■ "' *' ' l ■ - ' * ‘ ’ ,-. .!■ .‘ V .••••.., ?>*■■** r ?r> 5 //* :.\vl,v ■ A V :V* •>.* >«£ •'• - \ v y -* v.-r-'; f.\ r;. } ■- -£1 ?• * r f°. *, w»’rfv ,?'i .•'•** ‘ 1 • •*•. *„;»,C ■; <* Kr , v "/** vr ■*' t *t-V oj„;,, v - ■•■■.)>■' I *;* siv'• • •. v '‘V:.. '-V ?-K‘, • j VjtJ'* (V’V- > S " ■ Vr j ’ Ki&S£ ■ tf 1 -V v i v-;. y iBtew*ssy*'V#i] SSSg^^s§«v;^at;siS*.*^ frit.* V. %h»S*q * f •■ Illfiiippsa ItSflSpS: T 1 Plf^liip SffiPgi^pSi£& & 'W- *; f i tptp?#mtes (9f»> , «» *«sS?» V !*> o 4«*.?.* «Ava<£«sw ■=>• >tjpp3L'< c;'•' *'*-’, } v '■ P-feil -'/A P PP -V -\ '- v -' &_ 7 £~ysh. '„. 7a* -■*- i , * W\-C t, >~-‘.f - - -/ - T „ ••• 4*' *. ,*fj j'- A t•• r % --V 7 " r .«* ,■ fr ’*•!*»♦,, f. •: n 1 '■'* :; .i’'i^ ■.' ■ ' ■-- '!'*' • • * -•**> * • •• *!:••*• -■ - - •£/*> ~-• •.* •*.*«*• " ,{ % M :* f -. V- ■ • v ' L" ; ■’ - •- %v- .-v '.VV^O ? *#£‘*££s ~.- % . --" '*•*- .'" ••’ 1 'ltti&s£s'*:'<■,'■ K 4-: :■'■■•:.‘-.i +-+is p '"•*.•■' -■-h ; .- ’.'•?*.?& V- .- , - ■. •. • r ■J' 4l lections of tie Stage, embracing notices °’[Jk t .' s t‘' mai>, popularity of this boot! is evident from the fact that Brteen hundred copioa were sold in four nays ftfbsr nntiHmdon and I lie demand in very Benkibty inert* as S« Sw £r,Xl «»• publieher has no heeitation in •«* ing a very short period 20,000 ropiei of the work "hw whsTthu proas say—a selection of a fow from among “ « The great book of this theatrical age.”—-Awn*, “ DestSod from itepiquancy and information, to attain a world-wide reputation, c miau*» boot.”-.vomsto»^ag«ri : . -‘A very interesilug volume. -f ganger. nom 81115 No. 31 SmithficM street. **oa eALn-A Jim uoug vi g IVI stories, three run of Stones, a Corn Cracker, ttmut Maddoe, and aLI other gearing and fixtures ««*«*£• «i| : n romolete order. Also, a Saw Mill, complete, two . Dwelling a Stable, and oilier i of fine land, half in cultivation, remainder in good timber The above property is situated on Bis Sewtakly, about 4 milMfrom'SewickUyfille. A good bmdness can be done with both Mills. Immediate posneaslon can 1» had if c»e atriH) For price and terms call at the Beal Estate Office of slrou. por price nun usruu. g- * son, uorll Nu.UO Third street^ •. ' ~ ~~t A * .;. i* MISCELLANEOUS- M — EMOIR3 OP MAJOK 110BKKT STOBO, of the Virgin!* Regiment, with u plan of port Duquosno. Introduo tiou by Neville 11. Craig, Esq. . This little book has received most favorable notice both at borne and from the principal eastern journals. TbeN. i. Observer says of It: We are surprised that thk! remarka ble narrative has not been given to the puWo before. Ibe fkots ere In a high degree romantic and extraordinary, mid are told in a poetical and animated style. Ihe ebapter added to the history of our early ware is exceedingly inter esting, and bring, to view scenes and clrcumstamxs of which wo had never personally beard. a The book costs but S 5 cental by' 'fifods, y novl 0 f>s Market street, near Fourth. TVToURNiNQ'OOOUS.-FKANH VAN GOKDKB has just IVI received n largo and beautiful assortment of Mourn bluck laco and gauze ells. black 110.-iery and Gloves, m wool, cotton and eilfc; Ribbons, Belts and Crapes, in all q Alexander k Bujou’s best Kid Giov.scun always be founl St 83 Market ftreet. corner of the Diamond. DOVII . =I7IKE DBEdS GOODS. —A. A. MASON A CO are now _T receiving an unusually attractlvo assortment of new Drees Goods, comprising black and iaucy Dress Silks, rich all wool Plaids, striped and plaid Mous Delaines, Ac. w >th a variety of very desirable shades of French Merioo.s Par oßJfttae, Wool Delaine*. Ac. m>Tb _ PUfclJiiiKVtS A.\i> JELLIKa — L'oaeben, in anart and pint jar*; preferred Quinces, in quirt auil pint jars; preserred Strawberries, put up in quart ini pint jars; preserved Wot. Apples, in quart and pint Jan; Cur rant Jelly, in pint and half pint jars. Twbltb doaen of the 1 r KITING STv)V Bi—We won Id call the attention of the |~| public to our assortment of HBATING iW' K 6. the most desirable patterns, suitable tor stores, offirts, par loro, steamboats and every situation where a first rat. IleatiDK Stove mav be required. We offer an assortm.-ni superior iu style of di-ipu, beauty of fluid), and : pnnin utlUty, to any establishment of the Wod l» the city. us a4ll. UIUFF, iUtISINOBR * GIUIF. JnM Wood street. mills Nx.YVSUOY ASD AKUAJa- X manc*» of the «ea*m; Who-has list read Afraja? Who has cot read the Newsboy ? Let all who bare cot read tbem call at once ar.rt them and any other new Book* they may warn, of nors 11- MINKII * CO.. oi sraithfield ► tmd ~W' U uTVok Kansas:—Just i»ne mmy i th* treaties of 1So4; compiled hr 3. Eastman, Captain in the United t-Utcs Army, from actual surveys. Juat rareived anl for aale by J W. A. GILDENFKNNKY k CO-, No. 7C fourth str»*ot._ TBAMILY'aND SOtIOOL LlUhAKlto—The subscribe j£ has alarge assortment of American and English Book? {■■>r youth of all age*; sho a full supply of Carter's lone ii* of Moral ami entertaining hooka, for children. A gouera variety of Hooka, soltahl* for Family and School Libraries besides Sabbath School Books, always on band, at DAVISON’S BOOK SIOKK, not? fctn-et, n-*r Fourth. T.> KAN KLIN STREET Pftol'EtUi tUK ?aU-a tie _r three rtory Brick Dwelling Il.»u*e. with li*U and eight rooms, well a*ranged, and a good cellar under the whole house, pared vard, Ac. The U Is 20 feet front by 00 feet deep, to an alley. The owner* of this Property, raiding In New York dty, hare authorir-d us to sell at a bargain. Persons Interested will please cull. < a. CCTUBKUT A SON, not? Koal Estate Agrnts. 140 Third->■ PLAID AND WATERED ALl’AOCas—a. A. MA.-.'.S A 00. are now opening upward* of 100 pieces new »t> t<* plaid and watered Alw*cca«,in all colors which will t** *old at the low price of per yard. Also, a 0 plea* desirable shades of changeable Alpaccas at 10 cents. rn,< ■ 3"SbAN k"LK^LlK\<"La'DIKS’'UAZETrh OF FASHtoS. 4 for November, has jast been r»-cei*ed. ’lhis nuuit«-r contains over one hundred rpl«*ndtd engravings of the latest Fashions, together with Music. Drawing. Crochet and Lea* thm Work, Ac. For sal® by ’ W A. UILDENFENNEY A CO-. nov? No. Tti Fourth street. TANtSLlsil DAIRY CHEEBE—JAW boxes English I*l u ' 7 "" 4 ” d ""^.vu.coiua HIAOiN'i'ILA--bOO early, suitable for blooming in tl wbitrr. ««i«a er WAB „ K1)I , BEEF BLADDERS WANTED, by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., No. » Wood street SECRETARIES AND R*>oK CASKS, of hwiutiful pal- Jg**- C ““ “’ I T. B. Y-.UXO *O. . / tatAi' UoLoES—A good three e.c-ry llKlu K IDjLSK Vy on Logan street, well arranged with a hall and nlm rooms, all well papered and tinDbel In the beet rt y»e: hoi and cold water la om-h >U>ry, ga» liaturee Ac., terms easy. _ , . . AI«o, a two rtorv BRICK HOUSE, on Townsend cantainicK five room.-, hall and cellar; price Also, a two story BRICK HOUSE, on t-arj-entc. >-rt**i price $1,600. _ A For Houses, Building Lots or Farms, at jrrw pran. easy terms of payment, call at the Real Estate ••• of S. CL’TIIBKRT A SOS. 14 > Third TO PKJNTKKS.-—We are rwmn.; frem vL. r ■ L. Johnson A Co.. Punier.*' uts«r> and i*rl U-a*. i-ri lined andcommonGalleys; Kra« Hulei, all ue *' '“““if and job Ca***, coiDpofim: anJ rbooiin* Slicka; L*T Unixh' and Furniture; UK) fount* taacy Card Letters. Lead* r< 10 Order* for Prww** and Type will rewire oor particoli attention, and will be fnrnUhed at foundry price*. S. JAYNES’ Pekin Tea store. Sio. as FilUfwtreet. T>LANKETS.— 600 pair* r.f the be* rnnkm ul all * , '°- J 5 Blankets, ranging in pTim from *-*• * l *--^l l reeled •ml for gain hy jootZO) A- A. MAMit A C*->. llOtJfK AND LOT 1 011 SALK, eituausd in Strawberry alley. Price SMO. V 1 , A Uous* and Lot, in Allegheny city, on IViishlngtr.o Lot, in South Pittsburgh. near the Toil Gate. lor IdiO T»rm< my. if. CUTHBKUT A Sl6 Kift* Agent*. No. UQ Third at. SALE.