S-t^'t • ' -iftViS:- iVs -li'-t'u ■>■' &&**.*<•; \\^vVo‘-.*.N^lv t ' ' fp, * ■ '■ ?iKi- *>l'' •>' ?’•■••'■ . kA ti-■ r . ** x* 4“ - **?.* ■;j * i, :> <-',vi j. j if 1 *•'* vi'iyss.T.u »rv -v \ 37* ■ ’i i* v»s* »£** -■» ?>»>#•«"•. •' * *•*• v,‘ s'* 4 j £■ •. >.«> 1 sV'A T.- ■•■■ - “s*--- 4-'* -•: 4 'lp>* #VP, K f V"4f v*»»wf* ** f^' 11 ■** • * »,<•''*?» •■ i ;*{. i,,-;.f v,- .'^ ks-c..‘ •!;:. -'; HSsSyBSs?^wf£^^%'t <; -Vi- ,i ‘ *(“ *;■'■ •* * ■••■.• :‘a ;""■ A r 't'. ; ' ,i 2^??- i «*•»* * ;- f *4 '/C'% i'^t,„ •: ":•••-] |«^Kf»j IKMpIKj mmmsmmMia mu --* - !^^^^@gM^3*^?»*t'* v >’‘ !i i^ i M T 9. Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny. By consul of counsel, Thursday next wu \^ffiW»HjfflKs!^^t*y i t*!*y *■'' ;VMI fixed for the hearing of the application in thia °*APf«» by Carson ft "i KBt «J ,t 5 *“• 87 ’ -: a and 88, 1853. Decree affirmed. J-: Dibteiot CounT.-Before Hon. M. Hampton 1 In the case of Sarah Hamilton vs. Leonard jM-f* ‘h k Y.'. ili vi- • -?• I Rfthi et nl. Action of ejeotment for a lot of £ J ground in the Eighth Ward; a Terdiet of coats *’t>!!}f , £-fA and six cents damages, was found for plaintiff, c° b i cc; “> tho °P klion ° f th . e Co “ rt .° D th * p I reserved. A bill of exceptions filed. V 4^’'^ 7 : ripftce Lenesan tb. Jamea Fenton, No- Ejectment for thirty lots, in the sixth ward, Pittsburgh. On trial. Teial or tb» Tbeeb Watcbmbk foe Lae r=«.^T>^4£',•;: ~ VK v Yesterday, in the Court of Quarter Ses sinus', the case of the three watchmen, Link, B^SsSSa^ig^lrtagAV^^t. Carvel and M'Donald, indicted for stealing *2,6 from W. J- M’Minn, on the oth of September - ofl taken UD The owe, aB made out by oupied until adjournment in the evening, hearing Bout or Alt Ibfaet Fousn.-The body of an &* fZ&Str.'. o'clock yesterday morning, in a Bewer oa ~ SB®i*K fcV,4?t» rV^ nf Third street and Redoubt alley* p^Asgp#ipl E&r^asuorssa ns to where it came from. Lectube Bepoee the Y. M. Cbexstiae Asso s^saKyst-£ “ s js-se “jKcanrwiS from the pleased countenanceß ot all present. Admitted.—On motion of Thomas WiHiami, #*■ Esq., John M. Kirkpatrick was yesterday ad -1 ®itted to practice as an attorney and counsellor £ in the Supreme Court. Fiei.—Tho alarm of fire, yesterday morning, was caused by the burning of some combustible in • brew ; ry ' iß the Fifth Ward - No •®!Swt«! , iw2S'2SWKm*;tfs®V wrent damage was done. P Catlss— John Cuthbert was committed to jaiwesterday morning, upon a capia, from the District Court, to answer to a charge of defama tory words, James Cuthbert, "sheep tbuir Breeds, man.tfemeut end diseases; by W. Y * t L«lTanMuckßook.,by~,n. SSfefej KS^^M—AEnculturmbyW. and UHtf. Agricdtur.l ChmuKtry. For “ lelh ”^TSSSSAw«wf*«v t * *; „wr T 6 Fourth street V*' 'Or^ - f> KKNT—a gootflluUSK, ou Beoond itreet, *»"«»* . *2 P'toitStteW and Grant streets. Kent $2l per month. gaBipt^^^&V^4.L*34glggXa^*!L?-Vj?yp; iTi n “i Mrlife: *4£*£«Vv^V>v-i (£«3?;£**'' «r *J p r •,« , _*„\ • ;*;*;'AnCv*t fc '* v •*> ~L **»..• vj/ - A v~r; Z’ t " .. «^^’’«wir-' ,, -?':'’'>’v'^T ;_J ‘ "'';i-VCv ; ■ * ,v •" ‘* vss*^v: <#&£*£.-■.’. ,<• - . ’-.,• .«£•* *>•!** <• *~.*—' *- '>*+.»*’* .«• ... e.« .-v ~• *<.,--- -.•• *‘ .v- ,-*• : •-•*■ •> , v*» u^V^jl*£,*»•* •* *»V> »-;4-“.’*~ ' r -• V t ' - \ " -• •:; :• ‘f / :•' . _ VlapHMm ’ ' ’,’ ? J >,??t*- Vs^/j)/CishSs- - «.-s:v;\-.vj; ' ‘ -** % / >***♦ - 1 .'. t J u 1 * •*,“ ' *A / ;•' '• yfi-'i. *;,?o:„v-- • ■ - a* Z ••■^-r r'V \ *»■ *. r i t£-v > M^TMoiNtNO:=:==:==« QYE MBEB l. Hons* o» BMOOi^Jxmraa. —Agreeable to t SnTTr 5S£ SSS&TO' of sTAge! convened atthe Second Piccbytcr.cn C T. h m“‘^ h »« •««*»* bettar then the previous one on the came auhjwt, it Masonlo Hcllt although the chureh was not so well filled ea wc would liked to here ,Mn ' e Bobjeot of so muoh importenoe to our cltuen | wo■ in be dIBOQBSed. utm 1? The meeting fu organised by F. Johnston taking the Chair, end Hon. Thomee 01 “T^eV Hr. Howard , Qover fcjsts. of about an hour’s length, portrayed the neces sity of an institution of this kind, and reoom mended it upon the ground of true economy to the community, as well as the general good, when brought to bear upon the rising genera- j tlon. The subject was handled in a man ner that showed the speaker understood, and had witnessed the benefits derived from similar institutions in other plaoea. We the gentleman’B remarks are to be published in pamphlet form shortly, when the whole commu nity will have an opportunity of seeing them. At the conclusion of Mr. Rutherford s e P'®°h, the Rev. Mr. Collier was oalled upon to address the meeting, and spoke a few worda upon the general utility of Buoh establishments. 8 Key. Mr. Pasßavant then oame forward to the stand,and followed in one of his usual eloquent and impressive addresses, urging in the most earnest manner the neoesaity of Buoh an institution, as e Houbo of Refuge. This gentleman was listen ed to with the greatest attention, “ d ” like very muoh to give a synopsis of his interest in* address, did our time permit. Immediately subsequent to Rev. Passarant a remarks, Gen. J. K. Moorhead read a report of the financial condition of the institution at the present urns, showing how mnoh money had | been subscribed, and what amount had[been ex pended in its construction so far. This report we will furnish to-morrow. _ A resolution was then offered by Rev. UJ. Riddle, and adopted, that the Councils of the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny be oalled upon to mako subssriptions, in their corporate capacity, to the House of Refuge. After prayer by the Rev. gentleman above named, the meeting adjourned. Resolutions on the Death of Febdebick Loeesz, Esq —At a meeting of the Selcot Coun cil, on Monday night, the following resolutions, in relation to the demise of Frederick Lorenz, Esq., were passed by that body, and concurred 5 “ b J * e , and, in hi. wb. Pn> '..he f“m o«r .ell beloved Win. _ «**? pM,ipriek Loren** Em- one with whom we h*T»* lon”boen mwocUtod, both in public »nd pnT»ln iff»ltA and .ho by lit, high Christian character, stern integnt}, and JiStbusiness opacity, and uniform .amenity of manner, hail endenrwl him to a* fcll. Therefore he it “ BaJvcd, Hy the Select and Common Coaodlv Uwt wo dcenW deplore the dew**® of our late colleague, Frederick v.cri one whose firm devotion to the internet* or the dirb«Sn »” ...rdjed, and. Lose low to our Coundli will not be easily replaced. >mfa ,_ kfjoirrri. That not only aa a memberof Council, but a*a riU*«mat large, i> hi* death deeply to be regretted , for in deSSrinßourreMurcea, and in adding to the wealth of business captcity,placed fnmcmlncnUj In the front ranks of oar manufacturers andbuainea* men. r itonfreif, That his Chrutian character and.stern wnscor rectitude, caused him to regard all matt-r* of a public na tare intrusted to hi* charge, with the lame Bcruputou* sare the p2£le, a. h. did ' lb« of .U own nriratc affairs: and we can truly say that the dty nerer Mssnssed a mere eonicientiona or upright counsellor. SSri we sincerely sympathise .tthbdsbere.Ted - famHyinthe irreparable loss with which it has been afflict od, and can =nly offer, for consolation, lhat the future reward those who liaye well and truly pertormed thetrduiy RfKioed, That the President’s desk, and tbs desk of the deSased in the Select Connell Chamber, be dreped in moornio, for