.■ t " * * * *-v * _• • u,.' -r» ,'* V «#• • -■ . * *:•.'•. ' ? ';,• s L' ■ 1 v • cfc,Vv&.\' ';'V .yi .’• \ ■ '*!..• '.r,rp---f'C’. h* . ... - ... '“•••: •;■*•' : '• ■-7 - :: :'■'■■'=> - V w A*se»*» •. '•■•>' ?:*?*•'.-:^ 'N.-;v ~ .*?• *.“•*•.• *j; -m .-„i AV’ ..rVi i, J ' v "*»'*•*'•'* -• v- • • « . r n*., *• *.>*%•= i. i. -I,‘f.V •{ -Vr*' l ' *■ **^2U»*'f’• ••'**'" *•* 1,1 !** ■».’ - ,•• . •' >• 2;'w." **■*'*'*•* *J ,J l. ,‘ \ *t '. ; * /■ X.'vi-*"• •' * •*, V’ V 4* C*! ■** -■ 1* .*•■ ?1 4 V. jJ »*' %/j sr* ’,'» -4r ' ?•* ;■>::; v--./ it; < *?> -r iHM Elliljjj COMMCNICi,TIOSS WITH BOHOPB The project of establiehing a eubmarine tele graph Hoe between thie continent and Europe ie .progreeaiog. A cable 130 miles long ie now f neariy completed, and will be laid down across «!%s<& -th. Gulf of St Lawrence, a. soon a. the ice w.ll. permit. This will connect St. Johns, in New foundland, with the main land and by other line, with New York. From St. Johns o Cape Bay, on the eastern extremity of that Island, is g-Sii&SW abmit 860 miles ; msd the line will be completed $ for that distance in about a month. «»•»*»•< •- to the submarine lino across the Gull of St. la-rmtoe. will enable us to get intelligence from. Europe in four days less than at present. It -m all be completed by the Ist of June next; and then .rents occurring in London, Pans and even Vienna, will be known in all th. pnn cipal cities of the United States in six or seven Whether it will be possible to complete the submarine line from Newfoundland to Europe is still a question. The projectors are sangutne ° f ”■ o °* psrty propoße9 :° T: d : oable from Newfoundland to Iceland, and thonc •• TV. to Scotland. It will probably be attempted, a'i/' •• *. v\ The “lightning line” between Europe and T'V r'> America is greatly desired, and will not be n»BSWafsB®ES‘SSBftl^^-'*fi*® , ■ ' V' \? given up without expensive efforts for success. The Atlantic Ocean once spanned by the wires, ' the whole world would be brought into a speedy communication. England will soon have tele graphic communication with her East Indian possessions. A cable is about to be laid down across a portion of the Medi.eranean sea as a ffc ’ part of that line. When that line and th, At laotic line arc complete, we shall expect news from Calcutta cr Ceylon in two or three days. The difficulties in the way of ccus.rucung submarine telegraphs are not so great as was at first apprehended. The deeper the water of the ocean along the line the more safe those cable,, will be. It is found by numerone experiment that at a certain depth there are no currents in ■ the ocean. Theweightofthew.t.rabovepre vents the movement m the deepest waters If ISSgJSIteV put down in deep water, then, the tnl.gr.ph~. rp* bles would remain suspended in waters that * move not from age to age, andeo deep down as i to escape aU collision with the monsters of the deep; with dragging anchors; or any other cause ot disturbance. The great desideratum for submarine telegraphs is deep water. From New Foundland to the north of Ireland, it is but about 1,700 miles ; and it is believed that there : i, deep water all th. way, where cable, would remain suspended for centuries without distnr -4” banoe. The submarine telegraph across the At- Pan tie then is practicable; and perseverance wnnlUi and Boience wiU yet accomplish the wor of connecting New York by telegraph with Lon den. From London, lines will extend over Eu- S■&!*?££? rope and Asia; and the world be girded with channels of intelUgence that will make the &-? remotest nations neighbors. Steam and th. lightning have not yet displayed all their pow -6 fey ere; nor science exhausted Its wonders. The && ns" quarter of a centnry may yet develop, more useful agencies, and more civilising ten dencies than the last. And no agencies would «• vffidfjffi be more useful than telegraph lines, spanning pecans and continents, and bringing all nation. into th * intimat * relati ° na that Buoh *P eed J ggffig p’u communications would prodnoe. jaSSoS Proposalshave already been made to our gov jggSS ,rnment to oonßtruot a line of telegraph from aKtfWgW jKMSa^sjgjSf*s^]l«nstifcb>vi St. Lonis acroßS the oontinent to San Francis* BWBM ' 00. A branch of it penetrating Oregon would reach the mouth of the Columbia river. Thenoe by the Pacific coast through Washington torrilo tory and British and Eussian Amerioan it would reach Bherings straits. It is but thirty-eight JjftSKggaSgiilvb tpileß acroßS those straits. Thence through -~e : '^v44'W^ > Vv‘ :t '*v KamßChatka, China would be reached. Those who refleot upon the vqst commeroe soon to he developed between this country and the bun<>' t . eds * f Willioos of China and J’pan will not conB -, de r *ke project of such a lino of tsiegrap'j a 8 wholly chimerical. y t is no t mwe so th*- a a fla bniariDe Vine across the Gulf of St. would haTe been deemed but alew years ago. The wants of oommercu are increasing ; an d the intercourse among nations to which it pJiTes riso must be supplied with swift f a t any expense. Tbe constructi.on and Opening of these chan ■ nelfl ° f tbou 6 Qt andjin'.elligence may be delayed by the Wars in whicV the European and Asiatic powers are engaged. Bat when peaoe once more blesses the and commeroe and prosper ity re,iTe ’ such as we have scotched "i ?*, jp**'above, Vill soon command attention and ap provrji, and find the meanß of accomplishment. bit—'We hove received from Mr. A. Pritchard - n big bottle of fine black ink-as much »we .haU w in a year-and it is good ink, de oidedly good. It flows freely, yet has sufficient body, and look, well on paper. We ean reoom rtSV*. mend it ne well worth a trial by book-keepers, and all others who write moeb. It is for sale by the manufacturer, Mr. Pritohard, at his store, *4 , w' a *' v,r - r -S No. 96 Smithfield street, near Fifth street. Give ,■ ** ’*" -; v !‘ V’\ S?:r?-.^*, •>*. ' -'C*l r*f” ; * >- r > - ' -, ,e ; a >-£V‘ '.v*-c ■ • ?.«• < •,* ■ <•«» »w *#»«, v - • . • ',.