—A superior I arm Uou-e, in lusdn.. ur. . < mile? below l ituburgh, at the juncLK>u ot two h*» rUd? on ib* Ohio rirer; it l? doing a good buMoe**, and in the best kind of a location for making niooey Kuquire* octa) TiJOMA? WO )US. 7o Fourth «> T^ISII —Just rroeWrd, “t the corner of IAOvKI MXth MKhSMACKKREL, in bbl«, half bbls, quarter? and kit*. No. 1 do ** “ SALMON, in bbls and kitts; “ jn spiced, put up in 10 Ids cans; The above*anfof Ibis UiVn catching, ami put »9**Z™*3 for family use. joct24l \t. A. M CLtKG. ■i'fVw hTiOKS Hi* EXPRESS. —Utah anil the Mormons N £t«U„i;» U d Silk; W.ld, Id«d. ■ Tk. Grttor’a Touchstone; The Knout and the RumUus: Ttw Qrinoell Expedition; Aubrey; Farm Implement?, Tb« Boyhood of Great Men; Progress and Prejudice ; Trarels it Armenia* The Czar and the Sultan; Footpnnt? of Fannun Men- The Dodd Family Abroad. For sale by u. T. C. MORGAN, 104 Wood street. rVOPPKK, TKA, tfi'UAK. AN l> MULAddKB— i hairs prime Rio Collet;; 4 prime Old Ooreroment Jars CofM; ; 150 twirebuu Youn* Uyson, Black and Imperial T« 16-> hhdK prime N. O. Sugar; 300 bbls prime N. O. M-.lawe*. oak cooyorage, 100 bbls •• St. James” and St. Louis d. 11. Molasses. In store and foi sale by MULKU k KICRKTdON, nOT -j 220 and 223 Liberty street. SMALL CAPITAL required to purchase tl £ tures and good will of a busings to the city, now it uMxmtkra and making tnonuy. Full particular* at th« ti. CUTUBERT A BON. ~dot™ Beal Batata ApW 140 Third strait. EKSWAX WANTED —The bigb«*«l price, in outa, will be paid for *•'*», KKYSEK'3 Drug Knr,, No. 140 Wood atreet. nov4 SUNDRIES— 260 boxes W. R. Cheese, in store. 60 bu large and prime Cream Cheese, for cutllDg. 1000 bos Eur Corn, at d*i>ot. 1000 bn* Shelled Coro, at depot. 100 bbla North Carolina Tar, to arrive. 50 bag# Saltpetre, in *tore. 1W bbl’s NSJortaS/itouSß. In oak coop.rago. _ L 4« U _ boxes crime W.K. Cutting Cheese, jusir CSrr lIENRY 11. COLLINS. S ‘ rr “' “'.HSKV ... COLLINS. riTOBACCO —10 boxes Kuwell aTßoUlnson, 6 b ; I 25 “ W. 11. Grant, 6b; I*s » Webster's Old, s’s; with a large as *^“”t ° r other br * Dd '- 6 '“ “ d Bj l m° *faiNc'i’.»l‘nt -EES The day and evening classes of tue com- MKRGiAL DEPARTMENT, of this Institution, nro open for the reception of pupils In Mercantile and Steam* boat Book-keeping, Penmanship and Lectures on Commer cial Science*. _ , . ... . . w A new edition of lh« Oollepi ClreuUr, Jn«t published —call and Ret a copy. wyti ii’UTlKtt, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED— fI C bbU packed Butter; 200 bushels Rennsylvanla Clover Seed ; 5 bags Timothy Seed; received nnd for sale by noy7 *■ MILLER C RICKET3OS. LANEKi’B—A. A. MASON A CU. are now opening another large lot of all wool Blankets, of all klaes and qualities, which will be offered at low prices. nov2 N&W FALL AND WINTER GOODS—IIAQAN A AUL, So 91 Market street, have just received a large as sortment of tbe above Goods, which were bought at a large discount from usual prices. Their stock consist* of every variety of Dress Goods, Embroideries, Lace Goods, white Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, Cloaks Talmas and Shawls, with a large assortment of Housekeeping Poods- [pot* A/XCHES —REDUCTION IN PBiCES.—Ciliiens and strangers can now bny Watches at my establish- Blent cheaper than usually found in the eastern cities, and have a reliable guaranty as to excellence and time-keeping 'anilities. A very large assortment now in store. * Watch repairing of every description, particularly ana work done in a superior manner, and warranted, yrora, uuue ** W . w< WILSON, 67 Market street, eomet of Fcmrth. ROBERT H. PATTKBSOB’B ... LIVEEY and sale i ingi STABLET ~ 'Wy I * mo * d "hpmSH*??' «..v r AN IKS. us A W A UK HUTU AX SA7ETT COMPANY. OFFICE In the North Room of the Exchange, on Third street. PHILADELPHIA.. street, r MAUKiE INSURANCES. On Vxssttß, ) Oauoo, >To all part* of the World. FaxiQnTs, ) INLAND INSURANCES On goods by rivers, canals, lakes aud land c&riages, to allparteof the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandise generally. On stores, dwelling houses, Ac. ASSETS 01’ TUK COMPANY, NoTember 7,1853. Bonds aud Mortgages -—524,800 00 Stateol Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city, Spring Garden, Bouthwark, and other loans, -Ibl,odo 4 * Stocks in banks, railroads and insurances com- Cashonhand - l®* o7l 80 Balauce* in the hands of Agents and premiums • ' onMartne-Pcheie*reefcnttjissued; ,iai *isl 2, .100,000 00 Win. Martin, Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A Bonder, John C. Davis, Robert Burton, John R. Penrose, George G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, J.G. John rod, James C. lfhtid, Theopilus Paulding, James ILM'Farland, W. C. Ludwig, Joaxra W. Cowan,SeCy. TniRD ANNUAL STATKMKNT OF THE STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Assets, May Ist, 1852- - Premiums received to May Ist, 1863 Interest ®n Loans, Ac, Capital 5t0ck...... Heiumed pranlams, losses, Ba-issutaDee, Kx peoMe, Ac^..—.. Bond*, Mortgage*, Stock*, and other good ••eu curitiw ?? Premium Note* - Ouhon hand 820 %l Total ain’t of Reaouroea, Liable for L omea $36^31870 JOHN P. RUTIIISRFUUD. Dauphin county, P. 0. BKDG WICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS, Banker, Pittsburgh, A. A-CARiUEK, “ JOIIN B. ULTIIKRFORI); Dauphin county, A. J. GILLKTT, Harrisburg, 9. T. JON 88, llarritbarg, KOUBKT KLOT7., Carbon oounty. JOHN P. RUTHKRFOIU), President A. J. GILLICIT, Secretary. WiUinnure against perils of sea and Inland navigation, |mi, on Marchamilae In city or country, at lowest raUs con stant with safety. Poltci» twued on dwelling bouses Rher perpetually orfbra term of years. Branch Office, corner Fourth and Smithflald street*. m ySa;f A. A. CAHIU.BR, Actuary. two great r, THE CJfITKD STATES LIFE INSURANCE ANNUITY and tkust company, PIIILIDELPniI. CEASTSSED AP&IL 26TH, 1860. CHAKTKII PIRPETI’AI. CAPITAL £250,000. Office, s. E. Corner of Third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Officers 0/ ihs Hams Board al J'hiladtlphia: DULACTOA*. Stephen E. CrawlorJ, T»ul B Goddard, Ambrvw W. Thompson, Uwrww* Jouaaon, ttaojamio W. Tinsley, Gao. U'Umltt, Jacob L. Florenw, Jamas DvTaretU. William il. Godwin, William M'Ka Prejidmi —Btwpben H. Crawfonl. Five President —Ambrose W.Thompson. fedseat Examiner, Bilistrurgk— James EL WUlaoo* M■ D Ueakmy CVy—R. E. Siowry, M D. GK». £. ARNOLD. Arent, 74 Fourth street, PiUa’Mirxh. Tii« Franklli Fir* lamrauce Conpaaji Of Ptaladfip'itOy /YnruyuxiKia. T. IRSCTOIw- —Cbari- * \V. Barn Ur, Tut,ma» Hart. T:'Uu _ I Wa(i»r, Samuel Grant Jaivb R. Smith, O*o W iU.-b -a,..*, Mordecai D. Lera, AJolpbi S- lk*n«, I>»tW 8. P»m»o», JJ. .patlcreoo. Cuaa. N. BuciO, /VmJenl Cuas. U. RakiMX, Srzrfiarf. C. n»inu« to raatctnruran-***. p-'rpetaaJ r>r ! to Red, on every uR-criptioa *>f property, In town on.l country, at rate* m low ae k"c i'onjfc‘tent * lib recuritj. ’. •»« Company Lav** r*-. ?rrnJ a lart* Goniingrot Fund, wt -h, with tlnur e*pi;»l and aafriy invested, af fori ample prtdretioo to thi* ava.vJ - :h*« Afxts of the C.jß3ts*i*r‘ on .’anuary Ut, 1851, m poh- Lifl.-yl airwablv to an A t <7 AnwaLJy, an follow*, vti; . S3IB,ITS <* l.«al Ratal* . 78 I •'. mpe-rary Loans. - - - {&,>* IT tiocC. OO o**h,*c _ 64.346 81 “ TcUl - .jLSIiTO* U their IniXTporaiion, a period > f -oca veara, they hurt patl upwajd cf Olh Million Four Hundred Thn»»- aan-i Dollars, Icauea bv fcr»-. thereby affording *-TlJ«*oce of iha advantage.* of in-suraore, a* w«U as the ability and dlrpcai* lion to tnevt with j.rouipUu-** aU liaMUUee. J. GARDIXKH COFFIN, A**ni, apM Office, oortb-eaat tor. Wood and Third rt*. INSUEAHGE COMPANY, OF. HAKTFORD, CONN., Capital Slock, Annual Premium* and Wtetem Fund INCORPORATED 1*26. Pol I do# of Insurance iwrord at all time# on lb# ®o*t favor*- LOSS OE damage by fire, 0& TUI PKUILB OF NAVIGATION, OEO. E. ARNOLD, Aour TOR PITTSBURGH AND ALLKUUKNT COUNTY. V/eiurn Inxurxnc* Company, Pittsburgh, a. TILLER, Jr- President I V 51 UORXK>N, Secretary CAPITAL, $300,000, TX MLI. in*ttre agaln»t all kind# ofrUke.FIRB and HA Vt RINK. ALI loa#«# will be liberally a-ljuated and pruiiipUy paid. A Uome Institution, managed by Diucrou who are wall fcnnwu in the community, and who are determined, by pro.-iptne*# and liberality, to maintain the character which they haveaa*am«xl,a*offering the bast protection to tboaa who desire to bo ininred. p,r,riff —H Miller, Jr.,C. W. RkkeUon, J. W. Butler, N. Ililmw, Jr., W. U. Smith, C. Ihrasen, George W. JaeJteon. Wm. M. I.yoo, Jam*# Llpp*»eoU,George Dexrie, Jam®* He- Aul>-y, Alexander Nina Ick, Thom a* Scott. Office, No. 82 Water atreet, (Warehouwof Spang A On., up atalra,) PHUbuntb. oorji-ly Freak Stock of knuoi lb. Clark’i Plasot. y HI.KBKii respectfully Inform# the Xj • public that he bar Jujj<.uu, without addition for transportation or risk, and every Instrument warranted. Also, a large lot of Piano Stools, of various patterns. HKLODEONB.