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KwS^M 1 ; BBN&Stegtfgd Imr BKlfelSß&yi' 4Z?Si' «{i®wS^if^ fiffirSasfttrl &&*??& WSiWr *'./?■ *■ v */?«■; *•■**»»,» t> "*Z,r. VrJ SSfjW:* SfS *i *■» 'J ■£«■■? ; ■%^4~Z&&‘tt.'' r^i^-v#’'''V-! " j '-i'A"-W=v: -1 '•.;.S*:sp“^tf^^i63''^ r 4V-' ■'' S’.-' ?-t\'rA4 >/• -• ■■'■'*'■ ' v '.■ -t :.V’ f*r-;.'/' f , ■■ • . ■•'■■■ ". ■•'. v.' .'■-' ;R’ , Ki*i/'>:-i'";.B 'jV:"^'-%?•..»."».»».%?* ■■■ S'.. V* -.-v s.*f-- . kv B • Ci*" ■■■ ‘ ■-•■•-■■ ‘ « J l':.-- * : -rtSi‘->^it.'‘' --. -ix.. .-. . ■* ,- z. “ •', r* . '-• 3- l r.. '•'•• • ■ •••■•'?,* v-.v-a.; • :: V - *»*«.’ i f - :i ' I ■ -. .• ~ ,T ’'“' ' JS/£.<£m\j*.’J- ~. •• ’ ■.'■ < ' ■ ■■, I * * *! ‘ .... ■’ ■ ■■ •'■■ ■' ' M"", - ' ' . , , ~ .: i•■ :• :'.*♦• «pf 1 •_• r • "• ; ~v '' r ‘4., ■; ■ -y‘• n iniii - -■ •* ' i-'-l —f- MISCELLA-NEOtrS.*. XTBW Mti(WMfO«*M6KA r— *»■= **■»•* **»• Gi>. T. F.iJ-.'r; oO wnta. . ~_ Thomas IlMtißgsf A Diss-rt*tien on Maslod Tart*:** Thomas iimuu**, y.*. »««=»,» M«.*a »f *• of “ami «p»* of U,e xrV'LUAB..* V . . v„ M»rki-£ «tm>t, QUIT tOttUU rra;'At"”'M^^m n oVi!S".u^»‘'^inin g K„o»l «•>«« ■ ’r« >li«*ll»"r; 6 „I*, 'VX'ite of Anecdotes of UWrrtut. ol Uw«"» Art,: ,r,i imt-rt M to 1,1 that, the mum » or the tt-tat s.nt~ smt Sl-to Im or Corct,* > t C«U I*l N W.Onrop- Thf Tv»ir»f, or t) • Ktmns h* Mr*. >• .4x r ‘~n'Ji Oiimory : l>y Altxa^.S^r Tlu- Lo*t Hsit*#*: ■•> is con . I»n.C. T -i«« 1 '•if" I .'’'?,.''-' c coer»pfcta>>- »» d , t-i'..,ul J ;’ u , Hnlpiuit ccmir’nke, aDd »»W •“*> ,w. n ay* * ' • • • No.ldyoKrtb »trt*t. Vf KvrASiMMWStANT 1)00K», A >" * ’" ,s; ’‘ ri '" L'swKbrfu.- M.m»i. a. A*r JM« *■*. *««h~ «• A ”? n,_ l-»‘ V "n»rM-iJp, if ; 2 vol». 12mo.,pri™>l »I»1 EtotrtKMof Thorns , 1 Koj.m.W-; Including nouce* of iutin> otlicr ols-i 8 C., l .l..lfiC*nM, ..r i .entj A j,„tatM on lb. .ii-. I.y BTM.-1 M.J«; *>.•<»• * CO.. No SmJthVM < tfc- “SSe°h?k»sbv * 00, Tft Fourth street ffuiK SUBsoRIUhB AVJJJJJ 11 J Mlnowwt* 1 !" i\*ort KS-*- r - “ Fu re h.m>.g t»«» l” “■« dI J ° f j AMKS BLAKSLY, Real Estate and European A**nt, Stmilhftcld street. PUtebmvb. ]jta J % of 1-0-0, 1- for l..;«tmrot. XM. auoar«pU»*Uj. VILIKKI.Y. Y 'rr?u i » i >ylLi&TJX£sttr~r: v”'. .1 ■ c l" C.I«H Cittern. .*1 •* lru , _••■■!,. lit ih*:r inujp-rt au** r l ( '*- t i: ir - 11 --\\ .-a,, fi ri .. !-welry. rilTer Ware, f.T-aW,- Ca-.'u.r... S|»cra«. ur. “« ‘ '•, ' «_ * 1.... e fi ». rk. cheaper than t-.acirfco.ptlr, la the N*t au, [uU j.-a.Mri " 1 wvv Wll> ,,\’, c? M^rk.-t \\r ouI.KA \AHNS. ‘ ‘" p '* ’' V‘ f ‘. \\ Vn Y«re% n.itr>r- *i ■ r *' l ' r , eeirat !r-ia th‘- t**t manulscHirvr. m •«*- ' ~.r..,. I f-., r ;»'i' at -rholesile and re.a.l. rt , « » in. r tcß»ars7rf?Wl-r^n # vb'fV»- h ‘ h»T row Yarn tell ar.lu In W «■: 11)1 • ! KRSSK. > A* o'>:tl>r.>..__ svEhS—&o i~' r:i *■' JS .•- full - t‘T TVsvTvTrIALK CVYIMi*-"ct F.-U*r CUM* j°^^W,KOP. Y'T'V'KKI'S •'* hHTe iir-w rw* JTed o»ot* UihriV< b-> - 1 cr ™>"*&« _ NYU;!-- J ‘ oiei vriatf t-7ts »i <**. mu* -ponroKVTPSis ~ I' «tl» rt.~l> " ,c •" >: ' A A MASON a CO. !,m vE-CExTSTcaCnf^ £ hro Muslin-- at 5 cents. ••m'Rwi, .1 I*' K,l« ?*'- = «'“*“ “'**'• A. / s ' '•( KI.I NOft—A worth $1 Jt' J»>r - t coats, «t H!>pls /' 1 LAR3— Li» ■**>-■ •r», fc-r ml. b. lb« «»U»° or bottl., nOK KIBIW, Wo. 187 lJhwrtyrtrwt / > ...luTupi-V^ ~y M "* rt Btrtrt - CIUU ijIVKK Oil—-I grow - JOS FLKMI^n, ' n : i. ihi. MUSTAHD SKUD-tUOlta at the low price of 6 *p<* 3° P** ?*”• —— p CTTY-S lon. ln cnl 8R03 ., X , im ■ )t JM<“* ‘“JKlisa BROS ) octl3 ■REiMSiSWANTroPTJ.. WgHMtprice .15 8"»1 b ‘- ef t>y JABNK3XOCK * CO, 'cornet Wood nnd Kret atreet*. iTN B HL'ONUB-1 bale »J JQg rLgMDia . oct6 ’ .i YHDI’B AND BU‘*AHd S 10 felltl" LOTPrinZ ** flDe^2Tfl P ,*rrlr- to bbla LoTtrlog's Huia r-20 bbtn Lorering'B by 10 bbls No \ iMunonfl Be p2s *• 1 ""* T— OWHOLKAALIS 100 boxes pure MosUrt., lM# j e by r l " IM ,l “’ l,rto DUmofd b ' (1 ° v z n) “KT a ‘ Hn»l d W . A. M'OLURQ For i (VANlffl ty corner of the Diamond and Market /rCtfriui BOM*=aob tw»mMt«.W»g ygsl \_j «#ctto - _ ,UhSSE=irtSrSnm« Cr«am Cb,™» fcr V«=-iWnTTfSTKK OX.WUASK= ; I'»t colon*! null file M K?VcO._ T,‘, L^r-fi L BrVI^ISS“ Brick iios» Mid LM * <■“ Jj mou nreet, lUrminKhun. App^ A jj EB BLAKKI.Y. T>UKb B R .VN^raDdy!far 'Medicinal pnrposae. I_ the tiuedt Oognafi ” nptielo can procure it of in rat Bf a very excellent • rt *“®“; i s SMlNGf nf Ott DUnnmd and Markut it. _- C —", j .. p _i bare received 6 Rtow of Oongr«8 r*' <§ro=tS» th. Sprit, p. Ibo» wh*ins > P«S-l bhd 11. COLUNB. I W*> • ATCUE9-300 gn»r»r ■»>» YiKNUY H. OOLLIKS. pTTTJ^W^ 11 r’y'ilWjNS. _i^i®__Tifv-cluil!a*-» ,u »“ Buell* 11 li ««■*-COLLINS. > Tlliijgli—an >»*» prlmo 1 fmh tekm noW" i) c*7 - ;•< INSURANCE COMPANIES. | KHFOAIi RftVKT? IfiSUiiiSCK CO2IXANY. | /■\k'HOli4llUa.Sorthll»in»f tbo fatliaugo, oa Thir 0 cE3 \To all parts or the World. , INBimANOEB OQm-vtabrrlTin, cAiml., l.ke. anil land crti««, t» all partied tl» Uni ™j lE Ix3 cbaN o ES On mcrchatiditH generally. ° D ASSSfi o* l TllK COSU’ /Si V, November 0Q sSuol' I’UusyWiuiia, PhiindVlphiß city, iiprinK Garden, Southwark, and other loans, ’ Stocks in banks, railroads and Insurances com- panics ”‘ii»’Bia W Bills receivable '.7.""" 1(3,o:i 30 nSoCT-JliTtbe bands'of'Agents and premiums on Marine I’oUries recently issued * oo . 8 u Note* ’ Tm. Marlin, ' Dr. B.M. Hu.ton, Juseub II 8**I» I Ilaßh Crete, ilmund A oouder, ! »P«TI M *£*»«», John C. Daria, • «***3 ftu. Uobort BurUm, , " Jonnß I'enroM, Traquivir, I-rlpor, i '(.““pr™ j t , Khvnrd DnrlinsUm, I Prim, J ,' U " r I John il. ?vm[>lo, .lMUi'f C.lUra, ' i-huri.