*<*i ± 'i?JI ** *r j* r {t l&jS&ii'fg, mS^^s^sasusk WEBasa^sifeTOsM ‘ i *C * 1 * ■ ; Srahj burning *jM WEDNESDAY MORNING:"—NOVEMBER 22. W. would cull the attention of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the tut th»t we hale ju»t receWed from Philadelphia o number of fonts of new Job Type,an „„ now prepared to Ml orders for Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Paper Boohs, Posters, mid Projrammes Ibr exhibi tions. Ail orders wiU he promptly tiled- seiri of tHe D»y» Tho Mexican war steamer Iturbide, left New York on Saturday, for Vera Crux. A writ of error has been granted in the case of Dr. Graham, in New York, and it will be heard at next term, before the Superior Court. The ship Charles Hill, arrived at New York on Saturday, from Havre with 400 passengers, reports 19 deaths on the paßasge. It is stated that Santa Anna haa given orders for ths constrnction in New York, of two more steamehipe, precisely similar to IheSnnfa Anna. Apprehensions, it appears, are felt at Wash ington, in relation to the sloop-of war Albany, and it is said the department ia about to send the eteamer Fulton in quest of her. The mortality or New York oity for the past week wee 356—0n1y two from cholera. Of the entire number 233 werq, natives of the United States 60 of Ireland, and 88 of Germany. George Passendiok & Co., Bankers, of Mil waukee, suspended on Saturday—their bills, however, are received at all the Milwaukie oity banks. , . The loss by the bnrning of Judson a Hotel, in New York, is $70,000—4,000 insured. The thir ty-four girls employed in the hotel lost all their clothing. Some of them escaped by getting on the roofa of other buildings. The boarders in the house, one report says, lost *20,000. Some of them escaped very narrowly being bnrned by jumping from the windows. Othere were taken out of the windows with ladder.. The adjoin ing buildings were saved. Basks. The following banks are reported by the St Lottie Democrat as basing failed: Union Banka, Chicago, mentioned before; the Rock Island Bank; MilledgeTille Bank, Georgia; Cherokee Bank and Insurance Co., Georgia; Rock River Bank, Beloit, in Wisconsin; Bank of Roehford. jO-> Commodore Perry, of the Japan squad ron, has arrived at Southampton, England, on bif return home. | ! -r •'.*» irW*! > ■ .v .« *.-• •.>,*- , v • w' ■ : ■ • •^3 pittsbb v,,.. -. -v, * ! . s. ► ,K .V:>? : *•’ ■ ■»/. ♦>** % V' *•■ " .:x.H.I. *i4*. L»- THB LICCTtBB We listened to tho lecture last evening with pleasuTf,’! Mr.. Godwin is a good thinker, a good writer, laid a good reader ; but he is no orator. His lecture was fall of thought and intelligence, and has evidently been prepared with great care; and, excepting his political alhisionii of a bitter partisan character, hisrtectnre Was a good one. When will lecturers learn'to let politics alone ?• The course of lectures in this city aro supposed to be designed for the edifioation of all. Yet nearly every leoturer selected this year feels bound to indulge in slang against the party that has ruled this country for half a century; and that will live forever. The last evening was thinly attended. We hope they all will be until lecturers are found who will let politics alone, and attend to other subjects. Theodore Parker, Miss Lucy Stoue, Dr. Elder, and Mr. Godwintheir very names show what kind of a selection has been mado, and what the inten tion of the selection is. Prevention better than a Cent.—Dr. Key aer, Wholesale Druggist, of 140 Wood street, in inviting attention to hie Pectoral Syrup, does not pretend that it will heal tubercles or ulcer 8 in tho lungs, or heal over a half wasted laog ; but in the incipiency of tho disease it will allay inflammation, core the cough, and effectually arrest the progress of the disease. One or two spoonfulls of this medicine has often cured a violent cough of several weeks’ duration. Cure your cold with half a dollar by buying a bottle of Pectoral Syrup. American Hotel, Cleveland.—We under stand that Mrs. Millford, widow of William Millford, Esq., late proprietor of the Amerioan Hotel, Cleveland, has taken charge of the eetab ment, and will conduct the business as hereto fore. Mr. 0. P. Myers, the popular and oblig ing olerk, who has done so much to achieve the present high reputation of this Hotel, will continue his services. The American always has enjoyed the name of being one of the beet Hotels in Cleveland. Hard Times and the Causes Thereof. There is more truth than poetry in the follow ing, which we extract from the Baltimore cor respondence of the Washington Star: Our country at present is in a very bad way. People have been living too high. Pride, that monster by which angels have fallen, has a fear ful responsibility, and must be called to dread account in answering for these sins. Ladies must appear in hundred And five hundred—yea, thousand dollar dresses. A handkerchief worth less than $6, $l6, $26, and even $5O, is com mon. The beautiful and fashionable Miss C. cannot be allowed to out do Miss A. Hence an emulation is engendered, stomagers of gems glittpr upon young damsels until their fathers’ purses groan and cry for mercy. Miss M. is out shopping. She maxes bills here and there, but a .lay of reckoning comes, aud it is even now at hand. Fast yonog men cannot move upon the retro gilding scale. They have graduated in that school whose maxim is, “Go U while you’re jcuug’. ” Broadcloths of tbe-floest texture, and all else in proportion, mast be sported. Fast horses, dogs, guns, and other appendages kept. Good wines, brandies, and Bimilar luxuries can* D.t be dooe without. To sdm up all tbis in a nutshell: These elegant geotlemen and exqui site ladies are emphatically consumers. They do nothing, produce nothing, and their gold, or that of their fathers, goes directly to Europe to pay for articles which are absorbed in nothing. A five hundred dollar veil, a thousand dollar silk dress, or a hundred dollar kerchief, when re duced to its intrinsic substance —that is, ashes — has not more than nutriment enough to fructify ten grains of wheat. By tbis system of fast liv ing, superinduced through/alee pride, Europe g**ta our gold and we get her dross. Is it to be wondered, tbeD, that people complain of bard timeßand a tight money market ? Young gen tlcmen and yonng ladies, ponder upon these things ! Think, while yon aro votaries of pride and apers of abominable fashion, that your fftthers may be writhing in mental agony, and loaded, bowed to the earth with pecuniary era barrassments. Beauty may, for a time, shine attractively io borrowed plumage, but when on masked is repulsive. 1 would rather wear a garment of linsey-woolsey, paid for, have an easy conscience and be free from dobt, than wear the crown the Bonrbona wore—a subject, yea even a slave, of the importuning, perhaps unfeeling, creditor or merciless duo. Thx Usury Law.