the spam of thirty days; and that ‘be m|m_ here will .ear the usual badge of mourning for ihe Me ’'jSsfcwfiThut the foregoing resolutions be spread at large upon Ihe mlnntes of the select Council, and a copy of th'-samc be furnished to the fnmily ot the decs .eel. ' Rewasd. —Tbo Councils, st their meeting on Monday night, authorized the Mayor to offer a reward of $2OO for the arrest of John Kramer, the murderer of Terence Clark ; but from a wery questionable motire, present the Mayor » police from participating in the benefit of the reward, in case the arrest should be mile by them. If the intention is to secure the person of the murderer, we oonfess wo cannot see the propriety of debarring the regular day police from the seme incentire that is calculated to urge others upon the search. The murdert-rls not in the city, and it is not to be expected that they should spend their money, trarelmg orer the country for the oapture of any one, unless they receive some suitable remuneration, ho prorision is made hy the city or county, for their expenses, while on soch trips; and of coarse their regnlnr Balary is not sufficient for each pur poses. Why, then, should not they be allowed the same reward, as any other citizen ? SuTBKiiE Court.— Hon- J. S. Black, Chief Justice : Hon. 0. W. Woodward, Hon. E Lewis, non. W. Lowrie, and Hon. J. C. Knox, Associate Justices. TrrTsSta— 2oo bbi« "JN. 0. Slolaawia for Bale by octal SMITH * SINCLAIR. jnffo TUOPBANP Ik>LLAKS lor a dwelling Uouse, on f l ail*h *trwt. near Ur&nt street It contains a hail, A Sixth street >«-_ Lot 20 feet front by 60 deep, four rooms, garret and ce - cWTUBEHT 4 SON, Terms easy. Ho. 140 Third street octio Xii *■“* for “ to ifgNBY H. 001 rvSBUUNBBKD AND MMVAOife. “ '“J SLA. - ,<*4 quality, I- rre-t™ ““ VcOTUBBET * SON, n««l KaUUi Agent., 140 Third street. Oimpowaer. Yount Hj»°. B1M » T*-* inS, °” “ lJ for * 7 KINO k MOORHEAD. OCt2S octlfl • fre.h Crtig B“g»yy g* mluM- -■■ ■ + l ;; v,. n*>~** v*;,-=••*. . • M «i , . •. ' j , ■ .. . 'ice— ' ' '■ tj th* O'Reilly Linee tor the Morning Poit Toxin Sewfc-T«Uow Fever, &o. luiraoee. Octol*r Sl.—New Orleene pap«x of Wednee- with Balrwtnn detee to the ZM. MatorKmsririaa in Sen Antonio on the 12th, wrenjing . oompenyufeet ee poeelble to proofed to New Mexico on ♦hft Bwnwiuiy Oommlßaton. Th» Houston Telegraph of the 31st saysWe hear no* i UiiM forthor of Messrs. Walker and Wo* jujd U» S3QOjOQQ which was to hare been deposited on the 30th instant here- There are hot twelve days left In which to save the present contract The money must reach here within next week, or the contract wilt fell to the ground ” . The Yellow Fever is elill prevailing at G sires ton and 1 filibusters were arrested atßrownevilleby | the United States Commissioner. BleunhoM of Gov ' Bur *' lonnml.il, Obtobor S».—Th» ido.m«r 3b■ NlcbnlMi > log next Cairo ond sunk. Sbo ■» • toul 100., insured Got. Bort ning, in charge of Col. Howard, of N. 1. Co‘-*“??’*' , n ti? ...in ftovift Jone*. the oommlttoo appointed by act h4E Qorernor Cntnmings to accompany hi, . .main, to booth . Carolina. The Arctta’a Boats. BOSTOX, Ostober 31,-Tho brig Magnet »rriT«l, on the 20thftom St. Johns, Newfoundland. She report, all the vsoaolssent In search of the Arctic's boats as taring re turned. Niw Yo»g, October 3i.-St«k,.dull lower; Money I changed' Cinton 20; Now York Central S6f.- 4 . Erie 4.J, I Reading 70%; Michigan Southern 8»%: Michigan Central 941/. Cotton unchanged. Floor has 40 jo I rook Ohio at *8,87@9,12; sales 1700 bbls stoutbern *t $9,12 1 <&9JS. Wheat nominal; sales 8000 bushels. Corn Ax , I sales 100,000 bns Western mixed at 51(g,92. P°rk easi , I bat not qaotably lower; sales 700 bbls at $14,62. Beef » | wtth declining tundenry. Whisky steady; sales 660 bbts I . - 1 "* n»rt^S‘io o B™d.t'nff, Shipping brands of Flour at , n ,i nitr* family I Pannsylraoia. Com in llndted iwqoest; ssto-A»0 boshcls at 83t384f0r good yellow. Oats worth 4.(£p4s« Groceries tod WSfUlolKolblng doing. Whisky In good demand, I with salee of 300 barrels at 41. 1 Cixauxan. October 31.—The riTer is falling slowly; weatheroool and cloudy. Flour advanced to $B, but closed I lees firm. Bala* ltXX> bus new whit« Corn at 60, and OyO do J Oats at 36*4. Whisky 29. Sales 300 bids Molasses at^H. Magazines for November. i*<>jey * La - Book Peterson’s Udtat’ National Magaxin*. Hohort Bnico, the Hero King of bco and. Law Student, nr ths of a Heart. Harper, for October; price 16 cenU Ju ,t rewired and %A CO, No. TO Fourth .«reol._ tSDIAN A AND ll.LlNfll- money will L. *»*™ “ijf! 1 cut. discount, foi llooka and buUnnary. al tha rheap ta.kSlnt.STW.aWitr.et. 1 will "» all Bunna and «a tionary as low escaa b.bal In thoeiiy, onthea fie . and no humbng. Rann-rober to <*4 la . , oct24 %AMI.JJ - riLOAK^-A - A~M'IN A CO hi"* just npvurtl an 0 elegant anil exU-nrive assortment of elo»h, “.la wJ Cloaks, w.th the richest styles .f trimming, lort J I kONNIsXa—A. A. MASSON A CO. arc daily opening the B toteri and 1., fa.oiooal.le ...tlu and relret Honoris TYielr assortment eompri.ws np.ar .s of six hundred fco nets,Of all qualities. OOMETUINO NEW - As w- Intend making a change in S our present business, wo are prepnn-1 t/. offer ”«r stork cf line Watches, rich and fasbimaNa G l'l Sp.xtos, Foika, Ac., at pm-lsely New Wk ctv wMejMe prieva, which is a rdortiou of Inn.. U» to l- p»r cent. TluTtfore, sov one wi*hing a liar W at'.i or auy 1., e cleofrieh Gold Jeweh y, would do w,-H to giTe us a <-al before purchasing elsewhere, »t M *f" rk,,: . • v , N U— The Tery beet quality of Watch s.tatl. cjutaeach .at _,. MU a A. MASON A 00. have ju-t rewired and - pem-d uj- A . wards of forty more raeeN 'd NI.W lr'Ol'.*, among which will be found aw, ll ReWted und elegant *'» I)lt>ys rntiM-ting of plain ami lig ire-i ,Uh very ri. h and durable c rlr n- of French Menuu-, l ■ramat tap. Wool Ik- Uinvs. Ac , Ae.. with a geo. rai ;me«t ■ M Domestic and Housekeeping U.aaln, which, uo th. r w.lh !he •whole of their immense atock, a »H **• ofler«-d at ductal prices. TNOK SALK—6O Bul'dlor U-i- in Ka-t Ll'•ri"'.l - These Lots are in the tnklst of l ntteriee, n ,r ,be .t* {fen of the Wttahuntb and Cl-v-land Uailroad. sold cheap. Terms Of j-Tmonth Tideu. Apply to “ Aim* an 23 _ kNKKF m-ADUKfi WANTBB,h> ixK£Txi . N,,.,., W-J.tr. OKCKkTAMKS AND HOOK CAafc-P, «>l Waouful U-rn». Call 1 ‘*“« tUrtu C K (j on Lopvo w.-’.l H rranc«! wl:h n h«ll *nd nto roomt, all wlil W *rrd and linKL-i i» lh* fc nd rt> ld water In ra-li Mery. e*« lulur*- A' , w BRK* 11**1’.-K, «« Ftr.wt, ci.r.taininir Bt»' rrn>cj«, hall and i *-liar . t>rtr- |l.» Atw? a t.« BRICK lIOI'SK. ™ fa^.nt.r V ’ r i.!r*lVonS»*i t BnlMlns I*t® « r ?*”“'• I ‘" r ■"** wr tmn-« of jmJTßont. i-nll nl l!.'- ftr«l K,l !L t ’'' “" ‘ "ZSr <* CIITIIBKKT * r|V) IMtINTEfL-r-W- in Bvl» ,l -''/'.“ r '‘.'Vi.' 11. Johnson 4 00. ITiul-;. o«»> ,f r ''" I‘;J 1 ‘;J Unci an 1 common flail**}'». I*ra«r Jlwl* *. »■ i • I Li job Can*. cutr.|««uB «*» *bo.viu« at**.; I and Furr.lt.mf; 100 r.'Oßt* lanry UM «»* “’crin, r..r r.-~-« »t>.i T? r - "■*■■■;” ” nr n '"' *«»"• ??;??£ ■w-.anrln • ' V ..'i. -:r.-! IiMNKKTs.-.w ,-it.'* «h- M.ukr ole by jurliS-'j * * _ T\UK. w 3IN«~BL'HK4I'.- 1 —M»ho,Oioy*nJ -ulout 10-r-li.R. 1 ) Bunuu. front.