The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 22, 1854, Image 3

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Howard Association. — At a meeting of the
Bout of Hanagen of the Howard AModlatlon, held on tie
17th Inst, the following resolutions ware adopted.
R**olaaL That the Belief Committee be and are required
todSeup their ■oeounti with the Vice President of ibeir
laepaoUn Worts, Mid fornleh the Touchm tor groceiieji
udotber erticlß* charged Id tbalr sdooddls: sod that B
eommittaa of two be appointed toeallon the “''fSjfiS'
mitteee. ascertain amount subscribed, amount collected,
when and where deposited, and collect the Touchers for
“sKAte? thThiSef CommittM of each
w in i h* reaaired to report all cases that need relief to the
Vies President, and the Vice Presidents sb*ll ropon tbs
Mine to B omnmlttee of tbs Board, to bs sPP°' B *^ d ' w »
.Booted, Thst Tbomss Steel. »“> Sj'vJJ
tPGLnre be s oommltte. to roorirs r^rMsf
£££ iKluy inole, ex<»pt.through th. agency
“o'dlb Chester were appointed the commit
fata under first resolution.
—We might state, in connection with the above, that the
AssociatioD hate provided a coal depot, on the corner of
Contend Fourth streets, from which they willbe ebleU,
furnish, in a few days, fuel to thoae poor and indigent peo
nlswho are unable to pore base the article. The Association
Kmahrnmad. arraniemeute to supply hoar to the needy
ThecmnSiUee earned In tbs third solution trill meet
on the Tuesdays and Saturdays of eaeh week, at Squire
?teP. die different Tice Prodd.nt.of commit
ie£ triS make their reports Thom needing assistance can
edtbsr apply there or to the Ward committees.
Court of Quarter BiBßioub.—Before Hon.
Wm B M’Clare, President Judge; Gabriel Adams and Wm.
Boggs, Associates.
TcxsßAY|*NoYember ZL
Th« jury in the case of Noah N. Bheefler «. lerael Pan
nnttfit indicted for obtaining money under false pretences,
guilty, but defends to pay co.ta
of &mmon.»lth ts. Israel VcfSndJtu.u' 0 VeS
pSLeutor tectiflad that the defendant’ !
shoes at hlfi store in Allegheny City, in P ~. lx Bank
, o ° m “rfTatoohil?,™“tsp?rtj’of John Hanlemand.
!fSK ol Sodality, aid defendant dhdmrged by prod.-
“gSUnwalth TS. Catharine Young. *££
ins » disorderly on complaint of John Lowry, in
coante rfalt money on J acob Stemeyer. \erdictnoigu y.
Tim Wkxthm.—The atmosphere, yesterday,
w» murky and Bloomy, “min
IbrlbW; Qleawir'® P‘cU.ri»l tor or „ od
to Glldenf.n
ney * 00.. No. 7ti Fourth street.
The THEVTEE.-Mum.uer Foster announces
-to, UHEom- tore
S T nf.'tK »o oPP?r.unl,j «f
S7>HrvTM.usG the Market. — A huckster
m>»«i johl,
b« taken to Court.
i.suiT a>‘ L' Battery.— Charles anJ, Ueorj
;„„IJ of !!.,• pe.e., OT cthoflbc »» |,re«~-«.».
kms, linns on W; li* i... „1„ r,.nslJ«r«U3
“SinTeraW.'but r.o. «urTX*-J to bo d.ns-ronA
„ -a Seooss.—A number of silrcr epoonß,
STOLa.. N iko ii,iii»l«C K. B-,supposed w b* stolen,cer
marked with i. , lfu wr owner, by applying at the Mayor .
be obtained by the , r
_ Christina Flesbman waa
Committed to Jail. — Alderman Parkiosou, for
committed to jail, yesterday, by - Catharine Sarver.
committing an assault and battery on
—; — -nt on pa-
The Shields Light Guabds were o M ,<
rada jesUrday. They numbered twenty-one mu**,
presented a tine appearance.
Disorderly Conduct —Mayor Ad » m ‘J' s ‘"',
We would direct the
the extensive tt»l« »l. - f w.v.Uen e ooJ» this momKie
o’clock, nt Paris’ Auction Room-
Ice.— The canal was frozen orcr on Mon Jay
The Jail. — There were bat fire commitments
to tb» jaH Tt-tgriUv-^^
mod dedicated t« Henry hleber. by w ni. 5 "*"“ '
I love and lam happy ; new ■/f “7 ~0 '
wa.n ahnil Kamffit, new ballad by lI «.
STn ri«. dh-n lb- Ohio; new song.
Soatbnrn AriKht- by - ». bculi.
Ballona, rolka d« Cuncert, Trry brilliant: cnmpoaod by 11.
TOUOK pupils: by Henry Kleber.
* No-1. Clara Polka Maxi rka; -f
“ i Lore letter Gallop ;
“ 3. Meet me March;
« 4. llaml Dell Waltx;
u 5. Summer ?Sd»* Quickstep;
“ 6. Stolen Kiss I'nlfca.
Dream Uf* Schottlseh: by Francos H- Brown-
Game King Schottlwh : by Jo-
Spring Fln.em, brilliant Walla: KU!BI , B ,
noT2O 101 Third street, sign of the QoMen Harp-_
AUAZTSErFoITI7>:CDMBKK.-0 T^y, '» U^'a 000)1
IVI tor December.
M™ tuli Ol beautiful m«*r.tkm»
CWldranl bV ISIS W- illnsrialrf; 75 cut,
m „k: illustrated;
£££■£*»> Work.l »U bi U»m an baud.
D M i«lWeb»tari»pr~tSp«a:b«,,-'.d», Al, ■ .
v.ahinn and Famine; uew edition, Jl.
gj £L.“wE Mi. a-MV ; 115 canla.
The Lamplighter ;»2 lor sale by U[NKR 4 p _
2io. 32 Smlllifield street-
. f -4
1 .1
to Ik-Urge
«d »~£nj ™ *»UjJ l^* I"*™ 1 "*™ KIT 1
at DAVISON’S. 05 Mnrket_Mr-f
W UTrIVU —- J M ‘ “ JIsKS «V.
TT guccer-aor* U> J KWd A Co,
C No. GO Wood «tre«t._
,lukmahs-w O>J»* s "^ r “ bkos.
*« i»
n novl7
T)AINT’maJSIIKS— 100 dozen in #to^gJ l^
1 DOTI 7 ~
I EAD-l6tomUulßU. In w'bOTLKRCtL,
Ju 97 Pif«t street.
UAi DKO t— Another large nupplj ' ' TL ' De
ijr Drop., Mortal flaror., received by fl3 FLEinsa>
_„l7 co row of the Diamond and Martrt.l
sslifi'"SOAl'—A largo’ supply o>’the celebrated U°“«J
Po.p, und a great variety ul &5W
description, received and for sale y jos. FLEMING.
u*\r Oils, »lw*y# on bund »t
- Bemoral.
Bp anOPE respectfully iolorme bis friends and tbe
F '»baB removed hi* merchant and cusU>-
Kememb*T the number,
STi KW MU olC.—"l'*m on a Sunday Morning •
IN rm Leaving Old Ireland: LlnJey.
Bonnie Bessie Gray: Ulorer.
Baron k'rlts: Ulo>er.
l’olka for the I’eoj.le: Welle. I
Ptray Ke<low»6: Wurren.
Bwvet Briar Polka Maxurka: J. T. Wamelink.
La GrßeieUM l’olka Mazurka: V. De Hamm.
Florida Walts: Marcaillioa.
LaGermandie Waltz: Glover.
Omar Grand March: Wells.
Alao M a ?2y srge°and carefully selected assortment or
Music, especially suited to th«.wants of youug
pupil*. The above just r«e v a j OHN u m^LLOH,
No. 81 Wood street.
crop BAimNB-60 whole, b»li md qnytcr boi-
r DAMB COUNTY UhUiD PiiAClUifr— A few WeU
J\ arrive this dey, tor sale by
r.HlfiT TP WK*—11)00 Dwarf Mr Tree*; HWOBUndar
Fy m»,of «» «*« for»i^r
■** v. l
**> -
Tint Vice Prtxulent —Wil H. Bmith.
frW « “ Wm. B. Baowh.
Secretary —Wm. 8. Haves. v
JOnil D. &OULLT.
Superintendent— 8. T. Northam, Ja.
