The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 14, 1854, Image 2

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Law »*• Ditisitt.—Bishop Hopkins, of Ver
■«»'. we 806 is *0 Isotow in Philadelphia this
ti*l evening, before the Pennsylvania University.
®* TOb j«? is , the " Naturalisation Laws,” a
£#SSf*L®'*. f * j?S '-■*_ ,*-K-: subject •which, his early education has rendered
him exceedingly fit to disonaa. Many years ago
Jfyft *** ths now Bishop H. practiced law in Pittsburgh,
'' -. J ,V > ."-■ ■A*‘-, c - ■-N','--'VJ , >i't fc >' A but for some disagreement with a fellow mem
■:sVij ber, they-were both Bnsponded. Mr. H. then.
V^H'‘" : ’£%?S*jwf a y '‘ abandoned the law for tßrinity, and the otter
gentleman gare up-Blsekstone for the editorial
tfi*W Beanty in the faoe of women, and folly fcoth TencltfHl prominent P»t
' n <’,;«Kpf: ,, f ! * * " ■‘.‘til'- •' - ■ ' ,’r*. ,;
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[From Pickens’ Household Words.)
And the eunte'wwwdthe cabin of Jamee
F Thtf ha h d 8 .ffily been preparations to ,-,
oeive him. The day floor was newly sprinkled
■nd Bwept, and the few artidea of orockery on
china, nearly »U mishapen, or otherwse defec
ti« e were as clean aa the pebbles in ft nrer.
Tho’children's faces, hands, and feet tor y
had no shoes-were all fresh from washing
basin, and their hair was sleekly combed across
their foreheads. There was evident poverty
bat an equally evident wish to oooceal it. No
a yeettne of fornitnra or ornament was-to tho
room beyond the few articles of earthenware
iU the rest, to the three legged
Stool for tho b»by, hod either been sold or burn
ed for fuel. There were three or four hassocks
of hay for seals, bat these, too, had been prey
ed on for foe!, and ran pot at the sides; and
ttsr. wer. some layers of chipped
straw, as a bed in the oorner. On this was
stretched tho dying man. The eldest boy ran
toborrow a chair a. Mr. Godfrey entered and
the thrifty housewife had just drawn the old
rags from the throplower panes of the glasslcss
and only window in the horel, to let the sun and
air in. This was tho abode of an Englishman
in tho heart of England.
The patient h-.d been propped up somewhat
on hit straw, and a neighbor had shared him aud
lent him a shirt, which though old, was cUan.
So, what with well-washed skin and combed
hair, and'a enpofrefreehiog tea,_ he P"P":
ed to reccire ihe enrote’e risit m soni-thi g
Tdor-ot and Christian manner. One o the
boys was in or ratb-r on. the bed—for there
wee c > coeorirg—from sheer nakedness. He
oartly nestled in ihe straw, and partly concealed
by the rags taken from the window: he was
contented and happy, for he had the blessiu H
of a fall meal; a rarity in the hat of the dying
P °The oaratc took the ohnir borrowed for him,
plM«d It by tho bedside, and leaned towards the
•iok man. # ,
« Well, James, how do yon reel now .
“Better tir, thank you, but still weakly.
God will bjess you for what you h.V done. Tis
mony a Ion? day sin’ l could prove my gratitude
to anybody.” ~,
“ Never mind that Tho Searcher of oil hoarts
knows yonr intentions, James.
~ Yes—true ! But d’ye Ihink God hee ls n
poor critter like me V*
“Undoubtedly. Our Father.’
“Ah! Good —good. But l never found ft
true friend but Him and yourself, air— tb.-y ml
forsook and miebeUed mo. 1 never was as but
as people made mo; He knows that, and U.
ohildren. One’s hearth ie a fair assies.
“ True a food huibaod and a kind fanior can
not be a'very bad man. 1 nsror believed you
ill disposed. Fielding.”
No bless thee for it, an l lie will bless thee.
Te ha' made a Christian ; the ways o’ the world
made me an infidel long ago. A man kindly
treated, fecle like a Christian, sir.”
.. But we must give up resentments now. I
Bee, bv year countenance y,ou will soon meet
yoa’r Got Prepare, Fieldidg, for that great
jaJfrmnDt ” , ,
‘• Yew, l know it will coma soon, an that bft
chans*! me. But, indaed. air. lam aweary of
the world. If it war not for her and the chil
dreu. I had gone years back."
■' The Christian religion always supports pov
erty and suffering. James. tVero tall the world
sinless and happy, the Atonement had been uae
less." -i,
I■■ I oan well believe tbisn o thee, sir. If yer
wer dumb an’ blind, yer ban’ would preach ; ’tis
the on’y earmiot aagoes home to a hungry nun
Fine words he o’ Fmail accouut. But when a
rioh parson, or a bishop or snob, as never gives,
an’ never Buffers, tells starvin’ poor fellows like
me ti bear their crosses, as the only road to
heaven, it look? like humbug, sir. If heaven
is to be won by poverty—eartintly nothing is
so easy for ’em as to give all they ha’ moro
than enow, to feed tho hungry, an’ comfort the
a ill.del ” ...
•‘Ah. James, this is bid grace in a dying
man. It is enough for every one to look to
himself; to bear his own burden, and to know
that in the midst of trial, and sorrow, and suf
fering, ho oan have recourse to One who knew
them all on earth. This, surely, is fair com
“It bo, sir. Tia at the point lam at now
a man feels he tnu*t believe in Home religion
an* there is none ao natural HU© as our own. A
dyin' man is not -* doubter. I wish I ba’ been
o’ this way o’ thinkin’ loDg ago—’twould ba’
made me content —an’ a contented man is a
regular roan, an’ a regular man is a toilsome
man, a’ a toilsome man is a thriving man ; but
when one begins iu grumblin’ one ends wi’
sorrow. Mary, dear, gi* me a drink. 1 feel
faintieb.” ,
The ourate took tke teapot from the yearning ;
and attentive wifo’s hand, and the fevered pa- i
tient, from the broken spout held to his mouth, .
drained the vessel greedily, till the few leaves at ,
the strainer whined with their dryness. As he
drank, Godfrey had an opportanity of observing
his countenance. “ This man,” said be to him
self, “ was formed for a lofty destiny, but with
him ignorance has marred nature. When will
man vindicate the purposes of God to his fellows ? j
When will England provide education for all her i
people ?” A 9 these thoughts passed rapidly ■
through the pastor’s mind, the sick man spoke
with a fainter voice, but with renewed energy:
•*‘tbe spirit war willing, but the flesh war
weak.’ Well, sir, I know hma dyin’. I war
never a coward, bot I does fear death. ’Tie
like a goin’ over a common one don’t know, on
a dark night—there be none alwut you but
eperits.” w
“ Keep your eyes steadily on your guiding
star, James. That light aufficeth.”
•• I believe, sir. Oh Lord, help my unbelief.”
“ Thank Heaven for those words,” said the
curate; and now, Fielding, since you are in this
good frame of mind, I must tell you one thing
that wilt lighten your last moments. Old Mrs.
Williams is getting too aged for the parish
sohoo’, and as she is to retire on a small pension,
I have secured the post for Mary. I know she
will fill it well. This will keep the wolf from
the door, and I will look to the little ones. So
you ee« things are not so bad as you expected.
You will leave those dear to you pretty mid
dling off, and they will remain, under Provi
denoe, to be a blessing to themselves and tbelr
"Thank God! thank God I My soul Is at,
peaoe now. Sbe is provided for, nnd they, too
Read to me, sir, please ; ’twill rouse me up—l
feel drowsyieh.”
The curate opened his pooket Bible, and in a
•weet low voiee read from the fourteenth to the
seventeenth of John. As be proceeded, the lit
tle boy peeped op from his straw, and sucked in
tbe words. The sick man opened his stiffening
Uds from time to time, and murmured a prayer
from uoparted motionless lips, whioh sounded
strange and unearthly in the small chamber.
The pale wife, with ber infant daughter In her
lap, wept silently; and tbe little boy Jemmy,
was seated on one of the worn out hassocks,
holding the caodle, which was stuck in a bottle,
for tbe good pastor as he read. The other boy
was gone on an errand for aneighbor. Night had
set io, and a gentle breeze fanned the chamber
through the open door and panelesss window.
People glided cautiously by; from time to time,
urged by pity or curiosity.