-. “ r " 5. f jt_f..r«l.l.y » 11 V,S.f M 1 ' riCKLlUik—iiu M» Bo o. i-rr-- Jo - TKLEOEAPH MABKETB. T. » Y«*L'NU A (X .umi! . Ur ‘*«ie by SMITH * SIMI.MK. •Vt'il T.Vm’SALk—A U ln X' 4 mll.**K*lon ut the jui.rU. n-i p.«n of lbmt he h** • r«rt«*j SSJTli'pSui! kj ■** “»n.‘!rte!T!.j°»,rT.« at » ftKtfSJgy lb* first la lhe«*nti-Jenr« - f tlw 1“Oj.I. Notice. , ....... T ETTKUS of «!BlDl«r.llon <■» *1 "'.'""J sa* < * W• 3.i.'UO acre-of l»uO. L.lon.lbr Ualtinm* ami OLb> lUi!na *‘o un B cre. Thin L- a fine for farming, or for *ouu^ in 7ted. of produre. ««*'**£ »l J>n £ CCTHBRRT A BON. warranty will be made. 140 yi,i r j street. o< - tiu r.-,-TTrr..v: =v“., |77 t t.L’ rtol.u —A finall House, wltu large ix>t ■I T MLBT ilh Mio; 0 r In Tor ck u l X tlrooiul, lor **«• ... ,■> >■ tn «j ß y jf you warn owner is about resnoTiug • cuxllfl |.; u Y £ SON, bargain. . N i*) Third -tnw*. ©ct2S __ .. * Vl'rOOhKN LON<« BHAWW.-Ju.n ww \\r j»rce Meortnmnt of Bay jAut '‘ > other kinTs of Woolen Lon* Shawl-, of-h. most dtwirable style* anti eolora. A A. MASON A CO, ■lh Fifth street. w pUEfilK-Wb'lioxw j>rin» W. \J ceived and for-mO* hy_ 1 ■ -T-WT7Kprob.rr.l*fori'aleb_Y )i!!(i(Y n mIUSS i ortl 0 . . i U. «-£»•£>' do,.n togAT tale „ y KINO ±_M(H)RIinAU_ Mould iiud Oi[ l"-d Candles; | r nVA ' 26 ■* Bur Candles; for sale by \J M KINO A MOoItHKAD. 0 C QS*»f-* bi« W. i.O^fSSuSSSSS!' O0AM»W„ ltojStoTfor "Jj* >'J k C#f - ! Bucce***rs to J . Kidd A Co., _ txs Babbitt's Washing Po 1“ “ J for “'" %,„MINO HROTIIKItS G^ sjai rJsr , ““rS»i. yANIX>E POTASSIUM— y&tt* CyuniJK Putt in Btore *nd for »1« by bag-priH lo in store ft nd for sale by V/ M uo KINO * MOOHUKAD._ lkrc New Origin octffl _ _ jTgnNKOWQAlUS—Powdered, Crushed, Clarified ai »1« b ? KINO A MOORHEAD. PPoSTuXX'-luin«U * ll.iblnsoi.TvvHrirOrSutrW'l^Wf', XjCM, »nJ ®HW '» ,oril “ SoOBHSAB. r >'' *" *' • / V V. -■♦.■• , ■ ■ - ' . - .* f x ' 4 mV * » ! .; v *• •■• : > *4 v, • . ■ • ► "V- • •f, >* «*%»• * *f ‘ ‘ . , :*V "• r, ’ • 4 - ■ <• vV * The Jiiver. —L&Jt evening, at dunk, there were, by tba marks, tiliieleen laches, and falling slowly. The KuU of the Olurdmil and Plttibur*h Ball Bo“J. th« Martha Andcnm lbrWhoeUn*. were th. only boat* discharging or receiving freight yesterday. - POET OF PITTfIBUBGH. 19 IMOHKB Wim Ul Ta* arrived. Bte»mt«r Jefferson, Parkineon^ro'WTißTUl.. “ I,u»eme, Bonnott, Brownsrllle. “ Thomas ShriTer, Hendricknon, West Newt on •• Qen. Bayard. Peebles,BUiabeth. departed. “ Jaflerson, Parkinson, BrownJTilie « LuMrne,Benoett,Brown«Tille. - “ Thomas Shrtrer, Hendrickson,, WesUtewton. “ Qen. Bayard, Peebles, BHsabetb^^^^^^^^ STEAMBOATS. “1854.” PITTSBURGH, CLHCIHHATI, LOUISVILIK, AHD SAINT LOUIS* Pittibnrsh and Cincinnati Steam Packet tine, “ FOR TBS COBTCTAITCC OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT PITTSBURGH, CINOuJ'naTI, LOUISVILLE, And Saint Isouta* __ This Lis* i* composed or seven fHfr fc | class powerful Steamers, un»- „u TICK Of* and substantial steamer BE> I JCB^FRA.NKUN,C*puinT»o«*allWT,*Unw*c I JBlHKcor the above port*, stopping at the jirincil*' I way pert*, nn the tot riw «»f ll*» river. Fcr freight or pas**g" apply on ward. ii.irniar WhceUci Packet. itaht draught steamer HARTFORD, Witum lUuxtt, will b*rwft*f »«•; trip* for the above aod Intermedia!* »»J SATLR i t>\Y, at 10 o’cUwk, A. M. l * W! ’ ‘"i'V For Mew Urleaa*. o«lv*atot»» Brnnoa »•»- I tlago. and Fort Urowo* T,x *',. TII y I * tlj« uo* and •uUlauUal steamer HAN CHE < By-kn- J.uao U'DtJnu, Master, will I *** # ® T I abuve and ioteinwdlat* porta with the I first rt.v In the river. I For Cwlght or pa.**g« apply ou ward. Tfflnd for Sale* ILM\I \ ACRE# OF LANI* IN FOREST «VXTA ,■ *>-ar 160.0 Ih.Ci.rlonri,»r. an excellent soU.and U»aU toenotatn an » buoJ ;*~ ‘ ‘ IKltlllff and » thick vela of bituminous coal. The A-nan *, nuln'ad, which will undoubtedly b* built. * s**l to It, if not dirwtly acroai »L The RUletnwn cwk •nj uitttf near the route of lb* Snnbory and Erie nutroa* »uU h» m»J« >b*“ , 1 ?, lb r^'h“^. rk.™ p lrtluti of lb" bunbury knd krt", " 1 ' A i V.11.T.-n-i u» v.D.«s.' ».">«>> *“■ lren cM I .M ‘ I '*•■*■ Attorn.J *1 L»», X"- >« "-««* Law Uooka. . L AM „u!)i..rii"d lo •*!! I", -om- U. Uokl 1 > «oU Pa tUf-jrv, l-y bar?; IU urbr'a Institute*; Gwnlief's Evidence; WBM'iUpO"* l : *> ‘‘■P'" 1 *- 'V'iSLLMOH*. ~j at Ui« ofltee e.f Morning Post "r ? »>“ - Bt ! lL*l>IMO LOT FUlt »ALK. * I/IT il f~t fn.nl ■■> M VLIK '‘l' 0 , S! AWi l<» Wto WUo .II.) • >'» Ih* m” r J J h * l.fl. . OIL. vr.ll, boll. lor in. .mil linn ™ TU. >•* A. ilomlni ' Lot for dal*> A LUILIHSU L»»T, W f«-t oo C*r«m ***' - ■srfsusi&T'* lianc Joocn. , . . MANI FACTI HUH 1.1 spring and im*»er *u»'t. 1 H on Craig Allegheny »i»y. of A ba-t front. running ba*k lu Isabella airuet, on mhWU air b ur L»**lUap, »nUr. lh* r-ut bring.C* !«.. hundred *n.l fifty dollar* yearly. They would b* «*• fut t small l>rm. or “n!4 at a luiipalu ..4 Tll IMAS WUHUs 'i Inurlb ■>_ »T£« AND IMI-IHTANT IWOKB. j.ubU»!>,.l bf ■' Al ibiiViunlLn*. or OH IHyn In tb. OH lion,ln l. n EJU..I noni lb. «!*S of O- KHlnijlinni, l-'l. - »«'* ■ Tl,iooTw^ I .°'. l, t. I lr ' I.T U.l.LlnJ,n; I! rol,. ~rW ftlM***. M.nm,, d„ -a--*? “«• St Gw w-t 1.. ,iw> by Branl* Mayer; H.-'- or u AOo . j R No. 32 gßilthfleld i*trrel. I iuiWEK BOUTS FOR BPRING BUWMIMI. My "lock U ofßulba b*« writ* to* Uol land in fln. _ .. . _ ■ • . YOU NO rObKB' CILtK BOOK-Thi. »om nm.l.u of !.Wr our hundml copyright song* and duatts, ocrcr ora harmonlaad, bcsldna the cholcoat selaclion of aiw. r.mo"» «““b man, «- from lb. 0™« ».* wiiola arrangivl In a familiar manner for *r« «<^nd soprano, tenor and bau yoioca, designed for tlio UM E£ elra club% and tbo social circle; by Charlaa ..,.1 hr ..I. by JOII* “• Ik*. no. for »l. \ b „* t n li r;f„“'*k l! r“ «'“££ atm-t*. «il Ftracifer* Intend- T n 1 cLtnr., H-»n», Umi». Mlllurj ' , ' l4 ’, l c 'ic A Ur**’ ►ttM’k, cheaper than elaewher*. ° W..pi dof- rn.n.v.ly, In U>. b»l ■»»« nnd at mf derate price*. lhe rou, “ rJ ' ‘ ’- rws » p ; °r cut* of l Ju l th *” , JJJi.. tT in thU market. Doo’t mistake I » -"“\TaTk'van 'S'Jkdbr. K.hiopUA B r n>»n”tnn"u*'«,i.- (rr.j: Str»io«h; Hon ft of piano arnimpanlment, ¥* ocr ™ t i»moor with Piano accompaniment. Lainmerm • .--j 4C( j f or *&!« by Jaat n jstt£. H. MKLLOR. 81 Voo l Btreet MiivTaLV~FOH NOVKUB~KH—AmornTtb. pUTN AM SIWNTHL*. th . p«o»or Rc y -D r -u,irl'l,on ' l,on - ‘ ’ JjxSZSS™. <°‘ " * No. 78 Fourth utrwt. UAOAiINK 08 11IE I T.V, for Norcmbor I. » SflSi“sSr, of lh« ln ß contribution, bj tbe mb Streot Book d„. Just rocrircJ .ml *« "gg", 4 BKOTIIKK, near thororoer of MnrKW. •r, just received anil fur M FLEMING BROTH KR9. Hua fc UOTUHIia Star. »I.,‘et the M«j sssss sssfar s&s «*—. *» •w* ,nd completing the dmlne. octl4 FLEMING BROTHERS. l b‘“j Hoops for a»d BaiiJn, Lu ‘”*?‘ in that line, at ana 7 Trim»nin« Btore, ootie No. 93 Market th.frl.mo^. I T>lAM> ioA K ® N^'^^j^ui»lSl«!l'l, Ui>o Depot of i Pt»«« ' " »* lh * 01 CHJLKLOTTK BLUUI, | jfo, U 8 Wood itMt, Ch K * , *•. * **• *t x- 1 v» *». . *\ & ■* COMMMCIXXPOST. PITTSBURGH BOAR® OF TRADE AND MERCHANTS’ BWmAHOR. OFFICERS. President —JOHN BHIPTON. PSrtt Vice President— W*. 11. Smith. Sectmd “ “ Wm. lLßaowrt. Secretary—' ffg. 9. UavaN. Trt&surrr —Jnnx D. Sou lit. SuperinUndmi —9. T. NoaTSAJI, Ja. n . _ Vbhmsua of ArbUraHitt far Narrm!*r.