. Alls. .Simpson, M. J. Penkypaokkr,
T. 11. Maddock, G. Rube Smitu,
S. P. M’Calmont, Otis Avert,
Jas. McCullough, James L. Lewis,
Daniel Lott, Jambs Lowb,
David Taqoart, Watson P. Magill,
F. R. Jordan, Mark A. Hodgson,
John Ferouson, ,W. Stewart,
C. J Lathrop, H. N. Wiokersham,
B. Lapobte, G. J. Ball,
J. Holcobib, . Lot Bebostresstr,
llarrisburo, February 12, 1834.
The hour of twelve having arrived, the
Speaker and members of the Senate were in
troduced to the House and seated, and the
two Houses went into Convention (the Speaker
of the Senate presiding) for the purposo of
electing a United States- Senator, to serve for
six years, from the fourth of -Maroh next, in
placo of tbo Hon. James Cooper, whoso term
There was great exoitemenfc in the town on
the subject, and the Hall of Representatives was
crowded with anxious spectators.
The whole number of Senators and Represen
tatives present was 130, and 66 votes were ne
cessary for an election. Mr. Mellinger of tho
donate, and Mr. Clapp of the House were ab
Tellers having been appointed, the conven
tion proceeded to ballot with tho following re
sult : *
For Simon Cameron, (American,) 68
“ C. R. Buckalew, (Dem.) 28
“ J. Pringle Jones... 11
“ D. Wilmot 9
“ Thos. Williams 8
“ James Veecb 8
“ Thos. H. Baird 2
“ H. M. Filler 2
“ Smith 2
“ George Chambers 1
“ J. 8. Black 1
“ 0. H. Tiffany 1
For Simoa Cameron—Messrs. Crabb, Cress
well, Fraicr, Fry, Haldeman, Hendricks, KU
linger, Sellers, and Shuman of the Senato, and
Messrs. Allegood, Barry, Boal, Bowman, Cald
well, Carlisle, Clover, Crawford, Croaswell, Cum
mings, of Phila., Cummins, of Somerset, Don
aldson, Eyeter, Fearon, Fletcher, Foster, Frai
ley, Free, Gross, Guy, Haiocs, Hubbs, King,
Kirkpatrick, Krepps, Lane, Leas, McCook*»y,
McConnell, Menglo, Morrison, Muse, North,
Reese, Rittenbousc, Rutter, Sherer,
Smith of Allegheny, Smith, of Blair, Steel,
Stcbley, Sturdcvant,Waterhouse, Weddell, Wood,
Yerkcs, Seigler, and Strong, (Speaker,) of the
For. C. R. Buckalew—Messrs. Browne, Good
win, Hamlin, Hoge, Jamison, McCliotock, Fiatt,
Qaiggle, Sager, Walton, Wherry and Heister,
(Speaker,) of tho Senate, and Messrs. Baker,
Bush, Christ, Craig, Dougherty, Dunning, Du
gan, Fry, Johnston, McCleao, Maxwell, Orr,
Ballade, Stockdalc, Thompson, and Wright, of
the House.
For J. P. Jooea—Meears. Taggart of the
Senate, and Foust, Harrison, Hodgson, Linder
man, McCombs, Magill, Pennypacker, Simp
lon, Smith of Philuda., and Stewart of the
For David Wilmot—Messrs. Avery, Baldwin,
Dawning, Holcomb, Liporte, Lathrop, Lott, Me*
Calmont, and Wickcraham of tho Houeo.
For Thomas Williams—Messrs. Daraie, Friok,
Prioe, and Skinner of the Senate, and Cham
berlain, Powell, Ross and Witmer of the House.
For James Veecb—Messrs. Ferguson, Fleoni*
ken, and Lewi*, of the Senate, and Ball, Frank
lin. Ilerr and McCullough of the House.
For Henry M. Fuller—Messrs. Maddock and
Morris of the House.
Fnr Mr. Smith—Messrs. Fuller and Pago ol
the House.
For Tbotrta* H. Baird—Messrs. Gwinn r ati-j
Thorne of the House.
For George Chambers—Mr. Lowe of tho
For. John C. Kunkle—Mr. Jordan of the
For 0. H. T.flany—Mr. Bergstreaaer of the
For. J. 8. Black—Mr. Buckalew of the Senate
No une having received a majority, Mr.
Chamberlain moved that tho Convention adjourn
to this day three weeks. Lost—Cl yeas, CO
After some debate upon the rules, and the dis
posal of various points of order, the convention
proceeded to a second ballot, which resulted as
Simon Cameron.
C. R. Duckalcw
The vote was tho same as oo tho first ballot,
with the exception that Mr. Ballade, of Berks,
who had previously voted for Mr. Buckalew,
now voted for Mr. Cameron-
Thero being no choice, Mr. Taggart moved
that the convention adjourn, to meet on this day
two weeks.
The motion, after some debato, was agreed to.
Yeas, 67', nayß 64, os follows:
Yeas—Messrs. Brown, Baokalew, Crabb, Dar*
sie, Ferguson, Fiennckon, Frick, Hamlin, Jami
son, Jordan, Lewis, MclHngor, Price, Sager,
Skinner, Taggart, Walton, and Wborry, of the
Senate, and Messrs. Avery, Laker, i Baldwin,
Ball, Bcrgstresser, Bush, Chamberlain, Craig,
Downing, Ediogcr, Fcaron, Foust, Franklin,
Fry, Gwinner, Harrison, Herr, Hoagson, Hoi
comb, liubbs, Laporte, Lsthrop, Linderman,
Lott, Lowe, McCalmont, McClean, McCombs,
McCullogb, Maddock, Maxwell, Magill, Mengle,
Morris, Orr, Page, Palmer, Pcnnypacker, Pow
ell, Boss, Simpson, E. R. Smith, Steel, Stew
art, Stockdalc, Thorn, Wickersham, Witmer and
Wright, of the House.
Nays—Cresswell, Fraser, Fry, Goodwin,
Haldeman, Hendricks, Hope, Killinger, McCUo
tock, Piatt, Quigglo, Sellers, Shaman aud Hols
ter, (Speakor,) of the Senate, and Messrs. Allo
good, Barry, Boal, Bowman, Caldwell, Carlisle,
Christ, Clefer, Crawford, Criswell, Alex. Cum
mlogs, Jos. Cummins, Daugherty, Donaldson,
Dunning, Eyster, Fletcher, Foster, Fralley, Free,
Gross, Guy, Haines, Johnson, King, Kirkpatrick,
Krepps, Lane, Leas, McConkey, McConnell,
Morrison, Muse, North, Reese, Rittenbouse,
Rutter, Sallade, Bheror, D. L. Smith, Goo. W.
Smith, Stebley, Stnrdevaot, Thompson, Water
house, Weddell, Wood, Yorks, Bigler and Strong,
(Speaker,) of tho Houuse.
The convention then adjourned until Tuesday,
(be 117th inet.
The members of the Scnato then retired, and
■tbo Teller of the Hoaso roported the aotion of
the Convention.
On Tbur>day morning, February lfiih, by the Itov. T. R.
