£*• *V\ W' v 1 " #»!s!*&*.*■= *■**-**• *■~ ’ * STJ'S'Tj V * • *■• *>• v^**-- *•.••.’ '■;-»’■• ‘.• •;■•• ..... H .. ;...-, <&»;, ,*v : lu^& y < % Xr^? : '> r ■ V - ’ ’ 2Ss’f,*'Tt>.* 4 . • • • '. r£v : > 1 -■•;• •■. r>v _ VTi-y-X it ft v- V.: -*I LVv*£«■»* *• *« g ’-»-Vv< r» »* ;* j* v.-r*'?' -»»'V . .%!V i V*j ; -• **v ** v*-**.-. ►• 'w *•> * m>» Iy tf *• ; **« j l.y fc tA v •' ♦ T •/*!,.. i ■SxtAilV : - i °-i J ■' ■' ;; - V-' *’<•-• •.,' >’ i S:s -;■■': ;■ :1 •• fc*' *'.***••*'« i'< V - f • M m ■ • _tO* ,*,■•). . , ' • • .?Ar^ hi ' ;•» i>-* o v*v- -''*•’ -- ■v • ■ ' »*§»► AJ^fo♦»» £ m .t ■' : ‘:vr .■tv 1 ’■'■ ‘ ffmssS)&s&Si* > t?rsA<-'': ; • -.:-J s'< i-;r.: --j r’-;' fesSSfeifesKCi''.' tvl- -. < ’• y- ' :;,:s ' • y&?M jiplillli msmsssi0 > ,' i s:*. .l®? 1 1 f Uf U 1 •'f :^' J J *■ i »yy s,T ■ i ' F .» r f -^ ! ,' ' *j -. v - y* J lp|i&*pflflfe ■ lillBrfh" -J JJ~^J~^^a*^^FSl^ , r tr.iwi.fc -.-„ -,.;. v i- .\Vs~ *- **>" >■ , «*> rStff v *-*> *«*>_ t'* , ' v *>' 14 ’’ •?•* 3£’<-< 5 **£ f r •"» v*&\* ■ * vV?**-■* ?v *£* W * * , KSfe V»3?V-?‘ >^ L ~ >5» . «vW#,, *"'.£> >4 y fejggli pastes HSaS&siil sKfs»«? *^s!&*ir£** -■'Tl^li£^w^^is^^^^^^tfsikV l V%?i\w!i.wwuaH. r ' 'j. lnuuM, j.Liamn £*® J&SCHrISH * aiGOARDSOBI. SJJ STv> ►v. *£•,*• :i mm «» »injre..»~.~.~w ...~~~^~ *. aoshaw. »*&wTv?| J? **» vS ■ • BitUKY* aßaik&w, s^h? "^ %fl * , * , V^^^& ,B * l,B,l,J,, ® ,—l^ ' ; *»h» bioqm, -vnaoirsa^- wsl .4TAa ira a *i» -ff* ■■■•■■"■■■ Cmto».««.oi> Uoui. 3l'tf!#-V»^ , i*»:»":tH. ■! rnß»*nbtettter« I»»« opmiKi » fcoM. fcr tb« .!».« par ;\Vi>f^»l-i".l«».«t»> ! g doom .bo«.h. 'jW^trJ'i< t J j tf?.!o^fr**.'’:*l»ijrV^*nfcwjritota-HoaM. W. w(n yoreW or raodn, on iWkf>4i.*»xsli!«’2itV»* , l* ■ : ,- bl. -' JoowwiMton,for riour.Biton, Cter* S H *» * «■ jftTJs3SJ[B&”4'*^- I *.V .e v^ *• »<■ S _* ~ • 3%£ef&‘£g*;H . '--.=.v* --•-• r • vv.-> v . =v' ; :-‘ -.v -s-v•* i^7: k< r '^.^^« ! **i 0f <7'^.-t-''v—. -».*,-... •’? -V •• i/,r.. r*3s'-’.i .- : ’ V . ;• %v *■•'*'• .«i*s-m s\vt;v', 1 -:- : ** : -, ! dJrjt; 4 : A it* •'J* s , ’' ■* " I ■ V .. I • ■ 5 (i v\ . •** •.«*.'. t T i ** * •iC" ' *•'- v #. •. : ' '•■• *'*:• v • .* • THIS DAILY MOENING POST. jvjjiA ißXiSwHß Ss tugr * , * i * * »« |,||i « rt>> ** -ifjfisi «t¥irttnAf~itQMifpo«T - PBOEISSSXOJNMi CA-RDS. AY TO PLHjEY AT LAW, ■»'4*‘‘' -> IlOgjfl, MO. • Jo&KFH WJbAYKfti . _ ATTORNEY ANDOQON£fiLI#B At.MW, : iOim, a» lIAfwU rtmt) ♦ WW| : V» M .WWHHMi'W..:, : -./■•:■■ >._ . '.l.'. 1 . 1 , ~ ~. * : 1 1 • • ATiO&HEXAHG OOVIWSiaiOB JflliAW, oflieftiMrJiM ■t**» WL-ayarn Jgj||>wg» «*■ . » fltJ IUUMBAMrU, AXTOiUift'AS'UA.WMSfaa, Ho. lKEdwHhirtil «**•*• vMtVMtt’WUiand Sixth. UoltacttoMCMrfhUj tXßUir MH»mima«Hißi<«MW»w. A oa«, *&t4aU 1H UrnUtMtma, SttAaMiktlMa.; ■■ ■ -■ ■ --- ■■ v ll ■ ■--- > £.«n»4«y..»* ijiw— i.-raottnss mmd wnSluSllKili iMt-omuK J\ *BT*Ato»o.UQna.ttUt*,BmrtoQitk,W3gim» •Air ■ *,,_•». ■•. . .■■• ■ C. oriui* LMMU| "J”. is aw' oii^iiniihßUitiJimilw a o ’ ~fc- n 7 L-i Yamriyr.i;* 4Ud>»« ttnMm'tfiiiWi fliiMm AiCfcnylfyaAqnatMTfi iSSSSri,*™®* to ■ ■ ***kf >.«. r—t*™ ■» —»■—■ iwnipm. pwan, Mm o«n*r»ny t»-Pr»lttO« I TO|»Sw«ki'®»- ‘ uhtfuaiMpiiit w< Jifmtftrtttt, ittwm MarJsd Arty 4h t . jmWAU>.9A ticftUrmttMfioapafcltofcrinnlUt Wnfrm ■■njjinlHii Aferymcftr-fawk 4 The** Wm. Bifftlarfc jfcjjjtlw— rßifwflll, Utti ' W. BIMOHAM * OOh jwbwardinq ahd OoinHflSlOHlf*fcCHAHT*r^ -PAGODA Ilenary El* Oaltiaa, ANV OOlIHI&iU.'l MKBCBA3T, u>« -T tflmlmli Dcalsr 1b Cbeau, Butter,&««ds» flib, aau |*rodao gmef&f, HS. i iS , W(XyP Bw Plttabaygb. Lmarfi Pawl At Murdock, >N AND FORWARDING MKBCHANR ANI 3AT A£UCNIS—No. T Water street, Ondimai xmiQLBAIJ?GSS£R^(X> r pRODLIb|DRALSKb- VT; No. 37 Wood street, Plttsbnqft. I«y3a •aith * fltiblair. WnnrwHAl.H. aROC&Rd AND CuiIMISSION Xfeih Bm.SU. jno n .v:..r BwT.C. norsaai T>OOSARLLKH AND BtAZEONKfr-has always on two. J) swnrfTnerit of School, MwceHanerna and Blank