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THTIRSDAY MORNING::::: K-..yja.<.-pim>rr Oood BBToBT.-rrGUrettbj r of Con-' neotiout, who Bits ia-CongroßS next to Toombs; r-, of Georgia, is frequently good paturedlyvradhy i- 1 thedUttor for hia abolition soptimenls. A ;fe|r days ago Toombs Said; “ Gillette,' they say you abolitionists ore angry at the Almighty lor making the nigger* black." “'Your informant;” retorted Gillette, “ is in error, and we are only "angry' at 1 - yon slaveholders for making' iherii -■■■■•" white." ’ , *' ’ Cakal Abodsd Niaqaea Faiis.— The D 0....■ ....■ troit Advertiser, is urging tho necessity of a - ship canal around Niagara Falls, on the Ameri can side, on the ground that the Welland canal has not sufficient capacity to dotho work that is to be done, more especially when the Sant St. Marie canal is opened—and when the reciproci ty treaty goes into fall effect. Removal fob Disobediehob of Obdies.— Gov. Gardner, of Massachusetts; has removed BeDj. F. Butlor, Esq., from hia command as col . duel of the 6th regiment of light infantry, be- cause of his refusal to execute the order com* - manding him to disband the foreign company conncotcd with hia regiment. - Olßlnghtm At Co.’a Transportation Una ■ aapa&a * gleii?g, *= 3ggl, TO AND JfftQM PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NKW yORK.—Tho Owners and Agents of said Line hare been for the pait/ourtecu years connected with the '•* old established XUngham’s Line.” They will give'their usual prompt attention to the forwarding of Produce, Mer* -ehaod&e, Ao* in the shortest time and on ns favorable - terms as any other Line. ■ JSi-Only one tranship cant between Pittsburgh, PhOa* delphia and Baltimore. f - GEO. BINGHAM A CO., Canal Basin, Liberty st* Pittsburgh. -BINGHAM, DAVIS A CO* Proaria tore. 376 Marhet ereet, Philadelphia, proprietors. JAMES WILSON, Agent, 121 North sL, Baltimore, 1L L* OSTRANDER, Agent, ■ 86 West New York. «PrT:t: BAKK SXCB&KGU, . HUM) STREET, BETWEEN. WOOD AND MARKET. rpllE.Subscribers beg .lcaTe to. inform thoir friends and ‘_l the public generally, that they have leased the -above •well known Restaurant, which his just been thoroughly renovated, repaired and re-furnished, and now open. The proprietors hare spared ho expense to make the Bank' Ex change a comfortable resort, cs.well for the epicure as the business man.., The larder will at.all times be stocked with the delicacies of the season, and served up under the auspi ces of experienced cooks. They respectfully ask for the patronage of a generous public. . J. SCIIANDELMEEEB, Q. B. FRANCIS. AOOUSTIO OIL, FOB DEAFNESS*—This Ear oil has the effect of relieving thcteosion, and bringing Into nso the natural action of the parts, bo os to restore the hearing when lost oz4mpaired. This is proved by bo many and well known cases, that, •where known, it needs no praise. Ail d* *f personsehooid use Larsetti’s Acoustic OH. It will re ) m at opeeT > Ay old an; imitations. Ask for L&rzettl’a Ae «i?tic Oil, and take no other. Sold by Jan 9 B. R CPTHBERT, 140 Third gtreot E SUBSCRIBERS heretofore doing business under the le of DAWBON, MOHAN k CO., in the manufacture I of Railroad Tools, Form and Garden Implements, will hereafter continue the same under the style of DA SV BON, NEWMYER A CO., at tho Empire Worksite the Ninth 'Ward, and Warehouse No. 22. Wood street. Either of us vfil attend to settling up the business. WM. DAWSON, . J. 8. NEWMYER. /Pittsburgh, January l,l£sS—naul:lm ; THE Interest of Mr. JOHN ATWELL in our businem ceases from this date by agreement. , Our business, os WHOLESALE GROCERS, will, bo continued by the remain* lug partners under the firm of RAGALEYt.OOSQRAVE k CO., No#. 18 and 20 wood.street, Pittsburgh. ■ BAOALSr, WOODWARD A CO., No. 221. Market street, Philadelphia. WJI. BAGALEY & CO. ■ ' Pittsburgh, December 19 th, 1854—Tdec22 I HAVE Bold mylntercst in the business of Long, Millar k Co., to 8. A. Long, who, with John Phillips, will con* Unue at the old stand, Fo. 109 Front street I cordially recommend the new firm to tho patronage of my friends. Pittsburgh, July 29,. 1854. P. IL MILLER. I..;lKWfl S» A, LC*N$ ELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND-GAS FITTERS, fl invite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Brackets, Pendants, and other fixtures. We fit up houses with Gas ahdEteam, mako Brass Caning? of all kind# to order, fur nish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, and-keep Anti* Attrition Metal constantly on hand. jy3l NOTICE TO GARDENERS.—PubIic Auction ot SoO Ho* bed Sash, and 400 Forcing Glasses, in withdrawing from the Market Garden. I will sell without reserve, on Thursday, February Ist,at 9 o’clock, A M n tho entire stock of Sash, and fixtures suitable for the fortingof early crops. Jao23 JAMES WARDROP, Manchester. BKLVIBBKB UKSTAUftArti i', WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. y~T|MIE Undersigned has junt. provided a choice stock of f 1/ LIQUORS. audl3Teady at all times to serve hia friends / ' :wlth (he beitof-theseason, in the way of edibles. Irish - - Whisky Tunches may be had at the UkiTibi&s. ienlitly ~ JQgN BAVAQB. Proprietor. TKE MARVEI/dNEW WORR-t-FUUGE U A. -I' Tony Fudge*! Record of the s'ameia forty cbftpt£rs»wUh J —GTrminiUu Tnrr-.r, r.i u •n.t., , 11 a a Washington radge,-from designs by Darhy ;_J2 vola, uniform ' with Reverie# of a Bachelor, Dream Life, 4 c. For sale by . 11. MINER S COT - No. 32 Smith street. WMi 2X.~W1LUAJ13.~~. ....... JA3. B. 21’VaT Win. U. Williams & Co., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, AT. £L Comer Wood and Third streets. All-transactions made on liberal terms. Collections Of Bills, Notes, promptly attended to. Jan26:lw Hill 4k Holliday, PRODUCE, FOIL WARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Evansville? la —Strict attention paid to all -oonstgnmentb for sale of Flour, Produce, Ac. Orders for tha purchase of Produce solicited awl proxnptlyaltendcd to. 'Hoods for re-fihipment forwarded with despatch. [ocßfcfim jZ’CONNfiLLft WILLOCii, BANKERS, A ND Dealers in Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold and Silver A Coin. Current and Par Funds recelvod on deposit. Stocks bought and sold on commission. Collections mad# at any point in the Uuited States. South East corner of Market and Fifth streets, _myU PITTSBURG!!, PA. Greatest laventlon qt the Age* Pfc TO AVOID those unpleasant feelings that usually /M accompany tho wearing of a new Hat, the COXFQtt- S,lfttely Imported from Parle, form a the Hat to the exact shape and sits of the head. A neat fit, and a good Bat may be had at 77 Wood street. aprß ■ * - -Ketmett Ale* TJfr .D. ENGLISH, Sole Bottler of SMITH'S celebrated Tf • Kennett Aieand Brown Stoot. Alec,Common Ale end Porter, in quart and pint bottles. The attention of families, and the trade, is respectfully solicited. • N i aul Ly Mineral Water and Sarsaparilla. D. ENGLISH, Pitt street, below Penn, Is cow f f manufacturing and bottleing the above beverages on itn extensive ecale. Hb articles are of the best quality,ned . nofactored from the purest materials. octl7;ly RESTAURANT AND EATING SALOON, OS TUB EASTERS PLAN, 29 Diamond alley, between Wood and Market streets.—All kinds of eatables served up m the best style, andim the shortest notice. House open from 6 o'clock in the morning until 12 o'clock at night. (Bundayg excepted.) octfrly Tre&aurar’a Ofllccof the V liar tiers Valley .Railroad Company. STJB&CBEBER3 to the above lload are hereby notified that the Board of: Directors hare called for a second install* mem of Fiva Doi per share, payable to the Treasurer oh the Ist Monday of JUNE, and also Five Dollars per ahare on the first Monday of each ensuing month, until the whole amount la paid. mySOitf t ALT AN WILKINS, Treasurer. rriEN MORE of those splendid Cloaks at $l2, usually sold JL at s2o,just opened by JanlS : A. A. MABON & CO. AETHUEB, EODGEEB & C 0„ au2.-6tn Plttsborgh, Pa« ~ Infractions in music* * lili B- WAMELANK would respectfully Inform his pupils XfJL an i friends that ho . will continue his prolesilon as instructor cn the PIANO FORTE and VOICE. A Orders leit rt Mr. KLEBKR’B Music Store, or at his resi* ■ denoe, No. 187 SECOND Street, will be promptly attended to, «u 5 Stores l stoves 11 btovealll COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, mas public rUI find it to their advantage to examine 1 our stoat of BXO V E fl, before purchasing elsewhere. CHAFF, BEISINGEa A CHAFF, . sap3o 124 Wood street. ' Boots and Shoes. - T MCLAUGHLIN, No. 96 Fourth street, nearly opposite 'f| • the Mayor’s Office,is manufacturing Gentlemen's firßt ' Boots, low Shoes, ties and buttoned; Congress and Button ed Ciitera; Ladies’ Boots, Halt Boots, Jenny Linds, Slip* pars, and French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and shade; . fancy Kid and Satin Gaiters, of the best material; Misses • and Children’s do, of every variety. - : • N. B.—AU kind* made to crd'.