The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 11, 1854, Image 2

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W, “°feall the attention of MERCHANTS ACT
... ” ne£ 3 MEN to tin lket that « ha™ J
n«“rp»p"t Lfa, Po-ters, »”f *"
Hons. All onleu will h° prompt!? SUM-
vtwited states ASO «PAIM.
Hot long «no«, a conference of United States
ministers was hold .. Orfcnd, for the p.rpoß. of
considering the proper course to be pursued by
our gorerlment toVerde Spain, the Spanish
government refuse. .11 redreee for the repeated
injuries its officials hare commuted «l* ««
, commerce and our oilmens, anrrfwn,»P<£
ogv or further negotiation on the .object Our ]
government has demanded redrew- It i. re
fused; and there the matter .lands. What
shall be donel Shall this country sncenmb to
the old despotism of Spain, or enforce redress
as other nations do t That ta tbo simple ques
tion arising nut of the present state of aSaiw-
It is understood that at theooaTerenoe above
mentioned, Messrs. Buchanan, Mason Sonl.
and others, were unanimoosf.a reomutoentog
that, unless Spain acceded to Ur just demand,
our government ahonld either buy Cuba, or
is stated, sieo, that the Cabinet at Washing,
ton is in possession of reliable information,
proving that the governments of France and
England vrould not object to this decided oourve
of action, should the obstinacy of Spam render
it necessary. Certain it is, that the ton. of the
Enalish press has changed of late, and leading
English journals are arguing that in possession
of the Coiled States, Cuba vrould be far mors j
valuable to tbo commercial vrorld, and that its
resources and productions would be vastly in
creased by such a change of rulers. One Eng
lish periodical argues that our government
vrould he justified in takmg this island as a re
prisal for past injuries, and a protection against
their repetition. -
The President's message to Congrett, next
month, will bo looked for with much interest, a.
it will probably contain some reoommendation.
on the subject calling for th. prompt action of
are in favor of having onr govern- ,
vnent Uk. each a course an they '" :
noin ting to many instances m which other com
msrcial nations have adopted similar measures.
Thus England, for the security of her commerce
in the Mediterauean, seised upon the fortress of
Gibraltar, which commands the entrance to tha
sea. In the same way she took Cape Town, at.
the southern extremity of Africa, from the
Dutch, for a similar purpose. A nation, it is
argued, has a right to resort to such measures
eve.t of force as are necessary to remove a trou
blesome neighbor, or to prevent aggressions
open its oommerce by a nation showing a depo
sition to commit depredations, and refusing re
dress. Thiß rule miy be corTeot; bat we pre
sume its praotioal application to Spain by the
United States will not be neoesstry. A firm de
termination to have jnstice, and a show of a
readiness to enforce it by the usual means, will
probably bring even the besotted government of
old Spain to its senses. An apology and redress
for pastdnjnries, and a guaranty of better neigh
borhood, and morn courteous oonduct for the fu
ture, are all that has been demanded of Spain.
These demands wiU probably be conceded, or the
island sold, if our government shows a strong
determination, and is promptly backed by Con
gress. ...
American citiaens have been sened, imprison
ed, shot and insulted long enough by the officials
of Cuba; and our ships have been fired into by
Spanish vessels more frequently than any other
strong nation would have endured. It is time
to enforce justice; and , if nuxuary, to remove
a troublesome and insolent neighbor from his
dangerous prbximity to our shores, and to the
routes of our coxniaoroe.
Fernando Wood is elooted Mayor of New
York. lie wea the Democratio candidate. What
will our Whig neighbors say to that It is a re
hnke, probably; bnt to whom ?
Then, the Whig ftuim candidate for Gorernor
of the State, so far as heard frcm, baa made a
poor ran of it, although he ran on »ix different
tickets. The people of the Empire State sec in
the fusion morement a mere Whig eohem* by
which to win oCee and spoils, and the majority
of them prefer to vole for one “hose pri«oi;'!?3
are consistent, well-known and <S—omttio. Gov
ernor Seymour’s re-election «rur!~i all. v. ith
suoh combinations ig-init him, ?'4 to' Demo
cratic party divided, it fnppcryd he >-ii no
chance of a re-e!-. -'on. Hi; of tb- i>' St
law threw the r"ro temperi”' vote rvo-”t
him. Ho was friendly to lid rrtlont-l admicit
tration, and all tha iCJi oppo!“l to it, of conrw,
rallied to the defc->' of Scyr-.-ur. If It .hould
tarn oat that he is elected, nzms probiMO, it
would be a Democratic triumph indeed. Th,
Democratio party has noting to do In all tbs
States but to close ranks firmly, ndhero to their
principles, and await with confidence a triumph
at the next election.
Caiioht a Taitajl—Our Wli* fticad* twe
sown the wind and ere eow r»p»-- the whirl
wind. Know Nothing!am h»» l»id ont the
“great Whig Party of New Tori,” oold—rery
cold. Hear the lament of the Buffalo Ziprus,
a Seward Whig journal:
Our ticket hee ehared the fete of TO.It hemterH
hlrheatea, and hot a remnant of the Whiz party of thlf
city ie left te ebare the mortl«oatlon of defeat.
To show that'tboro ie not more cry then wool
about this matter—if it in from a woolly-head—
jjjiy mention Ibd voto of tho first
which gave Gilman (K. N.) 386, and Clf-rk
(Whig) 10! Hurrah for the Know Nothings and
the Groat Whig Party 1
Amothbr ’ Mohousxt. —lt would appear the
“ greaserr. ” have caught the monnment ferer
from the friends of Meaare. Gardner and Cor
win, aa the lest news from Mexioo states the
Governor of Coahnila has asked permission of
Santa Anna to erect a monument on the field of
Angostura or Buena Tistsi in honor of the vio
tory achieved there by Santa Anna 1 We would
■nggest as an appropriate inscription the two
lines from Hndibras, commenolag—
u Q fl that fight* and nms away," Ac.
Catch thi Fox.— Henry H. For, of Coshoc
ton oouoty, Ohio, deserted his wife about the
6th of last April, taking with him all of his pos
sessions, (got by marriage) having first convert
ed them into money under the pretext of buying
a form in Indiana. He is understood to have
gono to Fulton, Hamilton connty, Ohio, where he
married Frona Hamilton, abo also having a hus
band living. Esquire Shere, of Fniton, offers a
reward of $2OO for bis arrest.
; |<y The Gazette ssys it is reoonoiled to the
result in New Pork, because John Wheeler is
elected to Congress. Now, said John Wheeler
is a Democrat, and nothing hut a Domoorat;
and his election appears to be the only crumb of
comfort oor neighbor can find. Ho must be a
happy n > ! ! D ,rho i 9 60 eB,ily
The editor of the Journal ha« lost a nice
copy of Shakspeare. We earnestly request that
It be immediately returned. The quotations of
our neighbor will be horribly incorrect during
]ts absenoe—ss witness .one of his quotations
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Got. Button, of ConiL.liaif ajSpflfcfefi Jiie SOta
day of November as a dayof thanksgiring, fast
tag and prayer.
There were BS#eathi in St Louie, last week.
None of oholerafia&'l^Orieane the yellow
fever baa materially abated,
John R. Montgomerjgj&nnarjy a distinguish
ed lawyer, of Laneaßter, died at the State lu
natic Hoaj>ital,atjH«raibe|g,vm Friday la»t.
The Auetin State QtatUe of the 30th alt. eaye
that the Governor hae refueed to reoeive the
stock offered by Messrs. Walker A King, aB a
deposit to .secure the Paoiflo Bailroad oontraot.
It is therefore considered a failure.
The New Jersey Legislature is largely Whig
and Know Nothing. There it, however, no U.
States Senator to elect this year. In New York
tho raoe is close between Seymonr (Dem.) and
Clark (Whig)—the latter having pulled up won-
derfuly. ’ ,
From the Chicajgo papers we can learn noth
ing deSnite abont the Illinois election.; but the
indications are, that seven of the nine Congress
men are fusionieta. The only State offioer elect
ed this year, is Btate Treasurer, who probably
is of the same stripe.
Arrison, the murderer of Mr. and Mr*. Allison
at Cincinnati, with an infernal maohine, denies
his identity. The Entprirtr of yesterday says :
«• His trunk was searched, and several books
found iu it, the title-pages of which had been
torn out. One, however, had esoaped this pre
caution, for on a fly-leaf the name.of • William
Arrisoo’ was traced with a pencil.”
Tire Counrur Bars.—George N. Sanders pub
lishes a letter from Viotor Hugo, acknowledging
the receipt of a oopy of the " Democratic Re
view,” for 1852, presented by the ex-eoneul. In
the oourse of his letter, M. Hngo saya: “Let
America have many Americans, and the republio
many republicans tike yon, and the people are
safe.” We are glad to hear it, althongh the
country is generally oot of daoger so soon ss
the elections take place. By the way it is not a
little remarkable how all the proscribed men of
Eorope join in their admiration for our pro
scribed citixen! We can account for it in no
other way than eoppoeing it is a “fellow feeling 1
they have for eaoh other. The republicans of
the old world have felt the truth of the proverb,
u p 0 t not your truet in princes,” and Georgs has
found tho saw will also apply to tho sovereigns
of the new world.
