>W Vf t « • V , H v i <•***«' v . -V >“ 1 ' ' ‘ ''* V *'''' ** S' i * --.■(.%■. . J/..' ■ ■* i ‘-**^.‘. w, vo. ~ ;. . v, .• ' • f‘‘ ' ■' ' - ' •-*' V J ' ‘ ' " ■ ' ' ' : ' • v ' .fX v\V'’ 1 X-V'O' r , vA' *: . s?&* ; ? *i* j -, *o v •.. y te?€^asS fv^J sm mM lilliftll©® <• T»V - ; *?j- V H-* < i',^ b&8s&£i&&^: ■• [SS®Ksa&tefs lltgpfgl f§S^owSk^®^^w3*!W B^il. sVy. S &r* , Bum ffism §^lo< jili§ jliii&i J§®W Sg&W^%i |3S&iSSS<2*s4s?*- ■& .<"-:? r-i ’• Vb -«• ’■‘vV W 3 * V-. ’ . • . . ?: •• ; ’: ■ ' .w.... .?\7 -’-‘ r^ii'ky**?iflit*':: '' ...» v *t .• ♦ *•,*' l ’ • ■* *•• >. b ' J , ). T \-\. -. * ' « 1-t % » / ;- * **■< '* * , ’ wr- r'-‘. r ' '-li-' , giwhlyg^tgyi '***-*!* m Z lar.KiimL u^4nuivo<^iisiUi>m!_ * ▼ t ■ '■«asaSSMKfl®r m ‘%tu an tieTroHTtfe JWto, SShrBAKm MakMidltbVttfttefcraßU% ~ la T«ln uj t? l«IHH tm . ?** 1 f" _ 4bim*ntA o» am it 4*fir*r - .•rtiT - \ Bottom,of ; giahfcm?itoiwfrttott * t Acr/KsttttbfePtnfo. i , with . ShOllMlt/Of •; ; t *-* . ••* *•/ ■■ Uu. mwrtn#njoao H* tbit won't irtftir, j . ,is* rlfartjKilMionilnwtftctjßowdtor a 3£S23^{£§»- * - :i ! ; : ;:•■ ■ ; ■• ~ ■••- ■ ..Ijnd for -Bale. - 'f -■ ’ tOrtA ACRES 01 LAtTD tags «m* ui ftthtekrrohx ofUtamiiWMOojJ- -2 rani throughlt. r’ ulit t nulinilTifnmfl .Atto.sS •*•* fa wot oo«n»|j«w“®yy3® ISSrr • v 1 Ssg£ys»^^i®aKn C w"*-" - httarwj »tT*w, * Ch BUl|>« «co>» IrMMporuUoß jUnuT - * -T°»»W TO»JC«-Tlie Own»rtSa , j!i««Ti luVWms&x Um pm« “• ■ ■ ii a-: b«twM» MWNfflfti Hfl» «^ ;U 4Mtoo». 010. mtOHAM* 00, tT6 apaaL Pbil*d*lpW». ftcpefator* jAiiSi WH£OM, AjMit, .»' UlKank at. B»ltteo». H» Ih OSX&ANDiB* Agv&t, WWtrt,BwV»fc - * BUS BIOHIIQBi ' * StBMT, BUWUS wood kamit. mm svtaribar* bta ten to team tMr frtead* •&& psfeiteiwtsiuT.ik** tbeyhsTs*j»*« ■AifcJS-p«*t«u»—i wfcfeh bu jn«t ferns thcrosSbl/ irn * #Mi—• b. *s» aB.fIUKOIB. __. nnmni fmpar»Brft«M harJoinS dotAg 1 v - * - flui nad«r Uw of J4W‘ Xfcwto-uu.K.p Blweos , j. s. «nB. - eonUouwl bjr the r*»*U* OOBSKATI * CO, . ■ea. Ikead SS'Woed etieet, HtteMrgh* BAQiLRT, WOODWABB.hOO, ; jf* 231 Market stmt, PhiUdjlfW*. WkL BA.QALKT t 00. lQtk.lB64—{d*c32 Kffiisilß®!Sassi«3S ■fe^J3waagft,^ isssfr»J«fr »>**&*• p.frlaiMt. ' _.’ y-t ' L WMH. V>».T. tXD Am idmMM, *«?«*» R ulllLi rfff ll ** l to their itopfc «f Q»pdaU«Tm, Bt*cfc<^ 3i w» iwA^fv,«« *-»*““• isa^aiSSSSsSiSS' .SggSESCgg^W^. jggriiiiirt jftt»Mwbtety! ] tt ai s^T^oSSß fc .;. ■,,,■. ,„, t H. WlflU** * _ BAKKSaS AHO ” .. .. - WOS9ftU«* liriwiOOEi ■ BANK. EBB, -■ A MDDMtaMlalxAaa#*, BaakHotaa.OoUaadfilTef A ah OaßMtttTra Vnd* wdw4 « &b u 4 gold ob oocamiasiOß. Oultaotlnni sad* th* Onltod BUU*-. . .. > l K>’jSronn£J»onpi***»*t wgiytgSS^g ■jjggß^as^ggftgffiaK CgS2SSSS •_••■ ' ' •»» ***” -i«QS2pSSSia' Qif¥BBBASMB* MMf* namtmdtgkg, Utwem lll fttadlOf MTT«d " fi I S£Stniie»UM,w;tu*«j* C OOK?^rA‘ K THEiT?mg^B. mu public will find It to a* btrmtmtocnmfac T -V - Mo^sssaggfKgT 1 .-aw • 1M Wood iticct. Boot* uui Bllom. . • JITLAUQBIJN.Ho. 9ft fourth etreet, .seedy op«ot£ Mr 1 ! ofafee.U mawnfMtariM Gentlemen t fljet SssSJfeSji® •jjTWW PAVIWd, te *«*« *ynt»> mil; I>t ¥nnnr Tern. Bbtory. Ul«tr.U4 American Tnnnjfo*‘'l""*" Wf ' t *&7 Dr. J. W. Alexander. kT the author of Flown of iTOSiar PondlDn*.: Klrwan-. jJSiJtJTottaCßlj-Ow'"- USSfiSSK; i«u... , lUjB. Booh. fcr H„ 1-r, *S „ BIITISMr . —-«mw«s r.w \ ’ '••. •.•»: : Vr * • ; f t ’ • .-. *2’.;- '•’ ', " S*. ‘ >* J-’ ~ ; - ,-A \« ’IVM •*•**■; *' • ■•'ii* •';■.■ r- «fe r«X; ..-•» * J* .v ? * IXi _ -; U N, ’\.y , - ?‘ * ;•«,*. . . • v ; *»*c • •;• *> *;># .; .; 'W :. -'* *v>- flow# Fiodao*, da> Oatfn* fc* A.A.MAaQM* 00. books It—TfceUtttnjf of UuOß^~ it* Bdbrotttfan In Qg *ggW..fcW a f gwMMdMft WtthSßfllMtttfcP* SSSSSSSsaag^ £Saia§SMg«»a -flUnMtlßmop*: byHo«e*Qi«#la7* i> iw >lm winht tnr Mli» MfltKll** . .. - --^rr- tfuuM on *U»»fc - Tfanw. on Oupmtarti aUqft '•*£" ■— t,==u ’TSiJSW M ***** . T.a., ' -'-‘ *1 *;*-»'* t . .^^rv. '&**»;* ~ ■ ’-ift VjfflSg-flfrflß MB nnnkwr M . ~, "xEaAiBWtMr“ jjßsSw>ng:'.v'lß- !Stil-r”-iVir;'";^MgJ& ?sfcsa^®6^§ggjil HttgbCntifc H«nyßto», j»mfc«TrfcqTuir, **•» Wm. Martin, JoaepllH.a«l» Edmund A Soadtfj JobsO.DCTII, \ EoUrt Burton, Jafan&.Ptti«M» aooiguQ/Letpe, Sdmrd auttugtoa, EJftMjßwßtoc • _ J.Q.Johfeos, 1 JuawTennent, JtBM aSud. **• *1 John B.Bampl», • ■aaaassa.-.-l^Ss^ w,avgMs, * JonclMfevu', Bfq'?