After about an hour’s stillness, the siok man
stirreJ, then tried to sigh, but tho groan died
wlibiu him, and for a time he whispered; but
nobody knew whnt he said. At length, after
the curate had applied a few drops of moisture
from an orange to his lips, he spoke audibly
44 I was dreaming, Mary, as we war happy
with God. The children had enow to eat; they
give me my good nume back agen ; an’ we war
all very happy.” After a pause, and much in
ternal muttering, he resumed with a perceptible
spirit of coergy, although bis spent powers made 1
him scaroely audible. 44 Ob, Mr. Godfrey, if
more would, like thee, on’y come and see the
poor, an’ what they Tell tbe lads, sir,
to wait a bit —but to struggle on, for there is
hope for the working man. An’ bid the rich
fold consider the laborer, an’ the parsons to be
all like thee, an’ England will be right. Mary, a
drink, dear; the heart is as dry as a cinder
within me.”
Ilis wife brought him a little cold water,
into which the curate squeezed some orange
juioe. . .
“ Mary l To our Father, I commit thee, girl,
when lam gone. lam dead, before lam dead,
leaving my Mary. Kiss my forehead, girl.
God bless thee ! Comfort these little children,
God! they be orphans now.”
And he prayed inwardly. In that hour he
had no euccor but prayer, and the remembrance
of any good he had done in his life. The baby
was crying on its mother’s breast, and the can
dle trembled in the hands of the weeping boy
who still held it. The wife was still and pale ;
her heart being rifted from her. Tbe curate had
btQt his knees in prayer, and comforted the dy
ing and the desolate.
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moksisghSst job office.
Ww.-wonld efll the attention of MBKCHANTr AND
BUSINESS MBS to the fart that we have just received
from Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job Typo,end
,re oow prepared to till order, for Card., Clrcnlare, Bill
1 loads, Paper Hooke, Poetors, and Programmes for eshlbp
lion*. All orders will be promptly filled.
people must now be pretty well satisfied of the
BoUnd'uess of the banks and brokets of Pitts
burgh. Several of them have been more or less
tried, within the last few days, and not found
wanting. The run upon them was the result of
an unnecessary panio, and the panio has, we be
lieve, spent its force, with but one failure, that
of A. Wilkins & Co.; and one temporary suspen
eion, that of Mr. King. It is generally supposed
Mr. K. will “come out all right” in h short
time. In so hard a year on business men as this
has been, it is a little Burprising that such a
panio should pass off so harmlessly in our city.
No failures for any large amount have occurred.
This fact should restore confidence. It cannot
be long now until a rise in tho river will enable
merchants, manufacturers, and coal-men to send
forward their supplies to the western markets,
and get returns. We judge that the financial
crisis is over, and that very little harm is done.
Every failure of a western Bonk inflicts some
loss upon our citizens, and those failures have
been numerous. The trade of the city has been
for a long time suspended by the low stage of
water in the river. Prioea of provisions are
enormously high; higher in our city, in fact,
than in almost any othercity. Yet with all these
drawbacks our business men have sustained
I themselvos; and no failures, for any considers
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ble amounts bate occurred.
The case in Cincinnati is widely different
Large failures have taken place. The business of
Pittsburgh is done more on solid capital than its
western neighbor ; aud can bear up better under
„u adverse tide than almost any other city. At
l-'idt such is the result so far this ye&r-
The depositors with Mr. King, it is believed,
will meet with uo loss; and the creditors of A.
Wilkins & Co. Will bo paid io part; how much,
c-iuuot yet l>o ascertained.
We trust the people of this country will find
that they have been more Beared than hnrt by
Ibia panic.
The Louisville Democrat talks in this plain
style on the subject:
■' Money 1» scarce, •rcortins to the *»l"' r ““"' t f
~,„rndlj the*, time ; <uil there is K«l' of »»! >» *'
e coirv It U credit that U icsrtc, not "w • H V "T
t U send Uahtlitiee would 1. met cow .. t w»«*
~. n0i1,., there UMy (joed reno n tor thui S-ner-l ■
0 „c,,|ence. SUte «t<«-.l« lave fallen, »ul }i . *
the DUtr. will fail to met the tm-rest on lheir lone
,eer or next. The live end su 1“' "Ul »n
~, .uuelly M eeer. Pn.p-Tiv .ill fall e itl, ,h ’* l c*‘‘
f 1, hot its depreciation .ill he •-“‘"'"f- ™ ‘ >
i.n't ruined, then why l>e seure.l. K.e|i ■ -l, .n t n u k
need let ll»L U.ylißht will follow derkne.e-elwate la
Sons It; m li's not worth while to he' fnshtraed ,u. . f <j« .
wife bv this croaking In thi- <Urk Th- u»*'»
d ,,t n .rmiitor** in 'omanu tim«. »'!■ ‘b’ J u 1 M ?*"
* - nif hr lire* Ills creditors bad not fil,;hi«n hint
l' ;i‘h With erearioß. or thry win
}., sifh time* men generally lo* w»r« In a tmmM*
I 1„ c < than they After"
Some days ago we were at Rochester, Reader
County, and through the pulileutas uf our
fr.. t-d Rhodes, superintendent of construction.
leintcd something of ths prospecia of " The
Heaver Manufacturing Company." The car
lit mufacturing eßtahlishmcnl is ods of ns most
promising enterprises. They nro now erecting
a; Rochester a building to be exclusively dc
vo-cd to ths manufacture of railroad cars. The
budding fronts kSS in ft(pgth on the Ohio river,
and dOd feet in depth oS, New York street. It
id bni!t entirely of stone, and is most of it three
stories high. There is besides n blacksmith
shop and engine house, also of Btone. Those
acquainted with ’.such mailers, Bay that the
buildings are most admirably arranged for the
business ; and that the skill and good judgment
of Mr. W. R. Rhodes, who superintends the
whole work, haee been employed to the b«*l
possible advantage for the company. The waits
of the buildings are now nearly completed and
ready for the roofs ; and by the first of March
i they will commence manufacturing cars.
This enterprise cannot fall to be successful-
No more safe or profitable branch of manufac
tares oonld be entered upon. The demand
for freight and i assenger ears ia constantly
! increasing, not only to supply new roads
S that are opened, bat aleo to repair the large
| wmte and damage on running roads. Carß
made at Rochester may, beforo many years,
be seen at the passes of the Rocky Moun
tains, and over all the wide regions of the
West, where railroads are already In progress of
1 construction. We understand the Rochester
company have already been offered large orders,
' for care, and could probably contract now for
| all the care they could supply for eighteen
1 mouths.
The location far the establishment is very
goo !, with outlets by railroads in almost every
dir«xtion for all the cars they ct»n turn out. It
is II matter of surprise that Pittsburgh capital
and skill is not more largely engaged in suoh en
ter! rises, when success is certain; the profits
goo:; and the demand large and ever in
This large building at Rochester is construc
ted of stone; and it is found that that material
costs only half bb much rs brick, and will be
more strong and durable.
Rochester and the other “ Beaver towns” have
got a good start now, and will doubtless become
the seats of taluablo and profitable manufac
Success to our neighbors. They are within
an hour’s ride of us by railroad, and “ their
lack is not our loss.”
Another Whig Roorback NaiUd.
A few days ago, an Obio Whig paper libeled
the Democratic party of that State, by stating
the draft of the Auditor for $30,000 had been
protested by Mr. Edgerton, the agent of Ohio in
New York. n matter of course, the Whig
priuts of this State, as well as at home, publish
ed the statement without inquiring into its truth,
and as equally a master of course, the whole
thing, so far as the State’s credit was concerned,
turned oat to be a Whig Roorback of the worst
kind. The Auditor, ns is proven, made no draft
upon Mr. Edgerton for $30,000, or any other
amount whatever. The draft of Mr. Auditor
Breslin for that amount waa protested, because
the exchange purchased by Mr. B. from the
State Bank of Obio was not forthcoming, ns he
had a right to expect. The default, therefore,
was attributable solely to the inability ot the
State Bank to place money in New York to the
oredit of the State, ns they (the Bank) bad con
tracted to do. As this attempt of Whig jour
nals to get up a “ run” on the groat State of
Ohio, is likely to prove a fizzle, the Plaindealer
suggests they should confino their attention to
smaller game, and that which better suits their
calibre, to wit: rjomo of the pet rag mills and
whig shaving shops.
Thewondt-i'd of fast travel and communication
by railroad and telegraph hard become an old
story; yet it is occasionally worth repeating.