—A full supply of Carhart’a Molodecos, at $45, 406, $76, $lOO and $l6O each. For sale by JOHN 11. MELLOR, Sole Agent for Cbickering A Son*’ Piano#, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. oct4 MARKET STRIBT, BITVIIS TUICD AND FOURTH STRXXT3. Strangers visiting tuk cuy should call in to see the Iwaotifui assortment of CHINA, GLASS and qUKKNSWARR, now open at the above eatablish ment. Our goods being entirely new, we are enabled to offer ioducumeuli In all the latest styles or Dinner, Tea and Toilet Ware, while iron-stone, we have a great variety or shapes; alao, gold band and fancy colored stoneware Tea and Toilet sets. Oar Ptock of white Covered Dishes, Soup Tureens, Vegetable Dishes without covers, Salad Dishea, and every article appertaining to a Dloner Set la large and well selected. Britannia Ware, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Castors, Waiters, Rnd Hou-c Famishing Goode, we have a large assortment. COMMON WARE-Our stock of common Teas, Plate*, Dishes, Rakers, Nappies, bewls, Pilchers, and every article in the line is large, and we are prepared to pack them with or without fine goods, as the purchaaer may wish. Also, a large assortment of all kinds of &LASS WARE, which we are selling at manufacturers’ prices, all of which are offered ut wholesale or retail, by oH2G JOHN J. O'LBARY. Steamboat Furniture and Chair** cs\ WE have oo hand and are constantly manufaetn- UX. ring STEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE AND fVI CHAIRS, of evpry description, viz: *1 ■ Extension Dining Tables; Do Bar ’ do; Ladies Cabin Chairs, of various styles; Gents. do do do; State Room do do do; Do Toilet Boies; Tele a Teles; Bofas; Divan*; Centre Table*, Wash Stand*; Card do; Water do; Trmys, Ac., Ac. Material and workmanship warranted, and prices satia fiu-tory. T. B. YOUNG A CO., jy2o 38 Smithfleld at, oppoaite City Hotel. DRTKn BEEF— Cincinnati Sugar Cured Beef received by bot 3 W. A. M’CLURQ. Java JavaOcgeejeoaived •ad for Bale by [nov3J W. A. M’CLURG. ■«* ' ' ' ■ - V y V $627,470 63 Dr. B.U. Huston, Hugh Craig, Speocsr frl’llTain, Charles Kelly, Samuel B. Stokes, Henry Sloan, J am ea Traquair,. Wm. Byre, Jr., .Joshua L. Price, ' JemesTennent, John B. Bern pie, Charles Schaffer, J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, B. T. C. Morgan, do. . MARTIN, President )B.C. HAND, Vice President. P. A.MADRRIA, Agent, 96 Water street, Pittsburgh. Of PEHHBYLVASIA, ..... $209,016 61 1,916 19 lOO,OOO 00 1446,163 66 87,864 M PHOTEC’TIOS 81,000,000. ble Um#, against CHINA HALL, f , ' \ \ *<■ .•> *w -w « • • r -• • * *• 13ANK^.ft^4^a„J?|£KER^ L EXCHARGE ASD'BAXXIHG HODSi A. WILKINS A CO., UNITED STATES BANK BUILDINO No. B-11-4J Fourth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Bank Notea _C and Land Warrant* bought and sold. Collections made throughout the Union. Business paper discounted and loans negotiated. Stocks bought and gold on commission. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed when left for a specified time. dec3 ~ Kcmovah PATEICKB ft FRIZin), BANKERS AND EXCUANGK BROKERS, Bavt Banoved Umr CflJlce tothe Ckrmer . (ja&hly _ JAfl. S. BOOH .. —.lllOa BAMIHt, HOOK * BABGEHT, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, 8. 8. COl5X* 0? WOOD * SIXTH ffTS., PITTKDUMU, I*B. Dkai.krh ia Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills, foreign tad Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Ac. Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, Ur sale in gum* to suit iiurchkswrt. Oorrent »"■< par funds reoeived on deposit Collections made on all parts of the Union, at the loweat t UREITirAKQiINd IN DRY GOODS AT BROKERS A. BTTIGHE’B NEW BTOBE, No. » 6 HWi »/ ' STORE, I TJUY AND SELL Bank Note.’.ml'’Coin; Di.oc.ont time JJ t*g M t> exchange,and promissory notes; make collections In Urge and splendid assortment of HI RING AND oUiIMaH M the principal elite. of the Union. lueel.e d.(W» on OOUDtL jn,t r.»t.ed "ft call tad on Interest, and glee their prompt attention to all men oi ttie ~r} fine.! good, no* Imported. It compn.ee, other matter, apt-ertalnlng to a Broker's business. Eastern ; 1q part, * uuv. aorta tn r’owrvil E,eß,_»g.^U,onk.n^ M mar? j «. P-J -JOiiBl W UvUßf _ i line de Beget BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKEB, ! do beautiful bareges andTißSU**, in great variety; nitLii in | zM do New Style Drees Ginghams; XxchAnffe, Commercinl and Bank Bote*. | aooo do American, Freoeh and Kogllsh Print*; STOCK bought and all on commlwlon. Collection.: wo do Prcoeh.ndKngti.bL.-m.; earefally attended to. Interest paid on Deposit ftaK) rrench ooUar*. from liJ4 « ntJ lo * i » w *. . _ j»-No UK fourth street, nearly oppoelte the M. M. AW Mantillas, of the latest stylrs, ameng which are sol* junk. n decld of the most beautiful Imported Into this country. Also, Mualius, TkJtinga, Checks, Linens, Crash, Dihpars, Table Cloths, GenUamwn’s Wear, Ac. TRIMMING A—ln this department will be tound a com* pleto assortment cu Dress sod Msutilla Trimmings, Maltese and llonitoo l-aoe, fine English and Thread Lace; all of which will he sold unusually low. Ten bah* yard wide Muslin at six cent* per yard. A. M’TIGUB- HILL * GO., ItAPKKkft AND KXCiIAMi* BKuKKiki, coaxu OF WOOL U FIFTH BTUFTs. IJIOUT EXCHANGE on tb* Eastern tuie* constantly f-T O sale. Time Bill* el Exchange aud NuW» discounted.— Gold, ailver aud Bank Noted, bought and «'W- Collections cuujr in all the principal cities of th* Coiled State*. De pute reeeivrd of Par and Current Fund*. j oiart7 ly ./.»» rtnin '*»W*nD UUk, iioai-H:* gkiinra ft BAHM, BANKERS AM) EXCHANGE UttOKEKS, BOV AND BKLL Gold, Sliver, end Bank negotiate Lomu on K*-al Estate or Stock Securities; [-urrbM* Proiofa»ary Note* and Time Bill*, on Ka*t end W«rt; buy and **UKtoch* on Commission. Onlleetlcnj mad* on all polo l* lo the Union. ]» orn V cd., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE IiROELKB, DKALKkA Jft Exchange. Cwu, Bank N-'te*, Sight and Time Draft#, Ac. CUU-ttoe*';*vfully atteml»«l to, aod prooaad* remitted to any part ofth* Unltm. SUck* bought and wU on «*»iatt«on 74 fourth *t., next doer u Haul, c.f Pitted t •*»•» AtiiTiA Lboaiij. ’ STOCK Ah’D BILL BROKER, QlfUl, Sc. 62 Fl-wrtA if., ahere Wood, PITTSBURGH. y-f- Draft*. Bona*. Mi rijf*<*e, ao-4 Loan* oo «?>• i.i.r.l. owcuUated. fjVoc*** and Lend Warrant U>u?bf audaold orU5 IH9 3, EXCHANGE AND banking HOUSE OF A. WILZIHS A CO., Sl. 7 j FoCA’M BTUK, Oppoaite the Bank of Pittsburgh. _ j.„s Pirrst. aoa Dvmcsuc awl /briv* Arc.'.a’V'- /i-sni >i*». a.fui .'\lc*r B-wokL «S«U *j..l u.‘ EXCHANGE AND BASKING H • . Oriw/ of Th'id ami »<«! = ' i ' _ THOMAS WOODS, WCIJMSIEIICIAL BROKER, '*• !Vot«a, Bond*, Ntorki. Heal Katale, Ac .V* 75 F< ~ ■« « • A-.y >l.a>.u u*^.-*-* mairfale. s; :l i 1 t*A» OWwTON'g. WAVERLKY UOCSE, ao .v,utj. KlgbU, *invt. i Ch«»lcut *a«l M nuui, Lia L ic_- • tUe tlius, "KTO. 11l Arch ftr«*at, Phllwbui Lia. T. }». \i I'.uil ih* KorU,; ItoprwUrf. l ,u<£ * f UABKILL ItUtML, Of A4/.V J.ih.v/t'/U afA, II’A R A'A.V, '• vpillt PreprleLur lakes pleasu.v in u- :be X publte that this d.* and *i*eaol ll«lei ba* l«*a uj-,!)-: aj a bt'UM uf *auriAiiua«Til. U«tD|| i»«*«dK-w *nl H'».'. and aujoints* the aft.vu-1 IbeUPs. i>img*Cuinpauy.l‘. < lsJvw*n*Dls in Waden fix U*. ocvgcih*«l» tkru uf lb* iravrl’Sg tv.uuium.;. A sbarv of pauilc i«at<-oa*i:« t» rexpecliuJly w.lx-ll**t. It. I»A>KHJ. FRANKLIS IibUSK CHKFTNtT BIRABI. AifcjS K rilluD, I'ltiLUilil.l'illt. PARKER * LAIRD, I’roprletora. IKKHA PKH DAY. '* BcHiLLAAliOtak., .V. i/.'.V.N .1 r]>iic ondenignoi bating taken charge oi Ui« at- »« X bam ad Uou*., and refiiu*i il at a larg- expeure, lu » rtvmfejrUhl* ai well as «lagaal »ly»*. ts uuw prepared t« re cai». *MaU, and give ainpls aattolarUcti tu ail ahu inaj p* inuiw» lb. Uoom. lauk.tf j JAMKA l»>H NKi HARK’S HOTEL, 1 Lat« ParmarV > NO. 133 ÜBEK’n' STRKEi, fi«* l uf YUth #tr*wt, into burgh. SAMUEL IIAKK, PwiprWtnr Tub HuUl D caUrely now, having juai bwm «>ta; let"J anu opeood fur the aerotamodadu* '’t u»e publte. THE ULKH HOTEL 18 NOW READY FOR SL'MIiEK VIBITERfi. The ground# have lm Imprevni, an-1 tb" iir>iw. v*nderr-j mom attractive, generally. Tbs proprietor will be happ> to a** bJ# Irlcods. gg- An Omnibus of the Earelakw (Ju* I* now running fran» tli® station, on Fifth street, to tb* OLKN ll'iThh Leaves the eUlion at * o'clock, A. M. f aod 6 P. relurn lug alt» A. IL, and N. _ J.U. MAimN, AgeaL FHANKLIN HOUSE, Clavalaad, Ohio. CY PATRICK A SUN, Paorairroaa.—Tbu Hoo*e has na dergup* thorough and extousive repair#,alteration*, fivi large addition# of new furniture, ete., and tbe tore pkrige tbemrnlvM that nothing shall bewaoUug on their part to render the Fiaivxun a pieoe where ail Um lxxb fort* of a first elae* hotel can be found. O. PATRICK • SON. FLOiIJCNVK UUTILL.' No. 400 BROADWAY, NKW YORK. (ooiiDucriD us ins cuaorsax rus.) EEOfIKU LOVEJOY, KLLEY’S HOTEL.: CORNER FOURTH ANI) GRANT STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. S. EILEY, Proprietor. i. H’KIRUS, Ja, Att’T U- WWI PKKKY LiOTKL, corner of Hancock streetand Way, PUUlurgb, I'a. mar4:y McAIASIKIL' A MAKKLK, Proprietor*. RKaTAURAIViV. CORHCOOPIA «-OYBTEE AHD COFFEE HOUSE.