>fc> "i V' t, -,y'■.*£*■.• »y - _ o. ps?^. s^:Av : -v.£).*v , v - - ’\ ;. .> „., , v , •".^■■^Vv'-'.v,y T -' ? ; g ■ v-, Wk^. r *••*:*- • &« • i &?-Srv. v- ; /%££y'. ,n % ■.i attest f ■' i > •■'.■■•■* K•■ <* 4!:*.'• *f- * «iitT( r*‘ t,i**-r «*■ ’'•‘•rVjk# T&t 3 ** *' to sj£T**N\ ,>■ **'• r* w / .•*• •• :>■&>; t ‘ f ---! ■<< '.f/ ; *‘Vt?|.. I , ■;. IN, .1 > , ■’.; «.,•. ,c r. t ‘i-Vi'f *vv ;v'.>;.:*' w^areSl^a l i. t?’aV/< t »• ‘-* ■»: *.v. I^Plfi'lS^p;::? r --±Aa>« ' r *» V '•'^‘ ‘ il; '« M rv, I SssSSp*®i®iS : S ;^; wt§mtoi£m ■Ss^iteapfiSsw! .f v Sv? - y -'h/ -7, : . s?2t£fl^f t*;;S.,.•*« i; . f|giBgS&SW ‘OOWM£ r: ' fiiwfe., - tVyr' r ‘L. l t-:-. *-- ■ - /^ s saaHw^fC,-*nv>i , £ , ± |, i , £.’iv rrV'fj’i'vV' 8 ya*’!r> V-n. >k« .»•, Sfe k « J j-v’ M Mz2&Z^&Z£ s?# «&V•» i< ~'r i£^«£.■**Vrf‘l s^? t msM*r^!r| 'j ipg&ss IJ «»id“ tl •^v,^S%Vv «it 4^s£r^ ;£*:s&&* 'it* «-* :^^Vs. SS^!^4^ite^C^v^vJSUVj L -3 5 ' •:••••; - y WilW. &r* : r.gx&-\r ; v -'rJv v : <; '-e.>.' • -'. , "> , -!r^ t ’.'-'*'*,■”' ?|f/£“'"4 <'vv■■> r » -\-yy ’ 4 ;^2%?%J% A ■' '! ' : .'.’ .”. ‘ :--■-> "*' -- ~.^'*->r^- ** r- r., , *iß;;.,%'' «:•,. .• .■• V i t l- r ;^.P,^,f'P--i,Pr«:.:»!*': ! '''.v'' , ».•■■■.;-. f- S' . r ...',■: .• ■*T -, -.„ f-. \ . •■- ;*#£'-?‘-"t ?-• t'j--?***'* V«* s '^ / *i-' r - : *‘ •**£• ■••' -- •♦ -V' •■ M^rele^A-i^Vx.VV':• V* *3L »*> *. aV' V" I li*'* .-h*. •%•--, .I*, • • -,' : *■.L ', ' 1 .' xc • •■ ' ’ *:" ' ■ -/ -w*’* 4* ?/*; £* £**'«.' ‘; •* y i ' •'' ::fe ■ s' ,'. Vj - - ' \ •. ; —rtf, i •» .. “ « . f. - ' '•■-■) i*** k V s • ‘ s*' ••• J ' I + lu\ Jv,. ** V*L • ■r. '■ ,*. ... #.:* •' . ..•.«•,>• • • • "* ... ' .Tie' -%-S’ ■ —' > k‘ • ... J,- <',-11.-.;, .JunXay *. •A*- .».’*, * losfwoincav. wart" rftrttuyla * 11 aat P«**^ •‘-\r*.fj tvinaflAY Muunata tost 1? .«Suia «» .*.«!«« blankst, die *£s?«' year^mW***.. 1 fte.-aiflowitinoed unless at thediscre- until all arrearage* are palO, •, . ■■.L.'.n.wtnßwiii piid toaayordei uiuwimw® . . ■<«■ -iVi»U»w UifiM. u> k. ,ior'-pcr^TjaoTO-on^t*owrr^ no *f? Cl -,^7 J^VLi a!- V;!'. i .•' ■ ~, ',- nnw/JiiWiislONAli CARDS. ROBfiaT B. PWUJII-S, AT to AN EY AT LAW ST. jUOUIS, Mo. »- ~ . .. MJbAVJUHt AXlbftßfiY ANi> COUNSELLOR AT LAW, • ■ Ot&ot, iiio> 144 fonnli »wwt> i\ , IMTTSBVIWH, I*4. "" ' “ JOHN JBAJtTOH, rA su AiiUliNLi' .-AKL COUNSELLOR Al LAVV, omce, corner Mink and Grant »Wtj it, Btddle Robert*, ... - ii-Uikati Al .LAW—-Office, So. lwamithflrid street, u«w t OoUectaHWcarirfuUj attend ._ ; j—attention given to Caarcynncittg- IdsoAiy • ’*' ThouAi Means, ■ "iiaKaav at kaw Asa aouciTuit is cuasokky. jA^ufflwi-DMtilooJ 1 tdtie'jPdstyißos StooboilTlllo,Ohio. my 4 • . '.'* . . r:> Al AAW—No.^iYu’urthstreet,Pittsburgh, A. J.S. Morrison, A*v OOU-N&KIAX>K at law— A r me-. .Vi to No. 41 Grant street. Hear fourth, r? “c. tiriiindio Loomis, , ii"UNAi AT LAW —Office, fourth street, shore n ooa jx .." ; ■ ~ . Tnomas SI, Marshall* ‘ TTOIUSIiI AT Building*, fourth .ikjJ£L: _: ,j«"P - • k« 11. Carnahan, _ ,' . j. a*.n’Ciowrf, ! i'Wi;£»kY~ANl> UOUN'jiAU/JA AT LAW—Oihc.i^Ln ; -BiUteweil’a LmUiOK*, fa.dmnt "trcet. J«‘ . U. H, Hawn, n TTOK VBY aT- LAW—No. IS7 fourth street, abOTeand • - : mar27: y Alderman Watson, OCTec w* Third wtnet? s>?*** the e!d I’bit •qoi«, t<> the officeot Aider- W tu.m and J notice of the t’eao© will be promptly at* fiioehan,'b,are plac-d In my powesaimt. iersoos ... Ju-l.nn.iatK cu *ahi l>ocK-t.s may have the necessary •■ru»v-K thMf>-m by AkLirmau Watfiou. I®?*} 1 OneKmaster, Alderman. Ori". ca -Orant fclrwt, between fourth, et. and uumon of oil kind--* done with the grea riirt/at.d accuracy- *4'i*t -•**• to Real Bstatoei -..iilftM,-*-:. : Seal, Aid* -nan. ■-- *<>,Vl a.rcet, ontw'een V - ujiu Market i-.reej WU i. " v&. x'HL\ s uiu. ; jn <«7u££iStUfe cttssor to ti. VV. #'o. I** oHilt riKLb M'itfciicx. * *. ct. jJLiSLSESS CARDS. "Vi Vv . UKttSTlSli Ci'««H} t*A ....... ....;.« u. \*. cst-jra ur-rdm.-di-• iK'i. ‘ *l' It . \ \ V' : ;tr, U Uli •* l>-» " U 1 M ' „' v v. *V j-' r 4 \.0., Jin;, n A hOt**. IvrHUW “ Cany .* *. v. »i. »,:chu* : >ta. a. ll Jolin-t r; n. ii.iain, a.-.r.r, U-Uue. iL-n*., JjeiviaoL i-, U:.. *’ “ \..a. LIS UASi A, AaJ CV.-l. •' u * 7,i'->riy i'' ii.N' a* . V±- j. !r - J 1> A tit> •S.\.~'Pk*\ & « kiUij. 1J AV* iJikLii. H'.iyifiU;-. a:ai itVftitJ Dttlwl tud liap-.trWi wJ tad CokUitrv uia. it I*swt, ifnnicb Brno i iro4,f«.'i Uiwiiuud .vUay tudicie Utkuwuu, Phi-bur.’:;. P.w whl. A. «-TEA ÜBALE.It A&'u FAMILY GiiUUEli.t* OtLXSR 0? WOjU ANi> iIiTU I’ltui/urjj*. ticitry ti. Collins. v 'OawtYAiil.'iMi A-Mi Aii'.llCliANT, an*! jP Wt da-iutf Ucaior In tifuiU'.r.JM'eiifc, Flab, wno !>.•:. i. I -• .'.iiu-r&Uy, -No. 2i V.V h> ci.. pa&l ci. .UuidncU. • -,i,icoluN AND FChWAjiDiNu jiJfcKCHAhS, ANv \j Si’tiiiUSUA'j' AtiaNTti—No. 7\\i ut rirv«st,Cin«cu.i:i. Ohio. . _ _ A- MoorUettd. - Hjr.Rs \NU I'i-'JDI'Cr. DEALKKS— \Vi..j str.—t, Pittsburgh. |Uiy;Jo So»Mii «fc Sinclair, W» a üblaAUo J*»oCLjiSi AND CUAidilAalOfr MKK- CliANTS—Gorum Wood .it®. inora JJ. T. C. Morgan, - jmdk sKM.Kfi aCAfiONKK—ba j alwnj* on hnn [) a UtauX Bwkrt, I'nutjn?, Poet and Cap ra{*-r, Ac.. .Ybolwuile anil K* 4 tail. .'•). I*>4 Wood utrurt, below fifth, Kn ~ M-ie, PittsL-iiryb sfw. Wb. ,i^l r ltegt and Tunnere’ jkTHps. apifely * >UOKHKIjWKItSj tsTATMXKKS. DBALBIIB IN BTAN j) DAK.I; AND UmiT LITBKA L'UKK, and Publishers o; til- 1.0.0. F. TIHSBN, No. 16 Pit ill street, Pittiburgb, Pa. marls:ly 1. W. Cbadwlck, DEALER IN ILV‘33 AND P.UMu'U, No. 14i> Wood Street, Pitribur£fc. Thu highest price in cosh paid for rags. mylliy _ - FRA’S SELLERS & CO., (•'orwarderii ami CtlMmluion llerohanta ix rUOVISTtjNS, UUOULKIBo AND OILS, ja.tlta;: .Vo. ho.i Lit'Tly strft. I‘t’tiburgh. Pa. -VniL-iJI BtW.BR, Ptiiill Wi!.F.ICXIiT3OK, I’lttMlUrgh. ftlUer .4. Ukketaon, -%tf ji.-DtUSALE ‘iiloOßJlil, UIPoUTKKS <>F i'.K. \ NL'I t ■. ? f ; Win«nt»nl Hejairn—Nou 1«-and in. corner of Irwin a id Libei t* "trualn. ailLiborgU. Iron, Nail*,Cotton Yum**, £\, conitatitly ou hand. jy*fl William Carr At Co., I ;Va. C.mlk lot** hJ Lh»* firm of j. I‘aiirt.h £ Co.) Air OHOCBUS and IMaleryin Fon-ign W'ine.- XY nni Hi-indi*'?. i)ld u-inom;:jh,da and ftectltied W'his kn , No. oJ’j Commercial liotv, Liberty .-tn-i't, Pittsburgh, p, k . jlililV BAJIL-iL ttVLVi’.KAS o*ll7l T i’BKßd.t. iLCi. Klltlil'ATUJoK. H’CLI’RK.V'i, HfclUflON A, CO., IiriWLKBALK Oroi , ; , r-\ PmJuc* Penlciv and CumuiD W sion Merchants, No. -13 Liberty street. : v; ,r£> i*/ TTSIIURpßrtuerkiil|). rS'* I! K uriV-.'* have thD ,;„y Orined a partnerriitp fbr X tiic purpr *■■ of I'-rryiii;' *>n ti> ui.usnon and Forward* trio, in ojnuocliyu -..ith the r'u'i, i»xo/« UK-i Otl, Q>“-t iH’o dur- i;ualn-'.-; uo 1* r! Inf rtvi, of li*OL.;iit U Front t-truet*; fona>-:ly ■•>—Nt>iwl ilurlnvJgt* £ Indiram. WM. i:. HNdMSH, JA.'ll.-' RICUAKDSON, JAS. 1 ".KSNKTT. I’in-ss.arga, i ./nrttr.r,- l>t. !S*4-f-V.‘- -d.-rttra'fr.r family 11-0-. r!• of cc.-ry v n ri- y ~a l fjanlity. ground j.l liia coi;»in iliUa A : i- ? Dric.l Frait; ■' aud Douicd**. Pt-ntlacc ta’ai :• in m.iJ cbmi o'ft'-r’d r'-b indize. 'F. It. D. baa '-v.Jdre.lu full .-f Landrciri ff»rrunU"i ihir i and invite.- the ,;t.-ulion id all i»: Uroe-ij' bafiac- :-gU,'T--bruarj 1. Vi. r >4 /••V*'C'I’?STON AND rOll’-YAltl*lN j M 1-IIi.CIT ANT.i, /..M Vy in r’i-ii, i>;-y. :.i: 1 ■/.and Pi , , 'tv V.' .T' f iriu i>ii ib> (Juri.ri ot i i • .’..r N>\ m W.A»‘v -in ! t'ir.-L i. I'iUsburvl-. A. |Vfc:»:i. Mi ij r..\vcis n‘. ii.nt.nT jso. k. uinoiiav. • BAILEY «- UK.\«n.VW, rru:A DEALKK? AND FAMILY OUOCERS; Dealers in rN J_ Who I'-ii Willow Ware, Japauned Tin Ware, lloub»- k.“piu ' Cii'U.'il.'i. -vc., Wholesale and lie tail, No. 21)3 Liberty ’ *tr.