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'V <\ <&?:-v? :-.*X >, A ,>v*.’<( ?.c - .v> :V-j SggPlM^ ®|HMg|v 1 m&smkk' : fP|pSs%\ PfeaP^., Mm^mrsk ■gmwi fis§£rar&£s &-v.-.' »§£& - *• «ti©ts**.i£> v 9s>2»£d ■ ,^?*>, ' ssfc&S**&Vt T * SrSs?& l^V" KgfiSsg v Sw;W jSSSfi* £®£^K#&ys}se! -=?V$ ?w>v HjkfSSf? l^ ■^w^msM^msaa} jSMMgg V- *r»i>n i'll* •<-,!•<*. ■; *%V.***^7! ? *■:: ~;>;■■•; ■■;: ; .. .... fflmmggs&M&£:s*,i7^m'r*W&Xtt&iV*,-, -r; \- •.%•• •*'■' **•••- * vl?*%%C* * *? t. \ 'V*£\ • :.'?'V^.4>^r:iJ:- _»*.f -.■-v-‘- '• • •', .'•>.' ' . ■..-, *£V • ,v —■- *■ • - -‘ - • ; -A* Sws i > T >>‘' Mf*:- ' ;•*.'••' V ■' ■' U.v;i W ,*'v - . • , ,Ttr. Vh- *’ ~f . ... •• -.v.',-^*;:;, : ■••; > :?=' ’■ ':■; '■■ ■ ;.; ■■ ■'':■' Vt'H- '' ••• • l ' ; *• •' • • • -'V *■ • V ■ *. •*• •. \•• '*A. _ , OP WB ABOVE THERE WBRB: } yew™.. —7 Prom 43 , 0 60 .... I 4 “«=£o to t 0..; s -« . f* *•— * to ?0_ _ 0 " 5t0W..... . 1 gTv'7o to SO- % **lo to 1 to 90 1 u 15 to 20............. 0 « BO to 100 .... e ** 'lO to 80. 1 An uDfcoown,.,.„ a t _ A *>*''««» 40 .... 2 Maleslßr Venules 10; While 2s; Colored 0.... By onto of the Bosrdof lieeltb. A. 0. MURIKXIK, Physician of Board of Health. -' Umoto OF THE ALLZOHEST AGRICULTURAL BdojiTr,—The Board of Managers met on Wed iUtiay evening, January 31st, at the Court Hone. Pretent— Messrs. Snodgrass, McKnight, ' jßsediJPayne. ShankUnd, Kelly, Murdoch, Jr., .J|toKefty»-Bbyd, McCabe, Hall, Miller, Gcebtior. t£a£4be Chairman. "Bhard being organiaed,.the minutes of the 4a*tmeatkg were read and adopted. Hr. McKnight read a letter from our represen tative, Mr. Quy, reporting the obarter obtained •far the Society some two years ago, and gave a verbahstaiement of bis reply to Mr. Guy, asking 'jfof jpertafo alterations, which were sanctioned by tjMkJWMtiflious vote. Mr. M’Kaight also read a eirewlar- received from the Adams County Agri ‘Uhhural Soclety, containing a petition to tbeLe* gislature, asking for the appointment of a “State" AgricuUnral Chemist.** He then moved that . the offioers Of the Boaru sign the petition, and d&e&iMmber* of the Board be requested to cir 'delate petitions among the people for signing. £9fefptation adopted. - : Hr. Murdoch offered the following resolntion, I wbiobwar Adopted: *—JQhohftdjTbat tho Corresponding Secretary be authorised to pnbhab in the Weekly Gazette and Aptwqlioc of the reception of seeds, &0., from t|*o Pitot Office and otherwise; and that the .am will be distributed among the members of the Society. ■ Mr. M*Qaewan submitted his final report as treasurer, which was accepted. Oo motion of Mr. M Knight, the thanks of the Society were tendered to Mr. M'Quewan for the faithful and and Member ef the Board have been performed. Tfcii ; resolution. was passed by a hearty and npanuMos rote. The Chairman reported that he bad rcciived a ▼arrant for one hundred dollars, being the (upotut of the State appropriations to the Socie ty, and that he haa placed it in the Treasurer's hands. On motion, it was . Eetohvd, That the Chair be instructed to ap point a committee of nme members to a list of premiums for the next exhibition. The Chair appointed Messrs. Reed, WKnigbt, Thomson, MeCabe. Shankiand, Gmhring, Sood : grass, Miller and McKelvy, as said committee. On motion, tbo Chair was instrneted to ap point committees of throe each, for printing, for library, and for arrangements; whereupon the chair appointed Messrs. Way, McKoight, and Murdoch, Jr., on printing; Messrs. MeCabe, Speer, (City,) and Way, on library; and Messrs. Keliy, Hali and Sbiras. on arrangements. On motion, ihe Board adjourned to the last Wednesday of February, at 10 o'clock, A. M. «OHN VOCNG, Jit., Chairman. O. P. Siuaas. Secretary. Exhibition or the Pittsburgh Ditbrabt Club.—TbiSCinbgivc ihcir first public exhibition to-morrow evening, nt Temperance Hall, ovar the Telegraph office, corner of Third .and Wood streets. Among us members arejiahy of our most talenied young men, who moot oho evening in each week ,o improve themselves in forensic discussions, and in the art that made Demos . tbenes great among the ancients; and in onr own country, Clay and Webster the admiration of every listener. Poots, it is said, are bora sot made. It is not thus with orators, and men famous in debato, ns every one is aware who knows anything about the history of the Great Athenian, or of the painful perseverance that made Charles James Fox the ablest debater in his day and generation. The seats are free.-atid' ladies apd gentlemen are invited to be present. We can hssare any one who wishes to spend a nonple of hoors pleasantly and profitably that they ooold not do it more so than by attending th| exercises of the Pittsburgh Literary Club, xne hour of opening is seven o'clock. Suioidb.—Coroner LowiyJ'iate on Wednesday night, heldVn inquest on the body of a German woman named Margaret Hclmstetter, residing on Pike street, Allegheny, who committed inl aid# the same evening, by catting her throat. The deceased was engaged reading the Bible, When all of a sadden she laid the book down, hhd commenced preying in a loud voloe. After praying for some time, she reqaested her husband to go out and procure a bag of Flonr. When he returned, he found his wife lyiog dead an tlw floor, she having her throat cut from ear to ear.' The fatal cut was inflicted so vigorously, that the head was nearly severed from the body. Af ter a eareful investigation, the Jury returned a verdict of “ suicide, while laboring under a tem porary aberration of mind." .Elcotioh o? Pbesidxht Pitts buboh and BfiußHViLUt Railboad.— At a meeting of the Directors of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad,.held on yesterday, the resignation of Reuben Miller, Jr., President, was aooepted, and vtmes S. Craft, Esq.', elected in Ms stead. Fin*.—The Chronicle states that the tavern of Peter Mosser, situated on the Zelienoplo Plank Road, twelve miles from Pittebnrgb, 1/destroyed by fire on Thursday evening last. The property was partially covered by insurance. Thi. house of Mr. Mininne, of Salem town ship, Westmoreland connty, was entirely destroy ed by fire, on Friday last, together with all the clothes of the family. Y ALU ABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKa AT AUCTION. -On SATURDAY EVENING. February 3d, at T o'clock, sommarelal Salas Booms, corner of Wood and Fifth ■“••a l* “W by Catalogue, a valuable coileotlon of nay Books; among them will be found, World of Science Artan&ladottiy, 600 plates; Bulwer’a Kovals; Pictorial SitCTvrnrf^fip? 4 * 4 ! *^£. or *’ 4 '°°° engravings. 2 vols, S?tsai«SS- New* 2 vola; Laxdechrt Life of £?SS!:.'SP.iS£ r *; l ?£! : . PicU,rl * l H*>f Hour,, 3 Tola, S cri P t ,“” Kngruings, oolornl; PI? torwGsHery of Fine, Ueerul end Ornamental Art. 2 vola. vmoidd 2SS n l£s?' a SZ , ‘ l Mo sf r ” et * lr BiUdoJ’lOaide'Sl^ riatw; Oraok ud Komi, Cliuto 3 Toll; Übnrr rf nwonr, 400 engraTiog, j OrclopodU of VtSSLj latetUlidng Knowlodge, pliloa; Upli.m’. Idf. 0 f Wuh- Uiftn, Stoli ; Dictionary of Arb, Scl.nc« ““ MiSSS tnrwbiiloltiatod; Knlght’i OfolopidUof ladnata,“f^S > Hattons, numerous plates; Life of Dnke of WeiUnaton 2 vols;-Baehelor of Balamanca, by Lefsie, 2 vols; Ac.* ’ Fall particulars In Catalogues, which can be obtained at tbs Auction Store. ' M 3 P. M. DAYI9, Auctioneer.. SUCK DWELLING HOUSE ANITLOT r IN TIE, AT AUCTION—On BATUBDAY AFTERNOON, nary 8d« at 2 o'clock, on the premises, will be sold that , large and valuable Lot of Ground, situate on Sheffield, near Okartiera street, having a front on Sheffield street of SI ftet 9 laches, sod extending back 138 feet to an alley; ov.vhich U erected a substantial, well finished two story: Brick Dwelling Ifoosa, with back buildings, a pump of good Mar. foit and ornamental trees, Ac. Terms at sale. t Mi y P. M. DAYIS, AoaUoneer. f-ff £ * A- . ■>;» •. .1 bbS§aml£ FOR &i£* Ax Utica OmcJL i' ilwfcoir laHi%ht-weieceived a mass of matter. Wo publish V* Huttt Gvnoi.—lnterments in the City of PUtaborgfa, from January 25th to January Slit, ■iJoQ&.i ;V.U •ai. Aecin. Oanstmr. 1 ftusmiilwi o ......u.......... o Criminal Neglect..—. 0 .......... 1 ■ -am 6 itnutawt i o Imperftet Development.. 0 i •• Paeuaoala.—...—.l'.* 0' 2 Inflammation ofßralß—. 