The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 28, 1854, Image 3

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SKjffiSailfiii fa: nfeMlMjktot, ifi killing
T»»«rft«h~r-i "* *.v.« hp. . - 1 :
‘"Hofepkln a~lwfr lll * p i employ of John
«eml-witt»4 bone
“£5? iikiialHd » Uwllbood by picking np
bMUfc&Kiitoke MNM «*4:»toket hom»
r to'i»U«iK the priMner wM
TW’ defendant *u eleo feet. ntfending to hie
met ettH en* lor epott, commenced tewing |
Ounox, wko.g'Otting
of.b—h.' Hofei* feenploked np »lnrge »tn»k
taUh. ead totrsds deoefeed; the knife
tub. end glueing to one side,
enhe»dtteleft eid» nf Cwmon. The wound, at
SildSe. Vfenol eonaidered dugerooe, and the
wooded man wan remneed to the Fenneyleania
HdetflteJi Whete he lingered in greet agony, wd
until.’died an the 86th Of August ensuing, from
m Y>p —w_ tuppoeed to hare been caused by the
use was conducted for the Commonwealth
byfeeDiatirlct Attorney, R. Biddle Roberts; CoL
SamL 'W. Black appeared for the defendut.
A number of wtthesses, who were present at
the time of the oeourreooe, were examined, and
united fa teetifying that they believed the injury
was insisted aooidentaily; that Howok merely
intended to frighten Cannon by throwmg fee
knife at him. and hadho intention of doing him
ibuy. After the deceased was struck wife the
knife, fee prisoner expressed fee greatest regret
fbr the ooouyrenee, sad did eg he ooold to asrist
fen' unfortunate sufferer. Subsequent to the
conveyance of Cannon to fee Hospital, and pre-
Sousto his death, the defendant called oon
stutly at that institution, manifested much cos-
Mfem, lad furnished deceased with’money sere
mi times. The witnesses also testified to fee
nobd oharacter of defendut, and were unani
moos dneaying he was a quiet, orderly and in
dustrious person.
Dr* Tterar ud Mowry, who attended on fee
deceased, also gars in eridenoe that fee out
from fee knife wu not necessarily a fatal
wonnd, and feat fee abeoees whioh caused his
probacy indnoed as much by the
seroflulous,constitution of the deceased*
Ah ynujjij.
. "About three hours wet* consumed in taking
testimony, after which the ease was feat to fee
ion irifeout argument of counsel. Judge Mo-
Clure deUrered a oharge highly favorable to fee
prieoner. The jury then retired, ud after a
short absence, returned into Conrt wife a rer
diat of not gniUy
' Annaer or a Coosrxnrarrxa. —On Sntnrday
afternoon, a .telegrsphio despatd' was sont to
United Sfefes Deputy Marehal Sptoul, from
Clerelud, requesting the arrest of a man named
Peter Grundy, who keeps u eating house on the
earner of Wood nnd Water Streets, on a chargs
of counterfeiting. The Merehal not being nt
heme; fee despatch was huded to fen Mayor,
who proceeded to fee plnoe indiosted ud street
ed GrondyTA ..thorough March was made of
fee dwelling and restaurant of the prisoner, in
fee former were dieoovered dies for the muu
faeture of ten and twenty-fire eent pieoee, cru
mbles, and other tools used by counterfeiters.
They also found from fifteen to twenty dollare
*orth of the spurious coin, port finished, and
nsrt imperfect On the person of Grundy was
tuna af counterfeit Mexicu dollar, ud an
American half dollar, whioh was all the ooin of
that description which wu found about hie per
son or premises. Taking these elwumstanoes,
into consideration, ud other facts which will be
developed oh trial, there appears to bo no doubt
but Grundy has .been loqg and extensively en
need in this nefarious bnsinesa. ,
The prisoner was examined before Mayor Vols. I
in prueue of Hon. Charles' Bhalor, DaUed,
States District Attorney, and fully eommitted
for trial. . . v.
Two or three other persons, supposed to be
implicated, were also arrested at the same time;
bot, on examination, established their innocence
so satisfactorily that they were discharged.
Mxstiho or CousciLfl.—The City Councils
held their regular monthly meeting last night
In Select Council, a communication from Mayor
Volx, asking an additional appropriation to de
fray expenses of city watch, was referred to the
Finance Committee. Action concurred in by
A resolution, authorizing the purchase ef
4,600 feet of hose for the nsei of fire depw*
mC * * Finance Com
mittee. representing the treasury ot —~ --
S iTa most deplorable condition, and recom
mending the tax collectors to adopt more stnm
cent measures to. collect the revenue of th
cltr; also advising the appointing of a commit
tee to enquire Into the condition of all the unfin
railroads leading into this city, to which
Councils hare subscribed. Bead twioe, and laid
° T In Common Council, Messrs. M’Masters and
were appointed a committee torepresent
the interests' of the city in the approaching
station for Directors of the Pittsburgh and
CocneHfirille Bailroad. Messrs. Kiooaid and
ware selected from Seleot pouneil to
sene -on same committee.. . -
1 After the passage of a number: of buls, ana
thr transaction of other unimportant business,
theCouneiis then adjourned, ■
Cwsmoux CoLLxas —lt will be observed by
• advertisement in another column, that Professor
pstlUii A Bro., at the solicitation of a number of
our beet citizens, have concluded to open a Col*
IScS for the education of young menin au the ]
branches nf book*keepifig, and commercial know*
ledro. They have secured the services of Mr.
dm Barry, an old and experienced mathemati*
book-keeper, and tkat gentleman will
takt ebarge of the book-keeping department
Bedthres ion commercial law, business, Ac., will
be delivered, and all other instruction neoessary
> ichotar competent to take charge of
any klnd uf business, win be furnished. See
osed in another column.
1; Bmuo Pkopkbtt.—ln searching the residence
of Peter Grundy, notloed in another place as
wrimt been arreiud for counterfeiting, the or
fleers discovered a silver cream ladle, eUrer
spoons and forke, 4c, whiob were supposed to
live, been stolen. The articles brought to
thrMnytr’* Office, where they were identified,
TMWrdar, by Rot. Dr; Riddle, as harutg been
UkSnfrom him. 'Grundy stateshe received the
acttdw trom a man named Michael Summit.
«sjpiß*n ’OoDwnT# Lnotonn.—Parke
BM::1s announced to deliver another lecture to-,
iSit, in Masonic Hall. The subject he pro
pose* to treat on Is entitled “ The future Bepnb
f»; or Ohr, Manifest Destiny.” The well known
0 f the lecturer Is enffiolent assuranoe
the address will be original, forcible and in
ttfestin'g; ' Tickets of admission, twenty-five
centsj docrs eP* ll * l ®i o’clock; leotnre to
AcccDin OX THS PwmmvAHiA Railuoad.—-
ib*ummaet«r, on the express tram of the I
pennsylriinia Railroad,- named Wm. Robinson,
vas thrownoff the cars by a sodden jar of the
tMln, while in rapid motion, when near Hun-
on Saturday, and badly bruised. Xhs
SSuk waft stopped, and the man ptoked up, and
Imnclit to the Doited Steles Hotel, in thie oily,
where he ;n(>w.U«s <n a precarious condition.:
' rirreoo*aH I*o»t Compakt. —At on election
for Direolors of thie ioetjtution, held jreeter
dey. the following. gentlemen were selected
Junes Lsughlin, John H. Shoenberger, W. K.
tfmick', J. MiUsr, Jr., Thomas Hays, Imm M.
Pennock, Samuel Hen, J. B. Canfield, Thomas
MU. ■■ ■ ■
AMAnu.—Michael .Raker and
his wile committed to jail yes
terday fcy Alderman Steel, for committing an
tMffirUM on Albert Sendheimer. One
ofthe prisoners, it appeareheldtheproseontor
down-wWleths other'beat. him brutally. The
parties reride In MlneteriltJ.
- Varisi»AnT Br«l<3*o».—We direct the atten
tion Of our readers to the advertisement of Mr.
W. S. Jackson, veterinary surgeon and horse
abioar, in another column. Mr. Jaokeon has suc
ceeded in the business of Ralph and John Jaok-
next door to ft. H. Patterson’s litery sUbie.