-* «=-ha'Ter. i .1. T. t-V«, VUtaburgh, \i“AuJ»ta i 11.T.0..Mt.r«»n, do. W.C.Lua \VM. MAKii.S, I'm-KteoU TIIOS.C. 11ANL>, Vict> l'n-sideot jt.iij.vo Vi. Cowai», Sec’y THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT Of THE STATE MUTUAL FIItE AN OHAHINK IK SU BAN C E COMPANY, Of PSHSBYLVAUIA. AiflelA, Ma? Ist, 185‘2_.......••• •• • •;•••• Premiums receit**! to May i. U l-* ,J IntiMvrt *n Lo»ua,&c Capital Strv'fc premiums, iw v iD' ,urHU ‘''*’ f368,31» TO tSTE^TI»E«TB. ;dd. Mortiragw, Ptfwka, and n‘h**T good -vou nmicTfr.:. joiiN p ni’Tirv.JiP‘‘Ut»,i%urhh> county. 1- C SKl>OWk'K,lUrn«burt:. >J\MUKL JUM'.J*. I’UUwWiihU, A. WILKIN6. KiuiUr. I'it^mnrh, county j l j‘ UiU-KTT.Harrisburi;, p T JONKS. lUrrM-urR, li D.p r^^ox. A. J. OILLKTT, WUUosare uptf tmt perils- of ft* »»J Oi*. on Sfarckurit*' in Htr or country. rvt lojr« Wnt with **My. I'f-™ a*.-lhn l ’ tu-u*< trrrU B ’ A. A. CAKKIKU. Actuary. the usitru htates life INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMI'AM. PHILADELPUIi. CHARTERED APRIL 261 H, 1860. | CHAKTKK PKUPirrUAL i CAPITAL §250.000. | Vfcct, S A\ Corner of Third and ( hrstnut Street*, I'hiladflj Am. OSicfTi of the M-me Hoard af t"-M*dslrhie Rb*oh«n U Ci-fc»f;-rd, i’*»l B.li»SJ*ri, Ambrof- W.Tlir n[ «n t BvtO»min W.TlnsW, '1 ‘ ! " nrT ~ U Flokiw. J‘ rn ~ l 1 v T r ."“ ’ William M.tlodwin, \> iilUm >1 *".»<* I*rn. b ,V*iicui £td*»wr, r^U'njfyA—•Jam/* U w “-" n - M w AW'By IV»—R.n.M»*'l; t) >L ) . u ' AU j. ()I j|, , 0«.7.r V»»* FriUlfcttn Klre liuarawt* (oin|»a»f. Of rhi'.i.i'.’y.' iui, i>-i'\jylf>irua 1 vIRKCtV»KS--t*l.«-tM W. lun.-k*r Tti. ,l V I f W»«'"*! ii. .«>.•*. i-. Mnri.vMi 1-. A-iuirh. K !V r..-. !>»'>._ - . j A « O lU'vaaH^'wlary ,• niiru. u.in»i'iu ; oj .iu*u»l. *» r 1* n V ;*- »■ ' 1 if - uul8? - rw " '' u*n-vtLi. ari.j- . , , T‘i- C'’rit*4ny k !«£’• _ -Hk-:!. *nJ *»*«•>•> •!• , '• ■• •■* <» - tU Jki. rt;i. . ... , • IK. <.Vni»;»iiV • 1. JMMlkiy l”.. * ■r—W> *-•> 1 A ‘ lul " * foul * iFoe-' 111"'” >l. » hr»>- I’-:'- »f- >=" ■ *■““ Afut. i ija... "‘- 1 • r ‘ i Tv " : r, “ ; K'HOTKCTION | nSU&ANCE COMPANY, j WE? WATU’ HARTFi'KU. CONN., i' Capital Sunk. Annuul Waltm Fun,, « ISCOUr-BATKD I»3*. 10.v.r.0..wu-1-t .lIUom oatti. «»:•>•*" '* LOSS OU IMBAOE BY FIRE. ,OAi vunU ot on* )'»ra * ,lU ' OEO. E. ARNOLD. Agkbt ■ FOR PITTSIIGKGH -*>'& M-l-KC.IIKSY CO f NTT j jaerlti y _ _ ; lnsurance Company. FitUburgh. i IL MillVk Jr, lc M N, *:rW, i a. uii.u-,1., J c r 'ip lTAL> l ,3o..,oo«. , -ww p^LUnnur-again*!.»!! kl:ni-« <-f rt*iy uY*l«.Uln th. fWwbr mbinh ?C7haT e M S uci-1,.«0ff-rina th-l—: r r^->t.tnh, W -K. HWW-a. Buß*. N Uc!bw, Jr.. W. ll.Puiitb.C- Uinwo,tf«»wW.Jr«i», Wni M Lyon, Jam—Upp*urott,anle, Jam-r .1 ■ A»i«Y.Ab-xand«rNMmkk,Tl»nm*iS*ott. «%.Offic..No 02 Wat-r VW* 00.. up xtr.lr»J HtUburnb. _ . A. A. MASON * CO. A. A MASON * CO A. A. MIM» * CO‘a. Frc»V«look.f!»i»Bni A Cl»rk’» 1 | KLKIIK.II r-;»-il*illy Pit-mi- ..." E^_a I'j .public teat boh.-t-ju.-l r-luni-t frum the K-wteru clues with lb*- Urg—t and mo*t «F if con..deta'rtork of PI AN.* over brought to • I “ ’ ’ k tui- - Itr. Th«ry ar* from th- —n-bratr-d factory of MT«Jr» a Cla k New York, titul an- warranted yvr/«rt lo ** TVT J rw 5£.; ’ N U-bIW. bar, th- V™ lx/th in tlii.- country and Kuinp-. aud Uie> »n> yn ■ill-rod by lb- mu-l-al prol-tu-i-m, and judge* P» non-ral, “* altog-th-r unrusiUtl aud unrtfttaUtd. The priori, will lo?a -: SSy i th- -am- a- rh*rg-d at th- factory. without Edi tion. They ALo, h rb-too >ot of Dunham » w-'l known »t»J highly popular I*IISOP. Dunham's Piano* were ««"»!! loc fir,i need In tbi« rity, r.nii they barn kept up a moM -n?U reputation to thin -Jay for superiority «.f tour, tou-h, end Ju- lot comprise:' ail rtyl— an-1 pri«»«; and M»T«ry Instrument off-ml f-r eal- by th- s ul-rit-r U mrafully and thoroughly wimxnM by him, h* ord. Ip all ruini-.Kuar »nt. etofurn!«hpurrhae. r« with yood, ju .I'.trUioJ and re /tuWe Vian--r, and at facUst«m, without addition for transportation or ri.-k, and -very Instrument warranted. Also, a large lot of Piano Stools, of various patterns. MKLODKONP. —A full supply of Carhart a Melodeons, al aifi- *6S. *76, $lOO and $l6O each. For sale by f*o, .* * JOHN 11. MKLLOIt, 8010 Agent for Chicktrlng A Sons' Planus, for Pitiabargb and Western ocU CHINA HALL, UiRKKT BTttMf, BSTWiSS ' f " l «>URTH STHH-TH. CITKVMIEHB VISITING WIK CITY »lUn;Lb CALL I N' Sto ». ajflortmelit M CWXA, Mil QMZEN&VtARK, do* open at the übov- **uW*h menu Our goods l*iQ* entirely uew, wo " otter inducements »n utl the intuftt **jl* , . ' l t and Toilel Ware, white iron-stone, we hurt a groat - of shai«s; also, B»»d b«nd ■ Tun mid Toilet nets. Our . kof while Covarwi Ihßbe*, Soap Tureens, Vegetable lush* l * without "OT*** Uy and etery article appertaining to a Ultmer 8«t 1" larirt* Mid well selected, Britannia Ware. Table Cutlery, ’ Spins Castors, Waiters, and ilooee Furnishing Goods, we ” -lock <* T "“. pi rr’ Dl.hsu, liukm, Napplw, In the line is Urge, and we are prepared to peek .them with or without fine goods, as the purchaspr ® a ' •kh. WARK Also, a Urge assortment of aU Uud* of OLABS WARIs, which we are selling at manufacturer* prices, all of which __ 1. OT-HAKY. JOS. FLEMING. r®>y* * ■■ ■ M S62T,4TIi W P. A. MATH-Ul A, Agent, No.flS \Vui«*r fflrfct, Pittybtirgh. t2u9,010 61 135,330 6e LW= of UwnirfvM.UbW.'r tj-*"'- - o i;>.. Million I'nux 'I«. “ r V rV ‘ I : • 81,000,000 on Tin PERILS OF NAVIGATIOS, BY , Steamboat Furniture and Chair*. \HS bote on band and are constantly manuraetn- Siring STEAMBOAT CABIN KURMTUKE AND of oT. ry description, vit: I\ t Extension Pining Tables; Do Bar do; Ladies Cabin Chairs, of Turloua stylos; Gents. do do do; Stale Room do do do; Do Toilet Boxes; Tete a TcUsa; Sofas; Dimes; Centre Tables, Wash Stands; Card do; Water do; Trays, &e., Ac. Material and workmanship warranted, ond pri es pa t. B - * CO., jy2Q ’ ‘ 38 Bmithfleld at, opposite City Ilote KOBKB.FH- PATTERSON’S LIVEEY AND SALE c ° r “” D ‘» n>oua * trMt "£££s%%*}£’ Loan Office, vm.loo SMITH FIELD ffIBHISR I\; Money louMdonOolilmd BnTer»«w antf other v»hx*ble «rticl*#. *ul4jdly ;. }■ c * a ■ j- A ■ ■.c •. •'• .