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"' •■« '. - : '• ♦ I •! ‘.«S.«-Vc-:• -v -. f» ri.y -';, r,• =V.:■• "-, -I &js^taHT ■!.. O’- H f >— < : V:. .- ■ ,-, J 1 » i ,'-V-..^ Z^lis■:■- ~ ■ .^l»^'-- ' • .. '*■ :'^ v ~ ••..*w,' T ' ’•- r/ sy •f^*’^u'4’ ; # : VfL*V • -a •JL-.’ v *.’ '”’•'* ~ • : , / V*’ * 4= *'• y»‘*r-: : .; l <'* "* ■ » ' ' ■: •* ,i : ' r ~' *> r * % ' -,♦ . ' "w • t 'nr . - * s * ■ ’*■* ' • -• *V * . / ■-V.' , ;.» *■ ,*• ‘»'«pi ■“ M* 1 1'- • • ♦.* *-v «v. •* -r *»r'u V f’ " -+¥ **teiSs£?A: EVERY MAN tilS OWN LAWYii rcoscLUBED.] , „ .•If yon please, your Honor, and Gentlemen of the Jury—l am a green hand at this ere business. lam ashamed that snob a little oon sam shonld ever come before an Orange county jury. It was not my wish. I was taken up once before and he only Bwore to an assault; but three months' thinking has pnt the battery toil. 1 noknowledge the assault, but I ““jnstifiiid; for he was assaulting my now. Ho hui tick a quarrel with me erer since I went to tho gate. He stones my cows, my oh.okens and I can't stand it I threw the.tones ficst, fifteen feci rwn W toen “did” S-. W * him and that proto it, and I ask you farmers, it yon would not do the same, tbioc ? I pan prove he knockedher doirn, by my... brother was then called, and stated toat it was Sunday when the occurrence happened, eaw oomplainant, Dodder, rxummg after and striking at.defendaut a cows, Saw tarn strike and one fall; can’t s*y he etruok her de. fendant ran ont and halloed to blnl . mind; defendant threw atones; nonohlt him, I wont out, and when I came np to Dodder he said defendant had thrown stones atb >“' btttb ® had managed by jumping and dodging not to have any. hit him. The testimony here closed. The defendant then proceeded to snrn up the cause. His honor dropped his pen, the jury leaned forward, the members of the bar were Winking and nodding across to one another, and a universal tittering pervaded the room. He commenced, and his sharp, shrill voioe drowned all .? Gentlemen of the JnrytThinis the fire, time I was ever in such a pickle—never did 1 before appear before ft jury of my country. This Mr. Dodder has brought me here, »nd I hare to appeal to yon, not knowing whether you are Woolly Heade, Bitver Greye, Hard Bhellaor Boft Shells. Yet 1 think this Dodder will find ont before I am through that I am a harder shell than he imagined. You know, gentlemen, that I am in the em ploy of the Mongaup Valley, Forrestburgan Point Jervis Plankroad Company, as a fn my'inteEri\VaT3sty'to“a b e a e mein that ifcHvar/.::HSS me and the company, and its none of Dodder 8 hnainoss Now, when the company Bent me up nlong thiß road to oolleot tolls, thu Dodder was one of the inhabitants Ifaund there m ‘Ar iroorfi and I will say for him that he is a very fair specimen of the rest of the population. But therTtsn’t any of them that seem to appreciate all the benefits of this plankroad. It let out to civilisation a olaaa of people who never before had the idea there was suoha thing as civilised live, and this Dodder te one them^ It is n fact that Boon after I moved up there, a young woman, sixteen years old, cum down ont of the mountains on the plank road oce day and she had never been out before. She fairly Beemcd surprised to see a whsteman, and after S a few questions went back into the wood!. This Dodder was my nearest neighbor and a good deal nearer than I wanted him, and I hadn’t been thero long before 1 5* had been lying about me to one of the directors, „d fsoo/found out that he wanted to get h.s son, who has sworn against me, in wy, place. But he haen’t done it yet, and if yon don t con vict me, I reokon he won’t very soon It won’t take long to dispose of Dodder No. 1. He testifies that he saw me throw three Btones at his father, and saw “ the old man dodge. On cross-examination he says that he was in bis own house in the woods, and had to look over a hill twenty feet high, and also over three slab ftnoel and two stole’ walls. Wall! if he tel a the truth, aU I wish is that I had young Dod der’s eyes. Ho is certainly a remarkable boy, and oan’t deny his “Jather." I am willing to admit that I done wrong in throwing stones at Dodder, andlapologise to sit the world, and this county partionlarly; for U.. The dootors tell us there are two oauwe for all dUeasea, predisposition and excitability. i think it was tho latter cause that moved me to at ™Uwrefo” confeSß myself guilty of. the as eault tut the battery 1 deny ’ and if yen find me guilty of the battery, I will appeal from the decision to the Court of high Heaven itself, be fare I will submit to it. ~ , Now, gentlemen, you Baw Ur. Dodder and heard him swear upon me. I asked bun a great many questions, and I was sorry to hear him an ewer as he did. I might have naked him more questions —I might have asked him if he didn t kill my cat, and if he didn’t Btone my because they tresspassed in his woods, where actually the rocks arc eo thick that the cite oan t find their way up through them; but then I k ew he would deny it, and it would grieve me to*hear him. He admits that he was driving my three cows up tho road, and that ho struck at ’em but says it was with s small switch. I have nroved that this Bwitch was a pole about ten feet long and about two inches across the butt end, and I have nlso proved that when he struck, tho cow fell. It is true my witness couldn t swear that the stick hit her, he was so far off, but take the blow and tho fall together and we can guess the rest. If you, genilcmaa, should eeo the 1 flaeh ami hear the report, and at the same time see the man drop, 1 think yon would say that I shot him, although you might not see the ball fact ia, gentlemen, that on Sunday, I wae lying on my lounge in my house, when my wife said that Dodder was chasing my cows. 1 inmned op and pulled on my boots and went out of doors, and Baw Dodder and the cows coming np tho road. It is true he Bays he wasn t dnv ing them, but saye he and the cows were both suing along the road in one direction, and this las as near as I could get him to the oews or to the truth : but it is proved that the cows were going along ahead of him, and he was following after them, striking at them with his Utile ewitoh, ten feet long and two inches across the butt, and I reokon you’ll think he was driv ing ” them. I sung out to him: Dodder stem but he didn’t mind my order and I just threw a stone in that direction, whtoh went about fifteen feet over hie head, at the same time going toward him. He paid no attenUon and 1 sung ont again “ Dodder stop ! Bull I be didn’t mind me, and then I just threw another stone: bet on he came, and on I went, and 1 threw the third etone, which he says hit him on the back of the neck, but whtoh l think is■rath ar Btrange, as wo were going towards each oth er as fast as we oould go. Bat he never slacked np and by this time were within about eight feet of eaoh other. I halted and halloed at the top Of my voice : “ Dodder, why in h—l don t you stop About thon he did stop and