0 1 4 ..... 1 0 • Spams....—o 1 ' wtooptng Gough— o ..... • •» Oonvnlstoct— q *fliairtlh>g— 0 I s Toburcalar Meningitis... q-'-- f* ‘ P»fainwi>- 0 . * Afofimj .................. 0 x - total 10 is dißgtni Banner lb whioh his duties as Treasurer AUCTION SALES. ' Ametf on-Dally gales, A xtha Commercial Bales Booms, corner of Wood sod A. IBttitncti,tt 10 o’clock, A. M- a general assortment «»i”n!«.nitlj?iy* Pane, Dr, Clooda.ClotWng, Icoti • 7 - AiMHwr/vir © v Glassware, Table Cutlery, Looking Glasses, H«? and Second Hand Household and Kitchen Fox mitar*,AeM ATT O'CLOCK, P. H- Basks, Stationary. Fancy Articles, Musical Instruments, Hand van and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Ooods, Gold and Sim watches, Ac. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. HaSL-tf P. X. DAYIS, Auetionaer. #SOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY W BOOM, Ac- AT AUCTION.—On FRIDAY and SAT WUIAXJOnUfrirGS, February 2d and 3d, at T o'clock, at MJawfajaiaft cf XL 0. Hood,No 61 Market street, will jyvyvJMimir Hills. to close the concern, the balance of gWMw awltcfftMspd Silver Watchsa, Fashions* MatMfi Jewelry, BUv*nrar«, docks. Fancy Goods, Ac. IP. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. tygsr hm* to; but watchbs^-i SV.nagted a Urge assortment of very su gfflamftttttsd tn Europe axpresaly to my Citiiatts and stmogris will 9HjEs£?!l**t * stock oT Watches as extan- the eastern cities; and lncontid* WawgJwrptUss than ever beforeoOered to In vest in this way rapalwd i» u*. b«t mmt. m M „ v „ ( , h , L w - w - wraps. J**® T 6 Fourth fSvtti . .1 : O J. ' ‘ .! w**- J*nt rice B. 3 hh. Sami “ « ■ S'?.™; Smtav-Vu. S. Hint mmertr—iam D. Scour. T »_l - *• s* o -*! As*x. Qomww, J. M’Divxn, Bavin B. Pau, Jos* WXXKLVBXTOCVOr PIITSBUBOH USXET. Omos o» m Bazcr Kotanra Post, 1 : Friday, February 3,1858. f ThahustßWf of ths week has been light. Some days pro vkms to onr last report the weather became exceeding which has continued ever since, ceasing the river to fall and running foe so as almost entirely to suspend navigation. The inconvenience felt is not vary great, at freights are very ikr from being abundant. i In money matters, the improvement, if any, is verj slight, although confidence is beginning to revive. People cannot be too much on their guard against all kind of ru. mow with regard to falling booses. These are often nnitt tentionally started from p remark made in mare thought lessttos, bnt In peering from one to another they soon mac nlfy into a Three Black Crows’ story of the largatdass. At least one snob was pnt Into currency , the latter port of last week but whefi sifted they fumed out lb be a fabrication from whole doth. In the East the signs seem to indicate an improvement which cannot be delayed much longer. The export of upo do is almost nothing; tha Import of Bry Goods show a dw crease last week over the same year in 1864, of over sixty per cent, while gold in large quantities continna steadily to arrive. The New York Banks as a consequence are able to make a better spade showing each week. ''Last week ah though the improvement was not so marked as the previous one was still encouraging. The New Tot, Zoning Pojf, e f ToeM.y, A Hidden turn In thin market far Merling ezchuu. look nUoe.lxmtnoon. Alelegr.phledeen.tol,wurocelrSfclm Sew OrleAM.nooondng. decline In that market, gdel roardet being heavy at that Advices from tbs South state there will soon be a very large supply of bill*. Francs are rather scarce In market, and closed at 6.12k(35f, 16a. The banks last wc-k, whh only a partial teneflt ftoni the California remittances of last week, show y« an increase of $326,000 In the amount of specie held by Uum, now reach ing $164)97,300. Kext week’s return will show a lamer •am. Thkamount is the highest ever held by the haufc«, The further expended twelve buudrad thousatd dollars lu their loans and discounts, and are continuing In .he eame course of expansion, Impelled thereto by the ne- S“ lly of Uf,ln * their Increase of specie means and deposits Tb« increase la tbedtposits is much larger than appears by the statement, from the iucorrect mode adopted from the beginning to get at them. Tho loans aod discounts amount to $B6 654,647. On the 28Ui January, 1864, they were $8#,750,465, or three millions more, with six millions less spade. As there is no probabil ity of losing specie at present, tho-tendency is vary strong to a great enlargement of discounts and loans, at least to the extent wanted, buuhe contraction of business is so very great that the demand for money la not likely to increase in proportion to the supply. The circulation oonUnoee to diminish. The same paper, of Wedoesd ty, says: The gUr of the West ” brings only $640 300 la gold, of •hieh two-thirds are from Page, Bason A Co., p»n p 0 ft,* Bank of America to the credit of Mr. David Headley who pays the checks of tbo Eon Francisco firm of Page, Bacon A Co. The Africa’s advices from Europe to tho 20lh instant are commercially favorable- The demand fer money continues to contract with a con stantly increasing supply on tbe market. The banks dis count all she paper 'ofiand that is satisfactory and the dis count broken change only bank rata for bankable paper, while loegdstes and second class range from 6 to 12 at cent; and good single narrow paper 1*2@16. Foreign exchange la dull and heavy at the latter for bankers’ bills. A few lading bousa, who only all at high rates, ask 101% Francs are firm at 16 francs .to IS I$X- In most Western cilia bnrine- s has been very quiet for a week or two. At St LouU navigation wu closed by the te«: and at Chicago a tremendous snow storm rlnaj nearly al* the avenues ef trade. At Cincinnati business ia also ex ceedingly qaieton aiwodot of navigation being pretty much suspended from running ia’snd low water. There Is no new feature in trade at thatpolnt The Price Current gives the following statement of llog Slaughtering during the Mason: From Kentucky - ' By Hirer and lUUroodjj 4 721 Through Toll Qntes Jl ’gpo Slanghtered at MadbouriUe and‘Flainville. Total Previously reported. Grand Total *38.497 To same date last season 397,020 ASllBS—Pearls are dull at ; Pots firm at 6U/a 6%. Regular sales of Soda at Rolctaln*, 5 by the quantity; auil In tha small way at 6W—an advance. APPLE—Are only arriving in «mili lots. nazcels 'are selling st ~ , BERSwAX—SaIes on arrival at S4Q25c; and from store at 56@260. BUCKtri AND TUBS—Backets at Factory $2. and from store $2,15432,25. Large Tabs, from store, $76*7,50 » dos.: small do $6.5f1. * BROOMS—Common Ohio, cm arrival, sells st and .frpmxtore at $275®3. From start, Ba.vtern at $260<33,26. . IfRAI^— Small white continue at the iapreveatnt do tlou last week. Then Is more demand for them as cheap article of food. BACON—Sales are very light and the demand corres ponds. Prime ehouldon are woitb 6}4f«jG4.'; bides do 7U, and plalcjlams 10c. Sugar cured do BUTTER AND EGGS— are in more active demand at2o— 9 c 'tj. Soda do do ...... 9 »«, - Boston i!o do ........... .. ~., .. 9 tt e» ptq-Nlc do do L , , 9 a COTTON YARNS, Ac.—The following are now tha rnUng rsUs: Pouxn Vila. No. 5 to IP. Inclusive—lb No. 16.......... "11 Al 2 IP “ « 17 " 13 .20 « « IS " 14 .... 21 » '* 19 “ 16- ........,*.....22 “ •' 20 Ho. 600 &c * D> I No. 800 »lb “ 000 A « " 900 eu V. “ 700 —...7 « I " 1000 « Carpet Chain: white 4J|@2o, colored 23. OorerUt Yam; *3<3>25. Candiewlek,-'IS. Twice, 20. Batting, No. 1, 13, No. 2.12; Family Battiug. 16. Caulking, Id. . COKDAQK.