--W • n - V. P.. V. attuilm, W. K. NmlCI, J.M. I‘ITAOCK, W. P. Just. DAILY REVIEW 0E PITTSBURGH MARKET. Orncl or thi Dailt Moeiiko Post, ) W«ipead»7» NoYomber 1,1864. j , The operation. yMuWjnr. «nr itoltej. In B.ron not a single sale was reported. PLOUR Bcarrn and in demand. Sale? 148 bbU ?upcrliue, from store and mill. In lots, r^h CUKE9B—Sales 5o tf>xua W. JL at caab. GRAIN—OftU: Sales 6.0 bun from store at A3o, 100 dc d °HAY—Sales 0 loads at f21@26 fi Urn. ,»*n on IRON ORE—Sales 5.1 tons i*m* Cliamplaln at $ll. no Sale* 10 bbls No. lat 10c, ciub. . . PIG MRTAL—SaIes U 0 tons Anthracite, No. 3, private terms; 15 do do No. 2, at $43. 0 months. ROSlN—Bales 50 bbls at ca f] l \ ... . , gGGAR—SaIes 30 hbda on prirata tema, 4, do In lots, fully fair to prime, at WHlBKV—Bales 45 bm» Itectified, In lots, at 35c. The 'Western Forlc Trade. The Loalsrills Journal says tha crop >f bogs wUI be larger in Kentucky than was sometime rined supposed, and adds: Porkers, und«r promt circumstaoces, with a 0-1 no sales oould at present be eff«cted tf over $4 60 net. The Alton TtUgrapJt aays aeller Is a packer of that pißee- The St. Louis Intelliyenct r sa> a Htini pikers Ulk of (4, .nd » td » .. * n . ,inn,e£n of opinion, non# cnlcoUtntlinlljMthnnttU will b. p.ld nt nn, 6m. dnring >*•«•«>?•* .l clti yntlerd.;, oßerine to uootinot l,m» or l.wu &.M « •ts| bat found no buyer. -jg 1 ’ At Cincinnati $4 net IdeffsfM. B.LEaoF Raxlet. —The barley market at Albany has been In an excited condition. The sales and contracts made foi delivery during the continuance of canal navigation, on Moaday afternoon and Tuesday morning, amounted to 100, 000 bushels, atsl.33 to sl,**»/^- AUCTION sales. Auction— Daily bale*. , AT thn Oomnwreial S»l«* HOMO'S ««« °f W< *T “Si Fifth rtrwtu.il 10 fl’cloaX, A. M., * a^ortm^nt of RUvI" Md Firry Dry Goodu.Clothing, Boot# toil gho**, Hat?,Civ'S Ar , AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., . ~ Oroeerie*.Qa«*rnßwiir», m*ar»»r*, TibWCaUery U»k!s« gi ir ..,\>wtr.il S~r*«* l*il**. Sb»li«*y«. *»* Damn**. D» * ■**, At- MuOln*. J»roo»U. OHM#*. * “p!.* if/ 3E?5»^ MrflSTsht Jin”' wiSS’”‘ir.; Irt%Ußj£ 5? U-.tb.r .Ilk • '*"o7 ° wd » * 11..*1 l’ M DA VIS, «.ur-f>cnrrr._ ' k*ii'.NKK SAI-I'.. tAixn.NUtfD WEDNK-DAY A MORNING, N«»*'fflDr !►*» »* it oVlork, will bw «-oti tmu»l.lh. .1..1 T.o-7 Aril.**. »r, «.«*. ™ a, ”H"?V kl 7. U.. -or. V. IK «.r»o. .Ire.!, n.nrUNJ ■ ':J «; -» iz2?x?'«'Z2 , ££ £i U»nJ urx «Tu*t l* rW4 ImmoUrtrly, »nJ §n*t\*r- g ° ial ' j* U. DAVIS, Aue;fc n*-*T. J{\ ,f ok “ACCTION -Oo TMt*IIsDAY S ‘ N"*"» Wr *, ot 7H « tl:, ‘ Fourth •„, r : tirvn»*T»CpMtßwll t'twh. ~J N.rrlh American Mlnlu« o>®j>*n> ?u. w ; l ;t •• {'ill* • unfit, C::t Mid WaD* "M Co " •• t r.li-o* l «u o-stre Coinpiioy - rv- p M. I.AVI?, Aorl’r , r \Kl’UT'*ll“’ .M K m ..iPiUMI KItXT-On Tnrit*- 1“ ...y rr . a , T ... V -1. »! T’■ 3 o'dork, ,1 th. M«r h . | lMllt .. K.-urtl. .11l bn .old, br ndr. c. hi ~ wnwM, Kimm of 8. u. OrtM, ,&*■*«*. • (In n.. 1 Urn. of St!, prr oonam. bor*M» . ,I„. b„l d Al-nl ...I •“ n-'-rr. W.IM «• sss*' HSU^nl.'W. CIIISA HAIaL, r«.'twt»y'T3:aP **» nr»TO ST».I*T‘. £TKA!«I*R* VISITIMI TUKCITV yl^ 1 ;?, C A , /'| l f<.' ?S t. Np« ih- t»«.a:Uul kWKrtjftrtil- Of C/f/A A. MJ (/tAi£.V.V»AAi. nr. r.r-« »6t»» »>«>” '‘•‘J**’ rn.nl ..or i-.ml. lo'.nJ .nlir-!j nrk,.» * r ’ "iibW t'- r.ilrr inOnr.m.nU In ul. IU l.u.t|*jl« "f LOrnrr. Tr. • u-J TiHlfi Wnv, w'l.n*’ Ir.-n ft< ?>-. w*“ hfc*’* » t»mty ,»k-. fi-li f*B. UKi«bt«l u> lU *»*l «•* r«“jur*ua .«> mm* W «e«t. .u 4 «-*• L.* h.< Uw **Ut* «t «*• *>•» l.- «t.l taste ir.owc tow ,U«l*i>.f- OT JCSOUAN*. A 4.1. Nn W •> l.» »t . nr.’S .>••! ' U*-* M 111" O' ” ™ Uft- " r •'»“ '' SEfiS.....rv Fiji. .0.1 ■•>■■'' I" *t>4 »*rr*nl«l to *wU. - •• . MM: KIIKSCII ANT. AMKllll-AS W™ l Al'l.lli KlV'j'ioJ l']Mn I . Alnioc "* .O' l ' h’.inl.’r" O-.-ur »n 1 V'w yrH .l W»ll i •-£ .... U-* *< a H« »tL'*“ »“ v" CABIN IVllNlTl'llK AND fTi-rv ili*»cnvUon, t.i |TI Kii««i*K>u l'iniutf ; l.'o l**r do. , Cal-ii' Cb»lrs «( v » lk, “' : oruw. J*' '}■’ ‘Y: fc>Ut«r lUx'Bi ik> '•«> Jt '' D,, Tutifl wV BW Ml'sicXCwmiKS.-»i.w. 'co7upK-u w» Tun«: byK.„.W. “'pwruu'ilc nook of Common IT.jr«: by Hot. ] « . WIIiSON. 07 Mirk.*! »tregt. U, £! T l*',*Mlh nr Anoint,* of l.\W*lar* *»* Art < : by ArTiiioe ; Hluflirat'-jl- ( jv hrftJ , Pß , *o rUwifiwl j~t 2 ■£ •“ U*» * Sunuy Memoirs of Korrf«n L«niU. OHy 8M«; *»•«• P'lrisft tMiif. This, That and Thi* Other. Ilistory of Cuba; iwl’asl nti.lt rwnt. w Cnuip | Tb«- Twins, or the Kuhns Kldi-r. y • 0 | I*ll NKW'SUIM'LY oFnV.W JUdT ttKCKiykp: I A ™»S Gilbert, or Won W- of th. | iExteenth SnlOTj-: Xf f‘'^“rS TtrLo.Ul.tr»«: W A treatise on the <■•&“ i . ~ works and military bridges, ton.CeyUln Sl ku eS the history, geographical. and Kansas and T® of those ter physical charade rl* tics, a t and direo* mVrS^r." Kffi; a. -p- Kakv Warren and his cuteinporaries- . se *»**»• Norl« ( A»b»to: ‘>'SmSkKNNEv'* GO'S, For sale at " • v* o 7c Fourth street octlO - - - -- tvTPViw VtaiTINQ TUB STATE r|>HJS SUBSCRIBER . * f Minnepo t» in a short 1 OflOMUi it* Turwry ™ " In Hbout two Um«S and wM leave this « rrßn for a permanent weeks; Intending to l“^.. St l»Ss and Stillwater, Min i SSaUw— or PirchMii.t Uvt* to the dtj or BLAKKLT, \ Real Estate and European Agent, ] «oa 1 Wmithfiekl street, Pittsburgh. JAMRfI WARPHOP- -fc * +*•*«' - «r %V\- ;. h • - *♦ 1 - Kail and Winter Cioo«l* I ”AT V »ct' UA r ,! {'in“ or 1- .rTiiUlU)Kmi.-Tir» .ulubleforKnitoDrain! »bont to uu-vs west. rot P ar C^ OT HBKBT 4 BON, / the offlw, Fifth stiwet. JAMJtS WABDBOP. Office of 140 Third ittMt octlS | oetfll \ V-V’*\’ «<■ • \ ' - sjZ* ‘ -• *• »*ifc**' THE COSMOPOLITAN ART AND LITK BAHT ASSOCIATION. Organized far 0* Enemtragrmmt and TiiMture and the Fine Arts on a new and onfinal p.tin. 18 DESIGNED TO ENCOUII 'I the Fine Art*, and disseminate pm i* k'M «rfi&SMlU(enttnre throughout the country. F«t thto pSC*£WIeU rf Arl >* * publish and Issue to its lw«rq«ach veer tin* best Literature -f the day, corals.u /; f {he m«t popular Monthly Magazine?, Reviews, an J U- A-v-riulion for 1*54 have the plf-i:r.- of announcing that the subscription hooka for the current . vear are now own, and that the first annual distribution t.f 1 of Art contained in the above Gallery will take 1 ulnnunry next; on whirb ocmt.ioa tbrrr will b.- deba ted among the membrr* of th» AwcUlmn, fr™ of .''“TO?. build rrd »up„b Wnrk< of Art, among wbirh nil I*. Ibr original and world-renovrarU stalua of Hiram fo.w, The Greelt Slave, Hiirrhansl at an expense of over $5,000! Also, a large and very choice collection of magnificent OIL PAINTINGS, con «sug Of the best productions Of celebrated Americno and Foreign Artists, among which are the works of_ Soota,,, Meeker, Head, Rcosett, Clough, Frenkenstein, aod other eminent American Artist, which, with the con slant editions made through an n °£ ** 1 ! f n VT{ a render this by fur the moat complete Gallery of Art in the Uoited States. The lilterature published for dissemination among the members ofthe AJ«* Kociation, lor 1864, will consist of the following Monthly Mtgf«<*»>«, Reviews, Ac., viz: Harper’s, Putnam, Black woSTKntckerborker, Qodey a Lady s Book, Graham s Mag gie, and the Illustrated Mmrazlne of Art, togelberwlth 11, « following Quarterly Reviews, re-printed in New \ork, London Quarterly, North British, and 1 Association Is open to all; any person may become imimlwr on the oavmeul of $3, which entitles him to a * and anv one of the above Magazines or Reviews Sr*o£4 ZTfrt Z,i In U>» »Km»l 4totrita*.n renting 4c. All who .toko live arc entitled to any five of the Magazines one year, and fix tickets in the distribution. . . i„- a i» The wide-spread fame of the above periodicals renJer it needless to Ly anything in their praise, as »t Is that, as literary organs, they are far In advanre “ f . *° y others in the world. The publisher’s price of each ib inva riably $3 a year; thus by becoming a member of ibis Awo clationfit siures to all the two fold benefitl of ithree .dollare worth of sterling literature and a ticket n the distribution of the most magnificent collection bf choice works of Art in Ih LVTTKLL’3 LIVING AOB, Weekly, will l>e furnished one year and two memberships for . 