-et, l*iUs!j'ir Williams, MINUPAOTUtOrtISRSf OP'CUfLSUN FURNACES. WROUGHT IRON TUBING, aud lining generally, for warning rind vuotilatioa of buildings. A. A W. Trill 'contract for warming and ventilating, by steam or liot 1 • water pipas, op OhUsnn' • Ftvrn.tre; Oh arch-is. Schools, Ilos z pltalrf, Factories, Ure-on Uouses, Jails, Hotels * orDwejfibgs. NT*. Market st.. I‘ittnimrgh. ' tot 4 ConunUston Uouae. mil}‘2sub«Tibet*S have (ljx-unl a Lomu* for Urn above pur- A poie,atNo. 17 Mulfhfmlci street, tour doors aboiolhe Monougahela House. We will purchase, or receive, on -eommipion, for wily, coiiiiguuients uX Fluiu-, Bacon, Wheat, Corn, Otis; BrrTsy, Flax S-«i.. Grosz Seed, Bold llay, dx., upon whinh WH will fedranres, or purchase at the best market rate.* for crush. novß *• ALGKO k CO, Ja«. JU’battghUn. Dealer utCpiocfißiES, produce, flour, bacon, &er, No. 10, corner StnUnfield and Find Streets, Plita burgh, l*t' norG JOUJJ U. XOUKO ~..TIICM. B. TOTTNQ.. .r&Att day vu.c.iM into ol. WALLINGFORD rill dL IL'ICH A. »LOSON £I*UE OKEMI, Pittsburgh. '■Vs4' " t-* x '< Dailti Jtowmg t*OBHaHBI> DAILY, BY GILLMOBE & MONTGOMERY AT THE ** rwiST VOLUME XIII BUbiiSESS CARDS, JOSEPH FJLKMINO, - [SUCCISBOU 'TO L.''WILCOX * CO.j ' i'lOltNhlt .iIAIUiIST nilililil AMD DIAMOND, keep* constantly onlututl a full assortment of Drugs, Medi au «t, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all arHclea pertain iug to Me business. rnypidaoß’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at ail hours. joum ruxiMU. ooouajiM nxMiflu. il'LfiMlNa BEOTHfittS, Successors UuL&idd* Oo.J WHOLESALE DEUGGISTB, No. tiO Wood &ircit, PUUburgft, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lsse’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, 11. Child's hhoe Mouse, Pittsburgh. Hotlce. ' l OS. PLKMINU haring aaaociated with JOS. ABKL, the. bu.-dneas will hereafter be couducted under the style o! AUtb & 00., at the old stand, corner of Siaiilitield aud to* rth Btreeto. j*Hy VVIUUiu 'fltoru, Oruggiit, 5 I AS&BiIOVED to the corner of HAND aud i’KNN 1~l Streets, where he will, as uroal, attend promptly ti Uis numerous mends. Ad articles iu hi* line are wnrranteo pure, and put up with the utmost care. aaxUitim A. Pabaoiock A Co., f,:f HOLES ALL DltUu W AKb II w USE—Corner Histaud Yf Wood streets, and corner W uod and Sixth. r7~L.T~ A L L E NT WHOUWAIJI IICUIXK tM Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Old Mohonga hela Bye Whisky, Ac., ALSO, UKOTiFVI Mi DISTILLER, NO- t> WOuD ciitLET, ITl'TshUKtiJl, l’A. ♦ r > INKS. Hr.tuditJ-, unit-, Coroiate, Jannum Spimr.St. VV CroLv :»ua New Ltiglaud Kuiu, ClurvLs, uhauip.i-.ues, ibvt'-h Ale, linden Drown Stout, Irish, Scoldi, li >u; n, Old-tlonongahida aye uud itecUlted W Lt*ky, Apple, |-. :i, fV il-i Cherry and biacinerry than.live, imported Hu . ftigaiia, aud I’riucipe Oigare; Uali-Spauish aoJ C'.'u.u. n Cigars, all at buch low pace* as toehatieuge conipe.j.j • f.mcv lb.r Kegs, and Labelled Dottier. of every *lji' • •. ; 0 immobile of all eL«*-- l rvbpei-liuiiy invite au cj.hu.,;. • i n of my 'lock, at S Mreet, I’llL.-'-u. 3,..,n, up..,.., J US GiikOL s i, • liivittnit •./» Uta.a.MJ.c.:, WINES, Ac.—Dea.rt iin Liut v*iu dn* * Jt iv-at-n drandy, .te-diiyiug Dlstllte* jotuer «... AnuUiDelc aud Vroi.i }• Pittsburgh. “l*^. J. ..ryar, • •IOLEi'ALE AND ~uiAIL 1.. ,r •|i*.uiUv’>- Iruua-, tm*.'- ii^. Vihoieiale and Retail Clothing Herrin NO. b h \V ooi> ;• I'llr. • f 1 ■ -iii- Buhwriber 1 «<» 3 • -rtsi r r •‘ . ■": ■ . RjiU Ihr j.ubU.:ir. Btu• ' 1..: *. .-int*-! ,h-UM-; ii> t»i*- !■ .-;u~- nv ;• r i; >1 CM): tiki A C'j ic -; ■« alu.:- . v.’if. 1 «H y vr • - l'h*- |tre\iOi:.. : M n..... w,u iw ?r;. • . i. ■ i Lvili.i.'. .lit,* iDc Lriu a c.i>,j it. :<•< », • ■- -- .:t-r i:*.• ;ar;ol' *n the CLv.>TUl?*tJ j t;t.-, L- | • r>' • - ;r-t atu-ntioii u> tmsiaerj* u> merit o ■c.u.;-:- ui { •' i«ito urm. :•; CljLi.Su*. tu\ ;•• 1-- -Tuer tu the mo»t UshldUaMt ..Ui oii 'iitl SfcVllfrl UollCc—■inferior U' UOU»* ID C 6« a... J aciei t< V, atk s lAiLUU .S» ■ lll'.l. eli«wU .p; •?. L #j_ ....-air,; i*!!ir , iujr.;L < Pc. “1 r: Jamu Mtliingcr. '•'ihCAlifcLA I'UMNIi MILL— \xmid reapwttiu.y < u i * hi*tnend» uud ttit* punik. Hist hi* new e-tul- IJX i'lUoru. *•» tuli .-p-ratioo, «iu that he n prepared to u-iMneul It uow _ *M ui‘ »>* uiu*re kr Piansd Lumber, i-rnsL Boat Cuims, ' *> n»u». Mwpruoth wdea, annually O &nU Flank, plKnt‘4 i.u j Luud. Fcsh. ttuJ .Mv/UIOJIiC-, m M.'vy 04 icf J Builders <*u>i L»rpeut*r* wouia tm:l it t* their a*, n i;;n- him « mil, ns Lu cam m-w ;uruf!i theta with plun •‘o'! -nitp.M- i..r every description oj worn. *4- A. ILikAoN _ JAJ*Es i Illhwiii | HEEJiON & CBISWELL, HELL AND HKAria FOUNDERS, \.Z .INUFAL’I UitKitr of hW kiudji of lißAsj WUUK. LO ATX LOMUTI VK, ei'KAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ar. Al- Batting Manufacturer?-. Foundry ou lUtocra street, Allegheny City. Office and store, No. I*J Market street, Pittsburgh. OUU BRASSaud COPPER t&keo in exchange for work. «. > T • ■ t r.'K.M>i:Hhle prii'i*?. oeu S< Sl’KluicV) House ptu.t, and ornamental fainteu , i> iMclrr in JViut—No.-ij :'-t. Cl«ir nlrwt, iTtfcUu;... . •n.-tnntlr nn h;.nu alj laoilh ol I‘uinu. either dr.-'-'T Hit: iJrui-n-v.'; l« | tr. AM) CLASSICAL SWiMINAU .i C-jyal wil, Jfc'ilcii :r|,.’ailn . 0- <■: i.lt . Put:*, !' •vc.; r;ll .it iii« U-st ijimii'.v, find for Hile Ht r**nn W. T. .\IcIK>NALD, >l. a.. I'eikoij'al r » 'UK n«-xi «)! til.* iu.-i.D.u: •» will .-..cnm.-Txv . - • i UoXiM \, lit.- ,nn «'l :a-M. m Hi.-r.-ir.i J •j *'■ ;y hivJ ;:y f.r.'t. mMv ,-r.apW hy tin ill 11’« A I imw»nc« lor 1 K 55 Si-: . JOHN H M W..-1 Mr*"-;, tiU.-tmr-h, >»i’t /C,/./--7«>*—Liou. A. W. Lw.-uiu,r Mnp, Jr., S. R. Von ?/ !•'*'!>•••:> ( -n :SU. A.i.:uM, ISM, tin- known ■n i.. -i.. U Miller, jr «ui 1 "" >■! Ai (lor 1 >;>.'>) . .in-M if-1 Lv fvint.irl C. Hill. „„ K a:... daalkicia all kini-j. m i; ; 1.1. s riTTSUIIUHH AI.MANM' ‘ obacco, haul), ttnir- hiirn.-1.-r Mi Ihl'iV Alm-m-wH wil; U-’miiintAim-d JOBEPK CHAPMAN, ‘ in if- m-ovn »<-n<-r. t;r isj;.-. Vl'ii- VLIj \Slf iILTAIL l>KAL : bil i.\ **’ l '" t - u ““ ! t,,h " r ' a ;" r.« ••.». m-J apiinsl. . it a ■> ... *• It r i 11 . i. n ; intrin-Miu’ "U tin- .-.tfivriiiUL of iho ni.or- Mm.-mirt. * uIUn.D CIU.tHS*, Hi--. for snli- :u all lb.- llo.'k-t.T-H, ».v the H *r.-.s* .i.j MAtihtT -lliEtl. I’ll .Mi. r.'oi ( iu ’l) lill'l t••• * ■ lU i'Owkk a, kikk.oo.3, ItCUi I'rX-JMJIt W. AND r Curtin*, in every . DeMKnim;, Ac. Conij.risilion Ormuncm ' dewrutinn nl Strainboiu.-, Buildings, /«•.. 1 | j j. street, uit-ii th- >?fTi: •*. NJfiW PAi'EU M1.'.1, CAXIOX, oWw. iJISIIUIv, ANDERSOX A CO., .-mri-M -i i.«- per mill ut the ahuV4> place, where the/ I t >y tr< receive order- for printing and wrapping pap-i ui all tisea. Inherit ' ’A. TimlU, _ _ " ~ VALISE undjCAHI'KT 1!A<1 it..inufi.r.’ » turer. Vo. K't> Wood Mtwel, Pittsburgh, I'u. jy*«7_ _ John U. Weilor, WHOLESALE AM; RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL l'inno.-[ Mo.de, School Uooßh and rUitionery, No. lilt: Wo.»d >-iretft: janl A. J.UAUAfI DAKIZL AHL, JB. HAUAX 4 AilL., WHOLESALE uu-1 IL-tnillb r, in A/M-s, Fancy rr;«f Siaplf I/liY (*OOD- S’. Ni>h ; 1 Murkutand Uoi»D itrwt, I'iti-hurgh. upr4 ' e.white house, - EMNOY SILK AND W-VOLKX DYER AND CLEANER, J. i No T ISABELLA St, near the Emmet Hotel, mnr4 AucoifEsr. Thomas M. Llttlti WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER—fifth street, between Wool and Market Ftrwtj«, opposite Iron City Hotel. All kind* of Jewelry made and repaired. Idps;ly 8. CtJTUBEBT —~ •*.. [_ CUTUIiZBT. S. CU Til BERT * SON, Real estate and general agents, Xo. so B’niihji/M ttrexL _ novl nara. HLBB, (scooWOB to Hubput a Ln,) WOOL DEAL * ER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, for the sale of American Woolen Goods, No. 139 Liberty street, [roy-t L. £. Hayward,, B BALER In BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKB and LEGHORN and BRAID HATS, corner of Market and Liberty sts_ NeTM Pittsburgh, Pa. JelLy ♦v \ * rrti . , ro s ~m _ _,. BUSINESS CARDS, ’ J. C. ANDEUSON, Ho. 6 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., WHOLESALE lkmler in Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Spices, Ounfvctlouery, Sugars, Cigars, Ac, 4c. U&isins, Pigs, Prunes, Orsngas, Lumons, Limes, Dates, Citrons, Almonds, Filberts, Walnut*, Cream Nuts, P«s Nuts. Cocoa Nuts, Pi.