Nooks, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Wholesale and Re- St4No;lM Wbodwtieen below Plfib, Bast side, PSttaborgk ga* Wanted, Rags »d Tamers’ Samps. aplAJy ' • liaistt A gge.i TMOKaSLLRRBL BTATIONISS, DIALKRB IN STA> x> JUB9 Ammaac UtSRATDRR, and PnbUatos c the L 0.0. P.TOKRN, Ho. Id fifth strait, Pittsbnrgh, Pa. narlfcly I* W* viaUlwiek« DBALKR nr RAGS AND PAPAS, no. 14» Wood Street. Pittsburgh. The highest prieehi paid tor tags. ■ayii-7 . FBA’S ISLUW * C 0 Psrwarderi said Cowllilen Nirehsati PROVISIONS, GROGBUX& AND OHS, Jafclmß No. 309 Liberty *l*4, Ptttatmrtk, Ph. lUttß SUB, Phil* —ra..vn. ittOTwai, PUUbnrgh. Millar ARlcketSOn, OROCRMTniPOBTKM OP BSANDUS, fV Wines and fleear*—}fcv.l72aod IT4, comer of Irwin liberty lrun, NASs, Cotton T^^u, William Carr * Cw.. (WS. Cau ute af the firm oU.fuxn A Oo.) *IXrHOLXBALS OBOCRRS and Snlerstn Noreten Winea FT . R. P. has pn)curedi Till awortaent of Iwndretb’i WaftwatedOiMen Beads, and Uirites the attention of all in tarestsdlnmaiilafclri.. . - . • Janll. 1 nershlp, under the name and style of J. X HUTOHI SOM A 00, to the purpose oltranaetlhga Onmuilsshni smd Grocefy bsSanss. JAfi~AIHPTPHIgON, A; Jd. WASURSfOBD. Pittsburgh, February 1, IBM .■ • •' r ' • ' - •" wJna. : 1 — TtiHUSKRIM GROCARtBS, PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, JL/ nr Smith field and First streets, Pitts- JomrM. TOD»a-.^.T80«.-b. Tcnnro.‘.......'jsxscis l. iodi6 - T- B;:VOUg A Co., «XNUVACTUUUSOP CABINS VraNITURI AND EELmjaa&><* mry daseripUm.- MstsriaU and work wanwtpwn slum, smi aJdatredueed prioss.-'Case token iarnirisgtolandaaAwateh.evrriaga. cdl -. •■ C. P. W—d.' S P. KVOEBAI,, -r~f Wiso EM !EEE_AJiD iE w EX.E-B’ TU4UB W OWCgO, W«OH*B, JKTOJrrTjSITI l/IiMOT O0OD8, : Na.S4f)IIWOK) A aii «ck(ks»«fllUncnaM. CMM« f : .. ¥ r ' * . ' > ’ * . Or . I . * ».'"W I *** i W I*4 s ■ : * *i. **» ~ i ° •’. * £ ; •« ** r- •. - •• » . ' •'' • ii - . nmrag, miixii, m» ihiw •.*** . ~ y* * • ** . PQBUBHBD DAILY. BV * MONTGOMERY. AT THE “FOBT BUILDINGS.” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREBTB, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OB $6,00 WHEN PAID BTBJCTM IH ADVANCE. 1 VOLUME XIII. I -1..' ■■■■■■ , . ■ : BUSINESS CARDS. !-. ' iOsjfitk sx«jrua, —“jrcTAHiMnsifdfi, ■ ~ " . So. a WoodittMt, Ktalmreh, Pa., pSJfrafffirsiSLPffstea 'w H c2^r^ps^ sajss rtrtua,r »» «* •“ »"W» «*«**» h'wSw amiiAtaSS; **y t*u..oa«. Wmlnnt*. Cnam JfuU, Peo Nutfl. Coco. NuU,Piuo jfiEEJJWffif,. c K* l “l7 ooajouifW »l topla (jiiMM/Eter&lDM, Hckta, BMeaTW o. Vet 2U2SL. ■ ■ ■■■■.- „ , -, . i*2y : SiellUuSloiil.OUr.OaTS, fa. ifSadj iwm ruuau. .. «vm.b»a«b njMifd. * FXfKHUia BRUTUJCJU. ... (SucttsMoa WJ.K«d*Ot*.) >. WHOLJitiAij.fi DB.UOGIBTB, of », H'ldDel Odebratad Vatatifti£*Urar j o HITaAP t ,“j k7~ *•■-w (AumiNV^Jis.HVaCi},) WbalfiAle aad iUUiI DraccUl. A MD Dooley ui PAINTS, OILS, BTUirjtt, Me,, 141 A Wood«trwt,ihree4M»MQ* VugiAtUf?, 4(|lUi U. AO&QAJT, ACH, wholesale ahi> ms mu jJaSoaisT, Djra-stato, Faints, Oils, Tsralth—, to., N* 03tf WaM MrMt,or a»uth oMftasaoad allay, yimiwi. ; ■ - [jrfrj j>iHx> Jtstwi uKnaQat, .Lit '■ Sw?S»r*t? ML SSAtMrtew ffcubmak. JOB. BUIOMikMta, aMcfcbd wltblOß. AMU tta. hadaaaaalllhawaftaabaaoaUactadaaißr tboityU or |J. ADSL.**te,«rtl*4Uto«a• ut» mu %> Jtt ftn «*»>*»***»%« «mul«umA pa%tiTio p«<«ftfrpa v» • —■artisr £S*i«, don, 014 -Mem***. . Muin VAkl|,.*i,. • mO» jo, » wouaimuucT, yirwHUWiL vjl xrnaaL wmnrnm, aias, uoraiiu, Jiwin «(***, at. If Owjiftpi.a^fcsUndßaiu,Ua*al^ifcainaatn«a t ifij* Al»n WlMl ;fcom> auwu, Imfa, aooirti, ftoofeoa, jStfWmu&WMm it BinUfti l wßlfcy, Agpto,**—cb, WMrftfaHßTaa* 'StnS* 4ltel»«*«fc, •:Jowl tUUHJTT, fHNKB Of BEAXOI**, ttIfI,VIMM, imnmiM Mn«f >■!■ Wfafcfeft fMk Inal;, «•. H^ylaWailing, .«■* jUt HHillliiil|ll f '■ • iflil ■■ UQDO* MEADOaKT Ut » UimmtVkr. 