—The following are tho ratca nowectahlliUod Manilla Hope, coil 19 »tb. Cut 2fl V lb White “ 1* « •* is «. Tarred ** 13 « “ u Packing Tarn, f10e...12 * « BCD Com>»—Manilla, 3,7535.00 t* dot. do $ coil 19 eta $ o>. n«ap, $1,87, 2,7533,75 » dos. do V ooUI4 cU9 tt>. . Ptocen Lntxa—Manilla, $1,25 $ do*. Hemp. $1 m doe. OOPPBB—We quote at 35@3&,c*fih end tima. CANDLES —Sale# of Star during the week at 2ie a lb Dipped fcurtli 13J4, tod Mould 11%. Soap brings be. QCHRKSE —The slock ie wearing down iat prices remain at lO^ilOJ+c. DRIED FRUlT—There is no change to note. Apple* are worth $1,12@1,25, and Perches $2<§)2,12. DUIKDBKEF—A few sales of new are reported 9{&9Wc by the tierce. FLOUR—The receipts by the river bring rat off there is little or none arming, and consequently there Is an up* ward tendency. Tte quotations thus far. however, are very little advanced. Soperfloe sella at $8,37&1,60 from depot and store, and extra 25e higher. Of the stock on hand there is little of It liable to be thrown on the market exeept at a considerable advance on the present ruling rates. FEED—Sales at mill of lira* awl Screening at 90e ft 100 lbs; Shorts, 05; Bhlp Stuff, sl;'Flniahed Middlings, $1,60. Sales of Conn try Bran at $1 100 lbs. T FEATHERS—We- quo to sale* in limited lota at 40(3)43, first hands; from store, 45@50; Mixed at 35, and dull. FlSH—Sales are confined to the regular wants of the trade. Quotations remain unchanged, via: Mackerel No. 1, large,' $11(3111,60; Medium do., $10,00; Mo. 4, $85t8,25. Baltimore Marring, $6,2&@6,50; Halifax do ss,£o@s. Lake FUh: Trout, $9; White, $10; half bbU in the usual pro* GRAlN—Wheat...Tbe mills are paying $1,7001,80. Corn Is still abundant at 82086 c, bat Oats are not so plenty, and now bring 60066 c from depot and store. Barley Is taught at the breweries at $1,1501.20. Bye sells at $l,lB. GKOCBRIKB—Are firm; sales of Bngarto oountry and retail trade at 606*£ by the bhd, and 6Ko6*s by the bbU and Molasses at 25026 c. Coffee is not very actire at 11W 012 c. GLASS—We quote dty breads Window at $3 box for 618; $2,50 for 7x9; $3 for 8x10; s3£o for Bxl2. 9x12, and 10x12; $4,60 for oxl3, 9x14, and 10x14; $5 for 9x15, 10X15, and 10x16; $5,25 for 10x17; 5,50 for 10x18; and so oo in creasing in like ratio according to site— lo ft ekoff Ibreoeh. Oonntry brands are sold at an average of about 60e less ft bx than dty brands. HIDES—Crteo Beef Hides are not active at 4U060. Sales of Dry Flint, by the lot, at 12e, and to the regular trade at 12013 c. Dry Belted at 11012 c. HOPS—Eastern No. 1 are selling In small lots at 350 C7Uc, and In the retail way at 38040 c. HAT—Sales of baled Hay, according to quality and con* dltlon, at $18020022 ft ton; from store sales of good at $24- Bales at scales st $22024 IRON AND NAILS—Sales of common paddled barstS© 3}£e, and In nails lOd. and upwards at 3J404& Tho new card rata* have not yet been fixed upon. LEATHER—The store rates are now: Red Spanish Sole, per Ih, 21022; Slaughter Sole, 24028; Upper Leather, per doseo, S2SOS3O; Bridle do. do. $360540; Country Bridle do. $280536; Skirting Leather, per lb, 28 cents. LARD—There is little doing. Some small sales of. conn try rendered at Oo for No. 1, and B%e for No. 2. Urease 1% @ *&AL BTORXSv—Spirits Turpentine Is now held at 70e ft gallon. Rofta at $3,2503,50 for Ifo. 2, and $4 for No. L A small sale of Tar at $4.50. OlLS—Steady sales of Laid Oil No. 1 at TsoBOoby the lot. and in the small way. Lin feed is firmer, and sales in tIML retail way nre made at 85; no heavy sales reported. 'i~- POTATOES—Red and Mixed, according to quality, sell at $1,3701,50. PIG MKTAL—There U very UfUe doing in Pigs. Tha rales of the week comprise three small lots of Tennesie at $26, six mosu 50 tons No. 3 Anthracite at $2O, and 150 tons Fayette county on private terms. ■REDS—Timothy sells at $2,3702,50, and Flax at $l,BOO $1,62. Clover is slightly higher, via: $6,5006,76. SALT.—At the Canal sales are made at $2 ft bbl for No. 1, and for extra. From store a slight advance on these ratee. BTBRL —Spring Steel, Pittsburgh manufacture, 6^O6U; • "tael plough wings, 8; do, cut to pattern, B®*®/$’ ~ H »t«eL from rolled Iron, ; from hammered do, Ho. «*.!, 7U; Fork do,V;lhoT.l do, 8; .t~l dKidj Ure,7; raipUr|pri ng ~10i<; mm do, 13@U; Colli 18"^60nd itMd, HIM .t $2,50 v keg, tot pur. in oil, u,d dr, 8. * 15. Red Lead 8e ft ft. WHISKX—.A lev sales ate made daily at 340350. It Is dolL Ailegkeay Cattle Market. Aixsqbxvt, January 29.—The supply of Beef Cattle was much better than the demand, less than half the offerings being taken by the butchers. BEEVES—S 47 bead in pens; 260 were taken for this mar ket, 100 were criven Rut, and the hslanna were left over unsold. Prices for inferior ranged Cram 2%03, gross, and . good to primsBo4; a few head cnoiorestre w«re tafcan at 50. : - HOGS—OnlylfiQ head were offered, which mri taken at 4S ffia£3£ were sold at -pterions rates—sl, ft .head, with extra at $3)00. $ 4. - ■1 ! »**. ■ , ">f~ **" ' ' , .—3 ft ft .....24 “ ....JA “ Doici taut. To Bnuuau Hli—Tie Laif forth. Fort oC may ba mums at tl— otataatßoo—. third •Iwy, «a SarithfeM atnat • Tiia Rryja camalna atatlo&aaT. Thera la yaryUttla W rahnlQf. • Bra Sim la bo# In a flue niyl*aU» coadlUoa, with **l*?*noPghgp.tha fail afca boats to *emd STEAMBOATS. J "1855 * jittbbttboh, cnrcnwAn, lovutilu, lAIST I*OlXlB, PitUtmrgh and CinclnnaU Btaam Packet Una. vortiix cosrsT*soj Q ? PASBKAOEIIS ASD FiiBIGHT PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVTtfcIF And Salat Lovli, ' ■=«, .ic^m for speod, splendor, Safety asd comfort, and is the osar tuuoooq daut unor Bvu* Packxtsou tbe Ohio rirer. It commote with theJJN. w»o Line of Steamers from Cincinnati to Loalavill* sTwT# Izmir, by which paeaengere aod ftrtgbtSSfedirfS ttkttZsJsfs jteSSSr BUCKEYE STATK. _m. KEYSTONE STATU—Jacob Mond»v^^ CINCINNATI —R. Hosts* .^.JfSSSLp PHILADELPHIA 11. J. GraC£....„ .TbttMdiT 7 " PITTSBURGH.. L N.CodK - Frida* PENNSYLVANIA -JwO. KuAsrUrn. Saturday Leave daily at 10 o’clock, A. AL, precisely. No ireight reoaired after nine o’clock on tbe moraine of departure. • For particulars, apply on board, or to JOnN B. LIVINGSTON,) . . JOHN FLACK, J Agents, wf ltt . , 10CE . Monongahela House BnUdlngs. Pittsburgh, 1855. |nov2B] “1855 ” CANADA WEST. I Port St&nltjr, Mb k inUBL ,u *‘ l Port Harwell. JjAml TIUJ PINE low pressure steamer TELEGRAPH, Captain R. Biikow, will make two trip* a week between Cleveland; Port Stanley, and Port Burwell, as follows: Learn Clereland for Port Stanley, «Tery MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENING, at o’ctofc. ana Leave* Port Burwell for Port Stanley at 1 o’clock. Leaves Port Stanley for Clereland eTery WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVENlHj%t7>£ o’clock Tbe Telegraph oonneett\tolw*fiDd, with the Clereland. Columbus and Ooclonatl, tbe Clereland and Pittsburgh the Lake Shore, and tbe Toledo, Norwalk and Clereland Railroads. Also connects at Port Stanley with the London Line of Stages, which connect* with tbe Great Western Railroad. „ *>rfr«Uht tod poMtgttpply on board, or to BCOYIEL k LAUDKRDALK, Cievtiland; S. F. HOLCOMB, Port Stanley or A. M’BKIDK. Port Harwell. m*r27:tnoT ’ Plttetrargh, Steubenville and Wheeling . Puekata. r_lSKjB TheDIURNAL, Captain A.JJ. Shobiui. tad ■HBBKthe FOREST CITY, Captain o*OBo* D. Moobi. will rnni.repiljr DULY PACKKT3, b.tw~n PltUborgb Steubenville and Wheeling, stopping at all intermediate The DIURNAL will leave Pittsburgh on Mondays, Wed* nwrtays and Fridays, at 10 o’clock, A. H.—Ktiuniina ahe wil i. l , ?« wl »e«Un* Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturday*. ftt7Uoc!cri,A.U. FORK3T CITY will learn Pittsburgh on Tuesday* Thundaya aud Salurdayn, at 10 o'clock, A.M.— RctumiTM, all* will leave \\ heeling on Mondays, Wednesday* aud Fri daya, at 7)s o’clock, AiM. For treignt or passage apply on board or to J. V. COhLINU WOOD, Agent, Wo. 1&5 Front street. ►'or St. Louiiu v Theitaamer ALMA, Captain JL. I>. CocaiaK, U^BB vill letTe tor 1)16 * bove uwt intai mediate parti opening of na-rigttlon. Tor frrigbt or paaago arpl 7 on board, or 10 _ J >n3l C -DARXB3, Agent _ For tit. JLouts. i JBPLjk I'RAiuiii nos*,c.pt. f. la- will Iratc forth**ftboT« &o , am * r KATK CAS3KL, CspL Josmh JiH|l" ' AY - "«‘ l lo4T » for the shore and intarmo dßOHlHdlste ports on opening of narigatlrn. ror ire gut or pawwjfe »pi*ljr on board, or to ItAltXKi i COLLINGWOOD, Vor tioulsTllle. I tr9m *• ADKiATIC, Captain C. gran, l«*re fur th* above and Intermediate ports opening of navigation. For freight or p&Atttn apply on b:an) For Cincinnati* , IB» a. .**■» stor ms CITY, Captain S. D.u., learn Tor the atom and tatanncdlat#porta opening of navigation. rot f-elght or paaaag* apply on toanl. For LoolitlUi, , jap fc , TLr Steamer VIENNA, Captain 0 Hat, will fur the abore and intermediate porta oo of navigation. For freight or pamge apply board, or to J»n£o FLACIC or WILKIN For Louisville. “ , Tl» IXDKAVOK. OpL Joan Mil, will leare for tho above and Intermediate ports opening of navigation. For freight «r paMgs apply on boarj, or to _ c. IJAUN’RS, For St. Louli. IWV w The rteamer K KViTO.NK, Cept.