- No. jsaeyaSi=-«sK== «££ BomU,Staki mKSt l**mem- * ;ss^E~E=^S ‘‘jltT anjans. HMriayg. ; - |a| «» > yy?” 1 tlj», cm UmtimuUm fada*** ' * c l l 4 ‘.'ii r **T* SrtJot »ilh «&lj. ttmmltmd cm I“* w „ * JWjeal Pffli(iiii>> liwulf * 11 so.T* fourth fmkilM Flr« DuarWt Ofpift BhVMIm jL/wllwc,BMitteiar»nt Jj«* »• *■***■i?f* zL QMj»Q.BAJ«smawt*ry . . i *^%S££nR3fSSISSSSTJS TiKSgSBrSBk*NK [ TT»SSiiCaitai tad pwilawfrwfcljrtoy —j th* Minr>l >•• . ._: » . ' .sgs' it; .vwleh£gsr.r.; .-ftrtMfe;' ■'■mi tMr UIWM rWR-Rg? aaggg?Sß^Sß»Sssg«s «4 «**+ #—■»—» witfcyi. WM 4! INSTJEAHCECMCPAIY, HARtFORD, CO NR., : !*»»«»<«■»»■* ™ $1,000,000.- ISGDKfOIITID 111*. pol Mai of luanoe* fanud at dU ttnaa Mk tha BuMißrt &M mu, fKUU Of*RlVlAATlOli 010. 1 AIHOID, Aopt . toa AMD MLLtOHf/nr OOUjrTT. JQMTm marlfcy a SSSsajssss^l tk»lmt myalDK-jatbw* (VanbtnM »< »?”l • 00., op »Ulr».) Pltttlmftll. t ;■ ■ ■ » ** T ~> Wiliton A. nui*ca.) BA HWR», - -tTOLP c* ala ‘ JO do CXUMii< , -lzi*umM OoMftar; fUOOJIBBOOCIbIIA CMIIi^fIOBUS ES&a ™som*3pr OOBJTKtI nKW,Al&^!3iw^U». nrai udaertber mfiataJlT »liMu»y toUaUdtoaad 1 flwitigaan ofPttUbcrgfi, Unib»fcM n wtly weUd =SSaiSs»H£Sst S^aSS-^aasg SlSuffSSiirt^S Swtetiat£»tioalbf««»of th»pabttc. 1 itv fiSwmu Ar . Havutq •old' b&"mj entire stock of ofctfiftUri, rth* amitfttfaeoaihinaUosioftbe Lediem)XbnMrse|ii»e* ♦ Tf awlm, french ond7M6Mt OoUtf% wbleb M* out far on*' Week only, a* commiidjn, eonse qu*3ly3h*y l» mid etprtctiiotaree t* arittiTT bodrte bay, thsfr friends sons for Nov Yna *•»loto^wbnv*onfered 10 be sold pt not lk*} n, rorS.W—W! bring. JLs this Uth* vmL thorn inciQM intending to pnrrfcsse anything In tiii* HnTloiWlttniheir internet to cell soon at Yea ««, .>d«s3r Ko. B3M*rk*trtr—t,con»r ofih«t>toqnil , luwbtot FarnHura ud Chain* CABIN u4 rnuaiDU> •« miy to tha n*nnfa=tur» ofthe U»l orBUWBbMU. Out ppqlwq. to thk timh* g»»™» non enablee u* to wtmnt satisfaction, a* wB with tan promptitude in which order* in filled, u In the qaallty 2l£ '«tnM a pah*; or in hexes, for fanßy was, containing modosenoakMkfilfSft per bees, grid wbgßeaadrrtaff one nm****, * B. L. OUTHBMRT, "did*’ No. 140 Third si. ' . ,' w • : ! HAH*, .' • iukKtfvmnr, bstwisb iHnhjuro voonra nm ST&ABOBBB YlfilUMO IHJS QUY BHOULD CALL 15 to. see the tisutltal sssm t mart of: CBZK4, BLABS, and QUEBifSIfASiB. >ow eternal the ahwra eftaMkb ment. Oar goods mbs entirely new, wo at* enabled to offer inducements in all th* latest styles of Dinner, Tha; and Toilet Ware, white iroMtons. we have a great variety of ebepfaareleo, gold band tad oner colored jtoo* wax* Tm and Toilet lets. Oar stock of whit* Ootered Dishes. Bonn Tureens, Vegetable Dishes without covers, Balsa Dishes, aid every article appertaining to a Dinner JBet is lain and wen selected. Britannia ware. Table Cutlery, Spoons, Oastorp, Walters, and Hons* furnishing Ooods» we have a large aaortaant . • '* OOMftOa WAJUt-rOtti stock of oouos Teas, Plates, Neppk*, Bowls, Pitchers, aadjvtfy-artlds peek them with irt T JOHH J. OUJUBY. !Y»xfc>a»riMi,: ’Hasting Btoye dtar <*eas«rt**nt r '.'4' ' • -,?! • - . Wj-T. JSSSSiafra^xiie-T — ‘y.’jtAuftr* m». t ■ ■ Oiitl■ wiTSb »«*»!gy * #naar«*> *-r M^^S!!^. < It*- —euidU) * co, .- , "**»* ll, “ “O o ** of ■ ■ , a. vnmi * <» t . no. « fofctrtrWM*. , .;£*—*•—*«*****• WWW “•** VlhS* <3!”’ °' - M-tate mas, Juitanm «»-l«i—■>*—*« «»tu»» *—■»■ ’“'“’“'tHMMOB UU * CO., nrm*.r THrim* ■■.< — 3 . TOOIIAI ItOOP*, _ ■rCOMMBECIAL CEpEES,*®* tw Ol „ Itnlr, A«il ***** s£l»Wn ifo ' / ♦* \ ■ • c> • . • ■ * w-: t :}#£}■' r * **;»-»*6“* . -•V n V- " -■■ ’ •• •> *£V' s-'S'&A't'? i v ’’. • .worms iltSttloaltoi Bt»to* D»- wigfMKU-, \aaitn-f_ HOTELS. CITY HOTEL.. tf'l-iAMt «ad Tklrd UrMUi oanm m ■“ j-ittshumiW, i‘A OUM kdlli ?roi>rfßt»r». . . "l vm IYUIf. DAK. D. fIAWi ir-iiKSVS* of. »«th. •>< BTs> CLAIH HOTBLi MUBtLT TUB EXCIIJLKUI.) . • lIIHIIIMHf -■"• - n .,-rr n — aa« ■B.Olalr *tr*«t», ■ o. w. aatamn mftmta. ■MkBBiBB ctBM boaM, bMTMu lb. baltaaß Da 2g£ssJssta« f ..i wij "TSitoTE “ imiXT BODML » Boutb ■(bib BtMrt, *»<»•«■ aSSSt «»i ybu»toi>bi«-. !»«* i_ nrvsros. raHadatfhli T. B.WKBB;lat*of Mar. laa'-tt/ . mass; coMim or mats axd jjpiji jits, warmmx o nntri tm *— mmu. im ssmkioc u. u» I i^r-TTiW. 1 - T— 1 11 ’-' lu«M.a »1«« Kria|ioßßaUMf ml rvao}, t^*otito#to«*Ccmpaay,Uod*n Manw lm Wlrrat 909 aonAaoda- wSTm UlftDi Froprlatara. fM—ra ai.** F«B PAV '* * *.faii.L.t iiotuT ' jouxtrowif, fs.vxjl rraiuMM bMtH uua 0kU(» 0< u» .ten I ——. '»--- —' ncoaiu.l.urg. optte, Is • Age!