raised his ten foot switch as if to strike me. 1 sang ont: “ Mr. Dodder, look out! Yon may wollup my cows,’ but if yon wollup me with that switch, yon’ll wollop an animal that 11 hook. the orator made an appropriate gesture of the head, ae in the act or hooking, which was fol lowed with tumultuous shouts and laughter, that continued several minutes.] Now gentlemen, if you oonvict me, this court can fine me $260 and jag me for Bix months, and if yon really think I ought to be convicted of this assault, say so, for lam in favor f f living | *p to the laws, aB long as they are laws, wheth- ( er it is the fugitive slave law, the Nebraska bill, or.the excise laws. I will read you a Uttle law, however, which I have just seen ■“ “ book I found here —(the speaker picked np a law book I and read as follows Every man has a ngfit to defend himeelf from personal violence. .Now I don’t know whether that is a law or not, but 1 find it in a law book, [a veteran member of the bar who was sitting near the speaker, remarked to him that it was a goed law.] Well, gentle men, here ia an old man who looks as if he might know something, and says ’tis good law. Now if you will turn to Barbour something, page ooJ, you’ll find that the same doctrine is applied to cattle —[great laughter.] Therefore I take had a right to defend my cows against Dodder’s ten foot switoh. Wby, gentlemen, nearly all my wealth is invested in them three oows, and you oan’t wonder thnt I became a little exoited when I saw Dodder switching them wilh this ten foot nole lam a poor man and have a large family, consisting of a wife and six children, whioh I reokon la doing very well for eo small a man as I am, and I oould not afford to let Dodder kill my oows. . Now, gentlemen, I don’t believe yon’ll oonvict me, after what I have said. But if you do, and this court fines me $250, I shall repudiate, beoauee I oan’t pay. And if I’m jugged for six months why these Dodders will have it all their own way up here. But notwithstanding all this, I am willing to risk myself in your hands; and if you think I ought to have stood by and not done anything when I Baw Dodder hammer ing my cows, why then I am “ gone in,’ toll Ud &11. xt is true, I am a poor man, but not a mean one. Tho name of Allington can be traced to the May Flower. When Bhe landed the Pilgrims on Plymouth Book, among the paasengerswas a widow, Mary Allington, with children, and I »m descended from that Puritan stock, and from that day to this there h*B never rhtfo .g <1 •--! •* »* ft V Ha.'.v,,., ~ ? ' *» •';>». - • ? » f • -••— ; ' l , «» • , : -■ ■■ ?# .A ~ *■ • •• ’ T*' lind an Alllngfbn who hadn’t Yankee spirit for poUt»«-hiK»wa, . Boars of laughter, during whioh the defengpnH took his teat After a few words from hiagtW, the jwnSßhrui, and in a few minutes retained W 16i&2 were at that instant M fa pluaMngStwn the stairs leadtag-to the powers of looo gaze of men. Allington heard the verdict with the sang froid of a philosopher. No emotion, other than the turning hts cud of tobaceo in hiß mouth and an extra squirt of joiee, was observable. It may be as Well to remark, that the Distnot Attorney refused to he pitted against his elo tj'uent opponent, and let the oause go by default, . ae he eaid not a word in reply to the epeeoh of his opponent. The District Attorney was in a tight place, and took the wisost course to get oat. It is not often he meet? with each formi iifkble prisoners. ' ‘ ■P't ' V ; ., •' -v,, ••v-t* Iralf Jtoiimg PIITiBCBtiH: TUESDAY* MQRNmO:::::::;:::KOYKMBEB 21. UOIUiISO POST JOB OFFICJB. We would caU the attention of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the «Mt that we b » Te from Philadelphia a somber of font* of now Job Type, end are now prefSSd to fill order* forOarda,©rcolar^ BUi Head*. Papei Bool u, Poolers, and ftngrammee tor exhltt tions. Ail orders will be promptly nlied. THANKSGIVING DAY. Tho observance of a day of Thanksgiving in the antnrandf each year, has now beoome a per- manent. ouetom of all the States of the Union; and, this year, >1 was adopted in England. Tho Ist of Ootober was Thanksgiving Day in the British empire. This custom origins ted vith the Pori tans of New England ; and its evident propriety has led to ita universal adoption in the States of the Union; and it may yet become a oustom of all Christian nations. It is a pnblio acknowledge- ment of dependence upon a kind Providenoe; and a token of gratitude for the bounties and blessings bestowed by his hand in the year that is closing. I Though tho drought diminished tho crops, and ( many disasters on sea and land have occurred, , yet the people of thia oonntry have causes for ] thankfulness thie year beyond all other nations- ( The English people have observed a day of I, thanksgiving; yet their nation is involved in aI, _war in which probably twenty thousand lives of I of their young and strong men have already 1 been saorifioed; and by which their taxes, here- I tofore agrevious harden, have greatly increased. 1 That war probably has but jtet commenced; and it threatens to become tho mOBt bloody and ter- J rihle in tho p""dt of Europe. To that conflict, | aod all its apprehended consequences, the Eng-1 lieb nation, already over-burdened with debt, is I committed beyond recall. The Amerioan people may well be thankful for their exemption from I the perils and disasters of that widi-opread and I sanguinary contest. They are at peaoe, as yet, with all the world; and no powerful adeereary 1 threatens to disturb us in the enjoyment of the | fruits of our nations! industry. While half the | people of the world are involved in the oalami-1 tics of war, wo cau pursue the arts of pesos j | iVwith none to molest or msks ns afrsid.” The 1 injustice and insolenoe of foreign despots, jeal-1 00*01 onr growth and. prosperity, mey occasion ally excite apprehension that a resort to arms will be foreed upon os. But speedy reparation, as in a reoent and notable instance, generally follows. .' Ameriosns mey well be thankful for that un exampled prosperity with which thiß nation has beta blessed for many yeare. Its territory hss been doubled in half a century; its population ■ quadrupled; and i‘ a wealth an hundred-fold in • creased; and the intelligence and enterprise of : its people have kept pace with its material ad vancement! From an humble condition of colo- Dial dependent, it baa, in three-fonrtha of a century, beoonie one of the strongest, wealthieet and freest nations of tho-worid; and yet scaroe j half its domains are occupied, or half its soil brought under full cultiration. I's future is as full of hope and promise ai its past has been of the triumphs of industry, intelligence and free dom. In its martellous progress tho hand of a benofioent Proridence can every where be recog nized ; and an annual offering of public thanka giring well becomes a Christian nation so highly favored. The past year has been called a year of disas ters Yet many of the evils that have occasioned alarm and gloomjpay prove blessings in the