CkmmiUet of Arbitration f<rr
y p r. Sellars, W.'K.NnocA.J.M. Prssocx, W. 1. Jokes.
Omo* or in Dim Moasno F«n,l
Wednesday, November 22,1854. j
FLOUR—Stlen 200 bbla superfine, at river, at $9,60,
do extra atdepot, in lota, at lO5 do superfine,
Bt GRAIN-Sales 930 bus Oats, depot, at 60@02c; 400 do
Philadelphia Corn at 90c; 330 do Bar Corn at 90c.
SUGAR—Salts* 40 hbds prime, in lots, at 6%c,cash.
WHISKY—SaIes 35 bbla rectified at 35c; 30 do at 30c ,
' m i?»(»N-S.ta. @ SS»M Shoulders at <%c, aI«J Oayal
16 BDn W Ss.r£iu roll a. Me.
miprnr q.iiw 150 boxes W. 11., in lots, at 10 / » 3 c.
IS) b“. No. lat *2; 00 do extraat »2,12> t
VIRE BRICK—Sales 13,000 ai canal at $2B.
PIG MBTAlc—Sales 50 tons U. B. Hanging Rock at s4<,
6 months. „
Money Mattera In Beer York.
The Imports from foreign port, for the reek Bhow e de.
dine es compered with the corresponding week of lest peer,
both In dry goods and general merchandise, as will te Been
by the following «Utement:
Ibrdgn Imports Entered at New Tork t ,for the week.
1863. 1864* „
.$1,127,087 $ 6.1.122
1,604,022 1,276.666
Previous 44 weeks.
51:0,052 737 ‘'“■““■•'f
The export., excltnriTe of .pecie, .bow . doclin. for the
week, being only .bout half oo Urge u for the corr.,l»no
ing week of 1.. t yeur. Tbl. bring, the total More Jenu.ry
la, (by a riogutar coincidence,) to correspond lory nearly
wttL the amount for the »mt> period of lafct year:
EmorU tf Maxhanditt from New York to Foreign /\>r£x.
1 1853. 18M.
Week ending Nov. 1$ ’
Total from January 1at.....556,737,775 $55,665,748
Ernorf. of Sped* from the port of AVe l»rlr, for *' <ordc
r ending November 18.
Nov. 14, Steamer Arabia, Liverpool— ¥
’ j 0 American gold coin $
E To California* do 215,606
** To French do 23.250
do Philadelphia bar* 430.45.
S do Cnbfornia tor. 10
tv, do Gold barn
do Mexican dollars 10,000
do KorlWi silver-
Nov. 16, Ship Looloo, Sumatra, Spanish 44,0, .
Nov. 17, Brig Charlotte, Klo Qrande, Bratll specie- -O’
Total lor lb. .reck --
(wtanly reported in Noxrmber ;
Reported In *
Reported to Rebrunry ty.
ItapotWl In March VJ-,
Reported in May "Sm
Reported in August.. 4.548.33.
Reported in September ... ! v.fl { wa 141
Reported in October - 3.309^.'^-33,063,Ut
Total since January let—
Same rime 1853.
Same time 1662.
Honey Hnttern In Clnrtnnatl.
The Cbmoureiol of ve.terd.y .tat- that llnan.-lal mat
ter, tn that city .re banning to exhibit . more farorab -
a,nect- “Gold ba. become guile plenty, eon.llerable
amount, bating toe. brought out from the Ka.l on .pccu
l.tlo. and banker, .ml other, did not otter oxer 1 to l'i
(„ R today. There is a pr.adng demand for
mone^tbom'parti—»bo are In n eed I ,«cb , “
I.nrrf to make neanUalkma, and gooJ paper i* e»«ty »■
Sed tn the .15.1 at three per cent per month
~ " VAHkem who have the means are discounting with
T fe£*?.nd very 'i»rtn«iy The in commercial
anl money affairs i« improving. and tne \v la the
KVIS mtu(
tiAT.n are settling Up matter- with ai- much .j 1» l
wVJn*umr*and should a moderate r~toration ...
rSnce take place, it 1* likely they Will all *• abb l->
their debts '
Ho.. K.tuso XT L>»ns»vtu*.—About 26.n0.) »»'< 1 *««“
been Willed this beacon at LouiivUle and ykiui'y 1
LouOtUl* O-'n'-r ray*
Prince rule Tt*ry dull. with, however, a mirk-l ..rmce
on lb-part of holder*. and no dupofiti-'n nu the part •
burorx to cuter the market, or t.fT-r rf j -
tlm* lii SVlhv and -*enti -ounliea. Tarvm* nu<tr\u +
Rave been mad.' .1 2' . cut. grr a-. «» ‘^ r „ "
being such farmer* whose euppty tf rt
Id Cincinnati. ..wing mainly to tba nr nr
pre<*ure. the market continue* fla\ aud *u'e* of hov*
mode t:U Wednrs.iay at s•’< , ’- >l i
The ClrclwUW. Jl'rall eahl. on Kndav, re*!
the Cirelirrille Bank:
We IwHeve that the manager* of the bank have U
rer—l confidence of thi, c mo,unit). Ihl. • r„n
the f-ct that moot of ur hurin-M men continue t
the Tv" at par. The klndli-T feeling ha* t-wn man
toward, all connrrtad with the bank, and for
'fcurrd tber do not eubmlt toa xl:av- u |W'ti l-* rj»*
“• * ,re will lw red.-em.-i, Tl.e a“ctA ol the t«uk
>f,U \t •* I, J * iarK ' amount
_ —Tbi' i* a i-b«Tin* "CaM rni»
Kir.f* ... f)>r „r„ur fc ".ll \-%\Uu Hi-
KTxllog ft f >ur to C«un- *„.] pmroi". 'i)* ll - *►>»» *•■. * UIS
<-:untry tn pay for '?*• • » u -cu-i tl.» pr->,;u>-.- “f • «ir
ctb-r n«w«*n»» » n '* ' UXU J*' Tht , u »bit buii '« u
■oli anl th** Utmrof oar h*«vS* Thi« , C*si; .fr>>»
IT"Z,U, ..vnl,,. *
STSiTff-Sp n'chio*- -h>p *'*■**
rhnnu'txr will »hortH foil- . *»_* ‘ J
nia ho becuoe an exporter of br^tutL*-.Sin rr~
Tilf A*»OH lO l Ba'* “The Ch r «'!:»r»ii l
M «TrnlnK hwlitfrom Mwbl* m>uk*>< ' b- •« A
,f the Ohtc State B»&fc tah'fc k J‘
. ..., of Control - baa t*k« o ‘ u|»n the
deeming it* circulation, phaMy e 1 1T ,.„ , . r
uean* of t ' a,rT the »;vk> at. i *f
tu i-mharrisement* »*n-, tt*
of the Alton and Mtllerahuri^KallH'*-*^^^^^^
1 fell &o bbl* No » I»rs * Mn'-kpr*!;
50 tux<*n Herrin* i
a tier* - '?* OodtKh, , . , .
4 ««
gxUKATOS-a t»>« '
•■'““"‘•e SELLERS * Oil
Por «»1p by t 1 - * •■■ - - -r- r; -
■j-ftcJHIcE-S ci.»C»l*L.-l»
JU »>” 8 —..— -r
jyprt*p»-c«. «■«»•» lErfr^Lsa^«».
_J) tiOT*s _ - -
j-AKD-M kw «W.toJ “ COLLI*?.
«if iSfiow auM^i«>
XX lco •• io«ia;
” “ 9*l*2;
70 •* l«*l«; 4 ,
(x> »» idxl4; S i *f*r | 'f" ’>raDd
for (hotlO] ,MITII AJ-INCLA.I^
/ VOKFEK-UW b.g. yrta« “o SINCLA IIi.
V 2 norlO ° . -
TTmkT UK) u
I j UOTlfi _ . .
w. “ o& ns.
n ,s^aUua?
DOTla -~*'tved ' 1 for l>»l«
0» figg ? 1 - I ,V, I .UN^
■* *nd for B»ie by fimkhfiwlil >tri»et
ed *&-
PODCKH CUnKBJ- cutter,:
1» >«*■ oKrf f ° r h SFs , wißpHO^
ta Third »lre«l. .
gSrrij.-* **,-*» “S,r uTcM...
g ~
TOslrfy khau: of'tkn uuiluimu u/ru at alc-
rf obtaining . good Lot will 0«d U >»
thXftot.™* to attend,the JSS;
R*-al Krilalo AflenU, 140 Third <»irw»t.
tbelr office, corntr o IgA “ AO JO f{iiS, Surviving Partner.