7 The Gallery of the Association is locaU-d at Sandusky CHv where euperb granite building* have been erected for it. and In whose spnciou* saloon the whole cullMjouof Paintings and Statuary will be exhibited. The net proceeds derived from the sale of memberships, are dc.oted expressly ? 0 U», purchase of Works of Art for the ensuing year. The Increasing interest felt Id the advancement of the b£ Am iErJLu tta belief lt« thfc A«el.tlop will, witli the powerful akl of Literature, become at once univer rJiiv nooular, os it not only cultivates and encour-gta the Pine Arts, 1 lit disseminates sterling Literature throughout the land, thereby adapting itself to the present wants and taMe- of the American people, enabling t Mh rich and poor to make their homes phasani and attractive, by the aid of Sculpture, Paintings, and tlie best reading matter which the wide rang* of American and Foreign Literature affonß A few of the peculiar advnutagre derived by joining this persona get the full value of their subscription at the start, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. •*j They are at the same time contributing toward pur chasing choice Works of Art, wLich are in turn to be (its- LrUmtcd among themselves free of charge. Lid Barh member is also directly encouraging and patron izing the Arte and Artists of the country, disbarring many thousands of dollun through Its agency. Thf*e who purchase Magazinns at bookstores will observe , h .t bv joining this Association, they receive the Magaziue and fr-i-hcJ.r.t in the annual distribution, all at the same price Ibev now pay for the Magazine alone. All person* on becoming members, can have their Magn • iue <• mmence with any month they choose, and rely on \ A being mailed to them promptly on the firat of every uVntb,direct from the New York and Philadelphia publish er* Back numlsrs Tarnished if desired. R.v:ks epen to receive names at the Eastern office, New York, or Western office, ?iuulu*kv. ~ person* remitting funds for membership. should mark letter.* *• Registered,” and state the month with which they wish their Magazines to commence, and also their p-'St office addrew* in full, on the receipt of which, a certificate of memb» r*hlp, tether with the Magazine desured, will be r fwarde.l to any part M the country. A^-Office* Of the Association, at ?ne Knickerbocker Mag aiine office D 45 Broadwov, New York, and at No. ltW Water stre-t, Kanduskv. Ohio. Address, (at either office.; C 1.. DKKL’Y, Actuary 0. A. A L. A. Member-hips may also b*> obtain* - *' at No 140 M twd street, Pittsburgh, of GK»‘>. 11. KkYSEB. Druy/Lit. Freah stock of Nunns ft Clark’s Pianos. It Ki-KUtU iijfwrnx.-* the «... \ a public ha>ju<: rwtoniril ff rr, th- Km-UTii with the Urgr-t at-d most cotm:U-l«> rt«-k “i hroiizbt to • • * * tuii» cHtr Thrv tr- fn ta the Mvtraird factory e.f S’ SXs * n u.k N« w k.a.o-1 are warranted pr-rf'-cl Id > t.tv rv * N *l"s Pun;* havn rwin'i th li.b day for superiority i f tom*, touch, sod du Theabor*- lot ccmprLir-t all*ty"i«*. and price*: £nda.«*very ii,-miii>rDt offered Tor *ab- by the aut.vriher 1* carefully anil thoroughly him, b* too. in all ea.-*-M{uur »„Ue u. Jurnl-h purchase?* with ./•««/, wtUniiai and re lutU- I'iarn ■*, and at teiury pn-.i IVrwn* id want a C*>l piano win find it t«. th.-ir int<*«»st to niil and examine before fcuyii-.: elsewhere. HENRY hLKHKK, Airent for Nlmr.» ft Clark * Piano.-. Al*> Dutiham’* Plane*, Ni. 101 Third street, of the Golden llar]>. *ir O’.J Pianos takauin exchanre at their Tull valac _ iaiULiC trAl.k OP VALUABLE CITY PnOPKHTY--l x win cfTer Tor sale, at public auction, on MOM’AY. th« 1 “th ihv ot N>'»«ml*'r ne.«t, at the Room* of the IWard " Trad*, all that valuable U-t ■ f Hr und on corner < Ivon street and the Market lloare IvU, In the Fifth ward fwi front hv 100 Icet deep. TM* ri*re <‘f property i acr'.hv the attriitinti rf pt-rwn* d.sirr.u* ..f impmnßg <> for iiiTratmeuL TP.IauDeXL-epGonal.il?. Av;4yii> ....,, JiMKr liLAkc.L» • Comm onion \V»r « rpA.NKIBbA Cut-, I’foi**'. Uap.i-mal BowL*. Ac, J' 1 Alro. Unltania Tea War* Csxfc-.ra, <“JDJ Ww*and Fisted Forks, Ac. Tea htuv,- But Kaivo*. L*cnp», Ac. Watch,-* aud J.welry. In Uise ranety, and ven l prices- Otld Pen*. SpevUidea, P.ncPs. CsTje*. Ac. Watch repairisg done in a*upermr raauner.and warn «1. Jewelry and mr-Je f order and itcgalia manufactured W . W MIL ». 0,-ti: corner of Market and Fourth string Waietfc Trad*. WK IcTitoth* attention of rUiit-n- anJ *irang.*r* loour Ur*, anJ carefully ‘el-ct.-J *tiwk of WntcLc.- anl JUProal Time in gold an * silver oa^-; r.-a! Chronometer* ft't tli- v*rran>i not to vary n minute tn «U month*. Paieut l--Tt r "• at>'h--<, f otn $l - *£*, I | BH.--nm.-ia ..f ,vmmnn or low priced \V«li-hc«, b»lh in gnl.l an l filter ci-e*. AI«o, KailrcaJ ii'n oCo-v Clock?. Church ClockM, Ac. W M‘n Ril-.URISU W«. Jo Wfcil h Repairing in a nan n,-T not exreP.rd. if equalled, hv any ♦vtahli-hiqent m the W W. WiL.'ON, corner of Market and Fourth ?trvota. (’. B. Headly Si. Co., / HIKAP CARPET WAHKUDt’iE, X<>. *2 Third sirrH . | , r .~ir would respectfully inform their friend* »nd the public generally, that they bate ucw in «or* their complete FALL STOCK, consUing of CAKVKTs of every il.'rcrlptlun, from the Royal Velvet and to the com mon Ingrain, llompaud Rag. Floor Oil Cloth, from oc-e i<> yard' wide, new design* and very ri«*h. Cocoa and Canton Malting. Pru/cets, Kugs.Mals Alair ltods Window abide*. Ac. Persons lu want nr* inrited to call and eXam ine Ihilr *t« •k. SleamUwU, Hotel*, and lle.-iikm-rs luru iuhrd rn the mo*t reasonable t-iuis. m-j Jmall profit* and .juick sales ."'u3 TERM? HASH ONLY. _ Hevr Stuck of Cbilckrrlng'* plauoa. JOHN 11. MELLOK, *1 Wool street, !»«•* aud uoW rwaJy for aale an entire ■HHMMnew stock of Piano Forte-,from tb* celebra \J U W V " ted manufactory of Chickering A Soui, Bos ton connoting of all the newest styles of ti, «■»* and T octave Walnut Cafes, and with all their late improvements. Purchaser* can hare a choice out of the large.-t stock of IMauo Forte* ever brought to the city. Pn«< invariably the samn as lu llostou. without addition for transportation or risk, and eTery instrument warranted. Also, a large lot of llano Stools of various patterns. MKLODKONA —A full supply of Carliart s Melodeon*. a, »“• »M, F 6, ,l« *IW • jJSVI!,'‘SbIIOB. Sole Agent for Cblckering A Sons’ Pianos, for Pittsburgh and Wwttru Pennsylvania. '' ~Ttiea> llomea and Loti for Sale. WILL be ‘old at private aale, TIIKKR HOUSE? AhD LOTA. One Brick Home, situated on Vertr, between Fourth and Liberty streets; Lot 20 feet front by .9 .c-t i one Lot and two lion*-, on Logan street, Sixth Ward. One House fronting on Ugan street, and the other | on Carpenter's alley; lx>t 24 teet by 100. Also, the stand 1 now occupy, on the corner of J-erry and Water streets the lease runm ug one year from Ist of April, with the Furniture, Bedding. Ac. Ihe House at pres u.t U doing a good business an i U pleasantly ’ocated. For term.