Canton, Ohio, is 102 miles from this city. Yet
a Pittabnrgher can start from homo at 8 o clook
in the morning, and, stopping half an hoar at
Allianoe for dinner, reach Canton at 1 P- M.
He can remain there till 6 P. M.; attending to
any business he may have to do, and then take
the ‘oars fur home. Stopping twenty minutes
at Allianco for Bupper, he will reach Pittsburgh
by half past BP. M. He has thna traveled 204
miles in 12$ hours, aud had five hours for busi
ueas in the same time. 7$ hoars is ths running
time, which makes nearly thirty mile* per hour.
There is no age in telling how many days this
trip would have cost only a few years ago.
We tried it on Saturday last, and went through
as above stated. People may try to find fault
with railroads, for want of punctuality, safety,
aud so forth; bat on the Ohio and Pennsylvania
road, doriog that trip, there was not the least
signs of danger, or the beginning of an acci
dent ; or a minute of delay from any cause.
Yet enormous freight trains are in sight every
few minutos. So complete are the running ar-
rtngements tbat the “express ” tram finds all
the way a clear track; and has nothing to do
bat keop up to its time to avoid alldtlaysor
dangers. That road is doing this year a very
heavy business, much larger than ever before ;
and is probably earning $lOO,OOO, or more per
Stark county, Ohio, of wbieh Canton is the
county seat, is one of the richest and handsom
est agricultural counties io the Backeyo titate;
and Canton is a fine and flourishing town. Sev
eral new and handsome buildings are going up,
aud some large manufacturing establishments
are iu successful operation. Fisher, Anderson
& CVs etoam power paper mill, makes ft large
amount of good paper. It is Pittsburgh capi
tal, skill and enterprise that has started it; and
in fact Canton and Stark county are lurgely in
debted to Pennsylvania for their population, en-:
trrprUe aud prosperity. There arc probably
200,000 natives of Pennsylvania settled in Ohio;
and in no agricultural oounty of that State pro
bably will more of them bo found than in
“ Old Stark.’*
Tho Ist of October was observed in England
as a day of Thanksgiving for abundant crops.
So abundant did the crops appear that at tbat
time wheat had fallen from 80 sbiltiogs to 60
shillings per quarter. Consumers were delight
ed with the prospeote of abundanoe of food at
low prices. But, to the surprise of all, since
then the price has run up again to tho farmer
famine price of 80 shillings. The London Time. i
attributes this surprising change to the failure
to import, under the impresaion that the home
crops would supply the demand. No doubt the
io'e'.iigcnce of the failure of crops of corn, Ac.,
in this country had something to do with it al*o.
The eas»cru war, t 0.., h?s devastated some of the
rich region* of the east from which large sup
plies are usually drawn. Such are the principal
causes named by tho Timet, and it adds :
•• T-t ft v»« of lb* h»ph pilee* are i
t it. ir inline rh»ti*« luilo. »uJ ttivv under lb* nereft
t v of ft'l th-ir ripen*** wilhin that narrow llm
U thro. lh»t *«■ »re once room on tbr terw# of f*
vn.t ilAt.rrsv II »• .lrftflh I»rw, Mol H»ftT b* fftmtl
1 hr niftrkrt I* buoyant, »>»‘l »'» the matter of f.«*l buojr*n
of j-rbw unj'lto* tb* ainkioi; of •tr*Dgtb, betlth, bop«,iiiilt
irv. tit».i nalit.nal prtijj.-enty "
states too, that a similar rise has occurred
in other countries c*f Europe. Russia Irt'Tfce
litinubiiD TrovinctH no longer eupply the vast
quantities that England and Prance every year
import; amt front other tonresa the supply will
b-' unusually small.
The effects of the eastern war will eoou be se
verely felt by the people of England and France,
au 1 the rime* is already suggesting severer
mrbsurcs against the “ enemy ” Russia:—
measures that will affect the rights and safety rf
neutral nations. That war is evidently destined
to be wide spread in its effects, and most disas
trous to the nations of Europe.
Hon. J. M. Cl*yton*s Speech
The Hon. J. M. Clayton, the author of the
famous Native Amcrioan clause in the Nebraska
bill, delivered a speech on the Know Nothing
order, at Wilmington, Del., recently. Mr. C.
says that he is not now, and never has been, a
member of tho Know Noting order, but de
clares bis approval of the platform of the Ameri
can party, as adopted in convention in Delaware,
on the 4th of October. He deolares his opposi
tion to all proscription for religions opinions,
and avows his determination to vote for no per
son for public office who shall “deny to others
the right to worship God according to the die
tatca of their own consciences.” He reviews
the non-intervention principle rather sharply,
denying the right of foreigners to vote in the
nevr Territories upon declaration of intentions,
and expresses a strong preference for American
cit zens, American interests, Ac., Ac. The Del
aware Senator is the most unmitigated fogy in
his party—which is taying a good deal.
Death or Charlis Btmn, Author and Comi
dian.—This finished aetor and gentleman died of
consumption, at the Florenoe Hotel, New York,
on Friday night, aged thirty-two. The event
was not unexpected to himself or friends, for
sumo timo, as ho bad made a trip to California
to benefit his health, but was compelled to re
turn in a hopeless condition. Excepting W. B.
Burton, Mr. Burke had not his equal in the ec
centric parts of llgitimate oomedy. He was be
sides a good singer, could execute a olever violin
solo, and has written many pleasant ballads and
several plays. Me. B. was a step eon of Mr.
Joseph Jeffereon, the actor, artist and manager
He loaves a widow, but no children.
iy All who wish dry and warm feet during
tho rain and slush of the coming winter, can se
cure that much coveted luxury by giving heed to
the advertisement of .Mr. Overington, in another
column. The cork soles he speaks of are so
maunfaotured that they can be worn inside the
boot, or shoe, without inconvenience; and from
a pair we have inspected, feel satisfied thoy are
a savereign remedy against oold and damp feet,
and their attendant evils.
iy The Gazette Is dcligently employed just
now, in advocating a high protective tariff, and
a national bank. Shades of the departed!
Whnt next 1
Our neighbor is trying to get back to first prin-
Ciplrs, he says- But those old issneß, that the
people bare long ago deolded, will never avail
to rally a party, or win a triumph again.
ggp-We advertised the Joumal editors loss of
his copy of Shakspeare “free, gratis, for no
thing,” and requested its immediate return to
the owner. Wo thought we should be thanked
for it, ot least. Bnt it seems not, by what he
eaid yesterday. The ingratitude of thiß world
is wonderful.
Thb Spirits moviso amorg thi Quaxrrs.—
It is stated that the inoorporeal spirits mustered
their foroes so strongly among the members of
the Yearly Meeting of Friends, (Hicksite branoh.)
in session in Baltimore la t week th.t .t
found neoeeeary to appoint a committee of invee
tigation on tho enbjeot. The Ce.tre (Pa.) Quar
terly Meeting, whioh forms a part of the Balti
more Yearly Meeting, is eaid to hav. become
quite carried away by the Spirits.
Railroad laon.-The Fayetterille (Ky.) Ob
server informs us that Got. Moreherf recently
iron for th. North Carolina Ra.lroad io
New York at $42 per too; and , that Col. Thomp
son bought for the Atlantic road at $4B. These
are low prices, and would show that there is a
superabundance in market, as the declme has
been enonnons. Iron not long since was hing
from $66 to $72 per ton. The mooey obingeiicy
and the auapension of many railroad sohemee,
: . VVV
• • •: s-
•* ;'>v.
N«wax»f tm D«7*
There were 404 deaths in New York last week
—an increase of five. Iu Philadelphia 150.
Returns from counties yet to be received
amount to upwards of 60,000 totes, and may re
verse the plurality here given.
Wm. Arrison, the infernal machine man, ar
rested at Moscjtiae, lowa, bat who denied his
same, has acknowledged that his name is
The Hotel of Luke Turner, in Franklin, Ve
nango county, was destroyed by fire on the 3d
inst. Loss between throe and four thousand
A despatch from Toledo, 0., says nine priso
ners broke out of tbe Loom oounty jail, at Mao
ni*», on Fridoy night. Three of them were re
captured ; the six others remain still at large.
Tbe brottir of Madame Ksohel, the French
tragedienne, baa leased Metropolitan Theatre,
N. Y , for tbe nut fall. Bhe will apposr next
Septa Tiber, aud play French plays exc usirsly.
