'-?' '•"- *■ -f'^v* I,^''vTlr'f'' 1 ,^'' vTIr'f'' ,?■ -a' *’ .Zk.-£*mej*£ 7,. " •■•■'■• V-V ,' . \ y .. .< . . r : - .., IgpV'' ■;.?: #^'-r- ;:^^i!V- .■■ : ' ■; ' : : ' . fc* \/i *. .*r:fr * r ? *i »'“•■ *■* • * ■ ' - v-i’rjiatf.*.»:;**> <-m ;•! - A • ■. i ■., * V- vf>-i y r v •».,---. j«r < _ l?;fC *^ ! , ■*,->■.y* •»■*»!,*»» ‘-vy l *•» giU*- , , + ! V *f. v« f'i' - , & jAf irf „-.''* : !^ mpis fe^Sir' w/KBSsp& ## J liters jjwlsA &SfiSj&£%S^A-Bi^^is I**?* v* • ”* -jr flliisil mm*^tism f^ggS^ 1® ipil^ ®%i ssssp&ss pptgg Igglps «SS»isfcL*©w3 * *«, ®v f >*»r ; , •& »» n * A /'L 4"&4 ~ ' ' &s^ ,i,^-*;‘^.v-’- j «*3. v x*' I *. > -.•■•••* i?^ 7 'j fc ’''‘"V ' • "* ’ -V* v "• - »/,■*► -“ '~ •. * 4. *.• * *•• *» «* - ' *?;ii * Jt* J ■*’"»*'. ■ ; ”••. 757,._7 ,._ .*■ • . >* f*■ r, ■*.« s , ’-•-.•• ••-—fe-..v 4^*^,>.".*’-' V ?'vs ; ■/ ■ ' K ? DAILT MORNIN6 POST. ♦he N(t Tork papefaeaaoanee, on competent authority,that the Seat Canal WHI beifinlahed —and duly delivered to the General Government fcj the lit of Mot —nineteen daya before the torn of delivery expiree. The oobol ooat io round nomhers; for whioh the contractor* reorive 750,000 oorea load, ofwhloh 250,090 are valnable eopper laud,: to the lake Superior region, and 600,000 acres are fine pine land, the beet part of which is already located, inolnding the Undelmmedinttfly round the Falls. The most Inferior of their lands srs'said to be worth s*lo per acre.— Chicago peptr. _ The canal will undoubtedly be finished within the time prescribed by the contract, and it will probably hare coot the company a million of dollars, in round numbers; but we searoely think the 760,000 acres of land which is to be taken in payment for the work ie deemed any thing like as saleable as above stated. The company is entitled to the publio thinks for tho fidelity with which it has fulfilled Its engage ments, for if onything is made out of the job it will be after the lapse of many years, and by the bast of management —Detroit Fret Preee. Camea or lowa.—The Senate-of lowa has, by a vote of 17 to 12, passed a bill removing the geat of government from lowa City to Fort del Moines. It is supposed, says the Dnbnqne JSxpreee, that the House will also pase the bill. Gi Bbigluß * Co.'* TnuporttUott Lin* &fl§| JSsnai rpQ AND FROM S HILADgLFHIA, BALTIMORE AND X K*W Ovnm ud A gouts or saHUUs baTeheenfar the past fcurt«u years connected with ths M old established Bingbma’a Lias.” They will dre their aMalpsompt attention to the Ibrwnrding of Produce,Mer* tn the shortest time end on es faeorable term* esspyuther Line. 49* Only one transhipment between Pittsburgh, Phil*, dslphla and Baltimore. GBO. BINGHAM A CO., OanalßaMn, liberty tL, Pittsburgh. BINGHAM, DAVIS A 00. ST6 Market sreet, Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent, 121 Worth st. Baltimore. . M, l. Ostrander,’Agent, 86 Wert aL, Naw York. Proprietor*. B&IK BXCHAKOIfi, THIRD STREET, BETWRBH WOOD AND MARKET. t rpHE Subscribers W leave to inform their friends and X the pabUo generellv, that the/ hare leased the above well known Restaurant, which has just been thoroughly renovated, repaired and re-fur&iehed, and now open.* The proprietors have spared no espouse to make the Bank fcU ehange a comfortable resort, as well tor the epicure as the business man. The lanler will at all times be stocked with the dshoades of the season, and served up under the auspl ero of experienced oooks. They respectfully ask for thi patronage of a generous public. jUlfcly rlmt SUBSCRIBERS baetobn doing business under the A- stele of DAWSON) UOHAN A CO., In the manufacture end sale of Beilroed Tools, Perm and Garden Implements, will hereafter eonttnne the same under the style of DAW* 80S, KKWHYER A 00., et the Empire Works, is the Ninth Ward, end Warehouse No. 22 Wood street, hither of us will attend to settling up the business. Jfwtlea. fXIHS Interest of Hr. JOHN ATWELL in our basinwa X oaaaa* from this date by agreement Our basin ess. u WHOLESALE QMQt&B, will be continaed by the remain ing partners under tbs firm or BAGALEY. OOSGRAVS A 00, NOS. 18 nod 20 Wood street Pittsburgh. BAGALEY, WOODWARD A CO, No. 221 Market street, Philadelphia. WU. BAGALEY A 00. Pttbburgh, December I9th, 18SL [dw.22 AotUs. < I HAYS fold myinterestin the buataeas of-bug, Millar A On, to A. A. Lons, who, with John Phillips, will con tinue at the old stand, Fo. IU9 Front street I cordially meommaad the new dm to the patronage of my Mends. Pittsburgh, July 99,18 W. P. H. fari.t.Mit A a. 10ad.... 8. A* LOSti A CO., TVKL AMP BEAM FOUNDERS, AMP GAS FITTERS, A 3 invite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Brackets, Pwniiite, ltd other fixtures. We fit op houses with Gas ud Steam, sake Brest Castings of all kinds to order, for* nieh Railroad fosspa and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti- Altdtton Metal oOnstnntlr on hand. jy3l B«L' iVIDUiK^IIBSTAVHAaiT, WOOD ST&SST, BIST. WATER AND FUtST STIUSKT3. THI Uodenfcoed has jout provided a choice stock of LXQDOB&, sod U reedy at all times to serve his Mends vrtthtbebestof the season, in tto way of edibles. Irish Whisky Pooches Bay be had at the : Butidiu. jaaUßy JOHN BAVAQB. Proprietor. IKE MARVELSNEW WORK—FUDGE lKJlNCa.—b«aag Tony Podge’s Beoonl of the same la forty chapters, *Uh portraits of Solomon Fudge, nod George WnliiDgtos radge, from designs by Darl«y; 2 vote, uniform vith BeTeries of e Bachelor, Bream Life, Ac. Per sale by 1L MINER A CO., dec2B Wo. 82 StnltbfieW Street. wm. a. mui>» b. m'vav, Wat H. WiUlstina Sc, Co.. BANKERS ANjD EXCHANGE BROKERS, .V. K Corner and Third ttrtett. tfr* All transactions op liberal terms. Collection* • of BUls, Notes, attended to. jan"tr.lw sowaao aJ n;u,. .siacus a. houjpax. Holliday^ T)BODUCB, forwarding and commission mbs- JL CHANTS, KvcmtviUtj Ja —Strict attention pakl to all for sale, of Floor, Produce, Ac. Orders for the purchase of Prodoee solicited and promptly attended to, Goods for re-shipment forwarded with despatch, j octH.flm H'COSSBLL* WILLOCK. BANKERS, A ND Dealer* ia Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold and Silver J\ Current and Par Funds received on deposit. Stocks bought and sold oq commission. Collections made at any point in the United States. South Bast corner of Market and Fifth streets, • myll PITTSBURGH. PA. Tire Qreateit lnventlM of the Age* TO AVOID those unpleasant feelings that usually / Maccompany the wearing of a new list, the CONFOJU lately imported from Paris, forms the Hat to the exact shape and size of the head. A neat fit, and a good Hat may be hut at 77 Wood street. aprS WM. DOUGLAS. Ktnnett Ale. WD. ENGLISH, Bole Bottler of SMITII’S oelahrated • Kennett Ale and Brown Stout. . Also,Oomxnon Ale and Porter, in quart and pint bottles. The attention of families, and the trade, Ik rmectfoUy solicited. ; anlLy Mineral Water ond BorsaptrlUa Tlpt D. BNGLISH, Pitt