— The following aot has been prepared by the New York Chamber of Commerce, and will be submitted to the next Leg- islature : An act regulating the rate of interest on TBE LOAN OR FORBEARANCE OF MONET. The People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Ateembhj do enact at follows : tiec. 1. No grant transfer, bond, note, bill of exchange, contract, or agreement, or loan or for bearance of any money, goods, or thing in ao tioo, shall be void by reason of any paying or receiving, or agreement to pay or allow each rate of interest as tbe parties may agree upon. Sec. 2. In all cases where the rate of interegt is uot specified, the interest shall continne t 0 be at the rate of se.en dollar npon one bnndred dollars for one year, and after that rate for a greater or less sum, or for a larger or shorter time. Seo~ 3. No greater rates of interest than is specified in the second section o( this aot shall be changed any judgment after the date of the rendition, thereof, entered in any of the oourts of this State, altbovgh evtoh judgment may have been forwarded upon a writing stipnlating a high er rate of interest. It is a remarkable fact, that oat of the See. 4. So much of title third, chapter fourth, twenty-three thousand post offices in the United and part second of the Revised Statutes, and so Btate ** noß ® haa *>•«“ * defaulter, either daring much of the laws of 1837, chapter 430, as are * h * lft f* or Preceding fiscal year. The single ds con'jistent with the provisions of this aot, are f a * ca trpn which ocourred in Troy was promptly hereby repealed. ma<, e gbod, the whole severity of the law against Seo. 5. This aot ahall take effect Immediately. ? ef * ult i I 1« eub-treaaar orB being at onca applied ' to the delinquent. -p 0 secure the entire inoome The Fall of a Church in New London, o. from the Departir ieD t, and to introduce eoonomy The Cincinnati Commercial, of Saturday, con- into all its brar jo hes, )g the surest means of di- Ulna the following particulars of tbe lamentable “ iniahin * tb 'o defloit between the reyenoe and .. . ... v . ... , the expend',mres of the Department. It le now acoident whioh ocoorred on Thursday last, aaal- belie Ted, that in lesa than four yeara the Poet ready briefly reported by telegraph : Offi.be department will, under the present syetem, The accident, we learn, was caused by the to be a oharge of the Treasury. giving way of the scaffolding aboo.* k the steeple the heavy timbers of whioh w* re being lifted to New Jersey Flection—Official Return*, their place. The ttn d a o' Trintoji, Nov. 20.—The following are the of weighty building m*\ eria i an d several me fl * ficial majorities for members of Congress at the went down with a croab amo ng a nmr.bsr recent election :-First Distriot, Claweon, Whig, and estimable citizen, died of his ir,juries. He f » r Wb *4o'6B° The Demo! was a Trustee and Deacon of a Chr ir oh, the head throughout th. wm.40,68-. The Demo of a large family, a etirring buerneee man, and, ? ratl ° , rote for a country gentleman, widely known. The ity of 6,708, and a loss on the Democratic rot, following are the names of the wounded: year of 4,4 Abner Franri*. John Davis, John W. Jones, Evan Evans, Litas Williamson, Edward Jones, Thomas Jones, James Bcctt, William Atherton and Jacob Pnillis] Yesterday morning it was thought Mr. Ather ton was dying. He lean extensive and excellent farmer, andf most valuable man. Mr. Phillis, Mr. Williamson, Thomas Jones and Soott, are all thrifty mechanics —the others farmers. The body of Nathaniel Jones has been brought to this city, and will be sent by express to Ebena burg, Pa., where his relatives reside. His head was utterly crushed by tbe faLling timbers. Two or three of the wounded will, it is thought, have to undergo amputation. The quiet oountry neighborhood, visited by this peculiarly shock ing calamity, is now as one house of mourning. Clsbgymbn in CoNcmsss.—There will be a good sprinkling of clergymen in the thirty-fourth Congress. James Me&cham, from First Dis trict, Vermont, is a clergyman, and so is Alran Salin, from the Third District. Ebeneier Knowl ton, from the Third District of Maine, is a Free Will Baptist preacher. JohnJ. Pearce, elected in the Fifteenth District of Pennsylvania; Robert B. Hail, in the Fifth District of Massachusetts, and : Mark Trafton, in the Eleventh, are ministers of the Gospel.— Ledger. Henry Ward Beecher considers it getting down in the world to go from the pulpit to Congress ; but it seems a good many are willing to try it. A Mosquito Rkpublio. —lt was stated several months ago that some American capitalists had purchased from the Mosquito king a sort of title to all his territorial possessions. Aeoording to the New York Herald, this oompany has now fit ted out an expedition in New York oity u> es tablish a oolony in Mosquito, with a republican government, the pnrobase covering twenty-fir# millions of acres, and the intention being to unite San Juan thereto. Colonel Kinay, of Texas, heads the expedition. f .v'r-'i. V»v/' • ;•• 1 •v AV,s •••> i. rv■» j: iVf ■** ’. - *£>?.? <*■:> • V f •:■, >-V*i ’. . - '■■■ *:•s■■■ ■■■■■■■■ r• 1 •-i r* _ . \ V■. y ‘ ; , ***?*'*■ S ' . IB* We publish the following letter to ehow our readers what a delightful thing it is to be a soldier in actual war. The young “ guards men*’ did well, and b4an dp well under .the great loss it must be to a sprig of nobility to be deprived of his front teeth and a part of his tongne, and have a hole in his cheek besides. The letter gives “ an inside view of a battle.” £he English are “ good plnok anyhow” if they are a little proud and saucy: A Young Guardsman at Alma. The following extremely interesting letter from the seat of war has been hie mother, the Countess Annesly, by the Hon. Hugh Annesley, of the Fasilier Guards. H. AL 8. London, Sept. 21. My Dear Mother : * * * We forced the passage of the Alma yesterday, and defeated the Russians most gloriously, though with great loss to ourselves, owing to their extraordinary strong position. Old offioere s»y it was as strong as Torres Vedras. The Russian army was drawn op on the heights, upwards of forty thou sand stroag, and with immensely heavy ar tillery.—twenty four and thirty-two pounders. The light division advanced to the attack, sup ported by the first division, (Guards and High landers.) They got across the river and then ad vanced against the intrenchmcnts. The 23d was in column when the brigade of Guardß charged in line. My company (4tb) was next to the colors, and in tho very centre of tho line. We got up to within ftfty yards of the ditch, when the regi ment before ns (which had the three senior offi cers killed) turned right about and came down in oar faces, thus breaking our line. We were about thirty paces then from the ditoh, and the fire was so hot that you could hardly conoeive it possible for anything the size of a rabbit not to be killed. I kept on shooting, “ Forward Guards !” to the few men that were not swept away by the when a ball oame and stopped my mouth most upceremoniously. It entered my left cheek and went out the month, taking away the front teeth. 