*vv on a hort pptiee, fsnlP NKW li'-KMiS. AT DAVIfcC.N ~ "near Fourtn. KuiJi Halt: by Fanny Fern. Amabel; a Family History. , FuigwDoing*: by Its Marvel. Life of ilartm Lather; beautifully Illustrated American and English editions. ——Words 4o a Young Communicant: by Dr. J. W. Alexander. Only a Dandelion, do., Ac: by the author of Flower of v Faihßy. • Parfali and Other Peneilllngfl: Klrwan. _Jeania Jtfdrrison. ifiuauuty In .the City: Chapin. iUTiTalSermoos; Ist eerics; Baker. Flamer’* Sermons to Children. Plumer's Tracts. - JttTenile Books for New Year. Ao, Ac. 4W29 - • J. 8. DAVISON. kooks History of the Ornsadea: tcolr C 'Tiffin of Atartin Luther^and the Reformation in Qcr wnr TheParablesof Krmnmachsr; with 29 illustrations. cShe Christian 7 * Dally Delight and Sacred Garland. The Camp Fires of the American Revolution. Tbs Great Red Dragon, or Master Key toPopery. The Archbishop, or Romanism in the United States. Afcoja, or Life and Lore in Norway. Renind the Scene, by Lady Bulwor Lytton. Glance at Europe: by Horace Greeley. Life in the Clearings ts. the Bosh. :. • Rohghlng It In the Bosh: by .Mrs. Hoodie. And numerous other works, ior sale by B. T. C. MORGAN, t ;No, 104 Wood street itOUil TO LET, situated on Tiiird street. Also, Dwelling House, on Carpenters alley; and one on Logaastreet. Immediate possession of the abore can be Had. 8. OUTHBERT A SON, Beal Estate Agents, 140 Third street *JV,I ISfIiSS! OOITAGfi BEDSTEADS—Of various sizes, fin* IYL lahed and for sale by iiecia - . . • T. B. YOUNG k CO. , lINB MAHOGANY TTAKDBOBJIS—UeiuOraI patters - Otth*od« tolahed* - [dcol2] T. D. YOUNG A CO. L~ tRfIK WALNOT BQOK~OASESr—ifinlßhed and in ware room. rdcciai T. B. TOUNQ & CO. S' TUAKI’S K: Y. BBOKISIf CANDY—In pound ana half pound packages, assorted, for sale ty ■ ■ dec23 . . _ . . ■. W» A. M MULISH FEBRUARY 8. Notice* Notice. Notice* ~J3O» Pamirs. .MA&CCB B. HOLLLDA X. WM. DOUGLAS. No. 06 Market etreet, jbls Ibrsaiaby - . yLKHIN(}BBO£ XJ&D~26 ■■ INSURANCE COMPANIES. ’ DBi.AWAJtE. HBTOAE. SAFETY IHSUBAHCE COHPASY. 1 ““ Exch. OIUMER PEKTETOAL. CAPITAL $250,000. „ Office, -S. 'E. Comer of Third and Chetlnul ' Street), Philadelphia. Officer! of the Hone Board at Philadelphia! Liaxcroas. Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, La wren ea Johnson, Benjamin W. Tingley, Geo. JPHenry, Jacob L. Fioronco, Jamas Derereux, William 51. Godwin, mUiam il’Kea. President-* Stephen R, Crawford. Vic* President— Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Examiner, Pittsburgh— ‘James U. Willson, M. D. Allegheny City —R. B. Mo wry, 51. i>. GKO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, znarl7:y No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. The FranhUn Fire Insurance Company, Of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. DmEOTOnS—Charles V. Biockcr, Thomas Hart, Tobias. Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jooob li. Smith, Geo. W. Rich* ards, Moniecti D.-Lewis, Adolphi E. Boris, David 8. Browne, Morris Patterson. Ciias. N. Bajcxxn, President Cm 3. G._BAKC£Ei, Sardary. Continue to mate insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as aro consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fond, which, with their capital and premiums, safety invested, af* ford ample protoctlcu to the assured. The Assets uf the Company* oa January Ist, 1851, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, vis: Mortgage .. .. $918,128 A 3 Real Estate .. 84,377 78 Temporary Loans 63,966 17 Stocks 61,659 CO ». _ 64,316 81 TotaL... .. ~ . 44 Since their Incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they hate paid upward of Ono Million Four Hundred Thou* mmi-Doliar*. i.-ir <•* evidence of the advantages of insurance, a 3 well as the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, *pS4 OGc*. nortb-eset cor. Wood aud Tliirdsts. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, OF \ 7 HARTFORD,'CONN., Capital Stock, Annual Premium and Western Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1826. ?. Policies of Insurance issued at till time 3 on tho most favora ble terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, OS THI PERILS OF NAVIGATION. BY GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent FOR PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY COUNTY. marlG :y Western lueuranco Company, Pittsburgh. R. MILLER, Jr., President. | F. M. GORDON, Secretary {CAPITAL, 3300,000, \ITILL Inshre against all kinds of risks, FIRE and MA f F BINE. All losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A liomolnstltution, managed by Diuctom who are well known In the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain tho character which they haTe assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desir* to be insured. Directors.—R. Miller, Jr.,O.W. Rickctson, J.W.Butler, R.llolmes, Jr., W. n. Smith, G.rhmsen, George W. Jackson, Wm. M.Lyon, James Lippcccott,George Darsie, James Me- Auley, Alexander Nlmlck,Thoina» Scott. 1535» Office, No. 02 Water street, (Warehouseof Spang ft Co., up stairs,) Pittsburgh. nov24:ly William A. Ilili ft Co., BANKEUB, Ko. 64 Wuod street, Pittsburgh. HOLD on sale tho following BOND 3 AND STUCKS> 49 shares Exchange Dank ; 17 do Monongabebi Navigation Company; 20 do Citizens’lnsurance Company; $2,000 Moconguhela Navigation Company Bonds; $%OOO City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $6,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. PITTSBURGH RIDING SCHOOL, BOBSRT H. PATTEESON, Proprietor, 9 CORNER OF DIAHO.fi) STREET AND CHERRY ALLEY. rpHE subscriber respectfully announces to the Ladles and X Gentlemen cf Pittsburgh, that he has recently erected a ill DIN Q SCHOOL, which, in point of size, commodious uesa and adaptation, undeniably excels any similar estab lishment in the United States. Its location 1b accessible from all parts of the chy, while its high and airy situation renders it especially suited to the promotion of health, by this most agreeable exercise. The Horses are docile and well trained, and tbs proprietor pledges himself that no pains or expense will be spared to make this establishment the first in the co&fldeaco of the poblio, ocefibtf Sew Year’s Presents for Ladles. HAVING sold out my entire stock of old Collars, (the • rosolt of a'combination of the Ladles,) I have receirod this morning 200 fine Swiss, French, and Jaconet Collars, which are out for one week only, on commission, cons©* quently they must and t ottl be sold at prices so low as to tmoblo every body to buy their friends some for Now Years. The lot of Collars are ordered to be sold at not what tbey .are wortb,but whatever they will bring. As this Is the lost week, Ihoso persons intending to purebaso anything In this line will find it to their interest to call Boon at Van Gorder’s Trimming Store, and make their selections, FRANK VAN GORDKIt, doc 27 No. 83 Market stroot, corner of the Diamond. Steamboat Furniture and Chalri, Wil are constantly engaged In the manufacture of STKAMUOAT CABIN CIIAIH3 and FUttXITURK, of every '*** s description, and nay particular attention to tho manufacture of the best style?, suitable for the use of Steamboats. Our crpcrlonno in this branch of the busl* ness enables us to warrant satisfaction, os well with the promptitude iu-which orders ore tilled, us In tho quality of the work und personal attention giveu to tho llttlng out. Those interested in lurnlshiug lloata, will find it to their advantage to give us a call, JSHI riniK ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF LALIES la invited to X the IIERPATIO SOAP, prepared by the subscriber from the recipe of ft London Chemist, and used for rendering tbe 6kin smooth, soft und delicately vr hlto, removing Salloimuas, Pimples, Tun, Cutaneous Eruptions, and redness of the skin/ All ctaps, chafe*, dc„ on the hands, axe healed by it. It has been used with great success in cases of Scald Head. For the euro of sore, rough hands, it in unrivalled. Price cents n cake; or in boxes, for family use. containing one dozen cakes, per box. Sold wholesale and roLan S. £. CUT ALBERT, -No. 140 Third st. CHINA. UALb, MARKET STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH BTREETS, STRANGERS VISITING THE OITY SHOULD CALL IN to see the beautiful assortment of CHINA. GLASS and. Q TJEKNBWA HE, now open at the above establish ment* Our- goods being entirely new, we are enabled to offer Inducements in all tho latest styles of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Ware,.whlte iron-stone, we have a great variety of shapes; also, gold band and fancy colored stone ware Tea and Toilet sets. Our stock of white Covered Dishes, Soup Tureens, Vegetable Dishes without covers, Salad Dishes, and every article appertaining to a Dinner Set is large and well selected, lintanni& Ware, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Castors, Waiters, and House furnishing Goods, we have a large assortment. COMMON WARE—Our stock of common Teas, Flatus, Dishes, Bakers, Nappies, Bewls, Pitchers, and every article in the line Is large, and we ore prepared to pack them with or without flno goods, as the purchaser may wish. . Also, a large assortment of all kinds of GLASS WARE, which we am selling at manufacturers’ prices, all of which .are offered at wholesale or retail, by octSQ JOHN J. O’LEARY. HEATING STOVES —We would call the attention of the public-to our assortment of HEATING STOVES, of the most desirable patterns, bultable for stores, offices, par lors, steamboats, and every situation where a first rate. Heating Stove may be required. We offer an assortment superior in style ©r design, beauty of finish, and practical utility, to any establishment of the kind in the city. Give us a call. GHAFF, BEISINGER A GEAFtf, «ep2B 124 Wood street. ■nfnrlrmnrt Sugar Cored Beufroc^vcd4*j .. r ? *r BANKERS AND BROKERS. EXCHAFOE AHD BAHXIUS HOUSE A) TniiElSS ft co«, - UNITED.STATES BANK BBII.DINQ, ,Jio. «6-71*Ea Ij'otrtUi Street, PITTSBURGH, PA.