street, below Penn, is now f f mantrfartnrjng end bottleiog the shore beverages on an extensive scale. Ills articles are of the best quality, and pgfratmgd from tbs pares! octlfrly MARTIN’S RESTAURANT AND EATING SALOON, ON THE EASTERN PLAN, 2» Diamond ailey, Uturnn Wood and Market ttmix. —All kinds of eatables served npta the best style, and on the shortest notice. - House open from 6 o’clock' In the morning aatil 12 o’clock at night {Sundays excepted.) octfcly TrMavrtr’i Oflea of the uhmlera Valley Ballrotd Company. SUBSOBIBBBfI to theabore Bond are hereby notified that the Boardof Pirectoryhy cabled lor a second Install* meat of Pits Douam per shwrfcfryable to the Treasurer on the let Monday or JUJiB/amTaleo Fire Dollars per share on the first Monday of each ensuing month, until the whole amount Is paid my3o:tf ALYAN WILKINB, Tnuam. f|\KN MOiltt of tboM aplfindld Cio&U it $l2, tuunll/ *okl JL at $2O, just opened b j JUtIS ARTHURS, RODGERB & CO, anftfla PltUlrargh, Fn« lMtrietlona~ihlinnie. MB. WAVBLINK would reepectfully inform his pupils an i friends that be will eontinae hie prolesnon v insir actor on the PIANO PORT* end VOICE. Oxden left at Mr. KLBBBB’S Mode Store, or et bis resi dence, No. 187 SECOND Btreet, will be promptly attended StOTSS t StOTCI iT fttovesXl! COOKING ANO;ii£ATjING STOVES. mflK public will find it' to their c *dvaot«ge to examine X our stods of STOWS, before purchasing elsewhere. GRAFF, RKISINGJCR * GRAFF, eepHO 124 Wood street* toots Attl JIFLACGHLIN, No. 05 Fourth street, nearly opposite # the Mayor’s Office, is manuGwturing Gentlemen’s first Boot*. Low Sums* ties end buttoned; Congress Button ed Gaitersi Laditt’Booty Half Boots, Jenny Linds, Slip pery and French Lashing Gaiters, of erory color and shade; faaeyShl and Gaiters, of the best material; Ulsms and Children’s dOrOf every variety. N.B.—All jtfams made toorder t oa short notice* [aol9 XT*W BOOKS. AT DA Ho. 66 Market street, J3I iwr Fourth. Kutk'HalL; by Fumy Fern. Amabel; * Family History. Fudge Doings: by Ike Marvel. Lift of Marlin Luther; beautifully Illustrated Americas init English editions. Weeds to ft Young Communicant: byDr.J.W. Alexander. Only a Dandelion, Ac, Ac: by the author of Flower of Family. Parish arid Other Pendillngs jeania Morrison. Humanity in the City: Chapin. BeriTal Bcnnoua; Ist series: Baker. Flamer's Sermons u> Children. Flamer's Tracts Juvenile Books lor New Fear, Ac., Ac. . de«29 BOOKd I BOOKS I! —The Uistory oi ute Unuauee; toeir glee. Progress and Results. The M« of Martin Lather, and the Reformation in Ger many. The Parables of Krnmniadier; with 2$ illustrations. •pha Christian’s Doily Delight and Sacred Garland. V *Th<> Oomp Fine of the American Revolution. - The Great Bed Dragon, or Master Key to Popery. Tha Archbishop, or Komaoism In the United States.' Afraja. or Life and Lore in Norway. BeOind the Scene: by Lady Bulwer Lytton. Glance at JSarope: by Horace Greeley. V Life i n til* Clearings rs. the Bash. Houghing it la the Bush: by Mrs. Hoodie. And numerous other works, lor sale by B. T. C. MORGAN, deoS CNo. 104 Wood street. ROOtt TO LET, situated od Third street. AUo, D a Dwelling House, on Carpenter's alley; and. one on Login street. Immediate possession of the above can be fcaST 8. CUTHBERT k SON, Beal Estate Agents. 140 Third street M-uSKS* OJTTAQB BKDfll Uhed sail fer s*l« by i*toe!2 IINJS MAB I OQANY WAKDftOBKB Betattfol iwtteras on band, flntohed. [d«el2J T.-B. YOUNG k CO. HOT BOOK GA&BS—finished and in vti [decl2l T. B. YODNQ A CO. X | j room* • ifOAEra N. BROiLBN CAKBY—lnfOtmil and half ’*”**• f ° r ““‘X. A. M-CLPEO. 07Rvntgtmt» j (jr*“ 0 JMI» X Sss&>iSe&' i "rf, itrorAi. tarn xnoxun: cojcemt. f&a Kfehankc, on Third U etmt, PaiLADXLPBLA. ' ' . " * habins nramuacss. Ob Trau, V CiMo, . >To ell parts of tht World. - Ussaan, I INLAHB IMSOIUKOES On soodß.l>rriT«n. canals, lakes and land carriages, to all parts of the Union. nSSIKSUEANOKS On meftAandltegenerally. On rtorea.dweJUng bouses.Ae. "ASSETSOF THE OOMPAITT, sorember7,lBM. Bonds and Mortgages...oo Btateof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia dty, Bpring •■ Garden, Sonthwurk, and other loans,. **181*6*3 *2 Stocks in banks, railroads and Insurances com* . panies .... .. ...... 24,012 20 Bills receivable 94 Caik08bi0d.. n .,... nM ......«....M.. n ..~ —•«« 16,07140 Balaneesln the hands of .Agents and premiums on Marine Policies recently i55ued....~~~......~1Z1,707 67 BubserJpti9n2fotei,..*~....-.~^~..~*.**»..M'i*~...-100 > 000 00 $627,470 60 2. TUIRD ANNUAL BTATKMJBNT OF THE STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE OT PINNB TLVASIA. Arwts, May Premium* rseetod to May Ist, Interest an Jtoina, Qapita18t0ck.....„.....,. M . S«4«4SB 20 Hemmed premiums, Losses, Reinsurance, Ex* pensea, Ac 1,...,.. ...... 5T,804 W Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, and other good seen* euritics— ...... Premium Notes ....... „ ........ Caehon ham 1,.,,,., J. SCHANDEUIERKR, 0. B. PRANCI3. A. J. OILLETT, Secretary. Will insure against neriU of sea uud luland navigation, alee, on HerchandJtem city or country, at lowest rates con* sis tent with safety, policies Issued on dwelling houses either perpetually or lor a term of yean. Branch Office, corner Fourth, and Smithfleld streets. nyjfrtf A. A. CARRIER, Actuary. LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY and trust company, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTERBD APRIL 26TH, I>SO. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL ?250,000. Ofictf 8. E. Corner of Third and Chestnut Streett, Philadelphia. Ofrcert of the Borne Board at Philadelphia: niuoroas. Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson. W.Tingfejr, Geo. M’Ueary, Jacob L Florence, James Dcrcnu, William M. Godwin, William M’Kee. Prttidtnl— Stephen R. Crawford. Vice President —Ambrose W. Thompson. Jtrdieat Examiner , Pittsburgh —James 11. Willson. H. D, Allegheny City —R. B. Howry, M. D. GKO. K. ARNOLD, Agent, No. T 4 Foorth street, Pittsburgh. WM. DAWSON, J. S. NKWMTER. jtnltlm .-JTTO. PQILUPI. Tli* Fruklln Flra laiaranc* Company, 0/ i'hiiadrlpiiia, Ftemtylsania. ,'r\lßßCTOßS—Charted \V. Uancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias XJ Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jaewb R. Smith, Geo. W. Rich arils, Moniocai D. Lewis, Adolph! E. Berts, DaTid fi. Browne, lh*ris Patterson. Ohas. N. Bajccm, I'rtndcnL : Cbas. G. ILctcmt, Scartivy. Continue to mike Ln*nraane, perpetual cr limited, on every description of property, In town and country, at rate* ae low aa are oonrtstest with security. The Company haTe referred a large Contingent Food, which, with their capital and premiums, safely infested, af lord ample protection to the avart-d. The Assets of the Company* on January lrt, IMI, ae pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, wero ae follows, vis: Mortgage .... $913428 68 Real fc«t*t*_ 61,377 yg Temporary Loans..... 