1 instantly turned to the rear, feeling it was about one hundred to one against my ever getting there, os the ballets were whizzing around me liko hail. I tripped, and thought it was all over with me, however, I got up again with the loss of my sword and bearskin, and at last got into the river, and out of fire. I had then another straggle on the other side, where grape and round shot were ploughing up the ground, and shells bursting; however Istum blod on and at last got out of fire and sat down among wounded and dying soldiers and horses. The doctors gave me some water, and then were obliged to go to others; so when they left, 1 sat there for above half an hour before 1 could find out where the hospital was. At last an officer of the 10th, although himself wounded, gave me his arm, and took me to the Fusilier Hospital, where I got a little water and sat down to bathe my face. There were six or seven of oar fellows there ; one with five balls in him, another three, and a third with his leg broken. My servant got me some blankets, and then we got into a stable, half burned down, cleaned out, and five of us lay there for the night, very wretched, as yoo may suppose, operations going on all around us. Some weak brandy and water, and some tea, was all we had. The sbed we were in was a horrid thing—the beat, and dust, and flies in tolerable. Poor B ■ - came to Bee me in the hovel we were lying in, and burst into tears when be re cognized me, I was so altered. Of course one cannot have an ounoe of lead through one with out awelling, and my face is like a good sized turnip ; my mouth much larger than I have any Jtsire to see it in future Ido not suppose the ball could have hit me in any other part of the bead where it would not have been attended with more danger—a most summary dentist the ball was, to take out all my teeth at one smash, except four grinders, (thero was a decayed one which I hope has gone with its brethren, but 1 can’t make out if it has or not There is a good bit of tongue gone also, but the doctors say that will not signify, aud that I shall speak as plain as ever, or, at most, ot ly w th a becoming lisp ; so, altogether, I think even you most a) low that I have every reason to be thankful, and 1 hope you will not allow yoarself to fret the least about me. Jest as we were storming the great redoubt, I prayed “ Ob, God! spare me aud I really uo more expected to retaro alive than if I bad been tied to the oannou's moath. Only fancy grape and connister being fired at ns witbin thirty yards, besides a whole battalion lettiog drive as bard as tbe could into as Both tbc officers in my company were wounded. Tbe colonel (Ber keley) bad his leg broken. All tbc sergeants were wounded, and two killed ; and, 1 believe, at least, twenty or thirty of our m< n. I was close to Lindsay when the Queens colors were smashed in his hand; there were twenty be Net holes in it, yet he was not tonched. 'The fifth company, which was next to mine, has ev ery officer wounded. Sir George Brown says be never saw so hot a fire ; and he was alt through the Peninsola, and at Waterloo. Seymour was not wounded, but hit on the watch, which saved his life. The Law of ffewapopers* 1. Subscribers, who do oot giro ex-* tice to the contrary, aro eonaid* to continue their subacri 2. If subsorib**" their pape*" thei** jjiioni. .« order the discontinuance of .a, the publisher can continue to send - until all arrearages are paid. 8. If subscribers negleot or refuse to take their papers from the office to which they are direoted, they are held responsible till they set tle their bill, and order the paper discontinued. 4. If any subscribers remote to another place without informing the publisher, and their paper is sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 6. The courts hate deoided that refusing to take a newspaper from the office, or remotlng and tearing it unoalled for, is prima facie eti dence of intentional fraud. Sewaed oe Ullmahn. —We believe it is not jet oertaio that Beward can be returned to the Senate of the United States. If we are not mis taken, the friends of Mr. UUmann, in the As sembly and Senate, will be able to eleot him United States Senator with the help of the Na tional Democrats. So the little dodger may, after all,, loose his election, notwithstanding his friends Btooped to the humiliation of voting for Seymour, to buy Assemblymen for him.—Afa tional Democrat. Louis Napoleas’s Faux Pas. —lt is said that in Paris Louis towards Mr. Sonle is regarded as a jaux pas, and that public opinion was strong against the justioe and polioy of the exclusion. It was this state of publio feeling which satisfied the Emperor that Mr. Soule was a much abused man, and induced him to revoke his order. fjg* The Enow Nothing candidate for Con gress elect, in the Plymouth District of Massa chusetts, the Bev. Robert B. Hall, has com menced a libel suit against the editor of the New Bedford Mercury, who obarged him with the commission of a foul and disgusting crime while he sustained a connection with a religious society in Boxbury. * About Faox. —The Harrißburg Telegraphy here tofore a strong advocate of the eale of the Pub lio Works, is now in favor of retaining them, but abolishing the Canal Board. What has caused this sadden and unexpected summerset ? Per haps the Whigs think they have a good chance of getting the works into their own hands if the Board be abolished. Who knows ? Not UNiimr.—The Albany (N. Y.) Register suggests that the story of the oyster disease was got up by the political economy, for office seek ers find sound oysters very expensive just tafors and during election. \ j'j a. i r •- ± 0%, i*;4*iV* " J - af. n . .. -; jr.Ti'v?