-. r : ! - Domestic-Exchange, Coin, Banh Notes JC and Lana Warrants longht and sola. CollecUoimma.l6 throughout the Onion. Bastocfs papet'iihcountcd an A locua negotiated.. Stocks bought and sold on. commission. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed when left for a specified time. . doc 3 - Rflaoval. i_PATBICKB & FBTEHD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Hate Semoved their OJJlce to the Cbmcr of Fifth and Wood sir. • : PirisucEfla, pa. PATRICKS & FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sliver and-Bank Notes. Exchanges ontho Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout tho United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the comer of Fifth and Wood Streets. ffehG $627,470 53 havi nxxovzn Tnzm nurnuG Am> sxcnmai omes to so. 67 MASITT 6TBXS7, VO OH POORS BBIOW OLD STAM>. N HOLMES A SONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokern, • and Dealers in Notes,- Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. [jaSOgy ’ 3AS. a* BOON,— ...lues. BA&Qrar. HOON & SAEGEHT, . BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, If. 9. COBSXE or TTOOU * SIXTH ST3., rUTSIUmaiI, ?&. DEALERS in Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills, Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Certificates of Deposit, Ac. Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, for solo in sums to suit purchasers. Current and par funds received on deposit. Collections made on all parts of the Union, at the loirest rates. . , (saplitlT P. A. MADERU, Agent, 95 Water street, Pittsburgh. TIEUNAN 6 CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. No, 65 Wood Street, comer of Diamond Auty, riTTßßuaon,rA n BUY AND SELL Bank Notea sod Coin? Discount time exchange, anil promissory notes; mako collections in all the principal cities of tho Union. Receive deposits on call and ou interest, and 'give their prompt attention to all other matters appertainlngto a Broker’s business. Eastern Exchange constantly on hand. marfl 5209,010 51 135,250 50 1,91619 lOO,OOO 00 $448483 £0 87,864 58 BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKEE, $363,319 70 $101,481 98 179,010 61 17,820 21 [>ep6:dluAWtf T. B. YOUNG ft CO. H. HOLMES & SONS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, JOHN WOODS, MiLsn w Exchango, Commercial and Bank Notes. STOCK bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. £2-No. 53% Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. Bank. dec!B HILL & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, coLHtn or woon axd nrra smurs. SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for sale. Time Bills ot Exchange and Notes discounted.— Gold, Silver and Bonk Notes, bought and sold. Collections made in oil the principal cities of the United States. De* posits received of Par and Current Funds. [marUTly ALUCf gniyint, XOWAED &AUST, VLCBSXCS kiIAUXA. KRAMER & BAUM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUY AND BELL Gobi* Silver, and Bank Notes;negotiate Loans on Real Estate or Stock Securities; purchase Promlssary Notes and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and sail Stocks ou Commission. Collections made on ail points lu the Union. fmyl G. E. AHJTOLD b CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Bight and Time Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any port of the Union. Stock* bought and sold on commission. t&»No. 71 fourth st, next door to Bank of PittsVg. [s«l3 EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE Of A. WILKINS & CO., No. 75 FounTxx Bmn, Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh, jans PittSstjbss. Domestic and Foreign Exchange, Sank Holes, Gold and Silver ■ Bought Sold and Exchanged, at Ike EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE Of WILLIAM A. HILL A CO., 64 troon erats?, m7SOTnon. ti%.lnteregt alloyed oa timg deposits. [ jan!2 vnonrsoa sol. THOMPSON BELL A CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner of Third and TPood streets, Pittsburgh, Fa: THOMAS WOODS, BROKER,-© ' ASD DUIQ! ITT Notes, Bondii Stock*, Real Estate, Ac., Ho. 75 Fourth xL, Pittsburgh, Pa, [ja»2 HOTELS. CITY HOTEL, (UTE BROWa’O Corner of SmlthHeld and Third streets, PITTSBURGH , PA. GLASS & CARR, Proprietors. JOHN P. GLASS, DAN. D. CARR, (l&U USUt.) {L*t* St. CiaiLw A Vtrtj THIS large and commodious Hou?a having undergone thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, is now open for the reception of thu traveling public. CtiACQES holeiutk. apr'X^Gm ST. CLAIR HOTEL, (FORMERLY THE EXCHANGE,) PITTSBURGH, Penn and St. Clair streets, C. W. BENNETT Proprietor. oJX3“Thlst3 a first clars house, between the Railroad De pots; the rooms arc largo and newly furnished, and charges moderate. sprH:lyd£w O WSTUS’S. WAYIiRLEY HOUSE, 50 South Eighth street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia. [au^hy THE UflHO.l, NO. 11l Arch street Philadelphia. T. S.WEBB (late of tho Ragle,) Proprietor. jau’-Shy GAHKLLL HUIiSU, COSHER OF MAIN AND SOUTH STS, WARREN, O- I'HE Proprietor takes pleasure in announcing to the public that this new and-elvgont Hotel has been opened oa a bouse of entertainment. Being commodious and roomy, and adjoining the ottlce of the Ohio Stage Company,it offers inducements unsurpassed Uf-W-ttfren for thu accommoda tion of the traveling community. - A share of pabiic patronage U respectfully solicited. aul7 M. UASRILL. n „ _ FRANKLIN CHESTNUT STREET, AIkAE TIUKD, PHILADELPHIA. FAItKEU A LAIRD, Proprietors. Jyl&:3m] TERMS $1,50 PKtt DAY. 21cJdlLLAN tlOVoh, 1 JOHNSTOWN, PENN A. undersigned haring taken charge of the abore 1, named House, and rctitted it at a large eapeuse, m a comfortabie as well as elegant style, is now prepared to re ceire guests, and give ample satisfaction to ait who may pa runtse the House. |guB:tf •{ JAMES DoWft'BV. .HARE’S HOTEL, ! ; fLate Fanner’s Exchange,! NO. 133 LIBERTY STREET, foot of Puth street, Pitts burgh. BAMUKL HARE, Proprietor. This Hotel Ls entirely new, baring just boon completed rdu opened for the accommodation of the public, (eepl3 THE GLEN HOTEL 18 NOW HEADY FOR SUMMER VISITERS. The grounds hare been improved, su'd the House rendered more attractive, generally. The proprietor will be happy to aeu his friends. 4E3* An Omnibus of iho Excelsior Lino is now running front the station, on Fifth street, to the GLEN HOTEL. Leaves the fitatioant 8 o’clock, A. M«, and 6 F. return* log at B A. &L, and 6% P. M. jel£:om FIIANRLIN UOUHK, Cleveland, Oliio. Cl I’AI'JUUK A SON, l'auriULiaiLa.—This House has un- J» dergonc thorough and cxtcnsiTo repairs, alteration*, aod largo additions of new furniture, eUL, and tho proprie tors pledge themselves that nothing shall bo wanting on their part to render the Foankuk a place where all tho com* forts of a first class hotel can be found. jy*:tf a PATRICK A SON."- FhORKSChi UOThL, NO. 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (CONDUCTED ON TUX EUROPEAN rtAN.) REUBEN LOVEJOY, KIJLEY’S HOTEL,: CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT STREETS, Pittsburgh, pa. myYQ?] E. RILEY, Proprietor, . J. M'iUST£BS,JR^AU’T.............. „ H. UAAKU PEKIiY HOTEL, conibr of Hancock streotand Dutjuesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. mar4:y ii.cALABT.SII3 & MARKLE, Proprietor. REST AU RAN To. CORNUCOPIA AJSI) COFFEE HOtJSE.