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YV ,- -f. f.Y ■'■ i,-, VI ViY.Vt ',' • s/.-.‘ : i‘^ n r<.‘ » * *. Y- ~-*• t 4-J ssis!is&?i 000; -"'r:! 1 „ Y-YvV', V ; U-"- '*!'• :■ - -A - ''i- :- .rjV»iY c * ***•!£'o ’; y*V 0 y >.:>*■ c : 0 y ‘•- ■* "- v ■i YY 7v 1 . v '>*?. : .r-;',‘WrV' ! . YY-'YV'*-.- ' : v.'-vY.Y•:>v : : ‘-Y-iY.. : ' -*.• V.'- VirT*. t ' - . It :v ; '- ; -T\' “'H ft ?: ». , ;*;.!••■«?, r. ■ ci.X+¥*Sifpfy£tt&Ztii+K’rh*tfr* •V 1 “ '.-•; > <•• -.- - r V *-; f*z , -‘v •-: J . „ •* '•’ " ■»'‘ - „Y M- < - ■•?' J.'r ■*'?<**,-*? ’>vff ~ ■*■ x *’> _••' .V. -W.' . ,• v.i by £&?*&&?£ : ■S- v -:.‘ cn •> •< . ' l - v ’. ; . »• j'-%?-..?, , t ■■■■ '•• •■ *: " .* v, j V s vr-. r U THPBSDAy. MQBgPiq::;:::::;:FEBRPABY & ■WTO LSTB FOE BALE AT THIS OFFICE. Vocko Ladies’ Association foe tub Relief of tub Pooe.— From tho report of the nboyo Society, we Ifearn'that they have visited and re lieved 208 families, distributed 165 loads of coal, 80 pairs .of shoos, $l6B worth of pro visionsj 15 bed comforts, and 11 mado-ap gar ments J also, materials for 108 new woolen end cotton garments, and 40 pieces seoond hand 'clothing. - They etato that their funds are nearly exhausted, and-, unless the benevolent come to their aid, will bo obliged, to disoontinno their operations by the middle of the present month, notwithstanding the constantly inorcasiug num ber of applicants. We give below the report of the Treasurer, which gives a correct aooount of the finanoial condition of tho Association: Treasurers Report for January. Balance on band, Jan. Mr, W. Thaw ‘6O 00 $7O ,20 *« Thomas 8e11....- 10 00 Donation*. Mr*. B» Page 2 60 Mrs. Jas..LaughUo... 20 00 Cash from a friend... £4 00 Mr. B. P. Bakewel)... 10 00 Fromfrioodß 26 00 Arch’d fftowart., 10 00 Subscriptions......—... 600 “ yf- P- Marshall. 10 00 Cash 6 08 “ Joe. Hill 20 00 Dr. Plomet’s lecture, 170 00 Miss HopoweU. £0 86 Philharmonic Cono’t, 106 60 Capt Bearea jo 00 Musßhaler SCO Cash paid for Coal 80. do. Groceries ... D\ do. Dry Goods- Do. do. Shoes Do. do. Sundries..-, XT* hare also received the following donation* in Qrx>- ceriost From Sir. R. Edwards, $l5 00; Mr. Wo. M’Clurg, $5 00 pMr. BchmerLa, $6 00; Mr. It. P. Bafeowcll, a barrel of Molasses; Bailey ft Iteashaw, 10 lbs. of Tea;—a!»o a box of Shoes from 11. Childs ft Co..ani 2 pieces Flannel and 1 dcz. Woolen ’Undershirts, from Mr. Jno. Orr. Al E. BAKEWELL, Treasurer. Thb Complaint Book. —The complaints in the Mayor’s book yesterday, were more numerous than the day previous. The following are speci mens of their character: Joseph E. Robinson complains of a crowd of loafers who are in the habit of congregating al most nightly on the corner of Fifth and Market streets, to the annoyance of all, and especially females, who pass that way. -v- • F.ederick Wientge complains that Strawberry alley is so full of ico that the water is overflow ing into the cellars. (This complaint could have been mado of nearly every aveuuo in the city.) Mr. Murray complains ot a lot of ashes and old grates in front of the Dispatch office, on Third street (VYe had to remove our hickory pole the other day; it is now oar cotemporary's torn. What printing office will next be inform ed on?) Edward Campbell, Esq , Prothonotary, com plains that the persons who drive carriages and sleighs up to tho front of tho Second Presbyte rian Church, on the Sabbath day, disturb the complainant and the congregation, and aro an donbtedly disorderly. : Theatre —Yankeo Locko appears to-nigbt in two firei-rato characters—Solon Shingle, in the play of the People's Lawyer, and Zsb Oates, in tho great national drama of Rebels and Tories. If Mr. Locke does not draw as crowded houses as ho would if the times were better, we kuow that those who do attend are perfectly satisfied, judging frem the continued rounds of applause he receives during his performances. Mr. Locke is, without exception, tho best Yankee comedian on the boards, and if be had the pres tige of an European tour to add to his came, would be acknowledged as such by all. But it appears, that no matter how excellent an actor is, he requires this latter qualification to insure his success at home. We have heard this complaint made often, and its truthfulness is peculiarly applicable to Mr. Locke. With twice tho real talent of any actor in his line, he can hardly succeed in drawing a paying house. We are sorry to see his efforts so illy rewarded, and hope for the balance of his engagement, a better condition of affairs will arise. Soup House Reports.—The following is from tho*Seventh etreet Soup Honsc: Gallons of soup distributed 300 Loaves of bread 41 1000 Number of applicants 035 11 *' Widows with families 154 “ ** Men out of employment... 181 Fourth Street Soup House. Gallons of 6oup disuibuted 150 Loaves of bread 44 500 Total number of persons relieved...... 1116 Allegheny and Duqucsne Sovp House Gallons of soup distributed Loaves of bread 14 • Total vtumbor of persons relieved 1207 .The abovo acocuntßsbow that there is a larger number of destitute people in our city, than any one bad &u idea of, previous to tho opening of these Soup Iloußes, and it behooves tho charita ble to see that thofie associations do not run ehort of foods. Sent to the IJouse or Revuce.— A young girl, named Emily Grant, (only fifteen years of age,) was arrested on Wednesday night, wan dering in the streets, and taken to the Tombs. Yesterday morning she was brought up before Mayor Volz, who sent for her parents, and at their desire made out & commitment for tbo House of Refuge, to which place she was subse quently conveyed. This prompt action on the part of his Honor and the parents of the girl, will probably preserve her from a life of infamy. Pittsburgh Insurance Company.—At an eleo tion for Directors of the Pittsburgh Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Company, held on the Gtb inst, the following named persons were ohosen for the ensuing year :—Robert Galway, James S. Hood, Samuel M’Clurkan, John Fullerton, John MoAlpin, Wm F. Johnston, James Mar shall, William Phillips, John McGill, Horatio N. Lee, Alexander Bradley, John Scott, Joseph P. Gaziam, M. D , David Richey, Jas. W. HailmaD, Geo S. Selden, Charles Arbatbnot. Coasting on the Streets.—A nambor of boys and several full grown men were arrested yesterday morning for sliding on sleds on Sev enth street. They were taken before Mayor Volz, who fined them one dollar each. We ob servo quite a number of full-fledged specimens of the genus homo engaged in this amusement in different parts of tbo city ; they appeared to enjoy the sport with as muoh relish as in the days 41 when they were boyq together/’ <• «> ,”i Accident on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. —As the mail irain on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad was coming down the heavy grade, near Darlington, on Wednesday morning, three wbeels.wcre broken off the front passenger car, throwing tho body of tbo ear' down on the track, whoro it was dragged along for half a mile before the train was stopped. None of tho passengers were injured, although they were considerably frightened. Fruit Tubes Damaged.—Wo understand the cold rain of Wednesday night has been the oause of considerable injury to the fruit trees in this neighborhood. The rain, freezing as fast as It fell, loaded the trees so heavily with ioe, that the limbs, unable to bear the burthen, were broken off. We are sorry to hear this, as it may seriously effect the supply of fruit next season. Another Generous Donation.— W c announced yesterday that a coal firm in this city bad given 10JOOO bushels of coal. We learn that Messrs. Geo. W. Black and Wm. U. Brown have also given 1000 bushels for the same parpose. We record with pleasure these generous acts, and hope they may bo followed by others. St. Clair Hotel.— We are glad to hear that Mr. William C. Connolly, formerly of Brown’s Hotel, h&s purchased the St. Clair Hotel. Mr. Connolly has few equals in (bis business, and his return to it, in this city, will bo hailed with pleasure by all his old patrons. Larcny or Clothing. —Nicholas Redingwalt,. yesterday, made information against John Baker, \ for the larceny of a quantity of clothing, rained at $2O. A warrant was issued for the arreßt of John * Removal.— Gililenfenney & Co. have removed thfeir Periodical Depot to Fifth etreet, opposite the Theatre, in Paul Kleiner's old stand. ' WO TICK. .j DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY; a JTo. 20 Fifth street, Jirtt comer above Market alrat. PITTSBURG U, PA. WHERE WILL he found the largest and best assorted Btock of HOSIERY ever offered far sale In this oity. Purchasers will find it-to tbeir advantage to coll at this es tablishment and examino for themselves; it U all 1 nwd to insure their custom. C. LALY. N. B.—Remember tho Cheap Stocking Coe^er. I FASHIONS FOR JANUARY—FI&ANK LESLIE’S LA . LIES* GAZETTE.—Tho January number of this Mag azine commences the third volume. The Gazette is pub lished on the ilrst of every month, and contains all the newest fashions for tbo following month, in crcry depart ment of ladies* and children’s costume. Each number bos also a large variety of patterns for needle work, a sheet ol new music, and a paper pattern to cut a dress by. Price 25 cents a number, or $3 a year, postage free. Subscrip tions received or single numbers sold by W. A* GILDENFENNEY A CO, jan3 . No. 70 Fourth street. ONLY NINE HUNDRED DOLLAKBI—For sale, a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, containing 4 rooms, with a lot of 17/eet front on BeaTer street, by 100 deep to Veto street; or $l,lOO fora Dwelling House containingptaj lor diningroom, kitchen,.cellar, and 4 bed rooms, with a large yard, pump, hydrant, stablo, out-oven, Ao. Terms of payment, very eaxy janlQ B. CUTHBEBT A BON, HO Third st. crf;V^”j. THE OTPS EOST. B&l&nca on hand February Ist. '*+ *\'**>f '<* \%* *-ai *’> \ * -•* • ‘ •* ’■ ‘ ■' * "• •. ■* COMMERCIAL POST. PITTSBURGH BQARD OS' TRADE AND IMKB6HANTS> EXoMasSeV OFFICER Frextdtnl —JOHN BtHl'TOS'. Firil Via Fmidmt—Vfu. H, Eitirn ; Stand “ « W». R. Baoinr Stcretary—'Wa. 8. Havkt. ■ Trtosortr —J on:, D. Scuur Nojtbim. Jk . (immiltte of Arbitration for Ftbruiry.