- and turther particulars enqulr* of ALcLv. LLirLtS, corner of Feiov and Water streets. 11l avk sold my loU«-t In the bo sines? of Long, MilUr AOo to ft. A. Long, who, with John Phillips* will con* Uuue »t the old stand, Fo. 100 Front street- I cordially recommend the new firm to the patronage of my friends* Pittsburgh, July J 9, IhM. !*• U* jIILLEK. fl. A. JSO ’ ilu 8. A. LONG 4: CO., BVM L VXD BRASS FOUNDKKS, AND GAS FITTERS, invitd attention to their slock of Chandeliers, Brackets, Pendant*, and other futures. We fit up b™*** »ith Gad auJ r'tcnm, make liras* Castings of all kind* to order, tur „i>b Railroad Pumps and Tack Fittiugs, utid keep Anti- Attrition Mctnl constantly on hand. J>‘__ _ —-* £ t p, Woodi 1 SIPOIITEK AND WIDILESALE DEiLKK IN WIXE3 I AND LIQUORS, No. li7 North Second atreet, tilth door i.ire ll.ce, cl aide, Philadelphia, hu ‘ dualities of old Brandies, Wines. Irish W hieky, Mouongu hcla Whisky 1 , Uollnnd Gin, Cordials, Ac, on term* worthy the attenUou ot purchasers and dealers. ... . L ~: y . B&tlta— Hot, Cold, «nd shower. T N tl.e lUllng .nd furrlrbing of which nothing ta to 1 roared to render bathing lu*urinu.atitrell a. healUifi.l. Amrnen every day, (Suuday s except*!,) fnnn *> o do k, A M nnUl 10 P M.,at the Barber Shop, Berry Hotel, corner street and y^ Dao pmpriftcr. ' Ctmmlotcl , aT.o»n OOlc., T.TO 100 SMITHFIELD STREET, NEAIt FIKT.I N moocJ loaned on Oold and SiWer Watcho., S* l ™” *« and other ralnable articles- __ aulLdlT_ i Wm. Ulßby, Jr.. ■ /“ttftTHINO AND BURNISIIINO STOKE, .Homme Hill, ■ (Tpml 1 lirret, filUburgh.— Clothing made to order, H> .JSyl ,i,|e, and at moderate rate, • No Huratmjc. ■ D . v mwo HUNDRED TUOUBANDiWbLARS worth of stock I will not bo distributed *t K9UhR3 ACO S Ftar Du merreotype Unitary, Fifth street, opposite .tloson e, but Kibe puynieDtif »1 you cun procure “ Kood » LIKE NESS ns out ba procured in this or any other ivnii £»*•* u»a trial. -mineral Water anil Sareaparllla WM D ENGLISH, Pitt street, below Peon, is now manulkctxiriDg and botUeingthe abore beverages on an extensive wale. lUs artidesaw of tbe best and winTnifartan-d from the purest materials. __— "rTurßEliiVor Manufacturer** Tfi OFFEUBH. in'AdUQerUle.at D»ia No. 4.0 n Big T r v J inslsUng of 13 ehana of Water l ow£, aod 100 V*t* The W-imr Power b obo of th<» t** l ln CO ? Ul ?i » •« » 75 Fourth utreet. _ MEDICAL. Consnmptlv.. H.«l * HYGEASA,t.r Xtvdy D tcnrfTfd Method f>f hrhaiathm.— This most wonderful article is ilaMlncd io |*rtnlucesn«tHr® revolution in the tristaent of nil disssnH of !h« longs. Acrouats are daily received from-Clcrfynten ind other pons of the highPd respectability, of cases of cures hereto fore considered incurable of Asthma, ltroochiti -.ConsoaiF Hon, and all of the Lung's, by ML CURTIS* lIYGEANA. UeaJ the following: Dr. Ros sell, rostm&ster of Burlington, ‘-Send a dozen more llvgeana; it i* working wonders her* ia disease;, of the lung-. I belhio it will cure any diseases , not in thu very hist stages, and even then is pricalnss to the rest and wwfori it is sure to give the au&rtf. ‘I am willing," said my neighbor, *to purchase a package a for my daughter ; it gives her perfect n*sL I douot oxpt-ct, her to live.”’ llyijsava in Maine.—J. 11. Gaubert, Postmaster of Rkh moud, Maine, writes us: ‘‘TheHygewa Is doing wonders here- My sister has had a distressing eongh, with grvat difficulty of breathing, for years. She wore the Inhaler and took Uie Cherry Syrup 'or a few days before she was re lieved, and now, after one monih’s use of It, her cough Is well Dr. Cortis’ now system of inhalation must predate an entire revolution iu the treatment of diseases of the longs. There »* no mistake, it Is truly a wonderful dis covery.” The Rev. Mr. Curtis says: “It is now eight days since my daughter put on the Inhaler and commenced using the Hygeana, and it has already done more for her than all the medical faculty bare been able to do fbr the last two years. The irriiatija and tickling sensation in the throat is gone, and with it the cough. She sleeps well.” Sold at DIL KEYSBR’S Drag Store, No. 140 Wood street, corner Virgin nllev end Wood street. toct&d*w3ni [ From .h- Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch, Feb. 16,185*.] Chest Kxpftnderaj-SkoiUdnr Braew-An Excellent Article. Persons w ho have acquired a stooping position, by fellow. iDg a eelentary occupation, will experience great relief by the use of the “ Washington Suspender Brace," made and sold by Dr. KEYSER, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. It answers for a brace and suspenders, the weight of the pantaloons Is so placed as to continually Jend to bring the shoulders to their natural position, and expand the chest. We purchased one sometime ago, and bare been so pleased wilh it, that we unsolicited gave it a “puff," gratis. Women, huudreds of whom are annually injured by the we-urht of t-nuimous “skirts,” should also procure these brarm Be particular in procuring the kiod mentioned, as many of the Braces wold are humbugs. Sold wliol~l« aod roUil « th. DrOK Store of GEO. U. KKY3V.It, No. 140, corner of Wed rtreet and Virgin alley. -i r ,f the Golden Mortal. N 11 -I lilo keep eery r“>*J <* Truoooo, Snpportoro &dy Uree-es l-iie Prv~- *"*• Stocking!!, Eacpenoory Bacdnre., Ac. ' fur. tor OMno. A CAlkD—Cltlren, of s»n ha»« anwng you m ..t tcrrihlc dieoMaa kaoan-the CAolcrd. Al lough leul. a. it usually proyoo, it Is norortbelesa C.uiplly ond easily curabla, by a proper remedy; iorario ly ™ In la earlier «t*«aa, toldoai othmriso oron aflor ollapoe haa taton piece. I’y Wonty-two yoanf acqnaint nce with this disease I am enable to afford you A PItOUIT AND PF.ffPBCT REMEDY, Which you will find in my CIIOLKRA SPECIFIC. Every fdmity should get it at once, and keep it on hand. Every"jvi-s.-.r. in fort shoulJ have it within reach, and im* uinlintely use it t-u the first diftorbance of the bowels. The relk-f it gives i* prompt and effectual. U« It with eon fiJencK, rvec in the later stages. UtilJULrt, • . v a. .. Pull di.-ecti.m* for treating the disease areompany It. tor «»le by GEORUE U. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood otreet, Fitl.-I.nrgb isepdlL J- S. FITCH, Broadway. N. Y. A Pbyalclon’. Opinion of my Bbonldor Da. Laxt, elitor of the Chamboroburg TnmKripi, under dole of September IS, 1854, In epeaklng of those Bracoa, „y»: Oor friend, Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER, submitted to our inspection a rsry fine specimen of the l " Washington Bne* ponder Brsco," rnsnufoctured end Bold by him at the comer „f Wood street and Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. It sorrea admirably th.purpn*e* for which it i* Intended, U ligW and rtt-y, and aV.og-tber free from the objection! attached to the many other Braces in generaluse. It Is anMeeUent Suspender, while st the ssme time it presertes the ehonl dert in a hoJthful position, without si all restraining the natural moremeoL. cf the body. The Dr. will send them by mall, free of postage, to eoy port of the Union. Sell wholesale and retoU e; BE. KEYSEiPS, 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alloy, foetiMaw LIST OY GEHTJIHE PATENT MEDICINES, OS B«n> iSProB SALE 8T FLGIISO BB.OTHBBB, ifaT-rtun «r RXl*. . •urh.J-’f’!