Taylor. Mr. JOHN F. M ARTHKNB, of Pittsburgh, to Mies
LIDE, eldest daughter of Captain John F. Cole, of Alle
gheny city.
Barrell'a Indian Liniment,
Pact, Limbs,
Side, Head,
Breast, Throat,
Spine, Muscles,
Worms in the Skin, Scalp Diseases,
Milk Crust, Dry .Tetter,
Erysipelas, Headache, ,
Chafes, Neuralgia,
Cracks, Sun Pain,
Scalds, Burns,
Ulcers, , Sore Legs,
Sore Throat, Rheumatism.
Frico 26 cental per bottle. Sold wholesale and retail at
Dr. KEY BUR'S, 140 Wood street; JOEL MOHLER’B, Lib
erty street, and at J. P. FLEMING'S, Allegheny city.
Important to Persons afflicted with Her*
nia, or Rupture of the Bowels, and the
danger of Strangulation by neglect*
Ing It.
The right course for any one to pursue who may be af
flicted with Rupture, 19 to procure a good Truss wall adapted
to the ruptured parts, iu order to retain the protruding
portion of tho bowels. This is often neglocted, and the
bowel beoomes strangulated, leaving the patient not only
in a suffering but dangerous condition. I have always on
hand, and daily adapt, the most Improved Trusses; among
which Is MARSH’S RADICAL OURE TRUSS, which will
really produce a radical cure in a short time. Of course
there are cases when no Truas will cure, but in a vast ma
jority of rcducablo Hernia, or Rupture, this Truss will
cure. I have every variety of Trusses, from 60 cents to
$3O; also a large assortment of CHILDREN'S TRUSSES,
varicose broken or enlarged veins; PILE PROPS, for the
relief and cure of Piles; SHOULDER BRACES, for men
women and children; SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, and
every variety of mechanical appliance used In the cure of
disease. Call and examine them ot my Drng Store, No.
140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley; sign of the Golden
Mortar. ffebl2;il*w] DR. GEO. H. KEYSER.
Kle©tiou***An Election for Officers for “the
(J- C iy ) Company for erecting a Bridge over the Allegheny
river opposite Pittsburgh, in the coanty of Allegbeoy,”
will be holden in the office of the Company, at the north
end of the Bridge, on MONDAY, the 6th day of March next,
commencing at 1 o'clock, P. M.
feb&Lm JOHN HARPEB, Treasurer.
. • .* V, •
'■ ~ « • i * •> '
• r- ' t ;
1* V*-’ 4
V »,
... i
[Correspondence of Daily Morning Post]
HARRisnußa February, Id, 1856.
Dear Pott: I will venture one letter more to
your address, though at the risk of losing my
some entirely. My former communications
were signed “Anterior" and printed t, AnleTiol i t t,
a kind of namo I don't aDßwer to.
The Senator question being deferred tbo two
Houses will probably adjourn for a few days,
and give tho members time for a short trip
homo. They might as well go home for a few
day 9, for there will bo very little done here till
a Senator is olocted. The Americans may try to
bring forward a new man upon which they can
all unite next time; and it is conceded that tho
West should furnish the maiMf that is done.
Johnßton has no obance. Ho was quite too
“ vrrathy ” at his first defeat.
Dr. McClintook brought the name of Col. Me*
Condless before the Democratic caucus, but Mr,
Buckalew got tbe nomination. Mr. Williams got
the old line Whig vote entire. The Committee
to investigate the charge of bribery will proba
bly amount to but little. Such Committees are
generally selected with a view to particular re
sults, and majority and minority reports aro pre
sented, and thore the matter drops. I hope Ifc&r
sie will be ono of the Senate Committee. His
experience, shrewdness and onergy would make
thorough work of it.
Mr. Jamison, of Indiana, and Mr. Frarer of
Fayette are among the most attentive and indus
trious members of the Senate; but in this re
spect Messrs. M’Clintook and Darsie may chal*
lenge comparison with any. The crowds of pco
ple who were here yesterday arc leaving by tho
railroads to-day, and the town is more quiet.
We can Bafely recommeod Rrady’s hotel, op
posite the Capitol, to any of our people who
visit here. Good beds, an excellent table, and
every attention to their wants and comforts will
always be found at Brady’s. Besides it is the
tbe nearest hotel to the pnblio buildings and of
fices. I have seen about onough of Harrisburg
life, and cannot but wonder at the eager desire
of so many of our citisens to be dented to the
Legislature. The novelty of tbe thing might
please for coo session, and a good deal can be
learned in ono winter that is worth knowing,
and a good deal that ought to bo forgotten as
possible. For my part a weok spent here is
cnougb, and I return to my quiet home with
The Rev. Doctor Riddle, of Pittsburgh, was
here some days, and left this morning for
home. Ho preached lost Sabbath in tbe morn
ing and eveoing at Dr. De Witt’s church ; and*
on Monday evening he delivered an address be
fore the Young Men’s Christian Association.
Ills discourses aro highly spoken of, and tbe
Doctor has made many friends here.
It is raining here, and if it keeps on till all tbo
eaow is melted, high floods may be expected.
Prof. Wood'* Hair Restorative.
No artklu of a elrniUr klad, new before the public,
•nj'sj s a letter reputation a* o restorative and luvignra
tins hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical qualifies have a
bsnrlirUl effect upon the growth and character of the hair,
giving a silky and glo««j texture to that which vu former
1/ of a coarse and Jry nature. It baa alee a tendency to
preserve the youthful color aud appearance of tbe hair,
ami destroying or counteracting the effects of ago With
uuch rccommemliMonv In J*.s f-.vor.we hardly perceive how
any lady or grotlcaian FhouU t-e without eo valuable an
adjunct to the toilet Parson* who have ueaJ it rrem the
age i f rlxiy-f >ur down, de-dara it to be tho most perfect ar
ticle to war* the object Intend*! wer jot product. Gray
h*lr. *h“th»r j'rodur*.! by the #!«w pro£i*»a ct Lime, or by
any of the causes which whlun the loci* prematurely, is
r**u>r*J to a healthy, lively appearance, and all the di#a
gT«?ablo effe.-la of dryncsx, the accumulation,
or Uka lmpnritie*,*re removed.
from the Editor of Lh« Real Estate Advurtl*cr,27 SehooUt-
Basics, ila-ch 20, 1854
pEor. Wcoz>. Dear Sir—Having become prematurely
quite (rray, I was Induced mqo els week.* since, to make
trM of yt*or Hair RwtnraUv*. 1 have iwad Iras than twu
battier, but ihc gray hair* have all disappeared ; and «!
though my hair has not fully Attained its original color,
yet iho process of change it gradually going on, and I have
gr-at bepci that. Is a abort time, my hair will be aa dark
aa formerly. 1 have also been murhcraiifird at the healthy
moisture and vigor of the hair, which before wav harsh and
dry, aad it has ceased to come out as formerly.
Reapectfuliy Youra, D. C M. Rurv.