-W. n. Smith, Vi P.; t]. w. RICKETSOH, W. B. K50U38, JAMES M. COOPEB, Qeorqe Buck. .. * ■WEEKLY REVIEW OF PITTSBURGH MARXIST. Orrica oi Tin D4ilt Moiumm Post, \ Friday, February 0, 1855. f There Is still an embargo on the river trade, the weather being colder for the past week than for any previous woek this winter. The stock of Floor 1? getting low, although the large receipts of Wheat by tho City Mills, when the riv er was open, enable thsm now to supply a good part of the demand. It is, however, at a high figure In Cincinnati and Louisville, so that, should navigation open spoodlly, itwould hardly mend affairs much. - In the East, flnanoial mattors make n better appearance each day. At the lest weekly showing of tho Now York Banks a farther improvement was manifest; the export of specie was very small, and the hnporta of dry goods, Ac., were little more than half of what they were In the same week last year. These signs indicate a return of prosperity at no distant period. Here-there is more confidence felt than for sema weeks. The banking houses that have failed end suspended, it is a?cerlained will, with n little time, pay, if not the whole, a very large per esntage on their in debtedness. In Pig Metal thcro is yet no Improvement, either In price or sales. ASHES—Pearls inactive at o®6V<£ ; Pot* are a’so doll at 6c. Regular sales of Soda at 3J4®3U; fialeratus, by the quantity; and in the small way at b\A. * APPLES—Are only arriving in small lots. Small parcels are selling at $2,25@3,00. BEESWAX—SaIes -on arrival at24@2sc; and from store at fis@2Gc. BUCKETS-AND TUBS—Buckets at Factory 32. and from store $2,15@JL25. Largo Tubs, from store, 37(37,60 ft dor • small do $6,50. BROOMS—Common Ohio, on arrival, sells at $2.50, end from store at $2.76©3. From store, Eastern at $2,50(53.25. BEANS—SmaII white continue at the improvement no ticed last week. There Is more demand for them as cheap article of food. BACON—There is moro activity in Bacon, although It is still dull enough. Sales are made at C@6*4 for city cured Shoulders; "@7% for Sides do; and 9>s@Hu for Hams. For eugnr cured do 11c. BUTTER AND EGGS—Eggs aro less active, but bring 20(525c. Butler continues dull, with a .good supply at 18@20c fbr prime, generally the former; Inferior is not worth more than 12@15c; packed 10@125. CRACKERS—Tho following arc manufacturers’ prices: Water Crackers, bbl $6,00 Butter do- do ;r»»^ t .*7]oo Pilot Bre*d do b!-75 Sugar Crackers, lb o Soda do do o •» Bopton do do o “ Plo-Nic do do ... 9 “ COTTON YARNS, Ac. —The following aro now the ruling rates: 5454 19 6 to 10, inclusive.!b No. 10 23 a lb 11 A 12.... 19 “ “ 17. 24 “ No. 600 ,0c D> I No. 800 GU«fi> “ 600 8 “ ) “MO CU “ “ 700 .7 “ | “.1000 6*2 “ Carpet Chain: white 19@20, colored 33. CoTerlot Ynm, 23@25. Candlewirk, 18. Twine, 20. Bntt'ng. No. 1, 13: No. 2.12; Family Batting, 16. Caulking, 15. CORDAGK.—The followlog ore the rates now established Manilla Rope, coil 19 “p tt>. Cut 20 !b. Whit* “ 14 “ “ 15 “ Tarred “ IS “ “ 14 « Fecklng Yarn, fine...l2 “ “ H “ Bo® Coitus—Manilla, $2,50. 3,75(llll Superfine reported at s^.4o. FEED— Sales at mill of Bran an 1 S-Tvenim: n! 90c 100 Ih*; Short?, 9T»; Ship Stuff. $1; FlnUhe-d Middlings, $1,50. Sale* of Country Bran at $1 100 tb-*. FEATHERS—We quot* sales In limited lots at 4t)(3 , ,13, Qr*i hands: from flora, 45{550; Mixed at 35, and dull. FlSH—Sales are confined to the regular want* of the trade. Quotations remain unchanged, viz : Mackerel No. a. largo, $11(0.11 60; Medium do., $10.00; No. 4, SS@.S,2S. Baltimore U-rring. Halifax do $5,50(35. Lake Fish: Trout, $9; White, $10; half bbl# in the uaual pro portion. QRAIN —The receipts of Whe.it ore next to nothing. At the mills it will 51.76 to $1.85 Corn and QaU are arriving freely. The former anils at 82 to 85, anJ OaU at 6Uc from depot, and 63(ip34 from store. In Barley ar-d Bye there is no change to note. GROCERIES —Sugar i* firm at b\k(a,b*- x , and tn the coun try trade nt €©o'- \ Mola.-si * sell* to the city trade at 23 a* d 24 for Cypress and Oak package.*. A flight advance la asked on these rates to country customers. Coffee dull at 11to 12. GLASS—We quote city bntr.da Window at $2 t* l>or for 0x8; $2.50 for 7xo; $3 for 8x10; $3.60 fir Bxl2, oxl2. and 10x12; $4,60 for 9x13,9x14, and 10x14; $5 for oxls, 10x16, and 10x16; $5,25 for 10x17; 5,50 for 10x18; and so on In creasing in like ratio according to site—lo ct. off for cash. Country brand* aro sold at an average of about 60? less bx than city brands. lIIDES-TGreen B--of Hides arc not active et 4*« / ,(£sc. Sales of Dry Flint, by tbe lot, nt 12c, and to the regular trado at 12@13c. Dry Salted at ll(§»12c. HOPS—Eastern No. 1 are Belling in email lots at 35© 37V£c. and in the retail way at 3S©4oc. HAY—A? the receipt* by river are cut c IT, the price has advanced- Baled, from ecale.% lulls for $25 t3$2S? ton, and frem store nt $22 to $24 IRON AND NAILS—SaDscf common puddled bar at 3© 3)£c. and in nail* lOd. and upwards at 3V.ft4r. LF.ATUKR—The store rates are now : Reli Spanish Sole, per lb, 21(2122; Slaughter Sole, 2420 ; Upper leather, per dozen. s2*Wss3o; Bridle do. do. s3ok©f4o ; Country Bridle do. s2Bfss3<3; Skirting Leather, per tb, 28 rents. LARD—-There is little doing. Some email sales of coan trv rendered at 9c for No. 1, and for No. 2. Uroare 7l£ @7U« NAVAL STORES.—Spirits Turpentine ta now held at 70c tp gallon. Rosin at fur No. 2, and $4 for No. 1. A email sale of Tar at $4 59. OlLS—Steady sales of Lard Oil No. 1 at 75($SOc by the lot and in the FmtU way. Lin«eed Is firmer, and rales in the retail way are mode at 85; no heavy sales reported. POTATOES —Red and Mixed, according to quality, sell at $1.37(TrH.50. PIG' METAL—DuII, and nothing doing. BEEDS—Timothy sells at $2,37(ii2.50, and Flax at f 1,604} $1.62. Clover has roccJeJ i lightly, and aoU duriDg the week at $6.50. SALT.—At the Canal sales ore made at $2 hbl fir No 1, and $2,06/552,12 for extra. From store a slight advance on these rates. STEEL—Spring Steel, Pittsburgh manufacture. GV£f&6V{; Plow do, 7@7>£; steel plough wings, 8: do, cut tv pattern, 8<5H014; A B steel, from rolled Iron, 5 b*; from hammered do, 1100 steel, 7U; Fork do, 7; Shovel do, 8 ; steel dandvtire,7; EllpiicSprings, 10V<; scat do, ]3,33514: Culti vator teeth, 13X5, 32©35 ; do, 18X650/5155 tooth. TOBACCO—Virginia 6’s range from 16©20, according to brand, and lumps at 20@40. Virginia Twist, 10. TALLOW—No demand. Nominally held at ll'£. TIN.—I C. $11,25, and IX, $13,25, cash ; Pig $34; Bar $37 U. cash. WHITE LEAD—Is firm, with a very active demand, an>l steady sales at $2,50 $1 keg, for pure In oil, and dry 9a lb. Red Lead 8c lb. ‘ ,WHISKY —SaIes of Rectified were male at 35©34, and Raw at 30. It has a downward tendency ! ALLianBXT, February 6—Reeves—Market well supplied; 368 head In pens, of which 300 head worn fold Som*- r-ry poor Cattle were in the lot, and sold ns low at l©lly gross, but good butchering Cattle brought from 2V4©4 gro?i for fair to prime, and 4(§>s for prime to choice extra. One very ehoice animal brought 6W, but the obief rang* wax from '2\-+ <&*>%■ Sheep—A full assortment; nearly 700 head offprlng. One fine lot of 444 sold in one parcel at $3,333 ft 100 lbs gross ; the rest ranged from 2V£©3^. Hoos—2l9 bead were offered and 6old, prices ranging from 4@5, gross. Nut Yobk, February B.—Cotton dull, prices declined y x ; sales 800 bales N. 0 middling 9}4> Uplands 8%. Flour unchanged; sales 375 u bbls Ohio; Southern firm. Corn dull; sales mixed at $l. Pork a trifle higher; sales old mess at $l3; new $14,25. Beef firm. Lard film at 0%. Whiskey : Ohio Boles 1400 hhls Orleans Molasses at 27@25. Linseed Oil dull at 70. Blocks about the same; Money e«y; Indiana sixes 88U : Virginia Fixes OfrJ^; Mis souri sixes 04Cumberland 3 r »9£; Cleveland and Toledo 74V£; N. Y. Central 94; Erie Reading 7CV4- Pdiupbiphia, February B.—Flour firmer; few or no sell ers of standard brands under $9; no export demand; trans actions are confined to small lots for home consumption, from $9 up to Nothing doing in Rye Flour or Corn Meal; the formerla held at so,and the latter at $4,25. A good demand for Wheat, with but litll* offering; sales of 1000 bus prime Pennkydsanla red at $2,15, and 6000 bushels white at $2,26. Bales 600 bus Rye at $1.23@1,24. Corn is Bcarco; sales of 6000 and GOOO bus yellow, to arrivo, at 05c. Oats unchanged; sales 200 J bus at 54 cents for and 63 for Southern. Whisky firmer. Baltuorlj February B.