* Apple Cheese, Sardines, Pickles, Sauces, Rock Cnody, Vur ntwin, Maocaroui, OliTe Oil, Ac. aprildtly BSTBBjE*K»»iC WOEKH. no. 135 wood arum , t ,ai> door utov vmanr auxr. BOWi V a TE7L&Y.' IMPORTERS and manufacturers ol li-RKY, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES, Ac. We keep s general assortment of the above articles constantly ob band; together with a general variety of Fancy Hardware. Also, Guns, Pis tols and Revolvers, Flasks. Home, Shot Delta, Cape, Powder, Lead end Bullets; Bowie, IHrk; Hunting and Pocket Knives; Tailors and Hair Shears; Pocket Scissors, Ac.— Also, Trusses and Supporters, jobbing and repairing neatly eieculed- RIFLEtJI—We are making Killes of every description, to order, of the best meterial, and workmanship warranted.— Orders received for them at Wholesale or Retail, will be Oil ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prioee. Chandeliers and Uai Fixtures. f p HR subscribers are now opening at their new Wareroom- I NO. 100 FIRST STREET, between Wood and Smith field, the largest assortment of CHANDELIERS, BRACK ETS, PENDANTS, and all articles connected wit Gas Fitting, ever offered in this market. Having arrangements mad.* by which they will be constantly In receipt of new patterns and varieties, they confidently inTite the attention of pur chasers M their selection. We are determined to Sell as low as any house in the West, and being practical Gas Fit ters, can offer peculiar advantage# to those desiring article. In this line. We continue as heretofore to fit cp buildings of every dc scription forge*- water and steam. Brass Castings of ail kinds made io urder promptly. LONG, MILLER A 00., mariW.y No. lull First street GEOHUEULETCUER, r&OM SEW sons, T -. MANUFACTUREBof the celebrated S\, \« \ 0.4-Banier V.*ciiiating Wig. Elastii /\ T \ Band Toupees, and every description BE ♦'A of ornamental Hair, for Ladies anil ti.Mi.rn.il, T 9 FOURTH STREET, Woo-1 and Market, Pitts fiQHH BLrTCUtH's .-yptem enables LiuLie- Geutl.-ineQ to measure their heads 1. The round of the Head." No. 'Z. From the otct the head lo uuck, No. 2. No. 3. From ear to ear, over th-* top. No. 4. I'rom ear to oar, round the ft»r» , (u.:.d. For Touj’. «-s, U> c-’.'V-T the top of the head only—u puj pattern, the .rxnrt shape f 'f ‘he j ! my-* New i;"on"»jlT~aud Carriage Factory J ' JOHNSTON, BROTHERS fit CO., Qrrnsr y j Htltx-M and Blovuii itr»'U, AlUfihsny Ctiy, , ’ WuL’l.li respectfully infurin tbeir friends the public generally, that they baTe »mmm.pnd the manufacture of Carriages, *Baroueht«, Hockawr.yßuggles.cleighs and vtariotn, In all their various o! ’.ui.«h an-i proporth'n. AD orders will )»> executed > elU* s T r: .. ; ».-J ti dural/ilUy 4:. 1 beniity of hi.i>L. Repairs wisi h..-, •vltende.l u.- -.e -upplWi with our various grades of FREjtll GROUND PI.uUR, L -iTia- their or Irrr at tne Mill or in nur Ih>x»*-. at '..-Cmj, Wilson A 00., Woiml strevl.or Braun A it. iter,cor 0-r Libcrtv and tit- Clair nirael*. Pitlsburgh. H p. tchwarU, *.r J. T. Sample, Urugjrkl*, Allegheny. Flour will l-Mti-livered to taiatiieslu either nt the two cities Tvums: CAffl on J.diTerv. jya# ' BRYAN, KENNEDY A CO. 11 "Aki D WA K MS FO It Saddle™ and Carriage makers. 11. T. LEECH, JIL, 1 No. 1 :t 1 Wood Bdcet) l’lTIftBURGil. f AUo, Cloths, Damasks, Locos. Moss, Bent Stuff, Springs, &c., &c. r-|iJ.vr* - ’ 1 I r KAJ-”’ i'KA?: - AVSi_>KTII, the and J_ 'Ui’.V !tJ|-'Tt«T 111 ‘l:!. . . t&O L 1-t-l Ci.RC' l Tea-. from Li.U'l-'Xi's? ii* *• rt-i-.-iv i:,,; kt *ud • hm-v ..•Itt U.m or TKAi, Lf i: 1.-ler. i-d U> KHi i-urli }>ric>\- nod tjnen.-r.* (.r 'jUHlitv. UiK’. nil th.- rv<-ki.:ii» In Ihi.-or n--st city ' HJUi-i lie mr-t regretfully invite. o*e Ijk-li'v and Ui!.« unO I tc “tirroundln-.c tiTJ‘-iir.n ■'[ nntU'o, t" -‘-dl and :rj hi- TAt-, whi'-l, he fLiV> [l ' • <.< mun.ej. it the) don't give enti'turtl"Ti Th.- '•.!!• w i:.ir ir- Use ; nc- Piim- n.dor.’. .'•jiuctrmg nr>l Cnnj-s tIT '•ent* ft lb. , Hi. -ii i. '.rcKfctH.A O-lU'* Mi** V \t>. *•>«, B Vi-rv th.li* r-u - UtiPifn, 7 V V lh. '»rs,)lj. lii .• ;.CL > [r. Mv«on in I linperi-il, 7i’. t> fo. Mid loi-tu 1 . «l > th. ‘JOIM TKA ST K\tr Fin- Voi;n, K>.rr» tUi- V-.iit. V-r - >--t Vj- Don't inM-V. th** i> 1 os'l»Ucion>i mti i I'trim, ttj e'i-; to d»*n«*r- NKW Mlfif - Dili...ui.-.n:vr..hft>. ■?" • r mu., nms. rat ia*trurcfni< Itnlirm ao-l OrrniKit ntriiur*. I‘muo;-, by M. Kritnt, of nrvJ .Mr Ar&uM; Flutes by M. taler, Fr»nkji rt. A. M.. ClurinufJi>. 40 kind- of Hrae* lu*tru mtuH- fioui tin* Frm.cli r'l of which we oiler in th** public cii more Cons. s . IWUur <*oDfid«*nt the! w*.* <-*a n*n lor • nti:** -ht»«t«cijon H. S(’Ui:*)i:bKK A CO..Nn. ho Fourth *t. U iwhroedrr JtaJ U. Aiilnii will jjlTr Instructions on tho piMSi . Tiuiio »ii'l sep'23 AHNOLD & WILLIAMS, HEATING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, MAXI'FACT L ! It EJU* < P Chilson Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, A*n Kittixo-i top. Steam live ok Watek. jrj- No. -6 Market street. PiltiXuruh. *♦•“ We hnr.' -.1.1 our Furua.-e.-. Patterns. Ac., .o Me AH.NULI) A WILLIAMS, wh"tn «'o ■urdinlly rrc.miat-ml to the ;>Htrr>La;:i- ,-f the public. Ucpoi u( Longwortli A- Zlramermau’i Ca* tawDa Wine* ami Brandy. r 11IIK has i eo-i*--i and otJVr.' f.>r sale. a! Cin i ct*i«aJ« i/no*. iv larjje ,juunlity of Louwortb A Zimmer lUitn'p -’Ui'i'-i- sirui worM-renon n« 1 Dry an-i l.a ill-*' Swci-t t’fttftv. Ini Wines Sueli a- nu.f Jc.-ire to procun' ui, 1 ieiii r.rtr'i" ft Nntive Wine,. ;n. juice of tho prai-e.j will tiui- 1 inv the p-iaei* f..r U.*- itr.-tifi ratfon ' f their desires. Tin- L'.itnwha I.rundy, distilled trurn the .o-nuln<-Ur;,p,.. |> .lecl tr*-i \>y main excellent judges, e*iUi»l in flavor to the Lust imported Cosmic. Nunn’* dt Clark’s Flamo \MUtSU arm-iil of XI.'XSS* CLAUS'S '-lehmioi PIANOS i.H- Wen n r'.IggSSPMBI hv tile Huhv-erilaT. Thev have Wen c.ade^l^JMWf K:i.J.-«r«*fuily *>-x{»n-s>l> for thi.Hrj,ir-« " W \J U K**i, end iip»f.,uMler*-J unequalled lor rKi"»>iiuii» iftid of ton*-. They all po'-v-ess tin* new improvement of two irr/W/'u/e the 1 strings running over mil at-re the irebii*. They ure lullv* warrants to vt.md any rlimnto and ;■* *xeej in capacity lor standing in tmo- Priccyranie from *‘A>U to $S<)O A ino. a fin** lot *1 I’iiini'® from Ihe not mi lactone- - I IHiMIA'I i'ii., | ,d>.. Li-iIITK. N K'i\ I'-tN .i lii:.M)|:UK V. K. V. AM Ut.-aboT- will porilirrlj br * M n’. factor-, i.ri' - «s, without arluitiouHl , h;»r.n> for frviitht, HKNiIY KLKiIKU, L-k te for Naim* A Cinrk\* I’lumm, No. 1 < *l Thin! ntn-t-t, Si,-1- ••! I hr* Mi.lurl. Harp. A Nov Arrival of i'lanos. II M.; • T Tt: PLI'VK, No. U' Wood him- . in ju.-t r •i \ rii»> lot!- w -.nr nmv Furled, with and v, i:h .'jo! • ira carved JWj'omiue, peuri IteyK. 7' (.otuve i’iau ’i « • 11 j• i i .irv>- i, r—mi cniud. 7 octave Dianna. Two Jilllill liOmWOod T«n double nun:-! ••"lit-r U<‘“e\njntbrn I'ro- r entrain e tjirmizii thu hall door. AH buMtn-.. irnn.