Piah ix AiLSdHMT. —A large frame building,
tUnding cn Hunnery Hill, in the rear of the
Third Ward, Allegheny, was totally destroyed by
fire last night about ten o’clock. The house was
an old one. The loss Is estimated at about
*l,OOO. *
-Potham vox & Bro., Ho.
lb Fifth street, have received the Binember
number of Putnam’s.'Magazine. It is filled with,
tfcs usual variety of interesting matter. Gall;
and get a copy. (
• ■ Oitu op.—Robert Be»tjty, the yoong men
*bo tree arrested a few.peek ago for laroeny,
•od released on bail, was, yesterday oommltted
l«jaa* attachment from. Conit, his bail
kouae of Mr ; -Eorpthe, on
ißearer atjiMj Rtttgbeiy. fri»iK*«M 'Ey bnrg
jlara, on Sundaynight, and robbed ofabout *3O.
ikl eecajped undieoorered.
Morns otßohool Dmrorong.—A general
meeting nf the Bohool Direoton of the olty uiU
be beid thiß arming at the Third Ward School
iHonabot-.S:*';- V.'i
By the O’Reilly Unaa for the Horning Pott
Terrible Battle at Sebastopol.
5,000 AND 8,000 RUSSIANS
; killed and wounded !!
- Nnw Yobs. November 27 The simmer Baltio
arrived at Sandy Hook on Saturday night at 12
o’clock, and readied the dock yesterday earn
ing. She brings one hundred and forty-eight
passengers; amongst them, Hon. Bererdy John
ston, Donn Piatt, Secretary of Paris,
and Bearer of Despatches.* ■ ...
The Baltio left Liverpool at 2 o olook on the
laftemoon of the 16th.
The Africa arrived at Liverpool on the after
noon of the 12th. The Indiana arrived at South
ampton on the 14th.. ■
The news is extremely interesting. .
The news of the massacre ortho Kognah Light
Cavalry under Lord Cardigan is mainly oonßrmed.
They eharged t a Bosnian battery of thirty guns,
and lost fonr hnndred dead; only two hundred
returned. Sihoe then there has been incessant
and sanguinary fighting. _ . . ,
The allied forces are almost overmatched, mid
the most urgent request is eon t for instant rein
forcements. Fifty thousand Frenchmen are to
be instantly sent, and every available steamer is
taken, including the Europe, Alps, Indiana, and
other*. . . .
On the 4th of November there wee > eangm
nary engagement, and on the 6th a terrible com
bat, including a sortie, and a general attack by
MentehikofTe army. The battle lasted from
daybreak until font o’clock. In the afternoon.
Both aides claim the wiotory.* The English took
some one hundred prisoners. The Russians
stormed several batteries, and silenced tbo guns.
The loss of the allies ia five thousand, and the
Russian loss eight thousand. The Ctar’s two
sons were in the battle. The battle was resumed
by the Russians the next day, the 6th, and we
do not yet know the result. The allies are pre
paring to storm before the Russians can recover
their losses. A practicable breach is effected.
Rossis, with a view of complicating the nego
tiations, notifies that she will treat direct with
Austria on the four points. _ .
Since the battle of Alma, Menscblkoff has
been reinforced by the commands of Generals
Chromntoff, Liprandl, and Korff. The entire
infantry foroe.of the .Russians at Sebastopol is
48,000, and the cavalry and artillery will eweu
i the number to 60,000 men. The best that can
be said for news on the part of tha allies, is that
1 it is of a chequered description. '
j a succession of hard fights have been fought,
and victories gained, each victory costing as
much as a defeat. At the same time, so cicely
have these affairs been drawn, that the Rus
sians, equally with the allies, olaim the advan
, uee. it is now admitted that the defences at
| Sebastopol were underrated; ‘the bravery of the
enemy underrated, and the force of Menscblkoff
in the field altogether unexpected.
The massacte of the Eoglish light cavalry,
! before reported, arose from misconstruction of
1 orders. Six hundred and seven.cavalry roue
5 over the field a mile and a half under a cross
fire of thirty guns. In a quarter of an hour, all
were killed except 198.
Gen. Canrobert's official report of the battle
of the 6th November, says that the Russian
army was swollen by reinforcements from the
Danube, as well as by tbe combined reserves of
all the Southern prbvinoes, and, animated by
the presence of the Grand Dnkes Michael and
Nioholas, attacked, yesterday, November 6th,
the right of the English position-before Sebasto
pol. The English sustained the attaok with
most remarkable firmness and solidity. I sup
ported it by a portion of Gen. Broquet s di
viaion, which fought wwwww*
—The enemy, who far outnum-
EoglUh J rttreit, with » l«» “«*
to 9,000 men. The strug
‘day. At the same time,
Gen. Foray was forced to repalae a sortie made
by the garrison, and under hie energetio com
mand the enemy were driren back into the place,
with a loes of 1,000 killed and wounded. This
brilliant day, which was not purchased without
considerable loss by the allies, does the greatest
honor to onr arms. The siege eontlnuee with
(Signed) Cannonmn.
Up to Tneedsy afternoon, the 14th, no offioial
accounts hsd been receired by the English gor
erament from Lords Baglanor 8 ratford de Rad
diffo, relatire to theaotion of the 6th, but ad
rioee were reoeired at Li.erpool on the morning
of the 6th, whioh supply a few additional par
ticulars. The right wing of the Eoglish army,
whioh was attacked by the Bnssiana, consisted
of foot guards, and the 2d, 3d and 4th diri.ione.
At Vienna, the preeelent opinion was that a
few more snob riotories would eompel the allies
to raise the siege.
Menscbikoff, in a despatch to Paskiewitoh,
says it will bo Impossible for the allies to con
tinue the siege, and I will oontinna to chastise
their temerity. . , ’
The London Tina’ correspondent telegraphs
that Canrobcrt had assured the Frenoh gorern
ment Hint the Bosnians were eo weakened in the
affair of the 6th that for ten daya they would not
be in a position to resist an assault on the town;
and that he means to make the attempt. The
correspondent celts the allies* lose of Eng
lish, French end Turks. •
A telegrephlc despetch, dated Bt. Petersburg,
X2tb, states tbet Menscblkoff reports to the Em
peror under date of November 6th, from Bebes
tobol, that, on the 6th, the gerrieon made two
sorties, one against the right flank, whioh was
successful, and resulted in the capture of one of
tbe Eoglish batteries, the gnus in which were
spiked. There was great loss on both sides. A
teeond sortie was completely successful also; the
Russians spiked fifteen guns. Immediately af
terwards, a Frenoh infantry division, pursuing
tbo retiring Ruselane, attempted to mount to
assanlt, but was thrown back with, considerable
It Is reported at Paris that the government re
ceived a despatch announcing that the storming
of Sebastopol-commenced on the 6th, under very
favorable circumstancee. Nothing else was
Another despatch confirms that on the 4th of
November the allies’ batteries were but 160 yards
from the walls, and that they had effected a
practicable breach.
Ijvttpoot Canos Brown, fihlpley *Oo- report
Cotton unchanged. Martel quiet, and frwjj
quiet. Wheat declined 2d; pour declined 6d. Corn aieo
declined fid. ' .
Consols closed at tqpuey. , /w .„
Lirrapoon, Wednesday Afternoon.—The »l«a <o( Cotton
today were 8,000 *l2™
etofr.-s&les of Flour at 46a, and Western Canal «a. Corn
...Bales yellow at4ss;-white 45a. provisions. ..Rather more
inquiry for good Beef. Noebange.iu Pwrk. Bwon duHat
56037 s $ ewt. for dWrage quantity. tarda fhade firmer at
<d0««l at 92J4 for money, and 92% for account
.-r,.j.. — i>
: iißli ■ W
From Texu.