—The offerings were 700 head of Beef Cattle; 160 driven eastward, and 160 left over'ATba balance sold at prices ranging at from $3,&0©5 37. ifbjpi: Brisk demand at reduced prices; sales at $6.50@7,5(D-$ 100 lbs. Iron City Commercial College f lAFAYETTE BUILDINGS, corner of Wood and Fourth J streets. Faoultt,—MlLLAß & BEO., Principals and Professors of Plain and Ornamental Penmanship. JOHN BAKBY, Principal of the Book-keeping Department, and Lecturer on all Important business transactions. JOHN FLEMING, (antbor of Fleming’s new and improved system of Book keeping,) will examine and deliver weekly lectures on the Sclenco of Accounts. JAMES H. HOPKINS, member of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lecturer on Commercial Law. Although but a short time established, this Institution Is in a most prosperous and flourishing condition, now numbering one hundred students, which exhibits a popu larity and success perhaps never attained in so short a time by any other Commercial College. The Book-keeping department, under the ablo supervision of Mr. Barry, is unequalled in this city. Pro! Millar A Bro.’s system of writing is entirely new. and in many respects superior to any otner system, for the corroboration of which they ap peal jo many persons in Pittsburgh who have already re ceived instruction from them. Prof. Miliar has taught Penmanship in all the principal cities tmd towns in this country for the last eleven years,during which time he has Instructed up* rds of fifteen thousand persote. Young men w ho desire a thorough commercial education will here find inducements offered to them unequalled in the West, Let it be distinctly understood thot no student shall get a diploma from this College unless be is capable of entering on the duties of mercantile life. Every satis faction guaranteed. College open from BA. M. till 10 P. M, New t' jdents reoeived at any time during the year. No extra charge for Arithmetic. Jan 31 SALE—A superior FARM. on the Perrysville Plank J Hoad, eight miles from the city, of 100 acres; suitable for a gardener. It Is in good order, and has all the build ings necessary for a home. Enquire of THOMAS WOODS, Jan 27 75 Fourth street. ' Lot tor Sale* A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE, Jyl9 at office of the Morning Post. PotTNP YaU5. ...20 “ “ IS 25 “ •~21 “ “ 19 20 “ ...22 “ •* 20 ~27 «« Dozxtf Yaek. Allegheny Cattle Market. TELEGRAPH MARKETS Cattle Market. ’ * tri A v t t- • -r J 1 AEU S JFOR KMJER JOmu, To SrHuti'.oiT Mbs..—The Locxl the Port of Pittsburgh msy be foanil at tho Custom House, third «tory,_raUanca on Smith fie W street. J44r2t Tnr Bltiii.—The rala of Wednesday bight r rtode no Im pression on the river, but created very good" Bfcating. It ran on the top of tho tee, and froje Into a smooth surface. Tho Monongahela, opposite tho city, Is n ilno place for those skilled seith skates to enjoy themselves. The srnuicas "Minerva” and " Boy City" aro lying be tircen St. tools and Cairo, and not at St. Loci?, as mishap mado ns’state yesterday. We tak the following frem tho Cincinnati Commercial of February 7th: Tho weather wet modoratlog.last night, with indications Of rain, or more snow. A letter from Capt. Stcvona, eays ho is busily engaged in pavln j ell tho freight h« can from tho wreck of tho *• Eliza,” The 1 0Arge “Sam Mbbaid" in ttiongside, receiving tho freight as fast as it la recovered. Feom Locisviux—Tbo LouinvlUo Journal of February Othsays: The river hox fallen so rapidly in tho lest few day* as to leave nearly nil tb© boats ai Portland hard aground. The ” Crystal Palace” could Dot get over the bar yesterday morning, and dropped bsck to Now Albanv, The steamer ” Crystal Palace” reports having parted tho “ Rainbow” lying to at Ford’s Ferry, making a crib at hor bow to protect her from Uioiice. CuMBERLiM) Ritxb was falling on Monday, with twenty eight iuebet water on Harpelh Shoals. The had urrivis-i at Naahville with freight from the steamers ‘•Ameriotifl” and “ Camborland Valley,” at the Shoals. STEAMBOATS. “1855.” PITTSBUEGH, CIKCIHHATI, LOGISVIL^, A-VD SAINT LOU IB Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line, roil TOE CONVSY AKCE Of PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT JIETWEE ft PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, And Saint Lonlo. . IT"JS* Tins Li*e Is composed of seven powerful Steamers, une- UIgM **»fiBl«aßs»qUßUod for t»peed, splendor, safety•■SbSßSSlb and comfort, and is thu oklt maouqu daily uttx or Sti.am Paccets on the Ohio river. It connects with the U. B. Mail Line of Steainera from Cincinnati to Louisville end Saint Lmis, by which and freight are ticketed and re caj'ted through daiiy. Two new Steamurs have been added to the Line, which now ronprsts of the following boat*; Xhzjrj of Departure fioati. Ciptaivt. from Pittsburgh. BUCKEYE STATE M. W. RctrinoovEß....Sunday. KEYSTONE STATU Jacod Hazlev Monday. ALLLUHEN V Gto. M'Lain -Tuesday. CINCiNNAI 1 R lio.nteti Wednesday. PHILADELPHIA R. J. Ouace. Thursday PITTSBURGH. 1. N. Cook Friday PENNSYLVANIA J.vo. Kuxefkltek. Saturday. Leave dally at lu o'clock, A. M.. iireobely. No freight recciraJ nl:er uhj-i (.’c ock on the morning of departure. For particulars, itpplv on" hoard, nr to JOHN 11. LIVINGSTON,) . JOHN FLACK, ’j Agents, _ . flonongahela House Buildings. P»ttr.bnrghj 18t6, ]nov2B) “1855 ” CANADA WEST. 1 P 3?? Port Stanley , h, and Port Burwell. TIIB FINK low pressure strAmer TELEGRAPH. Captuln R. IhßUmv, will nmfep twotrips a week between Cleveland; Port Stanley, and Port Harwell, a* tollows : Leaven Cleveland fi.r Port Stm:lrv, every MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENING, at7J* oVlry-k. Leaves Port Uurwell for Port*Stanley at 1 o’clock. Leaves Port Stanley t..r Cleveland every WEDNESDAY and SATUKDA k M i.N’JNO, ut o'clock. Tho Telegraph remncetH nt Cleveland, with the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, tbo Clctel md end Pittsburgh, tho Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland Railroads. Alsocounects ut Port Stanley with the London Line of Stages, which connects with tho Ureal Western Railroad. For freight and passage apply on bonrd, or to SCOVILL k LAUDERDALE, Cleveland; S. F. HOLCOMB, Port Stanley or A. M’BRIDE, l*ort Bftrwell. mar27:tnov ’ Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wbeeline Packets, The DIURNAL, Captain A..S. SnEHiEHD, and FOREST CITY, Captain Gco&ge D. Moons, will run as regular DAILY PACKETS, between Pittaburgb, SteubcnTllie and Wheeling, stopping nt all lulermediate t'ortc'. Tho DIURNAL will leave Pittsburgh on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Friday.*, nt Id o'clock, h..hl.—Jletiirni“y ehe will leave wheeling on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday*, at 7U oVlock. A. M. The FOREfir Ul't will leave Pittsburgh on Tuevdavs, Tbur.-slayß nf.J SaturdMvj.. r»; 10 o'clock. A. M.— lirtur-.ino, she will le&vp W L-eling -11 Mouda-.s, Wvdae.sdaja and Fn davß, nt 7l<; o’clock, A. M. For freight or npplv on t-'ir 1 or lo J. 1> COLLI.MjHoun, Agent, Front sireot. For si'h*livli 1«. 1 fFZ* fa ll. T. YKATMAN, Captain A. jLevKltw fur the above and inlermedi- Kxrrfi v TT-rhii.- ports < ri opening of navigation. For trtdglit or pa.s-uigc apt ly on board. For Wabnjili litver7 The iteiini*r A LTUUN A, Capt RC. Oiut, * wir *' Ljr the alcove aud Intermediate ports i o opening of nnrigat:co. For treiaht or t:ppir on beard. fcb3 for St. Louts. . Tho hCfam»*r ALMA, Cr.ptalo R. D CocnuAV, trl;i f,,r ‘•hove and m^tfimediate j-orta opening of Dovt/“tloa. For freight or parsage r.} p.ly «.n L.srd, or to *• j*n3l (! BARNKA. AgvnL 4 For 51 Louts. I fES* rw Tlievtrnmrr PRAIKIi, ROSE, Capt F. Ma wi.J ]«-m r t -r the i; end tQirrm<‘diatu CTfi/or!rt on th" t f t navigatp.iu. freigjuor t nj-ag- ly on b>;trd. janSO For /anrivlilf, e-*.s-> Tho /-t- .it:;- r IvAfrl Capt. .T,r>-trfl Ij A '- v ' Ll ~:r Ih, ‘ and lutHnxiv- cm < ;x«ni:'g -d navigHUcn. For fro gbl ;.r pt.«f r.:- np; iy on Kurd. ->r to _jinr.» tl AKN 4 O t1.f.l N(j WOOD, A^*nt-». For Loulkville. fpffi* The 1 n-am-r ADiilATiO, Captain C. Btotk, Lygec%itj3 o * !l IL,,IVe for lh, ‘ »nd intermt-diateport* JumifeJianou opeuing of bavigatum For frtlght or passm:© ©pp!v on b ard. j«n27 For Cincinnati 1 ia The steamer TWIN CITY, Captain 8. DtAX, leave for the ntcveand InL-rmediato t»rt«i opening of navltmt'.in. For Height or pavr.agp apply on U»nrd }ar.2'i For LotiLvllL. Tito nteum-r VI LN N 4 . Captain 0 Hat, will 1 gp-jffttyjflosvo for the lUid iDU-rmcJlal© w>rta uq fiSSSlias3ao|-.oi,jng nt na.igcj..u. For freight or apply on board, or to FI.ATK nr WILKINS. Atf-nt*. For Lotiiavilie. The !"e*m.T KNDK.W itll, Capt Josts Mat, I -AqttfcrtCTWlll lenvfc f..r the above ami lntmni'-lUte t>orts wB3SBSSion opening of r.nvlgHtion. For freight i,r pujusgu apply uu board, or to J°n C. UAF.NEH, Agent. For M. Louis. fT**se - Th© nt*-arr.er K HYpTfj.N K. Cspt J J. Rnr.tv- LgU&SrjJ? £0:t, will leave fnr the above cn-j isteruiodiate ru on opening of-navigntioo. For freight or patsag- apply on board, or to FLACK A LIYIN'nSToN. Acmta. For Nnihvllle The Btearoiw Cl.Au\ DEAN, Captain 'Wm. will li av. f.;t the uliove uod fiwYiiiii'rTlri port?: on op'-niiig of naiigniion. For freight an-J juu/.-ju'-.* apply on Ik hM, or to Jau22 _ FLACK or LIYINGSTuN, Agent*. For fiaiiivll le. m?* h. The eteMtuer FAI UY tIUEKN, Captain Joliw will leure f,r tbeal-ue port, uml all In* moraltorMritermediate port?, on op-nlng of navigation. Ff>r frvlubtor pa?AAge on l>oanl. jaujO Regular Wheeling Packet i|» THE hle.amer KXi’fl a NOK, Capt. M’CiLLfM, •very MiINIUV, WEDNESDAY, and MSgRgftFKIDA V, n» v> >-V|.„k. A. M , mnnerllng with the a and I'. Railroad »t Mei |. ,• ,11-. t'„i freight apply to _uoyj7 J. 1) CnLLI NfiWOGD, Agent. Regular Witceiltig FocUct.” Tb« •‘te.mi-r YEN I'Uii 11, Cnpt John * ,yvr r TUESDAY, TUUR&DAY, and H&aSadATUUDAV, 111 O F. Si. For freight or passage apply nn hoard, or to jnn3 JAMES O'LUNS A CO. Agents. " AUCTION" SALES. Auction—Dully Bales. AT the Comtuerclal Srlkh Rooms, citrner of Wood and Fifth at reel?, at 10 o'clock, A. M., n assortment of BuasoD&ble, Staple and Fancy Dry Good?,Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hat?,Cup?, Ac., AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M., Qrocerlcp,Quevnswure,)GlfieHwarv, Table Cutlery, Looking Qlafise?, New and Second lland llou?ehold and Kitchen Fur niture, Ac., AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M., Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Musical Instruments, Hardware nud Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods, Gold ami Bllvorwatches, Ac. IL M.JJAVrS, Auetluneur. |ja3l:tf F. M, DAVIS, Auctioneer. Large stock of dry gch:»ds, Ac., at auction.