New J t Vice Vaasa. —In tho leet Con
gresss, the Congreesionsl delegation from ihis
State stood four Democrats to one opposition; iu
thfcnext it will stand four opposition to one
Dsmoor&t, as follows:
Di-trict Present Coogrw , „
Is*- N. T. Strmtton, D Skß'« «^ D ’ A ..
■n Ctanrie* Skelum, D fT7K.RohHns,
Si. fiMUKit UUy, D -J»m«
w:r c, ,S.X-m n I««, aaw.
As Mr. Toots once very sensibly remarked,
- it's a matter of small ooneequence.” Jersey
jkin’t of much account.
Edisbueob Riviiw.—The October Dumber of
this quarterly is received, and we eball surely
read' it. It is always interesting, and contains
valuable reading matter. The contents of thiß
number are valuable. Among other things, is a
review of Macaulay's speeehes. It is for sale by
Miner A Co. and GildenfenOgy A Co., at their
Tabtis Dll-sen —The critic of an Indiana pa
per, in speaking of “ Le Petit Ole Boll,” other
wise Nick Goodall —a youth of twelve who per
forms on the violin, says: "Heis as mnoh su
perior to Henry Appy or Sivori, as is Oic Bui:
to either of them.”
T»b Satubdat Wsxkly Tost, for this week,
is issued this morning, and for sale at our count
ing room. It contains the news up to twelve
o'clock last night.
iy Mvrt-m H. Clark may he the next Gover
nor of New York after all. The latest dispatches
last night represent him as coming up pretty
close to Seymour.
A Distressing Oooarrenec.
I'reoU treaapire awry now and than, wMch Tarify tha
aa% Sng that truth is atrenger than fiction. On# of tbaae oo
ourwd near Cincinnati, laat week, amt la related In a journ
al rf that city: A farmer, namad Rirkett*, determined,
about three year* rinre, to eeek hfci fortune is the gold
mine# of California, Seven month* ago Mr*. B. waa told by
ona Gaylord, who had junt returned from El Dorado, that
her husband bad died, which intelligence threw tha wife
Into tb* deepest distress. ller Informant rtsited the houae
frequently, sympathiaing with her In her bereavement, for
whkh the unsuspecting lady expressed much gratitude. In
a short time. Gaylord proposed marriage, but Mr*. B. de
oliooi for a time. At length, bearing nothing from her■ bus
band, (her latUre haring bean intercepted hy Gaylord.) she
ccc. pted, and tb# scamp come into possession of a farm val
ued at rererel thousand dollars, fl* aooo after determined
to sail out and go to Kansas; the wife consenting, the fann
was advertised for sale, which, banpentef to com#»tb*
ooti** of tbo victlmisM husband, he immediately sUrted
for home, where ha arrived on Wednesday ®f IMI
Armiw- htawetf with s knife and a brans er plrtola, be went
to his houc shoot 10 o’clock at night. All was quiet. Kirk
etto t-noad at th# door erveral times. It was finally opened
by fir?Saylord, and Bfoketta entered. Mrs G. tkrew on
fer dreo, «*d, lighting th* oandle, turned to look upon the
»tr»-r!x who htd came at such an noseaeon*bJehou*\°f
t\-> night. A shriek, *n& tha expression of “Great Go
a etta. is t v ~t youl” followed, and the astonished, af
frtrvSrWif* fall ißMOstble to tba twr.
in in adjoining room, rushed out to see what had happened.
vlrlDtUlmmiutoly aviwdtaicn by the
the \-lfs Into hie tide, and then went to where bU anfortn
naj-t wife waa lying,out bar on tha shoulder and neek, thro
1 • rfc» nwnUa, and has not fine* been heard from. The
wb iwSTeHßgTinfonnedth#neigbbore of whathsdtrane
ȣ*& and immediate search was mad* for Ricketts. Gay
lord* as lyio* very low when ls*t beard from and the pro
b*W:ityUtb?t be m«t die. Ricketu has undoubtedly
mad-: a eoeceaful moap*.
XT' Thrcwirs vitriol on ladies which was so common In
New York a few years ago is again becoming all th* rage
with eome ‘■“actless wretches. Several ladles, recently,
amwrg other*, Madam* Wallace Bouchelle, sister of Wn.
Vincent Wallace, while walking cm Broadway, have had
their dresae destroyed in this way by soma cowardly mis
areant The latter Jady bad Just left the theatre In com
pany with two friends, when she saw a man raise his arm
in tho act of throwing something in her face, which she
avoided hy etarting backward. She escaped the blow aimed
for her fhee, but received tho contents of a bottle of vitriol
on her dress. Before she recovered the fright the wretch
had disappeared. It b supposed that ,the attack was made
by*n Individaal who bad aent her threatening letters, with
tba object of compelling her to leave the city.
Asto«mk<» D*mo?MHW.o» Amok.—Three men named
Davb, Dobson and Thompaon, have been arrested In New
York for being connected with some of the most extraordi
nary cases of arson that haro oome to light tor many years.
Nearly a down eases In Albany and New York cities and
Rensaeler coun'.y L»».o been traced to this party. Their
plan of operations exhibit great cunning and knavery.
Davis hM, K is asserted, caused buildings to be erected and
Dearly completed, when, after obtaining insurance for fur-
which he said was in the building, but which was
not, obtained.heavy niuranees on it, and then destroyed
til* building and afterwards obtained the full amount be
was insured for. Many other seriona charges [are also laid
to the door of this band. Arson U punishable with dealb
in the Empire State.
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49* A large number of editors and ex-edltora wi
tor office in New Tork on Tuesday last. The Whig
date fer lieutenant governor is the editor of th<
Times”—a candidate for OoDgress Is editor of the 11 Courlei
and Inquirer”—a candidate tor assembly U editor of thi
“Sun"—a candidate for alderman is editor of the “ Atlas*
_<rae of the attaches of the “ Tribune” is candidate foi
wuncilman—and a late editor ot the “ Freeman's Journal 1
is up tor Congress. As the fraternity assume to be know
everything*, we presume they are very generally slaugh
tered by tha Know Nothlngs._
KiktucktTrust Oompakt institution haring
toiled, the Chancellor of the Circuit Court of Kenton coun
ty, Kentucky, has appointed three commissioners to close
up its business, and decided that the debtors of tbe bank
must pay their debts to it in gold and silver, and not in the
> depreciated notes of the Institution.
Chics Jcsti ox of Kansas.—Samuel D. Lecompta, Esq.,of
Baltimore, the newly appointed Chief Justice of the terri
tory of Kansas, will leave on Monday next, to assume the
duties of his responible office-
A YokTUKAT*D*TErnos Arm Au.—Dr. John B. Philips,
of Kennett township, Chester county, who, on (he eve of
leaving Bwltxerland, i bout two months since, was rudely
arrested and thrown into prison on suspicion of being Mas
rinl traveling in disguise, and detained in consequence some
seven or eight days, was en route for home, and but for
this detention would have reached Liverpool, just in time to
to have taken passage in the ill-faled steamer Arctic. Ilia,
unexpected imprisonment in Switzerland fortunately pre
vented him from sharing the tote of tbe passengers of that
noble steamer.
ScaaaTT of Bsahdt.— Letters from Rochelle and Cognac,
dated October 17th, say that as ths vintage will scarcely be
kufidest tor home consumption, there will be no brandy
node this year tor export.
fyno t)x Cincinnati Own—.
* - r-
ArrUofi, of infernal maohiae notoriety, nr
rirtd In tils oity last eretung, by the Ohio and
Htfishslnni Railroad, under arrest He was
captured: by Lewis Lee, Deputy Merebel, Capt.
Hoke.of the Police, and D. T. Snettaker. Mawjr
of the eity. nt Mosoafln*,
debted to'Meyor Bnelbaker for the following ad
ditional .particulars: . ,4 ». :
Haring gained information wMeb lad” l ®”*. "
beliere that Arrieon was at Muscat'the eO»-
pany left this city on Monday poruingfor the
purpose of making the artost, n*t{W 1 _
on Tuesday erasing. He waß found in the em
ploy of Ur. Doherty, as olcrk m a drug store,
and the arrangements being complete, was seised
on Wednesday morning, and immediately plac'd
on board the steamer J. B. M’Koe, oonreyed to
Rook leland, and from thence by Railroad to
Cincinnati. He passed ther® by the' ®“”®
name of Willette, which he still etaime.-reeolgtely
denying his identity with the
name lie was arreeied. He was depoeiM in the
Ninth street station house, and as he is already
under indictment, will donhtless he Speedily, put
tohis trial.
Lsak-ied, Fahobs, Hiulcsh asd Staktiso.
Xhe Key. Dr. NotniMi, formerly of the tpie
oopal Gharob of England, in wboee « r,l “
aooepted a m'ußton to Africa,
ed hie aMoonn duties, has resided for the last
righteeen months in Texas, where he met with
the dreadful misfortune, through long ana se
rere illness, of being deprired of hearing and
speech, is now living in Cincinnati, « »»“«.'
in very destitute circnmeUnoea. Etrorte are Do
ing made there by the benevolen t to relievo him.