- - 22T=CI THB OIjD MUjlj. Don’t you remember, LUy dei\r. The Mill by the old Lill-feiJe, Where we used to go la the summer time, . And watch the Away tide, And ton the lures of the fragrant beech, Gaits breast to smooth and bright, Where they floated away like emeralds, In a flood of golden light! Lily, dear. And the miller, lore, with his elouchy cap, Andeyee of mildest gray, Plodding about hi* dusty work, Singing the live-loug day ! And th>- eoet that hung on the rusty nail, With many a motli-y patch, And the rude old door, with its broken sill, And the string, and the wooden latch '■ Lily, dear. And tho water wheel with its giant arms, Dashing the beaded spray, And the we- ' -uaary next. The long- Illinois Centra 1 - . ■ sUrfa °e of the globe is the .ad i. r.pidiy ,ch “ 781 milc ” in le “S th ’ F y appro- ching oompleuon. Neari*' -** cb raska are fast pounng in. j ail, far, have succeeds d in finding uesirable locations, and bouses are fast dotting the face of the country. Much land has already been broken near Omaha. A desire to conform striotly to the claim laws adopted by the cilisens here on the 22d ult., prevails ; and quite a fraternal feeling exists. We think it can be safely asserted, no new country has ever been settled under more favorable au spices. „ p.feßfl no .red ae wishing Another of the good Ladle* of our City teitlflef to 111** etflcocy of DR. M’L&Ntb CKLEUIIA* TIED VERMIFUGE. Nzw You, February 7, 1863. I do hereby certify to the public, that a child of mine, tour yearn old, being troubled with worms, 1 was induced to purchase a bottle of Ur. U'Ludc'i Celebrated Vermifuge, which I administered, and the result was, it brought away an immmiiM number of worms In bunches and airings; many had the appearance of being cut to pieces. My child is now enj 'yiiig most excellent health. 1 take pleasure in recommending it to both young and old, as one of the best medicines I ever used. MKd. ANN JEMIBON, P. S.—The above valuable remedy, also Dr. Sl’Lane’s cel ibrated Liver Pills, can now bs had at all respectable Drug Stores In this city. Purchasers will be careful to ask for, and take uoue but Dr. M’Laue’s Vermifuge. All others, in comparison, are worthless. Also, for Bale by the sole proprietors, FLEMING BROS., Successors to J. Kidd A Co., novl&dew 6U^WoodistreeL_ jfj- p r of. filorac'a Invigorating lfilixlr or Cordial.—One of the recommendations of this great vegetable exhilerant U, that it strengthens tor long endu ranee the very mainsprings of life. The Arabs, as Dr. Morse has assured us in his interesting travels, use a cer tain herd, included in its ingredients, as a means of pro longing life; and it Is well known that these wanderers of the desert live to a more advauced age than any other peo ple. A venerable hheik of the Bedouin tribe, who. was accustomed to chew the leaves of the plant as we 'use to bacco, informed Dr. M. that he bad neTer known a week’s illness, and that he was lUtt years ol age I There L* no man ner ot doubt that the IN VIGORATINU ELIXIR oil COR DIAL gives a permanent vigor to the vital org aniialion, removing disease where it exists in any othe r than an organic ferni, and tonifying the system against, its attacks, wuen it has not yet obtained a foothold. A stimulant much more delightful In its effects than any form of dis tilled or fermented liquor, it clear* instead ui clouding the brain, and actually adds permanently to th'j natural vigor ot the nerves, muscles and digestive organs. The fragile and delicate female, whether Cuarried or single, will find it the best remedy lor the payaical disturbances and irregu larities incident to her structure and habits. It indubita bly cures nervous tremblings, tluilorings of the heart, headaches, fainting fils, hysterics, dyspepsia, nausea, and regulates the secretions, whether too affluenlor the reverse. All physical disabilities seem to vanish before its genial influence. The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bot tles. Price th ree dollars per bottle; two for Utb dollars; six tor twelve dollars. C. H. RING, Proprietor, led Broadway, New York. Sold by throughout the United States, Canaan nn<£tbe West Indies. AGENTS. FLEMING A BROS., No. 60 Wood street, Pittsburgh. DR. am H. KBYSER, No. 14Q Wood street, do K. E. SELLERS a CO., No. 67 Wood street. J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny City. novlSalaw 49* palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Dis eases, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Oostiveness and Pi lea, are all relieved and cured In an incredibly short spare of time, by Carter’s Spanish Mixture, the great tonic rad partner of Uie blood. It contains not » particle of Merc* ary, Opium, or my noxious drop; it le perfectly Imnn leee, and hae cured more than lire hundred caaee or dlaeaaa. W«, can only refer the reader to the certificates, a few of whic h may ho foond in another column, and all of which are I totaled In full around th. bottle. It to the greautot of all Spring and Fall Medicine., and poeacaaee an influence orer the blood truly remarkable. Be e edyeittoement. octlllilm n, .- To all Whom it may Concerra—lf you was t a splendid fitting Suit you can get It at GRIBBLK’S- If yon want any Gentleman’. Fnrntohing flood., in all era Ist. why (HUBBLE to ’em. If yon want the ttort eu v.e«, - ’ oru _,,, ,lLJi - 040 liberty street, baud ot Woed. ca Btnnwre. 1 Qpr^aai.u. t ti the O’Boilij Ur*e* for the Morning Pott Arrival at New Orleaus from Ilnvnn*-- Nrw ORUISB, November 20.-The steamer Warrior *>• rived with Havana da ten to the 16th. ( The Delia save that Information has been received, frotn .o authentic ioree, that the Inhabitants aw the wildest eothusUsm, and contemplate aD im P ort *f? t tJ.lqa « n . f ttW days. It publishes a bold and energetic proclamation, Issued by the Cuba Club of TetibilsU. lhe other Orleans papers contain no Information, and discredit Vb Th”ooTenior of Trmldkd i« reported to be » prUooer .t K Th°‘e.tl.« from fere, for the wect, .t Serr Orl»n», rrer. tlilrty-alx. _ BosTOir, Noremlier 20.-An .lfr.j oeenrred thle ifterrimo »l the B»!lor>! Bo*rtllng Howe of John Botnhn, N««li etreet, daring whleh Kich.rdL. Lent WM by >emes Kelly, no died » fe* minmee »ft«r. L~tiru ■econrl mete of the ship SUlf.mlehire when '“*• “? 1, .hipped «. eocond m.t. of the new .hip John Klliotf Theyer; he belonged to Briftol, Khede Island. Kelly wn« arrested. N*w York, November 21.—A Washington despatch to the Herald saya that the Cabinet will be reconstructed InJanu arv; Campbell and Qotbrie go oat, and Breekenridge will be Attorney General; Cushing Secretory of State: U°t>bin Secretary of the Treasury; and Mason Secretary of the Na vy. Thera will also be an entire ebange In foreign appoint ments. Mr. Marcy is going to England. Fugitive Blare Trial. MtT-wnraia, November 20.