Ptcr. Wooo: Dear Sir—Sly hair commenced railing off
tom* three or four years riflco.and continued todo co until
f bvcime Quito bald. 1 tried oil lh<* popular remedies of tbe
day, but to no effect; at last I was induced to use your cel
ebrated Ualr Restorative, and am very happy to say it ia
doing wonders. I have now a fine growth uf young hair
and cheerfully recommend iU use to all similarly afflicted!
A. C. WtiLtiMjj.v, Second street.
St. Louis, March 7th, 1554.
CaEltls, 111., June 37tb, 1853.
1 have uved Prcf 0- J. Wtod'a Hair KestorHtlve.and have
Almlred Its wonderful effect. My hair was becoming, as I
thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of his Rertr.ra
tive, It has resumed it* original color, and, 1 have no doubt,
permanently so. Stdnxt Bios),
Kx-Senator, United States.
VcstCEsnru, Indiana, June 15th, 1363.
Pnor. 0. J. Woes: Dear Blr— As you are alout to manu
facture exten«lveiy and vend your recently discovered llair
Rtutorativv, I wUI state, for whomsoever It may concern,
that 1 have used It, nnd known othera uso it; that I hare
for several years been In tho habit of urlng other llair Re
etormtivei, and that 1 And your* vastly superior to anj other
I know. It entirely cleanses the head of dandruff, and
with one month's proper use will restore any person's hair
to the original youthful oolor and texture, giving It a
healthy, roll, and glossy appearance, and all this without
decoloring tbe hands that apply It, or tho drexa r n which
It drops. I would, therefore, recommend its use to every
one dealroQ* of having a fine color and texture to hair.
Respectfully yours, WlLSov Else.
For tale by 0. J. WOOD * C)., Proprietors, CQS Broad
way, New York.and 114 Market street, bt. Louis, Mo.
i’rieo, $1 aud $2 p-r bottle.
Sold at Dr. 0. 11. KEYSEK’S Drug Store, 140 Wood aireet;
rign of the Golden Mortar. feblftdaw
For Dronohitla, Throat Dlteaiei,
llacting Cough, aud the effects of imprudent use of Mcr»
cury, no medicine has ever been discovered which has
effected such cure? as Carter's Spanish Mixture.
Throat Diseases produoed by salivation, Hacking Cough
Bronchial Affections, Llvor Disease, Neuralgia and Rheu
matism, have all been relieved and ourod in a wonderful
manner, by the great purifier of the blosd, Carter's Spanish
The case of Mr. T. H. Ramsey alone should satisfy any
who doubt. Call on the Agent and procure a pamphlet
containing cures, which will astound you.
•** See advertisement.
A - Prof. Morse’s Invigorating Elixir or
Cordial* **The public, often deceived, has exercised
commendable caution Ls tasting the merits of this prepare,
tion, before giving it their patronage and confidence. But
its wonderful and unparalleled effect in nervobs diseases,
and its powerful and controlling influence over all Irregu.
laritles of the eecretive organs, have swept away all doubt
from the minds of tbo community, and given It a currency
ani a celebrity not only among the sick and suffering, but
among the faculty themselves, never before attained by
any advertised medicine. When Dr. Morse witnessed, In
the wilds of Arabia, tbo restorative and life-prolonging
tendouoy of the plant of which this Elixir is an extract
he knew full well that a medicine prepared from It must
in due time vanquish all prejudice aud opposition, and
become the leading remedy for a large class of complaints,
both acute aud chronic. His erpoctationa are realised. A
correspondence, embracing nearly six thousand letters,
attests its almost miraculous cures of nervousness, dys
pepsia, sickness of the stomach, debility, hysteria, torpor
of the liver, palpitation of the heart, mental depression,
barrenness, physical incompetency, headache, hypochon
driasis, pains in the back, intermittent fever, female dis
orders, languor, dullness of sight, and that vis iriertia
which belongs to all the types of indigestion.
Tbo Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bot
tles. Price three dollars per bottle; two for five dollars;
six for twelve dollars. C. H. RING, Proprietor,
192 Broadway, New York.
Sold by Druggists throughout the United States, Canada
and the West ladies.
FLEMING A BROS., No. <JO Wood street, Pittsburgh.
IR. GEO. H. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, do
K E. SELLERS A CO., No. f>7 Wood street.
J. P. FLEMING, AUegheiyr City. feblQ:d*w
£3-Proolamatlon»**Wbere&3, the extraordinary
and unprecedented demand for that invaluable preparation,
WRIGHT’S PREMIUM KATIIARION, has induced envious
persons to palm off other articles similar In name and ap
pearance, bot absolutely worthless, which has a tendency
to injure the reputation of the genuine article, purchasers
should bo particular to ask for Wrighfi Premium Katha
rion, and they may rely on receiving an artlclo unequalled
for Its virtues for restoring a decayed bead of hair, for a
cool, refreshing and delightful application during the hot
weather, removing all disagreeable sensations of dizziness
and headache, and for t£e toilet It has never bad an equal
for its pleasant and delightful fragrance.
Its thousands of testimonials are a sufficient guarantee
for Its completely restoring a decayed head of hair; for re
moving all dandruff; for preventing Its foiling off, whether
from sickness or disease; and for entirely dispensing with
the necessity of using hair dyes, as It excites the secretions,
producing a supply of Its natural pigment or coloring mat
ter, giving the hair a dark, glossy appearance, with a luxu
riant growth.
For sale by every druggist In the city, and by druggists
and merchants throughout the United states.
A liberal discount to wholesalo dealers. -
Price 26 cents a bottle.
, t 241 Market fit, Philadelphia.
For sale by GEO. B. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street,
Pittsburgh. janl7:d*w3m is
U-.*' * ---s “ *■ “
Public Nctlce—To the Stockholders of the
PLANK ROAD COMPANY— I That inflection wiUfceTi'eli'
at the house of Daniel Shouoan, in Birmingham, on MON
DAY, the 6th day of March, between the hours of 1 and 3
o'clock, P. M., to elect one President, six Managers, one
Treasurer and Secretary, for the ensuing year.
By order of tho Board.
feblOrwOi* DAVID OALHQON, Treasurer.
pnblio Lecture.—-Mr. W. K. STEYENSUN
(kir will deliver a Lecture bafore tho “Society for the In*
crease and Eiffaslon of Useful Knowledge," in the SIXTH
'WARD PUBLIC SCHOOL HOUSE, on Franklin street,*on
FRIDAY EVENING, 16th inst. at 7 o’clock. Subject—The
.** Homestead bill.”
The public are invited to attend. Seats free, [feblfolt*.
lIIAVE this day associated with me, in the Coal and Mer
chandizing business, in the borough ofTetnperanceville,
Mr. Thomas Collins. The Btyle and title of the firm will
hereafter be M'GILYRAY A COLLINS, who are prepare.) to
furnish Coal at tho month of Saw-MUI Sun, or by wagon
to either of the cities, as well as transient teams at either
of our platforms, upon reasonable terms
We hare engaged the services of John Bmitley, who is
thoroughly acquainted with tbe above business. Persons
dealing with him on oar account will be satisfactory to the
firm. [feb!6:2wd*J M’GILVRAV A COLLINS.