-C* D. BABHABD. Mo. 40, F\flh Sired, between if bed and Market. JaiilO:lyj ntiacpsaa. CRYST A L PALACE. No* IB Market street* 1 C. C. SEELY,; \ RESPECTFULLY informs hia friondsanclthe foJpublio In geueral, that he has just started his New York-and Philadelphia modern stylo ol COOKING OYBTEltband everything else in the eating line. Oysters in the Shell or Stowed, for 12l£ cents a doien. lie will also furnish tho best of everything that the market will afford. House always open until 3 o'clock In the morning. ' mar!3»tf OYSTER SALOON AND RESTAUUANTI 108 W 001) STKEET. THE subscriber bos now bis OYSTKii SALOON AND iiATING 110UBJ5 perfected in a manner that cannot be exceled by any eimilar establishment in tbe city. MJULDYILL UK BEUVJ&D UY AT ALL 2IOUSB 01 TKH DAY, from the Choicest Meats* Fowls, Fish, Ac., Aci Hiß BUI of Fare cannot bo surpassed, und ho would respect* folly invite tbe attention of tne public to it. OUABLKS STILL, luS Wood street. JaSOnftaetf St. Clair Lmg«r lieer Brewery* THE undersigned respectfully Informs Uio public that he is now fully prepared to serve private families and the public generally, with his celebrated LAG 1211 BEER, In bottles. All orders left at Ms Office, NO. 39 DIAMOND ALLEY, (near Wood street,) will be punctually attended to; and the Beer delivered to any part of the city or vicinity. je3B:tf F. G. SOHKNCK. Bentta’ Lager Beer Hall, JVb. 103 Bm,itt\fi*ld street, opposite the Custom House. rLB subscriber has just opened one of the largest an] best finished Lager Beer Halls in the city. UisßeerH acknowledged to be a superior article, and every other ac commodation about his house cannot be excelled, nutria A. BENITZ. Notice* THE Partnership of JOiINTd’DEYITT it BRO. was dis solved on the first inst. John M’DeTitt will continue the business at tho old stand, and attend to tho settlement of the business of the late firm. Pittsburgh, January 3d, 18> KOUKKT H. PATTERSON’S «£)_*. LIVERY AND SALE Corner Diamond street and Cberry alley, »prl4?tf PITTSBURGH, PA. FLANNELS/— A. A. BIABON A CU» have on lmnda very large of red. white and. yellow all wool Flannels. Also, the best qualities of Welsh and SiUc Flan* cels, which will he sold at reduced prices. ' no? 6 ■ r -vr I *':'-'"I-?,-. Prices to fluit alll—Dry Goods* , > A of GrantimdFifihstreets,ha*-just received and Is now opening* Mafirat yaii stocks, tor this season/'The. attention of'ladies is respectfully directed to-Uibfollowing prices: *' Pino Fxeneh Heriaocs.at 75c; srl wido-Earametos 25c; -i : largo assortment of Do Coze at 12c; fast colored Prints 0%; 50U pieces Flannels at 15c up;'.yard wide Shooting nil vrcolDelalQS‘at23c. Kontuckj janes, tweeds :and satti*. nets from 13# up, checks, tickings, mu&linv linens, crash, tablecloths, nil wool ptoidsjl blankets, shawls, ribbons and every other article usually hopt in a Dry Goods Store, allcf which will be sold for cizs/t at prices to salt the times. ” : A: iI’TIGHE, •- eop7 corner G rant and Filth streets. Slew Arrival of Spring and Sommer Dry D GREGG A CO., Importers and Jobbers in British, • French nod UenmtnDßY GOODS. Having receiv* edour large and extenslve"Btock'Of spring and- summer goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and part through our oftn importation, we feel safe in assuring our old.customers, country merchants and city dealers general* ly, that owingtto these acquired facilities in purchasing, wu can offer euch inducements to buyers as ore rarely met with in. the trade. Among our dry goods stock will be found cashmeres, de* loinus. Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs,, mohair lustres, alpacas, plain black and fancy figured silks, ginghams andfancy prints,latest Btyles; broadcloths, fancy vestings, camdmeres, satinets, tweeds and summer panta* loonlng; brown and black muslins, table diapers: We have also opened & very large assortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats. Rutland braid and Leghorn, and an extensive variety’ of hosiery, gloves and ribbons;, with lace goods, fancy neUings, jaconetts,muil and figured Swiss mushes and black eilk veils, 4c.. Our variety stock embrace* ih part combs, buttons,'per* crus Hi on caps, threads, port monaics, patent medicines, per* turnery, and almost,atary artlsle usually kept-in the-vo*’ riety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver watches, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and a grout variety of 31) honr and’B day docks, ad of which will be sold et the'lowest prices for cash oreaUwactoryreference. N. 15.—An early call from buyers is respectfully solicited,' feb-'O D. GREGG & Ot). - GKRAIV BARGAINS XN DRY GOODS AT A. liTTIGHE’S NEW STORE, - CORNER OF GRANT AND FINM STREETS. BAYING THIS DAY OPENED MY NEW STuRE, I beg leave to call tne; attention of the Ladles to the largo and splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER QOoDS, just received. Among the stock may .be found some ot iho very lineal goods no w imported. It comprises, In part, * .; 200 pieces black and fancy Dress Silks, 50 cts.to $2 per yd 500 do Mous. do Lathes, Barcgedo Laines,and Mousse*. llnsdoßttge; ' 200 do Beautiful Buteges and Tissues, in greatvariety; 250 do New Style DreeS Ginghams;- 2000 do American, French and English Prints; 500 do French and English Lawns; 2000 French Collars, from 12% cents to $5,00; 200 Mantillas, of the latest styles, among whkb axe eon< of the most beautifal imported into.ihls country. Also, Muslins, lickings, Checks, Linens, Crash, Diapers, Table Cloths, Gentlemen’s Wear, 6c. TRIMMINGS.—In this department wlu be found a'com plsto assortment ox Dress and Mantilla Trimmings, Maltose and Uoniton L&oe, fine English end Thread Lace; all of which will be sold unusually low. Ton bales yard wide Muslin at six cents per yard. my 3 A. M’TIGHE. , HEW DRY GOODS STOKE. Iron FrontMflo.pi Market street* OU R house being now open lor tho transaction of a gener al Dry Goods business. We would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, feeUngeonfidentthat,from ourex tcnslfe and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we can offer such Inducements as will In sure entire raiisfaetion. HAGAN 6 AHL, apr-Ltf Noa. 91 Market and 3 Union street. 1 CLOTHING STORE! JOHN JPCLOSKEY & CO., IjtOUMKULY of the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty 1 street, which has won an unbounded popularity under ha name of the THREE 810 DOORS, have, for the pur pose of acquiring more space for their immense business, removed to the spacious building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET,. Where they bars now the most . SPLENDID STOCK Of CLOTHS! READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever been offered to the public. Thclrprindpalobjcctfor this removal,is to give them more facilities for th» ._J.VO. A. CACQHXT. WHOLESALE TRADE. They are prepared to sell Goods at the L O IF E ST EASTERN PRICES / And they will warrant them to be as good as any manu factured in the Union. They have on hand a full and beautiful assortment o! LOTUS and COATINGS, for FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BUSI Our interests are identical with those of our customers, and we assure the public that oux fidelity will not fail in filling all orders we may be favored with,' *3-DON’T FORGET TILE PLACE— V JMo- 8§ W®©d Street, (SA3T BIDE,) OOEHEU Of DIiHOUD ALLEY. N. B.—We dofireour patrons to understand tha two have, no longer any connection with tho Clothing Business on Liberty street. Our attention is devoted exclusively to the House above designated. mar 23 JOHN M’CLOSgEY A CO. Full and Winter Goods I Me dm on ©"watts, KkCUAM TAiLoii, i\o. l&o LLb fißTloTitE ET.— 1 hare now on hand a large stock of Pali and Winter Gov Os. OvciCuaciogSjOf entirely now designs; plash Vest lags, of thy most beautiful patWrua; French and English Ga.-i.hacrv*, of uvery style and shade iu tho market, ail of which I will make to order on tho most reasonable terras, and warranted to suit. oet-i JUST RECEIVED AT JOHN McCLOcK.LV 4 CO’S Whole sale Clothing Warehouse, N 0.83 Wood street, and coraer of Diamond, alley, tho largest and most varied stock of goods that this celebrated house has ever had the pleasure of Invltingtheatteaticnofthepublicto. These goods hare been purchased from first hails, and, consequently, no second profit on them, which Icotcs us able to say that we con and do sell at as small profits us any house in tho east ern cities. Therefore, wo respectfully invite the attention of wholesale dealers and country merchants, In general, to give us a call, and examine oar extensive assortment of READY MADE OIA iiIJLNG. It is almost impossible to enumerate the quant' y cl immense piles of garments that is to be seen at this It i establishment; it is sufficient to ear that it Las never t.mcquuiled by tho house itself. marlunf JuilN McCLOSILEY A CO. SAUlUldli Gi&AY, MERCHANT TAILOR. [NO. *1 ST. CLAIM HOTEL BUILDINGS, si. CLAta Knurr, -pittsuchgu. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING made exclusively to order, and warranted to suit. Has constantly on--hand a Choice assortment of CLOTHS, CAS3IMERE&, VESTINGS, the lateststyles, selected expressly for the custom trade. " Gentlemen leaving theirordere, will have their wishes consulted and complied with, os all work is deno under his own supervision. . . novl2 Viothiosl Clotiiingl rIE undersigned respectfully informshis friends and the publio that be is now receiving at his store, No. 177 Lib erty street, a choice assortment of Cloths, CaEsimeres and Vestings, of tho latest aud most desirable styles, which he la prepared to mako to order in the most fashionable man ner, at short notice, and on tho most reasonable terms. Wo have also on hand a large and well manufactured stock of readyinado Clothing, to which we invito the attention of buyers, either wholesale or rotaiL Persona who purchase goods for cash, will find it to their f drantage to call at 177 Liberty street, before making their purchases. fmarbj C. CONNER. Hew Clothing store, NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. THE subscriber has just opened this new establishment, where ho has always on hand a large and choice assort mootof all articles of CLOTHING, which he warrants equal to any in tho city, and will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. The public are requested to give him a calL Piar9:ly B. OPPENIIEIMEB. J. 0. MARTIN, Agent, WE Invite the attention of citizens and strangers toour large and carefully selected stock of Wutchus and Clocks; Railroad Time-keepers, In gold aud silver cases; real Chronometers for the pocket, warranted not to vary a minute in six inonthß, Patent Lever Watches, fnjm $l2 to $220; a targe assortment of good common or iow priced Wutches, both in gold and sliver'doses. Also, Railroad Station Regulators, Office Clocks, Church Clocks, Ac. Wstoi Kspaiiunq. —We do Watch Repairing In a man ner not excelled, If equoliod, by any establishment in the State. W. IV. WILSON, pep 13 corner of Market and Fourth streets. PROPRIETOR. CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! Ffeifle «& SUyrau, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, 4c., No. 42 FIFTH Street, near Wood, opposite tho Morning Post, formerly occu- CfißUgnpled by L. Relneman 4 Co. We have now hand a splendid assortment of $ day and 24 hour Clocks, which we otfer to the public at great bargains, such os: Iron cases, pearl Inlaid and all other patterns of Mantel Clocks. Also, a rich assortment of fine gold and silver patent lever, cylinder, and anchor escapmunt Watches, and an ele gant stock of Jewelry and Silverware, which we Intend to sell cheap for cosh. (I. B. Watch repairing done In tho best manner and at low prices, and warranted. mar2s NEW JEWEL BY STORE. No. 87 Market Street, (Second door above the tforth-wat corner qf the Diamond.) JOHN STEVENSON, (or the late firm of John B. M’Fadden & C 0.,) respectfully announces to the public, thn t he has opened, at the above stand, a lino assortment of WATOHEB, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, LAMPS, GI RANDOLES, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Britannia Tea and CbmmunionNcte,and the usual variety of goods in his line of business. Bpecial care and attention given to the REPAIR of FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, 4c. He trusts, that from his long experience in business, he will bo ableto give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronnge. • Pittsburgh, May 16th, 1863. - my3s Henry IXlctiardsoa, Jeweller, HAVING re-fitted his storeifi'a handsome manner, and bat recently returned from the eastern cities with a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of his friends uhd custom ers to tho fact that among his Watches will be found the most desirable styles, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Pins, Fob.and Vest Chains, linger Kings, Ear Rings; Miniature Lockets, etc., etc. FANCY GOOD&—Such as Papier Macho, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fahey Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mats, Colt’s Pistols, Porto Monnaies in great variety; China Fruit and Cake Dishes; with on endless variety of-useful and or namental articles, which have only-to be seen to be appro bated. [novlj NO. 81 MARKET STREET. FINE WATCHES AND RICH GOLD JEWELRY AT BARGAINS.—We wish to inform the public that we ere now offering our present stock of fine Watches and Jew elry, at prices that cannot be beat. Therefore, we say to one and all, yon that wish to bay fine Watches and Jewel ry, give us a call,and save from 25 to 60 -per cent In your purchases; whivh you can certainly do by calling at 67 Market street; - . N.B.—Watch repairing attended to In allita branches, In a superior manner. 'Gold Jewelry repaired or manufac tured to ©rderat short notice, at- • Je7 - HOOD’S, 67 Market st JOHN M’DEVTTT, WILLIAM M'DEYITT. 6—{jan4 Cimmtotci’* L«o(in Office, VTO. 100 SMITHMEED STREET, NEAR FIFTH/ Xl Money loaned on Gold and Silver Watches; Silvers are . and other, valuable articles. - -- a ul-Lilly WATCHiiiS— KEDOGTiUN IN FitiU-CS.—GhUens and strangers can now -buy Watches at my establish' ment cheaper, than usually found in the eastern cities, and hare a reliable guaranty as to excellence and time-Seeping qualities. A very large assortment now in store. Watch repairing of every, description, fine wort, done in a superior manner, and warranted. , W. W. WILSOIf. . - &<>! CT ilMhctrtewt,OMMrofFo*rtb. ~ DBX ■ Goods. AT No. 69 N. W.'BIDE OP WOOD STREET. CLOTHING. CUSTOM AVORK» IS THE BI3T ST*L*,AXD CTOS THE SUOaTLSTHOtIC*. NESS COATS. *•I2W SPUING GOODS. WATCHES, EWEhRY, &c. Watoh Trade* . FURNITURE. ' JAKIBB W; WOOBWELIi. I CABINET FZTNNTTVTKD irANVFACTXTBEB. Ware-room* 97 Arid 9DTlil*ilfltrcctrj W. MSpectfully Inlbrza*a .... ' his friends oad-cnstoiaers that ho u|L'. hxLSnow completed his springstock which Isdeodedly * T f. the largest and best eyeroffered for ode in this City, which will be eold at prices as low aa ony lathe UnltedStatos,' East or West;.-- ... . •- -*/• j As lie is determined to uphold the quality with well ed* Boned materials, best workmanship,andnewest deslgnsjknd from the extant of hip orders ppd facility fa TnynqfacfcnrlDgv ■ he ia enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. ... • * .<„• ; -, . Be has adopted the principle of identifying his customers’ Interest with his own, In quality and price, and heaps 41- : ways on ‘hand the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from £he cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant end costly, that a house, or any part of one, xhsy brf furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly io cru der; The following articles consist. In part, of bis stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be Surpassed • ! in any of the Eastern caties: . Louis JjLTV tetea-tqte Sofas; 60 Sofas, in piush o&d hair doth; v “ 60 doz. Mahogany Chain: - ... - 20 dos. Walnut « 60 Mahogany RraMntf « 20 Walnut « <* 60 Mahogany Divans; 20Walnut « 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 • ** tC Dressing Bureaus SO tl *< Washstandsjj 40 Enclosed J 100 Common «« 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; • ? ■ 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut « ' “tOCottuige ,r J • • £OO Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; ' • 20 Mahoganv Wardrobes: 10 Walnut “ : - 10 Cherry “ “60 Plain Bureaus; BrO Dining and Breakfast Tables f 12 Secretary andDookdwca; £2O dos. Cane Beat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Booking Chaim 12 Ladles’Writing Desks; Bat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Ktiguirsfr, ... Paper Macho Tables: Conversation Chalrr; Pembroke “ Elizabethan “ Ball and Tier ** Reception “ Ladies’ Work u Pearl Inlaid M Extension Dining Tables; _ , ** Ottomans; f Gothic and Ball Chairs; S£A large of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS,. Cxamry Mur-raa Tippling «itl nr. tides in their line, ... - • ; STEAMBOATS and HOTEXjL famished at the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended toi Steamboats, Alloy-! ( Tni subscribers tender their acknow-lijai;. thefavors bestowed uponWL* “=22saasaßthem by their Steamboat friends, and KPg_ would respectfully remind them and others interest* f a * .f lin. 1in . building boats, thaUhey are at all times prepared to .furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work manship. T. B. YOUNG * C 0„ ' . .... ... Corner Third and Smitbfleld streets, : Jyl2, 63 opposite u ßrown’sHotel” Jaiaei Lowry, Jr« - AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURES—No. 294 \j Jetterman’s Bow, liberty street, has on hand a large stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, made of the best materials, which he will cell lower articles of the same quality can be sold in the city. He would call par ticular attention to his large Stock nf Mflbntwiywd Chairs and Bedsteads, which he will ’ sell at greatly reduced prices. Also, Turning ot every description executed in the neatest manner. Orders left at the Ware Booms, or at the Mill .corner of Adams and Liberty streets, will be promptly ~ A. HILLIKEN Cb CO.. " TTAVE ON HAND at their extensive CABINET end XX' CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. 64 -flmtthfioM street, e large assortment of fancy end plain furniture, which they will sell 16 per cent, below customary rates. Terms—cash only. . . dccgftly • Great Inducement* to Gash purchasers* WE will Mil our large stock of COMMON AND FANCY CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fail to please cash purchasers. All cur work is warranted. Our terms aw CASH. JAMES LOWBY, JR, mar2s cor. Sfiventhtand Liberty ets. f?\ WM. B. STEVENSON continues to manufacture vL CABINET-W ARE of every description, at hla old stand, PMcorner of Liberty and Seventh streets. UNDBRTAK * 8 “ING attended to, in all its branches. • my 11 , HAKBUKG PIANOS. A NOTHER liOT of those so justly celebrated HAMBURG jLjl PIANOS, used by Lists, Thalbenr»and other great per formers, has Just been receired by CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 118 Wood street, to whieh tho attention of Teachers, Principals of Seminaries, and the publio generally.is re-' spectfully invited. Yo. 4901, 7 octavo Rosewood, Louis XIV, full carved back and front, grand action, with patent iron frame and eliding music desk, SSCO. No. 6023,7 octave Rosewood, carved baok tmfl front, pat ent iron frame and sliding desk, $660. No, 6029,7 octave Rosewood, full carved iron frame. $6OO 8315*7 “ ** carved, pearl keys, COO 8093.7 “ “ carved, 460 4912, G9£ w ** carved, 400 8070.7 “ ' “ Louis XIV. 600 8176,6*f“ « carved, 400 0048.