BiITiMOM, Noeember 27.—Hew Orleans pa
per* of Tuesday are received, with to a
datea to the 19th. A Brisk newspaper war was
raging between Sot. Pease and Treasurer Ray
in referenoe to the acceptance of the Be
fits offered by Messrs. King and Walker,
j The Governor persists that, the stock offered ib
insufficient. *■ . . „
A terrible excitement occurred in Navarre
county. A man named Walla, charged with
| negro stealing, had been hang, and .barbarously
Steamer Ashore—Wife Murdered toy_her
Bvsbaad, Shields of the Murderer,
BmriAM, No.embor 27.—The steamer May
Flower went ashore at Point Aapelee, on Friday
night. Her passengers were all saved by the
Ooean. Last night there was a violent storm,
u d it is reported this morning that the May
Flower had gone entirely to pieces.
[■ ,e Patriot Kane, a soldier of the U. S. army,
I murdered his wife last night, by uniting her
'throat* and then committed suicide in ths same
manner*; .
Hmrdcrcr sentenced.
Albast, N. T., Noyember 27.—Phfllips.con
yioted of the murder of his wife, at West Troy,
was sentenced for exeenßon on the 19th of
j&nuary next. _
Cloved. ;
Touuto, 0., Noyember 27.—The Commtwisl
Branch Bank, of the State of Ohio, cloaca its
doors to-day. . I
Prttidcnl —JOHN gmPTON. -
Jtrrt Fioe JVeiiia*—W«. H. BmMU
Stand “ “ Ws.B.B*OW».
Secretary-! W*. 6. Have*.
TVearam 1 --JohbD. Scout.
SuperiniautefU-a. T. Noetoui, Jb. .
CbmmiUu of Arbitration for November.--Vi . R. Blows,
V. P.» P., W-K-NnccE, J.M. PtaraocE, W..P. Joan.
• Ornci 0? tqi Dailt Moawnra Post, \
Tuesday, November 28,1864. j
Thaw «u illUe done In the way of business yesterday.
We note the following sales reported on’Change:
BAOON—4OOO lbs Shoulders, 7 cents, 4 mos.
PLOUR—S6 bbls tnperfine from store, $9,76, 60 do. do,
? wharf. *8.37; 40 do. do., mill, $8,30. . _
■ GrAiN— 4so bushels shelled Corn, from Depot, 00; 300
do. Oat* do. 68. .
\ MOLASSES—I6O bbls, oak, 24 cents, 6 mos.
SUGAR—27 hhds fully to, 6%, 4 mos.
WHISKY—I6 bbls Rectified, 80; 16 do. do. SO 120 do. do.
36>£ ; 16 do. do. 38, on time.
Nothing Llk« Coo).
A fleet of nine tow-boats leave to-day, from
four to five coal barges in tow, for the cities down the Ohio,
that depend upon our coal fields tor their supply of fuel.
These barges hold about 8,000 bushels each, making in the
aggregate 360,000 bushels of coal leaving to-day.
The larger ooal boats require from seven to eight feet, and
are consequently unable yet to leave; bat from Indications,
there will be water sufficient the present freshet- If the
cituens of Louisville who oomplai# of the ertravagant
prices askod in that city, bide their time, the article will
“come down” in more senses than one.
Cattle Hulutit
New York, November -d23— At Alierton's Washington
Drove Yard.—Offered to-day 1731 beef cattle; offeredduring
the week, 2668. Prlc«s...Beef (fettle, Ist quality f 100 fee,
t9®lo; do 2d quality. $8,6000; do common, $7,3008: do
interior, s7@6/ (towsandCalves. $30040; extra, $50075;
Veal Calves, live weight, 4®6j; extra, To; Sheep, $1,2803; j
extra $408; Lamba $1,6002,60; extra $£J6O6; Bwtae.
corn-fed, We notioe a material felling off in the I
raupUse of Beef Cattle, but something of an improvement
in quality. Prtoea ara steady at about the quotation 1 0. j
last week. Other stock without change, with the excep
tion of Swine, which, being to large supply, are a fraction
k> A?Browniog , a—6o4 Beeves, at $608; 36 (tows and Calves
at £38.134060* do extra $66; 63 Veel Calves, live weight,
4&6c; 4776 Sheep and Lambs... Sheep $2, $2,5007. lambs
412606. The market here was quite active. Beevm steady
al’last week’s figures. The poorer qualities of Veal were
slightly lowsr. Sharp and leunbeara also a little higher.
At (Jhamberlaln’s—4B3 beef cattle. s7<g>B; 14flU®w» and
OaITW, $26050; 116 Veal Calves, 60$ie; 7683 Bksap «W
Umte.*lhMp $206, Lambs, $2,7604 Tbe market here
y U w ,n tuppltod with all kind* of cattle. BsnwuWw
dull of tale. -The better qualities of Oowa and Calves were
quick. Sheep and Umbe aUghly lower. \
4 At (TBriea’fl—lso Beer*, $608; 60 Cows and Oahree,
$23,540@60. Beeves acaroe, and $1 tl W 0 Ibsdearer. Cows
Calves are »i*» better than last week.
Be*r«: CowsaCW. Ti*l Cslre*.
AllertoSv. —.2359 Zi 231 g®
Browrlne** 004 35 « 41^5
Chamberlain’* 140 I*o ll*t <*s3
O’Brien’s 160 50 ~
Pnnspkl VHM| November 24.—The demand tor B*ef C*t* I
tie thU week has bran fair, and price* t eadiljr maintained.
There were about 1600 head offered, aa«l mostly dUpoeed or
at t&310 V 100 !•>«• fof ordinary and prime qualities.
Tberewere bot few purchaser* for New York. &>»■ “f**
with ►low rale* at last wwk's pi#**. Calrre : But tow offer
log, and little Inquiry.' The rerrtdi 'a*]l*a*> b»7*
large, amounting to about 2000 h«ad. About ISOO head
wA of, at from |« to $6.76 ? 100 fca, .Sheep and
Lambs meet with llmltad Inquiry, bales of 1200 head at
from $8,60 to $6,60.
ffST'ln money affaire there U noebange worthy of not*
except a slight decline la «u*ter>J exchange, which may now
be quoted at I&VA prpm; the litter for bao*«r.’ checks.
There l* a good demand for sixty and ninety days bill* on
the Hart, and Interest off. Ninety days’ bills on New Or-
Inuu Mil at I*4 die. per cent, per month, chJrUy to grocer*;
but In this oonneeUnnlt may be well to remark, that alt pa
per oflkml, la order tn be negotiated, must be Brat Clare,
both aa regards the drawer and drawee.
The amount of local paper now offering at the banka,
which to nagdtfableat hank rates,!* very small, bat on trtd*
there UacooeldmUa demand fur moaty.und loan* are
raised In the street with difficulty, and at rules rangim; fn»m
twu to three per cent, per month, and In some cneee eren
higher rales are obtained. —fkn. Cbe»., yetUrA »y.
tklso&afb markets
N«w Von, November 37.—00n00 h.»rj; f.Ie.KJOO b.W:
New Orlemni middling SW/i: freUtJt on C"tto» lo Ueer
noolV£. Kloorflnn; *ale* 12.000 bole good ‘‘hk* at s&•<•*'« 1
V ; southern carter; wit* 4600 bbl* it *8 W h*«t
firm; »al« 55.000 tmabels mis«l Southern it *1,94; wd up
c-r ud» *I,W. Oor® • trifle higher; win 126 OOOwhM*
round yellow it ttftt). Pork higher; *»W 24V>bbU Me««
it tl2.B?ftl& and prime it *ll ,tttsU,7S. B *' r I.
L*nl higher; ealea 700 Leg* it 11. and in bbl* el 10 K* fr } u ;‘"-
Whirkj: Ohio le-ttur it M@ll Crflee: Bio
gagar* dull. henry it 19$£> for *»* »nn (1J
S'ocki little bettor. Money ml*e it 121$ Is for rbort r-*r-er;
MlMOori Canton 11 «’*J. IN'.*: Cumberland
Heading U. 60, 66; N.Y.Central B. 16,7'.'; fcri"32j 4 .