-"AU" ?V« "'V-v** ■" \v.., u « BANKERS AND BROKERS - . 7 - ->y ew Fail Ooc. 74 Market street, _ W-urth street A. WILUISS A- CO., i „nd Ui* Diamond, Pittsburgh,arajurt reemein«ft laxv- ana UNITED STATEti HANK UtiILDIMI. , hlSouiU-I ««sorUu-ul of jrall Dry Goods, at un “*"“J^ NO. **-? l-±* Fourth Street. J trom N.w York and Philadelphia prtiaacuuu, pa. N< . ! ii„u galas. The *lock will bo found tul. iu every d*»j art 170UEIGN And Doin«*nUc Esruauge, Colo. l‘ nU ’‘ 1 j cuusirtin:? In part of fiaahmerefl 4 and Land Warrant* bought and sold. i i-bi.i, B trii>u a:id plain Silk, French Monooes, wunmenaj, Collectionßinade tbroUfAiouttbe Umvii- | Or»bur?«. . , ,».«ra»ins llusinwe pnper discounted and luans ntgouatird. . uud Alf-ome. at unprecedented bargai , SiotUs i) >ugbl and *old on commission. . ■_ j y, rinu oad Cns-lun- to Plaids, do Moui’V received on depusit, and »t«rwt allowed wurn j , m ,l Uauton Clvth.«, do ““ lffl lor a liiur. • 1 ' - 1 Frcuch Ginghams, no Removal. Ghint;.os and i’rints, do f g ■•—■ - t tor U ATH.CKM A h ' V ‘ m " Ut “ ’ eP teller* in N. tffcDrwt, W.U.SIh-t (tnte, rerv In* ; •Sriltaub Now.. Mew. ™the to**" >” J WM ' W “ un.l LUn.te.-cM-f... .< went °oluS!ttoiu nil. In all «{» ritirs *'s°"^,"“rent pJpM.'rt '“SKm m.-i ;lUU eery llvrils, at *n»t bargain* t State** BevMt»t««l.*M In b»riab«.or wirmnt ie”. tii. ■ .-anl bu.pon.lera, Jo. , -~~“s‘Sb'ljifSvi6ss. ‘ -1 -sr ' ,oJ ""- .1 KAUtn »»«*». S.i Arr!-* *1 ->r Si.rt..K <*»« .amine. Ory N “ntteS*‘ Aerep»nXllria Stt- , ;J , WOOD STHKirr £ :J tub «»Si- ™t, „ Extern W-te™ -!£»**■*& C, lSSSSLS r in‘ l ‘ii in.rtita JL). oi -mj 1 ;”" - ,U “'” A,U ‘ ''7^r^77^J7;S^:''^purefin, ! . 7 I-.;,, euoS lnduremenU tn buy.-n u ar. rarely met v» rf ’U,-» .•i-MiiiHT.-i*. Batioets, iw.i.tvl.' and Bumnirr pannr '. i.ro.n auJ m»e» rnu*lln», table ili»p«™* .'.wifc-uiu.-utiaana binct ralk vailfl, Ac. bnttona naf i,ur p.““^ *,..,*. »,7'J ■■*»» l«*eW ...•! a «A»t »»«et, “^i^rr’St. “i*a». an ot .bleb writ be e.'bi .1 tbe lnae.l price* lereaaa T iiAKGAINd~ lN UKV UU-JUS AT A. M’TIGHK* * EV [. eIJL oV.li- iuj>' norite*. Amen* tt. *tne« may be (MMxl n,mc et' the t*rj »*"l be. tmiertnl* it rempruei* in 1-Kft. , t ,,, •JM i.i.n-. t blA'-ia u:i l f«'"'') v l “’ 1.00 .It. V"u r * '!<• Umw. Her-.*.-.; iA>.» tit. lUtautTfol*" an.lTlv=i*», in rrwat variety ••ui ! , D'tb- Dr*-*-.-* «jlu4b»ru»: .j£ t ,t Yrm,b «.•! PrlnU; b->» d Pronch and Ensti-h Lawn, t a r;; «* »» “7.'"*^ l t'n 77”te'l-'"L'n'n-“° rib, lltol.r. .Ml be ».«»■! J ™ ::■ ;r k“*. "u 1 %;^ ,^'.“r»«.u.n Ur^fuit jiS. b- HOOK & SAEGEHT, DAMLKK3 AM) liXOUAiNofc l'.UOlv±.lU, „>..,,..: «»1« .o *»- w P^r^oJ, Cum-ut »uJ p« , ““". r ~"“~ ( ' , .t,« jAi, .•- B» k>««* l IEKSAN & CU., UVNKitH* AXi> KXCiIAMiK iULUKkhrf. jVo.dit>V./ cw */ diamond AtUy, BTTV AS.n KU l *»“* u ., ; col!«c:MiJ»m exchnijfti - , Uvcuw uu ail th» i=rl«.--»jnl » ' ‘ [fv . ir t «u«Oli-u !•» *U 11 U;*T n-Hr ri K'!'‘ ,- iAnKi'n ti. •'“r ’ ir 5 ‘ -•• 5 5 ELLL c CU., UANKtKJ* »ia» r;9; ( r, ‘ *' ll - .atitAl.— lAirr-ulVn*! iL-ttol-l ir, i HAHM. BA.NKr.K-. AM. KACHAN..; BJU.IIKIU.. . „:v am. Cm I **■: UImI ■- il k - ... ... vu«- (i. K. AKSOUD A CO., BANKKiii* 1) T*n)<- UrW. t »’•- *• ?»j. -•»* N'ufii’ *’ ' O*. >•■ '■* *■ ■Al'stTlSi LOOMIS, allies AN L> I’ll!. 1. 1. Ill) KKB \.. ic h ■" 11 -' '■ firrrUUwsli i>r ; n,. WKrr:;;" KXCIIANOE AN.- AN:% i A*' u '' r A. WILKINS h CO., s-- ••!.t:i IN* I l *’''- • f ’ ww “ :ji , ■?' s -.f .■.. ‘t-- ..-V’’,' I? S\OllAN'»r. AM> ’ ' T "J'; l .'V J.V'* WILLIAM A. KILL ti CO^ THHMPiOS BULL a CO KAN K *• S' '’• <• ‘ K ' t r I ■ *’ -• * TIIOWAH \V*»O!>S, •#-(' oM M KK!■ I \l. 11 11 " K :v •' ■ “ W. 0.. cm HO'I'KI. < n.ntr of S»«U»*n«l.l •»» ’> l‘»« Ir »l • t • A (lintr ; ■ ■ H ’ < CLASS fit CAUU, I'TOpriolor*. ,i .sin v ST. t lj A i H HOT I' * Corner !•*..» hl.tl.lr • •reel., c. W BENNETT Proprietor- IKK l MO* UAnkll-U "lU'L’nfc, . , ; „- tj U-' "•••.ii'RkKUL*_l.aiai»,Pr.|.rU.a».. MIM.A* »■*»* ”**•- J<>H> */#•# .*• HAKE’S HOTEL., v „ ni usitii VBS. fit *3“kS«» >u-t. >'‘ ll *- r* ■ g - .* ~ - ~.„n iy -i - if t: ft th»* I'ul H■' . " l'*- u.» > '•(W'Cirvl I'ji tlj* a. ■ « , oiu » >• * ' tuk uLtai uotklj , s N .,w wuiuv i;jh i L-' V r r «.ll l» »•«•! * ... Li» Uti.' U n-.w running M - V\ »r OI.KN H--TKI »■, .-i * >•. m. ; m«. ; .i # A M , iitj‘l -v., I’. M ► IIiSKLI.I HOISK, < / , ,*\TlilCU * i'aoi-ftUT-.kA.—li»w i*« J" C. d»r*ul*- Un.rvurfU »ud <**»*»*• * ,u ' r * uo ’^ i i.iv’a ■■ t.im. i'K ni ruv* clc , fci»U lln? JiHipti T r .KiSXu -1 *11..« 51.41 u- wuuun* «* [■;,. ., |.IA L. i-r .v n. ..Hu-.»'ll”" “» *• -“• ~A tnic| i * (0.1. FLOILKMCU liOTltL, No. 400 lUiOAliWAi’, NKW ' <> K a. on Tilt ri'Kiirtm flak./ KEDBKS LOVEJOT, . i«uoi'k>kt m. UILiKY’iS IIOTKL.: CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT HTREhTd, J’iTT.'ilil'RVllt VA. „„3>7l E KILEY, _ ~ ■ " *. U. M.IKKU J | IiuTHL, corner of oln-flntul puqusMM m»r W r/’ ii.l . MAKia.B. .IT, KE.jTAUHA.nT CORNUCOPIA «-OY3TER ANH COFF KB 110 USE."** D. BABNARI). y 0 4Q Fiflh Slrtf-i, b*t*orsn ll’xxl and A/aW.W. jmiUUyj* _ _ i-irrsnunuii. CRYSTAL PALACE, v ,fc no. IN Market street. C. C. BKELY, njjSPROTKULI.V iut"rm/> hl« frii-iulrtandthi' f.Jpoblk in Oi«t !»