end. If boundless prosperity heretofore had engen dered pride and boundless extravaganoe, a year of short crops and some financial embarrasment may teach a needed lesson of economy and re trenchment. But while short orops may produce high prices , of food, and occasion mach distress to the poor, there is yet enough food in the country for the BUBtsnanoe of all, and money enough in the ooautry to relieve all its indu trial interests and enterprises from permanent embarrasment. Few nations can say as much this year. Abun dant os the English crops were at firflt supposed to b<\ their journals report what they call “fam ine prices" for food. While this country has known no famine, it has often fed the starving people of other lands, and even this year it may have some food to spare. At any rate, none in this country need suffer for food, if the rich and prosperous will help the poor. We have cause for thankfulness this year, then, in our happy exemption from tho evils of the disastrous conflicts in whioh so many other nations are involved; in a sufficient supply of food; and in the prospect that tbo embarrae menta of our financial and business interests, may be but temporary, and soon give plaee toj all our aoonstomsd prosperity. But there is one duty to be performed on; Thanksgiving day that, this year especially* should bo willingly and liberally performed. It is customary on that day to make collections in all the churohes for the relief of the poor. Hone who can spare it will have oause to regret the loss of a dollar, or five or ten, devoted to auoh a benevolent purpose. “• THE GAZETTE and ITS CLIBNT.g Xouis Napoleon has played a shabby triok on his organ in Pittsburgh. He ordered Mr. Boule oat of France. Tho Qaztft* and its Washington correspondent fell to work at onoe to prove that the Emperor had done right. Just about the time they had'got the case much oat to their own Batißfaotioa and nobody’s else, the Emperor him self comes out and acknowledges he was wrong. We heard of a lawyer once who was defending a negro on a charge of stealing a pig. He ar gued quite eloquently to the court and jury that, from the testimony and character of the pris oner, he was not, and conld not be guilty. Af ter he had got through, and pledged his person : al reputation for the innooence of his client, the prisoner took a notion that by acknowledging bis gniit he would get a lighter sentence ; so he jumped up and admitted that he stole the pig. The lawyer left in a hurry. 8o with the GaztUe. After proving his client —the Emperor—-right in his copduot towards our Minister, the Emperor acknowledges he was wrong. It was all right for him to make a clean breast of it; but he has got his friend of the Gcselte into an awkward fix. Massaghubixts Whiqs.—The great Whig par ty of Massachusetts has dwindled down to twen ty-six thousand votes. The six New JSngUnd States will aotu&Uy have eight or niue Whig representatives in the next Congress. t THE POOR—A 9UOGBBTIOS. .~^hh^^,p l iai,dOUht»,yia||hA|;g g JUSh, suffering among tho poor of tho city this win tEjfe-imlesß measures are adopted much more tUcliTe and liberal than heretofore. All kinds and even fud, cost morethan, at aajrpreTiouß time. much less than last yllfcr. There will be many whaju* willing thlabor, but oaaget no employment, yfbit iB to become qf them? It tlno orime be poor and needy fri^®k%j^y ear aa Bit destitution and starvation may lead to crime, If relief is not afforded. Wo know of several gentlemen who are willing to givo liberal sums, 1? they are sore it will be rightly ex pended. We were told by onegentifmen tlfrf he would, give a .hundred. *• . ~ We suggest this plan. The Howard Associa tion is organized, and the members and com mittees are from, all the different Wards of the city. Let' the finds be paid to that soeiety; and that sooiety rent a store, and open a pro visldtt Stored r And to such as are able to pay somethfog for.provisions, aall to them as far be low cost as the foods contribnted will justify. Ascertain as soon as possible, the amount of funds that can be* raised: and then it will be known how muoh food and fnel can be given away or sold under cost The ward committees of the association can ascertain who are ehtitlrd to relief, and give certificates. Buck a plan has been tried elsewhere with sueosss. It is upon a somewhat similar plan that the French gov ernment gives aid to the indigent of Paris. This work ought to be commenced at once. It is said the pawnbrokers’ shops will show that there Is suffering already. The ladies’ association is also a good institu- turn, and bn* heretofore done much good. The contributions of the benerolent will be faithfully applied by them. Bur then mart bensoredone then in former years. Then nre men/ who will suffer before applying to the Guardians of the Poor, and that epirit ie commendable. They need only temporary re lief—a UttU help. They osn best be reached through the Howard Association. Fahaticibk o» Bora Sinus.—The riolent lan guage and conduot of the Abolitionists of the north awakens occasionally equally fanatical language and opinions in the south. The Charleston (8. C.) Mercury, is now adrooating are opening of the elan trade. We hare not seen its lead followed by any other papers. The Mercury has a right to express what opinions it j thinks proper ; but that the Blare trade will erer be retired by law in this country is simply an absurdity. The current of public opinion, both north and south, is tending in quite the oppo site direction. We hare no doubt that if a bill to that effect was introduoed into Congress next month the southern members themeelres would rote it down, three to one, without any help from I the north._ _ r , Ho». Richaud BWdhxad.— We hare receired from this gentleman a eolnme containing the re port of a Benate oommittee on the causes of sickness and death on board emigrant ships. The great number of deaths that oooux on those ships has awakened public attention to the sub ject, and th* Senate appointed a committee to inrestigate the causes, with a riew to some legis lation relatire to the management of Teasels en gaged in the passenger trade. It is certainly needed. It is but a short time since a ship ar rired, and reported haring lost forty out of one hundred and sixty-three emigrant passengers. I Suoh oases are not unfrequent; and undoubtedly | oould be in a great measure prerented by Btrin- I gent legislation. How ia» II Goss.