1 »blO:y ! «V»JHO CU>Tfll*flL,-** : £lUrMMV«t«oa»tl*U(KBXr nw,n>iinßtftto ; JtX *U*y,a*4Jt*. J ftaWTXH, amt rwllMiMj wbon Lin >*»dnUuuo/M»fri—ll« gnrf tw frabUc l» inrttad to tn* on baaA. Aim. jniM>».OMi>i»WMnlT«ftnp.W. notary ydu AfttU ■Mnttwttwt renAigOnaai fc«ia—nMMn.lnolaitoi [ tuu of all qnalkl—, ftmli, UmhwllM,, Afc, Ac. Jahj < *** IMlW l hi,,m' I WHHMBI IO»WI|’ I VUwlt ui Mail OaMac XtnkuU, !■* uo. *■ waoußnuwr ! nnßKnbaeilbAntMilliUjr iataa Mt oU uutocm —dthopniatß In f tbtff tom urti of each will no —ftua Vuw •—m»> Jhr>»- " " mw a* Mwylcg ,-o» Om SfctffcHiaitt BfiiTKMW,m>iXil»» i*mrti«mnn tebnU—ft^aimt* ■tt-i. i ifflAni m if wMMit%fcM>oi»nHK>ii Ufjdr &***■ lytfcr to*, Door*. *od vi tfmrj deacftpQOH, —«>* to 'ilMer. DoUkters aou carpeuuoi would bud it to their edraniage to giro him a call, *• tut can now runuh with planed ttuC suitable fer c* wrj dMcripUott i>t arork- HJ&KOH & CftISWSLL, B&LL AM) itEA&j kOUNDfiKfI, i fA> L T ITAOTLiUiLj> uS aii kuwto of ti&Aha WORK, LO JX COMOTI VK, S'tKAM &XGXNK, PLUMiUtftfl, Re. A.l - MrUUZ*CIUT«7IL xooadry °o itebevca icr**t, AHe«ii*«iy Ckty. Office and titcre, So. 12 Market ittrwet, KtUborgb. JLU BILA&S aur Store*, Hollow Ware, Plain and P*ncjQratos,Flaiu and Fancy Fead«rs»Bad and Dog Irons, Boxes, Ac, [jxadyj dMlln Loomis* REAL BATATA AGENT, Merchandise, Stock, and BUI Rtohw.OMee, No. M Fourth Strwt > receive order* for printing and wrapping paper oral] dice. ' • feb27:tf ars In Fknef and BlapU DRY. GQOD3, Nos U Market and 8 Union tttaet, Pittsburgh.: aprd R. WUITEHOUSB, Fancy silk and woolen dyer and Cleaner, No. 7 ISABELLA SL, near the Emmet Hotel, mar* AtUMßurr. thamsi |f. LHtlt, AND OTDpK MAKER—fifth atreet, between "RS? 1 - 1 WZZJBFSLt* 0 H. KR*LM&o?Snmin? l iSkoEU«^ T S L t £ B |«fc of Amexfoa*>Woola*Ooodß, No. ISO Liberty street (my 4 L. E^Hsyward, PWSALEB in BOOTS, SHOESyTRUNKS and LEGHORN XX and BRAID HATS, ponrerbf Market and Liberty sta., Sg.~lT4 Pittsburgh, Pa. ' - • • _ Jell? I- PEKIK TBA STOHE, Aj- BY A. JAPNBS, * ' ? X Hujlm* Kan ’: . eß, r. -ft ’ • . >->*-> v»V'e.Ti 4 !;4»r**.?,,-**i‘- • * PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1854 BUSINESS CARDS. BIVAftPiUM WOftKI. V».l3**ooftMU»-,t dU> JMMft BMOV TDMH AIUY* • •- I .is r • impphthhi tad iiwiwftiimiw d Mw wmmuDitor»»Lfl% *& w« . ka«y • MBoml Mnrtantof (bettors w ' , Vitii»K«u«f»lrwkt7orate<7HaMvate. Ato,«an*,Pir ! tok tad Hatohvi*; Huka. Hon* ***&, Lmd ui Bullet*; Bo*«ia ( TMc; Itonttnyend Pocket Kairw; ! Tailor* «»d lUir DreeKr* Bb**r»; Pocfert 1 Al#o, TnuM tad Basporter*. I i MFLfit—W«4r»Mitfag tUmtrt vurf *ma&km,ta i oitoj of WOPfaDjwnsdluUy InMnnthsfi SUe F*ra*4«MraUj, that they bar* HSv.MWnnd th* wmShMiu oTQwrlafW, U anu> w tr raciM «nfc atrkt nfV!( to itanMßqr •«nwia{. i 1>» «Mi»,Bwimt(n>. UDf so* OuMMiiiaACwTtaKt Xaken. I e; LlfijSSSii 8 - the nest my f»now bMt. If* m,»t retpa-tfuJir tbe tali'-* bikl senUemrß aty*n to (m nxuror l. if they don't site Atfadeetieo. Tb» f&Jlcvlus »r« Uir pnrrs: Wnf Orton*, touctan* sod Ottfo. 37 k-UiUO pi ft. * *ere wpiTwr £o*ll*o Dreaktact Uonpo, Me p E>. Krtra fin*, u f «*t f deliticu* t*iu*o, 76e. > lb. Flo* Yoon* Uysoo, jft, ExtntDA Yuan* iu| imperial, < to. * 6. Yrr> bit loan* Yy»oo uni lmj-ri-i, fl ft Pi. Don't mistake lb« pUo*~PAGODA TKA rT'JKK, corner of PtuacDdaod Diamond Alley A liberal mlocUoa mad* to |«DKi et .vo, 83 fourth stmet. > '-bole* orllprUftn of moefe atnl DOAOkI InstruaMnU. Italian and O-'Hoan »tria**, rUooa, by M. Kraxd, of Paru, and Mr. Arnold; flut**. by Si. Kaier. PnbkfiiTt, A. M; CtarKvoots. do, Alt kind* ofhnn Inotn* Denufroß u>e fmnchfnanuflwtnrifW, ail of wbifb •• offer 10 liir jMibUo on m«.r. liberal <«rm*, fvcUo* cooMnnt that vi can raatlcr entir* nUafactloo. U. HCiiftORDER A OU., No. S 3 Fourth *t. U Schroeder and G. Anton will give inatrnctfoß* cn the piano, vfottn and gnitar. mv'X ARNOLD A WILLIAMS, “ HZATOIO AND VENTILATING WARNHODM, ChllMn EonneM, Wnnrfct Iran TiMnv, Awd fmisaa re* Oah oi Wats*. 