-a i:. n- ri. tly confidential Jf#~ Forfeited t,|. dtp-? -•old immediately after bn in- out of da’.-, mif.i-j- p.dcccn-d. L’.ar-ialtisuf Gold and Silver Watch er. Jmvc !rs lu.vnv lined. aprUbtin NEW SEED STOREi JAMKi WARPROR, OFKBRE for rule CANARY BIRDS of the moat improved breed. very hurdy, and line singer*. Bird Seeds —Canary, Hemp, Millet. Kooe and mixed S»»-d. Bouquet? will be funnelled mmp'-'-J <»t th- finest FLOWERS, viz: Cataelifl?. Ro-e Buds. Heliotropes, Ac. pots) forChrin-tma.-Tree?. from th-- reed and Horticultural Store, No. 4P Filth ?t., near Wood. der2o Consume the Smoke, milE subscriber hnvine the exclusive ticl.l to raanufsc- J ture and sell SWEENEY',' HOT AHi AND SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE. i» prupan d to receive orders,and contract for heating buildings with the mast economical Furnace now ta use. The attention of those interested Is solicited. Any lulurraßlion can be had of A. BRADLEY, Nop. 2 nnd 4 Wood street, or «t J. DA RNDOLLAR, Bjltu I Iron City Stove Warehouse, No. l.'U Wood *-t. [QLI3H DAIRYiriiEK3E—IIO boxes this dayreceired end for aalj by f*nSS) UESKY LL 00LLIN8. '.T"'*-’*-'-- V ( v ', ~ ** }T- .*9* R * ••' ' * ,V ~ '• ' ''* I*** *£■** x - * v *t' ' A • •*••“'• ‘ ’-A*.-' > - '• ‘ >r: '< k , ' . •> -' Sr *• -: * *• ■ ■ , %.**■> - • ?j-j «**r t • _< -* ••■. I** ** - - “ ** j *i* « ' PUTSBURGII. SATURDAY, - OpeQtyi it? ** lUW SCAIPH. ATKINSnN A OKKI.Y It. FIOKKISKN, No. l.‘>7 Litwrty street ■1 U • : street, .n>||\ N. M KM.'Mt ir\,.l Jp ,UV h'.j !e Grand Action 7 o. Loan Ollice, '.i ' * * c * ‘ • , . • jivs ‘ vi.***-*' .SK.a Ul* :lhr BUSINESS CARDS. SEW CABPETS, Sprlnff Style*. AT TUB CHEAP CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. *i THIRD Street.—'\V« are now receiving and opening oneof the largest and choicvat stocks of Carpetings, Oil* Cloth*, Mat*, Hatting. Hogs, Ac., ever exhibited west oi New York. The etrwk ha* been felected with groat care. Persons in want of any articles in uur line, are respectfully invited to call mid examine. Our assortment consist* in part of the following, vis: Royal Velvetund Brussels Carpetings ; Tapestry Brussels; 4 Aubusson Carpets; Extra Imperial and Bupvr Three-ply ; Patent Tapestry Ingrain; _ Superfine and Fine Ingrain ; Worsted and Wool Carpet*; Woo) and Cotton do Venitian 24 %, and 4-4; Uemp Carpets, very cheap; List and Rag, do White and Check Canton Mattings. %, 4-4, 54, and 04; Cocoa Matting, 24, %, 44, 54, and 04; Spanish Matting, very cheap; EU-gunt Mosaic lings, sf>U per pair; Axminister, Chenille, and Tufted Huge, all prices; Fancy English Sheepskin Mats;sls per pair; Oolored do do do from s2,sotosseach; Togethar with a large selection of Cocoa, Jute, Adelaide, Velvet, and other Mat?; Embossed and primed doth table and piano covers, of entirely new designs, very rich. Damask table and piano covers; also worsted damask by the yard, toilnett, doyler*, Ae. A great variety of patterns in floor oil-cloth, from 2 to SI feet wide. ' Buff Hollands for windows, 30, 32,34,30,38,40, 42,44, nches wide. Cold bordered shades, entirely new, very rieh. Wiudow Hhade9 of every description. Oval aud hollow stair-rods, carpet binding, tacks, Ac. Also, the Royal Turkish Bath Tuwela, together with ever j thing usually kept in Carpet Houses. “ timall profits and quirk sales.” C. U. HEADLY A CO., mar-hmae 82 Third street. j. b. Jones. JONES & BUCHER. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, JVntujtlvttiin Railroad, fool of Third si., Harrisburg, i*U. HAVINO increased our Machinery, which Is now ot tho most improved order, and having added many facill tlex for dispatching work, ve are nu» manufacturing First Class STEA» ENGINES) POlt Fl'it SACKS AND ROLLING MILLS, Blowing Cylinders, Boilers. Furnaco, Bolling, SAW AND GRIST MILL MACiIINERY A CASTINGS, Gas and Water I ipei*,ily druids, Retorts, Lamp Post-, Hitch ing P<«ffs, Columns, Girders, Shafting, Hangers, Bnirket.", C-llar Grate*, Hat bin Tuba, Spouts, A'df/iny, V'T.tn'iahs and Ornamental •■ Casting! . Wk p»y particular attention to the manufacture and con rtruction of Ca-t Iron Fronts for Houses and Stores. tlavlDg an extensive assortment of beautiful Carved Pat t--ru» «>i :!)«• tno.-r »j>prov—.l order, our great fai biu-.- for and shipping enable us to com pete with uur citn-s. Parti--.- creeling Furnawe or Roiling Mills, Mill Owner* and Mill-Wnghtr, will find i: much to their advantage to rnli *’••! -xnrnme our extensive stock of Pattern* ti-lore f uii’iiT.g. Ko.S A .\D BRASS CAXTIXOS, i 1! .f -ry which we invite the ittenti u of th>: o'uotrv and uty trad*. Having some dcsen diflerent pat t. rof Ten Ws.ro, w«* w-i confident of sultiug all tusto?; among which may be Souud white iron stone, gold band, g 'll send l. Mu*. pink, plum jiurple. brown and green. Al s . si laU'i.- Lr ,:n.'-n sprig and white imitation stone, which ran bi i 1 u;u<-b u ;>.«• real stone sure. COMMON WAKE—Our «tock of Common Tee*. Plale-i, l>L-fies, Rakers. Nappi***:, Uowla, Pitchers, and every article In Use Hue, is large, and selecuH fur the dty aud country iredi'. lil.W.- WAHK —Having a'lnree and veil select*] stoefc id ‘.ilu.-. ou Iraud, we will -«-iJ at factory pn.ee, saving tbs ci*-i th-- trouble ot making a separate Mil. Ail we U.--L .i ••ail, and »«• fe»-l confident ut pleasing s-pt) JOHN J. O'LEARY*. lOWA KOUHOKY No 103 W-.mjD STREET. JOlib C. 1 \ERY\ v succw**oi to J.C. Parry A Co-,) beg u.iuform tbeeu»u>men»of the old firm, and the pubik that be has now on handis. and is extensively sd ga/.'U i;i manui-cturiug,every description of CASTING*— -u* h c>. Patent Chill-4 Bolls; large Ki ttle* and Curbs; l - an-u; Kettles, for S ap. Pot Aoh, pod a Ash; Sugar Hetties, f t tiiv uiauafiK-tu:*' < f Cane — alt tujf on a paun: LT,<-r;i. bnowu ns J C Purry’-, cn-! nre ,u»—rirr Irr dura DiUty t'-any other, and sold lower than thi s* made nn thf : ..-i plan. iiOLl/JVi WARE—A general aa.v»rUn*nt, ail frt'in new and improved pattern:, i’.'Xes.Dog Irons, lron*. Rollin, -lill Cio;iri...wnd iia.'hinery of every de#* riptiMi, always.m hand or m-nie it ord«-r. Cook Floves, Kitchen ilnnges. and Coal Hrovee, of every description ; lowiDstk Stnv*«. five sites, which rwired the first prut- for i-liu and Ihnl, at the Agricultural Fnir of Al legheny County, Pa., uni ri 't'Ciui'-nded by fifteen hundre-J ;htwu.h; Entcrprii--t>>>k isioviie. rt.ur-iie.n; Ihrmium Ce*er. Trno Amerimu, KganV, Crane's, Kiukaid’n, Woods’, Pewe.-ick’a, Bull's, linprOTed Bull. Ac. | ifmujii Tho Michigan Double Plough, which ! has taken thu premium at the Elate Fairs ol New York, ‘ *'«u£S v i v *nt>., an 1 Ohio,and wherever it has be»n exhibited, i ■* •—J k»iis, liter* Pipe aud Tin Ware—all of which I prioae; axnl respectfully incite the •' n » ‘ * , v - aid fttud, No. IBS Wood ft. wti. IR V* JOITK 0 Piunv mtii;■ - . t,. ALL K G 1U; N Y POA o _ SOLOMOS SIIETTEU * CO. i (Late lihMH A .Semj>h*v Uollini; Mill.) on the hank of the I Allegheny, below the Si. Clair Street Bridge, I Aat'J'tw Ci tv, Pa. rniiu proprietors respectfully inform the public that X hariug made extensive addition* to their establish , smut, they are prepared to maoulaeture, on thvmust r.*a ! enable terms, Iron Work for Bridges, Car Axle* Quarry Work. Mow* Cutters’ awl Musou*' Tools, Shutting, Mill G-unug, Machine Work in general, anil henrv Forgim* of every ‘lnscription. Also, lib/IIAK SUOKS manufactured be t ■ ; S. : ,r!!- r'> I aUnt lion, A W JfucAiur. The Horse bhn* N«- . , I chine whi be m i.pcrarirn nt-out the min lie of February, ' ( v ' heti all ordera for Eh---* will meet with prompt attention. ! i I Mill Pick- made and draga-d. Orders soul by mail or telo-1 i graph attended to on the shortest, notice. ja!4:y 1 Cabinet Furniture Warehouse. rp B Y i*V.