Tbe New York Herald, of Sunday, has a table
showing the following result for Gorernor in that
BtAte :
122.61 S I Clark 123,146
1C5,050 | Crot,ft,id - 24,020
Clark over Srymour
Seymour oerr Ullmeu - l<JrO ts
The steamship Jewess, from Havana for New
York, stranded on Brigantine Boaob, near Atlan
tic City, on Saturday morning, and sent to
pieces in'baif an hour afterwards. She is ato
tal loss, with her valuable oargo, consisting of
sugar, oranges, segars, &c. Her cargo was val
ued at one hundred thousand dollars, and the
vessel at eighty thousand dollars.
Mrs. Stowe is again before the public in a
book entitled: “ Ida May : A Story of things
Actual and Possible, by May Langdon.” It is
another slave story : a kind of literature she ap
pears likely to run under grounJ. This time,
however, it is a white person that is kidnapped.
Those Abolitionists who consider “ white people
pretty near as good as a nigger," are expected to
receivo an early copy of the work.
Tk« Rock Iftload Rwllrowd Accldewt,
The Juliet Signal of Tuesday contains the f.
bwiog list of the sufferer, by the Irigbtful «c.
dent which occurred on the night of the Ist ins
on the Rock Island Railroad :
Dtoi— Joseph Somers, Wayne Co , Ohio ; Teter
Core. Chicago. 11l ; Win- C. Liughlin, Oettys
burgh, Pa ; Margaret C. Liughiin. (wife ) d".:
Catharine Laughlin, (mother.) Jo.; Laura Louisa
Langhlin, (child,) do., Cath’ne Laughlin, (child.)
do.; John G. Carpenter, Poughkeopsie, N. Y ;
Mrs. Cox, Washington Co., Iowa; Augusta F
Cox (daughter,) do.; John Rruuor, Clinton Co.,
Illinois; E. 11. Gibbous, ZanesTille, Ohio.
Suppoietl to be FutaUy Wounded — J. W. M’Ma
kiu, Ottawa, 111.; Mary .Sampson, (niece of Wm.
C Laughlin,) Gettyshurgh. Pa.; Rev. M. F.
Snarely. lowa City, la.; Catharine Suavely,
(wife,) do ; Hannah Albin, (Jos. Allan’s sister,)
Morgan Co , Ohio.
Iladlv Scalded— William Bateman, Lycoming
Co , Pa ; Charles Charpiot, Chicago. III.; Joseph
Albin, Morgan Co., Ohio; tiarab Albin, (wife.) I
Jo.; George W. Albin, (nephew,) Jo.; .Josepti
('o'.bert, Quincy, III.; Solomon Borr, Fon du
Lao, Wie. .
Scalded: not considered Dangerous—Batid^Pros
ier Johnstown, Fa ; John I’roeser, do.; Ebene
ter Prosier, do.; Elias E. Sowers. Muskingum
Co., la ; laaac Stewart, Lawrencs Co., Penna;
Wm. M’Crea, do.; flinnab M’Crea, do.; Wash
iuctou Bastion. Lycoming Co., Pa ; Jacob Bote.
Washington Co , Pa; Isaac G Brown, (fireman.)
it?** broken; Wm. P. Brown, (engineer.) slightly
my-At St. Luke’s church, in Rochester, h
y a few evenings since, a well known member
of that -rtureh drepped the contribuunn
hox u cheek for *5OO. “for Biebop Lee s aid and
comfort iu establishing the Proteetant Episco
pal Church, in its simplicity, in the diocese of
lowa ” .
And most especial pains appear to hate been
token to make tbe fact widely kpowo in the
newspapers. “The known member of that
Church” is referred to in tbe sixth chapter or the
Gospel by St. Matthew, where tbe words of oar
Sariour nrs recorded, us follows :
“ Take heed that ye Jo not your alms before
men, to be seen of them ; otherwise ye hate no
reward cf your Father which is iu Ileaten.
•* Therefore, wheD thou doest thine alms, do
not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypo
crites do in the synagogues and in the street that
they may bate glory of men. Verily, I say un
to tou, they hate tbeir reward.
“But when thou doest alms, let not thy left
hand know what thy right hand doeth ; that
thine alms may bo in secret; and thy Father,
which seeth in secret, himself shall reward thee
Port?LA*iTT or Oma* Pasha. —The who!© of
th© Turkish iroops or© entirely deroted to their
gallant commander-in-chief; he has woo their
esteem and respeot by his courage, firmness sod
superior acquirements, and their affection by hie
kind and cordial manner to them. A short time
sine© Omar Pasha was making preparations to
go up to Ratschook, with some regiments of in
fantry ; and while riding through the streets, be
was seen to stop where a soldier was on duty and
ask him, “ Well, are yon going to-morrow T
*' Yes. yonr Highness,” answered the soldier;
•* is your Highness going too !” “ Yes, yes,
replied Omer Pasha; •• loshhallah ! (please
God) we wilt all go together." By thus treat*
ing his soldiers like oomrades, bo secures thslr
ready obedience.
w* ihtnß ar* JoiUfled In laylnf
that no oth«r PUI, or remedy f«»r User Complaint, baa
gained, an deeerredly, the repoUtloa w« eojoyed by Itr
M'Laoe's Celebrated User PilU As an eridenc* that they
will cure, read the following eorUflcale from a lady reaiding
to our own city
Niw Yoke, Janoarjr 23.1t&2.
This is to oertify that 1 hate bad the Liter Complaint for
ri, van, and never could getaoy to he p me un
-111 1 commen-ed using Dr. M’Lane * Cc.rUated Lifer Wile.
1 ean no* any t*> iba pnblle, that they hare complete!)
carol me; and 1 do hereby recommend them to
afflicted with a diseased Lifer. They will cure. Try them.
MARIA fcVKNS, No. 03 Lewis street.
p S —The abort valuable remedy, also Dr. M’Lane’s cel
ebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all rentable Drug
Stores In this city.
Purchasers will please be careful to u\ for, and take
none bat Dr. M-Une*. Liver-Pllla There e> other Pills,
purporting to be Liter Pills,.now before the public.
Also, for tale by the sole proprietor*.
SoeMeson to J. Kidd A Co ,
No. 60 Wood BUeet.
XnM'l I»Tl*or»tli>« Kllxlr or
Cordlml.—There ire flats and principles which can only
b. reached by deep resosreb end lsborloas ioTestig.tlon.
The enperiority of the lnrlgoraMng Elixir oxer erery other
rwtor.Mt.snd, U not. feet of
this clam. It Use “pon the mo/ace, It Is rei/demoertraNr,
to .11 eye.- To ore,look It ls.lmpouible; to doubt
It, I. to duty credence to tbs .tldancw of lh. lenses. As .
means of relleting e.ery dun) of n.rtoo. (llwMo, whether
acute or chronic. oontlnuou.or spasmodic; whether .Meet,
log the spring, of mollon, or th. source. of .eolation; It
ha, not, It has neper had .n effUal. In neuralgia, tic dole
reaux, rheumatism, genenj enerr.tlon of the system, mor
bid mel.ncholy, hysteria epssms. epUepey,
( ,v. Ve. r t »r -it produces i most aßtonbhlag
effect—rallying, bracing. It might almost be mid electrify
“oc bolh baly mind.ind replacing torpor sod week
.khTpern and auength. A. • stomachic It has
_ o!_«_ positive and potent. The weakest *toma*h
ESeSVt?JtorfSr recedre. lt, If net.r before enjoyed,
sSdlr th“ tnduence of Uli. greet tonic, which not only
unuer ' , rower., but ooneerre. the rigor it
SX oK “' «.“flwo. bnt of then,end.. Th,
nSe" nrefcMion, Mow M rwognlw any Innor.llon. upon
"mShed remedies, admit th. comminding efflracy of
"‘Tbl'Srrt'S 1 “?u°'Tp° hlghl, concentrated, iu pint hot
tl« dollaS>?r little; two fhr See dollar,;
lie*, i noo C n RING. Proprietor,
six for twelve 1 L Broadway, New York.