4W» No. 2& Market street, HlUbargh. AW We bav* Hold f»or furnace*, Pattero*. dr.,to Meaara ARNOLD A WILLIAMS, whma vr» rordleily reromui»*t>d to the patronage of the pnhlic. )a3:j HOAlflt, ATKINSON A OKRI.Y. Depot of Lon|wartl|A Zlm»«r«aa'a Ca tawba Wittaa andßraady. 11HE undersignm! liaj receivet! and oflers for sale, at Ci*- . rtnnnri pnees, a Urge quantity ef Logworth A Zimmer man's choice and world-renowned BparkUj«,Dry and La* dies’ Sweet Catawba Winas. finch as may daelre to procure an excellent article of Native Wine, (the pore juice of the grape,) will find my establishment the place tor the gratis* cation of their desires. The Catawba Brandy,distilled from the genuine Urape, la declared, hy many excellent judge*, equal in savor to the best Imported Oognac. D. fICKKIBSN, )m> No. 137 Liberty street Mmmm f s 4k Clark** Plajue> AFRESH arrival of NUNNS a 0 LARK’S , ' celebrated PIANOS ha* just been by the eubeeiifacr. They have been madef^V^^^n| and carefully eetoctadsxptaeely for thbrmar*u " m.U U ket, and anetmaidotud unequalled for eweetnara and power of tone. They aU pa—at the new iinprov—aut of two sejxtraU bridgUt tha baas strings running over and above the treble. They are fully warranted to stand any climate and to excel in capacity for standing ip tuna- Pifoearange from $360 to *SOO. Alao,a fine lot of m&noa from the menu factories of DUNHAM A Oar assortment consists in part of the toflowln*,,TijUv r Hof a) TelTatasdJinuWNbarpetings; ftfwuj ftrviseb} : W, •»» Mi BW. ptto..; v«Ss?JS^£r*sS’ i *? kn rf Adr i *k l*' Kiatadsil' ant frtkMf'Ml table and piano borers, of niflrut me nwfmk iwwniitom iv li»P» Hoo* oUW ll|iai, M, 43,44. toy rieh. BOMyai ?|WjMk9pfclttweU, tofsthsr wUb srszj «srk* toOi#Hotts«r “Wl profits <***■O.B.HKAKIY AOfX* . • ■■■ .- 13Thirdstrast. JORES^BUCHER. _ JBON MACHISIBTB, tAS&ir Third A.BarrUmt.n. U*n»QlTWttotoinwt>«iitlinij, whfat Utoigtto J_L wos*ii)yoredenkriAad baring added many fedll> gy>w.d vbite iailatioa stone, whkb can U sold mods balow tM| real stone ware. (XUIMOH WARS.—Onr'stocic of Common Tesv. Plaisa. P h^ l *^f«»»*W4* l aiW*4Pttcbeea,and erery u4d • In ibi Una, U iesfa, and edited tor tbe etty and eoutry trade. .. GLASS WARS—HartagV large and will saleetad stock of Utass 00 band, we will sell at bctorj price*, earing tbe merchant the tzouUe of making a aeparatabill. Ail we “OS^'/Vn.tUKT. 'lO W A fotllD Hif _ HO. lO* *«OD 3TKSXT. JqiW C- I>M3. teuugrm IoJ.afUTJ * (to.) tto> ,|o 1 11 fiM 4Nh a l ..utoWI A theoM am, wd tlw oww teameUs,HOnhe tmoow o bud*.ud u amiM, ,3«*4i.to.Mii* limitt,m ofcanSta •ri. to 1—1?““** i «»; >«r K»«u» ud Ctokn Curat 14to)lto,4w4cu,n AUi,3od.d.b; BoiuKrttlra ■****■ to—atqitojjfa . *««ir-dll ra rJSS f**— b kwtor. wi 3f1.» Aulm rairalor ■Wf.to»Wtobra,n(S towra too. ton. mod.os too :. *ff**~* l 4*.*« wto torarttoraioß ftoa raw .«g*yto'«l'"4fi*4MW|' a 11 1, Do,Iwra,4odItora, j^^ttoj^^toldrarrofratoTd-totHtou l d^lW*Kf«fe^u!!S^7S ftr»; prue Ibr I*6o aod 1861, u the Agricultural Pair of Al ingbtoity o»anty, (Hl. and rMwamittded ty ftfteeb hundred vntM-u/; koterfviaeCotikAtoeße, foarsiwe; PremJnaiOeok etovre , L*g and Usdiator Coal Stores; Pallor filoras, Ac. Parlor 0 rales and Pmdere, mat rarietjr, baaotifaUi OaamonQrat—.andbaildingmaavlalof vmy ' ABE A grant variety of Ornamental RaUingJbcOrtMfoclMand Fencing. pin*** end Ftotyk Oufriye A targe stock ef aU the kind* in use,and will be >4iid redwartprtew. BaU’aPnL eat Lerar, True American, Kota'e. Craae’a. Klakart'a Woole’, tWock’a, Bull'*, Improved Bull, Ae. MtofcU /’toepAfu—'The Mushbfoß D(mMe Pfc—towUeh baa taken (he pramlrm at the Mate Fairs eg New Ymfc, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, asd wherever it has t—e exhibited. Iron and KalU, fttove Pfpeasd Tin Ware—all ef which I will evil at the lowest pri—; aad respectfully Invite the pnblk to give men ealL at the old ef i, ]to. I*S Woedrt. iarrv