—Tie humbug report that Sebastopol TO taken eome time ago, It seems is going olear around the world, and ooeaeiomng some ridiculous performances. On the night of 1 the let inst., the French and English residents of the city of Mexioo had a grand illumination of their dwellings In honor of tho taking of Se bastopol. Thsy will feel a little «»t when they find their oandlee were thrown away, and that the Uexioana are laughing at them. Wo shall next hear of an illumination at Canton, China, [ in Australia, Ac. Rxtukkxd. —Wa were gratified, yesterday, to meet our respeoted friend, Col. David Sands, on tho street, after his tour through Enrope. He looks cheerful and happy, and, judging from the pleasant manner in whioh he described hie “ex perience” while abroad, we are apprehensire that we may again lose the eight of hie plea s&nt oountcnance among ns. Hon. James A. Campbell, of Ohio, has jost returned from Kanaaa territory, and be con firms the opinion of orery sensible northern man that it will undoubtedly be a free Btate. He ie a free-soil Whig. Kanaaa ie nearly three times as large as Ohio. Thi Lomsow Qoanriitir. —The October num. bar of this excellent Reriew Is recalled. Its 1 contents are as interesting as usual; and it is one of the best quarterlies published. For sals by Miner St Co., end OUdenfenney St Co. The loss of the ship Nm Era is one of the most melancholy accidents that has occurred, for months, and there are many within that ( time. The New York Herald of the 18th con tains a list of one hundred and forty-two bodies found and buried, with enoh a description of them as the Coroner oonld gire. . Uhe following are examples: diifljrared; t. B. marked upon b** ohe *i*^ t * • on * flngfT tea 9 °* Sat we have no wish to publish the mournful list It is, howsrer, all the intelligence the rela tives of the lost will erer reoeire. It is supposed seventy persons are still missing; which, added to the one hundred and eighty already pioked np, will make two hundred and fifty deaths by this shipwreck. Finance! in Cincinnati. We take the following from the Cincinnati Tima of Saturday laet: Diltrust of all banka and hanking honaea neter wae 80 extended as now. An one instaooe, one of onr largeet merchants, whose bank aeoount has looted up about $260,000 a week, baa con cluded to keep his own funds, and oheok upon his own safe. , „ , Mr. Sturges, of Ellis it Bturgee, has refused to sign the assignment to Mr. Worthington, wlio howerer regards the signature of hia part ner as binding upon the firm here and in New The depositors of T. S. Goodman & Co., rep resenting some $400,000, hare gieen their auto graphs, requesting a surrender of the assign ment in the hands of Mr. Worthington. They beliete with troth that Mesers. Goodman can settle their own affairs more advantageously than any one else. < The Citizens’ Bank is continuing its settlements in Its lately adopted way. A Third street broker is paying forty cents for Kentucky Trust Company notes. The Cilnton Bank of Columbus is still received • by the Trust Company Bank, as are suspended Ohio stock institutions. The free banks of Indiana, sajs the Sandusky Begtiter, am redeeming their circulation. The best of this is found in the fact that from Mon day morning to Wednesday night last—three deyß—s76,ooo of their notes were returned to the Auditor's offioe and cancelled—the parties reoeiring back an equal amount of the Stock Se curities The circulation hi now retaoed to $5,000,000; and Is being redeemed at the rate of ’560,000 eeery day. The BUhop »f London la Mid to be of the Paddington estate, which Is north the enormous iranfof a hundred thoneand gmndi sterling per year. ' 'H. ' ,' ' « ■i, ' - • • >; t-.. ~ I, ' * i* i'v sUV * * V • 4 * \ ■ • L*» : - . wX. . ■ -''j. , J. 9n Tlm Black FUf» ol the 14tlx Olatory _ There was one disease called biaok death, the blnoE plagne, or'tKe great tffWtstttys By the vTß«tty TSfaHi _ , moist dreadful visitation of it was one that be- N v o rlc. i e , er ,’ not unused to plagues. Six others hW tU»mon*% in Judson s Hotel was gut -2L 'thhkselTet'famous dnriitfthe preodd- tsdi; BcaWy.any portion of the oantetttt_uerw forty "years.. Tto blaat pl.pt the t^gg*^) spread from the South of to th. **>*£*** £» Worth, ooeopylng about three years in Us pas- owned by J. * P ; 0 Qra “f• la "“^ jtp. In‘two years it had retched Sweden) findd to the building. ,j* Vthree. yearssltdiad conquered Raisin. -.*he , '?'"•*'* ,»»cobd despatch. : Z£ fatal influence came among men ripe to receive , Mestre . o’Grady estimate their loss by the it it. Europe was foil of petty wars. Citizens j Btrnotion of judson’s Hotel at were immured in oitics in unwholesome houses . for 40 n O O in variouß offices. Wznrthe excep orerlooking filthy streets, as in beleaguered ; Uon of lbe {ront wl u, tio whole bmldmg is in a fortresses; for robbers, if not armies, oocupied h 0 f ru i Mi the roads b yond their gates. Husbandmen Were starring feudal slaves; religion was main* . iy superstition; ignorance waa dense and morals wefe debased ; and little control was set upon the passions. Vessels with dead crews drift ed abont in the Mediterranean, and brought corruption and infection to the shores on which they stranded. In what spirit did the people, superstitious as they were in those old times meet the calamity 1 Many committed euioide in frenzy. Merchants, and noh men seeking to divert the wrsth of Heaven from themselves, carried their treasures to the chnrches and moußteries, where, if the monkß, fearing to roceive infection with it, shut their gates against any Bnoh offering, it was desper ately thrown to them over their walls. Even sound men corroded by anxiety, wandered about livid as the dead. Housee quitted by their in habitants tnmbled to rains. By the plague and the flight of terrified inhabitants, many thon-1 sand villages were left absolutely empty, and si lent as the woods and fields. The Pope, in Avagnoa, was forced, because ell the church yards were full, t o oonseorats as a banal place the river Rhone, and insure to the faithful an interment, if not in holy ground, at least in holy water How the dead were carted out of towns for burial in pits, and how the terror of the peo ple ooined the fanoy that, through indecent haste, many wore hurried.oot and thrown into those pits while living, every one knowe—it was the Incident of plague at all times. Italy wao reported to have lost half its inhabitants. The Venetian* fled to the islande and forsook their city, losing three men to four ; and in Padoa, when the plague ceased, two-thirds of the in habitants were missing. This is the black death, which began towards the olobo of the year 1848 to ravage England, and of which Antony Wood eayo, extravagantly, that at the olpae of it, scarcely a tenth part of the people tmained living- [CorcvepoDOoDC* of the PhlUAelphl* North Americm.] Washisotok, November 17.— The latest news from the West Indies represents the concentra tion of a considerable British fleet In the harbor of Ore;town, in anticipation of another visit from the American squadron in those seas. This statement is probably well founded, but I hare reason to believe that negotiations are going on here, which hare progressed so far as to remote ail danger of a oollision between the naval forces of the two countries, at least ae far as any ques tion regarding Central Amerioa is oonoerned. The pressure from without has brought about a better understanding between the negroes and mnlattoee of Hayti and the mulattoes of Domini on The French consul, in order to prevent the occupation of Samanu by the Americans, has suggested an agreement by which Dominica will become a semi-independent State of the Haytien empire, reserving to itself the choice of ita own rulers and the management of ita looal aflalra, and more especially of its religion, which has heretofore been the chief bone of contention be tween the eastern and western ends of the is land. If this arrangement be oonsnmmated, it will nip in the bod the inoiptent treaty for the partial annexation of Dominion to. the United States, and will bring to a prematura olose the miesiou of Mr. and Mrs. Casneau among the free colored republicans of the west end. g sow is Cas ana.