—The trial of John Ryemft. in dicted for an alleged participation in the reacueof the fugi tive slave Groves from the custody of the Marshal, in April last, occupied the United States District Court on Friday and Saturday. The prisoner was convicted. Kneeland A Hull, Brokers, have suspended payment. How tkey Treat Duellnta in Canada. Qcibec. November 21. —John Gleason, an Advocate, was brought to the bar of the House this afternoon, for sending a challenge to Mr. Cassault, a member of the House. The difficulty grew out of the election. Gleason apologised, was reprimanded and discharged. Niw York, November 21.—1 n the United Btates Circuit Court a motion was made to argue a new trial of Captain Smith, lately convicted of piracy, being engaged in the Afri can slave trade. Decision reserved. Gas Works on Fire. Ntw York, November 21.—The extensive Gas Works o the Manhattan Company, at the foct of West 17lh street, is Id tUmeß, and the firemen cannot approach the spot. For tnnately it U surrounded mostly by shanties. NRWORLRSSB, November 21.—Cotton less active, lower; sale. 6000 bales middling at Flour $8,62. Corn '.*0(2,113. Mess Pork $20®22. Locisyiu.l, November 21. —Robert W . Johnston was un* nnimnuEly elected United States Benator, by the Arkansas Legislature. New Yoߣ November 21.—Cotton dolt; sales 800 bushels New Orleans middling Uplands middling h 7/ Floor lers active, business demands areduction; sales £,:fro bblß good obio at $5,56®8,57 ; Southern easier; sales IJK) bbls at $5J>0(«,9,06!4. Wh*-at firm; red $1,05; white $1 f 92®1.93. Corn firm; sales7o,ooo bushels Western mix e,i at 99(3.91*4: rouod yellow 05. Pork a trifle lower; sales 1300 bbls at $12,676512,75 for Mess, and $11,57@U,56 for prime. Beef unchanged, a moderate business. Lard easier; tales 900 bhls old ht 10® 10-%; new 9*4(5»9%. Whisky; sales 500 bbls Uhlo at 45. Coffee and Sugars dull with declining tendency. Sj*l«*» 000 bbls Orleans Molasses at 24@24*4- Lin- Bet*t Oil 76(j&7u. Stocks heavy; money unchanged; Vir ginia Henna. Coal Company 00; Cumberland New York Central 80, Erie S 3. PRiLiPiLpau, November 21.—But little inquiry for Cot* ton; prices steadily maintained. Flour dull; prices favor buyers; sales 300 bbls standaribrands at $8.25. Bye Flour Hran-p—j?. Com Meal dull; Pennsylvania There i« but little Wheat arriving; demand limited; Bales 2000 or 30<»0 bushels, at SI,SS for fair Southern red, and $1,95 for white. Kyc scarce; small sale* at $1,2i*@1.22. Corn dull snd lower; sales 3**oo or 4100 bushels, at bO for prime old ye low, and 7b((ic>*o for new. Oats unchanged. Whisky held firmly ; small sale* in bbls at jG®47. Cisnsvan, November 21.—The riTer has risen 8 inches; it has been nuuing hard f.»r M-veral hours, and has the ap [.samureof continuing Fi0ur57,65®7,70. Hogs s3,rf2»4®s4, ca«‘i. and 41'.: per bead premium for slaughter ing. Nothing done in Precisions. Money matters better; Eastern oschiine** dull at lra.2 per cent premium. Gold is tretn Ito IJ4 per premium Money matters continue to improve; "exchauje ba« turther deriitHd. and New York *old at 1 V premium. The whole number of Hogs re- Mved to dale h 42. iv. 0. again«t 69.000 same date lsst year. TO LETS FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICE. y- Theatre.— SPEClAL NOTlCE.—Thepublicare L ~ / respectfully informed that TO-MoRROW. Thanksgiv ing Day, there will be a GRAND DAY PERFORMANCE, commencing at 2 o’clock, when, by desire of numerous families. Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe's celebrate play of UNCLE TOM’S CABLN will be acted, in which the unri vhl).\l double company will appear. Sente can be secured until 12 o’clock on Thursday. nov22 )■ Lovcn of ductag AttenXrni. FAMILY BUTTER, put up in lO and lbp«ck- Pj atres exprea-ly for family use, received this day by rail road and for sale by [nov‘2l] HENRY 11. COLLINS. V-Qktr ILEGRAPHIC. Yellow Fever; Murder In Boaton. Reconstruction of the C»l»ln«t* notion for a New Trial New Orleans Cotton Market. United States Senator Elected. TELEGRAPH BASKETS. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D&gufrreao Rooms, of tb« Uali. Music by dot 2-2 «.:laai~DufT*a College. .JMS FROM A WRITING TRACHERWnO iHTS NO SPECIMENS BCT HIS OWN.—The ruing. '■lain and ornamental Visiting and Wedding Cards execn d upon'short notice. His work in this line will be found lpenor to any evereiecuted in this dty. nov22 Pocket Book Lost, OrT, on the Hist io>L, bvtweeu 9 aud 3 o’clock, Ingoing JOHN D. SCULLY, Cashier. l>t*LKS— llKl bbls Russet, Newton Pippin, Golden Gate, Kambos, Ac , received this day by nOT 2I HENRY H. COLLINS. T ~ARl>—-10 kegs received and for sale by , nOT 2L * HENRY g. COLLINS. H UTTER—Ib hrkins lor sale by U nov-1 IIKSHY n. COLLINS- WRAPPING PAPER —1100 reams common and medium to arrive and for sale by _ _ nov oj HENRY H. OOLLINS. iiimney TOPS—SO of various patterns received by dot2l _ lII&NKYJL COLLINS. ' ~ Bridge Meeting. BANK EXCIIVNOK. .-noveubek IT. I»M.—Member* pres ent: Messrs. Walb.c-, Ulukelj, Mowry, Ewalt, Leech, and Barr. President in tin- chair. On motion, J. I’. Bvkr was appointed Secretary. On motion of Mr. Kwalt the .‘allowing resolution was Opit.il Stock of the SHARP3BURG BKlUllfc COMPANY, ot Allegheny county, is now doe on demand, and that the Secretary he authorised to give pub lic notice of the fact to the subscriber*, by publication In two dally newspapers published in the City of Pittsburgh. On motion, The following committee was appointed to confer with the Stockholders: Messrs. Blakely, Barr and E On motion, The Board adjourned to meet on FRIDAY, 24th, at 2 o'clock. noV«lO:3t J. P. BARR, Becy. pro, tern. "Wanted, A SITUATION by a young Man, afl CLERK or BOOK KEEPER, in an Office or Stow; has experience in dtv burines*; is ft good penman and competent book-keep er mod can eire good references from former employers.- li dm.T §!, nor2o_ TrfEPnnrcllSsf WARM BY DBINU THUS MKDICA- K trd FUR CHEST PROTBCTOB.—The iTolectoriaßim prepared fur, lined with silk and padded, which, w from the neck, covers the chest in so agreeable a manner that, once worn, it becomes anseeasary and a com rort. Sold wtol»U. "“W SELLKHS k No. 67 Wood street. tTVTgaZIN'ES, Ac.—Godey, for December; 20 cent*. \l Peterson, for December; 20 cent?. Journeywork; by So). Smith, Esq. Pn^mt : by Amelin ; ghakspeere’s Scholar: by R. Grant White. Beiley’s Grammar ; au entire new work. ’ Bailey’s Primary Grammar; an entire new work. i nut received by express at the cheap Book Store of SAMUEL B. LAUFFER’S, Do .ai So. 67 Wood »tn»t. A m ’ AppU ‘*’ No. 10 Smithfield st. IO IKON —100 tons Juniata, cold blast charcoal; 100 “ Noe. 1 sod 2 Anthracite; nortB ICO “ w\LOOMS—ISO tons Lake Champlain, B » x ddphU Buckwheat, just received i. •• -w' t* ~• .