— On MONDAY MORNING, 12th !n>t., at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial tales Rot-mi, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold without rererve, for cash, a lsrgo aud general assortment of Slaplo and Fancy Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods; among which are superfine Cloths, Ca*- simeres, Sattlnete, 29 pieces all wool Tweeda, Ky. Jeans, Idnseys, Flannels, Blanket?. Woolen Gloves, 50 dox Men’s Woolen Half lloso, Women*? nud Children’s Stockings,Co burg Cloths, Alpaca?, Merioo?, DvUiucn, BhcoUngx, fclilrt- Ings,Checks, Shawls, lidkf*., Print*, Irish Linena, Vest logs, Fringe.-, Lace?, Ao. Aleo, a quantity of Boots, Shoes, lino llut?, Ladieu’ Buonots, Fashiounblo Clothing, Ac. feb9 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. YALUAUi.E MISCELLANEOUS RoOKri AT AUCTION. On SATURDAY EVENING, loth inHt.,at7 o’clock, at the commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth street, will bo sold a valuable collection of new Booluq among them wilt be found, World of Science Art and In dustry, £.1)0 plates; Bulwer'a Novels; Pictorial Half Hours, 2 vols; Bachelor of Salamanca, by Sage, 2 vole; Knight’s Cyclopedia of Industry- of all Nations, numerous plates; Life of Duke of Wellington, 2 vols; Greek und Roman Classic Poets, 3 vole; London Lancet, 2 vols; Lardiche’a Life of Napoleon, Ac., Ac. JobB P. M. PAYI3, Auctioneer. OFFICE OHIO AND PENNA. It. It. CO,) Pittsburgh, January 2yth, 1565. / NOTICE la hereby given to the Stockholders of the Ohio and Penna. It. it. Co , that on and after tho 15th day of February, a Dividend of five per cent, for the last six months, payable in the Stock of the Company, at par, Kill be paid to the Stockholders as their Stock stood on the books of tho Company on the Ist day of January. The Stockholders on the Pittburgh Looks will be paid at tbu office of the Company, and Ihtwe on the New York books at the office of Winslow, Lanier A Co. Scrip certificates will bo issued for the fractional parts of a share. febl:illw*wtfeblso 11. S FLEMING. Trcas’r. Hotel for Lease. EILEY’S lIOTEL, (formerly known as the Lamartine House,) is offered for leasc-On favorable terms. Being situated on the corner of Fourth street and Grant, near to the Court House,and about midway been the Monrnigahela Wharf and the Pennsylvania Depot, it is ono of the moat pleasant, convenient und desirable locations In tho city. The Hotel will be furnished, li and leased for a kvm of years, commencing from the first of April next For farther information apply to t _ , JOSEPH S. AA. P. MORRISON, Att’ys, JanifodAwtf Office No. 143 Fourth BL, Pittsburgh. CONGRESS WATER.—3O doz fresh Congress Water re ceived fresh, and direct from tho spring, by . ft JOS. FLEMING, }an* corner Diamond and Market strati, ■v - - :''V- • •'• •• . . : : i' 7 t 4 * 1 41 «!>/. '• ‘ * --*-'***'• **&%¥&#**''* - - ./-V -• * • v *-i »*?• *•. .V •- t"* r •» . •/» ?• * -'•I* 5 ' t *.*'* r* v h t. - . “ > % 4*- «J •*',v. n. _ » £ „ F * T.» •* . *' <•*. : ■ *»:;v_i-v*r>su • • -. ! .-»• asx* r i*V V < * ,v * ' v ' i V ' * v.% "/>* V-*’V •-- ' . •■ -. * i\«- ■ - <■ BLOOMS— ITS tods Tennessee Bloc ms la yard nad for -sale by J. W. BUTLER k CO.* .jan3Q.. ; -PT Front street.-' PEA NUTS—6OO bus Tennessee Boa Nuts, new crop, to arrive end for sale by jan3o • J. W. BUTLER & CO. PIG MKTAL-74 tons in yard and for sale by jan3o J. W. BUTLER k CO. WINDOW* GLASS—1,000 boxes, assorted sizes, in store and for sale by JanSO J. W. BUTLER & CO. BAR LEAD—6OO bandies In store aad for sale by jcnSO J. W. BUTLER & CO. (*,OTTON WASTE—IO begs in store and for pale by J JanSO J. W. BUTLER A CO. CASTER OIL—BOO galls in store and ftr sale by FLEMING imo3., Successors to J. Kidd A Co., Jan 27 No. 60 Wood street. 1 EXTRACT LOGWOOD—I,6OO Ibs iuTtore and for salo by J jani n FLEMING 11EOS. ASPHALTUM —2.000 lbs In store unci for sale by jan27 FLEMING BROS. COPPERAS— 60 bbls in store and for sale by jatffl FLEMING BROS. MADDER —I.UUU lbs in store and for sale by jan27 FLEMING BROS. SAGE —200 o>3 In bulk in store and for salo by jan27 . FLEMING BROS. POWDERED RHUBARB— IUO lbs in store and lor sale by jan27 FLEMING DUO 3. A LOIN ED MAGNESIA—ISO tt>3 for rule by jan27 FLEMING BROS. BABUHTB WASHING POWDER—IO boxe* for sale by jan2T FLEMING BROS. SUNDRIES— O 25 dozen Corn Brooms; 6000 Seamtcrs’ t*o bushel Bags; ' 100 bushels Dried Apples; COl do Pouches; r.O do Pared Peaches; 1003 R>s prime Feathers, in store and for sale by _jap26 ENGLISH k RICHARDSON, GRAIN— 6000 bushels Shelled Corn, in store; 2000 do Oats, In Store and to arrive; 400 do Ear Corn, in store and for sale by jan2B ENGLISH A lUCIJAKDSON. IAAiILLY FLOUR, Ac.— JC 100 barrels Extra White Wheat Family Flour: 600 bushels Corn Meal; 100 do Clover Seed; 60 do Timothy Seed, In atom and for sale by jan2o ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. BUTTER— 15 bbls Roll Rutter; 60 kega Packed Butter;- 100 bbls Prime No. 1 Lard; 10 bbls Grease Lard, In storo and for sale by Jqd2G ENGLISH A KIOI3ARD3ON. LIME— 2vO barrels Loußville Lime; 200 do Colon Cement; 160 do N. O. Molasses; 200 do N. C. Tar, In store and for sale by Jan2fl ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. f I'OUACCO 20 boxes «'* W. O. Tobacco; X 10 tons prime Tearl Ash; 0 casks Pot Aeh; 75 bags Saltpetre; 1000 boxes prime Cream Cheese, in storo and for ealo by [jan26l ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. 1 31311—20 bbls No. 3 medium Mac&erel; 1 23 do largo do; 10 bbls No. 1 pickled Herring; 10 hf bbls do do; 6 tierces Codfish; S 3 bis scaled Herring; received and for sale by MILLER ar RICKETSON, _Jan23 221 and 223 liberty et. SUNDKtt'S— 100 dozen Corn Brooms; _ 20 do Zlnft Wash Board?: 20 do Tow and Cotton Bugs; 2o do Country Seeks; 6 pieces Country Flannels; 2000 lbs Bar Lead ; for by Jao23 MILLER A KICKKTSOX. —3u bags Dry Apple?; . 10 do Beaches; 60 bxs M. IL Raisins; 16 hf do do; for sale by jao23 MILLER k RICKKTSON A>'D CANDLE*— O 50 boxes “Cincinnati ” No. 1 Family Soap; 10 do do Steariuc Candles; for sale by jao23 MILLER k KICKETSON. OUUAR-—Lovering’s, Belchers, and STKeozie’s Loaf, O Crushed and Pulverized Sugars, on Land and for sale by jan23 MILLER k KICKRTSON. Brown i*tout and scotch alb—cu-ks >mze \ Williams’ Brown Stoat; 2 casks Butberfoni’s Scotch Ale; on hand and for sale by jar. 23 MILLER & RICKETSON. Champagne" wine—ao baskets •• iiejdsickV’ 173, F 74, ) Champagne Wine, for sale by jan23 MILLER k TUOKETSON. O EED—2OO bushels PeUna. Clover Seed ; O 60 do Timothy Bred; for sale by jan23 MTLbKtI k RIC KITTSON*. SALT —160 bbln No. 1 Sa*t, landing and fur sale by jnp23 MILLER k RICKBTBON I»ULIi PURR—2,fWO Rid lor sale by >_j.n22 SMITH A FINCI.AI It. JAKD —40 kegs for sale by j j*«22 SMlTri k SINCLAIR. KEG UU IT'EK—36 kegs Butter for ►Afo by jan22 KM ITU k SINCLAIR. APPLES —10 bbls green Apples received and for ?nle by jan 20 HEN RY II CO LUN.i 1)IU LEAI>—I76 pigs best Galena Lead in ctor»' and for tulo by FLEMING BROS., janlO No. CO WcwmJ pi. A A. MASU.N A CU. hare juattmTiVed 100 purrs oi Al • pacas, Cob urgs, I'ammeitaS, &u, which will b? fold at Semi-Anuual prices. jaulo DRESSING BUREAUS—Mahogany and walnut Brewing, Bureau®, serpentine fronts, a handsome article, h wish- ed and for sale by octl7 y AW—fiO sacks tine Table Sait; yj •" Ibex treoh Maccaronl; Just received by g&t . 20 bbbiuat rrcehoj and for sate by fT janlO ~ & SINCLAIR. rpUK HERPKTIC BJAP cures sore root?h Imed*. AH J. chaps, chafes, Ac., on the hands »r»» healed bj IL Sold nt rJ l -j rent* a cake, at N«*. 140 Third ptre«‘. doctiS (10K.N MfclALr-~6 biile while Coru Meal, extra quality, (or j k-alc by JAS. M'LAL'iiLILIN, jaalO No. 10 Sroi'hfieH <*t KUTTKIi —d bids fresh toll tor *a!« by Janlfl J AS. MCLAUGHLIN. _ BKANri — 6 bLL« arnaii white lor Rale by JsdlC J AS. M’LAUGUJ.IN. O Kill-ANNUAL~KaLe.—A. aT>IAS«JN k CO.” are now O telllDj; oil at their Semi-Annual Sale, their Ktoeit of Silks, Shawls, Dress Good*, Cloaks, IL»nu«tß, Embrolde rt*s, Ac. JanlS DAViU' I’AIN KILLKK--gross of this ctlehrstrU artl elp javt r«c*lTcd by jan*4 ROaK UINTMKNT—The beat article uo# in use fi>r lii* care of Tetter and King \S orm; 0 doa rt**viv«d by C’ iAHTKK’h bl'ANlill W!XTU»tt>-The’cclebraUsi aructc / for purifying tha blood; received by AUSBANA’S MAGNESIA—’Ibu brat preparation of Mag' Deals now in um ; \'l dot received by CGTKATE HAUNKnlA—Frrahly pj rparrl, always OQ t bnud, and warranted good, by JuS FLEMING. jan9 corner Diamond nod Market street. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF OINUKU--l , .^i»t* , n of tni* cele brated arliMo received by JUS. FLEMING, jouU corner Diamond am) Market street. BROOMS— IQJ dozen Corn Bream* for w»ii* by _Jan24 __ HENRY It. COLUXS. ALKRATUS— 2‘JO tbs for atlu by O j*n*4 IIKNUY 11. COLLIN'S. I.' LOU 11— 60 bbls for rale by ' j«n24 HENRY !!. COLLINS. CIOKN —4i>o bus to irtlTu and for sale by / Jan JT HENRY 11. COLLINS. MOLASSES — 'ii> bbls to arrive sod tor sale by jan-.;: _ IIISNRY LI. COLLINS. WANTUD —*6 chart'd of Exchange Bank block, by AUSTIN LOOMIS, jaulG Stock Broker, V- Fourth street. MURUAra FLUID MAGNESIA—I:i doatn.' us--nrU*d sizes, received by JOS. FLKSIINO, jan9 corner Diamond and Marital st:v» t. DUlr.b I'liACiiJiS—Uo bbtajuat received aud torsui. by j.