— Persons from Quebeo re port that there has been excellsnt sleighing ut that vicinity since the first of the present month. At the latest dates thoro was every indication that the usual flve months’ sleighing would be enjoyed the present season by the residents of lower part of Canada East- , f . Ton Lost Tbxasck*. — We understand that the treasure ($153,000) Bhipped by Page, Bacon & Co., on the Yankee Blade, wae insured at $l. per ounce; eo that the house will lose only $6,000 by the accident. It is thought that the speoie will never be recovered. MoEJtoKa i3J Kassab. —A mormon settlement is beiog made in Kaosas. About 2,000 families go out in charge of Elder Erastas Snow, one of the Twelve, to a point aboat 100 miles treat of the town of Kansas. Hsavt Daks Robbsbt. —The Windham Bank, of Windham, Conn., was robbed on the night of the 17th inet. of twenty-two thousand dollars. This is the most extensive depredation of this charaoter that has occurred for a long time. The Northern” Bee, of St. Petersburg, pub lishes a list of voluntary contributions made by the inhabitants of Taganrog and Roatoff, to buy ships to sink, in order to block up the Kertch Straits, leading from the Black Soa to the Sea of Aaoff. The subscriptions amounted to up wards of £20,000 sterling. The year 18W began on Sunday, jand will end on Sunday, thus‘haring Sundays. January, April, July, October aqd December hare each fire Sundays- Such an- array of Sundays, it Is said, will not occur again until 1882. _ IV Auother of the good Ladle* of our City testified to the eflleecy of DR. M’LANW CBUJDBA TJtD VRRMII’UUE Nnr Yaax, February 7,1853. I do hereby certify to the public, that a child four rear* old, being troubled with worm*, I wa* induced to piuchaaea bottle of Dr. M’Lantfs Celebrated Vermifuge, W hkh I administered, and the result was, it brought away an Inrann,*) number of worms in bunches and Btrings, many had the appearance of being cut to pieces. MjchUu is now eoj .-ying mo*t excellent health. 1 take P le “ recommending it to both young old, m °. n ® **** a«UciD.s 1 ever Ofled. P. S. The above valuable remedy, also Dr. M’laub’s cel •brated Liver Pills, can now be bad at all respectable Drug Stores in this city. Purchasers will be careful to ask for, and take m»ue but Dr. M’Lane’e Vermifuge. All others, In comparison, are worthless. Ata, for sale b, the aol. BKQS Successor* to J. Kidd. A Co., 60 Wood street. Morir '■ Invfgoratlng KiljUr or A3oriU«l.— Ono of the recommendations of this great ' vegetable exhllerant ia, that It strengthens for long endu rance tea very main-springs of life. Ttie Araba, aa Dr. Horae baa aaanrod ua In bla Intereating traeela, uae a cer tain herd. Included In Ita Ingredients, aa a means of pro longing Ufa; and it la well known that theaa wenderera of the desert live to a more advanced age than any other peo ple. A venerable Bheik of the Bedouin tribe, who waa accustomed to chew the leaves of the plant aa we uae to bacco, Informed Dr. M. that he bod never known a week’s illness, and that he waa 108 Jeara of agel There ia no man ner of doubt that the INVIGOttATINU ELLS.UI 01t GOll- DIAL gives a permanent vigor to the vital organixatlon, removing disease where it exists in any other than an organic form, and fortifying the system against its attacks, .X, ’. *- V-® v ’■ 'V ■ AlUlr* In WMblnKton. when it has not jet obtained a foothold. A etimulant much more delightful h> 1“ effects th *“ *"J for " ° f JL| - I tilled or fermented liquor, It clears Instead of clouding the I brain, and actually adda permaaendj to the natural rigor of the nerres, muscles and dlgestire organs. The fragile and delicate female, whether married or single, will hud it the beet remedy for tho physical disturbances and irregu larities incident to her structure and habits. It indubita bly cures nerrous tremblings, llutlerings of the heart, headaches, feinting fits, hysterics, dyspepsia, nausea, and | regulates the secretions, whethertoo affluent or the resettle. All physical disabilltien seem to ranish before Its genial influence. The Cordial U put up, highly concentrated, in pint bot ties. Price three dollers per bottle; tyro tor fire dollars; ell for twelve dollars. C. 11. KING, Proprietor, 102 Broadway, New York. Bold by Druggists throughout the United States, Canada and the West Indies. FLEMING * BROS., No. 60 Wood street, Pittsburgh, DR. QKO. H. KJSYHER, No. HO Wood do 1L js. pnT.i.ERa * 00., No. 67 Wood street. 4. p. flkminq. Allegheny Qty. Palpitation of H« Heart, Nervous Dis-1 T Imr flomnlaint. Neuralgia, Byspepsia, CostlTensSS and Piles, are all relieved and cured In an incredible ehort apace ot time, by Carter's Spanish Miature, the great tonic and purifier of the blood. It contains not a particle of Mercury Opium, or any notious drug; it i» perfectly harm leaa, and baa cured more than fiTe hundred caaes ol diseaee. We can only refer the reader to the certificates, a few of thick may be found in another column, and all of which are detailed in full around the bottle. It la the greatest of all Spring and Pall Medicines, and possesses an Influence over the blood truly remarkable. , a ocl31:lm Bt>e . WhonTlt m.y Concern.— lf you wnnt . splendid litUn* Suit you »n S«t it .t QUIBBLE S. If yon wnnt my Gentlemen’* Furnishing Gool*. m .01 Tsriety why GKIBBLE hn* ’em. If yon w«nt the hem tm nr Pm.« yon «*« non, QUIBBLE’S 1* the pUceto layout meonre. He enn fnmifh DmbrellM, Cnrpet Ben. Trunk*, Ynlllem kn, »t price* u> »uit nU *ort» of ™ .tnet, b»d of p.-. ~ ' -„• * * j** tbe Mondmv- Bank Robber* Arretted. Nsw London, November 19. — Geofge BUbb, Bheriff, arrested four robbers of the Wyndham Bank, who were' going bn board the etewwr k Allen’s Poi*t,|laBt night, for New York. He re covered all but $2,000. Kxploitoa of Powder* Bhiladilphia, November 20.—Two tons of powder exploded this morning in the Drying House of Jacob Johnston, Montgomery county, killing Henry Whistler and Joeiah, his eon. Heavy Failures. Baltimore, November 19.— David Stewart 4 Son, extensive wholesale Their liabilities are heavy—over $500,0Q0« of the California Steamers Naw Tore, November 20.—Tne North Star sailed for California with the malls and a Urge number of passengers. - Black Warrisr at Hew Orlesa*. Naw Oelbaxs, November 19.—The Blaok Warrior is below. XXLBGBAFH xabsxts. u n vnu. Not ember 20.