**»••,! *, • * •■■ SPECIAL NOTICES. A CARD...DR. CALVIN M. TOCTI, of New ILK? York, woui- -.nujuLoa u toe citizen* of Western •sc .-vlvntU that ho Li »i piaatu. delivering a course of , at ri.T.-IiUHGiI, wl.i r* he wii. remain Oil -.„t. IbtU. »**' iokv, ik * tf»; •••; he u»».- ' •* coo--i - 1 . . i , - -otu-ali Otv Ib.icl coroer o. *»ud -j • • i t . r*U -ll’ll 'N. Aj*Li uuvMdUUlfii DYSPr-FSiA, snMALE DISEASES, and all other* conneetad with or prediaporing to Ooosump* tion, in the treatment of which Us ample experience ana unrivalled opportunity tor obeervatiou have given him the most marked succeed Dr. Fitch desires to eee hia patten ta personally, in every instant*, when it la pomible; when it la not, a careful statement of the case may be sent by letter, to which a prompt reply will be returned, giving hia opinion rf the £a*s and when be U willing to undertake the treatment; will state the expense of the remedies requisite. [no7riaw Pitubarfh Trm»tCo»paay,J(orniS 17th, ISs4.—Tne annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Pittsburgh Treat Company will be laUatths Bunking Houw, on MONDAY, MoTemb«r th« »th lnjt., between the hours of 10 o’clock, A. and 2 o clock, P. M-, When an election fur nine Directors, to serve tor the ensu ing year, will be held. _ ' . novl“:td JOHN D. SCULLY, Cashier. Pituburgk and Erie Rnllro*d»~No thy tice is hereby giren to the Stockholders of the Plttfr burgh and Erie Railroad Company, that an election will be held at West Greeorihe, Mercer county, Pa-, on the FLKor MONDAY OF DECEMBER, at 11 o’clock. A. JL, tor Direc tors to serve for the oomlng year. _ ~ . nov 10 THOMAS J. BOWER. President. tY'trs HOWARD Health DioelUlon of Plttnlmrgli, Psu— OmCH, No. 108 TUIKi> aT.iKiST, opposite the Tetegraph Office. This Association is orgxhisea for the purpose of affording mutual assirtanee to each other, in case of sickness or ac cident. By paying a small yearly payment, the members of the Association secure*, a' weekly benefltdoring rick new, averaging from t 2,25 to £0 per week. In this Association all members are whally interested In the msnagement and profits. & B. M’KKNZIK, President. T. J. Hoaris, Secretary. _ _ „ finance rviHimtHaa Josmt Kno, Jaxb Rush, 0. N. lIomjTOT. w Conanltlng Physician —¥. Itisa, M. D. jhi t For Selliag imd Buying Fitent Right*. Ai'U£ subscriber, having learned tram hie Intercourse with I Patentees, and with peraouewho won deeirous to sell Patent nights for Citiee, Co on tie*, States, At, « well as with others who wish to purchase such rights, that an agent to transact that kind of business was much needed Jaere, haa determined to derote his time and his abilities to the service of those who may desire to employ him. Pledging himself to atteod falthlttUj to all matters en trusted to him, he concludes by referring the pablie to the following testimonial of a few of the dtisens In Pitt* burgh, Ac. MOSBS F- KAT n N. Pittsburgh, August 23,1854. Pitts ac as h, August 17th, 1854. The subscribers haTe tong teen acquainted with Ur. Moses F. Ha ton, and hare no hesitation In recommending him, to alt who may wish to employ his services, as a gen tleman of undo a o ted integrity and indefatigable industry, In whose exertions every reliance may be placed. Neville B. CraL>, W. Boblnson, Jr., Wm. Larimer, Jr., John Graham, W. 1L Denny, 11. Childs A Co., James Wood, N. Holmes A Sons, F. K. Friend, Kramer A Rahm, P. Lorenz, L. K. Livingston. PITTSBURGH Life, Fire and Karine Inransce Company; OFFICE 66 FIFTH STREET, MASONIC HALL, PITTBBC£WUI,I , A. JAMES B.BOOK,FnsMent Chaalm A. Coitqh, Secretary. ' This Company every insurance appertaining to Or, connected with LIPJS RlSHfi. Also, against liu.l and Cargo Stake or t&e Quip, and His aissippi rivers and tributaries, hftd.UartaMt Biakft generally. And against Loss and Daniagft, Itf-Ifcv aha *g»utst the. Perils of the Bern and Inland Navigation and £taob partition. Policies issued at tha leva* .{***• opusutent aithfcafety to all parties. . . , Muptou;, James & Hood, Wsl 8. Karen, Samael M’Clarkan, . James D. MHJiil, William Phillips, , Alexander Bradley, John Scott, ‘ John Fullerton, Joseph P. Gaxsam, 24. D, Robert Galway, John M’AJpin, Alexander Reynolds, Arm* Wm.F. Johnston, strong County, Junes Marsh*il, Horatio N. Lee. Kittanning, Gooxge 8. Selden, Hiram Stove, Bearer. mj2&:ly MTNA INBURASCB COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Chartered 1819-*Capltal Stock $300»000» THO 6. E. BRACE, President. TilOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. Thomas K. Brace, I / Samuel Tudor, Ebenater Flower, Ward Woodbndge, E. A.Bolkeley, Joseph Church, Roland Blather, .Frederick Tyler, Edwin Q. Ripley, Robert Buell, Samuel S. Ward, Miles A.Tuttle, Henry Z. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham, OusUvu? F. DaTh«, Junius 8. Morgan. Policies on Fire and Inland Risks issued on favora ble term?, by GEORGE B. ARNOLD, Ag% decltly No. 74 Fourth street, Pittahurafe, "" CITIZKJXS’ insurance Comp** _ Pittsburgh.—H. D. SING, Preski? UAL L. MAKS HELL, Secretary. OJice: M Wat^rStreet,beheem ifarktf'' Insures HULL and CARGO Rfefci, «*- iippi Hirers and tributaries. Insnresagainst Less or bar* ' ALSO—Against the pse**' _*age be Fire. U«maadTraus£pT®a**' _.ojso?thegea,nnd InlandNarlg* ‘ mIQ> j* ' SIUCTOKK King, Wm.Larimerjr., William Begaley, Samuel M. Kier, Rimii.l fie*, William Bingham, Robert Dunlap, jr., John 8. Dilworth, Uaac M. Pennock, Francis Sellers, H. J.Schoonmaker, Walter Bryant, William B. Hays. John Shlpton. dedS ~ady: „o tbs bw« ws drocuiTd o] ir Plremm’a lnauiaao* (Ur Company of tbo City of Pftttabnrf be J. K. MOOHIIKAD, President—ROßEßT PLNNKY, Secxe- Will insure against TIRE and MARINE RISKS of all kinds. OQee: No. V 9 Water street. J. K. Moorhead, W.J. Anderson, B. Sawyer, R.B. Simpson, Wm. M. Edgar, H.B. Wilkins, C. Paulson, William Coilingwood, It. B. Roberts, John M. Irwin, Joseph Esye, Wm. Wilkinson, Dayid Campbell. - Jal3 A LARGE LOT FOR SALE. A LOT OF GROUND,OiI the river bank, in Birmingham, 2SB feet by 390 feet, and bounded by four streets, will sold on reasonable terms. It is near Bakeweil A Co.’s new glass works, and several other manufacturing estab lisnmenis. It Is the largest and best lot now to be had in Birmingham for manufacturing purposes. Title perfect, and clear of incumbrance. Enquire of C. B. H. SMITH, at his Law Office, jy26 Fourth street, above Smithheld, Pittsburgh. Daneing l—Careo's Bodal Assembly at WIL* Ik^KINS UALL every TUESDAY EVENING; the Union u 3 WEDNESDAY, and the J&eeUior Aseembly every FRI DAY EVENING; also, on MONDAY EVE NINGS. The amusement loving are invited. Two Bends of Musio are statedly engaged. Fancy Panose, Schottiscbes, el in Hall No. 1; OotliUons in Hell No. 2. The Booms are finely ventilated, and a variety and abundance of re freshments always provided. Admission, to each—Gent, and two Ladies 50 cents; Gant and Lady 75 cents; Gent alone $l. Tickets may be obtained of FRANK CABQO, at 76 Fourth street; or at Wilkins Hall, 2nd story; alao,Of the Managers, and at the door on the above evenings. The strictest order maintained. No checks given st the door. 11 IT5* Western Pennsylvania Hospital.