* liruggiila owi Dralcrs m Intent Jfaj*e»K*i Corner Fourth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. » *• I-’.i-.I.KU'S VMKRICAN COMPOUND; IV Jayne's Alterative: * .1 Carminative Balsam; “ Hair Dye: Expectorant; « Sanative Pill* t •* Hair Tonic; Wbtar** Balsam of Wild Cherry ; Bryant’s Pulmonary Balaam; U.-oQand’s German BU r *r?; li.ua i do Uostette.'s Stomach uo Merrhirtw’ Uterine Catholic-on t Su>rm*' Scold: Cough Candy; Trice’s do; Thom’* do; llowe’s nsv.-vl’s IndU I„vLrnr=:::'.;C\.rJl;j3 Tyler'* Gum Are'-i,- Drops; IbrrUnsUair Dye; iimlon’* d" Batchelor's do McMunn's Elixir of Opium; BryantV Purifying Extract; liidb-v’s Pain Extract; nruwn’s Kswure of Jamaica Ginger; McAUhter’s -io do: Kidder's lnJcllible Ink; Payeon's do do; Arubold’s do; pr. Curtis’ Hyreaoa; Lvor.s’ Kathairon; David’s Lilly Whi;*i Basin's do; Licimem; Hunt « do; AUcaV N’eru* and Bone Liniment; Mexican MuaUDg do; Korn-rs Arabian do; UarduerV do; . Barrel’s Indian dot; Carter's Spanish Mixture; lUrne’t* Pile Lotion; Mum Fun; Scarpa'B Acoustic Oil; Merchant's GaTgliog Oil; Hushton. Clarke A Co.’s C-od Liter Oil. McAllister’s Ointment; ’ Sings’ltch do; Ferret's do; Gray'* do; Trask’* Magnetic Ointment; Jadkin’a do; Swaim’s Panacea; Houck's do; Santant’s Infant Panacea; P. rry Dari.-’ Pain Killer; AVer’s Cherry Fectnrul; Hough Mi’s Pejvytn; Kter’s Petroleum; McLaoe's Celebrated Lifer Pill* Br&udreth’s do Wright’s Indian Vegetable PUla Anti-bilious do t Sarsaparilla Blood do; Even's do i ( Swaynee’ Extract Sarsaparilla Blood lII* Jayne’s Anodyne Cough do 5 T')wn.*end’« Health do; Jew David’s Piasters: Shoemaker’s do; Dr. Newman’s do; Kadway'F Ready Belief; Morris’ Remedy; Prof. Wood's Hair ResloratiTa; Emereou’s do; Bull's Sarsaparilla; Townsend's do; Sand's do; Guyaott’s Extract Yellow Dock and SareapuiUa Wolff’* Schiedam Schnapps; Soan, ClenTer’s Honey; u Highly Scented Brown Windsor «« Mask; Ludlum’s Specific; 'McLane’s Sudorific Cough Syrup; Tylsr’s Oum Arabic do; Belier*’ do; Swavne’s Syrup of Wild Cherry; Smith's Tonic Syrup; Barry’ 9 TrioopboTous; . Norwood’s Tincture of Vara tram VirWe; McLane s *Celebrated Vermifuge, Dr. Locock’e Pulmonic Wafers; Thompson’s Eye Water; Agentsfor all of Dr. McClinlock’s PamilylMedWoea. Dt Needham’s Breast Pumps; Water’s Aimwpheric Breast Pumps; Outn Elastic do do feblttiy j T JOHNSTON **• T - JOHItWOJI. Elcelilor Carriage Putom • i TOHNSTON, BKOTIIER & CO, PRACTICAL COACH | •T°M AKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmontstreeta, All* Jheov citr. Pa., hare on band and in manufacturing an extensive assortment of Carrlag«, Eopkawaji. o IZ.II o*r« *r made in all their Tarioua styles, with ?tr2?resardto durability and beanty of finish, oaing in all thefr ?ork the best Junta* iron and eastern hickory. Be- Sir- nrtend.il to on the most reasonable term*. They f«I sS.KSthat an Who may aTor them wUh thelr patron* will U- perfectly *oti*fied on trial if tbdr work- The I’iU.-h'irch and Manchester Omnibuses passevery fif teen minutexdurlng the day. Duff’* Collage. /-ILASSICAL ANI) MATHEMATICAL DEPARTMENT.— (j Hours «ml t-rms per »e.saion of 110 week*, payable by tlie half sessiou. in advance: . „ „ . ft IWinilttr Day Clan iu Latin. Greek, Mathematics,*^ 9 to 12*A. M.,»nd 2t04, P. 11., $2O Errata* Clarata Moth. . -to 9 P. M-, $2O. Pronch anti Gorman. 9to 12, A. M and 2to 4, and 7 to 9, P. M. $2O. Ladletf CIM. in aihomotlc*; Wednesday, 4 to 6. P. 114 Saturday, 9 to 12, A M £lO No pains or expense mil be apareal to make tUJ. dopattmrnt cl tae Mercantile and Steamboat Book-Keeping. TUK LAY AND KVBNING CLASSBB 0? DUFFS COL LEGE arts open for tiia reception of student*. DuUy lectures on Mercantile Lew end Commercial Sci f octo * ' Mammoth LlCht< SUPERIOR AND SPLENDID PICTURES are 3gQ& produced at CARGO’S New Gallery, No. 76 Fourth .treeL by bis la-ge and implored Bide and ST. Lights; by which UteneaeM of Children ara.t» Jsj ft heu in a fow secondhand Adults in any w*md«. Miniatures set in locfceti—Daguerreotype* eopwo. Rooms m*>Q d*y *°d erening. * TIlOSi: «lu> want Boy's Clolhiot would do TT T' I at r\LL\ll\S’B Baaar, 24 FUlbetxeet. Hie goodafcr itte eplendiiL dIT. him for showlriit vrr-Ma. “ B* SSSSA c &om» FIKto “i“ S £*?K5? "”**7* pipe aod lywl, 6? Fr ° l * BtTrft - * y TMPOBTKB and JOmUT in Txtnzk and Amtem «M L Hanging*- ? 3. -X* 4t 4 1121113 x ... J £>, \ MOOT vmsgr JJHHWMT MUABLK BOOT!!. RAILROAD TO CHICAGO BY CHICAGO AHDXIS9IIKIPPIEAILBOAD An Air Uu Eouto from Chicago to Bt. Ioai», TBAIHB I*ATI CHICAGO DAILY (Sunday* on antral of Express Train of Michigan Boutb*m a»J C«a Inti EaJJrnaiis— • lit. BT tOWB-DAY MAIL ...... A.M. ill. ax. ***** xiOn* BXPRKSB IWtt, P. M. Trains run through to St. Louts to fourteen hour-. tU Bloomington. Bpringfleldcod Alton, or bcggagty connecting nTAtton wjtb 1 y .H? *V***fA* for Quincy and Keokuk, audit FIRST CLASS STEAMERS FOR end intermediate poind on the Mjsrfsslpi i,«dw»U> regular lines of steamers for Ktnra* and CoQDril Blow. _ _ TIME FROM PITTSBURGH TO BT. lA>UI*3» Baggage chocked through to St Louis, cn Michigan ten tr.l .ml So.th.ni Trains. General Pi ssenger Agent., r RICHARD T. MORGAN, indent- . Aa-Thtnnsh Tleketa lo St.low., hr IhlaTOnle.eaivM obtained In llttabnrgh, ct Ofllcee of Cleveland and MttS burgh and Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroads, .Wftfi.-nta CLEYSLAHD AID PITTSBUETOH RAILROAD. k - ilflp IN OONNKCTII'N WITH TIIB OMo md PtnniylTWJ* R»Hr°Mi ~~ VIA ALLIANCE. fpHK shortest, quickest and cheapcrt route to ToleOo v Cbt J. ago, Hock Island, Galena, m 3 8L Douis, I? VIA CLEVELAND. , This route is ono bandied mite shorter and about right hoars quicker to Chicago, than the circuitous one VIA I,N - Pittsburgh BndCltfrdand. Four Dally Trains between Cleveland and-Chicago. Time to Cleveland six hours, Chicago twenty-two., home, and St. Louis thirty-wren hours. VIA ALLIANOE. Traina for Cleveland leave Alliancu at 7 80, A. M., 12.00, I M., and 630 P. M, connecting at Hudson with Trams Ibr Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, and arriving In .Cleveland at 10.00, A. M., 2 20, P. M., and SJ2O, P. M. ' The Trains of the Ohio and Peona. Railroad, leave Pitts burgh at 3.00, K. M., 8.00, A. SL, and 3.00, P. arrive in Cleveland at 10 00, A. M-, 2J20, P. M., and MSLP. neeting there with through Trains for Toledo, Chicago, Rock Island and St LouL*. _ _ . .... - Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, 8L Loois and. the North west. leaving Pittsburgh on either of the morning or aftw noon Trains, bv going VIA CLEVELAND, will arrive fai Chicago one Train In advance of those who go via elans fioU or any other route. Time gained by going via Clevis- land, elcht boors. , . going to SL Louis or any other point west of Chicago, wiamsko th** closest connections tims by taking th« 8.00, A. M., Train from Pittsburgh. Passengers by this Train (via Cleveland) reach Pt. Loom on the »Trnlog of the following day. - The Train* from Cleveland to Toledo and CnieSgo run as follows: Leave Cleveland at 6 - 00 C( B ° a B.