Dr. Norman was born in London, and graduated
at the Duivemities. He is the author of quite a
number of essays in various languages, aud is
conversant with and writes twehty-fivo different
tongues, acquired ia Europe, Asia and Afrtcm.
[y~m the P-trolt Free Frw of Thursday.]
nieht|»n EUctlon.
We subjoin aU the returns of the election re
oeived np to the hour of going to prose. They
rery elearly indioate tho choice of the whole
faeion State tiohet by considerable majorities,
and of three of the four fusion candidates for
Congress, via: Moser?. Howard, Waldron and
Walbridge. The chances, we think, are in faror
of the success of Mr. Peck in the fourth district.
The returns from the senatorial and representa
tive districts arc meagre, but we do not doubt
that a majority of fusioniats have been elected
to both Houses.
Rklioioh or tub American Prbswxnts.—
The religious belief of tho fourteen persona who
have filled the Presidential chair ia tho United
States, as indicated by the attendance upon pub
lic worship and the evidence afforded in their
writings, may, it is stated, be summed up as
follows: Washington, Madiaon, Monroe, Harri
son, Tyler and Taylor, were Episcopalians; J«r
feraon, John Adams, John Quincy Adams and
Fiilmoro, were Unitarians ; Jackson and Polk
were Presbyterians ; Mr. Van Duren was of the
Dutch Reformed Church ; and President Pierce
is a Trinitarian Congrcgationalist.
Important, if True.—The New York IltraU
of Tuesday, intimates that the late ministerial ;
conference at Ostend, Eng., was solely in regard
to our relations with Spain, and that Consul
Mcßae, who arrived last week from Paris, was
the bearer of despatches conveying the recom
mendation of Messrs. Duchaaao, Mason and
Soule, that tho United States government shall
declare, in effect, that our safety demanded, and
our interests required, that Cnha should be pur
chared or taken at once. Mr. Mclfce is now :n
Washington, and the matter is understood to be
now uoder deliberation by the Cabinet.
Wasbinoton Teeritort.— A glowing account I
of the rapid increase of population and im- |
provemonts in Washington Territory is given in |
the Olympia Pioneer. She editor states that I
two years ago the population woe only one then- I
sand, the number of mercantile establishments j
twelve, saw mills three, anJ booses and shanties |
in Olympia twenty an Now there aro ia
city ninety constructed boildings, and in the ter- I
ritory fifty mercantile establishments and thirty
three saw mills, with a population of tix thou
sand souls.
BsAmnn. *• Eimtaff "—The Ban Diego Her
ald publishes the following, written upon a young
man who was accidentally shot :
“ hew Jim* tbe body ef lUnbrkk
who van •crkientalij shot
oJ Uw bank of tbv Paeiu rtv*r
by a young man
he vu accidentally shot with one of the large
eoU‘« revolver with no aWppcr fur the cook to
rest on it waa one of the old fashioned kind
brass mounted and of such is the kingdom of
Latxe fbom Kabsa* —Date* from Kansas are
to October 23d Tho Missourians have madere
>eated attempts to frighten away the New Eng
enders, bnt having failed, have Uken to burn
ing and destroying their cabins and tents dur
ing their absence. They endeavored to get the
troops from Fort Leavenworth to aid in driving
oway the Yankees from the disputed claim, but
without effect.
The stockholders of the New Haven Railroad
Company, at a meeting the other dsy, repudiated
the liability of the Company for the fraudulent
issues of its stocks.
A New Hampshire correspondent of the Tra*-
t'dtr speaks of apple trees, dandelions and but
ter-cups being in blossom as late as the 2d inst., |
in the vicinity of Dartmouth College. !
William Walker, of London, haß bequeathed
£lOOO to tho poor of his native oity, Perth, tho
iocome to be expei ded in blankets, coals and
oat-meal, in the month of November in each
year, forever.
It is reported that, on Saturday last, Mr. W.
Traver, of Schenectady, N. Y., while removing
the stone from au old well upon his premises,
found at the bottom a box containing four thou
sand dollars in gold and silver bars; also a sil
ver tea-pot and kettle. It is supposed to have
been placed there by a convict now in Auburn
State Prison.
OoKffTRCCnoK OF RaitaoiM.—The rails used in Europe
are mad* top and bottom alike, and are keyed in cast-iron
chairs on each cto*#- tip; by this means, wben tbe upper
surface of the rail bwames defective it can be turned upside
down, aod present a new surface equal to a new rail. Be
in* keyed in every chair facilitates the operation of turning
the rail and obviates the risk of splitting tbe cross ties by
driving the spikes, lor the chair once spiked to the tie re
main* until one or the other gives ont The American
plan Is to have a chair only at the joint* and the rail nnjy
one running surface—the other broad and flat and held to
the tie by spike heads, as when the rail becomes flawy or
gets a bad spot in It, which often happens soon after U is
laid down, it must be pulled up and thrown on the scrap
heap. To do this the spikes that bold it must be drawn and
new ones driven tor the new rail: by repeating these opera
tions the ties are soon split up and will no longer held, and
new one* most be substituted. By the European method
the lies can be buried out of sight, and being covered are
not so subject to decay as when their upper surtoees are ex
posed to the action of the weather—it also renders the
{rack more firm and immovable —particularly in curves.—
Scientific American. __
DtiTH-Bm Coxfsssioh or Mpaoia.—About ten days sgo,
a woman agod about 80 years, (name not given) died in the
neighborhood of the Water Works, Lebanon county, who, a
short time before her death, confessed that years
since she poisoned a man named Diets, of North Anville
township, with whom she lived a* house-keeper, and also
murdered three of her own children. This, if true is
Quxek Lou’s Capital—lt is stated that Munich, In Bava
ria has a population of 180,000, ami Is resorted to hy strao-
Mrs from all parts of tbe world. It Is a constant residence
of 600 artistes, and the seat of a University of 1,800 pu
pils and professers, among whom are some of the most
earned and dlstinguishud In Germany.
Tbe Governor of Rhodo Island haß appointed Thursday,
the 30th day of November, to be observed as a day at
Twelve out of tbe fifteen members of the City Councils of
Covington, Ky., have resigned in consequence of a difflcully
about city finance*.
We think we are Justified in saying
that no other Pill, or remedy for Liror Oomplalnt, has
gained, eo deserredly, the reputation now enjoyed by
M’Lane’B Celebrated hirer Pills. Aa an erldence that they
will cure, read the following certificate from a lady residing
In our own city
Nett Yobs, January 23,1862.
This is to certify that I bare bad the Liver Complaint for
six years, and never could (ret any medicine to help me un
til I commenced usiot; Dr. M’Lane’e Celebrated Liver Pills.
I can now say tn the public, that they have completely
cared me; and 1 do hereby recommend them to all persons
afflicted with a diseased Liver. They will eure. Try them.
MARIA EVENS, No. 93 Lewi* street.
p g —The ebore Yaluablo remedy, also Dr. WLane'e ceL
•brotft'i YermlfugC) can now be bud at all respectable Drug
Stores in thin city.
parch&Mirs wiU please be careful to ask tor, and take
none but Dr. Mine’s Lirer Pills. There are other Pills,
purporting to be Lirer Pills, now before the public.
Also, for sale by the sole proprietors.
Successors to J. Kidd t Co ,
No. 60 Wood street.
yy- palpitation of tbo Heart, Nervous Dis
eases, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, CostlTeness
and Hies are all relieved and cared in an ineredihle short
space of time, by Carter's Spanish Mixture, the great tonic
and purifier of the blood. It contains not a particle of
Mercury, Opium, or any notions drag; it is perfectly harm
less, and has cured more than five hnndred cases ot disease.
We can only refer the reader to the certificates, a few of
which may be fonnd in another colnmn, and all of which
are detailed in toll nroond.the bottle. It is the greenest of
all Spring and Fall Medicines, and possesses an Inllnswee
oyer the blood tralyremaricable. t
1 Sasadvertiaosaeat. oe«tl» 1
- -S'.*.-.
‘> * 1 ¥SJ *+ ■* 1
.*&&&& y
; v.,--*»>., '*’ V '
• ‘ -»•««*% ► , -N ,j . ,
• .V
I of jMtortAj.3
Bt tin Linw torth« Morning Po»t
Tl»e AUHI D»f«ltri to ttt.PhuUlc— Thirty
UTtl MU SteM»«WP v “ k " Bl * de -
Vrt»*tKoT«ot«t 10.-CalSfcrnia papers britt* wto.-
SSSJKKSSS agj- s---
nu> « intbn*-). and hot, fur the
*‘K a fr”“S h S: t &* .madron, .hot. Wn.~ir
-UhTriSnl ..• fch. U.r.«lon-lt 1. nuppowrd totontolT.
After lea vine Ihe aDle* captared two vessels, one the Sitka
““ arms, and the other a schooner which
* More oian thirty tire* were 10-t by the wreck of the Yen*
, kee Blade. ___
Xtw Tork Blectleni.