-- ti«4r Dm* L. bcksscc, Seoond, between Wood and Market streets, and J. Rlsn, North-east corner of Diamond, Alle gheny city, are the attending Physicians to the above Insti tution, for the first quarter of 1864. Applications for admission may ha made to them at all hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock, P. ML Kecent cases of accidental injury are received at all bears, without form. j*lfcj* rr-~» C. YEAGER, 110 MABKBT street, Pitte burgh, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FANCY AND STAPLE VARIETY AND DRY GOODS, offers to dty and country dealers as large and well selected stock of Goods as any Eastern house, and same prices, thus saving reigbt, time and expenses. jeßyj O. O. F^-Place of meeting, Washington Hall, lK£y Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley. Pittsbcmb Loooa, No,336—Meets every Tuesdayevening. HikOAftTxkx Eacixpkxst, No. 87—Meets first and third Friday of each month. [mar2sAy Netted—The JOURNEYMEN TAILORS 80 CIETY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meets op the first WEDNESDAY of every month, at SCHOCHLEITEB’S, In the Diamond. By order. jel:y GEO. W. BEEBE, Secretary. ATTENTION! 8. L. G.—You are hereby notified to attend at your Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNES DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, and to transact such busL na&s as may come before the Company. P. KANE, mar29:6md Secretary pro tern. 1 OAA ACRES OP LAND IN FOREST COUNTY, near IOUU the Clarion river. This land la heavily timbered, has an excellent soil, and is said to contain an abundance of iron ore, and a thick vein of bituminous coal. The Venan go railroad, which will undoubtedly be built, will run very near to it, if not directly acroes it. The Millstown creek runs through it. ALSO, 500 acres in Elk oonnty, well timbered and watered, and lying near the mute of the 8 anbury and Erie rail mad. No better investment could be made than in these lands. The completion of the is unbury and Erie, the Allegheny Valley, and .the Venango railroads through that region will render the coal, lumber, iron ore and soil, of great value. Enquire of C. B. M. SMITH, Attorney at Law, feb2l*e*m:tf No. I*7 Fourth street. I AM authorised to sell low ecme valuable Law Books, lu void. Pa. Ueparu, by Barr; BouTier’s Institutes; Greealief’s Evidence; Wharton’s Digest, last ed^ And other Reports, Elementary Works, Ac. GEO. F. GILLMORE, Bep2l at the office of Morning Post. BUILDING LOT FOR SALK* A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIE street, and extending A. back 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot is In a deqrable location for a residence; and will be sold low. and on fovorable terms. Title good, and deer from incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORJS, jyl3 At Offioo of Morning Post. Lot for Solo* A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street bv 100 feet in depth, In Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. f. GILLMORE, jy!3 at office of the Morning Post. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP* A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 teet by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying non at the office of the MORNING POST. jylfctf POR A HOUSE AND LARGE LOT.—We have for sale a Frame House, containing three rooms and a kitchen, with Lot 30 leet front by 140 deep, situated on Gray’s Road, South Pittsburgh, for which the above low price Is asked. This is a good chance for pereoas of small means to procure a bouse of their own. For mis by & CUTHBEBT A SON, nov2o Real Estate Agenu, No. 140 Third street ’ " Pstent Rlghti for fowled ~ *iu aeH the Patent Right of the State Jj-ftfßSßfi of Jacob Benner’s bUCT MACHINE. This important improvements ever made In Bmu Machines. Gan give the strongest recommendations of good performance, and has taksn the premium at all the Fairs where it has been exhlMtoa. This is a rare chance offered to make a fortune, fora small investment. Missouri is the best territory to operate In west of the mountain*. For further particulars apply at 2f17 Liberty street, comer roovlTMlWl JOHN bTDONOUGH. —24 hexes W.R. Ohms, in store and for irisly MSEnB A UQHAIMHb ; .. V t ir-s» »¥•»**•.— jopKpn c. »pßiaa, l*™;™ ll■ i^ifiiiw nniufi wi >non T> ~*— ** mtarttm BoTmaadrawteto • do. do. small, $6; Second «kr»fltoi Boxaa for amajrnr nu, BOm tern semiring •snttwmtaehnßnUg* cants extra for the umilflerte Doom open at 34" T.”?*”; performance to wMimaot at 7j4 0'c10ck..... jAßtnlgM ta* tbr« of (be popular Amerlmn ictoa, Ua fnjnlw;ii when sbe 'will appear in her favorite ehaeacder et "a™ pie.” Thin evening, November 22d, will be performed the gnat play of IHQOMaB THE BARBARIAN: lagnmar,Mr J Poster; Myron,Mr Bailey; Farthanfo, Mfas Ximberiy Pa* de Deux, Hieem Mery ami BaUvPnrtingam. tab UrHaaly. Jordan Medley Danee, mm EtaD«rty.-~ ; T0 oonclude with a new fare* entitled A WOMAH Oil A paOUfl; Emily Wllton,"P»nny, (nKompJ Tom, (a pporta -«i Dptlir thuapAWM ThasflcS riring Day; there will W a grand tty ptrtantteatta, L dseire,Mrs Btowe*a eeleorated play of uRGUB TCUtSTgaBIH wfll be aeted, in which the double company »lli appear- ' - . _. . Woodttrttix. + the Ohio and Missfe* Land for Sale. Law Books* *■ MU. O. MMANUB, haring arrived in the dty, takeetU* method of infocmtaghis former that he will open Ms DANCING ACADEMY, on next THURSDAY, October 26. at LAFAYETTE HALL y atao, a t KXOSUIOR HALL, Allegheny city,at wfcfah tea he wfll be happy to Me all thoee who feel deeirous of learning the beautiful art of dancing, oonbfaed with greet, etiquette, Ac. His terms will be as last season! Hs will teach aßOte dancer Wow As syw, together with many new and beautiful dsnc— never before introduced in this dty. f*jj Bacon J _ * *** * New York, nearly new. _OnahandsomeM*noganj,e octaira, made Vy Dubois * Chambers. * Dn°"iL^i* iloK "'° 7 ’ 8 Ml,,e ’ vaia Stodait. Woicortor * One Bnoowood. 8 ocUto, im' b , nod; no*. On. Mahogan;,