54,960 17 Stocks.. 6U» CO Caeb, Ac «... Bl T0ta1...... *1,212,708 U Since their Incorporation, a period ot twenty-one years, they hare paid upward of One Million Toot Hundred Thou sand Dollars, lonsoa by ire, thereby atfoniing ••rtdrnos of the advantages of insurance, as well u the ability and disposi tion to meet with prompta»«*e all liabilities. ' J.QABDXKF.& COFFIN, Agent, *pa4 Office, north-east cor. Tml and Tbinl rta. PUOTECTIOiI* INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ’ HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock , Annual PrendumM and Wcitcm Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1818. PoUdeaof Insurance issued at all timaa on the most fa to re-* ble terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, OB Till PKKQ.S OJT NAVIGATION, BT GEO. E. ARNOLD, Aobkt fob PirrsmrßßH and Allegheny county. marl fry . e -~ ~ Wettern Injurant* Company, Pittsburgh. &. MILLKH, it-Prtndmt. J F. M. GORDON, sJrttary CAPITAL, 9300,000. TT7TLL Insure against all kinds of riikj, FUtI and UA vT AINH. All losses will bo liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A HomelnstUntion, managed by DiaxcToas who are well known in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they hare assumed, ae offering the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. Wrrctora-.R.MiUer, Jr.,Q.W. Ricketson, J.W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., W. U. Smith, C.lhmaes,George W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, James Lippeooott,GeOrge Dartia, James Me* Anley, Alexander Kimtrk, Thomas Scott. „ Office, No. 92 Water street, (Warehonseof Bpang k 00-» op stairs,) Pittsburgh. nor&ly William A. Hill a Co., U AN EBBS, No. 01 Hbod PiUtburjA. HOLD on sale the following BONDd-AND Htvy.gy*- 40 shares Exchange Bank ; 17 do Monongahela Irrigation Oompany; 20 do Citizens’ Insurauoe Company; $2,000 Moaonpihtla Navigation Company Bonds: $5,000 City or Pittsburgh Bonds; $5.000 Oounty of Allegheny Bonds. faeps: BHKB—I XTb tb A\-- ' M X < ’ »■* *■ h r>- ’■» * • 1 INSURANCE COMPANIES. 1 Dr. B. M. Huston, Hugh Craig, Spencer MTlvaln, Charles Kelly, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James Traqualr, Wio. Syr*. Jr., Joshua L. Price, JamesTennent, John B. Semple, Charles Schaffer, J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, 8.T.0. Morgan, do. . MARTIN, President. >B.O. HAND, Tice President. Wm. Martin, Joseph 11. Beal| Edmund A. Bonder, John C. Dub, Robert Bunch, John R. Penroee, George G. Ldper, Edvard Darlington. H. Joiheßnolui J. G. Jooneon, James O.Hand, TheopUoe Paulding, James B. M’FarlatMl, W. C. Lndwlg, Jcezra W. Cow as | P, A. MADERIA, Agent, 86 Water street, Pittsburgh. INSURANCE COMPANY, $209,010 61 T 186,2&0'66 100,0WH)0 of Resources, liable fbr L0re*5365,318 70 ’SnzofoKa. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin oounty, P. C. SEDGWICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS, Banker,Tlttebnrgb, A. A.CARRIER, : «* JOHN B. RUTHERFORD; Dauphin oounty, A. J. OlLLETT,llarrieburg, S. T. JONES, Harrisburg, ROBERT ELOTZ, Carbon county. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President THE USITED STATES T. B, YQDNO A 00. CHINA UAU, JOHN J. O’IEABT. ■ BANKERS AND^BfSGkERb. ■ : S a -'" »*• Ar^WMfjgtrckAt**?**... FiREIGN boln,Bknk Botes tad and asff ~ «>*. thirnghoot the Union. - - StoeU bought and ■eHoncomnitesion. Money reoelTtd on dopttit, ntd-ititemst'aHoiNd when leftfcraepetttedtim*.- : dec3 . • ' .' : Ronfl. -~ ' PATRICKS ft FBIKKD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,' Hdoeßemoued Utdr Office to tfu Obnur tfjyViand WbcdtU. ' ratsanacH, tx. TfrATBIOKB A FRIEND, Bankers and Broken, i and Dealers in Motes, Drafts, Acceptance*, Gold. gilrar and Dank Notes. Exchanges on the «»■*«-" aaA Western (Sties constantly tor sale. : OoUeetions made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in pax funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. ' i&bB / H. HOLMES * BOSS. BANKERS AMD EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dies kimoto turn usxnfl ana igpHama oma *o no. 67 min stun, roox oooas mow am mavp. N HOLMES A SONS, Bankers «b 4 Brehangj • and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, fill tm and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern s"d Western Cities constantly tor sals. Collections made in all tha dties throughout the United States. Deposits reoeited in par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth sta, [ja&hly jaa A u00n,..~.~~..~.....~.~.~.*». M ..... M .......taQA aAMnrr, HOOK k BABGEHT, BANKERS AMD EXCHANGE hr/irwrb, ■. a oomiram or wood a sixth sm, nrrsßuian, ra. DEALERS In Coin, Bank Mutes, Tim* miu, foreign and Domeetio Exchange. Certificates of Deposit, Ac. Kxchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Bu mps, for sale in sums to suit purohaMn. Current and par funds received on deposit. Collections made on all parts of ths Union, at the lowest rates. £eepll:ly TIERNAN * CO., BANKER!) AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Jfa. 96 Wood Street, comer o/ Diamond Alley, RRDIIMB, TA BUY AND BBLL Dank Notes *»«* Coin; Discount time exchange, and promissory notes; make collections in all the principal dties of the Onion. Recdte deposits on call and od interest, and give their prompt attention to all other matter* appertalningto a Broker’s business. Eastern Exchange donatanUy on band. • • mat* JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKEE, *3(8,818 70 PZILKA u Exchange, Commercial and Bank Koteg. STOCK bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. AS* No. Fourth street, nearly opposite the U. U. Bauk. • declfl $161,481 OS 179,016 61 . 17,820 21 HILL k CO,, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ooxaxa or woop axp rma stuun. SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for sale. Time Bills ot Exchange and Notee discounted.— Gold, Silver aud Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections made in all the prindpal cities ot the United State*. De porits received of Par and Current Funds. [mar27ly tLLSW nilin l XPWAKP HJLHH, FLoaOrCJ uu keahkrTeahh, BANKERS AND EXCUANGU EROKEBS, BUT AND SELL Quid, Silver, and ILuilt NAtee; oegotiate Loan# on Meal Estate nr Stock Securities; purchase EromlKsary Notes and Time Bills, ou East pad West; buy and tell Stocks on OnsuulMlon. Collections mads on all points In the Union. 