~ J. J. Roms- Mkjfftos, will leaTH for tti« above mud iwtermeiUte on o(«u>Dk; of navigation. For freight ci pb«.»;u:.> npptv on bosr-J, or f» i«°-< I'I.ACK * I.IV1\0»T0S. Ag-nt.. For Haahvllle k The at«amer CLARA DEAN, CajiUlo'Wn. will lear« for thffibnve and intermediate oa openini < f navigation. rVr freight soi appiy on Iwnrd, nr to FLACK nr LIVINGSTON. Agents. Por Nftahvtlle. fn> fc. The Cramer FAI ICY QUKEN, Captain Jons jijAtjlfitExo, will leave f,r the above port, atul all in- port*, on opening of narlcatkin. ‘■t or pacanr* * * -■ For freight woe* »n>lf on bo Regular Wheeling Paoket. fEU# la. THKeteauier KXCIUXUK, Capt. M’CiUCM, jUttypeNTf* ewy MONDAY, WUDNKPDAY, »n'or freight or applj on board, or to j«» 3 JAMES COLLINS k CO., Ag*oti. A Card. OWING to a steady drain upon our foods inJ an aceu* mulalion of outside pressure, together with th«\fcx treine difficulty of realising our securities, w« Lara Men compelled to suspend cur business. Our creditors may rest confident that onr entire Indebt edness Till be fully paid, as we have uuqu*albmably a large surplus over our liabilities. KRAMER A RAIIM. January 2>i, 1855—[jan23 PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the style X ot *• KRAftUSR, WORK. * YOUNG, - Philadelphia, Is Ibis day dissolved; Samuel Work, Oeorge Young and Vm. M’Couch, purchasing the interest of Kr»m*r A Rabin in •aid firm. The business trill be continued by “ WORK, Young a M’coucn.” January 23, 1555. _ Depositors In onr office, wilt please call and receive their bills and no tea left with os lor eollecUcn. j*a33 KRAMKR A RAIIM. AttSoEn «t WILUAMS, MMCrACTVftXU OF Chilscm furnaces, Wrought Iron Tabing, and Fitting Generally, FOR WAOMINQ AND VENTILATION OF DUILDINQB. 49- A. AW. will contract for Tanning and ventilating, by staam or hot water pipes, or ChllwmV Furnace; Church* «*» Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Orven Houses, Court nooses. Jails, Hotel? or Dwelllrg*. No. 25 Market street, Pittsburgh. jan2s Notice. ALL PERSONS having Books *r Cortlflcatus of Deposit ngulnat the undersigned, are requested to present the same at our oftyce, for settlement. *» HOON * SARGKNT. Plticborgh, January lb&s—| jun'ii n't*? GOOD'fo’ES'XT HOUSE, CORN EH OB GRANT STREETS, near the Railroad Depot __J*oKklj ----- JAMBS SHANNON, Proprietor. Puinam'B monthly, for February.—cotrt*s«: Portraits of contributors, author of “ Cub*," At.; Diplomacy nod Gannon Halls; Living in the Country; Na* tloasl Defence; Prometheus and EpUnetheus; Nature in Motion; Two Little Stars; Sly Three Conversations with Mi*n Ohester; Glimpses of French Life—-The Restoration ; The Mountain Winds; Mining Vanities; Israel Potter, or Fifty Years of Ksile; The Old Woman who Dried Up and Blew Away; OliHa; A Pedagogue in Georgia; A. Water Study; The Progress of our Political Virtues; Editorial Nome. For tale by H. MINER A CO, J*n2S _ No. 32 gmltbfletil ptreet M T. WASHINGTON PROPERTY.—A (food FrameThrell- log Uoufs, with large, lot of 112 feet frost on the brow of the hill and runniug back 422 feet on Bertha street to an alley, with a well of good water, bhale and frait trees, a stable, Ac; a good board fence around the property. Price Persons desirous of a pleasant residence pure air, with a view of the two cities, river*, Ac., would do well (o attend to the above. Apply soon to f. CUTOBKRT-A SON, J*n2S __ No. 140 Third street. 1/MBKOIDEiUKd. —A. A. MAHON A CO. biTt j celled per express 6 cartoon of Ihabroiderles, comprj •log new tod elegant style* Collars, Cutfe, Collarettes, Head Dresses, Rosettes, Tab*, Sleeve*, Chemisettes, Udkfs., Ac., which will be offered at extremely low prices. jan23 OUT AGAlN—Woods’ Monthly Ileal Estate Kogtster. On it there are described for sale 51 good Farms, 32 Houses and Lots, 48 fine Country Stale, and 500 City Lots, with which purchasers ought to be acquainted before buy* lng. Call and get a Register gratis. Jangatf Tilo3. WOODS, 75 Fourth street RURB UANDZ HUFF I—For the cure of sore rough bands, tho Herpetic Boap Is unrivalled. It U used for reoderiag the skin soft, smooth and white. It removes sallowneea, tan, Ao. The use of a few cakes of this fioapon •ore roogh hands, wilt soon render them smooth and heal all chaps, chafes, Ac. Only 12)£ cents a cake. Prepared from the redpe of a London Chemist, and sold by Janie e. L. CPTHBgKT, 140 Third ahwet SEEDS, FOR UOT*BBDS.—My stock of Seeds for early sewing or the approved and valuable varieties, is ready for distribution at the Seed and Implement Warehouse, FUth street. [ jinS] * . JAMES WARD HOP. I HAVE this day associated with me in the wholesale fruit and Confectionary btuinesa, my sen, T. 11. An derson. The business hereafter, from this date, November 10th, 1854, will be aondnetod under the name and style of J. C. Anderson k Son. novl7 . JUku >nd o«pi. 4- J. -WILSON k SON keeps constantly on hand every description and Toriety of HATS AND CAPS, both wholesale and retail. Those desiring a neat fashion* able Hat or Cap, good and cheap, would Uo well to giro os a call beige pmohaitng elsewhere. nor!8 CtOtitm RKUKbIKb— / Atm's Cherry Pectoral; wis tar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry; Balsam of Liverwort and Tar; 8 Wayne’s By nip of WQd Cherry; Jayne’s Expectorant; . U’Lane’s Oonsh Syrnp; Sellers’ do; • ‘ Morgan’s do: All of the abora remedies always on hand at . JOB. PLKMIWFS, - Jans* comer Diamond and Market street. -*♦ V' • -f 'T*. «•. ' , , • - -• / r-->^ •" -'V v '' V ' *, 2=* V V > J ;««-*•*♦ .• »\j *» » ' Dr Jbmrt&eaQernt MAfneiieimafatqfi 1* i am warned or Smarmdt* acme imme* earn of Bp Disease ser of Dr. I, Fitch’s Celebra ted fledlclnes, at DR.O. H- KEYSER'S Drag Store, No. 140 corner Wood street and Virgin alley. Cherry Pulmonic, Pulmonary Balsas, Pectoral Bxpecto rant, Pulmonary Liniment, D4parative Syrup, Heart Cor rector, Humor Corrector, Pare and Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, Cough aad Cathartic Pllla, Nerviue, Vermifuge, Female rills, Female Specific, Ac, Ae, used by him constantly and with unprecedented success, in the treatment of OLU, Ought, Omnmptim, JsOmc, Heart Diseases, Dpt pepdA, Scrofula, Skim Di*eatm r . J pkem*atism, Ikmale Omptaimts, Pika, elc, etc. Dr, Pitch's Pitted SUver Plated MmSaal Supporters. Dr. Pitch's Improved Plated Steel Sprimf Shoulder Bum. Dr. Pitch's Saver Urn- Hag Tkbe. t Also, all kinds of Proprietary Medicines, at the lowest prices, wholesale aad retail. novl&daw IT you don’t want to be ltralght don’t w«ar my Shoulder Braes. EF* For more than two years we have worn Dr. Keyseris “ Washington Bospender Brace, 1 * and tel lta pleasant duty again to recommend 1U use to ail of inlentary occupations. OuttWulngthe advantages Of u BbUlhier Brace with of a pair of Suspenders, it Is Ught and comfortable, and effectually counteracts the disposition to become stoop shouldered. Those of our readers who are Induced of such an article, should call on Dy. Keyset on Wood street, cor ner of Virgin alley, and examine this Brace, which has re>* cently be*o much improred.— Pilltlrnnh DUpatch, Decem ber SIA, 1564. * Bold wholesale and retail at Dr. REYSER’B Tram and Shoulder Brace Depot, 110 Wood street Sign of the Golden Mortar. dscS&daw Bttln'i Saperflne Toilet Soap*- ALMt>ND SOAP, prepared from the purest and belt ma terials ; It gives tbe skin a luxuriant brilliancy, end imnarti to tbe band! a delightful almond odor. MiUefieure, Olire Oil, Thrideee, Boaquels, Nymph, _Jlenry, Pistachio, Drown Windsor, Palmyrene, _~ Patcboul/, Marshmallow, Drown Omnibuf," Cocoa, liaielnut Oil, Palm Omnibos, Verbena, Spring Flowers;- Lilac, Ambrosial, Jenny Lind, ClreaMian, Musk, SpermacetU Tablet, Pondae, Ac. I would respectfully solicit tbe attenUon of tbe ladles of Philadelphia to my Persian Lotion,cr Liquid Lily Blossom, for rendering tbe akin eoft and fair. Also, my Amygdaline Lotion, for removing freckle*, plmplea and asperity of the lace, and to Impart to tbe skin delicate elasticity. Fs>ariis A lUayn'a Papier for Rheumatism, Palna.lrrita tioos of tbe Cheat; Lumbago, Wounds, Dura* and Coras, a superior french article, universally used throughout Europe. •QOD.