(Gazette copy and charge Post.)
THE UNDERSIGNED wishing to decline business,
offers his entire stock of Goods, comprising a gen
eral assortment'of FAMILY GROCERIES, at CO3T, for
cash or approved rates. And will positively jclose out bis
stock prior to the Ist of April, as his leaso will oxpire at
that date.
The attention of the Trade, and Families desiring choice
goods at LOW paicxs, is respectfully solicited.
265 Liberty Street.
& 5- Tho fixtures in his former stand, 122 Wood street,
consisting of a Counter, Cases of Drawers and Shelving,
will be sold at a bargain. To any one desiring to engage in
similar bu* loess it will offer rare Inducement*. feblO:lm
CAME to the residence of the subscriber, in Sewickiy
Bottom, about the 20th of December, a large WHITE
HOG; right oar marked by two slits, short tail, left ear
cropped. The owner Is desired to come forward, prove prop
erty, pay charges and take him away, or he will be disposed
of accenting to law. JOHN L. BNYDER,
ftbia.-J2iAwlt« , Sewickiy Bottom.
THE SUBSCRIBER has purchased the patent for a supe
rior and useful article cf SHOWER BATH—commodi
ous and occupying but a small space; can be readily man
aged by a child. It has been highly recommended oy
physicians wherever exhibited, and shonld be In every
household. The subscriber offers, on advantageous terms,
the PATENT RIGHT for the counties of Aluohint, Wxst
ho&xiand and Washington. The cities of Pittsburgh
and Allegheny wLI be disposed of separately, if desired by
agents. The mod°l may be seen at the Good Intent Hotel,
Lloeny ‘treat, where terms will be made known,
fcbl&dlwawll* JOHN MOLONEY.
THE SUBSCRIBER Offers for sale a valuable TRACT OF
LAND, situated in New Sewickiy township, Beaver
county, three mites from Rochester and Now Brighton, on
tbe Brighton and Pittsburgh road; containing 86 acres, 65
of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the
balance well timbered. The Improvements consist of a
good COTTAGE HOUSE, with four rooms, kitchen and celar,
a good frame Bank Barn,Bo by 40 feet, with Stabling under
the whole of ic for horses, cows and sheep; anew Smoke
House, Wood House and Spring Honse. There Is one of
best Springs of soft water In the county handy to the koose,
also several other good SpriDgs on the premises. Orchards
of eboice fruit, consisting of Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum,
and Cherry trees. This Farm is ail under good fence; port
lo grain. The place is well watered.
This is a rare chance to seccure a good home. Apply
soon. For farther information enquire of Long, Duff k Co.,
Pittsburgh; G. R. Splrer?, Rochester; Samuel Stiles,
Rochester; or the subscriber, on the premises.
foM6:lm* JESSE DEAN.
Steam Engine for Sale.
A LEVER ENGINE, compute, including Pitman, Shaft
nnd Crank; no Ply Wheel; 16 Inches diameter of
Cylinder, and 5 feet stroke. $5O will pat It all in good run
ning order. It has a Pump Pendulum, but no Pump.
For further information apply to
Wheeling, Va., or to
fvbls:lw Water stroot, Pittsburgh.
(Dispatch and Gazette copy and charge Post.)
100 dozen more of the Portsmouth Hosiery, at 50 per
cent, discount; also 160 dozen of Woolen Hoods,Comforts,
Cloak*, and Scarf*, at half price. fabls
/ have a fow more Satin and Cloth Cloaks, whieli they
are closing out at less than half prico. feb!s
IjX have on hand a few Bay State Mourning Shawls, at
Semi-Annual prices. feb!s
SITUATION WANTED.— Wo wish to procure a t-iluatioo
for a Young Man, In a Wholesale or ttetal! Dry Goods
Store. Ue haa had five ytars experience in the business,
and can give thj best of reference*,
folds General Agents, 140 Third etruet.
ANEW Billet UOUaK FjK tlALl.—Sltuitaa cn Danx
AHeghanyclty; with a large Lotors2 feet front
on Bank Lane, by 84 deep on East Lane. The House is well
arranged, with hall, pvrlor,dining room and hitcheo, wash
beu*e, lour bed rooms, and finished attic; good miliar, hy
drant, out oven, stable, Ac., all tn good order. Prlce|24oo
fob!6 Real Estate Acents 140 Third vtr»**f.
Tb» Fable Orpheaz.l would respectfully announce that
they will give thdr iceond aud last performance on FRIDAY
Tickets of admission 25 cents—to be had at th* Bock and
Mu»Io Steres, Hotels, and at the door.
Doors open ot perfonaauce to comment® at 7*^
o’clock. frbia
\ViU. WILSON, Alderman
OFFICE No. 447 PENN BTUEET, b*-tw.-«u tha Canal
aud O'Hara street. Fifth Ward. All business apper
taloiog to the oflic* of an Alderman or Jostbv of the Pv* e
wilt be promptly attended to -Bonds, Mortgages, aud o:h--r
documents drawn whh noqtnew* nnd ffehl.Tff
rpiJK Agency of JOHN OAIvKS, for tho CASH MUTUAL
I FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, wav revoked on tho
third day of January, 1565. Tbo Company wilt aot be r<s
iponßible for any bu*ino*s dono by him since that date.
W. F. FAHNESTOCK ba* been appointed Axctit for said
Company, at Pittsburgh. Office at No. 247 Liberty streat.
THOMAS H. WILSON, Secretary.
Ilarrisbarg, February 2d, 1855.
day revoked. The Company wUI not be responsible for auy
tn*in<-ftsdooe by him betrafter.
W. F. FAHNESTOCK has been appointed agent for said
Company at Pittsburgh. Office at No. 247 Liberty street.
A. 0. UIESTER, Secoetary.
Jlarrisburg, February 2d, 1855—(febl3:lw
BUCKETS —1 Betts White Cv-i&r Buckets, brass bound;
15 dozen Eastern Drooms; for sals by
fobl F. R. DRAVO, No. 1 D a*nond.
I kIcRH) BKKF, HAMS AND aiIOULDKKS, lor sale by
* 9 ftb!3 F R. DRATO.
SUNDRIES— 2 boxes Freeh Farina;
2 do Orvlz’s Com Starch;
12 dozen Fresh Peaches, Fickle*, Ac;
Id do Ketchup and Pepper Sauce;
5 hhds Lovetlug’s Syrup; '
20 bbls do Sugars; received at the
Family Grocery Store of
frfcbia F. R. DRAYO, No. 1 Diamond.
I^EAS— 24 chests Young Hyson aud Black Teas, of [Fo
fiacst qualities.
f g bld F. R. DRAYO, No. 1 Diamond.
Herpetic Soap, the real genuiue article, can only be ob
tained of the subscriber, at No. 140 Third street. It cures
oil chaps, chafes, Ac.; heals sore rough hands, and renders
them fi-rft, smooth and white; removos ton, sallow ness and
red*ess of the skin. Tho demand for this valuable Boap
daily increases, but o constant supply can always be found
at No. HO Third street. Price 12& cents a cake.