“ « full round corners, 575 6047, fcS? « « “ 850 4150,6 }?.<' « « sUding desk, 300 4151, 6*s « « « « goO 2324.6 “ u iron frame, “ 276 2326.6 “ « « « 275 2320.6 « « « « «p 75 3396, u « ** 2K) S3BO, a u u 2CO 4925.6 « eliding desk, 250 4927,0 “ **- •' iron frame, 250 4930, C 230 4931,0 « 225 ** Boudoir, 375 Al&ysolaagent for Pittsburgh ond Western Ponnsylva nJSjlbr^Hallet.Davia& Boston; Haines, Bros. A Co., N. r X'4 AttU*. v.'Relchenbach, Philadelphia. * ; CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 118 Wood street THE SUBSCRIBER has just received a FORTES, from the colobratod manufactory of CUIOKERING A SONS, which completed his stock intended especially Those who are desirous of presenting their families with an elegant, uttftd and eaaitial piece of PARLOR FURNITURE, have now an opportunity of eelecling from thalargest and choicest stock of Piano Fortes over offered for kale in this city. They comprise all styles considered to be in GOQD TASTE, from a plain but elegant exterior to the most elaborately carved. • ALSO POB BAIT, A large lot of PIANO FORTES, from Woodward BuoWS, Boston; Bbown A Auis. Boston; Stodabi,New York; Km; S&sos, BostOD, Ac, Ac.; from the plainest to th* most cr travagantly carted, gilt, ond with pearl keys. AT VERT REDUCED PRICES. ALSO, A lot of second hand Pianos, some of them nearly new. from $2O to $l5O each. Also, a fine lot of Melodious, Gcitabs, Piato Stools and Covxbs. . , JOHN H. MELLOn, Agent for the salo of Chickeriog A Sons’ Piano Fortes, tor Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond allay and Fonrth stieet, dec!s filelodcons. CAKHARTS GENUiNG MAKE. HK LEBER has jtut completed his • stock of superior MELODKNS.from tho factory of Ihe ORiarNaL inyintoes, InPaTPBIPi CARIIART A NEEDHAM, New York! ll® | ff I comprising: 5 octave Melodoon, Piano style, round corners and carved gothic tablet, double sett of reeds. De-urn.* swell, etc. 6 ociavo ilelodeon, elegant scroll legs, doublb bwxix. M . u ** « All the above have QxrharCt new improvement of the * DouQLs Swill,” possessed -by no other maker, and which makes them superior, in that reipcc t, to any other. ' U. KUSJJEB, 8010 agent for tho genuine Melotleon made by Carhast, New York. ' drnlO ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1859. m. m. m EimopiSAif auESut. Tho Oldest Established Office in Pittsburgh, for Remitting Honey to the Old Country.; JAMES BLAK&LY begs leave to say to those persons having friends in the Old Country, and. desirous of either sending them money or paying their passage, that his arrangement for doing either is now complete; and on so firm a basis that mis takes-cannot occur, nor losses accrue to any party During the last ten years in which he has been in this business, he has remitted over a half million of dollars without the loss of a dollar, and tho house for which he is agent, in Liverpool, has shipped not less than 46,000 persons during the last year to this country, without a complaint of neglect of duty ou their park He can Issue passenger tickets for London; Dublin,Liver pool, Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Drogheda, Limerick, Port Rush, Nawry, Galway, Londonderry, and Dundalk, to New' York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and New Orleans, and from thence to Pittsburgh; and will attend strict! ylo forwarding passengers from thence to any part of the coun try. He also has sight drafts for sale, payable at the fol lowing places, vix: , ON ENGLAND. Edwards, Sanford 4 Co. .London. Wm. Tappscott 4 Co. „ JJrerpooL (Available in tbe principal cities and towns throughout England and Wales.) 6 „ , . , ON IRELAND. Provincial Bank, Ireland ......Dublin. - • bhaitchm. Armagh, Cavan, Dungannon, Mallow, Tmlee, Pareonstown, Drogheda, Londonderry, Sligo, Baltina, Dallysbannon, Kilkenny. - Nowry, Coleraine, Enniskillen, Dungannon, 5“^ on > . Carlow, Banbridge, limerick, Ennlscorthy, Waterford, Downpatrick, Galway/ Ennis, Atiilone, Olonmell, CootcmiL Monaghan, Youghall, Belfast, Dundalk, Ktirnsh, Strabane, Bnlymena, Cork, Fennoy, Omagh, Wexford. ......... .... . „ ON SCOTLAND^ National-Bonk of Scotland, Edinburg, and Its branches In fifty towns in Scotland. ■ ' w ON FRANCK. Messrs. Edward Blunt 4 Co,. Bankers..... .........Paris. (Available In any city in Franco! ' ON GERMANY. Messrs. Vogel, Kock A Co., Bankers, Fiankfort-on-tho-Slaln. (Available in any city in Germany.) JAMES BLAKELY, eomer of Seventh and Smithfield streets, PlttsburghT?., Merchant Tailor* TOHN LAUGHLIN, formerly foreman for Mr. S. Stoner. U would respectfully annouuoe to his friends and the pubhc generally, that he and newly fitted un the fine stand lately occupied by Messrs. J. 8. 4 C. Lee. No 39 Market street, between Second and Third, where he Is prepared to make to order GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING in the most fashionable style. Having himself served a r«ni lar apprenticeship to the trade, and belneapraetical cutter he therefore Hatters himself that he can turn out garmenta n ° tto be surpassed iu workmanship or style in litis or anv other city in the Union. Having jurt returned fagn tho east, he haa .lsrm .. sortmentof the most asSthabla floods, In hi. brought to this market. uno > eTer N. B.—Boy a* Clothes made and trimmed In thn n..*«* manner. He will also warrant «J 1 wwwStHlfS^ T V-' ■ -ij" 70S TUB HOUDATB. Misc^iiNEOiJs; TD™U> fiOOKioa'BAltEOAßENOlNEmS.—ContnlD fbrlaying out carres, determining froq cn* *etC.V clcJ, togblhfip . jntn. tables of radii,- ordinates,/defl eetions, - loDg chords magneticiTwiatlon, iogaypthiios: add natural signs .tan gents, etc. «teT% John B. Ilepck, CiYilEngincor. Pocket- 51,75.-‘.r:“: -rTi- \ tie.presentwork Is io'supply? a 'want T6rygehertuJynjlt ; by .Assistant Engineers cn Railroads. Books of convenient form for use in the field, containing,, the ordinary logranthmatic tables ardcdminon enoughs but : combining with-these tables others neeuliAr to- the Ballroad work, and;especially the necessary, formal® for laying out cartes; &c~is ndeelderatuia which this WOTii®^9BignfcllfO'shppiy. i:^; - Tf. B.,MnJTAET West Point. JAprll 18, 1864^ - Gcndmun: I fcavelooked oyer “ Henck's yield Book for -B&iltoad Engineers,” and think it well adapted lo the ob ject Its author proposes, and hare no question but it will be' found a Very uscfpi and practical yolume both for officeand field work; . .. • -.vi : - • ‘ T&Q7,' April £1,18541' .. • •- X.wbmuch .pleased with Mr/Heneß's little -manual, ihe 3 “Field Book of Eailioad J3ngincers. n With the present** 1 tioncfsome Of ihe. most practical and useful of rccognUcd j processes among railway engineers, he has given otheraj which, newat least in their present form, appear to possess ] a mint of higher value than that of mere novelty--that of being in general susceptible of available, not to say deslra bl« practical use. In conclusion,while I think.the design; of.Hr.Henck’s booklsehchaa to-odapt it excellently well to professional needs* Ihaver; pleasure in expressing my cordial satisfiiclidn with its execution, alike with-the per*, spicuitj of arrangement effected by the'author, and the ex* odie&t typographical taste displayed by his publishers. i * -B. FBAWmLIH GBVJEXfI, V . ' C. E. and Director of Benssdaer Polytechnic Instltuted Foreale by** * . "WILLIAM 8. EAVEy, : • ••••■•.■ .• ! -' -Dealer in 35n^neers*Stationery, : • tnZi . y - v. Market street, corner of tk-eond. EDMUHDWS&KIHB, Eagle Haitlo and Freeport Stone Workß, • bo. 245 iihad on wood BTitEiiT, mrauujiaH, And near tht Crmdery Gate, LaxarcnceviUt. :q| i |'ONUiIENTS J ' BCRIAI/ TOMB STONES, Ac Jji Freeport Btone Walla and Fences, Mantle Pieces, Can; tre and Pier Tops, el-ways on hand'and made to order.: ~ V \ N. : lntroduced a new styleof Fence IbrCem*. .etsry Lots, of DURABLE STONE, cut through inpanel -or rafllnfffonn.nndotveefy little cost: over Iron fencing. 1 refer to specimens of that ond other work’lhave already done in the Allegheny Cemetery. I hare on hand a choice selection of drawings for every description of work In my . line. * nxTzaarcES: Col. HENRY McOULLOUQH, Pittsburgh, WM. BAGALEY, Esq- " do KRAMER & l IAHM,. do - * Mrs. HABMAR DENNY, do Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, Home Wood* Hon. THOS. IRWIN, Allegheny. , Mrs. TIERNAN, Br., do JOHN McDONALD CROSSAN, Eaqr., Monongahela House. __ aprlO.ditv ■ riEW OFFICE. ' * Eeal Estate and Contracting Agent. 