Pnn Sorember 27.— Cotton quiet. The B*!tK *
new*cattrcd more m Bread-luff*;.rerjr little do
; .ml e»nd Wl. > t ftnor hell .1 r>,MM.>S.TBi
little export demand. Ryc-ft*.ur and Com t:te*l: nothin*
doing; the former l*quet»*i at *7. end the latter
Very little Wheat offering; holder* demand *1,95 for prim
Southern and INmnaylrania red. and *i for white, hot mi!
lew bold off and refu»-? to pay : n *m»H lot of white aob* -
*4, Sale* WOO 1
and * -
TbbtkyTdMwuMf U»it«d; «ltr 10 hbJ* »t 4*.
Cl*ci»SATX,yoT«imb*r 27IU*er *Uliou»ry, hailcj; rw*
flr« iochw* »loc* P*tur<l*y; wralLrr wol »nd cloudy. Finur
dull *t VTtriAy 32. Uog* uwwtUfJ; «n*.l
mlm *t $4.2i; buyer* holding bv?k ; t?Twn» hem*
to (P'4. Molhioß new io etl»«r erticlx.
AT th» ConmerrUl &*lee Roone. corner i'-f Wood ftod
fifth lOVelock, A. M-, ft *en«r*l aMorimeot
of Sraaonftblft, fcUplft ted fancy In y Good*,Clothing, Root*
tsd ehoe*,Uftts,Cftp*, Ac.,
AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. H.,
Groc«rlea.QaMnßirftr«, Gliminrar*, Table Cutlery, tooklog
v«w>pd Secondlifted lloofteboJilftod Kitchen fur*
allure, Atu,
Btatlonery, Fancy Articles. Musical Instruments,
Hardware and Cotlery, -Clothing, 'N orinty Gouda, Uold and
aiITBT watches, Ac.P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. jjm3l:tf
p, K. DAVIS, Aaeiiosetr.
evening, 30Lh ln»L, at 7 o’clo-k, at the Merchant*’
Exchange, Fourth street, will be sold :
Z. 1 shares Merchants’ and Manufacturers Band Stock;
33 shares Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh Stock;
20 shares CltUeor Deposit Bank Stock;
'JO shares Ohio and Pa. Ballroad Company Stock;
20 shares Monongoheia Navigation Company Stock;
24 shares Pittsburgh Life, Fire and Marine Ins. 00. do,
100 share# Bluff Mining Companv Stock;
20 shares North Americau Mining Company Stock.
n0? 23 l*. M. DAVJh. Auctioneer.
\> On TUESDAY afternoon, N<*«miwr 28. at 2 o’clock, at '
the Met JtoonM, corner of Wood and Fifth
■ireets, will be told, tha balanoe of that lame lot of Queen*-
were embracing a *ery deninbla awwrtnient for retailers,
among which are: China, whit* granite, bine marble,
painted, sponge, dipped and common pUui*, dUhts, cups
and eauotra, tan ware, bowli, eilade, eotered dishes, ecnip
tuMU, regaUbles, mags, chamber ware, *c., Ac.
. hot2B ivjtfMiAViS.^acUoneer.
DAY eraning, Nerember 80tb, at 7 a'clock, at Ibe Mer
ehanta’ Exchange, Foor‘h atreet, will be eolil, by order of
Mining Company Block, forfeited
for mm payment of aaaaaameot*.
Alio, by crdey of Joahua Hanna, Treasurer—
gharea Eidge Mining Company Stock, forfaited for nor
l paymraiofaaoNamenta.
* nor2B P. M. DAYI6, Anctienear.
XV DAY morning, 3jlh Instant, at 10 o'clock, at the Com- !
meretal Bales Rooms, turner of Wood and Fifth streets, will
be sold, th* stock or a ri-I*U_Dry Goods Store, comprising a
large and desirable assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods,
which were carefully selected tor this market, and worthy
the attention of those wanting seasonable article*. t
nOT 2S F. M. DAVIB, Auctioneer _
mwoiidaßu pukaton cakkiauk at auotion-
I On TUESDAY, November 28 th, at it) o’clock, in front
of the Commercial Kales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth
streets will b« sold, one handsome, well-finished, substan
tial Pbcaton carriage, nearly new, manufactured in New
York an-I cost 85tt). Also, one floe Nil of eastern made
Doobie Hkmew- fnoVgSI P. M. DAVIB- Auctioneer:
Btock, Produce, Household Furniture, Ac.—On TUho-
DAY morning, November 28th, at 10 o’olcck, at the lota re
sidence of Johu Grierson, deceased, on the Sl’Clurg estate,
above East Birmingham, Will be sold, by otdor of Joseph
Coltart, administrator, the entire stock of Farming Utensils,
Stock, Produce, llou-ebold Furniture, Ac , among which
BTt. 7 ton* tint quality llay, 2 Horses andl Harness, 2 Wa
gons, 6 P-owa, 2 Hartows, 2 youug Cqwk, Ac.
no^* 8t P. M. DAVIS. Auctiotioor.
Consumptives Beadl
Bi’OEA BA, or Xetoly DAcov&eU MUiod of Inhalaium.—
TliU moat wonderful artlole U destinedlo produce eneullre
revolution in the treatment of nil dlaeesesof the lungs.
AoeonuU are dully received from Clergymen end other per
eons or the highest respectability, of esses of cures hereto
fore considered Incurable of Asthma, Bronchitis,
tton, and all Diseases of the lungs by DR. CURTIS’
HYQBANA. Read thß following:
Dr. Russell, Postmaster of Burlington, N. Y, says: “Send
a dosen more Uygeana; it is working wonders here in
diseases of the longs. I believe It will core any diseases
not in the very lest stages, and even then is priceless to
the rest and comfort it Is sure to give the sufferer. • I am
ifflUng,' said my neighbor, ‘to purchase a package a week
for my daughter; it gives her perfect rest. Ido not eipect
her to live.’” _ ... .
Braude nt Hirai-J. H. Caubert, Postmaster of Rich
mond, Maine, writes us: “The Hygrena is doing wonders
here My sister has had a distressing cough, with great
difficulty of breathing, for years. She wore the Inhaler and
took the Cherry Syrup'or a few days before aha **« re
lieved, and now, after one monlh’a,uae of it, her cough
well Dr. Curtis’ new system of inhalation must produce
an entire revolution in the treatment of diseases of the |
lungs. There is no misteke, U is truly a wonderful <lla
“rtoitev. Mr. Curtis says: “It is now eight days since
my daughter put on the inhaler and commenced using the
Hygeana, and it has already done more for her than all the
joedioal Acuity have been able to do for the la*t two years.
The Irritation and tickling sensation in the throat is gone,
and with It the congh. She alee** well.”
Bold at DB. K£YBKH*B Drue Store, No. 140 Wood street,
redder Virgin alloy and Wood street. I octS:daw3a
po«k«t Book Lo»t (
LOST, on thn 2Ut b « tw «n « *od 3 0 clock, In going
fron Pittsburgh 10 Sharpnburgb >«rry and back, or In
MONN AiK. oonwlntug l»t»een
t'lOQ »udslid in go'll Mid note,; olno, a dua-blll or $lOO.
IIA. JutTfcrrB,'9- IbefludM will bo liberally rewarded
iteiJ A. NAYLKR’B Clothing Store, corner of
* ■ 4
1 The JUter. —Six feet wetet In the chennel et doe* lert
ereoing,xndeteOonery; butenother rtee m expand from
.the Allegheny end Monongehclc. - -y
Arriv'd. —Oepteln BemaelM’Otilkmgh’e new hull errlred
j at the wharf yesterday* ■.
Thee teemer “ Bey Oity,"Oepteln A:D. Miller, leeref tMe
erentag for Ix>uleT ! Ue. Seeedreitleement.
The “ Boreet d% " le the reguler Wheeling peckel todey.
She wBl be eeelly reoognUed by the bloomer tope on her
ehlmasys. • . r
The. wharf exhibits a T*ry animated appearanea. Bald*
nees will epeedily reyire, we troet. Two or three feet mote
wuter will let the cool boete out.
The etenmer “ Wllllem Begeley,” which wee to here left
yesterdey, wee uneroidebly deteined; hot will leeee eigen
o’clock thle morning, without fell. ‘
' The rteemer u Teetmen" leeyee todey fbr NeehfUlet
end there le no doubt but Oepteln Miller endhi. polite er
elstent, Mr. Leeper, Clerk, wiU meke thoee thet frertd on
the “ Teetmen ” feel perfectly et home.