“W D. BA&KABD. J/o. 40, F\fXh Street, Waxen Wood and Market. Janllblyj wrtai»u»ou. CRYSTAL PALACE, Mo* 18 Market Htrcew* C. C. SEELY, R£BPKCTFOLLY lufbrms bis friends and the l aAoblle in general, that bo has just atarted bn* York and Philadelphia modern tdyle oi QOOKING OYffTittSeudererylnlng elae in the eating line. Oystera In the Shell or Sieved, for 12% cents a dose a. lie will aleo furolab the beat of everything tbai the market will afford. Uoofiealwaya open uoill 3o’clix-it in the morning. mar!3-tf OYSTER SALOON AND RESTAURANT! 108 WOOD STIIJ££T. THIS subscriber has now his OYSTJSJI SALOON AND BATING UOUSB perfected in a manner that cannot be axeoled by any similar establishment in the city. MEALS WILL ME SERVED UP AT ALL HOURS OP TTZE DAT, from the Choicest Meats* Fowls* Fish, Ac. ( Aci His Mil of Pare cannot be surpassed, and he would respect* folly invite the attention of the public to it. OUABLKS SIltL, 108 Wood street. jfcShmMtf fit* Clair Lager Beer Brewery* mHJS undersigned respectfully Informs the public tbatbe 1 is now folly prepared to serve private families ami the public generally, with his celebrated LAGKit bottles. All orders left at his Office, MO. 3ti DIAMOND a f.i.HY, (near Wood street,) will be punctually attended to; and the Beer delivered to any part of lue cityorvidmty. Boults' Lifer deer H*ll, No. iOS itrttiy appatiU the Oiutom Bouu. rpßiS subscriber has just opened one of the large* t an. i. best finished Lager Beer Halls in the city, liis Bwrla acknowledged to be e superior article, and erery other ae denunciation about his house candot be excelled. A. IiWITZ. FLANNELS.— A.A. MASON 4 00. hare on hand a very large assortment of red, white and fellow all wool Flannels. the best of Welsh end 811 k Flan psla, fW be sold at reduced prioe*. w i nos© * ' - * %.V fj ,>v • ■-^','' i .‘Vv«^-'*•,’’> - : - Price* to *ult all— Dry Good*. AM’TIQ a£, comer of Gtraul and lifth atreeta, ba* just « received and is now opeuing hi* first J>»U stocks for rhi. season. The attention of Indies is respectfully directed to the following prices: Fine French Merinoes at 76c; 5-4 wide Parametas 25c; a large assortment of De Cazo at I2c; last colored Prints 600 pieces Flannels at 15c up; yard »ide Sheeting <6\i ; ail wool De Lalns at 2Sc. Kentucky janef, iweetLn and satu nets from up, ticking*, inuslms, linens, crash, table cloLhs, ail *uol j Uids, blankets, shawls, ribbons aud every other article usually kept lu a Dry Goods Store, alio/ which will he sold for caih at prices to suit the times. A. M’T’IG Uh, gop; corner Grant aud Fifth streets. New Arrival of Spring and Sammer Dry Goods. AT No. i'9 N. W. 81DK US' WOOD STREET. DGRKGG a CO., Imj« U-ttig iiuwoj--u lar th*iir»u«k*-L»'OC.J a«eaer kl Dry «* would re.-)**rifulJy •oUnilbe MiffißU* of 0i«» t*ub;K that, frcm our«s l»*Cidt>» »ud well M'ipcud »:u>-k <•! SILKA, KANCY A>b bTAPLK GOOD? w*’ -»n otter *ucli uelu-'euwnu eure entire faiUfa'lion. HAGA.N A AIIL. t pr4 !f .V.*. Market ami 5 L’ufrn elrt ft- CLOTHING STORE! JOHN iI’CLOSKEY & CO.. IAuUMidiLY c} m Liberty H wtiWi baa won an unbounded popularity under beaitue c( the THRLfc IMG IkHJIUS, have, fur »!** *«'• •Pijulrtajc w< re ejj*.-'e f> r thoir liaroen** bualnsaa, teiat'TTsl !:■ the >;>*;' k>u ■ out: tin* ■ ll th'' ri. ru.'T of D!Aii"M' AI.LKY AMj Wouli M'REKT, V. L«t« they Late now the cio.u SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! I*S HE Ain' MADE, CLOTHING, Y::»l Lfc* ••Ter b**«n I.ffpfrj to tbi* pubt'c. SJ«re> f> f '.b* WHOLESALE Tit A DE. TL«*T *r* --.i <»■*»]• *1 tb« LO H AST EASTERS PRICES'. A B .I {Utt will «*rrw»: Uj a« (T**! »»T «u» au f»rtuf»il in lh« l nt**n rCOCRs! ’'uRKtfS.'VVALKISO ANP Bt'Sl- »/ar »*»' i i'r i ■*CJ tl.* mull-;U*i "ur M*u:j »iii m l £*-ii »i p.iip* Ai i ..-irr» +* r=»J r«TofW L»oVl I lit* i'LACfc— :\o. 8S Wood Street. (aaat i cuest* or iuamoso ai.lbi. N r. W. >r;rr n,r }<*[.-.• fi: ".<■ UD'ltriU.iJ t!.*l «' t.*' U-. u'.irliM c:.«-j: « !■!. tkr C! --Uiln< }tu»io*‘» ‘>ir «:>BU'.n if '-o U; ti . 4»* »b«. »• J**i/nA’.i'l . m » John y.' cm«*kkv * o> K 1> >1 O N I) W A T TS, i A i !-■ ’ i.. !*, fJr.KEi- I n*». t7*• v OB fax.. 1 « ..r,;. »t r»U «ml M’mtri Li*, t th-' u> -I yx\i.7i.« tr-mh »vl t-tt-col V • t 7 l Il'!r.w, 1 l '! r . w , " , 77r','*i.u. [“!• KrIAMKrS * KAI!M. do ' r;:::.:,» ‘ Mrv iiarmar dkvnt, jo k . V "!‘. t r . ,V.. ThL.\r.iij*ha«* »‘>o WILLIAM MILKING, Horae Wood. '■ 0T ""*, '"V/ Vl/, '’ 1, i Hod. THoS. liiWl>\ AiWtcbotvv. TT’ “T * *.»• ti .• ,n wiUS 51«-uoNALD CRoaSAJf, Eoqr., Mooonff»h*l» ‘r < ' n'r-f.V **' Vl-jivln’* u.vv __ *prlQ.d»w "teas r teas! teas! KKLL’V MAI'K CU»7IUV> u |. itufHV-iM* t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, VS&SJSSSSIST % CSKit ** the rekin Tea Store, !'T Lho it-!' »» K:«U sT*irr, PITTaSCMH, P*. , nir l-. f j.ihs A t>> I>Y lh* half cbe#t, of neatly p*c*ed in metallic package* . M ..... .. M -. % " -1> '* •‘ttlt thf trade. *. r „*£fr * U V» d Tiif »uhfc«-rth**r t* now fro*iTlag hi# fall ttoek of QBTVI „ , > ffC" * ,*/■ T/nri-/ * t> ' l TEAS,—oonmtlag of *OlllO of lb*flne*tcl<|' At 3. 4? Hi Li.AiA iKJTLL /»■. ILVi>G,., i■> fi-nm!:n tfcp Ea.t#ra market. Merchant* rUiting tk* (T. CLAXfc KTBJR, - H nr»> U»> I t»-l ’.t> r*i 1 and BiamtOf OUT UtOCt. G 1 ENTLSAIBN f cLOf Ul.tO ju*J» M\c.*i*l»»4j t>| i r I.T, B»*lne i* a U»t of tli* unou* grade*, *1) of which har* t and warranted ;« »«it ““ , l> ? i 4?.' 1 . bworarefully relucted, ana cm with confidence b* rwcom- Choice BCi id Cl> ►TUS, l. ASSIH&RE.', \ EsTlM*:*, OJin *u-)oVKlU>'ATlNu.«,f tl.f let»atit)lr*,aW«rcl*-l -sprung ’ ;ju h4 j f f.ar Yoanglljwo; f> Jo extra&n* do; ri'IIK n»—j-w-tf u: l j lutvj-m* hi- f-.ieod* »uJ ibc 6u Lectured hoxe* extra Ourtotu Young Byron j.ul.lic that lih if h- » at ht» »torr. No. ITT LI! 2*i hall cheat* fine Qanpovaer ; •■> if ».r*rt, t' tK>W luMinrtmeot <>( Cloths C-Mela«ro < nui 10 do extra fine ao; \e*tio*#. of the Utewt and inoet dewlrmb.e etyie., which t>c 6 do do Moyane Imperial ; » prrptml t" make in order la the mo»t taebiooaole mm 1 20 Jo Faperior Jo; ic". at rhort ootloe. and oo the taoit rwwooahle tens*. ISO do FlneOolont Blyl Tom; Wr hateateo oo hand a luveutJ wall manufactured etock : to Jo extraflne Oolong; •! reiJv made Clothing, to which we id'He the attention ~0 Oo extra Curiou* jo; f buyer*., either wU-T«ring’»Cru*h©d and Pul- T«rls»«l Sugar*. ALSO —hJ,OOO Principe Beg*m, which will beaoMrery low. A. JAYNES, K«w Clothing Store, NO. 4. SIXTH ATKKKT, Oi'PusiTK LIBERTY. r|i[| £ »uli*-rtt«r liu ju»l op«u«fJ Uil* orw ••»Übll*brnent, X ehrr© ha h*J *lw»y» i-o ltat»U a l*rg»aoJ clu'ir© nn-nl of aliarU.ive of CurflUN'*. which h© warrant* e>jual lu euy in th« .-ity, aud »ill *©lt at (hr mo* l rwuooaW# pn The public arr mquefdtd l»> giv© him a call. BUrtMy B. OPPKNUEIMER. WATCHES. EWEIiKY, &c. WK Invite the attention of cUi»*n.» and stranger* voour lartt© and caretully ***lo< led «lo*k if Welch©' aU4 Clorfc*; K«Hroad Tim*' im-pers, in gold aul common or low priced Wat-Ol**, buth In gold and ailmr caws. Also, Railroad Station Regulator*, Office Clocks, Church Clocks, Ac. Wucu Kipaiiuaii.—We n cases, pearl Inlaid aod all other patterns of Mantel Clocks. Also, arid! assortment of hn« gold aud silver patent lever, ryltnuer, aud anchor escapment Watches, and an ele gaut stock of Jewelry and Silverware, which w* intend to 6eil cheap fTir cash. N. 11. Watch rapairing done In the best manner and at low price*, and warranted. mar2s FEW JEWELBY STOKE, IVo« 87 Market Street, (Second door abort tAe corner of Ute Diamond.) JOIIN STEVEN SUN,(of the late firm of John B. M’Faddvu 4 C 0.,) respectfully announces to the publl:. that he has opened at the ala>ve stand, a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELBY,SILVER ANI> PLATED WAKE, LAMPS, til- UANDOLKS, Pocket atui Table Cutlery, Britannia Tra and CbviMuittori Set i, and the usual variety of goods In his liue of business. Special care and attention given to the REPAIR of FINE WATCHES, JEWELKY, Ac. He trust*, that from his long experience in business, be will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Pittsburgh, May 16th, 1863. ___ __my26_ Uanry Richardson, Jeweller, HAVINU re-tilted his store in a haudsoue moaner, and but recently returned from the eastern cities with a tine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELBY, and iANCY GOODS, would call the attention of hi* friends and custom ers to the fact that among his Watches will be found the most desirable styles, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Pins, Fob and Vest Chains, Finger Kings, Ear Kings, Miniature Lockets, etc., etc. FANCY GOODS —Such as Papier Mach*, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table .Mat*, Colt's Pistols, Porte Monnales in great variety; China Fruit aud Cake Dishes; with an endless variety of uselul and or namental articles, which have only to be seen to be appre iated. (novl] NO. 81 MARKET feTKEki'. IMS.