N«tt Vo»K. -<w. a-r M-ll.Wto. up to 10 o'clock lto
e Toning, give •■.. moor 00,000 .otva: Q.rit 81,000. mirn.u
81.D0(h Bayrtmtl 1. .orely c b"rn Ll«ut, GnT.rnor
Seymour is «l«cti?d by 18 or majority. Thirty or
tlrlrty-lwo tomtoj “• >£
whom twouty-elKht wore IVhlgi. Th« Urglslatiuw U
, 'u‘|?S poolblo that Cl»tk orUllumn m»y run up
: to Seymour.
Them U nolhing addition.! respecting tb. elothra. Boy
iour it 12,000 ahead of Clerk.
-K. . . rpßor t«i h<-re, of 400000 rote* heanl from,
■vSL Seylionr aEad of Clerk votes, and
tinman 11,405. Seventy-eight Whig Assemblymen ar
Rlotona DemoaitratlOß.
Ntw ro«. NoT.mb.r WM . thr«b.ultig riot
.t It’ll II am.burg, between . proeemlon ”1?"
Snow Nothing. end «>““ Irmhrnen- The IrWi,wOT bw»tvn
urd »tn>! .hot. were .achengwl- One man w “
«<nind«L Th. C-tholic church*., .UackoJ .nd tbro.t
!Md with d.ttroctlo.i, Thrr ml.ltuy »■*• ■»"“> ° ut ““
th Tb*T. Know Nothing d.mon.tration lrt.l
nISTToTw, city The pneviou numbered mnh, thou
»an<land there wea much enihnbhom.
Sentence of Dr. U. M. «raham.
Ntw'Yo.a, November 10,-Bv. Orrrhmm b.» bom Mtr
ter.rvd to th. Plat. prieon rmi V™'*; lot th. murder
o,i Lortoi: • thU I* Urn utmost U»U of the law.
Another"riot 1* antiripated at WilUamsborß more efrioa*
Ul U*i-"rumoird that the Soft* hold a meting **“*
to-ulgbt. A riot in anticipated.
Arrest of* Murderer.
EosTorr, Nofember 10,-CnpUln Sl'llon.ld, of alomwrtrr
•n uwM here. rharged with killing « man a.Cape
bin. It U viprroted I hat tho prieonar will be claimed unde
U»e Ashburton treaty.
GoT(rnor*Oeneral of Canada.
Qctfist. November lu—Sir Jtdmuod Head, the new U<
srnorOsoarnl, arrived yesterday. Lord Bi*in leaves
throe or four day*.
Bsnk Bnrated.
CwerwATi. November 10—A report is current that th*
City P«°> of Columbus has suspended.
Nrr Toax, Nofirntwr 10.—Cotton derHoed » middlliiK
ffcir Upland >4,«rf<ir» Monday—NV« Wean* tnlJtMn*^,*;
fair liA.. Flour uncharged: eaU* *.soo W* l * F-°d o®*° at
morning* quotation*; Houtbwu unrlnmr*l; «al*» of
hMt. Wheat ataadj. Corn a trtfle hleb**; mlm .2>W
»,u- VTertern idliM at9ofc,9l; white. 90“«*>
<i?, ptrrfc...B«l** bbi* nie<*s at sl»<bl2,l2K. Beef t a
a itrt and oocbeutfe-1. Lard higher; aal«a 4 *V, k *?\ **
I(A' t nd In t*U at WbUky-W*» • t , 4 'C‘
C»sV* a>aJj. Su f ar and Holaa** firm. (rt * 1 2*
c*?h. Iron era. id«vka lower. Money noebaa««i--OMn*
i l-rUml U*l Ji; Cant n, Itt l ,; Brie, &\i
, 0.); jjlcb. Caniral, fi-i*,*; N. V. Ontrai 8..108-; Cleveland.
| Colombo* and Cioctnnati, ®7^*t>iu*, Notwil*: 10—Br**!»tu«a firmer: JitHe
.Jrine Flour h«l4 at |I«C‘J/»; aalea 1M bblaat $»,l
- r>‘4 Wheat...aulea -A*X« bu* a» *l,9oftt,!*>, for prime
o-mthern and Banna. r,*J; whl'e f2,U3. K «in demand at
tl lmilJO Corn in p>od demand, prteea advanced 1 cent;
Wi-n iOOO boa prime yHlw at tt, mcatlf ■float. Out* im
rhanewl; «alw £*« bus *ood Southern at 04. Mea* Both
held a! (13 Ik). Whiak.T held firmly at 45c. In bbl*.
Ctnaxxan, November 10.—The Hart i« itatiooarr; weal It
er wet- Floor rinoed heavy at s7,so<£i/JO. Whliky 29
Pmalleak* prime Lard at M*. for bid*. No new feature In
G nxvrie*.
"o N otiee.-—Tr.* Anna*! th* ** *wt»rn
•/ Kmumr’i. fcn. u.l <~-W> ’• * .ll brt* in jPttUborib.
VAbBATiI *ti.l MUM'AY, th- 12ih *nJ !<>th of >c-
Tb- Aeoaai t'frmon u til be f>rr».b»J before tb* Society
J e*bl the Von-i pr^hyterUnChurcb,
bf Key. l>r. CnnriE. or Buffalo, X.
On UnodaT e-onios the Annir.»r*»ry KEer-tew wul Uk*
plnrfin rbc *wiUifo-Kl M. K. Churrfa, et «hW-h Un» the
Anneal Report of the S-i-ty .ill be aadl nddr**-~
mwle by mvcnl CU»plnin« »nd Mlwmnnri** of th« A*»o»*-
t».m, nod others RerrWe 10 rooinfnw promptly nt .
o’clock. By ortfT of the Boarl.
R. 11. LEONARD, Cor. becy, W. ft. 7. ft.
Pathol I’.ootDA. Cbwi»»>J. f >., Uft ; 1^—!° ot11
“ Attention Bnglo.--Them-Taberi.of the
&. EAOL£ PIKE company mre hereby reqoeftod
M’& == <n attend no ndjourneJ meertoK of the Comply,
KVKMNG.intheIrUnU. Pw
»f the mentor' L* required. »* bunloew'
conrf'lwnhlß Importance will be brought before the oi>’
j muj. By t nler.
| ootUU
WM. KARLK, Secretary. _
VaUtble Country Seal for »**••
TUB eubt-Tiber,a> Trualee ol JIOUICBT C. M VARLAM-,
will pr«i*iT»lj tell, "Q tb* premise*, in pprw »*-
township. Allegheny county. Pa.. a valuable COLNTKi
KESJIIfcNCK. being 4 acres 138 perches of Land,part of the
F»rmof the Mid. Robert C. MTarlane. Tbi* Land l* ofthe
Ust duality, well k>:at*d ; within one-half mil* ofthefeaw
Mill Run Onal Railroad; war t« Church and School; hat
a never Gulin* Spring ; j«rt in timber ; the larger par:
cleared. It Will t» sold altogether, or in lot* to anit pur
r*ha«ert. t-al* will be on the IUTII OP NOMJMBBII,
A l>. IhM. at lU o'clock, A. M.
Term*—One-third cash, balance in one and two years,
with interest; seenrvd on the premisaa.
norlfcdMahlt* JOHN QILLFILLAN.
My SON, JAMES M’STBKN, baring left mys*TTk«aod
bouse, anil refused longer to obey me, 1 hereby for
bid all persons from harboring or trusting him on my ac
count, as 1 shall pay no debts of his contracting; and I
hereby notify all parsons who may employ him that I shall
claim his wage*.
Forget the Plnce,
AT NO. <JI WOOD BTRBKT, where joo can too
flnfrt dreeripUon of Men’*, Boys’ ini' Children *
•*%UATS AND CAPS, ihet can be ptoeured.
v n— particular attention is Invited to our _* n “
14,00 Hut*. [novll] J. WILSON A BON.
I —Th* noev popcli* book pibushu> Personal Beool- I
lection* of the Btage, embracing notice* of Actor*, Author* I
ini Auditors, during * period of fortv years: by William I
U. Vm4. Price $1,25, In neat cloth binding, »ent by mail, I
myplit popularity of this book in «'Wenl from |
the fact that fifteen hundred oopies were *oM in four day* I
after publication, and the demand is Terr senribly increaa- I
Inn every day, and the publisher has no hesitation In awert- 1
lug that within a very abort period 20,000 copies of the work I
will be disposed of. I
Hear what the presa say—a selection of a few from among I
* ‘‘The great book of this theatrical age.”— Amer. Cbuner. I
“Deatined from it* piquancy and Inexhaustible fund or 1
information, to attain a world-wide reputation. —r huaati- I
pAta Arous. „ . , I
* An interesting book.” —iVorrufoum Rrgidfr, 1
" A ».rj inteimling miamt.’—Philn. 1
For sale by H. MINKK * tv, I
noTl | 1 o. 32 Smithfleld street |
VI stories, three ran of Stones, a Corn Cracker, Smut
Machioe, and all other gearing and fixtures necessary, and
all in complete order. Also, a Saw Mill, complete; two j
Dwelling Honees, a Stable, and other out-houses, 20 sere*
of fine land, half In cultivation, reminder in good umber.