Laundry Blue.
This is simply indigo dissolved, without inju
ring any of its properties. It pos leases a decided ad
vantage over the uudisaolved Indigo, on account of the
facility with which it can be used and its cheapness; it be
ing a well known fact that not more than one-half of the
Indigo can be dissolved in water. Washerwomen and fam
ilies will find it a great saving. For salt by
*p3o JOHN UAFr, Jr.
THE HERPETIC BOAP is the best article wo have ever
used for rendering the skin smooth end fair, and pre
venting it from chapping. If you have sore, rough bands,
givo It a trial. Only 12U cents a cake. Sold only by
foblO S, L. CUTUBBRT. 140 Third street
KURE HANDZ RUFFf—For the cure of sore rough
hands, the Herpetic Soap is unrivalled. It Is used
for rendering the skin soft, smooth and white. It removes
sallownees, tan, Ac. The use of a fow cakes of this Soap on
sore rough hands, will soon render them smooth and heal
all chaps, chafes, Ac. Only 12>£ cents a cake. Prepared
from the rrcipe of a London Chemist, and sold by
__ 8 - k CHTHBERT, 140 Third street
Hats and Caps.
4J. WILSON A SON keeps constantly on hand every
description and variety of HATS AND OAPB, both
wholesale and retail. Those desiring a neat foshion
ablo Hat or Cap, good and cheap, would do well to rive u«
call before purchasing elsewhere. novlB
Bazin’s Superfine Toilet Soap.
ALMOND 80AP, prepared from the purest end best ma
terials ; it gives the skin a luxuriant brilliancy, and
imparts to the hands a delightful almond odor. ’
MUletieura, Olive Oil, Tbriiece,
Bouquets, Nymph, Henry,
Pistachio, Brown Windsor, Palmyrene.
Patchouly, Marshmallow, Brown Omnibuß,
Cocoa, Hazelnut Oil, Palm Omnibus,
>erb«na, Spring Flowers, LUac,
Ambrosial, Jenny Lind, Circassian,
jSa .-Spermaceti! Tablet, Poncine, io.
m u W ? U i d J es P eolfu U' y “ Ucit tho attention of the ladies of
Philadelphia to my Pardon Lotion,rr Liquid Idly Blossom,
for rendering the skin soft and fair. Also, my Amygdaline
Lotion, for removing freckles, pimples and asperity B of the
face, aud to impart to the skin delicate elasticity.
Fa/arda A Blayn’s Papier for Rheumatism, Pains, Irrita
tions of the Cheat, Lumbago, Wounds, Burns and Oorna, a
Europe 1 " rencil fcrticle » universally used throughout.
The subscriber continues to manufacture his celebrated
Rose, Almond and Ambrosial Bdavxnq Cuxaus, which are
unequalled by any In this country or in Europe, and for
which he received a Prize Medal at the World’s Fair. Lon
don. ♦ *
To bo had of tho principal Druggists In Pittsburgh, and
throughout the United States. X. BAZIN,
Manulecturer and Importer of Perfumery,
. „„ , „ No. 114 Chestnut street, below Fourth,
jan22:d*wlmla Philadelp hie.
THIS Institution, for the liberal education of Young
Ladies, vested by Charter with full Collegiate powers,
has been in successful operation for more than one year.
The location is one of the most pleasant and picturesque In
the State, The arrangements of the College are such as
afford peculiar advantages in acquiri&g a solid basis for the
mental superstructure. There are two departments—die
Collegiate and the Preparatory, with their appropriate
branches ef learning. The coarse of study In each Is three
years, designated by as many different classes. Young La
dies admitted at any time.
Board of Instructort.
REV. BEVERLY R. WAUGH, A. M., Principal.
.. Miss U. Cusnxur, Principal Female Teacher.
MiSs Foust a. Jo&xbon, Assistant.
Mop’lix. M. Bajotvuit, Teacher of French, Ac, *
U. C. BoMßAuaa, M, D., Locturer on Anatomy. Ac.
Wx. 8. Bowsos, Lecturer on Natural History, Natural
Philosophy, Ac.
Hxbb- JoarPH KoißiXßjProC of Instrumental Music.
Jko. T. Chop?, Prot Vocal Music.
For Circulars, or for other information, address the Prin
cipal, B. R. WAUGH, Harrisburg, Pa- decTjjm
PIANO FORTE FOR sl76v—A good Rosewood cose
octave Piano Forte, worth when new 8226, will he sold
far $175, cash.
Also, a Plano for rent, at the old established Plano Tte.
US Wood (trot.
—— -
: .'Si*-*;,
Co-Par tuersbip.
Groceries at Coat!
’Stray Hog.
Patent shower Bath.
Farm tor Sale,
Third Street, near SmlthGeld.
'\ * V-' •
W Bnlm or Thousand Flowers, for beautl*
fying the Complexion, and eradicating all and
Friceles from the face. Sold at Dr. KEVSE&'S, 140 Wood
street, j ft o3o
©•The Pleasure and Comfort of being nu
mrn> In a SUIT OP CLOTHES, la greatly enhanced by
haring them good, ajad soiTiuu To via beasos. GBIBBLE
has got all that Is necessary to.effect that great consumma
tlon. both os regards fit and quality of goods. Persons
wishing to experience all this, and be only moderately
charged, can do so by coiling BtfriQ Liman arazir, head of
P. B.— Pantaloons, in particular, Is one of his grtaUxl
fbrta. lie cannot be beat In the style and fit of this gar*
mem. Numerous references could be given, if necessary, to
corroborate ihb stateme t. (defl9) IS. CRIBBLE
JtGr What do the Physicians say I— Listen
to the testimony of an eminent Physician In favor of U’.
LANE'S VHRMIFUGE, which Ib now universally acknowl
edged to be the best in use; even members of the medical
faculty (who or© so often opposed to the use of patent
medicines,) cannot withhold their approval of this invalu*
able remedy:
Lnn>, Stork county, Ohio, Janaary 8,1849.
I hare used Dr. H’Laue’s Worm specific in my private
practice, an ‘ am prepared to say that the unparalleled
success with which I have prescribed its use, both for chil*
dren and adults, induces me to say the most in Its favor of
any specific or patent medicine -ever before brought to my
notice. The mode of administration, the sm&llness of the
dose, and the certainty of its efficacious effects, give it, In
my opinion, a decided advantage over any other medidno
of the kind before the public.
Purchased will please be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lane’s
celebrated Vermifuge, and take none else. All other Ver
mifuges, in comparison, are worthless. Dr. H’Lane’a geo.
uine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be
had at all the respectable Drug Stores in the United States
and Canada.
Also, for sale by the sole proprietors,
Successors to J. Kidd A Co.,
febKkdaw . No. 60 Wood street.
Howard Association—SOUP KITCHEN
the Bodety will he glad to receive donations of Cat-h, Bread,
Meat, or Groceries. The wants of the deserving Poor must
be our exsusa for asking material aid promptly.