*ff at. The subscriber continues to manufacture his oslebratal Rose, Almond and Ambrosial ttnivuia Cleans, which are unequalled by any In tbls country or in Europe, and tor which he received a Prime Medal ah the World's fair, Lou don. To b« bad of the principal Droggists ia Pittsburgh, end throughout the United states. X bAZIN, Uauateeturer and Importer of Perfumery, No. 114 Chestnut street, below Fourth. Philadelphia. jan22:devlmU LIST or QKHUIKE PAIXST HXDICIHKS, oa b4md ajip roa'aaix by FLEMING BROTHERS, rrnriMn •* Mlaw'tT—lSuH Uw Kite. Wholesale vrmgitls and Dealers in Valent Medicines, Corner Fourth and Wood street*, Pittsburgh. KEKLRK'B AMERICAN COMPOUND; Jayne’s Alterative: ** Caraiostlve Balsam; “ Ililr Dye M Expectorant; “ Bacatire Filin: " Hair Tonic; Wlstar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry ; Bryant’s Pulmonary Balaam; Hooflanti'i German Bitters; Holla, d do Uoetettei’e Stomach do Mercbis**’Uterine Catholicon : Storms’ Scotch Cough Candy; Price’s do; Thorn’s do; Howe’s do; Osgood’s f Ddla Cholagngue; Morse's Invigorating Cordials Tyler’s Uum Arabic Drops; Harrison's Uair Dye; l'halon’s do Batchelor’s do Mckluno’s Elixir of Oplnm; Bryant’s Purifying Extract; Dailey’s Pain Extract; Brown’s Esaeoee of Jamaica Gingert McAllister’s do do; Kidder'slndellibls Ink; Payaon's do do; Arnhold'a do; Dr. Curtis’ Hygsana; Lyons’ Kalhairon; David’s Lilly White; Basin’s do; Tobias’ Liniment; Hunt’s do; Allen’s Nerve and Boos Llnlmant Mexican Mustang do; Farrel’s Arabian do; Gardner’s do; Barrel’s Indian do; Carter’s Spanish Mixture; Bane’s Pile Lotion; MeenFun; Scarpa's Acoustic Oil; Mercbaot’s Gargling Oil; ? - Rushton, Clarke A Oo.’s Cod LWer Oil ; McAllister’s Ointment; Bings’ Itch do; Ferrel's dp; Gray’s do; Trask’s Magnetic Ointment; Judkin’s do; Bwaim's Panacea; Houck’s do; Bargant’a Infant Panacea; Perry Davis’ Pain Killer; Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral; Uonghten’s Pepsin; Kk rs Petroleum; McLane’s Celebrated Llrsr Pills Brandreth’s do Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills Lee’s Anti-billons do; Sarsaparilla Blood do; Even's- do; Bwaynee* Extract Sarsaparilla Blood ills Jayne’s Anodyne Cough do; Townsend’s Health do; Jew David’s Plasters: Shoemaker's do; Dr. Newman’s do; Badway’siUady Relief; Morris'Remedy; Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative; Emerson’s do; Bull’s Sarsaparilla; Townsend’s do; Sand’s do; GuysoiPs Extract Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla • Wolff’s Schiedam Schnapps; Soap, Cleaver’s Honey; “ 5K 1 ? Boent#d Br S. T » Windsor Ludlnm’sSpedfic; McLane's Budorlfi« Oongh Syrup; Tyler’s oam Arabic do; Sellers’ do; BWayne’s gyropof WDd Cherry; Smith’s Tonic Syrup; Barry’s Tricopborous; Norwood’s Tincture of Varatrum Viridnt' McLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Dr. Looock’s Pulmonic Wafers; Thompson’s Eye Water: Agents for all of Dr. MoGllatock’sTsaflr*ll*ltefnsi Dr. Needham’s Breast Pomps; Water’s Atmospheric Bm*t Pumps) GomKlarifa Go ET feblftlj J. C. ANDERSON. ; r *. . t. *» 1 -L • + i . ♦ ■*» ‘ , . ► *' . ** ,<• * • • * .. V MEDICAL. CU&C9 VACO T!f THH TUT IT OKCS. . '* X* 4 -" * ’ •.-v'- :* .t*sM ••••*•“• ’ -2* MISCELLANEOUa AtAUt o» nvuiru-Nvi >aan Kn (tw^ier ' *J lB4,l fam, rttnstod three miles from Prinos mv and substantial mil toes, of etvett nSj, In height Si? uSSIm? “* i« in » h*aUh?lsa. rf «“H »*■** this U »JM« opportunity of Uanilng m HyUmj. g„ “!*%*'•> apply to a. CUTBBXBT * SOB, -g" 3O - , Ito Third atr^at. A t^. 0 * ?«>>>»«» WH BAUtl4lt.u«l 7 mu.. £assss?tf sasssffisasf & T U :B, tST 0 -" •■"vsgsM.T. To lict. DB PROPERTY situated corner of Webster and Faltim from t and after the Ist of April next. This Is aaellgiWe situation for a large Boarding Qouse ora Tarem Btand. It eontalns one large Brick House, frontiafe on Pul. ton street; two small Frame Houses, fronting on. Crawford Stable, fronting on Webster street. At a Terr small exreuse the back buildings can be converted into sti, oung capable of stalling twelve horses. For terms apply to , , Q AUSTIN LOOMIS, J tpl9 92 Fourth street A_„, Fer Sal* or Rent WNISHKD TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, on Third street, between Smith field and Grant streets. ■‘PPiyl® J. W. BUTLER, ■ ) »° 18 97 Front itreeL I„, Ftrsns to Runt. TOL LEASB 91VK 09 M 9 FARMS, In lut Iltei township, Allegheny county, situate within two and a uiilf mllesfromth»p^njyi Tl i U I» Canal; each containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, all improved. Those SK™ 0,11 * l “ J rMld * a “- 11111 r ™. d ** ig:Jlt » ,lf BARTRAM MURRAY. FOR SALiE VERY CHEAP. A I SS U> 5 Ha I f? T 1N ALLEGHENY city, 24 feet by wm ' r.L OO ?-^ ll etn be had by applying noon at me office of the MORNING pQgr. jylfctf •A -, n , Lot ror Sale. A J? N ° L 0T > 24 front on Carson street XI. by WO foot in depth, in Birmingham, will be sold ,**?-• “intro of GKOTp. GILLMORE, _«f* a at office of the Morning Post. . _ Basement To li«t. A JtOOM, 21 feet wide by 32 deep, two-thirds jbore ground, wall adAhed and well lighted, will be Kniiuire “ * h, °. a,^ of Arrvi P.y. l / dDla£be at prlrate aaIe,TURBE HOUSES AND f I wM. One Brick Ilonae, situated on Ferry, between Fourth and Liberty streets; Lot 20 feet front by 79 Jbet n ° UAM » on Login street, Sixth WunL One Mouse fronting on Logan street, and the other on Carpenter's alley; Lot 24 feet by 100. \ now °® the eorner of Ferry end l8 , a “ running one year from let of April, IMS, with the Furniture, Bedding, Ac. The House at prt* eat ie doing a good business, and is pleasantly 'ocatocL For terms and further particulars enquire of - " ALKX. CUPPLBS, _ Jl.tf corner of Ferry and Water e treats, VALUAULK IU£AL IWTATK FoitSALK, AiOotoing thJ' Itorough of Manchester—TUlßTT BUILDifIQ LOTS, each -i feet front by 100 feet deep, and fronting on Market street PQ feet in width, are offered for sals quite low, and on reasonable terms of payment. This property is part of the •state of the late Junes Adams, Ban., and the title is ner foctrand beyond dispate. Apply to J AME 3 BLA KELT For Ueuti " A D f? IR^ L J? OOUNT&Y RHiIDKNCK, In rut town if** snip, with Two Acre, of Ground, Fruit Treu, Shrub bery, Out-house, Ac , will be rented cheap, and for a term of year* to a good tenant. Apply to u „ fl . ... GEO. A. SWABTZ, at the ogee of Bririch A Friend. SMALL FAMM FOR BALE—Co misting of las Tm, e§ in caltlTfcUon; with a w» fnm* i!? e d ‘ x,r ’ 4 Log Hooje, Stable, Ac; a Bugar Camp of 400 treat, and a nsajl Peach and Apple Orchard: ' lu, n mlie * frcm UaUJcpolia, Jo Gallia count r, Ohio! riee an acre. 8. CUTiIBEUT A gyk, J*?“ j 140 Third Unit. GSS)P“ d - ,or l’wo DwaLUos Uoqms and Blow Room* on Third street. A large Store Room on fourth street, near Wood. » , 4t on Fourth street, (Cargo's Hall) A large Tavern Stand in Rut Bit mingham. A Dwelling House on Sixth street. A Dwelling House, of 8 rooms, on Logan street. A large Bouse on JLom, at the head of Fifth street. A House, of 3 rooms, on Bedford street A House on Water street, near Grant. A DdftUafeßoase in Birmingham, near the Ferry Land ing. B. CUIHBEttT A boa, -4 . _g* ,T ~ UOghirdatteaU. V*‘ssTru^?KocUKFrßiTUAHi«ri^TTo^ Jr.* 3 ,* P y tn “ l,l »*m»U maoulMtarlag an.? luument. He Id able to make tiimaelf tuefol In an?depart ment, and ha* * capital of from $BOO to $7OO. He U a rood plain kook-keeper and aalenua, bat woaUl wafer Mrr employed in or eboot the manolactory. * lwr oeiag S- CUIUBEST A EOS, l4O Tuird street i HKAP DWKLUNa lloU^JW.—W* hmwoniir W V. “Z 9 *?* good substantial Celling Hoom, wbkh will be sold at low price* and on map terms DfEyment. Per*on# wishing to become their own landlords. Erenow a good opportunity to obtain bargains. you prefer to build a House to suit youndi; we can famish rouwith a handsome Building Lot, at as low a price as , . „ 0. CvTUBKBT A 80N, J lp4 Beal Estate Agent*. 140 Third street. J u « p CBLISIiED—The Government of the Methodist Chwib, Anti Republican and Despotic: by Hm. M MichaeL beeond edition, eclated; prireTinpawr «1 coats, in muslin 50 can!