* WAXCUta AXD IUCII OOXD JISITEUiY A T ' BAiIUAINS.—We wish to inform the public ihat we are now offering oar present stock of fioe Watches and Jew elry, at prices that canuot be beat. Tuerjfore, we say to one and all, you that wish to buy One Watches and Jewel ry, give us a call, and mta from 25 to 50 per cent In your purchase*; whUb you cau ce.Ulnly do by calling at 67 Market street. .... N. B. Watch repairing atteuded to in all its branches, in a superior manner. Cold Jewelry repaired or tnauufac lured to order at abort notice, at i e 7 HOOP , S, 67 Market at. XTO. 100 BMITUFIELD STREET, NEAR FIFTH.— •j\ Money loaned on Gold and Silver Watcheo, Silverware other valuable article*. ka\l~dly - *.*jA ■ -M : ‘ *?• DliY GOODS. CHUTiiiiND 1 II HT u n WUU K , NESS COATS. Kali and Winter Guoili 13 ii WMch Trade. ClmmloUPi Loan Office, FURNITURE. JAWKS W. WOODWBIL, ’ ! CABINET Wirt>roomi DT mnd 9v rtiirii ** j. W. W. respectfully iuimiur, hi* friend* sad customers that ho | ha* now complete! hi? spring stock Jyi of Pumiture, which is decidedly 1 *1 ■ the largest and best ever offered for rale In this City, which will be sold at prices as low as any In the bulled States* to uphold the quality with well sea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest deagns; ana from the extent of bis orders ami facility In he Is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest Pr ile has adopted the principle of identifying his customers' Interest with his own, in quality and price, and key al ways on hand the greatest variety of «very furniture, from the cheapeet and plainest, to the most el* net and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The following article* consist, in part, ol his stock, which for richness ol style and finish, cannot be surpassed in any of the K&stern citiee: . / Lonl* XIV tate-a-tete Sofas; ’bO Sofas, in plash and hair cloth; "40 do*. Uabogany Chairs; _2O do*. Walnut “ Mahogany Hocking “ Walnut M ** > 60 Mahogany Divans; '2O Walnat «* “60 Marble Top Centre Table*; *6O “ “ Dressing Bureaus '3q « " Wasbstands;, "40 Xncloeed “ 100 Common “ 20 Plain Prising Bureaus; *49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 390 Walnut “ *6O Cottage M 900 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; Mahoganv Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry ** 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining » nil Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 dot. Cans Seat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs; 12 ladies' Writing Desks; Bat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; [ Etigulres; Paper Mache Tables: » Conversation Chair*; Pembroke “ l Elizabethan “ Hall and Tier “ Exception “ Indies’ Work u x Pmtl inlaid « Extension Dining Tablea; Ana “ Ottoman*; Gothic and Hall Chain; A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CUAXES. OABOUT MtIKW supplied with all ar ticle* In their line. _ . STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest tic*. All orders promptly attended to. Staamboata, Ahoy I ri Tj- Ta> sober riber* Under their acknow* far the favors bestowed ■■HHatbem by tbeir 8 team boat friends, and |W would respectfully remind them and others Interest- * i * ed Id building boats, that they are at all times prepared to furaifch. on tbe meet reasonable term*, every deooriptioo of Cabin Furniture and Chair* of the and work manship T. B. YOUNO * CO- Corner Third and Smlthfleld streets, opposite M Brown's Hotel.” jTmii Lowry* Jr. f CtUAIU AND BKDSTKAD MANUIMCTURIB—No. 294 j Row, liberty street, has on hand a Urge Stock of Chair* and Bedstead* of every description, made of the N-st materials, which he will Sell lower than articles ol the same quality can be sold In the city. Ue would call par ticular attention to hie large stock of Mahogany and Walnot Chairs and Bedstead*, which be will sell at greatly redueed prWjt- Also. Turning ol every description executed In the manner. Orders left at the Ware Room*, or at the Mill, corn*? of Adam* and Liberty street*, will be promptly •rented to. tan'll A.MILLIKENACO., HAVR ON UAND at their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. M Smithfield street, a large assortment of fancy auU pi*in furniture, which they will *ell li per cent. below customary rate*. Tense—cash oatp. _ Great lnduceuuntf to Gash Purcltascrs. Vi rB will «*U our large Mock of COMMON AND FANCI | CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fail to plea** cash purchaser*. All our work la warranted. Our term* are CASH- JAMES LfIWBY, JA, asirli, cor. Serenth-and Liberty at*. K. blKk’k.NsoN continue to manufacture VIA C A BIN CT-Wf AUK o| e-rery description, at hlaold *t and. romer of Libert/ and Seventh strevte. CN’DKKTAE * J *I.NG attend*! to, is all ita branches. mjll EDMUND WILKINS, At:d ft'ur '.\f Omsin-y Ua't. LmcrmcrnUt. MONUMENT!*, BURIAL VAULTS, TOMB STONES, Ac ► t Mope Wall* and *y-r~:*, SliLti* Wm '.. v and l*M»r i np», imtn on band tod made to order. .S 11. —Orin It mt-. c*iure-l « new style u/ Fence for Cem- M»ry Lot-.r.; DUi'.ARLK ' TONE, cut in panel or tnim. anu »: isrt ll.j* r-wt over lien feDfing. 1 .., M ,.,p f . MrrG io l tbrt B-».l ether work 1 hare already ilcr- itt .lir A'iv.-hfav Cwios.eif. 1 have on hand a choice :-..» of ■Raving? for ew-y description of work in roy ; .oc. 38 Filth street. Pittsburgh. bptlLiU* Merchant Tailor* JOHN LAUUULIN. formerly fonau for Mr. S. Stoner, would restwcttullv announce to bin friend* tad the public generally, ihatte has rental tad newly Quad up ihe tine si -lid lately occupied by Messrs. J. 8. k C. Lee, No. ;» Market street, between brcoud and Third, where be i* prepared to make to ordar GKSTLk.UK.V3 CLOTHING In (be moat fashionable style. Haring himself tarred a regu lar apprenticeship to toe trade, sod being a practical cutter, be therefore flatters himself that be can turnout garments not to tie surpassed tu workmanship or style in this or any other city in the Union. llnvingjust returned from the east, be has a large as* sot ancniuf the most fashionable Goods, in hi* line, ever brought to this market. N B.—lloy»’ Clothes made and trimmed in the neatest miDDi-r He will also warrant all ware what it is repre* st'nled to he. Parents will find it greatly to their advantage to give him a call, If they want their boys neatly fllfecL Don't forget tho place, No. 20 Market street, between Second and Third, west side. seMrdaw&n Dreii naking and tnllllnery. y\ MK3. 6. K. CARGO respectfully informs her friends others, that she is prepared to make to order the ’gPI latest slyleaof DRESSES, CLOAKS, MAXTILLAS, TaLRAS, dc , on the shortest notice and ou the most rea sonable lernia Children's Clothing made up yllh neatness nnd despatch. Bonnet* altered and dyed according to direction*, and neatly and tastefully trimmed. We ala to give satisfaction. Apollo Bulidings, No. 76 FOURTn Sawet, second story same entrance as to the Crystal Talace Daguerrian Gal; lery. JylShdawly W illiam A. Hill * Co., BANKERS, . .Vo. 64 Wood line!, PiUsbvrgh. HOLD on sal* tbe following DOND3 AND STOCKS:— 40 shines Kscbaoge Bank ; IT do Monongabe'a Navigation Company; I*o do Cikiieos'losarauce Company; $•*,000 Monongabela Navigation Company Bondi;; s>.ooo City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $6,000 County of Allegneny Honda. i/OK Tilt CURE OF DKAFNK&j, I‘AINB, and the Di s chariot MalUr from the Kars—also, ail those die* agrmible uuUct* like the bussing of insects, fallings! water, w hissing of steam, Ac., which are symptoms of approaching Lvalues*, and also generally wjth the disease. Many per* none who hare been deaf for Urn, fifteen, anil twenty years, and were obliged to use ear-trumpets, have, after using one or two bottles, thrown aside their trumpets, being made perfectly well. Physicians and Surgeons highly recom mend Us use. 1 From the Tribune.] PiUUTCS Doti’t Nsulict Yoon Cbilduk.