3 TOE sabficritex bas been induced to openan office for . the purpose of buying and selling, on Commission, and Ting the Agency of large Steam Saw-Mill* and- Boat- ■ Yards on the Allegheny river, together with many other fedHtieafromotherwater and steam Bow-mills. He flatters himself that he can furnish any bills of lumber; and timber of any kind, great or-small, long or;shorthand deliver them at any point on the AHeghenyyMonangahela, Ohio, or Mississippi rivers; contract to build largo Barges. Store Boats, Coal flats, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Umber. Bail road Timberai-Frdgfat Iron, Coal, Ac., to any given point. • and will attend to the Sale and Bentof Beal Estate. From faia long experience In lumbering, freighting and boat building, he thinks becan: give general satlsfectifin.' All ; persons are requested to make their contracts&oon: espbr eially those wanting boats or large billßOfiumfex tmdtim ber, should contract fox them in the fall for the spring and' summer use. He will also attend to the trorchasa and sale of any commodity that maybe desired. Letters addressed to David Mtnnv Beal Estate and Con tacting Agent, Pittsburgh, Box No. 150, post paid * will be punctually attended to; Hia office is'on Irwfo, street; No. 3, Allegheny House. DAVID MUNN. ’ .• BXFXttEtCSS. : Ool.Jomeaß.Horgan,Lumberman, Pittsburgh. • Mr;-John Morrison,Esq., “ « ' Mr* Eobt. B. Brown, Esq.,' ** Allegheny River. . Mr. Wm. Armstrong, . . M Clarion -- « Mr. George B. Sweney, •* « « C. A J. Hahn A Co., « m « deagltlydaw Buff’s Mercantile College,: PITTSBURGH, PA.—lncorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, with perpetual charter. - P. DUFF, Author of the North American Accauntant,” Professor ot Book-Keeping and Commercial Sciences. JOIIN D. WILLIAMS, the best eff-band penman In the. United States, Professor of Commercial and'Ornamental Penmanship. • N.B. HATCH,-Esq., of the Pittsburgh Bar, Professor of Mercantile Law ana Political Econowy. P.IIAYDEN, Principal of .the Mathematical Department, Professor of Mathematics, Ac. • Mr. J. D. Williams has permanently joined the Faculty, and it will be seen thatduring his late professional engage ments in.the east,-he was there regarded ns-the bestpen man in the country. Thla-Instifcutlon, therefore, presents attractions to students offered by no other of the kind in the United Stales. The course of training comprises up wards of. 400 real transactions, in six different methods of Double Entry Book-Keeping 3CO practical Business Cal culations, covering the whole field-, of inland and foreign commerce. Commercial Penmanship, with every modern improvement in the art. Business Letters and Easiness Forms, of every description. Daily Lectures In Commercial Law, Commercial Sciences, tho Theory of Profits, Ao. - Send'for a Circular. decEL-dtw ’ 1856. First Importation of Fino Watches. 1855.’ JUST RECEIVED FOUR BOXES OF WATCHES, direct from Europe,-manufactured to my especial order, end which I can fully recommend and warrant as good time keepers andat Lowiß.Pßicrs than are retailed at in eastern cities? We have also Railroad-Watches anil Clocks. ■ Regulators for Railroad Stations, $5O to $75. Silver Watches from $lO to $5O. Gold Watches from $25 to $220 • . Waiob Repahuxo.—Out. best attention, aided bv nrperior workmen, is constantly devoted to the repairing and Clean ing of fine Watches. 07 Market street, corner of Fourth; • - W. W. WILSON, janl3 . Practical -Watch Mnbcr. - Ureas Jffkklug and millinery. ; - MRS. 8. JB. CARGO respectfully informs her i'rionda and others, that she is prepared to make to order tho latest styles of DRESSES, CLOAKS, MAXTILLaK dc., on tho shortest notice and on tho most rea sonable terms. Children's Clothing made up with neatness and despatch. Bonneta aitered-ond'dyed according to > directions, and neatly and tastefully trimmed. - We aim to 'give satisfaction.. ApoUo J fiulidicgs, No. *6 FOURTH Street, second Story’ same entrance as to the Crystal Palace Daguerriah Gali I**7* - ' jytffrdswly Copartnership, 11HE subscribers hereby Inform their friends and the . - public that they have associated themselves together, under the firm of WM. YOUNOSON A CO., for the purpose of carrying on the PAINTING BUSIWESS.In ail it* branch es; ana strict attention to business, to-meric a fcharodf public patrorage. Lettering ond Graining done for the trade on reasonable terms. Shop on Seventhstreet, opposite the Neptune Engine House. .. DavidMunuj * Real estate and contracting agent, no. a. IRWIN Street, Pittsburgh, has for sale, as follows:-" l&o acres of land in Cedcr county, lowa, 10 miles from Mus catine, on tho main road to Marion, and 8 mitos from lip ton, 6 miles from two Railroad depots; 90 acres {sunder cultivation, a good Frame House, Frame Barn and Grana ries, a good bearing Apple Orchard. Tho farm is well wateredjhlgh, dry, good land, in a very healthy county. A very great bargain can bo bad of this farm for prompt pay. Enquire as above, or of Mr. John Munn, on the pre mises. Also, 3 acres of land, with a large Steam Saw Mill, now In successful operation; S.Frame Dwellings, Barn,-Black smith Shop and Tools, Boat Scaffold, Work Shop, : Ad. situ ate on the bank of the Allegheny rlverj at MiUet’a Eddy. Armstrong county, Pa, Enquire as above,- or of Mr. i* Munn, on the premises. 1 also want to purchase 5 to 800,000 feet, B. M., of good White Oak Plank, 3 inches thick, 8 or 10 feet long, 7 to 16 Inches wide, part to be delivered in October next and part in April, 1856. Enquire as above. Also>forsale, all the Beds, Furniture, and every thing of the fitting out of a large Hotel, in the city of Pittsburgh, now doing a very Urge business. Two to five years of the Itaseofthe house can alsobehadjand Immediate possession If required. Enquire as above. . , jej wm. A,„M;gLmtG, ; Fine Teas, Choice Family firocoii6B and Willow Ware. CORNER QF WOQE AND SIXTH STS., I n ' - \ ' PITTSBURGH,, PA. Snow receiving a large assortment of FRKgH GOODS, in addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first bands In theEosternmarketa,which, willbesold at the lowest market prices. . . j 49* Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. 45J*Good8 delivered lathe city tree of charge. sepSl : OAUUIAQKS FOR SAJUB. IpHs undersigned has lustreceived athla ; v '- 1 CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE, /HSraljg J near the Two Jllleßun, and Lawrenceville, & splendid : of TKHIOLES, of eyery description, and wiU’continue to wcdr. regvxUrly, now and sreond bond Carriagts, Sutkia, reach of medicine. Let not even these despair.' The Elixir deal* with disease as It exists* without reftronce to causes, and will cot onte removethe'diflOrderltsolL bat : „ ‘ REBUILD THE BEOKEN OONSniUTION, ThederaiJgefaientflOf the cyctemi leading to nerrcnadlfli eases, and the forms of nervoasdisease iteelf.aro sOnumer ons.that it would require a colomnto enumerate the mala* dies- for which 'this preparation Is a specific. - A few, hew* ever, toay be enumerated, vir: neuralgia, ticdolereaax. bead-achft, incipient palpitation cl the heart, spinal affections, muscular debility,- termors, flatu lence, a pirioßng sensation-in the flesh, numbness.mental depression,: weakness of- the will, indlspositiph td move* .fainting after exercise, broken sleep tod drams, inability to remain in one place or position, .weakness of the ‘ procreative organs, sexual in competency, melancholy, mon onlana, floor-albuß, sinking at the stomach, female irregu larities, a'chronic tendency. emaciation, and all complaints growingout.of a Dree Indulgence of the pas-- clone, aniall barrenness that does notproceedfrpEioriranio causes beyond the reach of medicine. 1 * • ' * Whenever the organs to be actedrnpon ire IWe from xnal« formation or Hiricturaidiseases,!t Is averted• • MOUSE’S INVIQOBATDIG ELIXIB " will repteco-weakUßss with' strength, incapacity wfcheffld. ency, .with nnUbnn nnd natural activity, and nil malidiej, wbetrfer they begin, finish with' tho nervous system, and .that ,tho paralyiatlonjrt tho nervoof inoUon end sensation is physical , death. Beat in mind alio that fcreveryklnd of nervous disease the Elixir Cortlirl is tr»« .only rcfiahlff preparation known. v - - cuius of rjsaroue diseases." - r ' No language can convey an adequate Idea* of the Imae "diateand almost zniraculouschangevrhrchitoccasionsln the ; diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or Waited by sickness—the unstrung and relaxed organisation isat once braced, revivified and built up : The mortal and Physical symptosas of nervous diseases vanish together under ite In nuonce. . Nor Is the effect on the contrary tie • relief Is Mrmanent—for the Cordial propertitaof the medl cine rach tho constitution i taelf, and restore i t to its normal condition. ... LOSS OF MEMORY, o; i: r ■ . Confusion, giddiness, rush of blood to tho hetul, tneloneholy, .ability, hysteria, wretchedness,, thoughts of ealf-destruc- HSSrr“ of *5 s4nlty l dy S? pßl °>se'V l3 I prostration,lrra- ÜbiUty.ncrvoumeOß, Inability to sleep, diseases Incident to females, decoy of tho propogatingfuncUons, hjjterlo,mcno mania, vague terrors, palpitation of tho heart, impitency, constipation, etc, from whatever cause arleing/it laflt there to bo placed On human testimony,abaolutely A GREAT MEDICDEB TAB. imMAT.iytf -, 'The unparalleled effects of this great restorative, in an complntota incident to females, mark anew era In the an. nab of medicine. Thousands of stimulants liare been in. vented—thousand of invigo rants concocted—ni? nnrooi tint? to be specified in the various derangrouinteto whichtha delicate formation of woman'render her liable. .. . . ISVEBX ; ITOMAN OF ® who suffers from weakness, derangement nervousness. tro. more, pains in the back, or any other disorder, whether *X collar to her sex, or common In both saxea—to rfve the in. TigoratingOordlalatriftL - “* MABBEB2) PEB2OHB, Orothers, will find this Cordial afterthey hare wsel a bot tle or two, a thorough regenerator of the ln all directions ere to b 0 tennd the happy parents of healthy off Eprxng, who would not hare been so but fbr.this extrtmrdl nary-pup iration. Audit is equally potentfbr the many dis eases for which it is recommended.'Thousands of yoana men hare been restored byusingit, usd norm a single to stance lias It failed to benefit them* \ .