-UiU IIKNKY 11. COLLINS. Bf.AXe —by Libia niu*ll while Bcnu* h>r sain by jaull _ iIENKY 11. COLLINS. CUJRN ilEAL—lu bbls treab ground just arrived and tor / sale by JAS. M’LAUUULIN, janl'J No. 10 SmithtleM strert. BALED UAY—7S bales Timothy liny for sain by _ Jaol- _ JAS. M’LAUCIiILIN. lAaH CORN—6OO bus la store und lor salt* by J janli _ JAB._M’LAUGULIN. I j UCK WHEAT FLOUR—6O sacks for sale by 13 jan!2 JAS. M’LAUGIILIN. 11MK —160 bbls Louisville Lime for sale by j janli MKNKY 11. COI.LINS. O YRUP—6 bh-is Lovering's Syrup ; O 20 bbls do Bugurs; Just received by y. it. muvo |>KOoA\£ —3 ilioxcu ibis day rvccivud and lor sal* hv j> jftpli 11KMKY 11. COLUSfi CHi JiliSlS—■ 'H boxes W. it. (Jbwwe. in store »tid lor e» i« t 7 i octll) aii !’>*• 'N IMPROVED FEED uUTTKR. —A uc-w. complete uml reli able Cutt*r, Bultablo for Corn Stalks or liay, at the Seed anil Implement Warehouse, Klfili street. jauH JAMES WARDROP. PKUN'I.NU INSTRUMENTS.—PoIe Pruning Shears, &hwh and CUUtselA, of the beet quality, at tlio Seed and im plement Warehouse of jonS JAMES WAKDUOU. BLANKETS— A. A. MASON A Co. will opei*ou Satur day, January Oth, 100 more Blankets, which tbey will pelt and (3 par pair lens than usual rutes. j.vno_ kmiaNNUal BAU3.-a.~a. Mason ifeo. viii «plm 400 more of thoao Long fchawis, ut $2, on Thursday January 4th. _____ Jun 4 / lOLl) MEDAL DELAINES.—A. A. MASON A CO. will VjT open 30U pieces more of Gold Modal Delaine?, at 12Uj ceuta per yard. _ jnn4 GARDENER WANTED—AppUjto J. VV. BUTLER & CO., jan23 07 Front street. HONEY— 10 boxes just received and lor sale bv dec2s IIttNHV U Qi( l.J\a HAY PRESS PUR SALE.—A large Press lor baleing bay, stored at Maasllon, Ohio, for aula by jaolB . JAME 3 WARDROP. GRAPE SiiEARS—a new and improved iruner, lor Grape Vines, Roses, Ac. _JaolB JAMES WARDROP. GRASS SEEDS—Lawn Gross, Blue Urnis, Orchard and Red Top. | jan!B| JAMES WARDROP. TMNE PARLOR FURNITURE, of every description, ou J? band and made to order, of our own manufacture and warranted in material and workmanship. Jang) T. B. YOUNG & O'* WIST AR’S BALSAM OF WILD' CHERRY.— One ot the best articles for coughs and colds now in use. 12 dot received by jan9 ADIUCK HOUSE FOR BALE CHEAP. 8. CUTUBEUT A 80N, dec2Q Real Estate Agents, No. 140 Third street. SEMI-ANNUAL SALE.—A. A. MASON & CO. will con tinue to sell during their Semi-Annuel Sale, every de scription ot Dry Goods at about one-half the usual pricer and much lees than ap.gtion rates. jnnlf> ’ CLOAKS. —A. A. MABON A 00. will offer the balance of all their Cloaks, comprising elegant French and New York patterns, and of their own manufacture, at a reduc tlon of nearly ooe-half the usual prices. jan!s SMALL FARM FOR BALK—Consisting of 125 acres 53 In cultivation; with a new Frame Dwelling House good Well at the door, a Itfg House, Stable, At: a Sugar Camp of 400 trees, and a-Email Peach and Apple Orchard; situate ten miles from GalliopoUs, in Gallia county Ohio. Price $l2 an acre. S. CUTHBERT A SON ' HO Third street. r.r-V;.' ~ #* - +5 ** 1 .# % r *». • J U ■» V **'. » \ ■* f -v; , •» &*! .1 -«•, v.."' . L '• ' a . <■, j ... ■ T. IS. YOUNG & C 0.,« BmltUodH street. F. U. DR A VO. JO?. FLEMING. JOS FLEMING. JOS. FLIiAIINO. JOS. FLEMING JOS. FLEMING, corner Diamond and Market street. FEKSSYt. VANIA FEMALE GOtiLEGB, .at HAREISBUEG, PA* . :: li' THIS Institution, fori’’the liberal education of Young Ladiea, jetted alter with full Collegiate powers, has been ra successful operation for inore than one year. The location la one. o£ tho most pleasant nod picturesque in the State, The arrangements of the College are such os afford peculiar advantages in acquiring a 60lid basis for the mental superstructure. There, are two departments— iho Collegiate and the Preparatory, with their appropriate branches af learning. Thu course of study in each is three years, designated by as many different classes. Young La dies admitted at uny time. Board of Inximdori. REV. BEVERLY 1L WAUGH, A, M., Principal. MiS3 U. Ccsiuian, Principal Pemalo Teacher. Mtss Fakky A. Jonjisox, Assistant. Mirim:,. M. Baiisvart, Teacher of French, Ao. U. C. Bomiuuqh, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy. Ac. Wm. S. Rowson, Lecturer on Natural History, Natural Philoeophy, Ac. litßß Joseph Koshles, Prof, of Instrumental Music. Jso. T. Cbjit, Prof, Vocal Music. For Circulars, or for other information, address the Prin cipal, B. it. WAUGH.Harrisburg, Pa. dec7:Cm WATER CURE INSTITUTE. lIAND STREET, (SOUTH SIDE,) JILT. PENN STREET AND TIIE RIVER, PITTSBURGH, PA. DOCTOR BAELZ, Graduate and Practitioner in the Old Schools of Medicine, Allopathic and llomcepath.*c,and for tho poft ten years a successful Hydropathlst. has opened a WATER CUKE in tho chore location. The perfectly safe, direct and immediate effect this sys tem has on all Fnvors, and all diseases acute and chronic— whilo it is mild, grateful aud invigorating to tho weak and debilitated, renders it peculiarly desirable in families, who will bo treated at their homes. Allopathic and Ilomuepathic treatment will be adminis tered wliero desired; but, after long and thorough expe rience, Doctor Baelz gives a decided preference to Hydro pathy, which baa, throughout the old and new world, proven so eminently successful in every form of disease, including Incipient Consumption, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Inflammatory and Cbroulo Rheumatism, Asthma. Cuta neous, Nervous and Liver Diseases. Testimonials of cures from highly reputable citizens of nearly every State in the Union, can be examined at Doctor Baelx’s ofiice. The Rev. Clergy aro invited to consult him gratis. Warm water being used in the commencement, and often throughout the treatment, it is a luxury Instead of unpleas ant, as those unacquainted might suppose. ItiPEßEXCEd.—Mewr*. Charles Brower, Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wilson, W. 11. Williams, Thompson Bell, J. It. Wei den, D. T. Morgan, Wm. B. Holmes, E. U. English, B. M. Kerr. Tho undersigned, having visited Doctor Baelz’g Inriitu tion and witnessed his successful treatment, cheerfully re commend him as a thoroughly educated and skillful Phy sician : . = Charles T. Runsell, Jos. M’Connolls, David flunt, John 0. Curtis, Ilobt. Patrick, John B. Livingston, John Wright, AV. W. Patrick, Moses F. Eaton, 0. Ormaby Grezg. ! janO AGENCY. MO3E3 F. RATON, No. 19 Sixth street, ngent for selling and buying PATENT RIGHTS, is now authorized to sell the follow leg lately patented articles; Trott’s patent Oil Globes, for Steam Engines; Doan’s Rock Drilling Machines; Coe’s patent Drill, for DrilhDg Iron; Copeland's Stationary and Portable Saw Mills; Crawford’s Steam and Wale? Guages; and, Griflitb’H Wrought Iron Railroad Cbuir Muchines. These articles have been examined by practical mechanic* and machinist*, and pronounced superior to any in upc. He is also authorized to sell Rights to make und vend these articles in nny part of the couutry. He has also f. r sale hot-pressed Nutts and Washers, and finished Brass Work. lie Is also prepared to take Agencies for the sale of other patented Rights and new Inventions, and give to the busi ness faithful aud constant uttemion. He refers to the following CARD. The jubscriK-rs have long t«n acquainted with Mr. Moses F. Raton, and have no hesitation iu recommending him, to all * ho may wish to employ his services, as o gon tleioan ol unuc-uhii'd integrity end Indefatigable Industry, In whose exurih-n:; every reliance may be placed. Neville 11. L’rai.', W. Robinson, Jr., Wm. Larinin, Jr., John Graham, W. 11. Denny, __ 11. Cbiids & Co., James Wool, . N. Holmes & Sons, P- R. Friend, Kramer A Rabm, F. Lorenz, L. R. Livingston, Knap A Wade, William F. Johnston, William Phillips, Andrew Fulton, lirou M’Candlea.4, A. W. Loomis. PrrTSBCROa. November 27th. 185-1. Doan’s Pateut Koch Drilling Dlachluea, WEIUIiING ABOUT 300 POUNDS; can Lo worked and moved by two mon, and do thu work of flvo or six lu tb« ordinary w n y. fcj. S. Fowler & Co 7 Manufacturers. Tbo subscriber has t«n appointed polo agent In the Uni ted Stales, for the sale of rigftU to use these Machines. MOSES F. EATON, 19 Sixth street. IiSFSB TO Hon. Wo. F. Johnston, President A. V. It. It.; \V. illluor Roberta, Esq , Chief Eng. A. V. It. Itg Oen. Wo. Larimer, Jr 7 President P. £C. It. Ilg O. W. Barnev, Ksq., Chief Eng. P.‘& C. It. Rg Mcarra. llaufuil A Nicholson, Contractors for tbe P.i 3 It. TV d.-cl 9 Tli E late firm of JONES i QUIUG, having been dl.»6olvrd by tbo diatb of Join F. Quigg, on the iiTth insL, the ba*lne.-P of said firm will b’erlllrd by the undersignod, at their otrtco, comer of Boss uud First Ktreets. ISAAC JUNES, Surviving Partner. Ptit;burgh, September 35, ISM—[octdiy Isaac Jones, MANUFACTURER of Spring and Blister EtecJ, Plough Slab rteel, steel Plough Wings, Coach and F.liptic iq-riogs, Brass Nut Taper, half patent, Screw, Mail and liamaured Iron Axles, —comer of Uo*s and First streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. octthly ISAAC JONES. U.UV V. U. VUI.