a warrt. ALLEGHENY FOR GT. lOLOMOI IRKTTIR * CO. (Late Bt—lA 6—pie’s Roihog Mill,) on the bank of the Allegheny, below the fit. Clair Street Bridge, ALunntxr Citt, Pg. TIIK eveprieton reapeetffefly inform the public that, haring made ext—rive addittons to tb— meet, they are prepared to maßmfaetnse, on the moai rsa* Mnabls ternu. Iron Work for Bridges, Car Axled. Qnarrv Work, thine- Cnttera* and Mmaonr Tools, ftjQ Gearing. Machine Work in general,and been IBUjliii. nf every dearrlpUoD. Also, UURSK SHOES by Shitlcr't VaUnl Itont S\o< Machint. The Horse Shoe Ma* nhiaewUlW In operation about tbe middle of February wheu aU orders for Shoes wilt meet with pmmpt aueattoa! Mill I'ioks made aud dressed. Orders sent by mail or tole* graph attended to on the shortoet notice. Jald^ Cabinet Knrnltnre Waraheus. B. YoUNG a 00., fVmiimn and Chair' Jfom 1 . itfacturcrt, Noe. 38 4ad 40 Bmithflald*street, opposito City. Hotel, wo* Id respectfully remind their old Tn—ill and customera, aud lb— about to purchase anything in their line of hudneaa, mat they am oonstomly maawfoetottog BT«ry c d«swription < t faahlosaUe Parlor and imr Fur* nimre, warranted in material and workmanship, and told en«foaabl#teßai. Ca*w tolf i« land or water earrings . , Steamboat Cabin Furnltare and Chairs on band and ft Sr to order, a<* usual. Tborn lotomrted in fernbfalog boata will find ft totbsb advantage *0 gtve us • call, as we giro efezy attoetkm to the ip>uufite?are of work bert adapted.to,thsdr um. (au3l BoonAND6HOKI, ‘ mw„4 tfe E:'4%ajtgii^u v No. 69 Market street, and No t Union street, tntwsop Fifth street and the Diamond, and has now M. Spring stock of BOOTRBUORtf, SLIPPERS, GAIIRRKAc and Palin Leaf, pedal, Duatiu and Braid HATK lo which he lavitostheattentlonof aH pnrohaean, whether at wfaotw sale or retail. This stock la one of the largest ever opened In this dty, and embraces everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia and New York, and tn trusts cannot -foU to please aIL Great can has been given in selecting the choioast good*: all of which he warrant*. He also continues to manufacture, as heretofore, all de* seripflons of Boots and Shoes, and from this knit exeattawea of over twenty years In hnrinrs In this ninr. fs. hi tinfk a sufficient guarantee that those who fovof mm with their custom, Win be foiriy dealt with. aprlfctf Seminary tor Boys* &m4A-wert cur. of J-\fih and Grant *U~, opposite Cburi Haute. riniE Fail J — » f thfr P~h — i Till rnmswnrs os MON J. DAY, September vIU -ha paid a* twataL A. JAYNES, Pekin Tea Store, Jj-21 No. 38 Fifth street J BOOTS AND SHOES.—Thoee Who with to get a neat andsareU fitting f BOOT, SHOE or GAITER, wUlcall LAUGHLIN T B, jy!B , ■ - . •¥$ Fourth street GRAFF, KEISINGKR * GRAFF, Manufacturers of coal and wood cooklNQ STOVES, Parlor and Heating Stovee, Grate Fronts, Fenders, Wagon Boxes Ac, Ac. Warehouse No. 124 WOOD Street, above With, Pittsburgh; Pa. . . jy24 STOCKING FACTORY, NO. 24 FJFTM BTRJS&T, Sign of THE OU> STAYS. WILLIAM UALY ha returned from the Manuteotor ing Hosiery District* of where. he haapox» chased, for cash; a very extensive and well asaortad atoeknf the best descriptions only of Stockings, Soc*b, Undershirts, Drawers, Gloves; also, new style of. Children's and Misavr Fancy Btoekings, together with hie dome*lie stock of Pitta burgh Manufactured Hosiery. . Be will pell by Thill amis in retail at New York Importers’ prices. WILLIAM DALY A CO. Remember the place—No. 24, fiigu of THE OLD trtgp, my 23 . PAUL KLEINERJiaa removed his LITERARY DEPOT from No.73Thisd street/IS Fifth stMet, epporito the Theatre, where he will he happy to see hiaformer natro'rm, and all others desirou* of purchasing any of the «p—r iA tyratureoMbedajr.;, ::i: , . , t .„ . , apr7;ljr> -<£ Uu nn-Uuni - ■OtT- BOWS, JfctttliUTllSteuLiiut door u> Muonic TT . Itell.duter im VRDIT OONroaTIONART. - Jlo. Drum, M thaluk ,UU4T, MM ‘ . au26:ly . st; louib. 