0. E. ASS I BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and Time Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. Btocks bought and sold on eommisflon. f£.No. 74 Fourth «L,.next door to Bank of PittaVg. [selS EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE OP A WILKIKB k CO., No. 76 Focxra Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh, Jan( Pam Danatuand iamgn Kwchanae^ Bank A'oUt, Quid and dtfwr ikmoJU, ihid 4u*tJCschmmoe&, at Uis IXOUANUfi AND BANKING UOUSI Of WILLIAM A. HILXi A CO., M wooo mm, IBLlntgrwt allowed ob Um* dtpaoiu. THoiir*oa BILL, JBO. A. CACOUIT. THOMPBOH BELL ft CO., Sl* BANKKK3 AND BROKISBB, Qyrrur cf Third and Htood ftrtdt, Pitblurgh, Pa. TIIOAAS WOUU», «“COMMEBCIAL BBOKER,-W As® DIALS* IV Hotee, B«nd> t Stocks, Real liuti, dfce. A'a. 76 i'ottrlh s£-, Pittsburgh, Pa. [ HOTELS. CITY HOTEL.. (UTt BitOWS'l,) Comer of Smithfleld and Third streets, P/TTSSCUO'tI, PA. GLASS A CARR, Proprietor*. JOnS P. ULA&S DAS. I». CAIiR, (ixn 9t I'kirW* a I‘tnj .Mala) ri ib« X public that Lhi* new and elegant Hotel has Wo opened an a bouse of entertainment. Deiag commodious and roomy, and adjoining tbe oittoe of the Ohio bug*Company,it oilers inducement# uuaurpassed la Warren (or thu accumuiodx- Uon o( the traveling oomnuoity. A abare of public patronage is respectfully eoUdUd. »ui7 11. OAsKILL. FRANKXJLN ilOUStt’ CiIRdTNUT OIiLLhT, AIK)V a TllliU>, PiiIbAUKLPUIA. PAHKKH * LAIiU), proprietors. Jylttdmj TERMS »l,uO fEtt DAY. HcMILbAH UOlAb, JOHNSTOWN, TESSA. riIHS having taken charge of the above 1 nam«l iioubr, and refitted it el a large expense, tn a comlorlabie as well as elegant style, is now prepared to re ceive goeeu, and give ample saUstacUon to all who may pe tools# the House. fau&tf J JAMES UUWNKY. H A fill's HOTEL, j Late Farmer** Exchange, J NO. 133 LIBERTY BlitEBT, foot or Filth •trret. Pitu burghs SAMUEL llaßa, Proprietor. XLU Hotel U entirely new, boring just been completed «nu opened for the aooriniroPdaiton u/ the puUte. (seplS THE ULEA HOTEL IS NOW READY Foil BUMMER VISITERS.-Tbe ground* bare been Improved, and the House nmdortiu more attractive, generally. Tbe proprietor will be Uancy to see Me friends. AAr An Omnibus of the Excelsior Line la now running from the station, on Fifth street, to the GLEN 111/i’EL. Learee the rtotioo at 0 o’clock, A. M., and 6 P. Mu return ing at 9 A. AL, and 6>£ P. At. jrLfctbn J. Q. AIAUTIN, Agent FUAAKLIk iiOUSJSy Cleveland, 6lalo~ Cl PATRICK A BON, Paot'amoos.—Thia House baa ua /• dergnne thorough and extensive ropsirs, alterations, and targe addition* of new furniture, etA, and the proprie tors pledge Uienuclvea that nothing shall be wanting on their port to render the Phasxlh a place where all the com* forte of a tint class hotel can be found. Jjhtf V. PATRICK A BON.'I. FLURKNCIfi UttykL. NO. 400 UkOAIIWAY, SJIIrYOBK. (OOSBVCTXP OH TUX XUEOEEIS plax.) KEUBKH LOVEJOY, ocd;ly PROPRIETOR. KliiKY’S HOTKLi S COKNKI& JTOUKTn AND GRANT BTREKTS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ayto-.jj £. BILEY, Proprietor. I)EKUY HOTEL, corner of Hancock etroetand Duqucsm .[ Wuy, pitlaburgh, Pa. marhy McMASTEBS A MAKKLB, Proprietors. RESTAURANTS, -CORNUCOPIA -***o YSTEIi AND COFtfEJS HOUSE.“» D. BABNABD. Ho. 40, Fijlh Strut, between Wood and Market. j&uli»:lyj HTTaauxoQ. CRYSTAL PALACE. Mo* IB market itreeti * C. C. SEELY,: / \ RBBPECTFULLY informs his friends and the Qbljc 10 general, that he bos just started his mußrNsv York and Philadelphia modern style ol COOKING 0 YSTKiUi aud evtry thing else in the eating lino. Oysters In the Shell or Stowed, for IUU cents a doitoti. Ho will also furuish the best of everything that the market will afford. House always open uutil 8 o’clock in the moruiug. marla-tf OYBTKII SALOON AND UESTAURANTi 108 WOOD BTBEET. - THE subscriber has now his OYSTER SALOON ANfc EATING HOUSE perfected In n manner that cannot be exculed by any similar establishment in the city. MEALS WILL ME SERVED UP AX ALL HOURS OF THE DA V, from the Choicest Aeati. Fowls, Fish, 4c., dfeci His Bill of Fare cannot be surpassed, ami lie would respect* fully iavite the attention of the public to it.‘ ja2o:m*etf St. Claftr Lager Hear Brewery. rnUE undersigned respectfully informs the public that he J. Is now fully prepared to serve private families and the public generally, with his celebrated LAGER BEER, in bottles. Ail orders left at hU Office, NO. 38 DIAMOND ALLEY, (near Wood street,) will be punctually attended to and the Beer delivered to any part of the city or vicinity. i «2S ; lf F. 0. BCUENCK. Benits* Lager Bser Hall. Mo. 1W Southfield street, opposite the Custom Bouse. THE subscriber has just opened one or the largest an! best finished Lager Beer Halls In the city. His Beoris acknowledged to be a superior article, and every other ac ooiamcitttion about his house cannot be excelled. ißa;4»;3m A.BENTTZ. THE Partnership of JOHN M’DBVITT A BRO was dls* salved on tbe tint Inst John M’Devitt wUI oonttnue the business at the old stand, and attend to the settlement of the business of the Lato firm. JOHN MDEYITr, WILLIAM M’DEVITT Pittsburgh, Jan nary 3d, 1856—[ j«n4 ROBERT U. PATTKIUON’S LIV£EY AND oMmw. dnfr STABLE, W&mr Corner Diamond street and ftprl-Ltf PITTSBURGH. PJI TT^LANNELB.—A. A. MAfION 4 00. have an hlrwi * Te ~ JU large .assortment of red. white and yellow all wool s!“fi!L.^!B ** of Welakaud BUk Flau nt wfckfc will bs sold kt fedaoed pstoe* norfi .- w » j i- •* *.;•»*> /« '* -X. 7 - -tsei':i6 Salt »11.~DrVGood*. a *7l - 4' - tpmij) c*raw'dr GwßtnadFTlrth stoeKs,tt»}fai JuLwxeoeiTad in Isnow eparisf'fcteta* TaUKtriMi ottecUoa of Udieste nspeetfiiUj dbjglpa «n* Vmubl Mertaoes *tt»? 5-4**to Pfr*te»t*r*cf j Urg« iwiNit offtaQeiest 1>; Jut f •••.■• ■ -A. MTIQHI) - i eepT . .corner Grant and fifth street*. ; M«w ArtiTtl •ISpting ud luoiir i)i Uoods. AT No. 99 N. W. BIDB OI'TTOOD STREET. DdOKflO A 00., Importers and Jobbers In British, • French *sd German DUX GOODS. Having reoeiv odour large and extensive stock of spring and summer goods; purchased from importers, manufacturers, and port through our own importation, we (Ml safe hx souring our old customers, country merchants and city dealers general* ly,thpt owing to these aoqolred facilities in purchasing, we esn offer auch inducements to buyers os ore rarely met with in the trade. Among our dry goods stock will be found cashmeres, de* lalnes. Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas,plain black and fancy figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy vestings, easdmeres, satinets, tweeds and summer porno* loosing; brwwn and block muslins, table diapers. We hare-also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Laghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with lace goods, fancy nettings, jscone tts, mull and figured Bwtss musuns and black silk veils, he. Our variety stock embraces in port eomba, buttons, per* eussiOQ cape, threads, port monales, patent medicines, per* turnery, and. almost every article usually kept in the va riety line, together with a large' stock of gold and silver watenes, Watch materials, glasses, goliTnnd gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of 1»0 hour and 8 day elocxs, all of which will be suld at the lowest prices for cosh or saUalnctory reference. . . N. it.