— I Thoosands o. children anuuaily become deaf, in consequenoe of dis* charges of matter from their ears, induced by bcarlet Fever, Colds, Ac. Now. if mothers would do ihelr duty and pro cure Scarpa's Oil for Deatoesa, and use it as directed, their childreu would becured : but if neglected, the discharge con tinues very troublesome, the hearing gradually gets worse, and dually partial or total deafness ensues. IMPORTANT NOTICK: Call and see Mrs. Baxter, and the wul impart to you informa tion that wilt convince and astonish you. Astoodino Fact!— Philadelphia, January 4T — I hereby certify, that when l was about twelTe years old, I gradually became deaf in both ears, so that in a few months I found it almost impossible to bear, unless in the very loudesttone of voice. 1 remained in that situation until last summer, a period of eighteen years, when I beard of SCARPA'S COMPOUND ACOUSTIC OIL. I immediately obtained a bottle, which I have used, and am happy to say it has acted like magic, and quite cured me. Any one wishing further information of my case, which I think a remarkable one, will find me by calling at my residence,QoncorUstreet, first door above Second street. ftan«i*ia BaxxU. For sale by A CARD.—Mr. li. ANTON and 11. BCHROEDKR would respectfully announce to tbedtUensof Pittsburgh and Allegheny that they will give Instructions on the Plano, Guitar, violin and Plate. Inquire at U. Sohroedex A Oo.’s NEW MCUO STORE, M Voorai stret. . «•*» MISCELLANEOUS, ■Tarter’e Spanish Mixture. i: i IKK IT l'Cl IFIhR OF;.iUK ll.iK.ji Particle of m*'n,vrf'' u i* . *, .. i'ONDKRt—Aa Xj . O : . lung's Evil, Bhm* ’ ti«m, Obstinate Cutaneous Pimples or Pustule* on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Ague sad Fever. Chronfe Son Byes, King Worm Or Tetter, Bald P*aA, Xmargeßteat and pain of the Bones and Joint*, Stubborn Ulcers, Srphiflue Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudicious uss « Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of tbs Blood. fg- xhia great alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood Is now used by thousands oi gratefal patients from all parts . of the United States, who testify daily to the remarkable eures performed by the greatest of all medidnsa, “CAR TER'S SPANISH MIXTURE-” Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skln-Liver Disease, Berets, Ulcers,Old gore*, Affections of thyKidney*, DisesMeof the Throat, Female Complaint*, Palm and Aehiog of the Booee and Joiots, are speedily pat to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. ~ , 4 . . . For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with it It cleanse* the system of all impuri ties, acts gently aod efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Btomaeh, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Consti tution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by theexcesaes of youth, to tts pristine vigor end strength. For the Ladies, it is invariably better than all the cos metics ever used. A few doers of Carter’s Spanish Mixture will remove all saliownees of complexion, bring the rot** mantling to the sheet, give etasttdfcyto the Step, and im prove the general health in a remarkable degree beyond all the medicines ever heard ot The large number of certificates which we have received from persons from all parts of the United States, is the best evidence that there is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public men, wall known to the community, all add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this QREAT BUX)D PURIFIER. Call ou the Agunt end get a Circular and Almanac, and read the wonderttal cures this truly greatest of all Medicines ha* performed. - . None genuine unless signed by BENNETT A BEERP, Proprietors, No. 8 Pearl street, Richmond, Vag to whom all order* for supplies end-agencies must be addressed. Aod for sale by B. A FAHNESTOCK, JOSEPH FLEM ING, FLEMING BROS^and by Druggists generally. ocUH:d*wly SPECIAL. NOTICE. Sale off Alternate sections In the State oi filiaaomri, .... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,. THAT, UNDER THE Proclamation of the Pieeident bearing date tile loth ultimo, (No. 623.) all the 8« cl»on* bearing odd number* re maining to the United'States within six aula on eoeft ride e/the route of Ou Hannibal and St Joseph railroad, r” ns ted in tke northern part of the State of Missouri, more partieir lariy described in said Proclnnatkm, as advertised In the newspapers of the State,and subject to sale at not less than two dollars and fifty cuds per oers, will be held at the un dermentioned Land Offices at the times herein spedfied, to At the Land Office at PALMYRA, commencing MONDAY,- 16th January next. At the Ofßoe at MILAN, commencing MONDAY. Sth January next At the Land Office at PLATTSBURG, commencing MON DAY. 18th December next. private entries will not be permitted until after the expi ration of two weeks from the commencement of the pabUe sates respectively. The Sections cut by the route of the road will bo sold sutject to the right of way; and pre-emp tiou claims under the several acts of Congress, unless proven op and paid for before the commencement of the sales re spectively, will be forfeited. Given uoder my hand, at the city of Washington, this 12tb day of October, A. D. 1854. JOHN WILSON, oct'Jt Commissioner of the General Land Office. HKW OFFICE.. Seal Estate and Contracting Agent. subscriber has been induced to open an office fot the purpose of buying and selling, on Commission, and having the Agency of large Steam Saw-Mills and Boat- Yards on the Allegheny rlTer, together with many other facilities from other water and steam saw-mill*. He flatten himself that he can furnish any bills of lumber and timber of any kind, great or small, long or short, and .'sliver them at any point on the Allegheny, Monongahela, Ohio, or Mississippi river*; contract to build large Barges, Store Boat*, Coal hate. Boat Gunnels, Bridge Timber, Rail rood Timbers—Freight Iron, Coal, to any given point, and will attend to the Sale and Beatof Real Estate. From kit long experience in lumbering, freighting and boat building, bethink*' be can give general satisfaction. All persons are requested to make their contracts soon; espe rally those wanting boats or large bills of lumber and tim ber, should contract for them in the frill for the spring and summer use. He will also attend to the purchase and sale of any commodity that may be desired. lawera addressed to David klovit, Real Estate and Con tracting Agent, Pittsburgh, Box No. 120, post paid, will be punctually attended to. Hi* office is on Irwin street, No. 8, Allegheny House. __ DAVID MUNN. 001. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Morrison, Esq., u “ Mr. Robi. 8. Brown, Esq., “ Allegheny RiTer. Mr. Wm. ArmKtrong, “ Clarion “ Mr. George B. Sweney, ** u “ C. A J. Hahn A Co., “ ” “ deaSlilydaw STATISTICS OF COAL: Including Mineral Bituminous Substances employed in Arts and Manufactures ; with their Geographical, Geological and Commercial Distribution, and Amount of Production and Consumption on the Ameri can Continent: with Incidental Statistics of the Iron lltD uf»clure*. By B. G.Tayiar, F. G. 8. L., Ac, Ac. Second edition. revised and brought down to ISil, by 8. 8. Halde nun. Prof Natural Science, Ac. PuhiiniadbyJ.W. Moore, l'.*.> Cbo>tnu: street. Philadelphia. ' u>.< Coal inlcr-wt is one of the moat Important in the L'ai'id Siate*, and since the first edition of the late Mr. T*ylcj’s work was exhausted, those interested in the pro duct. consumption and trade, have had no means of becom -i„c acquainted witb the snbject in its carlo os relation* Fortunately, this difficulty no longer exists, as this second edition supplies sn mass or information in relation lo t TanoßS coal fields of this continent, details of mines and mining, sapply ami consumption, markets and routes if transportation, analysis of specimen*, Ac., Ac.. besides the coal interest, there is another Intimately eon ncci.cd with it, namely, ti,ct ol Jron, to the manufacture tu-i j:ati«tics oi which, a considerable portion of this rolome 1* devoted. Here will be found a full account of the con struction of furnaces u> smelt iron with anthracite coal, lb's work l> useful, not only to .the capitalist, poetical economist an 1 consumer, but to the ginerai reader, on ac count of the varied and matter it contains upon <-o!lateral *'dijccis. The publisher has spared no pains in mikiog this an attractive work, it being embellished with numerous wood cuts and colored maps, printed on fine paper. £4O pages, bvo. l*'or mW by octra Bcautimt and Valuable property far X! EAR MANCHESTER, part of the Ksute of the late J> James Adams, Kaq- deeMg on SATURDAY, the lltb day of November, at '1 o’etoee, P. M., on the premises. I have been authorised by the owners, residing in a dis tant State, 10 offer for Bate, at pabUc vendue, SO most de rivable Building Lota, adjotoinr Ibe borough of Manchester, pa t of the above eetae, each ‘24 feet front by 100 feat deep: ooe tier of them fronting on Market street, whieh is 00feet wide. These Lots bare a fine view of the Ohio river and adjacent scenerv j are near the ftank Bnari, and in a very delightful and desirable neighborhood, and will be sold on quite reasonable terms. Person* purchasing a block of four or eight Lots, could bate a country home, with all the advantages of the dty, at • moderate price. Title is unexceptionable, and one of the very beet about the city. For other na-ticalar* apply tl > JAMES BLAKELY, Real Estate and European Agent, ortlS cor. Seventh and Smithfield ate, Pittsburgh. 1) EAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING AGENT, No. 2, b IRWIN Street, Pittsburgh, has for sale,as follows: ISO acres of land in Coder county , lowa, 16 miles fro m Mus catine, on the main road to Marion, and S miles from Tip ton, 6 miles from two Railroad depots; 00 acres launder cultivation, a good Frame House. Frame Barn and Grana this, a good bearing Apple Orchard. The form is well watered, high, dry, good land, in a very healthy county. A very great bargain can be had of this form for prompt pay. Esquire as above, or of Mr. John Munn, on the pro mbfee. Also, 3 acres of land, with a Ursa Steam Baw Miß, now io successful operation; & Frame Dwellings, Barn, Black smith Shop and Tools, Boat Scaffold, Work Shop, Atu, situ ate on the bank of the Allegheny river, at Millar’s Eddy, Armstrong county, Pa Enquire as above, or of Mr. L. Munn, on the premises. 1 also want to purchase & to 600,000 foot, B. &L, of good White Oak Plank, 8 inches thick, 8 or 16 toet long, 7 to 16 Inches wide, putt to be delivered in October next and part in April, 1855. Enquire as above. Also, for sale, all the Beds, Furniture, and every thing of the fitting oat of a large Hotel, In the cdty of Pittsburgh, now doing a very l*rge business. Two to five years of the lease of the bogse can also be had, and Immediate pome askm if required. Enquire as aboTe. Je6 E' IKU) BOOK FOR RAILROAD ENGlNEER'.—Contain ing formal* for laying out curves, determining frog an gles, levelling, calculating earth-work, ett, together with tables of radii, ordinates, deflections, long chords, magnetic variation, logsralblms and nxloral signs tan gents, etc. eta, by John B. Henck, Civil Engineer. Pocket book form. $1,75. The object of the present work is to supply a want verv generally felt by Assistant Engineers on Railroads. Books of convenient form for use In the field, containing the ordinary lograriifomadc tablssare common eaoagtfibut a book combining with these tables otbs. a peculiar to the Railroad work, and especially the necessary formal® for laving out carves, tavn-onts,crossings, whieh this work is deMgmd to supply. U. S. Miuvaxt Acadsht, West Point, April 18, 1854. Gentlemen: i have looked over “ Henck's Field Book for Ksilioad Engineers,” and think it well adapted to the ob ject It» sr.uor proposes, and have no question but it will be fooudaTery otefal and practical volume both for office and fie'd work. _____ D. H. Mshsm. Tnor. April 2t, XSS4. I am much pleased with Mr. Henck’s Utile manual, the “ Field Book of Railroad Engineers.” With the presenta tion of some of the mo.t practical and useful of recognised process among railway engineers, he has given others which, new at least in their present form, appear to possess a mint of higher value than that of mere novelty—that of being in gene si susceptible of available, not to say desira ble, practical use. In couchudon, while I think Ilia design of Mr. fleuck'a book is such as to adapt it excellently well to profetrioual needs. I have pleasure in expressing my cordial satiifaciioo with Us execution, alike with the per spicuity of arrangement effected by the anthor. and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by his publishers. B. Russian Gum, C. E. and Director of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. For sate by WILLIAM S. HA YEN, Dealer in Engineers’ Stationery, au3 Market street, corner of Becond. (sep6:dlwawtf WM. AJUKJOJOG. Fine Tea*, Choice family Broeeriee and Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. 18 now receiving a large assortment of FRESH GOODS. in addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first hands in the Eastern markets, whieh, will be sold at the lowe3t market prices. Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. Eg- Goods delivered In the oity free of charge. sep2l A ffew Knclui Phyaletaa SAYS that B. A. FAHNJ£BTOCK»S YBRMIFUGE is the only article that can be Implicitly relied on for the e: pulsion of Worms. Burra, M.EL, Jane 9,1863. To B. A. Fkhnextock d C*, GorLCHEf—For five years put, J have uted B. A. Pabne* stock’s Vermifuge for an anthelmintic in ay pnctioe Uy attention was first called to it in a case where I hsd failed to dislodge worms with calomel, pink and cowhige. A hot* tie was obtained, and heed with desirable effect; since then I have prescribed it for hundreds of patient*, and in a large majority of eases with complete success. In one ease a angle bottle of the tnedidzte brought awey from one pa tient ninety-eight worms. I hare never known it to do harm, and 1 am <■!<■<■« to this statement from an honest conviction tnat it is the most valuable Vermifuge yet known. Such is my confidence iu its worm-killing" powers, that 1 recommend It to other physicians in this tso' tlon, and furnish them with the article. M. C. Si visa, hL D. Prepared aid SOM by B. A. PAHSBBTQO* * Ofc [ ooMßrdaw ~ No.fi Weodffcirt. A.JAYNES, Pekin Tea Stare, 39 Fifth street, Pittsburg! x. -V ‘ * i' -H' > B. T. C. MO2GAN, 104 Woort n*»»r Fifth. Sale at Public Anctlon t David. ntuua, DR. HORSE’S kvkwatifigCttdial . A Ptum/imsm/min Modi' i ' Health maroaßD axd.lifb by . J>ft. moe&sb la vKkOBATraG DIAL*—At first tha properties attributed «* hdtMoßj’i Invigorating JDislr ex Cardial wnvdasmed fctalomr : Tba pubne, often deceived, could not believe tba aimplaand *J > lime truths announced bytbe diseoveree.--Eat tecta*** Is niable facts, auaatad by witaamesof theidubA* rlMi «nJ character,, ant new triumphing crrer-aHtem liter iMrriia: UU taptecftbarrmby»mamoftesilm*j ahtei U yaMtly bn oWMterd* ■ • '>n: *: * Tb*26U3* wmedite, In all cm, {ggi a nlog—ifir abuse of the various ecgaw vbich laafcarm thn wimrtsrfnltit htnr mlltiTnsn ltadswto fail rtgcrevery delkste function cormwctartwilb that myw tartous eompound agency of matter and miad, swuutj to the reproduction of human life. Tapettsnaof Aisbte. aus cular frame, or deficient in vital power, itiasaaßnbßeuded as the only means of oommuakatiag M antrgy/Srbteb ta necessary to the proper enjoyment of all tbsisMnl usae tiles, as well as the higher mental atafbuf ■ Hslriusrtnsl afleets are not confined to either Mg, orte snysaga-Ibe feeble girl, the ailing wife, the listless, eumvaiatesnaHi, the uii iam ii tiistinflraitnurf thrflrrimnf afiinniiSMsaslrn. the Individual nUw4t»y freon mwl «UhUley f^.fT?B| .|Ka weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate awl per manmt relief from the use of this lneoMSTsbls inwator. To those who bare predisposition to paabri%ltwiD jeers a. complete and unfetiing aafeguanTagamst that terrible malady. There are many, pachapsy who have so triJsd with thdr constitutions, that they think thnarireebeTtefi tha reach of medidne. Let-aotsven ibeae despair. Iha Elixir deals with ittassMASjfeexists, without rriesenepto causes, and will not only remoreths disorder ftaelL but . REBUILD THE BROKEN OONBTITOTIQH. The dsxanggnentaof the system, leafing to nervous dis i eases, and thvtbnns of nervous disease an so turner I crus that it would require acoiumfi to enumerate the'm*la dles fbr which this preparation !* a specific. A erer, may be enumerated, via: nenmlglA tic doiawanx, head-ache, incipient paralysis, hysteria, palpitation of the heart, Bpinfcl affections, muscular debility, murt, flatu lence, a pricking sensation in the fieth, numbness,tifentai depression, weakness of the will, indisposition to more, feinting after ettidee, broken sleep and tenffrfsg dreams, inability to remain in tmisplace or porition,w«ijmMu ef the larities, a i ail complaints growfog out of a five indulgence.of rtbtf pas dons, and all barrenness that does not procaetifhmorgisJc causes beyond the reach of madidne. Whensrer the organs to be *eted updn sra.freefhunmal formation orstrictural disease*,!!!