• h- jurt >■»*««] hi, NftJufer kvw York mid l’hibulet|>!ii» moilprn st, l. ». COOKING LhiiiUi ht- ln tr.r ddtlu- :i„e, O/flitTH iu Uif ShOI ‘>r tl,r }-*■* k (lo*.-n. lb' will also lurtii'h tin* best ol eT.TTlhing thn. the luarlu’t will afford. lloum- uhvuy;* uu ' l, ‘ ,u ’ t '" -la lli>- mnruiDg. tu*rl^l OYKi'UU SALUO*- ANO ILIfiSTAUIIANT IUB W OO U tS T K K BT . r|lllK aulwrlUr ha# now hia t*V HAIXMN AND X KATIN*} lluUaK |mrfei*le*l In a manner that runnel hu kwN t>T any ulmlUr i*MlKliii*hm**Dl in the ‘"ity. ° M.KALB WILL UK UKRVKD Vi* AT ALL HOURS Oh THE L*A I', from tin* Choicest Meata, Fowl*, Plihj Ac.» * c < Iliß liii 1 of Fare cannot hr euri>a.wd, and ho would reaped* futlv Invito the attention or the pulmc to it. 3 CUAULKF FTILL, los Wood at rent. jn2o:m*etf St.’Clftir Beer "Brewery. undersigned respectfully informs the public that Ik I U now fully pruparodjto serve privato families end the nubile generally, with his celebrated LAUEU HhBK,Jn m ftle«* All oiers left at his Office, NO. 3* DIAMOND ALLKV. (near Wood street,) wiU I*' punctually attended »"'• and the Beer delivered to any part of ih« city or \icinUy je2i:tf Benttx* Lager Beer Ball, No 100 SmWtA*ld strret, opposite thr l lUom lTmut. mill’ Kubftcrlber has just opened oiwoi th- uni TtlflSeJ Ug»rU Ii.IH. fe Cta.■ ««£ Anowlt-dgwl to be ■» superior article, and «J others eommciatiun about bU bourn? cannot be nlc^*Jy NITZi l. ' "* . it is not-nth BucbaTU-w, nor do wo intend qultt ug> tie business; nod all orders from our customers ihßJljw Sl tended !•• a* usual, at JA.YNK6’ PKKIN TKA I'ttwburfc'b, September at, ias4:d&* <*3 Fiah stteet^ CUUtSK— 50 W.’ R. Cheese, tbr sale by jySl M’CLUKKAN, IHfRBOS 1 00. t *• .. , , . •• *j„ **' v v. v:v-;;.v?5 RKW I)KY O'JODU STUKIi. Iron Fro Ml— >O.VI Market »tr«et. -uvit if Mi.K\ fAH' AN " ,i "' '"•■on''' ' HA'tVS A AUU ir .. »• •• g Mhrk „. nu j » l ni.'p »twt C L O T. H I NG_ STORE! I' «*U'I h «*.n »u aoi-iulM |-i-ui»nt? uoJ - - r.-.i; 1 illilU ul'i »*»**■. f-T > J iu.V-a- i-utiaif.i i--li U. -M.T.if \\i >\Y *u.M AM' U“"l' MRKKT. t-i’U.NI'U) of CLOTUt I ’. ASD i. \DV M tiiiH'h.-', I'-iVl'.:'. .'.HAI.KISO AJiL’ b).m . n»»rv-l ■ - NKVS UOOUs. I v* r >; u t.i \ i i- m'J *• ’ y - '■ *•' * v' ? •’ 1 ,J r: . ! 'r'-.TI-' i - "V. I , it -' •»• 5 -■ |,u, •■ ,, 1 j.'ltM MMH. CUMUIM. 1- ! ' ' J «'.»o Hi i!im i*« • r»t:.t,:j*ho»«al; i« ,aCW»-tii t. ‘ u h*. U*«ti r.j;»BlW*i hj llf h.*UM> , ■“* Ji.‘ll> MrCU‘HKM_A ' " | ” gASirici. OKAY, 1 jva Wet iA*&« I . , E STI t-rJjr. | 4 -i*" . B'BBtenU) "B bout » I T ; r , ~T H . .-asojmmik.-, \ mrrisub. i ""•■•• ’ ,V‘,'s 'i ■ r 0.,. ..,prr«l) . ' ’ raTii.p Itn-ir will [ tioUiingl l iolMmt ■ UKuu.kr-Lwl Uuil> tat- -niw’bu M»J th*> i , K jM4e ih»t U« l« MC-O jrwWlxußt L'*«tnrv.Nv>.l.. Li> '■•Lri * riiuU-* W rltlfUt of Cloth-, LiMiacr*s btut th- m«t UMraablr m.u * * , , , Mil l> n ifir BJf#t r«"»»ul*Bhle UTUIA. n, "u a i » U 11~' Ml I'nn-U l*«r *n.l writ mnnuturlar<*l »UvK “ tieh *• in,, “ ih ' ‘ ,, ' nU ™ , jU; ; w b. m “itgr 1,0 New dolblnc Store, SO 4 HI XTII PTKEKI, OHP 'MTK LIHBHTY. f IMIK •.uUrrtt-r liv Jast up»Md UiU new wUMUbment. I \rh<*T* hßh»fialw»T-on b*M b lnyßind rluilc- «wrt * t ,!t *||*rtl.L* ofCfx)TlllNa.«ht.-h !»*• *BfTmol4*rqujil v In tiir ritr, sti'l will ‘•'ll »t th* nio«l j-rt n.B puMlr .rw l- «*« nwfi' it ;kt»'rvi< i r :»j* >v. ; .»-tAiiU ha! 'l. (iArKH.I. , ; jviro J 11 MAIITIS, Aj.‘Dt . J ;»iNf- ■ . ■* «t v • DRY GOODS. „ . wi i-t» i.-> :• rni'i CLOT ill Nli Vn i, i,V vi. i: tnaL> i: v , . »-iM : •• *-• •“ x »• ■ n - v ofc,il: V i‘Vr nn w» K 11 t J( _ t V‘ -’,s ! r T : '•>: !'I.A« y - %4». H'N «JOU -i t,', c.B.it* or majiv:;:' Ai-rr \ HHtVUIN WATCHES. EWELRY, &e. i»"»TUUia AM) JKWKUIV.— M~l« VV . I wl •> OIBCII )»*'■' r” r ” . "...hi ..K.M .ta.lwr.. C..tomm lu.y HT™J •i .. i * .uj- oi in; ~-u1.,u!.hi..ul .1 l.«rt *' 6't>- ""“l.'vir W.ro, m.nuf»ctonrUt my o*n * ork ’j'|'.2? k '"°‘ l ' uianufa.-tured n> . rjcr, and repaired.. done .0 heretofore, Id lb* W manner, “"amu.yiufio, >( .11 Klein, «t l '*' l ,{.“,s ri w'ii,Sh)N, |UJ 4 67 Market Kirwl, corner of Fourth. CLOCKS I CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! DKALKHa I |S*VATCUtW, CCoORS, J KWKEIIY, i \ Sll VEKVt A KE A' ~ No. i£ FIFTH Street, nett •IJlSSr.««««««“>» j“? •*>« h, ’" r h c^' k ’i™= lc ™»’ Ito Hie public nt great euch . Iron c«c«, pearl inlaid and oil otU r pattern* of , t AU.. a rich a*(wrin*nt nt tm« gold and btltu- patent 1v t rvllnder and anchor esrapment W atrbea,and an ele- Klry .ua 5.1.J..r... -Uohw. luhrud U, 11X “ilrln, a..u. in tho bust l,iw , «nd warranted _____ __ HEW JEWELRY STORE, No. HI Market Street, PLATED WAKK, LAMPS, 01- It \ N i) 1 it.KS J\Kkrl>ttul TalUe c'uUVry, ifritonruu 7Wt r.s,»n;vnruon.Stt<, and tho usual rari.-ty of Roods In hia Hue attention given to the HKI-AIK of HNS WATCIIKS.JEWtiLIIV. Ao , n buelnem, lie 11,. irueta. that from bin ou ( \ m»J fe.ur him will he able to glveeatlefßClion io tlloee w* 1 wiili ll.elr patronage. May l&th, Henry end HAVINU ro-Mt«J h» etore " l> rit| ,„ »,th , b..t roomily r,AaroeJß a JKWKUIVi p A NCY ftn«- of his friend* nod custom aooub.woaiacjjium.* lounj the era to >h« faot that .** ** ftud makf . n ,. ut >w-lry, tha 9r ; r £ n^S&o B inr preaenl .toon ... « - nurchmw whuii you call certainly ilo by calling at 67 S SL!‘w.teh repairing attcuJeJ to In all IU branched, i„-»,n,aXr manner. 1 >• Wastelands;. 40 Unclosed “ iOO Common “ 20 Plain Ureafling bureau*; ""40 Mahogany Bedsteads: "■2O Walnut “ to Cottage “ too Cherry and Poplar Bedstead*, 2u Muhogan* Wardrobes; 10 W alnut •“ ;-10 Cherry “ bo Plain Bureaus; r IO Dining and breakfast Tabias '•l2 Secretary and Bookcases; ■*->0 Jot. Cane beat Chaim; *24 Cane Scat Rocking Chairs? 