Pittsburgh, September 30. ISM-fotfcy
{■•to Jon**. ,
■?»« “ a Hr t’£r“’
ritubargb, l*a.
IBAAO JO! * EB jj 0 Hoger* 4k Co.f
_ , AKDFACIUUEKS or KOOE&S’patent Improv.ii
M A ComnSr too Lb- Office corner itose and i ir«t htreetfl.
' New Smoked Beefy .
legbeny Market and at BUU No. b 7 New Mara
House, Ptttaburgli.
TvOSOIK3“* _ KOOK*WATS.-W. bATejn ™ ??
]3 jp>, » tm -ortmnßt rf cST
«JB, lor «l» d»P- J ’ W ' BU J; Front .tiwt
SS=WiS> 01g«. »n »ta o bJ
norl3_ :— ——
j uotl3 =*-
M n U Qln;
1 qr cwk London Dock Port Wine;
1 « Madeira; .
5 *« Skerry; on eoturignmsnt and
**.b, Luo,!.] & J. W.ECTLEKAOO.
The Siver —There were 32 lnehee water In the chennel,
by the metal mark, last evening at dusk. The weather
cloudy with prospects of rain or snow.
The steamer Exchange is the regular Wednesday's packet
for Wheeling. She leaves tbta morning at 10 o’clock.
Signs of a Bite.—The new steamer Win. BagaUy hung
out her sign yesterday, for New Orleans.
The light draught steamer Hartford leaves this morning
for Cincinnati. A fine opportunity for those traveling to
the Queen City: she has fine accommodations, and her light
neas of draught will enable her to make a speedy trip.
Steamer Endeavor Sunk.- A despatch from‘Memphis, to
the Louisrille Democrat, announces the poking of the
steamer Endeavor, bound from Cincinnati to Memphis, at
Island No. 8. The despatch does not state whether the boat
U a total loss, but says a portion of the cargo is loet
Sieamer Burned at New Richmond.—the New Richmond
and Cincinnati packet Forester, was burned to the water 5
«di hi* Monday night. She was discovered to be on fire at
i> M imd in leas than half an hour was consume to
X* ..drun*, in ehePow,.t«,n«r the ,ho, e
„tnrn wheeler, »»<1 male her find trip hut J 0 ”'; She‘" t
(iwdwl in Brownsville and Beaver, Pa., and
$15,000 or $20,000. although insured only for slo,oou, »n
PittaburghT— St. Louis Democrat, November ISfA
teamer Jefferson, Parkinson. Brownsville.
»• Luzerne. Bennett, Brownsville.
~ Thomas Shriver, Hendrickson, West Newton.
“ Oen. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
,< Venture, Gordon, Rochester.
“ Hartford, llazlott, Wheeling.
“ Kclipso, Moore, Wheeling.
~ Jitferson, Parkinson. Brownsville.
“ Luzerne, Bennett, Brownsville.
“ Thomas Shriver, Hendrickson, West Newton
“ Gen. Bayard, Peebles. KUsabetb.
“ Venture, Gordon, Rochester.
“ Eclipse, Moon*, Wheeling.
“ Latrobc, Hanson, Cincinnati.
*2,631,109 $1,816,777
167,421,628 103,153,518
« a . Clncintati and St. Ijoiila*
, .
I JEfcjwill le»Tr for tbr »t»'» »na int-raoliAte ports
WKDSK3DAY,trAI tnrt., at 10 A. M.
For fr*bt or P>«P> »PP>Y •»
For New brleanu.
The new «t**ntner WM. KAdALIA, CapUii
t Skxxit, will leave fir the »hcrn and v
iAßßlbterineaUte ports oo Till? I»AY, ‘-’2d inrt.
10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage ho.»rj
Fbi~Louliville and St. Loiita.
__ Th- new and -pleodid M-.un'-r HA\ Cl •
I JEsL>Capt A. D. MILLEK. will le;»%ef:T * Dd
dfiSßSnotermMißU* i*ortr* Till? L'Al. —d iust "“ t ( , )
For freightorpai*s92‘^*rP l J_°_ n ! -
‘ For St LoaU
_ The rtwiarr JAMKe PAKK. Cmpt. l owt
I n-fr will leave f..r the above and interm
Jsfl|^n»t'ports Till? DAY, tLii in»taat.
For freight or apply on boar<i._
For St Louis.
Th- N-mmHr dOLDKN ?TATH, Capt -10-i
; J££,*Cu»«.V*. win leer- t'*r th- anl lnter.
,I*B»SdUt«|oa-on THIS DAI, m < Uut - .
For height appty >'» t *- , '* rd
for St. Lonl.. ,
Tli. ilnun-r HU'in STATK, C«pl»i
Ituzin-I, vr.ll I-IT- tor III" Mr,- ' .<l inwi
]»"rt" on THIS WAY. Hi- —-1 mstin
Tor Irriilht ■I I ‘* ..n n -
. 22.313.137
. 23,307,561
For Kt LonU. nD . IWM ,.
_ Th- iif« »n<l -übMkT.nti! drainer PRAIKIr.
■.~il m.l.nt. r«c fri-ight hikl I '“'J*Js' i yiJ(E£'j&n£
RicnUr VVl>eeil»g Packet.
t -C. HD<I »• JUilnmd it Wellerl!!*-
lor »}l»lv to
Itegtilar Wheeling Packet.
"i-11l -Warner h\CUA.S<II~C«I-l M <*««
, rrrg- a. ..»»nn, wkdm>u.m. .■
iflHSti,.n>AV. .1 - a « . '■
.t r' TUiiroH'l ni WVIMUI'-. »«•» tr»-liM«t 1
n .trl" J l>
Auction— Daily »*!«■• ,
AT tb« Ci.cnavr-1»! **!<•* n, " r p [
Fifth I.' .-Vlo-'k, A. U..* •-=■«■«'-
of vwmMk. PUH- Bo
■ 11l Sbrw#, lUt*,Csj», At.,
AT a O’CLOCK, p. M„
Oror«rlf*.(iu*«ii*ti;r l <}|**>»irr, T*bU CuUerj. I
: . fi s rl » Q J S*Kx>Ddll»Dd im ! .
enure. Ac.
AT T O'CU'CK. V >! ..
W»k.. iuaowrr, *:
SllotSS, HAT.* AM' CAI'A. 'T Al< T^
i -p- v>:.r,? ■-■
.. -ta«‘ II ml* «n i l • •<a|'!V'li:< •> ,K - lar "“ , .
rsi*** lur •.H.l |>nifta C»J« A 1 '. •» . ••
u!i 1 ,-liiMr*n'» H»l* »ni ' *
->V ...
- ♦ * w %*» fe» *
st*. b
V 1 - v
r H y x
f v , » S
‘ . T V*»'-
_\ '. -**
iscuta WATta i« im ouabssl—metal mas*.
j D. O)l.L!SaW00I>.
No. Uu F»r«t •*tr«
At bilON oALKB.
Y. M DAVIB, Auctioneer.
M. I*A ' 1». A.»- i "i.^
r,T K \‘!, K , A LK ..K riulli.V r!,..TUIM-. IMNNKUV
fC !v,4,i -np-rW Wr.,l .U~X- -l-r*. * LW. t
*lx l-f •!■•' u !l!r lUi '-' :: *' r • , •
J t F'.or ‘’"lV* •
. t . K .~ •o'-t a:-- 1 W^ltu H.»on-i* . » >* -« r h
V..-HK.. ' '‘"V” V MVlf/Ao-J-^r
TrTUI- '■''-11 n " T " ’
v *»• BS££i
j> I.„ u r. ~1« ■;>“ ' ■ u„.i-iu
A>*. n»uu-**d «•*>•" ' C K.-U-r
Com*- w»:b tn> "• ►
N«y <Wta m* »'-t * 4 “* r
'» s '
l/Kti'i'r du Nonl • V•
u..l Jlwu'ir^l
i.ittir m-’-otu !'-»** > *"-' ur * a ,
1., Ot’ll rfcr. K-l—--
W*iu J
[ mwn r>>!W» B* r*ui »n>
i.. Uivwn
7;.;:.; ..««-■»•
lhf a!«'trju»t r*rri»**l M Hl.t> 'll. ' t
Two j{>KKJ k«jdJ V • r * •> ru *
h»U bt>'« Whit* H-1k
' iviu do Trout .