*aTerrtlthat _ . I mobsb’B xuza- - *ill replace weakness with strength, inciapadty wUh sfici -ncy, irregularity with unUbrm ana natural activity, and t ’.da not only without haaard of ra action, hot wfth a hfpry uTect on the general organisation. 49* Bear inminduiat nil maladies, wherever they begin, finish wtOithe nervosa •-/stem, and that the the o herve of motion urul sensation is pbytical death. • !Bear in wi«it |W that rcrevervkind of nervous disease the Elixir CorfiaTU the only reliable preparation known. CDEKOFZfEBTOUB!ftj&g& *•' No language cu ewprey an adequate 0 f tbaimme disteand almost the diseased, debilitated and shattered nerToassytesm, whether broken down by excess, weak by oat ore, or tapabnd by akknew the no strong and relaxed otfaaitatfes-ff atone* braced, rertrified and built up. The mental and'phyriesl symptoms of oerroos dlaoMaa raoish together onderua in* fioenee.' Nor if the effect temporary; on the sontmy U»* relief ia permanent—for the Cordial properties of the iaedi rine reach the constitution Iteeff.aDdreetoraiUoita normal condition. LOSS OP MEMORY, . Confruion, giddiness, rush of btoodtothebeadyinelaneholy, i •ebility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of selfdestru* | • lion—fear of Insanity, dyspepsia, genera irra* libiiity, nervousness, inability to deep, diseases incident to \ females, decoy of the prorogating functions, hysteria,mono • mania, vague terrors, palpitation of the hairt, lmpoiency, • constipation, etc., from whatever eaueearising, itfe, if there t. ’ is an r reliance to be placed on human testimony .abeobuely f Tifcnrhio • * i A GREAT MEDICINE PQR FEMALES. \ .The unparalleled effects of this greet rostoratirm In ill ’> complaints Incident to females, mark a new era I* the an* 1 . n«ig of medicine. Thousands of stimulants bate been in* ‘ rented —thousand of InTigorsnt? concocted—all purporting I ' • tntm riri-jflnrt in fTin Tt*ir~n iflfinnr»***«• bfrlWhlf, £ ■ EVERY 'WOMAN OP f - • who suffers from weakness, derangement, nervousness, tr»» nors, pains in the back, or any other disorder, whether pe culler to her sex, or common in both sexea - to giro the in* vigotating Cordiei e trial. ara-RRTWP PERSONS, • , Or others, will find this Cordial after they hare used a br>. \ tie or two, a thorough regenerator of the system. In all f ■Unctions are to be found the heppy parents of healthy off f’ [ spring, who would 00l hero been no but for this extraordi f nary preparation. Audit is equally potent for the many die ? »is«s for which it is recommended. Thousands of young \ men heTe been restored by ueingit, and notlu a single in* nance h|> « it failed to benefit them. PERSONS OP PALE COMPLEXION. ? or eonsumptiTe habits, are restored by the use of a bottle or two to bloom and rigor, changing the skin from a pale, yel tow. sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. TO THE MISGUIDED. J These are pome of tbe sad and melancholy effects produ ced by early of youth, viz: weakness of the back * enJ limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of mus cular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous , irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, general duality, symptoms of consumptions, etc. Mentally, the fearful effects on the mind are much to bo dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of idesa, depression > of spirits, efil forebodings, aversion to society, salfdtatrost, j :creof solitude, timidity, efc, are some oi the evils produ* * :ed. All thus afflicted ' BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE t should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ne-' < cuasary faquiritee to promote connubial happlmes; indeed, C without these, the journey through life becomes a weary 'r pilgrimage—the prospect hourly darkens the view; the y mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the - cieianeholy reflection that the happiness of another be* l ernes blighted wtth your own. caution; « Dr. Morse’s Invigorating- Cordial has been counterfeited t by some unprincipled persons. In future, all tbe genuine Cordial will have the proprie tor’s fac-dinile pasted over the cork of each bottia, and the ; following words blown in. the glass j Dr, Uoraa’a InTigeratlng Cortllnl, aH. RING, Proprietor, B, T. ? The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bet- • Ur-s—price three dollars per bottle, two for five dollars, six ; for twelve dollars. C. H. RING, Proprietor, IfiS Broadway, N. Y. Sell by Druetists throughout the United States, Pant da.. > and the West Indies. , AOElffll Pittsburgh—FLESHNu. imob., No. 00 Wood street. i Do esc. H. KETSEK, No. 140 ** “ r Allegheny Qty—JHO. P. FfiKMISQ. CEnmnnat) —B. H. MK A RINGS. PILLS: FOB THE PUBPO9EB OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. . th kh? faag long existed apublic . a 9S& demand foraneffcctiTepargallve pili • irbiehcouldberobed on usure end jj J perfectly safe in its operation. This '' % I JRJ nis been prepared to meet that de» . mend, sad sa extensive trial of its vfatnes has eeadusivelv shown with what tneeess it ecgompusfaes the par . irf&flMkfiAX pose designed. It is easy to make a d pbytkaljnQ, bat not easy to make the thisc of ait piUi—- ■ parity of the blood; in short, any and every ease where a ’ purgative is required. . They have also produced some singularly suooessfnl cures . in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpita- • Ucu of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach and bide. . They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to ' purify the blood and prepare the system for the change at > t^tr" 1 An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and: • bowels into healthy action, and restores the appetite and ; vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stunulant ac tion on tbe circulatory system, renovate the strength of tb* : body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Bence au occasional, dose u advent*- ' gaous, evon though no serious i*Tt*ta»But oa. necessary dosing should never be earned too for, ah ea« 7 purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cates in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body; end it is codddentiyahslieTed this pill will answer a beUer purpose than enyuingwbieh has hitherto been available to mankind. When their vir tues are once known, the public will do longer doubt what remedy to employ wtren in need of a eathartiemrtkine. Prepared by JAMES C. AYKB, Assayer and Practical . Chemist, Lowell, Ham. Price 26 cents per box. Hve boxes 1 by B. A. PAHNSSTOCK k CO., Pittsburgh, and by all Druggist*. Jyfcßmdaw. PrlTkU OIMUMi a DU. BBOWtf, Mo. 41 Diamond Alley, De- a mb rotes blfleatire attention to an officePrietiee.; . Hil bngjneM la moetly confined to PrtoaU yf ; Vcna’eal Diseases, and inch painful affections, • brought on by imprudence, youthful indolga&caandnxcess gypMngrUyphittUc Eruptions, Gonorrhea, Qle«Vßtrictu re . Brethrml Discharges, Imparity ofttheßlood, with Sll Disea ses of the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases, Seertratic Snip*, j tions, Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Dtoeaaca,famtnal Weals: ness, Impoteney, Piles, Rheumatism, female Weakness, ; Monthly anppreaeiona, Diseases of the Joints, fistula in ; Ano, Herrons Affections, Pains in the Back and Lcrfns, lrrl tation of the w*d»l!4 TROiH COiJOßftfilKG BBLLSM' TlKllillQSL ±_ A single rial producing wonders! tend the follow ** pxxxi Jefferson 00., JmarZT, 1852. Wb_ g. gmns: fiir—l boughtof J. ft. Bees,, one bot tie of your Vermifuge, and gave Uto a child of mine, and it excelled 5s lsrs* worms, and quite a □ amber of small • ones. *• Pau™- • Gi&cnj. JelTnson eo, heb. 7,1862. Ua. B. B. Simas—iiaTias Uieu your Vsnnifoge in my frmHy. 1 can «ay that it is no* to be surpassed by any Yer* mifoce in the woria far expelling warms.. - 6. ,£ a °aDe. WdwloT tF., Jefiertoo IT, 18&2. mi r. g. gjLLtts—x gave one bottle of yoor Vennifog* to my child, and It expelled 76 larg* worms. I thin* it to* best in ou. Yoois, reepectfally, . ... Prgged and sold hy K. i. tILUOtkOO^ Knimne I hate on band the flmat let oa ModidnoCtenti eteroßorod in FlttabnA.raiUU* loryimlUm, POjolcUnV StminOmla, *<■-. fa. item ***■ , ■-.. la* k nod and cbm, Cbmt would do woll to 0091 snd «x -uolic mlao Ware purchmtol «lm»bern _ mgl joaftssuw. Vjf IAT CdSb Jmh~- feblfcmstw \ A ' V \