Bold by Druggists throughout the United State*, Canada
and the West Indie*. 1
n KMLNO * BROS, No. 00 Wood itroet, Pittoburgh/J
rmnKO n EKYBU> No. 140 Wood utroei, do
S. e reiiits * «sno- !treeL
J P n.KMIXO. Alltb«rn (Sty,
~P»lplt»t»0tt or the Heart, N.r.ou. Di.-
Liver Oompl.lDt. Neuralgia, Bj.pepd., <*««>»»
,«d Piles, .re .11 rellered ™1 cured l. .0 Incredible short
,p«. of time, by CrW. Sp.nleb Mlxtnre, th. gre.t tonic
.„d purifier of th. l*>od. It conUin. not . p.rticle of
Mercory, Opium, or .0, notion, drug 1 it U pertel y tmrm.
end h« cored more thm. five hundred «*. ot dtou.
W, isd only refer the realer to th. eerti«c.tee, . fe. of
which mny be found U ..other column, Mid .U of winch
.re dehdled In full .round th. bottle. «1» -he B™'-C.t of
.11 Sprint .fid P.ll Medicine., *nd .n
over the blood truly reuiwh»ble.
. octaium
See — <
M-To .Il whom It may Concern—lf you
.sot . splendid fitting Bull you cn get It .t GBIBBLKB.
r“on -.nt .ny Oendemen’e Punching Ooode
variety, why GRIBBLS hm 'em. V jou want the b«t
"ring vJ, yon ever -ore, QRIBBLB’B fo the pUe. to
no e «u fanlrb DobKllu, Csrpet
'Z, of
«—"• Ltt-rt, mt-t, h-d w
oaOl m. - “ _
*;• i-*--; • 1 .
U ’
'-• '»v,
■ -ttSA
By tM OTtailiy tiiaot for tho Morning Foot
N»w Yobk, November 12.—The iteamerAt
lantie arrived at two o'cloolt thU morntaf, with
Liverpool datee to the let. She brings 100 pae
eengers. The Atlantio left Liverpool early on
Wednesday morning, and passed the racifio on
Saturday at 5 o’clock.
The Beige of Sebastopol progresses slowly; a
small breach wbs made, and two outworks bi
lenoed, but the Euasiaus, in a sortie, epiked lb
French guns. , , „ .
The latest official news to the Anglo-Frenob
governments is dated Crimea, 20th. The siege
of Sebastopol is progressing favorably for the
allies, but not much damage had yet been done
to the fortifications. Private accounts are later.
They aoy that two outer forts of the harbor,
probably the white tower, and an earth-work at
quarantine, were destroyed by the fire of the
Koglisb and French fleets on the 17th. The
allies lost 100 killed, and the Russians lost 500,
including Admiral Karneleff.
The French steamer which left Crimea on the
21et, reports that the allied land forco had ef
fected a breach, but it was not yet practicable to
The offioial Russian report of the 23d says that
the garrison had made a successful sortie, de
stroyed the French battery, spiked sixteen
Frenoh gnns, and took the Eoglish Lord Dun
kellio prisoner.
Latest.—' This (Wednesday) morning the mail
brings nothing more definite. The Ciar a two
sons arrived in the Crimea. From the Baltic
there is nothing.
The Russian descent on Dolondscha seems to
be a mere manceuvre to draw the Turks from
The reported defeat of the Russians at Gumn,
Asia, is confirmed.
The Queen-mother of Bavaria is dead.
The London Timet comments on Mr. Boule’e
affairs. It justifies the French government’s re
luital to allow Mr, Soule to pass. Tne Timet
says that Messrs. Buchanan aod Mason regard
the insult to Mr. Soule as a national matter. It
is rumored that Mr. Mason demanded an apolo
gy, which is said will not be conceded. The af
fair has given rise to much newspaper discussion.
A belief is generally entertained that it will
create a serious difficulty between the French
and American governments.
Toe French government forbids distillation
from gram.
Richardson, Spence & Co. report Cotton in
Liverpool as steady, without improvement in
price ; sales *20.000 bal«9 for the last three days.
Breadstuff.* aro very heavy and quiet Floor
2s. lower; Philadelphia, and Baltimore 415.(2}
425. Wheat: nothingrtloing; white 125.@125.
t> 1 Indian Corn from Is. to 2s. lower; it is
quoted at 425.
Beef and Pork nnebanged. Bacon steady;
retell, 36s (S>37s. 6d. Lird very quiet at 635.
0 I. and 54*
Consols ; money easy.
Latbst —l'rusiia, on the 23d, eent a note to
the Pair, urging bis acecptanoe of the four
points. . ..
The Canada arrived out on the morning of the
316 t. Her voyage was retarded by dense fogs.
There have been no tidings of the missing
passengers of the Arctic.
Tbe Liverpool sod Philadelphia Steamship
Company aonounce the purchase of the steamer
Kangaroo, of 1,900 tons, and that the City of
Baltimore wilt be launched in Beoember, and
iho City of Washington in June.
!T«w York Eleattoaa.
NbwYosk, November 13. —Tbe latest footings
here, place Clark 800 votes ahead, with probably
30,000 votes unheard from.
A despatch from tbe Albany Register, received
this evening, places Clark 1,482 ahead.
The pap rs mostly show a small majority for
Clark. Tho Tribune, however, says that Sey
mour is certainly elected by over 3.000 majority.
Tbe Tribune of this af emoon revises its cal
volitions on tho vote for Governor, and says it
cannot cypher Beymour below 2,000 majority.
The Deraid of this evening makes Cl rk’s ma
jority 231. .
The Albany Arffut this afternoon gives Sey
mour 1029 majority. The Register gives Clark
~ Urw Yobk, No? 18—9 O’Clock P. M.—Official
returns received from Li?iogt»too, Dutchess and
Rensealear counties, showing 569 in fa?or of
Clark o?er the Tribunt'* estimate of this morn
ing. Clark’s election is nearly certain.
T«u< Sewi»En(tgeinciit with Indians.
Baltimore, November 13.—New Orleans pa
pcrs, of Friday, are received, with Gilveeton
dates to the nth.
The Austin I\m«s states that the Beoretary of
War has countermanded the mastering of State
rangers; the Governor baring determined to
muster companies at the expense of the United
States. . , , _
The dragoons had a fight with tho Indians, in
which they lost several men and all their horses.
Gen. Houston was orgauiilng Know Nothings
throughout the State.
The Galveston Timet, of the sth, says that
Msj. Emory and his company, have left San An
tjnio to enter upon the discharge of the duties
assigned by the United Btates Commissioners.
The seme paper remarks, that Gen. Pelham, Sur
veyor General for New Mexico, passed through
that city yesterday for the field of operations.
Polities In Massachusetts, Ac*
Bouton, November 13 —The heavy nninter
rnpted rain etorm of fifty-Bix houra’ duration
still continues
The Know Nothings have earned every city
officer. Gardner, Know Nothing, for Governor,
had 7,796; Washburn, Whig, 4,183; Bishop,
Democrat, 1,212; Wilson, Republican, 890.
The returns from nearly all the chief towns
are of one oomplexion, vix: a Know Nothing
majority. Boston elects 44 Know Nothing Rep
resentatives, and G Senators, with a full ticket.
Lowell elects 10 Representatives. Lawrence
gives Gardner 1,125, and all the others 812.
Burlingame, Know Nothing, is undoubtedly
elected to Congress, and Gardner elected Gov
Arrival from Bremsu—Loss of the Vessel.
NiVYoax, November 18.—The New Era, from
Bremen, with 860 passengers, went ashore in a
thick fog, off Deal, Jersey shore, last night She
is probably a total wreck.
The New Era, from Bremen, went ashore this
morning, near Deal. She had 380 passengers,
about 20 of whom, with the captain, reached
shore. The remainder are still on board. The
vessel is fast breaking up. One half of those
left on board were drowned between decks, or
washed orerboard. E?ery effort is making to
rescue the survivors.
Railroad Accident—Escape of Prisoners*
Toledo, Ohio, November 11.— This morniog
an accident occurred on the Miohigan Central
Railroad. We have not yet been able to gather
full particulars. The passenger train from the
west came in collision with the passenger train
from Toledo, near Sturgess, smashing the loco
motive, baggage and passenger cars, and injur
ing severely several passengers. _
Nine prisoners broke out of Lucas county jau,
at Maumee, last night. Three of them were re
captured, and six others are still at large.
Arrival of the Steamer St. Louis—Her
New Tore, November 13.—The steamer St.
Louis arrived last night between 10 and 11
o’clook. She brings 128 passengsrs, including
James Gordon Bennett, P. F. Delandre, French
Concul at Bftlixe, D. D. Howard, eto.