—Cotton dull; declining tan d«cy; sake3sotalesN.o. middling gonr firm; 7000 bbls good Ohio, at sB^2®a^*^eouU»rn T a::td JOHN D. SCULLY, Cashier. MAOAZINBS FOR DECKMBRO.—Coffey's Lady's Book, for December. Peterson’s Magazine, for Itoeember. Popular Tales: by Msdsme Guizot; translated from tbe Fivcbby Mr*. fali of bfS Qti UlusiratVws, sod beonJ in cloth; sprickW ceaia. w Ckrvemook Children: by Alice Cary; Ulostrated; 76csnto . Hutu m«h Sol.'Smith’* New Book; full of humor; W cents. Emerson Bonnet's Works; aU of them on band. Webster’s Great Bpetcfce*, 2 Tots; $2,60. * ration and Famine; new edUiofi; $l. The Man-of-war’s Man, a sea story; 26ceniA Th. Laughter; IS «* »le b, C n r -jl No. 32 Smith field street. C'tfcllLDKEN'S TRIALS, OR TUB LITTLE KOPJS-DAK j rwnn, ud other talea, full of colored pi*tea, being one of the beat *sd most beautiful boohs for children w«l»- sued: boomldn cloth, price 67 cents, only. ’ Received this day and for sale by H. MUTER A 00., oov2l No. 32 Smith Add street i ■ 7 JB WELITyT—WILSON, .No. 6J Market W street, comer of Fourth, has rewired a Urge lot of fine Watch**, suitable for railroad sod rlrer men. Also, Lcdies Watches and Chains, of the most deeirabl* pattern# end at eery low price# Also, Jewelry, Castors, Tea Ware, HpectAcles, and Silver Spoons, Forks, Ac, all at lower pnoea than usual elsewhere, and warranted. Watch repairing done promptly In the best m*" Jewelry- and Emblems made to order. M* AGAZINES FOE DECEMBER. —Godey 1 * Lady’* Book. Peterson's Ladles’ National Marline. Received and for #aie at the cheat) Book Store of W. A. GILDENFENNEY * 00, T 6 Fourth street. li'XTKA FAMILY BUTTER, pot up In 10 and 20 !bpaek 'j a Lies erpres- lj for family usa, received this day by nil* road and for sale by [noTill) HENRY H. COLLINS. '• APFLES— 100 bbb Kusret, Newton Pippin, Golden Rambos, Ac , received thb day by dOT 2I henry h. colliks. AitlV—lo kegs received and for sale by I bot2l HENRY Q. 00LLIN8. IUTTEH—IO firkins for sale by 1 novSi HENRY H COLLINS. rapping PAt'KR—2OO reams common and medium to arrive and for sale by m)Yjl BKBI H. COLLXNB. miMHKY TOPS—6O of various pattarns received by i nov2l HENRY H. OOLLIKS. Bridge Meeting. BANK EXCHANGE, nomm IT.lSsA—Members pres ent: Meesr*. 'Wallace, Blakely, Mowry. Ewalt, Leech, and Barr. President in the chair. On motion, J. P. Babb was appointed Secretary. On motion of Mr. Kwalt the following resolution was < That the Capital Stock of Lt»o BHARPSBURG BRIDGE COMPANY, ol Allegheny coon it, is now doe on demand, and that the Secretary be authorised to Eire pub lic notice of the fact to the subscriber*, by publleatioo in two aaily neespepere published in the City of Pittsburgh. On motion. The following committee was appointed to confer with the Stockholders: Messrs. Blakely, Barr and On motion, The Board adjourned to meet on FRIHAY, 24th, at 2 o'clock. nov2fc3t J. P- BARR, Secy, pro, tern. Wanted* A SITUATION by a yonng Man, as CLERK or BOOK KEEPER, in an Office or Store; has experience in dty business; is a good penman and competent book-keep er and can rive good references from former employers. Address K. S., Lock Box 11, P-O. pot2 ° ELLKKS’ COUGH BYBUP WITHOUT A BIVALI Pitmucmb, (Fifth Ward,) February 25,1860. Mr B. E Sroirs: On the 18th ultimo I caught a very severe cold. The night following I went to bed earifer than usual; yet, notwithstanding I had slept none the aight be fore. my cough was so severe that I could not sleep—-neither could those in the room with me. The person sleeping with me was «* much annoyed by my coughing, that he got up and went to a drug store and bought a bottle ef your Ctoogb [Syrup, «he dose of which, to my great astonishment, stop ped my cough, as if by magic. I went to work in the morn ing, and am now quite welL Yours, *c., I hereby certify that I am well acquainted with the above circumstance, and that the statement given “jgJ* Prepared and fhrsale by R- K. BELT.KH3 k burgh,!*. 1,0,20 iIKP TUB CHEST WARM BY DBINH TUB MKDICi- TED FDR CHEST PROTECTOR-The Protector l« da pi, , prepare, fur, lined with eilk and padded, which, rat pended from the neck, corere Ihe cheet In ro egn«chl_e_e kenner, that,once worn, it heoomee aneeeeaary eadaMm fort. Sold.holeral.«idr.tdrb, £B]!LLEEg4OO^ No. 67 Wood g treat. TTKRY I.ATK3T MUBIC-—U-HNSY KLKBKE hu jmt sic met issued by Ftrtu A Pond and Hall 4 Son, New York. bye; beautiful new WW, composed and dedicated to Henry Kleber, by Wn. V. Wallace. I lore and lam happy; new song by do. When shall we meet; new ballad by do. Down the river, down the Ohio; new KtUopean song, ny Zephyrs, Southern Arietta: by 8. F. SculL Bellona, Polka do Concert, Tery brilliant: composed by 11. “iSLn InTH; . collection of PoIi«, etc., In eix numbers, composed and arranged expressly tor young pupils: by Henry KJeber. No. 1. Clara Polka Uazurka; »» 2. Love letter Qallop; “ s. Meet me March; “ 4. Haxel Dell Walt*; « 5. Summer Side. Quickstep; 6. Btolen Klsb Pdka. . . m Dream Life Schottisch: by Frauds H. Brown. Game King Bcbottiscb: by do. Spring none™. Mlltont ; 101 Third street, sign of the Golden Harp. >< AUAZlNisr*»— l aaw. “ Uec f“ b "i 20 ”»“■ M Prtenon, tor ? i"£^ th Theatrical Journey work; by BoL emith, Esq. i>Aiiina ■ by Amelia. Shakspeare's Scholar: by B. Grant White. Umilwy’a Grammar; an entire new work. Bailey’s Primary Grammar; an entirs new work; just rewired by esprem at the cheap Book Store of . juav wc* / SAMUEL B. LAUFFEB'B, No. 87 Wood street; A " U!S - t7 Awta, > No. 10 «t •fSIQ IROfl—loo tons Juniata, oold blwt charcoal; H 100 a Nos. 1 and 2 Anthracite; 100 •• tSlOOMS—lfio tow Lake ChampUiQ; , . B „ K “ Junuu.ca.^)^^ tri.LvDKLraiA P delphi* BvcKvhMt, juit x««i JCCLUIUI. A. CAB.O— HR. CAt.TIN M. FTTCn. of S«» ;> UjfPi iW, , .:* 1 iJifu a- 0.. .*M-. ..jiiolUllß, -JlYai'fcl’aiA, jr*»UAL> niSIAWSi . m u . ii M i,nrt witlTor pr*ii»potaif to Ot»«i“P' uSSSrt obmmtion E»3n» Mm tlm c»e, end when be U wUUog www will ■tat* the expense of the reowue* ”i UIM^ —! KS"5m 2'tSf?S IMtnMtM horn of 10 <*M, a- *•’ /r2£ when an election tor nlnaDirrctoci, to aarro Or u»jna»- ‘°no J “7’tI mb " h * In tenure* * wetklj benefit during *lelD4m<, ; f .„jfflSr£SSMowwit totu.AMocuttoi 4nt fTy^«*^S?^f Kao, Tun Biton,Q- S. HO77SKW. _ . _ Coosol^pfttns, el^P. Forltlllnf j rpHB subscriber, ] I paientMß, end wtth person* who wsre deskouela ssh 1 Patent BigS for Cities, Counties, States, *u- “ withothsrewh© wish le pwetaK »Wb;^gbU t thstan agent to titan* that kind of ; buHne* wm JF&SPQ J here, ha* determined to derote bis time and hhlMlittw ta-j the ferries of those who may deHre to employ ms. J Pledging himself to stteod fritbtullyto all amttsra «p*l trusted to him, he conclude* by referring the imbue totpe following testimonial of a few of the burgh, he. - • - * MOSSS F. KATOSI Pittsburgh, August 33, 4 . .. . ... ' PmbiciifiH, August 17th, 1864, The subscriber* bare lou* ieeo acquainted wtth *r. y. lsatoo, and hare no hesitation inreooauaendnog him, to all who may wish to employ ,Wf eerrien, aai* Sf* Uemah of undoubted integrity and iDdn*U7> In whose exertion* erety reliance may be pUeaL ' Nerffle B. Oral*, W. botonien, Jr, Wm. Larimer, Jr, W. H-'Denny, - ILChUds^Oo., James Wood, K. Hpbaae hfton* p r e.i«wt Exams? a Kahrn, - . iuZmaT.