«^^jarrjTaL ,, J (Cfctf I JASM UO» «YOu IB ÜBIBZy BXJULtX, fiftk atw lfoUt» 'PuSTIIS««Ii MAM, riHrttor. , . * ' '■ fjl.ga MOTML II HOW SUET JOB lUUIIBB VieiTHHl Tll* imihH. o*d tb. UoM.r«olor-J iuimfjinT« l i "r Tfc * p fo v rl * wr * UI b, “»w of Itu BxooLrior Lino U no* running jwjjßSrra •u-ww “>• ou» u tWtMrtlßTrrlT tho hIfUMPM TIMT* *ll tho «*&• MCTIOI, g 0,., ——MufiE. ■». 4*o BROADWAY, SBW ioBK. (oaoiims o> iii wwui fu>*) *7 klliElT’S HOTKIa* / obUU"IOI)UB ASD GRAKT BTEBBTS, rimmmau, pa. ■»awl «• BIUtT. Ptoprißtor. ' ' 1 - - km < •»■ n. liuo pppuv jjouOi, «oim of HaMjrirt ®^ MIW awlCT* A MABMA PitprWtam RESTAURAiNTo. OOBVVOOPU _ 4V"0T8TBB AND COFFKB HOUSE. D. \ *•.«. w**"***•?• Wo **"**■ CRY 8 T AL. PAL AC E, V " 1 go, Ilktrknjtmt. 9 o. o. „ 1 —< ■■aPMPPtiLYinfamhii&iaftAißtfdih* (5k /*i®Wicto!•••»**•*»* **■ uSwMwUl»aot »P*“«»IH«?d«k to tb» bwb!>i» OYhTBIi SAXjOOM AMD BJBSV&VBAHTI - 108 WOOD simsjsx. I fUHI wbltttf In bow hi* OYBTIB fiAIOON AMS prbcM iß»««m*t ttu t*A»ot kflT in tb*cltjrv Slats fas uobuoi FowUf Ftolli *«., *4i. HI? SSfofK« bS«6> «®JP**»»> “* ft ’W' fttUy loTli* tb< HUBtjOB ot *»»»*&?,,*■., Mhiftnawt H rittji«t.dlUTW«ltßM Wr «toflh.*»* ”■”* U ■ Motion* r¥«B rvtzvnlltvof MBS M'OIVITT A mux vu dlk JTtiollirt bat John M'Dotltt will oHIUu t&baUßWatttioUiUsd,ud•tml to thamUUimM db.b-I—orth.lArtbm.^ WII4JAU BUSVITT. _. JJVBEr AHD BALB -J jBUP ' STABLE, J] @“*** rf .•ssssi * ' w • »' K *l^,’ f ; .±raif :»■«*« u» «^ s ec ob l ffa^TQrWi*° «******• ; n ■ i '.its£j>a jl w. aiiNMtt Mill •O'' • fT»a Quxnun DBY GOODS. Hiring recetr* «*•«"• itock of*King nn«l ““““J Importers, auavfik£toters» *®d P* 1 * lmr , '' l '~^ a i r —* ** fa if isairing ©or mereiisnts »D/**uisw to parcbsßiog, v»**a oflfertweh todooementa toStysrs u cm rsrsly ® eS iwU will ialaM.~forUs>outh towns of the Beet daeirabfe design** black tad tone? ftgared «to** bnmdcloUt**to»^ £3SSy| M . a t m , rM r ti^i* t **Tr* w ** tU end gammer panto* twisiwTlccwrt «|j btoek rfasttn*,tttto diapers* . l!SteS3S&*ffiSß3!Ssri2i3sft pS« to k° n >•*”»“ toi?*' .IBEAT BAMQAmB IK UttY OOUits AT TvSfjSSlfß* PAY OfJSXED MY MJtW BTORR, I ■&r T ssS2i^srs*^“jrl^ I »TjLxa biutnd te* Dim 8iilt»;50 cti.to tZv*l* tOO do Mowa-AaLainn*, tot***^*!-**!***!* 011 Atou " 6 ' 200 da aadTlMua*, in groat Tariaty; So do 2f«qJ*D«-to|biW; dWQ do jLßuaiMPt FwnchaJiiWtogUeh Pnota* too 'do A YrMiabEiltagiifk towns; 000 tnw*k Oodai*. from tf’4 cacuto *&,oot SOO «‘r HllM ] of Uu lateat gtyla*, Mooiii wed W* l ° n of tfce moot IwoTOftflOiponcd Into aiuoou«ay. Alao. MusAai) Ticking*, Cn«ck», Llntao, Craah, DUp*r», •fwfei*UfaUfaa.Owstlamro* Waar, Ac. . , " '.. THQtlllsUS.—ln this department will to toand * oom pUieaaoortawst oC Drue end MaotUli Trimming#, ■ E7aSsiu«, «o«u«. mi iwi i-"! • Which Win to wid uirufually !«»• . ► Ton belae yard wlda Maalin at «U canu P* r • ityA ; A» ai ituu*- asw X>*Y QOOUfI UfOliE. Iron Front—So. VI fltrkit »*«**• OUK bouM being nowopentorUi»tm»»w‘tioaof»«eoM* kl I>rYO©od*ba*lae«i, we wouid *ohoubf MtrooMc of tb» public, tooling confided th»t, from oui ex* ESjt. *mi well Bileeted flock cfSILK.S KAMA AND tfOOW, veuocffßT tucb Ic iucria-*et» n «ll tn* *nr« entire Mllfurtton- IIAUA> A AilW . No*. Slefkel »od * Colon CLOTHIInG cLOT H I N G STORE! JOHN M'CLOSKEY & CO.. of U»#e*labrAt*dO*otbioji>«i-ott'U 1 itttn. vtxkh h*a vcq as a»bo«»4ed uuJ«r b* bud« <>f Ui« TUBKE 810 DOOM, hate, fur Uie pur-. mm “ acquiring mer* »»a» tor tfctir lnin.aae fcu*ln«M, httorad U. U»« »p*ei»*» building on thveenur of DIAMONDABLDY 4>'D wool/ &rJt££T, Wh«n lb*) bare now the BMt BPLENDII> BIUOK. OF CM)THS! AXO READY MADE. CLOTHING, Tb*tbucr*r b**n cffirwlui o»puUt«- ihU v« «‘ T ® ta*o BonCkciUtinfurUi* _ waoim^-iuuL. Tb*T «f* tr*p«*4 to Ooodi at ____ t , _ . LOWEST EASTERS PRICES! i«j ti*/ «LU timiil wlnu good m any naan* brt .mi..th. c t;«™ Toa WOUKi II TMI Itn Bn'w,-*3D crcs »U* *”^®r, Hwi h*T! ea band a lull a»4 beauUfo! as«cran*nt o 1 LDTiiS uJ OOATiMil', lert _ fitOCKS, UIUSS, WALKIhG AhD BUJl tuxs uoAid. Oaf *re M*nUt-U *IU» tti** cf MTcaiua-n, firl-jllty wfli not Uil in *iitDz i!t cmtrr* w« w»/ b* »Ht». Hr DON'T J’UJWJ mud t*LA<- & i\o. 88 Wood Street, (EAST SIDE,) COE*** o i WlAHO!