The above property 1* situated on Big SewkXly, about 4
miles from SewickleyvWe. A good business canibe done
with both Hills. Immediate possession can be had Ifdr-
F ” >’ ri “ "“ l A
No. 140 Third street.
received a large and beautiful aseortment of Mourn
ing Dollars, Sleeves and Sett* in Crape, Teileton Swiss,
black lace and gause Vella, black Hosiery and Gloves, in
wooL, cotton and silk; Ribbons, Belts and Crape*, to all
A Bajou’s best Kid Gloves can always be fcund
at 83 Market street, corner of the Diamond. novll
of Woolen Mitt;, long and abort; MuffatoM. Inlan
tens, Vietorinea, Pelerine;, Uooda, Comfort*, Socka, Mitten*,
Olotm, and everything elae In that HyjjfooßDßß’S
83 Market at., corner of the Diamond.
HANK. VAN UOUDKR has just receirod a full supply
of eTerytblnft in his line, at the Trimming Store, No.
SB Market street, corner of tbe Diamond. POTl *
- TER*—The property ndrurlised for sale ai auction this
3Vf, on ft. premia, In Menot ester, put of ft* uUto of
'th.l.t„J»n4 Adorns K*l-, is i * J
’ week, (B»turdsy.) .JAMES BLAKELY,
norll : Agent for the owners.
SCHOOL MAPS-—Pelvon's uutlioe Map* and Key, a new
5 edition joat recelred; oil Wtr. M»p. ft,' »»!• « *3op*r
6 which •. iower then er.r gUhefor, 1.
*‘ ,1 8T Wood street.
/"I KAN BEKRIISB—4 bhlueastern Cranberries just reoaWed
(J by Railroad and for sale by
bbla VandeTerJ, Sambos and Gol
(jT den Gates, just receiwd by
YtQTRnnAY MORNING, a Firnch worked lIANUKER-
E ruiKK T.loable to the owner, trimmed, with thread
the owner’* name, the finder will
be suitably rewarded by Drag Store,
140 Wood street.
(Yhu~,h Vc£fli£r7lMBM--The P«ald«mt and Mwc
M Su Sm hare this day declared a Diridend ol
Stockholders, on or aft*,
the 18th Install*.
' • . * •>’.■••
- * *
telegraph markets.
¥. M. GORDON, Secretary.
s«iiond HM>(l Plano*.
_ S n v ß SECOND HAND PIANOS, for sal*
terr reduced prices vi*:
VWIiVI One Bowwood, 6 ocUtb, made by Bacon
TT§s«* Blreo, New York, «“ly new.
On.lf.Xn.t M.hog»J,6 «U.., »*• b, Dutab, *
““ww.e.d*","* 1 " b ? Btrf * rt ’ Wor “ ,te ' *
Commission Hoaie.
THE subscribers bare opened & boose for the above par
pose, at No. 17 Mnithfield street, fear doors above ibe i
MoDongabel* Boose. We will purchase, or receive. on
**le,oonsiaiiment»af Floxr,Baa*u Cheat?
I Cbm, Oatt, Barley, Flax Seed, Qraxs Seedy Baled Bay, tfc»
Vinam k tt.KALKaIA.TK FOUa»LK,Agjoiyogme | opon wbfcli we will make advances, or purchase at the
AUUABLK IUSAii BUILDING LOT-. | market > atee for cash.
»»d fronting on Harked a O S ALOTO A CO.
J ~ miX 'gs*EXsj£Bs: mgyiga
SSu‘f th.LS.J«i« Ad«M,K«I-, »nd th. till. 1. p*. | ) fcTtlo. 10.cjraCT tottWd«■»! Mat .tw^Plto
feet and beyond dispute- Apply to jn, AingfjV bargbyP*-
n©vB I
*-L ■
*-‘jV' vV* '* *'
Corflil—Thera are fade and prfneiplaefaMdiean <W
be readied by deep reran* and labortoaa lore.Ug.tton
The afcrlnrfaAtto mvis-rcing Elixir orer «rery
treparatton, fa not. fad of
epon tha rar/eee, it fa lel/demoiutroMe.
palpable to all ayes. Tooreiloo* it fa Impoeeible; tadoubf
it, fa to deny credence to the erldeoce, of ih. eeoeea. *
meant of rdleTtng etery farm of narrow dta “ , V rt “““'
Mote or chronic, continuous or .pwmodto;
Ing the springe of motion, or the more
Joe ad, it tm. ««r Ifad'an *»*>• " Mor * °*
«anx r rhenm.tfam, genend enerTdloo of th.
bid melaneboiy, byalerla, ff*™ loSiSfaß
tntlon of the lertt, rc, i P nlmoet bo mid electrify
effect —rallying, brecinx. It .nid.t .lmo.t W
lor, both body .nd mind, »“ Jr T l ' bi( . n be.
nau altli energy and blrength- A.« » Momarb
propertieenoleeepOßltireandpotent. enjoyed, It. rigor, or recrire. it. If nerer W Bo *
nnder tbe Inflnence of thi. groat torn , j it
renorate. the dlgeetlre ptnrere, hnt oonrerra » I
create., and perpdnate. <*•,The
declaration not of one or oftrro, bat
medical profaadon. do* to reeognfae any
“üblfab-d remodlee, admit the commanding effle«y ol
ihl* wonderful e»tholleoa. . . . . _«_♦ bot-
Mid br Drnegirt. tbrooghont the halted Bute., Cfanail.
and the Went Indlea.
nxxrsa k BROS-. NO. 60 Wood street, Kttsbargh.
5?OHO. H. KSYSBR, No.HO Wood *tn*«t, do
R. R. SELLERS k CO, No. Ci Wood street.
J. Y FLKMINO. Allorbony City.
M-To mil Whom It m»y Concern. —If
not » eplemiH fitting Bolt yon ten frtttet SBIBBIW*-
If you wont eoy Gentlemen 1 . Furnllhinr Ooode, In »U
enrlety, why OttIBBUS he. ’om. If yon wont the beet
ettlug Pent* yen erer wore, ORIBBLE’B I» the piece to
lenr. poor manure. He «eH farnUh DmbnUM, Cerpet
Be«e, Trunk., Velteee, *c.. et price. to roll »U eorte or
coitomer*. WO Liberty ftreet, heed or Wood.
ocf’fl E. GRTBBLE
M Regiment, with a plan of TOaDogueano. InUPdoo-1
11 ”'niUl!tfUfcookSl 1 "wet f.TOt»bl>_ iK.ti™ bolh
•Ss. l “S acSiS£,.3l !
2?.:3 animated «;.« The
added to the hiatonr of ottr eatly ware la
eatiotti and brtnga to Tie* eeenea and eirettmauncea of
whkh we had nerer pareonelly heanl. p„r«*le
Ih. hook eoeta hut 25 conta; by ma^SS .T&tSS.
0 63 M*rket. street, new Fourth.
\V U '^i» UALK_a ’ UUO ' l “" 1 ° ' U *w‘l££vm bSs.
C n>M in .tom
M u »or l o 2 ““ ,1 ° jo,t ” c ' , ’Vl“mSg‘bkSs.
iTum-iva KtAljV KKUk-y-io
11 «1« by lootIOJ FLEMING BROS.
/ nfTTONTWis E-amrix, »i*u.
ul for >.). by [ootWl BKOS._
S’ 7, 1^o HUC “ aVBUP - 10 ° “fUSr 1 ;
rStiT 100 b " ; ' siNCLim.
box*. prim.
TAK CANDLKB M) 4 rocua
I™--“ ~ t ‘ Prt B m MITn“JViNCLAI R .
W 100 “ 10x12;
TT 50 “ 9x12:
75 M 12xlC; , . .
00 “ 10x14: Swearer's brand,
-,r ..I. bj I notlO] SMITH A SINCLAIR.
tAT rLOCB-TIPO Tb, of lb. b»tqa^ll
M J'>"- m«iT«l &*> th. No. Brighton
Coal and Boat*. 1)WI / .
F*oB SALE—<h»« pair, eaeb 140 fiwt long and 22 fee
wid.. rooudnlog l» both aouo lmsfc.l.; .B in «ooi
order irhd rigged, reuly to ran out with
..1011, IOOVdI J. D. bCUAtti.
I hu.* lliia I*7 declared a Dividend of fire per cent. 00
a 7« Capital Stock. oat of tha profits for the l**t six manOu,
r« on end .her the llttlr»t»r.h
Noretnhvr 7,1W4.
p, —Tbiv Bank bmi« this day declared a Diridend of fbui
root. OD it* Capital Stock, payable to B*orttold«J,' 01
vbelr le/al representatives, on or after the 1. th instant.
ni!»SJ JAMBS B. MURRAY, Cartier.
riMifi'xBWSBOY AND AJ RAJA—The two great rt
| marcc* of tbeaeseoo;
Who baa not read Afrmja?
Who baa not read tbe Newsboy 1
L».t all who hate rot read them call at once and get them
and any other uew Book* they may want, of
aorS 11. MINER k 00.. 82 gmitfaflefd street.