-- -IfclL Lirinpdon. , PITTSBURGH Life, Virs-aai Jbciat-laraaiua Company; OPPICB66 FIFTH STREET, KABOBIC HAL.I., PITWBIEBH, »i* " ■ JAMES 8. HOOK, PnaUent Cmitn ArCcOwnrßeafcUry. - i * ' ' , , This eoniiMtad vito hits* lilBK®." ' ' „," .1 Albo, U«U •ndOUfO Bisk* on tbe Ohk) ud MU' ! rtrippl rfterTaDd aiboiufaa, «ad M**» ***»*“•”&• A&d **»i&*t Lobb «atl Dubocb by fin, »ad Uu PettcUti iwaad*£ th* lorwt to *U p«rtiM. CTMTOtf: J«mesS.Hoon, y® l * gunnel WOnkaa, Janas D. Vatu* • WlUiam Phillips, AJeianrtrr Brsaley, John Scott, John Fullerton, Joseph P. Ouna, M. D, BobertG*lw>y, _ • jojm M’Alain, Alexander fieynoios, Atm- Wm.y. JoEmiten, rtiongOwmty, , Junes BEarshail, BnnUto M.Laa, KjTTiimng, Goorgs BJieldea, BJrnm Stowe, Bearw. - mjgfcly _ •' ~ ; L JBTSA UIUSAIOX COKPASY) ) '' HARTFORD, CONN. ' ' - Ch«rt«r«d 1819-C*pi»*l >t««A UOO,OfO# IflOfl. IL BRACE, President. ; TBOB. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. > ; ! \ DIRECTORS— tbwttM K. B»e*» - • .-A S*muel Tuder, - Bw»«r Flower, WardWoodbridft, ».A.Bidlartc>r Joeeph Chordl, Roland Mitnv, FredwVb Tyler, Wvtn ] Robert BueU, SamuelS. wild, Miles A.TutUe» Henry Z. Pratt, Joha I*. Borwall. Austin Dunbaia, GostaTusF.Dam, Junius 8. Moma. . A»-Policies on Fin and Inland Bisks issued outturn* bie terms, by GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Ag*t>^ Wo. 74. Fourth street, Pittsburgh. «"=» ctTIZKSS’ lastnaes Cwapw/oj Pittabarf fe.—EL D. BING, President; SAM ORL L. HARfI HELL, Secretary. t Offiat: 94 Water 2rut,bp,)r., JohliS.nSlwrrtk, _ bue JL Fomoek, FrMbtoSrtlm, g. Karbeugfc, J.Scbconmaker, | Walter Bryant, William B. Hay*. I Jehn Bhlpton, wff Flrcß»*a ln»»rUci IkS? Company of tko CUjr of Pittibnrkh* j. K. iIOOttHiAD, Pt^amt—ROßEßT HKNBY, Bfar*. iaiure «*mst fIRE ond MARIKS RISKS kind*. Ofie«: No.MWfttaritrwt. * . DIMQfOM: J.g. Moorhead, W.J. Anderson, j B.C. Sawyer, &.B.Simpean, Wm. M. Edgar, H. B. Wilkins, aU. Paulson, William Collingwood, . B- B. Roberts, John M. Irwin, l Joseph Kaye, Wm. Wilkinson,- ' David Campbell. J»l2 A LARGE LOT FOR SALE. A LOT Of GROUND,on the rirw bank, in Birmingham. 288 feet by 390 feet, and bounded by four Btreets,‘wiu bt* sold on reasonable terms. It is Mar Bakewell 4 po-’i new glass works, and several other mantUhetoring estab lishments. It Is the largest and best lot now to be bad In Birmingham for maau&ewring purposes. Title perfect, and clear of inenmbraaee. Enquire of ! C.B.M. SMITH, at his Law Office, Fourth street, above Smithfleld, Pittsburgh. rr~*==» Daaitng U-Oargtfs Serial Assembly at WIL- KINS HALL every TUESDAY EVENING; the Union on WEDNESDAY, and the Excelsior Assembly every FBI- j DAY EVENING; also, the German on MONDAY EVE NINGS. Tbs amusement loving are Two mads of Music are statedly engaged. Fancy Dances, BchotU*hea, etc* in H»n No. 1; Ootillionj In Ball No. 2. The Booms are finely Tentilated, and a variety and abundance of xe freshments always provided. Admission, to each—Gent, and two Ladies 60 cents; Gent and Lady 7ft cents; Gent alone gL Tickets may be obtained of TRANK CARGO, at 76 Fourth street; or at Wilkins Hall, 2nd story; also, of the Managers, and at the door on the above evenings.. Tbs strictest order maintained. No checks given at the door. ■ "> u irs> Wut.rn Penn.ylT.nl. Ilo.pit»i.—■ Iky Drt U Bchetci, Wood uid lUrt«t streets, and J. Rxxd, North-east corner of Diamond* All*- gheny city, are the attending Physicians to the above Insti tution, for the first quarter of 1864. , Applications lor admission may he made to them W all hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock. F. M. Recent msfs of accidental Injury are received at all b*nr*, without form. f rf~D C. YEAGER) 110 MARKET street, Titte- ILSr burgh, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In FANCY AND STAPLE YABLSTY AND DRY GOODS, offitos tftdty and country dealers as large unwell selected itqck « Goods as any Eastern house; ana same prices, tons mvmg night, time and oijsnses jafcy] O. O. F«— Ptee of meeting, W«aMn*tai*HaU, Wood street, between Fifth stmt and Virgin aßey. , Prmwaen Lwas,No.da6-MeeWewTwiriayeirtdb«. Mnfiiwni Exoaxncm, No. 87—Meets first anA third Friday of each month. [mtryly... Hetieet—The JOURNEYMEN TAILORS SO 04/ CLETY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, maria an the first WEDNESDAY of every month, W SCHOCHLEITER’B, In the Diamond. Ry order. ' ? : GEO. W. BEKSE, Secretary. ATTENTION IS. L. G.— You aw hereby notified to attend at your Armory, an MONDAYS, WEpNES DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, and to transeet such bom ness as may oome befeee the Company. P. aASp, —Secretary pro tern. Land for Sale lOArt ACBIB OF LAUD IN FOBBST OOTOTg, ato IoUU U»CUrionrir«r. Th&UndtoliMiifljdiibOTd, hu an excellent toil, and to said to eon tain aa abundaaeeul Iron ore, and a thick Tein of bituminous coal. The yenan* rnna through It* t aija wuacree In Hkeeunty,'*oll timbered and'watered, and lying near the rente of theSnaburj and Brio railroad. No better investment oonld be made than in these land*. Theeompletioß of the Bonbory and fide, the Allegheny Talley, and the Venasgo railroads through that rtgbm. will render the eoaL lumber, iron ore and eolLof great , y*ioe. Enquiroof C.B.iLSMITH, L Attorney at Law* No, 147 fourth #roet_ fob2£atmtf .Law 9ooka* ' ■ . I am authorised to eeli km some Tsluable law Boras. 10Tols.Pa.Bep*ns,by Barr; BouTior's Institutes; Qreenliers Evidence; Wharton’s Digest, last #&4 AM «Uu.r BqwrU, fUnnlu^'WJrto. at tfr* offlos of Morning Post. BUIIiDISG iOT FOE SALK. ALOI M [«t tool oa WYLIE rtmoLuid extealla, busk 109 fMt to WM» illiY- 0» f?*^ I b “ k S 3 Lot illOelUr Will,lmllt Itewjull MiLrt U ia • dnirabl. locatioa lbr a iMdnM; iad-aiUU Md low, and oa fiTonbl* tonal. DU. to* tacaffaaac- of Let far Sale* a GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 fleet front oa Carson street A hr 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will be add pfa-gp Baanlre of G£o. F. CILLHOBX, “ffis at office of the Morning Poet. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. ABUISINGLtfr LS ASgSkSi CITV, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying eoonat the office of the MOANING POST. jyl*tf \ FOR A HOUSE AND LABOB bare for sale a Frame House, containing three rooms and a kitchen, with Lot 30 teet front by 140 deep, situated on Gray’s Brad, South Pittsburgh, for which the above low prtoe is aeked. This Is a good chance lbr persons of nail means to procure a house of their own. Fbr rale hr'*' r 8. CUTHBEBX * SON, ; pot3o Beal Estate Agents, No. 140 Third start. - Patent BlghU tor aalfc rl£ undersigned will eeU the Patent Kight of the State Benner's SMUT MACHINE. This is one of the "lmt important improvements ever made » Prpnt Can rive the strongest recommendations of good performance, slid baa token the premium at sdl the Fata where It has been exhibits. Thiels a ran chance offered to make a fortune, for e small investment. Missouri is the beet territory to operotein weetofthe mountains. For farther rartieaUn apply st 28T Liberty street, eorner P rUl7rilw*l JOHN yPONOUGH. ly^r^ n w - V . ► 1 -* , se* • <■ ' f ». -t “ *r .