** AILEf. «. d _w« our to vcl*«! *ndOs*i*■« T ' EO l»Dpy 4"T flcnn+ctioo *ttSj lE# CioiSiDJ Iliiitu*** < f4b»rTv ttreei. t*ur*U/*eUvtt u wu» i “SSttT «-c.x»E»r * eg. ' EDMOND W ATTS. iAlUiili Isj eIiJJT- T “f *-I j Qta , tf tkttuuiui p4iLfn»«; *n#ca »«*l W>i*«** OaMinurc*. ol €**l7 *iji» aaJ ia Uie u, ~ ! ** l > 4a *_ «bkdi l »iii ataka 10 u;Jat oti Ui« u»3*t rwMM'aU# .aoi iimaM l** Aolt. __ - B *w iPKiao uooiis. JCTI MCSJVKD AT JoU> UcCLoedvJSi *OO SWt.uf- M’atchooM, No.e* *«dU***t,**»d **’?“*’* of XKaoond alWy, U* Ur**>t mod »t>*t innoi »'-or%. 01 mdatbaC Ud««tobrnt»d bo}«* k** • ,er hfcl P , «" ar# 2ftaVu*»*tbaaltaaUtfaaUi*a|JUt>:ieU«. Tb*»*Kwfc*‘ b * T * hn poitbaaod fru*a tint Ladda. aa-i, omArqumuj, no SSJ>ru6t...U*-a,«b** .M* »• ” ena and do a*H at n*«aah pjvT.uaJ any lu lb« »**t Si ST?*rafcr*.. iSpeiM* »«** 1* ,j -»---- 1. fomilrr uirrebaoUiia gefcarmi.w. clv« a* a call, add «\*Bdu« wr Maurtinaui of tatinr MAUk CU*Jjl>o. It t* ÜBpo*tob.f to •aamecaUtßc+iuaai' 1 n lotaottw p»«*of s * rc £*|!i) I fi totobamaatißUtii • oocabiwhißFß*; it u*oCcl*i»ito aav that H fc*J aeTrt l. 1 n muaurd Ij Uie bouw ,„ 0 WS&lASlci^ifcSfl™* **. cull *iaa«, nmiWH- < GwvTt MitN'B ciA/rumo made order, tad nmated to tuft. iia* cwnUaUj oa * •bole* MMortJßeß’. of CLOTbd, CASSiitAAho* > hiJTIMI*, astl oVKROOATU*O, of the iaUßtatyUe.eelected tafNaalf fop the cuetoto trade. laenUemen leaving thrtrcrtera,' »1U ikme arlahee coat a)Ud mod com piled with, a» aLI work U dnae Bader hto owe eup«TTi»toP_. n attbea, fvu_sl - **••*>; a large *ancrtm*»t >, Railroad button Regulator*, Offlee Clocks, Chtfck Ctocie, do. WaTCO Rararaisa.—We do WaUsb Repairing in a man* Btr not aodlad, If bj .»/ la th. W. W. WIL3UB, „ p l 3 ooron of burbot ItJ Pourtb .tewtt. CLOCKS! CLOOKBII CLOCKS!!! pr.lflb * Miyr.a, _ BBALKiiaIN WATOIUtb.CLOCKa.JEWELHV, I S(L SII.VKJtWAKiI, An, So. Firm Stroot, Wood, otpo.lt, th, Uotßlß* Fort, lormtnly oocu fcmoKid bi L Ueb«mrtl A Co. Wo b... uow h.ml . IZS'B dM »nd 24 hour Clocn,-whki wo offer tb do pulilk.l K l w*tbw r A*tßa, .uchy ;lroo e««, mu| inlaid and all utber jxatterna of ManUlUocae. " Atoo, a rich aaaorUnent ol nne gold and allver patent lerer, cjUnder, aoibanchor eecapment Watobee, and an eifr gantatook ef djMelry and illrerware, which we Intend to dono In tko bo.t muuw rtid « low prieea, and r*IV )«WUII IIUSI, ■o. HI Market Str««. . (sumd iotr «to~ IA« JTirtHeul «nur «r i“*“?£*?•> lb* Ut« ftn» of John B.M nddaa J * G*») wspactfOUy wmooncei to the PU^t* I*** 1 *** mmmJ tttiniboTllttt4ittlSliKOTtßUDlol WATOHKH) Sf TUTfiD WAUS, UMPB, i BAMDotKi,fbclsrf4W ?S uA fTtiinnnni ‘firfr. and the iiu«J rarkty Of Boodain hi* Un« attmtiMi BK*n to th* SIP AXE of Jflsß WATCUBS, J£WJ&ftY, Ac* ,-• „ Ha trwU. that from hto-JflX arparieoe* la Dtt*n«M, fe« j vfifcTJSatogiwiaUifWtotothoMWhoaaylhTorhlia j vUfctMtrpateontg*. j HttobqTgfat May 16th, 3S^SHBS®gi .ss^sgassssassg Fdik waichks jajrimi-oWi^wmT^t 1 ttAmatTWH —w«wiafc to iafeni tbt pqilic th*tjr* laaow offttimtoar MiMfcritnrt.of lg» fty- fine wSah*^ndJ««fc- Hj£sS»Uh rtpahtai itt«Wl to l» »Ulti '‘rgejjjji iaftMMck»mftoo«r, jjfl®«*«&■!••• "SS^s3^«Ss!b=s; iggsg^S?; ataittM. awj irtfci «iiawrMmg*».'ri»l'.- ««■*• «DMIB *WJ«Jpr-Xi 1 m/ ■• - - ■ - y k' ,*»! J + ' - ■ • •-; * r t * . "s v ' . * r ' . «• , . / *. tff * v ,■ ■* ... * ***,' V+: * - - U-'i >s -" ;- r A * * -aauww;w««rtnniLlfiU Ms no* flonpLeted iUa qßteC s9s ' Puruitaw, jrhtfli .1* doadwy JL-. the lawaat tad hturar oflfca* flpoflf *f, *Un*-»ltf it prkte a* low aa iny:in thaCWtad n**WUj »£ haia taaMad to produce aanantert furi*taro» etthe W*e*t ! iS5^5SBE5^i^S : furniture, from tb* cfuapeit andilMMtf.te th* »»*•£ mntendceutly, that above, or any part of opa» » »• furnished tomato etoek, or intnnflMtond eipmaly teg dor. The following artidea consist, In p«t» .9t Mt * t ~Li wfafcfafcrztahniuiof rtyUaad finish, oannet Umpama In any of the Eastern dties: .Lonte XEV tatewtetoßob*; tOdoLHabogany Chain; 90 don. Walnut M 90 Mahogany Booking ** 90 Walnut “ “ / 10 Mahogany ttrana; 90 Walnut “ 90 Marttt fop Centra Tafcka: •0 « * Drearing Bureau 90 “ « Waahatend*;J dOßndoeed “ lOOOonaon u fiO Plain Dreadng Bureau; 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: 90 Walnut “ “lOOottage “ 900 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 90 Mahojpny Wardrobaaj 10 Walnut . " and ¥b laurOMi Watch Trtda lOGberry '■„«* *lO Plato BoxaMf*' ~ |TO Dining and Breakfiet Table* ■l2 Secretary and Boolemi; 2)0 do*. Cane Seat Chain; 24 Can# Seat Hocking Chain? 