*, by mall, prepaid, 36 rents. . 1n JO l !** 4 S. DiVifiON, Publisher, O5 Market street, pear Fourth. 1 > UTii LIALL—Udo hundred copies recelred and for sale AV by 11. Miner ± Go. i ,V,T be t* l * *ad the tear come and go at her blading. Uyoa don’t bellere It, read‘Ruth Uall.’ • • Ii you h»T«o’t read ‘ Roth BaU/ bay a copy, *n«t we will wartant you to read U twice Uiroogh "-J/wAywn Aryus. rannv ferns last book has absorbed oarery much, sod avakeaod a feeling or profound interest In the woman who can wriie her bmjs and character so indelibly in oar mind. .. iti . -J. alk *£*“ r^d greater aridity Qfy JUn 1,004 IICC * Unci * Tom * Cabin.’ "—i'Kiladdphia ! ST* 1 book; , in genius, great In spirit, and great as a literary production.”—-Z>ay ton GiiJtUc. “ ‘ Ruih Ilall ’ U by far the ablest of lier and contains many passagoi equal to anything iH tbs *"*»«*« language. — Dodge t Liierary Museum. ** w * seldom perused a book which affected us more strongly. —Am. Mating Chronicle. It is published complete in one fins TOlume,neatly bound in cloth; price gl/il for sale by IL MINER * CO, No. 3-1 Smithfield nirevt. £ W BOOKS —Oeneral h'&UoDS of Chemistry : by i*o> . loose and Prerny; translated frosi the french; colored plates. Stllj Brackn; » Til. of Forty Yarn Ago; b r Amtia Chamber* Bradford. and lunmtoi a Tala of Wadded lire: br tin Ilabbaca. J ilraehwood Pfckri Op M th „ Continent, or Lut Sum mer ■ Trip Co the Old World: my Orville ilorwitx. American Sportsman: by Ellaba J. LewU: Illustrated. A Translation of Virgil; new edition. The Pioneer’s Daughter: by Emerson Bennett Ihe Mysteries of the Court of Queen Anne: br W. IL Ainsworth. •' Jnst received by express and lor sale by BAM’L. B. LAUPPEB, 6? Wood street AN £XTKAuKI)Ift4IIY BOOK—Mjr.Uourtfblp and itf Oonaequesoea: by llenry Wikoff. May and December: by Mra.Hulbeck. Kuth Hail: by Fanny Farn; loth supply. The Life of P. T. Barnum : written by h!m»Tf. Lillee ami Violet*, or Thought* in Proee ana Verse on the Qraces of SJaidenhood; by Bnaalie BelL Ida May, or Stories of Things Poutbla and Actual. The Pioneer* Daughter: by Emerson BeonetL The Mysterle* of the Court of Queen Anne: byWm.-llnr. rlson Aintworth. Fur sale by 3 , W. A. UILDKNFiNNEY A CO, J* nl i No. 76 Foarth (treet JJIAKIK: .3 KOlt l3sa.—A lar*e assortment or the above _ useful article Lit sal* at the lowest rate*, those who would save 25 per cent, should call at _ >5? HAM’L a LAUVFKiI’a. RT Wood rt. BOOKS I BOOKSll—l’uddUford and Ha People: by 11, u. Riley. Huth Hall: by Pinny Fern ; sixth supply. lJf- of Uaroum, by himself; tsrih supply. • '. life of Horace Greeley; third supplv. Idi Miy: by Mary Lang-lou; third suJh.lv. Harper, for January; tub supply. Putnam, for January ; fourth supply. Graham. for January; fourth supply. Uod«*y, lor January; sixth supply. Knickerbocker, for January. ' Prank Leslie'* Ladies* Gairtto. New Pork Journal, for January; a now monthly Magaaine, devoted to romance, ceotjai literatura. science and art; prloe 18 cents. All tbe above ju*t received and for sale at the cheap Bock Bu ;* e n ° No. 70 Poqrth street. MAUAZINKS.— HirpiT, for January. Putnam, for January, Qodey, for January; third supply. Graham, for January; second supply. Peterson, for January; 17 cents. Bellow, for January; 10 cents. Blackwood, for Jauuary. Subscription to four British Reviews and Blackwood. 110. Those who would save 20 per osnt. in subscribing by the year, or buying single copies of the above, should call at , „ SAMUEL B. LA UPPER’S, J*° 3 No. 87 Wood street I 4U , Law Hooka. AH authorised to nil low aomo raltublo Low W tola. Pa. Koporu, by Bair; Bourler’s Inatitutea; Uneolltri Kridenee; Wharton’i Dtgwt, last td4 And otlwr Reports, Elementary Work*, Ae. o*o. f. QILLMORB, »t too office of Morning Poet. Dissolution of PtrtnenhiD T U * E T P B. R U AMI7.?Av “ 1 " lla * bJnr«» J.s. / fi" HAMILTON, in tbs In* business,is this day ?^ ent Qe boainsts of the firm »11l be sttonded to and settled up bj T. B. Hamil ton, who Is fully authorised to attend to the same. THOMAS B. HAMILTON. JOHN & HAMILTON. 1 Ye determined to leave for the West, I take pleasure in recommending my partner, Thomas B. Hamil ton, to the patronage of my friends and former clients. JOHN 8. HAMILTON. Pittsburgh, December 25th, 1854—fdec29:ln FOE SALE—An excellent frame House and Lot, on ***“« street, Allegheny dty, at a very low rate. ’‘foii&M’ THOMAS WOODS, ?5 Fourth sln»l. Ohio ««d pkmmsylvania railroad ßTocKwiu “ P“ 1“ uduiv. for • gocd Fun of 100 SjSv-'i ?*“ , “ lrU, or N " Brighton, if oil led for Boon. THOMAS WOODS, _JBnn.tr 75 Fourth street. S l u!i A ?" U n i * ALII r A - A ' MASON A 00. WIU eon- to soil during thoir Semi-Annuel Sblo, BTerT ds- DrrGoodß at .boot one-tudl tho osnsl prleee, ™ ranch low than saction r.t». JsolO r&Jt. MASO J * CO. will oiler 10. bolanco of V£*UthairCh»ki,pomprUhig ologiot French u.d Mbit °' rn msuufoetnr., at. reduc tion of neerjy ooe*Alf thenswl prioeo. j,nl« MISCELLANEOUS. MOSBB 9. RATOS, andtajlng PATBST BIQn-4 U t7^!??.? ,r _f ri ??* sen ihe to Roving lately patented articles • WT **"*“ " Trotf* patent OH Globes, for Steam Korinas • Doans Rock Drilling Machines; * Coe’s patent Drill, for Drilling Iron; Copeland’s Stationary and Portable Saw Mm- Cravfonl’s Steam and Water G oage*; and, Griffltb’s Wrought Iron sail road Chair >i» r hj. m Aeee articles hare been examined by practical mechanic* and machisL-ts, and pronounced superior to any in on. IHe is also authorised to sell Rights to make vend thm articles in any part of the country. / He has also for sals hot-pressed Notts and Wuhan, and finished Brass Work. lie Is also prepared to take Agencies for the sale of "* {fi** **o may wish to employ his services, as a gen- In mVrJ!? np fi®«bted integrity and indefatigable Industry, 1 «*«7 reliance "may be plied. SJtJC" I *. W. Robinson, Jr., W iLnSfi* Jr " John Gr»b»m t Jameaw£y > H.'Childs A Oo„ P. H. y^hS*’ toa*. SSS&- A w»2£!£* PiTTSscaoH, NovemSr gth. 1&m/ Loomto » Po*n»a Patent Reck DrtlHM> M . WEIaHINU ABOUT 300 POUNDS; TNutt’S?",! mored bj two men, end do the TOk (d B. 8. Fowler A Co, h “, b ", n *P9° lnt od eole egenttaS Uni ted Stales, for the sale of rtpUs to use these Machine*. MOSBeI F. EATON, 18 Sixth street * _ aim vo Hon. Wm. F. Johnston, President A. V. R. R 4 W. Milnor Roberts, Esq., Chief Eog. A. Y. It Rj Gen. Wm. Larimer, Jr- President P. 4 C. E. IL O. W. Barnes, Chief Eng. V. «k C. R.R4 Messrs. UanJull A Nicholson, Contractors for the P. A 8 g - K decld DRrHOOFLAND’S ■ ’ CELEBEATED GERMAN BITTERS. PRSPAKEO BT 7 DA C« Mo JACKSON, Philtdtlphit, Pa, ffli xrrzoruALLT coax LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE, Chrome or Nervout DcbHily, Disease* of Out Kidneyt, and OH diseata arixing from a disordered iirer or Stomach, finch ? • asOonstipa tion, In ward Piles, J Fulness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of tlieBtomach, Nansea;Heartburn, Disgust for Food,. Foloess or weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sinking, or nattering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Ileart, Choak lug or Suffocating Sensation when In lying Poature, Dimness of Vision, Dots QfWeU before the Sight, Fevv and bull Pain iudßsfHead, Deficiency of Perspiration,' Yellow£eav»TNhe Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Aix, Sadden Flushes of Heat Burning In the Flesh, Constant Imagin ings of Evil, and great Depression of - Spirits. The proprietor, In calling the attention of the public to this preparation, dOM 00 with a fooling of the utmost confi dence in its Ttrtuaa and adaptation to the for which It Is recommended. It is no new asd untried artlele, bat one that has stood the test of a ten years’ trial before the American people, and lie reputation and sale Is annulled liy any similar pre parations extant. The testimony hi its fovor given hr th moat prominent and well known rhyddans andlndhidu als, in all-parts oflh* 00 an try Is immense. Referring any who may doobt, to my ** MemorabUla,” or Practical Re*!nt Book, for Fanners and Families, 10 btf had gtaUSrOf all the Agents for the Genaan Bitters. Prlnripal Office and Manufactory,l2o Arch street, Phila delphia, Pa. _ JGrSold by Dr. Geo. H. Keyser. 