The etenmer “ Granite Stete ” leeree todey fbr BL lonle.
There U no doubt but eny one tierellng on the “Orenlte
Stete” will be well cored for hr Oepteln Moore tod hie well
known eseletent, Den. Moore, Olerk.
The e teereer “ Allegheny.” Oepteln George M’Uln, le the
ruguler pocket tor dndnnell todey. It le en excellent
hoett-one of the beet in the line—end we hope they will e*l
here full loede of peeeengere end freight.
8 Tilt fita in TBI CBAWIIt—MKTAL HABkT
Steemlr Jeflereon, PerUneon,Brownerille.
“ Luxerne, Bennett, Brownerille.
Tbomeo Shriter, Hendriekeon, Went Newton.
*. Gen. Beyerd, Pee Wee, Blleeboth.
ti (Vtifnw, ffntf. W«UirUU.
* Si£n, N 0.2, Wol* Wellsrille.
u Kxishaaga, BTCailain, Wheeling.
“ •
u j»flet»on, Parkinson, Brownsrille.
. “ Gsu. Bayard. Pashles,Elisabeth.
« Exchange, 3'Oallußi, Wbaeling.
« 0«ToW Wolf, WeUirtlk. ■ «-
«* Michigan, No. 2, WoU,JWeU*TtUa.
“ 1854.” '
Pittsburgh tad Cincinnati Steam racktt LU*»
roatub cosTXTxacxoi'
And 8»lnt LWii*
Tma Lw* is composed of term m»*w
1 cUm powerful BUenew,
dßHflbnaftUed tor epced, eplendor,
lodoomtor?Vnd \* the osnr movon*uvr wno? Bm*
n r_r_ /m fK* Oh&O HTff. It IDOTCCtI With the U. A »U*
j i„ e rf pttwmers from clndim»tl to Loalrrill* ■ndteiat
Hoot! ' ? from PMAvrgh.,
«;"$ r±dJftES==3SSfc
CiVSTALI-iWOI »**"?■»“ l^ay-
-«*« of
»rrBlT Ott boord, or to
>o. p«rnrui»r*, ‘^ UN D uviIWOTOS.I
Slononffuel* Hoom BolUlop,
Pltubnnib. „
ptit •%»***. »»<• WkMlto*
, »3fr fc Tb« KIUU.NAU A. “ d
MMOItb. ►OKtl'iT CiTY,*in U. 0.0. D. MocM,
pnl.t DAII.T PACKBVS, Mtubur^.
.n.l Wheeling, .topping .t nil
,K> Tbe DIURNAL will le»e" Pittehorgh on Mond.yA
oeejee. ..H g.mrt.y-. .110 o'oliwk, A-“ “S'SiZSJ'i.'
will 1e.1.. .peeling on Tue-U.-,Tbuiwd.ei *l*l gntartny*,
1* T)»i Fi'RBBT t;iTY wilf Ic*re PlttebuMCb on Tue»l»J>.
Thurwlty*»ud ** JO»VW* A.M Rrtun ?*o'
.t,- will trere WbwlmK oo Moßtluy*, W«Lw*tl»J* *»<* Trt
a*T.s*t7'4tiVk>.*KPA.ll- .
l™ W" " r t "‘-* < , A*nt,
No. 156 front «tr—t
410 14,332
not?S _
~ " For CiaciaQMt tad LoaiivllUi ,
Tim *tr*»r<r KK, Captain JkMM Dott*,
•• Ic*tt f r the aborwaol inlarnwdUte porta
iiHBKon FRIDAY, iba lat Dw«mb«r, at 4 L'.M. 0
Fur or pa»**g* hj»yly vu boar<l. nor^B_
For llew OrltM*.
__ Tb« new and *ub»ta«tial »t«am*r IQulJiOi,
[ «i. huTUI, will lw»»s iur tl»« wborw
SHmSBadU intermedia-* portion WEDNESDAY, lb*
•.utii ln*Unt,*t 10 A.M.
Knr freight and pa****" »T , P , V_2 0 i??™:
For Lo«[
■'■ i • -°=»
na*»T* apply on Bonnl. _
* VIACK * HARSES, Agent*.
Hry Inr pMklt Lrailii
__ _ fht orw n».j au>*t*ntUl tinwr TBOPIC,
i B. B Fuwcu, will 1«t« tat tha »tw««
inUttDMdiatc port* on TUIftDAT, Norcm
brr ffttb, »l 1C o'clock, A. M.
For SMhtUle. _
n. <«» a. t. nunuß, Mate a.
I will leftTe for lb* a.bOT«tadttttßßoU*
iflELk porta on TU USD AY, iith InaU, at 4 P. M-
Por S a. or P~»*. A*«t_
For Raw Orloaaaa.
i Tbanrw.ioam.rWM. BAOALEY, Captain
I JBiAjoH»C.eooron,«U!
iOßHßtarmoiUU porta on TUESDAY, ®th tart, at
10 o’clock, A. M. , _, _ .
Forftgb 1 or P—c «ra»7 .I'tmWaww.
F*f LOOllVlUta n __
n-n fb* a«w tod splendid Bt*a»«r BAx OITx,
I JCSmACkdi A D. MltUßa wQI le»r* for the »bOT« apd
portt on THIS EVENING, fflth
istant , . .
For freight or paanga apply onboard.
For tt
. The itwa«r JAUKB PARK, Oapt. Boazt*
fPr. -fcyp tM, win leave for the above and interne
jAHKate pom TUESDAY, TStb inftant.
For freight or paewne epply on board.
. Th* itMDtf GOLDIN STATS, ChfU JonM
»IU Im™ tor tie »bo™ ul lnUmo-
ChtMWKdlnto port. on TDISDAT, 28th ltutont.
For freight npply on bo>rd._
Kor St. hool*. , _
Tb* »t*amcr OKANIrK KATA, <*PU» *•
IPK. Au... .«». will !«»*• for Ibe ebore *»1 InUrme
flHßHaiaU porta on TUESDAY, the 2»tb UeUnt.
For trehtbt or p-M*. pH «° t "ff A g«t.
Keauler Wheeling Packet.
Tbe see Bteeoxer KCLII'SK, Jodie* Moom»
i rtt .lJßlJ*ilfSSir TUESDAY, THURSDAY.
IfIfeKndBATUKDAYrS 9 o’doft,. A. 1U *** eon
.jSJpUtht . 0. uil P. KoHrad at WollrrtUo.
For freight opplf *" 00LUS0W00D, Agont,
n,otn No. IBS Flret .treat. _
ii, Wheeling Packet*
_ “■ ™t?BUnmet EXCHANGE* QfL
■■iMfiKpKlDAY.atß o’clock, A. 11., eoncte^ogr-ejtn
fplM re.preUl.UT
I Gentlemen of Plttabnrgta, tbet he
Aiding SCHOOL, whfeb,ifl print °
new end adaptation, undeniably ««*U **7 rice Her eiUa
hT„.„m. tv™, United State*- ItaloeatlonU aceeoible
frvm nil part* of th * el'y< wh M* iw
UMprdollY mi todtotbo pronotto rfMlt,b>
STS? og£K “rrclre.
well trelnod, ond tht, proprietor pMg™ himMlf tb.t no
polo, or Mtinre .ill bo".»rri to m.k.thl.
the Bret in tho runlUonoo °f °° ta3 -“
mHEundersigned has Justrecelvedathi#
near the Two Mile Rob, between
and lAwreneefllle, a splendid aaeucUktentJOT,.; m-.
of VHIIIOLKB, of every description, and will
receive regularly, new and second hand.Ckrrfofes, aulkui,
liuoaxu, tfc., wht.h he will sell on the very lowest terms for
cash. Having badtwelveyears’ prartleeln thdb*udn*M,nnd
with blswen known facilities Io the Bast, be flattenhimself
In putting down allcompeUUon. __ „ ..