12 Writing Peak*; a _ Bat and Towel Stand*; Wbat-Hota; Bfciguine? p»**r MaebaTaM**: OonTeraatios Chain; Poabrok* “ ■lkabethan “ Hall and Tier * Beeeotlon M Isdiee*Worfc ** .. ' Pearl Inlaid “ Dtatog t*htar» Arm " Ottoman*; , Turning ot eeery oeeenetkm menu* In the neatMt manner. Order* Uft at tba Wan Boocaa, or at the Mill, corner of Adam* and liberty etreets, will be promptly tten-led to. ta*rn A.HILLIKK9 4CO.t ' _ . Hiyj OS UAXD *t th«4r «xt»oilT» OABdcT aao CHAIR UASUVACTORT, Ho. « &althfleld «tr**t, » Urn Mwnimnf of fuaej tad pUia foraiturt, which u>«y will nil li per cent below cartomary nt«k Tna» cnb ocl; GntTlaAvcaiMati to OMh Parektian; •iiri will mII onr Urg« atock of OQHXON AXD FAUCY W CHAIRS ASP BEDSTXAPB, at prieaa Out MMOt flil to plan aih purdiMm. Oot Unuin CASH. JAACEB WWB>T, JR^ eor. B»Tacth&md liberty at*. WM. L BTRVMNBOS ecmtlßU** «* MBt«actur» u\ CABIN KT-WAKK of ertry d«Mriptto«, *t£j*°Ji***J* fPI cCTBT of Liberty and Setmth iti—U. I 1 *ISO attended to, ta all itabraacbo. *7 U . UUBCKO PIAHOI. 1 50TmtiLlo' •# *» « " sliding drak, SOO 4151. d/4 44 « ** 800 3034, n 4 * .- M Iron frame, “ 276 - ss-Sf: •• - 5 SSIT “ « - lUdlscdeik, ao 404 T, • “ ** Ito© frnma* 2® 4»W.0 “ “ ““ <• 4031, e •* 44 . ®* 4153, &=; “ - M Bondotr. *• Also, »lf agent for PitUburgb: and Weotom PWn»7j*o* nla, for UaH*t. Darts * Co, Boston; Baiaae, Bin. * Co-» S. V ; and V. C. Belcbeabach, PbUaA^bi^ CHAKDOTTB BUJXK, No. m Wood atrict. For Cfco B»Ui*jt* J! fl flfl PIANOS. ff V| V« THU 80MCRIBKRbssiiutrood**1 * mw total PIANO POETL& from ths eslshrstsd mssnlsstory « xuiCKiiuNa a boss, which compUtwPhU stock latwwtod wpaetoUr ran ns uoiaats. ThoM w ho s»* dssltoas of prossatta* thsir hmiltos with “"'"^“VlricTKlSw*h. . hats bo* sb opportunity of sslcetlag from tbs torgnst n 4 chokvst ttoek of Pisco Ports*svnr alknd ft* ssto la tWi dtr. Tbtj comprir* sll sty Is* ooufcUn* to bs in GOOD TASTE, , „ , from s plsJn hot stogsnt sitsrior to ths most slsWstsiy esrrsd. ALSO to* SALS, A lore, lot of PIANO FOETES, from WooßWip BMW», Boston; Osswn A Ann, Boston; Stosiakt,N«w Totk; *»- uuww. Bwtoo, Ac , Ac 4 from ths plsinsst to ths most cf ‘7?!''&xlD&£rr£lwL ALSO, A lot of wcnal hand Pfcaoa, «oom of tb** ttsriy «"*> fepm «0 to $l5O «ch. __ . Alao,* tte* tot of . Mhouobs, Gcrtau, ruso Stools ad Coras. juwwu, JOH3T U. MICLLOR, Ae«et for th« nde of Chlekorlog A Son** PlanoJfortea, fcr Pitubuith aud WwiernPtnoiylTaai»rKo.»l Wood itwot, ' ‘ -*M>Dd ali*J anddfr' d»cls between IHu&Ol Heiodcni. CAKHABrS GENUING MAKE. Hr LKB £ a has joit completed • stock of superior MELODEN9, from Um uoiorr of ui oawtau araatow, IfXWI CARUART * NEED RAM, New York, • I »:* .ft. comprising: , . b octave Melodeon,Plano style, round oorners and earred rotblo tablet, double sett of reads, nom* cvu, Me. 6 ociare Melodeon, elegant scroll legs, DOGMA SVSU> 4U « - « All the abo re hare GarharCi near taprorenent of the toCDLi awsu,” possessed bj no other maker ,a»d whin makes-them superior, la that respeet, to any oihgs-^ p Sols i gent tor the oemifae Melodeon made by CaniuaT, N.w York. JUULASGBKEAtB FOB. IIM. itl 4 i ElltiUJftiAN AUErior. Ilie Oldeit EiUbliihed Office is Pittitmrgh, for Semittlng Honey to the Oil Country. JAMKB ULAKALV tap le*»« to My to thooo ponons hating f* 4 *"- 1 * in the Old Country, and desirous of either Fending them money or paying their parage, that bU arrangement for doing either U now couplet^and oa pq fi rßl k baei|.ihat mistakes cannot occur, nor ISlsu accrue to any party Dating the last ten years in which he has been la this busineea. be has remitted oret a half million of dollars without the loes df a dollar, and the. house tor which he la agent, in Liverpool, has shipped wot lees than 46,000 persons during the last year to this country, without a oomplaint of neglect of duty on their part lie can issue paseenger tickets tor Ihniton, Dublin, Uvar* pool. Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Drogheda, Limerick, poet uush, Newry, Galway, Londonderry, and Dundalk, to Mew. York, Philadelphia, Hoe too, Baltimore, and Mew Orleans, and from theooe to Pittsburgh; and will attend strictly to forwarding passengers bon thence to any part of the coon* try. lie also has sight drafts for sale, payable at the to' lowing places, via ON ENGLAND. Edward*, Sanford * ...^...lacdnn. Vn; Teppaeott 4 C0.„.,—...~ —UtmtooL (Available hi toe principal dttae and tows* throngawit Bnglend and Walea.) ON TRELAKD. Provincial Bank, Ireland-.