\Q k On.. C.rW f'umitw-. and JL • ufacl-irrrt. Nos. JW ;.nd 40 Emithtield' striv-, opposite City Hotel, would resp.fttul),‘ remind tr.elr old IrieLds and cuU' mer-. •r nud Clj■ nif«-r Fur niture, wa.Titutod iu mut.-rul and worKnuius'siii, and iovld nti n'twtia'de tr: ms. Car* - takeu in packiug Ihr land or water ejirring" SteamNiat t’abin Fiirnrureand Chairs oo band and made to order, tk.' u.-usd. ■ri.o-e mt. fated in furnishing injats v.iu flnd it to their luivantflge to .*iv m us a rail. :i« we give ev.-sy alti-ation to the mnnuCietun- of \rr,rk Wf «da;d.-.1 to their nse. '.tuol iIOOTS AND KHOCS, WHOLKSAI.K ANI) KETAII,. JAMhS KOlUt ha., tiuevl up iu splrudul style his store, No. S 9 Mark'd -tr»-eL. and N>> li Cuion atruct, bitwuun Httl. ,-:T.-t wild the Wamon.l, und lm- oow v-otapleted lib b'l ring . | i: . ;TS.SIh'KS. SLt PPKIIS.'., atil Palm beat, pi-Ml. Purlin and Braid HATS, to which he invi:. .s in.: l4 :tctiti».n v I all purchaser.., whether atwhole sale or retail I'Ll- -t is cio; ..f ?hi- large- l ever . p-i.-d hi this city, and riitorar. • cieryil.iug w..ru by th.- Indies of Philudclplna hi. I V-.. Vi.,-!;, aod In- trusts camiul fail to ploo.-e all. llrei't <-are hasn iriveu in M'lertir/ the cimirest gccds; i.ll c f w Iji. S to- wurrAiu-. : ini.iKiliu'tui'-, u- heretofore, oil de- I Shot-.-, .onl Iron; ;h: • long experience ot .n • - ,-uty . i. - m lni'!n>os iii lliis a :y. is. he trusts, » -uili -i.-1,1 guarnn l that th<>?»* wno favor him with tln-ir rurtoin. vs,n he funly dealt with, s.irl'.crf Seminary for Boy*. ■ -«v.-t <>•<* arul mtn‘*Di’o on MAN- X ;• •• ..u* r-i 1 1», and the duties ol instruction will be r- -n.;ie 1 t . ■•Je.vr- llKUltiS and M - L«.'NALI). Tli-I'! tin- t--d munch.* in tin* Academic year. Ttiiiuiii is f per tjuiirtt-r. Tli.- number • [ pupil- i» limited, and boys urc admitted in li.i 1 iri.-r ni uppdnitii.n-; which may be inudo fc.tr*-r Augusi ;uiU. t»T ;>4 LiU-rty street, or at Fehoi-l, *«r by let ter •lri.pp.-l in l\,.i Oil U-e. auibcw* W. B. NCAIFJC, I-Mil-iT snoT. lki'ut.ln wood and market M'iiKKT.*, i’iTTdLULii H, PA., i>uilfrauds’ Vntunt >i‘lbMl'' Li!- ieml-.of Iron. nl-'j, manuluctuiv* Co;-p an.l.-*!- Iren Work. Co;-kmg Stove*for ?t.-nmln>ats s'- -• ' 'l'.Pile lr°n ttnr!'. Largs* Unit- i"! Uriii.-es, .V'-., Cork Preservers, tile Iwt and - -i.-ii-i-.f Vi ml S;.-.i:nhiini iv-uV attended to. [iay'jf).\ \»'K .i e rn-.-i-. ing tr-'m A. w York and Philadelphia, > V ;;vt iiau' cui-ir-Ts tea, r-mpr-ine Yono.; flyw.it, Imperial, Gunpowder. Ooh-ng, S.un-lu ti/. liiid Kngii-Ji Et -uklii.-t, all ot which have beeu r„ n Juo v -ei.-ti.-i. uIJ will bn ur-ual. Jib “ITS AND SHOES.—Those who wish to get a IJI-iU liUll well litUng IMUT, SHOE or OAITKR, V.ill .nil ni M’l.A thill LIN’S, j>b U;» l‘.T' I V l‘.s, I‘urlot a.:d Ilea mg Stoves, Gnlo FrontF, Icnlcr®. Wagon U.ix>*s Ac , A'*. W arehouse No. 1-4 WOOD Street, a*K>f Kmmi, I'lttoi'Urgh. I'n. jy24 STOCKING FACTORY, yo. FIFTH STREET. Sign of THE OLD STAHD. WILLIAM DALY Lh« returned from the Manufacture in ' Hosiery IMstricLs of Europe, where he h&s pur ehu.-txl, p.r e;; temtoce of the day. .VsV'' --’ * ■»’ *. *.■ * TutL" s + a. .--plssth. at *g,ou s*eb astitom, ok »&,«> whek paid stricter m advakcb. NOYEMIBER 25, 1554. PHILADELPHIA. CITY CtBIIET WiUJHOUSS, JVu. H 3 BPBSWIT STRXBT, {omamYniriHDCiei Hall.) PUUdtlpU>- pursuers, nr evert btylX! Comprising Louis AIY, Louis XY, Elizabethan end Antique* with Sculpture Carving apd modern-style; In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany, Satlnwood endjdapj* i all of superior constru'dion, and finished in the heat style, equal to, if not excelling to qual ity, the Goods of any Establish- .>. i numt in the United States. 1 EMPLOYING none but experienced workmen, (appren !i tieee being positively excluded,;and using the bastma- Urials* the work cannot fail to give satisfaction to pur chasers. Amongst the many advantages offered to pur chasers, Is the facility of Furnishing a House, either to ele gant or plain style, completely from one establishment; by which means all the articles in each room correspond in style and quality, and the immense stock always on hand, being so various In design, enables purchasers to please their taste m a selection, without the delay necessarily caused in ordering Furniture. ' '' . • To rive an idea of the finish ad Furniture on band, I nsel only inform you that my Kooms are 176 leetlong, by 27 feet wide, four boots in number; with Shops contiguous, suffi cient to employ 200 hands, which is a guarantee that the work is all done under my own immediate inspection. - AQF-The Packing is all done in the Store, and Furniture warranted to carry safely any distance. Visiters to Phil* delphia are respectfully invited, as purchasers or otherwiw, to call and examine the Poods. ' au2S:ly JOSBFCI MOsaiOGßi 00MMHJ610N AMD FOBWA&SIHG MUROM ANT, Mo. 38 QojnptQAi, bxmw Fqa Zrutf, : -• St* Louis, Mo,, CONSIGNMENTS a&d Commissions willmCetwlth prompt ssd personal aUsetion, and liberal advances will be given when required,«n Consignments or Bllisof Lading, in Anna. Orders tor the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, vtil be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Receiving cud Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest r*u<-of Freight will always be procured, and tbe expense cl storage and Drayagsas much.as poealble avoided. iU p«r Cunt Lowtr thM *&)rF«rik lathe ' CMMV. A VALUABLE FA2M FOB SALE.—The subscriber la atthariaed-tD wli the ftUontng described TRACT OF r.ASI), containing 111 acres,situated in North Fpjelte town* ship, Allegheny county, Pil, 14 piles from the dcy cf Pitt#- burgh, and near the lin*©f , «tet i teabenTille Railroad, with Coal and i-i™* ntooe under the whole place, and easy of access—improvements as follows vA very eomfortableTarm House,3o by 26 feet, 2 stories high; Wash-House, > Spring House, and other ont buildings; anew. Fronde Bank Barn, 64 by 85 feet, finished in the beat poaeiblw manner, with g tabling under the whole building! 100 bearing Apple Trees, best grafted qualities; a larganaantlty of Peach and Cherry Tree*, all in bearing order;-Unout 85 acres cleared and ina high state of cultivation, efttaa slaitnaHtbtfielda. This land is very comfortably situated is one of the beat nsighborhoodain the county, being convenient to marked to churches, schools and mills, and would not bo iu thg market, only that the owner la about to remove to the for west Terms, easy aqd price moderate. For further parti* cul&rs see the owner, WU. 8088, on premises, or the sub* -scriber JAMES C. RICHEY. Kansas, Nebraska * Knowr-Nothlnglim au2lMaw Beal Estate Agent Page 4 Bacon, Su Louis; Ellfa 4 Morton, Cincinnati; CharleMfSlow A Co., do; Strader A Woman, do; Chouteau* Valle, do; HoaeaAFraser, . do; Doan, Ring 4 C«x» do; Bpring«ir 4 Whiteman, do; j.vr.HutierAßro.jPUUbh; E.O.uooodman A Co., de; D. Leech A Co., do; E.ft C. YarnftßAOc' .rhllada; VVta.lloUneeftOo., do; Morgan, J-M.BuckAMorgan: Blow A March, Mew York. B. B.Comegye, do; Front AForrert, do; Shield* A MUler, do; Cbarli’i; A. Meig*, do; Josiah Lev ft Co., Baltimore. A.G.FarwellftOo.,Boston; Abraham J. Cola, do; Howard, bon A Co., do; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville; H. D. Newcomb A Bro., do; T.O.Twlchell A Co., Commission Merchants. New (means* •A.l hare nu open Policy of insurance, which will cover all fhipmenl* to my address, when advised by letter per mail, or when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGKIDOK, uugO &- Louis. Missouri. LARD TWENTY PEE CENT. CHBAPKB TUAN CAN BJi BOUGHT IN THE AROVETKiIKITORIKS. Heal Estate Farm for gale. fliilK Huhacriber is authorised to wll TWO HUNDRED X AND EIGHTY-FOUli ACRES OF LAND, situated in ■\VtshU!w» trwerhip, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, lying ban* rd M’-Keesport. known as the WhlL-oak Flam, and in si ;ht of the proponed St.tion on the ConDfllSTiU* Railroad. Improvement* us follows: a square LOG JIoUSE, So hy 20 lari, twn storie.