President, Gov. WM. V. JOHNSTON.
| Uon. W&X. B. M’CLUEE,
I 8. W. BLACK,
Managers, •( L. WTLMARTII,
Treasurer, (1 WILMAETH.
We cannot promise to publish the names of the donors,
but will be glad to receive their gifts. fablO
Chilson Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, and
Pitting Generally,
4®* A. A W. will contract for warming and ventilating,
by steam or hot water pipes, or Chilton’s Furnace; Church
es, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Green Houses, Court
Houses, Jails, Hotels or Dwellings. No. 25 Market street,
Pittsburgh. jan2s
Authorized Capital, 8300,000.
In dtock Notes, (negotiable lorm,) secured by Mort
gages und Judgments $lOO,OOO
In bills Receivable, Mortgages and Judgments,
Bonds, Ac. 100,000
In Cash, Cash Assets and Cash Items 47,000
{.T0ta1..... - ..$*253,000
IL CaDWEL, President. O. H. IP.lriH, Secretary.
49* Fire, Marine and Inland Transportation risks, taken
at current rates.
Kramer A Rahm, Curling, Robertson A Co.,
N. Holmes A Sons, Wm.Bagoley A Co.,
J. A. Hutchison A Co., D. Leech A Co.,
Murphy, Tleman A Co.
Wainright, Huntington M. L. Hollowell & Co.,
A eloyd, David S. Brown A Co,
C. H. A Geo. Abbott, Wood A Oliver,
Heaton A DencMa, Caleb Cope A Co.,
Chaa. Megargeo A CO., Druxel A Co., Bonkers,
lion. Wm. D. Keley, Scott, Baker A Go.,
Harris, Halt) A Co., Deal, Milligan A Co.
J. BANKS KNoX, Agent,
degl3~ly No. 115 Water street, llttsborgh,
Life, Fir© and Marino Insurance Company:
/ JAMES S. HOOM, President.
/ Cua&Lis A. Coltos, Secretary.
I This Company makes every insurance appertaining to or
'connected with LIFE RISKS.
Also, ugainst liuil and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis
sissippi rivers and tributaries, and Marino Risks generally.
And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the
Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Trunapertation.
Policies issued at the lowest rates cwiaistent with safety
to all parties.
James 3. Uoon, i vv m. 8. Haven,
Samuel M’Ciurkan, James D. M’Glll,
William Phillips, j Alexander Bradley,
John Scott, i John i'ullurton,
Joseph P. tiasxam, M. D., j Robert Galway,
John M’Alpin, i Alexander Reynolds, Arm-
Wm.F. Johnston, I strong County,
James Marsha:!, j Horatio S. Leo,iuttanuing,
Gourde S. Ssluen, [ IHrum Stowe, Beaver.
IT’S* CITIZENS’ Insurance Company ol
Pittsburgh,— \VM BAGALEY, President;
OJfise; 04 W\xtcrSired,bcivftai Marktiand Woodttruu.
Insures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis
sippi Rivers and tributaries.
Insuresagainst Loss or Damage by Fire.
ALSO—Againstthe Perils of the Sea, and Inland Naviga
tlonand Transportation.
William Bagaley, Richard Floyd,
J ames M. Cooper, Samuel M. Ki«r,
Samuel Rea, William Bingham,
Robert Dunlap, jr., Johnß.Dilworth,
Isaac M. Pennock, PrancJasLdiers,
S. liar bough, J. Schoonmaser,
Waiterßryant, William u. Hays.
John Shipton.
Wet-tern Pennsylvania Hospital.—
_ Dr?. L. Scusaca, Second, between Wood and Market
■treeta, and J. Heed, North-east corner of Diamond, Alle
gheny city, aro the attending Physicians to the above Instl*
tution, for the first quarter of 1854.
Applications lor admission ms; bs made to them at al)
hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock, P. M.
Decent cases of accidental injury are received at all haura.
without form. ialfcp*
HOWARD Health Association of
Pittsburgh, Pa.— OFFICE, No. 108 THIRD
STREET, opposite me Telegraph Office.
This Association U organised for the purpose of affording
mutual assistance to each other, in case of sickness or ao>
ddent. By paying a small yearly .payment, the members
of the Association secures a treekiy benefit during sickness
averaging from $3,23 to $lO per week. In this Association
all members are equally interested In the management and
profits. * 8. B. M’KENZIB, President.
T. J. Hosm,.Secretary.
Finance Committee—JoßiAn Kixo, James Q. jf
Ilorraror. ’
Consulting Physician— F. laraa, SI. D. nov&if
ITS* Office Ohio and Feunsyivanlaitail*
road Oompaisy, PnTduaauH, December 23
lt^—Noncx—The annual Meeting of the Stooahoiders
and Election of Directors of tbs QiltO AND PENNSYL
VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, for the ensuing year, will
be held at the office of the Company, in Pittsburgh, on
THURSDAY, the 23th day of January, 1855, between the
hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M , (meeting at 10 )
By order of the Board of Directors.
dec2s;td J. ROBINSON, Secretary.
rrS 0 Franklin Saving Fund and Loan
IKS/ Association, OFFICE, No. 97 FRONT STREET.
Discount Day—MONDAY. Notes offered on SATURDAY
to the Secretary, at the store of John H. Mellor, No. 81
Wood street. Weekly Does received at the Same time and
place. [deol:BmJ J. WHITHER, Secretary.
IT'S* *«> Met— THE SE00N1) BTOItY UF the a C.P
IKy TUNE ENGINE HOUSE (a Hall suitable for public
meetings,} will be let for three or four nights in the weeS.
dccfcSm at 3. iTClurltan'a, So; 90 Wood street.
ioy CIKTY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. CIS s'. on 0,-
prat WEBNESDAY of eyery month, atSOUOOUiimbtU
in the Diamond. By order. ' 1
lelr T GEO, w. SEK3K. Secretary
*i* .°‘ *'»—E‘"oe of meeting, Washington HalL
Btreet, between Fifth street and Virgin altayT
PiTTSßcaan Donoi,No.3d6-a}deetae very Tuesday eyening.
Mutcaism* EscaKrann, No. 87—Meets Brst and third
Friday of each month.. rm.rtfcty
ATTENTION! S. X. U—Vou are hereby notlQed to
- and FBIDAYB, for drill, and to transact such buai
neas u may come before the Company. p. kan k
mar29:6md Secretary pro tern.
P™’ 01 Co s Te , rSilUl >h> do the Importance of the
BuUng Eldor, Its Scriptural Authority, Qnallflcatloas
j b F tba author of Why am I a Presbyterian r
31 eents, by mail 39 centa. For sale by *
la -P* 63 Market street, uear Fourth.
OSES F. EATON, No. 19 Sixth Btreet, agent for Bel line
and baying PATENT RIGHTS, is now authorized to
sell the followiug lately patented articles:
Lott’s patent Oil Globes, for Steam Engines;
Doan’s Rock Drilling Machines;
Coe’s patent Drill, for Drilling Iron;
Copeland’s Stationary and Portable Saw Mills;
Crawford’s Steam and Water Quages; and.
Griffith's Wrought Iron Railroad Chair Machines.