76 Ofl .“51m0,.,
• ■u <Jo I*V
jo U»v*T WhP- . r>- «•>
fey Uhilrond *nJ r*'.*
K wtii'h thW »r»rrh I- r **« l ' ‘ .
ir> i»-- v ;
tm« wllUwut jnimn»‘Uß M‘ ' r injurliu. •
Ut UJI i«» l*unJ * uh ,ull l '
Mil-, by the box or rvUll. I "
Oft-1 - .
& ‘
Jayne*' Exj^torant.
I»unr»n> “ ,
Ay*r't Cherry P<cU.ral .
Miller’* Cough Syrup .
.!.»), ou hMui ana f..r ».b
Z £?££« B. r. Cbri-fy. ». tol»t »*
plMtl HC'Hk - f t n unfinr [ifttf Aable KD‘l ItJuiirß"
SX".«»>i»ic or'- 11 -' r “ J J
tn nl«.-e the million.
UoUlday toW- J- J - Unman.
lx>vo the Dearept. . ... y or »t the oU M-
The Jri-h Evrgrren Qu*drl a F rl/jTl . k bIuMK,
ÜbUeb'-d i *" *i* * - lit, Wood street.
n«v4 •...» tho<« no Justly <*«lubrfttril Hum
jrttjstfjtfss/ -J » "“■
formers, i- expected next week. —_— _.
* iV.* -w
-ysS; l- «nu, “llot: by N Mw's' V'aouthworlh.
™W ri tt™ostor nr«T»St»ltmbie Book., ju»t re
celtrti by «spre»s »■“ lor (mi- u ~A l-|,yKll,l -|,yKll,
Store of H 7 Wood etrwt.
fu ’ uw Wra '
ii K UB HooU, large me, h* <w* j A MK»_W AUI>KOP._
X) lately reeeired alarge lubJe for the family,
blew, Uswo&B and Pr»y . rican an d Oxford pn-swM. For
obuich and pulpit,fro® American j DAVIBoNt
sale at eastern prices ny Mftrk „ t street, near Fourth.
Anted) deTot* ;.'n
11Y a tober, Industrious juuntf u, S?J.nATIOS A 3 'Un*
j 3 antir« time to hit bwm-.*, <or A,-
wSo CLKKK in a Wholesale or or UT) '..ood*
.itHat Uook-Keeper, or a place In » tr >
Store; and will make hiinaelt S«nc r * > A. B.
K . A not. add™aeil Up’fi ,a 1 , rcaipl
&“• or toll at tile office of tbe 1 oat, » M rece
attention* 5
joiu«£& M 3?
and at moderate rater.
I base prune Klo i
rvttXKBRSWKBT 00i» Mown* ji’CLCHG. 1 JjJl «>tW
utrrW |
- * - **-#■«
* •
*1 i. * .
V -V'
» i J V ‘
PROBPECID S—lB 6 4-’6 5
Tlie Official Paper at Coßjpreaa, and Berra
paper for tli* People* . .
LORD BROuGUAM, Iu his “Historical i »k<rteh«iOf^otatMk
mm who flourished in
n»me remarkablrt examples, showing the great low sui»tn*
ed by Engined in the history of its statesmen, and of its
££S -
K ChMbam; end yet he is tb. person to whom CTeryoo.
would at oncu point, if desired to nunc the most successful
"atosmao and most brilliant orator that this country ever
uroduewi. Of Lotd Bomtrs, indeed we can scarcely he said
m know anything at all Tb f >»’“XTnd l°iiS«
neachable integrity, a judge of great capacity and learning,
r£m friend of liberty, bat a cautious
in most difficult emergencies, all are ready to acknowledge.
But the authority which he possessed among his
raries, the influence which bis *oum l h^was
eXerdMfd orer their proceedings, th- jj£ ) c ,Jt * f _
thus enabled to render in steering the constitution safe
through the most trying times, and saringasfrcm arWtia-
T>«vtnff the price of our liberties in
T L«hv and M<S.S-n.y, conducting th. whol. pro
Shng. of t rebuttal with all th. a** ll ""*™' “J £
most in the forms, of an ordinary legal proceeding-hare
surrounded his name with a mild
outline which the meagre records of his time have left ns,
S It 1. -rngnlar how h'-Vt'h^n^T.^n"^;
kt“wn w us b? th““ents which history has recorded to
here happened under his adn,miilr.t.oniyrt .Ten of hU
Si. ** b V°“ these
u, so proJTrSon to th.
rtwiiLrious fame which his oloqueoce has left behind it, that
? 1. lost thin has reached us; while of
his written composiUous but a few letters have hitherto
b "-Thl’'m“rrtwt' , sto l it,f parliamentary reporting Is the
Bonmm h end Chatham hare lost In lame by the ob the mMlerl, effurte of
ry of the netion has also lost for want^JiffVhSh Ki
iiv the clearness, the freshness, and beauty with which Its
vents RUd their c&uhM might have been preserved in the
luminoun eloquence of its orators.
Tiis great men who conducted our revolutionary
r "® ‘ , ,r,. HJUrt . r controversy, which set the subject in
sr.sOT&t. p—i/sj 2sjsr.sss.ffi
J,! t id,» hare bequeethed to poaterity bulbing ef the elo
',u,me which guided our national coundlabut 'Uieehiidow
~ » n t publications shnw how graphic history
hJl,m“whea the eetors In it meek for th.msel.~i, and
tin iu thrr rmttrv° atmmn themseiveson its page. Con
ta.t th., **« '...1*. wtor,
than Jail irr.m th- pro**. full and perfect, day by day;aud
Ihu-Vvr* public man will mate hi. own history, and blend
,t imi..Mi-habiy with that of his country.
Tbl Cougre-wMonal Globe and Appendix is BO roiumtoous
til It it call tinlv l- read »>y our busy countrymen partially
1 V Sreis are interested in one measure,
in aJther. Pifl-rvut -ectk.n* look for the most part
1., tli- wtion «.f th-ir wrcral representaUvea—the concerns
f one frequently po«M!*Mng no interest for the rest—and
Ist " maw, it . dUßrult for each section, or lodlrklual,
“’!rt .1lh“M«l.l matter met lnt.r~.lln* to them. To
ebuate this,end enable all to get at a gianer a general rlew
Ihe entire proceeding, or Coogrews.end to Ox their atten-
Ui.ti ou Whut.uiw ih-ir particular views, I will publish in
u u-- in addition to the Daily Globe and the Congressional
p in i the Appendix, a TuisPat-s Cr.l»oa«aUOliaLOu>B*
a brief -f each dayV debate on -very Important
n‘ i—- -ii.i itfed during the preceding week,arranging the
n.fu-'of the sismkers pro and con., and presenting the
i.'iutf discufsed and leadiug argumentsi op each side, some
lltlit in the mode in which forensic briefs are prevertd.
This taper I will fend gratuitously to every subscriber to
rAoJpr-wkmal Globe and Appendix; and to those who
niav musider this summary sufficient without them, tbe
I rice for this weekly will be two doll.!! per
nncmli Of debates will fi» bot » mail part of I
~u l, n u .'f this w.ekly -b«t. It will «*£•*»
mi»rt«ut item of foreign and domestic n«w« which cant*
• free, the d.llv print* during the week, together
nmt of rfcinK to pres*. It •»! »»tain, Nwide*,,th« inter
••tin/ mW-ell*oy which i» giren in lb# Daily Olobe, and
• .c W.”hToklou WP t-f the letter writer* extract*! from
\ „ iiifT.-rent n-w*v«i-Te, which employ them, wbenerer
shell he e«t«*uied of such import a* to Interest the
r.-,.'i. rs "f theillotw. and hear such probability on their toe*
!' | ‘' r rik!', pa^r"* l iU n i- sent to all th* -uhacriber*
i r Mo-f'ntfre.-ioual liW* and Appendix, it will certainly
i m.'f.' cenerai circu'uiiiou than any other newspaper
iS * Uitei S!iie» an 1 will, therefore, inrite adTerti**-
ent, TV til, l n.,O.M*«toUyU...rt»>l*
„l, m tu« ;r.»l r», -hli-b wUI K>w »
linonal iu-r—l with men ererywhere.
The Dailr tilnhe will be pr’titrd on a double royal *he#t,
•wT-e*a d*v during th- of Cungrea—.t 11 o'clock
v ..ti l . ..-,-lc k. V M . ar-l once a day, ft a oclork, I .