Edward Oliver’s affairs are progressing favor
ably. His assets are £1,168,000, and his liabili
ties £700,000. _____
Prom th* South*
Baltimore, November 13.—The deaths at New
Orleans, in the Charity Hospital, for the week,
were 66, of which 34 were from fever.
At Attakapas and Opelousas, Louisiana, the
fever appears to prevail with muoh virulence,
and nurses and physioians have been sent from
New Orleans.
Washington Items.
Washirotow, November 18.—Ohas. W. Stew
art officer in the House of Representatives,
committed suicide last evening in the Speaker’s
room at the Capitol. . * . _
Much excitement exists in regard to the Ex
change Bank ot Selden, Withers & Co., and a
heavy ran oommenced this morning.
9«w Know nothing Paper*
Baltimore November 18.—The Washington
Organ, a K. N. paper, made its first issue this
afternoon. It is a creditable publication, mani
festing enterprise and talent.
Closing of n Bank.
BuvfALO, November 13.—The Fanners Stock
Bank has dosed. The general impression is that
M. B. Sherwood will fully redeem its notes.
Freshet in the Delaware.
Eastor, Pa., November 18. —There is a frssh® l
of 8 feet in the Delaware river and 2$ ftet in
B A. fa:
LET .1
med?cines TURPENTINE, tanner-sou.,
ITT ILL occudv th. .bOT. *MebcmM until thMr new bulUUnp oiwnq—, «»d * *
»»», t«b. a—-* si—
noYl-fcdawlra -
York would announce to the eilUeM of Weotom
bo U at preeent A^SftlU
i VCTURKS AT PITTSBURGH, where bo will remain till
Derembor 18th, during which period ho maj
at bio rooms at tbe Citj Hotel, corner of Third ■»
r miibfield street*, for
nnd all others connected with or predisposing to Con.ump
tin In t£ treatment of which hi* ample experieooe.nd
opportunity tor obaarrrtiou h»r. gtoto him th»
usi" “tSiinSiS
SL m Spd”. P 'h 7 rn U i to *S “
SKf... th. of tbe raa«Uw rrqotoite. |»»TJ«r
putibnrgfa and Kri« Etllroad^Nfr
IL^h er eb> b i»cn to llw Siocilioldersof U»e
SSh »n“ Sri* Wlrtrf onm, «h« .» .tortkm wULte
“ ~ r ” f “ t “° C °°™r>US J. ROWKft. Prerident-
ASD alimusica’ iMTrrrw.-DR. WILLIAM
will deiitrr ft Lecture OB next IUKSDAi
EVENING, Ncrmnber 14, at Masonic UalL
U the author of M GEN- OGLB—A CHAKAC-
TeS:- iSh tot appeared la Puinam .nd wWch wUh
setrinit Ollier admirable article* ire ga.hered Into Peris*
oooies"— the quaint title of hi* book.
\)oon open at 6>4 o'clock; Lecture to comment at
Ticket* of admission 25 cent*; to be b*d d the
principal Miwie and Book Store*, Hotel*, Library Boon*,
Lector. Committee, .ml ot u KIRKPATBIC K,
0 Lecture Committee.
Wcitera laiuraaet Coa»p»ny» Nojut-
B*n Ist, IS64.—An electiou for thirteen °[
accompany, to *erre tor the ensuing year, will be hekl
at the uthce of the Company, on IULEDAI, the 14th
baweeu th. hour.of 10 A. *.«* Secretary.
tv— HOWABD Health Association _ of
Pittsburgh* Pa.—OFI'ICK, No. 10& TIIIKI#
SI ktiKT. ottwwit* me Telegraph Office. #
IbLa Association U organised for the porpo*! of affording
mutual awljun-e to each other, in caee
ddmt! By paying a email yearly psyment, the member?
oi t ha Association eecorea a weekly benefit
•reraging from to $lO per week. In this Assodstton
ar* IMlljr
"?ii2, , Ss*ES£ui Kiao, JUB >»n,G. H.
UorrrmT. _ .
Consulting Physician—F- laiBß, M. D.
% Bank of PUtaburgh, S»»,IW.
US’ An .leeilon »r thirteen Director, of tbu Bank, lot
UtTnnraliw Jeer, will be held .t the Benkmg llotae, on
MONDAY, the '.‘Oth dey o, Noyember next, between the
'"’.’irl't.l A ' “ d 3 JOHN StiYDEß.&.hi^.
- A (^ENT
For StUlng and Baying Pntont Right**
r» • UK subscriber, having learned irombl* Intercourse with
I Patentees, and with person* who were deslroua to sell
Patent nights to r Cities, Counties, “« n “
eiJi others who wish to purchoe rack rigbta. that an
aamt to uansaet that kind of business
.£re. na» determined to deTOte his time and hi» aWHties to
the Nsriice of those who nmy to employ him.
Pledging himself to attend faith rally toeil matters en
trustafto him, he condodas by rotating the pubUeto the
bnSfic. t “ ttoo ° i ‘‘ * ‘ Molla r k?TON.
Pittsburgh, August 23, ISM.
PirrsßCMH, August 17 th, 18M-
The suUcriberJ hare long X een acquainted wtthMr.
y. Eaton, and hare no hesitation in recommending
Liin to all who may wish to employ his Bertie**, as a gen
tie nan or undoubted integrity and indefatigable industry.
In whose exertions every reliance may be placed.
Seville B. CraL, W. Kohimon, Jr,
Wm. Larimer, Jr- John Graham,
W ILDenoy 1L Childs A Co,
James Wood, N. Holme* A
H. H. Friend, Kramer A Rahm,
y. Lorenz, L. R. Livingston. _
Life. Fire and Marine Insurance Company;
JASLBS A HOOK, President.
Crnaixs A. Coltos, Secretary.
This Company makes every insurance appertaining u> or
eouuected with LLYK RISKS. . , v -
Aieo, againft Hull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mm*
sl-sippi ri r-rs and tributariea, and Marina Risks generally.
And against Loss and Damage by Plre, and against the
Perils cf the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation.
Policies issued at the loweet rates oonsistani with safety
to all parties.
ft rirk error 0 •
Jamtra S. Roon,
S»tnuel M'Clurfc*u,
William I’biUipe,
John Scott,
Joseph P. Onzjsrn. M. D.,
John M* Alpha, **
Wn.F. Johns-ten,.
■l-imK .Va ih* 1,
ticorse S. Seldeo,
■*jETMA issurahck compasy,
Chartered 1819—Capital Stock $300,000.
THUS. K. BRACK, President.
THOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary.
PI RECTORS— Thomaa K. Brae*,
gamnel Tudor, Kbeneser Flower,
Ward Wood bridge, R. A.Bulkel«7, .
Joseph Church, Roland Mathar, V
Frederick Tyler, Edwin O. Ripley,
Robert Buell, Samuel 8. Wart,
Miles A. Tuttle, Henry Z. Pratt,
John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham,
Oastarus F. Darts, Junius S. Morgan.
4»* Policies on Fire and Inland Bisks issued on art)ru
ble terms, by GEORGE *. ARNOLD, Ag%
deellfcly No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
ClTlZlbN9’ liuorkßot Coaput}* of
/ Pittsburgh.—n. I>. KXNQ, President; UAH*
lIKL L. MARSIIKLL, Secretary. . • . .
OJKce: M Water Slrett,bt£*Kr* Market «*d 9Vbod streets.
Insures HULL and CARGO Btfca, on the Ohio and Hisdt
iippi Raters end tributaries.
Insures against Loss or PaTaageby Fire.
ALSO—Agalnstthe Periled the See, end Inland Natiga
tionand Transportation. .
H. D. King, Wm.LartmerJr.,
William Bagaley, Samuel M. Kier,
BamnelKee, William Bingham,
Robert Dunlap, Jr., John 8. Dilworth,
Isaac M. Pennock, Francis Sailers,
8 Harbaugh, J.Schoonmaker,
Walter Bryant, William B. Hays.
John Shiptou. dec. 28
Fireman’s Imanrasaea
Compuir of tkt City of Pittsburgh*
j. £. MOORHEAD, President—ROßEßT FINNEY, Secre
wiu iunri igtlut FIRE and MABWI RIBKB of all
kinds. Office; N 0.99 Water atreet.