These articles have been esamlned by practical mechanics
and machinists, and pronounced superior to any in use
He is also authorized to sell Rights to mako and tend these
articles in any part of the country,
WorT ba^*i dashers, and
Ho is also prepared to taka Agencies for. the sale of other
patented Rights and new Inyendons, and give to the but|.
ness faithful and constant attention. “
He refers to the following
rA”™ teen acquainted with Mr.
Moms V. Eaton, and havo no hesitation in recommending
him, to allwho may wish to employ bis serrlces, as a gen*
tleman of undoubted integrity end lnde&tigable industry
In whose exertions every reliance may be placed. “ Uy *
Neville B. Cralj, W. Robing Jr,
Wm.Lnrlmcr, Jr., John Graham.
W. H. Denny, 11. Childs A c£.,
James Wood, N. Holmea A Bona
p. It. Prlend, Kramer A Bahm, ’
William Phillips, Andr3p,;il^ lon *
Wilson ITCandlesa, A. W Loomls D *
Pmsaracu. November 27th, 18M.
Do«n>. Patent Book Drilling M «.hls.e.,
BODT 300 «wnnffl i c “ bo worked end
_ MnrnvU su? v™i 4 work of Ato or slx.ln
The iP* Qwcr A Manufacturers,
tod ataiM fhr f b„ h . be ? l “PPOintod solo agent In the Uni
ted Stales, for thesalsof right, to use thesi Machines.
MOSES i\ EATON, 19 Sixth street
S 3 *;? 111 - p - J ohnrton, President A. V. R. R 4
W. Milnor Roberts, Esq., Chief Eng. A. V. R. R-
S a s.*,'I m * Jr- President P. A 0. B. B 4
0. W. Barnes, Kaq.,Chief Eng. P. AC. R.IL;
Messrs. Manful! A Nicholson, Contractors for tbe Pi A S
8, -! t declO
turns oat extra fine Pictures, and at tbtt moderate
prices. Call and see for yonxselfi Prices 60 cents and un»
wards. Wilkins Hall, 302 Fourth street f e t,7 r
tfun nnn Allegheny COUNTY BONDS; ““
<plU.Ul*U 60 shares Ohlo and Pa. Railroad Stock *
wanted by AUSTIN LOOMIS, Stockier, *
frW. No. 92 Fourth ctr«9t.
•r-; v v
-I V* *
f • - ir l.
-- • ■
■' ■ > - "
Oh,don'tioutemomler All^KllT!i,ftim4JoVi : ’
Alt aNTll r thfl Hfttto OD tOVS; .' .
Who smile# with delight when you gtv6 him a C4U>
And who did up your order“so brown.”
Ia the neat Hat Store oa Wood street, Joe, .
Near the new atone Church eo fine.
He has filled up his shelves with Hats black and mt,
And “ Freedom’* yiag” is bis tlgn. .
Under the trees 1 cool shade, Old Joe,
That spread thoir branches for all. .
Together wejve stood Jn the noon da? time
And gaxed on his Banner *• so tolL*
Many hatters have tried In Tain, Old Joe,
Bnt their efforts can never compare;
For the customers flock round his store to gaze
On his various styles so rare.
There’s a change in the times I know, Friend Joe;
* have changed from the old to the new;.
Ana I feel in the depths of my pocket the truth,
That prices down town hero changed too.'
Ten years have passed, or more, Old Joe.
Since All KeavU’s name was first hailed;
And iu« store is deemed a blessing;la truth.
For In “fits” he has never yet failed. ; -
-W* Blown, Kicks, Corns, Tender Feet,
d£e.«-AU know on being struck hard on the eye, or on the
face, it will swell and tarn black; whoever prefer nOt a
closed oyo or block mark, rub tt Instantly in BAULKY'S
PAIN EXTRACTOR, and neither swelling, blackness or
polo will occur. Change plasters dally on eorna, for some
time, and they will disappear, and make tho most painful
corn and tender loot easy on, application; all can thus bo
cured unfailingly..
When commencing and only tendor can be stopped, and all
the agony saved, with being enclosed for a few dayslnD AL
LEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR, even after, they have rotted
the bone, the finger can be saved and all further agony
change the plaster three Uxnes.a day,
Proprietors, New York. •
For sole by Dr. 0. H. KEYSER, 140 Wood street, and by
all Druggists and Dealors in Medicines throughout the Uni
ted States. feb&d*w2w .
w. a. suits ,
•w. w.uais.. .j’.s.noam
Smith, Blair ft Hunter,
(Lata Smith ft Sinclair,)
k ND DEALERS in all hinds of Pittsburgh Slaaufic*
A. turw, 122 Second and 151 .First stmt. Pittsburgh,
Penna. • . JM&
Nl). MOLASSES*—ICO bbls prime tor Sale by "
♦ febO _SM_ATH t MAIB 4 HUNTER; '
ROSIN SOAP—IOO txa superior for Bale by
TAK CANJ>Li££—4o bzs for foU> by
SDGAH-HOUSii tfYKUF— fiO bbls, Belchee’*, for sal* by
SUOAR-HOUBE MOLASSES—3O bbls prims for salt by
BUOREfd AND lUite—
-40 dozen Buckets;' • '
10 do Tubs; for rale by
Window glass— . .
1.0 boxes 8il0;
76 do 10x12;
40 do 10X10; .
10 do 12x18; - r
SO do 10x14; tost country brsnds>ibr sal*
INITIALS l—The Initials;'& Story of Modem Life. Ono
of the beet boohs eyor written. For tele by
No. 32 flmitbfleld street.
("1 EO. R. WHITE having associated with'him In tho
X Fancy RetaHDry Goods businessh!abrother, JAMER
WHITE, and his confidential clerk, Mr. JOHN F. LOY, tha
business hereafter will bo conducted under the name of
As it is the intention of tbo now firm to serve the public
well, customers may rely on getting a good article, and ah
a price satisfactory.
Port of their stock they intend to Import, and to pur
chase from first hands, so that every thing in their lino win
be at the lowest coat. To enable them to do so, it will be
necessary for those persona indebted to Geo. IL White to
pay promptly.
Pittsburgh,. February B,lBss—{feb9:lm
REMOVED!!—The subscribers have T 67
Xk; moved their Cheap Book, Magazine, Periodical and
Nuwspoper Store, from 76 Fourth street to 45 Fifth Btrcet,
opposite the Theatre, where we will be happy to eeo nil our
friends and customers, and the public generally. Don’t
forget the place. No. 45 Fifth street, opposite Ihe Theatre*
MOUSTACHES?—If you do, and your beard won’t:
grow natnrall, all you havo to do is to use zny Onguent,.
which will, In six weeks, force your beard or >Wr to grow' ;
strong and thick, end.l warrant it will not stain or inlnrei
the skin. ThUT know it will do, for before I began to sell
it I tried it well end thoroughly, bothonmysolf and friend%.
and so recommend It with confidence, os do St mo 2000 gen
tlemen who havo used it. So says the proprietor, B. G. tiro.-
ham, of New York.