\i l.’.rtn . the rvee—a» fire d- dar* a year for either the
e., •or .-cming edition. The «»enl*edition ie th# one
T.uiiaUe f.,r toN nt.-r- who lire out of tbw city, an it
Ul ,. . tite full pn>c*»»Mn.:» of ongraa* l of the
T.v Ci .Vubli-hed Intbern'Tidnc e-iitlou. a full synopsis
T?,. e'rf the i«r together will; the news by telegraph.
‘ i t ,i ti er M.'ur-e. up to the hour that it is put to
JJi; u «)';i obtain. .U'.ail law, and joint rcaolntton*
lilnUi «hd Appendix will also be print
I h uh. n V»1 rt.oet, iti Duo* form, royal .juar.c rite,
ei'h nu’inlwr cc.«uinm,s wn page* The Congmskmai
. , (i ; t». m , ir ti|- .•! the proceeding* of Gocgrea#, and
•' " ' t n'in- debate*. *« taken down hr the reporters. The
Ctil contain the of the President of the
1 1- l *la*. « l» - rel-Tlf Of the baud* of the eieCUtlT* de
n ' *,J r h a* hare teen withheld by mem-
I * t vr'v— t -r rettri-.n. and all tb« law* and joint n»
“V ,i, n » -lunnc the»e««»-n. A complete index will
Z»• '- •»''«»' *#“■"»• ««* «•« ;<> •“ ,u^
t i,„ should any number* fail to reach
' Y-. Tiirn they will he wot to them, without charge
"* ;, !vw . t»e whai n mbers they hare not re
" ,** I* Kohf<riN-r- should Is- careful lode all th# nun-
I r ' ivp,] as the ompleti- W..rk will be found tobe r«7
t , [* B r . J !h, ta. an 1 the ei|-nee mU*in*
! ~U T r", r ;,Yt2 art n- w a* full? and a» faithfully
! r J K„1 in the »lh*b# •* tlw-*# of UJI Other
! [. u .i, lo .hi* «.r »c) other country, and yet
i . u t.vtitw» fr.T >rr*-tueth of whatany other
j U;e. 11 * j i;( . Ju ,_i u „ mut>try, and one efcroiM of what
i '■** n'. Parliameoi ar» sold for in Hnf-
I i ir-; ■•rtii'y. type, and lyp#-eettiog are,
I "i !•: ■•inch . t.ejtvr than m this country. The lib-
I r<kl i Ir-crtt-'i* t> lo O t gre-.-enefde- me U> sell the debate*
, ••!». ~.J -re— f; : the purp«»e of enabling the p*o
“J "' ij u-.n? at h, low a rate a* they ,-an be affcrdol,
|a«*rd il.c 1 mu joint r»-5 du-lon, authorlxing them to
! ; Joint r.
ni 1 v■ti i r<• vt‘• 11>* t.rtb* Ji-lribulioo of the
' ~f iV'Dirn-** »rvl the tehalr!. (hrr-«D
to :l,r rfe-ap nrouiatlon -.f the law* of Cov
nr».l i.-I'l.-.n' t>- tlx* true l&urpreli
t".'':--' Van.! to make the oummutilcatjon W*w
,J , res. J--l >■» th. V.HTfr unJ t’u- iftw* «/ J?<prr«7»la.
• \ r-i- r./ < <•/ '' iin ttnpil ajwmWru.
I ,n'l ■ />-» ttir X «r*<tnn -f Oon*r*ee, the
T . »u.i Apt-m-lis, whirh ronUin the Uwi
l ln‘l there. », p*~ thmuitb the mail*
| 1 'he usi,. .tjall l- published by order of Ocro*reer
That oothlu* herein ehall be wuatrued to author
-1- u>- . tn ulnaou of Ui- Unity ulobe free of puctage.
■ Ulobe will be published e»ery
I 'and ronutii ali that i» proml.vU al*>*•• Il
! y ,J OH » -I- ut'ir royal -tiret, hut If that *ball be
•I 1 I^oll l'n'ot u-' l-' tarn- moujfh h- <-■ utain ail the mailer, thee
I the -heel wiil '* enlarged.
• | Tir.Vs'
1 Fit n. i.'i '' ••»«*» b.i'J «■<**
\ When tnfceu t-T “ ler* Uiue, the price will be fifty <-
~ i Ar,«JI» ilurtnithe^
1 tj iiw, w t»"-
i ' „l.;Vr.i«ililv..!.t»n.-l. I will mod two i*i*» for |S, four
l» 1 (~r flu. Otij'wi "O .1 Ib.t role.
T ; F T I Utob., "o. j,or -I* ««
,1* i b.reewd
i, t '!.* i’.iUi:rT..i'owllilotw anil Appendix, of lor
r'. i-..n«ir..i."u.l tiluW, -Iwolil be iwlw br thj 71h
to H.UW .11 lb., number.. Tito Dolly alob.
H.ITr", 1t“ooi-.'.I Ful.iic.ltoo. .nil will burnt ItWU
~ i ocoomputW br
- ! ,1.,. ni i.Qpv t J It. elee tile paper wilt uot bo w,ul -, ®*“
i cum-ut wlicit ..üb«rttwr inuJc will be .l
nrsRY h on.i.i
W \ M. . i'll*
rnrrulatt.'B.-. U> obtsiß nub-cnt*™. JOHN t. RiVBS.
® wi£n*lno City l>Ptrlv» 11
‘ ' Notice.
I fruit nml Onlrctionury t.a«o«M, my poo, T. H_An Thr buflinn* hrr.pfUr, fwm tb» d»t*. NOTeObei
Wh, l*M, Will tw -oductr.l under the uo« end rtyle o
J C. Anlrix'O A Jh>U-
IM T “ «‘?i %
JAIZT:L o*l£?>«U whirli for .t,l.
. Ds ib.n«-r r L. *»
r,,„1.a00l lu '*•''“* to irnj eitobUshment K*«t or
to tto. l»t» wuulj **lr, “ J “™” of U " m ft " n4
..toutiou 1, lurltod to our *3, *3,50 ud «t.OO
| Hn- r _ KrujctoUT, yl Wood Btnsut, WII.OON d SON
rinvo lIL-xnUBD
Buerwotjr* Fifth .LlKE
und Ki»>' •» - •'
Mineral Water and Sariaparilla.
tint D ENGUMI, Vltt htreet, below I‘enn, te no*
PenmaoiMp, Mercantile aatl Steamboat
1 , l j'K nrH own for th<- rt*c<*pti<'Q of student*.
IU»Uy 1 U»Uy Uw
Uiv*! him u chance. No^rg.
lor showing roo«1«. r
" ■»»“.«;• *N M&OHiMTS-
Hpc and sherthcai^U !—E-
T ASK tnB Di *?“» P »"u»'ilT» P W» Om’A
Ki.ivee, Umi*. 4 , C ' e i rv \ Q i al(?e variety, a
W*tcb« V ,uciU, Canes, Ac.
price*; G°W * a*/-,, * n « «urH*riorn>SD Der > aD( i
ed. W. W. WILSON,
tD'l maDuf of Marketed Fourth atreet*.
T ss}isrss®^'' tai “ *" d “* M “ t " 1W: b:r
■VrtKo Scoti, Of Henpocked Ha*'
Received and for sal* at qilu^ SFKNN kY * CO.,
No. 7® Fourth street.
jaTii; in store
> - n V
X- ■ — 4
- .-.'.'■f .• '<S
-w*' ’%v* -f
■■: ’• 1* *
C«BlUiptlT«» B«*d I
TTPnwi V g,ar jVeioly DUetnertd JfefAod gf Malahon
This moat wonderful article is deetinod lo produoe an en: ire
revolution In tin treatment of dl diseases of the lungs.
Accounts sn dally received from Clergymen and other per
sons of the highest respectability, of cases of cures bereto
fbre considered lncorahle of Asthma, Bronchitis, Consump
tion, snd all Diseases of the Lungs, by DR. OCRTIS’
HYQEANA. Bead the following:
Dr. Russell, Postmaster of Burlington,N.Y., says: “?-n.l
a doxen more Hygeana; it Is working wonders her. in
diseases of the lungs. 1 bellese it will cure any dlse.e-j
not In the aery last stages, and seen then is priceles, to
the rest and comfort it is sure to gtee the sußerer. ‘ I uni
willing,' said my neighbor, ‘to purchase a package a week
for my daughter; it giaee her perfect rest. Ido not expect
her to lire.’" . .