—.......... aJLUTCBB. a» ? »« c h | OaTan, Dusgena*B» -tfallaw, 1 * ; Tralee, Bawonatown, Drogheda, . Inadondarry, BUm7 ' Ballina, Ballyabannoa, KHrtfiny, Nowry, QoUraine, EnnieliUian, Dnnganntm, Baadon, Carlow, Banbridge, limerick, Enohoartby, Waierfbrd, Downpatrick, Galway* " U«K AtJdoaa, CioonaU, Qpo&UL Monaghan* Yoaglum, Ballast, Itaulalk, . Kilroab, gtrabana, Balymima, . Oort, • ~ ‘VMrti 'Wexford. '!»■■■■» "v-" 7 ON SCOTLAND. ; nfftirrTr-— - t—. —r — 1 In fiftr town* to BooQand. “ * ON I&ANGI. - - . liumjiHva.iiMt * coi a# (^Wh.-gdgtal^. IkW, E«k * Oit,Bntaa,tinkht«4»giti. y; <«-“*>“ ia mbj - «erMT afßeraatkaad Bmtthfta^atr—u. , , r Plttebnrgh, Pa. Morilnit flrtilor* TOHV'UBQKUB, tarty J w<>dd«aMtliUlruMi|BeW* have also Railroad Walehe* and Clocks. Begulatoca fiir Bailroad titationa, goO to $75. • BQver Watches from $lO to sv). Hold Watches mem sas to s'£» Watch BxSaiaiao.—Our beet attention, aided by tnperlor vorkm.o. Is oaosunUj d«Tottd to th. rrptirinj ana clejn- In g of 6o« W.tdiK. OT £ PmetlqU Watch Sinker. ‘Otfa* flaking and OiUlnery. • * y\ respectfully Inform* her mends others, tbaUtebe is prepared to make to th* jflßStotot styles of DUSSm CLOAKS, MJJiTXLLAa, tTIXAS, tfc, on the shortest nodes ’aid on tbs most rea mable terms. Children's Qoihing made op with naatneas Bonnets altered and dyed according to (UreetiDneTend neatiy and taatafuliy trimmed. We aim to Voji* pofrth larntMimM M to the Crystal Palace Calf Coputamhtp. r. Tnn subscribers hereby infarm their frt*nda nnd the BBblie that tfcwj «s»aci*t9d together, uadi the firm of WiL i’OUXUsON * 00- ter the £»n**e af amiu od the PAiyn.NU lit3lXfcca,m*aiu breach es; and bop-*, bj'itJteb-«te»ti4ti..U) :o mem a »tmn of public paiofcaje. Lettering adO famcing. * or the trade oh reasonable lerms. &nop on SeT«mhJ^»r '«■<*“ tb. Ne,l«» K 0,!... ' I>AKUi. YUUSO3OS. ~ ~ D«rld fl«nn, , Rial estate and contracting agent, no. z, r jftWIX Street. Pittsburgh, haa fox sal*-os 190 teres of land In Oier county, lowa, 16 miles trom ilafr 2S£« U» maintoad to Mpriqo,ami S milea from Tip ton, 6 .niles from two. Railroad depots; 9p * cr ®* '£ , J UW *J? eoUlTstfen, a good Frame House, Frame Barn end Cii* ries, * good betring Apple Orchard. Kit farm l* watered! high, dry, good land, h» » very healthy eoun^. A rerr greet >n»>aan be Lid of thSa.farta for prompt p«j. X&julre as above, or cf Hr. John Mono, on tai pro nilU 3 teres of land, with ■ large In snecosfol oDeration; 8 Prune Dwellings, Barn, Blaek* 'smith Shop and Tools, Beat Seaflold, Work Shop. ate on the tank of the AUegheny river, at ..MUert Eddy, Armstrong rnnty, Pa. Enquire as aboye, or of Sir. L “fBSS K poretas* 8 to 80*,000 ft*t, B. wm(| Oak Flank, 3 inches thick. 8 or 16 teet long, 7 to 18 fetches wida, part to be dattveredln October next and part iaAnriLU&b. Eaquire as above. • . ” Atoolforsale, all the Beds,furniture, ud**f£f*]j Ln *°* the fitting oat of a large Hotel, In' the city of Pittsburgh, now a Tvj large business. Two to nre year? ot the. lease of the house can also behad, audlmnujdiaCn pofiatadoh If required. Enquire aw shore. ; ***_ rnutLD BOOS POREAILKOUJENaiNKAttS.—Contain r t... frHWjia fef Ist tag out corves. determining frog an* •tea. leveUiog, calculating earth-work, etc-, etc., logtuher wUh tableau radii, ordmaie*, deflectidua, long cLords, mametie variation, logarelhitoa and natural Signs tan- JJ2C£ eta etc-hy John B- Aleock, Civil Angineerr *o4fceU booh form. lU,7V . ftKUrt of the present work is to supply a want tut rascally felt, by Amtetant Engineers on BoOroads. Books of coarsnifni form for use in the field, containing the ordinary lrairithmatlc tahlesate oocuaon enough; bat • book combining with these tables others peculiar to the work, and especially the neeresary &«uul» for laying out curves, turn-outs, crosiluga, a rieeMeratan i iSSSSf April 5, ISM.