• »0. FUK KANSAS!—Just published Bertjaan’s Map of
U Kan... and Nabraaka Tanlt.rtM,
a™,, *om «..»* , £ rT 2*i l 00“
DOTS No. 76 Fourth street.
a nTHIs Company own extensive beds orplant-
IR* fmJA OYSTERS in the York rirer and Chesapeake
miiJf gar, «nd are now dally rewiring, by express,
the larpfl't and finest flavored Oysters ever
brmajbt ta thla market, whld. thry terarlaMy mmrrjkl to
La *-A No. I," or tha monaj ntfantol. Til™
dsilT TwiTine the finest Eastern and Lake FISH, VKNI
I SrVJSTaU, nr WILD QAMK. ™ ,9 _
B « pobiiciortlon. a«r pwt Of^a
oltha late Jama, Adama, Kaj, <£caa"d> “? S^l!!s£ A ,
the llth November, at 2 o’clock, P.IU on the *
hl „ mntJuaiaad by the owner*, redding in a distant
State, to offer for »*1« at public vendue, T £} RTY ,
SSbt# building LOTS, adjoining
I ehester, (part of the abore estate.) each 24 *2“* ** Vj?
I fretdeep—one tiw of them fronting on Mirketi^Lwh{»
u nWrteet wide. These Lote ban a line tot of the OWo
«®«y. *« »“£■ »K 5 "“kS? £
{ a very delightful and desirable neighborhood, and will be
1 Aold on aulte reasonable terns. .
I xvnoM purchasing a block of four or eight b** eottld
Ls°S?3A««-«- 1710
I Beal Estate and European Agent,
I ncrrO oor. Seventh and Bmllhfield streets.
■ ■ " A C w 4.
Havtso of >bt entire internet in the Clothing
liberty rtieet, to 0.
““ “ “Tj .'oSboTT 1
tb *S All penes! indebted to or baring delta! agaUat
JFS.J.C.- rail at the -b^ 1 ,
brake wBl be left tor settlement. D. J. CAftBUU*
To the Pmhlle.
HAYTNG onrchared tbe entire stock of RKABY-HAM
CLOTHING of D. J.Carroll, 186 libertyetreet, Iwopld
inform my friend*, and the former jetton* of
£V££b!idiaa»t, that nothing
n»i to soetain tha former repataflon of th« ho°«- T H»"°g
i?ai>orior dock of new and foahionable Clothing, I nm
nieSTtoTorrSh,rrboleoaleor retell buyer* »t u lee reto.
J I****™ l " ss&USS.
R u ™f- 1& **• iU>l "“‘"nSrat h.’ c^llins.
tath! fbr S&lfi* j
ISOO theClnrionrlTar. Tbi^l^Ub^UmWd,
hu*aexcellent*oil,andU **id !
, ~r _ tm i » tMt»v *ejn of bitoniooui oel. The mbho*
(O niUTOMd,which win undoubtedlj
Sent to It, If not tllrecUj eaoee It. Ibe MUMo-on crook
re I" Elk enuulj.well end entered,
.nil Wing noor the routed iho Snnbarj »nd KrW rjUronL
No bettor Inter tment oouldbo mod* J?„ tb 2S^nr
The completion or the Sunburj
Valiev, and the Venango railroad* Ihioogn that region
will rentier the coni, lumber, Iron I £‘ I R S ! I T H. 8 ”* t
">”■ Enquire of Vtt^»e“t™'.,
ftblße.mitf No. 117 Fourth rtreet.
Law Books*
AM aothoriiwl to sail low some Yaloablt Law Boot*.
10 tol*. Pa. Benora, by Barr;
BooTler’a Insututes;
QmnHvfl BtMenw;
Wharton'B Digest, last
And other Itoporu, El.m.BUtJ o Worh,
at th« ofllc* of Morning Post
“ Lot n>r Halt. . .
A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street
by 100 fML in d«pth, in
ch«eo Enquire of QEO. E. GILLaIOILE,
i_l3 »t ogee Of tbe Morning Port.
Mew BmoKed Beef, __ „
Icgfceny Markit and at Stall No. 87 New Market
House, Pittsburgh.
A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIB street, and extending
back 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the
Lot le a Cellar Wall, built for two email Houms. TOs Lot
fr in a desirable location for a reaidenee; and will be sold
tow, and on farorabto forma. TKto
tocjjnb™.. Enquire of
three «tory Brick Dwelling House. with hell and eight
room*, well arranged, and a good collar under the whole
house, pared yard, kc. The tot to SO feet front bjM bet
dewatoen alley. Theowneieoflhto Property,reiddtogin
New York city, here anthoriaed na to sail at a bergaia.
Pereon. will ploae.
, 7 Beal Estate Agents. 140 Third at
CO. are now opening upward* of 100 mmijnew style
plaid and watered Alpsoeas, In all ®low, whichwill be,old
It the low price of MHo per yard. Also, 60 pieces desirable
y»r changeable Alpaccas at 10 cents. noil
•lbr Nor sober, has just been receired. This number
contains over one hundred splendid engravings of the latest
Fashions, together with Music, Drawing, Croehet and Lea
ther Work, Ac. For sale by
tner wor , w GILDENFENNEY A 00-,
nOT 7 ). No. 76 Toarth street
a ' - %*’
. ..
Srpaatry Talrat* *ad*n»*»l*; pfcda Ya&UiLa, <far>iTl« mj dally
Bsatteh printed Bnunu; Wooi wl TJ » M » Dateh Oarpatt; ~
Attbawon Ctfp<Uj Wool tad Optta»lap»ia; , v .
T*p*atrylngrain <****», Hsqp, IMuxlBV Oaqwt*; a .. ■ , n- .B^k-
Toother with .gr«t ** ***?&&**
gtoWCto'Kto**™ .Dd Goren; ' I——
| BoffHoHands, of all width*;
Tbeir stock ot
'“^iSSEgSS**"*■»> "^witoMTa*uro baSss.”
P. B.—TERMS CASH, ONLY. NO. S 3 Tnild stlMi,l»<mi» T«t>
York, would uosom to%e «hiseaa ®f
SSwylTtni*| »«”«
LKCIUIUSS AT PITTSBCBaH, where to will renoto OU
December 18th. during -which period be mey
d»oy, »t his room* »t the City Hotel, comer of Third end
, ui .u other*nmnectai»uh or prodUpotas toOenOTi,-
Joo, in the treetmeiil of whkh hie ample
■uHieUed opportunity ix obeenettat her. eiron him th. |
». U. pMtat* >» "”7
statement of the cue m*y be wot by letter, w wtyn »
prompt reply wiU be retarded, *Mog bis
JEKnd When be is willing to owdertato the“rSSw
” etete the expeose of the rmnedha requisite, [^slew
„ .. pumMrrt uui Ktl«
1» b*rrf>y «■*«» to•*«
bSih ani Brf« iUllrMd ComtrtoJ, li»‘ »» •*““» jHLS
hid .t WortGreenriln, Mmaoountj, P»,<m tta TOM
IIOSDAY or DKCKMOKK, U H tfelock, A. U, ** “»>■
tor* to Bern* for the coining yen
b«tlo THOMAS J. ROWKR, Pro Menu
Yocao Mnl SUacAsm* L.^****
asi> MicHAjacb’laßTmrrt—aa-WILUAMI^B^
ofTeiofyW*r.ia, will deHrer a Lecture on nextTUESDAY
LVESINU, h'OTember 14, at ttasonfe Ball.
Dr. Elder U the aothor of **QEi. OGLE—A
TKIC* which tot appeared In Ptdnam,
eayeral other admirable artasie* *ra gathered into Vert*-
copied”—the quaint title of hi* book. __ t -w
°°& open at 6* o’clock;
o’clock. ja ccntj; to *A«“
principal MoMc and Book 6tore*, Hotel", Llbaxy Boo* M »
Committee, and at tfc.
KUAS H. IKlfilly
lectnre Conaltt^
“W ” ""
>s In store and for sale by
Successor* to J Kidd A Co.,
No. CO Wood «treet.
■ .■ ». • V • *- **• * -
■ 'vv V/ ~
' .1. •. . f ■■ ‘ •
fPtS> . , titern ins vase* CempwjTfSw*
Or BZE Ist, ISM.—An election fcr thirty
inis Company, to eerre tor the ending
nt the 0131 m of the Company* on TCMOAV, the 14th tost,
U*™.oU» boor, ot U A. \‘^ S^ o^Stcntuy .
mntnal a«i*tan;a to e*S-3thCT, in cm*
dienl. Uy paying a email yearlr payment, flw MMW
■ P i ;?“ bOT *" ~l“ u , '•‘rfiSsss^
I P T. J. Hm»Ttt, Secretary. , n w
Finance Oommittee—Josua Kara, Jucw BtAMra, G. a.
I “gSSto, Pbyrfcian—F-laaa. *L D. noT3uf
rr^ _
(I=s? in tlscdon for thirteen Uireclnrt of thleßmk, tor
Xfeneolng jeer, wi:l bo held »t the iluillng Hooee, on
MONDAY, the 20th day oi Not ember next, between u»
"“Sli? A '*■•***■*■ JQHK BWYPBR. Ceehier.
For Selling awl Baying Tat«at Rightly
ri MIE subecntwr, having learned wan bis
1 Patentees, sad with persons who were dedroosto seU
Aumt Bights tor Cities,Cowntiea, State* well as
mi'Jx others who wish to purchase saeh *rigb».that an
■gent to transact that kind of burines* was
Sue, has detenalned to devote bis time and his abmtfee to
the service of those who may desire to employ hi®-
trSSftoh^ U “Utriag loth*
, ESS* JSmooiai of a tow of
j Pittsburgh, Ahgust 23,1884.