—aq early call from buyers Is respectfully soßdted. feouo D. GRBGO A 00. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS AT A. ITTIGEE*B HEW STOSS, CORNKR dF GRANT AND FIFTH STRJSXTS. Haying this day gprnbd my nxw store, i beg leave to coll the the Ladles to thX large andsplendld assortment of BPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, just received. Among the stock may be found some of the very finest goods now imported. It comprises,' in part, 200 pieces black and fancy Drees Silks, 60 cts.to $2 per yd 600 do Mous. de Lalnes, Barege de faints, and Moosee ltne de liege; ' 200 do Beautiful Bareges and Tissues, in great variety; 200 do New Btyle Dress Gingbami; 5 2000 do American, French and English Prints; 600 do French and English Lawns; 2000 French Collars, from 12j4 cents to $5,00; 200 Mantillas, of the latest siylrs,aineng which are song of the most beautiful imported into Lhis coaotry. Also, Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Crash, Diapers, Table Cloths, Gentlemen's Wear, Ac. TRIMMINGS.—In tht» department will be to and a oom* plete assortment ot Dress and Mantilla Trimmings, Maltese and Uoniton Lace, fine English »mi Thread Laoe; ail of which will be sold uousually low. Ten bates yard wide Muslin at six cents per yard. my 3 A. MTIQIIR. HEW SET GOODS STORE. Iron Front—Bio.ttl fifurltet street. Oli H house being now open lor the transaction oT a gener al Dry liooda business. we would respectfully solicit the puin'iia,;*' of the public, tooling confide tit that, from our ex* teuslTo and well selected stock of BILICS, FANCY AND STAI'I.K UuuDS, we can offer such Inducement* a*, will iu mTi sure entire laiiniketitm. IiAUAN A Alii,, ■■ b| rt:tf Nos.fil Market and » Colon street. CLOTH IN G STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. IjtOiIMLKLY o: the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty _T street, which has wi>n an unbounded popularity under he name of the THREE BIG DOORS, have, for the pur pose of acquiring more space for their immense business, removed to the spacious building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD bTRKET, When they have now Urn most SPLENDID STOCK OP CLOTHSI km .READY MADE CLOTHING That has ever buen offered to the public. Thetr principal object for this removal, la to give them more faciUtlee for the They are prepared toeetl Goods at the LO WEST EAST EKE PRICES! And they will warrant them to be as good as any manu factured in the Union. u xus am sttu,**d oroa tin suuarsst Movies. They have on hand a full and beautiful assorunsht ol Lotus aurt COATINGS, tor FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BOSI- Our Interest* are identical with those of our customers, and we assurv the public that our fidelity will not fall In nil orders we may Im IkTorrd with. K>iuija' Till. I'umxr i\«. 88 Wood Street, (east or sjiamosd allxt, H. B.—Wetlcsirrour p*tnrn. Btreet. Our attention ia devoted exdiuif«ijr lo Lbt UoiUK aU>rr deaiganuu. «St 23 JOHN iTCIOSKEY k 00. E.D-M.O ND AVATTB. \:JtUCiiAM' PALI/Jit, M). lt»o LluKhrY tfl'ilEKT.— ATA. I bx\9 uow ca nanit a large stock of fall and Winter OwMj*. OTerooattogst-f t-ntSMy now designs; Hush \ e»»- iflit*, of th* maTt |i M ttwrnj; I‘rvnch *ud English C*i'i 'iKi'T-.-, oj vvvr> «t> tt, nod shade in the market, all of wbK'ii i will make to inuer on th« .must reaMunablc tmu*, ami aarnmuJ to .• ult. u.-u JUFT RECEIVED AT JOU.N McCUehJSY A CO’B Whole sale Clothing Warehouse, Ny.bti Viocxistreet,and corner ol Diamond alley, the largest and moat varied stock ol goods that this celebrated house has ever had the pleasure of Inviting Llie attention of the public to. These goods hare been purchasud from find hands, and, consequently, no second pro 111 on them, a Inch leaves ns able to say that we can and do sell at as small profits as any bouse in the east ern cities. respectfully invite the attention of wholesale dealers an£%oiuitx> merchants, In general, to give us a call, and < xandn* our extensive assortment of READY MADE CL> - :ltlN(J. It is almost impossible to enumerate the quant: fof immense piles uf garments that is to he seen at this t i < establishment; it is sufficient to say that it has never Urn equalled by the house itself. BurlfrH . JUIiN McOLUtiKKY k 00. UaUEL QUAY, MERCHANT TAILOR. MO. it ST. CLAIM HOTEL UUILDIMQS, n. olais stust, nrawuti. GENTLKMRN’a CU/THXNG made uclnfiTely to order, and warranted to suiL Has constantly on a Choice assortment wf CLOTUA, UABBIMEREB, VEBTINGB, •udOVEROUATING,of tbe lateetstytai, selected expreealy for the custom trade. Gendefnen leaving their ordars,wUl have their wishes consul tod and complied with, as all work Is done under hi* own nupervision. novik - Clothing! Clothing! fTHIB undersigned respectfully tnfonmyQi* friends and the X. public that he is now rocwirlngat hisstoro, No.i*7 Lib erty street, a choice assortment ol Cloths, Casidmercs nod Vestings, of the latest and uii.nl desirable style*, which be 1* prepared to make to order in the most fastdonsblc man ner, at short nolle*, and on the most reasonable terms. We haTealso on hand a' lory* and well manufactured stock of ready made Clothing, to which we Invito tbe attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Person* who purchase goods for cash, will find it to their * d»auu«ge to call at 177 Liberty street, before making their purchase-*. (mart] C_tX)NN-KIL New Clothing Btore, NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. rpilK subscriber has just opened this new eeUUiahment, X where be has always on hand a large and choh-e assort ment of all article* of CLOTHING, which he warrant* equal to any tn the city, aud will sell at the most reasonable pri oee. Tbe public are requested to give him a call. m»r9:ly B. OI’PKNHEIMER. WATCHES, EWELRY, Sc. WE icvftothe attention of cltisena and strangera toour large and carefully selected stovk of Watches aud Clucks; Railroad Tlme-kaopers, in gold and silver cases; real Chronometers for the pocket, warranted not to vary a minute lu *u months, Patent Lever Watches from $l - sk2o , a large ass. rtueut of good oommoo dr low priced Watches both in gold and silver case*. Also, Railroad Station Regulators, office Clocks, Church Clocks Ac. -Watcu Rii-AJkiaa."