&JU4 D. B. Rogers dt Co., Manufacturers of bojeils’patent improved steel Cultivator teeth. Ofllce corner Row and First street*. To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers and Manufacturers THE FUBSCUIBKR is now importing a superior quality of OIL OF CCUNAC, of which % of an ounce with 60 gallons pure Spirit will produce a tlueOgnac Braude. His ESSENCES OF KOCUKLLB and uTAJUPti BRANDT; of JAMAICA and ST. CROIX RUM, ABAC. CIDEB and PEACH BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM 6UUNAFPS and SCOTTISH WIIIS3LY, are acknowledged by rlwNcfv York manufacturers by the great dvrnaud after them. Di rection? for use will Invariably be given by DIL LEWIS FEUCIIT *VANQEIt, HI Malden Lane, New York. P. S Importer of Daguerreotype Chemicals Pb.tlra, Risrauih, Msogtinese; Thorn's Ext. Copaiva, Snlphate t m morna, Ac- tf AtSTIA LOOSllfi, STOCK AND BILL BBOKEB, Ojjict, Ao. ‘l*2 Fourth ft., al/ovt Wood. N OTE?, Drafts, Bunds, and Loans on colla teral?, negotiated. Stock? bought and sold on com talvioa. Land W'arrauts bought mid sold. ParticuUr atten'lon paid to the purchaie and sale of Copper Stocks. AN communications atlenfod to promptly. hnU> | NOI'KMSG GOODS. ITjMIANK VAN GOUDKK has received a largo and A' beautiful a&-ortmcnt of Mourning Collars, and S it* in Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, black lar« and gause Veil?. blui-k Hosiery and Glorcs, in wool, cotton, and Filk ; Ribbons, Belts, aud Crapes, in a'l qunliiies. Alexander A Dnjou'sbe't Ivid liloTrii can always b. found at No. 53 MAKKiTT STTvilUr, corner of tbe Di* ti r v 17 Wanted, BY a «obor, Industrious young man, who will d*votehU eutirc tJine to hi» busings*, n SITUATION As SHIP PINO CLERK la a or lloiatl \Varehou i e, or Ab nictant Book-Keeper, or a place Id a Grocery or Dry 'JcwJs Store; un.l wjll make hlm.-elf generally useful i' th em ployer. A nutn addressed through the Past Office ‘.o '*A. F. D..“ <’r l«f t at the ottlco of lh>* “ Po.R," will receive ptomp attention. art’ l:tt Still They Come ~,, TilK BUST EVIDENCE of the excellence of CARGO S PICTURES, Li the fact thut his ronma are crowded with custernrrs, who goawny Je* lighted with the itjuivalt-ut which they obtain -i osSfo lor th'dr money. Oai -rr i' t A polio Buildings, 70 Fourth :-lrtvt, next to Mer- Kxchnnc-*.. jan2o Celcstlnla, Sliauglinla nud Muscovies, ATIKMJ AT no. jo wood sTKKKT, wLt-n. you will find n fomplK« assortment of the above srylM together wuh u large flock o' Silkani Hui-h Caps, which Will ut n great reduction uu former prices, to clc-*» the ti.O season. jin*-. -T WILSON 4 SON. GOOD INTENT HOUSE, /CORNER OF LIBERTY AND GRANT STREETS, near V/ the RaPrcaJ Di'pcL ' JanULly JAMES SHANNON. Proprietor. Unzln’s Superfine Toilet Soap. A LMoND SOAP, prepared Irom the purest and heat ma .fV. terlain , it iriru* the shin a luxuriant brilliancy, and Imports to the hands a delightful almond odor. MilMl-urw, OMvuUil, Th riders, ll(*u n vCk, Nymph, llcury, PiaLuchio, Brown W'ltidsor, Palmyrene, Patchoul/, Mor-hmallow, Brown Omnibus, LWoh, liuzelunt Gil, Balm Omnibus, Verbena, Spring Flowers, Lilac, Ambrosial, Jonuy Llud, CircnF.sUn, Mu.-k, Bpermacetii Tablet, Poncloc, Ac. 1 would respectfully solicit the attention of the ladies of Philadelphia to my Persian Lotion,i r Liquid Lily Blossom, for rendering the skin soft and fair. Also, my Amygdaline Luiiou, for removing freckles, pimples and asperity of the face, anil to impart to the skin delicate elasticity. Fayards A itlayn'fl Papior for Rheumatism, Pnina, Irrita tions of the Chest, Lumbago, Wounds, Burns and Corns, a superior French urticle, universally used throughout Europe. The subscriber continues to manufacture bla celebrated Rose. Almond and Ambrosial Shaving Ckeaus, which are unequalled by any In this country or In Europe, and for which he received a Prize Medal at the World's Fair, Lon don. To be bad of the principal Druggists in Pittsburgh, and throughout the United Stales. X. BAZIN, UuaulHcturer and Importer of Perfumery, No. 114 Chestnut street, below Fourth, Jan22d*wlmU Philadelphia. ' SANDS & CUMMINGS’ PATENT BlllCK MACHINE. fTMIE PROPRIETORS of Oils justly celebrated pateut X having completed arrangements for the introduction cl* their new and improved machine, beg lenvo to call the attfulion of the public to its undoubted superiority over txerylhivg ever invenftd for the manufacture of Bricks from 7c»Mpered Clay. It being capable, when worked by horse power, of making SIX BRICKS IN FIVE SECONDS! A single certificate of tbo character of the following is deemed by the proprietors as good n guarantee of their statements as a larger number which might be selected from hundreds in their possession, from practical and ex tend vo orick-mnkers. Wasuinoton, D 0., December 12,1863. 11. Sands, Esq. —Dear Sir:—l have this day witnessed the operation of Sands A Cummings’ Patent Brick Moulding Machine, and am fully satisfied that it is not equalled by any machine for speed, or in the correctness of its work, and can therefore cheerfully and confidential)' recommend it to any person wishing to purchase a perfect machine. Yours, Respectfully, JOHN BREE 6, Practical Brick-Maker, Wyoming, Syracuse co.,Pa. Very Respectfully, IL Sasd3, Efq. R. 11. STANTON, M. C. of Kontnoky. All applications for State,‘bounty, or Town RJgbU, with Machines, should be made (post paid,) to SARDS A COMPANY, Care of J. B. Price, No. 3 Kilby street, j an2ti:w3m Boston, Mass. WE WISH TO PROCURE A SITUATION fora Young Man, as a Partner in a small manufacturing estab lishment. He is able to make himeelf useful in any depart ment, and hns a capital of from $6OO to $7OO. He is a good pluiu kook-keeper and salesman, bat would prefer being employed in or about the manufactory. Hats and Capa. J. WILSON A SON keeps conetantly on hand every description and variety of IIATS AND CAPS, both and retail. Those desiring a neat fashion able Hat or Cap, good and cheap, would do well to give ub a call before purcjj&SßS elsewhere, dovlB THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. rplIE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, conncrfini tt. At. JL laniic cities with Western, North-western and Eouth western States, br a continuous Railway direct. This road aleo connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all parte on Ibo Western llm*r% and ut Cleveland ami San* dusky with steamers to all port** on tb* North-western Lakes; making the most direct, chtapcst and reliable mute by which FREIGHT can be lorwarded to and from the Great West •#' RATES DETWEEN PHILADELPHIA k PITTSBURGH. FIRST CLASS.—Boots, Shoo», Dry Goods, > Qv , __ lAft _ (in boxes,) Purs, Feathers, Ac P er looas - SECOND CLASS.—Books and Stationery,) Dry Goode, (in bales.) Hardware, Lea- wsc. per IOOIbs. ther, Wool, Ac ) THIRD CLASS.—Anvils, Begging, Bacon » n , n anil Pork, (to hulk,) Homp, SI } 05 °- ? er 100813 - FOURTH CLASS —Coffee, Fish, Bacon and l e Pi _ _ rt _inniv. Pork, (packed,) Lard uud to.rd Oil j Ssa •>“ 1001i>3 - In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to mark package -'via Pennsylvania ltaUroad:’ All aoode consigned to the Agents of this Rood at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. PnEioHT A atm —Moses Potter, Boston: J. L Elliott, N. *-i *• J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Mngrnw 4 Koons, Baltl. more; Geo. C. Franclscuß, Pittsburgh; Shringman k Brown, tincionati. Ohio; J. 8. Moorhead, Louisville, Kyg R. 0. Meld rum, Madison, Ind; Ratcliff A Co., St. Loni* Moj J. S. Mitchell k Son, Evansville, Indiana. THREE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, between Philadel phia and Pittsburgh. TUB MORNING MAIL TRAIN leave* Philadelphia Tor Pittsburgh at 7M, A. M., and Pitts burgh for Philadelphia at 7, A. M. THE FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 1 P. M., and Pitts burgh for Philadelphia at 1, P. SI. THE NIGHT EXFRESS T RAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 11, P. M and Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 10, P. M. The above lines connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads to and from St Louis, Mo.; Alton, Galena and Chicago, 111 • Frankfort, Lexington and Louisville. Kji Terre Haute! Madison, Lafayette and Indianapolis, Ind 4 Cincinnati, Day ton, Springfield, Beilefontaine, Sandusky, Toledo, Cleve land, Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio; also, wit h the Steam Packet Boats from and to Nxw Obleass, Et. Loins, Louisville And Cincinsati. Through Tickets can be had to or from either of the above places. for further particulars, see handbilla at the different starting points. Passengers from tho West willed this the shortest nnd most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Balti more, New York, or Boston. TUOS. &100 BE, Agent, Passenger Lines, Philadelphia. J.MKSKIMEN, Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh. CLEVELAND AUD PIXTBBUBQH IN CONNECTION WITH TUB Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. VIA ALLIANCE. rpnE shortest, qdchcet and most reliable route to Toledo, A Chicago, Ecci Waad, Galena, and St. Louis, is VIA CLEVELAND. ’ This route is cue handled miles shorter and about eight houw quicker to Chicago, than the circuitous one VIA IN DIANAPOLIS. Three Daily Trains between Pittsburgh andJCleTelsnd. Three Daily Trains between Cleveland and Chicago. Time to Cleveland six hours, Chicago rwenty-two hoar*, and SL Louis thirty-seven hours. VIA ALLIANCE. Trains for Cleveland leaTe Alliance at 7.33, A. M~ 12X0, M., and G 40 P. M , connecting at Hudson with Trains for Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, and arriving in Cleveland at 10.04, A. M., 2.20, P. M.. and 8.20, P. M. The Trains of the Ohio and Penna. Railroad, leave Pitts burgh at 3.00, A. AL, 8.00, A. M., and 3.00, P. Mu all con necting at Alliance with trains which arrive in Cleveland at 10 04, A. 2.20. P. M., and 8.45, P. M. Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, fit. Louis, Rock Teland, Galena, and the North-west, who wbh to go through with out detention, will take tha train leaving Pittsburgh at 8 00 A. M., and arriving In Cleveland at 2XO P. IL, as that is tbo only train by which close connections aro made through to the above points. Passengers by this train reach Chicago at 7.30 next merning and St. Louis at mid night. nov27uW Time gained by going via Cleveland, eight hours. The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago leave as follows: Leare Cleveland at 7XO and 2XO A. M., 745 P JL; arrive at Chicago at 11.00 P. 31., 7.00 A. M. and 12.00 M. Trains leave for Rock Island aud St Louis as follows: Leave Chicago at 9.15 A. M., 10.05 and 11.00 P. M. Passengers for St Louis go over Rock Island Railroad to Jolifi, and thence over the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad to Alton, and thence by Steamboat (23 miles) to Bt. Louie. Passengers by the 9.23, A. M., Train arrive In St Louis at 11X0 Fame evening, and b 7 tbo 10.05, P. M. Train at noon next day. checked through to CloTeland, and there re checked for Chicago anu St. Louis. FARE VIA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND, m .... I st I Ist class. 2sn class. To Alliance 42 30 j To Chicago 411 60 9 50 Cleveland 400 I La Salle 14 60 12 60 Toledo..—. G 00 Rock Island- 10 50 13 60 Detroit 600 j St L0ui5...... 19, 60 15 60 Passengers are requested to procure their tickets at the office of the Company, in Monongahela House, third door below the comer. J. DURAND, Sup’t Cleveland. J. A. CAUGHEY, Agent, deed Pittsburgh. OHIO AHD PEKH3YLVAHIA BAILBOAD. New Arrangement* COMSIENCINO FEJiRUA&TiZ, 1854. 1864. MAIL TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 8 ASI; dines at All! ane**; taken tea nt Crestline, and makes a close con nection there with a last Express Train, reaching Cincin nati about 12 o’clock at night. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh a* 3 o’clock, P. M., after the arrival of the Express train from Philadelphia, and reaches Cientlioaot 11,30 P.M., connecting with the Night luxprepi which reaches Cincinnati in the morning. Connections aro made with the Ohio and Indiana, and Beifbntalne and Indiana railroads for Dayton, Indianapolis and towns in Indiana. Connections are made with Cleveland, Monroeville. San dnsky, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago with Bucyrus, Upper Sandusky, Forest, and the towns on the Mad River Road. Also, with Mount Vernon, Newark, Zanesville and towns on the Mansfield road. Faro toCiorinnatl $7; to IndlanapolissB; to Dayton to Toledo $0; to Columbus $5,25; to Zauesvlllo $5,10; ta Cleveland $4. Through tickets to Louisville at reduced rates. THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Crestline at 1.16 P M, and reaches Pittsburgh at 8.30 P M, connecting with the fast Express Train through in fifteen hours to Philad ilphia; MAIL TRAIN leaves Crestline at 2.30, A. M., on the ar rival of the Night Express Train from Cincinnati, and arrives at Pittsburgh at 11.40, P M. NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at ll) A M, and 6 PM, and New Brighton at 0 AM.and 1.15 PM. FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh Bt T A M, and 9 P 51., and arrives at 4.30 AM, and 4.30,1? SI. <•3-The Trains do not run on Sunday. Tickets or further Information, apply at the ticket offices of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, of J. G. CUItUY, at the corner oQce under the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, or of GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Federal street Station. JOHN KELLY, Passenger Agent. PITTSBURGH, ST. LOUIS AND NEW ORLEANS. MOST DIRECT AND ONLY RELIABLE ROUTE. RAILROAdTo CHICAGO THENCE BT CHICAGO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD An Air Line Eonte from Chicago to St. Louis. rjMIAINS LEAVE CHICAGO DAILY iSundays excepted) 1 on arrival of Express Train of Miehigan Southern and Central Railroads— Ist; ST. LOUIS DAY MAIL 9:10, A. M. 2*l. “ " NIGHT EXPRESS.....IO:OS, P.M. Trains run through to St. Louis in fourteen hours, Yjaa Bloomington, Springfield and Alton, without change, ofca r d or baggage, connecting at Alton with Qutty Line of Packet for Hannibal, Quincy and Keokuk, and at St. Louis with FIRST CLASS STEAMERS FOR NEW ORLEANS, and intermediate points on the Mississippi, and with regular lines of steamers for Kansas and Council Blutts. TIME I'ROM riTTSBOKQII TO ST. LOUIS 38 HOURS Uagzagtt checked through to St. Louis, on Michigan Cen tral and Southern Trains, and at the depot in Chicago. K. P. HOLLISTER, Chicago, General Passenger Agent. KTCTIAKD P. MORGAN, Jb, Superintendent. AiT-Through Tickets to St. Louis, by this route, can be obtained in Pittsburgh, at Offices of Cleveland and Pitts burgh'and Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroads. {eop27;6m Increase of Cash Capital TO HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! iSTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.—CHARTERED 1819. Cash Capital, ....... 3500,000 riniK THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT of the 1 Assets of the jETNA INSURANCE COMPANY,of Hart ford, as furnished this agency on tho Ist of January, 1865, under oath. Real Entato, nnincumborod Seventy-two Mortgage Bond:*, 6 and 7 cent., pay able semi-eunualiy 72,000 00 Debts due tho Company, socural by mortgago... 7,313 17 Bills Receivable, well secured, payable at Bank... 12ft,327 35 Railroad Stock? In Connecticut 97,515 00 Dauk Stacks in the city of Hartford 142,396 00 Bank Stocks in New York chy 98,050 00 Cash on hand, In Bank, and in hands of Agents and others ... 212,506 06 - 63 The amount of HabiliUesduo or not duo to Banksorother or* ditors,—nothing. Losses adjusted and duo,—Eone. Losses adjusted and not due, $148,518 22. Losses unadjusted and In suspense, waiting for further proof, $01,257 60. All other claims against tho Company are small, such only as prioUug, Ac. Agents instructed to take no risk over $lO,OOO. The amount insured in any city, town or village, depends upon the character, manorial and construction of buildings, the width of streets, the supply of water and condition of the flro department, and other circumstances. The amount insured in blocks of buildings varies; the design is to limit the Jom by any one Qre to $lO,OOO, or leas. THO, A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. State op Connecticut, 1 Hartford, Jan. Ist, 1885. Hartford county. J Perscnally appeared Thomas A. Alexander, Secretary of the JRtna Insurance Company, and made oath that the fore going statement by him subscribed, is true, according to his best knowledge and belief ’ . HENRY FOWLER, Justice of the Peace. Losses paid by this Company for the year 1854 exceed -$750,000, while the premiums received for the same time far exceed any other year, since the organization of the Company. Policies, covering nearly all descriptions of property, is sued at this agency, at remunerative rates. JtSj- Office, No. 87 Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. janll IL U. TEN EYCK, Agent. PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH , CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. Authorized Capital* s3oo*ooo* INSURE BUILDINGS and other property against losscr damage by Fire, and the perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIRECTORS. Wm. F. Johnston, Rody Patterson, W. M’Clinlock, Kennedy T. Friend, D. M Long, I. Grier Spronl, A. J. Jones, Georgo R. White, Jacob Painter,. A. A. Carrier, James S. Negley, W. S^Saven* Wade Hampton, D. E.Park, H.“R. CoggshalL Hon. WM. F. JOHNSTON, President RODY PATTERSON, Vice President A. A. Carrier, Secretary and Treasurer. B. S. CURMW, As&fent Pcpvtvy. dcc2;6m S. CUTHBERT A SON, l4O Third street. 11. IL HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. H. J. LOMBAERT, Supetlntendant, Altoona. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. RAILROAD. RETURNING I PAID UP '/its -w. L - REV. DR. COVEL’S " R IIIS UMAT IC PI I, i, s, JFbr Vie Safe, Oimptdc and Speedy Cure of Inflammatory, Chronic, Hereditary and Mercurial PJheuwnUm, Sheu. malic Goal, Lumbago, Sciatica, and other biseaeet affecting the Muscular Syttem. OUCH AN ARRAY OF TESTIMONY as Dr, Coro's Rheumatic Piils hate called forth from all classes, was nerer voluntarily offered in favor of any other Medicine. The cases of ouro comprehend every stage of rheumatism, Whether nKompanlcd by that torriblo sensibility of tha in lhs inflammatory phase—by the ™ ' ,ilch 60 oft *-' n render tbo rlctim of • I ~' u ? atUm » hctples.l cripple, or .by Ihs ornr cl“r#ScTiT^ nreßomM '^ Dnlike the “ Sansrmlo” practice or btcadine nnil onrelne SSSS&STSfSSTSi's^S^ Their medical actlon.iH direct and epettfi" materia moxtU or radix of the fiisCrfier. the complications of nerves and fibres in trblr.h it Is entrenched and rapols from the blood the febrile prlociple which feeds’ and spreads, and intensifies, while it spreads tho fatal ten’, dencies of the mahuly. Caution—Beware of Counterfeit* XI De particular, and enquire tor Ret. SAMUEL COYEL’a RHEUMATIC PILLS, and soo ibatthe bosea have, on the outside wrapper, his signature, countersigned by a II BING, General Agent. 192 Broadway, New York, without which none are qkhuike. PRICE* FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. T©*Sold by Dr. GEO. H. KEY3ER, Pittsburgh: J. p. FLEMING, Allegheny City.- dec23:3m DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AJfD AURIST. TREATS ALL DISEASES Of THE Era ASD EAR WiTftOITT CCPPLSa, i-,n»y T «,lH S .