1 ooMMiaswS* £§>**rolwSS G m&bchant, Mo. *A flpinwmi, snow Pm Bno*; . BSg/ias to,. - ;Vud|iiwa .nmtl a,tha lociidm tmu ,tM« trail, at uilnt, ; or(UiatDrUi.pimtauao(Lmd.QnlB r U«iipud4Uw Md»W«Mta*of IbrAmHien. P*- ilui.wtlliMM’rttk mpililalattt udmnMtck; U»lorat «l*of Jnj.l. |mnl,al Ihiqw 0. M magh-M po^tbl. . *l.lx.STTS>*ltorum, Obdautt; SSj BSrASSjT I - iMBftSSSXiSfe • -SI ; XAUIwUIIS/Fldha, ■ Kile'S?!!/ C fc> _ a °i Horjiin,J.M.Bnok*ltorpE BJow*Majrah, M.wTort. B.B.omgi,' ir. Jnttktmm, to; DildiU,HUbt,. to: do; JodtoltodQh Nkn Abnhu J. OoS, to; HomM,IM*Oo 4 to; Lomtartlh; B.D.tomakdJn. .to; I.O.TrloaoUaOn.nnwUrtn. Hnctoatf.How Oolwaa. : ,aJ totoM tonNUafl7Lnn SS-iE.***" “**>: “>d W UIO BABM.bO bjbO ftotn | dbMwjndlnj|ood«aoiO ltwotooTonn«OECH dMkjbortpWy toflSjnotonmbionrodtolnS Tbet. d ntnoqr u ono hnndito aooooolonnd and In n Utb odta tb. boloneo dnUod wUhioEtotok Hmterof ttotottoitot. Tbio land JilreU cmteulatod lor » dock tto l , bdn* .w, Iml, »o 4 tho 000 of on onoellont qoolft, lot gwa» growing, tod brin, trdl ntond *i:h :wd« or tautoon nnortoUnc of otodltot wto. Thl l 1 *? l v , ?t*l ul } , f« r wdr>Mt.»itb,b ,i to.ort , iln holt o m«o oftb. Ttotokybonr tod onoßUo orEtoonplalo, and olmod on tko Ku of Ibn OonnoUnUlo BaflroadTtodlo SK?? - “ ItoibnatoMo bod of UOd UUL Tbto Load wonkl not M In th. aurbot,onlr tbw tko owner l>loboot to mm to tb. “for W«t- TnmooMT.ond For Ibrnkor tordtolon, taqalnoy w. J. REYNOLDS, at Lxtu'i GUee Weeks, or of M JAAUEB 0. RICHBY, ltsal Estate Ageat,~at this oßce. ValaaMt Preptrty for lata. • rpwo URB or GROUND, —iwfefoh ace ireeM four A .£&* **Eb9K tent aamuity for|Wo. flaMpropgrty in the Ninth Wardof the dry of Pittsburgh, on Fean street, between —— aad - ■ ■ streets. \ “td OronnO kno.. u tbo “kmptr. W "*-. d:o»tel on Ui. eonto or Btoo ond doryto mn Ato,nomo y W>towd,toW STttL Inotent, tore. ututodtUorduokroTuptorteuMT IMtntulmaMa. tkeiurree«»wwwiW»Wft>to-mto« tokeep up hhrapply. Having a thorough and Icogexn*- ritoutetkabutn«s,kseon.uonr.hte rutoui^pSSct . woild’oteb rWpwJaUj otorite in dd*pto( l teton(ad,udusnaria«Bu«iaMnotatob > Pnb “f « M» nuk pf QdiMO. JktotoHuTSi util ■teoforntekpianoforth, fornuttenof kovtu,Appronoku. mStoruio«ot7,*r,ln th. hifttot HuUull, u,Bdntod with trtrj bnutoh of btodnap. g-'Jwbiii.MJ tk. sjirton Puk. Vf toitotoptodoiThokuntifnl tukt of tko Bndm. ho a. aftttT to nut tko ti*kwonSSTlbo b. .Iltom. i tkronchtb. a tr V *teton..»Kl^i St-'- f'- nwangiL - MO 'o3ftjt£HT& uotin tto'tototowtn d utet.lr.Uiiw bniwEtes. tod_WuoiVto»,totdd. tod teddn toP«.ll|»to Hteuytod Pulor Faznltnn, in flit nr in InttbttoWof YUtoWkStonrvood. Ateo,Oondotoßrnck to tte toul JfuttHtlng Omtn Ptuu for oUlious dM &£!x Srram FOB aWMa. vary ebeep and warrant, ed to last for 20 years exposed to tha weather. jsB» - ; •••• ******* '■■ ■ ■ Fnwtaamliltow - • •. . MATTHMW GRAFF AND DAN'L. BJOWNGER, trading hmaMbmasM. Q&AFF A 00, Stove and Hollo/ ware No. 124 Wood ityeet; have 'this day asmdated with them T—tn l.GfctFF/as a partner tk their bm!n— The natya. styty and GUa of the firm wilL from this date, be GRAFF; RRuESGER A GRAFF. Thmr asiBß»naiss»^TE^" ~fc Tittthnrgfa; Jtdy Ist; 186471 - ; GREAT bargains'*!! sammto. fmtfi at A McTIOHK’S, comer of Grant and Fifth streets. I have this day commenced eeUiag Off my sumurtr stock-at the toeUnrenUnew,aad have bees pwrhaiekl.UUx season, and as they are now offered at prices for below the usual rates. Ladies would dd WeH'lo cdll tad get a bargain. The stock , omnprlsee bareges, lawns, rammer silks, tissum, grenadines, bsrsge da laines, afida)ruost eVSty artfoie usual fykeptinafaosystore. : ; ' • - jy3 flaw Vrtv—ityft filote, . Na.,83 Cbmer ofldarktt ttreA and the Diamond. 