- Gbukmcfir 1 hare looked ever “UanctV Field. Book for. Kailroad Engineers," and think It well adapted to the. ob- Uetits author proposes, and hare no question but it will be fcand a very uaeiul and practical volume both for offioeand fieldwork. SsffT.AprUSl.lSMl 1 am mneh pleased with Mr. HonekTs UtUe manual, ihs ** Field Book of Railroad EMineera." With the presenta tion of some of the most piaßMtal and useful of recognised Diooessef among callway engineers, he has given others whiehtfMwatleastln their present form, appear to posses a mintfof *dgW value than that of mere novelty—that of hmtrtg in general fUKeptihls of available, net to say deetra* bla. practical use. In ooaclusioh, while 1 think* tlu> design oTS£ Henck’s book to snob as to adept it excellently well to piofeskmal needs, I have pleasure in expressing my ntiafeetton with Its execution, alike with the per* ndeuitv of amazement effected by tbewathor, and the ex* £3&’^* a T3E£V*ff£F^ Dealer la Engineers’ tftaUonsiy;' t Wy Market street, corner of Second. WM. A. M’CLUKG, _ r- TOtl Flhfi TfiM, Cboi«B Fnmily GroctriM *ad Willow Vazi. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTE BTB.i PITTSBURGH, PA Tgnow receiving a large assortment of FRESH GOODB, lin addition to-his already extensive l"”***"} from first hands in theßaatern markets, which, will be sold at tbs lowest market prices. - .. Steamboats, and faaffles, baying by th* Quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. uopda delivered in the city tree of charge. sep3l OUUUAaKI FOB. SAAB. THI ondarilgned has just received at hia m OARRIAUE WARKHOeaB, near tha Two Mils San, between and LawrenosriUe, a splendid assorttaentJHr W— of TXBXGLES, of every description, and will continue to receive and second hand Carriage*,. Sulkies, /w«i, which SeKwiU sell on tne vbry lowest terms for cash. *wlih his well khtnrn fiscillties In the East, he flatters himself In pnttingEowa ail aompetitkm. -XtoOM wishing to purchase are respoetfis&yinvltoA to call and see for themselves. . ' EoMdalandproaptattenttaiptldto repairing of Oazri* fmyifcdswyi JQgfePH WHITE. VkAXCNT MEDIULNfcS.— X 6 cross LodJnm'a Bp«ci&e.; • 10 to JUdvaj’s Ba*dj lUlkf; * ~fi .do^BwiT’tTzloppturoQf; ( toKrona* Katkauoa: . > 6 to Wtfchtoftllas A I do BrsadrtA** FIOa; ' ■r r -do Hodanifr (toman Biltmh • » to WJBhtu*gOintment; 4* to ttora'r Coogh Candj; - «t-to - Btewn’i Xttuws (linger: ‘ 6 tos IteztU’v Otbtthtat; 'I # Ter^all’iArabianlinlacatk ItoKtaa 1 Pettokun*— Imtora aaSSr sto by flßUßra BROS* Stooaakte »J. KBd k oa-*, BAtoWood Hamt MifcgM fteiwy. ~ .ajid xwwaa,tat« i < 1 «* to luit tha retail Flttsborsfc and maria of bald Mated fan. dark, pattens aadlatfg °lnP i . The general edaMon that dtawart’sGheek* sad Tweeds ‘are not laJUnria quality to anj others mannA»*«*y to 12—8»^n/aKftftssiNSt Tin toßna.* nod MmaztMiMoX of *uch Ctotn**™* •.Urntnifml2&to ayi<*oXl P«r jud. BkttD-lMuli 'T*»ennCM*»UnmT«(i{£t»£U t"t>. 1 1 *. . BUiMhos* Owa>ti y . ?-• ; brtrrns.OmA tt to thstoadT»B.ta«itn nail aa* ■f lil>, ” T iiiatOr 1- •• phyj*. g^^* i *^as,MSs^ngg^i ■ ' -* ?' ■ >;>*■■■-■■■' : . arfemfroma m*sbfcs~orabß»a pt&MJ&mm***?** > , nuke op tfal wafiJifc WMrfjjlwr VJ* : /*. tallrigorftpdsHoaf flaaPiaaoadbieiad Wll t / taloucaßsoiiidiHur dridttt fa Tttw as the only wui of ocaannifeMlßii4l3s aKS?t •W® ■ nirpfify iptha wipar ag;y tiua*MTdM jail—iig*. . .- , eflecm **• i foeblagirl,tb»aUbswt%)b»ltttMydtrfnMttJ , ocik«tt* t OTier>«orikßsna(buiaaaLti>*iWteataßMWNiCtMrtfla» tb* indiTUa*imiStflHgftSc*2i*l'Mafc»s*sianitTr baoentralfcf teua, |ha os*a(4MiMHkaßi|WMßo«»> » \ . To*tbc—wb6b»vpg*Ji^>o^flp«whph|ig| , i>ffipw. • £ » and taaSttg laligniiJGßtiMtrtat tirrlr i f aaladr. - $ th‘tfr-mT“—P- I ‘i " i nTfffi I itw* $ Ttacfaof medlgae. JU*aotitnilbjSjiph-i As Plate i AmlsalUi ■-.., X ", ; Tto dabajpanntK? the spaMpailaißtt*P»w« n* -i , [ —ea. tad tfee ftrma of astTonsjflwasijtoqtagp —Pt ‘ i | nhu, floor albas, dnUng- | ,n ahionfc tendency to amqMS«|»jwaasiStiMLa»a V attcomplalfata growing tat of a flwtwMpHjgaftbapafr 2 * riona, and all barrenness tbas dom»oip*taapM*a«gapfl» § esoM reach of : y , : Wbwwwt the organ* to be waw gpon nijMia Ml h „ formation or etiietaral&saMe.ittsavtaiXt&Ht .wfißfigsjxvTwiuTnw«cßr - ; •. Vfll £ |' I S£T£ the pawl otganhattoa? "dar-fabr «sriari tSS * i ill miladies, wherarer they finish mtaa.wnd that the naralrfatioaftf Qia -wmemfimtOtn t - •Bd KOttflOß-ll {dfßCll (TMth .BOllißObdlllDttbit ,- for vftrj kind of narrooa diasase tho-BHifi wrUrlMfta T r No i»"f**f* am eooTty in adagoatO too> diaUandalmoafcArfrecaloo®ehaagawhiflfc®iaD«|oiMi*tb* v , I Trmi i—l, bndcca —*"~*T'" " i ' **" * „ braced, reririfiad and built op Mritt al liaM symptoms of narrows dloaaasa vttah.tpwtfc>**hHm its fo* flaoneo. Nor isthesflect temporary ;i«i thasfjjtraiy tbo ; rriltf :? Mgdttitt, * ‘ .:? i'-.