The above article La for sale, price per bottle,lay
feb7 S. L. CUTEBKKE, 140 Third Sfc.
JEAI> PIPE AND SHEET LEAD—The subscribers or*
J now receiving, and will keep constantly on hand,afhli '
supply of liydract'aud Drain Pipe of all sizes; also, Sheet'
Lead, from 2)4 to 6 lbs to the square foot.
j»nB * • 97 Front Rtmt
. Notice. • .
SUCH OF OUR DEPOSITORS nahava.not yet had tholr
accounts adjusted, are requastc&to faring in their hookas'
and certificates. A. WILKINB A CO* .
*>bs . 71 Fourth street
TUB PARTNERSHIP heretofore oxUting botwccm
YOUNG, STEVENSON A LOVE, has this day been dl>
solved by mntnal consent; Wn. Stevenson hiving dlspcsedl
of his entire Interest to C» 0. Love. The business horent
ter will be conducted under the name and style of
LOVE & DRO-, (Mr. Low having associated his brother,!?.
M. Love, with him in business) All persons knotring
themselves indebted to the lata firm will please call and
settle immediately; and any having claims will present
them for settlement. The basino33 of the lata firm Will bo
settled at the old stand, by Young, Love A Bro. '
Jebraary Ist, 1855.
£3" la retiring from the late firm, I cheerfully recoxo
mend my successors to my former patrons, fooling confident'
that no pains will be Bparod to supply them on tho most
liberal terms.
Not being engaged fa business I will remain at the old
stand) "where I will t e happy to wait upon any of my custo
mers' who may favor me with a calL r
yo» 20 Fifth street, first comer a&ow Marled street.
YTTHERB WILL be found the largest and best assorted
TV stock of HOSIERY ever offered for sale lathis city.
Purchasers will flnd'it to thalr advantage to at this es
tablishment and examine for themselves; it is all I need to
Insure their extern. C. DALY.
N. B.—Remember the Cobap Siocmo CoaHßu.
fcbl:y . . 0. D.
f| 'ABLE OLOTUS.'—A* A. MASON ft CO. willopen another •
X invoice of those Japanned Table Cotbcs, at fid and 02}4 :
cents; usual price $1 and $1,25. Also, ISO moro 6f those**
Square Woolen Shawls, at 60 cents. feb7.
EPISCOPAL almanacs,—The Onurcb Almanac, fee
1855, published by the Protestant Episcopal Tract So>
ciety. For sole by JOHN 8. DAVISON,
frb2 65 Market street, near Fourth*.
BLANmrra, jilankki’3.—a. a. masun * tu> ni>'
closeout the whole of their extensive stock o£ Blanks *
consisting of nil the different makes and sixes. it Y.
tlon of nearly onehalf the asaa* prices, -'• " 1 jjj
Dissolution of purtncretilrv
7TUIE PARTNKUBUIfc' heretofore existing )t/ L_‘ -»v
JL undersigned, 'trader the firm of S MliaV £Xs?rl}?-
is thtvday dlasolTed by mutual consent,
the concern will be settled by XTm. ll fHns>' jB ”
-iinae at the old stand, where the books **'" ,r *** c?^ 1 *
found. Either of. the partners is fiitf . pay be
name of the late firm In doslp.g up J.v. bJ2ba«L*°
Pebro&ry 1,1355,
WH. 8. MfTTB..t<n>w..««.W3S. X. 2f »r» ' "", m .
smith, lj*tr £ unnier? '
(Late Smith /Si o mli7\ -
Wn A^¥a&c^ o^s ß lll ft rS™ MlS3l^NT MERCHANTS,
***•»£« w tT ® toaed a partnership under
051!1Jv2,S s ih®i ,4y,lu 6UMcrf Smith ißlnSlalr In
uSu. h^S er3 ns!?i2 s ‘ ln 1110 hoasB *«“Uy occupied by tha
*“**7 *” mi 1110 OOStOmorS Of tilO
K° ““too anee of their' lkton; end they can
ly “ farorablo terms and as good ar
ucla as can bo found elsewhere,
wm. h. SMtrn, :
IN RETIRING frost tha firm of Smith & Sinclair, I would
most cheerfully socommead ths homo of Smlih, Malr A
Hunt or, succewore o f the late firm, to my Mends and ens
tomer!l - [WM] VfM.lI, SINCLAIR.
. . „ Patrick 31'Kenna,
(formerly occupied by Alderman Lewis,) where all bu
tlneje pertaining to the olßce of Alderman and Justice of
the Peace will ho promptly attended to. fi-‘bl:3cn
Imre recently rec.ired a large assortment of Tory su
perior Watches, manufactured in Europe expressly to mr
order, (rout oxer last Spring.) Citiscns and strangers will
now find in my establishment a stock of Watches as exton.
else nod as fine as any la tho eastern cities; and la conoid
watlon of the lime* at lower prices than erer beroreolfcrea
tolnTeit In this way
will find it to their interest to do so now, as times will
shortly t« better and prices will adeanca
Watches and Jawelry repaired la the best manner
" r ... r . , . W.W..WILSON,
JanJ7 CT Market street, conier of Fourth.
o)S3i!fe. M Lloeuerrcan Portraits,
jSfaSH (s'. 1 ! m -'7 ‘'l l '*- '“ ien Bt CA& -
riX = JS qoa OALLERk, No. TU Fonrth street. Prices
m<>deret©. CnU and examine. open day
rmri ' aadwning, ■
Gallery, Apollo Fourth street, noxt to Mer»
chants Exchange. fablQ
I /X ll TUI KB txt the sole of Farms.
A MlUa*M9tuo£wfc>rte4w3Jcrtt3 Improved and 37nlm»
proved Lands*, City asd Country Residences, Building Lot*.
Mortgages, Ac. \ 'also, lor Negotiating Loons, Collecting
Rents, Procuw* partners, Ac. Ac. AU commu.
nlcatlonv ntxteU? confidential. ■
vurptii Leas tban Cost* *“
1 fTUIS undersigned baricg reduced the prices of their an.
! Jt tire stock of Carpets, OllClothsj Rugs. Mels. Mftttl&ff
| d<u, fwm 20 to 25 per cent , call the attention of persona £
i went of any articles In their line to the .following.
Their stock la one of the largest and bat aeXrttaJ in **,*
city, and eonrista in pari of *
Velvet and Brussels;
Tapestry Brossela;
Aubusson Brussels;
Imperial and Extra three ply Carpets*
Patent Tapestry Ingrain do;
Superfine and fine do;
Twilled and plain Venetian do:
Hall and Stair do*
Wool, Dutch and Hemp do*
Wool and Cotton Ingrain do *
Stair Rods, Window Shades, and a . .
Oil Cloth, too 2to 21 r«t lAwth. Tu£ *<■
Ko. MTt,|^,w
count from former priced, p«n*nitttv’ to KUH«»h^iudo'
. JSffiSfc
i^f®*^ tf jrwsa^sjSßggt
. '-.a-., t-'
■"-.l,.*' •■
Vwklat PMtrjr.
He»l Batata and Gonprai Aganta.
v :
'V -