'U Ladies’ Writing Csak*; tn»i and Towel Blands; What-Not*, f •Kir*!™*; Piper Miehl TlblM: LOonTcmatiou Chairs; Pembroke Elisabeth an “ Hall and Tier Rjvwntion 11 lAdies 9 Wfork • Pearl Inlaid u Extension Dining Tables,*. “ Ottomans; Mothlc and Uall Chairs; , l*T larse assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Casern Malts* supplied with all ar- UC SIiAHCOATS**»nd HOTELS, furnished at tha shortest *?» order* promptly attended to. * pf — ' ' suambottit Ahoy I . ir _ Tai Bubacnbern tender their arknow-*?t ! for the Jucn bwtcrwod upoa by their Steamboat friend*, odu IW weald rirpartfully remind them and others Internt- 1 M °ntSlSng boat*, that they are at allUmw % furaish.'on the moet reasonable teres, emyd«*.nptloo of Cabin Kbrnitor, and Chair- of matetotgnd »«** --ofhtp. Corner Third and Bflilthfield street*, opposite •* Brown’s Hotel. _ jmxnei Lowry» J r, i . . itiAtK Ai»l) BBD9TKAII MANUFACTURER—ho,22i (J l.lt-rmnn’. Bow, Liberty « •wi r.f Chair" end Miwl' or eyery description, medo or the beet meterinl", which ho will >ll lowor lh»n «tW~ ot S" ,«ir fidelity own ho "old in the city. He would oi|ipK; Liruler Attention to hie lent* «oe» of Welnnj | Chelrs end boletesdr, which he will sell et poiUjredwewl er, e" Also, Turuinc oi ferry fleecnntlon relented in the keen-*' ui-nmer Orders left et the Were Koome, or et the Mi*ri»',rn-r or Adune end Liberty itreete, wiU b. promptlj ’ttendwl t'e X.'MiI.I.IKKS dt, CO., , Hi us .IN lIANP »t thflr exteDMT* CABINET uw A CUtlii SIASCrACTOET.So. « Stulthheld Itreet, e I terge sjesirtln*-.,! 1 1.n.7 .nd plein furniture, which the, • ill Mwtl 15 pr c«nt- cu«lotßAT]r | IVnn* —-»»bcnjy AND UKDSTKADS, at prif* t.h»t cmaort ° a i£sT « r. iteTrothgna U**rtyrt>.__ " - WM K TtKVKNiWN conUou--' so mM»ui*ctur« CAliisrr-WAr.Kf^TcTyd^iptU^.athtfel.-tMjj, s ! Üb-rt7 ar.-i ?#t«Ui *tresU. t.SDKRTAK l\\ LNU att*u J* 1 t-.. in ail tu L< ranch**. QJ“ EDMUND WILKINS, - \ • JV. •3 J .. r |§‘ . Eagle and.Freeiwrt Stone Woite, I "I - ■ , -a- :/*'(i*it>rt friV./’-asrr^smUf. |, . . ."’'t. IifKIALV.U-USToMli^fc^.ic ■ .] .. »rw*. Hutto Pt*«v%CVn -*’ l ‘a'«-ni«.-n hmn-1 ftod miwl»*to«nler. r l / , ', i.i iLAI’I v tbroogn tn paiw e* i '"V-t'.' • .. ,t ~r> Iml.' (."t inr In-n t-tidM- 1 1 1 “ *. ~| o.ul Jirv! othiT 1 h&»- .'i, :, i, Su*.!. I .T«f Jo* w J ,T. ; t - inttpru: C .:VNUV -CL Llxjt’iiH, V. '••. V. >■-•;•, *l° -i:\Mt.r. * HAHM. do v,.. ;|\RUAU UC3KT, do > , VTH.UAM WILKIN?, H«n* Wood. !. IRWIN. AU**h*«iy. '* »pflO.»Uw ' 'TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! WiIOLKtiALK AJU> BETAJL, the Pekin Tea Store* aw Firm sTAm.Pnrstmwß.fu. i \Y ihf half <-h«*d.of neitly pKKedlu metiUlc p*ct*f«r «*»*» M. Ml tootof QBIK ~‘jui \Clt TKAS. —r«iosl«itlߣ <’l *otae uf tb« Snwt clWm tnarnot. M«rh.nt« Tithing tt» ..... vand eiuaißt ourstock. lkdrw t«* l>«*. <■' »»n»u* k*r*iJM, allofwhkh htT» UouaiMuih wkh cooMcnc- t* rwujn* 3tC 3o half Toon* Hy»on; 10 j, j.> Motuo* l J oum Ilywoo 10 -u. .-xtr* mu* Moyun* Jo; Um) Jo . ti jo .urutio* do; &o lljicn hvt ; 10 do sxtraftie uu; b jo do Mf'yunr Imperil!; •i 0 do ?uf»rior ao; io Hu* 'X.’»od< Bl*cß‘f**s 40 do oxtraftu** Union*; no do oxtr* CuTtc.uK ao; ao do Soi>orlmHT*lT rtrooff and fnufwnt Oolong 'iA «*xtr» fine KmcliAb Breakfast T*a; b do CurtouH ao do: . ALK>-J»™ »nd iUo o oft*. Lorertog'* Crushed mtulPnl* I T I'rincip* SW, whkh be*>ld WJ >o *a«ii-UK subscriber ha» bwo Induced U> dnb an office for vh* purpose of buying and MUing. on the Agency of lar£« Steam Baw-MHU and Boat- Yards*nn the Allegheny river, toother with many other hdUUee from oth-r water and ataaa m-xmlVm. Ub ttattem hirawir that he an furfiiah any biUa of la “ be * **“j timber of any kind, great or •mall, long or abort, and "ellrer them at any point on the Ohio or Mississippi rivers; contract to build large Store Ik.aU, Coal Plata, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Timber, Rail* road Timber* —Freight Iron. Coal, Ac- to any given print, and will attend to the Bale and Rented lUai KaUt®. hip tong experience In lumbering, freighting and boat building, he ihloka ha can fire general jatiafaetion. All Sue are requested to make their contract*soon i ■W* Sally tbcvpe wanting boat* or Urgebillfo/l*"ber and tim ber should contract for them in the fall for tha spring and summer nee. He will also attend to the purchase and sal* of auv commodity that may be dadred. . Utters addressed to D*n» Mcxx, R*al *»tate and Con tracting Agent, Pittsburgh. Box So. Import paU, wlllt* P Mct u .nr.rt.n«tri to. riuoaic.u ccTr.it> i■*~‘v?o - AlMhen, llouM. D *' lD umixm. 001. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Morrtaon, Keq., w Mr. Bobt.S. Brown, Esq., “ Allegheny Hirer. Mr. Wa. Armstrong, “ Otarion m Mr. Qeorgw B. Sweney, " w C. AJ. Hahn 4 Co., 44 “ deeMilydaw ' CABJUXOBS FUU. SALK. THE undersigned has lust received athls m CARRIAGE WAItKUOCa*, n«ar the Two MUe Hun, between Pittsburgh ktkl Lawreneeville, * aplcndid tneortmePf jMr i W ■ of VEHICLES, of every deaanption.aud will continue to receive regularly, new end second hand Ourrtaga, SuUciu, ffuuuiM, cfc, which he wUI sell on the vary lowest terms fox O( Jh Having hadtwelreyears'practiceintheburiuea#,and with hie well known facilities in the East, be flatten himself in putting diwn all competition. ~ tbow. wishing to purchase are respectfully Invited to call and see for themselves. , _ Jss?*- 4 TSXlffffr P ‘ lJ ! l 'OH THE CURE OY DKAENESU, PAlNtJ,aml the Dls -1 H charge*of Matter from the Kars—also,all those 41s wWeable nebes Ilk.