-i i LOBS or XBfORXk - ; . Onfnyjon t , "A pfblfted tntlah—a,— l«mAo4y t ', •ebility, hytUzix, tilHthtl-.Of mV llKlntl» *. \ : tibility, BerrwMOja»,iniblUty lO 4 | fatmttas, decoy of thopt^mattogf>»Nittiß||tg^^i t imw JP sußit, Togo* urrora, polpitatioa of M Mfn» toipn—oey, *. |» vn j reliance to be ploeod oo hoMoTiBH— ibwlniily 1 •-' , £ l n**A* mromm k« Wtf* f, ThovspanUelodMacfei of tU« gnot la oB l eomplalßU isddnt BtfrkoLavonta «ho«o- •’ n»Uof medScfaM. Tt¥mMnd>of-attjt>Mrto.Mfoh—■ to» 3* y*«iBP«dflodln tbororliid Jhw—Jyntfdfcafilbywto to % o( won fir Itfllihli ' £ B«naL /- £t'(lf«dHta- y ytejr*tfaigODrtl*l* trloL - • •' f > - T««» MABBIU) JEHBOBBi - •-.•»- bst»*Moboi Oo or two, a thoroagh TMowatat of tiw -lyatnd. la tU % dEroedosn tw to be loond tbo pajfjam>lnC baoltky o# 1 fprina, wh3 woaU MtbiiiWß a oat lor tUi ■tnirfl T ?”WATJi2i£S!ggS2SIZ%£. i meo hive been reotored by o>4 8 «tv>ce hkk it faßedto flw. , S p-saaosa <« pm wuyntTTwr, X or coniomptiTO boMU, ■?■ riMorort —< of ■ Lottloor % two to bloom *ad vigor, 1 low. BicfcJy color, to • beootßol atgtfciMiploxiop, , 1 ’ ; ’*o ZHX !CSQCfI«O.-3 ?s | Ttimti tie comp nf thn wid etr* iwTiafifcrty Hirtf ttM~~ | eedby euly habito of youth. Tt»:;wtakaipqf Po bock « and limbs, pitas in the head, ffimaw of aightJoMOf mns- T 2 eolar power, palpitataoa of tbo baortt tolpiydi ,sgTWM 53 irritoloUty > -gtjpilrb ttnaa.doUaM pmbStla, tdo *** 1 for twelre dollars. C. H. SoldbyfrngßiststbooogboaitbaUnited StSapdaMM andtbewastlndlaa. - ‘AOsaTii K D? rS!k- 9BU Mfi. Allegbeoy Qty—JNO. P. PUCKINa. piwifltna—lt H. r. xkb 'caasuirpTWN. . j -,i\. w .' WE invite f&at.ifebattoMf tt* t . V Ba /9W - pnbOe to th* inMiiilwl —i ~fti v —r~i w frrrtfiTm rTflr-TiV / dU conaMsaartewwfcfcfc MtcSMMt JuJag Ihfr»« whether tht.l* get thw anfirM hrt&i4Ah— s Job must bra rolwT tx Uw llxo« iniWlM. i—t* lr> , , ib.th« JTotj toUy ought sot .to.hyottlr.tMM Jf « ! , •oMuuid •g.SuafthiMntTßhm itrauirithfctil freqMinr upou .Uuast m&nmftai -'.-t -Jit' jßekooivCJfeftoM" efcJ.O. 3»»»r41«gB Dt- X-C. Am: StrSghoJhUMT PtcroßtlitOJauAfto* qaired after. grrcrtlof oorbest Ptnrskiaae havacM'd throf Pfttvm !■ w*na | t«nrfalw«yi#fcri^Kiw p test effects. Tho omaeroua pptent medfc&Hrf'annflaba-. roe them, Wd toincrwiuatylniggyVtodfcgyMXj—i jh- > ; dj; and it is ©nlyafterundoalrtedfjritawoalwetaa : article, that anything like a general oonhdettoe caßja*ex^_ e **Theunrivalled exeeßenneaf thisoowbtoftkm.^djßto.., (to OloChxut Pgrotu,)proved bey on* ccyflla repeated q trial under their own obeervngoE, hit winniflgjiirttrul. men to proclaim abroad its wasfnJasiM. Ilitheyoad 011% doubt the best generat remedy w* have ieathaPaxmofaryv Affections of this climate, at the Bam*.tim* N>rtw4ad< a mb coabtoatinp ofpMptrtl—. • in the hope that it will prove Its owu »«ad,l ■rtielit i> • Dl. J. C. Am: Dai Bitr-Om B| I*l »■« which ruaconstant a source of great apprehemapa. to even relieve need ymTfltTmyijyS? mo ha* not only relieved me* but, aa I trttft|Vh«P>sfi*ine I ears nothing for the reputation W idiNVj| dkluMjcailuiialaatyoujaernee. I WjinoauMtt to members of Uw bar, .endcithers vKomlßsay la* « . boring under similar lmilspoeitiona../ • \ ~ Yoon truly, • • / B»?.i?QUL Eu. J. C. AIXU: Bit—l pound exrlusfrely in iay mnee,awt Sad VBMHIKby far-, any teher remedy we brfaior earing dto*«Mif«dhe lanes. * •■ 7 s. What yet jcmalra \$ convince the awwHiatTadriflirWlat, the Chany Pectoral is all that It paxpeete t»haa94lMM*» equalled rtmedlaigagnmfer all dfaiaaesdf th»Y!>«unfc.Bd . 'Longs. The eipeo«nea.«f yean has prove* fftdfcn aaafa, Prepared by J.tJ. A.YEE, Chylit r tovrit,Ei*i 9*iin ■Bfworthhas qep*attous,attßmpCe4.tet>ejsllii PLimijtj. '* ' • t EBTOCE ‘t retail. - . .t: jilddhmlß* Carter’s flUatißibr 4 TB£ GREAT PURiFiRR OF THRBISBSI Hot t Paxtfcto of Hannxv LSI THIS AMUCIKD''&£&]) AH*TdoOMfl . Infallible lUmady fcr Serofids, Ktag»a IfffiSafti p«m, ObetiwU: Cutinooui Xmptimiwl'feiViNaiifiiMM oa the Face, Blotobaa, Boils,Akua i2lna Gtoqtfojfcoa Irto, King Worn or Tettni&calA KaiikwaOMl Maonki* I“T Tfiy ffniinl TVaniifafali «*i dfutmm arising trom an injadirfena oat«f JfanHtfUftwhaaarfe •file,or Impurityof thaStood... - - > v Vss . c j#* Thia great alterative mafietae «ad Sprite of i«Dovtuedvtenrfaof . of tin* United w»fi« • tem paribraed by tha niati* of ail artklwy’Hiß: XJStfH BfrAXISB JfESxußß.* W»llf lfclj. BJtepjtiteQ. Sentfak, Xntftif* om iSm