17RAMK VAN BORDER MpeefeUy aosoanoM to the X i mßOfonf WtldiMOir that hnwiu oim new Trimming Store na Monday, April 17th. Haring fitted up the neatest Stetyitodm in &e dty, and filled it with a choice selection of the laieat styles of Trimmings and Fan cy Goods, he flatters himself that he will offer superior in dooenams and endeavor to give full satisfketiofi to aflWho may fevov him with tbrir patronage. . .Noer, don’t forget .the B3 Market ptred,ooraer of the Diamond. _-- [aprU].. FRANK —: : TUrd dmr bdm’&gk I MBty. T>OWM 4>SW —K call *e att«*io£of ft»diag Jj men to their large aasortmeatof Gohi Uflas and Re volving PUlols;'the largest and hratsdedsd stock wrer openefiiaismarketj tMetherwithAgaparl sasnrtmat ofHxrdwaob Catieiy, TooD *U of which wa otter at the lowest poeaihle prices to cash puohasers, or for good appioredpaper. •' nxixlS rpQRKDSB TOWEIA—iYe have just rvcdrvd another lot Xl or those exeaOentTaakiah Bath Towels. Ttee Brown UoanTomd has ad— stimaUdag surtbee, neas not AltaiwhU in the Qnen; fend tlte pechflirity of ab eartHsg mUstare wtthiut firfetiotb' CkiLeariy aadsaenre a pto, I Q-iq&A&togo^ NaissssrfKJfflteaswaßS ale. Also, pearl and relreTport monies, in great varle l; MdfiSha,-)fair end-aUnmlttilsitesw iaadinqnßatons O«h«S;oteds»atl efrWbteh wo wHI York city pricae. Übdmumi gelow the prices usumly asked at other; «sSuhfiwSta in this dty. Oaß and exaarise oar goo*; »M |Wte>W,'mid tewefrten.26-to SO pec yoew nM-i <*—#isvC 1 ■UJHDWO figAD-dJsed'for heeitog «jccwrhaty| ,h—): XL, removing tax, aaliowneea, redness anf roaghheasAf the amn, and rendering 1t soft, smooth-and wlSt Prtee ttuSshtaka, laid by IL OtmilHßt/. • .-.■.■■.Mmmutomt, if* ", V NUMBER. 89 FOR SALE AND ,TO LET- •_ • - rt*r*rfft*r (un " CT 'BE'-fl' ll **»» lrttffctftwt to ooa hanSred Tngi Knit, Wtt wtad ttam Mttf Briik'MMWam* ■sssasaaSss , «'*«^wSt ■iiSAS-aSM* ’VaS-Si L£&7j3risS&* u.«. <««* ,»**•»*• 1 **£ 5?" B :«■*«•* MCtt «ml vOk, U 4 'ls now occupied ai a hoteL ft Tnmfllnrrßrti* aii IhalffctMilriiari iMi A Oottage frame and Lot, 88 and BoMneonstreets,Alleghanyqty. BdiiittvjSK wfafchtot am4boom; tbamnu4nf«aMiftt< cellmt stone-coal, *ul~elmndaneeef Itowriona. oosveaitat; to the landing; aid tiro coal pits open* * Ninety Lots in the town of Oolanbto tt JtotbriAooAi nearly«ll level, indwell locatML .-ThetanadarMsfcLc* has the privilege'of tiring whateverUtane Hiliil&nJ anlrefor fcj*ewnnaß,fraeaeiitiMer tbwlridks. : ahilp-*«3 oftoahori ew»taaf*7iS BoQrrii^£^nS C Jt^^S!n^£S?h^&S^ , SiSi MohongAafai «fv%rt iiinUfTtolTaiilii.Mliir ftandattonfer reilnoal lotlli mm\i itniaiiiniMl Bl noO r 1 "**- 1 - | —* Vi 'ftii i f i inniito?ial7i! The veto Isdeepenongfe tO aDav hflnstohetLMd’toliMtU *T‘" tw “ " f " r vj "■ fc .f lininrwgigij Oftwrihroay wilaatj —fttonnt—lawUyygtotoo to>yahonoftny glv* aH n»rweafylnfriMQga,and%4antoceWlte~Ae vacxsa too deads fee any n mwtg oriffi JAWIIMI. .-.- ■ WAUfleannsttoU. W Ftt cm f im i A V4LVABCB marnsit u OonUadliaeßtoaenate thn^boi* •cotm— faßpzoT«BMpUMMkt«i; ▲ Kna ! Hon*a> 80 6F» tat, * tforioi U*; ifahVmST&ac Boa—.■■dother ontbofldtogo; ftanrltaaa Bank Jen! Übjhht, taUbA in th* BtaUhv under the whole tandfawTHw grace, tyt grafted qaeUttce ;nlypyualifr of Fto* to* pberry Trace, mil is bearing order; eboafSf acßnOmd jMd In m Ugh stats of cnlttTßticiknWisotett oft tknAaUot Thleland is rerj oomfcr^UyWtod feme eftboS •MMoode to Mbmk««ob* J» : to ehurebas, school* nd mill*, and vooU aot bo in tbe gariwt,Wrtbmitt»owTMrfrmboutto T lnß* to tfcobg Writer. . . JAMS* a kKW; . •nZbdew Sen) btete y—» IT"'" - ' -■ ,tOKBALX--Two ijtmdUTUwu; M <*»*»■£* uei X *t»«lUrTs K«; tawaflair InatptwaZ^p* Bt Cltlr TOwniMp PUnk Bowl, Suite Owe thedto.aweb aftkrai IJteiM - to Hello teto ttwoiw fete, betake i£l aar«r%».