Hyqluu a H. Qinbert, Postmutar of Bkh
mond, Maine, writes us: “The Hygeana is doing wonders
here. My sister has had a distressing cough, with greet
difficulty or breathing, for yearn. She wore the Inhaler and
took the Cherry Syrup tor a few days before she was re
llered, and now, after one month’s use of it, her cough is
well. Dr. Curtis' new system of inhalation most produce
on entire resolution in the treatment or diseases of the
lungs. There is no mistake, it is truly a wonderful die-
She Ear. Mr. Curtis eeys: “It Is now eightdeys since
my daughter put on the inhaler end oomxnenoed using the
Hygeena, end it has elreedy done more tor her then ell the
medkel faculty here been eble to do for the Ust two years.
The Irriietion end tickling eeneetion In the throet is gone,
and with it the congh. She Bleeps well
Bold et DR. KRYSBB'S Drug Store, No. 140 Wood street,
corner Virgin eller end Wood street. {oct&dewgm
CrUUdoro f i JCxcnlsior Hmlx Djr«>
A great invention triompbs over all tactiooa rivalry,
even In this credulous age. It has been said that every
dty is a Paradise of humbugs; but let a really meritorioos
article, capable of doing all that U promised for it, be plaoal
In com petition with mere nostrums, sustained hy puffery,
and not by their own excellence, and the true preparation
will succeed while the trash foil* into contempt It ha*
It was offered as a preparation embodying all the chemical
ingredients of nature's own blacks and browns. The
chemists analysed it, and certified to the fact. The public
tried it, and their experience confirmed the dictum of the
scientific world. Its popularity *« * lmst «instantaneous
u the change of color it effects. The p«ple were Invited,
through the press, to see its operation with their own eyes.
They beheld red, sandy, yellow and grey hair, transformed
in five minutes —without pawing through any intermediate
dnt»—to a brilliant and rich natural black, or to any shade
of brown. They found that the fluid Imparted no stain to
the akin of the head, emitted no unpleasant odor, contain
ed no cauterising element. Of coarse, they endorsed It.
They could not do otherwise; and at this moment the sales
of the article exceed that of any other half doaen hair dyes
in the world. It is the latest effort of science, and It may
be truly said, “ the noblest offspring Is the last” The Ex
celsior Dye must break down every other and monop*
; olise the market, simply because it is the best. The result
[ it produces is its sufficient advertisement. Compare its
, operations with that of other hair dyes, and judge to which
' of th*T" the palm should be awarded.
f Sold wholesale and retail at DR. KEYSER’B Drug Store,
i 140 Wood street. , W —
FiteH»* Celebra
ted Medtelxaea, it DR. G. H. KKYSKR’S Drug Store,
No. 140 corner Wood street and Virgin alley.
Cherry Pulmonic, Pulmonary Balaam, Pectoral Bxpecto*
rant, Pulmonary Liniment, Depuratire Byrup, Heart Cor
rector, Humor Corrector, Pure and Medicine! Cod Urer Oil,
Antl-Dyepeptic Mixture, Cough and Cathartic Pllla, Nerrine,
Vermifuge, Female Pllle, Female Bpadfie, *c, QB ® d *7
him constantly and with unprecedented eixcceas, in the
treatment of
CW d*y Omght, Consumption, Ast Aew, Heart Diseases, Dp*~
jxpsia, Scrofula, Skin Ditto**, Bheumatism, Fem.aU
Complaints, Filet, ete r etc. Dr. Fitch's unequalled
rutent Silver Plated Abdominal Supporters. . ,
Dr. fVch's Improved Plated Steel
Spring Shoulder Brace. Dr.
Fitch's Sdrer Inha
ling Tube.
Ali-o, all kind! of Proprietary lleiHdoes, at tbe lowest
•cea, wboieole and retail. do»l3.<Uw
opinion of my §h#ulder
D*. LaXX, editor of the Chambereburg Tranttripi, under
dale of September 18, ISM, io speaking of these Drsees,
M „ : Oar friend. Dr. 080. H. KEYfiKR, submittal to oar
inspection a eery fine *peelmen of the “ Washington Sus
pender Brace," manufactured and sold by him at the corner
of Wood street and Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. It rerre*
admirably the purpom for which it is Intended, is light
and easy, and altogether free from the objections attached
to the many other Braces In general n#e. It Is an excellent
Suspender, while at the same time it preSerres the shoul
ders in a healthful position, without at all reftrainlng the
natural moremrots of the body. The Dr. will tend them
bt maiL free of postage, to any part of the Union.
gold wholesale and retail a: DR. RJSXSKR’S, 140 Wood
street, corner of Virgin alley [octßrisw
Great Attraction tn Dry .
A a MaSjN * (Xb, No. 25 Fifth street, Pittsburgh,
are now receiving and opening aome ftOO «*ea and
pwikagea of ercry description of DKY GOODS,
}!!?been purchased, at great sacrifices f "“ “£» jj S* a
L nt peremptory aalea in the eaat, and will De sold at
corresponding lowratee. Amongst this
vtlitoteund: 80d piece* of Merino*, Cashmeres, Pywnct
wool Plaid*, Alpaocaa, Bombasines, Deßege*, DeLainea,
A?* m£eh wßlbe wldatffl and 30 per eenL leM than usual
prteM; B.WW ~ri, of rioh Dr*. silk;, of
at a large discount from previous prices, upwards erf Igm
ShawScioak*, Talmas, Sc., at deckled bargains .aikvj Bon
net and Trimming Goods, at 20 per cent. I«a than usual
nrk»« • SXI cartons of rich Embroideries, Ribbons, Inco*,
retes; 50 cam Cloths, Cassimem, Sat*
We3x J«*ns, Ac, at about two thirds tbs regular
• rice* Ac Ac Together with a complete stock of every
other 'kind of’Goods, all of which will be
than auction price*, and lower
SllT«r M*»»toctorjr.
to aaperior radUUealo manufacturing myown
worfwlaAnow£uing at lea* 10 wmi. lowwUi**
or e&wbew. All work Uwarranted-
SterUmg Silver.— We alao manufacture Spoons of the
cootlmjwl, with ««J
dIU, ud ren.*nl d.t.rmln.Uon to Rl>- onto
SfSiSim. both .. to prto »nd lb.
Om work. Watchmaker ami Jeweller,
corner of Market and Fourth atlects.
Hotiee to stockliolderi.
PitttbvJvK >oTember 10, lao*. >
TH B udul meetin* of the Stockholder* oftb« PitUbor?h
»nd OoonellKTiUe Railroad for
•nculoi year, will be held at the Office of the Company, be-
Till- Hall, Pittuburgb, on w OS l ? A li^?s.?Bonrd l^ m
“ «*■ - 10 " v ‘“* .„
president Pittsburgh and OooaelUTtlle R- B-
PI ttsb'd eq'h coach factory. I
X. BMUnr m ™£r" ““**■
Bigelow A Co., .
DUtnond »UoT, DMT
ITfiNst BUGGIES. and erery description of^
bdi. to o?d,t .nd «n!»l»d In ™
Iturwed for beauty of dedgn, elegance of finiah, akUl of
,roritouiiahlp. and durability of material*.
fj- AH troth warranted
led LawrenoeTille. a iplendld ajeoruneat Str i ■ ■*--
JfYIHICLM, of eTery deecrtptlon,
MMiv« recalarly. new end eecond hand Carriage*, Sullaes,
wWoh he will tell on u» very loweetterau for
fTff** l a,T< ng W twelve Tear** practice in the bn*jny,*nfl
wllh hU well known facilities in Che Seat, he flatter* himeelf
AT A MEETING of the Stockholder* of the
..rf o» Oompeny, corner of Ponrth end Srr.Uh
fleld etreete, on Mondey, tho 6th ltutent, tho following per
loo, were elected Director. lor the .tuning je»r:
Willlem F. Jobruton,
a-oi« R White, W. M’CUntock,
J. Drier Pproul,
. i Harrier. / AJ. JOnM,
EB&, K^^T.Frhtnd,
WUllwa 8- Hitts, A. Wilkins,
Body Pktwson, Wgd * n * m P ttm >
oov7 Jodsh King.
j T JOBSSWS.i ......Bt t< JOBJWWR.