* higfi; and square 1/Al BARN, tk) by 30 feet, (both new and in good order:) two floe young ORCH ARDS, (best grafted fruit.) just commenced tn bear.. There fa ninety-t« not- hundred nrres cleared aod in u high -LnU <■( cultivation, and the balance is well set with litab-ruf the first order. Tote Land is well calculated lor a rtWx-k Farm, kcin&v«{y level, and thu soil of an excellent quality for gTiisa-growing, aud being well watered with twelve or fourteen never tailing springs of excellent water. This Land hae facilities rarely met with, being within half a mile of the Tougbiogbeoj aud ooe mile of Monongahcla, and :..movt ou the line of the Connellsvilie Kailroad, and fa eupiovd to contain an inexhaustible bed of IKON OKE. This L-vud would nut be in the market.only that tbeowvwr fa about to remove to the “Far West-" Terms eaey.aml price moderate. For further particular*, inquire of W. J. REYNOLDS, al Lorenz's DTiss Works, or of JAMES C. HIGHLY, au23 Real Estate Agent, St this office, Valuable Property for gale. I'Wo LOTt? OF GROUND, upon which are erected four Brick aud two Frame Buildings, which rent annually b>r i. Stud property in eiiuau-d in the Ninth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, ou i’eun street, between ■■ ■— and street*. AirC, the Factory and Ground known a* the u Empire Works,*' situated i u th» corner of Penn and Morris streets. Also, 23 acres of unimproved land, situated on the Alle gheny liver, one mile from Raft liberty. Oo a portion of ibu land there fa the best caw Mill location in the ooonty. ALso, a number of lots containing from 1 to 5 acres of choice land, situated one mile north-west of East Liberty, and om* mile east of LawrcnceviUe. The above named pieces of property are veiy desirable, tnd will tw disposed of on advantageous terms to early par 'll mu-re. I Por htius r.f *al«- and further information apply to Wm. I*. Baum, -No. H\«\l street, llUedmrgb. It. D. THOMPSON, anl'klf Assignee for Jaa. S, Ncgley. I UiAKLol'f K BLUMK, -No. lift Wood iimi, baa jurl re VV cri*ed the following NBW MUSIC: —A Song from the West; I’m Going There; Switzers’ farewell Waits, Beliak; Brother Jonathan's March; flours of Devotion, a collection of sacml melodies, arranged in auyr style for piano or melo deon, by Gro-«; Wild Flowers, Wallace; The Organ-Man, tEsteii; /arewell March, Bearer; ScbulhofTs Grand Walls: I to Been itoamiug (rondo), Drw&ter; SofUy, ja- Night Winds, Wallace; Mad-Cap behottiscb, Urube; Bud from the Opera, Beliak—easily arranged and ttogered for beginners; Jordan Polka, new; (JSuvres Pavu-ri, par Wilhelm Kobe; Parkinson* tiardeu Polka, Kensun; Parlor Masourka, Sei *UftfTo AUct Again, Yuan; Dying Wonfe 01 Little Katj; ' '‘~*~-o*rknew on the Mountain, Wallace; The Mother's - rfeoanu, sis beautiful melodies for small ~ a rood selection of Gnitar Jdu=ic, J l '”-,, ■'.-4c»u2 hand* by mmnnicaUons can be addressed through the (Sty Poa fii-. u v,or left at the Wirebou#} of Meagre. Negiey 4 Mohiiu. Wood street. * Boston Papier Blache Comiiany* MODERN AND ANTIQUE ORNAMENTS. PiTOßuitan agency, g: market street,—-The attention of flailders, Steamboat Contractors and Cab inet Makers, is requested to this new and great improve ment lu the manufacture of ombelUshmeau fur BnUdings au Goodii for sale at the manufacturer's prices—cost ot freight added. W. W. WILSON, je2H 67 Market BU Matthew okapi ixdda.vl. kli&inurk, trading heretofore a.« M. GRAFF A Cj., F; •><.• aud Uolluw wace idanuf&rturer*, No. 124 Wooa .-trerr, hare this day in-rocUled with tliem THOM AS J. GilAFi', as a partner in tbrir business. The name, style and title of the fl: m will, from this date, be GRAFF, K RISING ER A GRAFF. They respectfully solicit o continuation of the putronuge so lib erally bestowed upon the Crui of 11. Graff A Co. Pittsburgh, July Ist, 1854. ? 1 KKAT bargains of summer goods at A. McTIGiIL’S, \x ••oroorof Grant and fifth streets. I hrftu this day commenced selling off my eummer stock at first cost; the goo l« are all Dew, and have !>eeu purchased this season, and as they art- now ottered at pri<-en Lit below the usual nt.>, Ladies would do well to call ami get u bargain. The . ;mk comprises Iwretes, lawns, trammer silks, tissue?, greuadiueH. Uregede laiQQd, and almost every article usual ly kept in u faucj' store. jy3 :V" S 3 Ormrr of Market iirut and the Diamond. J ■'RANK VAN UOUDLU respocfully announces to the X public of Pittsburgh andTitinity, that ha will opun his «iew Trimming Store on Uuoday,April 17th. Haring fitted u,.th- '-tor - room in the city, and filled it with a .J.nb ■’.••••ti •■: tlv la v' to M per rent.-to yvar pur* chases MAiMsckatstxert. , sjn- QEOEGE J. HENKEL’S ST. LOUlfcs. New Partncrshipi New triminlug btore, -y NUMBER 87 FOR SALE AND TO LET. Fropertyfbf Sale. rIE subscriber offers for sale, on very reasonable term*, tbs following propdrtjvvir: A Throe Bury Brick Dwelling House, Ho. 110 Pena street, between Hay street and Evans’ alley; and Lot 26 feet front, extending back 112 fret to an alley. TteHetua leone of ttas best buildings. In ona.of fha most pleasant neighbor hoodainthacr^f. 4 - Five f.nta lunhesring ear—rs of Front and Terry street*; one hundred and five, feet fronfXja Jsrry and sixty feet on Front street, with ipn three stsiy Brick Bnfldmg on thfe -9(7—11 atwortory nu—Frdst sL,sadtwa BMaibßaild ings, used as shops, on Ferry st. 1 •' ALot,Bl feet front by wftatfiMfcdDr-VMBtr'Mwwa Market and Ferry streets. . • '' A Lot, with very oouranfcflt Tramr Dwelling; Lot 20 feet by 90, fronting on Gangrene and Bis fta. ; A House and Lot, on Wytie street, near the new Court House. Tbs hoasafaweU —staged aod-tn good order, and is now occupied—* bofeL ‘ A Three Btory-Brick, on Bmttiifidd street, bring ig lacattpa. The Lot is 20 by 09 feet deep, fronting on Smith field at. A Cottage Frame and Lot, 28 by 120 feat, fronting on Anus and Robinson streets, City. This Is a very deairw hie and pleasant location forareridenec. . . Nine Lots in Hie town of M*Heesport, ekch 60Tbet by 150. Beveral of these are. on. tha MMn street,; Eleven Acres in Lime town, on the Monongahela River, on whidh there are 4 houses; there art some 6 or7aereeaf ex cellent stone coal, and abandonee of limestone, convenient te the lasdingr and two'ookiniis opea.: - _ Ninety Lota in tha town efOoimnajtQ feet by 160 each.! nearly ail level, well loeatied. The tenant of each Lot h»« the privilege of using whatever stoue coal he may re- : quire for bin own use, from apt near the Locks.. Columbia is a pleasant situation on the bank of the Monongahela riv er, a short dfatancv-below Look Ko»3. hatha mUsjfof an eX* tensivo stone coal region, and would oe a desirable point fee Two Hundred acres of superior Stone Ooabwtth. House, Railroad, Ac. This property has a front of 140 rods on-the Mon«pgwh*i* river; an email—i landing; mud grade and foundation for railroad—with smoush iew£ ** «ns polut for houses and gardens, or locations for maaufeetoriaaJ The vain la deep to.aUcm iirSaitohe used tnhaul< log out the coal—the qusittyff which, tor iron work, steam,; gas, or for any ordimey wd surpafe*d fc? any fat the! country. , In myabsence,my eger.LJa—as Blakely,Bsq^wlU gire all necessary ba9*thotijed to give warm*; tee deeds for any properry Med. JAMES MAY, mj2H , ‘ v *- No. 110 Tnn street -. 