~li> do Watch Repairing in a man ner not excelled, if equalled, by any eetablUhmeut in the Btate. W- W. WILSON, sep!3 corner of Market and Fourth street*. CLOCKS': CLOCKS:fCLOCKS’!! Pfeifle 4 neyran, .»v DEALERS IN WATCUES, CLOCKS,JEWELRY, Ac., No. 4k FIFTH Street, near Wood, op{>obite the Morning l'ost, formerly ‘oocu- by L. Reiueman A Co. We have now hand a splendid assortment of 6 day and 1M hour Clocks, which we offer to the public at great bargains, such as: pearl inlaid and all other jiatternßof Mantel Clocks. Also, a rich assortment of fine gold aud silver patent lever, cylinder, and anchor esespmeut Watches,and an ele gant stuck of Jewelry and Silrerwure, which we intendekm sell cheap for cash. N. B. Watch repairing done in the best manner and at low prices, and warranted. martifi HEW JEWELRY STOSS, No. 87 Market Street, (Second door above the Sort/i-west comer of the Diamond.) JOHN STEVENSON, (of the lato firm of John B.M’Fadden A C 0.,) respectfully announces to the pnbU:,lhat he has opened, at the above staad, a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WAKE, LAMPS, QI RANDOLES, Pocket ami Table Cutlery, Britannia Tea and a>mmunum Srfe, and the n*ual variety of goods in his line of buslnees. Special care and attention given tMhe REPAIR of FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. He trusts, that from hi* long experience in business, he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may fkvor him with their patronage. Pittsburgh, May 16th, 1853. my2B Henry ZUcbardAon. Jswslier, TTAVLNU re-otted his store in a handsome manner, and ■I.X bnt recently returned from the eastern dtieawitha ““rtment or WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call tbe attention of his friends »nr| ctuf&n ers to the fact that among his Watches win be most patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the Utest styles of Brooches, Breast Fins, Fob and Vewt Chains. Jiar 'Knqsa, Miniature Luekets, eta, etc. FANCY GOODS—Such as Papier Mache, Work Tables and Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottke, Table Mats, o°** sFistols, Porte Monnaks in great variety; fining Fruit and Oake Dishes; with an endless variety of useful and or namental articles, which have only to be seen to be appre- lnovl] NO. 81 MARKET BT««FT CHARLES STILL, lod Wood street. I [UNK WATCHES AND RICH GOLD JEWELRY AT BARGAINS.—We wish to inform the public that we are now offering our present stock of fine Watches and Jew* elry, at prices that cannot be beat. Therefore, we say to one and ail, you that wish to buy flno Watches and Jewel ry, give us a call, and save from tb to 60 per cent in your nurchases; whlehyou can certainly do by calling at 67 Market street. N- B.—W.tch npiiring .ttradfd to In all lta branch*, to a superior manner. Uold Je.elrj repair«l or ....I.: tnred to order at abort notice, at _M nOQD-fl, 67 Marfcot gt. tllmmlota-a Loan Offlce. ' No. ioo aMiTuwsLD BtßKitt, mna tars Money loaned onOold and dllrer Watches. gllTernue aod other ralnable artlclea anlfcdlr WATCIUa-BMDUCTIOH m MBXOJSI-otilsenrSd strangers can now htur Watches at mr istablSto ment chraper than usually bund lu the easthinr dtlea and bare a reliable guvant; aa to caoelltMe and tlmoßeeptod »<> cloth; ,: R^ 11 ' Mehotany Chain; . . 90 doe. Walnut « •0 Mahogany Boeklnf ** d . 10 Walnni «* « tOMahnginyDtrtos; 90 Walnut « 60 Marble Ira Centre Tables: •5 “ ** Draaring Banana 60 ** « Waahstands:i 40 Bn closed « J lOOOommoa «* 90 Bain Dreatofg Bureaus; 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: 90 Walnut “ "lOOottaga ** 100 Chany and Poplar Bedsteads; 90 Mahogany Wardrobes} •- 10 Walnut M 10 Cherry ** - "60 Plain Bureaus; - ■?•*• §TO Dining and Breakfast Tables $l2 Secretary and Bookcases; £lO dot. Cane Beat Chairs; M Oane Beat Chairs: 12 Utiles’WritingDeeki; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots: Btigulrea; Paper Macba TeWaa: Conversation Chairs; Pembroke u Hubwthan ** g.n « . Bectptioa FaarllalaJd « Arm ** 'ooBOB OHAIBB. fli— l» iitttM mppUed with all ar* OZMAMBOAXB and HOIDA fomlahad at the ahortaat notice. attended to. . aprt All.oriari prompt!; ~ v BUtabotiK Aho7 l ” , fTJB» T»i robeeriberi&oder their ecknov-A for the forors beetowed aawwL by their Bteembo«t friends, end IW woqM respectfully remind them udothcnfintamt’' * I ed in bnSdinjf boets. that they ere et eiTtlmee prepared to fornlsh, on the most reesoneble terns, erery. description ef Oebin fnnitnre end Ghein of the bent meteriel end wort* tttnship. I. B. YOCNQ k CO- Corner Third ini< SnithfielA streets, opposite ** Brown's Hotel." 'JMBta L«wir. Jr.. fTHAIB AND BXD9TKAD KANUI 2M Pettenuan’s Bov, liberty street, Hu on hand a large atoek of Chain t&d Bedsteads of every deaeriptiOß, mad* of hast materials, which he will sell lover *»«” article* of tba same quality ean-be sold In the city. He would call par tjcular attention to his large stock of Mahogdky and Walnnt Ohair* and Bedsteads, which he will sell at greatly redmeed prices. Alk>, Turning ol every description executed In the neatest manner. Orders left at the Ware Booms, or at the Jiu;1 jwrner of Adams and Liberty streets, will be promptly 1 A.niLUKKIf4CO., HA. Vs OH HAND it their flAßimr «nA CILAIK AIANWAOTOBT, Ho. M itreet, * Urn aueortmest of fancy and plain furniture, whichthey will aetl 1A pwtnt below euatomary rates. Tenm—oihnnly. Great Inducement* to Oaeh Pmrehaaara. TIT»wUI eetl our lame etoct of OOHMOH ASH TAMOS' IT CHAIM AHJ> BADSTIADS, at nstaa that cannot fell to pleeee each purchaaen. All cur work ta rerraatod. Our tonne are CASH. JAMES LOWRY, Jit, Part! opt. Borenthtead liberty ata WM.lt. BMVKNBON oootlauee to waHntaeTHU CABINET-WARE of every description, athisoldgtand. I corner of Liberty and Seventh streets. UNDEBXAX - IING attended to, In all Us branch**, myll HAMBUftGPIANoir ~ ANOTHER l/yv of those so j ostly celebrated HAMBURG PIANOS, used ly Lists, Tbslbery, and other greet per* formers, ha* just been recHrcd by CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 11$ Wood street, to which the attention of Teachers, Principal* M Seminaries, and the public generally, is is speetfully Invited. * ** to. 4901, 7 octave Bosawhod, Louis XIV. mil cured hack and front, grand action, with patent iron frame and marie drak, |soo. No. W 25.7 octave Bneewood, csrvnd back and front, pat ent Iron frame and sliding desk, $660. No. 6029. 7 octave Rosewood, foil carved fron frame, $OOO *315. 1 '■ “ M earred, pearl keys, 600 SOW, T 41 44 carved, 460 4912,« u carved, 400 5070,7 " " LoobXlY. 600 81T6, « earred, * 400 404$ 6« “ M fall round corners, 9T6 6047 ’ “ “ ** " “ 850 4150, C‘2 «• « M sliding deak, 300 41.>1, CV4 M “ ** ** 300 2M4, 0 « “ iron frame, “ 276 2025. « •» “ M ti !>-«; 0 “ “ “ “ ' *76 3ws,ti'.i“ “ « 280 30S0, “ ** ** 200 4«a,6 “ “ « sliding deak, 250 4927,0 “ “ Iron framfo 260 4930. C « « . 230 4931,6 “ « 25 4153, (?£ M u Boudoir, ~ 878 Also, sole agent for PltUbargh and Western Pennsylva nia, for iiallet, Davis 4 Ctk, Boehm; Haloes, Bros. 4 Co. N. V ; and P. 0. Rejchsnbach, Philadelphia. . CHARLOTTE BLUKR No. 118 Wood streat ■BHI For tl>. Balllari. PTfa pianos. || # f!