-rOHSBS) 1 N, eI *HOTH^K r * t oJ re i'B.ACTICM- OOACn
iXrari™M»rtm«nt »f Onrttagon, BufgiM,
lioircngo Cnro, *O., m»d» In nil tbelr ’O'loiij
1 mobility nnl benoty of flnish, lutag In nil
thnlrwtS thobent Juuintolnm “i* ““"I" “ cl ~2;
nairs attended to on themoet wMonnble terms. They teei
SiiMnnl thnt nU who mnr th.m wUli thtlr p.troii
me will be perectly Muffled on trial •>[ their worK
*Thn MttnburghnndMnnthentnrOmnlbtuon
teen minotea daring the day._ *
nn<r>« ColliM. i- ._
C .nd“rm. p« »«*m of » W»Mo »J
•iSJrSjiatfSuihi. M. M-lh *o .
to 12 s A. M.,»nd2 to 1, P.5L.120. SrontagCloMln Moth
-10 1 >!.. t til« p M HO. French and Carman, oto li, A.
dtoYand 7U>«. P- M., $3O. Ladle.’ CUnJ
Mathematics; Wednesday, 4 to 6, P. «4 Satarday, 9 to
A M_ 110 No pains or expense will be spared to male
♦Msdenartmentof the College worthy of patronage
thisdepa P HAVDBN, A- M-. Principal.
inbecciber respectfully announce* to the
r | omLli-mrn of Ptttshntgb, th»t ha hae race ml
ness UhlaSaplaO™,“*'?**“*
llehment In the United lu “ lgh dr, .ttuatlon
SffiS fw •a/issr™ hm
I a: ©^!f«s!2-
id *»ery low
fTTOKRAPHUTIO cmml.—A tor mm of tborr at
»n4eM.of «>• iarrlW, or U-kmW * ■*». wbo« h.blu
.r.Mdenttrr i tolrboi uxl to f
Tblid »pd Smithfield street*.
■_P U '"... ■ uvinv urn m-Ml IK— tomra m< fcr
w r4.iSr WJtMDia BEOB.
pgj® w. THST^ooiun.
~ *'■
■l*". -
. r no 1 i r TS^KF,I) OIL LARD OIL t ALCOHOL,
TTrlli occwp, th. *bo.e «r»hon» unUl ttwtr w balldlii*. *n> eompl«t«L •■**>* with * n«w Md
? A 2S^TC^B%mSS ; Sm «£th» m *«*■>. owrm-n, ud *l«Uh.
sealed proposals isvited.
_ _ . ~O TBAf I The 29th section of an act of the General
ear URRRAB, Thefbrtha tale
Sst-wSar gssttfzsSSßSX
the term of one month, In two newspa-
in Philadelphia,
ernorehasing the same, or any dirision thereof; and tran»
ralt P the oropoeals,if any arereeeiTed,at themeetingof th*
Sit&SSAmmWyf to the speaker of the Senate, who
poblWi th* MJM In th* ptt**nc* of thnt
the ™ . nn. _ nn'iiw i* «in atftte
STboiSoSiSlthandar •ml^dvaM,
Tiropowl*. Bidden can m*h» mb modlflrmttoni and chan
«-* fsjj r
hoe of iha pabllo workQjo |^ mHl to thojnaotion
lomfafo " lr^*f ' “.SffiSSSoSTftom ttonn. to Hot
at Dnnean a Island. ““"?251_ _u™l. including tho
■'■‘Jg-'iiall .hall to aacnrrd loth. Common
chattel* and • B ** t *J2tit^» , neee«»ry for the repain and
or ql “ 1 aiSTdlroada, and tho tama
J"°*SSrS, mortgaga,alion,grant or
malta andkoepa oamoon
M>midtar and rsnaw at plaaanrj, and aUo
MtrtSh and po‘ tot" oxaeution anch bylaws,
to QWM°» < ”r < f^mUtlnni as f*«» appear aunnsTj and
ordinance* wd tH**** tQ f „m corporation, not bo-
IDS s£L. and generally to do all and singular
Btatro. iwHTttoi. It .hall lawfully.^
thaw Jttoiog of aalo corporation, aniltto
tent by ttaa Gmernor, ItotnMrtod tal]ljl .
pbla to Oo nmbla and tto«Wra junrtkm
raplacanal, extending frorn 1 . 1 . the Juniata dirt
th* Juniata dM£n, the
*‘°° &»“ nolUdayaborg to/obna
new and old kwiage PennerlTaala eanal
town, and the wa f te £H. < yffSk «ft,n mr »i«tuta]T Tested
WI tolPcollt
otke thereof to do S‘*”“ ~_~V r£mnwinwealth. employed
tom, otßoaraand ajjanta of tto P„ J
on 01 their Bald offices or
nevertheless to InT MiM their present rate
amploymant* amlto amittai tl^mo Te dl or
°f th. officW bonda
«dd e.®.
meats of said raUrtjOJMinu ««• ,j maiQ Hn# or
log justandfalr exceed the rates of toll
W Itbeingthe true intent and meaning
that the said main line shall be. and remrtn fo£
of this . hept open and in repair by said
«rar a public W«bwayp v°£ of all per
company as such, for tn* th - __ e that nothing
bare thought
Sa 2?That the said company shall carry out,, in good
HS n Ss«ss“^srs.^
IJJfmttoStsta. togafbtr with tha working a lock and pna
™n, ra ob °°gto°y. »y
CtoTemoTshall announce
~d th* r«tt«l Commisstoners shall proceed to ta*a e»nr»
tea of lha to naUtntw
tho book, and ««£«Jtojaw. of £<r
tionpurthadngtoWmdo b> tbte
tnioiogwhattoraieri^<J^/^ I>|i 's w i I<tautu „ w
•* Bar” b^, n "S£ or p®toSa aa may to Mo. nary to
prerldo aoch r«n^ proyMonaof thiawit
—' ru o"» P roaerro tho powar to after
injuftic© shall wj done to the sail company.
Bt tin GoTsasoa:
Harrisburg. Wot. 14.18&*;
old .uSd, Vo. lo9»n>i>t«tr~t. leordUUjr
nmnunond tho n ,'* 2 J r ?B^ th * p * tam **J°a'{aLLK»-
Pittsburgh, July 29,1*®*- r
--JTO. nnuoL
a. a, wn—
* u ™*“ wS ?m>&S
Pendant*, ind ottw order, for
Attrition MrtoleoMtttttly on mm. *f
THB poms OF 0
Mr. 0. Aston psrpoaed returning totW« atT
to rwnine his teacblsg'..’sot be able
fortunately taken fli at «*U ho gives
to reach the dty tor«ne daya £
tohtojopfleof Uaanifri- AnqoiriM LnK yg.
riHAra gAßtf-A gST***
Cl *-**»€,** J. w. BOTLBH 00.
. i- ''■ +
,« *■ -
< v:4~»
manufacturers of
rnn MAIL TRAIN will leave evary morning (Sundays
cxeeptad) it T o'clock* stopping: at all the regular at*
iii/MMiAj arriving Id Philadelphia at 6 thettnrt
5 EXPRESS TRAIN will lemr. tw;
>t MO o’doci, atopplDE duly
Lockport, Johrutown, SammuhlU, G““.o.
Ac. boSecttak « HnbbßW •£* 0w
min, »nd mrrtTtaf in PhflmWplii* °r B4ld»o», »t J
soon (exoept Band*y) at A3O o'clock, •“'W 1 ’ ~
(except Sunday,) it' 11 o’clock, A. M, stopping at nil at**
tlosj, and Tunning only as tar as Brinton’s. a .
RETURNING TRAINS arrive In Pittsburgh. Jim A©*
eommodation arrives at 8 o’clock* A.U- Brpns%
Second Accommodation, 7, pTS. Mail 1180, P.M. laat
U &JSv£*“ : ork,»ll,«>; lUE Jhn
to Baltimore, SS,&O. Pare to Harristnrg. sM#* n
Baggage checked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Mil*
road, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Passengers purchasing tickets tn ears,
C*htb in addition to the station rate*, except &t*n ataaosa
where the Company have no Agent. . _ „,_.i
Pennsylvania money, and per funds only* reeatved in
1 caruunt tor tickets. _ ....
* NOTICE.—In case of loss, the Company will bold
i themselves responsible for personal baggage only, end ft*
* an amount not exceeding $lOO. . .