‘JO, P. M ; arrive 1u Chicago at 8.4 a and 11.00, P. M., jA), Trains leave for Hock Island and St. Ixmis as follows . Leave Chicago at 8 20, A. II - and 9.30,1*. M. Passengers for St. Louis go over Koek Istand'BaUroad to Joliet, and thenceorer the Chicago aed Mississippi Bail road to Alton, and thence by Steamboat (Similes) to g t. Loub. Passengers by the 8.20. A. M., Train arrive la SL Louis at 11.20 same evening, and by the P. M., Train at noon I "'Bags»se cheeked through to Clereland, .nil th.m re- CLRVELAIfD. Ist class. I IST clam. an. CLI3S. To Alliance 41 30 ITo Cbia>*t>~ *ll JO * “ f .iorelaud 400 Is. Salle. 14 Ml* JO T01ed0..... 600 Rock aland. 16 JO , 13 60 Detroit. 600 I Bt. L0ui5...... IB SO L-J S “ Paesencera are rrqueated to procure their Uehe&it the offlwoftheCompany, in Mononituhcle House,lhtrdjdqor below the corner. *- ,eol3 PltUdiurgh. SC MM EE ABEANGEMEHTB. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THROUGH Ilf FIFTEEN HOURS. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, _ JUI.Y 6TII, THREE 'iIIKOUGII TRAINS. n—Amwm ITTHE MAIL TRAIN Will leave every 1 excepted) at 7 o’clock, stopping stall eta tkms.and arriving in Philadelphia at l-oclocks P t TUB FAST TRAIN will leave Pittsburgh 8 on day,) at 1 o’clock, stopping at Grefnfbgrg, p*” 01 ** BUirarUle, Lockport, Johnstown* m leave CTexyafter I noon (except Sunday) at 6.30 o’clock, «cppiDgatail regu- I Ur Buttons, and running only as/ar a 3 B^rsv^- THE SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN l«ves dwl7 (exeept Sunday,) at II A. M., stopping at all eta tions, and running only as Ac . RETURNING TRAINS amro in Pittsburgh. AC J££j„tion wri.e. .t 8 o'clock A M *£■ Second Accommodation,7.ls, L* M. Mail 12<30» P. B. irast U £wS'^» U voTk, ,10,60: i» torhiiKidpWf.js; to Baltimore, $B. Pare to Bedford Springs, fa,7o. Baggage cheeked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Ball road, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore. . >, Pamengers purchasing tickets in cars, will cxxts In addioon to the station races, except from stations where the Company have no Agent. a. No notes of a less denomination than flr« »«i M received In payment for tickets, except those Issued by the ***«“ caw of loss, the Company will hold ••• themselves responsible for personal baggage only, ana.mr an amount not exceeding $lO6. . H. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to convey passengers and baggage to and f«mthel>epot,*t a charge not to exceed IS cents for each passenger, and J. MEaKIMKN Agcnt, At the P. R. R- Passenger Station, on Liberty rt. I Pittsburgh, J uly 6th, IS54—-j je7 j I ~ OHIO AHD FSaraSTLYAHIA KAHHOAD. Afyngniwntj COMMENCING FEBR VART 28,1864, 1854. ,aM - Mitt. TRAIN lee Tee Pittsburgh at 8 A Mi dlnss at All! ancf ; takes tea at Ciestlin*. and matea a elaaa cou- Dectlon there with a last Enpresa Train, reaching Cincin nati about 12 o'clock at night- - i„v p M EXPRESS TRAIN leases Pittsburgh_a* 3odcctP.M., after thearriralof the Kipress ttwin from Philadelphia, and reaches CroetUne at U,aOP.M, connecting Wllh the Night Express which reaches Cincinnati in the morning. t&McUon. are mad. with the Ohio and Beltmtaiue and Indiana railroads for Dayton, Indianapolis with Ciereland. MonroeTillA San dulkj, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago wlth Bucjrns, Upper Sandusky, Forest, and the towns on the Mad Rirer-Road. Al»o, with Mount Vernon, Newark, and town* ° S*SS!n d naUs7; to IndlanapollsM; to VutoottM; to Toledo SG; to Columbus $6,25; toZaneeirill* S6AO» to Ctoreland $4. Through tickets to Lowsrille at reduced rate*. THE EXPRESS TRAIN leAYes CresUine At 1.16 P H, Andre Aches Pittsburgh At BJSOP fut Xxorese Train through In fifteen hours to Philadelphia. laataa Crestline At Z3O, iJL, on Ul« Ar riTAl of tL« Night Express Trsin from CinniMisH, And Pittsburgh at 10 A M, and 6 PM, and hew Brighton at 8 tRmQHT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 7 AM,and9 Pi M and arrive* at 4-30 A M, and 4.30, P M. ■a- The Trains do not ran on Bnnday. .. . . »» Ticket* or further information* apply at the ttckat onSs of the Ohio end rennsjlesni* R»rlto«i j. Q. CURRY, at the corner office under the Mononganeta | House, Pittsburgh,«g RQE pARKIN> Ticket Agent, federal street Station. JOHN KELLY, Pa-enger Agent. 1 Pennsylvania Hallrodi *•* SUMMER TARIFF between PlitsbargluPhllsaelpbUswt Baltimore; commencing Apnl Firti Clou —Brooms, (War and Wooden ££?££**?* jomitare, second hand, Furs, Piano*, Poultry, Wines,. » basket* or boxes: 75 cent* Second Cion—Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Boer Skins, wow nnd Timothy Seed, Glassware, Hardware, Rags, Wool and Uu,n Pelt*, and Eggs: GOc. SMO lbs. ' Third do**—Bacon and Pork (loose,) Butter, la firkin*, kegßOTbbl*; Hides, Leather, Soap, Window Glam, and Cot ton, uncompressed: 55c. 100 Bis. . . n.t4ef fburth Slau —Alcohol, Bacon fin casks or taxes,) Ban F and Malt, Beef and Pork, Candks, Cheese, J" l *®***** Oil, Hemp, Whisky, Ootte®, (compressed,) LeafTobacu 40c. V 100 lbs. ft«rlO t .nU»bbL QEOEaE O^FBAHOaCUa. Merchant Tailor. JOHN LAUGH LIN, formerly foreman for Mr. S. Stoner, would respectfully announce to % *52? fIXL m public generally, th.t h. bu rented.end newly M*A OT fre£2dto£S to order QIiXTUMKPg CIOTHPiafa. Kmwt fashionable style. HariniZ himsalf lar apprenticeship to the trade, and beioic ■P r * £f SUn flatters himself that he can turnout not to he surpassed iu workmanship or style In this or **T other city in the Union. . „ . ... . u -_ Uarin* just returned from the east, he has a laxge an sortment of the most fashionable Goods, In his line, ever SothM* made and trimmed In the neatwt n'e will also warrant all ware what it Is repre- SXitS. Puente will nod it to giro him » toll. if they w » nt ,hl:ir *<** ”* aT n&l forget the pl.oe, No. 39 Jlxrket .treet, between 8«»nd Ind Third, wet .lie- eoj>tal»«3m Steamboat irurnitttre and. Chtlxi. - WE are constantly engaged to the mann arturo of STEAMBOAT CABIN CUAIKS and FURNITURE, of enty description, and pay particular attention to the manufacture of the best stylise, suitable Athena* of Steamboats Our experience in this branch of tha ti neas enables us to warrantrsatJßfacttOD, as weß wtthtne promptitude in which orders are filled, as thn work nnd personal ut*nU»u giren toth. Htttog o«- Thorn interrstal in furnishing Benin, will lindUtothol | “tJa* 8 * to el, ° “ * T. B. TOUSO » 00. TT EAVY OHSKs£rassa»ta»-- *” r’e'iSiHutMi, an lncroniiui! (Jemal! tor tbaß, to oaten! hia tinrinw. *iU> a; m kwn on a soo! aaaoitment of aoch Cbecaa aa nan- InTr'etil fn” 12 S“ IS X “ Dt * >*" ~ri - B “, mt }“^ to merchant* who cannot make it convenient to ' Prices to »it «IL-Dry GoadJi AMTIOUS, corner of Grant ami Hfth . re«iT«l sod 1* dot openin? Ms first thuMum. The attention of ladle**• rtipectfnlly directed to the tollowins prices: , __ . . _ UnePicd. MeiiDOesettcc; 5-1 kin assortment of De.Csse at 1*; fert trf»od KsTplecCT Funnels tt lfc np; J«rd WrOlDa Uioi at JBc. Keptnckj pats firsts la>i op. checks, ticklngr. modina, taUseloth*. ail wool pUkla, blanket*. ahayk-./ SEtfber article nsially kept io . Drf Bads ggl' will he toM for cash at prtceato suit u^jQjjja [' 7 earner Brant and raUtetnrtfc JflJLd.oo. p>tton* f* e v ,« * i;*: x. j i ■* Mai