140 Wood street; B. A. Fahnestock A No. 6 Wood street; Fleming Brothers, PENHfiYLVANIA INBU&ANCE COMPANY - OFTPITTBBURQB, CORNER OF FOURTH AND BHITHFIKLD STREETS'. Authorised Capital, 9300,000. INSURE BUILDINGS and other property against loss or damage by Fire, and the perils of the flea and Navigation and Transportation. SIUCTOU. Wm. F. Johnston, Body Patterson, W. M'Clihtock, Kennedy T. Friend, Joaiah King, I. Grier Sproul, A. J. Jones, Georgs R. White, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, Jamas 8. Neglay, W. 8. Haven, A'ada Hampton, A. Wilkins, H. R. CoggehaU. r-H#a WMiJ». AOHNSTOS, Prerident. - f* BODY PAnffihON, PresitknC A. A. Caxhux, Secretary and Treasures. B. A Cuuaex, Assistant Secretary. . d^cifia Inorease of Cash Capital TO HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! JETSA INSURANCE <£O3*PAMY, HARTFORD, CONN lBl9. PAID S Cub Capital, -- - -- - 9500,000. I'IIB THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT of the . Assets of the JifN A INSURANCE COMPANY,of Hart ford, as furnished thL agency on the Ist of Jannary, 1855, under oath. Rsel wnlucnmbered - - 19,ffn-a& Seventy-two Mortgage Bonds, 6 and 7 cent, pay able semi-annually 72,000 00 Debts dne the Compeoy, secured by mortgage— 7,313 17 Bills Receivable, well secured, payable at Bank— 126^27^5 Railroad fitoeks In Connecticut .......... 97,515 00 Bank Sticks in the dry of Hartford. 142,806 00 Bank Btocka in New York city...— - 93,050 00 Cash on hand, in Bank,‘and in of Agents aod others- —212,505 06 • •' 63 The amount of liabilities due or not doe to Banksor other cti dltnr*, —nothing. * Losses adjusted and due,—anne. Losses adjusted and not due, $148,518 22. losses unadjusted and in sosponie, Tailing for farther proof; 5O. All other elshns against the Company are *m>H aneh only as printing, Ac. Agents instructed to take no risk ever $lO,OOO. The amount Insured in soy dty, toms or Tillage, depends upon the character, material and construction uf building the width of streets, the supply of water and condition of the fire department, and other circumstances. The amount insured in blocks of buildings varies; the design is to limit the loss by any one fire to 110,000, or less. THO. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. Starr or Coxxxcticct, 1 Hartford, Jan. Ist, 1885. Hartford oounty. J® 3 - Personally appeared Thomas A. Alexander, Secretary of the Ahtoa Insurance Company, and madeoith that the fore going statement by him subscribed, Is true, according to his beat knowledge and belief HENRY POWLER, Justice of the Peace. _Los*es paid by this Company lor the year 1354 err reed $7-0,000, while the premiums received tor the same time far exceed any other year, tines ths organisation of the Company- resides, covering nearly all descriptions of property, j*. sued at this agency, at remunerative rates. 49* Office, No. 87 Water street, Pit trim rKh, Pa. J*nU IL B. TEN KYCK, Agent. WATER CCELB IBSTITUTK, HAND STREET, (SOUTH SIDE,) BET. PENN STREET AND THE RITES, PITTSBURGH, PA. DOCTOR BAKI-E. Graduate and Practitioner In the Old Schools aTMedidna, Allopath le sod Hom«pathie,aad fur the put ten years a successful Hydrops this t, has opened a WATER CURB in the above location. - - The perfectly sofa, direct and immediate offset this sys tem has on all Fevers, and all dies ales scute sod ehrooio— while it is mild, grateful and invigorating to tbe weak and debilitated, renders it peculiarly desirable in famine who will be treated st their homes. Allopathic and Unmcepsthic treatment wUI be. adminis tered where desired; but, after long and thorough expe rience, Doctor Boris gives a decided preference to Hydro pathy, which has, throughout the old and new world, proven so eminently successful in every form of including Incipient Consumption, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, 'lnflammatory and Chronic Cats, neons, Nervous and Liver Diseases. Testimonials of cures from highly reputable citizens of nearly every State in the Union, con be examined st Doctor Useix’s office. The Rev. Clergy are invited to consult him gratis. Worm water bring used In ths commencement, and oftca throughout the treatment, it is a luxury instead of unpleas ant, m those unacquainted migbtwuppbse. Hsvxoxxcis.—Messrs. Charles Brewer, Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wilson, W. H. Williams Thompson Bell, J. R. Wei deo, D. T. Morgan, Wm. B. llolmu, E H. English, B M. Kerr. The nndersigaed, having visited Doctor Boris's Institu tion and wltnrnei-d bis successful treatment, cheerfully re commend him as a thoroughly educated and skillful Phy sician: Charles T. Russell, Jos. M'Coundla, David Hunt, John C. Curtis, Robt. Patrick, John B. Livingston, John Wright* W. W. Patrick, Moses F. Eaton, Q. Onneby Gregg. (jar»* R. A A C. Danctn. WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in Produce, For eign Wines end Liquors, Old Mouongohelaaad'Ueeti fiad Liberty stv, Pittsburgh. Ps. f iy2fcy Sltwar Muttiftctory. QPOONB, FOKKS, JUUSLKMS, 4c— Kxdocsov xs Pmiciß. O —Owing to superior fseUitiesln manubcrariogmyown work, we are now selling afleast 10 per cem. lower than the eastern dries, or elsewhere. All work is wvruteiL Sitriing Riser.-—We also manufacture Spoons of Um British sterling quality. Watches and Watch npairing continued, with every fa cility and renewed determination to give entire satisfaction to customers, both u to price and the superior quality of the work. W. W. WILBON, Watchmaker and Jeweller, corner of Market and Fourth streets. PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. m. biqslow ——«ans l. arcsai aukk. Bigelow A Co., Successors to k. m. bigrlow, no. m a—i « Diamond alley, near Wood street, burgh—COACHES, CARRIAGES, TONS, BUGGIES, and every description laary tchicles built to order, and finished in a un surpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill o workmanship, and durability of materials. All work warranted. uorft HOURBUG GOODS. T7IRANK TAN OORDER has just receired a large and X. baantiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Slteres and Betts In Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, blackface and gauae Tells, black Hosiery and Gloree, in wool, cotton, and silk; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapes, in all qualities. A Islander A Bajou’s beat Kid G lores can always be found at No. 83 MARKET STREET, corner ef the Di* mood. nor IT BY a sober, industrious young man, who will derots his entire time to bis bunneas, a SITUATION AS SHIP PING CLERK In a Wholesale or Retail Warehouse, or As sistant Book-Keeper, or a place In a Grocery or Dry Good* BUsw; and wfll make himself generally useful to his em ployer. A note addressed through the Poet Office to ‘‘A. B IV* or leit at the office cf the “ Post,” will receive pomp attention. ectSlur C. B. Headly A.Co., CHEAP CARPET WAREHOUSE, Ab. 82 TUrd tired, near Market, would respectfully Inform tbelr Diends and the public generally, that they hare now in stora their complete PALL STOCK, consisting of CARPETS of erery description, from the Royal Yel ret and Brussels, to the com mon Ingrain, Hemp and Rag. Pioor Oil Cloth, Don one to eight yards wide, new designs and very rich. Cocoa and Canton Matting, Druggets, JLugs»Mets» Stair Bods. Window Shades, Ac. Persons in want are Inrflsd to eaU and «xam- Ine their stock. Steamboats, Hotels, and Reskkaeot Run iabed on the moat reasonable terms. Small profits and quick *al*s. n "SR TERMS CASH ONLY. Old KMT.AttNUAb BALE or Honiimr AND m/ivmd A. A MASON A CO. will open on Thursday, January 18th, upwards »t 600 dosen of urnts. anil Ladles’ Woolen Hosiery and Gloves,' which will he sold at a reduction mariy onehalf the usual priwa, . unH . ?*r - *' ‘ 1 Mi This route is ds fcandied miles shorter udthirimk wSlpolu. 10 t*^** o ’ than mm TtApf •-*ssssgss!rsa3^>!^^ Cuyahon Falu Hufoon with Tvriujfor p S nesting at AUlaneevith tratiMsAidi ad 10 04, A. %2% P. mHo? BAfog!M^ Pemengevs for Toledo, Chicago, », li£k Helena, and the N(wtbW>lo'W&rtoS^Si4S f out detention, will-take the train i B «°ill' M 7 in Cleveland at&'F. ® is the only train by which dose eoanecUons through to the above point*. Pamengers Ire «Su SSfe reedi Chicago at 7.30 next zseredng and St. night. ■ |lim«Mliirt br going Th Ca«r.Uni riibt bona. ' r - Tb. Tnin. Bom OhnUal to t— u allow*: L«tw CICT.Una tlAuV*: “*?;«« *t UM P H. J-OO A. M..ndilM It*- Train. Imt. for Bock 14.n0 and fit. JLonls m mi~. Um. Cttagn at 9JSA. U., 10,06 and 11.00 p;»t ’ rM.