| TOTgCMCKrem la# Jut mdnd . n.w lot of PIAi(o WETIB, Iron tbs celebrated nuaftetorr of CUIOKERING A 80X8, which computed his stock intended opedoQj rot til bouxuts. «ua MMUW I■■ Those who are desirous of presenting their ftn»nu v (th on aeffont, \utjvl sod essential piece of PABLOB fURNITURE, here now an opportunity of selecting tram the largest and ehofceet stock of Plano fortes •veroffcred for aids in this dtj. They comprise all styles considered to hetn GOOD TASTE, bat elegant exterior to the most elaborately also vox aux, A >arf« lot of PIANO FO&ffH, from WoQDSUI Blown, Boston; Baewji A Allei, Boston; Sronuej t New fork; Ex aaaox, Boston, Ac, Ac 4 from the plMowt to the moet *»■ lrueafa*;ty caned, ailt, and with pearl ke*t. UT VERY REDUCES*-PEICEE II JO, v . A lot of second liiibJ Piaaoa nmi of tkin atulr new. from $2O toslbo'6*tfi.« -■ 3 ’ Also, a fine lot of Mzlodma, Qumu, fitao Seoocs un> Coras. ■•‘JOHN H. MELLO&, Aff«t tor of Chfekeriag A Bans’ FUmo Fort**, tor PUuourgb u< Western Pennsylvania, No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. d«cl& Xeledseas. CABHABTB GSNUIXG MAKE. HKLBBKB hti JojCeombletedHie • stock Of superior MRLQDJiNS, bom u» factory of the okmoul unnoii, CABQARt 1 NEEDHAM, New rorL|| V I If onmprtring: PUbo MfK «>ttnd corner* end tarred gothic tablet, double aett of reeds, Dooms still. etc. . Meksftau, elegant scroll legs, Docsis ■■»»* Alt the above hare Oirharfi new improvement of the * doobls swtu, possessed by no other makers and which makeedhem superior, In that, respect, to any other. U. KI.KRTB Bole agent tor Uu. pentane Melodeon made by Nhw York. • _d«le ARUAHGKBEHTS FOB ISOS. 4& <££ WE EUtturEAH AUiSNOY. — ... Iho Oldut EitsbUshed Offleo in PUtibtmrlu.'far, Semitttag Kocey to the Old Couatnu TAMBB HBAKBLY b. K . 1.... l» My to thOM poiou u hiving frieadj in tho Old ;(3Quhtay, uni dMlrona of olthar tending them moony or pMiDk.Uielr no.. hiti inEDMownt fa dolus oomffitor«ndoi. bo Ann . Melt tk»t DilßtokM csonot occar. nor l r umu “““? P«Jy- Dallas Urn loot ton yoan lo which ho kai twm lo thla bMlnaao ho haa romltiod OTcr a half million of dollar* without the lorn of a dollar, and the houM fiw which he to agent, in Liverpool, has shipped uotto?uS 46,000 poraona durlns the laat yaar to Chit ooontry, withoot a complaint of neglect ot duty on their part. 7> He can issue passenger fleets tor London, Dublin. Liver pool, Glasgow, Oork, Belfast, Drogheda. iimerick.iw £*“*» S?u *? , i°S w * ,r ' Unio,ulwi y» Jfaw iphia, Boston, Baltimore, and New Orleans, and toon thence to Pittsburgh; and will attend pamengert from thence to any part oftheeoun- EJinspuS, vta:^ , „ ON KHQLANa Jdwanla, Sanfad A Co. Jamdm. Wm. Tappaoott A Oo ibSSSI wSl5 11,K ‘ P ‘ 1 dU " ‘““^"tifousKSt ON IRELAND. Prorlodal Bank, Inland _.J>nblln. WAtIBW —• Armagh, Cavan, Dungannon. Mallow suST 1 ' Londoodarry, migo, Rallina, BaUyshannon, Kilkenny. No«y, Oolaraloa, kooirtmS, IJußsanJ™ D»odon, &rl„w, Buibrtlg* LtaStek. ar-S sssfiss SB, Fermoy, Omagh, WexfortL w to SCOTLAND. i. eeSKfiSSSL - ’ “* «* „ ON FRANCK. Hears. Idwerd Blunt A 00, Bankers Pazto. urghT?a. Kerehant Teller. OHN LADQHLIN, toraeriy toreman tor Mr. & Shmer. J®® 14 SPurmiwe to his Mends andtfae pnoUc that he has mated and newly fitted up JSi£t i Slif , t2SW Utmn - *• 1 *vss& » Market stmet, between Second and Third, when im to to make to order GENTLEMEN'S moeHim he most fashionable style. Havine hlmstof MArfimw ar apprmtoship to the trade,knd being anmatlcal«wtsf he t^*”* ir ® fl*tom hliuself that he «sn tamemt brought to this n *■"**» *T« N. IL— Bots* Clothes made and Mamedl*tha —- maniMr. He will else warrant all ssnted tobe. Pumntawni Sfaj u—^ SaSg-SSS MOv „ , £los*B,* TiaepoitWoas Walla andTeneea, Mantle Ffacee, Oea f «*» Pf*r *tt, t*—¥•"* «*** M. B.—Haring introduced a new style of Fom farOm* fltenr Lots, of DuBABLK STONB, cut through In panel or raffing form, and at very little oon over Iron fencing. I fiftit tn ijwrimmi of that and other -work I have already done in the Alleghany Ce—tary. I bare on band a choke •election of drawing* for erery description of work in my line. Col. HENRY McCULLOUGH, Pittsburgh. WM. BAGALKY, Esq. do KRAMER * RAHM, do Mrs. HARMAR DENNY, do Ho*l WILUAM WiLKlSia, How Wood. Hon. THOR IRWIN, Allegheny, Mi*. YU&NAB, Sr- do JOHN MfiDOMAU) CROfiSAN, MoooogaheU HOttSa. aprlO,dAW fIRW OFITICR* Bml Xitatt and Contracting Agant. fITOE subscriber hu been induced to opes an office for X ihepurpoeeofbnylßg and selling, on Oommlssioo,end having the Agency of large Steamßaw-MIUs end Boot* Yards os the Allegheny river, together with many other fodlttks from other water end steam saw-milla. He fiattere hhoeelf that he can farafeh any hills of 1 amber and timber of any kind, great or email, long or short, and deliver them at any point on the Allegheny, Ohio, or Mississippi riven; contract to build large Barges, Store Boats, Coal Flats, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Timber, Bail, road Timbers Freight Iron, Cool, Ae, to any given point, and will attend to the Sale and Rentof Beal Estate. From Us long experience in lumbering, freighting and -boat building, he thinks be een give general eads&etkm. All pencils are requested to make their contracts soon; espe cially those wanting boats or large bills of lumber and Um ber, should contract far them in the fill for the spring and summer use. He will also attend to the purchase and sale of any commodity that may be desired. Letters addressed to David Mom, Beal Estate and Con tracting Agent, Pittsburgh, Box Ho. 120, poet paid, will he punctually attended to. Hisoffioe is on Irwin street, No. 2, Allegheny House. DAVID MUNN. ladies’Work “ Extension Using Tablet; Ottomans; Col. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Morrison, Esq., “ ** Mr. Robt. & Brown, Esq., ** Allegheny Rivet* Mr. Wm. Armstrong, M « Mr. George p. Bwetray, •* « « C. A J. llahnA Co., « u u dea2l:lyr>fi§Bur of Kcnutlto liw Ecomwt: P. HAYDEN, Prindpal of the Mathematical Department. Profoaeor of Mathematics, Ae. * Mr. J. D. Williams baa permanently Joined the Faculty, and it will be seen thatduring his lateproftssional engage- SMntsln the east, be was there regarded as the best peo> man in the country. This Institution, therefore, presents attractions to students oHe red by no other of the «»»d hr tne United -States. The coarse of training oomprism up. wards of 400 real transactions, in'six difbrentmetbods of Doutde Entry Book-Keeping 300 practical UadMuCil eolations, earering the whole field of inland and foretziL commerce. Coamodal Penmanship, with every modern improvement In the ert Bnutnoas Letters and Businas Forms, of every description. Daily Lectures in Commercial Law, Commercial Sciences, the Theory of Profits, Ac. rend for a Circular. dee2Ad*w i 1865. First Importation of Fine Watches. 1865. JUST RECJKIVEi) ¥vU& BOXKti OP WATCUES, direct from Europe, manufactured to my especial order, which I ean. fully recommend and warrant u good «*»t keepers and at town pkco than are retailed at la eastern cities. We bite also itailioad Watches and Clocks, Aefalators for Railroad Stations, $5O to *75. tittrer Watches from $lO to |%O. Uold Watches trom to •£ Watch Rxpataoa.