PirtSßtaoH, August 17th, 18b*.
The subscriber* hats long l een acquainted with Mr
Mom* F Eaton, and have no hesitation in recommending
him, to all who may wish to employ bis wrvjcea, “»***■
Meman of undoubted integrity and indefatigable Industry,
iu who-* exertions every ntlianoe may be plawd-
Neviile B. Crab, W. Kobinson, Jr,
Wm. Larimer, Jr., J°hn Oi^hara,
VT 11 Denny, H. Childs * 00.,
James Wood, N. Uohat** Sons,
I I*. U. Friend, Kiyner A Bahm,
y Lorens, I* *• Ltoingston. -
Life. Fire and Marine Insurance Company;
JAMES ft. 11008, President.
CaiUiS A. Colto*, Secretary. . .
Thk Company makes every tekaraace appertaining to <*
connected with LIFB BISKS- rt . u - vu.
Aiso. against Uuil and Cargo Bisks on the Ohio and MJs
aiaslppi rivers and tributaries, and Marina Bisks
And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against ths
Perils of the Sea and Intend Navigation and Transtwrtetiom
Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety
to all parties.
Wo. & Haven,
James D. M’Glll,
Alexander Bradley,
John Fullerton,
Robert Galway,
Alexander Reyncbb, Arm
strong County,
Horatio N. Lee, KitUnnlng,
wiram gtowe, Beaver.
James S. Hood,
Samuel H’Clurk&n,
William Phillips,'
John Scott,
Joseph P. Uasnam, M. D.,
John M'Alpin,
Wm. F. Johnston,
James Marahad,
'Ooorge S. Seiden,
Chartered 1819—Capital Stach §300,000»
THOfi. R BRACE, President.
THO&. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary.
Directors— Thom** r Brnoe,
Samuel Tudor, Ebenaner Flower,
Ward Woodbridge, E. A.Bulkeley»
Joseph Church,
Frederick Tyler, Edwin G. Ripley,
Robert Buell, Samuel S. Ward,
Miles A. Tuttle, Henry Z. Pratt,
John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham,
easterner. DarUt, Junius 8. Morgan.
Policies on fire and Inland Bisks issued on fsvora
bleterma,by GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Aft, .
drelfly Ho. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
tr=f» CITIZKNS' lwuranc* CenpanyVl
PitlalmxgM.—H. D. KING, President; BAM*
UEL L. MARSHEIX, Secretary. _
Office.- 24 WiderStreeLbetwet* Jfertrf endNborftfrorfr.
Inrares HULL sndOAßGOßisk*,oii thnOhloandlßsms
lippi Rirere and tributaries*
Insures against Lose or Damage by Fix*. ‘
ALSO—Against the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Naviga
tion and Transportation.
H. D. Xing, Wm.l«ximerJE n
wiiiam Betaler. SamuelM. Kier,
Sunn-dßl* WliUam Wngham,
Robert Dunlap, Jr., . John E.DB worth,
Isaac M. Pennock, PzandeSeUea,
A Harhaugh, J. Schoonnaker,
Walter Bryant, William B. Haya.
John Shipton. deeM
Ptremen’e imaranS
(j# Company of tha City of Ptttnlmzf
J. R MOORHEAD. President—ROßEßT FINHEY, Secs*
1&11 Insure ag*^ l * FIRS and MARINS RTBKfI of all
kinds. Office: N 0.99 Water street.
j.RMoorfcdltd, W. J. Anderson,
B. a Sawyer, RB.Simneon, <s*
Wm. M. Edgar, H. B. WUkira,
C. Paulson, William OolUngwood,
R. B. Roberta, John M. Irwin,
Joseph Kaye, Wm. WUUnaon,
David OMphell jail
A LOT OF GROUND, on the river hank, in Btamtnghar.
2SS feet by 88D test, and bounded by four Street* „j 3
be sold on msonhble terms. It is near Bakewaß
new glam works, and several other manuhotaj* >ng eetab
liahmenu. Itis the largest and beat lot now % In
for manumotuzin* purposaa. mj, perfect,
and clear of Incumbrance. Enquire of ,
a B. M. SMITH, s', his Law Office,
jy2t Fourth street, above ayjthflqid, Pittsburgh. _
Dnmclxxß T —Bodat Aseembly at WZD
on WEDNESDAY, and the Asmmhly every FBI*
DAY EVENING; also, t>* Genmm oa MONDAY EVE
NINGS The unudfsapjt loving are invited. Two Bands
of Music are statedly engaged. Fancy Daneee, Bchottlsehta,
CotUUons In Hall No. % The Bocae
are finely venSVeted, and a variety and abundance of ra
freehments always provided. Admission, to each Qmt
and two Ladies 60 cents; Gent, and Lady 76 rents; Osnt
alone $l. Tickets may be ohbrinet of FRANK CARGO, at
76 Fourth ati eat; or at Wilkins Hall, 2ad story; also, of the
Managers, and at the door on the above evening*. Mm
strictest order maintained. No checks given at the
door. mpll
L. Weed Itaht
streets, and J. Rsns, NorttMast comer of Diamond, AH**
gheny city, are the attending Phytedsneto the abore fasti
utios. for the first quarter of l&M.
Applications for admission may he made to them at sH
hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock. P. M.
Recent eases cf accidental injury axe received at attbauzs,
without form. Jalfcf*
jrS» C. tfBAQBK, 110 MASKKC Jtnat,
borah, ImMrtu tad Wholnssle Dmler in FA9CT
'and country dealers as large and well selected stock ot
Goods as any Eastern boose, and same prices, tfea* paring
reight, tine and expenses. jaftyj
0* o* y»— AO,
Ho.33fi -Meetserery TmSiTnuLf
Vwn uri i Smuram, Ho. 87-—Meets first ■*»<* AM
Friday of each month. f—»^ty
lS£y CIETY, of Pittsburgh end AHeghmiy, Beets on the
first WEDNESDAY of erery month, at SCHOCHLEmOPB,
in the Diamond. By order.
jelry GEO. W. HBKBB, Secretary.
ATTENTION! 8. L. G.—You an hereby notified to
U'O' attend at yoor Armory, on MQNDAYB, WEDNEB
- end FRIDAYS, for drill, end totraasset sneh bod
nan es may eome befbre Ae Company. 'P. KAHS,
mar2£b6md Secretary pro tern.
LODGK, L O. O. jP*-Zhe
Angerona Lodge, No. 289,1.0. of 0. F~ meets erery
Vednßdeyereninf tn Washington Hall, Wood at. f&kj
Bigelow * Co.,
Successors to K.ALBIQELOW, Ho. 46 jevv
Diamond alley, near Wood street,
TONS, BUGGIES, and erery detodptkm
furry reticles boilt to order, and finished hi a manner xm
nxrpused for beanty of derign, elegance of flnfeh, skffl of
workmanship, and durability ox natfrtili.
All work warranted. . Wfiffi
PEACH TlUfiJEB— ebofce Hew Jersey Tree* taste
dred and female by
mt t iJornwAtm*
; ' '' r ott ,
. fer • »' *
?r '
■ • *.■ „. ~ i- &■. . ;•
t‘ V * ' ■
jfS* ThsatrsiM)uUPS C. F3FUjJ^-li—r asm
If urea ra—fifth _~.Whi|aC«jr ’ ;
ttimioo—Boone end BmosttoMa; BmtoSgMdUnfft
,«sß ( sfr; Second TJsr,2Se; .Kotos ftototoeMß' 1
sens, 80s. Persona —ring.smto wgT li~~'' w !
c«ats extra tor the anttteto. PonlgSMt'sCl6MNffißr* r ' .
< ;
JAMbOtf- Thb _ j
TUWDf IJu!tIxXOS;' OStlsßttSfrQ&ufjaili ■ -
nnei.To»4Mt.JMiM>; Mkr. Mry»ii»«sarta y,
do DTO4 uim. MO* mi MIS-MMSfe-»•*,•“***'
bMWi LaDMil,” Ml. Sobub. IfcßMr Bbmv >M*
I )Ur» Th. purtrtßWMH Mliii vllk
lh« &rtß «t TH« W*»Q»«r« *»»*■»? Ib*b Ir»
irooJ.Mr.lß».npi; «Mr I»W.MiB. lWrtir l MMlp. ■ V ,
tansl.f Mr. g»Qg««JBmaOTI,rtJW. !■»!■»■«»
: ■ " •■<
MAC; A iTMAIft® r**pee» folly tnna4noao to (Is !•
ladtos aadgrat) iton st-toocter, and tosjgwnery*-- *.
nils, that he wfll gtrs Ms flmUtosftttls Sated* to i
i,»tATKTT*H*iL. . . - ;
on twmsDAT irtNise, Nwnuowm mb, [
Tickets of admMon can toebad, «t sity i ttaM»jfl<»*' - -' |
■nos, ml lotoyetts Hall, or ft— t—H .