J.K. Moorhead, W.J. Andswon,
B. C. Sawyer, E. B. Simpson,
Wm. M. Edgar, H. B. Wilkins,
C. H. Paulson, William Colllngwood,
E. B. Roberts, John M. Irwin,
Joseph Kaye, Wm. WUkinson,
David CampbelL . jail
A LOT OP GROUND, on the river bank, in Birmingham,
288 feet by 890 feet, and bounded by fear streets, will
be sold on reasonable terms. It -Is near Bakewell 4 On. a
new class works, and several other tanimfectaring estab
lishments. It is the largest and best lot now to be had In
Birmingham for mannfecturing purposes. Btla perfect,
and clear of Incnmbranee. Enquire of
C. B. 1L SMITH, at his Law Office,
jy2B Foonh street, above Smithfleld, Pittsburgh.
r r -zr» nanctne I—Cargo’s Social Assembly at WIL
on WEDNESDAY, and the ExcelsiorAssembly*
DAY EVENING; also, the German on MONDAY EVE
NINGS. The amusement loving are Invited. Two Bands
of Music are statedly engaged. Fancy Dances, Behottiaehee,
etc., in Hall No. 1; Cotillions in Hall No. 2. The Booms
are finely ventilated, and a variety and abundance of re
freshments always provided. Admission, to each ■ Gent
and two Ladies 50 cents; Genti pnd Lady T$ cents; Gent,
alone 11. Ticket* may be obtained of FRANK CARGO, at
76 Fourth street; or at Wilkins Hall, 2nd story; also, of the
Managers, and ‘at the door on the above evenings. Ihs
strictest order maintained. AW“No checks given attbe
door. "P ll
Western FtnniylvanlaHoapUsL*-
Dm. L. Scasscx, Second, between Wood and Market
streets, and J. Kao, North-east corner of Diamond,_AU«-
gbeny city, are the attending Physicians to the above Insti
tution, for the first quarter of 1864.
Applications for admission may be made to them at all
hours at their offloes. or at the Hospital at2(fclock, P. 1L
Recent cases of accidental Injury are received at ail heart,
without form.
c. YEAGER, 110 MARKET street, Pitts
(Lgr bnrgh. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FANCY
and country dealers as large and well selected stock of
Goods as any Eastern house, sod same prices, thus saving
fright, time and expenses. js*7i
Ot O- ** Plaov of meeting, Waehhtgton Hall,
(i>^^Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley.
POTSBcaon LOWS, No.B36—Meets every Tuesday evening.
MwrmTPt EacixrioNV, No. 87—Meets first and third
Friday of each month. [marttdy
IL_jsr ciETY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meets cm the
first WEDNESDAY of every month, at SgHOCHI.RITEB’B,
in the Diamond. By order.
jSby GEO. W. BOSE, Secretary.
attention! 8. L. Q.—You are hereby notified to
attend at your Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNES
DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, and to transact such busi
ness u may come before the Company. P. KANE,
mnr29:6md Secretary pro tern.
(ra>ABGERONA LODGE, 1. O. O. F«—The
Angerona Lodge, No. 289, L 0. ef 0. F., meets every
Wednesday evening in Washington Hall, Wood it. [jyDy
Valuable Coantry Seat For Sale.
THE subscriber, as Trustee of ROBERT C.M’FAKLANE,
will poeitiTely sell, on the nxemisee, In Upp« St. Oahr
township. Allegheny county, E*. • valuable COIHiTRY
RESIDENCE, being 4 acres 133 perches oflAnd,part of the
Farm of the slid Robert a M’Parian*. TWs Land is of the
best quality, well located; within onebalf mile of the Saw
Mill Run Coal Railroad; near to Church ami Schcol; has
a never felling Spring; part in timber; the larger part
cleared. It will be sold altogether, or In lots to suit pur-
SK Sale will be on the 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER,
A. D. 18M. at 10 o'clock. A. M.
Terms —One-third cash, balanea in on# and two years,
with Interest; denied on the premise*
•orllANawli* JOHN fIRAyiUAR
i : bPi iC, rOCli xa& •<
&C ■
,y»>. 6 U'OOn STREET,
• DBD, 'l
- morning, 13th lost-. at 4 o’eloek, after a pro*
tracted Mrs. JAMS WATT COPALA9D, consort of
William & Oopelm d, Keg.
-Her funeral will take place TODAY, (Tuesday,) *t S
o’clock, P. BL, from the redden oe of Mr. Copeland, coroer
of North Canal and Chestnut streets, Allegheny dty. Par*
son* in Pittsburgh desirous of attending the funeral, wfll
find carriages at the stable of 001. Body" Pattartbtt, at 1
o’clock, P. M.
Crlitsdoro’i fizo«lil«r lUtr.l>7»»
A great invention triumphs otbt sB factious rivalry,
erm in this credulous eg*. It baa bM Mid that every
city la a Paradise of humbugs; bnt let a reaUy meritorious '
article, capable of doing all that b promised fvr it, be plaeed
in competition with zayre nostrums, sustained ly puffery,
| and not by their own excellence, end the true preparation
I will succeed while the trash fails into contempt. It had -
It wee offered ae a preparation embodying all the chemkal
Ingredients of nature!* own biaeks and brown*. -She
chemists analysed it, and certified to the fact. The puhfie
tried H, and their experience confirmed the dictum of the
I scientific world. It* popnlarity aa* almit a* Instantaneous
las the change of color it effects. The p< ople were invited,
I through the press, to see its operation with their own eyes.
I T >tjy beheld ted, sandy, yellow and grey hair, tranafcr—d
I in live minntee—without pasting through any Intermediate
I tints—to a brilliant and rich natoral bUck,or toaay ehsde
|of brown. They feund that the fluid imparted no stain to*
I the skin of the head, emitted no unpleasant odor, eesnleli>r
I eil no cante iaing element Of coizree, tbey endorsed it.
I They could not do otherwise; end at tide moment the aalew
I eg the article exeecd that of any other half dotes hair dyai
I In the world. It is the latest effort of sntenoe, aadli may .
I be truly said, “ the noblest offspring is thelast” lb# Xx-
I celaior Hair Dye most break down every other and monop-
I olize the market, simply because it is the best. The result
| it produces is ltd saffidest advertisement Compere Itt
■ r operations with that of other hair dyes, and judge to which
1 I of thfin the palm should be awarded.
. I Sold wholesale and retail at DR. KEYSHRTS Drug Btore,
1 1140 Wood sueet novlAdaw
• Agency of Dr. 8, 8. Fitch’s Cahhrm
ted Bledleimes, at DR. 6. H. KBT&liß’fcDruf iter*.
Ho. 140 comer Wood street and Virgin alley;
Cben7 Pulmonic, Pulmonary Balaam, Pectoral Kxpeettft
I rant, Pulmonary liniment, DepuxaiWe Byrap, Heart Ow>
I rector, Humor Corrector, Pure and Medicinal Cod liver OD,
I Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, Cough and Cathartic Tills, Servirm
Vermifuge, Female Pills, Female Specific, At, used Igr
him constantly and with unprecedented succem. In the
[ treatment of
| CbJds, Coughs, Consumption, Mlfma, Heart Dieoasn, Dps
| peptic, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, Bhaaua&sm, Kmoh ■
I ; QmtpieiiUt, PSes, etc , etc. Dr. Pitch's iiernwifrd .
I , Indent Silver Plated Abdominal Supporters.
| Dr. Kick's Improved Plated Bt*d ■-s
| Spring Shoulder Brace. Dr. • r
Also, til kinds of Proprietary Medicines, at the lorat
prices, wholes*]* end retell. wlMiftW •
Theatre.—JOSEPH a *OSTBB, Lam m
OS* Price*rf ad- *
mission—Boxes and Ferqoette SOo; private Booms,lim, tfc
do. do. small, $S ; Second Her, 2fio4 Basse far edlend per*
ous, 50c. Persons securing stats win he charged UW
«dCi extra tor the certificate. Doors open at L£to T o*eloaG >
periormsnce to coomeno* at ?U o’clock.— Jlytrst night of ' ?
die engagement of Miss EIVBuLT, the popular Amort- ►
*» a semes.—.This evening, November 14th, the pee gw if. j 2
aoce will eommenoe with AS YOU T.TKK IT: jaequa Mr
IT Bride; Rosalind, Miss S Kimberly— — Pas de - •
Sl*eea Harr and Saßy Partington—JEMDg,~»*Bsadj<7='" v ' v
Mamaa Ayftithih* 1
.....The perfamaneat will eoochide with dhe fares of*
Bailey; Tom Triplet, Mr Ryan...... To morrow Him £
BEKLY will appear Inapopßlar-eharaetec. •
Opening «f Use CUp HtlU .' . I
COTILLION PART/, to be given at the «TY HALL* ,f -
over the New Market Bouse, cm FRIDAY XYRNDffi, *-
Ncrember 17th.