- the burling of insect*, falling ef water, whining of etcam, Acwhich are symptoms of approaching Deathand also generally with the disease. Many per* («ne who have been deaf for ten, fifteen, and twenty years, and WIT" obliged to use ear-trumpets, bare, after using one or two bottle*, thrown aside their trumpets, being made perfectly well. Physicians and Surgeons highly recom mend its U; r f From the Tribune. | \* KV s-n Don’t N*olxct Youa Chiu>ijs.—Thousands o. childn ii uauually become deaf, in coneoinenco of die cher-e- .-fioatlerfrom their ear*, loduml by Bcarlet Fever, Cold« i> Now. if mothers would do their duty aod pro nm k*er '»‘r. Oil for Deafneea, and use It as directed, their children would be cured : Dutif MKl.cted.UMdfcohars.oon. ilnuo< Very iroubleaoine, tlio Insuring grndunllj gets wore., ... n„ ,:y nurtlul ot totnl d.ufncweniuofl. uni Ji.-ny l“ rl -“; MroKTA _ N x NOTICK- QiH cml j' u,s Bv*i*T.amd the mil impart lowutitformm- \ turn lAaf will convince and tuUmitk yet*. 1 AetouNiuso KAUfl— Philadelphia, January 4.—1 hereby qh>i tfv thut when i wm about twvlye yean old, I gradually became Jtr»! In both ears, so that in a few months I (band it almost impossible to bnr, unlaw In the very loudest ton* ofvoico 1 irmained in that situation until last summer, a period of eighteen years, when I heard of SCARPA'S COMPOUND ACOUSTIC OIL. I Immediately obtained a bottle which 1 ha-ve used, and am happy to say It has acted like maria, *ud 'iulte eurad me. Anyone wishing further Information of my'case, which 1 think a remarkable one, wiu find me by calling at my residence,Concord street, first door above Second stmt. For Bale toy Sle&d and Mineral Water FountwnT” fir IIOWE, No. ttl FUfTH Btmt, next dooeto Masonie W . Hall, dealer la FRUIT and CONFECTIONARY. Ice Omm, of the beet quality, tarred up during the *ea •on. Also, Strawbeniee and Create. • • , YanrflieK can be supplied with Btrawbeerte* ann other Promts, daring the eaaaoa, on the **et leaeonable Uhu. (Mere am respectfully eobefted. I** miscellaneous. Bureau Corpse . ■DUOPOSAL3 wilt b* receded at tbU oae f | "”^ 15th Ncrpmbw next, for the •“•fsfftJJHj* ■*■ + -ml de-HTory of an Iron gtwunet lot the J * SStep to is delivered at Detroit,** at'ahy Si W Sip 1 30th day of next June; nldrt-wr ;**£ l"u f«t lona, 2D feet bnwdth of beam, fcr wad for wheel boosNs£ »ot «r.r.Kssaaes ssssssaa “S®:£S , iS&»S££ !£ : “ deck, or cblo roof, to be eotfidentlj firm Or ra hone, to be on-the upper deei, md to be euppliol with t“tabS|ftrt with to here two adeqnete ud all customary fixture* <* . , boxes, windlass,level*.°T detail* uul dimension of] Each proposer to enumerate detail* aau pert* «& to tonUb a drawing “ d «wHtaSe, not LrS.^«‘ > °*£:d, h .n°“'.o“ 4 “”d« on the contrech en-ltbe^W.r Derariment to hero authority,tor -'Birwrt* xx s-sss*^ tato a reeid of ten mile* the hoar, and to be s l ipp^?^ tJ 100 eulteblTooel bootere, capable of mowing not lea tbnn 100 “M.terSuto be of the Iwt finality, put toagijjlihj anrttmanlike maDoer, and all sa^eSSsss ¥*3k £ Xt . j : rj. 'sr,S , uX sr^of -3S i- order to mehe ?r»pection and “ft. **»>,.«* by th« rontracU-r. * P *. coma T. E. Col.UWg_i..*» "special* NOTICE^ Bole or Alt.rn.te SmUoiu l»tlw St.U of VJOTICK 18 HEMBV U* tnaining to the United jo**,* railroad idtntfed two ddlars and fifty cenU per «cr«t T“ ‘ h lo to dermenUoned Land Olßcee *t the time* lwreW . p«cw* » Wl At ().« Lind Office it I’ALMYILA, oonunmclng MOSDAV, .t MILAN, commencing MONDAY, S ‘« X*UnS'tSffic At PLATTSBCItO, commencing «ON DAY. IStb DoCTtnber maU aOttot expl* ■ : t'riTHU.ntmawmDotbepennitUdMUU^r^ 'J®c ration ol two weeks fcoath.* J*' J? r^«tir r ly. The pr«np mad will be sold subject to Uw riftb t of waj, * n . wn claims under the several «tfU of Co ®*”** f tt SL JKre* up and paid for before the coiniMOMta*** of U* I >-pecdTely, will be twfoited. w«*hi»«ton, this } alters under my hand, at the diy or waamnjwu, I J3th dey of October, A. D. 1654. jr.ns WILSON, fv.r,mlMtoD»T of tin Otnnti Uni o<°«. r TIA Vthe p'.euura U> announce to tboee I erto obliged me with their frrort, and to ™y frjesdMJM th/j'abJic tut, haring • time ego retura «d from th* £a»t with ft large and *“7 _ THE SUPERIOR STOCK OF QOODB FOR THE fall tbadb- I ejn prepare to supply «» oniere on better! { , rru ..-IT. In consequence of the immense ittfoJM whi ’h, for the past fcw mcntha haa burdened iiketTiid Jtimdtttniit "P-5«» tt * I SSiSSI very important adTant**- were offered to brnc* 1 bate been enabled to purchase my Goods at a largo "^aSSfWaS. «> c-e-jg* ~,„v gnJr, from the coarser and more substantial adapted to the want* of laboring man, to *** Kutabk for B-.tl.rn™ of ““ Incapable of being Burp»*»«® . . In the diameter c.» the material and of thefiHA. Mr fancy Clc.di*, oToolct— ; « lire green, inTi-tble green, dark and , s , s.’" ow s£ fcnry I brown, wme color, and rarioos ebadefl of Woe. Hjlanry ! muat*# forty different patterai. . 1 ,33,™! Cloth,t.mpri.tajtb.dl««™«“ . ion My u»irim.iit of Cr».,t« t» tutusiullj IMS" “J™* CmG promise* a much .. X election than usual. tn <*nW««* °* JJJ i~rg* variety of materials that 1 have with which to *W lt u* iiLfiltOE AHMOr-whoholdsadlstiDgulrhedranlin Wstes£s=HMSSS »'rS SJESuUS. i rttfiiA-.-* •-«- ffiSSJSrSKST ' 10 j an> pari • i. ir ho—.. st> Wood street. ; c-vi-lA*-*® u«.ulirut ■»«*•» V.lu.Ble I'roperry .»• 8il« *•- I’ublio Auction, u.olt-r te »ksat public liu l-Hos Lots.adjolLins the b» rough of Manchester, •n t "f tt e- each U f»t front *J}**?**** la* tier rf them froLtit* on Market wi 1,. t; ; «k* Lots heTv a flue tm* ot the Ohio m« kna ur.