*^ lllSa ’ dI »ST*BINO, OR THE USB OV CALOMEL. OFFICE 408 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., NEW YORK. R™,-, from 9A.M.t04 P. M. OUGH, GR ANULATED IJDS, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and unumtet Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyu«, are among the diseases of tho eye which are treated by Dr. H. with perfect satisfaction. , • All diseases of the Ear treated npon scientific principles. Artificial Eyes Inserted without an operation. All letters post-paid wiU eccore prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou* Hexuler^orr* 3 vo cen successfully treated by Dr; y™ J« Fryer.-320-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred South wick. Printer, “ “ fJ. Goodspeed, Qleno Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. ?}!«• A- Ml L * Wilson » Now York City, N. Y. fMiss Mary Bellows, N. E. Station, Duchess co„ N. Y. •Edward G. Solger, Bristol, Coon. •John Beamon, Engineer, N. Y David Littlo, Engineer, N.Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, office Courier and Enq., N. Y. tJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L. L JarvLg Rodgers, “ « £• Deeres, Telegraph Operator, St. Nicholas Hotel! R. M. Ferriss, Organ Builder, HouMoa St. R. B. Doolittle, M. D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M- P» Collins, Teacher Pcnmansb'tn. Ttot W y B. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. ’ J> A. Dillenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Capt. B. H. Ilaviland, Athens, N. Y. John W. Hackett, Binghampton, N. Y. *pe;e patients were blind, and had to be led to theoßca. At the expiration of two weeks they coaid go a boat the city at pleasure. v * .These cases of Amaurosis were restored to sight after they were riven up os iucurablo by the faculty, a£d can be referred to bv any person who wishes to learn the fsets in these cases, by writing to them. j an r, DR.. HOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTEIS, prepared by 1 DR. C. M, JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa.. WILL IP7ECTOAU.T CURE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. Chrome or JScreom Debility, Disease* of Vie KZdneut. and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Bach as Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fulness,or Blood to the llead,Acidityof thoStomocb, \ Nausea;lleartbuni f DiFgnBtfor Food, or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit °/^*L e^ 02 2 ach « Swimming of tho Head, Hurried aodpifflcult Breathing, Flattering at the Heart, Cboak “gi>^^ffoca^D*Ben!2:tlon wh6lS *o lying Postaro, Dimness Dots of Webs before the bight. Fever and Dali Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in tho Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, ±c., Sudden Flushes 'of Heat Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imagin ings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. The proprietor, In calling the attention of tho nubile to this preparation, does so with a feeling of the utmost confi dence in Us virtues and adaptation to the diseases Ibr which it is recommended. It la no new and untried article, bat qna that has stcoi the teat of a ten years’ trial before the American people, and its reputation end sale la unrirailed by any similar pre parationfe extant. The testimony in its favor given by the most prominent and well known Physicians and indiV Mu ftis, in all parts of tiio country is immense. Befttring any who may doubt, to my “Menforabilla/’or Practical Receipt Book, for Farmers and Families, to be had gratis, of all tho Agents for the German Bitters. Principal Office and ilanufact-.jry, 120 Arch street, Phila delphia, Pa. «2-a°!J by Dr. Oco. H. I&SW 140 Wood street; B. A. Fahnestock & Co., No. 0 Wtej etreet; Fleming Ero'hcra, p. SwarttjuiiUL.£. Fleming, Allegheny. Private Dlaeaseii . fDB. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Do* A votes his entire attention to an office practice. His business is mostly- coafintd to Pi-teale Tfif Fencecal Dvcasa, and such painful affections, brought on byimprudcnce, youthful indulgenceand excess Syphilis, SyphiUtioEruptionsjOonorrbea.Gleet, Stricture urethral Discharges, Impurity ofithe Blood,with all Disea« sos of the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Brhp* tions, Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases, Seminal Weak* ness, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula In Ano, Nervous Affections, Pains in the Back and Loins, Irrl tatiou of the Bladder and Kidneys,successfully treated.—* Cure guaranteed Sixteen years* practice (six in thlscity)enableaDr.Bro*n to offer assurances of a speedy cure to adi who may come us* d m*r*h23Miw. Worms cveu In Adults. THE Adralnistratfou of B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMI FUGE has always been characterized with success, Bi ways producing in the feelings a marked change for tha better. Any one who tries it can safely confide in it, and the most delicate infant cannot be injured by its use. Adults, too, are frequently subject to worms in the .rectum and small intestines, which always Impair the health. Atoms, N. Y., June 2d, 1853. Ilcssrs. B. A. Fahntxlock & (Jo. Gemtlemes I have need two bottles of B. A. Fahnes tock’s Vermifuge, which I jjurchased from your agent; it had the desired effect in bringing away a large number of worms from my wife Ipurchased another vial and gave it to my child; it had the same effect, bringing away great numbers of worms. I therefore recommend it to the pub* lie as a sure remedy for worms. P. 81T3EK. Prepared and sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., corner First and Wood streets. j«nlC:d*w i T. J0UN8T0H....... Elcelslor Carriage Factory* JOHNSTON, BROTHER A CO., PRACTICAL COACH MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmontstreets, Alio* gbeDy city, Pa., have on hand and are manufacturing an extensive assortment of Carriages, Rockawnys, Buggies, Baffin* Cars, Ac., made in all their various styles, with strict regard to durability end beauty of finish, using in all their work the Janiatairon and eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They feel confident that all who may favor them with their patron age, will be perfectly satisfied on trial jf their work. The Pittsburgh aud Manchester Omnibuseß pass every fif teen minutesduriog the day. oct2s:ly Palmer’s Celebrated Epicurean Sauce,” STANDS PREEMINENT for flavoring Soups, Graving, Fish, Meat, Game, Ac. We advise all good housewives to try it. Prico 25 coats por bottle, at all Grocery and Fruit Stores in the United States and Canadas for sale by M’CLUAG and Q. H. IUmER, Pittsburgh. P. T WRIGHT & CO., 241 Market street, Philadelphia- JinlOdawly ts Notice* ALL PERSONS haring Books *r Certificates of Deposit against the undersigned, are requested to present the same at our office, for settlement. BOON A SARGENT. Pittsburgh, January 24*.h, 1855—(jan25 OWING to a steady drain upon our funds and an acca mulatlon of outside pressuro, together 'with tha ex treme difficulty of realizing our securities, we hare been compelled to suspend our business. Our creditors may rest confident that our entire indebt edness will ba fully paid, as we hare unquestionably a large surplus over our liabilities. KRAMER A RAHM. January 20,1855—£jap23 10,672 05 f|UIE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the stylo X. of “ KRAMER, WORK * YOUNG,” Philadelphia, is this day dissolved; Samuel Work, George Young and Wm. M’Coueh, purchasing the Interest of Kr*mer A Rahm in said firm. Tb« buFlnesa will bo continued bT *‘WORK. YOUNG A M’COUCH.” 3 * January 22, 1855. .v^ 3 t,?, eptlB !f ora iD , our °® ce . "ill please tall and rccelw their bills and notes left with us for collection. J an 23 KRAMER A .RAHM. 'Win* Dlgby, Jr.* V-J m/R ttrutf Pittsburgh.— Clothing made* to order; in good style, and at moderate rates. auddf R. A A. C. Duncan, nfTUOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in Produce, For fiLV 8 ? W M tte Ssf < Ji^ a 0M * 0U and Recti fied Whisky, No. 201 Liberty st, Pittsburgh, Pa. f [ygfty _ SUvtr Manufactory. 1 TOW'S, FORKS, XUiILKMS. Ac.—Reocciior n< Pxicta. “Owing to supexior facilities in manufacturlng my own work, we are now Belling at least 10 per cent, lower than me eastern cities, or elsewhere. All wort Is warranted. v £uter.—We also manufacture Spoons of the British sterling quality. . v • Watches and Watch repairing continued, with every fa* cutty and renewed determination to give entire satisfaction to customers, both os to price and the superior quality of the work. ? , W/W.%ILSuN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, corner of Market and Fourth, streets. PITTSBIIUGH COACH FACI'OItV. 11. BIOELOIT MAEIIS l. STIVIXS (KOMI AinisT- S_ Bigelow & Co., CCCESSORS TO E. M. BIGELOW, No. 40 es*ta> « Diamond alley, near Wood street. PitLsiVMsfeHirfV' burgb—COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUEA-MwSSI OT TONS, BOGGIE3, and OTory.deicrlption d[S£j!L fanry rehicles built to order, and flushed in n manner un surpiLaaal for beauty of design, elegance cf finish, skill o woritmanahip, and durability of materials, work warranted, I HAVE this day associated with me in the wholesale * r » an{ *Confectionary business, my son, T. XL An hereafter, from this date, November y « X 854, will be conducted under the name and style of J. 0. Anderson & Son. novlT OEEus, J*VH tiuTdJKDs.— friy scoci ol Bttua lor vuriy O sewing of the approved ai£d valuable Varieties, Is reedy tor distribution at the Seed and Implement Warehouse, Fifth atraot. f JanB| JAMES WABDKOP. ritO LET—6 good BRICK HOUSES, in different part# cf I the city. Call In time on THOMAS WOODS, jao2T T 5 Fourth street. - •' »"T '' medical; ~.D. T. JOIINSTOfI.... A CnrdL J. a ANDERSON.