* H. JL—The Excelsior Omnibus line hasbean employee
‘ to lran the Depot.*;
* a charge not to exceed IS cent* for each pnaaenger* and
c 15 cents for each trunk. ««nrvarww i M «♦
0 For tickets, apply to J-, MESKMDI, Agtßt*
At the P. R. R Passenger Station, on liberty ft.
e Pittsburgh, November 13th. 1854—f no? 14
Vlt StcnlMßTlUe mad ladlmam Railroad 1
Fifteen miles bt canal packet, and central
OHIO RAILROAD from CUjpoet’s Button to Newm*
and Colombo*. . ,
lmTiog EtMibeDTilUktT tfriocl, A. arrive
ftt ClavDool’i in time to connect with Night Bxprors Train,
on Central OhU Railroad, tor Newark and Columbna, arri-
Ting at Newark at 12 03 A- M., and OolnmbusatlJOJL3L,
I connecting Immediately with train tor Cincinnati; and at
I Xenia with train far Indianapolis and Chicago,
via Dayton. a .
Returning, passengers leaTe Columbus at 0.40 ana
Newark at A2BA. M- arriving at CUypool’sat 9.09 A.
and leaving immediately tor Steubenville and Intermediate
Twrfwtn- and arriving at Steobeovtile at 7.45 “• M.
From Stenbanrille to Newark, - * ♦“ *&
Do. do. Colombo*, - - 4
Passengers going East by this roou will prccnreTlcßeU
at the Oentral Ohio Railroad offlces hi Columbus and
Passengers change Cara at Newark, tor Mt. Vernon, tt»l
by, Mansfield, Sandusky City and Toledo. _
in a few weeks the Steubenville and Indiana BaDroad
will be finished to Newark,
Canal Packets. ISRAEL PBStBEOTCtt^
OOT I Superintendent.
iim nm
An Air Line Bonte from Chicago to St Loui*.
l cn arrival of Exprmsa Iraki of Michigan Southern and
Central Railroads—
I fit. ST. LOUIS DAY MAIL _**?» 4 «
Traioe run through to St. I>;ula In f • u r Jl,
Bloomington, Springfleld and Alton, without change of cart
or baggage, connecting at Alton with daily Lina ol PaeAetfi
for Hannibal, Quincv and Keokuk, y>d at
and intermediate points on the Mississippi, and with regular
of atoamers for Kansas and Cenndl I Mo®*- •_
Baggage checked through to St. Loula, on Michigan Cen
tral Southern Trains, and at the depot in Chicago.
. K. p. HOLLISTER, Chicago,
General Paaaenger Agent.
RICHARD P. MORGAN, Jx, Superintendent.
J»-Through Tlekeca to St. Louis by thia rout*,« be
obtetoed in Pittsburgh, at Offleea of Cleveland sadFitta
burgh and Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad*. (Mf&xa
Seeretary of tiu CmmtmwaUK
.-VixSjC. .■ - 4
.* * *v. -- * '
™ V:
' / / :
Okl* u 4 P«Bm«ylvM>» Hallrona,
rEE shortest, quickest and cheapest rootsi to ToiwJo.OiV* -
eago> Bock Islacd, Galena, and SL touts, to *IA
CLEVELAND. , . . ...
TWa route to one bandied miles ihortrr and about eight
boor* quicker to Chicago, than the circuitous one VIA IN
between Pittsburgh s “d Cleveland.
Pour Daily Trains between Cleveland and Chicago.
Time to Cleveland six boursj Chicago twenty-two hours,
and 8L touis thirty-seven hours. .
Trains fbr Cleveland leave Alliance at 7.80, AJL, UL00»
m and 630 P. M, connecting at Hudson with Trams tor
Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, and arriving Jn Cleveland at
10.00, A. M., 2 20, P. SL, and S3O, P.SL
The Trains of the Ohio and Penna. Railroad, leave Pitts
burgh at aOO. 4. SI, 8.00, A. M., and 3DO, r.M^-arrive iu
Cleveland at 10 00, A. M, 2.20, P. and B.M, P. J*“*
opting there with through Trains for To.edo, Chicago, Rock
i and SL Louis. « ..
Paaseugers fbr Toledo, Chicago, 8L Louis and the North
west, leaving Pittsburgh on either of the morning or after-
I noon Trains, by going VIA CLEVELAND, will arrive in
Chicago one Train in advance of these who go vto Mans
field or any other route. Time gained by going Tia Cleve
land, eight hours. , . . .
Pamengen going to 8L Louis or any other point west
of Chicago, will make the closest connections and quickest
time by taking the-6.00, A. M., Train from Pittsburgh.
Passengers by this Train (vie Cleveland) reach 8L Louis on
the evening of the following day.
The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago ran as
fellows: Leave Cleveland at 630 and B3O and
a y, p, SL; arrive in Chicago at 8.45 and ILOQ, P- M* 530,
leave far Rock Island and 8L Louis as fallows :
Leave Chicago at 8 20, A. M ahd 930, P. M. • . .
Passengers for 8t Louis go over Rock Island Railroad to
Joliet, ana thenee over the Chicago and Hfestadppi Rellroed
to Alton, and thence by Steamboat (23 miles) to St. Louu.
Panengers by the 830, A. SL, Tfain arrive to 8L Louis al
1130 same evening, snd by the 930, P- SL, Train at noon
cheeked through to Cleveland, and there re
; checked far Chicago aodBt. Louis.
15*0438.1 is* class. 2sn cuss-
To Alliance 42 30 |To —4J} «> ®
Cleveland. 400 I Le Salle 14 60 U5O
Toledo 6 001 Rock Island- 16 50 13 50
Detroit—.—. 600 j 8L Louis...— 19 60 15 50
rsiwiiiMri are requested to procure their tickets at the
offie of the Oompeny, to Monongahela Am ttM door
Ulow th. oorMr. 1.
|T«W * WMKMIIt* -
Mail train iootc. pituvrxth »t sa m; <uw *fAiu
.nee; tnkee tenet Cretan. »d “T
nection there nithninst IxprM. Tr»ln, renehin, Cinch.-
nntinbont Ho-docket night. , j,i„v p M
P.M, connecting whh tic
«nrt>?S™i«lww3i lenehesCSncinnnt! in tho knotiibg.
H SLSSf 2rTmMA, with the Ohio ud M*nn,nnd
lndiana railroads fcr Daytoft, IndSasapolia
“ciXcUonetreninde with Cleyeinpd.ManroorfllnBnn
dusky, Toledo, Delroit end Ohbago withßf<Nr»fc OgP«
gnnlusky, Forest, ntnl Ac towns on the Med Slyer Bond.
\lao, with Mount Vernoß, Newark* Zanesrilla and town*
ao tbe Manefifltl road.. m ww
Var« to Cincinnati $7; to IndianapoliasS; toSsjrtflßKiW,
u>' $6 ; to Oolumbua $6,25; toZanegfflle s64p~. ta
•Merrland s4* Through tiekeU to LoolsriUe atxednood
rnu SXPRIBB TRAIN learee Crestline at 106 PM,
tod reaches Pittabnrgb at 8 J» PM, co*naedl« with the
tat Kspre* Train tbrouAta fifteen
usn ikalN teareaCrettUneat ar_«
nval of the Night Bxpreea Train freae OhiriifM, and
“iJre* BRiSnTON* AOCISiMODAIIOK IlUll lenrer
Pittsburgh at 10 AM, and 6 PM, and Now JMgbtan at 6
4 FRKIGHT*TRAIN learee Pittsburgh atT 9 P»
jL and arrises at 4AO All, and £2O,^ M. :
A»»n»e Train* do not mn on Sunday. .. .
kj- TiekeU or farther Inforaetißn, apply at tbe ticket
o£Z*g?oZ nnd P.nnqlynninSnUT ? «lo»jP« s ,.if
J g cubby,at-the oomeroOeeandw the Jfinriatane**
■—*SS« w»SSSMj&.
JOHN KBIIT, Ffengff Bge»t '
o.HiiiviTaßl* BallrMi*
Wto “> to
or box«#: 7& cent* 100 Bw. -.".
and ttartkj tool, Glpsware, Harf**»> R***» !" # 9 i ***
gjiMp PtUi>And Iqis 60c.^lQOfto. . ■_• /, •_ «l_ »-u_
iSri Clmi—B*eo® and Pwk
HWWnui^bw.SoamWindow gha^—aw
Sl H«£i* (owapt—d,) MW"
y 100 Ok -
gm v,«oJ2£l&£*.
°piah culm—»w BU» Jar