110 R dALU— Two splendid Farms; one of 100acr«s,aad 1 the other 75 acres; beautifully located on the Upper Su Clair Township Plank Load, 6 miles from the city, each of them lying so as to divide into 10acre lots,having agood spring on each. It is a splendid opportunity for a specula tion. Those who want a good home, or wish to make money, would do well to look at It, as we will sell to** thfe | firet that offers us our low price, in lots or altogether. ’ Also, hve Country SeaUs 1 milw .from Woods nu, and only Smiles from Allegheny city, by way of the New Brigh ton Plank Roal. They are fine healthy locations,und of fered very low. Also, ten Country Seats on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Ushrovd,? miles below the city. They will be sold eepanDe or together to e eoiony or building association. It is a lowly location, and cheap, of coarse. Also, one Lot of two acres, and two smaller pieces of ground, opposite IlarlinaD’s at Woods’ run, offered at a 'very low price for f-o fine a property. An assortment of Lands, Houses and ix>ts, always on land, and described is my register. Before buying you would do well to call and enquire of THOMAS WOODS, jeT 7ft Fourth street. Beautiful Site* for Country Home*. rinUS ontersigned offers ioreale, on easy terms, FIFTY X LOTi, laid off and restricted for rural reddanees. Also, an ENTIRE SQUARE, on the of the Alleghany river, 704 feet long by 2uo feet deep; haring fronts on Mary mid Julia Ann Avmrces, and Henrietta and llerr street*. .This square contains many Fruit Trees of tha choicest kind, and commands a fine view of the picturesque and romantic sce nery around. lam desirous of preserving this square en tire, as It would afford one of the most charming and magt nificent ritss for a gentleman's summer residence, In the jminr>diat« vicinity of the two citiea. Also, about TUR) K ACRES OF QROUND, at the bead of Om Island, advantageously situated formanufocturing pur* 'jiOfias. . . The above property is situated In Dnquesne borough, on the high and main bank of Herr’s Island, and fa reached by a Tory substantial Bridge of one spas. For particulars ap ply at my residence, in Duqueane borough, on the main bank, fronting the head of Herr’s Island, or of JOHN"DUN LAP ft CO. corner of Second and Market sta- Pittsburgh. aprl7:tf WM. C. MTDI.BR- fifth Ward Property far sale at a floeri Barfaln, 11HREL VALUABLE BRICK HOUSES'AND LOTS.— TheM* Lot* embrace a front on Penn street, of 66 feet 6 Inches, to a 3 feet alley; onwhicb tberelserecteda Taloa ble block of Brick HoasAs, two' stories' high, with' kitchen and odlar in basement, 41 feet front on Penn street, and SO feet deep on Locnst street. This is a very desirable situa tion forelthor a Store or a-Tavern; Penh street being the great thronghfare of tbedty: and this propertj being con- Venlent to the Railroad Depot. ' This property would not l« in the market only that &a owner is living in Washington county, and finds it extreme ly inoonTeniem to attend wit. •" Terms easy and price moderate; for further particulars enquire or ROBERT DAT, fifth Ward, or JAB. C. RICHKT, qprls Beal Estate Agent, at this office. WRaTAIOittLAiNL COUNTY *ereals,a derirably upland Farm, of 134 acres, (with Jsvorsl dpriogs which baTe not ialled lfi oil the late unprecedented dry weather,) situate within' one-fourth of a mile of the Pennsylvania BalLreod, at the St. Clair Dopot. The im ' brovemenu are a welFfinished Dwelling and Tonont House, House, Log Born, and 70 acres cleered. Bteua Baw MHi, nearly new, and of tM tosaw 86 feet lua- t P ni. b -«U expense, be mad# to saw W .Also, atoi.. ■ «awfbr#dging, Ac. .It most approved cons*.. bar, but whidi can, at a <®f lo or foot in itjngth; with CireuUi H would also "be admirably calculated for a w , ted as It is in a fine grain growing country, irw ' four thousand logs can be had with the Mill. This'-Mm now in has constant orders for all thetlm ber produced. Log Wagons, Chains, Ao, can be had if de sired. Apply to JAMES BLAKELY, sepl3 Beal Estate Agent. Valmbis Property tor Skis, fp LIBERTY BTRKET, ADJOINING 'TOE HETHO \J DIET GRAVE YARD, NEAR CANAL BASlNy—lhla is sow the only desirabiu piece of property in th<« neighbor* hood not already bought op by th* renosjlvanin Railroad Company. Frontinguotlterty f Mfeet;oh : KtnrstreetlOO feet, thence to the Methodist Grave Yard 86J ty 110 feet. This property is most desirable os a HoteL The building' now ou it, a good subertontial three story brick, with all the neoees&ry back buildings, Ims for a long time been occupied - as the Union Hotel,doing a good business. Capitalists others desirous of making a good Invcrtmmt, will do well to examine the premises. apr2S.tr EDWARD FARES. . For Sale* I .WILL SKLL my unexplral le&»9 (fourteen jean) of a Lot, situate on O'Hara street and Spring auey, in the Ilith Ward—4o ft. fronting on O’Hara btreei, and running back 100 ft. on bpring oUey, on which is ereetwS a -four storied Brick House, 40 ft. square, with a frame, two stories, 60 ft. on Spring alley, well calculated to carry on any 'branch of manufacturing business. Being engaged to man*' ufkcturingin the country, I offer the above for aaje. In* quire at No. 4AI Liberty street. oc!8:tf EDWARD PABER. Coal Work* For Sale. SLXTY THRBE ACREd OP LAND, with 2GO acres of Coal attached, and all the improvements thereon in success ful operation, raid Parm is situated on the Honongahela river, At' miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplied With a Farm House, Born, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad,and an excellent harbor. - - The vein of Coal isfive feet thick, andeannot besuipoaaed in quality. Foe further particulars apply to NICHOiiOK A PAYNE, Jelfctr No. 335 Liberty streai. A Very Desirable Country Seat at Pri vate Bale, riTHK subscriber is authorised to tell the following' piece X oi' property, oontai&ing acres of h, situated in Collin.* tp., Allegheny county, i*a. This property is beauti fully located on the bank of the river, about 4 miles from the city; having two fronts, one on the Law* renccvilie and Bharpebargh Plank Road, and the Allegheny river; and about 80 rods below the ferry, and just Ocknr the new bridge, now being built over the river. For far ther particulars enquire of JAMES C. RICHEY, j»& Beal Estate Agent. • “TAOR, S ALE.—IB7 acres of Land, 3 miles south of Darling- JJ ton, &o acres cleared, good Orchard, a good Stone Ilonse, lar.-e Bern, two Frame Houses, all in fir&t rate or der, and olfered at the low price of $35 per acre. Also, one-balf acre Lot In Oakland, on Charlotte street. It i» a beautiful Lot; in front of Mr. Ogden’s fine improve ment, and is olfered at the low price of enquire of rat*. Call and got my Register, for description.* of a great Tiiricty of property. THOMAS WOODS, je-2 75 Fourth street. .. dM i 'll; ; —IIAI.F IN HAND, Ulanceto4years,fora I ’ New Frame House of s.rooms, with a large i..iof ground of CO feet front on the. Brownsrilje road, m. S ance fn five equal annual payments. Enquire of jel2 AUBITN LOOmSyfitywufett. (10TTAGK FOR RENT.—The main building of Honse os j Nursery Hill, with aAowtos odreoTgrotmd. Enquire nr t nTirpirjrmm. nn ithi jrnniww, w rey23 .. THOMPSON BELL A 00. Valuable Praperty Vow latai FVR UANDBOHE LWK Situate on Centre Avenue, near Pulton street* khd within ten walk of the Rost PbrAfofoa. Inquire cd -• HQON A SARGENT, myH " , ootner of Wood, and. Fifth sts. . to IHakwl tiplnriTyi u-.-- « --* c;~ti f * J-* * • * -T 4 '■ h igjuup\. : UPON Nr TUN PfTTtStNGS^PNM ;■* b ?: r> i ; r*pi4v-' -t ) y nnarttaowraxn.aiiLam; n- k |uare, one “ “ «wh additiew) iz—nfoa.. “ “ one week j7g ’* " fao 3 of> -•-■a--'- three - , , goo : ** . .... t-t-.