—Out best attention, aided by superior workmen, id constantly gl OAJUUAOEB FOR BALE« mHE undersigned has Justreceived athis . X CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE, JMlt «ear the Two MOe Run, between and Lawreseerilla, a splendid of VEHICLES, of every description, and will continue to moeivv regularly,new and aeoond hand Gzrrioou. B *s*b*s' ,’ U 1 ““ Mrmßfa easih. Having had twelveyears'practiee in the bulnass.and with his well known facilities in the East, he *-*■*■« la putting down all competition. Tboee wishing to purchase are wspectfullyinriled to eaD and sea for themselves. Sspedal and prompiattentkm paid to repabiwof Carri aga»,Ao. fmyltodawyt JOSEPH WHITE. L>AUSMT MKMWHJM.—“ ~ ——- 1 6 gKm Ltulltun’a Sp««4f/. • 10 do Bsdw»j'f fitodj Jiolfaf; 5 do Barry's Itteo&heroas; 1 do fi do Wright's KUs; * do Pills; 2 do Hooflud’s G«m*a I do. M’AUistn'i Ointment; ■* IS do Tfcorn’s Cungfa Candy 6 do Brown’s T—wi rm rtUy-r. S do T*rrsir» Ointnwßat* ! S as^sas"* I—* 1 —* Is ston ud fer salt bj Fi.gsrfwa nas - Snrraspi. toj.Kidd SOx, **&**■* SaaaWgpdCTt. CHttiui tHDTirlam, i»uod«i udAlltchaßy, fj* 5f t ,l*?? or 111 V“UtJ to on j othwi/BunnhrtmJto UmUnitedfttfn, with an inenaainsiiemand for them. tUtwtocrttwr toaitaadMateidi!!. Mtha raw to kaop «p a good amortment of mdt Gheckjaanm. •tyrrataU from 12)( to 18£ cants par yard. Item pla* will MMI to aarebaaa who —™"irt makis iLooaranlantto «nli ithi*War»oonugab*ooatemaLß— nVmAmmt tii^*— ogttdm* HAMILIOIfgiwSS TsrWiy, both tM totojtoof flnlafesadatiltty.to «?ta thtomuta. ■ HrrMnrSii ■lit?*,* WaaiANxeus: 111 ! WM. YOCKGBON, DANIEL YOUNUstON. \> .. "jy&rp* '-v■"> 1 >■ *'■-4; XL dr- moun igTMaagCTBMWirWK nlabie facts, attested byWtt—mc* tttlfSSuMfeS trlufapU— •*» wSSSTSS*S* g&SS?** orMmiUfyMfcisisM.il The XUX2M raaetim,fc aUMLA^WfifiMIM aiS * tT> r * j: — -- t isiß—■—Attin «P thewofidetfU maofafat ratisdM.<32—Ltd r »WftlllllJlrm rfwS«n Ilfs. V»SMMKBSSMBh ?£SM?SBSSBSSiS3Ssas,* : S&S B SSSSS I 4S?tSkI^^^^ reach of medkiiw. r ~* -ir* mntfissi fiisiali~~ i deals with dj—asa.as It agist* aTEKdvffnfe—— and will sot only restore the (fleorderltsSiCr BHB1OT£DtH«BBOgBIOOBgg58ufc « The derangements of the ls OSiPWadto eases, and thefarms.of nerroias4is«MßttsflLo»a>aMH» oos that It would renolxe a column tsminmiiusieahi • dtoa far uhkb this preparation ever, may he e&utesrated. vis: usnUa. fir Itiismsr faeed«A& lndplsnt paralytis/hysterk, wlpWatfiw aTusi "*m> a pricking sauum a the Safi, unbaMLnahl iaaUlHrtoniittißiß.mßUssicntilkßiHftHftiflfi proeretuVe organs, sexual ißooarftaMs,unlaa^Mtk.—^v oniaaa,finer laritias, a cteooie tendency to miso—b£t?—tassoE22 all complaints growing out of » stona.and alLbarranneas thet A*** . cans— beyond the reach of madfafae. '•' Whenever theoegans to bicMamifaififaMi tarnationorstrktnrel tilthnnirtS; .it ' uoBsnmiSSSmiSSSSt - . «“T» itngutsrUy ; wi& —rite— and igßiiHsUiM.iti tbtooot o^rjrtUion^tuaardofri •UnlWin, ft£r*ttkam£n»M •yetem,a»4 that the —tvour—eta* and smsartoa is phy—Al dsath. BcarimmiteatakSWft' far every kind of nsrvdus dlsedse the tody reliable preparation inffwn. OPBKQJf HKTOm MUHSi :v No language ean convey an shwatt Mm.ifttsto^. .I«Mt —»•— iii uAi dtassed, debilitated and ihstferednaribostyste—*y—q£. hrakan down, byexoem, weak by—t—wc*^2—SSe sickness tbe unstrung and ~■.««*■ tobespadlsdto which the delicate fimaation of _ JffXXT WOMAN Q9*nssTy?s? W%a«nfteefti»» a -g-^?nmV n n ISM lm mors,pains iaAfcebash,eranyotherSprfer TTmimnlntiothwiito vigonting Cordial a triaL . ifanimm nssonL Or others, wiU find this Cordial after they ttoortwo,athormigh regsnerateuof tha sytosmL Ifiaa directions are to be fbundtho fc«*— aasMte of tiMin ■ «j 7 ■ spring, wh) would not hare beenao Snt fep thUmr+wiL?*i W £ r ‘* , «* B V&3* u & n«Uy.iNrtenittetiteSgyi; eaeee for ,wh»h iTjliaL sssssssfixib ass** | £JtßBoaao»PAuajifHdmHt‘* " | » eencmptlrahabitj, arereeteradby the—y erahitfftdr TO THS WttOUIDNfc" & ' These araaoavof tbeeadaad mhfldatvtfMiiMik. . ced by early of youth, vis: Tnnknslß r>f thv hnth . and limba, petes fa the head, dlnmras of steit, keg afm^. eular power, paljdtatioe Of the heart, flrsiL i-J^rii. - irnUbUlt T> of Ih. ftSSt »2iS dvbility, symptoms of cossumptiasts,et«. Umtally, the fearful effeeto on the mind arrsennh dreaded. Lose of memory,-confusion ofktan.hnN«n of spirits, evilfarebodtegs,avfiraioo fosb^toi^tfdSSS , , , Bunts coNTKmjTnm »iwifoi ’• should rafleto that a sound pitnd body ,n L -- 1. .flMßTMaftt—tnpK—oteca— » Umm. the joarpey through Ufa )m——toVtown 1 pugnmsge—the proqwet hourly »>»*«■» tki vkeiita with drapair.and melancholy reflection that the tomato—larfiaateSS ' eomee blighted with yoorawn. tfSiSSSSSSSSSF* sasw genutee Oardlalwffl harathnKewfa. fae-rinule parted over the cork of aaahhastv 1-SfSS^ following words Mown in tbe glass: - * am rf^ Dr. Ums f s Invigwatiai - Th. Oordil i. put op, htehlr tl»—jrrfe. thzw dull.r. per bottle, f.. fortvelre doUum. C. H. b liw‘?^!l tto> ° giU ’° 1 »3S’«i2ta : agkhtsi BBO&,No.flOWbodstrasL ' aadimm-J>. H. MKAKU.-88. ''l-jiMin' 1 JSa.WE-^3 CHERST PE£jTOit A'T.t COUGHS COLDS, Aim cosscMPxidif. [. ■ V , lal S* S“«WwHnV.jn.th 1 , Trfnruiiiiliii IIMTi ” . JAS. H. a « 4k £st psnOsmcn Os iVqfassfanlMb— *. a A » : eJSssatsteaßaL three years in ray duties as an ad vacate. JZI eight mouths ago a severe irriteUonofthe l—Sri *hSSS? which was a no—lent annoyance to me, 11 a source of great apprehension. Bruys—tetrtadSSS to ev— rellsve ma, till I —■} your has not only nllered me, but, as I tr—L * Jfflsw fc^i3Ssssr.?Bff3SS tomembers of the bar, and others who— boringundersimilarladispoalUcm& " tofijraae^i*. Tours truly, j; l. kwaa,' lungs. Tonrobedisnts«nra2r*r^7^*7* What yet remains to convince f . the Cherry Pectoral Isall that It nun—to toSSjjjVj?* . equalled remedial agent far all dmeases c t i i Lungs. Tim exparfanee of yearstesat——V— 2t2r snd weauhmitit to the people, willfully maintain its ramite^u 11 “^ St,Tlrt^ Prepared by J. C. ATBB, Chemist,LowalLllW Bm. fJSSS J jj^hgaeagßaa^-* Carter 5 # Spanish as»«,k^^ TflK GEKAT *«£«£* hMHbb hariTto ftiwftrt. tosj Obstfamto CstontoiM oo theToo* Slotcfca, Boil*, Anau3 ftja, Staff Warn Or Tetter, sS2 «fttaßoy . EWt SItTStiTS aefleiM —d fa PCt—UlTt- .HMMignl witiM of Siy~,,-wto ' SJHaF^glSfe fictofoto, Xrapttoaa oa th« BUb, Olevs, OU Bon% iAcftom Tfaot.fiasfa OonmUiais. P*fr*« niiii^^fyyftP p»i». i%fat bytsaaisss ftt «U 111—— of tin Hood, rthtiw I —IV-~1 *.-" V ■ to eomianwiUiit. IHlim.tb.^Ls-ZSJfSsl**# Iks, KB loujjesal sOdsailysb thrUm ■tonjUMl tbs UlSMtion. nuUus tbs sUa OwndUWfßtiMiSSl bra>to£aM^Stostr,g*Sgq^ jE's? ass&gimagaafiSSSS (sort tbs g«a«nl health la » thoifadktaee twhari A . from wania from iridm tbit them Mao tsabu -»..jWPWabtoto < sssssa^- V < - ' r - ~*Ev^'*-^T'• <*'*■■'- ..—Sfit' ,iTi ; > :» ' . _ jv'-S ■’n - H