- near the flank Hoed, anJ.in a W SJiSStii «,i ,Lir»Me nclstburbool, uud .111 be sold ou four or efchl bafe a eLoirj home, with all the adranUgw at a nu-df.-utepriee. Title U un«kce»tion4M«» a F J _ t °® S*«* « eW *ie £££?,*»* iu Real Estate and European Agent, OvtlS ecr. Seventh and SralthfielA std-, Plttaburgh^ ' 1 ' u»nu auiiDi Real estate and ojntkaciing aoent, no. -, IHWIN tlroot, Pittsburgh, has for sal", •» ' 1 «■--= r,l land in Oder countj, lons, 16 nttlw«ur „,tncoti ihr to Slwlo»,M4 "Lentil., for® tno Railrod. depot*. M cultivation, 4 good Prame House. Vrame Barn *ndGr»u* rhL bSSn« Apol. OrAnJ. Tbs ton fo *«U v. tttrml liich, drv, good land, m a very healthy county. farm forlorn pi jmy. ae abore, or of Mr. John Mnnn, on the pro “ Ato. 3 acre, of lsnd, with • '“SOjtoam In .uccsssful operation; 3 EiMne .S’SJSfniSnfcfiK. ■milh Shop and Tool., Bo.t Stop, .i, on th. tank of tho AUethcnj rir.r, .t MUIw 1 . Mdy, Arm-trong oountj, P» u .boro, or of Mr. h. White (hUEluth, 3 inches thick, aor 16foot long, I tochm* wide, part to be delivered in October next and part to tt.ril. leoo. Kiwuire as above. Alio, for sale, the fitting out of a large Hotel, Ia *f*, ci sL of _J^* 1 now doing a very Urge bus in ad. Two to five yeara of the i«a.U» tun. ■»*"" Tr-- DR. WORSE’S Invigorating Cordial in Medicine. SjsstMsasff^ssaa ' m«l» gp fee with" thatmyar «^sS2fw^r s S , S D &"3S , JiS the reproduction rftm* Uj>- i • eularframe,or defidentin vital ywg,U“ as the only mean* of, cwMUggfrstfa.Jf° er| ?* .< um. necessary to the wooerenjoyment of*U the i tltfS** well a« the higher mental attribute*. ieC Th _ effect* are not confined to either aex, or to any agfc XM SeUe girl, the ailing wife, the anarTatadjoott^ OT er^SnnianorßnßiM^theTtetimofwrog*depr«iMb «^^^^jsss?3ffisas2^ss^. . UK of tiiis ineonn»rablo To thoK who hmyopredtopodifco tt P™ 1 complete mud uuMSng Mtfegumrd dhTmTt There are many, perhaps, who hare k> trifled with thmt they thick themedTme reoeh’of medicine. Let not cren iheae despair- The *.iair l dials with disease aa itesirte, witbcmtreferenoeto ««**'» 1 and will not only remora the disorder itadfhot i“ a RBBtSnD THE BROKEN CONSTITUTION, i Thfritersaaemonts of the eyatem, leading to nervous uls t fTorf md tM o* nervous dbeaee Itself, are ao nomet 3£BSW&s»sSsb in the firth, numbness xsraU.l ££*££*SSSTaMhe will, todiapodtio.o to more, fainting after extrdae, broken jleep and terrifying inability to remain In one place or position, weakness of th nroereaiite organa, sexualtoeompetraey, melancbo.y, taon oSaSTfloorkSmseinklng attbemsmach,fentte lari ties a tendency to miscarriage, emaciation, and j sU Smplkints growing out of a free indulgence of^thep&*» Km, and all barrenness that does notproceed from organic , h M ihtaootSy wWmathasard of rtr*ctfo»,butwiih ahappy ! «sect on the'general organisation. 4®* B»r iniaiDd that dl maladiesTwhererer the; begin, finish with the nervous astern, md that the- panuyxatton r of the nenre of motion nnd setuntion it pby£»l death. Bear in mind also, that SSerery iSd of nerwrasdisease the JBlxir Cordial Uthe rttobtojragtraflonWwm D^ Eig^ Nntangnmgo cmmeowwey mu ndeqnoto Idmm of thm lmn.. dote nntfmjmoot miruculoumchmnsm which itcccmmkmrtn ttm dummied, doKHtmtmd mudshmttermd mrtToumjystm,wheUwr ISm dowu teyeico*, worn* byumtura,or hnpmbwd by ricknm—thm unmtrtmffmnd rmimiod orgmnimmtjou ismtonu* bracuTrmTvriftod mud built up. Thm mmutmi mud phymkwl mrmptoms of nerroum dtommues rmnimh together under Urn In a’umnee. Nor to the elfcct temporary; on the contrary thm oondltLm. .a V,* I ;':'' • MEDICAL. UK9& OF MEMORY, Confusion, gtddincw, nrfb of Wood to the head, melanchcor, ebility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts ofnclMestruc ixcn—te* of insanity, dyepepda, 6pA«ra . prostration, l ««* tibilfty, nervousness, inability to sleep. dieee*<* incident to females, deeay of the prppogatin g fQ ° c ? io ?*’ h J st oinUjvague terror*, palpitation of the hpart, ( lmpotrtr7, constipation, from whatever causeansing, it is, th"* i, any teUanee to be placed on human testimony,abecluiely A SHUT )£XDICBfS-TOR FEMALES^. The unparalleled efleets of this great restoTetivs, in aU eomplainuineident to females, mark anew era In che an netsof medidne. Thousands of stimulants have been in tented—thousand of lnrigorants concocted—all purpoiticg to be specified in the various dieeaaes.And to •Uch Ssdalkataftetiiatkm of woman.render her liable.. “™ a *”^ iy WO4US OF SENSE, who suffers from weakness, derangement, nervotumw, tro* mots, pains hi the back, or any other discrucr, pother {*• to he* sex, or common in both sexes—to rive the in* riSOTttogOOKlWjW^ bother., will lhidthii Ocrdiid •ftn’Uwy cio or two, a thorough rogonerotor of the lyrtem. Jn »» directicn, »re » b. found th* n»pp, »Mti; hasiih, oB -i.rimr. who would not bare bean po bntfor ih?a estraordi 'Jarypreperation. AoditiS equally th«»vjany d.a - wfakh h Is xaeomaenaed. 7l«nu»»vis*>r y- ,t..« men hawe been restored uy usios;it, and nc-linasluKi-U’ .tuM lias it failed to benefit taem. PERSONS OF PALL C< iMPLEXIO-b. cr consumptive habits, are restored by th* u» cf a bottle or f.