- • -, r, . ’ PBUBONS OF PALS COMPU3XIOH. - " V I or consumptiTe habits, are restored - by the use of a bottle or two to bloom and Tlgor, changing, thl skin ftomo sale, yel low, sickly color, to a be&utiftil florid complexion. TO TUB HEaBIDBD.' Thcise are some of the sod and melancholy effects modn cedby early habits of youth, Til: weakness of the back and.limbs, pains in the head, dimneßs of sight; lots of mns. f al .* r JS? Br i of the hem, dyspepsia,'nerrons ie f an sen:ent of the dlgestiro luhcUons, general debility, symptoms of consumptions, etc. .. Mentally, the fearful effects on the mind we ranch to be dreaded.' Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, deprdssioa of, spirits, evil forebodings,UTeision toeodemself-dlatrust. lore of soUtud -, timidity, etc, areaoSioot the eTlla produJ ced. AU thus afflicted . : . *• “ BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE • > .should reflect that & sound mind and body arothe most ne. icea&ry reauirites to promote connubial happiness: indeed, without these, the journey through life: becomes V wearr pUgrimaga—the prospect hourly * dickens the Viewidhe -mind becomes shadowed with despair, and • filled wltli th« melancholy reflection that the happiness of Another bo. comes blighted with your own. - -another b 0... ... •• ■ . CAUTION.- Dr. Moreas Invigorating Cordial has been* counterfeited by eomo unprincipled persona. . In future, all tho genuine CordMwlll hove tho rrtmrio. tort fac-slmilo rMtrd overtfco cork of each bottle,mSum followingwords blownin the glass: .• * Dr. Mono’! lnTlgomtaE Cordial. C. IX. RING. Proprietor N "V ♦ The Cordl&l U putup, highly concentrated, in' pint bot« ties—price three dollaxs per bottle, two for fiye doltors, six for twelye dollars. C. 11. RING, Propriet#^ Sold by throughout the cL™** wid th* West Indies. Pittrtargli—fiuailKG, £llOB., No. 60 Wood ctrot - Do GLU. ii. KEYSm, No; 140 Allegheny City—J NO. P. FLKiIING. Oinclnnan—i>. IL MEAKINQ3. C H-E-;R RJ£. PJSOT.OB^is - • - • yoa laz cim* oy : ' GOUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS. i3ROKU3TFT3 whooping-cough, ceo^asthauL' _ , ? . AND CONSUMPnon. f' : E the attention ortho „ & fci&£3 public to the; certificates appended J *gga!£&£& ..below, and bespeak fan them f ■ r -IBg3a&s' ' consideration which their honest • frankneakdeserves. • . ilea in suchetatiohflna many who ■ J’ voluntarily bear witness to the efflea ::'jg2£sj%*r^rm''cjraad value of Cunmr Psctoeax; do :BSlr^SßaSS^SiVAV: wantonly trifle with, or distort facta, nor.overstate their convictions. .Judgu then, whether this is nottho medicine to trust when you.must have relief for, the. throat or lungs; judgS too, whether every family ought not to have it by them asa eafrguard ageJnsi the everywhere prevailing enemy, which steals with, fatal frequency upon almost ©very florin and carries eff o lamb from many a home? . -• . •_- Jackson, C. IL,'Jackson dty,o., sbih Nor., 1852. - Eb. J. C. Arcs: Sir—The Ciicaar Psctosai, is much In quired alter. Several of our beat Fhyricians have used it, three efthem in their own cases, and always with the hath piesteffects...The numerous patent medicines always be fore them, lead to incredulity in regard to every howremo • dy; and It Is only after undo ah ted evidence af value iu anv article, that anything liked general confidence can be ex cited. ■ WM. YOUNQSON, DANIEL YOUXUdON. .The unrivalled excellence of this combination of acents. (In the Cmnar Picroasi,) proved beyond cavU by reseated trial under their own observation,' hae compelled medical men to proclaim abroad its usefulness.. it is beyond nil doubt the best general remedy we hare for the Pulmonary Affections of this climate, at the same time sedative and expectorant—a rare combination of properties. ■■■■■■■ ' In the hope that itwill prove Its ownroward. I subscribe myself. liespectfnllyyourobedieniservant, JAB. H. a MIiLBIL H.D. Zef senOeaea of the Zegal Profusion vusrkUtsi „ Williamsburg, L. L, 8cpt.3.1652. . Dn. J. a Atsb: Dear Sir—Over application for the past three years la my duties as an advocate, brought on- sotne eight months ago a severe irritation ortho bronchial tobes which was a constant annoyance to mo, and fast becoming a source of great apprehension. Evory romedy tried fulled to even relieve ine. till I need vonrOiiiiurvPvCTv'nii tm. has not only relieved mo, but, as I trust, wholly chred ms I care nothing for tho reputation of advocating Patent Mo dicines, and this is at your service. 1. shall recommend It to members of the bar, and others whom I may meet, la. boring under similar Indispositions, i ■ Sours truly, frt . B. P. JONES, rl -r r, Montgomery, Ala., October 4, 1819. Da* J.. 0. Aiia: cdinirabto com* .pound exclusively Jn my fluff it to surpass, bv &r, anyother remedy we hare lor curing diseases upoathe lungs. Your obedient servant, . . f 1 . -v B. B. JONE&iI, D. What yet remains to convince tha most incredulous that tho Cherry Poctoml is all that It purports to be, via: an un equalled remedial agent for all diseases Of the Throat and Lungs, The experience: of years has proven it to be such, and we submit it to the people, believing that its virtues WIU fully maintain itsreputatlon. :: Prepared by J.O. AYER. Chemist.Lowell,M*«- BawaVa oTworthless preparations, attempted to be palmed off a.Bimilarity ofname. * - Sold in Pittsburgh by all Druggists,hnd hy B. A.FAtlv E3TooKACO,wholesaleahdrlmil.-; : fjl&BmdAvr . Carter’s Spanish Mlitisre." - THE tHUJAX'. PDlUi’iEli OP TUE BJLOOD I :■ Hot a Particle of Uercwry ia it Let the aivucted iieabane uim, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, I'imoles or on the AgSeaS Eyes, Bing Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enizßcmenfrand ™] n jL?T Stubborn UteriSyphilllie Disordew, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising from aninjumcioua use of ilercury, Imprudence la life, or Impurity of the Blood. * 49* This great alterative modlcicaand PuriSer cf Blocd >n£&nds cd grateful patients frinn all part of tho United States, who testify daily to the remarkabl sates performed by the greatearof sii mcdicinea, “CAR* TEB’S SPANISH iHXIURK.” Nouralgia, Bheumatiem, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease, Perezs, Ulcers, Old Sores, AffecUonS of tho Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat. Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones Vmd Joints, are spoeuiiy put to night .by using this great Inestimable remedy. • Por all diseases of the Blocd r ncthlng bss-yet been found to compare with it. . It cleanses the system of all impnri ties, acts gently.and efiiciently on the Direr and-Kidneys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tonp. w to the-Stomach, make* the akin clear and healthy, and restores the.ConatW tutlon, enfeebled by disease or broken doun by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength.. . Por .the Lodka/lt l 3 iurarinbly better than all the coa> metfcs ever used. A few doses of Cartt-r’e St anlsh Mixture will remove all saUown&s oi compleiiou, bring the roee9 mantling to the cheek, give .elasticity to the step, ond-txa prove the genera! health iu a remarkable degree bevontl «>n' thtf medicines ever heard of. ' ' . . The large number of certiScates which wro have receivM from persons from all parts of the Uniiol States, ia the tea* evidence that there is no humbug about itTrhe Dress! -hotel keeperB > mugistratos,phyeiciamr, and public mem wS Mown to the community, ull add their testimony to tha wonderfat effects of this GREAT BLOOD PURIPIfeID• -■ C? l * 0D the l Agent and get a Circular and Almanac! and read the wondmal cares this truly greatest of all ilcSlnol -hasperformed. • ... ... .... Nona unless signed by BENNETT & BEKBB, Proprietcirs.ho. 3 tearl street.ltichmond, Vaa to whraall orders lor snpph£3 and agencies most be addressed; - • »AH«KB*OOKii JOSEPH FlEil. -— /v 3lAhniaE--xne bee;article now muse lor cheanel Zi. hands; dos fresh'recelTed tins day by, ' . ; JOj-PESMISOi TUUChh—Ncvi,dand3,lor saio by .*K» : WAIUIEOP. (Uthitnet, MEDICAL. AGENTS* EE3 HB q.