-y ..._ 6CO ; “ tTomowt ha--_ r , ~■^■.i r„ r _ „,f ^T T4O ... s. four —tha.— it gg M -. x? stxmonflw. ig oo ** ; Standing OartLMxttnm or leas r per an tmp> r . ]g g 9 One square, perannusi, : (SxMSefve of the paper) 2ft 00 MISCELLANEOUS. HAVING disposed of ztiy entire interest in tho Clothing BoMgeftf, At JUD. 188 liberty street. U C. MVLCB KEY, I cheerfully recommend him to the pubMetn gnmrul : y>. j. CARROLL. persona Indebted.to.or having claim* against the **M*D. J. OkrfolL will an tassstaln the former repnYatkm of tbe boaso. Havtag. A superior slock of sew and fashionable Clothing. I am pre pared to fhraisb, wholesaled retail buyers, at as low rales as any otbar eetahtfahmeat fa. the eRy: uoyfodlm C. SrOLOSKEY. BAUTIFUL AND VALUABLE PROI'EuTT FOR BALE at public auction, near Manchester, part of thevutste ct the late James Adams, Esq, di-erued, cu SATURDAY, the lllh Nbvexubev t the preteisea. I .hare.beeu authotiisd by the owners, ro-sidiug la r 4i»ta&t Bt*te,‘toofferfofwfewtpuifovsmliß, THIRTY miit de unbifr mULOUiQ IfffaJ wtiriolng the bcuoogh ATMan chester, (part of tlie above-ustatej each 24 feet front bj 100 feet deep- -one tier of them! fronting on Market is ninety feet wide. ThesejLoU have a fine vreir uflbj i)bk> riwr and aOjacanTßetnery, arc near the plank in * 7?7 drlightftil and dariraUe naighborbood, and trill tw sold on quite reasonable terms. Person* a -bloik of fixir or eight Lots, could have a country home, with all the advantages of- a moderate price. Title uqexcep'ionuble, and* one or the very best about thy eiSj- apply to KeaJ Estate and European Agent, dotO cor, Seventh and ymiHifle:d-streets HAVING so«d my Interest in the firmwf T. KENNKDT JB-, ft CO., to William 11. Talonrt, whn.wiih A. G Henry, will continue the Laokiu* Glurs and Vuisty Itori ness at the old stand, corner of Wood and Fourth sheets trader the style of Wm. H. Talcott ft 00. Id nfrlently re commend them to my former customers, as everv w " qualified to gtve entire sathfactiou —^ AHpefsone haviogdeoamteagainst me,and all intb-lded to me, will please make an early f^ttlrmvnt. 09112 : . T. KENNEDY, JR- WAVSRLY HI HAVING left Wilkins Haiti aud c:ove*i to tb- \> ATRS LY HOUSE, Diamond *Ucy, which I have Stf'-d *ipln fine style, I would respectfully soikdt tin- cl -my former friends. Oyrteiw, Game, 4c, of the choicrei bind, can be had at all times. The Bar fa well supplied wife Liquors of the beet brands. »°°T JOHN WAl.Krl>. > AfiTHUBS, HODGEEB & 00., BANKERS Xt\D BROKERS. corner op fourth and swtiipiEld sjurkt3% wWin Pittibdrgb, Pro. Imtruaiioaa iuMvaie. MB- WAMELINK would respectfully inform hi> and friends that be will ebntisua his profession as instructor on. the PIANO FORTE and VOICE. Orders left at Mr. KLEHER’S Music Store, or nt h*fa rwl denee, No, 187 SECOND Skrect, will be promptly attended •. to Stowes I Stovei i I stoves 111 COOKING AND HEATING 8TOYE8; THE public will find it to their advantage to esainiig our atoex of STOVER before purchasing eIM-wbrre. GRAFF, RKZSUiGER ft GRAFF, flepoO 124 Wroi Ktrect. . Fall bonnets—a. a. ma reived a large assortment Winter Bonnets— Colored Gimp and Gossamer, Colored mixed Tripoli, Fancy Brilliant?, ' Rich Embroidered I*ce, ; ' Roll Rutland, WhftsßdgHsh Straw, Black English Strew, The attention cf MILLINERS fa H’COffllELLk. WILLOCK. BANKEEB, AND Dealers in Exchange, Bank Notes, .Geld £ilT«r Coin. Current and Par Funds received on deport 'Stocks bought and sold on oomzmaskm. Ooliectfona mad* ; at any point in the Unlu-J SUteu. . South Mast corner of Market And Flltfi strwtv, ** , nyll , , PITTSBCBjSH, PA. ; Wm. 11. Talcott ft Co., i {scocMßoaa “to t. kmmOT, a cca,] MANUFAGTEKELS OF GILT AND MAHOGANY LOOK-j ~ING GLASSES, Portrait and Picture Frames, Ac , and* '(faafare to Imported and Dtnoeatio Fkbct Goods, No. £2 r ror |ner of Wood and Fourth streets. Pittsburgh. octlilw n. cajLrr..„ n. nnsuccre t. j.caarr . Graff) ft Graff, YTTESTERN IXJUNDUY, No. 124 Wood street—Manu ' f Y faeturers of Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves,. ; Parlor Stoves, HoUow'Ware, n-.ia and Fancy Grates, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons, Portable Forges , Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Stove Hetties, Wag*q Boxes, Ac. Ac. «nll Pekin Tea Store, SB FIFTH STREET.—We have bees receiving and JLI have now a complete assortment of TEAS, to which we direct the attention of diutitrs and housekeepers. Also, Maker’s firamt; Cocoa and No. 1 Chocolate; Rio and Java Ccffce, (green and roasted;) Lovering's and Bekber’s Ha-: fined, (rushed and Pulverised fugurs, all of which will be disposed of either wholesale c-r retaiL octlOJm 8. JAYNV-S. XSWAKD a. EBA.. Hill A. Bolllday, PRODUCE, FORWARDING AND CU 2d MISSION MER CHANTS, EcoonaZle, la —Strict attention toall consignment*, for sale or Flour, Produce, Ac. Osdere for the purchase of Produce solicited and promptly attended to. Goods for rwhipment loi wordad with deepoufo. foetfofiin - MARTIN’S : EEST4DBAST ADD EATING SALOON.; ON THE EASTERN PLAN, 29 Diamond /v/itfre uad Market rtntu.- lah up m the bestimyie. and en the shortest notice. ; House open from 6 o’clock In the morning until 12 o’clock at night. (Sundays excepted.) - • - octfoly Fruto Aritrvk afii'kli tioodi, " T-T,, 3t choice Fall _i.J.Uoods, to which ihejinTitetiweUfiotioDOfUjeir cns tomars uDU the public ia general. The Goods here been with great care, and will be Bold as low as they can be purchased in the city. Their stock eonafcfe in pert of the Knowing: Plain Meet fiiiiu, t IVd do, \ Striped do. I PUid do, j Lopin'* Bombasines, : do bifc aadco’id Delaines, i ' do striped and fi’gd do, j Fine Cashmeres, Canton Cloths, Paramatta*, an grade, aad color, pricee, with toe totj io.. b«uekf*pmg goc*^. Iron Pm, SuSiS' SS? £Jk o ‘y* t *'* W Bu, “»- —made n' 1 ' ?°rieaf&n: tbatf.oaUy , weturiD ß of a new li*t, the OOMOiJ SSraSa-ssas • aprfl TIT D. XKGLISH, Mi Bottler of SiTITH’S cefahw.t*rt Ai, "mSH b rwp^tfullj ~LQII7 -«■ »n. ceu.unu, ~f tQnp g fina Pvlor f eyrnitare, of the best inet«**l S? “ d *° m *• S-t *^JK£l2 “iiiri 0 * P** 6 "- T. b. YOUNG i m _jepl6 r.ppodte gty Hotel, fimlthfiakt strait. BfoU and Shoe*. WhoUatU amd SUAmll i JAMES EOBB, ““**«* NO. 8»-MARKET, ind No. 0 Unt-n street, ttbti from the Market House, IHitsbotzh. would e*Ji ih» attention «f hii Wends anciSic^bK^SSS M *W!Zra‘&££ £ His stock is one of the largest nw opened In this eitr Md unbraces eTerythioft vom by the ladies in Y Bq “ cb > h ® trusta cannot &U to plt»»e ail. Great care has been idTea in ralmiim *v» choieo! goods, ail or which h» “*“* *•» He alsoooniinuae tomanofactore as Tiwtunm .I*4 Bcrlptioos o. Boot, .od & of ovjrtratryoMito bnrfnMs In tbl«dt,Tu.??SjS a sufficient guarantee that those woo wwm wfnTXfZ! bo UW ““ O. Blngkim & Co.’s Trsniuortsllnw i.«., Sabi. jjpsajl JSSHSUtIJaMj T°HW akh . °j a .“ U ■ UB P”. »°«h»m'« Lta«." Th«T will *> *££?& SS£Sj‘ Ira “ brt ’« n »“>«*». fM* f • ' aso. BCTOHAM & 00, pttUbuish, BUfGHAiI, DA Tig a 004 pwrH"r*-' 27fiM*rk«t «ert, PhEbdalphi*. JAALBS WOSOH^aSST la ypwh sLf M. L. OSTRAJTDM, Agent, &fl Vert Jorlr. . Frub ArrlTmlrtth. K«vrDr-p Good!Store. COIiLU-£ ... fcak>toekS * &TEEE,. . ‘ * f ‘" • • ' ! (D*. Thom’s old staadj ». : . ; tto.»vaao*wSU: ,•■ {i-ii! *•* orts (',l; :t'. i ‘s''' ~ * , j*.-. f■* * » ■ y ■■ -'- -j*: HTi ’2‘- A Card. A Card. ISON ft CO. have jus re ■ of new styles* of Falland White Straw Trimmirg, Colored Strew Trimming, Blonds Trimming; Strew Cord, Buckram Frame**, Wire Frames.- Dioomors and Jockeys, < rofpe~tfallysr|ikite