“^WTßS?aswaSs memr, vnmhkd* v«Uto look «t U,«b vawiAMlltette tat that oSea ns oar low pta,h lots or all toceCbn. jUM,fiT«oeaatK9 Bmta, 1 nil* ttwm Vb^nnl fOTdvaryisv. AIM, In Oonotry tab on the Ohio ini fetnujlreilje Beluowl,7 ntl«e below the Mty. Tbeywaibweoldkowerwte or together to o colon? or bonding eeeoeiwttom. Itlew loroly location, endehewp, of eoone. - Aleo. one Lot of two mm. u 4 two Metier wleeoe of Phono, oppoelte HlrWt H Whole’ rtSToHedet > rer? law priao tor to fine e f igpei Ij MawrtMUtr Lende, Boom end Lote, el*«jMkhnnd,'ud deeexlhedla mrngbtar. Befcrebojin* jiftpeUdde welhto cell end 'THOMAS WOODS,. j, J«T ■' riyoorthtoit. rpHS as4«rrigß«i-aoß».te«aii t os«M9rtanu,nßT fMtitepHaring Gtm*mk tUrynsai Jnlis Ana AreniM, and HsniisttMn|4 Iter stxwts. This •qnu* Mato nanny MtTAnHTlba fomatKlta tenriwr of .thagietaainnand wwsnffci wry around. rimdsriro'uarfrsserTinsthis sqaars «»• vooßaftnslcßetf tfeamwt dte3nteaal«ae nifteent rite far a ns thorn's moose rsrideace. in tbs hMteminTirittityofttnttedßta. AteyabontZaUJl ACBJH QIQBOUXX> t at tbsJundat tbs Island, sdTsntngsoariy aitaatsd fcr man hlfccfcainy par- OT£SBW*a£s?S*rK •yrTTar - : - . . ***** wtK «»i» »t« ft««« Tran™ talbawji b2ok Hocsra akd Urn bb wbn a Inat soAbb Ann, t« ft »Md. tt>*«b enetodA Tfin* riiia liliii. iiiiii >l»ili l t; tMoer«nicmto*w>m4 t*lt, - «2£rr* " d juMmunSwiM n£«iqffirtli£3S?-Jg a^^ffls«w*Miaw» “ r *^^ tl *^‘*^ :aj ’* fcaiia,l “ *•* «■•«**;**- k ss«:£l&i. ,, pis»s^s^c^ tour thaaaand log» ran be W-with tha UHL Thla Mill U aOvtaopanrilM, axoi baa toaatoK arrtaatotoralbttattm. STO^ W^ a, Mat“ 4 5i ~.»»». AealJamaAmat. o* iSSK&s? gfigP&SSSSSS: Omoiijr tta atmtlcio fctofllMe. torn. iTatbocUrt Praia YtAm%ll»t,K,U>>ti. Ibto lypirfr B Moat darfrmbl. u aßrtd: tba Wtldlng (AtatolUUhUliMltMTbUrwUMHibS iafrrifcg i .-a u,. : u ,imumittn.r; * b "* i* <*“••“. mwjMn. , CMI Wwki Vertoalh SCOT THtoXK ACBJK* o* UMfcwMi IMoaraacfOaU .*♦■**—* —l-fl- ■ lrl S*gffiy-.*s» b ° mm > ’ -W*tf....';... - - :. ; : BtoatUNttin^iU.,.. f Y «y gMHiMtoOwaiq fwi u ft*. sawis SMKrasSSSS^JSS; tt» now bridja, na* bain* boßt o»« «ba £»». , fA> gSg^t;u OK SAUL—IB7 ocrwofLoDd, Sailcoaouthorttatihf* ton, 90 mm et«»d/-«ood Orchard, a nod Btooo Alary oaahal/amaLqt la oil tHarlatta atmt B la a baautlftilLott la tent of Mi. fiplaa’a Ana la|Km mant,andia oUkratettha to# pitta t>T SOO-aaiiate at ma. CalU<»l gat PT tor ilmirtilinai of a mat rarlitj orproperty. THOMAS WOODft ™ ; J*» : '-- u" ' ■-■ ■'■■■■ waumtt atcaot.--■ §fcQoO32fia|»Jl»«iffiß tatArfraDDd of« toot fcaßHoa iba fcatouwma ioaAy ta fr u A Ottafemi A gOM,- MO Third at. - of oqtf>apr«mi»B»,oro? M V *** - r raoiiwo^am*gf>. Vi FiVb hamptomk — o_i— Arena*, neu Ballon WraSSS *S£? Balt of tin Port OTc«.~ TOtSlM,llmilr« at jaa—CfiMßiMir,.' f To l*«t« ’ " ~ •- • \ OOOD tax Oceub,'safer A>:r| 11l nil msmss^=&s ■ ,W. tfLOWMB. .. fii *i ci li £m& ,u 'H r " ■ 5 s. ■t > • - \*y ' t- f «w m»j ****** view n rmr rirtsockMM ; n* .- JWWJW»W«|| ■ 1 «• *<»«■*•■• lint. - * ' <«rt ilin.ii.l(mllii . amm * •«* (Ml , «;,• • " . tvi " “ An ** ** (MjMf, MISCELLANEOUS. r^Q^.^WJMtf|rl Mi^MMia k . - a. JLC4SSb . t ~ T>H<.JWtaroß,lß»m >a tT.i r( i I «M MHta«hha*SSS^S ri i T .^[j|.i||-^!iyy jß*””™* wwaiiHiawWidliiai gßffiajßssaseajg ■«b«bl« BOILDIBQ UnSTwoSZiSttSiSSiSZaS. . crftbe elm «UUj2eTM*irtf!m£Wl»» ftagg«EWa&*agsaaaa SESeasfesws'ae. ■■• •*s^©aE»fi»«sa«gs'' ftS*sSß®|te^r: , sgggggg^gg* • ». Bml bWtnd lanpHa imL, --: - aojr .VJiMMMMi-N -v. - ! -v--.--'.'! r c,>! 2 S 4KSfc&-- jgg^SStw.si.^sasi^r-.. - ■ •■’MJIOMJ.* WIUKICK, BANKRBB, nttgj» Wt;. MnbUck®!, , 52££5“5f’ n ***«“ 3 m. 1-nil ~ jJ . B»y Stitt do do, SSP*" £f Mfc«ii--.-.-35v:r ' ftew* Jfcrt«...t. TT.fT* ° . ”1* | Iron Jroat Bafidiam, Jto. 81 ; SraSSS^gS5“S«B*; , TO.Tvmnr - ' W cunttd IjUUM MiOUB £ TarnHira, ofttobS^Staltl ”: -SSS toiarfUM ■£.!< —** I ** ,Uta * n iEVLftFSgifSJZ SijrSSJS^^ ll S. L3Sjg*>?«»«Ctt!. iMlt .«, aMMd 'uMn-Mn. & Mf&tel •?9': «£ •culp&aaol BooJiiSaSSSdaomlJjto*”* l * ,Uli *‘ plllp&ssss -***■{ M.L.SmSSSIJSSv*' , ; M**»>l !)i.. • . ■•^‘■^Sll'lßli^Krt- ■ J- :v 7r/ v ■ . ■ /i'i.'yawfe ■ 1 1 % f :-.frS ===m!e= ft* 4 0* ft* 'l4 i ■ »*> —.l*** S. JAYHBB. «■■ v