Thore wishing to purchase arc respectfully invited to csu
»nd s«e tor themselves. . ,
Especial and prompt attention paid t0 T *?PMrlm|ofOOT»-
apes, Ac. [ my V Balewy* \ JOSEPH WHITR»
•\I‘fORKrOX'AttCUITB.rrc uk; MECHANICS, Ac, »i
VY DAVISON'S Book Btore.
Stewart's History of Architecture.
LathlU'x History or Architecture. . .
Uaulett’s Architecture, in 2 vo1». of valuable deal JOB.
The American Architect: Hitch.
Blair Builders Guide; new.
La Fever’s Architecture.
Practical Model Calculator: Byrna.
Itural Architecture: Fbaw.
American Cottage Builder.
Mills' Aucient English Architecture.
Aru of Tanning and Currying.
Gothic Architecture; applied to modern Honses.
Nicholson's Mechanic’s Companion.
Norris’ Hand Book for Engineers.
Mechanic’s Assistant.
Mifflin on Railroad Unree*.
American Mechanic and Working Man: by Jama# Alex
,„d„r, D. D. For »1. «t low pri««
66 Market street, near Fourth.
©dJOU for «le a Frame llouae, containing three rooms
„a a hltchen, with Lot 80 leet front by 110 deep, altuated
on Qray’a Hoad, South HtUburgh, fbr wlileh the a bo re low
brice la aahed. Thla U a good chanoe fcr peraona of email
ttimtiii to oroenre ft boose of thfir own. For Bftle by
means to procure a CDTUBBET St SON,
Real Ketftte Aytmm No. 140 Third street.
Tk~*'AQAZXjiliS FOB DRCKMBBH. —Godey's Lady’e Book.
M Peterson*# Ladica’ National ttagiiin^
and for sale at the cheap Book Store of
Beceirea ana w aiLDHNFKNNEY * CO,
7ft Fourth street
—lf atn CABLE—A second hand Chula 60 to 71
J.n '°° g ’ tDt ““ ch ” P b? j. w. »mi» 00.
-pAK COttN-SOO hu 0«»/^.a oOHLI K,
-- No. 10 fcnUWWd *t_
K ceived • tai*» »»<l sploodid oMortmont of ta*od
square Drocbe Shaw la. P ot»
II gQ>( 4 go. will open, this morning, 60 long BroeheJ
Bhawls. with double oentree—eomethlm eottrely new. .aj
ira -2 "
'•» *, . * • *■• •- ; ’
1 ' ’ '•' nV ■:•’
■* -■ »' •*. C»i*»V
.-'■•’.■■■■•■V'T *.*W
■■ - *Ai«
'V- >. f vf'-
,:■ .’...'iV‘
Tfelrd Arrtral iSHE£g&&'
«f mry dMOtytfon;
PlSftelJi imUUtaHtt. rm*h ItetaOM, Outauro^
and Alpacas, at unprecedented baigahw;
Mtertno and Cashmere Plaid*. do do
Bombasines and Canton Cloths, do. oo
French Ginghams, do do
Gttntaai and Prints, do do
Irish linens and Linen Shapings, do do
pniow linen* and Table Ckrth*, do _ do
Sapklns and Table Damasks, do do
pStn and printed Ddataaa and Oaahmawa, do
Also, a ftm aaaortmqit oi Domeatfe Goods, at gnat oar*
Ooff Collars, Chemlxettos and
b *B?bbcHU and Millinery Good*, at great bargains;
Hosiery, Glores and Suspenders, do.
Owing to the unusually largo importation, foods bar*
beenfcwedintotheaoettonain theeast,and **4 «p«at
■acrifleea, and wiU be scdd*w cash advance.
THK lata firm of JONW * QUMO, hmyhig been dlwolvaa
by the death of JoLn f. Qulgg, on the 2TB» net, the
bodnam of mid Aim will be settled bjrthenndersiined, at
their oftee* comer of Bou and First streets.
tha AO JONEB, BorrtrtßS Partner.
wttA«rjh r Bapbiniher 30.106 t focta.T
MATOPAOIUBBtot Bpfegud KirtM Btad, pki««h
Bid) ate* Had Pkw«b Wlag. Ooyh a"?.™*!*;
Boring, BrwaNot Tape. MV Jdant,
a*m£«rßdlTooAita,-oon»r of Saaa and IbHaUjdi.
Plttri)or*h, Pa- «'“*>
WUff JOCTuu..., rn dddA 1»
D. B. Refers * .Co* .
MABUFACrORIBS of gOQBBff patent tagrered Steel
CoMretor teeth. OBoe comer Bees and nr* street*.
corresponding towretee. Amongst this tmmenseyarietjj:
-will befKWdt 800piece* of Merino*,OMhmeree, Parawt
I wteea; aao mum t&q!ntoilßS2£:‘SSt-
I iclftt ywty l am rates; W c**ee
I mA Teews. Tttim. Ac, at aboett tyo-thfadr the
I prloee, Ac, Ao. Tegetbw wttha
floods, aUnfwttebwfU
>llT,r tomwwy-
S rooms, forks, subuujs, >c—Browns*
-OirtßS tt osporioo tofllttho la gIiTiBfcrtOTinSMJ.OFS
wort, wo no sow Mmmrtiosrt 10 P“““
“sS£^‘Ss-wi"3S? , spooso or th.
’wwiTol?eosassoj.jtth OWOTSW
olilT tod ronowod dotonoiooOoo to pit oattao ooiwoniws
toeostomtn, both to topiks osd “• **
•Krt wnrk W. W. WIUKWi
“* W*tehn»k« ao4 J«w«ikr,
corner of Mnrfcet and Foortb ttrate.
S«Ue« f »ioeUal«*n. '
Omaof mi Phtiwmi (*k^tiu*]Lll Co A
pObtoy*, November Jh
TiH* asiAalstMtiittoftho BtockhcMeee ofthePUfafrmft j
norl7at2vl Preddeat Pltt»bß»<b M»d CoppriliTaU R. &.
I " fiTfisnun coach
K-KO&tnr. "***■&*&■■
BI(«1bW m
O CCCK6SOR9 TO K “WafWW, w °- <6
TONd, Buaoua, ud OT * t ? ■■ -—-
- ,rtn of
I «orknißiUft ud darimity of b«i«JiU. ' ■
I All work warranted -EzZy.
' ■ •ftlMa •''■■• ‘ J
* T A
A VANIA held
Zttk* Oltceof tbeOottpeay,eoroerof fttUth«4M**
Arid ftwet*. cm Monday* the 6tfcioftw»t. the followiof per*.
MU were elected Mwctar* we th* eneuiMjejir:
William F. Johnrtoo,
Gtorg. K. White, W. M’CTioto^,^
J. drier eprrol, Jmbw 8. N^lejr,
A. A. Carriers A. J. Jotwe, . i
11. R OoMohatl. K**nalr T.
Rod* PaUeracm, Wed* lJamptaa,
bot? JaeUh King.
—a. *. MiflMf
®le«Ular Carriafe F*et*fjf. „
cJ MARMIW, oorn*rof Rebecea and Belmont etiweU, Alia-
Jbeay city. Pa, have on band and are manuAeturiagao
fxUodre anortaaat of Oarrlagea, ,
Baggage Cara,4cn made is all tbeir rarwaJi
SSriart todarabiHt; «ai ben»ty*JJft "Jf £
, tb«ir work the beet Jxmktairon saAeytor* biekory- B«-
{■onftleat that all who mey firor «*—> their natoßt.
h* | a«*. will be ‘
** w ‘ w, ”'C.*B.Ho4ly 4’WW
niUiP CARPET WABSBOUB* Jft. fa TM/tred*
near Marbd, in*** tt ** r *****!*
«&4 the pnbbc Benexelly, tint the; hero now la yty tbrfr
eofnpl*te*ALLBToCK, oonetniog «rCAKP*TB erf «wy
from the
moo imniiu. Uemp tad Beg. floorOU OpO»,fto«B o®*
id eUMjaurds wide, <wv imlgmt end «T
Centoo Mettfag, DroggeU, Mage, Mato, BUfr Bod*.