«ng*r. fcr Uoniago orrr Hack laiawo ITalli ■—t to Joliet,ana thenceovar the«a»fa-egn u j to Alma, and thesee by Stearahoab (S 3 milesJ'toTStJkmE. by the A. JL, Treln arrive fif* "*t 1 ” s > O th. 10.06, t, a znbite To c&z*2» ■ 121 •ijJs balow theconuw. j. to* oalu AJD PBniBTLTAJIIA 0 OKME S CINOFeVIva'r TSS 18M 1864 - iMM"Vis**. * ■3SSB JSsKSf and reaches CrsstUwat llaop H Night Express which rwtws Connections are BeUonUine and Indiana and towns In Indiana. o?* I *' »lMlills|fil| , OonnaetfanaM—«il. -I.a —MunnaUlu lilt SmSsss^stesM >"~*rk,Zan££l. •nd towns M Tbmngb tiakSTi ' RETnumei ' '-- •*:•"; THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Cnmltne atsmnw. fimt Express Train Chroogb-lh fifteen - MAIL TRAIN Jeav«sSesUin?S SR?Se r..jl ol tta Klgbt lUpna. Trrta toS JST imves at Pittsburgh kill .40, PM. .'.S® 4 * MKY BRIGHTON ACOOMMODAYICW IBUlr teraa FREIGHT TRAIN leavesPltlslmvrf> «ev s nr-*aa aI. andsrrfTseat A3O A M,and The Trains do not run on Sunday iS£E%2Szsr.*"~* GEORGS PARKIN, Ticket. Agent, _• -• Federal Btrsetfirntfai* - JOHN KkUY, Passenger AgswL ntremett st. lopis amb nar aftimi: MOSTDIRECT AfiD ONLY RELIABLE BOUTS. RAILROAD TO CHICAGO THENCE BY T* CHICAGO AND MULS9IBSIPPT TV Sll.Wfta pi An Air, Lin* Boat* from Chicago to It. Lent*. riIEAIW LEAVE CHICAGO DALLY (Bimd*T«'«zrepMl 1 OTurltAlotEißWMlmßiof ÜbU**irSaithr*ud OBttaal wlmafla legOT. LOUIE u , , ■ « short EXPaKfis—iolog p, jl Trains ran through to BL Louis in £mrtoa **»»«» jm Bloomington, Springfield and Alton, triUouf pf com or bdspapc, connecting at Alton with ouiv oaektfti and tngrmftttata points oaths Mississippi, end with isireJar lines of stMXßentbr Ktsns and Cuunal Btulb. -- 3? - TIMB PBOH PITTSBURGH TO ST. LOUIS 88 SOUKS' Baggage checked through to St. Lon!*, on Michigan Cm' ’ trml and Southern Trains, and at the depot io «« — K- P- iIQLLTSTKR, ‘ Geacrtl Patfßunrimt RICHARD P. MORGAN, Jk, Superintendent. obtained In Ofices of 'CkTeland and Pitta bjurgh and Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroads. [sepSTAn DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AUK IST. Tasara au. ntssasm or zas ra a» nan w.rawr cucsura, Lasemaq. BUnraarwa. on tits ram »n«. OFPIGR 468 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Poors from 9 A. M. to A P_ M, MOBflHi CRANDCATyh XV Chronle Blindness •with Films, Iritis, Amaurais tod Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery By**, are among the diseases of tha eye which an treated by Dr. IL mS perfect aatisfecUon. All dtcaaats of tbe Ear treated upon edentifie prindpW. Artificial Eyes ineerted without an operation. AH letter* port-paid will cecare prompt attention. We select the following references from among the tbou* sands of eases which hart Tarn imrmrrfnllj treatad by Dr; Henderson: Wn. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Albany, N. T. •Alfred South wick, Printer, “ “ fJ. Gaodspeetl, Ginns Falla, N. Y. •Win. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. U Wilaoo, New York City, N. Y. tMiaa Mary Bellows, N. K. Station, bnebees co--N. 7. •Edward G. Soiger, Bristol, Coan.- •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. DarW Uttle, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. f. B. Giles, office Courier sad Eaq_ N. Y." "'Jdames W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L. I, - darris Bodgers, M « - A. B. KeeToe, Telegraph Operator. Si. Nicholas Hotel B. M. Perries, Organ Builder, St. B~ B. Doolittle, &1. D., UoUson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, B.Y. TaT - N r - A. Dillenbaeh, fiehanctedyv N. T. Copt. B. H. Harflsrirt, Athena y. JohxrW. HaekeU, Bing Hampton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and. had to be lad to tfca offiea. At the expiration ef two weeks they eoold go about tbs ekr at pleasure. 6 . _ J *fbenevM of Amaurosis ware restored to th*y ward area op u ineuxahle-by the faculty, andean be referred to by on y person who wishes to'loam the bets in these cases, by writing to them. -• REV. DR. X’OVEL’S RHEUMATIC PILISi Fvr the Safe, (bmpldc and- Speedy Core of Injtammaterj, Chronic, Ikrtdiiary tmd Mercurial ffftramsfftm, BJtt*' malic Gout, Lumbaffo, Sciatica, and other Diuaea the Mvecular System. QCCII AN ARRAY OP TESTIMONY u Dr.Comfc BHxuiutic Pius bare celled forth «-— r li rfmu; VH neTor vcdontarily offered in favor of any othes'ilsdMnr. Tbe cases of core comprehend * r.- EVERY STAGS OF IUIEUSAtISH, Whether accompanied by that terrible senafUßty of the parts affected, common in tha inflammahuy phiw-Trr Qm v m oscular contractions wbkh to often render of Oiroidc Rheumatism a helplees cripple, or by the eTere changing symptoms whlrh are tv- -htnrtMiitine of this protean complaint, !Jnliheihe**£enpadD ,, praetieaofbl^Mt. g »»wf ’ ehieh «obm wapiant mH.tbn« fhL. MmllLOf treating ltbeamadsm, these pills sosuinand the animal fmces, inrigorate the eottsti taboo, thus tttu the allies of Nature ia her efforts to cast off the dhaasa. Their mcl>eal action is direct and speeifie.- it readme tbe mJcria jmcUh or radix 'of *ths disorder, aU Aha complications of nerves and fibres In whiehlttsesirandbad. and expels from tbe bloo® the febrile principle wfafehtbeds * and spreads, and intensifies, whfleitepSalElfre tolled dendes of the malady. ■» CnaUon—Beware or Counterfeits Xt Be particular, and enquire lor Bit. SAWpRi, 007X1*8 EUEUiUIIO PILLS, and see (hat the boxes have, o&'tba'' ootsida wrapper, his signature, eounteaigitt&'tav OL XL RING, General Agent. J 32 Broadway, Hew York, without which none are aurcxxx. •„ t P&ICJS, FIFTY CEXTS FEB SOX. " ' R9.Boid by Dr. Q£o. IL meyaam Plttnbanfli: J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny City. • . PriTataDinaatiu ; rr “- DR. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Be>- mm rotes hisentireattention to an olficePractice. -MBl ’ |B His business is mostly confined to Prinalc ™ Venereal Discos'.!, end each painful affections, * brought on by imprudence, youthfo] ludaigeneeand rrriss * Urethral Discharges, impuxCrofltix* Blood, With all Masai ses of the Vencfihl Organ. J&in diseases, tions, Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Dfseajes,Bemteml Weak* ness, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female- Weaknaw. Monthly Expressions, Diseases of the Joints, Ffrtuiain Ana, Karroos Affections, Pains in the Back and Loina, tori tation of the-Bladdar and *—»«f_— Cure guaranteed Sixteen years' practice (rtrf in this eUyleaahlee Dr Jtm aspeedy gßietoaflwhomnjet—w»i dsrhisoare. i Brnmi n. Wimeni sflrj ■nvWlrdy .Qargeemodiftata KHHJM ATIBM>-Pr. Brown's newly irtninmnri 'rnmsdj tor RhernniHsm is a speedy end certain Itumrtj that painful trouble. It nertr fails. Office end Private Consultation Booms No. 41 DIAMOND Pittsburgh, Penn’s. The Doctor Is always at hoa» msrchx&dSw. J r. fnaiMßS ha. T. t| Wiar, JBleelsior Carriage Factory. JCIIN3TON, BROTHER A CU n PRACTICAL COACH MAKJEBA, corner ol Rebecca and Belmontetreets, gbony city, Pa, have on hand and are laanulacturinxßß extensive assortment of Carriages, Roekawaya, Bund*. **“**” < s r Jt c -> ihdTT.riOtt. 5v1m,«5 rtdet r«.id to dmrtiUt, u.l of fioi,k. oingta.s tbrir *off tto bw Jatou. iron »nj B. pain attended to on the most reasonable terms. Tlnt f«1 confident that all who may favor them with their vatjxn* age, will he perfectly satisfied on ttia) of their wort^ The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pats •'very fit teen mlnntro during the day. ocififciy Tlia House of ttefuuc, FIR WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, AT PITTABUROH, Is now open for the reception of In mala rtgulaily corn* mitted from eoonties compering the Western Judicial Die (net of Pennsylvania. of r*r. be'ob* tainedcf the Superintendent, at the House of fi« r ua t* of the Secretary, at the oaioihoi Palmer, Hanna ACn’* Bj order of it. llwrd. J*MB) A>llBM W r.y, W |^ > , WO SMALL PABMfI POE ,1 sr- o^-