->» > 'ir- I . *■’'' affiaitfßSggßg^«ag' &£&33s&9S2®S= asSj^teg^Sgsg-y£!y Smut •3Uo)r#i4 l ßN^^^St2if2?in»ll i n an l lC»l||fw ,Tp CPWIM* WllttlWßi t*. the Bankart Wife, Mlaa Ktart*ffr , .J'-*-kk II ai »* RtHjia m li»ia,» *t «V£o’dbc*; r iJ»iil***«'** *£6 rtf ]( cent*: to bt WT it« LBctawCcwiDltMe, W WAj T A Y potlB .ok , c. a \ Ac»?:in».Hfw%y i t»gjfifrrnyrTniyt-iffcM dance* no* i* vyitfrJPjppgjgg* * • p^H? - Vimhy •*» i?K . - o'clock. t*y ~-*F. .fcfirtio •■* : - ■ ..-_ _«. ——l .» - tbrfdua BOV toi^^«®Ws^ c % f ,^.®SSLr **rtlilocH*ll,o* fetwbj* lSt^tfßo^oek, P ‘jk. STSUno* cre bi fwir*t Hflod , a J»«ahy~Btog»r <*» u«t>U dniL above Kbiidajfa» W wlivli j^*Bd TftTV on H»M>tfU»> *(®*HV*“2s” toik .« .* nse* ?r [vM^i that fa£j > The } TELIOX PARTT to gt*® T)’MMy»* [ MNG»etWiua»HAtt. IdmiMton tor • ou IT SO Ccna; eeadrittooet cwi*. \w procurwdof th» BuajW( ef flf Cargo, At K. M._Ou|q*« Boobm,]^,^JSg» sireet. Kr«r~ M»>nf»gMit Mde fcr wmm 1 JMBtoto r>frMfcaMetoprqfH*tt»Mf ogjicMfclftninal. . i UMDSIES—MI., Ttart -0 -1» ttrtnH taaUrlVar, to Mftw; 600 biu Oats; .t. 200 “ BjßWttfjtaO;. ' . 160 “ 'OmreM; ' 1000 . u Dried PeM*ee; * ts « BwMt<»rr'--i -- LQOO boxes prim? y.K. CSj«i»t 604«usE*mSo*P2\' - * _ i 100 “ Onion CSanint; ** \ 800 fiMaJaM&AKi«&dS taint; - r 40 bbliOraue'Xua; ’■ •'■-'*-* ,-r. . i LOO “ K. 0. Mnlsuu, eyptMTecogWHfr" &0 u ** ,T w ottfooowMO? ; * so « a.h: ; “ uf.- | 10 u Lo«f Bngsr: \ 60 « K6.B,ltog*,Hiekawl; f \ -80- .« • -• 5 96fafbUsX»3> ■" u w • aidir« . ie uu* large 50.2 .« jO bases ILO.*’* and ffiTobaeco; . natlft lt>C °* > *”* 7 'm’aLlSg t BiemgMQK. j •-1 • J •• iMInMII ■- J I'V <- - I j tot ndoeed prices, vis: ~•«? •■* :iiiiisis^4 , sMSr: i * - - * j Ons Mahogany, 6 oeXMrt r mad»'br-J.Sha^ r f L r j « One RdeeTOd, *«**«, «*d*bj Clital iinNh; *«ft two ; MgObL ~ - * day, tbsldth-taat frijaie^, JOBS M. MIUML [ J I Wood street « TKm H«UM uU liCU for Bftl*. ; TTTIU. W«d4ai-pri»ta.Ml* > .XH&** , VY -LPM. m Peny,between t _ fe*rihMdlitortj-,itrto*; tort ftefc n... baek. * ••»-. '■*•-■* ~ - • " ** _ m ? Alan, ana lot ant two Ponarw, on login street, Sixth * - wSF-OMBtoSWaDt •uutafmntt. mmsmT « , it WwriS^'irygJSSSSaSL^^ ^ -1 , f s baiasrw^S^SSSSf^ i Vis iiiiTilm sniraaiiMl npttiiidkpvioo- waß-wWi the; I prxmiSwW to which JwArsawflßafcai intheqoaHty off I fhr ttpi* nrriToi 1 iTtf l **" l " to ttaSHic ovt. I Bde*r will *n*ilt»Wr i I advantage to give to* a calL _ ■*..,• " } I -fag • .. - -t. b, toctm &to. r I r^: cfod toid Bota. , . ' l ■--- seek u*to* too«.n*Kfi»ii< l r wide, containing in both gfrOOS bnabdi; all In gg»ii. Lorder xna rigged, reidy to rnnoot with the . J ealcby .-. y.fpctSp - " J.~ PrWPMT. *r ’ : Paper Hamattana.. .. i;„ _ Fine fkench-aicd American pablobSSbs £ ’ « Panel ffceoratioufr in goliL oak and marble; - Hall Papers, of various styles i. a - [ |,v.. 1 h., 1 **• .. Ch««p and toe priced WlDPafretSi • ASsnKSßgsSi2S?2r3^ : M''- * CHEAP CABPET* fo TMOttrai; 9tar MarUL would yrapdriWlyihtewaiSfWeng and thepobhegra—ay,Uatftef.tennow JaffioM their: complete PALLEtOQt^-'ennsiWing * TW 7] I description, from ttanßoyai.Tslnte and com moo Ingram* HrapmAlig. Ihot.Ott *s to etehtwradswida;nw iteffigw mi tray;■»* Canton Matting, IhUtfSto, IfgSjMlto, Btote/M£wtadoW Shades, Ac. Person* in want anjarited to caff tod exam-, I ine their stock. »ad BraMaany ftonf isbed on the most reiraaaWa tenas.-, '-,-;:,.-'J * . TimifH CASH ONLY. ' . . - . ■ i KAITDIME-rThe A, handi: Uteftifli j?Mimffh corner of the Dj*mo»dlin?i‘JUrti»t «t. “ gt> Pnwrt p»mMti ; IHB fiEOOEP TSttC Of this School fcr Beya tea Ohfc wiUea»mi»raon WQJfDAWWefumber 30th. Thar onghAM^rtetinn_flTenfc«U : brte£flrefte»te|teh CUfdcftl Kdocattra. Tor farther ln|om&tkm appljto Berj B. M. flT Qwrt « to Dr. WM. TA RUS;i»tf Beo<»4oteet. mwUHw* t OJMHII' • y WIU. find itto theSr aSrsOaplfc edited anteMte* stock of STOVES, ▼srfsty, both as Co style of tDm •p* ** eojln this market. We ate ha#e ft now i« iwifn and principal, dsrigped inpiasdrßtetesm; boats. » /akAHVhfiEBfGEB *01U», !. sari*. • :. ... . j . IUMoo&MW*. ” te j; WILSON * SON keeps «ofl*Ußtlw«D hted a*«j; Jdeecrfptfcm md variety of g*TB SWWAIAgI, .hog Those desiring ft uaat feriiiw toSlT* »• ilsswtitei* > posIS,. HOICH CHSAP U Joarnay: by . Maxima of -Wtahington: by Jobs F. Sduroate. Wb*t N*t: by Mat Mur i-Denniwn. batfldMK; hr P. &lf. Soitflivoith. Tb* SmmStj ; ib» matt popolw book rf th*d*r v LmQmc Stoefcta*» ant Oik; » jtory of Vbgintav, OoTeroook CfhiMwn: by AUeoCowy. TVtaim'i Mimlai. far Diagabtf.. , , . ft Ml* «i da dm* Book, Htgudne and HiwnM Bwo. w a flTT.pgmrmnffcY A 00- No. 76 Focrthftr—t. MOGHaUa OOOB*. • _ Fzai iktax aoiramimjaitMrthiißiijpwid, bMotUUI ■ad Sett. la bnp% IStfUtao taitwlm, Saik.laa «ad gantj. Vriin, m«a Hosiery nd taxwoofcbottnn,. ■nv« TriWM»a r adtt.«ad Oanefcinrtel-qnagtto. Alexander* Bajoa’e bert JOd Giooesean always b*4 frond at H» W W>|ll!,BBlPr*»«r aTtht Hal sead. •«>''.-• ’•:•■<•;• noelT \ Tklxd AvrlT»l of VmXl mmft Wlalßlf SW f WlhT? PJUL CENT. BBLOW TORMJSA PEICX& ? VOUNQ, KfEVBHBQS * LOTS, Bfen of A* Origin* x Bechfre, Wo. 74 Market strat, bitweea Vrarthsb*. and th* ntTTwtfidj THiiAgfwh.na hut reoelrbura Ufat* at; BpicuUd assuitment of P*a Brr Good *, at xmnnuUy k* mices, from New York and Fhfladdpblai»pcrteo*i>-i*ri fan sale*. The stock will he {bond foil tn er*!j depet ; mat, eondftlßg in pert of I Shmvls, Cloaks and Talmae, of *r*rj dfSertpikm; I . Blankets, at bargains; _ Plaid, Azipe and plain BBk, French Uettoom, Oeshmen Oobaigs; . Paiametteeand AJpaeae, at anpreeadentsdbiriplne; Mete Sad Onhaiara Plaids, • de 4> PieelMilin ml 'TinTim firths. de * fnodtOiuthuUi do do jjhhitir* ffhil Prints, do dfe Irish Linens and linen Sheetings, do do Pflioir linens end ttJtie do do Magdas aodJaMe.Ttenaaks, ..do ;. Ar Plain sad printed Bdalaee and Ostenjeree*. M : - Also, a falTueortaectof DnaMetkv Goods, at great h g *nf(f fhiTtei e. qtehitettes' aafr Handkerchiefs, at gwe sad Mflttnery Goods, at greet bargains; Hosiery, Glow and Boipendsre, do. Ovbtg to tbe nnasoally large baportation, goods h* been teeed Into tboaaetfcraate tba and eoid-’at grr aacrifees, and wfll be sold toe ate at a T*ry steall advent aorl3 TOUKQ, BTBTMMOSA LOTS. -- Hesteliisis* gsetery. . TTBAVY SHIBTIHG TWJtoftlntead XX to ftet te* retail trade of Pittshugk and Jlteghes nade of hard twisted yarn, darkjtefctneajeMnfco bk * ?be general ■ilmlss*ir that StmrzrtfaCbaekaaßd Twee * are not Inferior in quality to any otitersnaaaaftMtnrvd tea Bated State*, with an tevaaefeg bmadAr tbe encoarageethesobeeribarte extend Ylb trdtete, nitt view to keep np a good aanrtment d each Qtetks as » per JirtU Betepbs* be sent to merchants wfaeeaoaci mahaUcanoanteßttocs 1 1 Aik WaSwifT QALKNA UUft. 1»> «*, “»* DOTIMf ~ Oi»MB>BR OOWXMt- ;r - .**_•*- > , !£«=■ u 4 .w«-l ;%>. at