Shade*, le. Sneone to wmntewiartted toeeir Pdmg«»
toe their etnek. Steemboate, Hotel*, end Beeldeuu* fkm
i*h*dao the moetTeeecaiabie term.
fSf** Smellprofit* iii quick ~ i
j T CTWa o*kh OKlt. octa
ttkaty bhirhnq onEn asp TW&PB.i°t»edsd
Hto wit ths istsllPads of PlWsbitfßh •***£££&
of hsrd twist«l jom.
siwaotteMor 111 qomllty tosay
the United Btstss, with on lacsfaslnd.danaad fcr t^?!
i - «•
FHAHK TAB OOBDSK has jmt rseolrad »l”jj>«iid
aom twr ‘ -' liouhtwf fi#*w
mad Setts In Craps, Taristeo sad Waah loco sad
goon VtflvblMk Hosiery sad Q lores, la wool, cotton.
I sad silk; Blbbons, Balts, sad OispwK.taall(loaltti<s.
.I—-w A Union's last Kid fl lores tan slwsjs he
fbaad at No, tt lUKUI BTHXKT, eornsc if lbs Bio
[ mood.
Writlßf ClM»""P»ff , » C«U»g»«
ShliiimtfO aracwiM but -nn own—the
tww .nd Krenloc Writing 01mm *.< tfcta Institution asa
now In full operation, andor Mr. J. P. w ifaLIAMg Uflw
atMt In • eepamta apartment from 9 till A o'clock.lJmea
dMinras of obtaining Ur. WUlUnu' splendid style barf
iM«g plens* call and get specimen* of Us
I endornamental TWtingand WeddingQaedaiiiw
tod npon abort notice. HU work in this line will bo fcnnd
repenor to *ny otct otecoted in thb dty. w»tt
■ ‘ gteanaboat Owain .. -
■o » rn.T, HwA it to tbeir adTiatage to call and. examine war
W -took of SIOVftB, beftao pmbaftncoUavhain. 0«
tiJrtjYbwb a. to *J* ef finishend otitic**"*£■**•
■nVtnthls market. We also bare aUmodry Tarnas,
new in data and principal, designed exnremly tar Steam-
1 " WUlt«4| •
T)I ft kub.,
lj tltti to hb b ,___._ —— ■ -w- ——
PiNa OLKRK in-ftWhoto—Wot B*aU Wuthoa»e»or A**
■letftiit Book-Keeper, of * pl»e* i» * Grocery or Dry aonut
Store; aad will »«keWm*elf gettexellT usrlol to fcieeo.-
Dlo9«r. A note ftddreeeed throoih the Jftei Oftw to ‘A.*
ft » or lett «t the ofiee of the ** Post," trill rteeWe jTonpt
.tlmiteiu _j W»L-u
By. BHOPB respectfully Inform* his Mends and the
. public that be has removed his merchant and otteto
mer Tailoring BanbUehmeot to No. MFoyth street, near
Wood. HerespWtfaUv fnHtee hb old Manilt and cu*»-
nen to give him a call, confident In hit ability +s pleas*
Remember the nomber, &3. ocvlB3w
Molten* , ,
I HAVE this flay associated with me to the whhleHle
jProlt and Confectionary business, my eon» T. 1L An
derson. The basinev hereafter, bom tUi data, Novemfr
16Ui, ISW, will be coodaoted under toe namstnd style J*
J. 0. Anderson A Son. .
Oats end Caps.
J. WILBON A 9QS«hetpi r**tfta*Uycn hand every
description and variety of HATd AND GAPS* bout
wholesale and retail. Those desiring a neat fashion
able Hat or Cap, goM andcheap, would do wedj to give ue
a eall bsfcre purchasing elsewhere.-' ' ' “ " novls
I will not be distributed at ROGERS A OO.’S ttai :Ur
gttftrreetype Gallery, With street, oppoelt*NMsaon*>_bttt
upon di* payment of gl yon can procuab aagoda a.TtiAia-
Ne3B as can bo procured in this or any otterdty. Call
and gtv« n» * trial. . . * uS
Elneral Water ana Sampartlla. “
WU. D.. ENGLISH, Pitt street, below Pm b now
manufacturing and bottletog the above bSrawgsvoo
an extensive scale. Hba*tMeenreofthebenqmilty,nnd
manufactured from the purest materials. octlTuy
Mercantile and Bte■ nboat
LEGS are opea tor the reception of student*.
Daily Lectures on Mercantile lav and Commercial Sci
ence*. . • » Q B ** .
rnoxania ffrok*.jtftwm cßaa,
I j Ffflh, tirtet, JHttdmrgh.<-fTIMAitgmMM to onto*, m
good itjlc, »nd it moderate rataa. nfctf
- R«tr Buok«d BM<t ' 4I
leghenj Market tad at Stall No. 87 Nev Market
Hooee, Pittabargh.
THOSB -Who mat Boy** Ootbfnr wooM do wfU to c»n
atOALLAHAfPßßamr.24lWhrtraat. Hiigooditor
Ut&’i Wear an splendid. 61t* him » eb*aee. TJodiarge
far ahowtag gooda. ae P l *
’ Jab* y. n»uw 4 Co-
Dwlm In in ldndi rf Pltabnigh M.nirfintarM, Dm
' W-
VoUU> u W»l* . .
AJSiSJgßSfaff 1? , B0«-
K Wrisi^ , 2s Mdrr. In £®> £? ”® |OT
oifcw Gold P«tf> Spectacle*, Pdicll*, Oan*«» *O
- A»lS®fc,
oprawof Mart* and Fomthalffrtr,
V 1.-r-
v*?_ -r; :>• -
r.-jVKi* uwut.itfflUUM 1 ,.:,
miTTi T.Bin, nCT i.itn*AlH) TTTHiWK. DPOHma UTD TttUMU 1*
ggg ff,A IwßO® amOMBSW,
gll * , S < TL t i! SShSSSItocUwglB Tmtth, ;
' nofliaUwlm . • - ••••', '
Y« > [rgnlitß, Th* 28thMcdo° of to
of U» «n*lß Um of th» »«hUo wort*
PittrtQTgN* wwfftd dw gtb doy of Auftp fffco——«
SSthStodwdftftr»fcor t dod«og>r.. ; :
* >« i rh&tif UMBtUnuiß Um ihsllt>ot Hi
mcdiMer "^*l— 1 tb* norMwi of tUt •«, the Qw*im>t
ESSSSrtK* tboUnorfowißootb, *I2Z2£
•*Bofec* 18 HBBXBY 818 RiHKnlTiei
: 2sM£&2L2ZS&$3Bg&
ia- a** rfJmiun atsL
irtrMterih#bU bforth*,wfito jfan ar_apt*fr **,
Mb for tb* Main Una of the PohUeWqrt*.”
TtoMr£tafinctadbt« *s***s* «*“£
tiona for bid*. it baa bean :
AWm'i *?» ■ Adumr tb.
»rss *
pituboi»h, »«g»u «»r*gePS^g?SjKsrs.-
Maa£»=SSSs.=sS i
h»u« on wii
aIa? .iLSE. *» >Be^Jg° nil ;
ponu In d»l ul 1. l*», 2!J*2s!£S*&. SS S&2-
s. *»■«"» ■'»°^ l —*
S'l’n'JfU Sni&tjniwSMil'jyifcqa
\zssss ?aa<asfsEsa3Eg»g
;«~1, «nd th» SS”^"JggaßF.;
1 S^!i^Sa , «ii3&«lrt> *»n «w«* j
[ iLinnnnaitof MH WfptlltViß, y
1 I
thn>UM WKM4* l BilBklotluß It *iaU»P)Byy
So. mutdsc Mi <»tol<* n*-
ZZ.’ZLoZXXto 4M** <* a.. |
ft i Trail to ritt*by%h> t ****** 1
£» Oaal OoguaJ^oacn
th# condition of the email tad i»flwylt, and
ibair appendage*, and—■—
t?: tald yflmdole*
— ute *eid eonjp«v7wlU»
—"TUw, on befamlf of nid awmr, mu
.TSS bmi*“g a^paaijy
MOT.utd the other doltmed
I tfirlSS
s^ssasaa*?srsass«:!S£fSu»am.nhQ.Md :
tomataMTOftor th« q»T«rD<ytb«H h»r. ;
ar= =Sii3™i
2SfSStaftoii *A4 «** »*H*5s fl ji?££2S£
Ka.gSaß.MMd rtM> J»^rgjjlS
Mn with a* Milan* ris6tr M«J I*™*
4 ‘gBlTThM thonM mmpMftim lh»JlMddr^ , n.»