• Mxyaorsa. —Renben M iller, Robert PI etcher, Tbomsi CS- u
more, C. A. Marietta, P. T. Bomf, J. A. Stone, J. IV •• 4
Tiompaon, Charles Murdoek,?-8. Carother% Benty fttft* ; $
banks, W. 8. Johnson, J. B. Lynnn, &H. T. 9
.Mitchell, Thomas Cunningham, J. J. Sheridan, Butter *-
Wosard, W. M. MlUUten, J. P» William*. '" 1
:Fuwa Ma^aoks*.—B. E. Evans, Isaac Jones, Thomas vO* «
mrirc, C. A. Marietta, J. P. Thompson, J. X. Lyman, Henry ' t
Fairbanks, 3, A. Stone, J. T. Murray, Charles Murdock. \ ■
Jlefrvpfamcntfl will be provided at the Hall by one of the $
Wat Confect loners of the city. >
Music by. one of the finest Brass and String Bands hi ’
l’iu»burgh. ■ . ►
49* Tickets $l,OO, to be obtained front any of thaSoa
err.. Mrtta i
Wm. 6. Haven,
James D. H’Gili,
Alexander Bzadlej,
John Fullerton,
Robert Gelway,
Alexander Reynolds, Arm
strong County,
Horatio N. Lew, Kittanning,
titiwm stows, Bearer.
' f 4'
• -g'\
MR. C. M’MAXUS, havingantvedin thedty,tafcM.thla 'v -
method of informing his former pupils and fristtd* \ ?
that he trill open Ms PAXCINQ AGapWY, un ueTt i.
THURSDAY, October2C, at LAFAYETTE BALL; also, art;
RXCRLffIOR HALL. Allegheny dtp, at which time be wtt t
11- happy to. see all those who feel desbros of laexßiag (bar ?
luTkuiifol art o f dancing, combined with grace, etiquette <
Aft. His terms will be as last season. HewflltaMfeotUb I
'Ainco note tamw, together with masy new mad heaatSnd.j *•
dances never befera Introduced in thisdtj. '
• Ladies and Children’s class meet Monday's and Wednsa ; ’
I day’s, at 8 o’clock, P. M-, commencing Wednesday, Novem4 ?
| ber 16th. _
Gents, cists, Tuesday and Thursday erfirings, at 7sf
: The class bow forming In Allegheny city, will meet at
Excelsior Hall, on Saturday, November ISCh, at 3 o’clock, '
i\ sl ;
Ur. iTJUaua can be sen at Hood’s Jewelry Stora, on- ;
Market stmt, above Third, on HbriSsy’s, Wednesday's sad
Friuey’s, from 9 o’clock, A. IL, to 12 o'clock..noon, and item
2to 5 o’clock, P. M. Also, at Bxeelsior Ball, - i
eity, on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Saturday's, at the atom, .
boars. BOTH . ;
. (K.C. 1 respem folly bdbcuqqos fee tka -
.* « ladies and gentlemen of the dty, and his
oils, that he will give his first Quadrille flottea, at
Tkkets of admission can be had, at any time, of Me. M'Ma* ■■ )
aba, at LathyettiMnll, or from any of his pupils. [novT . '•
i6s4* i«»** •
TICK HAIL TRAIN wm leave every noatelpndMli %
axoepted) at 7 o’clock, stopping at all the regular eta* •
tiens, arming in Philadelphia at la tfdocfc, midnight. : f
THE PAST TRAIN will leave Pittsburgh daily (cm*, <
Sunday,! aM o'clock; at IrwinXGreenaoorg, [
tiete* mairsviUe,LockpQri, Johnstown, i
Altoona, 4c-, arriving fa Philadelphia at 4 o'clock, tbeaanlt; Jl
morning. -i
TUB EXPRESS TRAIN will leave era/ evening.:
at MO o’clock, stopping only at Qi iiDihnTih, , }
Lockport, Sniamsem, IdUev’a, GalßtM, Ak i
tobna. Ac., connecting at Harrisburg wni ttn tt*4afor" •
Dalthnore, and arriving In Phfladelpeis orßfelrtteUSj >t 1. =’
o'clock, P. M. y-V i
pHK ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave erenraftsn *
(except Sunday) at K3O o'clock, slopping atafirefU- ;
lay tin! rnn»l»| nwly me fkr m ;
(except Sunday,) at 13. stopping itcSda-: -
decs, and. running only as&ran Briutars.
RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh. Flat ,
eommodstkmarrivasstSotatoek,A.NL Sxams,239PrM.
Second Accommodation, 7, P. at Mall uSVKW. M
Line, R2O, AM. L-
Pare to New York.gllAO; Pare to PhiladaMhkytt; Para ■
to:Baltimore,|L Fare to Bcdfbrd Spring*, $S,7«*; i
tn mil rieCnniflß the PuMfhmhSllt. 1
roed, and to Philadelphia and Balttoore.
paseencmparebaring tickets in esn, will he efaargadtmr • ’
ckts in addition to the sftaticn rste*, except from stattoea
where the Company have no AgenL
Pennsylvania money, and par funds only, raatvedla :
payment for tickets.’
NOTSCB.—In case of toss, rite wfflhdi -
thproselvae responriblo Ibr personal hsggsge only, and for »
ah amount not exaeeding $lOO. *
N- B.—The Ertwiiafafr flwrfn Lina has ban employed *
to convey js—gw; haggage t»nndftinmtßsrlNgM,it ; .;
a charge not to exceed U qots for each paeMßgm, and r
14 cents for each trunk. • -• r*
For tickets, apply to J. XKSSHQO, Agent, '
At the P. IT IT Tssmiiiili i fltslinii'nii Tfliiilj gj
Pittsburgh. November 13th, ISH-(novl4 * ..
Silwer Mißilhetery,
SPOONS, PORKS, emblems, Ac.—Rsnuoae* nr Pnom.
—Owing to superior fisdlitiee in manoftctnricgmyowu.
work, we are now selling at least 10 per cent, lower thanf
the eastern cities, or elsewhere. All work is Uarramted. '
Sterling saver.—’ We alio uunatheture Spoons of tbp
Britifb sterling quality. •;
Watcbee and Wateh repatring continued, with eveey fs
dßty and renewed determination to give entirMsrtdi>etkm
to customers, both as to price tri m superior quality of
the work. ~ W. W. WILSON,
Watebmalwr and JeweUer,
corner of Market nd Fourth stwU
BP. BHOPE respectfully interns his Mends and the
• public that he has removed his merchant mfl (mstn
mer Tailoring RriabUahment to No. 93 fourth stKet,maar
Wood, lie respectfully invites Us old fdf fids and mito
men to give him a call, confident in Us anility to
the number, 93. ncrliftf.
Ovcrlsgten't Superior Elastle WatM
Preef Cerk holm
AgUBE PREYBNTIYE qf damp and cold Feet A u«w
lot just received and for sale at the OORK BSQ&Mt Not
76 Smithfield street
rpilE sate of that valuable Lot of Ground, oocrar af
X Market House and Pens street, in tbe fifth Ward, -
vtrtlsed to be s>ld this afternoon, at 3 o’clock, at the Mar*
chants’ Richange. Fourth street, has been sdjosraad natlk
Friday wveniiqt.’the lTih isst, at 7£ o’clock. H wffi. ak :
that tiam be oOsrsd. for sale at the same place,
Cavge** Dagutrrenn Gallinrt -
Apollo bcojolnos, to fourth street.—nstman
taken in all kinds of weather. In the best style oti
which ibeartis susceptible, at very reascnabla price* OK
iseas ana fCraojers are invited to call and examine saari '
men«. Rooms open day and evenißg. Bovli
Don’t Fornet the Plnee,
m AT NO. 91 WOOD STEELY, where >oa ena find
deneriptkm of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’n
HAT - AND CAPS, that can be ptacured.
N. B.—Particular attention is invited tateRRIMNI I
RNBria (nevU) J. Wttßo^MpT>
'V ' ;