K.C. M-MAHCg.t»rU,PIWBJtotW<«p J H>B» lhl. ~ S
. method of intormlng Ms farmer pnpßs and fthisto
that be will open his DAJtCDFQ AQAPAMT, on jntf —.
l-HUBSDAY7OetoS»T3Srat LifAXKRB HALLi alas. at ;
' “‘ITT' ~— -
beaouful art of dandag, combined with esaaa, etfcrnett*
Ac. -
- -
daoeae never befecstntzodneedto this cMy.
Ladies* eiassmeefi at Lafayette 801 l on fnssistosnif i
lhanday*», at Z \
d i'ciu.iaißWßT»ia 1* -'-briti in~art > " ''
of . . f t r t/r ~ | '
Mr. M’hCuniftcanbeftmadakLtotoyottoWLshtaaiMn r
street, from g to Q,a»d to— f^hV '■
• -■ HATI ztit L
atHMWT WAY to ■■wrtibi f
jotmit j. muosjTm - ‘
thetr efiwe on Wood lUeet, WUtJh fcMtyleiHEill!—•■.•' .• {
exceeda anything ro \ {
confident inaejingtheir HATB,<iAfB, IBM. ■ ... J. . -•
tmd «jU as eea be pioeuoi iftWjeatriHfiiHMtSat•*:,•* ••' j>
West. t aitkiM hen ~ . -
tested at the late ooantj Kte, end nese tt tfcOA tMW' ' r ' »
wanting. ‘ ’■ i
Bate. Betoember,9l Weed itmt, , ; . „•
nwr : • -• • *■
A I A MJWniW of Ibe.nSibtwiiM^b^nMiißZrrJ-1
YAXIA ggPRABCI OQlg^^f|ir*ri|,VliS|.
field streets, onMowdey, the’fit* tasttlramSfindiljn#*''
km were wetted BUeiduM ‘
William y.^Jctostan,
J.*Qrier Eproal?* fefrg-
B. &. QobbJmß, VtSSfbSta^'
WBUmb 8. Hma, A-WUMBO^:'
BodyPaitenHQ, Wede Ilcipfem,
nor 7 Jtetah Pag,
V to*Almi*e*a®rt»entiif Amerieanaadfcgllitoßq^f?V »
frryonfli of silages; also* tall «n»plyof'flßSto*aloagTlal~ w r
of Moral uid entenminlng Books, for tta. ijpml ' f
emrtety of Books, soitnble to Family sad Betool TDa alto;
besides Sabbath School Books, always oet toad, at :v :
dayibo m book erotm, " ’
pot? 66 Marks* street. to toarflu
NKW BOOKS, Ae.—Frank LeaHe,to towilw.
gtokspsoMfr flehoSaribyK. CfxntWtott.
High life in Nov York: tar ft. Okk.
Poems of the Orient: by Beyard Tsyler.
Tol. 6, Bancroft's 0. B.
Hnrrygrmphs: by K. P. WHUs.
Famous Paesona mad Plmeas: Vyß. P. VUto.
People I tore met: by N P. w&Bs.
The Inebriate’s Hut: by Mrs.B. A. Boothvcrtfc.
Things is America: by W. Chambers.
And a variety of other new aad-ratoeMa Baeto.JustT»
(M ired by axpias* and to sala at the- Book tad flmaqr
Storeof SAICL. B.K4URB, '
novd g Wood street
' receiving mn annenafly attrmcdve assortment of wm v
Dress Goods, eosnpiisiag block mad tony Bras \
mil wool FWds, striped and alaid Mona. Batata, ton vllb \
a variety of very darirabla shades of Fiiniih *
smettss, Wool DeJsinf, Ac. am* ; . 1
I^ldANftKlA.— A- A. MAfIOJ iOahwmHli«W 7 f '
’ targa attortant of tad, *Ut> aai - j
llauMl* AlacstMVirtqwnHwar • I
»Ai.*MAtfllW»Md»iw>HriM - —» - |
Ar»>ii 4 SnmiiMp l *:.
W BOUGHT IBOff TUBPO, Mi fltttag |inwlK fa \ .
wwwlßg MwrtlaMai rflwimwp- A. AW. vS ».
contract fcc »*rmft*g ad rwitflrtfag, by Ana *k*< l*
« at*r pfpaa, or ChDaott’i Furnaoe ; Uhnrefcea, Schools, Boa* ! •
p .tala,Tacu>rias, 6jmi Bourn, Part Howl, Jafla, Hfltali I
orDwPißgs. Ko.*&MarfcatsL T Ptttabaiih. Mi V.,
aw MUBlo—Jost neeirad by axprao, tfca fIBUMteC | > '
navtitofe: -f, - •
BanwrjOToolStlmh ballad: by 8.1 m., *■- •
Bweat Y«<par Bella of Ancona: Jobs Barry. • -
Good Night Betarod, aeranade: Itingltttar. ?
Soldier's Funeral March: Vm,J. TAMM. ' I. »
Mr LiitU VaHerHoBS. ' 1 w - i
Old Com HIIIt wag by K. P- Cbxlsty. • ■
to plesaa tfca Million. w , 1
Bo'.lMay Soog: J.4.&80. , 'J
Lora tba Daaraat. _ _ _'_ _ -•
the Irish Brwgrcen Qgadrißa. Jot Nla Z~ \
trilUbed ‘-TTfcBMrfTTTWWT. -
bot 4 ' ~
49* Anotfeax aninl offbeat ao ;•
boixfe Piunt, aaed by Lb*, w<*•*
‘ Ibrmeta,tta»paßted«qtw»ah • .. ■ l ->'• ■•?:--• ‘.-p",.. <• •' ’<
Vj«w imbmt BtmnMtan»wnrmm wißiu.M'iilUiifc M ■
±!i THB BTAfi*.- Jast psMlafaad Ac ill* Ip 8.-.
MiWKB.* CO,yo.«BmUh)UMrtr—i; f we
Pvneaal KtooJlectioM of tbo Btag^MteadagMflaMf*
MtkoiifMd anitoti, dniac-» WM<f #HiM:
by Vb. B. Wood, fete dfaMteoMte
men, WuhlßftQKan4 Akmdrii—l.
H3gbUfchß*TT<sk: byJonothoa met, lUjAlf y '
innKly U!nitrated. ■ .'I • v ". .
by Mrs. 8. A- fiovthwntfc. -
teauitiai , l M—<to ofOdAnM Q
Tb* CHy O4o»«r Smhcm ftoai thl
Harper's Montftio, foe Hmata; 1
•loby - H.
B0»* Ho.
HMEvia and jmao vitm i >r^
tboTb, fit «T fed«TCU,<r ftnrt ‘
by . [eetxri fTtraoi, - > '
Tjimna wara—w. ximii l
JELiatih to<m mtsMtaßkpn nougat --
llaurttNbdklrtb-jaLnlUbmantiaiiMa- --•' i -
lon, rtawrtortb, jrji mij dtxaUm wfrm* b ( fc*-Mta- t» 1
Unttac b.nqiaind. W»■•
mi«rioc 44Bta.b'«ntT«< tol*. «« fnMIl - ,
——u^murtr-- *-***- .fi— -■■■- '
Übcaß. BBJLtI, Uleissn*OX4)K; ,
- ■ -;MBCTiictWI „ ;
J> MHI «#»(■*
IH i« «■■< ■ '"<■l*
111«j, or UMir
pqrfttd • ~ ;; wP»»
auusa Mui.oBiUk-i> mu'—
if rtdg.nwWM<A<ri»te
bot 4 • ' .: '.. • • ' J AIM- WMMPr* <.- 1
OOMrnUB— _ _ ■ ■ -i;• '
» « do •■MWlimj!., 4,;. ■ ■-
S St—*?
»Mfc 4» dr ■ - fc- r;
,J» “ MlIMItlkW -i:
* “ IWU»ocsIWtU*,U stars;
SO H ~w'‘- -fKuii —'"to* 1
ft - **]
loowtelOsckT 4
MO « OmaaLnA; I
S» * Tmf—gi,
•0 OMtflMt;
MtaMW;o.*W»e»; i
IMMiV.O. Bates
I *o«b*sHb»s i •-/.:
_J »—•■» _
"“►I » mreum *>naii]
Bm BMBMKa wjunmC - j ,
eetl> _ - IlQjn*mUS*.
tnt. UMtMtkM. ' ‘ ;1 X '
oe£L7 '
• • ~iy. -5 v
\y n Lognmwe.'vdlvswtfH
rooms, all wntf --y Ytii
ud ceU inter is e*cfe rtory, p» txtena. fe, SMI»* --< «* .•*
AiM^tivoftofruoacMcnrOiftiiiiiii'Mwit " , ,s
ocntßiidDeflnieomJMt«»l«dter;i94Bft|UM. - !
Alao, * t*oattt?£SlgXHQgnat womsnr«t|Ml; -
BriWfajf Lete or Pctml atViw mhM »«r ' \ ‘
mit term* of pKjws£*aU fißii «f
oet3» B. OUttIBKItt • *T''. ;
rjyo putfitfiu.—Wotnrwrirtar ftatbo muili i f
1 L. JohaaimftOfc, Matte Mrooaltei'Xate] ktMt
Hart miwmaaOrilqi; Bim BiMiB|li«{.Wttn . ...
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