Ibt, tfUr la IngßiatMkß, M d‘”»*jy?H‘,.-£r3£S
Sdfenumined tta»dte»ntai« AadityJftMife* *;
MM IU-nnl oiMMUn* .«*■
otteinam>QQ,nUefc lim M
doitnl t&o mitotic
ggfpd toygo of
gais Bt^A^j^gsaasgag
£t£*» Bn* «KM*t» ■*
Si!£sßK l £jj!JS!aLM aarMM’.ttW Oanlnoonjollh,
KTMUB>ud'ilMß nadnr piwnt bulbm
s£»’af douSltod WU» Bold of Oml Oomwiarimiwn-
Sad* tlat tta■SoMpogf ■*»» ?"T gfr ■
t»«»f a» lada»toi»MpctoMfatMßMKftJgJJ?
tbn book. ond BißWhw WgP.'gy’i^SLZZTm^K-
Sticl.palshQkinf.std mold. Um. SrffiS/HSSfBsS
tkininf ntaltarp
•dtfcanbMamiaundor„ “T?2Smit£
/BzrHaGonuoß: miaju BUCK.
Sartor ifß* Clmimttmmlft
Honfatnrg*JioT- H i :- .
*‘" , "pcc£sy < *
l aStoi)i, July®, IM f.EMUIO.
. . M 0 .... : ...__j». mart*.
*■*•“"— i,A.i<«*e*oo4 ' > '
jhgAuU ind other fixture*. We fit of dbvm ma m*
stab EaUroad Pump* end ItaM nafapt aafi toap Abo*
Attritf"" Maul oonrtaßtty on hand. * go*
W aoaaUoorMcarßowth, has mahradataß*iot of
«£**•■*>rtrtWrtdmani ... ■ . ■ /
' iratcD n*drtai .4°»* >* 0“ .*■« m * n y &
«aA ftihmi nrnfa i° BOTft
hWitAHiiTiq woe* dt ftwi mij
TjSSS** CHbi.«*teiaktr •A*w*my*ttb*<*m3t
; v» ».<£•■ *i-il fciia V"
■Su. j'i'. J. -*>
;. : v
j -' t - - * ■ s ** *
_ , .
'I *^«**«*»jw*. rfnnifer u iBfl» MWlir
tkabi ■*ui imi m? -•?*£*
iSSjssaa%jafiW | a»M'-
wHh tea train fir J*l*
fej^yiJrmSlrtwgto PhOaddiJii* or Baßhanra, at.f
Aoen(aaeapt "WgPjj^Sr?"
(nmt Banday.) at U tfckx*, A. ** * a **’
fnandTsaoneeb wfr H BisMrt. _-' ;■•;■.•
»»*««■>• _lW*f
1— rf«ti<a antaaatS oUaek* AaM.
T, lr. M. Hril in* *;* *M
I BMXMMhtffced toftllststloiisos the
i) [ iivMtTp B ‘ a ‘ > r hu p.itfaMt
rteticm rates, e*cqpt£ittS2o3_
bClase, tJra43o»p«BT.?^Ab^;
16centstore*c£trunk* : . .•' ___■> .iron r *■
j ggrwbw 13th/w*—T»otM _____
KiHiMg l
[LBOA5ltoDUyp««W.tWto^“ ~,rt
triag Steufcwifl* *t? o'cjp®** *.
i tl*e to osmnaciwiii Sigtt^xpr'aO'TwiQ*
ttac*tltmric«i USA a. 5L .^Qolomb^tlJM*3*j
witiilrkin jot CbdMM? Mw at
T.»l» with temin Car InfimaeeHa and QMcagO, -
t* .-.* TU'MWW.’ ‘ \ %i
<D<H**Tfe»*tama<HatelTftr BtsobenTffle aod hitermediata
‘ rM"* ilafayat fltgtfbeßTß!««tT.4& '.-
| VnßjH«itb«itafa to Rtrok, ;“• $3 «
11,I 1 , Di *». Colnxaboa, - * 4 J*’
I rill—m nfcqt Cut ky thia note wilt proenretietett
b tbe.OMtni Ohio Hailroad offlee* tu Ootasbua aad
! Can at Newark, fee Ht Y«uui r 'SM 1
w- m—■*.« finimYiT r,s ~T
Vlaaiaw vmlu tke Stevbenattle ttiftdiu* Byroad
wMI ba flnld»kta»»ewttfc,tiMßa»bT dftpwwfnir wttttt
danal Pwkota.. IBBABL PKHBKRXON,
twn : - •-<•••;- .-;■ gwrtrtnln^^pfr
imsßOtfii, ST. Louis &ao;:s£V-rai£«e.
| - - •••*'■ THWWJB BT • ' • . •?- . •
As Air Has Sorts trom Ctiesgß to fit Imps.
I On Mtiralof KxprtaaTrtiA&r BoelSern and
1 Ist ST. LOOIB BAT MAIL i—... S2£ Aft
- Sd." « BIQBT
«^SSSSSSy^ijgS*j”‘~‘~ l "" l ~ l •ftlitnatn i
W'f- . j>. noLuraiaiiCUMWv ~-■
; \ ' GBnerml P»MDg«Aff“*
El CHARD P. SupTta:™d™A_ jj
-• nr ooNirwTfo* with
'OUi ud Ftßßfylvwl* .
| itmU U one bandied mil* eborter tad
I horn* yfc*— 1 *" n ,< ”l n i thedreoJtou»cne Tltßr
iIOAHAfOU& ■_ .
Three Drily Tr*i*» between FMAngb tad Ckwlttd.
! tar Ball? Tains between Clevelaarit in* <adessE
I «A— »«SC—tywii rf* tiMw, Chicago ivcntj-two boo**»
■ad ScLoaia tUxtj-MW-boat* - .- ■
\ “®™*T" “ m JOJJAKCS.
<iwmj»fl|»Tt>en«rTf»»* ttTJO,
: hmtitSM LKitM> l E«iD4&NtF'«U i*ri»e In.
■tirfTj _ ** Bf J * ,ir i
iHtlliHftiirn-fffll , ii ||" *-« w^
gt : » •• ui ;:i»v .. -•
i Ud« U 7 other root*. Time goJog^teCUreM
■ >rimj- _-•••* > T:iJ'.r-’c : vdO»-.
PhMih> liMii'OT Mf ofljff fdirtmil*
Hiliftlie Hornet beaoeetiox and qefchest
*1 3r«?aoor?. ,
I to
i b r iwta.p.T»an.»t.»p«
Mgfca«2£ Ci' V .-.js* /■
Ti I!!!■■■ vi AU)
Tarnoo. ZaawfP* aadt6»na *
totaakpapoHajS; to Itejrtoftffi^G;
JEUU' wumi&t ' 1
■writ ff*wy— ; S£A32Ma*n« Creatflne at U 5 P K>
w*a th*
MmTSaIN lean* tk*».
Tli|Tn TiiHarTniln item Ctomiart, ana
■irtwaal n»hirrt >t 111- T“ . i—.
taw t&ahl Iqm—
IL, aad arrtraa at 4J» A *, P Jt;
.■ . ~_.,_ • . .
SW> PAataorftotlw
J.fl.COß^Mfiiaeon»*«®ei nadar tfiaS^^w»
MU _; JOHB KiBJJ, Wn»’»lW«* Agtat. ■
■■v.. l,
Mriftantannl hmd,»n»fltaii»,P>i»Btji Wlno, 1»
ifcfr-*^ —mwft, b«.—t Skte* Ctocr
and Tbnottp-Baat Sag* Md
By «OM»tJ»bM- aglßaM a nUKrnrm.
eSSrTtei-SSSsivt!: *"*
j Oi^j.sji.:... .tf
4 * *
% '\ .
! '
. .