-o to bloom and vigor, changing the Srvin noma pale, \el •- w eicklv to a beautiful florid complexion. . ,w, sickiy coiw, MISGUIDED. Thase aresome of the Bad and melancholy effects prodc eedbv early habits ofyouth, vis: weakness of the back *ad limbs, pain* in the head, dimness of sight, loss of n os cular power, palpitatioß of the heart, dy?p*p*la, nermaa irritability, derangement of the digestive function?, general debility, symptoms of con-umptions, etc. . . Mentally, the frerflal eSects on the mind are much tobe lr-aded. i-*** of memory, confusion of ideas, depression ( .f spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, selMistrurt, 1 , T « of solitude, timidity, etc., are some or the eriis predu- A BDOM OONTBTPLiTnja MABEUBB should r.flmt thM . sound mind mid tody m» tbenmet ns r->s-&ry »«QuiiUes to promote connubial happiness; indeed, without*tlwsm the journey tlinmgh Ufa WneB .we.gr tue prospect hourly darkens the vietr, the become sbaitowed with despair, and filled with tha melancholy reflection that the happiness or another bo comes blight, with your . Dr.Marse's Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited bt socie anprisciplcd persons. • 'ln future,all the genuine Cordiai will have thepsvyrie* • o-'e pasted over the cork of each bottle, and the foil.-vw-nr words blown in the glass: , Ur. Rene's Invigorating C. U. RING, Proprietor, N. Y; * 0. H. t . Soli by Drupgist* throughout the United States, Canady end the Wost Indie. AGKXTS t pilW.Kuh-BLEHKO- 8 1103 -- x °- 60 ""“S 1 lrtr *‘ t - K pT ? SKO. H . Ssysßß, No.UO “ *• Aluvusny Cty—Jb'O, p. luaiilifl. "idSSuffn. MEAgracs. ' PILiJLS: FOR ALL TOE PURPOSES OP A family- PHYSIC. —THEILE has long existed a publio y demand fbr an effective purgative pill V «Uieb coaid be relied on bs sore and J perfectly safe in its operation. This f . IKb;;: hpn been prepared to meet that do* in«~t and an extensive trial of its jß| Tjrtn |M> rourfnsjvely shown with irtmt success it accomplishes the pur* powdesigoed. It Is easy to make a fc»a w»easy w make uJb.il OI a.rpO&.TtOnp which, should havenone ofto* o> W‘Sons, but ail the advantages, of every other. Thu has been attempted here, and with what success wa would re spectfully submit to the public decision. It has been nn fortunate tat the pallmt hitherto that almost every purga tive medidne Is acrimonious and irritating tothe bowels. This 1? not Many of them prodooe so much griping pain and revulsion In the system as tdmore than th» aood to be derived from them. These fSts produce no |?rlS2n or pain, unless It arise from a prevmuriy «**s2* obstruction or derangement In the hotels. Being Purely no harm can arise ffewTtbeir an in any qnanti- it Is better that any medicine should betafcwnjudi ciously. Hhrute directioas &r their u» la the wtTtl aioeascs to which they are appttcaWt are given on the box. ISStteoSpUtats whiSThatT been speedily cured by may mLtkmliver OomplalnMD te wtooafcjto* of Jaundice. Indigestion, Languor, and lUbs nf Appetite, iLtSSSSISmIwS. Bilious HWache, Bilious Berer, Sever and Acne, Pain In the BWe and Loine; fotjin truA, Si these asKttt the acnseqoenee of diseased actfonintbe liver As an aperient, they a*>tt prompt and sure relief ia Costiveneas, PUee, Oolic, Dysentery, liumow, Serototo andSrurvy, Colds with soreoaea of the body, Ulw " ‘ pnrity of the blood; In short, any and every ease where a pt TS*y same rfßgularlysm*«»*“l enrea In Rheumatlam, Gout, Dropsy,Gravel, Erysipelas, Sm oJ S H«irt, Pains In the Back, fftomaeh and Th?v !Wd be fretlytaken in the spring of the year, to mS* theblood and prepare the system for. toe change of seasSn*. An occasiooßl deee ttimnlates the stomach and restores the appetite and uS on th. Clrcnluotr rf £2 v-.r. an d restore tt* wasted or diseased energies of toe Bmk* «n dose is Loca *vcn though nororhms derangementexista; butnn £ecr*sary dosing should never be earned too far, £ every SSativemedldoe reduce* toe rtrengtov-when taken to The thousand eaees ln whlefa a phyaie is required £n2ot be enumerated here, but they themselves totberresou of every bodjj. and it is confidently believed £upm will answer a better purpoM than tty thing whkh ha* MUierto been available to mankind. When their vfa^ tnea are onee known, the public will no longer doubt what in need of a cathartic® edjria* Preixod by JAMBS C. AYEB, and Qjemii^Lowell, Mass. Price 4fi cents per box. Five boxes f °Baid by B.A.PAIINESTOCK t 00, by til Prgggfrti. . ii- ~ « PTlVtt* OIMMM. *• DB. BROWN, No, 41 A3Ujj,D+ TW7 HlB bulßm 1» mMU, to ftgo.: Jg M nia*uM.an&wchbaipfalagectioaa, tltiu Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial DtoeaseMjMninal Weak* Ms/ Impoteocy, Piles, Rheumatism, Temtla Weakness, Monthly Suppreaeiona, Diseases of the Joints,'Fistula in Anos 'Seamms Afflectkms, Pains In the Back sSittioniE, 1 rri tat&of tit Bladder and Kidney*, successfully treated.— I to cflar assurancetof a speaXycuiato aUwhnmay coxae an* Pr*nt» Oonmtatfcm Booms,«, WM“»d*Ufy h BoT * al * w^>- Brown's newly discovered remedy lot BheuMtom Isa speedy and oertain Remedy that painful trouble. ItneverfaUs. ~M lK f tv a anfeeand Private Oonsuttatkm Rooms No. *1 MA-uOKD I pUtsboruh, Penn*a. The Doetoris always atbome. I Burchylslkw. • VvELAYS an alwaja tj agMooa, aod partfcnlari* JJTj* JJ thiWraa.tha* ban aaj layiu «»Jo»r child , S^^SSKffl»iSsSSr , ‘*S?S£ Bdmmi lertol dmtior all worms in the system, allay E««Hr. lUrrtf *•«—<• IM3 . This Is to certify, that.lgave two hotttadTß. A- ***!£ lock's Vermifuge to a child of nuns, rlx yean old, “d «g» I aassed several worm*. One of them was about 1 IMGIIK3 IN LENGTH. I can there*™ recommend it to - 0- >«t £&nl at. JH- “4 JAHXESTOCK 4 CO, 1 2 ‘ coo»cr of First and Wood sta. T~\R ii ja.YKB*3 CARMINATIVE BALAAM, fa one Of of the least tor eonng Cholera ln/a»t«B* °‘^rr r SS , ?K«plta., (me of the moot nlojhl. ever discovered. Hundreds, nay thou ?U°“t-h.Tehe.n mrind from rbj.W.n* SShL'. -, Mdtolih. or the «m uethoon. 111 U. faror, too nometoo. to o; i.le attha PEKIN TEA STORE, No. 8* Wlh srnsjwJrcium: Urnton, of SaBWMJP. ■ -****■'*" £»bl